path: root/docs/tutorials/005
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/tutorials/005')
17 files changed, 0 insertions, 2197 deletions
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/005/005.dsp b/docs/tutorials/005/005.dsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 024b1aef6b7..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/005/005.dsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="005" - Package Owner=<4>
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
-# ** DO NOT EDIT **
-# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103
-CFG=005 - Win32 Debug
-!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
-!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "005.mak".
-!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
-!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "005.mak" CFG="005 - Win32 Debug"
-!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
-!MESSAGE "005 - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application")
-!MESSAGE "005 - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application")
-# Begin Project
-# PROP Scc_ProjName ""
-# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "005 - Win32 Release"
-# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
-# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"
-# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"
-# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
-# PROP Use_MFC 0
-# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
-# PROP Output_Dir "Release"
-# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release"
-# PROP Target_Dir ""
-# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c
-# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\..\.." /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c
-# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
-# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
-# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386
-# ADD LINK32 ace.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 /libpath:"..\..\..\ace"
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "005 - Win32 Debug"
-# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
-# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
-# PROP Use_MFC 0
-# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
-# PROP Output_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
-# PROP Target_Dir ""
-# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c
-# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /GX /Od /I "..\..\.." /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /YX /FD /c
-# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
-# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
-# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
-# ADD LINK32 aced.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /out:"client.exe" /pdbtype:sept /libpath:"..\..\..\ace"
-# Begin Target
-# Name "005 - Win32 Release"
-# Name "005 - Win32 Debug"
-# Begin Group "Source Files"
-# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# End Group
-# Begin Group "Header Files"
-# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl"
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# End Group
-# Begin Group "Resource Files"
-# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe"
-# End Group
-# End Target
-# End Project
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/005/00SetEnv b/docs/tutorials/005/00SetEnv
deleted file mode 100644
index eca78e10c85..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/005/00SetEnv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-export ACE_ROOT=/local/src/ACE/ACE_wrappers
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/005/Makefile b/docs/tutorials/005/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index d8f01d76929..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/005/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Local macros
-# You can generally find a Makefile in the ACE examples, tests or the library
-# itself that will satisfy our application needs. This one was taken from
-# one of the examples.
- # Define the name of the binary we want to create. There has to be
- # a CPP file $(BIN).cpp but it doesn't necessarily have to have your
- # main() in it. Most of the time, though, it will.
-BIN = server
- # Few applications will have a single source file. We use the FILES
- # macro to build up a list of additional files to compile. Notice
- # that we leave off the extension just as with BIN
-FILES += client_handler
- # The BUILD macro is used by the ACE makefiles. Basically, it tells
- # the system what to build. I don't really know what VBIN is other
- # than it is constructed from the value of BIN. Just go with it...
- # Here we use some GNU make extensions to build the SRC macro. Basically,
- # we're just adding .cpp to the value of BIN and for each entry of the
- # FILES macro.
-SRC = $(addsuffix .cpp,$(BIN)) $(addsuffix .cpp,$(FILES))
- # This is used by my Indent target below. It's not a part of standard
- # ACE and you don't need it yourself.
-HDR = *.h
-# Include macros and targets
- # This is where the real power lies! These included makefile components
- # are similar to the C++ templates in ACE. That is, they do a tremendous
- # amount of work for you and all you have to do is include them.
- # As a matter of fact, in our project, I created a single file named
- # "" that includes all of these. Our project makefiles then just
- # need to include to get everything they need.
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/wrapper_macros.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/macros.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.common.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.nonested.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.bin.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.local.GNU
-# Local targets
- # Sometimes I like to reformat my code to make it more readable. This is
- # more useful for the comments than anything else. Unfortunately, the
- # "indent" program doesn't quite grok C++ so I have to post-process it's
- # output just a bit.
-Indent : #
- for i in $(SRC) $(HDR) ; do \
- indent -npsl -l80 -fca -fc1 -cli0 -cdb < $$i | \
- sed -e 's/: :/::/g' \
- -e 's/^.*\(public:\)/\1/' \
- -e 's/^.*\(protected:\)/\1/' \
- -e 's/^.*\(private:\)/\1/' \
- -e 's/:\(public\)/ : \1/' \
- -e 's/:\(protected\)/ : \1/' \
- -e 's/:\(private\)/ : \1/' \
- > $$i~ ;\
- mv $$i~ $$i ;\
- done
- # One of the targets in the ACE makefiles is "depend". It will invoke
- # your compiler in a way that will generate a list of dependencies for
- # you. This is a great thing! Unfortunately, it puts all of that mess
- # directly into the Makefile. I prefer my Makefile to stay clean and
- # uncluttered. The perl script referenced here pulls the dependency
- # stuff back out of the Makefile and into a file ".depend" which we then
- # include just like the makefile components above.
- #
- # NOTE: The 'depend' target expects to have GCC available.
- # You can do the same thing with other compilers but the ACE
- # makefiles and utilities are only wired up to work with GCC.
-Depend : depend
- perl ../fix.Makefile
-.depend : #
- touch .depend
-HTML : #
- [ -f hdr ] || $(MAKE) UNSHAR
- perl ../combine *.pre ; chmod +r *.html
-SHAR : #
- [ ! -f combine.shar ] || exit 1
- shar -T hdr bodies *.pre > combine.shar && $(RM) hdr bodies *.pre *.pst
- sh combine.shar
-CLEAN : realclean
- $(RM) hdr bodies *.pre *.pst .depend
-# Dependencies
- # Don't put anything below here. Between the "depend" target and fix.Makefile
- # it's guaranteed to be lost!
- # This is inserted by the fix.Makefile script
-include .depend
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/005/client_acceptor.h b/docs/tutorials/005/client_acceptor.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 44db0e9984b..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/005/client_acceptor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-/* The ACE_Acceptor<> template lives in the ace/Acceptor.h header
- file. You'll find a very consitent naming convention between the
- ACE objects and the headers where they can be found. In general,
- the ACE object ACE_Foobar will be found in ace/Foobar.h. */
-#include "ace/Acceptor.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-/* Since we want to work with sockets, we'll need a SOCK_Acceptor to
- allow the clients to connect to us. */
-#include "ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h"
-/* The Client_Handler object we develop will be used to handle clients
- once they're connected. The ACE_Acceptor<> template's first
- parameter requires such an object. In some cases, you can get by
- with just a forward declaration on the class, in others you have to
- have the whole thing. */
-#include "client_handler.h"
-/* Parameterize the ACE_Acceptor<> such that it will listen for socket
- connection attempts and create Client_Handler objects when they
- happen. In Tutorial 001, we wrote the basic acceptor logic on our
- own before we realized that ACE_Acceptor<> was available. You'll
- get spoiled using the ACE templates because they take away a lot of
- the tedious details! */
-typedef ACE_Acceptor <Client_Handler, ACE_SOCK_ACCEPTOR> Client_Acceptor;
-#endif /* CLIENT_ACCEPTOR_H */
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/005/client_handler.cpp b/docs/tutorials/005/client_handler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8466992b6a0..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/005/client_handler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-/* In client_handler.h I alluded to the fact that we'll mess around
- with a Client_Acceptor pointer. To do so, we need the
- Client_Acceptor object declaration.
- We know that including client_handler.h is redundant because
- client_acceptor.h includes it. Still, the sentry prevents
- double-inclusion from causing problems and it's sometimes good to
- be explicit about what we're using.
- On the other hand, we don't directly include any ACE header files
- here. */
-#include "client_acceptor.h"
-#include "client_handler.h"
-/* Our constructor doesn't do anything. That's generally a good idea.
- Unless you want to start throwing exceptions, there isn't a really
- good way to indicate that a constructor has failed. If I had my
- way, I'd have a boolean return code from it that would cause new to
- return 0 if I failed. Oh well... */
-Client_Handler::Client_Handler (void)
-/* Our destructor doesn't do anything either. That is also by design.
- Remember, we really want folks to use destroy() to get rid of us.
- If that's so, then there's nothing left to do when the destructor
- gets invoked. */
-Client_Handler::~Client_Handler (void)
- // Make sure that our peer closes when we're deleted. This
- // will probably happened when the peer is deleted but it
- // doesn't hurt to be explicit.
- this->peer ().close ();
-/* The much talked about destroy() method! The reason I keep going on
- about this is because it's just a Bad Idea (TM) to do real work
- inside of a destructor. Although this method is void, it really
- should return int so that it can tell the caller there was a
- problem. Even as void you could at least throw an exception which
- you would never want to do in a destructor. */
-Client_Handler::destroy (void)
- /* Tell the reactor to forget all about us. Notice that we use the
- same args here that we use in the open() method to register
- ourselves. In addition, we use the DONT_CALL flag to prevent
- handle_close() being called. Since we likely got here due to
- handle_close(), that could cause a bit of nasty recursion! */
- this->reactor ()->remove_handler (this,
- ACE_Event_Handler:: READ_MASK | ACE_Event_Handler::DONT_CALL);
- /* This is how we're able to tell folks not to use delete. By
- deleting our own instance, we take care of memory leaks after
- ensuring that the object is shut down correctly. */
- delete this;
-/* As mentioned before, the open() method is called by the
- Client_Acceptor when a new client connection has been accepted.
- The Client_Acceptor instance pointer is cast to a void* and given
- to us here. We'll use that to avoid some global data... */
-Client_Handler::open (void *_acceptor)
- /* Convert the void* to a Client_Acceptor*. You should probably use
- those fancy ACE_*_cast macros but I can never remember how/when
- to do so. Since you can cast just about anything around a void*
- without compiler warnings be very sure of what you're doing when
- you do this kind of thing. That's where the new-style cast
- operators can save you. */
- Client_Acceptor *acceptor = (Client_Acceptor *) _acceptor;
- /* Our reactor reference will be set when we register ourselves but
- I decided to go ahead and set it here. No good reason really... */
- this->reactor (acceptor->reactor ());
- /* We need this to store the address of the client that we are now
- connected to. We'll use it later to display a debug message. */
- ACE_INET_Addr addr;
- /* Our ACE_Svc_Handler baseclass gives us the peer() method as a way
- to access our underlying ACE_SOCK_Stream. On that object, we can
- invoke the get_remote_addr() method to get an ACE_INET_Addr
- having our client's address information. As with most ACE
- methods, we'll get back (and return) a -1 if there was any kind
- of error. Once we have the ACE_INET_Addr, we can query it to
- find out the clien's host name, TCP/IP address, TCP/IP port value
- and so forth. One word of warning: the get_host_name() method of
- ACE_INET_Addr may return you an empty string if your name server
- can't resolve it. On the other hand, get_host_addr() will always
- give you the dotted-decimal string representing the TCP/IP
- address. */
- if (this->peer ().get_remote_addr (addr) == -1)
- return -1;
- /* If we managed to get the client's address then we're connected to
- a real and valid client. I suppose that in some cases, the
- client may connect and disconnect so quickly that it is invalid
- by the time we get here. In any case, the test above should
- always be done to ensure that the connection is worth keeping.
- Now, register ourselves with a reactor and tell that reactor that
- we want to be notified when there is something to read.
- Remember, we took our reactor value from the acceptor which
- created us in the first place. Since we're exploring a
- single-threaded implementation, this is the correct thing to do. */
- if (this->reactor ()->register_handler (this,
- ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK) == -1)
- "(%P|%t) can't register with reactor\n"),
- -1);
- /* Here, we use the ACE_INET_Addr object to print a message with the
- name of the client we're connected to. Again, it is possible
- that you'll get an empty string for the host name if your DNS
- isn't configured correctly or if there is some other reason that
- a TCP/IP addreess cannot be converted into a host name. */
- "(%P|%t) connected with %s\n",
- addr.get_host_name ()));
- /* Always return zero on success. */
- return 0;
-/* In the open() method, we registered with the reactor and requested
- to be notified when there is data to be read. When the reactor
- sees that activity it will invoke this handle_input() method on us.
- As I mentioned, the _handle parameter isn't useful to us but it
- narrows the list of methods the reactor has to worry about and the
- list of possible virtual functions we would have to override. */
-Client_Handler::handle_input (ACE_HANDLE handle)
- /* Some compilers don't like it when you fail to use a parameter.
- This macro will keep 'em quiet for you. */
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (handle);
- /* Now, we create and initialize a buffer for receiving the data.
- Since this is just a simple test app, we'll use a small buffer
- size. */
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- /* Invoke the process() method with a pointer to our data area.
- We'll let that method worry about interfacing with the data. You
- might choose to go ahead and read the data and then pass the
- result to process(). However, application logic may require that
- you read a few bytes to determine what else to read... It's best
- if we push that all into the application-logic level. */
- return this->process (buf, sizeof (buf));
-/* If we return -1 out of handle_input() or if the reactor sees other
- problems with us then handle_close() will be called. The reactor
- framework will take care of removing us (due to the -1), so we
- don't need to use the destroy() method. Instead, we just delete
- ourselves directly. */
-Client_Handler::handle_close (ACE_HANDLE handle,
- ACE_Reactor_Mask mask)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (handle);
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (mask);
- delete this;
- return 0;
-/* And, at last, we get to the application-logic level. Out of
- everything we've done so far, this is the only thing that really
- has anything to do with what your application will do. In this
- method we will read and process the client's data. In a real
- appliation, you will probably have a bit more in main() to deal
- with command line options but after that point, all of the action
- takes place here. */
-Client_Handler::process (char *rdbuf,
- int rdbuf_len)
- /* Using the buffer provided for us, we read the data from the
- client. If there is a read error (eg -- recv() returns -1) then
- it's a pretty good bet that the connection is gone. Likewise, if
- we read zero bytes then something wrong has happened. The
- reactor wouldn't have called us if there wasn't some kind of read
- activity but there wouldn't be activity if there were no bytes to
- read...
- On the other hand, if we got some data then we can display it in
- a debug message for everyone to see. */
- switch (this->peer ().recv (rdbuf, rdbuf_len))
- {
- case -1: // Complain and leave
- "(%P|%t) %p bad read\n",
- "client"),
- -1);
- case 0: // Complain and leave
- "(%P|%t) closing daemon (fd = %d)\n",
- this->get_handle ()),
- -1);
- default: // Show the data
- "(%P|%t) from client: %s",
- rdbuf));
- }
- /* It's also worth mentioning that recv() has a cousin: recv_n().
- recv_n() will receive exactly the number of bytes you provide it.
- This is very good when you know exactly how much you expect to
- receive. For the application here, unfortunately, we don't have
- any idea how much the client will be sending. recv() will read
- up-to-but-not-more-than the number of bytes we specify (e.g. --
- _rdbuf_len). That works well when we don't know how much the
- client will provide. */
- return 0;
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/005/client_handler.h b/docs/tutorials/005/client_handler.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a579110a6b..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/005/client_handler.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-/* Our client handler must exist somewhere in the ACE_Event_Handler
- object hierarchy. This is a requirement of the ACE_Reactor because
- it maintains ACE_Event_Handler pointers for each registered event
- handler. You could derive our Client_Handler directly from
- ACE_Event_Handler but you still have to have an ACE_SOCK_Stream for
- the actual connection. With a direct derivative of
- ACE_Event_Handler, you'll have to contain and maintain an
- ACE_SOCK_Stream instance yourself. With ACE_Svc_Handler (which is
- a derivative of ACE_Event_Handler) some of those details are
- handled for you. */
-#include "ace/Svc_Handler.h"
-#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
-# pragma once
-#include "ace/SOCK_Stream.h"
-/* Another feature of ACE_Svc_Handler is it's ability to present the
- ACE_Task<> interface as well. That's what the ACE_NULL_SYNCH
- parameter below is all about. That's beyond our scope here but
- we'll come back to it in the next tutorial when we start looking at
- concurrency options. */
-class Client_Handler : public ACE_Svc_Handler <ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH>
- // Constructor...
- Client_Handler (void);
- /* The destroy() method is our preferred method of destruction. We
- could have overloaded the delete operator but that is neither easy
- nor intuitive (at least to me). Instead, we provide a new method
- of destruction and we make our destructor protected so that only
- ourselves, our derivatives and our friends can delete us. It's a
- nice compromise. */
- void destroy (void);
- /* Most ACE objects have an open() method. That's how you make them
- ready to do work. ACE_Event_Handler has a virtual open() method
- which allows us to create an override. ACE_Acceptor<> will invoke
- this method after creating a new Client_Handler when a client
- connects. Notice that the parameter to open() is a void*. It just
- so happens that the pointer points to the acceptor which created
- us. You would like for the parameter to be an ACE_Acceptor<>* but
- since ACE_Event_Handler is generic, that would tie it too closely
- to the ACE_Acceptor<> set of objects. In our definition of open()
- you'll see how we get around that. */
- int open (void *acceptor);
- /* When there is activity on a registered handler, the
- handle_input() method of the handler will be invoked. If that
- method returns an error code (eg -- -1) then the reactor will
- invoke handle_close() to allow the object to clean itself
- up. Since an event handler can be registered for more than one
- type of callback, the callback mask is provided to inform
- handle_close() exactly which method failed. That way, you don't
- have to maintain state information between your handle_* method
- calls. The <handle> parameter is explained below... As a
- side-effect, the reactor will also invoke remove_handler() for the
- object on the mask that caused the -1 return. This means that we
- don't have to do that ourselves! */
- int handle_close (ACE_HANDLE handle,
- ACE_Reactor_Mask mask);
- /* When we register with the reactor, we're going to tell it that we
- want to be notified of READ events. When the reactor sees that
- there is read activity for us, our handle_input() will be
- invoked. The _handle provided is the handle (file descriptor in
- Unix) of the actual connection causing the activity. Since we're
- derived from ACE_Svc_Handler<> and it maintains its own peer
- (ACE_SOCK_Stream) object, this is redundant for us. However, if
- we had been derived directly from ACE_Event_Handler, we may have
- chosen not to contain the peer. In that case, the <handle> would
- be important to us for reading the client's data. */
- int handle_input (ACE_HANDLE handle);
- /* This has nothing at all to do with ACE. I've added this here as
- a worker function which I will call from handle_input(). That
- allows me to introduce concurrency in later tutorials with no
- changes to the worker function. You can think of process() as
- application-level code and everything else as
- application-framework code. */
- int process (char *rdbuf, int rdbuf_len);
- /* We don't really do anything in our destructor but we've declared
- it to be protected to prevent casual deletion of this object. As
- I said above, I really would prefer that everyone goes through the
- destroy() method to get rid of us. */
- ~Client_Handler (void);
-#endif /* CLIENT_HANDLER_H */
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/005/combine.shar b/docs/tutorials/005/combine.shar
deleted file mode 100644
index 28175d7785e..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/005/combine.shar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
-# This is a shell archive (produced by GNU sharutils 4.2).
-# To extract the files from this archive, save it to some FILE, remove
-# everything before the `!/bin/sh' line above, then type `sh FILE'.
-# Made on 1999-01-24 14:30 EST by <>.
-# Source directory was `/var/home/jcej/projects/ACE_wrappers/docs/tutorials/005'.
-# Existing files will *not* be overwritten unless `-c' is specified.
-# This shar contains:
-# length mode name
-# ------ ---------- ------------------------------------------
-# 598 -rw-rw-r-- hdr
-# 97 -rw-rw-r-- bodies
-# 628 -rw-rw-r-- page01.pre
-# 516 -rw-rw-r-- page02.pre
-# 685 -rw-rw-r-- page03.pre
-# 464 -rw-rw-r-- page04.pre
-# 218 -rw-rw-r-- page05.pre
-# 98 -rw-rw-r-- page06.pre
-# 172 -rw-rw-r-- page07.pre
-# 715 -rw-rw-r-- page08.pre
-for dir in $PATH
- if test "$gettext_dir" = FAILED && test -f $dir/gettext \
- && ($dir/gettext --version >/dev/null 2>&1)
- then
- set `$dir/gettext --version 2>&1`
- if test "$3" = GNU
- then
- gettext_dir=$dir
- fi
- fi
- if test "$locale_dir" = FAILED && test -f $dir/shar \
- && ($dir/shar --print-text-domain-dir >/dev/null 2>&1)
- then
- locale_dir=`$dir/shar --print-text-domain-dir`
- fi
-if test "$locale_dir" = FAILED || test "$gettext_dir" = FAILED
- echo=echo
- TEXTDOMAINDIR=$locale_dir
- TEXTDOMAIN=sharutils
- echo="$gettext_dir/gettext -s"
-touch -am 1231235999 $$.touch >/dev/null 2>&1
-if test ! -f 1231235999 && test -f $$.touch; then
- shar_touch=touch
- shar_touch=:
- echo
- $echo 'WARNING: not restoring timestamps. Consider getting and'
- $echo "installing GNU \`touch', distributed in GNU File Utilities..."
- echo
-rm -f 1231235999 $$.touch
-if mkdir _sh22890; then
- $echo 'x -' 'creating lock directory'
- $echo 'failed to create lock directory'
- exit 1
-# ============= hdr ==============
-if test -f 'hdr' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'hdr' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'hdr' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'hdr' &&
-X <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-X <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.32 i486) [Netscape]">
-X <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Billy Quinn">
-X <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="A first step towards using ACE productively">
-X <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 005</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 005</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>On the road to a multithreaded server</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
- $shar_touch -am 0117143899 'hdr' &&
- chmod 0664 'hdr' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'hdr' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'hdr:' 'MD5 check failed'
-197a3d789965f9c046d4d84ee137ace9 hdr
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'hdr'`"
- test 598 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'hdr:' 'original size' '598,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= bodies ==============
-if test -f 'bodies' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'bodies' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'bodies' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'bodies' &&
- $shar_touch -am 0117143799 'bodies' &&
- chmod 0664 'bodies' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'bodies' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'bodies:' 'MD5 check failed'
-dcbb8d7d85345e022a122f4f7fa10fb9 bodies
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'bodies'`"
- test 97 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'bodies:' 'original size' '97,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page01.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page01.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page01.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page01.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page01.pre' &&
-<P>In this tutorial, we're going to flash-back to the simple server we
-created a while back.&nbsp; We'll create a very simple server where everything
-takes place in one thread.&nbsp; Once we have a solid understanding there,
-we'll move on to the next tutorial where we begin to introduce concurrency
-<P>There are four C++&nbsp;source files in this tutorial:&nbsp; server.cpp,
-client_acceptor.h, client_handler.h and client_handler.cpp.&nbsp; I'll
-talk about each of these in turn with the usual color commentary as we
-go.&nbsp; In addition, I'll briefly discuss the Makefile and a short perl
-script I've added.
- $shar_touch -am 0117143899 'page01.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page01.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page01.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page01.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-b819665dcbed1ef2efe12bdc8d8710c5 page01.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page01.pre'`"
- test 628 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page01.pre:' 'original size' '628,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page02.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page02.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page02.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page02.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page02.pre' &&
-<P>We begin with <I><A HREF="server.cpp">server.cpp</A></I>.
-Abstraction by Kirthika:
-This tutorial is a re-cap of the client-server hookup tutorial with much
-X cleaner code (for instance: use of destroy() to delete objects and
-process() which does the task of reading in data from the client).
-We again enroll the services of the ACE_Reactor to handle events. Everything
-occurs in a single thread.
-This tutorial is a stepping stone towards a mutithreaded server model.
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
- $shar_touch -am 0124115599 'page02.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page02.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page02.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page02.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-c81f5251d4ec6de954b9d2f5a026525b page02.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page02.pre'`"
- test 516 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page02.pre:' 'original size' '516,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page03.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page03.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page03.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page03.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page03.pre' &&
-<P>Now, let's take a look at <I><A HREF="client_acceptor.h">client_acceptor.h</A></I>.&nbsp;
-Since I went on about how it does all the work of letting clients connect
-to us, it must be rather complex.&nbsp; Right?&nbsp; Wrong.
-<P>The more you use ACE, the more you'll find that they've already taken
-care of most details for you.&nbsp; With respect to the acceptance of client
-connections:&nbsp; there just aren't that many ways to do it!&nbsp; The
-ACE team has chosen an approach and created a C++&nbsp;template that does
-all of the work for you.&nbsp; All you're required to do is provide it
-with an object type to instantiate when a new connection arrives.
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
- $shar_touch -am 0124115699 'page03.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page03.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page03.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page03.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-edb44ba6e3033259e60b4a83d0675b03 page03.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page03.pre'`"
- test 685 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page03.pre:' 'original size' '685,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page04.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page04.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page04.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page04.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page04.pre' &&
-<P>Ok, so we've got a main() loop that sets up the acceptor and we've seen
-how easy it is to create the acceptor object.&nbsp; So far, we've hardly
-written any code at all.&nbsp; Well, that's just about to change...
-<P>First, we look at <I><A HREF="client_handler.h">client_handler.h</A></I>
-for the declaration of the Client_Handler object.&nbsp; Then we look at
-the definition where all of the real work of the application takes place.
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
- $shar_touch -am 0117143899 'page04.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page04.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page04.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page04.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-3a0e0d0c79318ca18dd5920dd97ca834 page04.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page04.pre'`"
- test 464 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page04.pre:' 'original size' '464,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page05.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page05.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page05.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page05.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page05.pre' &&
-<P>Now we're finally at <I><A HREF="client_handler.cpp">client_handler.cpp</A></I>
-where we have to write some code.&nbsp; This file has more code than the
-rest of the application all together.
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
- $shar_touch -am 0117143899 'page05.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page05.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page05.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page05.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-d5fa96547c3b94abc387c8b87f2f3c92 page05.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page05.pre'`"
- test 218 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page05.pre:' 'original size' '218,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page06.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page06.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page06.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page06.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page06.pre' &&
-<P>Before we go, I wanted you to see the <A HREF="Makefile">Makefile</A>.
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
- $shar_touch -am 0117143899 'page06.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page06.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page06.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page06.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-b8a35eb354a8e5c90155dd728a8bfa4e page06.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page06.pre'`"
- test 98 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page06.pre:' 'original size' '98,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page07.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page07.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page07.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page07.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page07.pre' &&
-<P>And last (and probably least) is the <A HREF="../fix.Makefile">perl script</A>
-that pulls the dependency stuff out of Makefile and into .depend.
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
- $shar_touch -am 0117144099 'page07.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page07.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page07.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page07.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-7f896dc992a365d4d095d0a6d3b9eb47 page07.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page07.pre'`"
- test 172 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page07.pre:' 'original size' '172,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-# ============= page08.pre ==============
-if test -f 'page08.pre' && test "$first_param" != -c; then
- $echo 'x -' SKIPPING 'page08.pre' '(file already exists)'
- $echo 'x -' extracting 'page08.pre' '(text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'page08.pre' &&
-<P>That's it for Tutorial 5.&nbsp; In this tutorial we've built a single-threaded
-reactor-based server.&nbsp; We've done a couple of things that aren't exactly
-necessary for such an implementation but I&nbsp;plan to build on that as
-we explore two other concurrency strategies:&nbsp; thread per connection
-and thread pool.
-<P>For reference, here's the file list again:
-<A HREF="Makefile">Makefile</A></LI>
-<A HREF="client_acceptor.h">client_acceptor.h</A></LI>
-<A HREF="client_handler.cpp">client_handler.cpp</A></LI>
-<A HREF="client_handler.h">client_handler.h</A></LI>
-<A HREF="server.cpp">server.cpp</A></LI>
-<A HREF="../fix.Makefile">fix.Makefile</A></LI>
- $shar_touch -am 0117143899 'page08.pre' &&
- chmod 0664 'page08.pre' ||
- $echo 'restore of' 'page08.pre' 'failed'
- if ( md5sum --help 2>&1 | grep 'sage: md5sum \[' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- && ( md5sum --version 2>&1 | grep -v 'textutils 1.12' ) >/dev/null; then
- md5sum -c << SHAR_EOF >/dev/null 2>&1 \
- || $echo 'page08.pre:' 'MD5 check failed'
-678ef0c3162d2a2739d0efdcfeac5cb9 page08.pre
- else
- shar_count="`LC_ALL= LC_CTYPE= LANG= wc -c < 'page08.pre'`"
- test 715 -eq "$shar_count" ||
- $echo 'page08.pre:' 'original size' '715,' 'current size' "$shar_count!"
- fi
-rm -fr _sh22890
-exit 0
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/005/page01.html b/docs/tutorials/005/page01.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 90a5da1e1f4..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/005/page01.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.32 i486) [Netscape]">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Billy Quinn">
- <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="A first step towards using ACE productively">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 005</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 005</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>On the road to a multithreaded server</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-<P>In this tutorial, we're going to flash-back to the simple server we
-created a while back.&nbsp; We'll create a very simple server where everything
-takes place in one thread.&nbsp; Once we have a solid understanding there,
-we'll move on to the next tutorial where we begin to introduce concurrency
-<P>There are four C++&nbsp;source files in this tutorial:&nbsp; server.cpp,
-client_acceptor.h, client_handler.h and client_handler.cpp.&nbsp; I'll
-talk about each of these in turn with the usual color commentary as we
-go.&nbsp; In addition, I'll briefly discuss the Makefile and a short perl
-script I've added.
-<P><HR WIDTH="100%">
-<CENTER>[<A HREF="../online-tutorials.html">Tutorial Index</A>] [<A HREF="page02.html">Continue This Tutorial</A>]</CENTER>
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/005/page02.html b/docs/tutorials/005/page02.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a3e4b143de..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/005/page02.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.32 i486) [Netscape]">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Billy Quinn">
- <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="A first step towards using ACE productively">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 005</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 005</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>On the road to a multithreaded server</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-<P>We begin with <I><A HREF="server.cpp">server.cpp</A></I>.
-Abstraction by Kirthika:
-This tutorial is a re-cap of the client-server hookup tutorial with much
- cleaner code (for instance: use of destroy() to delete objects and
-process() which does the task of reading in data from the client).
-We again enroll the services of the ACE_Reactor to handle events. Everything
-occurs in a single thread.
-This tutorial is a stepping stone towards a mutithreaded server model.
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=red>/* We try to keep main() very simple. One of the ways we do that is
- to push much of the complicated stuff into worker objects. In this
- case, we only need to include the acceptor header in our main
- source file. We let it worry about the "<font color=green>real work</font>". */</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>client_acceptor.h</font>"
-<font color=red>/* As before, we create a simple signal handler that will set our
- finished flag. There are, of course, more elegant ways to handle
- program shutdown requests but that isn't really our focus right
- now, so we'll just do the easiest thing. */</font>
-static sig_atomic_t finished = 0;
-extern "<font color=green>C</font>" void handler (int)
- finished = 1;
-<font color=red>/* A server has to listen for clients at a known TCP/IP port. The
- default ACE port is 10002 (at least on my system) and that's good
- enough for what we want to do here. Obviously, a more robust
- application would take a command line parameter or read from a
- configuration file or do some other clever thing. Just like the
- signal handler above, though, that's not what we want to focus on,
- so we're taking the easy way out. */</font>
-static const u_short PORT = ACE_DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT;
-<font color=red>/* Finally, we get to main. Some C++ compilers will complain loudly
- if your function signature doesn't match the prototype. Even
- though we're not going to use the parameters, we still have to
- specify them. */</font>
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- <font color=red>/* In our earlier servers, we used a global pointer to get to the
- reactor. I've never really liked that idea, so I've moved it into
- main() this time. When we get to the Client_Handler object you'll
- see how we manage to get a pointer back to this reactor. */</font>
- ACE_Reactor reactor;
- <font color=red>/* The acceptor will take care of letting clients connect to us. It
- will also arrange for a Client_Handler to be created for each new
- client. Since we're only going to listen at one TCP/IP port, we
- only need one acceptor. If we wanted, though, we could create
- several of these and listen at several ports. (That's what we
- would do if we wanted to rewrite inetd for instance.) */</font>
- Client_Acceptor peer_acceptor;
- <font color=red>/* Create an ACE_INET_Addr that represents our endpoint of a
- connection. We then open our acceptor object with that Addr.
- Doing so tells the acceptor where to listen for connections.
- Servers generally listen at "<font color=green>well known</font>" addresses. If not, there
- must be some mechanism by which the client is informed of the
- server's address.
- Note how ACE_ERROR_RETURN is used if we fail to open the acceptor.
- This technique is used over and over again in our tutorials. */</font>
- if ( (ACE_INET_Addr (PORT),
- &reactor) == -1)
- "<font color=green>%p\n</font>",
- "<font color=green>open</font>"),
- -1);
- <font color=red>/* Here, we know that the open was successful. If it had failed, we
- would have exited above. A nice side-effect of the open() is that
- we're already registered with the reactor we provided it. */</font>
- <font color=red>/* Install our signal handler. You can actually register signal
- handlers with the reactor. You might do that when the signal
- handler is responsible for performing "<font color=green>real</font>" work. Our simple
- flag-setter doesn't justify deriving from ACE_Event_Handler and
- providing a callback function though. */</font>
- ACE_Sig_Action sa ((ACE_SignalHandler) handler, SIGINT);
- <font color=red>/* Like ACE_ERROR_RETURN, the ACE_DEBUG macro gets used quite a bit.
- It's a handy way to generate uniform debug output from your
- program. */</font>
- "<font color=green>(%P|%t) starting up server daemon\n</font>"));
- <font color=red>/* This will loop "<font color=green>forever</font>" invoking the handle_events() method of
- our reactor. handle_events() watches for activity on any
- registered handlers and invokes their appropriate callbacks when
- necessary. Callback-driven programming is a big thing in ACE, you
- should get used to it. If the signal handler catches something,
- the finished flag will be set and we'll exit. Conveniently
- enough, handle_events() is also interrupted by signals and will
- exit back to the while() loop. (If you want your event loop to
- not be interrupted by signals, checkout the 'restart' flag on the
- open() method of ACE_Reactor if you're interested.) */</font>
- while (!finished)
- reactor.handle_events ();
- "<font color=green>(%P|%t) shutting down server daemon\n</font>"));
- return 0;
-<font color=blue>#if defined</font> (<font color=purple>ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION</font>)
-template class ACE_Acceptor &lt;Client_Handler, ACE_SOCK_ACCEPTOR>;
-template class ACE_Svc_Handler&lt;ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH>;
-<font color=blue>#elif defined</font> (<font color=purple>ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA</font>)
-<font color=blue>#pragma</font> <font color=purple>instantiate</font> ACE_Acceptor &lt;Client_Handler, ACE_SOCK_ACCEPTOR>
-<font color=blue>#pragma</font> <font color=purple>instantiate</font> ACE_Svc_Handler&lt;ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH>
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */</font>
-<P><HR WIDTH="100%">
-<CENTER>[<A HREF="../online-tutorials.html">Tutorial Index</A>] [<A HREF="page03.html">Continue This Tutorial</A>]</CENTER>
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- <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.32 i486) [Netscape]">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Billy Quinn">
- <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="A first step towards using ACE productively">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 005</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 005</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>On the road to a multithreaded server</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-<P>Now, let's take a look at <I><A HREF="client_acceptor.h">client_acceptor.h</A></I>.&nbsp;
-Since I went on about how it does all the work of letting clients connect
-to us, it must be rather complex.&nbsp; Right?&nbsp; Wrong.
-<P>The more you use ACE, the more you'll find that they've already taken
-care of most details for you.&nbsp; With respect to the acceptance of client
-connections:&nbsp; there just aren't that many ways to do it!&nbsp; The
-ACE team has chosen an approach and created a C++&nbsp;template that does
-all of the work for you.&nbsp; All you're required to do is provide it
-with an object type to instantiate when a new connection arrives.
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#ifndef</font> <font color=purple>CLIENT_ACCEPTOR_H</font>
-<font color=blue>#define</font> <font color=purple>CLIENT_ACCEPTOR_H</font>
-<font color=red>/* The ACE_Acceptor&lt;> template lives in the ace/Acceptor.h header
- file. You'll find a very consitent naming convention between the
- ACE objects and the headers where they can be found. In general,
- the ACE object ACE_Foobar will be found in ace/Foobar.h. */</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/Acceptor.h">ace/Acceptor.h</A>"
-<font color=blue>#if !defined</font> (<font color=purple>ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE</font>)
-<font color=blue># pragma</font> <font color=purple>once</font>
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */</font>
-<font color=red>/* Since we want to work with sockets, we'll need a SOCK_Acceptor to
- allow the clients to connect to us. */</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h">ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h</A>"
-<font color=red>/* The Client_Handler object we develop will be used to handle clients
- once they're connected. The ACE_Acceptor&lt;> template's first
- parameter requires such an object. In some cases, you can get by
- with just a forward declaration on the class, in others you have to
- have the whole thing. */</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>client_handler.h</font>"
-<font color=red>/* Parameterize the ACE_Acceptor&lt;> such that it will listen for socket
- connection attempts and create Client_Handler objects when they
- happen. In Tutorial 001, we wrote the basic acceptor logic on our
- own before we realized that ACE_Acceptor&lt;> was available. You'll
- get spoiled using the ACE templates because they take away a lot of
- the tedious details! */</font>
-typedef ACE_Acceptor &lt;Client_Handler, ACE_SOCK_ACCEPTOR> Client_Acceptor;
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* CLIENT_ACCEPTOR_H */</font>
-<P><HR WIDTH="100%">
-<CENTER>[<A HREF="../online-tutorials.html">Tutorial Index</A>] [<A HREF="page04.html">Continue This Tutorial</A>]</CENTER>
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.32 i486) [Netscape]">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Billy Quinn">
- <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="A first step towards using ACE productively">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 005</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 005</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>On the road to a multithreaded server</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-<P>Ok, so we've got a main() loop that sets up the acceptor and we've seen
-how easy it is to create the acceptor object.&nbsp; So far, we've hardly
-written any code at all.&nbsp; Well, that's just about to change...
-<P>First, we look at <I><A HREF="client_handler.h">client_handler.h</A></I>
-for the declaration of the Client_Handler object.&nbsp; Then we look at
-the definition where all of the real work of the application takes place.
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=blue>#ifndef</font> <font color=purple>CLIENT_HANDLER_H</font>
-<font color=blue>#define</font> <font color=purple>CLIENT_HANDLER_H</font>
-<font color=red>/* Our client handler must exist somewhere in the ACE_Event_Handler
- object hierarchy. This is a requirement of the ACE_Reactor because
- it maintains ACE_Event_Handler pointers for each registered event
- handler. You could derive our Client_Handler directly from
- ACE_Event_Handler but you still have to have an ACE_SOCK_Stream for
- the actual connection. With a direct derivative of
- ACE_Event_Handler, you'll have to contain and maintain an
- ACE_SOCK_Stream instance yourself. With ACE_Svc_Handler (which is
- a derivative of ACE_Event_Handler) some of those details are
- handled for you. */</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/Svc_Handler.h">ace/Svc_Handler.h</A>"
-<font color=blue>#if !defined</font> (<font color=purple>ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE</font>)
-<font color=blue># pragma</font> <font color=purple>once</font>
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<A HREF="../../../ace/SOCK_Stream.h">ace/SOCK_Stream.h</A>"
-<font color=red>/* Another feature of ACE_Svc_Handler is it's ability to present the
- ACE_Task&lt;> interface as well. That's what the ACE_NULL_SYNCH
- parameter below is all about. That's beyond our scope here but
- we'll come back to it in the next tutorial when we start looking at
- concurrency options. */</font>
-class Client_Handler : public ACE_Svc_Handler &lt;ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH>
- <font color=red>// Constructor...</font>
- Client_Handler (void);
- <font color=red>/* The destroy() method is our preferred method of destruction. We
- could have overloaded the delete operator but that is neither easy
- nor intuitive (at least to me). Instead, we provide a new method
- of destruction and we make our destructor protected so that only
- ourselves, our derivatives and our friends can delete us. It's a
- nice compromise. */</font>
- void destroy (void);
- <font color=red>/* Most ACE objects have an open() method. That's how you make them
- ready to do work. ACE_Event_Handler has a virtual open() method
- which allows us to create an override. ACE_Acceptor&lt;> will invoke
- this method after creating a new Client_Handler when a client
- connects. Notice that the parameter to open() is a void*. It just
- so happens that the pointer points to the acceptor which created
- us. You would like for the parameter to be an ACE_Acceptor&lt;>* but
- since ACE_Event_Handler is generic, that would tie it too closely
- to the ACE_Acceptor&lt;> set of objects. In our definition of open()
- you'll see how we get around that. */</font>
- int open (void *acceptor);
- <font color=red>/* When there is activity on a registered handler, the
- handle_input() method of the handler will be invoked. If that
- method returns an error code (eg -- -1) then the reactor will
- invoke handle_close() to allow the object to clean itself
- up. Since an event handler can be registered for more than one
- type of callback, the callback mask is provided to inform
- handle_close() exactly which method failed. That way, you don't
- have to maintain state information between your handle_* method
- calls. The &lt;handle> parameter is explained below... As a
- side-effect, the reactor will also invoke remove_handler() for the
- object on the mask that caused the -1 return. This means that we
- don't have to do that ourselves! */</font>
- int handle_close (ACE_HANDLE handle,
- ACE_Reactor_Mask mask);
- <font color=red>/* When we register with the reactor, we're going to tell it that we
- want to be notified of READ events. When the reactor sees that
- there is read activity for us, our handle_input() will be
- invoked. The _handle provided is the handle (file descriptor in
- Unix) of the actual connection causing the activity. Since we're
- derived from ACE_Svc_Handler&lt;> and it maintains its own peer
- (ACE_SOCK_Stream) object, this is redundant for us. However, if
- we had been derived directly from ACE_Event_Handler, we may have
- chosen not to contain the peer. In that case, the &lt;handle> would
- be important to us for reading the client's data. */</font>
- int handle_input (ACE_HANDLE handle);
- <font color=red>/* This has nothing at all to do with ACE. I've added this here as
- a worker function which I will call from handle_input(). That
- allows me to introduce concurrency in later tutorials with no
- changes to the worker function. You can think of process() as
- application-level code and everything else as
- application-framework code. */</font>
- int process (char *rdbuf, int rdbuf_len);
- <font color=red>/* We don't really do anything in our destructor but we've declared
- it to be protected to prevent casual deletion of this object. As
- I said above, I really would prefer that everyone goes through the
- destroy() method to get rid of us. */</font>
- ~Client_Handler (void);
-<font color=blue>#endif</font> <font color=red>/* CLIENT_HANDLER_H */</font>
-<P><HR WIDTH="100%">
-<CENTER>[<A HREF="../online-tutorials.html">Tutorial Index</A>] [<A HREF="page05.html">Continue This Tutorial</A>]</CENTER>
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.32 i486) [Netscape]">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Billy Quinn">
- <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="A first step towards using ACE productively">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 005</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 005</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>On the road to a multithreaded server</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-<P>Now we're finally at <I><A HREF="client_handler.cpp">client_handler.cpp</A></I>
-where we have to write some code.&nbsp; This file has more code than the
-rest of the application all together.
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-<font color=red>// $Id$</font>
-<font color=red>/* In client_handler.h I alluded to the fact that we'll mess around
- with a Client_Acceptor pointer. To do so, we need the
- Client_Acceptor object declaration.
- We know that including client_handler.h is redundant because
- client_acceptor.h includes it. Still, the sentry prevents
- double-inclusion from causing problems and it's sometimes good to
- be explicit about what we're using.
- On the other hand, we don't directly include any ACE header files
- here. */</font>
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>client_acceptor.h</font>"
-<font color=blue>#include</font> "<font color=green>client_handler.h</font>"
-<font color=red>/* Our constructor doesn't do anything. That's generally a good idea.
- Unless you want to start throwing exceptions, there isn't a really
- good way to indicate that a constructor has failed. If I had my
- way, I'd have a boolean return code from it that would cause new to
- return 0 if I failed. Oh well... */</font>
-<font color=#008888>Client_Handler::Client_Handler</font> (void)
-<font color=red>/* Our destructor doesn't do anything either. That is also by design.
- Remember, we really want folks to use destroy() to get rid of us.
- If that's so, then there's nothing left to do when the destructor
- gets invoked. */</font>
-<font color=#008888>Client_Handler::~Client_Handler</font> (void)
- <font color=red>// Make sure that our peer closes when we're deleted. This</font>
- <font color=red>// will probably happened when the peer is deleted but it</font>
- <font color=red>// doesn't hurt to be explicit.</font>
- this->peer ().close ();
-<font color=red>/* The much talked about destroy() method! The reason I keep going on
- about this is because it's just a Bad Idea (TM) to do real work
- inside of a destructor. Although this method is void, it really
- should return int so that it can tell the caller there was a
- problem. Even as void you could at least throw an exception which
- you would never want to do in a destructor. */</font>
-<font color=#008888>Client_Handler::destroy</font> (void)
- <font color=red>/* Tell the reactor to forget all about us. Notice that we use the
- same args here that we use in the open() method to register
- ourselves. In addition, we use the DONT_CALL flag to prevent
- handle_close() being called. Since we likely got here due to
- handle_close(), that could cause a bit of nasty recursion! */</font>
- this->reactor ()->remove_handler (this,
- ACE_Event_Handler:: READ_MASK | <font color=#008888>ACE_Event_Handler::DONT_CALL</font>);
- <font color=red>/* This is how we're able to tell folks not to use delete. By
- deleting our own instance, we take care of memory leaks after
- ensuring that the object is shut down correctly. */</font>
- delete this;
-<font color=red>/* As mentioned before, the open() method is called by the
- Client_Acceptor when a new client connection has been accepted.
- The Client_Acceptor instance pointer is cast to a void* and given
- to us here. We'll use that to avoid some global data... */</font>
-<font color=#008888>Client_Handler::open</font> (void *_acceptor)
- <font color=red>/* Convert the void* to a Client_Acceptor*. You should probably use
- those fancy ACE_*_cast macros but I can never remember how/when
- to do so. Since you can cast just about anything around a void*
- without compiler warnings be very sure of what you're doing when
- you do this kind of thing. That's where the new-style cast
- operators can save you. */</font>
- Client_Acceptor *acceptor = (Client_Acceptor *) _acceptor;
- <font color=red>/* Our reactor reference will be set when we register ourselves but
- I decided to go ahead and set it here. No good reason really... */</font>
- this->reactor (acceptor->reactor ());
- <font color=red>/* We need this to store the address of the client that we are now
- connected to. We'll use it later to display a debug message. */</font>
- ACE_INET_Addr addr;
- <font color=red>/* Our ACE_Svc_Handler baseclass gives us the peer() method as a way
- to access our underlying ACE_SOCK_Stream. On that object, we can
- invoke the get_remote_addr() method to get an ACE_INET_Addr
- having our client's address information. As with most ACE
- methods, we'll get back (and return) a -1 if there was any kind
- of error. Once we have the ACE_INET_Addr, we can query it to
- find out the clien's host name, TCP/IP address, TCP/IP port value
- and so forth. One word of warning: the get_host_name() method of
- ACE_INET_Addr may return you an empty string if your name server
- can't resolve it. On the other hand, get_host_addr() will always
- give you the dotted-decimal string representing the TCP/IP
- address. */</font>
- if (this->peer ().get_remote_addr (addr) == -1)
- return -1;
- <font color=red>/* If we managed to get the client's address then we're connected to
- a real and valid client. I suppose that in some cases, the
- client may connect and disconnect so quickly that it is invalid
- by the time we get here. In any case, the test above should
- always be done to ensure that the connection is worth keeping.
- Now, register ourselves with a reactor and tell that reactor that
- we want to be notified when there is something to read.
- Remember, we took our reactor value from the acceptor which
- created us in the first place. Since we're exploring a
- single-threaded implementation, this is the correct thing to do. */</font>
- if (this->reactor ()->register_handler (this,
- <font color=#008888>ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK</font>) == -1)
- "<font color=green>(%P|%t) can't register with reactor\n</font>"),
- -1);
- <font color=red>/* Here, we use the ACE_INET_Addr object to print a message with the
- name of the client we're connected to. Again, it is possible
- that you'll get an empty string for the host name if your DNS
- isn't configured correctly or if there is some other reason that
- a TCP/IP addreess cannot be converted into a host name. */</font>
- "<font color=green>(%P|%t) connected with %s\n</font>",
- addr.get_host_name ()));
- <font color=red>/* Always return zero on success. */</font>
- return 0;
-<font color=red>/* In the open() method, we registered with the reactor and requested
- to be notified when there is data to be read. When the reactor
- sees that activity it will invoke this handle_input() method on us.
- As I mentioned, the _handle parameter isn't useful to us but it
- narrows the list of methods the reactor has to worry about and the
- list of possible virtual functions we would have to override. */</font>
-<font color=#008888>Client_Handler::handle_input</font> (ACE_HANDLE handle)
- <font color=red>/* Some compilers don't like it when you fail to use a parameter.
- This macro will keep 'em quiet for you. */</font>
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (handle);
- <font color=red>/* Now, we create and initialize a buffer for receiving the data.
- Since this is just a simple test app, we'll use a small buffer
- size. */</font>
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- <font color=red>/* Invoke the process() method with a pointer to our data area.
- We'll let that method worry about interfacing with the data. You
- might choose to go ahead and read the data and then pass the
- result to process(). However, application logic may require that
- you read a few bytes to determine what else to read... It's best
- if we push that all into the application-logic level. */</font>
- return this->process (buf, sizeof (buf));
-<font color=red>/* If we return -1 out of handle_input() or if the reactor sees other
- problems with us then handle_close() will be called. The reactor
- framework will take care of removing us (due to the -1), so we
- don't need to use the destroy() method. Instead, we just delete
- ourselves directly. */</font>
-<font color=#008888>Client_Handler::handle_close</font> (ACE_HANDLE handle,
- ACE_Reactor_Mask mask)
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (handle);
- ACE_UNUSED_ARG (mask);
- delete this;
- return 0;
-<font color=red>/* And, at last, we get to the application-logic level. Out of
- everything we've done so far, this is the only thing that really
- has anything to do with what your application will do. In this
- method we will read and process the client's data. In a real
- appliation, you will probably have a bit more in main() to deal
- with command line options but after that point, all of the action
- takes place here. */</font>
-<font color=#008888>Client_Handler::process</font> (char *rdbuf,
- int rdbuf_len)
- <font color=red>/* Using the buffer provided for us, we read the data from the
- client. If there is a read error (eg -- recv() returns -1) then
- it's a pretty good bet that the connection is gone. Likewise, if
- we read zero bytes then something wrong has happened. The
- reactor wouldn't have called us if there wasn't some kind of read
- activity but there wouldn't be activity if there were no bytes to
- read...
- On the other hand, if we got some data then we can display it in
- a debug message for everyone to see. */</font>
- switch (this->peer ().recv (rdbuf, rdbuf_len))
- {
- case -1: <font color=red>// Complain and leave</font>
- "<font color=green>(%P|%t) %p bad read\n</font>",
- "<font color=green>client</font>"),
- -1);
- case 0: <font color=red>// Complain and leave</font>
- "<font color=green>(%P|%t) closing daemon (fd = %d)\n</font>",
- this->get_handle ()),
- -1);
- default: <font color=red>// Show the data</font>
- "<font color=green>(%P|%t) from client: %s</font>",
- rdbuf));
- }
- <font color=red>/* It's also worth mentioning that recv() has a cousin: recv_n().
- recv_n() will receive exactly the number of bytes you provide it.
- This is very good when you know exactly how much you expect to
- receive. For the application here, unfortunately, we don't have
- any idea how much the client will be sending. recv() will read
- up-to-but-not-more-than the number of bytes we specify (e.g. --
- _rdbuf_len). That works well when we don't know how much the
- client will provide. */</font>
- return 0;
-<P><HR WIDTH="100%">
-<CENTER>[<A HREF="../online-tutorials.html">Tutorial Index</A>] [<A HREF="page06.html">Continue This Tutorial</A>]</CENTER>
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- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.32 i486) [Netscape]">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Billy Quinn">
- <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="A first step towards using ACE productively">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 005</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 005</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>On the road to a multithreaded server</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-<P>Before we go, I wanted you to see the <A HREF="Makefile">Makefile</A>.
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-# $Id$
-# Local macros
-# You can generally find a Makefile in the ACE examples, tests or the library
-# itself that will satisfy our application needs. This one was taken from
-# one of the examples.
- # Define the name of the binary we want to create. There has to be
- # a CPP file $(BIN).cpp but it doesn't necessarily have to have your
- # main() in it. Most of the time, though, it will.
-BIN = server
- # Few applications will have a single source file. We use the FILES
- # macro to build up a list of additional files to compile. Notice
- # that we leave off the extension just as with BIN
-FILES += client_handler
- # The BUILD macro is used by the ACE makefiles. Basically, it tells
- # the system what to build. I don't really know what VBIN is other
- # than it is constructed from the value of BIN. Just go with it...
- # Here we use some GNU make extensions to build the SRC macro. Basically,
- # we're just adding .cpp to the value of BIN and for each entry of the
- # FILES macro.
-SRC = $(addsuffix .cpp,$(BIN)) $(addsuffix .cpp,$(FILES))
- # This is used by my Indent target below. It's not a part of standard
- # ACE and you don't need it yourself.
-HDR = *.h
-# Include macros and targets
- # This is where the real power lies! These included makefile components
- # are similar to the C++ templates in ACE. That is, they do a tremendous
- # amount of work for you and all you have to do is include them.
- # As a matter of fact, in our project, I created a single file named
- # "<font color=green></font>" that includes all of these. Our project makefiles then just
- # need to include to get everything they need.
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/wrapper_macros.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/macros.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.common.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.nonested.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.bin.GNU
-include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/rules.local.GNU
-# Local targets
- # Sometimes I like to reformat my code to make it more readable. This is
- # more useful for the comments than anything else. Unfortunately, the
- # "<font color=green>indent</font>" program doesn't quite grok C++ so I have to post-process it's
- # output just a bit.
-Indent : #
- for i in $(SRC) $(HDR) ; do \
- indent -npsl -l80 -fca -fc1 -cli0 -cdb &lt; $$i | \
- sed -e 's/: :/::/g' \
- -e 's/^.*\(public:\)/\1/' \
- -e 's/^.*\(protected:\)/\1/' \
- -e 's/^.*\(private:\)/\1/' \
- -e 's/:\(public\)/ : \1/' \
- -e 's/:\(protected\)/ : \1/' \
- -e 's/:\(private\)/ : \1/' \
- > $$i~ ;\
- mv $$i~ $$i ;\
- done
- # One of the targets in the ACE makefiles is "<font color=green>depend</font>". It will invoke
- # your compiler in a way that will generate a list of dependencies for
- # you. This is a great thing! Unfortunately, it puts all of that mess
- # directly into the Makefile. I prefer my Makefile to stay clean and
- # uncluttered. The perl script referenced here pulls the dependency
- # stuff back out of the Makefile and into a file "<font color=green>.depend</font>" which we then
- <font color=blue># include</font> just like the makefile components above.
- #
- # NOTE: The 'depend' target expects to have GCC available.
- # You can do the same thing with other compilers but the ACE
- # makefiles and utilities are only wired up to work with GCC.
-Depend : depend
- perl ../fix.Makefile
-.depend : #
- touch .depend
-HTML : #
- [ -f hdr ] || $(MAKE) UNSHAR
- perl ../combine *.pre ; chmod +r *.html
-SHAR : #
- [ ! -f combine.shar ] || exit 1
- shar -T hdr bodies *.pre > combine.shar && rm -f hdr bodies *.pre *.pst
- sh combine.shar
-CLEAN : realclean
- rm -f hdr bodies *.pre *.pst .depend
-# Dependencies
- # Don't put anything below here. Between the "<font color=green>depend</font>" target and fix.Makefile
- # it's guaranteed to be lost!
- # This is inserted by the fix.Makefile script
-include .depend
-<P><HR WIDTH="100%">
-<CENTER>[<A HREF="../online-tutorials.html">Tutorial Index</A>] [<A HREF="page07.html">Continue This Tutorial</A>]</CENTER>
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/005/page07.html b/docs/tutorials/005/page07.html
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index 3a7433dbd34..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/005/page07.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.32 i486) [Netscape]">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Billy Quinn">
- <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="A first step towards using ACE productively">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 005</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 005</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>On the road to a multithreaded server</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-<P>And last (and probably least) is the <A HREF="../fix.Makefile">perl script</A>
-that pulls the dependency stuff out of Makefile and into .depend.
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -w -S $0 ${1+"<font color=green>$@</font>"}'
- & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
- if 0;
-require "<font color=green></font>";
-&Getopts("<font color=green>f:o:</font>");
-$opt_f = "<font color=green>Makefile</font>" if( ! $opt_f );
-$opt_o = "<font color=green>.depend</font>" if( ! $opt_o );
- # Open the Makefile that has been mangled by 'make depend'
- # and suck it into a perl array.
-open(IF,"<font color=green>&lt;$opt_f</font>") || die;
-@makefile = &lt;IF>;
- # Now open our .depend file and a temporary Makefile.
- # We'll split the original Makefile between these two.
-open(DF,"<font color=green>>$opt_o</font>") || die;
-open(MF,"<font color=green>>$opt_f.tmp</font>") || die;
- # For each line we read out of the original file...
-foreach (@makefile) {
- # If we're into the dependency section, write the line
- # into the .depend file.
- #
- if( $depend ) {
- print DF $_;
- }
- else {
- # If we haven't gotten to the dependency section yet
- # then see if the current line is the separator that
- # "<font color=green>make depend</font>" causes to be inserted.
- #
- if( m/^\Q# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- g++dep uses it.\E/ ) {
- # If so, change our "<font color=green>mode</font>" and skip this line.
- ++$depend;
- next;
- }
- # Also skip the "<font color=green>include .depend</font>" that we insert. If we
- # don't do this, it is possible to have a bunch of these
- # inserted into the output when we read an unmangled Makefile
- next if( m/^include $opt_o/ );
- # Print the non-dependency info to the temporary Makefile
- print MF $_;
- }
-# Tell our new Makefile to include the dependency file
-print MF "<font color=green>include $opt_o\n</font>";
-# Close the two output files...
-# Unlink (remove) the original Makefile and rename our
-# temporary file. There's obviously room for error checking
-# here but we've got the Makefile checked into some revision
-# control system anyway. Don't we?
-unlink("<font color=green>$opt_f</font>");
-rename("<font color=green>$opt_f.tmp</font>","<font color=green>$opt_f</font>");
-<P><HR WIDTH="100%">
-<CENTER>[<A HREF="../online-tutorials.html">Tutorial Index</A>] [<A HREF="page08.html">Continue This Tutorial</A>]</CENTER>
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index db7acc3f76b..00000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.32 i486) [Netscape]">
- <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Billy Quinn">
- <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="A first step towards using ACE productively">
- <TITLE>ACE Tutorial 005</TITLE>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ACE Tutorial 005</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>On the road to a multithreaded server</FONT></B></CENTER>
-<HR WIDTH="100%">
-<P>That's it for Tutorial 5.&nbsp; In this tutorial we've built a single-threaded
-reactor-based server.&nbsp; We've done a couple of things that aren't exactly
-necessary for such an implementation but I&nbsp;plan to build on that as
-we explore two other concurrency strategies:&nbsp; thread per connection
-and thread pool.
-<P>For reference, here's the file list again:
-<A HREF="Makefile">Makefile</A></LI>
-<A HREF="client_acceptor.h">client_acceptor.h</A></LI>
-<A HREF="client_handler.cpp">client_handler.cpp</A></LI>
-<A HREF="client_handler.h">client_handler.h</A></LI>
-<A HREF="server.cpp">server.cpp</A></LI>
-<A HREF="../fix.Makefile">fix.Makefile</A></LI>
-<P><HR WIDTH="100%">
-<CENTER>[<A HREF="../online-tutorials.html">Tutorial Index</A>] </CENTER>
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/005/server.brk b/docs/tutorials/005/server.brk
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index ba3d878a1da..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/005/server.brk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-#include "ace/Acceptor.h"
-#include "ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h"
-#include "ace/Reactor.h"
-#include "ace/Thread.h"
-ACE_Reactor * g_reactor;
-static sig_atomic_t finished = 0;
-class Logging_Handler;
-extern "C" void handler (int) { finished = 1; }
-class Reactor_Derived : public ACE_Reactor
-public :
- Reactor_Derived() : ()
- {
- counter = 0;
- }
- virtual ~Reactor_Derived()
- {
- cout << "*****Calling the reactor destructor*****" << endl;
- }
-private :
- friend class Logging_Handler;
- // counter is used to keep track of the number of service handlers
- // registered with this reactor (Surely theres a better way ;-)
- int counter;
-class Logging_Handler : public ACE_Svc_Handler<ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH>
- Logging_Handler (void) { };
- virtual void destroy (void)
- {
- if (this->thread_reactorP->remove_handler(this,
- ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK | ACE_Event_Handler::DONT_CALL) == -1
- )
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "can'(%P|%t) t remove service from reactor\n"), -1);
- // Decrement the handler tracking variable in the reactor to
- // indicate this service handler has terminated
- --thread_reactorP->counter;
- this->peer ().close ();
- delete this;
- }
- static void *run_thread(Logging_Handler *this_)
- {
- Reactor_Derived thread_reactor;
- this_->thread_reactorP = &thread_reactor;
- // Increment our handler counter to account for this service handler
- ++thread_reactor.counter;
- if (thread_reactor.register_handler(this_, ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,"can'(%P|%t) t register with reactor\n"), -1);
- while( thread_reactor.counter > 0 )
- {
- // If thread_reactor.counter = 0 then we have no more service
- // handlers connected to the reactor. We set a timeout value
- // of 1 second so that the handle_events loop break out every
- // second to check on the count ( because of it blocking
- // even when there are no connections we need to do this)
- thread_reactor.handle_events(ACE_Time_Value(1,0));
- }
- }
- virtual int open (void *)
- {
- ACE_Thread::spawn(&Logging_Handler::run_thread,this);
- return 0;
- }
- virtual int close (u_long)
- {
- this->destroy ();
- return 0;
- }
- virtual int handle_input (ACE_HANDLE)
- {
- char buf[128];
- memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf));
- switch( this->peer().recv(buf,sizeof buf) )
- {
- case -1:
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) %p bad read\n", "client logger"), -1);
- case 0:
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "(%P|%t) closing log daemon (fd = %d)\n", this->get_handle ()), -1);
- default:
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%p|%t) from client : %s",buf));
- }
- return 0;
- }
- Reactor_Derived *thread_reactorP;
-typedef ACE_Acceptor <Logging_Handler, ACE_SOCK_ACCEPTOR> Logging_Acceptor;
-static const u_short PORT = ACE_DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT;
-int main (int argc, char *argv[])
- g_reactor = new ACE_Reactor;
- // Acceptor factory.
- Logging_Acceptor peer_acceptor;
- if ( (ACE_INET_Addr (PORT)) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "open"), -1);
- else if (g_reactor->register_handler (&peer_acceptor, ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK) == -1)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "registering service with ACE_Reactor\n"), -1);
- ACE_Sig_Action sa ((ACE_SignalHandler) handler, SIGINT);
- // Run forever, performing logging service.
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) starting up server logging daemon\n"));
- // Perform logging service until QUIT_HANDLER receives SIGINT.
- while ( !finished )
- g_reactor->handle_events ();
- ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) shutting down server logging daemon\n"));
- return 0;
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/005/server.cpp b/docs/tutorials/005/server.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 00f2f6778ae..00000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/005/server.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-/* We try to keep main() very simple. One of the ways we do that is
- to push much of the complicated stuff into worker objects. In this
- case, we only need to include the acceptor header in our main
- source file. We let it worry about the "real work". */
-#include "client_acceptor.h"
-/* As before, we create a simple signal handler that will set our
- finished flag. There are, of course, more elegant ways to handle
- program shutdown requests but that isn't really our focus right
- now, so we'll just do the easiest thing. */
-static sig_atomic_t finished = 0;
-extern "C" void handler (int)
- finished = 1;
-/* A server has to listen for clients at a known TCP/IP port. The
- default ACE port is 10002 (at least on my system) and that's good
- enough for what we want to do here. Obviously, a more robust
- application would take a command line parameter or read from a
- configuration file or do some other clever thing. Just like the
- signal handler above, though, that's not what we want to focus on,
- so we're taking the easy way out. */
-static const u_short PORT = ACE_DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT;
-/* Finally, we get to main. Some C++ compilers will complain loudly
- if your function signature doesn't match the prototype. Even
- though we're not going to use the parameters, we still have to
- specify them. */
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
- /* In our earlier servers, we used a global pointer to get to the
- reactor. I've never really liked that idea, so I've moved it into
- main() this time. When we get to the Client_Handler object you'll
- see how we manage to get a pointer back to this reactor. */
- ACE_Reactor reactor;
- /* The acceptor will take care of letting clients connect to us. It
- will also arrange for a Client_Handler to be created for each new
- client. Since we're only going to listen at one TCP/IP port, we
- only need one acceptor. If we wanted, though, we could create
- several of these and listen at several ports. (That's what we
- would do if we wanted to rewrite inetd for instance.) */
- Client_Acceptor peer_acceptor;
- /* Create an ACE_INET_Addr that represents our endpoint of a
- connection. We then open our acceptor object with that Addr.
- Doing so tells the acceptor where to listen for connections.
- Servers generally listen at "well known" addresses. If not, there
- must be some mechanism by which the client is informed of the
- server's address.
- Note how ACE_ERROR_RETURN is used if we fail to open the acceptor.
- This technique is used over and over again in our tutorials. */
- if ( (ACE_INET_Addr (PORT),
- &reactor) == -1)
- "%p\n",
- "open"),
- -1);
- /* Here, we know that the open was successful. If it had failed, we
- would have exited above. A nice side-effect of the open() is that
- we're already registered with the reactor we provided it. */
- /* Install our signal handler. You can actually register signal
- handlers with the reactor. You might do that when the signal
- handler is responsible for performing "real" work. Our simple
- flag-setter doesn't justify deriving from ACE_Event_Handler and
- providing a callback function though. */
- ACE_Sig_Action sa ((ACE_SignalHandler) handler, SIGINT);
- /* Like ACE_ERROR_RETURN, the ACE_DEBUG macro gets used quite a bit.
- It's a handy way to generate uniform debug output from your
- program. */
- "(%P|%t) starting up server daemon\n"));
- /* This will loop "forever" invoking the handle_events() method of
- our reactor. handle_events() watches for activity on any
- registered handlers and invokes their appropriate callbacks when
- necessary. Callback-driven programming is a big thing in ACE, you
- should get used to it. If the signal handler catches something,
- the finished flag will be set and we'll exit. Conveniently
- enough, handle_events() is also interrupted by signals and will
- exit back to the while() loop. (If you want your event loop to
- not be interrupted by signals, checkout the 'restart' flag on the
- open() method of ACE_Reactor if you're interested.) */
- while (!finished)
- reactor.handle_events ();
- "(%P|%t) shutting down server daemon\n"));
- return 0;
-template class ACE_Acceptor <Client_Handler, ACE_SOCK_ACCEPTOR>;
-template class ACE_Svc_Handler<ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH>;
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Acceptor <Client_Handler, ACE_SOCK_ACCEPTOR>
-#pragma instantiate ACE_Svc_Handler<ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH>