path: root/FreeRTOS-Plus/Test/CMock/lib/cmock_config.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FreeRTOS-Plus/Test/CMock/lib/cmock_config.rb')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Test/CMock/lib/cmock_config.rb b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Test/CMock/lib/cmock_config.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9515481c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Test/CMock/lib/cmock_config.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# ==========================================
+# CMock Project - Automatic Mock Generation for C
+# Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+# [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+# ==========================================
+class CMockConfig
+ {
+ :framework => :unity,
+ :mock_path => 'mocks',
+ :mock_prefix => 'Mock',
+ :mock_suffix => '',
+ :skeleton_path => '',
+ :weak => '',
+ :subdir => nil,
+ :plugins => [],
+ :strippables => ['(?:__attribute__\s*\(+.*?\)+)'],
+ :attributes => %w[__ramfunc __irq __fiq register extern],
+ :c_calling_conventions => %w[__stdcall __cdecl __fastcall],
+ :enforce_strict_ordering => false,
+ :fail_on_unexpected_calls => true,
+ :unity_helper_path => false,
+ :treat_as => {},
+ :treat_as_array => {},
+ :treat_as_void => [],
+ :memcmp_if_unknown => true,
+ :when_no_prototypes => :warn, # the options being :ignore, :warn, or :error
+ :when_ptr => :compare_data, # the options being :compare_ptr, :compare_data, or :smart
+ :verbosity => 2, # the options being 0 errors only, 1 warnings and errors, 2 normal info, 3 verbose
+ :treat_externs => :exclude, # the options being :include or :exclude
+ :treat_inlines => :exclude, # the options being :include or :exclude
+ :callback_include_count => true,
+ :callback_after_arg_check => false,
+ :includes => nil,
+ :includes_h_pre_orig_header => nil,
+ :includes_h_post_orig_header => nil,
+ :includes_c_pre_header => nil,
+ :includes_c_post_header => nil,
+ :orig_header_include_fmt => '#include "%s"',
+ :array_size_type => [],
+ :array_size_name => 'size|len',
+ :skeleton => false,
+ # Format to look for inline functions.
+ # This is a combination of "static" and "inline" keywords ("static inline", "inline static", "inline", "static")
+ # There are several possibilities:
+ # - sometimes they appear together, sometimes individually,
+ # - The keywords can appear before or after the return type (this is a compiler warning but people do weird stuff),
+ # so we check for word boundaries when searching for them
+ # - We first remove "static inline" combinations and boil down to single inline or static statements
+ :inline_function_patterns => ['(static\s+inline|inline\s+static)\s*', '(\bstatic\b|\binline\b)\s*'] # Last part (\s*) is just to remove whitespaces (only to prettify the output)
+ }.freeze
+ def initialize(options = nil)
+ case options
+ when NilClass then options = CMOCK_DEFAULT_OPTIONS.dup
+ when String then options = CMOCK_DEFAULT_OPTIONS.dup.merge(load_config_file_from_yaml(options))
+ when Hash then options = CMOCK_DEFAULT_OPTIONS.dup.merge(options)
+ else raise 'If you specify arguments, it should be a filename or a hash of options'
+ end
+ # do some quick type verification
+ %i[plugins attributes treat_as_void].each do |opt|
+ unless options[opt].class == Array
+ options[opt] = []
+ puts "WARNING: :#{opt} should be an array." unless options[:verbosity] < 1
+ end
+ end
+ %i[includes includes_h_pre_orig_header includes_h_post_orig_header includes_c_pre_header includes_c_post_header].each do |opt|
+ unless options[opt].nil? || (options[opt].class == Array)
+ options[opt] = []
+ puts "WARNING: :#{opt} should be an array." unless options[:verbosity] < 1
+ end
+ end
+ options[:unity_helper_path] ||= options[:unity_helper]
+ options[:unity_helper_path] = [options[:unity_helper_path]] if options[:unity_helper_path].is_a? String
+ if options[:unity_helper_path]
+ require 'pathname'
+ includes1 = options[:includes_c_post_header] || []
+ includes2 = options[:unity_helper_path].map do |path|
+ Pathname(path).relative_path_from(Pathname(options[:mock_path])).to_s
+ end
+ options[:includes_c_post_header] = (includes1 + includes2).uniq
+ end
+ options[:plugins].compact!
+ options[:plugins].map!(&:to_sym)
+ @options = options
+ treat_as_map = standard_treat_as_map # .clone
+ treat_as_map.merge!(@options[:treat_as])
+ @options[:treat_as] = treat_as_map
+ @options.each_key do |key|
+ unless methods.include?(key)
+ eval("def #{key}() return @options[:#{key}] end")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def load_config_file_from_yaml(yaml_filename)
+ self.class.load_config_file_from_yaml yaml_filename
+ end
+ def self.load_config_file_from_yaml(yaml_filename)
+ require 'yaml'
+ require 'fileutils'
+ YAML.load_file(yaml_filename)[:cmock]
+ end
+ def path(new_path)
+ @src_path = new_path
+ end
+ def load_unity_helper
+ return nil unless @options[:unity_helper_path]
+ @options[:unity_helper_path].inject('') do |unity_helper, filename|
+ unity_helper + "\n" +
+ end
+ end
+ def standard_treat_as_map
+ {
+ 'int' => 'INT',
+ 'char' => 'INT8',
+ 'short' => 'INT16',
+ 'long' => 'INT',
+ 'int8' => 'INT8',
+ 'int16' => 'INT16',
+ 'int32' => 'INT',
+ 'int8_t' => 'INT8',
+ 'int16_t' => 'INT16',
+ 'int32_t' => 'INT',
+ 'INT8_T' => 'INT8',
+ 'INT16_T' => 'INT16',
+ 'INT32_T' => 'INT',
+ 'bool' => 'INT',
+ 'bool_t' => 'INT',
+ 'BOOL' => 'INT',
+ 'BOOL_T' => 'INT',
+ 'unsigned int' => 'HEX32',
+ 'unsigned long' => 'HEX32',
+ 'uint32' => 'HEX32',
+ 'uint32_t' => 'HEX32',
+ 'UINT32' => 'HEX32',
+ 'UINT32_T' => 'HEX32',
+ 'void*' => 'HEX8_ARRAY',
+ 'void const*' => 'HEX8_ARRAY',
+ 'const void*' => 'HEX8_ARRAY',
+ 'unsigned short' => 'HEX16',
+ 'uint16' => 'HEX16',
+ 'uint16_t' => 'HEX16',
+ 'UINT16' => 'HEX16',
+ 'UINT16_T' => 'HEX16',
+ 'unsigned char' => 'HEX8',
+ 'uint8' => 'HEX8',
+ 'uint8_t' => 'HEX8',
+ 'UINT8' => 'HEX8',
+ 'UINT8_T' => 'HEX8',
+ 'char*' => 'STRING',
+ 'char const*' => 'STRING',
+ 'const char*' => 'STRING',
+ 'pCHAR' => 'STRING',
+ 'cstring' => 'STRING',
+ 'float' => 'FLOAT',
+ 'double' => 'FLOAT'
+ }
+ end