path: root/xstatic
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Diffstat (limited to 'xstatic')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 1277 deletions
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index de40ea7..0000000
--- a/xstatic/
+++ /dev/null
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--- a/xstatic/pkg/angular_animate/
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-XStatic resource package
-See package 'XStatic' for documentation and basic tools.
-DISPLAY_NAME = 'Angular-Animate' # official name, upper/lowercase allowed, no spaces
-PACKAGE_NAME = 'XStatic-%s' % DISPLAY_NAME # name used for PyPi
-NAME = __name__.split('.')[-1] # package name (e.g. 'foo' or 'foo_bar')
- # please use a all-lowercase valid python
- # package name
-VERSION = '1.2.1' # version of the packaged files, please use the upstream
- # version number
-BUILD = '1' # our package build number, so we can release new builds
- # with fixes for xstatic stuff.
-PACKAGE_VERSION = VERSION + '.' + BUILD # version used for PyPi
-DESCRIPTION = "%s %s (XStatic packaging standard)" % (DISPLAY_NAME, VERSION)
-PLATFORMS = 'any'
-KEYWORDS = '%s xstatic' % NAME
-# XStatic-* package maintainer:
-MAINTAINER = 'Maxime Vidori'
-# this refers to the project homepage of the stuff we packaged:
-# this refers to all files:
-LICENSE = '(same as %s)' % DISPLAY_NAME
-from os.path import join, dirname
-BASE_DIR = join(dirname(__file__), 'data')
-# linux package maintainers just can point to their file locations like this:
-#BASE_DIR = '/usr/share/javascript/angular_cookies'
- # CDN locations (if no public CDN exists, use an empty dict)
- # if value is a string, it is a base location, just append relative
- # path/filename. if value is a dict, do another lookup using the
- # relative path/filename you want.
- # your relative path/filenames should usually be without version
- # information, because either the base dir/url is exactly for this
- # version or the mapping will care for accessing this version.
diff --git a/xstatic/pkg/angular_animate/data/angular-animate.js b/xstatic/pkg/angular_animate/data/angular-animate.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 737ac0e..0000000
--- a/xstatic/pkg/angular_animate/data/angular-animate.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1226 +0,0 @@
- * @license AngularJS v1.2.1
- * (c) 2010-2012 Google, Inc.
- * License: MIT
- */
-(function(window, angular, undefined) {'use strict';
-/* jshint maxlen: false */
- * @ngdoc overview
- * @name ngAnimate
- * @description
- *
- * # ngAnimate
- *
- * The `ngAnimate` module provides support for JavaScript, CSS3 transition and CSS3 keyframe animation hooks within existing core and custom directives.
- *
- * {@installModule animate}
- *
- * <div doc-module-components="ngAnimate"></div>
- *
- * # Usage
- *
- * To see animations in action, all that is required is to define the appropriate CSS classes
- * or to register a JavaScript animation via the myModule.animation() function. The directives that support animation automatically are:
- * `ngRepeat`, `ngInclude`, `ngIf`, `ngSwitch`, `ngShow`, `ngHide`, `ngView` and `ngClass`. Custom directives can take advantage of animation
- * by using the `$animate` service.
- *
- * Below is a more detailed breakdown of the supported animation events provided by pre-existing ng directives:
- *
- * | Directive | Supported Animations |
- * |---------------------------------------------------------- |----------------------------------------------------|
- * | {@link ng.directive:ngRepeat#usage_animations ngRepeat} | enter, leave and move |
- * | {@link ngRoute.directive:ngView#usage_animations ngView} | enter and leave |
- * | {@link ng.directive:ngInclude#usage_animations ngInclude} | enter and leave |
- * | {@link ng.directive:ngSwitch#usage_animations ngSwitch} | enter and leave |
- * | {@link ng.directive:ngIf#usage_animations ngIf} | enter and leave |
- * | {@link ng.directive:ngClass#usage_animations ngClass} | add and remove |
- * | {@link ng.directive:ngShow#usage_animations ngShow & ngHide} | add and remove (the ng-hide class value) |
- *
- * You can find out more information about animations upon visiting each directive page.
- *
- * Below is an example of how to apply animations to a directive that supports animation hooks:
- *
- * <pre>
- * <style type="text/css">
- *, {
- * -webkit-transition:0.5s linear all;
- * transition:0.5s linear all;
- * }
- *
- * { } /&#42; starting animations for enter &#42;/
- * { } /&#42; terminal animations for enter &#42;/
- * { } /&#42; starting animations for leave &#42;/
- * { } /&#42; terminal animations for leave &#42;/
- * </style>
- *
- * <!--
- * the animate service will automatically add .ng-enter and .ng-leave to the element
- * to trigger the CSS transition/animations
- * -->
- * <ANY class="slide" ng-include="..."></ANY>
- * </pre>
- *
- * Keep in mind that if an animation is running, any child elements cannot be animated until the parent element's
- * animation has completed.
- *
- * <h2>CSS-defined Animations</h2>
- * The animate service will automatically apply two CSS classes to the animated element and these two CSS classes
- * are designed to contain the start and end CSS styling. Both CSS transitions and keyframe animations are supported
- * and can be used to play along with this naming structure.
- *
- * The following code below demonstrates how to perform animations using **CSS transitions** with Angular:
- *
- * <pre>
- * <style type="text/css">
- * /&#42;
- * The animate class is apart of the element and the ng-enter class
- * is attached to the element once the enter animation event is triggered
- * &#42;/
- * {
- * -webkit-transition: 1s linear all; /&#42; Safari/Chrome &#42;/
- * transition: 1s linear all; /&#42; All other modern browsers and IE10+ &#42;/
- *
- * /&#42; The animation preparation code &#42;/
- * opacity: 0;
- * }
- *
- * /&#42;
- * Keep in mind that you want to combine both CSS
- * classes together to avoid any CSS-specificity
- * conflicts
- * &#42;/
- * {
- * /&#42; The animation code itself &#42;/
- * opacity: 1;
- * }
- * </style>
- *
- * <div class="view-container">
- * <div ng-view class="reveal-animation"></div>
- * </div>
- * </pre>
- *
- * The following code below demonstrates how to perform animations using **CSS animations** with Angular:
- *
- * <pre>
- * <style type="text/css">
- * {
- * -webkit-animation: enter_sequence 1s linear; /&#42; Safari/Chrome &#42;/
- * animation: enter_sequence 1s linear; /&#42; IE10+ and Future Browsers &#42;/
- * }
- * &#64-webkit-keyframes enter_sequence {
- * from { opacity:0; }
- * to { opacity:1; }
- * }
- * &#64keyframes enter_sequence {
- * from { opacity:0; }
- * to { opacity:1; }
- * }
- * </style>
- *
- * <div class="view-container">
- * <div ng-view class="reveal-animation"></div>
- * </div>
- * </pre>
- *
- * Both CSS3 animations and transitions can be used together and the animate service will figure out the correct duration and delay timing.
- *
- * Upon DOM mutation, the event class is added first (something like `ng-enter`), then the browser prepares itself to add
- * the active class (in this case `ng-enter-active`) which then triggers the animation. The animation module will automatically
- * detect the CSS code to determine when the animation ends. Once the animation is over then both CSS classes will be
- * removed from the DOM. If a browser does not support CSS transitions or CSS animations then the animation will start and end
- * immediately resulting in a DOM element that is at its final state. This final state is when the DOM element
- * has no CSS transition/animation classes applied to it.
- *
- * <h3>CSS Staggering Animations</h3>
- * A Staggering animation is a collection of animations that are issued with a slight delay in between each successive operation resulting in a
- * curtain-like effect. The ngAnimate module, as of 1.2.0, supports staggering animations and the stagger effect can be
- * performed by creating a **ng-EVENT-stagger** CSS class and attaching that class to the base CSS class used for
- * the animation. The style property expected within the stagger class can either be a **transition-delay** or an
- * **animation-delay** property (or both if your animation contains both transitions and keyframe animations).
- *
- * <pre>
- * {
- * /&#42; standard transition code &#42;/
- * -webkit-transition: 1s linear all;
- * transition: 1s linear all;
- * opacity:0;
- * }
- * {
- * /&#42; this will have a 100ms delay between each successive leave animation &#42;/
- * -webkit-transition-delay: 0.1s;
- * transition-delay: 0.1s;
- *
- * /&#42; in case the stagger doesn't work then these two values
- * must be set to 0 to avoid an accidental CSS inheritance &#42;/
- * -webkit-transition-duration: 0s;
- * transition-duration: 0s;
- * }
- * {
- * /&#42; standard transition styles &#42;/
- * opacity:1;
- * }
- * </pre>
- *
- * Staggering animations work by default in ngRepeat (so long as the CSS class is defiend). Outside of ngRepeat, to use staggering animations
- * on your own, they can be triggered by firing multiple calls to the same event on $animate. However, the restrictions surrounding this
- * are that each of the elements must have the same CSS className value as well as the same parent element. A stagger operation
- * will also be reset if more than 10ms has passed after the last animation has been fired.
- *
- * The following code will issue the **ng-leave-stagger** event on the element provided:
- *
- * <pre>
- * var kids = parent.children();
- *
- * $animate.leave(kids[0]); //stagger index=0
- * $animate.leave(kids[1]); //stagger index=1
- * $animate.leave(kids[2]); //stagger index=2
- * $animate.leave(kids[3]); //stagger index=3
- * $animate.leave(kids[4]); //stagger index=4
- *
- * $timeout(function() {
- * //stagger has reset itself
- * $animate.leave(kids[5]); //stagger index=0
- * $animate.leave(kids[6]); //stagger index=1
- * }, 100, false);
- * </pre>
- *
- * Stagger animations are currently only supported within CSS-defined animations.
- *
- * <h2>JavaScript-defined Animations</h2>
- * In the event that you do not want to use CSS3 transitions or CSS3 animations or if you wish to offer animations on browsers that do not
- * yet support CSS transitions/animations, then you can make use of JavaScript animations defined inside of your AngularJS module.
- *
- * <pre>
- * //!annotate="YourApp" Your AngularJS Module|Replace this or ngModule with the module that you used to define your application.
- * var ngModule = angular.module('YourApp', []);
- * ngModule.animation('.my-crazy-animation', function() {
- * return {
- * enter: function(element, done) {
- * //run the animation here and call done when the animation is complete
- * return function(cancelled) {
- * //this (optional) function will be called when the animation
- * //completes or when the animation is cancelled (the cancelled
- * //flag will be set to true if cancelled).
- * }
- * }
- * leave: function(element, done) { },
- * move: function(element, done) { },
- *
- * //animation that can be triggered before the class is added
- * beforeAddClass: function(element, className, done) { },
- *
- * //animation that can be triggered after the class is added
- * addClass: function(element, className, done) { },
- *
- * //animation that can be triggered before the class is removed
- * beforeRemoveClass: function(element, className, done) { },
- *
- * //animation that can be triggered after the class is removed
- * removeClass: function(element, className, done) { }
- * }
- * });
- * </pre>
- *
- * JavaScript-defined animations are created with a CSS-like class selector and a collection of events which are set to run
- * a javascript callback function. When an animation is triggered, $animate will look for a matching animation which fits
- * the element's CSS class attribute value and then run the matching animation event function (if found).
- * In other words, if the CSS classes present on the animated element match any of the JavaScript animations then the callback function
- * be executed. It should be also noted that only simple, single class selectors are allowed (compound class selectors are not supported).
- *
- * Within a JavaScript animation, an object containing various event callback animation functions is expected to be returned.
- * As explained above, these callbacks are triggered based on the animation event. Therefore if an enter animation is run,
- * and the JavaScript animation is found, then the enter callback will handle that animation (in addition to the CSS keyframe animation
- * or transition code that is defined via a stylesheet).
- *
- */
-angular.module('ngAnimate', ['ng'])
- /**
- * @ngdoc object
- * @name ngAnimate.$animateProvider
- * @description
- *
- * The `$animateProvider` allows developers to register JavaScript animation event handlers directly inside of a module.
- * When an animation is triggered, the $animate service will query the $animate service to find any animations that match
- * the provided name value.
- *
- * Requires the {@link ngAnimate `ngAnimate`} module to be installed.
- *
- * Please visit the {@link ngAnimate `ngAnimate`} module overview page learn more about how to use animations in your application.
- *
- */
- .config(['$provide', '$animateProvider', function($provide, $animateProvider) {
- var noop = angular.noop;
- var forEach = angular.forEach;
- var selectors = $animateProvider.$$selectors;
- var ELEMENT_NODE = 1;
- var NG_ANIMATE_STATE = '$$ngAnimateState';
- var NG_ANIMATE_CLASS_NAME = 'ng-animate';
- var rootAnimateState = {running: true};
- $provide.decorator('$animate', ['$delegate', '$injector', '$sniffer', '$rootElement', '$timeout', '$rootScope', '$document',
- function($delegate, $injector, $sniffer, $rootElement, $timeout, $rootScope, $document) {
- $, rootAnimateState);
- // disable animations during bootstrap, but once we bootstrapped, enable animations
- $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
- rootAnimateState.running = false;
- });
- function lookup(name) {
- if (name) {
- var matches = [],
- flagMap = {},
- classes = name.substr(1).split('.');
- //the empty string value is the default animation
- //operation which performs CSS transition and keyframe
- //animations sniffing. This is always included for each
- //element animation procedure if the browser supports
- //transitions and/or keyframe animations
- if ($sniffer.transitions || $sniffer.animations) {
- classes.push('');
- }
- for(var i=0; i < classes.length; i++) {
- var klass = classes[i],
- selectorFactoryName = selectors[klass];
- if(selectorFactoryName && !flagMap[klass]) {
- matches.push($injector.get(selectorFactoryName));
- flagMap[klass] = true;
- }
- }
- return matches;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @ngdoc object
- * @name ngAnimate.$animate
- * @function
- *
- * @description
- * The `$animate` service provides animation detection support while performing DOM operations (enter, leave and move) as well as during addClass and removeClass operations.
- * When any of these operations are run, the $animate service
- * will examine any JavaScript-defined animations (which are defined by using the $animateProvider provider object)
- * as well as any CSS-defined animations against the CSS classes present on the element once the DOM operation is run.
- *
- * The `$animate` service is used behind the scenes with pre-existing directives and animation with these directives
- * will work out of the box without any extra configuration.
- *
- * Requires the {@link ngAnimate `ngAnimate`} module to be installed.
- *
- * Please visit the {@link ngAnimate `ngAnimate`} module overview page learn more about how to use animations in your application.
- *
- */
- return {
- /**
- * @ngdoc function
- * @name ngAnimate.$animate#enter
- * @methodOf ngAnimate.$animate
- * @function
- *
- * @description
- * Appends the element to the parentElement element that resides in the document and then runs the enter animation. Once
- * the animation is started, the following CSS classes will be present on the element for the duration of the animation:
- *
- * Below is a breakdown of each step that occurs during enter animation:
- *
- * | Animation Step | What the element class attribute looks like |
- * |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------|
- * | 1. $animate.enter(...) is called | class="my-animation" |
- * | 2. element is inserted into the parentElement element or beside the afterElement element | class="my-animation" |
- * | 3. $animate runs any JavaScript-defined animations on the element | class="my-animation ng-animate" |
- * | 4. the .ng-enter class is added to the element | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-enter" |
- * | 5. $animate scans the element styles to get the CSS transition/animation duration and delay | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-enter" |
- * | 6. $animate waits for 10ms (this performs a reflow) | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-enter" |
- * | 7. the .ng-enter-active and .ng-animate-active classes are added (this triggers the CSS transition/animation) | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-animate-active ng-enter ng-enter-active" |
- * | 8. $animate waits for X milliseconds for the animation to complete | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-animate-active ng-enter ng-enter-active" |
- * | 9. The animation ends and all generated CSS classes are removed from the element | class="my-animation" |
- * | 10. The doneCallback() callback is fired (if provided) | class="my-animation" |
- *
- * @param {jQuery/jqLite element} element the element that will be the focus of the enter animation
- * @param {jQuery/jqLite element} parentElement the parent element of the element that will be the focus of the enter animation
- * @param {jQuery/jqLite element} afterElement the sibling element (which is the previous element) of the element that will be the focus of the enter animation
- * @param {function()=} doneCallback the callback function that will be called once the animation is complete
- */
- enter : function(element, parentElement, afterElement, doneCallback) {
- this.enabled(false, element);
- $delegate.enter(element, parentElement, afterElement);
- $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
- performAnimation('enter', 'ng-enter', element, parentElement, afterElement, noop, doneCallback);
- });
- },
- /**
- * @ngdoc function
- * @name ngAnimate.$animate#leave
- * @methodOf ngAnimate.$animate
- * @function
- *
- * @description
- * Runs the leave animation operation and, upon completion, removes the element from the DOM. Once
- * the animation is started, the following CSS classes will be added for the duration of the animation:
- *
- * Below is a breakdown of each step that occurs during enter animation:
- *
- * | Animation Step | What the element class attribute looks like |
- * |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------|
- * | 1. $animate.leave(...) is called | class="my-animation" |
- * | 2. $animate runs any JavaScript-defined animations on the element | class="my-animation ng-animate" |
- * | 3. the .ng-leave class is added to the element | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-leave" |
- * | 4. $animate scans the element styles to get the CSS transition/animation duration and delay | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-leave" |
- * | 5. $animate waits for 10ms (this performs a reflow) | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-leave" |
- * | 6. the .ng-leave-active and .ng-animate-active classes is added (this triggers the CSS transition/animation) | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-animate-active ng-leave ng-leave-active" |
- * | 7. $animate waits for X milliseconds for the animation to complete | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-animate-active ng-leave ng-leave-active" |
- * | 8. The animation ends and all generated CSS classes are removed from the element | class="my-animation" |
- * | 9. The element is removed from the DOM | ... |
- * | 10. The doneCallback() callback is fired (if provided) | ... |
- *
- * @param {jQuery/jqLite element} element the element that will be the focus of the leave animation
- * @param {function()=} doneCallback the callback function that will be called once the animation is complete
- */
- leave : function(element, doneCallback) {
- cancelChildAnimations(element);
- this.enabled(false, element);
- $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
- performAnimation('leave', 'ng-leave', element, null, null, function() {
- $delegate.leave(element);
- }, doneCallback);
- });
- },
- /**
- * @ngdoc function
- * @name ngAnimate.$animate#move
- * @methodOf ngAnimate.$animate
- * @function
- *
- * @description
- * Fires the move DOM operation. Just before the animation starts, the animate service will either append it into the parentElement container or
- * add the element directly after the afterElement element if present. Then the move animation will be run. Once
- * the animation is started, the following CSS classes will be added for the duration of the animation:
- *
- * Below is a breakdown of each step that occurs during move animation:
- *
- * | Animation Step | What the element class attribute looks like |
- * |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------|
- * | 1. $animate.move(...) is called | class="my-animation" |
- * | 2. element is moved into the parentElement element or beside the afterElement element | class="my-animation" |
- * | 3. $animate runs any JavaScript-defined animations on the element | class="my-animation ng-animate" |
- * | 4. the .ng-move class is added to the element | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-move" |
- * | 5. $animate scans the element styles to get the CSS transition/animation duration and delay | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-move" |
- * | 6. $animate waits for 10ms (this performs a reflow) | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-move" |
- * | 7. the .ng-move-active and .ng-animate-active classes is added (this triggers the CSS transition/animation) | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-animate-active ng-move ng-move-active" |
- * | 8. $animate waits for X milliseconds for the animation to complete | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-animate-active ng-move ng-move-active" |
- * | 9. The animation ends and all generated CSS classes are removed from the element | class="my-animation" |
- * | 10. The doneCallback() callback is fired (if provided) | class="my-animation" |
- *
- * @param {jQuery/jqLite element} element the element that will be the focus of the move animation
- * @param {jQuery/jqLite element} parentElement the parentElement element of the element that will be the focus of the move animation
- * @param {jQuery/jqLite element} afterElement the sibling element (which is the previous element) of the element that will be the focus of the move animation
- * @param {function()=} doneCallback the callback function that will be called once the animation is complete
- */
- move : function(element, parentElement, afterElement, doneCallback) {
- cancelChildAnimations(element);
- this.enabled(false, element);
- $delegate.move(element, parentElement, afterElement);
- $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
- performAnimation('move', 'ng-move', element, parentElement, afterElement, noop, doneCallback);
- });
- },
- /**
- * @ngdoc function
- * @name ngAnimate.$animate#addClass
- * @methodOf ngAnimate.$animate
- *
- * @description
- * Triggers a custom animation event based off the className variable and then attaches the className value to the element as a CSS class.
- * Unlike the other animation methods, the animate service will suffix the className value with {@type -add} in order to provide
- * the animate service the setup and active CSS classes in order to trigger the animation (this will be skipped if no CSS transitions
- * or keyframes are defined on the -add or base CSS class).
- *
- * Below is a breakdown of each step that occurs during addClass animation:
- *
- * | Animation Step | What the element class attribute looks like |
- * |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------|
- * | 1. $animate.addClass(element, 'super') is called | class="my-animation" |
- * | 2. $animate runs any JavaScript-defined animations on the element | class="my-animation ng-animate" |
- * | 3. the .super-add class are added to the element | class="my-animation ng-animate super-add" |
- * | 4. $animate scans the element styles to get the CSS transition/animation duration and delay | class="my-animation ng-animate super-add" |
- * | 5. $animate waits for 10ms (this performs a reflow) | class="my-animation ng-animate super-add" |
- * | 6. the .super, .super-add-active and .ng-animate-active classes are added (this triggers the CSS transition/animation) | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-animate-active super super-add super-add-active" |
- * | 7. $animate waits for X milliseconds for the animation to complete | class="my-animation super-add super-add-active" |
- * | 8. The animation ends and all generated CSS classes are removed from the element | class="my-animation super" |
- * | 9. The super class is kept on the element | class="my-animation super" |
- * | 10. The doneCallback() callback is fired (if provided) | class="my-animation super" |
- *
- * @param {jQuery/jqLite element} element the element that will be animated
- * @param {string} className the CSS class that will be added to the element and then animated
- * @param {function()=} doneCallback the callback function that will be called once the animation is complete
- */
- addClass : function(element, className, doneCallback) {
- performAnimation('addClass', className, element, null, null, function() {
- $delegate.addClass(element, className);
- }, doneCallback);
- },
- /**
- * @ngdoc function
- * @name ngAnimate.$animate#removeClass
- * @methodOf ngAnimate.$animate
- *
- * @description
- * Triggers a custom animation event based off the className variable and then removes the CSS class provided by the className value
- * from the element. Unlike the other animation methods, the animate service will suffix the className value with {@type -remove} in
- * order to provide the animate service the setup and active CSS classes in order to trigger the animation (this will be skipped if
- * no CSS transitions or keyframes are defined on the -remove or base CSS classes).
- *
- * Below is a breakdown of each step that occurs during removeClass animation:
- *
- * | Animation Step | What the element class attribute looks like |
- * |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------|
- * | 1. $animate.removeClass(element, 'super') is called | class="my-animation super" |
- * | 2. $animate runs any JavaScript-defined animations on the element | class="my-animation super ng-animate" |
- * | 3. the .super-remove class are added to the element | class="my-animation super ng-animate super-remove"|
- * | 4. $animate scans the element styles to get the CSS transition/animation duration and delay | class="my-animation super ng-animate super-remove" |
- * | 5. $animate waits for 10ms (this performs a reflow) | class="my-animation super ng-animate super-remove" |
- * | 6. the .super-remove-active and .ng-animate-active classes are added and .super is removed (this triggers the CSS transition/animation) | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-animate-active super-remove super-remove-active" |
- * | 7. $animate waits for X milliseconds for the animation to complete | class="my-animation ng-animate ng-animate-active super-remove super-remove-active" |
- * | 8. The animation ends and all generated CSS classes are removed from the element | class="my-animation" |
- * | 9. The doneCallback() callback is fired (if provided) | class="my-animation" |
- *
- *
- * @param {jQuery/jqLite element} element the element that will be animated
- * @param {string} className the CSS class that will be animated and then removed from the element
- * @param {function()=} doneCallback the callback function that will be called once the animation is complete
- */
- removeClass : function(element, className, doneCallback) {
- performAnimation('removeClass', className, element, null, null, function() {
- $delegate.removeClass(element, className);
- }, doneCallback);
- },
- /**
- * @ngdoc function
- * @name ngAnimate.$animate#enabled
- * @methodOf ngAnimate.$animate
- * @function
- *
- * @param {boolean=} value If provided then set the animation on or off.
- * @return {boolean} Current animation state.
- *
- * @description
- * Globally enables/disables animations.
- *
- */
- enabled : function(value, element) {
- switch(arguments.length) {
- case 2:
- if(value) {
- cleanup(element);
- } else {
- var data = || {};
- data.disabled = true;
-, data);
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- rootAnimateState.disabled = !value;
- break;
- default:
- value = !rootAnimateState.disabled;
- break;
- }
- return !!value;
- }
- };
- /*
- all animations call this shared animation triggering function internally.
- The animationEvent variable refers to the JavaScript animation event that will be triggered
- and the className value is the name of the animation that will be applied within the
- CSS code. Element, parentElement and afterElement are provided DOM elements for the animation
- and the onComplete callback will be fired once the animation is fully complete.
- */
- function performAnimation(animationEvent, className, element, parentElement, afterElement, domOperation, doneCallback) {
- var classes = (element.attr('class') || '') + ' ' + className;
- var animationLookup = (' ' + classes).replace(/\s+/g,'.');
- if (!parentElement) {
- parentElement = afterElement ? afterElement.parent() : element.parent();
- }
- var matches = lookup(animationLookup);
- var isClassBased = animationEvent == 'addClass' || animationEvent == 'removeClass';
- var ngAnimateState = || {};
- //skip the animation if animations are disabled, a parent is already being animated,
- //the element is not currently attached to the document body or then completely close
- //the animation if any matching animations are not found at all.
- //NOTE: IE8 + IE9 should close properly (run closeAnimation()) in case a NO animation is not found.
- if (animationsDisabled(element, parentElement) || matches.length === 0) {
- domOperation();
- closeAnimation();
- return;
- }
- var animations = [];
- //only add animations if the currently running animation is not structural
- //or if there is no animation running at all
- if(!ngAnimateState.running || !(isClassBased && ngAnimateState.structural)) {
- forEach(matches, function(animation) {
- //add the animation to the queue to if it is allowed to be cancelled
- if(!animation.allowCancel || animation.allowCancel(element, animationEvent, className)) {
- var beforeFn, afterFn = animation[animationEvent];
- //Special case for a leave animation since there is no point in performing an
- //animation on a element node that has already been removed from the DOM
- if(animationEvent == 'leave') {
- beforeFn = afterFn;
- afterFn = null; //this must be falsy so that the animation is skipped for leave
- } else {
- beforeFn = animation['before' + animationEvent.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + animationEvent.substr(1)];
- }
- animations.push({
- before : beforeFn,
- after : afterFn
- });
- }
- });
- }
- //this would mean that an animation was not allowed so let the existing
- //animation do it's thing and close this one early
- if(animations.length === 0) {
- domOperation();
- fireDoneCallbackAsync();
- return;
- }
- if(ngAnimateState.running) {
- //if an animation is currently running on the element then lets take the steps
- //to cancel that animation and fire any required callbacks
- $timeout.cancel(ngAnimateState.closeAnimationTimeout);
- cleanup(element);
- cancelAnimations(ngAnimateState.animations);
- (ngAnimateState.done || noop)(true);
- }
- //There is no point in perform a class-based animation if the element already contains
- //(on addClass) or doesn't contain (on removeClass) the className being animated.
- //The reason why this is being called after the previous animations are cancelled
- //is so that the CSS classes present on the element can be properly examined.
- if((animationEvent == 'addClass' && element.hasClass(className)) ||
- (animationEvent == 'removeClass' && !element.hasClass(className))) {
- domOperation();
- fireDoneCallbackAsync();
- return;
- }
- //the ng-animate class does nothing, but it's here to allow for
- //parent animations to find and cancel child animations when needed
- element.addClass(NG_ANIMATE_CLASS_NAME);
-, {
- running:true,
- structural:!isClassBased,
- animations:animations,
- done:onBeforeAnimationsComplete
- });
- //first we run the before animations and when all of those are complete
- //then we perform the DOM operation and run the next set of animations
- invokeRegisteredAnimationFns(animations, 'before', onBeforeAnimationsComplete);
- function onBeforeAnimationsComplete(cancelled) {
- domOperation();
- if(cancelled === true) {
- closeAnimation();
- return;
- }
- //set the done function to the final done function
- //so that the DOM event won't be executed twice by accident
- //if the after animation is cancelled as well
- var data =;
- if(data) {
- data.done = closeAnimation;
-, data);
- }
- invokeRegisteredAnimationFns(animations, 'after', closeAnimation);
- }
- function invokeRegisteredAnimationFns(animations, phase, allAnimationFnsComplete) {
- var endFnName = phase + 'End';
- forEach(animations, function(animation, index) {
- var animationPhaseCompleted = function() {
- progress(index, phase);
- };
- //there are no before functions for enter + move since the DOM
- //operations happen before the performAnimation method fires
- if(phase == 'before' && (animationEvent == 'enter' || animationEvent == 'move')) {
- animationPhaseCompleted();
- return;
- }
- if(animation[phase]) {
- animation[endFnName] = isClassBased ?
- animation[phase](element, className, animationPhaseCompleted) :
- animation[phase](element, animationPhaseCompleted);
- } else {
- animationPhaseCompleted();
- }
- });
- function progress(index, phase) {
- var phaseCompletionFlag = phase + 'Complete';
- var currentAnimation = animations[index];
- currentAnimation[phaseCompletionFlag] = true;
- (currentAnimation[endFnName] || noop)();
- for(var i=0;i<animations.length;i++) {
- if(!animations[i][phaseCompletionFlag]) return;
- }
- allAnimationFnsComplete();
- }
- }
- function fireDoneCallbackAsync() {
- doneCallback && $timeout(doneCallback, 0, false);
- }
- function closeAnimation() {
- if(!closeAnimation.hasBeenRun) {
- closeAnimation.hasBeenRun = true;
- var data =;
- if(data) {
- /* only structural animations wait for reflow before removing an
- animation, but class-based animations don't. An example of this
- failing would be when a parent HTML tag has a ng-class attribute
- causing ALL directives below to skip animations during the digest */
- if(isClassBased) {
- cleanup(element);
- } else {
- data.closeAnimationTimeout = $timeout(function() {
- cleanup(element);
- }, 0, false);
-, data);
- }
- }
- fireDoneCallbackAsync();
- }
- }
- }
- function cancelChildAnimations(element) {
- var node = element[0];
- if(node.nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
- return;
- }
- forEach(node.querySelectorAll('.' + NG_ANIMATE_CLASS_NAME), function(element) {
- element = angular.element(element);
- var data =;
- if(data) {
- cancelAnimations(data.animations);
- cleanup(element);
- }
- });
- }
- function cancelAnimations(animations) {
- var isCancelledFlag = true;
- forEach(animations, function(animation) {
- if(!animations['beforeComplete']) {
- (animation.beforeEnd || noop)(isCancelledFlag);
- }
- if(!animations['afterComplete']) {
- (animation.afterEnd || noop)(isCancelledFlag);
- }
- });
- }
- function cleanup(element) {
- if(element[0] == $rootElement[0]) {
- if(!rootAnimateState.disabled) {
- rootAnimateState.running = false;
- rootAnimateState.structural = false;
- }
- } else {
- element.removeClass(NG_ANIMATE_CLASS_NAME);
- element.removeData(NG_ANIMATE_STATE);
- }
- }
- function animationsDisabled(element, parentElement) {
- if (rootAnimateState.disabled) return true;
- if(element[0] == $rootElement[0]) {
- return rootAnimateState.disabled || rootAnimateState.running;
- }
- do {
- //the element did not reach the root element which means that it
- //is not apart of the DOM. Therefore there is no reason to do
- //any animations on it
- if(parentElement.length === 0) break;
- var isRoot = parentElement[0] == $rootElement[0];
- var state = isRoot ? rootAnimateState :;
- var result = state && (!!state.disabled || !!state.running);
- if(isRoot || result) {
- return result;
- }
- if(isRoot) return true;
- }
- while(parentElement = parentElement.parent());
- return true;
- }
- }]);
- $animateProvider.register('', ['$window', '$sniffer', '$timeout', function($window, $sniffer, $timeout) {
- // Detect proper transitionend/animationend event names.
- // If unprefixed events are not supported but webkit-prefixed are, use the latter.
- // Otherwise, just use W3C names, browsers not supporting them at all will just ignore them.
- // Note: Chrome implements `window.onwebkitanimationend` and doesn't implement `window.onanimationend`
- // but at the same time dispatches the `animationend` event and not `webkitAnimationEnd`.
- // Register both events in case `window.onanimationend` is not supported because of that,
- // do the same for `transitionend` as Safari is likely to exhibit similar behavior.
- // Also, the only modern browser that uses vendor prefixes for transitions/keyframes is webkit
- // therefore there is no reason to test anymore for other vendor prefixes:
- if (window.ontransitionend === undefined && window.onwebkittransitionend !== undefined) {
- CSS_PREFIX = '-webkit-';
- TRANSITION_PROP = 'WebkitTransition';
- TRANSITIONEND_EVENT = 'webkitTransitionEnd transitionend';
- } else {
- TRANSITION_PROP = 'transition';
- TRANSITIONEND_EVENT = 'transitionend';
- }
- if (window.onanimationend === undefined && window.onwebkitanimationend !== undefined) {
- CSS_PREFIX = '-webkit-';
- ANIMATION_PROP = 'WebkitAnimation';
- ANIMATIONEND_EVENT = 'webkitAnimationEnd animationend';
- } else {
- ANIMATION_PROP = 'animation';
- ANIMATIONEND_EVENT = 'animationend';
- }
- var DURATION_KEY = 'Duration';
- var PROPERTY_KEY = 'Property';
- var DELAY_KEY = 'Delay';
- var NG_ANIMATE_PARENT_KEY = '$$ngAnimateKey';
- var NG_ANIMATE_CSS_DATA_KEY = '$$ngAnimateCSS3Data';
- var NG_ANIMATE_FALLBACK_CLASS_NAME = 'ng-animate-start';
- var NG_ANIMATE_FALLBACK_ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME = 'ng-animate-active';
- var lookupCache = {};
- var parentCounter = 0;
- var animationReflowQueue = [], animationTimer, timeOut = false;
- function afterReflow(callback) {
- animationReflowQueue.push(callback);
- $timeout.cancel(animationTimer);
- animationTimer = $timeout(function() {
- forEach(animationReflowQueue, function(fn) {
- fn();
- });
- animationReflowQueue = [];
- animationTimer = null;
- lookupCache = {};
- }, 10, false);
- }
- function applyStyle(node, style) {
- var oldStyle = node.getAttribute('style') || '';
- var newStyle = (oldStyle.length > 0 ? '; ' : '') + style;
- node.setAttribute('style', newStyle);
- return oldStyle;
- }
- function getElementAnimationDetails(element, cacheKey) {
- var data = cacheKey ? lookupCache[cacheKey] : null;
- if(!data) {
- var transitionDuration = 0;
- var transitionDelay = 0;
- var animationDuration = 0;
- var animationDelay = 0;
- var transitionDelayStyle;
- var animationDelayStyle;
- var transitionDurationStyle;
- var transitionPropertyStyle;
- //we want all the styles defined before and after
- forEach(element, function(element) {
- if (element.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
- var elementStyles = $window.getComputedStyle(element) || {};
- transitionDurationStyle = elementStyles[TRANSITION_PROP + DURATION_KEY];
- transitionDuration = Math.max(parseMaxTime(transitionDurationStyle), transitionDuration);
- transitionPropertyStyle = elementStyles[TRANSITION_PROP + PROPERTY_KEY];
- transitionDelayStyle = elementStyles[TRANSITION_PROP + DELAY_KEY];
- transitionDelay = Math.max(parseMaxTime(transitionDelayStyle), transitionDelay);
- animationDelayStyle = elementStyles[ANIMATION_PROP + DELAY_KEY];
- animationDelay = Math.max(parseMaxTime(animationDelayStyle), animationDelay);
- var aDuration = parseMaxTime(elementStyles[ANIMATION_PROP + DURATION_KEY]);
- if(aDuration > 0) {
- aDuration *= parseInt(elementStyles[ANIMATION_PROP + ANIMATION_ITERATION_COUNT_KEY], 10) || 1;
- }
- animationDuration = Math.max(aDuration, animationDuration);
- }
- });
- data = {
- total : 0,
- transitionPropertyStyle: transitionPropertyStyle,
- transitionDurationStyle: transitionDurationStyle,
- transitionDelayStyle: transitionDelayStyle,
- transitionDelay: transitionDelay,
- transitionDuration: transitionDuration,
- animationDelayStyle: animationDelayStyle,
- animationDelay: animationDelay,
- animationDuration: animationDuration
- };
- if(cacheKey) {
- lookupCache[cacheKey] = data;
- }
- }
- return data;
- }
- function parseMaxTime(str) {
- var maxValue = 0;
- var values = angular.isString(str) ?
- str.split(/\s*,\s*/) :
- [];
- forEach(values, function(value) {
- maxValue = Math.max(parseFloat(value) || 0, maxValue);
- });
- return maxValue;
- }
- function getCacheKey(element) {
- var parentElement = element.parent();
- var parentID =;
- if(!parentID) {
-, ++parentCounter);
- parentID = parentCounter;
- }
- return parentID + '-' + element[0].className;
- }
- function animateSetup(element, className) {
- var cacheKey = getCacheKey(element);
- var eventCacheKey = cacheKey + ' ' + className;
- var stagger = {};
- var ii = lookupCache[eventCacheKey] ? ++lookupCache[eventCacheKey].total : 0;
- if(ii > 0) {
- var staggerClassName = className + '-stagger';
- var staggerCacheKey = cacheKey + ' ' + staggerClassName;
- var applyClasses = !lookupCache[staggerCacheKey];
- applyClasses && element.addClass(staggerClassName);
- stagger = getElementAnimationDetails(element, staggerCacheKey);
- applyClasses && element.removeClass(staggerClassName);
- }
- element.addClass(className);
- var timings = getElementAnimationDetails(element, eventCacheKey);
- /* there is no point in performing a reflow if the animation
- timeout is empty (this would cause a flicker bug normally
- in the page. There is also no point in performing an animation
- that only has a delay and no duration */
- var maxDuration = Math.max(timings.transitionDuration, timings.animationDuration);
- if(maxDuration === 0) {
- element.removeClass(className);
- return false;
- }
- var node = element[0];
- //temporarily disable the transition so that the enter styles
- //don't animate twice (this is here to avoid a bug in Chrome/FF).
- var activeClassName = '';
- if(timings.transitionDuration > 0) {
- }
- forEach(className.split(' '), function(klass, i) {
- activeClassName += (i > 0 ? ' ' : '') + klass + '-active';
- });
-, {
- className : className,
- activeClassName : activeClassName,
- maxDuration : maxDuration,
- classes : className + ' ' + activeClassName,
- timings : timings,
- stagger : stagger,
- ii : ii
- });
- return true;
- }
- function animateRun(element, className, activeAnimationComplete) {
- var data =;
- if(!element.hasClass(className) || !data) {
- activeAnimationComplete();
- return;
- }
- var node = element[0];
- var timings = data.timings;
- var stagger = data.stagger;
- var maxDuration = data.maxDuration;
- var activeClassName = data.activeClassName;
- var maxDelayTime = Math.max(timings.transitionDelay, timings.animationDelay) * 1000;
- var startTime =;
- var css3AnimationEvents = ANIMATIONEND_EVENT + ' ' + TRANSITIONEND_EVENT;
- var formerStyle;
- var ii = data.ii;
- var applyFallbackStyle, style = '';
- if(timings.transitionDuration > 0) {
- var propertyStyle = timings.transitionPropertyStyle;
- if(propertyStyle.indexOf('all') == -1) {
- applyFallbackStyle = true;
- var fallbackProperty = $sniffer.msie ? '-ms-zoom' : 'clip';
- style += CSS_PREFIX + 'transition-property: ' + propertyStyle + ', ' + fallbackProperty + '; ';
- style += CSS_PREFIX + 'transition-duration: ' + timings.transitionDurationStyle + ', ' + timings.transitionDuration + 's; ';
- }
- }
- if(ii > 0) {
- if(stagger.transitionDelay > 0 && stagger.transitionDuration === 0) {
- var delayStyle = timings.transitionDelayStyle;
- if(applyFallbackStyle) {
- delayStyle += ', ' + timings.transitionDelay + 's';
- }
- style += CSS_PREFIX + 'transition-delay: ' +
- prepareStaggerDelay(delayStyle, stagger.transitionDelay, ii) + '; ';
- }
- if(stagger.animationDelay > 0 && stagger.animationDuration === 0) {
- style += CSS_PREFIX + 'animation-delay: ' +
- prepareStaggerDelay(timings.animationDelayStyle, stagger.animationDelay, ii) + '; ';
- }
- }
- if(style.length > 0) {
- formerStyle = applyStyle(node, style);
- }
- element.on(css3AnimationEvents, onAnimationProgress);
- element.addClass(activeClassName);
- // This will automatically be called by $animate so
- // there is no need to attach this internally to the
- // timeout done method.
- return function onEnd(cancelled) {
-, onAnimationProgress);
- element.removeClass(activeClassName);
- animateClose(element, className);
- if(formerStyle != null) {
- formerStyle.length > 0 ?
- node.setAttribute('style', formerStyle) :
- node.removeAttribute('style');
- }
- };
- function onAnimationProgress(event) {
- event.stopPropagation();
- var ev = event.originalEvent || event;
- var timeStamp = ev.$manualTimeStamp || ev.timeStamp ||;
- /* $manualTimeStamp is a mocked timeStamp value which is set
- * within browserTrigger(). This is only here so that tests can
- * mock animations properly. Real events fallback to event.timeStamp,
- * or, if they don't, then a timeStamp is automatically created for them.
- * We're checking to see if the timeStamp surpasses the expected delay,
- * but we're using elapsedTime instead of the timeStamp on the 2nd
- * pre-condition since animations sometimes close off early */
- if(Math.max(timeStamp - startTime, 0) >= maxDelayTime && ev.elapsedTime >= maxDuration) {
- activeAnimationComplete();
- }
- }
- }
- function prepareStaggerDelay(delayStyle, staggerDelay, index) {
- var style = '';
- forEach(delayStyle.split(','), function(val, i) {
- style += (i > 0 ? ',' : '') +
- (index * staggerDelay + parseInt(val, 10)) + 's';
- });
- return style;
- }
- function animateBefore(element, className) {
- if(animateSetup(element, className)) {
- return function(cancelled) {
- cancelled && animateClose(element, className);
- };
- }
- }
- function animateAfter(element, className, afterAnimationComplete) {
- if( {
- return animateRun(element, className, afterAnimationComplete);
- } else {
- animateClose(element, className);
- afterAnimationComplete();
- }
- }
- function animate(element, className, animationComplete) {
- //If the animateSetup function doesn't bother returning a
- //cancellation function then it means that there is no animation
- //to perform at all
- var preReflowCancellation = animateBefore(element, className);
- if(!preReflowCancellation) {
- animationComplete();
- return;
- }
- //There are two cancellation functions: one is before the first
- //reflow animation and the second is during the active state
- //animation. The first function will take care of removing the
- //data from the element which will not make the 2nd animation
- //happen in the first place
- var cancel = preReflowCancellation;
- afterReflow(function() {
- //once the reflow is complete then we point cancel to
- //the new cancellation function which will remove all of the
- //animation properties from the active animation
- cancel = animateAfter(element, className, animationComplete);
- });
- return function(cancelled) {
- (cancel || noop)(cancelled);
- };
- }
- function animateClose(element, className) {
- element.removeClass(className);
- element.removeClass(NG_ANIMATE_FALLBACK_CLASS_NAME);
- element.removeData(NG_ANIMATE_CSS_DATA_KEY);
- }
- return {
- allowCancel : function(element, animationEvent, className) {
- //always cancel the current animation if it is a
- //structural animation
- var oldClasses = ( || {}).classes;
- if(!oldClasses || ['enter','leave','move'].indexOf(animationEvent) >= 0) {
- return true;
- }
- var parentElement = element.parent();
- var clone = angular.element(element[0].cloneNode());
- //make the element super hidden and override any CSS style values
- clone.attr('style','position:absolute; top:-9999px; left:-9999px');
- clone.removeAttr('id');
- clone.html('');
- forEach(oldClasses.split(' '), function(klass) {
- clone.removeClass(klass);
- });
- var suffix = animationEvent == 'addClass' ? '-add' : '-remove';
- clone.addClass(suffixClasses(className, suffix));
- parentElement.append(clone);
- var timings = getElementAnimationDetails(clone);
- clone.remove();
- return Math.max(timings.transitionDuration, timings.animationDuration) > 0;
- },
- enter : function(element, animationCompleted) {
- return animate(element, 'ng-enter', animationCompleted);
- },
- leave : function(element, animationCompleted) {
- return animate(element, 'ng-leave', animationCompleted);
- },
- move : function(element, animationCompleted) {
- return animate(element, 'ng-move', animationCompleted);
- },
- beforeAddClass : function(element, className, animationCompleted) {
- var cancellationMethod = animateBefore(element, suffixClasses(className, '-add'));
- if(cancellationMethod) {
- afterReflow(animationCompleted);
- return cancellationMethod;
- }
- animationCompleted();
- },
- addClass : function(element, className, animationCompleted) {
- return animateAfter(element, suffixClasses(className, '-add'), animationCompleted);
- },
- beforeRemoveClass : function(element, className, animationCompleted) {
- var cancellationMethod = animateBefore(element, suffixClasses(className, '-remove'));
- if(cancellationMethod) {
- afterReflow(animationCompleted);
- return cancellationMethod;
- }
- animationCompleted();
- },
- removeClass : function(element, className, animationCompleted) {
- return animateAfter(element, suffixClasses(className, '-remove'), animationCompleted);
- }
- };
- function suffixClasses(classes, suffix) {
- var className = '';
- classes = angular.isArray(classes) ? classes : classes.split(/\s+/);
- forEach(classes, function(klass, i) {
- if(klass && klass.length > 0) {
- className += (i > 0 ? ' ' : '') + klass + suffix;
- }
- });
- return className;
- }
- }]);
- }]);
-})(window, window.angular);