path: root/docs/ref
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+ The Docutils Document Tree
+A Guide to the Docutils DTD
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Revision: $Revision$
+:Date: $Date$
+:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+.. contents:: :depth: 1
+This document describes the XML data structure of Docutils_ documents:
+the relationships and semantics of elements and attributes. The
+Docutils document structure is formally defined by the `Docutils
+Generic DTD`_ XML document type definition, docutils.dtd_, which is
+the definitive source for details of element structural relationships.
+This document does not discuss implementation details. Those can be
+found in internal documentation (docstrings) for the
+``docutils.nodes`` module, where the document tree data structure is
+implemented in a class library.
+The reader is assumed to have some familiarity with XML or SGML, and
+an understanding of the data structure meaning of "tree". For a list
+of introductory articles, see `Introducing the Extensible Markup
+Language (XML)`_.
+The reStructuredText_ markup is used for illustrative examples
+throughout this document. For a gentle introduction, see `A
+ReStructuredText Primer`_. For complete technical details, see the
+`reStructuredText Markup Specification`_.
+.. _Docutils:
+.. _Docutils Generic DTD:
+.. _Docutils DTD:
+.. _docutils.dtd: docutils.dtd
+.. _Introducing the Extensible Markup Language (XML):
+.. _reStructuredText:
+.. _A ReStructuredText Primer: ../user/rst/quickstart.html
+.. _reStructuredText Markup Specification: rst/restructuredtext.html
+ Element Hierarchy
+.. contents:: :local:
+Below is a simplified diagram of the hierarchy of elements in the
+Docutils document tree structure. An element may contain any other
+elements immediately below it in the diagram. Notes are written in
+square brackets. Element types in parentheses indicate recursive or
+one-to-many relationships; sections may contain (sub)sections, tables
+contain further body elements, etc. ::
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | document [may begin with a title, subtitle, decoration, docinfo] |
+ | +--------------------------------------+
+ | | sections [each begins with a title] |
+ +-----------------------------+-------------------------+------------+
+ | [body elements:] | (sections) |
+ | | - literal | - lists | | - hyperlink +------------+
+ | | blocks | - tables | | targets |
+ | para- | - doctest | - block | foot- | - sub. defs |
+ | graphs | blocks | quotes | notes | - comments |
+ +---------+-----------+----------+-------+--------------+
+ | [text]+ | [text] | (body elements) | [text] |
+ | (inline +-----------+------------------+--------------+
+ | markup) |
+ +---------+
+The Docutils document model uses a simple, recursive model for section
+structure. A document_ node may contain body elements and section_
+elements. Sections in turn may contain body elements and sections.
+The level (depth) of a section element is determined from its physical
+nesting level; unlike other document models (``<h1>`` in HTML_,
+``<sect1>`` in DocBook_, ``<div1>`` in XMLSpec_) the level is not
+incorporated into the element name.
+The Docutils document model uses strict element content models. Every
+element has a unique structure and semantics, but elements may be
+classified into general categories (below). Only elements which are
+meant to directly contain text data have a mixed content model, where
+text data and inline elements may be intermixed. This is unlike the
+much looser HTML_ document model, where paragraphs and text data may
+occur at the same level.
+Structural Elements
+Structural elements may only contain child elements; they do not
+directly contain text data. Structural elements may contain body
+elements or further structural elements. Structural elements can only
+be child elements of other structural elements.
+Category members: document_, section_, topic_, sidebar_
+Structural Subelements
+Structural subelements are child elements of structural elements.
+Simple structuctural subelements (title_, subtitle_) contain text
+data; the others are compound and do not directly contain text data.
+Category members: title_, subtitle_, decoration_, docinfo_,
+Bibliographic Elements
+The docinfo_ element is an optional child of document_. It groups
+bibliographic elements together. All bibliographic elements except
+authors_ and field_ contain text data. authors_ contains further
+bibliographic elements (most notably author_). field_ contains
+field_name_ and field_body_ body subelements.
+Category members: address_, author_, authors_, contact_, copyright_,
+date_, field_, organization_, revision_, status_, version_
+Decorative Elements
+The decoration_ element is also an optional child of document_. It
+groups together elements used to generate page headers and footers.
+Category members: footer_, header_
+Body Elements
+Body elements are contained within structural elements and compound
+body elements. There are two subcategories of body elements: simple
+and compound.
+Category members: admonition_, attention_, block_quote_, bullet_list_,
+caution_, citation_, comment_, compound_, container_, danger_,
+definition_list_, doctest_block_, enumerated_list_, error_,
+field_list_, figure_, footnote_, hint_, image_, important_,
+line_block_, literal_block_, note_, option_list_, paragraph_,
+pending_, raw_, rubric_, substitution_definition_, system_message_,
+table_, target_, tip_, warning_
+Simple Body Elements
+Simple body elements are empty or directly contain text data. Those
+that contain text data may also contain inline elements. Such
+elements therefore have a "mixed content model".
+Category members: comment_, doctest_block_, image_, literal_block_,
+paragraph_, pending_, raw_, rubric_, substitution_definition_, target_
+Compound Body Elements
+Compound body elements contain local substructure (body subelements)
+and further body elements. They do not directly contain text data.
+Category members: admonition_, attention_, block_quote_, bullet_list_,
+caution_, citation_, compound_, container_, danger_, definition_list_,
+enumerated_list_, error_, field_list_, figure_, footnote_, hint_,
+important_, line_block, note_, option_list_, system_message_, table_,
+tip_, warning_
+Body Subelements
+Compound body elements contain specific subelements (e.g. bullet_list_
+contains list_item_). Subelements may themselves be compound elements
+(containing further child elements, like field_) or simple data
+elements (containing text data, like field_name_). These subelements
+always occur within specific parent elements, never at the body
+element level (beside paragraphs, etc.).
+Category members (simple): attribution_, caption_, classifier_,
+colspec_, field_name_, label_, line_, option_argument_,
+option_string_, term_
+Category members (compound): definition_, definition_list_item_,
+description_, entry_, field_, field_body_, legend_, list_item_,
+option_, option_group_, option_list_item_, row_, tbody_, tgroup_,
+Inline Elements
+Inline elements directly contain text data, and may also contain
+further inline elements. Inline elements are contained within simple
+body elements. Most inline elements have a "mixed content model".
+Category members: abbreviation_, acronym_, citation_reference_,
+emphasis_, footnote_reference_, generated_, image_, inline_, literal_,
+problematic_, reference_, strong_, subscript_,
+substitution_reference_, superscript_, target_, title_reference_, raw_
+.. _HTML:
+.. _DocBook:
+.. _XMLSpec:
+ Element Reference
+.. contents:: :local:
+ :depth: 1
+Each element in the DTD (document type definition) is described in its
+own section below. Each section contains an introduction plus the
+following subsections:
+* Details (of element relationships and semantics):
+ - Category: One or more references to the element categories in
+ `Element Hierarchy`_ above. Some elements belong to more than one
+ category.
+ - Parents: A list of elements which may contain the element.
+ - Children: A list of elements which may occur within the element.
+ - Analogues: Describes analogous elements in well-known document
+ models such as HTML_ or DocBook_. Lists similarities and
+ differences.
+ - Processing: Lists formatting or rendering recommendations for the
+ element.
+* Content Model:
+ The formal XML content model from the `Docutils DTD`_, followed by:
+ - Attributes: Describes (or refers to descriptions of) the possible
+ values and semantics of each attribute.
+ - Parameter Entities: Lists the parameter entities which directly or
+ indirectly include the element.
+* Examples: reStructuredText_ examples are shown along with
+ fragments of the document trees resulting from parsing.
+ _`Pseudo-XML` is used for the results of parsing and processing.
+ Pseudo-XML is a representation of XML where nesting is indicated by
+ indentation and end-tags are not shown. Some of the precision of
+ real XML is given up in exchange for easier readability. For
+ example, the following are equivalent:
+ - Real XML::
+ <document>
+ <section ids="a-title" names="a title">
+ <title>A Title</title>
+ <paragraph>A paragraph.</paragraph>
+ </section>
+ </document>
+ - Pseudo-XML::
+ <document>
+ <section ids="a-title" names="a title">
+ <title>
+ A Title
+ <paragraph>
+ A paragraph.
+Many of the element reference sections below are marked "_`to be
+completed`". Please help complete this document by contributing to
+its writing.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``address`` element holds the surface mailing address information
+for the author (individual or group) of the document, or a third-party
+contact address. Its structure is identical to that of the
+literal_block_ element: whitespace is significant, especially
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``address``: docinfo_, authors_
+ ``address`` elements contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``address`` is analogous to the DocBook "address" element.
+ As with the literal_block_ element, newlines and other whitespace
+ is significant and must be preserved. However, a monospaced
+ typeface need not be used.
+ See also docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``address`` element contains the `common attributes`_ (ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus `xml:space`_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``address``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Address: 123 Example Ave.
+ Example, EX
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <address>
+ 123 Example Ave.
+ Example, EX
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+This element is a generic, titled admonition. Also see the specific
+admonition elements Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): caution_,
+danger_, error_, hint_, important_, note_, tip_, warning_.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``admonition``.
+ ``admonition`` elements begin with a title_ and may contain one or
+ more `body elements`_.
+ ``admonition`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives and type effects.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (title_, (`%body.elements;`_)+)
+ The ``admonition`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``admonition``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``admonition``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. admonition:: And, by the way...
+ You can make up your own admonition too.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <admonition class="admonition-and-by-the-way">
+ <title>
+ And, by the way...
+ <paragraph>
+ You can make up your own admonition too.
+The ``attention`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and
+self-contained notice. Also see the other admonition elements
+Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): caution_, danger_, error_,
+hint_, important_, note_, tip_, warning_, and the generic admonition_.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``attention``.
+ ``attention`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``attention`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives and type effects.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "Attention!" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``attention`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``attention``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``attention``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. Attention:: All your base are belong to us.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <attention>
+ <paragraph>
+ All your base are belong to us.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``author`` element holds the name of the author of the document.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``author``: docinfo_, authors_
+ ``author`` elements may contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``author`` is analogous to the DocBook "author" element.
+ See docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``author`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``author``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Author: J. Random Hacker
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <author>
+ J. Random Hacker
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+The ``authors`` element is a container for author information for
+documents with multiple authors.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ Only the docinfo_ element contains ``authors``.
+ ``authors`` elements may contain the following elements: author_,
+ organization_, address_, contact_
+ ``authors`` is analogous to the DocBook "authors" element.
+ See docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ ((author_, organization_?, address_?, contact_?)+)
+ The ``authors`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``authors``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Authors: J. Random Hacker; Jane Doe
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <authors>
+ <author>
+ J. Random Hacker
+ <author>
+ Jane Doe
+In reStructuredText, multiple author's names are separated with
+semicolons (";") or commas (","); semicolons take precedence. There
+is currently no way to represent the author's organization, address,
+or contact in a reStructuredText "Authors" field.
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+The ``block_quote`` element is used for quotations set off from the
+main text (standalone).
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``block_quote``.
+ ``block_quote`` elements contain `body elements`_ followed by an
+ optional attribution_ element.
+ ``block_quote`` is analogous to the "blockquote" element in both
+ HTML and DocBook.
+ ``block_quote`` elements serve to set their contents off from the
+ main text, typically with indentation and/or other decoration.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ ((`%body.elements;`_)+, attribution_?)
+ The ``block_quote`` element contains only the `common
+ attributes`_: ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``block_quote``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``block_quote``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ As a great paleontologist once said,
+ This theory, that is mine, is mine.
+ -- Anne Elk (Miss)
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <paragraph>
+ As a great paleontologist once said,
+ <block_quote>
+ <paragraph>
+ This theory, that is mine, is mine.
+ <attribution>
+ Anne Elk (Miss)
+The ``bullet_list`` element contains list_item_ elements which are
+uniformly marked with bullets. Bullets are typically simple dingbats
+(symbols) such as circles and squares.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``bullet_list``.
+ ``bullet_list`` elements contain one or more list_item_ elements.
+ ``bullet_list`` is analogous to the HTML "ul" element and to the
+ DocBook "itemizedlist" element. HTML's "ul" is short for
+ "unordered list", which we consider to be a misnomer. "Unordered"
+ implies that the list items may be randomly rearranged without
+ affecting the meaning of the list. Bullet lists *are* often
+ ordered; the ordering is simply left implicit.
+ Each list item should begin a new vertical block, prefaced by a
+ bullet/dingbat.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (list_item_ +)
+ The ``bullet_list`` element contains the `common attributes`_
+ (ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus bullet_.
+ ``bullet`` is used to record the style of bullet from the input
+ data. In documents processed from reStructuredText_, it contains
+ one of "-", "+", or "*". It may be ignored in processing.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``bullet_list``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``bullet_list``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ - Item 1, paragraph 1.
+ Item 1, paragraph 2.
+ - Item 2.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <bullet_list bullet="-">
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Item 1, paragraph 1.
+ <paragraph>
+ Item 1, paragraph 2.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Item 2.
+See list_item_ for another example.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``caution`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and
+self-contained notice. Also see the other admonition elements
+Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): attention_, danger_, error_,
+hint_, important_, note_, tip_, warning_, and the generic admonition_.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``caution``.
+ ``caution`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``caution`` is analogous to the DocBook "caution" element.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "Caution" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``caution`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``caution``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``caution``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. Caution:: Don't take any wooden nickels.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <caution>
+ <paragraph>
+ Don't take any wooden nickels.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``classifier`` element contains the classification or type of the
+term_ being defined in a definition_list_. For example, it can be
+used to indicate the type of a variable.
+ `Body Subelements`_ (simple)
+ Only the definition_list_item_ element contains ``classifier``.
+ ``classifier`` elements may contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``classifier`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives or type effects.
+ See definition_list_item_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``classifier`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+Here is a hypothetical data dictionary. reStructuredText_ source::
+ name : string
+ Customer name.
+ i : int
+ Temporary index variable.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <definition_list>
+ <definition_list_item>
+ <term>
+ name
+ <classifier>
+ string
+ <definition>
+ <paragraph>
+ Customer name.
+ <definition_list_item>
+ <term>
+ i
+ <classifier>
+ int
+ <definition>
+ <paragraph>
+ Temporary index variable.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``contact`` element holds contact information for the author
+(individual or group) of the document, or a third-party contact. It
+is typically used for an email or web address.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``contact``: docinfo_, authors_
+ ``contact`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``contact`` is analogous to the DocBook "email" element. The HTML
+ "address" element serves a similar purpose.
+ See docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``contact`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``contact``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Contact:
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <contact>
+ <reference refuri="">
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``copyright`` element contains the document's copyright statement.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ Only the docinfo_ element contains ``copyright``.
+ ``copyright`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``copyright`` is analogous to the DocBook "copyright" element.
+ See docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``copyright`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``copyright``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <copyright>
+ This document has been placed in the public domain.
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+The ``danger`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and
+self-contained notice. Also see the other admonition elements
+Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): attention_, caution_, error_,
+hint_, important_, note_, tip_, warning_, and the generic admonition_.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``danger``.
+ ``danger`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``danger`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives and type effects.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "!DANGER!" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``danger`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``danger``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``danger``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. DANGER:: Mad scientist at work!
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <danger>
+ <paragraph>
+ Mad scientist at work!
+The ``date`` element contains the date of publication, release, or
+last modification of the document.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ Only the docinfo_ element contains ``date``.
+ ``date`` elements may contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``date`` is analogous to the DocBook "date" element.
+ Often used with the RCS/CVS keyword "Date". See docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``date`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``date``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Date: 2002-08-20
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <date>
+ 2002-08-20
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+The ``decoration`` element is a container for header_ and footer_
+elements and potential future extensions. These elements are used for
+notes, time/datestamp, processing information, etc.
+ `Structural Subelements`_
+ Only the document_ element contains ``decoration``.
+ ``decoration`` elements may contain `decorative elements`_.
+ There are no direct analogies to ``decoration`` in HTML or in
+ DocBook. Equivalents are typically constructed from primitives
+ and/or generated by the processing system.
+ See the individual `decorative elements`_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (header_?, footer_?)
+Although the content model doesn't specifically require contents, no
+empty ``decoration`` elements are ever created.
+ The ``decoration`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ A paragraph.
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms,
+assuming that the datestamp command-line option or configuration
+setting has been supplied::
+ <document>
+ <decoration>
+ <footer>
+ <paragraph>
+ Generated on: 2002-08-20.
+ <paragraph>
+ A paragraph.
+The ``definition`` element is a container for the body elements used
+to define a term_ in a definition_list_.
+ `Body Subelements`_ (compound)
+ Only definition_list_item_ elements contain ``definition``.
+ ``definition`` elements may contain `body elements`_.
+ ``definition`` is analogous to the HTML "dd" element and to the
+ DocBook "listitem" element (inside a "variablelistentry" element).
+ See definition_list_item_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``definition`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the definition_list_, definition_list_item_, and
+classifier_ elements.
+The ``definition_list`` element contains a list of terms and their
+definitions. It can be used for glossaries or dictionaries, to
+describe or classify things, for dialogues, or to itemize subtopics
+(such as in this reference).
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``definition_list``.
+ ``definition_list`` elements contain one or more
+ definition_list_item_ elements.
+ ``definition_list`` is analogous to the HTML "dl" element and to
+ the DocBook "variablelist" element.
+ See definition_list_item_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (definition_list_item_ +)
+ The ``definition_list`` element contains only the `common
+ attributes`_: ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``definition_list``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``definition_list``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Term
+ Definition.
+ Term : classifier
+ The ' : ' indicates a classifier in
+ definition list item terms only.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <definition_list>
+ <definition_list_item>
+ <term>
+ Term
+ <definition>
+ <paragraph>
+ Definition.
+ <definition_list_item>
+ <term>
+ Term
+ <classifier>
+ classifier
+ <definition>
+ <paragraph>
+ The ' : ' indicates a classifier in
+ definition list item terms only.
+See definition_list_item_ and classifier_ for further examples.
+The ``definition_list_item`` element contains a single
+term_/definition_ pair (with optional classifier_).
+ `Body Subelements`_ (compound)
+ Only the definition_list_ element contains
+ ``definition_list_item``.
+ ``definition_list_item`` elements each contain a single term_,
+ an optional classifier_, and a definition_.
+ ``definition_list_item`` is analogous to the DocBook
+ "variablelistentry" element.
+ The optional classifier_ can be rendered differently from the
+ term_. They should be separated visually, typically by spaces
+ plus a colon or dash.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (term_, classifier_?, definition_)
+ The ``definition_list_item`` element contains only the `common
+ attributes`_: ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Tyrannosaurus Rex : carnivore
+ Big and scary; the "Tyrant King".
+ Brontosaurus : herbivore
+ All brontosauruses are thin at one end,
+ much much thicker in the middle
+ and then thin again at the far end.
+ -- Anne Elk (Miss)
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <definition_list>
+ <definition_list_item>
+ <term>
+ Tyrannosaurus Rex
+ <classifier>
+ carnivore
+ <definition>
+ <paragraph>
+ Big and scary; the "Tyrant King".
+ <definition_list_item>
+ <term>
+ Brontosaurus
+ <classifier>
+ herbivore
+ <definition>
+ <paragraph>
+ All brontosauruses are thin at one end,
+ much much thicker in the middle
+ and then thin again at the far end.
+ <paragraph>
+ -- Anne Elk (Miss)
+See definition_list_ and classifier_ for further examples.
+The ``description`` element contains body elements, describing the
+purpose or effect of a command-line option or group of options.
+ `Body Subelements`_
+ Only the option_list_item_ element contains ``description``.
+ ``description`` elements may contain `body elements`_.
+ ``description`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ See option_list_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``description`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the option_list_ element.
+The ``docinfo`` element is a container for document bibliographic
+data, or meta-data (data about the document). It corresponds to the
+front matter of a book, such as the title page and copyright page.
+ `Structural Subelements`_
+ Only the document_ element contains ``docinfo``.
+ ``docinfo`` elements contain `bibliographic elements`_.
+ ``docinfo`` is analogous to DocBook "info" elements ("bookinfo"
+ etc.). There are no directly analogous HTML elements; the "meta"
+ element carries some of the same information, albeit invisibly.
+ The ``docinfo`` element may be rendered as a two-column table or
+ in other styles. It may even be invisible or omitted from the
+ processed output. Meta-data may be extracted from ``docinfo``
+ children; for example, HTML ``<meta>`` tags may be constructed.
+ When Docutils_ transforms a reStructuredText_ field_list_ into a
+ ``docinfo`` element (see the examples below), RCS/CVS keywords are
+ normally stripped from simple (one paragraph) field bodies. For
+ complete details, please see `RCS Keywords`_ in the
+ `reStructuredText Markup Specification`_.
+ .. _RCS Keywords: rst/restructuredtext.html#rcs-keywords
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%bibliographic.elements;`_)+
+ The ``docinfo`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+Docinfo is represented in reStructuredText_ by a field_list_ in a
+bibliographic context: the first non-comment element of a document_,
+after any document title_/subtitle_. The field list is transformed
+into a ``docinfo`` element and its children by a transform. Source::
+ Docinfo Example
+ ===============
+ :Author: J. Random Hacker
+ :Contact:
+ :Date: 2002-08-18
+ :Status: Work In Progress
+ :Version: 1
+ :Filename: $RCSfile$
+ :Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="docinfo-example" names="docinfo example">
+ <title>
+ Docinfo Example
+ <docinfo>
+ <author>
+ J. Random Hacker
+ <contact>
+ <reference refuri="">
+ <date>
+ 2002-08-18
+ <status>
+ Work In Progress
+ <version>
+ 1
+ <field>
+ <field_name>
+ Filename
+ <field_body>
+ <paragraph>
+ doctree.txt
+ <copyright>
+ This document has been placed in the public domain.
+Note that "Filename" is a non-standard ``docinfo`` field, so becomes a
+generic ``field`` element. Also note that the "RCSfile" keyword
+syntax has been stripped from the "Filename" data.
+See field_list_ for an example in a non-bibliographic context. Also
+see the individual examples for the various `bibliographic elements`_.
+The ``doctest_block`` element is a Python-specific variant of
+literal_block_. It is a block of text where line breaks and
+whitespace are significant and must be preserved. ``doctest_block``
+elements are used for interactive Python interpreter sessions, which
+are distinguished by their input prompt: ``>>>``. They are meant to
+illustrate usage by example, and provide an elegant and powerful
+testing environment via the `doctest module`_ in the Python standard
+.. _doctest module:
+ `Simple Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``doctest_block``.
+ ``doctest_block`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``doctest_block`` is analogous to the HTML "pre" element and to
+ the DocBook "programlisting" and "screen" elements.
+ As with literal_block_, ``doctest_block`` elements are typically
+ rendered in a monospaced typeface. It is crucial that all
+ whitespace and line breaks are preserved in the rendered form.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``doctest_block`` element contains the `common attributes`_
+ (ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus `xml:space`_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``doctest_block``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``doctest_block``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ This is an ordinary paragraph.
+ >>> print 'this is a Doctest block'
+ this is a Doctest block
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <paragraph>
+ This is an ordinary paragraph.
+ <doctest_block xml:space="preserve">
+ >>> print 'this is a Doctest block'
+ this is a Doctest block
+The ``document`` element is the root (topmost) element of the Docutils
+document tree. ``document`` is the direct or indirect ancestor of
+every other element in the tree. It encloses the entire document
+tree. It is the starting point for a document.
+ `Structural Elements`_
+ The ``document`` element has no parents.
+ ``document`` elements may contain `structural subelements`_,
+ `structural elements`_, and `body elements`_.
+ ``document`` is analogous to the HTML "html" element and to
+ several DocBook elements such as "book".
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ ( (title_, subtitle_?)?,
+ decoration_?,
+ (docinfo_, transition_?)?,
+ `%structure.model;`_ )
+Depending on the source of the data and the stage of processing, the
+"document" may not initially contain a "title". A document title is
+not directly representable in reStructuredText_. Instead, a lone
+top-level section may have its title promoted to become the document
+title_, and similarly for a lone second-level (sub)section's title to
+become the document subtitle_.
+The contents of "decoration_" may be specified in a document,
+constructed programmatically, or both. The "docinfo_" may be
+transformed from an initial field_list_.
+See the `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity for details of the body
+of a ``document``.
+ The ``document`` element contains the `common attributes`_ (ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus an optional title__
+ attribute which stores the document title metadata.
+ __ `title (attribute)`_
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ A Title
+ =======
+ A paragraph.
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result from simple parsing::
+ <document>
+ <section ids="a-title" names="a title">
+ <title>
+ A Title
+ <paragraph>
+ A paragraph.
+After applying transforms, the section title is promoted to become the
+document title::
+ <document ids="a-title" names="a title">
+ <title>
+ A Title
+ <paragraph>
+ A paragraph.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``enumerated_list`` element contains list_item_ elements which are
+uniformly marked with enumerator labels.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``enumerated_list``.
+ ``enumerated_list`` elements contain one or more list_item_
+ elements.
+ ``enumerated_list`` is analogous to the HTML "ol" element and to
+ the DocBook "orderedlist" element.
+ Each list item should begin a new vertical block, prefaced by a
+ enumeration marker (such as "1.").
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (list_item_ +)
+ The ``enumerated_list`` element contains the `common attributes`_
+ (ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus enumtype_,
+ prefix_, suffix_, and start_.
+ ``enumtype`` is used to record the intended enumeration sequence,
+ one of "arabic" (1, 2, 3, ...), "loweralpha" (a, b, c, ..., z),
+ "upperalpha" (A, B, C, ..., Z), "lowerroman" (i, ii, iii, iv, ...,
+ mmmmcmxcix [4999]), or "upperroman" (I, II, III, IV, ...,
+ MMMMCMXCIX [4999]).
+ ``prefix`` stores the formatting characters used before the
+ enumerator. In documents originating from reStructuredText_ data,
+ it will contain either "" (empty string) or "(" (left
+ parenthesis). It may or may not affect processing.
+ ``suffix`` stores the formatting characters used after the
+ enumerator. In documents originating from reStructuredText_ data,
+ it will contain either "." (period) or ")" (right parenthesis).
+ Depending on the capabilities of the output format, this attribute
+ may or may not affect processing.
+ ``start`` contains the ordinal value of the first item in the
+ list, in decimal. For lists beginning at value 1 ("1", "a", "A",
+ "i", or "I"), this attribute may be omitted.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``enumerated_list``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``enumerated_list``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ 1. Item 1.
+ (A) Item A.
+ (B) Item B.
+ (C) Item C.
+ 2. Item 2.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <enumerated_list enumtype="arabic" prefix="" suffix=".">
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Item 1.
+ <enumerated_list enumtype="upperalpha" prefix="(" suffix=")">
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Item A.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Item B.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Item C.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Item 2.
+See list_item_ for another example.
+The ``error`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and
+self-contained notice. Also see the other admonition elements
+Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): attention_, caution_,
+danger_, hint_, important_, note_, tip_, warning_, and the generic
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``error``.
+ ``error`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``error`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives and type effects.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "Error" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``error`` element contains only the `common attributes`_: ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``error``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity indirectly
+ includes ``error``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. Error:: Does not compute.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <error>
+ <paragraph>
+ Does not compute.
+The ``field`` element contains a pair of field_name_ and field_body_
+ `Body Subelements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``field``: docinfo_,
+ field_list_
+ Each ``field`` element contains one field_name_ and one
+ field_body_ element.
+ ``field`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ See field_list_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (field_name_, field_body_)
+ The ``field`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``field``.
+See the examples for the field_list_ and docinfo_ elements.
+The ``field_body`` element contains body elements. It is analogous to
+a database field's data.
+ `Body Subelements`_
+ Only the field_ element contains ``field_body``.
+ ``field_body`` elements may contain `body elements`_.
+ ``field_body`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ See field_list_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)*
+ The ``field_body`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the field_list_ and docinfo_ elements.
+The ``field_list`` element contains two-column table-like structures
+resembling database records (label & data pairs). Field lists are
+often meant for further processing. In reStructuredText_, field lists
+are used to represent bibliographic fields (contents of the docinfo_
+element) and directive options.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``field_list``.
+ ``field_list`` elements contain one or more field_ elements.
+ ``field_list`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives such as tables.
+ A ``field_list`` is typically rendered as a two-column list, where
+ the first column contains "labels" (usually with a colon suffix).
+ However, field lists are often used for extension syntax or
+ special processing. Such structures do not survive as field lists
+ to be rendered.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (field_ +)
+ The ``field_list`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``field_list``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``field_list``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ :Author: Me
+ :Version: 1
+ :Date: 2001-08-11
+ :Parameter i: integer
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <field_list>
+ <field>
+ <field_name>
+ Author
+ <field_body>
+ <paragraph>
+ Me
+ <field>
+ <field_name>
+ Version
+ <field_body>
+ <paragraph>
+ 1
+ <field>
+ <field_name>
+ Date
+ <field_body>
+ <paragraph>
+ 2001-08-11
+ <field>
+ <field_name>
+ Parameter i
+ <field_body>
+ <paragraph>
+ integer
+The ``field_name`` element contains text; it is analogous to a
+database field's name.
+ `Body Subelements`_ (simple)
+ Only the field_ element contains ``field_name``.
+ ``field_name`` elements may contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``field_name`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ See field_list_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``field_name`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the field_list_ and docinfo_ elements.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``footer`` element is a container element whose contents are meant
+to appear at the bottom of a web page, or repeated at the bottom of
+every printed page. The ``footer`` element may contain processing
+information (datestamp, a link to Docutils_, etc.) as well as custom
+ `Decorative Elements`_
+ Only the decoration_ element contains ``footer``.
+ ``footer`` elements may contain `body elements`_.
+ There are no direct analogies to ``footer`` in HTML or DocBook.
+ Equivalents are typically constructed from primitives and/or
+ generated by the processing system.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``footer`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ A paragraph.
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms,
+assuming that the datestamp command-line option or configuration
+setting has been supplied::
+ <document>
+ <decoration>
+ <footer>
+ <paragraph>
+ Generated on: 2002-08-20.
+ <paragraph>
+ A paragraph.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+Docutils wraps ``generated`` elements around text that is inserted
+(generated) by Docutils; i.e., text that was not in the document, like
+section numbers inserted by the "sectnum" directive.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``header`` element is a container element whose contents are meant
+to appear at the top of a web page, or at the top of every printed
+ `Decorative Elements`_
+ Only the decoration_ element contains ``header``.
+ ``header`` elements may contain `body elements`_.
+ There are no direct analogies to ``header`` in HTML or DocBook.
+ Equivalents are typically constructed from primitives and/or
+ generated by the processing system.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``header`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+reStructuredText source fragment::
+ .. header:: This space for rent.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <document>
+ <decoration>
+ <header>
+ <paragraph>
+ This space for rent.
+The ``hint`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and
+self-contained notice. Also see the other admonition elements
+Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): attention_, caution_,
+danger_, error_, important_, note_, tip_, warning_, and the generic
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``hint``.
+ ``hint`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``hint`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives and type effects.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "Hint" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``hint`` element contains only the `common attributes`_: ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``hint``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity indirectly
+ includes ``hint``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. Hint:: It's bigger than a bread box.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <hint>
+ <paragraph>
+ It's bigger than a bread box.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``important`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and
+self-contained notice. Also see the other admonition elements
+Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): attention_, caution_,
+danger_, error_, hint_, note_, tip_, warning_, and the generic
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``important``.
+ ``important`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``important`` is analogous to the DocBook "important" element.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "Important" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``important`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``important``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``important``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. Important::
+ * Wash behind your ears.
+ * Clean up your room.
+ * Back up your data.
+ * Call your mother.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <important>
+ <bullet_list>
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Wash behind your ears.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Clean up your room.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Back up your data.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Call your mother.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``line`` element contains a single line of text, part of a
+ `Body Subelements`_ (simple)
+ Only the `line_block`_ element contains ``line``.
+ ``line`` elements may contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``line`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives or type effects.
+ See `line_block`_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``line`` element contains the `common attributes`_ (ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus `xml:space`_.
+See `line_block`_.
+The ``line_block`` element contains a sequence of lines and nested
+line blocks. Line breaks (implied between elements) and leading
+whitespace (indicated by nesting) is significant and must be
+preserved. ``line_block`` elements are commonly used for verse and
+addresses. See `literal_block`_ for an alternative useful for program
+listings and interactive computer sessions.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``line_block``.
+ ``line_block`` elements may contain line_ elements and nested
+ ``line_block`` elements.
+ ``line_block`` is analogous to the DocBook "literallayout" element
+ and to the HTML "pre" element (with modifications to typeface
+ styles).
+ Unline ``literal_block``, ``line_block`` elements are typically
+ rendered in an ordinary text typeface. It is crucial that leading
+ whitespace and line breaks are preserved in the rendered form.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (line_ | line_block_)+
+ The ``line_block`` element contains the `common attributes`_ (ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus `xml:space`_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``line_block``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``line_block``.
+reStructuredText uses a directive to indicate a ``line_block``.
+Example source::
+ Take it away, Eric the Orchestra Leader!
+ | A one, two, a one two three four
+ |
+ | Half a bee, philosophically,
+ | must, *ipso facto*, half not be.
+ | But half the bee has got to be,
+ | *vis a vis* its entity. D'you see?
+ |
+ | But can a bee be said to be
+ | or not to be an entire bee,
+ | when half the bee is not a bee,
+ | due to some ancient injury?
+ |
+ | Singing...
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <paragraph>
+ Take it away, Eric the Orchestra Leader!
+ <line_block>
+ <line>
+ A one, two, a one two three four
+ <line>
+ <line>
+ Half a bee, philosophically,
+ <line_block>
+ <line>
+ must,
+ <emphasis>
+ ipso facto
+ , half not be.
+ <line>
+ But half the bee has got to be,
+ <line_block>
+ <line>
+ <emphasis>
+ vis a vis
+ its entity. D'you see?
+ <line>
+ <line>
+ But can a bee be said to be
+ <line_block>
+ <line>
+ or not to be an entire bee,
+ <line_block>
+ <line>
+ when half the bee is not a bee,
+ <line_block>
+ <line>
+ due to some ancient injury?
+ <line>
+ <line>
+ Singing...
+The ``list_item`` element is a container for the elements of a list
+ `Body Subelements`_ (compound)
+ The bullet_list_ and enumerated_list_ elements contain
+ ``list_item``.
+ ``list_item`` elements may contain `body elements`_.
+ ``list_item`` is analogous to the HTML "li" element and to the
+ DocBook "listitem" element.
+ See bullet_list_ or enumerated_list_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)*
+ The ``list_item`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ 1. Outer list, item 1.
+ * Inner list, item 1.
+ * Inner list, item 2.
+ 2. Outer list, item 2.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <enumerated_list enumtype="arabic" prefix="" suffix=".">
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Outer list, item 1.
+ <bullet_list bullet="*">
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Inner list, item 1.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Inner list, item 2.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Outer list, item 2.
+See bullet_list_ or enumerated_list_ for further examples.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``literal_block`` element contains a block of text where line
+breaks and whitespace are significant and must be preserved.
+``literal_block`` elements are commonly used for program listings and
+interactive computer sessions. See `line_block`_ for an alternative
+useful for verse and addresses.
+ `Simple Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``literal_block``.
+ ``literal_block`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``literal_block`` is analogous to the HTML "pre" element and to
+ the DocBook "programlisting" and "screen" elements.
+ ``literal_block`` elements are typically rendered in a monospaced
+ typeface. It is crucial that all whitespace and line breaks are
+ preserved in the rendered form.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``literal_block`` element contains the `common attributes`_
+ (ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus `xml:space`_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``literal_block``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``literal_block``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ Here is a literal block::
+ if literal_block:
+ text = 'is left as-is'
+ spaces_and_linebreaks = 'are preserved'
+ markup_processing = None
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <paragraph>
+ Here is a literal block:
+ <literal_block xml:space="preserve">
+ if literal_block:
+ text = 'is left as-is'
+ spaces_and_linebreaks = 'are preserved'
+ markup_processing = None
+The ``note`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and
+self-contained notice. Also see the other admonition elements
+Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): attention_, caution_,
+danger_, error_, hint_, important_, tip_, warning_, and the generic
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``note``.
+ ``note`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``note`` is analogous to the DocBook "note" element.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "Note" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``note`` element contains only the `common attributes`_: ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``note``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity indirectly
+ includes ``note``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. Note:: Admonitions can be handy to break up a
+ long boring technical document.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <note>
+ <paragraph>
+ Admonitions can be handy to break up a
+ long boring technical document.
+The ``option`` element groups an option string together with zero or
+more option argument placeholders. Note that reStructuredText_
+currently supports only one argument per option.
+ `Body Subelements`_
+ Only the option_group_ element contains ``option``.
+ Each ``option`` element contains one option_string_ and zero or
+ more option_argument_ elements.
+ ``option`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ See option_list_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (option_string_, option_argument_ \*)
+ The ``option`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the option_list_ element.
+The ``option_argument`` element contains placeholder text for option
+ `Body Subelements`_
+ Only the option_ element contains ``option_argument``.
+ ``option_argument`` elements contain text data only.
+ ``option_argument`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ The value of the "delimiter" attribute is prefixed to the
+ ``option_argument``, separating it from its option_string_ or a
+ preceding ``option_argument``. The ``option_argument`` text is
+ typically rendered in a monospaced typeface, possibly italicized
+ or otherwise altered to indicate its placeholder nature.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ The ``option_argument`` element contains the `common attributes`_ (ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus delimiter_.
+ ``delimiter`` contains the text preceding the ``option_argument``:
+ either the text separating it from the option_string_ (typically
+ either "=" or " ") or the text between option arguments (typically
+ either "," or " ").
+See the examples for the option_list_ element.
+The ``option_group`` element groups together one or more option_
+elements, all synonyms.
+ `Body Subelements`_
+ Only the option_list_item_ element contains ``option_group``.
+ ``option_group`` elements contain one or more option_ elements.
+ ``option_group`` is an empty element and has no children.
+ Each ``option_group`` element contains one _ and
+ one _ element.
+ ``option_group`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ Typically option_ elements within an ``option_group`` are joined
+ together in a comma-separated list.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (option_group_, description_)
+ The ``option_group`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the option_list_ element.
+Each ``option_list`` element contains a two-column list of
+command-line options and descriptions, documenting a program's
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``option_list``.
+ ``option_list`` elements contain one or more option_list_item_
+ elements.
+ ``option_list`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives such as tables.
+ An ``option_list`` is typically rendered as a two-column list,
+ where the first column contains option strings and arguments, and
+ the second column contains descriptions.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (option_list_item_ +)
+ The ``option_list`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``option_list``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``option_list``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ -a command-line option "a"
+ -1 file, --one=file, --two file
+ Multiple options with arguments.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <option_list>
+ <option_list_item>
+ <option_group>
+ <option>
+ <option_string>
+ -a
+ <description>
+ <paragraph>
+ command-line option "a"
+ <option_list_item>
+ <option_group>
+ <option>
+ <option_string>
+ -1
+ <option_argument delimiter=" ">
+ file
+ <option>
+ <option_string>
+ --one
+ <option_argument delimiter="=">
+ file
+ <option>
+ <option_string>
+ --two
+ <option_argument delimiter=" ">
+ file
+ <description>
+ <paragraph>
+ Multiple options with arguments.
+The ``option_list_item`` element is a container for a pair of
+option_group_ and description_ elements.
+ `Body Subelements`_
+ Only the option_list_ element contains ``option_list_item``.
+ Each ``option_list_item`` element contains one option_group_ and
+ one description_ element.
+ ``option_list_item`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ See option_list_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (option_group_, description_)
+ The ``option_list_item`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the option_list_ element.
+The ``option_string`` element contains the text of a command-line
+ `Body Subelements`_
+ Only the option_ element contains ``option_string``.
+ ``option_string`` elements contain text data only.
+ ``option_string`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ The ``option_string`` text is typically rendered in a monospaced
+ typeface.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ The ``option_string`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the option_list_ element.
+The ``organization`` element contains the name of document author's
+organization, or the organization responsible for the document.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ Only the docinfo_ element contains ``organization``.
+ ``organization`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``organization`` is analogous to the DocBook "orgname",
+ "corpname", or "publishername" elements.
+ See docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``organization`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``organization``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Organization: Humankind
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <organization>
+ Humankind
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+The ``paragraph`` element contains the text and inline elements of a
+single paragraph, a fundamental building block of documents.
+ `Simple Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``paragraph``.
+ ``paragraph`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``paragraph`` is analogous to the HTML "p" element and to the
+ DocBook "para" elements.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``paragraph`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``paragraph``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``paragraph``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ A paragraph.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <paragraph>
+ A paragraph.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``revision`` element contains the revision number of the document.
+It can be used alone or in conjunction with version_.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ Only the docinfo_ element contains ``revision``.
+ ``revision`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``revision`` is analogous to but simpler than the DocBook
+ "revision" element. It closely matches the DocBook "revnumber"
+ element, but in a simpler context.
+ Often used with the RCS/CVS keyword "Revision". See docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``revision`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``revision``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Version: 1
+ :Revision: b
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <version>
+ 1
+ <revision>
+ b
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+`To be completed`_.
+ rubric n. 1. a title, heading, or the like, in a manuscript,
+ book, statute, etc., written or printed in red or otherwise
+ distinguished from the rest of the text. ...
+ -- Random House Webster's College Dictionary, 1991
+A rubric is like an informal heading that doesn't correspond to the
+document's structure.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``section`` element is the main unit of hierarchy for Docutils
+documents. Docutils ``section`` elements are a recursive structure; a
+``section`` may contain other ``section`` elements, without limit.
+Paragraphs and other body elements may occur before a ``section``, but
+not after it.
+ `Structural Elements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``section``: document_,
+ section_
+ ``section`` elements begin with a title_, and may contain `body
+ elements`_ as well as transition_, topic_, and sidebar_ elements.
+ ``section`` is analogous to DocBook recursive "section" elements,
+ and to HTML "div" elements combined with "h1" etc. title elements.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (title_,
+ `%structure.model;`_)
+See the `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity for details of the body
+of a ``section``.
+ The ``section`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%section.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``section``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity indirectly
+ includes ``section``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Title 1
+ =======
+ Paragraph 1.
+ Title 2
+ -------
+ Paragraph 2.
+ Title 3
+ =======
+ Paragraph 3.
+ Title 4
+ -------
+ Paragraph 4.
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing::
+ <document>
+ <section ids="title-1" names="title 1">
+ <title>
+ Title 1
+ <paragraph>
+ Paragraph 1.
+ <section ids="title-2" names="title 2">
+ <title>
+ Title 2
+ <paragraph>
+ Paragraph 2.
+ <section ids="title-3" names="title 3">
+ <title>
+ Title 3
+ <paragraph>
+ Paragraph 3.
+ <section ids="title-4" names="title 4">
+ <title>
+ Title 4
+ <paragraph>
+ Paragraph 4.
+Sidebars are like miniature, parallel documents that occur inside
+other documents, providing related or reference material. A
+``sidebar`` is typically offset by a border and "floats" to the side
+of the page; the document's main text may flow around it. Sidebars
+can also be likened to super-footnotes; their content is outside of
+the flow of the document's main text.
+The ``sidebar`` element is a nonrecursive section_-like construct
+which may occur at the top level of a section_ wherever a body element
+(list, table, etc.) is allowed. In other words, ``sidebar`` elements
+cannot nest inside body elements, so you can't have a ``sidebar``
+inside a ``table`` or a ``list``, or inside another ``sidebar`` (or
+ `Structural Elements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``sidebar``: document_,
+ section_
+ ``sidebar`` elements begin with a title_ and an optional subtitle_
+ and contain `body elements`_ and topic_ elements.
+ ``sidebar`` is analogous to the DocBook "sidebar" element.
+ A ``sidebar`` element should be set off from the rest of the
+ document somehow, typically with a border. Sidebars typically
+ "float" to the side of the page and the document's main text flows
+ around them.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (title_, subtitle_?,
+ (`%body.elements;`_ | topic_)+)
+ The ``sidebar`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``sidebar``.
+The `"sidebar" directive`_ is used to create a ``sidebar`` element.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ .. sidebar:: Title
+ :subtitle: If Desired
+ Body.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <sidebar>
+ <title>
+ Title
+ <subtitle>
+ If Desired
+ <paragraph>
+ Body.
+.. _"sidebar" directive: rst/directives.html#sidebar
+The ``status`` element contains a status statement for the document,
+such as "Draft", "Final", "Work In Progress", etc.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ Only the docinfo_ element contains ``status``.
+ ``status`` elements may contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``status`` is analogous to the DocBook "status" element.
+ See docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``status`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``status``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Status: Work In Progress
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <status>
+ Work In Progress
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``subtitle`` element stores the subtitle of a document_.
+ `Structural Subelements`_
+ The document_ and sidebar_ elements may contain ``subtitle``.
+ ``subtitle`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``subtitle`` is analogous to HTML header elements ("h2" etc.) and
+ to the DocBook "subtitle" element.
+ A document's subtitle is usually rendered smaller than its title_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``subtitle`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ =======
+ Title
+ =======
+ ----------
+ Subtitle
+ ----------
+ A paragraph.
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="title" names="title">
+ <title>
+ Title
+ <subtitle ids="subtitle" names="subtitle">
+ Subtitle
+ <paragraph>
+ A paragraph.
+Note how two section levels have collapsed, promoting their titles to
+become the document's title and subtitle. Since there is only one
+structural element (document), the subsection's ``ids`` and ``names``
+attributes are stored in the ``subtitle`` element.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``term`` element contains a word or phrase being defined in a
+ `Body Subelements`_ (simple)
+ Only the definition_list_item_ element contains ``term``.
+ ``term`` elements may contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``term`` is analogous to the HTML "dt" element and to the DocBook
+ "term" element.
+ See definition_list_item_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``term`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the definition_list_, definition_list_item_, and
+classifier_ elements.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``tip`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and self-contained
+notice. Also see the other admonition elements Docutils offers (in
+alphabetical order): attention_, caution_, danger_, error_, hint_,
+important_, note_, warning_, and the generic admonition_.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``tip``.
+ ``tip`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``tip`` is analogous to the DocBook "tip" element.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "Tip" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``tip`` element contains only the `common attributes`_: ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes ``tip``.
+ The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity indirectly includes
+ ``tip``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. Tip:: 15% if the service is good.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <tip>
+ <paragraph>
+ 15% if the service is good.
+.. _title:
+The ``title`` element stores the title of a document_, section_,
+topic_, sidebar_, or generic admonition_.
+ `Structural Subelements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``title``: document_, section_,
+ topic_, sidebar_, admonition_
+ ``title`` elements may contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``title`` is analogous to HTML "title" and header ("h1" etc.)
+ elements, and to the DocBook "title" element.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``title`` element contains the `common attributes`_ (ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus refid_ and auto_.
+ ``refid`` is used as a backlink to a table of contents entry.
+ ``auto`` is used to indicate (with value "1") that the ``title``
+ has been numbered automatically.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ A Title
+ =======
+ A paragraph.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <section ids="a-title" names="a title">
+ <title>
+ A Title
+ <paragraph>
+ A paragraph.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``topic`` element is a nonrecursive section_-like construct which
+may occur at the top level of a section_ wherever a body element
+(list, table, etc.) is allowed. In other words, ``topic`` elements
+cannot nest inside body elements, so you can't have a ``topic`` inside
+a ``table`` or a ``list``, or inside another ``topic``.
+ `Structural Elements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``topic``: document_, section_,
+ sidebar_
+ ``topic`` elements begin with a title_ and may contain `body
+ elements`_.
+ ``topic`` is analogous to the DocBook "simplesect" element.
+ A ``topic`` element should be set off from the rest of the
+ document somehow, such as with indentation or a border.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (title_?,
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+)
+ The ``topic`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``topic``.
+The `"topic" directive`_ is used to create a ``topic`` element.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ .. topic:: Title
+ Body.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <topic>
+ <title>
+ Title
+ <paragraph>
+ Body.
+.. _"topic" directive: rst/directives.html#topic
+The ``transition`` element is commonly seen in novels and short
+fiction, as a gap spanning one or more lines, with or without a type
+ornament such as a row of asterisks. Transitions separate body
+elements and sections, dividing a section into untitled divisions. A
+transition may not begin or end a section [#]_ or document, nor may
+two transitions be immediately adjacent.
+See `Doctree Representation of Transitions`__ in `A Record of
+reStructuredText Syntax Alternatives`__.
+.. [#] In reStructuredText markup, a transition may appear to fall at
+ the end of a section immediately before another section. A
+ transform recognizes this case and moves the transition so it
+ separates the sections.
+__ ../dev/rst/alternatives.html#doctree-representation-of-transitions
+__ ../dev/rst/alternatives.html
+ `Structural Subelements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``transition``: document_,
+ section_
+ ``transition`` is an empty element and has no children.
+ ``transition`` is analogous to the HTML "hr" element.
+ The ``transition`` element is typically rendered as vertical
+ whitespace (more than that separating paragraphs), with or without
+ a horizontal line or row of asterisks. In novels, transitions are
+ often represented as a row of three well-spaced asterisks with
+ vertical space above and below.
+Content Model
+The ``transition`` element has no content; it is a "point element".
+ The ``transition`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``transition``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Paragraph 1.
+ --------
+ Paragraph 2.
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing::
+ <document>
+ <paragraph>
+ Paragraph 1.
+ <transition>
+ <paragraph>
+ Paragraph 2.
+The ``version`` element contains the version number of the document.
+It can be used alone or in conjunction with revision_.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ Only the docinfo_ element contains ``version``.
+ ``version`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``version`` may be considered analogous to the DocBook "revision",
+ "revnumber", or "biblioid" elements.
+ Sometimes used with the RCS/CVS keyword "Revision". See docinfo_
+ and revision_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``version`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``version``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Version: 1.1
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <version>
+ 1.1
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+The ``warning`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and
+self-contained notice. Also see the other admonition elements
+Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): attention_, caution_,
+danger_, error_, hint_, important_, note_, tip_.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``warning``.
+ ``warning`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``warning`` is analogous to the DocBook "warning" element.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "Warning" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``warning`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``warning``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity indirectly
+ includes ``warning``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. WARNING:: Reader discretion is strongly advised.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <warning>
+ <paragraph>
+ Reader discretion is strongly advised.
+ Attribute Reference
+.. contents:: :local:
+ :depth: 1
+_`Common Attributes`: Through the `%basic.atts;`_ parameter entity,
+all elements contain the following attributes: ids_, names_, dupnames_,
+source_, and classes_.
+.. _attribute type:
+Attribute types:
+ Character data. ``CDATA`` attributes may contain arbitrary text.
+ Like a ``NMTOKEN``, but it must begin with a letter (a "name
+ production"). Identical ``ID`` values must not appear more than
+ once in a document; i.e., ID values must uniquely identify their
+ elements.
+ A reference to an ``ID`` value (a name production) of another
+ element.
+ One or more space-separated ``ID`` references (name productions).
+ A "name token". One or more of letters, digits, ".", "-", and
+ "_".
+ One or more space-separated ``NMTOKEN`` names.
+ No if zero ("0"), yes if any other value. This is a parameter
+ entity which resolves to a ``NMTOKEN`` attribute type.
+ This emphasizes that the attribute value must be a number. This
+ is a parameter entity which resolves to a ``NMTOKEN`` attribute
+ type.
+ The attribute value may be one of a specified list of values.
+`Attribute type`_: ``%yesorno;``. Default value: none (implies no).
+The ``anonymous`` attribute is used for unnamed hyperlinks in the
+target_ and reference_ elements (via the `%anonymous.att;`_ parameter
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``auto`` attribute is used to indicate automatically-numbered
+footnote_, footnote_reference_ and title_ elements (via the
+`%auto.att;`_ parameter entity).
+`Attribute type`_: ``IDREFS``. Default value: none.
+The ``backrefs`` attribute contains a space-separated list of ids_
+references, used for backlinks from footnote_, citation_, and
+system_message_ elements (via the `%backrefs.att;`_ parameter entity).
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``bullet`` attribute is used in the bullet_list_ element.
+`Attribute type`_: ``NMTOKENS``. Default value: none.
+The ``classes`` attribute is a list containing one or more names used
+to classify an element. The purpose of the attribute is to indicate
+an "is-a" variant relationship, to allow an extensible way of defining
+sub-classes of existing elements. It can be used to carry context
+forward between a Docutils Reader and Writer, when a custom structure
+is reduced to a standardized document tree. One common use is in
+conjunction with stylesheets, to add selection criteria. It should
+not be used to carry formatting instructions or arbitrary content.
+The ``classes`` attribute's contents should be ignorable. Writers that
+are not familiar with the variant expressed should be able to ignore
+the attribute.
+``classes`` is one of the `common attributes`_, shared by all Docutils
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``delimiter`` attribute is used in the option_argument_ element.
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``dupnames`` attribute is a list containing the names of an
+element when there has been a naming conflict. The contents of the
+``dupnames`` attribute would have been transferred from the `names`_
+attribute. An element may have at most one of the ``names`` or
+``dupnames`` attributes, but not both. ``dupnames`` is one of the
+`common attributes`_, shared by all Docutils elements.
+`Attribute type`_: enumeration, one of "arabic", "loweralpha",
+"upperalpha", "lowerroman", or "upperroman". Default value: none.
+The ``enumtype`` attribute is used in the enumerated_list_ element.
+`Attribute type`_: ``NMTOKENS``. Default value: none.
+The ``ids`` attribute is a list containing one or more unique
+identifier keys. ``ids`` is one of the `common attributes`_, shared
+by all Docutils elements.
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``names`` attribute is a list containing the names of an element,
+typically originating from the element's title or content. Each name
+in ``names`` must be unique; if there are name conflicts (two or more
+elements want to the same name), the contents will be transferred to
+the `dupnames`_ attribute on the duplicate elements. An element may
+have at most one of the ``names`` or ``dupnames`` attributes, but not
+both. ``names`` is one of the `common attributes`_, shared by all
+Docutils elements.
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``prefix`` attribute is used in the enumerated_list_ element.
+`Attribute type`_: ``IDREF``. Default value: none.
+The ``refid`` attribute contains references to `ids`_ attributes in
+other elements. It is used by the target_, reference_,
+footnote_reference_, citation_reference_, title_ and problematic_
+elements (via the `%refid.att;`_ and `%reference.atts;`_ parameter
+`Attribute type`_: ``NMTOKENS``. Default value: none.
+The ``refname`` attribute contains an internal reference to the
+`names`_ attribute of another element. On a `target`_ element,
+``refname`` indicates an indirect target which may resolve to either
+an internal or external reference. ``refname`` is used by the
+target_, reference_, footnote_reference_, citation_reference_, and
+substitution_reference_ elements (via the `%refname.att;`_ and
+`%reference.atts;`_ parameter entities).
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``refuri`` attribute contains an external reference to a URI/URL.
+It is used by the target_, reference_, footnote_reference_, and
+citation_reference_ elements (via the `%reference.atts;`_ parameter
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``source`` attribute is used to store the path or URL to the
+source text that was used to produce the document tree. It is one of
+the `common attributes`_, shared by all Docutils elements.
+`Attribute type`_: ``%number;``. Default value: none.
+The ``start`` attribute is used in the enumerated_list_ element.
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``suffix`` attribute is used in the enumerated_list_ element.
+`Attribute type`_: one of "default" or "preserve". Default value:
+"preserve" (fixed).
+The ``xml:space`` attribute is a standard XML attribute for
+whitespace-preserving elements. It is used by the literal_block_,
+line_block_, doctest_block_, comment_, and raw_ elements (via the
+`%fixedspace.att;`_ parameter entity). It is a fixed attribute, meant
+to communicate to an XML parser that the element contains significant
+whitespace. The attribute value should not be set in a document
+.. _title (attribute):
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``title`` attribute stores the title metadata of a document. This
+title is typically not part of the rendered document. It may for
+example be used in HTML's ``title`` element.
+ Parameter Entity Reference
+.. contents:: :local:
+ :depth: 1
+Parameter entities are used to simplify the DTD (to share definitions
+and reduce duplication) and to allow the DTD to be customized by
+wrapper DTDs (external client DTDs that use or import the Docutils
+DTD). Parameter entities may be overridden by wrapper DTDs, replacing
+the definitions below with custom definitions. Parameter entities
+whose names begin with "additional" are meant to allow easy extension
+by wrapper DTDs.
+The ``%anonymous.att;`` parameter entity contains the anonymous_
+attribute, used for unnamed hyperlinks.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ anonymous_ %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+The reference_ and target_ elements directly employ the
+``%anonymous.att;`` parameter entity in their attribute lists.
+The ``%auto.att;`` parameter entity contains the auto_ attribute, used
+to indicate an automatically-numbered footnote or title.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+The footnote_, footnote_reference_, and title_ elements directly
+employ the ``%auto.att;`` parameter entity in their attribute lists.
+The ``%backrefs.att;`` parameter entity contains the backrefs_
+attribute, a space-separated list of id references, for backlinks.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ backrefs_ IDREFS #IMPLIED
+The citation_, footnote_, and system_message_ elements directly employ
+the ``%backrefs.att;`` parameter entity in their attribute lists.
+The ``%basic.atts;`` parameter entity lists attributes common to all
+Docutils elements. See `Common Attributes`_.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ dupnames_ CDATA #IMPLIED
+ source_ CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %additional.basic.atts;
+The ``%additional.basic.atts;`` parameter entity can be used by
+wrapper DTDs to extend ``%basic.atts;``.
+The ``%bibliographic.elements;`` parameter entity contains an OR-list of all
+`bibliographic elements`_.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ author_ | authors_ | organization_ | contact_ | address_
+ | version_ | revision_ | status_ | date_ | copyright_
+ | field_
+ %additional.bibliographic.elements;
+The ``%additional.bibliographic.elements;`` parameter entity can be used by
+wrapper DTDs to extend ``%bibliographic.elements;``.
+Only the docinfo_ element directly employs the
+``%bibliographic.elements;`` parameter entity in its content model.
+The ``%body.elements;`` parameter entity contains an OR-list of all
+`body elements`_. ``%body.elements;`` is itself contained within the
+`%structure.model;`_ parameter entity.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ paragraph_ | compound_ | container_ | literal_block_ | doctest_block_
+ | line_block_ | block_quote_
+ | table_ | figure_ | image_ | footnote_ | citation_ | rubric_
+ | bullet_list_ | enumerated_list_ | definition_list_ | field_list_
+ | option_list_
+ | attention_ | caution_ | danger_ | error_ | hint_ | important_ | note_
+ | tip_ | warning_ | admonition_
+ | reference_ | target_ | substitution_definition_ | comment_ | pending_
+ | system_message_ | raw_
+ %additional.body.elements;
+The ``%additional.body.elements;`` parameter entity can be used by
+wrapper DTDs to extend ``%body.elements;``.
+The ``%body.elements;`` parameter entity is directly employed in the
+content models of the following elements: admonition_, attention_,
+block_quote_, caution_, citation_, compound_, danger_, definition_,
+description_, entry_, error_, field_body_, footer_, footnote_,
+header_, hint_, important_, legend_, list_item_, note_, sidebar_,
+system_message_, tip_, topic_, warning_
+Via `%structure.model;`_, the ``%body.elements;`` parameter entity is
+indirectly employed in the content models of the document_ and
+section_ elements.
+The ``%fixedspace.att;`` parameter entity contains the `xml:space`_
+attribute, a standard XML attribute for whitespace-preserving
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `xml:space`_ (default | preserve) #FIXED 'preserve'
+The ``%fixedspace.att;`` parameter entity is directly employed in the
+attribute lists of the following elements: address_, comment_,
+doctest_block_, line_block_, literal_block_, raw_
+The ``%inline.elements;`` parameter entity contains an OR-list of all
+`inline elements`_.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ emphasis_ | strong_ | literal_
+ | reference_ | footnote_reference_ | citation_reference_
+ | substitution_reference_ | title_reference_
+ | abbreviation_ | acronym_ | subscript_ | superscript_
+ | inline_ | problematic_ | generated_
+ | target_ | image_ | raw_
+ %additional.inline.elements;
+The ``%additional.inline.elements;`` parameter entity can be used by
+wrapper DTDs to extend ``%inline.elements;``.
+Via `%text.model;`_, the ``%inline.elements;`` parameter entity is
+indirectly employed in the content models of the following elements:
+abbreviation_, acronym_, address_, attribution_, author_, caption_,
+classifier_, contact_, copyright_, date_, doctest_block_, emphasis_,
+generated_, inline_, line_block_, literal_block_, organization_,
+paragraph_, problematic_, raw_, reference_, revision_, rubric_,
+status_, strong_, subscript_, substitution_definition_,
+substitution_reference_, subtitle_, superscript_, target_, term_,
+title_, title_reference_, version_
+The ``%reference.atts;`` parameter entity groups together the refuri_,
+refid_, and refname_ attributes.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%refuri.att;`_
+ `%refid.att;`_
+ `%refname.att;`_
+ %additional.reference.atts;
+The ``%additional.reference.atts;`` parameter entity can be used by
+wrapper DTDs to extend ``%additional.reference.atts;``.
+The citation_reference_, footnote_reference_, reference_, and target_
+elements directly employ the ``%reference.att;`` parameter entity in
+their attribute lists.
+The ``%refid.att;`` parameter entity contains the refid_ attribute, an
+internal reference to the `ids`_ attribute of another element.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+The title_ and problematic_ elements directly employ the
+``%refid.att;`` parameter entity in their attribute lists.
+Via `%reference.atts;`_, the ``%refid.att;`` parameter entity is
+indirectly employed in the attribute lists of the citation_reference_,
+footnote_reference_, reference_, and target_ elements.
+The ``%refname.att;`` parameter entity contains the refname_
+attribute, an internal reference to the `names`_ attribute of another
+element. On a `target`_ element, ``refname`` indicates an indirect
+target which may resolve to either an internal or external
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+The substitution_reference_ element directly employs the
+``%refname.att;`` parameter entity in its attribute list.
+Via `%reference.atts;`_, the ``%refname.att;`` parameter entity is
+indirectly employed in the attribute lists of the citation_reference_,
+footnote_reference_, reference_, and target_ elements.
+The ``%refuri.att;`` parameter entity contains the refuri_ attribute,
+an external reference to a URI/URL.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ refuri_ CDATA #IMPLIED
+Via `%reference.atts;`_, the ``%refuri.att;`` parameter entity is
+indirectly employed in the attribute lists of the citation_reference_,
+footnote_reference_, reference_, and target_ elements.
+The ``%section.elements;`` parameter entity contains an OR-list of all
+section_-equivalent elements. ``%section.elements;`` is itself
+contained within the `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ section_
+ %additional.section.elements;
+The ``%additional.section.elements;`` parameter entity can be used
+by wrapper DTDs to extend ``%section.elements;``.
+Via `%structure.model;`_, the ``%section.elements;`` parameter entity
+is indirectly employed in the content models of the document_ and
+section_ elements.
+The ``%structure.model;`` parameter entity encapsulates the
+hierarchical structure of a document and of its constituent parts.
+See the discussion of the `element hierarchy`_ above.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ ( ( (`%body.elements;`_ | topic_ | sidebar_)+, transition_? )*,
+ ( (`%section.elements;`_), (transition_?, (`%section.elements;`_) )* )? )
+Each document_ or section_ contains zero or more body elements,
+topics, and/or sidebars, optionally interspersed with single
+transitions, followed by zero or more sections (whose contents are
+recursively the same as this model) optionally interspersed with
+The following restrictions are imposed by this model:
+* Transitions must be separated by other elements (body elements,
+ sections, etc.). In other words, a transition may not be
+ immediately adjacent to another transition.
+* A transition may not occur at the beginning of a document or
+ section.
+An additional restriction, which cannot be expressed in the language
+of DTDs, is imposed by software:
+* A transition may not occur at the end of a document or section.
+The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity is directly employed in the
+content models of the document_ and section_ elements.
+The ``%text.model;`` parameter entity is used by many elements to
+represent text data mixed with `inline elements`_.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (#PCDATA | `%inline.elements;`_)*
+The ``%text.model;`` parameter entity is directly employed in the
+content models of the following elements: abbreviation_, acronym_,
+address_, author_, caption_, classifier_, contact_, copyright_, date_,
+doctest_block_, emphasis_, field_name_, generated_, line_block_,
+literal_block_, organization_, paragraph_, problematic_, raw_,
+reference_, revision_, status_, strong_, substitution_definition_,
+substitution_reference_, subtitle_, target_, term_, title_, version_
+ Local Variables:
+ mode: indented-text
+ indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ sentence-end-double-space: t
+ fill-column: 70
+ End:
diff --git a/docs/ref/docutils.dtd b/docs/ref/docutils.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..154566033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ref/docutils.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+ Docutils Generic DTD
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Revision: $Revision$
+:Date: $Date$
+:Copyright: This DTD has been placed in the public domain.
+:Filename: docutils.dtd
+More information about this DTD (document type definition) and the
+Docutils project can be found at
+The latest version of this DTD is available from
+The formal public identifier for this DTD is::
+ +//IDN Docutils Generic//EN//XML
+ Parameter Entities
+Parameter entities are used to simplify the DTD (reduce duplication)
+and to allow the DTD to be customized by wrapper DTDs. Parameter
+entities beginning with "additional" are meant to allow easy extension
+by wrapper DTDs.
+<!-- Attributes
+================================================================== -->
+<!-- Boolean: no if zero(s), yes if any other value. -->
+<!ENTITY % yesorno "NMTOKEN">
+<!-- Emphasize that the attribute value must be a number. -->
+<!ENTITY % number "NMTOKEN">
+<!-- A number which may be immediately followed by a unit. -->
+<!ENTITY % measure "NMTOKEN">
+<!ENTITY % additional.basic.atts "">
+Attributes shared by all elements in this DTD:
+- `id` is a unique identifier, typically assigned by the system.
+- `name` is an identifier assigned in the markup.
+- `dupname` is the same as `name`, used when it's a duplicate.
+- `source` is the name of the source of this document or fragment.
+- `class` is used to transmit individuality information forward.
+<!ENTITY % basic.atts
+ dupnames CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %additional.basic.atts; ">
+<!-- External reference to a URI/URL. -->
+<!ENTITY % refuri.att
+ " refuri CDATA #IMPLIED ">
+<!-- Internal reference to the `id` attribute of an element. -->
+<!ENTITY % refid.att
+ " refid IDREF #IMPLIED ">
+<!-- Space-separated list of id references, for backlinks. -->
+<!ENTITY % backrefs.att
+ " backrefs IDREFS #IMPLIED ">
+Internal reference to the `name` attribute of an element. On a
+'target' element, 'refname' indicates an indirect target which may
+resolve to either an internal or external reference.
+<!ENTITY % refname.att
+ " refname NMTOKENS #IMPLIED ">
+<!ENTITY % additional.reference.atts "">
+<!-- Collected hyperlink reference attributes. -->
+<!ENTITY % reference.atts
+ " %refuri.att;
+ %refid.att;
+ %refname.att;
+ %additional.reference.atts; ">
+<!-- Unnamed hyperlink. -->
+<!ENTITY % anonymous.att
+ " anonymous %yesorno; #IMPLIED ">
+<!-- Auto-numbered footnote or title. -->
+<!ENTITY % auto.att
+ " auto CDATA #IMPLIED ">
+<!-- XML standard attribute for whitespace-preserving elements. -->
+<!ENTITY % fixedspace.att
+ " xml:space (default | preserve) #FIXED 'preserve' ">
+<!ENTITY % align-h.att
+ " align (left | center | right) #IMPLIED ">
+<!ENTITY % align-hv.att
+ " align (top | middle | bottom | left | center | right) #IMPLIED ">
+<!-- Element OR-Lists
+============================================================= -->
+<!ENTITY % additional.bibliographic.elements "">
+<!ENTITY % bibliographic.elements
+ " author | authors | organization | address | contact
+ | version | revision | status | date | copyright
+ | field
+ %additional.bibliographic.elements; ">
+<!ENTITY % additional.section.elements "">
+<!ENTITY % section.elements
+ " section
+ %additional.section.elements; ">
+<!ENTITY % additional.body.elements "">
+<!ENTITY % body.elements
+ " paragraph | compound | container | literal_block | doctest_block
+ | line_block | block_quote
+ | table | figure | image | footnote | citation | rubric
+ | bullet_list | enumerated_list | definition_list | field_list
+ | option_list
+ | attention | caution | danger | error | hint | important | note
+ | tip | warning | admonition
+ | reference | target | substitution_definition | comment | pending
+ | system_message | raw
+ %additional.body.elements; ">
+<!ENTITY % additional.inline.elements "">
+<!ENTITY % inline.elements
+ " emphasis | strong | literal
+ | reference | footnote_reference | citation_reference
+ | substitution_reference | title_reference
+ | abbreviation | acronym | subscript | superscript
+ | inline | problematic | generated
+ | target | image | raw
+ %additional.inline.elements; ">
+<!-- Element Content Models
+================================================================== -->
+<!-- The structure model may not end with a transition. -->
+<!ENTITY % structure.model
+ " ( ( (%body.elements; | topic | sidebar)+, transition? )*,
+ ( (%section.elements;), (transition?, (%section.elements;) )* )? )">
+<!ENTITY % text.model
+ " (#PCDATA | %inline.elements;)* ">
+<!-- Table Model
+This DTD uses the Exchange subset of the CALS-table model (OASIS
+Technical Memorandum 9901:1999 "XML Exchange Table Model DTD",
+<!ENTITY % calstblx PUBLIC
+ "-//OASIS//DTD XML Exchange Table Model 19990315//EN"
+ "soextblx.dtd">
+<!-- These parameter entities customize the table model DTD. -->
+<!ENTITY % bodyatt " %basic.atts; "> <!-- table elt -->
+<!ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.att " %basic.atts; ">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.thead.att " %basic.atts; ">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.tbody.att " %basic.atts; ">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.colspec.att
+ " %basic.atts;
+ stub %yesorno; #IMPLIED ">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.row.att " %basic.atts; ">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl " (%body.elements;)* ">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.att
+ " %basic.atts;
+ morecols %number; #IMPLIED ">
+ Root Element
+<!-- Optional elements may be generated by internal processing. -->
+<!ELEMENT document
+ ( (title, subtitle?)?,
+ decoration?,
+ (docinfo, transition?)?,
+ %structure.model; )>
+<!ATTLIST document
+ %basic.atts;
+ Title Elements
+<!ELEMENT title %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST title
+ %basic.atts;
+ %refid.att;
+ %auto.att;>
+<!ELEMENT subtitle %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST subtitle %basic.atts;>
+ Bibliographic Elements
+<!-- Container for bibliographic elements. May not be empty. -->
+<!ELEMENT docinfo (%bibliographic.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST docinfo %basic.atts;>
+<!-- Container for bibliographic elements. May not be empty.
+Eventual replacement for docinfo? -->
+<!ELEMENT info (%bibliographic.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST info %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT author %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST author %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT authors (author, organization?, address?, contact?)+>
+<!ATTLIST authors %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT organization %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST organization %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT address %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST address
+ %basic.atts;
+ %fixedspace.att;>
+<!ELEMENT contact %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST contact %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT version %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST version %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT revision %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST revision %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT status %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST status %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT date %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST date %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT copyright %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST copyright %basic.atts;>
+ Decoration Elements
+<!ELEMENT decoration (header?, footer?)>
+<!ATTLIST decoration %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT header (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST header %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT footer (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST footer %basic.atts;>
+ Structural Elements
+<!ELEMENT section
+ (title, subtitle?, info?, decoration?, %structure.model;)>
+<!ATTLIST section %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT topic (title?, (%body.elements;)+)>
+<!ATTLIST topic %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT sidebar (title, subtitle?, (%body.elements; | topic)+)>
+<!ATTLIST sidebar %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT transition EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST transition %basic.atts;>
+ Body Elements
+<!ELEMENT paragraph %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST paragraph %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT compound (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST compound %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT container (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST container %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT bullet_list (list_item+)>
+<!ATTLIST bullet_list
+ %basic.atts;
+ bullet CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!ELEMENT enumerated_list (list_item+)>
+<!ATTLIST enumerated_list
+ %basic.atts;
+ enumtype (arabic | loweralpha | upperalpha
+ | lowerroman | upperroman)
+ start %number; #IMPLIED>
+<!ELEMENT list_item (%body.elements;)*>
+<!ATTLIST list_item %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT definition_list (definition_list_item+)>
+<!ATTLIST definition_list %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT definition_list_item (term, classifier*, definition)>
+<!ATTLIST definition_list_item %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT term %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST term %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT classifier %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST classifier %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT definition (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST definition %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT field_list (field+)>
+<!ATTLIST field_list %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT field (field_name, field_body)>
+<!ATTLIST field %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT field_name %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST field_name %basic.atts;>
+<!-- May be empty. -->
+<!ELEMENT field_body (%body.elements;)*>
+<!ATTLIST field_body %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT option_list (option_list_item+)>
+<!ATTLIST option_list %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT option_list_item (option_group, description)>
+<!ATTLIST option_list_item %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT option_group (option+)>
+<!ATTLIST option_group %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT option (option_string, option_argument*)>
+<!ATTLIST option %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT option_string (#PCDATA)>
+<!ATTLIST option_string %basic.atts;>
+`delimiter` contains the text preceding the `option_argument`: either
+the text separating it from the `option_string` (typically either "="
+or " ") or the text between option arguments (typically either "," or
+" ").
+<!ELEMENT option_argument (#PCDATA)>
+<!ATTLIST option_argument
+ %basic.atts;
+ delimiter CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!ELEMENT description (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST description %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT literal_block %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST literal_block
+ %basic.atts;
+ %fixedspace.att;>
+<!ELEMENT line_block (line | line_block)+>
+<!ATTLIST line_block %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT line %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST line %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT block_quote ((%body.elements;)+, attribution?)>
+<!ATTLIST block_quote %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT attribution %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST attribution %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT doctest_block %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST doctest_block
+ %basic.atts;
+ %fixedspace.att;>
+<!ELEMENT attention (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST attention %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT caution (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST caution %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT danger (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST danger %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT error (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST error %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT hint (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST hint %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT important (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST important %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT note (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST note %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT tip (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST tip %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT warning (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST warning %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT admonition (title, (%body.elements;)+)>
+<!ATTLIST admonition %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT footnote (label?, (%body.elements;)+)>
+<!ATTLIST footnote
+ %basic.atts;
+ %backrefs.att;
+ %auto.att;>
+<!ELEMENT citation (label, (%body.elements;)+)>
+<!ATTLIST citation
+ %basic.atts;
+ %backrefs.att;>
+<!ELEMENT label (#PCDATA)>
+<!ATTLIST label %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT rubric %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST rubric %basic.atts;>
+<!-- Empty except when used as an inline element. -->
+<!ELEMENT target %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST target
+ %basic.atts;
+ %reference.atts;
+ %anonymous.att;>
+<!ELEMENT substitution_definition %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST substitution_definition
+ %basic.atts;
+ ltrim %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ rtrim %yesorno; #IMPLIED>
+<!ELEMENT comment (#PCDATA)>
+<!ATTLIST comment
+ %basic.atts;
+ %fixedspace.att;>
+<!ELEMENT pending EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST pending %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT figure (image, ((caption, legend?) | legend)) >
+<!ATTLIST figure
+ %basic.atts;
+ %align-h.att;
+ width %number; #IMPLIED>
+<!-- Also an inline element. -->
+<!ATTLIST image
+ %basic.atts;
+ %align-hv.att;
+ height %measure; #IMPLIED
+ width %measure; #IMPLIED
+ scale %number; #IMPLIED>
+<!ELEMENT caption %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST caption %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT legend (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST legend %basic.atts;>
+Table elements: table, tgroup, colspec, thead, tbody, row, entry.
+<!-- Used to record processing information. -->
+<!ELEMENT system_message (%body.elements;)+>
+<!ATTLIST system_message
+ %basic.atts;
+ %backrefs.att;
+ level %number; #IMPLIED
+ line %number; #IMPLIED
+<!-- Used to pass raw data through the system. Also inline. -->
+<!ELEMENT raw %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST raw
+ %basic.atts;
+ %fixedspace.att;
+ Inline Elements
+Inline elements occur within the text contents of body elements. Some
+nesting of inline elements is allowed by these definitions, with the
+following caveats:
+- An inline element may not contain a nested element of the same type
+ (e.g. <strong> may not contain another <strong>).
+- Nested inline elements may or may not be supported by individual
+ applications using this DTD.
+- The inline elements <footnote_reference>, <citation_reference>,
+ <literal>, and <image> do not support nesting.
+<!ELEMENT emphasis %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST emphasis %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT strong %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST strong %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT literal (#PCDATA)>
+<!ATTLIST literal %basic.atts;>
+<!-- Can also be a body element, when it contains an "image" element. -->
+<!ELEMENT reference %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST reference
+ %basic.atts;
+ %reference.atts;
+ %anonymous.att;>
+<!ELEMENT footnote_reference (#PCDATA)>
+<!ATTLIST footnote_reference
+ %basic.atts;
+ %refid.att;
+ %refname.att;
+ %auto.att;>
+<!ELEMENT citation_reference (#PCDATA)>
+<!ATTLIST citation_reference
+ %basic.atts;
+ %refid.att;
+ %refname.att;>
+<!ELEMENT substitution_reference %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST substitution_reference
+ %basic.atts;
+ %refname.att;>
+<!ELEMENT title_reference %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST title_reference %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT abbreviation %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST abbreviation %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT acronym %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST acronym %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT superscript %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST superscript %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT subscript %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST subscript %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT inline %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST inline %basic.atts;>
+<!ELEMENT problematic %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST problematic
+ %basic.atts;
+ %refid.att;>
+<!ELEMENT generated %text.model;>
+<!ATTLIST generated %basic.atts;>
+Local Variables:
+mode: sgml
+indent-tabs-mode: nil
+fill-column: 70
diff --git a/docs/ref/rst/definitions.txt b/docs/ref/rst/definitions.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78a2bf8da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ref/rst/definitions.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ reStructuredText Standard Definition Files
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Revision: $Revision$
+:Date: $Date$
+:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+.. contents::
+This document describes standard definition files, such as sets of
+substitution definitions and interpreted text roles, that can be
+included in reStructuredText documents. The `"include" directive`__
+has a special syntax for these standard definition files, angle
+brackets around the file name::
+ .. include:: <filename.txt>
+__ directives.html#include
+The individual data files are stored with the Docutils source code in
+the "docutils" package, in the ``docutils/parsers/rst/include``
+Substitution Definitions
+Many of the standard definition files contain sets of `substitution
+definitions`__, which can be used in documents via `substitution
+references`__. For example, the copyright symbol is defined in
+``isonum.txt`` as "copy"::
+ .. include:: <isonum.txt>
+ Copyright |copy| 2003 by John Q. Public, all rights reserved.
+__ restructuredtext.html#substitution-definitions
+__ restructuredtext.html#substitution-references
+Individual substitution definitions can also be copied from definition
+files and pasted into documents. This has two advantages: it removes
+dependencies, and it saves processing of unused definitions. However,
+multiple substitution definitions add clutter to the document.
+Substitution references require separation from the surrounding text
+with whitespace or punctuation. To use a substitution without
+intervening whitespace, you can use the disappearing-whitespace escape
+sequence, backslash-space::
+ .. include:: isonum.txt
+ Copyright |copy| 2003, BogusMegaCorp\ |trade|.
+Custom substitution definitions may use the `"unicode" directive`__.
+Whitespace is ignored and removed, effectively sqeezing together the
+ .. |copy| unicode:: U+000A9 .. COPYRIGHT SIGN
+ .. |BogusMegaCorp (TM)| unicode:: BogusMegaCorp U+2122
+ .. with trademark sign
+ Copyright |copy| 2003, |BogusMegaCorp (TM)|.
+__ directives.html#unicode
+In addition, the "ltrim", "rtrim", and "trim" options may be used with
+the "unicode" directive to automatically trim spaces from the left,
+right, or both sides (respectively) of substitution references::
+ .. |---| unicode:: U+02014 .. em dash
+ :trim:
+Character Entity Sets
+The following files contain substitution definitions corresponding to
+XML character entity sets, from the following standards: ISO 8879 &
+ISO 9573-13 (combined), MathML, and XHTML1. They were generated by
+the ``tools/dev/`` program from the input file
+unicode.xml__, which is maintained as part of the MathML 2
+Recommentation XML source.
+=================== =================================================
+Entity Set File Description
+=================== =================================================
+isoamsa.txt_ Added Mathematical Symbols: Arrows
+isoamsb.txt_ Added Mathematical Symbols: Binary Operators
+isoamsc.txt_ Added Mathematical Symbols: Delimiters
+isoamsn.txt_ Added Mathematical Symbols: Negated Relations
+isoamso.txt_ Added Mathematical Symbols: Ordinary
+isoamsr.txt_ Added Mathematical Symbols: Relations
+isobox.txt_ Box and Line Drawing
+isocyr1.txt_ Russian Cyrillic
+isocyr2.txt_ Non-Russian Cyrillic
+isodia.txt_ Diacritical Marks
+isogrk1.txt_ Greek Letters
+isogrk2.txt_ Monotoniko Greek
+isogrk3.txt_ Greek Symbols
+isogrk4.txt_ [1]_ Alternative Greek Symbols
+isolat1.txt_ Added Latin 1
+isolat2.txt_ Added Latin 2
+isomfrk.txt_ [1]_ Mathematical Fraktur
+isomopf.txt_ [1]_ Mathematical Openface (Double-struck)
+isomscr.txt_ [1]_ Mathematical Script
+isonum.txt_ Numeric and Special Graphic
+isopub.txt_ Publishing
+isotech.txt_ General Technical
+mmlalias.txt_ MathML aliases for entities from other sets
+mmlextra.txt_ [1]_ Extra names added by MathML
+xhtml1-lat1.txt_ XHTML Latin 1
+xhtml1-special.txt_ XHTML Special Characters
+xhtml1-symbol.txt_ XHTML Mathematical, Greek and Symbolic Characters
+=================== =================================================
+.. [1] There are ``*-wide.txt`` variants for each of these character
+ entity set files, containing characters outside of the Unicode
+ basic multilingual plane or BMP (wide-Unicode; code points greater
+ than U+FFFF). Most pre-built Python distributions are "narrow" and
+ do not support wide-Unicode characters. Python *can* be built with
+ wide-Unicode support though; consult the Python build instructions
+ for details.
+For example, the copyright symbol is defined as the XML character
+entity ``&copy;``. The equivalent reStructuredText substitution
+reference (defined in both ``isonum.txt`` and ``xhtml1-lat1.txt``) is
+.. _isoamsa.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isoamsa.txt
+.. _isoamsb.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isoamsb.txt
+.. _isoamsc.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isoamsc.txt
+.. _isoamsn.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isoamsn.txt
+.. _isoamso.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isoamso.txt
+.. _isoamsr.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isoamsr.txt
+.. _isobox.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isobox.txt
+.. _isocyr1.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isocyr1.txt
+.. _isocyr2.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isocyr2.txt
+.. _isodia.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isodia.txt
+.. _isogrk1.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isogrk1.txt
+.. _isogrk2.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isogrk2.txt
+.. _isogrk3.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isogrk3.txt
+.. _isogrk4.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isogrk4.txt
+.. _isolat1.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isolat1.txt
+.. _isolat2.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isolat2.txt
+.. _isomfrk.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isomfrk.txt
+.. _isomopf.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isomopf.txt
+.. _isomscr.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isomscr.txt
+.. _isonum.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isonum.txt
+.. _isopub.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isopub.txt
+.. _isotech.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/isotech.txt
+.. _mmlalias.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/mmlalias.txt
+.. _mmlextra.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/mmlextra.txt
+.. _xhtml1-lat1.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/xhtml1-lat1.txt
+.. _xhtml1-special.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/xhtml1-special.txt
+.. _xhtml1-symbol.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/xhtml1-symbol.txt
+S5/HTML Definitions
+The "s5defs.txt_" standard definition file contains interpreted text
+roles (classes) and other definitions for documents destined to become
+`S5/HTML slide shows`_.
+.. _s5defs.txt: ../../../docutils/parsers/rst/include/s5defs.txt
+.. _S5/HTML slide shows: ../../user/slide-shows.html
+ Local Variables:
+ mode: indented-text
+ indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ sentence-end-double-space: t
+ fill-column: 70
+ End:
diff --git a/docs/ref/rst/directives.txt b/docs/ref/rst/directives.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af88a3d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ref/rst/directives.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1727 @@
+ reStructuredText Directives
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Revision: $Revision$
+:Date: $Date$
+:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+.. contents::
+This document describes the directives implemented in the reference
+reStructuredText parser.
+Directives have the following syntax::
+ +-------+-------------------------------+
+ | ".. " | directive type "::" directive |
+ +-------+ block |
+ | |
+ +-------------------------------+
+Directives begin with an explicit markup start (two periods and a
+space), followed by the directive type and two colons (collectively,
+the "directive marker"). The directive block begins immediately after
+the directive marker, and includes all subsequent indented lines. The
+directive block is divided into arguments, options (a field list), and
+content (in that order), any of which may appear. See the Directives_
+section in the `reStructuredText Markup Specification`_ for syntax
+Descriptions below list "doctree elements" (document tree element
+names; XML DTD generic identifiers) corresponding to individual
+directives. For details on the hierarchy of elements, please see `The
+Docutils Document Tree`_ and the `Docutils Generic DTD`_ XML document
+type definition. For directive implementation details, see `Creating
+reStructuredText Directives`_.
+.. _Directives: restructuredtext.html#directives
+.. _reStructuredText Markup Specification: restructuredtext.html
+.. _The Docutils Document Tree: ../doctree.html
+.. _Docutils Generic DTD: ../docutils.dtd
+.. _Creating reStructuredText Directives:
+ ../../howto/rst-directives.html
+ Admonitions
+.. _attention:
+.. _caution:
+.. _danger:
+.. _error:
+.. _hint:
+.. _important:
+.. _note:
+.. _tip:
+.. _warning:
+Specific Admonitions
+:Directive Types: "attention", "caution", "danger", "error", "hint",
+ "important", "note", "tip", "warning", "admonition"
+:Doctree Elements: attention, caution, danger, error, hint, important,
+ note, tip, warning, admonition, title
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as body elements.
+Admonitions are specially marked "topics" that can appear anywhere an
+ordinary body element can. They contain arbitrary body elements.
+Typically, an admonition is rendered as an offset block in a document,
+sometimes outlined or shaded, with a title matching the admonition
+type. For example::
+ .. DANGER::
+ Beware killer rabbits!
+This directive might be rendered something like this::
+ +------------------------+
+ | !DANGER! |
+ | |
+ | Beware killer rabbits! |
+ +------------------------+
+The following admonition directives have been implemented:
+- attention
+- caution
+- danger
+- error
+- hint
+- important
+- note
+- tip
+- warning
+Any text immediately following the directive indicator (on the same
+line and/or indented on following lines) is interpreted as a directive
+block and is parsed for normal body elements. For example, the
+following "note" admonition directive contains one paragraph and a
+bullet list consisting of two list items::
+ .. note:: This is a note admonition.
+ This is the second line of the first paragraph.
+ - The note contains all indented body elements
+ following.
+ - It includes this bullet list.
+.. _admonition:
+Generic Admonition
+:Directive Type: "admonition"
+:Doctree Elements: admonition, title
+:Directive Arguments: One, required (admonition title)
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as body elements.
+This is a generic, titled admonition. The title may be anything the
+author desires.
+The author-supplied title is also used as a "class" attribute value
+after being converted into a valid identifier form (down-cased;
+non-alphanumeric characters converted to single hyphens; "admonition-"
+prefixed). For example, this admonition::
+ .. admonition:: And, by the way...
+ You can make up your own admonition too.
+becomes the following document tree (pseudo-XML)::
+ <document source="test data">
+ <admonition class="admonition-and-by-the-way">
+ <title>
+ And, by the way...
+ <paragraph>
+ You can make up your own admonition too.
+The following option is recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Override the computed "class" attribute value. See the class_
+ directive below.
+ Images
+There are two image directives: "image" and "figure".
+:Directive Type: "image"
+:Doctree Element: image
+:Directive Arguments: One, required (image URI).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: None.
+An "image" is a simple picture::
+ .. image:: picture.png
+The URI for the image source file is specified in the directive
+argument. As with hyperlink targets, the image URI may begin on the
+same line as the explicit markup start and target name, or it may
+begin in an indented text block immediately following, with no
+intervening blank lines. If there are multiple lines in the link
+block, they are stripped of leading and trailing whitespace and joined
+Optionally, the image link block may contain a flat field list, the
+_`image options`. For example::
+ .. image:: picture.jpeg
+ :height: 100
+ :width: 200
+ :scale: 50
+ :alt: alternate text
+ :align: right
+The following options are recognized:
+``alt`` : text
+ Alternate text: a short description of the image, displayed by
+ applications that cannot display images, or spoken by applications
+ for visually impaired users.
+``height`` : integer
+ The desired height of the image in pixels, used to reserve space
+ or scale the image vertically. When the "scale" option is also
+ specified, they are combined. For example, a height of 200 and a
+ scale of 50 is equivalent to a height of 100 with no scale.
+ New in Docutils 0.3.10: It is also possible to specify a `length
+ value`_.
+``width`` : integer
+ The width of the image in pixels, used to reserve space or scale
+ the image horizontally. As with "height" above, when the "scale"
+ option is also specified, they are combined.
+ New in Docutils 0.3.10: It is also possible to specify a length_
+ or `percentage value`_ (which is relative to the current line
+ width).
+ .. _length:
+ .. _length value: restructuredtext.html#length-units
+ .. _percentage value: restructuredtext.html#percentage-units
+``scale`` : integer
+ The uniform scaling factor of the image, a percentage (but no "%"
+ symbol is required or allowed). "100" means full-size, and is
+ equivalent to omitting a "scale" option.
+ If no "height" or "width" options are specified, PIL [#PIL]_ may
+ be used to determine them, if PIL is installed and the image file
+ is available.
+``align`` : "top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "center", or "right"
+ The alignment of the image, equivalent to the HTML ``<img>`` tag's
+ "align" attribute. The values "top", "middle", and "bottom"
+ control an image's vertical alignment (relative to the text
+ baseline); they are only useful for inline images (substitutions).
+ The values "left", "center", and "right" control an image's
+ horizontal alignment, allowing the image to float and have the
+ text flow around it. The specific behavior depends upon the
+ browser or rendering software used.
+``target`` : text (URI or reference name)
+ Makes the image into a hyperlink reference ("clickable"). The
+ option argument may be a URI (relative or absolute), or a
+ reference name with underscore suffix (e.g. ``name_``).
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the image element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+:Directive Type: "figure"
+:Doctree Elements: figure, image, caption, legend
+:Directive Arguments: One, required (image URI).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as the figure caption and an optional
+ legend.
+A "figure" consists of image_ data (including `image options`_), an
+optional caption (a single paragraph), and an optional legend
+(arbitrary body elements)::
+ .. figure:: picture.png
+ :scale: 50
+ :alt: map to buried treasure
+ This is the caption of the figure (a simple paragraph).
+ The legend consists of all elements after the caption. In this
+ case, the legend consists of this paragraph and the following
+ table:
+ +-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ | Symbol | Meaning |
+ +=======================+=======================+
+ | .. image:: tent.png | Campground |
+ +-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ | .. image:: waves.png | Lake |
+ +-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ | .. image:: peak.png | Mountain |
+ +-----------------------+-----------------------+
+There must be blank lines before the caption paragraph and before the
+legend. To specify a legend without a caption, use an empty comment
+("..") in place of the caption.
+The "figure" directive supports all of the options of the "image"
+directive (see `image options`_ above). In addition, the following
+options are recognized:
+``figwidth`` : integer or "image"
+ The width of the figure in pixels, to limit the horizontal space
+ used. A special value of "image" is allowed, in which case the
+ included image's actual width is used (requires PIL [#PIL]_). If
+ the image file is not found or the required software is
+ unavailable, this option is ignored.
+ Sets the "width" attribute of the "figure" doctree element.
+ This option does not scale the included image; use the "width"
+ `image`_ option for that. ::
+ +---------------------------+
+ | figure |
+ | |
+ |<------ figwidth --------->|
+ | |
+ | +---------------------+ |
+ | | image | |
+ | | | |
+ | |<--- width --------->| |
+ | +---------------------+ |
+ | |
+ |The figure's caption should|
+ |wrap at this width. |
+ +---------------------------+
+``figclass`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the figure element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+``align`` : "left", "center", or "right"
+ The horizontal alignment of the figure, allowing the image to
+ float and have the text flow around it. The specific behavior
+ depends upon the browser or rendering software used.
+.. [#PIL] `Python Imaging Library`_.
+.. _Python Imaging Library:
+ Body Elements
+:Directive Type: "topic"
+:Doctree Element: topic
+:Directive Arguments: 1, required (topic title).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as the topic body.
+A topic is like a block quote with a title, or a self-contained
+section with no subsections. Use the "topic" directive to indicate a
+self-contained idea that is separate from the flow of the document.
+Topics may occur anywhere a section or transition may occur. Body
+elements and topics may not contain nested topics.
+The directive's sole argument is interpreted as the topic title; the
+next line must be blank. All subsequent lines make up the topic body,
+interpreted as body elements. For example::
+ .. topic:: Topic Title
+ Subsequent indented lines comprise
+ the body of the topic, and are
+ interpreted as body elements.
+The following option is recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the topic element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+:Directive Type: "sidebar"
+:Doctree Element: sidebar
+:Directive Arguments: One, required (sidebar title).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as the sidebar body.
+Sidebars are like miniature, parallel documents that occur inside
+other documents, providing related or reference material. A sidebar
+is typically offset by a border and "floats" to the side of the page;
+the document's main text may flow around it. Sidebars can also be
+likened to super-footnotes; their content is outside of the flow of
+the document's main text.
+Sidebars may occur anywhere a section or transition may occur. Body
+elements (including sidebars) may not contain nested sidebars.
+The directive's sole argument is interpreted as the sidebar title,
+which may be followed by a subtitle option (see below); the next line
+must be blank. All subsequent lines make up the sidebar body,
+interpreted as body elements. For example::
+ .. sidebar:: Sidebar Title
+ :subtitle: Optional Sidebar Subtitle
+ Subsequent indented lines comprise
+ the body of the sidebar, and are
+ interpreted as body elements.
+The following options are recognized:
+``subtitle`` : text
+ The sidebar's subtitle.
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the sidebar element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+Line Block
+.. admonition:: Deprecated
+ The "line-block" directive is deprecated. Use the `line block
+ syntax`_ instead.
+ .. _line block syntax: restructuredtext.html#line-blocks
+:Directive Type: "line-block"
+:Doctree Element: line_block
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: Becomes the body of the line block.
+The "line-block" directive constructs an element where line breaks and
+initial indentation is significant and inline markup is supported. It
+is equivalent to a `parsed literal block`_ with different rendering:
+typically in an ordinary serif typeface instead of a
+typewriter/monospaced face, and not automatically indented. (Have the
+line-block directive begin a block quote to get an indented line
+block.) Line blocks are useful for address blocks and verse (poetry,
+song lyrics), where the structure of lines is significant. For
+example, here's a classic::
+ "To Ma Own Beloved Lassie: A Poem on her 17th Birthday", by
+ Ewan McTeagle (for Lassie O'Shea):
+ .. line-block::
+ Lend us a couple of bob till Thursday.
+ I'm absolutely skint.
+ But I'm expecting a postal order and I can pay you back
+ as soon as it comes.
+ Love, Ewan.
+The following option is recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the line_block element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+.. _parsed-literal:
+Parsed Literal Block
+:Directive Type: "parsed-literal"
+:Doctree Element: literal_block
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: Becomes the body of the literal block.
+Unlike an ordinary literal block, the "parsed-literal" directive
+constructs a literal block where the text is parsed for inline markup.
+It is equivalent to a `line block`_ with different rendering:
+typically in a typewriter/monospaced typeface, like an ordinary
+literal block. Parsed literal blocks are useful for adding hyperlinks
+to code examples.
+However, care must be taken with the text, because inline markup is
+recognized and there is no protection from parsing. Backslash-escapes
+may be necessary to prevent unintended parsing. And because the
+markup characters are removed by the parser, care must also be taken
+with vertical alignment. Parsed "ASCII art" is tricky, and extra
+whitespace may be necessary.
+For example, all the element names in this content model are links::
+ .. parsed-literal::
+ ( (title_, subtitle_?)?,
+ decoration_?,
+ (docinfo_, transition_?)?,
+ `%structure.model;`_ )
+The following option is recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the literal_block element. See
+ the class_ directive below.
+:Directive Type: "rubric"
+:Doctree Element: rubric
+:Directive Arguments: 1, required (rubric text).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: None.
+ rubric n. 1. a title, heading, or the like, in a manuscript,
+ book, statute, etc., written or printed in red or otherwise
+ distinguished from the rest of the text. ...
+ -- Random House Webster's College Dictionary, 1991
+The "rubric" directive inserts a "rubric" element into the document
+tree. A rubric is like an informal heading that doesn't correspond to
+the document's structure.
+The following option is recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the rubric element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+:Directive Type: "epigraph"
+:Doctree Element: block_quote
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as the body of the block quote.
+An epigraph is an apposite (suitable, apt, or pertinent) short
+inscription, often a quotation or poem, at the beginning of a document
+or section.
+The "epigraph" directive produces an "epigraph"-class block quote.
+For example, this input::
+ .. epigraph::
+ No matter where you go, there you are.
+ -- Buckaroo Banzai
+becomes this document tree fragment::
+ <block_quote class="epigraph">
+ <paragraph>
+ No matter where you go, there you are.
+ <attribution>
+ Buckaroo Banzai
+:Directive Type: "highlights"
+:Doctree Element: block_quote
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as the body of the block quote.
+Highlights summarize the main points of a document or section, often
+consisting of a list.
+The "highlights" directive produces a "highlights"-class block quote.
+See Epigraph_ above for an analogous example.
+:Directive Type: "pull-quote"
+:Doctree Element: block_quote
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as the body of the block quote.
+A pull-quote is a small selection of text "pulled out and quoted",
+typically in a larger typeface. Pull-quotes are used to attract
+attention, especially in long articles.
+The "pull-quote" directive produces a "pull-quote"-class block quote.
+See Epigraph_ above for an analogous example.
+.. _compound:
+Compound Paragraph
+:Directive Type: "compound"
+:Doctree Element: compound
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as body elements.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.6)
+The "compound" directive is used to create a compound paragraph, which
+is a single logical paragraph containing multiple physical body
+elements such as simple paragraphs, literal blocks, tables, lists,
+etc., instead of directly containing text and inline elements. For
+ .. compound::
+ The 'rm' command is very dangerous. If you are logged
+ in as root and enter ::
+ cd /
+ rm -rf *
+ you will erase the entire contents of your file system.
+In the example above, a literal block is "embedded" within a sentence
+that begins in one physical paragraph and ends in another.
+.. note::
+ The "compound" directive is *not* a generic block-level container
+ like HTML's ``<div>`` element. Do not use it only to group a
+ sequence of elements, or you may get unexpected results.
+ If you need a generic block-level container, please use the
+ container_ directive, described below.
+Compound paragraphs are typically rendered as multiple distinct text
+blocks, with the possibility of variations to emphasize their logical
+* If paragraphs are rendered with a first-line indent, only the first
+ physical paragraph of a compound paragraph should have that indent
+ -- second and further physical paragraphs should omit the indents;
+* vertical spacing between physical elements may be reduced;
+* and so on.
+The following option is recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the compound element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+:Directive Type: "container"
+:Doctree Element: container
+:Directive Arguments: One or more, optional (class names).
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as body elements.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.10)
+The "container" directive surrounds its contents (arbitrary body
+elements) with a generic block-level "container" element. Combined
+with the optional "class_" attribute argument(s), this is an extension
+mechanism for users & applications. For example::
+ .. container:: custom
+ This paragraph might be rendered in a custom way.
+Parsing the above results in the following pseudo-XML::
+ <container classes="custom">
+ <paragraph>
+ This paragraph might be rendered in a custom way.
+The "container" directive is the equivalent of HTML's ``<div>``
+element. It may be used to group a sequence of elements for user- or
+application-specific purposes.
+ Tables
+Formal tables need more structure than the reStructuredText syntax
+supplies. Tables may be given titles with the table_ directive.
+Sometimes reStructuredText tables are inconvenient to write, or table
+data in a standard format is readily available. The csv-table_
+directive supports CSV data.
+:Directive Type: "table"
+:Doctree Element: table
+:Directive Arguments: 1, optional (table title).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: A normal reStructuredText table.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.1)
+The "table" directive is used to create a titled table, to associate a
+title with a table::
+ .. table:: Truth table for "not"
+ ===== =====
+ A not A
+ ===== =====
+ False True
+ True False
+ ===== =====
+The following option is recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the table element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+.. _csv-table:
+CSV Table
+:Directive Type: "csv-table"
+:Doctree Element: table
+:Directive Arguments: 1, optional (table title).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: A CSV (comma-separated values) table.
+ The "csv-table" directive's ":file:" and ":url:" options represent
+ a potential security holes. They can be disabled with the
+ "file_insertion_enabled_" runtime setting.
+.. Note::
+ The "csv-table" directive requires the ```` module of the
+ Python standard library, which was added in Python 2.3. It will
+ not work with earlier versions of Python. Using the "csv-table"
+ directive in a document will make the document **incompatible**
+ with systems using Python 2.1 or 2.2.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.4)
+The "csv-table" directive is used to create a table from CSV
+(comma-separated values) data. CSV is a common data format generated
+by spreadsheet applications and commercial databases. The data may be
+internal (an integral part of the document) or external (a separate
+ .. csv-table:: Frozen Delights!
+ :header: "Treat", "Quantity", "Description"
+ :widths: 15, 10, 30
+ "Albatross", 2.99, "On a stick!"
+ "Crunchy Frog", 1.49, "If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be
+ crunchy, now would it?"
+ "Gannet Ripple", 1.99, "On a stick!"
+Block markup and inline markup within cells is supported. Line ends
+are recognized within cells.
+Working limitations:
+* Whitespace delimiters are supported only for external CSV files.
+* There is no support for checking that the number of columns in each
+ row is the same. However, this directive supports CSV generators
+ that do not insert "empty" entries at the end of short rows, by
+ automatically adding empty entries.
+ .. Add "strict" option to verify input?
+The following options are recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the table element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+``widths`` : integer [, integer...]
+ A comma- or space-separated list of relative column widths. The
+ default is equal-width columns (100%/#columns).
+``header-rows`` : integer
+ The number of rows of CSV data to use in the table header.
+ Defaults to 0.
+``stub-columns`` : integer
+ The number of table columns to use as stubs (row titles, on the
+ left). Defaults to 0.
+``header`` : CSV data
+ Supplemental data for the table header, added independently of and
+ before any ``header-rows`` from the main CSV data. Must use the
+ same CSV format as the main CSV data.
+``file`` : string (newlines removed)
+ The local filesystem path to a CSV data file.
+``url`` : string (whitespace removed)
+ An Internet URL reference to a CSV data file.
+``encoding`` : name of text encoding
+ The text encoding of the external CSV data (file or URL).
+ Defaults to the document's encoding (if specified).
+``delim`` : char | "tab" | "space"
+ A one-character string used to separate fields. Defaults to ``,``
+ (comma). May be specified as a Unicode code point; see the
+ unicode_ directive for syntax details.
+``quote`` : char
+ A one-character string used to quote elements containing the
+ delimiter or which start with the quote character. Defaults to
+ ``"`` (quote). May be specified as a Unicode code point; see the
+ unicode_ directive for syntax details.
+``keepspace`` : flag
+ Treat whitespace immediately following the delimiter as
+ significant. The default is to ignore such whitespace.
+``escape`` : char
+ A one-character string used to escape the delimiter or quote
+ characters. May be specified as a Unicode code point; see the
+ unicode_ directive for syntax details. Used when the delimiter is
+ used in an unquoted field, or when quote characters are used
+ within a field. The default is to double-up the character,
+ e.g. "He said, ""Hi!"""
+ .. Add another possible value, "double", to explicitly indicate
+ the default case?
+List Table
+:Directive Type: "list-table"
+:Doctree Element: table
+:Directive Arguments: 1, optional (table title).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: A uniform two-level bullet list.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.8. This is an initial implementation; `further
+ideas`__ may be implemented in the future.)
+__ ../../dev/rst/alternatives.html#list-driven-tables
+The "list-table" directive is used to create a table from data in a
+uniform two-level bullet list. "Uniform" means that each sublist
+(second-level list) must contain the same number of list items.
+ .. list-table:: Frozen Delights!
+ :widths: 15 10 30
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Treat
+ - Quantity
+ - Description
+ * - Albatross
+ - 2.99
+ - On a stick!
+ * - Crunchy Frog
+ - 1.49
+ - If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be
+ crunchy, now would it?
+ * - Gannet Ripple
+ - 1.99
+ - On a stick!
+The following options are recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the table element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+``widths`` : integer [integer...]
+ A comma- or space-separated list of relative column widths. The
+ default is equal-width columns (100%/#columns).
+``header-rows`` : integer
+ The number of rows of list data to use in the table header.
+ Defaults to 0.
+``stub-columns`` : integer
+ The number of table columns to use as stubs (row titles, on the
+ left). Defaults to 0.
+ Document Parts
+.. _contents:
+Table of Contents
+:Directive Type: "contents"
+:Doctree Elements: pending, topic
+:Directive Arguments: One, optional: title.
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: None.
+The "contents" directive generates a table of contents (TOC) in a
+topic_. Topics, and therefore tables of contents, may occur anywhere
+a section or transition may occur. Body elements and topics may not
+contain tables of contents.
+Here's the directive in its simplest form::
+ .. contents::
+Language-dependent boilerplate text will be used for the title. The
+English default title text is "Contents".
+An explicit title may be specified::
+ .. contents:: Table of Contents
+The title may span lines, although it is not recommended::
+ .. contents:: Here's a very long Table of
+ Contents title
+Options may be specified for the directive, using a field list::
+ .. contents:: Table of Contents
+ :depth: 2
+If the default title is to be used, the options field list may begin
+on the same line as the directive marker::
+ .. contents:: :depth: 2
+The following options are recognized:
+``depth`` : integer
+ The number of section levels that are collected in the table of
+ contents. The default is unlimited depth.
+``local`` : flag (empty)
+ Generate a local table of contents. Entries will only include
+ subsections of the section in which the directive is given. If no
+ explicit title is given, the table of contents will not be titled.
+``backlinks`` : "entry" or "top" or "none"
+ Generate links from section headers back to the table of contents
+ entries, the table of contents itself, or generate no backlinks.
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the topic element. See the
+ class_ directive below.
+.. _sectnum:
+.. _section-autonumbering:
+Automatic Section Numbering
+:Directive Type: "sectnum" or "section-autonumbering" (synonyms)
+:Doctree Elements: pending, generated
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: None.
+The "sectnum" (or "section-autonumbering") directive automatically
+numbers sections and subsections in a document. Section numbers are
+of the "multiple enumeration" form, where each level has a number,
+separated by periods. For example, the title of section 1, subsection
+2, subsubsection 3 would have "1.2.3" prefixed.
+The "sectnum" directive does its work in two passes: the initial parse
+and a transform. During the initial parse, a "pending" element is
+generated which acts as a placeholder, storing any options internally.
+At a later stage in the processing, the "pending" element triggers a
+transform, which adds section numbers to titles. Section numbers are
+enclosed in a "generated" element, and titles have their "auto"
+attribute set to "1".
+The following options are recognized:
+``depth`` : integer
+ The number of section levels that are numbered by this directive.
+ The default is unlimited depth.
+``prefix`` : string
+ An arbitrary string that is prefixed to the automatically
+ generated section numbers. It may be something like "3.2.", which
+ will produce "3.2.1", "3.2.2", "", and so on. Note that
+ any separating punctuation (in the example, a period, ".") must be
+ explicitly provided. The default is no prefix.
+``suffix`` : string
+ An arbitrary string that is appended to the automatically
+ generated section numbers. The default is no suffix.
+``start`` : integer
+ The value that will be used for the first section number.
+ Combined with ``prefix``, this may be used to force the right
+ numbering for a document split over several source files. The
+ default is 1.
+.. _header:
+.. _footer:
+Document Header & Footer
+:Directive Types: "header" and "footer"
+:Doctree Elements: decoration, header, footer
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as body elements.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.8)
+The "header" and "footer" directives create document decorations,
+useful for page navigation, notes, time/datestamp, etc. For example::
+ .. header:: This space for rent.
+This will add a paragraph to the document header, which will appear at
+the top of the generated web page or at the top of every printed page.
+These directives may be used multiple times, cumulatively. There is
+currently support for only one header and footer.
+.. note::
+ While it is possible to use the "header" and "footer" directives to
+ create navigational elements for web pages, you should be aware
+ that Docutils is meant to be used for *document* processing, and
+ that a navigation bar is not typically part of a document.
+ Thus, you may soon find Docutils' abilities to be insufficient for
+ these purposes. At that time, you should consider using a
+ templating system (like ht2html_) rather than the "header" and
+ "footer" directives.
+ .. _ht2html:
+In addition to the use of these directives to populate header and
+footer content, content may also be added automatically by the
+processing system. For example, if certain runtime settings are
+enabled, the document footer is populated with processing information
+such as a datestamp, a link to `the Docutils website`_, etc.
+.. _the Docutils website:
+ References
+.. _target-notes:
+Target Footnotes
+:Directive Type: "target-notes"
+:Doctree Elements: pending, footnote, footnote_reference
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: None.
+The "target-notes" directive creates a footnote for each external
+target in the text, and corresponding footnote references after each
+reference. For every explicit target (of the form, ``.. _target name:
+URL``) in the text, a footnote will be generated containing the
+visible URL as content.
+The following option is recognized:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on all footnote_reference elements.
+ See the class_ directive below.
+:Directive Type: "footnotes"
+:Doctree Elements: pending, topic
+:Directive Arguments: None?
+:Directive Options: Possible?
+:Directive Content: None.
+:Directive Type: "citations"
+:Doctree Elements: pending, topic
+:Directive Arguments: None?
+:Directive Options: Possible?
+:Directive Content: None.
+ HTML-Specific
+:Directive Type: "meta"
+:Doctree Element: meta (non-standard)
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Must contain a flat field list.
+The "meta" directive is used to specify HTML metadata stored in HTML
+META tags. "Metadata" is data about data, in this case data about web
+pages. Metadata is used to describe and classify web pages in the
+World Wide Web, in a form that is easy for search engines to extract
+and collate.
+Within the directive block, a flat field list provides the syntax for
+metadata. The field name becomes the contents of the "name" attribute
+of the META tag, and the field body (interpreted as a single string
+without inline markup) becomes the contents of the "content"
+attribute. For example::
+ .. meta::
+ :description: The reStructuredText plaintext markup language
+ :keywords: plaintext, markup language
+This would be converted to the following HTML::
+ <meta name="description"
+ content="The reStructuredText plaintext markup language">
+ <meta name="keywords" content="plaintext, markup language">
+Support for other META attributes ("http-equiv", "scheme", "lang",
+"dir") are provided through field arguments, which must be of the form
+ .. meta::
+ :description lang=en: An amusing story
+ :description lang=fr: Un histoire amusant
+And their HTML equivalents::
+ <meta name="description" lang="en" content="An amusing story">
+ <meta name="description" lang="fr" content="Un histoire amusant">
+Some META tags use an "http-equiv" attribute instead of the "name"
+attribute. To specify "http-equiv" META tags, simply omit the name::
+ .. meta::
+ :http-equiv=Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
+HTML equivalent::
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
+ content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+Non-standard element: imagemap.
+ Directives for Substitution Definitions
+The directives in this section may only be used in substitution
+definitions. They may not be used directly, in standalone context.
+The `image`_ directive may be used both in substitution definitions
+and in the standalone context.
+.. _replace:
+Replacement Text
+:Directive Type: "replace"
+:Doctree Element: Text & inline elements
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: A single paragraph; may contain inline markup.
+The "replace" directive is used to indicate replacement text for a
+substitution reference. It may be used within substitution
+definitions only. For example, this directive can be used to expand
+ .. |reST| replace:: reStructuredText
+ Yes, |reST| is a long word, so I can't blame anyone for wanting to
+ abbreviate it.
+As reStructuredText doesn't support nested inline markup, the only way
+to create a reference with styled text is to use substitutions with
+the "replace" directive::
+ I recommend you try |Python|_.
+ .. |Python| replace:: Python, *the* best language around
+ .. _Python:
+.. _unicode:
+Unicode Character Codes
+:Directive Type: "unicode"
+:Doctree Element: Text
+:Directive Arguments: One or more, required (Unicode character codes,
+ optional text, and comments).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: None.
+The "unicode" directive converts Unicode character codes (numerical
+values) to characters, and may be used in substitution definitions
+The arguments, separated by spaces, can be:
+* **character codes** as
+ - decimal numbers or
+ - hexadecimal numbers, prefixed by ``0x``, ``x``, ``\x``, ``U+``,
+ ``u``, or ``\u`` or as XML-style hexadecimal character entities,
+ e.g. ``&#x1a2b;``
+* **text**, which is used as-is.
+Text following " .. " is a comment and is ignored. The spaces between
+the arguments are ignored and thus do not appear in the output.
+Hexadecimal codes are case-insensitive.
+For example, the following text::
+ Copyright |copy| 2003, |BogusMegaCorp (TM)| |---|
+ all rights reserved.
+ .. |copy| unicode:: 0xA9 .. copyright sign
+ .. |BogusMegaCorp (TM)| unicode:: BogusMegaCorp U+2122
+ .. with trademark sign
+ .. |---| unicode:: U+02014 .. em dash
+ :trim:
+results in:
+ Copyright |copy| 2003, |BogusMegaCorp (TM)| |---|
+ all rights reserved.
+ .. |copy| unicode:: 0xA9 .. copyright sign
+ .. |BogusMegaCorp (TM)| unicode:: BogusMegaCorp U+2122
+ .. with trademark sign
+ .. |---| unicode:: U+02014 .. em dash
+ :trim:
+The following options are recognized:
+``ltrim`` : flag
+ Whitespace to the left of the substitution reference is removed.
+``rtrim`` : flag
+ Whitespace to the right of the substitution reference is removed.
+``trim`` : flag
+ Equivalent to ``ltrim`` plus ``rtrim``; whitespace on both sides
+ of the substitution reference is removed.
+:Directive Type: "date"
+:Doctree Element: Text
+:Directive Arguments: One, optional (date format).
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: None.
+The "date" directive generates the current local date and inserts it
+into the document as text. This directive may be used in substitution
+definitions only.
+The optional directive content is interpreted as the desired date
+format, using the same codes as Python's time.strftime function. The
+default format is "%Y-%m-%d" (ISO 8601 date), but time fields can also
+be used. Examples::
+ .. |date| date::
+ .. |time| date:: %H:%M
+ Today's date is |date|.
+ This document was generated on |date| at |time|.
+ Miscellaneous
+.. _include:
+Including an External Document Fragment
+:Directive Type: "include"
+:Doctree Elements: depend on data being included
+:Directive Arguments: One, required (path to the file to include).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: None.
+ The "include" directive represents a potential security hole. It
+ can be disabled with the "file_insertion_enabled_" runtime setting.
+ .. _file_insertion_enabled: ../../user/config.html#file-insertion-enabled
+The "include" directive reads a reStructuredText-formatted text file
+and parses it in the current document's context at the point of the
+directive. The directive argument is the path to the file to be
+included, relative to the document containing the directive. For
+ This first example will be parsed at the document level, and can
+ thus contain any construct, including section headers.
+ .. include:: inclusion.txt
+ Back in the main document.
+ This second example will be parsed in a block quote context.
+ Therefore it may only contain body elements. It may not
+ contain section headers.
+ .. include:: inclusion.txt
+If an included document fragment contains section structure, the title
+adornments must match those of the master document.
+Standard data files intended for inclusion in reStructuredText
+documents are distributed with the Docutils source code, located in
+the "docutils" package in the ``docutils/parsers/rst/include``
+directory. To access these files, use the special syntax for standard
+"include" data files, angle brackets around the file name::
+ .. include:: <isonum.txt>
+The current set of standard "include" data files consists of sets of
+substitution definitions. See `reStructuredText Standard Substitution
+Definition Sets`__ for details of the available standard data files.
+__ substitutions.html
+The following options are recognized:
+``literal`` : flag (empty)
+ The entire included text is inserted into the document as a single
+ literal block (useful for program listings).
+``encoding`` : name of text encoding
+ The text encoding of the external data file. Defaults to the
+ document's encoding (if specified).
+.. _raw:
+Raw Data Pass-Through
+:Directive Type: "raw"
+:Doctree Element: raw
+:Directive Arguments: One or more, required (output format types).
+:Directive Options: Possible.
+:Directive Content: Stored verbatim, uninterpreted. None (empty) if a
+ "file" or "url" option given.
+ The "raw" directive represents a potential security hole. It can
+ be disabled with the "raw_enabled_" or "file_insertion_enabled_"
+ runtime settings.
+ .. _raw_enabled: ../../user/config.html#raw-enabled
+.. Caution::
+ The "raw" directive is a stop-gap measure allowing the author to
+ bypass reStructuredText's markup. It is a "power-user" feature
+ that should not be overused or abused. The use of "raw" ties
+ documents to specific output formats and makes them less portable.
+ If you often need to use the "raw" directive or a "raw"-derived
+ interpreted text role, that is a sign either of overuse/abuse or
+ that functionality may be missing from reStructuredText. Please
+ describe your situation in a message to the Docutils-users_ mailing
+ list.
+.. _Docutils-users: ../../user/mailing-lists.html#docutils-users
+The "raw" directive indicates non-reStructuredText data that is to be
+passed untouched to the Writer. The names of the output formats are
+given in the directive arguments. The interpretation of the raw data
+is up to the Writer. A Writer may ignore any raw output not matching
+its format.
+For example, the following input would be passed untouched by an HTML
+ .. raw:: html
+ <hr width=50 size=10>
+A LaTeX Writer could insert the following raw content into its
+output stream::
+ .. raw:: latex
+ \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
+Raw data can also be read from an external file, specified in a
+directive option. In this case, the content block must be empty. For
+ .. raw:: html
+ :file: inclusion.html
+The following options are recognized:
+``file`` : string (newlines removed)
+ The local filesystem path of a raw data file to be included.
+``url`` : string (whitespace removed)
+ An Internet URL reference to a raw data file to be included.
+``encoding`` : name of text encoding
+ The text encoding of the external raw data (file or URL).
+ Defaults to the document's encoding (if specified).
+:Directive Type: "class"
+:Doctree Element: pending
+:Directive Arguments: One or more, required (class names / attribute
+ values).
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Optional. If present, it is interpreted as body
+ elements.
+The "class" directive sets the "class" attribute value on its content
+or on the first immediately following non-comment element [#]_. For
+details of the "class" attribute, see `its entry`__ in `The Docutils
+Document Tree`_. The directive argument consists of one or more
+space-separated class names, which are converted to lowercase and all
+non-alphanumeric characters are converted to hyphens. (For the
+rationale, see below.)
+__ ../doctree.html#class
+ .. class:: special
+ This is a "special" paragraph.
+ .. class:: exceptional remarkable
+ An Exceptional Section
+ ======================
+ This is an ordinary paragraph.
+ .. class:: multiple
+ First paragraph.
+ Second paragraph.
+The text above is parsed and transformed into this doctree fragment::
+ <paragraph class="special">
+ This is a "special" paragraph.
+ <section class="exceptional remarkable">
+ <title>
+ An Exceptional Section
+ <paragraph>
+ This is an ordinary paragraph.
+ <paragraph class="multiple">
+ First paragraph.
+ <paragraph class="multiple">
+ Second paragraph.
+.. [#] To set a "class" attribute value on a block quote, the "class"
+ directive must be followed by an empty comment::
+ .. class:: highlights
+ ..
+ Block quote text.
+ The directive doesn't allow content, therefore an empty comment is
+ required to terminate the directive. Without the empty comment,
+ the block quote text would be interpreted as the "class"
+ directive's content, and the parser would complain.
+.. topic:: Rationale for Class Attribute Value Conversion
+ Docutils identifiers are converted to conform to the regular
+ expression ``[a-z](-?[a-z0-9]+)*``. For CSS compatibility,
+ identifiers (the "class" and "id" attributes) should have no
+ underscores, colons, or periods. Hyphens may be used.
+ - The `HTML 4.01 spec`_ defines identifiers based on SGML tokens:
+ ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and
+ may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]),
+ hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods
+ (".").
+ - However the `CSS1 spec`_ defines identifiers based on the "name"
+ token, a tighter interpretation ("flex" tokenizer notation
+ below; "latin1" and "escape" 8-bit characters have been replaced
+ with entities)::
+ unicode \\[0-9a-f]{1,4}
+ latin1 [&iexcl;-&yuml;]
+ escape {unicode}|\\[ -~&iexcl;-&yuml;]
+ nmchar [-a-z0-9]|{latin1}|{escape}
+ name {nmchar}+
+ The CSS1 "nmchar" rule does not include underscores ("_"), colons
+ (":"), or periods ("."), therefore "class" and "id" attributes
+ should not contain these characters. They should be replaced with
+ hyphens ("-"). Combined with HTML's requirements (the first
+ character must be a letter; no "unicode", "latin1", or "escape"
+ characters), this results in the ``[a-z](-?[a-z0-9]+)*`` pattern.
+ .. _HTML 4.01 spec:
+ .. _CSS1 spec:
+.. _role:
+Custom Interpreted Text Roles
+:Directive Type: "role"
+:Doctree Element: None; affects subsequent parsing.
+:Directive Arguments: Two; one required (new role name), one optional
+ (base role name, in parentheses).
+:Directive Options: Possible (depends on base role).
+:Directive Content: depends on base role.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.2)
+The "role" directive dynamically creates a custom interpreted text
+role and registers it with the parser. This means that after
+declaring a role like this::
+ .. role:: custom
+the document may use the new "custom" role::
+ An example of using :custom:`interpreted text`
+This will be parsed into the following document tree fragment::
+ <paragraph>
+ An example of using
+ <inline class="custom">
+ interpreted text
+The role must be declared in a document before it can be used.
+The new role may be based on an existing role, specified as a second
+argument in parentheses (whitespace optional)::
+ .. role:: custom(emphasis)
+ :custom:`text`
+The parsed result is as follows::
+ <paragraph>
+ <emphasis class="custom">
+ text
+If no base role is explicitly specified, a generic custom role is
+automatically used. Subsequent interpreted text will produce an
+"inline" element with a "class" attribute, as in the first example
+With most roles, the ":class:" option can be used to set a "class"
+attribute that is different from the role name. For example::
+ .. role:: custom
+ :class: special
+ :custom:`interpreted text`
+This is the parsed result::
+ <paragraph>
+ <inline class="special">
+ interpreted text
+.. _role class:
+The following option is recognized by the "role" directive for most
+base roles:
+``class`` : text
+ Set a "class" attribute value on the element produced (``inline``,
+ or element associated with a base class) when the custom
+ interpreted text role is used. If no directive options are
+ specified, a "class" option with the directive argument (role
+ name) as the value is implied. See the class_ directive above.
+Specific base roles may support other options and/or directive
+content. See the `reStructuredText Interpreted Text Roles`_ document
+for details.
+.. _reStructuredText Interpreted Text Roles: roles.html
+.. _default-role:
+Setting the Default Interpreted Text Role
+:Directive Type: "default-role"
+:Doctree Element: None; affects subsequent parsing.
+:Directive Arguments: One, optional (new default role name).
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: None.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.10)
+The "default-role" directive sets the default interpreted text role,
+the role that is used for interpreted text without an explicit role.
+For example, after setting the default role like this::
+ .. default-role:: subscript
+any subsequent use of implicit-role interpreted text in the document
+will use the "subscript" role::
+ An example of a `default` role.
+This will be parsed into the following document tree fragment::
+ <paragraph>
+ An example of a
+ <subscript>
+ default
+ role.
+Custom roles may be used (see the "role_" directive above), but it
+must have been declared in a document before it can be set as the
+default role. See the `reStructuredText Interpreted Text Roles`_
+document for details of built-in roles.
+The directive may be used without an argument to restore the initial
+default interpreted text role, which is application-dependent. The
+initial default interpreted text role of the standard reStructuredText
+parser is "title-reference".
+.. _title:
+Metadata Document Title
+:Directive Type: "title"
+:Doctree Element: None.
+:Directive Arguments: 1, required (the title text).
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: None.
+The "title" directive specifies the document title as metadata, which
+does not become part of the document body. It overrides a
+document-supplied title. For example, in HTML output the metadata
+document title appears in the title bar of the browser window.
+:Directive Type: "restructuredtext-test-directive"
+:Doctree Element: system_warning
+:Directive Arguments: None.
+:Directive Options: None.
+:Directive Content: Interpreted as a literal block.
+This directive is provided for test purposes only. (Nobody is
+expected to type in a name *that* long!) It is converted into a
+level-1 (info) system message showing the directive data, possibly
+followed by a literal block containing the rest of the directive
+ Local Variables:
+ mode: indented-text
+ indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ sentence-end-double-space: t
+ fill-column: 70
+ End:
diff --git a/docs/ref/rst/introduction.txt b/docs/ref/rst/introduction.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7829816e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ref/rst/introduction.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+ An Introduction to reStructuredText
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Revision: $Revision$
+:Date: $Date$
+:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+reStructuredText_ is an easy-to-read, what-you-see-is-what-you-get
+plaintext markup syntax and parser system. It is useful for inline
+program documentation (such as Python docstrings), for quickly
+creating simple web pages, and for standalone documents.
+reStructuredText_ is a proposed revision and reinterpretation of the
+StructuredText_ and Setext_ lightweight markup systems.
+reStructuredText is designed for extensibility for specific
+application domains. Its parser is a component of Docutils_.
+This document defines the goals_ of reStructuredText and provides a
+history_ of the project. It is written using the reStructuredText
+markup, and therefore serves as an example of its use. For a gentle
+introduction to using reStructuredText, please read `A
+ReStructuredText Primer`_. The `Quick reStructuredText`_ user
+reference is also useful. The `reStructuredText Markup
+Specification`_ is the definitive reference. There is also an
+analysis of the `Problems With StructuredText`_.
+ReStructuredText's web page is
+.. _reStructuredText:
+.. _StructuredText:
+.. _Setext:
+.. _Docutils:
+.. _A ReStructuredText Primer: ../../user/rst/quickstart.html
+.. _Quick reStructuredText: ../../user/rst/quickref.html
+.. _reStructuredText Markup Specification: restructuredtext.html
+.. _Problems with StructuredText: ../../dev/rst/problems.html
+The primary goal of reStructuredText_ is to define a markup syntax for
+use in Python docstrings and other documentation domains, that is
+readable and simple, yet powerful enough for non-trivial use. The
+intended purpose of the reStructuredText markup is twofold:
+- the establishment of a set of standard conventions allowing the
+ expression of structure within plaintext, and
+- the conversion of such documents into useful structured data
+ formats.
+The secondary goal of reStructuredText is to be accepted by the Python
+community (by way of being blessed by PythonLabs and the BDFL [#]_) as
+a standard for Python inline documentation (possibly one of several
+standards, to account for taste).
+.. [#] Python's creator and "Benevolent Dictator For Life",
+ Guido van Rossum.
+To clarify the primary goal, here are specific design goals, in order,
+beginning with the most important:
+1. Readable. The marked-up text must be easy to read without any
+ prior knowledge of the markup language. It should be as easily
+ read in raw form as in processed form.
+2. Unobtrusive. The markup that is used should be as simple and
+ unobtrusive as possible. The simplicity of markup constructs
+ should be roughly proportional to their frequency of use. The most
+ common constructs, with natural and obvious markup, should be the
+ simplest and most unobtrusive. Less common constructs, for which
+ there is no natural or obvious markup, should be distinctive.
+3. Unambiguous. The rules for markup must not be open for
+ interpretation. For any given input, there should be one and only
+ one possible output (including error output).
+4. Unsurprising. Markup constructs should not cause unexpected output
+ upon processing. As a fallback, there must be a way to prevent
+ unwanted markup processing when a markup construct is used in a
+ non-markup context (for example, when documenting the markup syntax
+ itself).
+5. Intuitive. Markup should be as obvious and easily remembered as
+ possible, for the author as well as for the reader. Constructs
+ should take their cues from such naturally occurring sources as
+ plaintext email messages, newsgroup postings, and text
+ documentation such as README.txt files.
+6. Easy. It should be easy to mark up text using any ordinary text
+ editor.
+7. Scalable. The markup should be applicable regardless of the length
+ of the text.
+8. Powerful. The markup should provide enough constructs to produce a
+ reasonably rich structured document.
+9. Language-neutral. The markup should apply to multiple natural (as
+ well as artificial) languages, not only English.
+10. Extensible. The markup should provide a simple syntax and
+ interface for adding more complex general markup, and custom
+ markup.
+11. Output-format-neutral. The markup will be appropriate for
+ processing to multiple output formats, and will not be biased
+ toward any particular format.
+The design goals above were used as criteria for accepting or
+rejecting syntax, or selecting between alternatives.
+It is emphatically *not* the goal of reStructuredText to define
+docstring semantics, such as docstring contents or docstring length.
+These issues are orthogonal to the markup syntax and beyond the scope
+of this specification.
+Also, it is not the goal of reStructuredText to maintain compatibility
+with StructuredText_ or Setext_. reStructuredText shamelessly steals
+their great ideas and ignores the not-so-great.
+Author's note:
+ Due to the nature of the problem we're trying to solve (or,
+ perhaps, due to the nature of the proposed solution), the above
+ goals unavoidably conflict. I have tried to extract and distill
+ the wisdom accumulated over the years in the Python Doc-SIG_
+ mailing list and elsewhere, to come up with a coherent and
+ consistent set of syntax rules, and the above goals by which to
+ measure them.
+ There will inevitably be people who disagree with my particular
+ choices. Some desire finer control over their markup, others
+ prefer less. Some are concerned with very short docstrings,
+ others with full-length documents. This specification is an
+ effort to provide a reasonably rich set of markup constructs in a
+ reasonably simple form, that should satisfy a reasonably large
+ group of reasonable people.
+ David Goodger (, 2001-04-20
+.. _Doc-SIG:
+reStructuredText_, the specification, is based on StructuredText_ and
+Setext_. StructuredText was developed by Jim Fulton of `Zope
+Corporation`_ (formerly Digital Creations) and first released in 1996.
+It is now released as a part of the open-source "Z Object Publishing
+Environment" (ZOPE_). Ian Feldman's and Tony Sanders' earlier Setext_
+specification was either an influence on StructuredText or, by their
+similarities, at least evidence of the correctness of this approach.
+I discovered StructuredText_ in late 1999 while searching for a way to
+document the Python modules in one of my projects. Version 1.1 of
+StructuredText was included in Daniel Larsson's pythondoc_. Although
+I was not able to get pythondoc to work for me, I found StructuredText
+to be almost ideal for my needs. I joined the Python Doc-SIG_
+(Documentation Special Interest Group) mailing list and found an
+ongoing discussion of the shortcomings of the StructuredText
+"standard". This discussion has been going on since the inception of
+the mailing list in 1996, and possibly predates it.
+I decided to modify the original module with my own extensions and
+some suggested by the Doc-SIG members. I soon realized that the
+module was not written with extension in mind, so I embarked upon a
+general reworking, including adapting it to the "re" regular
+expression module (the original inspiration for the name of this
+project). Soon after I completed the modifications, I discovered that was up to version 1.23 in the ZOPE distribution.
+Implementing the new syntax extensions from version 1.23 proved to be
+an exercise in frustration, as the complexity of the module had become
+In 2000, development on StructuredTextNG_ ("Next Generation") began at
+`Zope Corporation`_ (then Digital Creations). It seems to have many
+improvements, but still suffers from many of the problems of classic
+I decided that a complete rewrite was in order, and even started a
+`reStructuredText SourceForge project`_ (now inactive). My
+motivations (the "itches" I aim to "scratch") are as follows:
+- I need a standard format for inline documentation of the programs I
+ write. This inline documentation has to be convertible to other
+ useful formats, such as HTML. I believe many others have the same
+ need.
+- I believe in the Setext/StructuredText idea and want to help
+ formalize the standard. However, I feel the current specifications
+ and implementations have flaws that desperately need fixing.
+- reStructuredText could form part of the foundation for a
+ documentation extraction and processing system, greatly benefitting
+ Python. But it is only a part, not the whole. reStructuredText is
+ a markup language specification and a reference parser
+ implementation, but it does not aspire to be the entire system. I
+ don't want reStructuredText or a hypothetical Python documentation
+ processor to die stillborn because of over-ambition.
+- Most of all, I want to help ease the documentation chore, the bane
+ of many a programmer.
+Unfortunately I was sidetracked and stopped working on this project.
+In November 2000 I made the time to enumerate the problems of
+StructuredText and possible solutions, and complete the first draft of
+a specification. This first draft was posted to the Doc-SIG in three
+- `A Plan for Structured Text`__
+- `Problems With StructuredText`__
+- `reStructuredText: Revised Structured Text Specification`__
+In March 2001 a flurry of activity on the Doc-SIG spurred me to
+further revise and refine my specification, the result of which you
+are now reading. An offshoot of the reStructuredText project has been
+the realization that a single markup scheme, no matter how well
+thought out, may not be enough. In order to tame the endless debates
+on Doc-SIG, a flexible `Docstring Processing System framework`_ needed
+to be constructed. This framework has become the more important of
+the two projects; reStructuredText_ has found its place as one
+possible choice for a single component of the larger framework.
+The project web site and the first project release were rolled out in
+June 2001, including posting the second draft of the spec [#spec-2]_
+and the first draft of PEPs 256, 257, and 258 [#peps-1]_ to the
+Doc-SIG. These documents and the project implementation proceeded to
+evolve at a rapid pace. Implementation history details can be found
+in the `project history file`_.
+In November 2001, the reStructuredText parser was nearing completion.
+Development of the parser continued with the addition of small
+convenience features, improvements to the syntax, the filling in of
+gaps, and bug fixes. After a long holiday break, in early 2002 most
+development moved over to the other Docutils components, the
+"Readers", "Writers", and "Transforms". A "standalone" reader
+(processes standalone text file documents) was completed in February,
+and a basic HTML writer (producing HTML 4.01, using CSS-1) was
+completed in early March.
+`PEP 287`_, "reStructuredText Standard Docstring Format", was created
+to formally propose reStructuredText as a standard format for Python
+docstrings, PEPs, and other files. It was first posted to
+comp.lang.python_ and the Python-dev_ mailing list on 2002-04-02.
+Version 0.4 of the reStructuredText__ and `Docstring Processing
+System`_ projects were released in April 2002. The two projects were
+immediately merged, renamed to "Docutils_", and a 0.1 release soon
+.. __: `reStructuredText SourceForge project`_
+.. [#spec-2] The second draft of the spec:
+ - `An Introduction to reStructuredText`__
+ - `Problems With StructuredText`__
+ - `reStructuredText Markup Specification`__
+ - `Python Extensions to the reStructuredText Markup
+ Specification`__
+ __
+ __
+ __
+ __
+.. [#peps-1] First drafts of the PEPs:
+ - `PEP 256: Docstring Processing System Framework`__
+ - `PEP 258: DPS Generic Implementation Details`__
+ - `PEP 257: Docstring Conventions`__
+ Current working versions of the PEPs can be found in
+, and official versions
+ can be found in the `master PEP repository`_.
+ __
+ __
+ __
+.. _Zope Corporation:
+.. _ZOPE:
+.. _reStructuredText SourceForge project:
+.. _pythondoc:
+.. _StructuredTextNG:
+.. _project history file: ../../../HISTORY.html
+.. _PEP 287: ../../peps/pep-0287.html
+.. _Docstring Processing System framework: ../../peps/pep-0256.html
+.. _comp.lang.python: news:comp.lang.python
+.. _Python-dev:
+.. _Docstring Processing System:
+.. _master PEP repository:
+ Local Variables:
+ mode: indented-text
+ indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ sentence-end-double-space: t
+ fill-column: 70
+ End:
diff --git a/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.txt b/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1445619b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2879 @@
+ reStructuredText Markup Specification
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Revision: $Revision$
+:Date: $Date$
+:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+.. Note::
+ This document is a detailed technical specification; it is not a
+ tutorial or a primer. If this is your first exposure to
+ reStructuredText, please read `A ReStructuredText Primer`_ and the
+ `Quick reStructuredText`_ user reference first.
+.. _A ReStructuredText Primer: ../../user/rst/quickstart.html
+.. _Quick reStructuredText: ../../user/rst/quickref.html
+reStructuredText_ is plaintext that uses simple and intuitive
+constructs to indicate the structure of a document. These constructs
+are equally easy to read in raw and processed forms. This document is
+itself an example of reStructuredText (raw, if you are reading the
+text file, or processed, if you are reading an HTML document, for
+example). The reStructuredText parser is a component of Docutils_.
+Simple, implicit markup is used to indicate special constructs, such
+as section headings, bullet lists, and emphasis. The markup used is
+as minimal and unobtrusive as possible. Less often-used constructs
+and extensions to the basic reStructuredText syntax may have more
+elaborate or explicit markup.
+reStructuredText is applicable to documents of any length, from the
+very small (such as inline program documentation fragments, e.g.
+Python docstrings) to the quite large (this document).
+The first section gives a quick overview of the syntax of the
+reStructuredText markup by example. A complete specification is given
+in the `Syntax Details`_ section.
+`Literal blocks`_ (in which no markup processing is done) are used for
+examples throughout this document, to illustrate the plaintext markup.
+.. contents::
+ Quick Syntax Overview
+A reStructuredText document is made up of body or block-level
+elements, and may be structured into sections. Sections_ are
+indicated through title style (underlines & optional overlines).
+Sections contain body elements and/or subsections. Some body elements
+contain further elements, such as lists containing list items, which
+in turn may contain paragraphs and other body elements. Others, such
+as paragraphs, contain text and `inline markup`_ elements.
+Here are examples of `body elements`_:
+- Paragraphs_ (and `inline markup`_)::
+ Paragraphs contain text and may contain inline markup:
+ *emphasis*, **strong emphasis**, `interpreted text`, ``inline
+ literals``, standalone hyperlinks (,
+ external hyperlinks (Python_), internal cross-references
+ (example_), footnote references ([1]_), citation references
+ ([CIT2002]_), substitution references (|example|), and _`inline
+ internal targets`.
+ Paragraphs are separated by blank lines and are left-aligned.
+- Five types of lists:
+ 1. `Bullet lists`_::
+ - This is a bullet list.
+ - Bullets can be "-", "*", or "+".
+ 2. `Enumerated lists`_::
+ 1. This is an enumerated list.
+ 2. Enumerators may be arabic numbers, letters, or roman
+ numerals.
+ 3. `Definition lists`_::
+ what
+ Definition lists associate a term with a definition.
+ how
+ The term is a one-line phrase, and the definition is one
+ or more paragraphs or body elements, indented relative to
+ the term.
+ 4. `Field lists`_::
+ :what: Field lists map field names to field bodies, like
+ database records. They are often part of an extension
+ syntax.
+ :how: The field marker is a colon, the field name, and a
+ colon.
+ The field body may contain one or more body elements,
+ indented relative to the field marker.
+ 5. `Option lists`_, for listing command-line options::
+ -a command-line option "a"
+ -b file options can have arguments
+ and long descriptions
+ --long options can be long also
+ --input=file long options can also have
+ arguments
+ /V DOS/VMS-style options too
+ There must be at least two spaces between the option and the
+ description.
+- `Literal blocks`_::
+ Literal blocks are either indented or line-prefix-quoted blocks,
+ and indicated with a double-colon ("::") at the end of the
+ preceding paragraph (right here -->)::
+ if literal_block:
+ text = 'is left as-is'
+ spaces_and_linebreaks = 'are preserved'
+ markup_processing = None
+- `Block quotes`_::
+ Block quotes consist of indented body elements:
+ This theory, that is mine, is mine.
+ -- Anne Elk (Miss)
+- `Doctest blocks`_::
+ >>> print 'Python-specific usage examples; begun with ">>>"'
+ Python-specific usage examples; begun with ">>>"
+ >>> print '(cut and pasted from interactive Python sessions)'
+ (cut and pasted from interactive Python sessions)
+- Two syntaxes for tables_:
+ 1. `Grid tables`_; complete, but complex and verbose::
+ +------------------------+------------+----------+
+ | Header row, column 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
+ +========================+============+==========+
+ | body row 1, column 1 | column 2 | column 3 |
+ +------------------------+------------+----------+
+ | body row 2 | Cells may span |
+ +------------------------+-----------------------+
+ 2. `Simple tables`_; easy and compact, but limited::
+ ==================== ========== ==========
+ Header row, column 1 Header 2 Header 3
+ ==================== ========== ==========
+ body row 1, column 1 column 2 column 3
+ body row 2 Cells may span columns
+ ==================== ======================
+- `Explicit markup blocks`_ all begin with an explicit block marker,
+ two periods and a space:
+ - Footnotes_::
+ .. [1] A footnote contains body elements, consistently
+ indented by at least 3 spaces.
+ - Citations_::
+ .. [CIT2002] Just like a footnote, except the label is
+ textual.
+ - `Hyperlink targets`_::
+ .. _Python:
+ .. _example:
+ The "_example" target above points to this paragraph.
+ - Directives_::
+ .. image:: mylogo.png
+ - `Substitution definitions`_::
+ .. |symbol here| image:: symbol.png
+ - Comments_::
+ .. Comments begin with two dots and a space. Anything may
+ follow, except for the syntax of footnotes/citations,
+ hyperlink targets, directives, or substitution definitions.
+ Syntax Details
+Descriptions below list "doctree elements" (document tree element
+names; XML DTD generic identifiers) corresponding to syntax
+constructs. For details on the hierarchy of elements, please see `The
+Docutils Document Tree`_ and the `Docutils Generic DTD`_ XML document
+type definition.
+Spaces are recommended for indentation_, but tabs may also be used.
+Tabs will be converted to spaces. Tab stops are at every 8th column.
+Other whitespace characters (form feeds [chr(12)] and vertical tabs
+[chr(11)]) are converted to single spaces before processing.
+Blank Lines
+Blank lines are used to separate paragraphs and other elements.
+Multiple successive blank lines are equivalent to a single blank line,
+except within literal blocks (where all whitespace is preserved).
+Blank lines may be omitted when the markup makes element separation
+unambiguous, in conjunction with indentation. The first line of a
+document is treated as if it is preceded by a blank line, and the last
+line of a document is treated as if it is followed by a blank line.
+Indentation is used to indicate -- and is only significant in
+indicating -- block quotes, definitions (in definition list items),
+and local nested content:
+- list item content (multi-line contents of list items, and multiple
+ body elements within a list item, including nested lists),
+- the content of literal blocks, and
+- the content of explicit markup blocks.
+Any text whose indentation is less than that of the current level
+(i.e., unindented text or "dedents") ends the current level of
+Since all indentation is significant, the level of indentation must be
+consistent. For example, indentation is the sole markup indicator for
+`block quotes`_::
+ This is a top-level paragraph.
+ This paragraph belongs to a first-level block quote.
+ Paragraph 2 of the first-level block quote.
+Multiple levels of indentation within a block quote will result in
+more complex structures::
+ This is a top-level paragraph.
+ This paragraph belongs to a first-level block quote.
+ This paragraph belongs to a second-level block quote.
+ Another top-level paragraph.
+ This paragraph belongs to a second-level block quote.
+ This paragraph belongs to a first-level block quote. The
+ second-level block quote above is inside this first-level
+ block quote.
+When a paragraph or other construct consists of more than one line of
+text, the lines must be left-aligned::
+ This is a paragraph. The lines of
+ this paragraph are aligned at the left.
+ This paragraph has problems. The
+ lines are not left-aligned. In addition
+ to potential misinterpretation, warning
+ and/or error messages will be generated
+ by the parser.
+Several constructs begin with a marker, and the body of the construct
+must be indented relative to the marker. For constructs using simple
+markers (`bullet lists`_, `enumerated lists`_, footnotes_, citations_,
+`hyperlink targets`_, directives_, and comments_), the level of
+indentation of the body is determined by the position of the first
+line of text, which begins on the same line as the marker. For
+example, bullet list bodies must be indented by at least two columns
+relative to the left edge of the bullet::
+ - This is the first line of a bullet list
+ item's paragraph. All lines must align
+ relative to the first line. [1]_
+ This indented paragraph is interpreted
+ as a block quote.
+ Because it is not sufficiently indented,
+ this paragraph does not belong to the list
+ item.
+ .. [1] Here's a footnote. The second line is aligned
+ with the beginning of the footnote label. The ".."
+ marker is what determines the indentation.
+For constructs using complex markers (`field lists`_ and `option
+lists`_), where the marker may contain arbitrary text, the indentation
+of the first line *after* the marker determines the left edge of the
+body. For example, field lists may have very long markers (containing
+the field names)::
+ :Hello: This field has a short field name, so aligning the field
+ body with the first line is feasible.
+ :Number-of-African-swallows-required-to-carry-a-coconut: It would
+ be very difficult to align the field body with the left edge
+ of the first line. It may even be preferable not to begin the
+ body on the same line as the marker.
+Escaping Mechanism
+The character set universally available to plaintext documents, 7-bit
+ASCII, is limited. No matter what characters are used for markup,
+they will already have multiple meanings in written text. Therefore
+markup characters *will* sometimes appear in text **without being
+intended as markup**. Any serious markup system requires an escaping
+mechanism to override the default meaning of the characters used for
+the markup. In reStructuredText we use the backslash, commonly used
+as an escaping character in other domains.
+A backslash followed by any character (except whitespace characters)
+escapes that character. The escaped character represents the
+character itself, and is prevented from playing a role in any markup
+interpretation. The backslash is removed from the output. A literal
+backslash is represented by two backslashes in a row (the first
+backslash "escapes" the second, preventing it being interpreted in an
+"escaping" role).
+Backslash-escaped whitespace characters are removed from the document.
+This allows for character-level `inline markup`_.
+There are two contexts in which backslashes have no special meaning:
+literal blocks and inline literals. In these contexts, a single
+backslash represents a literal backslash, without having to double up.
+Please note that the reStructuredText specification and parser do not
+address the issue of the representation or extraction of text input
+(how and in what form the text actually *reaches* the parser).
+Backslashes and other characters may serve a character-escaping
+purpose in certain contexts and must be dealt with appropriately. For
+example, Python uses backslashes in strings to escape certain
+characters, but not others. The simplest solution when backslashes
+appear in Python docstrings is to use raw docstrings::
+ r"""This is a raw docstring. Backslashes (\) are not touched."""
+Reference Names
+Simple reference names are single words consisting of alphanumerics
+plus isolated (no two adjacent) internal hyphens, underscores, and
+periods; no whitespace or other characters are allowed. Footnote
+labels (Footnotes_ & `Footnote References`_), citation labels
+(Citations_ & `Citation References`_), `interpreted text`_ roles, and
+some `hyperlink references`_ use the simple reference name syntax.
+Reference names using punctuation or whose names are phrases (two or
+more space-separated words) are called "phrase-references".
+Phrase-references are expressed by enclosing the phrase in backquotes
+and treating the backquoted text as a reference name::
+ Want to learn about `my favorite programming language`_?
+ .. _my favorite programming language:
+Simple reference names may also optionally use backquotes.
+Reference names are whitespace-neutral and case-insensitive. When
+resolving reference names internally:
+- whitespace is normalized (one or more spaces, horizontal or vertical
+ tabs, newlines, carriage returns, or form feeds, are interpreted as
+ a single space), and
+- case is normalized (all alphabetic characters are converted to
+ lowercase).
+For example, the following `hyperlink references`_ are equivalent::
+ - `a hyperlink`_
+ - `A
+ Hyperlink`_
+Hyperlinks_, footnotes_, and citations_ all share the same namespace
+for reference names. The labels of citations (simple reference names)
+and manually-numbered footnotes (numbers) are entered into the same
+database as other hyperlink names. This means that a footnote
+(defined as "``.. [1]``") which can be referred to by a footnote
+reference (``[1]_``), can also be referred to by a plain hyperlink
+reference (1_). Of course, each type of reference (hyperlink,
+footnote, citation) may be processed and rendered differently. Some
+care should be taken to avoid reference name conflicts.
+Document Structure
+Doctree element: document.
+The top-level element of a parsed reStructuredText document is the
+"document" element. After initial parsing, the document element is a
+simple container for a document fragment, consisting of `body
+elements`_, transitions_, and sections_, but lacking a document title
+or other bibliographic elements. The code that calls the parser may
+choose to run one or more optional post-parse transforms_,
+rearranging the document fragment into a complete document with a
+title and possibly other metadata elements (author, date, etc.; see
+`Bibliographic Fields`_).
+Specifically, there is no way to indicate a document title and
+subtitle explicitly in reStructuredText. Instead, a lone top-level
+section title (see Sections_ below) can be treated as the document
+title. Similarly, a lone second-level section title immediately after
+the "document title" can become the document subtitle. The rest of
+the sections are then lifted up a level or two. See the `DocTitle
+transform`_ for details.
+Doctree elements: section, title.
+Sections are identified through their titles, which are marked up with
+adornment: "underlines" below the title text, or underlines and
+matching "overlines" above the title. An underline/overline is a
+single repeated punctuation character that begins in column 1 and
+forms a line extending at least as far as the right edge of the title
+text. Specifically, an underline/overline character may be any
+non-alphanumeric printable 7-bit ASCII character [#]_. When an
+overline is used, the length and character used must match the
+underline. Underline-only adornment styles are distinct from
+overline-and-underline styles that use the same character. There may
+be any number of levels of section titles, although some output
+formats may have limits (HTML has 6 levels).
+.. [#] The following are all valid section title adornment
+ characters::
+ ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
+ Some characters are more suitable than others. The following are
+ recommended::
+ = - ` : . ' " ~ ^ _ * + #
+Rather than imposing a fixed number and order of section title
+adornment styles, the order enforced will be the order as encountered.
+The first style encountered will be an outermost title (like HTML H1),
+the second style will be a subtitle, the third will be a subsubtitle,
+and so on.
+Below are examples of section title styles::
+ ===============
+ Section Title
+ ===============
+ ---------------
+ Section Title
+ ---------------
+ Section Title
+ =============
+ Section Title
+ -------------
+ Section Title
+ `````````````
+ Section Title
+ '''''''''''''
+ Section Title
+ .............
+ Section Title
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Section Title
+ *************
+ Section Title
+ +++++++++++++
+ Section Title
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+When a title has both an underline and an overline, the title text may
+be inset, as in the first two examples above. This is merely
+aesthetic and not significant. Underline-only title text may *not* be
+A blank line after a title is optional. All text blocks up to the
+next title of the same or higher level are included in a section (or
+subsection, etc.).
+All section title styles need not be used, nor need any specific
+section title style be used. However, a document must be consistent
+in its use of section titles: once a hierarchy of title styles is
+established, sections must use that hierarchy.
+Each section title automatically generates a hyperlink target pointing
+to the section. The text of the hyperlink target (the "reference
+name") is the same as that of the section title. See `Implicit
+Hyperlink Targets`_ for a complete description.
+Sections may contain `body elements`_, transitions_, and nested
+Doctree element: transition.
+ Instead of subheads, extra space or a type ornament between
+ paragraphs may be used to mark text divisions or to signal
+ changes in subject or emphasis.
+ (The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition, section 1.80)
+Transitions are commonly seen in novels and short fiction, as a gap
+spanning one or more lines, with or without a type ornament such as a
+row of asterisks. Transitions separate other body elements. A
+transition should not begin or end a section or document, nor should
+two transitions be immediately adjacent.
+The syntax for a transition marker is a horizontal line of 4 or more
+repeated punctuation characters. The syntax is the same as section
+title underlines without title text. Transition markers require blank
+lines before and after::
+ Para.
+ ----------
+ Para.
+Unlike section title underlines, no hierarchy of transition markers is
+enforced, nor do differences in transition markers accomplish
+anything. It is recommended that a single consistent style be used.
+The processing system is free to render transitions in output in any
+way it likes. For example, horizontal rules (``<hr>``) in HTML output
+would be an obvious choice.
+Body Elements
+Doctree element: paragraph.
+Paragraphs consist of blocks of left-aligned text with no markup
+indicating any other body element. Blank lines separate paragraphs
+from each other and from other body elements. Paragraphs may contain
+`inline markup`_.
+Syntax diagram::
+ +------------------------------+
+ | paragraph |
+ | |
+ +------------------------------+
+ +------------------------------+
+ | paragraph |
+ | |
+ +------------------------------+
+Bullet Lists
+Doctree elements: bullet_list, list_item.
+A text block which begins with a "-", "*", or "+", followed by
+whitespace, is a bullet list item (a.k.a. "unordered" list item).
+List item bodies must be left-aligned and indented relative to the
+bullet; the text immediately after the bullet determines the
+indentation. For example::
+ - This is the first bullet list item. The blank line above the
+ first list item is required; blank lines between list items
+ (such as below this paragraph) are optional.
+ - This is the first paragraph in the second item in the list.
+ This is the second paragraph in the second item in the list.
+ The blank line above this paragraph is required. The left edge
+ of this paragraph lines up with the paragraph above, both
+ indented relative to the bullet.
+ - This is a sublist. The bullet lines up with the left edge of
+ the text blocks above. A sublist is a new list so requires a
+ blank line above and below.
+ - This is the third item of the main list.
+ This paragraph is not part of the list.
+Here are examples of **incorrectly** formatted bullet lists::
+ - This first line is fine.
+ A blank line is required between list items and paragraphs.
+ (Warning)
+ - The following line appears to be a new sublist, but it is not:
+ - This is a paragraph continuation, not a sublist (since there's
+ no blank line). This line is also incorrectly indented.
+ - Warnings may be issued by the implementation.
+Syntax diagram::
+ +------+-----------------------+
+ | "- " | list item |
+ +------| (body elements)+ |
+ +-----------------------+
+Enumerated Lists
+Doctree elements: enumerated_list, list_item.
+Enumerated lists (a.k.a. "ordered" lists) are similar to bullet lists,
+but use enumerators instead of bullets. An enumerator consists of an
+enumeration sequence member and formatting, followed by whitespace.
+The following enumeration sequences are recognized:
+- arabic numerals: 1, 2, 3, ... (no upper limit).
+- uppercase alphabet characters: A, B, C, ..., Z.
+- lower-case alphabet characters: a, b, c, ..., z.
+- uppercase Roman numerals: I, II, III, IV, ..., MMMMCMXCIX (4999).
+- lowercase Roman numerals: i, ii, iii, iv, ..., mmmmcmxcix (4999).
+In addition, the auto-enumerator, "#", may be used to automatically
+enumerate a list. Auto-enumerated lists may begin with explicit
+enumeration, which sets the sequence. Fully auto-enumerated lists use
+arabic numerals and begin with 1. (Auto-enumerated lists are new in
+Docutils 0.3.8.)
+The following formatting types are recognized:
+- suffixed with a period: "1.", "A.", "a.", "I.", "i.".
+- surrounded by parentheses: "(1)", "(A)", "(a)", "(I)", "(i)".
+- suffixed with a right-parenthesis: "1)", "A)", "a)", "I)", "i)".
+While parsing an enumerated list, a new list will be started whenever:
+- An enumerator is encountered which does not have the same format and
+ sequence type as the current list (e.g. "1.", "(a)" produces two
+ separate lists).
+- The enumerators are not in sequence (e.g., "1.", "3." produces two
+ separate lists).
+It is recommended that the enumerator of the first list item be
+ordinal-1 ("1", "A", "a", "I", or "i"). Although other start-values
+will be recognized, they may not be supported by the output format. A
+level-1 [info] system message will be generated for any list beginning
+with a non-ordinal-1 enumerator.
+Lists using Roman numerals must begin with "I"/"i" or a
+multi-character value, such as "II" or "XV". Any other
+single-character Roman numeral ("V", "X", "L", "C", "D", "M") will be
+interpreted as a letter of the alphabet, not as a Roman numeral.
+Likewise, lists using letters of the alphabet may not begin with
+"I"/"i", since these are recognized as Roman numeral 1.
+The second line of each enumerated list item is checked for validity.
+This is to prevent ordinary paragraphs from being mistakenly
+interpreted as list items, when they happen to begin with text
+identical to enumerators. For example, this text is parsed as an
+ordinary paragraph::
+ A. Einstein was a really
+ smart dude.
+However, ambiguity cannot be avoided if the paragraph consists of only
+one line. This text is parsed as an enumerated list item::
+ A. Einstein was a really smart dude.
+If a single-line paragraph begins with text identical to an enumerator
+("A.", "1.", "(b)", "I)", etc.), the first character will have to be
+escaped in order to have the line parsed as an ordinary paragraph::
+ \A. Einstein was a really smart dude.
+Examples of nested enumerated lists::
+ 1. Item 1 initial text.
+ a) Item 1a.
+ b) Item 1b.
+ 2. a) Item 2a.
+ b) Item 2b.
+Example syntax diagram::
+ +-------+----------------------+
+ | "1. " | list item |
+ +-------| (body elements)+ |
+ +----------------------+
+Definition Lists
+Doctree elements: definition_list, definition_list_item, term,
+classifier, definition.
+Each definition list item contains a term, optional classifiers, and a
+definition. A term is a simple one-line word or phrase. Optional
+classifiers may follow the term on the same line, each after an inline
+" : " (space, colon, space). A definition is a block indented
+relative to the term, and may contain multiple paragraphs and other
+body elements. There may be no blank line between a term line and a
+definition block (this distinguishes definition lists from `block
+quotes`_). Blank lines are required before the first and after the
+last definition list item, but are optional in-between. For example::
+ term 1
+ Definition 1.
+ term 2
+ Definition 2, paragraph 1.
+ Definition 2, paragraph 2.
+ term 3 : classifier
+ Definition 3.
+ term 4 : classifier one : classifier two
+ Definition 4.
+Inline markup is parsed in the term line before the classifier
+delimiter (" : ") is recognized. The delimiter will only be
+recognized if it appears outside of any inline markup.
+A definition list may be used in various ways, including:
+- As a dictionary or glossary. The term is the word itself, a
+ classifier may be used to indicate the usage of the term (noun,
+ verb, etc.), and the definition follows.
+- To describe program variables. The term is the variable name, a
+ classifier may be used to indicate the type of the variable (string,
+ integer, etc.), and the definition describes the variable's use in
+ the program. This usage of definition lists supports the classifier
+ syntax of Grouch_, a system for describing and enforcing a Python
+ object schema.
+Syntax diagram::
+ +----------------------------+
+ | term [ " : " classifier ]* |
+ +--+-------------------------+--+
+ | definition |
+ | (body elements)+ |
+ +----------------------------+
+Field Lists
+Doctree elements: field_list, field, field_name, field_body.
+Field lists are used as part of an extension syntax, such as options
+for directives_, or database-like records meant for further
+processing. They may also be used for two-column table-like
+structures resembling database records (label & data pairs).
+Applications of reStructuredText may recognize field names and
+transform fields or field bodies in certain contexts. For examples,
+see `Bibliographic Fields`_ below, or the "image_" and "meta_"
+directives in `reStructuredText Directives`_.
+Field lists are mappings from field names to field bodies, modeled on
+RFC822_ headers. A field name may consist of any characters, but
+colons (":") inside of field names must be escaped with a backslash.
+Inline markup is parsed in field names. Field names are
+case-insensitive when further processed or transformed. The field
+name, along with a single colon prefix and suffix, together form the
+field marker. The field marker is followed by whitespace and the
+field body. The field body may contain multiple body elements,
+indented relative to the field marker. The first line after the field
+name marker determines the indentation of the field body. For
+ :Date: 2001-08-16
+ :Version: 1
+ :Authors: - Me
+ - Myself
+ - I
+ :Indentation: Since the field marker may be quite long, the second
+ and subsequent lines of the field body do not have to line up
+ with the first line, but they must be indented relative to the
+ field name marker, and they must line up with each other.
+ :Parameter i: integer
+The interpretation of individual words in a multi-word field name is
+up to the application. The application may specify a syntax for the
+field name. For example, second and subsequent words may be treated
+as "arguments", quoted phrases may be treated as a single argument,
+and direct support for the "name=value" syntax may be added.
+Standard RFC822_ headers cannot be used for this construct because
+they are ambiguous. A word followed by a colon at the beginning of a
+line is common in written text. However, in well-defined contexts
+such as when a field list invariably occurs at the beginning of a
+document (PEPs and email messages), standard RFC822 headers could be
+Syntax diagram (simplified)::
+ +--------------------+----------------------+
+ | ":" field name ":" | field body |
+ +-------+------------+ |
+ | (body elements)+ |
+ +-----------------------------------+
+Bibliographic Fields
+Doctree elements: docinfo, author, authors, organization, contact,
+version, status, date, copyright, field, topic.
+When a field list is the first non-comment element in a document
+(after the document title, if there is one), it may have its fields
+transformed to document bibliographic data. This bibliographic data
+corresponds to the front matter of a book, such as the title page and
+copyright page.
+Certain registered field names (listed below) are recognized and
+transformed to the corresponding doctree elements, most becoming child
+elements of the "docinfo" element. No ordering is required of these
+fields, although they may be rearranged to fit the document structure,
+as noted. Unless otherwise indicated below, each of the bibliographic
+elements' field bodies may contain a single paragraph only. Field
+bodies may be checked for `RCS keywords`_ and cleaned up. Any
+unrecognized fields will remain as generic fields in the docinfo
+The registered bibliographic field names and their corresponding
+doctree elements are as follows:
+- Field name "Author": author element.
+- "Authors": authors.
+- "Organization": organization.
+- "Contact": contact.
+- "Address": address.
+- "Version": version.
+- "Status": status.
+- "Date": date.
+- "Copyright": copyright.
+- "Dedication": topic.
+- "Abstract": topic.
+The "Authors" field may contain either: a single paragraph consisting
+of a list of authors, separated by ";" or ","; or a bullet list whose
+elements each contain a single paragraph per author. ";" is checked
+first, so "Doe, Jane; Doe, John" will work. In some languages
+(e.g. Swedish), there is no singular/plural distinction between
+"Author" and "Authors", so only an "Authors" field is provided, and a
+single name is interpreted as an "Author". If a single name contains
+a comma, end it with a semicolon to disambiguate: ":Authors: Doe,
+The "Address" field is for a multi-line surface mailing address.
+Newlines and whitespace will be preserved.
+The "Dedication" and "Abstract" fields may contain arbitrary body
+elements. Only one of each is allowed. They become topic elements
+with "Dedication" or "Abstract" titles (or language equivalents)
+immediately following the docinfo element.
+This field-name-to-element mapping can be replaced for other
+languages. See the `DocInfo transform`_ implementation documentation
+for details.
+Unregistered/generic fields may contain one or more paragraphs or
+arbitrary body elements.
+RCS Keywords
+`Bibliographic fields`_ recognized by the parser are normally checked
+for RCS [#]_ keywords and cleaned up [#]_. RCS keywords may be
+entered into source files as "$keyword$", and once stored under RCS or
+CVS [#]_, they are expanded to "$keyword: expansion text $". For
+example, a "Status" field will be transformed to a "status" element::
+ :Status: $keyword: expansion text $
+.. [#] Revision Control System.
+.. [#] RCS keyword processing can be turned off (unimplemented).
+.. [#] Concurrent Versions System. CVS uses the same keywords as RCS.
+Processed, the "status" element's text will become simply "expansion
+text". The dollar sign delimiters and leading RCS keyword name are
+The RCS keyword processing only kicks in when the field list is in
+bibliographic context (first non-comment construct in the document,
+after a document title if there is one).
+Option Lists
+Doctree elements: option_list, option_list_item, option_group, option,
+option_string, option_argument, description.
+Option lists are two-column lists of command-line options and
+descriptions, documenting a program's options. For example::
+ -a Output all.
+ -b Output both (this description is
+ quite long).
+ -c arg Output just arg.
+ --long Output all day long.
+ -p This option has two paragraphs in the description.
+ This is the first.
+ This is the second. Blank lines may be omitted between
+ options (as above) or left in (as here and below).
+ --very-long-option A VMS-style option. Note the adjustment for
+ the required two spaces.
+ --an-even-longer-option
+ The description can also start on the next line.
+ -2, --two This option has two variants.
+ -f FILE, --file=FILE These two options are synonyms; both have
+ arguments.
+ /V A VMS/DOS-style option.
+There are several types of options recognized by reStructuredText:
+- Short POSIX options consist of one dash and an option letter.
+- Long POSIX options consist of two dashes and an option word; some
+ systems use a single dash.
+- Old GNU-style "plus" options consist of one plus and an option
+ letter ("plus" options are deprecated now, their use discouraged).
+- DOS/VMS options consist of a slash and an option letter or word.
+Please note that both POSIX-style and DOS/VMS-style options may be
+used by DOS or Windows software. These and other variations are
+sometimes used mixed together. The names above have been chosen for
+convenience only.
+The syntax for short and long POSIX options is based on the syntax
+supported by Python's getopt.py_ module, which implements an option
+parser similar to the `GNU libc getopt_long()`_ function but with some
+restrictions. There are many variant option systems, and
+reStructuredText option lists do not support all of them.
+Although long POSIX and DOS/VMS option words may be allowed to be
+truncated by the operating system or the application when used on the
+command line, reStructuredText option lists do not show or support
+this with any special syntax. The complete option word should be
+given, supported by notes about truncation if and when applicable.
+Options may be followed by an argument placeholder, whose role and
+syntax should be explained in the description text. Either a space or
+an equals sign may be used as a delimiter between options and option
+argument placeholders; short options ("-" or "+" prefix only) may omit
+the delimiter. Option arguments may take one of two forms:
+- Begins with a letter (``[a-zA-Z]``) and subsequently consists of
+ letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens (``[a-zA-Z0-9_-]``).
+- Begins with an open-angle-bracket (``<``) and ends with a
+ close-angle-bracket (``>``); any characters except angle brackets
+ are allowed internally.
+Multiple option "synonyms" may be listed, sharing a single
+description. They must be separated by comma-space.
+There must be at least two spaces between the option(s) and the
+description. The description may contain multiple body elements. The
+first line after the option marker determines the indentation of the
+description. As with other types of lists, blank lines are required
+before the first option list item and after the last, but are optional
+between option entries.
+Syntax diagram (simplified)::
+ +----------------------------+-------------+
+ | option [" " argument] " " | description |
+ +-------+--------------------+ |
+ | (body elements)+ |
+ +----------------------------------+
+Literal Blocks
+Doctree element: literal_block.
+A paragraph consisting of two colons ("::") signifies that the
+following text block(s) comprise a literal block. The literal block
+must either be indented or quoted (see below). No markup processing
+is done within a literal block. It is left as-is, and is typically
+rendered in a monospaced typeface::
+ This is a typical paragraph. An indented literal block follows.
+ ::
+ for a in [5,4,3,2,1]: # this is program code, shown as-is
+ print a
+ print "it's..."
+ # a literal block continues until the indentation ends
+ This text has returned to the indentation of the first paragraph,
+ is outside of the literal block, and is therefore treated as an
+ ordinary paragraph.
+The paragraph containing only "::" will be completely removed from the
+output; no empty paragraph will remain.
+As a convenience, the "::" is recognized at the end of any paragraph.
+If immediately preceded by whitespace, both colons will be removed
+from the output (this is the "partially minimized" form). When text
+immediately precedes the "::", *one* colon will be removed from the
+output, leaving only one colon visible (i.e., "::" will be replaced by
+":"; this is the "fully minimized" form).
+In other words, these are all equivalent (please pay attention to the
+colons after "Paragraph"):
+1. Expanded form::
+ Paragraph:
+ ::
+ Literal block
+2. Partially minimized form::
+ Paragraph: ::
+ Literal block
+3. Fully minimized form::
+ Paragraph::
+ Literal block
+All whitespace (including line breaks, but excluding minimum
+indentation for indented literal blocks) is preserved. Blank lines
+are required before and after a literal block, but these blank lines
+are not included as part of the literal block.
+Indented Literal Blocks
+Indented literal blocks are indicated by indentation relative to the
+surrounding text (leading whitespace on each line). The minimum
+indentation will be removed from each line of an indented literal
+block. The literal block need not be contiguous; blank lines are
+allowed between sections of indented text. The literal block ends
+with the end of the indentation.
+Syntax diagram::
+ +------------------------------+
+ | paragraph |
+ | (ends with "::") |
+ +------------------------------+
+ +---------------------------+
+ | indented literal block |
+ +---------------------------+
+Quoted Literal Blocks
+Quoted literal blocks are unindented contiguous blocks of text where
+each line begins with the same non-alphanumeric printable 7-bit ASCII
+character [#]_. A blank line ends a quoted literal block. The
+quoting characters are preserved in the processed document.
+.. [#]
+ The following are all valid quoting characters::
+ ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
+ Note that these are the same characters as are valid for title
+ adornment of sections_.
+Possible uses include literate programming in Haskell and email
+ John Doe wrote::
+ >> Great idea!
+ >
+ > Why didn't I think of that?
+ You just did! ;-)
+Syntax diagram::
+ +------------------------------+
+ | paragraph |
+ | (ends with "::") |
+ +------------------------------+
+ +------------------------------+
+ | ">" per-line-quoted |
+ | ">" contiguous literal block |
+ +------------------------------+
+Line Blocks
+Doctree elements: line_block, line. (New in Docutils 0.3.5.)
+Line blocks are useful for address blocks, verse (poetry, song
+lyrics), and unadorned lists, where the structure of lines is
+significant. Line blocks are groups of lines beginning with vertical
+bar ("|") prefixes. Each vertical bar prefix indicates a new line, so
+line breaks are preserved. Initial indents are also significant,
+resulting in a nested structure. Inline markup is supported.
+Continuation lines are wrapped portions of long lines; they begin with
+a space in place of the vertical bar. The left edge of a continuation
+line must be indented, but need not be aligned with the left edge of
+the text above it. A line block ends with a blank line.
+This example illustrates continuation lines::
+ | Lend us a couple of bob till Thursday.
+ | I'm absolutely skint.
+ | But I'm expecting a postal order and I can pay you back
+ as soon as it comes.
+ | Love, Ewan.
+This example illustrates the nesting of line blocks, indicated by the
+initial indentation of new lines::
+ Take it away, Eric the Orchestra Leader!
+ | A one, two, a one two three four
+ |
+ | Half a bee, philosophically,
+ | must, *ipso facto*, half not be.
+ | But half the bee has got to be,
+ | *vis a vis* its entity. D'you see?
+ |
+ | But can a bee be said to be
+ | or not to be an entire bee,
+ | when half the bee is not a bee,
+ | due to some ancient injury?
+ |
+ | Singing...
+Syntax diagram::
+ +------+-----------------------+
+ | "| " | line |
+ +------| continuation line |
+ +-----------------------+
+Block Quotes
+Doctree element: block_quote, attribution.
+A text block that is indented relative to the preceding text, without
+markup indicating it to be a literal block, is a block quote. All
+markup processing (for body elements and inline markup) continues
+within the block quote::
+ This is an ordinary paragraph, introducing a block quote.
+ "It is my business to know things. That is my trade."
+ -- Sherlock Holmes
+If the final block of a block quote begins with "--", "---", or a true
+em-dash (flush left within the block quote), it is interpreted as an
+attribution. If the attribution consists of multiple lines, the left
+edges of the second and subsequent lines must align.
+Blank lines are required before and after a block quote, but these
+blank lines are not included as part of the block quote.
+Syntax diagram::
+ +------------------------------+
+ | (current level of |
+ | indentation) |
+ +------------------------------+
+ +---------------------------+
+ | block quote |
+ | (body elements)+ |
+ | |
+ | -- attribution text |
+ | (optional) |
+ +---------------------------+
+Doctest Blocks
+Doctree element: doctest_block.
+Doctest blocks are interactive Python sessions cut-and-pasted into
+docstrings. They are meant to illustrate usage by example, and
+provide an elegant and powerful testing environment via the `doctest
+module`_ in the Python standard library.
+Doctest blocks are text blocks which begin with ``">>> "``, the Python
+interactive interpreter main prompt, and end with a blank line.
+Doctest blocks are treated as a special case of literal blocks,
+without requiring the literal block syntax. If both are present, the
+literal block syntax takes priority over Doctest block syntax::
+ This is an ordinary paragraph.
+ >>> print 'this is a Doctest block'
+ this is a Doctest block
+ The following is a literal block::
+ >>> This is not recognized as a doctest block by
+ reStructuredText. It *will* be recognized by the doctest
+ module, though!
+Indentation is not required for doctest blocks.
+Doctree elements: table, tgroup, colspec, thead, tbody, row, entry.
+ReStructuredText provides two syntaxes for delineating table cells:
+`Grid Tables`_ and `Simple Tables`_.
+As with other body elements, blank lines are required before and after
+tables. Tables' left edges should align with the left edge of
+preceding text blocks; if indented, the table is considered to be part
+of a block quote.
+Once isolated, each table cell is treated as a miniature document; the
+top and bottom cell boundaries act as delimiting blank lines. Each
+cell contains zero or more body elements. Cell contents may include
+left and/or right margins, which are removed before processing.
+Grid Tables
+Grid tables provide a complete table representation via grid-like
+"ASCII art". Grid tables allow arbitrary cell contents (body
+elements), and both row and column spans. However, grid tables can be
+cumbersome to produce, especially for simple data sets. The `Emacs
+table mode`_ is a tool that allows easy editing of grid tables, in
+Emacs. See `Simple Tables`_ for a simpler (but limited)
+Grid tables are described with a visual grid made up of the characters
+"-", "=", "|", and "+". The hyphen ("-") is used for horizontal lines
+(row separators). The equals sign ("=") may be used to separate
+optional header rows from the table body (not supported by the `Emacs
+table mode`_). The vertical bar ("|") is used for vertical lines
+(column separators). The plus sign ("+") is used for intersections of
+horizontal and vertical lines. Example::
+ +------------------------+------------+----------+----------+
+ | Header row, column 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 |
+ | (header rows optional) | | | |
+ +========================+============+==========+==========+
+ | body row 1, column 1 | column 2 | column 3 | column 4 |
+ +------------------------+------------+----------+----------+
+ | body row 2 | Cells may span columns. |
+ +------------------------+------------+---------------------+
+ | body row 3 | Cells may | - Table cells |
+ +------------------------+ span rows. | - contain |
+ | body row 4 | | - body elements. |
+ +------------------------+------------+---------------------+
+Some care must be taken with grid tables to avoid undesired
+interactions with cell text in rare cases. For example, the following
+table contains a cell in row 2 spanning from column 2 to column 4::
+ +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | row 1, col 1 | column 2 | column 3 | column 4 |
+ +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | row 2 | |
+ +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | row 3 | | | |
+ +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+
+If a vertical bar is used in the text of that cell, it could have
+unintended effects if accidentally aligned with column boundaries::
+ +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | row 1, col 1 | column 2 | column 3 | column 4 |
+ +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | row 2 | Use the command ``ls | more``. |
+ +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | row 3 | | | |
+ +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+
+Several solutions are possible. All that is needed is to break the
+continuity of the cell outline rectangle. One possibility is to shift
+the text by adding an extra space before::
+ +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | row 1, col 1 | column 2 | column 3 | column 4 |
+ +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | row 2 | Use the command ``ls | more``. |
+ +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | row 3 | | | |
+ +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+
+Another possibility is to add an extra line to row 2::
+ +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | row 1, col 1 | column 2 | column 3 | column 4 |
+ +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | row 2 | Use the command ``ls | more``. |
+ | | |
+ +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+
+ | row 3 | | | |
+ +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+
+Simple Tables
+Simple tables provide a compact and easy to type but limited
+row-oriented table representation for simple data sets. Cell contents
+are typically single paragraphs, although arbitrary body elements may
+be represented in most cells. Simple tables allow multi-line rows (in
+all but the first column) and column spans, but not row spans. See
+`Grid Tables`_ above for a complete table representation.
+Simple tables are described with horizontal borders made up of "=" and
+"-" characters. The equals sign ("=") is used for top and bottom
+table borders, and to separate optional header rows from the table
+body. The hyphen ("-") is used to indicate column spans in a single
+row by underlining the joined columns, and may optionally be used to
+explicitly and/or visually separate rows.
+A simple table begins with a top border of equals signs with one or
+more spaces at each column boundary (two or more spaces recommended).
+Regardless of spans, the top border *must* fully describe all table
+columns. There must be at least two columns in the table (to
+differentiate it from section headers). The last of the optional
+header rows is underlined with '=', again with spaces at column
+boundaries. There may not be a blank line below the header row
+separator; it would be interpreted as the bottom border of the table.
+The bottom boundary of the table consists of '=' underlines, also with
+spaces at column boundaries. For example, here is a truth table, a
+three-column table with one header row and four body rows::
+ ===== ===== =======
+ A B A and B
+ ===== ===== =======
+ False False False
+ True False False
+ False True False
+ True True True
+ ===== ===== =======
+Underlines of '-' may be used to indicate column spans by "filling in"
+column margins to join adjacent columns. Column span underlines must
+be complete (they must cover all columns) and align with established
+column boundaries. Text lines containing column span underlines may
+not contain any other text. A column span underline applies only to
+one row immediately above it. For example, here is a table with a
+column span in the header::
+ ===== ===== ======
+ Inputs Output
+ ------------ ------
+ A B A or B
+ ===== ===== ======
+ False False False
+ True False True
+ False True True
+ True True True
+ ===== ===== ======
+Each line of text must contain spaces at column boundaries, except
+where cells have been joined by column spans. Each line of text
+starts a new row, except when there is a blank cell in the first
+column. In that case, that line of text is parsed as a continuation
+line. For this reason, cells in the first column of new rows (*not*
+continuation lines) *must* contain some text; blank cells would lead
+to a misinterpretation. An empty comment ("..") is sufficient and
+will be omitted from the processed output (see Comments_ below).
+Also, this mechanism limits cells in the first column to only one line
+of text. Use `grid tables`_ if this limitation is unacceptable.
+Underlines of '-' may also be used to visually separate rows, even if
+there are no column spans. This is especially useful in long tables,
+where rows are many lines long.
+Blank lines are permitted within simple tables. Their interpretation
+depends on the context. Blank lines *between* rows are ignored.
+Blank lines *within* multi-line rows may separate paragraphs or other
+body elements within cells.
+The rightmost column is unbounded; text may continue past the edge of
+the table (as indicated by the table borders). However, it is
+recommended that borders be made long enough to contain the entire
+The following example illustrates continuation lines (row 2 consists
+of two lines of text, and four lines for row 3), a blank line
+separating paragraphs (row 3, column 2), and text extending past the
+right edge of the table::
+ ===== =====
+ col 1 col 2
+ ===== =====
+ 1 Second column of row 1.
+ 2 Second column of row 2.
+ Second line of paragraph.
+ 3 - Second column of row 3.
+ - Second item in bullet
+ list (row 3, column 2).
+ ===== =====
+Explicit Markup Blocks
+An explicit markup block is a text block:
+- whose first line begins with ".." followed by whitespace (the
+ "explicit markup start"),
+- whose second and subsequent lines (if any) are indented relative to
+ the first, and
+- which ends before an unindented line.
+Explicit markup blocks are analogous to bullet list items, with ".."
+as the bullet. The text on the lines immediately after the explicit
+markup start determines the indentation of the block body. The
+maximum common indentation is always removed from the second and
+subsequent lines of the block body. Therefore if the first construct
+fits in one line, and the indentation of the first and second
+constructs should differ, the first construct should not begin on the
+same line as the explicit markup start.
+Blank lines are required between explicit markup blocks and other
+elements, but are optional between explicit markup blocks where
+The explicit markup syntax is used for footnotes, citations, hyperlink
+targets, directives, substitution definitions, and comments.
+Doctree elements: footnote, label.
+Each footnote consists of an explicit markup start (".. "), a left
+square bracket, the footnote label, a right square bracket, and
+whitespace, followed by indented body elements. A footnote label can
+- a whole decimal number consisting of one or more digits,
+- a single "#" (denoting `auto-numbered footnotes`_),
+- a "#" followed by a simple reference name (an `autonumber label`_),
+ or
+- a single "*" (denoting `auto-symbol footnotes`_).
+The footnote content (body elements) must be consistently indented (by
+at least 3 spaces) and left-aligned. The first body element within a
+footnote may often begin on the same line as the footnote label.
+However, if the first element fits on one line and the indentation of
+the remaining elements differ, the first element must begin on the
+line after the footnote label. Otherwise, the difference in
+indentation will not be detected.
+Footnotes may occur anywhere in the document, not only at the end.
+Where and how they appear in the processed output depends on the
+processing system.
+Here is a manually numbered footnote::
+ .. [1] Body elements go here.
+Each footnote automatically generates a hyperlink target pointing to
+itself. The text of the hyperlink target name is the same as that of
+the footnote label. `Auto-numbered footnotes`_ generate a number as
+their footnote label and reference name. See `Implicit Hyperlink
+Targets`_ for a complete description of the mechanism.
+Syntax diagram::
+ +-------+-------------------------+
+ | ".. " | "[" label "]" footnote |
+ +-------+ |
+ | (body elements)+ |
+ +-------------------------+
+Auto-Numbered Footnotes
+A number sign ("#") may be used as the first character of a footnote
+label to request automatic numbering of the footnote or footnote
+The first footnote to request automatic numbering is assigned the
+label "1", the second is assigned the label "2", and so on (assuming
+there are no manually numbered footnotes present; see `Mixed Manual
+and Auto-Numbered Footnotes`_ below). A footnote which has
+automatically received a label "1" generates an implicit hyperlink
+target with name "1", just as if the label was explicitly specified.
+.. _autonumber label: `autonumber labels`_
+A footnote may specify a label explicitly while at the same time
+requesting automatic numbering: ``[#label]``. These labels are called
+_`autonumber labels`. Autonumber labels do two things:
+- On the footnote itself, they generate a hyperlink target whose name
+ is the autonumber label (doesn't include the "#").
+- They allow an automatically numbered footnote to be referred to more
+ than once, as a footnote reference or hyperlink reference. For
+ example::
+ If [#note]_ is the first footnote reference, it will show up as
+ "[1]". We can refer to it again as [#note]_ and again see
+ "[1]". We can also refer to it as note_ (an ordinary internal
+ hyperlink reference).
+ .. [#note] This is the footnote labeled "note".
+The numbering is determined by the order of the footnotes, not by the
+order of the references. For footnote references without autonumber
+labels (``[#]_``), the footnotes and footnote references must be in
+the same relative order but need not alternate in lock-step. For
+ [#]_ is a reference to footnote 1, and [#]_ is a reference to
+ footnote 2.
+ .. [#] This is footnote 1.
+ .. [#] This is footnote 2.
+ .. [#] This is footnote 3.
+ [#]_ is a reference to footnote 3.
+Special care must be taken if footnotes themselves contain
+auto-numbered footnote references, or if multiple references are made
+in close proximity. Footnotes and references are noted in the order
+they are encountered in the document, which is not necessarily the
+same as the order in which a person would read them.
+Auto-Symbol Footnotes
+An asterisk ("*") may be used for footnote labels to request automatic
+symbol generation for footnotes and footnote references. The asterisk
+may be the only character in the label. For example::
+ Here is a symbolic footnote reference: [*]_.
+ .. [*] This is the footnote.
+A transform will insert symbols as labels into corresponding footnotes
+and footnote references. The number of references must be equal to
+the number of footnotes. One symbol footnote cannot have multiple
+The standard Docutils system uses the following symbols for footnote
+marks [#]_:
+- asterisk/star ("*")
+- dagger (HTML character entity "&dagger;", Unicode U+02020)
+- double dagger ("&Dagger;"/U+02021)
+- section mark ("&sect;"/U+000A7)
+- pilcrow or paragraph mark ("&para;"/U+000B6)
+- number sign ("#")
+- spade suit ("&spades;"/U+02660)
+- heart suit ("&hearts;"/U+02665)
+- diamond suit ("&diams;"/U+02666)
+- club suit ("&clubs;"/U+02663)
+.. [#] This list was inspired by the list of symbols for "Note
+ Reference Marks" in The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition,
+ section 12.51. "Parallels" ("||") were given in CMoS instead of
+ the pilcrow. The last four symbols (the card suits) were added
+ arbitrarily.
+If more than ten symbols are required, the same sequence will be
+reused, doubled and then tripled, and so on ("**" etc.).
+.. Note:: When using auto-symbol footnotes, the choice of output
+ encoding is important. Many of the symbols used are not encodable
+ in certain common text encodings such as Latin-1 (ISO 8859-1). The
+ use of UTF-8 for the output encoding is recommended. An
+ alternative for HTML and XML output is to use the
+ "xmlcharrefreplace" `output encoding error handler`__.
+__ ../../user/config.html#output-encoding-error-handler
+Mixed Manual and Auto-Numbered Footnotes
+Manual and automatic footnote numbering may both be used within a
+single document, although the results may not be expected. Manual
+numbering takes priority. Only unused footnote numbers are assigned
+to auto-numbered footnotes. The following example should be
+ [2]_ will be "2" (manually numbered),
+ [#]_ will be "3" (anonymous auto-numbered), and
+ [#label]_ will be "1" (labeled auto-numbered).
+ .. [2] This footnote is labeled manually, so its number is fixed.
+ .. [#label] This autonumber-labeled footnote will be labeled "1".
+ It is the first auto-numbered footnote and no other footnote
+ with label "1" exists. The order of the footnotes is used to
+ determine numbering, not the order of the footnote references.
+ .. [#] This footnote will be labeled "3". It is the second
+ auto-numbered footnote, but footnote label "2" is already used.
+Citations are identical to footnotes except that they use only
+non-numeric labels such as ``[note]`` or ``[GVR2001]``. Citation
+labels are simple `reference names`_ (case-insensitive single words
+consisting of alphanumerics plus internal hyphens, underscores, and
+periods; no whitespace). Citations may be rendered separately and
+differently from footnotes. For example::
+ Here is a citation reference: [CIT2002]_.
+ .. [CIT2002] This is the citation. It's just like a footnote,
+ except the label is textual.
+.. _hyperlinks:
+Hyperlink Targets
+Doctree element: target.
+These are also called _`explicit hyperlink targets`, to differentiate
+them from `implicit hyperlink targets`_ defined below.
+Hyperlink targets identify a location within or outside of a document,
+which may be linked to by `hyperlink references`_.
+Hyperlink targets may be named or anonymous. Named hyperlink targets
+consist of an explicit markup start (".. "), an underscore, the
+reference name (no trailing underscore), a colon, whitespace, and a
+link block::
+ .. _hyperlink-name: link-block
+Reference names are whitespace-neutral and case-insensitive. See
+`Reference Names`_ for details and examples.
+Anonymous hyperlink targets consist of an explicit markup start
+(".. "), two underscores, a colon, whitespace, and a link block; there
+is no reference name::
+ .. __: anonymous-hyperlink-target-link-block
+An alternate syntax for anonymous hyperlinks consists of two
+underscores, a space, and a link block::
+ __ anonymous-hyperlink-target-link-block
+See `Anonymous Hyperlinks`_ below.
+There are three types of hyperlink targets: internal, external, and
+1. _`Internal hyperlink targets` have empty link blocks. They provide
+ an end point allowing a hyperlink to connect one place to another
+ within a document. An internal hyperlink target points to the
+ element following the target. For example::
+ Clicking on this internal hyperlink will take us to the target_
+ below.
+ .. _target:
+ The hyperlink target above points to this paragraph.
+ Internal hyperlink targets may be "chained". Multiple adjacent
+ internal hyperlink targets all point to the same element::
+ .. _target1:
+ .. _target2:
+ The targets "target1" and "target2" are synonyms; they both
+ point to this paragraph.
+ If the element "pointed to" is an external hyperlink target (with a
+ URI in its link block; see #2 below) the URI from the external
+ hyperlink target is propagated to the internal hyperlink targets;
+ they will all "point to" the same URI. There is no need to
+ duplicate a URI. For example, all three of the following hyperlink
+ targets refer to the same URI::
+ .. _Python DOC-SIG mailing list archive:
+ .. _archive:
+ .. _Doc-SIG:
+ An inline form of internal hyperlink target is available; see
+ `Inline Internal Targets`_.
+2. _`External hyperlink targets` have an absolute or relative URI or
+ email address in their link blocks. For example, take the
+ following input::
+ See the Python_ home page for info.
+ `Write to me`_ with your questions.
+ .. _Python:
+ .. _Write to me:
+ After processing into HTML, the hyperlinks might be expressed as::
+ See the <a href="">Python</a> home page
+ for info.
+ <a href="">Write to me</a> with your
+ questions.
+ An external hyperlink's URI may begin on the same line as the
+ explicit markup start and target name, or it may begin in an
+ indented text block immediately following, with no intervening
+ blank lines. If there are multiple lines in the link block, they
+ are concatenated. Any whitespace is removed (whitespace is
+ permitted to allow for line wrapping). The following external
+ hyperlink targets are equivalent::
+ .. _one-liner:
+ .. _starts-on-this-line: http://
+ .. _entirely-below:
+ http://docutils.
+ If an external hyperlink target's URI contains an underscore as its
+ last character, it must be escaped to avoid being mistaken for an
+ indirect hyperlink target::
+ This link_ refers to a file called ``underscore_``.
+ .. _link: underscore\_
+ It is possible (although not generally recommended) to include URIs
+ directly within hyperlink references. See `Embedded URIs`_ below.
+3. _`Indirect hyperlink targets` have a hyperlink reference in their
+ link blocks. In the following example, target "one" indirectly
+ references whatever target "two" references, and target "two"
+ references target "three", an internal hyperlink target. In
+ effect, all three reference the same thing::
+ .. _one: two_
+ .. _two: three_
+ .. _three:
+ Just as with `hyperlink references`_ anywhere else in a document,
+ if a phrase-reference is used in the link block it must be enclosed
+ in backquotes. As with `external hyperlink targets`_, the link
+ block of an indirect hyperlink target may begin on the same line as
+ the explicit markup start or the next line. It may also be split
+ over multiple lines, in which case the lines are joined with
+ whitespace before being normalized.
+ For example, the following indirect hyperlink targets are
+ equivalent::
+ .. _one-liner: `A HYPERLINK`_
+ .. _entirely-below:
+ `a hyperlink`_
+ .. _split: `A
+ Hyperlink`_
+If the reference name contains any colons, either:
+- the phrase must be enclosed in backquotes::
+ .. _`FAQTS: Computers: Programming: Languages: Python`:
+- or the colon(s) must be backslash-escaped in the link target::
+ .. _Chapter One\: "Tadpole Days":
+ It's not easy being green...
+See `Implicit Hyperlink Targets`_ below for the resolution of
+duplicate reference names.
+Syntax diagram::
+ +-------+----------------------+
+ | ".. " | "_" name ":" link |
+ +-------+ block |
+ | |
+ +----------------------+
+Anonymous Hyperlinks
+The `World Wide Web Consortium`_ recommends in its `HTML Techniques
+for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines`_ that authors should
+"clearly identify the target of each link." Hyperlink references
+should be as verbose as possible, but duplicating a verbose hyperlink
+name in the target is onerous and error-prone. Anonymous hyperlinks
+are designed to allow convenient verbose hyperlink references, and are
+analogous to `Auto-Numbered Footnotes`_. They are particularly useful
+in short or one-off documents. However, this feature is easily abused
+and can result in unreadable plaintext and/or unmaintainable
+documents. Caution is advised.
+Anonymous `hyperlink references`_ are specified with two underscores
+instead of one::
+ See `the web site of my favorite programming language`__.
+Anonymous targets begin with ".. __:"; no reference name is required
+or allowed::
+ .. __:
+As a convenient alternative, anonymous targets may begin with "__"
+ __
+The reference name of the reference is not used to match the reference
+to its target. Instead, the order of anonymous hyperlink references
+and targets within the document is significant: the first anonymous
+reference will link to the first anonymous target. The number of
+anonymous hyperlink references in a document must match the number of
+anonymous targets. For readability, it is recommended that targets be
+kept close to references. Take care when editing text containing
+anonymous references; adding, removing, and rearranging references
+require attention to the order of corresponding targets.
+Doctree elements: depend on the directive.
+Directives are an extension mechanism for reStructuredText, a way of
+adding support for new constructs without adding new primary syntax
+(directives may support additional syntax locally). All standard
+directives (those implemented and registered in the reference
+reStructuredText parser) are described in the `reStructuredText
+Directives`_ document, and are always available. Any other directives
+are domain-specific, and may require special action to make them
+available when processing the document.
+For example, here's how an image_ may be placed::
+ .. image:: mylogo.jpeg
+A figure_ (a graphic with a caption) may placed like this::
+ .. figure:: larch.png
+ The larch.
+An admonition_ (note, caution, etc.) contains other body elements::
+ .. note:: This is a paragraph
+ - Here is a bullet list.
+Directives are indicated by an explicit markup start (".. ") followed
+by the directive type, two colons, and whitespace (together called the
+"directive marker"). Directive types are case-insensitive single
+words (alphanumerics plus internal hyphens, underscores, and periods;
+no whitespace). Two colons are used after the directive type for
+these reasons:
+- Two colons are distinctive, and unlikely to be used in common text.
+- Two colons avoids clashes with common comment text like::
+ .. Danger: modify at your own risk!
+- If an implementation of reStructuredText does not recognize a
+ directive (i.e., the directive-handler is not installed), a level-3
+ (error) system message is generated, and the entire directive block
+ (including the directive itself) will be included as a literal
+ block. Thus "::" is a natural choice.
+The directive block is consists of any text on the first line of the
+directive after the directive marker, and any subsequent indented
+text. The interpretation of the directive block is up to the
+directive code. There are three logical parts to the directive block:
+1. Directive arguments.
+2. Directive options.
+3. Directive content.
+Individual directives can employ any combination of these parts.
+Directive arguments can be filesystem paths, URLs, title text, etc.
+Directive options are indicated using `field lists`_; the field names
+and contents are directive-specific. Arguments and options must form
+a contiguous block beginning on the first or second line of the
+directive; a blank line indicates the beginning of the directive
+content block. If either arguments and/or options are employed by the
+directive, a blank line must separate them from the directive content.
+The "figure" directive employs all three parts::
+ .. figure:: larch.png
+ :scale: 50
+ The larch.
+Simple directives may not require any content. If a directive that
+does not employ a content block is followed by indented text anyway,
+it is an error. If a block quote should immediately follow a
+directive, use an empty comment in-between (see Comments_ below).
+Actions taken in response to directives and the interpretation of text
+in the directive content block or subsequent text block(s) are
+directive-dependent. See `reStructuredText Directives`_ for details.
+Directives are meant for the arbitrary processing of their contents,
+which can be transformed into something possibly unrelated to the
+original text. It may also be possible for directives to be used as
+pragmas, to modify the behavior of the parser, such as to experiment
+with alternate syntax. There is no parser support for this
+functionality at present; if a reasonable need for pragma directives
+is found, they may be supported.
+Directives do not generate "directive" elements; they are a *parser
+construct* only, and have no intrinsic meaning outside of
+reStructuredText. Instead, the parser will transform recognized
+directives into (possibly specialized) document elements. Unknown
+directives will trigger level-3 (error) system messages.
+Syntax diagram::
+ +-------+-------------------------------+
+ | ".. " | directive type "::" directive |
+ +-------+ block |
+ | |
+ +-------------------------------+
+Substitution Definitions
+Doctree element: substitution_definition.
+Substitution definitions are indicated by an explicit markup start
+(".. ") followed by a vertical bar, the substitution text, another
+vertical bar, whitespace, and the definition block. Substitution text
+may not begin or end with whitespace. A substitution definition block
+contains an embedded inline-compatible directive (without the leading
+".. "), such as "image_" or "replace_". For example::
+ The |biohazard| symbol must be used on containers used to
+ dispose of medical waste.
+ .. |biohazard| image:: biohazard.png
+It is an error for a substitution definition block to directly or
+indirectly contain a circular substitution reference.
+`Substitution references`_ are replaced in-line by the processed
+contents of the corresponding definition (linked by matching
+substitution text). Matches are case-sensitive but forgiving; if no
+exact match is found, a case-insensitive comparison is attempted.
+Substitution definitions allow the power and flexibility of
+block-level directives_ to be shared by inline text. They are a way
+to include arbitrarily complex inline structures within text, while
+keeping the details out of the flow of text. They are the equivalent
+of SGML/XML's named entities or programming language macros.
+Without the substitution mechanism, every time someone wants an
+application-specific new inline structure, they would have to petition
+for a syntax change. In combination with existing directive syntax,
+any inline structure can be coded without new syntax (except possibly
+a new directive).
+Syntax diagram::
+ +-------+-----------------------------------------------------+
+ | ".. " | "|" substitution text "| " directive type "::" data |
+ +-------+ directive block |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------+
+Following are some use cases for the substitution mechanism. Please
+note that most of the embedded directives shown are examples only and
+have not been implemented.
+ Substitution references may be used to associate ambiguous text
+ with a unique object identifier.
+ For example, many sites may wish to implement an inline "user"
+ directive::
+ |Michael| and |Jon| are our widget-wranglers.
+ .. |Michael| user:: mjones
+ .. |Jon| user:: jhl
+ Depending on the needs of the site, this may be used to index the
+ document for later searching, to hyperlink the inline text in
+ various ways (mailto, homepage, mouseover Javascript with profile
+ and contact information, etc.), or to customize presentation of
+ the text (include username in the inline text, include an icon
+ image with a link next to the text, make the text bold or a
+ different color, etc.).
+ The same approach can be used in documents which frequently refer
+ to a particular type of objects with unique identifiers but
+ ambiguous common names. Movies, albums, books, photos, court
+ cases, and laws are possible. For example::
+ |The Transparent Society| offers a fascinating alternate view
+ on privacy issues.
+ .. |The Transparent Society| book:: isbn=0738201448
+ Classes or functions, in contexts where the module or class names
+ are unclear and/or interpreted text cannot be used, are another
+ possibility::
+ 4XSLT has the convenience method |runString|, so you don't
+ have to mess with DOM objects if all you want is the
+ transformed output.
+ .. |runString| function:: module=xml.xslt class=Processor
+ Images are a common use for substitution references::
+ West led the |H| 3, covered by dummy's |H| Q, East's |H| K,
+ and trumped in hand with the |S| 2.
+ .. |H| image:: /images/heart.png
+ :height: 11
+ :width: 11
+ .. |S| image:: /images/spade.png
+ :height: 11
+ :width: 11
+ * |Red light| means stop.
+ * |Green light| means go.
+ * |Yellow light| means go really fast.
+ .. |Red light| image:: red_light.png
+ .. |Green light| image:: green_light.png
+ .. |Yellow light| image:: yellow_light.png
+ |-><-| is the official symbol of POEE_.
+ .. |-><-| image:: discord.png
+ .. _POEE:
+ The "image_" directive has been implemented.
+Styles [#]_
+ Substitution references may be used to associate inline text with
+ an externally defined presentation style::
+ Even |the text in Texas| is big.
+ .. |the text in Texas| style:: big
+ The style name may be meaningful in the context of some particular
+ output format (CSS class name for HTML output, LaTeX style name
+ for LaTeX, etc), or may be ignored for other output formats (such
+ as plaintext).
+ .. @@@ This needs to be rethought & rewritten or removed:
+ Interpreted text is unsuitable for this purpose because the set
+ of style names cannot be predefined - it is the domain of the
+ content author, not the author of the parser and output
+ formatter - and there is no way to associate a style name
+ argument with an interpreted text style role. Also, it may be
+ desirable to use the same mechanism for styling blocks::
+ .. style:: motto
+ At Bob's Underwear Shop, we'll do anything to get in
+ your pants.
+ .. style:: disclaimer
+ All rights reversed. Reprint what you like.
+ .. [#] There may be sufficient need for a "style" mechanism to
+ warrant simpler syntax such as an extension to the interpreted
+ text role syntax. The substitution mechanism is cumbersome for
+ simple text styling.
+ Inline markup may be used for later processing by a template
+ engine. For example, a Zope_ author might write::
+ Welcome back, |name|!
+ .. |name| tal:: replace user/getUserName
+ After processing, this ZPT output would result::
+ Welcome back,
+ <span tal:replace="user/getUserName">name</span>!
+ Zope would then transform this to something like "Welcome back,
+ David!" during a session with an actual user.
+Replacement text
+ The substitution mechanism may be used for simple macro
+ substitution. This may be appropriate when the replacement text
+ is repeated many times throughout one or more documents,
+ especially if it may need to change later. A short example is
+ unavoidably contrived::
+ |RST| is a little annoying to type over and over, especially
+ when writing about |RST| itself, and spelling out the
+ bicapitalized word |RST| every time isn't really necessary for
+ |RST| source readability.
+ .. |RST| replace:: reStructuredText_
+ .. _reStructuredText:
+ Substitution is also appropriate when the replacement text cannot
+ be represented using other inline constructs, or is obtrusively
+ long::
+ But still, that's nothing compared to a name like
+ |j2ee-cas|__.
+ .. |j2ee-cas| replace::
+ the Java `TM`:super: 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition Client
+ Access Services
+ __
+ j2eecas/
+ The "replace_" directive has been implemented.
+Doctree element: comment.
+Arbitrary indented text may follow the explicit markup start and will
+be processed as a comment element. No further processing is done on
+the comment block text; a comment contains a single "text blob".
+Depending on the output formatter, comments may be removed from the
+processed output. The only restriction on comments is that they not
+use the same syntax as any of the other explicit markup constructs:
+substitution definitions, directives, footnotes, citations, or
+hyperlink targets. To ensure that none of the other explicit markup
+constructs is recognized, leave the ".." on a line by itself::
+ .. This is a comment
+ ..
+ _so: is this!
+ ..
+ [and] this!
+ ..
+ this:: too!
+ ..
+ |even| this:: !
+An explicit markup start followed by a blank line and nothing else
+(apart from whitespace) is an "empty comment". It serves to terminate
+a preceding construct, and does **not** consume any indented text
+following. To have a block quote follow a list or any indented
+construct, insert an unindented empty comment in-between.
+Syntax diagram::
+ +-------+----------------------+
+ | ".. " | comment |
+ +-------+ block |
+ | |
+ +----------------------+
+Implicit Hyperlink Targets
+Implicit hyperlink targets are generated by section titles, footnotes,
+and citations, and may also be generated by extension constructs.
+Implicit hyperlink targets otherwise behave identically to explicit
+`hyperlink targets`_.
+Problems of ambiguity due to conflicting duplicate implicit and
+explicit reference names are avoided by following this procedure:
+1. `Explicit hyperlink targets`_ override any implicit targets having
+ the same reference name. The implicit hyperlink targets are
+ removed, and level-1 (info) system messages are inserted.
+2. Duplicate implicit hyperlink targets are removed, and level-1
+ (info) system messages inserted. For example, if two or more
+ sections have the same title (such as "Introduction" subsections of
+ a rigidly-structured document), there will be duplicate implicit
+ hyperlink targets.
+3. Duplicate explicit hyperlink targets are removed, and level-2
+ (warning) system messages are inserted. Exception: duplicate
+ `external hyperlink targets`_ (identical hyperlink names and
+ referenced URIs) do not conflict, and are not removed.
+System messages are inserted where target links have been removed.
+See "Error Handling" in `PEP 258`_.
+The parser must return a set of *unique* hyperlink targets. The
+calling software (such as the Docutils_) can warn of unresolvable
+links, giving reasons for the messages.
+Inline Markup
+In reStructuredText, inline markup applies to words or phrases within
+a text block. The same whitespace and punctuation that serves to
+delimit words in written text is used to delimit the inline markup
+syntax constructs. The text within inline markup may not begin or end
+with whitespace. Arbitrary `character-level inline markup`_ is
+supported although not encouraged. Inline markup cannot be nested.
+There are nine inline markup constructs. Five of the constructs use
+identical start-strings and end-strings to indicate the markup:
+- emphasis_: "*"
+- `strong emphasis`_: "**"
+- `interpreted text`_: "`"
+- `inline literals`_: "``"
+- `substitution references`_: "|"
+Three constructs use different start-strings and end-strings:
+- `inline internal targets`_: "_`" and "`"
+- `footnote references`_: "[" and "]_"
+- `hyperlink references`_: "`" and "\`_" (phrases), or just a
+ trailing "_" (single words)
+`Standalone hyperlinks`_ are recognized implicitly, and use no extra
+The inline markup start-string and end-string recognition rules are as
+follows. If any of the conditions are not met, the start-string or
+end-string will not be recognized or processed.
+1. Inline markup start-strings must start a text block or be
+ immediately preceded by whitespace or one of::
+ ' " ( [ { < - / :
+2. Inline markup start-strings must be immediately followed by
+ non-whitespace.
+3. Inline markup end-strings must be immediately preceded by
+ non-whitespace.
+4. Inline markup end-strings must end a text block or be immediately
+ followed by whitespace or one of::
+ ' " ) ] } > - / : . , ; ! ? \
+5. If an inline markup start-string is immediately preceded by a
+ single or double quote, "(", "[", "{", or "<", it must not be
+ immediately followed by the corresponding single or double quote,
+ ")", "]", "}", or ">".
+6. An inline markup end-string must be separated by at least one
+ character from the start-string.
+7. An unescaped backslash preceding a start-string or end-string will
+ disable markup recognition, except for the end-string of `inline
+ literals`_. See `Escaping Mechanism`_ above for details.
+For example, none of the following are recognized as containing inline
+markup start-strings:
+- asterisks: * "*" '*' (*) (* [*] {*} 1*x BOM32_*
+- double asterisks: ** a**b O(N**2) etc.
+- backquotes: ` `` etc.
+- underscores: _ __ __init__ __init__() etc.
+- vertical bars: | || etc.
+It may be desirable to use inline literals for some of these anyhow,
+especially if they represent code snippets. It's a judgment call.
+These cases *do* require either literal-quoting or escaping to avoid
+ *4, class_, *args, **kwargs, `TeX-quoted', *ML, *.txt
+The inline markup recognition rules were devised intentionally to
+allow 90% of non-markup uses of "*", "`", "_", and "|" *without*
+resorting to backslashes. For 9 of the remaining 10%, use inline
+literals or literal blocks::
+ "``\*``" -> "\*" (possibly in another font or quoted)
+Only those who understand the escaping and inline markup rules should
+attempt the remaining 1%. ;-)
+Inline markup delimiter characters are used for multiple constructs,
+so to avoid ambiguity there must be a specific recognition order for
+each character. The inline markup recognition order is as follows:
+- Asterisks: `Strong emphasis`_ ("**") is recognized before emphasis_
+ ("*").
+- Backquotes: `Inline literals`_ ("``"), `inline internal targets`_
+ (leading "_`", trailing "`"), are mutually independent, and are
+ recognized before phrase `hyperlink references`_ (leading "`",
+ trailing "\`_") and `interpreted text`_ ("`").
+- Trailing underscores: Footnote references ("[" + label + "]_") and
+ simple `hyperlink references`_ (name + trailing "_") are mutually
+ independent.
+- Vertical bars: `Substitution references`_ ("|") are independently
+ recognized.
+- `Standalone hyperlinks`_ are the last to be recognized.
+Character-Level Inline Markup
+It is possible to mark up individual characters within a word with
+backslash escapes (see `Escaping Mechanism`_ above). Backslash
+escapes can be used to allow arbitrary text to immediately follow
+inline markup::
+ Python ``list``\s use square bracket syntax.
+The backslash will disappear from the processed document. The word
+"list" will appear as inline literal text, and the letter "s" will
+immediately follow it as normal text, with no space in-between.
+Arbitrary text may immediately precede inline markup using
+backslash-escaped whitespace::
+ Possible in *re*\ ``Structured``\ *Text*, though not encouraged.
+The backslashes and spaces separating "re", "Structured", and "Text"
+above will disappear from the processed document.
+ The use of backslash-escapes for character-level inline markup is
+ not encouraged. Such use is ugly and detrimental to the
+ unprocessed document's readability. Please use this feature
+ sparingly and only where absolutely necessary.
+Doctree element: emphasis.
+Start-string = end-string = "*".
+Text enclosed by single asterisk characters is emphasized::
+ This is *emphasized text*.
+Emphasized text is typically displayed in italics.
+Strong Emphasis
+Doctree element: strong.
+Start-string = end-string = "**".
+Text enclosed by double-asterisks is emphasized strongly::
+ This is **strong text**.
+Strongly emphasized text is typically displayed in boldface.
+Interpreted Text
+Doctree element: depends on the explicit or implicit role and
+Start-string = end-string = "`".
+Interpreted text is text that is meant to be related, indexed, linked,
+summarized, or otherwise processed, but the text itself is typically
+left alone. Interpreted text is enclosed by single backquote
+ This is `interpreted text`.
+The "role" of the interpreted text determines how the text is
+interpreted. The role may be inferred implicitly (as above; the
+"default role" is used) or indicated explicitly, using a role marker.
+A role marker consists of a colon, the role name, and another colon.
+A role name is a single word consisting of alphanumerics plus internal
+hyphens, underscores, and periods; no whitespace or other characters
+are allowed. A role marker is either a prefix or a suffix to the
+interpreted text, whichever reads better; it's up to the author::
+ :role:`interpreted text`
+ `interpreted text`:role:
+Interpreted text allows extensions to the available inline descriptive
+markup constructs. To emphasis_, `strong emphasis`_, `inline
+literals`_, and `hyperlink references`_, we can add "title reference",
+"index entry", "acronym", "class", "red", "blinking" or anything else
+we want. Only pre-determined roles are recognized; unknown roles will
+generate errors. A core set of standard roles is implemented in the
+reference parser; see `reStructuredText Interpreted Text Roles`_ for
+individual descriptions. In addition, applications may support
+specialized roles.
+Inline Literals
+Doctree element: literal.
+Start-string = end-string = "``".
+Text enclosed by double-backquotes is treated as inline literals::
+ This text is an example of ``inline literals``.
+Inline literals may contain any characters except two adjacent
+backquotes in an end-string context (according to the recognition
+rules above). No markup interpretation (including backslash-escape
+interpretation) is done within inline literals.
+Line breaks are *not* preserved in inline literals. Although a
+reStructuredText parser will preserve runs of spaces in its output,
+the final representation of the processed document is dependent on the
+output formatter, thus the preservation of whitespace cannot be
+guaranteed. If the preservation of line breaks and/or other
+whitespace is important, `literal blocks`_ should be used.
+Inline literals are useful for short code snippets. For example::
+ The regular expression ``[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)`` matches
+ floating-point numbers (without exponents).
+Hyperlink References
+Doctree element: reference.
+- Named hyperlink references:
+ - Start-string = "" (empty string), end-string = "_".
+ - Start-string = "`", end-string = "\`_". (Phrase references.)
+- Anonymous hyperlink references:
+ - Start-string = "" (empty string), end-string = "__".
+ - Start-string = "`", end-string = "\`__". (Phrase references.)
+Hyperlink references are indicated by a trailing underscore, "_",
+except for `standalone hyperlinks`_ which are recognized
+independently. The underscore can be thought of as a right-pointing
+arrow. The trailing underscores point away from hyperlink references,
+and the leading underscores point toward `hyperlink targets`_.
+Hyperlinks consist of two parts. In the text body, there is a source
+link, a reference name with a trailing underscore (or two underscores
+for `anonymous hyperlinks`_)::
+ See the Python_ home page for info.
+A target link with a matching reference name must exist somewhere else
+in the document. See `Hyperlink Targets`_ for a full description).
+`Anonymous hyperlinks`_ (which see) do not use reference names to
+match references to targets, but otherwise behave similarly to named
+Embedded URIs
+A hyperlink reference may directly embed a target URI inline, within
+angle brackets ("<...>") as follows::
+ See the `Python home page <>`_ for info.
+This is exactly equivalent to::
+ See the `Python home page`_ for info.
+ .. _Python home page:
+The bracketed URI must be preceded by whitespace and be the last text
+before the end string. With a single trailing underscore, the
+reference is named and the same target URI may be referred to again.
+With two trailing underscores, the reference and target are both
+anonymous, and the target cannot be referred to again. These are
+"one-off" hyperlinks. For example::
+ `RFC 2396 <>`__ and `RFC
+ 2732 <>`__ together
+ define the syntax of URIs.
+Equivalent to::
+ `RFC 2396`__ and `RFC 2732`__ together define the syntax of URIs.
+ __
+ __
+If reference text happens to end with angle-bracketed text that is
+*not* a URI, the open-angle-bracket needs to be backslash-escaped.
+For example, here is a reference to a title describing a tag::
+ See `HTML Element: \<a>`_ below.
+The reference text may also be omitted, in which case the URI will be
+duplicated for use as the reference text. This is useful for relative
+URIs where the address or file name is also the desired reference
+ See `<a_named_relative_link>`_ or `<an_anonymous_relative_link>`__
+ for details.
+ This construct offers easy authoring and maintenance of hyperlinks
+ at the expense of general readability. Inline URIs, especially
+ long ones, inevitably interrupt the natural flow of text. For
+ documents meant to be read in source form, the use of independent
+ block-level `hyperlink targets`_ is **strongly recommended**. The
+ embedded URI construct is most suited to documents intended *only*
+ to be read in processed form.
+Inline Internal Targets
+Doctree element: target.
+Start-string = "_`", end-string = "`".
+Inline internal targets are the equivalent of explicit `internal
+hyperlink targets`_, but may appear within running text. The syntax
+begins with an underscore and a backquote, is followed by a hyperlink
+name or phrase, and ends with a backquote. Inline internal targets
+may not be anonymous.
+For example, the following paragraph contains a hyperlink target named
+"Norwegian Blue"::
+ Oh yes, the _`Norwegian Blue`. What's, um, what's wrong with it?
+See `Implicit Hyperlink Targets`_ for the resolution of duplicate
+reference names.
+Footnote References
+Doctree element: footnote_reference.
+Start-string = "[", end-string = "]_".
+Each footnote reference consists of a square-bracketed label followed
+by a trailing underscore. Footnote labels are one of:
+- one or more digits (i.e., a number),
+- a single "#" (denoting `auto-numbered footnotes`_),
+- a "#" followed by a simple reference name (an `autonumber label`_),
+ or
+- a single "*" (denoting `auto-symbol footnotes`_).
+For example::
+ Please RTFM [1]_.
+ .. [1] Read The Fine Manual
+Citation References
+Doctree element: citation_reference.
+Start-string = "[", end-string = "]_".
+Each citation reference consists of a square-bracketed label followed
+by a trailing underscore. Citation labels are simple `reference
+names`_ (case-insensitive single words, consisting of alphanumerics
+plus internal hyphens, underscores, and periods; no whitespace).
+For example::
+ Here is a citation reference: [CIT2002]_.
+See Citations_ for the citation itself.
+Substitution References
+Doctree element: substitution_reference, reference.
+Start-string = "|", end-string = "|" (optionally followed by "_" or
+Vertical bars are used to bracket the substitution reference text. A
+substitution reference may also be a hyperlink reference by appending
+a "_" (named) or "__" (anonymous) suffix; the substitution text is
+used for the reference text in the named case.
+The processing system replaces substitution references with the
+processed contents of the corresponding `substitution definitions`_
+(which see for the definition of "correspond"). Substitution
+definitions produce inline-compatible elements.
+ This is a simple |substitution reference|. It will be replaced by
+ the processing system.
+ This is a combination |substitution and hyperlink reference|_. In
+ addition to being replaced, the replacement text or element will
+ refer to the "substitution and hyperlink reference" target.
+Standalone Hyperlinks
+Doctree element: reference.
+Start-string = end-string = "" (empty string).
+A URI (absolute URI [#URI]_ or standalone email address) within a text
+block is treated as a general external hyperlink with the URI itself
+as the link's text. For example::
+ See for info.
+would be marked up in HTML as::
+ See <a href=""></a> for
+ info.
+Two forms of URI are recognized:
+1. Absolute URIs. These consist of a scheme, a colon (":"), and a
+ scheme-specific part whose interpretation depends on the scheme.
+ The scheme is the name of the protocol, such as "http", "ftp",
+ "mailto", or "telnet". The scheme consists of an initial letter,
+ followed by letters, numbers, and/or "+", "-", ".". Recognition is
+ limited to known schemes, per the `Official IANA Registry of URI
+ Schemes`_ and the W3C's `Retired Index of WWW Addressing Schemes`_.
+ The scheme-specific part of the resource identifier may be either
+ hierarchical or opaque:
+ - Hierarchical identifiers begin with one or two slashes and may
+ use slashes to separate hierarchical components of the path.
+ Examples are web pages and FTP sites::
+ - Opaque identifiers do not begin with slashes. Examples are
+ email addresses and newsgroups::
+ news:comp.lang.python
+ With queries, fragments, and %-escape sequences, URIs can become
+ quite complicated. A reStructuredText parser must be able to
+ recognize any absolute URI, as defined in RFC2396_ and RFC2732_.
+2. Standalone email addresses, which are treated as if they were
+ absolute URIs with a "mailto:" scheme. Example::
+Punctuation at the end of a URI is not considered part of the URI,
+unless the URI is terminated by a closing angle bracket (">").
+Backslashes may be used in URIs to escape markup characters,
+specifically asterisks ("*") and underscores ("_") which are vaid URI
+characters (see `Escaping Mechanism`_ above).
+.. [#URI] Uniform Resource Identifier. URIs are a general form of
+ URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). For the syntax of URIs see
+ RFC2396_ and RFC2732_.
+(New in Docutils 0.3.10.)
+All measures consist of a positive floating point number in standard
+(non-scientific) notation and a unit, possibly separated by one or
+more spaces.
+Units are only supported where explicitly mentioned in the reference
+Length Units
+The following length units are supported by the reStructuredText
+* em (ems, the height of the element's font)
+* ex (x-height, the height of the letter "x")
+* px (pixels, relative to the canvas resolution)
+* in (inches; 1in=2.54cm)
+* cm (centimeters; 1cm=10mm)
+* mm (millimeters)
+* pt (points; 1pt=1/72in)
+* pc (picas; 1pc=12pt)
+(List and explanations taken from
+The following are all valid length values: "1.5em", "20 mm", ".5in".
+Percentage Units
+Percentage values have a percent sign ("%") as unit. Percentage
+values are relative to other values, depending on the context in which
+they occur.
+ Error Handling
+Doctree element: system_message, problematic.
+Markup errors are handled according to the specification in `PEP
+.. _reStructuredText:
+.. _Docutils:
+.. _The Docutils Document Tree: ../doctree.html
+.. _Docutils Generic DTD: ../docutils.dtd
+.. _transforms:
+.. _Grouch:
+.. _RFC822:
+.. _DocTitle transform:
+.. _DocInfo transform:
+.. _GNU libc getopt_long():
+.. _doctest module:
+.. _Emacs table mode:
+.. _Official IANA Registry of URI Schemes:
+.. _Retired Index of WWW Addressing Schemes:
+.. _World Wide Web Consortium:
+.. _HTML Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines:
+.. _image: directives.html#image
+.. _replace: directives.html#replace
+.. _meta: directives.html#meta
+.. _figure: directives.html#figure
+.. _admonition: directives.html#admonitions
+.. _reStructuredText Directives: directives.html
+.. _reStructuredText Interpreted Text Roles: roles.html
+.. _RFC2396:
+.. _RFC2732:
+.. _Zope:
+.. _PEP 258: ../../peps/pep-0258.html
+ Local Variables:
+ mode: indented-text
+ indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ sentence-end-double-space: t
+ fill-column: 70
+ End:
diff --git a/docs/ref/rst/roles.txt b/docs/ref/rst/roles.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b8b114bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ref/rst/roles.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+ reStructuredText Interpreted Text Roles
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Revision: $Revision$
+:Date: $Date$
+:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+This document describes the interpreted text roles implemented in the
+reference reStructuredText parser.
+Interpreted text uses backquotes (`) around the text. An explicit
+role marker may optionally appear before or after the text, delimited
+with colons. For example::
+ This is `interpreted text` using the default role.
+ This is :title:`interpreted text` using an explicit role.
+A default role may be defined by applications of reStructuredText; it
+is used if no explicit ``:role:`` prefix or suffix is given. The
+"default default role" is `:title-reference:`_. It can be changed
+using the default-role_ directive.
+See the `Interpreted Text`_ section in the `reStructuredText Markup
+Specification`_ for syntax details. For details on the hierarchy of
+elements, please see `The Docutils Document Tree`_ and the `Docutils
+Generic DTD`_ XML document type definition. For interpreted text role
+implementation details, see `Creating reStructuredText Interpreted
+Text Roles`_.
+.. _"role" directive: directives.html#role
+.. _default-role: directives.html#default-role
+.. _Interpreted Text: restructuredtext.html#interpreted-text
+.. _reStructuredText Markup Specification: restructuredtext.html
+.. _The Docutils Document Tree: ../doctree.html
+.. _Docutils Generic DTD: ../docutils.dtd
+.. _Creating reStructuredText Interpreted Text Roles:
+ ../../howto/rst-roles.html
+.. contents::
+ Customization
+Custom interpreted text roles may be defined in a document with the
+`"role" directive`_. Customization details are listed with each role.
+.. _class:
+A ``class`` option is recognized by the "role" directive for most
+interpreted text roles. A description__ is provided in the `"role"
+directive`_ documentation.
+__ directives.html#role-class
+ Standard Roles
+:Aliases: None
+:DTD Element: emphasis
+ :Options: class_.
+ :Content: None.
+Implements emphasis. These are equivalent::
+ *text*
+ :emphasis:`text`
+:Aliases: None
+:DTD Element: literal
+ :Options: class_.
+ :Content: None.
+Implements inline literal text. These are equivalent::
+ ``text``
+ :literal:`text`
+Care must be taken with backslash-escapes though. These are *not*
+ ``text \ and \ backslashes``
+ :literal:`text \ and \ backslashes`
+The backslashes in the first line are preserved (and do nothing),
+whereas the backslashes in the second line escape the following
+:Aliases: ``:PEP:``
+:DTD Element: reference
+ :Options: class_.
+ :Content: None.
+The ``:pep-reference:`` role is used to create an HTTP reference to a
+PEP (Python Enhancement Proposal). The ``:PEP:`` alias is usually
+used. For example::
+ See :PEP:`287` for more information about reStructuredText.
+This is equivalent to::
+ See `PEP 287`__ for more information about reStructuredText.
+ __
+:Aliases: ``:RFC:``
+:DTD Element: reference
+ :Options: class_.
+ :Content: None.
+The ``:rfc-reference:`` role is used to create an HTTP reference to an
+RFC (Internet Request for Comments). The ``:RFC:`` alias is usually
+used. For example::
+ See :RFC:`2822` for information about email headers.
+This is equivalent to::
+ See `RFC 2822`__ for information about email headers.
+ __
+:Aliases: None
+:DTD Element: strong
+ :Options: class_.
+ :Content: None.
+Implements strong emphasis. These are equivalent::
+ **text**
+ :strong:`text`
+:Aliases: ``:sub:``
+:DTD Element: subscript
+ :Options: class_.
+ :Content: None.
+Implements subscripts.
+.. Tip::
+ Whitespace or punctuation is required around interpreted text, but
+ often not desired with subscripts & superscripts.
+ Backslash-escaped whitespace can be used; the whitespace will be
+ removed from the processed document::
+ H\ :sub:`2`\ O
+ E = mc\ :sup:`2`
+ In such cases, readability of the plain text can be greatly
+ improved with substitutions::
+ The chemical formula for pure water is |H2O|.
+ .. |H2O| replace:: H\ :sub:`2`\ O
+ See `the reStructuredText spec`__ for further information on
+ `character-level markup`__ and `the substitution mechanism`__.
+ __ restructuredtext.html
+ __ restructuredtext.html#character-level-inline-markup
+ __ restructuredtext.html#substitution-references
+:Aliases: ``:sup:``
+:DTD Element: superscript
+ :Options: class_.
+ :Content: None.
+Implements superscripts. See the tip in `:subscript:`_ above.
+:Aliases: ``:title:``, ``:t:``.
+:DTD Element: title_reference
+ :Options: class_.
+ :Content: None.
+The ``:title-reference:`` role is used to describe the titles of
+books, periodicals, and other materials. It is the equivalent of the
+HTML "cite" element, and it is expected that HTML writers will
+typically render "title_reference" elements using "cite".
+Since title references are typically rendered with italics, they are
+often marked up using ``*emphasis*``, which is misleading and vague.
+The "title_reference" element provides accurate and unambiguous
+descriptive markup.
+Let's assume ``:title-reference:`` is the default interpreted text
+role (see below) for this example::
+ `Design Patterns` [GoF95]_ is an excellent read.
+The following document fragment (pseudo-XML_) will result from
+ <paragraph>
+ <title_reference>
+ Design Patterns
+ <citation_reference refname="gof95">
+ GoF95
+ is an excellent read.
+``:title-reference:`` is the default interpreted text role in the
+standard reStructuredText parser. This means that no explicit role is
+required. Applications of reStructuredText may designate a different
+default role, in which case the explicit ``:title-reference:`` role
+must be used to obtain a ``title_reference`` element.
+.. _pseudo-XML: ../doctree.html#pseudo-xml
+ Specialized Roles
+:Aliases: None
+:DTD Element: raw
+ :Options: class_, format
+ :Content: None
+ The "raw" role is a stop-gap measure allowing the author to bypass
+ reStructuredText's markup. It is a "power-user" feature that
+ should not be overused or abused. The use of "raw" ties documents
+ to specific output formats and makes them less portable.
+ If you often need to use "raw"-derived interpreted text roles or
+ the "raw" directive, that is a sign either of overuse/abuse or that
+ functionality may be missing from reStructuredText. Please
+ describe your situation in a message to the Docutils-users_ mailing
+ list.
+ .. _Docutils-users: ../../user/mailing-lists.html#docutils-user
+The "raw" role indicates non-reStructuredText data that is to be
+passed untouched to the Writer. It is the inline equivalent of the
+`"raw" directive`_; see its documentation for details on the
+.. _"raw" directive: directives.html#raw
+The "raw" role cannot be used directly. The `"role" directive`_ must
+first be used to build custom roles based on the "raw" role. One or
+more formats (Writer names) must be provided in a "format" option.
+For example, the following creates an HTML-specific "raw-html" role::
+ .. role:: raw-html(raw)
+ :format: html
+This role can now be used directly to pass data untouched to the HTML
+Writer. For example::
+ If there just *has* to be a line break here,
+ :raw-html:`<br />`
+ it can be accomplished with a "raw"-derived role.
+ But the line block syntax should be considered first.
+.. Tip:: Roles based on "raw" should clearly indicate their origin, so
+ they are not mistaken for reStructuredText markup. Using a "raw-"
+ prefix for role names is recommended.
+In addition to "class_", the following option is recognized:
+``format`` : text
+ One or more space-separated output format names (Writer names).
diff --git a/docs/ref/soextblx.dtd b/docs/ref/soextblx.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..56ba311ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ref/soextblx.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+ OASIS XML Exchange Table Model Declaration Module
+:Date: 1999-03-15
+<!-- This set of declarations defines the XML version of the Exchange
+ Table Model as of the date shown in the Formal Public Identifier
+ (FPI) for this entity.
+ This set of declarations may be referred to using a public external
+ entity declaration and reference as shown in the following three
+ lines:
+ <!ENTITY % calstblx
+ PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD XML Exchange Table Model 19990315//EN">
+ %calstblx;
+ If various parameter entities used within this set of declarations
+ are to be given non-default values, the appropriate declarations
+ should be given before calling in this package (i.e., before the
+ "%calstblx;" reference).
+<!-- The motivation for this XML version of the Exchange Table Model
+ is simply to create an XML version of the SGML Exchange Table
+ Model. By design, no effort has been made to "improve" the model.
+ This XML version incorporates the logical bare minimum changes
+ necessary to make the Exchange Table Model a valid XML DTD.
+<!-- The XML version of the Exchange Table Model differs from
+ the SGML version in the following ways:
+ The following parameter entities have been removed:
+ - tbl.table.excep, tbl.hdft.excep, tbl.row.excep, tbl.entry.excep
+ There are no exceptions in XML. The following normative statement
+ is made in lieu of exceptions: the exchange table model explicitly
+ forbids a table from occurring within another table. If the
+ content model of an entry includes a table element, then this
+ cannot be enforced by the DTD, but it is a deviation from the
+ exchange table model to include a table within a table.
+ -, tbl.hdft.mdl, tbl.hdft.excep, tbl.hdft.att
+ The motivation for these elements was to change the table
+ header/footer elements. Since XML does not allow element declarations
+ to contain name groups, and the exchange table model does not
+ allow a table to contain footers, the continued presence of these
+ attributes seems unnecessary.
+ The following parameter entity has been added:
+ - tbl.thead.att
+ This entity parameterizes the attributes on thead. It replaces
+ the tbl.hdft.att parameter entity.
+ Other miscellaneous changes:
+ - Tag ommission indicators have been removed
+ - Comments have been removed from declarations
+ - NUMBER attributes have been changed to NMTOKEN
+ - NUTOKEN attributes have been to changed to NMTOKEN
+ - Removed the grouping characters around the content model
+ parameter entry for the 'entry' element. This is necessary
+ so that an entry can contain #PCDATA and be defined as an
+ optional, repeatable OR group beginning with #PCDATA.
+<!-- This entity includes a set of element and attribute declarations
+ that partially defines the Exchange table model. However, the model
+ is not well-defined without the accompanying natural language
+ description of the semantics (meanings) of these various elements,
+ attributes, and attribute values. The semantic writeup, also available
+ from SGML Open, should be used in conjunction with this entity.
+<!-- In order to use the Exchange table model, various parameter entity
+ declarations are required. A brief description is as follows:
+ %yesorno In ATTLIST of: An attribute declared value
+ almost all elements for a "boolean" attribute
+ %paracon In content model of: The "text" (logical content)
+ <entry> of the model group for <entry>
+ %titles In content model of: The "title" part of the model
+ table element group for the table element
+ In declaration of: The name of the "table"
+ table element element
+ %tbl.table-titles.mdl In content model of: The model group for the title
+ table elements part of the content model for
+ table element
+ %tbl.table.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
+ table elements model for table element,
+ often (and by default) defined
+ in terms of %tbl.table-titles.mdl
+ and tgroup
+ %tbl.table.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
+ table element table element
+ %bodyatt In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
+ table element table element (for backward
+ compatibility with the SGML
+ model)
+ %tbl.tgroup.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
+ <tgroup> model for <tgroup>
+ %tbl.tgroup.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
+4 <tgroup> <tgroup> element
+ %tbl.thead.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
+ <thead> <thead> element
+ %tbl.tbody.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
+ <tbody> <tbody> element
+ %tbl.colspec.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
+ <colspec> <colspec> element
+ %tbl.row.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
+ <row> model for <row>
+ %tbl.row.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
+ <row> <row> element
+ %tbl.entry.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
+ <entry> model for <entry>
+ %tbl.entry.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
+ <entry> <entry> element
+ This set of declarations will use the default definitions shown below
+ for any of these parameter entities that are not declared before this
+ set of declarations is referenced.
+<!-- These definitions are not directly related to the table model, but are
+ used in the default CALS table model and may be defined elsewhere (and
+ prior to the inclusion of this table module) in the referencing DTD. -->
+<!ENTITY % yesorno 'NMTOKEN'> <!-- no if zero(s), yes if any other value -->
+<!ENTITY % titles 'title?'>
+<!ENTITY % paracon '#PCDATA'> <!-- default for use in entry content -->
+The parameter entities as defined below change and simplify the CALS table
+model as published (as part of the Example DTD) in MIL-HDBK-28001. The
+resulting simplified DTD has support from the SGML Open vendors and is
+therefore more interoperable among different systems.
+These following declarations provide the Exchange default definitions
+for these entities. However, these entities can be redefined (by giving
+the appropriate parameter entity declaration(s) prior to the reference
+to this Table Model declaration set entity) to fit the needs of the
+current application.
+Note, however, that changes may have significant effect on the ability to
+interchange table information. These changes may manifest themselves
+in useability, presentation, and possible structure information degradation.
+<!ENTITY % "table">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.table-titles.mdl "%titles;,">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.table-main.mdl "tgroup+">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.table.mdl "%tbl.table-titles.mdl; %tbl.table-main.mdl;">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.table.att "
+ pgwide %yesorno; #IMPLIED ">
+<!ENTITY % bodyatt "">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.mdl "colspec*,thead?,tbody">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.att "">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.thead.att "">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.tbody.att "">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.colspec.att "">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.row.mdl "entry+">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.row.att "">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl "(%paracon;)*">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.att "">
+<!-- ===== Element and attribute declarations follow. ===== -->
+ Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
+ referenced below include:
+ ENTITY % "table"
+ ENTITY % tbl.table-titles.mdl "%titles;,"
+ ENTITY % tbl.table.mdl "%tbl.table-titles; tgroup+"
+ ENTITY % tbl.table.att "
+ pgwide %yesorno; #IMPLIED "
+<!ELEMENT; (%tbl.table.mdl;)>
+ frame (top|bottom|topbot|all|sides|none) #IMPLIED
+ colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ %tbl.table.att;
+ %bodyatt;
+ Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
+ referenced below include:
+ ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.mdl "colspec*,thead?,tbody"
+ ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.att ""
+<!ELEMENT tgroup (%tbl.tgroup.mdl;) >
+<!ATTLIST tgroup
+ colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
+ %tbl.tgroup.att;
+ Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
+ referenced below include:
+ ENTITY % tbl.colspec.att ""
+<!ELEMENT colspec EMPTY >
+<!ATTLIST colspec
+ colwidth CDATA #IMPLIED
+ colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
+ %tbl.colspec.att;
+ Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
+ referenced below include:
+ ENTITY % tbl.thead.att ""
+<!ELEMENT thead (row+)>
+<!ATTLIST thead
+ valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
+ %tbl.thead.att;
+ Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
+ referenced below include:
+ ENTITY % tbl.tbody.att ""
+<!ELEMENT tbody (row+)>
+<!ATTLIST tbody
+ valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
+ %tbl.tbody.att;
+ Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
+ referenced below include:
+ ENTITY % tbl.row.mdl "entry+"
+ ENTITY % tbl.row.att ""
+<!ELEMENT row (%tbl.row.mdl;)>
+<!ATTLIST row
+ rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
+ %tbl.row.att;
+ Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
+ referenced below include:
+ ENTITY % paracon "#PCDATA"
+ ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl "(%paracon;)*"
+ ENTITY % tbl.entry.att ""
+<!ELEMENT entry %tbl.entry.mdl;>
+<!ATTLIST entry
+ colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
+ valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
+ %tbl.entry.att;
diff --git a/docs/ref/transforms.txt b/docs/ref/transforms.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54446f8dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ref/transforms.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ Docutils Transforms
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Revision: $Revision$
+:Date: $Date$
+:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+.. contents::
+For background about transforms and the Transformer object, see `PEP
+.. _PEP 258: ../peps/pep-0258.html#transformer
+Transforms Listed in Priority Order
+============================== ============================ ========
+Transform: module.Class Added By Priority
+============================== ============================ ========
+misc.class "class" (d/p) 210
+references.Substitutions standalone (r), pep (r) 220
+references.PropagateTargets standalone (r), pep (r) 260
+frontmatter.DocTitle standalone (r) 320
+frontmatter.DocInfo standalone (r) 340
+frontmatter.SectSubTitle standalone (r) 350
+peps.Headers pep (r) 360
+peps.Contents pep (r) 380
+references.AnonymousHyperlinks standalone (r), pep (r) 440
+references.IndirectHyperlinks standalone (r), pep (r) 460
+peps.TargetNotes pep (r) 520
+references.TargetNotes peps.TargetNotes (t/p) 0
+misc.CallBack peps.TargetNotes (t/p) 1
+references.TargetNotes "target-notes" (d/p) 540
+references.Footnotes standalone (r), pep (r) 620
+references.ExternalTargets standalone (r), pep (r) 640
+references.InternalTargets standalone (r), pep (r) 660
+parts.SectNum "sectnum" (d/p) 710
+parts.Contents "contents" (d/p), 720
+ peps.Contents (t/p)
+universal.StripComments Reader (r) 740
+peps.PEPZero peps.Headers (t/p) 760
+components.Filter "meta" (d/p) 780
+writer_aux.Compound newlatex2e (w) 810
+universal.Decorations Reader (r) 820
+misc.Transitions standalone (r), pep (r) 830
+universal.ExposeInternals Reader (r) 840
+references.DanglingReferences standalone (r), pep (r) 850
+universal.Messages Writer (w) 860
+universal.FilterMessages Writer (w) 870
+universal.TestMessages DocutilsTestSupport 880
+misc.CallBack n/a 990
+============================== ============================ ========
+* (r): Reader
+* (w): Writer
+* (d): Directive
+* (t): Transform
+* (/p): Via a "pending" node
+Transform Priority Range Categories
+==== ==== ================================================
+ Priority
+---------- ------------------------------------------------
+From To Category
+==== ==== ================================================
+ 0 99 immediate execution (added by another transform)
+ 100 199 very early (non-standard)
+ 200 299 very early
+ 300 399 early
+ 400 699 main
+ 700 799 late
+ 800 899 very late
+ 900 999 very late (non-standard)
+==== ==== ================================================