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+Original Author
+James Henstridge <>
+Steve Chaplin <stevech1097 #>
+Maarten Breddels
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+PyCairo is free software.
+Every source file in the implementation of PyCairo is available to be
+redistributed and/or modified under the terms of either the GNU Lesser
+General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 or the Mozilla Public
+License (MPL) version 1.1. Some files are available under more
+liberal terms, but we believe that in all cases, each file may be used
+under either the LGPL or the MPL.
+See the following files in this directory for the precise terms and
+conditions of either license:
+Please see each file in the implementation for Copyright and licensing
diff --git a/COPYING-LGPL-2.1 b/COPYING-LGPL-2.1
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+ Version 2.1, February 1999
+ Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts
+ as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
+ the version number 2.1.]
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
+free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
+ This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
+specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
+Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You
+can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
+this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
+strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
+not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
+you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
+for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
+it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
+it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
+these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
+rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
+you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
+or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
+you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
+code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide
+complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
+with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
+it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
+ We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
+library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
+permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
+ To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
+there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is
+modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
+that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
+author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
+introduced by others.
+ Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
+any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot
+effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
+restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that
+any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
+consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
+ Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
+ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
+is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use
+this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
+libraries into non-free programs.
+ When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
+a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
+combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary
+General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
+entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General
+Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
+the library.
+ We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
+does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
+Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less
+of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages
+are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
+libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
+special circumstances.
+ For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
+encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it
+becomes a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must
+be allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free
+library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this
+case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
+software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
+ In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
+programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
+free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
+non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
+operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
+ Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
+users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
+linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
+that program using a modified version of the Library.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a
+"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The
+former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
+be combined with the library in order to run.
+ 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
+program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
+other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
+this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
+Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+ A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
+prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
+(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
+ The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
+which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the
+Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
+copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
+portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
+straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is
+included without limitation in the term "modification".)
+ "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
+interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control
+compilation and installation of the library.
+ Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
+such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
+on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
+writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
+and what the program that uses the Library does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
+complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
+you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
+appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
+all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
+warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
+ You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
+and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
+ b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
+ charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
+ d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
+ table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
+ the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
+ is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
+ in the event an application does not supply such function or
+ table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
+ its purpose remains meaningful.
+ (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
+ a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
+ application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
+ application-supplied function or table used by this function must
+ be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
+ root function must still compute square roots.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Library.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
+with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
+License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do
+this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
+that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
+instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the
+ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
+that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in
+these notices.
+ Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
+that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
+subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
+ This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
+the Library into a program that is not a library.
+ 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
+derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
+under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
+it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
+must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
+medium customarily used for software interchange.
+ If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
+from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
+source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
+distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
+Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
+linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
+work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
+therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
+ However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
+creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
+contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
+library". The executable is therefore covered by this License.
+Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
+ When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
+that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
+derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
+Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
+linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The
+threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
+ If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
+structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
+functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
+file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
+work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
+Library will still fall under Section 6.)
+ Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
+distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
+Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
+whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
+ 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
+link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
+work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
+under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
+modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications.
+ You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
+Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
+this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work
+during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
+copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
+directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one
+of these things:
+ a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
+ machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
+ changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
+ Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
+ with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
+ uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
+ user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
+ executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood
+ that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
+ Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
+ to use the modified definitions.)
+ b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+ Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
+ copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
+ rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
+ will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
+ the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
+ interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
+ c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at least
+ three years, to give the same user the materials specified in
+ Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more than the cost of
+ performing this distribution.
+ d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
+ from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
+ specified materials from the same place.
+ e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
+ materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
+ For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
+Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
+reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception,
+the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
+normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
+components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
+which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
+the executable.
+ It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
+restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
+accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot
+use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
+ 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
+facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
+library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
+the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
+permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
+ a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
+ based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
+ facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the
+ Sections above.
+ b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
+ that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
+ where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+ 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
+the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any
+attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
+distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
+rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
+or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
+terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
+ 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Library or works based on it.
+ 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
+subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
+this License.
+ 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply, and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Library under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those
+countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
+versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
+Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
+but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
+"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
+the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a
+license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
+the Free Software Foundation.
+ 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
+write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is
+copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
+Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our
+decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
+of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
+and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
+ If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
+everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting
+redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms
+of the ordinary General Public License).
+ To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library.
+It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most
+effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should
+have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full
+notice is found.
+ <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or
+your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library,
+if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
+ library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James
+ Random Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+That's all there is to it!
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+ Version 1.1
+ ---------------
+1. Definitions.
+ 1.0.1. "Commercial Use" means distribution or otherwise making the
+ Covered Code available to a third party.
+ 1.1. "Contributor" means each entity that creates or contributes to
+ the creation of Modifications.
+ 1.2. "Contributor Version" means the combination of the Original
+ Code, prior Modifications used by a Contributor, and the Modifications
+ made by that particular Contributor.
+ 1.3. "Covered Code" means the Original Code or Modifications or the
+ combination of the Original Code and Modifications, in each case
+ including portions thereof.
+ 1.4. "Electronic Distribution Mechanism" means a mechanism generally
+ accepted in the software development community for the electronic
+ transfer of data.
+ 1.5. "Executable" means Covered Code in any form other than Source
+ Code.
+ 1.6. "Initial Developer" means the individual or entity identified
+ as the Initial Developer in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit
+ A.
+ 1.7. "Larger Work" means a work which combines Covered Code or
+ portions thereof with code not governed by the terms of this License.
+ 1.8. "License" means this document.
+ 1.8.1. "Licensable" means having the right to grant, to the maximum
+ extent possible, whether at the time of the initial grant or
+ subsequently acquired, any and all of the rights conveyed herein.
+ 1.9. "Modifications" means any addition to or deletion from the
+ substance or structure of either the Original Code or any previous
+ Modifications. When Covered Code is released as a series of files, a
+ Modification is:
+ A. Any addition to or deletion from the contents of a file
+ containing Original Code or previous Modifications.
+ B. Any new file that contains any part of the Original Code or
+ previous Modifications.
+ 1.10. "Original Code" means Source Code of computer software code
+ which is described in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A as
+ Original Code, and which, at the time of its release under this
+ License is not already Covered Code governed by this License.
+ 1.10.1. "Patent Claims" means any patent claim(s), now owned or
+ hereafter acquired, including without limitation, method, process,
+ and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by grantor.
+ 1.11. "Source Code" means the preferred form of the Covered Code for
+ making modifications to it, including all modules it contains, plus
+ any associated interface definition files, scripts used to control
+ compilation and installation of an Executable, or source code
+ differential comparisons against either the Original Code or another
+ well known, available Covered Code of the Contributor's choice. The
+ Source Code can be in a compressed or archival form, provided the
+ appropriate decompression or de-archiving software is widely available
+ for no charge.
+ 1.12. "You" (or "Your") means an individual or a legal entity
+ exercising rights under, and complying with all of the terms of, this
+ License or a future version of this License issued under Section 6.1.
+ For legal entities, "You" includes any entity which controls, is
+ controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of
+ this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct or indirect,
+ to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by
+ contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent
+ (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such
+ entity.
+2. Source Code License.
+ 2.1. The Initial Developer Grant.
+ The Initial Developer hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
+ non-exclusive license, subject to third party intellectual property
+ claims:
+ (a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or
+ trademark) Licensable by Initial Developer to use, reproduce,
+ modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Original
+ Code (or portions thereof) with or without Modifications, and/or
+ as part of a Larger Work; and
+ (b) under Patents Claims infringed by the making, using or
+ selling of Original Code, to make, have made, use, practice,
+ sell, and offer for sale, and/or otherwise dispose of the
+ Original Code (or portions thereof).
+ (c) the licenses granted in this Section 2.1(a) and (b) are
+ effective on the date Initial Developer first distributes
+ Original Code under the terms of this License.
+ (d) Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is
+ granted: 1) for code that You delete from the Original Code; 2)
+ separate from the Original Code; or 3) for infringements caused
+ by: i) the modification of the Original Code or ii) the
+ combination of the Original Code with other software or devices.
+ 2.2. Contributor Grant.
+ Subject to third party intellectual property claims, each Contributor
+ hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license
+ (a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or
+ trademark) Licensable by Contributor, to use, reproduce, modify,
+ display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Modifications
+ created by such Contributor (or portions thereof) either on an
+ unmodified basis, with other Modifications, as Covered Code
+ and/or as part of a Larger Work; and
+ (b) under Patent Claims infringed by the making, using, or
+ selling of Modifications made by that Contributor either alone
+ and/or in combination with its Contributor Version (or portions
+ of such combination), to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have
+ made, and/or otherwise dispose of: 1) Modifications made by that
+ Contributor (or portions thereof); and 2) the combination of
+ Modifications made by that Contributor with its Contributor
+ Version (or portions of such combination).
+ (c) the licenses granted in Sections 2.2(a) and 2.2(b) are
+ effective on the date Contributor first makes Commercial Use of
+ the Covered Code.
+ (d) Notwithstanding Section 2.2(b) above, no patent license is
+ granted: 1) for any code that Contributor has deleted from the
+ Contributor Version; 2) separate from the Contributor Version;
+ 3) for infringements caused by: i) third party modifications of
+ Contributor Version or ii) the combination of Modifications made
+ by that Contributor with other software (except as part of the
+ Contributor Version) or other devices; or 4) under Patent Claims
+ infringed by Covered Code in the absence of Modifications made by
+ that Contributor.
+3. Distribution Obligations.
+ 3.1. Application of License.
+ The Modifications which You create or to which You contribute are
+ governed by the terms of this License, including without limitation
+ Section 2.2. The Source Code version of Covered Code may be
+ distributed only under the terms of this License or a future version
+ of this License released under Section 6.1, and You must include a
+ copy of this License with every copy of the Source Code You
+ distribute. You may not offer or impose any terms on any Source Code
+ version that alters or restricts the applicable version of this
+ License or the recipients' rights hereunder. However, You may include
+ an additional document offering the additional rights described in
+ Section 3.5.
+ 3.2. Availability of Source Code.
+ Any Modification which You create or to which You contribute must be
+ made available in Source Code form under the terms of this License
+ either on the same media as an Executable version or via an accepted
+ Electronic Distribution Mechanism to anyone to whom you made an
+ Executable version available; and if made available via Electronic
+ Distribution Mechanism, must remain available for at least twelve (12)
+ months after the date it initially became available, or at least six
+ (6) months after a subsequent version of that particular Modification
+ has been made available to such recipients. You are responsible for
+ ensuring that the Source Code version remains available even if the
+ Electronic Distribution Mechanism is maintained by a third party.
+ 3.3. Description of Modifications.
+ You must cause all Covered Code to which You contribute to contain a
+ file documenting the changes You made to create that Covered Code and
+ the date of any change. You must include a prominent statement that
+ the Modification is derived, directly or indirectly, from Original
+ Code provided by the Initial Developer and including the name of the
+ Initial Developer in (a) the Source Code, and (b) in any notice in an
+ Executable version or related documentation in which You describe the
+ origin or ownership of the Covered Code.
+ 3.4. Intellectual Property Matters
+ (a) Third Party Claims.
+ If Contributor has knowledge that a license under a third party's
+ intellectual property rights is required to exercise the rights
+ granted by such Contributor under Sections 2.1 or 2.2,
+ Contributor must include a text file with the Source Code
+ distribution titled "LEGAL" which describes the claim and the
+ party making the claim in sufficient detail that a recipient will
+ know whom to contact. If Contributor obtains such knowledge after
+ the Modification is made available as described in Section 3.2,
+ Contributor shall promptly modify the LEGAL file in all copies
+ Contributor makes available thereafter and shall take other steps
+ (such as notifying appropriate mailing lists or newsgroups)
+ reasonably calculated to inform those who received the Covered
+ Code that new knowledge has been obtained.
+ (b) Contributor APIs.
+ If Contributor's Modifications include an application programming
+ interface and Contributor has knowledge of patent licenses which
+ are reasonably necessary to implement that API, Contributor must
+ also include this information in the LEGAL file.
+ (c) Representations.
+ Contributor represents that, except as disclosed pursuant to
+ Section 3.4(a) above, Contributor believes that Contributor's
+ Modifications are Contributor's original creation(s) and/or
+ Contributor has sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by
+ this License.
+ 3.5. Required Notices.
+ You must duplicate the notice in Exhibit A in each file of the Source
+ Code. If it is not possible to put such notice in a particular Source
+ Code file due to its structure, then You must include such notice in a
+ location (such as a relevant directory) where a user would be likely
+ to look for such a notice. If You created one or more Modification(s)
+ You may add your name as a Contributor to the notice described in
+ Exhibit A. You must also duplicate this License in any documentation
+ for the Source Code where You describe recipients' rights or ownership
+ rights relating to Covered Code. You may choose to offer, and to
+ charge a fee for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability
+ obligations to one or more recipients of Covered Code. However, You
+ may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on behalf of the Initial
+ Developer or any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear than
+ any such warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligation is
+ offered by You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial
+ Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by the
+ Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of warranty,
+ support, indemnity or liability terms You offer.
+ 3.6. Distribution of Executable Versions.
+ You may distribute Covered Code in Executable form only if the
+ requirements of Section 3.1-3.5 have been met for that Covered Code,
+ and if You include a notice stating that the Source Code version of
+ the Covered Code is available under the terms of this License,
+ including a description of how and where You have fulfilled the
+ obligations of Section 3.2. The notice must be conspicuously included
+ in any notice in an Executable version, related documentation or
+ collateral in which You describe recipients' rights relating to the
+ Covered Code. You may distribute the Executable version of Covered
+ Code or ownership rights under a license of Your choice, which may
+ contain terms different from this License, provided that You are in
+ compliance with the terms of this License and that the license for the
+ Executable version does not attempt to limit or alter the recipient's
+ rights in the Source Code version from the rights set forth in this
+ License. If You distribute the Executable version under a different
+ license You must make it absolutely clear that any terms which differ
+ from this License are offered by You alone, not by the Initial
+ Developer or any Contributor. You hereby agree to indemnify the
+ Initial Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred by
+ the Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of any such
+ terms You offer.
+ 3.7. Larger Works.
+ You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Code with other code
+ not governed by the terms of this License and distribute the Larger
+ Work as a single product. In such a case, You must make sure the
+ requirements of this License are fulfilled for the Covered Code.
+4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation.
+ If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
+ License with respect to some or all of the Covered Code due to
+ statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with
+ the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b)
+ describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description
+ must be included in the LEGAL file described in Section 3.4 and must
+ be included with all distributions of the Source Code. Except to the
+ extent prohibited by statute or regulation, such description must be
+ sufficiently detailed for a recipient of ordinary skill to be able to
+ understand it.
+5. Application of this License.
+ This License applies to code to which the Initial Developer has
+ attached the notice in Exhibit A and to related Covered Code.
+6. Versions of the License.
+ 6.1. New Versions.
+ Netscape Communications Corporation ("Netscape") may publish revised
+ and/or new versions of the License from time to time. Each version
+ will be given a distinguishing version number.
+ 6.2. Effect of New Versions.
+ Once Covered Code has been published under a particular version of the
+ License, You may always continue to use it under the terms of that
+ version. You may also choose to use such Covered Code under the terms
+ of any subsequent version of the License published by Netscape. No one
+ other than Netscape has the right to modify the terms applicable to
+ Covered Code created under this License.
+ 6.3. Derivative Works.
+ If You create or use a modified version of this License (which you may
+ only do in order to apply it to code which is not already Covered Code
+ governed by this License), You must (a) rename Your license so that
+ the phrases "Mozilla", "MOZILLAPL", "MOZPL", "Netscape",
+ "MPL", "NPL" or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear in your
+ license (except to note that your license differs from this License)
+ and (b) otherwise make it clear that Your version of the license
+ contains terms which differ from the Mozilla Public License and
+ Netscape Public License. (Filling in the name of the Initial
+ Developer, Original Code or Contributor in the notice described in
+ Exhibit A shall not of themselves be deemed to be modifications of
+ this License.)
+ 8.1. This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate
+ automatically if You fail to comply with terms herein and fail to cure
+ such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
+ sublicenses to the Covered Code which are properly granted shall
+ survive any termination of this License. Provisions which, by their
+ nature, must remain in effect beyond the termination of this License
+ shall survive.
+ 8.2. If You initiate litigation by asserting a patent infringement
+ claim (excluding declatory judgment actions) against Initial Developer
+ or a Contributor (the Initial Developer or Contributor against whom
+ You file such action is referred to as "Participant") alleging that:
+ (a) such Participant's Contributor Version directly or indirectly
+ infringes any patent, then any and all rights granted by such
+ Participant to You under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 of this License
+ shall, upon 60 days notice from Participant terminate prospectively,
+ unless if within 60 days after receipt of notice You either: (i)
+ agree in writing to pay Participant a mutually agreeable reasonable
+ royalty for Your past and future use of Modifications made by such
+ Participant, or (ii) withdraw Your litigation claim with respect to
+ the Contributor Version against such Participant. If within 60 days
+ of notice, a reasonable royalty and payment arrangement are not
+ mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties or the litigation claim
+ is not withdrawn, the rights granted by Participant to You under
+ Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 automatically terminate at the expiration of
+ the 60 day notice period specified above.
+ (b) any software, hardware, or device, other than such Participant's
+ Contributor Version, directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then
+ any rights granted to You by such Participant under Sections 2.1(b)
+ and 2.2(b) are revoked effective as of the date You first made, used,
+ sold, distributed, or had made, Modifications made by that
+ Participant.
+ 8.3. If You assert a patent infringement claim against Participant
+ alleging that such Participant's Contributor Version directly or
+ indirectly infringes any patent where such claim is resolved (such as
+ by license or settlement) prior to the initiation of patent
+ infringement litigation, then the reasonable value of the licenses
+ granted by such Participant under Sections 2.1 or 2.2 shall be taken
+ into account in determining the amount or value of any payment or
+ license.
+ 8.4. In the event of termination under Sections 8.1 or 8.2 above,
+ all end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers)
+ which have been validly granted by You or any distributor hereunder
+ prior to termination shall survive termination.
+ The Covered Code is a "commercial item," as that term is defined in
+ 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995), consisting of "commercial computer
+ software" and "commercial computer software documentation," as such
+ terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48
+ C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995),
+ all U.S. Government End Users acquire Covered Code with only those
+ rights set forth herein.
+ This License represents the complete agreement concerning subject
+ matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
+ unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
+ necessary to make it enforceable. This License shall be governed by
+ California law provisions (except to the extent applicable law, if
+ any, provides otherwise), excluding its conflict-of-law provisions.
+ With respect to disputes in which at least one party is a citizen of,
+ or an entity chartered or registered to do business in the United
+ States of America, any litigation relating to this License shall be
+ subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern
+ District of California, with venue lying in Santa Clara County,
+ California, with the losing party responsible for costs, including
+ without limitation, court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and
+ expenses. The application of the United Nations Convention on
+ Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded.
+ Any law or regulation which provides that the language of a contract
+ shall be construed against the drafter shall not apply to this
+ License.
+ As between Initial Developer and the Contributors, each party is
+ responsible for claims and damages arising, directly or indirectly,
+ out of its utilization of rights under this License and You agree to
+ work with Initial Developer and Contributors to distribute such
+ responsibility on an equitable basis. Nothing herein is intended or
+ shall be deemed to constitute any admission of liability.
+ Initial Developer may designate portions of the Covered Code as
+ "Multiple-Licensed". "Multiple-Licensed" means that the Initial
+ Developer permits you to utilize portions of the Covered Code under
+ Your choice of the NPL or the alternative licenses, if any, specified
+ by the Initial Developer in the file described in Exhibit A.
+EXHIBIT A -Mozilla Public License.
+ ``The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+ Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+ basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+ under the License.
+ The Original Code is ______________________________________.
+ The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ________________________.
+ Portions created by ______________________ are Copyright (C) ______
+ _______________________. All Rights Reserved.
+ Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
+ Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
+ of the _____ license (the "[___] License"), in which case the
+ provisions of [______] License are applicable instead of those
+ above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+ under the terms of the [____] License and not to allow others to use
+ your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by
+ deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and
+ other provisions required by the [___] License. If you do not delete
+ the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file
+ under either the MPL or the [___] License."
+ [NOTE: The text of this Exhibit A may differ slightly from the text of
+ the notices in the Source Code files of the Original Code. You should
+ use the text of this Exhibit A rather than the text found in the
+ Original Code Source Code for Your Modifications.]
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09ded69
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Install method1 - preferred method
+Using the same install method of install as cairo - GNU autotools.
+ $ python -c "import sys; print sys.prefix"
+ # make a note of the python prefix
+ $ ./configure --prefix=<python_prefix>
+ $ make
+ $ make install # may require superuser access
+To build from CVS, use this line instead of the configure line above:
+ $ ./ --prefix=<python_prefix>
+If you're installing to another prefix than the one where Python is installed
+Python will not be able to find the cairo module until you add
+$prefix/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages to the PYTHONPATH variable.
+Install method2 - alternative install method
+ 1. Untar the .tar.gz file
+ 2. cd into the resulting directory
+ 3. python install
+testing uses py.test from pylib
+$ cd test
+$ py.test
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..147f546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+SUBDIRS = src examples test doc
+ \
+pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
+pkgconfig_DATA = pycairo.pc
+# release targets from cairo/
+# Some custom targets to make it easier to release things.
+# Use either:
+# make release-check
+# or make release-publish
+tar_file = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+md5_file = $(tar_file).md5
+$(md5_file): $(tar_file)
+ md5sum $^ > $@
+ @echo -n "Checking that $(VERSION) has an even micro component..."
+ @test "$(PYCAIRO_VERSION_MICRO)" = "`echo $(PYCAIRO_VERSION_MICRO)/2*2 | bc`" \
+ || (echo "Ouch." && echo "The version micro component '$(PYCAIRO_VERSION_MICRO)' is not an even number." \
+ && echo "The version in must be incremented before a new release." \
+ && false)
+ @echo "Good."
+ @echo -n "Checking that no $(VERSION) release already exists..."
+ @ssh $(RELEASE_UPLOAD_HOST) test ! -e $(RELEASE_UPLOAD_DIR)/$(tar_file) \
+ || (echo "Ouch." && echo "Found: $(RELEASE_UPLOAD_HOST):$(RELEASE_UPLOAD_DIR)/$(tar_file)" \
+ && echo "Are you sure you have an updated CVS checkout?" \
+ && echo "This should never happen." \
+ && false)
+ @echo "Good."
+ rm -f $(tar_file) $(md5_file)
+release-check: release-verify-even-micro release-verify-newer release-remove-old distcheck $(md5_file)
+release-upload: release-check $(tar_file) $(md5_file)
+ mkdir -p releases
+ scp $(tar_file) $(md5_file) $(RELEASE_UPLOAD_HOST):$(RELEASE_UPLOAD_DIR)
+ mv $(tar_file) $(md5_file) releases
+release-publish: release-upload releases/$(md5_file)
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "Please send an announcement to $(RELEASE_ANNOUNCE_LIST)"
+ @echo "including the following:"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "Subject: ANN: $(PACKAGE) release $(VERSION) now available"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "============================== CUT HERE =============================="
+ @echo "Pycairo is a set of Python bindings for the multi-platform 2D graphics library cairo."
+ @echo ""
+ @echo ""
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "A new $(PACKAGE) release $(VERSION) is now available from:"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo " $(RELEASE_URL_BASE)/$(tar_file)"
+ @echo " $(RELEASE_URL_BASE)/$(md5_file)"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo -n " "
+ @cat releases/$(md5_file)
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "============================== CUT HERE =============================="
+ @echo "Also, please include the new entries from the NEWS file."
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "Last but not least, do not forget to bump up the micro"
+ @echo "version component to the next (odd) number and commit."
+.PHONY: release-verify-even-micro release-verify-newer release-remove-old release-check release-upload release-publish
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4f49a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+Overview of changes from pycairo 1.8.4 to pycairo 1.8.6
+General Changes:
+ Pycairo 1.8.6 requires cairo 1.8.6 (or later)
+Bug Fixes:
+ ImageSurface.create_from_png _read_func fix
+ ToyFontFace type fix
+ 19221: restore cairo.Matrix '*' operator to the way it originally worked.
+Other Changes:
+ Documentation completed.
+Overview of changes from pycairo 1.8.2 to pycairo 1.8.4
+General Changes:
+ Pycairo 1.8.4 requires cairo 1.8.4 (or later) and Python 2.6
+Bug Fixes:
+ 20674: Add get/set_extend for Gradient Patterns
+New Classes:
+ cairo.ToyFontFace
+New Methods:
+ Pattern.get_extend
+ Pattern.set_extend
+ ToyFontFace.get_family
+ ToyFontFace.get_slant
+ ToyFontFace.get_weight
+Deleted Methods:
+ SurfacePattern.get_extend
+ SurfacePattern.set_extend
+Other Changes:
+ Threading for surfaces with stream functions has been reenabled.
+ Documentation updates.
+Overview of changes from pycairo 1.8.0 to pycairo 1.8.2
+Pycairo 1.8.0 resulted in crashes for some applications using threads. So
+upgrading to 1.8.2 is recommended for threaded applications.
+Bug Fixes: #19287: Threading support results in crashes in cairo.ImageSurface
+New Methods:
+ Context.set_scaled_font
+API Changes:
+ Matrix multiplication:
+ old code: matrix3 = matrix1 * matrix2
+ new equivalent code: matrix3 = matrix1.multiply(matrix2)
+ matrix3 = matrix1 * matrix2
+ is now equivalent to matrix3 = matrix2.multiply(matrix1)
+ which is consistent with standard matrix multiplication.
+Overview of changes from pycairo 1.6.4 to pycairo 1.8.0
+General Changes:
+ Pycairo 1.8.0 requires cairo 1.8.0 (or later).
+ Add documentation (available separately)
+Bug Fixes:
+ 18101: Add support for threading
+ 18947: cairo.SurfacePattern should INCREF the used surface
+New Methods:
+ ScaledFont.get_scale_matrix
+ Surface.mark_dirty_rectangle
+ Surface.set_fallback_resolution
+New Constants:
+ cairo.EXTEND_PAD
+API Changes:
+ Surface.mark_dirty: no longer accepts keyword arguments with default
+ values.
+ PycairoPattern_FromPattern (C API): has a new 'base' argument - to fix
+ #18947.
+Other Changes:
+ Allow unknown cairo Pattern/Surface types to use the pycairo base
+ Pattern/Surface type.
+Overview of changes from pycairo 1.4.12 to pycairo 1.6.4
+General changes:
+ Pycairo 1.6.4 requires cairo 1.6.4 (or later).
+ requires Python 2.5 (or later).
+Bug fixes:
+ 16112: Fix win32 'python ...' build -- use double quotes
+New Methods:
+ Context.has_current_point
+ Context.path_extents
+ ImageSurface.format_stride_for_width
+ PSSurface.get_eps
+ PSSurface.set_eps
+ PSSurface.ps_level_to_string
+ PSSurface.restrict_to_level
+ Surface.copy_page
+ Surface.show_page
+New Constants:
+ cairo.PS_LEVEL_2, cairo.PS_LEVEL_3
+Other changes:
+ test/, test/ : pygame tests
+ examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ : Update
+ so line-width is a constant width in device-space not user-space
+Overview of changes from pycairo 1.4.0 to pycairo 1.4.12
+General changes:
+ Pycairo 1.4.12 requires cairo 1.4.12 (or later).
+ requires Python 2.4 (or later).
+Bug fixes:
+ 10006: update to support automake >= 1.10
+ 13460: use python-config to get python includes
+Other changes:
+ - allow cairo.Context to be subclassed
+ - create a 'doc' subdirectory and start a FAQ file
+Overview of changes from pycairo 1.2.6 to pycairo 1.4.0
+General changes:
+Pycairo 1.4.0 requires cairo 1.4.0 (or later).
+New methods:
+ Context.clip_extents
+ Context.copy_clip_rectangles
+ Context.get_dash
+ Context.get_dash_count
+ Context.get_scaled_font
+ Context.glyph_extents
+ Context.glyph_path
+ Context.show_glyphs
+ LinearGradient.get_linear_points
+ RadialGradient.get_radial_circles
+ SolidPattern.get_rgba
+ SurfacePattern.get_surface
+Deleted methods:
+ ImageSurface.create_for_array
+ Remove Numeric Python support, since Numeric has been made obsolete by
+ numpy, and numpy data can be read using ImageSurface.create_for_data.
+Other changes:
+ the module cairo.gtk has been removed (pygtk 2.7.0 onwards has cairo
+ support built in).
+Overview of changes from pycairo 1.2.2 to pycairo 1.2.6
+* Pycairo 1.2.6 requires cairo 1.2.6 (or later).
+* mingw32 compiler fixes (Cedric Gustin)
+* improvements (Cedric Gustin)
+* ImageSurface.get_data() new method added
+ ImageSurface.get_data_as_rgba() method removed
+Overview of changes from pycairo 1.2.0 to pycairo 1.2.2
+* Pycairo requires cairo 1.2.2 (or later).
+* has been updated to allow installation by executing
+ $ python install
+* examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
+ A new example to demonstrate pattern masks.
+* The cairo.svg module has been removed because:
+ 1) Cairo does not include SVG parsing, so this module does not belong
+ in pycairo.
+ 2) libsvg-cairo (the underlying C library) is unmaintained.
+Overview of changes from pycairo 1.1.6 to pycairo 1.2.0
+General changes:
+Pycairo has been updated to work with cairo 1.2.0.
+New methods:
+ Surface.set_fallback_resolution
+ Surface_get_content
+ ImageSurface_get_format
+ Image_surface_get_stride
+Deleted methods:
+ PDFSurface.set_dpi, PSSurface.set_dpi, SVGSurface.set_dpi
+ - replaced by Surface.set_fallback_resolution
+Other changes:
+ cairo.FORMAT_RGB16_565 added
+Overview of changes from pycairo 1.0.2 to pycairo 1.1.6
+General changes:
+Pycairo has been updated to work with cairo 1.1.6.
+New objects:
+ SVGSurface
+New methods:
+ Context.get_group_target
+ Context.new_sub_path
+ Context.pop_group
+ Context.pop_group_to_source
+ Context.push_group
+ Context.push_group_with_content
+ FontOptions.get_antialias
+ FontOptions.get_hint_metrics
+ FontOptions.get_hint_style
+ FontOptions.get_subpixel_order
+ FontOptions.set_antialias
+ FontOptions.set_hint_metrics
+ FontOptions.set_hint_style
+ FontOptions.set_subpixel_order
+ PDFSurface.set_size
+ PSSurface.dsc_begin_page_setup
+ PSSurface.dsc_begin_setup
+ PSSurface.dsc_comment
+ PSSurface.set_size
+ ScaledFont.get_font_face
+ ScaledFont.text_extents
+ Surface.get_device_offset
+ XlibSurface.get_depth
+Updated methods:
+ PDFSurface()/PSSurface() - can now write to file-like objects (like
+ StringIO).
+ surface.write_to_png() and ImageSurface.create_from_png() can now write to
+ file-like objects (like StringIO).
+ select_font_face, show_text, text_extents and text_path now accept unicode
+ objects.
+Other changes:
+ misc bug fixes.
+New examples:
+ examples/cairo_snippets/
+ examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
+ examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
+ examples/svg/
+Overview of changes from pycairo 1.0.0 to pycairo 1.0.2
+General changes:
+Pycairo has been updated to work with cairo 1.0.2.
+New cairo functions supported:
+ cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data()
+Updated functions:
+ ctx.set_source_rgba (r, g, b, a=1.0) now supports a default alpha argument
+Other changes:
+ cairo.Matrix now supports the Python sequence protocol, so you can do:
+ xx, yx, xy, yy, x0, y0 = matrix
+Overview of changes from pycairo 0.9.0 to pycairo 1.0.0
+General changes:
+Pycairo has been updated to work with cairo 1.0.0.
+New cairo functions supported:
+ cairo.cairo_version()
+ cairo.cairo_version_string()
+ PSSurface.set_dpi()
+Patterns are now implemented in a class hierarchy, the new constructors are:
+ cairo.SolidPattern (r, g, b, a=1.0)
+ cairo.SurfacePattern (surface)
+ cairo.LinearGradient (x0, y0, x1, y1)
+ cairo.RadialGradient (cx0, cy0, radius0, cx1, cy1, radius1)
+Updated functions:
+ Surface.write_to_png() now accepts a file object as well as a filename
+Updated examples:
+ The gtk examples now work with pygtk >= 2.7.0 without requiring the
+ cairo.gtk module
+Bug Fixes
+ fix "initializer element is not constant" compiler warnings
+Overview of changes from pycairo 0.6.0 to pycairo 0.9.0
+General changes:
+Pycairo has been updated to work with cairo 0.9.0.
+New cairo functions supported:
+ cairo_get_antialias
+ cairo_set_antialias
+ cairo_surface_mark_dirty_rectangle
+ cairo_surface_flush
+Bug Fixes
+- double buffering now works with the cairo.gtk module
+Overview of changes from pycairo 0.5.1 to pycairo 0.6.0
+General changes:
+ Pycairo has been updated to work with cairo 0.6.0, including using cairo's new
+ error handling scheme.
+New features:
+ cairo.CONTENT_COLOR, cairo.ALPHA, cairo.COLOR_ALPHA have been added for
+ working with surfaces.
+ A new class cairo.FontOptions has been added.
+ cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png() now accepts a filename string or a file
+ object
+ New wrapper functions have been added for cairo_get_font_options,
+ cairo_set_font_options and cairo_surface_get_font_options.
+Overview of changes from pycairo 0.5.0 to pycairo 0.5.1
+New features:
+- new class cairo.Win32Surface (Niki Spahiev)
+- cairo.HAS_WIN32_SURFACE, cairo.HAS_PS_SURFACE etc are defined to give access
+ to the values from cairo-features.h
+- fix cairo_mask, cairo_mask_surface and cairo_stroke_preserve wrappers
+- compile properly against GTK+ 2.7 (Gustavo Carneiro)
+- other small fixes, including fixes for gcc 4.0 warnings
+Overview of changes from pycairo 0.5.1 to pycairo 0.6.0
+This version has many changes which update Pycairo to the new cairo API. The
+change list is not duplicated here, instead see the cairo/NEWS file for full
+details of all these API changes.
+Pycairo method names that were different from the underlying cairo function
+names have been changed to make Pycairo more closely follow cairo and so
+enable the cairo documentation to be used for writing Pycairo programs.
+NOTES has been updated to list the differences between the C API and the
+Pycairo API.
+Context.copy_path() has been implemented, it returns a Path instance which
+supports the iterator protocol.
+Python 2.3 is now required.
+New examples:
+ shows usage of the Path iterator
+ shows many of the 'cairo-demo/cairo_snippets' examples
+ example using cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png()
+Overview of changes from pycairo 0.1.4 to pycairo 0.4.0
+New cairo bindings:
+ cairo_font_extents
+Bindings removed:
+ cairo_font_set_transform
+ cairo_font_current_transform
+New examples:
+ gtk/
+ Changed version numbering to correspond directly with the Cairo
+ version Pycairo was developed to work with. So, for example,
+ Pycairo version 0.4.0 represents the Pycairo version that has been
+ developed and tested with Cairo 0.4.0.
+Overview of changes from pycairo 0.1.3 to pycairo 0.1.4
+The Pycairo license has changed so that it is now dual-licensed under the LGPL
+and the MPL, the same as Cairo itself. For details see the COPYING file as
+well as COPYING-LGPL-2.1 and COPYING-MPL-1.1.
+New cairo bindings:
+ cairo_pdf_surface_create
+ cairo_set_target_pdf
+New libsvg-cairo bindings:
+ svg_cairo_parse
+ svg_cairo_parse_buffer
+ svg_cairo_render
+ svg_cairo_get_size
+ Added --without-pygtk configure option.
+ Renamed the Pycairo API _new() functions to _wrap() to allow _new() to
+ be used for python __new__ functions.
+ New examples: and
+Overview of changes for pycairo 0.1.3
+After the recent server compromise we discarded all unsigned
+snapshots. That left us without a pycairo snapshot.
+Additionally, there were no tags in the source repository so I
+couldn't recreate the 0.1.2 snapshot, so here's a new 0.1.3 snapshot.
+I apologize if I botched the version number or left something
+significant out of this announcement---I'm not the one who will
+usually be doing pycairo maintenance.
+New bindings:
+ current_path
+ current_path_flat
+ current_font_extents
+ fill_extents,stroke_extents: Remove unnecessary args and
+ change from a method to an attribute.
+ Added two new examples: and
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..858e0ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Pycairo - Python bindings for cairo
+ cairo >= 1.8.6
+ Python >= 2.6
+See the INSTALL document for build instructions.
+The 'doc' directory contains reStructuredText files which are used by Sphinx
+to generate html (and other format) documentation.
+Pycairo is free software and is available to be redistributed and/or modified
+under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version
+2.1 or the Mozilla Public License (MPL) version 1.1.
+Mailing List:
+If you have some ideas for how cairo or Pycairo could be improved, please feel
+free to send a message to
+If you find a bug in Pycairo, please go to
+and submit a bugreport.
+IMPORTANT: make sure you state which version of cairo and pycairo you are
+using when you report a problem or bug.
+>>> import cairo
+>>> cairo.cairo_version_string() # shows the cairo version
+>>> cairo.version # shows the pycairo version
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99b6b4d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+Here are the steps to follow to create a new pycairo release:
+1) Ensure that there are no local, uncommitted modifications. The best
+ thing to do here may be to begin with a fresh checkout from CVS:
+ cvs -d co pycairo
+ But it's probably good enough if "cvs -q update -Ad" generates no
+ output.
+2) Fill out an entry in the NEWS file
+ Sift through the information in ChangeLog since the last release. Summarize
+ major changes briefly in a style similar to other entries in NEWS.
+3) Increment version numbers in:
+ cairo/cairomodule.c
+ doc/
+ Increment pycairo_major/minor/micro_version in
+ Increase the cairo_required_version - to an even numbered version.
+ Increment pycairo_major/minor version to match the cairo major/minor
+ version that pycairo requires (and increment the micro version if
+ necessary for any subsequent pycairo updates).
+(install fresh copy, run examples, run any other tests)
+4) Commit the changes to NEWS, etc
+ Don't forget to fill out the ChangeLog just like with any other commit.
+ It's especially important to mention the new version number in the
+ ChangeLog.
+ Add a '=== Pycairo x.x.x ===' header to ChangeLog
+ Do "cvs -q update -Ad" to confirm there are no uncommitted changes.
+5) Run "make distcheck" and verify that it gives in no warnings or errors and
+ ends with a message of the form:
+ ===============================================
+ pycairo-X.Y.Z archives ready for distribution:
+ pycairo-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
+ ===============================================
+6) Edit and select either 'snapshot' or 'release'.
+ Run "make release-publish" which will perform the following steps for you:
+ * Check that the version number ends with an even micro component
+ * Check that no release exists with the current version
+ * Verify that make distcheck completes successfully
+ * Generate the final tar file
+ * Generate an md5sum file
+ * scp both files to appear on
+ * Place local copies of the files in the releases directory
+ * Create a LATEST-package-version file (after deleting any old one)
+ * Tag the entire source tree with a tag of the form RELEASE_X_Y_Z
+ * Provide some text for the release announcement (see below).
+7) Verify that the tar file arrived at the website.
+ Check tar file has read permissions for all.
+ Update the pycairo webpage to reference the new release.
+ Update entry for pycairo.
+8) Edit:
+ cairo/cairomodule.c
+ to increment pycairo_version_micro to the next larger (odd) number and
+ commit.
+9) Send a message to
+ and CC
+ to announce the new release using the text provided from
+ "make release-publish".
+Generating documentation archives
+$ cd doc/
+$ vi # update the version and release numbers
+$ make clean
+$ make html
+$ cd .build/
+$ mv html pycairo-x.x.x-docs-html
+$ tar cjf /tmp/pycairo-x.x.x-docs-html.tar.bz2 pycairo-x.x.x-docs-html
+$ zip -r /tmp/ pycairo-x.x.x-docs-html
+$ chmod a+r /tmp/pycairo*
+untar docs in /tmp and check that they have correct version number and view
+copy file to the 'releases' directory on cairo website:
+ scp pycairo-xxx
+cd doc
diff --git a/acinclude.m4 b/acinclude.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ef2000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acinclude.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+## this one is commonly used with AM_PATH_PYTHONDIR ...
+dnl Check if a module containing a given symbol is visible to python.
+py_mod_var=`echo $1['_']$2 | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ifelse([$2],[],,[$2 in ])python module $1)
+AC_CACHE_VAL(py_cv_mod_$py_mod_var, [
+ifelse([$2],[], [prog="
+import sys
+ import $1
+except ImportError:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ sys.exit(0)
+sys.exit(0)"], [prog="
+import $1
+if $PYTHON -c "$prog" 1>&AC_FD_CC 2>&AC_FD_CC
+ then
+ eval "py_cv_mod_$py_mod_var=yes"
+ else
+ eval "py_cv_mod_$py_mod_var=no"
+ fi
+py_val=`eval "echo \`echo '$py_cv_mod_'$py_mod_var\`"`
+if test "x$py_val" != xno; then
+ ifelse([$3], [],, [$3
+ ifelse([$4], [],, [$4
+dnl a macro to check for ability to create python extensions
+dnl function also defines PYTHON_INCLUDES
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for headers required to compile python extensions)
+if test -x "$PYTHON-config"; then
+ PYTHON_INCLUDES=`$PYTHON-config --includes 2>/dev/null`
+ py_prefix=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; print sys.prefix"`
+ py_exec_prefix=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; print sys.exec_prefix"`
+ PYTHON_INCLUDES="-I${py_prefix}/include/python${PYTHON_VERSION}"
+ if test "$py_prefix" != "$py_exec_prefix"; then
+ PYTHON_INCLUDES="$PYTHON_INCLUDES -I${py_exec_prefix}/include/python${PYTHON_VERSION}"
+ fi
+dnl check if the headers exist:
+AC_TRY_CPP([#include <Python.h>],dnl
+[AC_MSG_RESULT(not found)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7e22288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# Run this to generate all the initial makefiles, etc.
+set -e
+# Allow invocation from a separate build directory; in that case, we change
+# to the source directory to run the auto*, then change back before running configure
+srcdir=`dirname $ARGV0`
+test -z "$srcdir" && srcdir=.
+cd $srcdir
+LIBTOOLIZE_FLAGS="--copy --force"
+AUTOMAKE_FLAGS="--add-missing --foreign"
+test -f &&
+test -f &&
+if test "X$CONFIGURE_IN" = X; then
+ echo "$ARGV0: ERROR: No $srcdir/ or $srcdir/ found."
+ exit 1
+extract_version() { # modified from cairo/
+ grep "^ *$1" $CONFIGURE_IN | sed 's/.*(\[*\([^]) ]*\).*/\1/';
+autoconf_min_vers=`extract_version AC_PREREQ`
+automake_min_vers=`extract_version AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE`
+libtoolize_min_vers=`extract_version AC_PROG_LIBTOOL`
+# Not all echo versions allow -n, so we check what is possible. This test is
+# based on the one in autoconf.
+case `echo "testing\c"; echo 1,2,3`,`echo -n testing; echo 1,2,3` in
+ *c*,-n*) ECHO_N= ;;
+ *c*,* ) ECHO_N=-n ;;
+ *) ECHO_N= ;;
+# some terminal codes ...
+boldface="`tput bold 2>/dev/null`"
+normal="`tput sgr0 2>/dev/null`"
+printbold() {
+ echo $ECHO_N "$boldface"
+ echo "$@"
+ echo $ECHO_N "$normal"
+printerr() {
+ echo "$@" >&2
+# Usage:
+# compare_versions MIN_VERSION ACTUAL_VERSION
+# returns true if ACTUAL_VERSION >= MIN_VERSION
+compare_versions() {
+ ch_min_version=$1
+ ch_actual_version=$2
+ ch_status=0
+ IFS="${IFS= }"; ch_save_IFS="$IFS"; IFS="."
+ set $ch_actual_version
+ for ch_min in $ch_min_version; do
+ ch_cur=`echo $1 | sed 's/[^0-9].*$//'`; shift # remove letter suffixes
+ if [ -z "$ch_min" ]; then break; fi
+ if [ -z "$ch_cur" ]; then ch_status=1; break; fi
+ if [ $ch_cur -gt $ch_min ]; then break; fi
+ if [ $ch_cur -lt $ch_min ]; then ch_status=1; break; fi
+ done
+ IFS="$ch_save_IFS"
+ return $ch_status
+# Usage:
+# checks to see if the package is available
+version_check() {
+ vc_package=$1
+ vc_variable=$2
+ vc_checkprogs=$3
+ vc_min_version=$4
+ vc_source=$5
+ vc_status=1
+ vc_checkprog=`eval echo "\\$$vc_variable"`
+ if [ -n "$vc_checkprog" ]; then
+ printbold "using $vc_checkprog for $vc_package"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ printbold "checking for $vc_package >= $vc_min_version..."
+ for vc_checkprog in $vc_checkprogs; do
+ echo $ECHO_N " testing $vc_checkprog... "
+ if $vc_checkprog --version < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ vc_actual_version=`$vc_checkprog --version | head -n 1 | \
+ sed 's/^.*[ ]\([0-9.]*[a-z]*\).*$/\1/'`
+ if compare_versions $vc_min_version $vc_actual_version; then
+ echo "found $vc_actual_version"
+ # set variable
+ eval "$vc_variable=$vc_checkprog"
+ vc_status=0
+ break
+ else
+ echo "too old (found version $vc_actual_version)"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "not found."
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$vc_status" != 0 ]; then
+ printerr "***Error***: You must have $vc_package >= $vc_min_version installed"
+ printerr " to build $PROJECT. Download the appropriate package for"
+ printerr " from your distribution or get the source tarball at"
+ printerr " $vc_source"
+ printerr
+ fi
+ return $vc_status
+version_check autoconf AUTOCONF $AUTOCONF $autoconf_min_vers \
+ "${autoconf_min_vers}.tar.gz" || DIE=1
+# Hunt for an appropriate version of automake and aclocal; we can't
+# assume that 'automake' is necessarily the most recent installed version
+# We check automake first to allow it to be a newer version than we know about.
+version_check automake AUTOMAKE "$AUTOMAKE automake automake-1.10 automake-1.9 automake-1.8 automake-1.7" $automake_min_vers \
+ "${automake_min_vers}.tar.gz" || DIE=1
+ACLOCAL=`echo $AUTOMAKE | sed s/automake/aclocal/`
+version_check libtool LIBTOOLIZE $LIBTOOLIZE $libtoolize_min_vers \
+ "${libtool_min_vers}.tar.gz" || DIE=1
+if test -z "$ACLOCAL_FLAGS"; then
+ acdir=`$ACLOCAL --print-ac-dir`
+ if [ ! -f $acdir/pkg.m4 ]; then
+ echo "$ARGV0: Error: Could not find pkg-config macros."
+ echo " (Looked in $acdir/pkg.m4)"
+ echo " If pkg.m4 is available in /another/directory, please set"
+ echo " ACLOCAL_FLAGS=\"-I /another/directory\""
+ echo " Otherwise, please install pkg-config."
+ echo ""
+ echo "pkg-config is available from:"
+ echo ""
+ DIE=yes
+ fi
+if test "X$DIE" != X; then
+ exit 1
+if test -z "$*"; then
+ echo "$ARGV0: Note: \`./configure' will be run with no arguments."
+ echo " If you wish to pass any to it, please specify them on the"
+ echo " \`$0' command line."
+ echo
+do_cmd() {
+ echo "$ARGV0: running \`$@'"
+ $@
+do_cmd $AUTOCONF
+cd $ORIGDIR || exit 1
+# don't use 'do_cmd' since it prevents
+# './ --prefix=/usr CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Werror"' from working
+#do_cmd $srcdir/configure --enable-maintainer-mode ${1+"$@"} && echo "Now type \`make' to compile" || exit 1
+$srcdir/configure --enable-maintainer-mode ${1+"$@"} && echo "Now type \`make' to compile" || exit 1
diff --git a/config.guess b/config.guess
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f32079a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.guess
@@ -0,0 +1,1526 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Attempt to guess a canonical system name.
+# Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
+# 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.
+# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
+# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
+# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
+# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
+# Originally written by Per Bothner <>.
+# Please send patches to <>. Submit a context
+# diff and a properly formatted ChangeLog entry.
+# This script attempts to guess a canonical system name similar to
+# config.sub. If it succeeds, it prints the system name on stdout, and
+# exits with 0. Otherwise, it exits with 1.
+# The plan is that this can be called by configure scripts if you
+# don't specify an explicit build system type.
+me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
+Usage: $0 [OPTION]
+Output the configuration name of the system \`$me' is run on.
+Operation modes:
+ -h, --help print this help, then exit
+ -t, --time-stamp print date of last modification, then exit
+ -v, --version print version number, then exit
+Report bugs and patches to <>."
+GNU config.guess ($timestamp)
+Originally written by Per Bothner.
+Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
+2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
+Try \`$me --help' for more information."
+# Parse command line
+while test $# -gt 0 ; do
+ case $1 in
+ --time-stamp | --time* | -t )
+ echo "$timestamp" ; exit ;;
+ --version | -v )
+ echo "$version" ; exit ;;
+ --help | --h* | -h )
+ echo "$usage"; exit ;;
+ -- ) # Stop option processing
+ shift; break ;;
+ - ) # Use stdin as input.
+ break ;;
+ -* )
+ echo "$me: invalid option $1$help" >&2
+ exit 1 ;;
+ * )
+ break ;;
+ esac
+if test $# != 0; then
+ echo "$me: too many arguments$help" >&2
+ exit 1
+trap 'exit 1' 1 2 15
+# CC_FOR_BUILD -- compiler used by this script. Note that the use of a
+# compiler to aid in system detection is discouraged as it requires
+# temporary files to be created and, as you can see below, it is a
+# headache to deal with in a portable fashion.
+# Historically, `CC_FOR_BUILD' used to be named `HOST_CC'. We still
+# use `HOST_CC' if defined, but it is deprecated.
+# Portable tmp directory creation inspired by the Autoconf team.
+trap "exitcode=\$?; (rm -f \$tmpfiles 2>/dev/null; rmdir \$tmp 2>/dev/null) && exit \$exitcode" 0 ;
+trap "rm -f \$tmpfiles 2>/dev/null; rmdir \$tmp 2>/dev/null; exit 1" 1 2 13 15 ;
+: ${TMPDIR=/tmp} ;
+ { tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "$TMPDIR/cgXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` && test -n "$tmp" && test -d "$tmp" ; } ||
+ { test -n "$RANDOM" && tmp=$TMPDIR/cg$$-$RANDOM && (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp) ; } ||
+ { tmp=$TMPDIR/cg-$$ && (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp) && echo "Warning: creating insecure temp directory" >&2 ; } ||
+ { echo "$me: cannot create a temporary directory in $TMPDIR" >&2 ; exit 1 ; } ;
+dummy=$tmp/dummy ;
+tmpfiles="$dummy.c $dummy.o $dummy.rel $dummy" ;
+ ,,) echo "int x;" > $dummy.c ;
+ for c in cc gcc c89 c99 ; do
+ if ($c -c -o $dummy.o $dummy.c) >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ CC_FOR_BUILD="$c"; break ;
+ fi ;
+ done ;
+ if test x"$CC_FOR_BUILD" = x ; then
+ CC_FOR_BUILD=no_compiler_found ;
+ fi
+ ;;
+ ,,*) CC_FOR_BUILD=$CC ;;
+ ,*,*) CC_FOR_BUILD=$HOST_CC ;;
+esac ; set_cc_for_build= ;'
+# This is needed to find uname on a Pyramid OSx when run in the BSD universe.
+# ( 1994-08-24)
+if (test -f /.attbin/uname) >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ PATH=$PATH:/.attbin ; export PATH
+UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -m) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_MACHINE=unknown
+UNAME_RELEASE=`(uname -r) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_RELEASE=unknown
+UNAME_SYSTEM=`(uname -s) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_SYSTEM=unknown
+UNAME_VERSION=`(uname -v) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_VERSION=unknown
+# Note: order is significant - the case branches are not exclusive.
+ *:NetBSD:*:*)
+ # NetBSD (nbsd) targets should (where applicable) match one or
+ # more of the tupples: *-*-netbsdelf*, *-*-netbsdaout*,
+ # *-*-netbsdecoff* and *-*-netbsd*. For targets that recently
+ # switched to ELF, *-*-netbsd* would select the old
+ # object file format. This provides both forward
+ # compatibility and a consistent mechanism for selecting the
+ # object file format.
+ #
+ # Note: NetBSD doesn't particularly care about the vendor
+ # portion of the name. We always set it to "unknown".
+ sysctl="sysctl -n hw.machine_arch"
+ UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`(/sbin/$sysctl 2>/dev/null || \
+ /usr/sbin/$sysctl 2>/dev/null || echo unknown)`
+ case "${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}" in
+ armeb) machine=armeb-unknown ;;
+ arm*) machine=arm-unknown ;;
+ sh3el) machine=shl-unknown ;;
+ sh3eb) machine=sh-unknown ;;
+ sh5el) machine=sh5le-unknown ;;
+ *) machine=${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}-unknown ;;
+ esac
+ # The Operating System including object format, if it has switched
+ # to ELF recently, or will in the future.
+ case "${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}" in
+ arm*|i386|m68k|ns32k|sh3*|sparc|vax)
+ eval $set_cc_for_build
+ if echo __ELF__ | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \
+ | grep __ELF__ >/dev/null
+ then
+ # Once all utilities can be ECOFF (netbsdecoff) or a.out (netbsdaout).
+ # Return netbsd for either. FIX?
+ os=netbsd
+ else
+ os=netbsdelf
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ os=netbsd
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # The OS release
+ # Debian GNU/NetBSD machines have a different userland, and
+ # thus, need a distinct triplet. However, they do not need
+ # kernel version information, so it can be replaced with a
+ # suitable tag, in the style of linux-gnu.
+ case "${UNAME_VERSION}" in
+ Debian*)
+ release='-gnu'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ release=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-_].*/\./'`
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # contains redundant information, the shorter form:
+ echo "${machine}-${os}${release}"
+ exit ;;
+ *:OpenBSD:*:*)
+ UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`arch | sed 's/OpenBSD.//'`
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ *:ekkoBSD:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-ekkobsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ *:SolidBSD:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-solidbsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ macppc:MirBSD:*:*)
+ echo powerpc-unknown-mirbsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ *:MirBSD:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-mirbsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ alpha:OSF1:*:*)
+ case $UNAME_RELEASE in
+ *4.0)
+ UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $3}'`
+ ;;
+ *5.*)
+ UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $4}'`
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # According to Compaq, /usr/sbin/psrinfo has been available on
+ # OSF/1 and Tru64 systems produced since 1995. I hope that
+ # covers most systems running today. This code pipes the CPU
+ # types through head -n 1, so we only detect the type of CPU 0.
+ ALPHA_CPU_TYPE=`/usr/sbin/psrinfo -v | sed -n -e 's/^ The alpha \(.*\) processor.*$/\1/p' | head -n 1`
+ case "$ALPHA_CPU_TYPE" in
+ "EV4 (21064)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" ;;
+ "EV4.5 (21064)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" ;;
+ "LCA4 (21066/21068)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" ;;
+ "EV5 (21164)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev5" ;;
+ "EV5.6 (21164A)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev56" ;;
+ "EV5.6 (21164PC)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE="alphapca56" ;;
+ "EV5.7 (21164PC)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE="alphapca57" ;;
+ "EV6 (21264)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev6" ;;
+ "EV6.7 (21264A)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev67" ;;
+ "EV6.8CB (21264C)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev68" ;;
+ "EV6.8AL (21264B)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev68" ;;
+ "EV6.8CX (21264D)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev68" ;;
+ "EV6.9A (21264/EV69A)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev69" ;;
+ "EV7 (21364)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev7" ;;
+ "EV7.9 (21364A)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev79" ;;
+ esac
+ # A Pn.n version is a patched version.
+ # A Vn.n version is a released version.
+ # A Tn.n version is a released field test version.
+ # A Xn.n version is an unreleased experimental baselevel.
+ # 1.2 uses "1.2" for uname -r.
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-dec-osf`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/^[PVTX]//' | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'`
+ exit ;;
+ Alpha\ *:Windows_NT*:*)
+ # How do we know it's Interix rather than the generic POSIX subsystem?
+ # Should we change UNAME_MACHINE based on the output of uname instead
+ # of the specific Alpha model?
+ echo alpha-pc-interix
+ exit ;;
+ 21064:Windows_NT:50:3)
+ echo alpha-dec-winnt3.5
+ exit ;;
+ Amiga*:UNIX_System_V:4.0:*)
+ echo m68k-unknown-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ *:[Aa]miga[Oo][Ss]:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-amigaos
+ exit ;;
+ *:[Mm]orph[Oo][Ss]:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-morphos
+ exit ;;
+ *:OS/390:*:*)
+ echo i370-ibm-openedition
+ exit ;;
+ *:z/VM:*:*)
+ echo s390-ibm-zvmoe
+ exit ;;
+ *:OS400:*:*)
+ echo powerpc-ibm-os400
+ exit ;;
+ arm:RISC*:1.[012]*:*|arm:riscix:1.[012]*:*)
+ echo arm-acorn-riscix${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ arm:riscos:*:*|arm:RISCOS:*:*)
+ echo arm-unknown-riscos
+ exit ;;
+ SR2?01:HI-UX/MPP:*:* | SR8000:HI-UX/MPP:*:*)
+ echo hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxmpp
+ exit ;;
+ Pyramid*:OSx*:*:* | MIS*:OSx*:*:* | MIS*:SMP_DC-OSx*:*:*)
+ # (Earle F. Ake) contributed MIS and NILE.
+ if test "`(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null`" = att ; then
+ echo pyramid-pyramid-sysv3
+ else
+ echo pyramid-pyramid-bsd
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ NILE*:*:*:dcosx)
+ echo pyramid-pyramid-svr4
+ exit ;;
+ DRS?6000:unix:4.0:6*)
+ echo sparc-icl-nx6
+ exit ;;
+ DRS?6000:UNIX_SV:4.2*:7* | DRS?6000:isis:4.2*:7*)
+ case `/usr/bin/uname -p` in
+ sparc) echo sparc-icl-nx7; exit ;;
+ esac ;;
+ sun4H:SunOS:5.*:*)
+ echo sparc-hal-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
+ exit ;;
+ sun4*:SunOS:5.*:* | tadpole*:SunOS:5.*:*)
+ echo sparc-sun-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
+ exit ;;
+ i86pc:SunOS:5.*:* | i86xen:SunOS:5.*:*)
+ echo i386-pc-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
+ exit ;;
+ sun4*:SunOS:6*:*)
+ # According to config.sub, this is the proper way to canonicalize
+ # SunOS6. Hard to guess exactly what SunOS6 will be like, but
+ # it's likely to be more like Solaris than SunOS4.
+ echo sparc-sun-solaris3`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
+ exit ;;
+ sun4*:SunOS:*:*)
+ case "`/usr/bin/arch -k`" in
+ Series*|S4*)
+ UNAME_RELEASE=`uname -v`
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Japanese Language versions have a version number like `4.1.3-JL'.
+ echo sparc-sun-sunos`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/-/_/'`
+ exit ;;
+ sun3*:SunOS:*:*)
+ echo m68k-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ sun*:*:4.2BSD:*)
+ UNAME_RELEASE=`(sed 1q /etc/motd | awk '{print substr($5,1,3)}') 2>/dev/null`
+ test "x${UNAME_RELEASE}" = "x" && UNAME_RELEASE=3
+ case "`/bin/arch`" in
+ sun3)
+ echo m68k-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ ;;
+ sun4)
+ echo sparc-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ exit ;;
+ aushp:SunOS:*:*)
+ echo sparc-auspex-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ # The situation for MiNT is a little confusing. The machine name
+ # can be virtually everything (everything which is not
+ # "atarist" or "atariste" at least should have a processor
+ # > m68000). The system name ranges from "MiNT" over "FreeMiNT"
+ # to the lowercase version "mint" (or "freemint"). Finally
+ # the system name "TOS" denotes a system which is actually not
+ # MiNT. But MiNT is downward compatible to TOS, so this should
+ # be no problem.
+ atarist[e]:*MiNT:*:* | atarist[e]:*mint:*:* | atarist[e]:*TOS:*:*)
+ echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ atari*:*MiNT:*:* | atari*:*mint:*:* | atarist[e]:*TOS:*:*)
+ echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ *falcon*:*MiNT:*:* | *falcon*:*mint:*:* | *falcon*:*TOS:*:*)
+ echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ milan*:*MiNT:*:* | milan*:*mint:*:* | *milan*:*TOS:*:*)
+ echo m68k-milan-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ hades*:*MiNT:*:* | hades*:*mint:*:* | *hades*:*TOS:*:*)
+ echo m68k-hades-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ *:*MiNT:*:* | *:*mint:*:* | *:*TOS:*:*)
+ echo m68k-unknown-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ m68k:machten:*:*)
+ echo m68k-apple-machten${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ powerpc:machten:*:*)
+ echo powerpc-apple-machten${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ RISC*:Mach:*:*)
+ echo mips-dec-mach_bsd4.3
+ exit ;;
+ echo mips-dec-ultrix${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ VAX*:ULTRIX*:*:*)
+ echo vax-dec-ultrix${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ 2020:CLIX:*:* | 2430:CLIX:*:*)
+ echo clipper-intergraph-clix${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ mips:*:*:UMIPS | mips:*:*:RISCos)
+ eval $set_cc_for_build
+ sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <stdio.h> /* for printf() prototype */
+ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ int main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; {
+ #if defined (host_mips) && defined (MIPSEB)
+ #if defined (SYSTYPE_SYSV)
+ printf ("mips-mips-riscos%ssysv\n", argv[1]); exit (0);
+ #endif
+ #if defined (SYSTYPE_SVR4)
+ printf ("mips-mips-riscos%ssvr4\n", argv[1]); exit (0);
+ #endif
+ #if defined (SYSTYPE_BSD43) || defined(SYSTYPE_BSD)
+ printf ("mips-mips-riscos%sbsd\n", argv[1]); exit (0);
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c &&
+ dummyarg=`echo "${UNAME_RELEASE}" | sed -n 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'` &&
+ SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy $dummyarg` &&
+ { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
+ echo mips-mips-riscos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ Motorola:PowerMAX_OS:*:*)
+ echo powerpc-motorola-powermax
+ exit ;;
+ Motorola:*:4.3:PL8-*)
+ echo powerpc-harris-powermax
+ exit ;;
+ Night_Hawk:*:*:PowerMAX_OS | Synergy:PowerMAX_OS:*:*)
+ echo powerpc-harris-powermax
+ exit ;;
+ Night_Hawk:Power_UNIX:*:*)
+ echo powerpc-harris-powerunix
+ exit ;;
+ m88k:CX/UX:7*:*)
+ echo m88k-harris-cxux7
+ exit ;;
+ m88k:*:4*:R4*)
+ echo m88k-motorola-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ m88k:*:3*:R3*)
+ echo m88k-motorola-sysv3
+ exit ;;
+ AViiON:dgux:*:*)
+ # DG/UX returns AViiON for all architectures
+ UNAME_PROCESSOR=`/usr/bin/uname -p`
+ if [ $UNAME_PROCESSOR = mc88100 ] || [ $UNAME_PROCESSOR = mc88110 ]
+ then
+ if [ ${TARGET_BINARY_INTERFACE}x = m88kdguxelfx ] || \
+ then
+ echo m88k-dg-dgux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ else
+ echo m88k-dg-dguxbcs${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ fi
+ else
+ echo i586-dg-dgux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ M88*:DolphinOS:*:*) # DolphinOS (SVR3)
+ echo m88k-dolphin-sysv3
+ exit ;;
+ M88*:*:R3*:*)
+ # Delta 88k system running SVR3
+ echo m88k-motorola-sysv3
+ exit ;;
+ XD88*:*:*:*) # Tektronix XD88 system running UTekV (SVR3)
+ echo m88k-tektronix-sysv3
+ exit ;;
+ Tek43[0-9][0-9]:UTek:*:*) # Tektronix 4300 system running UTek (BSD)
+ echo m68k-tektronix-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ *:IRIX*:*:*)
+ echo mips-sgi-irix`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/-/_/g'`
+ exit ;;
+ ????????:AIX?:[12].1:2) # AIX 2.2.1 or AIX 2.1.1 is RT/PC AIX.
+ echo romp-ibm-aix # uname -m gives an 8 hex-code CPU id
+ exit ;; # Note that: echo "'`uname -s`'" gives 'AIX '
+ i*86:AIX:*:*)
+ echo i386-ibm-aix
+ exit ;;
+ ia64:AIX:*:*)
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/oslevel ] ; then
+ IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/oslevel`
+ else
+ fi
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-ibm-aix${IBM_REV}
+ exit ;;
+ *:AIX:2:3)
+ if grep bos325 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ eval $set_cc_for_build
+ sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c
+ #include <sys/systemcfg.h>
+ main()
+ {
+ if (!__power_pc())
+ exit(1);
+ puts("powerpc-ibm-aix3.2.5");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ if $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy`
+ then
+ echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"
+ else
+ echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.5
+ fi
+ elif grep bos324 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.4
+ else
+ echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ *:AIX:*:[456])
+ IBM_CPU_ID=`/usr/sbin/lsdev -C -c processor -S available | sed 1q | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+ if /usr/sbin/lsattr -El ${IBM_CPU_ID} | grep ' POWER' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ IBM_ARCH=rs6000
+ else
+ IBM_ARCH=powerpc
+ fi
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/oslevel ] ; then
+ IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/oslevel`
+ else
+ fi
+ echo ${IBM_ARCH}-ibm-aix${IBM_REV}
+ exit ;;
+ *:AIX:*:*)
+ echo rs6000-ibm-aix
+ exit ;;
+ ibmrt:4.4BSD:*|romp-ibm:BSD:*)
+ echo romp-ibm-bsd4.4
+ exit ;;
+ ibmrt:*BSD:*|romp-ibm:BSD:*) # covers RT/PC BSD and
+ echo romp-ibm-bsd${UNAME_RELEASE} # 4.3 with uname added to
+ exit ;; # report: romp-ibm BSD 4.3
+ *:BOSX:*:*)
+ echo rs6000-bull-bosx
+ exit ;;
+ DPX/2?00:B.O.S.:*:*)
+ echo m68k-bull-sysv3
+ exit ;;
+ 9000/[34]??:4.3bsd:1.*:*)
+ echo m68k-hp-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ hp300:4.4BSD:*:* | 9000/[34]??:4.3bsd:2.*:*)
+ echo m68k-hp-bsd4.4
+ exit ;;
+ 9000/[34678]??:HP-UX:*:*)
+ HPUX_REV=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'`
+ case "${UNAME_MACHINE}" in
+ 9000/31? ) HP_ARCH=m68000 ;;
+ 9000/[34]?? ) HP_ARCH=m68k ;;
+ 9000/[678][0-9][0-9])
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/getconf ]; then
+ sc_cpu_version=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_CPU_VERSION 2>/dev/null`
+ sc_kernel_bits=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_KERNEL_BITS 2>/dev/null`
+ case "${sc_cpu_version}" in
+ 523) HP_ARCH="hppa1.0" ;; # CPU_PA_RISC1_0
+ 528) HP_ARCH="hppa1.1" ;; # CPU_PA_RISC1_1
+ 532) # CPU_PA_RISC2_0
+ case "${sc_kernel_bits}" in
+ 32) HP_ARCH="hppa2.0n" ;;
+ 64) HP_ARCH="hppa2.0w" ;;
+ '') HP_ARCH="hppa2.0" ;; # HP-UX 10.20
+ esac ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if [ "${HP_ARCH}" = "" ]; then
+ eval $set_cc_for_build
+ sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c
+ #define _HPUX_SOURCE
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ int main ()
+ {
+ #if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS)
+ long bits = sysconf(_SC_KERNEL_BITS);
+ #endif
+ long cpu = sysconf (_SC_CPU_VERSION);
+ switch (cpu)
+ {
+ case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: puts ("hppa1.0"); break;
+ case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: puts ("hppa1.1"); break;
+ case CPU_PA_RISC2_0:
+ #if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS)
+ switch (bits)
+ {
+ case 64: puts ("hppa2.0w"); break;
+ case 32: puts ("hppa2.0n"); break;
+ default: puts ("hppa2.0"); break;
+ } break;
+ #else /* !defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS) */
+ puts ("hppa2.0"); break;
+ #endif
+ default: puts ("hppa1.0"); break;
+ }
+ exit (0);
+ }
+ (CCOPTS= $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c 2>/dev/null) && HP_ARCH=`$dummy`
+ test -z "$HP_ARCH" && HP_ARCH=hppa
+ fi ;;
+ esac
+ if [ ${HP_ARCH} = "hppa2.0w" ]
+ then
+ eval $set_cc_for_build
+ # hppa2.0w-hp-hpux* has a 64-bit kernel and a compiler generating
+ # 32-bit code. hppa64-hp-hpux* has the same kernel and a compiler
+ # generating 64-bit code. GNU and HP use different nomenclature:
+ #
+ # $ CC_FOR_BUILD=cc ./config.guess
+ # => hppa2.0w-hp-hpux11.23
+ # $ CC_FOR_BUILD="cc +DA2.0w" ./config.guess
+ # => hppa64-hp-hpux11.23
+ if echo __LP64__ | (CCOPTS= $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) |
+ grep __LP64__ >/dev/null
+ then
+ HP_ARCH="hppa2.0w"
+ else
+ HP_ARCH="hppa64"
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo ${HP_ARCH}-hp-hpux${HPUX_REV}
+ exit ;;
+ ia64:HP-UX:*:*)
+ HPUX_REV=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'`
+ echo ia64-hp-hpux${HPUX_REV}
+ exit ;;
+ 3050*:HI-UX:*:*)
+ eval $set_cc_for_build
+ sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ int
+ main ()
+ {
+ long cpu = sysconf (_SC_CPU_VERSION);
+ /* The order matters, because CPU_IS_HP_MC68K erroneously returns
+ true for CPU_PA_RISC1_0. CPU_IS_PA_RISC returns correct
+ results, however. */
+ if (CPU_IS_PA_RISC (cpu))
+ {
+ switch (cpu)
+ {
+ case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: puts ("hppa1.0-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
+ case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: puts ("hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
+ case CPU_PA_RISC2_0: puts ("hppa2.0-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
+ default: puts ("hppa-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (CPU_IS_HP_MC68K (cpu))
+ puts ("m68k-hitachi-hiuxwe2");
+ else puts ("unknown-hitachi-hiuxwe2");
+ exit (0);
+ }
+ $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy` &&
+ { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
+ echo unknown-hitachi-hiuxwe2
+ exit ;;
+ 9000/7??:4.3bsd:*:* | 9000/8?[79]:4.3bsd:*:* )
+ echo hppa1.1-hp-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ 9000/8??:4.3bsd:*:*)
+ echo hppa1.0-hp-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ *9??*:MPE/iX:*:* | *3000*:MPE/iX:*:*)
+ echo hppa1.0-hp-mpeix
+ exit ;;
+ hp7??:OSF1:*:* | hp8?[79]:OSF1:*:* )
+ echo hppa1.1-hp-osf
+ exit ;;
+ hp8??:OSF1:*:*)
+ echo hppa1.0-hp-osf
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:OSF1:*:*)
+ if [ -x /usr/sbin/sysversion ] ; then
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-osf1mk
+ else
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-osf1
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ parisc*:Lites*:*:*)
+ echo hppa1.1-hp-lites
+ exit ;;
+ C1*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C1*:*)
+ echo c1-convex-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ C2*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C2*:*)
+ if getsysinfo -f scalar_acc
+ then echo c32-convex-bsd
+ else echo c2-convex-bsd
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ C34*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C34*:*)
+ echo c34-convex-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ C38*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C38*:*)
+ echo c38-convex-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ C4*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C4*:*)
+ echo c4-convex-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ CRAY*Y-MP:*:*:*)
+ echo ymp-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+ exit ;;
+ CRAY*[A-Z]90:*:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} \
+ | sed -e 's/CRAY.*\([A-Z]90\)/\1/' \
+ -e y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ \
+ -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+ exit ;;
+ CRAY*TS:*:*:*)
+ echo t90-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+ exit ;;
+ CRAY*T3E:*:*:*)
+ echo alphaev5-cray-unicosmk${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+ exit ;;
+ CRAY*SV1:*:*:*)
+ echo sv1-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+ exit ;;
+ *:UNICOS/mp:*:*)
+ echo craynv-cray-unicosmp${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+ exit ;;
+ F30[01]:UNIX_System_V:*:* | F700:UNIX_System_V:*:*)
+ FUJITSU_PROC=`uname -m | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'`
+ FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed -e 's/\///'`
+ FUJITSU_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/ /_/'`
+ exit ;;
+ 5000:UNIX_System_V:4.*:*)
+ FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed -e 's/\///'`
+ FUJITSU_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed -e 's/ /_/'`
+ echo "sparc-fujitsu-${FUJITSU_SYS}${FUJITSU_REL}"
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:BSD/386:*:* | i*86:BSD/OS:*:* | *:Ascend\ Embedded/OS:*:*)
+ exit ;;
+ sparc*:BSD/OS:*:*)
+ echo sparc-unknown-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ *:BSD/OS:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ *:FreeBSD:*:*)
+ case ${UNAME_MACHINE} in
+ pc98)
+ echo i386-unknown-freebsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'` ;;
+ amd64)
+ echo x86_64-unknown-freebsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'` ;;
+ *)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-freebsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'` ;;
+ esac
+ exit ;;
+ i*:CYGWIN*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-cygwin
+ exit ;;
+ *:MINGW*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-mingw32
+ exit ;;
+ i*:windows32*:*)
+ # uname -m includes "-pc" on this system.
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-mingw32
+ exit ;;
+ i*:PW*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-pw32
+ exit ;;
+ *:Interix*:[3456]*)
+ case ${UNAME_MACHINE} in
+ x86)
+ echo i586-pc-interix${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ EM64T | authenticamd)
+ echo x86_64-unknown-interix${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ IA64)
+ echo ia64-unknown-interix${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ esac ;;
+ [345]86:Windows_95:* | [345]86:Windows_98:* | [345]86:Windows_NT:*)
+ echo i${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-mks
+ exit ;;
+ i*:Windows_NT*:* | Pentium*:Windows_NT*:*)
+ # How do we know it's Interix rather than the generic POSIX subsystem?
+ # It also conflicts with pre-2.0 versions of AT&T UWIN. Should we
+ # UNAME_MACHINE based on the output of uname instead of i386?
+ echo i586-pc-interix
+ exit ;;
+ i*:UWIN*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-uwin
+ exit ;;
+ amd64:CYGWIN*:*:* | x86_64:CYGWIN*:*:*)
+ echo x86_64-unknown-cygwin
+ exit ;;
+ p*:CYGWIN*:*)
+ echo powerpcle-unknown-cygwin
+ exit ;;
+ prep*:SunOS:5.*:*)
+ echo powerpcle-unknown-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
+ exit ;;
+ *:GNU:*:*)
+ # the GNU system
+ echo `echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}|sed -e 's,[-/].*$,,'`-unknown-gnu`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's,/.*$,,'`
+ exit ;;
+ *:GNU/*:*:*)
+ # other systems with GNU libc and userland
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-`echo ${UNAME_SYSTEM} | sed 's,^[^/]*/,,' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'``echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:Minix:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-minix
+ exit ;;
+ arm*:Linux:*:*)
+ eval $set_cc_for_build
+ if echo __ARM_EABI__ | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \
+ | grep -q __ARM_EABI__
+ then
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+ else
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnueabi
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ avr32*:Linux:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ cris:Linux:*:*)
+ echo cris-axis-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ crisv32:Linux:*:*)
+ echo crisv32-axis-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ frv:Linux:*:*)
+ echo frv-unknown-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ ia64:Linux:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ m32r*:Linux:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ m68*:Linux:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ mips:Linux:*:*)
+ eval $set_cc_for_build
+ sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c
+ #undef CPU
+ #undef mips
+ #undef mipsel
+ #if defined(__MIPSEL__) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(_MIPSEL) || defined(MIPSEL)
+ CPU=mipsel
+ #else
+ #if defined(__MIPSEB__) || defined(__MIPSEB) || defined(_MIPSEB) || defined(MIPSEB)
+ CPU=mips
+ #else
+ CPU=
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ eval "`$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | sed -n '
+ /^CPU/{
+ s: ::g
+ p
+ }'`"
+ test x"${CPU}" != x && { echo "${CPU}-unknown-linux-gnu"; exit; }
+ ;;
+ mips64:Linux:*:*)
+ eval $set_cc_for_build
+ sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c
+ #undef CPU
+ #undef mips64
+ #undef mips64el
+ #if defined(__MIPSEL__) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(_MIPSEL) || defined(MIPSEL)
+ CPU=mips64el
+ #else
+ #if defined(__MIPSEB__) || defined(__MIPSEB) || defined(_MIPSEB) || defined(MIPSEB)
+ CPU=mips64
+ #else
+ CPU=
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ eval "`$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | sed -n '
+ /^CPU/{
+ s: ::g
+ p
+ }'`"
+ test x"${CPU}" != x && { echo "${CPU}-unknown-linux-gnu"; exit; }
+ ;;
+ or32:Linux:*:*)
+ echo or32-unknown-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ ppc:Linux:*:*)
+ echo powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ ppc64:Linux:*:*)
+ echo powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ alpha:Linux:*:*)
+ case `sed -n '/^cpu model/s/^.*: \(.*\)/\1/p' < /proc/cpuinfo` in
+ EV5) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev5 ;;
+ EV56) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev56 ;;
+ PCA56) UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca56 ;;
+ PCA57) UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca56 ;;
+ EV6) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev6 ;;
+ EV67) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev67 ;;
+ EV68*) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev68 ;;
+ esac
+ objdump --private-headers /bin/sh | grep >/dev/null
+ if test "$?" = 0 ; then LIBC="libc1" ; else LIBC="" ; fi
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu${LIBC}
+ exit ;;
+ parisc:Linux:*:* | hppa:Linux:*:*)
+ # Look for CPU level
+ case `grep '^cpu[^a-z]*:' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f2` in
+ PA7*) echo hppa1.1-unknown-linux-gnu ;;
+ PA8*) echo hppa2.0-unknown-linux-gnu ;;
+ *) echo hppa-unknown-linux-gnu ;;
+ esac
+ exit ;;
+ parisc64:Linux:*:* | hppa64:Linux:*:*)
+ echo hppa64-unknown-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ s390:Linux:*:* | s390x:Linux:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-ibm-linux
+ exit ;;
+ sh64*:Linux:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ sh*:Linux:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ sparc:Linux:*:* | sparc64:Linux:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ vax:Linux:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-dec-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ x86_64:Linux:*:*)
+ echo x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ xtensa*:Linux:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:Linux:*:*)
+ # The BFD linker knows what the default object file format is, so
+ # first see if it will tell us. cd to the root directory to prevent
+ # problems with other programs or directories called `ld' in the path.
+ # Set LC_ALL=C to ensure ld outputs messages in English.
+ ld_supported_targets=`cd /; LC_ALL=C ld --help 2>&1 \
+ | sed -ne '/supported targets:/!d
+ s/[ ][ ]*/ /g
+ s/.*supported targets: *//
+ s/ .*//
+ p'`
+ case "$ld_supported_targets" in
+ elf32-i386)
+ TENTATIVE="${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnu"
+ ;;
+ a.out-i386-linux)
+ echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnuaout"
+ exit ;;
+ coff-i386)
+ echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnucoff"
+ exit ;;
+ "")
+ # Either a pre-BFD a.out linker (linux-gnuoldld) or
+ # one that does not give us useful --help.
+ echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnuoldld"
+ exit ;;
+ esac
+ # Determine whether the default compiler is a.out or elf
+ eval $set_cc_for_build
+ sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c
+ #include <features.h>
+ #ifdef __ELF__
+ # ifdef __GLIBC__
+ # if __GLIBC__ >= 2
+ LIBC=gnu
+ # else
+ LIBC=gnulibc1
+ # endif
+ # else
+ LIBC=gnulibc1
+ # endif
+ #else
+ #if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__PGI) || defined(__SUNPRO_C) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
+ LIBC=gnu
+ #else
+ LIBC=gnuaout
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #ifdef __dietlibc__
+ LIBC=dietlibc
+ #endif
+ eval "`$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | sed -n '
+ /^LIBC/{
+ s: ::g
+ p
+ }'`"
+ test x"${LIBC}" != x && {
+ echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-${LIBC}"
+ exit
+ }
+ test x"${TENTATIVE}" != x && { echo "${TENTATIVE}"; exit; }
+ ;;
+ i*86:DYNIX/ptx:4*:*)
+ # ptx 4.0 does uname -s correctly, with DYNIX/ptx in there.
+ # earlier versions are messed up and put the nodename in both
+ # sysname and nodename.
+ echo i386-sequent-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:UNIX_SV:4.2MP:2.*)
+ # Unixware is an offshoot of SVR4, but it has its own version
+ # number series starting with 2...
+ # I am not positive that other SVR4 systems won't match this,
+ # I just have to hope. -- rms.
+ # Use sysv4.2uw... so that sysv4* matches it.
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv4.2uw${UNAME_VERSION}
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:OS/2:*:*)
+ # If we were able to find `uname', then EMX Unix compatibility
+ # is probably installed.
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-os2-emx
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:XTS-300:*:STOP)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-stop
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:atheos:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-atheos
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:syllable:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-syllable
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:LynxOS:2.*:* | i*86:LynxOS:3.[01]*:* | i*86:LynxOS:4.0*:*)
+ echo i386-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:*DOS:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-msdosdjgpp
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:*:4.*:* | i*86:SYSTEM_V:4.*:*)
+ UNAME_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed 's/\/MP$//'`
+ if grep Novell /usr/include/link.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-univel-sysv${UNAME_REL}
+ else
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv${UNAME_REL}
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:*:5:[678]*)
+ # UnixWare 7.x, OpenUNIX and OpenServer 6.
+ case `/bin/uname -X | grep "^Machine"` in
+ *486*) UNAME_MACHINE=i486 ;;
+ *Pentium) UNAME_MACHINE=i586 ;;
+ *Pent*|*Celeron) UNAME_MACHINE=i686 ;;
+ esac
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:*:3.2:*)
+ if test -f /usr/options/; then
+ UNAME_REL=`sed -n 's/.*Version //p' </usr/options/`
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-isc$UNAME_REL
+ elif /bin/uname -X 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; then
+ UNAME_REL=`(/bin/uname -X|grep Release|sed -e 's/.*= //')`
+ (/bin/uname -X|grep i80486 >/dev/null) && UNAME_MACHINE=i486
+ (/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pentium' >/dev/null) \
+ (/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pent *II' >/dev/null) \
+ (/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pentium Pro' >/dev/null) \
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sco$UNAME_REL
+ else
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv32
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ pc:*:*:*)
+ # Left here for compatibility:
+ # uname -m prints for DJGPP always 'pc', but it prints nothing about
+ # the processor, so we play safe by assuming i386.
+ echo i386-pc-msdosdjgpp
+ exit ;;
+ Intel:Mach:3*:*)
+ echo i386-pc-mach3
+ exit ;;
+ paragon:*:*:*)
+ echo i860-intel-osf1
+ exit ;;
+ i860:*:4.*:*) # i860-SVR4
+ if grep Stardent /usr/include/sys/uadmin.h >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ echo i860-stardent-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} # Stardent Vistra i860-SVR4
+ else # Add other i860-SVR4 vendors below as they are discovered.
+ echo i860-unknown-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} # Unknown i860-SVR4
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ mini*:CTIX:SYS*5:*)
+ # "miniframe"
+ echo m68010-convergent-sysv
+ exit ;;
+ mc68k:UNIX:SYSTEM5:3.51m)
+ echo m68k-convergent-sysv
+ exit ;;
+ M680?0:D-NIX:5.3:*)
+ echo m68k-diab-dnix
+ exit ;;
+ M68*:*:R3V[5678]*:*)
+ test -r /sysV68 && { echo 'm68k-motorola-sysv'; exit; } ;;
+ 3[345]??:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??A:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??/*:*:4.0:3.0 | 4400:*:4.0:3.0 | 4850:*:4.0:3.0 | SKA40:*:4.0:3.0 | SDS2:*:4.0:3.0 | SHG2:*:4.0:3.0 | S7501*:*:4.0:3.0)
+ OS_REL=''
+ test -r /etc/.relid \
+ && OS_REL=.`sed -n 's/[^ ]* [^ ]* \([0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/p' < /etc/.relid`
+ /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \
+ && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; }
+ /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep entium >/dev/null \
+ && { echo i586-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; } ;;
+ 3[34]??:*:4.0:* | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:*)
+ /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \
+ && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4; exit; } ;;
+ m68*:LynxOS:2.*:* | m68*:LynxOS:3.0*:*)
+ echo m68k-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ mc68030:UNIX_System_V:4.*:*)
+ echo m68k-atari-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ TSUNAMI:LynxOS:2.*:*)
+ echo sparc-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ rs6000:LynxOS:2.*:*)
+ echo rs6000-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ PowerPC:LynxOS:2.*:* | PowerPC:LynxOS:3.[01]*:* | PowerPC:LynxOS:4.0*:*)
+ echo powerpc-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ SM[BE]S:UNIX_SV:*:*)
+ echo mips-dde-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ RM*:ReliantUNIX-*:*:*)
+ echo mips-sni-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ RM*:SINIX-*:*:*)
+ echo mips-sni-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ *:SINIX-*:*:*)
+ if uname -p 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; then
+ UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -p) 2>/dev/null`
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-sni-sysv4
+ else
+ echo ns32k-sni-sysv
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ PENTIUM:*:4.0*:*) # Unisys `ClearPath HMP IX 4000' SVR4/MP effort
+ # says <Richard.M.Bartel@ccMail.Census.GOV>
+ echo i586-unisys-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ *:UNIX_System_V:4*:FTX*)
+ # From Gerald Hewes <>.
+ # How about differentiating between stratus architectures? -djm
+ echo hppa1.1-stratus-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ *:*:*:FTX*)
+ # From
+ echo i860-stratus-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:VOS:*:*)
+ # From
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-stratus-vos
+ exit ;;
+ *:VOS:*:*)
+ # From
+ echo hppa1.1-stratus-vos
+ exit ;;
+ mc68*:A/UX:*:*)
+ echo m68k-apple-aux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ news*:NEWS-OS:6*:*)
+ echo mips-sony-newsos6
+ exit ;;
+ R[34]000:*System_V*:*:* | R4000:UNIX_SYSV:*:* | R*000:UNIX_SV:*:*)
+ if [ -d /usr/nec ]; then
+ echo mips-nec-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ else
+ echo mips-unknown-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ BeBox:BeOS:*:*) # BeOS running on hardware made by Be, PPC only.
+ echo powerpc-be-beos
+ exit ;;
+ BeMac:BeOS:*:*) # BeOS running on Mac or Mac clone, PPC only.
+ echo powerpc-apple-beos
+ exit ;;
+ BePC:BeOS:*:*) # BeOS running on Intel PC compatible.
+ echo i586-pc-beos
+ exit ;;
+ SX-4:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+ echo sx4-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ SX-5:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+ echo sx5-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ SX-6:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+ echo sx6-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ SX-7:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+ echo sx7-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ SX-8:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+ echo sx8-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ SX-8R:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+ echo sx8r-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ Power*:Rhapsody:*:*)
+ echo powerpc-apple-rhapsody${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ *:Rhapsody:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-apple-rhapsody${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ *:Darwin:*:*)
+ unknown) UNAME_PROCESSOR=powerpc ;;
+ esac
+ echo ${UNAME_PROCESSOR}-apple-darwin${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ *:procnto*:*:* | *:QNX:[0123456789]*:*)
+ UNAME_PROCESSOR=`uname -p`
+ if test "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = "x86"; then
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ *:QNX:*:4*)
+ echo i386-pc-qnx
+ exit ;;
+ echo nse-tandem-nsk${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ echo nsr-tandem-nsk${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ *:NonStop-UX:*:*)
+ echo mips-compaq-nonstopux
+ exit ;;
+ BS2000:POSIX*:*:*)
+ echo bs2000-siemens-sysv
+ exit ;;
+ DS/*:UNIX_System_V:*:*)
+ exit ;;
+ *:Plan9:*:*)
+ # "uname -m" is not consistent, so use $cputype instead. 386
+ # is converted to i386 for consistency with other x86
+ # operating systems.
+ if test "$cputype" = "386"; then
+ else
+ UNAME_MACHINE="$cputype"
+ fi
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-plan9
+ exit ;;
+ *:TOPS-10:*:*)
+ echo pdp10-unknown-tops10
+ exit ;;
+ *:TENEX:*:*)
+ echo pdp10-unknown-tenex
+ exit ;;
+ KS10:TOPS-20:*:* | KL10:TOPS-20:*:* | TYPE4:TOPS-20:*:*)
+ echo pdp10-dec-tops20
+ exit ;;
+ XKL-1:TOPS-20:*:* | TYPE5:TOPS-20:*:*)
+ echo pdp10-xkl-tops20
+ exit ;;
+ *:TOPS-20:*:*)
+ echo pdp10-unknown-tops20
+ exit ;;
+ *:ITS:*:*)
+ echo pdp10-unknown-its
+ exit ;;
+ SEI:*:*:SEIUX)
+ echo mips-sei-seiux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+ exit ;;
+ *:DragonFly:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-dragonfly`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`
+ exit ;;
+ *:*VMS:*:*)
+ UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -p) 2>/dev/null`
+ case "${UNAME_MACHINE}" in
+ A*) echo alpha-dec-vms ; exit ;;
+ I*) echo ia64-dec-vms ; exit ;;
+ V*) echo vax-dec-vms ; exit ;;
+ esac ;;
+ *:XENIX:*:SysV)
+ echo i386-pc-xenix
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:skyos:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-skyos`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}` | sed -e 's/ .*$//'
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:rdos:*:*)
+ echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-rdos
+ exit ;;
+#echo '(No uname command or uname output not recognized.)' 1>&2
+eval $set_cc_for_build
+cat >$dummy.c <<EOF
+#ifdef _SEQUENT_
+# include <sys/types.h>
+# include <sys/utsname.h>
+main ()
+#if defined (sony)
+#if defined (MIPSEB)
+ /* BFD wants "bsd" instead of "newsos". Perhaps BFD should be changed,
+ I don't know.... */
+ printf ("mips-sony-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#include <sys/param.h>
+ printf ("m68k-sony-newsos%s\n",
+#ifdef NEWSOS4
+ "4"
+ ""
+ ); exit (0);
+#if defined (__arm) && defined (__acorn) && defined (__unix)
+ printf ("arm-acorn-riscix\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (hp300) && !defined (hpux)
+ printf ("m68k-hp-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (NeXT)
+#if !defined (__ARCHITECTURE__)
+#define __ARCHITECTURE__ "m68k"
+ int version;
+ version=`(hostinfo | sed -n 's/.*NeXT Mach \([0-9]*\).*/\1/p') 2>/dev/null`;
+ if (version < 4)
+ printf ("%s-next-nextstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version);
+ else
+ printf ("%s-next-openstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version);
+ exit (0);
+#if defined (MULTIMAX) || defined (n16)
+#if defined (UMAXV)
+ printf ("ns32k-encore-sysv\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (CMU)
+ printf ("ns32k-encore-mach\n"); exit (0);
+ printf ("ns32k-encore-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (__386BSD__)
+ printf ("i386-pc-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (sequent)
+#if defined (i386)
+ printf ("i386-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (ns32000)
+ printf ("ns32k-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (_SEQUENT_)
+ struct utsname un;
+ uname(&un);
+ if (strncmp(un.version, "V2", 2) == 0) {
+ printf ("i386-sequent-ptx2\n"); exit (0);
+ }
+ if (strncmp(un.version, "V1", 2) == 0) { /* XXX is V1 correct? */
+ printf ("i386-sequent-ptx1\n"); exit (0);
+ }
+ printf ("i386-sequent-ptx\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (vax)
+# if !defined (ultrix)
+# include <sys/param.h>
+# if defined (BSD)
+# if BSD == 43
+ printf ("vax-dec-bsd4.3\n"); exit (0);
+# else
+# if BSD == 199006
+ printf ("vax-dec-bsd4.3reno\n"); exit (0);
+# else
+ printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+# endif
+# endif
+# else
+ printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+# endif
+# else
+ printf ("vax-dec-ultrix\n"); exit (0);
+# endif
+#if defined (alliant) && defined (i860)
+ printf ("i860-alliant-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+ exit (1);
+$CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c 2>/dev/null && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy` &&
+ { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
+# Apollos put the system type in the environment.
+test -d /usr/apollo && { echo ${ISP}-apollo-${SYSTYPE}; exit; }
+# Convex versions that predate uname can use getsysinfo(1)
+if [ -x /usr/convex/getsysinfo ]
+ case `getsysinfo -f cpu_type` in
+ c1*)
+ echo c1-convex-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ c2*)
+ if getsysinfo -f scalar_acc
+ then echo c32-convex-bsd
+ else echo c2-convex-bsd
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ c34*)
+ echo c34-convex-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ c38*)
+ echo c38-convex-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ c4*)
+ echo c4-convex-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ esac
+cat >&2 <<EOF
+$0: unable to guess system type
+This script, last modified $timestamp, has failed to recognize
+the operating system you are using. It is advised that you
+download the most up to date version of the config scripts from
+If the version you run ($0) is already up to date, please
+send the following data and any information you think might be
+pertinent to <> in order to provide the needed
+information to handle your system.
+config.guess timestamp = $timestamp
+uname -m = `(uname -m) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -r = `(uname -r) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -s = `(uname -s) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -v = `(uname -v) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/usr/bin/uname -p = `(/usr/bin/uname -p) 2>/dev/null`
+/bin/uname -X = `(/bin/uname -X) 2>/dev/null`
+hostinfo = `(hostinfo) 2>/dev/null`
+/bin/universe = `(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null`
+/usr/bin/arch -k = `(/usr/bin/arch -k) 2>/dev/null`
+/bin/arch = `(/bin/arch) 2>/dev/null`
+/usr/bin/oslevel = `(/usr/bin/oslevel) 2>/dev/null`
+/usr/convex/getsysinfo = `(/usr/convex/getsysinfo) 2>/dev/null`
+exit 1
+# Local variables:
+# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp)
+# time-stamp-start: "timestamp='"
+# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d"
+# time-stamp-end: "'"
+# End:
diff --git a/config.sub b/config.sub
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6759825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.sub
@@ -0,0 +1,1658 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Configuration validation subroutine script.
+# Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
+# 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is (in principle) common to ALL GNU software.
+# The presence of a machine in this file suggests that SOME GNU software
+# can handle that machine. It does not imply ALL GNU software can.
+# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.
+# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
+# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
+# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
+# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
+# Please send patches to <>. Submit a context
+# diff and a properly formatted ChangeLog entry.
+# Configuration subroutine to validate and canonicalize a configuration type.
+# Supply the specified configuration type as an argument.
+# If it is invalid, we print an error message on stderr and exit with code 1.
+# Otherwise, we print the canonical config type on stdout and succeed.
+# This file is supposed to be the same for all GNU packages
+# and recognize all the CPU types, system types and aliases
+# that are meaningful with *any* GNU software.
+# Each package is responsible for reporting which valid configurations
+# it does not support. The user should be able to distinguish
+# a failure to support a valid configuration from a meaningless
+# configuration.
+# The goal of this file is to map all the various variations of a given
+# machine specification into a single specification in the form:
+# or in some cases, the newer four-part form:
+# It is wrong to echo any other type of specification.
+me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
+Canonicalize a configuration name.
+Operation modes:
+ -h, --help print this help, then exit
+ -t, --time-stamp print date of last modification, then exit
+ -v, --version print version number, then exit
+Report bugs and patches to <>."
+GNU config.sub ($timestamp)
+Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
+2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
+Try \`$me --help' for more information."
+# Parse command line
+while test $# -gt 0 ; do
+ case $1 in
+ --time-stamp | --time* | -t )
+ echo "$timestamp" ; exit ;;
+ --version | -v )
+ echo "$version" ; exit ;;
+ --help | --h* | -h )
+ echo "$usage"; exit ;;
+ -- ) # Stop option processing
+ shift; break ;;
+ - ) # Use stdin as input.
+ break ;;
+ -* )
+ echo "$me: invalid option $1$help"
+ exit 1 ;;
+ *local*)
+ # First pass through any local machine types.
+ echo $1
+ exit ;;
+ * )
+ break ;;
+ esac
+case $# in
+ 0) echo "$me: missing argument$help" >&2
+ exit 1;;
+ 1) ;;
+ *) echo "$me: too many arguments$help" >&2
+ exit 1;;
+# Separate what the user gave into CPU-COMPANY and OS or KERNEL-OS (if any).
+# Here we must recognize all the valid KERNEL-OS combinations.
+maybe_os=`echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\2/'`
+case $maybe_os in
+ nto-qnx* | linux-gnu* | linux-dietlibc | linux-newlib* | linux-uclibc* | \
+ uclinux-uclibc* | uclinux-gnu* | kfreebsd*-gnu* | knetbsd*-gnu* | netbsd*-gnu* | \
+ storm-chaos* | os2-emx* | rtmk-nova*)
+ os=-$maybe_os
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\1/'`
+ ;;
+ *)
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/-[^-]*$//'`
+ if [ $basic_machine != $1 ]
+ then os=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*-/-/'`
+ else os=; fi
+ ;;
+### Let's recognize common machines as not being operating systems so
+### that things like config.sub decstation-3100 work. We also
+### recognize some manufacturers as not being operating systems, so we
+### can provide default operating systems below.
+case $os in
+ -sun*os*)
+ # Prevent following clause from handling this invalid input.
+ ;;
+ -dec* | -mips* | -sequent* | -encore* | -pc532* | -sgi* | -sony* | \
+ -att* | -7300* | -3300* | -delta* | -motorola* | -sun[234]* | \
+ -unicom* | -ibm* | -next | -hp | -isi* | -apollo | -altos* | \
+ -convergent* | -ncr* | -news | -32* | -3600* | -3100* | -hitachi* |\
+ -c[123]* | -convex* | -sun | -crds | -omron* | -dg | -ultra | -tti* | \
+ -harris | -dolphin | -highlevel | -gould | -cbm | -ns | -masscomp | \
+ -apple | -axis | -knuth | -cray)
+ os=
+ basic_machine=$1
+ ;;
+ -sim | -cisco | -oki | -wec | -winbond)
+ os=
+ basic_machine=$1
+ ;;
+ -scout)
+ ;;
+ -wrs)
+ os=-vxworks
+ basic_machine=$1
+ ;;
+ -chorusos*)
+ os=-chorusos
+ basic_machine=$1
+ ;;
+ -chorusrdb)
+ os=-chorusrdb
+ basic_machine=$1
+ ;;
+ -hiux*)
+ os=-hiuxwe2
+ ;;
+ -sco6)
+ os=-sco5v6
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+ ;;
+ -sco5)
+ os=-sco3.2v5
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+ ;;
+ -sco4)
+ os=-sco3.2v4
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+ ;;
+ -sco3.2.[4-9]*)
+ os=`echo $os | sed -e 's/sco3.2./sco3.2v/'`
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+ ;;
+ -sco3.2v[4-9]*)
+ # Don't forget version if it is 3.2v4 or newer.
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+ ;;
+ -sco5v6*)
+ # Don't forget version if it is 3.2v4 or newer.
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+ ;;
+ -sco*)
+ os=-sco3.2v2
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+ ;;
+ -udk*)
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+ ;;
+ -isc)
+ os=-isc2.2
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+ ;;
+ -clix*)
+ basic_machine=clipper-intergraph
+ ;;
+ -isc*)
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+ ;;
+ -lynx*)
+ os=-lynxos
+ ;;
+ -ptx*)
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-sequent/'`
+ ;;
+ -windowsnt*)
+ os=`echo $os | sed -e 's/windowsnt/winnt/'`
+ ;;
+ -psos*)
+ os=-psos
+ ;;
+ -mint | -mint[0-9]*)
+ basic_machine=m68k-atari
+ os=-mint
+ ;;
+# Decode aliases for certain CPU-COMPANY combinations.
+case $basic_machine in
+ # Recognize the basic CPU types without company name.
+ # Some are omitted here because they have special meanings below.
+ 1750a | 580 \
+ | a29k \
+ | alpha | alphaev[4-8] | alphaev56 | alphaev6[78] | alphapca5[67] \
+ | alpha64 | alpha64ev[4-8] | alpha64ev56 | alpha64ev6[78] | alpha64pca5[67] \
+ | am33_2.0 \
+ | arc | arm | arm[bl]e | arme[lb] | armv[2345] | armv[345][lb] | avr | avr32 \
+ | bfin \
+ | c4x | clipper \
+ | d10v | d30v | dlx | dsp16xx \
+ | fido | fr30 | frv \
+ | h8300 | h8500 | hppa | hppa1.[01] | hppa2.0 | hppa2.0[nw] | hppa64 \
+ | i370 | i860 | i960 | ia64 \
+ | ip2k | iq2000 \
+ | m32c | m32r | m32rle | m68000 | m68k | m88k \
+ | maxq | mb | microblaze | mcore | mep \
+ | mips | mipsbe | mipseb | mipsel | mipsle \
+ | mips16 \
+ | mips64 | mips64el \
+ | mips64vr | mips64vrel \
+ | mips64orion | mips64orionel \
+ | mips64vr4100 | mips64vr4100el \
+ | mips64vr4300 | mips64vr4300el \
+ | mips64vr5000 | mips64vr5000el \
+ | mips64vr5900 | mips64vr5900el \
+ | mipsisa32 | mipsisa32el \
+ | mipsisa32r2 | mipsisa32r2el \
+ | mipsisa64 | mipsisa64el \
+ | mipsisa64r2 | mipsisa64r2el \
+ | mipsisa64sb1 | mipsisa64sb1el \
+ | mipsisa64sr71k | mipsisa64sr71kel \
+ | mipstx39 | mipstx39el \
+ | mn10200 | mn10300 \
+ | mt \
+ | msp430 \
+ | nios | nios2 \
+ | ns16k | ns32k \
+ | or32 \
+ | pdp10 | pdp11 | pj | pjl \
+ | powerpc | powerpc64 | powerpc64le | powerpcle | ppcbe \
+ | pyramid \
+ | score \
+ | sh | sh[1234] | sh[24]a | sh[23]e | sh[34]eb | sheb | shbe | shle | sh[1234]le | sh3ele \
+ | sh64 | sh64le \
+ | sparc | sparc64 | sparc64b | sparc64v | sparc86x | sparclet | sparclite \
+ | sparcv8 | sparcv9 | sparcv9b | sparcv9v \
+ | spu | strongarm \
+ | tahoe | thumb | tic4x | tic80 | tron \
+ | v850 | v850e \
+ | we32k \
+ | x86 | xc16x | xscale | xscalee[bl] | xstormy16 | xtensa \
+ | z8k)
+ basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown
+ ;;
+ m6811 | m68hc11 | m6812 | m68hc12)
+ # Motorola 68HC11/12.
+ basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown
+ os=-none
+ ;;
+ m88110 | m680[12346]0 | m683?2 | m68360 | m5200 | v70 | w65 | z8k)
+ ;;
+ ms1)
+ basic_machine=mt-unknown
+ ;;
+ # We use `pc' rather than `unknown'
+ # because (1) that's what they normally are, and
+ # (2) the word "unknown" tends to confuse beginning users.
+ i*86 | x86_64)
+ basic_machine=$basic_machine-pc
+ ;;
+ # Object if more than one company name word.
+ *-*-*)
+ echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': machine \`$basic_machine\' not recognized 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ # Recognize the basic CPU types with company name.
+ 580-* \
+ | a29k-* \
+ | alpha-* | alphaev[4-8]-* | alphaev56-* | alphaev6[78]-* \
+ | alpha64-* | alpha64ev[4-8]-* | alpha64ev56-* | alpha64ev6[78]-* \
+ | alphapca5[67]-* | alpha64pca5[67]-* | arc-* \
+ | arm-* | armbe-* | armle-* | armeb-* | armv*-* \
+ | avr-* | avr32-* \
+ | bfin-* | bs2000-* \
+ | c[123]* | c30-* | [cjt]90-* | c4x-* | c54x-* | c55x-* | c6x-* \
+ | clipper-* | craynv-* | cydra-* \
+ | d10v-* | d30v-* | dlx-* \
+ | elxsi-* \
+ | f30[01]-* | f700-* | fido-* | fr30-* | frv-* | fx80-* \
+ | h8300-* | h8500-* \
+ | hppa-* | hppa1.[01]-* | hppa2.0-* | hppa2.0[nw]-* | hppa64-* \
+ | i*86-* | i860-* | i960-* | ia64-* \
+ | ip2k-* | iq2000-* \
+ | m32c-* | m32r-* | m32rle-* \
+ | m68000-* | m680[012346]0-* | m68360-* | m683?2-* | m68k-* \
+ | m88110-* | m88k-* | maxq-* | mcore-* \
+ | mips-* | mipsbe-* | mipseb-* | mipsel-* | mipsle-* \
+ | mips16-* \
+ | mips64-* | mips64el-* \
+ | mips64vr-* | mips64vrel-* \
+ | mips64orion-* | mips64orionel-* \
+ | mips64vr4100-* | mips64vr4100el-* \
+ | mips64vr4300-* | mips64vr4300el-* \
+ | mips64vr5000-* | mips64vr5000el-* \
+ | mips64vr5900-* | mips64vr5900el-* \
+ | mipsisa32-* | mipsisa32el-* \
+ | mipsisa32r2-* | mipsisa32r2el-* \
+ | mipsisa64-* | mipsisa64el-* \
+ | mipsisa64r2-* | mipsisa64r2el-* \
+ | mipsisa64sb1-* | mipsisa64sb1el-* \
+ | mipsisa64sr71k-* | mipsisa64sr71kel-* \
+ | mipstx39-* | mipstx39el-* \
+ | mmix-* \
+ | mt-* \
+ | msp430-* \
+ | nios-* | nios2-* \
+ | none-* | np1-* | ns16k-* | ns32k-* \
+ | orion-* \
+ | pdp10-* | pdp11-* | pj-* | pjl-* | pn-* | power-* \
+ | powerpc-* | powerpc64-* | powerpc64le-* | powerpcle-* | ppcbe-* \
+ | pyramid-* \
+ | romp-* | rs6000-* \
+ | sh-* | sh[1234]-* | sh[24]a-* | sh[23]e-* | sh[34]eb-* | sheb-* | shbe-* \
+ | shle-* | sh[1234]le-* | sh3ele-* | sh64-* | sh64le-* \
+ | sparc-* | sparc64-* | sparc64b-* | sparc64v-* | sparc86x-* | sparclet-* \
+ | sparclite-* \
+ | sparcv8-* | sparcv9-* | sparcv9b-* | sparcv9v-* | strongarm-* | sv1-* | sx?-* \
+ | tahoe-* | thumb-* \
+ | tic30-* | tic4x-* | tic54x-* | tic55x-* | tic6x-* | tic80-* \
+ | tron-* \
+ | v850-* | v850e-* | vax-* \
+ | we32k-* \
+ | x86-* | x86_64-* | xc16x-* | xps100-* | xscale-* | xscalee[bl]-* \
+ | xstormy16-* | xtensa*-* \
+ | ymp-* \
+ | z8k-*)
+ ;;
+ # Recognize the basic CPU types without company name, with glob match.
+ xtensa*)
+ basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown
+ ;;
+ # Recognize the various machine names and aliases which stand
+ # for a CPU type and a company and sometimes even an OS.
+ 386bsd)
+ basic_machine=i386-unknown
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ 3b1 | 7300 | 7300-att | att-7300 | pc7300 | safari | unixpc)
+ basic_machine=m68000-att
+ ;;
+ 3b*)
+ basic_machine=we32k-att
+ ;;
+ a29khif)
+ basic_machine=a29k-amd
+ os=-udi
+ ;;
+ abacus)
+ basic_machine=abacus-unknown
+ ;;
+ adobe68k)
+ basic_machine=m68010-adobe
+ os=-scout
+ ;;
+ alliant | fx80)
+ basic_machine=fx80-alliant
+ ;;
+ altos | altos3068)
+ basic_machine=m68k-altos
+ ;;
+ am29k)
+ basic_machine=a29k-none
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ amd64)
+ basic_machine=x86_64-pc
+ ;;
+ amd64-*)
+ basic_machine=x86_64-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+ ;;
+ amdahl)
+ basic_machine=580-amdahl
+ os=-sysv
+ ;;
+ amiga | amiga-*)
+ basic_machine=m68k-unknown
+ ;;
+ amigaos | amigados)
+ basic_machine=m68k-unknown
+ os=-amigaos
+ ;;
+ amigaunix | amix)
+ basic_machine=m68k-unknown
+ os=-sysv4
+ ;;
+ apollo68)
+ basic_machine=m68k-apollo
+ os=-sysv
+ ;;
+ apollo68bsd)
+ basic_machine=m68k-apollo
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ aux)
+ basic_machine=m68k-apple
+ os=-aux
+ ;;
+ balance)
+ basic_machine=ns32k-sequent
+ os=-dynix
+ ;;
+ blackfin)
+ basic_machine=bfin-unknown
+ os=-linux
+ ;;
+ blackfin-*)
+ basic_machine=bfin-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+ os=-linux
+ ;;
+ c90)
+ basic_machine=c90-cray
+ os=-unicos
+ ;;
+ convex-c1)
+ basic_machine=c1-convex
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ convex-c2)
+ basic_machine=c2-convex
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ convex-c32)
+ basic_machine=c32-convex
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ convex-c34)
+ basic_machine=c34-convex
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ convex-c38)
+ basic_machine=c38-convex
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ cray | j90)
+ basic_machine=j90-cray
+ os=-unicos
+ ;;
+ craynv)
+ basic_machine=craynv-cray
+ os=-unicosmp
+ ;;
+ cr16)
+ basic_machine=cr16-unknown
+ os=-elf
+ ;;
+ crds | unos)
+ basic_machine=m68k-crds
+ ;;
+ crisv32 | crisv32-* | etraxfs*)
+ basic_machine=crisv32-axis
+ ;;
+ cris | cris-* | etrax*)
+ basic_machine=cris-axis
+ ;;
+ crx)
+ basic_machine=crx-unknown
+ os=-elf
+ ;;
+ da30 | da30-*)
+ basic_machine=m68k-da30
+ ;;
+ decstation | decstation-3100 | pmax | pmax-* | pmin | dec3100 | decstatn)
+ basic_machine=mips-dec
+ ;;
+ decsystem10* | dec10*)
+ basic_machine=pdp10-dec
+ os=-tops10
+ ;;
+ decsystem20* | dec20*)
+ basic_machine=pdp10-dec
+ os=-tops20
+ ;;
+ delta | 3300 | motorola-3300 | motorola-delta \
+ | 3300-motorola | delta-motorola)
+ basic_machine=m68k-motorola
+ ;;
+ delta88)
+ basic_machine=m88k-motorola
+ os=-sysv3
+ ;;
+ djgpp)
+ basic_machine=i586-pc
+ os=-msdosdjgpp
+ ;;
+ dpx20 | dpx20-*)
+ basic_machine=rs6000-bull
+ os=-bosx
+ ;;
+ dpx2* | dpx2*-bull)
+ basic_machine=m68k-bull
+ os=-sysv3
+ ;;
+ ebmon29k)
+ basic_machine=a29k-amd
+ os=-ebmon
+ ;;
+ elxsi)
+ basic_machine=elxsi-elxsi
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ encore | umax | mmax)
+ basic_machine=ns32k-encore
+ ;;
+ es1800 | OSE68k | ose68k | ose | OSE)
+ basic_machine=m68k-ericsson
+ os=-ose
+ ;;
+ fx2800)
+ basic_machine=i860-alliant
+ ;;
+ genix)
+ basic_machine=ns32k-ns
+ ;;
+ gmicro)
+ basic_machine=tron-gmicro
+ os=-sysv
+ ;;
+ go32)
+ basic_machine=i386-pc
+ os=-go32
+ ;;
+ h3050r* | hiux*)
+ basic_machine=hppa1.1-hitachi
+ os=-hiuxwe2
+ ;;
+ h8300hms)
+ basic_machine=h8300-hitachi
+ os=-hms
+ ;;
+ h8300xray)
+ basic_machine=h8300-hitachi
+ os=-xray
+ ;;
+ h8500hms)
+ basic_machine=h8500-hitachi
+ os=-hms
+ ;;
+ harris)
+ basic_machine=m88k-harris
+ os=-sysv3
+ ;;
+ hp300-*)
+ basic_machine=m68k-hp
+ ;;
+ hp300bsd)
+ basic_machine=m68k-hp
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ hp300hpux)
+ basic_machine=m68k-hp
+ os=-hpux
+ ;;
+ hp3k9[0-9][0-9] | hp9[0-9][0-9])
+ basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k2[0-9][0-9] | hp9k31[0-9])
+ basic_machine=m68000-hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k3[2-9][0-9])
+ basic_machine=m68k-hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k6[0-9][0-9] | hp6[0-9][0-9])
+ basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k7[0-79][0-9] | hp7[0-79][0-9])
+ basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k78[0-9] | hp78[0-9])
+ # FIXME: really hppa2.0-hp
+ basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k8[67]1 | hp8[67]1 | hp9k80[24] | hp80[24] | hp9k8[78]9 | hp8[78]9 | hp9k893 | hp893)
+ # FIXME: really hppa2.0-hp
+ basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k8[0-9][13679] | hp8[0-9][13679])
+ basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k8[0-9][0-9] | hp8[0-9][0-9])
+ basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp
+ ;;
+ hppa-next)
+ os=-nextstep3
+ ;;
+ hppaosf)
+ basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
+ os=-osf
+ ;;
+ hppro)
+ basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
+ os=-proelf
+ ;;
+ i370-ibm* | ibm*)
+ basic_machine=i370-ibm
+ ;;
+# I'm not sure what "Sysv32" means. Should this be sysv3.2?
+ i*86v32)
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'`
+ os=-sysv32
+ ;;
+ i*86v4*)
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'`
+ os=-sysv4
+ ;;
+ i*86v)
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'`
+ os=-sysv
+ ;;
+ i*86sol2)
+ basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'`
+ os=-solaris2
+ ;;
+ i386mach)
+ basic_machine=i386-mach
+ os=-mach
+ ;;
+ i386-vsta | vsta)
+ basic_machine=i386-unknown
+ os=-vsta
+ ;;
+ iris | iris4d)
+ basic_machine=mips-sgi
+ case $os in
+ -irix*)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ os=-irix4
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ isi68 | isi)
+ basic_machine=m68k-isi
+ os=-sysv
+ ;;
+ m68knommu)
+ basic_machine=m68k-unknown
+ os=-linux
+ ;;
+ m68knommu-*)
+ basic_machine=m68k-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+ os=-linux
+ ;;
+ m88k-omron*)
+ basic_machine=m88k-omron
+ ;;
+ magnum | m3230)
+ basic_machine=mips-mips
+ os=-sysv
+ ;;
+ merlin)
+ basic_machine=ns32k-utek
+ os=-sysv
+ ;;
+ mingw32)
+ basic_machine=i386-pc
+ os=-mingw32
+ ;;
+ mingw32ce)
+ basic_machine=arm-unknown
+ os=-mingw32ce
+ ;;
+ miniframe)
+ basic_machine=m68000-convergent
+ ;;
+ *mint | -mint[0-9]* | *MiNT | *MiNT[0-9]*)
+ basic_machine=m68k-atari
+ os=-mint
+ ;;
+ mips3*-*)
+ basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/mips3/mips64/'`
+ ;;
+ mips3*)
+ basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/mips3/mips64/'`-unknown
+ ;;
+ monitor)
+ basic_machine=m68k-rom68k
+ os=-coff
+ ;;
+ morphos)
+ basic_machine=powerpc-unknown
+ os=-morphos
+ ;;
+ msdos)
+ basic_machine=i386-pc
+ os=-msdos
+ ;;
+ ms1-*)
+ basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/ms1-/mt-/'`
+ ;;
+ mvs)
+ basic_machine=i370-ibm
+ os=-mvs
+ ;;
+ ncr3000)
+ basic_machine=i486-ncr
+ os=-sysv4
+ ;;
+ netbsd386)
+ basic_machine=i386-unknown
+ os=-netbsd
+ ;;
+ netwinder)
+ basic_machine=armv4l-rebel
+ os=-linux
+ ;;
+ news | news700 | news800 | news900)
+ basic_machine=m68k-sony
+ os=-newsos
+ ;;
+ news1000)
+ basic_machine=m68030-sony
+ os=-newsos
+ ;;
+ news-3600 | risc-news)
+ basic_machine=mips-sony
+ os=-newsos
+ ;;
+ necv70)
+ basic_machine=v70-nec
+ os=-sysv
+ ;;
+ next | m*-next )
+ basic_machine=m68k-next
+ case $os in
+ -nextstep* )
+ ;;
+ -ns2*)
+ os=-nextstep2
+ ;;
+ *)
+ os=-nextstep3
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ nh3000)
+ basic_machine=m68k-harris
+ os=-cxux
+ ;;
+ nh[45]000)
+ basic_machine=m88k-harris
+ os=-cxux
+ ;;
+ nindy960)
+ basic_machine=i960-intel
+ os=-nindy
+ ;;
+ mon960)
+ basic_machine=i960-intel
+ os=-mon960
+ ;;
+ nonstopux)
+ basic_machine=mips-compaq
+ os=-nonstopux
+ ;;
+ np1)
+ basic_machine=np1-gould
+ ;;
+ nsr-tandem)
+ basic_machine=nsr-tandem
+ ;;
+ op50n-* | op60c-*)
+ basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki
+ os=-proelf
+ ;;
+ openrisc | openrisc-*)
+ basic_machine=or32-unknown
+ ;;
+ os400)
+ basic_machine=powerpc-ibm
+ os=-os400
+ ;;
+ OSE68000 | ose68000)
+ basic_machine=m68000-ericsson
+ os=-ose
+ ;;
+ os68k)
+ basic_machine=m68k-none
+ os=-os68k
+ ;;
+ pa-hitachi)
+ basic_machine=hppa1.1-hitachi
+ os=-hiuxwe2
+ ;;
+ paragon)
+ basic_machine=i860-intel
+ os=-osf
+ ;;
+ parisc)
+ basic_machine=hppa-unknown
+ os=-linux
+ ;;
+ parisc-*)
+ basic_machine=hppa-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+ os=-linux
+ ;;
+ pbd)
+ basic_machine=sparc-tti
+ ;;
+ pbb)
+ basic_machine=m68k-tti
+ ;;
+ pc532 | pc532-*)
+ basic_machine=ns32k-pc532
+ ;;
+ pc98)
+ basic_machine=i386-pc
+ ;;
+ pc98-*)
+ basic_machine=i386-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+ ;;
+ pentium | p5 | k5 | k6 | nexgen | viac3)
+ basic_machine=i586-pc
+ ;;
+ pentiumpro | p6 | 6x86 | athlon | athlon_*)
+ basic_machine=i686-pc
+ ;;
+ pentiumii | pentium2 | pentiumiii | pentium3)
+ basic_machine=i686-pc
+ ;;
+ pentium4)
+ basic_machine=i786-pc
+ ;;
+ pentium-* | p5-* | k5-* | k6-* | nexgen-* | viac3-*)
+ basic_machine=i586-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+ ;;
+ pentiumpro-* | p6-* | 6x86-* | athlon-*)
+ basic_machine=i686-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+ ;;
+ pentiumii-* | pentium2-* | pentiumiii-* | pentium3-*)
+ basic_machine=i686-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+ ;;
+ pentium4-*)
+ basic_machine=i786-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+ ;;
+ pn)
+ basic_machine=pn-gould
+ ;;
+ power) basic_machine=power-ibm
+ ;;
+ ppc) basic_machine=powerpc-unknown
+ ;;
+ ppc-*) basic_machine=powerpc-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+ ;;
+ ppcle | powerpclittle | ppc-le | powerpc-little)
+ basic_machine=powerpcle-unknown
+ ;;
+ ppcle-* | powerpclittle-*)
+ basic_machine=powerpcle-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+ ;;
+ ppc64) basic_machine=powerpc64-unknown
+ ;;
+ ppc64-*) basic_machine=powerpc64-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+ ;;
+ ppc64le | powerpc64little | ppc64-le | powerpc64-little)
+ basic_machine=powerpc64le-unknown
+ ;;
+ ppc64le-* | powerpc64little-*)
+ basic_machine=powerpc64le-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+ ;;
+ ps2)
+ basic_machine=i386-ibm
+ ;;
+ pw32)
+ basic_machine=i586-unknown
+ os=-pw32
+ ;;
+ rdos)
+ basic_machine=i386-pc
+ os=-rdos
+ ;;
+ rom68k)
+ basic_machine=m68k-rom68k
+ os=-coff
+ ;;
+ rm[46]00)
+ basic_machine=mips-siemens
+ ;;
+ rtpc | rtpc-*)
+ basic_machine=romp-ibm
+ ;;
+ s390 | s390-*)
+ basic_machine=s390-ibm
+ ;;
+ s390x | s390x-*)
+ basic_machine=s390x-ibm
+ ;;
+ sa29200)
+ basic_machine=a29k-amd
+ os=-udi
+ ;;
+ sb1)
+ basic_machine=mipsisa64sb1-unknown
+ ;;
+ sb1el)
+ basic_machine=mipsisa64sb1el-unknown
+ ;;
+ sde)
+ basic_machine=mipsisa32-sde
+ os=-elf
+ ;;
+ sei)
+ basic_machine=mips-sei
+ os=-seiux
+ ;;
+ sequent)
+ basic_machine=i386-sequent
+ ;;
+ sh)
+ basic_machine=sh-hitachi
+ os=-hms
+ ;;
+ sh5el)
+ basic_machine=sh5le-unknown
+ ;;
+ sh64)
+ basic_machine=sh64-unknown
+ ;;
+ sparclite-wrs | simso-wrs)
+ basic_machine=sparclite-wrs
+ os=-vxworks
+ ;;
+ sps7)
+ basic_machine=m68k-bull
+ os=-sysv2
+ ;;
+ spur)
+ basic_machine=spur-unknown
+ ;;
+ st2000)
+ basic_machine=m68k-tandem
+ ;;
+ stratus)
+ basic_machine=i860-stratus
+ os=-sysv4
+ ;;
+ sun2)
+ basic_machine=m68000-sun
+ ;;
+ sun2os3)
+ basic_machine=m68000-sun
+ os=-sunos3
+ ;;
+ sun2os4)
+ basic_machine=m68000-sun
+ os=-sunos4
+ ;;
+ sun3os3)
+ basic_machine=m68k-sun
+ os=-sunos3
+ ;;
+ sun3os4)
+ basic_machine=m68k-sun
+ os=-sunos4
+ ;;
+ sun4os3)
+ basic_machine=sparc-sun
+ os=-sunos3
+ ;;
+ sun4os4)
+ basic_machine=sparc-sun
+ os=-sunos4
+ ;;
+ sun4sol2)
+ basic_machine=sparc-sun
+ os=-solaris2
+ ;;
+ sun3 | sun3-*)
+ basic_machine=m68k-sun
+ ;;
+ sun4)
+ basic_machine=sparc-sun
+ ;;
+ sun386 | sun386i | roadrunner)
+ basic_machine=i386-sun
+ ;;
+ sv1)
+ basic_machine=sv1-cray
+ os=-unicos
+ ;;
+ symmetry)
+ basic_machine=i386-sequent
+ os=-dynix
+ ;;
+ t3e)
+ basic_machine=alphaev5-cray
+ os=-unicos
+ ;;
+ t90)
+ basic_machine=t90-cray
+ os=-unicos
+ ;;
+ tic54x | c54x*)
+ basic_machine=tic54x-unknown
+ os=-coff
+ ;;
+ tic55x | c55x*)
+ basic_machine=tic55x-unknown
+ os=-coff
+ ;;
+ tic6x | c6x*)
+ basic_machine=tic6x-unknown
+ os=-coff
+ ;;
+ tile*)
+ basic_machine=tile-unknown
+ os=-linux-gnu
+ ;;
+ tx39)
+ basic_machine=mipstx39-unknown
+ ;;
+ tx39el)
+ basic_machine=mipstx39el-unknown
+ ;;
+ toad1)
+ basic_machine=pdp10-xkl
+ os=-tops20
+ ;;
+ tower | tower-32)
+ basic_machine=m68k-ncr
+ ;;
+ tpf)
+ basic_machine=s390x-ibm
+ os=-tpf
+ ;;
+ udi29k)
+ basic_machine=a29k-amd
+ os=-udi
+ ;;
+ ultra3)
+ basic_machine=a29k-nyu
+ os=-sym1
+ ;;
+ v810 | necv810)
+ basic_machine=v810-nec
+ os=-none
+ ;;
+ vaxv)
+ basic_machine=vax-dec
+ os=-sysv
+ ;;
+ vms)
+ basic_machine=vax-dec
+ os=-vms
+ ;;
+ vpp*|vx|vx-*)
+ basic_machine=f301-fujitsu
+ ;;
+ vxworks960)
+ basic_machine=i960-wrs
+ os=-vxworks
+ ;;
+ vxworks68)
+ basic_machine=m68k-wrs
+ os=-vxworks
+ ;;
+ vxworks29k)
+ basic_machine=a29k-wrs
+ os=-vxworks
+ ;;
+ w65*)
+ basic_machine=w65-wdc
+ os=-none
+ ;;
+ w89k-*)
+ basic_machine=hppa1.1-winbond
+ os=-proelf
+ ;;
+ xbox)
+ basic_machine=i686-pc
+ os=-mingw32
+ ;;
+ xps | xps100)
+ basic_machine=xps100-honeywell
+ ;;
+ ymp)
+ basic_machine=ymp-cray
+ os=-unicos
+ ;;
+ z8k-*-coff)
+ basic_machine=z8k-unknown
+ os=-sim
+ ;;
+ none)
+ basic_machine=none-none
+ os=-none
+ ;;
+# Here we handle the default manufacturer of certain CPU types. It is in
+# some cases the only manufacturer, in others, it is the most popular.
+ w89k)
+ basic_machine=hppa1.1-winbond
+ ;;
+ op50n)
+ basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki
+ ;;
+ op60c)
+ basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki
+ ;;
+ romp)
+ basic_machine=romp-ibm
+ ;;
+ mmix)
+ basic_machine=mmix-knuth
+ ;;
+ rs6000)
+ basic_machine=rs6000-ibm
+ ;;
+ vax)
+ basic_machine=vax-dec
+ ;;
+ pdp10)
+ # there are many clones, so DEC is not a safe bet
+ basic_machine=pdp10-unknown
+ ;;
+ pdp11)
+ basic_machine=pdp11-dec
+ ;;
+ we32k)
+ basic_machine=we32k-att
+ ;;
+ sh[1234] | sh[24]a | sh[34]eb | sh[1234]le | sh[23]ele)
+ basic_machine=sh-unknown
+ ;;
+ sparc | sparcv8 | sparcv9 | sparcv9b | sparcv9v)
+ basic_machine=sparc-sun
+ ;;
+ cydra)
+ basic_machine=cydra-cydrome
+ ;;
+ orion)
+ basic_machine=orion-highlevel
+ ;;
+ orion105)
+ basic_machine=clipper-highlevel
+ ;;
+ mac | mpw | mac-mpw)
+ basic_machine=m68k-apple
+ ;;
+ pmac | pmac-mpw)
+ basic_machine=powerpc-apple
+ ;;
+ *-unknown)
+ # Make sure to match an already-canonicalized machine name.
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': machine \`$basic_machine\' not recognized 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# Here we canonicalize certain aliases for manufacturers.
+case $basic_machine in
+ *-digital*)
+ basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/digital.*/dec/'`
+ ;;
+ *-commodore*)
+ basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/commodore.*/cbm/'`
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+# Decode manufacturer-specific aliases for certain operating systems.
+if [ x"$os" != x"" ]
+case $os in
+ # First match some system type aliases
+ # that might get confused with valid system types.
+ # -solaris* is a basic system type, with this one exception.
+ -solaris1 | -solaris1.*)
+ os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|solaris1|sunos4|'`
+ ;;
+ -solaris)
+ os=-solaris2
+ ;;
+ -svr4*)
+ os=-sysv4
+ ;;
+ -unixware*)
+ os=-sysv4.2uw
+ ;;
+ -gnu/linux*)
+ os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|gnu/linux|linux-gnu|'`
+ ;;
+ # First accept the basic system types.
+ # The portable systems comes first.
+ # Each alternative MUST END IN A *, to match a version number.
+ # -sysv* is not here because it comes later, after sysvr4.
+ -gnu* | -bsd* | -mach* | -minix* | -genix* | -ultrix* | -irix* \
+ | -*vms* | -sco* | -esix* | -isc* | -aix* | -sunos | -sunos[34]*\
+ | -hpux* | -unos* | -osf* | -luna* | -dgux* | -solaris* | -sym* \
+ | -amigaos* | -amigados* | -msdos* | -newsos* | -unicos* | -aof* \
+ | -aos* \
+ | -nindy* | -vxsim* | -vxworks* | -ebmon* | -hms* | -mvs* \
+ | -clix* | -riscos* | -uniplus* | -iris* | -rtu* | -xenix* \
+ | -hiux* | -386bsd* | -knetbsd* | -mirbsd* | -netbsd* \
+ | -openbsd* | -solidbsd* \
+ | -ekkobsd* | -kfreebsd* | -freebsd* | -riscix* | -lynxos* \
+ | -bosx* | -nextstep* | -cxux* | -aout* | -elf* | -oabi* \
+ | -ptx* | -coff* | -ecoff* | -winnt* | -domain* | -vsta* \
+ | -udi* | -eabi* | -lites* | -ieee* | -go32* | -aux* \
+ | -chorusos* | -chorusrdb* \
+ | -cygwin* | -pe* | -psos* | -moss* | -proelf* | -rtems* \
+ | -mingw32* | -linux-gnu* | -linux-newlib* | -linux-uclibc* \
+ | -uxpv* | -beos* | -mpeix* | -udk* \
+ | -interix* | -uwin* | -mks* | -rhapsody* | -darwin* | -opened* \
+ | -openstep* | -oskit* | -conix* | -pw32* | -nonstopux* \
+ | -storm-chaos* | -tops10* | -tenex* | -tops20* | -its* \
+ | -os2* | -vos* | -palmos* | -uclinux* | -nucleus* \
+ | -morphos* | -superux* | -rtmk* | -rtmk-nova* | -windiss* \
+ | -powermax* | -dnix* | -nx6 | -nx7 | -sei* | -dragonfly* \
+ | -skyos* | -haiku* | -rdos* | -toppers* | -drops*)
+ # Remember, each alternative MUST END IN *, to match a version number.
+ ;;
+ -qnx*)
+ case $basic_machine in
+ x86-* | i*86-*)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ os=-nto$os
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ -nto-qnx*)
+ ;;
+ -nto*)
+ os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|nto|nto-qnx|'`
+ ;;
+ -sim | -es1800* | -hms* | -xray | -os68k* | -none* | -v88r* \
+ | -windows* | -osx | -abug | -netware* | -os9* | -beos* | -haiku* \
+ | -macos* | -mpw* | -magic* | -mmixware* | -mon960* | -lnews*)
+ ;;
+ -mac*)
+ os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|mac|macos|'`
+ ;;
+ -linux-dietlibc)
+ os=-linux-dietlibc
+ ;;
+ -linux*)
+ os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|linux|linux-gnu|'`
+ ;;
+ -sunos5*)
+ os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sunos5|solaris2|'`
+ ;;
+ -sunos6*)
+ os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sunos6|solaris3|'`
+ ;;
+ -opened*)
+ os=-openedition
+ ;;
+ -os400*)
+ os=-os400
+ ;;
+ -wince*)
+ os=-wince
+ ;;
+ -osfrose*)
+ os=-osfrose
+ ;;
+ -osf*)
+ os=-osf
+ ;;
+ -utek*)
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ -dynix*)
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ -acis*)
+ os=-aos
+ ;;
+ -atheos*)
+ os=-atheos
+ ;;
+ -syllable*)
+ os=-syllable
+ ;;
+ -386bsd)
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ -ctix* | -uts*)
+ os=-sysv
+ ;;
+ -nova*)
+ os=-rtmk-nova
+ ;;
+ -ns2 )
+ os=-nextstep2
+ ;;
+ -nsk*)
+ os=-nsk
+ ;;
+ # Preserve the version number of sinix5.
+ -sinix5.*)
+ os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sinix|sysv|'`
+ ;;
+ -sinix*)
+ os=-sysv4
+ ;;
+ -tpf*)
+ os=-tpf
+ ;;
+ -triton*)
+ os=-sysv3
+ ;;
+ -oss*)
+ os=-sysv3
+ ;;
+ -svr4)
+ os=-sysv4
+ ;;
+ -svr3)
+ os=-sysv3
+ ;;
+ -sysvr4)
+ os=-sysv4
+ ;;
+ # This must come after -sysvr4.
+ -sysv*)
+ ;;
+ -ose*)
+ os=-ose
+ ;;
+ -es1800*)
+ os=-ose
+ ;;
+ -xenix)
+ os=-xenix
+ ;;
+ -*mint | -mint[0-9]* | -*MiNT | -MiNT[0-9]*)
+ os=-mint
+ ;;
+ -aros*)
+ os=-aros
+ ;;
+ -kaos*)
+ os=-kaos
+ ;;
+ -zvmoe)
+ os=-zvmoe
+ ;;
+ -none)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Get rid of the `-' at the beginning of $os.
+ os=`echo $os | sed 's/[^-]*-//'`
+ echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': system \`$os\' not recognized 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# Here we handle the default operating systems that come with various machines.
+# The value should be what the vendor currently ships out the door with their
+# machine or put another way, the most popular os provided with the machine.
+# Note that if you're going to try to match "-MANUFACTURER" here (say,
+# "-sun"), then you have to tell the case statement up towards the top
+# that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating system. Otherwise, code above
+# will signal an error saying that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating
+# system, and we'll never get to this point.
+case $basic_machine in
+ score-*)
+ os=-elf
+ ;;
+ spu-*)
+ os=-elf
+ ;;
+ *-acorn)
+ os=-riscix1.2
+ ;;
+ arm*-rebel)
+ os=-linux
+ ;;
+ arm*-semi)
+ os=-aout
+ ;;
+ c4x-* | tic4x-*)
+ os=-coff
+ ;;
+ # This must come before the *-dec entry.
+ pdp10-*)
+ os=-tops20
+ ;;
+ pdp11-*)
+ os=-none
+ ;;
+ *-dec | vax-*)
+ os=-ultrix4.2
+ ;;
+ m68*-apollo)
+ os=-domain
+ ;;
+ i386-sun)
+ os=-sunos4.0.2
+ ;;
+ m68000-sun)
+ os=-sunos3
+ # This also exists in the configure program, but was not the
+ # default.
+ # os=-sunos4
+ ;;
+ m68*-cisco)
+ os=-aout
+ ;;
+ mep-*)
+ os=-elf
+ ;;
+ mips*-cisco)
+ os=-elf
+ ;;
+ mips*-*)
+ os=-elf
+ ;;
+ or32-*)
+ os=-coff
+ ;;
+ *-tti) # must be before sparc entry or we get the wrong os.
+ os=-sysv3
+ ;;
+ sparc-* | *-sun)
+ os=-sunos4.1.1
+ ;;
+ *-be)
+ os=-beos
+ ;;
+ *-haiku)
+ os=-haiku
+ ;;
+ *-ibm)
+ os=-aix
+ ;;
+ *-knuth)
+ os=-mmixware
+ ;;
+ *-wec)
+ os=-proelf
+ ;;
+ *-winbond)
+ os=-proelf
+ ;;
+ *-oki)
+ os=-proelf
+ ;;
+ *-hp)
+ os=-hpux
+ ;;
+ *-hitachi)
+ os=-hiux
+ ;;
+ i860-* | *-att | *-ncr | *-altos | *-motorola | *-convergent)
+ os=-sysv
+ ;;
+ *-cbm)
+ os=-amigaos
+ ;;
+ *-dg)
+ os=-dgux
+ ;;
+ *-dolphin)
+ os=-sysv3
+ ;;
+ m68k-ccur)
+ os=-rtu
+ ;;
+ m88k-omron*)
+ os=-luna
+ ;;
+ *-next )
+ os=-nextstep
+ ;;
+ *-sequent)
+ os=-ptx
+ ;;
+ *-crds)
+ os=-unos
+ ;;
+ *-ns)
+ os=-genix
+ ;;
+ i370-*)
+ os=-mvs
+ ;;
+ *-next)
+ os=-nextstep3
+ ;;
+ *-gould)
+ os=-sysv
+ ;;
+ *-highlevel)
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ *-encore)
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ *-sgi)
+ os=-irix
+ ;;
+ *-siemens)
+ os=-sysv4
+ ;;
+ *-masscomp)
+ os=-rtu
+ ;;
+ f30[01]-fujitsu | f700-fujitsu)
+ os=-uxpv
+ ;;
+ *-rom68k)
+ os=-coff
+ ;;
+ *-*bug)
+ os=-coff
+ ;;
+ *-apple)
+ os=-macos
+ ;;
+ *-atari*)
+ os=-mint
+ ;;
+ *)
+ os=-none
+ ;;
+# Here we handle the case where we know the os, and the CPU type, but not the
+# manufacturer. We pick the logical manufacturer.
+case $basic_machine in
+ *-unknown)
+ case $os in
+ -riscix*)
+ vendor=acorn
+ ;;
+ -sunos*)
+ vendor=sun
+ ;;
+ -aix*)
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ -beos*)
+ vendor=be
+ ;;
+ -hpux*)
+ vendor=hp
+ ;;
+ -mpeix*)
+ vendor=hp
+ ;;
+ -hiux*)
+ vendor=hitachi
+ ;;
+ -unos*)
+ vendor=crds
+ ;;
+ -dgux*)
+ vendor=dg
+ ;;
+ -luna*)
+ vendor=omron
+ ;;
+ -genix*)
+ vendor=ns
+ ;;
+ -mvs* | -opened*)
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ -os400*)
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ -ptx*)
+ vendor=sequent
+ ;;
+ -tpf*)
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ -vxsim* | -vxworks* | -windiss*)
+ vendor=wrs
+ ;;
+ -aux*)
+ vendor=apple
+ ;;
+ -hms*)
+ vendor=hitachi
+ ;;
+ -mpw* | -macos*)
+ vendor=apple
+ ;;
+ -*mint | -mint[0-9]* | -*MiNT | -MiNT[0-9]*)
+ vendor=atari
+ ;;
+ -vos*)
+ vendor=stratus
+ ;;
+ esac
+ basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed "s/unknown/$vendor/"`
+ ;;
+echo $basic_machine$os
+# Local variables:
+# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp)
+# time-stamp-start: "timestamp='"
+# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d"
+# time-stamp-end: "'"
+# End:
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3e0759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+-*- mode: m4 -*-
+# the pycairo version number
+m4_define(pycairo_version_major, 1)
+m4_define(pycairo_version_minor, 8)
+m4_define(pycairo_version_micro, 7)
+m4_define(pycairo_version, pycairo_version_major.pycairo_version_minor.pycairo_version_micro)
+# versions of packages we require
+m4_define(cairo_required_version, 1.8.6)
+ [pycairo_version],
+ [])
+AC_SUBST(PYCAIRO_VERSION_MAJOR, [pycairo_version_major])
+AC_SUBST(PYCAIRO_VERSION_MINOR, [pycairo_version_minor])
+AC_SUBST(PYCAIRO_VERSION_MICRO, [pycairo_version_micro])
+ [pycairo_version_major,pycairo_version_minor,pycairo_version_micro])
+AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9.6 -Wall])
+# Options ---
+# put the ACLOCAL flags in the makefile
+# Checks for programs ---
+AC_PROG_LIBTOOL dnl required version (1.4) DON'T REMOVE - used by
+# Checks for libraries ---
+# get rid of the -export-dynamic stuff from the configure flags ...
+export_dynamic=`(./libtool --config; echo eval echo \\$export_dynamic_flag_spec) | sh`
+# cairo
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES(CAIRO, cairo >= cairo_required_version)
+if test -n "$export_dynamic"; then
+ CAIRO_LIBS=`echo $CAIRO_LIBS | sed -e "s/$export_dynamic//"`
+# Checks for header files ---
+AM_CHECK_PYTHON_HEADERS(,[AC_MSG_ERROR(could not find Python headers)])
+# checks for types and compilers ---
+# add gcc debugging options
+if test "x$GCC" = xyes; then
+ case " $CFLAGS " in
+ *[\ \ ]-std=c99[\ \ ]*) ;;
+ *[\ \ ]-std=c9x[\ \ ]*) ;;
+ *) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -std=c99" ;;
+ esac
+ case " $CFLAGS " in
+ *[\ \ ]-Wall[\ \ ]*) ;;
+ *) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall" ;;
+ esac
+case $GCC in
+ # code using Py_True, Py_False will receive
+ # "warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules"
+ # -fno-strict-aliasing (as used in Python build) switches warnings off
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether $CC accepts -fno-strict-aliasing)
+ ac_save_cc="$CC"
+ CC="$CC -fno-strict-aliasing"
+ AC_TRY_RUN([int main() { return 0; }],
+ ac_cv_no_strict_aliasing_ok=yes,
+ ac_cv_no_strict_aliasing_ok=no,
+ ac_cv_no_strict_aliasing_ok=no)
+ CC="$ac_save_cc"
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($ac_cv_no_strict_aliasing_ok)
+ if test $ac_cv_no_strict_aliasing_ok = yes
+ then
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing"
+ fi
+# Checks for library functions ---
+# Checks for system services ---
+# Output ---
+echo "
+Installation prefix ${prefix}
diff --git a/doc/.gitignore b/doc/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d72cc23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dacf544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# distribute the Sphinx source files only,
+# the generated html files are distributed separately
+ \
+ faq.rst \
+ index.rst \
+ overview.rst \
+ pycairo_c_api.rst \
+ reference/constants.rst \
+ reference/context.rst \
+ reference/exceptions.rst \
+ reference/index.rst \
+ reference/matrix.rst \
+ reference/paths.rst \
+ reference/patterns.rst \
+ reference/surfaces.rst \
+ reference/text.rst
+# Makefile for Sphinx documentation - autogenerated by Sphinx
+# You can set these variables from the command line.
+SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
+# Internal variables.
+PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4
+PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
+ALLSPHINXOPTS = -d .build/doctrees $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) .
+.PHONY: help clean html web pickle htmlhelp latex changes linkcheck
+ @echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
+ @echo " html to make standalone HTML files"
+ @echo " pickle to make pickle files"
+ @echo " json to make JSON files"
+ @echo " htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project"
+ @echo " latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter"
+ @echo " changes to make an overview over all changed/added/deprecated items"
+ @echo " linkcheck to check all external links for integrity"
+ -rm -rf .build/*
+ mkdir -p .build/html .build/doctrees
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b html $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) .build/html
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in .build/html."
+ mkdir -p .build/pickle .build/doctrees
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b pickle $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) .build/pickle
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; now you can process the pickle files."
+web: pickle
+ mkdir -p .build/json .build/doctrees
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b json $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) .build/json
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; now you can process the JSON files."
+ mkdir -p .build/htmlhelp .build/doctrees
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b htmlhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) .build/htmlhelp
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the" \
+ ".hhp project file in .build/htmlhelp."
+ mkdir -p .build/latex .build/doctrees
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) .build/latex
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in .build/latex."
+ @echo "Run \`make all-pdf' or \`make all-ps' in that directory to" \
+ "run these through (pdf)latex."
+ mkdir -p .build/changes .build/doctrees
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b changes $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) .build/changes
+ @echo
+ @echo "The overview file is in .build/changes."
+ mkdir -p .build/linkcheck .build/doctrees
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) .build/linkcheck
+ @echo
+ @echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \
+ "or in .build/linkcheck/output.txt."
+# Makefile for Sphinx documentation -- end --
diff --git a/doc/README b/doc/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bf7671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/README
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+Pycairo Documentation README
+This directory contains the reStructuredText (reST) sources to the Pycairo
+Options for accessing pycairo documentation:
+1. Read the documentation online at
+2. Download the latest 'pycairo-x.x.x-docs-html.tar.gz' prebuilt documents
+from Uncompress the docs and point
+your browser at the index.html file.
+3. Build the documentation yourself - the hardest option, see details below.
+Building the docs
+You need to install Python 2.4 or higher; the toolset used to build the docs are
+written in Python. The toolset used to build the documentation is called
+*Sphinx*, it is not included in this tree, but maintained separately in the
+Python Subversion repository. Also needed are Jinja, a templating engine
+(included in Sphinx as a Subversion external), and optionally Pygments, a code
+Using make
+ make html
+Available make targets are:
+ * "html", which builds standalone HTML files for offline viewing.
+ * "htmlhelp", which builds HTML files and a HTML Help project file usable to
+ convert them into a single Compiled HTML (.chm) file -- these are popular
+ under Microsoft Windows, but very handy on every platform.
+ To create the CHM file, you need to run the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop
+ over the generated project (.hhp) file.
+ * "latex", which builds LaTeX source files that can be run with "pdflatex"
+ to produce PDF documents.
+ * "text", which builds a plain text file for each source file.
+ * "linkcheck", which checks all external references to see whether they are
+ broken, redirected or malformed, and outputs this information to stdout
+ as well as a plain-text (.txt) file.
+ * "changes", which builds an overview over all versionadded/versionchanged/
+ deprecated items in the current version. This is meant as a help for the
+ writer of the "What's New" document.
+ * "pydoc-topics", which builds a Python module containing a dictionary
+ with plain text documentation for the labels defined in
+ `tools/sphinxext/` -- pydoc needs these to show topic
+ and keyword help.
+A "make update" updates the Subversion checkouts in `tools/`.
+Without make
+You'll need to checkout the Sphinx package to the `tools/` directory::
+ svn co tools/sphinx
+Then, you need to install Docutils 0.4 (the SVN snapshot won't work), either
+by checking it out via ::
+ svn co tools/docutils
+or by installing it from
+You can optionally also install Pygments, either as a checkout via ::
+ svn co tools/pygments
+or from PyPI at
+Then, make an output directory, e.g. under `build/`, and run ::
+ python tools/ -b<builder> . build/<outputdirectory>
+where `<builder>` is one of html, web or htmlhelp (for explanations see the make
+targets above).
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..748ec99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# pycairo documentation build configuration file, created by
+# sphinx-quickstart on Tue Nov 25 23:21:00 2008.
+# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir.
+# The contents of this file are pickled, so don't put values in the namespace
+# that aren't pickleable (module imports are okay, they're removed automatically).
+# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
+# serve to show the default.
+import sys, os
+# If your extensions are in another directory, add it here. If the directory
+# is relative to the documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it
+# absolute, like shown here.
+# General configuration
+# ---------------------
+# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions
+# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
+extensions = []
+# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
+templates_path = ['.templates']
+# The suffix of source filenames.
+source_suffix = '.rst'
+# The encoding of source files.
+#source_encoding = 'utf-8'
+# The master toctree document.
+master_doc = 'index'
+# General information about the project.
+project = u'pycairo'
+copyright = u'2008, Steve Chaplin'
+# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
+# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
+# built documents.
+# The short X.Y version.
+version = '1.8'
+# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
+release = '1.8.6'
+# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
+# for a list of supported languages.
+#language = None
+# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
+# non-false value, then it is used:
+#today = ''
+# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
+#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
+# List of documents that shouldn't be included in the build.
+#unused_docs = []
+# List of directories, relative to source directory, that shouldn't be searched
+# for source files.
+exclude_trees = ['.build']
+# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents.
+#default_role = None
+# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
+#add_function_parentheses = True
+# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
+# unit titles (such as .. function::).
+#add_module_names = True
+# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
+# output. They are ignored by default.
+#show_authors = False
+# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
+pygments_style = 'sphinx'
+# Options for HTML output
+# -----------------------
+# The style sheet to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. A file of that name
+# must exist either in Sphinx' static/ path, or in one of the custom paths
+# given in html_static_path.
+html_style = 'default.css'
+# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to
+# "<project> v<release> documentation".
+#html_title = None
+# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title.
+#html_short_title = None
+# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
+# of the sidebar.
+#html_logo = None
+# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
+# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
+# pixels large.
+#html_favicon = None
+# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
+# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
+# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
+html_static_path = ['.static']
+# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
+# using the given strftime format.
+#html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
+# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
+# typographically correct entities.
+#html_use_smartypants = True
+# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
+#html_sidebars = {}
+# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
+# template names.
+#html_additional_pages = {}
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+#html_use_modindex = True
+# If false, no index is generated.
+#html_use_index = True
+# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.
+#html_split_index = False
+# If true, the reST sources are included in the HTML build as _sources/<name>.
+#html_copy_source = True
+# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
+# contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the
+# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
+#html_use_opensearch = ''
+# If nonempty, this is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
+#html_file_suffix = ''
+# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
+htmlhelp_basename = 'pycairodoc'
+# Options for LaTeX output
+# ------------------------
+# The paper size ('letter' or 'a4').
+#latex_paper_size = 'letter'
+# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
+#latex_font_size = '10pt'
+# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
+# (source start file, target name, title, author, document class [howto/manual]).
+latex_documents = [
+ ('index', 'pycairo.tex', ur'pycairo Documentation',
+ ur'Steve Chaplin', 'manual'),
+# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
+# the title page.
+#latex_logo = None
+# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
+# not chapters.
+#latex_use_parts = False
+# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
+#latex_preamble = ''
+# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
+#latex_appendices = []
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+#latex_use_modindex = True
diff --git a/doc/faq.rst b/doc/faq.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cd986d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/faq.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+.. currentmodule:: cairo
+Pycairo FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
+Q: Can I subclass pycairo classes?
+A: Cairo, the C library, is not an object oriented library, so a Python
+binding can never be a truly object oriented interface to cairo. One way to
+write the Python bindings for cairo would be as a single long list of module
+functions - this would be the most accurate representation of the underlying C
+library. Pycairo (and most other cairo language bindings?) instead chose to
+implement the bindings using Context, Surface, Pattern, etc classes. An
+advantage is that the classes organise cairo into groups of similar functions.
+A disadvantage is that creates an illusion that cairo is object oriented
+library, and people are then tempted to create subclasses to override cairo
+methods. When in fact there are no methods to override, just cairo functions
+which can't be overridden.
+The cairo documentation Appendix A "Creating a language binding for cairo"
+section "Memory Management" describes why deriving from a Surface creates
+problems and is best avoided.
+cairo.Context can be subclassed.
+All other pycairo subclasses cannot be subclassed.
+Q: How do I use pycairo with numpy?
+A: See test/
+Q: How do I use pycairo with pygame?
+A: See test/
+ test/
diff --git a/doc/index.rst b/doc/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df9f5ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Pycairo Documentation
+.. module:: cairo
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ overview
+ reference/index
+ faq
+ pycairo_c_api
+Indices and tables
+* :ref:`genindex`
+* :ref:`search`
diff --git a/doc/overview.rst b/doc/overview.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e862335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/overview.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+.. currentmodule:: cairo
+Pycairo is a Python binding for the cairo graphics library.
+The Pycairo bindings are designed to match the cairo C API as closely as
+possible, and to deviate only in cases which are clearly better implemented in
+a more 'Pythonic' way.
+Features of the Pycairo bindings:
+* Provides an object oriented interface to cairo, using Python 2.2 new style classes.
+* Pycairo_Check_Status() is called to check the status of cairo operations, and raise exceptions as appropriate.
+* Provides a C API that can be used by other Python extensions.
+The C cairo functions cairo_reference(), cairo_destroy(),
+cairo_surface_reference(), cairo_surface_destroy() (and their equivalents for
+surfaces and patterns) are not made public by the pycairo bindings. This is
+because pycairo handles cairo object construction and destruction.
+To use the pycairo library::
+ import cairo
+See :ref:`Reference <reference_index>` for further details.
+For examples of pycairo code see the 'examples' directory that comes with the
+pycairo distribution.
diff --git a/doc/pycairo_c_api.rst b/doc/pycairo_c_api.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7d3bd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/pycairo_c_api.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+.. highlightlang:: c
+Pycairo C API
+.. currentmodule:: cairo
+This manual documents the API used by C and C++ programmers who want to write
+extension modules that use pycairo.
+.. _api-includes:
+To access the Pycairo C API
+Edit the client module file to add the following lines::
+ /* All function, type and macro definitions needed to use the Pycairo/C API
+ * are included in your code by the following line
+ */
+ #include "Pycairo.h"
+ /* define a variable for the C API */
+ static Pycairo_CAPI_t *Pycairo_CAPI;
+ /* import pycairo - add to the init<module> function */
+ Pycairo_IMPORT;
+Pycairo Objects
+ PycairoContext
+ PycairoFontFace
+ PycairoToyFontFace
+ PycairoFontOptions
+ PycairoMatrix
+ PycairoPath
+ PycairoPattern
+ PycairoSolidPattern
+ PycairoSurfacePattern
+ PycairoGradient
+ PycairoLinearGradient
+ PycairoRadialGradient
+ PycairoScaledFont
+ PycairoSurface
+ PycairoImageSurface
+ PycairoPDFSurface
+ PycairoPSSurface
+ PycairoSVGSurface
+ PycairoWin32Surface
+ PycairoXlibSurface
+Pycairo Types
+ PyTypeObject *Context_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *FontFace_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *ToyFontFace_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *FontOptions_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *Matrix_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *Path_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *Pattern_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *SolidPattern_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *SurfacePattern_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *Gradient_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *LinearGradient_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *RadialGradient_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *ScaledFont_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *Surface_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *ImageSurface_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *PDFSurface_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *PSSurface_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *SVGSurface_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *Win32Surface_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *XlibSurface_Type;
+.. cfunction:: cairo_t * PycairoContext_GET(obj)
+ get the C cairo_t * object out of the PycairoContext *obj
+.. cfunction:: PyObject * PycairoContext_FromContext(cairo_t *ctx, PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *base)
+.. cfunction:: PyObject * PycairoFontFace_FromFontFace(cairo_font_face_t *font_face)
+.. cfunction:: PyObject * PycairoFontOptions_FromFontOptions(cairo_font_options_t *font_options)
+.. cfunction:: PyObject * PycairoMatrix_FromMatrix(const cairo_matrix_t *matrix)
+.. cfunction:: PyObject * PycairoPath_FromPath(cairo_path_t *path)
+.. cfunction:: PyObject * PycairoPattern_FromPattern(cairo_pattern_t *pattern, PyObject *base)
+.. cfunction:: PyObject * PycairoScaledFont_FromScaledFont(cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font)
+.. cfunction:: PyObject * PycairoSurface_FromSurface(cairo_surface_t *surface, PyObject *base)
+.. cfunction:: int PycairoCheck_Status(cairo_status_t status)
diff --git a/doc/reference/constants.rst b/doc/reference/constants.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18454d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/constants.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+.. _constants:
+Module Functions and Constants
+.. currentmodule:: cairo
+Module Functions
+.. function:: cairo_version()
+ :returns: the encoded version
+ :rtype: int
+ Returns the version of the underlying C cairo library, encoded in a single
+ integer.
+.. function:: cairo_version_string()
+ :returns: the encoded version
+ :rtype: str
+ Returns the version of the underlying C cairo library as a human-readable
+ string of the form "X.Y.Z".
+Module Constants
+.. data:: version
+ the pycairo version, as a string
+.. data:: version_info
+ the pycairo version, as a tuple
+.. _constants_HAS:
+.. data:: HAS_ATSUI_FONT
+ 1 if the feature is present in the underlying C cairo library,
+ 0 otherwise
+.. _constants_ANTIALIAS:
+ANTIALIAS specifies the type of antialiasing to do when rendering text or
+ Use the default antialiasing for the subsystem and target device
+ Use a bilevel alpha mask
+ Perform single-color antialiasing (using shades of gray for black text on a
+ white background, for example).
+ Perform antialiasing by taking advantage of the order of subpixel elements
+ on devices such as LCD panels.
+.. _constants_CONTENT:
+These constants are used to describe the content that a :class:`Surface` will
+contain, whether color information, alpha information (translucence
+vs. opacity), or both.
+.. data:: CONTENT_COLOR
+ The surface will hold color content only.
+.. data:: CONTENT_ALPHA
+ The surface will hold alpha content only.
+ The surface will hold color and alpha content.
+.. _constants_EXTEND:
+These constants are used to describe how :class:`Pattern` color/alpha will be
+determined for areas "outside" the pattern's natural area, (for example,
+outside the surface bounds or outside the gradient geometry).
+The default extend mode is *EXTEND_NONE* for :class:`SurfacePattern` and
+*EXTEND_PAD* for :class:`Gradient` patterns.
+.. data:: EXTEND_NONE
+ pixels outside of the source pattern are fully transparent
+.. data:: EXTEND_REPEAT
+ the pattern is tiled by repeating
+ the pattern is tiled by reflecting at the edges (Implemented for surface
+ patterns since 1.6)
+.. data:: EXTEND_PAD
+ pixels outside of the pattern copy the closest pixel from the source (Since
+ 1.2; but only implemented for surface patterns since 1.6)
+New entries may be added in future versions.
+.. _constants_FILL_RULE:
+These constants are used to select how paths are filled. For both fill
+rules, whether or not a point is included in the fill is determined by taking
+a ray from that point to infinity and looking at intersections with the
+path. The ray can be in any direction, as long as it doesn't pass through the
+end point of a segment or have a tricky intersection such as intersecting
+tangent to the path. (Note that filling is not actually implemented in this
+way. This is just a description of the rule that is applied.)
+The default fill rule is *FILL_RULE_WINDING*.
+ If the path crosses the ray from left-to-right, counts +1. If the path
+ crosses the ray from right to left, counts -1. (Left and right are
+ determined from the perspective of looking along the ray from the starting
+ point.) If the total count is non-zero, the point will be filled.
+ Counts the total number of intersections, without regard to the orientation
+ of the contour. If the total number of intersections is odd, the point will
+ be filled.
+New entries may be added in future versions.
+.. _constants_FILTER:
+These constants are used to indicate what filtering should be applied when
+reading pixel values from patterns. See :meth:`SurfacePattern.set_filter` for
+indicating the desired filter to be used with a particular pattern.
+.. data:: FILTER_FAST
+ A high-performance filter, with quality similar *FILTER_NEAREST*
+.. data:: FILTER_GOOD
+ A reasonable-performance filter, with quality similar to *FILTER_BILINEAR*
+.. data:: FILTER_BEST
+ The highest-quality available, performance may not be suitable for
+ interactive use.
+ Nearest-neighbor filtering
+ Linear interpolation in two dimensions
+ This filter value is currently unimplemented, and should not be used in
+ current code.
+.. _constants_FONT_SLANT:
+These constants specify variants of a :class:`FontFace` based on their slant.
+ Upright font style
+ Italic font style
+ Oblique font style
+.. _constants_FONT_WEIGHT:
+These constants specify variants of a :class:`FontFace` based on their weight.
+ Normal font weight
+ Bold font weight
+.. _constants_FORMAT:
+These constants are used to identify the memory format of
+:class:`ImageSurface` data.
+.. data:: FORMAT_ARGB32
+ each pixel is a 32-bit quantity, with alpha in the upper 8 bits, then red,
+ then green, then blue. The 32-bit quantities are stored
+ native-endian. Pre-multiplied alpha is used. (That is, 50% transparent red
+ is 0x80800000, not 0x80ff0000.)
+.. data:: FORMAT_RGB24
+ each pixel is a 32-bit quantity, with the upper 8 bits unused. Red, Green,
+ and Blue are stored in the remaining 24 bits in that order.
+.. data:: FORMAT_A8
+ each pixel is a 8-bit quantity holding an alpha value.
+.. data:: FORMAT_A1
+ each pixel is a 1-bit quantity holding an alpha value. Pixels are packed
+ together into 32-bit quantities. The ordering of the bits matches the
+ endianess of the platform. On a big-endian machine, the first pixel is in
+ the uppermost bit, on a little-endian machine the first pixel is in the
+ least-significant bit.
+New entries may be added in future versions.
+.. _constants_HINT_METRICS:
+These constants specify whether to hint font metrics; hinting font metrics
+means quantizing them so that they are integer values in device space. Doing
+this improves the consistency of letter and line spacing, however it also
+means that text will be laid out differently at different zoom factors.
+ Hint metrics in the default manner for the font backend and target device
+ Do not hint font metrics
+.. data:: HINT_METRICS_ON
+ Hint font metrics
+.. _constants_HINT_STYLE:
+These constants specify the type of hinting to do on font outlines. Hinting is
+the process of fitting outlines to the pixel grid in order to improve the
+appearance of the result. Since hinting outlines involves distorting them, it
+also reduces the faithfulness to the original outline shapes. Not all of the
+outline hinting styles are supported by all font backends.
+ Use the default hint style for font backend and target device
+.. data:: HINT_STYLE_NONE
+ Do not hint outlines
+ Hint outlines slightly to improve contrast while retaining good fidelity to
+ the original shapes.
+ Hint outlines with medium strength giving a compromise between fidelity to
+ the original shapes and contrast
+.. data:: HINT_STYLE_FULL
+ Hint outlines to maximize contrast
+New entries may be added in future versions.
+.. _constants_LINE_CAP:
+These constants specify how to render the endpoints of the path when stroking.
+The default line cap style is *LINE_CAP_BUTT*
+.. data:: LINE_CAP_BUTT
+ start(stop) the line exactly at the start(end) point
+.. data:: LINE_CAP_ROUND
+ use a round ending, the center of the circle is the end point
+.. data:: LINE_CAP_SQUARE
+ use squared ending, the center of the square is the end point
+.. _constants_LINE_JOIN:
+These constants specify how to render the junction of two lines when stroking.
+The default line join style is *LINE_JOIN_MITER*
+.. data:: LINE_JOIN_MITER
+ use a sharp (angled) corner, see :meth:`Context.set_miter_limit`
+.. data:: LINE_JOIN_ROUND
+ use a rounded join, the center of the circle is the joint point
+.. data:: LINE_JOIN_BEVEL
+ use a cut-off join, the join is cut off at half the line width from the
+ joint point
+.. _constants_OPERATOR:
+These constants are used to set the compositing operator for all cairo drawing
+The default operator is *OPERATOR_OVER*.
+The operators marked as *unbounded* modify their destination even outside of
+the mask layer (that is, their effect is not bound by the mask layer).
+However, their effect can still be limited by way of clipping.
+To keep things simple, the operator descriptions here document the behavior
+for when both source and destination are either fully transparent or fully
+opaque. The actual implementation works for translucent layers too.
+For a more detailed explanation of the effects of each operator, including the
+mathematical definitions, see
+ clear destination layer (bounded)
+ replace destination layer (bounded)
+.. data:: OPERATOR_OVER
+ draw source layer on top of destination layer (bounded)
+.. data:: OPERATOR_IN
+ draw source where there was destination content (unbounded)
+.. data:: OPERATOR_OUT
+ draw source where there was no destination content (unbounded)
+.. data:: OPERATOR_ATOP
+ draw source on top of destination content and only there
+.. data:: OPERATOR_DEST
+ ignore the source
+ draw destination on top of source
+ leave destination only where there was source content (unbounded)
+ leave destination only where there was no source content
+ leave destination on top of source content and only there (unbounded)
+.. data:: OPERATOR_XOR
+ source and destination are shown where there is only one of them
+.. data:: OPERATOR_ADD
+ source and destination layers are accumulated
+ like over, but assuming source and dest are disjoint geometries
+.. _constants_PATH:
+These constants are used to describe the type of one portion of a path when
+represented as a :class:`Path`.
+.. See #cairo_path_data_t for details.
+.. data:: PATH_MOVE_TO
+ A move-to operation
+.. data:: PATH_LINE_TO
+ A line-to operation
+.. data:: PATH_CURVE_TO
+ A curve-to operation
+.. data:: PATH_CLOSE_PATH
+ A close-path operation
+.. _constants_PS_LEVEL:
+These constants are used to describe the language level of the PostScript
+Language Reference that a generated PostScript file will conform to. Note:
+the constants are only defined when cairo has been compiled with PS support
+.. data:: PS_LEVEL_2
+ The language level 2 of the PostScript specification.
+.. data:: PS_LEVEL_3
+ The language level 3 of the PostScript specification.
+.. _constants_SUBPIXEL_ORDER:
+The subpixel order specifies the order of color elements within each pixel on
+the display device when rendering with an antialiasing mode of
+ Use the default subpixel order for for the target device
+ Subpixel elements are arranged horizontally with red at the left
+ Subpixel elements are arranged horizontally with blue at the left
+ Subpixel elements are arranged vertically with red at the top
+ Subpixel elements are arranged vertically with blue at the top
diff --git a/doc/reference/context.rst b/doc/reference/context.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..277bd16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/context.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,1485 @@
+.. _context:
+Cairo Context
+.. currentmodule:: cairo
+.. comment block
+ example reST:
+ (add back '..' where required at column 0)
+ . class:: module.C[(signature)]
+ .. classmethod:: name(signature)
+ .. staticmethod:: name(signature)
+ .. method:: method(signature)
+ :param p1: xxx
+ :type p1: int
+ :param p2: xxx
+ :type p2: str
+ :returns: xxx
+ :rtype: list of strings
+ :raises: xxx
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ links:
+ :data:`cairo.ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL`
+ :class:`Context`
+ :exc:`cairo.Error`
+ :meth:`.copy_page`
+ :meth:`Context.copy_page`
+ :ref:`LINE_CAP <constants_LINE_CAP>`
+class Context()
+*Context* is the main object used when drawing with cairo. To draw with cairo,
+you create a *Context*, set the target surface, and drawing options for the
+*Context*, create shapes with functions like :meth:`Context.move_to` and
+:meth:`Context.line_to`, and then draw shapes with :meth:`Context.stroke` or
+*Contexts* can be pushed to a stack via :meth:``. They may then
+safely be changed, without loosing the current state. Use
+:meth:`Context.restore` to restore to the saved state.
+.. class:: Context(target)
+ :param target: target :class:`Surface` for the context
+ :returns: a newly allocated *Context*
+ :raises: *MemoryError* in case of no memory
+ Creates a new *Context* with all graphics state parameters set to default
+ values and with *target* as a target surface. The target surface should be
+ constructed with a backend-specific function such as :class:`ImageSurface`
+ (or any other cairo backend surface create variant).
+ .. method:: append_path(path)
+ :param path: :class:`Path` to be appended
+ Append the *path* onto the current path. The *path* may be either the
+ return value from one of :meth:`Context.copy_path` or
+ :meth:`Context.copy_path_flat` or it may be constructed manually (in C).
+ .. method:: arc(xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2)
+ :param xc: X position of the center of the arc
+ :type xc: float
+ :param yc: Y position of the center of the arc
+ :type yc: float
+ :param radius: the radius of the arc
+ :type radius: float
+ :param angle1: the start angle, in radians
+ :type angle1: float
+ :param angle2: the end angle, in radians
+ :type angle2: float
+ Adds a circular arc of the given *radius* to the current path. The arc
+ is centered at (*xc, yc*), begins at *angle1* and proceeds in the
+ direction of increasing angles to end at *angle2*. If *angle2* is less
+ than *angle1* it will be progressively increased by 2*PI until it is
+ greater than *angle1*.
+ If there is a current point, an initial line segment will be added to
+ the path to connect the current point to the beginning of the arc. If
+ this initial line is undesired, it can be avoided by calling
+ :meth:`Context.new_sub_path` before calling :meth:`Context.arc`.
+ Angles are measured in radians. An angle of 0.0 is in the direction of
+ the positive X axis (in user space). An angle of PI/2.0 radians (90
+ degrees) is in the direction of the positive Y axis (in user
+ space). Angles increase in the direction from the positive X axis toward
+ the positive Y axis. So with the default transformation matrix, angles
+ increase in a clockwise direction.
+ To convert from degrees to radians, use ``degrees * (math.pi / 180)``.
+ This function gives the arc in the direction of increasing angles; see
+ :meth:`Context.arc_negative` to get the arc in the direction of
+ decreasing angles.
+ The arc is circular in user space. To achieve an elliptical arc,
+ you can scale the current transformation matrix by different
+ amounts in the X and Y directions. For example, to draw an ellipse
+ in the box given by *x, y, width, height*::
+ ctx.translate(x + width / 2., y + height / 2.)
+ ctx.scale(width / 2., height / 2.)
+ ctx.arc(0., 0., 1., 0., 2 * math.pi)
+ ctx.restore()
+ .. method:: arc_negative(xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2)
+ :param xc: X position of the center of the arc
+ :type xc: float
+ :param yc: Y position of the center of the arc
+ :type yc: float
+ :param radius: the radius of the arc
+ :type radius: float
+ :param angle1: the start angle, in radians
+ :type angle1: float
+ :param angle2: the end angle, in radians
+ :type angle2: float
+ Adds a circular arc of the given *radius* to the current path. The arc
+ is centered at (*xc, yc*), begins at *angle1* and proceeds in the
+ direction of decreasing angles to end at *angle2*. If *angle2* is
+ greater than *angle1* it will be progressively decreased by 2*PI until
+ it is less than *angle1*.
+ See :meth:`Context.arc` for more details. This function differs only in
+ the direction of the arc between the two angles.
+ .. method:: clip()
+ Establishes a new clip region by intersecting the current clip region
+ with the current path as it would be filled by :meth:`Context.fill` and
+ according to the current :ref:`FILL RULE <constants_FILL_RULE>` (see
+ :meth:`Context.set_fill_rule`).
+ After :meth:`.clip`, the current path will be cleared from the
+ :class:`Context`.
+ The current clip region affects all drawing operations by effectively
+ masking out any changes to the surface that are outside the current clip
+ region.
+ Calling :meth:`.clip` can only make the clip region smaller, never
+ larger. But the current clip is part of the graphics state, so a
+ temporary restriction of the clip region can be achieved by calling
+ :meth:`.clip` within a :meth:``/:meth:`Context.restore`
+ pair. The only other means of increasing the size of the clip region is
+ :meth:`Context.reset_clip`.
+ .. method:: clip_extents()
+ :returns: (x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ :rtype: (float, float, float, float)
+ * *x1*: left of the resulting extents
+ * *y1*: top of the resulting extents
+ * *x2*: right of the resulting extents
+ * *y2*: bottom of the resulting extents
+ Computes a bounding box in user coordinates covering the area inside the
+ current clip.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.4
+ .. method:: clip_preserve()
+ Establishes a new clip region by intersecting the current clip region
+ with the current path as it would be filled by :meth:`Context.fill` and
+ according to the current :ref:`FILL RULE <constants_FILL_RULE>` (see
+ :meth:`Context.set_fill_rule`).
+ Unlike :meth:`Context.clip`, :meth:`.clip_preserve` preserves the path
+ within the :class:`Context`.
+ The current clip region affects all drawing operations by effectively
+ masking out any changes to the surface that are outside the current clip
+ region.
+ Calling :meth:`.clip_preserve` can only make the clip region smaller,
+ never larger. But the current clip is part of the graphics state, so a
+ temporary restriction of the clip region can be achieved by calling
+ :meth:`.clip_preserve` within a
+ :meth:``/:meth:`Context.restore` pair. The only other means
+ of increasing the size of the clip region is :meth:`Context.reset_clip`.
+ .. method:: close_path()
+ Adds a line segment to the path from the current point to the beginning
+ of the current sub-path, (the most recent point passed to
+ :meth:`Context.move_to`), and closes this sub-path. After this call the
+ current point will be at the joined endpoint of the sub-path.
+ The behavior of :meth:`.close_path` is distinct from simply calling
+ :meth:`Context.line_to` with the equivalent coordinate in the case of
+ stroking. When a closed sub-path is stroked, there are no caps on the
+ ends of the sub-path. Instead, there is a line join connecting the final
+ and initial segments of the sub-path.
+ If there is no current point before the call to :meth:`.close_path`,
+ this function will have no effect.
+ Note: As of cairo version 1.2.4 any call to :meth:`.close_path` will
+ place an explicit MOVE_TO element into the path immediately after the
+ CLOSE_PATH element, (which can be seen in :meth:`Context.copy_path` for
+ example). This can simplify path processing in some cases as it may not
+ be necessary to save the "last move_to point" during processing as the
+ MOVE_TO immediately after the CLOSE_PATH will provide that point.
+ .. method:: copy_clip_rectangle_list()
+ :returns: the current clip region as a list of rectangles in user
+ coordinates
+ :rtype: list of 4-tuples of float
+ (The status in the list may be %CAIRO_STATUS_CLIP_NOT_REPRESENTABLE to
+ indicate that the clip region cannot be represented as a list of
+ user-space rectangles. The status may have other values to indicate
+ other errors. - not implemented in pycairo)
+ .. versionadded:: 1.4
+ .. method:: copy_page()
+ Emits the current page for backends that support multiple pages, but
+ doesn't clear it, so, the contents of the current page will be retained
+ for the next page too. Use :meth:`Context.show_page` if you want to get
+ an empty page after the emission.
+ This is a convenience function that simply calls
+ :meth:`Surface.copy_page` on *Context's* target.
+ .. method:: copy_path()
+ :returns: :class:`Path`
+ :raises: *MemoryError* in case of no memory
+ Creates a copy of the current path and returns it to the user as a
+ :class:`Path`.
+ .. method:: copy_path_flat()
+ :returns: :class:`Path`
+ :raises: *MemoryError* in case of no memory
+ Gets a flattened copy of the current path and returns it to the
+ user as a :class:`Path`.
+ This function is like :meth:`Context.copy_path` except that any curves
+ in the path will be approximated with piecewise-linear approximations,
+ (accurate to within the current tolerance value). That is, the result is
+ guaranteed to not have any elements of type CAIRO_PATH_CURVE_TO which
+ will instead be replaced by a series of CAIRO_PATH_LINE_TO elements.
+ .. method:: curve_to(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
+ :param x1: the X coordinate of the first control point
+ :type x1: float
+ :param y1: the Y coordinate of the first control point
+ :type y1: float
+ :param x2: the X coordinate of the second control point
+ :type x2: float
+ :param y2: the Y coordinate of the second control point
+ :type y2: float
+ :param x3: the X coordinate of the end of the curve
+ :type x3: float
+ :param y3: the Y coordinate of the end of the curve
+ :type y3: float
+ Adds a cubic Bézier spline to the path from the current point to
+ position *(x3, y3)* in user-space coordinates, using *(x1, y1)* and
+ *(x2, y2)* as the control points. After this call the current point will
+ be *(x3, y3)*.
+ If there is no current point before the call to :meth:`.curve_to`
+ this function will behave as if preceded by a call to
+ ``ctx.move_to(x1, y1)``.
+ .. method:: device_to_user(x, y)
+ :param x: X value of coordinate
+ :type x: float
+ :param y: Y value of coordinate
+ :type y: float
+ :returns: (x, y)
+ :rtype: (float, float)
+ Transform a coordinate from device space to user space by multiplying
+ the given point by the inverse of the current transformation matrix
+ (CTM).
+ .. method:: device_to_user_distance(dx, dy)
+ :param dx: X component of a distance vector
+ :type dx: float
+ :param dy: Y component of a distance vector
+ :type dy: float
+ :returns: (dx, dy)
+ :rtype: (float, float)
+ Transform a distance vector from device space to user space. This
+ function is similar to :meth:`Context.device_to_user` except that the
+ translation components of the inverse CTM will be ignored when
+ transforming *(dx,dy)*.
+ .. method:: fill()
+ A drawing operator that fills the current path according to the current
+ :ref:`FILL RULE <constants_FILL_RULE>`, (each sub-path is implicitly
+ closed before being filled). After :meth:`.fill`, the current path will
+ be cleared from the :class:`Context`. See :meth:`Context.set_fill_rule`
+ and :meth:`Context.fill_preserve`.
+ .. method:: fill_extents()
+ :returns: (x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ :rtype: (float, float, float, float)
+ * *x1*: left of the resulting extents
+ * *y1*: top of the resulting extents
+ * *x2*: right of the resulting extents
+ * *y2*: bottom of the resulting extents
+ Computes a bounding box in user coordinates covering the area that would
+ be affected, (the "inked" area), by a :meth:`Context.fill` operation
+ given the current path and fill parameters. If the current path is
+ empty, returns an empty rectangle (0,0,0,0). Surface dimensions and
+ clipping are not taken into account.
+ Contrast with :meth:`Context.path_extents`, which is similar, but returns
+ non-zero extents for some paths with no inked area, (such as a
+ simple line segment).
+ Note that :meth:`.fill_extents` must necessarily do more work to compute
+ the precise inked areas in light of the fill rule, so
+ :meth:`Context.path_extents` may be more desirable for sake of
+ performance if the non-inked path extents are desired.
+ See :meth:`Context.fill`, :meth:`Context.set_fill_rule` and
+ :meth:`Context.fill_preserve`.
+ .. method:: fill_preserve()
+ A drawing operator that fills the current path according to the current
+ :ref:`FILL RULE <constants_FILL_RULE>`, (each sub-path is implicitly
+ closed before being filled). Unlike :meth:`Context.fill`,
+ :meth:`.fill_preserve` preserves the path within the :class:`Context`.
+ See :meth:`Context.set_fill_rule` and :meth:`Context.fill`.
+ .. method:: font_extents()
+ :returns: (ascent, descent, height, max_x_advance, max_y_advance)
+ :rtype: (float, float, float, float, float)
+ Gets the font extents for the currently selected font.
+ .. method:: get_antialias()
+ :returns: the current :ref:`ANTIALIAS <constants_ANTIALIAS>` mode,
+ as set by :meth:`Context.set_antialias`.
+ .. method:: get_current_point()
+ :returns: (x, y)
+ :rtype: (float, float)
+ * *x*: X coordinate of the current point
+ * *y*: Y coordinate of the current point
+ Gets the current point of the current path, which is conceptually the
+ final point reached by the path so far.
+ The current point is returned in the user-space coordinate system. If
+ there is no defined current point or if :class:`Context` is in an error
+ status, *x* and *y* will both be set to 0.0. It is possible to check this
+ in advance with :meth:`Context.has_current_point`.
+ Most path construction functions alter the current point. See the
+ following for details on how they affect the current point:
+ :meth:`Context.new_path`, :meth:`Context.new_sub_path`,
+ :meth:`Context.append_path`, :meth:`Context.close_path`,
+ :meth:`Context.move_to`, :meth:`Context.line_to`,
+ :meth:`Context.curve_to`, :meth:`Context.rel_move_to`,
+ :meth:`Context.rel_line_to`, :meth:`Context.rel_curve_to`,
+ :meth:`Context.arc`, :meth:`Context.arc_negative`,
+ :meth:`Context.rectangle`, :meth:`Context.text_path`,
+ :meth:`Context.glyph_path`, :meth:`Context.stroke_to_path`.
+ Some functions use and alter the current point but do not otherwise
+ change current path:
+ :meth:`Context.show_text`.
+ Some functions unset the current path and as a result, current point:
+ :meth:`Context.fill`, :meth:`Context.stroke`.
+ .. method:: get_dash()
+ :returns: (dashes, offset)
+ :rtype: (tuple, float)
+ * *dashes*: return value for the dash array
+ * *offset*: return value for the current dash offset
+ Gets the current dash array.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.4
+ .. method:: get_dash_count()
+ :returns: the length of the dash array, or 0 if no dash array set.
+ :rtype: int
+ See also :meth:`Context.set_dash` and :meth:`Context.get_dash`.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.4
+ .. method:: get_fill_rule()
+ :returns: the current :ref:`FILL RULE <constants_FILL_RULE>`, as
+ set by :meth:`Context.set_fill_rule`.
+ .. method:: get_font_face()
+ :returns: the current :class:`FontFace` for the :class:`Context`.
+ .. method:: get_font_matrix()
+ :returns: the current :class:`Matrix` for the :class:`Context`.
+ See :meth:`Context.set_font_matrix`.
+ .. method:: get_font_options()
+ :returns: the current :class:`FontOptions` for the :class:`Context`.
+ Retrieves font rendering options set via
+ :meth:`Context.set_font_options`. Note that the returned options do not
+ include any options derived from the underlying surface; they are
+ literally the options passed to :meth:`Context.set_font_options`.
+ .. method:: get_group_target()
+ :returns: the target :class:`Surface`.
+ Gets the current destination :class:`Surface` for the
+ :class:`Context`. This is either the original target surface as passed
+ to :class:`Context` or the target surface for the current group as
+ started by the most recent call to :meth:`Context.push_group` or
+ :meth:`Context.push_group_with_content`.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: get_line_cap()
+ :returns: the current :ref:`LINE_CAP <constants_LINE_CAP>` style, as
+ set by :meth:`Context.set_line_cap`.
+ .. method:: get_line_join()
+ :returns: the current :ref:`LINE_JOIN <constants_LINE_JOIN>` style, as
+ set by :meth:`Context.set_line_join`.
+ .. method:: get_line_width()
+ :returns: the current line width
+ :rtype: float
+ This function returns the current line width value exactly as set by
+ :meth:`Context.set_line_width`. Note that the value is unchanged even if
+ the CTM has changed between the calls to :meth:`Context.set_line_width`
+ and :meth:`.get_line_width`.
+ .. method:: get_matrix()
+ :returns: the current transformation :class:`Matrix` (CTM)
+ .. method:: get_miter_limit()
+ :returns: the current miter limit, as set by
+ :meth:`Context.set_miter_limit`.
+ :rtype: float
+ .. method:: get_operator()
+ :returns: the current compositing :ref:`OPERATOR <constants_OPERATOR>`
+ for a :class:`Context`.
+ .. method:: get_scaled_font()
+ :returns: the current :class:`ScaledFont` for a :class:`Context`.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.4
+ .. method:: get_source()
+ :returns: the current source :class:`Pattern` for a :class:`Context`.
+ .. method:: get_target()
+ :returns: the target :class:`Surface` for the :class:`Context`
+ .. method:: get_tolerance()
+ :returns: the current tolerance value, as set by
+ :meth:`Context.set_tolerance`
+ :rtype: float
+ .. method:: glyph_extents(glyphs, [num_glyphs])
+ :param glyphs: glyphs
+ :type glyphs: a sequence of (int, float, float)
+ :param num_glyphs: number of glyphs to measure, defaults to using all
+ :type num_glyphs: int
+ :returns: x_bearing, y_bearing, width, height, x_advance, y_advance
+ :rtype: 6-tuple of float
+ Gets the extents for an array of glyphs. The extents describe a
+ user-space rectangle that encloses the "inked" portion of the glyphs,
+ (as they would be drawn by :meth:`Context.show_glyphs`). Additionally,
+ the x_advance and y_advance values indicate the amount by which the
+ current point would be advanced by :meth:`Context.show_glyphs`.
+ Note that whitespace glyphs do not contribute to the size of the
+ rectangle (extents.width and extents.height).
+ .. method:: glyph_path(glyphs[, num_glyphs])
+ :param glyphs: glyphs to show
+ :type glyphs: a sequence of (int, float, float)
+ :param num_glyphs: number of glyphs to show, defaults to showing all
+ :type num_glyphs: int
+ Adds closed paths for the glyphs to the current path. The generated path
+ if filled, achieves an effect similar to that of
+ :meth:`Context.show_glyphs`.
+ .. method:: has_current_point()
+ returns: True iff a current point is defined on the current path.
+ See :meth:`Context.get_current_point` for details on the current point.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ .. method:: identity_matrix()
+ Resets the current transformation :class:`Matrix` (CTM) by setting it
+ equal to the identity matrix. That is, the user-space and device-space
+ axes will be aligned and one user-space unit will transform to one
+ device-space unit.
+ .. method:: in_fill(x, y)
+ :param x: X coordinate of the point to test
+ :type x: float
+ :param y: Y coordinate of the point to test
+ :type y: float
+ :returns: True iff the point is inside the area that would be affected
+ by a :meth:`Context.fill` operation given the current path and filling
+ parameters. Surface dimensions and clipping are not taken into account.
+ See :meth:`Context.fill`, :meth:`Context.set_fill_rule` and
+ :meth:`Context.fill_preserve`.
+ .. method:: in_stroke(x, y)
+ :param x: X coordinate of the point to test
+ :type x: float
+ :param y: Y coordinate of the point to test
+ :type y: float
+ :returns: True iff the point is inside the area that would be affected
+ by a :meth:`Context.stroke` operation given the current path and
+ stroking parameters. Surface dimensions and clipping are not taken
+ into account.
+ See :meth:`Context.stroke`, :meth:`Context.set_line_width`,
+ :meth:`Context.set_line_join`, :meth:`Context.set_line_cap`,
+ :meth:`Context.set_dash`, and :meth:`Context.stroke_preserve`.
+ .. method:: line_to(x, y)
+ :param x: the X coordinate of the end of the new line
+ :type x: float
+ :param y: the Y coordinate of the end of the new line
+ :type y: float
+ Adds a line to the path from the current point to position *(x, y)* in
+ user-space coordinates. After this call the current point will be *(x,
+ y)*.
+ If there is no current point before the call to :meth:`.line_to`
+ this function will behave as ``ctx.move_to(x, y)``.
+ .. method:: mask(pattern)
+ :param pattern: a :class:`Pattern`
+ A drawing operator that paints the current source using the alpha
+ channel of *pattern* as a mask. (Opaque areas of *pattern* are painted
+ with the source, transparent areas are not painted.)
+ .. method:: mask_surface(surface, x=0.0, y=0.0)
+ :param surface: a :class:`Surface`
+ :param x: X coordinate at which to place the origin of *surface*
+ :type x: float
+ :param y: Y coordinate at which to place the origin of *surface*
+ :type y: float
+ A drawing operator that paints the current source using the alpha
+ channel of *surface* as a mask. (Opaque areas of *surface* are painted
+ with the source, transparent areas are not painted.)
+ .. method:: move_to(x, y)
+ :param x: the X coordinate of the new position
+ :type x: float
+ :param y: the Y coordinate of the new position
+ :type y: float
+ Begin a new sub-path. After this call the current point will be *(x,
+ y)*.
+ .. method:: new_path()
+ Clears the current path. After this call there will be no path and no
+ current point.
+ .. method:: new_sub_path()
+ Begin a new sub-path. Note that the existing path is not affected. After
+ this call there will be no current point.
+ In many cases, this call is not needed since new sub-paths are
+ frequently started with :meth:`Context.move_to`.
+ A call to :meth:`.new_sub_path` is particularly useful when beginning a
+ new sub-path with one of the :meth:`Context.arc` calls. This makes
+ things easier as it is no longer necessary to manually compute the arc's
+ initial coordinates for a call to :meth:`Context.move_to`.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ .. method:: paint()
+ A drawing operator that paints the current source everywhere within the
+ current clip region.
+ .. method:: paint_with_alpha(alpha)
+ :param alpha: alpha value, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque)
+ :type alpha: float
+ A drawing operator that paints the current source everywhere within the
+ current clip region using a mask of constant alpha value *alpha*. The
+ effect is similar to :meth:`Context.paint`, but the drawing is faded out
+ using the alpha value.
+ .. method:: path_extents()
+ :returns: (x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ :rtype: (float, float, float, float)
+ * *x1*: left of the resulting extents
+ * *y1*: top of the resulting extents
+ * *x2*: right of the resulting extents
+ * *y2*: bottom of the resulting extents
+ Computes a bounding box in user-space coordinates covering the points on
+ the current path. If the current path is empty, returns an empty
+ rectangle (0, 0, 0, 0). Stroke parameters, fill rule, surface
+ dimensions and clipping are not taken into account.
+ Contrast with :meth:`Context.fill_extents` and
+ :meth:`Context.stroke_extents` which return the extents of only the area
+ that would be "inked" by the corresponding drawing operations.
+ The result of :meth:`.path_extents` is defined as equivalent to the
+ limit of :meth:`Context.stroke_extents` with cairo.LINE_CAP_ROUND as the
+ line width approaches 0.0, (but never reaching the empty-rectangle
+ returned by :meth:`Context.stroke_extents` for a line width of 0.0).
+ Specifically, this means that zero-area sub-paths such as
+ :meth:`Context.move_to`; :meth:`Context.line_to` segments, (even
+ degenerate cases where the coordinates to both calls are identical),
+ will be considered as contributing to the extents. However, a lone
+ :meth:`Context.move_to` will not contribute to the results of
+ :meth:`Context.path_extents`.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ .. method:: pop_group()
+ :returns: a newly created :class:`SurfacePattern` containing the results
+ of all drawing operations performed to the group.
+ Terminates the redirection begun by a call to :meth:`Context.push_group`
+ or :meth:`Context.push_group_with_content` and returns a new pattern
+ containing the results of all drawing operations performed to the group.
+ The :meth:`.pop_group` function calls :meth:`Context.restore`,
+ (balancing a call to :meth:`` by the
+ :meth:`Context.push_group` function), so that any changes to the graphics
+ state will not be visible outside the group.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: pop_group_to_source()
+ Terminates the redirection begun by a call to :meth:`Context.push_group`
+ or :meth:`Context.push_group_with_content` and installs the resulting
+ pattern as the source :class:`Pattern` in the given :class:`Context`.
+ The behavior of this function is equivalent to the sequence of
+ operations::
+ group = cairo_pop_group()
+ ctx.set_source(group)
+ but is more convenient as their is no need for a variable to store
+ the short-lived pointer to the pattern.
+ The :meth:`Context.pop_group` function calls :meth:`Context.restore`,
+ (balancing a call to :meth:`` by the
+ :meth:`Context.push_group` function), so that any changes to the graphics
+ state will not be visible outside the group.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: push_group()
+ Temporarily redirects drawing to an intermediate surface known as a
+ group. The redirection lasts until the group is completed by a call to
+ :meth:`Context.pop_group` or :meth:`Context.pop_group_to_source`. These
+ calls provide the result of any drawing to the group as a pattern,
+ (either as an explicit object, or set as the source pattern).
+ This group functionality can be convenient for performing intermediate
+ compositing. One common use of a group is to render objects as opaque
+ within the group, (so that they occlude each other), and then blend the
+ result with translucence onto the destination.
+ Groups can be nested arbitrarily deep by making balanced calls to
+ :meth:`Context.push_group`/:meth:`Context.pop_group`. Each call
+ pushes/pops the new target group onto/from a stack.
+ The :meth:`.push_group` function calls :meth:`` so that any
+ changes to the graphics state will not be visible outside the group,
+ (the pop_group functions call :meth:`Context.restore`).
+ By default the intermediate group will have a :ref:`CONTENT
+ <constants_CONTENT>` type of cairo.CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA. Other content
+ types can be chosen for the group by using
+ :meth:`Context.push_group_with_content` instead.
+ As an example, here is how one might fill and stroke a path with
+ translucence, but without any portion of the fill being visible
+ under the stroke::
+ ctx.push_group()
+ ctx.set_source(fill_pattern)
+ ctx.fill_preserve()
+ ctx.set_source(stroke_pattern)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ ctx.pop_group_to_source()
+ ctx.paint_with_alpha(alpha)
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: push_group_with_content(content)
+ :param content: a :ref:`CONTENT <constants_CONTENT>` indicating the
+ type of group that will be created
+ Temporarily redirects drawing to an intermediate surface known as a
+ group. The redirection lasts until the group is completed by a call to
+ :meth:`Context.pop_group` or :meth:`Context.pop_group_to_source`. These
+ calls provide the result of any drawing to the group as a pattern,
+ (either as an explicit object, or set as the source pattern).
+ The group will have a content type of *content*. The ability to control
+ this content type is the only distinction between this function and
+ :meth:`Context.push_group` which you should see for a more detailed
+ description of group rendering.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: rectangle(x, y, width, height)
+ :param x: the X coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle
+ :type x: float
+ :param y: the Y coordinate to the top left corner of the rectangle
+ :type y: float
+ :param width: the width of the rectangle
+ :type width: float
+ :param height: the height of the rectangle
+ :type height: float
+ Adds a closed sub-path rectangle of the given size to the current path
+ at position *(x, y)* in user-space coordinates.
+ This function is logically equivalent to::
+ ctx.move_to(x, y)
+ ctx.rel_line_to(width, 0)
+ ctx.rel_line_to(0, height)
+ ctx.rel_line_to(-width, 0)
+ ctx.close_path()
+ .. method:: rel_curve_to(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy4)
+ :param dx1: the X offset to the first control point
+ :type dx1: float
+ :param dy1: the Y offset to the first control point
+ :type dy1: float
+ :param dx2: the X offset to the second control point
+ :type dx2: float
+ :param dy2: the Y offset to the second control point
+ :type dy2: float
+ :param dx3: the X offset to the end of the curve
+ :type dx3: float
+ :param dy3: the Y offset to the end of the curve
+ :type dy3: float
+ :raises: :exc:`cairo.Error` if called with no current point.
+ Relative-coordinate version of :meth:`Context.curve_to`. All
+ offsets are relative to the current point. Adds a cubic Bézier spline to
+ the path from the current point to a point offset from the current point
+ by *(dx3, dy3)*, using points offset by *(dx1, dy1)* and *(dx2, dy2)* as
+ the control points. After this call the current point will be offset by
+ *(dx3, dy3)*.
+ Given a current point of (x, y), ``ctx.rel_curve_to(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2,
+ dx3, dy3)`` is logically equivalent to ``ctx.curve_to(x+dx1, y+dy1,
+ x+dx2, y+dy2, x+dx3, y+dy3)``.
+ .. method:: rel_line_to(dx, dy)
+ :param dx: the X offset to the end of the new line
+ :type dx: float
+ :param dy: the Y offset to the end of the new line
+ :type dy: float
+ :raises: :exc:`cairo.Error` if called with no current point.
+ Relative-coordinate version of :meth:`Context.line_to`. Adds a line to
+ the path from the current point to a point that is offset from the
+ current point by *(dx, dy)* in user space. After this call the current
+ point will be offset by *(dx, dy)*.
+ Given a current point of (x, y), ``ctx.rel_line_to(dx, dy)`` is logically
+ equivalent to ``ctx.line_to(x + dx, y + dy)``.
+ .. method:: rel_move_to(dx, dy)
+ :param dx: the X offset
+ :type dx: float
+ :param dy: the Y offset
+ :type dy: float
+ :raises: :exc:`cairo.Error` if called with no current point.
+ Begin a new sub-path. After this call the current point will offset by
+ *(dx, dy)*.
+ Given a current point of (x, y), ``ctx.rel_move_to(dx, dy)`` is logically
+ equivalent to ``ctx.(x + dx, y + dy)``.
+ .. method:: reset_clip()
+ Reset the current clip region to its original, unrestricted state. That
+ is, set the clip region to an infinitely large shape containing the
+ target surface. Equivalently, if infinity is too hard to grasp, one can
+ imagine the clip region being reset to the exact bounds of the target
+ surface.
+ Note that code meant to be reusable should not call :meth:`.reset_clip`
+ as it will cause results unexpected by higher-level code which calls
+ :meth:`.clip`. Consider using :meth:`.save` and :meth:`.restore` around
+ :meth:`.clip` as a more robust means of temporarily restricting the clip
+ region.
+ .. method:: restore()
+ Restores :class:`Context` to the state saved by a preceding call to
+ :meth:`.save` and removes that state from the stack of saved states.
+ .. method:: rotate(angle)
+ :param angle: angle (in radians) by which the user-space axes will be
+ rotated
+ :type angle: float
+ Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by rotating the
+ user-space axes by *angle* radians. The rotation of the axes takes places
+ after any existing transformation of user space. The rotation direction
+ for positive angles is from the positive X axis toward the positive Y
+ axis.
+ .. method:: save()
+ Makes a copy of the current state of :class:`Context` and saves it on an
+ internal stack of saved states. When :meth:`.restore` is called,
+ :class:`Context` will be restored to the saved state. Multiple calls to
+ :meth:`.save` and :meth:`.restore` can be nested; each call to
+ :meth:`.restore` restores the state from the matching paired
+ :meth:`.save`.
+ .. method:: scale(sx, sy)
+ :param sx: scale factor for the X dimension
+ :type sx: float
+ :param sy: scale factor for the Y dimension
+ :type sy: float
+ Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by scaling the X and Y
+ user-space axes by *sx* and *sy* respectively. The scaling of the axes
+ takes place after any existing transformation of user space.
+ .. method:: select_font_face(family[, slant[, weight]])
+ :param family: a font family name
+ :type family: str or unicode
+ :param slant: the :ref:`FONT_SLANT <constants_FONT_SLANT>` of the font,
+ defaults to :data:`cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL`.
+ :param weight: the :ref:`FONT_WEIGHT <constants_FONT_WEIGHT>` of the
+ font, defaults to :data:`cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL`.
+ Note: The :meth:`.select_font_face` function call is part of what the
+ cairo designers call the "toy" text API. It is convenient for short
+ demos and simple programs, but it is not expected to be adequate for
+ serious text-using applications.
+ Selects a family and style of font from a simplified description as a
+ family name, slant and weight. Cairo provides no operation to list
+ available family names on the system (this is a "toy", remember), but
+ the standard CSS2 generic family names, ("serif", "sans-serif",
+ "cursive", "fantasy", "monospace"), are likely to work as expected.
+ For "real" font selection, see the font-backend-specific
+ font_face_create functions for the font backend you are using. (For
+ example, if you are using the freetype-based cairo-ft font backend, see
+ cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face() or
+ cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_pattern().) The resulting font face could
+ then be used with cairo_scaled_font_create() and
+ cairo_set_scaled_font().
+ Similarly, when using the "real" font support, you can call directly
+ into the underlying font system, (such as fontconfig or freetype), for
+ operations such as listing available fonts, etc.
+ It is expected that most applications will need to use a more
+ comprehensive font handling and text layout library, (for example,
+ pango), in conjunction with cairo.
+ If text is drawn without a call to :meth:`.select_font_face`, (nor
+ :meth:`.set_font_face` nor :meth:`.set_scaled_font`), the default family
+ is platform-specific, but is essentially "sans-serif". Default slant is
+ cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, and default weight is
+ This function is equivalent to a call to :class:`ToyFontFace`
+ followed by :meth:`.set_font_face`.
+ .. method:: set_antialias(antialias)
+ :param antialias: the new :ref:`ANTIALIAS <constants_ANTIALIAS>` mode
+ Set the antialiasing mode of the rasterizer used for drawing shapes.
+ This value is a hint, and a particular backend may or may not support a
+ particular value. At the current time, no backend supports
+ :data:`cairo.ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL` when drawing shapes.
+ Note that this option does not affect text rendering, instead see
+ :meth:`FontOptions.set_antialias`.
+ .. method:: set_dash(dashes, [offset=0])
+ :param dashes: a sequence specifying alternate lengths of on and off
+ stroke portions.
+ :type dashes: sequence of float
+ :param offset: an offset into the dash pattern at which the stroke
+ should start, defaults to 0.
+ :type offset: int
+ :raises: :exc:`cairo.Error` if any value in *dashes* is negative, or if
+ all values are 0.
+ Sets the dash pattern to be used by :meth:`.stroke`. A dash pattern is
+ specified by *dashes* - a sequence of positive values. Each value
+ provides the length of alternate "on" and "off" portions of the
+ stroke. The *offset* specifies an offset into the pattern at which the
+ stroke begins.
+ Each "on" segment will have caps applied as if the segment were a
+ separate sub-path. In particular, it is valid to use an "on" length of
+ 0.0 with :data:`cairo.LINE_CAP_ROUND` or :data:`cairo.LINE_CAP_SQUARE`
+ in order to distributed dots or squares along a path.
+ Note: The length values are in user-space units as evaluated at the time
+ of stroking. This is not necessarily the same as the user space at the
+ time of :meth:`.set_dash`.
+ If the number of dashes is 0 dashing is disabled.
+ If the number of dashes is 1 a symmetric pattern is assumed with
+ alternating on and off portions of the size specified by the single
+ value in *dashes*.
+ .. method:: set_fill_rule(fill_rule)
+ :param fill_rule: a :ref:`FILL RULE <constants_FILL_RULE>` to set the
+ within the cairo context. The fill rule is used to determine which
+ regions are inside or outside a complex (potentially
+ self-intersecting) path. The current fill rule affects both
+ :meth:`.fill` and :meth:`.clip`.
+ The default fill rule is :data:`cairo.FILL_RULE_WINDING`.
+ .. method:: set_font_face(font_face)
+ :param font_face: a :class:`FontFace`, or None to restore to the
+ default :class:`FontFace`
+ Replaces the current :class:`FontFace` object in the :class:`Context`
+ with *font_face*.
+ .. method:: set_font_matrix(matrix)
+ :param matrix: a :class:`Matrix` describing a transform to be applied to
+ the current font.
+ Sets the current font matrix to *matrix*. The font matrix gives a
+ transformation from the design space of the font (in this space, the
+ em-square is 1 unit by 1 unit) to user space. Normally, a simple scale
+ is used (see :meth:`.set_font_size`), but a more complex font matrix can
+ be used to shear the font or stretch it unequally along the two axes
+ .. method:: set_font_options(options)
+ :param options: :class:`FontOptions` to use
+ Sets a set of custom font rendering options for the :class:`Context`.
+ Rendering options are derived by merging these options with the options
+ derived from underlying surface; if the value in *options* has a default
+ value (like :data:`cairo.ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT`), then the value from the
+ surface is used.
+ .. method:: set_font_size(size)
+ :param size: the new font size, in user space units
+ :type size: float
+ Sets the current font matrix to a scale by a factor of *size*, replacing
+ any font matrix previously set with :meth:`.set_font_size` or
+ :meth:`.set_font_matrix`. This results in a font size of *size* user
+ space units. (More precisely, this matrix will result in the font's
+ em-square being a *size* by *size* square in user space.)
+ If text is drawn without a call to :meth:`.set_font_size`, (nor
+ :meth:`.set_font_matrix` nor :meth:`.set_scaled_font`), the default font
+ size is 10.0.
+ .. method:: set_line_cap(line_cap)
+ :param line_cap: a :ref:`LINE_CAP <constants_LINE_CAP>` style
+ Sets the current line cap style within the :class:`Context`.
+ As with the other stroke parameters, the current line cap style is
+ examined by :meth:`.stroke`, :meth:`.stroke_extents`, and
+ :meth:`.stroke_to_path`, but does not have any effect during path
+ construction.
+ The default line cap style is :data:`cairo.LINE_CAP_BUTT`.
+ .. method:: set_line_join(line_join)
+ :param line_join: a :ref:`LINE_JOIN <constants_LINE_JOIN>` style
+ Sets the current line join style within the :class:`Context`.
+ As with the other stroke parameters, the current line join style is
+ examined by :meth:`.stroke`, :meth:`.stroke_extents`, and
+ :meth:`.stroke_to_path`, but does not have any effect during path
+ construction.
+ The default line join style is :data:`cairo.LINE_JOIN_MITER`.
+ .. method:: set_line_width(width)
+ :param width: a line width
+ :type width: float
+ Sets the current line width within the :class:`Context`. The line width
+ value specifies the diameter of a pen that is circular in user space,
+ (though device-space pen may be an ellipse in general due to
+ scaling/shear/rotation of the CTM).
+ Note: When the description above refers to user space and CTM it refers
+ to the user space and CTM in effect at the time of the stroking
+ operation, not the user space and CTM in effect at the time of the call
+ to :meth:`.set_line_width`. The simplest usage makes both of these
+ spaces identical. That is, if there is no change to the CTM between a
+ call to :meth:`.set_line_width` and the stroking operation, then one can
+ just pass user-space values to :meth:`.set_line_width` and ignore this
+ note.
+ As with the other stroke parameters, the current line width is examined
+ by :meth:`.stroke`, :meth:`.stroke_extents`, and
+ :meth:`.stroke_to_path`, but does not have any effect during path
+ construction.
+ The default line width value is 2.0.
+ .. method:: set_matrix(matrix)
+ :param matrix: a transformation :class:`Matrix` from user space to
+ device space.
+ Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by setting it equal to
+ *matrix*.
+ .. method:: set_miter_limit(limit)
+ :param limit: miter limit to set
+ :type width: float
+ Sets the current miter limit within the :class:`Context`.
+ If the current line join style is set to :data:`cairo.LINE_JOIN_MITER`
+ (see :meth:`.set_line_join`), the miter limit is used to determine
+ whether the lines should be joined with a bevel instead of a miter.
+ Cairo divides the length of the miter by the line width. If the result
+ is greater than the miter limit, the style is converted to a bevel.
+ As with the other stroke parameters, the current line miter limit is
+ examined by :meth:`.stroke`, :meth:`.stroke_extents`, and
+ :meth:`.stroke_to_path`, but does not have any effect during path
+ construction.
+ The default miter limit value is 10.0, which will convert joins with
+ interior angles less than 11 degrees to bevels instead of miters. For
+ reference, a miter limit of 2.0 makes the miter cutoff at 60 degrees,
+ and a miter limit of 1.414 makes the cutoff at 90 degrees.
+ A miter limit for a desired angle can be computed as::
+ miter limit = 1/math.sin(angle/2)
+ .. method:: set_operator(op)
+ :param op: the compositing :ref:`OPERATOR <constants_OPERATOR>` to set
+ for use in all drawing operations.
+ The default operator is :data:`cairo.OPERATOR_OVER`.
+ .. method:: set_scaled_font(scaled_font)
+ :param scaled_font: a :class:`ScaledFont`
+ Replaces the current font face, font matrix, and font options in the
+ :class:`Context` with those of the :class:`ScaledFont`. Except for some
+ translation, the current CTM of the :class:`Context` should be the same
+ as that of the :class:`ScaledFont`, which can be accessed using
+ :meth:`ScaledFont.get_ctm`.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: set_source(source)
+ :param source: a :class:`Pattern` to be used as the source for
+ subsequent drawing operations.
+ Sets the source pattern within :class:`Context` to *source*. This
+ pattern will then be used for any subsequent drawing operation until a
+ new source pattern is set.
+ Note: The pattern's transformation matrix will be locked to the user
+ space in effect at the time of :meth:`.set_source`. This means that
+ further modifications of the current transformation matrix will not
+ affect the source pattern. See :meth:`Pattern.set_matrix`.
+ The default source pattern is a solid pattern that is opaque black,
+ (that is, it is equivalent to ``set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)``.
+ .. method:: set_source_rgb(red, green, blue)
+ :param red: red component of color
+ :type red: float
+ :param green: green component of color
+ :type green: float
+ :param blue: blue component of color
+ :type blue: float
+ Sets the source pattern within :class:`Context` to an opaque color. This
+ opaque color will then be used for any subsequent drawing operation
+ until a new source pattern is set.
+ The color components are floating point numbers in the range 0 to
+ 1. If the values passed in are outside that range, they will be
+ clamped.
+ The default source pattern is opaque black, (that is, it is
+ equivalent to ``set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)``.
+ .. method:: set_source_rgba(red, green, blue[, alpha=1.0])
+ :param red: red component of color
+ :type red: float
+ :param green: green component of color
+ :type green: float
+ :param blue: blue component of color
+ :type blue: float
+ :param alpha: alpha component of color
+ :type alpha: float
+ Sets the source pattern within :class:`Context` to a translucent
+ color. This color will then be used for any subsequent drawing operation
+ until a new source pattern is set.
+ The color and alpha components are floating point numbers in the range 0
+ to 1. If the values passed in are outside that range, they will be
+ clamped.
+ The default source pattern is opaque black, (that is, it is
+ equivalent to ``set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)``.
+ .. method:: set_source_surface(surface[, x=0.0[, y=0.0]])
+ :param surface: a :class:`Surface` to be used to set the source pattern
+ :param x: User-space X coordinate for surface origin
+ :type x: float
+ :param y: User-space Y coordinate for surface origin
+ :type y: float
+ This is a convenience function for creating a pattern from a
+ :class:`Surface` and setting it as the source in :class:`Context` with
+ :meth:`.set_source`.
+ The *x* and *y* parameters give the user-space coordinate at which the
+ surface origin should appear. (The surface origin is its upper-left
+ corner before any transformation has been applied.) The *x* and *y*
+ patterns are negated and then set as translation values in the pattern
+ matrix.
+ Other than the initial translation pattern matrix, as described above,
+ all other pattern attributes, (such as its extend mode), are set to the
+ default values as in :class:`SurfacePattern`. The resulting pattern can
+ be queried with :meth:`.get_source` so that these attributes can be
+ modified if desired, (eg. to create a repeating pattern with
+ :meth:`.Pattern.set_extend`).
+ .. method:: set_tolerance(tolerance)
+ :param tolerance: the tolerance, in device units (typically pixels)
+ :type tolerance: float
+ Sets the tolerance used when converting paths into trapezoids. Curved
+ segments of the path will be subdivided until the maximum deviation
+ between the original path and the polygonal approximation is less than
+ *tolerance*. The default value is 0.1. A larger value will give better
+ performance, a smaller value, better appearance. (Reducing the value
+ from the default value of 0.1 is unlikely to improve appearance
+ significantly.) The accuracy of paths within Cairo is limited by the
+ precision of its internal arithmetic, and the prescribed *tolerance* is
+ restricted to the smallest representable internal value.
+ .. method:: show_glyphs(glyphs[, num_glyphs])
+ :param glyphs: glyphs to show
+ :type glyphs: a sequence of (int, float, float)
+ :param num_glyphs: number of glyphs to show, defaults to showing all
+ glyphs
+ :type num_glyphs: int
+ A drawing operator that generates the shape from an array of glyphs,
+ rendered according to the current font face, font size (font matrix),
+ and font options.
+ .. method:: show_page()
+ Emits and clears the current page for backends that support multiple
+ pages. Use :meth:`.copy_page` if you don't want to clear the page.
+ This is a convenience function that simply calls
+ ``ctx.get_target() . show_page()``
+ .. method:: show_text(text)
+ :param text: text
+ :type text: str or unicode
+ A drawing operator that generates the shape from a string of text,
+ rendered according to the current font_face, font_size (font_matrix),
+ and font_options.
+ This function first computes a set of glyphs for the string of text. The
+ first glyph is placed so that its origin is at the current point. The
+ origin of each subsequent glyph is offset from that of the previous
+ glyph by the advance values of the previous glyph.
+ After this call the current point is moved to the origin of where the
+ next glyph would be placed in this same progression. That is, the
+ current point will be at the origin of the final glyph offset by its
+ advance values. This allows for easy display of a single logical string
+ with multiple calls to :meth:`.show_text`.
+ Note: The :meth:`.show_text` function call is part of what the cairo
+ designers call the "toy" text API. It is convenient for short demos
+ and simple programs, but it is not expected to be adequate for
+ serious text-using applications. See :meth:`.show_glyphs` for the
+ "real" text display API in cairo.
+ .. method:: stroke()
+ A drawing operator that strokes the current path according to the
+ current line width, line join, line cap, and dash settings. After
+ :meth:`.stroke`, the current path will be cleared from the cairo
+ context. See :meth:`.set_line_width`, :meth:`.set_line_join`,
+ :meth:`.set_line_cap`, :meth:`.set_dash`, and :meth:`.stroke_preserve`.
+ Note: Degenerate segments and sub-paths are treated specially and
+ provide a useful result. These can result in two different situations:
+ 1. Zero-length "on" segments set in :meth:`.set_dash`. If the cap
+ style is :data:`cairo.LINE_CAP_ROUND` or :data:`cairo.LINE_CAP_SQUARE`
+ then these segments will be drawn as circular dots or squares
+ respectively. In the case of :data:`cairo.LINE_CAP_SQUARE`, the
+ orientation of the squares is determined by the direction of the
+ underlying path.
+ 2. A sub-path created by :meth:`.move_to` followed by either a
+ :meth:`.close_path` or one or more calls to :meth:`.line_to` to the same
+ coordinate as the :meth:`.move_to`. If the cap style is
+ :data:`cairo.LINE_CAP_ROUND` then these sub-paths will be drawn as
+ circular dots. Note that in the case of :data:`cairo.LINE_CAP_SQUARE` a
+ degenerate sub-path will not be drawn at all, (since the correct
+ orientation is indeterminate).
+ In no case will a cap style of :data:`cairo.LINE_CAP_BUTT` cause anything
+ to be drawn in the case of either degenerate segments or sub-paths.
+ .. method:: stroke_extents()
+ :returns: (x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ :rtype: (float, float, float, float)
+ * *x1*: left of the resulting extents
+ * *y1*: top of the resulting extents
+ * *x2*: right of the resulting extents
+ * *y2*: bottom of the resulting extents
+ Computes a bounding box in user coordinates covering the area that would
+ be affected, (the "inked" area), by a :meth:`.stroke` operation given
+ the current path and stroke parameters. If the current path is empty,
+ returns an empty rectangle (0, 0, 0, 0). Surface dimensions and
+ clipping are not taken into account.
+ Note that if the line width is set to exactly zero, then
+ :meth:`.stroke_extents` will return an empty rectangle. Contrast with
+ :meth:`.path_extents` which can be used to compute the non-empty bounds
+ as the line width approaches zero.
+ Note that :meth:`.stroke_extents` must necessarily do more work to
+ compute the precise inked areas in light of the stroke parameters, so
+ :meth:`.path_extents` may be more desirable for sake of performance if
+ non-inked path extents are desired.
+ See :meth:`.stroke`, :meth:`.set_line_width`, :meth:`.set_line_join`,
+ :meth:`.set_line_cap`, :meth:`.set_dash`, and :meth:`.stroke_preserve`.
+ .. method:: stroke_preserve()
+ A drawing operator that strokes the current path according to the
+ current line width, line join, line cap, and dash settings. Unlike
+ :meth:`.stroke`, :meth:`.stroke_preserve` preserves the path within the
+ cairo context.
+ See :meth:`.set_line_width`, :meth:`.set_line_join`,
+ :meth:`.set_line_cap`, :meth:`.set_dash`, and :meth:`.stroke_preserve`.
+ .. method:: text_extents(text)
+ :param text: text to get extents for
+ :type text: string or unicode
+ :returns: x_bearing, y_bearing, width, height, x_advance, y_advance
+ :rtype: 6-tuple of float
+ Gets the extents for a string of text. The extents describe a user-space
+ rectangle that encloses the "inked" portion of the text, (as it would be
+ drawn by :meth:`Context.show_text`). Additionally, the x_advance and
+ y_advance values indicate the amount by which the current point would be
+ advanced by :meth:`Context.show_text`.
+ Note that whitespace characters do not directly contribute to the size
+ of the rectangle (extents.width and extents.height). They do contribute
+ indirectly by changing the position of non-whitespace characters. In
+ particular, trailing whitespace characters are likely to not affect the
+ size of the rectangle, though they will affect the x_advance and
+ y_advance values.
+ .. method:: text_path(text)
+ :param text: text
+ :type text: string or unicode
+ Adds closed paths for text to the current path. The generated path if
+ filled, achieves an effect similar to that of :meth:`Context.show_text`.
+ Text conversion and positioning is done similar to
+ :meth:`Context.show_text`.
+ Like :meth:`Context.show_text`, After this call the current point is
+ moved to the origin of where the next glyph would be placed in this same
+ progression. That is, the current point will be at the origin of the
+ final glyph offset by its advance values. This allows for chaining
+ multiple calls to to :meth:`Context.text_path` without having to set
+ current point in between.
+ Note: The :meth:`.text_path` function call is part of what the cairo
+ designers call the "toy" text API. It is convenient for short demos and
+ simple programs, but it is not expected to be adequate for serious
+ text-using applications. See :meth:`Context.glyph_path` for the "real"
+ text path API in cairo.
+ .. method:: transform(matrix)
+ :param matrix: a transformation :class:`Matrix` to be applied to the
+ user-space axes
+ Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by applying *matrix* as
+ an additional transformation. The new transformation of user space takes
+ place after any existing transformation.
+ .. method:: translate(tx, ty)
+ :param tx: amount to translate in the X direction
+ :type tx: float
+ :param ty: amount to translate in the Y direction
+ :type ty: float
+ Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by translating the
+ user-space origin by *(tx, ty)*. This offset is interpreted as a
+ user-space coordinate according to the CTM in place before the new call
+ to :meth:`.translate`. In other words, the translation of the user-space
+ origin takes place after any existing transformation.
+ .. method:: user_to_device(x, y)
+ :param x: X value of coordinate
+ :type x: float
+ :param y: Y value of coordinate
+ :type y: float
+ :returns: (x, y)
+ :rtype: (float, float)
+ * *x*: X value of coordinate
+ * *y*: Y value of coordinate
+ Transform a coordinate from user space to device space by multiplying
+ the given point by the current transformation matrix (CTM).
+ .. method:: user_to_device_distance(dx, dy)
+ :param dx: X value of a distance vector
+ :type dx: float
+ :param dy: Y value of a distance vector
+ :type dy: float
+ :returns: (dx, dy)
+ :rtype: (float, float)
+ * *dx*: X value of a distance vector
+ * *dy*: Y value of a distance vector
+ Transform a distance vector from user space to device space. This
+ function is similar to :meth:`Context.user_to_device` except that the
+ translation components of the CTM will be ignored when transforming
+ *(dx,dy)*.
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+.. _exceptions:
+.. currentmodule:: cairo
+When a cairo function or method call fails an exception is raised. I/O errors
+raise IOError, memory errors raise MemoryError, and all other errors raise
+.. exception:: cairo.Error
+ This exception is raised when a cairo object returns an error status.
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+.. _reference_index:
+.. currentmodule:: cairo
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ constants
+ context
+ exceptions
+ matrix
+ paths
+ patterns
+ surfaces
+ text
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+.. _matrix:
+.. currentmodule:: cairo
+class Matrix()
+*Matrix* is used throughout cairo to convert between different coordinate
+spaces. A *Matrix* holds an affine transformation, such as a scale, rotation,
+shear, or a combination of these. The transformation of a point (x,y) is
+given by::
+ x_new = xx * x + xy * y + x0
+ y_new = yx * x + yy * y + y0
+The current transformation matrix of a :class:`Context`, represented as a
+*Matrix*, defines the transformation from user-space coordinates to device-space
+Some standard Python operators can be used with matrices:
+To read the values from a *Matrix*::
+ xx, yx, xy, yy, x0, y0 = matrix
+To multiply two matrices::
+ matrix3 = matrix1.multiply(matrix2)
+ # or equivalently
+ matrix3 = matrix1 * matrix2
+To compare two matrices::
+ matrix1 == matrix2
+ matrix1 != matrix2
+For more information on matrix transformation see
+.. class:: Matrix(xx = 1.0, yx = 0.0, xy = 0.0, yy = 1.0, x0 = 0.0, y0 = 0.0)
+ :param xx: xx component of the affine transformation
+ :type xx: float
+ :param yx: yx component of the affine transformation
+ :type yx: float
+ :param xy: xy component of the affine transformation
+ :type xy: float
+ :param yy: yy component of the affine transformation
+ :type yy: float
+ :param x0: X translation component of the affine transformation
+ :type x0: float
+ :param y0: Y translation component of the affine transformation
+ :type y0: float
+ Create a new *Matrix* with the affine transformation given by *xx, yx, xy,
+ yy, x0, y0*. The transformation is given by::
+ x_new = xx * x + xy * y + x0
+ y_new = yx * x + yy * y + y0
+ To create a new identity matrix::
+ matrix = cairo.Matrix()
+ To create a matrix with a transformation which translates by tx and ty in the X and Y dimensions, respectively::
+ matrix = cairo.Matrix(x0=tx, y0=ty)
+ To create a matrix with a transformation that scales by sx and sy in the X and Y dimensions, respectively::
+ matrix = cairo.Matrix(xx=sy, yy=sy)
+ .. classmethod:: init_rotate(radians)
+ :param radians: angle of rotation, in radians. The direction of rotation
+ is defined such that positive angles rotate in the direction from the
+ positive X axis toward the positive Y axis. With the default axis
+ orientation of cairo, positive angles rotate in a clockwise direction.
+ :type radians: float
+ :returns: a new *Matrix* set to a transformation that rotates by *radians*.
+ .. method:: invert()
+ :returns: If *Matrix* has an inverse, modifies *Matrix* to be the
+ inverse matrix and returns *None*
+ :raises: :exc:`cairo.Error` if the *Matrix* as no inverse
+ Changes *Matrix* to be the inverse of it's original value. Not all
+ transformation matrices have inverses; if the matrix collapses points
+ together (it is *degenerate*), then it has no inverse and this function
+ will fail.
+ .. method:: multiply(matrix2)
+ :param matrix2: a second matrix
+ :type matrix2: cairo.Matrix
+ :returns: a new *Matrix*
+ Multiplies the affine transformations in *Matrix* and *matrix2*
+ together. The effect of the resulting transformation is to first apply
+ the transformation in *Matrix* to the coordinates and then apply the
+ transformation in *matrix2* to the coordinates.
+ It is allowable for result to be identical to either *Matrix* or *matrix2*.
+ .. method:: rotate(radians)
+ :param radians: angle of rotation, in radians. The direction of rotation
+ is defined such that positive angles rotate in the direction from the
+ positive X axis toward the positive Y axis. With the default axis
+ orientation of cairo, positive angles rotate in a clockwise direction.
+ :type radians: float
+ Initialize *Matrix* to a transformation that rotates by *radians*.
+ .. method:: scale(sx, sy)
+ :param sx: scale factor in the X direction
+ :type sx: float
+ :param sy: scale factor in the Y direction
+ :type sy: float
+ Applies scaling by *sx, sy* to the transformation in *Matrix*. The
+ effect of the new transformation is to first scale the coordinates by
+ *sx* and *sy*, then apply the original transformation to the
+ coordinates.
+ .. method:: transform_distance(dx, dy)
+ :param dx: X component of a distance vector.
+ :type dx: float
+ :param dy: Y component of a distance vector.
+ :type dy: float
+ :returns: the transformed distance vector (dx,dy)
+ :rtype: (float, float)
+ Transforms the distance vector *(dx,dy)* by *Matrix*. This is similar to
+ :meth:`.transform_point` except that the translation components of
+ the transformation are ignored. The calculation of the returned vector
+ is as follows::
+ dx2 = dx1 * a + dy1 * c
+ dy2 = dx1 * b + dy1 * d
+ Affine transformations are position invariant, so the same vector always
+ transforms to the same vector. If *(x1,y1)* transforms to *(x2,y2)* then
+ *(x1+dx1,y1+dy1)* will transform to *(x1+dx2,y1+dy2)* for all values
+ of *x1* and *x2*.
+ .. method:: transform_point(x, y)
+ :param x: X position.
+ :type x: float
+ :param y: Y position.
+ :type y: float
+ :returns: the transformed point (x,y)
+ :rtype: (float, float)
+ Transforms the point *(x, y)* by *Matrix*.
+ .. method:: translate(tx, ty)
+ :param tx: amount to translate in the X direction
+ :type tx: float
+ :param ty: amount to translate in the Y direction
+ :type ty: float
+ Applies a transformation by *tx, ty* to the transformation in
+ *Matrix*. The effect of the new transformation is to first translate the
+ coordinates by *tx* and *ty*, then apply the original transformation to the
+ coordinates.
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+.. _paths:
+.. currentmodule:: cairo
+class Path()
+.. class:: Path()
+ *Path* cannot be instantiated directly, it is created by calling
+ :meth:`Context.copy_path` and :meth:`Context.copy_path_flat`.
+ str(path) lists the path elements.
+ See :ref:`PATH attributes <constants_PATH>`
+ Path is an iterator.
+ See examples/ for example usage.
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+.. _patterns:
+.. currentmodule:: cairo
+Patterns are the paint with which cairo draws. The primary use of patterns is
+as the source for all cairo drawing operations, although they can also be used
+as masks, that is, as the brush too.
+A cairo *Pattern* is created by using one of the *PatternType* constructors
+listed below, or implicitly through *Context.set_source_<type>()* methods.
+class Pattern()
+*Pattern* is the abstract base class from which all the other pattern classes
+derive. It cannot be instantiated directly.
+.. class:: Pattern()
+ .. method:: get_extend()
+ :returns: the current extend strategy used for drawing the *Pattern*.
+ :rtype: int
+ Gets the current extend mode for the *Pattern*. See
+ :ref:`EXTEND attributes <constants_EXTEND>`
+ for details on the semantics of each extend strategy.
+ .. method:: get_matrix()
+ :returns: a new :class:`Matrix` which stores a copy of the *Pattern's* transformation matrix
+ .. method:: set_extend(extend)
+ :param extend: an :ref:`EXTEND <constants_EXTEND>` describing how the
+ area outside of the *Pattern* will be drawn
+ Sets the mode to be used for drawing outside the area of a *Pattern*.
+ The default extend mode is :data:`cairo.EXTEND_NONE` for
+ :class:`SurfacePattern` and :data:`cairo.EXTEND_PAD` for
+ :class:`Gradient` Patterns.
+ .. method:: set_matrix(matrix)
+ :param matrix: a :class:`Matrix`
+ Sets the *Pattern's* transformation matrix to *matrix*. This matrix is a
+ transformation from user space to pattern space.
+ When a *Pattern* is first created it always has the identity matrix for
+ its transformation matrix, which means that pattern space is initially
+ identical to user space.
+ Important: Please note that the direction of this transformation matrix
+ is from user space to pattern space. This means that if you imagine the
+ flow from a *Pattern* to user space (and on to device space), then
+ coordinates in that flow will be transformed by the inverse of the
+ *Pattern* matrix.
+ For example, if you want to make a *Pattern* appear twice as large as it
+ does by default the correct code to use is::
+ matrix = cairo.Matrix(xx=0.5,yy=0.5)
+ pattern.set_matrix(matrix)
+ Meanwhile, using values of 2.0 rather than 0.5 in the code above would
+ cause the *Pattern* to appear at half of its default size.
+ Also, please note the discussion of the user-space locking semantics of
+ :class:`Context.set_source`.
+class SolidPattern(:class:`Pattern`)
+.. class:: SolidPattern(red, green, blue, alpha=1.0)
+ :param red: red component of the color
+ :type red: float
+ :param green: green component of the color
+ :type green: float
+ :param blue: blue component of the color
+ :type blue: float
+ :param alpha: alpha component of the color
+ :type alpha: float
+ :returns: a new *SolidPattern*
+ :raises: *MemoryError* in case of no memory
+ Creates a new *SolidPattern* corresponding to a translucent color. The
+ color components are floating point numbers in the range 0 to 1. If the
+ values passed in are outside that range, they will be clamped.
+ .. method:: get_rgba()
+ :returns: (red, green, blue, alpha) a tuple of float
+ Gets the solid color for a *SolidPattern*.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.4
+class SurfacePattern(:class:`Pattern`)
+.. class:: SurfacePattern(surface)
+ :param surface: a cairo :class:`Surface`
+ :returns: a newly created *SurfacePattern* for the given surface.
+ :raises: *MemoryError* in case of no memory.
+ .. method:: get_filter()
+ :returns: the current :ref:`FILTER <constants_filter>` used for
+ resizing the *SurfacePattern*.
+ .. method:: get_surface()
+ :returns: the :class:`Surface` of the *SurfacePattern*.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.4
+ .. method:: set_filter(filter)
+ :param filter: a :ref:`FILTER <constants_filter>` describing the filter
+ to use for resizing the *Pattern*
+ Note that you might want to control filtering even when you do not have
+ an explicit *Pattern* object, (for example when using
+ :meth:`Context.set_source_surface`). In these cases, it is convenient to use
+ :meth:`Context.get_source` to get access to the pattern that cairo creates
+ implicitly. For example::
+ context.set_source_surface(image, x, y)
+ surfacepattern.set_filter(context.get_source(), cairo.FILTER_NEAREST)
+class Gradient(:class:`Pattern`)
+*Gradient* is an abstract base class from which other *Pattern* classes
+derive. It cannot be instantiated directly.
+.. class:: Gradient()
+ .. method:: add_color_stop_rgb(offset, red, green, blue)
+ :param offset: an offset in the range [0.0 .. 1.0]
+ :type offset: float
+ :param red: red component of color
+ :type red: float
+ :param green: green component of color
+ :type green: float
+ :param blue: blue component of color
+ :type blue: float
+ Adds an opaque color stop to a *Gradient* pattern. The offset specifies
+ the location along the gradient's control vector. For example, a
+ *LinearGradient's* control vector is from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1) while a
+ *RadialGradient's* control vector is from any point on the start circle
+ to the corresponding point on the end circle.
+ The color is specified in the same way as in :meth:`Context.set_source_rgb`.
+ If two (or more) stops are specified with identical offset values, they
+ will be sorted according to the order in which the stops are added,
+ (stops added earlier will compare less than stops added later). This can
+ be useful for reliably making sharp color transitions instead of the
+ typical blend.
+ .. method:: add_color_stop_rgba(offset, red, green, blue, alpha)
+ :param offset: an offset in the range [0.0 .. 1.0]
+ :type offset: float
+ :param red: red component of color
+ :type red: float
+ :param green: green component of color
+ :type green: float
+ :param blue: blue component of color
+ :type blue: float
+ :param alpha: alpha component of color
+ :type alpha: float
+ Adds an opaque color stop to a *Gradient* pattern. The offset specifies
+ the location along the gradient's control vector. For example, a
+ *LinearGradient's* control vector is from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1) while a
+ *RadialGradient's* control vector is from any point on the start circle
+ to the corresponding point on the end circle.
+ The color is specified in the same way as in :meth:`Context.set_source_rgb`.
+ If two (or more) stops are specified with identical offset values, they
+ will be sorted according to the order in which the stops are added,
+ (stops added earlier will compare less than stops added later). This can
+ be useful for reliably making sharp color transitions instead of the
+ typical blend.
+class LinearGradient(:class:`Gradient`)
+.. class:: LinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1)
+ :param x0: x coordinate of the start point
+ :type x0: float
+ :param y0: y coordinate of the start point
+ :type y0: float
+ :param x1: x coordinate of the end point
+ :type x1: float
+ :param y1: y coordinate of the end point
+ :type y1: float
+ :returns: a new *LinearGradient*
+ :raises: *MemoryError* in case of no memory
+ Create a new *LinearGradient* along the line defined by (x0, y0) and (x1,
+ y1). Before using the *Gradient* pattern, a number of color stops should
+ be defined using :meth:`Gradient.add_color_stop_rgb` or
+ :meth:`Gradient.add_color_stop_rgba`
+ Note: The coordinates here are in pattern space. For a new *Pattern*,
+ pattern space is identical to user space, but the relationship between the
+ spaces can be changed with :meth:`Pattern.set_matrix`
+ .. method:: get_linear_points()
+ :returns: (x0, y0, x1, y1) - a tuple of float
+ * x0: return value for the x coordinate of the first point
+ * y0: return value for the y coordinate of the first point
+ * x1: return value for the x coordinate of the second point
+ * y1: return value for the y coordinate of the second point
+ Gets the gradient endpoints for a *LinearGradient*.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.4
+class RadialGradient(:class:`Gradient`)
+.. class:: RadialGradient(cx0, cy0, radius0, cx1, cy1, radius1)
+ :param cx0: x coordinate for the center of the start circle
+ :type cx0: float
+ :param cy0: y coordinate for the center of the start circle
+ :type cy0: float
+ :param radius0: radius of the start circle
+ :type radius0: float
+ :param cx1: x coordinate for the center of the end circle
+ :type cx1: float
+ :param cy1: y coordinate for the center of the end circle
+ :type cy1: float
+ :param radius1: radius of the end circle
+ :type radius1: float
+ :returns: the newly created *RadialGradient*
+ :raises: *MemoryError* in case of no memory
+ Creates a new *RadialGradient* pattern between the two circles defined by
+ (cx0, cy0, radius0) and (cx1, cy1, radius1). Before using the gradient
+ pattern, a number of color stops should be defined using
+ :meth:`Gradient.add_color_stop_rgb` or :meth:`Gradient.add_color_stop_rgba`.
+ Note: The coordinates here are in pattern space. For a new pattern, pattern
+ space is identical to user space, but the relationship between the spaces
+ can be changed with :meth:`Pattern.set_matrix`.
+ .. method:: get_radial_circles()
+ :returns: (x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1) - a tuple of float
+ * x0: return value for the x coordinate of the center of the first circle
+ * y0: return value for the y coordinate of the center of the first circle
+ * r0: return value for the radius of the first circle
+ * x1: return value for the x coordinate of the center of the second circle
+ * y1: return value for the y coordinate of the center of the second circle
+ * r1: return value for the radius of the second circle
+ Gets the *Gradient* endpoint circles for a *RadialGradient*, each
+ specified as a center coordinate and a radius.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.4
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@@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
+.. _surfaces:
+.. currentmodule:: cairo
+.. comment block
+ example reST:
+ (add back '..' where required at column 0)
+ . class:: module.C[(signature)]
+ .. classmethod:: name(signature)
+ .. staticmethod:: name(signature)
+ .. method:: method(signature)
+ :param p1: xxx
+ :type p1: int
+ :param p2: xxx
+ :type p2: str
+ :returns: xxx
+ :rtype: list of strings
+ :raises: xxx
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ links:
+ :data:`cairo.ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL`
+ :class:`Context`
+ :exc:`cairo.Error`
+ :meth:`.copy_page`
+ :meth:`Context.copy_page`
+ :ref:`LINE_CAP <constants_LINE_CAP>`
+ ``ctx.rel_move_to(dx, dy)`` # code snippet
+cairo.Surface is the abstract type representing all different drawing targets
+that cairo can render to. The actual drawings are performed using a
+A cairo.Surface is created by using backend-specific constructors
+of the form cairo.<XXX>Surface().
+class Surface()
+.. class:: Surface()
+ *Surface* is the abstract base class from which all the other surface
+ classes derive. It cannot be instantiated directly.
+ .. method:: copy_page()
+ Emits the current page for backends that support multiple pages, but
+ doesn't clear it, so that the contents of the current page will be
+ retained for the next page. Use :meth:`.show_page` if you want to get an
+ empty page after the emission.
+ :meth:`Context.copy_page` is a convenience function for this.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ .. method:: create_similar(content, width, height)
+ :param content: the :ref:`CONTENT <constants_CONTENT>` for the new
+ surface
+ :param width: width of the new surface, (in device-space units)
+ :type width: int
+ :param height: height of the new surface (in device-space units)
+ :type width: int
+ :returns: a newly allocated *Surface*.
+ Create a *Surface* that is as compatible as possible with the existing
+ surface. For example the new surface will have the same fallback
+ resolution and :class:`FontOptions`. Generally, the new surface will
+ also use the same backend, unless that is not possible for some
+ reason.
+ Initially the surface contents are all 0 (transparent if contents have
+ transparency, black otherwise.)
+ .. method:: finish()
+ This method finishes the *Surface* and drops all references to external
+ resources. For example, for the Xlib backend it means that cairo will no
+ longer access the drawable, which can be freed. After calling finish()
+ the only valid operations on a *Surface* are flushing and finishing it.
+ Further drawing to the surface will not affect the surface but will
+ instead trigger a :exc:`cairo.Error` exception.
+ .. method:: flush()
+ Do any pending drawing for the *Surface* and also restore any temporary
+ modification's cairo has made to the *Surface's* state. This method
+ must be called before switching from drawing on the *Surface* with cairo
+ to drawing on it directly with native APIs. If the *Surface* doesn't
+ support direct access, then this function does nothing.
+ .. method:: get_content()
+ :returns: The :ref:`CONTENT <constants_CONTENT>` type of *Surface*,
+ which indicates whether the *Surface* contains color and/or alpha
+ information.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: get_device_offset()
+ :returns: (x_offset, y_offset) a tuple of float
+ * x_offset: the offset in the X direction, in device units
+ * y_offset: the offset in the Y direction, in device units
+ This method returns the previous device offset set by
+ :meth:`.set_device_offset`.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: get_fallback_resolution()
+ :returns: (x_pixels_per_inch, y_pixels_per_inch) a tuple of float
+ * x_pixels_per_inch: horizontal pixels per inch
+ * y_pixels_per_inch: vertical pixels per inch
+ This method returns the previous fallback resolution set by
+ :meth:`.set_fallback_resolution`, or default fallback resolution if
+ never set.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.8
+ .. method:: get_font_options()
+ :returns: a :class:`FontOptions`
+ Retrieves the default font rendering options for the *Surface*. This
+ allows display surfaces to report the correct subpixel order for
+ rendering on them, print surfaces to disable hinting of metrics and so
+ forth. The result can then be used with :class:`ScaledFont`.
+ .. method:: mark_dirty()
+ Tells cairo that drawing has been done to *Surface* using means other
+ than cairo, and that cairo should reread any cached areas. Note that you
+ must call :meth:`.flush` before doing such drawing.
+ .. method:: mark_dirty_rectangle(x, y, width, height)
+ :param x: X coordinate of dirty rectangle
+ :type x: int
+ :param y: Y coordinate of dirty rectangle
+ :type y: int
+ :param width: width of dirty rectangle
+ :type width: int
+ :param height: height of dirty rectangle
+ :type height: int
+ Like :meth:`.mark_dirty`, but drawing has been done only to the
+ specified rectangle, so that cairo can retain cached contents for other
+ parts of the surface.
+ Any cached clip set on the *Surface* will be reset by this function, to
+ make sure that future cairo calls have the clip set that they expect.
+ .. method:: set_device_offset(x_offset, y_offset)
+ :param x_offset: the offset in the X direction, in device units
+ :type x_offset: float
+ :param y_offset: the offset in the Y direction, in device units
+ :type y_offset: float
+ Sets an offset that is added to the device coordinates determined by the
+ CTM when drawing to *Surface*. One use case for this function is when we
+ want to create a *Surface* that redirects drawing for a portion of an
+ onscreen surface to an offscreen surface in a way that is completely
+ invisible to the user of the cairo API. Setting a transformation via
+ :meth:`Context.translate` isn't sufficient to do this, since functions
+ like :meth:`Context.device_to_user` will expose the hidden offset.
+ Note that the offset affects drawing to the surface as well as using the
+ surface in a source pattern.
+ .. method:: set_fallback_resolution(x_pixels_per_inch, y_pixels_per_inch)
+ :param x_pixels_per_inch: horizontal setting for pixels per inch
+ :type x_pixels_per_inch: float
+ :param y_pixels_per_inch: vertical setting for pixels per inch
+ :type y_pixels_per_inch: float
+ Set the horizontal and vertical resolution for image fallbacks.
+ When certain operations aren't supported natively by a backend, cairo
+ will fallback by rendering operations to an image and then overlaying
+ that image onto the output. For backends that are natively
+ vector-oriented, this function can be used to set the resolution used
+ for these image fallbacks, (larger values will result in more detailed
+ images, but also larger file sizes).
+ Some examples of natively vector-oriented backends are the ps, pdf, and
+ svg backends.
+ For backends that are natively raster-oriented, image fallbacks are
+ still possible, but they are always performed at the native device
+ resolution. So this function has no effect on those backends.
+ Note: The fallback resolution only takes effect at the time of
+ completing a page (with :meth:`Context.show_page` or
+ :meth:`Context.copy_page`) so there is currently no way to have more
+ than one fallback resolution in effect on a single page.
+ The default fallback resoultion is 300 pixels per inch in both
+ dimensions.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: show_page()
+ Emits and clears the current page for backends that support multiple
+ pages. Use :meth:`.copy_page` if you don't want to clear the page.
+ There is a convenience function for this that takes a
+ :meth:`Context.show_page`.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ .. method:: write_to_png(fobj)
+ :param fobj: the file to write to
+ :type fobj: str, file or file-like object
+ :raises: *MemoryError* if memory could not be allocated for the operation
+ *IOError* if an I/O error occurs while attempting to write the file
+ Writes the contents of *Surface* to *fobj* as a PNG image.
+class ImageSurface(:class:`Surface`)
+A *cairo.ImageSurface* provides the ability to render to memory buffers either
+allocated by cairo or by the calling code. The supported image formats are
+those defined in :ref:`FORMAT attributes <constants_FORMAT>`.
+.. class:: ImageSurface(format, width, height)
+ :param format: :ref:`FORMAT <constants_FORMAT>` of pixels in the surface to create
+ :param width: width of the surface, in pixels
+ :param height: height of the surface, in pixels
+ :returns: a new *ImageSurface*
+ :raises: *MemoryError* in case of no memory
+ Creates an *ImageSurface* of the specified format and dimensions. Initially
+ the surface contents are all 0. (Specifically, within each pixel, each
+ color or alpha channel belonging to format will be 0. The contents of bits
+ within a pixel, but not belonging to the given format are undefined).
+ .. classmethod:: create_for_data(data, format, width, height[, stride])
+ :param data: a writable Python buffer object
+ :param format: the :ref:`FORMAT <constants_FORMAT>` of pixels in the
+ buffer
+ :param width: the width of the image to be stored in the buffer
+ :param height: the height of the image to be stored in the buffer
+ :param stride: the number of bytes between the start of rows in the
+ buffer as allocated. If not given the value from
+ ``format_stride_for_width(format, width)`` is used.
+ :returns: a new *ImageSurface*
+ :raises: *MemoryError* in case of no memory.
+ :exc:`cairo.Error` in case of invalid *stride* value.
+ Creates an *ImageSurface* for the provided pixel data. The initial
+ contents of buffer will be used as the initial image contents; you must
+ explicitly clear the buffer, using, for example, cairo_rectangle() and
+ cairo_fill() if you want it cleared.
+ Note that the *stride* may be larger than width*bytes_per_pixel to
+ provide proper alignment for each pixel and row. This alignment is
+ required to allow high-performance rendering within cairo. The correct
+ way to obtain a legal stride value is to call
+ :meth:`.format_stride_for_width` with the desired format and maximum
+ image width value, and use the resulting stride value to allocate the
+ data and to create the *ImageSurface*. See
+ :meth:`.format_stride_for_width` for example code.
+ .. classmethod:: create_from_png(fobj)
+ :param fobj: a filename, file, or file-like object of the PNG to load.
+ :returns: a new *ImageSurface* initialized the contents to the given
+ PNG file.
+ .. staticmethod:: format_stride_for_width(format, width)
+ :param format: a cairo :ref:`FORMAT <constants_FORMAT>` value
+ :param width: the desired width of an *ImageSurface* to be created.
+ :returns: the appropriate stride to use given the desired format and
+ width, or -1 if either the format is invalid or the width too large.
+ :rtype: int
+ This method provides a stride value that will respect all alignment
+ requirements of the accelerated image-rendering code within
+ cairo. Typical usage will be of the form::
+ stride = cairo.ImageSurface.format_stride_for_width (format, width)
+ surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data (data, format, width, height, stride)
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ .. method:: get_data()
+ :returns: a Python buffer object for the data of the *ImageSurface*, for direct inspection or modification.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: get_format()
+ :returns: the :ref:`FORMAT <constants_FORMAT>` of the *ImageSurface*.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: get_height()
+ :returns: the height of the *ImageSurface* in pixels.
+ .. method:: get_stride()
+ :returns: the stride of the *ImageSurface* in bytes. The stride is the distance in bytes from the beginning of one row of the image data to the beginning of the next row.
+ .. method:: get_width()
+ :returns: the width of the *ImageSurface* in pixels.
+class PDFSurface(:class:`Surface`)
+The PDFSurface is used to render cairo graphics to Adobe PDF files and is a
+multi-page vector surface backend.
+.. class:: PDFSurface(fobj, width_in_points, height_in_points)
+ :param fobj: a filename or writable file object
+ :type fobj: str, file or file-like object
+ :param width_in_points: width of the surface, in points
+ (1 point == 1/72.0 inch)
+ :type width_in_points: float
+ :param height_in_points: height of the surface, in points
+ (1 point == 1/72.0 inch)
+ :type height_in_points: float
+ :returns: a new *PDFSurface* of the specified size in points to be written
+ to *fobj*.
+ :raises: *MemoryError* in case of no memory
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: set_size()
+ :param width_in_points: new surface width, in points
+ (1 point == 1/72.0 inch)
+ :type width_in_points: float
+ :param height_in_points: new surface height, in points
+ (1 point == 1/72.0 inch)
+ :type height_in_points: float
+ Changes the size of a *PDFSurface* for the current (and subsequent) pages.
+ This function should only be called before any drawing operations have
+ been performed on the current page. The simplest way to do this is to
+ call this function immediately after creating the surface or immediately
+ after completing a page with either :meth:`Context.show_page` or
+ :meth:`Context.copy_page`.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+class PSSurface(:class:`Surface`)
+The *PSSurface* is used to render cairo graphics to Adobe PostScript files and
+is a multi-page vector surface backend.
+.. class:: PSSurface(fobj, width_in_points, height_in_points)
+ :param fobj: a filename or writable file object
+ :type fobj: str, file or file-like object
+ :param width_in_points: width of the surface, in points
+ (1 point == 1/72.0 inch)
+ :type width_in_points: float
+ :param height_in_points: height of the surface, in points
+ (1 point == 1/72.0 inch)
+ :type height_in_points: float
+ :returns: a new *PDFSurface* of the specified size in points to be written
+ to *fobj*.
+ :raises: *MemoryError* in case of no memory
+ Note that the size of individual pages of the PostScript output can
+ vary. See :meth:`.set_size`.
+ .. method:: dsc_begin_page_setup()
+ This method indicates that subsequent calls to
+ :meth:`.dsc_comment` should direct comments to the PageSetup
+ section of the PostScript output.
+ This method call is only needed for the first page of a surface. It
+ should be called after any call to :meth:`.dsc_begin_setup` and
+ before any drawing is performed to the surface.
+ See :meth:`.dsc_comment` for more details.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: dsc_begin_setup()
+ This function indicates that subsequent calls to :meth:`.dsc_comment`
+ should direct comments to the Setup section of the PostScript output.
+ This function should be called at most once per surface, and must be
+ called before any call to :meth:`.dsc_begin_page_setup` and before any
+ drawing is performed to the surface.
+ See :meth:`.dsc_comment` for more details.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: dsc_comment(comment)
+ :param comment: a comment string to be emitted into the PostScript output
+ :type comment: str
+ Emit a comment into the PostScript output for the given surface.
+ The comment is expected to conform to the PostScript Language
+ Document Structuring Conventions (DSC). Please see that manual for
+ details on the available comments and their meanings. In
+ particular, the %%IncludeFeature comment allows a
+ device-independent means of controlling printer device features. So
+ the PostScript Printer Description Files Specification will also be
+ a useful reference.
+ The comment string must begin with a percent character (%) and the
+ total length of the string (including any initial percent
+ characters) must not exceed 255 characters. Violating either of
+ these conditions will place *PSSurface* into an error state. But
+ beyond these two conditions, this function will not enforce
+ conformance of the comment with any particular specification.
+ The comment string should not have a trailing newline.
+ The DSC specifies different sections in which particular comments
+ can appear. This function provides for comments to be emitted
+ within three sections: the header, the Setup section, and the
+ PageSetup section. Comments appearing in the first two sections
+ apply to the entire document while comments in the BeginPageSetup
+ section apply only to a single page.
+ For comments to appear in the header section, this function should
+ be called after the surface is created, but before a call to
+ :meth:`.dsc_begin_setup`.
+ For comments to appear in the Setup section, this function should be
+ called after a call to :meth:`.dsc_begin_setup` but before a call to
+ :meth:`.dsc_begin_page_setup`.
+ For comments to appear in the PageSetup section, this function should be
+ called after a call to :meth:`.dsc_begin_page_setup`.
+ Note that it is only necessary to call :meth:`.dsc_begin_page_setup` for
+ the first page of any surface. After a call to :meth:`Context.show_page`
+ or :meth:`Context.copy_page` comments are unambiguously directed to the
+ PageSetup section of the current page. But it doesn't hurt to call this
+ function at the beginning of every page as that consistency may make the
+ calling code simpler.
+ As a final note, cairo automatically generates several comments on
+ its own. As such, applications must not manually generate any of
+ the following comments:
+ Header section: %!PS-Adobe-3.0, %Creator, %CreationDate, %Pages,
+ %BoundingBox, %DocumentData, %LanguageLevel, %EndComments.
+ Setup section: %BeginSetup, %EndSetup
+ PageSetup section: %BeginPageSetup, %PageBoundingBox,
+ %EndPageSetup.
+ Other sections: %BeginProlog, %EndProlog, %Page, %Trailer, %EOF
+ Here is an example sequence showing how this function might be used::
+ surface = PSSurface (filename, width, height)
+ ...
+ surface.dsc_comment (surface, "%%Title: My excellent document")
+ surface.dsc_comment (surface, "%%Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Cairo Lover")
+ ...
+ surface.dsc_begin_setup (surface)
+ surface.dsc_comment (surface, "%%IncludeFeature: *MediaColor White")
+ ...
+ surface.dsc_begin_page_setup (surface)
+ surface.dsc_comment (surface, "%%IncludeFeature: *PageSize A3")
+ surface.dsc_comment (surface, "%%IncludeFeature: *InputSlot LargeCapacity")
+ surface.dsc_comment (surface, "%%IncludeFeature: *MediaType Glossy")
+ surface.dsc_comment (surface, "%%IncludeFeature: *MediaColor Blue")
+ ... draw to first page here ..
+ ctx.show_page (cr)
+ ...
+ surface.dsc_comment (surface, "%%IncludeFeature: PageSize A5");
+ ...
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: get_eps()
+ :returns: True iff the *PSSurface* will output Encapsulated PostScript.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ .. staticmethod:: ps_level_to_string(level)
+ :param level: a :ref:`PS_LEVEL <constants_PS_LEVEL>`
+ :returns: the string associated to given level.
+ :rtype: str
+ :raises: :exc:`cairo.Error` if *level* isn't valid.
+ Get the string representation of the given *level*. See
+ :meth:`.ps_get_levels` for a way to get the list of valid level
+ ids.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ .. method:: restrict_to_level(level)
+ :param level: a :ref:`PS_LEVEL <constants_PS_LEVEL>`
+ Restricts the generated PostSript file to *level*. See
+ :meth:`.ps_get_levels` for a list of available level values that
+ can be used here.
+ This function should only be called before any drawing operations have
+ been performed on the given surface. The simplest way to do this is to
+ call this function immediately after creating the surface.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ .. method:: set_eps(eps)
+ :param eps: True to output EPS format PostScript
+ :type eps: bool
+ If *eps* is True, the PostScript surface will output Encapsulated
+ PostScript.
+ This function should only be called before any drawing operations have
+ been performed on the current page. The simplest way to do this is to
+ call this function immediately after creating the surface. An
+ Encapsulated PostScript file should never contain more than one page.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ .. method:: set_size(width_in_points, height_in_points)
+ :param width_in_points: new surface width, in points (1 point == 1/72.0 inch)
+ :param height_in_points: new surface height, in points (1 point == 1/72.0 inch)
+ :type width_in_points: float
+ :type height_in_points: float
+ Changes the size of a PostScript surface for the current (and
+ subsequent) pages.
+ This function should only be called before any drawing operations
+ have been performed on the current page. The simplest way to do
+ this is to call this function immediately after creating the
+ surface or immediately after completing a page with either
+ :meth:`Context.show_page` or :meth:`Context.copy_page`.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+class SVGSurface(:class:`Surface`)
+The *SVGSurface* is used to render cairo graphics to SVG files and is a
+multi-page vector surface backend
+.. class:: SVGSurface(fobj, width_in_points, height_in_points)
+ :param fobj: a filename or writable file object
+ :type fobj: str, file or file-like object
+ :param width_in_points: width of the surface, in points (1 point == 1/72.0 inch)
+ :type width_in_points: float
+ :param height_in_points: height of the surface, in points (1 point == 1/72.0 inch)
+ :type height_in_points: float
+ :returns: a new *SVGSurface* of the specified size in points to be written to *fobj*.
+ :raises: *MemoryError* in case of no memory
+ .. method:: get_versions
+ Not implemented in pycairo (yet)
+ .. method:: restrict_to_version
+ Not implemented in pycairo (yet)
+ .. method:: version_to_string
+ Not implemented in pycairo (yet)
+class Win32Surface(:class:`Surface`)
+The Microsoft Windows surface is used to render cairo graphics to Microsoft
+Windows windows, bitmaps, and printing device contexts.
+.. class:: Win32Surface(hdc)
+ :param hdc: the DC to create a surface for
+ :type hdc: int
+ :returns: the newly created surface
+ Creates a cairo surface that targets the given DC. The DC will be queried
+ for its initial clip extents, and this will be used as the size of the
+ cairo surface. The resulting surface will always be of format
+ cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, see :ref:`FORMAT attributes <constants_FORMAT>`.
+class XlibSurface(:class:`Surface`)
+The XLib surface is used to render cairo graphics to X Window System windows
+and pixmaps using the XLib library.
+Note that the XLib surface automatically takes advantage of X render extension
+if it is available.
+.. class:: XlibSurface
+ *XlibSurface* cannot be instantiated directly. But an XlibSurface instance
+ can be returned from a function call when using pygtk.
+ .. method:: get_depth()
+ :returns: the number of bits used to represent each pixel value.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: get_height()
+ :returns: the height of the X Drawable underlying the surface in pixels.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: get_width()
+ :returns: the width of the X Drawable underlying the surface in pixels.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
diff --git a/doc/reference/text.rst b/doc/reference/text.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58a0e7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/text.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+.. _text:
+.. currentmodule:: cairo
+Cairo has two sets of text rendering capabilities:
+* The functions with text in their name form cairo's toy text API. The toy API
+ takes UTF-8 encoded text and is limited in its functionality to rendering
+ simple left-to-right text with no advanced features. That means for example
+ that most complex scripts like Hebrew, Arabic, and Indic scripts are out of
+ question. No kerning or correct positioning of diacritical marks either. The
+ font selection is pretty limited too and doesn't handle the case that the
+ selected font does not cover the characters in the text. This set of
+ functions are really that, a toy text API, for testing and demonstration
+ purposes. Any serious application should avoid them.
+* The functions with glyphs in their name form cairo's low-level text API. The
+ low-level API relies on the user to convert text to a set of glyph indexes
+ and positions. This is a very hard problem and is best handled by external
+ libraries, like the pangocairo that is part of the Pango text layout and
+ rendering library. Pango is available from
+class FontFace()
+A *cairo.FontFace* specifies all aspects of a font other than the size or font
+matrix (a font matrix is used to distort a font by sheering it or scaling it
+unequally in the two directions). A *FontFace* can be set on a
+:class:`Context` by using :meth:`Context.set_font_face` the size and font
+matrix are set with :meth:`Context.set_font_size` and
+There are various types of *FontFace*, depending on the font backend they
+.. class:: FontFace()
+ .. note:: This class cannot be instantiated directly, it is returned by
+ :meth:`Context.get_font_face`.
+class ToyFontFace(:class:`FontFace`)
+The *cairo.ToyFontFace* class can be used instead of :meth:`Context.select_font_face` to create a toy font independently of a context.
+.. class:: ToyFontFace(family[, slant[, weight]])
+ :param family: a font family name
+ :type family: str or unicode
+ :param slant: the :ref:`FONT_SLANT <constants_FONT_SLANT>` of the font,
+ defaults to :data:`cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL`.
+ :param weight: the :ref:`FONT_WEIGHT <constants_FONT_WEIGHT>` of the font,
+ defaults to :data:`cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL`.
+ :returns: a new *ToyFontFace*
+ Creates a *ToyFontFace* from a triplet of family, slant, and weight. These
+ font faces are used in implementation of the the "toy" font API.
+ If family is the zero-length string "", the platform-specific default
+ family is assumed. The default family then can be queried using
+ :meth:`.get_family`.
+ The :meth:`Context.select_font_face` method uses this to create font
+ faces. See that function for limitations of toy font faces.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.8.4
+ .. method:: get_family()
+ :returns: the family name of a toy font
+ :rtype: str
+ .. versionadded:: 1.8.4
+ .. method:: get_slant()
+ :returns: the :ref:`FONT_SLANT <constants_FONT_SLANT>` value
+ .. versionadded:: 1.8.4
+ .. method:: get_weight()
+ :returns: the :ref:`FONT_WEIGHT <constants_FONT_WEIGHT>` value
+ .. versionadded:: 1.8.4
+class ScaledFont()
+A *ScaledFont* is a font scaled to a particular size and device resolution. A
+*ScaledFont* is most useful for low-level font usage where a library or
+application wants to cache a reference to a scaled font to speed up the
+computation of metrics.
+There are various types of scaled fonts, depending on the font backend they
+.. class:: ScaledFont(font_face, font_matrix, ctm, options)
+ :param font_face: a :class:`FontFace` instance
+ :param font_matrix: font space to user space transformation :class:`Matrix`
+ for the font. In the simplest case of a N point font, this matrix is just
+ a scale by N, but it can also be used to shear the font or stretch it
+ unequally along the two axes. See :meth:`Context.set_font_matrix`.
+ :param ctm: user to device transformation :class:`Matrix` with which the
+ font will be used.
+ :param options: a :class:`FontOptions` instance to use when getting metrics
+ for the font and rendering with it.
+ Creates a *ScaledFont* object from a *FontFace* and matrices that describe
+ the size of the font and the environment in which it will be used.
+ .. method:: extents()
+ :returns: (ascent, descent, height, max_x_advance, max_y_advance), a tuple of float values.
+ Gets the metrics for a *ScaledFont*.
+ .. method:: get_ctm()
+ Not implemented in pycairo (yet)
+ .. method:: get_font_face()
+ :returns: the :class:`FontFace` that this *ScaledFont* was created for.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: get_font_matrix()
+ Not implemented in pycairo (yet)
+ .. method:: get_font_options()
+ Not implemented in pycairo (yet)
+ .. method:: get_scale_matrix()
+ :returns: the scale :class:`Matrix`
+ The scale matrix is product of the font matrix and the ctm associated
+ with the scaled font, and hence is the matrix mapping from font space to
+ device space.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.8
+ .. method:: glyph_extents()
+ Not implemented in pycairo (yet)
+ .. method:: text_extents(text)
+ :param text: text
+ :type text: str or unicode
+ :returns: (x_bearing, y_bearing, width, height, x_advance, y_advance)
+ :rtype: 6-tuple of float
+ Gets the extents for a string of text. The extents describe a user-space
+ rectangle that encloses the "inked" portion of the text drawn at the
+ origin (0,0) (as it would be drawn by :meth:`Context.show_text` if the
+ cairo graphics state were set to the same font_face, font_matrix, ctm,
+ and font_options as *ScaledFont*). Additionally, the x_advance and
+ y_advance values indicate the amount by which the current point would be
+ advanced by :meth:`Context.show_text`.
+ Note that whitespace characters do not directly contribute to the size
+ of the rectangle (width and height). They do contribute indirectly by
+ changing the position of non-whitespace characters. In particular,
+ trailing whitespace characters are likely to not affect the size of the
+ rectangle, though they will affect the x_advance and y_advance values.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.2
+ .. method:: text_to_glyphs()
+ Not implemented in pycairo (yet)
+class FontOptions()
+An opaque structure holding all options that are used when rendering fonts.
+Individual features of a *FontOptions* can be set or accessed using functions
+named *FontOptions.set_<feature_name>* and
+*FontOptions.get_<feature_name>*, like :meth:`FontOptions.set_antialias`
+and :meth:`FontOptions.get_antialias`.
+New features may be added to a *FontOptions* in the future. For this reason,
+:meth:`FontOptions.copy()`, :meth:`FontOptions.equal()`,
+:meth:`FontOptions.merge()`, and :meth:`FontOptions.hash()` should be used to
+copy, check for equality, merge, or compute a hash value of FontOptions
+.. class:: FontOptions()
+ :returns: a newly allocated *FontOptions*.
+ Allocates a new *FontOptions* object with all options initialized to default values.
+ .. method:: get_antialias()
+ :returns: the :ref:`ANTIALIAS <constants_ANTIALIAS>` mode for the *FontOptions* object
+ .. method:: get_hint_metrics()
+ :returns: the :ref:`HINT METRICS <constants_HINT_METRICS>` mode for the *FontOptions* object
+ .. method:: get_hint_style()
+ :returns: the :ref:`HINT STYLE <constants_HINT_STYLE>` for the *FontOptions* object
+ .. method:: get_subpixel_order()
+ :returns: the :ref:`SUBPIXEL_ORDER <constants_SUBPIXEL_ORDER>` for the *FontOptions* object
+ .. method:: set_antialias(antialias)
+ :param antialias: the :ref:`ANTIALIAS <constants_ANTIALIAS>` mode
+ This specifies the type of antialiasing to do when rendering text.
+ .. method:: set_hint_metrics(hint_metrics)
+ :param hint_metrics: the :ref:`HINT METRICS <constants_HINT_METRICS>` mode
+ This controls whether metrics are quantized to integer values in device
+ units.
+ .. method:: set_hint_style(hint_style)
+ :param hint_style: the :ref:`HINT STYLE <constants_HINT_STYLE>`
+ This controls whether to fit font outlines to the pixel grid, and if so,
+ whether to optimize for fidelity or contrast.
+ .. method:: set_subpixel_order(subpixel_order)
+ :param subpixel_order: the :ref:`SUBPIXEL_ORDER <constants_SUBPIXEL_ORDER>`
+ The subpixel order specifies the order of color elements within each
+ pixel on the display device when rendering with an antialiasing mode of
+ :data:`cairo.ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL`.
diff --git a/examples/.gitignore b/examples/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f54b062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a15a963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ cairo_snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/data/romedalen.png \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ cairo_snippets/snippets/ \
+ gtk/ \
+ gtk/ \
+ gtk/ \
+ gtk/ \
+ gtk/ \
+ gtk/
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c01ebe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+translate C <snippet>.cairo to Python <snippet>.py
+; -> ''
+cairo_ -> cr.
+'(cr, ' -> ( but not snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+(cr) -> ()
+/* -> #/*
+CAIRO_ -> cairo.
+import sys
+if len(sys.argv) != 2 or not sys.argv[1].endswith('.cairo'):
+ raise SystemExit('usage: <file>.cairo')
+filename_in = sys.argv[1]
+filename_out = filename_in.replace('.cairo', '.py')
+file_in = file(filename_in)
+file_out = file(filename_out, 'w')
+for line in file_in:
+ line = line.replace(';', '') # should be ';' and whitespace to EOL only -> \n
+ if not line.startswith('snippet_'):
+ line = line.replace('cairo_', 'cr.')
+ line = line.replace('(cr, ', '(')
+ line = line.replace('(cr)', '()')
+ line = line.replace('/*', '#/*')
+ line = line.replace(' ', '')
+ line = line.replace('CAIRO_', 'cairo.')
+ file_out.write (line)
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/.gitignore b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6be9629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..70b4813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# snippet list generation
+import os
+# list of snippet files
+snip_list = [x[:-3] for x in os.listdir (os.path.dirname (__file__))
+ if not x.startswith('_') and x.endswith('.py')]
+# function used by some or all snippets
+def snippet_normalize (ctx, width, height):
+ ctx.scale (width, height)
+ ctx.set_line_width (0.04)
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b4e6e5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+xc = 0.5
+yc = 0.5
+radius = 0.4
+angle1 = 45.0 * (M_PI/180.0) #/* angles are specified */
+angle2 = 180.0 * (M_PI/180.0) #/* in radians */
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+cr.arc (xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2)
+cr.stroke ()
+#/* draw helping lines */
+cr.set_source_rgba (1,0.2,0.2,0.6)
+cr.arc (xc, yc, 0.05, 0, 2*M_PI)
+cr.fill ()
+cr.set_line_width (0.03)
+cr.arc (xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle1)
+cr.line_to (xc, yc)
+cr.arc (xc, yc, radius, angle2, angle2)
+cr.line_to (xc, yc)
+cr.stroke ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ca6a85d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+xc = 0.5
+yc = 0.5
+radius = 0.4
+angle1 = 45.0 * (M_PI/180.0) #/* angles are specified */
+angle2 = 180.0 * (M_PI/180.0) #/* in radians */
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+cr.arc_negative (xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2)
+cr.stroke ()
+#/* draw helping lines */
+cr.set_source_rgba (1,0.2,0.2,0.6)
+cr.arc (xc, yc, 0.05, 0, 2*M_PI)
+cr.fill ()
+cr.set_line_width (0.03)
+cr.arc (xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle1)
+cr.line_to (xc, yc)
+cr.arc (xc, yc, radius, angle2, angle2)
+cr.line_to (xc, yc)
+cr.stroke ()
+#cr.stroke (10)
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8456235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+cr.arc (0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0, 2 * M_PI)
+cr.clip ()
+cr.rectangle (0, 0, 1, 1)
+cr.fill ()
+cr.set_source_rgb (0, 1, 0)
+cr.move_to (0, 0)
+cr.line_to (1, 1)
+cr.move_to (1, 0)
+cr.line_to (0, 1)
+cr.stroke ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..39a84ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+cr.arc (0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0, 2*M_PI)
+cr.clip ()
+image = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png ("data/romedalen.png")
+w = image.get_width()
+h = image.get_height()
+cr.scale (1.0/w, 1.0/h)
+cr.set_source_surface (image, 0, 0)
+cr.paint ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3fb3c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#/* a custom shape, that could be wrapped in a function */
+x0 = 0.1 #/*< parameters like cairo_rectangle */
+y0 = 0.1
+rect_width = 0.8
+rect_height = 0.8
+radius = 0.4 #/*< and an approximate curvature radius */
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+#if (!rect_width || !rect_height)
+# return
+if rect_width/2<radius:
+ if rect_height/2<radius:
+ cr.move_to (x0, (y0 + y1)/2)
+ cr.curve_to (x0 ,y0, x0, y0, (x0 + x1)/2, y0)
+ cr.curve_to (x1, y0, x1, y0, x1, (y0 + y1)/2)
+ cr.curve_to (x1, y1, x1, y1, (x1 + x0)/2, y1)
+ cr.curve_to (x0, y1, x0, y1, x0, (y0 + y1)/2)
+ else:
+ cr.move_to (x0, y0 + radius)
+ cr.curve_to (x0 ,y0, x0, y0, (x0 + x1)/2, y0)
+ cr.curve_to (x1, y0, x1, y0, x1, y0 + radius)
+ cr.line_to (x1 , y1 - radius)
+ cr.curve_to (x1, y1, x1, y1, (x1 + x0)/2, y1)
+ cr.curve_to (x0, y1, x0, y1, x0, y1- radius)
+ if rect_height/2<radius:
+ cr.move_to (x0, (y0 + y1)/2)
+ cr.curve_to (x0 , y0, x0 , y0, x0 + radius, y0)
+ cr.line_to (x1 - radius, y0)
+ cr.curve_to (x1, y0, x1, y0, x1, (y0 + y1)/2)
+ cr.curve_to (x1, y1, x1, y1, x1 - radius, y1)
+ cr.line_to (x0 + radius, y1)
+ cr.curve_to (x0, y1, x0, y1, x0, (y0 + y1)/2)
+ else:
+ cr.move_to (x0, y0 + radius)
+ cr.curve_to (x0 , y0, x0 , y0, x0 + radius, y0)
+ cr.line_to (x1 - radius, y0)
+ cr.curve_to (x1, y0, x1, y0, x1, y0 + radius)
+ cr.line_to (x1 , y1 - radius)
+ cr.curve_to (x1, y1, x1, y1, x1 - radius, y1)
+ cr.line_to (x0 + radius, y1)
+ cr.curve_to (x0, y1, x0, y1, x0, y1- radius)
+cr.close_path ()
+cr.set_source_rgb (0.5,0.5,1)
+cr.fill_preserve ()
+cr.set_source_rgba (0.5,0,0,0.5)
+cr.stroke ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..59e3b00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+x, y = 0.1, 0.5
+x1, y1 = 0.4, 0.9
+x2, y2 = 0.6, 0.1
+x3, y3 = 0.9, 0.5
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+cr.move_to (x, y)
+cr.curve_to (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
+cr.stroke ()
+cr.set_source_rgba (1,0.2,0.2,0.6)
+cr.set_line_width (0.03)
+cr.move_to (x,y); cr.line_to (x1,y1)
+cr.move_to (x2,y2); cr.line_to (x3,y3)
+cr.stroke ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9afd4f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+snippet_normalize(cr, width, height)
+def path_ellipse(cr, x, y, width, height, angle=0):
+ """
+ x - center x
+ y - center y
+ width - width of ellipse (in x direction when angle=0)
+ height - height of ellipse (in y direction when angle=0)
+ angle - angle in radians to rotate, clockwise
+ """
+ cr.translate(x, y)
+ cr.rotate(angle)
+ cr.scale(width / 2.0, height / 2.0)
+ cr.arc(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0 * M_PI)
+ cr.restore()
+path_ellipse(cr, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.3, M_PI/4.0)
+# fill
+# stroke
+# reset identity matrix so line_width is a constant
+# width in device-space, not user-space
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6d66192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+cr.move_to (0.5, 0.1)
+cr.line_to (0.9, 0.9)
+cr.rel_line_to (-0.4, 0.0)
+cr.curve_to (0.2, 0.9, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+cr.set_source_rgb (0, 0, 1)
+cr.fill_preserve ()
+cr.set_source_rgb (0, 0, 0)
+cr.stroke ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c520630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+cr.move_to (0.5, 0.1)
+cr.line_to (0.9, 0.9)
+cr.rel_line_to (-0.4, 0.0)
+cr.curve_to (0.2, 0.9, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+cr.close_path ()
+cr.move_to (0.25, 0.1)
+cr.rel_line_to (0.2, 0.2)
+cr.rel_line_to (-0.2, 0.2)
+cr.rel_line_to (-0.2, -0.2)
+cr.close_path ()
+cr.set_source_rgb (0, 0, 1)
+cr.fill_preserve ()
+cr.set_source_rgb (0, 0, 0)
+cr.stroke ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2b73193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+cr.select_font_face ("Sans", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL,
+# draw 0.16 glyphs in 0.20 squares, at (0.02, 0.04) from left corner
+cr.set_font_size (0.16)
+glyphs = []
+index = 20
+for y in range(5):
+ for x in range(5):
+ glyphs.append ((index, x/5.0 + 0.02, y/5.0 + 0.16))
+ index += 1
+cr.glyph_path (glyphs)
+cr.set_source_rgb (0.5,0.5,1.0)
+cr.fill_preserve ()
+cr.set_source_rgb (0,0,0)
+cr.set_line_width (0.005)
+cr.stroke ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..22f0658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+pat = cairo.LinearGradient (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba (0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+cr.rectangle (0,0,1,1)
+cr.set_source (pat)
+cr.fill ()
+pat = cairo.RadialGradient (0.45, 0.4, 0.1,
+ 0.4, 0.4, 0.5)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba (0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+cr.set_source (pat)
+cr.arc (0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0, 2 * M_PI)
+cr.fill ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4a0eba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+pattern = cairo.LinearGradient (0, 0, 1, 1)
+pattern.add_color_stop_rgb (0, 0, 0.3, 0.8)
+pattern.add_color_stop_rgb (1, 0, 0.8, 0.3)
+mask = cairo.RadialGradient (0.5, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+mask.add_color_stop_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+mask.add_color_stop_rgba (0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+cr.set_source (pattern)
+cr.mask (mask)
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a787f4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# demo/test for group functions
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+cr.rectangle (0.1, 0.1, 0.6, 0.6)
+cr.set_line_width (0.03)
+cr.set_source_rgb (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+cr.rectangle (0.3, 0.3, 0.6, 0.6)
+cr.set_source (cairo.SolidPattern (1, 0, 0))
+cr.set_source (cairo.SolidPattern (0, 0, 0))
+cr.stroke ()
+cr.paint_with_alpha (0.5)
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ccadc4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+image = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png ("data/romedalen.png")
+w = image.get_width()
+h = image.get_height()
+cr.translate (0.5, 0.5)
+cr.rotate (45* M_PI/180)
+cr.scale (1.0/w, 1.0/h)
+cr.translate (-0.5*w, -0.5*h)
+cr.set_source_surface (image, 0, 0)
+cr.paint ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5d07c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import math
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+image = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png ("data/romedalen.png")
+w = image.get_width()
+h = image.get_height()
+pattern = cairo.SurfacePattern (image)
+pattern.set_extend (cairo.EXTEND_REPEAT)
+cr.translate (0.5, 0.5)
+cr.rotate (M_PI / 4)
+cr.scale (1 / math.sqrt (2), 1 / math.sqrt (2))
+cr.translate (- 0.5, - 0.5)
+matrix = cairo.Matrix(xx=w * 5, yy=h * 5)
+pattern.set_matrix (matrix)
+cr.set_source (pattern)
+cr.rectangle (0, 0, 1.0, 1.0)
+cr.fill ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cce8aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+cr.move_to (0.5, 0.1)
+cr.line_to (0.9, 0.9)
+cr.rel_line_to (-0.4, 0.0)
+cr.curve_to (0.2, 0.9, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+cr.stroke ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6de1fae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+cr.set_line_width (0.12)
+cr.set_line_cap (cairo.LINE_CAP_BUTT) #/* default */
+cr.move_to (0.25, 0.2); cr.line_to (0.25, 0.8)
+cr.stroke ()
+cr.set_line_cap (cairo.LINE_CAP_ROUND)
+cr.move_to (0.5, 0.2); cr.line_to (0.5, 0.8)
+cr.stroke ()
+cr.set_line_cap (cairo.LINE_CAP_SQUARE)
+cr.move_to (0.75, 0.2); cr.line_to (0.75, 0.8)
+cr.stroke ()
+#/* draw helping lines */
+cr.set_source_rgb (1,0.2,0.2)
+cr.set_line_width (0.01)
+cr.move_to (0.25, 0.2); cr.line_to (0.25, 0.8)
+cr.move_to (0.5, 0.2); cr.line_to (0.5, 0.8)
+cr.move_to (0.75, 0.2); cr.line_to (0.75, 0.8)
+cr.stroke ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b2e1919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+cr.set_line_width (0.16)
+cr.move_to (0.3, 0.33)
+cr.rel_line_to (0.2, -0.2)
+cr.rel_line_to (0.2, 0.2)
+cr.set_line_join (cairo.LINE_JOIN_MITER) #/* default */
+cr.stroke ()
+cr.move_to (0.3, 0.63)
+cr.rel_line_to (0.2, -0.2)
+cr.rel_line_to (0.2, 0.2)
+cr.set_line_join (cairo.LINE_JOIN_BEVEL)
+cr.stroke ()
+cr.move_to (0.3, 0.93)
+cr.rel_line_to (0.2, -0.2)
+cr.rel_line_to (0.2, 0.2)
+cr.set_line_join (cairo.LINE_JOIN_ROUND)
+cr.stroke ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a41cf61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+cr.select_font_face ("Sans", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL,
+# draw 0.08 glyphs in 0.10 squares, at (0.01, 0.02) from left corner
+cr.set_font_size (0.08)
+glyphs = []
+index = 0
+for y in range(10):
+ for x in range(10):
+ glyphs.append ((index, x/10.0 + 0.01, y/10.0 + 0.08))
+ index += 1
+cr.show_glyphs (glyphs)
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1ba80e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+cr.select_font_face ("Sans", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL,
+cr.set_font_size (0.35)
+cr.move_to (0.04, 0.53)
+cr.show_text ("Hello")
+cr.move_to (0.27, 0.65)
+cr.text_path ("void")
+cr.set_source_rgb (0.5,0.5,1)
+cr.fill_preserve ()
+cr.set_source_rgb (0,0,0)
+cr.set_line_width (0.01)
+cr.stroke ()
+#/* draw helping lines */
+cr.set_source_rgba (1,0.2,0.2, 0.6)
+cr.arc (0.04, 0.53, 0.02, 0, 2*M_PI)
+cr.arc (0.27, 0.65, 0.02, 0, 2*M_PI)
+cr.fill ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4bc3124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+utf8 = "cairo"
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+cr.select_font_face ("Sans",
+cr.set_font_size (0.2)
+x_bearing, y_bearing, width, height, x_advance, y_advance = cr.text_extents (utf8)
+x = 0.5-(width/2 + x_bearing)
+y = 0.5-(height/2 + y_bearing)
+cr.move_to (x, y)
+cr.show_text (utf8)
+#/* draw helping lines */
+cr.set_source_rgba (1,0.2,0.2,0.6)
+cr.arc (x, y, 0.05, 0, 2*M_PI)
+cr.fill ()
+cr.move_to (0.5, 0)
+cr.rel_line_to (0, 1)
+cr.move_to (0, 0.5)
+cr.rel_line_to (1, 0)
+cr.stroke ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..890fb88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+utf8 = "cairo"
+snippet_normalize (cr, width, height)
+cr.select_font_face ("Sans",
+cr.set_font_size (0.4)
+x_bearing, y_bearing, width, height, x_advance, y_advance = cr.text_extents (utf8)
+cr.move_to (x,y)
+cr.show_text (utf8)
+#/* draw helping lines */
+cr.set_source_rgba (1,0.2,0.2,0.6)
+cr.arc (x, y, 0.05, 0, 2*M_PI)
+cr.fill ()
+cr.move_to (x,y)
+cr.rel_line_to (0, -height)
+cr.rel_line_to (width, 0)
+cr.rel_line_to (x_bearing, -y_bearing)
+cr.stroke ()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c7796ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Python version of cairo-demo/cairo_snippets/cairo_snippets_gtk.c
+from __future__ import division
+from math import pi as M_PI # used by many snippets
+import os.path
+import sys
+import cairo
+import gtk
+import pango
+from snippets import snip_list, snippet_normalize
+Width, Height = 400, 400
+snippets_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'snippets')
+def gdkcolor_to_rgb (gdkcolor):
+ return,,
+class Window (gtk.Window):
+ """Composite widget"""
+ def __init__ (self, title=None, type=gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL):
+ gtk.Window.__init__ (self, type)
+ self.set_default_size (Width, Height)
+ self.da = gtk.DrawingArea()
+ self.da.connect('expose-event', self.da_expose_event)
+ def put_in_frame (widget):
+ frame = gtk.Frame (label=None)
+ frame.set_property ('shadow_type', gtk.SHADOW_IN)
+ frame.add (widget)
+ return frame
+ vpaned = gtk.VPaned()
+ self.add (vpaned)
+ sv = self.create_text_view()
+ vpaned.pack1 (put_in_frame (sv), True, True)
+ sv.set_size_request (Width, int(Height/2))
+ hpaned = gtk.HPaned()
+ vpaned.pack2 (hpaned, True, False)
+ sl = self.create_snippet_list()
+ hpaned.pack1 (put_in_frame (sl), True, True)
+ hpaned.pack2 (put_in_frame (self.da), True, True)
+ self.da.set_size_request (int(Width/2), int(Height/2))
+ # set focus to snippet list
+ sl.get_child().grab_focus()
+ def da_expose_event (self, da, event, data=None):
+ x, y, width, height = da.allocation
+ cr = da.window.cairo_create()
+ try:
+ exec (self.snippet_str, globals(), locals())
+ except:
+ exc_type, exc_value = sys.exc_info()[:2]
+ print >> sys.stderr, exc_type, exc_value
+ return True
+ def create_text_view (self):
+ sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ sw.set_property ('shadow-type', gtk.SHADOW_IN)
+ sw.set_policy (hscrollbar_policy=gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
+ vscrollbar_policy=gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+ text_view = gtk.TextView()
+ sw.add (text_view)
+ # set a fixed width font, so any tabs line up
+ text_view.modify_font(pango.FontDescription ("Fixed"))
+ self.text_buffer = text_view.get_buffer()
+ return sw
+ def cb_selection_changed (self, tselection, data=None):
+ model, iter = tselection.get_selected()
+ if iter:
+ filename = model[iter][0] + '.py'
+ try:
+ path = os.path.join(snippets_path, filename)
+ file_obj = open(path, 'r')
+ self.snippet_str =
+ file_obj.close()
+ self.text_buffer.set_text(self.snippet_str)
+ except IOError, exc:
+ print "%s: %s" % (exc.filename, exc.strerror)
+ self._draw_pixmap = True
+ self.da.queue_draw()
+ def create_snippet_list (self):
+ sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ sw.set_property ('shadow-type', gtk.SHADOW_IN)
+ sw.set_policy (hscrollbar_policy=gtk.POLICY_NEVER,
+ vscrollbar_policy=gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+ model = gtk.ListStore (str,)
+ for row in snip_list:
+ model.append (row=(row,))
+ tree_view = gtk.TreeView (model)
+ sw.add (tree_view)
+ tree_view.set_property ('headers-visible', False)
+ tree_view.set_property ('search-column', 0)
+ tree_view.set_property ('rules-hint', False)
+ tselection = tree_view.get_selection()
+ tselection.connect ("changed", self.cb_selection_changed)
+ tselection.set_mode (gtk.SELECTION_BROWSE)
+ cr = gtk.CellRendererText()
+ tvc = gtk.TreeViewColumn (None, cr, text=0)
+ tree_view.append_column (tvc)
+ tselection.select_path(0,) # select first item
+ return sw
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ app = Window ()
+ app.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)
+ app.show_all()
+ gtk.main()
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0606804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Python version of cairo-demo/cairo_snippets/cairo_snippets_pdf.c
+create a file for each example rather than one large file for all examples
+from __future__ import division
+from math import pi as M_PI # used by many snippets
+import sys
+import cairo
+if not cairo.HAS_PDF_SURFACE:
+ raise SystemExit ('cairo was not compiled with PDF support')
+from snippets import snip_list, snippet_normalize
+width_in_inches, height_in_inches = 2, 2
+width_in_points, height_in_points = width_in_inches * 72, height_in_inches * 72
+width, height = width_in_points, height_in_points # used by snippet_normalize()
+def do_snippet (snippet):
+ if verbose_mode:
+ print 'processing %s' % snippet,
+ filename = 'snippets/%s.pdf' % snippet
+ surface = cairo.PDFSurface (filename, width_in_points, height_in_points)
+ cr = cairo.Context (surface)
+ try:
+ execfile ('snippets/' % snippet, globals(), locals())
+ except:
+ exc_type, exc_value = sys.exc_info()[:2]
+ print >> sys.stderr, exc_type, exc_value
+ else:
+ cr.restore()
+ cr.show_page()
+ surface.finish()
+ if verbose_mode:
+ print
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ verbose_mode = True
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-s':
+ verbose_mode = False
+ del sys.argv[1]
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1: # do specified snippets
+ snippet_list = sys.argv[1:]
+ else: # do all snippets
+ snippet_list = snip_list
+ for s in snippet_list:
+ do_snippet (s)
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b499c6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Python version of cairo-demo/cairo_snippets/cairo_snippets_png.c
+from __future__ import division
+from math import pi as M_PI # used by many snippets
+import sys
+import cairo
+if not cairo.HAS_PNG_FUNCTIONS:
+ raise SystemExit ('cairo was not compiled with PNG support')
+from snippets import snip_list, snippet_normalize
+width, height = 256, 256 # used by snippet_normalize()
+def do_snippet (snippet):
+ if verbose_mode:
+ print 'processing %s' % snippet,
+ surface = cairo.ImageSurface (cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height)
+ cr = cairo.Context (surface)
+ try:
+ execfile ('snippets/' % snippet, globals(), locals())
+ except:
+# exc_type, exc_value = sys.exc_info()[:2]
+# print >> sys.stderr, exc_type, exc_value
+ raise
+ else:
+ cr.restore()
+ surface.write_to_png ('snippets/%s.png' % snippet)
+ if verbose_mode:
+ print
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ verbose_mode = True
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-s':
+ verbose_mode = False
+ del sys.argv[1]
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1: # do specified snippets
+ snippet_list = sys.argv[1:]
+ else: # do all snippets
+ snippet_list = snip_list
+ for s in snippet_list:
+ do_snippet (s)
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..364402a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Python version of cairo-demo/cairo_snippets/cairo_snippets_ps.c
+create a file for each example rather than one large file for all examples
+from __future__ import division
+from math import pi as M_PI # used by many snippets
+import sys
+import cairo
+if not cairo.HAS_PS_SURFACE:
+ raise SystemExit ('cairo was not compiled with PS support')
+from snippets import snip_list, snippet_normalize
+width_in_inches, height_in_inches = 2, 2
+width_in_points, height_in_points = width_in_inches * 72, height_in_inches * 72
+width, height = width_in_points, height_in_points # used by snippet_normalize()
+def do_snippet (snippet):
+ if verbose_mode:
+ print 'processing %s' % snippet,
+ filename = 'snippets/' % snippet
+ surface = cairo.PSSurface (filename, width_in_points, height_in_points)
+ cr = cairo.Context (surface)
+ try:
+ execfile ('snippets/' % snippet, globals(), locals())
+ except:
+ exc_type, exc_value = sys.exc_info()[:2]
+ print >> sys.stderr, exc_type, exc_value
+ else:
+ cr.restore()
+ cr.show_page()
+ surface.finish()
+ if verbose_mode:
+ print
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ verbose_mode = True
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-s':
+ verbose_mode = False
+ del sys.argv[1]
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1: # do specified snippets
+ snippet_list = sys.argv[1:]
+ else: # do all snippets
+ snippet_list = snip_list
+ for s in snippet_list:
+ do_snippet (s)
diff --git a/examples/cairo_snippets/ b/examples/cairo_snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3620ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cairo_snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from __future__ import division
+from math import pi as M_PI # used by many snippets
+import sys
+import cairo
+if not cairo.HAS_SVG_SURFACE:
+ raise SystemExit ('cairo was not compiled with SVG support')
+from snippets import snip_list, snippet_normalize
+width_in_inches, height_in_inches = 2, 2
+width_in_points, height_in_points = width_in_inches * 72, height_in_inches * 72
+width, height = width_in_points, height_in_points # used by snippet_normalize()
+def do_snippet (snippet):
+ if verbose_mode:
+ print 'processing %s' % snippet,
+ filename = 'snippets/%s.svg' % snippet
+ surface = cairo.SVGSurface (filename, width_in_points, height_in_points)
+ cr = cairo.Context (surface)
+ try:
+ execfile ('snippets/' % snippet, globals(), locals())
+ except:
+ exc_type, exc_value = sys.exc_info()[:2]
+ print >> sys.stderr, exc_type, exc_value
+ else:
+ cr.restore()
+ cr.show_page()
+ surface.finish()
+ if verbose_mode:
+ print
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ verbose_mode = True
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-s':
+ verbose_mode = False
+ del sys.argv[1]
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1: # do specified snippets
+ snippet_list = sys.argv[1:]
+ else: # do all snippets
+ snippet_list = snip_list
+ for s in snippet_list:
+ do_snippet (s)
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9ebbf76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""/cairo-demo/cairo_snippets/gradient.cairo translated to Python
+import math
+import cairo
+WIDTH, HEIGHT = 256, 256
+surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
+ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
+ctx.scale (WIDTH/1.0, HEIGHT/1.0)
+pat = cairo.LinearGradient (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba (0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+ctx.rectangle (0,0,1,1)
+ctx.set_source (pat)
+ctx.fill ()
+pat = cairo.RadialGradient (0.45, 0.4, 0.1,
+ 0.4, 0.4, 0.5)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba (0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+ctx.set_source (pat)
+ctx.arc (0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0, 2 * math.pi)
+ctx.fill ()
diff --git a/examples/gtk/ b/examples/gtk/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..76795ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gtk/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Based on cairo-demo/X11/cairo-demo.c
+import cairo
+import gtk
+SIZE = 30
+def triangle(ctx):
+ ctx.move_to(SIZE, 0)
+ ctx.rel_line_to(SIZE, 2*SIZE)
+ ctx.rel_line_to(-2*SIZE, 0)
+ ctx.close_path()
+def square(ctx):
+ ctx.move_to(0, 0)
+ ctx.rel_line_to(2*SIZE, 0)
+ ctx.rel_line_to(0, 2*SIZE)
+ ctx.rel_line_to(-2*SIZE, 0)
+ ctx.close_path()
+def bowtie(ctx):
+ ctx.move_to(0, 0)
+ ctx.rel_line_to(2*SIZE, 2*SIZE)
+ ctx.rel_line_to(-2*SIZE, 0)
+ ctx.rel_line_to(2*SIZE, -2*SIZE)
+ ctx.close_path()
+def inf(ctx):
+ ctx.move_to(0, SIZE)
+ ctx.rel_curve_to(0,SIZE, SIZE,SIZE, 2*SIZE,0)
+ ctx.rel_curve_to(SIZE,-SIZE, 2*SIZE,-SIZE, 2*SIZE,0)
+ ctx.rel_curve_to(0,SIZE, -SIZE,SIZE, -2*SIZE,0)
+ ctx.rel_curve_to(-SIZE,-SIZE, -2*SIZE,-SIZE, -2*SIZE,0)
+ ctx.close_path()
+def draw_shapes(ctx, x, y, fill):
+ ctx.new_path()
+ ctx.translate(x+SIZE, y+SIZE)
+ bowtie(ctx)
+ if fill:
+ ctx.fill()
+ else:
+ ctx.stroke()
+ ctx.new_path()
+ ctx.translate(3*SIZE, 0)
+ square(ctx)
+ if fill:
+ ctx.fill()
+ else:
+ ctx.stroke()
+ ctx.new_path()
+ ctx.translate(3*SIZE, 0)
+ triangle(ctx)
+ if fill:
+ ctx.fill()
+ else:
+ ctx.stroke()
+ ctx.new_path()
+ ctx.translate(3*SIZE, 0)
+ inf(ctx)
+ if fill:
+ ctx.fill()
+ else:
+ ctx.stroke()
+ ctx.restore()
+def fill_shapes(ctx, x, y):
+ draw_shapes(ctx, x, y, True)
+def stroke_shapes(ctx, x, y):
+ draw_shapes(ctx, x, y, False)
+def expose (da, event):
+ ctx = da.window.cairo_create()
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
+ ctx.set_line_width(SIZE / 4)
+ ctx.set_tolerance(0.1)
+ ctx.set_line_join(cairo.LINE_JOIN_ROUND)
+ ctx.set_dash([SIZE/4.0, SIZE/4.0], 0)
+ stroke_shapes(ctx, 0, 0)
+ ctx.set_dash([], 0)
+ stroke_shapes(ctx, 0, 3*SIZE)
+ ctx.set_line_join(cairo.LINE_JOIN_BEVEL)
+ stroke_shapes(ctx, 0, 6*SIZE)
+ ctx.set_line_join(cairo.LINE_JOIN_MITER)
+ stroke_shapes(ctx, 0, 9*SIZE)
+ fill_shapes(ctx, 0, 12*SIZE)
+ ctx.set_line_join(cairo.LINE_JOIN_BEVEL)
+ fill_shapes(ctx, 0, 15*SIZE)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(1,0,0)
+ stroke_shapes(ctx, 0, 15*SIZE)
+def main():
+ win = gtk.Window()
+ win.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)
+ win.set_default_size(450, 550)
+ drawingarea = gtk.DrawingArea()
+ win.add(drawingarea)
+ drawingarea.connect('expose_event', expose)
+ win.show_all()
+ gtk.main()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/examples/gtk/ b/examples/gtk/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e8c2c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gtk/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Based on gtk+/test/testcairo.c
+from __future__ import division
+import math
+import sys
+import cairo
+import gtk
+def oval_path(ctx, xc, yc, xr, yr):
+ ctx.translate (xc, yc)
+ ctx.scale (1.0, yr / xr)
+ ctx.move_to (xr, 0.0)
+ ctx.arc (0, 0, xr, 0, 2 * math.pi)
+ ctx.close_path ()
+ ctx.restore()
+def fill_checks(ctx, x, y, width, height):
+ ctx.rectangle (x, y, width, height)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb (0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
+ ctx.fill ()
+ # Only works for CHECK_SIZE a power of 2
+ for j in range (x & -CHECK_SIZE, height, CHECK_SIZE):
+ for i in range (y & -CHECK_SIZE, width, CHECK_SIZE):
+ if ((i / CHECK_SIZE + j / CHECK_SIZE) % 2 == 0):
+ ctx.rectangle (i, j, CHECK_SIZE, CHECK_SIZE)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb (0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
+ ctx.fill ()
+def draw_3circles(ctx, xc, yc, radius, alpha):
+ subradius = radius * (2 / 3. - 0.1)
+ ctx.set_source_rgba(1, 0, 0, alpha)
+ oval_path(ctx,
+ xc + radius / 3. * math.cos(math.pi * 0.5),
+ yc - radius / 3. * math.sin(math.pi * 0.5),
+ subradius, subradius)
+ ctx.fill()
+ ctx.set_source_rgba(0, 1, 0, alpha)
+ oval_path(ctx,
+ xc + radius / 3. * math.cos(math.pi * (0.5 + 2/.3)),
+ yc - radius / 3. * math.sin(math.pi * (0.5 + 2/.3)),
+ subradius, subradius)
+ ctx.fill()
+ ctx.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 1, alpha)
+ oval_path(ctx,
+ xc + radius / 3. * math.cos(math.pi * (0.5 + 4/.3)),
+ yc - radius / 3. * math.sin(math.pi * (0.5 + 4/.3)),
+ subradius, subradius)
+ ctx.fill()
+def draw (ctx, width, height):
+ radius = 0.5 * min(width, height) - 10
+ xc = width / 2.
+ yc = height / 2.
+ target = ctx.get_target()
+ overlay = target.create_similar(cairo.CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, width, height)
+ punch = target.create_similar(cairo.CONTENT_ALPHA, width, height)
+ circles = target.create_similar(cairo.CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, width, height)
+ fill_checks(ctx, 0, 0, width, height)
+ # Draw a black circle on the overlay
+ overlay_cr = cairo.Context (overlay)
+ overlay_cr.set_source_rgb (0, 0, 0)
+ oval_path (overlay_cr, xc, yc, radius, radius)
+ overlay_cr.fill()
+ # Draw 3 circles to the punch surface, then cut
+ # that out of the main circle in the overlay
+ punch_cr = cairo.Context (punch)
+ draw_3circles (punch_cr, xc, yc, radius, 1.0)
+ overlay_cr.set_operator (cairo.OPERATOR_DEST_OUT)
+ overlay_cr.set_source_surface (punch, 0, 0)
+ overlay_cr.paint()
+ # Now draw the 3 circles in a subgroup again
+ # at half intensity, and use OperatorAdd to join up
+ # without seams.
+ circles_cr = cairo.Context (circles)
+ circles_cr.set_operator (cairo.OPERATOR_OVER)
+ draw_3circles (circles_cr, xc, yc, radius, 0.5)
+ overlay_cr.set_operator (cairo.OPERATOR_ADD)
+ overlay_cr.set_source_surface (circles, 0, 0)
+ overlay_cr.paint()
+ ctx.set_source_surface (overlay, 0, 0)
+ ctx.paint()
+def expose(drawingarea, event):
+ ctx = drawingarea.window.cairo_create()
+ _, _, width, height = drawingarea.allocation
+ draw (ctx, width, height)
+ return False
+def main():
+ win = gtk.Window()
+ win.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)
+ win.set_title('Knockout Groups')
+ win.set_default_size(400, 400)
+ drawingarea = gtk.DrawingArea()
+ win.add(drawingarea)
+ drawingarea.connect('expose_event', expose)
+ win.show_all()
+ gtk.main()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/examples/gtk/ b/examples/gtk/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8aa16ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gtk/
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: iso8859-1 -*-
+# Copyright © 2004 Kevin Worth
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
+# and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
+# provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+# that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
+# supporting documentation, and that the name of the Kevin Worth not
+# be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of
+# the software without specific, written prior permission. Kevin Worth
+# California makes no representations about the suitability of this
+# software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
+# implied warranty.
+# Author: Kevin Worth <>
+from math import pi
+from random import randint
+import cairo
+import gtk
+letters_guessed = ""
+letters_guessed_right = ""
+letters_guessed_wrong = ""
+body_parts = 6
+words = ['cairo', 'graphics', 'pencil', 'keyboard', 'science', 'ricochet', 'flood', 'president', 'sanity']
+idxRandom = randint(0, len(words) -1)
+word_chosen = words[idxRandom]
+#print "The secret word is " + word_chosen
+def guess_letter(widget, event):
+ global letters_guessed, letters_guessed_right, letters_guessed_wrong
+ if event.string in letters_guessed:
+ print "What?!?! You already guessed '" + event.string + "'!"
+ else:
+ letters_guessed += event.string
+ if word_chosen.lower().find(event.string) != -1:
+ letters_guessed_right += event.string
+ else:
+ letters_guessed_wrong += event.string
+ widget.queue_draw()
+def expose_event(widget, event):
+ _, _, width, height = widget.allocation
+ if width < height:
+ size = width
+ else:
+ size = height
+ pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap (widget.window, width, height)
+ ctx = pixmap.cairo_create()
+ # set the background
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0.7,0.7,0.7)
+ ctx.set_operator (cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE)
+ ctx.paint()
+ ctx.translate ((width - size) / 2, (height - size) / 2)
+ ctx.scale(size / 150.0, size / 160.0)
+ def man_hung():
+ return len(letters_guessed_wrong) == body_parts
+ ctx.set_font_size(10)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0,0,0)
+ for idxLetter in range(len(word_chosen)):
+ #print "Examining letter: " + word_chosen[idxLetter]
+ if word_chosen[idxLetter].lower() in letters_guessed_right or man_hung():
+ if idxLetter == 0:
+ ctx.move_to(0, 150)
+ ctx.show_text(word_chosen[idxLetter].upper())
+ else:
+ ctx.move_to(idxLetter * 15, 150)
+ ctx.show_text(word_chosen[idxLetter].lower())
+ else:
+ ctx.move_to(idxLetter * 15, 150)
+ ctx.show_text('_')
+ # Draw Letters Guessed
+ ctx.move_to(0, 160)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
+ ctx.show_text(letters_guessed)
+ # Draw noose
+ ctx.move_to(100, 12.5)
+ ctx.line_to(100, 5)
+ ctx.line_to(130, 5)
+ ctx.line_to(130, 100)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ # Draw base fill color
+ ctx.move_to(130, 100)
+ ctx.line_to(130, 140)
+ ctx.line_to(40, 140)
+ ctx.line_to(40, 130)
+ ctx.line_to(50, 130)
+ ctx.line_to(50, 122)
+ ctx.line_to(60, 122)
+ ctx.line_to(60, 114)
+ ctx.line_to(70, 114)
+ ctx.line_to(70, 106)
+ ctx.line_to(130, 106)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(.4, .2, .1)
+ ctx.fill()
+ # Draw base outline color
+ ctx.move_to(130, 100)
+ ctx.line_to(130, 140)
+ ctx.line_to(40, 140)
+ # Draw 1st(lowest) stair
+ ctx.line_to(40, 130)
+ ctx.line_to(50, 130)
+ ctx.line_to(130, 130)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ # Draw 2nd stair
+ ctx.move_to(50, 130)
+ ctx.line_to(50, 121)
+ ctx.line_to(60, 121)
+ ctx.line_to(130, 121)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ # Draw 3rd stair
+ ctx.move_to(60, 121)
+ ctx.line_to(60, 113)
+ ctx.line_to(70, 113)
+ ctx.line_to(130, 113)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ # Draw 4th(top) stair
+ ctx.move_to(70, 113)
+ ctx.line_to(70, 105)
+ ctx.line_to(130, 105)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ # Draw Head
+ if len(letters_guessed_wrong) > 0:
+ ctx.move_to(107.5, 20)
+ ctx.arc(100, 20, 7.5, 0, 2*pi)
+ ctx.set_line_width(1)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ # Draw Eye 1
+ ctx.move_to(104, 17)
+ ctx.arc(103, 17, 1, 0, 2*pi)
+ ctx.move_to(103.1, 17)
+ ctx.arc(103, 17, .1, 0, 2*pi)
+ # Draw Eye 2
+ ctx.move_to(98, 17)
+ ctx.arc(97, 17, 1, 0, 2*pi)
+ ctx.move_to(97.1, 17)
+ ctx.arc(97, 17, .1, 0, 2*pi)
+ # Draw Nose
+ ctx.move_to(100.5, 19)
+ ctx.line_to(99.5, 21)
+ ctx.line_to(100.5, 21)
+ # Draw Mouth
+ if len(letters_guessed_wrong) < 6:
+ ctx.move_to(97, 23)
+ ctx.curve_to(97, 23, 100, 27.5, 103, 23)
+ ctx.set_line_width(.5)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ else:
+ ctx.move_to(100.5, 24)
+ ctx.arc(100, 24, .5, 0, 2*pi)
+ ctx.set_line_width(.5)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
+ ctx.set_line_width(1)
+ # Draw Body
+ if len(letters_guessed_wrong) > 1:
+ ctx.move_to(100, 27.5)
+ ctx.line_to(100, 70)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ # Draw Arm 1
+ if len(letters_guessed_wrong) > 2:
+ ctx.move_to(100, 35)
+ ctx.line_to(110, 50)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ # Draw Arm 2
+ if len(letters_guessed_wrong) > 3:
+ ctx.move_to(100, 35)
+ ctx.line_to(90, 50)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ # Draw Leg 1
+ if len(letters_guessed_wrong) > 4:
+ ctx.move_to(100, 70)
+ ctx.line_to(112, 95)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ # Draw Leg 2
+ if len(letters_guessed_wrong) > 5:
+ ctx.move_to(100, 70)
+ ctx.line_to(88, 95)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ # draw pixmap to gdk.window
+ gc = gtk.gdk.GC(widget.window)
+ widget.window.draw_drawable(gc, pixmap, 0,0, 0,0, -1,-1)
+win = gtk.Window()
+win.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)
+win.connect('key_press_event', guess_letter)
+win.set_title('Kevin\'s cairo demo')
+drawingarea = gtk.DrawingArea()
+drawingarea.connect('expose_event', expose_event)
diff --git a/examples/gtk/ b/examples/gtk/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e08c8dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gtk/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import cairo
+import gtk
+# Copyright 2003 Jesse Andrews ( under GPL
+class lindenmayer:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.str = ''
+ = {'[':'[','f':'f',']':']','+':'+','-':'-'}
+ self.SIZE = 10
+ self.THETA = 90
+ def addProd( self, let, pro ):
+ def iterate( self, qty=1 ):
+ for i in xrange(qty):
+ self.str = ''.join([[l] for l in self.str])
+ print 'Done iterating'
+ def expose( self, drawingarea, event ):
+ drawable = drawingarea.window
+ x, y, width, height = drawingarea.allocation
+ ctx = drawable.cairo_create()
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
+ ctx.set_line_width(self.SIZE / 4)
+ ctx.set_tolerance(0.1)
+ ctx.set_line_join(cairo.LINE_JOIN_BEVEL)
+ ctx.new_path()
+ ctx.move_to(100,100)
+ for c in self.str:
+ if c == 'f': line(ctx, self.SIZE )
+ if c == '+': rotate( ctx, +self.THETA )
+ if c == '-': rotate( ctx, -self.THETA )
+ if c == '[':
+ if c == ']': ctx.restore()
+ ctx.stroke()
+def line(ctx, len):
+ ctx.rel_line_to( 0, len )
+def rotate(ctx, deg):
+ ctx.rotate( 2*3.141592653589793*deg/360.0 )
+def lin_setup():
+ cls = lindenmayer()
+ ################# SETUP LSYSTEM HERE ################
+ ### Generic stuff ###
+ cls.str = 'f' # the starting string
+ cls.SIZE = 5 # length of a line
+ ##############################################
+ ##############################################
+ #### Uncomment the one you want to use... ####
+ #### only one at a time right now! ####
+ ##############################################
+ ##############################################
+ ###### Kock Square Curve #######
+ cls.addProd('f','f-f+f+f-f')
+ cls.THETA = 90
+ ###### Kock Snowflake ######
+# cls.addProd('f','f-f++f-f')
+# cls.THETA = 60
+ ######## Peano Curve ########
+# cls.addProd('x', 'xfyfx+f+yfxfy-f-xfyfx')
+# cls.addProd('y', 'yfxfy-f-xfyfx+f+yfxfy')
+# cls.addProd('f', 'f')
+# cls.THETA = 90
+# cls.str = 'y'
+ ###### the plant ######
+ ## doesn't seem to work ... .save & .restore messed up ##
+# cls.addProd( 'f','f[+f]f[-f]f' )
+# cls.THETA = 25
+ ####### the tree #########
+ ## doesn't seem to work ... .save & .restore messed up ##
+# cls.addProd( 'f', 'ff+[+f-f-f]-[-f+f+f]' )
+# cls.THETA = 22
+ ### times to iterate string rewriting ###
+ #this grows QUICKLY, so start only inc by 1 each run!
+ cls.iterate(4)
+ ################ DONE SETUP ###############
+ return cls
+def main():
+ win = gtk.Window()
+ win.connect('destroy', lambda x: gtk.main_quit())
+ win.set_title('cairo Lindenmayer System')
+ win.set_default_size(600, 600)
+ cls = lin_setup()
+ drawingarea = gtk.DrawingArea()
+ win.add(drawingarea)
+ drawingarea.connect('expose_event', cls.expose)
+ win.show_all()
+ gtk.main()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/examples/gtk/ b/examples/gtk/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1100c75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gtk/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Display a png file
+import sys
+import cairo
+import gtk
+def expose_event(widget, event, surface):
+ ctx = widget.window.cairo_create()
+ ctx.set_source_surface(surface, 0,0)
+ ctx.paint()
+if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+ raise SystemExit('usage: png_file')
+filename = sys.argv[1]
+surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(filename)
+Width = surface.get_width()
+Height = surface.get_height()
+win = gtk.Window()
+win.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)
+drawingarea = gtk.DrawingArea()
+drawingarea.connect('expose_event', expose_event, surface)
diff --git a/examples/gtk/ b/examples/gtk/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2bef98b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gtk/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import cairo
+import gtk
+def expose_event(widget, event):
+ ctx = widget.window.cairo_create()
+ ctx.set_line_width(6)
+ ctx.set_tolerance(.1)
+ ctx.select_font_face('sans-serif')
+ ctx.set_font_size(48)
+ (x, y, width, height, dx, dy) = ctx.text_extents('Hello World')
+ ctx.translate (100, 100)
+ ctx.new_path()
+ ctx.move_to(x-10,y-10)
+ ctx.rel_line_to(width + 20, 0)
+ ctx.rel_line_to(0, height + 20)
+ ctx.rel_line_to(-(width + 20), 0)
+ ctx.close_path()
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0,0,1)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ ctx.move_to(0, 0)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0,0,0)
+ ctx.show_text('Hello World')
+win = gtk.Window()
+win.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)
+drawingarea = gtk.DrawingArea()
+drawingarea.connect('expose_event', expose_event)
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e400e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""cairo/cairo-demo/png/hering.c translated into Python
+import math
+import cairo
+WIDTH = 300
+HEIGHT = 600
+def draw_hering (ctx, width, height):
+ LINES= 32
+ MAX_THETA = .80 * math.pi * 2
+ ctx.set_source_rgb (0, 0, 0)
+ ctx.set_line_width (2.0)
+ ctx.translate (width / 2, height / 2)
+ ctx.rotate (MAX_THETA)
+ for i in range (LINES):
+ ctx.move_to (-2 * width, 0)
+ ctx.line_to (2 * width, 0)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ ctx.rotate (- THETA_INC)
+ ctx.restore()
+ ctx.set_line_width (6)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb (1, 0, 0)
+ ctx.move_to (width / 4.0, 0)
+ ctx.rel_line_to (0, height)
+ ctx.stroke()
+ ctx.move_to (3 * width / 4.0, 0)
+ ctx.rel_line_to (0, height)
+ ctx.stroke()
+surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
+ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
+ctx.set_source_rgb (1, 1, 1)
+ctx.set_operator (cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE)
+draw_hering (ctx, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7be9af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""cairo/cairo-demo/png/spiral.c translated into Python
+import cairo
+WIDTH, HEIGHT = 600, 600
+def draw_spiral (ctx, width, height):
+ wd = .02 * width
+ hd = .02 * height
+ width -= 2
+ height -= 2
+ ctx.move_to (width + 1, 1-hd)
+ for i in range(9):
+ ctx.rel_line_to (0, height - hd * (2 * i - 1))
+ ctx.rel_line_to (- (width - wd * (2 *i)), 0)
+ ctx.rel_line_to (0, - (height - hd * (2*i)))
+ ctx.rel_line_to (width - wd * (2 * i + 1), 0)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb (0, 0, 1)
+ ctx.stroke()
+surface = cairo.ImageSurface (cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
+ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
+ctx.set_source_rgb (1, 1, 1)
+ctx.set_operator (cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE)
+draw_spiral (ctx, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cd83ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import cairo
+import math
+def warpPath(ctx, function):
+ first = True
+ for type, points in ctx.copy_path():
+ if type == cairo.PATH_MOVE_TO:
+ if first:
+ ctx.new_path()
+ first = False
+ x, y = function(*points)
+ ctx.move_to(x, y)
+ elif type == cairo.PATH_LINE_TO:
+ x, y = function(*points)
+ ctx.line_to(x, y)
+ elif type == cairo.PATH_CURVE_TO:
+ x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = points
+ x1, y1 = function(x1, y1)
+ x2, y2 = function(x2, y2)
+ x3, y3 = function(x3, y3)
+ ctx.curve_to(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
+ elif type == cairo.PATH_CLOSE_PATH:
+ ctx.close_path()
+def spiral(x, y):
+ theta0 = -math.pi * 3 / 4
+ theta = x / Width * math.pi * 2 + theta0
+ radius = y + 200 - x/7
+ xnew = radius*math.cos(theta)
+ ynew = radius*math.sin(-theta)
+ return xnew + Width/2, ynew + Height/2
+def curl(x, y):
+ xn = x - Textwidth/2
+ #yn = y - Textheight/2
+ xnew = xn
+ ynew = y + xn ** 3 / ((Textwidth/2)**3) * 70
+ return xnew + Width/2, ynew + Height*2/5
+Width, Height = 512, 512
+surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, Width, Height)
+ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
+solidpattern = ctx.get_source()
+# background
+pat = cairo.LinearGradient (0.0, 0.0, 0, Height)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba (0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+ctx.rectangle (0,0,Width,Height)
+ctx.set_source (pat)
+ctx.fill ()
+# foreground
+ctx.set_source (solidpattern)
+ctx.set_source_rgb (1,1,1)
+# spiral text
+ctx.move_to(0, 0)
+ctx.text_path("pycairo - " + "spam " * 5)
+warpPath(ctx, spiral)
+# curly text
+ctx.move_to(0, 0)
+ctx.set_source_rgb(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
+text = "I am curly :)"
+Textwidth, Textheight = ctx.text_extents(text)[2:4]
+warpPath(ctx, curl)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6939dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,8406 @@
+# Generated from ltmain.m4sh.
+# (GNU libtool) 2.2.6
+# Written by Gordon Matzigkeit <>, 1996
+# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
+# GNU Libtool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License,
+# if you distribute this file as part of a program or library that
+# is built using GNU Libtool, you may include this file under the
+# same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
+# GNU Libtool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Libtool; see the file COPYING. If not, a copy
+# can be downloaded from,
+# or obtained by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# Usage: $progname [OPTION]... [MODE-ARG]...
+# Provide generalized library-building support services.
+# --config show all configuration variables
+# --debug enable verbose shell tracing
+# -n, --dry-run display commands without modifying any files
+# --features display basic configuration information and exit
+# --mode=MODE use operation mode MODE
+# --preserve-dup-deps don't remove duplicate dependency libraries
+# --quiet, --silent don't print informational messages
+# --tag=TAG use configuration variables from tag TAG
+# -v, --verbose print informational messages (default)
+# --version print version information
+# -h, --help print short or long help message
+# MODE must be one of the following:
+# clean remove files from the build directory
+# compile compile a source file into a libtool object
+# execute automatically set library path, then run a program
+# finish complete the installation of libtool libraries
+# install install libraries or executables
+# link create a library or an executable
+# uninstall remove libraries from an installed directory
+# MODE-ARGS vary depending on the MODE.
+# Try `$progname --help --mode=MODE' for a more detailed description of MODE.
+# When reporting a bug, please describe a test case to reproduce it and
+# include the following information:
+# host-triplet: $host
+# shell: $SHELL
+# compiler: $LTCC
+# compiler flags: $LTCFLAGS
+# linker: $LD (gnu? $with_gnu_ld)
+# $progname: (GNU libtool) 2.2.6
+# automake: $automake_version
+# autoconf: $autoconf_version
+# Report bugs to <>.
+# Be Bourne compatible
+if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ emulate sh
+ # Zsh 3.x and 4.x performs word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which
+ # is contrary to our usage. Disable this feature.
+ alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
+ setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+ case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in *posix*) set -o posix;; esac
+BIN_SH=xpg4; export BIN_SH # for Tru64
+DUALCASE=1; export DUALCASE # for MKS sh
+# NLS nuisances: We save the old values to restore during execute mode.
+# Only set LANG and LC_ALL to C if already set.
+# These must not be set unconditionally because not all systems understand
+# e.g. LANG=C (notably SCO).
+ eval "if test \"\${$lt_var+set}\" = set; then
+ save_$lt_var=\$$lt_var
+ $lt_var=C
+ export $lt_var
+ lt_user_locale=\"$lt_var=\\\$save_\$lt_var; \$lt_user_locale\"
+ lt_safe_locale=\"$lt_var=C; \$lt_safe_locale\"
+ fi"
+$lt_unset CDPATH
+: ${CP="cp -f"}
+: ${ECHO="echo"}
+: ${EGREP="/bin/grep -E"}
+: ${FGREP="/bin/grep -F"}
+: ${GREP="/bin/grep"}
+: ${LN_S="ln -s"}
+: ${MAKE="make"}
+: ${MKDIR="mkdir"}
+: ${MV="mv -f"}
+: ${RM="rm -f"}
+: ${SED="/bin/sed"}
+: ${SHELL="${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh}"}
+: ${Xsed="$SED -e 1s/^X//"}
+# Global variables:
+EXIT_MISMATCH=63 # $? = 63 is used to indicate version mismatch to missing.
+EXIT_SKIP=77 # $? = 77 is used to indicate a skipped test to automake.
+# Make sure IFS has a sensible default
+IFS=" $lt_nl"
+# func_dirname_and_basename file append nondir_replacement
+# perform func_basename and func_dirname in a single function
+# call:
+# dirname: Compute the dirname of FILE. If nonempty,
+# add APPEND to the result, otherwise set result
+# value returned in "$func_dirname_result"
+# basename: Compute filename of FILE.
+# value retuned in "$func_basename_result"
+# Implementation must be kept synchronized with func_dirname
+# and func_basename. For efficiency, we do not delegate to
+# those functions but instead duplicate the functionality here.
+func_dirname_and_basename ()
+ # Extract subdirectory from the argument.
+ func_dirname_result=`$ECHO "X${1}" | $Xsed -e "$dirname"`
+ if test "X$func_dirname_result" = "X${1}"; then
+ func_dirname_result="${3}"
+ else
+ func_dirname_result="$func_dirname_result${2}"
+ fi
+ func_basename_result=`$ECHO "X${1}" | $Xsed -e "$basename"`
+# Generated shell functions inserted here.
+# Work around backward compatibility issue on IRIX 6.5. On IRIX 6.4+, sh
+# is ksh but when the shell is invoked as "sh" and the current value of
+# the _XPG environment variable is not equal to 1 (one), the special
+# positional parameter $0, within a function call, is the name of the
+# function.
+# The name of this program:
+# In the unlikely event $progname began with a '-', it would play havoc with
+# func_echo (imagine progname=-n), so we prepend ./ in that case:
+func_dirname_and_basename "$progpath"
+case $progname in
+ -*) progname=./$progname ;;
+# Make sure we have an absolute path for reexecution:
+case $progpath in
+ [\\/]*|[A-Za-z]:\\*) ;;
+ *[\\/]*)
+ progdir=$func_dirname_result
+ progdir=`cd "$progdir" && pwd`
+ progpath="$progdir/$progname"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ save_IFS="$IFS"
+ IFS=:
+ for progdir in $PATH; do
+ IFS="$save_IFS"
+ test -x "$progdir/$progname" && break
+ done
+ IFS="$save_IFS"
+ test -n "$progdir" || progdir=`pwd`
+ progpath="$progdir/$progname"
+ ;;
+# Sed substitution that helps us do robust quoting. It backslashifies
+# metacharacters that are still active within double-quoted strings.
+Xsed="${SED}"' -e 1s/^X//'
+# Same as above, but do not quote variable references.
+# Re-`\' parameter expansions in output of double_quote_subst that were
+# `\'-ed in input to the same. If an odd number of `\' preceded a '$'
+# in input to double_quote_subst, that '$' was protected from expansion.
+# Since each input `\' is now two `\'s, look for any number of runs of
+# four `\'s followed by two `\'s and then a '$'. `\' that '$'.
+ s/$bs4/&\\
+ s/^$bs2$dollar/$bs&/
+ s/\\([^$bs]\\)$bs2$dollar/\\1$bs2$bs$dollar/g
+ s/\n//g"
+# Standard options:
+# func_echo arg...
+# Echo program name prefixed message, along with the current mode
+# name if it has been set yet.
+func_echo ()
+ $ECHO "$progname${mode+: }$mode: $*"
+# func_verbose arg...
+# Echo program name prefixed message in verbose mode only.
+func_verbose ()
+ $opt_verbose && func_echo ${1+"$@"}
+ # A bug in bash halts the script if the last line of a function
+ # fails when set -e is in force, so we need another command to
+ # work around that:
+ :
+# func_error arg...
+# Echo program name prefixed message to standard error.
+func_error ()
+ $ECHO "$progname${mode+: }$mode: "${1+"$@"} 1>&2
+# func_warning arg...
+# Echo program name prefixed warning message to standard error.
+func_warning ()
+ $opt_warning && $ECHO "$progname${mode+: }$mode: warning: "${1+"$@"} 1>&2
+ # bash bug again:
+ :
+# func_fatal_error arg...
+# Echo program name prefixed message to standard error, and exit.
+func_fatal_error ()
+ func_error ${1+"$@"}
+# func_fatal_help arg...
+# Echo program name prefixed message to standard error, followed by
+# a help hint, and exit.
+func_fatal_help ()
+ func_error ${1+"$@"}
+ func_fatal_error "$help"
+help="Try \`$progname --help' for more information." ## default
+# func_grep expression filename
+# Check whether EXPRESSION matches any line of FILENAME, without output.
+func_grep ()
+ $GREP "$1" "$2" >/dev/null 2>&1
+# func_mkdir_p directory-path
+# Make sure the entire path to DIRECTORY-PATH is available.
+func_mkdir_p ()
+ my_directory_path="$1"
+ my_dir_list=
+ if test -n "$my_directory_path" && test "$opt_dry_run" != ":"; then
+ # Protect directory names starting with `-'
+ case $my_directory_path in
+ -*) my_directory_path="./$my_directory_path" ;;
+ esac
+ # While some portion of DIR does not yet exist...
+ while test ! -d "$my_directory_path"; do
+ # ...make a list in topmost first order. Use a colon delimited
+ # list incase some portion of path contains whitespace.
+ my_dir_list="$my_directory_path:$my_dir_list"
+ # If the last portion added has no slash in it, the list is done
+ case $my_directory_path in */*) ;; *) break ;; esac
+ # ...otherwise throw away the child directory and loop
+ my_directory_path=`$ECHO "X$my_directory_path" | $Xsed -e "$dirname"`
+ done
+ my_dir_list=`$ECHO "X$my_dir_list" | $Xsed -e 's,:*$,,'`
+ save_mkdir_p_IFS="$IFS"; IFS=':'
+ for my_dir in $my_dir_list; do
+ IFS="$save_mkdir_p_IFS"
+ # mkdir can fail with a `File exist' error if two processes
+ # try to create one of the directories concurrently. Don't
+ # stop in that case!
+ $MKDIR "$my_dir" 2>/dev/null || :
+ done
+ IFS="$save_mkdir_p_IFS"
+ # Bail out if we (or some other process) failed to create a directory.
+ test -d "$my_directory_path" || \
+ func_fatal_error "Failed to create \`$1'"
+ fi
+# func_mktempdir [string]
+# Make a temporary directory that won't clash with other running
+# libtool processes, and avoids race conditions if possible. If
+# given, STRING is the basename for that directory.
+func_mktempdir ()
+ my_template="${TMPDIR-/tmp}/${1-$progname}"
+ if test "$opt_dry_run" = ":"; then
+ # Return a directory name, but don't create it in dry-run mode
+ my_tmpdir="${my_template}-$$"
+ else
+ # If mktemp works, use that first and foremost
+ my_tmpdir=`mktemp -d "${my_template}-XXXXXXXX" 2>/dev/null`
+ if test ! -d "$my_tmpdir"; then
+ # Failing that, at least try and use $RANDOM to avoid a race
+ my_tmpdir="${my_template}-${RANDOM-0}$$"
+ save_mktempdir_umask=`umask`
+ umask 0077
+ $MKDIR "$my_tmpdir"
+ umask $save_mktempdir_umask
+ fi
+ # If we're not in dry-run mode, bomb out on failure
+ test -d "$my_tmpdir" || \
+ func_fatal_error "cannot create temporary directory \`$my_tmpdir'"
+ fi
+ $ECHO "X$my_tmpdir" | $Xsed
+# func_quote_for_eval arg
+# Aesthetically quote ARG to be evaled later.
+# This function returns two values: FUNC_QUOTE_FOR_EVAL_RESULT
+# is double-quoted, suitable for a subsequent eval, whereas
+# FUNC_QUOTE_FOR_EVAL_UNQUOTED_RESULT has merely all characters
+# which are still active within double quotes backslashified.
+func_quote_for_eval ()
+ case $1 in
+ *[\\\`\"\$]*)
+ func_quote_for_eval_unquoted_result=`$ECHO "X$1" | $Xsed -e "$sed_quote_subst"` ;;
+ *)
+ func_quote_for_eval_unquoted_result="$1" ;;
+ esac
+ case $func_quote_for_eval_unquoted_result in
+ # Double-quote args containing shell metacharacters to delay
+ # word splitting, command substitution and and variable
+ # expansion for a subsequent eval.
+ # Many Bourne shells cannot handle close brackets correctly
+ # in scan sets, so we specify it separately.
+ *[\[\~\#\^\&\*\(\)\{\}\|\;\<\>\?\'\ \ ]*|*]*|"")
+ func_quote_for_eval_result="\"$func_quote_for_eval_unquoted_result\""
+ ;;
+ *)
+ func_quote_for_eval_result="$func_quote_for_eval_unquoted_result"
+ esac
+# func_quote_for_expand arg
+# Aesthetically quote ARG to be evaled later; same as above,
+# but do not quote variable references.
+func_quote_for_expand ()
+ case $1 in
+ *[\\\`\"]*)
+ my_arg=`$ECHO "X$1" | $Xsed \
+ -e "$double_quote_subst" -e "$sed_double_backslash"` ;;
+ *)
+ my_arg="$1" ;;
+ esac
+ case $my_arg in
+ # Double-quote args containing shell metacharacters to delay
+ # word splitting and command substitution for a subsequent eval.
+ # Many Bourne shells cannot handle close brackets correctly
+ # in scan sets, so we specify it separately.
+ *[\[\~\#\^\&\*\(\)\{\}\|\;\<\>\?\'\ \ ]*|*]*|"")
+ my_arg="\"$my_arg\""
+ ;;
+ esac
+ func_quote_for_expand_result="$my_arg"
+# func_show_eval cmd [fail_exp]
+# Unless opt_silent is true, then output CMD. Then, if opt_dryrun is
+# not true, evaluate CMD. If the evaluation of CMD fails, and FAIL_EXP
+# is given, then evaluate it.
+func_show_eval ()
+ my_cmd="$1"
+ my_fail_exp="${2-:}"
+ ${opt_silent-false} || {
+ func_quote_for_expand "$my_cmd"
+ eval "func_echo $func_quote_for_expand_result"
+ }
+ if ${opt_dry_run-false}; then :; else
+ eval "$my_cmd"
+ my_status=$?
+ if test "$my_status" -eq 0; then :; else
+ eval "(exit $my_status); $my_fail_exp"
+ fi
+ fi
+# func_show_eval_locale cmd [fail_exp]
+# Unless opt_silent is true, then output CMD. Then, if opt_dryrun is
+# not true, evaluate CMD. If the evaluation of CMD fails, and FAIL_EXP
+# is given, then evaluate it. Use the saved locale for evaluation.
+func_show_eval_locale ()
+ my_cmd="$1"
+ my_fail_exp="${2-:}"
+ ${opt_silent-false} || {
+ func_quote_for_expand "$my_cmd"
+ eval "func_echo $func_quote_for_expand_result"
+ }
+ if ${opt_dry_run-false}; then :; else
+ eval "$lt_user_locale
+ $my_cmd"
+ my_status=$?
+ eval "$lt_safe_locale"
+ if test "$my_status" -eq 0; then :; else
+ eval "(exit $my_status); $my_fail_exp"
+ fi
+ fi
+# func_version
+# Echo version message to standard output and exit.
+func_version ()
+ $SED -n '/^# '$PROGRAM' (GNU /,/# warranty; / {
+ s/^# //
+ s/^# *$//
+ s/\((C)\)[ 0-9,-]*\( [1-9][0-9]*\)/\1\2/
+ p
+ }' < "$progpath"
+ exit $?
+# func_usage
+# Echo short help message to standard output and exit.
+func_usage ()
+ $SED -n '/^# Usage:/,/# -h/ {
+ s/^# //
+ s/^# *$//
+ s/\$progname/'$progname'/
+ p
+ }' < "$progpath"
+ $ECHO "run \`$progname --help | more' for full usage"
+ exit $?
+# func_help
+# Echo long help message to standard output and exit.
+func_help ()
+ $SED -n '/^# Usage:/,/# Report bugs to/ {
+ s/^# //
+ s/^# *$//
+ s*\$progname*'$progname'*
+ s*\$host*'"$host"'*
+ s*\$SHELL*'"$SHELL"'*
+ s*\$LTCC*'"$LTCC"'*
+ s*\$LD*'"$LD"'*
+ s/\$with_gnu_ld/'"$with_gnu_ld"'/
+ s/\$automake_version/'"`(automake --version) 2>/dev/null |$SED 1q`"'/
+ s/\$autoconf_version/'"`(autoconf --version) 2>/dev/null |$SED 1q`"'/
+ p
+ }' < "$progpath"
+ exit $?
+# func_missing_arg argname
+# Echo program name prefixed message to standard error and set global
+# exit_cmd.
+func_missing_arg ()
+ func_error "missing argument for $1"
+ exit_cmd=exit
+# Check that we have a working $ECHO.
+if test "X$1" = X--no-reexec; then
+ # Discard the --no-reexec flag, and continue.
+ shift
+elif test "X$1" = X--fallback-echo; then
+ # Avoid inline document here, it may be left over
+ :
+elif test "X`{ $ECHO '\t'; } 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t'; then
+ # Yippee, $ECHO works!
+ :
+ # Restart under the correct shell, and then maybe $ECHO will work.
+ exec $SHELL "$progpath" --no-reexec ${1+"$@"}
+if test "X$1" = X--fallback-echo; then
+ # used as fallback echo
+ shift
+ cat <<EOF
+magic="%%%MAGIC variable%%%"
+magic_exe="%%%MAGIC EXE variable%%%"
+# Global variables.
+# $mode is unset
+# If this variable is set in any of the actions, the command in it
+# will be execed at the end. This prevents here-documents from being
+# left over by shells.
+# func_fatal_configuration arg...
+# Echo program name prefixed message to standard error, followed by
+# a configuration failure hint, and exit.
+func_fatal_configuration ()
+ func_error ${1+"$@"}
+ func_error "See the $PACKAGE documentation for more information."
+ func_fatal_error "Fatal configuration error."
+# func_config
+# Display the configuration for all the tags in this script.
+func_config ()
+ re_begincf='^# ### BEGIN LIBTOOL'
+ re_endcf='^# ### END LIBTOOL'
+ # Default configuration.
+ $SED "1,/$re_begincf CONFIG/d;/$re_endcf CONFIG/,\$d" < "$progpath"
+ # Now print the configurations for the tags.
+ for tagname in $taglist; do
+ $SED -n "/$re_begincf TAG CONFIG: $tagname\$/,/$re_endcf TAG CONFIG: $tagname\$/p" < "$progpath"
+ done
+ exit $?
+# func_features
+# Display the features supported by this script.
+func_features ()
+ $ECHO "host: $host"
+ if test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes; then
+ $ECHO "enable shared libraries"
+ else
+ $ECHO "disable shared libraries"
+ fi
+ if test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then
+ $ECHO "enable static libraries"
+ else
+ $ECHO "disable static libraries"
+ fi
+ exit $?
+# func_enable_tag tagname
+# Verify that TAGNAME is valid, and either flag an error and exit, or
+# enable the TAGNAME tag. We also add TAGNAME to the global $taglist
+# variable here.
+func_enable_tag ()
+ # Global variable:
+ tagname="$1"
+ re_begincf="^# ### BEGIN LIBTOOL TAG CONFIG: $tagname\$"
+ re_endcf="^# ### END LIBTOOL TAG CONFIG: $tagname\$"
+ sed_extractcf="/$re_begincf/,/$re_endcf/p"
+ # Validate tagname.
+ case $tagname in
+ *[!-_A-Za-z0-9,/]*)
+ func_fatal_error "invalid tag name: $tagname"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Don't test for the "default" C tag, as we know it's
+ # there but not specially marked.
+ case $tagname in
+ CC) ;;
+ *)
+ if $GREP "$re_begincf" "$progpath" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ taglist="$taglist $tagname"
+ # Evaluate the configuration. Be careful to quote the path
+ # and the sed script, to avoid splitting on whitespace, but
+ # also don't use non-portable quotes within backquotes within
+ # quotes we have to do it in 2 steps:
+ extractedcf=`$SED -n -e "$sed_extractcf" < "$progpath"`
+ eval "$extractedcf"
+ else
+ func_error "ignoring unknown tag $tagname"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Parse options once, thoroughly. This comes as soon as possible in
+# the script to make things like `libtool --version' happen quickly.
+ # Shorthand for --mode=foo, only valid as the first argument
+ case $1 in
+ clean|clea|cle|cl)
+ shift; set dummy --mode clean ${1+"$@"}; shift
+ ;;
+ compile|compil|compi|comp|com|co|c)
+ shift; set dummy --mode compile ${1+"$@"}; shift
+ ;;
+ execute|execut|execu|exec|exe|ex|e)
+ shift; set dummy --mode execute ${1+"$@"}; shift
+ ;;
+ finish|finis|fini|fin|fi|f)
+ shift; set dummy --mode finish ${1+"$@"}; shift
+ ;;
+ install|instal|insta|inst|ins|in|i)
+ shift; set dummy --mode install ${1+"$@"}; shift
+ ;;
+ link|lin|li|l)
+ shift; set dummy --mode link ${1+"$@"}; shift
+ ;;
+ uninstall|uninstal|uninsta|uninst|unins|unin|uni|un|u)
+ shift; set dummy --mode uninstall ${1+"$@"}; shift
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Parse non-mode specific arguments:
+ while test "$#" -gt 0; do
+ opt="$1"
+ shift
+ case $opt in
+ --config) func_config ;;
+ --debug) preserve_args="$preserve_args $opt"
+ func_echo "enabling shell trace mode"
+ opt_debug='set -x'
+ $opt_debug
+ ;;
+ -dlopen) test "$#" -eq 0 && func_missing_arg "$opt" && break
+ execute_dlfiles="$execute_dlfiles $1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --dry-run | -n) opt_dry_run=: ;;
+ --features) func_features ;;
+ --finish) mode="finish" ;;
+ --mode) test "$#" -eq 0 && func_missing_arg "$opt" && break
+ case $1 in
+ # Valid mode arguments:
+ clean) ;;
+ compile) ;;
+ execute) ;;
+ finish) ;;
+ install) ;;
+ link) ;;
+ relink) ;;
+ uninstall) ;;
+ # Catch anything else as an error
+ *) func_error "invalid argument for $opt"
+ exit_cmd=exit
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ mode="$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --preserve-dup-deps)
+ opt_duplicate_deps=: ;;
+ --quiet|--silent) preserve_args="$preserve_args $opt"
+ opt_silent=:
+ ;;
+ --verbose| -v) preserve_args="$preserve_args $opt"
+ opt_silent=false
+ ;;
+ --tag) test "$#" -eq 0 && func_missing_arg "$opt" && break
+ preserve_args="$preserve_args $opt $1"
+ func_enable_tag "$1" # tagname is set here
+ shift
+ ;;
+ # Separate optargs to long options:
+ -dlopen=*|--mode=*|--tag=*)
+ func_opt_split "$opt"
+ set dummy "$func_opt_split_opt" "$func_opt_split_arg" ${1+"$@"}
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -\?|-h) func_usage ;;
+ --help) opt_help=: ;;
+ --version) func_version ;;
+ -*) func_fatal_help "unrecognized option \`$opt'" ;;
+ *) nonopt="$opt"
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ case $host in
+ *cygwin* | *mingw* | *pw32* | *cegcc*)
+ # don't eliminate duplications in $postdeps and $predeps
+ opt_duplicate_compiler_generated_deps=:
+ ;;
+ *)
+ opt_duplicate_compiler_generated_deps=$opt_duplicate_deps
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Having warned about all mis-specified options, bail out if
+ # anything was wrong.
+ $exit_cmd $EXIT_FAILURE
+# func_check_version_match
+# Ensure that we are using m4 macros, and libtool script from the same
+# release of libtool.
+func_check_version_match ()
+ if test "$package_revision" != "$macro_revision"; then
+ if test "$VERSION" != "$macro_version"; then
+ if test -z "$macro_version"; then
+ cat >&2 <<_LT_EOF
+$progname: Version mismatch error. This is $PACKAGE $VERSION, but the
+$progname: definition of this LT_INIT comes from an older release.
+$progname: You should recreate aclocal.m4 with macros from $PACKAGE $VERSION
+$progname: and run autoconf again.
+ else
+ cat >&2 <<_LT_EOF
+$progname: Version mismatch error. This is $PACKAGE $VERSION, but the
+$progname: definition of this LT_INIT comes from $PACKAGE $macro_version.
+$progname: You should recreate aclocal.m4 with macros from $PACKAGE $VERSION
+$progname: and run autoconf again.
+ fi
+ else
+ cat >&2 <<_LT_EOF
+$progname: Version mismatch error. This is $PACKAGE $VERSION, revision $package_revision,
+$progname: but the definition of this LT_INIT comes from revision $macro_revision.
+$progname: You should recreate aclocal.m4 with macros from revision $package_revision
+$progname: of $PACKAGE $VERSION and run autoconf again.
+ fi
+ fi
+## ----------- ##
+## Main. ##
+## ----------- ##
+$opt_help || {
+ # Sanity checks first:
+ func_check_version_match
+ if test "$build_libtool_libs" != yes && test "$build_old_libs" != yes; then
+ func_fatal_configuration "not configured to build any kind of library"
+ fi
+ test -z "$mode" && func_fatal_error "error: you must specify a MODE."
+ # Darwin sucks
+ eval std_shrext=\"$shrext_cmds\"
+ # Only execute mode is allowed to have -dlopen flags.
+ if test -n "$execute_dlfiles" && test "$mode" != execute; then
+ func_error "unrecognized option \`-dlopen'"
+ $ECHO "$help" 1>&2
+ fi
+ # Change the help message to a mode-specific one.
+ generic_help="$help"
+ help="Try \`$progname --help --mode=$mode' for more information."
+# func_lalib_p file
+# True iff FILE is a libtool `.la' library or `.lo' object file.
+# This function is only a basic sanity check; it will hardly flush out
+# determined imposters.
+func_lalib_p ()
+ test -f "$1" &&
+ $SED -e 4q "$1" 2>/dev/null \
+ | $GREP "^# Generated by .*$PACKAGE" > /dev/null 2>&1
+# func_lalib_unsafe_p file
+# True iff FILE is a libtool `.la' library or `.lo' object file.
+# This function implements the same check as func_lalib_p without
+# resorting to external programs. To this end, it redirects stdin and
+# closes it afterwards, without saving the original file descriptor.
+# As a safety measure, use it only where a negative result would be
+# fatal anyway. Works if `file' does not exist.
+func_lalib_unsafe_p ()
+ lalib_p=no
+ if test -f "$1" && test -r "$1" && exec 5<&0 <"$1"; then
+ for lalib_p_l in 1 2 3 4
+ do
+ read lalib_p_line
+ case "$lalib_p_line" in
+ \#\ Generated\ by\ *$PACKAGE* ) lalib_p=yes; break;;
+ esac
+ done
+ exec 0<&5 5<&-
+ fi
+ test "$lalib_p" = yes
+# func_ltwrapper_script_p file
+# True iff FILE is a libtool wrapper script
+# This function is only a basic sanity check; it will hardly flush out
+# determined imposters.
+func_ltwrapper_script_p ()
+ func_lalib_p "$1"
+# func_ltwrapper_executable_p file
+# True iff FILE is a libtool wrapper executable
+# This function is only a basic sanity check; it will hardly flush out
+# determined imposters.
+func_ltwrapper_executable_p ()
+ func_ltwrapper_exec_suffix=
+ case $1 in
+ *.exe) ;;
+ *) func_ltwrapper_exec_suffix=.exe ;;
+ esac
+ $GREP "$magic_exe" "$1$func_ltwrapper_exec_suffix" >/dev/null 2>&1
+# func_ltwrapper_scriptname file
+# Assumes file is an ltwrapper_executable
+# uses $file to determine the appropriate filename for a
+# temporary ltwrapper_script.
+func_ltwrapper_scriptname ()
+ func_ltwrapper_scriptname_result=""
+ if func_ltwrapper_executable_p "$1"; then
+ func_dirname_and_basename "$1" "" "."
+ func_stripname '' '.exe' "$func_basename_result"
+ func_ltwrapper_scriptname_result="$func_dirname_result/$objdir/${func_stripname_result}_ltshwrapper"
+ fi
+# func_ltwrapper_p file
+# True iff FILE is a libtool wrapper script or wrapper executable
+# This function is only a basic sanity check; it will hardly flush out
+# determined imposters.
+func_ltwrapper_p ()
+ func_ltwrapper_script_p "$1" || func_ltwrapper_executable_p "$1"
+# func_execute_cmds commands fail_cmd
+# Execute tilde-delimited COMMANDS.
+# If FAIL_CMD is given, eval that upon failure.
+# FAIL_CMD may read-access the current command in variable CMD!
+func_execute_cmds ()
+ $opt_debug
+ save_ifs=$IFS; IFS='~'
+ for cmd in $1; do
+ IFS=$save_ifs
+ eval cmd=\"$cmd\"
+ func_show_eval "$cmd" "${2-:}"
+ done
+ IFS=$save_ifs
+# func_source file
+# Source FILE, adding directory component if necessary.
+# Note that it is not necessary on cygwin/mingw to append a dot to
+# FILE even if both FILE and FILE.exe exist: automatic-append-.exe
+# behavior happens only for exec(3), not for open(2)! Also, sourcing
+# `FILE.' does not work on cygwin managed mounts.
+func_source ()
+ $opt_debug
+ case $1 in
+ */* | *\\*) . "$1" ;;
+ *) . "./$1" ;;
+ esac
+# func_infer_tag arg
+# Infer tagged configuration to use if any are available and
+# if one wasn't chosen via the "--tag" command line option.
+# Only attempt this if the compiler in the base compile
+# command doesn't match the default compiler.
+# arg is usually of the form 'gcc ...'
+func_infer_tag ()
+ $opt_debug
+ if test -n "$available_tags" && test -z "$tagname"; then
+ CC_quoted=
+ for arg in $CC; do
+ func_quote_for_eval "$arg"
+ CC_quoted="$CC_quoted $func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ done
+ case $@ in
+ # Blanks in the command may have been stripped by the calling shell,
+ # but not from the CC environment variable when configure was run.
+ " $CC "* | "$CC "* | " `$ECHO $CC` "* | "`$ECHO $CC` "* | " $CC_quoted"* | "$CC_quoted "* | " `$ECHO $CC_quoted` "* | "`$ECHO $CC_quoted` "*) ;;
+ # Blanks at the start of $base_compile will cause this to fail
+ # if we don't check for them as well.
+ *)
+ for z in $available_tags; do
+ if $GREP "^# ### BEGIN LIBTOOL TAG CONFIG: $z$" < "$progpath" > /dev/null; then
+ # Evaluate the configuration.
+ eval "`${SED} -n -e '/^# ### BEGIN LIBTOOL TAG CONFIG: '$z'$/,/^# ### END LIBTOOL TAG CONFIG: '$z'$/p' < $progpath`"
+ CC_quoted=
+ for arg in $CC; do
+ # Double-quote args containing other shell metacharacters.
+ func_quote_for_eval "$arg"
+ CC_quoted="$CC_quoted $func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ done
+ case "$@ " in
+ " $CC "* | "$CC "* | " `$ECHO $CC` "* | "`$ECHO $CC` "* | " $CC_quoted"* | "$CC_quoted "* | " `$ECHO $CC_quoted` "* | "`$ECHO $CC_quoted` "*)
+ # The compiler in the base compile command matches
+ # the one in the tagged configuration.
+ # Assume this is the tagged configuration we want.
+ tagname=$z
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ done
+ # If $tagname still isn't set, then no tagged configuration
+ # was found and let the user know that the "--tag" command
+ # line option must be used.
+ if test -z "$tagname"; then
+ func_echo "unable to infer tagged configuration"
+ func_fatal_error "specify a tag with \`--tag'"
+# else
+# func_verbose "using $tagname tagged configuration"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+# func_write_libtool_object output_name pic_name nonpic_name
+# Create a libtool object file (analogous to a ".la" file),
+# but don't create it if we're doing a dry run.
+func_write_libtool_object ()
+ write_libobj=${1}
+ if test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes; then
+ write_lobj=\'${2}\'
+ else
+ write_lobj=none
+ fi
+ if test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then
+ write_oldobj=\'${3}\'
+ else
+ write_oldobj=none
+ fi
+ $opt_dry_run || {
+ cat >${write_libobj}T <<EOF
+# $write_libobj - a libtool object file
+# Please DO NOT delete this file!
+# It is necessary for linking the library.
+# Name of the PIC object.
+# Name of the non-PIC object
+ $MV "${write_libobj}T" "${write_libobj}"
+ }
+# func_mode_compile arg...
+func_mode_compile ()
+ $opt_debug
+ # Get the compilation command and the source file.
+ base_compile=
+ srcfile="$nonopt" # always keep a non-empty value in "srcfile"
+ suppress_opt=yes
+ suppress_output=
+ arg_mode=normal
+ libobj=
+ later=
+ pie_flag=
+ for arg
+ do
+ case $arg_mode in
+ arg )
+ # do not "continue". Instead, add this to base_compile
+ lastarg="$arg"
+ arg_mode=normal
+ ;;
+ target )
+ libobj="$arg"
+ arg_mode=normal
+ continue
+ ;;
+ normal )
+ # Accept any command-line options.
+ case $arg in
+ -o)
+ test -n "$libobj" && \
+ func_fatal_error "you cannot specify \`-o' more than once"
+ arg_mode=target
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -pie | -fpie | -fPIE)
+ pie_flag="$pie_flag $arg"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -shared | -static | -prefer-pic | -prefer-non-pic)
+ later="$later $arg"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -no-suppress)
+ suppress_opt=no
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -Xcompiler)
+ arg_mode=arg # the next one goes into the "base_compile" arg list
+ continue # The current "srcfile" will either be retained or
+ ;; # replaced later. I would guess that would be a bug.
+ -Wc,*)
+ func_stripname '-Wc,' '' "$arg"
+ args=$func_stripname_result
+ lastarg=
+ save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=','
+ for arg in $args; do
+ IFS="$save_ifs"
+ func_quote_for_eval "$arg"
+ lastarg="$lastarg $func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ done
+ IFS="$save_ifs"
+ func_stripname ' ' '' "$lastarg"
+ lastarg=$func_stripname_result
+ # Add the arguments to base_compile.
+ base_compile="$base_compile $lastarg"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Accept the current argument as the source file.
+ # The previous "srcfile" becomes the current argument.
+ #
+ lastarg="$srcfile"
+ srcfile="$arg"
+ ;;
+ esac # case $arg
+ ;;
+ esac # case $arg_mode
+ # Aesthetically quote the previous argument.
+ func_quote_for_eval "$lastarg"
+ base_compile="$base_compile $func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ done # for arg
+ case $arg_mode in
+ arg)
+ func_fatal_error "you must specify an argument for -Xcompile"
+ ;;
+ target)
+ func_fatal_error "you must specify a target with \`-o'"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Get the name of the library object.
+ test -z "$libobj" && {
+ func_basename "$srcfile"
+ libobj="$func_basename_result"
+ }
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Recognize several different file suffixes.
+ # If the user specifies -o file.o, it is replaced with file.lo
+ case $libobj in
+ *.[cCFSifmso] | \
+ *.ada | *.adb | *.ads | *.asm | \
+ *.c++ | *.cc | *.ii | *.class | *.cpp | *.cxx | \
+ *.[fF][09]? | *.for | *.java | *.obj | *.sx)
+ func_xform "$libobj"
+ libobj=$func_xform_result
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case $libobj in
+ *.lo) func_lo2o "$libobj"; obj=$func_lo2o_result ;;
+ *)
+ func_fatal_error "cannot determine name of library object from \`$libobj'"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ func_infer_tag $base_compile
+ for arg in $later; do
+ case $arg in
+ -shared)
+ test "$build_libtool_libs" != yes && \
+ func_fatal_configuration "can not build a shared library"
+ build_old_libs=no
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -static)
+ build_libtool_libs=no
+ build_old_libs=yes
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -prefer-pic)
+ pic_mode=yes
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -prefer-non-pic)
+ pic_mode=no
+ continue
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ func_quote_for_eval "$libobj"
+ test "X$libobj" != "X$func_quote_for_eval_result" \
+ && $ECHO "X$libobj" | $GREP '[]~#^*{};<>?"'"'"' &()|`$[]' \
+ && func_warning "libobj name \`$libobj' may not contain shell special characters."
+ func_dirname_and_basename "$obj" "/" ""
+ objname="$func_basename_result"
+ xdir="$func_dirname_result"
+ lobj=${xdir}$objdir/$objname
+ test -z "$base_compile" && \
+ func_fatal_help "you must specify a compilation command"
+ # Delete any leftover library objects.
+ if test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then
+ removelist="$obj $lobj $libobj ${libobj}T"
+ else
+ removelist="$lobj $libobj ${libobj}T"
+ fi
+ # On Cygwin there's no "real" PIC flag so we must build both object types
+ case $host_os in
+ cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | os2* | cegcc*)
+ pic_mode=default
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test "$pic_mode" = no && test "$deplibs_check_method" != pass_all; then
+ # non-PIC code in shared libraries is not supported
+ pic_mode=default
+ fi
+ # Calculate the filename of the output object if compiler does
+ # not support -o with -c
+ if test "$compiler_c_o" = no; then
+ output_obj=`$ECHO "X$srcfile" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%' -e 's%\.[^.]*$%%'`.${objext}
+ lockfile="$output_obj.lock"
+ else
+ output_obj=
+ need_locks=no
+ lockfile=
+ fi
+ # Lock this critical section if it is needed
+ # We use this script file to make the link, it avoids creating a new file
+ if test "$need_locks" = yes; then
+ until $opt_dry_run || ln "$progpath" "$lockfile" 2>/dev/null; do
+ func_echo "Waiting for $lockfile to be removed"
+ sleep 2
+ done
+ elif test "$need_locks" = warn; then
+ if test -f "$lockfile"; then
+ $ECHO "\
+*** ERROR, $lockfile exists and contains:
+`cat $lockfile 2>/dev/null`
+This indicates that another process is trying to use the same
+temporary object file, and libtool could not work around it because
+your compiler does not support \`-c' and \`-o' together. If you
+repeat this compilation, it may succeed, by chance, but you had better
+avoid parallel builds (make -j) in this platform, or get a better
+ $opt_dry_run || $RM $removelist
+ fi
+ removelist="$removelist $output_obj"
+ $ECHO "$srcfile" > "$lockfile"
+ fi
+ $opt_dry_run || $RM $removelist
+ removelist="$removelist $lockfile"
+ trap '$opt_dry_run || $RM $removelist; exit $EXIT_FAILURE' 1 2 15
+ if test -n "$fix_srcfile_path"; then
+ eval srcfile=\"$fix_srcfile_path\"
+ fi
+ func_quote_for_eval "$srcfile"
+ qsrcfile=$func_quote_for_eval_result
+ # Only build a PIC object if we are building libtool libraries.
+ if test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes; then
+ # Without this assignment, base_compile gets emptied.
+ fbsd_hideous_sh_bug=$base_compile
+ if test "$pic_mode" != no; then
+ command="$base_compile $qsrcfile $pic_flag"
+ else
+ # Don't build PIC code
+ command="$base_compile $qsrcfile"
+ fi
+ func_mkdir_p "$xdir$objdir"
+ if test -z "$output_obj"; then
+ # Place PIC objects in $objdir
+ command="$command -o $lobj"
+ fi
+ func_show_eval_locale "$command" \
+ 'test -n "$output_obj" && $RM $removelist; exit $EXIT_FAILURE'
+ if test "$need_locks" = warn &&
+ test "X`cat $lockfile 2>/dev/null`" != "X$srcfile"; then
+ $ECHO "\
+*** ERROR, $lockfile contains:
+`cat $lockfile 2>/dev/null`
+but it should contain:
+This indicates that another process is trying to use the same
+temporary object file, and libtool could not work around it because
+your compiler does not support \`-c' and \`-o' together. If you
+repeat this compilation, it may succeed, by chance, but you had better
+avoid parallel builds (make -j) in this platform, or get a better
+ $opt_dry_run || $RM $removelist
+ fi
+ # Just move the object if needed, then go on to compile the next one
+ if test -n "$output_obj" && test "X$output_obj" != "X$lobj"; then
+ func_show_eval '$MV "$output_obj" "$lobj"' \
+ 'error=$?; $opt_dry_run || $RM $removelist; exit $error'
+ fi
+ # Allow error messages only from the first compilation.
+ if test "$suppress_opt" = yes; then
+ suppress_output=' >/dev/null 2>&1'
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Only build a position-dependent object if we build old libraries.
+ if test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then
+ if test "$pic_mode" != yes; then
+ # Don't build PIC code
+ command="$base_compile $qsrcfile$pie_flag"
+ else
+ command="$base_compile $qsrcfile $pic_flag"
+ fi
+ if test "$compiler_c_o" = yes; then
+ command="$command -o $obj"
+ fi
+ # Suppress compiler output if we already did a PIC compilation.
+ command="$command$suppress_output"
+ func_show_eval_locale "$command" \
+ '$opt_dry_run || $RM $removelist; exit $EXIT_FAILURE'
+ if test "$need_locks" = warn &&
+ test "X`cat $lockfile 2>/dev/null`" != "X$srcfile"; then
+ $ECHO "\
+*** ERROR, $lockfile contains:
+`cat $lockfile 2>/dev/null`
+but it should contain:
+This indicates that another process is trying to use the same
+temporary object file, and libtool could not work around it because
+your compiler does not support \`-c' and \`-o' together. If you
+repeat this compilation, it may succeed, by chance, but you had better
+avoid parallel builds (make -j) in this platform, or get a better
+ $opt_dry_run || $RM $removelist
+ fi
+ # Just move the object if needed
+ if test -n "$output_obj" && test "X$output_obj" != "X$obj"; then
+ func_show_eval '$MV "$output_obj" "$obj"' \
+ 'error=$?; $opt_dry_run || $RM $removelist; exit $error'
+ fi
+ fi
+ $opt_dry_run || {
+ func_write_libtool_object "$libobj" "$objdir/$objname" "$objname"
+ # Unlock the critical section if it was locked
+ if test "$need_locks" != no; then
+ removelist=$lockfile
+ $RM "$lockfile"
+ fi
+ }
+$opt_help || {
+test "$mode" = compile && func_mode_compile ${1+"$@"}
+func_mode_help ()
+ # We need to display help for each of the modes.
+ case $mode in
+ "")
+ # Generic help is extracted from the usage comments
+ # at the start of this file.
+ func_help
+ ;;
+ clean)
+ $ECHO \
+"Usage: $progname [OPTION]... --mode=clean RM [RM-OPTION]... FILE...
+Remove files from the build directory.
+RM is the name of the program to use to delete files associated with each FILE
+(typically \`/bin/rm'). RM-OPTIONS are options (such as \`-f') to be passed
+to RM.
+If FILE is a libtool library, object or program, all the files associated
+with it are deleted. Otherwise, only FILE itself is deleted using RM."
+ ;;
+ compile)
+ $ECHO \
+"Usage: $progname [OPTION]... --mode=compile COMPILE-COMMAND... SOURCEFILE
+Compile a source file into a libtool library object.
+This mode accepts the following additional options:
+ -o OUTPUT-FILE set the output file name to OUTPUT-FILE
+ -no-suppress do not suppress compiler output for multiple passes
+ -prefer-pic try to building PIC objects only
+ -prefer-non-pic try to building non-PIC objects only
+ -shared do not build a \`.o' file suitable for static linking
+ -static only build a \`.o' file suitable for static linking
+COMPILE-COMMAND is a command to be used in creating a \`standard' object file
+from the given SOURCEFILE.
+The output file name is determined by removing the directory component from
+SOURCEFILE, then substituting the C source code suffix \`.c' with the
+library object suffix, \`.lo'."
+ ;;
+ execute)
+ $ECHO \
+"Usage: $progname [OPTION]... --mode=execute COMMAND [ARGS]...
+Automatically set library path, then run a program.
+This mode accepts the following additional options:
+ -dlopen FILE add the directory containing FILE to the library path
+This mode sets the library path environment variable according to \`-dlopen'
+If any of the ARGS are libtool executable wrappers, then they are translated
+into their corresponding uninstalled binary, and any of their required library
+directories are added to the library path.
+Then, COMMAND is executed, with ARGS as arguments."
+ ;;
+ finish)
+ $ECHO \
+"Usage: $progname [OPTION]... --mode=finish [LIBDIR]...
+Complete the installation of libtool libraries.
+Each LIBDIR is a directory that contains libtool libraries.
+The commands that this mode executes may require superuser privileges. Use
+the \`--dry-run' option if you just want to see what would be executed."
+ ;;
+ install)
+ $ECHO \
+"Usage: $progname [OPTION]... --mode=install INSTALL-COMMAND...
+Install executables or libraries.
+INSTALL-COMMAND is the installation command. The first component should be
+either the \`install' or \`cp' program.
+The following components of INSTALL-COMMAND are treated specially:
+ -inst-prefix PREFIX-DIR Use PREFIX-DIR as a staging area for installation
+The rest of the components are interpreted as arguments to that command (only
+BSD-compatible install options are recognized)."
+ ;;
+ link)
+ $ECHO \
+"Usage: $progname [OPTION]... --mode=link LINK-COMMAND...
+Link object files or libraries together to form another library, or to
+create an executable program.
+LINK-COMMAND is a command using the C compiler that you would use to create
+a program from several object files.
+The following components of LINK-COMMAND are treated specially:
+ -all-static do not do any dynamic linking at all
+ -avoid-version do not add a version suffix if possible
+ -dlopen FILE \`-dlpreopen' FILE if it cannot be dlopened at runtime
+ -dlpreopen FILE link in FILE and add its symbols to lt_preloaded_symbols
+ -export-dynamic allow symbols from OUTPUT-FILE to be resolved with dlsym(3)
+ -export-symbols SYMFILE
+ try to export only the symbols listed in SYMFILE
+ -export-symbols-regex REGEX
+ try to export only the symbols matching REGEX
+ -LLIBDIR search LIBDIR for required installed libraries
+ -lNAME OUTPUT-FILE requires the installed library libNAME
+ -module build a library that can dlopened
+ -no-fast-install disable the fast-install mode
+ -no-install link a not-installable executable
+ -no-undefined declare that a library does not refer to external symbols
+ -o OUTPUT-FILE create OUTPUT-FILE from the specified objects
+ -objectlist FILE Use a list of object files found in FILE to specify objects
+ -precious-files-regex REGEX
+ don't remove output files matching REGEX
+ -release RELEASE specify package release information
+ -rpath LIBDIR the created library will eventually be installed in LIBDIR
+ -R[ ]LIBDIR add LIBDIR to the runtime path of programs and libraries
+ -shared only do dynamic linking of libtool libraries
+ -shrext SUFFIX override the standard shared library file extension
+ -static do not do any dynamic linking of uninstalled libtool libraries
+ -static-libtool-libs
+ do not do any dynamic linking of libtool libraries
+ -version-info CURRENT[:REVISION[:AGE]]
+ specify library version info [each variable defaults to 0]
+ -weak LIBNAME declare that the target provides the LIBNAME interface
+All other options (arguments beginning with \`-') are ignored.
+Every other argument is treated as a filename. Files ending in \`.la' are
+treated as uninstalled libtool libraries, other files are standard or library
+object files.
+If the OUTPUT-FILE ends in \`.la', then a libtool library is created,
+only library objects (\`.lo' files) may be specified, and \`-rpath' is
+required, except when creating a convenience library.
+If OUTPUT-FILE ends in \`.a' or \`.lib', then a standard library is created
+using \`ar' and \`ranlib', or on Windows using \`lib'.
+If OUTPUT-FILE ends in \`.lo' or \`.${objext}', then a reloadable object file
+is created, otherwise an executable program is created."
+ ;;
+ uninstall)
+ $ECHO \
+"Usage: $progname [OPTION]... --mode=uninstall RM [RM-OPTION]... FILE...
+Remove libraries from an installation directory.
+RM is the name of the program to use to delete files associated with each FILE
+(typically \`/bin/rm'). RM-OPTIONS are options (such as \`-f') to be passed
+to RM.
+If FILE is a libtool library, all the files associated with it are deleted.
+Otherwise, only FILE itself is deleted using RM."
+ ;;
+ *)
+ func_fatal_help "invalid operation mode \`$mode'"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ $ECHO "Try \`$progname --help' for more information about other modes."
+ exit $?
+ # Now that we've collected a possible --mode arg, show help if necessary
+ $opt_help && func_mode_help
+# func_mode_execute arg...
+func_mode_execute ()
+ $opt_debug
+ # The first argument is the command name.
+ cmd="$nonopt"
+ test -z "$cmd" && \
+ func_fatal_help "you must specify a COMMAND"
+ # Handle -dlopen flags immediately.
+ for file in $execute_dlfiles; do
+ test -f "$file" \
+ || func_fatal_help "\`$file' is not a file"
+ dir=
+ case $file in
+ *.la)
+ # Check to see that this really is a libtool archive.
+ func_lalib_unsafe_p "$file" \
+ || func_fatal_help "\`$lib' is not a valid libtool archive"
+ # Read the libtool library.
+ dlname=
+ library_names=
+ func_source "$file"
+ # Skip this library if it cannot be dlopened.
+ if test -z "$dlname"; then
+ # Warn if it was a shared library.
+ test -n "$library_names" && \
+ func_warning "\`$file' was not linked with \`-export-dynamic'"
+ continue
+ fi
+ func_dirname "$file" "" "."
+ dir="$func_dirname_result"
+ if test -f "$dir/$objdir/$dlname"; then
+ dir="$dir/$objdir"
+ else
+ if test ! -f "$dir/$dlname"; then
+ func_fatal_error "cannot find \`$dlname' in \`$dir' or \`$dir/$objdir'"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *.lo)
+ # Just add the directory containing the .lo file.
+ func_dirname "$file" "" "."
+ dir="$func_dirname_result"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ func_warning "\`-dlopen' is ignored for non-libtool libraries and objects"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Get the absolute pathname.
+ absdir=`cd "$dir" && pwd`
+ test -n "$absdir" && dir="$absdir"
+ # Now add the directory to shlibpath_var.
+ if eval "test -z \"\$$shlibpath_var\""; then
+ eval "$shlibpath_var=\"\$dir\""
+ else
+ eval "$shlibpath_var=\"\$dir:\$$shlibpath_var\""
+ fi
+ done
+ # This variable tells wrapper scripts just to set shlibpath_var
+ # rather than running their programs.
+ libtool_execute_magic="$magic"
+ # Check if any of the arguments is a wrapper script.
+ args=
+ for file
+ do
+ case $file in
+ -*) ;;
+ *)
+ # Do a test to see if this is really a libtool program.
+ if func_ltwrapper_script_p "$file"; then
+ func_source "$file"
+ # Transform arg to wrapped name.
+ file="$progdir/$program"
+ elif func_ltwrapper_executable_p "$file"; then
+ func_ltwrapper_scriptname "$file"
+ func_source "$func_ltwrapper_scriptname_result"
+ # Transform arg to wrapped name.
+ file="$progdir/$program"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Quote arguments (to preserve shell metacharacters).
+ func_quote_for_eval "$file"
+ args="$args $func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ done
+ if test "X$opt_dry_run" = Xfalse; then
+ if test -n "$shlibpath_var"; then
+ # Export the shlibpath_var.
+ eval "export $shlibpath_var"
+ fi
+ # Restore saved environment variables
+ do
+ eval "if test \"\${save_$lt_var+set}\" = set; then
+ $lt_var=\$save_$lt_var; export $lt_var
+ else
+ $lt_unset $lt_var
+ fi"
+ done
+ # Now prepare to actually exec the command.
+ exec_cmd="\$cmd$args"
+ else
+ # Display what would be done.
+ if test -n "$shlibpath_var"; then
+ eval "\$ECHO \"\$shlibpath_var=\$$shlibpath_var\""
+ $ECHO "export $shlibpath_var"
+ fi
+ $ECHO "$cmd$args"
+ fi
+test "$mode" = execute && func_mode_execute ${1+"$@"}
+# func_mode_finish arg...
+func_mode_finish ()
+ $opt_debug
+ libdirs="$nonopt"
+ admincmds=
+ if test -n "$finish_cmds$finish_eval" && test -n "$libdirs"; then
+ for dir
+ do
+ libdirs="$libdirs $dir"
+ done
+ for libdir in $libdirs; do
+ if test -n "$finish_cmds"; then
+ # Do each command in the finish commands.
+ func_execute_cmds "$finish_cmds" 'admincmds="$admincmds
+ fi
+ if test -n "$finish_eval"; then
+ # Do the single finish_eval.
+ eval cmds=\"$finish_eval\"
+ $opt_dry_run || eval "$cmds" || admincmds="$admincmds
+ $cmds"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ # Exit here if they wanted silent mode.
+ $opt_silent && exit $EXIT_SUCCESS
+ $ECHO "X----------------------------------------------------------------------" | $Xsed
+ $ECHO "Libraries have been installed in:"
+ for libdir in $libdirs; do
+ $ECHO " $libdir"
+ done
+ $ECHO "If you ever happen to want to link against installed libraries"
+ $ECHO "in a given directory, LIBDIR, you must either use libtool, and"
+ $ECHO "specify the full pathname of the library, or use the \`-LLIBDIR'"
+ $ECHO "flag during linking and do at least one of the following:"
+ if test -n "$shlibpath_var"; then
+ $ECHO " - add LIBDIR to the \`$shlibpath_var' environment variable"
+ $ECHO " during execution"
+ fi
+ if test -n "$runpath_var"; then
+ $ECHO " - add LIBDIR to the \`$runpath_var' environment variable"
+ $ECHO " during linking"
+ fi
+ if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec"; then
+ libdir=LIBDIR
+ eval flag=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\"
+ $ECHO " - use the \`$flag' linker flag"
+ fi
+ if test -n "$admincmds"; then
+ $ECHO " - have your system administrator run these commands:$admincmds"
+ fi
+ if test -f /etc/; then
+ $ECHO " - have your system administrator add LIBDIR to \`/etc/'"
+ fi
+ $ECHO "See any operating system documentation about shared libraries for"
+ case $host in
+ solaris2.[6789]|solaris2.1[0-9])
+ $ECHO "more information, such as the ld(1), crle(1) and manual"
+ $ECHO "pages."
+ ;;
+ *)
+ $ECHO "more information, such as the ld(1) and manual pages."
+ ;;
+ esac
+ $ECHO "X----------------------------------------------------------------------" | $Xsed
+test "$mode" = finish && func_mode_finish ${1+"$@"}
+# func_mode_install arg...
+func_mode_install ()
+ $opt_debug
+ # There may be an optional sh(1) argument at the beginning of
+ # install_prog (especially on Windows NT).
+ if test "$nonopt" = "$SHELL" || test "$nonopt" = /bin/sh ||
+ # Allow the use of GNU shtool's install command.
+ $ECHO "X$nonopt" | $GREP shtool >/dev/null; then
+ # Aesthetically quote it.
+ func_quote_for_eval "$nonopt"
+ install_prog="$func_quote_for_eval_result "
+ arg=$1
+ shift
+ else
+ install_prog=
+ arg=$nonopt
+ fi
+ # The real first argument should be the name of the installation program.
+ # Aesthetically quote it.
+ func_quote_for_eval "$arg"
+ install_prog="$install_prog$func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ # We need to accept at least all the BSD install flags.
+ dest=
+ files=
+ opts=
+ prev=
+ install_type=
+ isdir=no
+ stripme=
+ for arg
+ do
+ if test -n "$dest"; then
+ files="$files $dest"
+ dest=$arg
+ continue
+ fi
+ case $arg in
+ -d) isdir=yes ;;
+ -f)
+ case " $install_prog " in
+ *[\\\ /]cp\ *) ;;
+ *) prev=$arg ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ -g | -m | -o)
+ prev=$arg
+ ;;
+ -s)
+ stripme=" -s"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -*)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # If the previous option needed an argument, then skip it.
+ if test -n "$prev"; then
+ prev=
+ else
+ dest=$arg
+ continue
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Aesthetically quote the argument.
+ func_quote_for_eval "$arg"
+ install_prog="$install_prog $func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ done
+ test -z "$install_prog" && \
+ func_fatal_help "you must specify an install program"
+ test -n "$prev" && \
+ func_fatal_help "the \`$prev' option requires an argument"
+ if test -z "$files"; then
+ if test -z "$dest"; then
+ func_fatal_help "no file or destination specified"
+ else
+ func_fatal_help "you must specify a destination"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Strip any trailing slash from the destination.
+ func_stripname '' '/' "$dest"
+ dest=$func_stripname_result
+ # Check to see that the destination is a directory.
+ test -d "$dest" && isdir=yes
+ if test "$isdir" = yes; then
+ destdir="$dest"
+ destname=
+ else
+ func_dirname_and_basename "$dest" "" "."
+ destdir="$func_dirname_result"
+ destname="$func_basename_result"
+ # Not a directory, so check to see that there is only one file specified.
+ set dummy $files; shift
+ test "$#" -gt 1 && \
+ func_fatal_help "\`$dest' is not a directory"
+ fi
+ case $destdir in
+ [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) ;;
+ *)
+ for file in $files; do
+ case $file in
+ *.lo) ;;
+ *)
+ func_fatal_help "\`$destdir' must be an absolute directory name"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # This variable tells wrapper scripts just to set variables rather
+ # than running their programs.
+ libtool_install_magic="$magic"
+ staticlibs=
+ future_libdirs=
+ current_libdirs=
+ for file in $files; do
+ # Do each installation.
+ case $file in
+ *.$libext)
+ # Do the static libraries later.
+ staticlibs="$staticlibs $file"
+ ;;
+ *.la)
+ # Check to see that this really is a libtool archive.
+ func_lalib_unsafe_p "$file" \
+ || func_fatal_help "\`$file' is not a valid libtool archive"
+ library_names=
+ old_library=
+ relink_command=
+ func_source "$file"
+ # Add the libdir to current_libdirs if it is the destination.
+ if test "X$destdir" = "X$libdir"; then
+ case "$current_libdirs " in
+ *" $libdir "*) ;;
+ *) current_libdirs="$current_libdirs $libdir" ;;
+ esac
+ else
+ # Note the libdir as a future libdir.
+ case "$future_libdirs " in
+ *" $libdir "*) ;;
+ *) future_libdirs="$future_libdirs $libdir" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ func_dirname "$file" "/" ""
+ dir="$func_dirname_result"
+ dir="$dir$objdir"
+ if test -n "$relink_command"; then
+ # Determine the prefix the user has applied to our future dir.
+ inst_prefix_dir=`$ECHO "X$destdir" | $Xsed -e "s%$libdir\$%%"`
+ # Don't allow the user to place us outside of our expected
+ # location b/c this prevents finding dependent libraries that
+ # are installed to the same prefix.
+ # At present, this check doesn't affect windows .dll's that
+ # are installed into $libdir/../bin (currently, that works fine)
+ # but it's something to keep an eye on.
+ test "$inst_prefix_dir" = "$destdir" && \
+ func_fatal_error "error: cannot install \`$file' to a directory not ending in $libdir"
+ if test -n "$inst_prefix_dir"; then
+ # Stick the inst_prefix_dir data into the link command.
+ relink_command=`$ECHO "X$relink_command" | $Xsed -e "s%@inst_prefix_dir@%-inst-prefix-dir $inst_prefix_dir%"`
+ else
+ relink_command=`$ECHO "X$relink_command" | $Xsed -e "s%@inst_prefix_dir@%%"`
+ fi
+ func_warning "relinking \`$file'"
+ func_show_eval "$relink_command" \
+ 'func_fatal_error "error: relink \`$file'\'' with the above command before installing it"'
+ fi
+ # See the names of the shared library.
+ set dummy $library_names; shift
+ if test -n "$1"; then
+ realname="$1"
+ shift
+ srcname="$realname"
+ test -n "$relink_command" && srcname="$realname"T
+ # Install the shared library and build the symlinks.
+ func_show_eval "$install_prog $dir/$srcname $destdir/$realname" \
+ 'exit $?'
+ tstripme="$stripme"
+ case $host_os in
+ cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*)
+ case $realname in
+ *.dll.a)
+ tstripme=""
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test -n "$tstripme" && test -n "$striplib"; then
+ func_show_eval "$striplib $destdir/$realname" 'exit $?'
+ fi
+ if test "$#" -gt 0; then
+ # Delete the old symlinks, and create new ones.
+ # Try `ln -sf' first, because the `ln' binary might depend on
+ # the symlink we replace! Solaris /bin/ln does not understand -f,
+ # so we also need to try rm && ln -s.
+ for linkname
+ do
+ test "$linkname" != "$realname" \
+ && func_show_eval "(cd $destdir && { $LN_S -f $realname $linkname || { $RM $linkname && $LN_S $realname $linkname; }; })"
+ done
+ fi
+ # Do each command in the postinstall commands.
+ lib="$destdir/$realname"
+ func_execute_cmds "$postinstall_cmds" 'exit $?'
+ fi
+ # Install the pseudo-library for information purposes.
+ func_basename "$file"
+ name="$func_basename_result"
+ instname="$dir/$name"i
+ func_show_eval "$install_prog $instname $destdir/$name" 'exit $?'
+ # Maybe install the static library, too.
+ test -n "$old_library" && staticlibs="$staticlibs $dir/$old_library"
+ ;;
+ *.lo)
+ # Install (i.e. copy) a libtool object.
+ # Figure out destination file name, if it wasn't already specified.
+ if test -n "$destname"; then
+ destfile="$destdir/$destname"
+ else
+ func_basename "$file"
+ destfile="$func_basename_result"
+ destfile="$destdir/$destfile"
+ fi
+ # Deduce the name of the destination old-style object file.
+ case $destfile in
+ *.lo)
+ func_lo2o "$destfile"
+ staticdest=$func_lo2o_result
+ ;;
+ *.$objext)
+ staticdest="$destfile"
+ destfile=
+ ;;
+ *)
+ func_fatal_help "cannot copy a libtool object to \`$destfile'"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Install the libtool object if requested.
+ test -n "$destfile" && \
+ func_show_eval "$install_prog $file $destfile" 'exit $?'
+ # Install the old object if enabled.
+ if test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then
+ # Deduce the name of the old-style object file.
+ func_lo2o "$file"
+ staticobj=$func_lo2o_result
+ func_show_eval "$install_prog \$staticobj \$staticdest" 'exit $?'
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Figure out destination file name, if it wasn't already specified.
+ if test -n "$destname"; then
+ destfile="$destdir/$destname"
+ else
+ func_basename "$file"
+ destfile="$func_basename_result"
+ destfile="$destdir/$destfile"
+ fi
+ # If the file is missing, and there is a .exe on the end, strip it
+ # because it is most likely a libtool script we actually want to
+ # install
+ stripped_ext=""
+ case $file in
+ *.exe)
+ if test ! -f "$file"; then
+ func_stripname '' '.exe' "$file"
+ file=$func_stripname_result
+ stripped_ext=".exe"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Do a test to see if this is really a libtool program.
+ case $host in
+ *cygwin* | *mingw*)
+ if func_ltwrapper_executable_p "$file"; then
+ func_ltwrapper_scriptname "$file"
+ wrapper=$func_ltwrapper_scriptname_result
+ else
+ func_stripname '' '.exe' "$file"
+ wrapper=$func_stripname_result
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ wrapper=$file
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if func_ltwrapper_script_p "$wrapper"; then
+ notinst_deplibs=
+ relink_command=
+ func_source "$wrapper"
+ # Check the variables that should have been set.
+ test -z "$generated_by_libtool_version" && \
+ func_fatal_error "invalid libtool wrapper script \`$wrapper'"
+ finalize=yes
+ for lib in $notinst_deplibs; do
+ # Check to see that each library is installed.
+ libdir=
+ if test -f "$lib"; then
+ func_source "$lib"
+ fi
+ libfile="$libdir/"`$ECHO "X$lib" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%g'` ### testsuite: skip nested quoting test
+ if test -n "$libdir" && test ! -f "$libfile"; then
+ func_warning "\`$lib' has not been installed in \`$libdir'"
+ finalize=no
+ fi
+ done
+ relink_command=
+ func_source "$wrapper"
+ outputname=
+ if test "$fast_install" = no && test -n "$relink_command"; then
+ $opt_dry_run || {
+ if test "$finalize" = yes; then
+ tmpdir=`func_mktempdir`
+ func_basename "$file$stripped_ext"
+ file="$func_basename_result"
+ outputname="$tmpdir/$file"
+ # Replace the output file specification.
+ relink_command=`$ECHO "X$relink_command" | $Xsed -e 's%@OUTPUT@%'"$outputname"'%g'`
+ $opt_silent || {
+ func_quote_for_expand "$relink_command"
+ eval "func_echo $func_quote_for_expand_result"
+ }
+ if eval "$relink_command"; then :
+ else
+ func_error "error: relink \`$file' with the above command before installing it"
+ $opt_dry_run || ${RM}r "$tmpdir"
+ continue
+ fi
+ file="$outputname"
+ else
+ func_warning "cannot relink \`$file'"
+ fi
+ }
+ else
+ # Install the binary that we compiled earlier.
+ file=`$ECHO "X$file$stripped_ext" | $Xsed -e "s%\([^/]*\)$%$objdir/\1%"`
+ fi
+ fi
+ # remove .exe since cygwin /usr/bin/install will append another
+ # one anyway
+ case $install_prog,$host in
+ */usr/bin/install*,*cygwin*)
+ case $file:$destfile in
+ *.exe:*.exe)
+ # this is ok
+ ;;
+ *.exe:*)
+ destfile=$destfile.exe
+ ;;
+ *:*.exe)
+ func_stripname '' '.exe' "$destfile"
+ destfile=$func_stripname_result
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ func_show_eval "$install_prog\$stripme \$file \$destfile" 'exit $?'
+ $opt_dry_run || if test -n "$outputname"; then
+ ${RM}r "$tmpdir"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ for file in $staticlibs; do
+ func_basename "$file"
+ name="$func_basename_result"
+ # Set up the ranlib parameters.
+ oldlib="$destdir/$name"
+ func_show_eval "$install_prog \$file \$oldlib" 'exit $?'
+ if test -n "$stripme" && test -n "$old_striplib"; then
+ func_show_eval "$old_striplib $oldlib" 'exit $?'
+ fi
+ # Do each command in the postinstall commands.
+ func_execute_cmds "$old_postinstall_cmds" 'exit $?'
+ done
+ test -n "$future_libdirs" && \
+ func_warning "remember to run \`$progname --finish$future_libdirs'"
+ if test -n "$current_libdirs"; then
+ # Maybe just do a dry run.
+ $opt_dry_run && current_libdirs=" -n$current_libdirs"
+ exec_cmd='$SHELL $progpath $preserve_args --finish$current_libdirs'
+ else
+ fi
+test "$mode" = install && func_mode_install ${1+"$@"}
+# func_generate_dlsyms outputname originator pic_p
+# Extract symbols from dlprefiles and create ${outputname}S.o with
+# a dlpreopen symbol table.
+func_generate_dlsyms ()
+ $opt_debug
+ my_outputname="$1"
+ my_originator="$2"
+ my_pic_p="${3-no}"
+ my_prefix=`$ECHO "$my_originator" | sed 's%[^a-zA-Z0-9]%_%g'`
+ my_dlsyms=
+ if test -n "$dlfiles$dlprefiles" || test "$dlself" != no; then
+ if test -n "$NM" && test -n "$global_symbol_pipe"; then
+ my_dlsyms="${my_outputname}S.c"
+ else
+ func_error "not configured to extract global symbols from dlpreopened files"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test -n "$my_dlsyms"; then
+ case $my_dlsyms in
+ "") ;;
+ *.c)
+ # Discover the nlist of each of the dlfiles.
+ nlist="$output_objdir/${my_outputname}.nm"
+ func_show_eval "$RM $nlist ${nlist}S ${nlist}T"
+ # Parse the name list into a source file.
+ func_verbose "creating $output_objdir/$my_dlsyms"
+ $opt_dry_run || $ECHO > "$output_objdir/$my_dlsyms" "\
+/* $my_dlsyms - symbol resolution table for \`$my_outputname' dlsym emulation. */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern \"C\" {
+/* External symbol declarations for the compiler. */\
+ if test "$dlself" = yes; then
+ func_verbose "generating symbol list for \`$output'"
+ $opt_dry_run || echo ': @PROGRAM@ ' > "$nlist"
+ # Add our own program objects to the symbol list.
+ progfiles=`$ECHO "X$objs$old_deplibs" | $SP2NL | $Xsed -e "$lo2o" | $NL2SP`
+ for progfile in $progfiles; do
+ func_verbose "extracting global C symbols from \`$progfile'"
+ $opt_dry_run || eval "$NM $progfile | $global_symbol_pipe >> '$nlist'"
+ done
+ if test -n "$exclude_expsyms"; then
+ $opt_dry_run || {
+ eval '$EGREP -v " ($exclude_expsyms)$" "$nlist" > "$nlist"T'
+ eval '$MV "$nlist"T "$nlist"'
+ }
+ fi
+ if test -n "$export_symbols_regex"; then
+ $opt_dry_run || {
+ eval '$EGREP -e "$export_symbols_regex" "$nlist" > "$nlist"T'
+ eval '$MV "$nlist"T "$nlist"'
+ }
+ fi
+ # Prepare the list of exported symbols
+ if test -z "$export_symbols"; then
+ export_symbols="$output_objdir/$outputname.exp"
+ $opt_dry_run || {
+ $RM $export_symbols
+ eval "${SED} -n -e '/^: @PROGRAM@ $/d' -e 's/^.* \(.*\)$/\1/p' "'< "$nlist" > "$export_symbols"'
+ case $host in
+ *cygwin* | *mingw* | *cegcc* )
+ eval "echo EXPORTS "'> "$output_objdir/$outputname.def"'
+ eval 'cat "$export_symbols" >> "$output_objdir/$outputname.def"'
+ ;;
+ esac
+ }
+ else
+ $opt_dry_run || {
+ eval "${SED} -e 's/\([].[*^$]\)/\\\\\1/g' -e 's/^/ /' -e 's/$/$/'"' < "$export_symbols" > "$output_objdir/$outputname.exp"'
+ eval '$GREP -f "$output_objdir/$outputname.exp" < "$nlist" > "$nlist"T'
+ eval '$MV "$nlist"T "$nlist"'
+ case $host in
+ *cygwin | *mingw* | *cegcc* )
+ eval "echo EXPORTS "'> "$output_objdir/$outputname.def"'
+ eval 'cat "$nlist" >> "$output_objdir/$outputname.def"'
+ ;;
+ esac
+ }
+ fi
+ fi
+ for dlprefile in $dlprefiles; do
+ func_verbose "extracting global C symbols from \`$dlprefile'"
+ func_basename "$dlprefile"
+ name="$func_basename_result"
+ $opt_dry_run || {
+ eval '$ECHO ": $name " >> "$nlist"'
+ eval "$NM $dlprefile 2>/dev/null | $global_symbol_pipe >> '$nlist'"
+ }
+ done
+ $opt_dry_run || {
+ # Make sure we have at least an empty file.
+ test -f "$nlist" || : > "$nlist"
+ if test -n "$exclude_expsyms"; then
+ $EGREP -v " ($exclude_expsyms)$" "$nlist" > "$nlist"T
+ $MV "$nlist"T "$nlist"
+ fi
+ # Try sorting and uniquifying the output.
+ if $GREP -v "^: " < "$nlist" |
+ if sort -k 3 </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ sort -k 3
+ else
+ sort +2
+ fi |
+ uniq > "$nlist"S; then
+ :
+ else
+ $GREP -v "^: " < "$nlist" > "$nlist"S
+ fi
+ if test -f "$nlist"S; then
+ eval "$global_symbol_to_cdecl"' < "$nlist"S >> "$output_objdir/$my_dlsyms"'
+ else
+ $ECHO '/* NONE */' >> "$output_objdir/$my_dlsyms"
+ fi
+ $ECHO >> "$output_objdir/$my_dlsyms" "\
+/* The mapping between symbol names and symbols. */
+typedef struct {
+ const char *name;
+ void *address;
+} lt_dlsymlist;
+ case $host in
+ *cygwin* | *mingw* | *cegcc* )
+ $ECHO >> "$output_objdir/$my_dlsyms" "\
+/* DATA imports from DLLs on WIN32 con't be const, because
+ runtime relocations are performed -- see ld's documentation
+ on pseudo-relocs. */"
+ lt_dlsym_const= ;;
+ *osf5*)
+ echo >> "$output_objdir/$my_dlsyms" "\
+/* This system does not cope well with relocations in const data */"
+ lt_dlsym_const= ;;
+ *)
+ lt_dlsym_const=const ;;
+ esac
+ $ECHO >> "$output_objdir/$my_dlsyms" "\
+extern $lt_dlsym_const lt_dlsymlist
+$lt_dlsym_const lt_dlsymlist
+lt_${my_prefix}_LTX_preloaded_symbols[] =
+ { \"$my_originator\", (void *) 0 },"
+ case $need_lib_prefix in
+ no)
+ eval "$global_symbol_to_c_name_address" < "$nlist" >> "$output_objdir/$my_dlsyms"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ eval "$global_symbol_to_c_name_address_lib_prefix" < "$nlist" >> "$output_objdir/$my_dlsyms"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ $ECHO >> "$output_objdir/$my_dlsyms" "\
+ {0, (void *) 0}
+/* This works around a problem in FreeBSD linker */
+static const void *lt_preloaded_setup() {
+ return lt_${my_prefix}_LTX_preloaded_symbols;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ } # !$opt_dry_run
+ pic_flag_for_symtable=
+ case "$compile_command " in
+ *" -static "*) ;;
+ *)
+ case $host in
+ # compiling the symbol table file with pic_flag works around
+ # a FreeBSD bug that causes programs to crash when -lm is
+ # linked before any other PIC object. But we must not use
+ # pic_flag when linking with -static. The problem exists in
+ # FreeBSD 2.2.6 and is fixed in FreeBSD 3.1.
+ *-*-freebsd2*|*-*-freebsd3.0*|*-*-freebsdelf3.0*)
+ pic_flag_for_symtable=" $pic_flag -DFREEBSD_WORKAROUND" ;;
+ *-*-hpux*)
+ pic_flag_for_symtable=" $pic_flag" ;;
+ *)
+ if test "X$my_pic_p" != Xno; then
+ pic_flag_for_symtable=" $pic_flag"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ symtab_cflags=
+ for arg in $LTCFLAGS; do
+ case $arg in
+ -pie | -fpie | -fPIE) ;;
+ *) symtab_cflags="$symtab_cflags $arg" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # Now compile the dynamic symbol file.
+ func_show_eval '(cd $output_objdir && $LTCC$symtab_cflags -c$no_builtin_flag$pic_flag_for_symtable "$my_dlsyms")' 'exit $?'
+ # Clean up the generated files.
+ func_show_eval '$RM "$output_objdir/$my_dlsyms" "$nlist" "${nlist}S" "${nlist}T"'
+ # Transform the symbol file into the correct name.
+ symfileobj="$output_objdir/${my_outputname}S.$objext"
+ case $host in
+ *cygwin* | *mingw* | *cegcc* )
+ if test -f "$output_objdir/$my_outputname.def"; then
+ compile_command=`$ECHO "X$compile_command" | $Xsed -e "s%@SYMFILE@%$output_objdir/$my_outputname.def $symfileobj%"`
+ finalize_command=`$ECHO "X$finalize_command" | $Xsed -e "s%@SYMFILE@%$output_objdir/$my_outputname.def $symfileobj%"`
+ else
+ compile_command=`$ECHO "X$compile_command" | $Xsed -e "s%@SYMFILE@%$symfileobj%"`
+ finalize_command=`$ECHO "X$finalize_command" | $Xsed -e "s%@SYMFILE@%$symfileobj%"`
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ compile_command=`$ECHO "X$compile_command" | $Xsed -e "s%@SYMFILE@%$symfileobj%"`
+ finalize_command=`$ECHO "X$finalize_command" | $Xsed -e "s%@SYMFILE@%$symfileobj%"`
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *)
+ func_fatal_error "unknown suffix for \`$my_dlsyms'"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ else
+ # We keep going just in case the user didn't refer to
+ # lt_preloaded_symbols. The linker will fail if global_symbol_pipe
+ # really was required.
+ # Nullify the symbol file.
+ compile_command=`$ECHO "X$compile_command" | $Xsed -e "s% @SYMFILE@%%"`
+ finalize_command=`$ECHO "X$finalize_command" | $Xsed -e "s% @SYMFILE@%%"`
+ fi
+# func_win32_libid arg
+# return the library type of file 'arg'
+# Need a lot of goo to handle *both* DLLs and import libs
+# Has to be a shell function in order to 'eat' the argument
+# that is supplied when $file_magic_command is called.
+func_win32_libid ()
+ $opt_debug
+ win32_libid_type="unknown"
+ win32_fileres=`file -L $1 2>/dev/null`
+ case $win32_fileres in
+ *ar\ archive\ import\ library*) # definitely import
+ win32_libid_type="x86 archive import"
+ ;;
+ *ar\ archive*) # could be an import, or static
+ if eval $OBJDUMP -f $1 | $SED -e '10q' 2>/dev/null |
+ $EGREP 'file format pe-i386(.*architecture: i386)?' >/dev/null ; then
+ win32_nmres=`eval $NM -f posix -A $1 |
+ $SED -n -e '
+ 1,100{
+ / I /{
+ s,.*,import,
+ p
+ q
+ }
+ }'`
+ case $win32_nmres in
+ import*) win32_libid_type="x86 archive import";;
+ *) win32_libid_type="x86 archive static";;
+ esac
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *DLL*)
+ win32_libid_type="x86 DLL"
+ ;;
+ *executable*) # but shell scripts are "executable" too...
+ case $win32_fileres in
+ *MS\ Windows\ PE\ Intel*)
+ win32_libid_type="x86 DLL"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ $ECHO "$win32_libid_type"
+# func_extract_an_archive dir oldlib
+func_extract_an_archive ()
+ $opt_debug
+ f_ex_an_ar_dir="$1"; shift
+ f_ex_an_ar_oldlib="$1"
+ func_show_eval "(cd \$f_ex_an_ar_dir && $AR x \"\$f_ex_an_ar_oldlib\")" 'exit $?'
+ if ($AR t "$f_ex_an_ar_oldlib" | sort | sort -uc >/dev/null 2>&1); then
+ :
+ else
+ func_fatal_error "object name conflicts in archive: $f_ex_an_ar_dir/$f_ex_an_ar_oldlib"
+ fi
+# func_extract_archives gentop oldlib ...
+func_extract_archives ()
+ $opt_debug
+ my_gentop="$1"; shift
+ my_oldlibs=${1+"$@"}
+ my_oldobjs=""
+ my_xlib=""
+ my_xabs=""
+ my_xdir=""
+ for my_xlib in $my_oldlibs; do
+ # Extract the objects.
+ case $my_xlib in
+ [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) my_xabs="$my_xlib" ;;
+ *) my_xabs=`pwd`"/$my_xlib" ;;
+ esac
+ func_basename "$my_xlib"
+ my_xlib="$func_basename_result"
+ my_xlib_u=$my_xlib
+ while :; do
+ case " $extracted_archives " in
+ *" $my_xlib_u "*)
+ func_arith $extracted_serial + 1
+ extracted_serial=$func_arith_result
+ my_xlib_u=lt$extracted_serial-$my_xlib ;;
+ *) break ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ extracted_archives="$extracted_archives $my_xlib_u"
+ my_xdir="$my_gentop/$my_xlib_u"
+ func_mkdir_p "$my_xdir"
+ case $host in
+ *-darwin*)
+ func_verbose "Extracting $my_xabs"
+ # Do not bother doing anything if just a dry run
+ $opt_dry_run || {
+ darwin_orig_dir=`pwd`
+ cd $my_xdir || exit $?
+ darwin_archive=$my_xabs
+ darwin_curdir=`pwd`
+ darwin_base_archive=`basename "$darwin_archive"`
+ darwin_arches=`$LIPO -info "$darwin_archive" 2>/dev/null | $GREP Architectures 2>/dev/null || true`
+ if test -n "$darwin_arches"; then
+ darwin_arches=`$ECHO "$darwin_arches" | $SED -e 's/.*are://'`
+ darwin_arch=
+ func_verbose "$darwin_base_archive has multiple architectures $darwin_arches"
+ for darwin_arch in $darwin_arches ; do
+ func_mkdir_p "unfat-$$/${darwin_base_archive}-${darwin_arch}"
+ $LIPO -thin $darwin_arch -output "unfat-$$/${darwin_base_archive}-${darwin_arch}/${darwin_base_archive}" "${darwin_archive}"
+ cd "unfat-$$/${darwin_base_archive}-${darwin_arch}"
+ func_extract_an_archive "`pwd`" "${darwin_base_archive}"
+ cd "$darwin_curdir"
+ $RM "unfat-$$/${darwin_base_archive}-${darwin_arch}/${darwin_base_archive}"
+ done # $darwin_arches
+ ## Okay now we've a bunch of thin objects, gotta fatten them up :)
+ darwin_filelist=`find unfat-$$ -type f -name \*.o -print -o -name \*.lo -print | $SED -e "$basename" | sort -u`
+ darwin_file=
+ darwin_files=
+ for darwin_file in $darwin_filelist; do
+ darwin_files=`find unfat-$$ -name $darwin_file -print | $NL2SP`
+ $LIPO -create -output "$darwin_file" $darwin_files
+ done # $darwin_filelist
+ $RM -rf unfat-$$
+ cd "$darwin_orig_dir"
+ else
+ cd $darwin_orig_dir
+ func_extract_an_archive "$my_xdir" "$my_xabs"
+ fi # $darwin_arches
+ } # !$opt_dry_run
+ ;;
+ *)
+ func_extract_an_archive "$my_xdir" "$my_xabs"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ my_oldobjs="$my_oldobjs "`find $my_xdir -name \*.$objext -print -o -name \*.lo -print | $NL2SP`
+ done
+ func_extract_archives_result="$my_oldobjs"
+# func_emit_wrapper_part1 [arg=no]
+# Emit the first part of a libtool wrapper script on stdout.
+# For more information, see the description associated with
+# func_emit_wrapper(), below.
+func_emit_wrapper_part1 ()
+ func_emit_wrapper_part1_arg1=no
+ if test -n "$1" ; then
+ func_emit_wrapper_part1_arg1=$1
+ fi
+ $ECHO "\
+#! $SHELL
+# $output - temporary wrapper script for $objdir/$outputname
+# The $output program cannot be directly executed until all the libtool
+# libraries that it depends on are installed.
+# This wrapper script should never be moved out of the build directory.
+# If it is, it will not operate correctly.
+# Sed substitution that helps us do robust quoting. It backslashifies
+# metacharacters that are still active within double-quoted strings.
+Xsed='${SED} -e 1s/^X//'
+# Be Bourne compatible
+if test -n \"\${ZSH_VERSION+set}\" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ emulate sh
+ # Zsh 3.x and 4.x performs word splitting on \${1+\"\$@\"}, which
+ # is contrary to our usage. Disable this feature.
+ alias -g '\${1+\"\$@\"}'='\"\$@\"'
+ setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+ case \`(set -o) 2>/dev/null\` in *posix*) set -o posix;; esac
+BIN_SH=xpg4; export BIN_SH # for Tru64
+DUALCASE=1; export DUALCASE # for MKS sh
+# The HP-UX ksh and POSIX shell print the target directory to stdout
+# if CDPATH is set.
+(unset CDPATH) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset CDPATH
+# This environment variable determines our operation mode.
+if test \"\$libtool_install_magic\" = \"$magic\"; then
+ # install mode needs the following variables:
+ generated_by_libtool_version='$macro_version'
+ notinst_deplibs='$notinst_deplibs'
+ # When we are sourced in execute mode, \$file and \$ECHO are already set.
+ if test \"\$libtool_execute_magic\" != \"$magic\"; then
+ ECHO=\"$qecho\"
+ file=\"\$0\"
+ # Make sure echo works.
+ if test \"X\$1\" = X--no-reexec; then
+ # Discard the --no-reexec flag, and continue.
+ shift
+ elif test \"X\`{ \$ECHO '\t'; } 2>/dev/null\`\" = 'X\t'; then
+ # Yippee, \$ECHO works!
+ :
+ else
+ # Restart under the correct shell, and then maybe \$ECHO will work.
+ exec $SHELL \"\$0\" --no-reexec \${1+\"\$@\"}
+ fi
+ fi\
+ $ECHO "\
+ # Find the directory that this script lives in.
+ thisdir=\`\$ECHO \"X\$file\" | \$Xsed -e 's%/[^/]*$%%'\`
+ test \"x\$thisdir\" = \"x\$file\" && thisdir=.
+ # Follow symbolic links until we get to the real thisdir.
+ file=\`ls -ld \"\$file\" | ${SED} -n 's/.*-> //p'\`
+ while test -n \"\$file\"; do
+ destdir=\`\$ECHO \"X\$file\" | \$Xsed -e 's%/[^/]*\$%%'\`
+ # If there was a directory component, then change thisdir.
+ if test \"x\$destdir\" != \"x\$file\"; then
+ case \"\$destdir\" in
+ [\\\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\\\/]*) thisdir=\"\$destdir\" ;;
+ *) thisdir=\"\$thisdir/\$destdir\" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ file=\`\$ECHO \"X\$file\" | \$Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'\`
+ file=\`ls -ld \"\$thisdir/\$file\" | ${SED} -n 's/.*-> //p'\`
+ done
+# end: func_emit_wrapper_part1
+# func_emit_wrapper_part2 [arg=no]
+# Emit the second part of a libtool wrapper script on stdout.
+# For more information, see the description associated with
+# func_emit_wrapper(), below.
+func_emit_wrapper_part2 ()
+ func_emit_wrapper_part2_arg1=no
+ if test -n "$1" ; then
+ func_emit_wrapper_part2_arg1=$1
+ fi
+ $ECHO "\
+ # Usually 'no', except on cygwin/mingw when embedded into
+ # the cwrapper.
+ WRAPPER_SCRIPT_BELONGS_IN_OBJDIR=$func_emit_wrapper_part2_arg1
+ if test \"\$WRAPPER_SCRIPT_BELONGS_IN_OBJDIR\" = \"yes\"; then
+ # special case for '.'
+ if test \"\$thisdir\" = \".\"; then
+ thisdir=\`pwd\`
+ fi
+ # remove .libs from thisdir
+ case \"\$thisdir\" in
+ *[\\\\/]$objdir ) thisdir=\`\$ECHO \"X\$thisdir\" | \$Xsed -e 's%[\\\\/][^\\\\/]*$%%'\` ;;
+ $objdir ) thisdir=. ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # Try to get the absolute directory name.
+ absdir=\`cd \"\$thisdir\" && pwd\`
+ test -n \"\$absdir\" && thisdir=\"\$absdir\"
+ if test "$fast_install" = yes; then
+ $ECHO "\
+ program=lt-'$outputname'$exeext
+ progdir=\"\$thisdir/$objdir\"
+ if test ! -f \"\$progdir/\$program\" ||
+ { file=\`ls -1dt \"\$progdir/\$program\" \"\$progdir/../\$program\" 2>/dev/null | ${SED} 1q\`; \\
+ test \"X\$file\" != \"X\$progdir/\$program\"; }; then
+ file=\"\$\$-\$program\"
+ if test ! -d \"\$progdir\"; then
+ $MKDIR \"\$progdir\"
+ else
+ $RM \"\$progdir/\$file\"
+ fi"
+ $ECHO "\
+ # relink executable if necessary
+ if test -n \"\$relink_command\"; then
+ if relink_command_output=\`eval \$relink_command 2>&1\`; then :
+ else
+ $ECHO \"\$relink_command_output\" >&2
+ $RM \"\$progdir/\$file\"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ $MV \"\$progdir/\$file\" \"\$progdir/\$program\" 2>/dev/null ||
+ { $RM \"\$progdir/\$program\";
+ $MV \"\$progdir/\$file\" \"\$progdir/\$program\"; }
+ $RM \"\$progdir/\$file\"
+ fi"
+ else
+ $ECHO "\
+ program='$outputname'
+ progdir=\"\$thisdir/$objdir\"
+ fi
+ $ECHO "\
+ if test -f \"\$progdir/\$program\"; then"
+ # Export our shlibpath_var if we have one.
+ if test "$shlibpath_overrides_runpath" = yes && test -n "$shlibpath_var" && test -n "$temp_rpath"; then
+ $ECHO "\
+ # Add our own library path to $shlibpath_var
+ $shlibpath_var=\"$temp_rpath\$$shlibpath_var\"
+ # Some systems cannot cope with colon-terminated $shlibpath_var
+ # The second colon is a workaround for a bug in BeOS R4 sed
+ $shlibpath_var=\`\$ECHO \"X\$$shlibpath_var\" | \$Xsed -e 's/::*\$//'\`
+ export $shlibpath_var
+ fi
+ # fixup the dll searchpath if we need to.
+ if test -n "$dllsearchpath"; then
+ $ECHO "\
+ # Add the dll search path components to the executable PATH
+ PATH=$dllsearchpath:\$PATH
+ fi
+ $ECHO "\
+ if test \"\$libtool_execute_magic\" != \"$magic\"; then
+ # Run the actual program with our arguments.
+ case $host in
+ # Backslashes separate directories on plain windows
+ *-*-mingw | *-*-os2* | *-cegcc*)
+ $ECHO "\
+ exec \"\$progdir\\\\\$program\" \${1+\"\$@\"}
+ ;;
+ *)
+ $ECHO "\
+ exec \"\$progdir/\$program\" \${1+\"\$@\"}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ $ECHO "\
+ \$ECHO \"\$0: cannot exec \$program \$*\" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ # The program doesn't exist.
+ \$ECHO \"\$0: error: \\\`\$progdir/\$program' does not exist\" 1>&2
+ \$ECHO \"This script is just a wrapper for \$program.\" 1>&2
+ $ECHO \"See the $PACKAGE documentation for more information.\" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# end: func_emit_wrapper_part2
+# func_emit_wrapper [arg=no]
+# Emit a libtool wrapper script on stdout.
+# Don't directly open a file because we may want to
+# incorporate the script contents within a cygwin/mingw
+# wrapper executable. Must ONLY be called from within
+# func_mode_link because it depends on a number of variables
+# set therein.
+# variable will take. If 'yes', then the emitted script
+# will assume that the directory in which it is stored is
+# the $objdir directory. This is a cygwin/mingw-specific
+# behavior.
+func_emit_wrapper ()
+ func_emit_wrapper_arg1=no
+ if test -n "$1" ; then
+ func_emit_wrapper_arg1=$1
+ fi
+ # split this up so that func_emit_cwrapperexe_src
+ # can call each part independently.
+ func_emit_wrapper_part1 "${func_emit_wrapper_arg1}"
+ func_emit_wrapper_part2 "${func_emit_wrapper_arg1}"
+# func_to_host_path arg
+# Convert paths to host format when used with build tools.
+# Intended for use with "native" mingw (where libtool itself
+# is running under the msys shell), or in the following cross-
+# build environments:
+# $build $host
+# mingw (msys) mingw [e.g. native]
+# cygwin mingw
+# *nix + wine mingw
+# where wine is equipped with the `winepath' executable.
+# In the native mingw case, the (msys) shell automatically
+# converts paths for any non-msys applications it launches,
+# but that facility isn't available from inside the cwrapper.
+# Similar accommodations are necessary for $host mingw and
+# $build cygwin. Calling this function does no harm for other
+# $host/$build combinations not listed above.
+# ARG is the path (on $build) that should be converted to
+# the proper representation for $host. The result is stored
+# in $func_to_host_path_result.
+func_to_host_path ()
+ func_to_host_path_result="$1"
+ if test -n "$1" ; then
+ case $host in
+ *mingw* )
+ lt_sed_naive_backslashify='s|\\\\*|\\|g;s|/|\\|g;s|\\|\\\\|g'
+ case $build in
+ *mingw* ) # actually, msys
+ # awkward: cmd appends spaces to result
+ lt_sed_strip_trailing_spaces="s/[ ]*\$//"
+ func_to_host_path_tmp1=`( cmd //c echo "$1" |\
+ $SED -e "$lt_sed_strip_trailing_spaces" ) 2>/dev/null || echo ""`
+ func_to_host_path_result=`echo "$func_to_host_path_tmp1" |\
+ $SED -e "$lt_sed_naive_backslashify"`
+ ;;
+ *cygwin* )
+ func_to_host_path_tmp1=`cygpath -w "$1"`
+ func_to_host_path_result=`echo "$func_to_host_path_tmp1" |\
+ $SED -e "$lt_sed_naive_backslashify"`
+ ;;
+ * )
+ # Unfortunately, winepath does not exit with a non-zero
+ # error code, so we are forced to check the contents of
+ # stdout. On the other hand, if the command is not
+ # found, the shell will set an exit code of 127 and print
+ # *an error message* to stdout. So we must check for both
+ # error code of zero AND non-empty stdout, which explains
+ # the odd construction:
+ func_to_host_path_tmp1=`winepath -w "$1" 2>/dev/null`
+ if test "$?" -eq 0 && test -n "${func_to_host_path_tmp1}"; then
+ func_to_host_path_result=`echo "$func_to_host_path_tmp1" |\
+ $SED -e "$lt_sed_naive_backslashify"`
+ else
+ # Allow warning below.
+ func_to_host_path_result=""
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test -z "$func_to_host_path_result" ; then
+ func_error "Could not determine host path corresponding to"
+ func_error " '$1'"
+ func_error "Continuing, but uninstalled executables may not work."
+ # Fallback:
+ func_to_host_path_result="$1"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+# end: func_to_host_path
+# func_to_host_pathlist arg
+# Convert pathlists to host format when used with build tools.
+# See func_to_host_path(), above. This function supports the
+# following $build/$host combinations (but does no harm for
+# combinations not listed here):
+# $build $host
+# mingw (msys) mingw [e.g. native]
+# cygwin mingw
+# *nix + wine mingw
+# Path separators are also converted from $build format to
+# $host format. If ARG begins or ends with a path separator
+# character, it is preserved (but converted to $host format)
+# on output.
+# ARG is a pathlist (on $build) that should be converted to
+# the proper representation on $host. The result is stored
+# in $func_to_host_pathlist_result.
+func_to_host_pathlist ()
+ func_to_host_pathlist_result="$1"
+ if test -n "$1" ; then
+ case $host in
+ *mingw* )
+ lt_sed_naive_backslashify='s|\\\\*|\\|g;s|/|\\|g;s|\\|\\\\|g'
+ # Remove leading and trailing path separator characters from
+ # ARG. msys behavior is inconsistent here, cygpath turns them
+ # into '.;' and ';.', and winepath ignores them completely.
+ func_to_host_pathlist_tmp2="$1"
+ # Once set for this call, this variable should not be
+ # reassigned. It is used in tha fallback case.
+ func_to_host_pathlist_tmp1=`echo "$func_to_host_pathlist_tmp2" |\
+ $SED -e 's|^:*||' -e 's|:*$||'`
+ case $build in
+ *mingw* ) # Actually, msys.
+ # Awkward: cmd appends spaces to result.
+ lt_sed_strip_trailing_spaces="s/[ ]*\$//"
+ func_to_host_pathlist_tmp2=`( cmd //c echo "$func_to_host_pathlist_tmp1" |\
+ $SED -e "$lt_sed_strip_trailing_spaces" ) 2>/dev/null || echo ""`
+ func_to_host_pathlist_result=`echo "$func_to_host_pathlist_tmp2" |\
+ $SED -e "$lt_sed_naive_backslashify"`
+ ;;
+ *cygwin* )
+ func_to_host_pathlist_tmp2=`cygpath -w -p "$func_to_host_pathlist_tmp1"`
+ func_to_host_pathlist_result=`echo "$func_to_host_pathlist_tmp2" |\
+ $SED -e "$lt_sed_naive_backslashify"`
+ ;;
+ * )
+ # unfortunately, winepath doesn't convert pathlists
+ func_to_host_pathlist_result=""
+ func_to_host_pathlist_oldIFS=$IFS
+ IFS=:
+ for func_to_host_pathlist_f in $func_to_host_pathlist_tmp1 ; do
+ IFS=$func_to_host_pathlist_oldIFS
+ if test -n "$func_to_host_pathlist_f" ; then
+ func_to_host_path "$func_to_host_pathlist_f"
+ if test -n "$func_to_host_path_result" ; then
+ if test -z "$func_to_host_pathlist_result" ; then
+ func_to_host_pathlist_result="$func_to_host_path_result"
+ else
+ func_to_host_pathlist_result="$func_to_host_pathlist_result;$func_to_host_path_result"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ IFS=:
+ done
+ IFS=$func_to_host_pathlist_oldIFS
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test -z "$func_to_host_pathlist_result" ; then
+ func_error "Could not determine the host path(s) corresponding to"
+ func_error " '$1'"
+ func_error "Continuing, but uninstalled executables may not work."
+ # Fallback. This may break if $1 contains DOS-style drive
+ # specifications. The fix is not to complicate the expression
+ # below, but for the user to provide a working wine installation
+ # with winepath so that path translation in the cross-to-mingw
+ # case works properly.
+ lt_replace_pathsep_nix_to_dos="s|:|;|g"
+ func_to_host_pathlist_result=`echo "$func_to_host_pathlist_tmp1" |\
+ $SED -e "$lt_replace_pathsep_nix_to_dos"`
+ fi
+ # Now, add the leading and trailing path separators back
+ case "$1" in
+ :* ) func_to_host_pathlist_result=";$func_to_host_pathlist_result"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case "$1" in
+ *: ) func_to_host_pathlist_result="$func_to_host_pathlist_result;"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+# end: func_to_host_pathlist
+# func_emit_cwrapperexe_src
+# emit the source code for a wrapper executable on stdout
+# Must ONLY be called from within func_mode_link because
+# it depends on a number of variable set therein.
+func_emit_cwrapperexe_src ()
+ cat <<EOF
+/* $cwrappersource - temporary wrapper executable for $objdir/$outputname
+ The $output program cannot be directly executed until all the libtool
+ libraries that it depends on are installed.
+ This wrapper executable should never be moved out of the build directory.
+ If it is, it will not operate correctly.
+ Currently, it simply execs the wrapper *script* "$SHELL $output",
+ but could eventually absorb all of the scripts functionality and
+ exec $objdir/$outputname directly.
+ cat <<"EOF"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# include <direct.h>
+# include <process.h>
+# include <io.h>
+# define setmode _setmode
+# include <unistd.h>
+# include <stdint.h>
+# ifdef __CYGWIN__
+# include <io.h>
+# define HAVE_SETENV
+# ifdef __STRICT_ANSI__
+char *realpath (const char *, char *);
+int putenv (char *);
+int setenv (const char *, const char *, int);
+# endif
+# endif
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#if defined(PATH_MAX)
+#elif defined(MAXPATHLEN)
+# define LT_PATHMAX 1024
+#ifndef S_IXOTH
+# define S_IXOTH 0
+#ifndef S_IXGRP
+# define S_IXGRP 0
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# define S_IXUSR _S_IEXEC
+# define stat _stat
+# define intptr_t int
+# endif
+# define DIR_SEPARATOR '/'
+# define PATH_SEPARATOR ':'
+#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (__MSDOS__) || defined (__DJGPP__) || \
+ defined (__OS2__)
+# define FOPEN_WB "wb"
+# ifndef DIR_SEPARATOR_2
+# define DIR_SEPARATOR_2 '\\'
+# endif
+# ifndef PATH_SEPARATOR_2
+# define PATH_SEPARATOR_2 ';'
+# endif
+#ifndef DIR_SEPARATOR_2
+# define IS_DIR_SEPARATOR(ch) ((ch) == DIR_SEPARATOR)
+#else /* DIR_SEPARATOR_2 */
+# define IS_DIR_SEPARATOR(ch) \
+ (((ch) == DIR_SEPARATOR) || ((ch) == DIR_SEPARATOR_2))
+#endif /* DIR_SEPARATOR_2 */
+# define IS_PATH_SEPARATOR(ch) ((ch) == PATH_SEPARATOR)
+#else /* PATH_SEPARATOR_2 */
+# define IS_PATH_SEPARATOR(ch) ((ch) == PATH_SEPARATOR_2)
+#endif /* PATH_SEPARATOR_2 */
+#ifdef __CYGWIN__
+# define FOPEN_WB "wb"
+#ifndef FOPEN_WB
+# define FOPEN_WB "w"
+#ifndef _O_BINARY
+# define _O_BINARY 0
+#define XMALLOC(type, num) ((type *) xmalloc ((num) * sizeof(type)))
+#define XFREE(stale) do { \
+ if (stale) { free ((void *) stale); stale = 0; } \
+} while (0)
+#if defined DEBUGWRAPPER
+# define LTWRAPPER_DEBUGPRINTF(args) ltwrapper_debugprintf args
+static void
+ltwrapper_debugprintf (const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start (args, fmt);
+ (void) vfprintf (stderr, fmt, args);
+ va_end (args);
+const char *program_name = NULL;
+void *xmalloc (size_t num);
+char *xstrdup (const char *string);
+const char *base_name (const char *name);
+char *find_executable (const char *wrapper);
+char *chase_symlinks (const char *pathspec);
+int make_executable (const char *path);
+int check_executable (const char *path);
+char *strendzap (char *str, const char *pat);
+void lt_fatal (const char *message, ...);
+void lt_setenv (const char *name, const char *value);
+char *lt_extend_str (const char *orig_value, const char *add, int to_end);
+void lt_opt_process_env_set (const char *arg);
+void lt_opt_process_env_prepend (const char *arg);
+void lt_opt_process_env_append (const char *arg);
+int lt_split_name_value (const char *arg, char** name, char** value);
+void lt_update_exe_path (const char *name, const char *value);
+void lt_update_lib_path (const char *name, const char *value);
+static const char *script_text_part1 =
+ func_emit_wrapper_part1 yes |
+ $SED -e 's/\([\\"]\)/\\\1/g' \
+ -e 's/^/ "/' -e 's/$/\\n"/'
+ echo ";"
+ cat <<EOF
+static const char *script_text_part2 =
+ func_emit_wrapper_part2 yes |
+ $SED -e 's/\([\\"]\)/\\\1/g' \
+ -e 's/^/ "/' -e 's/$/\\n"/'
+ echo ";"
+ cat <<EOF
+const char * MAGIC_EXE = "$magic_exe";
+const char * LIB_PATH_VARNAME = "$shlibpath_var";
+ if test "$shlibpath_overrides_runpath" = yes && test -n "$shlibpath_var" && test -n "$temp_rpath"; then
+ func_to_host_pathlist "$temp_rpath"
+ cat <<EOF
+const char * LIB_PATH_VALUE = "$func_to_host_pathlist_result";
+ else
+ cat <<"EOF"
+const char * LIB_PATH_VALUE = "";
+ fi
+ if test -n "$dllsearchpath"; then
+ func_to_host_pathlist "$dllsearchpath:"
+ cat <<EOF
+const char * EXE_PATH_VARNAME = "PATH";
+const char * EXE_PATH_VALUE = "$func_to_host_pathlist_result";
+ else
+ cat <<"EOF"
+const char * EXE_PATH_VARNAME = "";
+const char * EXE_PATH_VALUE = "";
+ fi
+ if test "$fast_install" = yes; then
+ cat <<EOF
+const char * TARGET_PROGRAM_NAME = "lt-$outputname"; /* hopefully, no .exe */
+ else
+ cat <<EOF
+const char * TARGET_PROGRAM_NAME = "$outputname"; /* hopefully, no .exe */
+ fi
+ cat <<"EOF"
+static const size_t opt_prefix_len = LTWRAPPER_OPTION_PREFIX_LENGTH;
+static const char *ltwrapper_option_prefix = LTWRAPPER_OPTION_PREFIX;
+static const char *dumpscript_opt = LTWRAPPER_OPTION_PREFIX "dump-script";
+static const size_t env_set_opt_len = LTWRAPPER_OPTION_PREFIX_LENGTH + 7;
+static const char *env_set_opt = LTWRAPPER_OPTION_PREFIX "env-set";
+ /* argument is putenv-style "foo=bar", value of foo is set to bar */
+static const size_t env_prepend_opt_len = LTWRAPPER_OPTION_PREFIX_LENGTH + 11;
+static const char *env_prepend_opt = LTWRAPPER_OPTION_PREFIX "env-prepend";
+ /* argument is putenv-style "foo=bar", new value of foo is bar${foo} */
+static const size_t env_append_opt_len = LTWRAPPER_OPTION_PREFIX_LENGTH + 10;
+static const char *env_append_opt = LTWRAPPER_OPTION_PREFIX "env-append";
+ /* argument is putenv-style "foo=bar", new value of foo is ${foo}bar */
+main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ char **newargz;
+ int newargc;
+ char *tmp_pathspec;
+ char *actual_cwrapper_path;
+ char *actual_cwrapper_name;
+ char *target_name;
+ char *lt_argv_zero;
+ intptr_t rval = 127;
+ int i;
+ program_name = (char *) xstrdup (base_name (argv[0]));
+ LTWRAPPER_DEBUGPRINTF (("(main) argv[0] : %s\n", argv[0]));
+ LTWRAPPER_DEBUGPRINTF (("(main) program_name : %s\n", program_name));
+ /* very simple arg parsing; don't want to rely on getopt */
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ {
+ if (strcmp (argv[i], dumpscript_opt) == 0)
+ {
+ case "$host" in
+ *mingw* | *cygwin* )
+ # make stdout use "unix" line endings
+ echo " setmode(1,_O_BINARY);"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ cat <<"EOF"
+ printf ("%s", script_text_part1);
+ printf ("%s", script_text_part2);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ newargz = XMALLOC (char *, argc + 1);
+ tmp_pathspec = find_executable (argv[0]);
+ if (tmp_pathspec == NULL)
+ lt_fatal ("Couldn't find %s", argv[0]);
+ LTWRAPPER_DEBUGPRINTF (("(main) found exe (before symlink chase) at : %s\n",
+ tmp_pathspec));
+ actual_cwrapper_path = chase_symlinks (tmp_pathspec);
+ LTWRAPPER_DEBUGPRINTF (("(main) found exe (after symlink chase) at : %s\n",
+ actual_cwrapper_path));
+ XFREE (tmp_pathspec);
+ actual_cwrapper_name = xstrdup( base_name (actual_cwrapper_path));
+ strendzap (actual_cwrapper_path, actual_cwrapper_name);
+ /* wrapper name transforms */
+ strendzap (actual_cwrapper_name, ".exe");
+ tmp_pathspec = lt_extend_str (actual_cwrapper_name, ".exe", 1);
+ XFREE (actual_cwrapper_name);
+ actual_cwrapper_name = tmp_pathspec;
+ tmp_pathspec = 0;
+ /* target_name transforms -- use actual target program name; might have lt- prefix */
+ target_name = xstrdup (base_name (TARGET_PROGRAM_NAME));
+ strendzap (target_name, ".exe");
+ tmp_pathspec = lt_extend_str (target_name, ".exe", 1);
+ XFREE (target_name);
+ target_name = tmp_pathspec;
+ tmp_pathspec = 0;
+ LTWRAPPER_DEBUGPRINTF (("(main) libtool target name: %s\n",
+ target_name));
+ cat <<EOF
+ newargz[0] =
+ XMALLOC (char, (strlen (actual_cwrapper_path) +
+ strlen ("$objdir") + 1 + strlen (actual_cwrapper_name) + 1));
+ strcpy (newargz[0], actual_cwrapper_path);
+ strcat (newargz[0], "$objdir");
+ strcat (newargz[0], "/");
+ cat <<"EOF"
+ /* stop here, and copy so we don't have to do this twice */
+ tmp_pathspec = xstrdup (newargz[0]);
+ /* do NOT want the lt- prefix here, so use actual_cwrapper_name */
+ strcat (newargz[0], actual_cwrapper_name);
+ /* DO want the lt- prefix here if it exists, so use target_name */
+ lt_argv_zero = lt_extend_str (tmp_pathspec, target_name, 1);
+ XFREE (tmp_pathspec);
+ tmp_pathspec = NULL;
+ case $host_os in
+ mingw*)
+ cat <<"EOF"
+ {
+ char* p;
+ while ((p = strchr (newargz[0], '\\')) != NULL)
+ {
+ *p = '/';
+ }
+ while ((p = strchr (lt_argv_zero, '\\')) != NULL)
+ {
+ *p = '/';
+ }
+ }
+ ;;
+ esac
+ cat <<"EOF"
+ XFREE (target_name);
+ XFREE (actual_cwrapper_path);
+ XFREE (actual_cwrapper_name);
+ lt_setenv ("BIN_SH", "xpg4"); /* for Tru64 */
+ lt_setenv ("DUALCASE", "1"); /* for MSK sh */
+ lt_update_lib_path (LIB_PATH_VARNAME, LIB_PATH_VALUE);
+ lt_update_exe_path (EXE_PATH_VARNAME, EXE_PATH_VALUE);
+ newargc=0;
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ {
+ if (strncmp (argv[i], env_set_opt, env_set_opt_len) == 0)
+ {
+ if (argv[i][env_set_opt_len] == '=')
+ {
+ const char *p = argv[i] + env_set_opt_len + 1;
+ lt_opt_process_env_set (p);
+ }
+ else if (argv[i][env_set_opt_len] == '\0' && i + 1 < argc)
+ {
+ lt_opt_process_env_set (argv[++i]); /* don't copy */
+ }
+ else
+ lt_fatal ("%s missing required argument", env_set_opt);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strncmp (argv[i], env_prepend_opt, env_prepend_opt_len) == 0)
+ {
+ if (argv[i][env_prepend_opt_len] == '=')
+ {
+ const char *p = argv[i] + env_prepend_opt_len + 1;
+ lt_opt_process_env_prepend (p);
+ }
+ else if (argv[i][env_prepend_opt_len] == '\0' && i + 1 < argc)
+ {
+ lt_opt_process_env_prepend (argv[++i]); /* don't copy */
+ }
+ else
+ lt_fatal ("%s missing required argument", env_prepend_opt);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strncmp (argv[i], env_append_opt, env_append_opt_len) == 0)
+ {
+ if (argv[i][env_append_opt_len] == '=')
+ {
+ const char *p = argv[i] + env_append_opt_len + 1;
+ lt_opt_process_env_append (p);
+ }
+ else if (argv[i][env_append_opt_len] == '\0' && i + 1 < argc)
+ {
+ lt_opt_process_env_append (argv[++i]); /* don't copy */
+ }
+ else
+ lt_fatal ("%s missing required argument", env_append_opt);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strncmp (argv[i], ltwrapper_option_prefix, opt_prefix_len) == 0)
+ {
+ /* however, if there is an option in the LTWRAPPER_OPTION_PREFIX
+ namespace, but it is not one of the ones we know about and
+ have already dealt with, above (inluding dump-script), then
+ report an error. Otherwise, targets might begin to believe
+ they are allowed to use options in the LTWRAPPER_OPTION_PREFIX
+ namespace. The first time any user complains about this, we'll
+ need to make LTWRAPPER_OPTION_PREFIX a configure-time option
+ or a value.
+ */
+ lt_fatal ("Unrecognized option in %s namespace: '%s'",
+ ltwrapper_option_prefix, argv[i]);
+ }
+ /* otherwise ... */
+ newargz[++newargc] = xstrdup (argv[i]);
+ }
+ newargz[++newargc] = NULL;
+ LTWRAPPER_DEBUGPRINTF (("(main) lt_argv_zero : %s\n", (lt_argv_zero ? lt_argv_zero : "<NULL>")));
+ for (i = 0; i < newargc; i++)
+ {
+ LTWRAPPER_DEBUGPRINTF (("(main) newargz[%d] : %s\n", i, (newargz[i] ? newargz[i] : "<NULL>")));
+ }
+ case $host_os in
+ mingw*)
+ cat <<"EOF"
+ /* execv doesn't actually work on mingw as expected on unix */
+ rval = _spawnv (_P_WAIT, lt_argv_zero, (const char * const *) newargz);
+ if (rval == -1)
+ {
+ /* failed to start process */
+ LTWRAPPER_DEBUGPRINTF (("(main) failed to launch target \"%s\": errno = %d\n", lt_argv_zero, errno));
+ return 127;
+ }
+ return rval;
+ ;;
+ *)
+ cat <<"EOF"
+ execv (lt_argv_zero, newargz);
+ return rval; /* =127, but avoids unused variable warning */
+ ;;
+ esac
+ cat <<"EOF"
+void *
+xmalloc (size_t num)
+ void *p = (void *) malloc (num);
+ if (!p)
+ lt_fatal ("Memory exhausted");
+ return p;
+char *
+xstrdup (const char *string)
+ return string ? strcpy ((char *) xmalloc (strlen (string) + 1),
+ string) : NULL;
+const char *
+base_name (const char *name)
+ const char *base;
+ /* Skip over the disk name in MSDOS pathnames. */
+ if (isalpha ((unsigned char) name[0]) && name[1] == ':')
+ name += 2;
+ for (base = name; *name; name++)
+ if (IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (*name))
+ base = name + 1;
+ return base;
+check_executable (const char *path)
+ struct stat st;
+ LTWRAPPER_DEBUGPRINTF (("(check_executable) : %s\n",
+ path ? (*path ? path : "EMPTY!") : "NULL!"));
+ if ((!path) || (!*path))
+ return 0;
+ if ((stat (path, &st) >= 0)
+ && (st.st_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH)))
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+make_executable (const char *path)
+ int rval = 0;
+ struct stat st;
+ LTWRAPPER_DEBUGPRINTF (("(make_executable) : %s\n",
+ path ? (*path ? path : "EMPTY!") : "NULL!"));
+ if ((!path) || (!*path))
+ return 0;
+ if (stat (path, &st) >= 0)
+ {
+ rval = chmod (path, st.st_mode | S_IXOTH | S_IXGRP | S_IXUSR);
+ }
+ return rval;
+/* Searches for the full path of the wrapper. Returns
+ newly allocated full path name if found, NULL otherwise
+ Does not chase symlinks, even on platforms that support them.
+char *
+find_executable (const char *wrapper)
+ int has_slash = 0;
+ const char *p;
+ const char *p_next;
+ /* static buffer for getcwd */
+ char tmp[LT_PATHMAX + 1];
+ int tmp_len;
+ char *concat_name;
+ LTWRAPPER_DEBUGPRINTF (("(find_executable) : %s\n",
+ wrapper ? (*wrapper ? wrapper : "EMPTY!") : "NULL!"));
+ if ((wrapper == NULL) || (*wrapper == '\0'))
+ return NULL;
+ /* Absolute path? */
+ if (isalpha ((unsigned char) wrapper[0]) && wrapper[1] == ':')
+ {
+ concat_name = xstrdup (wrapper);
+ if (check_executable (concat_name))
+ return concat_name;
+ XFREE (concat_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (wrapper[0]))
+ {
+ concat_name = xstrdup (wrapper);
+ if (check_executable (concat_name))
+ return concat_name;
+ XFREE (concat_name);
+ }
+ }
+ for (p = wrapper; *p; p++)
+ if (*p == '/')
+ {
+ has_slash = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!has_slash)
+ {
+ /* no slashes; search PATH */
+ const char *path = getenv ("PATH");
+ if (path != NULL)
+ {
+ for (p = path; *p; p = p_next)
+ {
+ const char *q;
+ size_t p_len;
+ for (q = p; *q; q++)
+ break;
+ p_len = q - p;
+ p_next = (*q == '\0' ? q : q + 1);
+ if (p_len == 0)
+ {
+ /* empty path: current directory */
+ if (getcwd (tmp, LT_PATHMAX) == NULL)
+ lt_fatal ("getcwd failed");
+ tmp_len = strlen (tmp);
+ concat_name =
+ XMALLOC (char, tmp_len + 1 + strlen (wrapper) + 1);
+ memcpy (concat_name, tmp, tmp_len);
+ concat_name[tmp_len] = '/';
+ strcpy (concat_name + tmp_len + 1, wrapper);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ concat_name =
+ XMALLOC (char, p_len + 1 + strlen (wrapper) + 1);
+ memcpy (concat_name, p, p_len);
+ concat_name[p_len] = '/';
+ strcpy (concat_name + p_len + 1, wrapper);
+ }
+ if (check_executable (concat_name))
+ return concat_name;
+ XFREE (concat_name);
+ }
+ }
+ /* not found in PATH; assume curdir */
+ }
+ /* Relative path | not found in path: prepend cwd */
+ if (getcwd (tmp, LT_PATHMAX) == NULL)
+ lt_fatal ("getcwd failed");
+ tmp_len = strlen (tmp);
+ concat_name = XMALLOC (char, tmp_len + 1 + strlen (wrapper) + 1);
+ memcpy (concat_name, tmp, tmp_len);
+ concat_name[tmp_len] = '/';
+ strcpy (concat_name + tmp_len + 1, wrapper);
+ if (check_executable (concat_name))
+ return concat_name;
+ XFREE (concat_name);
+ return NULL;
+char *
+chase_symlinks (const char *pathspec)
+#ifndef S_ISLNK
+ return xstrdup (pathspec);
+ char buf[LT_PATHMAX];
+ struct stat s;
+ char *tmp_pathspec = xstrdup (pathspec);
+ char *p;
+ int has_symlinks = 0;
+ while (strlen (tmp_pathspec) && !has_symlinks)
+ {
+ LTWRAPPER_DEBUGPRINTF (("checking path component for symlinks: %s\n",
+ tmp_pathspec));
+ if (lstat (tmp_pathspec, &s) == 0)
+ {
+ if (S_ISLNK (s.st_mode) != 0)
+ {
+ has_symlinks = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* search backwards for last DIR_SEPARATOR */
+ p = tmp_pathspec + strlen (tmp_pathspec) - 1;
+ while ((p > tmp_pathspec) && (!IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (*p)))
+ p--;
+ if ((p == tmp_pathspec) && (!IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (*p)))
+ {
+ /* no more DIR_SEPARATORS left */
+ break;
+ }
+ *p = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char *errstr = strerror (errno);
+ lt_fatal ("Error accessing file %s (%s)", tmp_pathspec, errstr);
+ }
+ }
+ XFREE (tmp_pathspec);
+ if (!has_symlinks)
+ {
+ return xstrdup (pathspec);
+ }
+ tmp_pathspec = realpath (pathspec, buf);
+ if (tmp_pathspec == 0)
+ {
+ lt_fatal ("Could not follow symlinks for %s", pathspec);
+ }
+ return xstrdup (tmp_pathspec);
+char *
+strendzap (char *str, const char *pat)
+ size_t len, patlen;
+ assert (str != NULL);
+ assert (pat != NULL);
+ len = strlen (str);
+ patlen = strlen (pat);
+ if (patlen <= len)
+ {
+ str += len - patlen;
+ if (strcmp (str, pat) == 0)
+ *str = '\0';
+ }
+ return str;
+static void
+lt_error_core (int exit_status, const char *mode,
+ const char *message, va_list ap)
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s: ", program_name, mode);
+ vfprintf (stderr, message, ap);
+ fprintf (stderr, ".\n");
+ if (exit_status >= 0)
+ exit (exit_status);
+lt_fatal (const char *message, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start (ap, message);
+ lt_error_core (EXIT_FAILURE, "FATAL", message, ap);
+ va_end (ap);
+lt_setenv (const char *name, const char *value)
+ LTWRAPPER_DEBUGPRINTF (("(lt_setenv) setting '%s' to '%s'\n",
+ (name ? name : "<NULL>"),
+ (value ? value : "<NULL>")));
+ {
+ /* always make a copy, for consistency with !HAVE_SETENV */
+ char *str = xstrdup (value);
+ setenv (name, str, 1);
+ int len = strlen (name) + 1 + strlen (value) + 1;
+ char *str = XMALLOC (char, len);
+ sprintf (str, "%s=%s", name, value);
+ if (putenv (str) != EXIT_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ XFREE (str);
+ }
+ }
+char *
+lt_extend_str (const char *orig_value, const char *add, int to_end)
+ char *new_value;
+ if (orig_value && *orig_value)
+ {
+ int orig_value_len = strlen (orig_value);
+ int add_len = strlen (add);
+ new_value = XMALLOC (char, add_len + orig_value_len + 1);
+ if (to_end)
+ {
+ strcpy (new_value, orig_value);
+ strcpy (new_value + orig_value_len, add);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy (new_value, add);
+ strcpy (new_value + add_len, orig_value);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ new_value = xstrdup (add);
+ }
+ return new_value;
+lt_split_name_value (const char *arg, char** name, char** value)
+ const char *p;
+ int len;
+ if (!arg || !*arg)
+ return 1;
+ p = strchr (arg, (int)'=');
+ if (!p)
+ return 1;
+ *value = xstrdup (++p);
+ len = strlen (arg) - strlen (*value);
+ *name = XMALLOC (char, len);
+ strncpy (*name, arg, len-1);
+ (*name)[len - 1] = '\0';
+ return 0;
+lt_opt_process_env_set (const char *arg)
+ char *name = NULL;
+ char *value = NULL;
+ if (lt_split_name_value (arg, &name, &value) != 0)
+ {
+ XFREE (name);
+ XFREE (value);
+ lt_fatal ("bad argument for %s: '%s'", env_set_opt, arg);
+ }
+ lt_setenv (name, value);
+ XFREE (name);
+ XFREE (value);
+lt_opt_process_env_prepend (const char *arg)
+ char *name = NULL;
+ char *value = NULL;
+ char *new_value = NULL;
+ if (lt_split_name_value (arg, &name, &value) != 0)
+ {
+ XFREE (name);
+ XFREE (value);
+ lt_fatal ("bad argument for %s: '%s'", env_prepend_opt, arg);
+ }
+ new_value = lt_extend_str (getenv (name), value, 0);
+ lt_setenv (name, new_value);
+ XFREE (new_value);
+ XFREE (name);
+ XFREE (value);
+lt_opt_process_env_append (const char *arg)
+ char *name = NULL;
+ char *value = NULL;
+ char *new_value = NULL;
+ if (lt_split_name_value (arg, &name, &value) != 0)
+ {
+ XFREE (name);
+ XFREE (value);
+ lt_fatal ("bad argument for %s: '%s'", env_append_opt, arg);
+ }
+ new_value = lt_extend_str (getenv (name), value, 1);
+ lt_setenv (name, new_value);
+ XFREE (new_value);
+ XFREE (name);
+ XFREE (value);
+lt_update_exe_path (const char *name, const char *value)
+ LTWRAPPER_DEBUGPRINTF (("(lt_update_exe_path) modifying '%s' by prepending '%s'\n",
+ (name ? name : "<NULL>"),
+ (value ? value : "<NULL>")));
+ if (name && *name && value && *value)
+ {
+ char *new_value = lt_extend_str (getenv (name), value, 0);
+ /* some systems can't cope with a ':'-terminated path #' */
+ int len = strlen (new_value);
+ while (((len = strlen (new_value)) > 0) && IS_PATH_SEPARATOR (new_value[len-1]))
+ {
+ new_value[len-1] = '\0';
+ }
+ lt_setenv (name, new_value);
+ XFREE (new_value);
+ }
+lt_update_lib_path (const char *name, const char *value)
+ LTWRAPPER_DEBUGPRINTF (("(lt_update_lib_path) modifying '%s' by prepending '%s'\n",
+ (name ? name : "<NULL>"),
+ (value ? value : "<NULL>")));
+ if (name && *name && value && *value)
+ {
+ char *new_value = lt_extend_str (getenv (name), value, 0);
+ lt_setenv (name, new_value);
+ XFREE (new_value);
+ }
+# end: func_emit_cwrapperexe_src
+# func_mode_link arg...
+func_mode_link ()
+ $opt_debug
+ case $host in
+ *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-pw32* | *-*-os2* | *-cegcc*)
+ # It is impossible to link a dll without this setting, and
+ # we shouldn't force the makefile maintainer to figure out
+ # which system we are compiling for in order to pass an extra
+ # flag for every libtool invocation.
+ # allow_undefined=no
+ # FIXME: Unfortunately, there are problems with the above when trying
+ # to make a dll which has undefined symbols, in which case not
+ # even a static library is built. For now, we need to specify
+ # -no-undefined on the libtool link line when we can be certain
+ # that all symbols are satisfied, otherwise we get a static library.
+ allow_undefined=yes
+ ;;
+ *)
+ allow_undefined=yes
+ ;;
+ esac
+ libtool_args=$nonopt
+ base_compile="$nonopt $@"
+ compile_command=$nonopt
+ finalize_command=$nonopt
+ compile_rpath=
+ finalize_rpath=
+ compile_shlibpath=
+ finalize_shlibpath=
+ convenience=
+ old_convenience=
+ deplibs=
+ old_deplibs=
+ compiler_flags=
+ linker_flags=
+ dllsearchpath=
+ lib_search_path=`pwd`
+ inst_prefix_dir=
+ new_inherited_linker_flags=
+ avoid_version=no
+ dlfiles=
+ dlprefiles=
+ dlself=no
+ export_dynamic=no
+ export_symbols=
+ export_symbols_regex=
+ generated=
+ libobjs=
+ ltlibs=
+ module=no
+ no_install=no
+ objs=
+ non_pic_objects=
+ precious_files_regex=
+ prefer_static_libs=no
+ preload=no
+ prev=
+ prevarg=
+ release=
+ rpath=
+ xrpath=
+ perm_rpath=
+ temp_rpath=
+ thread_safe=no
+ vinfo=
+ vinfo_number=no
+ weak_libs=
+ single_module="${wl}-single_module"
+ func_infer_tag $base_compile
+ # We need to know -static, to get the right output filenames.
+ for arg
+ do
+ case $arg in
+ -shared)
+ test "$build_libtool_libs" != yes && \
+ func_fatal_configuration "can not build a shared library"
+ build_old_libs=no
+ break
+ ;;
+ -all-static | -static | -static-libtool-libs)
+ case $arg in
+ -all-static)
+ if test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes && test -z "$link_static_flag"; then
+ func_warning "complete static linking is impossible in this configuration"
+ fi
+ if test -n "$link_static_flag"; then
+ dlopen_self=$dlopen_self_static
+ fi
+ prefer_static_libs=yes
+ ;;
+ -static)
+ if test -z "$pic_flag" && test -n "$link_static_flag"; then
+ dlopen_self=$dlopen_self_static
+ fi
+ prefer_static_libs=built
+ ;;
+ -static-libtool-libs)
+ if test -z "$pic_flag" && test -n "$link_static_flag"; then
+ dlopen_self=$dlopen_self_static
+ fi
+ prefer_static_libs=yes
+ ;;
+ esac
+ build_libtool_libs=no
+ build_old_libs=yes
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # See if our shared archives depend on static archives.
+ test -n "$old_archive_from_new_cmds" && build_old_libs=yes
+ # Go through the arguments, transforming them on the way.
+ while test "$#" -gt 0; do
+ arg="$1"
+ shift
+ func_quote_for_eval "$arg"
+ qarg=$func_quote_for_eval_unquoted_result
+ func_append libtool_args " $func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ # If the previous option needs an argument, assign it.
+ if test -n "$prev"; then
+ case $prev in
+ output)
+ func_append compile_command " @OUTPUT@"
+ func_append finalize_command " @OUTPUT@"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case $prev in
+ dlfiles|dlprefiles)
+ if test "$preload" = no; then
+ # Add the symbol object into the linking commands.
+ func_append compile_command " @SYMFILE@"
+ func_append finalize_command " @SYMFILE@"
+ preload=yes
+ fi
+ case $arg in
+ *.la | *.lo) ;; # We handle these cases below.
+ force)
+ if test "$dlself" = no; then
+ dlself=needless
+ export_dynamic=yes
+ fi
+ prev=
+ continue
+ ;;
+ self)
+ if test "$prev" = dlprefiles; then
+ dlself=yes
+ elif test "$prev" = dlfiles && test "$dlopen_self" != yes; then
+ dlself=yes
+ else
+ dlself=needless
+ export_dynamic=yes
+ fi
+ prev=
+ continue
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if test "$prev" = dlfiles; then
+ dlfiles="$dlfiles $arg"
+ else
+ dlprefiles="$dlprefiles $arg"
+ fi
+ prev=
+ continue
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ expsyms)
+ export_symbols="$arg"
+ test -f "$arg" \
+ || func_fatal_error "symbol file \`$arg' does not exist"
+ prev=
+ continue
+ ;;
+ expsyms_regex)
+ export_symbols_regex="$arg"
+ prev=
+ continue
+ ;;
+ framework)
+ case $host in
+ *-*-darwin*)
+ case "$deplibs " in
+ *" $qarg.ltframework "*) ;;
+ *) deplibs="$deplibs $qarg.ltframework" # this is fixed later
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ prev=
+ continue
+ ;;
+ inst_prefix)
+ inst_prefix_dir="$arg"
+ prev=
+ continue
+ ;;
+ objectlist)
+ if test -f "$arg"; then
+ save_arg=$arg
+ moreargs=
+ for fil in `cat "$save_arg"`
+ do
+# moreargs="$moreargs $fil"
+ arg=$fil
+ # A libtool-controlled object.
+ # Check to see that this really is a libtool object.
+ if func_lalib_unsafe_p "$arg"; then
+ pic_object=
+ non_pic_object=
+ # Read the .lo file
+ func_source "$arg"
+ if test -z "$pic_object" ||
+ test -z "$non_pic_object" ||
+ test "$pic_object" = none &&
+ test "$non_pic_object" = none; then
+ func_fatal_error "cannot find name of object for \`$arg'"
+ fi
+ # Extract subdirectory from the argument.
+ func_dirname "$arg" "/" ""
+ xdir="$func_dirname_result"
+ if test "$pic_object" != none; then
+ # Prepend the subdirectory the object is found in.
+ pic_object="$xdir$pic_object"
+ if test "$prev" = dlfiles; then
+ if test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes && test "$dlopen_support" = yes; then
+ dlfiles="$dlfiles $pic_object"
+ prev=
+ continue
+ else
+ # If libtool objects are unsupported, then we need to preload.
+ prev=dlprefiles
+ fi
+ fi
+ # CHECK ME: I think I busted this. -Ossama
+ if test "$prev" = dlprefiles; then
+ # Preload the old-style object.
+ dlprefiles="$dlprefiles $pic_object"
+ prev=
+ fi
+ # A PIC object.
+ func_append libobjs " $pic_object"
+ arg="$pic_object"
+ fi
+ # Non-PIC object.
+ if test "$non_pic_object" != none; then
+ # Prepend the subdirectory the object is found in.
+ non_pic_object="$xdir$non_pic_object"
+ # A standard non-PIC object
+ func_append non_pic_objects " $non_pic_object"
+ if test -z "$pic_object" || test "$pic_object" = none ; then
+ arg="$non_pic_object"
+ fi
+ else
+ # If the PIC object exists, use it instead.
+ # $xdir was prepended to $pic_object above.
+ non_pic_object="$pic_object"
+ func_append non_pic_objects " $non_pic_object"
+ fi
+ else
+ # Only an error if not doing a dry-run.
+ if $opt_dry_run; then
+ # Extract subdirectory from the argument.
+ func_dirname "$arg" "/" ""
+ xdir="$func_dirname_result"
+ func_lo2o "$arg"
+ pic_object=$xdir$objdir/$func_lo2o_result
+ non_pic_object=$xdir$func_lo2o_result
+ func_append libobjs " $pic_object"
+ func_append non_pic_objects " $non_pic_object"
+ else
+ func_fatal_error "\`$arg' is not a valid libtool object"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ func_fatal_error "link input file \`$arg' does not exist"
+ fi
+ arg=$save_arg
+ prev=
+ continue
+ ;;
+ precious_regex)
+ precious_files_regex="$arg"
+ prev=
+ continue
+ ;;
+ release)
+ release="-$arg"
+ prev=
+ continue
+ ;;
+ rpath | xrpath)
+ # We need an absolute path.
+ case $arg in
+ [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) ;;
+ *)
+ func_fatal_error "only absolute run-paths are allowed"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test "$prev" = rpath; then
+ case "$rpath " in
+ *" $arg "*) ;;
+ *) rpath="$rpath $arg" ;;
+ esac
+ else
+ case "$xrpath " in
+ *" $arg "*) ;;
+ *) xrpath="$xrpath $arg" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ prev=
+ continue
+ ;;
+ shrext)
+ shrext_cmds="$arg"
+ prev=
+ continue
+ ;;
+ weak)
+ weak_libs="$weak_libs $arg"
+ prev=
+ continue
+ ;;
+ xcclinker)
+ linker_flags="$linker_flags $qarg"
+ compiler_flags="$compiler_flags $qarg"
+ prev=
+ func_append compile_command " $qarg"
+ func_append finalize_command " $qarg"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ xcompiler)
+ compiler_flags="$compiler_flags $qarg"
+ prev=
+ func_append compile_command " $qarg"
+ func_append finalize_command " $qarg"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ xlinker)
+ linker_flags="$linker_flags $qarg"
+ compiler_flags="$compiler_flags $wl$qarg"
+ prev=
+ func_append compile_command " $wl$qarg"
+ func_append finalize_command " $wl$qarg"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ *)
+ eval "$prev=\"\$arg\""
+ prev=
+ continue
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi # test -n "$prev"
+ prevarg="$arg"
+ case $arg in
+ -all-static)
+ if test -n "$link_static_flag"; then
+ # See comment for -static flag below, for more details.
+ func_append compile_command " $link_static_flag"
+ func_append finalize_command " $link_static_flag"
+ fi
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -allow-undefined)
+ # FIXME: remove this flag sometime in the future.
+ func_fatal_error "\`-allow-undefined' must not be used because it is the default"
+ ;;
+ -avoid-version)
+ avoid_version=yes
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -dlopen)
+ prev=dlfiles
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -dlpreopen)
+ prev=dlprefiles
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -export-dynamic)
+ export_dynamic=yes
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -export-symbols | -export-symbols-regex)
+ if test -n "$export_symbols" || test -n "$export_symbols_regex"; then
+ func_fatal_error "more than one -exported-symbols argument is not allowed"
+ fi
+ if test "X$arg" = "X-export-symbols"; then
+ prev=expsyms
+ else
+ prev=expsyms_regex
+ fi
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -framework)
+ prev=framework
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -inst-prefix-dir)
+ prev=inst_prefix
+ continue
+ ;;
+ # The native IRIX linker understands -LANG:*, -LIST:* and -LNO:*
+ # so, if we see these flags be careful not to treat them like -L
+ -L[A-Z][A-Z]*:*)
+ case $with_gcc/$host in
+ no/*-*-irix* | /*-*-irix*)
+ func_append compile_command " $arg"
+ func_append finalize_command " $arg"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -L*)
+ func_stripname '-L' '' "$arg"
+ dir=$func_stripname_result
+ if test -z "$dir"; then
+ if test "$#" -gt 0; then
+ func_fatal_error "require no space between \`-L' and \`$1'"
+ else
+ func_fatal_error "need path for \`-L' option"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # We need an absolute path.
+ case $dir in
+ [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) ;;
+ *)
+ absdir=`cd "$dir" && pwd`
+ test -z "$absdir" && \
+ func_fatal_error "cannot determine absolute directory name of \`$dir'"
+ dir="$absdir"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case "$deplibs " in
+ *" -L$dir "*) ;;
+ *)
+ deplibs="$deplibs -L$dir"
+ lib_search_path="$lib_search_path $dir"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case $host in
+ *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-pw32* | *-*-os2* | *-cegcc*)
+ testbindir=`$ECHO "X$dir" | $Xsed -e 's*/lib$*/bin*'`
+ case :$dllsearchpath: in
+ *":$dir:"*) ;;
+ ::) dllsearchpath=$dir;;
+ *) dllsearchpath="$dllsearchpath:$dir";;
+ esac
+ case :$dllsearchpath: in
+ *":$testbindir:"*) ;;
+ ::) dllsearchpath=$testbindir;;
+ *) dllsearchpath="$dllsearchpath:$testbindir";;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -l*)
+ if test "X$arg" = "X-lc" || test "X$arg" = "X-lm"; then
+ case $host in
+ *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-pw32* | *-*-beos* | *-cegcc*)
+ # These systems don't actually have a C or math library (as such)
+ continue
+ ;;
+ *-*-os2*)
+ # These systems don't actually have a C library (as such)
+ test "X$arg" = "X-lc" && continue
+ ;;
+ *-*-openbsd* | *-*-freebsd* | *-*-dragonfly*)
+ # Do not include libc due to us having libc/libc_r.
+ test "X$arg" = "X-lc" && continue
+ ;;
+ *-*-rhapsody* | *-*-darwin1.[012])
+ # Rhapsody C and math libraries are in the System framework
+ deplibs="$deplibs System.ltframework"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ *-*-sco3.2v5* | *-*-sco5v6*)
+ # Causes problems with __ctype
+ test "X$arg" = "X-lc" && continue
+ ;;
+ *-*-sysv4.2uw2* | *-*-sysv5* | *-*-unixware* | *-*-OpenUNIX*)
+ # Compiler inserts libc in the correct place for threads to work
+ test "X$arg" = "X-lc" && continue
+ ;;
+ esac
+ elif test "X$arg" = "X-lc_r"; then
+ case $host in
+ *-*-openbsd* | *-*-freebsd* | *-*-dragonfly*)
+ # Do not include libc_r directly, use -pthread flag.
+ continue
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ deplibs="$deplibs $arg"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -module)
+ module=yes
+ continue
+ ;;
+ # Tru64 UNIX uses -model [arg] to determine the layout of C++
+ # classes, name mangling, and exception handling.
+ # Darwin uses the -arch flag to determine output architecture.
+ -model|-arch|-isysroot)
+ compiler_flags="$compiler_flags $arg"
+ func_append compile_command " $arg"
+ func_append finalize_command " $arg"
+ prev=xcompiler
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -mt|-mthreads|-kthread|-Kthread|-pthread|-pthreads|--thread-safe|-threads)
+ compiler_flags="$compiler_flags $arg"
+ func_append compile_command " $arg"
+ func_append finalize_command " $arg"
+ case "$new_inherited_linker_flags " in
+ *" $arg "*) ;;
+ * ) new_inherited_linker_flags="$new_inherited_linker_flags $arg" ;;
+ esac
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -multi_module)
+ single_module="${wl}-multi_module"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -no-fast-install)
+ fast_install=no
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -no-install)
+ case $host in
+ *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-pw32* | *-*-os2* | *-*-darwin* | *-cegcc*)
+ # The PATH hackery in wrapper scripts is required on Windows
+ # and Darwin in order for the loader to find any dlls it needs.
+ func_warning "\`-no-install' is ignored for $host"
+ func_warning "assuming \`-no-fast-install' instead"
+ fast_install=no
+ ;;
+ *) no_install=yes ;;
+ esac
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -no-undefined)
+ allow_undefined=no
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -objectlist)
+ prev=objectlist
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -o) prev=output ;;
+ -precious-files-regex)
+ prev=precious_regex
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -release)
+ prev=release
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -rpath)
+ prev=rpath
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -R)
+ prev=xrpath
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -R*)
+ func_stripname '-R' '' "$arg"
+ dir=$func_stripname_result
+ # We need an absolute path.
+ case $dir in
+ [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) ;;
+ *)
+ func_fatal_error "only absolute run-paths are allowed"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case "$xrpath " in
+ *" $dir "*) ;;
+ *) xrpath="$xrpath $dir" ;;
+ esac
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -shared)
+ # The effects of -shared are defined in a previous loop.
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -shrext)
+ prev=shrext
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -static | -static-libtool-libs)
+ # The effects of -static are defined in a previous loop.
+ # We used to do the same as -all-static on platforms that
+ # didn't have a PIC flag, but the assumption that the effects
+ # would be equivalent was wrong. It would break on at least
+ # Digital Unix and AIX.
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -thread-safe)
+ thread_safe=yes
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -version-info)
+ prev=vinfo
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -version-number)
+ prev=vinfo
+ vinfo_number=yes
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -weak)
+ prev=weak
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -Wc,*)
+ func_stripname '-Wc,' '' "$arg"
+ args=$func_stripname_result
+ arg=
+ save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=','
+ for flag in $args; do
+ IFS="$save_ifs"
+ func_quote_for_eval "$flag"
+ arg="$arg $wl$func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ compiler_flags="$compiler_flags $func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ done
+ IFS="$save_ifs"
+ func_stripname ' ' '' "$arg"
+ arg=$func_stripname_result
+ ;;
+ -Wl,*)
+ func_stripname '-Wl,' '' "$arg"
+ args=$func_stripname_result
+ arg=
+ save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=','
+ for flag in $args; do
+ IFS="$save_ifs"
+ func_quote_for_eval "$flag"
+ arg="$arg $wl$func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ compiler_flags="$compiler_flags $wl$func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ linker_flags="$linker_flags $func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ done
+ IFS="$save_ifs"
+ func_stripname ' ' '' "$arg"
+ arg=$func_stripname_result
+ ;;
+ -Xcompiler)
+ prev=xcompiler
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -Xlinker)
+ prev=xlinker
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -XCClinker)
+ prev=xcclinker
+ continue
+ ;;
+ # -msg_* for osf cc
+ -msg_*)
+ func_quote_for_eval "$arg"
+ arg="$func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ ;;
+ # -64, -mips[0-9] enable 64-bit mode on the SGI compiler
+ # -r[0-9][0-9]* specifies the processor on the SGI compiler
+ # -xarch=*, -xtarget=* enable 64-bit mode on the Sun compiler
+ # +DA*, +DD* enable 64-bit mode on the HP compiler
+ # -q* pass through compiler args for the IBM compiler
+ # -m*, -t[45]*, -txscale* pass through architecture-specific
+ # compiler args for GCC
+ # -F/path gives path to uninstalled frameworks, gcc on darwin
+ # -p, -pg, --coverage, -fprofile-* pass through profiling flag for GCC
+ # @file GCC response files
+ -64|-mips[0-9]|-r[0-9][0-9]*|-xarch=*|-xtarget=*|+DA*|+DD*|-q*|-m*| \
+ -t[45]*|-txscale*|-p|-pg|--coverage|-fprofile-*|-F*|@*)
+ func_quote_for_eval "$arg"
+ arg="$func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ func_append compile_command " $arg"
+ func_append finalize_command " $arg"
+ compiler_flags="$compiler_flags $arg"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ # Some other compiler flag.
+ -* | +*)
+ func_quote_for_eval "$arg"
+ arg="$func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ ;;
+ *.$objext)
+ # A standard object.
+ objs="$objs $arg"
+ ;;
+ *.lo)
+ # A libtool-controlled object.
+ # Check to see that this really is a libtool object.
+ if func_lalib_unsafe_p "$arg"; then
+ pic_object=
+ non_pic_object=
+ # Read the .lo file
+ func_source "$arg"
+ if test -z "$pic_object" ||
+ test -z "$non_pic_object" ||
+ test "$pic_object" = none &&
+ test "$non_pic_object" = none; then
+ func_fatal_error "cannot find name of object for \`$arg'"
+ fi
+ # Extract subdirectory from the argument.
+ func_dirname "$arg" "/" ""
+ xdir="$func_dirname_result"
+ if test "$pic_object" != none; then
+ # Prepend the subdirectory the object is found in.
+ pic_object="$xdir$pic_object"
+ if test "$prev" = dlfiles; then
+ if test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes && test "$dlopen_support" = yes; then
+ dlfiles="$dlfiles $pic_object"
+ prev=
+ continue
+ else
+ # If libtool objects are unsupported, then we need to preload.
+ prev=dlprefiles
+ fi
+ fi
+ # CHECK ME: I think I busted this. -Ossama
+ if test "$prev" = dlprefiles; then
+ # Preload the old-style object.
+ dlprefiles="$dlprefiles $pic_object"
+ prev=
+ fi
+ # A PIC object.
+ func_append libobjs " $pic_object"
+ arg="$pic_object"
+ fi
+ # Non-PIC object.
+ if test "$non_pic_object" != none; then
+ # Prepend the subdirectory the object is found in.
+ non_pic_object="$xdir$non_pic_object"
+ # A standard non-PIC object
+ func_append non_pic_objects " $non_pic_object"
+ if test -z "$pic_object" || test "$pic_object" = none ; then
+ arg="$non_pic_object"
+ fi
+ else
+ # If the PIC object exists, use it instead.
+ # $xdir was prepended to $pic_object above.
+ non_pic_object="$pic_object"
+ func_append non_pic_objects " $non_pic_object"
+ fi
+ else
+ # Only an error if not doing a dry-run.
+ if $opt_dry_run; then
+ # Extract subdirectory from the argument.
+ func_dirname "$arg" "/" ""
+ xdir="$func_dirname_result"
+ func_lo2o "$arg"
+ pic_object=$xdir$objdir/$func_lo2o_result
+ non_pic_object=$xdir$func_lo2o_result
+ func_append libobjs " $pic_object"
+ func_append non_pic_objects " $non_pic_object"
+ else
+ func_fatal_error "\`$arg' is not a valid libtool object"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *.$libext)
+ # An archive.
+ deplibs="$deplibs $arg"
+ old_deplibs="$old_deplibs $arg"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ *.la)
+ # A libtool-controlled library.
+ if test "$prev" = dlfiles; then
+ # This library was specified with -dlopen.
+ dlfiles="$dlfiles $arg"
+ prev=
+ elif test "$prev" = dlprefiles; then
+ # The library was specified with -dlpreopen.
+ dlprefiles="$dlprefiles $arg"
+ prev=
+ else
+ deplibs="$deplibs $arg"
+ fi
+ continue
+ ;;
+ # Some other compiler argument.
+ *)
+ # Unknown arguments in both finalize_command and compile_command need
+ # to be aesthetically quoted because they are evaled later.
+ func_quote_for_eval "$arg"
+ arg="$func_quote_for_eval_result"
+ ;;
+ esac # arg
+ # Now actually substitute the argument into the commands.
+ if test -n "$arg"; then
+ func_append compile_command " $arg"
+ func_append finalize_command " $arg"
+ fi
+ done # argument parsing loop
+ test -n "$prev" && \
+ func_fatal_help "the \`$prevarg' option requires an argument"
+ if test "$export_dynamic" = yes && test -n "$export_dynamic_flag_spec"; then
+ eval arg=\"$export_dynamic_flag_spec\"
+ func_append compile_command " $arg"
+ func_append finalize_command " $arg"
+ fi
+ oldlibs=
+ # calculate the name of the file, without its directory
+ func_basename "$output"
+ outputname="$func_basename_result"
+ libobjs_save="$libobjs"
+ if test -n "$shlibpath_var"; then
+ # get the directories listed in $shlibpath_var
+ eval shlib_search_path=\`\$ECHO \"X\${$shlibpath_var}\" \| \$Xsed -e \'s/:/ /g\'\`
+ else
+ shlib_search_path=
+ fi
+ eval sys_lib_search_path=\"$sys_lib_search_path_spec\"
+ eval sys_lib_dlsearch_path=\"$sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec\"
+ func_dirname "$output" "/" ""
+ output_objdir="$func_dirname_result$objdir"
+ # Create the object directory.
+ func_mkdir_p "$output_objdir"
+ # Determine the type of output
+ case $output in
+ "")
+ func_fatal_help "you must specify an output file"
+ ;;
+ *.$libext) linkmode=oldlib ;;
+ *.lo | *.$objext) linkmode=obj ;;
+ *.la) linkmode=lib ;;
+ *) linkmode=prog ;; # Anything else should be a program.
+ esac
+ specialdeplibs=
+ libs=
+ # Find all interdependent deplibs by searching for libraries
+ # that are linked more than once (e.g. -la -lb -la)
+ for deplib in $deplibs; do
+ if $opt_duplicate_deps ; then
+ case "$libs " in
+ *" $deplib "*) specialdeplibs="$specialdeplibs $deplib" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ libs="$libs $deplib"
+ done
+ if test "$linkmode" = lib; then
+ libs="$predeps $libs $compiler_lib_search_path $postdeps"
+ # Compute libraries that are listed more than once in $predeps
+ # $postdeps and mark them as special (i.e., whose duplicates are
+ # not to be eliminated).
+ pre_post_deps=
+ if $opt_duplicate_compiler_generated_deps; then
+ for pre_post_dep in $predeps $postdeps; do
+ case "$pre_post_deps " in
+ *" $pre_post_dep "*) specialdeplibs="$specialdeplibs $pre_post_deps" ;;
+ esac
+ pre_post_deps="$pre_post_deps $pre_post_dep"
+ done
+ fi
+ pre_post_deps=
+ fi
+ deplibs=
+ newdependency_libs=
+ newlib_search_path=
+ need_relink=no # whether we're linking any uninstalled libtool libraries
+ notinst_deplibs= # not-installed libtool libraries
+ notinst_path= # paths that contain not-installed libtool libraries
+ case $linkmode in
+ lib)
+ passes="conv dlpreopen link"
+ for file in $dlfiles $dlprefiles; do
+ case $file in
+ *.la) ;;
+ *)
+ func_fatal_help "libraries can \`-dlopen' only libtool libraries: $file"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ ;;
+ prog)
+ compile_deplibs=
+ finalize_deplibs=
+ alldeplibs=no
+ newdlfiles=
+ newdlprefiles=
+ passes="conv scan dlopen dlpreopen link"
+ ;;
+ *) passes="conv"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ for pass in $passes; do
+ # The preopen pass in lib mode reverses $deplibs; put it back here
+ # so that -L comes before libs that need it for instance...
+ if test "$linkmode,$pass" = "lib,link"; then
+ ## FIXME: Find the place where the list is rebuilt in the wrong
+ ## order, and fix it there properly
+ tmp_deplibs=
+ for deplib in $deplibs; do
+ tmp_deplibs="$deplib $tmp_deplibs"
+ done
+ deplibs="$tmp_deplibs"
+ fi
+ if test "$linkmode,$pass" = "lib,link" ||
+ test "$linkmode,$pass" = "prog,scan"; then
+ libs="$deplibs"
+ deplibs=
+ fi
+ if test "$linkmode" = prog; then
+ case $pass in
+ dlopen) libs="$dlfiles" ;;
+ dlpreopen) libs="$dlprefiles" ;;
+ link) libs="$deplibs %DEPLIBS% $dependency_libs" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if test "$linkmode,$pass" = "lib,dlpreopen"; then
+ # Collect and forward deplibs of preopened libtool libs
+ for lib in $dlprefiles; do
+ # Ignore non-libtool-libs
+ dependency_libs=
+ case $lib in
+ *.la) func_source "$lib" ;;
+ esac
+ # Collect preopened libtool deplibs, except any this library
+ # has declared as weak libs
+ for deplib in $dependency_libs; do
+ deplib_base=`$ECHO "X$deplib" | $Xsed -e "$basename"`
+ case " $weak_libs " in
+ *" $deplib_base "*) ;;
+ *) deplibs="$deplibs $deplib" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ done
+ libs="$dlprefiles"
+ fi
+ if test "$pass" = dlopen; then
+ # Collect dlpreopened libraries
+ save_deplibs="$deplibs"
+ deplibs=
+ fi
+ for deplib in $libs; do
+ lib=
+ found=no
+ case $deplib in
+ -mt|-mthreads|-kthread|-Kthread|-pthread|-pthreads|--thread-safe|-threads)
+ if test "$linkmode,$pass" = "prog,link"; then
+ compile_deplibs="$deplib $compile_deplibs"
+ finalize_deplibs="$deplib $finalize_deplibs"
+ else
+ compiler_flags="$compiler_flags $deplib"
+ if test "$linkmode" = lib ; then
+ case "$new_inherited_linker_flags " in
+ *" $deplib "*) ;;
+ * ) new_inherited_linker_flags="$new_inherited_linker_flags $deplib" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ fi
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -l*)
+ if test "$linkmode" != lib && test "$linkmode" != prog; then
+ func_warning "\`-l' is ignored for archives/objects"
+ continue
+ fi
+ func_stripname '-l' '' "$deplib"
+ name=$func_stripname_result
+ if test "$linkmode" = lib; then
+ searchdirs="$newlib_search_path $lib_search_path $compiler_lib_search_dirs $sys_lib_search_path $shlib_search_path"
+ else
+ searchdirs="$newlib_search_path $lib_search_path $sys_lib_search_path $shlib_search_path"
+ fi
+ for searchdir in $searchdirs; do
+ for search_ext in .la $std_shrext .so .a; do
+ # Search the libtool library
+ lib="$searchdir/lib${name}${search_ext}"
+ if test -f "$lib"; then
+ if test "$search_ext" = ".la"; then
+ found=yes
+ else
+ found=no
+ fi
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ if test "$found" != yes; then
+ # deplib doesn't seem to be a libtool library
+ if test "$linkmode,$pass" = "prog,link"; then
+ compile_deplibs="$deplib $compile_deplibs"
+ finalize_deplibs="$deplib $finalize_deplibs"
+ else
+ deplibs="$deplib $deplibs"
+ test "$linkmode" = lib && newdependency_libs="$deplib $newdependency_libs"
+ fi
+ continue
+ else # deplib is a libtool library
+ # If $allow_libtool_libs_with_static_runtimes && $deplib is a stdlib,
+ # We need to do some special things here, and not later.
+ if test "X$allow_libtool_libs_with_static_runtimes" = "Xyes" ; then
+ case " $predeps $postdeps " in
+ *" $deplib "*)
+ if func_lalib_p "$lib"; then
+ library_names=
+ old_library=
+ func_source "$lib"
+ for l in $old_library $library_names; do
+ ll="$l"
+ done
+ if test "X$ll" = "X$old_library" ; then # only static version available
+ found=no
+ func_dirname "$lib" "" "."
+ ladir="$func_dirname_result"
+ lib=$ladir/$old_library
+ if test "$linkmode,$pass" = "prog,link"; then
+ compile_deplibs="$deplib $compile_deplibs"
+ finalize_deplibs="$deplib $finalize_deplibs"
+ else
+ deplibs="$deplib $deplibs"
+ test "$linkmode" = lib && newdependency_libs="$deplib $newdependency_libs"
+ fi
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *) ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;; # -l
+ *.ltframework)
+ if test "$linkmode,$pass" = "prog,link"; then
+ compile_deplibs="$deplib $compile_deplibs"
+ finalize_deplibs="$deplib $finalize_deplibs"
+ else
+ deplibs="$deplib $deplibs"
+ if test "$linkmode" = lib ; then
+ case "$new_inherited_linker_flags " in
+ *" $deplib "*) ;;
+ * ) new_inherited_linker_flags="$new_inherited_linker_flags $deplib" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ fi
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -L*)
+ case $linkmode in
+ lib)
+ deplibs="$deplib $deplibs"
+ test "$pass" = conv && continue
+ newdependency_libs="$deplib $newdependency_libs"
+ func_stripname '-L' '' "$deplib"
+ newlib_search_path="$newlib_search_path $func_stripname_result"
+ ;;
+ prog)
+ if test "$pass" = conv; then
+ deplibs="$deplib $deplibs"
+ continue
+ fi
+ if test "$pass" = scan; then
+ deplibs="$deplib $deplibs"
+ else
+ compile_deplibs="$deplib $compile_deplibs"
+ finalize_deplibs="$deplib $finalize_deplibs"
+ fi
+ func_stripname '-L' '' "$deplib"
+ newlib_search_path="$newlib_search_path $func_stripname_result"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ func_warning "\`-L' is ignored for archives/objects"
+ ;;
+ esac # linkmode
+ continue
+ ;; # -L
+ -R*)
+ if test "$pass" = link; then
+ func_stripname '-R' '' "$deplib"
+ dir=$func_stripname_result
+ # Make sure the xrpath contains only unique directories.
+ case "$xrpath " in
+ *" $dir "*) ;;
+ *) xrpath="$xrpath $dir" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ deplibs="$deplib $deplibs"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ *.la) lib="$deplib" ;;
+ *.$libext)
+ if test "$pass" = conv; then
+ deplibs="$deplib $deplibs"
+ continue
+ fi
+ case $linkmode in
+ lib)
+ # Linking convenience modules into shared libraries is allowed,
+ # but linking other static libraries is non-portable.
+ case " $dlpreconveniencelibs " in
+ *" $deplib "*) ;;
+ *)
+ valid_a_lib=no
+ case $deplibs_check_method in
+ match_pattern*)
+ set dummy $deplibs_check_method; shift
+ match_pattern_regex=`expr "$deplibs_check_method" : "$1 \(.*\)"`
+ if eval "\$ECHO \"X$deplib\"" 2>/dev/null | $Xsed -e 10q \
+ | $EGREP "$match_pattern_regex" > /dev/null; then
+ valid_a_lib=yes
+ fi
+ ;;
+ pass_all)
+ valid_a_lib=yes
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test "$valid_a_lib" != yes; then
+ $ECHO "*** Warning: Trying to link with static lib archive $deplib."
+ $ECHO "*** I have the capability to make that library automatically link in when"
+ $ECHO "*** you link to this library. But I can only do this if you have a"
+ $ECHO "*** shared version of the library, which you do not appear to have"
+ $ECHO "*** because the file extensions .$libext of this argument makes me believe"
+ $ECHO "*** that it is just a static archive that I should not use here."
+ else
+ $ECHO "*** Warning: Linking the shared library $output against the"
+ $ECHO "*** static library $deplib is not portable!"
+ deplibs="$deplib $deplibs"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ continue
+ ;;
+ prog)
+ if test "$pass" != link; then
+ deplibs="$deplib $deplibs"
+ else
+ compile_deplibs="$deplib $compile_deplibs"
+ finalize_deplibs="$deplib $finalize_deplibs"
+ fi
+ continue
+ ;;
+ esac # linkmode
+ ;; # *.$libext
+ *.lo | *.$objext)
+ if test "$pass" = conv; then
+ deplibs="$deplib $deplibs"
+ elif test "$linkmode" = prog; then
+ if test "$pass" = dlpreopen || test "$dlopen_support" != yes || test "$build_libtool_libs" = no; then
+ # If there is no dlopen support or we're linking statically,
+ # we need to preload.
+ newdlprefiles="$newdlprefiles $deplib"
+ compile_deplibs="$deplib $compile_deplibs"
+ finalize_deplibs="$deplib $finalize_deplibs"
+ else
+ newdlfiles="$newdlfiles $deplib"
+ fi
+ fi
+ continue
+ ;;
+ alldeplibs=yes
+ continue
+ ;;
+ esac # case $deplib
+ if test "$found" = yes || test -f "$lib"; then :
+ else
+ func_fatal_error "cannot find the library \`$lib' or unhandled argument \`$deplib'"
+ fi
+ # Check to see that this really is a libtool archive.
+ func_lalib_unsafe_p "$lib" \
+ || func_fatal_error "\`$lib' is not a valid libtool archive"
+ func_dirname "$lib" "" "."
+ ladir="$func_dirname_result"
+ dlname=
+ dlopen=
+ dlpreopen=
+ libdir=
+ library_names=
+ old_library=
+ inherited_linker_flags=
+ # If the library was installed with an old release of libtool,
+ # it will not redefine variables installed, or shouldnotlink
+ installed=yes
+ shouldnotlink=no
+ avoidtemprpath=
+ # Read the .la file
+ func_source "$lib"
+ # Convert "-framework foo" to "foo.ltframework"
+ if test -n "$inherited_linker_flags"; then
+ tmp_inherited_linker_flags=`$ECHO "X$inherited_linker_flags" | $Xsed -e 's/-framework \([^ $]*\)/\1.ltframework/g'`
+ for tmp_inherited_linker_flag in $tmp_inherited_linker_flags; do
+ case " $new_inherited_linker_flags " in
+ *" $tmp_inherited_linker_flag "*) ;;
+ *) new_inherited_linker_flags="$new_inherited_linker_flags $tmp_inherited_linker_flag";;
+ esac
+ done
+ fi
+ dependency_libs=`$ECHO "X $dependency_libs" | $Xsed -e 's% \([^ $]*\).ltframework% -framework \1%g'`
+ if test "$linkmode,$pass" = "lib,link" ||
+ test "$linkmode,$pass" = "prog,scan" ||
+ { test "$linkmode" != prog && test "$linkmode" != lib; }; then
+ test -n "$dlopen" && dlfiles="$dlfiles $dlopen"
+ test -n "$dlpreopen" && dlprefiles="$dlprefiles $dlpreopen"
+ fi
+ if test "$pass" = conv; then
+ # Only check for convenience libraries
+ deplibs="$lib $deplibs"
+ if test -z "$libdir"; then
+ if test -z "$old_library"; then
+ func_fatal_error "cannot find name of link library for \`$lib'"
+ fi
+ # It is a libtool convenience library, so add in its objects.
+ convenience="$convenience $ladir/$objdir/$old_library"
+ old_convenience="$old_convenience $ladir/$objdir/$old_library"
+ elif test "$linkmode" != prog && test "$linkmode" != lib; then
+ func_fatal_error "\`$lib' is not a convenience library"
+ fi
+ tmp_libs=
+ for deplib in $dependency_libs; do
+ deplibs="$deplib $deplibs"
+ if $opt_duplicate_deps ; then
+ case "$tmp_libs " in
+ *" $deplib "*) specialdeplibs="$specialdeplibs $deplib" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ tmp_libs="$tmp_libs $deplib"
+ done
+ continue
+ fi # $pass = conv
+ # Get the name of the library we link against.
+ linklib=
+ for l in $old_library $library_names; do
+ linklib="$l"
+ done
+ if test -z "$linklib"; then
+ func_fatal_error "cannot find name of link library for \`$lib'"
+ fi
+ # This library was specified with -dlopen.
+ if test "$pass" = dlopen; then
+ if test -z "$libdir"; then
+ func_fatal_error "cannot -dlopen a convenience library: \`$lib'"
+ fi
+ if test -z "$dlname" ||
+ test "$dlopen_support" != yes ||
+ test "$build_libtool_libs" = no; then
+ # If there is no dlname, no dlopen support or we're linking
+ # statically, we need to preload. We also need to preload any
+ # dependent libraries so libltdl's deplib preloader doesn't
+ # bomb out in the load deplibs phase.
+ dlprefiles="$dlprefiles $lib $dependency_libs"
+ else
+ newdlfiles="$newdlfiles $lib"
+ fi
+ continue
+ fi # $pass = dlopen
+ # We need an absolute path.
+ case $ladir in
+ [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) abs_ladir="$ladir" ;;
+ *)
+ abs_ladir=`cd "$ladir" && pwd`
+ if test -z "$abs_ladir"; then
+ func_warning "cannot determine absolute directory name of \`$ladir'"
+ func_warning "passing it literally to the linker, although it might fail"
+ abs_ladir="$ladir"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ func_basename "$lib"
+ laname="$func_basename_result"
+ # Find the relevant object directory and library name.
+ if test "X$installed" = Xyes; then
+ if test ! -f "$libdir/$linklib" && test -f "$abs_ladir/$linklib"; then
+ func_warning "library \`$lib' was moved."
+ dir="$ladir"
+ absdir="$abs_ladir"
+ libdir="$abs_ladir"
+ else
+ dir="$libdir"
+ absdir="$libdir"
+ fi
+ test "X$hardcode_automatic" = Xyes && avoidtemprpath=yes
+ else
+ if test ! -f "$ladir/$objdir/$linklib" && test -f "$abs_ladir/$linklib"; then
+ dir="$ladir"
+ absdir="$abs_ladir"
+ # Remove this search path later
+ notinst_path="$notinst_path $abs_ladir"
+ else
+ dir="$ladir/$objdir"
+ absdir="$abs_ladir/$objdir"
+ # Remove this search path later
+ notinst_path="$notinst_path $abs_ladir"
+ fi
+ fi # $installed = yes
+ func_stripname 'lib' '.la' "$laname"
+ name=$func_stripname_result
+ # This library was specified with -dlpreopen.
+ if test "$pass" = dlpreopen; then
+ if test -z "$libdir" && test "$linkmode" = prog; then
+ func_fatal_error "only libraries may -dlpreopen a convenience library: \`$lib'"
+ fi
+ # Prefer using a static library (so that no silly _DYNAMIC symbols
+ # are required to link).
+ if test -n "$old_library"; then
+ newdlprefiles="$newdlprefiles $dir/$old_library"
+ # Keep a list of preopened convenience libraries to check
+ # that they are being used correctly in the link pass.
+ test -z "$libdir" && \
+ dlpreconveniencelibs="$dlpreconveniencelibs $dir/$old_library"
+ # Otherwise, use the dlname, so that lt_dlopen finds it.
+ elif test -n "$dlname"; then
+ newdlprefiles="$newdlprefiles $dir/$dlname"
+ else
+ newdlprefiles="$newdlprefiles $dir/$linklib"
+ fi
+ fi # $pass = dlpreopen
+ if test -z "$libdir"; then
+ # Link the convenience library
+ if test "$linkmode" = lib; then
+ deplibs="$dir/$old_library $deplibs"
+ elif test "$linkmode,$pass" = "prog,link"; then
+ compile_deplibs="$dir/$old_library $compile_deplibs"
+ finalize_deplibs="$dir/$old_library $finalize_deplibs"
+ else
+ deplibs="$lib $deplibs" # used for prog,scan pass
+ fi
+ continue
+ fi
+ if test "$linkmode" = prog && test "$pass" != link; then
+ newlib_search_path="$newlib_search_path $ladir"
+ deplibs="$lib $deplibs"
+ linkalldeplibs=no
+ if test "$link_all_deplibs" != no || test -z "$library_names" ||
+ test "$build_libtool_libs" = no; then
+ linkalldeplibs=yes
+ fi
+ tmp_libs=
+ for deplib in $dependency_libs; do
+ case $deplib in
+ -L*) func_stripname '-L' '' "$deplib"
+ newlib_search_path="$newlib_search_path $func_stripname_result"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Need to link against all dependency_libs?
+ if test "$linkalldeplibs" = yes; then
+ deplibs="$deplib $deplibs"
+ else
+ # Need to hardcode shared library paths
+ # or/and link against static libraries
+ newdependency_libs="$deplib $newdependency_libs"
+ fi
+ if $opt_duplicate_deps ; then
+ case "$tmp_libs " in
+ *" $deplib "*) specialdeplibs="$specialdeplibs $deplib" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ tmp_libs="$tmp_libs $deplib"
+ done # for deplib
+ continue
+ fi # $linkmode = prog...
+ if test "$linkmode,$pass" = "prog,link"; then
+ if test -n "$library_names" &&
+ { { test "$prefer_static_libs" = no ||
+ test "$prefer_static_libs,$installed" = "built,yes"; } ||
+ test -z "$old_library"; }; then
+ # We need to hardcode the library path
+ if test -n "$shlibpath_var" && test -z "$avoidtemprpath" ; then
+ # Make sure the rpath contains only unique directories.
+ case "$temp_rpath:" in
+ *"$absdir:"*) ;;
+ *) temp_rpath="$temp_rpath$absdir:" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # Hardcode the library path.
+ # Skip directories that are in the system default run-time
+ # search path.
+ case " $sys_lib_dlsearch_path " in
+ *" $absdir "*) ;;
+ *)
+ case "$compile_rpath " in
+ *" $absdir "*) ;;
+ *) compile_rpath="$compile_rpath $absdir"
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case " $sys_lib_dlsearch_path " in
+ *" $libdir "*) ;;
+ *)
+ case "$finalize_rpath " in
+ *" $libdir "*) ;;
+ *) finalize_rpath="$finalize_rpath $libdir"
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi # $linkmode,$pass = prog,link...
+ if test "$alldeplibs" = yes &&
+ { test "$deplibs_check_method" = pass_all ||
+ { test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes &&
+ test -n "$library_names"; }; }; then
+ # We only need to search for static libraries
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ link_static=no # Whether the deplib will be linked statically
+ use_static_libs=$prefer_static_libs
+ if test "$use_static_libs" = built && test "$installed" = yes; then
+ use_static_libs=no
+ fi
+ if test -n "$library_names" &&
+ { test "$use_static_libs" = no || test -z "$old_library"; }; then
+ case $host in
+ *cygwin* | *mingw* | *cegcc*)
+ # No point in relinking DLLs because paths are not encoded
+ notinst_deplibs="$notinst_deplibs $lib"
+ need_relink=no
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if test "$installed" = no; then
+ notinst_deplibs="$notinst_deplibs $lib"
+ need_relink=yes
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # This is a shared library
+ # Warn about portability, can't link against -module's on some
+ # systems (darwin). Don't bleat about dlopened modules though!
+ dlopenmodule=""
+ for dlpremoduletest in $dlprefiles; do
+ if test "X$dlpremoduletest" = "X$lib"; then
+ dlopenmodule="$dlpremoduletest"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if test -z "$dlopenmodule" && test "$shouldnotlink" = yes && test "$pass" = link; then
+ if test "$linkmode" = prog; then
+ $ECHO "*** Warning: Linking the executable $output against the loadable module"
+ else
+ $ECHO "*** Warning: Linking the shared library $output against the loadable module"
+ fi
+ $ECHO "*** $linklib is not portable!"
+ fi
+ if test "$linkmode" = lib &&
+ test "$hardcode_into_libs" = yes; then
+ # Hardcode the library path.
+ # Skip directories that are in the system default run-time
+ # search path.
+ case " $sys_lib_dlsearch_path " in
+ *" $absdir "*) ;;
+ *)
+ case "$compile_rpath " in
+ *" $absdir "*) ;;
+ *) compile_rpath="$compile_rpath $absdir"
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case " $sys_lib_dlsearch_path " in
+ *" $libdir "*) ;;
+ *)
+ case "$finalize_rpath " in
+ *" $libdir "*) ;;
+ *) finalize_rpath="$finalize_rpath $libdir"
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if test -n "$old_archive_from_expsyms_cmds"; then
+ # figure out the soname
+ set dummy $library_names
+ shift
+ realname="$1"
+ shift
+ libname=`eval "\\$ECHO \"$libname_spec\""`
+ # use dlname if we got it. it's perfectly good, no?
+ if test -n "$dlname"; then
+ soname="$dlname"
+ elif test -n "$soname_spec"; then
+ # bleh windows
+ case $host in
+ *cygwin* | mingw* | *cegcc*)
+ func_arith $current - $age
+ major=$func_arith_result
+ versuffix="-$major"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ eval soname=\"$soname_spec\"
+ else
+ soname="$realname"
+ fi
+ # Make a new name for the extract_expsyms_cmds to use
+ soroot="$soname"
+ func_basename "$soroot"
+ soname="$func_basename_result"
+ func_stripname 'lib' '.dll' "$soname"
+ newlib=libimp-$func_stripname_result.a
+ # If the library has no export list, then create one now
+ if test -f "$output_objdir/$soname-def"; then :
+ else
+ func_verbose "extracting exported symbol list from \`$soname'"
+ func_execute_cmds "$extract_expsyms_cmds" 'exit $?'
+ fi
+ # Create $newlib
+ if test -f "$output_objdir/$newlib"; then :; else
+ func_verbose "generating import library for \`$soname'"
+ func_execute_cmds "$old_archive_from_expsyms_cmds" 'exit $?'
+ fi
+ # make sure the library variables are pointing to the new library
+ dir=$output_objdir
+ linklib=$newlib
+ fi # test -n "$old_archive_from_expsyms_cmds"
+ if test "$linkmode" = prog || test "$mode" != relink; then
+ add_shlibpath=
+ add_dir=
+ add=
+ lib_linked=yes
+ case $hardcode_action in
+ immediate | unsupported)
+ if test "$hardcode_direct" = no; then
+ add="$dir/$linklib"
+ case $host in
+ *-*-sco3.2v5.0.[024]*) add_dir="-L$dir" ;;
+ *-*-sysv4*uw2*) add_dir="-L$dir" ;;
+ *-*-sysv5OpenUNIX* | *-*-sysv5UnixWare7.[01].[10]* | \
+ *-*-unixware7*) add_dir="-L$dir" ;;
+ *-*-darwin* )
+ # if the lib is a (non-dlopened) module then we can not
+ # link against it, someone is ignoring the earlier warnings
+ if /usr/bin/file -L $add 2> /dev/null |
+ $GREP ": [^:]* bundle" >/dev/null ; then
+ if test "X$dlopenmodule" != "X$lib"; then
+ $ECHO "*** Warning: lib $linklib is a module, not a shared library"
+ if test -z "$old_library" ; then
+ $ECHO "*** And there doesn't seem to be a static archive available"
+ $ECHO "*** The link will probably fail, sorry"
+ else
+ add="$dir/$old_library"
+ fi
+ elif test -n "$old_library"; then
+ add="$dir/$old_library"
+ fi
+ fi
+ esac
+ elif test "$hardcode_minus_L" = no; then
+ case $host in
+ *-*-sunos*) add_shlibpath="$dir" ;;
+ esac
+ add_dir="-L$dir"
+ add="-l$name"
+ elif test "$hardcode_shlibpath_var" = no; then
+ add_shlibpath="$dir"
+ add="-l$name"
+ else
+ lib_linked=no
+ fi
+ ;;
+ relink)
+ if test "$hardcode_direct" = yes &&
+ test "$hardcode_direct_absolute" = no; then
+ add="$dir/$linklib"
+ elif test "$hardcode_minus_L" = yes; then
+ add_dir="-L$dir"
+ # Try looking first in the location we're being installed to.
+ if test -n "$inst_prefix_dir"; then
+ case $libdir in
+ [\\/]*)
+ add_dir="$add_dir -L$inst_prefix_dir$libdir"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ add="-l$name"
+ elif test "$hardcode_shlibpath_var" = yes; then
+ add_shlibpath="$dir"
+ add="-l$name"
+ else
+ lib_linked=no
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *) lib_linked=no ;;
+ esac
+ if test "$lib_linked" != yes; then
+ func_fatal_configuration "unsupported hardcode properties"
+ fi
+ if test -n "$add_shlibpath"; then
+ case :$compile_shlibpath: in
+ *":$add_shlibpath:"*) ;;
+ *) compile_shlibpath="$compile_shlibpath$add_shlibpath:" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if test "$linkmode" = prog; then
+ test -n "$add_dir" && compile_deplibs="$add_dir $compile_deplibs"
+ test -n "$add" && compile_deplibs="$add $compile_deplibs"
+ else
+ test -n "$add_dir" && deplibs="$add_dir $deplibs"
+ test -n "$add" && deplibs="$add $deplibs"
+ if test "$hardcode_direct" != yes &&
+ test "$hardcode_minus_L" != yes &&
+ test "$hardcode_shlibpath_var" = yes; then
+ case :$finalize_shlibpath: in
+ *":$libdir:"*) ;;
+ *) finalize_shlibpath="$finalize_shlibpath$libdir:" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test "$linkmode" = prog || test "$mode" = relink; then
+ add_shlibpath=
+ add_dir=
+ add=
+ # Finalize command for both is simple: just hardcode it.
+ if test "$hardcode_direct" = yes &&
+ test "$hardcode_direct_absolute" = no; then
+ add="$libdir/$linklib"
+ elif test "$hardcode_minus_L" = yes; then
+ add_dir="-L$libdir"
+ add="-l$name"
+ elif test "$hardcode_shlibpath_var" = yes; then
+ case :$finalize_shlibpath: in
+ *":$libdir:"*) ;;
+ *) finalize_shlibpath="$finalize_shlibpath$libdir:" ;;
+ esac
+ add="-l$name"
+ elif test "$hardcode_automatic" = yes; then
+ if test -n "$inst_prefix_dir" &&
+ test -f "$inst_prefix_dir$libdir/$linklib" ; then
+ add="$inst_prefix_dir$libdir/$linklib"
+ else
+ add="$libdir/$linklib"
+ fi
+ else
+ # We cannot seem to hardcode it, guess we'll fake it.
+ add_dir="-L$libdir"
+ # Try looking first in the location we're being installed to.
+ if test -n "$inst_prefix_dir"; then
+ case $libdir in
+ [\\/]*)
+ add_dir="$add_dir -L$inst_prefix_dir$libdir"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ add="-l$name"
+ fi
+ if test "$linkmode" = prog; then
+ test -n "$add_dir" && finalize_deplibs="$add_dir $finalize_deplibs"
+ test -n "$add" && finalize_deplibs="$add $finalize_deplibs"
+ else
+ test -n "$add_dir" && deplibs="$add_dir $deplibs"
+ test -n "$add" && deplibs="$add $deplibs"
+ fi
+ fi
+ elif test "$linkmode" = prog; then
+ # Here we assume that one of hardcode_direct or hardcode_minus_L
+ # is not unsupported. This is valid on all known static and
+ # shared platforms.
+ if test "$hardcode_direct" != unsupported; then
+ test -n "$old_library" && linklib="$old_library"
+ compile_deplibs="$dir/$linklib $compile_deplibs"
+ finalize_deplibs="$dir/$linklib $finalize_deplibs"
+ else
+ compile_deplibs="-l$name -L$dir $compile_deplibs"
+ finalize_deplibs="-l$name -L$dir $finalize_deplibs"
+ fi
+ elif test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes; then
+ # Not a shared library
+ if test "$deplibs_check_method" != pass_all; then
+ # We're trying link a shared library against a static one
+ # but the system doesn't support it.
+ # Just print a warning and add the library to dependency_libs so
+ # that the program can be linked against the static library.
+ $ECHO "*** Warning: This system can not link to static lib archive $lib."
+ $ECHO "*** I have the capability to make that library automatically link in when"
+ $ECHO "*** you link to this library. But I can only do this if you have a"
+ $ECHO "*** shared version of the library, which you do not appear to have."
+ if test "$module" = yes; then
+ $ECHO "*** But as you try to build a module library, libtool will still create "
+ $ECHO "*** a static module, that should work as long as the dlopening application"
+ $ECHO "*** is linked with the -dlopen flag to resolve symbols at runtime."
+ if test -z "$global_symbol_pipe"; then
+ $ECHO "*** However, this would only work if libtool was able to extract symbol"
+ $ECHO "*** lists from a program, using \`nm' or equivalent, but libtool could"
+ $ECHO "*** not find such a program. So, this module is probably useless."
+ $ECHO "*** \`nm' from GNU binutils and a full rebuild may help."
+ fi
+ if test "$build_old_libs" = no; then
+ build_libtool_libs=module
+ build_old_libs=yes
+ else
+ build_libtool_libs=no
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ deplibs="$dir/$old_library $deplibs"
+ link_static=yes
+ fi
+ fi # link shared/static library?
+ if test "$linkmode" = lib; then
+ if test -n "$dependency_libs" &&
+ { test "$hardcode_into_libs" != yes ||
+ test "$build_old_libs" = yes ||
+ test "$link_static" = yes; }; then
+ # Extract -R from dependency_libs
+ temp_deplibs=
+ for libdir in $dependency_libs; do
+ case $libdir in
+ -R*) func_stripname '-R' '' "$libdir"
+ temp_xrpath=$func_stripname_result
+ case " $xrpath " in
+ *" $temp_xrpath "*) ;;
+ *) xrpath="$xrpath $temp_xrpath";;
+ esac;;
+ *) temp_deplibs="$temp_deplibs $libdir";;
+ esac
+ done
+ dependency_libs="$temp_deplibs"
+ fi
+ newlib_search_path="$newlib_search_path $absdir"
+ # Link against this library
+ test "$link_static" = no && newdependency_libs="$abs_ladir/$laname $newdependency_libs"
+ # ... and its dependency_libs
+ tmp_libs=
+ for deplib in $dependency_libs; do
+ newdependency_libs="$deplib $newdependency_libs"
+ if $opt_duplicate_deps ; then
+ case "$tmp_libs " in
+ *" $deplib "*) specialdeplibs="$specialdeplibs $deplib" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ tmp_libs="$tmp_libs $deplib"
+ done
+ if test "$link_all_deplibs" != no; then
+ # Add the search paths of all dependency libraries
+ for deplib in $dependency_libs; do
+ case $deplib in
+ -L*) path="$deplib" ;;
+ *.la)
+ func_dirname "$deplib" "" "."
+ dir="$func_dirname_result"
+ # We need an absolute path.
+ case $dir in
+ [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) absdir="$dir" ;;
+ *)
+ absdir=`cd "$dir" && pwd`
+ if test -z "$absdir"; then
+ func_warning "cannot determine absolute directory name of \`$dir'"
+ absdir="$dir"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if $GREP "^installed=no" $deplib > /dev/null; then
+ case $host in
+ *-*-darwin*)
+ depdepl=
+ eval deplibrary_names=`${SED} -n -e 's/^library_names=\(.*\)$/\1/p' $deplib`
+ if test -n "$deplibrary_names" ; then
+ for tmp in $deplibrary_names ; do
+ depdepl=$tmp
+ done
+ if test -f "$absdir/$objdir/$depdepl" ; then
+ depdepl="$absdir/$objdir/$depdepl"
+ darwin_install_name=`${OTOOL} -L $depdepl | awk '{if (NR == 2) {print $1;exit}}'`
+ if test -z "$darwin_install_name"; then
+ darwin_install_name=`${OTOOL64} -L $depdepl | awk '{if (NR == 2) {print $1;exit}}'`
+ fi
+ compiler_flags="$compiler_flags ${wl}-dylib_file ${wl}${darwin_install_name}:${depdepl}"
+ linker_flags="$linker_flags -dylib_file ${darwin_install_name}:${depdepl}"
+ path=
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ path="-L$absdir/$objdir"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ else
+ eval libdir=`${SED} -n -e 's/^libdir=\(.*\)$/\1/p' $deplib`
+ test -z "$libdir" && \
+ func_fatal_error "\`$deplib' is not a valid libtool archive"
+ test "$absdir" != "$libdir" && \
+ func_warning "\`$deplib' seems to be moved"
+ path="-L$absdir"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case " $deplibs " in
+ *" $path "*) ;;
+ *) deplibs="$path $deplibs" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ fi # link_all_deplibs != no
+ fi # linkmode = lib
+ done # for deplib in $libs
+ if test "$pass" = link; then
+ if test "$linkmode" = "prog"; then
+ compile_deplibs="$new_inherited_linker_flags $compile_deplibs"
+ finalize_deplibs="$new_inherited_linker_flags $finalize_deplibs"
+ else
+ compiler_flags="$compiler_flags "`$ECHO "X $new_inherited_linker_flags" | $Xsed -e 's% \([^ $]*\).ltframework% -framework \1%g'`
+ fi
+ fi
+ dependency_libs="$newdependency_libs"
+ if test "$pass" = dlpreopen; then
+ # Link the dlpreopened libraries before other libraries
+ for deplib in $save_deplibs; do
+ deplibs="$deplib $deplibs"
+ done
+ fi
+ if test "$pass" != dlopen; then
+ if test "$pass" != conv; then
+ # Make sure lib_search_path contains only unique directories.
+ lib_search_path=
+ for dir in $newlib_search_path; do
+ case "$lib_search_path " in
+ *" $dir "*) ;;
+ *) lib_search_path="$lib_search_path $dir" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ newlib_search_path=
+ fi
+ if test "$linkmode,$pass" != "prog,link"; then
+ vars="deplibs"
+ else
+ vars="compile_deplibs finalize_deplibs"
+ fi
+ for var in $vars dependency_libs; do
+ # Add libraries to $var in reverse order
+ eval tmp_libs=\"\$$var\"
+ new_libs=
+ for deplib in $tmp_libs; do
+ # FIXME: Pedantically, this is the right thing to do, so
+ # that some nasty dependency loop isn't accidentally
+ # broken:
+ #new_libs="$deplib $new_libs"
+ # Pragmatically, this seems to cause very few problems in
+ # practice:
+ case $deplib in
+ -L*) new_libs="$deplib $new_libs" ;;
+ -R*) ;;
+ *)
+ # And here is the reason: when a library appears more
+ # than once as an explicit dependence of a library, or
+ # is implicitly linked in more than once by the
+ # compiler, it is considered special, and multiple
+ # occurrences thereof are not removed. Compare this
+ # with having the same library being listed as a
+ # dependency of multiple other libraries: in this case,
+ # we know (pedantically, we assume) the library does not
+ # need to be listed more than once, so we keep only the
+ # last copy. This is not always right, but it is rare
+ # enough that we require users that really mean to play
+ # such unportable linking tricks to link the library
+ # using -Wl,-lname, so that libtool does not consider it
+ # for duplicate removal.
+ case " $specialdeplibs " in
+ *" $deplib "*) new_libs="$deplib $new_libs" ;;
+ *)
+ case " $new_libs " in
+ *" $deplib "*) ;;
+ *) new_libs="$deplib $new_libs" ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ tmp_libs=
+ for deplib in $new_libs; do
+ case $deplib in
+ -L*)
+ case " $tmp_libs " in
+ *" $deplib "*) ;;
+ *) tmp_libs="$tmp_libs $deplib" ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *) tmp_libs="$tmp_libs $deplib" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ eval $var=\"$tmp_libs\"
+ done # for var
+ fi
+ # Last step: remove runtime libs from dependency_libs
+ # (they stay in deplibs)
+ tmp_libs=
+ for i in $dependency_libs ; do
+ case " $predeps $postdeps $compiler_lib_search_path " in
+ *" $i "*)
+ i=""
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test -n "$i" ; then
+ tmp_libs="$tmp_libs $i"
+ fi
+ done
+ dependency_libs=$tmp_libs
+ done # for pass
+ if test "$linkmode" = prog; then
+ dlfiles="$newdlfiles"
+ fi
+ if test "$linkmode" = prog || test "$linkmode" = lib; then
+ dlprefiles="$newdlprefiles"
+ fi
+ case $linkmode in
+ oldlib)
+ if test -n "$dlfiles$dlprefiles" || test "$dlself" != no; then
+ func_warning "\`-dlopen' is ignored for archives"
+ fi
+ case " $deplibs" in
+ *\ -l* | *\ -L*)
+ func_warning "\`-l' and \`-L' are ignored for archives" ;;
+ esac
+ test -n "$rpath" && \
+ func_warning "\`-rpath' is ignored for archives"
+ test -n "$xrpath" && \
+ func_warning "\`-R' is ignored for archives"
+ test -n "$vinfo" && \
+ func_warning "\`-version-info/-version-number' is ignored for archives"
+ test -n "$release" && \
+ func_warning "\`-release' is ignored for archives"
+ test -n "$export_symbols$export_symbols_regex" && \
+ func_warning "\`-export-symbols' is ignored for archives"
+ # Now set the variables for building old libraries.
+ build_libtool_libs=no
+ oldlibs="$output"
+ objs="$objs$old_deplibs"
+ ;;
+ lib)
+ # Make sure we only generate libraries of the form `'.
+ case $outputname in
+ lib*)
+ func_stripname 'lib' '.la' "$outputname"
+ name=$func_stripname_result
+ eval shared_ext=\"$shrext_cmds\"
+ eval libname=\"$libname_spec\"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ test "$module" = no && \
+ func_fatal_help "libtool library \`$output' must begin with \`lib'"
+ if test "$need_lib_prefix" != no; then
+ # Add the "lib" prefix for modules if required
+ func_stripname '' '.la' "$outputname"
+ name=$func_stripname_result
+ eval shared_ext=\"$shrext_cmds\"
+ eval libname=\"$libname_spec\"
+ else
+ func_stripname '' '.la' "$outputname"
+ libname=$func_stripname_result
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test -n "$objs"; then
+ if test "$deplibs_check_method" != pass_all; then
+ func_fatal_error "cannot build libtool library \`$output' from non-libtool objects on this host:$objs"
+ else
+ $ECHO "*** Warning: Linking the shared library $output against the non-libtool"
+ $ECHO "*** objects $objs is not portable!"
+ libobjs="$libobjs $objs"
+ fi
+ fi
+ test "$dlself" != no && \
+ func_warning "\`-dlopen self' is ignored for libtool libraries"
+ set dummy $rpath
+ shift
+ test "$#" -gt 1 && \
+ func_warning "ignoring multiple \`-rpath's for a libtool library"
+ install_libdir="$1"
+ oldlibs=
+ if test -z "$rpath"; then
+ if test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes; then
+ # Building a libtool convenience library.
+ # Some compilers have problems with a `.al' extension so
+ # convenience libraries should have the same extension an
+ # archive normally would.
+ oldlibs="$output_objdir/$libname.$libext $oldlibs"
+ build_libtool_libs=convenience
+ build_old_libs=yes
+ fi
+ test -n "$vinfo" && \
+ func_warning "\`-version-info/-version-number' is ignored for convenience libraries"
+ test -n "$release" && \
+ func_warning "\`-release' is ignored for convenience libraries"
+ else
+ # Parse the version information argument.
+ save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=':'
+ set dummy $vinfo 0 0 0
+ shift
+ IFS="$save_ifs"
+ test -n "$7" && \
+ func_fatal_help "too many parameters to \`-version-info'"
+ # convert absolute version numbers to libtool ages
+ # this retains compatibility with .la files and attempts
+ # to make the code below a bit more comprehensible
+ case $vinfo_number in
+ yes)
+ number_major="$1"
+ number_minor="$2"
+ number_revision="$3"
+ #
+ # There are really only two kinds -- those that
+ # use the current revision as the major version
+ # and those that subtract age and use age as
+ # a minor version. But, then there is irix
+ # which has an extra 1 added just for fun
+ #
+ case $version_type in
+ darwin|linux|osf|windows|none)
+ func_arith $number_major + $number_minor
+ current=$func_arith_result
+ age="$number_minor"
+ revision="$number_revision"
+ ;;
+ freebsd-aout|freebsd-elf|sunos)
+ current="$number_major"
+ revision="$number_minor"
+ age="0"
+ ;;
+ irix|nonstopux)
+ func_arith $number_major + $number_minor
+ current=$func_arith_result
+ age="$number_minor"
+ revision="$number_minor"
+ lt_irix_increment=no
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ no)
+ current="$1"
+ revision="$2"
+ age="$3"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Check that each of the things are valid numbers.
+ case $current in
+ 0|[1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]) ;;
+ *)
+ func_error "CURRENT \`$current' must be a nonnegative integer"
+ func_fatal_error "\`$vinfo' is not valid version information"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case $revision in
+ 0|[1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]) ;;
+ *)
+ func_error "REVISION \`$revision' must be a nonnegative integer"
+ func_fatal_error "\`$vinfo' is not valid version information"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case $age in
+ 0|[1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]) ;;
+ *)
+ func_error "AGE \`$age' must be a nonnegative integer"
+ func_fatal_error "\`$vinfo' is not valid version information"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test "$age" -gt "$current"; then
+ func_error "AGE \`$age' is greater than the current interface number \`$current'"
+ func_fatal_error "\`$vinfo' is not valid version information"
+ fi
+ # Calculate the version variables.
+ major=
+ versuffix=
+ verstring=
+ case $version_type in
+ none) ;;
+ darwin)
+ # Like Linux, but with the current version available in
+ # verstring for coding it into the library header
+ func_arith $current - $age
+ major=.$func_arith_result
+ versuffix="$major.$age.$revision"
+ # Darwin ld doesn't like 0 for these options...
+ func_arith $current + 1
+ minor_current=$func_arith_result
+ xlcverstring="${wl}-compatibility_version ${wl}$minor_current ${wl}-current_version ${wl}$minor_current.$revision"
+ verstring="-compatibility_version $minor_current -current_version $minor_current.$revision"
+ ;;
+ freebsd-aout)
+ major=".$current"
+ versuffix=".$current.$revision";
+ ;;
+ freebsd-elf)
+ major=".$current"
+ versuffix=".$current"
+ ;;
+ irix | nonstopux)
+ if test "X$lt_irix_increment" = "Xno"; then
+ func_arith $current - $age
+ else
+ func_arith $current - $age + 1
+ fi
+ major=$func_arith_result
+ case $version_type in
+ nonstopux) verstring_prefix=nonstopux ;;
+ *) verstring_prefix=sgi ;;
+ esac
+ verstring="$verstring_prefix$major.$revision"
+ # Add in all the interfaces that we are compatible with.
+ loop=$revision
+ while test "$loop" -ne 0; do
+ func_arith $revision - $loop
+ iface=$func_arith_result
+ func_arith $loop - 1
+ loop=$func_arith_result
+ verstring="$verstring_prefix$major.$iface:$verstring"
+ done
+ # Before this point, $major must not contain `.'.
+ major=.$major
+ versuffix="$major.$revision"
+ ;;
+ linux)
+ func_arith $current - $age
+ major=.$func_arith_result
+ versuffix="$major.$age.$revision"
+ ;;
+ osf)
+ func_arith $current - $age
+ major=.$func_arith_result
+ versuffix=".$current.$age.$revision"
+ verstring="$current.$age.$revision"
+ # Add in all the interfaces that we are compatible with.
+ loop=$age
+ while test "$loop" -ne 0; do
+ func_arith $current - $loop
+ iface=$func_arith_result
+ func_arith $loop - 1
+ loop=$func_arith_result
+ verstring="$verstring:${iface}.0"
+ done
+ # Make executables depend on our current version.
+ verstring="$verstring:${current}.0"
+ ;;
+ qnx)
+ major=".$current"
+ versuffix=".$current"
+ ;;
+ sunos)
+ major=".$current"
+ versuffix=".$current.$revision"
+ ;;
+ windows)
+ # Use '-' rather than '.', since we only want one
+ # extension on DOS 8.3 filesystems.
+ func_arith $current - $age
+ major=$func_arith_result
+ versuffix="-$major"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ func_fatal_configuration "unknown library version type \`$version_type'"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Clear the version info if we defaulted, and they specified a release.
+ if test -z "$vinfo" && test -n "$release"; then
+ major=
+ case $version_type in
+ darwin)
+ # we can't check for "0.0" in archive_cmds due to quoting
+ # problems, so we reset it completely
+ verstring=
+ ;;
+ *)
+ verstring="0.0"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test "$need_version" = no; then
+ versuffix=
+ else
+ versuffix=".0.0"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Remove version info from name if versioning should be avoided
+ if test "$avoid_version" = yes && test "$need_version" = no; then
+ major=
+ versuffix=
+ verstring=""
+ fi
+ # Check to see if the archive will have undefined symbols.
+ if test "$allow_undefined" = yes; then
+ if test "$allow_undefined_flag" = unsupported; then
+ func_warning "undefined symbols not allowed in $host shared libraries"
+ build_libtool_libs=no
+ build_old_libs=yes
+ fi
+ else
+ # Don't allow undefined symbols.
+ allow_undefined_flag="$no_undefined_flag"
+ fi
+ fi
+ func_generate_dlsyms "$libname" "$libname" "yes"
+ libobjs="$libobjs $symfileobj"
+ test "X$libobjs" = "X " && libobjs=
+ if test "$mode" != relink; then
+ # Remove our outputs, but don't remove object files since they
+ # may have been created when compiling PIC objects.
+ removelist=
+ tempremovelist=`$ECHO "$output_objdir/*"`
+ for p in $tempremovelist; do
+ case $p in
+ *.$objext | *.gcno)
+ ;;
+ $output_objdir/$outputname | $output_objdir/$libname.* | $output_objdir/${libname}${release}.*)
+ if test "X$precious_files_regex" != "X"; then
+ if $ECHO "$p" | $EGREP -e "$precious_files_regex" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ then
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ removelist="$removelist $p"
+ ;;
+ *) ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ test -n "$removelist" && \
+ func_show_eval "${RM}r \$removelist"
+ fi
+ # Now set the variables for building old libraries.
+ if test "$build_old_libs" = yes && test "$build_libtool_libs" != convenience ; then
+ oldlibs="$oldlibs $output_objdir/$libname.$libext"
+ # Transform .lo files to .o files.
+ oldobjs="$objs "`$ECHO "X$libobjs" | $SP2NL | $Xsed -e '/\.'${libext}'$/d' -e "$lo2o" | $NL2SP`
+ fi
+ # Eliminate all temporary directories.
+ #for path in $notinst_path; do
+ # lib_search_path=`$ECHO "X$lib_search_path " | $Xsed -e "s% $path % %g"`
+ # deplibs=`$ECHO "X$deplibs " | $Xsed -e "s% -L$path % %g"`
+ # dependency_libs=`$ECHO "X$dependency_libs " | $Xsed -e "s% -L$path % %g"`
+ #done
+ if test -n "$xrpath"; then
+ # If the user specified any rpath flags, then add them.
+ temp_xrpath=
+ for libdir in $xrpath; do
+ temp_xrpath="$temp_xrpath -R$libdir"
+ case "$finalize_rpath " in
+ *" $libdir "*) ;;
+ *) finalize_rpath="$finalize_rpath $libdir" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if test "$hardcode_into_libs" != yes || test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then
+ dependency_libs="$temp_xrpath $dependency_libs"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Make sure dlfiles contains only unique files that won't be dlpreopened
+ old_dlfiles="$dlfiles"
+ dlfiles=
+ for lib in $old_dlfiles; do
+ case " $dlprefiles $dlfiles " in
+ *" $lib "*) ;;
+ *) dlfiles="$dlfiles $lib" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # Make sure dlprefiles contains only unique files
+ old_dlprefiles="$dlprefiles"
+ dlprefiles=
+ for lib in $old_dlprefiles; do
+ case "$dlprefiles " in
+ *" $lib "*) ;;
+ *) dlprefiles="$dlprefiles $lib" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes; then
+ if test -n "$rpath"; then
+ case $host in
+ *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-pw32* | *-*-os2* | *-*-beos* | *-cegcc*)
+ # these systems don't actually have a c library (as such)!
+ ;;
+ *-*-rhapsody* | *-*-darwin1.[012])
+ # Rhapsody C library is in the System framework
+ deplibs="$deplibs System.ltframework"
+ ;;
+ *-*-netbsd*)
+ # Don't link with libc until the a.out is fixed.
+ ;;
+ *-*-openbsd* | *-*-freebsd* | *-*-dragonfly*)
+ # Do not include libc due to us having libc/libc_r.
+ ;;
+ *-*-sco3.2v5* | *-*-sco5v6*)
+ # Causes problems with __ctype
+ ;;
+ *-*-sysv4.2uw2* | *-*-sysv5* | *-*-unixware* | *-*-OpenUNIX*)
+ # Compiler inserts libc in the correct place for threads to work
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Add libc to deplibs on all other systems if necessary.
+ if test "$build_libtool_need_lc" = "yes"; then
+ deplibs="$deplibs -lc"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # Transform deplibs into only deplibs that can be linked in shared.
+ name_save=$name
+ libname_save=$libname
+ release_save=$release
+ versuffix_save=$versuffix
+ major_save=$major
+ # I'm not sure if I'm treating the release correctly. I think
+ # release should show up in the -l (ie -lgmp5) so we don't want to
+ # add it in twice. Is that correct?
+ release=""
+ versuffix=""
+ major=""
+ newdeplibs=
+ droppeddeps=no
+ case $deplibs_check_method in
+ pass_all)
+ # Don't check for shared/static. Everything works.
+ # This might be a little naive. We might want to check
+ # whether the library exists or not. But this is on
+ # osf3 & osf4 and I'm not really sure... Just
+ # implementing what was already the behavior.
+ newdeplibs=$deplibs
+ ;;
+ test_compile)
+ # This code stresses the "libraries are programs" paradigm to its
+ # limits. Maybe even breaks it. We compile a program, linking it
+ # against the deplibs as a proxy for the library. Then we can check
+ # whether they linked in statically or dynamically with ldd.
+ $opt_dry_run || $RM conftest.c
+ cat > conftest.c <<EOF
+ int main() { return 0; }
+ $opt_dry_run || $RM conftest
+ if $LTCC $LTCFLAGS -o conftest conftest.c $deplibs; then
+ ldd_output=`ldd conftest`
+ for i in $deplibs; do
+ case $i in
+ -l*)
+ func_stripname -l '' "$i"
+ name=$func_stripname_result
+ if test "X$allow_libtool_libs_with_static_runtimes" = "Xyes" ; then
+ case " $predeps $postdeps " in
+ *" $i "*)
+ newdeplibs="$newdeplibs $i"
+ i=""
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if test -n "$i" ; then
+ libname=`eval "\\$ECHO \"$libname_spec\""`
+ deplib_matches=`eval "\\$ECHO \"$library_names_spec\""`
+ set dummy $deplib_matches; shift
+ deplib_match=$1
+ if test `expr "$ldd_output" : ".*$deplib_match"` -ne 0 ; then
+ newdeplibs="$newdeplibs $i"
+ else
+ droppeddeps=yes
+ $ECHO "*** Warning: dynamic linker does not accept needed library $i."
+ $ECHO "*** I have the capability to make that library automatically link in when"
+ $ECHO "*** you link to this library. But I can only do this if you have a"
+ $ECHO "*** shared version of the library, which I believe you do not have"
+ $ECHO "*** because a test_compile did reveal that the linker did not use it for"
+ $ECHO "*** its dynamic dependency list that programs get resolved with at runtime."
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ newdeplibs="$newdeplibs $i"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ else
+ # Error occurred in the first compile. Let's try to salvage
+ # the situation: Compile a separate program for each library.
+ for i in $deplibs; do
+ case $i in
+ -l*)
+ func_stripname -l '' "$i"
+ name=$func_stripname_result
+ $opt_dry_run || $RM conftest
+ if $LTCC $LTCFLAGS -o conftest conftest.c $i; then
+ ldd_output=`ldd conftest`
+ if test "X$allow_libtool_libs_with_static_runtimes" = "Xyes" ; then
+ case " $predeps $postdeps " in
+ *" $i "*)
+ newdeplibs="$newdeplibs $i"
+ i=""
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if test -n "$i" ; then
+ libname=`eval "\\$ECHO \"$libname_spec\""`
+ deplib_matches=`eval "\\$ECHO \"$library_names_spec\""`
+ set dummy $deplib_matches; shift
+ deplib_match=$1
+ if test `expr "$ldd_output" : ".*$deplib_match"` -ne 0 ; then
+ newdeplibs="$newdeplibs $i"
+ else
+ droppeddeps=yes
+ $ECHO "*** Warning: dynamic linker does not accept needed library $i."
+ $ECHO "*** I have the capability to make that library automatically link in when"
+ $ECHO "*** you link to this library. But I can only do this if you have a"
+ $ECHO "*** shared version of the library, which you do not appear to have"
+ $ECHO "*** because a test_compile did reveal that the linker did not use this one"
+ $ECHO "*** as a dynamic dependency that programs can get resolved with at runtime."
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ droppeddeps=yes
+ $ECHO "*** Warning! Library $i is needed by this library but I was not able to"
+ $ECHO "*** make it link in! You will probably need to install it or some"
+ $ECHO "*** library that it depends on before this library will be fully"
+ $ECHO "*** functional. Installing it before continuing would be even better."
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ newdeplibs="$newdeplibs $i"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ fi
+ ;;
+ file_magic*)
+ set dummy $deplibs_check_method; shift
+ file_magic_regex=`expr "$deplibs_check_method" : "$1 \(.*\)"`
+ for a_deplib in $deplibs; do
+ case $a_deplib in
+ -l*)
+ func_stripname -l '' "$a_deplib"
+ name=$func_stripname_result
+ if test "X$allow_libtool_libs_with_static_runtimes" = "Xyes" ; then
+ case " $predeps $postdeps " in
+ *" $a_deplib "*)
+ newdeplibs="$newdeplibs $a_deplib"
+ a_deplib=""
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if test -n "$a_deplib" ; then
+ libname=`eval "\\$ECHO \"$libname_spec\""`
+ for i in $lib_search_path $sys_lib_search_path $shlib_search_path; do
+ potential_libs=`ls $i/$libname[.-]* 2>/dev/null`
+ for potent_lib in $potential_libs; do
+ # Follow soft links.
+ if ls -lLd "$potent_lib" 2>/dev/null |
+ $GREP " -> " >/dev/null; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ # The statement above tries to avoid entering an
+ # endless loop below, in case of cyclic links.
+ # We might still enter an endless loop, since a link
+ # loop can be closed while we follow links,
+ # but so what?
+ potlib="$potent_lib"
+ while test -h "$potlib" 2>/dev/null; do
+ potliblink=`ls -ld $potlib | ${SED} 's/.* -> //'`
+ case $potliblink in
+ [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) potlib="$potliblink";;
+ *) potlib=`$ECHO "X$potlib" | $Xsed -e 's,[^/]*$,,'`"$potliblink";;
+ esac
+ done
+ if eval $file_magic_cmd \"\$potlib\" 2>/dev/null |
+ $SED -e 10q |
+ $EGREP "$file_magic_regex" > /dev/null; then
+ newdeplibs="$newdeplibs $a_deplib"
+ a_deplib=""
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ fi
+ if test -n "$a_deplib" ; then
+ droppeddeps=yes
+ $ECHO "*** Warning: linker path does not have real file for library $a_deplib."
+ $ECHO "*** I have the capability to make that library automatically link in when"
+ $ECHO "*** you link to this library. But I can only do this if you have a"
+ $ECHO "*** shared version of the library, which you do not appear to have"
+ $ECHO "*** because I did check the linker path looking for a file starting"
+ if test -z "$potlib" ; then
+ $ECHO "*** with $libname but no candidates were found. (...for file magic test)"
+ else
+ $ECHO "*** with $libname and none of the candidates passed a file format test"
+ $ECHO "*** using a file magic. Last file checked: $potlib"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Add a -L argument.
+ newdeplibs="$newdeplibs $a_deplib"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done # Gone through all deplibs.
+ ;;
+ match_pattern*)
+ set dummy $deplibs_check_method; shift
+ match_pattern_regex=`expr "$deplibs_check_method" : "$1 \(.*\)"`
+ for a_deplib in $deplibs; do
+ case $a_deplib in
+ -l*)
+ func_stripname -l '' "$a_deplib"
+ name=$func_stripname_result
+ if test "X$allow_libtool_libs_with_static_runtimes" = "Xyes" ; then
+ case " $predeps $postdeps " in
+ *" $a_deplib "*)
+ newdeplibs="$newdeplibs $a_deplib"
+ a_deplib=""
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if test -n "$a_deplib" ; then
+ libname=`eval "\\$ECHO \"$libname_spec\""`
+ for i in $lib_search_path $sys_lib_search_path $shlib_search_path; do
+ potential_libs=`ls $i/$libname[.-]* 2>/dev/null`
+ for potent_lib in $potential_libs; do
+ potlib="$potent_lib" # see symlink-check above in file_magic test
+ if eval "\$ECHO \"X$potent_lib\"" 2>/dev/null | $Xsed -e 10q | \
+ $EGREP "$match_pattern_regex" > /dev/null; then
+ newdeplibs="$newdeplibs $a_deplib"
+ a_deplib=""
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ fi
+ if test -n "$a_deplib" ; then
+ droppeddeps=yes
+ $ECHO "*** Warning: linker path does not have real file for library $a_deplib."
+ $ECHO "*** I have the capability to make that library automatically link in when"
+ $ECHO "*** you link to this library. But I can only do this if you have a"
+ $ECHO "*** shared version of the library, which you do not appear to have"
+ $ECHO "*** because I did check the linker path looking for a file starting"
+ if test -z "$potlib" ; then
+ $ECHO "*** with $libname but no candidates were found. (...for regex pattern test)"
+ else
+ $ECHO "*** with $libname and none of the candidates passed a file format test"
+ $ECHO "*** using a regex pattern. Last file checked: $potlib"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Add a -L argument.
+ newdeplibs="$newdeplibs $a_deplib"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done # Gone through all deplibs.
+ ;;
+ none | unknown | *)
+ newdeplibs=""
+ tmp_deplibs=`$ECHO "X $deplibs" | $Xsed \
+ -e 's/ -lc$//' -e 's/ -[LR][^ ]*//g'`
+ if test "X$allow_libtool_libs_with_static_runtimes" = "Xyes" ; then
+ for i in $predeps $postdeps ; do
+ # can't use Xsed below, because $i might contain '/'
+ tmp_deplibs=`$ECHO "X $tmp_deplibs" | $Xsed -e "s,$i,,"`
+ done
+ fi
+ if $ECHO "X $tmp_deplibs" | $Xsed -e 's/[ ]//g' |
+ $GREP . >/dev/null; then
+ if test "X$deplibs_check_method" = "Xnone"; then
+ $ECHO "*** Warning: inter-library dependencies are not supported in this platform."
+ else
+ $ECHO "*** Warning: inter-library dependencies are not known to be supported."
+ fi
+ $ECHO "*** All declared inter-library dependencies are being dropped."
+ droppeddeps=yes
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ versuffix=$versuffix_save
+ major=$major_save
+ release=$release_save
+ libname=$libname_save
+ name=$name_save
+ case $host in
+ *-*-rhapsody* | *-*-darwin1.[012])
+ # On Rhapsody replace the C library with the System framework
+ newdeplibs=`$ECHO "X $newdeplibs" | $Xsed -e 's/ -lc / System.ltframework /'`
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test "$droppeddeps" = yes; then
+ if test "$module" = yes; then
+ $ECHO "*** Warning: libtool could not satisfy all declared inter-library"
+ $ECHO "*** dependencies of module $libname. Therefore, libtool will create"
+ $ECHO "*** a static module, that should work as long as the dlopening"
+ $ECHO "*** application is linked with the -dlopen flag."
+ if test -z "$global_symbol_pipe"; then
+ $ECHO "*** However, this would only work if libtool was able to extract symbol"
+ $ECHO "*** lists from a program, using \`nm' or equivalent, but libtool could"
+ $ECHO "*** not find such a program. So, this module is probably useless."
+ $ECHO "*** \`nm' from GNU binutils and a full rebuild may help."
+ fi
+ if test "$build_old_libs" = no; then
+ oldlibs="$output_objdir/$libname.$libext"
+ build_libtool_libs=module
+ build_old_libs=yes
+ else
+ build_libtool_libs=no
+ fi
+ else
+ $ECHO "*** The inter-library dependencies that have been dropped here will be"
+ $ECHO "*** automatically added whenever a program is linked with this library"
+ $ECHO "*** or is declared to -dlopen it."
+ if test "$allow_undefined" = no; then
+ $ECHO "*** Since this library must not contain undefined symbols,"
+ $ECHO "*** because either the platform does not support them or"
+ $ECHO "*** it was explicitly requested with -no-undefined,"
+ $ECHO "*** libtool will only create a static version of it."
+ if test "$build_old_libs" = no; then
+ oldlibs="$output_objdir/$libname.$libext"
+ build_libtool_libs=module
+ build_old_libs=yes
+ else
+ build_libtool_libs=no
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Done checking deplibs!
+ deplibs=$newdeplibs
+ fi
+ # Time to change all our "foo.ltframework" stuff back to "-framework foo"
+ case $host in
+ *-*-darwin*)
+ newdeplibs=`$ECHO "X $newdeplibs" | $Xsed -e 's% \([^ $]*\).ltframework% -framework \1%g'`
+ new_inherited_linker_flags=`$ECHO "X $new_inherited_linker_flags" | $Xsed -e 's% \([^ $]*\).ltframework% -framework \1%g'`
+ deplibs=`$ECHO "X $deplibs" | $Xsed -e 's% \([^ $]*\).ltframework% -framework \1%g'`
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # move library search paths that coincide with paths to not yet
+ # installed libraries to the beginning of the library search list
+ new_libs=
+ for path in $notinst_path; do
+ case " $new_libs " in
+ *" -L$path/$objdir "*) ;;
+ *)
+ case " $deplibs " in
+ *" -L$path/$objdir "*)
+ new_libs="$new_libs -L$path/$objdir" ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ for deplib in $deplibs; do
+ case $deplib in
+ -L*)
+ case " $new_libs " in
+ *" $deplib "*) ;;
+ *) new_libs="$new_libs $deplib" ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *) new_libs="$new_libs $deplib" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ deplibs="$new_libs"
+ # All the library-specific variables (install_libdir is set above).
+ library_names=
+ old_library=
+ dlname=
+ # Test again, we may have decided not to build it any more
+ if test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes; then
+ if test "$hardcode_into_libs" = yes; then
+ # Hardcode the library paths
+ hardcode_libdirs=
+ dep_rpath=
+ rpath="$finalize_rpath"
+ test "$mode" != relink && rpath="$compile_rpath$rpath"
+ for libdir in $rpath; do
+ if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec"; then
+ if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_separator"; then
+ if test -z "$hardcode_libdirs"; then
+ hardcode_libdirs="$libdir"
+ else
+ # Just accumulate the unique libdirs.
+ case $hardcode_libdir_separator$hardcode_libdirs$hardcode_libdir_separator in
+ *"$hardcode_libdir_separator$libdir$hardcode_libdir_separator"*)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ hardcode_libdirs="$hardcode_libdirs$hardcode_libdir_separator$libdir"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ else
+ eval flag=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\"
+ dep_rpath="$dep_rpath $flag"
+ fi
+ elif test -n "$runpath_var"; then
+ case "$perm_rpath " in
+ *" $libdir "*) ;;
+ *) perm_rpath="$perm_rpath $libdir" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ done
+ # Substitute the hardcoded libdirs into the rpath.
+ if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_separator" &&
+ test -n "$hardcode_libdirs"; then
+ libdir="$hardcode_libdirs"
+ if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec_ld"; then
+ eval dep_rpath=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec_ld\"
+ else
+ eval dep_rpath=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test -n "$runpath_var" && test -n "$perm_rpath"; then
+ # We should set the runpath_var.
+ rpath=
+ for dir in $perm_rpath; do
+ rpath="$rpath$dir:"
+ done
+ eval "$runpath_var='$rpath\$$runpath_var'; export $runpath_var"
+ fi
+ test -n "$dep_rpath" && deplibs="$dep_rpath $deplibs"
+ fi
+ shlibpath="$finalize_shlibpath"
+ test "$mode" != relink && shlibpath="$compile_shlibpath$shlibpath"
+ if test -n "$shlibpath"; then
+ eval "$shlibpath_var='$shlibpath\$$shlibpath_var'; export $shlibpath_var"
+ fi
+ # Get the real and link names of the library.
+ eval shared_ext=\"$shrext_cmds\"
+ eval library_names=\"$library_names_spec\"
+ set dummy $library_names
+ shift
+ realname="$1"
+ shift
+ if test -n "$soname_spec"; then
+ eval soname=\"$soname_spec\"
+ else
+ soname="$realname"
+ fi
+ if test -z "$dlname"; then
+ dlname=$soname
+ fi
+ lib="$output_objdir/$realname"
+ linknames=
+ for link
+ do
+ linknames="$linknames $link"
+ done
+ # Use standard objects if they are pic
+ test -z "$pic_flag" && libobjs=`$ECHO "X$libobjs" | $SP2NL | $Xsed -e "$lo2o" | $NL2SP`
+ test "X$libobjs" = "X " && libobjs=
+ delfiles=
+ if test -n "$export_symbols" && test -n "$include_expsyms"; then
+ $opt_dry_run || cp "$export_symbols" "$output_objdir/$libname.uexp"
+ export_symbols="$output_objdir/$libname.uexp"
+ delfiles="$delfiles $export_symbols"
+ fi
+ orig_export_symbols=
+ case $host_os in
+ cygwin* | mingw* | cegcc*)
+ if test -n "$export_symbols" && test -z "$export_symbols_regex"; then
+ # exporting using user supplied symfile
+ if test "x`$SED 1q $export_symbols`" != xEXPORTS; then
+ # and it's NOT already a .def file. Must figure out
+ # which of the given symbols are data symbols and tag
+ # them as such. So, trigger use of export_symbols_cmds.
+ # export_symbols gets reassigned inside the "prepare
+ # the list of exported symbols" if statement, so the
+ # include_expsyms logic still works.
+ orig_export_symbols="$export_symbols"
+ export_symbols=
+ always_export_symbols=yes
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Prepare the list of exported symbols
+ if test -z "$export_symbols"; then
+ if test "$always_export_symbols" = yes || test -n "$export_symbols_regex"; then
+ func_verbose "generating symbol list for \`$'"
+ export_symbols="$output_objdir/$libname.exp"
+ $opt_dry_run || $RM $export_symbols
+ cmds=$export_symbols_cmds
+ save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS='~'
+ for cmd in $cmds; do
+ IFS="$save_ifs"
+ eval cmd=\"$cmd\"
+ func_len " $cmd"
+ len=$func_len_result
+ if test "$len" -lt "$max_cmd_len" || test "$max_cmd_len" -le -1; then
+ func_show_eval "$cmd" 'exit $?'
+ skipped_export=false
+ else
+ # The command line is too long to execute in one step.
+ func_verbose "using reloadable object file for export list..."
+ skipped_export=:
+ # Break out early, otherwise skipped_export may be
+ # set to false by a later but shorter cmd.
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ IFS="$save_ifs"
+ if test -n "$export_symbols_regex" && test "X$skipped_export" != "X:"; then
+ func_show_eval '$EGREP -e "$export_symbols_regex" "$export_symbols" > "${export_symbols}T"'
+ func_show_eval '$MV "${export_symbols}T" "$export_symbols"'
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test -n "$export_symbols" && test -n "$include_expsyms"; then
+ tmp_export_symbols="$export_symbols"
+ test -n "$orig_export_symbols" && tmp_export_symbols="$orig_export_symbols"
+ $opt_dry_run || eval '$ECHO "X$include_expsyms" | $Xsed | $SP2NL >> "$tmp_export_symbols"'
+ fi
+ if test "X$skipped_export" != "X:" && test -n "$orig_export_symbols"; then
+ # The given exports_symbols file has to be filtered, so filter it.
+ func_verbose "filter symbol list for \`$' to tag DATA exports"
+ # FIXME: $output_objdir/$libname.filter potentially contains lots of
+ # 's' commands which not all seds can handle. GNU sed should be fine
+ # though. Also, the filter scales superlinearly with the number of
+ # global variables. join(1) would be nice here, but unfortunately
+ # isn't a blessed tool.
+ $opt_dry_run || $SED -e '/[ ,]DATA/!d;s,\(.*\)\([ \,].*\),s|^\1$|\1\2|,' < $export_symbols > $output_objdir/$libname.filter
+ delfiles="$delfiles $export_symbols $output_objdir/$libname.filter"
+ export_symbols=$output_objdir/$libname.def
+ $opt_dry_run || $SED -f $output_objdir/$libname.filter < $orig_export_symbols > $export_symbols
+ fi
+ tmp_deplibs=
+ for test_deplib in $deplibs; do
+ case " $convenience " in
+ *" $test_deplib "*) ;;
+ *)
+ tmp_deplibs="$tmp_deplibs $test_deplib"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ deplibs="$tmp_deplibs"
+ if test -n "$convenience"; then
+ if test -n "$whole_archive_flag_spec" &&
+ test "$compiler_needs_object" = yes &&
+ test -z "$libobjs"; then
+ # extract the archives, so we have objects to list.
+ # TODO: could optimize this to just extract one archive.
+ whole_archive_flag_spec=
+ fi
+ if test -n "$whole_archive_flag_spec"; then
+ save_libobjs=$libobjs
+ eval libobjs=\"\$libobjs $whole_archive_flag_spec\"
+ test "X$libobjs" = "X " && libobjs=
+ else
+ gentop="$output_objdir/${outputname}x"
+ generated="$generated $gentop"
+ func_extract_archives $gentop $convenience
+ libobjs="$libobjs $func_extract_archives_result"
+ test "X$libobjs" = "X " && libobjs=
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test "$thread_safe" = yes && test -n "$thread_safe_flag_spec"; then
+ eval flag=\"$thread_safe_flag_spec\"
+ linker_flags="$linker_flags $flag"
+ fi
+ # Make a backup of the uninstalled library when relinking
+ if test "$mode" = relink; then
+ $opt_dry_run || eval '(cd $output_objdir && $RM ${realname}U && $MV $realname ${realname}U)' || exit $?
+ fi
+ # Do each of the archive commands.
+ if test "$module" = yes && test -n "$module_cmds" ; then
+ if test -n "$export_symbols" && test -n "$module_expsym_cmds"; then
+ eval test_cmds=\"$module_expsym_cmds\"
+ cmds=$module_expsym_cmds
+ else
+ eval test_cmds=\"$module_cmds\"
+ cmds=$module_cmds
+ fi
+ else
+ if test -n "$export_symbols" && test -n "$archive_expsym_cmds"; then
+ eval test_cmds=\"$archive_expsym_cmds\"
+ cmds=$archive_expsym_cmds
+ else
+ eval test_cmds=\"$archive_cmds\"
+ cmds=$archive_cmds
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test "X$skipped_export" != "X:" &&
+ func_len " $test_cmds" &&
+ len=$func_len_result &&
+ test "$len" -lt "$max_cmd_len" || test "$max_cmd_len" -le -1; then
+ :
+ else
+ # The command line is too long to link in one step, link piecewise
+ # or, if using GNU ld and skipped_export is not :, use a linker
+ # script.
+ # Save the value of $output and $libobjs because we want to
+ # use them later. If we have whole_archive_flag_spec, we
+ # want to use save_libobjs as it was before
+ # whole_archive_flag_spec was expanded, because we can't
+ # assume the linker understands whole_archive_flag_spec.
+ # This may have to be revisited, in case too many
+ # convenience libraries get linked in and end up exceeding
+ # the spec.
+ if test -z "$convenience" || test -z "$whole_archive_flag_spec"; then
+ save_libobjs=$libobjs
+ fi
+ save_output=$output
+ output_la=`$ECHO "X$output" | $Xsed -e "$basename"`
+ # Clear the reloadable object creation command queue and
+ # initialize k to one.
+ test_cmds=
+ concat_cmds=
+ objlist=
+ last_robj=
+ k=1
+ if test -n "$save_libobjs" && test "X$skipped_export" != "X:" && test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then
+ output=${output_objdir}/${output_la}.lnkscript
+ func_verbose "creating GNU ld script: $output"
+ $ECHO 'INPUT (' > $output
+ for obj in $save_libobjs
+ do
+ $ECHO "$obj" >> $output
+ done
+ $ECHO ')' >> $output
+ delfiles="$delfiles $output"
+ elif test -n "$save_libobjs" && test "X$skipped_export" != "X:" && test "X$file_list_spec" != X; then
+ output=${output_objdir}/${output_la}.lnk
+ func_verbose "creating linker input file list: $output"
+ : > $output
+ set x $save_libobjs
+ shift
+ firstobj=
+ if test "$compiler_needs_object" = yes; then
+ firstobj="$1 "
+ shift
+ fi
+ for obj
+ do
+ $ECHO "$obj" >> $output
+ done
+ delfiles="$delfiles $output"
+ output=$firstobj\"$file_list_spec$output\"
+ else
+ if test -n "$save_libobjs"; then
+ func_verbose "creating reloadable object files..."
+ output=$output_objdir/$output_la-${k}.$objext
+ eval test_cmds=\"$reload_cmds\"
+ func_len " $test_cmds"
+ len0=$func_len_result
+ len=$len0
+ # Loop over the list of objects to be linked.
+ for obj in $save_libobjs
+ do
+ func_len " $obj"
+ func_arith $len + $func_len_result
+ len=$func_arith_result
+ if test "X$objlist" = X ||
+ test "$len" -lt "$max_cmd_len"; then
+ func_append objlist " $obj"
+ else
+ # The command $test_cmds is almost too long, add a
+ # command to the queue.
+ if test "$k" -eq 1 ; then
+ # The first file doesn't have a previous command to add.
+ eval concat_cmds=\"$reload_cmds $objlist $last_robj\"
+ else
+ # All subsequent reloadable object files will link in
+ # the last one created.
+ eval concat_cmds=\"\$concat_cmds~$reload_cmds $objlist $last_robj~\$RM $last_robj\"
+ fi
+ last_robj=$output_objdir/$output_la-${k}.$objext
+ func_arith $k + 1
+ k=$func_arith_result
+ output=$output_objdir/$output_la-${k}.$objext
+ objlist=$obj
+ func_len " $last_robj"
+ func_arith $len0 + $func_len_result
+ len=$func_arith_result
+ fi
+ done
+ # Handle the remaining objects by creating one last
+ # reloadable object file. All subsequent reloadable object
+ # files will link in the last one created.
+ test -z "$concat_cmds" || concat_cmds=$concat_cmds~
+ eval concat_cmds=\"\${concat_cmds}$reload_cmds $objlist $last_robj\"
+ if test -n "$last_robj"; then
+ eval concat_cmds=\"\${concat_cmds}~\$RM $last_robj\"
+ fi
+ delfiles="$delfiles $output"
+ else
+ output=
+ fi
+ if ${skipped_export-false}; then
+ func_verbose "generating symbol list for \`$'"
+ export_symbols="$output_objdir/$libname.exp"
+ $opt_dry_run || $RM $export_symbols
+ libobjs=$output
+ # Append the command to create the export file.
+ test -z "$concat_cmds" || concat_cmds=$concat_cmds~
+ eval concat_cmds=\"\$concat_cmds$export_symbols_cmds\"
+ if test -n "$last_robj"; then
+ eval concat_cmds=\"\$concat_cmds~\$RM $last_robj\"
+ fi
+ fi
+ test -n "$save_libobjs" &&
+ func_verbose "creating a temporary reloadable object file: $output"
+ # Loop through the commands generated above and execute them.
+ save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS='~'
+ for cmd in $concat_cmds; do
+ IFS="$save_ifs"
+ $opt_silent || {
+ func_quote_for_expand "$cmd"
+ eval "func_echo $func_quote_for_expand_result"
+ }
+ $opt_dry_run || eval "$cmd" || {
+ lt_exit=$?
+ # Restore the uninstalled library and exit
+ if test "$mode" = relink; then
+ ( cd "$output_objdir" && \
+ $RM "${realname}T" && \
+ $MV "${realname}U" "$realname" )
+ fi
+ exit $lt_exit
+ }
+ done
+ IFS="$save_ifs"
+ if test -n "$export_symbols_regex" && ${skipped_export-false}; then
+ func_show_eval '$EGREP -e "$export_symbols_regex" "$export_symbols" > "${export_symbols}T"'
+ func_show_eval '$MV "${export_symbols}T" "$export_symbols"'
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ${skipped_export-false}; then
+ if test -n "$export_symbols" && test -n "$include_expsyms"; then
+ tmp_export_symbols="$export_symbols"
+ test -n "$orig_export_symbols" && tmp_export_symbols="$orig_export_symbols"
+ $opt_dry_run || eval '$ECHO "X$include_expsyms" | $Xsed | $SP2NL >> "$tmp_export_symbols"'
+ fi
+ if test -n "$orig_export_symbols"; then
+ # The given exports_symbols file has to be filtered, so filter it.
+ func_verbose "filter symbol list for \`$' to tag DATA exports"
+ # FIXME: $output_objdir/$libname.filter potentially contains lots of
+ # 's' commands which not all seds can handle. GNU sed should be fine
+ # though. Also, the filter scales superlinearly with the number of
+ # global variables. join(1) would be nice here, but unfortunately
+ # isn't a blessed tool.
+ $opt_dry_run || $SED -e '/[ ,]DATA/!d;s,\(.*\)\([ \,].*\),s|^\1$|\1\2|,' < $export_symbols > $output_objdir/$libname.filter
+ delfiles="$delfiles $export_symbols $output_objdir/$libname.filter"
+ export_symbols=$output_objdir/$libname.def
+ $opt_dry_run || $SED -f $output_objdir/$libname.filter < $orig_export_symbols > $export_symbols
+ fi
+ fi
+ libobjs=$output
+ # Restore the value of output.
+ output=$save_output
+ if test -n "$convenience" && test -n "$whole_archive_flag_spec"; then
+ eval libobjs=\"\$libobjs $whole_archive_flag_spec\"
+ test "X$libobjs" = "X " && libobjs=
+ fi
+ # Expand the library linking commands again to reset the
+ # value of $libobjs for piecewise linking.
+ # Do each of the archive commands.
+ if test "$module" = yes && test -n "$module_cmds" ; then
+ if test -n "$export_symbols" && test -n "$module_expsym_cmds"; then
+ cmds=$module_expsym_cmds
+ else
+ cmds=$module_cmds
+ fi
+ else
+ if test -n "$export_symbols" && test -n "$archive_expsym_cmds"; then
+ cmds=$archive_expsym_cmds
+ else
+ cmds=$archive_cmds
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test -n "$delfiles"; then
+ # Append the command to remove temporary files to $cmds.
+ eval cmds=\"\$cmds~\$RM $delfiles\"
+ fi
+ # Add any objects from preloaded convenience libraries
+ if test -n "$dlprefiles"; then
+ gentop="$output_objdir/${outputname}x"
+ generated="$generated $gentop"
+ func_extract_archives $gentop $dlprefiles
+ libobjs="$libobjs $func_extract_archives_result"
+ test "X$libobjs" = "X " && libobjs=
+ fi
+ save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS='~'
+ for cmd in $cmds; do
+ IFS="$save_ifs"
+ eval cmd=\"$cmd\"
+ $opt_silent || {
+ func_quote_for_expand "$cmd"
+ eval "func_echo $func_quote_for_expand_result"
+ }
+ $opt_dry_run || eval "$cmd" || {
+ lt_exit=$?
+ # Restore the uninstalled library and exit
+ if test "$mode" = relink; then
+ ( cd "$output_objdir" && \
+ $RM "${realname}T" && \
+ $MV "${realname}U" "$realname" )
+ fi
+ exit $lt_exit
+ }
+ done
+ IFS="$save_ifs"
+ # Restore the uninstalled library and exit
+ if test "$mode" = relink; then
+ $opt_dry_run || eval '(cd $output_objdir && $RM ${realname}T && $MV $realname ${realname}T && $MV ${realname}U $realname)' || exit $?
+ if test -n "$convenience"; then
+ if test -z "$whole_archive_flag_spec"; then
+ func_show_eval '${RM}r "$gentop"'
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Create links to the real library.
+ for linkname in $linknames; do
+ if test "$realname" != "$linkname"; then
+ func_show_eval '(cd "$output_objdir" && $RM "$linkname" && $LN_S "$realname" "$linkname")' 'exit $?'
+ fi
+ done
+ # If -module or -export-dynamic was specified, set the dlname.
+ if test "$module" = yes || test "$export_dynamic" = yes; then
+ # On all known operating systems, these are identical.
+ dlname="$soname"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ obj)
+ if test -n "$dlfiles$dlprefiles" || test "$dlself" != no; then
+ func_warning "\`-dlopen' is ignored for objects"
+ fi
+ case " $deplibs" in
+ *\ -l* | *\ -L*)
+ func_warning "\`-l' and \`-L' are ignored for objects" ;;
+ esac
+ test -n "$rpath" && \
+ func_warning "\`-rpath' is ignored for objects"
+ test -n "$xrpath" && \
+ func_warning "\`-R' is ignored for objects"
+ test -n "$vinfo" && \
+ func_warning "\`-version-info' is ignored for objects"
+ test -n "$release" && \
+ func_warning "\`-release' is ignored for objects"
+ case $output in
+ *.lo)
+ test -n "$objs$old_deplibs" && \
+ func_fatal_error "cannot build library object \`$output' from non-libtool objects"
+ libobj=$output
+ func_lo2o "$libobj"
+ obj=$func_lo2o_result
+ ;;
+ *)
+ libobj=
+ obj="$output"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Delete the old objects.
+ $opt_dry_run || $RM $obj $libobj
+ # Objects from convenience libraries. This assumes
+ # single-version convenience libraries. Whenever we create
+ # different ones for PIC/non-PIC, this we'll have to duplicate
+ # the extraction.
+ reload_conv_objs=
+ gentop=
+ # reload_cmds runs $LD directly, so let us get rid of
+ # -Wl from whole_archive_flag_spec and hope we can get by with
+ # turning comma into space..
+ wl=
+ if test -n "$convenience"; then
+ if test -n "$whole_archive_flag_spec"; then
+ eval tmp_whole_archive_flags=\"$whole_archive_flag_spec\"
+ reload_conv_objs=$reload_objs\ `$ECHO "X$tmp_whole_archive_flags" | $Xsed -e 's|,| |g'`
+ else
+ gentop="$output_objdir/${obj}x"
+ generated="$generated $gentop"
+ func_extract_archives $gentop $convenience
+ reload_conv_objs="$reload_objs $func_extract_archives_result"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Create the old-style object.
+ reload_objs="$objs$old_deplibs "`$ECHO "X$libobjs" | $SP2NL | $Xsed -e '/\.'${libext}$'/d' -e '/\.lib$/d' -e "$lo2o" | $NL2SP`" $reload_conv_objs" ### testsuite: skip nested quoting test
+ output="$obj"
+ func_execute_cmds "$reload_cmds" 'exit $?'
+ # Exit if we aren't doing a library object file.
+ if test -z "$libobj"; then
+ if test -n "$gentop"; then
+ func_show_eval '${RM}r "$gentop"'
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test "$build_libtool_libs" != yes; then
+ if test -n "$gentop"; then
+ func_show_eval '${RM}r "$gentop"'
+ fi
+ # Create an invalid libtool object if no PIC, so that we don't
+ # accidentally link it into a program.
+ # $show "echo timestamp > $libobj"
+ # $opt_dry_run || eval "echo timestamp > $libobj" || exit $?
+ fi
+ if test -n "$pic_flag" || test "$pic_mode" != default; then
+ # Only do commands if we really have different PIC objects.
+ reload_objs="$libobjs $reload_conv_objs"
+ output="$libobj"
+ func_execute_cmds "$reload_cmds" 'exit $?'
+ fi
+ if test -n "$gentop"; then
+ func_show_eval '${RM}r "$gentop"'
+ fi
+ ;;
+ prog)
+ case $host in
+ *cygwin*) func_stripname '' '.exe' "$output"
+ output=$func_stripname_result.exe;;
+ esac
+ test -n "$vinfo" && \
+ func_warning "\`-version-info' is ignored for programs"
+ test -n "$release" && \
+ func_warning "\`-release' is ignored for programs"
+ test "$preload" = yes \
+ && test "$dlopen_support" = unknown \
+ && test "$dlopen_self" = unknown \
+ && test "$dlopen_self_static" = unknown && \
+ func_warning "\`LT_INIT([dlopen])' not used. Assuming no dlopen support."
+ case $host in
+ *-*-rhapsody* | *-*-darwin1.[012])
+ # On Rhapsody replace the C library is the System framework
+ compile_deplibs=`$ECHO "X $compile_deplibs" | $Xsed -e 's/ -lc / System.ltframework /'`
+ finalize_deplibs=`$ECHO "X $finalize_deplibs" | $Xsed -e 's/ -lc / System.ltframework /'`
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case $host in
+ *-*-darwin*)
+ # Don't allow lazy linking, it breaks C++ global constructors
+ # But is supposedly fixed on 10.4 or later (yay!).
+ if test "$tagname" = CXX ; then
+ 10.[0123])
+ compile_command="$compile_command ${wl}-bind_at_load"
+ finalize_command="$finalize_command ${wl}-bind_at_load"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # Time to change all our "foo.ltframework" stuff back to "-framework foo"
+ compile_deplibs=`$ECHO "X $compile_deplibs" | $Xsed -e 's% \([^ $]*\).ltframework% -framework \1%g'`
+ finalize_deplibs=`$ECHO "X $finalize_deplibs" | $Xsed -e 's% \([^ $]*\).ltframework% -framework \1%g'`
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # move library search paths that coincide with paths to not yet
+ # installed libraries to the beginning of the library search list
+ new_libs=
+ for path in $notinst_path; do
+ case " $new_libs " in
+ *" -L$path/$objdir "*) ;;
+ *)
+ case " $compile_deplibs " in
+ *" -L$path/$objdir "*)
+ new_libs="$new_libs -L$path/$objdir" ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ for deplib in $compile_deplibs; do
+ case $deplib in
+ -L*)
+ case " $new_libs " in
+ *" $deplib "*) ;;
+ *) new_libs="$new_libs $deplib" ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *) new_libs="$new_libs $deplib" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ compile_deplibs="$new_libs"
+ compile_command="$compile_command $compile_deplibs"
+ finalize_command="$finalize_command $finalize_deplibs"
+ if test -n "$rpath$xrpath"; then
+ # If the user specified any rpath flags, then add them.
+ for libdir in $rpath $xrpath; do
+ # This is the magic to use -rpath.
+ case "$finalize_rpath " in
+ *" $libdir "*) ;;
+ *) finalize_rpath="$finalize_rpath $libdir" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ fi
+ # Now hardcode the library paths
+ rpath=
+ hardcode_libdirs=
+ for libdir in $compile_rpath $finalize_rpath; do
+ if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec"; then
+ if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_separator"; then
+ if test -z "$hardcode_libdirs"; then
+ hardcode_libdirs="$libdir"
+ else
+ # Just accumulate the unique libdirs.
+ case $hardcode_libdir_separator$hardcode_libdirs$hardcode_libdir_separator in
+ *"$hardcode_libdir_separator$libdir$hardcode_libdir_separator"*)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ hardcode_libdirs="$hardcode_libdirs$hardcode_libdir_separator$libdir"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ else
+ eval flag=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\"
+ rpath="$rpath $flag"
+ fi
+ elif test -n "$runpath_var"; then
+ case "$perm_rpath " in
+ *" $libdir "*) ;;
+ *) perm_rpath="$perm_rpath $libdir" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ case $host in
+ *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-pw32* | *-*-os2* | *-cegcc*)
+ testbindir=`${ECHO} "$libdir" | ${SED} -e 's*/lib$*/bin*'`
+ case :$dllsearchpath: in
+ *":$libdir:"*) ;;
+ ::) dllsearchpath=$libdir;;
+ *) dllsearchpath="$dllsearchpath:$libdir";;
+ esac
+ case :$dllsearchpath: in
+ *":$testbindir:"*) ;;
+ ::) dllsearchpath=$testbindir;;
+ *) dllsearchpath="$dllsearchpath:$testbindir";;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # Substitute the hardcoded libdirs into the rpath.
+ if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_separator" &&
+ test -n "$hardcode_libdirs"; then
+ libdir="$hardcode_libdirs"
+ eval rpath=\" $hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\"
+ fi
+ compile_rpath="$rpath"
+ rpath=
+ hardcode_libdirs=
+ for libdir in $finalize_rpath; do
+ if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec"; then
+ if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_separator"; then
+ if test -z "$hardcode_libdirs"; then
+ hardcode_libdirs="$libdir"
+ else
+ # Just accumulate the unique libdirs.
+ case $hardcode_libdir_separator$hardcode_libdirs$hardcode_libdir_separator in
+ *"$hardcode_libdir_separator$libdir$hardcode_libdir_separator"*)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ hardcode_libdirs="$hardcode_libdirs$hardcode_libdir_separator$libdir"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ else
+ eval flag=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\"
+ rpath="$rpath $flag"
+ fi
+ elif test -n "$runpath_var"; then
+ case "$finalize_perm_rpath " in
+ *" $libdir "*) ;;
+ *) finalize_perm_rpath="$finalize_perm_rpath $libdir" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ done
+ # Substitute the hardcoded libdirs into the rpath.
+ if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_separator" &&
+ test -n "$hardcode_libdirs"; then
+ libdir="$hardcode_libdirs"
+ eval rpath=\" $hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\"
+ fi
+ finalize_rpath="$rpath"
+ if test -n "$libobjs" && test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then
+ # Transform all the library objects into standard objects.
+ compile_command=`$ECHO "X$compile_command" | $SP2NL | $Xsed -e "$lo2o" | $NL2SP`
+ finalize_command=`$ECHO "X$finalize_command" | $SP2NL | $Xsed -e "$lo2o" | $NL2SP`
+ fi
+ func_generate_dlsyms "$outputname" "@PROGRAM@" "no"
+ # template prelinking step
+ if test -n "$prelink_cmds"; then
+ func_execute_cmds "$prelink_cmds" 'exit $?'
+ fi
+ wrappers_required=yes
+ case $host in
+ *cygwin* | *mingw* )
+ if test "$build_libtool_libs" != yes; then
+ wrappers_required=no
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *cegcc)
+ # Disable wrappers for cegcc, we are cross compiling anyway.
+ wrappers_required=no
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if test "$need_relink" = no || test "$build_libtool_libs" != yes; then
+ wrappers_required=no
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test "$wrappers_required" = no; then
+ # Replace the output file specification.
+ compile_command=`$ECHO "X$compile_command" | $Xsed -e 's%@OUTPUT@%'"$output"'%g'`
+ link_command="$compile_command$compile_rpath"
+ # We have no uninstalled library dependencies, so finalize right now.
+ exit_status=0
+ func_show_eval "$link_command" 'exit_status=$?'
+ # Delete the generated files.
+ if test -f "$output_objdir/${outputname}S.${objext}"; then
+ func_show_eval '$RM "$output_objdir/${outputname}S.${objext}"'
+ fi
+ exit $exit_status
+ fi
+ if test -n "$compile_shlibpath$finalize_shlibpath"; then
+ compile_command="$shlibpath_var=\"$compile_shlibpath$finalize_shlibpath\$$shlibpath_var\" $compile_command"
+ fi
+ if test -n "$finalize_shlibpath"; then
+ finalize_command="$shlibpath_var=\"$finalize_shlibpath\$$shlibpath_var\" $finalize_command"
+ fi
+ compile_var=
+ finalize_var=
+ if test -n "$runpath_var"; then
+ if test -n "$perm_rpath"; then
+ # We should set the runpath_var.
+ rpath=
+ for dir in $perm_rpath; do
+ rpath="$rpath$dir:"
+ done
+ compile_var="$runpath_var=\"$rpath\$$runpath_var\" "
+ fi
+ if test -n "$finalize_perm_rpath"; then
+ # We should set the runpath_var.
+ rpath=
+ for dir in $finalize_perm_rpath; do
+ rpath="$rpath$dir:"
+ done
+ finalize_var="$runpath_var=\"$rpath\$$runpath_var\" "
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test "$no_install" = yes; then
+ # We don't need to create a wrapper script.
+ link_command="$compile_var$compile_command$compile_rpath"
+ # Replace the output file specification.
+ link_command=`$ECHO "X$link_command" | $Xsed -e 's%@OUTPUT@%'"$output"'%g'`
+ # Delete the old output file.
+ $opt_dry_run || $RM $output
+ # Link the executable and exit
+ func_show_eval "$link_command" 'exit $?'
+ fi
+ if test "$hardcode_action" = relink; then
+ # Fast installation is not supported
+ link_command="$compile_var$compile_command$compile_rpath"
+ relink_command="$finalize_var$finalize_command$finalize_rpath"
+ func_warning "this platform does not like uninstalled shared libraries"
+ func_warning "\`$output' will be relinked during installation"
+ else
+ if test "$fast_install" != no; then
+ link_command="$finalize_var$compile_command$finalize_rpath"
+ if test "$fast_install" = yes; then
+ relink_command=`$ECHO "X$compile_var$compile_command$compile_rpath" | $Xsed -e 's%@OUTPUT@%\$progdir/\$file%g'`
+ else
+ # fast_install is set to needless
+ relink_command=
+ fi
+ else
+ link_command="$compile_var$compile_command$compile_rpath"
+ relink_command="$finalize_var$finalize_command$finalize_rpath"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Replace the output file specification.
+ link_command=`$ECHO "X$link_command" | $Xsed -e 's%@OUTPUT@%'"$output_objdir/$outputname"'%g'`
+ # Delete the old output files.
+ $opt_dry_run || $RM $output $output_objdir/$outputname $output_objdir/lt-$outputname
+ func_show_eval "$link_command" 'exit $?'
+ # Now create the wrapper script.
+ func_verbose "creating $output"
+ # Quote the relink command for shipping.
+ if test -n "$relink_command"; then
+ # Preserve any variables that may affect compiler behavior
+ for var in $variables_saved_for_relink; do
+ if eval test -z \"\${$var+set}\"; then
+ relink_command="{ test -z \"\${$var+set}\" || $lt_unset $var || { $var=; export $var; }; }; $relink_command"
+ elif eval var_value=\$$var; test -z "$var_value"; then
+ relink_command="$var=; export $var; $relink_command"
+ else
+ func_quote_for_eval "$var_value"
+ relink_command="$var=$func_quote_for_eval_result; export $var; $relink_command"
+ fi
+ done
+ relink_command="(cd `pwd`; $relink_command)"
+ relink_command=`$ECHO "X$relink_command" | $Xsed -e "$sed_quote_subst"`
+ fi
+ # Quote $ECHO for shipping.
+ if test "X$ECHO" = "X$SHELL $progpath --fallback-echo"; then
+ case $progpath in
+ [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) qecho="$SHELL $progpath --fallback-echo";;
+ *) qecho="$SHELL `pwd`/$progpath --fallback-echo";;
+ esac
+ qecho=`$ECHO "X$qecho" | $Xsed -e "$sed_quote_subst"`
+ else
+ qecho=`$ECHO "X$ECHO" | $Xsed -e "$sed_quote_subst"`
+ fi
+ # Only actually do things if not in dry run mode.
+ $opt_dry_run || {
+ # win32 will think the script is a binary if it has
+ # a .exe suffix, so we strip it off here.
+ case $output in
+ *.exe) func_stripname '' '.exe' "$output"
+ output=$func_stripname_result ;;
+ esac
+ # test for cygwin because mv fails w/o .exe extensions
+ case $host in
+ *cygwin*)
+ exeext=.exe
+ func_stripname '' '.exe' "$outputname"
+ outputname=$func_stripname_result ;;
+ *) exeext= ;;
+ esac
+ case $host in
+ *cygwin* | *mingw* )
+ func_dirname_and_basename "$output" "" "."
+ output_name=$func_basename_result
+ output_path=$func_dirname_result
+ cwrappersource="$output_path/$objdir/lt-$output_name.c"
+ cwrapper="$output_path/$output_name.exe"
+ $RM $cwrappersource $cwrapper
+ trap "$RM $cwrappersource $cwrapper; exit $EXIT_FAILURE" 1 2 15
+ func_emit_cwrapperexe_src > $cwrappersource
+ # The wrapper executable is built using the $host compiler,
+ # because it contains $host paths and files. If cross-
+ # compiling, it, like the target executable, must be
+ # executed on the $host or under an emulation environment.
+ $opt_dry_run || {
+ $LTCC $LTCFLAGS -o $cwrapper $cwrappersource
+ $STRIP $cwrapper
+ }
+ # Now, create the wrapper script for func_source use:
+ func_ltwrapper_scriptname $cwrapper
+ $RM $func_ltwrapper_scriptname_result
+ trap "$RM $func_ltwrapper_scriptname_result; exit $EXIT_FAILURE" 1 2 15
+ $opt_dry_run || {
+ # note: this script will not be executed, so do not chmod.
+ if test "x$build" = "x$host" ; then
+ $cwrapper --lt-dump-script > $func_ltwrapper_scriptname_result
+ else
+ func_emit_wrapper no > $func_ltwrapper_scriptname_result
+ fi
+ }
+ ;;
+ * )
+ $RM $output
+ trap "$RM $output; exit $EXIT_FAILURE" 1 2 15
+ func_emit_wrapper no > $output
+ chmod +x $output
+ ;;
+ esac
+ }
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # See if we need to build an old-fashioned archive.
+ for oldlib in $oldlibs; do
+ if test "$build_libtool_libs" = convenience; then
+ oldobjs="$libobjs_save $symfileobj"
+ addlibs="$convenience"
+ build_libtool_libs=no
+ else
+ if test "$build_libtool_libs" = module; then
+ oldobjs="$libobjs_save"
+ build_libtool_libs=no
+ else
+ oldobjs="$old_deplibs $non_pic_objects"
+ if test "$preload" = yes && test -f "$symfileobj"; then
+ oldobjs="$oldobjs $symfileobj"
+ fi
+ fi
+ addlibs="$old_convenience"
+ fi
+ if test -n "$addlibs"; then
+ gentop="$output_objdir/${outputname}x"
+ generated="$generated $gentop"
+ func_extract_archives $gentop $addlibs
+ oldobjs="$oldobjs $func_extract_archives_result"
+ fi
+ # Do each command in the archive commands.
+ if test -n "$old_archive_from_new_cmds" && test "$build_libtool_libs" = yes; then
+ cmds=$old_archive_from_new_cmds
+ else
+ # Add any objects from preloaded convenience libraries
+ if test -n "$dlprefiles"; then
+ gentop="$output_objdir/${outputname}x"
+ generated="$generated $gentop"
+ func_extract_archives $gentop $dlprefiles
+ oldobjs="$oldobjs $func_extract_archives_result"
+ fi
+ # POSIX demands no paths to be encoded in archives. We have
+ # to avoid creating archives with duplicate basenames if we
+ # might have to extract them afterwards, e.g., when creating a
+ # static archive out of a convenience library, or when linking
+ # the entirety of a libtool archive into another (currently
+ # not supported by libtool).
+ if (for obj in $oldobjs
+ do
+ func_basename "$obj"
+ $ECHO "$func_basename_result"
+ done | sort | sort -uc >/dev/null 2>&1); then
+ :
+ else
+ $ECHO "copying selected object files to avoid basename conflicts..."
+ gentop="$output_objdir/${outputname}x"
+ generated="$generated $gentop"
+ func_mkdir_p "$gentop"
+ save_oldobjs=$oldobjs
+ oldobjs=
+ counter=1
+ for obj in $save_oldobjs
+ do
+ func_basename "$obj"
+ objbase="$func_basename_result"
+ case " $oldobjs " in
+ " ") oldobjs=$obj ;;
+ *[\ /]"$objbase "*)
+ while :; do
+ # Make sure we don't pick an alternate name that also
+ # overlaps.
+ newobj=lt$counter-$objbase
+ func_arith $counter + 1
+ counter=$func_arith_result
+ case " $oldobjs " in
+ *[\ /]"$newobj "*) ;;
+ *) if test ! -f "$gentop/$newobj"; then break; fi ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ func_show_eval "ln $obj $gentop/$newobj || cp $obj $gentop/$newobj"
+ oldobjs="$oldobjs $gentop/$newobj"
+ ;;
+ *) oldobjs="$oldobjs $obj" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ fi
+ eval cmds=\"$old_archive_cmds\"
+ func_len " $cmds"
+ len=$func_len_result
+ if test "$len" -lt "$max_cmd_len" || test "$max_cmd_len" -le -1; then
+ cmds=$old_archive_cmds
+ else
+ # the command line is too long to link in one step, link in parts
+ func_verbose "using piecewise archive linking..."
+ objlist=
+ concat_cmds=
+ save_oldobjs=$oldobjs
+ oldobjs=
+ # Is there a better way of finding the last object in the list?
+ for obj in $save_oldobjs
+ do
+ last_oldobj=$obj
+ done
+ eval test_cmds=\"$old_archive_cmds\"
+ func_len " $test_cmds"
+ len0=$func_len_result
+ len=$len0
+ for obj in $save_oldobjs
+ do
+ func_len " $obj"
+ func_arith $len + $func_len_result
+ len=$func_arith_result
+ func_append objlist " $obj"
+ if test "$len" -lt "$max_cmd_len"; then
+ :
+ else
+ # the above command should be used before it gets too long
+ oldobjs=$objlist
+ if test "$obj" = "$last_oldobj" ; then
+ fi
+ test -z "$concat_cmds" || concat_cmds=$concat_cmds~
+ eval concat_cmds=\"\${concat_cmds}$old_archive_cmds\"
+ objlist=
+ len=$len0
+ fi
+ done
+ oldobjs=$objlist
+ if test "X$oldobjs" = "X" ; then
+ eval cmds=\"\$concat_cmds\"
+ else
+ eval cmds=\"\$concat_cmds~\$old_archive_cmds\"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ func_execute_cmds "$cmds" 'exit $?'
+ done
+ test -n "$generated" && \
+ func_show_eval "${RM}r$generated"
+ # Now create the libtool archive.
+ case $output in
+ *.la)
+ old_library=
+ test "$build_old_libs" = yes && old_library="$libname.$libext"
+ func_verbose "creating $output"
+ # Preserve any variables that may affect compiler behavior
+ for var in $variables_saved_for_relink; do
+ if eval test -z \"\${$var+set}\"; then
+ relink_command="{ test -z \"\${$var+set}\" || $lt_unset $var || { $var=; export $var; }; }; $relink_command"
+ elif eval var_value=\$$var; test -z "$var_value"; then
+ relink_command="$var=; export $var; $relink_command"
+ else
+ func_quote_for_eval "$var_value"
+ relink_command="$var=$func_quote_for_eval_result; export $var; $relink_command"
+ fi
+ done
+ # Quote the link command for shipping.
+ relink_command="(cd `pwd`; $SHELL $progpath $preserve_args --mode=relink $libtool_args @inst_prefix_dir@)"
+ relink_command=`$ECHO "X$relink_command" | $Xsed -e "$sed_quote_subst"`
+ if test "$hardcode_automatic" = yes ; then
+ relink_command=
+ fi
+ # Only create the output if not a dry run.
+ $opt_dry_run || {
+ for installed in no yes; do
+ if test "$installed" = yes; then
+ if test -z "$install_libdir"; then
+ break
+ fi
+ output="$output_objdir/$outputname"i
+ # Replace all uninstalled libtool libraries with the installed ones
+ newdependency_libs=
+ for deplib in $dependency_libs; do
+ case $deplib in
+ *.la)
+ func_basename "$deplib"
+ name="$func_basename_result"
+ eval libdir=`${SED} -n -e 's/^libdir=\(.*\)$/\1/p' $deplib`
+ test -z "$libdir" && \
+ func_fatal_error "\`$deplib' is not a valid libtool archive"
+ newdependency_libs="$newdependency_libs $libdir/$name"
+ ;;
+ *) newdependency_libs="$newdependency_libs $deplib" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ dependency_libs="$newdependency_libs"
+ newdlfiles=
+ for lib in $dlfiles; do
+ case $lib in
+ *.la)
+ func_basename "$lib"
+ name="$func_basename_result"
+ eval libdir=`${SED} -n -e 's/^libdir=\(.*\)$/\1/p' $lib`
+ test -z "$libdir" && \
+ func_fatal_error "\`$lib' is not a valid libtool archive"
+ newdlfiles="$newdlfiles $libdir/$name"
+ ;;
+ *) newdlfiles="$newdlfiles $lib" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ dlfiles="$newdlfiles"
+ newdlprefiles=
+ for lib in $dlprefiles; do
+ case $lib in
+ *.la)
+ # Only pass preopened files to the pseudo-archive (for
+ # eventual linking with the app. that links it) if we
+ # didn't already link the preopened objects directly into
+ # the library:
+ func_basename "$lib"
+ name="$func_basename_result"
+ eval libdir=`${SED} -n -e 's/^libdir=\(.*\)$/\1/p' $lib`
+ test -z "$libdir" && \
+ func_fatal_error "\`$lib' is not a valid libtool archive"
+ newdlprefiles="$newdlprefiles $libdir/$name"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ dlprefiles="$newdlprefiles"
+ else
+ newdlfiles=
+ for lib in $dlfiles; do
+ case $lib in
+ [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) abs="$lib" ;;
+ *) abs=`pwd`"/$lib" ;;
+ esac
+ newdlfiles="$newdlfiles $abs"
+ done
+ dlfiles="$newdlfiles"
+ newdlprefiles=
+ for lib in $dlprefiles; do
+ case $lib in
+ [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) abs="$lib" ;;
+ *) abs=`pwd`"/$lib" ;;
+ esac
+ newdlprefiles="$newdlprefiles $abs"
+ done
+ dlprefiles="$newdlprefiles"
+ fi
+ $RM $output
+ # place dlname in correct position for cygwin
+ tdlname=$dlname
+ case $host,$output,$installed,$module,$dlname in
+ *cygwin*,*lai,yes,no,*.dll | *mingw*,*lai,yes,no,*.dll | *cegcc*,*lai,yes,no,*.dll) tdlname=../bin/$dlname ;;
+ esac
+ $ECHO > $output "\
+# $outputname - a libtool library file
+# Please DO NOT delete this file!
+# It is necessary for linking the library.
+# The name that we can dlopen(3).
+# Names of this library.
+# The name of the static archive.
+# Linker flags that can not go in dependency_libs.
+# Libraries that this one depends upon.
+# Names of additional weak libraries provided by this library
+# Version information for $libname.
+# Is this an already installed library?
+# Should we warn about portability when linking against -modules?
+# Files to dlopen/dlpreopen
+# Directory that this library needs to be installed in:
+ if test "$installed" = no && test "$need_relink" = yes; then
+ $ECHO >> $output "\
+ fi
+ done
+ }
+ # Do a symbolic link so that the libtool archive can be found in
+ # LD_LIBRARY_PATH before the program is installed.
+ func_show_eval '( cd "$output_objdir" && $RM "$outputname" && $LN_S "../$outputname" "$outputname" )' 'exit $?'
+ ;;
+ esac
+{ test "$mode" = link || test "$mode" = relink; } &&
+ func_mode_link ${1+"$@"}
+# func_mode_uninstall arg...
+func_mode_uninstall ()
+ $opt_debug
+ RM="$nonopt"
+ files=
+ rmforce=
+ exit_status=0
+ # This variable tells wrapper scripts just to set variables rather
+ # than running their programs.
+ libtool_install_magic="$magic"
+ for arg
+ do
+ case $arg in
+ -f) RM="$RM $arg"; rmforce=yes ;;
+ -*) RM="$RM $arg" ;;
+ *) files="$files $arg" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ test -z "$RM" && \
+ func_fatal_help "you must specify an RM program"
+ rmdirs=
+ origobjdir="$objdir"
+ for file in $files; do
+ func_dirname "$file" "" "."
+ dir="$func_dirname_result"
+ if test "X$dir" = X.; then
+ objdir="$origobjdir"
+ else
+ objdir="$dir/$origobjdir"
+ fi
+ func_basename "$file"
+ name="$func_basename_result"
+ test "$mode" = uninstall && objdir="$dir"
+ # Remember objdir for removal later, being careful to avoid duplicates
+ if test "$mode" = clean; then
+ case " $rmdirs " in
+ *" $objdir "*) ;;
+ *) rmdirs="$rmdirs $objdir" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # Don't error if the file doesn't exist and rm -f was used.
+ if { test -L "$file"; } >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
+ { test -h "$file"; } >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
+ test -f "$file"; then
+ :
+ elif test -d "$file"; then
+ exit_status=1
+ continue
+ elif test "$rmforce" = yes; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ rmfiles="$file"
+ case $name in
+ *.la)
+ # Possibly a libtool archive, so verify it.
+ if func_lalib_p "$file"; then
+ func_source $dir/$name
+ # Delete the libtool libraries and symlinks.
+ for n in $library_names; do
+ rmfiles="$rmfiles $objdir/$n"
+ done
+ test -n "$old_library" && rmfiles="$rmfiles $objdir/$old_library"
+ case "$mode" in
+ clean)
+ case " $library_names " in
+ # " " in the beginning catches empty $dlname
+ *" $dlname "*) ;;
+ *) rmfiles="$rmfiles $objdir/$dlname" ;;
+ esac
+ test -n "$libdir" && rmfiles="$rmfiles $objdir/$name $objdir/${name}i"
+ ;;
+ uninstall)
+ if test -n "$library_names"; then
+ # Do each command in the postuninstall commands.
+ func_execute_cmds "$postuninstall_cmds" 'test "$rmforce" = yes || exit_status=1'
+ fi
+ if test -n "$old_library"; then
+ # Do each command in the old_postuninstall commands.
+ func_execute_cmds "$old_postuninstall_cmds" 'test "$rmforce" = yes || exit_status=1'
+ fi
+ # FIXME: should reinstall the best remaining shared library.
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *.lo)
+ # Possibly a libtool object, so verify it.
+ if func_lalib_p "$file"; then
+ # Read the .lo file
+ func_source $dir/$name
+ # Add PIC object to the list of files to remove.
+ if test -n "$pic_object" &&
+ test "$pic_object" != none; then
+ rmfiles="$rmfiles $dir/$pic_object"
+ fi
+ # Add non-PIC object to the list of files to remove.
+ if test -n "$non_pic_object" &&
+ test "$non_pic_object" != none; then
+ rmfiles="$rmfiles $dir/$non_pic_object"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if test "$mode" = clean ; then
+ noexename=$name
+ case $file in
+ *.exe)
+ func_stripname '' '.exe' "$file"
+ file=$func_stripname_result
+ func_stripname '' '.exe' "$name"
+ noexename=$func_stripname_result
+ # $file with .exe has already been added to rmfiles,
+ # add $file without .exe
+ rmfiles="$rmfiles $file"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Do a test to see if this is a libtool program.
+ if func_ltwrapper_p "$file"; then
+ if func_ltwrapper_executable_p "$file"; then
+ func_ltwrapper_scriptname "$file"
+ relink_command=
+ func_source $func_ltwrapper_scriptname_result
+ rmfiles="$rmfiles $func_ltwrapper_scriptname_result"
+ else
+ relink_command=
+ func_source $dir/$noexename
+ fi
+ # note $name still contains .exe if it was in $file originally
+ # as does the version of $file that was added into $rmfiles
+ rmfiles="$rmfiles $objdir/$name $objdir/${name}S.${objext}"
+ if test "$fast_install" = yes && test -n "$relink_command"; then
+ rmfiles="$rmfiles $objdir/lt-$name"
+ fi
+ if test "X$noexename" != "X$name" ; then
+ rmfiles="$rmfiles $objdir/lt-${noexename}.c"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ func_show_eval "$RM $rmfiles" 'exit_status=1'
+ done
+ objdir="$origobjdir"
+ # Try to remove the ${objdir}s in the directories where we deleted files
+ for dir in $rmdirs; do
+ if test -d "$dir"; then
+ func_show_eval "rmdir $dir >/dev/null 2>&1"
+ fi
+ done
+ exit $exit_status
+{ test "$mode" = uninstall || test "$mode" = clean; } &&
+ func_mode_uninstall ${1+"$@"}
+test -z "$mode" && {
+ help="$generic_help"
+ func_fatal_help "you must specify a MODE"
+test -z "$exec_cmd" && \
+ func_fatal_help "invalid operation mode \`$mode'"
+if test -n "$exec_cmd"; then
+ eval exec "$exec_cmd"
+exit $exit_status
+# The TAGs below are defined such that we never get into a situation
+# in which we disable both kinds of libraries. Given conflicting
+# choices, we go for a static library, that is the most portable,
+# since we can't tell whether shared libraries were disabled because
+# the user asked for that or because the platform doesn't support
+# them. This is particularly important on AIX, because we don't
+# support having both static and shared libraries enabled at the same
+# time on that platform, so we default to a shared-only configuration.
+# If a disable-shared tag is given, we'll fallback to a static-only
+# configuration. But we'll never go from static-only to shared-only.
+# ### BEGIN LIBTOOL TAG CONFIG: disable-shared
+# ### END LIBTOOL TAG CONFIG: disable-shared
+# ### BEGIN LIBTOOL TAG CONFIG: disable-static
+build_old_libs=`case $build_libtool_libs in yes) echo no;; *) echo yes;; esac`
+# ### END LIBTOOL TAG CONFIG: disable-static
+# Local Variables:
+# mode:shell-script
+# sh-indentation:2
+# End:
+# vi:sw=2
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbe9a39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Name: Pycairo
+Description: Python bindings for cairo
+Version: @VERSION@
+Requires: cairo
+Cflags: -I@includedir@/pycairo
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4bcdbda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import distutils.core as dic
+import distutils.dir_util as dut
+import distutils.file_util as fut
+import subprocess
+import sys
+pycairo_version = '1.8.7'
+cairo_version_required = '1.8.6'
+def call(command):
+ pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ pipe.wait()
+ return pipe
+def pkg_config_version_check(pkg, version):
+ pipe = call('pkg-config --print-errors --exists "%s >= %s"' %
+ (pkg, version))
+ if pipe.returncode == 0:
+ print '%s >= %s detected' % (pkg, version)
+ else:
+ print
+ raise SystemExit('Error: %s >= %s not found' % (pkg, version))
+def pkg_config_parse(opt, pkg):
+ pipe = call("pkg-config %s %s" % (opt, pkg))
+ output =
+ opt = opt[-2:]
+ return [x.lstrip(opt) for x in output.split()]
+if sys.version_info < (2,6):
+ raise SystemExit('Error: Python >= 2.6 is required')
+pkg_config_version_check ('cairo', cairo_version_required)
+if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ runtime_library_dirs = []
+ runtime_library_dirs = pkg_config_parse('--libs-only-L', 'cairo')
+print 'creating %s' % pkgconfig_file
+fo = open (pkgconfig_file, 'w')
+fo.write ("""\
+Name: Pycairo
+Description: Python bindings for cairo
+Version: %s
+Requires: cairo
+Cflags: -I${prefix}/include/pycairo
+""" % (sys.prefix, pycairo_version)
+ )
+cairo = dic.Extension(
+ name = 'cairo._cairo',
+ sources = ['cairo/cairomodule.c',
+ 'cairo/pycairo-context.c',
+ 'cairo/pycairo-font.c',
+ 'cairo/pycairo-matrix.c',
+ 'cairo/pycairo-path.c',
+ 'cairo/pycairo-pattern.c',
+ 'cairo/pycairo-surface.c',
+ ],
+ include_dirs = pkg_config_parse('--cflags-only-I', 'cairo'),
+ library_dirs = pkg_config_parse('--libs-only-L', 'cairo'),
+ libraries = pkg_config_parse('--libs-only-l', 'cairo'),
+ runtime_library_dirs = runtime_library_dirs,
+ )
+ name = "pycairo",
+ version = pycairo_version,
+ description = "python interface for cairo",
+ packages = ['cairo'],
+ ext_modules = [cairo],
+ data_files=[('include/pycairo',['cairo/pycairo.h']),
+ ('lib/pkgconfig',[pkgconfig_file])],
+ )
diff --git a/src/.gitignore b/src/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..599e3f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68a123f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+pycairoexecdir = $(pyexecdir)/cairo
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/pycairo
+pkginclude_HEADERS = pycairo.h
+pycairoexec_PYTHON =
+pycairoexec_LTLIBRARIES =
+_cairo_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version -export-symbols-regex init_cairo
+_cairo_la_LIBADD = $(CAIRO_LIBS)
+_cairo_la_SOURCES = \
+ pycairo.h \
+ pycairo-private.h \
+ pycairo-context.c \
+ pycairo-font.c \
+ pycairo-matrix.c \
+ pycairo-path.c \
+ pycairo-pattern.c \
+ pycairo-surface.c \
+ cairomodule.c
diff --git a/src/cairomodule.c b/src/cairomodule.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d328985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cairomodule.c
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+ *
+ * Pycairo - Python bindings for cairo
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2003 James Henstridge, Steven Chaplin
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+ * (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
+ * Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
+ * notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
+ * the MPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ * You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+ * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
+ * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
+ * the specific language governing rights and limitations.
+ */
+#include <Python.h>
+# include <config.h>
+#include "pycairo-private.h"
+/* to read CAIRO_PS_LEVEL_* constants */
+# include <cairo-ps.h>
+#define VERSION_MAJOR 1
+#define VERSION_MINOR 8
+#define VERSION_MICRO 7
+static char pycairo_version_string[] = "1.8.7";
+/* A module specific exception */
+PyObject *CairoError = NULL;
+Pycairo_Check_Status (cairo_status_t status)
+ if (PyErr_Occurred() != NULL)
+ return 1;
+ switch (status) {
+ return 0;
+ /* if appropriate - translate the status string into Python,
+ * else - use cairo_status_to_string()
+ */
+ PyErr_NoMemory();
+ break;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, cairo_status_to_string (status));
+ break;
+ PyErr_SetString(CairoError, "Context.restore without matching "
+ "");
+ break;
+ PyErr_SetString(CairoError, "Context.pop_group without matching "
+ "Context.push_group");
+ break;
+ default:
+ PyErr_SetString(CairoError, cairo_status_to_string (status));
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* C API. Clients get at this via Pycairo_IMPORT, defined in pycairo.h.
+ */
+static Pycairo_CAPI_t CAPI = {
+ &PycairoContext_Type, PycairoContext_FromContext,
+ &PycairoFontFace_Type,
+ &PycairoToyFontFace_Type, PycairoFontFace_FromFontFace,
+ &PycairoFontOptions_Type, PycairoFontOptions_FromFontOptions,
+ &PycairoMatrix_Type, PycairoMatrix_FromMatrix,
+ &PycairoPath_Type, PycairoPath_FromPath,
+ &PycairoPattern_Type,
+ &PycairoSolidPattern_Type,
+ &PycairoSurfacePattern_Type,
+ &PycairoGradient_Type,
+ &PycairoLinearGradient_Type,
+ &PycairoRadialGradient_Type,
+ PycairoPattern_FromPattern,
+ &PycairoScaledFont_Type, PycairoScaledFont_FromScaledFont,
+ &PycairoSurface_Type,
+ &PycairoImageSurface_Type,
+ 0,
+ &PycairoPDFSurface_Type,
+ 0,
+ &PycairoPSSurface_Type,
+ 0,
+ &PycairoSVGSurface_Type,
+ 0,
+ &PycairoWin32Surface_Type,
+ 0,
+ &PycairoXlibSurface_Type,
+ 0,
+ PycairoSurface_FromSurface,
+ Pycairo_Check_Status,
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_cairo_version (PyObject *self)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_version());
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_cairo_version_string (PyObject *self)
+ return PyString_FromString (cairo_version_string());
+static PyMethodDef cairo_functions[] = {
+ {"cairo_version", (PyCFunction)pycairo_cairo_version, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"cairo_version_string", (PyCFunction)pycairo_cairo_version_string,
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+ PyObject *m;
+ /* initialise 'tp_base' here to work round problem with MinGW compiler */
+ PycairoContext_Type.tp_base = &PyBaseObject_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoContext_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoFontFace_Type.tp_base = &PyBaseObject_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoFontFace_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoToyFontFace_Type.tp_base = &PycairoFontFace_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoToyFontFace_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoFontOptions_Type.tp_base = &PyBaseObject_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoFontOptions_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoMatrix_Type.tp_base = &PyBaseObject_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoMatrix_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoPath_Type.tp_base = &PyBaseObject_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoPath_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoPathiter_Type.tp_iter=&PyObject_SelfIter;
+ PycairoPattern_Type.tp_base = &PyBaseObject_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoPattern_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoSolidPattern_Type.tp_base = &PycairoPattern_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoSolidPattern_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoSurfacePattern_Type.tp_base = &PycairoPattern_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoSurfacePattern_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoGradient_Type.tp_base = &PycairoPattern_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoGradient_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoLinearGradient_Type.tp_base = &PycairoGradient_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoLinearGradient_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoRadialGradient_Type.tp_base = &PycairoGradient_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoRadialGradient_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoScaledFont_Type.tp_base = &PyBaseObject_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoScaledFont_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoSurface_Type.tp_base = &PyBaseObject_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoSurface_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoImageSurface_Type.tp_base = &PycairoSurface_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoImageSurface_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoPDFSurface_Type.tp_base = &PycairoSurface_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoPDFSurface_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoPSSurface_Type.tp_base = &PycairoSurface_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoPSSurface_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoSVGSurface_Type.tp_base = &PycairoSurface_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoSVGSurface_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoWin32Surface_Type.tp_base = &PycairoSurface_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoWin32Surface_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ PycairoXlibSurface_Type.tp_base = &PycairoSurface_Type;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&PycairoXlibSurface_Type) < 0)
+ return;
+ m = Py_InitModule("cairo._cairo", cairo_functions);
+ PyModule_AddStringConstant(m, "version", pycairo_version_string);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "version_info",
+ Py_BuildValue("(iii)", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR,
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoContext_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "Context", (PyObject *)&PycairoContext_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoFontFace_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "FontFace",(PyObject *)&PycairoFontFace_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoToyFontFace_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "ToyFontFace",(PyObject *)&PycairoToyFontFace_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoFontOptions_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "FontOptions",(PyObject *)&PycairoFontOptions_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoMatrix_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "Matrix", (PyObject *)&PycairoMatrix_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoPath_Type);
+ /* Don't add Path object since it is not accessed directly as 'cairo.Path'
+ * PyModule_AddObject(m, "Path", (PyObject *)&PycairoPath_Type);
+ */
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoPattern_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "Pattern", (PyObject *)&PycairoPattern_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoSolidPattern_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "SolidPattern",
+ (PyObject *)&PycairoSolidPattern_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoSurfacePattern_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "SurfacePattern",
+ (PyObject *)&PycairoSurfacePattern_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoGradient_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "Gradient", (PyObject *)&PycairoGradient_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoLinearGradient_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "LinearGradient",
+ (PyObject *)&PycairoLinearGradient_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoRadialGradient_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "RadialGradient",
+ (PyObject *)&PycairoRadialGradient_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoScaledFont_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "ScaledFont", (PyObject *)&PycairoScaledFont_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoSurface_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "Surface", (PyObject *)&PycairoSurface_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoImageSurface_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "ImageSurface",
+ (PyObject *)&PycairoImageSurface_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoPDFSurface_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "PDFSurface", (PyObject *)&PycairoPDFSurface_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoPSSurface_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "PSSurface", (PyObject *)&PycairoPSSurface_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoSVGSurface_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "SVGSurface", (PyObject *)&PycairoSVGSurface_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoWin32Surface_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "Win32Surface",
+ (PyObject *)&PycairoWin32Surface_Type);
+ Py_INCREF(&PycairoXlibSurface_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "XlibSurface",
+ (PyObject *)&PycairoXlibSurface_Type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(m, "CAPI", PyCObject_FromVoidPtr(&CAPI, NULL));
+ /* Add 'cairo.Error' to the module */
+ if (CairoError == NULL) {
+ CairoError = PyErr_NewException("cairo.Error", NULL, NULL);
+ if (CairoError == NULL)
+ return;
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(CairoError);
+ if (PyModule_AddObject(m, "Error", CairoError) < 0)
+ return;
+ /* constants */
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_ATSUI_FONT", 1);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_ATSUI_FONT", 0);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_FT_FONT", 1);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_FT_FONT", 0);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_GLITZ_SURFACE", 1);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_GLITZ_SURFACE", 0);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_IMAGE_SURFACE", 1);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_IMAGE_SURFACE", 0);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_PDF_SURFACE", 1);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_PDF_SURFACE", 0);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_PNG_FUNCTIONS", 1);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_PNG_FUNCTIONS", 0);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_PS_SURFACE", 1);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_PS_SURFACE", 0);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_SVG_SURFACE", 1);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_SVG_SURFACE", 0);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_USER_FONT", 1);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_USER_FONT", 0);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_QUARTZ_SURFACE", 1);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_QUARTZ_SURFACE", 0);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_WIN32_FONT", 1);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_WIN32_FONT", 0);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_WIN32_SURFACE", 1);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_WIN32_SURFACE", 0);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_XCB_SURFACE", 1);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_XCB_SURFACE", 0);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_XLIB_SURFACE", 1);
+ PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "HAS_XLIB_SURFACE", 0);
+#define CONSTANT(x) PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, #x, CAIRO_##x)
+#undef CONSTANT
diff --git a/src/pycairo-context.c b/src/pycairo-context.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86f9a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycairo-context.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1547 @@
+/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+ *
+ * Pycairo - Python bindings for cairo
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2003 James Henstridge, Steven Chaplin
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+ * (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
+ * Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
+ * notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
+ * the MPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ * You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+ * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
+ * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
+ * the specific language governing rights and limitations.
+ */
+#include <Python.h>
+# include <config.h>
+#include "pycairo-private.h"
+/* PycairoContext_FromContext
+ * Create a new PycairoContext from a cairo_t
+ * ctx - a cairo_t to 'wrap' into a Python object.
+ * It is unreferenced if the PycairoContext creation fails, or if
+ * the cairo_t has an error status.
+ * type - a pointer to the type to instantiate.
+ * It can be &PycairoContext_Type, or a PycairoContext_Type subtype.
+ * (cairo.Context or a cairo.Context subclass)
+ * base - the base object used to create the context, or NULL.
+ * it is referenced to keep it alive while the cairo_t is being used
+ * Return value: New reference or NULL on failure
+ */
+PyObject *
+PycairoContext_FromContext(cairo_t *ctx, PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *base)
+ PyObject *o;
+ assert (ctx != NULL);
+ if (Pycairo_Check_Status (cairo_status (ctx))) {
+ cairo_destroy (ctx);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ o = PycairoContext_Type.tp_alloc (type, 0);
+ if (o) {
+ ((PycairoContext *)o)->ctx = ctx;
+ Py_XINCREF(base);
+ ((PycairoContext *)o)->base = base;
+ } else {
+ cairo_destroy (ctx);
+ }
+ return o;
+static void
+pycairo_dealloc(PycairoContext *o)
+ if (o->ctx) {
+ cairo_destroy(o->ctx);
+ o->ctx = NULL;
+ }
+ Py_CLEAR(o->base);
+ o->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)o);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PycairoSurface *s;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!:Context.__new__",
+ &PycairoSurface_Type, &s))
+ return NULL;
+ return PycairoContext_FromContext (cairo_create (s->surface), type, NULL);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_append_path (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ PycairoPath *p;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!:Context.append_path",
+ &PycairoPath_Type, &p))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_append_path (o->ctx, p->path);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_arc (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "ddddd:Context.arc",
+ &xc, &yc, &radius, &angle1, &angle2))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_arc (o->ctx, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_arc_negative (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "ddddd:Context.arc_negative",
+ &xc, &yc, &radius, &angle1, &angle2))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_arc_negative (o->ctx, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_clip (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_clip (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_clip_extents (PycairoContext *o)
+ double x1, y1, x2, y2;
+ cairo_clip_extents (o->ctx, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dddd)", x1, y1, x2, y2);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_clip_preserve (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_clip_preserve (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_close_path (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_close_path (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_copy_clip_rectangle_list (PycairoContext *o)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *rv = NULL;
+ cairo_rectangle_t *r;
+ cairo_rectangle_list_t *rlist = cairo_copy_clip_rectangle_list (o->ctx);
+ if (rlist->status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+ Pycairo_Check_Status (rlist->status);
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ rv = PyTuple_New(rlist->num_rectangles);
+ if (rv == NULL)
+ goto exit;
+ for (i = 0, r = rlist->rectangles; i < rlist->num_rectangles; i++, r++) {
+ PyObject *py_rect = Py_BuildValue("(dddd)", r->x, r->y,
+ r->width, r->height);
+ if (py_rect == NULL) {
+ Py_CLEAR(rv);
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM (rv, i, py_rect);
+ }
+ exit:
+ cairo_rectangle_list_destroy(rlist);
+ return rv;
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_copy_page (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_copy_page (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_copy_path (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_path_t *cp;
+ cp = cairo_copy_path (o->ctx);
+ return PycairoPath_FromPath (cp);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_copy_path_flat (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_path_t *cp;
+ cp = cairo_copy_path_flat (o->ctx);
+ return PycairoPath_FromPath (cp);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_curve_to (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dddddd:Context.curve_to",
+ &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, &x3, &y3))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_curve_to (o->ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_device_to_user(PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double x, y;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dd:Context.device_to_user", &x, &y))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_device_to_user(o->ctx, &x, &y);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dd)", x, y);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_device_to_user_distance (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double dx, dy;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dd:Context.device_to_user_distance",
+ &dx, &dy))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_device_to_user_distance (o->ctx, &dx, &dy);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dd)", dx, dy);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_fill (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_fill (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_fill_extents (PycairoContext *o)
+ double x1, y1, x2, y2;
+ cairo_fill_extents (o->ctx, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dddd)", x1, y1, x2, y2);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_fill_preserve (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_fill_preserve (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_font_extents (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_font_extents_t e;
+ cairo_font_extents (o->ctx, &e);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(ddddd)", e.ascent, e.descent, e.height,
+ e.max_x_advance, e.max_y_advance);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_antialias (PycairoContext *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_get_antialias (o->ctx));
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_current_point (PycairoContext *o)
+ double x, y;
+ cairo_get_current_point (o->ctx, &x, &y);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dd)", x, y);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_dash (PycairoContext *o)
+ double *dashes = NULL, offset;
+ int count, i;
+ PyObject *py_dashes = NULL, *rv = NULL;
+ count = cairo_get_dash_count (o->ctx);
+ dashes = PyMem_Malloc (count * sizeof(double));
+ if (dashes == NULL)
+ return PyErr_NoMemory();
+ cairo_get_dash (o->ctx, dashes, &offset);
+ py_dashes = PyTuple_New(count);
+ if (py_dashes == NULL)
+ goto exit;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ PyObject *dash = PyFloat_FromDouble(dashes[i]);
+ if (dash == NULL)
+ goto exit;
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM (py_dashes, i, dash);
+ }
+ rv = Py_BuildValue("(Od)", py_dashes, offset);
+ exit:
+ PyMem_Free (dashes);
+ Py_XDECREF(py_dashes);
+ return rv;
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_dash_count (PycairoContext *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_get_dash_count (o->ctx));
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_fill_rule (PycairoContext *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong(cairo_get_fill_rule (o->ctx));
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_font_face (PycairoContext *o)
+ return PycairoFontFace_FromFontFace (
+ cairo_font_face_reference (cairo_get_font_face (o->ctx)));
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_font_matrix (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_matrix_t matrix;
+ cairo_get_font_matrix (o->ctx, &matrix);
+ return PycairoMatrix_FromMatrix (&matrix);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_font_options (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_font_options_t *options = cairo_font_options_create();
+ cairo_get_font_options (o->ctx, options);
+ /* there is no reference fn */
+ return PycairoFontOptions_FromFontOptions (options);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_group_target (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_surface_t *surface = cairo_get_group_target (o->ctx);
+ if (surface != NULL)
+ return PycairoSurface_FromSurface (cairo_surface_reference (surface),
+ NULL);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_line_cap (PycairoContext *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong(cairo_get_line_cap (o->ctx));
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_line_join (PycairoContext *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong(cairo_get_line_join (o->ctx));
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_line_width (PycairoContext *o)
+ return PyFloat_FromDouble(cairo_get_line_width (o->ctx));
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_matrix (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_matrix_t matrix;
+ cairo_get_matrix (o->ctx, &matrix);
+ return PycairoMatrix_FromMatrix (&matrix);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_miter_limit (PycairoContext *o)
+ return PyFloat_FromDouble (cairo_get_miter_limit (o->ctx));
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_operator (PycairoContext *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_get_operator (o->ctx));
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_scaled_font (PycairoContext *o)
+ return PycairoScaledFont_FromScaledFont (
+ cairo_scaled_font_reference (cairo_get_scaled_font (o->ctx)));
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_source (PycairoContext *o)
+ return PycairoPattern_FromPattern (
+ cairo_pattern_reference (cairo_get_source (o->ctx)), NULL);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_target (PycairoContext *o)
+ return PycairoSurface_FromSurface (
+ cairo_surface_reference (cairo_get_target (o->ctx)),
+ NULL);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_get_tolerance (PycairoContext *o)
+ return PyFloat_FromDouble (cairo_get_tolerance (o->ctx));
+/* read a Python sequence of (i,x,y) sequences
+ * return cairo_glyph_t *
+ * num_glyphs
+ * must call PyMem_Free(glyphs) when finished using the glyphs
+ */
+static cairo_glyph_t *
+_PyGlyphs_AsGlyphs (PyObject *py_object, int *num_glyphs)
+ int length, i;
+ cairo_glyph_t *glyphs = NULL, *glyph;
+ PyObject *py_glyphs, *py_seq = NULL;
+ py_glyphs = PySequence_Fast (py_object, "glyphs must be a sequence");
+ if (py_glyphs == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ length = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(py_glyphs);
+ if (*num_glyphs < 0 || *num_glyphs > length)
+ *num_glyphs = length;
+ glyphs = PyMem_Malloc (*num_glyphs * sizeof(cairo_glyph_t));
+ if (glyphs == NULL) {
+ PyErr_NoMemory();
+ goto error;
+ }
+ for (i = 0, glyph = glyphs; i < *num_glyphs; i++, glyph++) {
+ PyObject *py_item = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(py_glyphs, i);
+ py_seq = PySequence_Fast (py_item, "glyph items must be a sequence");
+ if (py_seq == NULL)
+ goto error;
+ if (PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(py_seq) != 3) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+ "each glyph item must be an (i,x,y) sequence");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ glyph->index = PyInt_AsLong(PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(py_seq, 0));
+ glyph->x = PyFloat_AsDouble(PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(py_seq, 1));
+ glyph->y = PyFloat_AsDouble(PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(py_seq, 2));
+ if (PyErr_Occurred())
+ goto error;
+ Py_DECREF(py_seq);
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(py_glyphs);
+ return glyphs;
+ error:
+ Py_DECREF(py_glyphs);
+ Py_XDECREF(py_seq);
+ PyMem_Free(glyphs);
+ return NULL;
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_glyph_extents (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ int num_glyphs = -1;
+ cairo_glyph_t *glyphs;
+ cairo_text_extents_t extents;
+ PyObject *py_object;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "O|i:Context.glyph_extents",
+ &py_object, &num_glyphs))
+ return NULL;
+ glyphs = _PyGlyphs_AsGlyphs (py_object, &num_glyphs);
+ if (glyphs == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_glyph_extents (o->ctx, glyphs, num_glyphs, &extents);
+ PyMem_Free (glyphs);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dddddd)", extents.x_bearing, extents.y_bearing,
+ extents.width, extents.height, extents.x_advance,
+ extents.y_advance);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_glyph_path (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ int num_glyphs = -1;
+ cairo_glyph_t *glyphs;
+ PyObject *py_object;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "O|i:Context.glyph_path",
+ &py_object, &num_glyphs))
+ return NULL;
+ glyphs = _PyGlyphs_AsGlyphs (py_object, &num_glyphs);
+ if (glyphs == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_glyph_path (o->ctx, glyphs, num_glyphs);
+ PyMem_Free (glyphs);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_has_current_point (PycairoContext *o)
+ PyObject *b = cairo_has_current_point (o->ctx) ? Py_True : Py_False;
+ Py_INCREF(b);
+ return b;
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_identity_matrix (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_identity_matrix (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_in_fill (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double x, y;
+ PyObject *result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dd:Context.in_fill", &x, &y))
+ return NULL;
+ result = cairo_in_fill (o->ctx, x, y) ? Py_True : Py_False;
+ Py_INCREF(result);
+ return result;
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_in_stroke (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double x, y;
+ PyObject *result;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dd:Context.in_stroke", &x, &y))
+ return NULL;
+ result = cairo_in_stroke (o->ctx, x, y) ? Py_True : Py_False;
+ Py_INCREF(result);
+ return result;
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_line_to (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double x, y;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dd:Context.line_to", &x, &y))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_line_to (o->ctx, x, y);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_mask (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ PycairoPattern *p;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!:Context.mask", &PycairoPattern_Type, &p))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_mask (o->ctx, p->pattern);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_mask_surface (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ PycairoSurface *s;
+ double surface_x = 0.0, surface_y = 0.0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "O!|dd:Context.mask_surface",
+ &PycairoSurface_Type, &s, &surface_x, &surface_y))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_mask_surface (o->ctx, s->surface, surface_x, surface_y);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_move_to (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double x, y;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dd:Context.move_to", &x, &y))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_move_to (o->ctx, x, y);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_new_path (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_new_path (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_new_sub_path (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_new_sub_path (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_paint (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_paint (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_paint_with_alpha (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double alpha;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "d:Context.paint_with_alpha", &alpha))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_paint_with_alpha (o->ctx, alpha);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_path_extents (PycairoContext *o)
+ double x1, y1, x2, y2;
+ cairo_path_extents (o->ctx, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dddd)", x1, y1, x2, y2);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_pop_group (PycairoContext *o)
+ return PycairoPattern_FromPattern (cairo_pop_group (o->ctx), NULL);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_pop_group_to_source (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_pop_group_to_source (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_push_group (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_push_group (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_push_group_with_content (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ cairo_content_t content;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:Context.push_group_with_content",
+ &content))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_push_group_with_content (o->ctx, content);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_rectangle (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double x, y, width, height;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dddd:Context.rectangle",
+ &x, &y, &width, &height))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_rectangle (o->ctx, x, y, width, height);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_rel_curve_to (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dddddd:Context.rel_curve_to",
+ &dx1, &dy1, &dx2, &dy2, &dx3, &dy3))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_rel_curve_to (o->ctx, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_rel_line_to (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double dx, dy;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dd:Context.rel_line_to", &dx, &dy))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_rel_line_to (o->ctx, dx, dy);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_rel_move_to (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double dx, dy;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dd:Context.rel_move_to", &dx, &dy))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_rel_move_to (o->ctx, dx, dy);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_reset_clip (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_reset_clip (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_restore (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_restore (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_rotate (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double angle;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "d:Context.rotate", &angle))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_rotate (o->ctx, angle);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_save (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_save (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_scale (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double sx, sy;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dd:Context.scale", &sx, &sy))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_scale (o->ctx, sx, sy);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_select_font_face (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ PyObject *obj;
+ PyObject *pyUTF8 = NULL;
+ const char *utf8family = NULL;
+ cairo_font_slant_t slant = CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL;
+ cairo_font_weight_t weight = CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!|ii:Context.select_font_face",
+ &PyBaseString_Type, &obj, &slant, &weight))
+ return NULL;
+ /* accept str and unicode family, auto convert to utf8 as required */
+ if (PyString_Check(obj)) {
+ /* A plain ASCII string is also a valid UTF-8 string */
+ utf8family = PyString_AS_STRING(obj);
+ } else if (PyUnicode_Check(obj)) {
+ pyUTF8 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(obj);
+ if (pyUTF8 != NULL) {
+ utf8family = PyString_AS_STRING(pyUTF8);
+ }
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "Context.select_font_face: family must be str or unicode");
+ }
+ if (utf8family == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_select_font_face (o->ctx, utf8family, slant, weight);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_antialias (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ cairo_antialias_t antialias = CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i:Context.set_antialias", &antialias))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_antialias (o->ctx, antialias);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_dash (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double *dashes, offset = 0;
+ int num_dashes, i;
+ PyObject *py_dashes;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "O|d:Context.set_dash", &py_dashes, &offset))
+ return NULL;
+ py_dashes = PySequence_Fast (py_dashes,
+ "first argument must be a sequence");
+ if (py_dashes == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ num_dashes = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(py_dashes);
+ dashes = PyMem_Malloc (num_dashes * sizeof(double));
+ if (dashes == NULL) {
+ Py_DECREF(py_dashes);
+ return PyErr_NoMemory();
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < num_dashes; i++) {
+ dashes[i] = PyFloat_AsDouble(PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(py_dashes, i));
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ PyMem_Free (dashes);
+ Py_DECREF(py_dashes);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ cairo_set_dash (o->ctx, dashes, num_dashes, offset);
+ PyMem_Free (dashes);
+ Py_DECREF(py_dashes);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_fill_rule (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ cairo_fill_rule_t fill_rule;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "i:Context.set_fill_rule", &fill_rule))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_fill_rule (o->ctx, fill_rule);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_font_face (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *obj)
+ if (PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, &PycairoFontFace_Type))
+ cairo_set_font_face (o->ctx, ((PycairoFontFace *)obj)->font_face);
+ else if (obj == Py_None)
+ cairo_set_font_face (o->ctx, NULL);
+ else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "Context.set_font_face() argument must be "
+ "cairo.FontFace or None");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_font_matrix (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ PycairoMatrix *matrix;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "O!:Context.set_font_matrix",
+ &PycairoMatrix_Type, &matrix))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_font_matrix (o->ctx, &matrix->matrix);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_font_options (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ PycairoFontOptions *options;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "O!:Context.set_font_options",
+ &PycairoFontOptions_Type, &options))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_font_options (o->ctx, options->font_options);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_font_size (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double size;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "d:Context.set_font_size", &size))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_font_size (o->ctx, size);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_line_cap (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ cairo_line_cap_t line_cap;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "i:Context.set_line_cap", &line_cap))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_line_cap (o->ctx, line_cap);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_line_join (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ cairo_line_join_t line_join;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "i:Context.set_line_join", &line_join))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_line_join (o->ctx, line_join);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_line_width (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double width;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "d:Context.set_line_width", &width))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_line_width (o->ctx, width);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_matrix (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ PycairoMatrix *matrix;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "O!:Context.set_matrix",
+ &PycairoMatrix_Type, &matrix))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_matrix (o->ctx, &matrix->matrix);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_miter_limit (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double limit;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "d:Context.set_miter_limit", &limit))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_miter_limit (o->ctx, limit);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_operator(PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ cairo_operator_t op;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:Context.set_operator", &op))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_operator(o->ctx, op);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_scaled_font(PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ PycairoScaledFont *f;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "O!:Context.set_scaled_font",
+ &PycairoScaledFont_Type, &f))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_scaled_font(o->ctx, f->scaled_font);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_source (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ PycairoPattern *p;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "O!:Context.set_source",
+ &PycairoPattern_Type, &p))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_source (o->ctx, p->pattern);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_source_rgb (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double red, green, blue;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "ddd:Context.set_source_rgb",
+ &red, &green, &blue))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_source_rgb (o->ctx, red, green, blue);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_source_rgba (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double red, green, blue;
+ double alpha = 1.0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "ddd|d:Context.set_source_rgba",
+ &red, &green, &blue, &alpha))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (o->ctx, red, green, blue, alpha);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_source_surface (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ PycairoSurface *surface;
+ double x = 0.0, y = 0.0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "O!|dd:Context.set_source_surface",
+ &PycairoSurface_Type, &surface, &x, &y))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_source_surface (o->ctx, surface->surface, x, y);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_set_tolerance (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double tolerance;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "d:Context.set_tolerance", &tolerance))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_set_tolerance (o->ctx, tolerance);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_show_glyphs (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ int num_glyphs = -1;
+ cairo_glyph_t *glyphs;
+ PyObject *py_object;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "O|i:Context.show_glyphs",
+ &py_object, &num_glyphs))
+ return NULL;
+ glyphs = _PyGlyphs_AsGlyphs (py_object, &num_glyphs);
+ if (glyphs == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_show_glyphs (o->ctx, glyphs, num_glyphs);
+ PyMem_Free (glyphs);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_show_page (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_show_page (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_show_text (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *obj)
+ PyObject *pyUTF8 = NULL;
+ const char *utf8 = NULL;
+ /* accept str and unicode text, auto convert to utf8 as required */
+ if (PyString_Check(obj)) {
+ /* A plain ASCII string is also a valid UTF-8 string */
+ utf8 = PyString_AS_STRING(obj);
+ } else if (PyUnicode_Check(obj)) {
+ pyUTF8 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(obj);
+ if (pyUTF8 != NULL) {
+ utf8 = PyString_AS_STRING(pyUTF8);
+ }
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "Context.show_text: text must be str or unicode");
+ }
+ if (utf8 == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_show_text (o->ctx, utf8);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_stroke (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_stroke (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_stroke_extents (PycairoContext *o)
+ double x1, y1, x2, y2;
+ cairo_stroke_extents (o->ctx, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dddd)", x1, y1, x2, y2);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_stroke_preserve (PycairoContext *o)
+ cairo_stroke_preserve (o->ctx);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_text_extents (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *obj)
+ cairo_text_extents_t extents;
+ PyObject *pyUTF8 = NULL;
+ const char *utf8 = NULL;
+ /* accept str and unicode text, auto convert to utf8 as required */
+ if (PyString_Check(obj)) {
+ /* A plain ASCII string is also a valid UTF-8 string */
+ utf8 = PyString_AS_STRING(obj);
+ } else if (PyUnicode_Check(obj)) {
+ pyUTF8 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(obj);
+ if (pyUTF8 != NULL) {
+ utf8 = PyString_AS_STRING(pyUTF8);
+ }
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "Context.text_extents: text must be str or unicode");
+ }
+ if (utf8 == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_text_extents (o->ctx, utf8, &extents);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dddddd)", extents.x_bearing, extents.y_bearing,
+ extents.width, extents.height, extents.x_advance,
+ extents.y_advance);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_text_path (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *obj)
+ PyObject *pyUTF8 = NULL;
+ const char *utf8 = NULL;
+ /* accept str and unicode text, auto convert to utf8 as required */
+ if (PyString_Check(obj)) {
+ /* A plain ASCII string is also a valid UTF-8 string */
+ utf8 = PyString_AS_STRING(obj);
+ } else if (PyUnicode_Check(obj)) {
+ pyUTF8 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(obj);
+ if (pyUTF8 != NULL) {
+ utf8 = PyString_AS_STRING(pyUTF8);
+ }
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "Context.text_path: text must be str or unicode");
+ }
+ if (utf8 == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_text_path (o->ctx, utf8);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_transform (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ PycairoMatrix *matrix;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "O!:Context.transform",
+ &PycairoMatrix_Type, &matrix))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_transform (o->ctx, &matrix->matrix);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_translate (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double tx, ty;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dd:Context.translate", &tx, &ty))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_translate (o->ctx, tx, ty);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_user_to_device (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double x, y;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dd:Context.user_to_device", &x, &y))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_user_to_device (o->ctx, &x, &y);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dd)", x, y);
+static PyObject *
+pycairo_user_to_device_distance (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *args)
+ double dx, dy;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dd:Context.user_to_device_distance",
+ &dx, &dy))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_user_to_device_distance (o->ctx, &dx, &dy);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dd)", dx, dy);
+static PyMethodDef pycairo_methods[] = {
+ /* methods never exposed in a language binding:
+ * cairo_destroy()
+ * cairo_reference()
+ * cairo_rectangle_list_destroy()
+ *
+ * cairo_status()
+ * cairo_status_string()
+ * - not needed since Pycairo calls Pycairo_Check_Status() to check
+ * for errors and raise exceptions
+ */
+ {"append_path", (PyCFunction)pycairo_append_path, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"arc", (PyCFunction)pycairo_arc, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"arc_negative", (PyCFunction)pycairo_arc_negative, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"clip", (PyCFunction)pycairo_clip, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"clip_extents", (PyCFunction)pycairo_clip_extents, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"clip_preserve", (PyCFunction)pycairo_clip_preserve, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"close_path", (PyCFunction)pycairo_close_path, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"copy_clip_rectangle_list", (PyCFunction)pycairo_copy_clip_rectangle_list,
+ {"copy_page", (PyCFunction)pycairo_copy_page, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"copy_path", (PyCFunction)pycairo_copy_path, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"copy_path_flat", (PyCFunction)pycairo_copy_path_flat, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"curve_to", (PyCFunction)pycairo_curve_to, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"device_to_user", (PyCFunction)pycairo_device_to_user, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"device_to_user_distance",
+ (PyCFunction)pycairo_device_to_user_distance, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"fill", (PyCFunction)pycairo_fill, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"fill_extents", (PyCFunction)pycairo_fill_extents, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"fill_preserve", (PyCFunction)pycairo_fill_preserve, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"font_extents", (PyCFunction)pycairo_font_extents, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_antialias", (PyCFunction)pycairo_get_antialias, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_current_point",(PyCFunction)pycairo_get_current_point,METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_dash", (PyCFunction)pycairo_get_dash, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_dash_count", (PyCFunction)pycairo_get_dash_count, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_fill_rule", (PyCFunction)pycairo_get_fill_rule, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_font_face", (PyCFunction)pycairo_get_font_face, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_font_matrix", (PyCFunction)pycairo_get_font_matrix, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_font_options",(PyCFunction)pycairo_get_font_options, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_group_target",(PyCFunction)pycairo_get_group_target, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_line_cap", (PyCFunction)pycairo_get_line_cap, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_line_join", (PyCFunction)pycairo_get_line_join, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_line_width", (PyCFunction)pycairo_get_line_width, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_matrix", (PyCFunction)pycairo_get_matrix, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_miter_limit", (PyCFunction)pycairo_get_miter_limit, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_operator", (PyCFunction)pycairo_get_operator, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_scaled_font", (PyCFunction)pycairo_get_scaled_font, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_source", (PyCFunction)pycairo_get_source, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_target", (PyCFunction)pycairo_get_target, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_tolerance", (PyCFunction)pycairo_get_tolerance, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"glyph_extents", (PyCFunction)pycairo_glyph_extents, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"glyph_path", (PyCFunction)pycairo_glyph_path, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"has_current_point",(PyCFunction)pycairo_has_current_point, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"identity_matrix", (PyCFunction)pycairo_identity_matrix, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"in_fill", (PyCFunction)pycairo_in_fill, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"in_stroke", (PyCFunction)pycairo_in_stroke, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"line_to", (PyCFunction)pycairo_line_to, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"mask", (PyCFunction)pycairo_mask, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"mask_surface", (PyCFunction)pycairo_mask_surface, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"move_to", (PyCFunction)pycairo_move_to, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"new_path", (PyCFunction)pycairo_new_path, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"new_sub_path", (PyCFunction)pycairo_new_sub_path, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"paint", (PyCFunction)pycairo_paint, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"paint_with_alpha",(PyCFunction)pycairo_paint_with_alpha, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"path_extents", (PyCFunction)pycairo_path_extents, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"pop_group", (PyCFunction)pycairo_pop_group, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"pop_group_to_source",
+ (PyCFunction)pycairo_pop_group_to_source, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"push_group", (PyCFunction)pycairo_push_group, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"push_group_with_content",
+ (PyCFunction)pycairo_push_group_with_content, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"rectangle", (PyCFunction)pycairo_rectangle, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"rel_curve_to", (PyCFunction)pycairo_rel_curve_to, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"rel_line_to", (PyCFunction)pycairo_rel_line_to, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"rel_move_to", (PyCFunction)pycairo_rel_move_to, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"reset_clip", (PyCFunction)pycairo_reset_clip, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"restore", (PyCFunction)pycairo_restore, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"rotate", (PyCFunction)pycairo_rotate, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"save", (PyCFunction)pycairo_save, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"scale", (PyCFunction)pycairo_scale, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"select_font_face",(PyCFunction)pycairo_select_font_face, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_antialias", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_antialias, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_dash", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_dash, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_fill_rule", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_fill_rule, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_font_face", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_font_face, METH_O},
+ {"set_font_matrix", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_font_matrix, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_font_options",(PyCFunction)pycairo_set_font_options, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_font_size", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_font_size, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_line_cap", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_line_cap, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_line_join", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_line_join, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_line_width", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_line_width, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_matrix", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_matrix, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_miter_limit", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_miter_limit, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_operator", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_operator, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_scaled_font", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_scaled_font, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_source", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_source, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_source_rgb", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_source_rgb, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_source_rgba", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_source_rgba, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_source_surface",(PyCFunction)pycairo_set_source_surface,
+ {"set_tolerance", (PyCFunction)pycairo_set_tolerance, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"show_glyphs", (PyCFunction)pycairo_show_glyphs, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"show_page", (PyCFunction)pycairo_show_page, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"show_text", (PyCFunction)pycairo_show_text, METH_O},
+ {"stroke", (PyCFunction)pycairo_stroke, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"stroke_extents", (PyCFunction)pycairo_stroke_extents, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"stroke_preserve", (PyCFunction)pycairo_stroke_preserve, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"text_extents", (PyCFunction)pycairo_text_extents, METH_O},
+ {"text_path", (PyCFunction)pycairo_text_path, METH_O},
+ {"transform", (PyCFunction)pycairo_transform, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"translate", (PyCFunction)pycairo_translate, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"user_to_device", (PyCFunction)pycairo_user_to_device, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"user_to_device_distance",(PyCFunction)pycairo_user_to_device_distance,
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoContext_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.Context", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoContext), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ (destructor)pycairo_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ pycairo_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PyBaseObject_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)pycairo_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
diff --git a/src/pycairo-font.c b/src/pycairo-font.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b1215c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycairo-font.c
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+ *
+ * Pycairo - Python bindings for cairo
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2003 James Henstridge, Steven Chaplin
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+ * (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
+ * Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
+ * notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
+ * the MPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ * You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+ * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
+ * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
+ * the specific language governing rights and limitations.
+ */
+#include <Python.h>
+# include <config.h>
+#include "pycairo-private.h"
+/* class cairo.FontFace --------------------------------------------------- */
+/* PycairoFontFace_FromFontFace
+ * Create a new PycairoFontFace from a cairo_font_face_t
+ * font_face - a cairo_font_face_t to 'wrap' into a Python object.
+ * it is unreferenced if the PycairoFontFace creation fails
+ * Return value: New reference or NULL on failure
+ */
+PyObject *
+PycairoFontFace_FromFontFace (cairo_font_face_t *font_face)
+ PyTypeObject *type = NULL;
+ PyObject *o;
+ assert (font_face != NULL);
+ if (Pycairo_Check_Status (cairo_font_face_status (font_face))) {
+ cairo_font_face_destroy (font_face);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ switch (cairo_font_face_get_type (font_face)) {
+ type = &PycairoToyFontFace_Type;
+ break;
+ default:
+ type = &PycairoFontFace_Type;
+ break;
+ }
+ o = type->tp_alloc (type, 0);
+ if (o == NULL)
+ cairo_font_face_destroy (font_face);
+ else
+ ((PycairoFontFace *)o)->font_face = font_face;
+ return o;
+static void
+font_face_dealloc (PycairoFontFace *o)
+ if (o->font_face) {
+ cairo_font_face_destroy (o->font_face);
+ o->font_face = NULL;
+ }
+ o->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *) o);
+static PyObject *
+font_face_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_TypeError, "The FontFace type cannot be "
+ "instantiated directly, use Context.get_font_face()");
+ return NULL;
+static PyMethodDef font_face_methods[] = {
+ * methods never exposed in a language binding:
+ * cairo_font_face_destroy()
+ * cairo_font_face_get_user_data()
+ * cairo_font_face_get_type()
+ * cairo_font_face_reference()
+ * cairo_font_face_set_user_data(),
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoFontFace_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.FontFace", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoFontFace), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ (destructor)font_face_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ 0, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PyBaseObject_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)font_face_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
+/* class cairo.ToyFontFace ------------------------------------------------- */
+static PyObject *
+toy_font_face_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PyObject *obj;
+ PyObject *pyUTF8 = NULL;
+ const char *utf8family = NULL;
+ cairo_font_slant_t slant = CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL;
+ cairo_font_weight_t weight = CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!|ii:ToyFontFace.__new__",
+ &PyBaseString_Type, &obj, &slant, &weight))
+ return NULL;
+ /* accept str and unicode family, auto convert to utf8 as required */
+ if (PyString_Check(obj)) {
+ /* A plain ASCII string is also a valid UTF-8 string */
+ utf8family = PyString_AS_STRING(obj);
+ } else if (PyUnicode_Check(obj)) {
+ pyUTF8 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(obj);
+ if (pyUTF8 != NULL) {
+ utf8family = PyString_AS_STRING(pyUTF8);
+ }
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "ToyFontFace.__new__: family must be str or unicode");
+ }
+ if (utf8family == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ PyObject *o = PycairoFontFace_FromFontFace (
+ cairo_toy_font_face_create (utf8family, slant, weight));
+ return o;
+static PyObject *
+toy_font_get_family (PycairoToyFontFace *o)
+ return PyString_FromString (cairo_toy_font_face_get_family (o->font_face));
+static PyObject *
+toy_font_get_slant (PycairoToyFontFace *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_toy_font_face_get_slant (o->font_face));
+static PyObject *
+toy_font_get_weight (PycairoToyFontFace *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_toy_font_face_get_weight (o->font_face));
+static PyMethodDef toy_font_face_methods[] = {
+ {"get_family", (PyCFunction)toy_font_get_family, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_slant", (PyCFunction)toy_font_get_slant, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_weight", (PyCFunction)toy_font_get_weight, METH_NOARGS},
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoToyFontFace_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.ToyFontFace", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoToyFontFace), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ 0, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ toy_font_face_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PycairoFontFace_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)toy_font_face_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
+/* class cairo.ScaledFont ------------------------------------------------- */
+/* PycairoScaledFont_FromScaledFont
+ * Create a new PycairoScaledFont from a cairo_scaled_font_t
+ * scaled_font - a cairo_scaled_font_t to 'wrap' into a Python object.
+ * it is unreferenced if the PycairoScaledFont creation fails
+ * Return value: New reference or NULL on failure
+ */
+PyObject *
+PycairoScaledFont_FromScaledFont (cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font)
+ PyObject *o;
+ assert (scaled_font != NULL);
+ if (Pycairo_Check_Status (cairo_scaled_font_status (scaled_font))) {
+ cairo_scaled_font_destroy (scaled_font);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ o = PycairoScaledFont_Type.tp_alloc (&PycairoScaledFont_Type, 0);
+ if (o == NULL)
+ cairo_scaled_font_destroy (scaled_font);
+ else
+ ((PycairoScaledFont *)o)->scaled_font = scaled_font;
+ return o;
+static void
+scaled_font_dealloc(PycairoScaledFont *o)
+ if (o->scaled_font) {
+ cairo_scaled_font_destroy (o->scaled_font);
+ o->scaled_font = NULL;
+ }
+ o->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *) o);
+static PyObject *
+scaled_font_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PycairoFontFace *ff;
+ PycairoFontOptions *fo;
+ PycairoMatrix *mx1, *mx2;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!O!O!:ScaledFont.__new__",
+ &PycairoFontFace_Type, &ff,
+ &PycairoMatrix_Type, &mx1,
+ &PycairoMatrix_Type, &mx2,
+ &PycairoFontOptions_Type, &fo))
+ return NULL;
+ return PycairoScaledFont_FromScaledFont (
+ cairo_scaled_font_create (ff->font_face, &mx1->matrix,
+ &mx2->matrix, fo->font_options));
+static PyObject *
+scaled_font_extents (PycairoScaledFont *o)
+ cairo_font_extents_t e;
+ cairo_scaled_font_extents (o->scaled_font, &e);
+ return Py_BuildValue ("(ddddd)", e.ascent, e.descent, e.height,
+ e.max_x_advance, e.max_y_advance);
+static PyObject *
+scaled_font_get_font_face (PycairoScaledFont *o)
+ return PycairoFontFace_FromFontFace (
+ cairo_font_face_reference (
+ cairo_scaled_font_get_font_face (o->scaled_font)));
+static PyObject *
+scaled_font_get_scale_matrix (PycairoScaledFont *o)
+ cairo_matrix_t matrix;
+ cairo_scaled_font_get_scale_matrix (o->scaled_font, &matrix);
+ return PycairoMatrix_FromMatrix (&matrix);
+static PyObject *
+scaled_font_text_extents (PycairoScaledFont *o, PyObject *obj)
+ cairo_text_extents_t extents;
+ PyObject *pyUTF8 = NULL;
+ const char *utf8 = NULL;
+ /* accept str and unicode text, auto convert to utf8 as required */
+ if (PyString_Check(obj)) {
+ /* A plain ASCII string is also a valid UTF-8 string */
+ utf8 = PyString_AS_STRING(obj);
+ } else if (PyUnicode_Check(obj)) {
+ pyUTF8 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(obj);
+ if (pyUTF8 != NULL) {
+ utf8 = PyString_AS_STRING(pyUTF8);
+ }
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "ScaledFont.text_extents: text must be str or unicode");
+ }
+ if (utf8 == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_scaled_font_text_extents (o->scaled_font, utf8, &extents);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dddddd)", extents.x_bearing, extents.y_bearing,
+ extents.width, extents.height, extents.x_advance,
+ extents.y_advance);
+static PyMethodDef scaled_font_methods[] = {
+ /* methods never exposed in a language binding:
+ * cairo_scaled_font_destroy()
+ * cairo_scaled_font_get_type()
+ * cairo_scaled_font_reference()
+ *
+ * TODO if requested:
+ * cairo_scaled_font_get_ctm
+ * cairo_scaled_font_get_font_matrix
+ * cairo_scaled_font_get_font_options
+ * cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents
+ * cairo_scaled_font_text_to_glyphs
+ */
+ {"extents", (PyCFunction)scaled_font_extents, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_font_face", (PyCFunction)scaled_font_get_font_face, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_scale_matrix", (PyCFunction)scaled_font_get_scale_matrix,
+ {"text_extents", (PyCFunction)scaled_font_text_extents, METH_O},
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoScaledFont_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.ScaledFont", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoScaledFont), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ (destructor)scaled_font_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ scaled_font_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PyBaseObject_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)scaled_font_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
+/* class cairo.FontOptions ------------------------------------------------ */
+/* PycairoFontOptions_FromFontOptions
+ * Create a new PycairoFontOptions from a cairo_font_options_t
+ * font_options - a cairo_font_options_t to 'wrap' into a Python object.
+ * it is unreferenced if the PycairoFontOptions creation fails
+ * Return value: New reference or NULL on failure
+ */
+PyObject *
+PycairoFontOptions_FromFontOptions (cairo_font_options_t *font_options)
+ PyObject *o;
+ assert (font_options != NULL);
+ if (Pycairo_Check_Status (cairo_font_options_status (font_options))) {
+ cairo_font_options_destroy (font_options);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ o = PycairoFontOptions_Type.tp_alloc (&PycairoFontOptions_Type, 0);
+ if (o == NULL)
+ cairo_font_options_destroy (font_options);
+ else
+ ((PycairoFontOptions *)o)->font_options = font_options;
+ return o;
+static void
+font_options_dealloc(PycairoFontOptions *o)
+ if (o->font_options) {
+ cairo_font_options_destroy (o->font_options);
+ o->font_options = NULL;
+ }
+ o->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *) o);
+static PyObject *
+font_options_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ return PycairoFontOptions_FromFontOptions (cairo_font_options_create());
+static PyObject *
+font_options_get_antialias (PycairoFontOptions *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_font_options_get_antialias (o->font_options));
+static PyObject *
+font_options_get_hint_metrics (PycairoFontOptions *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_font_options_get_hint_metrics
+ (o->font_options));
+static PyObject *
+font_options_get_hint_style (PycairoFontOptions *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_font_options_get_hint_style
+ (o->font_options));
+static PyObject *
+font_options_get_subpixel_order (PycairoFontOptions *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_font_options_get_subpixel_order
+ (o->font_options));
+static PyObject *
+font_options_set_antialias (PycairoFontOptions *o, PyObject *args)
+ cairo_antialias_t aa = CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i:FontOptions.set_antialias", &aa))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_font_options_set_antialias (o->font_options, aa);
+static PyObject *
+font_options_set_hint_metrics (PycairoFontOptions *o, PyObject *args)
+ cairo_hint_metrics_t hm = CAIRO_HINT_METRICS_DEFAULT;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i:FontOptions.set_hint_metrics", &hm))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_font_options_set_hint_metrics (o->font_options, hm);
+static PyObject *
+font_options_set_hint_style (PycairoFontOptions *o, PyObject *args)
+ cairo_hint_style_t hs = CAIRO_HINT_STYLE_DEFAULT;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i:FontOptions.set_hint_style", &hs))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_font_options_set_hint_style (o->font_options, hs);
+static PyObject *
+font_options_set_subpixel_order (PycairoFontOptions *o, PyObject *args)
+ cairo_subpixel_order_t so = CAIRO_SUBPIXEL_ORDER_DEFAULT;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i:FontOptions.set_subpixel_order", &so))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_font_options_set_subpixel_order (o->font_options, so);
+static PyMethodDef font_options_methods[] = {
+ /* methods never exposed in a language binding:
+ * cairo_font_options_destroy()
+ * cairo_font_options_reference()
+ */
+ /* TODO: */
+ /* copy */
+ /* hash */
+ /* merge */
+ /* equal (richcmp?) */
+ {"get_antialias", (PyCFunction)font_options_get_antialias,
+ {"get_hint_metrics", (PyCFunction)font_options_get_hint_metrics,
+ {"get_hint_style", (PyCFunction)font_options_get_hint_style,
+ {"get_subpixel_order",(PyCFunction)font_options_get_subpixel_order,
+ {"set_antialias", (PyCFunction)font_options_set_antialias,
+ {"set_hint_metrics", (PyCFunction)font_options_set_hint_metrics,
+ {"set_hint_style", (PyCFunction)font_options_set_hint_style,
+ {"set_subpixel_order",(PyCFunction)font_options_set_subpixel_order,
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoFontOptions_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.FontOptions", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoFontOptions), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ (destructor)font_options_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ font_options_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PyBaseObject_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)font_options_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
diff --git a/src/pycairo-matrix.c b/src/pycairo-matrix.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73f1845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycairo-matrix.c
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+ *
+ * Pycairo - Python bindings for cairo
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2003 James Henstridge, Steven Chaplin
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+ * (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
+ * Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
+ * notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
+ * the MPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ * You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+ * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
+ * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
+ * the specific language governing rights and limitations.
+ */
+#include <Python.h>
+# include <config.h>
+#include "pycairo-private.h"
+/* PycairoMatrix_FromMatrix
+ * Create a new PycairoMatrix from a cairo_matrix_t
+ * matrix - a cairo_matrix_t to 'wrap' into a Python object
+ * Return value: New reference or NULL on failure
+ */
+PyObject *
+PycairoMatrix_FromMatrix (const cairo_matrix_t *matrix)
+ PyObject *o;
+ assert (matrix != NULL);
+ o = PycairoMatrix_Type.tp_alloc (&PycairoMatrix_Type, 0);
+ if (o != NULL)
+ ((PycairoMatrix *)o)->matrix = *matrix;
+ return o;
+static void
+matrix_dealloc (PycairoMatrix *o)
+ o->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)o);
+static PyObject *
+matrix_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PyObject *o;
+ static char *kwlist[] = { "xx", "yx", "xy", "yy", "x0", "y0", NULL };
+ double xx = 1.0, yx = 0.0, xy = 0.0, yy = 1.0, x0 = 0.0, y0 = 0.0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds,
+ "|dddddd:Matrix.__init__", kwlist,
+ &xx, &yx, &xy, &yy, &x0, &y0))
+ return NULL;
+ o = type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ if (o)
+ cairo_matrix_init (&((PycairoMatrix *)o)->matrix,
+ xx, yx, xy, yy, x0, y0);
+ return o;
+static PyObject *
+matrix_init_rotate (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args)
+ cairo_matrix_t matrix;
+ double radians;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "d:Matrix.init_rotate", &radians))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_matrix_init_rotate (&matrix, radians);
+ return PycairoMatrix_FromMatrix (&matrix);
+static PyObject *
+matrix_invert (PycairoMatrix *o)
+ if (Pycairo_Check_Status (cairo_matrix_invert (&o->matrix)))
+ return NULL;
+/* cairo_matrix_multiply */
+static PyObject *
+matrix_multiply (PycairoMatrix *o, PyObject *args)
+ PycairoMatrix *mx2;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!:Matrix.multiply",
+ &PycairoMatrix_Type, &mx2))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_matrix_t result;
+ cairo_matrix_multiply (&result, &o->matrix, &mx2->matrix);
+ return PycairoMatrix_FromMatrix (&result);
+/* standard matrix multiply, for use by '*' operator */
+static PyObject *
+matrix_operator_multiply (PycairoMatrix *o, PycairoMatrix *o2)
+ cairo_matrix_t result;
+ cairo_matrix_multiply (&result, &o->matrix, &o2->matrix);
+ return PycairoMatrix_FromMatrix (&result);
+static PyObject *
+matrix_repr (PycairoMatrix *o)
+ char buf[256];
+ PyOS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "cairo.Matrix(%g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g)",
+ o->matrix.xx, o->matrix.yx,
+ o->matrix.xy, o->matrix.yy,
+ o->matrix.x0, o->matrix.y0);
+ return PyString_FromString(buf);
+static PyObject *
+matrix_richcmp (PycairoMatrix *m1, PycairoMatrix *m2, int op)
+ int equal;
+ PyObject *ret;
+ cairo_matrix_t *mx1 = &m1->matrix;
+ cairo_matrix_t *mx2 = &m2->matrix;
+ if (!PyObject_TypeCheck(m2, &PycairoMatrix_Type) ||
+ !(op == Py_EQ || op == Py_NE)) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_NotImplemented);
+ return Py_NotImplemented;
+ }
+ equal = mx1->xx == mx2->xx && mx1->yx == mx2->yx &&
+ mx1->xy == mx2->xy && mx1->yy == mx2->yy &&
+ mx1->x0 == mx2->x0 && mx1->y0 == mx2->y0;
+ if (op == Py_EQ)
+ ret = equal ? Py_True : Py_False;
+ else
+ ret = equal ? Py_False : Py_True;
+ Py_INCREF(ret);
+ return ret;
+static PyObject *
+matrix_rotate (PycairoMatrix *o, PyObject *args)
+ double radians;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "d:Matrix.rotate", &radians))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_matrix_rotate (&o->matrix, radians);
+static PyObject *
+matrix_scale (PycairoMatrix *o, PyObject *args)
+ double sx, sy;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dd:Matrix.scale", &sx, &sy))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_matrix_scale (&o->matrix, sx, sy);
+static PyObject *
+matrix_transform_distance (PycairoMatrix *o, PyObject *args)
+ double dx, dy;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dd:Matrix.transform_distance", &dx, &dy))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_matrix_transform_distance (&o->matrix, &dx, &dy);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dd)", dx, dy);
+static PyObject *
+matrix_transform_point (PycairoMatrix *o, PyObject *args)
+ double x, y;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dd:Matrix.transform_point", &x, &y))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_matrix_transform_point (&o->matrix, &x, &y);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dd)", x, y);
+static PyObject *
+matrix_translate (PycairoMatrix *o, PyObject *args)
+ double tx, ty;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dd:Matrix.translate", &tx, &ty))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_matrix_translate (&o->matrix, tx, ty);
+static PyObject *
+matrix_item (PycairoMatrix *o, Py_ssize_t i)
+ switch (i) {
+ case 0:
+ return Py_BuildValue("d", o->matrix.xx);
+ case 1:
+ return Py_BuildValue("d", o->matrix.yx);
+ case 2:
+ return Py_BuildValue("d", o->matrix.xy);
+ case 3:
+ return Py_BuildValue("d", o->matrix.yy);
+ case 4:
+ return Py_BuildValue("d", o->matrix.x0);
+ case 5:
+ return Py_BuildValue("d", o->matrix.y0);
+ default:
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "Matrix index out of range");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+static PyNumberMethods matrix_as_number = {
+ (binaryfunc)0, /*nb_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)0, /*nb_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)matrix_operator_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)0, /*nb_divide*/
+ (binaryfunc)0, /*nb_remainder*/
+ (binaryfunc)0, /*nb_divmod*/
+ (ternaryfunc)0, /*nb_power*/
+ (unaryfunc)0, /*nb_negative*/
+ (unaryfunc)0, /*nb_positive*/
+ (unaryfunc)0, /*nb_absolute*/
+ (inquiry)0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+ (unaryfunc)0, /*nb_invert*/
+ (binaryfunc)0, /*nb_lshift*/
+ (binaryfunc)0, /*nb_rshift*/
+ (binaryfunc)0, /*nb_and*/
+ (binaryfunc)0, /*nb_xor*/
+ (binaryfunc)0, /*nb_or*/
+ (coercion)0, /*nb_coerce*/
+ (unaryfunc)0, /*nb_int*/
+ (unaryfunc)0, /*nb_long*/
+ (unaryfunc)0, /*nb_float*/
+ (unaryfunc)0, /*nb_oct*/
+ (unaryfunc)0, /*nb_hex*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_add*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_subtract*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_multiply*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_remainder*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_power*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_lshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_rshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_and*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_xor*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_or*/
+ (binaryfunc)0, /* nb_floor_divide */
+ 0, /* nb_true_divide */
+ 0, /* nb_inplace_floor_divide */
+ 0, /* nb_inplace_true_divide */
+ (unaryfunc)0, /* nb_index */
+static PySequenceMethods matrix_as_sequence = {
+ 0, /* sq_length */
+ 0, /* sq_concat */
+ 0, /* sq_repeat */
+ (ssizeargfunc)matrix_item, /* sq_item */
+ 0, /* sq_slice */
+ 0, /* sq_ass_item */
+ 0, /* sq_ass_slice */
+ 0, /* sq_contains */
+static PyMethodDef matrix_methods[] = {
+ /* Do not need to wrap all cairo_matrix_init_*() functions
+ * C API Matrix constructors Python equivalents
+ * cairo_matrix_init() cairo.Matrix(xx,yx,xy,yy,x0,y0)
+ * cairo_matrix_init_rotate() cairo.Matrix.init_rotate(radians)
+ * cairo_matrix_init_identity() cairo.Matrix()
+ * cairo_matrix_init_translate() cairo.Matrix(x0=x0,y0=y0)
+ * cairo_matrix_init_scale() cairo.Matrix(xx=xx,yy=yy)
+ */
+ {"init_rotate", (PyCFunction)matrix_init_rotate,
+ {"invert", (PyCFunction)matrix_invert, METH_NOARGS },
+ {"multiply", (PyCFunction)matrix_multiply, METH_VARARGS },
+ {"rotate", (PyCFunction)matrix_rotate, METH_VARARGS },
+ {"scale", (PyCFunction)matrix_scale, METH_VARARGS },
+ {"transform_distance",(PyCFunction)matrix_transform_distance,
+ {"transform_point", (PyCFunction)matrix_transform_point, METH_VARARGS },
+ {"translate", (PyCFunction)matrix_translate, METH_VARARGS },
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoMatrix_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.Matrix", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoMatrix), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ (destructor)matrix_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ (reprfunc)matrix_repr, /* tp_repr */
+ &matrix_as_number, /* tp_as_number */
+ &matrix_as_sequence, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ NULL, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ (richcmpfunc)matrix_richcmp, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ matrix_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PyBaseObject_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)matrix_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
diff --git a/src/pycairo-path.c b/src/pycairo-path.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7473f14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycairo-path.c
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+ *
+ * Pycairo - Python bindings for cairo
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2005 Steve Chaplin
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+ * (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
+ * Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
+ * notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
+ * the MPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ * You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+ * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
+ * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
+ * the specific language governing rights and limitations.
+ */
+#include <Python.h>
+# include <config.h>
+#include "pycairo-private.h"
+/* PycairoPath iterator object
+ * modelled on Python-2.4/Objects/rangeobject.c and tupleobject.c
+ */
+/* PycairoPath_FromPath
+ * Create a new PycairoPath from a cairo_path_t
+ * path - a cairo_path_t to 'wrap' into a Python object.
+ * path is unreferenced if the PycairoPath creation fails, or if path
+ * is in an error status.
+ * Return value: New reference or NULL on failure
+ */
+PyObject *
+PycairoPath_FromPath (cairo_path_t *path)
+ PyObject *o;
+ assert (path != NULL);
+ if (Pycairo_Check_Status (path->status)) {
+ cairo_path_destroy (path);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ o = PycairoPath_Type.tp_alloc (&PycairoPath_Type, 0);
+ if (o)
+ ((PycairoPath *)o)->path = path;
+ else
+ cairo_path_destroy (path);
+ return o;
+static void
+path_dealloc(PycairoPath *p)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("path_dealloc start\n");
+ if (p->path) {
+ cairo_path_destroy(p->path);
+ p->path = NULL;
+ }
+ p->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)p);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("path_dealloc end\n");
+static PyObject *
+path_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ return type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ /* initializes memory to zeros */
+static int
+path_init(PycairoPath *p, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "The Path type cannot be instantiated, "
+ "use Context.copy_path()");
+ return -1;
+static PyObject *
+path_str(PycairoPath *p)
+ PyObject *s, *pieces = NULL, *result = NULL;
+ cairo_path_t *path = p->path;
+ cairo_path_data_t *data;
+ int i, ret;
+ char buf[80];
+ pieces = PyList_New(0);
+ if (pieces == NULL)
+ goto Done;
+ /* loop reading elements */
+ for (i=0; i < path->num_data; i += path->data[i].header.length) {
+ data = &path->data[i];
+ switch (data->header.type) {
+ PyOS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "move_to %f %f",
+ data[1].point.x, data[1].point.y);
+ s = PyString_FromString(buf);
+ if (!s)
+ goto Done;
+ ret = PyList_Append(pieces, s);
+ Py_DECREF(s);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ goto Done;
+ break;
+ PyOS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "line_to %f %f",
+ data[1].point.x, data[1].point.y);
+ s = PyString_FromString(buf);
+ if (!s)
+ goto Done;
+ ret = PyList_Append(pieces, s);
+ Py_DECREF(s);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ goto Done;
+ break;
+ PyOS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "curve_to %f %f %f %f %f %f",
+ data[1].point.x, data[1].point.y,
+ data[2].point.x, data[2].point.y,
+ data[3].point.x, data[3].point.y);
+ s = PyString_FromString(buf);
+ if (!s)
+ goto Done;
+ ret = PyList_Append(pieces, s);
+ Py_DECREF(s);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ goto Done;
+ break;
+ s = PyString_FromString("close path");
+ if (!s)
+ goto Done;
+ ret = PyList_Append(pieces, s);
+ Py_DECREF(s);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ goto Done;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* result = "\n".join(pieces) */
+ s = PyString_FromString("\n");
+ if (s == NULL)
+ goto Done;
+ result = _PyString_Join(s, pieces);
+ Py_DECREF(s);
+ Py_XDECREF(pieces);
+ return result;
+static PyObject * path_iter(PyObject *seq); /* forward declaration */
+PyTypeObject PycairoPath_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.Path", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoPath), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ (destructor)path_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ (reprfunc)path_str, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ (getiterfunc)path_iter, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ 0, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PyBaseObject_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ (initproc)path_init, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)path_new, /* tp_new */
+/*********************** PycairoPath Iterator **************************/
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ int index; /* position within PycairoPath */
+ PycairoPath *pypath; /* Set to NULL when iterator is exhausted */
+} PycairoPathiter;
+PyTypeObject PycairoPathiter_Type;
+static void
+pathiter_dealloc(PycairoPathiter *it)
+ Py_XDECREF(it->pypath);
+ PyObject_Del(it);
+static PyObject *
+path_iter(PyObject *pypath)
+ PycairoPathiter *it;
+ if (!PyObject_TypeCheck (pypath, &PycairoPath_Type)) {
+ PyErr_BadInternalCall();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ it = PyObject_New(PycairoPathiter, &PycairoPathiter_Type);
+ if (it == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ it->index = 0;
+ Py_INCREF(pypath);
+ it->pypath = (PycairoPath *)pypath;
+ return (PyObject *) it;
+static PyObject *
+pathiter_next(PycairoPathiter *it)
+ PycairoPath *pypath;
+ cairo_path_t *path;
+ assert(it != NULL);
+ pypath = it->pypath;
+ if (pypath == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ assert (PyObject_TypeCheck (pypath, &PycairoPath_Type));
+ path = pypath->path;
+ /* return the next path element, advance index */
+ if (it->index < path->num_data) {
+ cairo_path_data_t *data = &path->data[it->index];
+ int type = data->header.type;
+ it->index += data[0].header.length;
+ switch (type) {
+ return Py_BuildValue("(i(dd))", type,
+ data[1].point.x, data[1].point.y);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(i(dddddd))", type,
+ data[1].point.x, data[1].point.y,
+ data[2].point.x, data[2].point.y,
+ data[3].point.x, data[3].point.y);
+ return Py_BuildValue("i()", type);
+ default:
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "unknown CAIRO_PATH type");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ /* iterator has no remaining items */
+ Py_DECREF(pypath);
+ it->pypath = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+PyTypeObject PycairoPathiter_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.Pathiter", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoPathiter), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ (destructor)pathiter_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* PyObject_SelfIter, */ /* tp_iter */
+ (iternextfunc)pathiter_next, /* tp_iternext */
+ 0, /* tp_methods */
diff --git a/src/pycairo-pattern.c b/src/pycairo-pattern.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a793f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycairo-pattern.c
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+ *
+ * Pycairo - Python bindings for cairo
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2004-2006 Steve Chaplin
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+ * (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
+ * Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
+ * notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
+ * the MPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ * You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+ * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
+ * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
+ * the specific language governing rights and limitations.
+ */
+#include <Python.h>
+# include <config.h>
+#include "pycairo-private.h"
+/* Class Pattern ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* PycairoPattern_FromPattern
+ * Create a new
+ * PycairoSolidPattern,
+ * PycairoSurfacePattern,
+ * PycairoLinearGradient, or
+ * PycairoRadialGradient from a cairo_pattern_t.
+ * pattern - a cairo_pattern_t to 'wrap' into a Python object.
+ * It is unreferenced if the PycairoPattern creation fails, or if the
+ * pattern has an error status.
+ * base - the base object used to create the pattern, or NULL.
+ * It is referenced to keep it alive while the cairo_pattern_t is being used.
+ * For PycairoSurfacePattern base should be the PycairoSurface, for other
+ # patterns it should be NULL.
+ * Return value: New reference or NULL on failure
+ */
+PyObject *
+PycairoPattern_FromPattern (cairo_pattern_t *pattern, PyObject *base)
+ PyTypeObject *type = NULL;
+ PyObject *o;
+ assert (pattern != NULL);
+ if (Pycairo_Check_Status (cairo_pattern_status (pattern))) {
+ cairo_pattern_destroy (pattern);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ switch (cairo_pattern_get_type (pattern)) {
+ type = &PycairoSolidPattern_Type;
+ break;
+ type = &PycairoSurfacePattern_Type;
+ break;
+ type = &PycairoLinearGradient_Type;
+ break;
+ type = &PycairoRadialGradient_Type;
+ break;
+ default:
+ type = &PycairoPattern_Type;
+ break;
+ }
+ o = type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ if (o == NULL) {
+ cairo_pattern_destroy (pattern);
+ } else {
+ ((PycairoPattern *)o)->pattern = pattern;
+ Py_XINCREF(base);
+ ((PycairoPattern *)o)->base = base;
+ }
+ return o;
+static void
+pattern_dealloc (PycairoPattern *o)
+ if (o->pattern) {
+ cairo_pattern_destroy (o->pattern);
+ o->pattern = NULL;
+ }
+ Py_CLEAR(o->base);
+ o->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)o);
+static PyObject *
+pattern_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "The Pattern type cannot be instantiated");
+ return NULL;
+static PyObject *
+pattern_get_extend (PycairoPattern *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_pattern_get_extend (o->pattern));
+static PyObject *
+pattern_get_matrix (PycairoPattern *o)
+ cairo_matrix_t matrix;
+ cairo_pattern_get_matrix (o->pattern, &matrix);
+ return PycairoMatrix_FromMatrix (&matrix);
+static PyObject *
+pattern_set_extend (PycairoPattern *o, PyObject *args)
+ int extend;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:Pattern.set_extend", &extend))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_pattern_set_extend (o->pattern, extend);
+static PyObject *
+pattern_set_matrix (PycairoPattern *o, PyObject *args)
+ PycairoMatrix *m;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "O!:Pattern.set_matrix",
+ &PycairoMatrix_Type, &m))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_pattern_set_matrix (o->pattern, &m->matrix);
+static PyMethodDef pattern_methods[] = {
+ /* methods never exposed in a language binding:
+ * cairo_pattern_destroy()
+ * cairo_pattern_get_type()
+ * cairo_pattern_reference()
+ *
+ * cairo_pattern_status()
+ * - not needed since Pycairo handles status checking
+ */
+ {"get_extend", (PyCFunction)pattern_get_extend, METH_NOARGS },
+ {"get_matrix", (PyCFunction)pattern_get_matrix, METH_NOARGS },
+ {"set_extend", (PyCFunction)pattern_set_extend, METH_VARARGS },
+ {"set_matrix", (PyCFunction)pattern_set_matrix, METH_VARARGS },
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoPattern_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.Pattern", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoPattern), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ (destructor)pattern_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ pattern_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PyBaseObject_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)pattern_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
+/* Class SolidPattern ----------------------------------------------------- */
+static PyObject *
+solid_pattern_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ double r, g, b, a = 1.0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "ddd|d:SolidPattern.__new__", &r, &g, &b, &a))
+ return NULL;
+ return PycairoPattern_FromPattern (cairo_pattern_create_rgba (r, g, b, a),
+ NULL);
+static PyObject *
+solid_pattern_get_rgba (PycairoSolidPattern *o)
+ double red, green, blue, alpha;
+ cairo_pattern_get_rgba (o->pattern, &red, &green, &blue, &alpha);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dddd)", red, green, blue, alpha);
+static PyMethodDef solid_pattern_methods[] = {
+ {"get_rgba", (PyCFunction)solid_pattern_get_rgba, METH_NOARGS },
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoSolidPattern_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.SolidPattern", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoSolidPattern), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ 0, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ solid_pattern_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PyPattern_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)solid_pattern_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
+/* Class SurfacePattern --------------------------------------------------- */
+static PyObject *
+surface_pattern_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PycairoSurface *s;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "O!:SurfacePattern.__new__",
+ &PycairoSurface_Type, &s))
+ return NULL;
+ return PycairoPattern_FromPattern (
+ cairo_pattern_create_for_surface (s->surface), (PyObject *)s);
+static PyObject *
+surface_pattern_get_filter (PycairoSurfacePattern *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_pattern_get_filter (o->pattern));
+static PyObject *
+surface_pattern_get_surface (PycairoSurfacePattern *o)
+ /*
+ cairo_surface_t *surface;
+ cairo_pattern_get_surface (o->pattern, &surface);
+ return PycairoSurface_FromSurface (
+ cairo_surface_reference (surface), NULL);
+ */
+ /* return the surface used to create the pattern */
+ return Py_BuildValue("O", o->base);
+static PyObject *
+surface_pattern_set_filter (PycairoSurfacePattern *o, PyObject *args)
+ int filter;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "i:SurfacePattern.set_filter", &filter))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_pattern_set_filter (o->pattern, filter);
+static PyMethodDef surface_pattern_methods[] = {
+ {"get_filter", (PyCFunction)surface_pattern_get_filter, METH_NOARGS },
+ {"get_surface", (PyCFunction)surface_pattern_get_surface, METH_NOARGS },
+ {"set_filter", (PyCFunction)surface_pattern_set_filter, METH_VARARGS },
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoSurfacePattern_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.SurfacePattern", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoSurfacePattern), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ 0, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ surface_pattern_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PycairoPattern_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)surface_pattern_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
+/* Class Gradient --------------------------------------------------------- */
+static PyObject *
+gradient_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "The Gradient type cannot be instantiated");
+ return NULL;
+static PyObject *
+gradient_add_color_stop_rgb (PycairoGradient *o, PyObject *args)
+ double offset, red, green, blue;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dddd:Gradient.add_color_stop_rgb",
+ &offset, &red, &green, &blue))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb (o->pattern, offset, red, green, blue);
+static PyObject *
+gradient_add_color_stop_rgba (PycairoGradient *o, PyObject *args)
+ double offset, red, green, blue, alpha;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ddddd:Gradient.add_color_stop_rgba",
+ &offset, &red, &green, &blue, &alpha))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (o->pattern, offset, red,
+ green, blue, alpha);
+static PyMethodDef gradient_methods[] = {
+ {"add_color_stop_rgb",(PyCFunction)gradient_add_color_stop_rgb,
+ {"add_color_stop_rgba",(PyCFunction)gradient_add_color_stop_rgba,
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoGradient_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.Gradient", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoGradient), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ 0, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ gradient_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PycairoPattern_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)gradient_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
+/* Class LinearGradient --------------------------------------------------- */
+static PyObject *
+linear_gradient_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ double x0, y0, x1, y1;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dddd:LinearGradient.__new__",
+ &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1))
+ return NULL;
+ return PycairoPattern_FromPattern (
+ cairo_pattern_create_linear (x0, y0, x1, y1), NULL);
+static PyObject *
+linear_gradient_get_linear_points (PycairoLinearGradient *o)
+ double x0, y0, x1, y1;
+ cairo_pattern_get_linear_points (o->pattern, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dddd)", x0, y0, x1, y1);
+static PyMethodDef linear_gradient_methods[] = {
+ {"get_linear_points", (PyCFunction)linear_gradient_get_linear_points,
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoLinearGradient_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.LinearGradient", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoLinearGradient), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ 0, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ linear_gradient_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PycairoGradient_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)linear_gradient_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
+/* Class RadialGradient --------------------------------------------------- */
+static PyObject *
+radial_gradient_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ double cx0, cy0, radius0, cx1, cy1, radius1;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dddddd:RadialGradient.__new__",
+ &cx0, &cy0, &radius0, &cx1, &cy1, &radius1))
+ return NULL;
+ return PycairoPattern_FromPattern (
+ cairo_pattern_create_radial (cx0, cy0, radius0, cx1, cy1, radius1),
+ NULL);
+static PyObject *
+radial_gradient_get_radial_circles (PycairoRadialGradient *o)
+ double x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1;
+ cairo_pattern_get_radial_circles (o->pattern, &x0, &y0, &r0,
+ &x1, &y1, &r1);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dddddd)", x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1);
+static PyMethodDef radial_gradient_methods[] = {
+ {"get_radial_circles", (PyCFunction)radial_gradient_get_radial_circles,
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoRadialGradient_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.RadialGradient", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoRadialGradient), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ 0, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ radial_gradient_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PycairoGradient_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)radial_gradient_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
diff --git a/src/pycairo-private.h b/src/pycairo-private.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d04e66e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycairo-private.h
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+ *
+ * Pycairo - Python bindings for cairo
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2003 James Henstridge, Steven Chaplin
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+ * (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
+ * Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
+ * notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
+ * the MPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ * You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+ * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
+ * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
+ * the specific language governing rights and limitations.
+ */
+#ifdef _PYCAIRO_H_
+# error "don't include pycairo.h and pycairo-private.h together"
+#include <Python.h>
+#include "pycairo.h"
+extern PyObject *CairoError;
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoContext_Type;
+PyObject *PycairoContext_FromContext (cairo_t *ctx, PyTypeObject *type,
+ PyObject *base);
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoFontFace_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoToyFontFace_Type;
+PyObject *PycairoFontFace_FromFontFace (cairo_font_face_t *font_face);
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoFontOptions_Type;
+PyObject *PycairoFontOptions_FromFontOptions (
+ cairo_font_options_t *font_options);
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoMatrix_Type;
+PyObject *PycairoMatrix_FromMatrix (const cairo_matrix_t *matrix);
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoPath_Type;
+PyObject *PycairoPath_FromPath (cairo_path_t *path);
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoPathiter_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoPattern_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoSolidPattern_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoSurfacePattern_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoGradient_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoLinearGradient_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoRadialGradient_Type;
+PyObject *PycairoPattern_FromPattern (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
+ PyObject *base);
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoScaledFont_Type;
+PyObject *PycairoScaledFont_FromScaledFont (cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font);
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoSurface_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoImageSurface_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoPDFSurface_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoPSSurface_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoSVGSurface_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoWin32Surface_Type;
+extern PyTypeObject PycairoXlibSurface_Type;
+PyObject *PycairoSurface_FromSurface (cairo_surface_t *surface,
+ PyObject *base);
+int Pycairo_Check_Status (cairo_status_t status);
+/* error checking macros */
+#define RETURN_NULL_IF_CAIRO_ERROR(status) \
+ do { \
+ if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { \
+ Pycairo_Check_Status (status); \
+ return NULL; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+ do { \
+ cairo_status_t status = cairo_status (ctx); \
+ if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { \
+ Pycairo_Check_Status (status); \
+ return NULL; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+ do { \
+ cairo_status_t status = cairo_pattern_status (pattern); \
+ if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { \
+ Pycairo_Check_Status (status); \
+ return NULL; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+ do { \
+ cairo_status_t status = cairo_surface_status (surface); \
+ if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { \
+ Pycairo_Check_Status (status); \
+ return NULL; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+ do { \
+ cairo_status_t status = cairo_scaled_font_status (sc_font); \
+ if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { \
+ Pycairo_Check_Status (status); \
+ return NULL; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+ do { \
+ cairo_status_t status = cairo_font_options_status (fo); \
+ if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { \
+ Pycairo_Check_Status (status); \
+ return NULL; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+#endif /* _PYCAIRO_PRIVATE_H_ */
diff --git a/src/pycairo-surface.c b/src/pycairo-surface.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65af7f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycairo-surface.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1236 @@
+/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+ *
+ * Pycairo - Python bindings for cairo
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2003 James Henstridge, Steven Chaplin
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+ * (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
+ * Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
+ * notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
+ * the MPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ * You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+ * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
+ * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
+ * the specific language governing rights and limitations.
+ */
+#include <Python.h>
+# include <config.h>
+#include "pycairo-private.h"
+/* Class Surface ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* PycairoSurface_FromSurface
+ * Create a new
+ * PycairoImageSurface,
+ * PycairoPDFSurface,
+ * PycairoPSSurface,
+ * PycairoSVGSurface,
+ * PycairoWin32Surface, or
+ * PycairoXlibSurface from a cairo_surface_t.
+ * surface - a cairo_surface_t to 'wrap' into a Python object.
+ * It is unreferenced if the PycairoSurface creation fails, or if the
+ * cairo_surface_t has an error status.
+ * base - the base object used to create the surface, or NULL.
+ * It is referenced to keep it alive while the cairo_surface_t is being used.
+ * Return value: New reference or NULL on failure
+ */
+PyObject *
+PycairoSurface_FromSurface (cairo_surface_t *surface, PyObject *base)
+ PyTypeObject *type = NULL;
+ PyObject *o;
+ assert (surface != NULL);
+ if (Pycairo_Check_Status (cairo_surface_status (surface))) {
+ cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ switch (cairo_surface_get_type (surface)) {
+ type = &PycairoImageSurface_Type;
+ break;
+ type = &PycairoPDFSurface_Type;
+ break;
+ type = &PycairoPSSurface_Type;
+ break;
+ type = &PycairoSVGSurface_Type;
+ break;
+ type = &PycairoWin32Surface_Type;
+ break;
+ type = &PycairoXlibSurface_Type;
+ break;
+ default:
+ type = &PycairoSurface_Type;
+ break;
+ }
+ o = type->tp_alloc (type, 0);
+ if (o == NULL) {
+ cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
+ } else {
+ ((PycairoSurface *)o)->surface = surface;
+ Py_XINCREF(base);
+ ((PycairoSurface *)o)->base = base;
+ }
+ return o;
+/* for use with
+ * cairo_surface_write_to_png_stream()
+ * cairo_pdf/ps/svg_surface_create_for_stream()
+ */
+static cairo_status_t
+_write_func (void *closure, const unsigned char *data, unsigned int length)
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
+ PyObject *res = PyObject_CallMethod ((PyObject *)closure, "write", "(s#)",
+ data, (Py_ssize_t)length);
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ /* an exception has occurred, it will be picked up later by
+ * Pycairo_Check_Status()
+ */
+ PyGILState_Release(gstate);
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(res);
+ PyGILState_Release(gstate);
+static void
+surface_dealloc (PycairoSurface *o)
+ if (o->surface) {
+ cairo_surface_destroy(o->surface);
+ o->surface = NULL;
+ }
+ Py_CLEAR(o->base);
+ o->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject *)o);
+static PyObject *
+surface_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "The Surface type cannot be instantiated");
+ return NULL;
+static PyObject *
+surface_copy_page (PycairoSurface *o)
+ cairo_surface_copy_page (o->surface);
+static PyObject *
+surface_create_similar (PycairoSurface *o, PyObject *args)
+ cairo_content_t content;
+ int width, height;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "iii:Surface.create_similar",
+ &content, &width, &height))
+ return NULL;
+ return PycairoSurface_FromSurface (
+ cairo_surface_create_similar (o->surface, content, width, height),
+ NULL);
+static PyObject *
+surface_finish (PycairoSurface *o)
+ cairo_surface_finish (o->surface);
+ Py_CLEAR(o->base);
+static PyObject *
+surface_flush (PycairoSurface *o)
+ cairo_surface_flush (o->surface);
+static PyObject *
+surface_get_content (PycairoSurface *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_surface_get_content (o->surface));
+static PyObject *
+surface_get_device_offset (PycairoSurface *o)
+ double x_offset, y_offset;
+ cairo_surface_get_device_offset (o->surface, &x_offset, &y_offset);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dd)", x_offset, y_offset);
+static PyObject *
+surface_get_fallback_resolution (PycairoSurface *o)
+ double x_ppi, y_ppi;
+ cairo_surface_get_fallback_resolution (o->surface, &x_ppi, &y_ppi);
+ return Py_BuildValue("(dd)", x_ppi, y_ppi);
+static PyObject *
+surface_get_font_options (PycairoSurface *o)
+ cairo_font_options_t *options = cairo_font_options_create();
+ cairo_surface_get_font_options (o->surface, options);
+ /* there is no reference fn */
+ return PycairoFontOptions_FromFontOptions (options);
+static PyObject *
+surface_mark_dirty (PycairoSurface *o)
+ cairo_surface_mark_dirty (o->surface);
+static PyObject *
+surface_mark_dirty_rectangle (PycairoSurface *o, PyObject *args)
+ int x, y, width, height;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiii:Surface.mark_dirty_rectangle",
+ &x, &y, &width, &height))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_surface_mark_dirty_rectangle (o->surface, x, y, width, height);
+static PyObject *
+surface_set_device_offset (PycairoSurface *o, PyObject *args)
+ double x_offset, y_offset;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "dd:Surface.set_device_offset",
+ &x_offset, &y_offset))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_surface_set_device_offset (o->surface, x_offset, y_offset);
+static PyObject *
+surface_set_fallback_resolution (PycairoSurface *o, PyObject *args)
+ double x_ppi, y_ppi;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dd:Surface.set_fallback_resolution",
+ &x_ppi, &y_ppi))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_surface_set_fallback_resolution (o->surface, x_ppi, y_ppi);
+static PyObject *
+surface_show_page (PycairoSurface *o)
+ cairo_surface_show_page (o->surface);
+/* METH_O */
+static PyObject *
+surface_write_to_png (PycairoSurface *o, PyObject *file)
+ cairo_status_t status;
+ if (PyObject_TypeCheck (file, &PyBaseString_Type)) {
+ /* string (filename) argument */
+ status = cairo_surface_write_to_png (o->surface,
+ PyString_AsString(file));
+ } else { /* file or file-like object argument */
+ PyObject* writer = PyObject_GetAttrString (file, "write");
+ if (writer == NULL || !PyCallable_Check (writer)) {
+ Py_XDECREF(writer);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+"Surface.write_to_png takes one argument which must be a filename (str), file "
+"object, or a file-like object which has a \"write\" method (like StringIO)");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(writer);
+ status = cairo_surface_write_to_png_stream (o->surface, _write_func,
+ file);
+ }
+static PyMethodDef surface_methods[] = {
+ /* methods never exposed in a language binding:
+ * cairo_surface_destroy()
+ * cairo_surface_get_type()
+ * cairo_surface_get_user_data()
+ * cairo_surface_reference()
+ * cairo_surface_set_user_data()
+ */
+ {"copy_page", (PyCFunction)surface_copy_page, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"create_similar", (PyCFunction)surface_create_similar, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"finish", (PyCFunction)surface_finish, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"flush", (PyCFunction)surface_flush, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_content", (PyCFunction)surface_get_content, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_device_offset",(PyCFunction)surface_get_device_offset,METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_fallback_resolution",(PyCFunction)surface_get_fallback_resolution,
+ {"get_font_options",(PyCFunction)surface_get_font_options, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"mark_dirty", (PyCFunction)surface_mark_dirty, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"mark_dirty_rectangle", (PyCFunction)surface_mark_dirty_rectangle,
+ {"set_device_offset",(PyCFunction)surface_set_device_offset,METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_fallback_resolution",(PyCFunction)surface_set_fallback_resolution,
+ {"show_page", (PyCFunction)surface_show_page, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"write_to_png", (PyCFunction)surface_write_to_png, METH_O },
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoSurface_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.Surface", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoSurface), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ (destructor)surface_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ surface_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PyBaseObject_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)surface_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
+/* Class ImageSurface(Surface) -------------------------------------------- */
+static PyObject *
+image_surface_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ cairo_format_t format;
+ int width, height;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "iii:ImageSurface.__new__",
+ &format, &width, &height))
+ return NULL;
+ return PycairoSurface_FromSurface (
+ cairo_image_surface_create (format, width, height),
+ NULL);
+static PyObject *
+image_surface_create_for_data (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args)
+ cairo_surface_t *surface;
+ cairo_format_t format;
+ unsigned char *buffer;
+ int width, height, stride = -1, res;
+ Py_ssize_t buffer_len;
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oiii|i:Surface.create_for_data",
+ &obj, &format, &width, &height, &stride))
+ return NULL;
+ res = PyObject_AsWriteBuffer (obj, (void **)&buffer, &buffer_len);
+ if (res == -1)
+ return NULL;
+ if (width <= 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "width must be positive");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (height <= 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "height must be positive");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* if stride is missing, calculate it from width */
+ if (stride < 0) {
+ stride = cairo_format_stride_for_width (format, width);
+ if (stride == -1){
+ PyErr_SetString(CairoError,
+ "format is invalid or the width too large");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (height * stride > buffer_len) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "buffer is not long enough");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ surface = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data (buffer, format, width,
+ height, stride);
+ return PycairoSurface_FromSurface(surface, obj);
+static cairo_status_t
+_read_func (void *closure, unsigned char *data, unsigned int length)
+ char *buffer;
+ Py_ssize_t str_length;
+ cairo_status_t status = CAIRO_STATUS_READ_ERROR;
+ PyGILState_STATE gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
+ PyObject *pystr = PyObject_CallMethod ((PyObject *)closure, "read", "(i)",
+ length);
+ if (pystr == NULL) {
+ /* an exception has occurred, it will be picked up later by
+ * Pycairo_Check_Status()
+ */
+ goto end;
+ }
+ int ret = PyString_AsStringAndSize(pystr, &buffer, &str_length);
+ if (ret == -1 || str_length < length) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ /* don't use strncpy() since png data may contain NUL bytes */
+ memcpy (data, buffer, str_length);
+ end:
+ Py_XDECREF(pystr);
+ PyGILState_Release(gstate);
+ return status;
+static PyObject *
+image_surface_create_from_png (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *file)
+ PyObject* reader;
+ cairo_surface_t *is;
+ if (PyObject_TypeCheck (file, &PyBaseString_Type)) {
+ is = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png (PyString_AsString(file));
+ return PycairoSurface_FromSurface (is, NULL);
+ }
+ /* file or file-like object argument */
+ reader = PyObject_GetAttrString (file, "read");
+ if (reader == NULL || !PyCallable_Check (reader)) {
+ Py_XDECREF(reader);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+"ImageSurface.create_from_png argument must be a filename (str), file object, "
+"or an object that has a \"read\" method (like StringIO)");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(reader);
+ is = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png_stream (_read_func, file);
+ return PycairoSurface_FromSurface (is, NULL);
+static PyObject *
+image_surface_format_stride_for_width (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ cairo_format_t format;
+ int width;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ii:format_stride_for_width", &format, &width))
+ return NULL;
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_format_stride_for_width (format, width));
+static PyObject *
+image_surface_get_data (PycairoImageSurface *o)
+ return PyBuffer_FromReadWriteObject((PyObject *)o, 0, Py_END_OF_BUFFER);
+static PyObject *
+image_surface_get_format (PycairoImageSurface *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_image_surface_get_format (o->surface));
+static PyObject *
+image_surface_get_height (PycairoImageSurface *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_image_surface_get_height (o->surface));
+static PyObject *
+image_surface_get_stride (PycairoImageSurface *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_image_surface_get_stride (o->surface));
+static PyObject *
+image_surface_get_width (PycairoImageSurface *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_image_surface_get_width (o->surface));
+/* Buffer interface functions, used by ImageSurface.get_data() */
+static int
+image_surface_buffer_getreadbuf (PycairoImageSurface *o, int segment,
+ const void **ptr)
+ cairo_surface_t *surface = o->surface;
+ int height, stride;
+ if (segment != 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError,
+ "accessing non-existent ImageSurface segment");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface);
+ stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (surface);
+ *ptr = (void *) cairo_image_surface_get_data (surface);
+ return height * stride;
+static int
+image_surface_buffer_getwritebuf (PycairoImageSurface *o, int segment,
+ const void **ptr)
+ cairo_surface_t *surface = o->surface;
+ int height, stride;
+ if (segment != 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError,
+ "accessing non-existent ImageSurface segment");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface);
+ stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (surface);
+ *ptr = (void *) cairo_image_surface_get_data (surface);
+ return height * stride;
+static int
+image_surface_buffer_getsegcount (PycairoImageSurface *o, int *lenp)
+ if (lenp) {
+ /* report the sum of the sizes (in bytes) of all segments */
+ cairo_surface_t *surface = o->surface;
+ int height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface);
+ int stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (surface);
+ *lenp = height * stride;
+ }
+ return 1; /* surface data is all in one segment */
+/* See Python C API Manual 10.7 */
+static PyBufferProcs image_surface_as_buffer = {
+ (readbufferproc) image_surface_buffer_getreadbuf,
+ (writebufferproc)image_surface_buffer_getwritebuf,
+ (segcountproc) image_surface_buffer_getsegcount,
+ (charbufferproc) NULL,
+static PyMethodDef image_surface_methods[] = {
+ {"create_for_data",(PyCFunction)image_surface_create_for_data,
+ {"create_from_png", (PyCFunction)image_surface_create_from_png,
+ {"format_stride_for_width",
+ (PyCFunction)image_surface_format_stride_for_width,
+ {"get_data", (PyCFunction)image_surface_get_data, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_format", (PyCFunction)image_surface_get_format, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_height", (PyCFunction)image_surface_get_height, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_stride", (PyCFunction)image_surface_get_stride, METH_NOARGS},
+ {"get_width", (PyCFunction)image_surface_get_width, METH_NOARGS},
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoImageSurface_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.ImageSurface", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoImageSurface), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ 0, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ &image_surface_as_buffer, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ image_surface_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PycairoSurface_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)image_surface_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
+/* Class PDFSurface(Surface) ---------------------------------------------- */
+#include <cairo-pdf.h>
+static PyObject *
+pdf_surface_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ double width_in_points, height_in_points;
+ PyObject *file, *writer;
+ cairo_surface_t *sfc;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Odd:PDFSurface.__new__",
+ &file, &width_in_points, &height_in_points))
+ return NULL;
+ if (PyObject_TypeCheck (file, &PyBaseString_Type)) {
+ /* string (filename) argument */
+ sfc = cairo_pdf_surface_create (PyString_AsString(file),
+ width_in_points, height_in_points);
+ return PycairoSurface_FromSurface (sfc, NULL);
+ }
+ /* file or file-like object argument */
+ writer = PyObject_GetAttrString (file, "write");
+ if (writer == NULL || !PyCallable_Check (writer)) {
+ Py_XDECREF(writer);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+"PDFSurface argument 1 must be a filename (str), file object, or an object "
+"that has a \"write\" method (like StringIO)");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(writer);
+ sfc = cairo_pdf_surface_create_for_stream (_write_func, file,
+ width_in_points, height_in_points);
+ return PycairoSurface_FromSurface (sfc, file);
+static PyObject *
+pdf_surface_set_size (PycairoPDFSurface *o, PyObject *args)
+ double width_in_points, height_in_points;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dd:PDFSurface.set_size", &width_in_points,
+ &height_in_points))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_pdf_surface_set_size (o->surface, width_in_points,
+ height_in_points);
+static PyMethodDef pdf_surface_methods[] = {
+ {"set_size", (PyCFunction)pdf_surface_set_size, METH_VARARGS },
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoPDFSurface_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.PDFSurface", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoPDFSurface), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ 0, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ pdf_surface_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PycairoSurface_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)pdf_surface_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
+/* Class PSSurface(Surface) ----------------------------------------------- */
+#include <cairo-ps.h>
+static PyObject *
+ps_surface_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ double width_in_points, height_in_points;
+ PyObject *file, *writer;
+ cairo_surface_t *sfc;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Odd:PSSurface.__new__",
+ &file, &width_in_points, &height_in_points))
+ return NULL;
+ if (PyObject_TypeCheck (file, &PyBaseString_Type)) {
+ /* string (filename) argument */
+ sfc = cairo_ps_surface_create (PyString_AsString(file),
+ width_in_points, height_in_points);
+ return PycairoSurface_FromSurface (sfc, NULL);
+ }
+ /* else: file or file-like object argument */
+ writer = PyObject_GetAttrString (file, "write");
+ if (writer == NULL || !PyCallable_Check (writer)) {
+ Py_XDECREF(writer);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+"PSSurface argument 1 must be a filename (str), file object, or an object "
+"that has a \"write\" method (like StringIO)");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(writer);
+ sfc = cairo_ps_surface_create_for_stream (_write_func, file,
+ width_in_points, height_in_points);
+ return PycairoSurface_FromSurface (sfc, file);
+static PyObject *
+ps_surface_dsc_begin_page_setup (PycairoPSSurface *o)
+ cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_page_setup (o->surface);
+static PyObject *
+ps_surface_dsc_begin_setup (PycairoPSSurface *o)
+ cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_setup (o->surface);
+static PyObject *
+ps_surface_dsc_comment (PycairoPSSurface *o, PyObject *args)
+ const char *comment;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:PSSurface.dsc_comment", &comment))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_ps_surface_dsc_comment (o->surface, comment);
+static PyObject *
+ps_surface_get_eps (PycairoPSSurface *o)
+ PyObject *eps = cairo_ps_surface_get_eps (o->surface) ? Py_True : Py_False;
+ Py_INCREF(eps);
+ return eps;
+static PyObject *
+ps_surface_ps_level_to_string (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ int level;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:ps_level_to_string", &level))
+ return NULL;
+ const char *s = cairo_ps_level_to_string (level);
+ if (s == NULL){
+ PyErr_SetString(CairoError, "ps_level_to_string: "
+ "invalid level argument");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return PyString_FromString(s);
+static PyObject *
+ps_surface_restrict_to_level (PycairoPSSurface *o, PyObject *args)
+ int level;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:PSSurface.restrict_to_level", &level))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_ps_surface_restrict_to_level (o->surface, level);
+static PyObject *
+ps_surface_set_eps (PycairoPSSurface *o, PyObject *args)
+ PyObject *py_eps;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!:PSSurface.set_eps",
+ &PyBool_Type, &py_eps))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_ps_surface_set_eps (o->surface, (py_eps == Py_True));
+static PyObject *
+ps_surface_set_size (PycairoPSSurface *o, PyObject *args)
+ double width_in_points, height_in_points;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dd:PSSurface.set_size",
+ &width_in_points, &height_in_points))
+ return NULL;
+ cairo_ps_surface_set_size (o->surface, width_in_points, height_in_points);
+static PyMethodDef ps_surface_methods[] = {
+ {"dsc_begin_page_setup",
+ (PyCFunction)ps_surface_dsc_begin_page_setup, METH_NOARGS },
+ {"dsc_begin_setup", (PyCFunction)ps_surface_dsc_begin_setup, METH_NOARGS },
+ {"dsc_comment", (PyCFunction)ps_surface_dsc_comment, METH_VARARGS },
+ {"get_eps", (PyCFunction)ps_surface_get_eps, METH_NOARGS },
+ /* ps_get_levels - not implemented yet*/
+ {"ps_level_to_string", (PyCFunction)ps_surface_ps_level_to_string,
+ {"restrict_to_level", (PyCFunction)ps_surface_restrict_to_level,
+ {"set_eps", (PyCFunction)ps_surface_set_eps, METH_VARARGS },
+ {"set_size", (PyCFunction)ps_surface_set_size, METH_VARARGS },
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoPSSurface_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.PSSurface", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoPSSurface), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ 0, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ ps_surface_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PycairoSurface_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)ps_surface_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
+#endif /* CAIRO_HAS_PS_SURFACE */
+/* Class SVGSurface(Surface) ----------------------------------------------- */
+#include <cairo-svg.h>
+static PyObject *
+svg_surface_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ double width_in_points, height_in_points;
+ PyObject *file, *writer;
+ cairo_surface_t *sfc;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Odd:SVGSurface.__new__",
+ &file, &width_in_points, &height_in_points))
+ return NULL;
+ if (PyObject_TypeCheck (file, &PyBaseString_Type)) {
+ /* string (filename) argument */
+ sfc = cairo_svg_surface_create (PyString_AsString(file),
+ width_in_points, height_in_points);
+ return PycairoSurface_FromSurface (sfc, NULL);
+ }
+ /* else: file or file-like object argument */
+ writer = PyObject_GetAttrString (file, "write");
+ if (writer == NULL || !PyCallable_Check (writer)) {
+ Py_XDECREF(writer);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+"SVGSurface argument 1 must be a filename (str), file object, or an object "
+"that has a \"write\" method (like StringIO)");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(writer);
+ sfc = cairo_svg_surface_create_for_stream (_write_func, file,
+ width_in_points, height_in_points);
+ return PycairoSurface_FromSurface (sfc, file);
+static PyMethodDef svg_surface_methods[] = {
+ /* TODO
+ * cairo_svg_surface_restrict_to_version
+ * cairo_svg_get_versions
+ * cairo_svg_version_to_string
+ */
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoSVGSurface_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.SVGSurface", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoSVGSurface), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ 0, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ svg_surface_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PycairoSurface_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)svg_surface_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
+/* Class Win32Surface(Surface) -------------------------------------------- */
+#include <cairo-win32.h>
+static PyObject *
+win32_surface_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int hdc;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:Win32Surface.__new__", &hdc))
+ return NULL;
+ return PycairoSurface_FromSurface (
+ cairo_win32_surface_create ((HDC)hdc), NULL);
+static PyMethodDef win32_surface_methods[] = {
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoWin32Surface_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.Win32Surface", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoWin32Surface), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ 0, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ win32_surface_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PycairoSurface_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)win32_surface_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
+#endif /* CAIRO_HAS_WIN32_SURFACE */
+/* Class XlibSurface(Surface) --------------------------------------------- */
+#include <cairo-xlib.h>
+static PyObject *
+xlib_surface_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "The XlibSurface type cannot be directly instantiated");
+ return NULL;
+static PyObject *
+xlib_surface_get_depth (PycairoXlibSurface *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_xlib_surface_get_depth (o->surface));
+static PyObject *
+xlib_surface_get_height (PycairoXlibSurface *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_xlib_surface_get_height (o->surface));
+static PyObject *
+xlib_surface_get_width (PycairoXlibSurface *o)
+ return PyInt_FromLong (cairo_xlib_surface_get_width (o->surface));
+static PyMethodDef xlib_surface_methods[] = {
+ {"get_depth", (PyCFunction)xlib_surface_get_depth, METH_NOARGS },
+ {"get_height",(PyCFunction)xlib_surface_get_height, METH_NOARGS },
+ {"get_width", (PyCFunction)xlib_surface_get_width, METH_NOARGS },
+ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+PyTypeObject PycairoXlibSurface_Type = {
+ 0, /* ob_size */
+ "cairo.XlibSurface", /* tp_name */
+ sizeof(PycairoXlibSurface), /* tp_basicsize */
+ 0, /* tp_itemsize */
+ 0, /* tp_dealloc */
+ 0, /* tp_print */
+ 0, /* tp_getattr */
+ 0, /* tp_setattr */
+ 0, /* tp_compare */
+ 0, /* tp_repr */
+ 0, /* tp_as_number */
+ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
+ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
+ 0, /* tp_hash */
+ 0, /* tp_call */
+ 0, /* tp_str */
+ 0, /* tp_getattro */
+ 0, /* tp_setattro */
+ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
+ 0, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ xlib_surface_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* &PycairoSurface_Type, */ /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ (newfunc)xlib_surface_new, /* tp_new */
+ 0, /* tp_free */
+ 0, /* tp_is_gc */
+ 0, /* tp_bases */
diff --git a/src/pycairo.h b/src/pycairo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba56801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycairo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+ *
+ * Pycairo - Python bindings for cairo
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2003 James Henstridge, Steven Chaplin
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+ * (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
+ * Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
+ * notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
+ * the MPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ * You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+ * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
+ * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
+ * the specific language governing rights and limitations.
+ */
+#ifndef _PYCAIRO_H_
+#define _PYCAIRO_H_
+#include <Python.h>
+#include <cairo.h>
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ cairo_t *ctx;
+ PyObject *base; /* base object used to create context, or NULL */
+} PycairoContext;
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ cairo_font_face_t *font_face;
+} PycairoFontFace;
+#define PycairoToyFontFace PycairoFontFace
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ cairo_font_options_t *font_options;
+} PycairoFontOptions;
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ cairo_matrix_t matrix;
+} PycairoMatrix;
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ cairo_path_t *path;
+} PycairoPath;
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ cairo_pattern_t *pattern;
+ PyObject *base; /* base object used to create pattern, or NULL */
+} PycairoPattern;
+#define PycairoSolidPattern PycairoPattern
+#define PycairoSurfacePattern PycairoPattern
+#define PycairoGradient PycairoPattern
+#define PycairoLinearGradient PycairoPattern
+#define PycairoRadialGradient PycairoPattern
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font;
+} PycairoScaledFont;
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ cairo_surface_t *surface;
+ PyObject *base; /* base object used to create surface, or NULL */
+} PycairoSurface;
+#define PycairoImageSurface PycairoSurface
+#define PycairoPDFSurface PycairoSurface
+#define PycairoPSSurface PycairoSurface
+#define PycairoSVGSurface PycairoSurface
+#define PycairoWin32Surface PycairoSurface
+#define PycairoXlibSurface PycairoSurface
+/* get C object out of the Python wrapper */
+#define PycairoContext_GET(obj) (((PycairoContext *)(obj))->ctx)
+/* Define structure for C API. */
+typedef struct {
+ /* (type object, constructor) pairs */
+ PyTypeObject *Context_Type;
+ PyObject *(*Context_FromContext)(cairo_t *ctx, PyTypeObject *type,
+ PyObject *base);
+ PyTypeObject *FontFace_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *ToyFontFace_Type;
+ PyObject *(*FontFace_FromFontFace)(cairo_font_face_t *font_face);
+ PyTypeObject *FontOptions_Type;
+ PyObject *(*FontOptions_FromFontOptions)(
+ cairo_font_options_t *font_options);
+ PyTypeObject *Matrix_Type;
+ PyObject *(*Matrix_FromMatrix)(const cairo_matrix_t *matrix);
+ PyTypeObject *Path_Type;
+ PyObject *(*Path_FromPath)(cairo_path_t *path);
+ PyTypeObject *Pattern_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *SolidPattern_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *SurfacePattern_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *Gradient_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *LinearGradient_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *RadialGradient_Type;
+ PyObject *(*Pattern_FromPattern)(cairo_pattern_t *pattern, PyObject *base);
+ PyTypeObject *ScaledFont_Type;
+ PyObject *(*ScaledFont_FromScaledFont)(cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font);
+ PyTypeObject *Surface_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *ImageSurface_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *PDFSurface_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *PSSurface_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *SVGSurface_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *Win32Surface_Type;
+ PyTypeObject *XlibSurface_Type;
+ PyObject *(*Surface_FromSurface)(cairo_surface_t *surface, PyObject *base);
+ /* misc functions */
+ int (*Check_Status)(cairo_status_t status);
+} Pycairo_CAPI_t;
+/* Macros for accessing the C API */
+#define PycairoContext_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->Context_Type)
+#define PycairoContext_FromContext (Pycairo_CAPI->Context_FromContext)
+#define PycairoFontFace_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->FontFace_Type)
+#define PycairoToyFontFace_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->ToyFontFace_Type)
+#define PycairoFontFace_FromFontFace (Pycairo_CAPI->FontFace_FromFontFace)
+#define PycairoFontOptions_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->FontOptions_Type)
+#define PycairoFontOptions_FromFontOptions \
+ (Pycairo_CAPI->FontOptions_FromFontOptions)
+#define PycairoMatrix_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->Matrix_Type)
+#define PycairoMatrix_FromMatrix (Pycairo_CAPI->Matrix_FromMatrix)
+#define PycairoPath_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->Path_Type)
+#define PycairoPath_FromPath (Pycairo_CAPI->Path_FromPath)
+#define PycairoPattern_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->Pattern_Type)
+#define PycairoSolidPattern_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->SolidPattern_Type)
+#define PycairoSurfacePattern_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->SurfacePattern_Type)
+#define PycairoGradient_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->Gradient_Type)
+#define PycairoLinearGradient_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->LinearGradient_Type)
+#define PycairoRadialGradient_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->RadialGradient_Type)
+#define PycairoPattern_FromPattern (Pycairo_CAPI->Pattern_FromPattern)
+#define PycairoScaledFont_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->ScaledFont_Type)
+#define PycairoScaledFont_FromScaledFont \
+ (Pycairo_CAPI->ScaledFont_FromScaledFont)
+#define PycairoSurface_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->Surface_Type)
+#define PycairoImageSurface_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->ImageSurface_Type)
+#define PycairoPDFSurface_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->PDFSurface_Type)
+#define PycairoPSSurface_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->PSSurface_Type)
+#define PycairoSVGSurface_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->SVGSurface_Type)
+#define PycairoWin32Surface_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->Win32Surface_Type)
+#define PycairoXlibSurface_Type *(Pycairo_CAPI->XlibSurface_Type)
+#define PycairoSurface_FromSurface (Pycairo_CAPI->Surface_FromSurface)
+#define Pycairo_Check_Status (Pycairo_CAPI->Check_Status)
+/* To access the Pycairo C API, edit the client module file to:
+ * 1) Add the following line to define a global variable for the C API
+ * static Pycairo_CAPI_t *Pycairo_CAPI;
+ * 2) Add 'Pycairo_IMPORT;' to the init<module> function
+ */
+#define Pycairo_IMPORT \
+ Pycairo_CAPI = (Pycairo_CAPI_t*) PyCObject_Import("cairo", "CAPI")
+#endif /* ifndef _INSIDE_PYCAIRO_ */
+#endif /* ifndef _PYCAIRO_H_ */
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+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
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+'''test pycairo API
+- can be expanded later as required.
+- is not able to test the quality of images created. We assume cairo itself
+ tests for this.
+from __future__ import division # new in 2.2, redundant in 3.0
+from __future__ import absolute_import # new in 2.5, redundant in 2.7/3.0
+from __future__ import print_function # new in 2.6, redundant in 3.0
+import tempfile as tfi
+import cairo
+import py.test as test
+def test_context():
+ pass
+def test_matrix():
+ pass
+def test_path():
+ pass
+def test_patterns():
+ pass
+def test_surfaces():
+ # The Surface type cannot be instantiated
+ test.raises(TypeError, "s = cairo.Surface()")
+ f, w, h = cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 100, 100
+ s = cairo.ImageSurface(f, w, h)
+ assert s.get_format() == f
+ assert s.get_width() == w
+ assert s.get_height() == h
+ if cairo.HAS_PDF_SURFACE:
+ f, w, h = tfi.TemporaryFile(mode='w+b'), 100, 100
+ s = cairo.PDFSurface(f, w, h)
+ if cairo.HAS_PS_SURFACE:
+ f, w, h = tfi.TemporaryFile(mode='w+b'), 100, 100
+ s = cairo.PSSurface(f, w, h)
+ if cairo.HAS_SVG_SURFACE:
+ f, w, h = tfi.TemporaryFile(mode='w+b'), 100, 100
+ s = cairo.SVGSurface(f, w, h)
+def test_text():
+ pass
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5fe924
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+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+'''test by running example scripts
+from __future__ import division # new in 2.2, redundant in 3.0
+from __future__ import absolute_import # new in 2.5, redundant in 2.7/3.0
+from __future__ import print_function # new in 2.6, redundant in 3.0
+import os
+import os.path
+import subprocess
+#import py.test as test
+def test_examples():
+ '''run non-gui example scripts and check they exit successfully.
+ '''
+ os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'examples'))
+ for f in (x for x in os.listdir('.') if x.endswith('.py')):
+ retcode ='python %s' % f, shell=True)
+ assert retcode == 0, 'Error: {0} retcode == {1}'.format(f, retcode)
+def test_snippets_png():
+ '''run all snippets in png mode and check they exit successfully.
+ '''
+ os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'examples',
+ 'cairo_snippets'))
+ retcode ='python -s', shell=True)
+ assert retcode == 0, 'Error: retcode == {0}'.format(retcode)
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c497991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""test cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data() with a Python array
+import array
+import cairo
+dir_ = "/tmp/"
+width, height = 255, 255
+data = array.array('B', [0] * width * height * 4)
+for y in range(height):
+ for x in range(width):
+ offset = (x + (y * width)) * 4
+ alpha = y
+ # cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32 uses pre-multiplied alpha
+ data[offset+0] = int(x * alpha/255.0) # B
+ data[offset+1] = int(y * alpha/255.0) # G
+ data[offset+2] = 0 # R
+ data[offset+3] = alpha # A
+surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(data, cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32,
+ width, height)
+ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
+surface.write_to_png(dir_ + 'for_data1.png')
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..88b4c5c
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+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""test cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data() with a numpy array
+import cairo
+import numpy
+dir_ = "/tmp/"
+width, height = 255, 255
+data = numpy.ndarray (shape=(height,width,4), dtype=numpy.uint8)
+for x in range(width):
+ for y in range(height):
+ alpha = y
+ # cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32 uses pre-multiplied alpha
+ data[y][x][0] = int(x * alpha/255.0)
+ data[y][x][1] = int(y * alpha/255.0)
+ data[y][x][2] = 0
+ data[y][x][3] = alpha
+surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data (data, cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32,
+ width, height)
+ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
+surface.write_to_png(dir_ + 'for_data2.png')
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..951acb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# test cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png()
+import cairo
+surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png("/tmp/warpedtext.png")
+# write to filename
+# write to file object
+f2=file("/tmp/t2.png", "w")
+# write to object that has a "write" method
+import StringIO
+buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
+png_string = buffer.getvalue()
+f3=file("/tmp/t3.png", "w")
+# write to object that has a "write" method
+import cStringIO
+buffer = cStringIO.StringIO()
+png_string = buffer.getvalue()
+f4=file("/tmp/t4.png", "w")
+# error test - to check the error message, should raise TypeError
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c19a17e
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+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Test ImageSurface.get_data()
+import cairo
+import numpy
+dir_ = "/tmp/"
+w, h = 128, 128
+surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h)
+ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
+ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) # white
+# Draw out the triangle using absolute coordinates
+ctx.move_to(w/2, h/3)
+ctx.line_to(2*w/3, 2*h/3)
+ctx.rel_line_to(-1*w/3, 0)
+ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) # black
+surface.write_to_png(dir_ + "get_data_test1.png")
+# modify surface using numpy
+buf = surface.get_data()
+# alternative which should work (?) but reports
+# TypeError: buffer is read-only
+# - is a Python bug?
+#buf = buffer (surface1)
+a = numpy.ndarray(shape=(w,h,4), dtype=numpy.uint8, buffer=buf)
+# draw a vertical line
+a[:,40,0] = 255 # byte 0 is blue on little-endian systems
+a[:,40,1] = 0
+a[:,40,2] = 0
+surface.write_to_png(dir_ + "get_data_test2.png")
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..25871e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""demonstrate pycairo and pygame
+method1: use pycairo and pygame directly
+import array
+import math
+import sys
+import cairo
+import pygame
+def draw(surface):
+ x,y, radius = (250,250, 200)
+ ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
+ ctx.set_line_width(15)
+ ctx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2.0 * math.pi)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+ ctx.fill_preserve()
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1)
+ ctx.stroke()
+def input(events):
+ for event in events:
+ if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print event
+Width, Height = 512, 512
+surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, Width, Height)
+window = pygame.display.set_mode( (Width,Height) )
+screen = pygame.display.get_surface()
+#Create PyGame surface from Cairo Surface
+buf = surface.get_data()
+image = pygame.image.frombuffer(buf,(Width,Height),"ARGB",)
+#Tranfer to Screen
+screen.blit(image, (0,0))
+while True:
+ input(pygame.event.get())
+with pycairo 1.4.12 and pygame 1.7.1 you get the error message:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "./", line 42, in <module>
+ image = pygame.image.frombuffer(buf,(Width,Height),"ARGB",)
+TypeError: char buffer type not available
+This is because with
+ buf = surface.get_data()
+pycairo provides a binary image buffer,
+whereas with
+ image = pygame.image.frombuffer(buf,(Width,Height),"ARGB",)
+pygame is expecting a text-based character buffer!
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9ebc1ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""demonstrate pycairo and pygame
+method1: use an intermediate Python array object
+import array
+import math
+import sys
+import cairo
+import pygame
+def draw(surface):
+ x,y, radius = (250,250, 200)
+ ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
+ ctx.set_line_width(15)
+ ctx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2.0 * math.pi)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+ ctx.fill_preserve()
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1)
+ ctx.stroke()
+def input(events):
+ for event in events:
+ if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print event
+Width, Height = 512, 512
+data = array.array('c', chr(0) * Width * Height * 4)
+stride = Width * 4
+surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(data, cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32,Width, Height, stride)
+window = pygame.display.set_mode( (Width,Height) )
+screen = pygame.display.get_surface()
+#Create PyGame surface from Cairo Surface
+image = pygame.image.frombuffer(data.tostring(),(Width,Height),"ARGB",)
+#Tranfer to Screen
+screen.blit(image, (0,0))
+while True:
+ input(pygame.event.get())
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..210badd
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+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Test PDF/PS/SVG constructors (using streams)
+import cStringIO
+import gc
+import math
+import sys
+import StringIO
+import cairo
+class C(object):
+ """a file-like object (for testing), it simulates sys.stdout
+ """
+ def __init__ (self):
+ self.closed = False
+ def write(self, s):
+ """just echo to stdout, without newlines"""
+ if self.closed:
+ raise ValueError ("I/O operation on closed file")
+ sys.stdout.write (s)
+ def close(self):
+ self.closed = True
+# a selection of possible args to surface.write_to_png()
+#fo = '/tmp/'
+fo = file('/tmp/f.svg', 'w')
+#fo = StringIO.StringIO()
+#fo = cStringIO.StringIO()
+#fo = sys.stdout
+#fo = C()
+#fo.close() # this should cause: ValueError: I/O operation on closed file
+WIDTH, HEIGHT = 256, 256
+#surface = cairo.PDFSurface (fo, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
+#surface = cairo.PSSurface (fo, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
+surface = cairo.SVGSurface (fo, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
+#sys.stdout.write ('1\n'); sys.stdout.flush()
+ctx = cairo.Context (surface)
+#del fo # test that 'fo' is referenced to keep it alive
+#fo.close() # this should cause: ValueError: I/O operation on closed file
+ctx.scale (WIDTH/1.0, HEIGHT/1.0)
+pat = cairo.LinearGradient (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba (0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+ctx.rectangle (0,0,1,1)
+ctx.set_source (pat)
+ctx.fill ()
+pat = cairo.RadialGradient (0.45, 0.4, 0.1,
+ 0.4, 0.4, 0.5)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba (0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+ctx.set_source (pat)
+ctx.arc (0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0, 2 * math.pi)
+ctx.fill ()
+# for testing StringIO: get data and write to file
+#string = fo.getvalue()
+#f2 = file('/tmp/', 'w')
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f4ba83b
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+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Test Surface.write_to_png()
+import cStringIO
+import math
+import sys
+import StringIO
+import cairo
+class C(object):
+ """a file-like object (for testing), it simulates sys.stdout
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.closed = False
+ def write(self, s):
+ """just echo to stdout, without newlines"""
+ if self.closed:
+ raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
+ sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def close(self):
+ self.closed = True
+WIDTH, HEIGHT = 256, 256
+surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
+ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
+ctx.scale(WIDTH/1.0, HEIGHT/1.0)
+pat = cairo.LinearGradient(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba(1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba(0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+pat = cairo.RadialGradient(0.45, 0.4, 0.1,
+ 0.4, 0.4, 0.5)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba(0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+pat.add_color_stop_rgba(1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+ctx.arc(0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0, 2 * math.pi)
+# a selection of possible args to surface.write_to_png()
+#fo = '/tmp/f.png'
+fo = file('/tmp/f.png', 'w')
+#fo = StringIO.StringIO()
+#fo = cStringIO.StringIO()
+#fo = sys.stdout
+#fo = C()
+fo.close() # this should cause: ValueError: I/O operation on closed file
+# for testing StringIO: get data and write to file
+#string = fo.getvalue()
+#f2 = file('/tmp/f.png', 'w')