path: root/TODO
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authorLorry Tar Creator <>2009-08-18 20:56:02 +0000
committerLorry <>2012-09-25 16:59:08 +0000
commit9f8a09ed743cedd9547bf0661d518647966ab114 (patch)
tree9c7803d3b27a8ec22e91792ac7f7932efa128b20 /TODO
Imported from /srv/lorry/lorry-area/swig-tarball/swig-1.3.40.tar.gz.HEADswig-1.3.40master
Diffstat (limited to 'TODO')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..879e65f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+**** = High Priority
+*** = Implement if possible.
+** = Will implement if time.
+* = Implement if bored (or deemed necessary).
+defer = Implement in next version
+**** Add support for nested classes. The type system should be
+defer ready to go. The primary obstacle lies in the target language
+ modules (which were never programmed with nested classes in
+ mind). There are also issues with nested C structures. For
+ example:
+ struct Foo {
+ struct {
+ int x,y;
+ } z;
+ };
+ This is one of the last remaining "hard" problems in the SWIG
+ core, but it is important that we solve it.
+*** "Nested" typemaps. The basic idea is similar to allowing one to
+ use $descriptor(T) for any T, rather than just $descriptor
+ for the type currently being typemapped.
+ In short (ha!), given a previously defined typemap:
+ %typemap(in) Foo {
+ // whatever it takes to initialize $1 from $input
+ }
+ it would be possible to inline its code inside another typemap.
+ While the syntax is still to be defined, the use would be
+ along the lines of:
+ template <class T> class vector {
+ %typemap(in) vector<T> {
+ ...
+ for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ PyObject* x = ... // i-th element
+ $typemap(in, T, x, $1[i]);
+ }
+ ...
+ }
+ ...
+ }
+ i.e., when $typemap(in,Foo,x,y) is encountered, it will
+ be replaced by the code for %typemap(in) Foo; in the latter,
+ x will be replaced for $input and y will be replaced for $1.
+ As in the case above, x and y themselves might need to be
+ expanded before or after being substituted in the typemap code.
+ Also, $typemap(what,Foo,x,y,z,...) will be used in case of
+ multi-arguments typemaps. The same will hold for "out" typemaps
+ and all the others.
+ Comment by mkoeppe:
+ I think we need to be careful to keep the syntax readable.
+ I would like to get a syntax that is close to that of
+ typemap definitions. So consider this typemap:
+ %typemap(in) int { ... }
+ I would like to refer to this typemap like this:
+ $typemap(in, input=x) int = foo;
+ Here $input would be replaced by the given keyword argument
+ x, and $1 would be replaced by foo.
+ This syntax would extend easily to multi-typemaps:
+ %typemap(in) ( int FIRST, double SECOND ) { ... }
+ -> $typemap(in, input=x)
+ ( int FIRST = foo, double SECOND = bar );
+ The advantage of this syntax would be that the formal
+ arguments (int FIRST, double SECOND) are close to the
+ actual arguments (foo, bar).
+ Comment by beazley
+ $typemap(in, input=x) int = foo;
+ is a little bit hard to parse in terms of variable substitution.
+ I'm considering something like this:
+ $typemap(in,1=int foo, input=x)
+ Note: This is partially implemented in the new Unified Typemap
+ Library(python,tcl,ruby and perl) via %fragments and the
+ SWIG_From/SWIG_AsVal methdos.
+*** Implement $fail special variable substitution in wrappers. Used
+ to properly transfer control out of a wrapper function while
+ reclaiming resources.
+ Note: Implemented in languages that uses the UTL via the
+ 'SWIG_fail' macro.
+*** Rewrite declaration annotation to better unify %rename and related
+ directives. Add a selector mechanism that allows specific parse tree
+ nodes to be identified. For example:
+ %feature("foo", nodetype="class") Foo { ... some code ... };
+ Consider use of wildcards. Namespace/nested scope support in
+ %feature is currently weak. It works, but is fragile. Consider
+ an implementation that is better integrated with symbol table
+ management. Continue to consolidate SWIG directives to %feature.
+ Note: Initial implementation in the %rename directive.
+*** Add more intelligent information related to object ownership.
+ SWIG should be able to automatically strip ownership from
+ objects when they are assigned to pointer variables and structure
+ members as well as stored in a container (i.e., an array of pointers).
+ [ Partially finished for Ruby/Perl/Tcl/Python. ]
+** Restoration of the documentation system.
+ [ Partially done for Python. ]
+** Restoration of Objective-C support.
+** Unification of symbol tables and type system scopes. In a sense
+ they capture the same information so it is not necessary to have
+ both. The existence of two symbol management systems is mostly
+ historical.
+**** Add more support for the C++ standard library. std::complex and other
+ core datatypes. Refine support for STL vector. Add more STL objects.
+ [ Partially finished for Python. ]
+**** Continue to expand the set of recognized typemaps.
+All language modules
+*** Ability to wrap certain classes as Python built-in types.
+**** Rewrite runtime pointer type checking to better integrate
+ shadow classes. Creation of shadow classes should be done
+ in C instead of Perl. This will fix a number of problems
+ related to typemaps and reduce the amount of Perl wrapper code.
+**** Create tests for existing support for operator overloading
+**** The "Resource Management in Proxies" section of the "SWIG and C++"
+ chapter discusses how proxies' ownership of their associated C++
+ object can change, and the use of the special disown() and
+ acquire() methods to change this ownership status. Need to
+ address this for Ruby as well.
+*** Add support for keyword arguments (by collecting them in a hash?).
+**** Look at moving to using the UTL.
+*** Director support.
+** When returning wrapped objects via alternate constructors if that
+ pointer value already exists "out there" as a resource we should
+ use the same resource, we can't have multiple ref-counted resources
+ mapping to the same object in case it gets twice destroyed. And check
+ if ref count destroying is even working, see smart_pointer_rename
+* Work out how classes without even inherited constructors should
+ interact with the php "new <class>" notation.
+ See: abstract_inherit_wrap.cpptest
+** Look at pass by point and passby ref,
+ Make sometype** to be auto allocated
+ Make sometype& and sometype* to be autoallocated IF THEY ARE NOT
+ ALREADY swigtype wrapped.
+* Review to see what else is missing!
+** Maybe rename slot setters from CLASS-SLOT-set to CLASS-SLOT-set!
+ to match Scheme convention for naming of mutators.
+** Support keyword args.
+** Director Support!
+** Cleaner handling of multiple values.
+ Use a typemap keyword argument "numoutputs" of "out" and
+ "argout" to indicate how many values are returned.
+** Make SWIG's types first-class by using a separate smob type for
+ SWIG type descriptors; enable reflection on types. (Maybe
+ GOOPS metaclasses?)
+** Provide a clean way to construct type predicates.
+** In GOOPS mode, maybe make overloaded functions methods.
+** Increase the safety of destructor functions. John Lenz suggests:
+ I think the best way of doing this would be to use %feature to mark
+ which classes allow for "normal" <swig> smobs to be deleted explicitly.
+ We separate pointers into two classes, those that can be deleted from
+ scheme and those that can't. The pointers that can be deleted use the
+ <collectable-swig> smob and those that can not be deleted use the
+ <swig> smob. A user can specify which type of each object they want
+ with %newobject and the CONSUMED typemap.
+ By default, the exported destructor will only accept <collectable-swig>
+ smobs, because by definition, collectable-swig smobs are those that can
+ be deleted from scheme. This allows for the user to implement
+ protection. In the interface file, the user has complete control over
+ which objects can and can not be deleted, and can guarantee that
+ objects that should not be deleted can not be deleted, and that objects
+ that should eventually be deleted will be garbage collected.
+ This protection can then be overridden with a %feature directive,
+ something like
+ %feature("guile_allow_destroy_all","1") Foo::~Foo;
+ I don't know what word we want to use, guile_allow_destroy_all is kinda
+ bad. This feature would then allow for a <swig Foo *> smob to be
+ deleted by passing it to the destructor. This would allow users to
+ maintain the protection on other classes, only manually overriding the
+ protection on the classes that need it.
+** Port list-vector.i and pointer-in-out.i from Guile.
+** Add shadow class support for the Swindle system.
+* Decide how to handle global variables (probably using something
+ like the Python module's cvar). Affects Examples/pike/simple.
+* Decide how to handle static class member functions and member
+ variables.
+* Should investigate the possibility of generating .cmod files
+ in addition to straight C/C++ code for extensions.
+Common Lisp
+* Random thoughts by mkoeppe on supporting Common Lisp implementations:
+ There are many different Foreign Function Interfaces (FFI) for
+ the various CL implementations. Probably SWIG should interface
+ to UFFI, a least-common-denominator FFI that supports many
+ implementations.
+ Via the s-expression SWIG module we can export SWIG's parse
+ tree and import it into CL. It remains to check if all
+ relevant information is dumped (for instance, the type
+ information). Experimental code is available to generate
+ low-level UFFI declarations from this parse tree.
+ However, for wrapping C++, we also need to create C wrappers
+ because most FFIs cannot directly import C++. A CL SWIG module
+ could be exporting both these wrappers and UFFI declarations.
+ I have experimental code (not checked in yet) that does this.
+ This is fine for generating low-level wrappers. But how do we
+ support user typemaps (like converting lists and vectors to C
+ arrays on input)? We have to generate Lisp code that does the
+ conversion and then calls the low-level wrapper. If we
+ generate Lisp code, it should be beautiful and readable.
+ Therefore, we need at least a Lisp pretty printer. A Lisp
+ pretty printer works best when the Lisp program is represented
+ not as text but as Lisp data. Moreover, typemap writers will
+ feel very much constrained by SWIG's capabilities for
+ generating wrapper code, when compared to writing Lisp macros.
+ Thus we would need half a re-implementation of Lisp in SWIG to
+ make users happy.
+ The solution could be the following:
+** Build a SWIG library (again) and load it into a Common Lisp
+ implementation.
+ The FFI declarations could be written manually, or this could
+ be bootstrapped via the s-expression module or the primitive
+ UFFI wrappers. This should be easy because SWIG's API is quite
+ simple.
+ The embedded SWIG would be driven by a CL program. High-level
+ typemaps would be written as Lisp programs that generate Lisp
+ code.
+These first three will remove most of the warnings from most of the
+remaining checkpartial tests that are failing.
+**** Throws typemap support
+**** const typemaps
+**** long long typemaps
+** I've been working with my camlp4 module and type information
+ from the compiler. When I'm done, the user will have access
+ to type inference when writing code, when the inference is
+ unambiguous. This allows the user to write x = _foo 1.0
+ instead of x = get_float (_foo (C_float 1.0)). It's not as
+ easy as it sounds, because O'caml doesn't keep type information
+ at run time, and doesn't really have a mechanism for doing what
+ I need. However, it's possible to write a preprocessor that
+ inserts correct type info at compile time.
+ That having been said, the program must compile for type info
+ to be available, so I need to attend to a lot of details; The
+ program must compile both with and without type augmentation.
+**** Extending SWIG (and internals).
+*** Perl, Python, Tcl modules.
+*** add section for Perl module support for operator overloading
+** Add section on WAD.