path: root/docs/ref/rst/roles.txt
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+ reStructuredText Interpreted Text Roles
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Revision: $Revision$
+:Date: $Date$
+:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+This document describes the interpreted text roles implemented in the
+reference reStructuredText parser.
+Interpreted text uses backquotes (`) around the text. An explicit
+role marker may optionally appear before or after the text, delimited
+with colons. For example::
+ This is `interpreted text` using the default role.
+ This is :title:`interpreted text` using an explicit role.
+A default role may be defined by applications of reStructuredText; it
+is used if no explicit ``:role:`` prefix or suffix is given. The
+"default default role" is `:title-reference:`_. It can be changed
+using the default-role_ directive.
+See the `Interpreted Text`_ section in the `reStructuredText Markup
+Specification`_ for syntax details. For details on the hierarchy of
+elements, please see `The Docutils Document Tree`_ and the `Docutils
+Generic DTD`_ XML document type definition. For interpreted text role
+implementation details, see `Creating reStructuredText Interpreted
+Text Roles`_.
+.. _"role" directive: directives.html#role
+.. _default-role: directives.html#default-role
+.. _Interpreted Text: restructuredtext.html#interpreted-text
+.. _reStructuredText Markup Specification: restructuredtext.html
+.. _The Docutils Document Tree: ../doctree.html
+.. _Docutils Generic DTD: ../docutils.dtd
+.. _Creating reStructuredText Interpreted Text Roles:
+ ../../howto/rst-roles.html
+.. contents::
+ Customization
+Custom interpreted text roles may be defined in a document with the
+`"role" directive`_. Customization details are listed with each role.
+.. _class:
+A ``class`` option is recognized by the "role" directive for most
+interpreted text roles. A description__ is provided in the `"role"
+directive`_ documentation.
+__ directives.html#role-class
+ Standard Roles
+:Aliases: None
+:DTD Element: emphasis
+ :Options: class_.
+ :Content: None.
+Implements emphasis. These are equivalent::
+ *text*
+ :emphasis:`text`
+:Aliases: None
+:DTD Element: literal
+ :Options: class_.
+ :Content: None.
+Implements inline literal text. These are equivalent::
+ ``text``
+ :literal:`text`
+Care must be taken with backslash-escapes though. These are *not*
+ ``text \ and \ backslashes``
+ :literal:`text \ and \ backslashes`
+The backslashes in the first line are preserved (and do nothing),
+whereas the backslashes in the second line escape the following
+:Aliases: ``:PEP:``
+:DTD Element: reference
+ :Options: class_.
+ :Content: None.
+The ``:pep-reference:`` role is used to create an HTTP reference to a
+PEP (Python Enhancement Proposal). The ``:PEP:`` alias is usually
+used. For example::
+ See :PEP:`287` for more information about reStructuredText.
+This is equivalent to::
+ See `PEP 287`__ for more information about reStructuredText.
+ __
+:Aliases: ``:RFC:``
+:DTD Element: reference
+ :Options: class_.
+ :Content: None.
+The ``:rfc-reference:`` role is used to create an HTTP reference to an
+RFC (Internet Request for Comments). The ``:RFC:`` alias is usually
+used. For example::
+ See :RFC:`2822` for information about email headers.
+This is equivalent to::
+ See `RFC 2822`__ for information about email headers.
+ __
+:Aliases: None
+:DTD Element: strong
+ :Options: class_.
+ :Content: None.
+Implements strong emphasis. These are equivalent::
+ **text**
+ :strong:`text`
+:Aliases: ``:sub:``
+:DTD Element: subscript
+ :Options: class_.
+ :Content: None.
+Implements subscripts.
+.. Tip::
+ Whitespace or punctuation is required around interpreted text, but
+ often not desired with subscripts & superscripts.
+ Backslash-escaped whitespace can be used; the whitespace will be
+ removed from the processed document::
+ H\ :sub:`2`\ O
+ E = mc\ :sup:`2`
+ In such cases, readability of the plain text can be greatly
+ improved with substitutions::
+ The chemical formula for pure water is |H2O|.
+ .. |H2O| replace:: H\ :sub:`2`\ O
+ See `the reStructuredText spec`__ for further information on
+ `character-level markup`__ and `the substitution mechanism`__.
+ __ restructuredtext.html
+ __ restructuredtext.html#character-level-inline-markup
+ __ restructuredtext.html#substitution-references
+:Aliases: ``:sup:``
+:DTD Element: superscript
+ :Options: class_.
+ :Content: None.
+Implements superscripts. See the tip in `:subscript:`_ above.
+:Aliases: ``:title:``, ``:t:``.
+:DTD Element: title_reference
+ :Options: class_.
+ :Content: None.
+The ``:title-reference:`` role is used to describe the titles of
+books, periodicals, and other materials. It is the equivalent of the
+HTML "cite" element, and it is expected that HTML writers will
+typically render "title_reference" elements using "cite".
+Since title references are typically rendered with italics, they are
+often marked up using ``*emphasis*``, which is misleading and vague.
+The "title_reference" element provides accurate and unambiguous
+descriptive markup.
+Let's assume ``:title-reference:`` is the default interpreted text
+role (see below) for this example::
+ `Design Patterns` [GoF95]_ is an excellent read.
+The following document fragment (pseudo-XML_) will result from
+ <paragraph>
+ <title_reference>
+ Design Patterns
+ <citation_reference refname="gof95">
+ GoF95
+ is an excellent read.
+``:title-reference:`` is the default interpreted text role in the
+standard reStructuredText parser. This means that no explicit role is
+required. Applications of reStructuredText may designate a different
+default role, in which case the explicit ``:title-reference:`` role
+must be used to obtain a ``title_reference`` element.
+.. _pseudo-XML: ../doctree.html#pseudo-xml
+ Specialized Roles
+:Aliases: None
+:DTD Element: raw
+ :Options: class_, format
+ :Content: None
+ The "raw" role is a stop-gap measure allowing the author to bypass
+ reStructuredText's markup. It is a "power-user" feature that
+ should not be overused or abused. The use of "raw" ties documents
+ to specific output formats and makes them less portable.
+ If you often need to use "raw"-derived interpreted text roles or
+ the "raw" directive, that is a sign either of overuse/abuse or that
+ functionality may be missing from reStructuredText. Please
+ describe your situation in a message to the Docutils-users_ mailing
+ list.
+ .. _Docutils-users: ../../user/mailing-lists.html#docutils-user
+The "raw" role indicates non-reStructuredText data that is to be
+passed untouched to the Writer. It is the inline equivalent of the
+`"raw" directive`_; see its documentation for details on the
+.. _"raw" directive: directives.html#raw
+The "raw" role cannot be used directly. The `"role" directive`_ must
+first be used to build custom roles based on the "raw" role. One or
+more formats (Writer names) must be provided in a "format" option.
+For example, the following creates an HTML-specific "raw-html" role::
+ .. role:: raw-html(raw)
+ :format: html
+This role can now be used directly to pass data untouched to the HTML
+Writer. For example::
+ If there just *has* to be a line break here,
+ :raw-html:`<br />`
+ it can be accomplished with a "raw"-derived role.
+ But the line block syntax should be considered first.
+.. Tip:: Roles based on "raw" should clearly indicate their origin, so
+ they are not mistaken for reStructuredText markup. Using a "raw-"
+ prefix for role names is recommended.
+In addition to "class_", the following option is recognized:
+``format`` : text
+ One or more space-separated output format names (Writer names).