path: root/components/rvi_common/src/rvi_common.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'components/rvi_common/src/rvi_common.erl')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/components/rvi_common/src/rvi_common.erl b/components/rvi_common/src/rvi_common.erl
index 8028917..39beabf 100644
--- a/components/rvi_common/src/rvi_common.erl
+++ b/components/rvi_common/src/rvi_common.erl
@@ -219,6 +219,13 @@ notification(Component,
InArg = [ Val || { _Key, Val } <- InArgPropList ],
InArgSpec = [ Key || { Key, _Val } <- InArgPropList ],
%% Figure out how we are to invoke this MFA.
+ ?debug("~p:notification(", [?MODULE]),
+ ?debug(" Component : ~p", [Component]),
+ ?debug(" Module : ~p", [Module]),
+ ?debug(" Function : ~p", [Function]),
+ ?debug(" InArgPropList : ~p", [InArgPropList]),
+ ?debug(" CompSpec : ~p", [CompSpec]),
case get_module_type(Component, Module, CompSpec) of
%% We have a gen_server
{ ok, gen_server } ->
@@ -233,6 +240,11 @@ notification(Component,
JSONArg = json_argument(InArg, InArgSpec),
?debug("Sending ~p:~p(~p) -> ~p.", [Module, Function, InArg, JSONArg]),
send_json_notification(URL, atom_to_list(Function), JSONArg),
+ ok;
+ { error, _ } = Error ->
+ ?warning("get_module_type(~p,~p,~p) -> ~p",
+ [Component, Module, CompSpec, Error]),
+ %% ignore
@@ -331,20 +343,27 @@ get_json_element_([], JSON) ->
get_json_element_([Elem | T], JSON ) when is_atom(Elem) ->
get_json_element_([atom_to_list(Elem) | T], JSON);
-get_json_element_([Elem | T], {struct, JSON} ) ->
- Res = get_json_element_(T, proplists:get_value(Elem, JSON, undefined)),
- Res;
-get_json_element_([Elem | T], {array, JSON} ) ->
- Res = get_json_element_(T, proplists:get_value(Elem, JSON, undefined)),
- Res;
+get_json_element_([Elem | T], {Type, JSON} ) when Type==array; Type==struct ->
+ case Elem of
+ {'OR', Alts} ->
+ get_json_element_(T, get_json_element_alt(Alts, JSON));
+ _ ->
+ get_json_element_(T, proplists:get_value(Elem, JSON, undefined))
+ end;
get_json_element_(Path,JSON) ->
?warning("get_json_element_(): Unhandled: Path: ~p | JSON: ~p",
[Path, JSON]),
{ error, undefined }.
+get_json_element_alt(Alts, [{K, V}|T]) ->
+ case lists:member(K, Alts) of
+ true -> V;
+ false -> get_json_element_alt(Alts, T)
+ end;
+get_json_element_alt(_, []) ->
+ undefined.
json_reply(ArgList, JSON) ->
retrieve_json_reply_elements(ArgList, JSON, []).