path: root/deps/wse/src/wse_frame_demo.erl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/deps/wse/src/wse_frame_demo.erl b/deps/wse/src/wse_frame_demo.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 279b5b3..0000000
--- a/deps/wse/src/wse_frame_demo.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-%%%---- BEGIN COPYRIGHT -------------------------------------------------------
-%%% Copyright (C) 2007 - 2014, Rogvall Invest AB, <>
-%%% This software is licensed as described in the file COPYRIGHT, which
-%%% you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-%%% are also available at
-%%% You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
-%%% copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
-%%% furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYRIGHT file.
-%%% This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
-%%% KIND, either express or implied.
-%%%---- END COPYRIGHT ---------------------------------------------------------
-%%% @author Tony Rogvall <>
-%%% @copyright (C) 2014, Tony Rogvall
-%%% @doc
-%%% This demo is called directly from web page
-%%% @end
-%%% Created : 24 Apr 2014 by Tony Rogvall <>
-run(Ws, Where) ->
- io:format("frame_demo where=~s: called\n", [Where]),
- case Where of
- "i0" ->
- window_info(Ws, wse:id(Where), [frames]),
- {ok,Frames} = wse:get(Ws, wse:window(), frames),
- io:format("Frames object=~p\n", [Frames]),
- {ok,Length} = wse:get(Ws, Frames, length),
- io:format("#Frames=~p\n", [Length]),
- lists:foreach(
- fun(I) ->
- %% Access frames and ping the wse in each
- {ok,F} = wse:get(Ws, Frames, I),
- io:format("Frame ~w: ~p\n", [I,F]),
- {ok,D} = wse:get(Ws, F, document),
- io:format("Frame Document: ~p\n", [D]),
- {ok,Wse} = wse:get(Ws, F, 'Wse'),
- io:format("Frame Wse: ~p\n", [Wse]),
- {ok,ID} = wse:get(Ws, Wse, id),
- io:format("Frame Wse:\n", [ID]),
- %% wse:cast(Ws, Wse, notify, [120+I, hello_world]),
- ok
- end, lists:seq(0, Length-1)),
- ok;
- _ ->
- window_info(Ws, wse:id(Where), [name,innerHeight,innerWidth]),
- %% sleep short time ?
- timer:sleep(500),
- Target = case Where of
- "i1" -> "w2";
- "i2" -> "w1"
- end,
- io:format("target = ~p\n", [Target]),
- {ok,Wse} = get_wse_frame(Ws, Target),
- %% try send message across to other frames wse endpoint
- case Wse of
- undefined ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- io:format("~s: get info of other system ~p\n",
- [Where,Target]),
- Func = wse:newf(Ws, "wse,iref,value",
- "{ console.debug('frame_demo.reply_fun'); wse.reply(iref,value); }"),
- Call = [lists,reverse,[[1,2,3]],Func],
- io:format("rcall ~p\n", [Call]),
- Ret=wse:rcall(Ws, Wse, call, Call),
- io:format("rcall return = ~p\n", [Ret]),
- %% wse:cast(Ws, Wse, notify, [111, [inter_frame,Where]]),
- ok
- end,
- %% wse:close(Ws, done),
- ok
- end.
-get_wse_frame(Ws, Wid) ->
- {ok,P} = wse:get(Ws, wse:window(), parent), %% p = window.parent,
- io:format("window.parent = ~p\n", [P]),
- {ok,Wse} = wse:get(Ws, P, 'Wse'),
- io:format("window.parent.Wse = ~p\n", [Wse]),
- {ok,WseID} = wse:get(Ws, Wse, id),
- io:format(" = ~p\n", [WseID]),
- {ok,Wse1} = wse:call(Ws, Wse, getWse, [Wid]),
- io:format("Wse1 = ~p\n", [Wse1]),
- {ok,Wse1}.
-all_info(Ws, Where) ->
- screen_info(Ws, wse:id(Where),
- [availHeight, availWidth,colorDepth,
- height, pixelDepth, width ]),
- window_info(Ws, wse:id(Where),
- [closed, innerHeight,innerWidth,length,name,
- outerHeight,outerWidth]),
- navigator_info(Ws, wse:id(Where),
- [appCodeName,appName,appVersion,cookieEnabled,
- language,onLine,platform,product,userAgent]),
- document_info(Ws, wse:id(Where),
- [cookie,docType,inputEncoding,lastModified,
- referrer,domain,baseURI,title,'URL']),
- ok.
-screen_info(Ws, Parent, As=[A|_]) when is_atom(A) ->
- [ info(Ws, wse:screen(), "screen", What, Parent) || What <- As ].
-window_info(Ws, Parent, As=[A|_]) when is_atom(A) ->
- [ info(Ws, wse:window(), "window", What, Parent) || What <- As ].
-navigator_info(Ws, Parent, As=[A|_]) when is_atom(A) ->
- [ info(Ws, wse:navigator(), "navigator", What, Parent) || What <- As ].
-document_info(Ws, Parent, As=[A|_]) when is_atom(A) ->
- [ info(Ws, wse:document(), "document", What, Parent) || What <- As ].
-info(Ws, Object, ObjName, What, Parent) ->
- {ok,Value} = wse:get(Ws, Object, What),
- Text = ObjName++"."++to_text(What)++"="++to_text(Value),
- ElemNode = wse:createElement(Ws, "p"),
- TextNode = wse:createTextNode(Ws, Text),
- wse:appendChild(Ws, ElemNode, TextNode),
- wse:appendChild(Ws, Parent, ElemNode).
-to_text(X) ->
- lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [X])).