path: root/docs/ref/rst/directives.txt
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+ reStructuredText Directives
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Revision: $Revision$
+:Date: $Date$
+:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+.. contents::
+This document describes the directives implemented in the reference
+reStructuredText parser.
+Directives have the following syntax::
+ +-------+-------------------------------+
+ | ".. " | directive type "::" directive |
+ +-------+ block |
+ | |
+ +-------------------------------+
+Directives begin with an explicit markup start (two periods and a
+space), followed by the directive type and two colons (collectively,
+the "directive marker"). The directive block begins immediately after
+the directive marker, and includes all subsequent indented lines. The
+directive block is divided into arguments, options (a field list), and
+content (in that order), any of which may appear. See the Directives_
+section in the `reStructuredText Markup Specification`_ for syntax
+Descriptions below list "doctree elements" (document tree element
+names; XML DTD generic identifiers) corresponding to individual
+directives. For details on the hierarchy of elements, please see `The
+Docutils Document Tree`_ and the `Docutils Generic DTD`_ XML document
+type definition. For directive implementation details, see `Creating
+reStructuredText Directives`_.
+.. _Directives: restructuredtext.html#directives
+.. _reStructuredText Markup Specification: restructuredtext.html
+.. _The Docutils Document Tree: ../doctree.html
+.. _Docutils Generic DTD: ../docutils.dtd
+.. _Creating reStructuredText Directives:
+ ../../howto/rst-directives.html
+ Admonitions
+.. _attention:
+.. _caution:
+.. _danger:
+.. _error:
+.. _hint:
+.. _important:
+.. _note:
+.. _tip:
+.. _warning:
+Specific Admonitions
+:Directive Types: "attention", "caution", "danger", "error", "hint",
+ "important", "note", "tip", "warning", "admonition"
+:Doctree Elements: attention, caution, danger, error, hint, important,
+ note, tip, warning, admonition, title
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as body elements.
+Admonitions are specially marked "topics" that can appear anywhere an
+ordinary body element can. They contain arbitrary body elements.
+Typically, an admonition is rendered as an offset block in a document,
+sometimes outlined or shaded, with a title matching the admonition
+type. For example::
+ .. DANGER::
+ Beware killer rabbits!
+This directive might be rendered something like this::
+ +------------------------+
+ | !DANGER! |
+ | |
+ | Beware killer rabbits! |
+ +------------------------+
+The following admonition directives have been implemented:
+- attention
+- caution
+- danger
+- error
+- hint
+- important
+- note
+- tip
+- warning
+Any text immediately following the directive indicator (on the same
+line and/or indented on following lines) is interpreted as a directive
+block and is parsed for normal body elements. For example, the
+following "note" admonition directive contains one paragraph and a
+bullet list consisting of two list items::
+ .. note:: This is a note admonition.
+ This is the second line of the first paragraph.
+ - The note contains all indented body elements
+ following.
+ - It includes this bullet list.
+.. _admonition:
+Generic Admonition
+:Directive Type: "admonition"
+:Doctree Elements: admonition, title
+:Directive Arguments: One, required (admonition title)
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as body elements.
+This is a generic, titled admonition. The title may be anything the
+author desires.
+The author-supplied title is also used as a "class" attribute value
+after being converted into a valid identifier form (down-cased;
+non-alphanumeric characters converted to single hyphens; "admonition-"
+prefixed). For example, this admonition::
+ .. admonition:: And, by the way...
+ You can make up your own admonition too.
+becomes the following document tree (pseudo-XML)::
+ <document source="test data">
+ <admonition class="admonition-and-by-the-way">
+ <title>
+ And, by the way...
+ <paragraph>
+ You can make up your own admonition too.
+The following option is recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Override the computed "class" attribute value. See the class_
+ directive below.
+ Images
+There are two image directives: "image" and "figure".
+:Directive Type: "image"
+:Doctree Element: image
+:Directive Arguments: One, required (image URI).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: None.
+An "image" is a simple picture::
+ .. image:: picture.png
+The URI for the image source file is specified in the directive
+argument. As with hyperlink targets, the image URI may begin on the
+same line as the explicit markup start and target name, or it may
+begin in an indented text block immediately following, with no
+intervening blank lines. If there are multiple lines in the link
+block, they are stripped of leading and trailing whitespace and joined
+Optionally, the image link block may contain a flat field list, the
+_`image options`. For example::
+ .. image:: picture.jpeg
+ :height: 100
+ :width: 200
+ :scale: 50
+ :alt: alternate text
+ :align: right
+The following options are recognized:
+``alt`` : text
+ Alternate text: a short description of the image, displayed by
+ applications that cannot display images, or spoken by applications
+ for visually impaired users.
+``height`` : integer
+ The desired height of the image in pixels, used to reserve space
+ or scale the image vertically. When the "scale" option is also
+ specified, they are combined. For example, a height of 200 and a
+ scale of 50 is equivalent to a height of 100 with no scale.
+ New in Docutils 0.3.10: It is also possible to specify a `length
+ value`_.
+``width`` : integer
+ The width of the image in pixels, used to reserve space or scale
+ the image horizontally. As with "height" above, when the "scale"
+ option is also specified, they are combined.
+ New in Docutils 0.3.10: It is also possible to specify a length_
+ or `percentage value`_ (which is relative to the current line
+ width).
+ .. _length:
+ .. _length value: restructuredtext.html#length-units
+ .. _percentage value: restructuredtext.html#percentage-units
+``scale`` : integer
+ The uniform scaling factor of the image, a percentage (but no "%"
+ symbol is required or allowed). "100" means full-size, and is
+ equivalent to omitting a "scale" option.
+ If no "height" or "width" options are specified, PIL [#PIL]_ may
+ be used to determine them, if PIL is installed and the image file
+ is available.
+``align`` : "top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "center", or "right"
+ The alignment of the image, equivalent to the HTML ``<img>`` tag's
+ "align" attribute. The values "top", "middle", and "bottom"
+ control an image's vertical alignment (relative to the text
+ baseline); they are only useful for inline images (substitutions).
+ The values "left", "center", and "right" control an image's
+ horizontal alignment, allowing the image to float and have the
+ text flow around it. The specific behavior depends upon the
+ browser or rendering software used.
+``target`` : text (URI or reference name)
+ Makes the image into a hyperlink reference ("clickable"). The
+ option argument may be a URI (relative or absolute), or a
+ reference name with underscore suffix (e.g. ``name_``).
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the image element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+:Directive Type: "figure"
+:Doctree Elements: figure, image, caption, legend
+:Directive Arguments: One, required (image URI).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as the figure caption and an optional
+ legend.
+A "figure" consists of image_ data (including `image options`_), an
+optional caption (a single paragraph), and an optional legend
+(arbitrary body elements)::
+ .. figure:: picture.png
+ :scale: 50
+ :alt: map to buried treasure
+ This is the caption of the figure (a simple paragraph).
+ The legend consists of all elements after the caption. In this
+ case, the legend consists of this paragraph and the following
+ table:
+ +-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ | Symbol | Meaning |
+ +=======================+=======================+
+ | .. image:: tent.png | Campground |
+ +-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ | .. image:: waves.png | Lake |
+ +-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ | .. image:: peak.png | Mountain |
+ +-----------------------+-----------------------+
+There must be blank lines before the caption paragraph and before the
+legend. To specify a legend without a caption, use an empty comment
+("..") in place of the caption.
+The "figure" directive supports all of the options of the "image"
+directive (see `image options`_ above). In addition, the following
+options are recognized:
+``figwidth`` : integer or "image"
+ The width of the figure in pixels, to limit the horizontal space
+ used. A special value of "image" is allowed, in which case the
+ included image's actual width is used (requires PIL [#PIL]_). If
+ the image file is not found or the required software is
+ unavailable, this option is ignored.
+ Sets the "width" attribute of the "figure" doctree element.
+ This option does not scale the included image; use the "width"
+ `image`_ option for that. ::
+ +---------------------------+
+ | figure |
+ | |
+ |<------ figwidth --------->|
+ | |
+ | +---------------------+ |
+ | | image | |
+ | | | |
+ | |<--- width --------->| |
+ | +---------------------+ |
+ | |
+ |The figure's caption should|
+ |wrap at this width. |
+ +---------------------------+
+``figclass`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the figure element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+``align`` : "left", "center", or "right"
+ The horizontal alignment of the figure, allowing the image to
+ float and have the text flow around it. The specific behavior
+ depends upon the browser or rendering software used.
+.. [#PIL] `Python Imaging Library`_.
+.. _Python Imaging Library:
+ Body Elements
+:Directive Type: "topic"
+:Doctree Element: topic
+:Directive Arguments: 1, required (topic title).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as the topic body.
+A topic is like a block quote with a title, or a self-contained
+section with no subsections. Use the "topic" directive to indicate a
+self-contained idea that is separate from the flow of the document.
+Topics may occur anywhere a section or transition may occur. Body
+elements and topics may not contain nested topics.
+The directive's sole argument is interpreted as the topic title; the
+next line must be blank. All subsequent lines make up the topic body,
+interpreted as body elements. For example::
+ .. topic:: Topic Title
+ Subsequent indented lines comprise
+ the body of the topic, and are
+ interpreted as body elements.
+The following option is recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the topic element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+:Directive Type: "sidebar"
+:Doctree Element: sidebar
+:Directive Arguments: One, required (sidebar title).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as the sidebar body.
+Sidebars are like miniature, parallel documents that occur inside
+other documents, providing related or reference material. A sidebar
+is typically offset by a border and "floats" to the side of the page;
+the document's main text may flow around it. Sidebars can also be
+likened to super-footnotes; their content is outside of the flow of
+the document's main text.
+Sidebars may occur anywhere a section or transition may occur. Body
+elements (including sidebars) may not contain nested sidebars.
+The directive's sole argument is interpreted as the sidebar title,
+which may be followed by a subtitle option (see below); the next line
+must be blank. All subsequent lines make up the sidebar body,
+interpreted as body elements. For example::
+ .. sidebar:: Sidebar Title
+ :subtitle: Optional Sidebar Subtitle
+ Subsequent indented lines comprise
+ the body of the sidebar, and are
+ interpreted as body elements.
+The following options are recognized:
+``subtitle`` : text
+ The sidebar's subtitle.
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the sidebar element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+Line Block
+.. admonition:: Deprecated
+ The "line-block" directive is deprecated. Use the `line block
+ syntax`_ instead.
+ .. _line block syntax: restructuredtext.html#line-blocks
+:Directive Type: "line-block"
+:Doctree Element: line_block
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: Becomes the body of the line block.
+The "line-block" directive constructs an element where line breaks and
+initial indentation is significant and inline markup is supported. It
+is equivalent to a `parsed literal block`_ with different rendering:
+typically in an ordinary serif typeface instead of a
+typewriter/monospaced face, and not automatically indented. (Have the
+line-block directive begin a block quote to get an indented line
+block.) Line blocks are useful for address blocks and verse (poetry,
+song lyrics), where the structure of lines is significant. For
+example, here's a classic::
+ "To Ma Own Beloved Lassie: A Poem on her 17th Birthday", by
+ Ewan McTeagle (for Lassie O'Shea):
+ .. line-block::
+ Lend us a couple of bob till Thursday.
+ I'm absolutely skint.
+ But I'm expecting a postal order and I can pay you back
+ as soon as it comes.
+ Love, Ewan.
+The following option is recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the line_block element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+.. _parsed-literal:
+Parsed Literal Block
+:Directive Type: "parsed-literal"
+:Doctree Element: literal_block
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: Becomes the body of the literal block.
+Unlike an ordinary literal block, the "parsed-literal" directive
+constructs a literal block where the text is parsed for inline markup.
+It is equivalent to a `line block`_ with different rendering:
+typically in a typewriter/monospaced typeface, like an ordinary
+literal block. Parsed literal blocks are useful for adding hyperlinks
+to code examples.
+However, care must be taken with the text, because inline markup is
+recognized and there is no protection from parsing. Backslash-escapes
+may be necessary to prevent unintended parsing. And because the
+markup characters are removed by the parser, care must also be taken
+with vertical alignment. Parsed "ASCII art" is tricky, and extra
+whitespace may be necessary.
+For example, all the element names in this content model are links::
+ .. parsed-literal::
+ ( (title_, subtitle_?)?,
+ decoration_?,
+ (docinfo_, transition_?)?,
+ `%structure.model;`_ )
+The following option is recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the literal_block element. See
+ the class_ directive below.
+:Directive Type: "rubric"
+:Doctree Element: rubric
+:Directive Arguments: 1, required (rubric text).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: None.
+ rubric n. 1. a title, heading, or the like, in a manuscript,
+ book, statute, etc., written or printed in red or otherwise
+ distinguished from the rest of the text. ...
+ -- Random House Webster's College Dictionary, 1991
+The "rubric" directive inserts a "rubric" element into the document
+tree. A rubric is like an informal heading that doesn't correspond to
+the document's structure.
+The following option is recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the rubric element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+:Directive Type: "epigraph"
+:Doctree Element: block_quote
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as the body of the block quote.
+An epigraph is an apposite (suitable, apt, or pertinent) short
+inscription, often a quotation or poem, at the beginning of a document
+or section.
+The "epigraph" directive produces an "epigraph"-class block quote.
+For example, this input::
+ .. epigraph::
+ No matter where you go, there you are.
+ -- Buckaroo Banzai
+becomes this document tree fragment::
+ <block_quote class="epigraph">
+ <paragraph>
+ No matter where you go, there you are.
+ <attribution>
+ Buckaroo Banzai
+:Directive Type: "highlights"
+:Doctree Element: block_quote
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as the body of the block quote.
+Highlights summarize the main points of a document or section, often
+consisting of a list.
+The "highlights" directive produces a "highlights"-class block quote.
+See Epigraph_ above for an analogous example.
+:Directive Type: "pull-quote"
+:Doctree Element: block_quote
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as the body of the block quote.
+A pull-quote is a small selection of text "pulled out and quoted",
+typically in a larger typeface. Pull-quotes are used to attract
+attention, especially in long articles.
+The "pull-quote" directive produces a "pull-quote"-class block quote.
+See Epigraph_ above for an analogous example.
+.. _compound:
+Compound Paragraph
+:Directive Type: "compound"
+:Doctree Element: compound
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as body elements.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.6)
+The "compound" directive is used to create a compound paragraph, which
+is a single logical paragraph containing multiple physical body
+elements such as simple paragraphs, literal blocks, tables, lists,
+etc., instead of directly containing text and inline elements. For
+ .. compound::
+ The 'rm' command is very dangerous. If you are logged
+ in as root and enter ::
+ cd /
+ rm -rf *
+ you will erase the entire contents of your file system.
+In the example above, a literal block is "embedded" within a sentence
+that begins in one physical paragraph and ends in another.
+.. note::
+ The "compound" directive is *not* a generic block-level container
+ like HTML's ``<div>`` element. Do not use it only to group a
+ sequence of elements, or you may get unexpected results.
+ If you need a generic block-level container, please use the
+ container_ directive, described below.
+Compound paragraphs are typically rendered as multiple distinct text
+blocks, with the possibility of variations to emphasize their logical
+* If paragraphs are rendered with a first-line indent, only the first
+ physical paragraph of a compound paragraph should have that indent
+ -- second and further physical paragraphs should omit the indents;
+* vertical spacing between physical elements may be reduced;
+* and so on.
+The following option is recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the compound element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+:Directive Type: "container"
+:Doctree Element: container
+:Directive Arguments: One or more, optional (class names).
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as body elements.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.10)
+The "container" directive surrounds its contents (arbitrary body
+elements) with a generic block-level "container" element. Combined
+with the optional "class_" attribute argument(s), this is an extension
+mechanism for users & applications. For example::
+ .. container:: custom
+ This paragraph might be rendered in a custom way.
+Parsing the above results in the following pseudo-XML::
+ <container classes="custom">
+ <paragraph>
+ This paragraph might be rendered in a custom way.
+The "container" directive is the equivalent of HTML's ``<div>``
+element. It may be used to group a sequence of elements for user- or
+application-specific purposes.
+ Tables
+Formal tables need more structure than the reStructuredText syntax
+supplies. Tables may be given titles with the table_ directive.
+Sometimes reStructuredText tables are inconvenient to write, or table
+data in a standard format is readily available. The csv-table_
+directive supports CSV data.
+:Directive Type: "table"
+:Doctree Element: table
+:Directive Arguments: 1, optional (table title).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: A normal reStructuredText table.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.1)
+The "table" directive is used to create a titled table, to associate a
+title with a table::
+ .. table:: Truth table for "not"
+ ===== =====
+ A not A
+ ===== =====
+ False True
+ True False
+ ===== =====
+The following option is recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the table element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+.. _csv-table:
+CSV Table
+:Directive Type: "csv-table"
+:Doctree Element: table
+:Directive Arguments: 1, optional (table title).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: A CSV (comma-separated values) table.
+ The "csv-table" directive's ":file:" and ":url:" options represent
+ a potential security holes. They can be disabled with the
+ "file_insertion_enabled_" runtime setting.
+.. Note::
+ The "csv-table" directive requires the ```` module of the
+ Python standard library, which was added in Python 2.3. It will
+ not work with earlier versions of Python. Using the "csv-table"
+ directive in a document will make the document **incompatible**
+ with systems using Python 2.1 or 2.2.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.4)
+The "csv-table" directive is used to create a table from CSV
+(comma-separated values) data. CSV is a common data format generated
+by spreadsheet applications and commercial databases. The data may be
+internal (an integral part of the document) or external (a separate
+ .. csv-table:: Frozen Delights!
+ :header: "Treat", "Quantity", "Description"
+ :widths: 15, 10, 30
+ "Albatross", 2.99, "On a stick!"
+ "Crunchy Frog", 1.49, "If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be
+ crunchy, now would it?"
+ "Gannet Ripple", 1.99, "On a stick!"
+Block markup and inline markup within cells is supported. Line ends
+are recognized within cells.
+Working limitations:
+* Whitespace delimiters are supported only for external CSV files.
+* There is no support for checking that the number of columns in each
+ row is the same. However, this directive supports CSV generators
+ that do not insert "empty" entries at the end of short rows, by
+ automatically adding empty entries.
+ .. Add "strict" option to verify input?
+The following options are recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the table element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+``widths`` : integer [, integer...]
+ A comma- or space-separated list of relative column widths. The
+ default is equal-width columns (100%/#columns).
+``header-rows`` : integer
+ The number of rows of CSV data to use in the table header.
+ Defaults to 0.
+``stub-columns`` : integer
+ The number of table columns to use as stubs (row titles, on the
+ left). Defaults to 0.
+``header`` : CSV data
+ Supplemental data for the table header, added independently of and
+ before any ``header-rows`` from the main CSV data. Must use the
+ same CSV format as the main CSV data.
+``file`` : string (newlines removed)
+ The local filesystem path to a CSV data file.
+``url`` : string (whitespace removed)
+ An Internet URL reference to a CSV data file.
+``encoding`` : name of text encoding
+ The text encoding of the external CSV data (file or URL).
+ Defaults to the document's encoding (if specified).
+``delim`` : char | "tab" | "space"
+ A one-character string used to separate fields. Defaults to ``,``
+ (comma). May be specified as a Unicode code point; see the
+ unicode_ directive for syntax details.
+``quote`` : char
+ A one-character string used to quote elements containing the
+ delimiter or which start with the quote character. Defaults to
+ ``"`` (quote). May be specified as a Unicode code point; see the
+ unicode_ directive for syntax details.
+``keepspace`` : flag
+ Treat whitespace immediately following the delimiter as
+ significant. The default is to ignore such whitespace.
+``escape`` : char
+ A one-character string used to escape the delimiter or quote
+ characters. May be specified as a Unicode code point; see the
+ unicode_ directive for syntax details. Used when the delimiter is
+ used in an unquoted field, or when quote characters are used
+ within a field. The default is to double-up the character,
+ e.g. "He said, ""Hi!"""
+ .. Add another possible value, "double", to explicitly indicate
+ the default case?
+List Table
+:Directive Type: "list-table"
+:Doctree Element: table
+:Directive Arguments: 1, optional (table title).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: A uniform two-level bullet list.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.8. This is an initial implementation; `further
+ideas`__ may be implemented in the future.)
+__ ../../dev/rst/alternatives.html#list-driven-tables
+The "list-table" directive is used to create a table from data in a
+uniform two-level bullet list. "Uniform" means that each sublist
+(second-level list) must contain the same number of list items.
+ .. list-table:: Frozen Delights!
+ :widths: 15 10 30
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Treat
+ - Quantity
+ - Description
+ * - Albatross
+ - 2.99
+ - On a stick!
+ * - Crunchy Frog
+ - 1.49
+ - If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be
+ crunchy, now would it?
+ * - Gannet Ripple
+ - 1.99
+ - On a stick!
+The following options are recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the table element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+``widths`` : integer [integer...]
+ A comma- or space-separated list of relative column widths. The
+ default is equal-width columns (100%/#columns).
+``header-rows`` : integer
+ The number of rows of list data to use in the table header.
+ Defaults to 0.
+``stub-columns`` : integer
+ The number of table columns to use as stubs (row titles, on the
+ left). Defaults to 0.
+ Document Parts
+.. _contents:
+Table of Contents
+:Directive Type: "contents"
+:Doctree Elements: pending, topic
+:Directive Arguments: One, optional: title.
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: None.
+The "contents" directive generates a table of contents (TOC) in a
+topic_. Topics, and therefore tables of contents, may occur anywhere
+a section or transition may occur. Body elements and topics may not
+contain tables of contents.
+Here's the directive in its simplest form::
+ .. contents::
+Language-dependent boilerplate text will be used for the title. The
+English default title text is "Contents".
+An explicit title may be specified::
+ .. contents:: Table of Contents
+The title may span lines, although it is not recommended::
+ .. contents:: Here's a very long Table of
+ Contents title
+Options may be specified for the directive, using a field list::
+ .. contents:: Table of Contents
+ :depth: 2
+If the default title is to be used, the options field list may begin
+on the same line as the directive marker::
+ .. contents:: :depth: 2
+The following options are recognized:
+``depth`` : integer
+ The number of section levels that are collected in the table of
+ contents. The default is unlimited depth.
+``local`` : flag (empty)
+ Generate a local table of contents. Entries will only include
+ subsections of the section in which the directive is given. If no
+ explicit title is given, the table of contents will not be titled.
+``backlinks`` : "entry" or "top" or "none"
+ Generate links from section headers back to the table of contents
+ entries, the table of contents itself, or generate no backlinks.
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the topic element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+.. _sectnum:
+.. _section-autonumbering:
+Automatic Section Numbering
+:Directive Type: "sectnum" or "section-autonumbering" (synonyms)
+:Doctree Elements: pending, generated
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: None.
+The "sectnum" (or "section-autonumbering") directive automatically
+numbers sections and subsections in a document. Section numbers are
+of the "multiple enumeration" form, where each level has a number,
+separated by periods. For example, the title of section 1, subsection
+2, subsubsection 3 would have "1.2.3" prefixed.
+The "sectnum" directive does its work in two passes: the initial parse
+and a transform. During the initial parse, a "pending" element is
+generated which acts as a placeholder, storing any options internally.
+At a later stage in the processing, the "pending" element triggers a
+transform, which adds section numbers to titles. Section numbers are
+enclosed in a "generated" element, and titles have their "auto"
+attribute set to "1".
+The following options are recognized:
+``depth`` : integer
+ The number of section levels that are numbered by this directive.
+ The default is unlimited depth.
+``prefix`` : string
+ An arbitrary string that is prefixed to the automatically
+ generated section numbers. It may be something like "3.2.", which
+ will produce "3.2.1", "3.2.2", "", and so on. Note that
+ any separating punctuation (in the example, a period, ".") must be
+ explicitly provided. The default is no prefix.
+``suffix`` : string
+ An arbitrary string that is appended to the automatically
+ generated section numbers. The default is no suffix.
+``start`` : integer
+ The value that will be used for the first section number.
+ Combined with ``prefix``, this may be used to force the right
+ numbering for a document split over several source files. The
+ default is 1.
+.. _header:
+.. _footer:
+Document Header & Footer
+:Directive Types: "header" and "footer"
+:Doctree Elements: decoration, header, footer
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as body elements.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.8)
+The "header" and "footer" directives create document decorations,
+useful for page navigation, notes, time/datestamp, etc. For example::
+ .. header:: This space for rent.
+This will add a paragraph to the document header, which will appear at
+the top of the generated web page or at the top of every printed page.
+These directives may be used multiple times, cumulatively. There is
+currently support for only one header and footer.
+.. note::
+ While it is possible to use the "header" and "footer" directives to
+ create navigational elements for web pages, you should be aware
+ that Docutils is meant to be used for *document* processing, and
+ that a navigation bar is not typically part of a document.
+ Thus, you may soon find Docutils' abilities to be insufficient for
+ these purposes. At that time, you should consider using a
+ templating system (like ht2html_) rather than the "header" and
+ "footer" directives.
+ .. _ht2html:
+In addition to the use of these directives to populate header and
+footer content, content may also be added automatically by the
+processing system. For example, if certain runtime settings are
+enabled, the document footer is populated with processing information
+such as a datestamp, a link to `the Docutils website`_, etc.
+.. _the Docutils website:
+ References
+.. _target-notes:
+Target Footnotes
+:Directive Type: "target-notes"
+:Doctree Elements: pending, footnote, footnote_reference
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: None.
+The "target-notes" directive creates a footnote for each external
+target in the text, and corresponding footnote references after each
+reference. For every explicit target (of the form, ``.. _target name:
+URL``) in the text, a footnote will be generated containing the
+visible URL as content.
+The following option is recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on all footnote_reference elements.
+ See the class_ directive below.
+:Directive Type: "footnotes"
+:Doctree Elements: pending, topic
+:Directive Arguments: None?
+:Directive Options: Possible?
+:Directive Content: None.
+:Directive Type: "citations"
+:Doctree Elements: pending, topic
+:Directive Arguments: None?
+:Directive Options: Possible?
+:Directive Content: None.
+ HTML-Specific
+:Directive Type: "meta"
+:Doctree Element: meta (non-standard)
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Must contain a flat field list.
+The "meta" directive is used to specify HTML metadata stored in HTML
+META tags. "Metadata" is data about data, in this case data about web
+pages. Metadata is used to describe and classify web pages in the
+World Wide Web, in a form that is easy for search engines to extract
+and collate.
+Within the directive block, a flat field list provides the syntax for
+metadata. The field name becomes the contents of the "name" attribute
+of the META tag, and the field body (interpreted as a single string
+without inline markup) becomes the contents of the "content"
+attribute. For example::
+ .. meta::
+ :description: The reStructuredText plaintext markup language
+ :keywords: plaintext, markup language
+This would be converted to the following HTML::
+ <meta name="description"
+ content="The reStructuredText plaintext markup language">
+ <meta name="keywords" content="plaintext, markup language">
+Support for other META attributes ("http-equiv", "scheme", "lang",
+"dir") are provided through field arguments, which must be of the form
+ .. meta::
+ :description lang=en: An amusing story
+ :description lang=fr: Un histoire amusant
+And their HTML equivalents::
+ <meta name="description" lang="en" content="An amusing story">
+ <meta name="description" lang="fr" content="Un histoire amusant">
+Some META tags use an "http-equiv" attribute instead of the "name"
+attribute. To specify "http-equiv" META tags, simply omit the name::
+ .. meta::
+ :http-equiv=Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
+HTML equivalent::
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
+ content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+Non-standard element: imagemap.
+ Directives for Substitution Definitions
+The directives in this section may only be used in substitution
+definitions. They may not be used directly, in standalone context.
+The `image`_ directive may be used both in substitution definitions
+and in the standalone context.
+.. _replace:
+Replacement Text
+:Directive Type: "replace"
+:Doctree Element: Text & inline elements
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: A single paragraph; may contain inline markup.
+The "replace" directive is used to indicate replacement text for a
+substitution reference. It may be used within substitution
+definitions only. For example, this directive can be used to expand
+ .. |reST| replace:: reStructuredText
+ Yes, |reST| is a long word, so I can't blame anyone for wanting to
+ abbreviate it.
+As reStructuredText doesn't support nested inline markup, the only way
+to create a reference with styled text is to use substitutions with
+the "replace" directive::
+ I recommend you try |Python|_.
+ .. |Python| replace:: Python, *the* best language around
+ .. _Python:
+.. _unicode:
+Unicode Character Codes
+:Directive Type: "unicode"
+:Doctree Element: Text
+:Directive Arguments: One or more, required (Unicode character codes,
+ optional text, and comments).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: None.
+The "unicode" directive converts Unicode character codes (numerical
+values) to characters, and may be used in substitution definitions
+The arguments, separated by spaces, can be:
+* **character codes** as
+ - decimal numbers or
+ - hexadecimal numbers, prefixed by ``0x``, ``x``, ``\x``, ``U+``,
+ ``u``, or ``\u`` or as XML-style hexadecimal character entities,
+ e.g. ``&#x1a2b;``
+* **text**, which is used as-is.
+Text following " .. " is a comment and is ignored. The spaces between
+the arguments are ignored and thus do not appear in the output.
+Hexadecimal codes are case-insensitive.
+For example, the following text::
+ Copyright |copy| 2003, |BogusMegaCorp (TM)| |---|
+ all rights reserved.
+ .. |copy| unicode:: 0xA9 .. copyright sign
+ .. |BogusMegaCorp (TM)| unicode:: BogusMegaCorp U+2122
+ .. with trademark sign
+ .. |---| unicode:: U+02014 .. em dash
+ :trim:
+results in:
+ Copyright |copy| 2003, |BogusMegaCorp (TM)| |---|
+ all rights reserved.
+ .. |copy| unicode:: 0xA9 .. copyright sign
+ .. |BogusMegaCorp (TM)| unicode:: BogusMegaCorp U+2122
+ .. with trademark sign
+ .. |---| unicode:: U+02014 .. em dash
+ :trim:
+The following options are recognized:
+``ltrim`` : flag
+ Whitespace to the left of the substitution reference is removed.
+``rtrim`` : flag
+ Whitespace to the right of the substitution reference is removed.
+``trim`` : flag
+ Equivalent to ``ltrim`` plus ``rtrim``; whitespace on both sides
+ of the substitution reference is removed.
+:Directive Type: "date"
+:Doctree Element: Text
+:Directive Arguments: One, optional (date format).
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: None.
+The "date" directive generates the current local date and inserts it
+into the document as text. This directive may be used in substitution
+definitions only.
+The optional directive content is interpreted as the desired date
+format, using the same codes as Python's time.strftime function. The
+default format is "%Y-%m-%d" (ISO 8601 date), but time fields can also
+be used. Examples::
+ .. |date| date::
+ .. |time| date:: %H:%M
+ Today's date is |date|.
+ This document was generated on |date| at |time|.
+ Miscellaneous
+.. _include:
+Including an External Document Fragment
+:Directive Type: "include"
+:Doctree Elements: depend on data being included
+:Directive Arguments: One, required (path to the file to include).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: None.
+ The "include" directive represents a potential security hole. It
+ can be disabled with the "file_insertion_enabled_" runtime setting.
+ .. _file_insertion_enabled: ../../user/config.html#file-insertion-enabled
+The "include" directive reads a reStructuredText-formatted text file
+and parses it in the current document's context at the point of the
+directive. The directive argument is the path to the file to be
+included, relative to the document containing the directive. For
+ This first example will be parsed at the document level, and can
+ thus contain any construct, including section headers.
+ .. include:: inclusion.txt
+ Back in the main document.
+ This second example will be parsed in a block quote context.
+ Therefore it may only contain body elements. It may not
+ contain section headers.
+ .. include:: inclusion.txt
+If an included document fragment contains section structure, the title
+adornments must match those of the master document.
+Standard data files intended for inclusion in reStructuredText
+documents are distributed with the Docutils source code, located in
+the "docutils" package in the ``docutils/parsers/rst/include``
+directory. To access these files, use the special syntax for standard
+"include" data files, angle brackets around the file name::
+ .. include:: <isonum.txt>
+The current set of standard "include" data files consists of sets of
+substitution definitions. See `reStructuredText Standard Substitution
+Definition Sets`__ for details of the available standard data files.
+__ substitutions.html
+The following options are recognized:
+``literal`` : flag (empty)
+ The entire included text is inserted into the document as a single
+ literal block (useful for program listings).
+``encoding`` : name of text encoding
+ The text encoding of the external data file. Defaults to the
+ document's encoding (if specified).
+.. _raw:
+Raw Data Pass-Through
+:Directive Type: "raw"
+:Doctree Element: raw
+:Directive Arguments: One or more, required (output format types).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: Stored verbatim, uninterpreted. None (empty) if a
+ "file" or "url" option given.
+ The "raw" directive represents a potential security hole. It can
+ be disabled with the "raw_enabled_" or "file_insertion_enabled_"
+ runtime settings.
+ .. _raw_enabled: ../../user/config.html#raw-enabled
+.. Caution::
+ The "raw" directive is a stop-gap measure allowing the author to
+ bypass reStructuredText's markup. It is a "power-user" feature
+ that should not be overused or abused. The use of "raw" ties
+ documents to specific output formats and makes them less portable.
+ If you often need to use the "raw" directive or a "raw"-derived
+ interpreted text role, that is a sign either of overuse/abuse or
+ that functionality may be missing from reStructuredText. Please
+ describe your situation in a message to the Docutils-users_ mailing
+ list.
+.. _Docutils-users: ../../user/mailing-lists.html#docutils-users
+The "raw" directive indicates non-reStructuredText data that is to be
+passed untouched to the Writer. The names of the output formats are
+given in the directive arguments. The interpretation of the raw data
+is up to the Writer. A Writer may ignore any raw output not matching
+its format.
+For example, the following input would be passed untouched by an HTML
+ .. raw:: html
+ <hr width=50 size=10>
+A LaTeX Writer could insert the following raw content into its
+output stream::
+ .. raw:: latex
+ \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
+Raw data can also be read from an external file, specified in a
+directive option. In this case, the content block must be empty. For
+ .. raw:: html
+ :file: inclusion.html
+The following options are recognized:
+``file`` : string (newlines removed)
+ The local filesystem path of a raw data file to be included.
+``url`` : string (whitespace removed)
+ An Internet URL reference to a raw data file to be included.
+``encoding`` : name of text encoding
+ The text encoding of the external raw data (file or URL).
+ Defaults to the document's encoding (if specified).
+:Directive Type: "class"
+:Doctree Element: pending
+:Directive Arguments: One or more, required (class names / attribute
+ values).
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Optional. If present, it is interpreted as body
+ elements.
+The "class" directive sets the "class" attribute value on its content
+or on the first immediately following non-comment element [#]_. For
+details of the "class" attribute, see `its entry`__ in `The Docutils
+Document Tree`_. The directive argument consists of one or more
+space-separated class names, which are converted to lowercase and all
+non-alphanumeric characters are converted to hyphens. (For the
+rationale, see below.)
+__ ../doctree.html#class
+ .. class:: special
+ This is a "special" paragraph.
+ .. class:: exceptional remarkable
+ An Exceptional Section
+ ======================
+ This is an ordinary paragraph.
+ .. class:: multiple
+ First paragraph.
+ Second paragraph.
+The text above is parsed and transformed into this doctree fragment::
+ <paragraph class="special">
+ This is a "special" paragraph.
+ <section class="exceptional remarkable">
+ <title>
+ An Exceptional Section
+ <paragraph>
+ This is an ordinary paragraph.
+ <paragraph class="multiple">
+ First paragraph.
+ <paragraph class="multiple">
+ Second paragraph.
+.. [#] To set a "class" attribute value on a block quote, the "class"
+ directive must be followed by an empty comment::
+ .. class:: highlights
+ ..
+ Block quote text.
+ The directive doesn't allow content, therefore an empty comment is
+ required to terminate the directive. Without the empty comment,
+ the block quote text would be interpreted as the "class"
+ directive's content, and the parser would complain.
+.. topic:: Rationale for Class Attribute Value Conversion
+ Docutils identifiers are converted to conform to the regular
+ expression ``[a-z](-?[a-z0-9]+)*``. For CSS compatibility,
+ identifiers (the "class" and "id" attributes) should have no
+ underscores, colons, or periods. Hyphens may be used.
+ - The `HTML 4.01 spec`_ defines identifiers based on SGML tokens:
+ ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and
+ may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]),
+ hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods
+ (".").
+ - However the `CSS1 spec`_ defines identifiers based on the "name"
+ token, a tighter interpretation ("flex" tokenizer notation
+ below; "latin1" and "escape" 8-bit characters have been replaced
+ with entities)::
+ unicode \\[0-9a-f]{1,4}
+ latin1 [&iexcl;-&yuml;]
+ escape {unicode}|\\[ -~&iexcl;-&yuml;]
+ nmchar [-a-z0-9]|{latin1}|{escape}
+ name {nmchar}+
+ The CSS1 "nmchar" rule does not include underscores ("_"), colons
+ (":"), or periods ("."), therefore "class" and "id" attributes
+ should not contain these characters. They should be replaced with
+ hyphens ("-"). Combined with HTML's requirements (the first
+ character must be a letter; no "unicode", "latin1", or "escape"
+ characters), this results in the ``[a-z](-?[a-z0-9]+)*`` pattern.
+ .. _HTML 4.01 spec:
+ .. _CSS1 spec:
+.. _role:
+Custom Interpreted Text Roles
+:Directive Type: "role"
+:Doctree Element: None; affects subsequent parsing.
+:Directive Arguments: Two; one required (new role name), one optional
+ (base role name, in parentheses).
+:Directive Options: Possible (depends on base role).
+:Directive Content: depends on base role.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.2)
+The "role" directive dynamically creates a custom interpreted text
+role and registers it with the parser. This means that after
+declaring a role like this::
+ .. role:: custom
+the document may use the new "custom" role::
+ An example of using :custom:`interpreted text`
+This will be parsed into the following document tree fragment::
+ <paragraph>
+ An example of using
+ <inline class="custom">
+ interpreted text
+The role must be declared in a document before it can be used.
+The new role may be based on an existing role, specified as a second
+argument in parentheses (whitespace optional)::
+ .. role:: custom(emphasis)
+ :custom:`text`
+The parsed result is as follows::
+ <paragraph>
+ <emphasis class="custom">
+ text
+If no base role is explicitly specified, a generic custom role is
+automatically used. Subsequent interpreted text will produce an
+"inline" element with a "class" attribute, as in the first example
+With most roles, the ":class:" option can be used to set a "class"
+attribute that is different from the role name. For example::
+ .. role:: custom
+ :class: special
+ :custom:`interpreted text`
+This is the parsed result::
+ <paragraph>
+ <inline class="special">
+ interpreted text
+.. _role class:
+The following option is recognized by the "role" directive for most
+base roles:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the element produced (``inline``,
+ or element associated with a base class) when the custom
+ interpreted text role is used. If no directive options are
+ specified, a "class" option with the directive argument (role
+ name) as the value is implied. See the class_ directive above.
+Specific base roles may support other options and/or directive
+content. See the `reStructuredText Interpreted Text Roles`_ document
+for details.
+.. _reStructuredText Interpreted Text Roles: roles.html
+.. _default-role:
+Setting the Default Interpreted Text Role
+:Directive Type: "default-role"
+:Doctree Element: None; affects subsequent parsing.
+:Directive Arguments: One, optional (new default role name).
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: None.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.10)
+The "default-role" directive sets the default interpreted text role,
+the role that is used for interpreted text without an explicit role.
+For example, after setting the default role like this::
+ .. default-role:: subscript
+any subsequent use of implicit-role interpreted text in the document
+will use the "subscript" role::
+ An example of a `default` role.
+This will be parsed into the following document tree fragment::
+ <paragraph>
+ An example of a
+ <subscript>
+ default
+ role.
+Custom roles may be used (see the "role_" directive above), but it
+must have been declared in a document before it can be set as the
+default role. See the `reStructuredText Interpreted Text Roles`_
+document for details of built-in roles.
+The directive may be used without an argument to restore the initial
+default interpreted text role, which is application-dependent. The
+initial default interpreted text role of the standard reStructuredText
+parser is "title-reference".
+.. _title:
+Metadata Document Title
+:Directive Type: "title"
+:Doctree Element: None.
+:Directive Arguments: 1, required (the title text).
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: None.
+The "title" directive specifies the document title as metadata, which
+does not become part of the document body. It overrides a
+document-supplied title. For example, in HTML output the metadata
+document title appears in the title bar of the browser window.
+:Directive Type: "restructuredtext-test-directive"
+:Doctree Element: system_warning
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as a literal block.
+This directive is provided for test purposes only. (Nobody is
+expected to type in a name *that* long!) It is converted into a
+level-1 (info) system message showing the directive data, possibly
+followed by a literal block containing the rest of the directive
+ Local Variables:
+ mode: indented-text
+ indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ sentence-end-double-space: t
+ fill-column: 70
+ End: