path: root/FreeRTOS-Plus/Test/CMock/test/rakefile_helper.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FreeRTOS-Plus/Test/CMock/test/rakefile_helper.rb')
1 files changed, 403 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Test/CMock/test/rakefile_helper.rb b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Test/CMock/test/rakefile_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d898905e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Test/CMock/test/rakefile_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+# ==========================================
+# CMock Project - Automatic Mock Generation for C
+# Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+# [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+# ==========================================
+require 'yaml'
+require 'fileutils'
+require '../vendor/unity/auto/generate_test_runner'
+require '../vendor/unity/auto/unity_test_summary'
+require '../vendor/unity/auto/colour_reporter.rb'
+require './system/systest_generator'
+module RakefileHelpers
+ SYSTEST_GENERATED_FILES_PATH = './system/generated/'
+ SYSTEST_BUILD_FILES_PATH = './system/build/'
+ SYSTEST_COMPILE_MOCKABLES_PATH = './system/test_compilation/'
+ C_EXTENSION = '.c'
+ RESULT_EXTENSION = '.result'
+ def load_configuration(config_file)
+ $cfg_file = config_file
+ $cfg = YAML.load('./targets/' + $cfg_file))
+ $colour_output = false unless $cfg['colour']
+ end
+ def configure_clean
+ end
+ def configure_toolchain(config_file)
+ load_configuration(config_file)
+ configure_clean
+ end
+ def get_local_include_dirs
+ include_dirs = $cfg['compiler']['includes']['items'].dup
+ include_dirs.delete_if {|dir| dir.is_a?(Array)}
+ return include_dirs
+ end
+ def extract_headers(filename)
+ includes = []
+ lines = File.readlines(filename)
+ lines.each do |line|
+ m = line.match(/^\s*#include\s+\"\s*(.+\.[hH])\s*\"/)
+ if not m.nil?
+ includes << m[1]
+ end
+ end
+ includes << File.basename(filename,".c").slice(5,256) + "_unity_helper.h"
+ return includes
+ end
+ def find_source_file(header, paths)
+ paths.each do |dir|
+ src_file = dir + header.ext(C_EXTENSION)
+ if (File.exists?(src_file))
+ return src_file
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ def squash(prefix, items)
+ result = ''
+ items.each { |item| result += " #{prefix}#{tackit(item)}" }
+ return result
+ end
+ def build_compiler_fields
+ command = tackit($cfg['compiler']['path'])
+ if $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'].nil?
+ defines = ''
+ else
+ defines = squash($cfg['compiler']['defines']['prefix'], $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'])
+ end
+ options = squash('', $cfg['compiler']['options'])
+ includes = squash($cfg['compiler']['includes']['prefix'], $cfg['compiler']['includes']['items'])
+ includes = includes.gsub(/\\ /, ' ').gsub(/\\\"/, '"').gsub(/\\$/, '') # Remove trailing slashes (for IAR)
+ return {:command => command, :defines => defines, :options => options, :includes => includes}
+ end
+ def compile(file, defines=[])
+ compiler = build_compiler_fields
+ cmd_str = "#{compiler[:command]}#{compiler[:defines]}#{defines.inject(''){|all, a| ' -D'+a+all }}#{compiler[:options]}#{compiler[:includes]} #{file} " +
+ "#{$cfg['compiler']['object_files']['prefix']}#{$cfg['compiler']['object_files']['destination']}"
+ obj_file = "#{File.basename(file, C_EXTENSION)}#{$cfg['compiler']['object_files']['extension']}"
+ execute(cmd_str + obj_file)
+ return obj_file
+ end
+ def build_linker_fields
+ command = tackit($cfg['linker']['path'])
+ if $cfg['linker']['options'].nil?
+ options = ''
+ else
+ options = squash('', $cfg['linker']['options'])
+ end
+ if ($cfg['linker']['includes'].nil? || $cfg['linker']['includes']['items'].nil?)
+ includes = ''
+ else
+ includes = squash($cfg['linker']['includes']['prefix'], $cfg['linker']['includes']['items'])
+ end
+ includes = includes.gsub(/\\ /, ' ').gsub(/\\\"/, '"').gsub(/\\$/, '') # Remove trailing slashes (for IAR)
+ return {:command => command, :options => options, :includes => includes}
+ end
+ def link_it(exe_name, obj_list)
+ linker = build_linker_fields
+ cmd_str = "#{linker[:command]}#{linker[:options]}#{linker[:includes]} " +
+ ({|obj|"#{$cfg['linker']['object_files']['path']}#{obj} "}).uniq.join +
+ $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['prefix'] + ' ' +
+ $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['destination'] +
+ exe_name + $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['extension']
+ execute(cmd_str)
+ end
+ def build_simulator_fields
+ return nil if $cfg['simulator'].nil?
+ if $cfg['simulator']['path'].nil?
+ command = ''
+ else
+ command = (tackit($cfg['simulator']['path']) + ' ')
+ end
+ if $cfg['simulator']['pre_support'].nil?
+ pre_support = ''
+ else
+ pre_support = squash('', $cfg['simulator']['pre_support'])
+ end
+ if $cfg['simulator']['post_support'].nil?
+ post_support = ''
+ else
+ post_support = squash('', $cfg['simulator']['post_support'])
+ end
+ return {:command => command, :pre_support => pre_support, :post_support => post_support}
+ end
+ def execute(command_string, verbose=true, raise_on_failure=true)
+ #report command_string
+ output = `#{command_string}`.chomp
+ report(output) if (verbose && !output.nil? && (output.length > 0))
+ if ($?.exitstatus != 0) and (raise_on_failure)
+ raise "#{command_string} failed. (Returned #{$?.exitstatus})"
+ end
+ return output
+ end
+ def tackit(strings)
+ case(strings)
+ when Array
+ "\"#{strings.join}\""
+ when /^-/
+ strings
+ when /\s/
+ "\"#{strings}\""
+ else
+ strings
+ end
+ end
+ def run_astyle(style_what)
+ report "Styling C Code..."
+ command = "AStyle " \
+ "--style=allman --indent=spaces=4 --indent-switches --indent-preproc-define --indent-preproc-block " \
+ "--pad-oper --pad-comma --unpad-paren --pad-header " \
+ "--align-pointer=type --align-reference=name " \
+ "--add-brackets --mode=c --suffix=none " \
+ "#{style_what}"
+ execute(command, false)
+ report "Styling C:PASS"
+ end
+ def report_summary
+ summary =
+ summary.root = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/'
+ results_glob = "#{$cfg['compiler']['build_path']}*.test*"
+ results_glob.gsub!(/\\/, '/')
+ results = Dir[results_glob]
+ summary.targets = results
+ fail_out "FAIL: There were failures" if (summary.failures > 0)
+ end
+ def run_system_test_interactions(test_case_files)
+ load '../lib/cmock.rb'
+ test_files = + 'test*.c')
+ load_configuration($cfg_file)
+ $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'] = [] if $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'].nil?
+ include_dirs = get_local_include_dirs
+ # Build and execute each unit test
+ test_files.each do |test|
+ obj_list = []
+ test_base = File.basename(test, C_EXTENSION)
+ cmock_config = test_base.gsub(/test_/, '') + '_cmock.yml'
+ report "Executing system tests in #{File.basename(test)}..."
+ # Detect dependencies and build required required modules
+ extract_headers(test).each do |header|
+ # Generate any needed mocks
+ if header =~ /^mock_(.*)\.h/i
+ module_name = $1
+ cmock = + cmock_config)
+ cmock.setup_mocks("#{$cfg['compiler']['source_path']}#{module_name}.h")
+ end
+ # Compile corresponding source file if it exists
+ src_file = find_source_file(header, include_dirs)
+ if !src_file.nil?
+ obj_list << compile(src_file)
+ end
+ end
+ # Generate and build the test suite runner
+ runner_name = test_base + '_runner.c'
+ runner_path = $cfg['compiler']['source_path'] + runner_name
+ + cmock_config).run(test, runner_path)
+ obj_list << compile(runner_path)
+ # Build the test module
+ obj_list << compile(test)
+ # Link the test executable
+ link_it(test_base, obj_list)
+ # Execute unit test and generate results file
+ simulator = build_simulator_fields
+ executable = $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['destination'] + test_base + $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['extension']
+ if simulator.nil?
+ cmd_str = executable
+ else
+ cmd_str = "#{simulator[:command]} #{simulator[:pre_support]} #{executable} #{simulator[:post_support]}"
+ end
+ output = execute(cmd_str, false, false)
+ test_results = $cfg['compiler']['build_path'] + test_base + RESULT_EXTENSION
+, 'w') { |f| f.print output }
+ end
+ # Parse and report test results
+ total_tests = 0
+ total_failures = 0
+ failure_messages = []
+ test_case_files.each do |test_case|
+ tests = (YAML.load_file(test_case))[:systest][:tests][:units]
+ total_tests += tests.size
+ test_file = 'test_' + File.basename(test_case).ext(C_EXTENSION)
+ result_file = test_file.ext(RESULT_EXTENSION)
+ test_results = File.readlines(SYSTEST_BUILD_FILES_PATH + result_file).reject {|line| line.size < 10 } # we're rejecting lines that are too short to be realistic, which handles line ending problems
+ tests.each_with_index do |test, index|
+ # compare test's intended pass/fail state with pass/fail state in actual results;
+ # if they don't match, the system test has failed
+ this_failed = case(test[:pass])
+ when :ignore
+ (test_results[index] =~ /:IGNORE/).nil?
+ when true
+ (test_results[index] =~ /:PASS/).nil?
+ when false
+ (test_results[index] =~ /:FAIL/).nil?
+ end
+ if (this_failed)
+ total_failures += 1
+ test_results[index] =~ /test#{index+1}:(.+)/
+ failure_messages << "#{test_file}:test#{index+1}:should #{test[:should]}:#{$1}"
+ end
+ # some tests have additional requirements to check for (checking the actual output message)
+ if (test[:verify_error]) and not (test_results[index] =~ /test#{index+1}:.*#{test[:verify_error]}/)
+ total_failures += 1
+ failure_messages << "#{test_file}:test#{index+1}:should #{test[:should]}:should have output matching '#{test[:verify_error]}' but was '#{test_results[index]}'"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ report "\n"
+ report "------------------------------------\n"
+ report "------------------------------------\n"
+ report "#{total_tests} Tests #{total_failures} Failures 0 Ignored\n"
+ report "\n"
+ if (failure_messages.size > 0)
+ report 'System test failures:'
+ failure_messages.each do |failure|
+ report failure
+ end
+ end
+ report ''
+ return total_failures
+ end
+ def profile_this(filename)
+ profile = true
+ begin
+ require 'ruby-prof'
+ RubyProf.start
+ rescue
+ profile = false
+ end
+ yield
+ if (profile)
+ profile_result = RubyProf.stop
+"Profile_#{filename}.html", 'w') do |f|
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def run_system_test_compilations(mockables)
+ load '../lib/cmock.rb'
+ load_configuration($cfg_file)
+ $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'] = [] if $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'].nil?
+ report "\n"
+ report "------------------------------------\n"
+ report "------------------------------------\n"
+ mockables.each do |header|
+ mock_filename = 'mock_' + File.basename(header).ext('.c')
+ + 'config.yml').setup_mocks(header)
+ report "Compiling #{mock_filename}..."
+ compile(SYSTEST_GENERATED_FILES_PATH + mock_filename)
+ end
+ end
+ def run_system_test_profiles(mockables)
+ load '../lib/cmock.rb'
+ load_configuration($cfg_file)
+ $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'] = [] if $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'].nil?
+ report "\n"
+ report "--------------------------\n"
+ report "--------------------------\n"
+ mockables.each do |header|
+ mock_filename = 'mock_' + File.basename(header).ext('.c')
+ profile_this(mock_filename.gsub('.c','')) do
+ 10.times do
+ + 'config.yml').setup_mocks(header)
+ end
+ end
+ report "Compiling #{mock_filename}..."
+ compile(SYSTEST_GENERATED_FILES_PATH + mock_filename)
+ end
+ end
+ def build_and_test_c_files
+ report "\n"
+ report "----------------\n"
+ report "UNIT TEST C CODE\n"
+ report "----------------\n"
+ errors = false
+"c/*.yml").each do |yaml_file|
+ test = YAML.load(
+ report "\nTesting #{yaml_file.sub('.yml','')}"
+ report "(#{test[:options].join(', ')})"
+ test[:files].each { |f| compile(f, test[:options]) }
+ obj_files = test[:files].map { |f| f.gsub!(/.*\//,'').gsub!(C_EXTENSION, $cfg['compiler']['object_files']['extension']) }
+ link_it('TestCMockC', obj_files)
+ if $cfg['simulator'].nil?
+ execute($cfg['linker']['bin_files']['destination'] + 'TestCMockC' + $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['extension'])
+ else
+ execute(tackit($cfg['simulator']['path'].join) + ' ' +
+ $cfg['simulator']['pre_support'].map{|o| tackit(o)}.join(' ') + ' ' +
+ $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['destination'] +
+ 'TestCMockC' +
+ $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['extension'] + ' ' +
+ $cfg['simulator']['post_support'].map{|o| tackit(o)}.join(' ') )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def run_examples()
+ [ "cd #{File.join("..","examples","make_example")} && make clean && make setup && make test",
+ "cd #{File.join("..","examples","temp_sensor")} && rake ci"
+ ].each do |cmd|
+ report "Testing '#{cmd}'"
+ execute(cmd, false)
+ end
+ end
+ def fail_out(msg)
+ puts msg
+ exit(-1)
+ end