path: root/components/service_edge
diff options
authorMagnus Feuer <>2015-06-11 12:34:05 -0700
committerMagnus Feuer <>2015-06-12 20:21:35 -0700
commit3c1bcf47db5a89d0f02b751dfa40b4e81d166381 (patch)
treeb97d2ebcd73ad0507c566b190c9bddbef5d2fa7d /components/service_edge
parent3c8e7818ff13696388a24aff4ee7d8f79d3eb4c2 (diff)
Lightweight version of the websocket server
Diffstat (limited to 'components/service_edge')
1 files changed, 685 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/components/service_edge/src/wse_server.erl b/components/service_edge/src/wse_server.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17069db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/service_edge/src/wse_server.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+%%%---- BEGIN COPYRIGHT -------------------------------------------------------
+%%% Copyright (C) 2007 - 2014, Rogvall Invest AB, <>
+%%% This software is licensed as described in the file COPYRIGHT, which
+%%% you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+%%% are also available at
+%%% You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
+%%% copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
+%%% furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYRIGHT file.
+%%% This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+%%% KIND, either express or implied.
+%%%---- END COPYRIGHT ---------------------------------------------------------
+%%% @author Tony Rogvall <>
+%%% @copyright (C) 2014, Tony Rogvall
+%%% @doc
+%%% Web socket server (RFC 6455)
+%%% @end
+%%% Created : 9 Feb 2014 by Tony Rogvall <>
+-export([start/4, start/5, stop/1]).
+-define(WS_UUID, "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11").
+-define(WS_OP_TEXT, 1).
+-define(WS_OP_BINARY, 2).
+-define(WS_OP_CLOSE, 8).
+-define(WS_OP_PING, 9).
+-define(WS_OP_PONG, 10).
+-define(WSE_DEFAULT_PORT, 8808).
+ {
+ iref, %% global integer reference
+ from, %% [owner local reference | event owner pid]
+ how=once, %% once | all | none
+ data %% local data for events
+ }).
+ {
+ host, %% 'Host'
+ upgrade, %% 'Upgrade'
+ connection, %% 'Connection'
+ key, %% "Sec-WebSocket-Key"
+ protocol, %% "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"
+ origin, %%
+ version, %% "Sec-WebSocket-Version"
+ cookie, %% 'Cookie'
+ hs = []
+ }).
+ {
+ iref = 1,
+ closing=false, %% false|client|server
+ pingInterval = 10000, %% ping every T ms
+ pongTimeout = 5000, %% wait max T ns for pong
+ ping_ref, %% current ping reference
+ pong_tmr, %% current pong timeout reference
+ ping_data, %% current ping data
+ proto, %% from handshake "bert"?
+ type, %% ?WS_OP_TEXT|?WS_OP_BINARY
+ fs = [], %% fragments
+ wait = [], %% #event
+ header, %% ws_header
+ gc_table, %% ets table of objects,
+ json_state = undefined,
+ cb = {undefined, undefined, undefined }
+ }).
+%% start()
+%% This should be in another module for clarity
+%% but is included here to make the example self-contained
+start(Port, M, F, A) when is_integer(Port) ->
+ start_([{cb, {M,F,A}}, {port,Port}]).
+start(Port,M,F,A, Opts) when is_integer(Port) ->
+ start_([{port,Port}, {cb, {M,F,A}}] ++ Opts).
+start_(Opts) -> spawn(fun() -> init(Opts) end).
+stop(RegName) when is_atom(RegName) ->
+ RegName ! stop.
+init(Opts) ->
+ Port = proplists:get_value(port, Opts, ?WSE_DEFAULT_PORT),
+ case proplists:get_value(name, Opts) of
+ undefined -> ok;
+ Name -> register(Name, self())
+ end,
+ Addr = proplists:get_value(ifaddr, Opts, any),
+ {ok, Listen} = gen_tcp:listen(Port,
+ [{packet,http},{reuseaddr,true},
+ {ifaddr, Addr},
+ {mode, list}, {active, once}]),
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ listen_loop(Listen,Opts).
+listen_loop(Listen,Opts) ->
+ ?debug("Listen loop ~p\n", [Listen]),
+ Parent = self(),
+ Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> accept(Parent, Listen, Opts) end),
+ ?MODULE:accept_loop(Listen,Opts,Pid).
+accept_loop(Listen,Opts,Pid) ->
+ ?debug("Accept loop ~p\n", [Listen]),
+ receive
+ {Pid,ok} ->
+ ?MODULE:listen_loop(Listen,Opts);
+ {Pid,Error} ->
+ ?warning("process ~p error: ~p\n", [Pid, Error]),
+ ?MODULE:listen_loop(Listen,Opts);
+ {'EXIT',Pid,Reason} ->
+ ?warning("process ~p crashed: ~p\n", [Pid, Reason]),
+ ?MODULE:listen_loop(Listen,Opts);
+ {'EXIT',OtherPid,Reason} ->
+ ?warning("other process ~p crashed: ~p\n", [OtherPid, Reason]),
+ ?MODULE:accept_loop(Listen, Opts, Pid);
+ stop ->
+ gen_tcp:close(Listen),
+ exit(stopped)
+ end.
+accept(Parent, Listen, Opts) ->
+ ?debug("Accept ~p\n", [Listen]),
+ case gen_tcp:accept(Listen) of
+ {ok, Socket} ->
+ ?debug("Connected to ~p\n", [inet:peername(Socket)]),
+ Parent ! {self(), ok},
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ put(parent, Parent),
+ ?MODULE:ws_handshake(Socket,Opts);
+ Error ->
+ Parent ! {self(), Error}
+ end.
+%% Simple BERT
+bert_encode(Term) ->
+ term_to_binary(Term).
+bert_decode(Bin) ->
+ binary_to_term(Bin).
+ws_encode(Term,?WS_OP_BINARY) ->
+ bert_encode(Term);
+ws_encode(Term,?WS_OP_TEXT) ->
+ base64:encode(bert_encode(Term)).
+ws_decode(Data,?WS_OP_BINARY) -> {mesg,bert_decode(Data)};
+ws_decode(Data,?WS_OP_TEXT) -> {mesg,bert_decode(base64:decode(Data))};
+ws_decode(Data, ?WS_OP_PING) -> {ping, Data};
+ws_decode(Data, ?WS_OP_PONG) -> {pong,Data};
+ws_decode(Data, ?WS_OP_CLOSE) -> {close,Data}.
+ws_handshake(Socket,Opts) ->
+ receive
+ {http, Socket, _Req={http_request,'GET',Uri,_Version}} ->
+ ?debug("got ws request ~p", [_Req]),
+ ws_handshake(Socket, Uri, Opts);
+ {http, _Socket, Req={http_request, _, _, _}} ->
+ ?warning("reject ws request ~p", [Req]),
+ %% send error reply!
+ ws_error({error, bad_request});
+ Any ->
+ ?warning("reject ws data ~p", [Any]),
+ ws_error({error, no_data})
+ end.
+ws_handshake(Socket, _Uri, Opts) ->
+ inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
+ case ws_recv_headers(Socket, #ws_header{}, 1000) of
+ Err ={error,_} ->
+ ws_error(Err);
+ F when is_list(F#ws_header.key) ->
+ ?debug("got request data: uri=~p, header=~p", [_Uri, F]),
+ %% fixme: check base64! (just crash now)
+ %% ?debug("Random = ~w", [base64:decode(F#ws_header.key)]),
+ Accept1 = [F#ws_header.key, ?WS_UUID],
+ Accept2 = crypto:hash(sha, Accept1),
+ Accept = base64:encode(Accept2),
+ WsAccept = ["Sec-Websocket-Accept:",Accept,"\r\n"],
+ ?debug("Accept = ~w", [Accept]),
+ WsProto = if is_list(F#ws_header.protocol) ->
+ ["Sec-Websocket-Protocol:",
+ hd(string:tokens(F#ws_header.protocol, ",")),
+ "\n\n"];
+ true -> []
+ end,
+ Handshake =
+ [
+ "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n",
+ "Upgrade: websocket\r\n",
+ "Connection: Upgrade\r\n",
+ WsAccept,
+ WsProto,
+ "\r\n"],
+ gen_tcp:send(Socket, Handshake),
+ ?debug("ws_server: sent: ~p", [Handshake]),
+ inet:setopts(Socket, [{packet, 0},{active,once}]),
+ PingInterval = proplists:get_value(pingInterval,Opts,10000),
+ PongTimeout = proplists:get_value(pongTimeout,Opts,5000),
+ Type = case proplists:get_value(type,Opts,binary) of
+ binary -> ?WS_OP_BINARY;
+ text -> ?WS_OP_TEXT
+ end,
+ %% Store header in process dictionary for direct access
+ put(header, F#ws_header.hs),
+ S0 = #s {proto=WsProto,
+ type=Type,
+ pingInterval=PingInterval,
+ pongTimeout=PongTimeout,
+ header = F,
+ gc_table = ets:new(gc_table, []),
+ cb = proplists:get_value(cb, Opts, {undefined, undefined, undefined})
+ },
+ %%S1 = start_ping_timer(S0),
+ ws_loop(<<>>, Socket, S0);
+ true ->
+ ws_error({error, missing_key})
+ end.
+ws_error(Error) ->
+ ?error("~w", [Error]),
+ Error.
+ws_recv_headers(S, F, Timeout) ->
+ receive
+ {http, S, http_eoh} ->
+ F;
+ {http, S, {http_header, _, K, _, V}} ->
+ inet:setopts(S, [{active, once}]),
+ %% Save all in hs
+ F1 = F#ws_header { hs = [{K,V}|F#ws_header.hs]},
+ case K of
+ 'Host' ->
+ ws_recv_headers(S, F1#ws_header { host = V}, Timeout);
+ 'Upgrade' ->
+ ws_recv_headers(S, F1#ws_header { upgrade = V}, Timeout);
+ 'Connection' ->
+ ws_recv_headers(S, F1#ws_header { connection = V}, Timeout);
+ "Sec-Websocket-Key" ->
+ ws_recv_headers(S, F1#ws_header { key = V}, Timeout);
+ "Sec-Websocket-Protocol" ->
+ ws_recv_headers(S, F1#ws_header { protocol = V}, Timeout);
+ "Sec-Websocket-Version" ->
+ ws_recv_headers(S, F1#ws_header { version = V}, Timeout);
+ 'Cookie' ->
+ ws_recv_headers(S, F1#ws_header { cookie = V}, Timeout);
+ _ ->
+ ws_recv_headers(S, F1, Timeout)
+ end
+ after Timeout ->
+ {error, timeout}
+ end.
+%% Reply on event
+%% if reply returns true then the event should stay
+%% otherwise the event should be deleted
+reply(E, Reply) ->
+ if == none ->
+ false;
+ true ->
+ [Ref|Pid] = E#event.from,
+ Pid ! {reply,Ref,Reply},
+ == all
+ end.
+next_ref(Ref) ->
+ Ref1 = (Ref+1) band 16#ffffffff,
+ if Ref1 == 0 ->
+ 1;
+ true ->
+ Ref1
+ end.
+ws_loop(Buf, Socket, S) ->
+ receive
+ %% WebSocket stuff
+ {tcp, Socket, Data} ->
+ ?debug("tcp ~w: ~p", [Socket, Data]),
+ ws_data(Buf, Data, Socket, S);
+ {tcp_closed, Socket} ->
+ ?debug("tcp_closed ~w", [Socket]),
+ %% reply to all remaining callers
+ lists:foreach(fun(E) -> reply(E, {error,closed}) end, S#s.wait),
+ exit(closed);
+ {'EXIT',Pid,Reason} ->
+ case get(parent) of
+ Pid ->
+ ?debug("exit from parent ~w reason=~p\n", [Pid, Reason]),
+ exit(Reason);
+ _ ->
+ ?debug("exit from ~w reason=~p\n", [Pid, Reason]),
+ ws_loop(Buf, Socket, S)
+ end
+ end.
+ws_data(Buf, Data, Socket, #s { cb = { Mod, Fun,Arg }} = S) ->
+ Data1 = erlang:decode_packet(http, Data, []),
+ ?debug("Got data: ~p", [ Data1 ]),
+ case rvi_common:extract_json(Data1, S#s.json_state) of
+ { [], NJST } ->
+ ?debug("~p:ws_data(data incomplete)", [ ?MODULE]),
+ inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
+ ?MODULE:ws_loop(Buf, Socket, S#s { json_state = NJST});
+ { JSONElements, NJST } ->
+ ?debug("~p:ws_data(data complete): Processed: ~p", [ ?MODULE, JSONElements]),
+ [ Mod:Fun(SingleElem, Arg) || SingleElem <- JSONElements ],
+ inet:setopts(Socket, [ { active, once } ]),
+ ?MODULE:ws_loop(Buf, Socket, S#s { json_state = NJST})
+ end.
+%%ws_data(Buf, Data, Socket, S) ->
+%% case <<Buf/binary, Data/binary>> of
+%% %% masked data
+%% <<Fin:1,_Rsv:3,Op:4,1:1,126:7,L:16,M:4/binary,Frag:L/binary,Buf1/binary>> ->
+%% %% ?debug("unmask fragment: mask=~p, frag=~p", [M, Frag]),
+%% Frag1 = ws_mask(M, Frag),
+%% S1 = ws_fragment(Socket, Fin, Op, Frag1, S),
+%% ws_data(Buf1, <<>>, Socket, S1);
+%% <<Fin:1,_Rsv:3,Op:4,1:1,127:7,L:64,M:4/binary,Frag:L/binary,Buf1/binary>> ->
+%% %% ?debug("unmask fragment: mask=~p, frag=~p", [M, Frag]),
+%% Frag1 = ws_mask(M, Frag),
+%% S1 = ws_fragment(Socket,Fin, Op, Frag1, S),
+%% ws_data(Buf1, <<>>, Socket, S1);
+%% <<Fin:1,_Rsv:3,Op:4,1:1,L:7,M:4/binary,Frag:L/binary,Buf1/binary>> ->
+%% %% ?debug("unmask fragment: mask=~p, frag=~p", [M, Frag]),
+%% Frag1 = ws_mask(M, Frag),
+%% S1 = ws_fragment(Socket,Fin, Op, Frag1, S),
+%% ws_data(Buf1, <<>>, Socket, S1);
+%% %% non masked data
+%% <<Fin:1,_Rsv:3,Op:4,0:1,126:7,L:16,Frag:L/binary,Buf1/binary>> ->
+%% S1 = ws_fragment(Socket,Fin, Op, Frag, S),
+%% ws_data(Buf1, <<>>, Socket, S1);
+%% <<Fin:1,_Rsv:3,Op:4,0:1,127:7,L:64,Frag:L/binary,Buf1/binary>> ->
+%% S1 = ws_fragment(Socket,Fin, Op, Frag, S),
+%% ws_data(Buf1, <<>>, Socket, S1);
+%% <<Fin:1,_Rsv:3,Op:4,0:1,L:7,Frag:L/binary,Buf1/binary>> ->
+%% S1 = ws_fragment(Socket,Fin, Op, Frag, S),
+%% ws_data(Buf1, <<>>, Socket, S1);
+%% Buf1 -> %% handle to large messages and mal formed
+%% end.
+%%ws_mask(<<M:32>>, Frag) ->
+%% Frag1 = << <<(X bxor M):32>> || <<X:32>> <= Frag >>,
+%% Sz = byte_size(Frag),
+%% case Sz band 3 of
+%% 0 -> Frag1;
+%% SzA ->
+%% Sz0 = Sz-SzA,
+%% SzB = 4-SzA,
+%% <<_:Sz0/unit:8, Xa:SzA/unit:8>> = Frag,
+%% <<X:32>> = <<Xa:SzA/unit:8,0:SzB/unit:8>>,
+%% <<Yi:SzA/unit:8,_:SzB/unit:8>> = <<(X bxor M):32>>,
+%% <<Frag1/binary,Yi:SzA/unit:8>>
+%% end.
+%%ws_fragment(Socket,1, Op, Frag, S) ->
+%% Payload = iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse([Frag|S#s.fs])),
+%% %% ?debug("op=~w, unmasked payload = ~p", [ws_opcode(Op),Payload]),
+%% Message = ws_decode(Payload,Op),
+%% ?debug("handle_remote: ~p", [Message]),
+%% handle_remote(Message, Socket, S#s { fs=[] });
+%%ws_fragment(_Socket, 0, _Op, Frag, S) ->
+%% %% ?debug("collect fragment: Op=~w, Frag=~p", [_Op,Frag]),
+%% S#s { fs = [Frag|S#s.fs ]}.
+%%ws_opcode(0) -> continuation;
+%%ws_opcode(?WS_OP_TEXT) -> text;
+%%ws_opcode(?WS_OP_BINARY) -> binary;
+%%ws_opcode(?WS_OP_CLOSE) -> close;
+%%ws_opcode(?WS_OP_PING) -> ping;
+%%ws_opcode(?WS_OP_PONG) -> pong;
+%%ws_opcode(Op) -> Op.
+%%ws_make_server_frame(Payload0,Type) ->
+%% Fin = 1,
+%% ws_make_frame(Fin,Type,<<>>, Payload0).
+%%ws_make_client_frame(Payload0,Type) ->
+%% Fin = 1,
+%% M = crypto:rand_bytes(4),
+%% Payload = ws_mask(M, Payload0),
+%% ws_make_frame(Fin,Type,M,Payload).
+%%ws_make_frame(Fin, Op, Mask, Data) ->
+%% L = byte_size(Data),
+%% M = if Mask =:= <<>> -> 0; true -> 1 end,
+%% %% ?debug("payload size = ~w, mask=~w\n", [L,M]),
+%% if L < 126 ->
+%% <<Fin:1,0:3,Op:4,M:1,L:7,Mask/binary,Data/binary>>;
+%% L < 65536 ->
+%% <<Fin:1,0:3,Op:4,M:1,126:7,L:16,Mask/binary,Data/binary>>;
+%% true ->
+%% <<Fin:1,0:3,Op:4,M:1,127:7,L:64,Mask/binary,Data/binary>>
+%% end.
+%%handle_local({rsync,From,Request},Socket,S0) ->
+%% IRef = S0#s.iref,
+%% Data = ws_encode({rsync,IRef,Request},S0#s.type),
+%% gen_tcp:send(Socket, ws_make_server_frame(Data,S0#s.type)),
+%% Event = #event{iref=IRef,from=From},
+%% Wait1 = [Event|S0#s.wait],
+%% {noreply,S0#s { iref=next_ref(IRef), wait=Wait1 }};
+%%handle_local({nsync,From,Request},Socket,S0) ->
+%% IRef = S0#s.iref,
+%% Data = ws_encode({nsync,IRef,Request},S0#s.type),
+%% gen_tcp:send(Socket, ws_make_server_frame(Data,S0#s.type)),
+%% Event = #event{iref=IRef,from=From,how=none},
+%% Wait1 = [Event|S0#s.wait],
+%% {noreply,S0#s { iref=next_ref(IRef), wait=Wait1 }};
+%%handle_local({async,_From,Request},Socket,S0) ->
+%% IRef = S0#s.iref,
+%% Data = ws_encode({async,IRef,Request},S0#s.type),
+%% gen_tcp:send(Socket, ws_make_server_frame(Data,S0#s.type)),
+%% {noreply,S0#s { iref=next_ref(IRef) }};
+%%handle_local({dsync,From,Request},Socket,S0) ->
+%% IRef = S0#s.iref,
+%% Data = ws_encode({dsync,IRef,Request},S0#s.type),
+%% gen_tcp:send(Socket, ws_make_server_frame(Data,S0#s.type)),
+%% Event = #event{iref=IRef,from=From},
+%% Wait1 = [Event|S0#s.wait],
+%% {noreply,S0#s { iref=next_ref(IRef), wait=Wait1 }};
+%%handle_local({close,From,Reason},Socket,S0) ->
+%% reply(#event { from=From} , ok),
+%% lists:foreach(fun(E) -> reply(E, {error, closed}) end, S0#s.wait),
+%% CloseData = if is_atom(Reason) -> atom_to_binary(Reason, latin1);
+%% true -> <<"unknown">>
+%% end,
+%% gen_tcp:send(Socket, ws_make_server_frame(CloseData,?WS_OP_CLOSE)),
+%% {noreply,S0#s { closing=server }};
+%%handle_local({create_event,From,How,Data},_Socket,S0) ->
+%% IRef = S0#s.iref,
+%% Event = #event { iref=IRef, from=From, how=How, data=Data},
+%% Wait1 = [Event|S0#s.wait],
+%% reply(Event, {ok, IRef}),
+%% {noreply,S0#s { iref=next_ref(IRef), wait=Wait1 }};
+%%handle_local({header, From},_Socket,S0=#s{header = Header}) ->
+%% ?debug("header: all\n", []),
+%% reply(#event {from=From}, {ok, Header#ws_header.hs}),
+%% {noreply,S0};
+%%handle_local({header, ItemName, From},_Socket,S0=#s{header = Header}) ->
+%% ?debug("header: ~p\n", [ItemName]),
+%% case lists:keyfind(ItemName, 1, Header#ws_header.hs) of
+%% {ItemName, ItemValue} ->
+%% reply(#event {from=From}, {ok, ItemValue});
+%% false ->
+%% reply(#event {from=From}, {error, unknown_header_item})
+%% end,
+%% {noreply,S0};
+%%handle_local({timeout,Ref,ping},Socket,S0) when S0#s.ping_ref =:= Ref ->
+%% %% ping the browser!
+%% PingData = crypto:rand_bytes(4),
+%% %% ?debug("sending ping ~p\n", [PingData]),
+%% Frame = ws_make_server_frame(<<PingData/binary>>,?WS_OP_PING),
+%% gen_tcp:send(Socket, Frame),
+%% S1 = start_pong_timer(S0#s { ping_data=PingData, ping_ref=undefined }),
+%% {noreply, S1};
+%%handle_local({timeout,Ref,pong},_Socket,S0) when S0#s.pong_tmr =:= Ref ->
+%% ?debug("timeout waiting for pong ~p, stopping\n", [S0#s.ping_data]),
+%% {stop, not_responding};
+%%handle_local(Other,_Socket,S0) ->
+%% ?warning("handle_local: got ~p~n",[Other]),
+%% {noreply,S0}.
+%%%% Handle remote operations and replies
+%%handle_remote({ping,Data}, Socket, S0) ->
+%% %% ?debug("got ping ~p, sending pong ~p", [Data]),
+%% gen_tcp:send(Socket, ws_make_server_frame(Data,?WS_OP_PONG)),
+%% S0;
+%%handle_remote({pong,Data}, _Socket, S0) ->
+%% if Data =:= S0#s.ping_data ->
+%% %% ?debug("got pong reply: ~p", [Data]),
+%% S1 = stop_pong_timer(S0),
+%% start_ping_timer(S1);
+%% true ->
+%% ?debug("got heartbeat pong: ~p", [Data]),
+%% S0
+%% end;
+%%handle_remote({close,Data}, Socket, S0) ->
+%% if S0#s.closing =:= server ->
+%% ?debug("got close ~p, both sides closed", [Data]),
+%% gen_tcp:close(Socket),
+%% exit(Data);
+%% S0#s.closing =:= false ->
+%% ?debug("got close ~p, client closing", [Data]),
+%% gen_tcp:send(Socket, ws_make_server_frame(Data,?WS_OP_CLOSE)),
+%% S0#s { closing = client }
+%% end;
+%%handle_remote({mesg, Mesg0}, Socket, S0) ->
+%% Mesg = install_resource_objects(Mesg0, S0#s.gc_table),
+%% handle_mesg(Mesg, Socket, S0).
+%%handle_mesg({reply,IRef,Reply}, _Socket, S0) ->
+%% case lists:keytake(IRef, #event.iref, S0#s.wait) of
+%% false ->
+%% ?debug("got reply ~w = ~w (ignored)\n", [IRef,Reply]),
+%% S0;
+%% {value,Event,Wait1} ->
+%% ?debug("got reply ~w = ~w (~w)\n", [IRef,Reply,Event]),
+%% reply(Event, Reply),
+%% S0#s { wait=Wait1}
+%% end;
+%%handle_mesg({noreply,IRef},_Socket,S0) ->
+%% case lists:keytake(IRef, #event.iref, S0#s.wait) of
+%% false ->
+%% S0;
+%% {value,_Event,Wait1} ->
+%% S0#s { wait=Wait1}
+%% end;
+%%handle_mesg({notify,IRef,RemoteData},_Socket,S0) ->
+%% ?info("notify: ~w ~p\n", [IRef,RemoteData]),
+%% case lists:keytake(IRef,#event.iref, S0#s.wait) of
+%% false ->
+%% S0;
+%% {value,E,Wait1} ->
+%% [_Ref|Pid] = E#event.from,
+%% Pid ! {notify,IRef,,RemoteData},
+%% if == all ->
+%% S0;
+%% true ->
+%% S0#s { wait=Wait1}
+%% end
+%% end;
+%%handle_mesg({info,_Data},_Socket,S0) ->
+%% ?debug("info: ~p\n", [_Data]),
+%% S0;
+%%handle_mesg({start,M,F,As},_Socket,S0) ->
+%% _Pid = spawn_link(M,F,[self()|As]),
+%% ?debug("wse process ~w:~w/~w, started, pid=~p\n", [M,F,length(As),_Pid]),
+%% S0;
+%%handle_mesg({register,Name},_Socket,S0) ->
+%% ?debug("register ~p\n", [Name]),
+%% try register(Name,self()) of
+%% true -> S0
+%% catch
+%% error:Reason ->
+%% ?info("register of ~p failed : ~s\n", [Name, Reason]),
+%% S0
+%% end;
+%%handle_mesg({unregister}, _Socket, S0) ->
+%% case process_info(self(), registered_name) of
+%% [] -> S0;
+%% {registered_name,Name} ->
+%% ?debug("unregister ~p\n", [Name]),
+%% catch (unregister(Name)),
+%% S0
+%% end;
+%%handle_mesg({call,IRef,M,F,As},Socket,S0) ->
+%% %% maybe direct this to gen_server call on spawned processes?
+%% try apply(M,F,As) of
+%% Value ->
+%% Data = ws_encode({reply,IRef,{ok,Value}},S0#s.type),
+%% gen_tcp:send(Socket, ws_make_server_frame(Data,S0#s.type)),
+%% S0
+%% catch
+%% error:Reason ->
+%% Data = ws_encode({reply,IRef,{error,Reason}},S0#s.type),
+%% gen_tcp:send(Socket, ws_make_server_frame(Data,S0#s.type)),
+%% S0
+%% end;
+%%handle_mesg({cast,_IRef,M,F,As},_Socket,S0) ->
+%% %% maybe direct this to gen_server cast on spawned processes?
+%% catch (apply(M,F,As)),
+%% S0;
+%%handle_mesg(_Other, _Socket, S0) ->
+%% ?debug("unknown mesg ~p\n", [_Other]),
+%% S0.
+%%%% Transform a message sent from java script so that
+%%%% {object,N} => {objec,N,resource()}
+%%%% {function,N} => {function,N,resource()}
+%%install_resource_objects(Message, GcTable) ->
+%% install_(Message, GcTable).
+%%install_(X, _GcTable) when is_number(X) -> X;
+%%install_(X, _GcTable) when is_atom(X) -> X;
+%%install_(X, _GcTable) when is_binary(X) -> X;
+%%install_(X, GcTable) when is_list(X) ->
+%% try erlang:io_list_size(X) of
+%% _ -> X
+%% catch
+%% error:_ -> install_list_(X, [], GcTable)
+%% end;
+%%install_({object,ID}, GcTable) when is_integer(ID) ->
+%% ets:insert_new(GcTable, {ID,0}),
+%% ets:update_counter(GcTable,ID,1),
+%% %% _RID is not relly needed so we use ID instead! (still unique)
+%% {resource,_RID,Ref} = resource:notify_when_destroyed(self(),
+%% {collect,ID}),
+%% {object,ID,Ref};
+%%install_(X={object,_}, _GcTable) -> X;
+%%install_(X, GcTable) when is_tuple(X) ->
+%% install_tuple_(size(X), X, [], GcTable).
+%%install_tuple_(0, _X, Acc, _GcTable) ->
+%% list_to_tuple(Acc);
+%%install_tuple_(I, X, Acc, GcTable) ->
+%% Y = install_(element(I,X), GcTable),
+%% install_tuple_(I-1, X, [Y|Acc], GcTable).
+%%install_list_([], Acc, _GcTable) ->
+%% lists:reverse(Acc);
+%%install_list_([H|T], Acc, GcTable) ->
+%% Y = install_(H, GcTable),
+%% install_list_(T, [Y|Acc], GcTable).
+%%start_ping_timer(S0) ->
+%% if is_integer(S0#s.pingInterval),S0#s.pingInterval>0 ->
+%% Ref = erlang:start_timer(S0#s.pingInterval, self(), ping),
+%% S0#s { ping_ref = Ref, ping_data = undefined };
+%% true ->
+%% S0
+%% end.
+%%start_pong_timer(S0) ->
+%% if is_integer(S0#s.pongTimeout),S0#s.pongTimeout>0 ->
+%% Ref = erlang:start_timer(S0#s.pongTimeout, self(), pong),
+%% S0#s { pong_tmr = Ref };
+%% true ->
+%% S0
+%% end.
+%%stop_pong_timer(S0) ->
+%% Tmr = S0#s.pong_tmr,
+%% if is_reference(Tmr) ->
+%% erlang:cancel_timer(Tmr),
+%% receive
+%% {timeout,Tmr,pong} ->
+%% ok
+%% after 0 ->
+%% ok
+%% end,
+%% S0#s { pong_tmr = undefined };
+%% true ->
+%% S0
+%% end.