path: root/src/components/remote_control/include/remote_control/resource_allocation_manager_impl.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/components/remote_control/include/remote_control/resource_allocation_manager_impl.h')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/components/remote_control/include/remote_control/resource_allocation_manager_impl.h b/src/components/remote_control/include/remote_control/resource_allocation_manager_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57c2a8f360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/remote_control/include/remote_control/resource_allocation_manager_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#include "remote_control/resource_allocation_manager.h"
+#include "remote_control/remote_plugin_interface.h"
+#include "utils/macro.h"
+#include "utils/lock.h"
+namespace remote_control {
+typedef rc_event_engine::EventDispatcher<application_manager::MessagePtr,
+ std::string> RCEventDispatcher;
+class ResourceAllocationManagerImpl : public ResourceAllocationManager {
+ public:
+ ResourceAllocationManagerImpl(RemotePluginInterface& rc_plugin);
+ ~ResourceAllocationManagerImpl();
+ AcquireResult::eType AcquireResource(const std::string& module_type,
+ const uint32_t app_id) OVERRIDE FINAL;
+ void SetResourceState(const std::string& module_type,
+ const uint32_t app_id,
+ const ResourceState::eType state) FINAL;
+ bool IsResourceFree(const std::string& module_type) const FINAL;
+ void SetAccessMode(
+ const hmi_apis::Common_RCAccessMode::eType access_mode) FINAL;
+ hmi_apis::Common_RCAccessMode::eType GetAccessMode() const FINAL;
+ void ForceAcquireResource(const std::string& module_type,
+ const uint32_t app_id) FINAL;
+ void OnDriverDisallowed(const std::string& module_type,
+ const uint32_t app_id) FINAL;
+ /**
+ * @brief OnApplicationEvent Notifies modules on certain application events
+ * @param event Event
+ * @param application Pointer to application struct
+ */
+ void OnApplicationEvent(
+ functional_modules::ApplicationEvent event,
+ application_manager::ApplicationSharedPtr application) FINAL;
+ /**
+ * @brief OnPolicyEvent Processes policy related events
+ * @param event Policy event
+ */
+ void OnPolicyEvent(functional_modules::PolicyEvent event) FINAL;
+ void ResetAllAllocations() FINAL;
+ private:
+ typedef std::vector<application_manager::ApplicationSharedPtr> Apps;
+ /**
+ * @brief IsModuleTypeRejected check if current resource was rejected by
+ * driver for current application
+ * @param module_type resource to check
+ * @param app_id application id
+ * @return true if current resource was rejected by driver for current
+ * application, otherwise - false
+ */
+ bool IsModuleTypeRejected(const std::string& module_type,
+ const uint32_t app_id);
+ /**
+ * @brief ReleaseResource Releases resource acquired by application
+ * @param module_type Module name
+ * @param application_id Application id
+ */
+ void ReleaseResource(const std::string& module_type,
+ const uint32_t application_id);
+ /**
+ * @brief GetAcquiredResources Provides resources acquired by particular
+ * application currently
+ * @param application_id Application id
+ * @return List of acquired resources by specific application
+ */
+ Resources GetAcquiredResources(const uint32_t application_id) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief ProcessApplicationPolicyUpdate Checks if allowed modules list is
+ * changed for registered RC applications and releases in case some modules
+ * now out of the list
+ */
+ void ProcessApplicationPolicyUpdate();
+ /**
+ * @brief GetApplicationExtention Provides access to application RC extention
+ * @param application Application
+ * @return Pointer to RC extention of application or NULL if not available
+ */
+ RCAppExtensionPtr GetApplicationExtention(
+ application_manager::ApplicationSharedPtr application);
+ /**
+ * @brief RemoveAppsSubscriptions Removes subscriptions for interior data for
+ * applications in the list
+ * @param apps Application list
+ */
+ void RemoveAppsSubscriptions(const Apps& apps);
+ /**
+ * @brief AllocatedResources contains link between resource and application
+ * owning that resource
+ */
+ typedef std::map<std::string, uint32_t> AllocatedResources;
+ AllocatedResources allocated_resources_;
+ mutable sync_primitives::Lock allocated_resources_lock_;
+ /**
+ * @brief ResourcesState contains states of ALLOCATED resources
+ */
+ typedef std::map<std::string, ResourceState::eType> ResourcesState;
+ ResourcesState resources_state_;
+ mutable sync_primitives::Lock resources_state_lock_;
+ /**
+ * @brief RejectedResources type for connecting list of resources rejected by
+ * driver for application
+ * application_id : [vector of rejected resources]
+ */
+ typedef std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<std::string> > RejectedResources;
+ RejectedResources rejected_resources_for_application_;
+ mutable sync_primitives::Lock rejected_resources_for_application_lock_;
+ hmi_apis::Common_RCAccessMode::eType current_access_mode_;
+ RemotePluginInterface& rc_plugin_;
+} // remote_control