path: root/components/schedule
diff options
authorMagnus Feuer <>2015-03-18 20:02:21 -0700
committerMagnus Feuer <>2015-03-18 20:02:21 -0700
commitd0bb358a78076972e1aaeaa769c93486b5f83110 (patch)
tree371101db4fd211a14c236e7a2c9757dbf6eb1486 /components/schedule
parent0a24e9c82235bdfb64ce03382e0073af63aba719 (diff)
Rewrite to adapt to gen_server model
Diffstat (limited to 'components/schedule')
6 files changed, 650 insertions, 662 deletions
diff --git a/components/schedule/src/rvi_schedule.erl b/components/schedule/src/rvi_schedule.erl
index c5ae66b..5d039df 100644
--- a/components/schedule/src/rvi_schedule.erl
+++ b/components/schedule/src/rvi_schedule.erl
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
Certificate :: string()) -> Result::tuple().
--callback register_remote_service(NetworkAddress :: string(),
+-callback register_remote_services(NetworkAddress :: string(),
AvailableServices :: string()) -> Result::tuple().
--callback unregister_remote_service(ServiceNames :: string()) -> Result::tuple().
+-callback unregister_remote_services(ServiceNames :: string()) -> Result::tuple().
diff --git a/components/schedule/src/ b/components/schedule/src/
index 810f140..cf31f0d 100644
--- a/components/schedule/src/
+++ b/components/schedule/src/
@@ -19,5 +19,5 @@
{mod, { schedule_app, []}},
- {start_phases, [{init, []}]}
+ {start_phases, [{json_rpc, []}]}
diff --git a/components/schedule/src/schedule.erl b/components/schedule/src/schedule.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 558c4e7..0000000
--- a/components/schedule/src/schedule.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,644 +0,0 @@
-%% Copyright (C) 2014, Jaguar Land Rover
-%% This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of the
-%% Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. The full text of the
-%% Mozilla Public License is at
-%% API
- register_remote_services/2,
- unregister_remote_services/1]).
-%% gen_server callbacks
--export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
- terminate/2, code_change/3]).
--define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
-%% Message structure and storage
-%% A message is a piece of
-%% Service -> ETS -> Messages
--record(service, {
- name = "", %% Fully qualified service name.
- %% Set to { IP, Port} when service is available, else unknown_network_address.
- network_address = unknown_network_address,
- %% Table containing #message records,
- %% indexed by their transaction ID (and sequence of delivery)
- messages_tid = undefined
- }).
-% A single message to be delivered to a service.
-% Messages are stored in ets tables hosted by a service
--record(message, {
- transaction_id, %% Transaction ID that message is tagged with.
- timeout, %% Timeout, UTC
- timeout_tref, %% Reference to erlang timer associated with this message.
- timeout_cb, %% Callback to invoke when timeout occurs.
- parameters,
- signature,
- certificate
- }).
--record(st, {
- next_transaction_id = 1, %% Sequentially incremented transaction id.
- services_tid = undefined %% Known services.
- }).
-%%% API
-%% @doc
-%% Starts the server
-%% @spec start_link() -> {ok, Pid} | ignore | {error, Error}
-%% @end
-start_link() ->
- gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []).
-%%% gen_server callbacks
-%% @private
-%% @doc
-%% Initializes the server
-%% @spec init(Args) -> {ok, St} |
-%% {ok, St, Timeout} |
-%% ignore |
-%% {stop, Reason}
-%% @end
-init([]) ->
- %% Setup the relevant ets tables.
- {ok, #st{ services_tid = ets:new(rvi_schedule_services,
- [ set, private,
- { keypos, } ])}}.
- Timeout,
- Callback,
- Parameters,
- Signature,
- Certificate) ->
- gen_server:call(?SERVER, {
- schedule_message,
- SvcName,
- Timeout,
- Callback,
- Parameters,
- Signature,
- Certificate
- }).
-register_remote_services(NetworkAddress, AvailableServices) ->
- gen_server:call(?SERVER, { register_remote_services, NetworkAddress, AvailableServices }).
-unregister_remote_services(ServiceNames) ->
- gen_server:call(?SERVER, { unregister_remote_services, ServiceNames }).
-%% @private
-%% @doc
-%% Handling call messages
-%% @spec handle_call(Request, From, St) ->
-%% {reply, Reply, St} |
-%% {reply, Reply, St, Timeout} |
-%% {noreply, St} |
-%% {noreply, St, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, Reply, St} |
-%% {stop, Reason, St}
-%% @end
-handle_call( { schedule_message,
- SvcName,
- Timeout,
- Callback,
- Parameters,
- Signature,
- Certificate
- }, _From, St) ->
- ?debug("schedule:sched_msg(): service_name: ~p", [SvcName]),
- ?debug("schedule:sched_msg(): timeout: ~p", [Timeout]),
- ?debug("schedule:sched_msg(): callback: ~p", [Callback]),
- ?debug("schedule:sched_msg(): parameters: ~p", [Parameters]),
- ?debug("schedule:sched_msg(): signature: ~p", [Signature]),
- ?debug("schedule:sched_msg(): certificate: ~p", [Certificate]),
- ?debug("schedule:sched_msg(): St: ~p", [St]),
- { ok, TransID, NSt } = queue_message(SvcName,
- Timeout,
- Callback,
- Parameters,
- Signature,
- Certificate,
- St),
- { reply, {ok, TransID}, NSt };
-handle_call({rvi_call, schedule_message, Args}, From, St) ->
- {_, SvcName} = lists:keyfind(service_name, 1, Args),
- {_, Timeout} = lists:keyfind(timeout, 1, Args),
- {_, Parameters} = lists:keyfind(parameters, 1, Args),
- {_, Signature} = lists:keyfind(signature, 1, Args),
- {_, Certificate} = lists:keyfind(certificate, 1, Args),
- { reply, { ok, TransID}, NSt} =
- handle_call( { schedule_message,
- SvcName,
- Timeout,
- no_callback,
- Parameters,
- Signature,
- Certificate
- }, From, St),
- { reply, { ok, [
- { status, rvi_common:json_rpc_status(ok)},
- { transaction_id, TransID }]}, NSt};
-handle_call( {register_remote_services, NetworkAddress, AvailableServices}, _From, St) ->
- ?info("schedule:register_remote_services(): services(~p) -> ~p", [AvailableServices, NetworkAddress]),
- {ok, NSt} = multiple_services_available(AvailableServices, NetworkAddress, St),
- {reply, ok, NSt};
-handle_call({rvi_call, register_remote_services, Args}, From, St) ->
- {_, NetworkAddress } = lists:keyfind(network_address, 1, Args),
- {_, AvailableServices } = lists:keyfind(services, 1, Args),
- {reply, ok, NSt } = handle_call({ register_remote_services,
- NetworkAddress,
- AvailableServices}, From, St),
- { reply, { ok, [{ status, rvi_common:json_rpc_status(ok) }] } , NSt};
-handle_call( {unregister_remote_services, ServiceNames}, _From, St) ->
- ?info("schedule:unregister_remote_services(): Services(~p)", [ServiceNames]),
- {ok, NSt} = multiple_services_unavailable(ServiceNames, St),
- {reply, ok, NSt };
-handle_call({rvi_call, unregister_remote_services, Args}, From, St) ->
- {_, Services } = lists:keyfind(services, 1, Args),
- {reply, ok, NSt} = handle_call({ unregister_remote_services, Services}, From, St),
- { reply, { ok, [{ status, rvi_common:json_rpc_status(ok) } ]}, NSt};
-handle_call(_Request, _From, St) ->
- Reply = ok,
- {reply, Reply, St}.
-%% @private
-%% @doc
-%% Handling cast messages
-%% @spec handle_cast(Msg, St) -> {noreply, St} |
-%% {noreply, St, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, St}
-%% @end
-handle_cast(_Msg, St) ->
- {noreply, St}.
-%% @private
-%% @doc
-%% Handling all non call/cast messages
-%% @spec handle_info(Info, St) -> {noreply, St} |
-%% {noreply, St, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, St}
-%% @end
-%% Handle timeouts
-handle_info({ rvi_message_timeout, SvcName, TransID}, #st { services_tid = SvcTid } = St) ->
- case ets:lookup(SvcTid, SvcName) of
- [ Svc ] ->
- %% Delete from ets.
- case ets:lookup(Svc#service.messages_tid, TransID) of
- [ Msg ] ->
- ?info("schedule:timeout(): trans_id(~p) service(~p)", [ TransID, SvcName]),
- do_timeout_callback(Svc, Msg),
- ets:delete(Svc#service.messages_tid, TransID);
- _ ->
- ?info("schedule:timeout(): trans_id(~p) service(~p): Yanked while processing", [ TransID, SvcName]),
- ok
- end;
- _-> ok
- end,
- {noreply, St};
-handle_info(_Info, St) ->
- {noreply, St}.
-%% @private
-%% @doc
-%% This function is called by a gen_server when it is about to
-%% terminate. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and do any
-%% necessary cleaning up. When it returns, the gen_server terminates
-%% with Reason. The return value is ignored.
-%% @spec terminate(Reason, St) -> void()
-%% @end
-terminate(_Reason, _St) ->
- ok.
-%% @private
-%% @doc
-%% Convert process st when code is changed
-%% @spec code_change(OldVsn, St, Extra) -> {ok, NewSt}
-%% @end
-code_change(_OldVsn, St, _Extra) ->
- {ok, St}.
-%%% Internal functions
-%% Queue a message for transmission once a service become available.
-%% If the service does not exist, it will be created.
-%% Once the message is queued, an attempt will be made to send all
-%% messages queued in the given service. This attempt will fail
-%% pretty quickly if the service's network address is set to
-%% 'unavailable'
- Timeout,
- Callback,
- Parameters,
- Signature,
- Certificate, St) ->
-%% ?info("schedule:sched_msg(): service(~p) timeout(~p)", [SvcName, Timeout]),
-%% ?info("schedule:sched_msg(): timeout (~p)", [Timeout]),
-%% ?info("schedule:sched_msg(): parameters: ~p", [Parameters]),
-%% ?info("schedule:sched_msg(): signature: ~p", [Signature]),
-%% ?info("schedule:sched_msg(): certificate: ~p", [Certificate]),
- %% Create a new transaction ID.
- {NewTransID, NSt1} = create_transaction_id(St),
- %% Create a timer to handle message timeout
- TRef = erlang:send_after(calculate_timeout_period(Timeout), self(),
- { rvi_message_timeout, SvcName, NewTransID }),
- %% Build the message record.
- Msg = #message {
- transaction_id = NewTransID,
- timeout = Timeout,
- timeout_tref = TRef,
- timeout_cb = Callback,
- parameters = Parameters,
- signature = Signature,
- certificate = Certificate
- },
- %% Find or create the service
- %% If this is a message to a (yet) unknown service, we will create
- %% it to act as a placeholder for its messages until they time out
- %% or the service becomes available.
- %%
- %% If the service does exist, we queue it and try to send it.
- %%
- {ok, Service, IsNewService, NSt2 } = find_or_create_service(SvcName, NSt1),
- %% If the service was created by the call above,
- %% We will try to bring up a data link to it.
- case IsNewService of
- true ->
- bring_up_data_link(SvcName);
- false ->
- ok
- end,
- %% Add to ets table
- ets:insert(Service#service.messages_tid, Msg),
- %% Attempt to send the message
- {_, NSt3 } = try_sending_messages(Service, NSt2),
- %% Return
- { ok, NewTransID, NSt3}.
-%% Check if we can send messages queued up under the given service.
-try_sending_messages(#service {
- name = SvcName,
- network_address = unknown_network_address,
- messages_tid = _Tid } = _Service, St) ->
- ?info("schedule:try_send(): SvcName: ~p: Not available", [SvcName]),
- {not_available, St};
-try_sending_messages(#service {
- name = SvcName,
- network_address = NetworkAddress,
- messages_tid = Tid } = Service, St) ->
- ?debug("schedule:try_send(): SvcName: ~p", [SvcName]),
- ?debug("schedule:try_send(): Network Address: ~p", [NetworkAddress]),
- %% Extract the first message of the queue.
- case ets:first(Tid) of
- %% No more messages to send.
- '$end_of_table' ->
- ?debug("schedule:try_send(): Nothing to send"),
- { ok, St};
- Key ->
- ?debug("schedule:try_send(): Sending: ~p", [Key]),
- %% Extract first message and try to send it
- case ets:lookup(Tid, Key) of
- [ Msg ] ->
- case send_message(NetworkAddress,
- SvcName,
- Msg#message.timeout,
- Msg#message.parameters,
- Msg#message.signature,
- Msg#message.certificate) of
- ok ->
- %% Send successful - delete entry.
- ets:delete(Tid, Key),
- %% Delete timeout ref
- erlang:cancel_timer(Msg#message.timeout_tref),
- %% Send the rest.
- try_sending_messages(Service, St);
- Err ->
- ?info("schedule:try_send(): No send: ~p -> ~p : ~p", [SvcName, NetworkAddress, Err]),
- %% Failed to send message, leave in queue and err out.
- { {send_failed, Err}, St}
- end;
- _ ->
- ?info("schedule:try_send(): Message was yanked while trying to send: ~p", [Key]),
- { ok, St}
- end
- end.
-%% Mark a service as available, as reported by data_link_up
-%% If the service does not exist, it will be created as a host
-%% for future messages destined to that service.
-%% If the service does exist, its network address will be upadted
-%% with whatever address was reported to this function.
-%% Once the service has been created or updated, we will attempt
-%% to send any messages queued inside it.
-service_available(SvcName, NetworkAddress, St) ->
- ?info("schedule:service_available(): service(~p) -> NetworkAddress(~p)", [ SvcName, NetworkAddress ]),
- %% Find or create the service.
- {ok, Svc, _, NSt1} = find_or_create_service(SvcName, NetworkAddress, St),
- try_sending_messages(Svc, NSt1).
-service_unavailable(SvcName, #st { services_tid = SvcTid } = St) ->
- ?info("schedule:service_unavailable(): Service(~p)", [ SvcName ]),
- ets:delete(SvcTid, SvcName),
- { ok, St }.
-bring_up_data_link(SvcName) ->
- %% Resolve the service to a network address that we can
- %% use to bring up the data link
- case rvi_common:send_component_request(service_discovery,
- resolve_remote_service,
- [ {service, SvcName} ],
- [ network_address ]) of
- { ok, ok, [ NetworkAddress] } ->
- %% Tell data link to bring up a communicationc hannel.
- case rvi_common:send_component_request(data_link, setup_data_link,
- [
- {service, SvcName},
- {network_address, NetworkAddress}
- ]) of
- {ok, already_connected } ->
- already_connected;
- Que ->
- ?info("schedule:bring_up_data_link() Failed:~p.", [Que]),
- ok
- end;
- {ok, not_found, _ } ->
- ?info("schedule:bring_up_data_link() Failed to resolve remote Service: ~p."
- " Service not found.",
- [ SvcName ]),
- not_found;
- Err ->
- ?info("schedule:bring_up_data_link() Failed to resolve remote Service: ~p: ~p",
- [ SvcName, Err ]),
- err
- end.
-send_message(NetworkAddress, SvcName, Timeout,
- Parameters, Signature, Certificate) ->
- ?info("schedule:send_message(): service(~p) -> addr(~p) ", [SvcName, NetworkAddress]),
-%% ?info("schedule:send_message(): network_address: ~p", [NetworkAddress]),
-%% ?info("schedule:send_message(): timeout: ~p", [Timeout]),
-%% ?info("schedule:send_message(): parameters: ~p", [Parameters]),
-%% ?info("schedule:send_message(): signature: ~p", [Signature]),
-%% ?info("schedule:send_message(): certificate: ~p", [Certificate]),
- case rvi_common:send_component_request(
- protocol, send_message,
- [
- { service_name, SvcName },
- { timeout, Timeout},
- { network_address, NetworkAddress},
- { parameters, Parameters},
- { signature, Signature},
- { certificate, Certificate }
- ]) of
- { ok, _ } -> ok;
- Err -> Err
- end.
-%% data_link_up has reported that multiple services are now
-%% available at NetworkAddress.
-%% Iterate through all services and mark them as available,
-%% possibly sending any pending message targeting the newly activated
-%% service.
-multiple_services_available([], _NetworkAddress, St) ->
- {ok, St};
-multiple_services_available([ Svc | T], NetworkAddress, St) ->
- {ok, NSt} = service_available(Svc, NetworkAddress, St),
- multiple_services_available(T, NetworkAddress, NSt).
-multiple_services_unavailable([], St) ->
- {ok, St};
-multiple_services_unavailable([ SvcName | T], St) ->
- {ok, NSt} = service_unavailable(SvcName, St),
- multiple_services_unavailable(T, NSt).
-find_or_create_service(ServiceName, St) ->
- %% Invoke with retain to keep any exising network addresses already
- %% in place in an existing service.
- find_or_create_service(ServiceName, retain_existing_address, St).
-find_or_create_service(ServiceName, NetworkAddress, #st { services_tid = SvcTid } = St) ->
- ?debug("schedule:find_or_create_service(): SvcName: ~p", [ ServiceName]),
- case ets:lookup(SvcTid, ServiceName) of
- [] -> %% The given service does not exist, create it.
- ?debug("schedule:find_or_create_service(): Creating new ~p", [ ServiceName]),
- create_service(ServiceName, NetworkAddress, St);
- [ Svc1 ] when NetworkAddress =:= retain_existing_address ->
- %% We found a service, and are instructed not to touch
- %% its network address. Return it.
- { ok, Svc1, false, St};
- [ Svc2 ] ->
- %% Update the network address, if it differs, and return
- %% the new service / State as {ok, NSvc, false, NSt}
- ?debug("schedule:find_or_create_service(): Updating existing ~p", [ ServiceName]),
- update_service_network_address(Svc2, NetworkAddress, St)
- end.
-%% Catch where no network address update is necessary.
-update_service_network_address(#service { network_address = NetworkAddress } = Service,
- NetworkAddress, St) ->
- { ok, Service, false, St}; %% False indicates that the service exists.
-%% Update the service in the ets table with a new network address.
-update_service_network_address(#service {} = Service, NetworkAddress, St) ->
- %% Create a new service.
- NewService = Service#service { network_address = NetworkAddress},
- %% Replace existing serviceo in the ets table of services.
- ets:insert(St#st.services_tid, [ NewService ]),
- { ok, NewService, false, St}. %% False indicates that the service exists.
-%% If we are creating a new service, we need to remap the
-%% retain_existing_address to unknown_network_address in order to get the correct
-%% initial state, which is a created service with an unknown network address.
-create_service(ServiceName, retain_existing_address, St) ->
- create_service(ServiceName, unknown_network_address, St);
-%% Create a new service and return the new state (not currently modified)
-%% and the newly initialized service revord.
-create_service(ServiceName, NetworkAddress, #st { services_tid = SvcsTid } = St) ->
- Svc = #service {
- name = ServiceName,
- network_address = NetworkAddress,
- messages_tid = ets:new(rvi_messages,
- [ ordered_set, private,
- { keypos, #message.transaction_id } ])
- },
- %% Insert new service to ets table.
- ets:insert(SvcsTid, Svc),
- %% Return new service and existing state.
- ?debug("schedule:create_service(): service(~p) -> NetworkAddress(~p)", [ ServiceName, NetworkAddress]),
- ?debug("schedule:create_service(): MessageTID: ~p", [ Svc#service.messages_tid]),
- { ok, Svc, true, St}. %% True indicates that the service is newly created.
-%% Create a new and unique transaction id
-create_transaction_id(St) ->
- ?debug("schedule:create_transaction_id(): St: ~p", [ St ]),
- ID = St#st.next_transaction_id,
- %% FIXME: Maybe interate pid into transaction to handle multiple
- %% schedulers?
- { ID, St#st { next_transaction_id = ID + 1 }}.
-%% Calculate a relative timeout based on the UTC TS we are provided with.
-calculate_timeout_period(UTC) ->
- { Mega, Sec, _Micro } = now(),
- Now = Mega * 1000000 + Sec,
- ?debug("schedule:calculate_timeout_period(): Timeout(~p) - Now(~p) = ~p", [ UTC, Now, UTC - Now ]),
- %% Cap the timeout value at something reasonable
- TOut =
- case UTC - Now >= 4294967295 of
- true ->
- ?info("schedule:calculate_timeout_period(): Timeout(~p) - Now(~p) = ~p: Truncated to 4294967295", [ UTC, Now, UTC - Now ]),
- 4294967295;
- false -> UTC - Now
- end,
- case TOut =< 0 of
- true ->
- 1; %% One millisec is the smallest value we will time out on
- false ->
- TOut * 1000
- end.
-%% Handle a callback for a timed out message.
-do_timeout_callback(Service, #message { timeout_cb = { M, F, A},
- transaction_id = TransID}) ->
- M:F(Service, TransID, A);
-%% callback element of #message is not an {M,F,A} format, ignore.
-do_timeout_callback(_,_) ->
- ok.
diff --git a/components/schedule/src/schedule_app.erl b/components/schedule/src/schedule_app.erl
index 664ebe8..aa20fa7 100644
--- a/components/schedule/src/schedule_app.erl
+++ b/components/schedule/src/schedule_app.erl
@@ -25,8 +25,12 @@ start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
start_phase(init, _, _) ->
- ok.
+ ok;
+start_phase(json_rpc, _, _) ->
+ schedule_rpc:start_json_server(),
+ ok.
stop(_State) ->
diff --git a/components/schedule/src/schedule_rpc.erl b/components/schedule/src/schedule_rpc.erl
index 2f2a30d..09ca2a4 100644
--- a/components/schedule/src/schedule_rpc.erl
+++ b/components/schedule/src/schedule_rpc.erl
@@ -10,23 +10,650 @@
+%% API
+ register_remote_services/2,
+ unregister_remote_services/1]).
+%% gen_server callbacks
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
+ terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
-init() ->
- case rvi_common:get_component_config(schedule, exo_http_opts) of
- { ok, ExoHttpOpts } ->
- exoport_exo_http:instance(schedule_sup,
- schedule_rpc,
- ExoHttpOpts);
+%% Message structure and storage
+%% A message is a piece of
+%% Service -> ETS -> Messages
+-record(service, {
+ name = "", %% Fully qualified service name.
+ %% Set to { IP, Port} when service is available, else unknown_network_address.
+ network_address = unknown_network_address,
+ %% Table containing #message records,
+ %% indexed by their transaction ID (and sequence of delivery)
+ messages_tid = undefined
+ }).
+% A single message to be delivered to a service.
+% Messages are stored in ets tables hosted by a service
+-record(message, {
+ transaction_id, %% Transaction ID that message is tagged with.
+ timeout, %% Timeout, UTC
+ timeout_tref, %% Reference to erlang timer associated with this message.
+ timeout_cb, %% Callback to invoke when timeout occurs.
+ parameters,
+ signature,
+ certificate
+ }).
+-record(st, {
+ next_transaction_id = 1, %% Sequentially incremented transaction id.
+ services_tid = undefined %% Known services.
+ }).
+%%% API
+%% @doc
+%% Starts the server
+%% @spec start_link() -> {ok, Pid} | ignore | {error, Error}
+%% @end
+start_link() ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+%%% gen_server callbacks
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Initializes the server
+%% @spec init(Args) -> {ok, St} |
+%% {ok, St, Timeout} |
+%% ignore |
+%% {stop, Reason}
+%% @end
+init([]) ->
+ %% Setup the relevant ets tables.
+ {ok, #st{ services_tid = ets:new(rvi_schedule_services,
+ [ set, private,
+ { keypos, } ])}}.
+start_json_server() ->
+ rvi_common:start_json_rpc_server(schedule, ?MODULE, schedule_sup).
+ Timeout,
+ Callback,
+ Parameters,
+ Signature,
+ Certificate) ->
+ gen_server:call(?SERVER, {
+ schedule_message,
+ SvcName,
+ Timeout,
+ Callback,
+ Parameters,
+ Signature,
+ Certificate
+ }).
+register_remote_services(NetworkAddress, AvailableServices) ->
+ gen_server:call(?SERVER, { register_remote_services, NetworkAddress, AvailableServices }).
+unregister_remote_services(ServiceNames) ->
+ gen_server:call(?SERVER, { unregister_remote_services, ServiceNames }).
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Handling call messages
+%% @spec handle_call(Request, From, St) ->
+%% {reply, Reply, St} |
+%% {reply, Reply, St, Timeout} |
+%% {noreply, St} |
+%% {noreply, St, Timeout} |
+%% {stop, Reason, Reply, St} |
+%% {stop, Reason, St}
+%% @end
+handle_call( { schedule_message,
+ SvcName,
+ Timeout,
+ Callback,
+ Parameters,
+ Signature,
+ Certificate
+ }, _From, St) ->
+ ?debug("schedule:sched_msg(): service_name: ~p", [SvcName]),
+ ?debug("schedule:sched_msg(): timeout: ~p", [Timeout]),
+ ?debug("schedule:sched_msg(): callback: ~p", [Callback]),
+ ?debug("schedule:sched_msg(): parameters: ~p", [Parameters]),
+ ?debug("schedule:sched_msg(): signature: ~p", [Signature]),
+ ?debug("schedule:sched_msg(): certificate: ~p", [Certificate]),
+ ?debug("schedule:sched_msg(): St: ~p", [St]),
+ { ok, TransID, NSt } = queue_message(SvcName,
+ Timeout,
+ Callback,
+ Parameters,
+ Signature,
+ Certificate,
+ St),
+ { reply, {ok, TransID}, NSt };
+handle_call({rvi_call, schedule_message, Args}, From, St) ->
+ {_, SvcName} = lists:keyfind(service_name, 1, Args),
+ {_, Timeout} = lists:keyfind(timeout, 1, Args),
+ {_, Parameters} = lists:keyfind(parameters, 1, Args),
+ {_, Signature} = lists:keyfind(signature, 1, Args),
+ {_, Certificate} = lists:keyfind(certificate, 1, Args),
+ { reply, { ok, TransID}, NSt} =
+ handle_call( { schedule_message,
+ SvcName,
+ Timeout,
+ no_callback,
+ Parameters,
+ Signature,
+ Certificate
+ }, From, St),
+ { reply, { ok, [
+ { status, rvi_common:json_rpc_status(ok)},
+ { transaction_id, TransID }]}, NSt};
+handle_call( {register_remote_services, NetworkAddress, AvailableServices}, _From, St) ->
+ ?info("schedule:register_remote_services(): services(~p) -> ~p", [AvailableServices, NetworkAddress]),
+ {ok, NSt} = multiple_services_available(AvailableServices, NetworkAddress, St),
+ {reply, ok, NSt};
+handle_call({rvi_call, register_remote_services, Args}, From, St) ->
+ {_, NetworkAddress } = lists:keyfind(network_address, 1, Args),
+ {_, AvailableServices } = lists:keyfind(services, 1, Args),
+ {reply, ok, NSt } = handle_call({ register_remote_services,
+ NetworkAddress,
+ AvailableServices}, From, St),
+ { reply, { ok, [{ status, rvi_common:json_rpc_status(ok) }] } , NSt};
+handle_call( {unregister_remote_services, ServiceNames}, _From, St) ->
+ ?info("schedule:unregister_remote_services(): Services(~p)", [ServiceNames]),
+ {ok, NSt} = multiple_services_unavailable(ServiceNames, St),
+ {reply, ok, NSt };
+handle_call({rvi_call, unregister_remote_services, Args}, From, St) ->
+ {_, Services } = lists:keyfind(services, 1, Args),
+ {reply, ok, NSt} = handle_call({ unregister_remote_services, Services}, From, St),
+ { reply, { ok, [{ status, rvi_common:json_rpc_status(ok) } ]}, NSt};
+handle_call(_Request, _From, St) ->
+ Reply = ok,
+ {reply, Reply, St}.
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Handling cast messages
+%% @spec handle_cast(Msg, St) -> {noreply, St} |
+%% {noreply, St, Timeout} |
+%% {stop, Reason, St}
+%% @end
+handle_cast(_Msg, St) ->
+ {noreply, St}.
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Handling all non call/cast messages
+%% @spec handle_info(Info, St) -> {noreply, St} |
+%% {noreply, St, Timeout} |
+%% {stop, Reason, St}
+%% @end
+%% Handle timeouts
+handle_info({ rvi_message_timeout, SvcName, TransID}, #st { services_tid = SvcTid } = St) ->
+ case ets:lookup(SvcTid, SvcName) of
+ [ Svc ] ->
+ %% Delete from ets.
+ case ets:lookup(Svc#service.messages_tid, TransID) of
+ [ Msg ] ->
+ ?info("schedule:timeout(): trans_id(~p) service(~p)", [ TransID, SvcName]),
+ do_timeout_callback(Svc, Msg),
+ ets:delete(Svc#service.messages_tid, TransID);
+ _ ->
+ ?info("schedule:timeout(): trans_id(~p) service(~p): Yanked while processing", [ TransID, SvcName]),
+ ok
+ end;
+ _-> ok
+ end,
+ {noreply, St};
+handle_info(_Info, St) ->
+ {noreply, St}.
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% This function is called by a gen_server when it is about to
+%% terminate. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and do any
+%% necessary cleaning up. When it returns, the gen_server terminates
+%% with Reason. The return value is ignored.
+%% @spec terminate(Reason, St) -> void()
+%% @end
+terminate(_Reason, _St) ->
+ ok.
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Convert process st when code is changed
+%% @spec code_change(OldVsn, St, Extra) -> {ok, NewSt}
+%% @end
+code_change(_OldVsn, St, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, St}.
+%%% Internal functions
+%% Queue a message for transmission once a service become available.
+%% If the service does not exist, it will be created.
+%% Once the message is queued, an attempt will be made to send all
+%% messages queued in the given service. This attempt will fail
+%% pretty quickly if the service's network address is set to
+%% 'unavailable'
+ Timeout,
+ Callback,
+ Parameters,
+ Signature,
+ Certificate, St) ->
+%% ?info("schedule:sched_msg(): service(~p) timeout(~p)", [SvcName, Timeout]),
+%% ?info("schedule:sched_msg(): timeout (~p)", [Timeout]),
+%% ?info("schedule:sched_msg(): parameters: ~p", [Parameters]),
+%% ?info("schedule:sched_msg(): signature: ~p", [Signature]),
+%% ?info("schedule:sched_msg(): certificate: ~p", [Certificate]),
+ %% Create a new transaction ID.
+ {NewTransID, NSt1} = create_transaction_id(St),
+ %% Create a timer to handle message timeout
+ TRef = erlang:send_after(calculate_timeout_period(Timeout), self(),
+ { rvi_message_timeout, SvcName, NewTransID }),
+ %% Build the message record.
+ Msg = #message {
+ transaction_id = NewTransID,
+ timeout = Timeout,
+ timeout_tref = TRef,
+ timeout_cb = Callback,
+ parameters = Parameters,
+ signature = Signature,
+ certificate = Certificate
+ },
+ %% Find or create the service
+ %% If this is a message to a (yet) unknown service, we will create
+ %% it to act as a placeholder for its messages until they time out
+ %% or the service becomes available.
+ %%
+ %% If the service does exist, we queue it and try to send it.
+ %%
+ {ok, Service, IsNewService, NSt2 } = find_or_create_service(SvcName, NSt1),
+ %% If the service was created by the call above,
+ %% We will try to bring up a data link to it.
+ case IsNewService of
+ true ->
+ bring_up_data_link(SvcName);
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ %% Add to ets table
+ ets:insert(Service#service.messages_tid, Msg),
+ %% Attempt to send the message
+ {_, NSt3 } = try_sending_messages(Service, NSt2),
+ %% Return
+ { ok, NewTransID, NSt3}.
+%% Check if we can send messages queued up under the given service.
+try_sending_messages(#service {
+ name = SvcName,
+ network_address = unknown_network_address,
+ messages_tid = _Tid } = _Service, St) ->
+ ?info("schedule:try_send(): SvcName: ~p: Not available", [SvcName]),
+ {not_available, St};
+try_sending_messages(#service {
+ name = SvcName,
+ network_address = NetworkAddress,
+ messages_tid = Tid } = Service, St) ->
+ ?debug("schedule:try_send(): SvcName: ~p", [SvcName]),
+ ?debug("schedule:try_send(): Network Address: ~p", [NetworkAddress]),
+ %% Extract the first message of the queue.
+ case ets:first(Tid) of
+ %% No more messages to send.
+ '$end_of_table' ->
+ ?debug("schedule:try_send(): Nothing to send"),
+ { ok, St};
+ Key ->
+ ?debug("schedule:try_send(): Sending: ~p", [Key]),
+ %% Extract first message and try to send it
+ case ets:lookup(Tid, Key) of
+ [ Msg ] ->
+ case send_message(NetworkAddress,
+ SvcName,
+ Msg#message.timeout,
+ Msg#message.parameters,
+ Msg#message.signature,
+ Msg#message.certificate) of
+ ok ->
+ %% Send successful - delete entry.
+ ets:delete(Tid, Key),
+ %% Delete timeout ref
+ erlang:cancel_timer(Msg#message.timeout_tref),
+ %% Send the rest.
+ try_sending_messages(Service, St);
+ Err ->
+ ?info("schedule:try_send(): No send: ~p -> ~p : ~p", [SvcName, NetworkAddress, Err]),
+ %% Failed to send message, leave in queue and err out.
+ { {send_failed, Err}, St}
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ ?info("schedule:try_send(): Message was yanked while trying to send: ~p", [Key]),
+ { ok, St}
+ end
+ end.
+%% Mark a service as available, as reported by data_link_up
+%% If the service does not exist, it will be created as a host
+%% for future messages destined to that service.
+%% If the service does exist, its network address will be upadted
+%% with whatever address was reported to this function.
+%% Once the service has been created or updated, we will attempt
+%% to send any messages queued inside it.
+service_available(SvcName, NetworkAddress, St) ->
+ ?info("schedule:service_available(): service(~p) -> NetworkAddress(~p)", [ SvcName, NetworkAddress ]),
+ %% Find or create the service.
+ {ok, Svc, _, NSt1} = find_or_create_service(SvcName, NetworkAddress, St),
+ try_sending_messages(Svc, NSt1).
+service_unavailable(SvcName, #st { services_tid = SvcTid } = St) ->
+ ?info("schedule:service_unavailable(): Service(~p)", [ SvcName ]),
+ ets:delete(SvcTid, SvcName),
+ { ok, St }.
+bring_up_data_link(SvcName) ->
+ %% Resolve the service to a network address that we can
+ %% use to bring up the data link
+ case rvi_common:send_component_request(service_discovery,
+ resolve_remote_service,
+ [ {service, SvcName} ],
+ [ network_address ]) of
+ { ok, ok, [ NetworkAddress] } ->
+ %% Tell data link to bring up a communicationc hannel.
+ case rvi_common:send_component_request(data_link, setup_data_link,
+ [
+ {service, SvcName},
+ {network_address, NetworkAddress}
+ ]) of
+ {ok, already_connected } ->
+ already_connected;
+ Que ->
+ ?info("schedule:bring_up_data_link() Failed:~p.", [Que]),
+ ok
+ end;
+ {ok, not_found, _ } ->
+ ?info("schedule:bring_up_data_link() Failed to resolve remote Service: ~p."
+ " Service not found.",
+ [ SvcName ]),
+ not_found;
+ Err ->
+ ?info("schedule:bring_up_data_link() Failed to resolve remote Service: ~p: ~p",
+ [ SvcName, Err ]),
+ err
+ end.
+send_message(NetworkAddress, SvcName, Timeout,
+ Parameters, Signature, Certificate) ->
+ ?info("schedule:send_message(): service(~p) -> addr(~p) ", [SvcName, NetworkAddress]),
+%% ?info("schedule:send_message(): network_address: ~p", [NetworkAddress]),
+%% ?info("schedule:send_message(): timeout: ~p", [Timeout]),
+%% ?info("schedule:send_message(): parameters: ~p", [Parameters]),
+%% ?info("schedule:send_message(): signature: ~p", [Signature]),
+%% ?info("schedule:send_message(): certificate: ~p", [Certificate]),
+ case rvi_common:send_component_request(
+ protocol, send_message,
+ [
+ { service_name, SvcName },
+ { timeout, Timeout},
+ { network_address, NetworkAddress},
+ { parameters, Parameters},
+ { signature, Signature},
+ { certificate, Certificate }
+ ]) of
+ { ok, _ } -> ok;
Err -> Err
+ end.
+%% data_link_up has reported that multiple services are now
+%% available at NetworkAddress.
+%% Iterate through all services and mark them as available,
+%% possibly sending any pending message targeting the newly activated
+%% service.
+multiple_services_available([], _NetworkAddress, St) ->
+ {ok, St};
+multiple_services_available([ Svc | T], NetworkAddress, St) ->
+ {ok, NSt} = service_available(Svc, NetworkAddress, St),
+ multiple_services_available(T, NetworkAddress, NSt).
+multiple_services_unavailable([], St) ->
+ {ok, St};
+multiple_services_unavailable([ SvcName | T], St) ->
+ {ok, NSt} = service_unavailable(SvcName, St),
+ multiple_services_unavailable(T, NSt).
+find_or_create_service(ServiceName, St) ->
+ %% Invoke with retain to keep any exising network addresses already
+ %% in place in an existing service.
+ find_or_create_service(ServiceName, retain_existing_address, St).
+find_or_create_service(ServiceName, NetworkAddress, #st { services_tid = SvcTid } = St) ->
+ ?debug("schedule:find_or_create_service(): SvcName: ~p", [ ServiceName]),
+ case ets:lookup(SvcTid, ServiceName) of
+ [] -> %% The given service does not exist, create it.
+ ?debug("schedule:find_or_create_service(): Creating new ~p", [ ServiceName]),
+ create_service(ServiceName, NetworkAddress, St);
+ [ Svc1 ] when NetworkAddress =:= retain_existing_address ->
+ %% We found a service, and are instructed not to touch
+ %% its network address. Return it.
+ { ok, Svc1, false, St};
+ [ Svc2 ] ->
+ %% Update the network address, if it differs, and return
+ %% the new service / State as {ok, NSvc, false, NSt}
+ ?debug("schedule:find_or_create_service(): Updating existing ~p", [ ServiceName]),
+ update_service_network_address(Svc2, NetworkAddress, St)
+ end.
+%% Catch where no network address update is necessary.
+update_service_network_address(#service { network_address = NetworkAddress } = Service,
+ NetworkAddress, St) ->
+ { ok, Service, false, St}; %% False indicates that the service exists.
+%% Update the service in the ets table with a new network address.
+update_service_network_address(#service {} = Service, NetworkAddress, St) ->
+ %% Create a new service.
+ NewService = Service#service { network_address = NetworkAddress},
+ %% Replace existing serviceo in the ets table of services.
+ ets:insert(St#st.services_tid, [ NewService ]),
+ { ok, NewService, false, St}. %% False indicates that the service exists.
+%% If we are creating a new service, we need to remap the
+%% retain_existing_address to unknown_network_address in order to get the correct
+%% initial state, which is a created service with an unknown network address.
+create_service(ServiceName, retain_existing_address, St) ->
+ create_service(ServiceName, unknown_network_address, St);
+%% Create a new service and return the new state (not currently modified)
+%% and the newly initialized service revord.
+create_service(ServiceName, NetworkAddress, #st { services_tid = SvcsTid } = St) ->
+ Svc = #service {
+ name = ServiceName,
+ network_address = NetworkAddress,
+ messages_tid = ets:new(rvi_messages,
+ [ ordered_set, private,
+ { keypos, #message.transaction_id } ])
+ },
+ %% Insert new service to ets table.
+ ets:insert(SvcsTid, Svc),
+ %% Return new service and existing state.
+ ?debug("schedule:create_service(): service(~p) -> NetworkAddress(~p)", [ ServiceName, NetworkAddress]),
+ ?debug("schedule:create_service(): MessageTID: ~p", [ Svc#service.messages_tid]),
+ { ok, Svc, true, St}. %% True indicates that the service is newly created.
+%% Create a new and unique transaction id
+create_transaction_id(St) ->
+ ?debug("schedule:create_transaction_id(): St: ~p", [ St ]),
+ ID = St#st.next_transaction_id,
+ %% FIXME: Maybe interate pid into transaction to handle multiple
+ %% schedulers?
+ { ID, St#st { next_transaction_id = ID + 1 }}.
+%% Calculate a relative timeout based on the UTC TS we are provided with.
+calculate_timeout_period(UTC) ->
+ { Mega, Sec, _Micro } = now(),
+ Now = Mega * 1000000 + Sec,
+ ?debug("schedule:calculate_timeout_period(): Timeout(~p) - Now(~p) = ~p", [ UTC, Now, UTC - Now ]),
+ %% Cap the timeout value at something reasonable
+ TOut =
+ case UTC - Now >= 4294967295 of
+ true ->
+ ?info("schedule:calculate_timeout_period(): Timeout(~p) - Now(~p) = ~p: Truncated to 4294967295", [ UTC, Now, UTC - Now ]),
+ 4294967295;
+ false -> UTC - Now
+ case TOut =< 0 of
+ true ->
+ 1; %% One millisec is the smallest value we will time out on
+ false ->
+ TOut * 1000
+ end.
+%% Handle a callback for a timed out message.
+do_timeout_callback(Service, #message { timeout_cb = { M, F, A},
+ transaction_id = TransID}) ->
+ M:F(Service, TransID, A);
+%% callback element of #message is not an {M,F,A} format, ignore.
+do_timeout_callback(_,_) ->
%% JSON-RPC entry point
%% CAlled by local exo http server
handle_rpc("schedule_message", Args) ->
@@ -49,7 +676,7 @@ handle_rpc("schedule_message", Args) ->
{ok, [ { status, rvi_common:json_rpc_status(ok)},
- { transaction_id, TransID } ] }.
+ { transaction_id, TransID } ] };
handle_rpc("register_remote_services", Args) ->
@@ -57,14 +684,15 @@ handle_rpc("register_remote_services", Args) ->
{ok, AvailableServices} = rvi_common:get_json_element(["services"], Args),
?debug("schedule_rpc:register_remote_services(): network_address: ~p", [ NetworkAddress]),
?debug("schedule_rpc:register_remote_services(): services: ~p", [ AvailableServices]),
- schedule:register_remote_services(NetworkAddress, AvailableServices),
- {ok, [ { status, rvi_common:json_rpc_status(ok)}]}.
+ register_remote_services(NetworkAddress, AvailableServices),
+ {ok, [ { status, rvi_common:json_rpc_status(ok)}]};
handle_rpc("unregister_remote_services", Args) ->
{ok, DiscountinuedServices} = rvi_common:get_json_element(["services"], Args),
?debug("schedule_rpc:unregister_remote_services(): services ~p", [ DiscountinuedServices]),
- schedule:unregister_remote_services(DiscountinuedServices),
- unregister_remote_services(DiscountinuedServices);
+ unregister_remote_services(DiscountinuedServices),
+ {ok, [ { status, rvi_common:json_rpc_status(ok)}]};
handle_rpc(Other, _Args) ->
?debug("schedule_rpc:handle_rpc(~p): unknown", [ Other ]),
diff --git a/components/schedule/src/schedule_sup.erl b/components/schedule/src/schedule_sup.erl
index a6080e7..238d860 100644
--- a/components/schedule/src/schedule_sup.erl
+++ b/components/schedule/src/schedule_sup.erl
@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@ start_link() ->
init([]) ->
{ok, { {one_for_one, 5, 10},
- ?CHILD(schedule, worker)
+ ?CHILD(schedule_rpc, worker)
]} }.