path: root/deps/msgpack/test/msgpack_ext_example_tests.erl
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diff --git a/deps/msgpack/test/msgpack_ext_example_tests.erl b/deps/msgpack/test/msgpack_ext_example_tests.erl
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index 0000000..7fa2ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/msgpack/test/msgpack_ext_example_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+%% MessagePack for Erlang
+%% Copyright (C) 2009-2013 UENISHI Kota
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+ext_test() ->
+ Packer = fun({foobar, Me}, _) ->
+ {ok, {12, term_to_binary(Me)}}
+ end,
+ Unpacker = fun(12, Bin) ->
+ {ok, {foobar, binary_to_term(Bin)}}
+ end,
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ Opt = [{ext,{Packer,Unpacker}}],
+ Bin = msgpack:pack({foobar, Ref}, Opt),
+ {ok, {foobar, Ref}} = msgpack:unpack(Bin, Opt).
+uuid_example_test() ->
+ Packer = fun({uuid, UUID}, _) when is_binary(UUID) ->
+ {ok, {42, UUID}}
+ end,
+ Unpacker = fun(42, Bin0) ->
+ {ok, {uuid, Bin0}}
+ end,
+ UUID0 = {uuid, <<221,85,73,226,102,90,82,118,40,26,166,74,52,42,61,207>>},
+ Opt = [{ext,{Packer,Unpacker}}],
+ Bin = msgpack:pack(UUID0, Opt),
+ {ok, UUID0} = msgpack:unpack(Bin, Opt).
+pack_native({native, Term}, _) when is_pid(Term) orelse
+ is_reference(Term) orelse
+ is_port(Term) orelse
+ is_tuple(Term) orelse
+ is_function(Term) ->
+ {ok, {42, term_to_binary(Term)}}.
+unpack_native(42, Bin) ->
+ {ok, {native, binary_to_term(Bin)}}.
+native_test() ->
+ Opt = [{ext, {fun pack_native/2, fun unpack_native/2}}],
+ Term = {native, {self(), make_ref(), foobar, fun() -> ok end}},
+ {ok, Term} = msgpack:unpack(msgpack:pack(Term, Opt), Opt).
+pack_ext(T, O) -> pack_native(T, O).
+unpack_ext(I, B, _) -> unpack_native(I, B).
+behaviour_test() ->
+ Opt = [{ext, ?MODULE}],
+ Term = {native, {self(), make_ref(), foobar, fun() -> ok end}},
+ {ok, Term} = msgpack:unpack(msgpack:pack(Term, Opt), Opt).
+ext_typecode_range_test() ->
+ %% typecode range from msgpack spec. [-128,-1] is the "reserved"
+ %% range, [0,127] is the "user-defined" range.
+ TypecodeMin = -128,
+ TypecodeMax = 127,
+ Packer = fun ({thing, N}, _) ->
+ {ok, {N, msgpack:pack(N)}}
+ end,
+ Unpacker = fun(N, Bin, _) ->
+ Result = msgpack:unpack(Bin),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, N}, Result),
+ Result
+ end,
+ Opt = [{ext,{Packer,Unpacker}}],
+ %% it should be possible to use an uncontroversial ext type code:
+ Enc = msgpack:pack({thing,1}, Opt),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, 1}, msgpack:unpack(Enc, Opt)),
+ %% it should be possible to use ext typecodes covering the entire
+ %% range specified in the msgpack specification:
+ [begin
+ Encoded = msgpack:pack({thing, N}, Opt),
+ Result = msgpack:unpack(Encoded, Opt),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, N}, Result)
+ end || N <- lists:seq(TypecodeMin,TypecodeMax)],
+ %% using codes outside the allowed range should fail:
+ [?assertError({case_clause, _}, msgpack:pack({thing, N}, Opt))
+ || N <- [-129, 128]],
+ ok.