path: root/components/dlink_tls/src/dlink_tls_conn.erl
diff options
authorUlf Wiger <>2015-12-06 13:54:17 -0800
committerUlf Wiger <>2015-12-06 13:54:17 -0800
commit6cfeffca9f8e93e45dd885702a77896e2a1d0951 (patch)
tree620e2dd9006b52df7129d135fa7256d793571df1 /components/dlink_tls/src/dlink_tls_conn.erl
parent7d098a34b25704dbaa8bea0217ca6b7be37a0e48 (diff)
new protocol & setup scripts
Diffstat (limited to 'components/dlink_tls/src/dlink_tls_conn.erl')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/components/dlink_tls/src/dlink_tls_conn.erl b/components/dlink_tls/src/dlink_tls_conn.erl
index c125ca3..583009c 100644
--- a/components/dlink_tls/src/dlink_tls_conn.erl
+++ b/components/dlink_tls/src/dlink_tls_conn.erl
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
%% API
@@ -145,7 +145,6 @@ init({IP, Port, Sock, Mod, Fun, CompSpec}) ->
?debug("connection:init(): Sock: ~p", [Sock]),
?debug("connection:init(): Module: ~p", [Mod]),
?debug("connection:init(): Function: ~p", [Fun]),
- %% Grab socket control
{ok, PktMod} = get_module_config(packet_mod, ?PACKET_MOD, CompSpec),
PktSt = PktMod:init(CompSpec),
{ok, #st{
@@ -194,7 +193,11 @@ handle_call({upgrade, Role, CompSpec} = Req, _From, #st{sock = S} = St) ->
?debug("upgrade to TLS succcessful~n", []),
ssl:setopts(NewS, [{active, Last}]),
{ok, {IP, Port}} = ssl:peername(NewS),
- NewCS = rvi_common:set_value(dlink_tls_role, client, CompSpec),
+ {ok, PeerCert} = ssl:peercert(NewS),
+ ?debug("SSL PeerCert=~w", [abbrev(PeerCert)]),
+ NewCS = rvi_common:set_value(
+ dlink_tls_role, Role,
+ rvi_common:set_value(dlink_tls_peer_cert, PeerCert, CompSpec)),
{reply, ok, St#st{sock = NewS, mode = tls, role = Role,
ip = inet_parse:ntoa(IP), port = Port,
cs = NewCS}};
@@ -219,7 +222,7 @@ handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
handle_cast({send, Data}, #st{packet_mod = PMod, packet_st = PSt} = St) ->
?debug("~p:handle_call(send): Sending: ~p",
- [ ?MODULE, Data]),
+ [ ?MODULE, abbrev(Data)]),
{ok, Encoded, PSt1} = PMod:encode(Data, PSt),
case St#st.mode of
tcp -> gen_tcp:send(St#st.sock, Encoded);
@@ -253,52 +256,38 @@ handle_info({tcp, Sock, Data},
#st { ip = undefined } = St) ->
{ok, {IP, Port}} = inet:peername(Sock),
NSt = St#st { ip = inet_parse:ntoa(IP), port = Port },
- ?warning("YESSSS"),
handle_info({tcp, Sock, Data}, NSt);
-handle_info({ssl, Sock, Data},
- #st{ip = IP, port = Port,
- mod = Mod, func = Fun, cs = CS,
- packet_mod = PMod, packet_st = PSt} = State) ->
- ?debug("handle_info(data): ~p", [Data]),
- case PMod:decode(Data, PSt) of
- {ok, Elements, PSt1} ->
- ?debug("~p:handle_info(data complete): Processed: ~p",
- [?MODULE, Elements]),
- Mod:Fun(self(), IP, Port, data, Elements, CS),
+handle_info({ssl, Sock, Data}, #st{ip = IP, port = Port,
+ packet_mod = PMod, packet_st = PSt} = State) ->
+ ?debug("handle_info(data): Data: ~p", [abbrev(Data)]),
+ ?debug("handle_info(data): From: ~p:~p ", [ IP, Port]),
+ case PMod:decode(Data, fun(Elems) ->
+ handle_elems(Elems, State)
+ end, PSt) of
+ {ok, PSt1} ->
ssl:setopts(Sock, [{active, once}]),
{noreply, State#st{packet_st = PSt1}};
{error, Reason} ->
- {stop, Reason, State};
- {more, PSt1} ->
- ?debug("~p:handle_info(data incomplete)", [ ?MODULE]),
- ssl:setopts(Sock, [{active, once}]),
- {noreply, State#st{packet_st = PSt1}}
+ {stop, Reason, State}
handle_info({tcp, Sock, Data},
#st { ip = IP,
port = Port,
- mod = Mod,
- func = Fun,
- cs = CS,
packet_mod = PMod,
packet_st = PSt} = State) ->
- ?debug("~p:handle_info(data): Data: ~p", [ ?MODULE, Data]),
- ?debug("~p:handle_info(data): From: ~p:~p ", [ ?MODULE, IP, Port]),
- case PMod:decode(Data, PSt) of
- {ok, Elements, PSt1} ->
- ?debug("~p:handle_info(data complete): Processed: ~p",
- [?MODULE, Elements]),
- Mod:Fun(self(), IP, Port, data, Elements, CS),
+ ?debug("handle_info(data): Data: ~p", [Data]),
+ ?debug("handle_info(data): From: ~p:~p ", [IP, Port]),
+ case PMod:decode(Data, fun(Elems) ->
+ handle_elems(Elems, State)
+ end, PSt) of
+ {ok, PSt1} ->
inet:setopts(Sock, [{active, once}]),
{noreply, State#st{packet_st = PSt1}};
{error, Reason} ->
- {stop, Reason, State};
- {more, PSt1} ->
- ?debug("~p:handle_info(data incomplete)", [ ?MODULE]),
- inet:setopts(Sock, [{active, once}]),
- {noreply, State#st{packet_st = PSt1}}
+ ?debug("decode failed, Reason = ~p", [Reason]),
+ {stop, Reason, State}
handle_info({tcp_closed, Sock},
@@ -361,23 +350,87 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
do_upgrade(Sock, client, CompSpec) ->
- ssl:connect(Sock, tls_opts(client, CompSpec));
+ Opts = tls_opts(client, CompSpec),
+ ?debug("TLS Opts = ~p", [Opts]),
+ ssl:connect(Sock, Opts);
do_upgrade(Sock, server, CompSpec) ->
- ssl:ssl_accept(Sock, tls_opts(server, CompSpec)).
+ Opts = tls_opts(client, CompSpec),
+ ?debug("TLS Opts = ~p", [Opts]),
+ ssl:ssl_accept(Sock, Opts).
%% FIXME: For now, use the example certs delivered with the OTP SSL appl.
-tls_opts(Role, CompSpec) ->
- Dir = tls_dir(Role),
- {ok, CertFile} = get_config(certfile, filename:join(Dir, "cert.pem"), CompSpec),
- {ok, KeyFile} = get_config(keyfile, filename:join(Dir, "key.pem"), CompSpec),
- [{certfile, CertFile},
- {keyfile, KeyFile}].
-tls_dir(Role) when Role==client;
- Role==server ->
- filename:join([code:lib_dir(ssl), "examples", "certs", "etc",
- atom_to_list(Role)]).
-get_config(Key, Default, CompSpec) ->
- rvi_common:get_module_config(
- dlink_tls, dlink_tls_rpc, Key, Default, CompSpec).
+tls_opts(Role, _CompSpec) ->
+ {ok, DevCert} = setup:get_env(rvi_core, device_cert),
+ {ok, DevKey} = setup:get_env(rvi_core, device_key),
+ {ok, CACert} = setup:get_env(rvi_core, root_cert),
+ [
+ {verify, verify_peer},
+ {certfile, DevCert},
+ {keyfile, DevKey},
+ {cacertfile, CACert},
+ {verify_fun, {fun verify_fun/3, public_root_key()}},
+ {partial_chain, fun(X) ->
+ partial_chain(Role, X)
+ end}
+ ].
+public_root_key() ->
+ authorize_keys:provisioning_key().
+verify_fun(Cert, What, St) ->
+ ?debug("verify_fun(~p, ~p, ~p)", [abbrev(Cert), What, abbrev(St)]),
+ verify_fun_(Cert, What, St).
+verify_fun_(Cert, {bad_cert, selfsigned_peer}, PubKey) ->
+ ?debug("Verify self-signed cert: ~p", [abbrev(Cert)]),
+ try verify_cert_sig(Cert, PubKey) of
+ true ->
+ ?debug("verified!", []),
+ {valid, PubKey};
+ false ->
+ ?debug("verification FAILED", []),
+ {bad_cert, invalid_signature}
+ catch
+ error:Error ->
+ ?debug("Caught error:~p~n~p", [Error, erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
+ {fail, PubKey}
+ end;
+verify_fun_(_, {bad_cert, Reason}, St) ->
+ ?debug("Bad cert: ~p", [Reason]),
+ {fail, St};
+verify_fun_(_, {extension, _}, St) ->
+ {unknown, St};
+verify_fun_(_, valid, St) ->
+ {valid, St};
+verify_fun_(_, valid_peer, St) ->
+ {valid_peer, St}.
+partial_chain(_, Certs) ->
+ ?debug("partial_chain() invoked, length(Certs) = ~w", [length(Certs)]),
+ Decoded = (catch [public_key:der_decode('Certificate', C)
+ || C <- Certs]),
+ ?debug("partial_chain: ~p", [[lager:pr(Dec) || Dec <- Decoded]]),
+ {trusted_ca, hd(Certs)}.
+handle_elems(Elements, #st{mod = Mod, func = Fun, cs = CS,
+ ip = IP, port = Port}) ->
+ ?debug("handle_info(data complete): Processed: ~p", [abbrev(Elements)]),
+ Mod:Fun(self(), IP, Port, data, Elements, CS),
+ ok.
+verify_cert_sig(#'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBS,
+ signature = Sig}, PubKey) ->
+ DER = public_key:pkix_encode('OTPTBSCertificate', TBS, otp),
+ {SignType, _} = signature_algorithm(TBS),
+ public_key:verify(DER, SignType, Sig, PubKey).
+signature_algorithm(#'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBS}) ->
+ signature_algorithm(TBS);
+ signature = #'SignatureAlgorithm'{
+ algorithm = Algo}}) ->
+ public_key:pkix_sign_types(Algo).
+abbrev(T) ->
+ authorize_keys:abbrev(T).