path: root/deps/wse/src/wse_table_demo.erl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/deps/wse/src/wse_table_demo.erl b/deps/wse/src/wse_table_demo.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index b1c547f..0000000
--- a/deps/wse/src/wse_table_demo.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-%%%---- BEGIN COPYRIGHT -------------------------------------------------------
-%%% Copyright (C) 2007 - 2014, Rogvall Invest AB, <>
-%%% This software is licensed as described in the file COPYRIGHT, which
-%%% you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-%%% are also available at
-%%% You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
-%%% copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
-%%% furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYRIGHT file.
-%%% This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
-%%% KIND, either express or implied.
-%%%---- END COPYRIGHT ---------------------------------------------------------
-%%% @author Tony Rogvall <>
-%%% @copyright (C) 2014, Tony Rogvall
-%%% @doc
-%%% This demo is called directly from web page
-%%% @end
-%%% Created : 24 Apr 2014 by Tony Rogvall <>
-table_data() ->
- [ ["1111", on, 1],
- ["1112", off, 2],
- ["1113", off, 3],
- ["1114", off, 4],
- ["1115", off, 5]
- ].
-run(Ws, Where) ->
- io:format("table_demo: called\n"),
- Parent = wse:id(Where),
- {Table,TableElems} = make_table(Ws, table_data()),
- wse:set(Ws, Table, "border", "2"),
- wse:appendChild(Ws, Parent, Table),
- update_loop(Ws, TableElems, 1).
-update_loop(Ws, Rs, I) ->
- update_rows(Ws, Rs, 0, I),
- timer:sleep(1000),
- update_loop(Ws, Rs, I+1).
-update_rows(Ws, [{Tr,Tds}|Rs], Ri, I) ->
- {ok,Style} = wse:get(Ws, Tr, "style"),
- case Ri rem 2 of
- 0 -> wse:set(Ws, Style, "backgroundColor", "rgb(0,255,0)");
- 1 -> wse:set(Ws, Style, "backgroundColor", "rgb(255,0,0)")
- end,
- I1 = update_row(Ws, Tds, I),
- update_rows(Ws, Rs, Ri+1, I1);
-update_rows(_Ws, [], _Ri, _I) ->
- ok.
-update_row(Ws, [{_Td,Txt}|Tds], I) ->
- wse:set(Ws, Txt, "nodeValue", integer_to_list(I)),
- update_row(Ws, Tds, I+1);
-update_row(_Ws, [], I) ->
- I.
-%% return:
-%% {Table,[{Tr1,[Td11,Td12,..Td1m1]},
-%% {Tr2,[Td21,Td22,..Td2m1]}
-%% {Trn,[Tdn1,Tn22,..Tdnmn]}]}
-make_table(Ws, TableData) ->
- %% create a table from table data
- Table = wse:createElement(Ws, "table"),
- TBody = wse:createElement(Ws, "tbody"),
- TableElems =
- [ begin
- Tr = wse:createElement(Ws, "tr"),
- R = {Tr, [begin Td = wse:createElement(Ws, "td"),
- Text = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Col])),
- TextNode = wse:createTextNode(Ws, Text),
- wse:appendChild(Ws, Td, TextNode),
- wse:appendChild(Ws, Tr, Td),
- {Td,TextNode}
- end || Col <- Row ]},
- wse:appendChild(Ws, TBody, Tr),
- R
- end || Row <- TableData ],
- wse:appendChild(Ws, Table, TBody),
- {Table, TableElems}.
-info(Ws, Object, ObjName, What, Parent) ->
- {ok,Value} = wse:get(Ws, Object, What),
- Text = ObjName++"."++to_text(What)++"="++to_text(Value),
- ElemNode = wse:createElement(Ws, "p"),
- TextNode = wse:createTextNode(Ws, Text),
- wse:appendChild(Ws, ElemNode, TextNode),
- wse:appendChild(Ws, Parent, ElemNode).
-to_text(X) ->
- lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [X])).