path: root/pseudonmea.c
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* pseudonmea: Fix potential rounding errors. Combine code.Gary E. Miller2019-04-221-54/+43
* VERR_SET: Removed flag from daemon. No regressions changed.Gary E. Miller2019-03-251-1/+1
* pseudonmea: remove bad sats from $GPGSV output.Gary E. Miller2019-03-201-20/+34
* pseudonmea: Tweak when $GPGBS is output.Gary E. Miller2019-03-141-20/+15
* pseudonmea: Don't report unknown lat/lon/spd/trk as zeros.Gary E. Miller2019-03-141-14/+40
* pseudonmea: In $GPGSV, ouput missing PRN as blanks, not zeros.Gary E. Miller2019-03-131-2/+3
* pseudonmea: DO not ouput $GPZDA with no valid date.Gary E. Miller2019-03-131-1/+4
* pseudonmea: Renable no-time $GPGBS. This time w/o zeros.Gary E. Miller2019-03-131-10/+18
* pseudonmea: Fix $GPGGA to not output zero times.Gary E. Miller2019-03-131-10/+19
* pseudonmea: Add frac seconds to $GPRMC, no zero times.Gary E. Miller2019-03-131-11/+22
* pseudonmea: Add fractional seconds to $GPGGAGary E. Miller2019-03-131-5/+8
* pseudonmea: Remove lone lines in $GPALM code.Gary E. Miller2019-03-131-14/+15
* psuedonmea: Make $GPGBS match NMEA 3.0 specGary E. Miller2019-03-131-17/+22
* LICENSE: Update licenses for consistency. No functional changes.Gary E. Miller2018-11-191-1/+1
* Fix pseudo GSA generationGregory Fong2018-07-141-1/+1
* psuedonmea.c: isnan() -> isfinite(). Fix a buffer size.Gary E. Miller2018-07-141-17/+23
* SPDXify the licerse references.Eric S. Raymond2018-03-081-1/+1
* Puedo GPGSA outputs 12 SATs and NaNs as empty.Gary E. Miller2016-07-181-12/+30
* More trailing whitespace fixups.Gary E. Miller2015-04-301-3/+3
* Retire splint from our set of static analyzers.Eric S. Raymond2015-03-301-13/+5
* Fix bug in type24 msg in pseudoais.c .Reinhard Arlt2015-02-161-12/+14
* Fix incorrect uses of snprintf in pseudo-NMEA code.Zbigniew Chyla2015-01-211-25/+20
* Add str_{,v}appendf, use it everywhere.Zbigniew Chyla2015-01-211-9/+5
* Rename some variables for clarity. All regression tests pass.Zbigniew Chyla2015-01-201-7/+7
* Almost entirely eliminate use of sats_used array.Eric S. Raymond2015-01-101-10/+0
* Attempt to make scons minimal=true check to passJon Schlueter2015-01-071-1/+1
* Fix pseudonmea again.Reinhard Arlt2014-12-151-1/+1
* Fix GPGSA message in pseudonmea.c .Reinhard Arlt2014-11-031-0/+10
* Refactor representation of satellite data into an array of structs...Eric S. Raymond2014-09-221-6/+6
* Fix an odd little bug in pseudo-NMEA reporting.Eric S. Raymond2014-09-221-4/+3
* Structure member name change: packet -> lexer. No logic changes.Eric S. Raymond2014-08-271-1/+1
* Move the AIVDM context into the main driver structure scratch area.Eric S. Raymond2013-10-111-1/+1
* cppcheck ckeanup. All regression tests pass.Eric S. Raymond2013-09-171-1/+1
* Pacify splint.Reinhard Arlt2013-08-041-16/+21
* More work on AIVDM messages in nmea mode.Reinhard Arlt2013-07-231-19/+84
* Groundbreaking for AIVDM messages in nmea mode.Reinhard Arlt2013-07-211-0/+50
* Nuke trailing whitespace in C source.Eric S. Raymond2012-09-071-4/+4
* Clean up from cppcheck warnings. All regression tests pass.Eric S. Raymond2012-05-171-3/+4
* Re-identify most *_IS flags with corresponding *_SET flags.Eric S. Raymond2011-03-271-6/+6
* Splint cleanup. All regression tests pass.Eric S. Raymond2011-02-161-13/+13
* Generate NMEA GPALM in pseudo-NMEA when almanic information is available.Michael Tatarinov2011-02-161-0/+32
* Explain why we emit ZDA in pseudo-nmea without timezone.Eric S. Raymond2011-02-021-0/+9
* Make generated ZDAs report a UTC timezome, since UTC is what they emit.Eric S. Raymond2011-02-011-8/+2
* In pseudo-NMEA generation, emit ZDA at top of cycle.Eric S. Raymond2011-02-011-2/+36
* More header portability auditing by deheader.Eric S. Raymond2010-12-221-4/+2
* Header cleanup.Eric S. Raymond2010-12-141-14/+2
* More partial splint cleanup.Eric S. Raymond2010-12-081-4/+4
* Use isfinite() rather than obsoilete finite().Eric S. Raymond2010-12-021-4/+4
* Unused-header removals by deheader. All regression tests pass.Eric S. Raymond2010-12-011-5/+0
* More indent pragmas.Eric S. Raymond2010-04-141-2/+4