path: root/tools/dev/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/dev/')
1 files changed, 498 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/dev/ b/tools/dev/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5b76be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dev/
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# ====================================================================
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# ====================================================================
+# A script that allows some simple testing of Subversion, in
+# particular concurrent read, write and read-write access by the 'svn'
+# client. It can also create working copy trees containing a large
+# number of files and directories. All repository access is via the
+# 'svnadmin' and 'svn' commands.
+# This script constructs a repository, and populates it with
+# files. Then it loops making changes to a subset of the files and
+# committing the tree. Thus when two, or more, instances are run in
+# parallel there is concurrent read and write access. Sometimes a
+# commit will fail due to a commit conflict. This is expected, and is
+# automatically resolved by updating the working copy.
+# Each file starts off containing:
+# A0
+# 0
+# A1
+# 1
+# A2
+# .
+# .
+# A9
+# 9
+# The script runs with an ID in the range 0-9, and when it modifies a
+# file it modifes the line that starts with its ID. Thus scripts with
+# different IDs will make changes that can be merged automatically.
+# The main loop is then:
+# step 1: modify a random selection of files
+# step 2: optional sleep or wait for RETURN keypress
+# step 3: update the working copy automatically merging out-of-date files
+# step 4: try to commit, if not successful go to step 3 otherwise go to step 1
+# To allow break-out of potentially infinite loops, the script will
+# terminate if it detects the presence of a "stop file", the path to
+# which is specified with the -S option (default ./stop). This allows
+# the script to be stopped without any danger of interrupting an 'svn'
+# command, which experiment shows may require Berkeley db_recover to
+# be used on the repository.
+# Running the Script
+# ==================
+# Use three xterms all with shells on the same directory. In the
+# first xterm run (note, this will remove anything called repostress
+# in the current directory)
+# % -c -s1
+# When the message "Committed revision 1." scrolls pass use the second
+# xterm to run
+# % -s1
+# Both xterms will modify, update and commit separate working copies to
+# the same repository.
+# Use the third xterm to touch a file 'stop' to cause the scripts to
+# exit cleanly, i.e. without interrupting an svn command.
+# To run a third, fourth, etc. instance of the script use -i
+# % -s1 -i2
+# % -s1 -i3
+# Running several instances at once will cause a *lot* of disk
+# activity. I have run ten instances simultaneously on a Linux tmpfs
+# (RAM based) filesystem -- watching ten xterms scroll irregularly
+# can be quite hypnotic!
+use strict;
+use IPC::Open3;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use File::Find;
+use File::Path;
+use File::Spec::Functions;
+use Cwd;
+# The name of this script, for error messages.
+my $stress = '';
+# When testing BDB 4.4 and later with DB_RECOVER enabled, the criteria
+# for a failed update and commit are a bit looser than otherwise.
+my $dbrecover = undef;
+# Repository check/create
+sub init_repo
+ {
+ my ( $repo, $create, $no_sync, $fsfs ) = @_;
+ if ( $create )
+ {
+ rmtree([$repo]) if -e $repo;
+ my $svnadmin_cmd = "svnadmin create $repo";
+ $svnadmin_cmd .= " --fs-type bdb" if not $fsfs;
+ $svnadmin_cmd .= " --bdb-txn-nosync" if $no_sync;
+ system( $svnadmin_cmd) and die "$stress: $svnadmin_cmd: failed: $?\n";
+ open ( CONF, ">>$repo/conf/svnserve.conf")
+ or die "$stress: open svnserve.conf: $!\n";
+ print CONF "[general]\nanon-access = write\n";
+ close CONF or die "$stress: close svnserve.conf: $!\n";
+ }
+ $repo = getcwd . "/$repo" if not file_name_is_absolute $repo;
+ $dbrecover = 1 if -e "$repo/db/__db.register";
+ print "$stress: BDB automatic database recovery enabled\n" if $dbrecover;
+ return $repo;
+ }
+# Check-out a working copy
+sub check_out
+ {
+ my ( $url, $options ) = @_;
+ my $wc_dir = "wcstress.$$";
+ mkdir "$wc_dir", 0755 or die "$stress: mkdir wcstress.$$: $!\n";
+ my $svn_cmd = "svn co $url $wc_dir $options";
+ system( $svn_cmd ) and die "$stress: $svn_cmd: failed: $?\n";
+ return $wc_dir;
+ }
+# Print status and update. The update is to do any required merges.
+sub status_update
+ {
+ my ( $options, $wc_dir, $wait_for_key, $disable_status,
+ $resolve_conflicts ) = @_;
+ my $svn_cmd = "svn st -u $options $wc_dir";
+ if ( not $disable_status ) {
+ print "Status:\n";
+ system( $svn_cmd ) and die "$stress: $svn_cmd: failed: $?\n";
+ }
+ print "Press return to update/commit\n" if $wait_for_key;
+ read STDIN, $wait_for_key, 1 if $wait_for_key;
+ print "Updating:\n";
+ $svn_cmd = "svn up --non-interactive $options $wc_dir";
+ # Check for conflicts during the update. If any exist, we resolve them.
+ $svn_cmd);
+ my @conflicts = ();
+ while ( <UPDATE_READ> )
+ {
+ print;
+ s/\r*$//; # [Windows compat] Remove trailing \r's
+ if ( /^C (.*)$/ )
+ {
+ push(@conflicts, ($1))
+ }
+ }
+ # Print any errors.
+ my $acceptable_error = 0;
+ while ( <UPDATE_ERR_READ> )
+ {
+ print;
+ if ($dbrecover)
+ {
+ s/\r*$//; # [Windows compat] Remove trailing \r's
+ $acceptable_error = 1 if ( /^svn:[ ]
+ (
+ bdb:[ ]PANIC
+ |
+ )
+ /x );
+ }
+ }
+ # Close up the streams.
+ close UPDATE_ERR_READ or die "$stress: close UPDATE_ERR_READ: $!\n";
+ close UPDATE_WRITE or die "$stress: close UPDATE_WRITE: $!\n";
+ close UPDATE_READ or die "$stress: close UPDATE_READ: $!\n";
+ # Get commit subprocess exit status
+ die "$stress: waitpid: $!\n" if $pid != waitpid $pid, 0;
+ die "$stress: unexpected update fail: exit status: $?\n"
+ unless $? == 0 or ( $? == 256 and $acceptable_error );
+ if ($resolve_conflicts)
+ {
+ foreach my $conflict (@conflicts)
+ {
+ $svn_cmd = "svn resolved $conflict";
+ system( $svn_cmd ) and die "$stress: $svn_cmd: failed: $?\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Print status, update and commit. The update is to do any required
+# merges. Returns 0 if the commit succeeds and 1 if it fails due to a
+# conflict.
+sub status_update_commit
+ {
+ my ( $options, $wc_dir, $wait_for_key, $disable_status,
+ $resolve_conflicts ) = @_;
+ status_update $options, $wc_dir, $wait_for_key, $disable_status, \
+ $resolve_conflicts;
+ print "Committing:\n";
+ # Use current time as log message
+ my $now_time = localtime;
+ # [Windows compat] Must use double quotes for the log message.
+ my $svn_cmd = "svn ci $options $wc_dir -m \"$now_time\"";
+ # Need to handle the commit carefully. It could fail for all sorts
+ # of reasons, but errors that indicate a conflict are "acceptable"
+ # while other errors are not. Thus there is a need to check the
+ # return value and parse the error text.
+ $svn_cmd);
+ print while ( <COMMIT_READ> );
+ # Look for acceptable errors, ones we expect to occur due to conflicts
+ my $acceptable_error = 0;
+ while ( <COMMIT_ERR_READ> )
+ {
+ print;
+ s/\r*$//; # [Windows compat] Remove trailing \r's
+ $acceptable_error = 1 if ( /^svn:[ ]
+ (
+ .*out[ ]of[ ]date
+ |
+ Conflict[ ]at
+ |
+ Baseline[ ]incorrect
+ |
+ )
+ /ix )
+ or ( $dbrecover and ( /^svn:[ ]
+ (
+ bdb:[ ]PANIC
+ |
+ )
+ /x ));
+ }
+ close COMMIT_ERR_READ or die "$stress: close COMMIT_ERR_READ: $!\n";
+ close COMMIT_WRITE or die "$stress: close COMMIT_WRITE: $!\n";
+ close COMMIT_READ or die "$stress: close COMMIT_READ: $!\n";
+ # Get commit subprocess exit status
+ die "$stress: waitpid: $!\n" if $pid != waitpid $pid, 0;
+ die "$stress: unexpected commit fail: exit status: $?\n"
+ if ( $? != 0 and $? != 256 ) or ( $? == 256 and $acceptable_error != 1 );
+ return $? == 256 ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+# Get a list of all versioned files in the working copy
+ my @get_list_of_files_helper_array;
+ sub GetListOfFilesHelper
+ {
+ $File::Find::prune = 1 if $File::Find::name =~ m[/.svn];
+ return if $File::Find::prune or -d;
+ push @get_list_of_files_helper_array, $File::Find::name;
+ }
+ sub GetListOfFiles
+ {
+ my ( $wc_dir ) = @_;
+ @get_list_of_files_helper_array = ();
+ find( \&GetListOfFilesHelper, $wc_dir);
+ return @get_list_of_files_helper_array;
+ }
+# Populate a working copy
+sub populate
+ {
+ my ( $dir, $dir_width, $file_width, $depth, $pad, $props ) = @_;
+ return if not $depth--;
+ for my $nfile ( 1..$file_width )
+ {
+ my $filename = "$dir/foo$nfile";
+ open( FOO, ">$filename" ) or die "$stress: open $filename: $!\n";
+ for my $line ( 0..9 )
+ {
+ print FOO "A$line\n$line\n"
+ or die "$stress: write to $filename: $!\n";
+ map { print FOO $_ x 255, "\n"; } ("a", "b", "c", "d")
+ foreach (1..$pad);
+ }
+ print FOO "\$HeadURL: \$\n"
+ or die "$stress: write to $filename: $!\n" if $props;
+ close FOO or die "$stress: close $filename: $!\n";
+ my $svn_cmd = "svn add $filename";
+ system( $svn_cmd ) and die "$stress: $svn_cmd: failed: $?\n";
+ if ( $props )
+ {
+ $svn_cmd = "svn propset svn:eol-style native $filename";
+ system( $svn_cmd ) and die "$stress: $svn_cmd: failed: $?\n";
+ $svn_cmd = "svn propset svn:keywords HeadURL $filename";
+ system( $svn_cmd ) and die "$stress: $svn_cmd: failed: $?\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $depth )
+ {
+ for my $ndir ( 1..$dir_width )
+ {
+ my $dirname = "$dir/bar$ndir";
+ my $svn_cmd = "svn mkdir $dirname";
+ system( $svn_cmd ) and die "$stress: $svn_cmd: failed: $?\n";
+ populate( "$dirname", $dir_width, $file_width, $depth, $pad,
+ $props );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Modify a versioned file in the working copy
+sub ModFile
+ {
+ my ( $filename, $mod_number, $id ) = @_;
+ # Read file into memory replacing the line that starts with our ID
+ open( FOO, "<$filename" ) or die "$stress: open $filename: $!\n";
+ my @lines = map { s[(^$id.*)][$1,$mod_number]; $_ } <FOO>;
+ close FOO or die "$stress: close $filename: $!\n";
+ # Write the memory back to the file
+ open( FOO, ">$filename" ) or die "$stress: open $filename: $!\n";
+ print FOO or die "$stress: print $filename: $!\n" foreach @lines;
+ close FOO or die "$stress: close $filename: $!\n";
+ }
+sub ParseCommandLine
+ {
+ my %cmd_opts;
+ my $usage = "
+usage: [-cdfhprW] [-i num] [-n num] [-s secs] [-x num] [-o options]
+ [-D num] [-F num] [-N num] [-P num] [-R path] [-S path]
+ [-U url]
+ -c cause repository creation
+ -d don't make the status calls
+ -f use --fs-type fsfs during repository creation
+ -h show this help information (other options will be ignored)
+ -i the ID (valid IDs are 0 to 9, default is 0 if -c given, 1 otherwise)
+ -n the number of sets of changes to commit
+ -p add svn:eol-style and svn:keywords properties to the files
+ -r perform update-time conflict resolution
+ -s the sleep delay (-1 wait for key, 0 none)
+ -x the number of files to modify in each commit
+ -o options to pass for subversion client
+ -D the number of sub-directories per directory in the tree
+ -F the number of files per directory in the tree
+ -N the depth of the tree
+ -P the number of 10K blocks with which to pad the file
+ -R the path to the repository
+ -S the path to the file whose presence stops this script
+ -U the URL to the repository (file:///<-R path> by default)
+ -W use --bdb-txn-nosync during repository creation
+ # defaults
+ $cmd_opts{'D'} = 2; # number of subdirs per dir
+ $cmd_opts{'F'} = 2; # number of files per dir
+ $cmd_opts{'N'} = 2; # depth
+ $cmd_opts{'P'} = 0; # padding blocks
+ $cmd_opts{'R'} = "repostress"; # repository name
+ $cmd_opts{'S'} = "stop"; # path of file to stop the script
+ $cmd_opts{'U'} = "none"; # URL
+ $cmd_opts{'W'} = 0; # create with --bdb-txn-nosync
+ $cmd_opts{'c'} = 0; # create repository
+ $cmd_opts{'d'} = 0; # disable status
+ $cmd_opts{'f'} = 0; # create with --fs-type fsfs
+ $cmd_opts{'h'} = 0; # help
+ $cmd_opts{'i'} = 0; # ID
+ $cmd_opts{'n'} = 200; # sets of changes
+ $cmd_opts{'p'} = 0; # add file properties
+ $cmd_opts{'r'} = 0; # conflict resolution
+ $cmd_opts{'s'} = -1; # sleep interval
+ $cmd_opts{'x'} = 4; # files to modify
+ $cmd_opts{'o'} = ""; # no options passed
+ getopts( 'cdfhi:n:prs:x:o:D:F:N:P:R:S:U:W', \%cmd_opts ) or die $usage;
+ # print help info (and exit nicely) if requested
+ if ( $cmd_opts{'h'} )
+ {
+ print( $usage );
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ # default ID if not set
+ $cmd_opts{'i'} = 1 - $cmd_opts{'c'} if not $cmd_opts{'i'};
+ die $usage if $cmd_opts{'i'} !~ /^[0-9]$/;
+ return %cmd_opts;
+ }
+# Main
+# Why the fixed seed? I use this script for more than stress testing,
+# I also use it to create test repositories. When creating a test
+# repository, while I don't care exactly which files get modified, I
+# find it useful for the repositories to be reproducible, i.e. to have
+# the same files modified each time. When using this script for
+# stress testing one could remove this fixed seed and Perl will
+# automatically use a pseudo-random seed. However it doesn't much
+# matter, the stress testing really depends on the real-time timing
+# differences between mutiple instances of the script, rather than the
+# randomness of the chosen files.
+srand 123456789;
+my %cmd_opts = ParseCommandLine();
+my $repo = init_repo( $cmd_opts{'R'}, $cmd_opts{'c'}, $cmd_opts{'W'},
+ $cmd_opts{'f'} );
+# [Windows compat]
+# Replace backslashes in the path, and tweak the number of slashes
+# in the scheme separator to make the URL always correct.
+my $urlsep = ($repo =~ m/^\// ? '//' : '///');
+$repo =~ s/\\/\//g;
+# Make URL from path if URL not explicitly specified
+$cmd_opts{'U'} = "file:$urlsep$repo" if $cmd_opts{'U'} eq "none";
+my $wc_dir = check_out $cmd_opts{'U'}, $cmd_opts{'o'};
+if ( $cmd_opts{'c'} )
+ {
+ my $svn_cmd = "svn mkdir $wc_dir/trunk";
+ system( $svn_cmd ) and die "$stress: $svn_cmd: failed: $?\n";
+ populate( "$wc_dir/trunk", $cmd_opts{'D'}, $cmd_opts{'F'}, $cmd_opts{'N'},
+ $cmd_opts{'P'}, $cmd_opts{'p'} );
+ status_update_commit $cmd_opts{'o'}, $wc_dir, 0, 1
+ and die "$stress: populate checkin failed\n";
+ }
+my @wc_files = GetListOfFiles $wc_dir;
+die "$stress: not enough files in repository\n"
+ if $#wc_files + 1 < $cmd_opts{'x'};
+my $wait_for_key = $cmd_opts{'s'} < 0;
+my $stop_file = $cmd_opts{'S'};
+for my $mod_number ( 1..$cmd_opts{'n'} )
+ {
+ my @chosen;
+ for ( 1..$cmd_opts{'x'} )
+ {
+ # Extract random file from list and modify it
+ my $mod_file = splice @wc_files, int rand $#wc_files, 1;
+ ModFile $mod_file, $mod_number, $cmd_opts{'i'};
+ push @chosen, $mod_file;
+ }
+ # Reinstate list of files, the order doesn't matter
+ push @wc_files, @chosen;
+ if ( $cmd_opts{'x'} > 0 ) {
+ # Loop committing until successful or the stop file is created
+ 1 while not -e $stop_file
+ and status_update_commit $cmd_opts{'o'}, $wc_dir, $wait_for_key, \
+ $cmd_opts{'d'}, $cmd_opts{'r'};
+ } else {
+ status_update $cmd_opts{'o'}, $wc_dir, $wait_for_key, $cmd_opts{'d'}, \
+ $cmd_opts{'r'};
+ }
+ # Break out of loop, or sleep, if required
+ print( "stop file '$stop_file' detected\n" ), last if -e $stop_file;
+ sleep $cmd_opts{'s'} if $cmd_opts{'s'} > 0;
+ }