path: root/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
12 files changed, 562 insertions, 900 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/rvi b/scripts/rvi
deleted file mode 100644
index 6683c52..0000000
--- a/scripts/rvi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014, Jaguar Land Rover
-# This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of the
-# Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. The full text of the
-# Mozilla Public License is at
-# Setup a correct configuration and launch an RVI release node.
-# If a UUID file has not been created, it will be done at this time.
-SELF_DIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))
-usage() {
- echo "Usage: $0 -c config_file"
- echo " -c config_file Specify the configuration "
- echo "Configuration data is read from the configuration file."
- exit 1
-while getopts "c:" o; do
- case "${o}" in
- c)
- ;;
- *)
- usage
- ;;
- esac
-if [ -z "${CONFIG_FILE}" ] ; then
- echo "Missing -c flag"
- usage
-# Check if we have a uuid file.
-if [ ! -f ${CONFIG_DIR}/device_id ]
- echo "Creating device ID in ${CONFIG_DIR}/device_id"
- cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid > ${CONFIG_DIR}/device_id
-# Generate a config file that will end up as
-# /tmp/rvi/sys.config
- cd /tmp/
- rm -rf rvi
- export ERL_LIBS=${BIN_DIR}/setup:${BIN_DIR}/lib/
- ${BIN_DIR}/setup_gen rvi $CONFIG_FILE rvi
-# Did we succeed with config generation?
-if [ "$?" != "0" ]
- # Nope
- exit "$?"
-# Copy created config file to /etc/opt/rvi/sys.config,
-# which is symlinked to by /opt/rvi/sys.config
-cp /tmp/rvi/sys.config /etc/opt/rvi/sys.config
-exec /opt/rvi/bin/rvi start
diff --git a/scripts/rvi.service b/scripts/rvi.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 1220eb9..0000000
--- a/scripts/rvi.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# systemd(8) setup usde by Tizen and others.
-Description=Remote Vehicle Interaction Service
-ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/chsmack --access User /home/app/content/Documents/vin
-ExecStartPre=/opt/rvi-0.4.0/erts-5.10.4/bin/epmd -daemon
-ExecStart=/bin/sh /opt/rvi-0.4.0/bin/rvi start
-ExecStop=/bin/sh /opt/rvi-0.4.0/bin/rvi stop
-ExecStopPost=/opt/rvi-0.4.0/erts-5.10.4/bin/epmd -kill
diff --git a/scripts/rvi.service.tizen b/scripts/rvi.service.tizen
deleted file mode 100644
index 1220eb9..0000000
--- a/scripts/rvi.service.tizen
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# systemd(8) setup usde by Tizen and others.
-Description=Remote Vehicle Interaction Service
-ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/chsmack --access User /home/app/content/Documents/vin
-ExecStartPre=/opt/rvi-0.4.0/erts-5.10.4/bin/epmd -daemon
-ExecStart=/bin/sh /opt/rvi-0.4.0/bin/rvi start
-ExecStop=/bin/sh /opt/rvi-0.4.0/bin/rvi stop
-ExecStopPost=/opt/rvi-0.4.0/erts-5.10.4/bin/epmd -kill
diff --git a/scripts/rvi.service.yocto b/scripts/rvi.service.yocto
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ddae5d..0000000
--- a/scripts/rvi.service.yocto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# systemd(8) setup usde by Tizen and others.
-Description=Remote Vehicle Interaction Service
-ExecStartPre=epmd -daemon
-ExecStart=/bin/sh /opt/rvi/ -d /etc/opt/rvi -c /etc/opt/rvi/rvi_yocto.config start
-ExecStop=/bin/sh /opt/rvi/rvi stop
-ExecStopPost=epmd -kill
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 7b69d8d..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014, Jaguar Land Rover
-# Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. The full text of the
-# Mozilla Public License is at
-# Setup a correct configuration and launch an RVI release node.
-# If a UUID file has not been created, it will be done at this time.
-# Init.d script to start and stop an RVI system installed
-# through an RPM.
-SELF_DIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))
-usage() {
- echo "Usage: $0 -d config_dir -c config_file -l log_dir \\"
- echo " start|stop|console|attach|ping"
- echo
- echo " -c config_file Configuration file to launch rvi node with. "
- echo " If omitted the rvi_sample.config in the configuration "
- echo " directory will be used."
- echo
- echo " -s short_name Erlang node short name. Defaults to 'rvi_core'"
- echo
- echo " -C cookie Erlang node cookie to use. Defaults to 'rvi_cookue'"
- echo
- echo " -d config_dir Directory to put generated uuid 'device_id' file and"
- echo " processed config files."
- echo " Defauts to the '/etc/opt/rvi'."
- echo
- echo " -l log_dir The directory to store log files in."
- echo " Defaults to '/tmp/rvi/[config]/log' where [config]"
- echo " is the base name of the configuration file."
- echo
- echo " console [defaut] Start an rvi in foreground mode."
- echo
- echo " start Start an rvi node with the given configuration file."
- echo
- echo " stop Stop an rvi node previously started with 'start'."
- echo
- echo " attach Attach to an rvi node previously started with 'start'."
- echo
- echo " ping Ping to check if an rvi node is up. Returns 0 if up."
- exit 1
-unset LOG_DIR
-while getopts "c:d:l:s:C:" o; do
- case "${o}" in
- s)
- ;;
- c)
- ;;
- C)
- ;;
- d)
- ;;
- l)
- ;;
- *)
- usage
- ;;
- esac
-shift $((${OPTIND}-1))
-if [ "${#}" = "0" ]
- CMD="console"
- CMD=$1
-if [ "${CMD}" != "start" -a "${CMD}" != "attach" -a "${CMD}" != "stop" -a "${CMD}" != "console" -a "${CMD}" != "ping" ]
- usage
-export ERL_LIBS=${SELF_DIR}/rvi_core:${SELF_DIR}/rvi_core/deps:${SELF_DIR}/rvi_core/components
-# Convert config dir to abs path
-if [ $(echo ${CONFIG_DIR} | cut -c 1,1) != "/" ]
-# Check that we have a config dir
-if [ ! -d ${CONFIG_DIR} ]
- install -d --mode=0755 ${CONFIG_DIR}
-# Check if we have a uuid file.
-if [ ! -f ${CONFIG_DIR}/device_id ]
- echo "Creating device ID in ${CONFIG_DIR}/device_id"
- cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid > ${CONFIG_DIR}/device_id
-# See if we need to process a config file
-if [ ${CMD} = "start" -o ${CMD} = "console" ]
- # Default to rvi.config
- CONFIG_FILE=${CONFIG_FILE:=${CONFIG_DIR}/rvi_sample.config}
- #
- # Check if we need to prepend current dir
- # to relative config file path
- #
- if [ $(echo ${CONFIG_FILE} | cut -c 1,1) != "/" ]
- then
- fi
- # Check that config file can be read.
- if [ ! -r "${CONFIG_FILE}" ]
- then
- echo "${CONFIG_FILE} cannot be opened for reading."
- usage
- fi
- #
- # Generate a config file that will end up as
- # /tmp/rvi/sys.config
- #
- (
- cd ${CONFIG_DIR}
- ${SELF_DIR}/scripts/setup_gen rvi ${CONFIG_FILE} rvi
- )
- # Did we succeed with config generation?
- if [ "$?" != "0" ]
- then
- # Nope
- echo "Failed to process configuration file."
- exit "$?"
- fi
-TMP_DIR=/tmp/rvi/$(basename ${CONFIG_FILE} .config)
-if [ $(echo ${LOG_DIR} | cut -c 1,1) != "/" ]
-LAUNCH="${ERL} +A 128 -boot ${CONFIG_DIR}/rvi/start -sname ${SNAME} -config ${CONFIG_DIR}/rvi/sys -setcookie ${COOKIE}"
-case "${CMD}" in
- start)
- install -d --mode 0755 ${TMP_DIR}
- install -d --mode 0755 ${LOG_DIR}
- cd ${SELF_DIR}
- exec run_erl -daemon ${TMP_DIR}/ ${LOG_DIR} "exec ${LAUNCH}"
- ;;
- console)
- cd ${SELF_DIR}
- exec ${LAUNCH}
- ;;
- stop)
- exec ${SELF_DIR}/scripts/nodetool -sname ${SNAME} -setcookie ${COOKIE} stop
- ;;
- ping)
- exec ${SELF_DIR}/scripts/nodetool -sname ${SNAME} -setcookie ${COOKIE} ping
- ;;
- attach)
- exec to_erl ${TMP_DIR}
- ;;
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6e09fdc..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2015, Jaguar Land Rover
-# This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of the
-# Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. T full text of the
-# Mozilla Public License is at
-# Create a certificate giving the sender the right to invoke and
-import getopt
-import sys
-from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
-# apt-get install python-dev
-# apt-get install libffi-dev
-# pip install cryptography
-# pip install PyJWT
-import jwt
-import time
-import json
-import base64
-import struct
-def long2intarr(long_int):
- _bytes = []
- while long_int:
- long_int, r = divmod(long_int, 256)
- _bytes.insert(0, r)
- return _bytes
-# copied from
-def long_to_base64(n):
- bys = long2intarr(n)
- data = struct.pack('%sB' % len(bys), *bys)
- if not len(data):
- data = '\x00'
- s = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data).rstrip(b'=')
- return s
-def usage():
- print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "--id=<id> --invoke='<services>' -register='<services>' \\"
- print " --root_key=<file> --start='<date/time>' --stop='<date/time>' \\"
- print " --out=<file>"
- print
- print " --id=<id> System-wide unique certificate ID"
- print
- print " --invoke='<services>' Right to invoke service. Space separate multiple services."
- print
- print " --register='<services>' Right to register service. Space separate multiple services."
- print " At least one --invoke or --register must be given."
- print
- print " --root_key=<file> Private root key to sign certificate with"
- print " Mandatory"
- print
- print " --device_key=<file> Public device key to include in certificate"
- print " Mandatory"
- print
- print " --start='<YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS>' Date and time when certificate is activated."
- print " Default: current time."
- print
- print " --stop='<YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS>' Date and time when certificate is deactivated."
- print " Default: 365 days from current time"
- print
- print " --jwt_out=<file> File name to store JWT-encoded certificate in."
- print " Default: stdout"
- print
- print " --cert_out=<file> File name to unencoded JSON certificate in."
- print " Default: Do not store certificate"
- print
- print " --issuer=issuer Name of the issuer. Default:"
- print
- print "Root key file is generated by"
- print
- print "Device key is the '_pub.pem'-suffixed file created by"
- print
- print "Certificate file specified by out should be placed in 'priv/certs'"
- print
- print
- print "Example:"
- print "./ --id=317624d8-2ccf-11e5-993c-7f3b5182c649 \\"
- print " --device_key=device_key_pub.pem \\"
- print " --start='2015-12-01 00:00:00' \\"
- print " --stop='2015-12-31 23:59:59' \\"
- print " --root_key=root_key_priv.pem \\"
- print " --register='' \\"
- print " --invoke='' \\"
- print " --jwt_out=lock_cert.jwt \\"
- print " --cert_out=lock_cert.json"
- sys.exit(255)
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", [ 'issuer=', 'invoke=', 'register=',
- 'root_key=', 'start=',
- 'stop=', 'cert_out=', 'id=',
- 'jwt_out=', 'device_key='])
-except getopt.GetoptError as e:
- print
- print e
- print
- usage()
-stop=int(time.time()) + 86400 * 365
-for o, a in opts:
- if o == "--start":
- try:
- start = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(a, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
- except:
- print
- print "Incorrect start time: {}".format(a)
- print
- usage()
- elif o == '--root_key':
- try:
- root_key_fname = a
- root_key_file = open(root_key_fname, "r")
- root_key = RSA.importKey(
- root_key_file.close()
- except IOError as e:
- print "Coould read root cert from {0}: {1}".format(a, e.strerror)
- sys.exit(255)
- elif o == '--device_key':
- try:
- device_key_file = open(a, "r")
- device_key = RSA.importKey(
- device_key_file.close()
- except IOError as e:
- print "Coould read root cert from {0}: {1}".format(a, e.strerror)
- sys.exit(255)
- elif o == "--stop":
- try:
- stop = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(a, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
- except:
- print
- print "Incorrect stop time: {}".format(a)
- print
- usage()
- elif o == '--invoke':
- invoke=a.split(' ')
- elif o == '--register':
- register=a.split(' ')
- elif o == '--id':
- id_string=a
- elif o == '--issuer':
- issuer=a
- elif o == '--jwt_out':
- try:
- jwt_out_file = open(a, "w")
- except IOError as e:
- print "Coould write to JWT file {0}: {1}".format(a, e.strerror)
- sys.exit(255)
- elif o == '--cert_out':
- try:
- cert_out_file = open(a, "w")
- except IOError as e:
- print "Coould write to certificate file {0}: {1}".format(a, e.strerror)
- sys.exit(255)
- else:
- print
- print "Unknown command line argument: {}".format(o)
- print
- usage()
-if jwt_out_file == None:
- jwt_out_file = sys.stdout
-if not invoke and not register:
- print
- print "At least one --invoke or --register service must be specified."
- print
- usage()
-if not root_key:
- print
- print "No --root_key=<root_key_file.pem> specified"
- print
- usage()
-if not device_key:
- print
- print "No --device_key=<device_public_key_file.pem> specified"
- print
- usage()
-if not id_string:
- print
- print "No --id=<id_string> specified"
- print
- usage()
-# Create a JSON Web Key based off our public device key PEM file
-cert = {
- 'iss': issuer,
- 'id': id_string,
- 'sources': register,
- 'destinations': invoke,
- 'create_timestamp': int(time.time()),
- 'keys': [{
- "kty": "RSA",
- "alg": "RS256",
- "use": "sig",
- "e": long_to_base64(device_key.e),
- "n": long_to_base64(device_key.n)
- }],
- 'validity': {
- 'start': start,
- 'stop': stop
- }
-encoded = jwt.encode(cert, root_key.exportKey("PEM"), algorithm='RS256')
-# Validate
- jwt.decode(encoded, root_key.publickey().exportKey("PEM"))
- print "FAILED: Could not verify signed JSON Web Token using public part of"
- print " root key {}".format(root_key_fname)
-if cert_out_file:
- cert_out_file.write(json.dumps(cert, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) + '\n')
- cert_out_file.close()
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 060ea8b..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2015, Jaguar Land Rover
-# This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of the
-# Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. T full text of the
-# Mozilla Public License is at
-# 1. Generate a device key through openssl.
-# 2. Sign the public key using the provided private root key.
-# 3. Create a JWT version of the signed device key.
-import getopt
-import sys
-from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
-import json
-import base64
-import os
-# apt-get install python-dev
-# apt-get install libffi-dev
-# pip install cryptography
-# pip install PyJWT
-import jwt
-import struct
-def long2intarr(long_int):
- _bytes = []
- while long_int:
- long_int, r = divmod(long_int, 256)
- _bytes.insert(0, r)
- return _bytes
-# copied from
-def long_to_base64(n):
- bys = long2intarr(n)
- data = struct.pack('%sB' % len(bys), *bys)
- if not len(data):
- data = '\x00'
- s = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data).rstrip(b'=')
- return s
-def usage():
- print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "-p <priv_root_key> -o <prefix> -b <bits>"
- print " -p <priv_root_key> Private root key file to sign public device key with."
- print " -o <prefix> File name prefix for generated device keys."
- print " -b <bits> Device key length. Default 2048."
- sys.exit(255)
-opts, args= getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "p:o:b:")
-for o, a in opts:
- if o == "-p":
- priv_root_key_fname = a
- elif o == "-b":
- key_length = int(a)
- elif o == "-o":
- fname_prefix = a
- else:
- usage()
-if priv_root_key_fname == "" or fname_prefix == "":
- usage()
-# Generate the device RSA key pair
-new_key = RSA.generate(bits=key_length)
-# Create private key file, which also contains the public key.
-priv_key_fname = "{}_priv.pem".format(fname_prefix)
-priv_key_file = open(priv_key_fname, 'w')
-priv_key = new_key.exportKey("PEM")
-# Read the root private key
-priv_root_key_file = open(priv_root_key_fname, 'r')
-priv_root_key = RSA.importKey(
-# Extract the device public key that we are to sign with the private root key.
-# Dump it in a file to be used by
-pub_key_fname = "{}_pub.pem".format(fname_prefix)
-pub_key_file = open(pub_key_fname, 'w')
-pub_key = new_key.publickey()
-pub_key_pem = pub_key.exportKey("PEM")
-print "pub_key.e = ", pub_key.e
-print "pub_key.n = ", pub_key.n
-key_obj = {
- 'keys': [{
- "kty": "RSA",
- "alg": "RS256",
- "use": "sig",
- "e": long_to_base64(pub_key.e),
- "n": long_to_base64(pub_key.n)
- }],
-# Generate a JWT signature based on the pub key and the private root key
-signature = jwt.encode(key_obj, priv_root_key.exportKey('PEM'), algorithm='RS256')
-# Verify that we can use the public root key to verify the key.
-pub_root_key = priv_root_key.publickey().exportKey('PEM')
- jwt.decode(signature, pub_root_key)
- print "The public portion of the generated device key, signed by the provided private root key,"
- print "could not be verified using the public root key."
- os.remove(priv_key_fname)
- sys.exit(0)
-# Create signed public JWT file
-pub_sign_key_fname = "{}_pub_sign.jwt".format(fname_prefix)
-pub_sign_key_file = open(pub_sign_key_fname, 'w')
-print "Device private/public key pair stored in: ", priv_key_fname
-print "Device public-only key stored in: ", pub_key_fname
-print "Device JWT-formatted public key signed by private "
-print " root key, stored in: ", pub_sign_key_fname
-print "Root key used to sign the device public key read from: ", priv_root_key_fname
-print "Set rvi node's device_key_pair config parameter to point to: ", priv_root_key_fname
-print "Set rvi node's authorize_jwt config parameter to point to: ", pub_sign_key_fname
-print "use ./ ... --device_key={} to include".format(pub_key_fname)
-print "device public key in a certificate."
diff --git a/scripts/rvi_ctl.template b/scripts/rvi_ctl.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc8dd9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/rvi_ctl.template
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. The full text of the
+# Mozilla Public License is at
+# Setup a correct configuration and launch an RVI release node.
+# If a UUID file has not been created, it will be done at this time.
+# Init.d script to start and stop an RVI system installed
+# through an RPM.
+# Assignment of default values done by
+echo ${RVI_BINDIR:="__RVI_BINDIR__"} > /dev/null
+echo ${RVI_LOGDIR:="__RVI_LOGDIR__"} > /dev/null
+echo ${ERL:=erl} > /dev/null
+usage() {
+ echo "Usage: $0 -d config_dir [-c config_file] -l log_dir \\"
+ echo " start|stop|console|attach|ping"
+ echo
+ echo " -c config_file Configuration file to launch rvi node with."
+ echo " Mandatory for start and console. Ignored for"
+ echo " all other commands."
+ echo
+ echo " start Start an rvi node with the given configuration file."
+ echo
+ echo " stop Stop an rvi node previously started with 'start'."
+ echo
+ echo " console Start an rvi in foreground mode."
+ echo
+ echo " attach Attach to an rvi node previously started with 'start'."
+ echo
+ echo "Environennt variables. Default value in paranthesis::"
+ echo "\$RVI_BINDIR ($RVI_BINDIR) Location of binary files."
+ echo "\$RVI_LOGDIR ($RVI_LOGDIR) Location of log files."
+ exit 1
+while getopts "c:" o; do
+ case "${o}" in
+ c)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ usage
+ ;;
+ esac
+shift $((${OPTIND}-1))
+if [ "${CMD}" != "start" -a "${CMD}" != "stop" -a "${CMD}" != "console" -a "${CMD}" != "ping" ]
+ usage
+export ERL_LIBS=${RVI_BINDIR}:${RVI_BINDIR}/deps:${RVI_BINDIR}/components
+# See if we need to process a config file
+if [ ${CMD} = "start" -o ${CMD} = "console" ]
+ if [ -z "${CONFIG_FILE}" ]
+ then
+ echo "Missing -c <config_file> argument."
+ usage
+ fi
+ #
+ # Check if we need to prepend current dir
+ # to relative config file path
+ #
+ if [ $(echo ${CONFIG_FILE} | cut -c 1,1) != "/" ]
+ then
+ fi
+ # Check that config file can be read.
+ if [ ! -r "${CONFIG_FILE}" ]
+ then
+ echo "${CONFIG_FILE} cannot be opened for reading."
+ usage
+ fi
+ #
+ # Generate a config file that will end up as
+ # /tmp/rvi/[cfg]/sys.config
+ #
+ (
+ rm -rf ${RUNDIR}
+ install -d --mode=0755 ${RUNDIR}
+ cd ${RUNDIR}
+ ${RVI_BINDIR}/setup_gen rvi ${CONFIG_FILE} rvi
+ )
+ # Did we succeed with config generation?
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ]
+ then
+ # Nope
+ echo "Failed to process configuration file."
+ exit "$?"
+ fi
+LAUNCH="${ERL} -boot ${RUNDIR}/rvi/start -sname ${SNAME} -config ${RUNDIR}/rvi/sys -setcookie ${COOKIE}"
+case "${CMD}" in
+ start)
+ install -D -d --mode 0755 ${RVI_LOGDIR}
+ exec run_erl -daemon ${RUNDIR}/ ${RVI_LOGDIR} "exec ${LAUNCH}"
+ ;;
+ console)
+ exec ${LAUNCH}
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ exec ${RVI_BINDIR}/nodetool -sname ${SNAME} -setcookie ${COOKIE} stop
+ ;;
+ ping)
+ exec ${RBI_BINDIR}/nodetool -sname ${SNAME} -setcookie ${COOKIE} ping
+ ;;
+ attach)
+ exec to_erl ${RUNDIR}
+ ;;
diff --git a/scripts/rvi_devrun b/scripts/rvi_devrun
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..901b002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/rvi_devrun
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014, Jaguar Land Rover
+# This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of the
+# Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. The full text of the
+# Mozilla Public License is at
+# Launch an RVI node using the build directories
+# For now this is a simple wrapper around the installer
+SELF_DIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))
+PRIV_DIR=$(dirname ${SELF_DIR})/priv
+usage() {
+ cat <<EOF
+$0 [-r root_cert] [-d device_cert] [-c credentials] config_file
+Run a developer version of RVI
+-r root_cert - The certificate to validate received X509 device
+ certificates and credentials.
+ Default ${ROOT_CERT}
+-k device_key - The PEM file containing the device key pair used
+ to sign traff
+ Default ${DEVICE_KEY}
+-d device_cert - Certificate to use when authenticating self toward
+ remote nodes.
+ Default ${DEVICE_CERT}
+-c credentials - Credentials to present to remote nodes. Can be specified
+ multiple times
+ Default ${DEVICE_CRED}
+ exit 1
+while getopts "r:d:c:k:" o; do
+ case "${o}" in
+ r)
+ ;;
+ d)
+ ;;
+ c)
+ ;;
+ k)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ usage
+ ;;
+ esac
+shift $((${OPTIND}-1))
+# Check that we have a target dir
+if [ "${#}" != "1" ]
+ echo "ERROR: Wrong number of arguments. Only specify config file"
+ usage
+./scripts/rvi_install \
+ -k ${DEVICE_KEY} \
+ -r ${ROOT_CERT} \
+ -d ${DEVICE_CERT} \
+ -c ${DEVICE_CRED} \
+ /tmp/rvi_dev/rvi_core > /tmp/dev_install.log
+if [ "${?}" != "0" ]
+ echo "ERROR: Devevelop install failed:"
+ cat /tmp/dev_install.log
+ exit 255
+/tmp/rvi_dev/rvi_core/rvi_ctl -c ${CONFIG_FILE} console
diff --git a/scripts/rvi_install b/scripts/rvi_install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ac128e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/rvi_install
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014, Jaguar Land Rover
+# This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of the
+# Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. The full text of the
+# Mozilla Public License is at
+# Setup an RVI release
+SELF_DIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))
+SETUP_GEN=$SELF_DIR/setup_gen # Ulf's kitchen sink setup utility
+usage() {
+ cat <<EOF
+$0 -r root_cert -d device_cert -c credentials \\
+ [-l log_dir ] [-s prefix_strip] target_dir
+Install a built RVI system into a target directory
+NOTE: The last component of 'taget_dir' must be named 'rvi_core'
+ Example: /opt/rvi_core
+-l log_dir - Log directory. Default: ${target_dir}/log.
+-s prefix_strip - See below. Default: nil.
+-r root_cert - The certificate to validate received X509 device
+ certificates and credentials.
+-k device_key - The PEM file containing the device key pair used
+ to sign traff
+-d device_cert - Certificate to use when authenticating self toward
+ remote nodes.
+-c credentials - Credentials to present to remote nodes. Can be specified
+ multiple times
+The created node can be started with: 'target'/rvi_ctl
+The RVI installation will rely on a separate erlang install
+to run.
+ If '-s prefix_strip' is provided, that part of the directories above
+ will be stripped of the given prefix in all internlal references.
+ This is useful in debian and other build systems.
+ If, for example, 'target_dir' is './build/root/usr/bin', and
+ 'prefix_strip' is './build/root', all internal paths will
+ reference '/usr/bin'.
+ The root certificate is used to validate remote TLS connections and
+ device certificates. It is normally generated once and shared across
+ all RVI nodes. An initial root certificate, and its corresponding
+ keys can be generated using the following command.
+ # Create a root key pair
+ openssl genrsa -out root_key.pem 4096
+ # Create a self-signed root certificate using the key above.
+ openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key root_key.pem \\
+ -days 365 -out root_cert.crt
+ The root key pair should be stored securely and not be distributed.
+ Provide the generated root_cert.crt file as a '-r' argument to rvi_install.
+ The device key pair is used to sign outgoing message based traffic, and
+ to create a device certificate signing request (See DEVICE CERTIFICATE)
+ Create the device key PEM file using the following command:
+ # Create a certificate signing request
+ openssl req -new -key device_key.pem -out device_cert.csr
+ Provide the generated device_key.pem file as a '-k' argument to rvi_install.
+ The device certificate, signed by the root certificate, is sent over
+ to the remote RVI node to prove that self is an authentic node
+ provisioned by the owner of the root key and certificate.
+ A device certificate can be created using the following commands
+ # Create the device key pair.
+ openssl genrsa -out device_key.pem 4096
+ # Create a certificate signing request
+ openssl req -new -key device_key.pem -out device_cert.csr
+ # Sign the signing request and create the device_cert.crt file
+ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in device_cert.csr \\
+ -CA root_cert.crt -CAkey root_key.pem \\
+ -set_serial 01 -out device_cert.crt
+ Provide the generated device_cert.crt file as a '-d' argument to rvi_install.
+ Credentials are provided as JSON Web Tokens (JWT) signed by the root
+ certificate. The JWT, which has the sender's device certificate
+ embedded into it, proves that the owner of the root key/certificate
+ has approved that the owner of the device certificate has the right
+ to send the credential-specified service calls to the remote node,
+ and receive the credential-specified service calls from the remote
+ node.
+ Credentials can be created using the following command (given
+ credential.json as input):
+ --cred_out="credential.json" \\
+ --jwt_out='credential.jwt' \\
+ --id="my_device_1234" \\
+ --issuer="" \\
+ --root_key=root_key.pem \\
+ --device_cert=device_cert.crt \\
+ --invoke='' \\
+ --register=''
+ Provide the generated credential.jwt file as a '-c' argument to rvi_install.
+ If you want to run an *INSECURE* installation sharing keys
+ certificates, and credentials across all nodes, you can run the
+ following command from the rvi_core root directory to use the
+ provided sample keys, certificates, and credentials:
+ $0 -k priv/keys/insecure_device_key.pem \\
+ -r priv/certificates/insecure_root_cert.crt \\
+ -d priv/certificates/insecure_device_cert.crt \\
+ -c priv/credentials/insecure_credential.jwt \\
+ /opt/rvi_core
+ WARNING: This example installation will provide no protection
+ against unauthenticated nodes, unauthorized calls, or
+ eavesdropping. Do not use in any externally facing
+ environment.
+ exit 1
+if [ "${#}" = "0" ]
+ usage
+while getopts "r:d:c:k:s:l:" o; do
+ case "${o}" in
+ r)
+ ;;
+ d)
+ ;;
+ c)
+ ;;
+ k)
+ ;;
+ l)
+ ;;
+ s)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ usage
+ ;;
+ esac
+shift $((${OPTIND}-1))
+# Check that we have a target dir
+if [ "${#}" != "1" ]
+ echo "ERROR: Wrong number of arguments. Only specify target_dir"
+ usage
+# Make sure that the last element of target dir is rvi_core
+# This is an erlang runtime requirement.
+if [ $(basename ${TARGET_DIR}) != "rvi_core" ]
+ echo "ERROR: Last component of 'target_dir' must be named rvi_core."
+ echo " Example: $(dirname ${TARGET_DIR})/rvi_core"
+ echo " Run ${0} with no arguments for usage."
+ exit 255
+# Check that we can read the root cert
+if [ -z "${ROOT_CERT}" -o ! -r "${ROOT_CERT}" ]
+ echo "ERROR: Cannot read root certificate ${ROOT_CERT}."
+ echo " Run ${0} with no arguments for usage."
+ exit 255
+# Check that we can read the device key PEM file
+if [ -z "${DEVICE_KEY}" -o ! -r ${DEVICE_KEY} ]
+ echo "ERROR: Cannot read device key ${DEVICE_KEY}."
+ echo " Run ${0} with no arguments for usage."
+ exit 255
+# Check that we can read the device cert
+if [ -z "${DEVICE_CERT}" -o ! -r ${DEVICE_CERT} ]
+ echo "ERROR: Cannot read device certificate ${DEVICE_CERT}."
+ echo " Run ${0} with no arguments for usage."
+ exit 255
+# Check that we have at least one device credential
+if [ -z "${DEVICE_CERT}" ]
+ echo "ERROR: No device credential specified"
+ echo " Run ${0} with no arguments for usage."
+ exit 255
+# Check that we can read each device credential
+for CRED in ${DEVICE_CRED}; do
+ if [ ! -r ${CRED} ]
+ then
+ echo "ERROR: Cannot read device certificate ${CRED}."
+ echo " Run ${0} with no arguments for usage."
+ exit 255
+ fi
+# Use default log dir if not specified
+if [ -z "${LOG_DIR}" ]
+# Wipe old target dir.
+rm -rf ${TARGET_DIR} > /dev/null 2>&1
+# Create log dirs
+install -m 0755 -d ${TARGET_DIR}
+install -m 0755 -d ${LOG_DIR}
+# Copy over the relevant files to the target
+FILE_SET=$(find ebin components deps -name ebin -o -name priv)
+tar cf - ${FILE_SET} | (cd ${TARGET_DIR} ; tar xf - )
+# If we have a prefix strip (for build systems not using
+# chroot), apply it to paths.
+if [ -s "${PREFIX_STRIP}" ]
+ STRIP_TARGET_DIR=$(echo ${TARGET_DIR} | sed "s|^${PREFIX_STRIP}||")
+ STRIP_LOG_DIR=$(echo ${LOG_DIR} | sed "s|^${PREFIX_STRIP}||")
+# Patch rvi_ctl.template to set its ERL_LIBS path correctly.
+sed -e "s|__RVI_BINDIR__|${STRIP_TARGET_DIR}|g" \
+ -e "s|__RVI_LOGDIR__|${STRIP_LOG_DIR}|g" < scripts/rvi_ctl.template > /tmp/rvi_ctl
+# Install all relevant scripts.
+install -m 0755 -d ${TARGET_DIR}/priv/certificates
+install -m 0755 -d ${TARGET_DIR}/priv/keys
+install -m 0755 -d ${TARGET_DIR}/priv/credentials
+install -m 0644 ${ROOT_CERT} ${TARGET_DIR}/priv/certificates/root_cert.crt
+install -m 0644 ${DEVICE_CERT} ${TARGET_DIR}/priv/certificates/device_cert.crt
+install -m 0644 ${DEVICE_KEY} ${TARGET_DIR}/priv/keys/device_key.pem
+install -m 0644 ${DEVICE_CRED} ${TARGET_DIR}/priv/credentials
+install -m 0755 /tmp/rvi_ctl ${TARGET_DIR}
+rm /tmp/rvi_ctl
+install -m 0755 scripts/setup_gen ${TARGET_DIR}
+install -m 0755 rel/files/nodetool ${TARGET_DIR}
+install -m 0755 python/ ${TARGET_DIR}/rvi_service
+install -m 0755 python/ ${TARGET_DIR}/rvi_call
+install -m 0644 python/ ${TARGET_DIR}
+install -m 0755 python/ ${TARGET_DIR}/rvi_get_services
+install -m 0755 -D priv/config/rvi_common.config ${TARGET_DIR}/priv/config/rvi_common.config
+echo "RVI binary files installed under ${TARGET_DIR}"
+echo "RVI will log to ${LOG_DIR}"
+echo "Start: ${TARGET_DIR}/rvi_ctl -c <config_file> start"
+echo "Attach started RVI: ${TARGET_DIR}/rvi_ctl attach"
+echo "Stop: ${TARGET_DIR}/rvi_ctl stop"
+echo "Start console mode: ${TARGET_DIR}/rvi_ctl -c <config_file> console"
+exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 7e949a1..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014, Jaguar Land Rover
-# This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of the
-# Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. The full text of the
-# Mozilla Public License is at
-# Setup an RVI release with a configuration file.
-# This script will setup a directory with with the same name
-# as the release name. The script uses Ulf Wiger's setup application
-# ( to generate the release.
-# With the -d argument, a developer release will be built with
-# only
-# Once setup, the RVI node can be started with ./rvi_node <release_na,e?
-# Please note that the generated release will depend on the built
-# In order to create a standalone release, use
-SELF_DIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))
-SETUP_GEN=$SELF_DIR/setup_gen # Ulf's kitchen sink setup utility
-usage() {
- echo "Usage: $0 binary_dir"
- echo
- echo "RVI will be installed in 'target_dir'."
- echo
- echo "The created node can be started with: 'target_dir'/"
- echo "RVI in 'target_dir' will rely on a native erlang to function"
- exit 1
-shift $((${OPTIND}-1))
-if [ "${#}" != "1" ]
- echo "Target directory not specifiied."
- usage
-# Prepend abs path if TARGET_DIR is relative
-if [ $(echo ${TARGET_DIR} | cut -c 1,1) != "/" ]
-cd ${SELF_DIR}/..;
-rm -rf ${TARGET_DIR} > /dev/null 2>&1
-install --mode=0755 -d ${TARGET_DIR}/rvi_core
-install --mode=0755 -d ${TARGET_DIR}/scripts
-FILE_SET=$(find priv ebin components deps -name ebin -o -name priv)
-echo "Installing rvi at ${TARGET_DIR}."
-tar cf - ${FILE_SET} | (cd ${TARGET_DIR}/rvi_core ; tar xf - )
-install --mode=0755 scripts/ ${TARGET_DIR}
-install --mode=0755 scripts/setup_gen ${TARGET_DIR}/scripts
-install --mode=0755 rel/files/nodetool ${TARGET_DIR}/scripts
-install --mode=0755 scripts/ ${TARGET_DIR}/scripts
-install --mode=0755 scripts/ ${TARGET_DIR}/scripts
-install --mode=0755 scripts/ ${TARGET_DIR}/scripts
-echo "RVI installed under ${TARGET_DIR}"
-echo "Start: ${TARGET_DIR}/ -c <config_file> start"
-echo "Attach started RVI: ${TARGET_DIR}/ attach"
-echo "Stop: ${TARGET_DIR}/ stop"
-echo "Start console mode: ${TARGET_DIR}/ -c <config_file> console"
-exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index a7cd201..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014, Jaguar Land Rover
-# This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of the
-# Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. The full text of the
-# Mozilla Public License is at
-# Launch an RVI node using the build direcotriuies.
-# This script launches the erlang runtime system and executes the RVI
-# code directly from its build directory. Use ./setup_rvi_node without
-# the -d flag to create an installable release that can execute
-# without the use of this script.
-# This script can be executed after a has been executed to
-# create the necessary config files and erlang boot scripts.
-alias realpath="python -c 'import os, sys; print os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1])'"
-SELF_DIR=$(dirname $(realpath "$0"))
-usage() {
- echo "Usage: $0 [-d] -n node_name"
- echo " -n node_name Specify the name of the rvi node to launch"
- echo " -d Daemon mode (using start_erl)"
- echo "Configuration data is read from the configuration file"
- echo "provided to the script that created the node."
- exit 1
-while getopts ":n:dbrp:s:" o; do
- case "${o}" in
- n)
- node_name=${OPTARG}
- ;;
- d)
- daemon=1
- ;;
- *)
- usage
- ;;
- esac
-if [ -z "${node_name}" ] ; then
- echo "Missing -n flag"
- usage
-# check man erl for extra arguments
-if [ "${mode}" = "build" ]
- if [ ! -f ${node_name}/sys.config ]
- then
- echo "Node ${node_name} not setup. Please run: "
- echo "$SELF_DIR/ -n ${node_name} -c <configuration_file>"
- exit 2
- fi
- xboot="-boot ${node_name}/start"
- xname="-sname ${node_name}"
- xcfg="-config ${node_name}/sys"
- CMD="erl ${xboot} ${xname} ${xcfg} -setcookie rvi_core"
- if [ ${daemon} = 1 ]
- then
- PIPE=/tmp/rvi_node/${node_name}
- LOG=${node_name}/log
- mkdir -p ${PIPE}
- mkdir -p ${LOG}
- echo "starting with run_erl"
- exec run_erl -daemon ${PIPE} ${LOG} "exec ${CMD}"
- else
- exec ${CMD}
- fi
-elif [ "${mode}" = "release" ]
- echo "Not yet supported."
- exit 0