path: root/scripts/
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 060ea8b..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2015, Jaguar Land Rover
-# This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of the
-# Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. T full text of the
-# Mozilla Public License is at
-# 1. Generate a device key through openssl.
-# 2. Sign the public key using the provided private root key.
-# 3. Create a JWT version of the signed device key.
-import getopt
-import sys
-from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
-import json
-import base64
-import os
-# apt-get install python-dev
-# apt-get install libffi-dev
-# pip install cryptography
-# pip install PyJWT
-import jwt
-import struct
-def long2intarr(long_int):
- _bytes = []
- while long_int:
- long_int, r = divmod(long_int, 256)
- _bytes.insert(0, r)
- return _bytes
-# copied from
-def long_to_base64(n):
- bys = long2intarr(n)
- data = struct.pack('%sB' % len(bys), *bys)
- if not len(data):
- data = '\x00'
- s = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data).rstrip(b'=')
- return s
-def usage():
- print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "-p <priv_root_key> -o <prefix> -b <bits>"
- print " -p <priv_root_key> Private root key file to sign public device key with."
- print " -o <prefix> File name prefix for generated device keys."
- print " -b <bits> Device key length. Default 2048."
- sys.exit(255)
-opts, args= getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "p:o:b:")
-for o, a in opts:
- if o == "-p":
- priv_root_key_fname = a
- elif o == "-b":
- key_length = int(a)
- elif o == "-o":
- fname_prefix = a
- else:
- usage()
-if priv_root_key_fname == "" or fname_prefix == "":
- usage()
-# Generate the device RSA key pair
-new_key = RSA.generate(bits=key_length)
-# Create private key file, which also contains the public key.
-priv_key_fname = "{}_priv.pem".format(fname_prefix)
-priv_key_file = open(priv_key_fname, 'w')
-priv_key = new_key.exportKey("PEM")
-# Read the root private key
-priv_root_key_file = open(priv_root_key_fname, 'r')
-priv_root_key = RSA.importKey(
-# Extract the device public key that we are to sign with the private root key.
-# Dump it in a file to be used by
-pub_key_fname = "{}_pub.pem".format(fname_prefix)
-pub_key_file = open(pub_key_fname, 'w')
-pub_key = new_key.publickey()
-pub_key_pem = pub_key.exportKey("PEM")
-print "pub_key.e = ", pub_key.e
-print "pub_key.n = ", pub_key.n
-key_obj = {
- 'keys': [{
- "kty": "RSA",
- "alg": "RS256",
- "use": "sig",
- "e": long_to_base64(pub_key.e),
- "n": long_to_base64(pub_key.n)
- }],
-# Generate a JWT signature based on the pub key and the private root key
-signature = jwt.encode(key_obj, priv_root_key.exportKey('PEM'), algorithm='RS256')
-# Verify that we can use the public root key to verify the key.
-pub_root_key = priv_root_key.publickey().exportKey('PEM')
- jwt.decode(signature, pub_root_key)
- print "The public portion of the generated device key, signed by the provided private root key,"
- print "could not be verified using the public root key."
- os.remove(priv_key_fname)
- sys.exit(0)
-# Create signed public JWT file
-pub_sign_key_fname = "{}_pub_sign.jwt".format(fname_prefix)
-pub_sign_key_file = open(pub_sign_key_fname, 'w')
-print "Device private/public key pair stored in: ", priv_key_fname
-print "Device public-only key stored in: ", pub_key_fname
-print "Device JWT-formatted public key signed by private "
-print " root key, stored in: ", pub_sign_key_fname
-print "Root key used to sign the device public key read from: ", priv_root_key_fname
-print "Set rvi node's device_key_pair config parameter to point to: ", priv_root_key_fname
-print "Set rvi node's authorize_jwt config parameter to point to: ", pub_sign_key_fname
-print "use ./ ... --device_key={} to include".format(pub_key_fname)
-print "device public key in a certificate."