path: root/doc/reference/matrix.rst
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diff --git a/doc/reference/matrix.rst b/doc/reference/matrix.rst
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index 0000000..cb3ec3e
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+++ b/doc/reference/matrix.rst
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+.. _matrix:
+.. currentmodule:: cairo
+class Matrix()
+*Matrix* is used throughout cairo to convert between different coordinate
+spaces. A *Matrix* holds an affine transformation, such as a scale, rotation,
+shear, or a combination of these. The transformation of a point (x,y) is
+given by::
+ x_new = xx * x + xy * y + x0
+ y_new = yx * x + yy * y + y0
+The current transformation matrix of a :class:`Context`, represented as a
+*Matrix*, defines the transformation from user-space coordinates to device-space
+Some standard Python operators can be used with matrices:
+To read the values from a *Matrix*::
+ xx, yx, xy, yy, x0, y0 = matrix
+To multiply two matrices::
+ matrix3 = matrix1.multiply(matrix2)
+ # or equivalently
+ matrix3 = matrix1 * matrix2
+To compare two matrices::
+ matrix1 == matrix2
+ matrix1 != matrix2
+For more information on matrix transformation see
+.. class:: Matrix(xx = 1.0, yx = 0.0, xy = 0.0, yy = 1.0, x0 = 0.0, y0 = 0.0)
+ :param xx: xx component of the affine transformation
+ :type xx: float
+ :param yx: yx component of the affine transformation
+ :type yx: float
+ :param xy: xy component of the affine transformation
+ :type xy: float
+ :param yy: yy component of the affine transformation
+ :type yy: float
+ :param x0: X translation component of the affine transformation
+ :type x0: float
+ :param y0: Y translation component of the affine transformation
+ :type y0: float
+ Create a new *Matrix* with the affine transformation given by *xx, yx, xy,
+ yy, x0, y0*. The transformation is given by::
+ x_new = xx * x + xy * y + x0
+ y_new = yx * x + yy * y + y0
+ To create a new identity matrix::
+ matrix = cairo.Matrix()
+ To create a matrix with a transformation which translates by tx and ty in the X and Y dimensions, respectively::
+ matrix = cairo.Matrix(x0=tx, y0=ty)
+ To create a matrix with a transformation that scales by sx and sy in the X and Y dimensions, respectively::
+ matrix = cairo.Matrix(xx=sy, yy=sy)
+ .. classmethod:: init_rotate(radians)
+ :param radians: angle of rotation, in radians. The direction of rotation
+ is defined such that positive angles rotate in the direction from the
+ positive X axis toward the positive Y axis. With the default axis
+ orientation of cairo, positive angles rotate in a clockwise direction.
+ :type radians: float
+ :returns: a new *Matrix* set to a transformation that rotates by *radians*.
+ .. method:: invert()
+ :returns: If *Matrix* has an inverse, modifies *Matrix* to be the
+ inverse matrix and returns *None*
+ :raises: :exc:`cairo.Error` if the *Matrix* as no inverse
+ Changes *Matrix* to be the inverse of it's original value. Not all
+ transformation matrices have inverses; if the matrix collapses points
+ together (it is *degenerate*), then it has no inverse and this function
+ will fail.
+ .. method:: multiply(matrix2)
+ :param matrix2: a second matrix
+ :type matrix2: cairo.Matrix
+ :returns: a new *Matrix*
+ Multiplies the affine transformations in *Matrix* and *matrix2*
+ together. The effect of the resulting transformation is to first apply
+ the transformation in *Matrix* to the coordinates and then apply the
+ transformation in *matrix2* to the coordinates.
+ It is allowable for result to be identical to either *Matrix* or *matrix2*.
+ .. method:: rotate(radians)
+ :param radians: angle of rotation, in radians. The direction of rotation
+ is defined such that positive angles rotate in the direction from the
+ positive X axis toward the positive Y axis. With the default axis
+ orientation of cairo, positive angles rotate in a clockwise direction.
+ :type radians: float
+ Initialize *Matrix* to a transformation that rotates by *radians*.
+ .. method:: scale(sx, sy)
+ :param sx: scale factor in the X direction
+ :type sx: float
+ :param sy: scale factor in the Y direction
+ :type sy: float
+ Applies scaling by *sx, sy* to the transformation in *Matrix*. The
+ effect of the new transformation is to first scale the coordinates by
+ *sx* and *sy*, then apply the original transformation to the
+ coordinates.
+ .. method:: transform_distance(dx, dy)
+ :param dx: X component of a distance vector.
+ :type dx: float
+ :param dy: Y component of a distance vector.
+ :type dy: float
+ :returns: the transformed distance vector (dx,dy)
+ :rtype: (float, float)
+ Transforms the distance vector *(dx,dy)* by *Matrix*. This is similar to
+ :meth:`.transform_point` except that the translation components of
+ the transformation are ignored. The calculation of the returned vector
+ is as follows::
+ dx2 = dx1 * a + dy1 * c
+ dy2 = dx1 * b + dy1 * d
+ Affine transformations are position invariant, so the same vector always
+ transforms to the same vector. If *(x1,y1)* transforms to *(x2,y2)* then
+ *(x1+dx1,y1+dy1)* will transform to *(x1+dx2,y1+dy2)* for all values
+ of *x1* and *x2*.
+ .. method:: transform_point(x, y)
+ :param x: X position.
+ :type x: float
+ :param y: Y position.
+ :type y: float
+ :returns: the transformed point (x,y)
+ :rtype: (float, float)
+ Transforms the point *(x, y)* by *Matrix*.
+ .. method:: translate(tx, ty)
+ :param tx: amount to translate in the X direction
+ :type tx: float
+ :param ty: amount to translate in the Y direction
+ :type ty: float
+ Applies a transformation by *tx, ty* to the transformation in
+ *Matrix*. The effect of the new transformation is to first translate the
+ coordinates by *tx* and *ty*, then apply the original transformation to the
+ coordinates.