path: root/core/ldlinux.asm
diff options
authorGene Cumm <>2009-02-08 09:36:59 -0500
committerH. Peter Anvin <>2009-02-09 22:49:17 -0800
commitc1def425e3eeb245da7a59025f2fa37f02368504 (patch)
treead741a1bfc81828eb474b77b7c9ec270355c6bc3 /core/ldlinux.asm
parent2b02abdaa91f41235f40f846d08bb09d8841baa6 (diff)
COMBOOT API: Add calls for directory functions; Implement for FAT
COMBOOT API: Add calls for directory functions; Implement most only for FAT (SYSLINUX). Uses INT 22h AX= 001Fh, 0020h, 0021h and 0022h to prepare for the COM32 C functions getcwd(), opendir(), readdir(), and closedir(), respectively. INT22h, AX=001Fh will return a valid value for all variants. INT22h, AX= 0020h, 0021h, and 0022h are only implemented for SYSLINUX while other variants will call comapi_err for these 3. Signed-off-by: Gene Cumm <> Signed-off-by: H. Peter Anvin <>
Diffstat (limited to 'core/ldlinux.asm')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/core/ldlinux.asm b/core/ldlinux.asm
index c7f6577c..61ce1a0e 100644
--- a/core/ldlinux.asm
+++ b/core/ldlinux.asm
@@ -44,6 +44,11 @@ MAX_OPEN equ (1 << MAX_OPEN_LG2)
+ROOT_DIR_WORD equ 0x002F
; This is what we need to do when idle
@@ -900,19 +905,40 @@ getfattype:
mov si,config_name ; Save configuration file name
mov di,ConfigName
call strcpy
+ mov word [CurrentDirName],ROOT_DIR_WORD ; Write '/',0 to the CurrentDirName
mov eax,[RootDir] ; Make the root directory ...
mov [CurrentDir],eax ; ... the current directory
mov di,syslinux_cfg1
+ push di
call open
+ pop di
jnz .config_open
mov di,syslinux_cfg2
+ push di
call open
+ pop di
jnz .config_open
mov di,syslinux_cfg3
+ push di
call open
+ pop di
jz no_config_file
+ push si
+ mov si,di
+ push si
+ mov di,CurrentDirName
+ ; This is inefficient as it will copy more than needed
+ ; but not by too much
+ call strcpy
+ mov ax,config_name ;Cut it down
+ pop si
+ sub ax,si
+ mov di,CurrentDirName
+ add di,ax
+ mov byte [di],0
+ pop si
mov eax,[PrevDir] ; Make the directory with syslinux.cfg ...
mov [CurrentDir],eax ; ... the current directory
@@ -945,6 +971,37 @@ allocate_file:
+; alloc_fill_dir:
+; Allocate then fill a file structure for a directory starting in
+; sector EAX.
+; Assumes DS == ES == CS.
+; If successful:
+; ZF clear
+; SI = file pointer
+; If unsuccessful
+; ZF set
+; EAX clobbered
+ push bx
+ call allocate_file
+ jnz .alloc_failure
+ mov si,bx
+ mov [si+file_sector],eax ; Current sector
+ mov dword [si+file_bytesleft],0 ; Current offset
+ mov [si+file_left],eax ; Beginning sector
+ pop bx
+ ret
+ pop bx
+ xor eax,eax ; ZF <- 1
+ ret
; search_dos_dir:
; Search a specific directory for a pre-mangled filename in
; MangledBuf, in the directory starting in sector EAX.
@@ -1191,6 +1248,18 @@ close_file:
.closed: ret
+; close_dir:
+; Deallocates a directory structure (pointer in SI)
+; Assumes CS == DS.
+ and si,si
+ jz .closed
+ mov dword [si],0 ; First dword == file_sector
+ xor si,si
+.closed: ret
; searchdir:
; Open a file
@@ -1224,9 +1293,17 @@ searchdir:
cmp al,'/'
jne .findend
- xchg si,di
+ xchg si,di ; GRC: si begin; di end[ /]+1
pop eax ; <A> Current directory sector
+ ; GRC Here I need to check if di-1 = si which signifies
+ ; we have the desired directory in EAX
+ ; What about where the file name = "."; later
+ mov dx,di
+ dec dx
+ cmp dx,si
+ jz .founddir
mov [PrevDir],eax ; Remember last directory searched
push di
@@ -1263,12 +1340,257 @@ searchdir:
xchg eax,[si+file_sector] ; Get sector number and free file structure
jmp .pathwalk ; Walk the next bit of the path
+ ; Found the desired directory; ZF set but EAX not 0
+ ret
xor eax,eax
mov [si],eax ; Free file structure
+ xor eax,eax ; Zero out EAX
+ ret
+; readdir: Read one file from a directory
+; ES:DI -> String buffer (filename)
+; DS:SI -> Pointer to open_file_t
+; DS Must be the SYSLINUX Data Segment
+; Returns the file's name in the filename string buffer
+; EAX returns the file size
+; EBX returns the beginning sector (currently without offsetting)
+; DL returns the file type
+; The directory handle's data is incremented to reflect a name read.
+ push ecx
+ push bp ; Using bp to transfer between segment registers
+ push si
+ push es
+ push fs ; Using fs to store the current es (from COMBOOT)
+ push gs
+ mov bp,es
+ mov fs,bp
+ cmp si,0
+ jz .fail
+ mov eax,[ds:si+file_sector] ; Current sector
+ mov ebx,[ds:si+file_bytesleft] ; Current offset
+ cmp eax,0
+ jz .fail
+ call getcachesector
+ add si,bx ; Resume last position in sector
+ mov ecx,SECTOR_SIZE ; 0 out high part
+ sub cx,bx
+ shr cx,5 ; Number of entries left
+ cmp byte [gs:si],0
+ jz .fail
+ cmp word [gs:si+11],0Fh ; Long filename
+ jne .short_entry
+ push eax
+ push ecx
+ push si
+ push di
+.vfat_ln_info: ; Get info about the line that we're on
+ mov al,[gs:si]
+ test al,40h
+ jz .vfat_tail_ln
+ and al,03Fh
+ mov ah,1 ; On beginning line
+ jmp .vfat_ck_ln
+.vfat_tail_ln: ; VFAT tail line processing (later in VFAT, head in name)
+ test al,80h ; Invalid data?
+ jnz .vfat_abort
+ mov ah,0 ; Not on beginning line
+ cmp dl,al
+ jne .vfat_abort ; Is this the entry we need?
+ mov bl,[gs:si+13]
+ cmp bl,[VFATCsum]
+ jne .vfat_abort
+ jmp .vfat_cp_ln
+.vfat_ck_ln: ; Load this line's VFAT CheckSum
+ mov bl,[gs:si+13]
+ mov [VFATCsum],bl
+.vfat_cp_ln: ; Copy VFAT line
+ dec al ; Store the next line we need
+ mov dx,ax ; Use DX to store the progress
+ mov bx,13
+ mov ah,0
+ mul bl ; Offset for DI
+ add di,ax ; Increment DI
+ inc si ; Align to the real characters
+ mov cx,13 ; 13 characters per VFAT DIRENT
+ gs lodsw ; Unicode here!!
+ mov bp,ds
+ mov es,bp
+ call ucs2_to_cp ; Convert to local codepage
+ mov bp,fs
+ mov es,bp
+ jc .vfat_abort ;-; Use short name if character not on codepage
+ stosb ; CAN NOT OVERRIDE es
+ cmp al,0
+ jz .vfat_find_next ; Null-terminated string; don't process more
+ cmp cx,3
+ je .vfat_adj_add2
+ cmp cx,9
+ jne .vfat_adj_add0
+.vfat_adj_add3: inc si
+.vfat_adj_add2: inc si
+.vfat_adj_add1: inc si
+ loop .vfat_cp_chr
+ cmp dh,1 ; Is this the first round?
+ jnz .vfat_find_next
+.vfat_null_term: ; Need to null-terminate if first line as we rolled over the end
+ mov al,0
+ stosb
+.vfat_find_next: ;Find the next part of the name
+ pop di
+ pop si
+ pop ecx
+ pop eax
+ cmp dl,0
+ jz .vfat_find_info ; We're done with the name
+ add si,DIRENT_SIZE
+ dec cx
+ jnz .vfat_entry
+ call nextsector
+ jnc .vfat_entry ; CF is set if we're at end
+ jmp .fail
+.vfat_find_info: ; Fetch next entry for the size/"INode"
+ add si,DIRENT_SIZE
+ dec cx
+ jnz .get_info
+ call nextsector
+ jnc .get_info ; CF is set if we're at end
+ jmp .fail
+.vfat_abort: ; Something went wrong, skip
+ pop di
+ pop si
+ pop ecx
+ pop eax
+ jmp .skip_entry
+ test byte [gs:si+11],8 ; Ignore volume labels //HERE
+ jnz .skip_entry
+ mov edx,eax ;Save current sector
+ push cx
+ push si
+ push di
+ mov cx,8
+ gs lodsb
+ cmp al,'.'
+ jz .short_dot
+ cmp al,' '
+ jz .short_skip_bs
+ stosb
+ loop .short_file_loop
+ jmp .short_period
+.short_skip_bs: ; skip blank spaces in FILENAME (before EXT)
+ add si,cx
+ dec si
+ mov al,'.'
+ stosb
+ mov cx,3
+ gs lodsb
+ cmp al,' '
+ jz .short_done
+ stosb
+ loop .short_ext
+ jmp .short_done
+ stosb
+ gs lodsb
+ cmp al,' '
+ jz .short_done
+ stosb
+ mov al,0 ; Null-terminate the short strings
+ stosb
+ pop di
+ pop si
+ pop cx
+ mov eax,edx
+ mov ebx,[gs:si+28] ; length
+ mov dl,[gs:si+11] ; type
+ add si,DIRENT_SIZE
+ dec cx
+ jnz .store_offset
+ call nextsector
+ jnc .store_sect ; CF is set if we're at end
+ jmp .fail
+ add si,DIRENT_SIZE
+ dec cx
+ jnz .scanentry
+ call nextsector
+ jnc .scanentry ; CF is set if we're at end
+ jmp .fail
+ pop gs
+ pop fs
+ pop es
+ pop si
+ mov [ds:si+file_sector],eax
+ mov eax,0 ; Now at beginning of new sector
+ jmp .success
+ pop gs
+ pop fs
+ pop es
+ pop si ; cx=num remain; SECTOR_SIZE-(cx*32)=cur pos
+ shl ecx,DIRENT_SHIFT
+ mov eax,SECTOR_SIZE
+ sub eax,ecx
+ and eax,0ffffh
+ mov [ds:si+file_bytesleft],eax
+ ; "INode" number = ((CurSector-RootSector)*SECTOR_SIZE + Offset)/DIRENT_SIZE)
+ mov ecx,eax
+ mov eax,[ds:si+file_sector]
+ sub eax,[RootDir]
+ shl eax,SECTOR_SHIFT
+ add eax,ecx
+ shr eax,DIRENT_SHIFT
+ dec eax
+ xchg eax,ebx ; -> EBX=INode, EAX=FileSize
+ jmp .done
+ pop gs
+ pop fs
+ pop es
+ pop si
+ call close_dir
xor eax,eax
+ stc
+ pop bp
+ pop ecx
section .bss