diff options
authorChet Ramey <>2011-12-12 22:15:29 -0500
committerChet Ramey <>2011-12-12 22:15:29 -0500
commitba3a2ee127293628bfd9640699236200cd6e5dfe (patch)
parent62928a017e5c35c82cdceca086873a75c88c13e2 (diff)
commit bash-20110128 snapshot
-rw-r--r--po/af.gmobin1231 -> 1231 bytes
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-rw-r--r--po/zh_TW.gmobin5993 -> 5993 bytes
72 files changed, 2094 insertions, 4064 deletions
diff --git a/lib/readline/COPYING b/lib/readline/COPYING
index 94a9ed02..7d29222e 100644..120000
--- a/lib/readline/COPYING
+++ b/lib/readline/COPYING
@@ -1,674 +1 @@
- Version 3, 29 June 2007
- Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
-software and other kinds of works.
- The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
-to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
-the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
-share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
-software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
-GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
-any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
-want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
-free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
-these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
-certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
-you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
-freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
-or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
-know their rights.
- Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
-(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
-giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
- For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
-that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
-authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
-changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
-authors of previous versions.
- Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
-modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
-can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
-protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
-pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
-use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
-have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
-products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
-stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
-of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
- Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
-States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
-software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
-avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
-make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
-patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. Definitions.
- "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
- "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
-works, such as semiconductor masks.
- "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
-License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
-"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
- To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
-in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
-exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
-earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
- A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
-on the Program.
- To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
-permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
-infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
-computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
-distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
-public, and in some countries other activities as well.
- To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
-parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
-a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
- An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
-to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
-feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
-tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
-extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
-work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
-the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
-menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
- 1. Source Code.
- The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
-for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
-form of a work.
- A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
-standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
-interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
-is widely used among developers working in that language.
- The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
-than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
-packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
-Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
-Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
-implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
-"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
-(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
-(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
-produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
- The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
-the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
-work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
-control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
-System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
-programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
-which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
-includes interface definition files associated with source files for
-the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
-linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
-such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
-subprograms and other parts of the work.
- The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
-can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
- The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
-same work.
- 2. Basic Permissions.
- All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
-copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
-conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
-permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
-covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
-content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
-rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
- You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
-convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
-in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
-of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
-with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
-the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
-not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
-for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
-and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
-your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
- Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
-the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
-makes it unnecessary.
- 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
- No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
-measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
-11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
-similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
- When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
-circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
-is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
-the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
-modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
-users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
-technological measures.
- 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
- You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
-receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
-appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
-keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
-non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
-keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
-recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
- You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
-and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
- 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
- You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
-produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
-terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
- it, and giving a relevant date.
- b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
- released under this License and any conditions added under section
- 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
- "keep intact all notices".
- c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
- License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
- License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
- additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
- regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
- permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
- invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
- d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
- Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
- interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
- work need not make them do so.
- A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
-works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
-and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
-in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
-"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
-used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
-beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
-in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
-parts of the aggregate.
- 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
- You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
-of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
-machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
-in one of these ways:
- a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
- (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
- Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
- customarily used for software interchange.
- b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
- (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
- written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
- long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
- model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
- copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
- product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
- medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
- more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
- conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
- Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
- c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
- written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
- alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
- only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
- with subsection 6b.
- d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
- place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
- Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
- further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
- Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
- copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
- may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
- that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
- clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
- Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
- Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
- available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
- e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
- you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
- Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
- charge under subsection 6d.
- A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
-from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
-included in conveying the object code work.
- A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
-tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
-or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
-into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
-doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
-product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
-typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
-of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
-actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
-is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
-commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
-the only significant mode of use of the product.
- "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
-procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
-and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
-a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
-suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
-code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
-modification has been made.
- If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
-specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
-part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
-User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
-fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
-Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
-by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
-if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
-modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
-been installed in ROM).
- The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
-requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
-for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
-the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
-network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
-adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
-protocols for communication across the network.
- Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
-in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
-documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
-source code form), and must require no special password or key for
-unpacking, reading or copying.
- 7. Additional Terms.
- "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
-License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
-Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
-be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
-that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
-apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
-under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
-this License without regard to the additional permissions.
- When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
-remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
-it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
-removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
-additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
-for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
- Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
-add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
-that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
- a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
- terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
- b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
- author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
- Notices displayed by works containing it; or
- c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
- requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
- reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
- d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
- authors of the material; or
- e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
- trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
- f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
- material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
- it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
- any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
- those licensors and authors.
- All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
-restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
-received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
-governed by this License along with a term that is a further
-restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
-a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
-License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
-of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
-not survive such relicensing or conveying.
- If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
-must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
-additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
-where to find the applicable terms.
- Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
-form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
-the above requirements apply either way.
- 8. Termination.
- You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
-provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
-modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
-this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
-paragraph of section 11).
- However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
-license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
-provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
-finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
-holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
-prior to 60 days after the cessation.
- Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
-reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
-violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
-received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
-copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
-your receipt of the notice.
- Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
-licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
-this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
-reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
-material under section 10.
- 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
- You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
-run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
-occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
-to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
-nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
-modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
-not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
-covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
- 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
- Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
-receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
-propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
-for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
- An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
-organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
-organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
-work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
-transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
-licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
-give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
-Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
-the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
- You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
-rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
-not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
-rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
-(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
-any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
-sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
- 11. Patents.
- A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
-License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
-work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
- A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
-owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
-hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
-by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
-but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
-consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
-purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
-patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
-this License.
- Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
-patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
-make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
-propagate the contents of its contributor version.
- In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
-agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
-(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
-sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
-party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
-patent against the party.
- If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
-and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
-to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
-publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
-then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
-available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
-patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
-consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
-license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
-actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
-covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
-in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
-country that you have reason to believe are valid.
- If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
-arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
-covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
-receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
-or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
-you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
-work and works based on it.
- A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
-the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
-conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
-specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
-work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
-in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
-to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
-the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
-parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
-patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
-conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
-for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
-contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
-or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
- Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
-any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
-otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
- 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
- If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
-covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
-not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
-to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
-the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
-License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
- 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
- Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
-permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
-under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
-combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
-License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
-but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
-section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
-combination as such.
- 14. Revised Versions of this License.
- The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
-the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
- Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
-Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
-Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
-option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
-version or of any later version published by the Free Software
-Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
-GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
-by the Free Software Foundation.
- If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
-versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
-public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
-to choose that version for the Program.
- Later license versions may give you additional or different
-permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
-author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
-later version.
- 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
- 16. Limitation of Liability.
- 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
- If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
-above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
-reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
-an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
-Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
-copy of the Program in return for a fee.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
- If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
-notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
- <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
-might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
- You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
-if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
-For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
- The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
-into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
-may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
-the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
+../../COPYING \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/readline/ansi_stdlib.h b/lib/readline/ansi_stdlib.h
index 7dc2ee0c..0bfba502 100644..120000
--- a/lib/readline/ansi_stdlib.h
+++ b/lib/readline/ansi_stdlib.h
@@ -1,54 +1 @@
-/* ansi_stdlib.h -- An ANSI Standard stdlib.h. */
-/* A minimal stdlib.h containing extern declarations for those functions
- that bash uses. */
-/* Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GNU Bash, the Bourne Again SHell.
- Bash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Bash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Bash. If not, see <>.
-#if !defined (_STDLIB_H_)
-#define _STDLIB_H_ 1
-/* String conversion functions. */
-extern int atoi ();
-extern double atof ();
-extern double strtod ();
-/* Memory allocation functions. */
-/* Generic pointer type. */
-#ifndef PTR_T
-#if defined (__STDC__)
-# define PTR_T void *
-# define PTR_T char *
-#endif /* PTR_T */
-extern PTR_T malloc ();
-extern PTR_T realloc ();
-extern void free ();
-/* Other miscellaneous functions. */
-extern void abort ();
-extern void exit ();
-extern char *getenv ();
-extern void qsort ();
-#endif /* _STDLIB_H */
+../../include/ansi_stdlib.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/readline/doc/fdl.texi b/lib/readline/doc/fdl.texi
index 8805f1a4..68e5eb54 100644..120000
--- a/lib/readline/doc/fdl.texi
+++ b/lib/readline/doc/fdl.texi
@@ -1,506 +1 @@
-@c The GNU Free Documentation License.
-@center Version 1.3, 3 November 2008
-@c This file is intended to be included within another document,
-@c hence no sectioning command or @node.
-Copyright @copyright{} 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
-of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-@end display
-@enumerate 0
-The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
-functional and useful document @dfn{free} in the sense of freedom: to
-assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
-with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially.
-Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way
-to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible
-for modifications made by others.
-This License is a kind of ``copyleft'', which means that derivative
-works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It
-complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
-license designed for free software.
-We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free
-software, because free software needs free documentation: a free
-program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the
-software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals;
-it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or
-whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License
-principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.
-This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that
-contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be
-distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a
-world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that
-work under the conditions stated herein. The ``Document'', below,
-refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a
-licensee, and is addressed as ``you''. You accept the license if you
-copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission
-under copyright law.
-A ``Modified Version'' of the Document means any work containing the
-Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
-modifications and/or translated into another language.
-A ``Secondary Section'' is a named appendix or a front-matter section
-of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
-publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall
-subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall
-directly within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document is in
-part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain
-any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical
-connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal,
-commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding
-The ``Invariant Sections'' are certain Secondary Sections whose titles
-are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice
-that says that the Document is released under this License. If a
-section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not
-allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero
-Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant
-Sections then there are none.
-The ``Cover Texts'' are certain short passages of text that are listed,
-as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that
-the Document is released under this License. A Front-Cover Text may
-be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words.
-A ``Transparent'' copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
-represented in a format whose specification is available to the
-general public, that is suitable for revising the document
-straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of
-pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available
-drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or
-for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input
-to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file
-format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart
-or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent.
-An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount
-of text. A copy that is not ``Transparent'' is called ``Opaque''.
-Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
-@sc{ascii} without markup, Texinfo input format, La@TeX{} input
-format, @acronym{SGML} or @acronym{XML} using a publicly available
-@acronym{DTD}, and standard-conforming simple @acronym{HTML},
-PostScript or @acronym{PDF} designed for human modification. Examples
-of transparent image formats include @acronym{PNG}, @acronym{XCF} and
-@acronym{JPG}. Opaque formats include proprietary formats that can be
-read and edited only by proprietary word processors, @acronym{SGML} or
-@acronym{XML} for which the @acronym{DTD} and/or processing tools are
-not generally available, and the machine-generated @acronym{HTML},
-PostScript or @acronym{PDF} produced by some word processors for
-output purposes only.
-The ``Title Page'' means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
-plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material
-this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in
-formats which do not have any title page as such, ``Title Page'' means
-the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title,
-preceding the beginning of the body of the text.
-The ``publisher'' means any person or entity that distributes copies
-of the Document to the public.
-A section ``Entitled XYZ'' means a named subunit of the Document whose
-title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following
-text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a
-specific section name mentioned below, such as ``Acknowledgements'',
-``Dedications'', ``Endorsements'', or ``History''.) To ``Preserve the Title''
-of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a
-section ``Entitled XYZ'' according to this definition.
-The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which
-states that this License applies to the Document. These Warranty
-Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this
-License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other
-implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has
-no effect on the meaning of this License.
-You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
-commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
-copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies
-to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other
-conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use
-technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further
-copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept
-compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough
-number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.
-You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and
-you may publicly display copies.
-If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have
-printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the
-Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the
-copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover
-Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on
-the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify
-you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present
-the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and
-visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition.
-Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve
-the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated
-as verbatim copying in other respects.
-If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
-legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit
-reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent
-If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering
-more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent
-copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy
-a computer-network location from which the general network-using
-public has access to download using public-standard network protocols
-a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material.
-If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps,
-when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure
-that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated
-location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an
-Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that
-edition to the public.
-It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the
-Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give
-them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document.
-You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under
-the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release
-the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified
-Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution
-and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy
-of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:
-@enumerate A
-Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct
-from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions
-(which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section
-of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version
-if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
-List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities
-responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified
-Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the
-Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five),
-unless they release you from this requirement.
-State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
-Modified Version, as the publisher.
-Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
-Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
-adjacent to the other copyright notices.
-Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice
-giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the
-terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
-Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections
-and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice.
-Include an unaltered copy of this License.
-Preserve the section Entitled ``History'', Preserve its Title, and add
-to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and
-publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If
-there is no section Entitled ``History'' in the Document, create one
-stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as
-given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified
-Version as stated in the previous sentence.
-Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for
-public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise
-the network locations given in the Document for previous versions
-it was based on. These may be placed in the ``History'' section.
-You may omit a network location for a work that was published at
-least four years before the Document itself, or if the original
-publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
-For any section Entitled ``Acknowledgements'' or ``Dedications'', Preserve
-the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the
-substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or
-dedications given therein.
-Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document,
-unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers
-or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
-Delete any section Entitled ``Endorsements''. Such a section
-may not be included in the Modified Version.
-Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled ``Endorsements'' or
-to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
-Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.
-@end enumerate
-If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
-appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material
-copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all
-of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the
-list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice.
-These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.
-You may add a section Entitled ``Endorsements'', provided it contains
-nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
-parties---for example, statements of peer review or that the text has
-been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a
-You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a
-passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list
-of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of
-Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or
-through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already
-includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or
-by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of,
-you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit
-permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.
-The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License
-give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or
-imply endorsement of any Modified Version.
-You may combine the Document with other documents released under this
-License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified
-versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the
-Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and
-list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its
-license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.
-The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
-multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
-copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but
-different contents, make the title of each such section unique by
-adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original
-author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number.
-Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of
-Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.
-In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled ``History''
-in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled
-``History''; likewise combine any sections Entitled ``Acknowledgements'',
-and any sections Entitled ``Dedications''. You must delete all
-sections Entitled ``Endorsements.''
-You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents
-released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this
-License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in
-the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for
-verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.
-You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute
-it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this
-License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all
-other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.
-A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate
-and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or
-distribution medium, is called an ``aggregate'' if the copyright
-resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights
-of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit.
-When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not
-apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves
-derivative works of the Document.
-If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
-copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of
-the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on
-covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the
-electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form.
-Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole
-Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
-distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4.
-Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
-permission from their copyright holders, but you may include
-translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the
-original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a
-translation of this License, and all the license notices in the
-Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include
-the original English version of this License and the original versions
-of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between
-the translation and the original version of this License or a notice
-or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.
-If a section in the Document is Entitled ``Acknowledgements'',
-``Dedications'', or ``History'', the requirement (section 4) to Preserve
-its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual
-You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute it is void, and
-will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license
-from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally,
-unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally
-terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder
-fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to
-60 days after the cessation.
-Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
-reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
-violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
-received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
-copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
-your receipt of the notice.
-Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
-licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
-this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
-reinstated, receipt of a copy of some or all of the same material does
-not give you any rights to use it.
-The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions
-of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new
-versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
-differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See
-Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number.
-If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this
-License ``or any later version'' applies to it, you have the option of
-following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or
-of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the
-Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version
-number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not
-as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document
-specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of this
-License can be used, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of a
-version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the
-``Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site'' (or ``MMC Site'') means any
-World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also
-provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A
-public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A
-``Massive Multiauthor Collaboration'' (or ``MMC'') contained in the
-site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC
-``CC-BY-SA'' means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
-license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit
-corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco,
-California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license
-published by that same organization.
-``Incorporate'' means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or
-in part, as part of another Document.
-An MMC is ``eligible for relicensing'' if it is licensed under this
-License, and if all works that were first published under this License
-somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently incorporated in whole
-or in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover texts or invariant sections,
-and (2) were thus incorporated prior to November 1, 2008.
-The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the site
-under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1, 2009,
-provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing.
-@end enumerate
-@heading ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents
-To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
-the License in the document and put the following copyright and
-license notices just after the title page:
- Copyright (C) @var{year} @var{your name}.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
- under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
- or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
- with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
- Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
- Free Documentation License''.
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts,
-replace the ``with@dots{}Texts.'' line with this:
- with the Invariant Sections being @var{list their titles}, with
- the Front-Cover Texts being @var{list}, and with the Back-Cover Texts
- being @var{list}.
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other
-combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the
-If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
-recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of
-free software license, such as the GNU General Public License,
-to permit their use in free software.
-@c Local Variables:
-@c ispell-local-pdict: "ispell-dict"
-@c End:
+../../../doc/fdl.texi \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/readline/posixdir.h b/lib/readline/posixdir.h
index bd33694d..8b163845 100644..120000
--- a/lib/readline/posixdir.h
+++ b/lib/readline/posixdir.h
@@ -1,61 +1 @@
-/* posixdir.h -- Posix directory reading includes and defines. */
-/* Copyright (C) 1987,1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GNU Bash, the Bourne Again SHell.
- Bash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Bash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Bash. If not, see <>.
-/* This file should be included instead of <dirent.h> or <sys/dir.h>. */
-#if !defined (_POSIXDIR_H_)
-#define _POSIXDIR_H_
-#if defined (HAVE_DIRENT_H)
-# include <dirent.h>
-# define D_NAMLEN(d) ((d)->d_namlen)
-# else
-# define D_NAMLEN(d) (strlen ((d)->d_name))
-# if defined (HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H)
-# include <sys/ndir.h>
-# endif
-# if defined (HAVE_SYS_DIR_H)
-# include <sys/dir.h>
-# endif
-# if defined (HAVE_NDIR_H)
-# include <ndir.h>
-# endif
-# if !defined (dirent)
-# define dirent direct
-# endif /* !dirent */
-# define D_NAMLEN(d) ((d)->d_namlen)
-#endif /* !HAVE_DIRENT_H */
-# define d_fileno d_ino
-#if defined (_POSIX_SOURCE) && (!defined (HAVE_STRUCT_DIRENT_D_INO) || defined (BROKEN_DIRENT_D_INO))
-/* Posix does not require that the d_ino field be present, and some
- systems do not provide it. */
-# define REAL_DIR_ENTRY(dp) 1
-# define REAL_DIR_ENTRY(dp) (dp->d_ino != 0)
-#endif /* _POSIX_SOURCE */
-#endif /* !_POSIXDIR_H_ */
+../../include/posixdir.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/readline/posixjmp.h b/lib/readline/posixjmp.h
index 49bfecf3..b4d3ee74 100644..120000
--- a/lib/readline/posixjmp.h
+++ b/lib/readline/posixjmp.h
@@ -1,40 +1 @@
-/* posixjmp.h -- wrapper for setjmp.h with changes for POSIX systems. */
-/* Copyright (C) 1987,1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GNU Bash, the Bourne Again SHell.
- Bash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Bash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Bash. If not, see <>.
-#ifndef _POSIXJMP_H_
-#define _POSIXJMP_H_
-#include <setjmp.h>
-/* This *must* be included *after* config.h */
-# define procenv_t sigjmp_buf
-# if !defined (__OPENNT)
-# undef setjmp
-# define setjmp(x) sigsetjmp((x), 1)
-# undef longjmp
-# define longjmp(x, n) siglongjmp((x), (n))
-# endif /* !__OPENNT */
-# define procenv_t jmp_buf
-#endif /* _POSIXJMP_H_ */
+../../include/posixjmp.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/readline/posixselect.h b/lib/readline/posixselect.h
index da6a1ace..56a0a2c6 100644..120000
--- a/lib/readline/posixselect.h
+++ b/lib/readline/posixselect.h
@@ -1,47 +1 @@
-/* posixselect.h -- wrapper for select(2) includes and definitions */
-/* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GNU Bash, the Bourne Again SHell.
- Bash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Bash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Bash. If not, see <>.
-#ifndef _POSIXSELECT_H_
-#define _POSIXSELECT_H_
-#if defined (FD_SET) && !defined (HAVE_SELECT)
-# define HAVE_SELECT 1
-#if defined (HAVE_SELECT)
-# if !defined (HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H) || !defined (M_UNIX)
-# include <sys/time.h>
-# endif
-#endif /* HAVE_SELECT */
-#if defined (HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H)
-# include <sys/select.h>
-#ifndef USEC_PER_SEC
-# define USEC_PER_SEC 1000000
-#define USEC_TO_TIMEVAL(us, tv) \
-do { \
- (tv).tv_sec = (us) / USEC_PER_SEC; \
- (tv).tv_usec = (us) % USEC_PER_SEC; \
-} while (0)
-#endif /* _POSIXSELECT_H_ */
+../../include/posixselect.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/readline/posixstat.h b/lib/readline/posixstat.h
index 3eb7f290..c6164b79 100644..120000
--- a/lib/readline/posixstat.h
+++ b/lib/readline/posixstat.h
@@ -1,142 +1 @@
-/* posixstat.h -- Posix stat(2) definitions for systems that
- don't have them. */
-/* Copyright (C) 1987,1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GNU Bash, the Bourne Again SHell.
- Bash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Bash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Bash. If not, see <>.
-/* This file should be included instead of <sys/stat.h>.
- It relies on the local sys/stat.h to work though. */
-#if !defined (_POSIXSTAT_H_)
-#define _POSIXSTAT_H_
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#if defined (STAT_MACROS_BROKEN)
-# undef S_ISBLK
-# undef S_ISCHR
-# undef S_ISDIR
-# undef S_ISFIFO
-# undef S_ISREG
-# undef S_ISLNK
-#endif /* STAT_MACROS_BROKEN */
-/* These are guaranteed to work only on isc386 */
-#if !defined (S_IFDIR) && !defined (S_ISDIR)
-# define S_IFDIR 0040000
-#endif /* !S_IFDIR && !S_ISDIR */
-#if !defined (S_IFMT)
-# define S_IFMT 0170000
-#endif /* !S_IFMT */
-/* Posix 1003.1 <sys/stat.h> file types */
-/* Some Posix-wannabe systems define _S_IF* macros instead of S_IF*, but
- do not provide the S_IS* macros that Posix requires. */
-#if defined (_S_IFMT) && !defined (S_IFMT)
-#define S_IFMT _S_IFMT
-#if defined (_S_IFIFO) && !defined (S_IFIFO)
-#define S_IFIFO _S_IFIFO
-#if defined (_S_IFCHR) && !defined (S_IFCHR)
-#define S_IFCHR _S_IFCHR
-#if defined (_S_IFDIR) && !defined (S_IFDIR)
-#define S_IFDIR _S_IFDIR
-#if defined (_S_IFBLK) && !defined (S_IFBLK)
-#define S_IFBLK _S_IFBLK
-#if defined (_S_IFREG) && !defined (S_IFREG)
-#define S_IFREG _S_IFREG
-#if defined (_S_IFLNK) && !defined (S_IFLNK)
-#define S_IFLNK _S_IFLNK
-#if defined (_S_IFSOCK) && !defined (S_IFSOCK)
-/* Test for each symbol individually and define the ones necessary (some
- systems claiming Posix compatibility define some but not all). */
-#if defined (S_IFBLK) && !defined (S_ISBLK)
-#define S_ISBLK(m) (((m)&S_IFMT) == S_IFBLK) /* block device */
-#if defined (S_IFCHR) && !defined (S_ISCHR)
-#define S_ISCHR(m) (((m)&S_IFMT) == S_IFCHR) /* character device */
-#if defined (S_IFDIR) && !defined (S_ISDIR)
-#define S_ISDIR(m) (((m)&S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) /* directory */
-#if defined (S_IFREG) && !defined (S_ISREG)
-#define S_ISREG(m) (((m)&S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) /* file */
-#if defined (S_IFIFO) && !defined (S_ISFIFO)
-#define S_ISFIFO(m) (((m)&S_IFMT) == S_IFIFO) /* fifo - named pipe */
-#if defined (S_IFLNK) && !defined (S_ISLNK)
-#define S_ISLNK(m) (((m)&S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) /* symbolic link */
-#if defined (S_IFSOCK) && !defined (S_ISSOCK)
-#define S_ISSOCK(m) (((m)&S_IFMT) == S_IFSOCK) /* socket */
- * POSIX 1003.1 <sys/stat.h> File Modes
- */
-#if !defined (S_IRWXU)
-# if !defined (S_IREAD)
-# define S_IREAD 00400
-# define S_IWRITE 00200
-# define S_IEXEC 00100
-# endif /* S_IREAD */
-# if !defined (S_IRUSR)
-# define S_IRUSR S_IREAD /* read, owner */
-# define S_IWUSR S_IWRITE /* write, owner */
-# define S_IXUSR S_IEXEC /* execute, owner */
-# define S_IRGRP (S_IREAD >> 3) /* read, group */
-# define S_IWGRP (S_IWRITE >> 3) /* write, group */
-# define S_IXGRP (S_IEXEC >> 3) /* execute, group */
-# define S_IROTH (S_IREAD >> 6) /* read, other */
-# define S_IWOTH (S_IWRITE >> 6) /* write, other */
-# define S_IXOTH (S_IEXEC >> 6) /* execute, other */
-# endif /* !S_IRUSR */
-#endif /* !S_IRWXU */
-/* These are non-standard, but are used in builtins.c$symbolic_umask() */
-#endif /* _POSIXSTAT_H_ */
+../../include/posixstat.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/readline/tilde.c b/lib/readline/tilde.c
index 1c53a457..439ceede 100644..120000
--- a/lib/readline/tilde.c
+++ b/lib/readline/tilde.c
@@ -1,502 +1 @@
-/* tilde.c -- Tilde expansion code (~/foo := $HOME/foo). */
-/* Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of the GNU Readline Library (Readline), a library
- for reading lines of text with interactive input and history editing.
- Readline is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Readline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Readline. If not, see <>.
-#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
-# include <config.h>
-#if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
-# ifdef _MINIX
-# include <sys/types.h>
-# endif
-# include <unistd.h>
-#if defined (HAVE_STRING_H)
-# include <string.h>
-#else /* !HAVE_STRING_H */
-# include <strings.h>
-#endif /* !HAVE_STRING_H */
-#if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include "ansi_stdlib.h"
-#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#if defined (HAVE_PWD_H)
-#include <pwd.h>
-#include "tilde.h"
-#if defined (TEST) || defined (STATIC_MALLOC)
-static void *xmalloc (), *xrealloc ();
-# include "xmalloc.h"
-#endif /* TEST || STATIC_MALLOC */
-#if !defined (HAVE_GETPW_DECLS)
-# if defined (HAVE_GETPWUID)
-extern struct passwd *getpwuid PARAMS((uid_t));
-# endif
-# if defined (HAVE_GETPWNAM)
-extern struct passwd *getpwnam PARAMS((const char *));
-# endif
-#endif /* !HAVE_GETPW_DECLS */
-#if !defined (savestring)
-#define savestring(x) strcpy ((char *)xmalloc (1 + strlen (x)), (x))
-#endif /* !savestring */
-#if !defined (NULL)
-# if defined (__STDC__)
-# define NULL ((void *) 0)
-# else
-# define NULL 0x0
-# endif /* !__STDC__ */
-#endif /* !NULL */
-/* If being compiled as part of bash, these will be satisfied from
- variables.o. If being compiled as part of readline, they will
- be satisfied from shell.o. */
-extern char *sh_get_home_dir PARAMS((void));
-extern char *sh_get_env_value PARAMS((const char *));
-/* The default value of tilde_additional_prefixes. This is set to
- whitespace preceding a tilde so that simple programs which do not
- perform any word separation get desired behaviour. */
-static const char *default_prefixes[] =
- { " ~", "\t~", (const char *)NULL };
-/* The default value of tilde_additional_suffixes. This is set to
- whitespace or newline so that simple programs which do not
- perform any word separation get desired behaviour. */
-static const char *default_suffixes[] =
- { " ", "\n", (const char *)NULL };
-/* If non-null, this contains the address of a function that the application
- wants called before trying the standard tilde expansions. The function
- is called with the text sans tilde, and returns a malloc()'ed string
- which is the expansion, or a NULL pointer if the expansion fails. */
-tilde_hook_func_t *tilde_expansion_preexpansion_hook = (tilde_hook_func_t *)NULL;
-/* If non-null, this contains the address of a function to call if the
- standard meaning for expanding a tilde fails. The function is called
- with the text (sans tilde, as in "foo"), and returns a malloc()'ed string
- which is the expansion, or a NULL pointer if there is no expansion. */
-tilde_hook_func_t *tilde_expansion_failure_hook = (tilde_hook_func_t *)NULL;
-/* When non-null, this is a NULL terminated array of strings which
- are duplicates for a tilde prefix. Bash uses this to expand
- `=~' and `:~'. */
-char **tilde_additional_prefixes = (char **)default_prefixes;
-/* When non-null, this is a NULL terminated array of strings which match
- the end of a username, instead of just "/". Bash sets this to
- `:' and `=~'. */
-char **tilde_additional_suffixes = (char **)default_suffixes;
-static int tilde_find_prefix PARAMS((const char *, int *));
-static int tilde_find_suffix PARAMS((const char *));
-static char *isolate_tilde_prefix PARAMS((const char *, int *));
-static char *glue_prefix_and_suffix PARAMS((char *, const char *, int));
-/* Find the start of a tilde expansion in STRING, and return the index of
- the tilde which starts the expansion. Place the length of the text
- which identified this tilde starter in LEN, excluding the tilde itself. */
-static int
-tilde_find_prefix (string, len)
- const char *string;
- int *len;
- register int i, j, string_len;
- register char **prefixes;
- prefixes = tilde_additional_prefixes;
- string_len = strlen (string);
- *len = 0;
- if (*string == '\0' || *string == '~')
- return (0);
- if (prefixes)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < string_len; i++)
- {
- for (j = 0; prefixes[j]; j++)
- {
- if (strncmp (string + i, prefixes[j], strlen (prefixes[j])) == 0)
- {
- *len = strlen (prefixes[j]) - 1;
- return (i + *len);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return (string_len);
-/* Find the end of a tilde expansion in STRING, and return the index of
- the character which ends the tilde definition. */
-static int
-tilde_find_suffix (string)
- const char *string;
- register int i, j, string_len;
- register char **suffixes;
- suffixes = tilde_additional_suffixes;
- string_len = strlen (string);
- for (i = 0; i < string_len; i++)
- {
-#if defined (__MSDOS__)
- if (string[i] == '/' || string[i] == '\\' /* || !string[i] */)
- if (string[i] == '/' /* || !string[i] */)
- break;
- for (j = 0; suffixes && suffixes[j]; j++)
- {
- if (strncmp (string + i, suffixes[j], strlen (suffixes[j])) == 0)
- return (i);
- }
- }
- return (i);
-/* Return a new string which is the result of tilde expanding STRING. */
-char *
-tilde_expand (string)
- const char *string;
- char *result;
- int result_size, result_index;
- result_index = result_size = 0;
- if (result = strchr (string, '~'))
- result = (char *)xmalloc (result_size = (strlen (string) + 16));
- else
- result = (char *)xmalloc (result_size = (strlen (string) + 1));
- /* Scan through STRING expanding tildes as we come to them. */
- while (1)
- {
- register int start, end;
- char *tilde_word, *expansion;
- int len;
- /* Make START point to the tilde which starts the expansion. */
- start = tilde_find_prefix (string, &len);
- /* Copy the skipped text into the result. */
- if ((result_index + start + 1) > result_size)
- result = (char *)xrealloc (result, 1 + (result_size += (start + 20)));
- strncpy (result + result_index, string, start);
- result_index += start;
- /* Advance STRING to the starting tilde. */
- string += start;
- /* Make END be the index of one after the last character of the
- username. */
- end = tilde_find_suffix (string);
- /* If both START and END are zero, we are all done. */
- if (!start && !end)
- break;
- /* Expand the entire tilde word, and copy it into RESULT. */
- tilde_word = (char *)xmalloc (1 + end);
- strncpy (tilde_word, string, end);
- tilde_word[end] = '\0';
- string += end;
- expansion = tilde_expand_word (tilde_word);
- xfree (tilde_word);
- len = strlen (expansion);
-#ifdef __CYGWIN__
- /* Fix for Cygwin to prevent ~user/xxx from expanding to //xxx when
- $HOME for `user' is /. On cygwin, // denotes a network drive. */
- if (len > 1 || *expansion != '/' || *string != '/')
- {
- if ((result_index + len + 1) > result_size)
- result = (char *)xrealloc (result, 1 + (result_size += (len + 20)));
- strcpy (result + result_index, expansion);
- result_index += len;
- }
- xfree (expansion);
- }
- result[result_index] = '\0';
- return (result);
-/* Take FNAME and return the tilde prefix we want expanded. If LENP is
- non-null, the index of the end of the prefix into FNAME is returned in
- the location it points to. */
-static char *
-isolate_tilde_prefix (fname, lenp)
- const char *fname;
- int *lenp;
- char *ret;
- int i;
- ret = (char *)xmalloc (strlen (fname));
-#if defined (__MSDOS__)
- for (i = 1; fname[i] && fname[i] != '/' && fname[i] != '\\'; i++)
- for (i = 1; fname[i] && fname[i] != '/'; i++)
- ret[i - 1] = fname[i];
- ret[i - 1] = '\0';
- if (lenp)
- *lenp = i;
- return ret;
-#if 0
-/* Public function to scan a string (FNAME) beginning with a tilde and find
- the portion of the string that should be passed to the tilde expansion
- function. Right now, it just calls tilde_find_suffix and allocates new
- memory, but it can be expanded to do different things later. */
-char *
-tilde_find_word (fname, flags, lenp)
- const char *fname;
- int flags, *lenp;
- int x;
- char *r;
- x = tilde_find_suffix (fname);
- if (x == 0)
- {
- r = savestring (fname);
- if (lenp)
- *lenp = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- r = (char *)xmalloc (1 + x);
- strncpy (r, fname, x);
- r[x] = '\0';
- if (lenp)
- *lenp = x;
- }
- return r;
-/* Return a string that is PREFIX concatenated with SUFFIX starting at
-static char *
-glue_prefix_and_suffix (prefix, suffix, suffind)
- char *prefix;
- const char *suffix;
- int suffind;
- char *ret;
- int plen, slen;
- plen = (prefix && *prefix) ? strlen (prefix) : 0;
- slen = strlen (suffix + suffind);
- ret = (char *)xmalloc (plen + slen + 1);
- if (plen)
- strcpy (ret, prefix);
- strcpy (ret + plen, suffix + suffind);
- return ret;
-/* Do the work of tilde expansion on FILENAME. FILENAME starts with a
- tilde. If there is no expansion, call tilde_expansion_failure_hook.
- This always returns a newly-allocated string, never static storage. */
-char *
-tilde_expand_word (filename)
- const char *filename;
- char *dirname, *expansion, *username;
- int user_len;
- struct passwd *user_entry;
- if (filename == 0)
- return ((char *)NULL);
- if (*filename != '~')
- return (savestring (filename));
- /* A leading `~/' or a bare `~' is *always* translated to the value of
- $HOME or the home directory of the current user, regardless of any
- preexpansion hook. */
- if (filename[1] == '\0' || filename[1] == '/')
- {
- /* Prefix $HOME to the rest of the string. */
- expansion = sh_get_env_value ("HOME");
- /* If there is no HOME variable, look up the directory in
- the password database. */
- if (expansion == 0)
- expansion = sh_get_home_dir ();
- return (glue_prefix_and_suffix (expansion, filename, 1));
- }
- username = isolate_tilde_prefix (filename, &user_len);
- if (tilde_expansion_preexpansion_hook)
- {
- expansion = (*tilde_expansion_preexpansion_hook) (username);
- if (expansion)
- {
- dirname = glue_prefix_and_suffix (expansion, filename, user_len);
- xfree (username);
- xfree (expansion);
- return (dirname);
- }
- }
- /* No preexpansion hook, or the preexpansion hook failed. Look in the
- password database. */
- dirname = (char *)NULL;
-#if defined (HAVE_GETPWNAM)
- user_entry = getpwnam (username);
- user_entry = 0;
- if (user_entry == 0)
- {
- /* If the calling program has a special syntax for expanding tildes,
- and we couldn't find a standard expansion, then let them try. */
- if (tilde_expansion_failure_hook)
- {
- expansion = (*tilde_expansion_failure_hook) (username);
- if (expansion)
- {
- dirname = glue_prefix_and_suffix (expansion, filename, user_len);
- xfree (expansion);
- }
- }
- /* If we don't have a failure hook, or if the failure hook did not
- expand the tilde, return a copy of what we were passed. */
- if (dirname == 0)
- dirname = savestring (filename);
- }
-#if defined (HAVE_GETPWENT)
- else
- dirname = glue_prefix_and_suffix (user_entry->pw_dir, filename, user_len);
- xfree (username);
-#if defined (HAVE_GETPWENT)
- endpwent ();
- return (dirname);
-#if defined (TEST)
-#undef NULL
-#include <stdio.h>
-main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- char *result, line[512];
- int done = 0;
- while (!done)
- {
- printf ("~expand: ");
- fflush (stdout);
- if (!gets (line))
- strcpy (line, "done");
- if ((strcmp (line, "done") == 0) ||
- (strcmp (line, "quit") == 0) ||
- (strcmp (line, "exit") == 0))
- {
- done = 1;
- break;
- }
- result = tilde_expand (line);
- printf (" --> %s\n", result);
- free (result);
- }
- exit (0);
-static void memory_error_and_abort ();
-static void *
-xmalloc (bytes)
- size_t bytes;
- void *temp = (char *)malloc (bytes);
- if (!temp)
- memory_error_and_abort ();
- return (temp);
-static void *
-xrealloc (pointer, bytes)
- void *pointer;
- int bytes;
- void *temp;
- if (!pointer)
- temp = malloc (bytes);
- else
- temp = realloc (pointer, bytes);
- if (!temp)
- memory_error_and_abort ();
- return (temp);
-static void
-memory_error_and_abort ()
- fprintf (stderr, "readline: out of virtual memory\n");
- abort ();
- * Local variables:
- * compile-command: "gcc -g -DTEST -o tilde tilde.c"
- * end:
- */
-#endif /* TEST */
+../tilde/tilde.c \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/readline/tilde.h b/lib/readline/tilde.h
index e26dd047..6fea2aea 100644..120000
--- a/lib/readline/tilde.h
+++ b/lib/readline/tilde.h
@@ -1,80 +1 @@
-/* tilde.h: Externally available variables and function in libtilde.a. */
-/* Copyright (C) 1992-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file contains the Readline Library (Readline), a set of
- routines for providing Emacs style line input to programs that ask
- for it.
- Readline is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Readline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Readline. If not, see <>.
-#if !defined (_TILDE_H_)
-# define _TILDE_H_
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* A function can be defined using prototypes and compile on both ANSI C
- and traditional C compilers with something like this:
- extern char *func PARAMS((char *, char *, int)); */
-#if !defined (PARAMS)
-# if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__GNUC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
-# define PARAMS(protos) protos
-# else
-# define PARAMS(protos) ()
-# endif
-typedef char *tilde_hook_func_t PARAMS((char *));
-/* If non-null, this contains the address of a function that the application
- wants called before trying the standard tilde expansions. The function
- is called with the text sans tilde, and returns a malloc()'ed string
- which is the expansion, or a NULL pointer if the expansion fails. */
-extern tilde_hook_func_t *tilde_expansion_preexpansion_hook;
-/* If non-null, this contains the address of a function to call if the
- standard meaning for expanding a tilde fails. The function is called
- with the text (sans tilde, as in "foo"), and returns a malloc()'ed string
- which is the expansion, or a NULL pointer if there is no expansion. */
-extern tilde_hook_func_t *tilde_expansion_failure_hook;
-/* When non-null, this is a NULL terminated array of strings which
- are duplicates for a tilde prefix. Bash uses this to expand
- `=~' and `:~'. */
-extern char **tilde_additional_prefixes;
-/* When non-null, this is a NULL terminated array of strings which match
- the end of a username, instead of just "/". Bash sets this to
- `:' and `=~'. */
-extern char **tilde_additional_suffixes;
-/* Return a new string which is the result of tilde expanding STRING. */
-extern char *tilde_expand PARAMS((const char *));
-/* Do the work of tilde expansion on FILENAME. FILENAME starts with a
- tilde. If there is no expansion, call tilde_expansion_failure_hook. */
-extern char *tilde_expand_word PARAMS((const char *));
-/* Find the portion of the string beginning with ~ that should be expanded. */
-extern char *tilde_find_word PARAMS((const char *, int, int *));
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _TILDE_H_ */
+../tilde/tilde.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index edcd1abe..b8b6241d 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/af.po b/po/af.po
index 7222da39..e618af9c 100644
--- a/po/af.po
+++ b/po/af.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-03-17 13:48+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Petri Jooste <>\n"
"Language-Team: Afrikaans <>\n"
@@ -44,21 +44,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: kan nie %s skep nie"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr ""
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: leesalleen-funksie"
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: kan nie %s skep nie"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ msgstr "%s: kan nie 'n binre ler uitvoer nie"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -864,27 +864,27 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "pypfout: %s"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr ""
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: bevel nie gevind nie"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: is 'n gids"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "kan nie fd %d na fd 0 dupliseer nie: %s"
@@ -1878,53 +1878,53 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: kan nie %s skep nie"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr ""
#: version.c:46
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr ""
#: version.c:47
@@ -2158,7 +2158,7 @@ msgstr "Terug Adres - 3/4 x 2\""
#: builtins.c:140
#, fuzzy
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "Gebruik so: %s [OPSIE]... [-] [GEBRUIKER [ARG]...]\n"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3176,6 +3176,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3189,7 +3192,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3209,7 +3212,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3228,7 +3231,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3248,7 +3251,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3259,7 +3262,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3273,7 +3276,7 @@ msgid ""
" FILENAME cannot be read."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3287,7 +3290,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3368,7 +3371,7 @@ msgid ""
" false or an invalid argument is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3376,7 +3379,7 @@ msgid ""
" be a literal `]', to match the opening `['."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3388,7 +3391,7 @@ msgid ""
" Always succeeds."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3432,7 +3435,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3462,7 +3465,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3506,7 +3509,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3524,7 +3527,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless MODE is invalid or an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3541,7 +3544,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3555,7 +3558,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3568,7 +3571,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3585,7 +3588,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3605,7 +3608,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3621,7 +3624,7 @@ msgid ""
" The return status is the return status of PIPELINE."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3632,7 +3635,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3653,7 +3656,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3664,7 +3667,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3675,7 +3678,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3688,7 +3691,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the exit status of COMMAND."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3702,7 +3705,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless NAME is readonly."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3713,7 +3716,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3727,7 +3730,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the resumed job."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3738,7 +3741,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns 1 if EXPRESSION evaluates to 0; returns 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3766,7 +3769,7 @@ msgid ""
" 0 or 1 depending on value of EXPRESSION."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3820,7 +3823,7 @@ msgid ""
" \t\tcommands should be saved on the history list.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3851,7 +3854,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3878,7 +3881,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3907,7 +3910,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3928,7 +3931,7 @@ msgid ""
" given or OPTNAME is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3961,7 +3964,7 @@ msgid ""
" error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3988,7 +3991,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4001,7 +4004,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4032,7 +4035,7 @@ msgid ""
" have a completion specification defined."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4073,7 +4076,7 @@ msgid ""
" not an indexed array."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/bash.pot b/po/bash.pot
index cb749230..70afa15d 100644
--- a/po/bash.pot
+++ b/po/bash.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -46,21 +46,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr ""
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr ""
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -840,27 +840,27 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr ""
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr ""
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr ""
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr ""
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr ""
@@ -1787,53 +1787,53 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr ""
#: version.c:46
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr ""
#: version.c:47
@@ -2042,7 +2042,7 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr ""
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr ""
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3036,6 +3036,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3049,7 +3052,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3069,7 +3072,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3088,7 +3091,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3108,7 +3111,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3119,7 +3122,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3133,7 +3136,7 @@ msgid ""
" FILENAME cannot be read."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3147,7 +3150,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3228,7 +3231,7 @@ msgid ""
" false or an invalid argument is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3236,7 +3239,7 @@ msgid ""
" be a literal `]', to match the opening `['."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3248,7 +3251,7 @@ msgid ""
" Always succeeds."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3292,7 +3295,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3322,7 +3325,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3366,7 +3369,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3384,7 +3387,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless MODE is invalid or an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3401,7 +3404,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3415,7 +3418,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3428,7 +3431,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3445,7 +3448,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3465,7 +3468,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3481,7 +3484,7 @@ msgid ""
" The return status is the return status of PIPELINE."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3492,7 +3495,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3513,7 +3516,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3524,7 +3527,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3535,7 +3538,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3548,7 +3551,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the exit status of COMMAND."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3562,7 +3565,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless NAME is readonly."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3573,7 +3576,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3587,7 +3590,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the resumed job."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3598,7 +3601,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns 1 if EXPRESSION evaluates to 0; returns 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3626,7 +3629,7 @@ msgid ""
" 0 or 1 depending on value of EXPRESSION."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3680,7 +3683,7 @@ msgid ""
" \t\tcommands should be saved on the history list.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3711,7 +3714,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3738,7 +3741,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3767,7 +3770,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3788,7 +3791,7 @@ msgid ""
" given or OPTNAME is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3821,7 +3824,7 @@ msgid ""
" error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3848,7 +3851,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3861,7 +3864,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3892,7 +3895,7 @@ msgid ""
" have a completion specification defined."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3933,7 +3936,7 @@ msgid ""
" not an indexed array."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 31615a2a..c8cef790 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/bg.po b/po/bg.po
index 710dc044..7d45942f 100644
--- a/po/bg.po
+++ b/po/bg.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash 3.2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-07-26 07:18+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Alexander Shopov <>\n"
"Language-Team: Bulgarian <>\n"
@@ -45,23 +45,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: не може да се създаде: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
"изпълнение на команда на Юникс от bash: не може да се открие подредбата на\n"
"функциите на клавишите за командата"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: първият непразен знак не е „\"“"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "в %2$s липсва затварящ знак „%1$c“"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: разделителят двоеточие липсва"
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ msgstr "може да се използва само във функция"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "„-f“ не може да се използва за създаването на функции"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: функция с права само за четене"
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ msgstr "%s: не е зареден динамично"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: не може да се изтрие: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ msgstr "%s: не е обикновен файл"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: файлът е прекалено голям"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -924,28 +924,28 @@ msgstr "в променливата $TIMEFORMAT: „%c“: грешен форм
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "грешка при запис: %s"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr ""
"%s: ограничение: в имената на командите не може да присъства знакът „/“"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: командата не е открита"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s е %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: лош интерпретатор"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "файловият дескриптор %d не може да се дублира като дескриптор %d"
@@ -1904,67 +1904,67 @@ msgstr "грешка при внасянето на дефиницията на
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "нивото на обвивката (%d) е прекалено голямо. Задава се да е 1"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
"създаване на локална променлива: липсва контекст на функция в текущата "
"на видимост"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
"всички локални променливи: липсва контекст на функция в текущата област на\n"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s: аргументът е null или не е зададен"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "неправилен знак на позиция %d в низа за изнасяне за %s"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "липсва „=“ в низа за изнасяне за %s"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
"изваждане на контекст на променливи: в началото на структурата за променливи "
"обвивката (shell_variables) е нещо, което не е контекст на функция"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr ""
"изваждане на контекст на променливи: липсва контекст за глобални променливи\n"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
"изваждане на област: последният елемент структурата за променливи на "
"(shell_variables) не е временна област в обкръжението"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: не може да се отвори: %s"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%d: грешен файлов дескриптор: %s"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Авторски права (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n"
#: version.c:47
@@ -2177,7 +2177,7 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr ""
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr ""
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3532,6 +3532,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3631,7 +3634,7 @@ msgstr ""
" съответно на $1, $2,… $n. Ако не са зададени АРГументи, се извеждат\n"
" всички променливи на средата."
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3651,7 +3654,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3670,7 +3673,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3690,7 +3693,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3701,7 +3704,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
@@ -3722,7 +3725,7 @@ msgstr ""
" са зададени АРГУМЕНТИ, те се превръщат в позиционни аргументи при\n"
" изпълнението на ФАЙЛа."
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3736,7 +3739,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -3891,7 +3894,7 @@ msgstr ""
" „-eq“ (=), „-ne“ (!=), „-lt“ (<),\n"
" „-le“ (<=), „-gt“ (>) , „-ge“ (>=)."
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -3903,7 +3906,7 @@ msgstr ""
" задължително да е знакът „]“, който да съответства на отварящата скоба "
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3915,7 +3918,7 @@ msgid ""
" Always succeeds."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -3979,7 +3982,7 @@ msgstr ""
" обвивката с командата „kill -signal $$“."
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4009,7 +4012,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
@@ -4088,7 +4091,7 @@ msgstr ""
" - опцията „-t“, при която стойността е в секунди;\n"
" - опцията „-u“, при която стойността е точният брой процеси."
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4106,7 +4109,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless MODE is invalid or an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4123,7 +4126,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
@@ -4145,7 +4148,7 @@ msgstr ""
" всички процеси в програмния канал на задачата."
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
@@ -4165,7 +4168,7 @@ msgstr ""
" всеки елемент в ДУМИте, ИМЕто се задава да е елементът и се изпълняват\n"
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
@@ -4192,7 +4195,7 @@ msgstr ""
" изчислява да е 1."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
@@ -4230,7 +4233,7 @@ msgstr ""
" изпълняват след всеки избор до изпълняването на команда за прекъсване\n"
" (break)."
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
@@ -4254,7 +4257,7 @@ msgstr ""
" стойността на променливата на средата $TIMEFORMAT."
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
@@ -4268,7 +4271,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Избирателно се изпълняват КОМАНДИ на база ДУМА, която напасва на ШАБЛОН.\n"
" Шаблоните се разделят със знака „|“."
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
@@ -4305,7 +4308,7 @@ msgstr ""
" никое тестово условие, не се е оценило като истина."
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
@@ -4320,7 +4323,7 @@ msgstr ""
" е с изходен код, който е 0."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
@@ -4335,7 +4338,7 @@ msgstr ""
" е с изходен код, който не е 0."
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4348,7 +4351,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the exit status of COMMAND."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4362,7 +4365,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless NAME is readonly."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
@@ -4377,7 +4380,7 @@ msgstr ""
" цял набор от команди."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
@@ -4397,7 +4400,7 @@ msgstr ""
" се изпълнява във фонов режим, все едно е била подадена като аргумент\n"
" на командата „bg“."
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
@@ -4411,7 +4414,7 @@ msgstr ""
" ИЗРАЗът се изчислява според правилата на аритметичното оценяване.\n"
" Еквивалентно на „let ИЗРАЗ“."
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
@@ -4461,7 +4464,7 @@ msgstr ""
" „&&“ и „||“ не оценят ИЗРАЗ2, ако ИЗРАЗ1 е достатъчен за определяне на\n"
" стойността на израза."
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
@@ -4590,7 +4593,7 @@ msgstr ""
" команди да не се запазват в историята.\n"
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
@@ -4641,7 +4644,7 @@ msgstr ""
" \n"
" Можете да изведете стека на директорията с командата „dirs“."
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
@@ -4686,7 +4689,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Стекът с директориите се визуализира с командата „dirs“."
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
@@ -4738,7 +4741,7 @@ msgstr ""
" -N показва N-тия елемент отдясно в списъка показван от\n"
" командата „dirs“, когато е стартирана без опции. Брои се от 0."
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4759,7 +4762,7 @@ msgid ""
" given or OPTNAME is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -4809,7 +4812,7 @@ msgstr ""
" вход за обвивката. Ако е включена опцията „-v“, изходът се поставя в\n"
" променливата на обвивката VAR, вместо да се извежда на стандартния изход."
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4836,7 +4839,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
@@ -4857,7 +4860,7 @@ msgstr ""
" него."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4888,7 +4891,7 @@ msgid ""
" have a completion specification defined."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4929,7 +4932,7 @@ msgid ""
" not an indexed array."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 9a7a03b6..a308de2b 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/ca.po b/po/ca.po
index 466c5adf..38ed93a8 100644
--- a/po/ca.po
+++ b/po/ca.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash-2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-12-28 19:59+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Montxo Vicente i Sempere <>\n"
"Language-Team: Catalan <>\n"
@@ -44,21 +44,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: no es pot crear: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr ""
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: funci? nom?s de lectura"
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: no es pot crear: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ msgstr "%s: no es pot executar el fitxer binari"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -865,27 +865,27 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "error del conducte: %s"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: restringit: no es pot especificar '/' en noms d'ordres"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: no s'ha trobat l'ordre"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: ?s un directori"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr ""
@@ -1866,53 +1866,53 @@ msgstr "'%s': error en importar la definici? de la funci?"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s: par?metre nul o no ajustat"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: no es pot crear: %s"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr ""
#: version.c:46
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr ""
#: version.c:47
@@ -2156,7 +2156,7 @@ msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
#, fuzzy
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o opci?] [par?metres ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3189,6 +3189,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3202,7 +3205,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3222,7 +3225,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3241,7 +3244,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3261,7 +3264,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3272,7 +3275,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3286,7 +3289,7 @@ msgid ""
" FILENAME cannot be read."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3300,7 +3303,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3381,7 +3384,7 @@ msgid ""
" false or an invalid argument is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -3392,7 +3395,7 @@ msgstr ""
"par?metre ha de ser el signe \"]\" perqu? es puga tancar l'expressi? que\n"
"comen?a pel signe \"[\"."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3404,7 +3407,7 @@ msgid ""
" Always succeeds."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3448,7 +3451,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3478,7 +3481,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3522,7 +3525,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3540,7 +3543,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless MODE is invalid or an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3557,7 +3560,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3571,7 +3574,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3584,7 +3587,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3601,7 +3604,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3621,7 +3624,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3637,7 +3640,7 @@ msgid ""
" The return status is the return status of PIPELINE."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
@@ -3649,7 +3652,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr "Executa selectivament les ordres especificades en ORDRES seguint una "
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3670,7 +3673,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
@@ -3684,7 +3687,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Expandeix i executa les ordres especificades en ORDRES i els executa\n"
"de tal manera que la darrera ordre"
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
@@ -3698,7 +3701,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Expandeix i executa les ordres especificades en ORDRES i els executa\n"
"de tal manera que la darrera ordre"
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3711,7 +3714,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the exit status of COMMAND."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3725,7 +3728,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless NAME is readonly."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
@@ -3737,7 +3740,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr "Executa un conjunt d'ordres en un grup. A?? ?s una manera de"
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3751,7 +3754,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the resumed job."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3762,7 +3765,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns 1 if EXPRESSION evaluates to 0; returns 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3790,7 +3793,7 @@ msgid ""
" 0 or 1 depending on value of EXPRESSION."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3844,7 +3847,7 @@ msgid ""
" \t\tcommands should be saved on the history list.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3875,7 +3878,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3902,7 +3905,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3931,7 +3934,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3952,7 +3955,7 @@ msgid ""
" given or OPTNAME is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3985,7 +3988,7 @@ msgid ""
" error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4012,7 +4015,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4025,7 +4028,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4056,7 +4059,7 @@ msgid ""
" have a completion specification defined."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4097,7 +4100,7 @@ msgid ""
" not an indexed array."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index d704c02e..6d752038 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po
index fd1b2f54..c4e9c465 100644
--- a/po/cs.po
+++ b/po/cs.po
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash 4.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-01-05 13:03+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Petr Pisar <>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech <>\n"
@@ -51,21 +51,21 @@ msgstr "%s: %s: při přiřazovaní asociativního pole se musí použít podskr
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: nelze vytvořit: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr "bash_execute_unix_command: pro příkaz nelze nalézt klávesovou mapu "
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: první nebílý znak není „\"“"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "ne zavírající „%c“ v %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: chybí dvojtečkový oddělovač"
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ msgstr "může být použito jen ve funkci"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "„-f“ nezle použít na výrobu funkce"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: funkce jen pro čtení"
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ msgstr "%s: není dynamicky nahráno"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: nelze smazat: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ msgstr "%s: není obyčejný soubor"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: soubor je příliš velký"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -917,27 +917,27 @@ msgstr "TIMEFORMAT: „%c“: chybný formátovací znak"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "chyba v rouře"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: omezeno: v názvu příkazu nesmí být „/“"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: příkaz nenalezen"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s je %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: chybný interpretr"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "deskriptor souboru %d nelze duplikovat na deskriptor %d"
@@ -1884,54 +1884,54 @@ msgstr "chyba při importu definice „%s“"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "úroveň shellu (%d) příliš vysoká, resetuji na 1"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: žádný kontext funkce v aktuálním rozsahu"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: žádný kontext funkce v aktuálním rozsahu"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s: má nullový exportstr"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "neplatný znak %d v exportstr pro %s"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "v exportstr pro %s chybí „=“"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: hlava shell_variables není kontextem funkce"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: chybí kontext global_variables"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr "pop_scope: hlava shell_variables není dočasným rozsahem prostředí"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: %s: nelze otevřít jako SOUBOR"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%s: %s: neplatná hodnota pro deskriptor trasovacího souboru"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Copyright © 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
#: version.c:47
@@ -2156,7 +2156,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o název_přepínače] [argument…]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3708,6 +3709,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vrátí N, nebo selže, pokud shell neprovádí funkci nebo skript."
#: builtins.c:1027
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3776,6 +3778,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3873,7 +3878,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí úspěch, pokud nebyl zadán neplatný argument."
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3910,7 +3915,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vrátí úspěch, pokud nebyl zadán neplatný přepínač a JMÉNO není jen pro\n"
" čtení."
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3945,7 +3950,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí úspěch, pokud nebyl zadán neplatný přepínač nebo NÁZEV."
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3983,7 +3988,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí úspěch, pokud nebyl zadán neplatný přepínač nebo NÁZEV."
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4001,7 +4006,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí úspěch, pokud N není záporný a není větší než $#."
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4025,7 +4030,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vrací návratový kód posledního provedeného příkazu z NÁZVU_SOUBORU.\n"
" Selže, pokud NÁZEV_SOUBORU nelze načíst."
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4049,7 +4054,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrací úspěch, pokud je správa úloh zapnuta a nevyskytla se chyba."
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -4212,7 +4217,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vrací úspěch, je-li VÝRAZ vyhodnocen jako pravdivý. Selže, je-li VÝRAZ\n"
" vyhodnocen jako nepravdivý nebo je-li zadán neplatný argument."
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4224,7 +4229,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Toto je synonymum pro vestavěný příkaz „test“, až na to, že poslední\n"
" argument musí být doslovně „]“, aby se shodoval s otevírající „[“."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4244,7 +4249,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vždy uspěje."
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -4324,7 +4329,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí úspěch, pokud SIGSPEC a zadané přepínače jsou platné."
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4380,7 +4385,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vrátí úspěch, pokud všechny NÁZVY byly nalezeny. Selže, pokud některé\n"
" nalezeny nebyly."
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4464,7 +4469,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vrací úspěch, pokud nebyl zadán neplatný přepínač a nevyskytla se chyba."
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4497,7 +4502,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód\n"
" Vrátí úspěch, pokud nebyl zadán neplatný MÓD nebo přepínač."
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4525,7 +4530,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vrátí kód ID, selže, pokud ID není platný nebo byl zadán neplatný "
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4549,7 +4554,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vrátí kód ID, selže, pokud ID není platný nebo byl zadán neplatný "
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4573,7 +4578,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí kód naposledy provedeného příkazu."
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4602,7 +4607,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí kód naposledy vykonaného příkazu."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4644,7 +4649,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí kód naposledy prováděného příkazu."
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4675,7 +4680,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Návratová hodnota je návratová hodnota KOLONY."
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4693,7 +4698,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí kód naposledy provedeného příkazu."
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4728,7 +4733,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí kód naposledy provedeného příkazu."
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4747,7 +4752,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí kód naposledy provedeného příkazu."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4765,7 +4770,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí kód naposledy provedeného příkazu."
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4787,7 +4792,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí návratový kód PŘÍKAZU."
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4812,7 +4817,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí úspěch, pokud NÁZEV není jen pro čtení."
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4829,7 +4834,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí kód naposledy spuštěného příkazu."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4854,7 +4859,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí kód obnovené úlohy."
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4876,7 +4881,7 @@ msgstr ""
# příkaz, který by byl vykonán na základě splnění jiné podmínky. Tj. překlad
# „podmíněný příkaz“ je chybný.
# Toto je nápověda k vestavěnému příkazu „[“.
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4928,7 +4933,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" 0 nebo 1 podle hodnoty VÝRAZU."
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5033,7 +5038,7 @@ msgstr ""
" \t\trozlišení, které příkazy by měly být uloženy do seznamu\n"
" \t\thistorie.\n"
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5090,7 +5095,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vrátí úspěch, pokud nebyl zadán neplatný argument a změna adresáře\n"
" neselhala."
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5140,7 +5145,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vrátí úspěch, pokud nebyl zadán neplatný argument nebo neselhala změna\n"
" adresáře."
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5191,7 +5196,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí úspěch, pokud nebyl zadán neplatný přepínač a nevyskytla se chyba."
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5229,7 +5234,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vrátí úspěch, je-li NÁZEV_VOLBY zapnut. Selže, byl-li zadán neplatný\n"
" přepínač nebo je-li NÁZEV_VOLBY vypnut."
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -5288,7 +5293,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vrátí úspěch, pokud nebyl zadán neplatný přepínač a nedošlo k chybě\n"
" zápisu nebo přiřazení."
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5337,7 +5342,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí úspěch, pokud nebyl zadán neplatný přepínač a nevyskytla se chyba."
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5358,7 +5363,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratový kód:\n"
" Vrátí úspěch, pokud nebyl zadán neplatný přepínač a nevyskytla se chyba."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
@@ -5417,7 +5422,7 @@ msgstr ""
" pravidlo doplňování."
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
@@ -5493,7 +5498,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vrátí úspěch, pokud nebyl zadán neplatný přepínač, POLE nebylo jen pro\n"
" čtení a bylo indexovaným polem."
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 8b1f1c4b..a12476e0 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
index 8718fced..97ae0f6c 100644
--- a/po/de.po
+++ b/po/de.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash 4.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-18 20:21+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Nils Naumann <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n"
@@ -46,23 +46,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: Kann die Datei %s nicht erzeugen."
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
"bash_execute_unix_command: Kann nicht die Tastenzuordnung für das Kommando "
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr " %s: Das erste nicht Leerzeichen ist nicht `\\'."
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "fehlende schließende `%c' in %s."
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: Fehlender Doppelpunkt."
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ msgstr "kann nur innerhalb einer Funktion benutzt werden."
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "Mit `-f' können keine Funktionen erzeugt werden."
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: Schreibgeschützte Funktion."
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ msgstr "%s: Ist nicht dynamisch geladen."
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: Kann nicht löschen: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ msgstr "%s: Ist keine normale Datei."
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: Die Datei ist zu groß."
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -909,27 +909,27 @@ msgstr "TIMEFORMAT: `%c': Ungültiges Formatzeichen."
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "Pipe-Fehler"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: Verboten: `/' ist in Kommandonamen unzulässig."
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: Kommando nicht gefunden."
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s ist %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: Defekter Interpreter"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "Kann fd %d nicht auf fd %d verdoppeln."
@@ -1881,54 +1881,54 @@ msgstr "Fehler beim Importieren der Funktionsdefinition für `%s'."
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: %s: Kann nicht als Datei geöffnet werden."
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr ""
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
#: version.c:47
@@ -2155,7 +2155,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o Option] [ARG ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3304,6 +3305,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3317,7 +3321,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3337,7 +3341,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3356,7 +3360,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3376,7 +3380,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3387,7 +3391,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3401,7 +3405,7 @@ msgid ""
" FILENAME cannot be read."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3415,7 +3419,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3496,7 +3500,7 @@ msgid ""
" false or an invalid argument is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3508,7 +3512,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Dieses Kommando entspricht dem \"test\" Kommando, aber das letzte "
"Argument muss ein `]' sein."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3520,7 +3524,7 @@ msgid ""
" Always succeeds."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3564,7 +3568,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3594,7 +3598,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3638,7 +3642,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3656,7 +3660,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless MODE is invalid or an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3673,7 +3677,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3687,7 +3691,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3700,7 +3704,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3717,7 +3721,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3737,7 +3741,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3753,7 +3757,7 @@ msgid ""
" The return status is the return status of PIPELINE."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3764,7 +3768,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3785,7 +3789,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3796,7 +3800,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3807,7 +3811,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3820,7 +3824,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the exit status of COMMAND."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3834,7 +3838,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless NAME is readonly."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3845,7 +3849,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3859,7 +3863,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the resumed job."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3870,7 +3874,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns 1 if EXPRESSION evaluates to 0; returns 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3898,7 +3902,7 @@ msgid ""
" 0 or 1 depending on value of EXPRESSION."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3952,7 +3956,7 @@ msgid ""
" \t\tcommands should be saved on the history list.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3983,7 +3987,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4011,7 +4015,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
# dirs
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4040,7 +4044,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4061,7 +4065,7 @@ msgid ""
" given or OPTNAME is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4094,7 +4098,7 @@ msgid ""
" error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4121,7 +4125,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4134,7 +4138,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4165,7 +4169,7 @@ msgid ""
" have a completion specification defined."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4206,7 +4210,7 @@ msgid ""
" not an indexed array."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index cd2321ef..8183c2f7 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/en@boldquot.po b/po/en@boldquot.po
index 9cae101a..032f1def 100644
--- a/po/en@boldquot.po
+++ b/po/en@boldquot.po
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: GNU bash 4.2-rc1\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: GNU bash 4.2-rc2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -70,21 +70,21 @@ msgstr "%s: %s: must use subscript when assigning associative array"
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: cannot create: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: first non-whitespace character is not ‘\"’"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "no closing ‘%c’ in %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: missing colon separator"
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ msgstr "can only be used in a function"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "cannot use ‘-f’ to make functions"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: readonly function"
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ msgstr "%s: not dynamically loaded"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: cannot delete: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ msgstr "%s: not a regular file"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: file is too large"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -939,27 +939,27 @@ msgstr "TIMEFORMAT: ‘%c’: invalid format character"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "pipe error"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: restricted: cannot specify ‘/’ in command names"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: command not found"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s: %s"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
@@ -1896,54 +1896,54 @@ msgstr "error importing function definition for ‘%s’"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s has null exportstr"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "no ‘=’ in exportstr for %s"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
#: version.c:46
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
#: version.c:47
msgid ""
@@ -2163,8 +2163,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
-msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
+msgstr "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
msgid "unset [-f] [-v] [name ...]"
@@ -3782,6 +3782,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3861,6 +3864,9 @@ msgstr ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3873,7 +3879,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given."
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3909,7 +3915,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only."
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3943,7 +3949,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3979,7 +3985,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3997,7 +4003,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#."
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4021,7 +4027,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed in FILENAME; fails if\n"
" FILENAME cannot be read."
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4045,7 +4051,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs."
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4203,7 +4209,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returns success if EXPR evaluates to true; fails if EXPR evaluates to\n"
" false or an invalid argument is given."
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4216,7 +4222,7 @@ msgstr ""
" be a literal ‘]’, to match the opening ‘[’."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4236,7 +4242,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Always succeeds."
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4321,7 +4327,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returns success unless a SIGSPEC is invalid or an invalid option is "
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4379,7 +4385,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returns success if all of the NAMEs are found; fails if any are not "
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4464,7 +4470,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4496,7 +4502,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless MODE is invalid or an invalid option is given."
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4526,7 +4532,7 @@ msgstr ""
" given."
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4550,7 +4556,7 @@ msgstr ""
" given."
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4574,7 +4580,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4604,7 +4610,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4641,7 +4647,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4669,7 +4675,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" The return status is the return status of PIPELINE."
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4687,7 +4693,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4725,7 +4731,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4743,7 +4749,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4761,7 +4767,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4783,7 +4789,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the exit status of COMMAND."
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4807,7 +4813,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless NAME is readonly."
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4825,7 +4831,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4850,7 +4856,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the resumed job."
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4868,7 +4874,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns 1 if EXPRESSION evaluates to 0; returns 0 otherwise."
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4922,7 +4928,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" 0 or 1 depending on value of EXPRESSION."
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5026,7 +5032,7 @@ msgstr ""
" HISTIGNORE\tA colon-separated list of patterns used to decide which\n"
" \t\tcommands should be saved on the history list.\n"
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5084,7 +5090,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returns success unless an invalid argument is supplied or the directory\n"
" change fails."
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5136,7 +5142,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returns success unless an invalid argument is supplied or the directory\n"
" change fails."
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5191,7 +5197,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5229,7 +5235,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returns success if OPTNAME is enabled; fails if an invalid option is\n"
" given or OPTNAME is disabled."
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5291,7 +5297,7 @@ msgstr ""
" error occurs."
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5341,7 +5347,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5363,7 +5369,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5422,7 +5428,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or NAME does not\n"
" have a completion specification defined."
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5500,7 +5506,7 @@ msgstr ""
" not an indexed array."
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 3a30e86d..82da96b0 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/en@quot.po b/po/en@quot.po
index 651fca27..50547821 100644
--- a/po/en@quot.po
+++ b/po/en@quot.po
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: GNU bash 4.2-rc1\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: GNU bash 4.2-rc2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -67,21 +67,21 @@ msgstr "%s: %s: must use subscript when assigning associative array"
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: cannot create: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: first non-whitespace character is not ‘\"’"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "no closing ‘%c’ in %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: missing colon separator"
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ msgstr "can only be used in a function"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "cannot use ‘-f’ to make functions"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: readonly function"
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ msgstr "%s: not dynamically loaded"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: cannot delete: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ msgstr "%s: not a regular file"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: file is too large"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -930,27 +930,27 @@ msgstr "TIMEFORMAT: ‘%c’: invalid format character"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "pipe error"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: restricted: cannot specify ‘/’ in command names"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: command not found"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s: %s"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
@@ -1884,54 +1884,54 @@ msgstr "error importing function definition for ‘%s’"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s has null exportstr"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "no ‘=’ in exportstr for %s"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
#: version.c:46
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
#: version.c:47
msgid ""
@@ -2151,8 +2151,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
-msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
+msgstr "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
msgid "unset [-f] [-v] [name ...]"
@@ -3759,6 +3759,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3838,6 +3841,9 @@ msgstr ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3850,7 +3856,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given."
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3886,7 +3892,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only."
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3920,7 +3926,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3956,7 +3962,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3974,7 +3980,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#."
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3998,7 +4004,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed in FILENAME; fails if\n"
" FILENAME cannot be read."
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4022,7 +4028,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs."
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4180,7 +4186,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returns success if EXPR evaluates to true; fails if EXPR evaluates to\n"
" false or an invalid argument is given."
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4192,7 +4198,7 @@ msgstr ""
" This is a synonym for the “test” builtin, but the last argument must\n"
" be a literal ‘]’, to match the opening ‘[’."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4212,7 +4218,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Always succeeds."
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4296,7 +4302,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returns success unless a SIGSPEC is invalid or an invalid option is "
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4352,7 +4358,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returns success if all of the NAMEs are found; fails if any are not "
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4436,7 +4442,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4468,7 +4474,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless MODE is invalid or an invalid option is given."
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4498,7 +4504,7 @@ msgstr ""
" given."
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4522,7 +4528,7 @@ msgstr ""
" given."
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4544,7 +4550,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4574,7 +4580,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4610,7 +4616,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4638,7 +4644,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" The return status is the return status of PIPELINE."
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4656,7 +4662,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4694,7 +4700,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4712,7 +4718,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4730,7 +4736,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4752,7 +4758,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the exit status of COMMAND."
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4776,7 +4782,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless NAME is readonly."
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4794,7 +4800,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4818,7 +4824,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns the status of the resumed job."
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4836,7 +4842,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns 1 if EXPRESSION evaluates to 0; returns 0 otherwise."
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4888,7 +4894,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" 0 or 1 depending on value of EXPRESSION."
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4992,7 +4998,7 @@ msgstr ""
" HISTIGNORE\tA colon-separated list of patterns used to decide which\n"
" \t\tcommands should be saved on the history list.\n"
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5050,7 +5056,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returns success unless an invalid argument is supplied or the directory\n"
" change fails."
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5100,7 +5106,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returns success unless an invalid argument is supplied or the directory\n"
" change fails."
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5154,7 +5160,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5192,7 +5198,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returns success if OPTNAME is enabled; fails if an invalid option is\n"
" given or OPTNAME is disabled."
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5254,7 +5260,7 @@ msgstr ""
" error occurs."
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5304,7 +5310,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5326,7 +5332,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Exit Status:\n"
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5384,7 +5390,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or NAME does not\n"
" have a completion specification defined."
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5462,7 +5468,7 @@ msgstr ""
" not an indexed array."
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index b78afb4d..14adef14 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/eo.po b/po/eo.po
index 2635c114..36d5abd6 100644
--- a/po/eo.po
+++ b/po/eo.po
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU bash 4.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-06-01 00:31+0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Sergio Pokrovskij <>\n"
"Language-Team: Esperanto <>\n"
@@ -59,21 +59,21 @@ msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: Ne prosperis krei: %s"
# XXX: internal_error
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr "bash_execute_unix_command: Mankas klavartabelo por komando"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: La unua ne-blankspaca signo ne estas „\"‟"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "Mankas ferma „%c‟ en %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: Mankas disiga dupunkto"
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ msgstr "Uzeblas nur ene de funkcio"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "„-f‟ ne estas uzebla por fari funkciojn"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: Nurlega funkcio"
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ msgstr "%s: Ne ŝargita dinamike"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: Ne eblas forigi: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ msgstr "%s: Ne ordinara dosiero"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: Tro granda dosiero"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -931,27 +931,27 @@ msgstr "TIMEFORMAT: „%c‟: Misa formatsigno"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "Eraro en dukto"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: Malpermesitas uzi „/‟ en komandonomoj"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: Komando ne trovita"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "„%s‟ estas „%s‟\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: Misa interpretilo"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "Ne eblas kunnomumi al dosiernumero %d la dosiernumeron %d"
@@ -1959,61 +1959,61 @@ msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "%d estas tro granda ŝelnivelo; mallevita ĝis 1"
# XXX: internal_error
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: Malestas funkcia kunteksto en ĉi-regiono"
# XXX: internal_error
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: Malestas funkcia kunteksto en ĉi-regiono"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s: Parametro estas NUL aŭ malaktiva"
# XXX: internal_error
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "Misa signo %d en eksporta signoĉeno por „%s‟"
# XXX: internal_error
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "Mankas „=‟ en eksporta signoĉeno por „%s‟"
# XXX: internal_error
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
"pop_var_context: La kapo de „shell_variables‟ ne estas funkcia kunteksto"
# XXX: internal_error
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: Mankas kunteksto de „global_variables‟"
# XXX: internal_error
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr "pop_scope: La kapo de „shell_variables‟ ne estas provizora regiono"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: Fiaskis malfermo de %s"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%d: Misa dosiernumero: %s"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Copyright (C) 2009 ĉe «Free Software Foundation, Inc.»"
#: version.c:47
@@ -2249,7 +2249,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [N]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o OPCINOMO] [ARG ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3845,6 +3846,7 @@ msgstr ""
# set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]
# set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o OPCINOMO] [ARG ...]
#: builtins.c:1027
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3913,6 +3915,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4008,7 +4013,7 @@ msgstr ""
# unset [-f] [-v] [name ...]
# unset [-f] [-v] [NOMO ...]
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4046,7 +4051,7 @@ msgstr ""
# export [-fn] [name[=value] ...] or export -p
# export [-fn] [NOMO[=VALORO] ...] aŭ export -p
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4082,7 +4087,7 @@ msgstr ""
# readonly [-af] [name[=value] ...] or readonly -p
# readonly [-aAf] [NOMO[=VALORO] ...] aŭ readonly -p
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4119,7 +4124,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Sukceso, krom se aperas nevalida nomo aŭ misa opcio."
# shift [n]
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4136,7 +4141,7 @@ msgstr ""
# source filename [arguments]
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4161,7 +4166,7 @@ msgstr ""
" DOSIERNOMO ne legeblas."
# suspend [-f]
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4187,7 +4192,7 @@ msgstr ""
# test [expr]
# test [ESPRIMO]
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -4337,7 +4342,7 @@ msgstr ""
" argumento."
# [ arg... ]
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4347,7 +4352,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Ĉi tiu estas sinonimo de la primitivo „test‟; tamen la lasta\n"
" argumento devas esti „]‟ fermanta la esprimon komencitan per „[‟."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4368,7 +4373,7 @@ msgstr ""
# trap [-lp] [[arg] signal_spec ...]
# trap [-lp] [[ARG] SIGNALINDIKO ...]
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -4444,7 +4449,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type [-afptP] name [name ...]
# type [-afptP] NOMO [NOMO ...]
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4502,7 +4507,7 @@ msgstr ""
# ulimit [-SHacdefilmnpqrstuvx] [limit]
# ulimit [-SHacdefilmnpqrstuvx] [LIMO]
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4586,7 +4591,7 @@ msgstr ""
# umask [-p] [-S] [mode]
# umask [-p] [-S] [REĜIMO]
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4621,7 +4626,7 @@ msgstr ""
# wait [id]
# wait [IND]
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4651,7 +4656,7 @@ msgstr ""
# wait [pid]
# wait [PN]
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4676,7 +4681,7 @@ msgstr ""
# for NAME [in WORDS ... ] ; do COMMANDS; done
# for NOMO [in VORTOJ ... ] ; do KOMANDOJ; done
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4700,7 +4705,7 @@ msgstr ""
# for (( exp1; exp2; exp3 )); do COMMANDS; done
# for (( ESPR1; ESPR2; ESPR3 )); do KOMANDOJ; done
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4732,7 +4737,7 @@ msgstr ""
# select NAME [in WORDS ... ;] do COMMANDS; done
# select NONO [in VORTOJ ... ;] do KOMANDOJ; done
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4769,7 +4774,7 @@ msgstr ""
# time [-p] PIPELINE
# time [-p] DUKTO
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4800,7 +4805,7 @@ msgstr ""
# case WORD in [PATTERN [| PATTERN]...) COMMANDS ;;]... esac
# case VORTO in [ŜABLONO [| ŜABLONO]...) KOMANDOJ ;;]... esac
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4822,7 +4827,7 @@ msgstr ""
# [ else COMMANDS; ] fi
# if KOMANDOJ; then KOMANDOJ;[ elif KOMANDOJ; then KOMANDOJ; ]...
# [ else KOMANDOJ; ] fi
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4854,7 +4859,7 @@ msgstr ""
# while COMMANDS; do COMMANDS; done
# while KOMANDOJ; do KOMANDOJ; done
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4874,7 +4879,7 @@ msgstr ""
# until COMMANDS; do COMMANDS; done
# until KOMANDOJ; do KOMANDOJ; done
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4894,7 +4899,7 @@ msgstr ""
# coproc [NAME] command [redirections]
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4918,7 +4923,7 @@ msgstr ""
# function name { COMMANDS ; } or name () { COMMANDS ; }
# function NOMO { KOMANDOJ ; } aŭ NOMO () { KOMANDOJ ; }
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4943,7 +4948,7 @@ msgstr ""
# grouping_braces: { COMMANDS ; }
# { KOMANDOJ ; }
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4963,7 +4968,7 @@ msgstr ""
# job_spec [&]
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4988,7 +4993,7 @@ msgstr ""
# (( expression ))
# (( ESPRIMO ))
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5008,7 +5013,7 @@ msgstr ""
# [[ expression ]]
# [[ ESPRIMO ]]
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5059,7 +5064,7 @@ msgstr ""
# help var
# variables - Names and meanings of some shell variables
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5166,7 +5171,7 @@ msgstr ""
# pushd [-n] [+N | -N | dir]
# pushd [-n] [+N | -N | DOSIERUJO]
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5225,7 +5230,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Sukceso, krom se aperas misa argumento aŭ se cd malsukcesas."
# popd [-n] [+N | -N]
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5274,7 +5279,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Sukceso, krom se aperas misa argumento aŭ se cd malsukcesas."
# dirs [-clpv] [+N] [-N]
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5328,7 +5333,7 @@ msgstr ""
# shopt [-pqsu] [-o] [optname ...]
# shopt [-pqsu] [-o] [OPCINOMO ...]
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5368,7 +5373,7 @@ msgstr ""
# printf [-v var] format [arguments]
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -5422,7 +5427,7 @@ msgstr ""
# complete [-abcdefgjksuv] [-pr] [-o OPCIO] [-A AGO] [-G GLOBŜAB]
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
@@ -5472,7 +5477,7 @@ msgstr ""
# compgen [-abcdefgjksuv] [-o OPCIO] [-A AGO] [-G GLOBŜAB]
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5494,7 +5499,7 @@ msgstr ""
# compopt [-o|+o option] [name ...]
# compopt [-o|+o OPCIO] [NOMO ...]
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
@@ -5552,7 +5557,7 @@ msgstr ""
# [-c quantum] [array]
# mapfile [-n NOMBRILO] [-O ORIGINO] [-s NOMBRILO] [-t] [-u DN] [-C RETROVOKO]
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
@@ -5625,7 +5630,7 @@ msgstr ""
# readarray [-n count] [-O origin] [-s count] [-t] [-u fd] [-C callback]
# [-c quantum] [array]
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 80dad0df..1ac1cc6d 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po
index 2ef23251..dadbca19 100644
--- a/po/es.po
+++ b/po/es.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU bash 4.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-04 12:56-0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Cristian Othn Martnez Vera <>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish <>\n"
@@ -45,23 +45,23 @@ msgstr "%s: %s: se debe usar un subndice al asignar a una matriz asociativa"
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: no se puede crear: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
"bash_execute_unix_command: no se puede encontrar la combinacin de teclas "
"para la orden"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: el primer carcter que no es espacio en blanco no es `\"'"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "no hay un `%c' que cierre en %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: falta un `:' separador"
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ msgstr "slo se puede usar dentro de una funcin"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "no se puede usar `-f' para hacer funciones"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: funcin de slo lectura"
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ msgstr "%s: no se carg dinmicamente"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: no se puede borrar: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ msgstr "%s: el fichero es demasiado grande"
# file=fichero. archive=archivo. Si no, es imposible traducir tar. sv
# De acuerdo. Corregido en todo el fichero. cfuga
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -917,27 +917,27 @@ msgstr "TIMEFORMAT: `%c': carcter de formato invlido"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "error de tubera"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: restringido: no se puede especificar `/' en nombres de rdenes"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: no se encontr la orden"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s is %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: intrprete errneo"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "no se puede duplicar el df %d al df %d"
@@ -1930,56 +1930,56 @@ msgstr "error al importar la definicin de la funcin para `%s'"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "el nivel de shell (%d) es demasiado alto, se reestablece a 1"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: no hay contexto de funcin en el mbito actual"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: no hay contexto de funcin en el mbito actual"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s tiene exportstr nulo"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "carcter invlido %d en exportstr para %s"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "no hay `=' en exportstr para %s"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
"pop_var_context: la cabeza de shell_variables no es un contexto de funcin"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: no es un contexto global_variables"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
"pop_scope: la cabeza de shell_variables no es un mbito de ambiente temporal"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: %s: no se puede abrir como FICHERO"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%s: %s: valor invlido para el descriptor de fichero de rastreo"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
#: version.c:47
@@ -2210,7 +2210,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o nombre-opcin] [arg ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3800,6 +3801,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: builtins.c:1027
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3868,6 +3870,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3969,7 +3974,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de Salida:\n"
" Devuelve con xito a menos que se proporcione una opcin invlida."
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4005,7 +4010,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve con xito a menos que se proporcione una opcin invlida o\n"
" un NOMBRE sea de slo lectura."
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4041,7 +4046,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve con xito a menos que se proporcione una opcin invlida o que\n"
" NOMBRE sea invlido."
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4080,7 +4085,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve con xito a menos que se proporcione una opcin invlida o\n"
" el NOMBRE sea invlido."
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4098,7 +4103,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de Salida:\n"
" Devuelve con xito a menos que N sea negativo o mayor que $#."
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4122,7 +4127,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve el estado de la ltima orden ejecutada del FICHERO; falla si\n"
" no se puede leer el FICHERO."
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4148,7 +4153,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve con xito a menos que no est activo el control de trabajos o\n"
" suceda un error."
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -4307,7 +4312,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve con xito si EXPR evala a verdadero; falla si EXPR evala a\n"
" falso o se proporciona un argumento invlido."
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4319,7 +4324,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Este es un sinnimo para la orden interna \"test\", pero el ltimo\n"
" argumento debe ser un `]' literal, que coincida con el `[' inicial."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4339,7 +4344,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de salida:\n"
" Siempre con xito."
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -4417,7 +4422,7 @@ msgstr ""
# No he visto que este fichero incluya la posibilidad de traducir las
# palabras que muestra `type -t'. Por esta razn, se dejan en ingls. cfuga
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4475,7 +4480,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve con xito si se encuentran todos los NOMBREs; falla si no se\n"
" encuentra alguno."
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4564,7 +4569,7 @@ msgstr ""
" un error."
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4598,7 +4603,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve con xito a menos que el MODO sea invlido o se proporcione\n"
" una opcin invlida."
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4626,7 +4631,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve el estado de ID; falla si ID es invlido o se proporciona una\n"
" opcin invlida."
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4649,7 +4654,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve el estado de ID; falla si ID es invlido o se proporciona una\n"
" opcin invlida."
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4671,7 +4676,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de Salida:\n"
" Devuelve el estado de la ltima orden ejecutada."
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4701,7 +4706,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de Salida:\n"
" Devuelve el estado de la ltima orden ejecutada."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4738,7 +4743,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de Salida:\n"
" Devuelve el estado de la ltima orden ejecutada."
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4765,7 +4770,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de Salida:\n"
" El estado de devolucin es el estado de devolucin de la TUBERA."
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4783,7 +4788,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de Salida:\n"
" Devuelve el estado de la ltima orden ejecutada."
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4819,7 +4824,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de Salida:\n"
" Devuelve el estado de la ltima orden ejecutada."
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4837,7 +4842,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de Salida:\n"
" Devuelve el estado de la ltima orden ejecutada."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4855,7 +4860,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de Salida:\n"
" Devuelve el estado de la ltima orden ejecutada."
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4879,7 +4884,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de Salida:\n"
" Devuelve el estado de salida de la ORDEN."
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4902,7 +4907,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de Salida:\n"
" Devuelve con xito a menos que NOMBRE sea de slo lectura"
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4920,7 +4925,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de Salida:\n"
" Devuelve el estado de la ltima orden ejecutada."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4945,7 +4950,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de Salida:\n"
" Devuelve el estado del trabajo reiniciado."
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4963,7 +4968,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de Salida:\n"
" Devuelve 1 si la EXPRESIN evala a 0; devuelve 0 de otra manera."
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5016,7 +5021,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Estado de Salida:\n"
" 0 o 1 dependiendo del valor de la EXPRESIN."
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5131,7 +5136,7 @@ msgstr ""
" \t\tpara decidir cules rdenes se deben guardar en la lista de\n"
" \t\thistoria.\n"
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5190,7 +5195,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve con xito a menos que se proporcione un argumento invlido o\n"
" falle el cambio de directorio."
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5244,7 +5249,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve con xito a menos que se proporcione un argumento invlido o\n"
" falle el cambio de directorio."
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5300,7 +5305,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve con xito, a menos que se proporcione una opcin invlida o\n"
" suceda un error."
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5337,7 +5342,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve con xito si se activa NOMBRE_OPCIN; falla si se proporciona\n"
" una opcin invlida o NOMBRE_OPCIN est desactivado."
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -5394,7 +5399,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve con xito a menos que se proporcione una opcin invlida o\n"
" suceda un error de escritura o de asignacin."
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5446,7 +5451,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve con xito a menos que se proporcione una opcin invlida o\n"
" suceda un error."
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5468,7 +5473,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve con xito a menos que se proporcione una opcin invlida o\n"
" suceda un error."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
@@ -5526,7 +5531,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve con xito a menos que se proporcione una opcin invlida o\n"
" el NOMBRE no tenga una especificacin de completado definida."
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
@@ -5600,7 +5605,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Devuelve con xito a menos que se proporcione una opcin invlida o\n"
" la MATRIZ sea de slo lectura."
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 1ee946aa..45e69446 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/et.po b/po/et.po
index e4bdbe36..5a1543fe 100644
--- a/po/et.po
+++ b/po/et.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash 3.2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-11-11 16:38+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Toomas Soome <>\n"
"Language-Team: Estonian <>\n"
@@ -43,21 +43,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: ei saa luua: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: esimine mitte-themik smbol pole `\"'"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "sulgev `%c' puudub %s sees"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: puudub eraldav koolon"
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ msgstr "saab kasutada ainult funktsioonis"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "vtit `-f' ei saa funktsiooni loomiseks kasutada"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: funktsioon ei ole muudetav"
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ msgstr "%s: pole dnaamiliselt laetud"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: ei saa kustutada: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ msgstr "%s: ei ole tavaline fail"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: fail on liiga suur"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -842,27 +842,27 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "kirjutamise viga: %s"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: piiratud: kskudes ei saa kasutada smboleid `/'"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: ksku ei ole"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s on %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: halb interpretaator"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr ""
@@ -1795,54 +1795,54 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "shelli tase (%d) on liiga krge, kasutan vrtust 1"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: praegune skoop pole funktsiooni kontekst"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: praegune skoop pole funktsiooni kontekst"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s: parameeter on null vi pole seatud"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: pole global_variables kontekst"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: ei saa avada: %s"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr ""
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Autoriigus 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n"
#: version.c:47
@@ -2051,7 +2051,7 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr ""
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr ""
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3049,6 +3049,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3062,7 +3065,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3082,7 +3085,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3101,7 +3104,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3121,7 +3124,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3132,7 +3135,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3146,7 +3149,7 @@ msgid ""
" FILENAME cannot be read."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3160,7 +3163,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3241,7 +3244,7 @@ msgid ""
" false or an invalid argument is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3249,7 +3252,7 @@ msgid ""
" be a literal `]', to match the opening `['."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3261,7 +3264,7 @@ msgid ""
" Always succeeds."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3305,7 +3308,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3335,7 +3338,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3379,7 +3382,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3397,7 +3400,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless MODE is invalid or an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3414,7 +3417,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3428,7 +3431,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3441,7 +3444,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3458,7 +3461,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3478,7 +3481,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3494,7 +3497,7 @@ msgid ""
" The return status is the return status of PIPELINE."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3505,7 +3508,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3526,7 +3529,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3537,7 +3540,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3548,7 +3551,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3561,7 +3564,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the exit status of COMMAND."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3575,7 +3578,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless NAME is readonly."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3586,7 +3589,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3600,7 +3603,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the resumed job."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3611,7 +3614,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns 1 if EXPRESSION evaluates to 0; returns 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3639,7 +3642,7 @@ msgid ""
" 0 or 1 depending on value of EXPRESSION."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3693,7 +3696,7 @@ msgid ""
" \t\tcommands should be saved on the history list.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3724,7 +3727,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3751,7 +3754,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3780,7 +3783,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3801,7 +3804,7 @@ msgid ""
" given or OPTNAME is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3834,7 +3837,7 @@ msgid ""
" error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3861,7 +3864,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3874,7 +3877,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3905,7 +3908,7 @@ msgid ""
" have a completion specification defined."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3946,7 +3949,7 @@ msgid ""
" not an indexed array."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 62cd332f..ac95fd9c 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/fi.po b/po/fi.po
index e1bd244b..db9226f4 100644
--- a/po/fi.po
+++ b/po/fi.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash-4.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-09 15:13+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Pekka Niemi <>\n"
"Language-Team: Finnish <>\n"
@@ -50,21 +50,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: ei voida luoda: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr "bash_execute_unix_command: komennolle ei löydy näppäinkarttaa"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: ensimmäinen ei-tyhjä merkki ei ole ”\"”"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "ei loppumerkkiä ”%c” rivissä %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: puuttuva kaksoispiste-erotin"
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ msgstr "voidaan käyttää ainoastaan funktiossa"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "”-f”:ää ei voida käyttää funktioiden luomiseen"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: kirjoitussuojattu funktio"
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ msgstr "%s: ei dynaamisesti ladattu"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: ei voida poistaa: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ msgstr "%s: ei tavallinen tiedosto"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: tiedosto on liian iso"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -912,27 +912,27 @@ msgstr "AJAN MUOTOMÄÄRITYS: ”%c”: virheellinen muotoilumerkki"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "putkitusvirhe"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: rajoitettu: komentojen nimissä ei voi käyttää ”/”-merkkiä"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: komentoa ei löydy"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s on %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: virheellinen tulkki"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "tiedostokahvaa %d ei voida kopioida kahvaksi %d"
@@ -1872,56 +1872,56 @@ msgstr "virhe tuotaessa ”%s”:n funktiomääritystä"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "komentotulkkitaso (%d) liian korkea, palautetaan 1:ksi"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: ei funktiokontekstia nykytilassa"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: ei funktiokontekstia nykytilassa"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s: parametria ei ole tai sitä ei ole asetettu"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "virheellinen merkki %d %s:n exportstr:ssä"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "ei =:ä kohteen %s exportstr:ssä"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: shell_variablesin alku ei ole funktiokonteksti"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: ei global_variables-kontekstia"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
"pop_scope: shell_variablesin alku ei väliaikaisten ympäristömuuttujien "
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: ei voida avata: %s"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%d: virheellinen tiedostokahva: %s"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Copyright © 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
#: version.c:47
@@ -2149,7 +2149,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o valitsinnimi] [arg ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3710,6 +3711,7 @@ msgstr ""
" funktiota tai skriptiä."
#: builtins.c:1027
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3778,6 +3780,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3875,7 +3880,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" Palauttaa onnistumisen ellei ole annettu virheellistä valitsinta."
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3911,7 +3916,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Palauttaa onnistuneen paitsi jos on annettu virheellinen valitsin\n"
" tai NIMI on kirjoitussuojattu."
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3945,7 +3950,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Palauttaa onnistuneen paitsi jos on annettu virheellinen valitsin\n"
" tai NIMI on virheellinen."
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3982,7 +3987,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Palauttaa onnistuneen paitsi jos on annettu virheellinen valitsin\n"
" tai NIMI on virheellinen."
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4001,7 +4006,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" Palauttaa onnistuneen ellei N ole negatiivinen tai suurempi kuin $#."
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4026,7 +4031,7 @@ msgstr ""
" mikäli TIEDOSTOA ei voida lukea."
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4053,7 +4058,7 @@ msgstr ""
" virhe."
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -4214,7 +4219,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Palauttaa onnistumisen jos LAUSEKE evaluoituu todeksi; epäonnistuu jos\n"
" LAUSEKE evaluoituu vääräksi tai on annettu virheellinen argumentti."
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4226,7 +4231,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Tämä on sisäänrakennetun ”test”-komennon synonyymi, mutta viimeisen\n"
" argumentin pitää olla ”]”, joka sulkee avaavan ”[”:n."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4246,7 +4251,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" Onnistuu aina."
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -4328,7 +4333,7 @@ msgstr ""
" virheellinen valitsin."
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4384,7 +4389,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Palauttaa onnistuneen mikäli kaikki NIMET löytyivät, muussa tapauksessa\n"
" epäonnistuu."
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4469,7 +4474,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Palauttaa onnistuneen paitsi jos on annettu virheellinen valitsin\n"
" tai tapahtuu virhe."
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4504,7 +4509,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Palauttaa onnistuneen ellei TILA ole virheellinen tai on annettu \n"
" virheellinen valitsin."
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4534,7 +4539,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Palauttaa ID:n tilan; epäonnistuu jos ID on virheellinen tai on annettu\n"
" virheellinen valitsin."
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4558,7 +4563,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Palauttaa ID:n tilan; epäonnistuu jos ID on virheellinen tai on annettu\n"
" virheellinen valitsin."
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4580,7 +4585,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" Viimeisen suoritetun komennon paluuarvo."
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4612,7 +4617,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" Viimeisen suoritetun komennon paluuarvo."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4649,7 +4654,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" Viimeisen suoritetun komennon paluuarvo."
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4678,7 +4683,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" KOMENTOKETJUN paluuarvo."
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4697,7 +4702,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" Viimeisen suoritetun komennon paluuarvo."
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4731,7 +4736,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" Viimeisen suoritetun komennon paluuarvo."
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4749,7 +4754,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" Viimeisen komennon paluuarvo."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4767,7 +4772,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" Viimeisen suoritetun komennon paluuarvo."
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4789,7 +4794,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" KOMENNON paluuarvo."
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4812,7 +4817,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" Onnistuu, ellei NIMI ole kirjoitussuojattu."
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4831,7 +4836,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" Viimeisen suoritetun komennon paluuarvo."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4857,7 +4862,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" Työn tila."
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4875,7 +4880,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" Palauttaa 1, jos LAUSEKKEEN arvo on 0; muuten palauttaa 0."
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4929,7 +4934,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Paluuarvo:\n"
" 0 tai 1 riippuen LAUSEKKEEN arvosta."
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5032,7 +5037,7 @@ msgstr ""
" HISTIGNORE\tKaksoispistein eroteltu lista mallineista, joita käytetään\n"
" \t\tpäätettäessä komentojen tallentamisesta historialistaan.\n"
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5090,7 +5095,7 @@ msgstr ""
" hakemiston vaihtaminen epäonnistuu."
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5137,7 +5142,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Palauttaa onnistuneen paitsi jos on annettu virheellinen argumentti tai\n"
" hakemiston vaihto epäonnistuu."
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5191,7 +5196,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Palauttaa onnistuneen paitsi jos on annettu virheellinen valitsin\n"
" tai tapahtuu virhe."
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5229,7 +5234,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Palauttaa onnistuneen, mikäli VALITSIN on käytössä, epäonnistuu jos on\n"
" annettu virheellinen VALITSIN tai VALITSIN ei ole käytössä."
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -5283,7 +5288,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Palauttaa onnistuneen paitsi jos on annettu virheellinen valitsin tai\n"
" tapahtuu kirjoitus- tai sijoitusvirhe."
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
@@ -5331,7 +5336,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Palauttaa onnistuneen paitsi jos on annettu virheellinen valitsin tai \n"
" tapahtuu virhe."
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5354,7 +5359,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Palauttaa onnistuneen paitsi jos on annettu virheellinen valitsin tai\n"
" tapahtuu virhe."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
@@ -5408,7 +5413,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Palauttaa onnistuneen paitsi jos on annettu virheellinen valitsin tai\n"
" NIMELLE ei ole määritetty täydennysmääritystä."
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
@@ -5481,7 +5486,7 @@ msgstr ""
" tai TAULUKKO on kirjoitussuojattu."
# Changed " characters into ”...
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index c677d181..7b7228f1 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
index a385be90..7d7933a2 100644
--- a/po/fr.po
+++ b/po/fr.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash-4.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-10 13:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Christophe Combelles <>\n"
"Language-Team: French <>\n"
@@ -47,23 +47,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s : impossible de créer : %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
"bash_execute_unix_command : impossible de trouver le mappage clavier pour la "
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s : le premier caractère non vide n'est pas « \" »"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "pas de « %c » de fermeture dans %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s : virgule de séparation manquante"
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ msgstr "utilisable seulement dans une fonction"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "« -f » ne peut pas être utilisé pour fabriquer des fonctions"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s : fonction en lecture seule"
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ msgstr "%s : non chargé dynamiquement"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s : impossible d'effacer : %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ msgstr "%s : ceci n'est pas un fichier régulier"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s : le fichier est trop grand"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -929,28 +929,28 @@ msgstr "TIMEFORMAT : « %c » : caractère de format non valable"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "erreur de tube"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr ""
"%s : restriction : « / » ne peut pas être spécifié dans un nom de commande"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s : commande introuvable"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s est %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s : %s : mauvais interpréteur"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "Impossible de dupliquer le fd %d vers le fd %d"
@@ -1904,62 +1904,62 @@ msgstr "erreur lors de l'import de la définition de fonction pour « %s »"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "niveau de shell trop élevé (%d), initialisation à 1"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
"make_local_variable : aucun contexte de fonction dans le champ d'application "
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
"all_local_variables : aucun contexte de fonction dans le champ d'application "
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s a un « exportstr » vide"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "caractère %d non valable dans « exportstr » pour %s"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "Pas de « = » dans « exportstr » pour %s"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
"pop_var_context : le début de « shell_variables » n'est pas un contexte de "
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context : aucun contexte à « global_variables »"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
"pop_scope : le début de « shell_variables » n'est pas un champ d'application "
"temporaire d'environnement"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s : %s : impossible d'ouvrir comme FILE"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%s : %s : valeur non valable pour un descripteur de fichier de trace"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
#: version.c:47
@@ -2188,7 +2188,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o nom-option] [arg ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3842,6 +3843,7 @@ msgstr ""
"une fonction ou un script."
#: builtins.c:1027
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3910,6 +3912,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4024,7 +4029,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Renvoie le code de succès à moins qu'une option non valable ne soit "
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4061,7 +4066,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Renvoie le code de succès à moins qu'une option non valable ne soit "
"donnée ou que NOM soit en lecture seule."
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4097,7 +4102,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Renvoie le code de succès à moins qu'une option non valable ne soit "
"données ou que NOM ne soit pas valable."
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4137,7 +4142,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Renvoie le code de succès à moins qu'une options non valable ne soit "
"données ou que NOM ne soit pas valable."
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4156,7 +4161,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Code de retour :\n"
" Renvoie le code de succès à moins que N soit négatif ou supérieur à $#."
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4184,7 +4189,7 @@ msgstr ""
" d'échec si NOMFICHIER ne peut pas être lu."
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4211,7 +4216,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Renvoie le code de succès à moins que le contrôle de tâche ne soit pas "
"activé ou qu'une erreur survienne."
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -4369,7 +4374,7 @@ msgstr ""
"fausse ou si\n"
" un argument non valable est donné."
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4381,7 +4386,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Ceci est un synonyme de la primitive « test », mais le dernier argument\n"
" doit être le caractère « ] », pour fermer le « [ » correspondant."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4400,7 +4405,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Code de retour :\n"
" Toujours le code de succès."
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -4479,7 +4484,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Renvoie le code de succès à moins que SIGSPEC ne soit pas valable ou "
"qu'une option non valable ne soit donnée."
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4540,7 +4545,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Renvoie le code de succès si tous les NOMs sont trouvés, le code d'échec "
"si l'un d'entre eux n'est pas trouvé."
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4630,7 +4635,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Renvoie le code de succès à moins qu'une option non valable ne soit "
"fournie ou qu'une erreur ne survienne."
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4668,7 +4673,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Renvoie le code de succès à moins que MODE ne soit pas valable ou qu'une "
"option non valable ne soit donnée."
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4700,7 +4705,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Renvoie le même code que celui d'ID, ou le code d'échec si ID n'est pas "
"valable ou en cas d'option non valable."
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4724,7 +4729,7 @@ msgstr ""
"non valable\n"
" est donnée."
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4747,7 +4752,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Code de sortie :\n"
" Renvoie le code de la dernière commande exécutée."
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4778,7 +4783,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Code de sortie :\n"
" Renvoie le code de la dernière commande exécutée."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4814,7 +4819,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Code de sortie :\n"
" Renvoie le code de la dernière commande exécutée."
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4845,7 +4850,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Code de sortie :\n"
" Le code de retour est celui du PIPELINE."
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4865,7 +4870,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Code de sortie :\n"
" Renvoie le code de la dernière commande exécutée."
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4903,7 +4908,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Code de sortie :\n"
" Renvoie le code de la dernière commande exécutée."
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4923,7 +4928,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Code de sortie :\n"
" Renvoie le code de la dernière commande exécutée."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4943,7 +4948,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Code de sortie :\n"
" Renvoie le code de la dernière commande exécutée."
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4967,7 +4972,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Code de retour :\n"
" Renvoie le même code de retour que la COMMANDE."
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4993,7 +4998,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Code de retour :\n"
" Renvoie le code de succès à moins que NOM ne soit en lecture seule."
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5011,7 +5016,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Code de sortie :\n"
" Renvoie le code de la dernière commande exécutée."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5037,7 +5042,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Code de sortie :\n"
" Renvoie le code de la commande reprise."
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5055,7 +5060,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Code de sortie :\n"
" Renvoie 1 si EXPRESSION est évaluée à 0, sinon renvoie 0."
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5109,7 +5114,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Code de sortie :\n"
" 0 ou 1 selon la valeur de l'EXPRESSION."
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5233,7 +5238,7 @@ msgstr ""
" \t\tdécider quelles commandes doivent être conservées dans la liste "
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5292,7 +5297,7 @@ msgstr ""
" ou que le changement de répertoire n'échoue."
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5342,7 +5347,7 @@ msgstr ""
" ou que le changement de répertoire n'échoue."
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5399,7 +5404,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Renvoie le code de succès à moins qu'une option non valable ne soit "
"fournie ou qu'une erreur ne survienne."
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5440,7 +5445,7 @@ msgstr ""
" est donnée ou si NOMOPT est inactive."
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -5502,7 +5507,7 @@ msgstr ""
"donnée ou qu'une\n"
" erreur d'écriture ou d'affectation ne survienne."
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5558,7 +5563,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Renvoie le code de succès à moins qu'une option non valable ne soit "
"fournie ou qu'une erreur ne survienne."
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5580,7 +5585,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Renvoie le code de succès à moins qu'une option non valable ne soit "
"fournie ou qu'une erreur ne survienne."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
@@ -5646,7 +5651,7 @@ msgstr ""
" ou que NOM n'ait aucun réglage d'auto-complètement."
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
@@ -5727,7 +5732,7 @@ msgstr ""
"donnée ou que\n"
" le TABLEAU soit en lecture seule ou ne soit pas un tableau indexé."
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 7cfc5440..4bed3c9b 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/ga.po b/po/ga.po
index 48d8aae5..f30f7d9b 100644
--- a/po/ga.po
+++ b/po/ga.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash 4.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-24 23:08+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Séamus Ó Ciardhuáin <>\n"
"Language-Team: Irish <>\n"
@@ -48,22 +48,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: ní féidir cruthú: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
"bash_execute_unix_command: ní féidir mapa eochrach an ordaithe a aimsiú"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: ní \" é an chéad charachtar nach spás bán é."
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "Níl \"%c\" dúnta i %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: deighilteoir idirstaid ar iarraidh"
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ msgstr "Inúsáidte i bhfeidhmeanna amháin. "
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "Ní féidir \"-f\" a úsáid chun feidhmeanna a dhéanamh"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: feidhm inléite amháin"
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ msgstr "%s: níl sé luchtaithe go dinimiciúil"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: ní féidir scrios: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ msgstr "%s: ní gnáthchomhad é"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: tá an comhad ró-mhór"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -861,27 +861,27 @@ msgstr "FORMÁID_AMA: \"%c\": carachtar formáide neamhbhaií."
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "earráid phíopa"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: srianta: ní féidir \"/\" a shonrú in ainmneacha ordaithe"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: níor aimsíodh an t-ordú"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "Tá %s %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: drochléirmhínitheoir"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr ""
@@ -1835,54 +1835,54 @@ msgstr "Earráid agus sainmhíniú na feidhme \"%s\" á iompórtáil."
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "Tá an leibhéal blaoisce (%d) ró-ard; á athshocrú go 1."
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: níl comhthéacs feidhme sa scóip reatha."
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: níl comhthéacs feidhme sa scóip reatha"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s: paraiméadar neamhnitheach nó gan socrú."
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "Carachtar neamhbhailí %d sa teaghrán easpórtála le haghaidh %s."
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "Níl \"=\" sa teaghrán easpórtála le haghaidh %s."
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: ní comhthéacs feidhme é ceann shell_variables"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: níl comhthéacs global_variables ann"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr "pop_scope: ní scóip shealadach thimpeallachta é ceann shell_variables"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: ní féidir oscailt: %s"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%d: tuairisceoir comhaid neamhbhailí: %s"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Cóipcheart © 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
#: version.c:47
@@ -2110,7 +2110,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o ainm-rogha] [argóint ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3377,6 +3378,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3390,7 +3394,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3410,7 +3414,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3429,7 +3433,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3449,7 +3453,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3460,7 +3464,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3474,7 +3478,7 @@ msgid ""
" FILENAME cannot be read."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3488,7 +3492,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3569,7 +3573,7 @@ msgid ""
" false or an invalid argument is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3582,7 +3586,7 @@ msgstr ""
" caithfear \"]\" go díreach a bheith ann mar an argóint\n"
" dheireanach, le bheith comhoiriúnach leis an \"[\" ag an tús."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3602,7 +3606,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Stádas Scortha:\n"
" Éiríonn leis i gcónaí."
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3646,7 +3650,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3676,7 +3680,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3720,7 +3724,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3738,7 +3742,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless MODE is invalid or an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3755,7 +3759,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3769,7 +3773,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3782,7 +3786,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3813,7 +3817,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Stádas Scortha:\n"
" Aischuirtear stádas an ordaithe dheireanaigh a ritheadh."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3833,7 +3837,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3849,7 +3853,7 @@ msgid ""
" The return status is the return status of PIPELINE."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3860,7 +3864,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3881,7 +3885,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3892,7 +3896,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3903,7 +3907,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3916,7 +3920,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the exit status of COMMAND."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3940,7 +3944,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Stádas Scortha:\n"
" Aischuirtear rath mura bhfuil AINM inléite amháin."
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3958,7 +3962,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Stádas Scortha:\n"
" Aischuirtear stádas an ordaithe dheireanaigh a ritheadh."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3972,7 +3976,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the resumed job."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3983,7 +3987,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns 1 if EXPRESSION evaluates to 0; returns 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4011,7 +4015,7 @@ msgid ""
" 0 or 1 depending on value of EXPRESSION."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4065,7 +4069,7 @@ msgid ""
" \t\tcommands should be saved on the history list.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4096,7 +4100,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4123,7 +4127,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4152,7 +4156,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4173,7 +4177,7 @@ msgid ""
" given or OPTNAME is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4206,7 +4210,7 @@ msgid ""
" error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4233,7 +4237,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4256,7 +4260,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Aischuirtear rath mura thugtar rogha neamhbhailí agus mura tharlaíonn "
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4287,7 +4291,7 @@ msgid ""
" have a completion specification defined."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4328,7 +4332,7 @@ msgid ""
" not an indexed array."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index a0656a8b..7a637613 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po
index 2648d7e4..9e9f4351 100644
--- a/po/hu.po
+++ b/po/hu.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash-4.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-06 17:44+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Mate Ory <>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian <>\n"
@@ -45,22 +45,22 @@ msgstr "%s: %s: asszociatív tömbhöz való értékadásnál meg kell adni az i
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: nem hozható létre: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
"bash_execute_unix_command: nem található billentyűkiosztás a parancshoz"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: az első nem szóközkarakter nem „\"”"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "nincs záró „%c” a következőben: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: hiányzó kettőspont-elválasztó"
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ msgstr "csak függvényben használható"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "nem használható a „-f” függvény létrehozására"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: csak olvasható függvény"
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ msgstr "%s: nem dinamikusan van betöltve"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: nem törölhető: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ msgstr "%s: nem normál fájl"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: a fájl túl nagy"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -908,27 +908,27 @@ msgstr "IDŐFORMÁTUM: „%c”: érvénytelen formátumkarakter"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "hibás csővezeték"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: korlátozott: nem adható meg „/” a parancsok nevében"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: parancs nem található"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s egy %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: rossz parancsértelmező"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "nem lehet duplikálni a(z) %d. fájlleírót a(z) %d. helyre"
@@ -1865,54 +1865,54 @@ msgstr "hiba a függvénydefiníció betöltésekor: „%s”"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "a parancsértelmező szintje (%d) túl magas, visszaállítás 1-re"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: nincs függvénykörnyezet az aktuális látókörben"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: nincs függvénykörnyezet az aktuális látókörben"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s exportstr-je null"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "érvénytelen karakter (%d) %s exportstr-jében"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "nincs „=” %s exportstr-jében"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: shell_variables feje nem egy függvénykörnyezet"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: nincs global_variables környezet"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr "pop_scope: shell_variables feje nem egy átmeneti környezeti látókör"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: %s: nem nyitható meg FILE-ként"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%s: %s: érvénytelen érték a trace fájlleíróhoz"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Copyright © 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
#: version.c:47
@@ -2137,7 +2137,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o beállításnév] [arg ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3655,6 +3656,7 @@ msgstr ""
" visszatérni – ekkor sikertelenséget jelez."
#: builtins.c:1027
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3723,6 +3725,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3813,7 +3818,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Sikerrel tér vissza, kivéve ha érvénytelen kapcsolót kap."
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3849,7 +3854,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Sikerrel tér vissza, kivéve ha hibás kapcsolót kap, vagy egy NÉV csak\n"
" olvasható."
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3883,7 +3888,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Sikerrel tér vissza, kivéve ha érvénytelen kapcsolót vagy NEV-et kap."
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3919,7 +3924,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Sikerrel tér vissza, kivéve ha érvénytelen kapcsolót vagy NEV-et kap."
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3937,7 +3942,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Sikerrel tér vissza, kivéve ha N negatív vagy nagyobb mint $#."
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3960,7 +3965,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Az utolsó FÁJLNÉV-beli parancs kilépési kódjával tér vissza; sikerte-\n"
" lenül, ha FÁJLNÉV nem olvasható."
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3986,7 +3991,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Sikerrel tér vissza, kivéve ha a munkakezelés nem támogatott vagy hiba\n"
" történt."
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -4139,7 +4144,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Sikerrel tér vissza, ha KIF igaz; sikertelenséggel, ha KIF hamis vagy\n"
" érvénytelen argumentumokat kap."
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4152,7 +4157,7 @@ msgstr ""
" hogy az utolsó argumentuma „]” kell legyen – a nyitó „]”-lel összhang-\n"
" ban."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4170,7 +4175,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Mindig sikeres."
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -4243,7 +4248,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Sikerrel tér vissza, kivéve ha SZIGNÁL érvénytelen vagy érvénytelen\n"
" kapcsolót kap."
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4295,7 +4300,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Sikerrel lép ki, ha minden NÉV megtalálható, sikertelenül, ha nem."
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4378,7 +4383,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Sikerrel tér vissza, kivéve érvénytelen kapcsoló és hiba esetében."
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4413,7 +4418,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Sikerrel lép ki, kivéve ha MÓD vagy egy kapcsoló érvénytelen."
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4440,7 +4445,7 @@ msgstr ""
" ID kilépési kódjával tér vissza; érvénytelen ID vagy kapcsoló esetén\n"
" sikertelenül."
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4462,7 +4467,7 @@ msgstr ""
" ID kilépési kódjával tér vissza; érvénytelen ID vagy kapcsoló esetén\n"
" sikertelenül."
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4484,7 +4489,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Az utolsó parancs kilépési kódját adja vissza."
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4514,7 +4519,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Az utolsó parancs kilépési kódját adja."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4550,7 +4555,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Az utolsó parancs kilépési kódját adja vissza."
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4580,7 +4585,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" A kilépési kód a CSŐVEZETÉK kilépési kódja lesz."
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4599,7 +4604,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Az utolsó parancs kilépési kódját adja vissza."
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4632,7 +4637,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Az utoljára végrehajtott parancs kilépési kódja."
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4650,7 +4655,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Az utolsónak végrehajtott parancs kilépési kódja."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4668,7 +4673,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Az utolsónak végrehajtott parancs kilépési kódja."
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4690,7 +4695,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" A PARANCS kilépési kódjával tér vissza."
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4713,7 +4718,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Sikerrel tér vissza, kivéve ha NÉV csak olvasható."
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4731,7 +4736,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Az utolsó parancs kilépési kódját adja vissza."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4753,7 +4758,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" A visszaállított parancs kilépési kódjával lép ki."
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4771,7 +4776,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" 1-gyel tér vissza, ha KIFEJEZÉS értéke 0, különben 0-val."
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4820,7 +4825,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" 0 vagy 1 a KIFEJEZÉS-től függően."
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4921,7 +4926,7 @@ msgstr ""
" HISTIGNORE Kettőspontokkal elválasztott mintalista, amely mintákra\n"
" illeszkedő parancsok nem kerülnek az előzmények közé\n"
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4978,7 +4983,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Sikerrel tér vissza, kivéve érvénytelen argumentum vagy könyvtárváltás\n"
" során történő hiba esetén."
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5026,7 +5031,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Sikerrel tér vissza, kivéve érvénytelen argumentum vagy könyvtárváltás\n"
" során történő hiba esetén."
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5075,7 +5080,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Sikerrel tér vissza, kivéve érvénytelen argumentum vagy hiba esetén."
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5112,7 +5117,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Sikerrel tér vissza, ha OPTNÉV engedélyezve van; sikertelenül, ha hi-\n"
" bás kapcsolókat kap vagy OPTNÉV tiltva van."
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -5168,7 +5173,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Sikerrel tér vissza, kivéve ha hibás kapcsolókat kap, vagy az írás/ér-\n"
" tékadás hibával járt."
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5216,7 +5221,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Sikerrel tér vissza, kivéve érvénytelen kapcsoló és hiba esetén."
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5237,7 +5242,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Kilépési kód:\n"
" Sikerrel lép ki, kivéve érvénytelen kapcsoló vagy hiba esetén."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
@@ -5295,7 +5300,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Sikerrel lép ki, kivéve ha érvénytelen kapcsolókat kap, vagy NÉV nincs\n"
" még megadva."
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
@@ -5365,7 +5370,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Sikerrel tér vissza, kivéve érvénytelen kapcsoló vagy csak olvasható,\n"
" vagy nem indexelt TÖMB megadása esetén."
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 98923c0d..8c708b50 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/id.po b/po/id.po
index c4254205..b36a366b 100644
--- a/po/id.po
+++ b/po/id.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash 4.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-16 12:45+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: Arif E. Nugroho <>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian <>\n"
@@ -45,21 +45,21 @@ msgstr "%s: %s: harus menggunakan subscript ketika memberikan assosiasi array"
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: tidak dapat membuat: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr "bash_execute_unix_command: tidak dapat menemukan keymap untuk perintah"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: bukan karakter whitespace (spasi) pertama ditemukan `\"'"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "tidak menutup '%c' dalam %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: hilang pemisah colon"
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ msgstr "hanya dapat digunakan dalam sebuah fungsi"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "tidak dapat menggunakan `-f' untuk membuat fungsi"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: fungsi baca-saja"
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ msgstr "%s: bukan dinamically loaded"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: tidak dapat menghapus: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ msgstr "%s: bukan sebuah file umum"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: file terlalu besar"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -915,28 +915,28 @@ msgstr "TIMEFORMAT: `%c': karakter format tidak valid"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "pipe error"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr ""
"%s: dibatasi: tidak dapat menspesifikasikan '/' dalam nama nama perintah"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: perintah tidak ditemukan"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s adalah %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: interpreter buruk"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "tidak dapat menduplikasikan fd %d ke fd %d"
@@ -1879,57 +1879,57 @@ msgstr "error mengimpor definisi fungsi untuk `%s'"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "level shell (%d) terlalu tinggi, mereset ke 1"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: tidak ada context fungsi di scope ini"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: tidak ada context fungsi dalam scope ini"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s memiliki exportstr kosong"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "karakter %d tidak valid dalam exporstr untuk %s"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "bukan `=' dalam exportstr untuk %s"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
"pop_var_context: kepala dari shell_variables bukan sebuah fungsi cbntext"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: bukan global_variable context"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
"pop_scope: kepala dari shell_variables bukan sebuah scope lingkungan "
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: %s: tidak dapat membuka sebagai BERKAS"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%s: %s: nilai dari berkas pendeskripsi penelusur tidak valid"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Hak Cipta (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
#: version.c:47
@@ -2156,7 +2156,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o nama-pilihan] [argumen ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3771,6 +3772,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: builtins.c:1027
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3839,6 +3841,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3942,7 +3947,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" Mengembalikan sukses kecuali sebuah pilihan tidak valid diberikan."
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3979,7 +3984,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Mengembalikan sukses kecuali sebuah pilihan tidak valid diberikan atau "
"sebuah NAMA adalah baca-saja."
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4014,7 +4019,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Mengembalikan sukses kecuali sebuah pilihan tidak valid diberikan atau "
"NAMA tidak valid."
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4053,7 +4058,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Mengembalikan sukses kecual sebuah pilihan tidak valid diberikan atau "
"NAMA tidak valid."
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4071,7 +4076,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" Mengembalikan sukses kecuali N adalah negatif atau lebih besar dari $#."
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4097,7 +4102,7 @@ msgstr ""
"BERKAS; gagal jika\n"
" NAMA BERKAS tidak dapat dibaca."
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4123,7 +4128,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Mengembalikan sukses kecuali pengontrol pekerjaan tidak aktif atau "
"sebuah error terjadi."
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -4288,7 +4293,7 @@ msgstr ""
"EXPR mengevaluasi ke\n"
" salah atau sebuah argumen tidak valid diberikan."
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4300,7 +4305,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Ini sinonim untuk \"test\" builtin, tetapi argumen terakhir\n"
" harus berupa sebuah literal `]', untuk mencocokan dengan pembukaan `['."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4320,7 +4325,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" Selalu sukses."
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -4402,7 +4407,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Mengembalikan sukses kecuali sebuah SIGSPEC adalah tidak valid atau "
"sebuah pilihan tidak valid diberikan."
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4464,7 +4469,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Mengembalikan sukses jika seluruh dari NAMA ditemukan; gagal jika ada "
"yang tidak ditemukan."
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4552,7 +4557,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Mengembalikan sukses kecuali sebuah pilihan tidak valid diberikan atau "
"sebuah error terjadi."
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4590,7 +4595,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Mengembalikan sukses kecuali MODE tidak valid atau sebuah pilihan tidak "
"valid diberikan."
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4622,7 +4627,7 @@ msgstr ""
"pilihan tidak\n"
" valid diberikan."
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4647,7 +4652,7 @@ msgstr ""
"pilihan tidak valid\n"
" diberikan."
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4671,7 +4676,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" Mengembalikan status dari perintah terakhir yang dijalankan."
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4701,7 +4706,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" Mengembalikan status dari perintah terakhir yang dijalankan."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4738,7 +4743,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" Mengembalikan status dari perintah terakhir yang dijalankan."
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4766,7 +4771,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" Status kembali adalah status kembali dari PIPELINE."
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4784,7 +4789,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" Mengembalikan setatus dari perintah terakhir yang dijalankan."
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4822,7 +4827,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" Mengembalikan status dari perintah terakhir yang dijalankan."
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4840,7 +4845,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" Mengembalikan status dari perintah terakhir yang dijalankan."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4857,7 +4862,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" Mengembalikan status dari perintah terakhir yang dijalankan."
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4880,7 +4885,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" Mengembalikan status keluar dari PERINTAH."
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4905,7 +4910,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" Mengembalikan sukses kecuali NAMA adalah baca-saja."
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4924,7 +4929,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" Mengembalikan status dari perintah terakhir yang dieksekusi."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4951,7 +4956,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" Mengembalikan status dari pekerjaan yang dilanjutkan."
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4969,7 +4974,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" Mengembalikan 1 jika EXPRESI dievaluasi ke 0; mengembalikan 0 jika tidak."
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5026,7 +5031,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Status Keluar:\n"
" 0 atau 1 tergantun dari nilai dari EKSPRESI."
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5140,7 +5145,7 @@ msgstr ""
"digunakan untuk menentukan dimana\n"
" \t\tperintah seharusnya disimpan dalam daftar sejarah.\n"
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5200,7 +5205,7 @@ msgstr ""
"atau pemindahan\n"
" direktori gagal."
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5255,7 +5260,7 @@ msgstr ""
"atau pemindahan\n"
" direktori gagal."
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5311,7 +5316,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Mengembalikan sukses kecuali ada sebuah pilihan tidak valid diberikan "
"atau sebuah error terjadi."
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5350,7 +5355,7 @@ msgstr ""
"tidak valid diberikan\n"
" atau OPTNAME dinonaktifkan."
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -5409,7 +5414,7 @@ msgstr ""
"sebuah penulisan atau penempatan\n"
" error terjadi."
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5462,7 +5467,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Mengembalikan sukses kecuali sebuah pilihan tidak valid diberikan atau "
"sebuah error terjadi."
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5485,7 +5490,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Mengembalikan sukses kecuali sebuah pilihan tidak valid diberikan atau "
"sebuah error terjadi."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
@@ -5548,7 +5553,7 @@ msgstr ""
"NAMA tidak memiliki\n"
" spesifikasi penyelesaian yang terdefinisi."
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
@@ -5625,7 +5630,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Mengembalikan sukses kecuali sebuah pilihan tidak valid diberikan atau "
"ARRAY adalah baca-saja."
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 78acc43b..bfc9353d 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
index 9cc710cf..548a24b2 100644
--- a/po/ja.po
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU bash 4.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-17 19:38+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Yasuaki Taniguchi <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <>\n"
@@ -45,21 +45,21 @@ msgstr "%s: %s: 連想配列を設定するときには添字をつけなけれ
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: %s を作成できません"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr "bash_execute_unix_command: コマンドのキーマップがありません"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: 最初の非空白類文字が `\"' ではありません"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "閉じる `%c' が %s にありません"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: 区切り文字コロン(:)がありません"
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ msgstr "関数の中でのみ使用できます"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "関数作成時に `-f' を使用できません"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: 読み取り専用関数です"
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ msgstr "%s: 動的にロードされていません"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: 削除できません: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ msgstr "%s: 通常ファイルではありません"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: ファイルが大きすぎます"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -907,27 +907,27 @@ msgstr "TIMEFORMAT: `%c': 無効な書式文字です"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "パイプエラー"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: 制限されています: `/' をコマンド名の中に指定できません"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: コマンドが見つかりません"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s は %s です\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: 誤ったインタプリタです"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "fd %d を fd %d に複製できません"
@@ -1862,55 +1862,55 @@ msgstr "`%s' の関数定義をインポート中にエラーが発生しまし
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "シェルレベル (%d) は高すぎます。1に再設定されました"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: 現在のスコープは関数コンテキストではありません"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: 現在のスコープは関数コンテキストではありません"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s は null の exportstr を持っています"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "%2$s に対する exportstr で %1$d は無効な文字です"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "%s に対する exportstr に `=' がありません"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
"pop_var_context: shell_variables の先頭です。関数コンテキストではありません"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: global_variables コンテキストではありません"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr "pop_scope: shell_variables の先頭です。一時環境スコープではありません"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: %s: ファイルとして開くことができません"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%s: %s: トレースファイル記述子として無効な値です"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
#: version.c:47
@@ -2134,7 +2134,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3697,6 +3698,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 返します。"
#: builtins.c:1027
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3765,6 +3767,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3856,7 +3861,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" 無効なオプションが与えられない限り成功を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3893,7 +3898,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 無効なオプションが与えられるか NAME が読み取り専用の場合を除き成功を返し"
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3928,7 +3933,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 無効なオプションが与えられるか、無効な NAME が与えられない限り成功\n"
" を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3965,7 +3970,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 無効なオプションが与えられるか、与えられた NAME が無効な場合を除き成功\n"
" を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3983,7 +3988,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" Nが負の値または $# より大きい場合を除き成功を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4007,7 +4012,7 @@ msgstr ""
" FILENAME で最後に実行したコマンドのステータスを返します。FILENAME が\n"
" 読み込めなかった場合は失敗を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4031,7 +4036,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" ジョブ制御が有効でないかエラーが発生しない限り成功を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -4190,7 +4195,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 引数が無効な場合に失敗を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4203,7 +4208,7 @@ msgstr ""
" するように文字`]'を与えなければいけません。"
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4223,7 +4228,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" 常に成功を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -4300,7 +4305,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" SIGSPEC が無効か、無効なオプションを与えられない限り成功を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4358,7 +4363,7 @@ msgstr ""
" は失敗を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4442,7 +4447,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" 無効なオプションが与えられるかエラーが発生しない限り成功を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4476,7 +4481,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" MODE が無効か、無効なオプションが与えられない限り成功を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4503,7 +4508,7 @@ msgstr ""
" ID の終了ステータスを返します。IDが無効であるか、無効なオプションが\n"
" 与えられた場合には失敗を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4526,7 +4531,7 @@ msgstr ""
" IDの終了ステータスを返します。IDが無効か、無効なオプションが与えられた\n"
" 場合はエラーを返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4547,7 +4552,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" 最後に実行したコマンドのステータスを返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4577,7 +4582,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" 最後に実行したコマンドのステータスを返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4613,7 +4618,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" 最後に実行したコマンドのステータスを返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4641,7 +4646,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" PIPELINE の戻り値が終了ステータスとなります。"
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4660,7 +4665,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" 最後に実行したコマンドのステータスを返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4695,7 +4700,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" 最後に実行したコマンドの終了ステータスを返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4713,7 +4718,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" 最後に実行したコマンドのステータスを返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4731,7 +4736,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" 最後に実行したコマンドのステータスを返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4753,7 +4758,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" COMMAND の終了ステータスを返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4778,7 +4783,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" NAME が読み取り専用でない限り成功を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4796,7 +4801,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" 最後に実行したコマンドのステータスを返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4819,7 +4824,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" 再開されたジョブの終了ステータスを返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4837,7 +4842,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" EXPRESSION の評価値が 0 の場合は 1、それ以外は 0 を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4892,7 +4897,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" EXPRESSION の値に基づいて 0 または 1 を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4993,7 +4998,7 @@ msgstr ""
" HISTIGNORE\tヒストリ一覧に保存されるコマンドを決める時に使用される\n"
" \t\tコロン (:) で区切られたパターンの一覧。\n"
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5052,7 +5057,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 無効な引数が与えられるかディレクトリ変更が失敗しない限り成功を\n"
" 返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5103,7 +5108,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 無効な引数が与えられるかディレクトリ変更が失敗しない限り成功を\n"
" 返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5155,7 +5160,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" 無効なオプションが与えられるかエラーが発生しない限り成功を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5191,7 +5196,7 @@ msgstr ""
" OPTNAME が有効な場合は成功を返します。無効なオプションが与えられた場合\n"
" または OPTNAME が無効な場合は失敗を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -5248,7 +5253,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 無効な引数が与えられるか、書き込み、代入エラーが発生しない限り成功を返し"
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5297,7 +5302,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" 無効なオプションが与えられるかエラーが発生しない限り成功を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5319,7 +5324,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 終了ステータス:\n"
" 無効なオプションが与えられるかエラーが発生しない限り成功を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
@@ -5376,7 +5381,7 @@ msgstr ""
" を除き、成功を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
@@ -5451,7 +5456,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 場合を除き成功を返します。"
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 7981ed07..da7e685a 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/lt.po b/po/lt.po
index 1707e260..f3e40af0 100644
--- a/po/lt.po
+++ b/po/lt.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash-4.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-03-25 16:49+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Gintautas Miliauskas <>\n"
"Language-Team: Lithuanian <>\n"
@@ -47,21 +47,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: nepavyko sukurti: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr "bash_execute_unix_command: nepavyko rasti keymapo komandai"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: pirmas ne tarpo simbolis nėra „\"“"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "nėra uždarančiojo „%c“ %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: trūksta dvitaškio skirtuko"
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ msgstr "galima naudoti tik funkcijoje"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "negalima naudoti „-f“ funkcijoms kurti"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: funkcija tik skaitymui"
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ msgstr "%s: nedinamiškai įkrauta"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: nepavyko ištrinti: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ msgstr "%s: ne paprastas failas"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: failas per didelis"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -857,27 +857,27 @@ msgstr "TIMEFORMAT: „%c“: netaisyklingas formato simbolis"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "rašymo klaida: %s"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: apribota: negalima naudoti „/“ komandų pavadinimuose"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: komanda nerasta"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s yra %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: blogas interpretatorius"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "nepavyko dublikuoti fd %d į fd %d"
@@ -1813,54 +1813,54 @@ msgstr "klaida importuojant funkcijos apibrėžimą „%s“"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "aplinkos lygmuo (%d) per aukštas, nustatoma į 1"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s: parametras tuščias arba nenustatytas"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "netaisyklingas simbolis %d %s exportstr'e"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "%s exportstr'e trūksta „=“"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: nėra global_variables konteksto"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: nepavyko atverti: %s"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%d: netaisyklingas failo deskriptorius: %s"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Autorinės teisės (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
#: version.c:47
@@ -2081,7 +2081,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o nustatymas] [arg ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3121,6 +3122,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3134,7 +3138,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3154,7 +3158,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3173,7 +3177,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3193,7 +3197,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3204,7 +3208,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
@@ -3223,7 +3227,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Jei nurodyta ARGUMENTŲ, jie tampa poziciniais parametrais iškvietus\n"
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3237,7 +3241,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3318,7 +3322,7 @@ msgid ""
" false or an invalid argument is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3326,7 +3330,7 @@ msgid ""
" be a literal `]', to match the opening `['."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3338,7 +3342,7 @@ msgid ""
" Always succeeds."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3382,7 +3386,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3412,7 +3416,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3456,7 +3460,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3474,7 +3478,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless MODE is invalid or an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3491,7 +3495,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3505,7 +3509,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3518,7 +3522,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3535,7 +3539,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3555,7 +3559,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3571,7 +3575,7 @@ msgid ""
" The return status is the return status of PIPELINE."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3582,7 +3586,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3603,7 +3607,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
@@ -3617,7 +3621,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Išskleisti ir vykdyti KOMANDAS tol, kol galutinė komanda iš\n"
" „while“ komandų grąžina klaidos kodą 0."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
@@ -3631,7 +3635,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Išskleisti ir vykdyti KOMANDAS tol, kol galutinė komanda iš\n"
" „until“ komandų grąžina klaidos kodą, nelygų 0."
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3644,7 +3648,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the exit status of COMMAND."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3658,7 +3662,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless NAME is readonly."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
@@ -3672,7 +3676,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Vykdyti eilę komandų grupėje. Tai yra vienas iš būdų nukreipti\n"
" visos eilės komandų įvedimą/išvedimą."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3686,7 +3690,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the resumed job."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3697,7 +3701,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns 1 if EXPRESSION evaluates to 0; returns 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3725,7 +3729,7 @@ msgid ""
" 0 or 1 depending on value of EXPRESSION."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3779,7 +3783,7 @@ msgid ""
" \t\tcommands should be saved on the history list.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3810,7 +3814,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3837,7 +3841,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3866,7 +3870,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3887,7 +3891,7 @@ msgid ""
" given or OPTNAME is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -3932,7 +3936,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Jei pateiktas parametras -v, išvedimas įrašomas į aplinkos kintamąjį\n"
" KINT, užuot spausdinus į standartinį išvedimą."
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3959,7 +3963,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
@@ -3977,7 +3981,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Jei pateiktas nebūtinasis ŽODŽIO argumentas, išvedami įrašai,\n"
" atitinkantys ŽODĮ."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4008,7 +4012,7 @@ msgid ""
" have a completion specification defined."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4049,7 +4053,7 @@ msgid ""
" not an indexed array."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index edc6e0fd..a3240109 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/nl.po b/po/nl.po
index 520da2ce..1a72ea59 100644
--- a/po/nl.po
+++ b/po/nl.po
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash-4.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-20 21:06+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Benno Schulenberg <>\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch <>\n"
@@ -62,22 +62,22 @@ msgstr "%s: %s: een index is nodig bij toekenning aan associatief array"
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "Kan %s niet aanmaken: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
"bash_execute_unix_command(): kan voor opdracht geen toetsenkaart vinden"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: eerste teken dat geen witruimte is is niet '\"'"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "geen sluit-'%c' in %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: ontbrekend scheidingsteken (dubbele punt)"
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ msgstr "kan alleen worden gebruikt binnen een functie"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "'-f' kan niet gebruikt worden om een functie te definiëren"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: is een alleen-lezen functie"
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ msgstr "%s: is niet dynamisch geladen"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "Kan %s niet verwijderen: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ msgstr "%s: is geen normaal bestand"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: bestand is te groot"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -926,27 +926,27 @@ msgstr "TIMEFORMAT: '%c': ongeldig opmaakteken"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "pijpfout"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: beperkte modus: '/' in opdrachtnamen is niet toegestaan"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: opdracht niet gevonden"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s is %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: ongeldige interpreter"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "kan bestandsdescriptor %d niet dupliceren naar bestandsdescriptor %d"
@@ -1895,57 +1895,57 @@ msgstr "fout tijdens importeren van functiedefinitie voor '%s'"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "shell-niveau is te hoog (%d); teruggezet op 1"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
"make_local_variable(): er is geen functiecontext in huidige geldigheidsbereik"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
"all_local_variables(): er is geen functiecontext in huidige geldigheidsbereik"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "*** %s heeft lege export-tekenreeks"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "*** ongeldig teken '%d' in export-tekenreeks voor %s"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "*** geen '=' in export-tekenreeks voor %s"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr "pop_var_context(): top van 'shell_variables' is geen functiecontext"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context(): er is geen 'global_variables'-context"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
"pop_scope(): top van 'shell_variables' is geen tijdelijk geldigheidsbereik"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: Kan %s niet openen als BESTAND"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%s: ongeldige waarde %s voor 'trace'-bestandsdescriptor"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
#: version.c:47
@@ -2176,7 +2176,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [N]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o OPTIENAAM] [ARGUMENT...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3696,6 +3697,7 @@ msgstr ""
# Voor de duidelijkheid is de tekstvolgorde veranderd.
#: builtins.c:1027
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3764,6 +3766,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3875,7 +3880,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is 0, tenzij een ongeldige optie gegeven werd."
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3909,7 +3914,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is 0, tenzij een ongeldige optie gegeven werd of een\n"
" NAAM alleen-lezen is."
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3943,7 +3948,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is 0, tenzij een ongeldige optie of NAAM gegeven werd."
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3979,7 +3984,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is 0, tenzij een ongeldige optie of NAAM gegeven werd."
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3996,7 +4001,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is 0 tenzij N negatief is of groter dan $#."
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4021,7 +4026,7 @@ msgstr ""
" bestand, of 1 als dit bestand niet gelezen kan worden."
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4047,7 +4052,7 @@ msgstr ""
" optreedt."
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -4191,7 +4196,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is 0 als EXPRESSIE waar is, 1 als EXPRESSIE onwaar is,\n"
" en 2 als een ongeldig argument gegeven werd."
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4203,7 +4208,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Dit is een synoniem voor de ingebouwde functie 'test', behalve dat\n"
" het laatste argument een ']' moet zijn, horend bij de begin-'['."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4222,7 +4227,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is altijd 0."
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -4311,7 +4316,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is 0, tenzij een ongeldige optie of SIGNAALAANDUIDING\n"
" gegeven werd."
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4363,7 +4368,7 @@ msgstr ""
" als de naam onbekend is\\ \n"
" De afsluitwaarde is 0 als elke NAAM gevonden werd, anders 1."
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4451,7 +4456,7 @@ msgstr ""
" fout optrad."
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4487,7 +4492,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is 0, tenzij MODUS ongeldig is of een ongeldige optie\n"
" gegeven werd."
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4516,7 +4521,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is die van ID, 1 als ID ongeldig si, of 2 als een\n"
" ongeldige optie gegeven werd."
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4540,7 +4545,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is die van ID, 1 als ID ongeldig si, of 2 als een\n"
" ongeldige optie gegeven werd."
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4560,7 +4565,7 @@ msgstr ""
" dat element en worden de OPDRACHTEN uitgevoerd. \n"
" De afsluitwaarde is die van de laatst uitgevoerde opdracht."
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4587,7 +4592,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is die van de laatst uitgevoerde opdracht."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4624,7 +4629,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is die van de laatst uitgevoerde opdracht."
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4651,7 +4656,7 @@ msgstr ""
" overdraagbare standaardopmaak.\n"
" De afsluitwaarde is die van de PIJPLIJN."
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4669,7 +4674,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is die van de laatst uitgevoerde opdracht."
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4704,7 +4709,7 @@ msgstr ""
" deelopdracht, of nul als geen enkele 'if' of 'elif' nul opleverde."
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4721,7 +4726,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is die van de laatst uitgevoerde opdracht."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4738,7 +4743,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is die van de laatst uitgevoerde opdracht."
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4759,7 +4764,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is die van de OPDRACHT."
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4781,7 +4786,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is 0, tenzij NAAM onveranderbaar is."
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4798,7 +4803,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is die van de laatst uitgevoerde opdracht."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4822,7 +4827,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is die van de hervatte taak."
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4839,7 +4844,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is 1 als de EXPRESSIE tot 0 evalueert; anders 0."
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4895,7 +4900,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is 0 of 1, afhankelijk van EXPRESSIE."
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5009,7 +5014,7 @@ msgstr ""
" geschiedeniscommentaarteken, gewoonlijk '#'\n"
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5062,7 +5067,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is 0, tenzij een ongeldig argument gegeven werd of de\n"
" mapwijziging mislukte."
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5111,7 +5116,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is 0, tenzij een ongeldig argument gegeven werd of de\n"
" mapwijziging mislukte."
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5162,7 +5167,7 @@ msgstr ""
" fout optrad."
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5205,7 +5210,7 @@ msgstr ""
" een ongeldige optienaam gegeven werd, en de afsluitwaarde is 2 als een\n"
" ongeldige optie gegeven werd."
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -5261,7 +5266,7 @@ msgstr ""
" fout optrad."
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5311,7 +5316,7 @@ msgstr ""
" fout optrad."
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5333,7 +5338,7 @@ msgstr ""
" fout optrad."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
@@ -5390,7 +5395,7 @@ msgstr ""
" De afsluitwaarde is 0, tenzij een ongeldige optie gegeven werd of voor\n"
" NAAM geen completeringsvoorschrift gedefinieerd is."
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
@@ -5463,7 +5468,7 @@ msgstr ""
" een ongeldige optie gegeven werd."
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 088e0263..c0c02c57 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po
index 1e0cf164..a1bf0d10 100644
--- a/po/pl.po
+++ b/po/pl.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash 3.2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-11-30 08:49+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Andrzej M. Krzysztofowicz <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <>\n"
@@ -45,22 +45,22 @@ msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: nie mona utworzy: %s"
# ???
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
"bash_execute_unix_command: nie mona znale mapy klawiszy dla polecenia"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: pierwszym drukowalnym znakiem nie jest `\"'"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "brak zamykajcego `%c' w %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: brak separujcego dwukropka"
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ msgstr "mona uywa tylko w funkcji"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "nie mona uywa `-f' do tworzenia funkcji"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: funkcja tylko do odczytu"
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ msgstr "%s: nie jest adowany dynamicznie"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: nie mona usun: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ msgstr "%s: nie jest zwykym plikiem"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: plik jest za duy"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -920,27 +920,27 @@ msgstr "TIMEFORMAT: `%c': nieprawidowy znak formatujcy"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "bd zapisu: %s"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: ograniczony: nie mona podawa `/' w nazwach polece"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: nie znaleziono polecenia"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s jest %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: zy interpreter"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "nie mona skopiowa deskryptora pliku %d do %d"
@@ -1884,55 +1884,55 @@ msgstr "bd importu definicji funkcji dla `%s'"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "poziom powoki (%d) jest za duy, ustawiono na 1"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: brak kontekstu funkcji w biecym zakresie"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: brak kontekstu funkcji w biecym zakresie"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s: parametr pusty lub nieustawiony"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "nieprawidowy znak %d w exportstr dla %s"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "brak `=' w exportstr dla %s"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: nagwek shell_variables poza kontekstem funkcji"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: brak kontekstu global_variables"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
"pop_scope: nagwek shell_variables poza zakresem tymczasowego rodowiska"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: nie mona otworzy: %s"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%d: nieprawidowy deskryptor pliku: %s"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n"
#: version.c:47
@@ -2141,7 +2141,7 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr ""
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr ""
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3387,6 +3387,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3485,7 +3488,7 @@ msgstr ""
" pozycyjnymi i s one przypisane, kolejno, do $1, $2, .. $n. Gdy nie\n"
" zostan podane adne argumenty, wypisywane s wszystkie zmienne powoki."
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3505,7 +3508,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3524,7 +3527,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3544,7 +3547,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3555,7 +3558,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
@@ -3574,7 +3577,7 @@ msgstr ""
" w $PATH. Jeli podane zostan jakiekolwiek ARGUMENTS, staj si\n"
" parametrami pozycyjnymi podczas uruchomienia FILENAME."
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3588,7 +3591,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -3747,7 +3750,7 @@ msgstr ""
" rwny, nierwny, mniejszy ni, mniejszy lub rwny, wikszy ni lub\n"
" wikszy lub rwny arg2."
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -3758,7 +3761,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Jest to synonim dla wbudowanego polecenia \"test\", ale wymagajcy, by\n"
" ostatnim argumentem by `]' pasujcy do pocztkowego `['."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3770,7 +3773,7 @@ msgid ""
" Always succeeds."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -3834,7 +3837,7 @@ msgstr ""
" nazw sygnaw wraz z odpowiadajcymi im numerami. Naley zauway, e\n"
" sygna mona wysa do powoki poleceniem \"kill -signal $$\"."
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3864,7 +3867,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
@@ -3945,7 +3948,7 @@ msgstr ""
" -p, ktre jest w jednostkach 512-bajtowych oraz -u, ktre jest\n"
" bezwymiarow liczb procesw."
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3963,7 +3966,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless MODE is invalid or an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3980,7 +3983,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
@@ -4000,7 +4003,7 @@ msgstr ""
" procesu lub specyfikacj zadania; gdy jest specyfikacj zadania,\n"
" oczekiwanie dotyczy wszystkich procesw w potoku zadania."
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
@@ -4019,7 +4022,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Dla kadego elementu WORDS, NAME jest ustawiane na ten element\n"
" i uruchamiane s COMMANDS."
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
@@ -4045,7 +4048,7 @@ msgstr ""
" EXP1, EXP2 i EXP3 s wyraeniami arytmetycznymi. Jeli ktre z wyrae\n"
" zostanie pominite, zachowanie jest takie, jaby miao ono warto 1."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
@@ -4078,7 +4081,7 @@ msgstr ""
" wiersz jest zachowywany w zmiennej REPLY. Po kadym wyborze uruchamiane\n"
" s polecenia COMMANDS a do polecenia break."
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
@@ -4105,7 +4108,7 @@ msgstr ""
" podsumowania czasw w nieco innej postaci. Uywana jest wtedy warto\n"
" zmiennej TIMEFORMAT jako format danych wyjciowych."
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
@@ -4120,7 +4123,7 @@ msgstr ""
" do wzorca PATTERN. Znak `|' suy do rozdzielania wielu wzorcw."
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
@@ -4151,7 +4154,7 @@ msgstr ""
" uruchomionego polecenia lub zero, gdy aden ze sprawdzanych warunkw\n"
" nie by prawdziwy."
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
@@ -4165,7 +4168,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Rozwijanie i uruchamianie polece COMMANDS tak dugo, dopki ostatnie\n"
" polecenie w `while' COMMANDS koczy si z kodem zero."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
@@ -4179,7 +4182,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Rozwijanie i uruchamianie polece COMMANDS tak dugo, dopki ostatnie\n"
" polecenie w `until' COMMANDS koczy si z kodem niezerowym."
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4192,7 +4195,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the exit status of COMMAND."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4206,7 +4209,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless NAME is readonly."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
@@ -4220,7 +4223,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Uruchomienie zbioru polece jako grupy. W ten sposb mona przekierowa\n"
" cay zbir polece."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
@@ -4241,7 +4244,7 @@ msgstr ""
" `bg'."
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
@@ -4255,7 +4258,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Obliczenie wyraenia EXPRESSION zgodnie z zasadami obliczania wyrae\n"
" arytmetycznych. Rwnowane \"let EXPRESSION\"."
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
@@ -4304,7 +4307,7 @@ msgstr ""
" wzorca. Operatory && i || nie opliczaj EXPR2, jeli obliczenie EXPR1\n"
" wystarcza do okrelenia wartoci wyraenia."
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4358,7 +4361,7 @@ msgid ""
" \t\tcommands should be saved on the history list.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
@@ -4407,7 +4410,7 @@ msgstr ""
" \n"
" Zawarto stosu katalogw mona zobaczy za pomoc polecenia `dirs'."
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
@@ -4451,7 +4454,7 @@ msgstr ""
" \n"
" Zawarto stosu katalogw mona zobaczy za pomoc polecenia `dirs'."
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
@@ -4500,7 +4503,7 @@ msgstr ""
" -N\tWypisanie N-tej pozycji liczc od prawej strony listy wypisywanej\n"
" \tprzez dirs wywoane bez opcji, poczwszy od zera."
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4521,7 +4524,7 @@ msgid ""
" given or OPTNAME is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4554,7 +4557,7 @@ msgid ""
" error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4581,7 +4584,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
@@ -4599,7 +4602,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Gdy podany jest opcjonalny argument WORD, generowane s uzupenienia\n"
" pasujce do WORD."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4630,7 +4633,7 @@ msgid ""
" have a completion specification defined."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4671,7 +4674,7 @@ msgid ""
" not an indexed array."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 7b8c771c..90fb5f85 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po
index 93d65305..52ca7361 100644
--- a/po/pt_BR.po
+++ b/po/pt_BR.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-05-08 13:50GMT -3\n"
"Last-Translator: Halley Pacheco de Oliveira <>\n"
"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <>\n"
@@ -44,21 +44,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: impossvel criar: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr ""
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ msgstr "somente pode ser usado dentro de funes; faz com que o escopo visvel"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: funo somente para leitura"
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: impossvel criar: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ msgstr "%s: impossvel executar o arquivo binrio"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -864,27 +864,27 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "erro de `pipe': %s"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: restrio: no permitido especificar `/' em nomes de comandos"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: comando no encontrado"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: um diretrio"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "impossvel duplicar fd (descritor de arquivo) %d para fd 0: %s"
@@ -1849,53 +1849,53 @@ msgstr "erro ao importar a definio da funo para `%s'"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s: parmetro nulo ou no inicializado"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: impossvel criar: %s"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr ""
#: version.c:46
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr ""
#: version.c:47
@@ -2128,7 +2128,7 @@ msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
#, fuzzy
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o OPO] [ARG ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3156,6 +3156,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3169,7 +3172,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3189,7 +3192,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3208,7 +3211,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3228,7 +3231,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3239,7 +3242,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3253,7 +3256,7 @@ msgid ""
" FILENAME cannot be read."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3267,7 +3270,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3348,7 +3351,7 @@ msgid ""
" false or an invalid argument is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -3357,7 +3360,7 @@ msgid ""
" be a literal `]', to match the opening `['."
msgstr "argumento deve ser o literal `]', para fechar o `[' de abertura."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3369,7 +3372,7 @@ msgid ""
" Always succeeds."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3413,7 +3416,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3443,7 +3446,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3487,7 +3490,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3505,7 +3508,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless MODE is invalid or an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3522,7 +3525,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3536,7 +3539,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3549,7 +3552,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3566,7 +3569,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3586,7 +3589,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3602,7 +3605,7 @@ msgid ""
" The return status is the return status of PIPELINE."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
@@ -3615,7 +3618,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Executar seletivamente COMANDOS tomando por base a correspondncia entre"
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3636,7 +3639,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
@@ -3648,7 +3651,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr "Expande e executa COMANDOS enquanto o comando final nos"
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
@@ -3660,7 +3663,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr "Expande e executa COMANDOS enquanto o comando final nos"
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3673,7 +3676,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the exit status of COMMAND."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3687,7 +3690,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless NAME is readonly."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
@@ -3699,7 +3702,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr "Executa um conjunto de comandos agrupando-os. Esta uma forma de"
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3713,7 +3716,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the resumed job."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3724,7 +3727,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns 1 if EXPRESSION evaluates to 0; returns 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3752,7 +3755,7 @@ msgid ""
" 0 or 1 depending on value of EXPRESSION."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3806,7 +3809,7 @@ msgid ""
" \t\tcommands should be saved on the history list.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3837,7 +3840,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3864,7 +3867,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3893,7 +3896,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3914,7 +3917,7 @@ msgid ""
" given or OPTNAME is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3947,7 +3950,7 @@ msgid ""
" error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3974,7 +3977,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3987,7 +3990,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4018,7 +4021,7 @@ msgid ""
" have a completion specification defined."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4059,7 +4062,7 @@ msgid ""
" not an indexed array."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 512edbde..3a65c8dd 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/ro.po b/po/ro.po
index c2f5b08d..b31658d6 100644
--- a/po/ro.po
+++ b/po/ro.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash 2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 1997-08-17 18:42+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Eugen Hoanca <>\n"
"Language-Team: Romanian <>\n"
@@ -43,21 +43,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: nu s-a putut crea: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr ""
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ msgstr "poate fi folosit doar ntr-o funcie, i face ca variabila NUME"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: funcie doar n citire (readonly)"
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: nu s-a putut crea: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ msgstr "%s: nu se poate executa fiierul binar"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -860,27 +860,27 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "eroare de legtur (pipe): %s"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: limitat: nu se poate specifica `/' n numele comenzilor"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: comand negsit"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: este director"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "nu se poate duplica fd %d n fd 0: %s"
@@ -1836,53 +1836,53 @@ msgstr "eroare n importarea definiiei funciei pentru '%s'"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s: parametru null sau nesetat"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: nu s-a putut crea: %s"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr ""
#: version.c:46
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr ""
#: version.c:47
@@ -2114,7 +2114,7 @@ msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
#, fuzzy
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o opiune] [arg ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3135,6 +3135,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3148,7 +3151,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3168,7 +3171,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3187,7 +3190,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3207,7 +3210,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3218,7 +3221,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3232,7 +3235,7 @@ msgid ""
" FILENAME cannot be read."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3246,7 +3249,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3327,7 +3330,7 @@ msgid ""
" false or an invalid argument is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3335,7 +3338,7 @@ msgid ""
" be a literal `]', to match the opening `['."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3347,7 +3350,7 @@ msgid ""
" Always succeeds."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3391,7 +3394,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3421,7 +3424,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3465,7 +3468,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3483,7 +3486,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless MODE is invalid or an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3500,7 +3503,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3514,7 +3517,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3527,7 +3530,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3544,7 +3547,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3564,7 +3567,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3580,7 +3583,7 @@ msgid ""
" The return status is the return status of PIPELINE."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3591,7 +3594,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3612,7 +3615,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3623,7 +3626,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3634,7 +3637,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3647,7 +3650,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the exit status of COMMAND."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3661,7 +3664,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless NAME is readonly."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3672,7 +3675,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3686,7 +3689,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the resumed job."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3697,7 +3700,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns 1 if EXPRESSION evaluates to 0; returns 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3725,7 +3728,7 @@ msgid ""
" 0 or 1 depending on value of EXPRESSION."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3779,7 +3782,7 @@ msgid ""
" \t\tcommands should be saved on the history list.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3810,7 +3813,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3837,7 +3840,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3866,7 +3869,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3887,7 +3890,7 @@ msgid ""
" given or OPTNAME is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3920,7 +3923,7 @@ msgid ""
" error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3947,7 +3950,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3960,7 +3963,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3991,7 +3994,7 @@ msgid ""
" have a completion specification defined."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4032,7 +4035,7 @@ msgid ""
" not an indexed array."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index c6968c10..43aeb6ed 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po
index a5d95782..597d2e03 100644
--- a/po/ru.po
+++ b/po/ru.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: GNU bash 3.1-release\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-01-05 21:28+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Evgeniy Dushistov <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian <>\n"
@@ -47,21 +47,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: : %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: `\"'"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr " `%c' %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: "
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ msgstr " "
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: "
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: : %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ msgstr "%s: "
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: "
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -847,27 +847,27 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr " : %s"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr ""
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: "
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: "
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr " fd %d fd %d"
@@ -1799,53 +1799,53 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s: null "
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: : %s"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%d: : %s"
#: version.c:46
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr ""
#: version.c:47
@@ -2054,7 +2054,7 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr ""
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr ""
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3056,6 +3056,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3069,7 +3072,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3089,7 +3092,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3108,7 +3111,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3128,7 +3131,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3139,7 +3142,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3153,7 +3156,7 @@ msgid ""
" FILENAME cannot be read."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3167,7 +3170,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3248,7 +3251,7 @@ msgid ""
" false or an invalid argument is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3256,7 +3259,7 @@ msgid ""
" be a literal `]', to match the opening `['."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3268,7 +3271,7 @@ msgid ""
" Always succeeds."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3312,7 +3315,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3342,7 +3345,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3386,7 +3389,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3404,7 +3407,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless MODE is invalid or an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3421,7 +3424,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3435,7 +3438,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3448,7 +3451,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3465,7 +3468,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3485,7 +3488,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3501,7 +3504,7 @@ msgid ""
" The return status is the return status of PIPELINE."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3512,7 +3515,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3533,7 +3536,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3544,7 +3547,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3555,7 +3558,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3568,7 +3571,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the exit status of COMMAND."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3582,7 +3585,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless NAME is readonly."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3593,7 +3596,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3607,7 +3610,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the resumed job."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3618,7 +3621,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns 1 if EXPRESSION evaluates to 0; returns 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3646,7 +3649,7 @@ msgid ""
" 0 or 1 depending on value of EXPRESSION."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3700,7 +3703,7 @@ msgid ""
" \t\tcommands should be saved on the history list.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3731,7 +3734,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3758,7 +3761,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3787,7 +3790,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3808,7 +3811,7 @@ msgid ""
" given or OPTNAME is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3841,7 +3844,7 @@ msgid ""
" error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3868,7 +3871,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
@@ -3887,7 +3890,7 @@ msgstr ""
" , "
" ."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3918,7 +3921,7 @@ msgid ""
" have a completion specification defined."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3959,7 +3962,7 @@ msgid ""
" not an indexed array."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 455cbcd4..f1720acc 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/sk.po b/po/sk.po
index f79098b0..3748eeff 100644
--- a/po/sk.po
+++ b/po/sk.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash 4.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-07 19:18+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Ivan Masár <>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovak <>\n"
@@ -45,22 +45,22 @@ msgstr "%s: %s: pri priraďovaní asociatívnemu poľu je potrebné použiť ind
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: nie je možné vytvoriť: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
"bash_execute_unix_command: nie je možné nájsť klávesovú mapu pre príkaz"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: prvý znak (okrem bielych znakov) nie je „\"“"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "chýba zatvárajúca „%c“ v %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: chýba oddeľovač dvojbodka"
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ msgstr "je možné použiť iba vo funkcii"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "nie je možné použiť „-f“ pre tvorbu funkcií"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: funkcia iba na čítanie"
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ msgstr "%s: nie je dynamicky načítané"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: nie je možné zmazať: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ msgstr "%s: nie je obyčajný súbor"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: súbor je príliš veľký"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -912,27 +912,27 @@ msgstr "TIMEFORMAT: „%c“: neplatný formátovácí znak"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "chyba rúry"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: obmedzené: nie jemožné uviesť „/“ v názvoch príkazov"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: príkaz nenájdený"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s je %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: chybný interpreter"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "nie je možné duplikovať fd %d na fd %d"
@@ -1870,54 +1870,54 @@ msgstr "chyba pri importe definície funkcie „%s“"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "úroveň shellu (%d) je príliš vysoká, nastavujem späť na 1"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: v aktuálnom rozsahu sa nenachádza kontext funkcie"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: v aktuálnom rozsahu sa nenachádza kontext funkcie"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s má null exportstr"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "neplatný znak %d v exportstr %s"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "žiadne „=“ v exportstr %s"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: hlavička shell_variables nie je kontext funkcie"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: chýba kontext global_variables"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr "pop_scope: hlavička shell_variables nie je dočasný rozsah prostredia"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: %s: nemožno otvoriť ako SÚBOR"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%s: %s: neplatná hodnota popisovača trasovacieho súboru"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
#: version.c:47
@@ -2145,7 +2145,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o názov_voľby] [arg ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3678,6 +3679,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vráti N alebo zlyhá ak shell nevykonáva funkciu či skript."
#: builtins.c:1027
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3746,6 +3748,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3843,7 +3848,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti 0 ak nebola zadaná neplatná voľba."
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3880,7 +3885,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vráti 0 ak sa nestalo, že je NÁZOV iba na čítanie a nebola zadaná\n"
" neplatná voľba."
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3915,7 +3920,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vráti 0 ak sa nestalo, že je NÁZOV neplatný a nebola zadaná\n"
" neplatná voľba."
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3953,7 +3958,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vráti 0 ak sa nestalo, že je NÁZOV neplatný a nebola zadaná\n"
" neplatná voľba."
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3971,7 +3976,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti 0 ak sa nestalo, že je N záporné alebo väčšie ako $#."
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3995,7 +4000,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vráti návratovú hodnotu posledného príkazu v SÚBORe; zlyhá ak nie je\n"
" možné SÚBOR načítať."
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4019,7 +4024,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti 0 ak sa nestalo, že je vypnuté riadenie úloh a nevyskytla sa chyba."
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -4176,7 +4181,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vráti 0 ak VÝR vyhodnotí ako pravdivý; zlyhá ako sa VÝR vyhodnotí\n"
" ako nepravdivý alebo je zadaný neplatný argument."
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4188,7 +4193,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Toto je synonymum vsatavanej funkcie „test“, ale posledný\n"
" argument musí byť literál „]“, ktorý uzatvára otvárajúcu „[“."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4207,7 +4212,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vždy vráti 0."
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -4282,7 +4287,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vráti 0 ak sa nestalo, že je SIGSPEC neplatný a nebola zadaná\n"
" neplatná voľba."
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4337,7 +4342,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti 0 ak boli nájdené všetky NÁZVY; zlyhá ak nie."
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4421,7 +4426,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti 0 ak nebola zadaná neplatná voľba a nevyskytla sa chyba."
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4455,7 +4460,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vráti 0 ak sa nestalo, že je REŽIM neplatný a nebola zadaná\n"
" neplatná voľba."
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4483,7 +4488,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vráti stav ID; zlyhá ak je ID neplatný alebo bola zadaná\n"
" neplatná voľba."
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4507,7 +4512,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vráti stav ID; zlyhá ak je ID neplatný alebo bola zadaná neplatná\n"
" voľba."
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4529,7 +4534,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti návratovú hodnotu posledného vykonaného príkazu."
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4559,7 +4564,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti návratovú hodnotu posledného vykonaného príkazu."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4594,7 +4599,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti návratovú hodnotu posledného vykonaného príkazu."
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4622,7 +4627,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Návratová hodnota je návratová hodnota RÚRY."
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4640,7 +4645,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti návratovú hodnotu posledného vykonaného príkazu."
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4677,7 +4682,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti návratovú hodnotu posledného vykonaného príkazu."
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4695,7 +4700,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti návratovú hodnotu posledného vykonaného príkazu."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4713,7 +4718,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti návratovú hodnotu posledného vykonaného príkazu."
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4735,7 +4740,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti návratovú hodnotu PRÍKAZu."
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4760,7 +4765,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti 0 ak sa nestalo, že je NÁZOV iba na čítanie."
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4778,7 +4783,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti návratovú hodnotu posledného vykonaného príkazu."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4802,7 +4807,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti návratovú hodnotu obnovenej úlohy."
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4820,7 +4825,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti 1 ak sa VÝRAZ vyhodnotí na 0; inak vráti 0."
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4868,7 +4873,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti 0 alebo 1 v závislosti na hodnote VÝRAZu."
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4972,7 +4977,7 @@ msgstr ""
" HISTIGNORE\tBodkočiarkami oddelený zoznam vzoriek, ktoré\n"
" \t\tsa používajú na rozhodovanie, či sa príkaz uloží do histórie.\n"
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5028,7 +5033,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vráti 0 ak nebol zadaný neplatný argument a nevyskytla sa\n"
" chyba pri zmene adresára."
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5078,7 +5083,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vráti 0 ak nebol zadaný neplatný argument a nevyskytla sa\n"
" chyba pri zmene adresára."
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5129,7 +5134,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti 0 ak nebol zadaný neplatný argument a nevyskytla sa chyba."
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5167,7 +5172,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vráti 0 ak je OPTNAME zapnuté; zlyhá ak bola zadaná\n"
" neplatná voľba alebo OPTNAME je vypnuté."
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -5220,7 +5225,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vráti 0 ak nebola zadaná neplatná voľba a nevyskytla sa chyba pri\n"
" zápise či priradení."
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5268,7 +5273,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti 0 ak nebola zadaná neplatná voľba a nevyskytla sa chyba."
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5288,7 +5293,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti 0 ak nebola zadaná neplatná voľba a nevyskytla sa chyba."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
@@ -5345,7 +5350,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Vráti 0 ak nebola zadaná neplatná voľba a NÁZOV nemá definovanú\n"
" špecifikáciu dopĺňania."
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
@@ -5418,7 +5423,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Návratová hodnota:\n"
" Vráti 0 ak nebola zadaná neplatná voľba a POLE nie je len na čítanie."
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 2bcd408a..f5f2216c 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/sv.po b/po/sv.po
index 0c47ee49..1ca2fb0d 100644
--- a/po/sv.po
+++ b/po/sv.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash 4.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-24 22:35+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Göran Uddeborg <>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <>\n"
@@ -46,23 +46,23 @@ msgstr "%s: %s: måste använda index vid tilldelning av associativ vektor"
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: det går inte att skapa: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
"bash_execute_unix_command: det går inte att hitta en tangentbindning för "
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: första ickeblanka tecknet är inte '\"'"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "ingen avslutande \"%c\" i %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: kolonseparator saknas"
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ msgstr "kan endast användas i en funktion"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "det går inte att använda \"-f\" för att göra funktioner"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: endast läsbar funktion"
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ msgstr "%s: inte dynamiskt laddad"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: kan inte ta bort: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ msgstr "%s: inte en normal fil"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: filen är för stor"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -912,27 +912,27 @@ msgstr "TIMEFORMAT: \"%c\": ogiltigt formateringstecken"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "rörfel"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: begränsat: det går inte att ange \"/\" i kommandonamn"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: kommandot finns inte"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s är %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: felaktig tolk"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "det går inte att duplicera fb %d till fb %d"
@@ -1871,56 +1871,56 @@ msgstr "fel vid import av funktionsdefinition för \"%s\""
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "skalnivå (%d) för hög, återställer till 1"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: ingen funktionskontext i aktuellt sammanhang"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: ingen funktionskontext i aktuellt sammanhang"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s har tom exportstr"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "ogiltigt tecken %d i exportstr för %s"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "inget \"=\" i exportstr för %s"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
"pop_var_context: huvudet på shell_variables är inte en funktionskontext"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: ingen kontext global_variables"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
"pop_scope: huvudet på shell_variables är inte en temporär omgivningsräckvidd"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: %s: går inte att öppna som FILE"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%s: %s: ogiltigt värde för spårningsfilbeskrivare"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Copyright © 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
#: version.c:47
@@ -2147,7 +2147,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o flaggnamn] [arg ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3707,6 +3708,7 @@ msgstr ""
" skript."
#: builtins.c:1027
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3775,6 +3777,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3872,7 +3877,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returnerar framgång om inte en ogiltig flagga ges."
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3908,7 +3913,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returnerar framgång om inte en ogiltig flagga ges eller NAMN endast är\n"
" läsbart."
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3941,7 +3946,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returnerar framgång om inte en ogiltig flagga ges eller NAMN är ogiltigt."
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3977,7 +3982,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returnerar framgång om inte en ogiltig flagga ges eller NAMN är ogiltigt."
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3996,7 +4001,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returnerar framgång om inte N är negativt eller större än $#."
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4020,7 +4025,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returnerar status på det sista kommandot som körs i FILNAMN, misslyckas\n"
" om FILNAMN inte kan läsas."
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4046,7 +4051,7 @@ msgstr ""
" inträffar."
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -4199,7 +4204,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returnerar framgång om UTTR beräknas till sant. Misslyckas ifall UTTR\n"
" beräknas till falskt eller ett ogiltigt argument ges."
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4212,7 +4217,7 @@ msgstr ""
" måste vara en bokstavlig \"]\", för att matcha den inledande \"[\"."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4232,7 +4237,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Lyckas alltid."
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -4307,7 +4312,7 @@ msgstr ""
" ges."
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4364,7 +4369,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returnerar framgång om alla NAMNen finns, misslyckas om något inte finns."
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4452,7 +4457,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returnerar framgång om inte en ogiltig flagga anges eller ett fel "
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4488,7 +4493,7 @@ msgstr ""
" ges."
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4517,7 +4522,7 @@ msgstr ""
" flagga ges."
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4543,7 +4548,7 @@ msgstr ""
" flagga ges."
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4566,7 +4571,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returnerar status för det sist exekverade kommandot."
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4596,7 +4601,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returnerar statusen från det sist exekverade kommandot."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4631,7 +4636,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Sluttatus:\n"
" Returnerar statusen från det sist exekverade kommandot."
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4660,7 +4665,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returstatusen är returstatusen från RÖR."
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4678,7 +4683,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returnerar statusen från det sist exekverade kommandot."
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4714,7 +4719,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returnerar status från det sist exekverade kommandot."
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4732,7 +4737,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returnerar statusen från det sist exekverade kommandot."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4750,7 +4755,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returnerar statusen från det sist exekverade kommandot."
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4772,7 +4777,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returnerar statusen från KOMMANDO."
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4795,7 +4800,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returnerar framgång om inte NAMN endast är läsbart."
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4813,7 +4818,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returnerar stutusen från det sist exekverade kommandot."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4837,7 +4842,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returnerar statusen på det återupptagna jobbet."
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4855,7 +4860,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" Returnerar 1 om UTTRYCK beräknas till 0, returnerar 0 annars."
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4908,7 +4913,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Slutstatus:\n"
" 0 eller 1 beroende på värdet av UTTRYCK."
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5013,7 +5018,7 @@ msgstr ""
" HISTIGNORE\tEn kolonseparerad lista av mönster som används för att\n"
" \t\tbestämma vilka kommandon som skall sparas i historielistan.\n"
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5071,7 +5076,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returnerar framgång om inte ett ogiltigt argument ges eller bytet av\n"
" katalog misslyckas."
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5121,7 +5126,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returnerar framgång om inte ett ogiltigt argument ges eller bytet av\n"
" katalog misslyckas."
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5174,7 +5179,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returnerar framgång om inte en ogiltig flagga ges eller ett fel "
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5210,7 +5215,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returnerar framgång om FLGNAMN är aktiverat, misslyckas om en ogiltig\n"
" flagga ges eller FLGNAMN är avaktiverat."
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -5267,7 +5272,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returnerar framgång om inte en ogiltig flagga ges eller ett skriv-\n"
" eller tilldelningsfel inträffar."
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5317,7 +5322,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returnerar framgång om inte en ogiltig flagga ges eller ett fel "
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5339,7 +5344,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returnerar framgång om inte en ogiltig flagga ges eller ett fel "
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
@@ -5399,7 +5404,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returnerar framgång om inte en ogiltig flagga ges eller NAMN inte har\n"
" någon kompletteringsspecifikaation definierad."
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
@@ -5472,7 +5477,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Returnerar framgång om inte en ogiltig flagga ges eller VEKTOR är\n"
" oföränderlig eller inte en indexerad vektor."
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 575b5338..6cd3880e 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/tr.po b/po/tr.po
index 8ccedb41..61229cc6 100644
--- a/po/tr.po
+++ b/po/tr.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash 3.2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-10-30 20:00+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Nilgün Belma Bugüner <>\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish <>\n"
@@ -45,21 +45,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: oluşturulamıyor: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr "bash_execute_unix_command: komut için kısayol bulunamıyor"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: boşluk olmayan ilk karakter `\"' değil"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "%2$s içinde kapatan `%1$c' yok"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: ikinokta imi eksik"
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ msgstr "sadece bir işlevde kullanılabilir"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "işlev yapmak için `-f' kullanılamaz"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: salt okunur işlev"
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ msgstr "%s: özdevimli olarak yüklenmemiş"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: silinemiyor: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ msgstr "%s: bir dosya değil"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: dosya çok büyük"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -907,27 +907,27 @@ msgstr "TIMEFORMAT: `%c': biçim karakteri geçersiz"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "yazma hatası: %s"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: kısıtlı: komut adında `/' kullanamazsınız"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: komut yok"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s %s'dir\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: hatalı yorumlayıcı"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "fd %d, fd %d olarak yinelenemiyor"
@@ -1868,55 +1868,55 @@ msgstr "`%s'nin işlev tanımının içeri aktarılmasında hata"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "kabuk düzeyi (%d) çok yüksek, 1 yapılıyor"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: geçerli etki alanında hiç işlev bağlamı yok"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: geçerli etki alanında hiç işlev bağlamı yok"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s: parametre boş ya da değer atanmamış"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "%2$s için exportstr içinde geçersiz karakter %1$d"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "%s için exportstr içinde `=' yok"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: kabuk değişkenlerinin başı bir işlev bağlamı değil"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: genel değişkenler bağlamı yok"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
"pop_scope: kabuk değişkenlerinin başı bir geçici ortam etki alanı değil"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: açılamıyor: %s"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%d: dosya tanıtıcı geçersiz: %s"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Copyright © 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n"
#: version.c:47
@@ -2125,7 +2125,7 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr ""
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr ""
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3502,6 +3502,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3605,7 +3608,7 @@ msgstr ""
" atanır. Özel parametre # ise N'e ayarlanır. Hiç argüman verilmezse,\n"
" tüm kabuk değişkenleri basılır."
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3625,7 +3628,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3644,7 +3647,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3664,7 +3667,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3675,7 +3678,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
@@ -3703,7 +3706,7 @@ msgstr ""
" değiştirilmez."
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3717,7 +3720,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -3875,7 +3878,7 @@ msgstr ""
" küçüklük, büyüklük, küçüklük veya eşitlik, büyüklük veya eşitlik varsa\n"
" ifadenin sonucu doğrudur."
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -3887,7 +3890,7 @@ msgstr ""
" test yerleşiği ile aynıdır, fakat son argüman açan `[' ile eşleşen\n"
" kapatan `]' olmak zorundadır."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3899,7 +3902,7 @@ msgid ""
" Always succeeds."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -3960,7 +3963,7 @@ msgstr ""
" numaraları ile birlikte listelemesini sağlar. Kabuğa bir sinyal\n"
" göndermek isterseniz \"kill -SİGNAL $$\" sözdizimini kullanabilirsiniz."
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3990,7 +3993,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
@@ -4067,7 +4070,7 @@ msgstr ""
" için 512 baytlık blok sayısı olarak, -n ve -u için birimsiz, kalan\n"
" seçenekler için 1024 baytlık blok sayısı olarak belirtilmelidir."
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4085,7 +4088,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless MODE is invalid or an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4102,7 +4105,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
@@ -4123,7 +4126,7 @@ msgstr ""
" belirtimi de olabilir; bir iş belirtimi verilirse işin\n"
" boruhattındaki tüm süreçler için beklenir."
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
@@ -4142,7 +4145,7 @@ msgstr ""
" yoksa, `in \"$@\"' belirtilmiş gibi kümeyi oluşturan her parametre\n"
" için KOMUTlar birer kere çalıştırılır."
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
@@ -4169,7 +4172,7 @@ msgstr ""
" İFADE1, İFADE2 ve İFADE3 aritmetik ifadelerdir. Verilmeyen her\n"
" ifade için 1 verilmiş gibi işlem yapılır."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
@@ -4209,7 +4212,7 @@ msgstr ""
" değişkeninde tutulur. Her seçimden sonra bir break komutu ile\n"
" sonlandırılıncaya kadar komutlar çalıştırılır."
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
@@ -4233,7 +4236,7 @@ msgstr ""
" istatistiklerinin biraz farklı bir biçimde basılmasını sağlar; çıktı\n"
" biçimi olarak TIMEFORMAT değişkeninin değerini kullanır."
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
@@ -4248,7 +4251,7 @@ msgstr ""
" SÖZcük ile eşleşen ilk KALIP'a karşı düşen KOMUTları çalıştırır.\n"
" `|' çok sayıda kalıbı ayırmak için kullanılır."
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
@@ -4283,7 +4286,7 @@ msgstr ""
" çıkış durumudur. Bir komut çalıştırılmamışsa ve hiçbir koşul\n"
" doğru sonuç vermemişse sıfır döner."
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
@@ -4298,7 +4301,7 @@ msgstr ""
" `while KOMUTlar; listesinin çıkış durumu sıfır olduğu sürece\n"
" `do KOMUTlar;' listesi çalıştırılır."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
@@ -4313,7 +4316,7 @@ msgstr ""
" `until KOMUTlar; listesinin çıkış durumu sıfırdan farklı olduğu sürece\n"
" `do KOMUTlar;' listesi çalıştırılır."
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4326,7 +4329,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the exit status of COMMAND."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4340,7 +4343,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless NAME is readonly."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
@@ -4355,7 +4358,7 @@ msgstr ""
" KOMUTlar bir grup olarak çalıştırılır. Bu, bir komut kümesini bir\n"
" yönlendirmede kullanmanın tek yoludur."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
@@ -4376,7 +4379,7 @@ msgstr ""
" İŞ_BELİRTİMİ'nden sonra bir & gelmesi işin `bg' komutununa argüman\n"
" olarak kullanılmış gibi artalana yerleştirilmesine sebep olur."
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
@@ -4391,7 +4394,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Verilen aritmetik İFADE aritmetik değerlendirme kurallarına göre\n"
" değerlendirilir. \"let İFADE\" ile eşdeğerdir."
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
@@ -4434,7 +4437,7 @@ msgstr ""
" olarak ele alınır ve kalıp eşleştirmesi uygulanır. && ve || işleçleri\n"
" eğer ilk ifade sonuç için belirleyici ise ikincisine bakmazlar."
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
@@ -4555,7 +4558,7 @@ msgstr ""
" gerektiğine karar vermek için kullanılan kalıpların\n"
" ikinokta imi ayraçlı listesi.\n"
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
@@ -4607,7 +4610,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Dizin yığıtını `dirs' komutuyla görebilirsiniz."
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
@@ -4648,7 +4651,7 @@ msgstr ""
" engeller, böylece sadece yığıt değiştirilmiş olur. \n"
" Dizin yığıtını `dirs' komutuyla görebilirsiniz."
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
@@ -4694,7 +4697,7 @@ msgstr ""
" -N dirs seçeneksiz çağrıldığında gösterdiği listenin sağından\n"
" sıfırla başlayarak sayılan N'inci girdiyi gösterir."
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4715,7 +4718,7 @@ msgid ""
" given or OPTNAME is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -4760,7 +4763,7 @@ msgstr ""
" biçimde çıktılamasını sağlar. -v seçeneği çıktının standart çıktıya\n"
" basılması yerine DEĞİŞKENe atanmasını sağlar. "
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4787,7 +4790,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
@@ -4807,7 +4810,7 @@ msgstr ""
" amacıyla tasarlanmıştır. İsteğe bağlı SÖZCÜK argümanı sağlandığı\n"
" takdirde eşleşmelerden sadece SÖZCÜK ile eşleşenler üretilir."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4838,7 +4841,7 @@ msgid ""
" have a completion specification defined."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4879,7 +4882,7 @@ msgid ""
" not an indexed array."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 4746d524..d25eb303 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/uk.po b/po/uk.po
index 21674861..f9f09a94 100644
--- a/po/uk.po
+++ b/po/uk.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash 4.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-01 14:53+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Maxim V. Dziumanenko <>\n"
"Language-Team: Ukrainian <>\n"
@@ -47,24 +47,24 @@ msgstr "%s: %s: при означенні асоціативних масиві
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: не вдається створити: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
"bash_execute_unix_command: не вдається знайти відповідне призначення для "
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: перший непробільний символ не є `\"'"
# c-format
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "нема заключної `%c' у %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: пропущено двокрапку-роздільник"
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ msgstr "може використовуватися лише усередині
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "`-f' не використовується для створення функцій"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: незмінна функція"
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ msgstr "%s: завантажений не динамічно"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: не вдається вилучити: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ msgstr "%s: не є звичайним файлом"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: файл завеликий"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -926,27 +926,27 @@ msgstr "TIMEFORMAT: `%c': невірний символ шаблону"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "помилка каналу"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: обмеження: не можна вказувати `/' у імені команди"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: команду не знайдено"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s — це %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: неправильний інтерпретатор"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "не вдається створити копію файлового дескриптору %d у %d"
@@ -1895,60 +1895,60 @@ msgstr "помилка імпортування означення функці
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "рівень оболонки (%d) занадто високий, перевстановлено у 1"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
#, fuzzy
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
"make_local_variable: немає контексту функції у поточному оточенні виконання"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
#, fuzzy
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
"all_local_variables: немає контексту функції у поточному оточенні виконання"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s: параметр нульової довжини чи не вказаний"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "невірний символ %d у рядку експорту для %s"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "немає `=' у рядку експорту для %s"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
"pop_var_context: перший елемент shell_variables не є контекстом функції"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: немає контексту global_variables"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
"pop_scope: перший елемент shell_variables не є тимчасовим оточенням виконання"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: не вдається відкрити: %s"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%d: неправильний дескриптор файлу: %s"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
#: version.c:47
@@ -2179,7 +2179,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o параметр] [аргумент ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3763,6 +3764,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Команда повертає N, або помилку, якщо викликана не у функції чи сценарії."
#: builtins.c:1027
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3831,6 +3833,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3933,7 +3938,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда завершується успішно, якщо вказані правильні параметри."
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3970,7 +3975,7 @@ msgstr ""
" доступне лише для читання."
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4003,7 +4008,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда завершується успішно, якщо вказано правильні параметри та ІМЕНА."
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4040,7 +4045,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда завершується успішно, якщо вказано правильні параметри та ІМЕНА."
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4058,7 +4063,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда завершується невдало, якщо N менше за нуль чи більше за $#."
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4082,7 +4087,7 @@ msgstr ""
" помилку, якщо ФАЙЛ не вдається прочитати."
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4107,7 +4112,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Команда завершується невдало, якщо не ввімкнене керування завданнями чи\n"
" якщо трапиться помилка."
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -4267,7 +4272,7 @@ msgstr ""
" невірний аргумент чи ВИРАЗ хибний."
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4280,7 +4285,7 @@ msgstr ""
" аргументом має бути `]'."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
@@ -4300,7 +4305,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда завжди успішна."
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -4377,7 +4382,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Команда завершується успішно, якщо вказані правильні параметри та "
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4429,7 +4434,7 @@ msgstr ""
" хоч одне з них не вдасться знайти."
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4516,7 +4521,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Команда завершується невдало, якщо вказано неправильний параметр чи\n"
" трапилася помилка під час виконання."
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4550,7 +4555,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда завершується успішно, якщо вказано правильну МАСКУ та параметри."
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4580,7 +4585,7 @@ msgstr ""
" неправильні параметри чи ІДЕНТИФІКАТОР."
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4607,7 +4612,7 @@ msgstr ""
" неправильний ІДЕНТИФІКАТОР чи параметр."
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
@@ -4629,7 +4634,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда повертає код завершення останньої виконаної команди."
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4659,7 +4664,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда повертає код завершення останньої виконаної команди."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4698,7 +4703,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда повертає код завершення останньої виконаної команди."
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4726,7 +4731,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда повертає код завершення ЛАНЦЮЖКА-КОМАНД."
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
@@ -4746,7 +4751,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда повертає код завершення останньої виконаної команди."
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4779,7 +4784,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Команда повертає код завершення останньої виконаної команди або нуль,\n"
" якщо жодна з перевірених умов не була істинною."
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4797,7 +4802,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда повертає код завершення останньої виконаної команди."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4816,7 +4821,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Команда повертає код завершення останньої виконаної команди."
# WTF? How can it return exit code of _asynchronous_ process...
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4840,7 +4845,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда повертає код завершення КОМАНДИ."
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4866,7 +4871,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда завершується невдало, якщо ІМ’Я є незмінним."
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4885,7 +4890,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Конструкція повертає код завершення останньої виконаної команди."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4910,7 +4915,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда повертає статус продовженого завдання."
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4928,7 +4933,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда завершується успішно, якщо результат обчислення ненульовий."
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4977,7 +4982,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Код завершення:\n"
" Команда завершується успішно, якщо ВИРАЗ істинний."
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
@@ -5081,7 +5086,7 @@ msgstr ""
" HISTIGNORE\tРозділений двокрапкою список шаблонів, що використовуються\n"
" \t\tпри визначенні, чи зберігати команду у списку історії.\n"
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5139,7 +5144,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Команда завершується невдало, якщо вказаний неправильний аргумент чи\n"
" якщо не вдається змінити поточну директорію."
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5190,7 +5195,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Команда завершується невдало, якщо вказано невірний аргумент чи якщо\n"
" не вдається змінити поточну директорію."
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5245,7 +5250,7 @@ msgstr ""
" трапиться помилка."
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5281,7 +5286,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Команда завершується успішно, якщо ПАРАМЕТР ввімкнено; невдало, якщо\n"
" вказано неправильні параметри чи ПАРАМЕТР вимкнено."
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -5339,7 +5344,7 @@ msgstr ""
" якщо трапиться помилка запису чи присвоєння."
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
@@ -5384,7 +5389,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Команда завершується успішно, якщо вказано правильні параметри та не\n"
" трапиться помилки під час виконання."
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
@@ -5407,7 +5412,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Команда завершується успішно, якщо вказано правильні параметри і не\n"
" трапиться помилки під час виконання."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
@@ -5462,7 +5467,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Команда завершується успішно, якщо вказано правильні параметри та\n"
" вказівки завершень для ІМЕН існують."
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
@@ -5542,7 +5547,7 @@ msgstr ""
" якщо МАСИВ є незмінним."
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 6e6cef1e..dcdf6beb 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/vi.po b/po/vi.po
index 6b7d4c5a..a07d0448 100644
--- a/po/vi.po
+++ b/po/vi.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash 4.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-02-11 19:42+0930\n"
"Last-Translator: Clytie Siddall <>\n"
"Language-Team: Vietnamese <>\n"
@@ -46,22 +46,22 @@ msgstr "%s: %s: phải sử dụng chữ thấp khi gán mảng kết hợp"
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: không thể tạo %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr "bash_execute_unix_command: không tìm thấy sơ đồ phím cho câu lệnh"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr ""
"%s: ký tự khác khoảng trắng đầu tiên không phải là dấu sổ chéo ngược « / »"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "thiếu « %c » đóng trong %s"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: thiếu dấu hai chấm định giới"
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ msgstr "chỉ có thể được dùng trong một hàm"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "không thể dùng « -f » để tạo hàm"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: hàm chỉ đọc"
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ msgstr "%s không phải được nạp động"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: không thể xoá: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ msgstr "%s: không phải là tập tin chuẩn"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: tập tin quá lớn"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -921,27 +921,27 @@ msgstr "ĐỊNH DẠNG THỜI GIAN: « %c »: ký tự định dạng không h
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "lỗi ống dẫn"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: bị hạn chế: không thể ghi rõ dấu sổ chéo « / » trong tên câu lệnh"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: không tìm thấy lệnh"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s là %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: bộ thông dịch sai"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "không thể nhân đôi fd %d tới fd %d"
@@ -1888,59 +1888,59 @@ msgstr "gặp lỗi khi nhập lời xác định hàm cho « %s »"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "cấp trình bao (%d) quá cao nên đặt lại thành 1"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: không có ngữ cảnh hàm ở phạm vi hiện thời"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: không có ngữ cảnh hàm ở phạm vi hiện thời"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s có chuỗi xuất (exportstr) vô giá trị"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "sai ký tự %d trong chuỗi exportstr cho %s"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "không có dấu bằng « = » trong chuỗi exportstr cho %s"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
"pop_var_context: đầu của shell_variables (các biến trình bao) không phải là "
"ngữ cảnh hàm"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr ""
"pop_var_context: không có ngữ cảnh global_variables (các biến toàn cục)"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
"pop_scope: đầu của shell_variables (các biến trình bao) không phải là phạm "
"vi môi trường tạm thời"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: %s: không thể mở dưới dạng TẬP_TIN"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%s: %s: sai đặt giá trị cho bộ mô tả tập tin vết"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Tác quyền © năm 2009 của Tổ chức Phần mềm Tự do."
#: version.c:47
@@ -2177,7 +2177,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o tùy_chọn] [đối_số ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3738,6 +3739,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\t\tmột chức năng hay văn lệnh."
#: builtins.c:1027
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3806,6 +3808,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3900,7 +3905,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu không gặp tùy chọn sai."
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3933,7 +3938,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu không đưa ra tùy chọn sai, và TÊN không chỉ đọc."
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3967,7 +3972,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu không đưa ra tùy chọn sai hay TÊN sai,"
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4003,7 +4008,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu không đưa ra tùy chọn sai hay TÊN sai."
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4021,7 +4026,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu N không âm hay lớn hơn $#."
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4048,7 +4053,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tkhông thành công nếu không thể đọc TÊN_TẬP_TIN."
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4073,7 +4078,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu chức năng điều khiển công việc đã được bật, và "
"không gặp lỗi."
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -4233,7 +4238,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu B_THỨC định giá thành Đúng;\n"
"\tkhông thành công nếu B_THỨC định giá thành Sai hay đưa ra đối số sai."
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4246,7 +4251,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tnhưng đối số cuối cùng phải là một « ] » nghĩa chữ,\n"
"\tđổ tương ứng với « [ » mở."
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4265,7 +4270,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tLúc nào cũng thành công."
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -4344,7 +4349,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu không đưa ra ĐẶC_TẢ_TÍN_HIỆU sai\n"
"\thay tùy chọn sai."
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4403,7 +4408,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTráng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu tìm thấy tất cả các TÊN; không thì bị lỗi."
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4491,7 +4496,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu không đưa ra tùy chọn sai hay gặp lỗi."
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4526,7 +4531,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTráng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu không có CHẾ_ĐỘ sai hay tùy chọn sai."
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4555,7 +4560,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrả lại trạng thái của ID; không thành công nếu ID sai\n"
"\t\thoặc đưa ra tùy chọn sai."
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4582,7 +4587,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tkhông thành công nếu ID sai,\n"
"\thoặc nếu đưa ra tùy chọn sai."
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4606,7 +4611,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại trạng thái của câu lệnh cuối cùng được chạy."
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4635,7 +4640,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại trạng thái của câu lệnh cuối cùng được chạy."
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4674,7 +4679,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại trạng thái của câu lệnh cuối cùng được chạy."
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4705,7 +4710,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrạng thái trả lai là trạng thái trả lại của PIPELINE."
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4724,7 +4729,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại trạng thái của câu lệnh cuối cùng được chạy."
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4761,7 +4766,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại trạng thái của câu lệnh cuối cùng được chạy."
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4780,7 +4785,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại trạng thái của câu lệnh cuối cùng được chạy."
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4799,7 +4804,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại trạng thái của câu lệnh cuối cùng được chạy."
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4822,7 +4827,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại trạng thái thoát của câu LỆNH."
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4846,7 +4851,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTráng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu TÊN không phải chỉ đọc."
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4865,7 +4870,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại trạng thái của câu lệnh cuối cùng được chạy."
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4890,7 +4895,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại trạng thái của công việc đã tiếp tục lại."
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4908,7 +4913,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại 1 nếu BIỂU_THỨC tính là 0; không thì trả lại 0."
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4957,7 +4962,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\t0 hay 1 phụ thuộc vào giá trị của BIỂU_THỨC."
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5063,7 +5068,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tđược ùng để quyết định những câu lệnh nào nên được lưu\n"
"\tvào danh sách lịch sử.\n"
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5117,7 +5122,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu không đưa ra đối số sai,\n"
"\tcũng không sai chuyển đổi thư mục."
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5170,7 +5175,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu không đưa ra đối số sai,\n"
"\tcũng không sai chuyển đổi thư mục."
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5226,7 +5231,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu không đưa ra tùy chọn sai hay gặp lỗi."
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5263,7 +5268,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu TÊN_TÙY_CHỌN được bật;\n"
"\tkhông thành công nếu đưa ra tùy chọn sai hay TÊN_TÙY_CHỌN bị tắt."
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -5318,7 +5323,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu không đưa ra tùy chọn sai hay gặp lỗi kiểu ghi hay "
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5366,7 +5371,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu không đưa ra tùy chọn sai hay gặp lỗi."
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5388,7 +5393,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrạng thái thoát:\n"
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu không đưa ra tùy chọn sai hay gặp lỗi."
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
@@ -5446,7 +5451,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu không đưa ra tùy chọn sai,\n"
"\tvà TÊN có một đặc tả điền nốt được xác định."
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
@@ -5517,7 +5522,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tTrả lại thành công nếu không đưa ra tùy chọn sai và MẢNG không phải chỉ "
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 70e3ba4a..52bed5e1 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po
index 9519715d..65127c0b 100644
--- a/po/zh_CN.po
+++ b/po/zh_CN.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash 4.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-29 10:16+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Alex Ye <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) <>\n"
@@ -45,21 +45,21 @@ msgstr "%s: %s: 为关联数组赋值时必须使用下标"
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr "%s: 无法创建: %s"
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr "bash_execute_unix_command: 无法为命令找到键映射"
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr "%s: 第一个非空字符不是 `\"'"
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr "%2$s 中没有闭合的 `%1$c'"
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr "%s: 缺少冒号分隔符"
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ msgstr "只能在函数中使用"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr "无法用 `-f' 生成函数"
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s: 只读函数"
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ msgstr "%s: 不是动态加载"
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr "%s: 无法删除: %s"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ msgstr "%s: 不是常规文件"
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr "%s: 文件太大"
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -906,27 +906,27 @@ msgstr "时间格式: `%c': 无效的格式字符"
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "管道错误"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr "%s: 受限的: 无法在命令名中使用 `/'"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s: 未找到命令"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s 是 %s\n"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr "%s: %s: 坏的解释器"
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr "无法复制文件描述符 %d 到 文件描述符 %d"
@@ -1857,54 +1857,54 @@ msgstr "`%s' 函数定义导入错误"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr "shell 层次 (%d) 太高, 重置为 1"
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "make_local_variable: 当前作用域中没有函数上下文"
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr "all_local_variables: 当前作用域中没有函数上下文"
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr "%s 有空的 exportstr"
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "%2$s 的 exportstr 中有无效的字符 %1$d"
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr "%s 的 exportstr 中没有 `='"
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: shell_variables 的头部不是函数上下文"
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr "pop_var_context: 没有 global_variables 上下文"
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr "pop_scope: shell_variables 的头部不是临时环境作用域"
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s: %s: 无法作为文件打开"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr "%s: %s: 追踪文件描述符的值无效"
#: version.c:46
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "自由软件基金会 版权所有 2009"
#: version.c:47
@@ -2128,7 +2128,8 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr "return [n]"
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o 选项名] [参数 ...]"
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3625,6 +3626,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 返回 N,或者如果 shell 不在执行一个函数或引用脚本时,失败。"
#: builtins.c:1027
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3693,6 +3695,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3781,7 +3786,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功除非使用了无效的参数。"
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3816,7 +3821,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功,除非使用了无效的选项或者 NAME 名称为只读。"
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3849,7 +3854,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功,除非使用了无效的选项或者 NAME 名称。"
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3884,7 +3889,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功,除非使用了无效的选项或者 NAME 名称。"
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3902,7 +3907,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功,除非 N 为负或者大于 $#。"
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3924,7 +3929,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回 FILENAME 文件中最后一个命令的状态;如果 FILENAME 文件不可读则失败。"
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3948,7 +3953,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功,除非没有启用任务控制或者有错误发生。"
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
@@ -4099,7 +4104,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 如果 EXPR 表达式估值为真则返回成功;如果 EXPR 表达式估值\n"
" 为假或者使用了无效的参数则返回失败。"
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4111,7 +4116,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 是内嵌命令 \"test\" 的同义词,但是最后一个参数必须是\n"
" 字符 `]',以匹配起始的 `['。"
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4130,7 +4135,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态\n"
" 总是成功。"
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
@@ -4201,7 +4206,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功,除非使用了无效的选项或者 SIGSPEC。"
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4253,7 +4258,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 如果所有的 NAME 命令都找到则返回成功;任何找不到则失败。"
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4333,7 +4338,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功,除非使用了无效的选项或者错误发生。"
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4365,7 +4370,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功,除非使用了无效的 MODE 模式或者选项。"
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4391,7 +4396,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回 ID 进程的状态;如果使用了无效的 ID 或者选项则失败。"
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4414,7 +4419,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 返回进程ID的状态;如果ID是无效的进程号或者指定了无效\n"
" 的选项则失败。"
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4435,7 +4440,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回最后执行的命令的状态。"
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4465,7 +4470,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回最后执行的命令的状态。"
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4498,7 +4503,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回最后一个执行的命令的状态。"
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4526,7 +4531,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回状态即PIPELINE 的返回状态。"
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4544,7 +4549,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回最后一个执行的命令的状态。"
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4575,7 +4580,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回最后一个执行的命令的状态。"
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4593,7 +4598,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回最后一个执行的命令的状态。"
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4611,7 +4616,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回最后一个执行的命令的状态。"
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4633,7 +4638,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回 COMMAND 命令的退出状态。"
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4656,7 +4661,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功除非 NAME 为只读。"
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4674,7 +4679,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回最后一个执行的命令的状态。"
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4698,7 +4703,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回被继续的任务的状态。"
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4716,7 +4721,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态\n"
" 如果表达式估值为0则返回 1;否则返回0。"
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4764,7 +4769,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 根据 EXPRESSION 的值为0或1。"
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4859,7 +4864,7 @@ msgstr ""
" HISTIGNORE\t用于决定哪些命令被存入历史文件的模式\n"
" \t\t列表,以冒号分隔。\n"
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4912,7 +4917,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功,除非使用了无效的参数或者目录转换失败。"
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -4959,7 +4964,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功,除非使用了无效的参数或者目录变换失败。"
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5008,7 +5013,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功,除非使用了无效的选项或者发生错误。"
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5045,7 +5050,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 如果 OPTNAME 选项被启用则返回成功;如果是\n"
" 无效的选项或OPTNAME 被禁用则失败。"
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
@@ -5095,7 +5100,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功,除非使用了无效的选项或者写或赋值错误发生。"
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5139,7 +5144,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功,除非使用了无效的选项或者错误发生。"
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -5160,7 +5165,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 除非使用了无效选项或者错误发生,否则返回成功。"
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
@@ -5213,7 +5218,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功,除非使用了无效的选项或者 NAME 名称没有定义补完声明。"
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
@@ -5279,7 +5284,7 @@ msgstr ""
" 退出状态:\n"
" 返回成功,除非使用了无效的选项,或者 ARRAY 变量是只读或者不是下标数组。"
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 4be816d0..cd374b37 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po
index 3292cb95..e4c819f1 100644
--- a/po/zh_TW.po
+++ b/po/zh_TW.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bash-3.2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-10 10:35-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-28 22:07-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-08-20 20:12+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Zi-You Dai <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) <>\n"
@@ -45,21 +45,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot create: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3499
+#: bashline.c:3498
msgid "bash_execute_unix_command: cannot find keymap for command"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3585
+#: bashline.c:3584
#, c-format
msgid "%s: first non-whitespace character is not `\"'"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3614
+#: bashline.c:3613
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `%c' in %s"
msgstr ""
-#: bashline.c:3648
+#: bashline.c:3647
#, c-format
msgid "%s: missing colon separator"
msgstr ""
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ msgstr "只能用在一個函數"
msgid "cannot use `-f' to make functions"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5097
+#: builtins/declare.def:378 execute_cmd.c:5105
#, c-format
msgid "%s: readonly function"
msgstr "%s:只讀函數"
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: cannot delete: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4953
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:135 builtins/hash.def:171 execute_cmd.c:4961
#: shell.c:1457
#, c-format
msgid "%s: is a directory"
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%s: file is too large"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5024
+#: builtins/evalfile.c:182 builtins/evalfile.c:200 execute_cmd.c:5032
#: shell.c:1467
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot execute binary file"
@@ -841,27 +841,27 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pipe error"
msgstr "寫入錯誤: %s"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4632
+#: execute_cmd.c:4640
#, c-format
msgid "%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names"
msgstr ""
-#: execute_cmd.c:4727
+#: execute_cmd.c:4735
#, c-format
msgid "%s: command not found"
msgstr "%s:命令找不到"
-#: execute_cmd.c:4951
+#: execute_cmd.c:4959
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: execute_cmd.c:4987
+#: execute_cmd.c:4995
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: bad interpreter"
msgstr ""
-#: execute_cmd.c:5136
+#: execute_cmd.c:5144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot duplicate fd %d to fd %d"
msgstr ""
@@ -1793,53 +1793,53 @@ msgstr "錯誤,輸入的函數定義為 `%s'"
msgid "shell level (%d) too high, resetting to 1"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:1931
+#: variables.c:1932
msgid "make_local_variable: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3181
+#: variables.c:3182
msgid "all_local_variables: no function context at current scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3426
+#: variables.c:3427
#, c-format
msgid "%s has null exportstr"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3431 variables.c:3440
+#: variables.c:3432 variables.c:3441
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character %d in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3446
+#: variables.c:3447
#, c-format
msgid "no `=' in exportstr for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3890
+#: variables.c:3891
msgid "pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3903
+#: variables.c:3904
msgid "pop_var_context: no global_variables context"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:3977
+#: variables.c:3978
msgid "pop_scope: head of shell_variables not a temporary environment scope"
msgstr ""
-#: variables.c:4785
+#: variables.c:4786
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: cannot open as FILE"
msgstr "%s:不能讀取: %s"
-#: variables.c:4790
+#: variables.c:4791
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: invalid value for trace file descriptor"
msgstr ""
#: version.c:46
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+msgid "Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr ""
#: version.c:47
@@ -2048,7 +2048,7 @@ msgid "return [n]"
msgstr ""
#: builtins.c:140
-msgid "set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [arg ...]"
+msgid "set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]"
msgstr ""
#: builtins.c:142
@@ -3050,6 +3050,9 @@ msgid ""
" -P If set, do not follow symbolic links when executing commands\n"
" such as cd which change the current directory.\n"
" -T If set, the DEBUG trap is inherited by shell functions.\n"
+" -- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
+" If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters\n"
+" are unset.\n"
" - Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.\n"
" The -x and -v options are turned off.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3063,7 +3066,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1109
+#: builtins.c:1112
msgid ""
"Unset values and attributes of shell variables and functions.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3083,7 +3086,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or a NAME is read-only."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1129
+#: builtins.c:1132
msgid ""
"Set export attribute for shell variables.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3102,7 +3105,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1148
+#: builtins.c:1151
msgid ""
"Mark shell variables as unchangeable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3122,7 +3125,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1169
+#: builtins.c:1172
msgid ""
"Shift positional parameters.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3133,7 +3136,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1181 builtins.c:1196
+#: builtins.c:1184 builtins.c:1199
msgid ""
"Execute commands from a file in the current shell.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3147,7 +3150,7 @@ msgid ""
" FILENAME cannot be read."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1212
+#: builtins.c:1215
msgid ""
"Suspend shell execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3161,7 +3164,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless job control is not enabled or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1228
+#: builtins.c:1231
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3242,7 +3245,7 @@ msgid ""
" false or an invalid argument is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1308
+#: builtins.c:1311
msgid ""
"Evaluate conditional expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3250,7 +3253,7 @@ msgid ""
" be a literal `]', to match the opening `['."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1317
+#: builtins.c:1320
msgid ""
"Display process times.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3262,7 +3265,7 @@ msgid ""
" Always succeeds."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1329
+#: builtins.c:1332
msgid ""
"Trap signals and other events.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3306,7 +3309,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1365
+#: builtins.c:1368
msgid ""
"Display information about command type.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3336,7 +3339,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1396
+#: builtins.c:1399
msgid ""
"Modify shell resource limits.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3380,7 +3383,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1441
+#: builtins.c:1444
msgid ""
"Display or set file mode mask.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3398,7 +3401,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless MODE is invalid or an invalid option is given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1461
+#: builtins.c:1464
msgid ""
"Wait for job completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3415,7 +3418,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1479
+#: builtins.c:1482
msgid ""
"Wait for process completion and return exit status.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3429,7 +3432,7 @@ msgid ""
" given."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1494
+#: builtins.c:1497
msgid ""
"Execute commands for each member in a list.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3442,7 +3445,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1508
+#: builtins.c:1511
msgid ""
"Arithmetic for loop.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3459,7 +3462,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1526
+#: builtins.c:1529
msgid ""
"Select words from a list and execute commands.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3479,7 +3482,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1547
+#: builtins.c:1550
msgid ""
"Report time consumed by pipeline's execution.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3495,7 +3498,7 @@ msgid ""
" The return status is the return status of PIPELINE."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1564
+#: builtins.c:1567
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on pattern matching.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3506,7 +3509,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1576
+#: builtins.c:1579
msgid ""
"Execute commands based on conditional.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3527,7 +3530,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1593
+#: builtins.c:1596
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test succeeds.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3538,7 +3541,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1605
+#: builtins.c:1608
msgid ""
"Execute commands as long as a test does not succeed.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3549,7 +3552,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1617
+#: builtins.c:1620
msgid ""
"Create a coprocess named NAME.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3562,7 +3565,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the exit status of COMMAND."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1631
+#: builtins.c:1634
msgid ""
"Define shell function.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3576,7 +3579,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless NAME is readonly."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1645
+#: builtins.c:1648
msgid ""
"Group commands as a unit.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3587,7 +3590,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the last command executed."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1657
+#: builtins.c:1660
msgid ""
"Resume job in foreground.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3601,7 +3604,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns the status of the resumed job."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1672
+#: builtins.c:1675
msgid ""
"Evaluate arithmetic expression.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3612,7 +3615,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns 1 if EXPRESSION evaluates to 0; returns 0 otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1684
+#: builtins.c:1687
msgid ""
"Execute conditional command.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3640,7 +3643,7 @@ msgid ""
" 0 or 1 depending on value of EXPRESSION."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1710
+#: builtins.c:1713
msgid ""
"Common shell variable names and usage.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3694,7 +3697,7 @@ msgid ""
" \t\tcommands should be saved on the history list.\n"
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1767
+#: builtins.c:1770
msgid ""
"Add directories to stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3725,7 +3728,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1801
+#: builtins.c:1804
msgid ""
"Remove directories from stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3752,7 +3755,7 @@ msgid ""
" change fails."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1831
+#: builtins.c:1834
msgid ""
"Display directory stack.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3781,7 +3784,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1860
+#: builtins.c:1863
msgid ""
"Set and unset shell options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3802,7 +3805,7 @@ msgid ""
" given or OPTNAME is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1881
+#: builtins.c:1884
msgid ""
"Formats and prints ARGUMENTS under control of the FORMAT.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3835,7 +3838,7 @@ msgid ""
" error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1910
+#: builtins.c:1913
msgid ""
"Specify how arguments are to be completed by Readline.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3862,7 +3865,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1938
+#: builtins.c:1941
msgid ""
"Display possible completions depending on the options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3875,7 +3878,7 @@ msgid ""
" Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1953
+#: builtins.c:1956
msgid ""
"Modify or display completion options.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3906,7 +3909,7 @@ msgid ""
" have a completion specification defined."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:1983
+#: builtins.c:1986
msgid ""
"Read lines from the standard input into an indexed array variable.\n"
" \n"
@@ -3947,7 +3950,7 @@ msgid ""
" not an indexed array."
msgstr ""
-#: builtins.c:2017
+#: builtins.c:2020
msgid ""
"Read lines from a file into an array variable.\n"
" \n"
diff --git a/support/mkconffiles b/support/mkconffiles
index 9eb22318..9eb22318 100755..100644
--- a/support/mkconffiles
+++ b/support/mkconffiles
diff --git a/support/ b/support/
index 08a5d981..08a5d981 100755..100644
--- a/support/
+++ b/support/
diff --git a/support/ b/support/
index 64cadc77..64cadc77 100755..100644
--- a/support/
+++ b/support/
diff --git a/support/shobj-conf b/support/shobj-conf
index 5a63e80a..5a63e80a 100755..100644
--- a/support/shobj-conf
+++ b/support/shobj-conf