path: root/pxelinux.asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'pxelinux.asm')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/pxelinux.asm b/pxelinux.asm
index 4763670b..a0328f41 100644
--- a/pxelinux.asm
+++ b/pxelinux.asm
@@ -189,7 +189,8 @@ RBFB_brainfuck resb 800h
BootFile resb 256 ; Boot file from DHCP packet
-ConfigName resb 256 ; Configuration file from DHCP option
+ConfigServer resd 1 ; Null prefix for mangled config name
+ConfigName resb 256-4 ; Configuration file from DHCP option
PathPrefix resb 256 ; Path prefix derived from boot file
DotQuadBuf resb 16 ; Buffer for dotted-quad IP address
IPOption resb 80 ; ip= option buffer
@@ -720,16 +721,21 @@ find_config:
; Begin looking for configuration file
+ mov di,ConfigServer
+ xor eax,eax
+ stosd ; The config file is always from the server
test byte [DHCPMagic], 02h
jz .no_option
; We got a DHCP option, try it first
mov si,trying_msg
call writestr
- mov di,ConfigName
+ ; mov di,ConfigName ; - already the case
mov si,di
call writestr
call crlf
+ mov di,ConfigServer
call open
jnz .success
@@ -751,6 +757,7 @@ config_scan:
mov si,di
call writestr
call crlf
+ mov di,ConfigServer
call open
pop di
jnz .success
@@ -790,6 +797,7 @@ config_scan:
mov si,di
call writestr
call crlf
+ mov di,ConfigServer
call open
jnz .success
@@ -1071,7 +1079,7 @@ memory_scan_for_pxenv_struct:
; Open a TFTP connection to the server
; On entry:
-; DS:DI = filename
+; DS:DI = mangled filename
; If successful:
; ZF clear
; SI = socket pointer
@@ -1096,28 +1104,46 @@ searchdir:
.sendreq: push ax ; [bp-2] - Retry counter
push si ; [bp-4] - File name
- push bx ; [bp-6] - TFTP block
- mov bx,[bx]
- push bx ; [bp-8] - TID (local port no)
- mov eax,[ServerIP] ; Server IP
- mov [pxe_udp_write_pkt.status],byte 0
- mov [pxe_udp_write_pkt.sip],eax
- mov eax,[UseGW]
- mov [pxe_udp_write_pkt.gip],eax
- mov [pxe_udp_write_pkt.lport],bx
- mov ax,[ServerPort]
- mov [pxe_udp_write_pkt.rport],ax
mov di,packet_buf
mov [pxe_udp_write_pkt.buffer],di
mov ax,TFTP_RRQ ; TFTP opcode
+ lodsd ; EAX <- server override (if any)
+ and eax,eax
+ jnz .noprefix ; No prefix, and we have the server
push si ; Add common prefix
mov si,PathPrefix
call strcpy
dec di
pop si
+ mov eax,[ServerIP] ; Get default server
call strcpy ; Filename
+ mov [bx+tftp_remoteip],eax
+ push bx ; [bp-6] - TFTP block
+ mov bx,[bx]
+ push bx ; [bp-8] - TID (local port no)
+ mov [pxe_udp_write_pkt.status],byte 0
+ mov [pxe_udp_write_pkt.sip],eax
+ ; Now figure out the gateway
+ xor eax,[MyIP]
+ and eax,[Netmask]
+ jz .nogwneeded
+ mov eax,[Gateway]
+ mov [pxe_udp_write_pkt.gip],eax
+ mov [pxe_udp_write_pkt.lport],bx
+ mov ax,[ServerPort]
+ mov [pxe_udp_write_pkt.rport],ax
mov si,tftp_tail
mov cx,tftp_tail_len
rep movsb
@@ -1170,10 +1196,9 @@ searchdir:
mov si,[bp-6] ; TFTP pointer
mov bx,[bp-8] ; TID
- mov eax,[ServerIP]
+ mov eax,[si+tftp_remoteip]
cmp [pxe_udp_read_pkt.sip],eax ; This is technically not to the TFTP spec?
jne .no_packet
- mov [si+tftp_remoteip],eax
; Got packet - reset timeout
mov word [PktTimeout],PKT_TIMEOUT
@@ -1382,6 +1407,50 @@ free_socket:
+; parse_dotquad:
+; Read a dot-quad pathname in DS:SI and output an IP
+; address in EAX, with SI pointing to the first
+; nonmatching character.
+; Return CF=1 on error.
+ push cx
+ mov cx,4
+ xor eax,eax
+ mov ch,ah
+ mov ah,al
+ lodsb
+ sub al,'0'
+ jb .notnumeric
+ cmp al,9
+ ja .notnumeric
+ aad ; AL += 10 * AH; AH = 0;
+ xchg ah,ch
+ jmp .parseloop
+ cmp al,'.'-'0'
+ pushf
+ mov al,ah
+ mov ah,ch
+ xor ch,ch
+ ror eax,8
+ popf
+ jne .error
+ loop .parseloop
+ jmp .done
+ loop .realerror ; If CX := 1 then we're done
+ clc
+ jmp .done
+ stc
+ dec si ; CF unchanged!
+ pop cx
+ ret
; mangle_name: Mangle a filename pointed to by DS:SI into a buffer pointed
; to by ES:DI; ends on encountering any whitespace.
@@ -1389,8 +1458,32 @@ free_socket:
; and doesn't contain whitespace, and zero-pads the output buffer,
; so "repe cmpsb" can do a compare.
+; The first four bytes of the manged name is the IP address of
+; the download host.
- mov cx,FILENAME_MAX-1
+ push si
+ mov eax,[ServerIP]
+ cmp word [si],'::' ; Leading ::?
+ je .gotprefix
+ call parse_dotquad
+ jc .noip
+ cmp word [si],'::'
+ je .gotprefix
+ pop si
+ xor eax,eax
+ jmp .prefix_done
+ pop cx ; Adjust stack
+ inc si ; Skip double colon
+ inc si
+ stosd ; Save IP address prefix
+ mov cx,FILENAME_MAX-5
cmp al,' ' ; If control or space, end
@@ -1416,8 +1509,18 @@ mangle_name:
; On return, DI points to the first byte after the output name,
; which is set to a null byte.
-unmangle_name: call strcpy
+ push eax
+ lodsd
+ and eax,eax
+ jz .noip
+ call gendotquad
+ mov ax,'::'
+ stosw
+ call strcpy
dec di ; Point to final null byte
+ pop eax
@@ -1848,10 +1951,9 @@ reset_pxe:
; output a dotted quad string to ES:DI.
; DI points to terminal null at end of string on exit.
-; CX is destroyed.
push eax
+ push cx
mov cx,4
push eax
@@ -1884,6 +1986,7 @@ gendotquad:
loop .genchar
dec di
mov [es:di], byte 0
+ pop cx
pop eax
@@ -1900,7 +2003,6 @@ gendotquad:
; ServerIP - boot server IP address
; Netmask - network mask
; Gateway - default gateway router IP
-; UseGW - zero if ServerIP local, otherwise Gateway
; BootFile - boot file name
; This assumes the DHCP packet is in "trackbuf" and the length
@@ -1952,14 +2054,6 @@ parse_dhcp:
mov cx,64
call parse_dhcp_options
- ; Now adjust the gateway
- mov eax,[MyIP]
- xor eax,[ServerIP]
- and eax,[Netmask]
- jz .nogwneeded
- mov eax,[Gateway]
- mov [UseGW],eax
@@ -2402,7 +2496,6 @@ MyIP dd 0 ; My IP address
ServerIP dd 0 ; IP address of boot server
Netmask dd 0 ; Netmask of this subnet
Gateway dd 0 ; Default router
-UseGW dd 0 ; Router to use to get to ServerIP
ServerPort dw TFTP_PORT ; TFTP server port