path: root/Examples/test-suite/d/director_primitives_runme.2.d
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Examples/test-suite/d/director_primitives_runme.2.d')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Examples/test-suite/d/director_primitives_runme.2.d b/Examples/test-suite/d/director_primitives_runme.2.d
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0e307330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/test-suite/d/director_primitives_runme.2.d
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ * This test program shows a D class DDerived inheriting from Base.
+ *
+ * Three types of classes are created and the virtual methods called to
+ * demonstrate:
+ * - Wide variety of primitive types
+ * - Calling methods with zero, one or more parameters
+ * - Director methods that are not overridden in D
+ * - Director classes that are not overridden at all in D, i.e. non-director
+ * behaviour is as expected for director classes
+ * - Inheritance hierarchy using director methods
+ * - Return types working as well as parameters
+ *
+ * The Caller class is a tester class which calls the virtual functions from C++.
+ */
+module director_primitives_runme;
+import std.exception;
+import std.stdio;
+import director_primitives.director_primitives;
+import director_primitives.Base;
+import director_primitives.Caller;
+import director_primitives.Derived;
+import director_primitives.HShadowMode;
+void main() {
+ PrintDebug = false;
+ if (PrintDebug) writeln("------------ Start ------------ ");
+ auto myCaller = new Caller();
+ // Test C++ base class.
+ {
+ scope myBase = new Base(100.0);
+ makeCalls(myCaller, myBase);
+ }
+ if (PrintDebug) writeln("--------------------------------");
+ // Test vanilla C++ wrapped derived class.
+ {
+ scope Base myBase = new Derived(100.0);
+ makeCalls(myCaller, myBase);
+ }
+ if (PrintDebug) writeln("--------------------------------");
+ // Test director/D derived class.
+ {
+ scope Base myBase = new DDerived(300.0);
+ makeCalls(myCaller, myBase);
+ }
+ if (PrintDebug) writeln("------------ Finish ------------ ");
+void makeCalls(Caller myCaller, Base myBase) {
+ myCaller.set(myBase);
+ myCaller.NoParmsMethodCall();
+ enforce(myCaller.BoolMethodCall(true) == true, "failed");
+ enforce(myCaller.BoolMethodCall(false) == false, "failed");
+ enforce(myCaller.IntMethodCall(-123) == -123, "failed");
+ enforce(myCaller.UIntMethodCall(123) == 123, "failed");
+ enforce(myCaller.FloatMethodCall(-123.456f) == -123.456f, "failed");
+ enforce(myCaller.CharPtrMethodCall("test string") == "test string", "failed");
+ enforce(myCaller.ConstCharPtrMethodCall("another string") == "another string", "failed");
+ enforce(myCaller.EnumMethodCall(HShadowMode.HShadowHard) == HShadowMode.HShadowHard, "failed");
+ myCaller.ManyParmsMethodCall(true, -123, 123, 123.456f, "test string", "another string", HShadowMode.HShadowHard);
+ myCaller.NotOverriddenMethodCall();
+ myCaller.reset();
+class DDerived : Base {
+ this(double dd) {
+ super(dd);
+ }
+ override void NoParmsMethod() {
+ if (PrintDebug) writeln("DDerived - NoParmsMethod()");
+ }
+ override bool BoolMethod(bool x) {
+ if (PrintDebug) writefln("DDerived - BoolMethod(%s)", x);
+ return x;
+ }
+ override int IntMethod(int x) {
+ if (PrintDebug) writefln("DDerived - IntMethod(%s)", x);
+ return x;
+ }
+ override uint UIntMethod(uint x) {
+ if (PrintDebug) writefln("DDerived - UIntMethod(%s)", x);
+ return x;
+ }
+ override float FloatMethod(float x) {
+ if (PrintDebug) writefln("DDerived - FloatMethod(%s)", x);
+ return x;
+ }
+ override string CharPtrMethod(string x) {
+ if (PrintDebug) writefln("DDerived - CharPtrMethod(%s)", x);
+ return x;
+ }
+ override string ConstCharPtrMethod(string x) {
+ if (PrintDebug) writefln("DDerived - ConstCharPtrMethod(%s)", x);
+ return x;
+ }
+ override HShadowMode EnumMethod(HShadowMode x) {
+ if (PrintDebug) writefln("DDerived - EnumMethod(%s)", x);
+ return x;
+ }
+ override void ManyParmsMethod(bool b, int i, uint u, float f, string c, string cc, HShadowMode h) {
+ if (PrintDebug) writefln("DDerived - ManyParmsMethod(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", b, i, u, f, c, cc, h);
+ }