path: root/core/ldlinux.asm
diff options
authorH. Peter Anvin <>2009-01-25 17:23:32 -0800
committerH. Peter Anvin <>2009-01-25 17:23:32 -0800
commit582645e269ee82d544ab8b8b913c8364f3178484 (patch)
tree52f2627071926f3c2162643a0f57c1387627e36e /core/ldlinux.asm
parent4b533a0066a26b82c36d58af05c3bbeabf7e3b95 (diff)
Reorganize the codepage handling to allow ucs2 -> codepage conversion
Reorganize the codepage handling to make it easier to do ucs2 -> codepage conversion, this will be used for a future directory lister.
Diffstat (limited to 'core/ldlinux.asm')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/core/ldlinux.asm b/core/ldlinux.asm
index c7f6577c..e9d0573f 100644
--- a/core/ldlinux.asm
+++ b/core/ldlinux.asm
@@ -100,7 +100,8 @@ file_left resd 1 ; Number of sectors left
.magic resd 2 ; 8-byte magic number
.reserved resd 6 ; Reserved for future use
.uppercase resb 256 ; Internal upper-case table
-.unicode resw 2*256 ; Unicode matching table
+.unicode resw 256 ; Unicode matching table
+.unicode_alt resw 256 ; Alternate Unicode matching table
%ifndef DEPEND
@@ -1040,10 +1041,10 @@ search_dos_dir:
cmp bx,[NameLen]
jae .vfat_tail
movzx bx,byte [bx+di]
- shl bx,2
+ add bx,bx
cmp ax,[cp_unicode+bx] ; Primary case
je .ucs_ok
- cmp ax,[cp_unicode+bx+2] ; Alternate case
+ cmp ax,[cp_unicode_alt+bx] ; Alternate case
je .ucs_ok
; Mismatch...
jmp .not_us_pop
@@ -1170,8 +1171,29 @@ codepage equ $-(32+32)
codepage_data: incbin "codepage.cp",32+32
cp_uppercase equ codepage+cp.uppercase
cp_unicode equ codepage+cp.unicode
+cp_unicode_alt equ codepage+cp.unicode_alt
codepage_end equ $
+ section .text
+; Input: UCS-2 character in AX
+; Output: Single byte character in AL, ZF = 1
+; On failure, returns ZF = 0
+; Assumes CS == ES == 0.
+ push di
+ push cx
+ mov di,cp_unicode
+ mov cx,512
+ repne scasw
+ xchg ax,cx
+ pop cx
+ pop di
+ not ax ; Doesn't change the flags!
+ ret
section .bss
VFATInit resb 1
VFATNext resb 1