path: root/deps/jsx/
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+# jsx (v2.7.0) #
+an erlang application for consuming, producing and manipulating [json][json].
+inspired by [yajl][yajl]
+**jsx** is built via [rebar][rebar] and continuous integration testing provided courtesy [travis-ci][travis]
+current status: [![Build Status](](
+**jsx** is released under the terms of the [MIT][MIT] license
+copyright 2010-2015 alisdair sullivan
+## really important note ##
+there are a few changes for users upgrading from 1.x. see [](
+for the overview or [migrating from 1.x](#migrating) for the details
+## index ##
+* [quickstart](#quickstart)
+* [description](#description)
+ - [migrating from 1.x](#migrating)
+ - [json <-> erlang mapping](#json---erlang-mapping)
+ - [incomplete input](#incomplete-input)
+* [data types](#data-types)
+ - [`json_term()`](#json_term)
+ - [`json_text()`](#json_text)
+ - [`event()`](#event)
+ - [`option()`](#option)
+* [exports](#exports)
+ - [`encoder/3`, `decoder/3` & `parser/3`](#encoder3-decoder3--parser3)
+ - [`decode/1,2`](#decode12)
+ - [`encode/1,2`](#encode12)
+ - [`format/1,2`](#format12)
+ - [`minify/1`](#minify1)
+ - [`prettify/1`](#prettify1)
+ - [`is_json/1,2`](#is_json12)
+ - [`is_term/1,2`](#is_term12)
+ - [`maps_support/0`](#maps_support0)
+* [callback exports](#callback_exports)
+ - [`Module:init/1`](#moduleinit1)
+ - [`Module:handle_event/2`](#modulehandle_event2)
+* [acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)
+## quickstart ##
+#### to build the library and run tests ####
+$ rebar compile
+$ rebar eunit
+#### to convert a utf8 binary containing a json string into an erlang term ####
+1> jsx:decode(<<"{\"library\": \"jsx\", \"awesome\": true}">>).
+2> jsx:decode(<<"{\"library\": \"jsx\", \"awesome\": true}">>, [return_maps]).
+#{<<"awesome">> => true,<<"library">> => <<"jsx">>}
+3> jsx:decode(<<"[\"a\",\"list\",\"of\",\"words\"]">>).
+[<<"a">>, <<"list">>, <<"of">>, <<"words">>]
+#### to convert an erlang term into a utf8 binary containing a json string ####
+1> jsx:encode([{<<"library">>,<<"jsx">>},{<<"awesome">>,true}]).
+<<"{\"library\": \"jsx\", \"awesome\": true}">>
+2> jsx:encode(#{<<"library">> => <<"jsx">>, <<"awesome">> => true}).
+3> jsx:encode([<<"a">>, <<"list">>, <<"of">>, <<"words">>]).
+#### to check if a binary or a term is valid json ####
+1> jsx:is_json(<<"[\"this is json\"]">>).
+2> jsx:is_json("[\"this is not\"]").
+3> jsx:is_term([<<"this is a term">>]).
+4> jsx:is_term([this, is, not]).
+#### to minify some json ####
+1> jsx:minify(<<"{
+ \"a list\": [
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3
+ ]
+<<"{\"a list\":[1,2,3]}">>
+#### to prettify some json ####
+1> jsx:prettify(<<"{\"a list\":[1,2,3]}">>).
+ \"a list\": [
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3
+ ]
+## description ##
+**jsx** is an erlang application for consuming, producing and manipulating
+**jsx** follows the json [spec][rfc4627] as closely as possible with allowances for
+real world usage
+**jsx** is pragmatic. the json spec allows extensions so **jsx** extends the spec in a
+number of ways. see the section on `strict` in [options](#option) below though
+json has no official comments but this parser allows c/c++ style comments.
+anywhere whitespace is allowed you can insert comments (both `// ...` and `/* ... */`)
+some particularly irresponsible json emitters leave trailing commas at the end of
+objects or arrays. **jsx** allows a single trailing comma in input. multiple commas
+in any posistion or a preceding comma are still errors
+all **jsx** decoder input should be `utf8` encoded binaries. sometimes you get binaries
+that are almost but not quite valid utf8 whether due to improper escaping or poor
+encoding. **jsx** replaces invalid codepoints and poorly formed sequences with the
+unicode replacement character (`u+FFFD`) but does it's best to return something
+json only allows keys and strings to be delimited by double quotes (`u+0022`) but
+javascript allows them to be delimited by single quotes (`u+0027`) as well. **jsx**
+follows javascript in this. strings that start with single quotes can contain double
+quotes but must end with single quotes and must escape any single quotes they contain
+json and **jsx** only recognize escape sequences as outlined in the json spec. it just
+ignores bad escape sequences leaving them in strings unaltered
+### migrating from 1.x ###
+if you're migrating from jsx v1.x to v2.x in most cases you won't need to
+make any changes to your code
+support for encoding otp 17.0's new map type is now enabled by default when compiling
+via rebar for any release that supports them. jsx should still compile cleanly for
+earlier releases without any user intervention. if you'd like to disable maps you can
+either set the env variable `JSX_NOMAPS` or by uncommenting the applicable tuple in
+if you used any of `replaced_bad_utf8`, `single_quoted_strings`, `comments`,
+`ignored_bad_escapes` or `relax` you can simply omit them from your calls to jsx,
+they are all enabled by default now. if you want stricter parsing see the new
+[`strict` options](#option) available
+if you were using jsx to parse partial json using it's streaming features it is now
+disabled by default. you'll need to pass the `stream` option to calls to jsx functions
+to reenable it
+support for `pre_encode` and `post_decode` has been removed. they were fragile and hard
+to understand and they prevented evolution of the encoding and decoding code
+### json &lt;-> erlang mapping ###
+**json** | **erlang**
+`number` | `integer()` and `float()`
+`string` | `binary()` and `atom()`
+`true`, `false` and `null` | `true`, `false` and `null`
+`array` | `[]` and `[JSON]`
+`object` | `#{}`, `[{}]` and `[{binary() OR atom() OR integer(), JSON}]`
+see below | `datetime()`
+* numbers
+ javascript and thus json represent all numeric values with floats. there's no
+ reason for erlang -- a language that supports arbitrarily large integers -- to
+ restrict all numbers to the ieee754 range
+ whenever possible, **jsx** will interpret json numbers that look like integers as
+ integers. other numbers will be converted to erlang's floating point type, which
+ is nearly but not quite iee754. negative zero is not representable in erlang (zero
+ is unsigned in erlang and `0` is equivalent to `-0`) and will be interpreted as
+ regular zero. numbers not representable are beyond the concern of this implementation,
+ and will result in parsing errors
+ when converting from erlang to json, floats are represented with their
+ shortest representation that will round trip without loss of precision. this
+ means that some floats may be superficially dissimilar (although
+ functionally equivalent). for example, `1.0000000000000001` will be
+ represented by `1.0`
+* strings
+ json strings must be unicode encoded binaries or erlang atoms. in practice,
+ because **jsx** only accepts `utf8` binaries all binary strings must be `utf8`.
+ in addition to being unicode json strings restrict a number of codepoints and
+ define a number of escape sequences
+ json string escapes of the form `\uXXXX` will be converted to their
+ equivalent codepoints during parsing. this means control characters and
+ other codepoints disallowed by the json spec may be encountered in resulting
+ strings. the utf8 restriction means the surrogates are explicitly disallowed.
+ if a string contains escaped surrogates (`u+d800` to `u+dfff`) they are
+ interpreted but only when they form valid surrogate pairs. surrogates
+ encountered otherwise are replaced with the replacement codepoint (`u+fffd`)
+ all erlang strings are represented by **valid** `utf8` encoded binaries. the
+ encoder will check strings for conformance. badly formed `utf8` sequences may
+ be replaced with the replacement codepoint (`u+fffd`) according to the unicode
+ spec
+ this implementation performs no normalization on strings beyond that
+ detailed here. be careful when comparing strings as equivalent strings
+ may have different `utf8` encodings
+* true, false and null
+ the json primitives `true`, `false` and `null` are represented by the
+ erlang atoms `true`, `false` and `null`. surprise
+* arrays
+ json arrays are represented with erlang lists of json values as described
+ in this section
+* objects
+ json objects are represented by erlang proplists. json maps may also be
+ encoded to json and optionally decoded to maps (via the `return_maps`
+ option)
+ the empty object has the special representation `[{}]` to differentiate it
+ from the empty list. ambiguities like `[true, false]` prevent the use of
+ the shorthand form of property lists using atoms as properties so all
+ properties must be tuples. all keys must be encoded as in `string` or as
+ atoms or integers (which will be escaped and converted to binaries for
+ presentation to handlers). values should be valid json values. repeated
+ keys are tolerated in json text decoded to erlang terms but are not allowed
+ in erlang terms encoded to json
+* datetime
+ erlang datetime tuples (`{{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Min, Sec}}`) as returned
+ from `erlang:localtime/0` are automatically encoded as [iso8601][iso8601]
+ strings and are assumed to be UTC time. no conversion is attempted of json [iso8601][iso8601] strings in decoded json
+### incomplete input ###
+**jsx** can handle incomplete json texts. if the option `stream` is passed to the decoder
+or parser and if a partial json text is parsed, rather than returning a term from
+your callback handler, **jsx** returns `{incomplete, F}` where `F` is a function with
+an identical API to the anonymous fun returned from `decoder/3`, `encoder/3` or
+`parser/3`. it retains the internal state of the parser at the point where input
+was exhausted. this allows you to parse as you stream json over a socket or file
+descriptor, or to parse large json texts without needing to keep them entirely in
+however, it is important to recognize that **jsx** is conservative by default. **jsx** will
+not consider the parsing complete even when input is exhausted and the json text is
+unambiguously incomplete. to end parsing call the `incomplete` function with the
+argument `end_stream` (or `end_json`) like:
+1> {incomplete, F} = jsx:decode(<<"[">>, [stream]).
+2> F(end_stream). % can also be `F(end_json)`
+** exception error: bad argument
+3> {incomplete, G} = F(<<"]">>).
+4> G(end_stream). % can also be `G(end_json)`
+## data types ##
+#### `json_term()` ####
+json_term() = [json_term()]
+ | [{binary() | atom() | integer(), json_term()}]
+ | #{} % map of any size, not just the empty map
+ | true
+ | false
+ | null
+ | integer()
+ | float()
+ | binary()
+ | atom()
+ | datetime()
+the erlang representation of json. binaries should be `utf8` encoded, or close
+at least
+#### `json_text()` ####
+json_text() = binary()
+a utf8 encoded binary containing a json string
+#### `event()` ####
+event() = start_object
+ | end_object
+ | start_array
+ | end_array
+ | {key, binary()}
+ | {string, binary()}
+ | {integer, integer()}
+ | {float, float()}
+ | {literal, true}
+ | {literal, false}
+ | {literal, null}
+ | end_json
+the subset of [`token()`](#token) emitted by the decoder and encoder to handlers
+#### `option()` ####
+option() = dirty_strings
+ | escaped_forward_slashes
+ | escaped_strings
+ | repeat_keys
+ | stream
+ | strict
+ | {strict, [strict_option()]}
+ | return_tail
+ | uescape
+ | unescaped_jsonp
+strict_option() = comments
+ | trailing_commas
+ | utf8
+ | single_quotes
+ | escapes
+**jsx** functions all take a common set of options. not all flags have meaning
+in all contexts, but they are always valid options. functions may have
+additional options beyond these. see
+[individual function documentation](#exports) for details
+- `dirty_strings`
+ json escaping is lossy; it mutates the json string and repeated application
+ can result in unwanted behaviour. if your strings are already escaped (or
+ you'd like to force invalid strings into "json" you monster) use this flag
+ to bypass escaping. this can also be used to read in **really** invalid json
+ strings. everything between unescaped quotes are passed as is to the resulting
+ string term. note that this takes precedence over any other options
+- `escaped_forward_slashes`
+ json strings are escaped according to the json spec. this means forward
+ slashes (solidus) are only escaped when this flag is present. otherwise they
+ are left unescaped. you may want to use this if you are embedding json
+ directly into a html or xml document
+- `escaped_strings`
+ by default both the encoder and decoder return strings as utf8 binaries
+ appropriate for use in erlang. escape sequences that were present in decoded
+ terms are converted into the appropriate codepoint while encoded terms are
+ unaltered. this flag escapes strings as if for output in json, removing
+ control codes and problematic codepoints and replacing them with the
+ appropriate escapes
+- `stream`
+ see [incomplete input](#incomplete-input)
+- `strict`
+ as mentioned [earlier](#description), **jsx** is pragmatic. if you're more of a
+ json purist or you're really into bdsm stricter adherence to the spec is
+ possible. the following restrictions are available
+ * `comments`
+ comments are disabled and result in a `badarg` error
+ * `trailing_commas`
+ trailing commas in an object or list result in `badarg` errors
+ * `utf8`
+ invalid codepoints and malformed unicode result in `badarg` errors
+ * `single_quotes`
+ only keys and strings delimited by double quotes (`u+0022`) are allowed. the
+ single quote (`u+0027`) results in a `badarg` error
+ * `escapes`
+ escape sequences not adhering to the json spec result in a `badarg` error
+ any combination of these can be passed to **jsx** by using `{strict, [strict_option()]}`.
+ `strict` is equivalent to `{strict, [comments, bad_utf8, single_quotes, escapes]}`
+- `return_tail`
+ upon reaching the end of a valid json term in an input stream return the term and any
+ remaining bytes in the input stream as `{with_tail, term(), binary()}` where the second
+ member of the tuple is the json term and the third is any remaining bytes. note that
+ leading whitespace will be stripped from the tail
+- `uescape`
+ escape all codepoints outside the ascii range for 7 bit clean output. note
+ this escaping takes place even if no other string escaping is requested (via
+ `escaped_strings`)
+- `unescaped_jsonp`
+ javascript interpreters treat the codepoints `u+2028` and `u+2029` as
+ significant whitespace. json strings that contain either of these codepoints
+ will be parsed incorrectly by some javascript interpreters. by default,
+ these codepoints are escaped (to `\u2028` and `\u2029`, respectively) to
+ retain compatibility. this option simply removes that escaping
+## exports ##
+#### `encoder/3`, `decoder/3` & `parser/3` ####
+decoder(Module, Args, Opts) -> Fun((JSONText) -> any())
+encoder(Module, Args, Opts) -> Fun((JSONTerm) -> any())
+parser(Module, Args, Opts) -> Fun((Tokens) -> any())
+ Module = atom()
+ Args = any()
+ Opts = [option()]
+ JSONText = json_text()
+ JSONTerm = json_term()
+ Tokens = event() | [event()]
+**jsx** is a json compiler with interleaved tokenizing, syntactic analysis and
+semantic analysis stages. included are two tokenizers; one that handles json
+texts (`decoder/3`) and one that handles erlang terms (`encoder/3`). there is
+also an entry point to the syntactic analysis stage for use with user-defined
+tokenizers (`parser/3`)
+all three functions return an anonymous function that takes the appropriate type
+of input and returns the result of performing semantic analysis, the tuple
+`{incomplete, F}` where `F` is a new anonymous function (see
+[incomplete input](#incomplete_input)) or a `badarg` error exception if
+syntactic analysis fails
+`Module` is the name of the callback module
+`Args` is any term that will be passed to `Module:init/1` prior to syntactic
+analysis to produce an initial state
+`Opts` are detailed [here](#option)
+check out [callback module documentation](#callback_exports) for details of
+the callback module interface
+#### `decode/1,2` ####
+decode(JSON) -> Term
+decode(JSON, Opts) -> Term
+ JSON = json_text()
+ Term = json_term()
+ Opts = [option() | labels | {labels, Label} | return_maps]
+ Label = binary | atom | existing_atom | attempt_atom
+ F = fun((any()) -> any())
+`decode` parses a json text (a `utf8` encoded binary) and produces an erlang
+the option `labels` controls how keys are converted from json to
+erlang terms. `binary` (the default behavior) does no conversion
+beyond normal escaping. `atom` converts keys to erlang atoms and
+results in a `badarg` error if the keys fall outside the range of erlang
+atoms. `existing_atom` is identical to `atom` except it will not add
+new atoms to the atom table and will result in a `badarg` error if the atom
+does not exist. `attempt_atom` will convert keys to atoms when they exist,
+and leave them as binary otherwise
+the option `return_maps` will attempt to return objects as maps instead of
+proplists. this option has no effect when used with releases that do not
+support maps
+raises a `badarg` error exception if input is not valid json
+#### `encode/1,2` ####
+encode(Term) -> JSON
+encode(Term, Opts) -> JSON
+ Term = json_term()
+ JSON = json_text()
+ Opts = [option() | space | {space, N} | indent | {indent, N}]
+ N = pos_integer()
+`encode` converts an erlang term into json text (a `utf8` encoded binary)
+the option `{space, N}` inserts `N` spaces after every comma and colon in your
+json output. `space` is an alias for `{space, 1}`. the default is `{space, 0}`
+the option `{indent, N}` inserts a newline and `N` spaces for each level of
+indentation in your json output. note that this overrides spaces inserted after
+a comma. `indent` is an alias for `{indent, 1}`. the default is `{indent, 0}`
+raises a `badarg` error exception if input is not a valid
+[erlang representation of json](#json---erlang-mapping)
+#### `format/1,2` ####
+format(JSON) -> JSON
+format(JSON, Opts) -> JSON
+ JSON = json_text()
+ Opts = [option() | space | {space, N} | indent | {indent, N}]
+ N = pos_integer()
+`format` parses a json text (a `utf8` encoded binary) and produces a new json
+text according to the format rules specified by `Opts`
+the option `{space, N}` inserts `N` spaces after every comma and colon in your
+json output. `space` is an alias for `{space, 1}`. the default is `{space, 0}`
+the option `{indent, N}` inserts a newline and `N` spaces for each level of
+indentation in your json output. note that this overrides spaces inserted after
+a comma. `indent` is an alias for `{indent, 1}`. the default is `{indent, 0}`
+raises a `badarg` error exception if input is not valid json
+#### `minify/1` ####
+minify(JSON) -> JSON
+ JSON = json_text()
+`minify` parses a json text (a `utf8` encoded binary) and produces a new json
+text stripped of whitespace
+raises a `badarg` error exception if input is not valid json
+#### `prettify/1` ####
+prettify(JSON) -> JSON
+ JSON = json_text()
+`prettify` parses a json text (a `utf8` encoded binary) and produces a new json
+text equivalent to `format(JSON, [{space, 1}, {indent, 2}])`
+raises a `badarg` error exception if input is not valid json
+#### `is_json/1,2` ####
+is_json(MaybeJSON) -> true | false
+is_json(MaybeJSON, Opts) -> true | false
+ MaybeJSON = any()
+ Opts = options()
+returns true if input is a valid json text, false if not
+what exactly constitutes valid json may be [altered](#option)
+#### `is_term/1,2` ####
+is_term(MaybeJSON) -> true | false
+is_term(MaybeJSON, Opts) -> true | false
+ MaybeJSON = any()
+ Opts = options()
+returns true if input is a valid erlang representation of json, false if not
+what exactly constitutes valid json may be altered via [options](#option)
+#### `maps_support/0` ####
+maps_support() -> true | false
+if **jsx** was compiled with map support enabled returns `true`, else
+## callback exports ##
+the following functions should be exported from a **jsx** callback module
+#### `Module:init/1` ####
+Module:init(Args) -> InitialState
+ Args = any()
+ InitialState = any()
+whenever any of `encoder/3`, `decoder/3` or `parser/3` are called, this function
+is called with the `Args` argument provided in the calling function to obtain
+#### `Module:handle_event/2` ####
+Module:handle_event(Event, State) -> NewState
+ Event = [event()]
+ State = any()
+ NewState = any()
+semantic analysis is performed by repeatedly calling `handle_event/2` with a
+stream of events emitted by the tokenizer and the current state. the new state
+returned is used as the input to the next call to `handle_event/2`. the
+following events must be handled:
+- `start_object`
+ the start of a json object
+- `end_object`
+ the end of a json object
+- `start_array`
+ the start of a json array
+- `end_array`
+ the end of a json array
+- `{string, binary()}`
+ a json string. it will usually be a `utf8` encoded binary. see the
+ [options](#option) for possible exceptions. note that keys are also
+ json strings
+- `{integer, integer()}`
+ an erlang integer (bignum)
+- `{float, float()}`
+ an erlang float
+- `{literal, true}`
+ the atom `true`
+- `{literal, false}`
+ the atom `false`
+- `{literal, null}`
+ the atom `null`
+- `end_json`
+ this event is emitted when syntactic analysis is completed. you should
+ do any cleanup and return the result of your semantic analysis
+## acknowledgements ##
+jsx wouldn't be what it is without the contributions of [Paul J. Davis](, [Lloyd Hilaiel](, [John Engelhart](, [Bob Ippolito](, [Brujo Benavides](, [Alex Kropivny](, [Steve Strong](, [Michael Truog](, [Devin Torres](, [fogfish](, [emptytea](, [John Daily](, [Ola Bäckström](, [Joseph Crowe](, [Patrick Gombert](, [Eshengazin S. Kuat](, [Max Lapshin](, [Bikram Chatterjee](, [Michael Uvarov](, [Led]( and [tvv](