path: root/src/acl.c
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Remove prototypes with empty declarations (#12020)Madelyn Olson2023-05-021-1/+1
| | | Technically declaring a prototype with an empty declaration has been deprecated since the early days of C, but we never got a warning for it. C2x will apparently be introducing a breaking change if you are using this type of declarator, so Clang 15 has started issuing a warning with -pedantic. Although not apparently a problem for any of the compiler we build on, if feels like the right thing is to properly adhere to the C standard and use (void).
* Disconnect pub-sub subscribers when revoking `allchannels` permission (#11992)Slava Koyfman2023-04-021-0/+7
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The existing logic for killing pub-sub clients did not handle the `allchannels` permission correctly. For example, if you: ACL SETUSER foo allchannels Have a client authenticate as the user `foo` and subscribe to a channel, and then: ACL SETUSER foo resetchannels The subscribed client would not be disconnected, though new clients under that user would be blocked from subscribing to any channels. This was caused by an incomplete optimization in `ACLKillPubsubClientsIfNeeded` checking whether the new channel permissions were a strict superset of the old ones.
* Module commands to have ACL categories. (#11708)Roshan Khatri2023-03-211-1/+38
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This allows modules to register commands to existing ACL categories and blocks the creation of [sub]commands, datatypes and registering the configs outside of the OnLoad function. For allowing modules to register commands to existing ACL categories, This PR implements a new API int RM_SetCommandACLCategories() which takes a pointer to a RedisModuleCommand and a C string aclflags containing the set of space separated ACL categories. Example, 'write slow' marks the command as part of the write and slow ACL categories. The C string aclflags is tokenized by implementing a helper function categoryFlagsFromString(). Theses tokens are matched and the corresponding ACL categories flags are set by a helper function matchAclCategoriesFlags. The helper function categoryFlagsFromString() returns the corresponding categories_flags or returns -1 if some token not processed correctly. If the module contains commands which are registered to existing ACL categories, the number of [sub]commands are tracked by num_commands_with_acl_categories in struct RedisModule. Further, the allowed command bit-map of the existing users are recomputed from the command_rules list, by implementing a function called ACLRecomputeCommandBitsFromCommandRulesAllUsers() for the existing users to have access to the module commands on runtime. ## Breaking change This change requires that registering commands and subcommands only occur during a modules "OnLoad" function, in order to allow efficient recompilation of ACL bits. We also chose to block registering configs and types, since we believe it's only valid for those to be created during onLoad. We check for this onload flag in struct RedisModule to check if the call is made from the OnLoad function. Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <>
* Custom authentication for Modules (#11659)KarthikSubbarao2023-03-151-9/+38
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This change adds new module callbacks that can override the default password based authentication associated with ACLs. With this, Modules can register auth callbacks through which they can implement their own Authentication logic. When `AUTH` and `HELLO AUTH ...` commands are used, Module based authentication is attempted and then normal password based authentication is attempted if needed. The new Module APIs added in this PR are - `RM_RegisterCustomAuthCallback` and `RM_BlockClientOnAuth` and `RedisModule_ACLAddLogEntryByUserName `. Module based authentication will be attempted for all Redis users (created through the ACL SETUSER cmd or through Module APIs) even if the Redis user does not exist at the time of the command. This gives a chance for the Module to create the RedisModule user and then authenticate via the RedisModule API - from the custom auth callback. For the AUTH command, we will support both variations - `AUTH <username> <password>` and `AUTH <password>`. In case of the `AUTH <password>` variation, the custom auth callbacks are triggered with “default” as the username and password as what is provided. ### RedisModule_RegisterCustomAuthCallback ``` void RM_RegisterCustomAuthCallback(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleCustomAuthCallback cb) { ``` This API registers a callback to execute to prior to normal password based authentication. Multiple callbacks can be registered across different modules. These callbacks are responsible for either handling the authentication, each authenticating the user or explicitly denying, or deferring it to other authentication mechanisms. Callbacks are triggered in the order they were registered. When a Module is unloaded, all the auth callbacks registered by it are unregistered. The callbacks are attempted, in the order of most recently registered callbacks, when the AUTH/HELLO (with AUTH field is provided) commands are called. The callbacks will be called with a module context along with a username and a password, and are expected to take one of the following actions: (1) Authenticate - Use the RM_Authenticate* API successfully and return `REDISMODULE_AUTH_HANDLED`. This will immediately end the auth chain as successful and add the OK reply. (2) Block a client on authentication - Use the `RM_BlockClientOnAuth` API and return `REDISMODULE_AUTH_HANDLED`. Here, the client will be blocked until the `RM_UnblockClient `API is used which will trigger the auth reply callback (provided earlier through the `RM_BlockClientOnAuth`). In this reply callback, the Module should authenticate, deny or skip handling authentication. (3) Deny Authentication - Return `REDISMODULE_AUTH_HANDLED` without authenticating or blocking the client. Optionally, `err` can be set to a custom error message. This will immediately end the auth chain as unsuccessful and add the ERR reply. (4) Skip handling Authentication - Return `REDISMODULE_AUTH_NOT_HANDLED` without blocking the client. This will allow the engine to attempt the next custom auth callback. If none of the callbacks authenticate or deny auth, then password based auth is attempted and will authenticate or add failure logs and reply to the clients accordingly. ### RedisModule_BlockClientOnAuth ``` RedisModuleBlockedClient *RM_BlockClientOnAuth(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleCustomAuthCallback reply_callback, void (*free_privdata)(RedisModuleCtx*,void*)) ``` This API can only be used from a Module from the custom auth callback. If a client is not in the middle of custom module based authentication, ERROR is returned. Otherwise, the client is blocked and the `RedisModule_BlockedClient` is returned similar to the `RedisModule_BlockClient` API. ### RedisModule_ACLAddLogEntryByUserName ``` int RM_ACLAddLogEntryByUserName(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString *username, RedisModuleString *object, RedisModuleACLLogEntryReason reason) ``` Adds a new entry in the ACL log with the `username` RedisModuleString provided. This simplifies the Module usage because now, developers do not need to create a Module User just to add an error ACL Log entry. Aside from accepting username (RedisModuleString) instead of a RedisModuleUser, it is the same as the existing `RedisModule_ACLAddLogEntry` API. ### Breaking changes - HELLO command - Clients can now only set the client name and RESP protocol from the `HELLO` command if they are authenticated. Also, we now finish command arg validation first and return early with a ERR reply if any arg is invalid. This is to avoid mutating the client name / RESP from a command that would have failed on invalid arguments. ### Notable behaviors - Module unblocking - Now, we will not allow Modules to block the client from inside the context of a reply callback (triggered from the Module unblock flow `moduleHandleBlockedClients`). --------- Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <>
* Cleanup around script_caller, fix tracking of scripts and ACL logging for ↵Oran Agra2023-02-161-2/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | RM_Call (#11770) * Make it clear that current_client is the root client that was called by external connection * add executing_client which is the client that runs the current command (can be a module or a script) * Remove script_caller that was used for commands that have CLIENT_SCRIPT to get the client that called the script. in most cases, that's the current_client, and in others (when being called from a module), it could be an intermediate client when we actually want the original one used by the external connection. bugfixes: * RM_Call with C flag should log ACL errors with the requested user rather than the one used by the original client, this also solves a crash when RM_Call is used with C flag from a detached thread safe context. * addACLLogEntry would have logged info about the script_caller, but in case the script was issued by a module command we actually want the current_client. the exception is when RM_Call is called from a timer event, in which case we don't have a current_client. behavior changes: * client side tracking for scripts now tracks the keys that are read by the script instead of the keys that are declared by the caller for EVAL other changes: * Log both current_client and executing_client in the crash log. * remove prepareLuaClient and resetLuaClient, being dead code that was forgotten. * remove scriptTimeSnapshot and snapshot_time and instead add cmd_time_snapshot that serves all commands and is reset only when execution nesting starts. * remove code to propagate CLIENT_FORCE_REPL from the executed command to the script caller since scripts aren't propagated anyway these days and anyway this flag wouldn't have had an effect since CLIENT_PREVENT_PROP is added by scriptResetRun. * fix a module GIL violation issue in afterSleep that was introduced in #10300 (unreleased)
* Added fields to ACL LOG error entries for precise time logging (#11477)Roshan Khatri2023-02-021-1/+15
| | | | | | | | | | | | | Added 3 fields to the ACL LOG - adds entry_id, timestamp_created and timestamp_last_updated, which updates similar existing log error entries. The pair - entry_id, timestamp_created is a unique identifier of this entry, in case the node dies and is restarted, it can detect that if it's a new series. The primary use case of Unique id is to uniquely identify the error messages and not to detect if the server has restarted. entry-id is the sequence number of the entry (starting at 0) since the server process started. Can also be used to check if items were "lost" if they fell between periods. timestamp-created is the unix-time in ms at the time the entry was first created. timestamp-last-updated is the unix-time in ms at the time the entry was last updated Time_created gives the absolute time which better accounts for network time as compared to time since. It can also be older than 60 secs and presently there is no field that can display the original time of creation once the error entry is updated. The reason of timestamp_last_updated field is that it provides a more precise value for the “last time” an error was seen where as, presently it is only in the 60 second period. Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <>
* Retain ACL categories used to generate ACL for displaying them later (#11224)Madelyn Olson2022-11-031-127/+102
| | | Retain ACL categories used to generate ACL for displaying them later
* Unify ACL failure error messaging. (#11160)Shaya Potter2022-10-161-24/+21
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Motivation: for applications that use RM ACL verification functions, they would want to return errors back to the user, in ways that are consistent with Redis. While investigating how we should return ACL errors to the user, we realized that Redis isn't consistent, and currently returns ACL error strings in 3 primary ways. [For the actual implications of this change, see the "Impact" section at the bottom] 1. how it returns an error when calling a command normally ACL_DENIED_CMD -> "this user has no permissions to run the '%s' command" ACL_DENIED_KEY -> "this user has no permissions to access one of the keys used as arguments" ACL_DENIED_CHANNEL -> "this user has no permissions to access one of the channels used as arguments" 2. how it returns an error when calling via 'acl dryrun' command ACL_DENIED_CMD -> "This user has no permissions to run the '%s' command" ACL_DENIED_KEY -> "This user has no permissions to access the '%s' key" ACL_DENIED_CHANNEL -> "This user has no permissions to access the '%s' channel" 3. how it returns an error via RM_Call (and scripting is similar). ACL_DENIED_CMD -> "can't run this command or subcommand"; ACL_DENIED_KEY -> "can't access at least one of the keys mentioned in the command arguments"; ACL_DENIED_CHANNEL -> "can't publish to the channel mentioned in the command"; In addition, if one wants to use RM_Call's "dry run" capability instead of the RM ACL functions directly, one also sees a different problem than it returns ACL errors with a -ERR, not a -PERM, so it can't be returned directly to the caller. This PR modifies the code to generate a base message in a common manner with the ability to set verbose flag for acl dry run errors, and keep it unset for normal/rm_call/script cases ```c sds getAclErrorMessage(int acl_res, user *user, struct redisCommand *cmd, sds errored_val, int verbose) { switch (acl_res) { case ACL_DENIED_CMD: return sdscatfmt(sdsempty(), "User %S has no permissions to run " "the '%S' command", user->name, cmd->fullname); case ACL_DENIED_KEY: if (verbose) { return sdscatfmt(sdsempty(), "User %S has no permissions to access " "the '%S' key", user->name, errored_val); } else { return sdsnew("No permissions to access a key"); } case ACL_DENIED_CHANNEL: if (verbose) { return sdscatfmt(sdsempty(), "User %S has no permissions to access " "the '%S' channel", user->name, errored_val); } else { return sdsnew("No permissions to access a channel"); } } ``` The caller can append/prepend the message (adding NOPERM for normal/RM_Call or indicating it's within a script). Impact: - Plain commands, as well as scripts and RM_Call now include the user name. - ACL DRYRUN remains the only one that's verbose (mentions the offending channel or key name) - Changes RM_Call ACL errors from being a `-ERR` to being `-NOPERM` (besides for textual changes) **This somewhat a breaking change, but it only affects the RM_Call with both `C` and `E`, or `D`** - Changes ACL errors in scripts textually from being `The user executing the script <old non unified text>` to `ACL failure in script: <new unified text>`
* Freeze time sampling during command execution, and scripts (#10300)Binbin2022-10-091-3/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Freeze time during execution of scripts and all other commands. This means that a key is either expired or not, and doesn't change state during a script execution. resolves #10182 This PR try to add a new `commandTimeSnapshot` function. The function logic is extracted from `keyIsExpired`, but the related calls to `fixed_time_expire` and `mstime()` are removed, see below. In commands, we will avoid calling `mstime()` multiple times and just use the one that sampled in call. The background is, e.g. using `PEXPIRE 1` with valgrind sometimes result in the key being deleted rather than expired. The reason is that both `PEXPIRE` command and `checkAlreadyExpired` call `mstime()` separately. There are other more important changes in this PR: 1. Eliminate `fixed_time_expire`, it is no longer needed. When we want to sample time we should always use a time snapshot. We will use `in_nested_call` instead to update the cached time in `call`. 2. Move the call for `updateCachedTime` from `serverCron` to `afterSleep`. Now `commandTimeSnapshot` will always return the sample time, the `lookupKeyReadWithFlags` call in `getNodeByQuery` will get a outdated cached time (because `processCommand` is out of the `call` context). We put the call to `updateCachedTime` in `aftersleep`. 3. Cache the time each time the module lock Redis. Call `updateCachedTime` in `moduleGILAfterLock`, affecting `RM_ThreadSafeContextLock` and `RM_ThreadSafeContextTryLock` Currently the commandTimeSnapshot change affects the following TTL commands: - SET EX / SET PX - EXPIRE / PEXPIRE - SETEX / PSETEX - GETEX EX / GETEX PX - TTL / PTTL - EXPIRETIME / PEXPIRETIME - RESTORE key TTL And other commands just use the cached mstime (including TIME). This is considered to be a breaking change since it can break a script that uses a loop to wait for a key to expire.
* Added authentication failure and access denied metrics (#11288)aradz442022-10-071-0/+18
| | | Added authentication failure and access denied metrics
* Add RM_SetContextUser to support acl validation in RM_Call (and scripts) ↵Shaya Potter2022-09-221-48/+107
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (#10966) Adds a number of user management/ACL validaiton/command execution functions to improve a Redis module's ability to enforce ACLs correctly and easily. * RM_SetContextUser - sets a RedisModuleUser on the context, which RM_Call will use to both validate ACLs (if requested and set) as well as assign to the client so that scripts executed via RM_Call will have proper ACL validation. * RM_SetModuleUserACLString - Enables one to pass an entire ACL string, not just a single OP and have it applied to the user * RM_GetModuleUserACLString - returns a stringified version of the user's ACL (same format as dump and list). Contains an optimization to cache the stringified version until the underlying ACL is modified. * Slightly re-purpose the "C" flag to RM_Call from just being about ACL check before calling the command, to actually running the command with the right user, so that it also affects commands inside EVAL scripts. see #11231
* ACL default newly created user set USER_FLAG_SANITIZE_PAYLOAD flag (#11279)Binbin2022-09-221-3/+6
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Starting from 6.2, after ACL SETUSER user reset, the user will carry the sanitize-payload flag. It was added in #7807, and then ACL SETUSER reset is inconsistent with default newly created user which missing sanitize-payload flag. Same as `off` and `on` these two bits are mutually exclusive, the default created user needs to have sanitize-payload flag. Adds USER_FLAG_SANITIZE_PAYLOAD flag to ACLCreateUser. Note that the bug don't have any real implications, since the code in rdb.c (rdbLoadObject) checks for `USER_FLAG_SANITIZE_PAYLOAD_SKIP`, so the fact that `USER_FLAG_SANITIZE_PAYLOAD` is missing doesn't really matters. Added tests to make sure it won't be broken in the future, and updated the comment in ACLSetUser and redis.conf
* Make cluster config file saving atomic and fsync acl (#10924)Tian2022-07-201-3/+19
| | | | | | | | | | As an outstanding part mentioned in #10737, we could just make the cluster config file and ACL file saving done with a more safe and atomic pattern (write to temp file, fsync, rename, fsync dir). The cluster config file uses an in-place overwrite and truncation (which was also used by the main config file before #7824). The ACL file is using the temp file and rename approach, but was missing an fsync. Co-authored-by: 朱天 <>
* Only print ACL syntax errors once and include command names in errors (#10922)Madelyn Olson2022-07-091-6/+16
| | | * Only print ACL syntax errors once and include command names in errors
* Update time independent string compare to use hash length (#9759)Madelyn Olson2022-06-031-36/+7
| | | * Update time independent string compare to use hash length
* Add new RM_Call flags for script mode, no writes, and error replies. (#10372)Meir Shpilraien (Spielrein)2022-03-221-0/+18
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The PR extends RM_Call with 3 new capabilities using new flags that are given to RM_Call as part of the `fmt` argument. It aims to assist modules that are getting a list of commands to be executed from the user (not hard coded as part of the module logic), think of a module that implements a new scripting language... * `S` - Run the command in a script mode, this means that it will raise an error if a command which are not allowed inside a script (flaged with the `deny-script` flag) is invoked (like SHUTDOWN). In addition, on script mode, write commands are not allowed if there is not enough good replicas (as configured with `min-replicas-to-write`) and/or a disk error happened. * `W` - no writes mode, Redis will reject any command that is marked with `write` flag. Again can be useful to modules that implement a new scripting language and wants to prevent any write commands. * `E` - Return errors as RedisModuleCallReply. Today the errors that happened before the command was invoked (like unknown commands or acl error) return a NULL reply and set errno. This might be missing important information about the failure and it is also impossible to just pass the error to the user using RM_ReplyWithCallReply. This new flag allows you to get a RedisModuleCallReply object with the relevant error message and treat it as if it was an error that was raised by the command invocation. Tests were added to verify the new code paths. In addition small refactoring was done to share some code between modules, scripts, and `processCommand` function: 1. `getAclErrorMessage` was added to `acl.c` to unified to log message extraction from the acl result 2. `checkGoodReplicasStatus` was added to `replication.c` to check the status of good replicas. It is used on `scriptVerifyWriteCommandAllow`, `RM_Call`, and `processCommand`. 3. `writeCommandsGetDiskErrorMessage` was added to `server.c` to get the error message on persistence failure. Again it is used on `scriptVerifyWriteCommandAllow`, `RM_Call`, and `processCommand`.
* make sort/ro commands validate external keys access patterns (#10106) (#10340)ranshid2022-03-151-0/+64
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Currently the sort and sort_ro can access external keys via `GET` and `BY` in order to make sure the user cannot violate the authorization ACL rules, the decision is to reject external keys access patterns unless ACL allows SORT full access to all keys. I.e. for backwards compatibility, SORT with GET/BY keeps working, but if ACL has restrictions to certain keys, these features get permission denied. ### Implemented solution We have discussed several potential solutions and decided to only allow the GET and BY arguments when the user has all key permissions with the SORT command. The reasons being that SORT with GET or BY is problematic anyway, for instance it is not supported in cluster mode since it doesn't declare keys, and we're not sure the combination of that feature with ACL key restriction is really required. **HOWEVER** If in the fullness of time we will identify a real need for fine grain access support for SORT, we would implement the complete solution which is the alternative described below. ### Alternative (Completion solution): Check sort ACL rules after executing it and before committing output (either via store or to COB). it would require making several changes to the sort command itself. and would potentially cause performance degradation since we will have to collect all the get keys instead of just applying them to a temp array and then scan the access keys against the ACL selectors. This solution can include an optimization to avoid the overheads of collecting the key names, in case the ACL rules grant SORT full key-access, or if the ACL key pattern literal matches the one used in GET/BY. It would also mean that authorization would be O(nlogn) since we will have to complete most of the command execution before we can perform verification Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <> Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
* ACL DRYRUN does not validate the verified command args. (#10405)ranshid2022-03-101-0/+7
| | | As a result we segfault when parsing and matching the command keys.
* remove a piece of redundant comment (#10392)zhugezy2022-03-081-4/+1
| | | introduced in #10147 since we blocked the first-arg mechanism on subcommands
* Fix acl dryrun to return the tested common permission error. (#10359)Harkrishn Patro2022-02-281-1/+1
* Implemented module getchannels api and renamed channel keyspec (#10299)Madelyn Olson2022-02-221-53/+34
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This implements the following main pieces of functionality: * Renames key spec "CHANNEL" to be "NOT_KEY", and update the documentation to indicate it's for cluster routing and not for any other key related purpose. * Add the getchannels-api, so that modules can now define commands that are subject to ACL channel permission checks. * Add 4 new flags that describe how a module interacts with a command (SUBSCRIBE, PUBLISH, UNSUBSCRIBE, and PATTERN). They are all technically composable, however not sure how a command could both subscribe and unsubscribe from a command at once, but didn't see a reason to add explicit validation there. * Add two new module apis RM_ChannelAtPosWithFlags and RM_IsChannelsPositionRequest to duplicate the functionality provided by the keys position APIs. * The RM_ACLCheckChannelPermissions (only released in 7.0 RC1) was changed to take flags rather than a boolean literal. * The RM_ACLCheckKeyPermissions (only released in 7.0 RC1) was changed to take flags corresponding to keyspecs instead of custom permission flags. These keyspec flags mimic the flags for ACLCheckChannelPermissions.
* Use object size then pointer size when malloc (#10201) (#10202)weiguo2022-01-291-1/+1
| | | | By a happy coincidence, sizeof(sds *) is equal to sizeof(sds) here, while it's logically consistent to use sizeof(sds) instead.
* sub-command support for ACL CAT and COMMAND LIST. redisCommand always stores ↵Binbin2022-01-231-26/+35
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | fullname (#10127) Summary of changes: 1. Rename `redisCommand->name` to `redisCommand->declared_name`, it is a const char * for native commands and SDS for module commands. 2. Store the [sub]command fullname in `redisCommand->fullname` (sds). 3. List subcommands in `ACL CAT` 4. List subcommands in `COMMAND LIST` 5. `moduleUnregisterCommands` now will also free the module subcommands. 6. RM_GetCurrentCommandName returns full command name Other changes: 1. Add `addReplyErrorArity` and `addReplyErrorExpireTime` 2. Remove `getFullCommandName` function that now is useless. 3. Some cleanups about `fullname` since now it is SDS. 4. Delete `populateSingleCommand` function from server.h that is useless. 5. Added tests to cover this change. 6. Add some module unload tests and fix the leaks 7. Make error messages uniform, make sure they always contain the full command name and that it's quoted. 7. Fixes some typos see the history in #9504, fixes #10124 Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <> Co-authored-by: guybe7 <>
* Improved handling of subcommands (don't allow ACL on first-arg of a ↵guybe72022-01-221-8/+16
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | sub-command) (#10147) Recently we added extensive support for sub-commands in for redis 7.0, this meant that the old ACL mechanism for sub-commands wasn't needed, or actually was improved (to handle both include and exclude control, like for commands), but only for real sub-commands. The old mechanism in ACL was renamed to first-arg, and was able to match the first argument of any command (including sub-commands). We now realized that we might wanna completely delete that first-arg feature some day, so the first step was not to give it new capabilities in 7.0 and it didn't have before. Changes: 1. ACL: Block the first-arg mechanism on subcommands (we keep if in non-subcommands for backward compatibility) 2. COMMAND: When looking up a command, insist the command name doesn't contain extra words. Example: When a user issues `GET key` we want `lookupCommand` to return `getCommand` but when if COMMAND calls `lookupCommand` with `get|key` we want it to fail. Other changes: 1. ACLSetUser: prevent a redundant command lookup
* ACL V2 - Selectors and key based permissions (#9974)Madelyn Olson2022-01-201-473/+1010
| | | | | | | | * Implemented selectors which provide multiple different sets of permissions to users * Implemented key based permissions * Added a new ACL dry-run command to test permissions before execution * Updated module APIs to support checking key based permissions Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
* Show subcommand full name in error log / ACL LOG (#10105)Binbin2022-01-121-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Use `getFullCommandName` to get the full name of the command. It can also get the full name of the subcommand, like "script|help". Before: ``` > SCRIPT HELP (error) NOPERM this user has no permissions to run the 'help' command or its subcommand > ACL LOG 7) "object" 8) "help" ``` After: ``` > SCRIPT HELP (error) NOPERM this user has no permissions to run the 'script|help' command > ACL LOG 7) "object" 8) "script|help" ``` Fix #10094
* Sharded pubsub implementation (#8621)Harkrishn Patro2022-01-021-3/+17
| | | | | | This commit implements a sharded pubsub implementation based off of shard channels. Co-authored-by: Harkrishn Patro <> Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <>
* Auto-generate the command table from JSON files (#9656)guybe72021-12-151-26/+28
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Delete the hardcoded command table and replace it with an auto-generated table, based on a JSON file that describes the commands (each command must have a JSON file). These JSON files are the SSOT of everything there is to know about Redis commands, and it is reflected fully in COMMAND INFO. These JSON files are used to generate commands.c (using a python script), which is then committed to the repo and compiled. The purpose is: * Clients and proxies will be able to get much more info from redis, instead of relying on hard coded logic. * drop the dependency between Redis-user and the commands.json in redis-doc. * delete help.h and have redis-cli learn everything it needs to know just by issuing COMMAND (will be done in a separate PR) * should stop using commands.json and learn everything from Redis (ultimately one of the release artifacts should be a large JSON, containing all the information about all of the commands, which will be generated from COMMAND's reply) * the byproduct of this is: * module commands will be able to provide that info and possibly be more of a first-class citizens * in theory, one may be able to generate a redis client library for a strictly typed language, by using this info. ### Interface changes #### COMMAND INFO's reply change (and arg-less COMMAND) Before this commit the reply at index 7 contained the key-specs list and reply at index 8 contained the sub-commands list (Both unreleased). Now, reply at index 7 is a map of: - summary - short command description - since - debut version - group - command group - complexity - complexity string - doc-flags - flags used for documentation (e.g. "deprecated") - deprecated-since - if deprecated, from which version? - replaced-by - if deprecated, which command replaced it? - history - a list of (version, what-changed) tuples - hints - a list of strings, meant to provide hints for clients/proxies. see - arguments - an array of arguments. each element is a map, with the possibility of nesting (sub-arguments) - key-specs - an array of keys specs (already in unstable, just changed location) - subcommands - a list of sub-commands (already in unstable, just changed location) - reply-schema - will be added in the future (see more details on these can be found in only the first three fields are mandatory #### API changes (unreleased API obviously) now they take RedisModuleCommand opaque pointer instead of looking up the command by name - RM_CreateSubcommand - RM_AddCommandKeySpec - RM_SetCommandKeySpecBeginSearchIndex - RM_SetCommandKeySpecBeginSearchKeyword - RM_SetCommandKeySpecFindKeysRange - RM_SetCommandKeySpecFindKeysKeynum Currently, we did not add module API to provide additional information about their commands because we couldn't agree on how the API should look like, see ### Somehow related changes 1. Literals should be in uppercase while placeholder in lowercase. Now all the GEO* command will be documented with M|KM|FT|MI and can take both lowercase and uppercase ### Unrelated changes 1. Bugfix: no_madaory_keys was absent in COMMAND's reply 2. expose CMD_MODULE as "module" via COMMAND 3. have a dedicated uint64 for ACL categories (instead of having them in the same uint64 as command flags) Co-authored-by: Itamar Haber <>
* Redact ACL SETUSER arguments if the user has spaces (#9935)Madelyn Olson2021-12-131-6/+6
* Redis Functions - Introduce script unit.meir@redislabs.com2021-12-011-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Script unit is a new unit located on script.c. Its purpose is to provides an API for functions (and eval) to interact with Redis. Interaction includes mostly executing commands, but also functionalities like calling Redis back on long scripts or check if the script was killed. The interaction is done using a scriptRunCtx object that need to be created by the user and initialized using scriptPrepareForRun. Detailed list of functionalities expose by the unit: 1. Calling commands (including all the validation checks such as acl, cluster, read only run, ...) 2. Set Resp 3. Set Replication method (AOF/REPLICATION/NONE) 4. Call Redis back to on long running scripts to allow Redis reply to clients and perform script kill The commit introduce the new unit and uses it on eval commands to interact with Redis.
* Redis Functions - Move Lua related variable into luaCtx structmeir@redislabs.com2021-12-011-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The following variable was renamed: 1. lua_caller -> script_caller 2. lua_time_limit -> script_time_limit 3. lua_timedout -> script_timedout 4. lua_oom -> script_oom 5. lua_disable_deny_script -> script_disable_deny_script 6. in_eval -> in_script The following variables was moved to lctx under eval.c 1. lua 2. lua_client 3. lua_cur_script 4. lua_scripts 5. lua_scripts_mem 6. lua_replicate_commands 7. lua_write_dirty 8. lua_random_dirty 9. lua_multi_emitted 10. lua_repl 11. lua_kill 12. lua_time_start 13. lua_time_snapshot This commit is in a low risk of introducing any issues and it is just moving varibales around and not changing any logic.
* Fix sentinel commands, ACL dictIter leak (#9661)guybe72021-10-211-0/+1
* Treat subcommands as commands (#9504)guybe72021-10-201-115/+173
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ## Intro The purpose is to allow having different flags/ACL categories for subcommands (Example: CONFIG GET is ok-loading but CONFIG SET isn't) We create a small command table for every command that has subcommands and each subcommand has its own flags, etc. (same as a "regular" command) This commit also unites the Redis and the Sentinel command tables ## Affected commands CONFIG Used to have "admin ok-loading ok-stale no-script" Changes: 1. Dropped "ok-loading" in all except GET (this doesn't change behavior since there were checks in the code doing that) XINFO Used to have "read-only random" Changes: 1. Dropped "random" in all except CONSUMERS XGROUP Used to have "write use-memory" Changes: 1. Dropped "use-memory" in all except CREATE and CREATECONSUMER COMMAND No changes. MEMORY Used to have "random read-only" Changes: 1. Dropped "random" in PURGE and USAGE ACL Used to have "admin no-script ok-loading ok-stale" Changes: 1. Dropped "admin" in WHOAMI, GENPASS, and CAT LATENCY No changes. MODULE No changes. SLOWLOG Used to have "admin random ok-loading ok-stale" Changes: 1. Dropped "random" in RESET OBJECT Used to have "read-only random" Changes: 1. Dropped "random" in ENCODING and REFCOUNT SCRIPT Used to have "may-replicate no-script" Changes: 1. Dropped "may-replicate" in all except FLUSH and LOAD CLIENT Used to have "admin no-script random ok-loading ok-stale" Changes: 1. Dropped "random" in all except INFO and LIST 2. Dropped "admin" in ID, TRACKING, CACHING, GETREDIR, INFO, SETNAME, GETNAME, and REPLY STRALGO No changes. PUBSUB No changes. CLUSTER Changes: 1. Dropped "admin in countkeysinslots, getkeysinslot, info, nodes, keyslot, myid, and slots SENTINEL No changes. (note that DEBUG also fits, but we decided not to convert it since it's for debugging and anyway undocumented) ## New sub-command This commit adds another element to the per-command output of COMMAND, describing the list of subcommands, if any (in the same structure as "regular" commands) Also, it adds a new subcommand: ``` COMMAND LIST [FILTERBY (MODULE <module-name>|ACLCAT <cat>|PATTERN <pattern>)] ``` which returns a set of all commands (unless filters), but excluding subcommands. ## Module API A new module API, RM_CreateSubcommand, was added, in order to allow module writer to define subcommands ## ACL changes: 1. Now, that each subcommand is actually a command, each has its own ACL id. 2. The old mechanism of allowed_subcommands is redundant (blocking/allowing a subcommand is the same as blocking/allowing a regular command), but we had to keep it, to support the widespread usage of allowed_subcommands to block commands with certain args, that aren't subcommands (e.g. "-select +select|0"). 3. I have renamed allowed_subcommands to allowed_firstargs to emphasize the difference. 4. Because subcommands are commands in ACL too, you can now use "-" to block subcommands (e.g. "+client -client|kill"), which wasn't possible in the past. 5. It is also possible to use the allowed_firstargs mechanism with subcommand. For example: `+config -config|set +config|set|loglevel` will block all CONFIG SET except for setting the log level. 6. All of the ACL changes above required some amount of refactoring. ## Misc 1. There are two approaches: Either each subcommand has its own function or all subcommands use the same function, determining what to do according to argv[0]. For now, I took the former approaches only with CONFIG and COMMAND, while other commands use the latter approach (for smaller blamelog diff). 2. Deleted memoryGetKeys: It is no longer needed because MEMORY USAGE now uses the "range" key spec. 4. Bugfix: GETNAME was missing from CLIENT's help message. 5. Sentinel and Redis now use the same table, with the same function pointer. Some commands have a different implementation in Sentinel, so we redirect them (these are ROLE, PUBLISH, and INFO). 6. Command stats now show the stats per subcommand (e.g. instead of stats just for "config" you will have stats for "config|set", "config|get", etc.) 7. It is now possible to use COMMAND directly on subcommands: COMMAND INFO CONFIG|GET (The pipeline syntax was inspired from ACL, and can be used in functions lookupCommandBySds and lookupCommandByCString) 8. STRALGO is now a container command (has "help") ## Breaking changes: 1. Command stats now show the stats per subcommand (see (5) above)
* Adding ACL support for modules (#9309)YaacovHazan2021-09-231-70/+78
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This commit introduced a new flag to the RM_Call: 'C' - Check if the command can be executed according to the ACLs associated with it. Also, three new API's added to check if a command, key, or channel can be executed or accessed by a user, according to the ACLs associated with it. - RM_ACLCheckCommandPerm - RM_ACLCheckKeyPerm - RM_ACLCheckChannelPerm The user for these API's is a RedisModuleUser object, that for a Module user returned by the RM_CreateModuleUser API, or for a general ACL user can be retrieved by these two new API's: - RM_GetCurrentUserName - Retrieve the user name of the client connection behind the current context. - RM_GetModuleUserFromUserName - Get a RedisModuleUser from a user name As a result of getting a RedisModuleUser from name, it can now also access the general ACL users (not just ones created by the module). This mean the already existing API RM_SetModuleUserACL(), can be used to change the ACL rules for such users.
* A better approach for COMMAND INFO for movablekeys commands (#8324)guybe72021-09-151-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Fix #7297 The problem: Today, there is no way for a client library or app to know the key name indexes for commands such as ZUNIONSTORE/EVAL and others with "numkeys", since COMMAND INFO returns no useful info for them. For cluster-aware redis clients, this requires to 'patch' the client library code specifically for each of these commands or to resolve each execution of these commands with COMMAND GETKEYS. The solution: Introducing key specs other than the legacy "range" (first,last,step) The 8th element of the command info array, if exists, holds an array of key specs. The array may be empty, which indicates the command doesn't take any key arguments or may contain one or more key-specs, each one may leads to the discovery of 0 or more key arguments. A client library that doesn't support this key-spec feature will keep using the first,last,step and movablekeys flag which will obviously remain unchanged. A client that supports this key-specs feature needs only to look at the key-specs array. If it finds an unrecognized spec, it must resort to using COMMAND GETKEYS if it wishes to get all key name arguments, but if all it needs is one key in order to know which cluster node to use, then maybe another spec (if the command has several) can supply that, and there's no need to use GETKEYS. Each spec is an array of arguments, first one is the spec name, the second is an array of flags, and the third is an array containing details about the spec (specific meaning for each spec type) The initial flags we support are "read" and "write" indicating if the keys that this key-spec finds are used for read or for write. clients should ignore any unfamiliar flags. In order to easily find the positions of keys in a given array of args we introduce keys specs. There are two logical steps of key specs: 1. `start_search`: Given an array of args, indicate where we should start searching for keys 2. `find_keys`: Given the output of start_search and an array of args, indicate all possible indices of keys. ### start_search step specs - `index`: specify an argument index explicitly - `index`: 0 based index (1 means the first command argument) - `keyword`: specify a string to match in `argv`. We should start searching for keys just after the keyword appears. - `keyword`: the string to search for - `start_search`: an index from which to start the keyword search (can be negative, which means to search from the end) Examples: - `SET` has start_search of type `index` with value `1` - `XREAD` has start_search of type `keyword` with value `[“STREAMS”,1]` - `MIGRATE` has start_search of type `keyword` with value `[“KEYS”,-2]` ### find_keys step specs - `range`: specify `[count, step, limit]`. - `lastkey`: index of the last key. relative to the index returned from begin_search. -1 indicating till the last argument, -2 one before the last - `step`: how many args should we skip after finding a key, in order to find the next one - `limit`: if count is -1, we use limit to stop the search by a factor. 0 and 1 mean no limit. 2 means ½ of the remaining args, 3 means ⅓, and so on. - “keynum”: specify `[keynum_index, first_key_index, step]`. - `keynum_index`: is relative to the return of the `start_search` spec. - `first_key_index`: is relative to `keynum_index`. - `step`: how many args should we skip after finding a key, in order to find the next one Examples: - `SET` has `range` of `[0,1,0]` - `MSET` has `range` of `[-1,2,0]` - `XREAD` has `range` of `[-1,1,2]` - `ZUNION` has `start_search` of type `index` with value `1` and `find_keys` of type `keynum` with value `[0,1,1]` - `AI.DAGRUN` has `start_search` of type `keyword` with value `[“LOAD“,1]` and `find_keys` of type `keynum` with value `[0,1,1]` (see Note: this solution is not perfect as the module writers can come up with anything, but at least we will be able to find the key args of the vast majority of commands. If one of the above specs can’t describe the key positions, the module writer can always fall back to the `getkeys-api` option. Some keys cannot be found easily (`KEYS` in `MIGRATE`: Imagine the argument for `AUTH` is the string “KEYS” - we will start searching in the wrong index). The guarantee is that the specs may be incomplete (`incomplete` will be specified in the spec to denote that) but we never report false information (assuming the command syntax is correct). For `MIGRATE` we start searching from the end - `startfrom=-1` - and if one of the keys is actually called "keys" we will report only a subset of all keys - hence the `incomplete` flag. Some `incomplete` specs can be completely empty (i.e. UNKNOWN begin_search) which should tell the client that COMMAND GETKEYS (or any other way to get the keys) must be used (Example: For `SORT` there is no way to describe the STORE keyword spec, as the word "store" can appear anywhere in the command). We will expose these key specs in the `COMMAND` command so that clients can learn, on startup, where the keys are for all commands instead of holding hardcoded tables or use `COMMAND GETKEYS` in runtime. Comments: 1. Redis doesn't internally use the new specs, they are only used for COMMAND output. 2. In order to support the current COMMAND INFO format (reply array indices 4, 5, 6) we created a synthetic range, called legacy_range, that, if possible, is built according to the new specs. 3. Redis currently uses only getkeys_proc or the legacy_range to get the keys indices (in COMMAND GETKEYS for example). "incomplete" specs: the command we have issues with are MIGRATE, STRALGO, and SORT for MIGRATE, because the token KEYS, if exists, must be the last token, we can search in reverse. it one of the keys is actually the string "keys" will return just a subset of the keys (hence, it's "incomplete") for SORT and STRALGO we can use this heuristic (the keys can be anywhere in the command) and therefore we added a key spec that is both "incomplete" and of "unknown type" if a client encounters an "incomplete" spec it means that it must find a different way (either COMMAND GETKEYS or have its own parser) to retrieve the keys. please note that all commands, apart from the three mentioned above, have "complete" key specs
* Remove redundant validation and prevent duplicate users during ACL load (#9330)Madelyn Olson2021-09-091-44/+52
| | | | Throw an error when a user is provided multiple times on the command line instead of silently throwing one of them away. Remove unneeded validation for validating users on ACL load.
* Fix ACL category for SELECT, WAIT, ROLE, LASTSAVE, READONLY, READWRITE, ↵Oran Agra2021-07-201-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | ASKING (#9208) - SELECT and WAIT don't read or write from the keyspace (unlike DEL, EXISTS, EXPIRE, DBSIZE, KEYS, etc). they're more similar to AUTH and HELLO (and maybe PING and COMMAND). they only affect the current connection, not the server state, so they should be `@connection`, not `@keyspace` - ROLE, like LASTSAVE is `@admin` (and `@dangerous` like INFO) - ASKING, READONLY, READWRITE are `@connection` too (not `@keyspace`) - Additionally, i'm now documenting the exact meaning of each ACL category so it's clearer which commands belong where.
* Fixed some typos, add a spell check ci and others minor fix (#8890)Binbin2021-06-101-3/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This PR adds a spell checker CI action that will fail future PRs if they introduce typos and spelling mistakes. This spell checker is based on blacklist of common spelling mistakes, so it will not catch everything, but at least it is also unlikely to cause false positives. Besides that, the PR also fixes many spelling mistakes and types, not all are a result of the spell checker we use. Here's a summary of other changes: 1. Scanned the entire source code and fixes all sorts of typos and spelling mistakes (including missing or extra spaces). 2. Outdated function / variable / argument names in comments 3. Fix outdated keyspace masks error log when we check `config.notify-keyspace-events` in loadServerConfigFromString. 4. Trim the white space at the end of line in `module.c`. Check: 5. Some outdated https link URLs. 6. Fix some outdated comment. Such as: - In README: about the rdb, we used to said create a `thread`, change to `process` - dbRandomKey function coment (about the dictGetRandomKey, change to dictGetFairRandomKey) - notifyKeyspaceEvent fucntion comment (add type arg) - Some others minor fix in comment (Most of them are incorrectly quoted by variable names) 7. Modified the error log so that users can easily distinguish between TCP and TLS in `changeBindAddr`
* Hide migrate command from slowlog if they include auth (#8859)Madelyn Olson2021-05-191-4/+9
| | | Redact commands that include sensitive data from slowlog and monitor
* ACL channels permission handling for save/load scenario. (#8794)Harkrishn Patro2021-04-191-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | In the initial release of Redis 6.2 setting a user to only allow pubsub access to a specific channel, and doing ACL SAVE, resulted in an assertion when ACL LOAD was used. This was later changed by #8723 (not yet released), but still not properly resolved (now it errors instead of crash). The problem is that the server that generates an ACL file, doesn't know what would be the setting of the acl-pubsub-default config in the server that will load it. so ACL SAVE needs to always start with resetchannels directive. This should still be compatible with old acl files (from redis 6.0), and ones from earlier versions of 6.2 that didn't mess with channels. Co-authored-by: Harkrishn Patro <> Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
* Fix "default" and overwritten / reset users will not have pubsub channels ↵Huang Zhw2021-04-051-1/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | permissions by default. (#8723) Background: Redis 6.2 added ACL control for pubsub channels (#7993), which were supposed to be permissive by default to retain compatibility with redis 6.0 ACL. But due to a bug, only newly created users got this `acl-pubsub-default` applied, while overwritten (updated) users got reset to `resetchannels` (denied). Since the "default" user exists before loading the config file, any ACL change to it, results in an update / overwrite. So when a "default" user is loaded from config file or include ACL file with no channels related rules, the user will not have any permissions to any channels. But other users will have default permissions to any channels. When upgraded from 6.0 with config rewrite, this will lead to "default" user channels permissions lost. When users are loaded from include file, then call "acl load", users will also lost channels permissions. Similarly, the `reset` ACL rule, would have reset the user to be denied access to any channels, ignoring `acl-pubsub-default` and breaking compatibility with redis 6.0. The implication of this fix is that it regains compatibility with redis 6.0, but breaks compatibility with redis 6.2.0 and 2.0.1. e.g. after the upgrade, the default user will regain access to pubsub channels. Other changes: Additionally this commit rename server.acl_pubusub_default to server.acl_pubsub_default and fix typo in acl tests.
* make processCommand check publish channel permissions. (#8534)Huang Zhw2021-03-261-0/+16
| | | | | | | | | | | | | Add publish channel permissions check in processCommand. processCommand didn't check publish channel permissions, so we can queue a publish command in a transaction. But when exec the transaction, it will fail with -NOPERM. We also union keys/commands/channels permissions check togegher in ACLCheckAllPerm. Remove pubsubCheckACLPermissionsOrReply in publishCommand/subscribeCommand/psubscribeCommand. Always check permissions in processCommand/execCommand/ luaRedisGenericCommand.
* Redact slowlog entries for config with sensitive data. (#8584)Madelyn Olson2021-03-151-0/+4
| | | Redact config set requirepass/masterauth/masteruser from slowlog in addition to showing ACL commands without sensitive values.
* Process hello command even if the default user has no permissions. (#8633)Harkrishn Patro2021-03-101-3/+3
| | | Co-authored-by: Harkrishn Patro <>
* Moved requirepass and querybuf length to generic configs (#8557)Madelyn Olson2021-02-251-1/+12
| | | Moved additional configs to generic infrastructure.
* Remove acl subcommand validation if fully added command exists. (#8483)Harkrishn Patro2021-02-221-19/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This validation was only done for sub-commands and not for commands. These would have been valid (not produce any error) ACL SETUSER bob +@all +client ACL SETUSER bob +client +client so no reason for this one to fail: ACL SETUSER bob +client +client|id One example why this is needed is that pfdebug wasn't part of the @hyperloglog group and now it is. so something like: acl setuser user1 +@hyperloglog +pfdebug|test would have succeeded in early 6.0.x, and fail in 6.2 RC3 Co-authored-by: Harkrishn Patro <> Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <> Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
* Moved most static strings into the shared structure (#8411)Madelyn Olson2021-02-091-5/+1
| | | Moved most static strings into the shared structure
* Better error message const correctness. (#8348)Yossi Gottlieb2021-01-211-5/+5
* HELP subcommand, continued (#5531)Itamar Haber2021-01-041-16/+28
| | | | | | | | | | | | | * man-like consistent long formatting * Uppercases commands, subcommands and options * Adds 'HELP' to HELP for all * Lexicographical order * Uses value notation and other .md likeness * Moves const char *help to top * Keeps it under 80 chars * Misc help typos, consistent conjuctioning (i.e return and not returns) * Uses addReplySubcommandSyntaxError(c) all over Signed-off-by: Itamar Haber <>
* Flow through the error handling path for most errors (#8226)Madelyn Olson2020-12-231-1/+1
| | | Properly throw errors for invalid replication stream and support