diff options
authorSviatoslav Sydorenko <>2023-02-23 21:37:02 +0100
committerGitHub <>2023-02-23 21:37:02 +0100
commit56036013cd09db0f1b20402a69be44345ddafb22 (patch)
parent563833d124dfe421be019e567f3ac0bbcb23f853 (diff)
📦 Integrate manpage builds into PEP 517 build backend
This patch creates a thin wrapper around the `setuptools`' PEP 517 build backend in-tree. It features an ability to request generating the manpage files in the process of building a source distribution. This toggle is implemented using the `config_settings` mechanism of PEP 517. One must explicitly pass it a CLI option to the build front-end to trigger said behavior. The packagers are expected to use the following call: python -m build --config-setting=--build-manpages This option has no effect on building wheels. 🧪 The change includes integration tests This test runs building and re-building sdists and wheels with and without the `--build-manpages` config setting under the oldest-supported and new `setuptools` pinned. It is intended to preserve the interoperability of the packaging setup across Python runtimes. An extra smoke test also verifies that non PEP 517 interfaces remain functional. PR #79606 Co-authored-by: Matt Clay <>
9 files changed, 445 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/packaging/pep517_backend/ b/packaging/pep517_backend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d3bc14c82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/pep517_backend/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""PEP 517 build backend for optionally pre-building docs before setuptools."""
diff --git a/packaging/pep517_backend/ b/packaging/pep517_backend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9adbc50f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/pep517_backend/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+"""PEP 517 build backend wrapper for optionally pre-building docs for sdist."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from configparser import ConfigParser
+from importlib.metadata import import_module
+from pathlib import Path
+from setuptools.build_meta import (
+ build_sdist as _setuptools_build_sdist,
+ get_requires_for_build_sdist as _setuptools_get_requires_for_build_sdist,
+__all__ = ( # noqa: WPS317, WPS410
+ 'build_sdist', 'get_requires_for_build_sdist',
+def _make_in_tree_ansible_importable() -> None:
+ """Add the library directory to module lookup paths."""
+ lib_path = str(Path.cwd() / 'lib/')
+ os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = lib_path # NOTE: for subprocesses
+ sys.path.insert(0, lib_path) # NOTE: for the current runtime session
+def _get_package_distribution_version() -> str:
+ """Retrieve the current version number from setuptools config."""
+ setup_cfg_path = Path.cwd() / 'setup.cfg'
+ setup_cfg = ConfigParser()
+ setup_cfg.read_string(setup_cfg_path.read_text())
+ cfg_version = setup_cfg.get('metadata', 'version')
+ importable_version_str = cfg_version.removeprefix('attr: ')
+ version_mod_str, version_var_str = importable_version_str.rsplit('.', 1)
+ return getattr(import_module(version_mod_str), version_var_str)
+def _generate_rst_in_templates() -> Path:
+ """Create ``*`` files out of CLI Python modules."""
+ generate_man_cmd = (
+ sys.executable,
+ 'hacking/',
+ 'generate-man',
+ '--template-file=docs/templates/man.j2',
+ '--output-dir=docs/man/man1/',
+ '--output-format=man',
+ *Path('lib/ansible/cli/').glob('*.py'),
+ )
+ subprocess.check_call(tuple(map(str, generate_man_cmd)))
+ return Path('docs/man/man1/').glob('*')
+def _convert_rst_in_template_to_manpage(rst_in, version_number) -> None:
+ """Render pre-made ``*`` templates into manpages.
+ This includes pasting the hardcoded version into the resulting files.
+ The resulting ``in``-files are wiped in the process.
+ """
+ templated_rst_doc = rst_in.with_suffix('')
+ templated_rst_doc.write_text(
+ rst_in.read_text().replace('%VERSION%', version_number))
+ rst_in.unlink()
+ rst2man_cmd = (
+ sys.executable,
+ Path(sys.executable).parent / '',
+ templated_rst_doc,
+ templated_rst_doc.with_suffix(''),
+ )
+ subprocess.check_call(tuple(map(str, rst2man_cmd)))
+ templated_rst_doc.unlink()
+def build_sdist( # noqa: WPS210, WPS430
+ sdist_directory: os.PathLike,
+ config_settings: dict[str, str] | None = None,
+) -> str:
+ build_manpages_requested = '--build-manpages' in (
+ config_settings or {}
+ )
+ if build_manpages_requested:
+ Path('docs/man/man1/').mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+ _make_in_tree_ansible_importable()
+ version_number = _get_package_distribution_version()
+ for rst_in in _generate_rst_in_templates():
+ _convert_rst_in_template_to_manpage(rst_in, version_number)
+ return _setuptools_build_sdist(
+ sdist_directory=sdist_directory,
+ config_settings=config_settings,
+ )
+def get_requires_for_build_sdist(
+ config_settings: dict[str, str] | None = None,
+) -> list[str]:
+ return _setuptools_get_requires_for_build_sdist(
+ config_settings=config_settings,
+ ) + [
+ 'docutils', # provides `rst2man`
+ 'jinja2', # used in `hacking/ generate-man`
+ 'straight.plugin', # used in `hacking/` for subcommand
+ 'pyyaml', # needed for importing in-tree `ansible-core` from `lib/`
+ ]
diff --git a/packaging/pep517_backend/ b/packaging/pep517_backend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b834338a6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/pep517_backend/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""PEP 517 build backend for optionally pre-building docs before setuptools."""
+from setuptools.build_meta import * # Re-exporting PEP 517 hooks # pylint: disable=unused-wildcard-import,wildcard-import
+from ._backend import ( # noqa: WPS436 # Re-exporting PEP 517 hooks
+ build_sdist, get_requires_for_build_sdist,
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 38c5a47d62..4a583ee5a3 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
requires = ["setuptools >= 39.2.0", "wheel"]
-build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+backend-path = ["packaging"] # requires 'Pip>=20' or 'pep517>=0.6.0'
+build-backend = "pep517_backend.hooks" # wraps `setuptools.build_meta`
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/canonical-pep517-self-packaging/aliases b/test/integration/targets/canonical-pep517-self-packaging/aliases
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8278ec8bcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/canonical-pep517-self-packaging/aliases
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/canonical-pep517-self-packaging/minimum-build-constraints.txt b/test/integration/targets/canonical-pep517-self-packaging/minimum-build-constraints.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea5d808482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/canonical-pep517-self-packaging/minimum-build-constraints.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Lowest supporting Python 3.9 and 3.10:
+setuptools == 57.0.0; python_version == "3.9" or python_version == "3.10"
+# Lowest supporting Python 3.11:
+setuptools == 60.0.0; python_version >= "3.11"
+# An arbitrary old version that was released before Python 3.9.0:
+wheel == 0.33.6
+# Conditional dependencies:
+docutils == 0.16
+Jinja2 == 3.0.0
+MarkupSafe == 2.0.0
+PyYAML == 5.3
+straight.plugin == 1.4.2
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/canonical-pep517-self-packaging/modernish-build-constraints.txt b/test/integration/targets/canonical-pep517-self-packaging/modernish-build-constraints.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f744afde8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/canonical-pep517-self-packaging/modernish-build-constraints.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+setuptools == 67.4.0
+# Wheel-only build dependency
+wheel == 0.38.4
+# Conditional dependencies:
+docutils == 0.19
+Jinja2 == 3.1.2
+MarkupSafe == 2.1.2
+PyYAML == 6.0
+straight.plugin == 1.5.0 # WARNING: v1.5.0 doesn't have a Git tag / src
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/canonical-pep517-self-packaging/ b/test/integration/targets/canonical-pep517-self-packaging/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..028348f8fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/canonical-pep517-self-packaging/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+if [[ "${ANSIBLE_DEBUG}" == true ]] # `ansible-test` invoked with `--debug`
+set -eEuo pipefail
+set "${SET_DEBUG_MODE}"
+python -Im pip install 'pytest ~= 7.2.0'
+python -Im pytest ${PYTEST_VERY_VERBOSE_FLAG} \
+ --basetemp="${OUTPUT_DIR}/pytest-tmp" \
+ --color=yes \
+ --showlocals \
+ -p no:forked \
+ -p no:mock \
+ -ra
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/canonical-pep517-self-packaging/ b/test/integration/targets/canonical-pep517-self-packaging/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0fea1da673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/canonical-pep517-self-packaging/
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+"""Smoke tests for the in-tree PEP 517 backend."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+from filecmp import dircmp
+from os import environ
+from pathlib import Path
+from shutil import rmtree
+from subprocess import check_call, check_output, PIPE
+from sys import executable as current_interpreter
+from tarfile import TarFile
+import typing as t
+import pytest
+DIST_NAME = 'ansible_core'
+DIST_FILENAME_BASE = 'ansible-core'
+OUTPUT_DIR = Path(environ['OUTPUT_DIR']).resolve().absolute()
+GENERATED_MANPAGES_SUBDIR = SRC_ROOT_DIR / 'docs' / 'man' / 'man1'
+ Path(__file__).parent / 'minimum-build-constraints.txt'
+ Path(__file__).parent / 'modernish-build-constraints.txt'
+RELEASE_MODULE = SRC_ROOT_DIR / 'lib' / 'ansible' / ''
+VERSION_LINE_PREFIX = "__version__ = '"
+ line[len(VERSION_LINE_PREFIX):-1]
+ for line in RELEASE_MODULE.read_text().splitlines()
+ if line.startswith(VERSION_LINE_PREFIX)
+def wipe_generated_manpages() -> None:
+ """Ensure man1 pages aren't present in the source checkout."""
+ # Cleaning up the gitignored manpages...
+ return
+ # Removed the generated manpages...
+def contains_man1_pages(sdist_tarball: Path) -> Path:
+ """Check if the man1 pages are present in given tarball."""
+ with'rb') as tarball_fd:
+ with TarFile.gzopen(fileobj=tarball_fd, name=None) as tarball:
+ try:
+ tarball.getmember(
+ name=f'{EXPECTED_SDIST_NAME_BASE}/docs/man/man1',
+ )
+ except KeyError:
+ return False
+ return True
+def unpack_sdist(sdist_tarball: Path, target_directory: Path) -> Path:
+ """Unarchive given tarball.
+ :returns: Path of the package source checkout.
+ """
+ with'rb') as tarball_fd:
+ with TarFile.gzopen(fileobj=tarball_fd, name=None) as tarball:
+ tarball.extractall(path=target_directory)
+ return target_directory / EXPECTED_SDIST_NAME_BASE
+def assert_dirs_equal(*dir_paths: t.List[Path]) -> None:
+ dir_comparison = dircmp(*dir_paths)
+ assert not dir_comparison.left_only
+ assert not dir_comparison.right_only
+ assert not dir_comparison.diff_files
+ assert not dir_comparison.funny_files
+def normalize_unpacked_rebuilt_sdist(sdist_path: Path) -> None:
+ top_pkg_info_path = sdist_path / 'PKG-INFO'
+ nested_pkg_info_path = (
+ sdist_path / 'lib' / f'{DIST_NAME}.egg-info' / 'PKG-INFO'
+ )
+ entry_points_path = nested_pkg_info_path.parent / 'entry_points.txt'
+ # setuptools v39 write out two trailing empty lines and an unknown platform
+ # while the recent don't
+ top_pkg_info_path.write_text(
+ top_pkg_info_path.read_text().replace(
+ 'Classifier: Development Status :: 5',
+ 'Platform: UNKNOWN\nClassifier: Development Status :: 5',
+ ) + '\n\n'
+ )
+ nested_pkg_info_path.write_text(
+ nested_pkg_info_path.read_text().replace(
+ 'Classifier: Development Status :: 5',
+ 'Platform: UNKNOWN\nClassifier: Development Status :: 5',
+ ) + '\n\n'
+ )
+ # setuptools v39 write out one trailing empty line while the recent don't
+ entry_points_path.write_text(entry_points_path.read_text() + '\n')
+def venv_python_exe(tmp_path: Path) -> t.Iterator[Path]:
+ venv_path = tmp_path / 'pytest-managed-venv'
+ mkvenv_cmd = (
+ current_interpreter, '-m', 'venv', str(venv_path),
+ )
+ check_call(mkvenv_cmd, env={}, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
+ yield venv_path / 'bin' / 'python'
+ rmtree(venv_path)
+def build_dists(
+ python_exe: Path, *cli_args: t.Iterable[str],
+ env_vars: t.Dict[str, str],
+) -> str:
+ full_cmd = str(python_exe), '-m', 'build', *cli_args
+ return check_output(full_cmd, env=env_vars, stderr=PIPE)
+def pip_install(
+ python_exe: Path, *cli_args: t.Iterable[str],
+ env_vars: t.Dict[str, str] = None,
+) -> str:
+ if env_vars is None:
+ env_vars = {}
+ full_cmd = str(python_exe), '-m', 'pip', 'install', *cli_args
+ return check_output(full_cmd, env=env_vars, stderr=PIPE)
+def test_dist_rebuilds_with_manpages_premutations(
+ venv_python_exe: Path, tmp_path: Path,
+) -> None:
+ """Test a series of sdist rebuilds under different conditions.
+ This check builds sdists right from the Git checkout with and without
+ the manpages. It also does this using different versions of the setuptools
+ PEP 517 build backend being pinned. Finally, it builds a wheel out of one
+ of the rebuilt sdists.
+ As intermediate assertions, this test makes simple smoke tests along
+ the way.
+ """
+ pip_install(venv_python_exe, 'build ~= 0.10.0')
+ # Test building an sdist without manpages from the Git checkout
+ tmp_dir_sdist_without_manpages = tmp_path / 'sdist-without-manpages'
+ wipe_generated_manpages()
+ build_dists(
+ venv_python_exe, '--sdist',
+ f'--outdir={tmp_dir_sdist_without_manpages!s}',
+ str(SRC_ROOT_DIR),
+ env_vars={
+ },
+ )
+ tmp_path_sdist_without_manpages = (
+ tmp_dir_sdist_without_manpages / EXPECTED_SDIST_NAME
+ )
+ assert tmp_path_sdist_without_manpages.exists()
+ assert not contains_man1_pages(tmp_path_sdist_without_manpages)
+ sdist_without_manpages_path = unpack_sdist(
+ tmp_path_sdist_without_manpages,
+ tmp_dir_sdist_without_manpages / 'src',
+ )
+ # Test building an sdist with manpages from the Git checkout
+ # and lowest supported build deps
+ wipe_generated_manpages()
+ tmp_dir_sdist_with_manpages = tmp_path / 'sdist-with-manpages'
+ build_dists(
+ venv_python_exe, '--sdist',
+ '--config-setting=--build-manpages',
+ f'--outdir={tmp_dir_sdist_with_manpages!s}',
+ str(SRC_ROOT_DIR),
+ env_vars={
+ },
+ )
+ tmp_path_sdist_with_manpages = (
+ tmp_dir_sdist_with_manpages / EXPECTED_SDIST_NAME
+ )
+ assert tmp_path_sdist_with_manpages.exists()
+ assert contains_man1_pages(tmp_path_sdist_with_manpages)
+ sdist_with_manpages_path = unpack_sdist(
+ tmp_path_sdist_with_manpages,
+ tmp_dir_sdist_with_manpages / 'src',
+ )
+ # Test re-building an sdist with manpages from the
+ # sdist contents that does not include the manpages
+ tmp_dir_rebuilt_sdist = tmp_path / 'rebuilt-sdist'
+ build_dists(
+ venv_python_exe, '--sdist',
+ '--config-setting=--build-manpages',
+ f'--outdir={tmp_dir_rebuilt_sdist!s}',
+ str(sdist_without_manpages_path),
+ env_vars={
+ },
+ )
+ tmp_path_rebuilt_sdist = tmp_dir_rebuilt_sdist / EXPECTED_SDIST_NAME
+ # Checking that the expected sdist got created
+ # from the previous unpacked sdist...
+ assert tmp_path_rebuilt_sdist.exists()
+ assert contains_man1_pages(tmp_path_rebuilt_sdist)
+ rebuilt_sdist_path = unpack_sdist(
+ tmp_path_rebuilt_sdist,
+ tmp_dir_rebuilt_sdist / 'src',
+ )
+ assert rebuilt_sdist_path.exists()
+ assert rebuilt_sdist_path.is_dir()
+ normalize_unpacked_rebuilt_sdist(rebuilt_sdist_path)
+ assert_dirs_equal(rebuilt_sdist_path, sdist_with_manpages_path)
+ # Test building a wheel from the rebuilt sdist with manpages contents
+ # and lowest supported build deps
+ tmp_dir_rebuilt_wheel = tmp_path / 'rebuilt-wheel'
+ build_dists(
+ venv_python_exe, '--wheel',
+ f'--outdir={tmp_dir_rebuilt_wheel!s}',
+ str(sdist_with_manpages_path),
+ env_vars={
+ },
+ )
+ tmp_path_rebuilt_wheel = tmp_dir_rebuilt_wheel / EXPECTED_WHEEL_NAME
+ # Checking that the expected wheel got created...
+ assert tmp_path_rebuilt_wheel.exists()
+def test_pep660_editable_install_smoke(venv_python_exe: Path) -> None:
+ """Smoke-test PEP 660 editable install.
+ This verifies that the in-tree build backend wrapper
+ does not break any required interfaces.
+ """
+ pip_install(venv_python_exe, '-e', str(SRC_ROOT_DIR))
+ pip_show_cmd = (
+ str(venv_python_exe), '-m',
+ 'pip', 'show', DIST_FILENAME_BASE,
+ )
+ installed_ansible_meta = check_output(
+ pip_show_cmd,
+ env={}, stderr=PIPE, text=True,
+ ).splitlines()
+ assert f'Name: {DIST_FILENAME_BASE}' in installed_ansible_meta
+ assert f'Version: {PKG_DIST_VERSION}' in installed_ansible_meta
+ pip_runtime_version_cmd = (
+ str(venv_python_exe), '-c',
+ 'from ansible import __version__; print(__version__)',
+ )
+ runtime_ansible_version = check_output(
+ pip_runtime_version_cmd,
+ env={}, stderr=PIPE, text=True,
+ ).strip()
+ assert runtime_ansible_version == PKG_DIST_VERSION