path: root/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views')
37 files changed, 0 insertions, 2668 deletions
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/AM.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/AM.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ed7d8085d..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/AM.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- //attachedViews: ["Chrome"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: FMLayout {
- id:home
- albumInfoBtn.vis: false
- albumInfoImg.visible: false
- alertBtn.vis: false
- browseBtn.vis: false
- replayBtn.vis: false
- preset1Btn.text: "WJR"
- preset2Btn.text: "1130"
- preset3Btn.text: "950"
- preset4Btn.text: "WWJ"
- preset5Btn.text: "WXYZ"
- preset6Btn.text: "1330"
- artistTxt.text: ""
- stationTxt.text: ""
- trackTxt.text: "950"
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.sourceBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "SourceChange" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.browseBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.albumInfoBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset1Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset2Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset3Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset4Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset5Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset6Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.replayBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.tuneBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.presetsBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/AMPCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/AMPCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a0a99f832..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/AMPCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- attachedViews: ["PCAstatusBar"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: FMLayoutPCA {
- id:home
- sourceBtn.text: "AM Radio"
- freqId: "AM"
- sourceBtn.textWidth: 100
- curPreset: dataPool.currAMpreset
- hdBtn.visible: false
- listModel: FProxyListModel {
- id: menuProxy
- sourceModel: menuItemData
- }
- }
- FMenuModel {
- id: menuItemData
- FMenuElement { id: preset1; menuText: "1130"; menuData: false; }
- FMenuElement { id: preset2; menuText: "950"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset3; menuText: "760"; menuData: true }
- FMenuElement { id: preset4; menuText: "1270"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset5; menuText: "1310"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset6; menuText: "800"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset7; menuText: "610"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset8; menuText: "820"; menuData: false}
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgEntry{
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currAMpreset === 1
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "1130" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currAMpreset === 2
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "950" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currAMpreset === 3
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "760" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currAMpreset === 4
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "1270" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currAMpreset === 5
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "1310" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currAMpreset === 6
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "800" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currAMpreset === 7
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "610" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currAMpreset === 8
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "820" }
- }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.sourceBtn.touchBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "SourceChangePCA" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset1
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "1130" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currAMpreset = 1 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset2
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "950" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currAMpreset = 2 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset3
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "760" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currAMpreset = 3 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset4
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "1270" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currAMpreset = 4 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset5
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "1310" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currAMpreset = 5 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset6
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "800" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currAMpreset = 6 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset7
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "610" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currAMpreset = 7 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset8
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "820" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currAMpreset = 8 }
- },
- FTrgListModel { id: trgList; model: menuItemData
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", trgList.element.menuText + ", index: " + trgList.index) } }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/AlphaSortPCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/AlphaSortPCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0158451113..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/AlphaSortPCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- attachedViews: ["PCAstatusBar"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: AlphaSortLayout {
- id:home
- phonEntry: dataPool.filterPhone
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgEntry{
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= ""}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.a; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "a"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.b; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "b"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.c; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "c"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.d; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "d"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.e; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "e"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.f; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "f"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.g; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "g"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.h; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "h"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.i; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "i"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.j; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "j"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.k; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "k"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.l; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "l"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.m; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "m"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.n; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "n"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.o; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "o"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.p; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "p"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.q; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "q"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.r; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "r"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.s; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "s"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.t; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "t"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.u; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "u"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.v; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "v"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.w; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "w"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.xB; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "x"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.yB; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "y"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.zB; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "z"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.num; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.filterPhone= "a"}
- FActViewShow { view: "PhoneContactsListView" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.close; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "PhonePCA" }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/AuxPCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/AuxPCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 478d1e55d9..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/AuxPCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- //attachedViews: ["Chrome"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: FMLayoutPCA {
- id:home
- sourceBtn.text: "Line In"
- sourceBtn.textWidth: 90
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.sourceBtn.touchBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "SourceChangePCA" }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/BT_AudioPCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/BT_AudioPCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 83a83147f0..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/BT_AudioPCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- //attachedViews: ["Chrome"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: USBLayoutPCA {
- id:home
- sourceBtn.text: "BT Audio"
- sourceBtn.textWidth: 100
- playing: true
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.sourceBtn.touchBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "SourceChangePCA" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea {; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.playing = false }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.pause; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.playing = true }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/CDPCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/CDPCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index bc6e6ab2fd..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/CDPCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- //attachedViews: ["Chrome"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: USBLayoutPCA {
- id:home
- sourceBtn.text: "CD"
- sourceBtn.textWidth: 40
- playing: true
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.sourceBtn.touchBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "SourceChangePCA" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea {; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.playing = false }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.pause; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.playing = true }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/Chrome.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/Chrome.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index e8029fb10a..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/Chrome.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 8
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: ChromeLayout {
- id:chrome
- button2.indicatorState: condPool.settingsOpen
- }
- }
- /*FViewUseCaseSimple{condition:condPool.settingsOpen
- PropertyChanges {
- target: chrome.button2; indicatorState: true
- }
- }*/
- triggers: [
- FTrgEntry {
- },
- FTrgHardwareKey { hardkeys: hk_OnOff; keyAction: HK.In
- FActEventFire { event: closeNormalScreens }
- FActViewShow { view: "Off" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:chrome.button1; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:chrome.button2; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "List" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:chrome.button3; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/ClimatePCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/ClimatePCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 812e6afac3..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/ClimatePCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: ClimatePCALayout {
- id:climate
- dualBtnSt: condPool.dualBtnSt
- drvHeatSeatSt: condPool.drvHeatSeatSt
- drvCoolSeatSt: condPool.drvCoolSeatSt
- passCoolSeatSt: condPool.passCoolSeatSt
- passHeatSeatSt: condPool.passHeatSeatSt
- heatWheelSt: condPool.heatWheelSt
- heatWinSheildSt: condPool.heatWinSheildSt
- defrostSt: condPool.defrostSt
- pannelSt: condPool.pannelSt
- floorSt: condPool.floorSt
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:climate.dualBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: condPool.dualBtnSt = !condPool.dualBtnSt }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:climate.drvHeatSeat; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: condPool.drvHeatSeatSt = !condPool.drvHeatSeatSt }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:climate.drvCoolSeat; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: condPool.drvCoolSeatSt = !condPool.drvCoolSeatSt }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:climate.passCoolSeat; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: condPool.passCoolSeatSt = !condPool.passCoolSeatSt }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:climate.passHeatSeat; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: condPool.passHeatSeatSt = !condPool.passHeatSeatSt }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:climate.heatWheel; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: condPool.heatWheelSt = !condPool.heatWheelSt }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:climate.heatWinSheild; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: condPool.heatWinSheildSt = !condPool.heatWinSheildSt }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:climate.defrost; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: condPool.defrostSt = !condPool.defrostSt }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:climate.pannel; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: condPool.pannelSt = !condPool.pannelSt }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:climate.floor; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: condPool.floorSt = !condPool.floorSt }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/ControlMirror.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/ControlMirror.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cd1472c0d..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/ControlMirror.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 5
- property string dirTuneEntry: ""
- FTimer { id: popupEnd; interval: 2500; repeat: false }
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: ControlMirrorLayout {
- id:home
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- },
- FTrgEntry{
- FActTimer { timer: popupEnd; action: TM.Start }
- },
- FTrgTimer{timer: popupEnd
- FActTimer { timer: popupEnd; action: TM.Stop }
- FActViewHide { }
- },
- FTrgHardwareKey { hardkeys: buttonUp; keyAction: HK.In
- FActTimer { timer: popupEnd; action: TM.Restart }
- // FActScriptCall { onScript: condPool.climateOnOff = true }
- FGrdCondition { condition: dataPool.drvTemp !== 80
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.drvTemp = (dataPool.drvTemp+1) }
- }
- },
- FTrgHardwareKey { hardkeys: buttonDown; keyAction: HK.In
- FActTimer { timer: popupEnd; action: TM.Restart }
- // FActScriptCall { onScript: condPool.climateOnOff = true }
- FGrdCondition { condition: dataPool.drvTemp !== 65
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.drvTemp = (dataPool.drvTemp-1) }
- }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/FM.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/FM.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6aa98303bd..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/FM.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- //attachedViews: ["Chrome"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: FMLayout {
- id:home
- preset1Btn.text: dataPool.fm1pre1
- preset2Btn.text: dataPool.fm1pre2
- preset3Btn.text: dataPool.fm1pre3
- preset4Btn.text: dataPool.fm1pre4
- preset5Btn.text: dataPool.fm1pre5
- preset6Btn.text: dataPool.fm1pre6
- trackTxt.text: dataPool.currStation
- stationTxt.text: dataPool.currStatText
- artistTxt.text: dataPool.currSong
- albumInfoBtn.bitmap: dataPool.currAlbumArt
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.sourceBtn.touchBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "SourceChange" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.browseBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.albumInfoBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset1Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currStation = dataPool.fm1pre1 }
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currStatText = dataPool.fm1stat1}
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currSong=dataPool.fm1song1 }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset2Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currStation = dataPool.fm1pre2 }
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currStatText = dataPool.fm1stat2}
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currSong=dataPool.fm1song2 }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset3Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currStation = dataPool.fm1pre3 }
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currStatText = dataPool.fm1stat3}
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currSong=dataPool.fm1song3 }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset4Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currStation = dataPool.fm1pre4 }
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currStatText = dataPool.fm1stat4}
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currSong=dataPool.fm1song4 }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset5Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currStation = dataPool.fm1pre5 }
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currStatText = dataPool.fm1stat5}
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currSong=dataPool.fm1song5 }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset6Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currStation = dataPool.fm1pre6 }
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currStatText = dataPool.fm1stat6}
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currSong=dataPool.fm1song6 }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.replayBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.tuneBtn.touchBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.presetsBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/FMPCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/FMPCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e9a46a0b3..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/FMPCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- attachedViews: ["PCAstatusBar"]
- property int currHD: 1
- property int totalHD: 4
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: FMLayoutPCA {
- id:home
- sourceBtn.text: "FM Radio"
- sourceBtn.textWidth: 100
- freqId: "FM"
- curHD: currHD
- totHD: totalHD
- curPreset: dataPool.currFMpreset
- listModel: FProxyListModel {
- id: menuProxy
- sourceModel: menuItemData
- }
- }
- FMenuModel {
- id: menuItemData
- FMenuElement { id: preset1; menuText: "96.3"; menuData: false; }
- FMenuElement { id: preset2; menuText: "107.9"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset3; menuText: "104.3"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset4; menuText: "101.9"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset5; menuText: "97.1"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset6; menuText: "91.7"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset7; menuText: "101.1"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset8; menuText: "91.9"; menuData: false}
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgCondition{ condition: home.moving === true
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.page1=!home.page1 }
- },
- FTrgEntry{
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currFMpreset === 1
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "96.3" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currFMpreset === 2
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "107.9" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currFMpreset === 3
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "104.3" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currFMpreset === 4
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "101.9" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currFMpreset === 5
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "97.1" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currFMpreset === 6
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "91.7" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currFMpreset === 7
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "101.1" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currFMpreset === 8
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "91.9" }
- }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.sourceBtn.touchBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "SourceChangePCA" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.hdBtn.touchBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FGrdCondition { condition: currHD === totalHD
- FActScriptCall { onScript: currHD = 1 }
- }
- FGrdCondition { condition: currHD !== totalHD
- FActScriptCall { onScript: currHD ++}
- }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset1
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "96.3" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currFMpreset = 1 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset2
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "107.9" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currFMpreset = 2 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset3
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "104.3" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currFMpreset = 3 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset4
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "101.9" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currFMpreset = 4 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset5
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "97.1" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currFMpreset = 5 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset6
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "91.7" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currFMpreset = 6 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset7
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "101.1" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currFMpreset = 7 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset8
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "91.9" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currFMpreset = 8 }
- },
- FTrgListModel { id: trgList; model: menuItemData
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", trgList.element.menuText + ", index: " + trgList.index) } }
- },
- /*FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.browseBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.albumInfoBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset1Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currStation = dataPool.fm1pre1 }
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currStatText = dataPool.fm1stat1}
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currSong=dataPool.fm1song1 }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset2Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currStation = dataPool.fm1pre2 }
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currStatText = dataPool.fm1stat2}
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currSong=dataPool.fm1song2 }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset3Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currStation = dataPool.fm1pre3 }
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currStatText = dataPool.fm1stat3}
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currSong=dataPool.fm1song3 }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset4Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currStation = dataPool.fm1pre4 }
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currStatText = dataPool.fm1stat4}
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currSong=dataPool.fm1song4 }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset5Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currStation = dataPool.fm1pre5 }
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currStatText = dataPool.fm1stat5}
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currSong=dataPool.fm1song5 }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset6Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currStation = dataPool.fm1pre6 }
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currStatText = dataPool.fm1stat6}
- FActScriptCall { onScript:dataPool.currSong=dataPool.fm1song6 }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.replayBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.presetsBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },*/
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/GenListHandling.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/GenListHandling.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9abdb899fc..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/GenListHandling.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-FState {
- triggers: [
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/GridMenuPCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/GridMenuPCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index fd43775f0d..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/GridMenuPCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-FStateView {
- id:sv
- priority: 2
- view: FView {
- //viewClass: baseScreen
- layout: TileBackImgLayoutPCA {
- id:l
- itemWidth: 266
- listWrap: false
- list_data: FProxyListModel {
- id: menuProxy
- sourceModel: menuItemData
- }
- list_itemWidget: GridViewImgItemWidget {
- width: 266
- }
- }
- FMenuModel {
- id: menuItemData
- FMenuElement { id: climate; menuIcon: "menu/snow.png"}
- FMenuElement { id: phone; menuIcon: "menu/phone.png" }
- FMenuElement { id: navigation; menuIcon: "menu/arrow.png" }
- FMenuElement { id: myVeh; menuIcon: "menu/car.png" }
- FMenuElement { id: entertainment; menuIcon: "menu/notes.png" }
- FMenuElement { id: settings; menuIcon: "menu/gear.png" }
- }
- FViewUseCaseSimple { condition: sv.isInEntry
- PropertyChanges { target: l; list_data: null }
- }
- }
- baseBehavior: GenListHandling {}
- triggers: [
- // Example for a menu element trigger. This will only work for FMenuModels.
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: climate
- FActViewShow { view: "ClimatePCA" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: phone
- FActViewShow { view: "PhonePCA" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: navigation
- FActViewShow { view: "NavNoRoute" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: myVeh
- FActViewShow { view: "MyVehiclePCA" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: entertainment
- FActViewShow { view: "RadioEventHandlingPCA" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: settings
- },
- FTrgListModel { id: trgList; model: menuItemData
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", trgList.element.menuText + ", index: " + trgList.index) } }
- },
- FTrgEntry {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.mainPCAmenuShown = true }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "Entry") } }
- },
- FTrgEntryComplete {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "EntryComplete") } }
- },
- FTrgExit {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.mainPCAmenuShown = false }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "Exit") } }
- },
- FTrgExitComplete {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "ExitComplete") } }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/Home.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/Home.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a7edc353d..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/Home.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- //attachedViews: ["Chrome"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: HomeLayout {
- id:home
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- /*FTrgHardwareKey { hardkeys: hk_OnOff; keyAction: HK.In
- FActEventFire { event: closeNormalScreens }
- FActViewShow { view: "Off" }
- },*/
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.button1; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.button2; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "RadioEventHandling" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.button3; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.button4; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/List.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/List.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f63b77461..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/List.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: ListLayout {
- id:list
- listWrap: true
- list_data: menuItemData
- list_itemWidget: MenuListItemWidget { }
- }
- }
- FMenuModel {
- id: menuItemData
- FMenuElement { id: menuAudio; menuText: "Audio Settings"; menuType: FMenuElement.Submenu
- FMenuElement { id: menuAudio1; menuText: "Audio 1"; menuType: FMenuElement.Submenu
- FMenuElement { id: menuAudio11; menuText: "Audio 11"; menuType: FMenuElement.Popup }
- FMenuElement { id: menuAudio12; menuText: "Audio 12"; menuType: FMenuElement.Popup }
- }
- FMenuElement { id: menuAudio2; menuText: "Audio 2"; menuType: FMenuElement.Popup }
- FMenuElement { id: menuAudio3; menuText: "Audio 3"; menuType: FMenuElement.Popup }
- }
- FMenuElement { id: menuVehicle; menuText: "Vehicle Settings"; menuType: FMenuElement.Submenu; isVisible: false }
- FMenuElement { id: menuClock; menuText: "Clock Settings"; menuType: FMenuElement.Submenu }
- FMenuElement { id: menuDisplay; menuText: "Display Settings"; menuType: FMenuElement.Submenu }
- FMenuElement { id: menuMC; menuText: "Message Centre"; menuType: FMenuElement.Popup }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgEntry {
- FActScriptCall {onScript: condPool.settingsOpen=true}
- },
- FTrgExit {
- FActScriptCall {onScript: condPool.settingsOpen=false}
- },
- /*FTrgHardwareKey { hardkeys: hk_OnOff; keyAction: HK.In
- FActEventFire { event: closeNormalScreens }
- FActViewShow { view: "Off" }
- },*/
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- },
- // Example for a menu element trigger. This will only work for FMenuModels.
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: menuAudio
- FActScriptCall { onScript: menuAudio.isOpened = !menuAudio.isOpened }
- },
- // Example to use a list model trigger. This will work for all classes derived from FAbstractListModel (E.g. TreeModel, MenuModel)
- FTrgListModel { id: trgList; model: menuItemData
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", trgList.element.menuText + ", index: " + trgList.index) } }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/MenuTopLevelGrid.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/MenuTopLevelGrid.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index ce477a12a7..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/MenuTopLevelGrid.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-FStateView {
- id:sv
- priority: 2
- view: FView {
- //viewClass: baseScreen
- layout: TC1_B1_Grid {
- id:l
- listWrap: false
- list_data: FProxyListModel {
- id: menuProxy
- sourceModel: menuItemData
- }
- list_itemWidget: GridViewItemWidget {
- }
- }
- FMenuModel {
- id: menuItemData
- FMenuElement { id: menuAudio; menuText: "AM"; menuType: FMenuElement.Submenu}
- FMenuElement { id: menuVehicle; menuText: "FM"; menuType: FMenuElement.Submenu; isVisible: false}
- FMenuElement { id: menuClock; menuText: "Sirius"; menuType: FMenuElement.Submenu }
- FMenuElement { id: menuDisplay; menuText: "CD"; menuType: FMenuElement.Submenu }
- FMenuElement { id: menuMC; menuText: "BT Audio"; menuType: FMenuElement.Popup }
- FMenuElement { menuText: "USB"; menuType: FMenuElement.Popup }
- FMenuElement { menuText: "Dummy 2"; menuType: FMenuElement.Popup }
- FMenuElement { menuText: "Dummy 3"; menuType: FMenuElement.Popup }
- FMenuElement { menuText: "Dummy 4"; menuType: FMenuElement.Popup }
- FMenuElement { menuText: "Dummy 5"; menuType: FMenuElement.Popup }
- FMenuElement { menuText: "Dummy 6"; menuType: FMenuElement.Popup }
- FMenuElement { menuText: "Dummy 7"; menuType: FMenuElement.Popup }
- FMenuElement { menuText: "Dummy 8"; menuType: FMenuElement.Popup }
- }
- FViewUseCaseSimple { condition: sv.isInEntry
- PropertyChanges { target: l; list_data: null }
- }
- }
- baseBehavior: GenListHandling {}
- triggers: [
- // Example for a menu element trigger. This will only work for FMenuModels.
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: menuAudio
- FGrdCondition { condition: menuAudio.isEnabled
- FActViewShow { view: "MenuAudioSettings"; animation: "AnimWiperRight" }
- }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: menuClock
- FActViewShow { view: "MenuTopLevelMenu" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: menuVehicle
- FActViewShow { view: "MenuTopLevelMenu"; animation: "AnimWiperRight" }
- },
- // Example to use a list model trigger. This will work for all classes derived from FAbstractListModel (E.g. TreeModel, MenuModel)
- FTrgListModel { id: trgList; model: menuItemData
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", trgList.element.menuText + ", index: " + trgList.index) } }
- },
- FTrgEntry {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "Entry") } }
- },
- FTrgEntryComplete {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "EntryComplete") } }
- },
- FTrgExit {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "Exit") } }
- },
- FTrgExitComplete {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "ExitComplete") } }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/MyVehiclePCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/MyVehiclePCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ecc512b60..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/MyVehiclePCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-FStateView {
- id:sv
- priority: 2
- view: FView {
- //viewClass: baseScreen
- layout: TileBackImgLayoutPCA {
- id:l
- //useClose: true
- listWrap: false
- list_data: FProxyListModel {
- id: menuProxy
- sourceModel: menuItemData
- }
- list_itemWidget: GridViewImgItemWidget {
- }
- }
- FMenuModel {
- id: menuItemData
- FMenuElement { id: ev; menuIcon: "Vehicle/EV Icon.png"}
- FMenuElement { id: aLight; menuIcon: "Vehicle/Ambient Lighti Icon.png" }
- FMenuElement { id: mcs; menuIcon: "Vehicle/MCS Icon.png" }
- FMenuElement { id: weather; menuIcon: "Vehicle/sun.png" }
- FMenuElement { id: kepad; menuIcon: "Vehicle/key_car.png" }
- FMenuElement { id: calendar; menuIcon: "Vehicle/cal.png" }
- FMenuElement { id: browse; menuIcon: "Vehicle/folders.png" }
- FMenuElement { id: syncServices; menuIcon: "Vehicle/SYNC Services.png"}
- }
- FViewUseCaseSimple { condition: sv.isInEntry
- PropertyChanges { target: l; list_data: null }
- }
- }
- baseBehavior: GenListHandling {}
- triggers: [
- // Example for a menu element trigger. This will only work for FMenuModels.
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: ev
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: aLight
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: mcs
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: weather
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: kepad
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: calendar
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: browse
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: syncServices
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:l.close; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "GridMenuPCA" }
- },
- FTrgListModel { id: trgList; model: menuItemData
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", trgList.element.menuText + ", index: " + trgList.index) } }
- },
- FTrgEntry {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "Entry") } }
- },
- FTrgEntryComplete {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "EntryComplete") } }
- },
- FTrgExit {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "Exit") } }
- },
- FTrgExitComplete {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "ExitComplete") } }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/NavInRoute.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/NavInRoute.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index e21d60a3cd..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/NavInRoute.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: NavInRouteLayout {
- id:map
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:map.cancel; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "NavNoRoute" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:map.mute; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { map.muteSt = !map.muteSt} }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/NavKeyboardPCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/NavKeyboardPCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index a3499f89d3..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/NavKeyboardPCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- attachedViews: ["PCAstatusBar"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: NavKeyboardLayout {
- id:nav
- entry:dataPool.navEnrty
- list_data:sItemData
- list_itemWidget: VerySimpleListItemWidget {
- vis: false
- }
- }
- }
- ListModel
- {
- id:sItemData
- ListElement { staticItem: "Five Guys" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Archers Of Loaf" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Bob Mould" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Cat Power" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Cloud Nothings"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Dentist"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Dirty Frank's" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Grouplove" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Hudson Bell"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Japandroids" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Macklemore & Ryan Lewis"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "The National"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Titus Andronicus" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Tito" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Tamal" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Taco" }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.listOpen; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= ""}
- FActViewShow { view: "NavInRoute" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.a; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"a"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.b; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"b"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.c; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"c"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.d; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"d"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.e; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"e"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.f; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"f"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.g; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"g"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.h; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"h"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.i; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"i"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.j; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"j"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.k; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"k"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.l; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"l"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.m; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"m"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.n; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"n"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.o; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"o"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.p; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"p"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.q; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"q"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.r; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"r"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.s; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"s"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.t; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"t"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.u; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"u"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.v; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"v"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.w; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"w"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.xB; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"x"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.yB; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"y"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.zB; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+"z"}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.num; touchAction: TA.Out
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.clr; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= ""}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea {; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty+" "}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.del; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.navEnrty= dataPool.navEnrty.substring(0,dataPool.navEnrty.length-1)}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.sym; touchAction: TA.Out
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.go; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "NavInRoute" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:nav.close; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "NavNoRoute" }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/NavMenu.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/NavMenu.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d22aa77ea..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/NavMenu.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-FStateView {
- id:sv
- priority: 2
- view: FView {
- //viewClass: baseScreen
- layout: TileBackLayoutPCA {
- id:l
- listWrap: false
- list_data: FProxyListModel {
- id: menuProxy
- sourceModel: menuItemData
- }
- list_itemWidget: GridViewItemWidget {
- }
- }
- FMenuModel {
- id: menuItemData
- FMenuElement { id: sourceAM; menuText: "Home"; }
- FMenuElement { id: sourceFM; menuText: "Work"; }
- FMenuElement { id: sourceCD; menuText: "Keyboard"; }
- FMenuElement { id: sourceSat; menuText: "Recent"; }
- FMenuElement { id: sourceBt; menuText: "Favorites"; }
- FMenuElement { id: sourceIpod; menuText: "POI"; }
- FMenuElement { id: sourceUSB; menuText: "Scout"; }
- FMenuElement { id: sourceLineIn; menuText: "Waze";}
- }
- FViewUseCaseSimple { condition: sv.isInEntry
- PropertyChanges { target: l; list_data: null }
- }
- }
- baseBehavior: GenListHandling {}
- triggers: [
- // Example for a menu element trigger. This will only work for FMenuModels.
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceAM
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceFM
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceSat
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceCD
- FActViewShow { view: "NavKeyboardPCA" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceBt
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceIpod
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceUSB
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceLineIn
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:l.close; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "NavNoRoute" }
- },
- FTrgListModel { id: trgList; model: menuItemData
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", trgList.element.menuText + ", index: " + trgList.index) } }
- },
- FTrgEntry {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "Entry") } }
- },
- FTrgEntryComplete {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "EntryComplete") } }
- },
- FTrgExit {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "Exit") } }
- },
- FTrgExitComplete {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "ExitComplete") } }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/NavNoRoute.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/NavNoRoute.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0299c182e8..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/NavNoRoute.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: NavNoRouteLayout {
- id:map
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:map.destSearch; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "NavMenu" }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/Off.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/Off.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e75999c66..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/Off.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 1
- view: FView {
- layout: OffLayout {
- id:l
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgHardwareKey { hardkeys: hk_OnOff; keyAction: HK.In
- FActViewShow { view: "On" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:l.offTouch; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "On" }
- },
- /*FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- },*/
- FTrgEntry {
- //FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.phoneCrnIcons = false}
- //FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.phonePaired = false}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/On.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/On.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e09534309..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/On.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 1
- view: FView {
- layout: OffLayout {
- id:l
- offTouch.enabled: false
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgEntry {
- FActViewShow { view: "RadioEventHandlingPCA" }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewShow { view: "Off" }
- },
- FTrgHardwareKey { hardkeys: hk_OnOff; keyAction: HK.In
- //FActViewShow { view: "Off" }
- FActEventFire{ event: closeNormalScreens }
- },
- FTrgHardwareKey { hardkeys: buttonUp; keyAction: HK.In
- FActViewShow { view: "ControlMirror" }
- },
- FTrgHardwareKey { hardkeys: buttonDown; keyAction: HK.In
- FActViewShow { view: "ControlMirror" }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/PCAstatusBar.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/PCAstatusBar.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index e235f9c159..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/PCAstatusBar.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 8
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: PCAstatusBarLayout {
- id:statusBar
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:statusBar.menuTouch; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "GridMenuPCA" }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/PhoneContactsListView.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/PhoneContactsListView.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index f64062f3ab..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/PhoneContactsListView.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- view: FView {
- layout: PhoneContactsLayout {
- id:l
- list_data:phoneItemData
- list_itemWidget: PhoneContactListItemWdgt {
- itemClicked: childClicked
- }
- }
- }
- FEvent {id: browseSelected}
- ListModel
- {
- id:phoneItemData
- ListElement { staticItem: "Aaron" ; staticNumber:"(614)555-2444";type:"Mobile"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Adrian" ; staticNumber:"(740)245-3434";type:"Mobile" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Albert" ; staticNumber:"(614)245-5584";type:"Mobile" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Alice" ; staticNumber:"(313)878-3566";type:"Office"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Alec" ; staticNumber:"(917)608-2418";type:"Mobile"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Alexander" ; staticNumber:"(614)608-2400";type:"Home"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Alexander" ; staticNumber:"(614)608-2400";type:"Mobile"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Amber" ; staticNumber:"(614)608-2111";type:"Mobile"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Amy" ; staticNumber:"(440)245-3434";type:"Mobile" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Andy" ; staticNumber:"(313)245-3434";type:"Mobile" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Antje" ; staticNumber:"(567)245-3434";type:"Home" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Barry" ; staticNumber:"(313)555-2211";type:"Mobile" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Bea" ; staticNumber:"(614)455-3434";type:"Mobile" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Ben" ; staticNumber:"(614)882-1843";type:"Office" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Blake" ; staticNumber:"(330)149-7778";type:"Mobile" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Bob Mould" ; staticNumber:"(313)245-3434";type:"Mobile" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Brian" ; staticNumber:"(614)332-7499";type:"Mobile" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Calvin" ; staticNumber:"(614)442-9974";type:"Mobile" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Carl" ; staticNumber:"(567)773-3434";type:"Home" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Cat Power" ; staticNumber:"(313)608-3434";type:"Home"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Cathy" ; staticNumber:"(313)444-456";type:"Home"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Chris" ; staticNumber:"(734)997-6514";type:"Home" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Cloud Nothings"; staticNumber:"(444)608-543";type:"Mobile"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Cody" ; staticNumber:"(567)365-8413";type:"Home" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Curtis" ; staticNumber:"(614)245-1547";type:"Office" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Dakota" ; staticNumber:"(567)555-4444";type:"Home" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Dale" ; staticNumber:"(567)723-1974";type:"Mobile" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Dallas"; staticNumber:"(614)556-879";type:"Home"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Damian" ; staticNumber:"(614)245-3434";type:"Office" }
- ListElement { staticItem: "Daniel"; staticNumber:"(614)556-879";type:"Home"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Darina"; staticNumber:"(313)895-888";type:"Mobile"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Dee "; staticNumber:"(313)432-3434";type:"Home"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Edward" ; staticNumber:"(917)608-975";type:"Office"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Ferdinand" ; staticNumber:"(917)879-795";type:"Mobile"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Gomez" ; staticNumber:"(313)455-543";type:"Mobile"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Harry Potter"; staticNumber:"(313)888-432";type:"Home"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Ivan"; staticNumber:"(313)996-225";type:"Home"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "James" ; staticNumber:"(917)608-3434";type:"Mobile"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Karen"; staticNumber:"(313)998-332";type:"Home"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Luis Torres"; staticNumber:"(313)779-111";type:"Home"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Mary"; staticNumber:"(313)234-098";type:"Mobile"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Neil"; staticNumber:"(313)444-112";type:"Mobile"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Oswald"; staticNumber:"(313)456-921";type:"Mobile"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Oscar"; staticNumber:"(313)332-778";type:"Home"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Patrice"; staticNumber:"(313)789-111";type:"Mobile"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Queen Elizabeth"; staticNumber:"(313)897-666";type:"Mobile"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Rose"; staticNumber:"(313)111-211";type:"Mobile"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Susell"; staticNumber:"(313)345-122";type:"Home"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Susell"; staticNumber:"(313)345-122";type:"Home"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Thomas"; staticNumber:"(917)608-342";type:"Mobile"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Titus Andronicus" ; staticNumber:"(917)608-321";type:"Office"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Toretto" ; staticNumber:"(917)608-3434";type:"Home"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Uhl" ; staticNumber:"(313)444-654";type:"Office"}
- ListElement { staticItem: "Zara" ; staticNumber:"(313)231-009";type:"Mobile"}
- }
- FEvent { id: childClicked }
- triggers:[
- FTrgEntry {
- FActScriptCall{onScript: l.list.positionViewAtIndex(sortList.existChar(phoneItemData,dataPool.filterPhone),l.list.Beginning)}
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:l.back; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "AlphaSortPCA" }
- },
- FTrgEvent { id: trig2; event: childClicked
- FActScriptCall { onScript:console.log( }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/PhonePCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/PhonePCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 40969a3a64..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/PhonePCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-FStateView {
- id:sv
- priority: 2
- view: FView {
- //viewClass: baseScreen
- layout: TileBackImgLayoutPCA {
- id:l
- //useClose: true
- listWrap: false
- list_data: FProxyListModel {
- id: menuProxy
- sourceModel: menuItemData
- }
- list_itemWidget: GridViewImgItemWidget {
- }
- }
- FMenuModel {
- id: menuItemData
- FMenuElement { id: phone; menuIcon: "menu/phone.png"}
- FMenuElement { id: dnd; menuIcon: "phone/DNDoff.png" }
- FMenuElement { id: phoneBook; menuIcon: "phone/contacts.png" }
- FMenuElement { id: recent; menuIcon: "phone/recent.png" }
- FMenuElement { id: messages; menuIcon: "phone/messages.png" }
- FMenuElement { id: keyPad; menuIcon: "phone/keypad.png" }
- FMenuElement { id: textMsg; menuIcon: "phone/texts.png" }
- FMenuElement { id: more; menuIcon: "phone/more.png"}
- }
- FViewUseCaseSimple { condition: sv.isInEntry
- PropertyChanges { target: l; list_data: null }
- }
- }
- baseBehavior: GenListHandling {}
- triggers: [
- // Example for a menu element trigger. This will only work for FMenuModels.
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: phone
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: dnd
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: phoneBook
- FActViewShow { view: "AlphaSortPCA" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: recent
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: more
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: messages
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: keyPad
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: textMsg
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:l.close; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "GridMenuPCA" }
- },
- FTrgListModel { id: trgList; model: menuItemData
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", trgList.element.menuText + ", index: " + trgList.index) } }
- },
- FTrgEntry {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "Entry") } }
- },
- FTrgEntryComplete {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "EntryComplete") } }
- },
- FTrgExit {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "Exit") } }
- },
- FTrgExitComplete {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "ExitComplete") } }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/RadioEventHandling.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/RadioEventHandling.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index ef693d924c..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/RadioEventHandling.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 0
- view: FView {
- layout: BlankLayout {
- id:l
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgEntry {
- FGrdCondition{ condition: dataPool.currSource==="FM"
- FActViewShow{ view: "FMPCA"}
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- FGrdCondition{ condition: dataPool.currSource==="USB"
- FActViewShow{ view: "USB"}
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- FGrdCondition{ condition: dataPool.currSource==="AM"
- FActViewShow{ view: "AM"}
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/RadioEventHandlingPCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/RadioEventHandlingPCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 90bf0a801a..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/RadioEventHandlingPCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 0
- view: FView {
- layout: BlankLayout {
- id:l
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgEntry {
- FGrdCondition{ condition: dataPool.currSource==="FM"
- FActViewShow{ view: "FMPCA"}
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- FGrdCondition{ condition: dataPool.currSource==="USB"
- FActViewShow{ view: "USBPCA"}
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- FGrdCondition{ condition: dataPool.currSource==="AM"
- FActViewShow{ view: "AMPCA"}
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- FGrdCondition{ condition: dataPool.currSource==="Sirius"
- FActViewShow{ view: "SiriusPCA"}
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- FGrdCondition{ condition: dataPool.currSource==="CD"
- FActViewShow{ view: "CDPCA"}
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- FGrdCondition{ condition: dataPool.currSource==="BT_Audio"
- FActViewShow{ view: "BT_AudioPCA"}
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- FGrdCondition{ condition: dataPool.currSource==="iPod"
- FActViewShow{ view: "iPodPCA"}
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- FGrdCondition{ condition: dataPool.currSource==="LineIn"
- FActViewShow{ view: "AuxPCA"}
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- FGrdCondition{ condition: dataPool.currSource==="SDL_Music"
- FActViewShow{ view: "SDL_MusicPCA"}
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/SDL_MusicPCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/SDL_MusicPCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index a68956518b..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/SDL_MusicPCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- //attachedViews: ["Chrome"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: USBLayoutPCA {
- id:home
- sourceBtn.text: "SDL Music"
- sourceBtn.textWidth: 100
- playing: true
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.sourceBtn.touchBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "SourceChangePCA" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea {; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.playing = false }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.pause; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.playing = true }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/Sirius.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/Sirius.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index bf16b810a5..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/Sirius.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- //attachedViews: ["Chrome"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: SiriusLayout {
- id:home
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.sourceBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "SourceChange" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.browseBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.albumInfoBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset1Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset2Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset3Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset4Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset5Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.preset6Btn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.replayBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.tuneBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.presetsBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/SiriusPCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/SiriusPCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index afb5c42fc7..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/SiriusPCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- //attachedViews: ["Chrome"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: FMLayoutPCA {
- id:home
- sourceBtn.text: "Sirius"
- sourceBtn.textWidth: 70
- freqId: ""
- curPreset: dataPool.currSATpreset
- hdBtn.visible: false
- listModel: FProxyListModel {
- id: menuProxy
- sourceModel: menuItemData
- }
- }
- FMenuModel {
- id: menuItemData
- FMenuElement { id: preset1; menuText: "Lithium"; menuData: true; }
- FMenuElement { id: preset2; menuText: "Spectrum"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset3; menuText: "ESPN"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset4; menuText: "Alt Nation"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset5; menuText: "NHL"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset6; menuText: "the Highway"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset7; menuText: "SiriusXMU"; menuData: false }
- FMenuElement { id: preset8; menuText: "First Wave"; menuData: false}
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgEntry{
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currSATpreset === 1
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "Lithium" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currSATpreset === 2
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "Spectrum" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currSATpreset === 3
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "ESPN" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currSATpreset === 4
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "Alt Nation" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currSATpreset === 5
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "NHL" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currSATpreset === 6
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "the Highway" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currSATpreset === 7
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "SiriusXMU" }
- }
- FGrdCondition{condition: dataPool.currSATpreset === 8
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "First Wave" }
- }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.sourceBtn.touchBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "SourceChangePCA" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset1
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "Lithium" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSATpreset = 1 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset2
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "Spectrum" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSATpreset = 2 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset3
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "ESPN" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSATpreset = 3 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset4
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "Alt Nation" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSATpreset = 4 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset5
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "NHL" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSATpreset = 5 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset6
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "the Highway" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSATpreset = 6 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset7
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "SiriusXMU" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSATpreset = 7 }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: preset8
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.stationTxt = "First Wave" }
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSATpreset = 8 }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/SourceChange.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/SourceChange.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 42680f9e80..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/SourceChange.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- //attachedViews: ["Chrome"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: TileBackLayout {
- id:source
- button1.text: "AM"
- button2.text: "FM"
- button3.text: "Sirius"
- button4.text: "USB"
- button5.text: "BT Audio"
- button6.text: "Line In"
- button7.vis: false
- button8.vis: false
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- /*FTrgHardwareKey { hardkeys: hk_OnOff; keyAction: HK.In
- FActEventFire { event: closeNormalScreens }
- FActViewShow { view: "Off" }
- },*/
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:source.button1; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSource = "AM" }
- FActViewShow { view: "RadioEventHandling" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:source.button2; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "FM" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:source.button3; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:source.button4; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "USB" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:source.button5; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:source.button6; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "RadioEventHandling" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:source.button7; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:source.button8; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:source.backBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "RadioEventHandling" }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/SourceChangePCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/SourceChangePCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index bb87d41c2c..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/SourceChangePCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-FStateView {
- id:sv
- priority: 2
- view: FView {
- //viewClass: baseScreen
- layout: TileBackLayoutPCA {
- id:l
- listWrap: false
- list_data: FProxyListModel {
- id: menuProxy
- sourceModel: menuItemData
- }
- list_itemWidget: GridViewItemWidget {
- }
- }
- FMenuModel {
- id: menuItemData
- FMenuElement { id: sourceAM; menuText: "AM"; }
- FMenuElement { id: sourceFM; menuText: "FM"; }
- FMenuElement { id: sourceSat; menuText: "Sirius"; }
- FMenuElement { id: sourceCD; menuText: "CD"; }
- FMenuElement { id: sourceBt; menuText: "BT Audio"; }
- FMenuElement { id: sourceIpod; menuText: "iPod"; }
- FMenuElement { id: sourceUSB; menuText: "USB"; }
- FMenuElement { id: sourceLineIn; menuText: "Line In";}
- FMenuElement { id: sourceSDL; menuText: "SDL Music";}
- }
- FViewUseCaseSimple { condition: sv.isInEntry
- PropertyChanges { target: l; list_data: null }
- }
- }
- baseBehavior: GenListHandling {}
- triggers: [
- // Example for a menu element trigger. This will only work for FMenuModels.
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceAM
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSource = "AM" }
- FActViewShow { view: "RadioEventHandlingPCA" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceFM
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSource = "FM" }
- FActViewShow { view: "RadioEventHandlingPCA" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceSat
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSource = "Sirius" }
- FActViewShow { view: "RadioEventHandlingPCA" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceCD
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSource = "CD" }
- FActViewShow { view: "RadioEventHandlingPCA" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceBt
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSource = "BT_Audio" }
- FActViewShow { view: "RadioEventHandlingPCA" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceIpod
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSource = "iPod" }
- FActViewShow { view: "RadioEventHandlingPCA" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceUSB
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSource = "USB" }
- FActViewShow { view: "RadioEventHandlingPCA" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceLineIn
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSource = "LineIn" }
- FActViewShow { view: "RadioEventHandlingPCA" }
- },
- FTrgMenuElement { menuElement: sourceSDL
- FActScriptCall { onScript: dataPool.currSource = "SDL_Music" }
- FActViewShow { view: "RadioEventHandlingPCA" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:l.close; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "RadioEventHandlingPCA" }
- },
- FTrgListModel { id: trgList; model: menuItemData
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", trgList.element.menuText + ", index: " + trgList.index) } }
- },
- FTrgEntry {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "Entry") } }
- },
- FTrgEntryComplete {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "EntryComplete") } }
- },
- FTrgExit {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "Exit") } }
- },
- FTrgExitComplete {
- FActScriptCall { onScript: { FLogger.debug("Test", "ExitComplete") } }
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/Start.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/Start.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4858474011..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/Start.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- attachedViews: ["Chrome"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: StartLayout {
- id:corner
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgEntry {
- },
- /*FTrgHardwareKey { hardkeys: hk_OnOff; keyAction: HK.In
- FActEventFire { event: closeNormalScreens }
- FActViewShow { view: "Off" }
- },*/
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:corner.button1; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Home" }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/USB.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/USB.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8931d61ff8..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/USB.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- //attachedViews: ["Chrome"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: USBLayout {
- id:home
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.sourceBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "SourceChange" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.browseBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.albumInfoBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.seekBkBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.seekFdBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.playBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.shuffleBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.repeatBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "Start" }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/USBPCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/USBPCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b1b47270e..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/USBPCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- //attachedViews: ["Chrome"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: USBLayoutPCA {
- id:home
- sourceBtn.text: "USB"
- sourceBtn.textWidth: 50
- playing: true
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.sourceBtn.touchBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "SourceChangePCA" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea {; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.playing = false }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.pause; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.playing = true }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]
diff --git a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/iPodPCA.qml b/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/iPodPCA.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index f4d3f68b78..0000000000
--- a/src/components/qt_hmi/References/Look/Views/iPodPCA.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// import QtQuick 2.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import 1.0
-import "../Layouts"
-import "../Animations"
-import "../Widgets"
-import ".."
-FStateView {
- priority: 2
- //attachedViews: ["Chrome"]
- view: FView {
- id: v
- layout: USBLayoutPCA {
- id:home
- sourceBtn.text: "iPod"
- sourceBtn.textWidth: 50
- playing: true
- }
- }
- triggers: [
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.sourceBtn.touchBtn; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActViewShow { view: "SourceChangePCA" }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea {; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.playing = false }
- },
- FTrgTouchArea { touchArea:home.pause; touchAction: TA.Out
- FActScriptCall { onScript: home.playing = true }
- },
- FTrgEvent { event: closeNormalScreens
- FActViewHide{}
- }
- ]