path: root/SmartDeviceLink/SDLNotificationConstants.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'SmartDeviceLink/SDLNotificationConstants.h')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SmartDeviceLink/SDLNotificationConstants.h b/SmartDeviceLink/SDLNotificationConstants.h
index ef19ec270..4fd2cff79 100644
--- a/SmartDeviceLink/SDLNotificationConstants.h
+++ b/SmartDeviceLink/SDLNotificationConstants.h
@@ -116,68 +116,193 @@ extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidUpdateProjectionView;
* NSNotification names associated with specific RPC responses.
#pragma mark - RPC responses
+/// Name for an AddCommand response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveAddCommandResponse;
+/// Name for an AddSubMenu response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveAddSubMenuResponse;
+/// Name for an Alert response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveAlertResponse;
+/// Name for an AlertManeuver response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveAlertManeuverResponse;
+/// Name for an ButtonPress response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveButtonPressResponse;
+/// Name for an CancelInteraction response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveCancelInteractionResponse;
+/// Name for an ChangeRegistration response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveChangeRegistrationResponse;
+/// Name for an CloseApplication response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveCloseApplicationResponse;
+/// Name for an CreateInteractionChoiceSet response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveCreateInteractionChoiceSetResponse;
+/// Name for an CreateWindow response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveCreateWindowResponse;
+/// Name for an DeleteCommand response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveDeleteCommandResponse;
+/// Name for an DeleteFile response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveDeleteFileResponse;
+/// Name for an DeleteInteractionChoiceSet response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveDeleteInteractionChoiceSetResponse;
+/// Name for an DeleteSubmenu response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveDeleteSubmenuResponse;
+/// Name for an DeleteWindow response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveDeleteWindowResponse;
+/// Name for an DiagnosticMessage response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveDiagnosticMessageResponse;
+/// Name for an DialNumber response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveDialNumberResponse;
+/// Name for an EncodedSyncPData response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveEncodedSyncPDataResponse;
+/// Name for an EndAudioPassThru response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveEndAudioPassThruResponse;
+/// Name for an Generic response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveGenericResponse;
+/// Name for an GetCloudAppProperties response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveGetCloudAppPropertiesResponse;
+/// Name for an GetAppServiceData response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveGetAppServiceDataResponse;
+/// Name for an GetDTCs response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveGetDTCsResponse;
+/// Name for an GetFile response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveGetFileResponse;
+/// Name for an GetInteriorVehicleData response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveGetInteriorVehicleDataResponse;
+/// Name for an GetInteriorVehicleDataConsent response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveGetInteriorVehicleDataConsentResponse;
+/// Name for an GetSystemCapabilities response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveGetSystemCapabilitiesResponse;
+/// Name for an GetVehicleData response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveGetVehicleDataResponse;
+/// Name for an GetWaypoints response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveGetWaypointsResponse;
+/// Name for an ListFiles response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveListFilesResponse;
+/// Name for an PerformAppServiceInteraction response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceivePerformAppServiceInteractionResponse;
+/// Name for an PerformAudioPassThru response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceivePerformAudioPassThruResponse;
+/// Name for an PerformInteraction response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceivePerformInteractionResponse;
+/// Name for an PublishAppService response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceivePublishAppServiceResponse;
+/// Name for an ReceivePutFile response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceivePutFileResponse;
+/// Name for an ReceiveReadDID response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveReadDIDResponse;
+/// Name for an RegisterAppInterface response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveRegisterAppInterfaceResponse;
+/// Name for an ReleaseInteriorVehicleDataModule response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveReleaseInteriorVehicleDataModuleResponse;
+/// Name for an ResetGlobalProperties response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveResetGlobalPropertiesResponse;
+/// Name for an ScrollableMessage response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveScrollableMessageResponse;
+/// Name for an SendHapticData response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveSendHapticDataResponse;
+/// Name for an SendLocation response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveSendLocationResponse;
+/// Name for an SetAppIcon response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveSetAppIconResponse;
+/// Name for an SetCloudAppProperties response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveSetCloudAppPropertiesResponse;
+/// Name for an SetDisplayLayout response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveSetDisplayLayoutResponse;
+/// Name for an SetGlobalProperties response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveSetGlobalPropertiesResponse;
+/// Name for an SetInteriorVehicleData response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveSetInteriorVehicleDataResponse;
+/// Name for an SetMediaClockTimer response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveSetMediaClockTimerResponse;
+/// Name for an ShowConstantTBT response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveShowConstantTBTResponse;
+/// Name for an Show response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveShowResponse;
+/// Name for an ShowAppMenu response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveShowAppMenuResponse;
+/// Name for an Slider response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveSliderResponse;
+/// Name for an Speak response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveSpeakResponse;
+/// Name for an Subscribe response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveSubscribeButtonResponse;
+/// Name for an SubscribeVehicleData response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveSubscribeVehicleDataResponse;
+/// Name for an SubscribeWaypoints response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveSubscribeWaypointsResponse;
+/// Name for an SyncPData response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveSyncPDataResponse;
+/// Name for an UpdateTurnList response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveUpdateTurnListResponse;
+/// Name for an UnpublishAppService response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveUnpublishAppServiceResponse;
+/// Name for an UnregisterAppInterface response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveUnregisterAppInterfaceResponse;
+/// Name for an UnsubscribeButton response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveUnsubscribeButtonResponse;
+/// Name for an UnsubscribeVehicleData response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveUnsubscribeVehicleDataResponse;
+/// Name for an UnsubscribeWaypoints response RPC
extern SDLNotificationName const SDLDidReceiveUnsubscribeWaypointsResponse;