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1 files changed, 56 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/components/service_edge/src/service_edge_rpc.erl b/components/service_edge/src/service_edge_rpc.erl
index f8b430f..e1218b3 100644
--- a/components/service_edge/src/service_edge_rpc.erl
+++ b/components/service_edge/src/service_edge_rpc.erl
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ handle_call({rvi, get_available_services, []}, _From, St) ->
%% 13:48:12.943 [debug] service_edge_rpc:local_msg: parameters: [{struct,[{"a","b"}]}]
handle_call({ rvi, handle_local_message,
- [SvcName, TimeoutArg, Parameters | Tail] }, _From, St) ->
+ [SvcName, TimeoutArg, Parameters | Tail] = Args }, _From, St) ->
?debug("service_edge_rpc:local_msg: service_name: ~p", [SvcName]),
?debug("service_edge_rpc:local_msg: timeout: ~p", [TimeoutArg]),
?debug("service_edge_rpc:local_msg: parameters: ~p", [Parameters]),
@@ -455,60 +455,18 @@ handle_call({ rvi, handle_local_message,
%% the messaage to its locally connected service_name service.
?debug("CS = ~p", [lager:pr(CS, rvi_common)]),
- [ok] =
- authorize_rpc:authorize_local_message(
- CS, SvcName, [{service_name, SvcName},
- {timeout, TimeoutArg},
- %% {parameters, Parameters},
- {parameters, Parameters}
- ]),
- %%
- %% Slick but ugly.
- %% If the timeout is more than 24 hrs old when parsed as unix time,
- %% then we are looking at a relative msec timeout. Convert accordingly
- %%
- { Mega, Sec, _Micro } = os:timestamp(),
- Now = Mega * 1000000 + Sec,
- Timeout =
- case TimeoutArg - Now < -86400 of
- true -> %% Relative timeout arg. Convert to unix time msec
- ?debug("service_edge_rpc:local_msg(): Timeout ~p is relative.",
- [TimeoutArg]),
- (Now * 1000) + TimeoutArg;
- false -> %% Absolute timoeut. Convert to unix time msec
- TimeoutArg * 1000
- end,
- %%
- %% Check if this is a local service by trying to resolve its service name.
- %% If successful, just forward it to its service_name.
- %%
- LookupRes = ets:lookup(?SERVICE_TABLE, SvcName),
- ?debug("Service LookupRes = ~p", [LookupRes]),
- case LookupRes of
- [ #service_entry { url = URL } ] -> %% SvcName is local. Forward message
- ?debug("service_edge_rpc:local_msg(): Service is local. Forwarding."),
- log("dispatch to ~s", [URL], CS),
- Res = forward_message_to_local_service(URL,
- SvcName,
- Parameters,
- CS),
- { reply, Res , St};
- _ -> %% SvcName is remote
- %% Ask Schedule the request to resolve the network address
- ?debug("service_edge_rpc:local_msg(): Service is remote. Scheduling."),
- log("schedule message (~s)", [SvcName], CS),
- [ _, TID ] = schedule_rpc:schedule_message(CS,
- SvcName,
- Timeout,
- Parameters),
- { reply, [ok, TID ], St}
+ case authorize_rpc:authorize_local_message(
+ CS, SvcName, [{service_name, SvcName},
+ {timeout, TimeoutArg},
+ %% {parameters, Parameters},
+ {parameters, Parameters}
+ ]) of
+ [ok] ->
+ handle_local_message_(Args, CS, St);
+ [not_found] ->
+ {reply, [not_found], St}
handle_call(Other, _From, St) ->
?warning("service_edge_rpc:handle_call(~p): unknown", [ Other ]),
{ reply, [ invalid_command ], St}.
@@ -594,6 +552,51 @@ terminate(_Reason, _St) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, St, _Extra) ->
{ok, St}.
+handle_local_message_([SvcName, TimeoutArg, Parameters | Tail], CS, St) ->
+ %%
+ %% Slick but ugly.
+ %% If the timeout is more than 24 hrs old when parsed as unix time,
+ %% then we are looking at a relative msec timeout. Convert accordingly
+ %%
+ { Mega, Sec, _Micro } = os:timestamp(),
+ Now = Mega * 1000000 + Sec,
+ Timeout =
+ case TimeoutArg - Now < -86400 of
+ true -> %% Relative timeout arg. Convert to unix time msec
+ ?debug("service_edge_rpc:local_msg(): Timeout ~p is relative.",
+ [TimeoutArg]),
+ (Now * 1000) + TimeoutArg;
+ false -> %% Absolute timoeut. Convert to unix time msec
+ TimeoutArg * 1000
+ end,
+ %%
+ %% Check if this is a local service by trying to resolve its service name.
+ %% If successful, just forward it to its service_name.
+ %%
+ LookupRes = ets:lookup(?SERVICE_TABLE, SvcName),
+ ?debug("Service LookupRes = ~p", [LookupRes]),
+ case LookupRes of
+ [ #service_entry { url = URL } ] -> %% SvcName is local. Forward message
+ ?debug("service_edge_rpc:local_msg(): Service is local. Forwarding."),
+ log("dispatch to ~s", [URL], CS),
+ Res = forward_message_to_local_service(URL,
+ SvcName,
+ Parameters,
+ CS),
+ { reply, Res , St};
+ _ -> %% SvcName is remote
+ %% Ask Schedule the request to resolve the network address
+ ?debug("service_edge_rpc:local_msg(): Service is remote. Scheduling."),
+ log("schedule message (~s)", [SvcName], CS),
+ [ _, TID ] = schedule_rpc:schedule_message(CS,
+ SvcName,
+ Timeout,
+ Parameters),
+ { reply, [ok, TID ], St}
+ end.
json_rpc_notification(Method, Parameters) ->