path: root/tools/dev/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/dev/')
1 files changed, 919 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/dev/ b/tools/dev/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d936369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dev/
@@ -0,0 +1,919 @@
+# ====================================================================
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# ====================================================================
+# Script to build all the dependencies for Subversion on Windows
+# It's been written for Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012, but
+# it's entirely possible it will work with older versions of both.
+# The goal here is not to necessarily have everyone using this script.
+# But rather to be able to produce binary packages of the dependencies
+# already built to allow developers to be able to download or checkout
+# Subversion and quickly get up a development environment.
+# Prerequisites:
+# Perl:
+# Python:
+# 7-Zip:
+# CMake:
+# Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 (Ultimate has been tested, Express does not work)
+# You probably want these on your PATH. The installers usually
+# offer an option to do that for you so if you can let them.
+# You are expected to run this script within the correct Visual Studio
+# Shell. Probably "VS2012 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt". This
+# sets the proper PATH arguments so that the the compiler tools are
+# available.
+# TODO:
+# Find some way to work around the lack of devenv in Express (msbuild will help some)
+# Include a package target that zips everything up.
+# Perl script that runs the Subversion tool with the right args.
+# Alternatively update with an arg that knows about our layout.
+# Make the Windows build not expect to go looking into source code (httpd/zlib)
+# Add SWIG (to support checkout builds where SWIG generation hasn't been done).
+# Usage/help output from the usual flags/on error input.
+# Make SQLITE_VER friendly since we're using no dots right now.
+# Work out the fixes to the projects' sources and contribute them back.
+# Allow selection of Arch (x86 and x64)
+# ZLib support for OpenSSL (have to patch openssl)
+# Use CMake zlib build instead.
+# Assembler support for OpenSSL.
+# Add more specific commands to the command line (e.g. build-httpd)
+###### V A R I A B L E S ######
+package Vars;
+# variables in the Vars package can be overriden from the command
+# line with the FOO=BAR syntax. If you want any defaults to reference
+# other variables the defaults need to be in set_defaults() below to
+# allow the defaults to be set after processing user set variables.
+# Paths to commands to use, provide full paths if it's not
+# on your PATH already.
+our $SEVEN_ZIP = 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe';
+our $CMAKE = 'cmake';
+our $NMAKE = 'nmake';
+# Use the .com version so we get output, the .exe doesn't produce any output
+our $DEVENV = '';
+our $VCUPGRADE = 'vcupgrade';
+our $PYTHON = 'python';
+# Versions of the dependencies we will use
+# Change these if you want but these are known to work with
+# this script as is.
+our $HTTPD_VER = '2.4.4';
+our $APR_VER = '1.4.6';
+our $APU_VER = '1.5.2'; # apr-util version
+our $API_VER = '1.2.1'; # arp-iconv version
+our $ZLIB_VER = '1.2.8';
+our $OPENSSL_VER = '1.0.1e';
+our $PCRE_VER = '8.35';
+our $BDB_VER = '5.3.21';
+our $SQLITE_VER = '3071602';
+our $SERF_VER = '1.3.6';
+our $NEON_VER = '0.29.6';
+# Sources for files to download
+our $AWK_URL = '';
+our $HTTPD_URL;
+our $APR_URL;
+our $APU_URL;
+our $API_URL;
+our $ZLIB_URL;
+our $PCRE_URL;
+our $BDB_URL;
+our $SERF_URL;
+our $NEON_URL;
+our $PROJREF_URL = '';
+# Location of the already downloaded file.
+# by default these are undefined and set by the downloader.
+# However, they can be overriden from the commandline and then
+# the downloader is skipped. Note that BDB has no downloader
+# so it must be overriden from the command line.
+our $AWK_FILE;
+our $APR_FILE;
+our $APU_FILE;
+our $API_FILE;
+our $ZLIB_FILE;
+our $PCRE_FILE;
+our $BDB_FILE;
+our $SERF_FILE;
+our $NEON_FILE;
+# Various directories we use
+our $TOPDIR = Cwd::cwd(); # top of our tree
+our $INSTDIR; # where we install to
+our $BLDDIR; # directory where we actually build
+our $SRCDIR; # directory where we store package files
+# Some other options
+our $VS_VER;
+our $NEON;
+our $SVN_VER = '1.9.x';
+our $DEBUG = 0;
+# Utility function to remove dots from a string
+sub remove_dots {
+ my $in = shift;
+ $in =~ tr/.//d;
+ return $in;
+# unless the variable is already defined set the value
+sub set_default {
+ my $var = shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ unless (defined($$var)) {
+ $$var = $value;
+ }
+sub set_svn_ver_defaults {
+ my ($svn_major, $svn_minor, $svn_patch) = $SVN_VER =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(.+)$/;
+ if ($svn_major > 1 or ($svn_major == 1 and $svn_minor >= 8)) {
+ $NEON=0 unless defined($NEON);
+ } else {
+ $NEON=1 unless defined($NEON);
+ }
+# Any variables with defaults that reference other values
+# should be set here. This defers setting of the default until runtime in these cases.
+sub set_defaults {
+ set_default(\$HTTPD_URL, "$HTTPD_VER.tar.bz2");
+ set_default(\$APR_URL, "$APR_VER.tar.bz2");
+ set_default(\$APU_URL, "$APU_VER.tar.bz2");
+ set_default(\$API_URL, "$API_VER.tar.bz2");
+ set_default(\$ZLIB_URL, "$ZLIB_VER/zlib" . remove_dots($ZLIB_VER) . '.zip');
+ set_default(\$OPENSSL_URL, "$OPENSSL_VER.tar.gz");
+ set_default(\$PCRE_URL, "$");
+ set_default(\$BDB_URL, "");
+ set_default(\$SQLITE_URL, "$");
+ set_default(\$SERF_URL, "$");
+ set_default(\$NEON_URL, "$NEON_VER.tar.gz");
+ set_default(\$INSTDIR, $TOPDIR);
+ set_default(\$BLDDIR, "$TOPDIR\\build");
+ set_default(\$SRCDIR, "$TOPDIR\\sources");
+ set_svn_ver_defaults();
+###### M A I N ######
+# You shouldn't have any reason to modify below this unless you've changed
+# versions of something.
+package main;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use LWP::Simple;
+use File::Path;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Find;
+use Cwd;
+use Config;
+# Full path to perl, this shouldn't need to be messed with
+my $PERL = $Config{perlpath};
+# Directory constants that we setup for convenience, but that
+# shouldn't be changed since they are assumed in the build systems
+# of the various dependencies.
+my $HTTPD; # Where httpd gets built
+my $BDB; # Where bdb gets built
+my $BINDIR; # where binaries are installed
+my $LIBDIR; # where libraries are installed
+my $INCDIR; # where headers are installed
+my $SRCLIB; # httpd's srclib dir
+# defer setting these values till runtime so users can override the
+# user controlled vars they derive from.
+sub set_paths {
+ $HTTPD = "$BLDDIR\\httpd";
+ $BDB = "$BLDDIR\\bdb";
+ $BINDIR = "$INSTDIR\\bin";
+ $LIBDIR = "$INSTDIR\\lib";
+ $INCDIR = "$INSTDIR\\include";
+ $SRCLIB = "$HTTPD\\srclib";
+ # Add bin to PATH this will be needed for at least awk later on
+ # Setup LIB and INCLUDE so we can find BDB
+# copy a file with error handling
+sub copy_or_die {
+ my $src = shift;
+ my $dest = shift;
+ copy($src, $dest) or die "Failed to copy $src to $dest: $!";
+# Rename a file and deal with errors.
+sub rename_or_die {
+ my $src = shift;
+ my $dest = shift;
+ rename($src, $dest) or die "Failed to rename $src to $dest: $!";
+# Utility function to chdir with error handling.
+sub chdir_or_die {
+ my $dir = shift;
+ chdir($dir) or die "Failed to chdir to $dir: $!";
+# Utility function to call system with error handling.
+# First arg is an error message to print if something fails.
+# Remaining args are passed to system.
+sub system_or_die {
+ my $error_msg = shift;
+ unless (system(@_) == 0) {
+ if (defined($error_msg)) {
+ die "$error_msg (exit code: $?)";
+ } else {
+ die "Failed while running '@_' (exit code: $?)";
+ }
+ }
+# Like perl -pi.orig the second arg is a reference to a
+# function that does whatever line processing you want.
+# Note that $_ is used for the input and output of the
+# function. So modifying $_ changes the line in the file.
+# bak can be passed to set the backup extension. If the
+# backup file already exists, shortcut this step.
+sub modify_file_in_place {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $func = shift;
+ my $bak = shift;
+ unless (defined($bak)) {
+ $bak = '.orig';
+ }
+ my $backup = $file . $bak;
+ return if -e $backup;
+ rename_or_die($file, $backup);
+ open(IN, "<$backup") or die "Failed to open $backup: $!";
+ open(OUT, ">$file") or die "Failed to open $file: $!";
+ while (<IN>) {
+ &{$func}();
+ print OUT;
+ }
+ close(IN);
+ close(OUT);
+sub check_vs_ver {
+ return if defined($VS_VER);
+ # using the vcupgrade command here because it has a consistent name and version
+ # numbering across versions including express versions.
+ my $help_output = `"$VCUPGRADE" /?`;
+ my ($major_version) = $help_output =~ /Version (\d+)\./s;
+ if (defined($major_version)) {
+ if ($major_version eq '12') {
+ $VS_VER = '2013';
+ return;
+ } elsif ($major_version eq '11') {
+ $VS_VER = '2012';
+ return;
+ } elsif ($major_version eq '10') {
+ $VS_VER = '2010';
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ die("Visual Studio Version Not Supported");
+# Create directories that this script directly needs
+sub prepare_structure {
+ # ignore errors the directories may already exist.
+ mkdir($BINDIR);
+ mkdir($SRCDIR);
+ mkdir($BLDDIR);
+ mkdir($LIBDIR);
+ mkdir($INCDIR);
+# Remove paths created by this script (directly or indecirectly)
+# If the first arg is 1 it'll remove the downloaded files otherwise it
+# leaves them alone.
+sub clean_structure {
+ # ignore errors in this function the paths may not exist
+ my $real_clean = shift;
+ if ($real_clean) {
+ rmtree($SRCDIR);
+ }
+ rmtree($BINDIR);
+ rmtree($BLDDIR);
+ rmtree($INCDIR);
+ rmtree($LIBDIR);
+ rmtree("$INSTDIR\\serf");
+ rmtree("$INSTDIR\\neon");
+ rmtree("$INSTDIR\\sqlite-amalgamation");
+ # Dirs created indirectly by the install targets
+ rmtree("$INSTDIR\\man");
+ rmtree("$INSTDIR\\share");
+ rmtree("$INSTDIR\\ssl");
+ rmtree("$INSTDIR\\cgi-bin");
+ rmtree("$INSTDIR\\conf");
+ rmtree("$INSTDIR\\error");
+ rmtree("$INSTDIR\\htdocs");
+ rmtree("$INSTDIR\\icons");
+ rmtree("$INSTDIR\\logs");
+ rmtree("$INSTDIR\\manual");
+ rmtree("$INSTDIR\\modules");
+ unlink("$INSTDIR\\ABOUT_APACHE.txt");
+ unlink("$INSTDIR\\CHANGES.txt");
+ unlink("$INSTDIR\\INSTALL.txt");
+ unlink("$INSTDIR\\LICENSE.txt");
+ unlink("$INSTDIR\\NOTICE.txt");
+ unlink("$INSTDIR\\OPENSSL-NEWS.txt");
+ unlink("$INSTDIR\\OPENSSL-README.txt");
+ unlink("$INSTDIR\\README.txt");
+# Download a url into a file if successful put the destination into the
+# variable referenced by $dest_ref.
+sub download_file {
+ my $url = shift;
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $dest_ref = shift;
+ # If the variable referenced by $dest_ref is already set, skip downloading
+ # means we've been asked to use an already downloaded file.
+ return if (defined($$dest_ref));
+ print "Downloading $url\n";
+ # Using mirror() here so that repeated runs shouldn't try to keep downloading
+ # the file.
+ my $response = mirror($url, $file);
+ if (is_error($response)) {
+ die "Couldn't save $url to $file received $response";
+ }
+ $$dest_ref = $file;
+# Download all the dependencies we need
+sub download_dependencies {
+ # putting awk in sources is a bit of a hack but it lets us
+ # avoid having to figure out what to delete when cleaning bin
+ download_file($AWK_URL, "$SRCDIR\\awk.exe", \$AWK_FILE);
+ unless(-x "$BINDIR\\awk.exe") { # skip the copy if it exists
+ copy_or_die($AWK_FILE, "$BINDIR\\awk.exe");
+ }
+ download_file($PROJREF_URL, "$SRCDIR\\", \$PROJREF_FILE);
+ unless(-x "$BINDIR\\") { # skip the copy if it exists
+ copy_or_die($PROJREF_FILE, $BINDIR);
+ }
+ download_file($BDB_URL, "$SRCDIR\\", \$BDB_FILE);
+ download_file($ZLIB_URL, "$SRCDIR\\", \$ZLIB_FILE);
+ download_file($OPENSSL_URL, "$SRCDIR\\openssl.tar.gz", \$OPENSSL_FILE);
+ download_file($HTTPD_URL, "$SRCDIR\\httpd.tar.bz2", \$HTTPD_FILE);
+ download_file($APR_URL, "$SRCDIR\\apr.tar.bz2", \$APR_FILE);
+ download_file($APU_URL, "$SRCDIR\\apr-util.tar.bz2", \$APU_FILE);
+ download_file($API_URL, "$SRCDIR\\apr-iconv.tar.bz2", \$API_FILE);
+ download_file($PCRE_URL, "$SRCDIR\\", \$PCRE_FILE);
+ download_file($SQLITE_URL, "$SRCDIR\\", \$SQLITE_FILE);
+ download_file($SERF_URL, "$SRCDIR\\", \$SERF_FILE);
+ download_file($NEON_URL, "$SRCDIR\\neon.tar.gz", \$NEON_FILE) if $NEON;
+# Extract a compressed file with 7-zip into a given directory
+# Skip extraction if destination of rename_to or expected_name exists
+# if rename_to is set rename the path from expected_name to rename_to
+sub extract_file {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $container = shift;
+ my $expected_name = shift;
+ my $rename_to = shift;
+ if (defined($rename_to)) {
+ return if -d $rename_to;
+ } elsif (defined($expected_name)) {
+ return if -d $expected_name;
+ }
+ my $dest_opt = "";
+ if (defined($container)) {
+ $dest_opt = qq(-o"$container" );
+ }
+ my $cmd;
+ if ($file =~ /\.tar\.(bz2|gz)$/) {
+ $cmd = qq("$SEVEN_ZIP" x "$file" -so | "$SEVEN_ZIP" x -y -si -ttar $dest_opt);
+ } else {
+ $cmd = qq("$SEVEN_ZIP" x -y $dest_opt $file);
+ }
+ system_or_die("Problem extracting $file", $cmd);
+ if (defined($rename_to)) {
+ rename_or_die($expected_name, $rename_to);
+ }
+sub extract_dependencies {
+ extract_file($BDB_FILE, $BLDDIR,
+ "$BLDDIR\\db-$BDB_VER", "$BLDDIR\\bdb");
+ extract_file($HTTPD_FILE, $BLDDIR,
+ "$BLDDIR\\httpd-$HTTPD_VER", "$BLDDIR\\httpd");
+ extract_file($APR_FILE, $SRCLIB,
+ "$SRCLIB\\apr-$APR_VER", "$SRCLIB\\apr");
+ extract_file($APU_FILE, $SRCLIB,
+ "$SRCLIB\\apr-util-$APU_VER", "$SRCLIB\\apr-util");
+ extract_file($API_FILE, $SRCLIB,
+ "$SRCLIB\\apr-iconv-$API_VER", "$SRCLIB\\apr-iconv");
+ # We fix the line endings before putting the non-Apache deps in place since it
+ # touches everything under httpd and there's no point in doing other things.
+ httpd_fix_lineends();
+ extract_file($ZLIB_FILE, $SRCLIB,
+ "$SRCLIB\\zlib-$ZLIB_VER", "$SRCLIB\\zlib");
+ extract_file($OPENSSL_FILE, $SRCLIB,
+ "$SRCLIB\\openssl-$OPENSSL_VER", "$SRCLIB\\openssl");
+ extract_file($PCRE_FILE, $SRCLIB,
+ "$SRCLIB\\pcre-$PCRE_VER", "$SRCLIB\\pcre");
+ extract_file($SQLITE_FILE, $INSTDIR,
+ "$INSTDIR\\sqlite-amalgamation-$SQLITE_VER",
+ "$INSTDIR\\sqlite-amalgamation");
+ extract_file($SERF_FILE, $INSTDIR,
+ "$INSTDIR\\serf-$SERF_VER", "$INSTDIR\\serf");
+ extract_file($NEON_FILE, $INSTDIR,
+ "$INSTDIR\\neon-$NEON_VER", "$INSTDIR\\neon") if $NEON;
+# BUILD #
+sub build_pcre {
+ chdir_or_die("$SRCLIB\\pcre");
+ my $pcre_generator = 'NMake Makefiles';
+ # Have to use RelWithDebInfo since httpd looks for the pdb files
+ my $pcre_build_type = '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=' . ($DEBUG ? 'Debug' : 'RelWithDebInfo');
+ my $pcre_options = '-DPCRE_NO_RECURSE:BOOL=ON';
+ my $pcre_shared_libs = '-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON';
+ my $pcre_install_prefix = "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$INSTDIR";
+ my $cmake_cmd = qq("$CMAKE" -G "$pcre_generator" "$pcre_build_type" "$pcre_shared_libs" "$pcre_install_prefix" "$pcre_options" .);
+ system_or_die("Failure generating pcre Makefiles", $cmake_cmd);
+ system_or_die("Failure building pcre", qq("$NMAKE"));
+ system_or_die("Failure testing pcre", qq("$NMAKE" test));
+ system_or_die("Failure installing pcre", qq("$NMAKE" install));
+ chdir_or_die($TOPDIR);
+# This is based roughly off the build_zlib.bat that the Subversion Windows
+# build generates, it it doesn't match that then Subversion will fail to build.
+sub build_zlib {
+ chdir_or_die("$SRCLIB\\zlib");
+ $ENV{CC_OPTS} = $DEBUG ? '/MDd /Gm /ZI /Od /GZ /D_DEBUG' : '/MD /02 /Zi';
+ $ENV{COMMON_CC_OPTS} = '/nologo /W3 /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS';
+ system_or_die("Failure building zilb", qq("$NMAKE" /nologo -f win32\\Makefile.msc STATICLIB=zlibstat.lib all));
+ delete $ENV{CC_OPTS};
+ delete $ENV{COMMON_CC_OPTS};
+ chdir_or_die($TOPDIR);
+sub build_openssl {
+ chdir_or_die("$SRCLIB\\openssl");
+ # We're building openssl without an assembler. If someone wants to
+ # use this for production they should probably download NASM and
+ # remove the no-asm below and use ms\do_nasm.bat instead.
+ # TODO: Enable openssl to use zlib. openssl needs some patching to do
+ # this since it wants to look for zlib as zlib1.dll and as the httpd
+ # build instructions note you probably don't want to dynamic link zlib.
+ # TODO: OpenSSL requires perl on the path since it uses perl without a full
+ # path in the batch file and the makefiles. Probably should determine
+ # if PERL is on the path and add it here if not.
+ # The apache build docs suggest no-rc5 no-idea enable-mdc2 on top of what
+ # is used below, the primary driver behind that is patents, but I believe
+ # the rc5 and idea patents have expired.
+ my $platform = $DEBUG ? 'debug-VC-WIN32' : 'VC-WIN32';
+ system_or_die("Failure configuring openssl",
+ qq("$PERL" Configure no-asm "--prefix=$INSTDIR" $platform));
+ system_or_die("Failure building openssl (bat)", 'ms\do_ms.bat');
+ system_or_die("Failure building openssl (nmake)", qq("$NMAKE" /f ms\\ntdll.mak));
+ system_or_die("Failure testing openssl", qq("$NMAKE" /f ms\\ntdll.mak test));
+ system_or_die("Failure installing openssl",
+ qq("$NMAKE" /f ms\\ntdll.mak install));
+ chdir_or_die($TOPDIR);
+# Run devenv /Upgrade on file.
+# If the file isn't a .sln file and the sln file isn't empty shortcut this
+# If the file isn't a .sln file touch the basename.sln of file to avoid
+# Visual Studio whining about its backup step.
+sub upgrade_solution {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $interactive = shift;
+ my $flags = "";
+ my ($basename, $directories) = fileparse($file, qr/\.[^.]*$/);
+ my $sln = $directories . $basename . '.sln';
+ return if $file ne $sln and -s $sln; # shortcut if sln file is unique and isn't empty
+ # 'touch' the sln file so that Visual Studio 2012
+ # doesn't try to say there was an error while upgrading because
+ # it was unable to backup the original solution file.
+ unless (-e $sln) {
+ open(SLN, ">$sln") or die "Can't create $sln: $!";
+ close(SLN);
+ }
+ print "Upgrading $file (this may take a while)\n";
+ $flags = " /Upgrade" unless $interactive;
+ system_or_die("Failure upgrading $file", qq("$DEVENV" "$file"$flags));
+ if ($interactive) {
+ print "Can't do automatic upgrade, doing interactive upgrade\n";
+ print "IDE will load, choose to convert all projects, exit the IDE and\n";
+ print "save the resulting solution file\n\n";
+ print "Press Enter to Continue\n";
+ <>;
+ }
+# Run the script
+sub httpd_fix_lineends {
+ chdir_or_die($HTTPD);
+ # This script fixes the lineendings to be CRLF in appropriate files.
+ # If we don't run this script then the DSW Upgrade will fail.
+ system_or_die(undef, qq("$PERL" "$SRCLIB\\apr\\build\\"));
+ chdir_or_die($TOPDIR);
+# The httpd makefile in 2.4.4 doesn't know about .vcxproj files and
+# still thinks it's got an older version of Visual Studio because
+# .vcproj files have become .vcxproj.
+sub httpd_fix_makefile {
+ my $file = shift;
+ modify_file_in_place($file, sub {
+ s/\.vcproj/.vcxproj/i;
+ # below fixes that installd breaks when trying to install pcre because
+ # dll is named pcred.dll when a Debug build.
+ s/^(\s*copy srclib\\pcre\\pcre\.\$\(src_dll\)\s+"\$\(inst_dll\)"\s+<\s*\.y\s*)$/!IF EXISTS("srclib\\pcre\\pcre\.\$(src_dll)")\n$1!ENDIF\n!IF EXISTS("srclib\\pcre\\pcred\.\$(src_dll)")\n\tcopy srclib\\pcre\\pcred.\$(src_dll)\t\t\t"\$(inst_dll)" <.y\n!ENDIF\n/;
+ });
+# This is a poor mans way of inserting a property group into a
+# vcxproj file. It assumes that the ending Project tag will
+# be the start and end of the line with no whitespace, probably
+# not an entirely valid assumption but it works in this case.
+sub insert_property_group {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $xml = shift;
+ my $bak = shift;
+ modify_file_in_place($file, sub {
+ s#(^</Project>$)#<PropertyGroup>$xml</PropertyGroup>\n$1#i;
+ }, $bak);
+# Strip pre-compiled headers compile and linker flags from file they follow
+# the form: /Ycfoo.h or /Yufoo.h.
+sub disable_pch {
+ my $file = shift;
+ modify_file_in_place($file, sub {
+ s#/Y[cu][^ ]+##;
+ });
+# Find the first .exe .dll or .so OutputFile in the project
+# provided by file. There may be macros or paths in the
+# result.
+sub get_output_file {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $result;
+ local $_; # Don't mess with the $_ from the find callback
+ open(IN, "<$file") or die "Couldn't open file $file: $!";
+ while (<IN>) {
+ if (m#<OutputFile>(.*?\.(?:exec|dll|so))</OutputFile>#) {
+ $result = $1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close(IN);
+ return $result;
+# Find the name of the bdb library we've installed in our LIBDIR.
+sub find_bdb_lib {
+ my $result;
+ my $debug = $DEBUG ? 'd' : '';
+ find(sub {
+ if (not defined($result) and /^libdb\d+$debug\.lib$/) {
+ $result = $_;
+ }
+ }, $LIBDIR);
+ return $result;
+# Insert the dependency dep into project file.
+# bak can be set to set the backup filename made of the project.
+sub insert_dependency_in_proj {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $dep = shift;
+ my $bak = shift;
+ modify_file_in_place($file, sub {
+ s/(%\(AdditionalDependencies\))/$dep;$1/;
+ }, $bak);
+# Do what's needed to enable BDB in the httpd and apr-util builds
+sub httpd_enable_bdb {
+ # Make APU_HAVE_DB be true so the code builds.
+ modify_file_in_place('srclib\apr-util\include\apu.hw', sub {
+ s/(#define\s+APU_HAVE_DB\s+)0/${1}1/;
+ });
+ # Fix the linkage, apr_dbm_db is hardcoded to libdb47.lib
+ my $bdb_lib = find_bdb_lib();
+ modify_file_in_place('srclib\apr-util\dbm\apr_dbm_db.vcxproj', sub {
+ s/libdb\d+\.lib/$bdb_lib/g;
+ }, '.bdb');
+ # httxt2dbm and htdbm need a BDB dependency and don't have one.
+ insert_dependency_in_proj('support\httxt2dbm.vcxproj', $bdb_lib, '.bdb');
+ insert_dependency_in_proj('support\htdbm.vcxproj', $bdb_lib, '.bdb');
+# Apply the same fix as found in r1486937 on httpd 2.4.x branch.
+sub httpd_fix_debug {
+ my ($httpd_major, $httpd_minor, $httpd_patch) = $HTTPD_VER =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(.+)$/;
+ return unless ($httpd_major <= 2 && $httpd_minor <= 4 && $httpd_patch < 5);
+ modify_file_in_place('libhttpd.dsp', sub {
+ s/^(!MESSAGE "libhttpd - Win32 Debug" \(based on "Win32 \(x86\) Dynamic-Link Library"\))$/$1\n!MESSAGE "libhttpd - Win32 Lexical" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")/;
+ s/^(# Begin Group "headers")$/# Name "libhttpd - Win32 Lexical"\n$1/;
+ }, '.lexical');
+sub build_httpd {
+ chdir_or_die($HTTPD);
+ my $vs_2013 = $VS_VER eq '2013';
+ my $vs_2012 = $VS_VER eq '2012';
+ my $vs_2010 = $VS_VER eq '2010';
+ httpd_fix_debug();
+ # I don't think is necessary with Visual Studio 2012
+ # but it shouldn't hurt anything either. Including it allows
+ # for the possibility that this may work for older Visual Studio
+ # versions.
+ system_or_die("Failure converting DSP files",
+ qq("$PERL" srclib\\apr\\build\\ -2005));
+ upgrade_solution('Apache.dsw', $vs_2010);
+ httpd_enable_bdb();
+ httpd_fix_makefile('');
+ # Modules and support projects randomly fail due to an error about the
+ # file already existing. This is really because of the
+ # intermediate dirs being shared between modules, but for the time being
+ # this works around it.
+ find(sub {
+ if (/\.vcxproj$/) {
+ insert_property_group($_, '<TrackFileAccess>false</TrackFileAccess>')
+ }
+ }, 'modules', 'support');
+ if ($vs_2012 or $vs_2013) {
+ # Turn off pre-compiled headers for apr-iconv to avoid:
+ # LNK2011:
+ disable_pch('srclib\apr-iconv\build\');
+ # ApacheMonitor build fails due a duplicate manifest, turn off
+ # GenerateManifest
+ insert_property_group('support\win32\ApacheMonitor.vcxproj',
+ '<GenerateManifest>false</GenerateManifest>',
+ '.dupman');
+ # The APR libraries have projects named libapr but produce output named libapr-1
+ # The problem with this is in newer versions of Visual Studio TargetName defaults
+ # to the project name and not the basename of the output. Since the PDB file
+ # is named based on the TargetName the pdb file ends up being named libapr.pdb
+ # instead of libapr-1.pdb. The below call fixes this by explicitly providing
+ # a TargetName definition and shuts up some warnings about this problem as well.
+ # Without this fix the install fails when it tries to copy libapr-1.pdb.
+ # See this thread for details of the changes:
+ #
+ find(sub {
+ return unless (/\.vcxproj$/);
+ my $output_file = get_output_file($_);
+ return unless (defined($output_file));
+ my ($project_name) = fileparse($_, qr/\.[^.]*$/);
+ my ($old_style_target_name) = fileparse($output_file, qr/\.[^.]*$/);
+ return if ($old_style_target_name eq $project_name);
+ insert_property_group($_,
+ "<TargetName>$old_style_target_name</TargetName>", '.torig');
+ }, "$SRCLIB\\apr", "$SRCLIB\\apr-util", "$SRCLIB\\apr-iconv");
+ } elsif ($vs_2010) {
+ system_or_die("Failed fixing project guid references",
+ qq("$PYTHON" "$BINDIR\\" -i Apache.sln"));
+ }
+ # If you're looking here it's possible that something went
+ # wrong with the httpd build. Debugging it can be a bit of a pain
+ # when using this script. There are log files created in the
+ # Release dirs named with the same basename as the project. E.G.
+ # for support\httxt2dbm.vcxproj you can find the log in
+ # support\Release\httxt2dbm.log. You can also run a similar build
+ # from in the IDE, but you'll need to disable some projects since
+ # they are separately driven by the Grepping for
+ # '/project' in should tell you which projects. You'll
+ # also need to add the bin, include and lib paths to the appropriate
+ # configurations inside the project since we get them from the environment.
+ # Once all that is done the BuildBin project should be buildable for you to
+ # diagnose the problem.
+ my $target = $DEBUG ? "installd" : "installr";
+ system_or_die("Failed building/installing httpd/apr/apu/api",
+ qq("$NMAKE" /f $target "DBM_LIST=db" "INSTDIR=$INSTDIR"));
+ chdir_or_die($TOPDIR);
+sub build_bdb {
+ chdir_or_die($BDB);
+ print(cwd(),$/);
+ my $sln = 'build_windows\Berkeley_DB_vs2010.sln';
+ upgrade_solution($sln);
+ my $platform = $DEBUG ? 'Debug|Win32' : 'Release|Win32';
+ # Build the db Project first since the full solution fails due to a broken
+ # dependency with the current version of BDB if we don't.
+ system_or_die("Failed building DBD (Project db)",
+ qq("$DEVENV" "$sln" /Build "$platform" /Project db));
+ system_or_die("Failed building DBD",
+ qq("$DEVENV" "$sln" /Build "$platform"));
+ # BDB doesn't seem to have it's own install routines so we'll do it ourselves
+ copy_or_die('build_windows\db.h', $INCDIR);
+ find(sub {
+ if (/\.(exe|dll|pdb)$/) {
+ copy_or_die($_, $BINDIR);
+ } elsif (/\.lib$/) {
+ copy_or_die($_, $LIBDIR);
+ }
+ }, 'build_windows\\Win32\\' . ($DEBUG ? 'Debug' : 'Release'));
+ chdir_or_die($TOPDIR);
+# Right now this doesn't actually build serf but just patches it so that it
+# can build against a debug build of OpenSSL.
+sub build_serf {
+ chdir_or_die("$TOPDIR\\serf");
+ modify_file_in_place('serf.mak', sub {
+ s/^(INTDIR = Release)$/$1\nOPENSSL_OUT_SUFFIX =/;
+ s/^(INTDIR = Debug)$/$1\nOPENSSL_OUT_SUFFIX = .dbg/;
+ s/(\$\(OPENSSL_SRC\)\\out32(?:dll)?)/$1\$(OPENSSL_OUT_SUFFIX)/g;
+ }, '.debug');
+ chdir_or_die($TOPDIR);
+sub build_dependencies {
+ build_bdb();
+ build_zlib();
+ build_pcre();
+ build_openssl();
+ build_serf();
+ build_httpd();
+# Implement an interface somewhat similar to the make command line
+# You can give a list of commands and variable assignments interspersed.
+# Variable assignments are always VAR=VALUE with no spaces (in a single
+# argv entry).
+sub main {
+ my @commands;
+ while (my $arg = shift @ARGV) {
+ # Look for variable assignment
+ if (my ($lhs, $rhs) = $arg =~ /([^=]+)=(.*)/) {
+ # Bit of hackery to allow the global values in the
+ # Vars package to be overriden from the command line.
+ # E.G. "CMAKE=C:\CMake\cmake.exe" would replace the
+ # default value with this value.
+ if (exists($Vars::{$lhs})) {
+ ${$Vars::{$lhs}} = $rhs;
+ } else {
+ # Don't allow variables that don't exist already to be touched.
+ die "$lhs is an unknown variable.";
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Not a variable so must be a command
+ push @commands, $arg;
+ }
+ }
+ # No commands so add the implicit all command
+ if ($#commands == -1) {
+ push @commands, 'all';
+ }
+ # Set defaults and paths that have to be set at runtime since they are based
+ # on other variables.
+ Vars::set_defaults();
+ set_paths();
+ # Determine the Visual Studio Version and die if not supported.
+ check_vs_ver();
+ # change directory to our TOPDIR before running any commands
+ # the variable assignment might have changed it.
+ chdir_or_die($TOPDIR);
+ # Run the commands in the order given.
+ foreach my $command (@commands) {
+ if ($command eq 'clean') {
+ clean_structure(0);
+ } elsif ($command eq 'real-clean') {
+ clean_structure(1);
+ } elsif ($command eq 'prepare') {
+ prepare_structure();
+ } elsif ($command eq 'download') {
+ download_dependencies();
+ } elsif ($command eq 'extract') {
+ extract_dependencies();
+ } elsif ($command eq 'all') {
+ prepare_structure();
+ download_dependencies();
+ extract_dependencies();
+ build_dependencies();
+ } else {
+ die "Command '$command' is unknown";
+ }
+ }