path: root/utils/ghctags
diff options
authorNorman Ramsey <>2006-09-16 23:27:55 +0000
committerNorman Ramsey <>2006-09-16 23:27:55 +0000
commit58e8b8c65d1520c79881945ed423cc436ae06f32 (patch)
tree2bc395b2a83ed824aeacfa0a3f2a13b727e0f03d /utils/ghctags
parent2e6bfe90491d5ab2ea58b4b1e60debd4738be643 (diff)
cover more cases; take GHC options on command line
Bit of a dog's breakfast here: * generate tags for more cases in the syntax * accept -package ghc and other args on command line * scrub away old code for snaffling thru text
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/ghctags')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ghctags/GhcTags.hs b/utils/ghctags/GhcTags.hs
index fe5cd64114..2b713fe022 100644
--- a/utils/ghctags/GhcTags.hs
+++ b/utils/ghctags/GhcTags.hs
@@ -31,10 +31,12 @@ placateGhc = defaultErrorHandler defaultDynFlags $ do
main :: IO ()
main = do
progName <- getProgName
+ let usageString =
+ "Usage: " ++ progName ++ " [OPTION...] [-- GHC OPTION... --] [files...]"
args <- getArgs
- let usageString = "Usage: " ++ progName ++ " [OPTION...] [files...]"
- let (modes, filenames, errs) = getOpt Permute options args
- if errs /= [] || elem Help modes || filenames == []
+ let (ghcArgs, ourArgs, unbalanced) = splitArgs args
+ let (modes, filenames, errs) = getOpt Permute options ourArgs
+ if unbalanced || errs /= [] || elem Help modes || filenames == []
then do
putStr $ unlines errs
putStr $ usageInfo usageString options
@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ main = do
session <- newSession JustTypecheck
print "created a session"
flags <- getSessionDynFlags session
- (flags, _) <- parseDynamicFlags flags ["-package", "ghc"]
+ (flags, _) <- parseDynamicFlags flags ghcArgs
GHC.defaultCleanupHandler flags $ do
flags <- initPackages flags
setSessionDynFlags session flags
@@ -76,6 +78,13 @@ getMode [x] = x
getMode (x:xs) = max x (getMode xs)
+splitArgs :: [String] -> ([String], [String], Bool)
+-- pull out arguments between -- for GHC
+splitArgs args = split [] [] False args
+ where split ghc' tags' unbal ("--" : args) = split tags' ghc' (not unbal) args
+ split ghc' tags' unbal (arg : args) = split ghc' (arg:tags') unbal args
+ split ghc' tags' unbal [] = (reverse ghc', reverse tags', unbal)
data Mode = ETags | CTags | BothTags | Append | Help deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
options :: [OptDescr Mode]
@@ -205,53 +214,32 @@ fileData filename (group, imports, lie) =
boundValues :: HsGroup Name -> [FoundThing]
boundValues group =
- case hs_valds group of
- ValBindsOut nest sigs ->
- [ x | (_rec, binds) <- nest, bind <- bagToList binds, x <- boundThings bind ]
+ let vals = case hs_valds group of
+ ValBindsOut nest sigs ->
+ [ x | (_rec, binds) <- nest, bind <- bagToList binds, x <- boundThings bind ]
+ tys = concat $ map tyBound (hs_tyclds group)
+ where tyBound ltcd = case unLoc ltcd of
+ ForeignType { tcdLName = n } -> [foundOfLName n]
+ TyData { tcdLName = n } -> [foundOfLName n]
+ TySynonym { tcdLName = n } -> [foundOfLName n]
+ ClassDecl { tcdLName = n } -> [foundOfLName n]
+ fors = concat $ map forBound (hs_fords group)
+ where forBound lford = case unLoc lford of
+ ForeignImport n _ _ -> [foundOfLName n]
+ ForeignExport { } -> []
+ in vals ++ tys ++ fors
posOfLocated :: Located a -> Pos
posOfLocated lHs = srcLocToPos $ srcSpanStart $ getLoc lHs
+foundOfLName :: Located Name -> FoundThing
+foundOfLName id = FoundThing (getOccString $ unLoc id) (posOfLocated id)
boundThings :: LHsBind Name -> [FoundThing]
boundThings lbinding =
- let thing id = FoundThing (getOccString $ unLoc id) (posOfLocated id)
+ let thing = foundOfLName
in case unLoc lbinding of
FunBind { fun_id = id } -> [thing id]
- PatBind { pat_lhs = lhs } -> patBoundIds lhs
--- VarBind { var_id = id } -> [thing id]
- _ -> []
-patBoundIds :: a -> b
-patBoundIds _ = panic "not on your life"
--- actually pick up definitions
-findstuff :: [Token] -> [FoundThing]
-findstuff ((Token "data" _):(Token name pos):xs) =
- FoundThing name pos : (getcons xs) ++ (findstuff xs)
-findstuff ((Token "newtype" _):(Token name pos):xs) =
- FoundThing name pos : findstuff xs
-findstuff ((Token "type" _):(Token name pos):xs) =
- FoundThing name pos : findstuff xs
-findstuff ((Token name pos):(Token "::" _):xs) =
- FoundThing name pos : findstuff xs
-findstuff (x:xs) = findstuff xs
-findstuff [] = []
--- get the constructor definitions, knowing that a datatype has just started
-getcons :: [Token] -> [FoundThing]
-getcons ((Token "=" _):(Token name pos):xs) =
- FoundThing name pos : getcons2 xs
-getcons (x:xs) = getcons xs
-getcons [] = []
-getcons2 ((Token "=" _):xs) = []
-getcons2 ((Token "|" _):(Token name pos):xs) =
- FoundThing name pos : getcons2 xs
-getcons2 (x:xs) = getcons2 xs
-getcons2 [] = []
+ PatBind { pat_lhs = lhs } -> panic "Pattern at top level"
+ VarBind { var_id = id } -> [FoundThing (getOccString id) (posOfLocated lbinding)]
+ AbsBinds { } -> [] -- nothing interesting in a type abstraction