diff options
authorIgor Babaev <>2022-06-19 23:43:17 -0700
committerIgor Babaev <>2022-06-20 16:43:44 -0700
commit2adebf4876283859066c11f23e89965733594363 (patch)
parentf7d2374083184261897e86bced158d9ae2c4aaaf (diff)
MDEV-7487 Semi-join optimization for single-table update/delete statementsbb-10.10-mdev-7487
This patch allows to use semi-join optimization at the top level of single-table update and delete statements. The problem of supporting such optimization became easy to resolve after processing a single-table update/delete statement started using JOIN structure. This allowed to use JOIN::prepare() not only for multi-table updates/deletes but for single-table ones as well. This was done in the patch for mdev-28883: Re-design the upper level of handling UPDATE and DELETE statements. Note that JOIN::prepare() detects all subqueries that can be considered as candidates for semi-join optimization. The code added by this patch looks for such candidates at the top level and if such candidates are found in the processed single-table update/delete the statement is handled in the same way as a multi-table update/delete. Approved by Oleksandr Byelkin <>
14 files changed, 6140 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/main/delete_single_to_multi.result b/mysql-test/main/delete_single_to_multi.result
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c6da8612166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/main/delete_single_to_multi.result
@@ -0,0 +1,2355 @@
+use dbt3_s001;
+create index i_n_name on nation(n_name);
+analyze table nation;
+Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
+dbt3_s001.nation analyze status Engine-independent statistics collected
+dbt3_s001.nation analyze status OK
+# Pullout
+# =======
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY customer ref PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey i_c_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 11
+1 PRIMARY orders ref|filter i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_custkey|i_o_orderdate 5|4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 11 (7%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+explain format=json
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "nation",
+ "access_type": "ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "i_n_name"],
+ "key": "i_n_name",
+ "key_length": "26",
+ "used_key_parts": ["n_name"],
+ "ref": ["const"],
+ "rows": 1,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "index_condition": "nation.n_name = 'PERU'"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "customer",
+ "access_type": "ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "i_c_nationkey"],
+ "key": "i_c_nationkey",
+ "key_length": "5",
+ "used_key_parts": ["c_nationkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey"],
+ "rows": 11,
+ "filtered": 100
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "orders",
+ "access_type": "ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["i_o_orderdate", "i_o_custkey"],
+ "key": "i_o_custkey",
+ "key_length": "5",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_custkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey"],
+ "rowid_filter": {
+ "range": {
+ "key": "i_o_orderdate",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_orderDATE"]
+ },
+ "rows": 108,
+ "selectivity_pct": 7.2
+ },
+ "rows": 11,
+ "filtered": 7.199999809,
+ "attached_condition": "orders.o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30'"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1729 12137.76
+2880 145761.99
+3142 16030.15
+5095 184583.99
+5121 150334.57
+5382 138423.03
+644 201268.06
+737 12984.85
+create table t as
+select * from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+delete from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY customer ref PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey i_c_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 11
+1 PRIMARY orders ref|filter i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_custkey|i_o_orderdate 5|4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 11 (7%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+explain format=json
+delete from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "nation",
+ "access_type": "ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "i_n_name"],
+ "key": "i_n_name",
+ "key_length": "26",
+ "used_key_parts": ["n_name"],
+ "ref": ["const"],
+ "rows": 1,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "index_condition": "nation.n_name = 'PERU'"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "customer",
+ "access_type": "ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "i_c_nationkey"],
+ "key": "i_c_nationkey",
+ "key_length": "5",
+ "used_key_parts": ["c_nationkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey"],
+ "rows": 11,
+ "filtered": 100
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "orders",
+ "access_type": "ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["i_o_orderdate", "i_o_custkey"],
+ "key": "i_o_custkey",
+ "key_length": "5",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_custkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey"],
+ "rowid_filter": {
+ "range": {
+ "key": "i_o_orderdate",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_orderDATE"]
+ },
+ "rows": 108,
+ "selectivity_pct": 7.2
+ },
+ "rows": 11,
+ "filtered": 7.199999809,
+ "attached_condition": "orders.o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30'"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+delete from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+insert into orders select * from t;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1729 12137.76
+2880 145761.99
+3142 16030.15
+5095 184583.99
+5121 150334.57
+5382 138423.03
+644 201268.06
+737 12984.85
+drop table t;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY supplier ref PRIMARY,i_s_nationkey i_s_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 2
+1 PRIMARY partsupp ref PRIMARY,i_ps_partkey,i_ps_suppkey i_ps_suppkey 4 dbt3_s001.supplier.s_suppkey 16
+1 PRIMARY part eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.partsupp.ps_partkey 1 Using where
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+ps_partkey ps_suppkey ps_supplycost
+1 8 357.84
+3 8 645.4
+4 1 444.37
+5 8 50.52
+6 1 642.13
+7 8 763.98
+8 1 957.34
+create table t as
+select * from partsupp where (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+delete from partsupp where (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY supplier ref PRIMARY,i_s_nationkey i_s_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 2
+1 PRIMARY partsupp ref PRIMARY,i_ps_partkey,i_ps_suppkey i_ps_suppkey 4 dbt3_s001.supplier.s_suppkey 16
+1 PRIMARY part eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.partsupp.ps_partkey 1 Using where
+delete from partsupp where (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+ps_partkey ps_suppkey ps_supplycost
+insert into partsupp select * from t;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+ps_partkey ps_suppkey ps_supplycost
+1 8 357.84
+3 8 645.4
+4 1 444.37
+5 8 50.52
+6 1 642.13
+7 8 763.98
+8 1 957.34
+drop table t;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY supplier ref PRIMARY,i_s_nationkey i_s_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 2
+1 PRIMARY partsupp ref PRIMARY,i_ps_partkey,i_ps_suppkey i_ps_suppkey 4 dbt3_s001.supplier.s_suppkey 16
+1 PRIMARY part eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.partsupp.ps_partkey 1 Using where
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+ps_partkey ps_suppkey ps_supplycost
+1 8 357.84
+3 8 645.4
+4 1 444.37
+5 8 50.52
+6 1 642.13
+7 8 763.98
+8 1 957.34
+create table t as
+select * from partsupp where ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+delete from partsupp where ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY supplier ref PRIMARY,i_s_nationkey i_s_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 2
+1 PRIMARY partsupp ref PRIMARY,i_ps_partkey,i_ps_suppkey i_ps_suppkey 4 dbt3_s001.supplier.s_suppkey 16
+1 PRIMARY part eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.partsupp.ps_partkey 1 Using where
+delete from partsupp where ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+ps_partkey ps_suppkey ps_supplycost
+insert into partsupp select * from t;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+ps_partkey ps_suppkey ps_supplycost
+1 8 357.84
+3 8 645.4
+4 1 444.37
+5 8 50.52
+6 1 642.13
+7 8 763.98
+8 1 957.34
+drop table t;
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+where o_custkey in
+(select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in
+(select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'))
+o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+(l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY supplier ref PRIMARY,i_s_nationkey i_s_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 2
+1 PRIMARY lineitem ref PRIMARY,i_l_suppkey_partkey,i_l_partkey,i_l_suppkey,i_l_orderkey,i_l_orderkey_quantity i_l_suppkey 5 dbt3_s001.supplier.s_suppkey 100 Using where
+1 PRIMARY orders eq_ref|filter PRIMARY,i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey PRIMARY|i_o_orderdate 4|4 dbt3_s001.lineitem.l_orderkey 1 (7%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+1 PRIMARY customer eq_ref PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.orders.o_custkey 1 Using where
+1 PRIMARY part eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.lineitem.l_partkey 1 Using where
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+where o_custkey in
+(select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in
+(select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'))
+o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+(l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+l_orderkey l_linenumber l_tax
+2500 2 0.02
+2500 4 0.02
+4996 1 0.01
+933 1 0.04
+create table t as
+select * from lineitem where l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+where o_custkey in
+(select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in
+(select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'))
+o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+(l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+delete from lineitem where l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+where o_custkey in
+(select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in
+(select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'))
+o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+(l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY supplier ref PRIMARY,i_s_nationkey i_s_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 2
+1 PRIMARY lineitem ref PRIMARY,i_l_suppkey_partkey,i_l_partkey,i_l_suppkey,i_l_orderkey,i_l_orderkey_quantity i_l_suppkey 5 dbt3_s001.supplier.s_suppkey 100 Using where
+1 PRIMARY orders eq_ref|filter PRIMARY,i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey PRIMARY|i_o_orderdate 4|4 dbt3_s001.lineitem.l_orderkey 1 (7%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+1 PRIMARY customer eq_ref PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.orders.o_custkey 1 Using where
+1 PRIMARY part eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.lineitem.l_partkey 1 Using where
+delete from lineitem where l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+where o_custkey in
+(select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in
+(select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'))
+o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+(l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+where o_custkey in
+(select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in
+(select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'))
+o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+(l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+l_orderkey l_linenumber l_tax
+insert into lineitem select * from t;
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+where o_custkey in
+(select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in
+(select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'))
+o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+(l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+l_orderkey l_linenumber l_tax
+2500 2 0.02
+2500 4 0.02
+4996 1 0.01
+933 1 0.04
+drop table t;
+# FirstMatch
+# ==========
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY customer ALL PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey NULL NULL NULL 150 Using where
+1 PRIMARY nation eq_ref|filter PRIMARY,i_n_regionkey PRIMARY|i_n_regionkey 4|5 dbt3_s001.customer.c_nationkey 1 (40%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+1 PRIMARY orders ref|filter i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_custkey|i_o_orderdate 5|4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 11 (6%) Using where; FirstMatch(nation); Using rowid filter
+explain format=json
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "customer",
+ "access_type": "ALL",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "i_c_nationkey"],
+ "rows": 150,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "attached_condition": "customer.c_nationkey is not null"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "nation",
+ "access_type": "eq_ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "i_n_regionkey"],
+ "key": "PRIMARY",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["n_nationkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.customer.c_nationkey"],
+ "rowid_filter": {
+ "range": {
+ "key": "i_n_regionkey",
+ "used_key_parts": ["n_regionkey"]
+ },
+ "rows": 10,
+ "selectivity_pct": 40
+ },
+ "rows": 1,
+ "filtered": 40,
+ "attached_condition": "nation.n_regionkey in (1,2)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "orders",
+ "access_type": "ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["i_o_orderdate", "i_o_custkey"],
+ "key": "i_o_custkey",
+ "key_length": "5",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_custkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey"],
+ "rowid_filter": {
+ "range": {
+ "key": "i_o_orderdate",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_orderDATE"]
+ },
+ "rows": 89,
+ "selectivity_pct": 5.933333333
+ },
+ "rows": 11,
+ "filtered": 5.933333397,
+ "attached_condition": "orders.o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08'",
+ "first_match": "nation"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000059 3458.6
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000094 5500.11
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+create table t as
+select * from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+delete from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY customer ALL PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey NULL NULL NULL 150 Using where
+1 PRIMARY nation eq_ref|filter PRIMARY,i_n_regionkey PRIMARY|i_n_regionkey 4|5 dbt3_s001.customer.c_nationkey 1 (40%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+1 PRIMARY orders ref|filter i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_custkey|i_o_orderdate 5|4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 11 (6%) Using where; FirstMatch(nation); Using rowid filter
+explain format=json
+delete from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "customer",
+ "access_type": "ALL",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "i_c_nationkey"],
+ "rows": 150,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "attached_condition": "customer.c_nationkey is not null"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "nation",
+ "access_type": "eq_ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "i_n_regionkey"],
+ "key": "PRIMARY",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["n_nationkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.customer.c_nationkey"],
+ "rowid_filter": {
+ "range": {
+ "key": "i_n_regionkey",
+ "used_key_parts": ["n_regionkey"]
+ },
+ "rows": 10,
+ "selectivity_pct": 40
+ },
+ "rows": 1,
+ "filtered": 40,
+ "attached_condition": "nation.n_regionkey in (1,2)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "orders",
+ "access_type": "ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["i_o_orderdate", "i_o_custkey"],
+ "key": "i_o_custkey",
+ "key_length": "5",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_custkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey"],
+ "rowid_filter": {
+ "range": {
+ "key": "i_o_orderdate",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_orderDATE"]
+ },
+ "rows": 89,
+ "selectivity_pct": 5.933333333
+ },
+ "rows": 11,
+ "filtered": 5.933333397,
+ "attached_condition": "orders.o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08'",
+ "first_match": "nation"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+delete from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000059 3458.6
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000094 5500.11
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+drop table t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY customer ref PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey i_c_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 11
+1 PRIMARY orders ref|filter i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_custkey|i_o_orderdate 5|4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 11 (14%) Using where; FirstMatch(customer); Using rowid filter
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000008 6819.74
+Customer#000000035 1228.24
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+create table t as
+select * from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+delete from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY customer ref PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey i_c_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 11
+1 PRIMARY orders ref|filter i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_custkey|i_o_orderdate 5|4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 11 (14%) Using where; FirstMatch(customer); Using rowid filter
+delete from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+c_name c_acctbal
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000008 6819.74
+Customer#000000035 1228.24
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+drop table t;
+# Materialization
+# ===============
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> ALL distinct_key NULL NULL NULL 28
+1 PRIMARY customer eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.orders.o_custkey 1
+2 MATERIALIZED orders range i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 28 Using index condition; Using where
+explain format=json
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "<subquery2>",
+ "access_type": "ALL",
+ "possible_keys": ["distinct_key"],
+ "rows": 28,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "materialized": {
+ "unique": 1,
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 2,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "orders",
+ "access_type": "range",
+ "possible_keys": ["i_o_orderdate", "i_o_custkey"],
+ "key": "i_o_orderdate",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_orderDATE"],
+ "rows": 28,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "index_condition": "orders.o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'",
+ "attached_condition": "orders.o_custkey is not null"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "customer",
+ "access_type": "eq_ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY"],
+ "key": "PRIMARY",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["c_custkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.orders.o_custkey"],
+ "rows": 1,
+ "filtered": 100
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000005 794.47
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000017 6.34
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000035 1228.24
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000038 6345.11
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000052 5630.28
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000065 8795.16
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000098 -551.37
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000116 8403.99
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000136 -842.39
+Customer#000000140 9963.15
+create table t as
+select * from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> ALL distinct_key NULL NULL NULL 28
+1 PRIMARY customer eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.orders.o_custkey 1
+2 MATERIALIZED orders range i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 28 Using index condition; Using where
+explain format=json
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "<subquery2>",
+ "access_type": "ALL",
+ "possible_keys": ["distinct_key"],
+ "rows": 28,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "materialized": {
+ "unique": 1,
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 2,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "orders",
+ "access_type": "range",
+ "possible_keys": ["i_o_orderdate", "i_o_custkey"],
+ "key": "i_o_orderdate",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_orderDATE"],
+ "rows": 28,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "index_condition": "orders.o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'",
+ "attached_condition": "orders.o_custkey is not null"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "customer",
+ "access_type": "eq_ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY"],
+ "key": "PRIMARY",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["c_custkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.orders.o_custkey"],
+ "rows": 1,
+ "filtered": 100
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000005 794.47
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000017 6.34
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000035 1228.24
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000038 6345.11
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000052 5630.28
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000065 8795.16
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000098 -551.37
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000116 8403.99
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000136 -842.39
+Customer#000000140 9963.15
+drop table t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> eq_ref distinct_key distinct_key 4 func 1
+2 MATERIALIZED orders range i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 114 Using index condition; Using where
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000001 711.56
+Customer#000000002 121.65
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000008 6819.74
+Customer#000000010 2753.54
+Customer#000000011 -272.6
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000017 6.34
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000029 7618.27
+Customer#000000031 5236.89
+Customer#000000034 8589.7
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000043 9904.28
+Customer#000000044 7315.94
+Customer#000000046 5744.59
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000049 4573.94
+Customer#000000053 4113.64
+Customer#000000055 4572.11
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000070 4867.52
+Customer#000000071 -611.19
+Customer#000000073 4288.5
+Customer#000000074 2764.43
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000079 5121.28
+Customer#000000080 7383.53
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000083 6463.51
+Customer#000000085 3386.64
+Customer#000000086 3306.32
+Customer#000000088 8031.44
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000092 1182.91
+Customer#000000095 5327.38
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000100 9889.89
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000104 -588.38
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000110 7462.99
+Customer#000000112 2953.35
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000131 8595.53
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000134 4608.9
+Customer#000000136 -842.39
+Customer#000000137 7838.3
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+Customer#000000142 2209.81
+Customer#000000143 2186.5
+Customer#000000148 2135.6
+Customer#000000149 8959.65
+create table t as
+select * from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> eq_ref distinct_key distinct_key 4 func 1
+2 MATERIALIZED orders range i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 114 Using index condition; Using where
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000001 711.56
+Customer#000000002 121.65
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000008 6819.74
+Customer#000000010 2753.54
+Customer#000000011 -272.6
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000017 6.34
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000029 7618.27
+Customer#000000031 5236.89
+Customer#000000034 8589.7
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000043 9904.28
+Customer#000000044 7315.94
+Customer#000000046 5744.59
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000049 4573.94
+Customer#000000053 4113.64
+Customer#000000055 4572.11
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000070 4867.52
+Customer#000000071 -611.19
+Customer#000000073 4288.5
+Customer#000000074 2764.43
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000079 5121.28
+Customer#000000080 7383.53
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000083 6463.51
+Customer#000000085 3386.64
+Customer#000000086 3306.32
+Customer#000000088 8031.44
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000092 1182.91
+Customer#000000095 5327.38
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000100 9889.89
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000104 -588.38
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000110 7462.99
+Customer#000000112 2953.35
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000131 8595.53
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000134 4608.9
+Customer#000000136 -842.39
+Customer#000000137 7838.3
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+Customer#000000142 2209.81
+Customer#000000143 2186.5
+Customer#000000148 2135.6
+Customer#000000149 8959.65
+drop table t;
+# Materialization SJM
+# ===================
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> ALL distinct_key NULL NULL NULL 28
+1 PRIMARY customer eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 <subquery2>.o_custkey 1
+2 MATERIALIZED orders range i_o_orderdate i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 28 Using index condition; Using temporary
+explain format=json
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "<subquery2>",
+ "access_type": "ALL",
+ "possible_keys": ["distinct_key"],
+ "rows": 28,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "materialized": {
+ "unique": 1,
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 2,
+ "having_condition": "count(orders.o_custkey) > 1",
+ "temporary_table": {
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "orders",
+ "access_type": "range",
+ "possible_keys": ["i_o_orderdate"],
+ "key": "i_o_orderdate",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_orderDATE"],
+ "rows": 28,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "index_condition": "orders.o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "customer",
+ "access_type": "eq_ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY"],
+ "key": "PRIMARY",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["c_custkey"],
+ "ref": ["<subquery2>.o_custkey"],
+ "rows": 1,
+ "filtered": 100
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+create table t as
+select * from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> ALL distinct_key NULL NULL NULL 28
+1 PRIMARY customer eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 <subquery2>.o_custkey 1
+2 MATERIALIZED orders range i_o_orderdate i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 28 Using index condition; Using temporary
+explain format=json
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "<subquery2>",
+ "access_type": "ALL",
+ "possible_keys": ["distinct_key"],
+ "rows": 28,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "materialized": {
+ "unique": 1,
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 2,
+ "having_condition": "count(orders.o_custkey) > 1",
+ "temporary_table": {
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "orders",
+ "access_type": "range",
+ "possible_keys": ["i_o_orderdate"],
+ "key": "i_o_orderdate",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_orderDATE"],
+ "rows": 28,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "index_condition": "orders.o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "customer",
+ "access_type": "eq_ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY"],
+ "key": "PRIMARY",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["c_custkey"],
+ "ref": ["<subquery2>.o_custkey"],
+ "rows": 1,
+ "filtered": 100
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+drop table t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> eq_ref distinct_key distinct_key 4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 1
+2 MATERIALIZED orders range i_o_orderdate i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 242 Using index condition; Using temporary
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000046 5744.59
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000134 4608.9
+create table t as
+select * from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> eq_ref distinct_key distinct_key 4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 1
+2 MATERIALIZED orders range i_o_orderdate i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 242 Using index condition; Using temporary
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+c_name c_acctbal
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000046 5744.59
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000134 4608.9
+drop table t;
+# Pullout PS
+# ==========
+prepare stmt from "
+delete from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1729 12137.76
+2880 145761.99
+3142 16030.15
+5095 184583.99
+5121 150334.57
+5382 138423.03
+644 201268.06
+737 12984.85
+create table t as
+select * from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+execute stmt;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+insert into orders select * from t;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1729 12137.76
+2880 145761.99
+3142 16030.15
+5095 184583.99
+5121 150334.57
+5382 138423.03
+644 201268.06
+737 12984.85
+create table r as
+select * from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+execute stmt;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+insert into orders select * from r;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1729 12137.76
+2880 145761.99
+3142 16030.15
+5095 184583.99
+5121 150334.57
+5382 138423.03
+644 201268.06
+737 12984.85
+drop table t,r;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+# FirstMatch PS
+# =============
+prepare stmt from "
+delete from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000059 3458.6
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000094 5500.11
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+create table t as
+select * from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+execute stmt;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000059 3458.6
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000094 5500.11
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+create table r as
+select * from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+execute stmt;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+insert into customer select * from r;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000059 3458.6
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000094 5500.11
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+drop table t,r;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+# Materialization PS
+# ==================
+prepare stmt from "
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08') and c_name like ?;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000005 794.47
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000017 6.34
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000035 1228.24
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000038 6345.11
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000052 5630.28
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000065 8795.16
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000098 -551.37
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000116 8403.99
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000136 -842.39
+Customer#000000140 9963.15
+set @a1='Customer#%1_';
+create table t as
+select * from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08') and c_name like @a1;
+execute stmt using @a1;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000005 794.47
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000035 1228.24
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000038 6345.11
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000052 5630.28
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000065 8795.16
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000098 -551.37
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000136 -842.39
+Customer#000000140 9963.15
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000005 794.47
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000017 6.34
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000035 1228.24
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000038 6345.11
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000052 5630.28
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000065 8795.16
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000098 -551.37
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000116 8403.99
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000136 -842.39
+Customer#000000140 9963.15
+set @a2='Customer#%3_';
+create table r as
+select * from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08') and c_name like @a2;
+execute stmt using @a2;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000005 794.47
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000017 6.34
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000052 5630.28
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000065 8795.16
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000098 -551.37
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000116 8403.99
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000140 9963.15
+insert into customer select * from r;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000005 794.47
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000017 6.34
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000035 1228.24
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000038 6345.11
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000052 5630.28
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000065 8795.16
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000098 -551.37
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000116 8403.99
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000136 -842.39
+Customer#000000140 9963.15
+drop table t,r;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+# Materialization SJM PS
+# ======================
+prepare stmt from "
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08') and c_acctbal between ? and ?;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+set @a1=3500;
+set @a2=4000;
+create table t as
+select * from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1) and c_acctbal between @a1 and @a2;
+execute stmt using @a1, @a2;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+set @a3=-1000;
+set @a4=3500;
+create table r as
+select * from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1) and c_acctbal between @a3 and @a4;
+execute stmt using @a3, @a4;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+insert into customer select * from r;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+drop table t,r;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+# Pullout SP
+# ==========
+create procedure p(a1 int, a2 int)
+delete from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU')) and o_totalprice between a1 and a2;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1729 12137.76
+2880 145761.99
+3142 16030.15
+5095 184583.99
+5121 150334.57
+644 201268.06
+737 12984.85
+create table t as
+select * from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU')) and o_totalprice between 150000 and 200000;
+call p(150000, 200000);
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1729 12137.76
+2880 145761.99
+3142 16030.15
+644 201268.06
+737 12984.85
+insert into orders select * from t;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1729 12137.76
+2880 145761.99
+3142 16030.15
+5095 184583.99
+5121 150334.57
+644 201268.06
+737 12984.85
+create table r as
+select * from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU')) and o_totalprice between 180000 and 210000;
+call p(180000, 210000);
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1729 12137.76
+2880 145761.99
+3142 16030.15
+5121 150334.57
+737 12984.85
+insert into orders select * from r;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1729 12137.76
+2880 145761.99
+3142 16030.15
+5095 184583.99
+5121 150334.57
+644 201268.06
+737 12984.85
+drop table t,r;
+drop procedure p;
+# FirstMatch SP
+# =============
+create procedure p(a int)
+delete from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08') and c_acctbal > a;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000059 3458.6
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000094 5500.11
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+create table t as
+select * from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08') and c_acctbal > 4000;
+call p(4000);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000059 3458.6
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000059 3458.6
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000094 5500.11
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+create table r as
+select * from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08') and c_acctbal > 2000;
+call p(2000);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+insert into customer select * from r;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000059 3458.6
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000094 5500.11
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+drop table t,r;
+drop procedure p;
+# Materialization SP
+# ==================
+create procedure p()
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000038 6345.11
+Customer#000000052 5630.28
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000065 8795.16
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000116 8403.99
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000140 9963.15
+create table t as
+select * from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+call p();
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000038 6345.11
+Customer#000000052 5630.28
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000065 8795.16
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000116 8403.99
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000140 9963.15
+create table r as
+select * from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+call p();
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+insert into customer select * from r;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000038 6345.11
+Customer#000000052 5630.28
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000065 8795.16
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000116 8403.99
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000140 9963.15
+drop table t,r;
+drop procedure p;
+# Materialization SJM SP
+# ======================
+create procedure p()
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+create table t as
+select * from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+call p();
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+create table r as
+select * from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+call p();
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+insert into customer select * from r;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+drop table t,r;
+drop procedure p;
+# Checking limitations
+# ====================
+# Check for DELETE ... RETURNING with SJ subquery in WHERE
+select c_name from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+create table t as
+select * from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08') returning c_name;
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY customer ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 141 Using where
+2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY orders index_subquery|filter i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_custkey|i_o_orderdate 5|4 func 175 (2%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08') returning c_name;
+select c_name from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+drop table t;
+select c_name from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+create table t as
+select * from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1) returning c_name;
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY customer ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 141 Using where
+2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY orders range i_o_orderdate i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 28 Using index condition; Using temporary
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1) returning c_name;
+select c_name from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+drop table t;
+# Check for DELETE ... RETURNING with SJ subquery in WHERE
+select c_name from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+create table t as
+select * from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08') returning c_name;
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY customer ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 141 Using where
+2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY orders index_subquery|filter i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_custkey|i_o_orderdate 5|4 func 175 (2%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+delete from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08') returning c_name;
+select c_name from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+insert into customer select * from t;
+drop table t;
+# Check for DELETE ... ORDER BY ...LIMIT with SJ subquery in WHERE
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1221 117397.16
+1856 189361.42
+324 26868.85
+4903 34363.63
+5607 24660.06
+# Should not use semi-join conversion because has ORDER BY ... LIMIT
+delete from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2))
+order by o_totalprice limit 500;
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY orders range i_o_orderdate i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 108 Using where; Using filesort
+2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY customer unique_subquery|filter PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey PRIMARY|i_c_nationkey 4|5 func 1 (10%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+create table t as
+select * from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from t;
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1221 117397.16
+324 26868.85
+1856 189361.42
+4903 34363.63
+5607 24660.06
+delete from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2))
+order by o_totalprice limit 500;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+insert into orders select * from t;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1221 117397.16
+1856 189361.42
+324 26868.85
+4903 34363.63
+5607 24660.06
+drop table t;
+# Should use semi-join converion
+delete from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY customer range PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey i_c_nationkey 5 NULL 14 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY orders ref|filter i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_custkey|i_o_orderdate 5|4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 12 (7%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+create table t as
+select * from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from t;
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1221 117397.16
+324 26868.85
+1856 189361.42
+4903 34363.63
+5607 24660.06
+delete from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+insert into orders select * from t;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1221 117397.16
+1856 189361.42
+324 26868.85
+4903 34363.63
+5607 24660.06
+drop table t;
+DROP DATABASE dbt3_s001;
diff --git a/mysql-test/main/delete_single_to_multi.test b/mysql-test/main/delete_single_to_multi.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7d4811fbe5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/main/delete_single_to_multi.test
@@ -0,0 +1,797 @@
+use dbt3_s001;
+--source include/
+create index i_n_name on nation(n_name);
+analyze table nation;
+--echo # Pullout
+--echo # =======
+let $c1=
+ o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+ o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+ where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_name='PERU'));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+explain format=json
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+create table t as
+select * from orders where $c1;
+delete from orders where $c1;
+explain format=json
+delete from orders where $c1;
+delete from orders where $c1;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+insert into orders select * from t;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+drop table t;
+let $c2=
+ (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+ (select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+ where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+ s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_name='PERU'));
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c2;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c2;
+create table t as
+select * from partsupp where $c2;
+delete from partsupp where $c2;
+delete from partsupp where $c2;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c2;
+insert into partsupp select * from t;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c2;
+drop table t;
+let $c3=
+ ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+ where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+ where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_name='PERU'));
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c3;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c3;
+create table t as
+select * from partsupp where $c3;
+delete from partsupp where $c3;
+delete from partsupp where $c3;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c3;
+insert into partsupp select * from t;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c3;
+drop table t;
+let $c4=
+ l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+ where o_custkey in
+ (select c_custkey from customer
+ where c_nationkey in
+ (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_name='PERU'))
+ and
+ o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+ and
+ (l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+ (select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+ where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+ s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_name='PERU'));
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where $c4;
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where $c4;
+create table t as
+select * from lineitem where $c4;
+delete from lineitem where $c4;
+delete from lineitem where $c4;
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where $c4;
+insert into lineitem select * from t;
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where $c4;
+drop table t;
+--echo # FirstMatch
+--echo # ==========
+let $c5=
+ c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+ and
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+explain format=json
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+create table t as
+select * from customer where $c5;
+delete from customer where $c5;
+explain format=json
+delete from customer where $c5;
+delete from customer where $c5;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+drop table t;
+let $c6=
+ c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+ and
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c6;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c6;
+create table t as
+select * from customer where $c6;
+delete from customer where $c6;
+delete from customer where $c6;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c6;
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c6;
+drop table t;
+--echo # Materialization
+--echo # ===============
+let $c7=
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+explain format=json
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+create table t as
+select * from customer where $c7;
+delete from customer where $c7;
+explain format=json
+delete from customer where $c7;
+delete from customer where $c7;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+drop table t;
+let $c8=
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c8;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c8;
+create table t as
+select * from customer where $c8;
+delete from customer where $c8;
+delete from customer where $c8;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c8;
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c8;
+drop table t;
+--echo # Materialization SJM
+--echo # ===================
+let $c9=
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+explain format=json
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+create table t as
+select * from customer where $c9;
+delete from customer where $c9;
+explain format=json
+delete from customer where $c9;
+delete from customer where $c9;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+drop table t;
+let $c10=
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c10;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c10;
+create table t as
+select * from customer where $c10;
+delete from customer where $c10;
+delete from customer where $c10;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c10;
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c10;
+drop table t;
+--echo # Pullout PS
+--echo # ==========
+prepare stmt from "
+delete from orders where $c1;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+create table t as
+select * from orders where $c1;
+execute stmt;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+insert into orders select * from t;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+create table r as
+select * from orders where $c1;
+execute stmt;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+insert into orders select * from r;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+drop table t,r;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+--echo # FirstMatch PS
+--echo # =============
+prepare stmt from "
+delete from customer where $c5;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+create table t as
+select * from customer where $c5;
+execute stmt;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+create table r as
+select * from customer where $c5;
+execute stmt;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+insert into customer select * from r;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+drop table t,r;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+--echo # Materialization PS
+--echo # ==================
+prepare stmt from "
+delete from customer where $c7 and c_name like ?;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+set @a1='Customer#%1_';
+create table t as
+select * from customer where $c7 and c_name like @a1;
+execute stmt using @a1;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+set @a2='Customer#%3_';
+create table r as
+select * from customer where $c7 and c_name like @a2;
+execute stmt using @a2;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+insert into customer select * from r;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+drop table t,r;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+--echo # Materialization SJM PS
+--echo # ======================
+prepare stmt from "
+delete from customer where $c7 and c_acctbal between ? and ?;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+set @a1=3500;
+set @a2=4000;
+create table t as
+select * from customer where $c9 and c_acctbal between @a1 and @a2;
+execute stmt using @a1, @a2;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+set @a3=-1000;
+set @a4=3500;
+create table r as
+select * from customer where $c9 and c_acctbal between @a3 and @a4;
+execute stmt using @a3, @a4;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+insert into customer select * from r;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+drop table t,r;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+--echo # Pullout SP
+--echo # ==========
+create procedure p(a1 int, a2 int)
+delete from orders where $c1 and o_totalprice between a1 and a2;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+create table t as
+select * from orders where $c1 and o_totalprice between 150000 and 200000;
+call p(150000, 200000);
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+insert into orders select * from t;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+create table r as
+select * from orders where $c1 and o_totalprice between 180000 and 210000;
+call p(180000, 210000);
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+insert into orders select * from r;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+drop table t,r;
+drop procedure p;
+--echo # FirstMatch SP
+--echo # =============
+create procedure p(a int)
+delete from customer where $c5 and c_acctbal > a;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+create table t as
+select * from customer where $c5 and c_acctbal > 4000;
+call p(4000);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+create table r as
+select * from customer where $c5 and c_acctbal > 2000;
+call p(2000);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+insert into customer select * from r;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+drop table t,r;
+drop procedure p;
+--echo # Materialization SP
+--echo # ==================
+create procedure p()
+delete from customer where $c7;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+create table t as
+select * from customer where $c7;
+call p();
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+create table r as
+select * from customer where $c7;
+call p();
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+insert into customer select * from r;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+drop table t,r;
+drop procedure p;
+--echo # Materialization SJM SP
+--echo # ======================
+create procedure p()
+delete from customer where $c9;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+create table t as
+select * from customer where $c9;
+call p();
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+create table r as
+select * from customer where $c9;
+call p();
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+insert into customer select * from r;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+drop table t,r;
+drop procedure p;
+--echo # Checking limitations
+--echo # ====================
+--echo # Check for DELETE ... RETURNING with SJ subquery in WHERE
+select c_name from customer where $c7;
+create table t as
+select * from customer where $c7;
+delete from customer where $c7 returning c_name;
+delete from customer where $c7 returning c_name;
+select c_name from customer where $c7;
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name from customer where $c7;
+drop table t;
+select c_name from customer where $c9;
+create table t as
+select * from customer where $c9;
+delete from customer where $c9 returning c_name;
+delete from customer where $c9 returning c_name;
+select c_name from customer where $c9;
+insert into customer select * from t;
+select c_name from customer where $c9;
+drop table t;
+--echo # Check for DELETE ... RETURNING with SJ subquery in WHERE
+select c_name from customer where $c7;
+create table t as
+select * from customer where $c7;
+delete from customer where $c7 returning c_name;
+delete from customer where $c7 returning c_name;
+select c_name from customer where $c7;
+insert into customer select * from t;
+drop table t;
+--echo # Check for DELETE ... ORDER BY ...LIMIT with SJ subquery in WHERE
+let $c11=
+ o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+ o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+ where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c11;
+--echo # Should not use semi-join conversion because has ORDER BY ... LIMIT
+delete from orders where $c11
+order by o_totalprice limit 500;
+create table t as
+select * from orders where $c11;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from t;
+delete from orders where $c11
+order by o_totalprice limit 500;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c11;
+insert into orders select * from t;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c11;
+drop table t;
+--echo # Should use semi-join converion
+delete from orders where $c11;
+create table t as
+select * from orders where $c11;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from t;
+delete from orders where $c11;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c11;
+insert into orders select * from t;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c11;
+drop table t;
+DROP DATABASE dbt3_s001;
diff --git a/mysql-test/main/log_state.result b/mysql-test/main/log_state.result
index 5e7aac81b0c..1b1c7376f18 100644
--- a/mysql-test/main/log_state.result
+++ b/mysql-test/main/log_state.result
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ rows_examined sql_text
4 UPDATE t1 SET a=a+sleep(.02) WHERE a>2
8 UPDATE t1 SET a=a+sleep(.02) ORDER BY a DESC
1 UPDATE t2 set b=b+sleep(.02) limit 1
-4 UPDATE t1 SET a=a+sleep(.02) WHERE a in (SELECT b from t2)
+10 UPDATE t1 SET a=a+sleep(.02) WHERE a in (SELECT b from t2)
6 DELETE FROM t1 WHERE a=a+sleep(.02) ORDER BY a LIMIT 2
disconnect con2;
connection default;
diff --git a/mysql-test/main/myisam_explain_non_select_all.result b/mysql-test/main/myisam_explain_non_select_all.result
index 20b769b8871..5df9ced4def 100644
--- a/mysql-test/main/myisam_explain_non_select_all.result
+++ b/mysql-test/main/myisam_explain_non_select_all.result
@@ -240,14 +240,16 @@ Warnings:
Warning 1287 '<select expression> INTO <destination>;' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'SELECT <select list> INTO <destination> FROM...' instead
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> eq_ref distinct_key distinct_key 4 func 1
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
-1 PRIMARY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 100.00 Using where
-2 SUBQUERY t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 100.00 Using where
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> eq_ref distinct_key distinct_key 4 func 1 100.00
# Status of EXPLAIN EXTENDED query
Variable_name Value
Handler_read_key 4
@@ -271,8 +273,9 @@ Handler_read_key 5
Handler_read_rnd_next 8
# Status of testing query execution:
Variable_name Value
-Handler_read_key 4
-Handler_read_rnd_next 5
+Handler_read_key 5
+Handler_read_rnd 3
+Handler_read_rnd_next 12
Handler_update 3
DROP TABLE t1, t2;
@@ -290,13 +293,13 @@ Warning 1287 '<select expression> INTO <destination>;' is deprecated and will be
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 Using where; FirstMatch(t1)
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
1 PRIMARY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 100.00 Using where
+1 PRIMARY t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 100.00 Using where; FirstMatch(t1)
Note 1276 Field or reference 'test.t1.a' of SELECT #2 was resolved in SELECT #1
# Status of EXPLAIN EXTENDED query
@@ -984,14 +987,16 @@ Warnings:
Warning 1287 '<select expression> INTO <destination>;' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'SELECT <select list> INTO <destination> FROM...' instead
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> eq_ref distinct_key distinct_key 4 func 1
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
-1 PRIMARY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 100.00 Using where
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> eq_ref distinct_key distinct_key 4 func 1 100.00
# Status of EXPLAIN EXTENDED query
Variable_name Value
Handler_read_key 4
@@ -1015,8 +1020,8 @@ Handler_read_key 7
Handler_read_rnd_next 8
# Status of testing query execution:
Variable_name Value
-Handler_read_key 4
-Handler_read_rnd_next 10
+Handler_read_key 7
+Handler_read_rnd_next 8
Handler_update 3
DROP TABLE t1, t2;
@@ -1079,14 +1084,14 @@ Warnings:
Warning 1287 '<select expression> INTO <destination>;' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'SELECT <select list> INTO <destination> FROM...' instead
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 5 Using where; FirstMatch(t1)
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
-1 PRIMARY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 5 100.00 Using where
+1 PRIMARY t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 5 100.00 Using where; FirstMatch(t1)
# Status of EXPLAIN EXTENDED query
Variable_name Value
Handler_read_key 4
@@ -3074,14 +3079,14 @@ Warning 1287 '<select expression> INTO <destination>;' is deprecated and will be
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
-2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY <derived3> index_subquery key0 key0 5 func 2
+1 PRIMARY <derived3> ref key0 key0 5 test.t1.a 2 FirstMatch(t1)
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
1 PRIMARY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 100.00 Using where
-2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY <derived3> index_subquery key0 key0 5 func 2 100.00
+1 PRIMARY <derived3> ref key0 key0 5 test.t1.a 2 100.00 FirstMatch(t1)
3 DERIVED t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 100.00 Using filesort
# Status of EXPLAIN EXTENDED query
Variable_name Value
diff --git a/mysql-test/main/opt_trace.result b/mysql-test/main/opt_trace.result
index 0555f7263c8..e46bd80bbf8 100644
--- a/mysql-test/main/opt_trace.result
+++ b/mysql-test/main/opt_trace.result
@@ -3948,6 +3948,16 @@ explain delete t0,t1 from t0, t1 where t0.a=t1.a and t1.a<3 {
+ "table": "t0",
+ "rowid_filters": [
+ {
+ "key": "a",
+ "build_cost": 0.174715752,
+ "rows": 3
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
"selectivity_for_indexes": [
"index_name": "a",
@@ -4013,6 +4023,16 @@ explain delete t0,t1 from t0, t1 where t0.a=t1.a and t1.a<3 {
+ "table": "t1",
+ "rowid_filters": [
+ {
+ "key": "a",
+ "build_cost": 0.174715752,
+ "rows": 3
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
"selectivity_for_indexes": [
"index_name": "a",
diff --git a/mysql-test/main/update_single_to_multi.result b/mysql-test/main/update_single_to_multi.result
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..015fd06cf4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/main/update_single_to_multi.result
@@ -0,0 +1,2302 @@
+use dbt3_s001;
+create index i_n_name on nation(n_name);
+analyze table nation;
+Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
+dbt3_s001.nation analyze status Engine-independent statistics collected
+dbt3_s001.nation analyze status OK
+# Pullout
+# =======
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY customer ref PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey i_c_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 11
+1 PRIMARY orders ref|filter i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_custkey|i_o_orderdate 5|4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 11 (7%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+explain format=json
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "nation",
+ "access_type": "ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "i_n_name"],
+ "key": "i_n_name",
+ "key_length": "26",
+ "used_key_parts": ["n_name"],
+ "ref": ["const"],
+ "rows": 1,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "index_condition": "nation.n_name = 'PERU'"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "customer",
+ "access_type": "ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "i_c_nationkey"],
+ "key": "i_c_nationkey",
+ "key_length": "5",
+ "used_key_parts": ["c_nationkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey"],
+ "rows": 11,
+ "filtered": 100
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "orders",
+ "access_type": "ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["i_o_orderdate", "i_o_custkey"],
+ "key": "i_o_custkey",
+ "key_length": "5",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_custkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey"],
+ "rowid_filter": {
+ "range": {
+ "key": "i_o_orderdate",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_orderDATE"]
+ },
+ "rows": 108,
+ "selectivity_pct": 7.2
+ },
+ "rows": 11,
+ "filtered": 7.199999809,
+ "attached_condition": "orders.o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30'"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+644 201268.06
+2880 145761.99
+3142 16030.15
+5382 138423.03
+5095 184583.99
+737 12984.85
+1729 12137.76
+5121 150334.57
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY customer ref PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey i_c_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 11
+1 PRIMARY orders ref|filter i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_custkey|i_o_orderdate 5|4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 11 (7%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+explain format=json
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "nation",
+ "access_type": "ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "i_n_name"],
+ "key": "i_n_name",
+ "key_length": "26",
+ "used_key_parts": ["n_name"],
+ "ref": ["const"],
+ "rows": 1,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "index_condition": "nation.n_name = 'PERU'"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "customer",
+ "access_type": "ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "i_c_nationkey"],
+ "key": "i_c_nationkey",
+ "key_length": "5",
+ "used_key_parts": ["c_nationkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey"],
+ "rows": 11,
+ "filtered": 100
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "orders",
+ "access_type": "ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["i_o_orderdate", "i_o_custkey"],
+ "key": "i_o_custkey",
+ "key_length": "5",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_custkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey"],
+ "rowid_filter": {
+ "range": {
+ "key": "i_o_orderdate",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_orderDATE"]
+ },
+ "rows": 108,
+ "selectivity_pct": 7.2
+ },
+ "rows": 11,
+ "filtered": 7.199999809,
+ "attached_condition": "orders.o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30'"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+644 201218.06
+2880 145711.99
+3142 15980.15
+5382 138373.03
+5095 184533.99
+737 12934.85
+1729 12087.76
+5121 150284.57
+update orders set o_totalprice= o_totalprice+50 where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+644 201268.06
+2880 145761.99
+3142 16030.15
+5382 138423.03
+5095 184583.99
+737 12984.85
+1729 12137.76
+5121 150334.57
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY supplier ref PRIMARY,i_s_nationkey i_s_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 2
+1 PRIMARY partsupp ref PRIMARY,i_ps_partkey,i_ps_suppkey i_ps_suppkey 4 dbt3_s001.supplier.s_suppkey 16
+1 PRIMARY part eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.partsupp.ps_partkey 1 Using where
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+ps_partkey ps_suppkey ps_supplycost
+4 1 444.37
+6 1 642.13
+8 1 957.34
+1 8 357.84
+3 8 645.4
+5 8 50.52
+7 8 763.98
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost+2 where (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY supplier ref PRIMARY,i_s_nationkey i_s_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 2
+1 PRIMARY partsupp ref PRIMARY,i_ps_partkey,i_ps_suppkey i_ps_suppkey 4 dbt3_s001.supplier.s_suppkey 16
+1 PRIMARY part eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.partsupp.ps_partkey 1 Using where
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost+2 where (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+ps_partkey ps_suppkey ps_supplycost
+4 1 446.37
+6 1 644.13
+8 1 959.34
+1 8 359.84
+3 8 647.4
+5 8 52.52
+7 8 765.98
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost-2 where (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+ps_partkey ps_suppkey ps_supplycost
+4 1 444.37
+6 1 642.13
+8 1 957.34
+1 8 357.84
+3 8 645.4
+5 8 50.52
+7 8 763.98
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY supplier ref PRIMARY,i_s_nationkey i_s_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 2
+1 PRIMARY partsupp ref PRIMARY,i_ps_partkey,i_ps_suppkey i_ps_suppkey 4 dbt3_s001.supplier.s_suppkey 16
+1 PRIMARY part eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.partsupp.ps_partkey 1 Using where
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+ps_partkey ps_suppkey ps_supplycost
+4 1 444.37
+6 1 642.13
+8 1 957.34
+1 8 357.84
+3 8 645.4
+5 8 50.52
+7 8 763.98
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost+10 where ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY supplier ref PRIMARY,i_s_nationkey i_s_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 2
+1 PRIMARY partsupp ref PRIMARY,i_ps_partkey,i_ps_suppkey i_ps_suppkey 4 dbt3_s001.supplier.s_suppkey 16
+1 PRIMARY part eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.partsupp.ps_partkey 1 Using where
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost+10 where ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+ps_partkey ps_suppkey ps_supplycost
+4 1 454.37
+6 1 652.13
+8 1 967.34
+1 8 367.84
+3 8 655.4
+5 8 60.52
+7 8 773.98
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost-10 where ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+ps_partkey ps_suppkey ps_supplycost
+4 1 444.37
+6 1 642.13
+8 1 957.34
+1 8 357.84
+3 8 645.4
+5 8 50.52
+7 8 763.98
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+where o_custkey in
+(select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in
+(select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'))
+o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+(l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY supplier ref PRIMARY,i_s_nationkey i_s_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 2
+1 PRIMARY lineitem ref PRIMARY,i_l_suppkey_partkey,i_l_partkey,i_l_suppkey,i_l_orderkey,i_l_orderkey_quantity i_l_suppkey 5 dbt3_s001.supplier.s_suppkey 100 Using where
+1 PRIMARY orders eq_ref|filter PRIMARY,i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey PRIMARY|i_o_orderdate 4|4 dbt3_s001.lineitem.l_orderkey 1 (7%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+1 PRIMARY customer eq_ref PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.orders.o_custkey 1 Using where
+1 PRIMARY part eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.lineitem.l_partkey 1 Using where
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+where o_custkey in
+(select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in
+(select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'))
+o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+(l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+l_orderkey l_linenumber l_tax
+4996 1 0.01
+933 1 0.04
+2500 2 0.02
+2500 4 0.02
+update lineitem set l_tax = (l_tax*100+1)/100 where l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+where o_custkey in
+(select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in
+(select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'))
+o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+(l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY supplier ref PRIMARY,i_s_nationkey i_s_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 2
+1 PRIMARY lineitem ref PRIMARY,i_l_suppkey_partkey,i_l_partkey,i_l_suppkey,i_l_orderkey,i_l_orderkey_quantity i_l_suppkey 5 dbt3_s001.supplier.s_suppkey 100 Using where
+1 PRIMARY orders eq_ref|filter PRIMARY,i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey PRIMARY|i_o_orderdate 4|4 dbt3_s001.lineitem.l_orderkey 1 (7%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+1 PRIMARY customer eq_ref PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.orders.o_custkey 1 Using where
+1 PRIMARY part eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.lineitem.l_partkey 1 Using where
+update lineitem set l_tax = (l_tax*100+1)/100 where l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+where o_custkey in
+(select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in
+(select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'))
+o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+(l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+where o_custkey in
+(select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in
+(select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'))
+o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+(l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+l_orderkey l_linenumber l_tax
+4996 1 0.02
+933 1 0.05
+2500 2 0.03
+2500 4 0.03
+update lineitem set l_tax = (l_tax*100-1)/100 where l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+where o_custkey in
+(select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in
+(select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'))
+o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+(l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+where o_custkey in
+(select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in
+(select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'))
+o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+(l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+(select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+l_orderkey l_linenumber l_tax
+4996 1 0.01
+933 1 0.04
+2500 2 0.02
+2500 4 0.02
+# FirstMatch
+# ==========
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY customer ALL PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey NULL NULL NULL 150 Using where
+1 PRIMARY nation eq_ref|filter PRIMARY,i_n_regionkey PRIMARY|i_n_regionkey 4|5 dbt3_s001.customer.c_nationkey 1 (40%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+1 PRIMARY orders ref|filter i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_custkey|i_o_orderdate 5|4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 11 (6%) Using where; FirstMatch(nation); Using rowid filter
+explain format=json
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "customer",
+ "access_type": "ALL",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "i_c_nationkey"],
+ "rows": 150,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "attached_condition": "customer.c_nationkey is not null"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "nation",
+ "access_type": "eq_ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "i_n_regionkey"],
+ "key": "PRIMARY",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["n_nationkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.customer.c_nationkey"],
+ "rowid_filter": {
+ "range": {
+ "key": "i_n_regionkey",
+ "used_key_parts": ["n_regionkey"]
+ },
+ "rows": 10,
+ "selectivity_pct": 40
+ },
+ "rows": 1,
+ "filtered": 40,
+ "attached_condition": "nation.n_regionkey in (1,2)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "orders",
+ "access_type": "ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["i_o_orderdate", "i_o_custkey"],
+ "key": "i_o_custkey",
+ "key_length": "5",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_custkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey"],
+ "rowid_filter": {
+ "range": {
+ "key": "i_o_orderdate",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_orderDATE"]
+ },
+ "rows": 89,
+ "selectivity_pct": 5.933333333
+ },
+ "rows": 11,
+ "filtered": 5.933333397,
+ "attached_condition": "orders.o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08'",
+ "first_match": "nation"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000059 3458.6
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000094 5500.11
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+10 where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY customer ALL PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey NULL NULL NULL 150 Using where
+1 PRIMARY nation eq_ref|filter PRIMARY,i_n_regionkey PRIMARY|i_n_regionkey 4|5 dbt3_s001.customer.c_nationkey 1 (40%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+1 PRIMARY orders ref|filter i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_custkey|i_o_orderdate 5|4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 11 (6%) Using where; FirstMatch(nation); Using rowid filter
+explain format=json
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+10 where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "customer",
+ "access_type": "ALL",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "i_c_nationkey"],
+ "rows": 150,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "attached_condition": "customer.c_nationkey is not null"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "nation",
+ "access_type": "eq_ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "i_n_regionkey"],
+ "key": "PRIMARY",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["n_nationkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.customer.c_nationkey"],
+ "rowid_filter": {
+ "range": {
+ "key": "i_n_regionkey",
+ "used_key_parts": ["n_regionkey"]
+ },
+ "rows": 10,
+ "selectivity_pct": 40
+ },
+ "rows": 1,
+ "filtered": 40,
+ "attached_condition": "nation.n_regionkey in (1,2)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "orders",
+ "access_type": "ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["i_o_orderdate", "i_o_custkey"],
+ "key": "i_o_custkey",
+ "key_length": "5",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_custkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey"],
+ "rowid_filter": {
+ "range": {
+ "key": "i_o_orderdate",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_orderDATE"]
+ },
+ "rows": 89,
+ "selectivity_pct": 5.933333333
+ },
+ "rows": 11,
+ "filtered": 5.933333397,
+ "attached_condition": "orders.o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08'",
+ "first_match": "nation"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+10 where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9571.95
+Customer#000000019 8924.71
+Customer#000000022 601.98
+Customer#000000025 7143.7
+Customer#000000028 1017.18
+Customer#000000037 -907.75
+Customer#000000040 1345.3
+Customer#000000047 284.58
+Customer#000000059 3468.6
+Customer#000000061 1546.24
+Customer#000000064 -636.64
+Customer#000000067 8176.59
+Customer#000000082 9478.34
+Customer#000000091 4653.14
+Customer#000000094 5510.11
+Customer#000000097 2174.48
+Customer#000000101 7480.96
+Customer#000000103 2767.45
+Customer#000000106 3298.42
+Customer#000000115 7518.92
+Customer#000000121 6438.32
+Customer#000000122 7875.46
+Customer#000000127 9290.71
+Customer#000000130 5083.58
+Customer#000000133 2324.67
+Customer#000000139 7907.78
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-10 where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000059 3458.6
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000094 5500.11
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY customer ref PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey i_c_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 11
+1 PRIMARY orders ref|filter i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_custkey|i_o_orderdate 5|4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 11 (14%) Using where; FirstMatch(customer); Using rowid filter
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000008 6819.74
+Customer#000000035 1228.24
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+20 where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY nation ref PRIMARY,i_n_name i_n_name 26 const 1 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY customer ref PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey i_c_nationkey 5 dbt3_s001.nation.n_nationkey 11
+1 PRIMARY orders ref|filter i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_custkey|i_o_orderdate 5|4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 11 (14%) Using where; FirstMatch(customer); Using rowid filter
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+20 where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000008 6839.74
+Customer#000000035 1248.24
+Customer#000000061 1556.24
+Customer#000000097 2184.48
+Customer#000000121 6448.32
+Customer#000000133 2334.67
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-20 where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000008 6819.74
+Customer#000000035 1228.24
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+# Materialization
+# ===============
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> ALL distinct_key NULL NULL NULL 28
+1 PRIMARY customer eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.orders.o_custkey 1
+2 MATERIALIZED orders range i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 28 Using index condition; Using where
+explain format=json
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "<subquery2>",
+ "access_type": "ALL",
+ "possible_keys": ["distinct_key"],
+ "rows": 28,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "materialized": {
+ "unique": 1,
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 2,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "orders",
+ "access_type": "range",
+ "possible_keys": ["i_o_orderdate", "i_o_custkey"],
+ "key": "i_o_orderdate",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_orderDATE"],
+ "rows": 28,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "index_condition": "orders.o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'",
+ "attached_condition": "orders.o_custkey is not null"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "customer",
+ "access_type": "eq_ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY"],
+ "key": "PRIMARY",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["c_custkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.orders.o_custkey"],
+ "rows": 1,
+ "filtered": 100
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000065 8795.16
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000035 1228.24
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000098 -551.37
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000136 -842.39
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000005 794.47
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000038 6345.11
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000116 8403.99
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000140 9963.15
+Customer#000000017 6.34
+Customer#000000052 5630.28
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+5 where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> ALL distinct_key NULL NULL NULL 28
+1 PRIMARY customer eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 dbt3_s001.orders.o_custkey 1
+2 MATERIALIZED orders range i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 28 Using index condition; Using where
+explain format=json
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+5 where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "<subquery2>",
+ "access_type": "ALL",
+ "possible_keys": ["distinct_key"],
+ "rows": 28,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "materialized": {
+ "unique": 1,
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 2,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "orders",
+ "access_type": "range",
+ "possible_keys": ["i_o_orderdate", "i_o_custkey"],
+ "key": "i_o_orderdate",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_orderDATE"],
+ "rows": 28,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "index_condition": "orders.o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'",
+ "attached_condition": "orders.o_custkey is not null"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "customer",
+ "access_type": "eq_ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY"],
+ "key": "PRIMARY",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["c_custkey"],
+ "ref": ["dbt3_s001.orders.o_custkey"],
+ "rows": 1,
+ "filtered": 100
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+5 where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000025 7138.7
+Customer#000000013 3862.34
+Customer#000000065 8800.16
+Customer#000000032 3476.53
+Customer#000000023 3337.02
+Customer#000000035 1233.24
+Customer#000000091 4648.14
+Customer#000000016 4686.03
+Customer#000000098 -546.37
+Customer#000000037 -912.75
+Customer#000000136 -837.39
+Customer#000000118 3587.37
+Customer#000000022 596.98
+Customer#000000005 799.47
+Customer#000000109 -711.1
+Customer#000000038 6350.11
+Customer#000000076 5750.33
+Customer#000000056 6535.86
+Customer#000000040 1340.3
+Customer#000000116 8408.99
+Customer#000000115 7513.92
+Customer#000000140 9968.15
+Customer#000000017 11.34
+Customer#000000052 5635.28
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-5 where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000065 8795.16
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000035 1228.24
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000098 -551.37
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000136 -842.39
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000005 794.47
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000038 6345.11
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000116 8403.99
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000140 9963.15
+Customer#000000017 6.34
+Customer#000000052 5630.28
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> eq_ref distinct_key distinct_key 4 func 1
+2 MATERIALIZED orders range i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 114 Using index condition; Using where
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000001 711.56
+Customer#000000002 121.65
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000008 6819.74
+Customer#000000010 2753.54
+Customer#000000011 -272.6
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000017 6.34
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000029 7618.27
+Customer#000000031 5236.89
+Customer#000000034 8589.7
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000043 9904.28
+Customer#000000044 7315.94
+Customer#000000046 5744.59
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000049 4573.94
+Customer#000000053 4113.64
+Customer#000000055 4572.11
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000070 4867.52
+Customer#000000071 -611.19
+Customer#000000073 4288.5
+Customer#000000074 2764.43
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000079 5121.28
+Customer#000000080 7383.53
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000083 6463.51
+Customer#000000085 3386.64
+Customer#000000086 3306.32
+Customer#000000088 8031.44
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000092 1182.91
+Customer#000000095 5327.38
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000100 9889.89
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000104 -588.38
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000110 7462.99
+Customer#000000112 2953.35
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000131 8595.53
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000134 4608.9
+Customer#000000136 -842.39
+Customer#000000137 7838.3
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+Customer#000000142 2209.81
+Customer#000000143 2186.5
+Customer#000000148 2135.6
+Customer#000000149 8959.65
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+1 where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> eq_ref distinct_key distinct_key 4 func 1
+2 MATERIALIZED orders range i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 114 Using index condition; Using where
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+1 where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000001 712.56
+Customer#000000002 122.65
+Customer#000000007 9562.95
+Customer#000000008 6820.74
+Customer#000000010 2754.54
+Customer#000000011 -271.6
+Customer#000000016 4682.03
+Customer#000000017 7.34
+Customer#000000019 8915.71
+Customer#000000022 592.98
+Customer#000000023 3333.02
+Customer#000000025 7134.7
+Customer#000000028 1008.18
+Customer#000000029 7619.27
+Customer#000000031 5237.89
+Customer#000000034 8590.7
+Customer#000000037 -916.75
+Customer#000000040 1336.3
+Customer#000000043 9905.28
+Customer#000000044 7316.94
+Customer#000000046 5745.59
+Customer#000000047 275.58
+Customer#000000049 4574.94
+Customer#000000053 4114.64
+Customer#000000055 4573.11
+Customer#000000061 1537.24
+Customer#000000064 -645.64
+Customer#000000067 8167.59
+Customer#000000070 4868.52
+Customer#000000071 -610.19
+Customer#000000073 4289.5
+Customer#000000074 2765.43
+Customer#000000076 5746.33
+Customer#000000079 5122.28
+Customer#000000080 7384.53
+Customer#000000082 9469.34
+Customer#000000083 6464.51
+Customer#000000085 3387.64
+Customer#000000086 3307.32
+Customer#000000088 8032.44
+Customer#000000091 4644.14
+Customer#000000092 1183.91
+Customer#000000095 5328.38
+Customer#000000097 2165.48
+Customer#000000100 9890.89
+Customer#000000101 7471.96
+Customer#000000103 2758.45
+Customer#000000104 -587.38
+Customer#000000106 3289.42
+Customer#000000109 -715.1
+Customer#000000110 7463.99
+Customer#000000112 2954.35
+Customer#000000118 3583.37
+Customer#000000121 6429.32
+Customer#000000122 7866.46
+Customer#000000127 9281.71
+Customer#000000130 5074.58
+Customer#000000131 8596.53
+Customer#000000133 2315.67
+Customer#000000134 4609.9
+Customer#000000136 -841.39
+Customer#000000137 7839.3
+Customer#000000139 7898.78
+Customer#000000142 2210.81
+Customer#000000143 2187.5
+Customer#000000148 2136.6
+Customer#000000149 8960.65
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-1 where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000001 711.56
+Customer#000000002 121.65
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000008 6819.74
+Customer#000000010 2753.54
+Customer#000000011 -272.6
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000017 6.34
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000029 7618.27
+Customer#000000031 5236.89
+Customer#000000034 8589.7
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000043 9904.28
+Customer#000000044 7315.94
+Customer#000000046 5744.59
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000049 4573.94
+Customer#000000053 4113.64
+Customer#000000055 4572.11
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000070 4867.52
+Customer#000000071 -611.19
+Customer#000000073 4288.5
+Customer#000000074 2764.43
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000079 5121.28
+Customer#000000080 7383.53
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000083 6463.51
+Customer#000000085 3386.64
+Customer#000000086 3306.32
+Customer#000000088 8031.44
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000092 1182.91
+Customer#000000095 5327.38
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000100 9889.89
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000104 -588.38
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000110 7462.99
+Customer#000000112 2953.35
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000131 8595.53
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000134 4608.9
+Customer#000000136 -842.39
+Customer#000000137 7838.3
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+Customer#000000142 2209.81
+Customer#000000143 2186.5
+Customer#000000148 2135.6
+Customer#000000149 8959.65
+# Materialization SJM
+# ===================
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> ALL distinct_key NULL NULL NULL 28
+1 PRIMARY customer eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 <subquery2>.o_custkey 1
+2 MATERIALIZED orders range i_o_orderdate i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 28 Using index condition; Using temporary
+explain format=json
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "<subquery2>",
+ "access_type": "ALL",
+ "possible_keys": ["distinct_key"],
+ "rows": 28,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "materialized": {
+ "unique": 1,
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 2,
+ "having_condition": "count(orders.o_custkey) > 1",
+ "temporary_table": {
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "orders",
+ "access_type": "range",
+ "possible_keys": ["i_o_orderdate"],
+ "key": "i_o_orderdate",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_orderDATE"],
+ "rows": 28,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "index_condition": "orders.o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "customer",
+ "access_type": "eq_ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY"],
+ "key": "PRIMARY",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["c_custkey"],
+ "ref": ["<subquery2>.o_custkey"],
+ "rows": 1,
+ "filtered": 100
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-5 where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> ALL distinct_key NULL NULL NULL 28
+1 PRIMARY customer eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 <subquery2>.o_custkey 1
+2 MATERIALIZED orders range i_o_orderdate i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 28 Using index condition; Using temporary
+explain format=json
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-5 where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 1,
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "<subquery2>",
+ "access_type": "ALL",
+ "possible_keys": ["distinct_key"],
+ "rows": 28,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "materialized": {
+ "unique": 1,
+ "query_block": {
+ "select_id": 2,
+ "having_condition": "count(orders.o_custkey) > 1",
+ "temporary_table": {
+ "nested_loop": [
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "orders",
+ "access_type": "range",
+ "possible_keys": ["i_o_orderdate"],
+ "key": "i_o_orderdate",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["o_orderDATE"],
+ "rows": 28,
+ "filtered": 100,
+ "index_condition": "orders.o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "table": {
+ "table_name": "customer",
+ "access_type": "eq_ref",
+ "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY"],
+ "key": "PRIMARY",
+ "key_length": "4",
+ "used_key_parts": ["c_custkey"],
+ "ref": ["<subquery2>.o_custkey"],
+ "rows": 1,
+ "filtered": 100
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-5 where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3852.34
+Customer#000000032 3466.53
+Customer#000000037 -922.75
+Customer#000000118 3577.37
+Customer#000000056 6525.86
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+5 where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> eq_ref distinct_key distinct_key 4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 1
+2 MATERIALIZED orders range i_o_orderdate i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 242 Using index condition; Using temporary
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000046 5744.59
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000134 4608.9
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-1 where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY <subquery2> eq_ref distinct_key distinct_key 4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 1
+2 MATERIALIZED orders range i_o_orderdate i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 242 Using index condition; Using temporary
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-1 where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9560.95
+Customer#000000016 4680.03
+Customer#000000037 -918.75
+Customer#000000046 5743.59
+Customer#000000091 4642.14
+Customer#000000103 2756.45
+Customer#000000118 3581.37
+Customer#000000133 2313.67
+Customer#000000134 4607.9
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+1 where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000046 5744.59
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000134 4608.9
+# Pullout PS
+# ==========
+prepare stmt from "
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice+? where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+644 201268.06
+2880 145761.99
+3142 16030.15
+5382 138423.03
+5095 184583.99
+737 12984.85
+1729 12137.76
+5121 150334.57
+set @a1=-20;
+execute stmt using @a1;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+644 201248.06
+2880 145741.99
+3142 16010.15
+5382 138403.03
+5095 184563.99
+737 12964.85
+1729 12117.76
+5121 150314.57
+set @a2=-10;
+execute stmt using @a2;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+644 201238.06
+2880 145731.99
+3142 16000.15
+5382 138393.03
+5095 184553.99
+737 12954.85
+1729 12107.76
+5121 150304.57
+execute stmt using -(@a1+@a2);
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+644 201268.06
+2880 145761.99
+3142 16030.15
+5382 138423.03
+5095 184583.99
+737 12984.85
+1729 12137.76
+5121 150334.57
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+# FirstMatch PS
+# =============
+prepare stmt from "
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+? where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.18
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000059 3458.6
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000094 5500.11
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+set @a1=15;
+execute stmt using @a1;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9576.95
+Customer#000000019 8929.71
+Customer#000000022 606.98
+Customer#000000025 7148.7
+Customer#000000028 1022.18
+Customer#000000037 -902.75
+Customer#000000040 1350.3
+Customer#000000047 289.58
+Customer#000000059 3473.6
+Customer#000000061 1551.24
+Customer#000000064 -631.64
+Customer#000000067 8181.59
+Customer#000000082 9483.34
+Customer#000000091 4658.14
+Customer#000000094 5515.11
+Customer#000000097 2179.48
+Customer#000000101 7485.96
+Customer#000000103 2772.45
+Customer#000000106 3303.42
+Customer#000000115 7523.92
+Customer#000000121 6443.32
+Customer#000000122 7880.46
+Customer#000000127 9295.71
+Customer#000000130 5088.58
+Customer#000000133 2329.67
+Customer#000000139 7912.78
+set @a2=5;
+execute stmt using @a2;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9581.95
+Customer#000000019 8934.71
+Customer#000000022 611.98
+Customer#000000025 7153.7
+Customer#000000028 1027.1799999999998
+Customer#000000037 -897.75
+Customer#000000040 1355.3
+Customer#000000047 294.58
+Customer#000000059 3478.6
+Customer#000000061 1556.24
+Customer#000000064 -626.64
+Customer#000000067 8186.59
+Customer#000000082 9488.34
+Customer#000000091 4663.14
+Customer#000000094 5520.11
+Customer#000000097 2184.48
+Customer#000000101 7490.96
+Customer#000000103 2777.45
+Customer#000000106 3308.42
+Customer#000000115 7528.92
+Customer#000000121 6448.32
+Customer#000000122 7885.46
+Customer#000000127 9300.71
+Customer#000000130 5093.58
+Customer#000000133 2334.67
+Customer#000000139 7917.78
+execute stmt using -(@a1+@a2);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.1799999999998
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000059 3458.6
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000094 5500.11
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+# Materialization PS
+# ==================
+prepare stmt from "
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+? where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000065 8795.16
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000035 1228.24
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000098 -551.37
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000136 -842.39
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000005 794.47
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000038 6345.11
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000116 8403.99
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000140 9963.15
+Customer#000000017 6.34
+Customer#000000052 5630.28
+set @a1=7;
+execute stmt using @a1;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000025 7140.7
+Customer#000000013 3864.34
+Customer#000000065 8802.16
+Customer#000000032 3478.53
+Customer#000000023 3339.02
+Customer#000000035 1235.24
+Customer#000000091 4650.14
+Customer#000000016 4688.03
+Customer#000000098 -544.37
+Customer#000000037 -910.75
+Customer#000000136 -835.39
+Customer#000000118 3589.37
+Customer#000000022 598.98
+Customer#000000005 801.47
+Customer#000000109 -709.1
+Customer#000000038 6352.11
+Customer#000000076 5752.33
+Customer#000000056 6537.86
+Customer#000000040 1342.3
+Customer#000000116 8410.99
+Customer#000000115 7515.92
+Customer#000000140 9970.15
+Customer#000000017 13.34
+Customer#000000052 5637.28
+set @a2=3;
+execute stmt using @a2;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000025 7143.7
+Customer#000000013 3867.34
+Customer#000000065 8805.16
+Customer#000000032 3481.53
+Customer#000000023 3342.02
+Customer#000000035 1238.24
+Customer#000000091 4653.14
+Customer#000000016 4691.03
+Customer#000000098 -541.37
+Customer#000000037 -907.75
+Customer#000000136 -832.39
+Customer#000000118 3592.37
+Customer#000000022 601.98
+Customer#000000005 804.47
+Customer#000000109 -706.1
+Customer#000000038 6355.11
+Customer#000000076 5755.33
+Customer#000000056 6540.86
+Customer#000000040 1345.3
+Customer#000000116 8413.99
+Customer#000000115 7518.92
+Customer#000000140 9973.15
+Customer#000000017 16.34
+Customer#000000052 5640.28
+execute stmt using -(@a1+@a2);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000065 8795.16
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000035 1228.24
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000098 -551.37
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000136 -842.39
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000005 794.47
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000038 6345.11
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000116 8403.99
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000140 9963.15
+Customer#000000017 6.34
+Customer#000000052 5630.28
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+# Materialization SJM PS
+# ======================
+prepare stmt from "
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+? where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+set @a1=-2;
+execute stmt using @a1;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3855.34
+Customer#000000032 3469.53
+Customer#000000037 -919.75
+Customer#000000118 3580.37
+Customer#000000056 6528.86
+set @a2=-1;
+execute stmt using @a2;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3854.34
+Customer#000000032 3468.53
+Customer#000000037 -920.75
+Customer#000000118 3579.37
+Customer#000000056 6527.86
+execute stmt using -(@a1+@a2);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+# Pullout SP
+# ==========
+create procedure p(d int)
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice+d where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+644 201268.06
+2880 145761.99
+3142 16030.15
+5382 138423.03
+5095 184583.99
+737 12984.85
+1729 12137.76
+5121 150334.57
+call p(-10);
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+644 201258.06
+2880 145751.99
+3142 16020.15
+5382 138413.03
+5095 184573.99
+737 12974.85
+1729 12127.76
+5121 150324.57
+call p(-20);
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+644 201238.06
+2880 145731.99
+3142 16000.15
+5382 138393.03
+5095 184553.99
+737 12954.85
+1729 12107.76
+5121 150304.57
+call p(10+20);
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_name='PERU'));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+644 201268.06
+2880 145761.99
+3142 16030.15
+5382 138423.03
+5095 184583.99
+737 12984.85
+1729 12137.76
+5121 150334.57
+drop procedure p;
+# FirstMatch SP
+# =============
+create procedure p(d int)
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+d where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.1799999999998
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000059 3458.6
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000094 5500.11
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+call p(5);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9566.95
+Customer#000000019 8919.71
+Customer#000000022 596.98
+Customer#000000025 7138.7
+Customer#000000028 1012.1799999999998
+Customer#000000037 -912.75
+Customer#000000040 1340.3
+Customer#000000047 279.58
+Customer#000000059 3463.6
+Customer#000000061 1541.24
+Customer#000000064 -641.64
+Customer#000000067 8171.59
+Customer#000000082 9473.34
+Customer#000000091 4648.14
+Customer#000000094 5505.11
+Customer#000000097 2169.48
+Customer#000000101 7475.96
+Customer#000000103 2762.45
+Customer#000000106 3293.42
+Customer#000000115 7513.92
+Customer#000000121 6433.32
+Customer#000000122 7870.46
+Customer#000000127 9285.71
+Customer#000000130 5078.58
+Customer#000000133 2319.67
+Customer#000000139 7902.78
+call p(15);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9581.95
+Customer#000000019 8934.71
+Customer#000000022 611.98
+Customer#000000025 7153.7
+Customer#000000028 1027.1799999999998
+Customer#000000037 -897.75
+Customer#000000040 1355.3
+Customer#000000047 294.58
+Customer#000000059 3478.6
+Customer#000000061 1556.24
+Customer#000000064 -626.64
+Customer#000000067 8186.59
+Customer#000000082 9488.34
+Customer#000000091 4663.14
+Customer#000000094 5520.11
+Customer#000000097 2184.48
+Customer#000000101 7490.96
+Customer#000000103 2777.45
+Customer#000000106 3308.42
+Customer#000000115 7528.92
+Customer#000000121 6448.32
+Customer#000000122 7885.46
+Customer#000000127 9300.71
+Customer#000000130 5093.58
+Customer#000000133 2334.67
+Customer#000000139 7917.78
+call p(-(5+15));
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000007 9561.95
+Customer#000000019 8914.71
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000028 1007.1799999999998
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000047 274.58
+Customer#000000059 3458.6
+Customer#000000061 1536.24
+Customer#000000064 -646.64
+Customer#000000067 8166.59
+Customer#000000082 9468.34
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000094 5500.11
+Customer#000000097 2164.48
+Customer#000000101 7470.96
+Customer#000000103 2757.45
+Customer#000000106 3288.42
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000121 6428.32
+Customer#000000122 7865.46
+Customer#000000127 9280.71
+Customer#000000130 5073.58
+Customer#000000133 2314.67
+Customer#000000139 7897.78
+drop procedure p;
+# Materialization SP
+# ==================
+create procedure p(d int)
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+d where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000065 8795.16
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000035 1228.24
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000098 -551.37
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000136 -842.39
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000005 794.47
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000038 6345.11
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000116 8403.99
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000140 9963.15
+Customer#000000017 6.34
+Customer#000000052 5630.28
+call p(3);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000025 7136.7
+Customer#000000013 3860.34
+Customer#000000065 8798.16
+Customer#000000032 3474.53
+Customer#000000023 3335.02
+Customer#000000035 1231.24
+Customer#000000091 4646.14
+Customer#000000016 4684.03
+Customer#000000098 -548.37
+Customer#000000037 -914.75
+Customer#000000136 -839.39
+Customer#000000118 3585.37
+Customer#000000022 594.98
+Customer#000000005 797.47
+Customer#000000109 -713.1
+Customer#000000038 6348.11
+Customer#000000076 5748.33
+Customer#000000056 6533.86
+Customer#000000040 1338.3
+Customer#000000116 8406.99
+Customer#000000115 7511.92
+Customer#000000140 9966.15
+Customer#000000017 9.34
+Customer#000000052 5633.28
+call p(7);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000025 7143.7
+Customer#000000013 3867.34
+Customer#000000065 8805.16
+Customer#000000032 3481.53
+Customer#000000023 3342.02
+Customer#000000035 1238.24
+Customer#000000091 4653.14
+Customer#000000016 4691.03
+Customer#000000098 -541.37
+Customer#000000037 -907.75
+Customer#000000136 -832.39
+Customer#000000118 3592.37
+Customer#000000022 601.98
+Customer#000000005 804.47
+Customer#000000109 -706.1
+Customer#000000038 6355.11
+Customer#000000076 5755.33
+Customer#000000056 6540.86
+Customer#000000040 1345.3
+Customer#000000116 8413.99
+Customer#000000115 7518.92
+Customer#000000140 9973.15
+Customer#000000017 16.34
+Customer#000000052 5640.28
+call p(-(3+7));
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000025 7133.7
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000065 8795.16
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000023 3332.02
+Customer#000000035 1228.24
+Customer#000000091 4643.14
+Customer#000000016 4681.03
+Customer#000000098 -551.37
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000136 -842.39
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000022 591.98
+Customer#000000005 794.47
+Customer#000000109 -716.1
+Customer#000000038 6345.11
+Customer#000000076 5745.33
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+Customer#000000040 1335.3
+Customer#000000116 8403.99
+Customer#000000115 7508.92
+Customer#000000140 9963.15
+Customer#000000017 6.34
+Customer#000000052 5630.28
+drop procedure p;
+# Materialization SJM SP
+# ======================
+create procedure p(d int)
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+d where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+call p(-1);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3856.34
+Customer#000000032 3470.53
+Customer#000000037 -918.75
+Customer#000000118 3581.37
+Customer#000000056 6529.86
+call p(-2);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3854.34
+Customer#000000032 3468.53
+Customer#000000037 -920.75
+Customer#000000118 3579.37
+Customer#000000056 6527.86
+call p(1+2);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+c_name c_acctbal
+Customer#000000013 3857.34
+Customer#000000032 3471.53
+Customer#000000037 -917.75
+Customer#000000118 3582.37
+Customer#000000056 6530.86
+drop procedure p;
+# Checking limitations
+# ====================
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1221 117397.16
+324 26868.85
+1856 189361.42
+1344 43809.37
+1925 146382.71
+3139 40975.96
+4903 34363.63
+5607 24660.06
+# Should not use semi-join conversion because has ORDER BY ... LIMIT
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2))
+order by o_totalprice limit 500;
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY orders range i_o_orderdate i_o_orderdate 4 NULL 108 Using where; Using filesort
+2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY customer unique_subquery|filter PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey PRIMARY|i_c_nationkey 4|5 func 1 (10%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2))
+order by o_totalprice limit 500;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1221 117347.16
+324 26818.85
+1856 189311.42
+1344 43759.37
+1925 146332.71
+3139 40925.96
+4903 34313.63
+5607 24610.06
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice+50 where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2))
+order by o_totalprice limit 500;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1221 117397.16
+324 26868.85
+1856 189361.42
+1344 43809.37
+1925 146382.71
+3139 40975.96
+4903 34363.63
+5607 24660.06
+# Should use semi-join converion
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
+1 PRIMARY customer range PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey i_c_nationkey 5 NULL 15 Using index condition
+1 PRIMARY orders ref|filter i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey i_o_custkey|i_o_orderdate 5|4 dbt3_s001.customer.c_custkey 11 (7%) Using where; Using rowid filter
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1221 117347.16
+324 26818.85
+1856 189311.42
+1344 43759.37
+1925 146332.71
+3139 40925.96
+4903 34313.63
+5607 24610.06
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice+50 where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+o_orderkey o_totalprice
+1221 117397.16
+324 26868.85
+1856 189361.42
+1344 43809.37
+1925 146382.71
+3139 40975.96
+4903 34363.63
+5607 24660.06
+DROP DATABASE dbt3_s001;
diff --git a/mysql-test/main/update_single_to_multi.test b/mysql-test/main/update_single_to_multi.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0fe56861992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/main/update_single_to_multi.test
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+use dbt3_s001;
+--source include/
+create index i_n_name on nation(n_name);
+analyze table nation;
+--echo # Pullout
+--echo # =======
+let $c1=
+ o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+ o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+ where c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_name='PERU'));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+explain format=json
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where $c1;
+explain format=json
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where $c1;
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where $c1;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+update orders set o_totalprice= o_totalprice+50 where $c1;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+let $c2=
+ (ps_partkey, ps_suppkey) in
+ (select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+ where p_retailprice between 901 and 910 and
+ s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_name='PERU'));
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c2;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c2;
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost+2 where $c2;
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost+2 where $c2;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c2;
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost-2 where $c2;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c2;
+let $c3=
+ ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part
+ where p_retailprice between 901 and 910) and
+ ps_suppkey in (select s_suppkey from supplier
+ where s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_name='PERU'));
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c3;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c3;
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost+10 where $c3;
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost+10 where $c3;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c3;
+update partsupp set ps_supplycost = ps_supplycost-10 where $c3;
+select ps_partkey, ps_suppkey, ps_supplycost from partsupp where $c3;
+let $c4=
+ l_orderkey in (select o_orderkey from orders
+ where o_custkey in
+ (select c_custkey from customer
+ where c_nationkey in
+ (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_name='PERU'))
+ and
+ o_orderDATE between '1992-06-30' and '1992-12-31')
+ and
+ (l_partkey, l_suppkey) in
+ (select p_partkey, s_suppkey from part, supplier
+ where p_retailprice between 901 and 1000 and
+ s_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_name='PERU'));
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where $c4;
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where $c4;
+update lineitem set l_tax = (l_tax*100+1)/100 where $c4;
+update lineitem set l_tax = (l_tax*100+1)/100 where $c4;
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where $c4;
+update lineitem set l_tax = (l_tax*100-1)/100 where $c4;
+select l_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_tax from lineitem where $c4;
+--echo # FirstMatch
+--echo # ==========
+let $c5=
+ c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation
+ where n_regionkey in (1,2))
+ and
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between '1992-10-09' and '1993-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+explain format=json
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+10 where $c5;
+explain format=json
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+10 where $c5;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+10 where $c5;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-10 where $c5;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+let $c6=
+ c_nationkey in (select n_nationkey from nation where n_name='PERU')
+ and
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between "1992-01-09" and "1993-01-08");
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c6;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c6;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+20 where $c6;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+20 where $c6;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c6;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-20 where $c6;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c6;
+--echo # Materialization
+--echo # ===============
+let $c7=
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+explain format=json
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+5 where $c7;
+explain format=json
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+5 where $c7;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+5 where $c7;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-5 where $c7;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+let $c8=
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-09' and '1993-01-08');
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c8;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c8;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+1 where $c8;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+1 where $c8;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c8;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-1 where $c8;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c8;
+--echo # Materialization SJM
+--echo # ===================
+let $c9=
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1992-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 1);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+explain format=json
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-5 where $c9;
+explain format=json
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-5 where $c9;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-5 where $c9;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+5 where $c9;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+let $c10=
+ c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders
+ where o_orderDATE between '1992-01-09' and '1993-03-08'
+ group by o_custkey having count(o_custkey) > 5);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c10;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c10;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-1 where $c10;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal-1 where $c10;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c10;
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+1 where $c10;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c10;
+--echo # Pullout PS
+--echo # ==========
+prepare stmt from "
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice+? where $c1;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+set @a1=-20;
+execute stmt using @a1;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+set @a2=-10;
+execute stmt using @a2;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+execute stmt using -(@a1+@a2);
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+--echo # FirstMatch PS
+--echo # =============
+prepare stmt from "
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+? where $c5;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+set @a1=15;
+execute stmt using @a1;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+set @a2=5;
+execute stmt using @a2;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+execute stmt using -(@a1+@a2);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+--echo # Materialization PS
+--echo # ==================
+prepare stmt from "
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+? where $c7;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+set @a1=7;
+execute stmt using @a1;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+set @a2=3;
+execute stmt using @a2;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+execute stmt using -(@a1+@a2);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+--echo # Materialization SJM PS
+--echo # ======================
+prepare stmt from "
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+? where $c9;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+set @a1=-2;
+execute stmt using @a1;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+set @a2=-1;
+execute stmt using @a2;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+execute stmt using -(@a1+@a2);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+deallocate prepare stmt;
+--echo # Pullout SP
+--echo # ==========
+create procedure p(d int)
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice+d where $c1;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+call p(-10);
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+call p(-20);
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+call p(10+20);
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c1;
+drop procedure p;
+--echo # FirstMatch SP
+--echo # =============
+create procedure p(d int)
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+d where $c5;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+call p(5);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+call p(15);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+call p(-(5+15));
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c5;
+drop procedure p;
+--echo # Materialization SP
+--echo # ==================
+create procedure p(d int)
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+d where $c7;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+call p(3);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+call p(7);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+call p(-(3+7));
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c7;
+drop procedure p;
+--echo # Materialization SJM SP
+--echo # ======================
+create procedure p(d int)
+update customer set c_acctbal = c_acctbal+d where $c9;
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+call p(-1);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+call p(-2);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+call p(1+2);
+select c_name, c_acctbal from customer where $c9;
+drop procedure p;
+--echo # Checking limitations
+--echo # ====================
+let $c11=
+ o_orderDATE between '1992-01-01' and '1992-06-30' and
+ o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer
+ where c_nationkey in (1,2));
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c11;
+--echo # Should not use semi-join conversion because has ORDER BY ... LIMIT
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where $c11
+order by o_totalprice limit 500;
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where $c11
+order by o_totalprice limit 500;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c11;
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice+50 where $c11
+order by o_totalprice limit 500;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c11;
+--echo # Should use semi-join converion
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where $c11;
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice-50 where $c11;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c11;
+update orders set o_totalprice = o_totalprice+50 where $c11;
+select o_orderkey, o_totalprice from orders where $c11;
+DROP DATABASE dbt3_s001;
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index fa338f0e60c..cd88e7856a2 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -533,6 +533,31 @@ bool is_materialization_applicable(THD *thd, Item_in_subselect *in_subs,
+ @brief Check whether an IN subquery must be excluded from conversion to SJ
+ @param thd global context the processed statement
+ @returns true if the IN subquery must be excluded from conversion to SJ
+ @note
+ Currently a top level IN subquery of an update/delete statement
+ is not converted to SJ if the statement contains ORDER BY ... LIMIT
+ or contains RETURNING.
+bool SELECT_LEX::is_sj_conversion_prohibited(THD *thd)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(master_unit()->item->substype() == Item_subselect::IN_SUBS);
+ SELECT_LEX *outer_sl= outer_select();
+ return !outer_sl->outer_select() &&
+ (thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_UPDATE ||
+ thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_DELETE) &&
+ ((outer_sl->order_list.elements &&
+ outer_sl->get_limit() != HA_POS_ERROR) ||
+ (thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_DELETE &&
+ thd->lex->has_returning()));
Check if we need JOIN::prepare()-phase subquery rewrites and if yes, do them
@@ -675,9 +700,9 @@ int check_and_do_in_subquery_rewrites(JOIN *join)
3. Subquery does not have GROUP BY or ORDER BY
4. Subquery does not use aggregate functions or HAVING
5. Subquery predicate is at the AND-top-level of ON/WHERE clause
- 6. We are not in a subquery of a single table UPDATE/DELETE that
- doesn't have a JOIN (TODO: We should handle this at some
- point by switching to multi-table UPDATE/DELETE)
+ 6. We are not in a top level subquery of a single-table UPDATE or
+ DELETE with ORDER BY ... LIMIT and we are not in a top level
+ subquery of a single-table DELETE with returning
7. We're not in a table-less subquery like "SELECT 1"
8. No execution method was already chosen (by a prepared statement)
9. Parent select is not a table-less select
@@ -692,9 +717,7 @@ int check_and_do_in_subquery_rewrites(JOIN *join)
!select_lex->group_list.elements && !join->order && // 3
!join->having && !select_lex->with_sum_func && // 4
in_subs->emb_on_expr_nest && // 5
- select_lex->outer_select()->join && // 6
- (!thd->lex->m_sql_cmd ||
- thd->lex->m_sql_cmd->sql_command_code() == SQLCOM_UPDATE_MULTI) &&
+ !select_lex->is_sj_conversion_prohibited(thd) && // 6
parent_unit->first_select()->leaf_tables.elements && // 7
!in_subs->has_strategy() && // 8
select_lex->outer_select()->table_list.first && // 9
@@ -754,7 +777,8 @@ int check_and_do_in_subquery_rewrites(JOIN *join)
if (in_subs && !in_subs->has_strategy())
- if (is_materialization_applicable(thd, in_subs, select_lex))
+ if (!select_lex->is_sj_conversion_prohibited(thd) &&
+ is_materialization_applicable(thd, in_subs, select_lex))
@@ -7260,3 +7284,28 @@ bool TABLE_LIST::is_sjm_scan_table()
return is_active_sjm() && sj_mat_info->is_sj_scan;
+ @brief Check whether this subselect can be lifted to the top level
+ @returns true if the test is positive, false otherwise
+bool SELECT_LEX::is_sj_subselect_lifted_to_top()
+ st_select_lex *sl= this;
+ st_select_lex *outer_sl= outer_select();
+ for ( ; outer_sl; sl= outer_sl, outer_sl= outer_sl->outer_select())
+ {
+ List_iterator_fast<Item_in_subselect> it(outer_sl->sj_subselects);
+ Item_in_subselect *in_subs;
+ while ((in_subs= it++))
+ {
+ if (in_subs->unit->first_select() == sl)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!in_subs)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
diff --git a/sql/sql_class.h b/sql/sql_class.h
index 167df5b07d9..3a2704ffe5f 100644
--- a/sql/sql_class.h
+++ b/sql/sql_class.h
@@ -7005,6 +7005,7 @@ public:
// Methods used by ColumnStore
uint get_num_of_tables() const { return num_of_tables; }
TABLE_LIST* get_tables() const { return delete_tables; }
+ void set_delete_tables (TABLE_LIST *tbl) { delete_tables= tbl; }
multi_delete(THD *thd_arg, TABLE_LIST *dt, uint num_of_tables);
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 2ff43316954..ed4b6beab34 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -1591,10 +1591,16 @@ bool Sql_cmd_delete::prepare_inner(THD *thd)
false, NULL, NULL, NULL,
select_lex, &lex->unit)))
goto err;
+ if (!multitable &&
+ select_lex->sj_subselects.elements)
+ multitable= true;
+ if (!multitable)
+ ((multi_delete *)result)->set_delete_tables(0);
if (multitable)
@@ -1638,7 +1644,8 @@ bool Sql_cmd_delete::prepare_inner(THD *thd)
TABLE_LIST *duplicate;
if ((duplicate= unique_table(thd, target_tbl->correspondent_table,
- lex->query_tables, 0)))
+ lex->query_tables, 0)) &&
+ !duplicate->select_lex->is_sj_subselect_lifted_to_top())
"DELETE", duplicate);
diff --git a/sql/sql_lex.h b/sql/sql_lex.h
index e733b4fc53f..d1f0274136d 100644
--- a/sql/sql_lex.h
+++ b/sql/sql_lex.h
@@ -1642,6 +1642,8 @@ public:
void lex_start(LEX *plex);
bool is_unit_nest() { return (nest_flags & UNIT_NEST_FL); }
void mark_as_unit_nest() { nest_flags= UNIT_NEST_FL; }
+ bool is_sj_conversion_prohibited(THD *thd);
+ bool is_sj_subselect_lifted_to_top();
typedef class st_select_lex SELECT_LEX;
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index bf49d69023e..a7e5bc77be4 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -5834,8 +5834,7 @@ make_join_statistics(JOIN *join, List<TABLE_LIST> &tables_list,
impossible_range= records == 0 && s->table->reginfo.impossible_range;
- if (join->thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SELECT &&
- optimizer_flag(join->thd, OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_USE_ROWID_FILTER))
+ if (optimizer_flag(join->thd, OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_USE_ROWID_FILTER))
if (!impossible_range)
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 6b14c4f3fcc..b056b13bca3 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -2471,6 +2471,8 @@ int multi_update::do_updates()
table = cur_table->table;
if (table == table_to_update)
continue; // Already updated
+ if (table->file->pushed_rowid_filter)
+ table->file->disable_pushed_rowid_filter();
org_updated= updated;
tmp_table= tmp_tables[cur_table->shared];
tmp_table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_CACHE); // Change to read cache
@@ -2665,7 +2667,8 @@ int multi_update::do_updates()
while (TABLE *tbl= check_opt_it++)
+ if (table->file->save_pushed_rowid_filter)
+ table->file->enable_pushed_rowid_filter();
@@ -2676,6 +2679,8 @@ err:
+ if (table->file->save_pushed_rowid_filter)
+ table->file->enable_pushed_rowid_filter();
if (table->file->inited)
(void) table->file->ha_rnd_end();
if (tmp_table->file->inited)
@@ -2955,7 +2960,9 @@ bool Sql_cmd_update::prepare_inner(THD *thd)
goto err;
+ if (!multitable &&
+ select_lex->sj_subselects.elements)
+ multitable= true;
if (table_list->has_period())
diff --git a/sql/sql_yacc.yy b/sql/sql_yacc.yy
index a587a378086..13dc602a2d6 100644
--- a/sql/sql_yacc.yy
+++ b/sql/sql_yacc.yy
@@ -13370,8 +13370,21 @@ delete_single_table:
+ 0)))
+ Select->table_list.save_and_clear(&Lex->auxiliary_table_list);
+ Lex->table_count= 1;
+ Lex->query_tables= 0;
+ Lex->query_tables_last= &Lex->query_tables;
+ if (unlikely(!Select->
+ add_table_to_list(thd, $2, NULL, TL_OPTION_UPDATING,
+ YYPS->m_lock_type,
+ YYPS->m_mdl_type,
+ Lex->auxiliary_table_list.first->correspondent_table=
+ Lex->query_tables;
YYPS->m_lock_type= TL_READ_DEFAULT;
YYPS->m_mdl_type= MDL_SHARED_READ;