diff options
3 files changed, 116 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 5cc44bf..04cdfbe 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
# Makefile for the RVI node.
-.PHONY: all deps compile clean rpm rpmclean
+.PHONY: all deps compile clean rpm rpmclean test
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ rpmclean:
./rpm/SOURCES/* \
+test: compile
+ rebar ct
# Create a SOURCES tarball for RPM
rpm_tarball: rpmclean clean
tar czf /tmp/rvi_core-$(VERSION).tgz doc \
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index e49a2bc..c7c93ba 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
alias realpath="python -c 'import os, sys; print os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1])'"
SELF_DIR=$(dirname $(realpath "$0"))
+TOP_DIR=$(dirname $SELF_DIR)
SETUP_GEN=$SELF_DIR/setup_gen # Ulf's kitchen sink setup utility
@@ -93,36 +94,42 @@ if [ -z "${CONFIG_NAME}" ] ; then
-export ERL_LIBS=$PWD/components:$PWD/deps:$ERL_LIBS:$PWD
+export ERL_LIBS=$TOP_DIR/components:$TOP_DIR/deps:
echo "Setting up node $NODE_NAME."
rm -rf $NODE_NAME
-if [ "${build_type}" = "dev" ]
+if [ -z "${setupres}" ]
- echo "RVI Node $NODE_NAME has been setup."
- echo "Launch with $SELF_DIR/ -n $NODE_NAME"
- exit
- echo "Building stand alone release for $NODE_NAME"
- # Copy the newly created config file.
- rm -rf rel/$NODE_NAME
- cp $NODE_NAME/sys.config rel/files/sys.config
- ./rebar generate
- # Rename the release after the node name
- mv rel/rvi_core rel/$NODE_NAME
- echo "Stand alone release for $NODE_NAME created under project "
- echo "root directory's ./rel/$NODE_NAME."
- echo
- echo "Start: ./rel/$NODE_NAME/bin/rvi start"
- echo "Attach console: ./rel/$NODE_NAME/bin/rvi attach"
- echo "Stop: ./rel/$NODE_NAME/bin/rvi stop"
- echo "Start console mode: ./rel/$NODE_NAME/bin/rvi console"
- echo
- echo "Start dev mode: ./ -n $NODE_NAME"
- echo
- echo "./rel/$NODE_NAME can be copied and installed on its destination host."
+ if [ "${build_type}" = "dev" ]
+ then
+ echo "RVI Node $NODE_NAME has been setup."
+ echo "Launch with $SELF_DIR/ -n $NODE_NAME"
+ exit
+ else
+ echo "Building stand alone release for $NODE_NAME"
+ # Copy the newly created config file.
+ rm -rf rel/$NODE_NAME
+ cp $NODE_NAME/sys.config rel/files/sys.config
+ ./rebar generate
+ # Rename the release after the node name
+ mv rel/rvi_core rel/$NODE_NAME
+ echo "Stand alone release for $NODE_NAME created under project "
+ echo "root directory's ./rel/$NODE_NAME."
+ echo
+ echo "Start: ./rel/$NODE_NAME/bin/rvi start"
+ echo "Attach console: ./rel/$NODE_NAME/bin/rvi attach"
+ echo "Stop: ./rel/$NODE_NAME/bin/rvi stop"
+ echo "Start console mode: ./rel/$NODE_NAME/bin/rvi console"
+ echo
+ echo "Start dev mode: ./ -n $NODE_NAME"
+ echo
+ echo "./rel/$NODE_NAME can be copied and installed on its destination host."
+ fi
+ >&2 echo $setupres
+ exit 1
exit 0
diff --git a/test/rvi_core_SUITE.erl b/test/rvi_core_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b1f666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rvi_core_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+%% common_test exports
+ [
+ all/0, groups/0, suite/0,
+ init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
+ init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2
+ ]).
+%% test case exports
+ [
+ test_install_backend_node/1
+ ]).
+all() ->
+ [
+ {group, test_install}
+ ].
+groups() ->
+ [
+ {test_install, [shuffle],
+ [
+ test_install_backend_node
+ ]}
+ ].
+suite() ->
+ [].
+init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ Config.
+end_per_suite(_Config) ->
+ ok.
+init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
+ Config.
+end_per_testcase(_Case, _Config) ->
+ ok.
+%% ======================================================================
+%% Test cases
+%% ======================================================================
+test_install_backend_node(Config) ->
+ ct:log("Current working dir: ~p", [file:get_cwd()]),
+ ct:log("Config = ~p", [Config]),
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ ct:log("PrivDir = ~p", [PrivDir]),
+ in_dir(PrivDir, fun(Cfg) -> install_backend_node_(Cfg) end, Config),
+ ok.
+install_backend_node_(_Config) ->
+ Root = code:lib_dir(rvi_core),
+ Scripts = filename:join(Root, "scripts"),
+ ct:log("Root = ~p", [Root]),
+ Cmd = lists:flatten(
+ Scripts, "/ -d -n backend -c ",
+ Root, "/rvi_backend.config"]),
+ ct:log("Cmd = `~s`", [Cmd]),
+ Res = os:cmd(Cmd),
+ ct:log("install_backend_node/1 -> ~s", [Res]),
+ Res.
+in_dir(D, F, Cfg) ->
+ {ok, Cur} = file:get_cwd(),
+ try
+ ok = file:set_cwd(D),
+ F(Cfg)
+ after
+ file:set_cwd(Cur)
+ end.