diff options
authorKeith Seitz <>2002-09-24 22:42:36 +0000
committerKeith Seitz <>2002-09-24 22:42:36 +0000
commit5a88d945c95d8c15e31bf74fc9850b8c01fdeaec (patch)
parentc2e8768187b8a0373793db9afd305d89d09de3a3 (diff)
import itcl 3.2.1ITCL_3_2_1
56 files changed, 7768 insertions, 4521 deletions
diff --git a/itcl/CHANGES b/itcl/CHANGES
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b0cbdafe85d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/itcl/CHANGES
@@ -0,0 +1,2041 @@
+ [incr Tcl] - CHANGE LOG
+ ----------------------- CHANGES FROM itcl-1.5 --------------------------
+ Release itcl-2.0 provides a new syntax for defining classes. The
+ new syntax is accessed using the new "itcl::class" command. For the
+ time being, the old syntax will be supported via the old "itcl_class"
+ command, but support for this will be phased out over time.
+ Because both syntaxes are supported, the new version is "backward
+ compatible" with the previous itcl-1.5 release. However, there are
+ some semantic changes that may break existing scripts. These are
+ listed in detail in the section "INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES".
+ Following is a brief catalog of new commands available in this release.
+ == Tcl with Namespaces =================================================
+ delete namespace name ?name...?
+ Deletes one or more namespaces, destroying all commands, variables,
+ and child namespaces within it.
+ ensemble name {
+ option optName arglist body
+ option optName arglist body
+ ...
+ ensemble optName {
+ option subOptName arglist body
+ option subOptName arglist body
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ Adds options to an ensemble called "name". If the ensemble does
+ not already exist, it is created automatically. An "ensemble" is
+ a toplevel command that groups a collection of sub-commands. For
+ example, the usual Tcl "info" command is an ensemble with options
+ like "globals", "level", "tclversion", etc.
+ Ensembles are good for two reasons. First, new options can be
+ integrated in without modifying any source code or "switch"
+ statements. For example, [incr Tcl] adds the "info classes"
+ and "info objects" commands simply by adding options to the
+ "info" ensemble. Second, error messages are generated automatically
+ by the ensemble mechanism. Try invoking "info" with no options
+ and see the result.
+ Each option declaration is just like a Tcl proc declaration,
+ with an option name, arglist and body. Ensembles can also
+ contain sub-ensembles with more options.
+ import add name ?name...? ?-where pos...?
+ import all ?name?
+ import list ?importList?
+ import remove name ?name...?
+ Used to manipulate the "import" list for the current namespace.
+ When one namespace imports another, it gains access to all of
+ its public commands/variables as if they were part of the
+ same namespace. In other words, one namespace can be integrated
+ seamlessly into another by adding it to the import list of the
+ other namespace. By default, each namespace imports its parent,
+ so most namespaces import the global scope in some fashion.
+ The form "import list" is used to query or set the import list
+ for the current namespace. The form "import all" returns the
+ namespace search path that is consulted when commands/variables
+ are accessed.
+ info context
+ Returns the current namespace context. The global namespace
+ context is reported here as "", so it is easy to build
+ namespace paths like this:
+ set path "[info context]::name"
+ info namespace all ?pattern?
+ Returns a list of namespaces found in the current namespace
+ context, whose names match an optional string pattern. This
+ includes children of the current namespace, and children of
+ all imported namespaces.
+ info namespace children ?name?
+ Returns a list of child namespaces for namespace "name",
+ or for the current namespace if "name" is not specified.
+ info namespace parent ?name?
+ Returns the parent namespace for namespace "name", or
+ for the current namespace if "name" is not specified.
+ info namespace qualifiers string
+ Parses a string of the form "namesp::namesp::name", and returns
+ the leading "namesp::namesp" scope qualifiers.
+ info namespace tail string
+ Parses a string of the form "namesp::namesp::name", and returns
+ the trailing "name" element.
+ info protection ?-command? ?-variable? name
+ Returns the protection level for an element. By default, "name"
+ is treated as a command name, but the "-command" or "-variable"
+ flags can be used to request a specific treatment.
+ info which ?-command? ?-variable? ?-namespace? name
+ Reports the full namespace path (e.g., "::namesp::namesp::name")
+ for an element. By default, "name" is treated as a command name,
+ but the "-command", "-variable" and "-namespace" flags can be
+ used to request a specific treatment.
+ namespace name ?-local? ?-enforced val? ?--? ?commands?
+ This is the usual mechanism for creating a namespace and defining
+ elements within it.
+ If namespace "name" does not exist, it is created automatically.
+ The namespace name may include a full namespace path (e.g.,
+ "namesp::namesp::namesp"). During the search for this namespace,
+ all imported namespaces are consulted. If the "-local" flag is
+ specified, then the search is restricted to the local namespace;
+ this prevents against accidentally importing a namespace if the
+ intent is to create a child namespace.
+ If the "-enforced" flag is specified, then "val" is treated as a
+ boolean value; if true, then command/variable enforcement is
+ turned on for this namespace. Each time a new command is
+ referenced within the namespace, Tcl automatically calls a
+ procedure:
+ enforce_cmd <name>
+ with the <name> of the command that is about to be executed. The
+ "enforce_cmd" proc can return an error, and access to that command
+ will be denied. It can return another command name, or a more
+ specific namespace path, and that command will be used instead.
+ Or it can return "", and command lookup will continue via the
+ normal namespace rules (i.e., in local scope, imported namespaces,
+ etc.).
+ Each time a new variable is referenced within an enforced
+ namespace, Tcl automatically calls a procedure:
+ enforce_var <name>
+ with the <name> of a global variable that is being referenced.
+ The "enforce_var" proc can return an error, and access to that
+ variable will be denied. It can return another variable name,
+ or a more specific namespace path, and that variable will be
+ used instead. Or it can return "", and variable lookup will
+ continue via the normal namespace rules (i.e., in local scope,
+ imported namespaces, etc.).
+ Note that command/variable enforcement done at the Tcl language
+ level can be slow. There is also a C language interface for
+ the same functionality, which offers much better performance.
+ The namespace is first found and updated with whatever flags were
+ specified. After that, if a "commands" string was specified, it
+ is executed in the context of the namespace.
+ public command ?arg arg...?
+ protected command ?arg arg...?
+ private command ?arg arg...?
+ These commands attach a particular protection level to whatever
+ commands or variables are created while executing the specified
+ command. They are used in conjunction with commands like
+ "proc" and "variable" to create public/protected/private elements.
+ scope string
+ code ?-namespace name? command ?arg arg ...?
+ @scope namespace value
+ The "scope" command takes a string and encodes it into an "@scope"
+ declaration. The "code" command performs a similar function,
+ but accepts multiple arguments and is usually used to wrap up
+ code fragments. The "@scope" declaration keeps a value (like a
+ variable name or code fragment) together with its context
+ namespace. It can be executed like an ordinary command:
+ set cmd {@scope :: puts}
+ $cmd "hello world!"
+ or used as an ordinary variable name:
+ set var {@scope :: auto_path}
+ lappend $var /usr/local/mylib
+ The difference, however, is that an "@scope" value bypasses the
+ usual access protections and guarantees that values have the
+ proper scope.
+ Ordinary variable names refer to variables in the global
+ namespace. Ordinary code fragments are usually interpreted
+ by extensions like Tk in the global namespace. The "scope"
+ and "code" commands are used to wrap up variable names and
+ code fragments to preserve the namespace context. For example:
+ namespace foo {
+ private variable state 0
+ private proc show_state {mesg} {
+ global state
+ puts "$mesg: $state"
+ }
+ checkbutton .cb -text "Toggle" \
+ -variable [scope state] \
+ -command [code show_state "current state"]
+ pack .cb
+ }
+ In this example, the checkbutton is tied to the variable
+ "foo::state" and executes the command "foo::show_state"
+ whenever it is pressed.
+ When a Tk widget uses commands and variables within a
+ namespace, these names should be wrapped up as scoped
+ values, as shown above.
+ variable name ?value?
+ Creates a variable called "name" and initializes it to an optional
+ value. This is normally used in conjunction with public, protected
+ and private commands to declare variables within a namespace:
+ namespace foo {
+ public variable x 0
+ private variable y 1
+ }
+ If the variable "name" already exists, it updated to have
+ the protection level that is currently active.
+ == Tk with Namespaces ==================================================
+ bind...
+ Recognizes and expands the following fields within command
+ strings:
+ %q => Replaced with the fully-qualified access command
+ for the widget receiving the event. For example,
+ namespace foo {
+ namespace bar {
+ button .b -text "Hello World!"
+ }
+ }
+ The fully-qualified access command for this widget
+ is "::foo::bar::.b". The "%q" field should be used
+ instead of "%W" as the widget access command:
+ bind Button <Key-Return> "%q flash; %q invoke"
+ %M => Replaced with the window path name of the mega-widget
+ containing the window receiving the event. For example,
+ if an "entryfield" mega-widget ".x" contains an entry
+ widget ".x.entry", bindings added to ".x.entry" will
+ replace "%M" with ".x". This allows generic bindings
+ to be added to component widgets which affect the
+ mega-widget as a whole.
+ For this to work properly, mega-widget packages must
+ register their component widgets using Itk_SetMegaWidget().
+ winfo command window
+ Returns the fully-qualified access command for the widget "window".
+ This is equivalent to the "%q" field in bindings, and is useful
+ in procedures where the only the window name is known:
+ foreach kid [winfo children $win] {
+ [winfo command $kid] configure -bg blue
+ }
+ winfo megawidget window
+ Returns the window path name of the mega-widget containing "window"
+ as a component. This is equivalent to the "%M" field in bindings,
+ and is useful in procedures where only the component window name
+ is known. For this to work properly, mega-widget packages must
+ register their component widgets using Itk_SetMegaWidget().
+ == [incr Tcl] ==========================================================
+ delete class name ?name...?
+ Deletes one or more object classes. Deleting a class also
+ causes all derived classes, and all objects belonging to the
+ class, to be deleted as well.
+ delete object name ?name...?
+ Deletes one or more objects. If the access command for an
+ object resides in another namespace, then the full namespace
+ path should be used:
+ delete object foo::bar::x
+ info classes ?pattern?
+ Returns a list of all classes in the current namespace
+ whose names match an optional string pattern.
+ info objects ?-class className? ?-isa className? ?pattern?
+ Returns a list of all objects whose names match an optional
+ string pattern. If the "-class" option is specified, then
+ the list is further restricted to those objects whose
+ most-specific class is "className". If the "-isa" option
+ is specified, then the list is further restricted to those
+ objects who belong to class "className".
+ itcl::class name { definition }
+ Used to create define a new class "name". The "definition"
+ commands include:
+ inherit baseClass ?baseClass...?
+ constructor arglist ?init? body
+ destructor body
+ method name ?arglist? ?body?
+ proc name ?arglist? ?body?
+ variable name ?init? ?config?
+ common name ?init?
+ public command ?arg arg...?
+ protected command ?arg arg...?
+ private command ?arg arg...?
+ Note that the constructor statement has changed to include an
+ optional "init" argument. This is an initialization statement
+ that can be used to call out base class constructors. If it
+ is not included, base classes are constructors are invoked
+ automatically without any arguments.
+ The "variable" statement is now used to create object-specific
+ data members. The "common" statement is used to create "common"
+ variables, which are global within the class namespace. Both
+ types of variables can be designated public, protected or
+ private.
+ itcl::body class::func arglist body
+ Used to define the body of a class member function outside of
+ the class definition. If "body" declarations are kept in a
+ separate file, they can be sourced again and again to test
+ changes as bugs are fixed. If an "arglist" is specified in
+ the class definition, then the "arglist" for the body definition
+ must have the same meaning.
+ itcl::configbody class::option body
+ Similar to the "body" command, but used to define the configuration
+ code for a public variable.
+ itcl_class name { old-style-definition } \__ backward compatibility
+ itcl_info option ?arg arg...? /
+ == [incr Tk] ===========================================================
+ itcl::class name {
+ ...
+ itk_option define -switch resName resClass initVal ?configCode?
+ }
+ The "itk_option define" command is recognized at the level of
+ the class definition. It defines a new mega-widget option with
+ the given switch name and X11 resource database names. The
+ "initVal" is used as a last resort to initialize the option
+ if no other value can be queried from the X11 resource database.
+ If "configCode" is specified, it is executed whenever the option
+ is modified via the "configure" method. The "configCode" can
+ also be specified outside of the class definition via the
+ "itcl::configbody" command.
+ Methods provided by itk::Archetype base class:
+ component
+ component name
+ component name command ?arg arg...?
+ Used to query or access components within a mega-widget. With
+ no arguments, this returns a list of component widgets that
+ are accessible in the current scope. Note that component
+ widgets obey any public/protected/private access restriction
+ that is in force when the component is created.
+ With one argument, this returns the window path name for a
+ component with the symbolic name "name".
+ In any other case, the remaining arguments are invoked as a
+ method on the component with the symbolic name "name".
+ configure
+ configure option
+ configure option value ?-switch value...?
+ Works just like the usual Tk configure method, but for mega-widgets.
+ Here options are really composite widget options. When set, they
+ trigger changes to many different internal components, and may
+ invoke many bits of "configCode" for options defined by "itk_option
+ define". However, there is only one value for the composite option.
+ cget option
+ Works just like the usual Tk cget method, but for mega-widgets.
+ Returns the current value for a composite widget option.
+ itk_component add name {create-commands} ?{option-commands}?
+ Adds a new mega-widget component with the symbolic name "name".
+ Invokes the "create-commands" to create the component, and
+ invokes "option-commands" to integrate its options into the
+ composite list. By default, no options are integrated. Options
+ may be added using the following commands:
+ keep option ?option...?
+ ignore option ?option...?
+ rename oldswitch newswitch resname resclass
+ usual ?tag?
+ itk_component delete name ?name...?
+ Deletes an existing mega-widget component with the symbolic
+ name "name". The component will still exist as a widget,
+ but it will no longer be accessible as a component for this
+ mega-widget. Any options associated with the component are
+ removed from the composite list.
+ Note that you can destroy a component like any ordinary widget:
+ destroy
+ Components automatically detach themselves from their mega-widget
+ parent when destroyed, so "itk_component delete" is not used
+ very often.
+ itk_option add option ?option...? \__ class::option
+ itk_option remove option ?option...? / component.option
+ Adds or removes an option from the composite option list for
+ a mega-widget. These commands cannot be used at the level of
+ the class definition; they must be invoked for a particular
+ mega-widget. They usually appear in the constructor for a
+ mega-widget class, to add or redefine options in components
+ created by a base class. For example, the base classes
+ itk::Toplevel and itk::Widget keep only the bare minimum
+ options for their "hull" component: -background and -cursor.
+ If you want your mega-widget to have a border around it, you
+ can add the hull options back in:
+ itcl::class MyWidget {
+ inherit itk::Widget
+ constructor {args} {
+ itk_option add hull.borderwidth hull.relief
+ }
+ }
+ itk_initialize ?option value option value...?
+ Initializes the composite option list for a mega-widget.
+ This method should be invoked within the constructor for each
+ mega-widget class. It is usually included the end of the
+ constructor, below the component creation code. It integrates
+ all "itk_option" options defined in the current class into
+ the composite configuration list, and includes "-option value"
+ settings usually received as arguments to the constructor.
+ When this is executed in the most-specific class, it scans
+ through the composite option list and makes sure that all
+ options have been properly initialized.
+ itk::usual tag ?commands?
+ Used outside of a mega-widget class definition to declare
+ the "usual" option-handling commands for the mega-widget.
+ These commands suggest how the configuration options should
+ be handled if the mega-widget becomes a component of an even
+ larger mega-widget. They include commands like "keep" and
+ "rename".
+ >> Object construction/destruction now follows C++ model.
+ In the previous release, object construction started at the
+ most-specific constructor. Base class constructors could
+ be called out explicitly within the body of a constructor.
+ If they were not, they were invoked implicitly when the
+ constructor finished executing. This led to a construction
+ model that was backward from C++, and contrary to what most
+ people expected. Destructors were backwards in a similar
+ manner.
+ In the current release, object construction starts at the
+ least-specific class in the hierarchy, and proceeds to the
+ most-specific class. Therefore, each base class is fully
+ constructed before the derived class constructor is executed.
+ Arguments are now passed to base class constructors through
+ an optional "initialization" statement. This statement is
+ included between the argument list and the body of the
+ constructor, so the syntax is reminiscent of C++:
+ class Base {
+ constructor {x y} {
+ ...constructor body...
+ }
+ }
+ class Derived {
+ inherit Base
+ constructor {x y z} {
+ Base::constructor $x $y << "initialization"
+ } {
+ ...constructor body...
+ }
+ }
+ Note that variables from the argument list (e.g., $x and $y)
+ can be referenced within the initialization statement. With
+ multiple inheritance, each of the base class constructors
+ can be called out individually.
+ Object destruction is the exact opposite of construction.
+ It proceeds from most-specific to least-specific class.
+ >> All class methods are now implicitly virtual
+ In the previous release, all method names were interpreted
+ with respect to the current class scope and its base classes.
+ If you wanted a method to act virtual, you had to explicitly
+ preface it with the "virtual" command each time you used it.
+ This proved to be error prone.
+ In the new release, all methods are virtual by default. If
+ you invoke a method with a simple name, the most-specific
+ method with that name will be invoked, regardless of your
+ class scope:
+ class Base {
+ constructor {} {show}
+ method show {} {puts "Base::show"}
+ }
+ class Derived {
+ inherit Base
+ constructor {} {show}
+ method show {} {puts "Derived::show"}
+ }
+ The method "show" called out in the constructors for both of
+ these classes is virtual. When Base::constructor is executed
+ it finds the most-specific "show" method and prints
+ "Derived::show". When Derived::constructor is executed, it
+ finds the most-specific "show" method and prints "Derived::show"
+ again.
+ If you want to invoke a particular method, you have to scope
+ it explicity:
+ class Base {
+ constructor {} {Base::show}
+ method show {} {puts "Base::show"}
+ }
+ class Derived {
+ inherit Base
+ constructor {} {Derived::show}
+ method show {} {puts "Derived::show"}
+ }
+ >> Within class methods/procs the "global" command now refers to
+ variables within the class namespace.
+ In the previous release, the "global" command was used to
+ access variables at the global scope. The "global" command
+ now refers to variables that are "global" within the current
+ namespace context. Within the scope of a class, this refers
+ to "global" class variables. Note that common data members
+ are global variables, but they can be accessed transparently,
+ without any special "global" declaration. You can also create
+ ordinary global variables within a class, but you will have to
+ declare them each time they are used with a "global" statement.
+ The new scheme will allow classes to have their own private
+ global variables (e.g., for interacting with widgets) without
+ flooding the global namespace.
+ If you really want to access a variable at the "::" global
+ scope, use its complete path name:
+ itcl::class Foo {
+ method getenv {name} {
+ global ::env
+ return $env($name)
+ }
+ }
+ >> "this" variable used to be included in every class scope
+ In the previous release, each class scope included a separate
+ "this" variable containing the object name. There is now only
+ one "this" variable, kept in the most-specific class scope.
+ It can still be referenced as if it belongs to all classes,
+ e.g., "Base::this", "Derived::this".
+ This change is probably not important to most applications.
+ But it did break my test suite, which expected to find many
+ different "this" variables coming back from the "info" command.
+ >> "this" variable now contains complete namespace path for the
+ object access command
+ This change will break many scripts written for mega-widgets.
+ In the previous release, mega-widgets had a window name and an
+ access command name that were interchangeable. For example,
+ you would create a widget ".dialog" and configure it using
+ the ".dialog" command. Inside of this widget there was a
+ "this" variable containing the name ".dialog".
+ In the current release, an object can exist in any namespace,
+ so the complete namespace path is a part of the object's
+ identity. Instead of just ".dialog", the "this" variable will
+ now contain a name like "::.dialog" or "::foo::.dialog". But
+ the window name is still just ".dialog".
+ Scripts that used to use "$this" as a window name:
+ wm title $this "Dialog"
+ must now use the [incr Tk] "hull" component instead:
+ wm title $itk_component(hull) "Dialog"
+ If for some other reason you need the simple object name at the
+ end of the namespace path, you can get at it using the
+ "info namespace tail" command:
+ set oldthis [info namespace tail $this]
+ >> "#auto" generated names now start with lower-case letter
+ In the previous release, "#auto" could be used in place of
+ an object name to produce an automatically generated name:
+ Toaster #auto -heat light
+ The names were generated by adding a unique number onto the
+ class name: "Toaster0", "Toaster1", etc.
+ The current release supports the same functionality, except
+ that the names generated are guaranteed to start with a
+ lowercase letter: "toaster0", "toaster1", etc. This helps
+ out in the mega-widget arena, where window names must start
+ with lowercase letters.
+ >> "config" argument used to allow multiple default values
+ The magic "config" argument used to allow multiple default
+ values, which were simply concatenated into a single value
+ before processing. For example, in the previous release
+ you could say:
+ itcl_class Foo {
+ method test {x y {config -foo 0 -bar 0}} {
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ and if the "test" method was used without extra configuration
+ arguments, they would default to "-foo 0 -bar 0".
+ In the current release, you must make the default value for
+ a "config" argument a single string:
+ itcl::class Foo {
+ method test {x y {config "-foo 0 -bar 0"}} {
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ >> "info class" now acts "virtual"
+ In the previous release, the "info class" command would report
+ the current class context. In a base class method, it would
+ report the base class name, and in a derived class method, it
+ would report the derived class name. If you wanted to know
+ the most-specific class for an object, you would have to use
+ the "virtual" command explicitly:
+ itcl_class Base {
+ method whatAmI {} {
+ return [virtual info class]
+ }
+ }
+ The "info" command is now virtual by default, as long as an
+ object context is present. This means that you can drop the
+ "virtual" command:
+ itcl::class Base {
+ method whatAmI {} {
+ return [info class]
+ }
+ }
+ If you really want to know the current class scope, use the
+ "info context" command instead to query the current namespace
+ context.
+ If an object context is not present (i.e., in the body of a
+ common class "proc"), the "info class" command reverts to
+ the current class context, the same as the "info context" command.
+ >> Library procedures "itcl_unload" and "itcl_reload" have been removed
+ In the previous release, the library procedure "itcl_unload"
+ provided a way of deleting a class. You can now do the same
+ thing using the "delete class" command:
+ delete class Toaster
+ This deletes the specified class, all derived classes, and all
+ objects belonging to this class. If autoloading is set up,
+ you can reload a deleted class just by invoking its name.
+ The old "itcl_reload" function is now trivial:
+ proc itcl_reload {class} {
+ delete class $class
+ $class
+ }
+ >> Class definition no longer recognizes ordinary Tcl commands.
+ As an undocumented "feature" of the previous release, you could
+ include ordinary Tcl commands in the body of your class definition.
+ For example:
+ itcl_class Foo {
+ ...
+ if {$somevar} {
+ public foo
+ }
+ }
+ In the new release, only class definition commands are allowed
+ within the body of a class definition. You can, however, use Tcl
+ commands outside of the class definition to modify the class
+ definition as a string, and then define the class:
+ set defn {
+ method test {} {return "test"}
+ }
+ if {$somevar} {
+ append defn "public variable foo"
+ }
+ class Foo $defn
+ >> an object can be renamed by renaming its access command
+ In the previous release, an object's identity was fixed when
+ it was created. In the new release, the object is tied
+ directly to its access command. If you rename the access
+ command, you have renamed the object. The "this" variable
+ automatically keeps in sync with name changes. If you delete
+ the access command, you automatically delete the object.
+ Toaster new -heat light
+ rename new fred << rename Toaster
+ fred toast 2
+ fred toast 1
+ rename fred "" << delete Toaster
+ >> Bodies of methods, procs and public variables can be defined
+ outside of the class definition, and can be redefined on the fly.
+ In the previous release, all of the code related to a class was
+ defined within the class definition. This kept everything
+ together in one place, but it made it difficult to get an overview
+ of the class interface.
+ In the new release, bodies can be defined outside of the class
+ definition, perhaps in a separate file. When debugging, the
+ implementations can be fixed and sourced again and again, without
+ having to delete existing objects and classes.
+ Use the "itcl::body" command to redefine the body of a class
+ method or proc. Use "itcl::configbody" to redefine the configuration
+ code associated with a public variable. For example:
+ itcl::class Toaster {
+ constructor {args} {
+ eval configure $args
+ }
+ destructor {
+ if {$crumbs > 0} {
+ error "cannot destroy dirty toaster: clean first"
+ }
+ }
+ method toast {nslices}
+ method clean {}
+ public variable heat 3
+ protected variable crumbs 0
+ }
+ itcl::body Toaster::toast {nslices} {
+ if {$nslices < 1 || $nslices > 2} {
+ error "bad number of slices: should be 1 or 2"
+ }
+ set crumbs [expr $crumbs+$heat*$nslices]
+ if {$crumbs >= 50} {
+ puts stderr "== FIRE! FIRE! =="
+ }
+ }
+ itcl::body Toaster::clean {} {
+ set crumbs 0
+ }
+ itcl::configbody Toaster::heat {
+ if {$heat < 1 || $heat > 5} {
+ error "invalid setting \"$heat\": should be 1-5"
+ }
+ }
+ If an argument list is specified in the class definition, then
+ the same argument list must be used when the implementation is
+ redefined. The variable names can change, but the meaning of
+ the arguments must be the same. If you leave the argument
+ list out of the class definition, or if you include the "args"
+ argument, the argument list can change.
+ >> C procedures can be integrated into class definitions
+ Any method body that is specified as "@symbol" is treated as a
+ reference to a C procedure with the symbolic name "symbol".
+ Symbolic names are established by registering C procedures
+ via the Itcl_RegisterC() procedure. This is usually done
+ when the interpreter starts up in the Tcl_AppInit() procedure:
+ if (Itcl_RegisterC(interp, "foo", My_FooCmd) != TCL_OK) {
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ This registers a procedure My_FooCmd() with the symbolic name
+ "foo". It can be used as the implementation for a class method,
+ proc, or bit of configuration code simply by specifying "@foo"
+ in place of the Tcl code body.
+ These C procedures are just like ordinary Tcl command handlers.
+ They take the usual arguments:
+ int My_FooCmd(ClientData cdata, Tcl_Interp *interp,
+ int argc, char** argv)
+ {
+ ...
+ return TCL_OK;
+ }
+ including the (argc,argv) arguments from the command line. But
+ before these procedures are invoked, the proper class scope is
+ established so that object data members can be accessed as if
+ they were ordinary variables via Tcl_GetVar() and Tcl_SetVar().
+ Look at the [incr Tk] base class itk::Archetype as an example
+ for integrating C code.
+ >> "#auto" can be buried within an object name: ".x.y.z.#auto"
+ In the previous release, "#auto" was a keyword that could be
+ used in place of an object name. It can now be used as a
+ part of the object name, making it easier to generate automatic
+ names for mega-widgets.
+ >> Every object now has built-in "configure" and "cget" methods
+ that follow the Tk paradigm. For [incr Tk] widgets, they follow
+ the paradigm exactly. The ordinary [incr Tcl] objects, the
+ X11 resource values are missing.
+ >> There is no longer a built-in "delete" method, so classes can
+ define their own "delete" operations.
+ Instead of "objName delete", use the new "delete object" command:
+ Toaster fred -heat dark
+ delete object fred
+ >> All data members can be declared public, protected or private.
+ Private data members can only be accessed in the class where
+ they are defined. Protected data members can be accessed in
+ the defining class and all derived classes. Public data members
+ can be accessed like protected data members, but are also
+ recognized as configuration options by the built-in "configure"
+ and "cget" methods.
+ >> In [incr Tk], options are now defined outside of the constructor,
+ at the level of the class definition.
+ >> In [incr Tk], configuration options belonging to components
+ created in a base class can be added or removed in derived
+ classes.
+ The base classes "itk::Toplevel" and "itk::Widget" are now stripped
+ down to the bare minimum options. For example, if you want to add
+ "-width" and "-height" options for the hull component, do this using
+ the "itk_option" command in the body of the constructor:
+ class MyWidget {
+ inherit itk::Widget
+ constructor {args} {
+ itk_option add hull.widget hull.height
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ Options can be added and removed on-the-fly during normal operation,
+ but this is not recommended, since it could lead to a confusing
+ interface.
+ >> In [incr Tk], components can now be added or removed on-the-fly.
+ The "itk_component" method now supports "add" and "delete"
+ operations that are used to add/delete components.
+ >> All [incr Tk] widgets can be destroyed like normal Tk widgets.
+ If you destroy a component widget, for example, it will automatically
+ remove itself from its parent via "itk_component delete". Likewise,
+ when a parent widget is destroyed, it will automatically destroy
+ all component widgets.
+ >> In [incr Tk], the "itk::Archetype::component" method now provides
+ access to mega-widget components.
+ In the previous [incr Tk] prototype, the "component" method had
+ a different syntax and only supported query operations. You can
+ now access an internal component via the "component" method using
+ its symbolic name:
+ .dialog component hull configure -width 450 -height 500
+ This example accesses the "hull" component of the ".dialog"
+ mega-widget, and sets the width and height options.
+ ---------------------- RELEASE 2.0beta - 9/6/95 ------------------------
+9/8/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed menus to work properly within namespaces. Menu library code
+ now recognizes the proper namespace context for all "-menu" options.
+9/8/95 (new feature)
+ Added "winfo command name" option to report the scoped access command
+ for a given window.
+9/8/95 (configuration changes)
+ - fixed "sed" invocation in iwidgets Makefile
+ - added configuration guesses for Tadpole Sparcbook
+ - added George Howlett's test for "gcc", so that "-fwritable-strings"
+ is added even if gcc is masquerading as "cc"
+ - fixed tcl/tk configure scripts to have default prefix "/usr/local/itcl"
+ or wherever itclsh/itkwish is installed
+ - fixed makefiles to use $(MAKE) instead of "make"
+9/9/95 (bug fix)
+ Protected references to obj->accessCmd to avoid seg faults when
+ an object is being destroyed.
+9/9/95 (new features)
+ Changed the syntax of the "namespace" command:
+ namespace name ?-local? ?-hidden val? ?-enforced val? ?--? ?commands?
+ Flags now follow the namespace name, and the "commands" body is
+ optional. The "-hidden" option allows a namespace to be hidden
+ during "info namespace all" queries. The "-enforced" option turns
+ command/variable enforcement on or off.
+ Update "info namespaces all" command to allow for display of hidden
+ namespaces: info namespaces all ?-hidden? ?pattern?
+9/10/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "auto_mkindex" to work properly for procs defined within
+ namespaces. Added support for itcl::class, itcl::body and
+ itcl::configbody as well. Added tests for tclIndex file generation.
+9/11/95 (configuration changes)
+ Fixed makefiles to reference sources and libraries properly, so
+ it should be possible to build different object trees for
+ different platforms with "gmake".
+9/13/95 (configuration changes)
+ Added "AC_C_CROSS" to configure files, so configuration should work
+ properly on Solaris 2.4.
+9/13/95 (bug fix)
+ Changed option configuration to work synchronously, and added
+ "itk_initialize" command to initialize the configuration options
+ for each mega-widget class. The original behavior of handling
+ option changes via "do-when-idle" has been removed.
+9/13/95 (bug fix)
+ Changed all structure members called "namespace" to "namesp".
+ This allows the code to compile correctly under C++.
+9/13/95 (configuration changes)
+ - added support for "i[34]86:BSD/OS" in "config/config.guess"
+ - fixed "test" target for iwidgets
+9/13/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "global" command and other places where namespace paths
+ are parsed to allow for a single ":" in command/variable names.
+9/13/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a problem which caused class-based options to be lost when
+ a widget class was defined within a proc.
+9/14/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed class access command so that when it is deleted, it
+ automatically destroys the class. This also fixed a seg fault
+ that occurred when an object's access command stomped on the
+ class access command.
+9/14/95 (enhancement)
+ Fixed "scope" command and the @scope facility so that null strings
+ can be passed around without all of the extra scoping info.
+ ----------------------- RELEASE 2.0b2 - 9/14/95 ------------------------
+9/15/95 (enhancement)
+ Changed error messages reported when a class method/proc gets the
+ wrong number of arguments to report the usage information, like:
+ {wrong # args: should be "obj foo x y ?arg arg...?"}
+9/18/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a seg fault that occurred when the "cget" method was called
+ with no args.
+9/18/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug that caused private variables in a base class to be
+ uninitialized, even if an initial value was specified in the
+ class definition.
+9/22/95 (configuration changes)
+ Added the "SHELL=/bin/sh" statement to the main makefile. This
+ fixes build problems on SGI machines.
+10/9/95 (paradigm shift)
+ Removed the implicit scoping from any facility that takes a command
+ or variable name. Implicit scoping made it difficult to pass a
+ command string or variable name into a wrapper proc and yet preserve
+ the scope that it came from. All scoping is now explicit. All
+ commands and variables are interpreted in the global "::" scope
+ unless they are wrapped in an "@scope" declaration. Commands can
+ be wrapped up like this:
+ button .b -text "Push Me" -command [code .b configure -bg red]
+ Variable names can be wrapped up like this:
+ radiobutton .rb1 -text "Choice #1" -variable [scope mode] -value 1
+ The "code" and "scope" commands wrap up strings with an "@scope"
+ specification which preserves the namespace context.
+10/17/95 (paradigm shift)
+ Changed the "%C" option of the "bind" command to return a scoped
+ command of the form "@scope namespace widget" that can be used to
+ access the widget. "%C" should be used instead of the usual "%W"
+ window name when attempting to access the widget. Bindings should
+ be written like this:
+ bind Entry <FocusIn> {%C configure -bg white}
+ bind Entry <FocusOut> {%C configure -bg gray}
+ The command "%C" can be used to access the widget regardless which
+ namespace it belongs to.
+10/31/95 (enhancement)
+ Fixed "unknown" command to support a general facility for adding
+ unknown command handlers. The "unknown_handler" proc is used to
+ register new handlers. Each time an unknown command is encountered,
+ each of the handlers is invoked to attempt to handle the command.
+ If a handler returns "-code continue", control passes to the next
+ handler on the list. Handlers are invoked in the order opposite to
+ the way they were registered. Extensions can use this facility to
+ add their own handlers into the "unknown" scheme.
+11/7/95 (enhancement)
+ Added a "backward-compatibility" mode to [incr Tcl]. By default,
+ widget names can now be used as access commands in any namespace,
+ even if the widget access command exists in another namespace.
+ This emulates the normal Tk behavior that widgets are global resources
+ in the application that can be accessed anywhere. This behavior can
+ be disabled by setting the global variable "itcl_purist" to "1". When
+ this variable is set non-zero, care must be used to use "%C" or
+ "[winfo command %W]" as an access command when the widget is used
+ outside of the namespace that contains it. From the standpoint of
+ the object-oriented paradigm, the "purist" mode is better since it
+ supports encapsulation. The "backward-compatible" mode, however,
+ allows [incr Tcl] to work better with existing Tk applications and
+ extensions.
+11/22/95 (bug fix and enhancement)
+ Fixed the built-in "info" command for classes to include the "info
+ classes" and "info objects" queries. These were initially overlooked
+ in a hard-wired list of "info" queries.
+ Fixed the ensemble facility in general to support unknown options
+ via an "@error" handler. Any option registered with the name "@error"
+ is treated as an error handler for the ensemble. Arguments passed
+ to the option include the ensemble name, the unknown option, and all
+ remaining arguments. For the built-in "info" command, the "@error"
+ handler passes any unknown options to the usual Tcl "info" command,
+ so all of the standard options are automatically available.
+11/23/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed usual tkerror dialog to truncate error messages at 5 lines.
+ The usage information returned by an ensemble or itcl object can
+ be much longer, causing the "Stack Trace" button to get lost in
+ many cases.
+11/27/95 (bug fix)
+ Removed the constructor/destructor from the list of public methods
+ returned as usage information when an unknown method is encountered
+ on an object.
+12/2/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed error reporting for object construction. Used to say
+ something like "object constructor x y z" which made it look
+ like a method invocation. Now says "class object x y z" which
+ looks more like the call that the user made to trigger the error.
+12/4/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed class creation and object creation to avoid clobbering
+ existing commands with new class/object access commands. This
+ prevents all hell from breaking loose when a command like
+ "class set {...}" is invoked.
+12/6/95 (configuration changes)
+ Fixed parsing of namespace paths to use local storage instead of
+ assuming that strings are writable. This means that the
+ "-fwritable-strings" option is no longer necessary for GCC and
+ other compilers that store static strings in the program text
+ segment. This option has been removed from all ""
+ files. Linux users will no longer see core dumps on start-up.
+12/8/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "upvar" so that class data members can be accessed from
+ another calling procedure. This fixed a problem with using
+ "parray" from within class methods.
+12/9/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "@scope" variable references so that variables can be created
+ using "@scope" in any context and referenced later.
+12/9/95 (feature change)
+ Removed "-hidden" option from namespaces. It seemed to complicated
+ and quirky to explain on the man page. Instead, all parser
+ namespaces like "scope-parser" and "mkindex-parser" are grouped
+ into a "::tcl" namespace. This keeps them somewhat hidden even
+ without any special treatment.
+12/9/95 (minor enhancement)
+ Added "array" command to class definition parser, so it can be
+ used along with "set" to initialize common arrays.
+12/10/95 (paradigm shift)
+ Removed the "%C" pattern from the expansions recognized by the
+ "bind" command, in favor of the following scheme:
+ %W ........ name of widget receiving event
+ %M ........ name of mega-widget containing widget receiving event
+ %q ........ fully-qualified command name of widget receiving event
+ %Q ........ fully-qualified command name of mega-widget receiving event
+ Fixed "winfo command" to return the fully-qualified command name of
+ a widget (instead of a scoped access command) to be consistent with
+ the "%q" bind pattern.
+12/10/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed Tk library code to use "%q" and "winfo command", so that the
+ default widget behaviors will work even in "itcl_purist" mode.
+12/11/95 (minor enhancement)
+ Added "winfo megawidget" query, which will return the name of the
+ mega-widget containing a specified component widget. In order for
+ this to work, a mega-widget package must use the procedure
+ Itcl_SetMegaWidget() to register each component as it is added
+ to a mega-widget.
+12/12/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed Archetype base class to keep all options sorted in alphabetical
+ order. This way they can be reported back by the "configure" method
+ in alphabetical order. Options are now initialized by "itk_initialize"
+ in alphabetical order as well.
+12/12/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the Archetype base class to register each component widget with
+ Tk via Itk_SetMegaWidget(). This means that "winfo megawidget" and
+ "%Q" can be used to reference the containing mega-widget for any component.
+12/12/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the "configure" method in the Archetype base class so that when
+ an error is encountered while setting a configuration option, the option
+ is set back to its previous value.
+12/12/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the "itk_component add" method to find access commands for
+ components even if they are created in the global scope. Components
+ that are meant to be shared can be created using "uplevel #0". The
+ access command for this component will be installed in the global scope,
+ and therefore available to all other namespaces.
+ Syntactic sugar like a "-global" option would be nice, but references
+ like $itk_component(...) must be substituted in the calling scope, and
+ it is not possible to get these properly substituted and still maintain
+ the boundaries around arguments.
+12/12/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed Archetype base class to handle public/protected/private components
+ properly. The usual public/protected/private commands can be used in
+ conjunction with "itk_component add" to set the protection level of a
+ component. The protection level affects the action of the "component"
+ method. Public components are reported in any namespace, and are
+ accessible from any namespace. Protected components are accessible
+ within a base class and derived classes. Private components are
+ accessible only within the class where they are defined. This feature
+ can be used to keep unimportant components (such as frames) off of the
+ component list that a client would see.
+12/13/95 (enhancement)
+ Added "usual" and "ignore" commands for processing component widget
+ configuration options. The "usual" command finds the usual code fragment
+ for the widget class of the component, and executes it. The command
+ "itk::usual" can be used to register option code for new widget classes.
+ The "ignore" command can be used to override previous "keep" and "rename"
+ commands. This is useful for removing options that the "usual" code
+ keeps or renames.
+ Fixed the "itk_component add" command so that if the option handling code
+ is not specified, the "usual" command is invoked automatically.
+12/13/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the Archetype base class to handle the immutable Tk options
+ properly. Options like -class, -colormap, -screen and -visual can only
+ be set at creation time. The itk_option array is now properly
+ initialized to report their creation value.
+12/14/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "itk_option add" command to report errors properly for unknown
+ options.
+12/14/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "body" command to report errors properly for unknown functions.
+12/14/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug in the handling of TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY flag when looking up
+ class variables. Previously, this was ignored, so object-specific
+ variables could be accessed in a "global" context by Tk widgets.
+ This caused some strange behavior when object-specific variables
+ were used in conjunction with widget options like "-textvariable".
+ Tk widgets now properly interact with classes via global variables.
+12/14/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "auto_mkindex" to recognize procs within class definitions and
+ add them to the "tclIndex" file.
+12/15/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "body" command to find functions only in the specified class.
+ The bug caused a base class method to be redefined whenever a "body"
+ command was issued for a derived class if the method was not declared
+ in the derived class. Made a corresponding fix to the "configbody"
+ command for public variables.
+12/15/95 (enhancement)
+ Added the following commands to the class definition parser: bind,
+ scope and code. This allows generic class bindings to be included
+ in the body of a class definition.
+12/15/95 (enhancement)
+ Added "-clientdata" option in itk::Archetype base class so that
+ all widgets will have an extra field for client data. For application
+ developers, this may come in handy.
+12/16/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the itk::Archetype base class so that if "itk_option add" or
+ "itk_option remove" is called for ordinary class-based options before
+ "itk_initialize" (which normally integrates them in) it does not cause
+ a problem.
+12/17/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed namespace resolution so that a command/variable with a
+ specific path like "itk::body" will not be found in another
+ imported namespace. For the import list to be followed, the
+ command name must be generic like "body".
+12/19/95 (configuration changes)
+ Changed from generic directories like "tcl" and "tk" to directory
+ names with version numbers like "tcl7.4" and "tk4.0".
+12/19/95 (bug fix)
+ Changed names like "itcl_library" and "itcl_purist" to "itcl::library"
+ and "itcl::purist". This makes more sense in the documentation, since
+ the underbar stuff is no longer needed with namespaces, and extension
+ writers are discouraged from using it.
+12/21/95 (bug fix)
+ Changed handling of argument lists for functions with Tcl or C
+ implementations. All argument lists are now treated as Tcl
+ argument specifications. For Tcl implementations, this determines
+ what arguments are available in the body of the procedure; for C
+ implementations, this merely gives the intended usage information
+ for the function (the C implementation may choose to ignore this
+ and do something else). This fix makes it easier to override
+ C implementations with Tcl procedure bodies.
+12/25/95 (bug fix)
+ Split the usual TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY flag into two meanings: TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY
+ now means "a global variable in the global namespace", and ITCL_GLOBAL_VAR
+ means "a global variable in the current namespace". This enhancement
+ fixes Tk (and many other extensions) which request global variables.
+ A plain variable name together with TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY is now interpreted
+ as an ordinary Tcl global variable, so the behavior is backward-compatible.
+ A scoped variable reference will work properly with namespaces. If
+ extension writers get more ambitious, they can start using the
+ ITCL_GLOBAL_VAR flag, which will make their extensions namespace-friendly.
+12/26/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "@scope" command so that extra arguments added at the end are
+ kept as proper list elements when added to the command string. This
+ makes sure that boundaries around Tcl words are not lost when the
+ scoped command is interpreted.
+12/28/95 (minor enhancement)
+ Added "config" method to the Archetype base class as an alias for
+ the usual "configure" method. Many Tk applications use "config"
+ as an abbreviation for "configure", so this fix improves compatibility
+ with other packages.
+12/28/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed Itcl_SaveInterpState() and Itcl_RestoreInterpState() to
+ properly save/restore the interp state even for commands like
+ Tcl_SetCmd(), which are sloppy about setting the interpreter
+ result. This fixed bad memory references that were encountered
+ in enforced namespaces.
+12/28/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed Itcl_DeleteNamesp() to allow variable traces to be fired
+ off properly when a namespace is destroyed.
+12/30/95 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the Archetype base class to do the "ignore" operation
+ properly for mega-widget options. A bug was causing a single
+ "ignore" request not only to eliminate the desired option, but
+ to eliminate options that were renamed to the "ignore" name
+ as well.
+ ------------------------ RELEASE 2.0 - 12/31/95 ------------------------
+1/2/96 (cleanup)
+ Fixed some compiler warnings reported by Christopher Hylands
+ (cxh@EECS.Berkeley.EDU)
+1/4/96 (cleanup)
+ Fixed the description of the last test in itk/tests/option.test.
+1/4/96 (cleanup)
+ Fixed code examples in man pages. Lines starting with "." now
+ start with the null character "\&", to avoid errors with troff.
+1/5/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug in tkMenuUnpost. Popup menus associated with something
+ other than a menubutton can now be unposted properly.
+1/10/96 (bug fix)
+ If an error occurs during construction, all destructors are now
+ invoked--even if an error is encountered. All destructor errors
+ are completely ignored. This fixed a core dump reported by
+ Christopher Hylands (cxh@EECS.Berkeley.EDU).
+2/5/96 (cleanup)
+ Fixed memory leaks reported by Forest Rouse (
+ Also fixed a problem in Itcl_DeleteNamesp() with the way that
+ the variable cache was destroyed. This caused a core dump on Solaris
+ systems when a namespace was deleted.
+2/8/96 (cleanup)
+ Fixed itk tests to ignore any resources that the user might have
+ on the desktop (e.g., *background: red)
+2/11/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed auto_mkindex so that the "proc" command accepts arglist and
+ body as optional arguments. Within class definitions, these
+ parameters may not be specified. Also, fixed the "source" command
+ so that it is ignored within the file being indexed. Otherwise,
+ it brought in program elements that confused the index.
+2/15/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the unknown command to save errorInfo and restore it before
+ invoking each handler. This fixed an irritating bug that caused
+ the first error message to be lost as "tkerror" was autoloaded.
+2/20/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug in variable lookup that allowed private/protected
+ variables to be set from outside the normal context. On initial
+ lookup variables were being passed over, but since they did not
+ appear to exist, they were being created. Variables are now
+ protected from being set or redeclared from an improper context.
+3/1/96 (enhancement)
+ Changed namespaces to import from their parent in "protected"
+ mode instead of "public" mode. This is a better default, since
+ it emphasizes the strong relationship between a parent and a
+ child. They can share variables that are hidden from anyone else.
+3/5/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the "info objects" to autoload any classes referenced by
+ "-isa" or "-class" that are not yet defined.
+3/12/96 (enhancement)
+ Fixed class parser to recognize commands at the global scope.
+ This makes it possible to embed normal Tcl commands like an
+ "if" statement within a class definition. It also makes it
+ easy to extend the class parser by defining procs in the
+ ::itcl::parser namespace.
+3/17/96 (enhancement)
+ Fixed "usual" command so that with no arguments, it returns a
+ list of all known tags. Each tag name can be used to query its
+ associated code.
+3/19/96 (enhancement)
+ Fixed the "configure" method for mega-widgets to include public
+ variables as configuration options. Normally, mega-widget
+ classes use "itk_option define" to define configuration options.
+ However, if a mega-widget includes an ordinary itcl class as
+ a base class, it should provide access to the base class options.
+ Public variables are now integrated into the composite option
+ list by "itk_initialize".
+4/2/96 (enhancement)
+ Added a "chain" command to the built-ins available in each class.
+ A command like "chain 1 2 3" invokes the next implementation of
+ the current method/proc found looking up the inheritance hierarchy
+ toward base classes. This can be used to invoke a base class method
+ in a generic way, without hard-coding the base class name.
+4/10/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "configure" operation for mega-widgets. Previously, if an
+ error was encountered during configuration, the value in itk_option
+ was set back to the previous value, but some parts of the mega-widget
+ might be left in a partially configured state. Now, if an error is
+ encountered and the option is set back to its previous value, the
+ change is propagated down to all parts, so the widget remains in a
+ consistent state.
+4/15/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug reported by Karel Zuiderveld (
+ related to virtual method selection in "itcl_methods.c". If for some
+ reason a method name was not found in the virtual table, the table
+ access caused a core dump. This is now fixed.
+5/13/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "itk_initialize" to recognize errors when executing the "config"
+ code associated with configuration options. Any error immediately
+ causes itk_initialize to abort, which usually aborts construction.
+5/13/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug in Itcl_SaveInterpState() and Itcl_RestoreInterpState()
+ which caused error information to get lost during object construction
+ when errors were encountered. The new iPtr->appendResult buffer was
+ being ignored, and results in this buffer were getting lost.
+6/1/96 (bug fix)
+ Changed the internal Interp and TkWindow data structures so that all
+ of the extra [incr Tcl] data members are at the bottom of the structure.
+ This should prevent errors when modules that have been compiled against
+ vanilla Tcl/Tk are dynamically loaded into [incr Tcl].
+6/12/96 (enhancement)
+ Integrated changes for "itcl2.0+3" release by Karel Zuiderveld,
+ Jan Nijtmans and Vince Darley. This added support for tcl7.5/tk4.1,
+ dynamic loading, canvas improvements, and support for Macintosh
+ environments. Many thanks to these guys for all of their hard
+ work!
+6/22/96 (installation)
+ Changed the way things are installed:
+ - the startup file "init.itcl" is now called "itcl.tcl"
+ - the startup file "init.itk" is now called "itk.tcl"
+ - libraries, include files and man pages are now installed under
+ a special "itcl" directory to avoid conflicts with a vanilla
+ Tcl/Tk installation. For example, if your --prefix is set
+ to /usr/local, things would be installed as follows:
+ /usr/local/bin ............ executables:
+ ish = tclsh with namespaces
+ iwish = wish with namespaces
+ itclwish = tclsh with namespaces and classes
+ itkwish = wish with namespaces and classes
+ /usr/local/include/itcl ... include files
+ /usr/local/lib/itcl ....... libraries
+ /usr/local/man/itcl ....... manual pages
+6/24/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "itkwish" so that it requires the Iwidgets package automatically
+ during initialization. For all other shells, you must specifically
+ request Iwidgets with a statement like "package require Iwidgets"
+6/26/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed Tk_CanvasTagsParseProc to avoid dumping core when an item
+ is configured with a null tag string.
+6/26/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed PolygonToPoint() in tkCanvPoly.c so that invisible polygons
+ (with no outline and no fill) are still considered when picking
+ the closest item. Without this fix, programs like the "floor plan"
+ in the Tk widget demo will not work.
+6/26/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the [incr Widgets] "feedback" widget to do a full update on
+ each step. Without this, changes appear from time to time, but
+ the bar does not grow smoothly.
+6/26/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed fileselectiondialog and fileselectionbox to update directory
+ list properly when "-directory" option is configured.
+6/28/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "itk_option define" to properly preserve a "config" code
+ body so that it can be released if it is redefined later.
+ ------------------------ RELEASE 2.1 - 6/28/96 -------------------------
+7/22/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed C-level variable access so flags like ITCL_FIND_LOCAL_ONLY
+ can be passed into Tcl_GetVar() and Tcl_SetVar().
+7/25/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the "notebook" widget in the [incr Widgets] set. The "index"
+ method now supports pattern matching and index names with spaces in
+ them.
+8/1/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed destructor invocation so that if an object is being
+ destructed and you try to delete it again, it will report an
+ error.
+8/7/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the "inherit" command to make sure all names are really
+ valid classes. Previously, trying to inherit from a proc would
+ dump core.
+8/29/96 (enhancement)
+ Integrated with itcl2.1+2 (tcl7.5p1/tk4.1p1).
+9/1/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the Itcl_RegisterC() procedure so that the same name can be
+ registered more than once, as long as it has the same function
+ pointer.
+9/7/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug in method access for protected methods. There was a
+ problem when a base class defined a method, and a derived class
+ overloaded the method, and the method was accessed from the base
+ class namespace. Added function Itcl_CanAccessMethod() to check
+ for overloaded methods and allow access accordingly.
+9/13/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the Itcl_RestoreInterpState() procedure so that the "errorCode"
+ variable is restored properly. There was a problem when the
+ error code contained a list of elements.
+9/20/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug in the way namespaces were deleted. The hash table of
+ child namespaces was being traversed while elements within it were
+ being deleted. This caused a core dump when you tried to exit
+ the application with a command like "destroy .".
+9/28/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the way that errors are reported when a base class is constructed
+ with the wrong arguments. Previously, the error message showed the
+ object creation command like "wrong # args: should be Foo name val1 val2".
+ Now, it shows the base class constructor name, so it is more obvious
+ where the error is coming from.
+10/5/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug in constructor invocations. All base class constructors
+ are now invoked properly, even if a derived class does not have a
+ constructor.
+10/9/96 (enhancement)
+ Added proper support for safe interpreters. You can now use namespace
+ commands in a safe interpreter, and you can load Itcl as a safe package.
+10/11/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a core dump with "namespace foo {info locals}". The namespace
+ call frame was not being set up properly, so the local variable table
+ was garbage. Normally, you don't access local variables at the
+ namespace level. But now it is fixed.
+10/14/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the Itcl_RegisterC() procedure so that each interpreter has
+ its own list of symbolic function names. This avoids global data
+ and makes more sense for people using multiple interpreters.
+10/20/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed variable lookup so that when you try to access a variable
+ like "::foo::x" inside of a procedure, you get an error instead
+ of a local variable named "::foo::x". Variables like this need
+ to be declared global.
+10/22/96 (enhancement)
+ Fixed the built-in "isa" method to autoload class definitions as
+ needed for each "isa" test. If a class is not defined and cannot
+ be autoloaded, it is an error.
+10/26/96 (enhancement)
+ Fixed "delete object" command so that objects can be deleted
+ using scoped values for the object name.
+10/29/96 (enhancement)
+ Integrated with itcl2.1+5 (tcl7.6/tk4.2).
+11/1/96 (porting)
+ Removed "plus" and "dash" patches to allow for porting to Windows95
+ and Macintosh platforms. Simplified configuration and makefiles
+ for Unix platforms.
+11/4/96 (installation)
+ Fixed configuration and makefiles to support building in a
+ separate directory. There is a bug in "autoconf" which prevents
+ this from going smoothly. You have to copy all of the configure
+ scripts to a separate tree (e.g., using a tar file), and then build.
+11/5/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a bug in the way variables were reported by the built-in
+ "info" command for classes and objects. Private variables in
+ a base class were incorrectly reported as "<undefined>". They
+ are now reported properly.
+11/10/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the "this" variable so that if an object is deleted while it
+ is still in use, its name is properly reported as the null string.
+11/10/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the way namespaces are deleted so that the "::errorInfo" and
+ "::errorCode" variables remain intact until everything else has been
+ destroyed. These variables are needed if any errors are encountered
+ as an interpreter is being destroyed.
+11/11/96 (installation)
+ Split the "" file into separate "" and
+ "" files.
+11/11/96 (installation)
+ Fixed the package installation to conform to tcl7.6/tk4.2. The
+ pkgIndex.tcl files are now stored in the library directory for
+ each package.
+11/13/96 (enhancement)
+ Overhauled the scrolledcanvas widget. It is now about an order of
+ magnitude faster.
+11/14/96 (enhancement)
+ Overhauled the [incr Widgets] "catalog" demo. When you pick any
+ mega-widget class, the demo displays an example widget, the code
+ used to build it, the class hierarchy, and the man page.
+11/23/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the way the "inherit" command autoloads class definitions.
+ Previously, it invoked the class name as a command. Now, it uses
+ the "auto_load" command.
+11/23/96 (installation)
+ Fixed the "configure" files to use "mkinstalldirs" instead of "mkdir"
+ so that the entire distribution can be built in a separate directory
+ starting with a single "configure" file. Fixed the way the distribution
+ is created to make this patch for each new distribution.
+11/23/96 (installation)
+ Fixed the iwidgets installation so that the installed files (instead
+ of the source files) are chmod'd to have the proper permissions.
+11/29/96 (installation)
+ Fixed iwidgets (combobox, optionmenu, shell) so that they don't rely
+ on "tkwait visibility" before doing a grab. On the Macintosh, this
+ only works the first time a window is mapped. After that, this
+ command does not return control, even when a window is remapped.
+11/30/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "tk4.2/library/menu.tcl", moving a comment in a switch statement
+ above the default case into the default case. When the comment is
+ above the case, it is treated as a list element and a parsing error
+ occurs. You can trigger the error with a command like "tkMenuFind . x".
+ When the comment is inside the case, everything works fine.
+11/30/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed a memory error that occured when an interpreter was destroyed.
+ One namespace (e.g., base class) caused another (e.g., derived class)
+ to be destroyed. Then the namespace was destroyed again later on.
+ Now, as we iteration through the safeCopy list, we check to make
+ sure the namespace still exists.
+11/30/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed entryfield mega-widget to avoid using the "%s" state field
+ for key presses. It was using it to find out whether or not Control,
+ Shift, or Alt keys were being held down during a key press. But this
+ field confuses Alt with NumLock when you go between Unix and Windows
+ platforms. The entryfield appeared to be broken when NumLock was
+ turned on. Nothing is lost if we simply ignore it and let all
+ keypresses through.
+12/1/96 (installation)
+ Fixed the way that "pkgIndex.tcl" files are built for Itcl/Itk.
+ When you build with "--enable-shared", the package files load the
+ shared library, but when you build without, the package files
+ use {load "" Itcl} to get the static package. This lets you
+ do "package require" commands in slave interpreters, even if
+ things were built with static packages.
+12/1/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed how namespaces are deleted when an interpreter is deleted.
+ Previously, namespaces were deleted after the assocData for the
+ interp. If any background errors occurred while the namespace
+ was being deleted, they caused seg faults later on. Now, the
+ global namespace is cleared (but not deleted) *before* deleting
+ the assocData. Any background errors are deleted, and the global
+ namespace is finally deleted at that point.
+12/2/96 (enhancement) JCI
+ Defined "tkOpenDocument" in tk.tcl so that Macintosh users can
+ double-click on an [incr Tcl] source file, and itkwish will be
+ invoked to execute it.
+12/2/96 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the entryfield widget so that characters like: " [ ] { } \ &
+ are substituted properly into the "%c" field when doing character
+ validation.
+12/2/96 (enhancement) **POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY**
+ Changed the HTML parsing in the scrolledhtml widget to speed it up.
+ Also, changed the "-feedback" option so that it appends two numbers
+ on the end of the feedback command: the current position and the
+ maximum position. This frees the caller from having to figure out
+ the maximum position.
+12/2/96 (enhancement)
+ Added "-borderwidth", "-relief" and "-elementborderwidth" options
+ to the feedback widget, so you can control its appearance a little
+ better.
+ ------------------------ RELEASE 2.2 - 12/3/96 -------------------------
+12/12/96 (installation)
+ Fixed "iwidgets.tcl" initialization file to rely on the environment
+ variable IWIDGETS_LIBRARY (if it exists), and use the compiled-in
+ path as a last resort. That way, the user can override the iwidgets
+ library with an environment variable setting.
+12/12/96 (installation)
+ Fixed the "catalog" demo for [incr Widgets] to help support Windows3.1.
+ The code is now arranged to make it easy to translate between the
+ real demo names and DOS 8.3 file names.
+12/13/96 (bug fix)
+ Added a "usual" test for all of the [incr Widgets]. This checks to
+ make sure that there is a bit of "usual" code for each widget, that
+ the options in the "usual" code are valid, and that all of the
+ widgets mix together without errors.
+4/11/97 (enhancement)
+ Merged in patches for tcl7.6p2/tk4.2p2 (jingham)
+5/17/97 (bug fix)
+ Fixed itk::Toplevel to have the hull keep the -takefocus option.
+ This fixed a problem with the tab ring in iwidget dialogs.
+6/1/98 (complete rewrite)
+ Rewrote the entire package to work with Tcl8.0 namespaces and the
+ new byte code compiler.
+ ----------------------- RELEASE 3.0a1 - 6/16/98 ------------------------
+7/23/98 (bug fix)
+ Removed references to Tcl internal macros such as TclDecrRefCount.
+ This was causing problems under Windows, since those macros use
+ global variables that are not available outside of tcl80.dll.
+7/23/98 (bug fix)
+ Added my own definition of the assert macro. Since Tcl/Tk doesn't
+ use assert, the default version was causing build problems with
+ gcc.
+7/27/98 (configuration change)
+ Changed all "configure" scripts to rely on and
+ for compile options.
+7/27/98 (configuration change)
+ Changed the initialization process for Itcl/Itk. Both packages now
+ key off of tcl_library to find their initialization scripts.
+7/27/98 (configuration change)
+ Removed IWIDGETS_LIBRARY environment variable from the Iwidgets
+ package. If Iwidgets is installed properly, this variable is not
+ needed.
+7/29/98 (configuration change)
+ Added Scott Stanton's patch to the initialization process. The
+ last-ditch installation directory is no longer compiled into the
+ itcl sources. Instead, itcl searches for the installation directory
+ starting from $tcl_library. Also, if the variable itcl::library is
+ set before loading itcl, then itcl aborts the search and uses that
+ as its library directory.
+7/30/98 (Macintosh)
+ Added Jim Ingham's patches for the Mac.
+7/30/98 (configuration)
+ Fixed Makefiles for Iwidgets 2.2/3.0 to avoid a problem while
+ installing the demo images/html. The INSTALL_DATA program may
+ have a relative name (../../config/install-sh) so we must be
+ careful to "cd" into library, demos, etc., but not into other
+ directories below them.
+8/8/98 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "namespace import" to work with autoloading. If you
+ execute "namespace import iwidgets::*", the auto_import proc
+ will create stubs for all of the iwidgets commands. Executing
+ one of the stubs triggers autoloading for the appropriate command.
+8/10/98 (bug fix)
+ Integrated changes from Scriptics team to work seamlessly with
+ Tcl 8.0.3.
+8/10/98 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the iwidgets::optionmenu to work properly under Windows 95/NT.
+ Extended the "get" method in iwidgets3.0 so that you can query
+ existing elements from an optionmenu.
+ ------------------------ RELEASE 3.0 - 8/11/98 -------------------------
+8/16/98 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the windows pkgIndex.tcl files for Itcl and Itk to properly
+ load their .dll. Also fixed iwidgets/catalog to package require
+ Itcl, Itk, and to import ::itcl::* to get "class" defined. (BW)
+12/21/99 (bug fix)
+ Fixed tests for auto_mkindex to work properly outside of itkwish.
+ Tests now include "namespace import itcl::*" instead of assuming that
+ this behavior is built into the wish.
+4/18/00 (feature enhancement)
+ Fixed itcl::find to find classes and objects in *all* namespaces
+ in the interpreter. Until this fix, the itcl::find command would
+ report only the objects in the active namespace or the global
+ namespace. Being able to find classes/objects in all namespaces
+ makes debugging easier. Thanks to Chad Smith for pushing to make
+ this change happen.
+6/26/00 (bug fix)
+ Fixed Itcl_ClassVarResolver so that the formal parameters in a
+ method/proc take precedence over class data members.
+6/30/00 (bug fix)
+ Fixed all itcl/itk/iwidgets3.0.0 tests to run cleanly with the new
+ tcltest package.
+7/1/00 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "itk_component delete" so that the composite option list is
+ cleaned up whenever a component is deleted. For example, suppose
+ a component is the sole contributor of -font. When that component
+ is removed via "itk_component delete", the -font option goes away
+ as well. Also fixed the handling of the itk-delete-* binding for
+ the component. When the component is removed, the binding tag
+ is also removed by itk::remove_destroy_hook.
+7/5/00 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the check done during object creation to avoid clobbering
+ existing commands. Previously, itcl would look for any command--
+ in the local *and* global namespace--that might be clobbered.
+ Now, it looks for commands only in the local namespace, since
+ those are the only ones that could truly be clobbered.
+7/5/00 (cleanup)
+ Removed obsolete Makefile/configure files in the various "unix"
+ directories. Makefiles and configure files now reside one level
+ above, in the standard TEA place.
+7/11/00 (stubs cleanup) <>
+ Fix the build so static links do not use the stubs library.
+8/1/00 (stubs cleanup) <>
+ Added missing declarations for Itcl_InitStubs and Itk_InitStubs
+ and simplified how Itcl Stubs are set in Initialize() of itk_cmds.c
+8/1/00 (Makefile) <>
+ Added config/installFiles.tcl and changed the various
+ files to use this instead of install-sh. installFiles.tcl can
+ optimize out a copy if the target file is already up-to-date.
+ This eliminates conflicts from parallel builds on different platforms
+ where one build is zipping up the installed files while another platform
+ is copying platform-independent files (i.e., the iwidgets demos).
+8/4/00 (stubs cleanup) <>
+ Fixed dll linkage problem with the prototypes of the 2 XX_InitStubs
+ functions use. I copied the core too literally. Stubs libraries are
+ always static, so there's no need to play games with __declspec on
+ windows.
+8/7/00 (stubs cleanup) <>
+ Cleaned up use of Itcl_InitStubs by Itk. Finally got it right after
+ much flailing about. itcl.h has the correct definitions, and
+ itclStubLib.c has the correct #ifdefs.
+ Also nuked extra definitions of itclStubsPtr from the itk_cmds.c file.
+8/17/00 (more stubs cleanup) <>
+ Tcl_InitStubs in itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c was using the TCL_VERSION macro
+ set by the tcl.h header. Changed it to be "8.1" instead as it doesn't
+ matter unless Itcl needs special/new features of the core it's header is
+ from. But it doesn't.. so hard code it for an 8.1 minimum to make the
+ Itcl library have a better version range with the core as specific
+ version tracking with the core isn't needed (at this time).
+ ------------------------ RELEASE 3.2 - 08/18/00 ------------------------
+9/22/00 (stubs cleanup) <>
+ Itcl_InitStub prototype in itcl/generic/itcl.h was getting name mangled
+ by c++ compilers. Fixed with an 'extern "C"' appropriately applied.
+4/07/01 (bug fix) <>
+ Tcl's internal header, tclInt.h, in 8.4a2 got a small change in the Command
+ structure that needed 2 changes in Itcl to resolve. 1) #if/#else/#endif blocks
+ added in itcl_class.c and itc_ensemble.c allowing Itcl to compile. 2) added
+ a global variable called itclCompatFlags that's sets a flag in Itcl_Init()
+ that will modify the logic around access to cmdPtr->flags/deleted. This
+ way, any core compile will yield a fully forward/backward compatible
+ binary (correct logic set at runtime).
+5/22/01 (bug fixes) <>
+ lives again! Brought back from it's death to conquere windows
+ once again for users who prefer to avoid (or can't understand or get the tools
+ installed for) the TEA build system.
+ Also, numerous fixes relating to Kevin Kenny's Tcl API mods for better CONST
+ support. The latest headers for Tcl where throwing warnings all over the place
+ about type errors. I fixed the sources, but haven't checked against older
+ headers yet. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/itcl/ChangeLog b/itcl/ChangeLog
index 63348b3c65e..c6782351a3a 100644
--- a/itcl/ChangeLog
+++ b/itcl/ChangeLog
@@ -1,315 +1,606 @@
-2001-08-08 Mo DeJong <>
- * cygtcl.m4: Update from Tcl.
- * itcl/configure: Regen.
- * itk/configure: Regen.
-2001-08-06 Mo DeJong <>
- * cygtcl.m4: Update from Tcl.
- * itcl/configure: Regen.
- * itk/configure: Regen.
- This update pulls in the library name changes so Itcl
- uses the "rh" or "cyg" vendor prefix if set.
-2001-08-01 Mo DeJong <>
- * cygtcl.m4: Update from Tcl.
- * itcl/configure: Regen.
- and TCL_TOOL_STATIC_LIB_LONGNAME to generate lib names.
- * itk/configure: Regen.
- and TCL_TOOL_STATIC_LIB_LONGNAME to generate lib names.
-2001-07-12 Mo DeJong <>
- * tcl.m4 (SC_MAKE_LIB): Add support for building with gcc
- substitutions to deal with ranlib issues.
- into lib and stub lib targets.
- * itcl/configure: Regen.
- * itcl/ Set ITCL_LIB_FILE to the static import lib
- name when building a shared lib under Windows. Set itcl_LIB_FILE
- to the dll name when building under Windows. Use unquoted
- into lib and stub lib targets.
- * itk/configure: Regen.
- * itk/ Set ITK_LIB_FILE to the static import lib
- name when building a shared lib under Windows. Set itk_LIB_FILE
- to the dll name when building under Windows. Use unquoted
-2001-07-11 Mo DeJong <>
- * cygtcl.m4: Update from Tcl.
- * itcl/configure: Regen.
- * itcl/ Use AC_CHECK_PROG to set CYGPATH
- so that cross compiling works correctly.
- * itk/configure: Regen.
- * itk/ Use AC_CHECK_PROG to set CYGPATH
- so that cross compiling works correctly.
-2001-07-11 Mo DeJong <>
- * If an error is returned by the make
- in a subdirectory exit from the parent make instead
- of processing the next subdirectory.
-2001-06-22 Mo DeJong <>
- * cygtcl.m4: Update from Tcl.
- * tcl.m4: Use $host to determine system type
- instead of invoking uname. Add support for
- mingw32 and windows32 host identifiers.
- * itcl/configure: Regen.
- * itcl/ Ditto.
- * itk/configure: Regen.
- * itk/ Ditto.
-2001-06-20 Mo DeJong <>
- Remove unused macros. The Itcl version of tcl.m4 has
- already diverged from the Tcl one. Since we need to
- maintain this Itcl version separately, it should be
- as simple as possible.
-2001-06-11 Mo DeJong <>
- * tcl.m4 (SC_ENABLE_SHARED): Configure with shared library
- support when building under Windows.
- * itcl/configure: Regen.
- * itk/configure: Regen.
-2001-06-06 Mo DeJong <>
- * itk/aclocal.m4: Pull in ../../config/acinclude.m4
- so we can use the CYG_AC_PATH_ITCLCONFIG and
- * itk/configure: Regen.
- and CYG_AC_LOAD_ITCLCONFIG to load the
- config file. The existing configure script would
- try to figure out lib file names by hand.
-2001-06-06 Mo DeJong <>
- * itk/configure: Regen.
- * itk/ Use TCL_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC in place
- in place of TK_STUB_LIB_SPEC since the tk stub lib
- would not have been installed yet.
-2001-06-05 Mo DeJong <>
- * itcl/configure: Regen.
- * itcl/ Use TCL_BUILD_STUB_LIB_PATH instead
- of TCL_STUB_LIB_PATH since Tcl is not install yet.
- * itk/configure: Regen.
- * itk/ Use TCL_BUILD_STUB_LIB_PATH instead
- of TCL_STUB_LIB_PATH since Tcl is not install yet.
-2001-06-05 Mo DeJong <>
- * cygtcl.m4:
- * itcl/configure:
- * itk/configure: Update from Tcl.
+2001-09-06 David Gravereaux <>
-2001-06-01 Mo DeJong <>
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_util.c: Threading patch from "Haneef Mohammed"
+ <>.
+ [Patch: 445670]
- * cygtcl.m4:
- * itcl/configure:
- * itk/configure: Update from Tcl.
+ -=[ Incr Tcl/Tk 3.2.1 tagged as done. ]=-
+2001-06-22 David Gravereaux <>
+ * tcl.m4: Added support for MacOS X [#435256]
+ * itk/win/ fixed a bad macro use in the genstubs target.
+ * itk/generic/itk_cmds.c: Added Itk_SafeInit().
+ * itk/generic/itk.decls:
+ * itk/generic/itkDecls.h:
+ * itk/generic/itkStubInit.c: Needed to add Itk_SafeInit() to the Stubs table.
+ Regen'd Stubs table.
-2001-06-01 Mo DeJong <>
+2001-05-28 Andreas Kupries <>
- * itcl/configure: Regen.
- before using them.
- * itk/configure: Regen.
- * itk/ Define ITK_LIB_FILE and ITK_STUB_LIB_FILE
- before using them.
+ * itcl/
+ * itk/
+ * iwidgets/ Fixed installation of manpages, added
+ invocations of "basename" to create the correct paths into the
+ installation directories. Fixes [#427118].
-2001-05-31 Mo DeJong <>
+2001-05-25 davygrvy
+ * ChangeLog (new):
+ Auto-generated this from the output of `cvs log`. This will be the
+ day-to-day reference of per-commits. CHANGES will now be the digest
+ of the data in here. Just like how Tcl does it. Information from
+ iwidgets was not used.
- * itcl/win/dllEntryPoint.c: Add #endif that was
- accidently left out during the Itcl 3.0 -> 3.2
- merge process.
+ * itk/generic/itk.h:
+ * itk/generic/itkStubLib.c:
+ * itk/generic/itk_cmds.c:
+ added CONST to return type for Itk_InitStubs() to match what Kevin Kenny
+ is doing to Tcl. Along with a little lint cleaning regarding Stubs.
-2001-05-30 Mo DeJong <>
+ * itcl/generic/itcl.h:
+ * itcl/generic/itclStubLib.c:
+ added CONST to return type for Itcl_InitStubs() to match what
+ Kevin Kenny is doing to Tcl
+2001-05-24 davygrvy
+ *
+ instructions how to use to build the package
- * configure: Regen.
- in win subdirectory in addition to unix subdirectory for
- and files.
* itcl/configure:
- * itk/configure: Regen.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/configure: Regen.
+ * itcl/
+ * itcl/
+ * itk/configure:
+ * itk/
+ * itk/
+ Bug #427113
+2001-05-23 davygrvy
+ * itcl/win/
+ added missing quotes around include paths.
-2001-05-30 Mo DeJong <>
+ * .cvsignore:
+ * configure:
+ *
+ changed to the new iwidgets subdir. Removed the older
+ references to iwidgets3.0.0 and iwidgets2.2.0
+ * configure:
+ this could be useful.
- * configure: Regen.
- an error instead of a warning when config files cannot be found.
+ * itcl/.cvsignore:
* itcl/configure:
- * itk/configure: Regen.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/configure: Regen.
+ * itcl/
+ * itk/.cvsignore:
+ * itk/configure:
+ * itk/
+ Updated patch level to 3.2.1 in prep for a release.
-2001-05-29 Mo DeJong <>
+ * itcl/win/
+ * itcl/win/rc/itcl.rc:
+ yet another rc problem repaired
- * cygtcl.m4: Add from tcl module.
- * itcl/aclocal.m4: Include cygtcl.m4.
- * itcl/configure: Regen.
- * itcl/ Fix --prefix variable. Use TCL_TOOL macros
- to deal with path name portibility issues.
- * itcl/ Add full path and stub lib vars.
- * itk/aclocal.m4: Include cygtcl.m4.
- * itk/configure: Regen.
- * itk/ Fix --prefix variable. Use TCL_TOOL macros
- to deal with path name portibility issues.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/aclocal.m4: Include cygtcl.m4.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/configure: Regen.
+ * itcl/win/
+ rc problem repaired
-2001-05-29 Mo DeJong <>
+2001-05-22 davygrvy
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_objects.c:
+ * itcl/tests/interp.test:
+ patch #426205, self deleting class caused core dump.
- * itk/configure: Regen.
- * itk/ Adjust AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR()
- and fix --prefix and --exec-prefix variables.
+ * itk/generic/itk_archetype.c:
+ * itk/generic/itk_cmds.c:
+ Fix for Tcl_GetCommandName() now returning a CONST char *
+ from the changes Kevin Kenny is doing to the HEAD tcl code.
+ This hasn't been tested with older header files, yet.
-2001-05-25 Mo DeJong <>
+ *
+ * itcl/win/
+ * itk/win/
+ * itk/win/rc/itk.rc:
+ *
+ actually works again.
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor00.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor02.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor04.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor06.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor08.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor0a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor0c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor0e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor10.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor12.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor14.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor16.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor18.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor1a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor1c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor1e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor20.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor22.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor24.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor26.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor28.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor2a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor2c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor2e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor30.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor32.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor34.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor36.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor38.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor3a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor3c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor3e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor40.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor42.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor44.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor46.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor48.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor4a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor4c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor4e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor50.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor52.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor54.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor56.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor58.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor5a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor5c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor5e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor60.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor62.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor64.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor66.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor68.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor6a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor6c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor6e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor70.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor72.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor74.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor76.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor78.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor7a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor7c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor7e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor80.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor82.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor84.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor86.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor88.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor8a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor8c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor8e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor90.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor92.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor94.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor96.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor98.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/itkwish.rc:
+ * itk/win/winMain.c:
+ Removing of old cruft. itkwishXX.exe is no longer needed as itkXX.dll is a
+ pure extension and loads in a vanilla wish just fine.
- * itcl/itcl/
- * itk/
- * iwidgets3.0.0/ Install cross
- platform itk and itk files in @datadir@ (share).
+ * itcl/win/pkgIndex.tcl:
+ * itk/win/pkgIndex.tcl:
+ we'll auto gen these from the makefile
-2001-05-24 Mo DeJong <>
+ * itcl/win/
+ * itk/win/
+ fixed include paths to make sure paths to itcl.h and itk.h in the source tree
+ are mentioned first to avoid a possible bug during building.
- * itcl/configure: Regen.
+ * itcl/configure:
* itcl/
- Use fully qualified srcdir, add ITCL_SRC_DIR_NATIVE variable.
- Don't call the SC_PROG_TCLSH macro since it does not bootstrap.
- Add back to, it was lost at some point.
- * itk/configure: Regen.
+ * itk/configure:
* itk/
- Use fully qualified srcdir, add ITK_SRC_DIR_NATIVE variable.
- Don't call SC_PROG_TCLSH or SC_PROG_WISH macros since they
- do not bootstrap.
- Add back to, it was lost at some point.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/configure: Regen.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/
- Don't call the SC_PROG_TCLSH macro since it does not bootstrap.
-2001-05-24 Mo DeJong <>
- * tcl.m4 (SC_LIB_SPEC): Add note about broken
- SC_LIB_SPEC macro. It does not effect us since
- we only build static libs.
- * itcl/configure: Regen.
- * itcl/ Call AC_PROG_CC and not
- SC_ENABLE_GCC since it break cross compiling.
- * itk/configure: Regen.
- * itk/ Ditto.
-2001-05-23 Mo DeJong <>
- * configure: Regen.
- * tcl.m4: Default to building an unshared
- version of the Itcl library.
- * itcl/configure: Regen.
- * itk/configure: Regen.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/configure: Regen.
-2001-05-23 Mo DeJong <>
- * itcl/unix/aclocal.m4:
- * itcl/unix/tcl.m4:
- * itcl/win/aclocal.m4:
- * itcl/win/tcl.m4:
- * itk/unix/aclocal.m4:
- * itk/unix/tcl.m4:
- * itk/win/aclocal.m4:
- * itk/win/tcl.m4:
- Remove old autoconf files, they should
- have been removed as part of the 3.0 -> 3.2
- transition.
-2001-05-23 Mo DeJong <>
- * config/installFile.tcl: Removed ill conceived
- Tcl install script since it does not bootstrap.
+ patch #426203
+ * itk/win/
+ Mostly working. Not fully tested, but lots closer.
+ * itk/win/
+ more closer, but not yet perfect.
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_methods.c:
+ Fix for Tcl_GetCommandName() now returning a CONST char *
+ from the changes Kevein Kenny is doing to the HEAD tcl code.
+ This hasn't been tested with older header files, yet.
+ * itk/generic/itk_cmds.c:
+ Removed old reference to external ItkStubs structure.
+ Old cruft left from before Itk_InitStubs existed.
+ * itcl/win/itcl.rc:
+ * itcl/win/rc/itcl.rc:
+ moving the resource script
+ * itcl/win/rc/itcl.rc:
+ subtle changes.
+ * itcl/win/itclsh.rc:
+ * itcl/win/tclAppInit.c:
+ Removing of old cruft. itclshXX.exe is no longer needed as itclXX.dll is a
+ pure extension and loads in a vanilla shell just fine.
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_methods.c:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_util.c:
+ removed #include "tclCompile.h"!
+ It wasn't needed. Those source files made no reference to anything in it.
+ * itk/win/
+ closer to perfection.
+ * itk/win/rc/itk.rc:
+ This is now the resource script for the dll.
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_methods.c:
+ whoops.. doh!
+ * itk/win/dllEntryPoint.c:
+ Stubs bug logic fix. Same as itcl/win/dllEntryPoint.c. This help build a debug
+ version of itcl/itk from the standard tclstubXX.lib by removing the link
+ requirement to msvcrt.lib which should never have been there.
+ * itcl/win/
+ adapted for new location of itcl.rc
+ * itk/win/rc/itk.rc:
+ subtle changes to infere the correct filename and support more
+ complete versioning info.
+ * itcl/generic/itcl.h:
+ * itk/generic/itk.h:
+ changed RESOURCE_INCLUDED to RC_INVOKED. The windows resource
+ compiler to preset to define this already.
+ * itcl/generic/itclInt.decls:
+ * itcl/generic/itclIntDecls.h:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_class.c:
+ Fix for Itcl_ClassCmdResolver() not being of type Tcl_ResolveCmdProc with
+ the CONST type added to param 2 in the lastest headers. I haven't tested
+ this with an older tcl.h yet. Hopefully, this won't get messy.
+ * itcl/win/
+ small $(RCDIR) change.
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_bicmds.c:
+ patch #426207, contextNs ptr can be NULL in Itcl_BiInfoClassCmd
+ ).
+2001-05-18 andreas_kupries
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_class.c:
+ [Fix 227811] Check for any command with the given name, not only
+ objects.
+2001-05-17 andreas_kupries
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_class.c:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c:
+ Fixed bug 227804.
+2001-05-11 andreas_kupries
+ * itk/generic/itk_archetype.c:
+ 2001-05-11 Andreas Kupries <>
+ * itk/generic/itk_archetype.c: Fixed bug 227876.
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_objects.c:
+ 2001-05-11 Andreas Kupries <>
+ * itk/generic/itk_archetype.c: Fixed bug 227824 (and several duplicates).
+ * itk/generic/itk_archetype.c:
+ 2001-05-11 Andreas Kupries <>
+ * itk/generic/itk_archetype.c: Fixed bug 227814
+2001-04-25 davygrvy
+ *
+ moved the info about the iwidget version for
+2001-04-18 davygrvy
+ * itcl/win/dllEntryPoint.c:
+ whoops... removed C++ style comment from this .c file :)
+2001-04-14 davygrvy
+ * itcl/library/itcl.tcl:
+ Patch ID #227860
+ *
+ added an $Id$ keyword
+ * .cvsignore:
+ just testing loginfo mailing...
+ * .cvsignore:
+ only making a change to see the history file get an entry...
+2001-04-12 davygrvy
+ * itcl/win/
+ progress is happening
+2001-04-08 davygrvy
+ * itcl/win/.cvsignore:
+ * itk/win/.cvsignore:
+ no need to have CVS bother itself with the build directories
+ * itcl/win/
+ a large rewrite
+ *
+ todays work progress. I'm not done yet.
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_ensemble.c:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_util.c:
+ Added mutex locking around the ItclPreservedList global hash table. This
+ appears to be the only work needed to support multithreading.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ new build files for VC++ compiles
+ * .cvsignore:
+ ignore MSVC++ project artifacts
+2001-04-07 davygrvy
+ * itcl/win/dllEntryPoint.c:
+ a small windows specific fix against Tcl's Stubs library.
+ * itcl/generic/itclInt.h:
+ * itcl/generic/itclStubLib.c:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_class.c:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_ensemble.c:
+ 4/07/01 (bug fix) <>
+ Tcl's internal header, tclInt.h, in 8.4a2 got a small change in the Command
+ structure that needed 2 changes in Itcl to resolve. 1) #if/#else/#endif blocks
+ added in itcl_class.c and itc_ensemble.c allowing Itcl to compile. 2) added
+ a global variable called itclCompatFlags that's sets a flag in Itcl_Init()
+ that will modify the logic around access to cmdPtr->flags/deleted. This
+ way, any core compile will yeild a fully forward/backward compatible
+ binary (correct logic set at runtime).
+2000-12-21 smithc
+ * itk/win/
+ Patch #102914.
+2000-12-12 smithc
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_ensemble.c:
+ Patch #102774
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_class.c:
+ Patch #100274
+2000-09-23 davidg
+ added a note about the 3.2 release
+ * itcl/generic/itcl.h:
+ 9/22/00 (stubs cleanup) <>
+ Itcl_InitStub prototype in itcl/generic/itcl.h was getting name mangled
+ by c++ compilers. Fixed with an 'extern "C"' appropriately applied.
+2000-08-18 davidg
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c:
+ Tcl_InitStubs was using the TCL_VERSION macro set by the tcl.h header.
+ Changed it to be "8.1" instead as it doesn't matter unless Itcl needs
+ special/new features of the core it's header is from. But it doesn't.. so hard
+ code it for an 8.1 minimum.
+2000-08-07 welch
+ * itcl/
+ * itcl/generic/itcl.h:
+ * itcl/generic/itclStubLib.c:
+ Final iteration, really, on getting Itcl_StubInit correctly set
+ up.
+ * itk/generic/itk_cmds.c:
+ Removed redundant definitions of itclStubsPtr and
+ itclIntStubsPtr.
+ * itcl/
+ Added Itcl_InitStubs to the main Itcl library as well as the stubs
+ library for those applications (like Itk) that call Itcl_InitStub
+ but are linked against the main library.
+ *** empty log message ***
+2000-08-04 davidg
+ * itcl/generic/itcl.decls:
+ * itcl/generic/itclDecls.h:
+ * itcl/generic/itclIntDecls.h:
+ * itcl/generic/itclStubInit.c:
+ * itk/generic/itk.decls:
+ * itk/generic/itkDecls.h:
+ * itk/generic/itkStubInit.c:
+ * itk/generic/itkStubLib.c:
+ added missing RCS $Id$ strings
+ * itcl/generic/itcl.h:
+ * itcl/generic/itclStubLib.c:
+ * itk/generic/itk.h:
+ * itk/generic/itkStubLib.c:
+ yanked ugly linkage cruft from the StubLib functions. It's
+ always static.
+2000-08-02 davidg
+ * itk/generic/itk_cmds.c:
+ simplified how Itcl Stubs are set
+ * itcl/generic/itcl.h:
+ * itk/generic/itk.h:
+ added missing Itcl_InitStubs and Itk_InitStubs declarations.
+2000-08-02 welch
+ * itk/generic/itkStubLib.c:
+ Fixed this new function
* itcl/
* itk/
- * iwidgets3.0.0/ Use @INSTALL@ instead
- of installFile.tcl.
- Don't remove man pages or html files before
- installing. Don't chmod the installed files
- since that will make a second call to make install
- fail.
+ Changed this to use installFiles.tcl instead of install-sh
-2001-05-17 Mo DeJong <>
+ * itcl/generic/itclStubLib.c:
+ Fix for new Itcl_InitStubs.c
- Upgrade Itcl from 3.0 to 3.2.
+ * config/installFile.tcl:
+ Added a Tcl version of install-sh that avoids copying a file if
+ the target has the same size and date stamp as the source file already.
+ This helps parallel builds on different platforms avoid changing
+ files out from one another.
+ *** empty log message ***
+2000-07-29 welch
+ * itcl/configure:
+ * itk/configure:
+ Ran autoconf
+ * tcl.m4:
+ Fixed this with respect to recent changes in windows def of TCL_SRC_DIR
+2000-07-23 wart
+ * itcl/
+ * itk/
+ Use INSTALL_PROGRAM instead of INSTALL_DATA to install libraries so
+ they get execute permission on HPUX
+2000-07-14 welch
+ * itcl/configure:
+ * itk/configure:
+ Updated configure
- *
- * aclocal.m4: Removed:
- * configure:
- *
- * license.terms:
- *
- * tcl.m4: Added.
* config/install-sh:
- * config/installFile.tcl: Added.
- * itcl/ Added.
- * itcl/aclocal.m4: Added.
- * itcl/configure: Added.
- * itcl/ Added.
- * itcl/pkgIndex.tcl: Added.
- * itcl/ Added.
- * itcl/doc/Resolvers.3: Removed.
- * itcl/doc/find.n:
- * itcl/doc/itcl_info.n:
- * itcl/doc/itclvars.n:
- * itcl/doc/scope.n:
- * itcl/generic/itcl.decls: Added.
- * itcl/generic/itcl.h:
- * itcl/generic/itclDecls.h: Added.
- * itcl/generic/itclInt.decls: Added.
- * itcl/generic/itclInt.h:
- * itcl/generic/itclIntDecls.h: Added.
- * itcl/generic/itclStubInit.c: Added.
- * itcl/generic/itclStubLib.c: Added.
+ Nuked debug echo statement
+2000-07-12 welch
+ * config/install-sh:
+ Added -f to MV command
+ *
+ Added some feedback to the top-level makefile loops
+ * itcl/
+ * itk/
+ * itk/
+ Disable stubs in the case of static builds.
+2000-07-07 csmith
+ * itcl/tests/info.test:
+ patch submitted by David Cuthbert, 7/7/00
* itcl/generic/itcl_bicmds.c:
+ patch submitted by David Cuthbert, 7/7/00 to fix segfault caused by the
+ following code:
+ itcl::class X { }
+ namespace eval X { info class }
+2000-07-06 mmc
+ *
+ Touched up README for itcl3.2 release. Fixed master Makefile to
+ avoid testing iwidgets2.2.0, which is an older release provided
+ only for backward-compatibility. Bug fixes and improvements are
+ made and tested in the newer iwidgets3.0.0 release.
+ * itcl/generic/itcl.h:
* itcl/generic/itcl_class.c:
* itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c:
- * itcl/generic/itcl_ensemble.c:
- * itcl/generic/itcl_linkage.c:
- * itcl/generic/itcl_methods.c:
- * itcl/generic/itcl_migrate.c:
* itcl/generic/itcl_objects.c:
- * itcl/generic/itcl_obsolete.c:
- * itcl/generic/itcl_parse.c:
- * itcl/generic/itcl_util.c:
- * itcl/library/itcl.tcl:
- * itcl/mac/MW_ItclHeader.pch: Added
- * itcl/mac/itclMacLibrary.r:
- * itcl/mac/pkgIndex.tcl:
* itcl/tests/all:
- * itcl/tests/all.tcl: Added.
+ * itcl/tests/all.tcl:
+ * itcl/tests/basic.test:
+ * itcl/tests/defs:
+ * itcl/tests/inherit.test:
+ * itcl/tests/methods.test:
+ * itcl/tests/namespace.test:
+ * itcl/unix/
+ * itcl/unix/
+ * itcl/unix/
+ * itcl/unix/
+ * itcl/unix/test.tcl:
+ * itk/
+ * itk/generic/itk_archetype.c:
+ * itk/library/itk.tcl:
+ * itk/tests/all:
+ * itk/tests/all.tcl:
+ * itk/tests/defs:
+ * itk/tests/widget.test:
+ * itk/unix/
+ * itk/unix/
+ * itk/unix/
+ * itk/unix/
+ * itk/unix/
+ 6/26/00 (bug fix)
+ Fixed Itcl_ClassVarResolver so that the formal parameters in a
+ method/proc take precedence over class data members.
+ 6/30/00 (bug fix)
+ Fixed all itcl/itk/iwidgets3.0.0 tests to run cleanly with the new
+ tcltest package.
+ 7/1/00 (bug fix)
+ Fixed "itk_component delete" so that the composite option list is
+ cleaned up whenever a component is deleted. For example, suppose
+ a component is the sole contributor of -font. When that component
+ is removed via "itk_component delete", the -font option goes away
+ as well. Also fixed the handling of the itk-delete-* binding for
+ the component. When the component is removed, the binding tag
+ is also removed by itk::remove_destroy_hook.
+ 7/5/00 (bug fix)
+ Fixed the check done during object creation to avoid clobbering
+ existing commands. Previously, itcl would look for any command--
+ in the local *and* global namespace--that might be clobbered.
+ Now, it looks for commands only in the local namespace, since
+ those are the only ones that could truly be clobbered.
+ 7/5/00 (cleanup)
+ Removed obsolete Makefile/configure files in the various "unix"
+ directories. Makefiles and configure files now reside one level
+ above, in the standard TEA place.
+2000-06-22 wart
+ * itcl/
+ Added itclDecls.h to list of header files to install.
+2000-06-22 welch
+ * itk/
+ Installing stub table tkDecls.h
+ * itcl/
+ Installing all header files, not just public ones.
+2000-06-16 matt
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_util.c:
+ Moved #ifndef NDEBUG inside Itcl_Assert routine otherwise it may not get inclued
+ BUT it is specified in the Stubs Table.....
+2000-06-06 wart
+ * itk/tests/all.tcl:
+ Added missing file for running test suite.
+ * itcl/tests/all.tcl:
+ Added missing file for running test suite
+2000-06-01 wart
+ * itcl/
* itcl/tests/basic.test:
* itcl/tests/body.test:
* itcl/tests/chain.test:
- * itcl/tests/defs:
* itcl/tests/delete.test:
* itcl/tests/ensemble.test:
* itcl/tests/import.test:
@@ -318,644 +609,634 @@
* itcl/tests/interp.test:
* itcl/tests/local.test:
* itcl/tests/methods.test:
- * itcl/tests/mkindex.itcl:
* itcl/tests/mkindex.test:
* itcl/tests/namespace.test:
* itcl/tests/protection.test:
* itcl/tests/scope.test:
- * itcl/tests/old/AAA.test:
- * itcl/tests/old/Bar.tcl:
- * itcl/tests/old/BarFoo.tcl:
- * itcl/tests/old/Baz.tcl:
- * itcl/tests/old/Foo.tcl:
- * itcl/tests/old/FooBar.tcl:
- * itcl/tests/old/Geek.tcl:
- * itcl/tests/old/Mongrel.tcl:
- * itcl/tests/old/VirtualErr.tcl:
- * itcl/tests/old/all:
- * itcl/tests/old/basic.test:
- * itcl/tests/old/inherit.test:
- * itcl/tests/old/testlib.tcl:
- * itcl/tests/old/toaster.test:
- * itcl/tests/old/uplevel.test:
- * itcl/tests/old/upvar.test:
- * itcl/tests/old/toasters/Appliance.tcl:
- * itcl/tests/old/toasters/Hazard.tcl:
- * itcl/tests/old/toasters/Outlet.tcl:
- * itcl/tests/old/toasters/SmartToaster.tcl:
- * itcl/tests/old/toasters/Toaster.tcl:
- * itcl/tests/old/toasters/usualway.tcl:
- * itcl/unix/ Removed.
- * itcl/unix/confdefs.h: Removed.
- * itcl/unix/config.log: Removed.
- * itcl/unix/configure: Removed.
- * itcl/unix/ Removed.
- * itcl/unix/ Removed.
- * itcl/win/ Removed.
- * itcl/win/configure: Removed.
- * itcl/win/ Removed.
- * itcl/win/dllEntryPoint.c:
- * itcl/win/itcl.rc:
- * itcl/win/itclsh.rc:
- * itcl/win/
- * itcl/win/pkgIndex.tcl:
- * itk/ Added.
- * itk/aclocal.m4: Added.
- * itk/configure: Added.
- * itk/ Added.
- * itk/pkgIndex.tcl: Added.
- * itk/ Added.
- * itk/doc/Archetype.n:
- * itk/doc/Toplevel.n:
- * itk/doc/Widget.n:
- * itk/doc/itk.n:
- * itk/doc/itkvars.n:
- * itk/doc/itkwish.1:
- * itk/doc/usual.n:
- * itk/generic/itk.decls: Added.
- * itk/generic/itk.h:
- * itk/generic/itkDecls.h: Added.
- * itk/generic/itkStubInit.c: Added.
- * itk/generic/itkStubLib.c: Added.
- * itk/generic/itk_archetype.c:
- * itk/generic/itk_cmds.c:
- * itk/generic/itk_option.c:
- * itk/generic/itk_util.c:
- * itk/library/Archetype.itk:
- * itk/library/Toplevel.itk:
- * itk/library/Widget.itk:
- * itk/library/itk.tcl:
- * itk/mac/itkMacLibrary.r:
- * itk/mac/pkgIndex.tcl:
- * itk/tests/all:
- * itk/tests/all.tcl: Added.
- * itk/tests/defs:
+ * itk/
+ * itk/configure:
+ * itk/
* itk/tests/interp.test:
* itk/tests/option.test:
* itk/tests/privacy.test:
* itk/tests/public.test:
* itk/tests/toplevel.test:
* itk/tests/widget.test:
- * itk/unix/ Removed.
- * itk/unix/configure: Removed.
- * itk/unix/ Removed.
- * itk/unix/ Removed.
- * itk/win/ Removed.
- * itk/win/Makefile.in_first: Removed.
- * itk/win/configure: Removed.
- * itk/win/ Removed.
- * itk/win/dllEntryPoint.c:
- * itk/win/makefile.bc:
- * itk/win/
- * itk/win/pkgIndex.tcl:
- * itk/win/winMain.c:
- * itk/win/rc/itk.rc:
- * itk/win/rc/itkwish.rc:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/CHANGES:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/ Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/README:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/aclocal.m4: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/catalog: Removed.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/configure: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/ Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/iwidgets.tcl: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/ Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/pkgIndex.tcl: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/ Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/canvasprintbox: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/catalog: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/feedback:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/mainwindow:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/scopedobject: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/shell: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/watch:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/buttonbox.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/calendar.n.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/canvasprintbox.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/canvasprintdialog.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/checkbox.n.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/combobox.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/dateentry.n.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/datefield.n.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/dialog.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/dialogshell.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/disjointlistbox.n.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/entryfield.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/extfileselectionbox.n.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/extfileselectiondialog.n.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/feedback.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/fileselectionbox.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/fileselectiondialog.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/finddialog.n.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/hierarchy.n.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/hyperhelp.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/iwidgets2.2.0UserCmds.html: Removed.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/iwidgets3.0.0UserCmds.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/labeledframe.n.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/labeledwidget.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/mainwindow.n.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/menubar.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/messagebox.n.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/messagedialog.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/notebook.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/optionmenu.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/panedwindow.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/promptdialog.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/pushbutton.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/radiobox.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/scopedobject.n.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/scrolledcanvas.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/scrolledframe.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/scrolledhtml.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/scrolledlistbox.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/scrolledtext.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/selectionbox.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/selectiondialog.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/shell.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/spindate.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/spinint.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/spinner.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/spintime.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/tabnotebook.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/tabset.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/timeentry.n.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/timefield.n.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/toolbar.n.html:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/demos/html/watch.n.html: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/doc/checkbox.n:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/doc/entryfield.n:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/doc/ Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/doc/hierarchy.n:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/doc/radiobox.n:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/doc/scrolledlistbox.n:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/doc/scrolledtext.n:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/doc/toolbar.n:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/buttonbox.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/calendar.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/canvasprintbox.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/checkbox.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/colors.itcl:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/combobox.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/dateentry.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/datefield.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/dialog.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/dialogshell.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/disjointlistbox.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/entryfield.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/extfileselectionbox.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/extfileselectiondialog.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/feedback.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/fileselectionbox.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/fileselectiondialog.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/finddialog.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/hierarchy.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/hyperhelp.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/labeledframe.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/labeledwidget.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/mainwindow.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/menubar.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/messagebox.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/messagedialog.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/notebook.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/optionmenu.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/pane.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/panedwindow.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/promptdialog.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/pushbutton.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/radiobox.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/scrolledcanvas.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/scrolledframe.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/scrolledhtml.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/scrolledlistbox.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/scrolledtext.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/scrolledwidget.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/selectionbox.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/selectiondialog.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/shell.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/spindate.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/spinint.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/spinner.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/spintime.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/tabnotebook.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/tabset.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/timeentry.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/timefield.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/toolbar.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/watch.itk:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/all:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/all.tcl: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/buttonbox.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/calendar.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/canvasprintbox.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/canvasprintdialog.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/checkbox.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/combobox.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/dateentry.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/datefield.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/defs:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/dialog.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/dialogshell.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/disjointlistbox.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/entryfield.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/extfileselectionbox.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/extfileselectiondialog.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/feedback.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/fileselectionbox.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/fileselectiondialog.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/finddialog.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/hierarchy.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/hyperhelp.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/labeledframe.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/labeledwidget.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/menubar.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/messagebox.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/messagedialog.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/notebook.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/optionmenu.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/panedwindow.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/promptdialog.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/pushbutton.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/radiobox.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/regexpfield.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/scrolledcanvas.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/scrolledframe.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/scrolledhtml.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/scrolledlistbox.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/scrolledtext.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/selectionbox.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/selectiondialog.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/shell.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/spindate.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/spinint.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/spinner.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/spintime.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/tabnotebook.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/tabset.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/timeentry.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/timefield.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/toolbar.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/usual.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/tests/watch.test:
- * iwidgets3.0.0/unix/ Removed.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/unix/configure: Removed.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/unix/ Removed.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/unix/ Removed.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/unix/ Removed.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/win/iwidgets.tcl: Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/win/ Added.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/win/pkgIndex.tcl: Added.
-2001-04-09 Mo DeJong <>
- * itcl/unix/aclocal.m4: Include tcl.m4.
- * itcl/unix/configure: Regen.
- * itcl/unix/ Call TCL_TOOL_PATH
- to match use in win version.
- * itcl/unix/tcl.m4: Add from tcl/unix.
- * itcl/win/aclocal.m4: Include tcl.m4.
- * itcl/win/configure: Regen.
- * itcl/win/ Call TCL_TOOL_PATH for
- * itcl/win/tcl.m4: Add from tcl/win.
- * itk/unix/aclocal.m4: Include tcl.m4.
- * itk/unix/configure: Regen.
- * itk/unix/ Call TCL_TOOL_PATH
- to match use in win version. Remove
- --with-cflags option.
- * itk/unix/tcl.m4: Add from tcl/unix.
- * itk/win/aclocal.m4: Include tcl.m4.
- * itk/win/configure: Regen.
- * itk/win/ Call TCL_TOOL_PATH for
- and ITCL_BIN_DIR. Remove --with-cflags option.
- * itk/win/tcl.m4: Add from tcl/win.
-2001-04-05 Mo DeJong <>
- * itcl/win/
- * itk/win/ Remove code that depends on dumpexts.exe
- since it was removed from Tcl. Building a .dll no longer
- requires a .def file.
-2001-04-05 Mo DeJong <>
- * Don't build iwidgets under Windows since there
- is no build system in the win subdirectory.
- * itcl/win/
- * itk/win/ Don't look for in the
- ../unix directory, look in the win/ subdirectory instead.
- Fix copy and paste error in --with argument. Add subst
- of the TCL_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC variable.
- * configure:
- * itcl/win/configure:
- * itk/win/configure: Regen.
+ Tests modified to work with TEA Makefile.
+2000-04-19 mmc
+ * itcl/
+ * itcl/configure:
+ * itcl/
+ * itcl/doc/find.n:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl.h:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c:
+ * itcl/tests/basic.test:
+ * itcl/tests/body.test:
+ * itcl/tests/chain.test:
+ * itcl/tests/defs:
+ * itcl/tests/delete.test:
+ * itcl/tests/ensemble.test:
+ * itcl/tests/info.test:
+ * itcl/tests/inherit.test:
+ * itcl/tests/local.test:
+ * itcl/tests/methods.test:
+ * itcl/tests/mkindex.itcl:
+ * itcl/tests/namespace.test:
+ * itcl/tests/protection.test:
+ * itcl/tests/scope.test:
+ * itcl/tests/tclIndex:
+ * itcl/unix/
+ * itk/
+ * itk/configure:
+ * itk/
+ * itk/tests/defs:
+ * itk/tests/option.test:
+ * itk/tests/widget.test:
+ * license.terms:
+ - fixed itcl::find to find classes/objects in *all* namespaces
+ - fixed tests to run cleanly
+2000-03-28 csmith
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c:
+ Patch for Ticket 4111, submitted by David Cuthbert:
+ *** itcl3.1.0/itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c.orig Tue Feb 1 16:37:53 2000
+ --- itcl3.1.0/itcl/generic/ Tue Feb 1
+ 16:38:06 2000
+ ***************
+ *** 94,100 ****
+ static char safeInitScript[] =
+ "proc ::itcl::local {class name args} {\n\
+ ! set ptr [uplevel eval [list $class $name] $args]\n\
+ uplevel [list set itcl-local-$ptr $ptr]\n\
+ set cmd [uplevel namespace which -command $ptr]\n\
+ uplevel [list trace variable itcl-local-$ptr u \"::itcl::delete object $cmd; list\"]\n\
+ --- 94,100 ----
+ static char safeInitScript[] =
+ "proc ::itcl::local {class name args} {\n\
+ ! set ptr [uplevel [list $class $name] $args]\n\
+ uplevel [list set itcl-local-$ptr $ptr]\n\
+ set cmd [uplevel namespace which -command $ptr]\n\
+ uplevel [list trace variable itcl-local-$ptr u \"::itcl::delete object $cmd; list\"]\n\
-2001-04-05 Mo DeJong <>
+ * itcl/library/itcl.tcl:
+ Patch for ticket 4111, submitted by David Cuthbert:
+ *** itcl3.1.0/itcl/library/itcl.tcl.orig Tue Feb 1 16:38:24 2000
+ --- itcl3.1.0/itcl/library/ Tue Feb 1 16:38:30 2000
+ ***************
+ *** 27,33 ****
+ # alive until a procedure exits.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ proc ::itcl::local {class name args} {
+ ! set ptr [uplevel eval [list $class $name] $args]
+ uplevel [list set itcl-local-$ptr $ptr]
+ set cmd [uplevel namespace which -command $ptr]
+ uplevel [list trace variable itcl-local-$ptr u \
+ --- 27,33 ----
+ # alive until a procedure exits.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ proc ::itcl::local {class name args} {
+ ! set ptr [uplevel [list $class $name] $args]
+ uplevel [list set itcl-local-$ptr $ptr]
+ set cmd [uplevel namespace which -command $ptr]
+ uplevel [list trace variable itcl-local-$ptr u \
+2000-03-20 wart
+ * itk/configure:
+ * itk/
+ Fixed typo in variable name
- * itk/win/winMain.c: Replace calls
- to TkConsoleCreate and TkConsoleInit
- with call to Tk_CreateConsoleWindow.
- The old methods were removed in
- Tk 8.3 and replaced with a public API.
+2000-03-17 wart
+ * itcl/
+ * itk/
+ * itk/configure:
+ * itk/
+ Added TCL_EXTRA_CFLAGS to compile line to fix build problems on Irix
-2001-03-27 Ian Roxborough <>
+2000-02-04 wart
+ * itk/configure:
+ * itk/
+ Fixed typo that was causing builds on CYGWIN_NT platforms not to pick up
+ the Tcl stub library (TCL_STUB_LIB_SPEC was not being substituted in the
+ Makefile)
- * itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c
- * itcl/generic/itcl_ensemble.c
- * itcl/generic/itcl_methods.c
- * itcl/generic/itcl_obsolete.c
- * itcl/generic/itcl_parse.c
- * itcl/generic/itk_archetype.c: Tcl/Tk 8.3 support.
- Call Tcl_EvalObj with only two parameter for Tcl8.3.
+2000-01-28 wart
+ * itcl/configure:
+ * itcl/
+ * itk/configure:
+ * itk/
+ Fixed a few more places where the configure wasn't checking for cygwin on
+ Windows 95/98
-2000-01-26 DJ Delorie <>
+2000-01-24 wart
+ * itcl/configure:
+ * itk/configure:
+ Regenerated configure scripts to pick up changes to tcl.m4
- * itcl/win/dllEntryPoint.c (DllMain): Use _imp__ instead of __imp_
- * itk/win/dllEntryPoint.c (DllMain): ditto
- * itcl/generic/itcl_methods.c (tclByteCodeType): ditto, but unused
+ * itcl/configure:
+ * itk/configure:
+ Regenerated configure scripts to pick up recent changes to tcl.m4
-1999-12-21 Mo DeJong <>
+ * tcl.m4:
+ * tcl.m4:
+ Updated to reflect recent TEA changes
- * itcl/generic/itcl_parse.c: Applied patch to fix
- crash when tearing down the itcl::parser namespace.
+2000-01-18 wart
+ * tcl.m4:
+ Updated to reflect recent TEA changes
-1999-09-23 Ben Elliston <>
+2000-01-03 csmith
+ * itcl/unix/
+ Patch submitted by Mo Dejong needed so Itcl will link to the Tcl libs
+ when Tcl is compiled with debugging on.
- * itcl/unix/ Quoting fix for AC_EGREP_CPP.
- * itcl/win/ Likewise.
- * itk/unix/ Likewise.
- * itk/win/ Likewise.
- * itcl/unix/configure: Regenerate.
- * itcl/win/configure: Likewise.
- * itk/unix/configure: Likewise.
- * itk/win/configure: Likewise.
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_parse.c:
+ Patch by Mo Dejong to fix a Windows NT/95 crashing problem where you can
+ build with debugging on, load the Itcl package, and press the X in the
+ upper right corner. Note that I'm unable to test this on Windows and
+ that this patch introduces a compiler warning.
-1999-09-22 DJ Delorie <>
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_parse.c:
+ Duuuuhhhh....
+ This is the patch from Mo Dejong regarding the Windows NT/95 crashing
+ problem. My previous checkin of itcl_parse.c did not include all of
+ the patch - got in a hurry. Disregard the compiler warning mentioned
+ in my previous checkin.
- * itcl/win/ (ITCL_LIB_DIR etc): use @dir@ form
- * itk/win/ (INSTALL_LIB_DIR etc): ditto
+ * itcl/tests/defs:
+ Patch submitted by Mo Dejong: needed to add "-force" option to the
+ namespace import command so fix a bug with 'make test'.
-1999-07-13 Jonathan Larmour <>
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_parse.c:
+ *** empty log message ***
- * itcl/unix/ Workaround bug in autoconf 2.13 by adding
- an extra AC_PROG_CPP before AC_EGREP_CPP
- * itcl/win/ Likewise
- * itk/unix/ Likewise
- * itk/win/ Likewise
- * itcl/unix/configure: regenerated
- * itcl/win/configure: regenerated
- * itk/unix/configure: regenerated
- * itk/win/configure: regenerated
+1999-11-24 wart
+ * itcl/configure:
+ * itk/configure:
+ regenerated configure scripts to pick up tcl.m4 changes
-1999-06-16 Keith Seitz <>
+ * itcl/configure:
+ * itk/configure:
+ * tcl.m4:
+ tcl.m4: Updated to reflect recent TEA changes
+ */configure: Regnereated with new tcl.m4
+ iwidgets2.2.0/ Don't copy nonexistent files
- * itk/win/ (install-man): Don't install *.3 -- there
- are no manpages in this section.
+ * tcl.m4:
+ Updated to reflect recent TEA changes
-1999-03-26 Martin Hunt <>
+1999-09-21 wart
+ * itk/
+ Itk now installs appropriate library files.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/scrolledwidget.itk
- (iwidgets::Scrolledwidget::sbwidth): The default width of 15
- was incompatible with Windows. Change the default to "" and
- only actually change the scrollbar width if someone changes
- it to something else.
+1999-09-20 wart
+ * itcl/configure:
+ * itcl/
+ * itk/
+ * itk/configure:
+ * itk/
+ pkgIndex on Windows now looks in the correct directory for the
+ .dll files.
-1999-03-22 James Ingham <>
+1999-09-17 wart
+ * tcl.m4:
+ Updated to reflect recent changes
- * itcl/unix/ Leave the LD_SEARCH_PATH off of
- MAKE_LIBS. This loses on OSF with --enable-shared.
- * itcl/unix/configure: regenerated
- * itk/unix/ Leave the LD_SEARCH_PATH off of
- MAKE_LIBS. This lses on OSF with --enable-shared.
- * itk/unix/configure: regenerated
+1999-09-15 wart
+ * itcl/configure:
+ * itcl/
+ * itcl/
+ * itk/configure:
+ * itk/
+ * itk/
+ Better pkgIndex.tcl files that should now work on solaris.
+1999-09-14 wart
+ * itcl/
+ * itcl/configure:
+ * itcl/
+ * itcl/
+ * itcl/
+ * itk/
+ * itk/configure:
+ * itk/
+ * itk/
+ * itk/
+ Fixed installation of pkgIndex.tcl file. We have to install a pre-made
+ pkgIndex.tcl file since pkg_mkIndex can't seem to make a usable one.
+1999-09-10 wart
+ * itk/
+ Fixed bug when calling mkIndex.tcl for itk
+ reduced amount of output from "make install" in iwidgets
+ * itcl/
+ * itk/
+ Removed Makefiles rules to regenerate the configure scripts. This was
+ causing problems when building on Windows and Unix simultaneoulsy.
+1999-09-09 wart
+ * itcl/configure:
+ * itcl/
+ * itk/configure:
+ * itk/
+ configure scripts now look for tclsh82d.exe executable when searching
+ for valid tcl interpreter.
+ *
+ Added pkgIndex files for Iwidgets
+ Top level Makefile should no longer loop endlessly if the configure went bad.
+ * itcl/configure:
+ * itcl/
+ * itk/configure:
+ * itk/
+ * tcl.m4:
+ Look for tclsh82d.exe before tclsh82.exe.
+ configure scripts for itcl and itk now use the tcl.m4 macro SC_PROG_TCLSH.
-1999-03-18 Keith Seitz <>
+1999-09-07 wart
+ * itcl/
+ * itcl/configure:
+ * itcl/
+ * itk/
+ * itk/configure:
+ * itk/
+ configure now searches for tclsh82 shell in exec-prefix, then prefix, then
+ relative to, then in the users path.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/unix/ (install-libraries): Don't bother with
- making symlinks for other versions of iwidgets -- we don't use them.
+1999-09-04 wart
+ *
+ * itcl/
+ * itcl/aclocal.m4:
+ * itcl/configure:
+ * itcl/
+ * itcl/
+ * itk/
+ * itk/aclocal.m4:
+ * itk/configure:
+ * itk/
+ * itk/
+ * tcl.m4:
+ TEA changes. Itcl now uses the same Makefiles and configure scripts for
+ both Windows and Unix.
+ Note that static shells are not yet done in this TEA implementation.
-1999-03-03 James Ingham <>
+ * itcl/
+ * itk/
+ Temporarily removed pkg_mkIndex step from Makefile since it causes a
+ crash on Windows.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/labeledframe.itk (_reconfigure): Make sure
- that the widget has not been destroyed while in the update
- idletasks. FIXME - see if we can eliminate the need for this
- update.
+1999-08-21 matt
+ * itcl/unix/
+ Fixed mismatch between configure script and makefile for stub
+ enabled builds
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/labeledframe.itk (clientHandlesConfigure):
- Added method to allow the user of the labeled frame to do the
- reconfigure, so this can be batched up and reduce flashing.
+ * itk/unix/
+ Fixed mismatch between conifgure script and Makefile for stub
+ enabled builds.
-1999-03-02 DJ Delorie <>
+1999-06-28 hershey
+ * itk/unix/
+ * itk/unix/
+ remove version number from comments
- * itk/win/ support cross compiling, fix syntax error
- * itk/win/configure: regenerate
+1999-06-26 wart
+ * itcl/mac/itclMacLibrary.r:
+ * itcl/mac/pkgIndex.tcl:
+ * itcl/unix/
+ * itk/mac/itkMacLibrary.r:
+ * itk/mac/pkgIndex.tcl:
+ * itk/unix/
+ * itk/win/pkgIndex.tcl:
+ Version numbers changed from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0
-1999-03-02 Syd Polk <>
+1999-05-25 redman
+ * itcl/generic/itcl.h:
+ * itcl/win/
+ * itk/win/
+ * itk/win/winMain.c:
+ *
+ Fixed the use of Tcl & Tk stubs on Windows.
+ Now the extra shells (itclsh31.exe and itkwish31.exe) are being
+ created and run properly.
- * itk/win/ Generated incorrect library name for cygwin
- build.
- * itk/win/configure: Regenerate.
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c:
+ * itcl/unix/
+ * itcl/unix/
+ * itcl/unix/
+ * itk/generic/itk_cmds.c:
+ * itk/unix/
+ * itk/unix/
+ * itk/unix/
+ * itk/unix/
+ Fix the makefile and configure files, etc., for Unix
+ in order to compile with Tcl/Tk 8.1 with stubs.
+ Builds itclsh and itkwish properly.
-Fri Feb 26 12:48:01 1999 Geoffrey Noer <>
+1999-05-24 redman
+ * itcl/generic/itcl.decls:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl.h:
+ * itcl/generic/itclDecls.h:
+ * itcl/generic/itclInt.decls:
+ * itcl/generic/itclInt.h:
+ * itcl/generic/itclIntDecls.h:
+ * itcl/generic/itclStubInit.c:
+ * itcl/generic/itclStubLib.c:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_ensemble.c:
+ * itcl/tests/defs:
+ * itcl/tests/tclIndex:
+ * itcl/win/itcl.rc:
+ * itcl/win/
+ * itcl/win/pkgIndex.tcl:
+ * itk/generic/itk.decls:
+ * itk/generic/itk.h:
+ * itk/generic/itkDecls.h:
+ * itk/generic/itkStubInit.c:
+ * itk/generic/itkStubLib.c:
+ * itk/generic/itk_cmds.c:
+ * itk/win/
+ * itk/win/rc/itk.rc:
+ *
+ Applied patches from David Gravereaux to update Itcl and Itk to
+ use Tcl/Tk 8.1 stubs and provide it's own stubs interface, on
+ Windows only.
+ Changes have not been made to support I18N (if needed) or MT-safety.
+ Version number has been changed to 3.1.0 (from 3.0.1) by
+ David to coincide with the shift to Tcl/Tk 8.1.
+ Building of itclsh31.exe and iwish31.exe have been disabled
+ until someone else makes them work properly. Test suites
+ have been modified to work with tclsh81.exe instead.
- * Change "cygwin32*" check to "cygwin*".
- * configure: Regenerate.
- * itcl/win/ Change "cygwin32*" check to "cygwin*".
- * itcl/win/configure: Regenerate.
- * itk/win/ Change "cygwin32*" check to "cygwin*".
- * itk/win/configure: Regenerate.
+1999-02-05 stanton
+ * itk/unix/
+ updated version to itcl3.0.1
-1999-02-24 James Ingham <>
+1999-01-15 rjohnson
+ * itcl/tests/mkindex.itcl:
+ Fixed typo in tcl file.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/labeledframe.itk: Make it derive from Widget
- not Archetype (which was a BAD idea). Add an interposing frame so
- you didn't have to much with the highlightthickness of the
- MegaWidget itself. Doing this allows you to actually use the
- labeledframe in derived classes.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/scrolledwidget.itk: Derive from labeledframe,
- not labeledwidget. This way you can add a relief around the
- label, which looks better for scrolled text, scrolled listboxes
- and scrolled canvases.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic scrolledcanvas.itk, scrolledlistbox.itk,
- scrolledtext.itk: Pushed throught the changes needed to get the
- derivation from labeledframe to work.
+1998-10-29 stanton
+ * itcl/doc/itcl_info.n:
+ Cleaned up some out of date references to 2.2 syntax.
+1998-09-14 stanton
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor00.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor02.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor04.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor06.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor08.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor0a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor0c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor0e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor10.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor12.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor14.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor16.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor18.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor1a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor1c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor1e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor20.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor22.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor24.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor26.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor28.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor2a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor2c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor2e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor30.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor32.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor34.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor36.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor38.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor3a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor3c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor3e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor40.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor42.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor44.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor46.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor48.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor4a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor4c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor4e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor50.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor52.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor54.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor56.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor58.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor5a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor5c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor5e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor60.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor62.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor64.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor66.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor68.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor6a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor6c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor6e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor70.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor72.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor74.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor76.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor78.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor7a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor7c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor7e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor80.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor82.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor84.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor86.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor88.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor8a.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor8c.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor8e.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor90.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor92.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor94.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor96.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/cursor98.cur:
+ * itk/win/rc/itk.ico:
+ Fixed binary files
+1998-09-08 stanton
+ *** empty log message ***
+1998-09-03 stanton
+ more changes
+ *
+ changes
-1999-02-22 Syd Polk <>
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *** empty log message ***
- * itcl/win/ Export ITCL_SH.
- * itcl/win/configure: Regenerate.
+ *
+ nothing
- * itk/win/ Set all of the build components based on cygwin
- vs. Visual C++.
- * itk/win/configure: Regenerate.
+ *
+ changed back
-1999-02-19 Syd Polk <>
+1998-08-23 stanton
+ * itcl/doc/scope.n:
+ fixed section
- * itk/win/rc/itk.rc: Fixed problem in .rc file that winres did not
- like.
+1998-08-20 welch
+ * itcl/generic/itcl.h:
+ Patchlevel 3.0.1
-1999-02-18 Syd Polk <>
+1998-08-18 welch
+ * itk/win/pkgIndex.tcl:
+ Fixed loading .dll
- * itcl/unix/ "make install" was failing
- with
+ * itcl/win/pkgIndex.tcl:
+ fixed loading .dll
- * itcl/win/ Export ITCL_BUILD_LIB_SPEC and
- * itcl/win/configure: Regnerate.
- * itcl/win/ Minor corrections to dependencies.
+ *** empty log message ***
- * itk/generic/itk_cmds.c: Fixed newline in constant.
+1998-08-18 suresh
+ * itk/generic/itk_cmds.c:
+ Removed pedantic check for existance of "::itk" namespace. Changed code to
+ conditionally create the "::itk" namespace based on whether it already exists
+ or not. These changes were necessary to facilitate the wrapper dictating
+ where the [incr Tk] libraries are stored in a wrapped application via the
+ variable '::itk::library".
- * itk/win/ Added AC_OBJEXT.
- * itk/win/configure: Regenerated.
+1998-08-12 welch
+ * itk/win/makefile.bc:
+ * itk/win/
+ Fixes for tkConsole
- * itk/win/ Added OBJEXT. Overhauled for MSVC
- build.
+1998-08-11 welch
+ * itcl/doc/class.n:
+ * itcl/doc/scope.n:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl.h:
+ * itcl/generic/itclInt.h:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_bicmds.c:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_class.c:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_methods.c:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_objects.c:
+ * itcl/library/itcl.tcl:
+ * itcl/mac/itclMacApplication.r:
+ * itcl/mac/itclMacLibrary.r:
+ * itcl/mac/itclMacResource.r:
+ * itcl/mac/pkgIndex.tcl:
+ * itcl/mac/tclMacAppInit.c:
+ * itcl/tests/info.test:
+ * itcl/unix/
+ * itcl/unix/
+ * itcl/unix/tclAppInit.c:
+ * itcl/win/itcl.rc:
+ * itcl/win/itclsh.rc:
+ * itcl/win/
+ * itcl/win/pkgIndex.tcl:
+ * itcl/win/tclAppInit.c:
+ * itk/doc/Toplevel.n:
+ * itk/generic/itk.h:
+ * itk/generic/itk_cmds.c:
+ * itk/mac/MW_ItkHeader.pch:
+ * itk/mac/itkMacApplication.r:
+ * itk/mac/itkMacLibrary.r:
+ * itk/mac/itkMacResource.r:
+ * itk/mac/pkgIndex.tcl:
+ * itk/mac/tclIndex:
+ * itk/mac/tkMacAppInit.c:
+ * itk/unix/
+ * itk/unix/
+ * itk/unix/tkAppInit.c:
+ * itk/win/
+ * itk/win/pkgIndex.tcl:
+ * itk/win/rc/itk.rc:
+ * itk/win/rc/itkwish.rc:
+ * itk/win/winMain.c:
+ *
+ 3.0 final from Michael
-1999-02-18 James Ingham <>
+1998-08-07 stanton
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_methods.c:
+ changed to reflect new CompiledLocal structure
+ changed to reflect changes in resolver api
+ changed to use TclInitCompiledLocals interface
- * itcl/unix/ itk/unix/ fix the install
- target so it points to in the itcl or itk, rather
- than in the itcl/unix or itk/unix directories.
- * itcl/win/ use the ITCLCYGRC & ITCLCYGSHRC variables
- in the name of the windres output file.
- * itcl.rc: For some reason, windres is choking on STRINGIFY of the
- Itcl version numbers. Some day we should figure out why. For
- now, I just put in the version numbers by hand.
+ * itcl/generic/itclInt.h:
+ changed to reflect new resolver api
-1999-02-10 Syd Polk <>
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_bicmds.c:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_ensemble.c:
+ changed to reflect new CompiledLocal structure
- * Propogate make errors from subdirectories
- back to the top level.
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_class.c:
+ changed to reflect changes in resolver api
- * itcl/win/ Moved Fixed problems
- finding and
- Figure out all of the appropriate directories at this level
- so that cygwin and msvc differences can be accounted for.
- * itcl/win/configure: Regenerate.
- * itcl/win/ Use OBJEXT.
- Set build directories correctly.
- Set -DDLL_BUILD, -DSTATIC_BUILD, and -DBUILD_itcl correctly.
+ * itcl/doc/scope.n:
+ fixed section name
- * itk/win/ Moved Look for
- in new place. Fixed problems finding and
- * itk/win/configure: Regnerate.
+ * itcl/doc/scope.n:
+ *** empty log message ***
- * itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c (initScript): Fixed broken new line.
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c:
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_util.c:
+ * itk/doc/Toplevel.n:
+ lint
- * itcl/win/dllEntryPoint.c: DllMain was not setup correctly for
- Microsoft.
+1998-08-04 escoffon
+ * itcl/generic/itcl.h:
+ * itcl/generic/itclInt.h:
+ * itk/generic/itk.h:
-1999-02-09 James Ingham <>
+1998-07-29 escoffon
+ * itcl/generic/itcl.h:
+ added setting of EXPORT to DLLEXPORT if we are building the
+ itcl lib.
- * itcl/itcl/unix/
- * itcl/itk/unix/
- LD_SEARCH_FLAGS should NOT be passed to the library build line.
+ * itk/generic/itk.h:
+ - dropped the EXPORT macro, it is now part of EXTERN
+ - added setting of EXPORT to DLLEXPORT if we are building the itk lib.
- * itcl/itcl/unix/configure:
- * itcl/itk/unix/configure:
- regenerate.
+ * itcl/generic/itclInt.h:
+ - added setting of EXPORT to DLLEXPORT if we are building the itcl lib.
+ - use EXTERN instead of extern for Itcl_Assert
- * itcl/itk/generic/itk_archetype.c: Put a few CYGNUS LOCAL markers
- in around the 8.1 Fixups that I had left out.
-1992-02-08 Syd Polk <>
- * itcl/itcl/unix/ Moved up a level
- so that building on Windows will work.
- Added exporting of itclsh so that other parts of the build
- tree can call it.
- Added exporting of TCL_CFLAGS.
- Added exporting of TCL_LIB_FULL_PATH.
- Generate and export ITCL_LIB_FULL_PATH.
- * itcl/itcl/unix/configure: Regenerated
- * itcl/itcl/unix/ Use TCL_CFLAGS so that
- -fwritable-strings is enabled.
- Add dependency for TCL_LIB_FULL_PATH.
- * itcl/ Moved from lower directory.
- * itcl/itk/unix/ Moved up a level.
- Added export of TCL_CFLAGS.
- * itcl/itk/unix/ Use TCL_CFLAGS so that
- -fwritable-strings is enabled.
- Add dependencies for TCL_LIB_FULL_PATH and TK_LIB_FULL_PATH.
- * itcl/itk/unix/configure: Regenerated.
- * itcl/ Moved from a lwoer directory.
- * itcl/iwidgets3.0.0/ Look for and
- in different places.
-1999-02-05 James Ingham <>
- * itcl/itk/generic/itk_archetype.c (Itk_ArchCompAddCmd):
- * itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c (Itcl_ProtectionCmd):
- itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_ensemble.c (Itcl_EnsembleCmd):
- itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_methods.c (Itcl_EvalMemberCode):
- (Itcl_ConstructBase):
- itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_obsolete.c (ItclOldClassCmd):
- itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_parse.c (Itcl_ClassCmd):
- (Itcl_ClassProtectionCmd):
- Fix up calls to Tcl_EvalObj for Tcl8.1.
- * itcl/itcl/unix/
- * itcl/itk/unix/
- Pick up CFLAGS from AC_PROG_CC rather than hard coding them.
- * itcl/itcl/unix/configure:
- * itcl/itk/unix/configure:
- regenerate.
-1999-01-30 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * (install-info info install-check): Add these null
- rules, for the standard build process to work..
-1999-01-28 James Ingham <>
- * itcl/itcl/unix/ Check the TCL_LIB_VERSIONS_OK
- variable, and strip out dots if it is nodots.
- * itcl/itk/unix/ Check the TCL_LIB_VERSIONS_OK
- variable, and strip out dots if it is nodots.
- * itcl/itcl/unix/configure: regenerate.
- * itcl/itk/unix/configure: regenerate.
-1999-01-21 James Ingham <>
- * itcl/library/init.tcl (auto_import): Comment out this function.
- It does not work, because it can not populate the source
- namespace's export list. There is no easy way to fix this, and
- since it is just an optimization over the original Tcl proc, we
- will just use Tcl one for now.
-1999-01-20 James Ingham <>
- * itcl/library/init.tcl: updated to Itcl 3.0.1. Does not force
- the addition of class to the auto_mkindex_parser namespace, but
- uses the namespace import instead.
-1998-12-15 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/panedwindow.itk: Reverted back to original
- distribution. The new panedwindow widget is now in libgui.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/pane.itk: Reverted.
-1998-12-11 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/panedwindow.itk: Major changes to
- support panes that are fixed (non-resizable). This allows
- the panedwindow to be used as a more general purpose
- container widget where individual parts may or may not be
- resizable.
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/pane.itk (iwidgets::Pane): Added
- -resizable option to support non-resizable panes.
-1998-12-08 Martin M. Hunt <>
- * iwidgets3.0.0/generic/panedwindow.itk: Major changes to
- the default look and resizing method to be more modern, more
- windows-like, and work better when widgets are placed in childsites.
+1998-07-28 stanton
+ * itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c:
+ * itk/generic/itk_cmds.c:
+ changed search order
diff --git a/itcl/ b/itcl/
index c2c68aa43b1..557ae7461f2 100644
--- a/itcl/
+++ b/itcl/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ all:
- for dir in itcl itk iwidgets3.0.0 ; do \
+ for dir in itcl itk ; do \
if test -d $$dir ; then \
echo "$$dir: $(MAKE) $@" ;\
if (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) $@) ; then true ; else exit 1 ; fi ; \
@@ -102,8 +102,6 @@ install-libraries:
fi \
-install-info info install-check:
for dir in $(subdirs) ; do \
if test -d $$dir ; then \
@@ -131,12 +129,10 @@ distclean:
# to put the distribution.
-# autoconf
-# for dir in $(subdirs) ; do \
-# if (cd $$dir; autoconf) ; then true ; else exit 1 ; fi ; \
-# done;
+ autoconf
+ for dir in $(subdirs) ; do \
+ if (cd $$dir; autoconf) ; then true ; else exit 1 ; fi ; \
+ done;
# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.
diff --git a/itcl/README b/itcl/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..94d4e189536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/itcl/README
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ [incr Tcl] - version 3.2 for Tcl/Tk 8.0.3 and beyond
+ This is a bug-fix release in the itcl3.x series.
+ As much as possible, I've tried to make itcl3.x backward-compatible
+ with earlier releases. The class definition syntax has not changed
+ at all from itcl2.2, and the old itcl1.x syntax is still supported.
+ But you'll notice changes related to the new namespace mechanism in
+ Tcl 8.0. For information on incompatibilities and porting to itcl3.x,
+ read the INCOMPATIBLE file in this directory, or check out the itcl
+ web site:
+ Many people through the years have helped me with [incr Tcl]
+ development, and I thank them for their contributions. Please
+ read the acknowledgements section below.
+ Send comments or suggestions to the [incr Tcl] mailing list
+ ( or directly to me (
+ If you want to subscribe to the mailing list, send a message
+ with the subject "subscribe" to "".
+ Copyright (c) 1993-1998 Lucent Technologies, Inc.
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
+ - What is [incr Tcl]?
+ - Getting started
+ - Installation
+ - Integrating [incr Tcl] with other extensions
+ - Acknowledgements
+ What is [incr Tcl]?
+ [incr Tcl] is an object-oriented extension of the Tcl language. It
+ was created to support more structured programming in Tcl. Tcl scripts
+ that grow beyond a few thousand lines become extremely difficult to
+ maintain. This is because the building blocks of vanilla Tcl are
+ procedures and global variables, and all of these building blocks
+ must reside in a single global namespace. There is no support for
+ protection or encapsulation.
+ [incr Tcl] introduces the notion of objects. Each object is a bag
+ of data with a set of procedures or "methods" that are used to
+ manipulate it. Objects are organized into "classes" with identical
+ characteristics, and classes can inherit functionality from one
+ another. This object-oriented paradigm adds another level of
+ organization on top of the basic variable/procedure elements, and
+ the resulting code is easier to understand and maintain.
+ Among other things, [incr Tcl] can be used to create new widgets that
+ look and work like the usual Tk widgets, but are written entirely at
+ the Tcl language level (C code is optional). These "mega-widgets"
+ can be created using [incr Tk], a set of base classes which provide
+ the core mega-widget functionality. [incr Widgets] is a set of
+ high-level mega-widgets built using [incr Tk]. It has more than
+ 50 widget classes, and can be used right out of the box to create:
+ - fileselectiondialog
+ - tabnotebook
+ - panedwindow
+ - scrolledhtml
+ - combobox
+ - optionmenu
+ - scrolledlistbox
+ - scrolledframe
+ - messagedialog
+ - and many others...
+ Classes and/or related procedures can also be encapsulated in their
+ own "namespace". A namespace is a collection of commands, variables,
+ classes and other namespaces that is set apart from the usual global
+ scope. Elements within a namespace can be "private" or "protected",
+ so that access to them is restricted. An "import" command allows all
+ of the elements from one namespace to be integrated into another.
+ Extension writers will immediately see the benefit of namespaces.
+ With vanilla Tcl, each extension must add its commands and variables
+ at the global scope. Extension writers are encouraged to add a unique
+ prefix to all of the names in their package, to avoid naming collisions.
+ Extensions can now sit in their own namespace of commands and variables,
+ and sensitive elements can be protected from accidental access. For
+ example, the current release of [incr Tcl] has a namespace "itcl"
+ for object-oriented support, a namespace "itk" for mega-widget
+ support, and a namespace "iwidgets" for the [incr Widgets] package.
+ Each of these namespaces has its own collection of commands and
+ variables. Developers can then pick and choose among the extensions,
+ and integrate the parts that they need for their application by
+ importing various namespaces at the global scope.
+ Getting started
+ If you're just getting started with [incr Tcl], check out these
+ useful resources:
+ - FREE TUTORIAL on our web site:
+ - BOOK: "[incr Tcl/Tk] from the Ground Up," by Chad Smith
+ (ISBN 0-07-212106-8)
+ - BOOK: "Tcl/Tk Tools," edited by Mark Harrison
+ (ISBN 1-56592-218-2)
+ Also, run the "catalog" demo to get an overview of the [incr Widgets]
+ package. On Windows and Macintosh systems, this is installed as one
+ of the executables. On Unix systems, this is installed in the
+ "lib/itcl/iwidgets3.0.0/demos" library directory.
+ The file "iwidgets3.0.0/doc/" contains a tutorial
+ introduction to the [incr Widgets] package. The mega-widget classes
+ in [incr Widgets] show off most of the functionality in this release.
+ You can use them as a pattern to create your own widget classes.
+ If you're a seasoned itcl professional, check the CHANGES file for a
+ summary of recent enhancements. Consult the man pages for detailed
+ information on particular commands.
+ Check out our web site for the latest news:
+ Installation on Unix Systems
+ 1) Obtain this distribution from an archive site like this:
+ ftp
+ cd pub/itcl
+ binary
+ get itcl3.2.tar.gz
+ quit
+ 2) Uncompress and untar the distribution:
+ gunzip itcl3.2.tar.gz
+ tar xvf itcl3.2.tar
+ 3) Run the configuration script:
+ cd itcl3.2
+ ./configure
+ or, for systems that don't recognize "#!" in shell scripts:
+ cd itcl3.2
+ /bin/sh ./configure
+ The "configure" script finds the appropriate compiler flags and
+ generates new Makefiles from template files (
+ By default, the configuration script will set things up so
+ that everything is installed in "/usr/local". You can change
+ this by specifying a different "prefix" in the "configure" command:
+ ./configure --prefix=/your/install/path
+ If your Tcl installation is sitting somewhere other than right
+ next to this package, you may have to tell configure where to
+ find it:
+ ./configure --with-tcl=/usr/local/tcl/lib
+ If you like the gcc compiler and/or want to debug, you can add
+ those options as well:
+ ./configure --enable-gcc --enable-symbols
+ 4) Build the libraries and the executables. From the toplevel
+ directory type:
+ make all
+ 5) Install the libraries, executables, man pages and script files.
+ From the toplevel directory type:
+ make install
+ 6) Use the final product:
+ $ tclsh
+ % package require Itcl
+ % itcl::class Foo { method testing {} { return "testing!" } }
+ If you don't like the itcl:: prefix, you can import the itcl
+ commands into the global namespace:
+ % namespace import -force itcl::*
+ % class Foo { ... }
+ Note that you'll find the same behavior with [incr Widgets]:
+ $ wish
+ % package require Iwidgets
+ % iwidgets::optionmenu .om
+ % namespace import -force iwidgets::*
+ % optionmenu .om
+ Installation on Windows 95/98/NT
+ Follow the usual TEA instructions for building under Windows.
+ Requires Cygwin and Visual C++ 6.0.
+ Installation on Macintosh Systems
+ Many thanks to Jim Ingham for putting up Macintosh binaries for
+ various releases. Check out for downloads.
+ Integrating [incr Tcl] with other extensions
+ [incr Tcl] is now a pure extension to Tcl/Tk. Therefore, if you
+ build the Tcl/Tk core and this package with the "--enable-shared"
+ option, you can load [incr Tcl] into a vanilla tclsh, as follows:
+ package require Itcl
+ Similarly, you can load [incr Tcl] along with the [incr Tk] mega-widget
+ facility into a vanilla wish, as follows:
+ package require Itk
+ You can load [incr Tcl], [incr Tk], and the [incr Widgets] package
+ like this:
+ package require Iwidgets
+ If you require the earlier release of [incr Widgets] for some reason,
+ you can specify the version number:
+ package require Iwidgets 2.2
+ Other packages should plug-and-play in the same fashion.
+ >> NOTE: If you have any trouble with dynamic loading on UNIX
+ >> systems, you may need to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
+ >> variable to include the "lib" directory for your Tcl/Tk
+ >> installation. For example:
+ >>
+ >> LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/tcl/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
+ >> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+ Acknowledgements
+ Thanks to Chad Smith for writing an excellent, comprehensive
+ book "[incr Tcl/Tk] from the Ground Up," for many helpful bug
+ reports, and for nudging me along to fix things.
+ Thanks to Matt Newman for providing the Tcl-only "tcl++" package
+ that helped so many people move forward while waiting for the
+ itcl3.0 release.
+ Thanks to John Ousterhout and the Scriptics team for bundling this
+ package with their TclPro product. It's gratifying to see [incr Tcl]
+ accepted as a mainstream product.
+ Thanks to Mark Ulferts, Sue Yockey, John Sigler, Bill Scott, Alfredo
+ Jahn, Bret Schuhmacher, Tako Schotanus and Kris Raney for building
+ the [incr Widgets] package. With a sketchy overview and a crappy
+ prototype of [incr Tk], they managed to build a nice set of mega-widgets.
+ Their initial designs helped me smooth out the rough spots in [incr Tk].
+ Thanks especially to Mark Ulferts for keeping things up over the past
+ few years, and for streamlining the package for itcl3.0.
+ Thanks to Jan Nijtmans, Karel Zuiderveld, and Vince Darley for helping
+ to keep up with Tcl/Tk releases, and for supporting the "plus" and
+ "dash" patches under [incr Tcl].
+ Thanks to Forest Rouse and ICEM CFD Engineering for integrating
+ [incr Tcl] into their Tcl/Tk compiler. This is a large undertaking,
+ and they have done an excellent job.
+ Thanks to Alfredo Jahn and Bret Schuhmacher at WebNet for helping
+ to create the [incr Tcl] web site, and for maintaining the
+ [incr Tcl] mailing list for many years.
+ Thanks to extension writers like Mark Diekhans (tclX) and Ioi Lam (Tix)
+ for making their packages compatible with [incr Tcl].
+ Thanks to George Howlett for teaching me how namespaces should really
+ work. He has been a constant source of inspiration, and has kept
+ a careful watch against many bad ideas. Jim Ingham fleshed out the
+ notion of explicit scoping, added many nice features to [incr Tk],
+ and has helped tremendously with porting. Lee Bernhard worked on
+ distributed systems with Iclient/Iserver, and also helped with porting.
+ Bill Scott, with a steady stream of bug reports, helped me understand
+ the questions that a typical user might have. He forced me to reinvent
+ the paradigm on more than one occasion.
+ Thanks to all of the alpha-testers that helped me polish this release.
+ Thanks to Mark Harrison for his enthusiasm and support. Due in
+ large part to his evangelism, I have been able to make [incr Tcl]
+ development a mainstream activity.
+ And many thanks to my wife Maria and my children Maxwell and Katie
+ for putting up with all of this.
+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---_-----------
+ . . . . . . . . . | c a d e n c e |
+ Michael McLennan . ---------------
+ . Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
+ phone: 610-398-6348 . 7535 Windsor Dr. Suite A-200
+ fax: 610-530-7985 . Allentown, PA 18195
diff --git a/itcl/ b/itcl/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7ff70605d93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/itcl/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ How to build [Incr Tcl/Tk] with Visual C++ and
+[The condition of this "new thing" is experimental. All non-functional
+aspects are a bug, not a feature.]
+1) Open into a text editor and fill in the required information
+ following the notes in the comments. The files should not
+ ever need editing. If they do need editing to build Itcl, it's a bug.
+2) There are a number of macros you can specify on the commandline to
+ effect the build. These are all optional. They're contained in
+, but here are the meanings:
+ DEBUG=(0|1)
+ Set to one for a symbols build. Defaults to non-symbols
+ when left out.
+ Will make a static library instead of a dll.
+ NOMSVCRT=(0|1)
+ Will reference libcmt(d).lib for the runtime when set to one.
+ This is zero by default unless STATIC_BUILD is set to one.
+ OUT_DIR=<someDir>
+ You may specify where the output binaries are placed. Defaults
+ to the build directory when not specified.
+Example commandlines:
+C:\itcl3.2.1> nmake -f
+ Builds Itcl and Itk full optimization and no symbols for a dll
+C:\itcl3.2.1> nmake -f DEBUG=1 OUT_DIR=c:\progra~1\tcl\lib\itcl3.2
+ Builds Itcl and Itk with debugging info for edit/continue (if vc6) and
+ places both DLLs in c:\progra~1\tcl\lib\itcl3.2 . I can see the obvious
+ bug with that now <shrug>. Darn. You could go into each directory
+ seperately instead or just replace '' above with
+ 'itcl\win\' and specify OUT_DIR as you would like it.
+C:\itcl3.2.1> nmake -f STATIC_BUILD=1
+ Builds a static library of both Itcl and Itk instead of a DLL and the
+ static libcmt run-time.
+C:\itcl3.2.1> nmake -f STATIC_BUILD=1 NOMSVCRT=0
+ Same as above, but uses msvcrt. In TclPro, these were known with the 'x'
+ suffix.
+C:\itcl3.2.1> nmake -f STATIC_BUILD=0 NOMSVCRT=1
+ Invalid. Makes bloaty DLLs.
+C:\itcl3.2.1> nmake -f install
+ Installs to wherever INSTALLDIR was set in . At the moment,
+ this isn't an over-ride as the commandline macros are. Should I make
+ it an over-ride?
+David Gravereaux <>
+7:07 PM 5/23/2001
diff --git a/itcl/ b/itcl/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..357cc618940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/itcl/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Edit for your local configuration. This should be the only file
+# that needs editing to build [Incr Tcl/Tk].
+# RCS: @(#) $Id$
+# only affects the linker and resource compiler
+# pick from:
+# Or set to IA64 to rearrange everything to use the Intel IA64 SDK.
+# are we MSVC++ version 5 or 6 ?
+# Where is MSVC++ located?
+MSDEVROOT = C:\Dev\DevStudio60
+# Where is Tcl ?
+TCLROOT = D:\tclpro_ws\tcl
+# Does the above path point to the Tcl install or sources ?
+# Where is Tk ? Only needed for a build from the sources.
+!if $(ISTCLINSTALL) == 0
+TKROOT = D:\tclpro_ws\tk
+# Where are we installing to? When TCLROOT is already the install, this
+# is bypassed.
+!if $(ISTCLINSTALL) == 0
+INSTALLDIR = c:\progra~1\tcl
+# What Tcl version are we grabbing ?
+!if "$(MACHINE)" == "IA64"
+# untested logic path
+vcvars = "c:\ia64sdk17\vcvars32.bat"
+!elseif $(MSDEV_VER) == 5
+vcvars = "$(MSDEVROOT)\vc\bin\vcvars32.bat"
+!elseif $(MSDEV_VER) == 6
+vcvars = "$(MSDEVROOT)\vc98\bin\vcvars32.bat"
+rc32 = rc
+cc32 = cl
+link32 = link
+lib32 = lib
+cvtres32 = cvtres
diff --git a/itcl/config/installFile.tcl b/itcl/config/installFile.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..53c24392fba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/itcl/config/installFile.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# installFile.tcl - a Tcl version of install-sh
+# that copies a file and preserves its permission bits.
+# This also optimizes out installation of existing files
+# that have the same size and time stamp as the source.
+# \
+exec tclsh8.3 "$0" ${1+"$@"}
+set doCopy 0 ;# Rename files instead of copy
+set doStrip 0 ;# Strip the symbols from installed copy
+set verbose 0
+set src ""
+set dst ""
+# Process command line arguments, compatible with install-sh
+for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
+ set arg [lindex $argv $i]
+ switch -- $arg {
+ -c {
+ set doCopy 1
+ }
+ -m {
+ incr i
+ # Assume UNIX standard "644", etc, so force Tcl to think octal
+ set permissions 0[lindex $argv $i]
+ }
+ -o {
+ incr i
+ set owner [lindex $argv $i]
+ }
+ -g {
+ incr i
+ set group [lindex $argv $i]
+ }
+ -s {
+ set doStrip 1
+ }
+ -v {
+ set verbose 1
+ }
+ default {
+ set src $arg
+ incr i
+ set dst [lindex $argv $i]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+if {[string length $src] == 0} {
+ puts stderr "$argv0: no input file specified"
+ exit 1
+if {[string length $dst] == 0} {
+ puts stderr "$argv0: no destination file specified"
+ exit 1
+# Compatibility with CYGNUS-style pathnames
+regsub {^/(cygdrive)?/(.)/(.*)} $src {\2:/\3} src
+regsub {^/(cygdrive)?/(.)/(.*)} $dst {\2:/\3} dst
+if {$verbose && $doStrip} {
+ puts stderr "Ignoring -s (strip) option for $dst"
+if {[file isdirectory $dst]} {
+ set dst [file join $dst [file tail $src]]
+# Temporary file name
+set dsttmp [file join [file dirname $dst] #inst.[pid]#]
+# Optimize out install if the file already exists
+set actions ""
+if {[file exists $dst] &&
+ ([file mtime $src] == [file mtime $dst]) &&
+ ([file size $src] == [file size $dst])} {
+ # Looks like the same file, so don't bother to copy.
+ # Set dsttmp in case we still need to tweak mode, group, etc.
+ set dsttmp $dst
+ lappend actions "already installed"
+} else {
+ file copy -force $src $dsttmp
+ lappend actions copied
+# At this point "$dsttmp" is installed, but might not have the
+# right permissions and may need to be renamed.
+foreach attrName {owner group permissions} {
+ upvar 0 $attrName attr
+ if {[info exists attr]} {
+ if {![catch {file attributes $dsttmp -$attrName} dstattr]} {
+ # This system supports "$attrName" kind of attributes
+ if {($attr != $dstattr)} {
+ file attributes $dsttmp -$attrName $attr
+ lappend actions "set $attrName to $attr"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+if {[string compare $dst $dsttmp] != 0} {
+ file rename -force $dsttmp $dst
+if {$verbose} {
+ puts stderr "$dst: [join $actions ", "]"
+exit 0
diff --git a/itcl/configure b/itcl/configure
index 669b6450666..e1ee20c4026 100755
--- a/itcl/configure
+++ b/itcl/configure
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ program_suffix=NONE
@@ -144,7 +143,6 @@ Configuration:
--help print this message
--no-create do not create output files
--quiet, --silent do not print \`checking...' messages
- --site-file=FILE use FILE as the site file
--version print the version of autoconf that created configure
Directory and file names:
--prefix=PREFIX install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
@@ -315,11 +313,6 @@ EOF
-site=* | --site=* | --sit=*)
site="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -site-file | --site-file | --site-fil | --site-fi | --site-f)
- ac_prev=sitefile ;;
- -site-file=* | --site-file=* | --site-fil=* | --site-fi=* | --site-f=*)
- sitefile="$ac_optarg" ;;
-srcdir | --srcdir | --srcdi | --srcd | --src | --sr)
ac_prev=srcdir ;;
-srcdir=* | --srcdir=* | --srcdi=* | --srcd=* | --src=* | --sr=*)
@@ -485,16 +478,12 @@ fi
srcdir=`echo "${srcdir}" | sed 's%\([^/]\)/*$%\1%'`
# Prefer explicitly selected file to automatically selected ones.
-if test -z "$sitefile"; then
- if test -z "$CONFIG_SITE"; then
- if test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then
- CONFIG_SITE="$prefix/share/ $prefix/etc/"
- else
- CONFIG_SITE="$ac_default_prefix/share/ $ac_default_prefix/etc/"
- fi
+if test -z "$CONFIG_SITE"; then
+ if test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then
+ CONFIG_SITE="$prefix/share/ $prefix/etc/"
+ else
+ CONFIG_SITE="$ac_default_prefix/share/ $ac_default_prefix/etc/"
- CONFIG_SITE="$sitefile"
for ac_site_file in $CONFIG_SITE; do
if test -r "$ac_site_file"; then
@@ -533,56 +522,10 @@ else
-for ac_dir in $srcdir $srcdir/.. $srcdir/../..; do
- if test -f $ac_dir/install-sh; then
- ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir
- ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install-sh -c"
- break
- elif test -f $ac_dir/; then
- ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir
- ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/ -c"
- break
- fi
-if test -z "$ac_aux_dir"; then
- { echo "configure: error: can not find install-sh or in $srcdir $srcdir/.. $srcdir/../.." 1>&2; exit 1; }
-ac_configure=$ac_aux_dir/configure # This should be Cygnus configure.
-# Make sure we can run config.sub.
-if ${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $ac_config_sub sun4 >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
-else { echo "configure: error: can not run $ac_config_sub" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-echo $ac_n "checking host system type""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:563: checking host system type" >&5
-case "$host_alias" in
- case $nonopt in
- if host_alias=`${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $ac_config_guess`; then :
- else { echo "configure: error: can not guess host type; you must specify one" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi ;;
- *) host_alias=$nonopt ;;
- esac ;;
-host=`${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $ac_config_sub $host_alias`
-host_cpu=`echo $host | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\1/'`
-host_vendor=`echo $host | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\2/'`
-host_os=`echo $host | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\3/'`
-echo "$ac_t""$host" 1>&6
+# RCS: $Id$
-# Note, we don't use the files in the config subdirectory!
-for ac_dir in .. $srcdir/..; do
+for ac_dir in config $srcdir/config; do
if test -f $ac_dir/install-sh; then
ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install-sh -c"
@@ -594,40 +537,13 @@ for ac_dir in .. $srcdir/..; do
if test -z "$ac_aux_dir"; then
- { echo "configure: error: can not find install-sh or in .. $srcdir/.." 1>&2; exit 1; }
+ { echo "configure: error: can not find install-sh or in config $srcdir/config" 1>&2; exit 1; }
ac_configure=$ac_aux_dir/configure # This should be Cygnus configure.
-echo $ac_n "checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \${MAKE}""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:605: checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \${MAKE}" >&5
-set dummy ${MAKE-make}; ac_make=`echo "$2" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftestmake <<\EOF
- @echo 'ac_maketemp="${MAKE}"'
-# GNU make sometimes prints "make[1]: Entering...", which would confuse us.
-eval `${MAKE-make} -f conftestmake 2>/dev/null | grep temp=`
-if test -n "$ac_maketemp"; then
- eval ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set=yes
- eval ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set=no
-rm -f conftestmake
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_prog_make_'${ac_make}_set`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- SET_MAKE="MAKE=${MAKE-make}"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -642,7 +558,7 @@ echo $ac_n "checking for prefix by $ac_c" 1>&6
# Extract the first word of "itclsh", so it can be a program name with args.
set dummy itclsh; ac_word=$2
echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:646: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo "configure:562: checking for $ac_word" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_ITCLSH'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -680,7 +596,8 @@ fi
-subdirs="itcl itk iwidgets3.0.0"
+subdirs="itcl itk"
trap '' 1 2 15
@@ -827,12 +744,6 @@ s%@includedir@%$includedir%g
@@ -967,7 +878,7 @@ if test "$no_recursion" != yes; then
- for ac_config_dir in itcl itk iwidgets3.0.0; do
+ for ac_config_dir in itcl itk; do
# Do not complain, so a configure script can configure whichever
# parts of a large source tree are present.
diff --git a/itcl/ b/itcl/
index 91cfa0b0dde..dd73de7e444 100644
--- a/itcl/
+++ b/itcl/
@@ -1,18 +1,12 @@
dnl This file is an input file used by the GNU "autoconf" program to
dnl generate the file "configure", which is run during [incr Tcl]
-dnl installation to configure the system for the local environment.
-dnl RCS: $Id$
+dnl installation to configure the system for the local environment.
+# RCS: $Id$
-# Note, we don't use the files in the config subdirectory!
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -24,7 +18,8 @@ AC_PROG_MAKE_SET
-AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS(itcl itk iwidgets3.0.0)
chmod +x ${srcdir}/config/install-sh ${srcdir}/config/mkinstalldirs)
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/ b/itcl/itcl/
index 1fb42d93e0c..3dce5accee2 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/
+++ b/itcl/itcl/
@@ -115,9 +115,7 @@ GENERIC_HDRS= \
-ITCL_LIBRARY = @datadir@/itcl$(VERSION)
+ITCL_LIBRARY = $(prefix)/lib/itcl$(VERSION)
@@ -157,9 +155,8 @@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@@VERSION@
top_builddir = .
+#INSTALL = $(top_srcdir)/../config/install-sh -c
+INSTALL = $(TCLSH_PROG) `@CYGPATH@ $(srcdir)/../config/installFile.tcl` -c
@@ -295,6 +292,7 @@ install-doc: doc
@for i in $(srcdir)/doc/*.n; \
do \
echo "Installing $$i"; \
+ rm -f $(mandir)/mann/`basename $$i`; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(mandir)/mann ; \
@@ -321,12 +319,12 @@ depend:
$(itcl_LIB_FILE): $(itcl_OBJECTS)
-rm -f $(itcl_LIB_FILE)
+ $(RANLIB) $(itcl_LIB_FILE)
$(itclstub_LIB_FILE): $(itclstub_OBJECTS)
-rm -f $(itclstub_LIB_FILE)
+ $(RANLIB) $(itclstub_LIB_FILE)
# We need to enumerate the list of .c to .o lines here.
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/aclocal.m4 b/itcl/itcl/aclocal.m4
index 09bc09fa2b7..7ca9320395f 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/aclocal.m4
+++ b/itcl/itcl/aclocal.m4
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/configure b/itcl/itcl/configure
index 31c237447c5..9e90aa4f47f 100755
--- a/itcl/itcl/configure
+++ b/itcl/itcl/configure
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ ac_help=
# Any additions from
+ --enable-gcc allow use of gcc if available [--disable-gcc]"
--with-tcl directory containing tcl configuration ("
--enable-threads build with threads"
@@ -36,7 +38,6 @@ program_suffix=NONE
@@ -151,7 +152,6 @@ Configuration:
--help print this message
--no-create do not create output files
--quiet, --silent do not print \`checking...' messages
- --site-file=FILE use FILE as the site file
--version print the version of autoconf that created configure
Directory and file names:
--prefix=PREFIX install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
@@ -322,11 +322,6 @@ EOF
-site=* | --site=* | --sit=*)
site="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -site-file | --site-file | --site-fil | --site-fi | --site-f)
- ac_prev=sitefile ;;
- -site-file=* | --site-file=* | --site-fil=* | --site-fi=* | --site-f=*)
- sitefile="$ac_optarg" ;;
-srcdir | --srcdir | --srcdi | --srcd | --src | --sr)
ac_prev=srcdir ;;
-srcdir=* | --srcdir=* | --srcdi=* | --srcd=* | --src=* | --sr=*)
@@ -492,16 +487,12 @@ fi
srcdir=`echo "${srcdir}" | sed 's%\([^/]\)/*$%\1%'`
# Prefer explicitly selected file to automatically selected ones.
-if test -z "$sitefile"; then
- if test -z "$CONFIG_SITE"; then
- if test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then
- CONFIG_SITE="$prefix/share/ $prefix/etc/"
- else
- CONFIG_SITE="$ac_default_prefix/share/ $ac_default_prefix/etc/"
- fi
+if test -z "$CONFIG_SITE"; then
+ if test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then
+ CONFIG_SITE="$prefix/share/ $prefix/etc/"
+ else
+ CONFIG_SITE="$ac_default_prefix/share/ $ac_default_prefix/etc/"
- CONFIG_SITE="$sitefile"
for ac_site_file in $CONFIG_SITE; do
if test -r "$ac_site_file"; then
@@ -540,9 +531,8 @@ else
-for ac_dir in ../.. $srcdir/../..; do
+for ac_dir in ../config $srcdir/../config; do
if test -f $ac_dir/install-sh; then
ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install-sh -c"
@@ -554,13 +544,12 @@ for ac_dir in ../.. $srcdir/../..; do
if test -z "$ac_aux_dir"; then
- { echo "configure: error: can not find install-sh or in ../.. $srcdir/../.." 1>&2; exit 1; }
+ { echo "configure: error: can not find install-sh or in ../config $srcdir/../config" 1>&2; exit 1; }
ac_configure=$ac_aux_dir/configure # This should be Cygnus configure.
# __CHANGE__
@@ -574,7 +563,7 @@ PACKAGE=itcl
@@ -612,11 +601,31 @@ fi
# was not used.
-# Extract the first word of "gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
+ # Check whether --enable-gcc or --disable-gcc was given.
+if test "${enable_gcc+set}" = set; then
+ enableval="$enable_gcc"
+ ok=$enableval
+ ok=no
+ if test "$ok" = "yes"; then
+ CC=gcc
+ else
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* | *CYGWIN_98* | *CYGWIN_95*)
+ CC=cl
+ ;;
+ *)
+ CC=${CC-cc}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # Extract the first word of "gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
set dummy gcc; ac_word=$2
echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:620: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo "configure:629: checking for $ac_word" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CC'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -646,7 +655,7 @@ if test -z "$CC"; then
# Extract the first word of "cc", so it can be a program name with args.
set dummy cc; ac_word=$2
echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:650: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo "configure:659: checking for $ac_word" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CC'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -697,7 +706,7 @@ fi
# Extract the first word of "cl", so it can be a program name with args.
set dummy cl; ac_word=$2
echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:701: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo "configure:710: checking for $ac_word" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CC'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -729,7 +738,7 @@ fi
echo $ac_n "checking whether the C compiler ($CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS) works""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:733: checking whether the C compiler ($CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS) works" >&5
+echo "configure:742: checking whether the C compiler ($CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS) works" >&5
# CFLAGS is not in ac_cpp because -g, -O, etc. are not valid cpp options.
@@ -740,12 +749,12 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross
cat > conftest.$ac_ext << EOF
-#line 744 "configure"
+#line 753 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
-if { (eval echo configure:749: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+if { (eval echo configure:758: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
# If we can't run a trivial program, we are probably using a cross compiler.
if (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null; then
@@ -771,12 +780,12 @@ if test $ac_cv_prog_cc_works = no; then
{ echo "configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." 1>&2; exit 1; }
echo $ac_n "checking whether the C compiler ($CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS) is a cross-compiler""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:775: checking whether the C compiler ($CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS) is a cross-compiler" >&5
+echo "configure:784: checking whether the C compiler ($CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS) is a cross-compiler" >&5
echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross" 1>&6
echo $ac_n "checking whether we are using GNU C""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:780: checking whether we are using GNU C" >&5
+echo "configure:789: checking whether we are using GNU C" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_gcc'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -785,7 +794,7 @@ else
-if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -E conftest.c'; { (eval echo configure:789: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } | egrep yes >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -E conftest.c'; { (eval echo configure:798: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } | egrep yes >/dev/null 2>&1; then
@@ -804,7 +813,7 @@ ac_test_CFLAGS="${CFLAGS+set}"
echo $ac_n "checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -g""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:808: checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -g" >&5
+echo "configure:817: checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -g" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_cc_g'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -835,7 +844,7 @@ else
# Find a good install program. We prefer a C program (faster),
# so one script is as good as another. But avoid the broken or
# incompatible versions:
@@ -848,7 +857,7 @@ fi
# SVR4 /usr/ucb/install, which tries to use the nonexistent group "staff"
# ./install, which can be erroneously created by make from ./
echo $ac_n "checking for a BSD compatible install""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:852: checking for a BSD compatible install" >&5
+echo "configure:861: checking for a BSD compatible install" >&5
if test -z "$INSTALL"; then
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_install'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -906,7 +915,7 @@ test -z "$INSTALL_DATA" && INSTALL_DATA='${INSTALL} -m 644'
echo $ac_n "checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \${MAKE}""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:910: checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \${MAKE}" >&5
+echo "configure:919: checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \${MAKE}" >&5
set dummy ${MAKE-make}; ac_make=`echo "$2" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -940,7 +949,7 @@ fi
# Extract the first word of "ranlib", so it can be a program name with args.
set dummy ranlib; ac_word=$2
echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:944: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo "configure:953: checking for $ac_word" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_RANLIB'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -973,12 +982,12 @@ fi
echo $ac_n "checking for Cygwin environment""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:977: checking for Cygwin environment" >&5
+echo "configure:986: checking for Cygwin environment" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_cygwin'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 982 "configure"
+#line 991 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
int main() {
@@ -989,7 +998,7 @@ int main() {
return __CYGWIN__;
; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:993: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+if { (eval echo configure:1002: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
rm -rf conftest*
@@ -1011,13 +1020,13 @@ test "$ac_cv_cygwin" = yes && CYGWIN=yes
echo $ac_n "checking for object suffix""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1015: checking for object suffix" >&5
+echo "configure:1024: checking for object suffix" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_objext'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
rm -f conftest*
echo 'int i = 1;' > conftest.$ac_ext
-if { (eval echo configure:1021: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+if { (eval echo configure:1030: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
for ac_file in conftest.*; do
case $ac_file in
*.c) ;;
@@ -1035,19 +1044,19 @@ OBJEXT=$ac_cv_objext
echo $ac_n "checking for mingw32 environment""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1039: checking for mingw32 environment" >&5
+echo "configure:1048: checking for mingw32 environment" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_mingw32'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1044 "configure"
+#line 1053 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
int main() {
return __MINGW32__;
; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1051: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+if { (eval echo configure:1060: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
rm -rf conftest*
@@ -1066,7 +1075,7 @@ test "$ac_cv_mingw32" = yes && MINGW32=yes
echo $ac_n "checking for executable suffix""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1070: checking for executable suffix" >&5
+echo "configure:1079: checking for executable suffix" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_exeext'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -1076,10 +1085,10 @@ else
rm -f conftest*
echo 'int main () { return 0; }' > conftest.$ac_ext
- if { (eval echo configure:1080: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; }; then
+ if { (eval echo configure:1089: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; }; then
for file in conftest.*; do
case $file in
- *.c | *.o | *.obj | *.ilk | *.pdb) ;;
+ *.c | *.o | *.obj) ;;
*) ac_cv_exeext=`echo $file | sed -e s/conftest//` ;;
@@ -1114,38 +1123,9 @@ ac_exeext=$EXEEXT
# file for you.
-case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
- # Extract the first word of "cygpath", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy cygpath; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1123: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CYGPATH'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$CYGPATH"; then
- ac_cv_prog_CYGPATH="$CYGPATH" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=":"
- ac_dummy="$PATH"
- for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- ac_cv_prog_CYGPATH="cygpath -w"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
- test -z "$ac_cv_prog_CYGPATH" && ac_cv_prog_CYGPATH="echo"
-if test -n "$CYGPATH"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$CYGPATH" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
+case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
+ CYGPATH="cygpath -w"
RELPATH=".. .. bin"
@@ -1161,16 +1141,12 @@ esac
# Includes for this package
-srcdir=`cd ${srcdir} ; pwd`
ITCL_GENERIC_DIR_NATIVE=`${CYGPATH} ${srcdir}/generic`
ITCL_WIN_DIR_NATIVE=`${CYGPATH} ${srcdir}/win`
ITCL_UNIX_DIR_NATIVE=`${CYGPATH} ${srcdir}/unix`
-case "${host}" in
- *cygwin* | *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
@@ -1206,7 +1182,7 @@ if test "${with_tcl+set}" = set; then
echo $ac_n "checking for Tcl configuration""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1210: checking for Tcl configuration" >&5
+echo "configure:1186: checking for Tcl configuration" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_c_tclconfig'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -1234,10 +1210,6 @@ else
ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- if test -f "$i/win/" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i/win; pwd)`
- break
- fi
@@ -1260,11 +1232,7 @@ else
if test -f "$i/unix/" ; then
ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- fi
- if test -f "$i/win/" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i/win; pwd)`
- break
- fi
+ fi
@@ -1273,7 +1241,7 @@ fi
if test x"${ac_cv_c_tclconfig}" = x ; then
TCL_BIN_DIR="# no Tcl configs found"
- { echo "configure: error: Can't find Tcl configuration definitions" 1>&2; exit 1; }
+ echo "configure: warning: Can't find Tcl configuration definitions" 1>&2
exit 0
@@ -1284,7 +1252,7 @@ fi
echo $ac_n "checking for existence of $TCL_BIN_DIR/""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1288: checking for existence of $TCL_BIN_DIR/" >&5
+echo "configure:1256: checking for existence of $TCL_BIN_DIR/" >&5
if test -f "$TCL_BIN_DIR/" ; then
echo "$ac_t""loading" 1>&6
@@ -1332,10 +1300,10 @@ echo "configure:1288: checking for existence of $TCL_BIN_DIR/" >&5
echo $ac_n "checking for Tcl private include files""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1336: checking for Tcl private include files" >&5
+echo "configure:1304: checking for Tcl private include files" >&5
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* |*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
@@ -1387,8 +1355,8 @@ echo "configure:1336: checking for Tcl private include files" >&5
# your system.
-case "${host}" in
- *cygwin*| *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
#define BUILD_itcl 1
@@ -1418,7 +1386,7 @@ esac
echo $ac_n "checking for building with threads""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1422: checking for building with threads" >&5
+echo "configure:1390: checking for building with threads" >&5
# Check whether --enable-threads or --disable-threads was given.
if test "${enable_threads+set}" = set; then
@@ -1439,13 +1407,13 @@ EOF
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* | *CYGWIN_98* | *CYGWIN_95*)
echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
echo $ac_n "checking for pthread_mutex_init in -lpthread""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1449: checking for pthread_mutex_init in -lpthread" >&5
+echo "configure:1417: checking for pthread_mutex_init in -lpthread" >&5
ac_lib_var=`echo pthread'_'pthread_mutex_init | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -1453,7 +1421,7 @@ else
LIBS="-lpthread $LIBS"
cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1457 "configure"
+#line 1425 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */
/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
@@ -1464,7 +1432,7 @@ int main() {
; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1468: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+if { (eval echo configure:1436: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
rm -rf conftest*
eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
@@ -1510,26 +1478,22 @@ fi
echo $ac_n "checking how to build libraries""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1514: checking how to build libraries" >&5
+echo "configure:1482: checking how to build libraries" >&5
# Check whether --enable-shared or --disable-shared was given.
if test "${enable_shared+set}" = set; then
- tcl_ok=no
+ tcl_ok=yes
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
- # Default to shared build for Windows
- if test "${enable_shared+set}" != set; then
- tcl_ok=yes
- fi
- ;;
- esac
+ if test "${enable_shared+set}" = set; then
+ enableval="$enable_shared"
+ tcl_ok=$enableval
+ else
+ tcl_ok=yes
+ fi
if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes" ; then
echo "$ac_t""shared" 1>&6
@@ -1571,8 +1535,8 @@ SHLIB_CFLAGS=${TCL_SHLIB_CFLAGS}
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* | *CYGWIN_98* | *CYGWIN_95*)
@@ -1581,7 +1545,7 @@ SHLIB_CFLAGS=${TCL_SHLIB_CFLAGS}
echo $ac_n "checking for build with symbols""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1585: checking for build with symbols" >&5
+echo "configure:1549: checking for build with symbols" >&5
# Check whether --enable-symbols or --disable-symbols was given.
if test "${enable_symbols+set}" = set; then
@@ -1636,20 +1600,15 @@ fi
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
- if test "${CC}" = "cl"; then
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* |*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
+ if test "${CC-cc}" = "cl"; then
MAKE_STATIC_LIB="\${STLIB_LD} -out:\$@ \$(\$@_OBJECTS) "
- else
- MAKE_SHARED_LIB="\${SHLIB_LD} -o \$@ \$(\$@_OBJECTS) \${SHLIB_LDFLAGS} \$(LDFLAGS) \${SHLIB_LD_LIBS} -Wl,--out-implib,\$(patsubst %.dll,lib%.a,\$@)"
@@ -1658,14 +1617,11 @@ fi
@@ -1679,562 +1635,28 @@ eval "UNSHARED_LIB_SUFFIX=${TCL_UNSHARED_LIB_SUFFIX}"
# Shared libraries and static libraries have different names.
-if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
- # FIXME: Need to devise a TCL_TOOL macro to deal with this!
- case "${host}" in
- *cygwin* | *mingw32* | *windows32*)
- # Need to link to the .a or .lib not the .dll!
- libname=${PACKAGE}
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32* | *cygwin*)
- eval "long_libname=\"${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- ;;
- *)
- eval "long_libname=\"lib${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- ;;
- esac
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- # Trick to replace DBGX with TCL_DBGX
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- ITCL_SHLIB_FILE=$long_libname
- libname=${PACKAGE}
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- eval "long_libname=\"${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- else
- eval "long_libname=\"lib${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- eval "long_libname=\"lib${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- ;;
- esac
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- # Trick to replace DBGX with TCL_DBGX
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- ITCL_LIB_FILE=$long_libname
- ;;
- *)
- libname=${PACKAGE}
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32* | *cygwin*)
- eval "long_libname=\"${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- ;;
- *)
- eval "long_libname=\"lib${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- ;;
- esac
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- # Trick to replace DBGX with TCL_DBGX
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- ITCL_LIB_FILE=$long_libname
- ;;
- esac
- libname=${PACKAGE}
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- eval "long_libname=\"${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- else
- eval "long_libname=\"lib${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- eval "long_libname=\"lib${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- ;;
- esac
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- # Trick to replace DBGX with TCL_DBGX
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- ITCL_LIB_FILE=$long_libname
- libname=${PACKAGE}stub
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- eval "long_libname=\"${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- else
- eval "long_libname=\"lib${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- eval "long_libname=\"lib${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- ;;
- esac
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- # Trick to replace DBGX with TCL_DBGX
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- ITCL_STUB_LIB_FILE=$long_libname
- libname=${PACKAGE}
- version=${VERSION}
- if test "$TCL_LIB_SUFFIX" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: The TCL_LIB_SUFFIX variable is not defined" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- # If the . character is not allowed in lib name, remove it from version
- if test "${TCL_LIB_VERSIONS_OK}" != "ok"; then
- version=`echo $version | tr -d .`
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- eval "short_libname=\"${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${version}${TCL_LIB_SUFFIX}\""
- else
- short_libname="-l${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${version}${TCL_DBGX}"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- short_libname="-l${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${version}\${TCL_DBGX}"
- ;;
- esac
- ITCL_LIB_FLAG=$short_libname
- libname=${PACKAGE}stub
- version=${VERSION}
- if test "$TCL_LIB_SUFFIX" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: The TCL_LIB_SUFFIX variable is not defined" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- # If the . character is not allowed in lib name, remove it from version
- if test "${TCL_LIB_VERSIONS_OK}" != "ok"; then
- version=`echo $version | tr -d .`
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- eval "short_libname=\"${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${version}${TCL_LIB_SUFFIX}\""
- else
- short_libname="-l${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${version}${TCL_DBGX}"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- short_libname="-l${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${version}\${TCL_DBGX}"
- ;;
- esac
- ITCL_STUB_LIB_FLAG=$short_libname
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- val="`pwd`/${ITCL_LIB_FLAG}"
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable ITCL_BUILD_LIB_SPEC" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- ITCL_BUILD_LIB_SPEC="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- ;;
- esac
- else
- val=`pwd`
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable dirname" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- dirname=$val
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- dirname="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- dirname=$val
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- val="`pwd`/${ITCL_STUB_LIB_FLAG}"
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable ITCL_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- ITCL_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- ;;
- esac
- else
- val=`pwd`
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable dirname" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- dirname=$val
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- dirname="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- dirname=$val
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- val="${exec_prefix}/lib/${ITCL_LIB_FLAG}"
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable ITCL_LIB_SPEC" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- ITCL_LIB_SPEC="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- ;;
- esac
- else
- val=${exec_prefix}/lib
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable dirname" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- dirname=$val
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- dirname="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- dirname=$val
- ;;
- esac
- ITCL_LIB_SPEC="-L${dirname} ${ITCL_LIB_FLAG}"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- ITCL_LIB_SPEC="-L${exec_prefix}/lib ${ITCL_LIB_FLAG}"
- ;;
- esac
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- val="${exec_prefix}/lib/${ITCL_STUB_LIB_FLAG}"
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable ITCL_STUB_LIB_SPEC" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- ITCL_STUB_LIB_SPEC="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- ;;
- esac
- else
- val=${exec_prefix}/lib
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable dirname" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- dirname=$val
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- dirname="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- dirname=$val
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- ITCL_STUB_LIB_SPEC="-L${exec_prefix}/lib ${ITCL_STUB_LIB_FLAG}"
- ;;
- esac
- val="`pwd`/${ITCL_LIB_FILE}"
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable ITCL_LIB_FULL_PATH" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- ITCL_LIB_FULL_PATH="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- ;;
- esac
- val="`pwd`/${ITCL_STUB_LIB_FILE}"
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable ITCL_STUB_LIB_FULL_PATH" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- ITCL_STUB_LIB_FULL_PATH="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
+case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
+ if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ ;;
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- ;;
- esac
+ if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ ;;
# __CHANGE__
@@ -2267,38 +1689,42 @@ fi
# versions have bugs in the pkg_mkIndex routine.
-# A Tcl shell is not available when bootstrapping!
-# Finally, substitute all of the various values into the Makefile.
-# Note: The file below is not included in the net release.
-# We subst these variables to retain compatibility with the previous
-# version of
+ echo $ac_n "checking for tclsh""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+echo "configure:1695: checking for tclsh" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_tclsh'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+ echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ search_path=`echo ${exec_prefix}/bin:${prefix}/bin:${TCL_BIN_DIR}:${TCL_BIN_DIR}/../bin:${PATH} | sed -e 's/:/ /g'`
+ for dir in $search_path ; do
+ for j in `ls -r $dir/tclsh[8-9]*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` \
+ `ls -r $dir/tclsh*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` ; do
+ if test x"$ac_cv_path_tclsh" = x ; then
+ if test -f "$j" ; then
+ ac_cv_path_tclsh=$j
+ break
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ if test -f "$ac_cv_path_tclsh" ; then
+ TCLSH_PROG=$ac_cv_path_tclsh
+ echo "$ac_t""$TCLSH_PROG" 1>&6
+ else
+ { echo "configure: error: No tclsh found in PATH: $search_path" 1>&2; exit 1; }
+ fi
+# Finally, substitute all of the various values into the Makefile.
trap '' 1 2 15
cat > confcache <<\EOF
@@ -2414,8 +1840,7 @@ ac_given_srcdir=$srcdir
trap 'rm -fr `echo "Makefile \
- \
- pkgIndex.tcl" | sed "s/:[^ ]*//g"` conftest*; exit 1' 1 2 15
+ pkgIndex.tcl" | sed "s/:[^ ]*//g"` conftest*; exit 1' 1 2 15
@@ -2500,25 +1925,10 @@ s%@LDFLAGS_DEFAULT@%$LDFLAGS_DEFAULT%g
@@ -2561,8 +1971,7 @@ EOF
- \
- pkgIndex.tcl"}
+ pkgIndex.tcl"}
for ac_file in .. $CONFIG_FILES; do if test "x$ac_file" != x..; then
@@ -2633,5 +2042,3 @@ chmod +x $CONFIG_STATUS
rm -fr confdefs* $ac_clean_files
test "$no_create" = yes || ${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $CONFIG_STATUS || exit 1
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/ b/itcl/itcl/
index c33a8ffa904..b63ca4105be 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/
+++ b/itcl/itcl/
@@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
# __CHANGE__
@@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ PACKAGE=itcl
@@ -64,10 +62,7 @@ fi
# was not used.
@@ -112,8 +107,9 @@ AC_EXEEXT
# file for you.
-case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
+ CYGPATH="cygpath -w"
AC_CHECK_PROG(CYGPATH, cygpath, cygpath -w, echo)
RELPATH=".. .. bin"
@@ -130,16 +126,12 @@ AC_SUBST(RELPATH)
# Includes for this package
-srcdir=`cd ${srcdir} ; pwd`
ITCL_GENERIC_DIR_NATIVE=`${CYGPATH} ${srcdir}/generic`
ITCL_WIN_DIR_NATIVE=`${CYGPATH} ${srcdir}/win`
ITCL_UNIX_DIR_NATIVE=`${CYGPATH} ${srcdir}/unix`
-case "${host}" in
- *cygwin* | *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
@@ -192,8 +184,8 @@ SC_PRIVATE_TCL_HEADERS
# your system.
-case "${host}" in
- *cygwin*| *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
CLEANFILES="*.lib *.dll *.exp *.ilk *.pdb vc50.pch"
@@ -291,56 +283,28 @@ eval "UNSHARED_LIB_SUFFIX=${TCL_UNSHARED_LIB_SUFFIX}"
# Shared libraries and static libraries have different names.
-if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
- # FIXME: Need to devise a TCL_TOOL macro to deal with this!
- case "${host}" in
- *cygwin* | *mingw32* | *windows32*)
- # Need to link to the .a or .lib not the .dll!
- ;;
+case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
+ if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ ;;
- ;;
- esac
+ if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ ;;
# __CHANGE__
@@ -368,42 +332,11 @@ AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_itclstub_LIB_FILE, ac_cv_itclstub_LIB_FILE=${itclstub_LIB_FIL
# versions have bugs in the pkg_mkIndex routine.
-# A Tcl shell is not available when bootstrapping!
# Finally, substitute all of the various values into the Makefile.
-# Note: The file below is not included in the net release.
-# We subst these variables to retain compatibility with the previous
-# version of
AC_OUTPUT([Makefile \
- \
- pkgIndex.tcl])
+ pkgIndex.tcl])
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl.h b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl.h
index 4e0ad39a2d6..529fdc47aee 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl.h
+++ b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl.h
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@
#define ITCL_VERSION "3.2"
-#define ITCL_PATCH_LEVEL "3.2.0"
+#define ITCL_PATCH_LEVEL "3.2.1"
* A special definition used to allow this header file to be included
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
* and procedure declarations, that occur below.
+#ifndef RC_INVOKED
* Protection levels:
@@ -152,7 +152,10 @@ typedef struct Itcl_InterpState_ *Itcl_InterpState;
-char * Itcl_InitStubs _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+CONST char * Itcl_InitStubs _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
char *version, int exact));
#define Itcl_InitStubs(interp, version, exact) \
@@ -164,7 +167,7 @@ char * Itcl_InitStubs _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
+#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/generic/itclInt.decls b/itcl/itcl/generic/itclInt.decls
index 50d16764783..466af9ba2b3 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/generic/itclInt.decls
+++ b/itcl/itcl/generic/itclInt.decls
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ declare 34 generic {
int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
declare 35 generic {
- int Itcl_ClassCmdResolver (Tcl_Interp *interp, char* name, \
+ int Itcl_ClassCmdResolver (Tcl_Interp *interp, CONST char* name, \
Tcl_Namespace *context, int flags, Tcl_Command *rPtr)
declare 36 generic {
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/generic/itclInt.h b/itcl/itcl/generic/itclInt.h
index a3bb712729e..6bde298972e 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/generic/itclInt.h
+++ b/itcl/itcl/generic/itclInt.h
@@ -238,6 +238,13 @@ typedef struct ItclContext {
Var localStorage[20]; /* default storage for compiled locals */
} ItclContext;
+ * Compatibility flags. Used to support small "hacks". These are stored
+ * in the global variable named itclCompatFlags.
+ */
+#define ITCL_COMPAT_USECMDFLAGS 0x0001 /* Tcl8.4a1 introduced a different Command
+ * structure, and we need to adapt
+ * dynamically */
#include "itclIntDecls.h"
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/generic/itclIntDecls.h b/itcl/itcl/generic/itclIntDecls.h
index fa4989a80a9..9658a3e5694 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/generic/itclIntDecls.h
+++ b/itcl/itcl/generic/itclIntDecls.h
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ EXTERN int Itcl_HandleClass _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData,
Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]));
/* 35 */
EXTERN int Itcl_ClassCmdResolver _ANSI_ARGS_((
- Tcl_Interp * interp, char* name,
+ Tcl_Interp * interp, CONST char* name,
Tcl_Namespace * context, int flags,
Tcl_Command * rPtr));
/* 36 */
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ typedef struct ItclIntStubs {
int (*itcl_DeleteClass) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, ItclClass * cdefnPtr)); /* 32 */
Tcl_Namespace* (*itcl_FindClassNamespace) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp* interp, char* path)); /* 33 */
int (*itcl_HandleClass) _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp * interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])); /* 34 */
- int (*itcl_ClassCmdResolver) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, char* name, Tcl_Namespace * context, int flags, Tcl_Command * rPtr)); /* 35 */
+ int (*itcl_ClassCmdResolver) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, CONST char* name, Tcl_Namespace * context, int flags, Tcl_Command * rPtr)); /* 35 */
int (*itcl_ClassVarResolver) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, char* name, Tcl_Namespace * context, int flags, Tcl_Var * rPtr)); /* 36 */
int (*itcl_ClassCompiledVarResolver) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, char* name, int length, Tcl_Namespace * context, Tcl_ResolvedVarInfo ** rPtr)); /* 37 */
void (*itcl_BuildVirtualTables) _ANSI_ARGS_((ItclClass* cdefnPtr)); /* 38 */
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/generic/itclStubLib.c b/itcl/itcl/generic/itclStubLib.c
index 80fe17a2fe1..2888812882b 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/generic/itclStubLib.c
+++ b/itcl/itcl/generic/itclStubLib.c
@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ ItclIntStubs *itclIntStubsPtr;
-char *
+CONST char *
Itcl_InitStubs (interp, version, exact)
Tcl_Interp *interp;
char *version;
int exact;
- char *actualVersion;
+ CONST char *actualVersion;
actualVersion = Tcl_PkgRequireEx(interp, "Itcl", version, exact,
(ClientData *) &itclStubsPtr);
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_bicmds.c b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_bicmds.c
index 0340dc8bc3d..a200f6508ba 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_bicmds.c
+++ b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_bicmds.c
@@ -847,7 +847,9 @@ Itcl_BiInfoClassCmd(dummy, interp, objc, objv)
contextNs = contextClass->namesp;
- if (contextNs->parentPtr == activeNs) {
+ if (!contextNs) {
+ name = activeNs->fullName;
+ } else if (contextNs->parentPtr == activeNs) {
name = contextNs->name;
} else {
name = contextNs->fullName;
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_class.c b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_class.c
index 5661ad3f784..c3a332885a4 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_class.c
+++ b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_class.c
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ static void ItclFreeClass _ANSI_ARGS_((char* cdata));
static Tcl_Var ItclClassRuntimeVarResolver _ANSI_ARGS_((
Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_ResolvedVarInfo *vinfoPtr));
+extern int itclCompatFlags;
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -294,12 +296,24 @@ Itcl_DeleteClass(interp, cdefnPtr)
entry = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&cdefnPtr->info->objects, &place);
while (entry) {
contextObj = (ItclObject*)Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
if (contextObj->classDefn == cdefnPtr) {
if (Itcl_DeleteObject(interp, contextObj) != TCL_OK) {
cdPtr = cdefnPtr;
goto deleteClassFail;
+ /*
+ * Fix 227804: Whenever an object to delete was found we
+ * have to reset the search to the beginning as the
+ * current entry in the search was deleted and accessing it
+ * is therefore not allowed anymore.
+ */
+ entry = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&cdefnPtr->info->objects, &place);
+ continue;
entry = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&place);
@@ -398,6 +412,15 @@ ItclDestroyClassNamesp(cdata)
contextObj = (ItclObject*)Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
if (contextObj->classDefn == cdefnPtr) {
Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken(cdefnPtr->interp, contextObj->accessCmd);
+ /*
+ * Fix 227804: Whenever an object to delete was found we
+ * have to reset the search to the beginning as the
+ * current entry in the search was deleted and accessing it
+ * is therefore not allowed anymore.
+ */
+ entry = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&cdefnPtr->info->objects, &place);
+ continue;
entry = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&place);
@@ -837,6 +860,8 @@ Itcl_HandleClass(clientData, interp, objc, objv)
* incrementing a counter until a valid name is found.
do {
+ Tcl_CmdInfo dummy;
sprintf(unique,"%.200s%d", cdefnPtr->name,
unique[0] = tolower(unique[0]);
@@ -847,10 +872,16 @@ Itcl_HandleClass(clientData, interp, objc, objv)
Tcl_DStringAppend(&buffer, start+5, -1);
objName = Tcl_DStringValue(&buffer);
- if (Itcl_FindObject(interp, objName, &newObj) != TCL_OK) {
+ /*
+ * [Fix 227811] Check for any command with the
+ * given name, not only objects.
+ */
+ if (Tcl_GetCommandInfo (interp, objName, &dummy) == 0) {
break; /* if an error is found, bail out! */
- } while (newObj != NULL);
+ } while (1);
*start = tmp; /* undo null-termination */
objName = Tcl_DStringValue(&buffer);
@@ -903,7 +934,7 @@ Itcl_HandleClass(clientData, interp, objc, objv)
Itcl_ClassCmdResolver(interp, name, context, flags, rPtr)
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* current interpreter */
- char* name; /* name of the command being accessed */
+ CONST char* name; /* name of the command being accessed */
Tcl_Namespace *context; /* namespace performing the resolution */
int flags; /* TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG => leave error messages
* in interp if anything goes wrong */
@@ -914,6 +945,7 @@ Itcl_ClassCmdResolver(interp, name, context, flags, rPtr)
Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
ItclMemberFunc *mfunc;
Command *cmdPtr;
+ int isCmdDeleted;
* If the command is a member function, and if it is
@@ -960,16 +992,39 @@ Itcl_ClassCmdResolver(interp, name, context, flags, rPtr)
* it--as it is being resolved again by the compiler.
cmdPtr = (Command*)mfunc->accessCmd;
- if (!cmdPtr || cmdPtr->deleted) {
- mfunc->accessCmd = NULL;
- if ((flags & TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG) != 0) {
- Tcl_AppendStringsToObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp),
- "can't access \"", name, "\": deleted or redefined\n",
- "(use the \"body\" command to redefine methods/procs)",
- (char*)NULL);
- }
- return TCL_ERROR; /* disallow access! */
+ /*
+ * The following #if is needed so itcl can be compiled with
+ * all versions of Tcl. The integer "deleted" was renamed to
+ * "flags" in tcl8.4a2. This #if is also found in itcl_ensemble.c .
+ * We're using a runtime check with itclCompatFlags to adjust for
+ * the behavior of this change, too.
+ *
+ */
+# define CMD_IS_DELETED 0x1 /* If someone ever changes this from tcl.h,
+ * we must change our logic here, too */
+ isCmdDeleted = (!cmdPtr ||
+ (itclCompatFlags & ITCL_COMPAT_USECMDFLAGS ?
+ (cmdPtr->deleted & CMD_IS_DELETED) :
+ cmdPtr->deleted));
+ isCmdDeleted = (!cmdPtr ||
+ (itclCompatFlags & ITCL_COMPAT_USECMDFLAGS ?
+ (cmdPtr->flags & CMD_IS_DELETED) :
+ cmdPtr->flags));
+ if (isCmdDeleted) {
+ mfunc->accessCmd = NULL;
+ if ((flags & TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG) != 0) {
+ Tcl_AppendStringsToObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp),
+ "can't access \"", name, "\": deleted or redefined\n",
+ "(use the \"body\" command to redefine methods/procs)",
+ (char*)NULL);
+ }
+ return TCL_ERROR; /* disallow access! */
*rPtr = mfunc->accessCmd;
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c
index 773e3098af1..dff4a46890f 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c
+++ b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c
@@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ static char safeInitScript[] =
extern ItclStubs itclStubs;
+int itclCompatFlags = -1;
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -140,6 +143,26 @@ Initialize(interp)
+ * Set the compatability options. Stubs allows us to load into many
+ * version of the Tcl core. Some problems have crept-in, and we need
+ * to adapt dynamically regarding use of some internal structures that
+ * have changed since 8.1.0
+ *
+ * TODO: make a TIP for exporting a Tcl_CommandIsDeleted function in the core.
+ */
+ if (itclCompatFlags == -1) {
+ int maj, min, ptch, type;
+ itclCompatFlags = 0;
+ Tcl_GetVersion(&maj, &min, &ptch, &type);
+ if ((maj == 8) && (min >= 4)) {
+ }
+ }
+ /*
* Initialize the ensemble package first, since we need this
* for other parts of [incr Tcl].
@@ -392,7 +415,15 @@ ItclDelObjectInfo(cdata)
while (entry) {
contextObj = (ItclObject*)Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken(info->interp, contextObj->accessCmd);
- entry = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&place);
+ /*
+ * Fix 227804: Whenever an object to delete was found we
+ * have to reset the search to the beginning as the
+ * current entry in the search was deleted and accessing it
+ * is therefore not allowed anymore.
+ */
+ entry = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&info->objects, &place);
+ /*entry = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&place);*/
@@ -438,8 +469,8 @@ Itcl_FindClassesCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv)
int forceFullNames = 0;
char *pattern;
- char *name;
- int i, newEntry, handledActiveNs;
+ CONST char *name;
+ int newEntry, handledActiveNs;
Tcl_HashTable unique;
Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
Tcl_HashSearch place;
@@ -568,7 +599,8 @@ Itcl_FindObjectsCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv)
ItclClass *isaDefn = NULL;
char *name, *token;
- int i, pos, newEntry, match, handledActiveNs;
+ CONST char *cmdName;
+ int pos, newEntry, match, handledActiveNs;
ItclObject *contextObj;
Tcl_HashTable unique;
Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
@@ -679,8 +711,8 @@ Itcl_FindObjectsCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv)
Tcl_GetCommandFullName(interp, cmd, objPtr);
name = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objPtr, (int*)NULL);
} else {
- name = Tcl_GetCommandName(interp, cmd);
- objPtr = Tcl_NewStringObj(name, -1);
+ cmdName = Tcl_GetCommandName(interp, cmd);
+ objPtr = Tcl_NewStringObj(cmdName, -1);
Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&unique, (char*)cmd, &newEntry);
@@ -772,13 +804,7 @@ Itcl_ProtectionCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv)
oldLevel = Itcl_Protection(interp, pLevel);
if (objc == 2) {
- /* CYGNUS LOCAL - Fix for 8.1 */
- result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, objv[1], 0);
result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, objv[1]);
} else {
result = Itcl_EvalArgs(interp, objc-1, objv+1);
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_ensemble.c b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_ensemble.c
index fb5f802ad7b..a60b487ec1c 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_ensemble.c
+++ b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_ensemble.c
@@ -91,11 +91,6 @@ Tcl_ObjType itclEnsInvocType = {
SetEnsInvocFromAny /* setFromAnyProc */
- * Boolean flag indicating whether or not the "ensemble" object
- * type has been registered with the Tcl compiler.
- */
-static int ensInitialized = 0;
* Forward declarations for the procedures used in this file.
@@ -166,9 +161,8 @@ int
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* interpreter being initialized */
- if (!ensInitialized) {
+ if (Tcl_GetObjType( == NULL) {
- ensInitialized = 1;
Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "::itcl::ensemble",
@@ -819,7 +813,11 @@ CreateEnsemble(interp, parentEnsData, ensName)
cmdPtr->clientData = NULL;
cmdPtr->deleteProc = DeleteEnsemble;
cmdPtr->deleteData = cmdPtr->objClientData;
- cmdPtr->deleted = 0;
+ cmdPtr->deleted = 0;
+ #else
+ cmdPtr->flags = 0;
+ #endif
cmdPtr->importRefPtr = NULL;
ensPart->cmdPtr = cmdPtr;
@@ -896,7 +894,11 @@ AddEnsemblePart(interp, ensData, partName, usageInfo,
cmdPtr->clientData = NULL;
cmdPtr->deleteProc = deleteProc;
cmdPtr->deleteData = (ClientData)clientData;
cmdPtr->deleted = 0;
+ cmdPtr->flags = 0;
cmdPtr->importRefPtr = NULL;
ensPart->cmdPtr = cmdPtr;
@@ -1689,22 +1691,12 @@ Itcl_EnsembleCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv)
ensInfo->ensData = ensData;
if (objc == 3) {
- /* CYGNUS LOCAL - fix for Tcl8.1 */
- status = Tcl_EvalObj(ensInfo->parser, objv[2], 0);
status = Tcl_EvalObj(ensInfo->parser, objv[2]);
else if (objc > 3) {
objPtr = Tcl_NewListObj(objc-2, objv+2);
Tcl_IncrRefCount(objPtr); /* stop Eval trashing it */
- status = Tcl_EvalObj(ensInfo->parser, objPtr, 0);
status = Tcl_EvalObj(ensInfo->parser, objPtr);
Tcl_DecrRefCount(objPtr); /* we're done with the object */
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_methods.c b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_methods.c
index 2ea41100a2b..0236d3c66fc 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_methods.c
+++ b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_methods.c
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
* of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
#include "itclInt.h"
-#include "tclCompile.h"
@@ -1001,13 +1000,7 @@ Itcl_EvalMemberCode(interp, mfunc, member, contextObj, objc, objv)
else if ((mcode->flags & ITCL_IMPLEMENT_TCL) != 0) {
- /* CYGNUS LOCAL - Fix for Tcl8.1 */
- result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, mcode->procPtr->bodyPtr, 0);
- result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, mcode->procPtr->bodyPtr);
+ result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, mcode->procPtr->bodyPtr);
else {
panic("itcl: bad implementation flag for %s", member->fullname);
@@ -1345,7 +1338,7 @@ Itcl_GetMemberFuncUsage(mfunc, contextObj, objPtr)
Tcl_Obj *objPtr; /* returns: string showing usage */
int argcount;
- char *name;
+ CONST char *name;
CompiledLocal *arglist, *argPtr;
Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
ItclMemberFunc *mf;
@@ -2302,14 +2295,8 @@ Itcl_ConstructBase(interp, contextObj, contextClass)
* now--just before the body of the constructor is executed.
if (contextClass->initCode) {
- /* CYGNUS LOCAL - Fix for Tcl8.1 */
- if (Tcl_EvalObj(interp, contextClass->initCode, 0) != TCL_OK) {
- if (Tcl_EvalObj(interp, contextClass->initCode) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
+ if (Tcl_EvalObj(interp, contextClass->initCode) != TCL_OK) {
+ return TCL_ERROR;
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_objects.c b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_objects.c
index 468c0bf71d2..fbcbc97121e 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_objects.c
+++ b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_objects.c
@@ -238,9 +238,16 @@ Itcl_CreateObject(interp, name, cdefn, objc, objv, roPtr)
if (result != TCL_OK) {
istate = Itcl_SaveInterpState(interp, result);
- Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken(interp, newObj->accessCmd);
- newObj->accessCmd = NULL;
+ /* Bug 227824.
+ * The constructor may destroy the object, possibly indirectly
+ * through the destruction of the main widget in the iTk
+ * megawidget it tried to construct. If this happens we must
+ * not try to destroy the access command a second time.
+ */
+ if (newObj->accessCmd != (Tcl_Command) NULL) {
+ Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken(interp, newObj->accessCmd);
+ newObj->accessCmd = NULL;
+ }
result = Itcl_RestoreInterpState(interp, istate);
@@ -254,9 +261,15 @@ Itcl_CreateObject(interp, name, cdefn, objc, objv, roPtr)
newObj->constructed = NULL;
- * Add it to the list of all known objects.
+ * Add it to the list of all known objects. The only
+ * tricky thing to watch out for is the case where the
+ * object deleted itself inside its own constructor.
+ * In that case, we don't want to add the object to
+ * the list of valid objects. We can determine that
+ * the object deleted itself by checking to see if
+ * its accessCmd member is NULL.
- if (result == TCL_OK) {
+ if (result == TCL_OK && (newObj->accessCmd != NULL)) {
entry = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&cdefnPtr->info->objects,
(char*)newObj->accessCmd, &newEntry);
@@ -659,6 +672,16 @@ Itcl_HandleInstance(clientData, interp, objc, objv)
framePtr = &context.frame;
Itcl_PushStack((ClientData)framePtr, &info->transparentFrames);
+ /* Bug 227824
+ * The tcl core will blow up in 'TclLookupVar' if we don't reset
+ * the 'isProcCallFrame'. This happens because without the
+ * callframe refered to by 'framePtr' will be inconsistent
+ * ('isProcCallFrame' set, but 'procPtr' not set).
+ */
+ if (*token == 'i' && strcmp(token,"info") == 0) {
+ framePtr->isProcCallFrame = 0;
+ }
result = Itcl_EvalArgs(interp, objc-1, objv+1);
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_obsolete.c b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_obsolete.c
index 6d7b2dcf1e9..9aa20552ebf 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_obsolete.c
+++ b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_obsolete.c
@@ -479,14 +479,8 @@ ItclOldClassCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv)
/* isProcCallFrame */ 0);
if (result == TCL_OK) {
- /* CYGNUS LOCAL - Fix for Tcl8.1 */
- result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, objv[2], 0);
- result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, objv[2]);
- Tcl_PopCallFrame(interp);
+ result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, objv[2]);
+ Tcl_PopCallFrame(interp);
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_parse.c b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_parse.c
index 23d4510bc14..eb792e704b3 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_parse.c
+++ b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_parse.c
@@ -255,14 +255,8 @@ Itcl_ClassCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv)
/* isProcCallFrame */ 0);
if (result == TCL_OK) {
- /* CYGNUS LOCAL - Fix for Tcl8.1 */
- result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, objv[2], 0);
- result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, objv[2]);
- Tcl_PopCallFrame(interp);
+ result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, objv[2]);
+ Tcl_PopCallFrame(interp);
@@ -580,13 +574,7 @@ Itcl_ClassProtectionCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv)
oldLevel = Itcl_Protection(interp, pInfo->pLevel);
if (objc == 2) {
- /* CYGNUS LOCAL - Fix for Tcl8.1 */
- result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, objv[1], 0);
- result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, objv[1]);
+ result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, objv[1]);
} else {
result = Itcl_EvalArgs(interp, objc-1, objv+1);
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_util.c b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_util.c
index e6eed63217b..40c7803ee11 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_util.c
+++ b/itcl/itcl/generic/itcl_util.c
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
* of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
#include "itclInt.h"
-#include "tclCompile.h"
@@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ typedef struct ItclPreservedData {
} ItclPreservedData;
static Tcl_HashTable *ItclPreservedList = NULL;
* This structure is used to take a snapshot of the interpreter
@@ -556,6 +555,7 @@ Itcl_EventuallyFree(cdata, fproc)
* If a list has not yet been created to manage bits of
* preserved data, then create it.
+ Tcl_MutexLock(&ItclPreservedListLock);
if (!ItclPreservedList) {
ItclPreservedList = (Tcl_HashTable*)ckalloc(
@@ -585,12 +585,15 @@ Itcl_EventuallyFree(cdata, fproc)
* If the usage count is zero, then delete the data now.
if (chunk->usage == 0) {
- chunk->usage = -1; /* cannot preserve/release anymore */
+ chunk->usage = -1; /* cannot preserve/release anymore */
- (*chunk->fproc)((char*)chunk->data);
- Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(entry);
- ckfree((char*)chunk);
+ Tcl_MutexUnlock(&ItclPreservedListLock);
+ (*chunk->fproc)((char*)chunk->data);
+ Tcl_MutexLock(&ItclPreservedListLock);
+ Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(entry);
+ ckfree((char*)chunk);
+ Tcl_MutexUnlock(&ItclPreservedListLock);
@@ -624,6 +627,7 @@ Itcl_PreserveData(cdata)
* If a list has not yet been created to manage bits of
* preserved data, then create it.
+ Tcl_MutexLock(&ItclPreservedListLock);
if (!ItclPreservedList) {
ItclPreservedList = (Tcl_HashTable*)ckalloc(
@@ -657,6 +661,7 @@ Itcl_PreserveData(cdata)
if (chunk->usage >= 0) {
+ Tcl_MutexUnlock(&ItclPreservedListLock);
@@ -688,10 +693,12 @@ Itcl_ReleaseData(cdata)
* decrement its usage count.
entry = NULL;
+ Tcl_MutexLock(&ItclPreservedListLock);
if (ItclPreservedList) {
entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(ItclPreservedList,(char*)cdata);
if (!entry) {
+ Tcl_MutexUnlock(&ItclPreservedListLock);
panic("Itcl_ReleaseData can't find reference for 0x%x", cdata);
@@ -705,14 +712,17 @@ Itcl_ReleaseData(cdata)
chunk = (ItclPreservedData*)Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
if (chunk->usage > 0 && --chunk->usage == 0) {
- if (chunk->fproc) {
- chunk->usage = -1; /* cannot preserve/release anymore */
- (*chunk->fproc)((char*)chunk->data);
+ if (chunk->fproc) {
+ chunk->usage = -1; /* cannot preserve/release anymore */
+ Tcl_MutexUnlock(&ItclPreservedListLock);
+ (*chunk->fproc)((char*)chunk->data);
+ Tcl_MutexLock(&ItclPreservedListLock);
+ Tcl_MutexUnlock(&ItclPreservedListLock);
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/ b/itcl/itcl/
index 2e094a1875b..f8a0ebe33f4 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/
+++ b/itcl/itcl/
# installed directory.
-# Full path to itcl library for dependency checking.
-# The name of the Itcl stub library
+# The name of the Itcl stub library (a .a file):
# String to pass to linker to pick up the Itcl stub library from its
# installed directory.
-# Full path to itcl library for dependency checking.
# Location of the top-level source directories from which [incr Tcl]
# was built. This is the directory that contains generic, unix, etc.
# If [incr Tcl] was compiled in a different place than the directory
# containing the source files, this points to the location of the sources,
# not the location where [incr Tcl] was compiled.
-# Name and location of the incr tcl shell. Used during the build process.
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/library/itcl.tcl b/itcl/itcl/library/itcl.tcl
index 3a8e54c3b22..78cb48abe96 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/library/itcl.tcl
+++ b/itcl/itcl/library/itcl.tcl
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+proc ::itcl::delete_helper { name args } {
+ ::itcl::delete object $name
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# USAGE: local <className> <objName> ?<arg> <arg>...?
@@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ proc ::itcl::local {class name args} {
uplevel [list set itcl-local-$ptr $ptr]
set cmd [uplevel namespace which -command $ptr]
uplevel [list trace variable itcl-local-$ptr u \
- "itcl::delete object $cmd; list"]
+ "::itcl::delete_helper $cmd"]
return $ptr
@@ -109,15 +113,6 @@ foreach cmd {public protected private} {
-# This version of auto_import does not work, because it relies
-# WHOLLY on the tclIndex files, but the tclIndex files have no
-# notion of what the export list for a namespace is. So at the
-# time you do "namespace import" the export list is empty, and
-# so nothing is imported.
-# Until that is fixed, it is best just to go back to the original
-# Tcl version of auto_import...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# auto_import
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -131,19 +126,19 @@ foreach cmd {public protected private} {
# pattern The pattern of commands being imported (like "foo::*")
# a canonical namespace as returned by [namespace current]
-#proc auto_import {pattern} {
-# global auto_index
+proc auto_import {pattern} {
+ global auto_index
-# set ns [uplevel namespace current]
-# set patternList [auto_qualify $pattern $ns]
+ set ns [uplevel namespace current]
+ set patternList [auto_qualify $pattern $ns]
-# auto_load_index
+ auto_load_index
-# foreach pattern $patternList {
-# foreach name [array names auto_index $pattern] {
-# if {"" == [info commands $name]} {
-# ::itcl::import::stub create $name
-# }
-# }
-# }
-# }
+ foreach pattern $patternList {
+ foreach name [array names auto_index $pattern] {
+ if {"" == [info commands $name]} {
+ ::itcl::import::stub create $name
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/tests/interp.test b/itcl/itcl/tests/interp.test
index e6c64793822..8b0015203a7 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/tests/interp.test
+++ b/itcl/itcl/tests/interp.test
@@ -72,5 +72,20 @@ test interp-1.4 {one namespace can cause another to be destroyed} {
interp delete slave
} {}
+test interp-1.5 {cleanup interp object list, this should not
+ include an object that deletes itself in ctor} {
+ interp create slave
+ load "" Itcl slave
+ slave eval {
+ itcl::class DeleteSelf {
+ constructor {} {
+ itcl::delete object $this
+ }
+ }
+ DeleteSelf ds
+ }
+ interp delete slave
+} {}
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/win/dllEntryPoint.c b/itcl/itcl/win/dllEntryPoint.c
index 43c25c1f51d..c9842b598bc 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/win/dllEntryPoint.c
+++ b/itcl/itcl/win/dllEntryPoint.c
@@ -7,58 +7,17 @@
#include <windows.h>
-#include <tcl.h>
-#ifdef __CYGWIN32__
- * The following declaration is for the VC++ DLL entry point.
- */
- DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved));
-/* cygwin32 requires an impure pointer variable, which must be
- explicitly initialized when the DLL starts up. */
-struct _reent *_impure_ptr;
-extern struct _reent *_imp__reent_data;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * DllMain --
- *
- * DLL entry point.
- *
- * Results:
- * TRUE on sucess, FALSE on failure.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-DllMain(hInstance, reason, reserved)
- HINSTANCE hInstance;
- DWORD reason;
- LPVOID reserved;
- /* cygwin32 requires the impure data pointer to be initialized
- when the DLL starts up. */
- _impure_ptr = _imp__reent_data;
- return(TRUE);
-#else /* __CYGWIN32__ */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ /* Only do this when MSVC++ is compiling us. */
# define DllEntryPoint DllMain
+# if defined(USE_TCL_STUBS) && (!defined(_MT) || !defined(_DLL) || defined(_DEBUG))
+ /*
+ * This fixes a bug with how the Stubs library was compiled.
+ * The requirement for msvcrt.lib from tclstubXX.lib should
+ * be removed.
+ */
+# pragma comment(linker, "-nodefaultlib:msvcrt.lib")
+# endif
@@ -79,6 +38,8 @@ DllMain(hInstance, reason, reserved)
DllEntryPoint(hInst, reason, reserved)
HINSTANCE hInst; /* Library instance handle. */
@@ -88,4 +49,4 @@ DllEntryPoint(hInst, reason, reserved)
return TRUE;
+#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/win/makefile.bc b/itcl/itcl/win/makefile.bc
index b8983a218e9..fd63b7e1c89 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/win/makefile.bc
+++ b/itcl/itcl/win/makefile.bc
@@ -1,212 +1,213 @@
-# Borland C++ 4.52 makefile
-# Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Lucent Technologies
-# based on original from
-# Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
-# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-!include "..\..\Makefile.bc"
-# Project directories
-# ROOT = top of source tree
-# TMPDIR = location where .obj files should be stored during build
-ROOT = ..
-# uncomment the following line to compile with symbols
-# uncomment the following two lines to compile with TCL_MEM_DEBUG
-INCLUDES =$(BORLAND)\include;$(ROOT)\generic;$(ROOT)\win;$(TCLDIR)\generic
-LIBDIRS =$(BORLAND)\lib;$(ROOT)\win
-!ifndef DEBUG
-# these macros cause maximum optimization and no symbols
-DEBUGCCFLAGS = -v- -vi- -O2
-DEBUGLDFLAGS16 = -Oc -Oi -Oa -Or
-# these macros enable debugging
-CFLAGS16_dll = $(PROJECTCCFLAGS) -I$(INCLUDES) -D$(DEFINES) -WD -ml -c -3 -d -w
-LNFLAGS_exe = -Tpe -aa -c $(DEBUGLDFLAGS) $(BORLAND)\lib\c0w32
-LNFLAGS_CONSOLE_exe = -Tpe -ap -c $(DEBUGLDFLAGS) $(BORLAND)\lib\c0x32
-LNFLAGS_dll = -Tpd -aa -c $(DEBUGLDFLAGS) $(BORLAND)\lib\c0d32
-LNFLAGS16_dll = -Twd -c -C -A=16 $(DEBUGLDFLAGS16) $(BORLAND)\lib\c0dl.obj
-LNLIBS_exe = $(ITCLLIB) $(TCLLIBDIR)\$(TCLLIB) import32 cw32i
-LNLIBS_dll = $(TCLLIBDIR)\$(TCLLIB) import32 cw32i
-LNLIBS16_dll = import cwl
-# Global makefile settings
-.suffixes: .c .dll .lib .obj .exe
- $(TMPDIR)\tclAppInit.obj
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_bicmds.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_class.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_cmds.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_linkage.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_methods.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_objects.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_obsolete.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_parse.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_util.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\dllEntryPoint.obj
-DUMPEXTS = $(TCLLIBDIR)\dumpexts.exe
-ITCLSH = itclsh.exe
-# Targets
-all: cfgcln cfgdll $(ITCLDLL) cfgexe $(ITCLSH) cfgcln
-test: $(ITCLSH)
- $(CP) $(TCLLIBDIR)\*.dll
- $(ITCLSH) <<|
- cd ../tests
- source all
-install: all
- $(CP) $(ROOT)\generic\itcl.h "$(TARGET_INCLUDE)"
- $(CP) $(ROOT)\library\*.* "$(TARGET_LIB_ITCL)"
- $(CP) $(ROOT)\win\*.tcl "$(TARGET_LIB_ITCL)"
- $(CP) $(ROOT)\..\html\Itcl\*.* "$(TARGET_DOC_ITCL)"
-# Implicit Targets
- @$(BCC32) {$< }
- $(IMPLIB) -c $@ $<
-# $(RC) -i$(INCLUDES) -d__WIN32__;$(DEFINES) $<
- $(RC) -i$(INCLUDES) -d__WIN32__; $<
-# Configuration file targets - these files are implicitly used by the compiler
- @$(CP) &&|
- -n$(TMPDIR) -I$(INCLUDES) -c -WD
-| bcc32.cfg >NUL
- @$(CP) &&|
- -n$(TMPDIR) -I$(INCLUDES) -c -W
-| bcc32.cfg >NUL
- -@$(RM) *.cfg
-# Executable targets
-$(ITCLDLL): $(ITCLOBJS) itcl.def itcl.res
- $(TLINK32) $(LNFLAGS_dll) @&&|
-|, itcl.def, itcl.res
-$(ITCLSH): $(ITCLSHOBJS) $(ITCLLIB) itclsh.res
- $(TLINK32) $(LNFLAGS_CONSOLE_exe) @&&|
-|, &&|
-|, itclsh.res
-# The following rule automatically generates a tcl.def file containing
-# an export entry for every public symbol in the tcl.dll library.
-itcl.def: $(ITCLOBJS)
- $(DUMPEXTS) -o itcl.def $(ITCLDLL) @&&|
-# debugging rules, the .dll and .exe files must be in the same
-# directory as the object files for debugging purposes
-# remove all generated files
- -@$(RM) *.exe
- -@$(RM) *.lib
- -@$(RM) *.dll
- -@$(RM) *.res
- -@$(RM) itcl.def
- -@$(RM) $(TMPDIR)\*.obj
- -@$(RM) *.cfg
+# Borland C++ 4.52 makefile
+# Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Lucent Technologies
+# based on original from
+# Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+!include "..\..\Makefile.bc"
+# Project directories
+# ROOT = top of source tree
+# TMPDIR = location where .obj files should be stored during build
+ROOT = ..
+# uncomment the following line to compile with symbols
+# uncomment the following two lines to compile with TCL_MEM_DEBUG
+INCLUDES =$(BORLAND)\include;$(ROOT)\generic;$(ROOT)\win;$(TCLDIR)\generic
+LIBDIRS =$(BORLAND)\lib;$(ROOT)\win
+!ifndef DEBUG
+# these macros cause maximum optimization and no symbols
+DEBUGCCFLAGS = -v- -vi- -O2
+DEBUGLDFLAGS16 = -Oc -Oi -Oa -Or
+# these macros enable debugging
+CFLAGS16_dll = $(PROJECTCCFLAGS) -I$(INCLUDES) -D$(DEFINES) -WD -ml -c -3 -d -w
+LNFLAGS_exe = -Tpe -aa -c $(DEBUGLDFLAGS) $(BORLAND)\lib\c0w32
+LNFLAGS_CONSOLE_exe = -Tpe -ap -c $(DEBUGLDFLAGS) $(BORLAND)\lib\c0x32
+LNFLAGS_dll = -Tpd -aa -c $(DEBUGLDFLAGS) $(BORLAND)\lib\c0d32
+LNFLAGS16_dll = -Twd -c -C -A=16 $(DEBUGLDFLAGS16) $(BORLAND)\lib\c0dl.obj
+LNLIBS_exe = $(ITCLLIB) $(TCLLIBDIR)\$(TCLLIB) import32 cw32i
+LNLIBS_dll = $(TCLLIBDIR)\$(TCLLIB) import32 cw32i
+LNLIBS16_dll = import cwl
+# Global makefile settings
+.suffixes: .c .dll .lib .obj .exe
+ $(TMPDIR)\tclAppInit.obj
+ $(TMPDIR)\itcl_bicmds.obj \
+ $(TMPDIR)\itcl_class.obj \
+ $(TMPDIR)\itcl_cmds.obj \
+ $(TMPDIR)\itcl_linkage.obj \
+ $(TMPDIR)\itcl_methods.obj \
+ $(TMPDIR)\itcl_objects.obj \
+ $(TMPDIR)\itcl_obsolete.obj \
+ $(TMPDIR)\itcl_parse.obj \
+ $(TMPDIR)\itcl_util.obj \
+ $(TMPDIR)\dllEntryPoint.obj
+DUMPEXTS = $(TCLLIBDIR)\dumpexts.exe
+ITCLSH = itclsh.exe
+# Targets
+all: cfgcln cfgdll $(ITCLDLL) cfgexe $(ITCLSH) cfgcln
+test: $(ITCLSH)
+ $(CP) $(TCLLIBDIR)\*.dll
+ $(ITCLSH) <<|
+ cd ../tests
+ source all
+install: all
+ $(CP) $(ROOT)\generic\itcl.h "$(TARGET_INCLUDE)"
+ $(CP) $(ROOT)\library\*.* "$(TARGET_LIB_ITCL)"
+ $(CP) $(ROOT)\win\*.tcl "$(TARGET_LIB_ITCL)"
+ $(CP) $(ROOT)\..\html\Itcl\*.* "$(TARGET_DOC_ITCL)"
+# Implicit Targets
+ @$(BCC32) {$< }
+ $(IMPLIB) -c $@ $<
+# $(RC) -i$(INCLUDES) -d__WIN32__;$(DEFINES) $<
+ $(RC) -i$(INCLUDES) -d__WIN32__; $<
+# Configuration file targets - these files are implicitly used by the compiler
+ @$(CP) &&|
+ -n$(TMPDIR) -I$(INCLUDES) -c -WD
+| bcc32.cfg >NUL
+ @$(CP) &&|
+ -n$(TMPDIR) -I$(INCLUDES) -c -W
+| bcc32.cfg >NUL
+ -@$(RM) *.cfg
+# Executable targets
+$(ITCLDLL): $(ITCLOBJS) itcl.def itcl.res
+ $(TLINK32) $(LNFLAGS_dll) @&&|
+|, itcl.def, itcl.res
+$(ITCLSH): $(ITCLSHOBJS) $(ITCLLIB) itclsh.res
+ $(TLINK32) $(LNFLAGS_CONSOLE_exe) @&&|
+|, &&|
+|, itclsh.res
+# The following rule automatically generates a tcl.def file containing
+# an export entry for every public symbol in the tcl.dll library.
+itcl.def: $(ITCLOBJS)
+ $(DUMPEXTS) -o itcl.def $(ITCLDLL) @&&|
+# debugging rules, the .dll and .exe files must be in the same
+# directory as the object files for debugging purposes
+# remove all generated files
+ -@$(RM) *.exe
+ -@$(RM) *.lib
+ -@$(RM) *.dll
+ -@$(RM) *.res
+ -@$(RM) itcl.def
+ -@$(RM) $(TMPDIR)\*.obj
+ -@$(RM) *.cfg
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/win/ b/itcl/itcl/win/
index 92a0827d0cb..92fb39c2eaf 100644
--- a/itcl/itcl/win/
+++ b/itcl/itcl/win/
@@ -1,301 +1,297 @@
-# Visual C++ 2.x and 4.0 makefile
-# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
-# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# Copyright (c) 1993-1998 Lucent Technologies, Inc.
-# RCS: $Id$
-# Does not depend on the presence of any environment variables in
-# order to compile itcl; all needed information is derived from
-# location of the compiler directories.
-# NOTE: Be sure to modify the "" file in the toplevel directory
-# for the itcl distribution. Include the location of your VC++ development
-# tools and the installation directory.
-!include "..\..\"
-# ROOT = top of source tree
-# TMPDIR = location where .obj files should be stored during build
-ROOT = ..
-# Do not modify below this line
-!IF "$(NODEBUG)" == "1"
-TMPNAME = Release
-TMPNAME = Debug
-DBGX = d
-PKGINDEX = $(TMPDIR)\pkgIndex.tcl
-DUMPEXTS = $(TMPDIR)\dumpexts.exe
-TCLLIB = $(TCLDIR)\win\$(OUTDIR)\tcl81$(DBGX).lib
-TCLSTUBLIB = $(TCLDIR)\win\$(OUTDIR)\tclstub81$(DBGX).lib
-TCLDLL = $(TCLDIR)\win\$(OUTDIR)\tcl81$(DBGX).dll
- $(TMPDIR)\tclAppInit.obj
- $(TMPDIR)\itclStubInit.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_bicmds.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_class.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_cmds.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_ensemble.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_linkage.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_migrate.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_methods.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_objects.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_obsolete.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_parse.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itcl_util.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\dllEntryPoint.obj
- $(TMPDIR)\itclStubLib.obj
-cc32 = $(TOOLS32)\bin\cl.exe
-link32 = $(TOOLS32)\bin\link.exe
-rc32 = $(TOOLS32_rc)\bin\rc.exe
-include32 = -I$(TOOLS32)\include
-lib32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\lib.exe"
-WINDIR = $(ROOT)\win
-GENERICDIR = $(ROOT)\generic
-ITCL_EXE_CFLAGS = $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvarsdll) $(include32) \
-# Link flags
-!IF "$(NODEBUG)" == "1"
-ldebug = /RELEASE
-ldebug = -debug:full -debugtype:cv
-# declarations common to all linker options
-# declarations for use on Intel i386, i486, and Pentium systems
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "IX86"
-lflags = $(lcommon) /MACHINE:$(MACHINE)
-lflags = $(lcommon) /MACHINE:$(MACHINE)
-conlflags = $(lflags) -subsystem:console -entry:mainCRTStartup
-guilflags = $(lflags) -subsystem:windows -entry:WinMainCRTStartup
-dlllflags = $(lflags) -entry:_DllMainCRTStartup$(DLLENTRY) -dll
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "PPC"
-libc = libc.lib
-libcdll = crtdll.lib
-libc = libc.lib oldnames.lib
-libcdll = msvcrt.lib oldnames.lib
-baselibs = kernel32.lib $(optlibs) advapi32.lib user32.lib
-winlibs = $(baselibs) gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib
-guilibs = $(libc) $(winlibs)
-conlibs = $(libc) $(baselibs)
-guilibsdll = $(libcdll) $(winlibs)
-conlibsdll = $(libcdll) $(baselibs)
-# Compile flags
-!IF "$(NODEBUG)" == "1"
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "ALPHA"
-# MSVC on Alpha doesn't understand -Ot
-cdebug = -O2i -Gs -GD
-cdebug = -Oti -Gs -GD
-cdebug = -Z7 -Od -WX
-# declarations common to all compiler options
-ccommon = -c -W3 -nologo -YX -Fp$(TMPDIR)\ -Dtry=__try -Dexcept=__except
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "IX86"
-cflags = $(ccommon) -D_X86_=1
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "MIPS"
-cflags = $(ccommon) -D_MIPS_=1
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "PPC"
-cflags = $(ccommon) -D_PPC_=1
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "ALPHA"
-cflags = $(ccommon) -D_ALPHA_=1
-cvars = -DWIN32 -D_WIN32
-cvarsmt = $(cvars) -D_MT
-cvarsdll = $(cvarsmt) -D_DLL
-!IF "$(NODEBUG)" == "1"
-cvarsdll = $(cvars) -MD
-cvarsdll = $(cvars) -MDd
-CON_CFLAGS = $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvars) $(include32) -DCONSOLE
-# Project specific targets
-release: setup $(ITCLDLL) $(ITCLSTUBLIB) $(ITCLSH)
- -@copy $(TCLDLL) $(TMPDIR)
- $(TCLSH) <<
- cd ../tests
- lappend auto_path ../win/$(TMPNAME)
- set env(ITCL_LIBRARY) ../library
- source all
- -@copy pkgIndex.tcl $@
- if not exist $(TMPDIR) mkdir $(TMPDIR)
- if not exist $(OUTDIR) mkdir $(OUTDIR)
-$(ITCLDLL): $(ITCLOBJS) $(TMPDIR)\itclvc.def $(TMPDIR)\itcl.res
- set LIB=$(TOOLS32)\lib
- $(link32) $(ldebug) $(dlllflags) -def:$(TMPDIR)\itclvc.def \
- -out:$@ $(TMPDIR)\itcl.res $(guilibsdll) $(TCLSTUBLIB) @<<
- $(lib32) -nologo -out:$@ $(ITCLSTUBOBJS)
- set LIB=$(TOOLS32)\lib
- $(link32) $(ldebug) $(conlflags) $(TMPDIR)\itclsh.res -stack:2300000 \
- -out:$@ $(conlibsdll) $(ITCLLIB) $(TCLLIB) $(ITCLSHOBJS)
-$(TMPDIR)\itclvc.def: $(DUMPEXTS) $(ITCLOBJS)
- $(DUMPEXTS) -o $@ $(ITCLDLLNAME) @<<
-$(DUMPEXTS): $(TCLDIR)\win\winDumpExts.c
- $(cc32) $(CON_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMPDIR)\ $?
- set LIB=$(TOOLS32)\lib
- $(link32) $(ldebug) $(conlflags) $(guilibs) -out:$@ \
- $(TMPDIR)\winDumpExts.obj
-install: all
- if not exist $(INSTALLDIR) mkdir $(INSTALLDIR)
- if not exist $(BIN_INSTALL_DIR) mkdir $(BIN_INSTALL_DIR)
- if not exist $(LIB_INSTALL_DIR) mkdir $(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)
- if not exist $(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR) mkdir $(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)
- copy $(ROOT)\generic\itcl.h "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)"
- copy $(ROOT)\library\*.* "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)"
- copy $(ROOT)\win\*.tcl "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)"
-# Regenerate the stubs files.
- $(TCLSH) $(TCLDIR)\tools\genStubs.tcl $(GENERICDIR) \
- $(GENERICDIR)\itcl.decls $(GENERICDIR)\itclInt.decls
-# Special case object file targets
-$(TMPDIR)\tclAppInit.obj : $(WINDIR)\tclAppInit.c
- $(cc32) $(ITCL_EXE_CFLAGS) -Fo$@ $?
-# The following object is part of the stub library and should not
-# be built as DLL objects but none of the symbols should be exported
-$(TMPDIR)\itclStubLib.obj : $(GENERICDIR)\itclStubLib.c
- $(cc32) -DSTATIC_BUILD $(ITCL_CFLAGS) -Fo$@ $?
-# Implicit rules
- $(cc32) -DDLL_BUILD $(ITCL_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMPDIR)\ $<
- $(cc32) -DDLL_BUILD $(ITCL_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMPDIR)\ $<
- $(cc32) -DDLL_BUILD $(ITCL_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMPDIR)\ $<
- $(rc32) -fo $@ -r -i $(GENERICDIR) -i $(WINDIR) -i $(TCLDIR)\generic -D__WIN32__ \
- -@del $(OUTDIR)\*.exp
- -@del $(OUTDIR)\*.lib
- -@del $(OUTDIR)\*.dll
- -@del $(OUTDIR)\*.exe
- -@del $(OUTDIR)\*.pdb
- -@del $(TMPDIR)\*.pch
- -@del $(TMPDIR)\*.obj
- -@del $(TMPDIR)\*.res
- -@del $(TMPDIR)\*.def
- -@del $(TMPDIR)\*.exe
- -@rmdir $(OUTDIR)
- -@rmdir $(TMPDIR)
+# Visual C++ 5.0+ makefile for [Incr Tcl]
+# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+# Copyright (c) 1993-1998 Lucent Technologies, Inc.
+# RCS: $Id$
+# All needed information is derived from running vcvars32.bat
+# NOTE: Be sure to modify the "" file in the toplevel directory
+# before running this makefile.
+# Do not modify this file! modify to effect the build.
+!include "..\..\"
+!include "..\..\"
+!include "..\..\"
+ROOT = ..
+!if $(DEBUG)
+TMPNAME = Debug
+DBGX = d
+TMPNAME = Release
+!ifndef OUT_DIR
+PKGINDEX = "$(TMP_DIR)\pkgIndex.tcl"
+TCLSTUBLIB = "$(TCLROOT)\lib\tclstub$(TCL_VERSION).lib"
+TCLSH = "$(TCLROOT)\bin\tclsh$(TCL_VERSION)$(DBGX).exe"
+TCLSTUBLIB = "$(TCLROOT)\win\Release\tclstub$(TCL_VERSION).lib"
+TCLSH = "$(TCLROOT)\win\$(OUT_DIR)\tclsh$(TCL_VERSION)$(DBGX).exe"
+ $(TMP_DIR)\tclAppInit.obj
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itcl_bicmds.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itcl_class.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itcl_cmds.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itcl_ensemble.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itcl_linkage.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itcl_migrate.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itcl_methods.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itcl_objects.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itcl_obsolete.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itcl_parse.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itcl_util.obj \
+!if $(STATIC_BUILD) == 0
+ $(TMP_DIR)\dllEntryPoint.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\dllResource.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itclStubInit.obj
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itclStubLib.obj
+WINDIR = $(ROOT)\win
+GENERICDIR = $(ROOT)\generic
+RCDIR = $(ROOT)\win\rc
+# Link flags
+!if $(DEBUG)
+ldebug = -debug:full -debugtype:cv -pdb:none
+ldebug = -release -opt:ref
+# declarations common to all linker options
+lcommon = -nologo -link50compat -machine:$(MACHINE)
+ITCL_LFLAGS = $(lcommon) -subsystem:windows -dll
+!if $(USE_TCL_STUBS) == 0
+# Compile flags
+!IF $(DEBUG) == 0
+!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "ALPHA"
+# MSVC on Alpha doesn't understand -Ot
+cdebug = -O2i
+cdebug = -Ox
+!if $(MSDEV_VER) < 6
+cdebug = -Zi -Od -WX
+cdebug = -ZI -Od -WX
+cdll =
+cdll = -GD
+# declarations common to all compiler options
+ccommon = -nologo -c -W3 -YX -Fp$(TMP_DIR)\
+crt = -MT$(DBGX)
+crt = -MD$(DBGX)
+TCL_INCLUDES = -I"$(TCLROOT)\include"
+TCL_INCLUDES = -I"$(TCLROOT)\generic"
+ITCL_EXE_CFLAGS = $(ccommon) $(cdebug) $(crt) $(cdll) $(ITCL_INCLUDES) \
+# Project specific targets
+release : setup $(ITCLTARGET) $(ITCLSTUBLIB)
+test :
+ @echo test target not supported for a static library.
+# -@copy $(TCLDLL) $(TMP_DIR)
+# $(TCLSH) <<
+#cd ../tests
+#lappend auto_path ../win/$(TMP_DIR)
+#set env(ITCL_LIBRARY) ../library
+#source all
+ -@copy pkgIndex.tcl $@
+setup :
+ @$(vcvars) > nul
+ @if not exist $(TMP_DIR)\nul mkdir $(TMP_DIR) &\
+ echo Created directory '$(TMP_DIR)'
+ @if not exist $(OUT_DIR)\nul mkdir $(OUT_DIR) &\
+ echo Created directory '$(OUT_DIR)'
+ $(lib32) -nologo -machine:$(MACHINE) -out:$@ @<<
+ $(link32) $(ITCL_LFLAGS) -out:$@ $(ITCL_LLIBS) @<<
+!if $(DEBUG) == 0
+ $(lib32) -nologo -out:$@ $(ITCLSTUBOBJS)
+install : all
+ if not exist "$(INSTALLDIR)" mkdir "$(INSTALLDIR)"
+ if not exist "$(BIN_INSTALL_DIR)" mkdir "$(BIN_INSTALL_DIR)"
+ if not exist "$(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)" mkdir "$(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)"
+ if not exist "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)" mkdir "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)"
+ if not exist "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)" mkdir "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)"
+ copy $(ROOT)\generic\itcl.h "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)"
+ copy $(ROOT)\generic\itclDecls.h "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)"
+ copy $(ROOT)\library\*.* "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)"
+ echo package ifneeded Itcl $(ITCL_DOTVERSION) [list load [file join $$dir $(ITCLOUTNAME).dll] Itcl] > \
+ "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\pkgIndex.tcl"
+# Regenerate the stubs files.
+!if $(ISTCLINSTALL) == 0
+# Only from the sources of Tcl does genStubs.tcl exist.
+ $(TCLSH) $(TCLROOT)\tools\genStubs.tcl $(GENERICDIR) \
+ $(GENERICDIR)\itcl.decls $(GENERICDIR)\itclInt.decls
+# Special case object file targets
+# The following object is part of the stub library and should not
+# be built as DLL objects but none of the symbols should be exported
+$(TMP_DIR)\itclStubLib.obj : $(GENERICDIR)\itclStubLib.c
+ $(cc32) -DSTATIC_BUILD $(ITCL_EXE_CFLAGS) -Zl -Fo$@ $?
+$(TMP_DIR)\dllResource.obj : $(TMP_DIR)\itcl.res
+ $(cvtres32) -nologo -machine:$(MACHINE) -out:$@ $?
+# Inference rules. Use batch-mode when supported.
+!if $(_NMAKE_VER) < 162
+{$(WINDIR)}.c{$(TMP_DIR)}.obj :
+{$(WINDIR)}.c{$(TMP_DIR)}.obj ::
+ $(cc32) -DDLL_BUILD $(ITCL_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMP_DIR)\ @<<
+!if $(_NMAKE_VER) < 162
+{$(GENERICDIR)}.c{$(TMP_DIR)}.obj :
+{$(GENERICDIR)}.c{$(TMP_DIR)}.obj ::
+ $(cc32) -DDLL_BUILD $(ITCL_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMP_DIR)\ @<<
+{$(RCDIR)}.rc{$(TMP_DIR)}.res :
+# Clean up
+tidy :
+ -del $(TMP_DIR)\*.pch
+ -del $(TMP_DIR)\*.obj
+ -del $(TMP_DIR)\*.res
+clean : tidy
+ -del $(OUT_DIR)\*.exp
+ -del $(OUT_DIR)\*.lib
+ -del $(OUT_DIR)\*.dll
+hose : clean
+ -rmdir $(OUT_DIR)
+ -rmdir $(TMP_DIR)
diff --git a/itcl/itcl/win/rc/itcl.rc b/itcl/itcl/win/rc/itcl.rc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6c2be6bff85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/itcl/itcl/win/rc/itcl.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// RCS: @(#) $Id$
+// Version resource script.
+#include <winver.h>
+#include <itcl.h>
+// build-up the name suffix that defines the type of build this is.
+#if DEBUG == 1
+#define SUFFIX_DEBUG "d"
+#define SUFFIX_DEBUG ""
+#if DEBUG == 1
+ BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
+ BLOCK "040904b0"
+ VALUE "FileDescription", "Itcl language extension for Tcl\0"
+ VALUE "Authors", "Michael McLennan\0"
+ VALUE "CompanyName", "Bell Labs Innovations for Lucent Technologies\0"
+ VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright \251 1993-2001\0"
+ VALUE "ProductName", "[incr Tcl] " ITCL_VERSION " for Windows\0"
+ VALUE "ProductVersion", ITCL_PATCH_LEVEL
+ BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
+ VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200
diff --git a/itcl/itk/ b/itcl/itk/
index 4a5e8bba79a..25439841256 100644
--- a/itcl/itk/
+++ b/itcl/itk/
@@ -103,9 +103,7 @@ GENERIC_HDRS= \
-ITK_LIBRARY = @datadir@/itk$(VERSION)
+ITK_LIBRARY = $(prefix)/lib/itk$(VERSION)
@@ -145,9 +143,8 @@ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@@VERSION@
top_builddir = .
+#INSTALL = $(top_srcdir)/../config/install-sh -c
+INSTALL = $(TCLSH_PROG) `@CYGPATH@ $(top_srcdir)/../config/installFile.tcl` -c
@@ -290,6 +287,7 @@ install-doc: doc
@for i in $(srcdir)/doc/*.n; \
do \
echo "Installing $$i info $(mandir)/mann"; \
+ rm -f $(mandir)/mann/`basename $$i`; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(mandir)/mann ; \
@@ -316,12 +314,12 @@ depend:
$(itk_LIB_FILE): $(itk_OBJECTS)
-rm -f $(itk_LIB_FILE)
+ $(RANLIB) $(itk_LIB_FILE)
$(itkstub_LIB_FILE): $(itkstub_OBJECTS)
-rm -f $(itkstub_LIB_FILE)
+ $(RANLIB) $(itkstub_LIB_FILE)
# We need to enumerate the list of .c to .o lines here.
diff --git a/itcl/itk/aclocal.m4 b/itcl/itk/aclocal.m4
index 544b05677f0..7ca9320395f 100644
--- a/itcl/itk/aclocal.m4
+++ b/itcl/itk/aclocal.m4
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
diff --git a/itcl/itk/configure b/itcl/itk/configure
index 58134762670..4703c2aca36 100755
--- a/itcl/itk/configure
+++ b/itcl/itk/configure
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ ac_help=
# Any additions from
+ --enable-gcc allow use of gcc if available [--disable-gcc]"
--with-tcl directory containing tcl configuration ("
--with-tk directory containing tk configuration ("
--with-itclinclude=DIR use Itcl headers from DIR"
- --with-itclconfig directory containing itcl configuration ("
--enable-threads build with threads"
--enable-shared build and link with shared libraries [--enable-shared]"
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ program_suffix=NONE
@@ -157,7 +156,6 @@ Configuration:
--help print this message
--no-create do not create output files
--quiet, --silent do not print \`checking...' messages
- --site-file=FILE use FILE as the site file
--version print the version of autoconf that created configure
Directory and file names:
--prefix=PREFIX install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
@@ -328,11 +326,6 @@ EOF
-site=* | --site=* | --sit=*)
site="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -site-file | --site-file | --site-fil | --site-fi | --site-f)
- ac_prev=sitefile ;;
- -site-file=* | --site-file=* | --site-fil=* | --site-fi=* | --site-f=*)
- sitefile="$ac_optarg" ;;
-srcdir | --srcdir | --srcdi | --srcd | --src | --sr)
ac_prev=srcdir ;;
-srcdir=* | --srcdir=* | --srcdi=* | --srcd=* | --src=* | --sr=*)
@@ -498,16 +491,12 @@ fi
srcdir=`echo "${srcdir}" | sed 's%\([^/]\)/*$%\1%'`
# Prefer explicitly selected file to automatically selected ones.
-if test -z "$sitefile"; then
- if test -z "$CONFIG_SITE"; then
- if test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then
- CONFIG_SITE="$prefix/share/ $prefix/etc/"
- else
- CONFIG_SITE="$ac_default_prefix/share/ $ac_default_prefix/etc/"
- fi
+if test -z "$CONFIG_SITE"; then
+ if test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then
+ CONFIG_SITE="$prefix/share/ $prefix/etc/"
+ else
+ CONFIG_SITE="$ac_default_prefix/share/ $ac_default_prefix/etc/"
- CONFIG_SITE="$sitefile"
for ac_site_file in $CONFIG_SITE; do
if test -r "$ac_site_file"; then
@@ -546,9 +535,8 @@ else
-for ac_dir in ../.. $srcdir/../..; do
+for ac_dir in ../config $srcdir/../config; do
if test -f $ac_dir/install-sh; then
ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install-sh -c"
@@ -560,13 +548,12 @@ for ac_dir in ../.. $srcdir/../..; do
if test -z "$ac_aux_dir"; then
- { echo "configure: error: can not find install-sh or in ../.. $srcdir/../.." 1>&2; exit 1; }
+ { echo "configure: error: can not find install-sh or in ../config $srcdir/../config" 1>&2; exit 1; }
ac_configure=$ac_aux_dir/configure # This should be Cygnus configure.
# __CHANGE__
@@ -580,7 +567,7 @@ PACKAGE=itk
@@ -618,11 +605,31 @@ fi
# was not used.
-# Extract the first word of "gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
+ # Check whether --enable-gcc or --disable-gcc was given.
+if test "${enable_gcc+set}" = set; then
+ enableval="$enable_gcc"
+ ok=$enableval
+ ok=no
+ if test "$ok" = "yes"; then
+ CC=gcc
+ else
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* | *CYGWIN_98* | *CYGWIN_95*)
+ CC=cl
+ ;;
+ *)
+ CC=${CC-cc}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # Extract the first word of "gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
set dummy gcc; ac_word=$2
echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:626: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo "configure:633: checking for $ac_word" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CC'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -652,7 +659,7 @@ if test -z "$CC"; then
# Extract the first word of "cc", so it can be a program name with args.
set dummy cc; ac_word=$2
echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:656: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo "configure:663: checking for $ac_word" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CC'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -703,7 +710,7 @@ fi
# Extract the first word of "cl", so it can be a program name with args.
set dummy cl; ac_word=$2
echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:707: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo "configure:714: checking for $ac_word" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CC'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -735,7 +742,7 @@ fi
echo $ac_n "checking whether the C compiler ($CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS) works""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:739: checking whether the C compiler ($CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS) works" >&5
+echo "configure:746: checking whether the C compiler ($CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS) works" >&5
# CFLAGS is not in ac_cpp because -g, -O, etc. are not valid cpp options.
@@ -746,12 +753,12 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross
cat > conftest.$ac_ext << EOF
-#line 750 "configure"
+#line 757 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
-if { (eval echo configure:755: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+if { (eval echo configure:762: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
# If we can't run a trivial program, we are probably using a cross compiler.
if (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null; then
@@ -777,12 +784,12 @@ if test $ac_cv_prog_cc_works = no; then
{ echo "configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." 1>&2; exit 1; }
echo $ac_n "checking whether the C compiler ($CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS) is a cross-compiler""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:781: checking whether the C compiler ($CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS) is a cross-compiler" >&5
+echo "configure:788: checking whether the C compiler ($CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS) is a cross-compiler" >&5
echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross" 1>&6
echo $ac_n "checking whether we are using GNU C""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:786: checking whether we are using GNU C" >&5
+echo "configure:793: checking whether we are using GNU C" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_gcc'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -791,7 +798,7 @@ else
-if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -E conftest.c'; { (eval echo configure:795: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } | egrep yes >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -E conftest.c'; { (eval echo configure:802: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } | egrep yes >/dev/null 2>&1; then
@@ -810,7 +817,7 @@ ac_test_CFLAGS="${CFLAGS+set}"
echo $ac_n "checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -g""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:814: checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -g" >&5
+echo "configure:821: checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -g" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_cc_g'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -841,7 +848,7 @@ else
# Find a good install program. We prefer a C program (faster),
# so one script is as good as another. But avoid the broken or
# incompatible versions:
@@ -854,7 +861,7 @@ fi
# SVR4 /usr/ucb/install, which tries to use the nonexistent group "staff"
# ./install, which can be erroneously created by make from ./
echo $ac_n "checking for a BSD compatible install""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:858: checking for a BSD compatible install" >&5
+echo "configure:865: checking for a BSD compatible install" >&5
if test -z "$INSTALL"; then
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_install'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -912,7 +919,7 @@ test -z "$INSTALL_DATA" && INSTALL_DATA='${INSTALL} -m 644'
echo $ac_n "checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \${MAKE}""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:916: checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \${MAKE}" >&5
+echo "configure:923: checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \${MAKE}" >&5
set dummy ${MAKE-make}; ac_make=`echo "$2" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -946,7 +953,7 @@ fi
# Extract the first word of "ranlib", so it can be a program name with args.
set dummy ranlib; ac_word=$2
echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:950: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo "configure:957: checking for $ac_word" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_RANLIB'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -979,12 +986,12 @@ fi
echo $ac_n "checking for Cygwin environment""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:983: checking for Cygwin environment" >&5
+echo "configure:990: checking for Cygwin environment" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_cygwin'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 988 "configure"
+#line 995 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
int main() {
@@ -995,7 +1002,7 @@ int main() {
return __CYGWIN__;
; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:999: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+if { (eval echo configure:1006: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
rm -rf conftest*
@@ -1017,13 +1024,13 @@ test "$ac_cv_cygwin" = yes && CYGWIN=yes
echo $ac_n "checking for object suffix""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1021: checking for object suffix" >&5
+echo "configure:1028: checking for object suffix" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_objext'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
rm -f conftest*
echo 'int i = 1;' > conftest.$ac_ext
-if { (eval echo configure:1027: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+if { (eval echo configure:1034: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
for ac_file in conftest.*; do
case $ac_file in
*.c) ;;
@@ -1041,19 +1048,19 @@ OBJEXT=$ac_cv_objext
echo $ac_n "checking for mingw32 environment""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1045: checking for mingw32 environment" >&5
+echo "configure:1052: checking for mingw32 environment" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_mingw32'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1050 "configure"
+#line 1057 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
int main() {
return __MINGW32__;
; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1057: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+if { (eval echo configure:1064: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
rm -rf conftest*
@@ -1072,7 +1079,7 @@ test "$ac_cv_mingw32" = yes && MINGW32=yes
echo $ac_n "checking for executable suffix""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1076: checking for executable suffix" >&5
+echo "configure:1083: checking for executable suffix" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_exeext'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -1082,10 +1089,10 @@ else
rm -f conftest*
echo 'int main () { return 0; }' > conftest.$ac_ext
- if { (eval echo configure:1086: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; }; then
+ if { (eval echo configure:1093: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; }; then
for file in conftest.*; do
case $file in
- *.c | *.o | *.obj | *.ilk | *.pdb) ;;
+ *.c | *.o | *.obj) ;;
*) ac_cv_exeext=`echo $file | sed -e s/conftest//` ;;
@@ -1116,38 +1123,9 @@ ac_exeext=$EXEEXT
# This must be done before calling SC_PUBLIC_TCL_HEADERS
-case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
- # Extract the first word of "cygpath", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy cygpath; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1125: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CYGPATH'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$CYGPATH"; then
- ac_cv_prog_CYGPATH="$CYGPATH" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=":"
- ac_dummy="$PATH"
- for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- ac_cv_prog_CYGPATH="cygpath -w"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
- test -z "$ac_cv_prog_CYGPATH" && ac_cv_prog_CYGPATH="echo"
-if test -n "$CYGPATH"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$CYGPATH" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
+case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
+ CYGPATH="cygpath -w"
RELPATH=".. .. bin"
@@ -1163,16 +1141,12 @@ esac
# Includes for this package
-srcdir=`cd ${srcdir} ; pwd`
ITK_GENERIC_DIR_NATIVE=`${CYGPATH} ${srcdir}/generic`
ITK_WIN_DIR_NATIVE=`${CYGPATH} ${srcdir}/win`
ITK_UNIX_DIR_NATIVE=`${CYGPATH} ${srcdir}/unix`
-case "${host}" in
- *cygwin* | *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
@@ -1208,7 +1182,7 @@ if test "${with_tcl+set}" = set; then
echo $ac_n "checking for Tcl configuration""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1212: checking for Tcl configuration" >&5
+echo "configure:1186: checking for Tcl configuration" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_c_tclconfig'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -1236,10 +1210,6 @@ else
ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- if test -f "$i/win/" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i/win; pwd)`
- break
- fi
@@ -1262,11 +1232,7 @@ else
if test -f "$i/unix/" ; then
ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- fi
- if test -f "$i/win/" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i/win; pwd)`
- break
- fi
+ fi
@@ -1275,7 +1241,7 @@ fi
if test x"${ac_cv_c_tclconfig}" = x ; then
TCL_BIN_DIR="# no Tcl configs found"
- { echo "configure: error: Can't find Tcl configuration definitions" 1>&2; exit 1; }
+ echo "configure: warning: Can't find Tcl configuration definitions" 1>&2
exit 0
@@ -1286,7 +1252,7 @@ fi
echo $ac_n "checking for existence of $TCL_BIN_DIR/""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1290: checking for existence of $TCL_BIN_DIR/" >&5
+echo "configure:1256: checking for existence of $TCL_BIN_DIR/" >&5
if test -f "$TCL_BIN_DIR/" ; then
echo "$ac_t""loading" 1>&6
@@ -1341,7 +1307,7 @@ if test "${with_tk+set}" = set; then
echo $ac_n "checking for Tk configuration""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1345: checking for Tk configuration" >&5
+echo "configure:1311: checking for Tk configuration" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_c_tkconfig'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -1369,10 +1335,6 @@ else
ac_cv_c_tkconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- if test -f "$i/win/" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tkconfig=`(cd $i/win; pwd)`
- break
- fi
# check in a few common install locations
@@ -1394,10 +1356,6 @@ else
ac_cv_c_tkconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- if test -f "$i/win/" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tkconfig=`(cd $i/win; pwd)`
- break
- fi
@@ -1405,7 +1363,7 @@ fi
if test x"${ac_cv_c_tkconfig}" = x ; then
TK_BIN_DIR="# no Tk configs found"
- { echo "configure: error: Can't find Tk configuration definitions" 1>&2; exit 1; }
+ echo "configure: warning: Can't find Tk configuration definitions" 1>&2
exit 0
@@ -1417,7 +1375,7 @@ fi
echo $ac_n "checking for existence of $TK_BIN_DIR/""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1421: checking for existence of $TK_BIN_DIR/" >&5
+echo "configure:1379: checking for existence of $TK_BIN_DIR/" >&5
if test -f "$TK_BIN_DIR/" ; then
echo "$ac_t""loading" 1>&6
@@ -1448,106 +1406,146 @@ fi
-# Ok, lets find the itcl configuration
-# First, look for one uninstalled.
-# the alternative search directory is invoked by --with-itclconfig
+# The value for this should have been cached during the Itcl configuration.
+# Make sure the cache-ID that appears here is the same as the one that
+# appears in the Itcl configure script.
-if test x"${no_itcl}" = x ; then
- # we reset no_itcl in case something fails here
- no_itcl=true
- # Check whether --with-itclconfig or --without-itclconfig was given.
-if test "${with_itclconfig+set}" = set; then
- withval="$with_itclconfig"
- with_itclconfig=${withval}
+echo $ac_n "checking for name if Itcl stub library""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+echo "configure:1417: checking for name if Itcl stub library" >&5
+if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_itclstub_LIB_FILE'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+ echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ ac_cv_itclstub_LIB_FILE="NONE"
- echo $ac_n "checking for Itcl configuration""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1470: checking for Itcl configuration" >&5
- if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_c_itclconfig'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+if test x"${ac_cv_itclstub_LIB_FILE}" = x"NONE" ; then
+ { echo "configure: error: Can't find name of Itcl stub library. How did this happen?" 1>&2; exit 1; }
+ echo "$ac_t""${ac_cv_itclstub_LIB_FILE}" 1>&6
+ echo $ac_n "checking for tkstub library""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+echo "configure:1434: checking for tkstub library" >&5
- # First check to see if --with-itclconfig was specified.
- if test x"${with_itclconfig}" != x ; then
- if test -f "${with_itclconfig}/" ; then
- ac_cv_c_itclconfig=`(cd ${with_itclconfig}; pwd)`
+ # Look in exec-prefix and prefix for the library. If neither of
+ # these were specified, look in libdir. It doesn't matter if libdir
+ # wasn't specified since a search in the unspecified directory will
+ # fail (NONE/lib)
+ if test x"${exec_prefix}" != x"NONE" ; then
+ sc_lib_name_dir="${exec_prefix}/lib"
+ elif test x"${prefix}" != "NONE" ; then
+ sc_lib_name_dir="${prefix}/lib"
- { echo "configure: error: ${with_itclconfig} directory doesn't contain" 1>&2; exit 1; }
+ eval "sc_lib_name_dir=${libdir}"
+ fi
+ if test x"${TK_BIN_DIR}" != x ; then
+ sc_extra_lib_dir=${TK_BIN_DIR}
+ else
+ sc_extra_lib_dir=NONE
- fi
- # then check for a private itcl library
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_itclconfig}" = x ; then
- for i in \
- ../itcl/itcl \
- `ls -dr ../itcl/itcl[3]* 2>/dev/null` \
- ../../itcl/itcl \
- `ls -dr ../../itcl/itcl[3]* 2>/dev/null` \
- ../../../itcl/itcl \
- `ls -dr ../../../itcl/itcl[3]* 2>/dev/null` ; do
- if test -f "$i/" ; then
- ac_cv_c_itclconfig=`(cd $i; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- # check in a few common install locations
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_itclconfig}" = x ; then
- for i in `ls -d ${prefix}/lib /usr/local/lib 2>/dev/null` ; do
- if test -f "$i/" ; then
- ac_cv_c_itclconfig=`(cd $i; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- # check in a few other private locations
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_itclconfig}" = x ; then
for i in \
- ${srcdir}/../itcl/itcl \
- `ls -dr ${srcdir}/../itcl/itcl[3]* 2>/dev/null` ; do
- if test -f "$i/itcl/" ; then
- ac_cv_c_itclconfig=`(cd $i; pwd)`
- break
- fi
+ `ls -dr ${sc_extra_lib_dir}/tkstub[0-9]*.lib 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr ${sc_extra_lib_dir}/libtkstub[0-9]* 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr ${sc_lib_name_dir}/tkstub[0-9]*.lib 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr ${sc_lib_name_dir}/libtkstub[0-9]* 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr /usr/lib/tkstub[0-9]*.lib 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr /usr/lib/libtkstub[0-9]* 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr /usr/local/lib/tkstub[0-9]*.lib 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr /usr/local/lib/libtkstub[0-9]* 2>/dev/null ` ; do
+ if test -f "$i" ; then
+ sc_lib_name_dir=`dirname $i`
+ tkstub_LIB_NAME=`basename $i`
+ tkstub_LIB_PATH_NAME=$i
+ break
+ fi
- fi
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_itclconfig}" = x ; then
- ITCLCONFIG="# no itcl configs found"
- { echo "configure: error: Can't find itcl configuration definitions" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- else
- no_itcl=
- ITCLCONFIG=${ac_cv_c_itclconfig}/
- echo "$ac_t""found $ITCLCONFIG" 1>&6
- fi
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* |*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
+ tkstub_LIB_SPEC=\"`${CYGPATH} ${tkstub_LIB_PATH_NAME}`\"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Strip off the leading "lib" and trailing ".a" or ".so"
+ sc_lib_name_lib=`echo ${tkstub_LIB_NAME}|sed -e 's/^lib//' -e 's/\.[^.]*$//'`
+ tkstub_LIB_SPEC="-L${sc_lib_name_dir} -l${sc_lib_name_lib}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test "xtkstub_LIB_NAME" = x ; then
+ { echo "configure: error: not found" 1>&2; exit 1; }
+ else
+ echo "$ac_t""${tkstub_LIB_SPEC}" 1>&6
+ fi
- if test -f "$ITCLCONFIG" ; then
- fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for itclstub library""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+echo "configure:1494: checking for itclstub library" >&5
+ # Look in exec-prefix and prefix for the library. If neither of
+ # these were specified, look in libdir. It doesn't matter if libdir
+ # wasn't specified since a search in the unspecified directory will
+ # fail (NONE/lib)
+ if test x"${exec_prefix}" != x"NONE" ; then
+ sc_lib_name_dir="${exec_prefix}/lib"
+ elif test x"${prefix}" != "NONE" ; then
+ sc_lib_name_dir="${prefix}/lib"
+ else
+ eval "sc_lib_name_dir=${libdir}"
+ fi
+ if test x"../itcl" != x ; then
+ sc_extra_lib_dir=../itcl
+ else
+ sc_extra_lib_dir=NONE
+ fi
+ for i in \
+ `ls -dr ${sc_extra_lib_dir}/itclstub[0-9]*.lib 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr ${sc_extra_lib_dir}/libitclstub[0-9]* 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr ${sc_lib_name_dir}/itclstub[0-9]*.lib 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr ${sc_lib_name_dir}/libitclstub[0-9]* 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr /usr/lib/itclstub[0-9]*.lib 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr /usr/lib/libitclstub[0-9]* 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr /usr/local/lib/itclstub[0-9]*.lib 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr /usr/local/lib/libitclstub[0-9]* 2>/dev/null ` ; do
+ if test -f "$i" ; then
+ sc_lib_name_dir=`dirname $i`
+ itclstub_LIB_NAME=`basename $i`
+ itclstub_LIB_PATH_NAME=$i
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* |*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
+ itclstub_LIB_SPEC=\"`${CYGPATH} ${itclstub_LIB_PATH_NAME}`\"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Strip off the leading "lib" and trailing ".a" or ".so"
+ sc_lib_name_lib=`echo ${itclstub_LIB_NAME}|sed -e 's/^lib//' -e 's/\.[^.]*$//'`
+ itclstub_LIB_SPEC="-L${sc_lib_name_dir} -l${sc_lib_name_lib}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test "xitclstub_LIB_NAME" = x ; then
+ { echo "configure: error: not found" 1>&2; exit 1; }
+ else
+ echo "$ac_t""${itclstub_LIB_SPEC}" 1>&6
+ fi
# __CHANGE__
@@ -1563,10 +1561,10 @@ tkstub_LIB_SPEC=${TK_STUB_LIB_SPEC}
echo $ac_n "checking for Tcl private include files""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1567: checking for Tcl private include files" >&5
+echo "configure:1565: checking for Tcl private include files" >&5
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* |*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
@@ -1604,10 +1602,10 @@ echo "configure:1567: checking for Tcl private include files" >&5
echo $ac_n "checking for Tk private include files""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1608: checking for Tk private include files" >&5
+echo "configure:1606: checking for Tk private include files" >&5
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* |*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
@@ -1653,8 +1651,8 @@ echo "configure:1608: checking for Tk private include files" >&5
# your system.
-case "${host}" in
- *cygwin* | *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
cat >> confdefs.h <<EOF
#define BUILD_${PACKAGE} 1
@@ -1684,7 +1682,7 @@ esac
echo $ac_n "checking for building with threads""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1688: checking for building with threads" >&5
+echo "configure:1686: checking for building with threads" >&5
# Check whether --enable-threads or --disable-threads was given.
if test "${enable_threads+set}" = set; then
@@ -1705,13 +1703,13 @@ EOF
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* | *CYGWIN_98* | *CYGWIN_95*)
echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
echo $ac_n "checking for pthread_mutex_init in -lpthread""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1715: checking for pthread_mutex_init in -lpthread" >&5
+echo "configure:1713: checking for pthread_mutex_init in -lpthread" >&5
ac_lib_var=`echo pthread'_'pthread_mutex_init | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
@@ -1719,7 +1717,7 @@ else
LIBS="-lpthread $LIBS"
cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1723 "configure"
+#line 1721 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */
/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
@@ -1730,7 +1728,7 @@ int main() {
; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1734: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+if { (eval echo configure:1732: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
rm -rf conftest*
eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
@@ -1776,26 +1774,22 @@ fi
echo $ac_n "checking how to build libraries""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1780: checking how to build libraries" >&5
+echo "configure:1778: checking how to build libraries" >&5
# Check whether --enable-shared or --disable-shared was given.
if test "${enable_shared+set}" = set; then
- tcl_ok=no
+ tcl_ok=yes
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
- # Default to shared build for Windows
- if test "${enable_shared+set}" != set; then
- tcl_ok=yes
- fi
- ;;
- esac
+ if test "${enable_shared+set}" = set; then
+ enableval="$enable_shared"
+ tcl_ok=$enableval
+ else
+ tcl_ok=yes
+ fi
if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes" ; then
echo "$ac_t""shared" 1>&6
@@ -1837,8 +1831,8 @@ SHLIB_CFLAGS=${TCL_SHLIB_CFLAGS}
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* | *CYGWIN_98* | *CYGWIN_95*)
@@ -1847,7 +1841,7 @@ SHLIB_CFLAGS=${TCL_SHLIB_CFLAGS}
echo $ac_n "checking for build with symbols""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1851: checking for build with symbols" >&5
+echo "configure:1845: checking for build with symbols" >&5
# Check whether --enable-symbols or --disable-symbols was given.
if test "${enable_symbols+set}" = set; then
@@ -1910,20 +1904,15 @@ fi
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
- if test "${CC}" = "cl"; then
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* |*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
+ if test "${CC-cc}" = "cl"; then
MAKE_STATIC_LIB="\${STLIB_LD} -out:\$@ \$(\$@_OBJECTS) "
- else
- MAKE_SHARED_LIB="\${SHLIB_LD} -o \$@ \$(\$@_OBJECTS) \${SHLIB_LDFLAGS} \$(LDFLAGS) \${SHLIB_LD_LIBS} -Wl,--out-implib,\$(patsubst %.dll,lib%.a,\$@)"
@@ -1932,14 +1921,11 @@ fi
@@ -1953,564 +1939,28 @@ eval "UNSHARED_LIB_SUFFIX=${TCL_UNSHARED_LIB_SUFFIX}"
# Shared libraries and static libraries have different names.
-if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
- # FIXME: Need to devise a TCL_TOOL macro to deal with this!
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
- # Need to link to the .a or .lib not the .dll!
- libname=${PACKAGE}
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32* | *cygwin*)
- eval "long_libname=\"${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- ;;
- *)
- eval "long_libname=\"lib${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- ;;
- esac
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- # Trick to replace DBGX with TCL_DBGX
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- ITK_SHLIB_FILE=$long_libname
- libname=${PACKAGE}
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- eval "long_libname=\"${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- else
- eval "long_libname=\"lib${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- eval "long_libname=\"lib${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- ;;
- esac
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- # Trick to replace DBGX with TCL_DBGX
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- ITK_LIB_FILE=$long_libname
- ;;
- *)
- libname=${PACKAGE}
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32* | *cygwin*)
- eval "long_libname=\"${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- ;;
- *)
- eval "long_libname=\"lib${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- ;;
- esac
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- # Trick to replace DBGX with TCL_DBGX
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- ITK_LIB_FILE=$long_libname
- ;;
- esac
- libname=${PACKAGE}
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- eval "long_libname=\"${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- else
- eval "long_libname=\"lib${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- eval "long_libname=\"lib${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- ;;
- esac
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- # Trick to replace DBGX with TCL_DBGX
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- ITK_LIB_FILE=$long_libname
- libname=${PACKAGE}stub
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- eval "long_libname=\"${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- else
- eval "long_libname=\"lib${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- eval "long_libname=\"lib${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${suffix}\""
- ;;
- esac
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- # Trick to replace DBGX with TCL_DBGX
- eval "long_libname=${long_libname}"
- ITK_STUB_LIB_FILE=$long_libname
- libname=${PACKAGE}
- version=${VERSION}
- if test "$TCL_LIB_SUFFIX" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: The TCL_LIB_SUFFIX variable is not defined" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- # If the . character is not allowed in lib name, remove it from version
- if test "${TCL_LIB_VERSIONS_OK}" != "ok"; then
- version=`echo $version | tr -d .`
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- eval "short_libname=\"${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${version}${TCL_LIB_SUFFIX}\""
- else
- short_libname="-l${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${version}${TCL_DBGX}"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- short_libname="-l${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${version}\${TCL_DBGX}"
- ;;
- esac
- ITK_LIB_FLAG=$short_libname
- libname=${PACKAGE}stub
- version=${VERSION}
- if test "$TCL_LIB_SUFFIX" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: The TCL_LIB_SUFFIX variable is not defined" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- # If the . character is not allowed in lib name, remove it from version
- if test "${TCL_LIB_VERSIONS_OK}" != "ok"; then
- version=`echo $version | tr -d .`
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- eval "short_libname=\"${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${version}${TCL_LIB_SUFFIX}\""
- else
- short_libname="-l${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${version}${TCL_DBGX}"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- short_libname="-l${TCL_VENDOR_PREFIX}${libname}${version}\${TCL_DBGX}"
- ;;
- esac
- ITK_STUB_LIB_FLAG=$short_libname
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- val="`pwd`/${ITK_LIB_FLAG}"
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable ITK_BUILD_LIB_SPEC" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- ITK_BUILD_LIB_SPEC="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- ;;
- esac
- else
- val=`pwd`
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable dirname" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- dirname=$val
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- dirname="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- dirname=$val
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- val="`pwd`/${ITK_STUB_LIB_FLAG}"
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable ITK_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- ITK_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- ;;
- esac
- else
- val=`pwd`
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable dirname" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- dirname=$val
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- dirname="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- dirname=$val
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- val="${exec_prefix}/lib/${ITK_LIB_FLAG}"
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable ITK_LIB_SPEC" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- ITK_LIB_SPEC="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- ;;
- esac
- else
- val=${exec_prefix}/lib
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable dirname" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- dirname=$val
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- dirname="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- dirname=$val
- ;;
- esac
- ITK_LIB_SPEC="-L${dirname} ${ITK_LIB_FLAG}"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- ITK_LIB_SPEC="-L${exec_prefix}/lib ${ITK_LIB_FLAG}"
- ;;
- esac
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "$GCC" != yes; then
- val="${exec_prefix}/lib/${ITK_STUB_LIB_FLAG}"
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable ITK_STUB_LIB_SPEC" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- ITK_STUB_LIB_SPEC="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- ;;
- esac
- else
- val=${exec_prefix}/lib
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable dirname" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- dirname=$val
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- dirname="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- dirname=$val
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- ITK_STUB_LIB_SPEC="-L${exec_prefix}/lib ${ITK_STUB_LIB_FLAG}"
- ;;
- esac
- val="`pwd`/${ITK_LIB_FILE}"
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable ITK_LIB_FULL_PATH" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- ITK_LIB_FULL_PATH="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- ;;
- esac
- val="`pwd`/${ITK_STUB_LIB_FILE}"
- if test "$val" = "" ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Empty value for variable ITK_STUB_LIB_FULL_PATH" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- case "${host}" in
- *windows32* | *mingw32*)
- if test "${CYGPATH}" = ""; then
- { echo "configure: error: CYGPATH variable is not defined." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- elif test "${CYGPATH}" = "echo"; then
- # No cygpath when cross compiling
- else
- # store literal argument text in a variable
- val=$val
- # Convert Cygwin to Windows path (/tmp/foo -> C:\Tmp\foo)
- val="`${CYGPATH} $val`"
- # Convert path like C:\Tmp\foo to C:/Tmp/foo
- ITK_STUB_LIB_FULL_PATH="`echo $val | sed -e s#\\\\\\\\#/#g`"
- fi
- ;;
+case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
+ if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
+ SHLIB_LD_LIBS="\"`cygpath -w ${TCL_BIN_DIR}/${TCL_STUB_LIB_FILE}`\" ${TCL_SHLIB_LD_LIBS} \"`${CYGPATH} ../itcl/${itclstub_LIB_FILE}`\" ${tkstub_LIB_SPEC} "
+ else
+ fi
+ ;;
- # Default to a no-op under Unix or Cygwin gcc
- ;;
- esac
+ if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
+ SHLIB_LD_LIBS="${tkstub_LIB_SPEC} ${TCL_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC} ../itcl/${itclstub_LIB_FILE}"
+ else
+ fi
+ ;;
# __CHANGE__
@@ -2531,42 +1981,79 @@ itk_LIB_FILE=${ITK_TARGET_FILE}
# versions have bugs in the pkg_mkIndex routine.
-# A Tcl shell is not available when bootstrapping!
-# A wish shell is needed to run the test suite.
-# A Wish shell is not available when bootstrapping!
-# Finally, substitute all of the various values into the Makefile.
+ echo $ac_n "checking for tclsh""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+echo "configure:1987: checking for tclsh" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_tclsh'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+ echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ search_path=`echo ${exec_prefix}/bin:${prefix}/bin:${TCL_BIN_DIR}:${TCL_BIN_DIR}/../bin:${PATH} | sed -e 's/:/ /g'`
+ for dir in $search_path ; do
+ for j in `ls -r $dir/tclsh[8-9]*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` \
+ `ls -r $dir/tclsh*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` ; do
+ if test x"$ac_cv_path_tclsh" = x ; then
+ if test -f "$j" ; then
+ ac_cv_path_tclsh=$j
+ break
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ done
-# Note: The file below is not included in the net release.
-# We subst these variables to retain compatibility with the previous
-# version of
+ if test -f "$ac_cv_path_tclsh" ; then
+ TCLSH_PROG=$ac_cv_path_tclsh
+ echo "$ac_t""$TCLSH_PROG" 1>&6
+ else
+ { echo "configure: error: No tclsh found in PATH: $search_path" 1>&2; exit 1; }
+ fi
+# A wish shell is needed to run the test suite.
+ echo $ac_n "checking for wish""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+echo "configure:2024: checking for wish" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_wish'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+ echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ search_path=`echo ${exec_prefix}/bin:${prefix}/bin:${TCL_BIN_DIR}:${TCL_BIN_DIR}/../bin:${PATH} | sed -e 's/:/ /g'`
+ for dir in $search_path ; do
+ for j in `ls -r $dir/wish[8-9]*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` \
+ `ls -r $dir/wish*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` ; do
+ if test x"$ac_cv_path_wish" = x ; then
+ if test -f "$j" ; then
+ ac_cv_path_wish=$j
+ break
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ if test -f "$ac_cv_path_wish" ; then
+ WISH_PROG=$ac_cv_path_wish
+ echo "$ac_t""$WISH_PROG" 1>&6
+ else
+ { echo "configure: error: No wish found in PATH: $search_path" 1>&2; exit 1; }
+ fi
+# Finally, substitute all of the various values into the Makefile.
trap '' 1 2 15
cat > confcache <<\EOF
@@ -2682,8 +2169,7 @@ ac_given_srcdir=$srcdir
trap 'rm -fr `echo "Makefile \
- \
- pkgIndex.tcl" | sed "s/:[^ ]*//g"` conftest*; exit 1' 1 2 15
+ pkgIndex.tcl" | sed "s/:[^ ]*//g"` conftest*; exit 1' 1 2 15
@@ -2750,10 +2236,6 @@ s%@TK_SRC_DIR@%$TK_SRC_DIR%g
@@ -2785,24 +2267,11 @@ s%@LDFLAGS_DEFAULT@%$LDFLAGS_DEFAULT%g
@@ -2845,8 +2314,7 @@ EOF
- \
- pkgIndex.tcl"}
+ pkgIndex.tcl"}
for ac_file in .. $CONFIG_FILES; do if test "x$ac_file" != x..; then
@@ -2917,5 +2385,3 @@ chmod +x $CONFIG_STATUS
rm -fr confdefs* $ac_clean_files
test "$no_create" = yes || ${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $CONFIG_STATUS || exit 1
diff --git a/itcl/itk/ b/itcl/itk/
index b39ace6d032..87d309f74b2 100644
--- a/itcl/itk/
+++ b/itcl/itk/
@@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
# __CHANGE__
@@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ PACKAGE=itk
@@ -64,10 +62,7 @@ fi
# was not used.
@@ -108,8 +103,9 @@ AC_EXEEXT
# This must be done before calling SC_PUBLIC_TCL_HEADERS
-case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
+ CYGPATH="cygpath -w"
AC_CHECK_PROG(CYGPATH, cygpath, cygpath -w, echo)
RELPATH=".. .. bin"
@@ -126,16 +122,12 @@ AC_SUBST(RELPATH)
# Includes for this package
-srcdir=`cd ${srcdir} ; pwd`
ITK_GENERIC_DIR_NATIVE=`${CYGPATH} ${srcdir}/generic`
ITK_WIN_DIR_NATIVE=`${CYGPATH} ${srcdir}/win`
ITK_UNIX_DIR_NATIVE=`${CYGPATH} ${srcdir}/unix`
-case "${host}" in
- *cygwin* | *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
@@ -174,16 +166,26 @@ fi
+# The value for this should have been cached during the Itcl configuration.
+# Make sure the cache-ID that appears here is the same as the one that
+# appears in the Itcl configure script.
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for name if Itcl stub library)
+AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_itclstub_LIB_FILE, ac_cv_itclstub_LIB_FILE="NONE")
+if test x"${ac_cv_itclstub_LIB_FILE}" = x"NONE" ; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(Can't find name of Itcl stub library. How did this happen?)
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(${ac_cv_itclstub_LIB_FILE})
+SC_LIB_SPEC(tkstub, ${TK_BIN_DIR})
+SC_LIB_SPEC(itclstub, ../itcl)
# __CHANGE__
@@ -219,8 +221,8 @@ SC_PRIVATE_TK_HEADERS
# your system.
-case "${host}" in
- *cygwin* | *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
CLEANFILES="*.lib *.dll *.exp *.ilk *.pdb vc50.pch"
@@ -320,58 +322,28 @@ eval "UNSHARED_LIB_SUFFIX=${TCL_UNSHARED_LIB_SUFFIX}"
# Shared libraries and static libraries have different names.
-if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
- # FIXME: Need to devise a TCL_TOOL macro to deal with this!
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
- # Need to link to the .a or .lib not the .dll!
- ;;
+case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
+ if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
+ SHLIB_LD_LIBS="\"`cygpath -w ${TCL_BIN_DIR}/${TCL_STUB_LIB_FILE}`\" ${TCL_SHLIB_LD_LIBS} \"`${CYGPATH} ../itcl/${itclstub_LIB_FILE}`\" ${tkstub_LIB_SPEC} "
+ else
+ fi
+ ;;
- ;;
- esac
-TCL_TOOL_LIB_SPEC(ITK_LIB_SPEC, ${exec_prefix}/lib, ${ITK_LIB_FLAG})
+ if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
+ SHLIB_LD_LIBS="${tkstub_LIB_SPEC} ${TCL_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC} ../itcl/${itclstub_LIB_FILE}"
+ else
+ fi
+ ;;
# __CHANGE__
@@ -392,47 +364,17 @@ AC_SUBST(SHLIB_LD_LIBS)
# versions have bugs in the pkg_mkIndex routine.
-# A Tcl shell is not available when bootstrapping!
# A wish shell is needed to run the test suite.
-# A Wish shell is not available when bootstrapping!
# Finally, substitute all of the various values into the Makefile.
-# Note: The file below is not included in the net release.
-# We subst these variables to retain compatibility with the previous
-# version of
AC_OUTPUT([Makefile \
- \
- pkgIndex.tcl])
+ pkgIndex.tcl])
diff --git a/itcl/itk/demos/itkedit b/itcl/itk/demos/itkedit
index b20aef7265c..12c07e06e38 100644
--- a/itcl/itk/demos/itkedit
+++ b/itcl/itk/demos/itkedit
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-exec itkwish $0
+exec wish8.4 "$0"
# ======================================================================
# Simple text editor built with [incr Widgets]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# AUTHOR: Michael J. McLennan
# CLASS: Object-Oriented Programming with [incr Tcl]
# ======================================================================
-package require Iwidgets 2.1
+package require Iwidgets 4.0
option add *edit.width 5i startupFile
option add *edit.height 4i startupFile
@@ -20,24 +20,24 @@ set FileWindows 0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dialog boxes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-messagedialog .notice -title "itkedit: Notice" \
+iwidgets::messagedialog .notice -title "itkedit: Notice" \
-bitmap info -buttonboxpos e -modality application
.notice hide OK
.notice hide Help
.notice buttonconfigure Cancel -text "Dismiss"
-messagedialog .confirm -title "itkedit: Confirm" \
+iwidgets::messagedialog .confirm -title "itkedit: Confirm" \
-bitmap questhead -modality application
.confirm hide Help
.confirm buttonconfigure OK -text "Yes"
.confirm buttonconfigure Cancel -text "No"
-fileselectiondialog .files -title "itkedit: Files" \
+iwidgets::fileselectiondialog .files -title "itkedit: Files" \
-childsitepos s -modality application
.files hide Help
set PaneMenu "[.files childsite].panes"
-optionmenu $PaneMenu -labeltext "Edit Window:"
+iwidgets::optionmenu $PaneMenu -labeltext "Edit Window:"
pack $PaneMenu -pady 6
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ proc split_view {} {
set FileName($win) untitled.txt
set FileChanged($win) 0
- scrolledtext $win.text -wrap none -labeltext "file: $FileName($win)" \
+ iwidgets::scrolledtext $win.text -wrap none -labeltext "file: $FileName($win)" \
-hscrollmode none -vscrollmode dynamic -visibleitems 1x1
pack $win.text -expand yes -fill both
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ menu
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Editor
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-panedwindow .edit -orient horizontal
+iwidgets::panedwindow .edit -orient horizontal
pack .edit -expand yes -fill both
@@ -225,3 +225,5 @@ after idle {
update idletasks
wm minsize . [winfo reqwidth .] [winfo reqheight .]
diff --git a/itcl/itk/generic/itk.decls b/itcl/itk/generic/itk.decls
index c0f2f814fba..0d24be045d8 100644
--- a/itcl/itk/generic/itk.decls
+++ b/itcl/itk/generic/itk.decls
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ interface itk
declare 0 generic {
int Itk_Init (Tcl_Interp *interp)
-#declare 1 generic {
-# int Itk_SafeInit (Tcl_Interp *interp)
+declare 1 generic {
+ int Itk_SafeInit (Tcl_Interp *interp)
diff --git a/itcl/itk/generic/itk.h b/itcl/itk/generic/itk.h
index 6bfa73c92f1..c96f61930c0 100644
--- a/itcl/itk/generic/itk.h
+++ b/itcl/itk/generic/itk.h
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
* and procedure declarations, that occur below.
+#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#include "itclInt.h"
#include "tk.h"
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ typedef struct ItkClassOption {
-char * Itk_InitStubs _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
+CONST char * Itk_InitStubs _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
char *version, int exact));
@@ -112,5 +112,5 @@ char * Itk_InitStubs _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
+#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
#endif /* ITK_H */
diff --git a/itcl/itk/generic/itkDecls.h b/itcl/itk/generic/itkDecls.h
index 65c8522331c..625ad39dfcb 100644
--- a/itcl/itk/generic/itkDecls.h
+++ b/itcl/itk/generic/itkDecls.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* itkDecls.h --
- * Declarations of functions in the platform independent public Tcl API.
+ * Declarations of functions in the platform independent public Itk API.
* Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by XXXX
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@
/* 0 */
EXTERN int Itk_Init _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp));
-/* Slot 1 is reserved */
+/* 1 */
+EXTERN int Itk_SafeInit _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp));
/* 2 */
EXTERN int Itk_ConfigBodyCmd _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData cdata,
Tcl_Interp * interp, int objc,
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ typedef struct ItkStubs {
struct ItkStubHooks *hooks;
int (*itk_Init) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp)); /* 0 */
- void *reserved1;
+ int (*itk_SafeInit) _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp)); /* 1 */
int (*itk_ConfigBodyCmd) _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData cdata, Tcl_Interp * interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])); /* 2 */
int (*itk_UsualCmd) _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData cdata, Tcl_Interp * interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])); /* 3 */
int (*itk_ClassOptionDefineCmd) _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData cdata, Tcl_Interp * interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])); /* 4 */
@@ -128,7 +129,10 @@ extern ItkStubs *itkStubsPtr;
#define Itk_Init \
(itkStubsPtr->itk_Init) /* 0 */
-/* Slot 1 is reserved */
+#ifndef Itk_SafeInit
+#define Itk_SafeInit \
+ (itkStubsPtr->itk_SafeInit) /* 1 */
#ifndef Itk_ConfigBodyCmd
#define Itk_ConfigBodyCmd \
(itkStubsPtr->itk_ConfigBodyCmd) /* 2 */
diff --git a/itcl/itk/generic/itkStubInit.c b/itcl/itk/generic/itkStubInit.c
index a4a0a55009b..639d13a7fe8 100644
--- a/itcl/itk/generic/itkStubInit.c
+++ b/itcl/itk/generic/itkStubInit.c
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ ItkStubs itkStubs = {
Itk_Init, /* 0 */
- NULL, /* 1 */
+ Itk_SafeInit, /* 1 */
Itk_ConfigBodyCmd, /* 2 */
Itk_UsualCmd, /* 3 */
Itk_ClassOptionDefineCmd, /* 4 */
diff --git a/itcl/itk/generic/itkStubLib.c b/itcl/itk/generic/itkStubLib.c
index 1732ef780b1..3d3e9814006 100644
--- a/itcl/itk/generic/itkStubLib.c
+++ b/itcl/itk/generic/itkStubLib.c
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ ItkStubs *itkStubsPtr;
-char *
+CONST char *
Itk_InitStubs (interp, version, exact)
Tcl_Interp *interp;
char *version;
int exact;
- char *actualVersion;
+ CONST char *actualVersion;
actualVersion = Tcl_PkgRequireEx(interp, "Itk", version, exact,
(ClientData *) &itkStubsPtr);
diff --git a/itcl/itk/generic/itk_archetype.c b/itcl/itk/generic/itk_archetype.c
index f8075863145..7356dba7989 100644
--- a/itcl/itk/generic/itk_archetype.c
+++ b/itcl/itk/generic/itk_archetype.c
@@ -790,13 +790,7 @@ Itk_ArchCompAddCmd(dummy, interp, objc, objv)
uplevelFramePtr = _Tcl_GetCallFrame(interp, 1);
oldFramePtr = _Tcl_ActivateCallFrame(interp, uplevelFramePtr);
- /* CYGNUS LOCAL - Fix for Tcl8.1 */
- if (Tcl_EvalObj(interp, objv[2], 0) != TCL_OK) {
if (Tcl_EvalObj(interp, objv[2]) != TCL_OK) {
goto compFail;
@@ -985,14 +979,8 @@ Itk_ArchCompAddCmd(dummy, interp, objc, objv)
parserNs, /* isProcCallFrame */ 0);
if (result == TCL_OK) {
- /* CYGNUS LOCAL - Fix for Tcl8.1 */
- result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, objPtr, 0);
- result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, objPtr);
- Tcl_PopCallFrame(interp);
+ result = Tcl_EvalObj(interp, objPtr);
+ Tcl_PopCallFrame(interp);
if (objPtr != objv[3]) {
@@ -1580,13 +1568,7 @@ Itk_ArchOptUsualCmd(clientData, interp, objc, objv)
entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&mergeInfo->usualCode, tag);
if (entry) {
codePtr = (Tcl_Obj*)Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- /* CYGNUS LOCAL - Fix for Tcl8.1 */
- return Tcl_EvalObj(interp, codePtr, 0);
return Tcl_EvalObj(interp, codePtr);
@@ -1827,6 +1809,11 @@ Itk_ArchInitCmd(dummy, interp, objc, objv)
for (objc--,objv++; objc > 0; objc-=2, objv+=2) {
token = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[0], (int*)NULL);
if (objc < 2) {
+ /* Bug 227814
+ * Ensure that the interp result is unshared.
+ */
+ Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
"value for \"", token, "\" missing",
@@ -2889,6 +2876,11 @@ Itk_ArchConfigOption(interp, info, name, value)
entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&info->options, name);
if (!entry) {
+ /* Bug 227876
+ * Ensure that the interp result is unshared.
+ */
+ Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
"unknown option \"", name, "\"",
@@ -3093,7 +3085,8 @@ Itk_CreateArchComponent(interp, info, name, cdefn, accessCmd)
ItclClass *cdefn; /* component created in this class */
Tcl_Command accessCmd; /* access command for component */
- char *wname, *init;
+ char *init;
+ CONST char *wname;
ArchComponent *archComp;
ArchOption *archOpt;
Tk_Window tkwin;
@@ -3105,14 +3098,14 @@ Itk_CreateArchComponent(interp, info, name, cdefn, accessCmd)
* Save this component in the itk_component() array.
wname = Tcl_GetCommandName(interp, accessCmd);
- Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "itk_component", name, wname, 0);
+ Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "itk_component", name, (char *)wname, 0);
* If the symbolic name for the component is "hull", then this
* is the toplevel or frame that embodies a mega-widget. Update
* the Archtype info to include the window token.
- tkwin = Tk_NameToWindow(interp, wname, Tk_MainWindow(interp));
+ tkwin = Tk_NameToWindow(interp, (char *)wname, Tk_MainWindow(interp));
if (strcmp(name, "hull") == 0) {
if (tkwin == NULL) {
@@ -4079,13 +4072,7 @@ Itk_CreateGenericOpt(interp, switchName, accessCmd)
Tcl_AppendToObj(codePtr, " configure ", -1);
Tcl_AppendToObj(codePtr, name, -1);
- /* CYGNUS LOCAL - Fix for Tcl8.1 */
- if (Tcl_EvalObj(interp, codePtr, 0) != TCL_OK) {
- if (Tcl_EvalObj(interp, codePtr) != TCL_OK) {
+ if (Tcl_EvalObj(interp, codePtr) != TCL_OK) {
goto optionDone;
diff --git a/itcl/itk/generic/itk_cmds.c b/itcl/itk/generic/itk_cmds.c
index 1e2fde7fcd7..878c3ee7fa6 100644
--- a/itcl/itk/generic/itk_cmds.c
+++ b/itcl/itk/generic/itk_cmds.c
@@ -25,11 +25,23 @@
#include "itk.h"
+ * The following script is used to initialize Itcl in a safe interpreter.
+ */
+static char safeInitScript[] =
+"proc ::itcl::local {class name args} {\n\
+ set ptr [uplevel [list $class $name] $args]\n\
+ uplevel [list set itcl-local-$ptr $ptr]\n\
+ set cmd [uplevel namespace which -command $ptr]\n\
+ uplevel [list trace variable itcl-local-$ptr u \"::itcl::delete object $cmd; list\"]\n\
+ return $ptr\n\
static int Initialize _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp));
* The following string is the startup script executed in new
* interpreters. It looks on disk in several different directories
@@ -79,9 +91,6 @@ namespace eval ::itk {\n\
-extern ItkStubs itkStubs;
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -102,6 +111,7 @@ Initialize(interp)
Tcl_Namespace *itkNs, *parserNs;
ClientData parserInfo;
+ extern ItkStubs itkStubs;
if (Tcl_InitStubs(interp, "8.1", 0) == NULL) {
return TCL_ERROR;
@@ -109,7 +119,7 @@ Initialize(interp)
if (Tk_InitStubs(interp, "8.1", 0) == NULL) {
return TCL_ERROR;
- if (Itcl_InitStubs(interp, ITCL_VERSION, 0) == NULL) {
+ if (Itcl_InitStubs(interp, ITCL_VERSION, 1) == NULL) {
return TCL_ERROR;
@@ -193,7 +203,10 @@ Initialize(interp)
Tcl_SetVar(interp, "::itk::patchLevel", ITCL_PATCH_LEVEL, 0);
- * Signal that the package has been loaded.
+ * Signal that the package has been loaded and provide the Itk Stubs table
+ * for dependent modules. I know this is unlikely, but possible that
+ * someone could be extending Itk. Who is to say that Itk is the
+ * end-of-the-line?
if (Tcl_PkgProvideEx(interp, "Itk", ITCL_VERSION,
(ClientData) &itkStubs) != TCL_OK) {
@@ -230,6 +243,31 @@ Itk_Init(interp)
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Itk_SafeInit()
+ *
+ * Invoked whenever a new SAFE INTERPRETER is created to install
+ * the [incr Tcl] package.
+ *
+ * Creates the "::itk" namespace and installs access commands for
+ * creating classes and querying info.
+ *
+ * Returns TCL_OK on success, or TCL_ERROR (along with an error
+ * message in the interpreter) if anything goes wrong.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* interpreter to be updated */
+ if (Initialize(interp) != TCL_OK) {
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ return Tcl_Eval(interp, safeInitScript);
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Itk_ConfigBodyCmd()
* Replacement for the usual "itcl::configbody" command. Recognizes
diff --git a/itcl/itk/ b/itcl/itk/
index c0b21a9fe05..e9b1f026fcb 100644
--- a/itcl/itk/
+++ b/itcl/itk/
@@ -27,23 +27,17 @@ ITK_BUILD_LIB_SPEC='@ITK_BUILD_LIB_SPEC@'
# installed directory.
-# Path to the library name. Used for dependencies.
-# The name of the Itk stub library
+# The name of the Itk stub library (a .a file):
-# String to pass to linker to pick up the Itcl stub library from its
+# String to pass to linker to pick up the Itk stub library from its
# build directory.
-# String to pass to linker to pick up the Itcl stub library from its
+# String to pass to linker to pick up the Itk stub library from its
# installed directory.
-# Full path to itcl library for dependency checking.
# Location of the top-level source directories from which [incr Tk]
# was built. This is the directory that contains a README file as well
# as subdirectories such as generic, unix, etc. If [incr Tk] was
diff --git a/itcl/itk/win/dllEntryPoint.c b/itcl/itk/win/dllEntryPoint.c
index 8b8c55e9d19..bc872d318c9 100644
--- a/itcl/itk/win/dllEntryPoint.c
+++ b/itcl/itk/win/dllEntryPoint.c
@@ -6,45 +6,33 @@
#include <windows.h>
-#include <tcl.h>
- * The following declaration is for the VC++ DLL entry point.
- */
- DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved));
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+ /* Only do this when MSVC++ is compiling us. */
# define DllEntryPoint DllMain
+# if defined(USE_TCL_STUBS) && (!defined(_MT) || !defined(_DLL) || defined(_DEBUG))
+ /*
+ * This fixes a bug with how the Stubs library was compiled.
+ * The requirement for msvcrt.lib from tclstubXX.lib should
+ * be removed.
+ */
+# pragma comment(linker, "-nodefaultlib:msvcrt.lib")
+# endif
-#ifdef __CYGWIN32__
-/* cygwin32 requires an impure pointer variable, which must be
- explicitly initialized when the DLL starts up. */
-struct _reent *_impure_ptr;
-extern struct _reent *_imp__reent_data;
-#endif /* __CYGWIN32__ */
* DllEntryPoint --
- * This wrapper function is used by Borland to invoke the
- * initialization code for Tk. It simply calls the DllMain
- * routine.
+ * This wrapper function is used by Windows to invoke the
+ * initialization code for the DLL. If we are compiling
+ * with Visual C++, this routine will be renamed to DllMain.
* Results:
- * See DllMain.
+ * Returns TRUE;
* Side effects:
- * See DllMain.
+ * None.
@@ -55,39 +43,5 @@ DllEntryPoint(hInst, reason, reserved)
DWORD reason; /* Reason this function is being called. */
LPVOID reserved; /* Not used. */
- return DllMain(hInst, reason, reserved);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * DllMain --
- *
- * DLL entry point.
- *
- * Results:
- * TRUE on sucess, FALSE on failure.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-DllMain(hInstance, reason, reserved)
- HINSTANCE hInstance;
- DWORD reason;
- LPVOID reserved;
-#ifdef __CYGWIN32__
- /* cygwin32 requires the impure data pointer to be initialized
- when the DLL starts up. */
- _impure_ptr = _imp__reent_data;
- return(TRUE);
+ return TRUE;
diff --git a/itcl/itk/win/makefile.bc b/itcl/itk/win/makefile.bc
index 0d56d4d4ade..f0217796b29 100644
--- a/itcl/itk/win/makefile.bc
+++ b/itcl/itk/win/makefile.bc
@@ -1,227 +1,228 @@
-# Borland C++ 4.52 makefile
-# Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Lucent Technologies
-# based on original from
-# Copyright (c) 1995-1996 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
-# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-!include "..\..\Makefile.bc"
-# Project directories
-# ROOT = top of source tree
-# TMPDIR = location where .obj files should be stored during build
-ROOT = ..
-# uncomment the following line to compile with symbols
-# uncomment the following two lines to compile with TCL_MEM_DEBUG
-INCLUDES =$(BORLAND)\include;$(ROOT)\generic;$(ROOT);$(TCLDIR)\generic;$(ITCLDIR)\generic;$(TKDIR)\generic;$(TKDIR)\xlib;$(TKDIR)\bitmaps
-LIBDIRS =$(BORLAND)\lib;$(ROOT)\win
-!ifndef DEBUG
-# these macros cause maximum optimization and no symbols
-DEBUGCCFLAGS = -v- -vi- -O2
-# these macros enable debugging
-LNFLAGS_exe = -Tpe -aa -c $(DEBUGLDFLAGS) $(BORLAND)\lib\c0w32
-LNFLAGS_dll = -Tpd -aa -c $(DEBUGLDFLAGS) $(BORLAND)\lib\c0d32
-# Global makefile settings
-.suffixes: .c .dll .lib .obj .exe
- $(TMPDIR)\winMain.obj
- $(TMPDIR)\itk_archetype.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itk_cmds.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itk_option.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itk_util.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\dllEntryPoint.obj
-ITKWISH = itkwish.exe
-# Targets
-all: cfgdll $(ITKDLL) cfgexe $(ITKWISH) cfgcln
-test: $(ITKWISH)
- $(CP) $(TCLLIBDIR)\*.dll
- $(CP) $(TKLIBDIR)\*.dll
- $(CP) $(ITCLLIBDIR)\*.dll
-#set ITK_
- $(ITKWISH) <<|
- cd ..\tests
- source all
- exit
-install: all
- $(CP) $(ROOT)\generic\itk.h "$(TARGET_INCLUDE)"
- $(CP) $(ROOT)\library\*.* "$(TARGET_LIB_ITK)"
- $(CP) $(ROOT)\win\*.tcl "$(TARGET_LIB_ITK)"
- $(CP) $(ROOT)\..\html\Itk\*.* "$(TARGET_DOC_ITK)"
-# Implicit Targets
- @$(BCC32) {$< }
- $(IMPLIB) -c $@ $<
- $(RC) -i$(ROOT)\generic;$(ITCLDIR)\generic;$(TCLDIR)\generic;$(TKDIR)\generic $<
-# Special case object file targets
-# Configuration file targets - these files are implicitly used by the compiler
- @$(CP) &&|
- -n$(TMPDIR) -I$(INCLUDES) -c -WD
-| bcc32.cfg >NUL
- @$(CP) &&|
- -n$(TMPDIR) -I$(INCLUDES) -c -W
-| bcc32.cfg >NUL
- @$(CP) &&|
- -n$(TMPDIR) -I$(INCLUDES) -c -W
-| bcc32.cfg >NUL
- @$(RM) bcc32.cfg
-# Executable targets
-$(ITKDLL): $(ITKOBJS) itk.def rc\itk.res
- $(TLINK32) @&&|
-$(ITKWISH): $(ITKWISHOBJS) $(ITKLIB) rc\itkwish.res
- $(TLINK32) @&&|
-|, &&|
-|, rc\itkwish.res
-# Other dependencies
-# The following rule automatically generates a tk.def file containing
-# an export entry for every public symbol in the $(TKDLL) library.
-itk.def: $(ITKOBJS)
- $(TCLLIBDIR)\dumpexts.exe -o $@ $(ITKDLL) @&&|
-# Dependencies for .rc files:
-rc\itk.res: rc\*.cur rc\itk.ico
-rc\itkwish.res: rc\*.cur rc\itk.ico
-# debugging rules, the .dll and .exe files must be in the same
-# directory as the object files for debugging purposes
-# remove all generated files
- -@$(RM) $(ITKWISH)
- -@$(RM) $(ITKLIB)
- -@$(RM) $(ITKDLL)
- -@$(RM) itk.def
- -@$(RM) $(TMPDIR)\Rc\*.res
- -@$(RM) $(TMPDIR)\*.obj
- -@$(RM) *.cfg
+# Borland C++ 4.52 makefile
+# Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Lucent Technologies
+# based on original from
+# Copyright (c) 1995-1996 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+!include "..\..\Makefile.bc"
+# Project directories
+# ROOT = top of source tree
+# TMPDIR = location where .obj files should be stored during build
+ROOT = ..
+# uncomment the following line to compile with symbols
+# uncomment the following two lines to compile with TCL_MEM_DEBUG
+INCLUDES =$(BORLAND)\include;$(ROOT)\generic;$(ROOT);$(TCLDIR)\generic;$(ITCLDIR)\generic;$(TKDIR)\generic;$(TKDIR)\xlib;$(TKDIR)\bitmaps
+LIBDIRS =$(BORLAND)\lib;$(ROOT)\win
+!ifndef DEBUG
+# these macros cause maximum optimization and no symbols
+DEBUGCCFLAGS = -v- -vi- -O2
+# these macros enable debugging
+LNFLAGS_exe = -Tpe -aa -c $(DEBUGLDFLAGS) $(BORLAND)\lib\c0w32
+LNFLAGS_dll = -Tpd -aa -c $(DEBUGLDFLAGS) $(BORLAND)\lib\c0d32
+# Global makefile settings
+.suffixes: .c .dll .lib .obj .exe
+ $(TMPDIR)\winMain.obj
+ $(TMPDIR)\itk_archetype.obj \
+ $(TMPDIR)\itk_cmds.obj \
+ $(TMPDIR)\itk_option.obj \
+ $(TMPDIR)\itk_util.obj \
+ $(TMPDIR)\dllEntryPoint.obj
+ITKWISH = itkwish.exe
+# Targets
+all: cfgdll $(ITKDLL) cfgexe $(ITKWISH) cfgcln
+test: $(ITKWISH)
+ $(CP) $(TCLLIBDIR)\*.dll
+ $(CP) $(TKLIBDIR)\*.dll
+ $(CP) $(ITCLLIBDIR)\*.dll
+#set ITK_
+ $(ITKWISH) <<|
+ cd ..\tests
+ source all
+ exit
+install: all
+ $(CP) $(ROOT)\generic\itk.h "$(TARGET_INCLUDE)"
+ $(CP) $(ROOT)\library\*.* "$(TARGET_LIB_ITK)"
+ $(CP) $(ROOT)\win\*.tcl "$(TARGET_LIB_ITK)"
+ $(CP) $(ROOT)\..\html\Itk\*.* "$(TARGET_DOC_ITK)"
+# Implicit Targets
+ @$(BCC32) {$< }
+ $(IMPLIB) -c $@ $<
+ $(RC) -i$(ROOT)\generic;$(ITCLDIR)\generic;$(TCLDIR)\generic;$(TKDIR)\generic $<
+# Special case object file targets
+# Configuration file targets - these files are implicitly used by the compiler
+ @$(CP) &&|
+ -n$(TMPDIR) -I$(INCLUDES) -c -WD
+| bcc32.cfg >NUL
+ @$(CP) &&|
+ -n$(TMPDIR) -I$(INCLUDES) -c -W
+| bcc32.cfg >NUL
+ @$(CP) &&|
+ -n$(TMPDIR) -I$(INCLUDES) -c -W
+| bcc32.cfg >NUL
+ @$(RM) bcc32.cfg
+# Executable targets
+$(ITKDLL): $(ITKOBJS) itk.def rc\itk.res
+ $(TLINK32) @&&|
+$(ITKWISH): $(ITKWISHOBJS) $(ITKLIB) rc\itkwish.res
+ $(TLINK32) @&&|
+|, &&|
+|, rc\itkwish.res
+# Other dependencies
+# The following rule automatically generates a tk.def file containing
+# an export entry for every public symbol in the $(TKDLL) library.
+itk.def: $(ITKOBJS)
+ $(TCLLIBDIR)\dumpexts.exe -o $@ $(ITKDLL) @&&|
+# Dependencies for .rc files:
+rc\itk.res: rc\*.cur rc\itk.ico
+rc\itkwish.res: rc\*.cur rc\itk.ico
+# debugging rules, the .dll and .exe files must be in the same
+# directory as the object files for debugging purposes
+# remove all generated files
+ -@$(RM) $(ITKWISH)
+ -@$(RM) $(ITKLIB)
+ -@$(RM) $(ITKDLL)
+ -@$(RM) itk.def
+ -@$(RM) $(TMPDIR)\Rc\*.res
+ -@$(RM) $(TMPDIR)\*.obj
+ -@$(RM) *.cfg
diff --git a/itcl/itk/win/ b/itcl/itk/win/
index 5d26cf408a3..680531bd79d 100644
--- a/itcl/itk/win/
+++ b/itcl/itk/win/
@@ -1,305 +1,293 @@
-# Visual C++ 2.x and 4.0 makefile
-# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
-# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-# SCCS: @(#) 1.8 98/07/29 13:14:52
-# Does not depend on the presence of any environment variables in
-# order to compile tcl; all needed information is derived from
-# location of the compiler directories.
-# NOTE: Be sure to modify the "" file in the toplevel directory
-# for the itcl distribution. Include the location of your VC++ development
-# tools and the installation directory.
-!include "..\..\"
-# ROOT = top of source tree
-# TMPDIR = location where .obj files should be stored during build
-ROOT = ..
-ITCLDIR = ..\..\itcl
-# Do not modify below this line
-!IF "$(NODEBUG)" == "1"
-TMPDIR = $(BINROOT)\Release
-DBGX = d
-DUMPEXTS = $(TMPDIR)\dumpexts.exe
- $(TMPDIR)\winMain.obj
- $(TMPDIR)\itkStubInit.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itk_archetype.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itk_cmds.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itk_option.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\itk_util.obj \
- $(TMPDIR)\dllEntryPoint.obj
- $(TMPDIR)\itkStubLib.obj
-cc32 = $(TOOLS32)\bin\cl.exe
-link32 = $(TOOLS32)\bin\link.exe
-rc32 = $(TOOLS32_rc)\bin\rc.exe
-include32 = -I$(TOOLS32)\include
-lib32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\lib.exe"
-WINDIR = $(ROOT)\win
-GENERICDIR = $(ROOT)\generic
-TKLIB = $(TKBUILDDIR)\tk81$(DBGX).lib
-TKSTUBLIB = $(TKBUILDDIR)\tkstub81$(DBGX).lib
-TKDLL = $(TKBUILDDIR)\tk81$(DBGX).dll
- -I$(TCLDIR)\generic -I$(TKDIR)\generic \
- -I$(TCLDIR)\win -I$(TKDIR)\win \
- -I$(TKDIR)\xlib -I$(ITCLDIR)\generic
-ITK_EXE_CFLAGS = $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvarsdll) $(include32) \
-# Link flags
-!IF "$(NODEBUG)" == "1"
-ldebug = /RELEASE
-ldebug = -debug:full -debugtype:cv
-# declarations common to all linker options
-# declarations for use on Intel i386, i486, and Pentium systems
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "IX86"
-lflags = $(lcommon) /MACHINE:$(MACHINE)
-lflags = $(lcommon) /MACHINE:$(MACHINE)
-conlflags = $(lflags) -subsystem:console -entry:mainCRTStartup
-guilflags = $(lflags) -subsystem:windows -entry:WinMainCRTStartup
-dlllflags = $(lflags) -entry:_DllMainCRTStartup$(DLLENTRY) -dll
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "PPC"
-libc = libc.lib
-libcdll = crtdll.lib
-libc = libc.lib oldnames.lib
-libcdll = msvcrt.lib oldnames.lib
-baselibs = kernel32.lib $(optlibs) advapi32.lib
-winlibs = $(baselibs) user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib
-guilibs = $(libc) $(winlibs)
-guilibsdll = $(libcdll) $(winlibs)
-# Compile flags
-!IF "$(NODEBUG)" == "1"
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "ALPHA"
-# MSVC on Alpha doesn't understand -Ot
-cdebug = -O2i -Gs -GD -DNDEBUG
-cdebug = -Oti -Gs -GD -DNDEBUG
-cdebug = -Z7 -Od -WX -DDEBUG
-# declarations common to all compiler options
-ccommon = -c -W3 -nologo -Fp$(TMPDIR)\ -YX
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "IX86"
-cflags = $(ccommon) -D_X86_=1
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "MIPS"
-cflags = $(ccommon) -D_MIPS_=1
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "PPC"
-cflags = $(ccommon) -D_PPC_=1
-!IF "$(MACHINE)" == "ALPHA"
-cflags = $(ccommon) -D_ALPHA_=1
-cvars = -DWIN32 -D_WIN32
-cvarsmt = $(cvars) -D_MT
-cvarsdll = $(cvarsmt) -D_DLL
-!IF "$(NODEBUG)" == "1"
-cvarsdll = $(cvars) -MD
-cvarsdll = $(cvars) -MDd
-CON_CFLAGS = $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvars) $(include32) -DCONSOLE
-# Project specific targets
-all: setup $(ITKWISH) $(ITKDLL) $(ITKSTUBLIB)
-test: setup $(ITKDLL) $(ITKSTUBLIB) $(ITKWISH)
- -@copy $(TCLDLL) $(TMPDIR)
- -@copy $(TKDLL) $(TMPDIR)
- -@copy $(ITCLDLL) $(TMPDIR)
- if not exist $(TMPDIR) mkdir $(TMPDIR)
- if not exist $(OUTDIR) mkdir $(OUTDIR)
-$(ITKDLL) : $(ITKOBJS) $(TMPDIR)\itk.res $(TMPDIR)\itkvc.def
- set LIB=$(TOOLS32)\lib
- $(link32) $(ldebug) $(dlllflags) -def:$(TMPDIR)\itkvc.def \
- -out:$@ $(TMPDIR)\itk.res $(TCLSTUBLIB) \
- $(TKSTUBLIB) $(guilibsdll) @<<
- $(lib32) -nologo -out:$@ $(ITKSTUBOBJS)
- set LIB=$(TOOLS32)\lib
- $(link32) $(ldebug) $(guilflags) $(TMPDIR)\itkwish.res -out:$@ \
- $(guilibsdll) $(TCLLIB) $(TKLIB) $(ITCLLIB) $(ITKLIB) \
-$(TMPDIR)\itkvc.def: $(DUMPEXTS) $(ITKOBJS)
- $(DUMPEXTS) -o $@ $(ITKDLLNAME) @<<
-$(DUMPEXTS): $(TCLDIR)\win\winDumpExts.c
- $(cc32) $(CON_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMPDIR)\ $?
- set LIB=$(TOOLS32)\lib
- $(link32) $(ldebug) $(conlflags) $(guilibs) -out:$@ \
- $(TMPDIR)\winDumpExts.obj
-install: all
- if not exist $(INSTALLDIR) mkdir $(INSTALLDIR)
- if not exist $(BIN_INSTALL_DIR) mkdir $(BIN_INSTALL_DIR)
- if not exist $(LIB_INSTALL_DIR) mkdir $(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)
- if not exist $(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR) mkdir $(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)
- copy $(ROOT)\generic\itk.h "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)"
- copy $(ROOT)\library\*.* "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)"
- copy $(ROOT)\win\*.tcl "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)"
-# Regenerate the stubs files.
- $(TCLSH) $(TCLDIR)\tools\genStubs.tcl $(GENERICDIR) \
- $(GENERICDIR)\itk.decls
-# Special case object file targets
-$(TMPDIR)\winMain.obj: $(ROOT)\win\winMain.c
- $(cc32) $(ITK_EXE_CFLAGS) -Fo$@ $?
-# The following object is part of the stub library and should not
-# be built as DLL objects but none of the symbols should be exported
-$(TMPDIR)\itkStubLib.obj : $(GENERICDIR)\itkStubLib.c
- $(cc32) -DSTATIC_BUILD $(ITK_CFLAGS) -Fo$@ $?
-# Implicit rules
- $(cc32) -DDLL_BUILD $(ITK_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMPDIR)\ $<
- $(cc32) -DDLL_BUILD $(ITK_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMPDIR)\ $<
- $(cc32) -DDLL_BUILD $(ITK_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMPDIR)\ $<
- $(rc32) -fo $@ -r -i $(GENERICDIR) -i $(TCLDIR)\generic -i $(ITCLDIR)\generic $<
- -@del $(OUTDIR)\*.exp
- -@del $(OUTDIR)\*.lib
- -@del $(OUTDIR)\*.dll
- -@del $(OUTDIR)\*.exe
- -@del $(OUTDIR)\*.pdb
- -@del $(TMPDIR)\*.pch
- -@del $(TMPDIR)\*.obj
- -@del $(TMPDIR)\*.res
- -@del $(TMPDIR)\*.def
- -@del $(TMPDIR)\*.exe
- -@rmdir $(OUTDIR)
- -@rmdir $(TMPDIR)
+# Visual C++ 5.0+ makefile for [Incr Tcl]
+# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+# Copyright (c) 1993-1998 Lucent Technologies, Inc.
+# RCS: $Id$
+# All needed information is derived from running vcvars32.bat
+# NOTE: Be sure to modify the "" file in the toplevel directory
+# before running this makefile.
+# Do not modify this file! modify to effect the build.
+!include "..\..\"
+!include "..\..\"
+!include "..\..\"
+ROOT = ..
+ITCLDIR = ..\..\itcl
+!if $(DEBUG)
+TMPNAME = Debug
+DBGX = d
+TMPNAME = Release
+!ifndef OUT_DIR
+TCLSTUBLIB = "$(TCLROOT)\lib\tclstub$(TCL_VERSION).lib"
+TKSTUBLIB = "$(TCLROOT)\lib\tkstub$(TCL_VERSION).lib"
+TCLSH = "$(TCLROOT)\bin\tclsh$(TCL_VERSION)$(DBGX).exe"
+WISH = "$(TCLROOT)\bin\wish$(TCL_VERSION)$(DBGX).exe"
+TCLSTUBLIB = "$(TCLROOT)\win\Release\tclstub$(TCL_VERSION).lib"
+TKSTUBLIB = "$(TKROOT)\win\Release\tkstub$(TCL_VERSION).lib"
+TCLSH = "$(TCLROOT)\win\$(OUT_DIR)\tclsh$(TCL_VERSION)$(DBGX).exe"
+WISH = "$(TCLROOT)\win\$(OUT_DIR)\wish$(TCL_VERSION)$(DBGX).exe"
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itk_archetype.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itk_cmds.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itk_option.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itk_util.obj \
+!if $(STATIC_BUILD) == 0
+ $(TMP_DIR)\dllEntryPoint.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\dllResource.obj \
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itkStubInit.obj
+ $(TMP_DIR)\itkStubLib.obj
+WINDIR = $(ROOT)\win
+GENERICDIR = $(ROOT)\generic
+RCDIR = $(ROOT)\win\rc
+# Link flags
+!if $(DEBUG)
+ldebug = -debug:full -debugtype:cv -pdb:none
+ldebug = -release -opt:ref
+# declarations common to all linker options
+lcommon = -nologo -link50compat -machine:$(MACHINE)
+ITK_LFLAGS = $(lcommon) -subsystem:windows -dll
+# Compile flags
+!if $(DEBUG) == 0
+!if "$(MACHINE)" == "ALPHA"
+# MSVC on Alpha doesn't understand -Ot
+cdebug = -O2i
+cdebug = -Ox
+!if $(MSDEV_VER) < 6
+cdebug = -Zi -Od -WX
+cdebug = -ZI -Od -WX
+cdll =
+cdll = -GD
+# declarations common to all compiler options
+ccommon = -nologo -c -W3 -YX -Fp$(TMP_DIR)\
+crt = -MT$(DBGX)
+crt = -MD$(DBGX)
+TCL_INCLUDES = -I"$(TCLROOT)\include"
+TCL_INCLUDES = -I"$(TCLROOT)\generic"
+TK_INCLUDES = -I"$(TKROOT)\generic" -I"$(TKROOT)\xlib"
+ITK_EXE_CFLAGS = $(ccommon) $(cdebug) $(crt) $(cdll) $(ITCL_INCLUDES) $(ITK_INCLUDES) \
+# Project specific targets
+all : setup $(ITKTARGET) $(ITKSTUBLIB)
+release : setup $(ITKTARGET) $(ITKSTUBLIB)
+test: setup $(ITKDLL) $(ITKSTUBLIB) $(ITKWISH)
+ -@copy $(TCLDLL) $(TMPDIR)
+ -@copy $(TKDLL) $(TMPDIR)
+ -@copy $(ITCLDLL) $(TMPDIR)
+setup :
+ @$(vcvars) > nul
+ @if not exist $(TMP_DIR)\nul mkdir $(TMP_DIR) &\
+ echo Created directory '$(TMP_DIR)'
+ @if not exist $(OUT_DIR)\nul mkdir $(OUT_DIR) &\
+ echo Created directory '$(OUT_DIR)'
+ $(lib32) -nologo -machine:$(MACHINE) -out:$@ @<<
+ $(link32) $(ITK_LFLAGS) -out:$@ $(ITK_LLIBS) @<<
+!if $(DEBUG) == 0
+ $(lib32) -nologo -out:$@ $(ITKSTUBOBJS)
+install: all
+ if not exist "$(INSTALLDIR)" mkdir "$(INSTALLDIR)"
+ if not exist "$(BIN_INSTALL_DIR)" mkdir "$(BIN_INSTALL_DIR)"
+ if not exist "$(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)" mkdir "$(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)"
+ if not exist "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)" mkdir "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)"
+ if not exist "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)" mkdir "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)"
+ copy $(ROOT)\generic\itk.h "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)"
+ copy $(ROOT)\generic\itkDecls.h "$(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR)"
+ copy $(ROOT)\library\*.* "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)"
+ echo package ifneeded Itk $(ITK_DOTVERSION) [list load [file join $$dir $(ITKOUTNAME).dll] Itk] > \
+ "$(SCRIPT_INSTALL_DIR)\pkgIndex.tcl"
+# Regenerate the stubs files.
+!if $(ISTCLINSTALL) == 0
+# Only from the sources of Tcl does genStubs.tcl exist.
+ $(TCLSH) $(TCLROOT)\tools\genStubs.tcl $(GENERICDIR) \
+ $(GENERICDIR)\itk.decls
+ @echo ERROR: Can't rebuild stubs tables without the Tcl source distribution
+# Special case object file targets
+# The following object is part of the stub library and should not
+# be built as DLL objects but none of the symbols should be exported
+$(TMP_DIR)\itkStubLib.obj : $(GENERICDIR)\itkStubLib.c
+ $(cc32) -DSTATIC_BUILD $(ITK_EXE_CFLAGS) -Zl -Fo$@ $?
+$(TMP_DIR)\dllResource.obj : $(TMP_DIR)\itk.res
+ $(cvtres32) -nologo -machine:$(MACHINE) -out:$@ $?
+# Inference rules. Use batch-mode when supported.
+!if $(_NMAKE_VER) < 162
+{$(WINDIR)}.c{$(TMP_DIR)}.obj :
+{$(WINDIR)}.c{$(TMP_DIR)}.obj ::
+ $(cc32) -DDLL_BUILD $(ITK_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMP_DIR)\ @<<
+!if $(_NMAKE_VER) < 162
+{$(GENERICDIR)}.c{$(TMP_DIR)}.obj :
+{$(GENERICDIR)}.c{$(TMP_DIR)}.obj ::
+ $(cc32) -DDLL_BUILD $(ITK_CFLAGS) -Fo$(TMP_DIR)\ @<<
+{$(RCDIR)}.rc{$(TMP_DIR)}.res :
+# Clean up
+tidy :
+ -del $(TMP_DIR)\*.pch
+ -del $(TMP_DIR)\*.obj
+ -del $(TMP_DIR)\*.res
+clean : tidy
+ -del $(OUT_DIR)\*.exp
+ -del $(OUT_DIR)\*.lib
+ -del $(OUT_DIR)\*.dll
+hose : clean
+ -rmdir $(OUT_DIR)
+ -rmdir $(TMP_DIR)
diff --git a/itcl/itk/win/rc/itk.rc b/itcl/itk/win/rc/itk.rc
index f63bf01dc7d..47511b1b7f7 100644
--- a/itcl/itk/win/rc/itk.rc
+++ b/itcl/itk/win/rc/itk.rc
@@ -1,126 +1,62 @@
-// SCCS: @(#) tk.rc 1.17 96/09/12 16:22:08
-// Version
-#define VS_VERSION_INFO 1
-#include <itcl.h>
-#include <itk.h>
- BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
- BLOCK "040904b0"
- VALUE "FileDescription", "Itk language extension for Tcl\0"
- VALUE "Authors", "Michael McLennan\0"
- VALUE "CompanyName", "Bell Labs Innovations for Lucent Technologies\0"
- VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright \251 1993-1998\0"
- VALUE "ProductName", "[incr Tk] " ITCL_VERSION " for Windows\0"
- VALUE "ProductVersion", ITCL_PATCH_LEVEL
- BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
- VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200
-// Icon
-tk ICON DISCARDABLE "itk.ico"
-// Cursor
-X_cursor CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor00.cur"
-arrow CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor02.cur"
-based_arrow_down CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor04.cur"
-based_arrow_up CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor06.cur"
-boat CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor08.cur"
-bogosity CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor0a.cur"
-bottom_left_corner CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor0c.cur"
-bottom_right_corner CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor0e.cur"
-bottom_side CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor10.cur"
-bottom_tee CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor12.cur"
-box_spiral CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor14.cur"
-center_ptr CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor16.cur"
-circle CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor18.cur"
-clock CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor1a.cur"
-coffee_mug CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor1c.cur"
-cross CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor1e.cur"
-cross_reverse CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor20.cur"
-crosshair CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor22.cur"
-diamond_cross CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor24.cur"
-dot CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor26.cur"
-dotbox CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor28.cur"
-double_arrow CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor2a.cur"
-draft_large CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor2c.cur"
-draft_small CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor2e.cur"
-draped_box CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor30.cur"
-exchange CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor32.cur"
-fleur CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor34.cur"
-gobbler CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor36.cur"
-gumby CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor38.cur"
-hand1 CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor3a.cur"
-hand2 CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor3c.cur"
-heart CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor3e.cur"
-icon CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor40.cur"
-iron_cross CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor42.cur"
-left_ptr CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor44.cur"
-left_side CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor46.cur"
-left_tee CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor48.cur"
-leftbutton CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor4a.cur"
-ll_angle CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor4c.cur"
-lr_angle CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor4e.cur"
-man CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor50.cur"
-middlebutton CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor52.cur"
-mouse CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor54.cur"
-pencil CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor56.cur"
-pirate CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor58.cur"
-plus CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor5a.cur"
-question_arrow CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor5c.cur"
-right_ptr CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor5e.cur"
-right_side CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor60.cur"
-right_tee CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor62.cur"
-rightbutton CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor64.cur"
-rtl_logo CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor66.cur"
-sailboat CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor68.cur"
-sb_down_arrow CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor6a.cur"
-sb_h_double_arrow CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor6c.cur"
-sb_left_arrow CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor6e.cur"
-sb_right_arrow CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor70.cur"
-sb_up_arrow CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor72.cur"
-sb_v_double_arrow CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor74.cur"
-shuttle CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor76.cur"
-sizing CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor78.cur"
-spider CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor7a.cur"
-spraycan CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor7c.cur"
-star CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor7e.cur"
-target CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor80.cur"
-tcross CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor82.cur"
-top_left_arrow CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor84.cur"
-top_left_corner CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor86.cur"
-top_right_corner CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor88.cur"
-top_side CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor8a.cur"
-top_tee CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor8c.cur"
-trek CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor8e.cur"
-ul_angle CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor90.cur"
-umbrella CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor92.cur"
-ur_angle CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor94.cur"
-watch CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor96.cur"
-xterm CURSOR DISCARDABLE "cursor98.cur"
+// RCS: @(#) $Id$
+// Version resource script.
+#include <winver.h>
+#include <itcl.h>
+// build-up the name suffix that defines the type of build this is.
+#if DEBUG
+#define SUFFIX_DEBUG "d"
+#define SUFFIX_DEBUG ""
+#if DEBUG
+ BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
+ BLOCK "040904b0"
+ VALUE "FileDescription", "[incr Tk] Object-Oriented Tk extension\0"
+ VALUE "Authors", "Michael McLennan\0"
+ VALUE "CompanyName", "Bell Labs Innovations for Lucent Technologies\0"
+ VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright \251 1993-2001\0"
+ VALUE "ProductName", "[incr Tk] " ITCL_VERSION " for Windows\0"
+ VALUE "ProductVersion", ITCL_PATCH_LEVEL
+ BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
+ VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200
+// Icons
+toaster ICON DISCARDABLE "itk.ico"
diff --git a/itcl/makefile.bc b/itcl/makefile.bc
index 12762724db9..4a59049ab8b 100644
--- a/itcl/makefile.bc
+++ b/itcl/makefile.bc
@@ -1,114 +1,115 @@
-# Borland 5.01 Makefile for Itcl 2.2 Distribution
-# This is the main Borland makefile for the Windows distribution
-# of [incr Tcl] version 2.2.
-# TOOLS -- path to root of Borland Directory
-# TARGET_ROOT -- Target Directory for installation
-# SOURCE_ROOT -- Path to root of source tree
-TOOLS = c:\bc45
-TARGET_ROOT = c:\Program files\Itcl2.2
-SOURCE_ROOT = c:\Itcl2.2
-# You should not have to modify anything further in this makefile
-# Borland C++ tools
-IMPLIB = $(BORLAND)\bin\Implib
-BCC32 = $(BORLAND)\bin\Bcc32
-TLINK32 = $(BORLAND)\bin\tlink32
-RC = $(BORLAND)\bin\brcc32
-BCC = $(BORLAND)\bin\Bcc
-TLINK = $(BORLAND)\bin\tlink
-RC16 = $(BORLAND)\bin\brcc32 -31
-MAKE = $(BORLAND)\bin\make -fmakefile.bc
-# System calls
-CP = copy
-RM = del
-MKDIR = -mkdir
-# Source and Build Paths
-# Target Paths
-# Shared Target Files:
-TCLLIB = Tcl76i.lib
-TCLDLL = Tcl76i.dll
-TKLIB = Tk42i.lib
-TKDLL = Tk42i.dll
-ITCLLIB = Itcl22.lib
-ITCLDLL = Itcl22.dll
-ITKLIB = Itk22.lib
-ITKDLL = Itk22.dll
-# Paths to Build locations of libraries
- cd $(TCLDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) all
- cd $(TKDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) all
- cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) all
- cd $(ITKDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) all
- cd $(TCLDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) install
- cd $(TKDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) install
- cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) install
- cd $(ITKDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) install
- $(MAKE) install
- cd $(TCLDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) clean
- cd $(TKDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) clean
- cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) clean
- cd $(ITKDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) clean
+# Borland 5.01 Makefile for Itcl 2.2 Distribution
+# This is the main Borland makefile for the Windows distribution
+# of [incr Tcl] version 2.2.
+# TOOLS -- path to root of Borland Directory
+# TARGET_ROOT -- Target Directory for installation
+# SOURCE_ROOT -- Path to root of source tree
+TOOLS = c:\bc45
+TARGET_ROOT = c:\Program files\Itcl2.2
+SOURCE_ROOT = c:\Itcl2.2
+# You should not have to modify anything further in this makefile
+# Borland C++ tools
+IMPLIB = $(BORLAND)\bin\Implib
+BCC32 = $(BORLAND)\bin\Bcc32
+TLINK32 = $(BORLAND)\bin\tlink32
+RC = $(BORLAND)\bin\brcc32
+BCC = $(BORLAND)\bin\Bcc
+TLINK = $(BORLAND)\bin\tlink
+RC16 = $(BORLAND)\bin\brcc32 -31
+MAKE = $(BORLAND)\bin\make -fmakefile.bc
+# System calls
+CP = copy
+RM = del
+MKDIR = -mkdir
+# Source and Build Paths
+# Target Paths
+# Shared Target Files:
+TCLLIB = Tcl76i.lib
+TCLDLL = Tcl76i.dll
+TKLIB = Tk42i.lib
+TKDLL = Tk42i.dll
+ITCLLIB = Itcl22.lib
+ITCLDLL = Itcl22.dll
+ITKLIB = Itk22.lib
+ITKDLL = Itk22.dll
+# Paths to Build locations of libraries
+ cd $(TCLDIR)\Win
+ $(MAKE) all
+ cd $(TKDIR)\Win
+ $(MAKE) all
+ cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win
+ $(MAKE) all
+ cd $(ITKDIR)\Win
+ $(MAKE) all
+ cd $(TCLDIR)\Win
+ $(MAKE) install
+ cd $(TKDIR)\Win
+ $(MAKE) install
+ cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win
+ $(MAKE) install
+ cd $(ITKDIR)\Win
+ $(MAKE) install
+ $(MAKE) install
+ cd $(TCLDIR)\Win
+ $(MAKE) clean
+ cd $(TKDIR)\Win
+ $(MAKE) clean
+ cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win
+ $(MAKE) clean
+ cd $(ITKDIR)\Win
+ $(MAKE) clean
diff --git a/itcl/ b/itcl/
index d5d8e2355f8..7a79939772e 100644
--- a/itcl/
+++ b/itcl/
@@ -1,95 +1,45 @@
-# Visual C++ 4.1 makefile
-# This is the main Visual C++ makefile for the Windows distribution
-# of [incr Tcl] version 3.0. To compile the distribution using Visual
-# C++, copy "" to "makefile". Then set the macros for the
-# location of the source directory, installation directory, and the
-# Microsoft Compilers. You may then "make dist" to build the distribution,
-# and "make dist-install" to install it to the target directory you specify
-# below, and "make dist-clean" to clean up.
-# Project directories
-# ROOT = top of source tree
-# TMPDIR = location where .obj files should be stored during build
-# TOOLS32 = location of VC++ 32-bit development tools. Note that the
-# VC++ 2.0 header files are broken, so you need to use the
-# ones that come with the developer network CD's, or later
-# versions of VC++.
-# INSTALLDIR = where the install- targets should copy the binaries and
-# support files
-TOOLS32 = c:\progra~1\devstudio\vc
-TOOLS32_rc = c:\progra~1\devstudio\sharedide
-SOURCE_ROOT = \ws\incrTcl
-INSTALLDIR = c:\progra~1\Tcl
-TCLDIR = \ws\tcl8.1
-TKDIR = \ws\tk8.1
-TCLSH = $(TCLDIR)\win\Release\tclsh81.exe
-# Set this to the appropriate value of /MACHINE: for your platform
-# Set NODEBUG to 0 to compile with symbols
-# uncomment one of the following lines to compile with TCL_MEM_DEBUG,
-# You should not have to modify anything further in this makefile
-MAKE = $(TOOLS32)\bin\nmake
-# System calls
-CP = copy
-RM = del
-MKDIR = -mkdir
-# Source and Build Paths
-IWIDGETS2DIR = $(SOURCE_ROOT)\Iwidgets2.2.0
-IWIDGETS3DIR = $(SOURCE_ROOT)\Iwidgets3.0.0
- cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) all
- cd $(ITKDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) all
- cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) install
- cd $(ITKDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) install
- cd $(IWIDGETS2DIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) install
- cd $(IWIDGETS3DIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) install
- cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) clean
- cd $(ITKDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) clean
+# Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0+ makefile for [Incr Tcl/Tk].
+# This is the main Visual C++ makefile for the Win32 distribution
+# of [incr Tcl/Tk]. To compile the distribution using Visual C++,
+# first open "" and follow the directions for editing the
+# approriate values for your setup. This is not the TEA makefile.
+# $Id$
+!include ""
+!include ""
+MAKECMD = nmake.exe -nologo /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f
+release :
+ cd itcl\win
+ $(MAKECMD) release
+ cd ..\..\itk\win
+ $(MAKECMD) release
+docs :
+ @echo "ack!"
+install :
+ cd itcl\win
+ $(MAKECMD) install
+ cd ..\..\itk\win
+ $(MAKECMD) install
+ if exist ..\..\iwidgets\nul ( \
+ cd ..\..\iwidgets\win &\
+ $(MAKECMD) install \
+ )
+# cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win
+# $(MAKECMD) clean
+# cd $(ITKDIR)\Win
+# $(MAKECMD) clean
diff --git a/itcl/ b/itcl/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fad1ca28dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/itcl/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Global package version numbers for the build.
+# $Id$
+# remember to change itcl/generic/itcl.h, too.
+# don't add patchlevel!
diff --git a/itcl/ b/itcl/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1d26dd62118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/itcl/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# --
+# Simple set of standard rules for the VC++ makefiles.
+# $Id$
+# a bug fix needed for VC++ 6.0's nmake tool.
+# Reset the version *string* back to the integer it's supposed to be.
+# More entries will have to be made here for all subsiquent nmake
+# versions until Microsoft fixes it.
+_NMAKE_VER = $(_NMAKE_VER:6.00.8168.0=600)
+# Commandline checks and over-rides
+!ifndef HAVE_RULES
+# Set DEBUG to 1 to compile with symbols.
+!ifndef DEBUG
+DEBUG = 0
+# Set STATIC_BUILD to 1 to make a static library rather
+# than a dll.
+# Set USE_TCL_STUBS to 0 to disable Stubs support. Stubs
+# will work fine even with static libraries, but you may
+# disable it if you want to.
+!ifndef USE_TCL_STUBS
+!if $(STATIC_BUILD) == 0
+# Set NOMSVCRT to 1 to use libcmt(d).lib instead of the
+# dynamic run-time.
+!ifndef NOMSVCRT
+!if $(STATIC_BUILD) == 0 && $(NOMSVCRT) == 1
+!error "The static runtime in a loadable (dll) extension is a useless configuration that will cause abnormal and unnecessary code bloat."
+!endif #!ifndef HAVE_RULES
diff --git a/itcl/tcl.m4 b/itcl/tcl.m4
index 3b66d1a7c64..71578ac3d39 100644
--- a/itcl/tcl.m4
+++ b/itcl/tcl.m4
@@ -63,10 +63,6 @@ AC_DEFUN(SC_PATH_TCLCONFIG, [
ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- if test -f "$i/win/" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i/win; pwd)`
- break
- fi
@@ -89,18 +85,14 @@ AC_DEFUN(SC_PATH_TCLCONFIG, [
if test -f "$i/unix/" ; then
ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- fi
- if test -f "$i/win/" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i/win; pwd)`
- break
- fi
+ fi
if test x"${ac_cv_c_tclconfig}" = x ; then
TCL_BIN_DIR="# no Tcl configs found"
- AC_MSG_ERROR(Can't find Tcl configuration definitions)
+ AC_MSG_WARN(Can't find Tcl configuration definitions)
exit 0
@@ -164,10 +156,6 @@ AC_DEFUN(SC_PATH_TKCONFIG, [
ac_cv_c_tkconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- if test -f "$i/win/" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tkconfig=`(cd $i/win; pwd)`
- break
- fi
# check in a few common install locations
@@ -189,16 +177,12 @@ AC_DEFUN(SC_PATH_TKCONFIG, [
ac_cv_c_tkconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- if test -f "$i/win/" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tkconfig=`(cd $i/win; pwd)`
- break
- fi
if test x"${ac_cv_c_tkconfig}" = x ; then
TK_BIN_DIR="# no Tk configs found"
- AC_MSG_ERROR(Can't find Tk configuration definitions)
+ AC_MSG_WARN(Can't find Tk configuration definitions)
exit 0
@@ -296,6 +280,41 @@ AC_DEFUN(SC_LOAD_TKCONFIG, [
+# Allows the use of GCC if available
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# Adds the following arguments to configure:
+# --enable-gcc
+# Sets the following vars:
+# CC Command to use for the compiler
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(gcc, [ --enable-gcc allow use of gcc if available [--disable-gcc]],
+ [ok=$enableval], [ok=no])
+ if test "$ok" = "yes"; then
+ CC=gcc
+ else
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* | *CYGWIN_98* | *CYGWIN_95*)
+ CC=cl
+ ;;
+ *)
+ CC=${CC-cc}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
# Allows the building of shared libraries
@@ -320,18 +339,14 @@ AC_DEFUN(SC_ENABLE_SHARED, [
AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to build libraries])
[ --enable-shared build and link with shared libraries [--enable-shared]],
- [tcl_ok=$enableval], [tcl_ok=no])
+ [tcl_ok=$enableval], [tcl_ok=yes])
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
- # Default to shared build for Windows
- if test "${enable_shared+set}" != set; then
- tcl_ok=yes
- fi
- ;;
- esac
+ if test "${enable_shared+set}" = set; then
+ enableval="$enable_shared"
+ tcl_ok=$enableval
+ else
+ tcl_ok=yes
+ fi
if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes" ; then
@@ -375,8 +390,8 @@ AC_DEFUN(SC_ENABLE_THREADS, [
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* | *CYGWIN_98* | *CYGWIN_95*)
@@ -428,8 +443,8 @@ AC_DEFUN(SC_ENABLE_THREADS, [
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* | *CYGWIN_98* | *CYGWIN_95*)
@@ -458,6 +473,1316 @@ AC_DEFUN(SC_ENABLE_SYMBOLS, [
+# Try to determine the proper flags to pass to the compiler
+# for building shared libraries and other such nonsense.
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# Defines the following vars:
+# DL_OBJS - Name of the object file that implements dynamic
+# loading for Tcl on this system.
+# DL_LIBS - Library file(s) to include in tclsh and other base
+# applications in order for the "load" command to work.
+# LDFLAGS - Flags to pass to the compiler when linking object
+# files into an executable application binary such
+# as tclsh.
+# LD_SEARCH_FLAGS-Flags to pass to ld, such as "-R /usr/local/tcl/lib",
+# that tell the run-time dynamic linker where to look
+# for shared libraries such as Depends on
+# the variable LIB_RUNTIME_DIR in the Makefile.
+# MAKE_LIB - Command to execute to build the Tcl library;
+# differs depending on whether or not Tcl is being
+# compiled as a shared library.
+# SHLIB_CFLAGS - Flags to pass to cc when compiling the components
+# of a shared library (may request position-independent
+# code, among other things).
+# SHLIB_LD - Base command to use for combining object files
+# into a shared library.
+# SHLIB_LD_LIBS - Dependent libraries for the linker to scan when
+# creating shared libraries. This symbol typically
+# goes at the end of the "ld" commands that build
+# shared libraries. The value of the symbol is
+# "${LIBS}" if all of the dependent libraries should
+# be specified when creating a shared library. If
+# dependent libraries should not be specified (as on
+# SunOS 4.x, where they cause the link to fail, or in
+# general if Tcl and Tk aren't themselves shared
+# libraries), then this symbol has an empty string
+# as its value.
+# SHLIB_SUFFIX - Suffix to use for the names of dynamically loadable
+# extensions. An empty string means we don't know how
+# to use shared libraries on this platform.
+# TCL_LIB_FILE - Name of the file that contains the Tcl library, such
+# as or libtcl7.8.a.
+# TCL_LIB_SUFFIX -Specifies everything that comes after the "libtcl"
+# in the shared library name, using the $VERSION variable
+# to put the version in the right place. This is used
+# by platforms that need non-standard library names.
+# Examples: ${VERSION}.so.1.1 on NetBSD, since it needs
+# to have a version after the .so, and ${VERSION}.a
+# on AIX, since the Tcl shared library needs to have
+# a .a extension whereas shared objects for loadable
+# extensions have a .so extension. Defaults to
+# 1 means that an export file is needed to link to a
+# shared library.
+# TCL_EXP_FILE - The name of the installed export / import file which
+# should be used to link to the Tcl shared library.
+# Empty if Tcl is unshared.
+# The name of the built export / import file which
+# should be used to link to the Tcl shared library.
+# Empty if Tcl is unshared.
+# Flags used when running the compiler in debug mode
+# Flags used when running the compiler in optimize mode
+# Subst's the following vars:
+ # Step 0: Enable 64 bit support?
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([if 64bit support is enabled])
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(64bit,[ --enable-64bit enable 64bit support],,enableval="no")
+ if test "$enableval" = "yes"; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(Will compile with 64bit support)
+ do64bit=yes
+ else
+ do64bit=no
+ fi
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($do64bit)
+ # Step 1: set the variable "system" to hold the name and version number
+ # for the system. This can usually be done via the "uname" command, but
+ # there are a few systems, like Next, where this doesn't work.
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([system version (for dynamic loading)])
+ if test -f /usr/lib/NextStep/software_version; then
+ system=NEXTSTEP-`awk '/3/,/3/' /usr/lib/NextStep/software_version`
+ else
+ system=`uname -s`-`uname -r`
+ if test "$?" -ne 0 ; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([unknown (can't find uname command)])
+ system=unknown
+ else
+ # Special check for weird MP-RAS system (uname returns weird
+ # results, and the version is kept in special file).
+ if test -r /etc/.relid -a "X`uname -n`" = "X`uname -s`" ; then
+ system=MP-RAS-`awk '{print $3}' /etc/.relid'`
+ fi
+ if test "`uname -s`" = "AIX" ; then
+ system=AIX-`uname -v`.`uname -r`
+ fi
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($system)
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Step 2: check for existence of -ldl library. This is needed because
+ # Linux can use either -ldl or -ldld for dynamic loading.
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(dl, dlopen, have_dl=yes, have_dl=no)
+ # Step 3: set configuration options based on system name and version.
+ do64bit_ok=no
+ fullSrcDir=`cd $srcdir; pwd`
+ TCL_TRIM_DOTS='`echo ${VERSION} | tr -d .`'
+ STLIB_LD="ar cr"
+ case $system in
+ AIX-4.[[2-9]])
+ SHLIB_LD="$fullSrcDir/ldAix /bin/ld -bhalt:4 -bM:SRE -bE:lib.exp -H512 -T512 -bnoentry"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS="-ldl"
+ ;;
+ AIX-*)
+ SHLIB_LD="$fullSrcDir/ldAix /bin/ld -bhalt:4 -bM:SRE -bE:lib.exp -H512 -T512"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS tclLoadAix.o"
+ DL_LIBS="-lld"
+ ;;
+ BSD/OS-2.1*|BSD/OS-3*)
+ SHLIB_LD="shlicc -r"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS="-ldl"
+ ;;
+ BSD/OS-4.*)
+ SHLIB_CFLAGS="-export-dynamic -fPIC"
+ SHLIB_LD="cc -shared"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS="-ldl"
+ LDFLAGS="-export-dynamic"
+ ;;
+ *win32*|*WIN32*|CYGWIN_NT*|cygwin_nt*|*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
+ CFLAGS_DEBUG="-nologo -Z7 -Od -WX ${runtime}d"
+ CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE="-nologo -Oti -Gs -GD ${runtime}"
+ LDFLAGS_CONSOLE="-subsystem:console"
+ LDFLAGS_WINDOW="-subsystem:windows"
+ LDFLAGS_DEBUG="-debug:full -debugtype:cv"
+ STLIB_LD="lib -nologo"
+ SHLIB_LD="link -dll -nologo"
+ SHLIB_LD_LIBS="user32.lib advapi32.lib"
+ RC="rc"
+ ;;
+ dgux*)
+ SHLIB_LD="cc -G"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS="-ldl"
+ ;;
+ HP-UX-*.08.*|HP-UX-*.09.*|HP-UX-*.10.*|HP-UX-*.11.*)
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(dld, shl_load, tcl_ok=yes, tcl_ok=no)
+ if test "$tcl_ok" = yes; then
+ SHLIB_LD="ld -b"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadShl.o"
+ DL_LIBS="-ldld"
+ LDFLAGS="-Wl,-E"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ IRIX-4.*)
+ SHLIB_LD="echo tclLdAout $CC \{$SHLIB_CFLAGS\} | `pwd`/tclsh -r -G 0"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadAout.o"
+ DL_LIBS=""
+ LDFLAGS="-Wl,-D,08000000"
+ ;;
+ IRIX-5.*|IRIX-6.*|IRIX64-6.5*)
+ SHLIB_LD="ld -n32 -shared -rdata_shared"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS=""
+ if test "$CC" = "gcc" -o `$CC -v 2>&1 | grep -c gcc` != "0" ; then
+ EXTRA_CFLAGS="-mabi=n32"
+ LDFLAGS="-mabi=n32"
+ else
+ case $system in
+ IRIX-6.3)
+ # Use to build 6.2 compatible binaries on 6.3.
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ LDFLAGS="-n32"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ IRIX64-6.*)
+ SHLIB_LD="ld -32 -shared -rdata_shared"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS=""
+ ;;
+ Linux*)
+ # egcs-2.91.66 on Redhat Linux 6.0 generates lots of warnings
+ # when you inline the string and math operations. Turn this off to
+ # get rid of the warnings.
+ if test "$have_dl" = yes; then
+ SHLIB_LD="${CC} -shared"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS="-ldl"
+ LDFLAGS="-rdynamic"
+ else
+ AC_CHECK_HEADER(dld.h, [
+ SHLIB_LD="ld -shared"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDld.o"
+ DL_LIBS="-ldld"
+ fi
+ if test "`uname -m`" = "alpha" ; then
+ EXTRA_CFLAGS="-mieee"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ MP-RAS-02*)
+ SHLIB_LD="cc -G"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS="-ldl"
+ ;;
+ MP-RAS-*)
+ SHLIB_LD="cc -G"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS="-ldl"
+ LDFLAGS="-Wl,-Bexport"
+ ;;
+ NetBSD-*|FreeBSD-[[12]].*|OpenBSD-*)
+ # Not available on all versions: check for include file.
+ AC_CHECK_HEADER(dlfcn.h, [
+ SHLIB_CFLAGS="-fpic"
+ SHLIB_LD="ld -Bshareable -x"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS=""
+ ], [
+ SHLIB_LD="echo tclLdAout $CC \{$SHLIB_CFLAGS\} | `pwd`/tclsh -r"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadAout.o"
+ DL_LIBS=""
+ ])
+ # FreeBSD doesn't handle version numbers with dots.
+ ;;
+ FreeBSD-*)
+ # FreeBSD 3.* and greater have ELF.
+ SHLIB_CFLAGS="-fpic"
+ SHLIB_LD="ld -Bshareable -x"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS=""
+ ;;
+ Rhapsody-*|Darwin-*)
+ SHLIB_CFLAGS="-fno-common"
+ SHLIB_LD="cc -dynamiclib \${LDFLAGS} -compatibility_version ${TCL_MAJOR_VERSION} -current_version \${VERSION} -install_name \${LIB_RUNTIME_DIR}/\${TCL_LIB_FILE}"
+ SHLIB_SUFFIX=".dylib"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDyld.o"
+ DL_LIBS=""
+ ;;
+ SHLIB_LD="cc -nostdlib -r"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadNext.o"
+ DL_LIBS=""
+ ;;
+ OS/390-*)
+ CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE="" # Optimizer is buggy
+ AC_DEFINE(_OE_SOCKETS) # needed in sys/socket.h
+ ;;
+ OSF1-1.0|OSF1-1.1|OSF1-1.2)
+ # OSF/1 1.[012] from OSF, and derivatives, including Paragon OSF/1
+ # Hack: make package name same as library name
+ SHLIB_LD='ld -R -export $@:'
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadOSF.o"
+ DL_LIBS=""
+ ;;
+ OSF1-1.*)
+ # OSF/1 1.3 from OSF using ELF, and derivatives, including AD2
+ SHLIB_CFLAGS="-fpic"
+ SHLIB_LD="ld -shared"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS=""
+ ;;
+ OSF1-V*)
+ # Digital OSF/1
+ SHLIB_LD='ld -shared -expect_unresolved "*"'
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS=""
+ ;;
+ RISCos-*)
+ SHLIB_LD="echo tclLdAout $CC \{$SHLIB_CFLAGS\} | `pwd`/tclsh -r -G 0"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadAout.o"
+ DL_LIBS=""
+ LDFLAGS="-Wl,-D,08000000"
+ ;;
+ SCO_SV-3.2*)
+ # Note, dlopen is available only on SCO 3.2.5 and greater. However,
+ # this test works, since "uname -s" was non-standard in 3.2.4 and
+ # below.
+ SHLIB_CFLAGS="-Kpic -belf"
+ SHLIB_LD="ld -G"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS=""
+ LDFLAGS="-belf -Wl,-Bexport"
+ ;;
+ SINIX*5.4*)
+ SHLIB_LD="cc -G"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS="-ldl"
+ ;;
+ SunOS-4*)
+ SHLIB_LD="ld"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS="-ldl"
+ # SunOS can't handle version numbers with dots in them in library
+ # specs, like -ltcl7.5, so use -ltcl75 instead. Also, it
+ # requires an extra version number at the end of .so file names.
+ # So, the library has to have a name like
+ ;;
+ SunOS-5.[[0-6]]*)
+ SHLIB_LD="/usr/ccs/bin/ld -G -z text"
+ # Note: need the LIBS below, otherwise Tk won't find Tcl's
+ # symbols when dynamically loaded into tclsh.
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS="-ldl"
+ ;;
+ SunOS-5*)
+ SHLIB_LD="/usr/ccs/bin/ld -G -z text"
+ do64bit_ok=no
+ if test "$do64bit" = "yes" ; then
+ arch=`isainfo`
+ if test "$arch" = "sparcv9 sparc" ; then
+ if test "$CC" != "gcc" -a `$CC -v 2>&1 | grep -c gcc` = "0" ; then
+ do64bit_ok=yes
+ EXTRA_CFLAGS="-xarch=v9"
+ LDFLAGS="-xarch=v9"
+ else
+ AC_MSG_WARN("64bit mode not supported using GCC on $system")
+ fi
+ else
+ AC_MSG_WARN("64bit mode only supported sparcv9 system")
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Note: need the LIBS below, otherwise Tk won't find Tcl's
+ # symbols when dynamically loaded into tclsh.
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS="-ldl"
+ if test "$CC" = "gcc" -o `$CC -v 2>&1 | grep -c gcc` != "0" ; then
+ else
+ fi
+ ;;
+ ULTRIX-4.*)
+ SHLIB_LD="echo tclLdAout $CC \{$SHLIB_CFLAGS\} | `pwd`/tclsh -r -G 0"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadAout.o"
+ DL_LIBS=""
+ LDFLAGS="-Wl,-D,08000000"
+ ;;
+ UNIX_SV* | UnixWare-5*)
+ SHLIB_LD="cc -G"
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
+ DL_LIBS="-ldl"
+ # Some UNIX_SV* systems (unixware 1.1.2 for example) have linkers
+ # that don't grok the -Bexport option. Test that it does.
+ hold_ldflags=$LDFLAGS
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ld accepts -Bexport flag)
+ LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,-Bexport"
+ AC_TRY_LINK(, [int i;], found=yes, found=no)
+ LDFLAGS=$hold_ldflags
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($found)
+ if test $found = yes; then
+ LDFLAGS="-Wl,-Bexport"
+ else
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test "$do64bit" = "yes" -a "$do64bit_ok" = "no" ; then
+ AC_MSG_WARN("64bit support being disabled -- not supported on this platform")
+ fi
+ # Step 4: If pseudo-static linking is in use (see K. B. Kenny, "Dynamic
+ # Loading for Tcl -- What Became of It?". Proc. 2nd Tcl/Tk Workshop,
+ # New Orleans, LA, Computerized Processes Unlimited, 1994), then we need
+ # to determine which of several header files defines the a.out file
+ # format (a.out.h, sys/exec.h, or sys/exec_aout.h). At present, we
+ # support only a file format that is more or less version-7-compatible.
+ # In particular,
+ # - a.out files must begin with `struct exec'.
+ # - the N_TXTOFF on the `struct exec' must compute the seek address
+ # of the text segment
+ # - The `struct exec' must contain a_magic, a_text, a_data, a_bss
+ # and a_entry fields.
+ # The following compilation should succeed if and only if either sys/exec.h
+ # or a.out.h is usable for the purpose.
+ #
+ # Note that the modified COFF format used on MIPS Ultrix 4.x is usable; the
+ # `struct exec' includes a second header that contains information that
+ # duplicates the v7 fields that are needed.
+ if test "x$DL_OBJS" = "xtclLoadAout.o" ; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(sys/exec.h)
+ AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <sys/exec.h>],[
+ struct exec foo;
+ unsigned long seek;
+ int flag;
+#if defined(__mips) || defined(mips)
+ seek = N_TXTOFF (foo.ex_f, foo.ex_o);
+ seek = N_TXTOFF (foo);
+ flag = (foo.a_magic == OMAGIC);
+ return foo.a_text + foo.a_data + foo.a_bss + foo.a_entry;
+ ], tcl_ok=usable, tcl_ok=unusable)
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($tcl_ok)
+ if test $tcl_ok = usable; then
+ else
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(a.out.h)
+ AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <a.out.h>],[
+ struct exec foo;
+ unsigned long seek;
+ int flag;
+#if defined(__mips) || defined(mips)
+ seek = N_TXTOFF (foo.ex_f, foo.ex_o);
+ seek = N_TXTOFF (foo);
+ flag = (foo.a_magic == OMAGIC);
+ return foo.a_text + foo.a_data + foo.a_bss + foo.a_entry;
+ ], tcl_ok=usable, tcl_ok=unusable)
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($tcl_ok)
+ if test $tcl_ok = usable; then
+ else
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(sys/exec_aout.h)
+ AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <sys/exec_aout.h>],[
+ struct exec foo;
+ unsigned long seek;
+ int flag;
+#if defined(__mips) || defined(mips)
+ seek = N_TXTOFF (foo.ex_f, foo.ex_o);
+ seek = N_TXTOFF (foo);
+ flag = (foo.a_midmag == OMAGIC);
+ return foo.a_text + foo.a_data + foo.a_bss + foo.a_entry;
+ ], tcl_ok=usable, tcl_ok=unusable)
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($tcl_ok)
+ if test $tcl_ok = usable; then
+ else
+ DL_OBJS=""
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Step 5: disable dynamic loading if requested via a command-line switch.
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(load, [ --disable-load disallow dynamic loading and "load" command],
+ [tcl_ok=$enableval], [tcl_ok=yes])
+ if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
+ DL_OBJS=""
+ fi
+ if test "x$DL_OBJS" != "x" ; then
+ else
+ echo "Can't figure out how to do dynamic loading or shared libraries"
+ echo "on this system."
+ DL_OBJS="tclLoadNone.o"
+ DL_LIBS=""
+ fi
+ # If we're running gcc, then change the C flags for compiling shared
+ # libraries to the right flags for gcc, instead of those for the
+ # standard manufacturer compiler.
+ if test "$DL_OBJS" != "tclLoadNone.o" ; then
+ if test "$CC" = "gcc" -o `$CC -v 2>&1 | grep -c gcc` != "0" ; then
+ case $system in
+ AIX-*)
+ ;;
+ BSD/OS*)
+ ;;
+ IRIX*)
+ ;;
+ NetBSD-*|FreeBSD-*|OpenBSD-*)
+ ;;
+ Rhapsody-*|Darwin-*)
+ ;;
+ RISCos-*)
+ ;;
+ ULTRIX-4.*)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test "$SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX" = "" ; then
+ fi
+ if test "$UNSHARED_LIB_SUFFIX" = "" ; then
+ fi
+# Determine which interface to use to talk to the serial port.
+# Note that #include lines must begin in leftmost column for
+# some compilers to recognize them as preprocessor directives.
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# Defines only one of the following vars:
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([termios vs. termio vs. sgtty])
+#include <termios.h>
+ struct termios t;
+ if (tcgetattr(0, &t) == 0) {
+ cfsetospeed(&t, 0);
+ t.c_cflag |= PARENB | PARODD | CSIZE | CSTOPB;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+}], tk_ok=termios, tk_ok=no, tk_ok=no)
+ if test $tk_ok = termios; then
+ else
+#include <termio.h>
+ struct termio t;
+ if (ioctl(0, TCGETA, &t) == 0) {
+ t.c_cflag |= CBAUD | PARENB | PARODD | CSIZE | CSTOPB;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }], tk_ok=termio, tk_ok=no, tk_ok=no)
+ if test $tk_ok = termio; then
+ else
+#include <sgtty.h>
+ struct sgttyb t;
+ if (ioctl(0, TIOCGETP, &t) == 0) {
+ t.sg_ospeed = 0;
+ t.sg_flags |= ODDP | EVENP | RAW;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+}], tk_ok=sgtty, tk_ok=none, tk_ok=none)
+ if test $tk_ok = sgtty; then
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($tk_ok)
+# Supply substitutes for missing POSIX header files. Special
+# notes:
+# - stdlib.h doesn't define strtol, strtoul, or
+# strtod insome versions of SunOS
+# - some versions of string.h don't declare procedures such
+# as strstr
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# Defines some of the following vars:
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(dirent.h)
+ AC_TRY_LINK([#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>], [
+#ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
+# ifdef __Lynx__
+ /*
+ * Generate compilation error to make the test fail: Lynx headers
+ * are only valid if really in the POSIX environment.
+ */
+ missing_procedure();
+# endif
+DIR *d;
+struct dirent *entryPtr;
+char *p;
+d = opendir("foobar");
+entryPtr = readdir(d);
+p = entryPtr->d_name;
+], tcl_ok=yes, tcl_ok=no)
+ if test $tcl_ok = no; then
+ fi
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($tcl_ok)
+ AC_CHECK_HEADER(stdlib.h, tcl_ok=1, tcl_ok=0)
+ AC_EGREP_HEADER(strtol, stdlib.h, , tcl_ok=0)
+ AC_EGREP_HEADER(strtoul, stdlib.h, , tcl_ok=0)
+ AC_EGREP_HEADER(strtod, stdlib.h, , tcl_ok=0)
+ if test $tcl_ok = 0; then
+ fi
+ AC_CHECK_HEADER(string.h, tcl_ok=1, tcl_ok=0)
+ AC_EGREP_HEADER(strstr, string.h, , tcl_ok=0)
+ AC_EGREP_HEADER(strerror, string.h, , tcl_ok=0)
+ # See also memmove check below for a place where NO_STRING_H can be
+ # set and why.
+ if test $tcl_ok = 0; then
+ fi
+ # OS/390 lacks sys/param.h (and doesn't need it, by chance).
+ AC_HAVE_HEADERS(unistd.h sys/param.h)
+# Locate the X11 header files and the X11 library archive. Try
+# the ac_path_x macro first, but if it doesn't find the X stuff
+# (e.g. because there's no xmkmf program) then check through
+# a list of possible directories. Under some conditions the
+# autoconf macro will return an include directory that contains
+# no include files, so double-check its result just to be safe.
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# Sets the the following vars:
+ not_really_there=""
+ if test "$no_x" = ""; then
+ if test "$x_includes" = ""; then
+ AC_TRY_CPP([#include <X11/XIntrinsic.h>], , not_really_there="yes")
+ else
+ if test ! -r $x_includes/X11/Intrinsic.h; then
+ not_really_there="yes"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test "$no_x" = "yes" -o "$not_really_there" = "yes"; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for X11 header files)
+ XINCLUDES="# no special path needed"
+ AC_TRY_CPP([#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>], , XINCLUDES="nope")
+ if test "$XINCLUDES" = nope; then
+ dirs="/usr/unsupported/include /usr/local/include /usr/X386/include /usr/X11R6/include /usr/X11R5/include /usr/include/X11R5 /usr/include/X11R4 /usr/openwin/include /usr/X11/include /usr/sww/include"
+ for i in $dirs ; do
+ if test -r $i/X11/Intrinsic.h; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ else
+ if test "$x_includes" != ""; then
+ XINCLUDES=-I$x_includes
+ else
+ XINCLUDES="# no special path needed"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test "$XINCLUDES" = nope; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(couldn't find any!)
+ XINCLUDES="# no include files found"
+ fi
+ if test "$no_x" = yes; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for X11 libraries)
+ XLIBSW=nope
+ dirs="/usr/unsupported/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/X386/lib /usr/X11R6/lib /usr/X11R5/lib /usr/lib/X11R5 /usr/lib/X11R4 /usr/openwin/lib /usr/X11/lib /usr/sww/X11/lib"
+ for i in $dirs ; do
+ if test -r $i/libX11.a -o -r $i/ -o -r $i/; then
+ XLIBSW="-L$i -lX11"
+ x_libraries="$i"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ if test "$x_libraries" = ""; then
+ XLIBSW=-lX11
+ else
+ XLIBSW="-L$x_libraries -lX11"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test "$XLIBSW" = nope ; then
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(Xwindow, XCreateWindow, XLIBSW=-lXwindow)
+ fi
+ if test "$XLIBSW" = nope ; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(couldn't find any! Using -lX11.)
+ XLIBSW=-lX11
+ fi
+# The statements below check for systems where POSIX-style
+# non-blocking I/O (O_NONBLOCK) doesn't work or is unimplemented.
+# On these systems (mostly older ones), use the old BSD-style
+# FIONBIO approach instead.
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# Defines some of the following vars:
+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/ioctl.h)
+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/filio.h)
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([FIONBIO vs. O_NONBLOCK for nonblocking I/O])
+ if test -f /usr/lib/NextStep/software_version; then
+ system=NEXTSTEP-`awk '/3/,/3/' /usr/lib/NextStep/software_version`
+ else
+ system=`uname -s`-`uname -r`
+ if test "$?" -ne 0 ; then
+ system=unknown
+ else
+ # Special check for weird MP-RAS system (uname returns weird
+ # results, and the version is kept in special file).
+ if test -r /etc/.relid -a "X`uname -n`" = "X`uname -s`" ; then
+ system=MP-RAS-`awk '{print $3}' /etc/.relid'`
+ fi
+ if test "`uname -s`" = "AIX" ; then
+ system=AIX-`uname -v`.`uname -r`
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ case $system in
+ # There used to be code here to use FIONBIO under AIX. However, it
+ # was reported that FIONBIO doesn't work under AIX 3.2.5. Since
+ # using O_NONBLOCK seems fine under AIX 4.*, I removed the FIONBIO
+ # code (JO, 5/31/97).
+ OSF*)
+ ;;
+ SunOS-4*)
+ ;;
+ ULTRIX-4.*)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Check to see whether the system provides a vfork kernel call.
+# If not, then use fork instead. Also, check for a problem with
+# vforks and signals that can cause core dumps if a vforked child
+# resets a signal handler. If the problem exists, then use fork
+# instead of vfork.
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# Defines some of the following vars:
+# vfork (=fork)
+ AC_CHECK_FUNC(vfork, tcl_ok=1, tcl_ok=0)
+ if test "$tcl_ok" = 1; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([vfork/signal bug]);
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+int gotSignal = 0;
+ int sig;
+ gotSignal = 1;
+ int pid, sts;
+ (void) signal(SIGCHLD, sigProc);
+ pid = vfork();
+ if (pid < 0) {
+ exit(1);
+ } else if (pid == 0) {
+ (void) signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
+ _exit(0);
+ } else {
+ (void) wait(&sts);
+ }
+ exit((gotSignal) ? 0 : 1);
+}], tcl_ok=1, tcl_ok=0, tcl_ok=0)
+ if test "$tcl_ok" = 1; then
+ else
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([buggy, using fork instead])
+ fi
+ fi
+ rm -f core
+ if test "$tcl_ok" = 0; then
+ AC_DEFINE(vfork, fork)
+ fi
+# Checks how the system deals with time.h, what time structures
+# are used on the system, and what fields the structures have.
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# Defines some of the following vars:
+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/time.h)
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([tm_tzadj in struct tm])
+ AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <time.h>], [struct tm tm; tm.tm_tzadj;],
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)],
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([tm_gmtoff in struct tm])
+ AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <time.h>], [struct tm tm; tm.tm_gmtoff;],
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)],
+ #
+ # Its important to include time.h in this check, as some systems
+ # (like convex) have timezone functions, etc.
+ #
+ have_timezone=no
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([long timezone variable])
+ AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <time.h>],
+ [extern long timezone;
+ timezone += 1;
+ exit (0);],
+ [have_timezone=yes
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)],
+ #
+ # On some systems (eg IRIX 6.2), timezone is a time_t and not a long.
+ #
+ if test "$have_timezone" = no; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([time_t timezone variable])
+ AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <time.h>],
+ [extern time_t timezone;
+ timezone += 1;
+ exit (0);],
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)],
+ fi
+ #
+ # AIX does not have a timezone field in struct tm. When the AIX bsd
+ # library is used, the timezone global and the gettimeofday methods are
+ # to be avoided for timezone deduction instead, we deduce the timezone
+ # by comparing the localtime result on a known GMT value.
+ #
+ if test "`uname -s`" = "AIX" ; then
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(bsd, gettimeofday, libbsd=yes)
+ if test $libbsd = yes; then
+ fi
+ fi
+# Under Solaris 2.4, strtod returns the wrong value for the
+# terminating character under some conditions. Check for this
+# and if the problem exists use a substitute procedure
+# "fixstrtod" (provided by Tcl) that corrects the error.
+# Arguments:
+# none
+# Results:
+# Might defines some of the following vars:
+# strtod (=fixstrtod)
+ AC_CHECK_FUNC(strtod, tk_strtod=1, tk_strtod=0)
+ if test "$tk_strtod" = 1; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Solaris 2.4 strtod bug])
+ extern double strtod();
+ int main()
+ {
+ char *string = "NaN";
+ char *term;
+ strtod(string, &term);
+ if ((term != string) && (term[-1] == 0)) {
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ }], tk_ok=1, tk_ok=0, tk_ok=0)
+ if test "$tk_ok" = 1; then
+ else
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(buggy)
+ AC_DEFINE(strtod, fixstrtod)
+ fi
+ fi
+# Search for the libraries needed to link the Tcl shell.
+# Things like the math library (-lm) and socket stuff (-lsocket vs.
+# -lnsl) are dealt with here.
+# Arguments:
+# Requires the following vars to be set in the Makefile:
+# Results:
+# Subst's the following var:
+# Might append to the following vars:
+# Might define the following vars:
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # On a few very rare systems, all of the libm.a stuff is
+ # already in libc.a. Set compiler flags accordingly.
+ # Also, Linux requires the "ieee" library for math to work
+ # right (and it must appear before "-lm").
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(ieee, main, [MATH_LIBS="-lieee $MATH_LIBS"])
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # On AIX systems, libbsd.a has to be linked in to support
+ # non-blocking file IO. This library has to be linked in after
+ # the MATH_LIBS or it breaks the pow() function. The way to
+ # insure proper sequencing, is to add it to the tail of MATH_LIBS.
+ # This library also supplies gettimeofday.
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ libbsd=no
+ if test "`uname -s`" = "AIX" ; then
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(bsd, gettimeofday, libbsd=yes)
+ if test $libbsd = yes; then
+ fi
+ fi
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Interactive UNIX requires -linet instead of -lsocket, plus it
+ # needs net/errno.h to define the socket-related error codes.
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(inet, main, [LIBS="$LIBS -linet"])
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Check for the existence of the -lsocket and -lnsl libraries.
+ # The order here is important, so that they end up in the right
+ # order in the command line generated by make. Here are some
+ # special considerations:
+ # 1. Use "connect" and "accept" to check for -lsocket, and
+ # "gethostbyname" to check for -lnsl.
+ # 2. Use each function name only once: can't redo a check because
+ # autoconf caches the results of the last check and won't redo it.
+ # 3. Use -lnsl and -lsocket only if they supply procedures that
+ # aren't already present in the normal libraries. This is because
+ # IRIX 5.2 has libraries, but they aren't needed and they're
+ # bogus: they goof up name resolution if used.
+ # 4. On some SVR4 systems, can't use -lsocket without -lnsl too.
+ # To get around this problem, check for both libraries together
+ # if -lsocket doesn't work by itself.
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ tcl_checkBoth=0
+ AC_CHECK_FUNC(connect, tcl_checkSocket=0, tcl_checkSocket=1)
+ if test "$tcl_checkSocket" = 1; then
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(socket, main, LIBS="$LIBS -lsocket", tcl_checkBoth=1)
+ fi
+ if test "$tcl_checkBoth" = 1; then
+ tk_oldLibs=$LIBS
+ LIBS="$LIBS -lsocket -lnsl"
+ AC_CHECK_FUNC(accept, tcl_checkNsl=0, [LIBS=$tk_oldLibs])
+ fi
+ AC_CHECK_FUNC(gethostbyname, , AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl, main,
+ [LIBS="$LIBS -lnsl"]))
+ # Don't perform the eval of the libraries here because DL_LIBS
+ # won't be set until we call SC_CONFIG_CFLAGS
@@ -479,20 +1804,15 @@ AC_DEFUN(SC_ENABLE_SYMBOLS, [
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
- if test "${CC}" = "cl"; then
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* |*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
+ if test "${CC-cc}" = "cl"; then
MAKE_STATIC_LIB="\${STLIB_LD} -out:\[$]@ \$(\[$]@_OBJECTS) "
- else
- MAKE_STATIC_LIB="\${STLIB_LD} \[$]@ \$(\[$]@_OBJECTS) "
- MAKE_SHARED_LIB="\${SHLIB_LD} -o \[$]@ \$(\[$]@_OBJECTS) \${SHLIB_LDFLAGS} \$(LDFLAGS) \${SHLIB_LD_LIBS} -Wl,--out-implib,\$(patsubst %.dll,lib%.a,\[$]@)"
MAKE_STATIC_LIB="\${STLIB_LD} \[$]@ \$(\[$]@_OBJECTS)"
@@ -501,14 +1821,92 @@ AC_DEFUN(SC_MAKE_LIB, [
+# Compute the name of an existing object library located in libdir
+# from the given base name and produce the appropriate linker flags.
+# Arguments:
+# basename The base name of the library without version
+# numbers, extensions, or "lib" prefixes.
+# extra_dir Extra directory in which to search for the
+# library. This location is used first, then
+# $prefix/$exec-prefix, then some defaults.
+# Requires:
+# CYGPATH command used to generate native style paths
+# Results:
+# Defines the following vars:
+# ${basename}_LIB_NAME The computed library name.
+# ${basename}_LIB_SPEC The computed linker flags.
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for $1 library)
+ # Look in exec-prefix and prefix for the library. If neither of
+ # these were specified, look in libdir. It doesn't matter if libdir
+ # wasn't specified since a search in the unspecified directory will
+ # fail (NONE/lib)
+ if test x"${exec_prefix}" != x"NONE" ; then
+ sc_lib_name_dir="${exec_prefix}/lib"
+ elif test x"${prefix}" != "NONE" ; then
+ sc_lib_name_dir="${prefix}/lib"
+ else
+ eval "sc_lib_name_dir=${libdir}"
+ fi
+ if test x"$2" != x ; then
+ sc_extra_lib_dir=$2
+ else
+ sc_extra_lib_dir=NONE
+ fi
+ for i in \
+ `ls -dr ${sc_extra_lib_dir}/$1[[0-9]]*.lib 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr ${sc_extra_lib_dir}/lib$1[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr ${sc_lib_name_dir}/$1[[0-9]]*.lib 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr ${sc_lib_name_dir}/lib$1[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr /usr/lib/$1[[0-9]]*.lib 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr /usr/lib/lib$1[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr /usr/local/lib/$1[[0-9]]*.lib 2>/dev/null ` \
+ `ls -dr /usr/local/lib/lib$1[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null ` ; do
+ if test -f "$i" ; then
+ sc_lib_name_dir=`dirname $i`
+ $1_LIB_NAME=`basename $i`
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* |*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
+ $1_LIB_SPEC=\"`${CYGPATH} ${$1_LIB_PATH_NAME}`\"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Strip off the leading "lib" and trailing ".a" or ".so"
+ sc_lib_name_lib=`echo ${$1_LIB_NAME}|sed -e 's/^lib//' -e 's/\.[[^.]]*$//'`
+ $1_LIB_SPEC="-L${sc_lib_name_dir} -l${sc_lib_name_lib}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test "x$1_LIB_NAME" = x ; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(not found)
+ else
+ fi
@@ -539,8 +1937,8 @@ AC_DEFUN(SC_MAKE_LIB, [
AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Tcl private include files)
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* |*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
@@ -576,6 +1974,76 @@ AC_DEFUN(SC_PRIVATE_TCL_HEADERS, [
+# Locate the installed public Tcl header files
+# Arguments:
+# None.
+# Requires:
+# CYGPATH must be set
+# Results:
+# Adds a --with-tclinclude switch to configure.
+# Result is cached.
+# Substs the following vars:
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Tcl public headers)
+ AC_ARG_WITH(tclinclude, [ --with-tclinclude directory containing the public Tcl header files.], with_tclinclude=${withval})
+ if test x"${with_tclinclude}" != x ; then
+ if test -f "${with_tclinclude}/tcl.h" ; then
+ ac_cv_c_tclh=${with_tclinclude}
+ else
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([${with_tclinclude} directory does not contain Tcl public header file tcl.h])
+ fi
+ else
+ AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_c_tclh, [
+ # Use the value from --with-tclinclude, if it was given
+ if test x"${with_tclinclude}" != x ; then
+ ac_cv_c_tclh=${with_tclinclude}
+ else
+ # Check in the includedir, if --prefix was specified
+ eval "temp_includedir=${includedir}"
+ for i in \
+ `ls -d ${temp_includedir} 2>/dev/null` \
+ /usr/local/include /usr/include ; do
+ if test -f "$i/tcl.h" ; then
+ ac_cv_c_tclh=$i
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ ])
+ fi
+ # Print a message based on how we determined the include path
+ if test x"${ac_cv_c_tclh}" = x ; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(tcl.h not found. Please specify its location with --with-tclinclude)
+ else
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(${ac_cv_c_tclh})
+ fi
+ # Convert to a native path and substitute into the output files.
+ INCLUDE_DIR_NATIVE=`${CYGPATH} ${ac_cv_c_tclh}`
# Locate the private Tk include files
@@ -595,8 +2063,8 @@ AC_DEFUN(SC_PRIVATE_TCL_HEADERS, [
AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Tk private include files)
- case "${host}" in
- *mingw32* | *windows32*)
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* |*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
@@ -624,3 +2092,192 @@ AC_DEFUN(SC_PRIVATE_TK_HEADERS, [
AC_MSG_RESULT(Using srcdir found in
+# Locate the installed public Tk header files
+# Arguments:
+# None.
+# Requires:
+# CYGPATH must be set
+# Results:
+# Adds a --with-tkinclude switch to configure.
+# Result is cached.
+# Substs the following vars:
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Tk public headers)
+ AC_ARG_WITH(tkinclude, [ --with-tkinclude directory containing the public Tk header files.], with_tkinclude=${withval})
+ if test x"${with_tkinclude}" != x ; then
+ if test -f "${with_tkinclude}/tk.h" ; then
+ ac_cv_c_tkh=${with_tkinclude}
+ else
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([${with_tkinclude} directory does not contain Tk public header file tk.h])
+ fi
+ else
+ AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_c_tkh, [
+ # Use the value from --with-tkinclude, if it was given
+ if test x"${with_tkinclude}" != x ; then
+ ac_cv_c_tkh=${with_tkinclude}
+ else
+ # Check in the includedir, if --prefix was specified
+ eval "temp_includedir=${includedir}"
+ for i in \
+ `ls -d ${temp_includedir} 2>/dev/null` \
+ /usr/local/include /usr/include ; do
+ if test -f "$i/tk.h" ; then
+ ac_cv_c_tkh=$i
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ ])
+ fi
+ # Print a message based on how we determined the include path
+ if test x"${ac_cv_c_tkh}" = x ; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(tk.h not found. Please specify its location with --with-tkinclude)
+ else
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(${ac_cv_c_tkh})
+ fi
+ # Convert to a native path and substitute into the output files.
+ INCLUDE_DIR_NATIVE=`${CYGPATH} ${ac_cv_c_tkh}`
+# Select the executable extension based on the host type. This
+# is a lightweight replacement for AC_EXEEXT that doesn't require
+# a compiler.
+# Arguments
+# none
+# Results
+# Subst's the following values:
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(executable extension based on host type)
+ case "`uname -s`" in
+ *win32* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN_NT* |*CYGWIN_98*|*CYGWIN_95*)
+ EXEEXT=".exe"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Locate a tclsh shell in the following directories:
+# ${exec_prefix}/bin
+# ${prefix}/bin
+# ${TCL_BIN_DIR}/../bin
+# ${PATH}
+# Arguments
+# none
+# Results
+# Subst's the following values:
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for tclsh])
+ AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_path_tclsh, [
+ search_path=`echo ${exec_prefix}/bin:${prefix}/bin:${TCL_BIN_DIR}:${TCL_BIN_DIR}/../bin:${PATH} | sed -e 's/:/ /g'`
+ for dir in $search_path ; do
+ for j in `ls -r $dir/tclsh[[8-9]]*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` \
+ `ls -r $dir/tclsh*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` ; do
+ if test x"$ac_cv_path_tclsh" = x ; then
+ if test -f "$j" ; then
+ ac_cv_path_tclsh=$j
+ break
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ ])
+ if test -f "$ac_cv_path_tclsh" ; then
+ TCLSH_PROG=$ac_cv_path_tclsh
+ else
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(No tclsh found in PATH: $search_path)
+ fi
+# Locate a wish shell in the following directories:
+# ${exec_prefix}/bin
+# ${prefix}/bin
+# ${TCL_BIN_DIR}/../bin
+# ${PATH}
+# Arguments
+# none
+# Results
+# Subst's the following values:
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for wish])
+ AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_path_wish, [
+ search_path=`echo ${exec_prefix}/bin:${prefix}/bin:${TCL_BIN_DIR}:${TCL_BIN_DIR}/../bin:${PATH} | sed -e 's/:/ /g'`
+ for dir in $search_path ; do
+ for j in `ls -r $dir/wish[[8-9]]*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` \
+ `ls -r $dir/wish*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` ; do
+ if test x"$ac_cv_path_wish" = x ; then
+ if test -f "$j" ; then
+ ac_cv_path_wish=$j
+ break
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ ])
+ if test -f "$ac_cv_path_wish" ; then
+ WISH_PROG=$ac_cv_path_wish
+ else
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(No wish found in PATH: $search_path)
+ fi