path: root/pygments/lexers/
diff options
authorGeorg Brandl <>2013-05-19 09:27:18 +0200
committerGeorg Brandl <>2013-05-19 09:27:18 +0200
commit586d2e27922212bfeb2c949a424f66c7a4a36983 (patch)
tree0ec93d2bf994f7adc70bc5e9acfdf60ca23a7f39 /pygments/lexers/
parentee21fc5d24c38f2d2ace98f87089971d6a6a8fe1 (diff)
parent8d9ce74cd983b2a55159f48b213825b86cbcd158 (diff)
merge with (EBNF lexer), pull request #193
Diffstat (limited to 'pygments/lexers/')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index d44ab6f6..c3b0909d 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -23,11 +23,12 @@ from pygments.scanner import Scanner
from pygments.lexers.functional import OcamlLexer
from pygments.lexers.jvm import JavaLexer, ScalaLexer
-__all__ = ['CLexer', 'CppLexer', 'DLexer', 'DelphiLexer', 'ECLexer', 'DylanLexer',
- 'ObjectiveCLexer', 'ObjectiveCppLexer', 'FortranLexer', 'GLShaderLexer',
- 'PrologLexer', 'CythonLexer', 'ValaLexer', 'OocLexer', 'GoLexer',
- 'FelixLexer', 'AdaLexer', 'Modula2Lexer', 'BlitzMaxLexer',
- 'NimrodLexer', 'FantomLexer', 'RustLexer', 'CudaLexer', 'MonkeyLexer',
+__all__ = ['CLexer', 'CppLexer', 'DLexer', 'DelphiLexer', 'ECLexer',
+ 'NesCLexer', 'DylanLexer', 'ObjectiveCLexer', 'ObjectiveCppLexer',
+ 'FortranLexer', 'GLShaderLexer', 'PrologLexer', 'CythonLexer',
+ 'ValaLexer', 'OocLexer', 'GoLexer', 'FelixLexer', 'AdaLexer',
+ 'Modula2Lexer', 'BlitzMaxLexer', 'BlitzBasicLexer', 'NimrodLexer',
+ 'FantomLexer', 'RustLexer', 'CudaLexer', 'MonkeyLexer', 'SwigLexer',
'DylanLidLexer', 'DylanConsoleLexer', 'CobolLexer',
'CobolFreeformatLexer', 'LogosLexer', 'ClayLexer']
@@ -231,6 +232,63 @@ class CppLexer(CFamilyLexer):
return 0.1
+class SwigLexer(CppLexer):
+ """
+ For `SWIG <>`_ source code.
+ *New in Pygments 1.7.*
+ """
+ name = 'SWIG'
+ aliases = ['Swig', 'swig']
+ filenames = ['*.swg', '*.i']
+ mimetypes = ['text/swig']
+ priority = 0.04 # Lower than C/C++ and Objective C/C++
+ tokens = {
+ 'statements': [
+ (r'(%[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)', Name.Function), # SWIG directives
+ ('\$\**\&?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+', Name), # Special variables
+ (r'##*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', Comment.Preproc), # Stringification / additional preprocessor directives
+ inherit,
+ ],
+ }
+ # This is a far from complete set of SWIG directives
+ swig_directives = (
+ # Most common directives
+ '%apply', '%define', '%director', '%enddef', '%exception', '%extend',
+ '%feature', '%fragment', '%ignore', '%immutable', '%import', '%include',
+ '%inline', '%insert', '%module', '%newobject', '%nspace', '%pragma',
+ '%rename', '%shared_ptr', '%template', '%typecheck', '%typemap',
+ # Less common directives
+ '%arg', '%attribute', '%bang', '%begin', '%callback', '%catches', '%clear',
+ '%constant', '%copyctor', '%csconst', '%csconstvalue', '%csenum',
+ '%csmethodmodifiers', '%csnothrowexception', '%default', '%defaultctor',
+ '%defaultdtor', '%defined', '%delete', '%delobject', '%descriptor',
+ '%exceptionclass', '%exceptionvar', '%extend_smart_pointer', '%fragments',
+ '%header', '%ifcplusplus', '%ignorewarn', '%implicit', '%implicitconv',
+ '%init', '%javaconst', '%javaconstvalue', '%javaenum', '%javaexception',
+ '%javamethodmodifiers', '%kwargs', '%luacode', '%mutable', '%naturalvar',
+ '%nestedworkaround', '%perlcode', '%pythonabc', '%pythonappend',
+ '%pythoncallback', '%pythoncode', '%pythondynamic', '%pythonmaybecall',
+ '%pythonnondynamic', '%pythonprepend', '%refobject', '%shadow', '%sizeof',
+ '%trackobjects', '%types', '%unrefobject', '%varargs', '%warn', '%warnfilter')
+ def analyse_text(text):
+ rv = 0.1 # Same as C/C++
+ # Search for SWIG directives, which are conventionally at the beginning of
+ # a line. The probability of them being within a line is low, so let another
+ # lexer win in this case.
+ matches = re.findall(r'^\s*(%[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)', text, re.M)
+ for m in matches:
+ if m in SwigLexer.swig_directives:
+ rv = 0.98
+ break
+ else:
+ rv = 0.91 # Fraction higher than MatlabLexer
+ return rv
class ECLexer(CLexer):
For eC source code with preprocessor directives.
@@ -266,6 +324,32 @@ class ECLexer(CLexer):
+class NesCLexer(CLexer):
+ """
+ For `nesC <>`_ source code with preprocessor
+ directives.
+ *New in Pygments 1.7.*
+ """
+ name = 'nesC'
+ aliases = ['nesc']
+ filenames = ['*.nc']
+ mimetypes = ['text/x-nescsrc']
+ tokens = {
+ 'statements': [
+ (r'(abstract|as|async|atomic|call|command|component|components|'
+ r'configuration|event|extends|generic|implementation|includes|'
+ r'interface|module|new|norace|post|provides|signal|task|uses)\b',
+ Keyword),
+ (r'(nx_struct|nx_union|nx_int8_t|nx_int16_t|nx_int32_t|nx_int64_t|'
+ r'nx_uint8_t|nx_uint16_t|nx_uint32_t|nx_uint64_t)\b',
+ Keyword.Type),
+ inherit,
+ ],
+ }
class ClayLexer(RegexLexer):
For `Clay <>`_ source.
@@ -1267,6 +1351,8 @@ def objective(baselexer):
('#pop', 'oc_classname')),
(r'(@class|@protocol)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text),
('#pop', 'oc_forward_classname')),
+ # @ can also prefix other expressions like @{...} or @(...)
+ (r'@', Punctuation),
'oc_classname' : [
@@ -1573,7 +1659,7 @@ class CythonLexer(RegexLexer):
name = 'Cython'
- aliases = ['cython', 'pyx']
+ aliases = ['cython', 'pyx', 'pyrex']
filenames = ['*.pyx', '*.pxd', '*.pxi']
mimetypes = ['text/x-cython', 'application/x-cython']
@@ -2632,6 +2718,88 @@ class BlitzMaxLexer(RegexLexer):
+class BlitzBasicLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ For `BlitzBasic <>`_ source code.
+ *New in Pygments 1.7.*
+ """
+ name = 'BlitzBasic'
+ aliases = ['blitzbasic', 'b3d', 'bplus']
+ filenames = ['*.bb', '*.decls']
+ mimetypes = ['text/x-bb']
+ bb_vopwords = (r'\b(Shl|Shr|Sar|Mod|Or|And|Not|'
+ r'Abs|Sgn|Handle|Int|Float|Str|'
+ r'First|Last|Before|After)\b')
+ bb_sktypes = r'@{1,2}|[#$%]'
+ bb_name = r'[a-z][a-z0-9_]*'
+ bb_var = (r'(%s)(?:([ \t]*)(%s)|([ \t]*)([.])([ \t]*)(?:(%s)))?') % \
+ (bb_name, bb_sktypes, bb_name)
+ flags = re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ # Text
+ (r'[ \t]+', Text),
+ # Comments
+ (r";.*?\n", Comment.Single),
+ # Data types
+ ('"', String.Double, 'string'),
+ # Numbers
+ (r'[0-9]+\.[0-9]*(?!\.)', Number.Float),
+ (r'\.[0-9]+(?!\.)', Number.Float),
+ (r'[0-9]+', Number.Integer),
+ (r'\$[0-9a-f]+', Number.Hex),
+ (r'\%[10]+', Number), # Binary
+ # Other
+ (r'(?:%s|([+\-*/~=<>^]))' % (bb_vopwords), Operator),
+ (r'[(),:\[\]\\]', Punctuation),
+ (r'\.([ \t]*)(%s)' % bb_name, Name.Label),
+ # Identifiers
+ (r'\b(New)\b([ \t]+)(%s)' % (bb_name),
+ bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text, Name.Class)),
+ (r'\b(Gosub|Goto)\b([ \t]+)(%s)' % (bb_name),
+ bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text, Name.Label)),
+ (r'\b(Object)\b([ \t]*)([.])([ \t]*)(%s)\b' % (bb_name),
+ bygroups(Operator, Text, Punctuation, Text, Name.Class)),
+ (r'\b%s\b([ \t]*)(\()' % bb_var,
+ bygroups(Name.Function, Text, Keyword.Type,Text, Punctuation,
+ Text, Name.Class, Text, Punctuation)),
+ (r'\b(Function)\b([ \t]+)%s' % bb_var,
+ bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text, Name.Function, Text, Keyword.Type,
+ Text, Punctuation, Text, Name.Class)),
+ (r'\b(Type)([ \t]+)(%s)' % (bb_name),
+ bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text, Name.Class)),
+ # Keywords
+ (r'\b(Pi|True|False|Null)\b', Keyword.Constant),
+ (r'\b(Local|Global|Const|Field|Dim)\b', Keyword.Declaration),
+ (r'\b(End|Return|Exit|'
+ r'Chr|Len|Asc|'
+ r'New|Delete|Insert|'
+ r'Include|'
+ r'Function|'
+ r'Type|'
+ r'If|Then|Else|ElseIf|EndIf|'
+ r'For|To|Next|Step|Each|'
+ r'While|Wend|'
+ r'Repeat|Until|Forever|'
+ r'Select|Case|Default|'
+ r'Goto|Gosub|Data|Read|Restore)\b', Keyword.Reserved),
+ # Final resolve (for variable names and such)
+# (r'(%s)' % (bb_name), Name.Variable),
+ (bb_var, bygroups(Name.Variable, Text, Keyword.Type,
+ Text, Punctuation, Text, Name.Class)),
+ ],
+ 'string': [
+ (r'""', String.Double),
+ (r'"C?', String.Double, '#pop'),
+ (r'[^"]+', String.Double),
+ ],
+ }
class NimrodLexer(RegexLexer):
For `Nimrod <>`_ source code.