path: root/gpxe/src/tests
diff options
authorH. Peter Anvin <>2016-02-09 18:08:47 -0800
committerH. Peter Anvin <>2016-02-09 18:08:47 -0800
commitf2f897a1762fab84d2905f32b1c15dd7b42abb56 (patch)
treea38f51d3f1fcbf44afddb4736d549c12eaf491be /gpxe/src/tests
parent72d2959272b4616f17a97667e6dfa9d06bf109a3 (diff)
gpxe: delete long since obsolete snapshot of gPXE
gPXE has been deprecated in favor of iPXE for many, many years now. It is much better than users get it directly from the iPXE project, since we should no longer need any special modifications for Syslinux use. Signed-off-by: H. Peter Anvin <>
Diffstat (limited to 'gpxe/src/tests')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 594 deletions
diff --git a/gpxe/src/tests/comboot/shuffle-simple.asm b/gpxe/src/tests/comboot/shuffle-simple.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index efc7d9b4..00000000
--- a/gpxe/src/tests/comboot/shuffle-simple.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- bits 16
- org 100h
- jmp start
- push 0xB800
- pop es
- mov cx, 80*24*2
- mov ax, 'AA'
- xor di, di
- rep stosw
-.lbl: jmp .lbl
- nop
-shuffle_len equ (shuffle_end - shuffle_start + 1)
- ; calculate physical address of shuffled part
- xor eax, eax
- push ds
- pop ax
- shl eax, 4
- add ax, shuffle_start
- mov dword [source], eax
- mov ax, 0012h
- mov di, shuffle_descriptors
- mov cx, num_shuffle_descriptors
- mov ebp, 0x7c00
- int 22h
- int3
- dd 0x7C00
-source: dd 0
- dd shuffle_len
-num_shuffle_descriptors equ 1
diff --git a/gpxe/src/tests/comboot/version.asm b/gpxe/src/tests/comboot/version.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index 01140423..00000000
--- a/gpxe/src/tests/comboot/version.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- bits 16
- org 100h
- ; first check for SYSLINUX
- mov ah, 30h
- int 21h
- cmp eax, 59530000h
- jne .not_syslinux
- cmp ebx, 4c530000h
- jne .not_syslinux
- cmp ecx, 4e490000h
- jne .not_syslinux
- cmp edx, 58550000h
- jne .not_syslinux
- ; now get syslinux version
- mov ax, 0001h
- int 22h
- push cx
- push dx
- push di
- push si
- push es
- ; print version string
- mov dx, str_version
- mov ah, 09h
- int 21h
- pop es
- pop bx
- push es
- mov ax, 0002h
- int 22h
- ; print copyright string
- mov dx, str_copyright
- mov ah, 09h
- int 21h
- pop es
- pop bx
- mov ax, 0002h
- int 22h
- ; print syslinux derivative id
- mov dx, str_derivative
- mov ah, 09h
- int 21h
- pop ax
- call print_hex_byte
- ; print version number
- mov dx, str_version_num
- mov ah, 09h
- int 21h
- pop cx
- push cx
- mov ax, cx
- and ax, 0FFh
- call print_dec_word
- mov dl, '.'
- mov ah, 02h
- int 21h
- pop cx
- mov ax, cx
- shr ax, 8
- call print_dec_word
- ret
- mov dx, str_not_syslinux
- mov ah, 09h
- int 21h
- ret
-; input: al = byte to print in hex
- push ax
- shr al, 4
- call print_hex_nybble
- pop ax
- call print_hex_nybble
- ret
-; input: bottom half of al = nybble to print in hex
- push ax
- mov bl, al
- and bx, 1111b
- mov dl, [str_hex + bx]
- mov ah, 02h
- int 21h
- pop ax
- ret
-str_hex: db "01234567890abcdef"
-; input: ax = word to print
- mov cx, 10
- mov word [.count], 0
- xor dx, dx
- div cx
- inc word [.count]
- push dx
- test ax, ax
- jnz .loop
- pop dx
- add dx, '0'
- mov ah, 02h
- int 21h
- dec word [.count]
- jnz .print
- ret
-.count: dw 0
-str_not_syslinux: db "Not SYSLINUX or derivative (running on DOS?)$"
-str_version: db "Version: $"
-str_copyright: db 10, "Copyright: $"
-str_derivative: db 10, "Derivative ID: 0x$"
-str_version_num: db 10, "Version number: $"
diff --git a/gpxe/src/tests/gdbstub_test.S b/gpxe/src/tests/gdbstub_test.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 739b0527..00000000
--- a/gpxe/src/tests/gdbstub_test.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- .arch i386
- .section ".data", "aw", @progbits
- .long 0xfeedbeef
- .section ".text", "ax", @progbits
- .code32
- /* 1. Read registers test */
- movl $0xea010203, %eax
- movl $0xeb040506, %ebx
- movl $0xec070809, %ecx
- movl $0xed0a0b0c, %edx
- movl $0x510d0e0f, %esi
- movl $0xd1102030, %edi
- int $3
- /* 2. Write registers test */
- int $3
- /* 3. Read memory test */
- subl $8, %esp
- movl $0x11223344, 4(%esp)
- movw $0x5566, 2(%esp)
- movb $0x77, (%esp)
- int $3
- /* 4. Write memory test */
- int $3
- addl $8, %esp
- /* 5. Step test */
- int $3
- nop
- /* 6. Access watch test */
- movl $0x600d0000, %ecx
- movl watch_me, %eax
- movl $0xbad00000, %ecx
- int $3
- movl $0x600d0001, %ecx
- movl %eax, watch_me
- movl $0xbad00001, %ecx
- int $3
- /* 7. Write watch test */
- movl $0x600d0002, %ecx
- movl %eax, watch_me
- movl $0xbad00002, %ecx
- int $3
- jmp 1b
diff --git a/gpxe/src/tests/gdbstub_test.gdb b/gpxe/src/tests/gdbstub_test.gdb
deleted file mode 100755
index 52aa693f..00000000
--- a/gpxe/src/tests/gdbstub_test.gdb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/gdb -x
-# Test suite for GDB remote debugging
-# Run:
-# make bin/gpxe.hd.tmp
-# make
-# gdb
-# (gdb) target remote :TCPPORT
-# OR
-# (gdb) target remote udp:IP:UDPPORT
-# (gdb) source tests/gdbstub_test.gdb
-define gpxe_load_symbols
- file bin/gpxe.hd.tmp
-define gpxe_assert
- if $arg0 != $arg1
- echo FAIL $arg2\n
- else
- echo PASS $arg2\n
- end
-define gpxe_start_tests
- jump gdbstub_test
-define gpxe_test_regs_read
- gpxe_assert $eax 0xea010203 "gpxe_test_regs_read eax"
- gpxe_assert $ebx 0xeb040506 "gpxe_test_regs_read ebx"
- gpxe_assert $ecx 0xec070809 "gpxe_test_regs_read ecx"
- gpxe_assert $edx 0xed0a0b0c "gpxe_test_regs_read edx"
- gpxe_assert $esi 0x510d0e0f "gpxe_test_regs_read esi"
- gpxe_assert $edi 0xd1102030 "gpxe_test_regs_read edi"
-define gpxe_test_regs_write
- set $eax = 0xea112233
- set $ebx = 0xeb445566
- set $ecx = 0xec778899
- set $edx = 0xedaabbcc
- set $esi = 0x51ddeeff
- set $edi = 0xd1010203
- c
- gpxe_assert $eax 0xea112233 "gpxe_test_regs_write eax"
- gpxe_assert $ebx 0xeb445566 "gpxe_test_regs_write ebx"
- gpxe_assert $ecx 0xec778899 "gpxe_test_regs_write ecx"
- gpxe_assert $edx 0xedaabbcc "gpxe_test_regs_write edx"
- gpxe_assert $esi 0x51ddeeff "gpxe_test_regs_write esi"
- gpxe_assert $edi 0xd1010203 "gpxe_test_regs_write edi"
- # This assumes segment selectors are always 0x10 or 0x8 (for code).
- gpxe_assert $cs 0x08 "gpxe_test_regs_write cs"
- gpxe_assert $ds 0x10 "gpxe_test_regs_write ds"
-define gpxe_test_mem_read
- c
- gpxe_assert ({int}($esp+4)) 0x11223344 "gpxe_test_mem_read int"
- gpxe_assert ({short}($esp+2)) 0x5566 "gpxe_test_mem_read short"
- gpxe_assert ({char}($esp)) 0x77 "gpxe_test_mem_read char"
-define gpxe_test_mem_write
- set ({int}($esp+4)) = 0xaabbccdd
- set ({short}($esp+2)) = 0xeeff
- set ({char}($esp)) = 0x99
- c
- gpxe_assert ({int}($esp+4)) 0xaabbccdd "gpxe_test_mem_write int"
- gpxe_assert ({short}($esp+2)) (short)0xeeff "gpxe_test_mem_write short"
- gpxe_assert ({char}($esp)) (char)0x99 "gpxe_test_mem_write char"
-define gpxe_test_step
- c
- si
- gpxe_assert ({char}($eip-1)) (char)0x90 "gpxe_test_step" # nop = 0x90
-define gpxe_test_awatch
- awatch watch_me
- c
- gpxe_assert $ecx 0x600d0000 "gpxe_test_awatch read"
- if $ecx == 0x600d0000
- c
- end
- c
- gpxe_assert $ecx 0x600d0001 "gpxe_test_awatch write"
- if $ecx == 0x600d0001
- c
- end
- delete
-define gpxe_test_watch
- watch watch_me
- c
- gpxe_assert $ecx 0x600d0002 "gpxe_test_watch"
- if $ecx == 0x600d0002
- c
- end
- delete
diff --git a/gpxe/src/tests/linebuf_test.c b/gpxe/src/tests/linebuf_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c3c3b375..00000000
--- a/gpxe/src/tests/linebuf_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <gpxe/linebuf.h>
-static const char data1[] =
-"Hello world\r\n"
-"This is a reasonably nice set of lines\n"
-"with not many different terminators\r\n\r\n"
-"There should be exactly one blank line above\n"
-"and this line should never appear at all since it has no terminator";
-void linebuf_test ( void ) {
- struct line_buffer linebuf;
- const char *data = data1;
- size_t len = ( sizeof ( data1 ) - 1 /* be mean; strip the NUL */ );
- ssize_t frag_len;
- char *line;
- memset ( &linebuf, 0, sizeof ( linebuf ) );
- while ( len ) {
- frag_len = line_buffer ( &linebuf, data, len );
- if ( frag_len < 0 ) {
- printf ( "line_buffer() failed: %s\n",
- strerror ( frag_len ) );
- return;
- }
- data += frag_len;
- len -= frag_len;
- if ( ( line = buffered_line ( &linebuf ) ) )
- printf ( "\"%s\"\n", line );
- }
- empty_line_buffer ( &linebuf );
diff --git a/gpxe/src/tests/memcpy_test.c b/gpxe/src/tests/memcpy_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7626e639..00000000
--- a/gpxe/src/tests/memcpy_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#include <string.h>
- * This file exists for testing the compilation of memcpy() with the
- * various constant-length optimisations.
- *
- */
-#define __regparm __attribute__ (( regparm(3) ))
-void __regparm memcpy_0 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 0 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_1 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 1 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_2 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 2 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_3 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 3 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_4 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 4 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_5 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 5 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_6 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 6 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_7 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 7 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_8 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 8 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_9 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 9 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_10 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 10 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_11 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 11 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_12 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 12 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_13 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 13 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_14 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 14 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_15 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 15 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_16 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 16 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_17 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 17 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_18 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 18 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_19 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 19 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_20 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 20 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_21 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 21 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_22 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 22 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_23 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 23 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_24 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 24 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_25 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 25 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_26 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 26 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_27 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 27 ); }
-void __regparm memcpy_28 ( void *dest, void *src ) { memcpy ( dest, src, 28 ); }
diff --git a/gpxe/src/tests/umalloc_test.c b/gpxe/src/tests/umalloc_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a361868..00000000
--- a/gpxe/src/tests/umalloc_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <gpxe/uaccess.h>
-#include <gpxe/umalloc.h>
-#include <gpxe/memmap.h>
-void umalloc_test ( void ) {
- struct memory_map memmap;
- userptr_t bob;
- userptr_t fred;
- printf ( "Before allocation:\n" );
- get_memmap ( &memmap );
- bob = umalloc ( 1234 );
- bob = urealloc ( bob, 12345 );
- fred = umalloc ( 999 );
- printf ( "After allocation:\n" );
- get_memmap ( &memmap );
- ufree ( bob );
- ufree ( fred );
- printf ( "After freeing:\n" );
- get_memmap ( &memmap );
diff --git a/gpxe/src/tests/uri_test.c b/gpxe/src/tests/uri_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ca3aed9f..00000000
--- a/gpxe/src/tests/uri_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <gpxe/uri.h>
-#define URI_MAX_LEN 1024
-struct uri_test {
- const char *base_uri_string;
- const char *relative_uri_string;
- const char *resolved_uri_string;
-static struct uri_test uri_tests[] = {
- { "", "",
- "" },
- { "", "page2",
- "" },
- { "", "../page3",
- "" },
- { "tftp://", "/tftpboot/vmlinuz",
- "tftp://" },
- { "",
- "to?%41=b#%43d",
- "" },
-#if 0
- "",
- "",
- "",
-static int test_parse_unparse ( const char *uri_string ) {
- char buf[URI_MAX_LEN];
- size_t len;
- struct uri *uri = NULL;
- int rc;
- /* Parse and unparse URI */
- uri = parse_uri ( uri_string );
- if ( ! uri ) {
- rc = -ENOMEM;
- goto done;
- }
- len = unparse_uri ( buf, sizeof ( buf ), uri, URI_ALL );
- /* Compare result */
- if ( strcmp ( buf, uri_string ) != 0 ) {
- printf ( "Unparse of \"%s\" produced \"%s\"\n",
- uri_string, buf );
- rc = -EINVAL;
- goto done;
- }
- rc = 0;
- done:
- uri_put ( uri );
- if ( rc ) {
- printf ( "URI parse-unparse of \"%s\" failed: %s\n",
- uri_string, strerror ( rc ) );
- }
- return rc;
-static int test_resolve ( const char *base_uri_string,
- const char *relative_uri_string,
- const char *resolved_uri_string ) {
- struct uri *base_uri = NULL;
- struct uri *relative_uri = NULL;
- struct uri *resolved_uri = NULL;
- char buf[URI_MAX_LEN];
- size_t len;
- int rc;
- /* Parse URIs */
- base_uri = parse_uri ( base_uri_string );
- if ( ! base_uri ) {
- rc = -ENOMEM;
- goto done;
- }
- relative_uri = parse_uri ( relative_uri_string );
- if ( ! relative_uri ) {
- rc = -ENOMEM;
- goto done;
- }
- /* Resolve URI */
- resolved_uri = resolve_uri ( base_uri, relative_uri );
- if ( ! resolved_uri ) {
- rc = -ENOMEM;
- goto done;
- }
- /* Compare result */
- len = unparse_uri ( buf, sizeof ( buf ), resolved_uri, URI_ALL );
- if ( strcmp ( buf, resolved_uri_string ) != 0 ) {
- printf ( "Resolution of \"%s\"+\"%s\" produced \"%s\"\n",
- base_uri_string, relative_uri_string, buf );
- rc = -EINVAL;
- goto done;
- }
- rc = 0;
- done:
- uri_put ( base_uri );
- uri_put ( relative_uri );
- uri_put ( resolved_uri );
- if ( rc ) {
- printf ( "URI resolution of \"%s\"+\"%s\" failed: %s\n",
- base_uri_string, relative_uri_string,
- strerror ( rc ) );
- }
- return rc;
-int uri_test ( void ) {
- unsigned int i;
- struct uri_test *uri_test;
- int rc;
- int overall_rc = 0;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < ( sizeof ( uri_tests ) /
- sizeof ( uri_tests[0] ) ) ; i++ ) {
- uri_test = &uri_tests[i];
- rc = test_parse_unparse ( uri_test->base_uri_string );
- if ( rc != 0 )
- overall_rc = rc;
- rc = test_parse_unparse ( uri_test->relative_uri_string );
- if ( rc != 0 )
- overall_rc = rc;
- rc = test_parse_unparse ( uri_test->resolved_uri_string );
- if ( rc != 0 )
- overall_rc = rc;
- rc = test_resolve ( uri_test->base_uri_string,
- uri_test->relative_uri_string,
- uri_test->resolved_uri_string );
- if ( rc != 0 )
- overall_rc = rc;
- }
- if ( overall_rc )
- printf ( "URI tests failed: %s\n", strerror ( overall_rc ) );
- return overall_rc;