path: root/tools/examples/SvnCLBrowse
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/examples/SvnCLBrowse')
1 files changed, 489 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/examples/SvnCLBrowse b/tools/examples/SvnCLBrowse
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..43e16ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/examples/SvnCLBrowse
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+# SvnCLBrowse -- graphical Subversion changelist browser
+# ====================================================================
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# ====================================================================
+# This script requires Python 2.5
+import sys
+import os
+import getopt
+# Try to import the wxWidgets modules.
+ import wx
+ import wx.xrc
+except ImportError:
+ sys.stderr.write("""
+ERROR: This program requires the wxWidgets Python bindings, which you
+ do not appear to have installed.
+ raise
+# Try to import the Subversion modules.
+ import svn.client, svn.wc, svn.core
+except ImportError:
+ sys.stderr.write("""
+ERROR: This program requires the Subversion Python bindings, which you
+ do not appear to have installed.
+ raise
+status_code_map = {
+ svn.wc.status_none : ' ',
+ svn.wc.status_normal : ' ',
+ svn.wc.status_added : 'A',
+ svn.wc.status_missing : '!',
+ svn.wc.status_incomplete : '!',
+ svn.wc.status_deleted : 'D',
+ svn.wc.status_replaced : 'R',
+ svn.wc.status_modified : 'M',
+ svn.wc.status_merged : 'G',
+ svn.wc.status_conflicted : 'C',
+ svn.wc.status_obstructed : '~',
+ svn.wc.status_ignored : 'I',
+ svn.wc.status_external : 'X',
+ svn.wc.status_unversioned : '?',
+ }
+def output_info(path, info, window):
+ window.AppendText("Path: %s\n" % os.path.normpath(path))
+ if info.kind != svn.core.svn_node_dir:
+ window.AppendText("Name: %s\n" % os.path.basename(path))
+ if info.URL:
+ window.AppendText("URL: %s\n" % info.URL)
+ if info.repos_root_URL:
+ window.AppendText("Repository Root: %s\n" % info.repos_root_URL)
+ if info.repos_UUID:
+ window.AppendText("Repository UUID: %s\n" % info.repos_UUID)
+ if info.rev >= 0:
+ window.AppendText("Revision: %ld\n" % info.rev)
+ if info.kind == svn.core.svn_node_file:
+ window.AppendText("Node Kind: file\n")
+ elif info.kind == svn.core.svn_node_dir:
+ window.AppendText("Node Kind: directory\n")
+ elif info.kind == svn.core.svn_node_none:
+ window.AppendText("Node Kind: none\n")
+ else:
+ window.AppendText("Node Kind: unknown\n")
+ if info.has_wc_info:
+ if info.schedule == svn.wc.schedule_normal:
+ window.AppendText("Schedule: normal\n")
+ elif info.schedule == svn.wc.schedule_add:
+ window.AppendText("Schedule: add\n")
+ elif info.schedule == svn.wc.schedule_delete:
+ window.AppendText("Schedule: delete\n")
+ elif info.schedule == svn.wc.schedule_replace:
+ window.AppendText("Schedule: replace\n")
+ if info.depth == svn.core.svn_depth_unknown:
+ pass
+ elif info.depth == svn.core.svn_depth_empty:
+ window.AppendText("Depth: empty\n")
+ elif info.depth == svn.core.svn_depth_files:
+ window.AppendText("Depth: files\n")
+ elif info.depth == svn.core.svn_depth_immediates:
+ window.AppendText("Depth: immediates\n")
+ elif info.depth == svn.core.svn_depth_infinity:
+ pass
+ else:
+ window.AppendText("Depth: INVALID\n")
+ if info.copyfrom_url:
+ window.AppendText("Copied From URL: %s\n" % info.copyfrom_url)
+ if info.copyfrom_rev >= 0:
+ window.AppendText("Copied From Rev: %ld\n" % info.copyfrom_rev)
+ if info.last_changed_author:
+ window.AppendText("Last Changed Author: %s\n" % info.last_changed_author)
+ if info.last_changed_rev >= 0:
+ window.AppendText("Last Changed Rev: %ld\n" % info.last_changed_rev)
+ if info.last_changed_date:
+ window.AppendText("Last Changed Date: %s\n" %
+ svn.core.svn_time_to_human_cstring(info.last_changed_date))
+ if info.has_wc_info:
+ if info.text_time:
+ window.AppendText("Text Last Updated: %s\n" %
+ svn.core.svn_time_to_human_cstring(info.text_time))
+ if info.prop_time:
+ window.AppendText("Properties Last Updated: %s\n" %
+ svn.core.svn_time_to_human_cstring(info.prop_time))
+ if info.checksum:
+ window.AppendText("Checksum: %s\n" % info.checksum)
+ if info.conflict_old:
+ window.AppendText("Conflict Previous Base File: %s\n" % info.conflict_old)
+ if info.conflict_wrk:
+ window.AppendText("Conflict Previous Working File: %s\n" % info.conflict_wrk)
+ if info.conflict_new:
+ window.AppendText("Conflict Current Base File: %s\n" % info.conflict_new)
+ if info.prejfile:
+ window.AppendText("Conflict Properties File: %s\n" % info.prejfile)
+ if info.lock:
+ if info.lock.token:
+ window.AppendText("Lock Token: %s\n" % info.lock.token)
+ if info.lock.owner:
+ window.AppendText("Lock Owner: %s\n" % info.lock.owner)
+ if info.lock.creation_date:
+ window.AppendText("Lock Created: %s\n" %
+ svn.core.svn_time_to_human_cstring(info.lock.creation_date))
+ if info.lock.expiration_date:
+ window.AppendText("Lock Expires: %s\n" %
+ svn.core.svn_time_to_human_cstring(info.lock.expiration_date))
+ if info.lock.comment:
+ num_lines = len(info.lock.comment.split("\n"))
+ window.AppendText("Lock Comment (%d line%s): %s\n"
+ % (num_lines, num_lines > 1 and "s" or "", info.lock.comment))
+ if info.changelist:
+ window.AppendText("Changelist: %s\n" % info.changelist)
+ window.AppendText("\n")
+class _item:
+ pass
+class SvnCLBrowse(wx.App):
+ def __init__(self, wc_dir):
+ svn.core.svn_config_ensure(None)
+ self.svn_ctx = svn.client.ctx_t()
+ self.svn_ctx.config = svn.core.svn_config_get_config(None)
+ if wc_dir is not None:
+ self.wc_dir = svn.core.svn_path_canonicalize(wc_dir)
+ else:
+ self.wc_dir = wc_dir
+ wx.App.__init__(self)
+ def OnInit(self):
+ self.SetAppName("SvnCLBrowse")
+ self.xrc = wx.xrc.EmptyXmlResource()
+ wx.FileSystem.AddHandler(wx.MemoryFSHandler())
+ wx.MemoryFSHandler.AddFile('XRC/SvnCLBrowse.xrc', _XML_RESOURCE)
+ self.xrc.Load('memory:XRC/SvnCLBrowse.xrc')
+ # XML Resource stuff.
+ self.resources = _item()
+ self.resources.CLBFrame = self.xrc.LoadFrame(None, 'CLBFrame')
+ self.resources.CLBMenuBar = self.xrc.LoadMenuBar('CLBMenuBar')
+ self.resources.CLBMenuFileQuit = self.xrc.GetXRCID('CLBMenuFileQuit')
+ self.resources.CLBMenuOpsInfo = self.xrc.GetXRCID('CLBMenuOpsInfo')
+ self.resources.CLBMenuOpsMembers = self.xrc.GetXRCID('CLBMenuOpsMembers')
+ self.resources.CLBMenuHelpAbout = self.xrc.GetXRCID('CLBMenuHelpAbout')
+ self.resources.CLBDirNav = self.resources.CLBFrame.FindWindowById(
+ self.xrc.GetXRCID('CLBDirNav'))
+ self.resources.CLBChangelists = self.resources.CLBFrame.FindWindowById(
+ self.xrc.GetXRCID('CLBChangelists'))
+ self.resources.CLBVertSplitter = self.resources.CLBFrame.FindWindowById(
+ self.xrc.GetXRCID('CLBVertSplitter'))
+ self.resources.CLBHorzSplitter = self.resources.CLBFrame.FindWindowById(
+ self.xrc.GetXRCID('CLBHorzSplitter'))
+ self.resources.CLBOutput = self.resources.CLBFrame.FindWindowById(
+ self.xrc.GetXRCID('CLBOutput'))
+ self.resources.CLBStatusBar = self.resources.CLBFrame.CreateStatusBar(2)
+ # Glue some of our extra stuff onto the main frame.
+ self.resources.CLBFrame.SetMenuBar(self.resources.CLBMenuBar)
+ self.resources.CLBStatusBar.SetStatusWidths([-1, 100])
+ # Event handlers. They are the key to the world.
+ wx.EVT_CLOSE(self.resources.CLBFrame, self._FrameClosure)
+ wx.EVT_MENU(self, self.resources.CLBMenuFileQuit, self._FileQuitMenu)
+ wx.EVT_MENU(self, self.resources.CLBMenuOpsInfo, self._OpsInfoMenu)
+ wx.EVT_MENU(self, self.resources.CLBMenuOpsMembers, self._OpsMembersMenu)
+ wx.EVT_MENU(self, self.resources.CLBMenuHelpAbout, self._HelpAboutMenu)
+ wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED(self, self.resources.CLBDirNav.GetTreeCtrl().Id,
+ self._DirNavSelChanged)
+ # Reset our working directory
+ self._SetWorkingDirectory(self.wc_dir)
+ # Resize and display our frame.
+ self.resources.CLBFrame.SetSize(wx.Size(600, 400))
+ self.resources.CLBFrame.Center()
+ self.resources.CLBFrame.Show(True)
+ self.resources.CLBVertSplitter.SetSashPosition(
+ self.resources.CLBVertSplitter.GetSize()[0] / 2)
+ self.resources.CLBHorzSplitter.SetSashPosition(
+ self.resources.CLBHorzSplitter.GetSize()[1] / 2)
+ # Tell wxWidgets that this is our main window
+ self.SetTopWindow(self.resources.CLBFrame)
+ # Return a success flag
+ return True
+ def _SetWorkingDirectory(self, wc_dir):
+ if wc_dir is None:
+ return
+ if not os.path.isdir(wc_dir):
+ wc_dir = os.path.abspath('/')
+ self.wc_dir = os.path.abspath(wc_dir)
+ self.resources.CLBChangelists.Clear()
+ self.resources.CLBDirNav.SetPath(self.wc_dir)
+ self.resources.CLBFrame.SetTitle("SvnCLBrowse - %s" % (self.wc_dir))
+ changelists = {}
+ self.resources.CLBFrame.SetStatusText("Checking '%s' for status..." \
+ % (self.wc_dir))
+ wx.BeginBusyCursor()
+ def _status_callback(path, status, clists=changelists):
+ if status.entry and status.entry.changelist:
+ clists[status.entry.changelist] = None
+ # Do the status crawl, using _status_callback() as our callback function.
+ revision = svn.core.svn_opt_revision_t()
+ revision.type = svn.core.svn_opt_revision_head
+ try:
+ svn.client.status2(self.wc_dir, revision, _status_callback,
+ svn.core.svn_depth_infinity,
+ False, False, False, True, self.svn_ctx)
+ except svn.core.SubversionException:
+ self.resources.CLBStatusBar.SetStatusText("UNVERSIONED", 2)
+ else:
+ changelist_names = changelists.keys()
+ changelist_names.sort()
+ for changelist in changelist_names:
+ self.resources.CLBChangelists.Append(changelist)
+ finally:
+ wx.EndBusyCursor()
+ self.resources.CLBFrame.SetStatusText("")
+ def _Destroy(self):
+ self.resources.CLBFrame.Destroy()
+ def _DirNavSelChanged(self, event):
+ self._SetWorkingDirectory(self.resources.CLBDirNav.GetPath())
+ def _GetSelectedChangelists(self):
+ changelists = []
+ items = self.resources.CLBChangelists.GetSelections()
+ for item in items:
+ changelists.append(str(self.resources.CLBChangelists.GetString(item)))
+ return changelists
+ def _OpsMembersMenu(self, event):
+ self.resources.CLBOutput.Clear()
+ changelists = self._GetSelectedChangelists()
+ if not changelists:
+ return
+ def _info_receiver(path, info, pool):
+ self.resources.CLBOutput.AppendText(" %s\n" % (path))
+ for changelist in changelists:
+ self.resources.CLBOutput.AppendText("Changelist: %s\n" % (changelist))
+ revision = svn.core.svn_opt_revision_t()
+ revision.type = svn.core.svn_opt_revision_working
+ svn.client.info2(self.wc_dir, revision, revision,
+ _info_receiver, svn.core.svn_depth_infinity,
+ [changelist], self.svn_ctx)
+ self.resources.CLBOutput.AppendText("\n")
+ def _OpsInfoMenu(self, event):
+ self.resources.CLBOutput.Clear()
+ changelists = self._GetSelectedChangelists()
+ if not changelists:
+ return
+ def _info_receiver(path, info, pool):
+ output_info(path, info, self.resources.CLBOutput)
+ revision = svn.core.svn_opt_revision_t()
+ revision.type = svn.core.svn_opt_revision_working
+ svn.client.info2(self.wc_dir, revision, revision,
+ _info_receiver, svn.core.svn_depth_infinity,
+ changelists, self.svn_ctx)
+ def _FrameClosure(self, event):
+ self._Destroy()
+ def _FileQuitMenu(self, event):
+ self._Destroy()
+ def _HelpAboutMenu(self, event):
+ wx.MessageBox("SvnCLBrowse"
+ " -- graphical Subversion changelist browser.\n\n",
+ "About SvnCLBrowse",
+ wx.OK | wx.CENTER,
+ self.resources.CLBFrame)
+ def OnExit(self):
+ pass
+_XML_RESOURCE = """<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+ <object class="wxMenuBar" name="CLBMenuBar">
+ <object class="wxMenu">
+ <label>&amp;File</label>
+ <object class="wxMenuItem" name="CLBMenuFileQuit">
+ <label>&amp;Quit</label>
+ <accel>CTRL+Q</accel>
+ <help>Quit SvnCLBrowse.</help>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="wxMenu">
+ <label>&amp;Subversion</label>
+ <object class="wxMenuItem" name="CLBMenuOpsInfo">
+ <label>&amp;Info</label>
+ <help>Show information about members of the selected changelist(s).</help>
+ </object>
+ <object class="wxMenuItem" name="CLBMenuOpsMembers">
+ <label>&amp;Members</label>
+ <help>List the members of the selected changelist(s).</help>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="wxMenu">
+ <label>&amp;Help</label>
+ <object class="wxMenuItem" name="CLBMenuHelpAbout">
+ <label>&amp;About...</label>
+ <help>About SvnCLBrowse.</help>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="wxFrame" name="CLBFrame">
+ <title>SvnCLBrowse -- graphical Subversion changelist browser</title>
+ <centered>1</centered>
+ <object class="wxFlexGridSizer">
+ <cols>1</cols>
+ <rows>1</rows>
+ <object class="sizeritem">
+ <object class="wxSplitterWindow" name="CLBVertSplitter">
+ <object class="wxPanel">
+ <object class="wxFlexGridSizer">
+ <cols>1</cols>
+ <rows>3</rows>
+ <growablecols>0</growablecols>
+ <growablerows>0</growablerows>
+ <growablerows>1</growablerows>
+ <growablerows>2</growablerows>
+ <object class="sizeritem">
+ <object class="wxSplitterWindow" name="CLBHorzSplitter">
+ <orientation>horizontal</orientation>
+ <sashpos>200</sashpos>
+ <minsize>50</minsize>
+ <style>wxSP_NOBORDER|wxSP_LIVE_UPDATE</style>
+ <object class="wxPanel">
+ <object class="wxStaticBoxSizer">
+ <label>Local Modifications</label>
+ <orient>wxHORIZONTAL</orient>
+ <object class="sizeritem">
+ <object class="wxGenericDirCtrl" name="CLBDirNav">
+ <style>wxDIRCTRL_DIR_ONLY</style>
+ </object>
+ <flag>wxEXPAND</flag>
+ <option>1</option>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="wxPanel">
+ <object class="wxStaticBoxSizer">
+ <label>Changelists</label>
+ <orient>wxHORIZONTAL</orient>
+ <object class="sizeritem">
+ <object class="wxListBox" name="CLBChangelists">
+ <content>
+ <item/></content>
+ <style>wxLB_MULTIPLE</style>
+ </object>
+ <option>1</option>
+ <flag>wxALL|wxEXPAND</flag>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <flag>wxEXPAND</flag>
+ <option>1</option>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="wxPanel">
+ <object class="wxFlexGridSizer">
+ <cols>1</cols>
+ <object class="sizeritem">
+ <object class="wxStaticBoxSizer">
+ <label>Output</label>
+ <orient>wxVERTICAL</orient>
+ <object class="sizeritem">
+ <object class="wxTextCtrl" name="CLBOutput">
+ </object>
+ <option>1</option>
+ <flag>wxEXPAND</flag>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <option>1</option>
+ <flag>wxALL|wxEXPAND</flag>
+ <border>5</border>
+ </object>
+ <rows>1</rows>
+ <growablecols>0</growablecols>
+ <growablerows>0</growablerows>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <orientation>vertical</orientation>
+ <sashpos>130</sashpos>
+ <minsize>50</minsize>
+ <style>wxSP_NOBORDER|wxSP_LIVE_UPDATE</style>
+ </object>
+ <option>1</option>
+ <flag>wxEXPAND</flag>
+ </object>
+ <growablecols>0</growablecols>
+ <growablerows>0</growablerows>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+def usage_and_exit(errmsg=None):
+ stream = errmsg and sys.stderr or sys.stdout
+ progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+ stream.write("""%s -- graphical Subversion changelist browser
+Usage: %s [DIRECTORY]
+Launch the SvnCLBrowse graphical changelist browser, using DIRECTORY
+(or the current working directory, if DIRECTORY is not provided) as
+the initial browse location.
+""" % (progname, progname))
+ if errmsg:
+ stream.write("ERROR: %s\n" % (errmsg))
+ sys.exit(errmsg and 1 or 0)
+def main():
+ opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h?', ['help'])
+ for name, value in opts:
+ if name == '-h' or name == '-?' or name == '--help':
+ usage_and_exit()
+ argc = len(args)
+ if argc == 0:
+ wc_dir = '.'
+ elif argc == 1:
+ wc_dir = sys.argv[1]
+ else:
+ usage_and_exit("Too many arguments")
+ app = SvnCLBrowse(wc_dir)
+ app.MainLoop()
+ app.OnExit()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()