path: root/doc
diff options
authorLorry Tar Creator <>2014-04-05 13:08:42 +0000
committer <>2015-07-09 11:42:39 +0000
commit6a590aba95cbcce0f184381fb19d16558e56832d (patch)
tree1f7fce515366bf9d029da66a0c76cd1ae4239270 /doc
Imported from /home/lorry/working-area/delta_xmlto-tarball/xmlto-0.0.26.tar.bz2.HEADxmlto-0.0.26master
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
2 files changed, 537 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/xmlif.xml b/doc/xmlif.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67062ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/xmlif.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+<?xml version='1.0'?> <!-- -*- xml -*- -->
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC
+ "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+ "">
+<refentry id='xmlif'>
+ <refentryinfo>
+ <title>xmlif</title>
+ <date>April 2009</date>
+ <productname>Linux</productname>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Eric</firstname>
+ <othername role="initial">S.</othername>
+ <surname>Raymond</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+ <address><email></email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ <contrib>Author of xmlif program</contrib>
+ </author>
+ </refentryinfo>
+ <refmeta>
+ <refentrytitle>xmlif</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
+ <refmiscinfo class='date'>Sept 26 2002</refmiscinfo>
+ </refmeta>
+ <refnamediv id='name'>
+ <refname>xmlif</refname>
+ <refpurpose>conditional processing instructions for XML</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv id='synopsis'>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>xmlif</command> <arg rep='repeat'>attrib=value</arg>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsect1 id='description'><title>DESCRIPTION</title>
+ <para><application>xmlif</application> filters XML according to
+ conditionalizing markup. This can be useful for formatting one
+ of several versions of an XML document depending on conditions
+ passed to the command.</para>
+ <para>Attribute/value pairs from the command line are matched
+ against the attributes associated with certain processing
+ instructions in the document. The instructions are
+ <sgmltag>&lt;?xmlif if?&gt;</sgmltag> and its inverse <sgmltag>&lt;?xmlif if
+ not?&gt;</sgmltag>, <sgmltag>&lt;?xmlif elif?&gt;</sgmltag> and its
+ inverse <sgmltag>&lt;?xmlif elif not?&gt;</sgmltag>,
+ <sgmltag>&lt;?xmlif else?&gt;</sgmltag>, and
+ <sgmltag>&lt;?xmlif fi?&gt;</sgmltag>.</para>
+ <para>Argument/value pairs given on the command line are checked
+ against the value of corresponding attributes in the conditional
+ processing instructions. An `attribute match' happens if an
+ attribute occurs in both the command-line arguments and the tag,
+ and the values match. An `attribute mismatch' happens if an
+ attribute occurs in both the command-line arguments and the tag,
+ but the values do not match.</para>
+ <para>Spans between <sgmltag>&lt;?xmlif if?&gt;</sgmltag> or
+ <sgmltag>&lt;?xmlif elif?&gt;</sgmltag> and the next conditional
+ processing instruction at the same nesting level are passed
+ through unaltered if there is at least one attribute match and
+ no attribute mismatch; spans between <sgmltag>&lt;?xmlif if
+ not?&gt;</sgmltag> and <sgmltag>&lt;?xmlif elif not?&gt;</sgmltag> and
+ the next conditional processing instruction are passed
+ otherwise. Spans between <sgmltag>&lt;?xmlif else?&gt;</sgmltag> and
+ the next conditional-processing tag are passed through only if
+ no previous span at the same level has been passed
+ through. <sgmltag>&lt;?xmlif if?&gt;</sgmltag> and
+ <sgmltag>&lt;?xmlif fi?&gt;</sgmltag> (and their `not' variants) change
+ the current nesting level; <sgmltag>&lt;?xmlif else?&gt;</sgmltag> and
+ <sgmltag>&lt;?xmlif elif?&gt;</sgmltag> do not.</para>
+ <para>All these processing instructions will be removed from the
+ output produced. Aside from the conditionalization, all other
+ input is passed through untouched; in particular, entity
+ references are not resolved.</para>
+ <para>Value matching is by string equality, except that "|" in an
+ attribute value is interpreted as an alternation character.
+ Thus, saying foo='red|blue' on the command line enables
+ conditions red and blue. Saying color='black|white' in a tag
+ matches command-line conditions color='black' and
+ color='white'.</para>
+ <para>Here is an example:
+Always issue this text.
+&lt;?xmlif if condition='html'?&gt;
+Issue this text if 'condition=html' is given on the command line.
+&lt;?xmlif elif condition='pdf|ps'?&gt;
+Issue this text if 'condition=pdf' or 'condition=ps'
+is given on the command line.
+&lt;?xmlif else?&gt;
+Otherwise issue this text.
+&lt;?xmlif fi?&gt;
+Always issue this text.
+ </refsect1>
diff --git a/doc/xmlto.xml b/doc/xmlto.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..804097c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/xmlto.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+<?xml version='1.0'?> <!-- -*- xml -*- -->
+<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+ "">
+ <articleinfo>
+ <title>xmlto</title>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Tim</firstname>
+ <surname>Waugh</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+ <address><email></email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ <contrib>Original author, maintainer until 0.0.18</contrib>
+ </author>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Ondřej</firstname>
+ <surname>Vašík</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+ <address><email></email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ <contrib>Maintainer since 0.0.19</contrib>
+ </author>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2001-8</year>
+ <holder>Tim Waugh</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2008-9</year>
+ <holder>Ondřej Vašík</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ </articleinfo>
+ <section>
+ <title>Reference</title>
+ <refentry>
+ <refentryinfo>
+ <title>xmlto</title>
+ <date>November 2011</date>
+ <productname>xmlto 0.0.25</productname>
+ </refentryinfo>
+ <refmeta>
+ <refentrytitle>xmlto</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
+ </refmeta>
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>xmlto</refname>
+ <refpurpose>apply an XSL stylesheet to an XML document</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>xmlto</command>
+ <arg choice="opt"><option>-o</option>
+ <replaceable>output_dir</replaceable></arg>
+ <arg choice="opt"><option>-x</option>
+ <replaceable>custom_xsl</replaceable></arg>
+ <arg choice="opt"><option>-m</option>
+ <replaceable>xsl_fragment</replaceable></arg>
+ <arg choice="opt"><option>-v</option></arg>
+ <arg choice="opt"><option>-p</option>
+ <replaceable>postprocessor_opts</replaceable></arg>
+ <arg choice="opt"><option>--extensions</option></arg>
+ <arg choice="opt"><option>--searchpath</option>
+ <replaceable>path</replaceable></arg>
+ <arg choice="opt"><option>--skip-validation</option></arg>
+ <arg choice="opt"><option>--stringparam</option>
+ <replaceable>paramname</replaceable>=<replaceable>paramvalue</replaceable></arg>
+ <arg choice="opt"><option>--noclean</option></arg>
+ <arg choice="opt"><option>--noautosize</option></arg>
+ <arg choice="opt"><option>--noextensions</option></arg>
+ <arg choice="opt"><option>--with-fop</option></arg>
+ <arg choice="opt"><option>--with-dblatex</option></arg>
+ <arg choice="req"><replaceable>format</replaceable></arg>
+ <arg choice="req"><replaceable>file</replaceable></arg>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>xmlto</command>
+ <group choice="req">
+ <arg>--help</arg>
+ <arg>--version</arg>
+ </group>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>The purpose of <command>xmlto</command> is to convert an
+ XML <replaceable>file</replaceable> to the desired
+ <replaceable>format</replaceable> using whatever means
+ necessary. This may involve two steps:</para>
+ <procedure>
+ <step>
+ <para>The application of an appropriate XSL stylesheet
+ using an XSL-T processor.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step>
+ <para>Further processing with other tools. This step may
+ not be necessary.</para>
+ </step>
+ </procedure>
+ <para>To decide which stylesheet to use and what, if any,
+ needs to be done to post-process the output,
+ <command>xmlto</command> makes use of <firstterm>format
+ scripts</firstterm>, which are simple shell scripts that
+ <command>xmlto</command> calls during the conversion.</para>
+ <para>The appropriate format script is selected based on the
+ type of XML file and the desired output format.
+ <command>xmlto</command> comes with some format scripts for
+ converting DocBook XML files to a variety of formats. You
+ may specify your own format script by using an absolute
+ filename for <replaceable>format</replaceable> on the command
+ line.</para>
+ <para>Firstly, if <command>xmlto</command> has not been told
+ explicitly which stylesheet to use (with the
+ <option>-x</option> option), the format script will be called
+ with <envar>$1</envar> set to <literal>stylesheet</literal>.
+ The environment variable <envar>XSLT_PROCESSOR</envar>
+ contains the base name of the executable that will be used to
+ perform the XSL-T transformation (for example
+ <literal>xsltproc</literal>). The format script should write
+ the name of the stylesheet to use to standard output and exit
+ successfully, or exit with a non-zero return code if there is
+ no appropriate stylesheet to use (for example, if the only
+ available stylesheet is known not to work with the XSL-T
+ processor that will be used). If nothing is written to
+ standard output but the script exits successfully, no XSL-T
+ transformation will be performed.</para>
+ <para>Secondly, after an XSL-T processor has been run using
+ the stylesheet, the format script will be called again, this
+ time with <envar>$1</envar> set to
+ <literal>post-process</literal>. The format script should
+ perform any necessary steps to translate the XSL-T processed
+ output into the desired output format, including copying the
+ output to the desired output directory. For post-processing,
+ the format script is run in a temporary directory containing
+ just the processed output (whose name is stored in
+ <envar>XSLT_PROCESSED</envar> and whose basename is that of
+ the original XML file with any filename extension replaced
+ with <literal>.proc</literal>). <envar>INPUT_FILE</envar> is
+ set to the name of the original XML file,
+ <envar>OUTPUT_DIR</envar> is set to the name of the directory
+ that the output (and only the output) must end up in, and
+ <envar>SEARCHPATH</envar> is set to a colon-separate list of
+ fallback directories in which to look for input (for images,
+ for example). If this step is unsuccessful the format script
+ should exit with a non-zero return code.</para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>Options</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-v</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Be verbose (<option>-vv</option> for very
+ verbose).</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-x</option> <replaceable>stylesheet</replaceable></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Use <replaceable>stylesheet</replaceable> instead
+ of asking the format script to choose one.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-m</option> <replaceable>fragment</replaceable></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Use the provided XSL
+ <replaceable>fragment</replaceable> to modify the
+ stylesheet.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-o</option> <replaceable>directory</replaceable></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Put output in the specified
+ <replaceable>directory</replaceable> instead of the
+ current working directory.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-p</option> <replaceable>postprocessor_opts</replaceable></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Pass <replaceable>postprocessor_opts</replaceable>
+ to processing stages after stylesheet application
+ (e.g. <application>lynx</application> or
+ <application>links</application> when going
+ through HTML to text, or <application>xmltex</application>
+ when going from through TeX to DVI). If
+ <option>-p</option> is specified a second time, the
+ options specified will be passed to second-stage
+ postprocessing; presently this is only applicable when
+ going through <application>xmltex</application> and
+ <application>dvips</application> to PostScript.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>--extensions</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Turn on stylesheet extensions for the tool chain
+ in use (<varname>use.extensions</varname> is turned on).
+ The variables turned on are the ones used
+ by Norman Walsh's DocBook XSL stylesheets.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>--searchpath</option> <replaceable>path</replaceable></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Add the colon-separated list of directories in
+ <replaceable>path</replaceable> as fallback
+ directories for including input.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>--skip-validation</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Skip the validation step that is normally
+ performed.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>--stringparam</option> <replaceable>paramname</replaceable>=<replaceable>paramvalue</replaceable></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Pass a named parameter <replaceable>paramname</replaceable>
+ with value <replaceable>paramvalue</replaceable>
+ to stylesheet from the command line.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>--noclean</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Temporary files are not deleted(their names
+ are shown and kept in tmp directory). It could
+ help with analyzing problems.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>--noautosize</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> By default, some XSL variables are overridden
+ by autodetection (<varname>page.width</varname> and
+ <varname>page.height</varname> for <application>paperconf</application>
+ (libpaper) use, <varname>paper.type</varname> for locale-based
+ (<envar>LC_PAPER</envar>) selection). With this
+ option, <command>xmlto</command> doesn’t use this autodetection
+ and user is able to modify defaults himself (either via default
+ <filename>param.xsl</filename> modification or by user-defined
+ XSL fragment).
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>--noextensions</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> By default, <command>xmlto</command> enables XSL params <varname>passivetex.extensions</varname> for
+ <application>passivetex</application> backend and <varname>fop.extensions</varname> and <varname>fop1.extensions</varname>
+ for <application>fop</application> backend.
+ This usually produces better results. If you for some reason don't want to use these parameters, just
+ disable them using this option.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>--with-fop</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Use <application>fop</application> for formatting.
+ It is an experimental option, expects <application>fop</application>
+ in specific location(detected at configured time), could be changed
+ manually in <command>xmlto</command> script by modification
+ of <varname>FOP_PATH</varname></para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>--with-dblatex</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Use <application>dblatex</application> for formatting.
+ It is an experimental option, expects <application>dblatex</application>
+ in specific location(detected at configured time), could be changed
+ manually in <command>xmlto</command> script by modification
+ of <varname>DBLATEX_PATH</varname></para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>--help</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Display a short usage message. It will describe xmlto's
+ options, and the available output formats.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>--version</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Display the version number of xmlto.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>Environment</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><envar>XSLT_PROCESSOR</envar></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Base name of the executable that will be used to
+ perform the XSL-T transformation (default: <citerefentry>
+ <refentrytitle>xsltproc</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
+ </citerefentry>).
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><envar>TMPDIR</envar></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Directory, where to create temporary stylesheets
+ (default: <filename>/tmp</filename>).
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>Diagnostics</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><errorcode>0</errorcode></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Everything went fine. This is the expected exit code.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><errorcode>1</errorcode></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><command>xmlto</command> was called with insufficient
+ arguments.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><errorcode>2</errorcode></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><citerefentry>
+ <refentrytitle>mktemp</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
+ </citerefentry> failed to create a file/directory. Make sure
+ <filename>/tmp</filename> or <envar>TMPDIR</envar> is
+ writable.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><errorcode>3</errorcode></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><command>xmlto</command> failed to find some binary on
+ configured location. Make sure that all required packages
+ are installed and paths in <application>xmlto</application>
+ script are set properly.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><errorcode>10+(Validation non-zero error code)</errorcode></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><command>xmlto</command> tried to validate a xml document, but validation failed. For better diagnostic, validation output and <application>xmllint</application> exit code is provided. Consider either fixing your document or using <option>--skip-validation</option>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <para>To convert a DocBook XML document to PDF, use:
+ <screen><command>xmlto pdf mydoc.xml</command></screen></para>
+ <para>To convert a DocBook XML document to HTML and store the
+ resulting HTML files in a separate directory use:
+ <screen><command>xmlto -o html-dir html mydoc.xml</command></screen></para>
+ <para>To convert a DocBook XML document to a single HTML file
+ use:
+ <screen><command>xmlto html-nochunks mydoc.xml</command></screen></para>
+ <para>To modify the output using an XSL fragment use:
+ <screen><command>xmlto -m ulink.xsl pdf mydoc.xml</command></screen></para>
+ <para>To specify which stylesheet to use (overriding the one
+ that the format script would choose) use:
+ <screen><command>xmlto -x mystylesheet.xsl pdf mydoc.xml</command></screen></para>
+ </refsect1>
+ </refentry>
+ </section>