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index 0000000000..2910693865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/org.freedesktop.login1.xml
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+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
+ "" >
+<!-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ -->
+<refentry id="org.freedesktop.login1" conditional='ENABLE_LOGIND'
+ xmlns:xi="">
+ <refentryinfo>
+ <title>org.freedesktop.login1</title>
+ <productname>systemd</productname>
+ </refentryinfo>
+ <refmeta>
+ <refentrytitle>org.freedesktop.login1</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
+ </refmeta>
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>org.freedesktop.login1</refname>
+ <refpurpose>The D-Bus interface of systemd-logind</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>Introduction</title>
+ <para><citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-logind.service</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>
+ is a system service that keeps track of user logins and seats in various ways.</para>
+ <para>The daemon provides both a C library interface as well as a D-Bus interface. The library interface
+ may be used to introspect and watch the state of user logins and seats. The bus interface provides the
+ same, but in addition may also be used to make changes to system state. For more information please
+ consult <citerefentry><refentrytitle>sd-login</refentrytitle><manvolnum>3</manvolnum></citerefentry>.
+ </para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>The Manager Object</title>
+ <para>The service exposes the following interfaces on the Manager object on the bus:</para>
+ <programlisting>
+$ gdbus introspect --system \
+ --dest org.freedesktop.login1 \
+ --object-path /org/freedesktop/login1
+node /org/freedesktop/login1 {
+ interface org.freedesktop.login1.Manager {
+ methods:
+ GetSession(in s session_id,
+ out o object_path);
+ GetSessionByPID(in u pid,
+ out o object_path);
+ GetUser(in u uid,
+ out o object_path);
+ GetUserByPID(in u pid,
+ out o object_path);
+ GetSeat(in s seat_id,
+ out o object_path);
+ ListSessions(out a(susso) session_list);
+ ListUsers(out a(uso) user_list);
+ ListSeats(out a(so) seat_list);
+ ListInhibitors(out a(ssssuu) inhibitor_list);
+ CreateSession(in u uid,
+ in u pid,
+ in s service,
+ in s type,
+ in s class,
+ in s desktop,
+ in s seat_id,
+ in u vtnr,
+ in s tty,
+ in s display,
+ in b remote,
+ in s remote_user,
+ in s remote_host,
+ in a(sv) properties,
+ out s session_id,
+ out o object_path,
+ out s runtime_path,
+ out h fifo_fd,
+ out u uid,
+ out s seat_id,
+ out u vtnr,
+ out b existing);
+ ReleaseSession(in s session_id);
+ ActivateSession(in s session_id);
+ ActivateSessionOnSeat(in s session_id,
+ in s seat_id);
+ LockSession(in s session_id);
+ UnlockSession(in s session_id);
+ LockSessions();
+ UnlockSessions();
+ KillSession(in s session_id,
+ in s who,
+ in i signo);
+ KillUser(in u uid,
+ in i signo);
+ TerminateSession(in s session_id);
+ TerminateUser(in u uid);
+ TerminateSeat(in s seat_id);
+ SetUserLinger(in u uid,
+ in b linger,
+ in b interactive);
+ AttachDevice(in s seat_id,
+ in s sysfs,
+ in b interactive);
+ FlushDevices(in b interactive);
+ PowerOff(in b interactive);
+ Reboot(in b interactive);
+ Suspend(in b interactive);
+ Hibernate(in b interactive);
+ HybridSleep(in b interactive);
+ CanPowerOff(out s result);
+ CanReboot(out s result);
+ CanSuspend(out s result);
+ CanHibernate(out s result);
+ CanHybridSleep(out s result);
+ ScheduleShutdown(in s type,
+ in t usec);
+ CancelScheduledShutdown(out b cancelled);
+ Inhibit(in s what,
+ in s who,
+ in s why,
+ in s mode,
+ out h pipe_fd);
+ CanRebootToFirmwareSetup(out s result);
+ SetRebootToFirmwareSetup(in b enable);
+ SetWallMessage(in s wall_message,
+ in b enable);
+ signals:
+ SessionNew(s session_id,
+ o object_path);
+ SessionRemoved(s session_id,
+ o object_path);
+ UserNew(u uid,
+ o object_path);
+ UserRemoved(u uid,
+ o object_path);
+ SeatNew(s seat_id,
+ o object_path);
+ SeatRemoved(s seat_id,
+ o object_path);
+ PrepareForShutdown(b start);
+ PrepareForSleep(b start);
+ properties:
+ readwrite b EnableWallMessages = false;
+ readwrite s WallMessage = '';
+ readonly u NAutoVTs = 6;
+ readonly as KillOnlyUsers = [];
+ readonly as KillExcludeUsers = ['root'];
+ readonly b KillUserProcesses = false;
+ readonly b RebootToFirmwareSetup = false;
+ readonly b IdleHint = false;
+ readonly t IdleSinceHint = 0;
+ readonly t IdleSinceHintMonotonic = 0;
+ readonly s BlockInhibited = 'handle-power-key:handle-suspend-key:handle-hibernate-key';
+ readonly s DelayInhibited = 'sleep';
+ readonly t InhibitDelayMaxUSec = 5000000;
+ readonly s HandlePowerKey = 'poweroff';
+ readonly s HandleSuspendKey = 'suspend';
+ readonly s HandleHibernateKey = 'hibernate';
+ readonly s HandleLidSwitch = 'suspend';
+ readonly s HandleLidSwitchDocked = 'ignore';
+ readonly t HoldoffTimeoutUSec = 30000000;
+ readonly s IdleAction = 'ignore';
+ readonly t IdleActionUSec = 1800000000;
+ readonly b PreparingForShutdown = false;
+ readonly b PreparingForSleep = false;
+ readonly (st) ScheduledShutdown = ('', 0);
+ readonly b Docked = false;
+ };
+ interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer {
+ };
+ interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable {
+ };
+ interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties {
+ };
+ </programlisting>
+ <refsect2>
+ <title>Security</title>
+ <para>A number of operations are protected via the PolicyKit privilege
+ system. <function>SetUserLinger()</function> requires the
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.set-user-linger</interfacename>
+ privilege. <function>AttachDevice()</function> requires
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.attach-device</interfacename> and
+ <function>FlushDevices()</function>
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.flush-devices</interfacename>. <function>PowerOff()</function>,
+ <function>Reboot()</function>, <function>Suspend()</function>, <function>Hibernate()</function>,
+ <function>HybridSleep()</function> require
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.power-off</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.power-off-multiple-sessions</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.power-off-ignore-inhibit</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.reboot</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.reboot-multiple-sessions</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.reboot-ignore-inhibit</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.suspend</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.suspend-multiple-sessions</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.suspend-ignore-inhibit</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate-multiple-sessions</interfacename>,
+ respectively.
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate-ignore-inhibit</interfacename>, depending whether
+ there are other sessions around or active inhibits. <function>Inhibit()</function> is protected via
+ either one of <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.inhibit-block-shutdown</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.inhibit-delay-shutdown</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.inhibit-block-sleep</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.inhibit-delay-sleep</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.inhibit-block-idle</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.inhibit-handle-power-key</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.inhibit-handle-suspend-key</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.inhibit-handle-hibernate-key</interfacename>,
+ <interfacename>org.freedesktop.login1.inhibit-handle-lid-switch</interfacename> depending on the lock
+ type and mode taken.</para>
+ <para>The <varname>user_interaction</varname> boolean parameters can be used to control whether
+ PolicyKit should interactively ask the user for authentication credentials if it needs to.</para>
+ </refsect2>
+ <refsect2>
+ <title>Methods</title>
+ <para><function>GetSession()</function> may be used to get the session object path for the session with
+ the specified ID. Similarly, <function>GetUser()</function> and <function>GetSeat()</function> get the
+ user and seat objects, respectively. <function>GetSessionByPID()</function> and
+ <function>GetUserByPID()</function> get the session/user object the specified PID belongs to if there
+ is any.</para>
+ <para><function>ListSessions()</function> returns an array with all current sessions. The structures in
+ the array consist of the following fields: session id, user id, user name, seat id, session object
+ path. If a session does not have a seat attached the seat id field will be an empty string.</para>
+ <para><function>ListUsers()</function> returns an array with all currently logged in users. The
+ structures in the array consist of the following fields: user id, user name, user object path.</para>
+ <para><function>ListSeats()</function> returns an array with all currently available seats. The
+ structure in the array consists of the following fields: seat id, seat object path.</para>
+ <para><function>CreateSession()</function> and <function>ReleaseSession()</function> may be used to
+ open or close login sessions. These calls should <emphasis>never</emphasis> be invoked directly by
+ clients. Creating/closing sessions is exclusively the job of PAM and its
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>pam_systemd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>
+ module.</para>
+ <para><function>ActivateSession()</function> brings the session with the specified ID into the
+ foreground. <function>ActivateSessionOnSeat()</function> does the same, but only if the seat id
+ matches.</para>
+ <para><function>LockSession()</function> asks the session with the specified ID to activate the screen
+ lock. <function>UnlockSession()</function> asks the session with the specified ID to remove an active
+ screen lock, if there is any. This is implemented by sending out the Lock() and Unlock() signals from
+ the respective session object which session managers are supposed to listen on.</para>
+ <para><function>LockSessions()</function> asks all sessions to activate the screen locks. This may be
+ used to lock any access to the machine in one action. Similarly, <function>UnlockSessions()</function>
+ asks all sessions to deactivate their screen locks.</para>
+ <para><function>KillSession()</function> may be used to send a Unix signal to one or all processes of a
+ session. As arguments it takes the session id, either the string <literal>leader</literal> or
+ <literal>all</literal> and a signal number. If <literal>leader</literal> is passed only the session
+ <literal>leader</literal> is killed. If <literal>all</literal> is passed all processes of the session
+ are killed.</para>
+ <para><function>KillUser()</function> may be used to send a Unix signal to all processes of a user. As
+ argument it takes the user id and a signal number.</para>
+ <para><function>TerminateSession()</function>, <function>TerminateUser()</function>,
+ <function>TerminateSeat()</function> may be used to forcibly terminate one specific session, all
+ processes of a user, and all sessions attached to a specific seat, respectively. The session, user,
+ and seat are identified by their respective IDs.</para>
+ <para><function>SetUserLinger()</function> enables or disables user lingering. If enabled the runtime
+ directory of a user is kept around and he may continue to run processes while he is logged out. If
+ disabled the runtime directory goes away as soon as he logs out. Expects three arguments: the UID, a
+ boolean whether to enable/disable and a boolean controlling the PolicyKit authorization interactivity
+ (see above). Note that the user linger state is persistently stored on disk.</para>
+ <para><function>AttachDevice()</function> may be used to assign a specific device to a specific
+ seat. The device is identified by its /sys path, and must be eligible for seat assignments. Takes three
+ arguments: the seat id, the sysfs path, and a boolean for controlling PolicyKit interactivity (see
+ above). Device assignments are persistently stored to disk. To create a new seat, simply specify a
+ previously unused seat id. For more information about the seat assignment logic see
+ <ulink url="">Multi-Seat for Linux</ulink>.
+ </para>
+ <para><function>FlushDevices()</function> removes all explicit seat assignments for devices, resetting
+ all assignments to the automatic defaults. The only argument this takes is the PolicyKit interactivity
+ boolean (see above).</para>
+ <para><function>PowerOff()</function>, <function>Reboot()</function>, <function>Suspend()</function>,
+ <function>Hibernate()</function>, <function>HybridSleep()</function> results in the system being
+ powered off, rebooted, suspend, hibernated or hibernated+suspended. The only argument is the PolicyKit
+ interactivity boolean (see above). The main purpose of these calls is that they enforce PolicyKit
+ policy and hence allow powering off/rebooting/suspending/hibernating even by unprivileged users. They
+ also enforce inhibition locks. UIs should expose these calls as primary mechanism to
+ poweroff/reboot/suspend/hibernate/hybrid-sleep the machine.</para>
+ <para><function>CanPowerOff()</function>, <function>CanReboot()</function>,
+ <function>CanSuspend()</function>, <function>CanHibernate()</function>,
+ <function>CanHybridSleep()</function> tests whether the system supports the respective operation and
+ whether the calling user is eligible for the desired operation. Returns one of <literal>na</literal>,
+ <literal>yes</literal>, <literal>no</literal> or <literal>challenge</literal>. If <literal>na</literal>
+ is returned the operation is not available because hardware, kernel or drivers do not support it. If
+ <literal>yes</literal> is returned the operation is supported and the user may execute the operation
+ without further authentication. If <literal>no</literal> is returned the operation is available but the
+ user is not allowed to execute the operation. If <literal>challenge</literal> is returned the operation
+ is available, but only after authorization.</para>
+ <para><function>Inhibit()</function> creates an inhibition lock. It takes four parameters:
+ <varname>What</varname>, <varname>Who</varname>, <varname>Why</varname>, and
+ <varname>Mode</varname>. <varname>What</varname> is one or more of <literal>shutdown</literal>,
+ <literal>sleep</literal>, <literal>idle</literal>, <literal>handle-power-key</literal>,
+ <literal>handle-suspend-key</literal>, <literal>handle-hibernate-key</literal>,
+ <literal>handle-lid-switch</literal>, separated by colons, for inhibiting poweroff/reboot,
+ suspend/hibernate, the automatic idle logic, or hardware key handling. <varname>Who</varname> should be
+ a short human readable string identifying the application taking the lock. <varname>Why</varname>
+ should be a short human readable string identifying the reason why the lock is taken. Finally,
+ <varname>Mode</varname> is either <literal>block</literal> or <literal>delay</literal> which encodes
+ whether the inhibit shall be consider mandatory or whether it should just delay the operation to a
+ certain maximum time. The call returns a file descriptor. The lock is released the moment this file
+ descriptor (and all its duplicates) are closed. For more information on the inhibition logic see
+ <ulink url="">Inhibitor Locks</ulink>.
+ </para>
+ <para><function>ListInhibitors()</function> lists all currently active inhibitors. Returns an array of
+ structures consisting of what, who, why, mode, user ID and process ID.</para>
+ </refsect2>
+ <refsect2>
+ <title>Signals</title>
+ <para>Whenever the inhibition state or idle hint changes daemon <function>PropertyChanged</function>
+ signals are sent out to which clients can subscribe.</para>
+ <para>The <function>SessionNew()</function>, <function>SessionRemoved()</function>,
+ <function>UserNew()</function>, <function>UserRemoved()</function>, <function>SeatNew()</function>,
+ <function>SeatRemoved()</function> signals are sent each time a session is created or removed, a user
+ logs in or out, or a seat is added or removed. They each contain the ID of the object plus the object
+ path.</para>
+ <para>The <function>PrepareForShutdown()</function> and <function>PrepareForSleep()</function> signals
+ are sent right before (with the argument <literal>true</literal>) and after (with the argument
+ <literal>false</literal>) the system goes down for reboot/poweroff and suspend/hibernate,
+ respetively. This may be used by applications to save data on disk, release memory, or do other jobs
+ that shall be done shortly before shutdown/sleep, in conjunction with delay inhibitor locks. After
+ completion of this work they should release their inhibition locks in order not to delay the operation
+ any further. For more information see
+ <ulink url="">Inhibitor Locks</ulink>.
+ </para>
+ </refsect2>
+ <refsect2>
+ <title>Properties</title>
+ <para>Most properties simply reflect the configuration stored in logind.conf. For more information,
+ see
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>logind.conf</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry>.
+ </para>
+ <para>The <function>IdleHint</function> property reflects the idle hint state of the system. If the
+ system is idle it might get into automatic suspend or shutdown, depending on configuration.</para>
+ <para><function>IdleSinceHint</function> and <function>IdleSinceHintMonotonic</function> encode the
+ timestamps of the last change of the idle hint boolean, in <constant>CLOCK_REALTIME</constant> and
+ <constant>CLOCK_MONOTONIC</constant> timestamps, respectively, in microseconds since the epoch.</para>
+ <para>The <function>BlockInhibited</function> and <function>DelayInhibited</function> properties encode
+ the currently active locks of the respective modes. They are colon separated lists of
+ <literal>shutdown</literal>, <literal>sleep</literal>, <literal>idle</literal> (see above).</para>
+ <para>The <function>PreparingForShutdown</function> and <function>PreparingForSleep</function> boolean
+ properties are true between the time when the two <function>PrepareForShutdown</function> and
+ <function>PrepareForSleep</function> signals are sent, respectively. Note that these properties do not
+ send out <function>PropertyChanged</function> signals.</para>
+ </refsect2>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>Seat Objects</title>
+ <programlisting>
+$ gdbus introspect --system --dest org.freedesktop.login1 \
+ --object-path /org/freedesktop/login1/seat/seat0
+node /org/freedesktop/login1/seat/seat0 {
+ interface org.freedesktop.login1.Seat {
+ methods:
+ Terminate();
+ ActivateSession(in s session_id);
+ SwitchTo(in u vtnr);
+ SwitchToNext();
+ SwitchToPrevious();
+ properties:
+ readonly s Id = 'seat0';
+ readonly (so) ActiveSession = ('', '/');
+ readonly b CanMultiSession = true;
+ readonly b CanTTY = true;
+ readonly b CanGraphical = true;
+ readonly a(so) Sessions = [('c1', '/org/freedesktop/login1/session/c1')];
+ readonly b IdleHint = true;
+ readonly t IdleSinceHint = 1389368976087311;
+ readonly t IdleSinceHintMonotonic = 48213948;
+ };
+ interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties {
+ };
+ interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer {
+ };
+ interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable {
+ };
+ </programlisting>
+ <refsect2>
+ <title>Methods</title>
+ <para><function>Terminate()</function> and <function>ActivateSession()</function> work similar to
+ TerminateSeat(), ActivationSessionOnSeat() on the Manager object.</para>
+ </refsect2>
+ <refsect2>
+ <title>Signals</title>
+ <para>Whenever <function>ActiveSession</function>, <function>Sessions</function>,
+ <function>CanGraphical</function>, <function>CanMultiSession</function> and <function>CanTTY</function>
+ or the idle state changes <function>PropertyChanged</function> signals are sent out to which clients
+ can subscribe.</para>
+ </refsect2>
+ <refsect2>
+ <title>Properties</title>
+ <para>The <varname>Id</varname> property encodes the ID of the seat.</para>
+ <para><varname>ActiveSession</varname> encodes the currently active session if there is one. It is a
+ structure consisting of session id and object path.</para>
+ <para><varname>CanMultiSession</varname> encodes whether the session is multi-session capable, CanTTY
+ whether it is suitable for text logins, CanGraphical whether it is suitable for graphical sessions.</para>
+ <para>The <varname>Sessions</varname> array is an array of all current sessions of this seat, each
+ encoded in a structure consisting of the ID and the object path.</para>
+ <para>The <varname>IdleHint</varname>, <varname>IdleSinceHint</varname>,
+ <varname>IdleSinceHint</varname> properties encode the idle state, similar to the one exposed on the
+ Manager object, but specific for this seat.</para>
+ </refsect2>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>User Objects</title>
+ <programlisting>
+$ gdbus introspect --system --dest org.freedesktop.login1 \
+ --object-path /org/freedesktop/login1/user/_1000
+node /org/freedesktop/login1/user/_1000 {
+ interface org.freedesktop.login1.User {
+ methods:
+ Terminate();
+ Kill(in i signo);
+ properties:
+ readonly u UID = 1000;
+ readonly u GID = 1000;
+ readonly s Name = 'test';
+ readonly t Timestamp = 1389368964102424;
+ readonly t TimestampMonotonic = 36229061;
+ readonly s RuntimePath = '/run/user/1000';
+ readonly s Service = 'user@1000.service';
+ readonly s Slice = 'user-1000.slice';
+ readonly (so) Display = ('', '/');
+ readonly s State = 'active';
+ readonly a(so) Sessions = [('28', '/org/freedesktop/login1/session/_328'), ('3', '/org/freedesktop/login1/session/_33')];
+ readonly b IdleHint = false;
+ readonly t IdleSinceHint = 0;
+ readonly t IdleSinceHintMonotonic = 0;
+ readonly b Linger = false;
+ };
+ interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties {
+ };
+ interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer {
+ };
+ interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable {
+ };
+ </programlisting>
+ <refsect2>
+ <title>Methods</title>
+ <para><function>Terminate()</function> and <function>Kill()</function> work similar to the
+ <function>TerminateUser()</function> and <function>KillUser()</function> calls on the manager
+ object.</para>
+ </refsect2>
+ <refsect2>
+ <title>Signals</title>
+ <para>Whenever <varname>Sessions</varname> or the idle state changes
+ <function>PropertyChanged</function> signals are sent out to which clients can subscribe.</para>
+ </refsect2>
+ <refsect2>
+ <title>Properties</title>
+ <para>The <varname>UID</varname> and <varname>GID</varname> properties encode the Unix UID and primary
+ GID of the user.</para>
+ <para>The <varname>Name</varname> property encodes the user name.</para>
+ <para><varname>Timestamp</varname> and <varname>TimestampMonotonic</varname> encode the login time of
+ the user in usec since the epoch, in the <constant>CLOCK_REALTIME</constant> and
+ <constant>CLOCK_MONOTONIC</constant> clocks, respectively.</para>
+ <para><varname>RuntimePath</varname> encodes the runtime path of the user,
+ i.e. <varname>$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR</varname>, for details see the
+ <ulink url="">
+ XDG Basedir Specification
+ </ulink>.</para>
+ <para><varname>Service</varname> contains the name of the user systemd service unit name of this
+ user. Each logged in user gets a user service unit assigned that runs a user systemd instance. This is
+ usually an instance of <filename>user@.service</filename>.</para>
+ <para><varname>Slice</varname> contains the name of the user systemd slice unit name of this user. Each
+ logged in user gets a private slice.</para>
+ <para><varname>Display</varname> encodes which graphical session should be used as primary UI display
+ for the use. It is a structure encoding session ID and object path of the session to use.</para>
+ <para><varname>State</varname> encodes the user state, one of <literal>offline</literal>,
+ <literal>lingering</literal>, <literal>online</literal>, <literal>active</literal>,
+ <literal>closing</literal>. See
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>sd_uid_get_state</refentrytitle><manvolnum>3</manvolnum></citerefentry>
+ for more information about the states.</para>
+ <para><varname>Sessions</varname> is an array of structures encoding all current sessions of the
+ user. Each structure consists of ID and object path.</para>
+ <para>The <varname>IdleHint</varname>, <varname>IdleSinceHint</varname>,
+ <varname>IdleSinceHintMonotonic</varname> properties encode the idle hint state of the user, similar to
+ the <interfacename>Manager</interfacename>'s properties, but specific for this user.</para>
+ </refsect2>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>Session Objects</title>
+ <programlisting>
+$ gdbus introspect --system --dest org.freedesktop.login1 \
+ --object-path /org/freedesktop/login1/session/3
+node /org/freedesktop/login1/session/3 {
+ interface org.freedesktop.login1.Session {
+ methods:
+ Terminate();
+ Activate();
+ Lock();
+ Unlock();
+ SetIdleHint(in b idle);
+ Kill(in s who,
+ in i signo);
+ TakeControl(in b force);
+ ReleaseControl();
+ TakeDevice(in u major,
+ in u minor,
+ out h fd,
+ out b inactive);
+ ReleaseDevice(in u major,
+ in u minor);
+ PauseDeviceComplete(in u major,
+ in u minor);
+ signals:
+ PauseDevice(u major,
+ u minor,
+ s type);
+ ResumeDevice(u major,
+ u minor,
+ h fd);
+ Lock();
+ Unlock();
+ properties:
+ readonly s Id = '3';
+ readonly (uo) User = (1000, '/org/freedesktop/login1/user/_1000');
+ readonly s Name = 'test';
+ readonly t Timestamp = 1389370644734067;
+ readonly t TimestampMonotonic = 72063381;
+ readonly u VTNr = 0;
+ readonly (so) Seat = ('', '/');
+ readonly s TTY = '';
+ readonly s Display = '';
+ readonly b Remote = true;
+ readonly s RemoteHost = '';
+ readonly s RemoteUser = '';
+ readonly s Service = 'sshd';
+ readonly s Desktop = '';
+ readonly s Scope = 'session-3.scope';
+ readonly u Leader = 1854;
+ readonly u Audit = 3;
+ readonly s Type = 'tty';
+ readonly s Class = 'user';
+ readonly b Active = true;
+ readonly s State = 'active';
+ readonly b IdleHint = false;
+ readonly t IdleSinceHint = 0;
+ readonly t IdleSinceHintMonotonic = 0;
+ };
+ interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties {
+ };
+ interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer {
+ };
+ interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable {
+ };
+ </programlisting>
+ <refsect2>
+ <title>Methods</title>
+ <para><function>Terminate()</function>, <function>Activate()</function>, <function>Lock()</function>,
+ <function>Unlock()</function>, <function>Kill()</function> work similarly to the respective calls on
+ the <interfacename>Manager</interfacename> object.</para>
+ <para><function>SetIdleHint()</function> shall be called by the session object to update the idle state
+ of the session, whenever it changes.</para>
+ <para><function>TakeControl()</function> allows a process to take exclusive managed device
+ access-control for that session. Only one dbus-connection can be a controller for a given session at a
+ time. If the <function>force</function> argument is set (root only), an existing controller is kicked
+ out and replaced. Otherwise, this call fails if there is already a controller. Note that this call is
+ limited to dbus-users with the effective UID set to the User of the Session or root.</para>
+ <para><function>ReleaseControl()</function> drops control of a given session again. Closing the
+ dbus-connection implicitly releases control, too. See <function>TakeControl()</function> for more. This
+ also releases all devices for the controller that were requested via <function>TakeDevice()</function>.
+ </para>
+ <para><function>TakeDevice()</function> allows a session-controller to get a file-descriptor for a
+ specific device. Pass in the major and minor numbers of the character-device and
+ <filename>systemd-logind</filename> will return a file-descriptor for the device. Only a limited set of
+ device-types is currently supported (but may be extended). <filename>systemd-logind</filename>
+ automatically mutes the file-descriptor if the session is inactive and resumes it once the session gets
+ active again. This guarantees that a session can only access session-devices if the session is
+ active. Note that this revoke/resume mechanism is asynchronous and may happen at any given time. This
+ only works on devices that are attached to the seat of the given session. A process is not required to
+ have direct access to the device-node. <filename>systemd-logind</filename> only requires you to be the
+ active session controller (see <function>TakeControl()</function>). Also note that any device can only
+ be requested once. As long as you don't release it, further <function>TakeDevice()</function> calls
+ will fail.</para>
+ <para><function>ReleaseDevice()</function> releases a device again (see
+ <function>TakeDevice()</function>). This is also implicitly done by
+ <function>ReleaseControl()</function> or when closing the dbus-connection.</para>
+ <para><function>PauseDeviceComplete()</function> allows a session-controller to synchronously pause a
+ device after receiving a <function>PauseDevice(<literal>pause</literal>)</function> signal. Forced
+ signals (or after an internal timeout) are automatically completed by
+ <filename>systemd-logind</filename> asynchronously.</para>
+ </refsect2>
+ <refsect2>
+ <title>Signals</title>
+ <para>The active session-controller exclusively gets <function>PauseDevice</function> and
+ <function>ResumeDevice</function> events for any device it requested via
+ <function>TakeDevice()</function>. They notify the controller whenever a device is paused or resumed. A
+ device is never resumed if a session is inactive. Also note that <function>PauseDevice</function>
+ signals are sent before the <function>PropertyChanged</function> signal for the
+ <function>Active</function> state. The inverse is true for <function>ResumeDevice</function>. A device
+ may remain paused for unknown reasons even though the <interfacename>Session</interfacename> is active.
+ </para>
+ <para>A <function>PauseDevice</function> signal carries the major and minor and a string describing the
+ type as arguments. <function>force</function> means the device got paused by
+ <filename>systemd-logind</filename> already and this is only an asynchronous
+ notification. <function>pause</function> means <filename>systemd-logind</filename> tries to pause the
+ device and grants you limited amount of time to pause it. You must respond to this via
+ <function>PauseDeviceComplete()</function>. This synchronous pausing-mechanism is used for
+ backwards-compatibility to VTs and <filename>systemd-logind</filename> is free to not make use of
+ it. It is also free to send a forced <function>PauseDevice</function> if you don't respond in a timely
+ manner (or for any other reason). <function>gone</function> means the device was unplugged from the
+ system and you will no longer get any notifications about it. There is no reason to call
+ <function>ReleaseDevice()</function>. You may call <function>TakeDevice()</function> again if a new
+ device gets the major+minor combination assigned.</para>
+ <para><function>ResumeDevice</function> is sent whenever a session is active and a device is
+ resumed. It carries the major/minor as arguments and provides a new open file-descriptor. You should
+ switch to the new descriptor and close the old one. They are not guaranteed to have the same underlying
+ open-file-descriptor in the kernel (except for a limited set of device types).</para>
+ <para>Whenever <function>Active</function> or the idle state changes
+ <function>PropertyChanged</function> signals are sent out to which clients can subscribe.</para>
+ <para><function>Lock</function>/<function>Unlock</function> is sent when the session is asked to be
+ screen-locked/unlocked. A session manager of the session should listen to this signal and act
+ accordingly. This signal is sent out as a result of the <function>Lock()</function> and
+ <function>Unlock()</function> methods, respectively.</para>
+ </refsect2>
+ <refsect2>
+ <title>Properties</title>
+ <para><varname>Id</varname> encodes the session ID.</para>
+ <para><varname>User</varname> encodes the user ID of the user this session belongs to. This is a
+ structure encoding the Unix UID and the object path.</para>
+ <para><varname>Name</varname> encodes the user name.</para>
+ <para><varname>Timestamp</varname> and <varname>TimestampMonotonic</varname> encode the usec timestamp
+ since the epoch when the session was created, in <constant>CLOCK_REALTIME</constant> or
+ <constant>CLOCK_MONOTONIC</constant>, respectively.</para>
+ <para><varname>VTNr</varname> encodes the virtual terminal number of the session if there is any, 0
+ otherwise.</para>
+ <para><varname>Seat</varname> encodes the seat this session belongs to, if there is any. This is a
+ structure consisting of the ID and the seat object path.</para>
+ <para><varname>TTY</varname> encodes the kernel TTY path of the session if this is a text login. If not
+ this is an empty string.</para>
+ <para><varname>Display</varname> encodes the X11 display name if this is a graphical login. If not,
+ this is an empty string.</para>
+ <para><varname>Remote</varname> encodes whether the session is local or remote.</para>
+ <para><varname>RemoteHost</varname> and <varname>RemoteUser</varname> encode the remote host and user
+ if this is a remote session, or an empty string otherwise.</para>
+ <para><varname>Service</varname> encodes the PAM service name that registered the session.</para>
+ <para><varname>Scope</varname> contains the systemd scope unit name of this session.</para>
+ <para><varname>Leader</varname> encodes the PID of the process that registered the session.</para>
+ <para><varname>Audit</varname> encodes the Kernel Audit session ID of the session, if auditing is
+ available.</para>
+ <para><varname>Type</varname> encodes the session type. It's one of <literal>unspecified</literal> (for
+ cron PAM sessions and suchlike), <literal>tty</literal> (for text logins) or
+ <literal>x11</literal>/<literal>mir</literal>/<literal>wayland</literal> (for graphical logins).</para>
+ <para><varname>Class</varname> encodes the session class. It's one of <literal>user</literal> (for
+ normal user sessions), <literal>greeter</literal> (for display manager pseudo-sessions),
+ <literal>lock-screen</literal> (for display lock screens).</para>
+ <para><varname>Active</varname> is a boolean that is true if the session is active, i.e. currently in the
+ foreground. This field is semi-redundant due to State.</para>
+ <para><varname>State</varname> encodes the session state and one of <literal>online</literal>,
+ <literal>active</literal>, <literal>closing</literal>. See
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>sd_session_get_state</refentrytitle><manvolnum>3</manvolnum></citerefentry>
+ for more information about the states.</para>
+ <para><varname>IdleHint</varname>, <varname>IdleSinceHint</varname>,
+ <varname>IdleSinceHintMonotonic</varname> encapsulate the idle hint state of this session, similarly to
+ how the respective properties on the manager object do it for the whole system.</para>
+ </refsect2>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>Versioning</title>
+ <para>These D-Bus interfaces follow <ulink url="">
+ the usual interface versioning guidelines</ulink>.</para>
+ </refsect1>
diff --git a/man/rules/ b/man/rules/
index 9cdfe5d291..4e57b94bbf 100644
--- a/man/rules/
+++ b/man/rules/
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ manpages = [
['nss-mymachines', '8', [''], 'ENABLE_NSS_MYMACHINES'],
['nss-resolve', '8', [''], 'ENABLE_NSS_RESOLVE'],
['nss-systemd', '8', [''], 'ENABLE_NSS_SYSTEMD'],
+ ['org.freedesktop.login1', '5', [], 'ENABLE_LOGIND'],
['os-release', '5', [], ''],
['pam_systemd', '8', [], 'HAVE_PAM'],
['pam_systemd_home', '8', [], 'ENABLE_PAM_HOME'],
diff --git a/man/systemd-logind.service.xml b/man/systemd-logind.service.xml
index a66c53d076..87ee607c6c 100644
--- a/man/systemd-logind.service.xml
+++ b/man/systemd-logind.service.xml
@@ -78,14 +78,20 @@
for information about the basic concepts of logind
such as users, sessions and seats.</para>
- <para>See the <ulink
- url="">
- logind D-Bus API Documentation</ulink> for information about the
- APIs <filename>systemd-logind</filename> provides.</para>
+ <para>See
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>org.freedesktop.login1</refentrytitle><manvolnum>3</manvolnum></citerefentry>
+ for for information about the D-Bus APIs <filename>systemd-logind</filename> provides.</para>
<para>For more information on the inhibition logic see the <ulink
Lock Developer Documentation</ulink>.</para>
+ <para>If you are interested in writing a display manager that makes use of logind, please have look at
+ <ulink url="">Writing Display
+ Manager</ulink>.
+ If you are interested in writing a desktop environment that makes use of logind, please have look at
+ <ulink url="">Writing
+ Desktop Environments</ulink>.</para>