path: root/deps/gsms/src/gsms_plivo_sim.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/gsms/src/gsms_plivo_sim.erl')
1 files changed, 353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/gsms/src/gsms_plivo_sim.erl b/deps/gsms/src/gsms_plivo_sim.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a202267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/gsms/src/gsms_plivo_sim.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+ handle_call/3,
+ handle_cast/2,
+ handle_info/2,
+ terminate/2,
+ code_change/3]).
+-define(DEFAULT_PORT, 9100).
+%% TODO: A bunch of duplication in the records. Should be cleaned up.
+%% TODO: Should be enough with one HTTP server instance serving all accts.
+-record(service, {acct,
+ type,
+ uri,
+ conn_opts = [],
+ numbers = [],
+ auth_token,
+ auth_string,
+ pid}).
+-record(st, {services = [],
+ server,
+ opts,
+ notify = []}).
+-record(server, {parent}).
+-define(mandatory, '$mandatory').
+test() ->
+ application:ensure_all_started(gsms),
+ start_link([{services, [{plivo, [{type, plivo_sim},
+ {port, 9100},
+ {uri, "http://localhost:9100"},
+ {account, "myacct"},
+ {auth, "myauth"}
+ ]}
+ ]}
+ ]).
+simtest() ->
+ application:ensure_all_started(gsms),
+ start_link([{port, 9100},
+ {services,
+ [{s1, [{type, plivo_sim},
+ {numbers, ["111"]},
+ {uri, "http://localhost:9200"},
+ {account, "acct1"},
+ {auth, "auth1"}]},
+ {s2, [{type, plivo_sim},
+ {numbers, ["222"]},
+ {uri, "http://localhost:9300"},
+ {account, "acct2"},
+ {auth, "auth2"}]}]}]).
+start_link(Opts) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(reg_name, 1, Opts) of
+ false ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, Opts, []);
+ {_, Name} when is_tuple(Name) ->
+ gen_server:start_link(Name, ?MODULE, Opts, [])
+ end.
+send_message(Opts, Body) ->
+ call(?MODULE, {send_message, Opts, Body}).
+send_message(Server, Opts, Body) ->
+ call(Server, {send_message, Opts, Body}).
+init(Opts) ->
+ {ok, Pid} = start_server(Opts),
+ S0 = #st{server = Pid, opts = Opts},
+ S = case lists:keyfind(services, 1, Opts) of
+ false -> S0#st{server = Pid};
+ {_, Svcs} ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun({Svc, SvcOpts}, Sx) ->
+ {_, Sx1} = do_add_service(Svc, SvcOpts, Sx),
+ Sx1
+ end, S0, Svcs)
+ end,
+ {ok, S}.
+handle_call({send_message, Opts, Body}, _From, S) ->
+ %% We should really queue the message for delivery, then send a notification
+ case message_params(Opts, Body, S) of
+ {UUID, URI, Token, Params} ->
+ S1 = maybe_notify(Opts, UUID, S),
+ self() ! {message_sent, UUID, Params},
+ try Res = do_send_message(URI, UUID, Token, Params),
+ {reply, Res, S1}
+ catch
+ error:Reason ->
+ {reply, {error, Reason}, S}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ {reply, {error, not_found}, S}
+ end;
+handle_call({add_service, Svc, Opts}, _From, S) ->
+ {Reply, S1} = do_add_service(Svc, Opts, S),
+ {reply, Reply, S1};
+handle_call({authorize,AuthStr}, _, #st{services = Svcs} = S) ->
+ {reply, lists:keyfind(AuthStr, #service.auth_string, Svcs), S};
+handle_call(_Req, _From, S) ->
+ {reply, {error, badarg}, S}.
+handle_cast(_Msg, S) ->
+ {noreply, S}.
+handle_info({Evt, UUID, _Params} = Msg, #st{notify = Nfy} = S)
+ when Evt == message_sent; Evt == message_delivered ->
+ Found = [N || {E, ID, _} = N <- Nfy,
+ E == Evt andalso ID == UUID],
+ [notify(Msg, Num, S) || {_, _, Num} <- Found],
+ {noreply, S#st{notify = Nfy -- Found}};
+handle_info(_Msg, S) ->
+ {noreply, S}.
+terminate(_Reason, _S) ->
+ ok.
+code_change(_FromVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+call(Server, Req) ->
+ gen_server:call(Server, Req).
+ask_authorize(Pid, AuthStr) ->
+ call(Pid, {authorize, AuthStr}).
+auth_service([#service{conn_opts = Opts}|T], Acct, Token) ->
+ case lists:member({account,Acct}, Opts) of
+ true ->
+ lists:member({auth, Token}, Opts);
+ false ->
+ auth_service(T, Acct, Token)
+ end;
+auth_service([], _, _) ->
+ false.
+maybe_notify(Opts, UUID, #st{notify = Nfy} = S) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(notify, 1, Opts) of
+ false ->
+ S;
+ {_, Number, Tags} ->
+ S#st{notify = [{Tag, UUID, Number} || Tag <- Tags] ++ Nfy}
+ end.
+notify({Event, UUID, Params0}, Number, S) ->
+ case find_service(Number, S) of
+ #service{uri = URI, auth_token = Token} ->
+ Params =
+ [{"Status", status(Event)},
+ {"ParentMessageUUID", UUID},
+ {"PartInfo", "1 of 1"} | Params0],
+ do_send_message(URI, UUID, Token, Params);
+ false ->
+ ignore
+ end.
+status(message_sent ) -> "sent";
+status(message_delivered) -> "delivered".
+message_params(Opts, Body, #st{} = S) ->
+ [From, To, UUID] = [gsms_lib:get_opt(K, Opts, Def)
+ || {K, Def} <- [{from, ?mandatory},
+ {to, ?mandatory},
+ {uuid, fun gsms_plivo:uuid/0}]],
+ case find_service(To, S) of
+ #service{uri = URI, auth_token = Token} ->
+ Params = [
+ {"To", no_plus(To)},
+ {"From", no_plus(From)},
+ {"TotalRate", 0.0},
+ {"Units", 1},
+ {"Text", Body},
+ {"TotalAmount", 0.0},
+ {"Type", "sms"},
+ {"MessageUUID", UUID}
+ ],
+ {UUID, URI, Token, Params};
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+find_service(Number, #st{services = Svcs}) ->
+ case [Svc1 || #service{numbers = Ns} = Svc1 <- Svcs,
+ lists:member(Number, Ns)] of
+ [#service{} = Svc|_] ->
+ Svc;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+no_plus([$+|Num]) -> Num;
+no_plus(Num ) -> Num.
+do_send_message(URI, UUID, Token, Params) ->
+ Sig = gsms_plivo:signature(URI, Params, Token),
+ Hs = headers(Sig),
+ Result = exo_http:wpost(URI, Hs, Params),
+ io:fwrite("wpost result = ~p~n", [Result]),
+ self() ! {message_delivered, UUID, Params},
+ {ok, UUID}.
+headers(Sig) ->
+ [{'Content-Type', "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
+ {'Accept-Encoding', "gzip, deflate"},
+ {"X-Plivo-Signature", Sig}].
+do_add_service(_Svc, Opts, S) ->
+ [Type, ConnOpts, Numbers, Acct, URI, Auth] =
+ [gsms_lib:get_opt(K, Opts, Def)
+ || {K, Def} <- [{type, plivo_sim},
+ {connection, []},
+ {numbers, []},
+ {account, ?mandatory},
+ {uri, ?mandatory},
+ {auth, ?mandatory}]],
+ AuthStr = exo_http:auth_basic_encode(Acct, Auth),
+ SvcRec = #service{type = Type,
+ conn_opts = ConnOpts,
+ numbers = [no_plus(N) || N <- Numbers],
+ acct = Acct,
+ uri = URI,
+ auth_token = Auth,
+ auth_string = AuthStr},
+ {ok, S#st{services = [SvcRec |]}}.
+start_server(Opts) ->
+ Port = gsms_lib:get_opt(port, Opts, ?DEFAULT_PORT),
+ Srv = #server{parent = self()},
+ exo_http_server:start_link(Port, [{request_handler,
+ {?MODULE, handle_body, [Srv]}}]).
+handle_body(Socket, Request, Body, #server{parent = P}) ->
+ ?debug("Path = ~p~nBody = ~p~n",
+ [(Request#http_request.uri)#url.path, Body]),
+ case check_auth(Request, P) of
+ false ->
+ response(Socket, authentication_failed, "");
+ #service{acct = Acct, auth_token = AuthTok, uri = URI} ->
+ handle_body_(Socket, Request, Body, Acct, AuthTok, URI, P)
+ end.
+handle_body_(Socket, Request, Body, Acct, AuthTok, URI, P) ->
+ case valid_request(Request, Acct) of
+ false ->
+ response(Socket, authentication_failed, "");
+ "Message" ->
+ ?debug("handle_body(_, ~p, ~p, _)~n", [Request, Body]),
+ try exo_json:decode_string(binary_to_list(Body)) of
+ {ok, {struct, Result}} ->
+ ?debug("Decoded = ~p~n", [Result]),
+ {_, Src} = lists:keyfind("src", 1, Result),
+ {_, Dest} = lists:keyfind("dst", 1, Result),
+ {_, Text} = lists:keyfind("text", 1, Result),
+ gsms_router:input_from(Src, Text),
+ UUID = gsms_plivo:uuid(),
+ API_id = gsms_plivo:uuid(),
+ Struct = {struct,
+ [{"api_id", API_id},
+ {"message","message(s) queued"},
+ {"message_uuid", UUID},
+ {"api_id", API_id}]},
+ JSON = to_json(Struct),
+ send_message(P, [{from, Src},
+ {to, Dest},
+ {uuid, UUID},
+ {notify, Src, [message_sent,
+ message_delivered]}],
+ Text),
+ response(Socket, ok, JSON,
+ response_headers(URI, Struct, AuthTok))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ response(Socket, server_error, "")
+ end
+ end.
+check_auth(Request, P) ->
+ case get_basic_auth(Request) of
+ false -> false;
+ AuthStr ->
+ case ask_authorize(P, AuthStr) of
+ false -> false;
+ Auth -> Auth
+ end
+ end.
+to_json(Struct) ->
+ exo_json:encode(Struct).
+valid_request(#http_request{uri = #url{path = Path}}, Acct) ->
+ case filename:split(Path) of
+ ["/", "v1","Account",Acct,"Message"] ->
+ "Message";
+ _Split ->
+ io:fwrite("unrecognized: ~p~n", [_Split]),
+ false
+ end.
+get_basic_auth(#http_request{headers = #http_chdr{
+ authorization = "Basic " ++ Auth}}) ->
+ Auth;
+get_basic_auth(_) ->
+ false.
+response(Socket, Res, Body) ->
+ response(Socket, Res, Body, [{"Date", gsms_plivo:http_date()}]).
+response(Socket, Res, Body, Hdrs) ->
+ Opts = [{content_type, "application/json"} | Hdrs],
+ {Code, _} = lists:keyfind(Res, 2, responses()),
+ exo_http_server:response(Socket, undefined, Code,
+ atom_to_list(Res), Body, Opts).
+response_headers(URI, Params, Token) ->
+ [{"Date", gsms_plivo:http_date()},
+ {"X-Plivo-Signature", gsms_plivo:signature(URI, Params, Token)}].
+responses() ->
+ [{200, ok},
+ {201, resource_created},
+ {202, resource_changed},
+ {204, resource_deleted},
+ {400, parameter_missing}, % ... or invalid
+ {401, authentication_failed},
+ {404, resource_not_found},
+ {405, method_not_allowed},
+ {500, server_error}].
+args(send_message) ->
+ [{"src" , string, mandatory},
+ {"dst" , string, mandatory},
+ {"text" , string, mandatory},
+ {"type" , string, optional, "sms"},
+ {"url" , string, optional, ""},
+ {"method", string, optional, "POST"},
+ {"log" , boolean, optional, true}].