path: root/tests/twisted/account-manager/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 181 deletions
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--- a/tests/twisted/account-manager/
+++ /dev/null
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-# Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Collabora Ltd.
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-# 02110-1301 USA
-import dbus
-"""Feature test for signing in and setting an avatar, on CMs like Gabble where
-the avatar is stored by the server.
-import os
-import dbus
-import dbus.service
-from servicetest import EventPattern, tp_name_prefix, tp_path_prefix, \
- call_async, assertEquals
-from mctest import exec_test, SimulatedConnection, create_fakecm_account, MC
-import constants as cs
-cm_name_ref = dbus.service.BusName(
- cs.tp_name_prefix + '.ConnectionManager.fakecm', bus=dbus.SessionBus())
-account_id = 'fakecm/fakeprotocol/jc_2edenton_40unatco_2eint'
-def preseed(q, bus, fake_accounts_service):
- accounts_dir = os.environ['MC_ACCOUNT_DIR']
- try:
- os.mkdir(accounts_dir, 0700)
- except OSError:
- pass
- fake_accounts_service.update_attributes(account_id, changed={
- 'manager': 'fakecm',
- 'protocol': 'fakeprotocol',
- 'DisplayName': 'Work account',
- 'NormalizedName': '',
- 'Enabled': True,
- 'ConnectAutomatically': True,
- 'AutomaticPresence': (dbus.UInt32(2), 'available',
- 'My vision is augmented'),
- 'Nickname': 'JC',
- 'AvatarMime': 'image/jpeg',
- 'avatar_token': 'Deus Ex',
- })
- fake_accounts_service.update_parameters(account_id, untyped={
- 'account': '',
- 'password': 'ionstorm',
- })
- datadirs = os.environ['XDG_DATA_DIRS'].split(':')
- os.makedirs(datadirs[0] + '/telepathy/mission-control')
- avatar_filename = (datadirs[0] + '/telepathy/mission-control/' +
- account_id.replace('/', '-') + '.avatar')
- avatar_bin = open(avatar_filename, 'w')
- avatar_bin.write('Deus Ex')
- avatar_bin.close()
- account_connections_file = open(accounts_dir + '/.mc_connections', 'w')
- account_connections_file.write("")
- account_connections_file.close()
-def test(q, bus, unused, **kwargs):
- fake_accounts_service = kwargs['fake_accounts_service']
- preseed(q, bus, fake_accounts_service)
- expected_params = {
- 'account': '',
- 'password': 'ionstorm',
- }
- mc = MC(q, bus)
- e = q.expect('dbus-method-call', method='RequestConnection',
- args=['fakeprotocol', expected_params],
- destination=cs.tp_name_prefix + '.ConnectionManager.fakecm',
- path=cs.tp_path_prefix + '/ConnectionManager/fakecm',
- interface=cs.tp_name_prefix + '.ConnectionManager',
- handled=False)
- conn = SimulatedConnection(q, bus, 'fakecm', 'fakeprotocol', '_',
- 'myself', has_avatars=True, avatars_persist=True)
- conn.avatar = dbus.Struct((dbus.ByteArray('MJ12'), 'image/png'),
- signature='ays')
- q.dbus_return(e.message, conn.bus_name, conn.object_path, signature='so')
- account_path = (cs.tp_path_prefix + '/Account/' + account_id)
- q.expect('dbus-method-call', method='Connect',
- path=conn.object_path, handled=True, interface=cs.CONN)
- # We haven't changed the avatar since we last signed in, so we don't set
- # it - on the contrary, we pick up the remote avatar (which has changed
- # since we were last here) to store it in the Account.
- request_avatars_call, e = q.expect_many(
- EventPattern('dbus-method-call',
- interface=cs.CONN_IFACE_AVATARS, method='RequestAvatars',
- args=[[conn.self_handle]],
- handled=False),
- EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='AccountPropertyChanged',
- path=account_path, interface=cs.ACCOUNT,
- predicate=(lambda e:
- e.args[0].get('ConnectionStatus') ==
- ),
- )
- q.dbus_return(request_avatars_call.message, signature='')
- q.dbus_emit(conn.object_path, cs.CONN_IFACE_AVATARS, 'AvatarRetrieved',
- conn.self_handle, str(conn.avatar[0]),
- dbus.ByteArray(conn.avatar[0]), conn.avatar[1], signature='usays')
- q.expect('dbus-signal', path=account_path,
- interface=cs.ACCOUNT_IFACE_AVATAR, signal='AvatarChanged'),
- account = bus.get_object(cs.AM, account_path)
- account_props = dbus.Interface(account, cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
- assert account_props.Get(cs.ACCOUNT_IFACE_AVATAR, 'Avatar',
- byte_arrays=True) == conn.avatar
- # The avatar wasn't deleted from $XDG_DATA_DIRS, but it was overridden.
- assert not os.path.exists(os.environ['MC_ACCOUNT_DIR'] + '/' +
- account_id + '/avatar.bin')
- assert not os.path.exists(os.environ['MC_ACCOUNT_DIR'] + '/fakecm')
- avatar_filename = account_id
- avatar_filename = avatar_filename.replace('/', '-') + '.avatar'
- avatar_filename = (os.environ['XDG_DATA_HOME'] +
- '/telepathy/mission-control/' + avatar_filename)
- assertEquals('MJ12', ''.join(open(avatar_filename, 'r').readlines()))
- datadirs = os.environ['XDG_DATA_DIRS'].split(':')
- low_prio_filename = account_id
- low_prio_filename = low_prio_filename.replace('/', '-') + '.avatar'
- low_prio_filename = (datadirs[0] +
- '/telepathy/mission-control/' + low_prio_filename)
- assertEquals('Deus Ex', ''.join(open(low_prio_filename, 'r').readlines()))
- # If we set the avatar to be empty, that's written out as a file,
- # so it'll override the one in XDG_DATA_DIRS
- call_async(q, account_props, 'Set', cs.ACCOUNT_IFACE_AVATAR, 'Avatar',
- (dbus.ByteArray(''), ''))
- q.expect_many(
- EventPattern('dbus-method-call',
- interface=cs.CONN_IFACE_AVATARS, method='ClearAvatar',
- args=[]),
- EventPattern('dbus-signal', path=account.object_path,
- interface=cs.ACCOUNT_IFACE_AVATAR, signal='AvatarChanged'),
- EventPattern('dbus-return', method='Set')
- )
- assert account_props.Get(cs.ACCOUNT_IFACE_AVATAR, 'Avatar',
- byte_arrays=True) == ('', '')
- assertEquals('', ''.join(open(avatar_filename, 'r').readlines()))
- assertEquals('Deus Ex', ''.join(open(low_prio_filename, 'r').readlines()))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- exec_test(test, {}, preload_mc=False, use_fake_accounts_service=True,
- pass_kwargs=True)