diff options
13 files changed, 471 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/ b/MSVC_NMake/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf68dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# NMake Makefile for building libsigc++ on Windows using Visual Studio
+# The items below this line should not be changed, unless one is maintaining
+# the NMake Makefiles. Customizations can be done in the following NMake Makefile
+# portions (please see comments in the these files to see what can be customized):
+# detectenv-msvc.mak
+# config-msvc.mak
+!include detectenv-msvc.mak
+# Include the Makefile portions with the source listings
+!include ..\sigc++\
+# Include the Makefile portion that enables features based on user input
+!include config-msvc.mak
+!if "$(VALID_CFGSET)" == "TRUE"
+# We need Visual Studio 2017 or later
+!if $(VSVER) < 15
+!if $(VCVERSION) < 1915
+!message Some tests may fail to build for Visual Studio 2017 15.7 or earlier!
+!if "$(VALID_MSC)" == "TRUE"
+# Include the Makefile portion to convert the source and header lists
+# into the lists we need for compilation and introspection
+!include create-lists-msvc.mak
+all: $(LIBSIGC_LIB) all-build-info
+tests: all
+# Include the build rules for sources, DLLs and executables
+!include build-rules-msvc.mak
+!include generate-msvc.mak
+!include install.mak
+!else # "$(VALID_MSC)" == "TRUE"
+ @echo You need Visual Studio 2017 or later.
+!endif # "$(VALID_MSC)" == "TRUE"
+!else # "$(VALID_CFGSET)" == "TRUE"
+all: help
+ @echo You need to specify a valid configuration, via
+ @echo CFG=release or CFG=debug
+!endif # "$(VALID_CFGSET)" == "TRUE"
+!include info-msvc.mak
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/build-rules-msvc.mak b/MSVC_NMake/build-rules-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f13bcb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/build-rules-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# NMake Makefile portion for compilation rules
+# Items in here should not need to be edited unless
+# one is maintaining the NMake build files. The format
+# of NMake Makefiles here are different from the GNU
+# Makefiles. Please see the comments about these formats.
+# Inference rules for compiling the .obj files.
+# Used for libs and programs with more than a single source file.
+# Format is as follows
+# (all dirs must have a trailing '\'):
+# {$(srcdir)}.$(srcext){$(destdir)}.obj::
+# $(CC)|$(CXX) $(cflags) /Fo$(destdir) /c @<<
+# $<
+# <<
+ $(CXX) $(LIBSIGCPP_CFLAGS) /Fo$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\libsigcpp\ /c @<<
+ $(CXX) $(LIBSIGCPP_CFLAGS) /Fo$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\libsigcpp\ /c @<<
+# Rules for building .lib files
+ rc /fo$@ $<
+# Rules for linking DLLs
+# Format is as follows (the mt command is needed for MSVC 2005/2008 builds):
+# $(dll_name_with_path): $(dependent_libs_files_objects_and_items)
+# link /DLL [$(linker_flags)] [$(dependent_libs)] [/def:$(def_file_if_used)] [/implib:$(lib_name_if_needed)] -out:$@ @<<
+# $(dependent_objects)
+# <<
+# @-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;2
+$(LIBSIGC_DLL): $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\libsigcpp $(libsigcpp_dll_OBJS)
+ link /DLL $(LDFLAGS) /implib:$(LIBSIGC_LIB) -out:$@ @<<
+ @-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;2
+# Rules for linking Executables
+# Format is as follows (the mt command is needed for MSVC 2005/2008 builds):
+# $(dll_name_with_path): $(dependent_libs_files_objects_and_items)
+# link [$(linker_flags)] [$(dependent_libs)] -out:$@ @<<
+# $(dependent_objects)
+# <<
+# @-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;1
+$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\gjs-console.exe: $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\gjs.lib $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\gjs-console $(gjs_OBJS)
+ link $(LDFLAGS) $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\gjs.lib $(GJS_BASE_LIBS) -out:$@ $(gjs_OBJS)
+ @-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;1
+ @-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.pdb
+ @-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.dll
+ @-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.ilk
+ @-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.exp
+ @-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.lib
+ @-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\libsigcpp\*.res
+ @-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\libsigcpp\*.obj
+ @-rd $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\libsigcpp
+ @-del /f /q vc$(PDBVER)0.pdb
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/config-msvc.mak b/MSVC_NMake/config-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f35a104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/config-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# NMake Makefile portion for enabling features for Windows builds
+# These are the base minimum libraries required for building gjs.
+# Please do not change anything beneath this line unless maintaining the NMake Makefiles
+!if "$(CFG)" == "debug" || "$(CFG)" == "Debug"
+SIGCPP_BASE_CFLAGS = /I.. /I. /wd4530 /std:c++17
+LIBSIGC_INT_SOURCES = $(sigc_sources_cc:/=\)
+LIBSIGC_INT_HDRS = $(sigc_public_h:/=\)
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/create-lists-msvc.mak b/MSVC_NMake/create-lists-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1a7581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/create-lists-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Convert the source listing to object (.obj) listing in
+# another NMake Makefile module, include it, and clean it up.
+# This is a "fact-of-life" regarding NMake Makefiles...
+# This file does not need to be changed unless one is maintaining the NMake Makefiles
+# For those wanting to add things here:
+# To add a list, do the following:
+# # $(description_of_list)
+# if [call create-lists.bat header $(makefile_snippet_file) $(variable_name)]
+# endif
+# if [call create-lists.bat file $(makefile_snippet_file) $(file_name)]
+# endif
+# if [call create-lists.bat footer $(makefile_snippet_file)]
+# endif
+# ... (repeat the if [call ...] lines in the above order if needed)
+# !include $(makefile_snippet_file)
+# (add the following after checking the entries in $(makefile_snippet_file) is correct)
+# (the batch script appends to $(makefile_snippet_file), you will need to clear the file unless the following line is added)
+#!if [del /f /q $(makefile_snippet_file)]
+# In order to obtain the .obj filename that is needed for NMake Makefiles to build DLLs/static LIBs or EXEs, do the following
+# instead when doing 'if [call create-lists.bat file $(makefile_snippet_file) $(file_name)]'
+# (repeat if there are multiple $(srcext)'s in $(source_list), ignore any headers):
+# !if [for %c in ($(source_list)) do @if "%~xc" == ".$(srcext)" @call create-lists.bat file $(makefile_snippet_file) $(intdir)\%~nc.obj]
+# $(intdir)\%~nc.obj needs to correspond to the rules added in build-rules-msvc.mak
+# %~xc gives the file extension of a given file, %c in this case, so if %c is, %~xc means .cc
+# %~nc gives the file name of a given file without extension, %c in this case, so if %c is, %~nc means a
+# For libsigc++
+!if [call create-lists.bat header libsigcpp.mak libsigcpp_dll_OBJS]
+!if [for %c in ($(sigc_sources_cc)) do @if "%~xc" == ".cc" @call create-lists.bat file libsigcpp.mak ^$(CFG)\^$(PLAT)\libsigcpp\%~nc.obj]
+!if [@call create-lists.bat file libsigcpp.mak ^$(CFG)\^$(PLAT)\libsigcpp\sigc.res]
+!if [call create-lists.bat footer libsigcpp.mak]
+!include libsigcpp.mak
+!if [del /f /q libsigcpp.mak]
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/create-lists.bat b/MSVC_NMake/create-lists.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef60d5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/create-lists.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+@echo off
+rem Simple .bat script for creating the NMake Makefile snippets.
+if not "%1" == "header" if not "%1" == "file" if not "%1" == "footer" goto :error_cmd
+if "%2" == "" goto error_no_destfile
+if "%1" == "header" goto :header
+if "%1" == "file" goto :addfile
+if "%1" == "footer" goto :footer
+if "%3" == "" goto error_var
+echo %3 = \>>%2
+goto done
+if "%3" == "" goto error_file
+echo. %3 \>>%2
+goto done
+echo. $(NULL)>>%2
+goto done
+echo Specified command '%1' was invalid. Valid commands are: header file footer.
+goto done
+echo Destination NMake snippet file must be specified
+goto done
+echo A name must be specified for using '%1'.
+goto done
+echo A file must be specified for using '%1'.
+goto done
+:done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/detectenv-msvc.mak b/MSVC_NMake/detectenv-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5dadaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/detectenv-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# Change this (or specify PREFIX= when invoking this NMake Makefile) if
+# necessary, so that the libs and headers of the dependent third-party
+# libraries can be located. For instance, if building from GLib's
+# included Visual Studio projects, this should be able to locate the GLib
+# build out-of-the-box if they were not moved. GLib's headers will be
+# found in $(GLIB_PREFIX)\include\glib-2.0 and
+# $(GLIB_PREFIX)\lib\glib-2.0\include and its import library will be found
+# in $(GLIB_PREFIX)\lib.
+!if "$(PREFIX)" == ""
+PREFIX = ..\..\vs$(VSVER)\$(PLAT)
+# Location of the PERL interpreter, for running glib-mkenums. glib-mkenums
+# needs to be found in $(PREFIX)\bin. Using either a 32-bit or x64 PERL
+# interpreter are supported for either a 32-bit or x64 build.
+!if "$(PERL)" == ""
+PERL = perl
+# Location of the Python interpreter, for building introspection. The complete set
+# of Python Modules for introspection (the giscanner Python scripts and the _giscanner.pyd
+# compiled module) needs to be found in $(PREFIX)\lib\gobject-introspection\giscanner, and
+# the g-ir-scanner Python script and g-ir-compiler utility program needs to be found
+# in $(PREFIX)\bin, together with any DLLs they will depend on, if those DLLs are not already
+# in your PATH.
+# Note that the Python interpreter and the introspection modules and utility progam must
+# correspond to the build type (i.e. 32-bit Release for 32-bit Release builds, and so on).
+# For introspection, currently only Python 2.7.x is supported. This may change when Python 3.x
+# support is added upstream in gobject-introspection--when this happens, the _giscanner.pyd must
+# be the one that is built against the release series of Python that is used here.
+!if "$(PYTHON)" == ""
+PYTHON = python
+# Location of the pkg-config utility program, for building introspection. It needs to be able
+# to find the pkg-config (.pc) files so that the correct libraries and headers for the needed libraries
+# can be located, using PKG_CONFIG_PATH. Using either a 32-bit or x64 pkg-config are supported for
+# either a 32-bit or x64 build.
+!if "$(PKG_CONFIG)" == ""
+PKG_CONFIG = pkg-config
+# The items below this line should not be changed, unless one is maintaining
+# the NMake Makefiles. The exception is for the CFLAGS_ADD line(s) where one
+# could use his/her desired compiler optimization flags, if he/she knows what is
+# being done.
+# Check to see we are configured to build with MSVC (MSDEVDIR, MSVCDIR or
+# VCINSTALLDIR) or with the MS Platform SDK (MSSDK or WindowsSDKDir)
+!if !defined(VCINSTALLDIR) && !defined(WINDOWSSDKDIR)
+MSG = ^
+This Makefile is only for Visual Studio 2008 and later.^
+You need to ensure that the Visual Studio Environment is properly set up^
+before running this Makefile.
+!error $(MSG)
+!if ![echo VCVERSION=_MSC_VER > vercl.x] \
+ && ![echo $(_HASH)if defined(_M_IX86) >> vercl.x] \
+ && ![echo PLAT=Win32 >> vercl.x] \
+ && ![echo $(_HASH)elif defined(_M_AMD64) >> vercl.x] \
+ && ![echo PLAT=x64 >> vercl.x] \
+ && ![echo $(_HASH)endif >> vercl.x] \
+ && ![cl -nologo -TC -P vercl.x $(ERRNUL)]
+!include vercl.i
+!if ![echo VCVER= ^\>] \
+ && ![set /a $(VCVERSION) / 100 - 6 >>]
+!if ![del $(ERRNUL) /q/f vercl.x vercl.i]
+!if $(VCVERSION) > 1499 && $(VCVERSION) < 1600
+VSVER = 9
+!elseif $(VCVERSION) > 1599 && $(VCVERSION) < 1700
+VSVER = 10
+!elseif $(VCVERSION) > 1699 && $(VCVERSION) < 1800
+VSVER = 11
+!elseif $(VCVERSION) > 1799 && $(VCVERSION) < 1900
+VSVER = 12
+!elseif $(VCVERSION) > 1899 && $(VCVERSION) < 1910
+VSVER = 14
+!elseif $(VCVERSION) > 1909 && $(VCVERSION) < 2000
+VSVER = 15
+VSVER = 0
+!if "$(VSVER)" == "0"
+MSG = ^
+This NMake Makefile set supports Visual Studio^
+9 (2008) through 15 (2017). Your Visual Studio^
+version is not supported.
+!error $(MSG)
+!if $(VSVER) < 15
+PDBVER = 14
+!if "$(CFG)" == "release" || "$(CFG)" == "Release" || "$(CFG)" == "debug" || "$(CFG)" == "Debug"
+# One may change these items, but be sure to test
+# the resulting binaries
+!if "$(CFG)" == "release" || "$(CFG)" == "Release"
+!if "$(VSVER)" != "9"
+!if "$(PLAT)" == "x64"
+LDFLAGS_ARCH = /machine:x64
+LDFLAGS_ARCH = /machine:x86
+!if "$(VALID_CFGSET)" == "TRUE"
+!if "$(CFG)" == "debug" || "$(CFG)" == "Debug"
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/ b/MSVC_NMake/
index e966547..e3fb672 100644
--- a/MSVC_NMake/
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/
@@ -1,66 +1,14 @@
## This file is part of libsigc++.
-msvc_net2017_data = \
- libsigc++3.sln \
- libsigc++3.vcxproj \
- libsigc++3.vcxproj.filters \
- sigc++config.h \
- sigc.rc \
- sigc-build-defines.props \
- sigc-debug-dll-build-defines.props \
- sigc-install.props \
- sigc-release-dll-build-defines.props \
- sigc-version-paths.props \
- sigc-install.vcxproj \
- test_accum_iter.vcxproj \
- test_accum_iter.vcxproj.filters \
- test_accumulated.vcxproj \
- test_accumulated.vcxproj.filters \
- test_bind.vcxproj \
- test_bind.vcxproj.filters \
- test_bind_ref.vcxproj \
- test_bind_ref.vcxproj.filters \
- test_bind_refptr.vcxproj \
- test_bind_refptr.vcxproj.filters \
- test_bind_return.vcxproj \
- test_bind_return.vcxproj.filters \
- test_compose.vcxproj \
- test_compose.vcxproj.filters \
- test_copy_invalid_slot.vcxproj \
- test_copy_invalid_slot.vcxproj.filters \
- test_cpp11_lambda.vcxproj \
- test_cpp11_lambda.vcxproj.filters \
- test_custom.vcxproj \
- test_custom.vcxproj.filters \
- test_disconnect.vcxproj \
- test_disconnect.vcxproj.filters \
- test_disconnect_during_emit.vcxproj \
- test_disconnect_during_emit.vcxproj.filters \
- test_exception_catch.vcxproj \
- test_exception_catch.vcxproj.filters \
- test_hide.vcxproj \
- test_hide.vcxproj.filters \
- test_limit_reference.vcxproj \
- test_limit_reference.vcxproj.filters \
- test_mem_fun.vcxproj \
- test_mem_fun.vcxproj.filters \
- test_ptr_fun.vcxproj \
- test_ptr_fun.vcxproj.filters \
- test_retype.vcxproj \
- test_retype.vcxproj.filters \
- test_retype_return.vcxproj \
- test_retype_return.vcxproj.filters \
- test_signal.vcxproj \
- test_signal.vcxproj.filters \
- test_size.vcxproj \
- test_size.vcxproj.filters \
- test_slot.vcxproj \
- test_slot.vcxproj.filters \
- test_slot_disconnect.vcxproj \
- test_slot_disconnect.vcxproj.filters \
- test_trackable.vcxproj \
- test_trackable.vcxproj.filters \
- test_track_obj.vcxproj \
- test_track_obj.vcxproj.filters \
- test_visit_each.vcxproj \
- test_visit_each.vcxproj.filters
+msvc_nmake_data = \
+ build-rules-msvc.mak \
+ config-msvc.mak \
+ create-lists.bat \
+ create-lists-msvc.mak \
+ detectenv-msvc.mak \
+ generate-msvc.mak \
+ info-msvc.mak \
+ install.mak \
+ \
+ sigc++config.h \
+ sigc.rc
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/generate-msvc.mak b/MSVC_NMake/generate-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68159bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/generate-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# NMake Makefile portion for code generation and
+# intermediate build directory creation
+# Items in here should not need to be edited unless
+# one is maintaining the NMake build files.
+# Create the build directories
+ @-mkdir $@
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/info-msvc.mak b/MSVC_NMake/info-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbf0ade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/info-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# NMake Makefile portion for displaying config info
+ @echo.
+ @echo ----------
+ @echo Build info
+ @echo ---------
+ @echo Build Type: $(CFG)
+ @echo.
+ @echo ==============================
+ @echo Building libsigc++ Using NMake
+ @echo ==============================
+ @echo nmake /f CFG=[release^|debug] ^<PREFIX=PATH^>
+ @echo.
+ @echo Where:
+ @echo ------
+ @echo CFG: Required, use CFG=release for an optimized build and CFG=debug
+ @echo for a debug build. PDB files are generated for all builds.
+ @echo.
+ @echo PREFIX: Optional, the path where dependent libraries and tools may be
+ @echo found, default is ^$(srcrootdir)\..\vs^$(short_vs_ver)\^$(platform),
+ @echo where ^$(short_vs_ver) is 15 for VS 2017 and so on; and
+ @echo ^$(platform) is Win32 for 32-bit builds and x64 for x64 builds.
+ @echo.
+ @echo ======
+ @echo A 'clean' target is supported to remove all generated files, intermediate
+ @echo object files and binaries for the specified configuration.
+ @echo.
+ @echo An 'install' target is supported to copy the build (DLLs, utility programs,
+ @echo LIBs, along with the introspection files if applicable) to appropriate
+ @echo locations under ^$(PREFIX).
+ @echo ======
+ @echo.
diff --git a/MSVC_NMake/install.mak b/MSVC_NMake/install.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4903a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MSVC_NMake/install.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# NMake Makefile snippet for copying the built libraries, utilities and headers to
+# a path under $(PREFIX).
+install: all
+ @if not exist $(PREFIX)\bin\ mkdir $(PREFIX)\bin
+ @if not exist $(PREFIX)\lib\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\include\ mkdir $(PREFIX)\lib\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\include
+ @if not exist $(PREFIX)\include\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\sigc++\adaptors\ @mkdir $(PREFIX)\include\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\sigc++\adaptors
+ @if not exist $(PREFIX)\include\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\sigc++\functors\ @mkdir $(PREFIX)\include\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\sigc++\functors
+ @if not exist $(PREFIX)\include\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\sigc++\tuple-utils\ @mkdir $(PREFIX)\include\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\sigc++\tuple-utils
+ @copy /b $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\$(LIBSIGC_LIBNAME).dll $(PREFIX)\bin
+ @copy /b $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\$(LIBSIGC_LIBNAME).pdb $(PREFIX)\bin
+ @copy /b $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\$(LIBSIGC_LIBNAME).lib $(PREFIX)\lib
+ @for %h in ($(LIBSIGC_INT_HDRS)) do @copy "..\sigc++\%h" "$(PREFIX)\include\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\sigc++\%h"
+ @copy "sigc++config.h" "$(PREFIX)\lib\sigc++-$(LIBSIGC_MAJOR_VERSION).$(LIBSIGC_MINOR_VERSION)\include\"
diff --git a/ b/
index 501d554..7a8ef5c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ dist_noinst_SCRIPTS =
include $(srcdir)/MSVC_NMake/
-dist_noinst_DATA = $(addprefix MSVC_NMake/,$(msvc_net2017_data)) CMakeLists.txt sigc++config.h.cmake
+dist_noinst_DATA = $(addprefix MSVC_NMake/,$(msvc_nmake_data)) CMakeLists.txt sigc++config.h.cmake
DISTCLEANFILES = MSVC_NMake/sigc++config.h
diff --git a/README b/README
index 8635835..c2b3e51 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Overview of the distribution:
tests/ programs testing and verifying proper behaviour
- MSVC_NMake/ project files for building the library with MSVC++ 2017
+ MSVC_NMake/ NMake Makefiles for building the library with MSVC++ 2017 and later
diff --git a/ b/
index f5e712c..e5d2e50 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile
-# Copy the generated configuration headers into the MSVC project directories.
+# Copy the generated configuration headers into the MSVC NMake directory.
[cp -f sigc++config.h MSVC_NMake/sigc++config.h])