path: root/tests/twisted/avahi/tubes/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/twisted/avahi/tubes/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/tests/twisted/avahi/tubes/ b/tests/twisted/avahi/tubes/
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index ae2c2af0..00000000
--- a/tests/twisted/avahi/tubes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-Offer a 1-1 stream tube and close the connection. Salut must just send a
-stanza to close the tube and disconnect.
-from saluttest import exec_test, wait_for_contact_in_publish
-from avahitest import AvahiAnnouncer, AvahiListener
-from avahitest import get_host_name
-import avahi
-from xmppstream import setup_stream_listener, connect_to_stream
-from servicetest import make_channel_proxy
-from twisted.words.xish import xpath, domish
-import dbus
-CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES = "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Tubes"
-#print "FIXME: disabled because sending a close stanza on "
-#print "disconnection is not yet implemented in telepathy-salut. It requires "
-#print "to ensure the XmppConnection and reestablish it"
-print "FIXME: disabled because 1-1 tubes are disabled for now"
-# exiting 77 causes automake to consider the test to have been skipped
-raise SystemExit(77)
-def test(q, bus, conn):
- # Salut will not connect to this socket, the test finishs before
- socket_address = ('', dbus.UInt16(0))
- conn.Connect()
- q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[0L, 0L])
- basic_txt = { "txtvers": "1", "status": "avail" }
- contact_name = PUBLISHED_NAME + "@" + get_host_name()
- listener, port = setup_stream_listener(q, contact_name)
- announcer = AvahiAnnouncer(contact_name, "_presence._tcp", port, basic_txt)
- handle = wait_for_contact_in_publish(q, bus, conn, contact_name)
- t = conn.RequestChannel(CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES, HT_CONTACT, handle,
- True)
- tubes_channel = make_channel_proxy(conn, t, "Channel.Type.Tubes")
- tubes_channel.OfferStreamTube("http", dbus.Dictionary({}),
- SOCKET_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV4, socket_address,
- e = q.expect('stream-iq')
- # Close the connection just after the tube has been offered.
- conn.Disconnect()
- # receive the close stanza for the tube
- event = q.expect('stream-message')
- message = event.stanza
- close_node = xpath.queryForNodes('/message/close[@xmlns="%s"]' % NS_TUBES,
- message)
- assert close_node is not None
- q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[2, 1])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- exec_test(test)