Branch | Commit message | Author | Age |
baserock/jonathanmaw/tizen | Fix systemd dependencies | Jonathan Maw | 10 years |
baserock/morph | Add efl.morph.morph to build chunk | Richard Dale | 12 years |
devs/ajwillia-ms/elm_code_wrap | Merge branch 'master' into elm_code_wrap | Andy Williams | 7 years |
devs/ami/btn_rename | Add po/* files changes after elm_button rename | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/check_rename | elm_check: make sure of the correct naming of header files | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
devs/ami/clock | efl_ui_clock: Merge datetime/dayselector/clock widgets into efl_ui_clock. | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/color | Efl.Gfx.Color_Class: move color_class_code{} to color_class intf. | Amitesh Singh | 7 years |
devs/ami/config_keyb | Elm Examples: Fix undefined function references. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/ami/context_menu | Elm_image: remove resizable_up and resizable_down Eo api | Ji-Youn Park | 9 years |
devs/ami/edje_play | map: add more checking on input and memory allocation | Thiep Ha | 8 years |
devs/ami/edje_player | edje: implement edje.player interface functions | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/efl_theme | theme: efl theme init. | Amitesh Singh | 7 years |
devs/ami/eina | eina: module - Add macros for adding module informations | Amitesh Singh | 9 years |
devs/ami/gfx-video | Separtor: use orientation APIs | Yeshwanth Reddivari | 9 years |
devs/ami/img_align | elm test: img zoomable - change img anim sample to use eo apis only. | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/img_load_status | work init | Amitesh Singh | 7 years |
devs/ami/intvslider | efl.ui.range: remove interval_enable/set/get APIs from interface | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/nstate | nstate: introduce it baby ;) | Amitesh Singh | 9 years |
devs/ami/panes | Efl.Ui.Panes: implement panes internal part. | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/panes2 | Efl.Ui.Panes: rename left/right_size_set to split_ratio | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/pb_test | Efl.Ui.Progressbar: implement range min max | Amitesh Singh | 7 years |
devs/ami/pb_work | Efl.Ui.Progressbar: Implement Efl.Ui.Progress intf for progressbar part | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/photocam | elm_video: make emotion obj as a composite object. | Amitesh Singh | 9 years |
devs/ami/photocam2 | work! | Amitesh Singh | 9 years |
devs/ami/photocam_cleanup | photocam: rename 'paused' API to 'zoom_animation' | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/progress_intf | Efl.Ui.Slider: implement Efl.Ui.Progress.progress_min_max | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/range | Efl.Ui.Progressbar: rename data get macros. | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/removal | datetime removal work | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/scale_fix | efl.gfx: move scale{} from efl.ui.base to efl.gfx | Amitesh Singh | 7 years |
devs/ami/slider | elm: rename elm slider to Efl.Ui.Slider | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/slider-range | slider: move range as a group in theme | Amitesh Singh | 9 years |
devs/ami/slider_range | Efl.Ui.Slider: implement Efl.Ui.Range.range_step_set/get() | Amitesh Singh | 7 years |
devs/ami/slider_spansize | Efl.Ui.Slider: implement slider internal part class | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/spinner | Efl.Ui.Spinner: inherit spinner from Range intf | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/theme-signal-renaming | fix signals for check, frame, image_zoomable, layout. | Jaehyun Cho | 7 years |
devs/ami/ui_btn | Add efl autorepeat interface | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/uiclock | efl.ui.clock: correct value_set/get & value_min/max APIs signature. | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/zoom | photocam: fix make distcheck | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/zoom_edje | Efl.Ui.Image.Zoomable: make zoomable to work with edj file | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/zoom_icon | Efl.Ui.Image.Zoomable: implement Ui.Image.icon property | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/zoom_play | Efl.Ui.Image.Zoomable: inherit elm.widget as class | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/ami/zoomable | Efl.Ui.Image.Zoomable: implement Ui.Image.icon propery | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/antognolli/ecore_wayland | ecore/wayland: Use eina_inlist instead of wl_list for inputs too. | Rafael Antognolli | 11 years |
devs/antognolli/framespace | add support for framespace offset render translation. | Rafael Antognolli | 12 years |
devs/antognolli/subsurfaces2 | evas/wayland_egl: Subsurfaces handled as native surfaces. | Rafael Antognolli | 11 years |
devs/antognolli/wayland | ecore/evas events: Use evas_event_input_mouse_move to report events. | Rafael Antognolli | 12 years |
devs/asdfuser/ecore_audio | edje_multisense: Support sample speed | Daniel Willmann | 12 years |
devs/asdfuser/ecore_audio_eo | Alsa WIP work | Daniel Willmann | 12 years |
devs/asdfuser/ecore_con | ecore_con: Reenable ecore_con tests - they seem fine (but don't use port 8080) | Daniel Willmann | 12 years |
devs/asdfuser/edje_tests | edje_test: Test geometry of a more complex layout | Daniel Willmann | 12 years |
devs/asdfuser/jenkins | configure: Link eina to librt. This is needed for shm_* calls | Daniel Willmann | 12 years |
devs/avilog/adding_eolian_info | Eolian: adding new tool for extracting info on eolian classes | Avi Levin | 10 years |
devs/avilog/callbacks_by_counterpart | eo:callbacks find by event counterpart | Avi Levin | 10 years |
devs/avilog/callbacks_by_events | eo: working version that combines linear and ordered search | Avi Levin | 10 years |
devs/avilog/callbacks_by_hashed_events | eo: cleaning eo_base_callbacks.c | Avi Levin | 10 years |
devs/avilog/replace_smart_callbacks_with_eo | Emotion: Adding emotion_test_main-eo | Avi Levin | 10 years |
devs/b.devichev/model_save_load | Obj_io. Step 5.1 fix codestyle | Bogdan Devichev | 10 years |
devs/barbieri/cmake | cmake: fix typo, use space not a list separator | Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri | 8 years |
devs/barbieri/coroutines | Efl.Loop.coro: easy to use coroutines attached to a main loop. | Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri | 8 years |
devs/barbieri/ecore-con-eoify | WIP: add efl_net eo API. | Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri | 9 years |
devs/barbieri/ecore_con-efl_net | ecore_con: Ecore_Con_Server now on top of Efl_Net! | Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri | 8 years |
devs/barbieri/efl-io-interfaces | fixup: http | Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri | 9 years |
devs/barbieri/efl_net_socket_windows | WIP: efl_net_{socket,dialer,server}_windows | Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri | 8 years |
devs/barbieri/efl_net_socket_windows2 | evil_string: fix strndup() for non-NULL terminated strings. | Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri | 8 years |
devs/barbieri/future | Efl_Loop: add job, timeout and idle based on Eina_Future. | Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri | 8 years |
devs/barbieri/jenkins | ecore_con: Ecore_Con_Server now on top of Efl_Net! | Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri | 8 years |
devs/barbieri/websocket | efl_net_dialer_websocket: EFL now does WebSocket! | Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri | 9 years |
devs/bdilly/ecore_evas_wayland | examples/ecore: add example / test for wayland multiseat | Bruno Dilly | 8 years |
devs/bdilly/edje_multiseat | edje/examples: add example of use_systeam_seat_names flag | Bruno Dilly | 8 years |
devs/bdilly/evas_events_filter_fixes | evas: improve logic regarding events filtering enablement | Bruno Dilly | 8 years |
devs/bdilly/evas_multiseat_example | evas: add example for multiseat events | Bruno Dilly | 8 years |
devs/bdilly/fix_vnc_example | examples/elementary: drop generated.h from SOURCES | Bruno Dilly | 8 years |
devs/bdilly/input_seat_get | efl: add getter for input device's seat | Bruno Dilly | 8 years |
devs/bdilly/uninitialized_warning | elementary: refactor elm_atspi_bridge function | Bruno Dilly | 8 years |
devs/beber/master | Sat, 29 Sep 2018 20:23:30 +0100 | Bertrand Jacquin | 6 years |
devs/billiob/eina_cow | fix eina_cow issues. Closes T581, T527 | Boris Faure | 11 years |
devs/billiob/imf_xim_issue | ecore_imf_xim: remove calls to XCreateFontSet() | Boris Faure | 4 years |
devs/billiob/textgrid_bolditalic | evas_text_grid: display bold/italic/bolditalic fonts if available | Boris Faure | 9 years |
devs/bluezery/doc | Documentation from Tizen | | 10 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/Test | elementary: fix string definition | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/animation_work | remove efl_canvas_animation_player | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/annoying_bug | wip | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/apb_fix | eo: null out classes on deletion | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/arm-test | efl_ui_position_manager_common: generalize code | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/beta-removal | declare a few classes stable | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/br0ken | wip | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/build-test | build: fix disabling of audio | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/build-try | elm: add basics test to create a destroy *every* widget with errors | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/buildtest | Eina vpath: remove support of ~username vpath on Windows | Vincent Torri | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/c-sharp-on-system | meson: support signing and installing | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/cmake-port | cmake: add eo | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/collectionview | elementary: fix the size calculation on the collection view. | SangHyeon Jade Lee | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/combobox | combobox: fix 0px height on first click | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/compiler-plugin | wip | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/cv | make things work better | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/cv-finalize | here comes a new example | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/dead_events | dead_events | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/debug_threads | eina_thread: add debugging for threads beeing alive | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/dnd-fixes | elput: check for a special return value | Marcel Hollerbach | 9 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/ecore_drm | ecore_drm: close all devices in shutdown | Marcel Hollerbach | 9 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/ecore_wl2_dnd | elm_cnp: refactor selection_get callbacks | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/efl-eins | this has to be merged somewhere | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/eina-fix | ecore_thread: do not override the data field of a thread | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/eio-fixes | elc_fileselector: bring back this unit test | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/elput_with_swipe | WIP: elput: introduce gesture passing | Marcel Hollerbach | 4 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/eo-event-rewrite | wip | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/eo_file_updates | HACK: remove broken API | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/eo_interface_get | eo: First stub of generic interface_get | Marcel Hollerbach | 9 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/eo_work | eo: use eina_prefetch | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/eolian_warnings | eolian: add warnings for not implemented functions | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/exactness_work | new repository | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/example | asdf | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/failing_eo_test | eo: adjust generation count | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/fixes | ecore_evas: fix fallback code | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/focus | efl_ui_focus_manager: select the widget with the smallest distance | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/focus2 | win: hook a efl.ui.manager in | Marcel Hollerbach | 9 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/focus_fixes | efl_ui_focus_layer: correctly dismantle redirect chain | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/focus_for_cedric | elm_interface_scrollable: add focus override | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/focus_for_raster | WIP - gengrid focus | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/focus_optimize | chaos | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/focus_phase1 | focus: fix compilation | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/focus_secure | focus: next/prev(Tab Order) implementation | Pankaj Mittal | 9 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/for-simotek | build: make xkbcommon public where it is included in the header file | Marcel Hollerbach | 9 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/gengrid_item_manager | WIP | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/gengrid_item_manager2 | efl_ui_Focus_manager_root_focus: add focus rectangle | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/gesture_from_mike | efl/gesture: remove 'gesture' member from recognizer data struct | Mike Blumenkrantz | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/header-build-test | efl_ui: remove legacy component includes, include Efl_Layout.h and Efl_Canvas.h | Mike Blumenkrantz | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/items_optimize | wip | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/items_work | efl_ui_position_manager_grid: start to honor group items | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/lets-annoy-travis | efl: work arround something weird | Marcel Hollerbach | 4 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/lets_fix_that | edje: make it handle late appearing of devices | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/macos-fix | efl_ui_dnd: cleanup when backend failed to create dnd op | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/make_doc_cop_happy | wip | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/netstar_edi_fix | WIP debug output | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/overflow_checks | eina_hash: fix possible issue | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/ownership_fix | eolian: add tests for the new owning functions | Marcel Hollerbach | 7 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/perf | Revert "eo: make callback_add faster" | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/performances | ecore: inhibit "idle" event emission if no subscribers exist | Mike Blumenkrantz | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/poppler-fix | WIP | Marcel Hollerbach | 9 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/release-fix | enable release build | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/review | eo: fix missing event emission | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/shit-stable | declare first round of classes stable | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/spotlight_work | remove unused code file | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/ssl-fix | WIP | Marcel Hollerbach | 8 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/tab_pager_work | efl_ui_tab_pager: do not directly inherit from spotlight anymore | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/test-try | elm: add basics test to create a destroy *every* widget with errors | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/tmp | eina_promise: do not self feedback when canceling | Marcel Hollerbach | 4 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/travis | evas_common_privat: improve tiler merge flag | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/travis-cnp | elm_dnd: support target setting on none evas_objects | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/travis-macos-check | ci: do not build tests on ci | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/travis-try | wip | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/widget_bug_fixes | elm_widget: set focus to false when requested | Marcel Hollerbach | 9 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/wl_fix | ecore_wl2: fix key down event called to often | Marcel Hollerbach | 9 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work | efl_ui_widget: fix model listenting logic | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_animations | Efl.Canvas.Animation: Rename repeat_count to play_count | Xavi Artigas | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_asdf | wip | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_build | build: add efl-canvasl-wl to efl-one | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_cnp | ecore_evas: Use EFL naming convention in cnp & dnd methods | Xavi Artigas | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_cnp_wayland | ecore_wayland WIP | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_container | rename Item_Container -> Collection | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_dnd | ecore_evas_x: add safety check for data in converter | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_eio | efl_io_model: remove custom counting logic | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_eo | wip | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_eo_final | eo-files: reorder some functions | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_multi_input | ecore/input: attempt to more accurately handle multi-touch mouse-in events | Mike Blumenkrantz | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_progressbar | efl_ui_progressbar: remove pulse_mode | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_range_display | efl_ui_spec: add test suite for range_display events | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_seperator | Introduce Separator | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_spin | fix test | Mike Blumenkrantz | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_spotlight | efl_ui_spotlight: Introduce animation manager | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_spotlight2 | introduce efl_ui_{pager/scroller} | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_spotlight_fixes | efl_ui_spotlight_scroll: improve scroll behaviour | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_test_efl_input_interface | efl_input_interface: WIP check cancel event | Marcel Hollerbach | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_tests | efl_ui_suite: fix test code of grid | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_travis | efl_input_clickable: rename efl_ui_clickable to efl_input_clickable | WooHyun Jung | 6 years |
devs/bu5hm4n/work_widget | efl_ui_widget: fix disabled set behaviour | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/captainigloo/doc | Eet.h: add some more documentation. | Chidambar Zinnoury | 10 years |
devs/captainigloo/eglfs | ecore_evas: Add eglfs backend | Nicolas Aguirre | 9 years |
devs/captainigloo/eglfs_rpi | eglfs: Remove specific code for libhybris/android port | Nicolas Aguirre | 9 years |
devs/captainigloo/osx | eina: fix missing header | Jean Guyomarc'h | 9 years |
devs/captainigloo/win32 | Evil: better check of Windows 64 bits | Vincent Torri | 9 years |
devs/cedric/animator | efl: start adding an animator promise | Cedric Bail | 9 years |
devs/cedric/avahi | Ecore_Avahi: initial commit. | Cedric BAIL | 11 years |
devs/cedric/cserve2 | evas/cserve2: Fix SIGBUS on ARM devices | Jean-Philippe Andre | 11 years |
devs/cedric/ecore_con_ssh | ecore_con: first initial addition of Ecore_Con_Ssh object. | Cedric BAIL | 10 years |
devs/cedric/ector | eina: start adding a compressed integer buffer. | Cedric BAIL | 10 years |
devs/cedric/ector_gl | evas: add a way to tests Ector_GL. | Cedric BAIL | 9 years |
devs/cedric/elm_code | elementary: merge in elm_code example. | Cedric BAIL | 9 years |
devs/cedric/elm_merge | elementary: remove useless and force file in the correct place. | Cedric Bail | 9 years |
devs/cedric/emile | emile: reduce code duplication between gnutls and openssl backend. | Cedric BAIL | 10 years |
devs/cedric/emodel | eio: fix coding style of Eio_Model. | Cedric BAIL | 10 years |
devs/cedric/eo_faster | eo: do not call eina_tls_get as often when in the main loop. | Cedric BAIL | 11 years |
devs/cedric/etc | evas: make eet negociate it's colorspace with evas. | Cedric BAIL | 11 years |
devs/cedric/evas-3d | evas/evas3d: clean up camera code. | ChunEon Park | 11 years |
devs/cedric/evas3d | evas: remove the intermediate Evas_GL_Image. | Cedric BAIL | 10 years |
devs/cedric/evas_snapshot | edje: add a SNAPSHOT part in EDC. | Cedric BAIL | 10 years |
devs/cedric/evas_tiling | evas: add logic to do limit output tile to fit in L1 cache. | Cedric BAIL | 10 years |
devs/cedric/evas_vg | ector: make sure that all of Ector is a beta API. | Cedric BAIL | 10 years |
devs/cedric/evg | ector: don't forget to reset the matrix to identity. | Cedric BAIL | 10 years |
devs/cedric/fix-test | ecore: try to debug timeout test. | Cedric Bail | 9 years |
devs/cedric/future | eo: work in progress with new future. | Cedric BAIL | 8 years |
devs/cedric/generic-modules | emotion: remove legacy files from emotion_generic_players. | Cedric BAIL | 9 years |
devs/cedric/jenkins | eina: try to find which define exist on x32 system. | Cedric Bail | 11 years |
devs/cedric/job | ecore: add Efl.Loop.Job promise. | Cedric Bail | 9 years |
devs/cedric/loop_user | ecore-cxx: Fix compilation order of loop_user and loop classes | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/cedric/macos | configure: fix net/if.h detection on osx (10.7) | Benjamin Cohen | 11 years |
devs/cedric/map_atlas | evas: round texture allocation to tile size. | Cedric Bail | 12 years |
devs/cedric/multi | evas: enable rendering of multiple output. | Cedric BAIL | 8 years |
devs/cedric/multi-out | evas: refactor setup stage and reduce complexity for engine. | Cedric BAIL | 8 years |
devs/cedric/next | edje: remove unecessary forced call to recalc all edje file. | Cedric BAIL | 9 years |
devs/cedric/osx | edje: on Mac OS X, use Apple's key bindings with entries | Jean Guyomarc'h | 9 years |
devs/cedric/pool | eina: add multiple logic for allocating rectangle from a pool. | Rajeev Ranjan | 11 years |
devs/cedric/promises | efl: add documentation and last cleanup of the API. | Cedric BAIL | 9 years |
devs/cedric/refactoring_engine | evas: migrate GL_X11 to use more infrastructure of software_generic. | Cedric BAIL | 11 years |
devs/cedric/smart_caculate | evas: add a way to know if we are already computing smart object calc. | Cedric BAIL | 8 years |
devs/cedric/track_callbacks | evas: use new callback tracker infrastructure. | Cedric BAIL | 8 years |
devs/cedric/uri | eio: instantiate some default Efl.Io.Manager and an Efl.Uri.Mapper for files. | Cedric BAIL | 9 years |
devs/cedric/vnc_snapshot | evas: engine_info set/get should never show up in Eo API. | Cedric BAIL | 8 years |
devs/cedric/wip | for later | Cedric BAIL | 9 years |
devs/cedric/wref | ecore: try to clean up weak ref ahead of the future death. | Cedric BAIL | 8 years |
devs/conr2d/cleanup_methods | Elm.Button: Clean up function declarations with macro | Jeeyong Um | 8 years |
devs/conr2d/common_attributes | Edje.Global: introduce new class for edje global configurations | Jee-Yong Um | 8 years |
devs/conr2d/edc_anchors | edje_cc: Allow to set float position for anchors | Jeeyong Um | 8 years |
devs/conr2d/edje_cleanup | edje: clean up APIs | Jee-Yong Um | 9 years |
devs/conr2d/edje_part_file | edje: add edje_object_part_file_set/get() | Jee-Yong Um | 9 years |
devs/conr2d/efl_ui_grid_static | efl_ui_grid_static: make work | Jee-Yong Um | 9 years |
devs/conr2d/import_edj | edje_cc: Handle image resources when importing edj | Jeeyong Um | 7 years |
devs/conr2d/observer | Efl.Observable: Delay deletion of inner list not to break iteration | Jeeyong Um | 8 years |
devs/conr2d/script_override | edje_cc: Support script override | Jeeyong Um | 8 years |
devs/derekf/affinity | eina_cpu: Detect NEON if available | Derek Foreman | 9 years |
devs/derekf/build_fix | ecore_wl2: Include window_v6.x in the dist even if not configure for wayland | Derek Foreman | 7 years |
devs/derekf/damage | ee_wayland_egl: Fix EGL_KHR_Partial_Update usage | Derek Foreman | 9 years |
devs/derekf/damage_callback | engines: Add a damage_region_set callback | Derek Foreman | 9 years |
devs/derekf/dmabuf | wayland_shm: Refcount the dmabuf buffer manager | Derek Foreman | 8 years |
devs/derekf/dmabuf_exynos | wayland_shm: Add exynos allocator for dmabuf | Derek Foreman | 9 years |
devs/derekf/drm2_fixes | ecore_drm2: Allow enabling outputs in drm events | Derek Foreman | 9 years |
devs/derekf/drm2_ticking | drm_ee: simplify flipping | Derek Foreman | 9 years |
devs/derekf/ecore_drm2 | ecore-drm2: Use doubles for stored pointer co-ordinate | Derek Foreman | 9 years |
devs/derekf/for_apb | Ecore_Con: Fix wrong comparison. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/derekf/import_dmabuf | ecore_drm2: Add ecore_drm2_fb_dmabuf_import | Derek Foreman | 8 years |
devs/derekf/no_more_manual_render | ee_wayland: Stop using manual_render_set | Derek Foreman | 7 years |
devs/derekf/output | ecore_drm2: Fix a condition where no outputs are enabled | Derek Foreman | 9 years |
devs/derekf/planes | ecore_drm2: Add checks for using a plane after death | Derek Foreman | 8 years |
devs/derekf/scroll | ecore_drm: Handle wheel scrolling separately from finger scrolling | Derek Foreman | 9 years |
devs/derekf/small_fixes | wayland_shm: Fix resize optimization | Derek Foreman | 9 years |
devs/derekf/unlink | elput: Use correct filename in unlink | Derek Foreman | 9 years |
devs/derekf/wat | Revert "build: Add our wayland protocols to the dist" | Derek Foreman | 8 years |
devs/derekf/wayland | ee_wayland: Fix device leak on disconnect | Derek Foreman | 7 years |
devs/derekf/wayland_shm_test_fix | wayland_shm: Fix evas test breakage | Derek Foreman | 9 years |
devs/derekf/wip | ecore_evas: Perform a tick before a manual render if we're not ticking | Derek Foreman | 8 years |
devs/derekf/www_fixes | wayland-egl: Fix use after free | Derek Foreman | 9 years |
devs/devilhorns/atomic | ecore-drm2: Add support for Atomic Pageflips | Chris Michael | 9 years |
devs/devilhorns/drm | Comment out drm/gbm specific code (for now), while implementing Buffer | Chris Michael | 11 years |
devs/devilhorns/drm_evas_devices | elput: Remove dead FIXME note | Chris Michael | 8 years |
devs/devilhorns/ecore_drm | evas-drm: Add back in the r, g, b masks for conversion | Chris Michael | 10 years |
devs/devilhorns/ecore_drm2 | ecore-drm2: Add API functions to support cacheing of context & keymap | Chris Michael | 9 years |
devs/devilhorns/ecore_input | ecore-input: Fix formatting | Chris Michael | 11 years |
devs/devilhorns/ecore_libinput | ecore-libinput: Add ecore_libinput_shutdown function | Chris Michael | 9 years |
devs/devilhorns/ecore_wl2 | ecore-wl2: Always create cursor surface for pointer | Chris Michael | 9 years |
devs/devilhorns/elput | evas - cpu - fix sve check when neon is disabled... | Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) | 6 years |
devs/devilhorns/evas_drm | evas-drm: Add start of new evas drm engine | Christopher Michael | 6 years |
devs/devilhorns/evas_gl_drm | ecore: Modify ecore_animator example to work better in testing gl_drm engine | Chris Michael | 9 years |
devs/devilhorns/evas_inline | evas_inline: Clean up evas_inline.x | Christopher Michael | 6 years |
devs/devilhorns/evas_wayland_shm | evas-wayland-egl: Add support for partial update extension | Chris Michael | 10 years |
devs/devilhorns/flip | ecore-drm2: Refactor drm2 fb flipping code to avoid NULLs | Christopher Michael | 6 years |
devs/devilhorns/framespace | evas: Clip objects to framespace properly | Chris Michael | 9 years |
devs/devilhorns/gl_drm | evas-gl-drm: Refactor gl_drm engine to not use dumb buffers | Chris Michael | 10 years |
devs/devilhorns/input_suspend | ecore-drm2: Suspend/Resume input devices when we VT-Switch | Chris Michael | 9 years |
devs/devilhorns/multi-output | ecore-evas-drm: Refactor ecore-evas drm engine to work with multiple outputs | Chris Michael | 6 years |
devs/devilhorns/output | ecore-drm2: Check for valid fb before using trying to use it | Christopher Michael | 5 years |
devs/devilhorns/planes | EvasGL: Do internal make current if context changed. | Minkyoung Kim | 8 years |
devs/devilhorns/rotation | evas drm: Implement support for outbuf_idle_flush | Christopher Michael | 6 years |
devs/devilhorns/stable-test | ecore-drm: Add missing initializer for fb2 command | Chris Michael | 9 years |
devs/devilhorns/wayland | ecore_evas/wayland_shm: Check if the Ecore_Evas is visible on render. | Rafael Antognolli | 12 years |
devs/devilhorns/wayland_egl | New egl engine does not have a depth field. | Chris Michael | 12 years |
devs/devilhorns/wip | ecore-drm2: Account for output relative mode when getting cloned value | Chris Michael | 7 years |
devs/devilhorns/xdg_shell | ecore-wayland: Cleanup shell surface creation | Chris Michael | 11 years |
devs/discomfitor/122citest | distcheck script... | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/6640 | wip | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/ci-make-check | ++debug++ | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/citest | ci: always use same version numbering for every build | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/citest-meson | debug | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/drm2 | drm2: update to latest elput | Mike Blumenkrantz | 9 years |
devs/discomfitor/elput | elput: change some functions and internal flags to enable async input setup | Mike Blumenkrantz | 9 years |
devs/discomfitor/experimental | efl-wl: no-op the re-setting of minmax/aspect handling | Mike Blumenkrantz | 8 years |
devs/discomfitor/flat | change efl_theme_base to "flat" | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/lazEDC | edje_cc now (more) correctly handles text filter inheriting/resetting | Mike Blumenkrantz | 11 years |
devs/discomfitor/meson | fix T7287 | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/osxtest | ci: explicitly set PKG_CONFIG_PATH for openssl | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/pending | test | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/present | ecore-x now supports XPRESENT | Mike Blumenkrantz | 11 years |
devs/discomfitor/quicklaunch | wip | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/release-test | ci: use manual script for distcheck build | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/rotation | evas: add rotation support for buffer canvas in RGB mode | Mike Blumenkrantz | 8 years |
devs/discomfitor/simple-efreet-fix | efreet: use correct path when generating error message about stale efreetd so... | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/stable | stable+++ | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/test | tests: add timeout to fixture for ecore tests | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/testinggg | eina/debug: remove global lock for session list access | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/thread | ecore: reduce pipe wait time during shutdown | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/void | ecore-con-eet: replace void_ptr usage with binbuf in eo api | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/w | w5 | Mike Blumenkrantz | 8 years |
devs/discomfitor/wip | wip | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/wip2 | efl_wl: a multiseat wayland compositor in an evas smart object | Mike Blumenkrantz | 8 years |
devs/discomfitor/wipp | edje: add ability to reference images from other edje files | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/discomfitor/xdg-shedsmanship | poc for shadow toggling | Mike Blumenkrantz | 9 years |
devs/discomfitor/xfixes | wip | Mike Blumenkrantz | 7 years |
devs/etrunko/eldbus_addr_conn | eldbus: Welcome two new APIs and one connection type | Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) | 12 years |
devs/eunue/evas_masking | Evas masking: Fix rendering options | Jaeun Choi | 10 years |
devs/eunue/interface | Efl.Ui.Pager: fix a bug | Jaeun Choi | 7 years |
devs/eunue/pager | efl_ui_pager: remove finalize | Jaeun Choi | 7 years |
devs/eunue/panel | efl_ui_panel: create a new class | Jaeun Choi | 8 years |
devs/eunue/scrollable | efl_ui_scroll_manager: take the first step to breaking the inheritance of elm... | Jaeun Choi | 8 years |
devs/felipealmeida/D12182 | evil: Rename EAPI macro to EVIL_API in Evil library | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 4 years |
devs/felipealmeida/automatedtests | automatedtest-mono: fixed directions and complex types | Larry Jr | 7 years |
devs/felipealmeida/boolean-model | efl: Composite model for boolean properties (WIP) | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/clang_x64_test | #undef'ed EOAPI and EAPI in tests to avoid publishing functions private to ex... | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 10 years |
devs/felipealmeida/csharp | ecore: Fix compilation for GCC 4 | Lauro Moura | 7 years |
devs/felipealmeida/csharp-new-classes | eolian-mono: [WIP] Remove multiple inheritances | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 7 years |
devs/felipealmeida/csharp-norebase | eina_mono: Use DisposableIntPtr to free array data | Lauro Moura | 8 years |
devs/felipealmeida/csharp-prototype | mono: Removed unnecessary blacklisted functions | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 8 years |
devs/felipealmeida/csharp-rebase | efl-mono: Removed wrong -rpath to example dll | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 8 years |
devs/felipealmeida/cxx-examples | elementary-cxx: Fix C++ examples | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/cxx-lower-case | efl-cxx: Convert class names to lower-case (WIP) | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 7 years |
devs/felipealmeida/cxx_gen_fix | eolian_cxx: Fix build error for some generated C++ wrappers | Vitor Sousa | 10 years |
devs/felipealmeida/data-models-push | Fix | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/datamodels | Fix | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/delivered | efl: Make lua support optional | JoĆ£o Paulo Taylor Ienczak Zanette | 4 years |
devs/felipealmeida/dotnet-core | efl-mono: Fix compilation for autotools for missing source files | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 6 years |
devs/felipealmeida/eapi | ecore_imf_evas: Rename EAPI macro to ECORE_IMF_EVAS_API in Ecore IMF Evas lib... | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 4 years |
devs/felipealmeida/ecordova | ecordova: dlsym for sensor | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/efl-ui-list | elm: Fix efl_ui_list_segarray insertion | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 7 years |
devs/felipealmeida/efl-ui-list-segarray | elm: efl_ui_list_precise_layout use hint_combined_min_get | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 7 years |
devs/felipealmeida/efl_ui_connect | efl: Add composite model for boolean properties | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 8 years |
devs/felipealmeida/efl_ui_list | Elementary: efl_ui_list fixed child transient release crash | Larry Jr | 8 years |
devs/felipealmeida/efl_ui_list_new | elementary: Fix efl_ui_list child,removed response from models | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 8 years |
devs/felipealmeida/eina-optional | autotools: Added --disable-unwind option | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 10 years |
devs/felipealmeida/eio-eo | Adds Eo-based Eio api and moves the current Eio to legacy. | Lauro Moura | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/eio_model-promises | eio: Eio_Model with promises | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/ejson-model | ejson: Add tests for the json model. | Lauro Moura | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/eldbus-model | Emodel API changes | Guilherme Lepsch | 10 years |
devs/felipealmeida/eldbus_model | eldbus: Created Emodel implementation for Eldbus | Guilherme Lepsch | 10 years |
devs/felipealmeida/emodel | [efl-model] Moved emodel to efl interfaces | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 10 years |
devs/felipealmeida/emodel_tizen | changes to correct build in Tizen platform | Larry Jr | 10 years |
devs/felipealmeida/eo4 | eolian-cxx: Partial fix for generation without eo_do | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/eo_optimisations | Eo: Partial implementation to remove eo_do | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/eo_ownership_optimization_test | eo: optimization try 1 | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 6 years |
devs/felipealmeida/eolian-merge-test | eolian: Add testing multiple parse calls | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 7 years |
devs/felipealmeida/esoap-model | esoap_model: Soap Model implementation | Guilherme Lepsch | 10 years |
devs/felipealmeida/fix-eina-dll-export | windows: Create basename function | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 5 years |
devs/felipealmeida/gendoc-mono | gendoc-mono: Fix type name generation for typedecl | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 7 years |
devs/felipealmeida/hide-properties | eolian-mono: Make Get/Set protected for generated properties | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 5 years |
devs/felipealmeida/interface_inherit | eolian-mono: Add interface registration to inherited classes | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 6 years |
devs/felipealmeida/js | eolian-js: Modified formating to replace verb position in method names | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/js-20151219 | efl-js: JavaScript Eolian binding | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/js-next | efl_js: Update JS examples | Lauro Moura | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/js-vinicius | [JS bindings]: restore compatibility with Ubuntu Trusty's NodeJS version | VinĆcius dos Santos Oliveira | 10 years |
devs/felipealmeida/layout_connect | elementary, elm_layout added model_connect signal emit | Larry Jr | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/makefile-examples | eolian-cxx: Add dummy -S parameter to be compatible with eolian variable in p... | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 7 years |
devs/felipealmeida/model_connect_last | elementary, elm_layout added model_connect signal emit | Larry Jr | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/model_eina_container | elementary: add test for Elm.Layout model connect | Vitor Sousa | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/mono_model | efl-mono: More model | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 6 years |
devs/felipealmeida/mvc | mvc: added mvc eflat_xml_model example | Larry | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/mvvm-parts | efl-mono: Add call to property bind for parts | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 6 years |
devs/felipealmeida/native-win32-build | WIP: Make EFL compile natively in Windows | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 5 years |
devs/felipealmeida/next | Fix | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/pin-unpin | efl-mono: (WIP) Add pin and unpin C# handle | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 6 years |
devs/felipealmeida/promises | eina: Add progress notify callback feature for Promise Owners | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/promises-cxx | eo-cxx: Add race promises through eina::variant | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/remove_base | eolian-cxx: WIP: Remove .Base requirement | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/rewrite-js | elm: Fix @out tag for void type where it is actually @in for a buffer | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 7 years |
devs/felipealmeida/tct | testgen: added function list mode | Larry Lira | 7 years |
devs/felipealmeida/tctautomated | eolian: Added Eolian test generator | Larry Lira | 6 years |
devs/felipealmeida/unwind | autotools: Added --disable-unwind option | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 10 years |
devs/felipealmeida/uv-tizen_3.0.2015.q2_common | ecore: Add libuv integration | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/felipealmeida/wip-selection | ecore: WIP composite selection model | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/T4414_fix | Evas font: fix last_up_to_pos with RTL cases | Daniel Hirt | 9 years |
devs/herdsman/annotation_item | Item factory: fixup tests (switched parameter position) | Daniel Hirt | 7 years |
devs/herdsman/annotation_item_staging | Canvas image: add Efl.Canvas.Text.Factory + use in Ui.Text | Daniel Hirt | 7 years |
devs/herdsman/debug/evas_font_debug | disable other noise | Daniel Hirt | 7 years |
devs/herdsman/edje_efl_part_efl_text | Edje object: move more entry-specific api to legacy | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/edje_part_cursor | Edje part text: remove 'text/markup_filter' and 'user_insert' | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/edje_part_next | Canvas layout: support more Efl.Text.* with efl_part | Daniel Hirt | 7 years |
devs/herdsman/edje_text_to_textblock | Edje: use textblock by default | Daniel Hirt | 7 years |
devs/herdsman/efl_canvas_text | Efl.Ui.Text: Make cnp work. | Daniel Hirt | 9 years |
devs/herdsman/efl_canvas_text_cursor_to_old | Ui text: fix leak of selection on destruction | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/efl_canvas_text_staging | Ui text: introduce this new text widget | Daniel Hirt | 9 years |
devs/herdsman/efl_part_edje | edje_part_box: remove leftover include | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/efl_ui_label_next | Ui text: remove unused validation function | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/elm_interface_next | Elm label: fix branch building after migration to efl | Daniel Hirt | 9 years |
devs/herdsman/elm_layout_work | Elm layout: remove 'text' property | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/elm_textblock | elm: port entry to colorclass | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/evas_language_fix_script_run | Evas language: fix script run code | Daniel Hirt | 10 years |
devs/herdsman/fix_rtl | Canvas text: fix range_geometry_get for RTL | Daniel Hirt | 9 years |
devs/herdsman/fixes | Canvas text: fix non-dirty paragraph width calculation | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/ft2_next | Evas font: force freetype v35 ttf interpreter | Daniel Hirt | 9 years |
devs/herdsman/gfx_filter | Canvas text: disable legacy_newline by default | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/next | Evas textblock: fix test to use provided hyphen dictionary | Daniel Hirt | 6 years |
devs/herdsman/next2 | save work | Daniel Hirt | 7 years |
devs/herdsman/object_factory | Ui text: add ability to set item providers | Daniel Hirt | 7 years |
devs/herdsman/staging | Ui layout part text: implement underline height | Daniel Hirt | 6 years |
devs/herdsman/staging_efl_text_interface | Ui text interactive: inherit new text interfaces | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/tb2_annotation | Evas textblock: add annotation API | Daniel Hirt | 9 years |
devs/herdsman/tb2_cursor_to_eo | Evas textblock: port cursor_eol_get to eo | Daniel Hirt | 9 years |
devs/herdsman/tb2_next | Canvas text: modify annotation's span in API | Daniel Hirt | 9 years |
devs/herdsman/tb_add_decorate_debug_api | Evas Textblock: Improve decoration of paragraph | Daniel Hirt | 10 years |
devs/herdsman/tb_chaining | Textblock Chaining: improve example | Daniel Hirt | 10 years |
devs/herdsman/tb_chaining2 | Evas textblock chaining: revert integration of extension to layout code for r... | Daniel Hirt | 10 years |
devs/herdsman/tb_ellipsis | Evas/Textblock: add support for ellipsis values | Daniel Hirt | 11 years |
devs/herdsman/tb_feature_obstacles | evas/textblock obstacles: add margin property | Daniel Hirt | 10 years |
devs/herdsman/tb_feature_obstacles_draft | evas textblock: Add Obstacles support | Daniel Hirt | 10 years |
devs/herdsman/tb_hyphenation | Edje: add hyphenation example for TEXTBLOCK | Daniel Hirt | 9 years |
devs/herdsman/tb_markup_loop_bug | Evas textblock: Fix infinite loop case | Daniel Hirt | 10 years |
devs/herdsman/tb_next | add a bunch of fixes and tests - to be split | Daniel Hirt | 9 years |
devs/herdsman/tb_opt_markup_set | Evas textblock: add a stringshare fastpath to markup_set | Daniel Hirt | 9 years |
devs/herdsman/tb_prelayout_opt | Fix RTL cont. | Daniel Hirt | 10 years |
devs/herdsman/tb_text_add_opt | Evas Textblock: Add text_append test suite | Daniel Hirt | 10 years |
devs/herdsman/tb_tidying | Evas Textblock: Split _layout_pre | Daniel Hirt | 11 years |
devs/herdsman/text/efl_ui_text | Ui text: fix lifecycle and replace scroll logic | Daniel Hirt | 7 years |
devs/herdsman/text/ui_text_theme | Ui Scroller : remove unnecessary efl_del | Daniel Hirt | 6 years |
devs/herdsman/text_async | Ui text: use async layout | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/text_async2 | Ui text: use async layout | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/text_async3 | Canvas text async: remove printfs | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/text_async4 | fixup eina_value | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/text_async_layout_future | Ui text: add Efl.Ui.Text_Async object | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/text_async_lock | Canvas text: fixup text_set | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/text_async_pars | save changes | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/text_async_pars2 | Canvas text: remove more data_scope_get usages | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/text_async_pars3 | reduce "unused" warnings | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/text_async_pars4 | Canvas text: add 'async_layout' method | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/tmp | elm: use TEXTBLOCK for actionslider | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/work | Canvas layout: port part_text to efl_part | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/herdsman/work2 | Canvas text: implement Efl.Text.Format | Daniel Hirt | 8 years |
devs/hermet/develop | evas/vector: expose rounded_rect(), arc() legacy apis | ChunEon Park | 10 years |
devs/hermet/lottie | Merge branch 'feature/themes/flat' into devs/hermet/lottie | Hermet Park | 4 years |
devs/hermet/wui | backup progress | Hermet Park | 5 years |
devs/iscaro/api-removal | Evas Canvas: Remove focused_objects property. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/api_name | Evas_Device: Fix API name. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/conn | Ecore_Conn: Enable CLOEXEC by default. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/copier_file | Efl_Copier: Add efl_wref_del() for pd->job. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/devices | Efl.Input.Device: Do not ref/unref devices children devices. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/ecore_evas_cursor | Ecore Evas: Add a new cursor example. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/ecore_evas_vnc_multiseat | Examples: Add an Ecore Evas VNC example. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/edje-deps | Edje: Remove Efreet dependency. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/efl-1.18-device-fix | Evas_Device: Use eo_del() in evas_device_del(). | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/evas-focus-per-seat | Evas: Add support for multiple focused objects. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/event-filter | Evas: Add event filter example. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/focus-event | Efl.Canvas.Object: Remove focus,in/out events. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/focus-fix | Evas focus: Do not allow two objects focused by the same seat. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/future | efl_io_copier: Use the new Eina_Future API. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/http_err | Ecore_Conn: Set EOS only if the connection is not closed.#algo. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/legacy_api | Efl.Canvas.Object: Multi-seat API should not be exposed to legacy. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/locks_and_mods | Ecore Input Evas: Add ecore_event_evas_seat_modifier_lock_update(). | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/memory | Efl.Canvas.Object: Remove the extra parementer at _evas_object_pointer_data_g... | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/multi-seat-events | Ecore_Evas VNC: Properly set mouse/canvas in/out properties. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/osx | Ecore Evas Cocoa: Properly unregister the window events. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/vnc-fb | VNC Example: Add support to Ecore_Evas FB engine. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/vnc-fix | Ecore Evas VNC: Increase keytable size. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/vnc-shutdown | Ecore Evas VNC: Properly shutdown server during cleanup. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/vnc_deadlock_fix | Ecore_Evas VNC: Initialize the data from the newly created frame buffer. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/vnc_disconnect | Ecore Evas VNC: Add client disconnected callback. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/wayland-fix | Ecore Evas Wayland: Create the devices during Ecore_Evas setup. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/iscaro/wayland-quick-fix | Ecore Evas Wayland: Remove seat existence check. | Guilherme Iscaro | 8 years |
devs/jackdanielz/DnD | TEMP XDnD: support large images retrieval. | Daniel Zaoui | 8 years |
devs/jackdanielz/Make_Eolian | Fix evas compilation and installation. | Tom Hacohen | 11 years |
devs/jackdanielz/dnd | XDnD: support large images retrieval. | Daniel Zaoui | 10 years |
devs/jackdanielz/edebug | Revert temporarily "Add remote shell functionality" | Daniel Zaoui | 8 years |
devs/jackdanielz/edebug_reloaded | Revert "efl_debugd: don't compile this on macOS" | Daniel Zaoui | 8 years |
devs/jackdanielz/edje_pick | Fix output creation when no groups | Daniel Zaoui | 11 years |
devs/jackdanielz/eo_data_ref | eo_data_get (not finished) | Daniel Zaoui | 12 years |
devs/jackdanielz/eo_interfaces | Interfaces: Integration into Makefile + fix of .eo | Daniel Zaoui | 11 years |
devs/jackdanielz/eolian | Eolian: New features/bugs fixes | Yossi Kantor | 11 years |
devs/jackdanielz/eolian_dormant_bugs | Eolian/Generator: add support to namespaces. | Daniel Zaoui | 11 years |
devs/jackdanielz/eolian_enums | Eolian/Generator: fix enums generation | Daniel Zaoui | 10 years |
devs/jackdanielz/eolian_erigo | Eolian: add API to determine if a function is implemented. | Daniel Zaoui | 10 years |
devs/jackdanielz/eolian_for_eo2 | Eolian: generation of Eo2. | Daniel Zaoui | 11 years |
devs/jackdanielz/eolian_iterators | eolian: fix NULL checks in APIs that return iterators + fix tests | Daniel Kolesa | 11 years |
devs/jackdanielz/espion_support | Eolian: improve the class searching. | Daniel Zaoui | 10 years |
devs/jackdanielz/exactness | Tests: add Exactness tests suite to make check | Daniel Zaoui | 6 years |
devs/jackdanielz/json_parser | Eina: JSON parser | Yossi Kantor | 12 years |
devs/jaehyun/anim_inst | efl_animation: Remove unnecessary events | Jaehyun Cho | 8 years |
devs/jaehyun/animation | efl_animation: Implement reverse_initial_state_set for repeat_mode | Jaehyun Cho | 8 years |
devs/jaehyun/animation2 | efl_animation: Remove instance functions from animation classes | Jaehyun Cho | 8 years |
devs/jaehyun/animation_manager | efl_ui_spotlight: Introduce forward and backward animations | Jaehyun Cho | 5 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_animation | efl_animation: Fix to call "animate" event callback of group member | Jaehyun Cho | 8 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_animation2 | efl_animation: Add interpolator property | Jaehyun Cho | 7 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_clickable_test | efl_ui_clickable: test | Jaehyun Cho | 6 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_clickable_test3 | efl_ui_clickable: fix not to be clicked if pointer is processed | Jaehyun Cho | 6 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_clickable_test4 | efl_ui_clickable: fix not to be clicked if pointer is processed | Jaehyun Cho | 6 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_mbe | elm: rename elm_multibuttonentry to Efl.Ui.Multibuttonentry | Woochan Lee | 7 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_part_legacy_remove | Apply more | Jaehyun Cho | 7 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_part_legacy_remove2 | Apply patch to remove "efl." in signal | Jaehyun Cho | 7 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_part_legacy_remove_final | Fix to replace elm legacy part name | Jaehyun Cho | 7 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_popup | efl_ui_popup: Rebase master | Jaehyun Cho | 7 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_popup_alert_scroll | efl_ui_popup_alert_scroll: Add expandable property | Jaehyun Cho | 7 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_popup_list | efl_ui_popup: Make backwall efl part object of Efl.Ui.Popup | Jaehyun Cho | 7 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_popup_test | examples: Add popup cxx example | Jaehyun Cho | 7 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_popup_test2 | test2 | Jaehyun Cho | 7 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_spinner | efl_ui_spin, efl_ui_spin_button: Add new spin, spin_button widgets. | Woochan Lee | 7 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_ui_datetime | Intrudoce Efl Ui Date, Time interface and picker. | Woochan Lee | 7 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_ui_naviframe | test_ui_stack: Add test using Efl.Ui.Stack class | Jaehyun Cho | 7 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_ui_popup | Update anchor_align calculate logic | JinYong Park | 8 years |
devs/jaehyun/efl_ui_theme | efl_ui_theme: Introduce3 | Jaehyun Cho | 6 years |
devs/jaehyun/mbe | elm: rename elm_multibuttonentry to Efl.Ui.Multibuttonentry | Woochan Lee | 8 years |
devs/jaehyun/popup | Update anchor_align calculate logic | JinYong Park | 8 years |
devs/jaehyun/spinner | elm test: ui.clock: eo-fy clock sample | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
devs/jayji/autotools-cocoa | autotools: enable gl_cocoa on OS X by default | Jean Guyomarc'h | 9 years |
devs/jayji/ecore-con | ecore_con: don't use EAI_SYSTEM when not defined | Jean Guyomarc'h | 8 years |
devs/jayji/ecore-getopt | ecore_getopt: ensure optional parameters are always set | Jean Guyomarc'h | 8 years |
devs/jayji/efl-1.18 | epp: fix memory corruption when using #warning and #error | Jean Guyomarc'h | 8 years |
devs/jayji/fixes | edje_cc: fix misleading error | Jean Guyomarc'h | 9 years |
devs/jayji/kludge | efl: terrible kludge so avoid termination crash on osx | Jean Guyomarc'h | 8 years |
devs/jayji/osx | ecore_cocoa: add function attributes | Jean Guyomarc'h | 9 years |
devs/jayji/osx-backtrace | eina_btlog: add Mac OS X support for backtrace | Jean Guyomarc'h | 9 years |
devs/jayji/osx-notifications | wip: should be ok - needs testing with script | Jean Guyomarc'h | 9 years |
devs/jayji/perfs | eo: use AVX2 to resolve all the bitwise in one go | Jean Guyomarc'h | 7 years |
devs/jayji/sierra | tests: add missing symbols | Jean Guyomarc'h | 8 years |
devs/jayji/wip | efreet: mime types database can be empty | Jean Guyomarc'h | 9 years |
devs/jeyzu/eina-WIP | add EAPI eina_list_remove_duplicates(Eina_List *list, Eina_Bool keep_first) | JƩrƩmy Zurcher | 12 years |
devs/jeyzu/eina-api | add EAPI void eina_list_filter_map_reduce(ā¦) | JĆ©rĆ©my Zurcher | 12 years |
devs/jeyzu/eina-coverage | improve eina_str coverage | JƩrƩmy Zurcher | 12 years |
devs/jeyzu/eo--Eo_Class | Eo: class_get/class_name_get should return 'Class'. | Tom Hacohen | 11 years |
devs/jeyzu/eo-WIP | eo: reorder last operations in class creation | JƩrƩmy Zurcher | 12 years |
devs/jeyzu/eo-composites | eo: eo_add_internal() ensures that all needed composites have been attached | JƩrƩmy Zurcher | 11 years |
devs/jeyzu/eo2 | eo2: call stack is now thread safe | JƩrƩmy Zurcher | 11 years |
devs/jeyzu/eo2-next | Eo2: Change the order of EO2_OP_FUNC* to put EAPI first. | Tom Hacohen | 11 years |
devs/jeyzu/eo2-old | eo2: Makefile: -DEFL_EO_API_SUPPORT=1 -DEFL_BETA_API_SUPPORT=1 | JƩrƩmy Zurcher | 12 years |
devs/jeyzu/eo2-only | Eo_Id is a uintptr_t as Eo_Class_Id is | JƩrƩmy Zurcher | 12 years |
devs/jeyzu/eo2_only | wip-worktree-state | JƩrƩmy Zurcher | 12 years |
devs/jeyzu/eo_add_custom_death | ecore: animator use eo_add() instead of eo_add_custom() | JƩrƩmy Zurcher | 11 years |
devs/jeyzu/eo_ptr_ind | wip-worktree-state | JƩrƩmy Zurcher | 12 years |
devs/jeyzu/mtests | clean up | JƩrƩmy Zurcher | 8 years |
devs/jpeg/canvas_eo_cleanup | Evas canvas: un-protect output_framespace and viewport getters | Jean-Philippe Andre | 9 years |
devs/jpeg/cserve2 | evas/cserve2: Merge Glyph_Data and mempool index | Jean-Philippe Andre | 11 years |
devs/jpeg/cxx | cxx: Add ability to manually define new methods | Jean-Philippe Andre | 7 years |
devs/jpeg/dithering | Evas GL shaders: Add random noise in the fragment shader | Jean-Philippe Andre | 9 years |
devs/jpeg/ecore_device | ecore_drm: Revert changes to input handling | Jean-Philippe Andre | 9 years |
devs/jpeg/edc_padding | edje_calc: Don't add padding twice to text objects | Jean-Philippe Andre | 11 years |
devs/jpeg/edcfeatures | Edje: Fix invalid loading of snapshot parts | Jean-Philippe Andre | 9 years |
devs/jpeg/edje_clip | Edje: Add test case for "no_render" and "clip_to" state flag | Jean-Philippe Andre | 10 years |
devs/jpeg/efl_invalidate | __WIP__ | Jean-Philippe Andre | 7 years |
devs/jpeg/efl_part | Efl: Remove part name in Efl.Container (use Efl.Part) | Jean-Philippe Andre | 9 years |
devs/jpeg/eo_theme | elm_entry: remove warning during construct | Sungtaek Hong | 7 years |
devs/jpeg/etc2 | Evas gl: Simplify cspace matching for textures | Jean-Philippe Andre | 11 years |
devs/jpeg/evas_api_cleanup | Evas.Image: Rewrite Eo API data_set() | Jean-Philippe Andre | 10 years |
devs/jpeg/evas_masking | Evas masking: Minor fixes in GL masking | Jean-Philippe Andre | 10 years |
devs/jpeg/evasgl | Eina: Micro-optimize eina_main_loop_is | Jean-Philippe Andre | 9 years |
devs/jpeg/filters | Evas filters: Fix invalid rendering in case of async render | Jean-Philippe Andre | 10 years |
devs/jpeg/filters_custom_shader | evas filters: Add custom fragment shader | Jean-Philippe Andre | 8 years |
devs/jpeg/fonteffects | Evas filters: Fix parsing of argument lists | Jean-Philippe ANDRE | 11 years |
devs/jpeg/genlist_crazy | genlist: Fix "insane" order [BUG COMPATIBILITY] | Jean-Philippe Andre | 7 years |
devs/jpeg/item_widget_model | __WIP__ | Jean-Philippe Andre | 7 years |
devs/jpeg/items | edje_cc: Extract function to build stack ending with wildcard | Jeeyong Um | 7 years |
devs/jpeg/lambdapp | elm: try to use lambdapp for a file | Jean-Philippe Andre | 9 years |
devs/jpeg/no_null_calls | eo: Warn on calls to NULL object | Jean-Philippe Andre | 7 years |
devs/jpeg/osx | osx: Fix build | Jean-Philippe Andre | 7 years |
devs/jpeg/shadow | __WIP__ | Jean-Philippe Andre | 7 years |
devs/jpeg/snapshot | Evas render: Fix crash with async render and snapshots | Jean-Philippe Andre | 10 years |
devs/jpeg/work | edje: Use EO's beta auto_unref API for parts | Jean-Philippe Andre | 7 years |
devs/jsuya/dynamic_property_color | Fix vg_cache | JunsuChoi | 5 years |
devs/jsuya/mi_controller | + rule_value_provider_override | JunsuChoi | 5 years |
devs/jypark/work | Evas.Draggable_Interface: add drag_target property | Ji-Youn Park | 9 years |
devs/kimcinoo/work | efl_wl: fix typo in file name to make sure xml file lands in dist | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
devs/larrylira/efl_ui_list | Elementary: remove needless structs in Efl_Ui_List | Larry Jr | 7 years |
devs/larrylira/factory | Efl.Ui.Layout.Factory: added factory_model_connect | Larry Lira | 7 years |
devs/larrylira/listfix | efl_ui_list_view_seg_array: remove seg_array from Elementary.h | Larry Lira | 6 years |
devs/larrylira/modelfix | examples: fix efl_model parent loop add | Larry Lira | 7 years |
devs/larrylira/testgen | tesgen: added Events in testgen README | Larry Lira | 6 years |
devs/larrylira/treeview | Efl.Ui.Tree_View: added new MVVM asynchronous widget | Larry Lira | 6 years |
devs/larrylira/viewtree | Efl.Ui.Tree_View: added new MVVM asynchronous widget | Larry Lira | 6 years |
devs/lauromoura/CA1801 | WIP - suppress PD issues | Lauro Moura | 5 years |
devs/lauromoura/D10791-indexers | WIP: Generating fields in interface indexers | Lauro Moura | 5 years |
devs/lauromoura/T8486-csharp-collections | WIP csharp: Fix passing acessor with ownership | Lauro Moura | 5 years |
devs/lauromoura/T8515-marshaler-review | WIP - Start changing the MarshalType for non-owned string returned | Lauro Moura | 5 years |
devs/lauromoura/app_poc | efl-csharp: Trying to pass arguments to the loop arguments | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/lauromoura/coroutines | coro: Enable meson build | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/lauromoura/csharp-interface-protected | WIP - Fixing property extensions | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/lauromoura/csharp-win | elementary: Temporarily disable elm_code tests on Windows | Lauro Moura | 7 years |
devs/lauromoura/csharp_api_dump | efl-mono: Generate API contents file. | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/lauromoura/csharp_application | WIP - Csharp.Application refactor | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/lauromoura/csharp_conventions | csharp: Remove managed_method_name overload. | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/lauromoura/csharp_examples | csharp: Fix compilation of examples | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/lauromoura/cv-finalize-csharp | csharp: Add Efl.Model implementations to internal model | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/lauromoura/default_params | csharp: WIP Add support for default param references | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/lauromoura/dotnet-versioning | csharp: Hardcode dotnet versioning | Lauro Moura | 5 years |
devs/lauromoura/eina-cleanup | csharp: Hide more Eina stuff. | Lauro Moura | 5 years |
devs/lauromoura/eolian-cpp-header-fixes | WIP - Allowing common operators to be used off tree | Lauro Moura | 5 years |
devs/lauromoura/eolian-inlist-inarray | eolian: Avoid segfault when parsing types like inlist<int>. | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/lauromoura/getter_returns | efl: Make stable single-valued getters consistent. | Lauro Moura | 5 years |
devs/lauromoura/inout_rw_slice | efl-mono: Test on inout RwSlice. | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/lauromoura/interface_events | csharp: WIP - Test OnEvet methods. | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/lauromoura/js | js: Update after Eolian_Unit API change | Lauro Moura | 8 years |
devs/lauromoura/js-1.18 | eolian_js efl_js: Fix tests. | Lauro Moura | 8 years |
devs/lauromoura/nuget | csharp: Add a target to generate NuGet package. | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/lauromoura/pin-unpin | csharp: Add a SafePtr wrapper in debug mode | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/lauromoura/property_revamp | csharp: WIP - Replace property getset call with assignment | Lauro Moura | 5 years |
devs/lauromoura/remove_eina_mono | csharp: Add code to update IList passed as @in variable | Lauro Moura | 5 years |
devs/lauromoura/remove_eina_mono-rebased | csharp: WIP - Avoid string leaks | Lauro Moura | 5 years |
devs/lauromoura/stylecop | Start re-enabling some warnings after fixes | Lauro Moura | 5 years |
devs/lauromoura/tcautomated | testgen: sync the latest eolian grammar | Taehyub Kim | 5 years |
devs/lauromoura/tcautomated-rebase | elm: avoid clash in Collection.Focus_Manager | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/lauromoura/tcautomated-squashed | eolian: Added Eolian test generator | Larry Lira | 5 years |
devs/lorddrew/edcref_fix | edje_cc: fix item.max parsing | Andrii Kroitor | 7 years |
devs/lorddrew/edje_edit_in_memory | edje: adaptate edje_entry to work with mmap_file | Vyacheslav Reutskiy | 8 years |
devs/lucas/fix-eina-newfuncs | eina: add test cases for eina_str_printf | Lucas De Marchi | 11 years |
devs/netstar/elm_code_alpha | elm_code: add method to set alpha. | Al Poole | 7 years |
devs/netstar/elm_code_from_theme | elm_code: finally get the theme loading from the default EDC. | Al Poole | 7 years |
devs/okra/luncher | Luncher: Improve tooltip theme. | Stephen okra Houston | 8 years |
devs/q66/check-betaness-everywhere | eolian: enable checking of beta/stable contexts in all classes | Daniel Kolesa | 6 years |
devs/q66/docgen | docs: add an experimental elua based documentation generator | Daniel Kolesa | 9 years |
devs/q66/elua_enable | build: always build elua, make bindings build optional | Daniel Kolesa | 7 years |
devs/q66/elua_lib_overhaul | elua lib: use -1 for default values in localeconv | Daniel Kolesa | 10 years |
devs/q66/elua_print | Revert "Revert "elua: add debug prints for mingw debug (non-merge branch)"" | Daniel Kolesa | 10 years |
devs/q66/eo_next | eolian generator: generate appropriate macros for context-passing APIs | Daniel Kolesa | 9 years |
devs/q66/eolian-beta-types | eolian: add support for marking type declarations beta | Daniel Kolesa | 6 years |
devs/q66/eolian-inlist-inarray | eolian: do not allow owned pointers to builtins | Daniel Kolesa | 6 years |
devs/q66/eolian-remove-legacy | eolian: remove legacy handling API and most of generation | Daniel Kolesa | 6 years |
devs/q66/eolian_aux | eolian_aux: add tests | Daniel Kolesa | 6 years |
devs/q66/eolian_deps | meson: add eolian custom dependencies support | Daniel Kolesa | 6 years |
devs/q66/eolian_experimental | elua: use the new dedup API in lualian | Daniel Kolesa | 11 years |
devs/q66/eolian_exprs | eolian: fix null serialization | Daniel Kolesa | 11 years |
devs/q66/eolian_freeze | eolian: remove unused functions | Daniel Kolesa | 11 years |
devs/q66/eolian_gen_next | eolian gen2: move to eolian gen (as the old one is gone) | Daniel Kolesa | 8 years |
devs/q66/eolian_inherit_api | eolian: implement new syntax for inheritance | Daniel Kolesa | 6 years |
devs/q66/eolian_mstring_freefunc | eolian: use 'free' for owned mstring but not string | Daniel Kolesa | 6 years |
devs/q66/eolian_new_parser | eolian: allow omitting of () in class with no inherits, fix up tests | Daniel Kolesa | 11 years |
devs/q66/eolian_next | eolian_cxx: Fix C++ compilation with new Eolian_Type_Type values | Vitor Sousa | 9 years |
devs/q66/eolian_property_docs | Eolian parser: Allow tagging properties with @constructor. | Tom Hacohen | 11 years |
devs/q66/eolian_todo | eolian: fix shadow warnings | Daniel Kolesa | 11 years |
devs/q66/eolian_types | eolian/tests: warning fixes | Daniel Kolesa | 11 years |
devs/q66/eolian_units | eolian: use unit in typedecl c_type_get | Daniel Kolesa | 8 years |
devs/q66/legacy-eo-headers | elementary,evas: remove obsolete legacy includes | Daniel Kolesa | 6 years |
devs/q66/lualian | elua: use standard error() call instead of returning true/false in module init | Daniel Kolesa | 11 years |
devs/q66/lualian2 | elua: fix warnings with -Wextra -Wshadow | Daniel Kolesa | 11 years |
devs/q66/next | eolian generator: finalize refactoring main.c | Daniel Kolesa | 9 years |
devs/q66/remove-eo-api-support-macro | efl: remove EFL_EO_API_SUPPORT macro | Daniel Kolesa | 6 years |
devs/q66/remove-generated-legacy-includes | efl: remove all remaining .eo.legacy.h includes | Daniel Kolesa | 6 years |
devs/raoul/macos_port | evas_gl: add more matching formats to make cocoa_gl happy | Raoul Hecky | 11 years |
devs/raster/theme/flat | Merge branch 'devs/raster/theme/flat' of ssh:// | Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) | 8 years |
devs/raster/theme/flat2 | th | Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) | 7 years |
devs/raster/utc | fix build when cxx is disabled | Mike Blumenkrantz | 10 years |
devs/sanghyeonlee/efl_ui_grid | efl_ui_grid : add grid invalidate | SangHyeon Jade Lee | 7 years |
devs/sanghyeonlee/interface | first proposal of efl_ui_list for MVC list in new efl interface | SangHyeon Lee | 9 years |
devs/sanghyeonlee/list_scroll | fix merge conflict errors | SangHyeon Jade Lee | 7 years |
devs/spacegrapher/evasgl | Evas GL: Minimize internal resource creation | Dongyeon Kim | 9 years |
devs/spacegrapher/evasgl-1.14 | Evas filters: Fix glReadPixels usage for EGL | Jean-Philippe Andre | 10 years |
devs/stanluk/access_refactor | efl_access: refactor Efl.Ui.Win | Lukasz Stanislawski | 6 years |
devs/stanluk/adaptor | elm: adaptor | Lukasz Stanislawski | 7 years |
devs/stanluk/composite | access: refactor mixin to class. | Lukasz Stanislawski | 6 years |
devs/stanluk/fix | access: add access_parent property | Lukasz Stanislawski | 6 years |
devs/stanluk/mixin_removal | efl_access: refactor Efl.Access.Object to interface | Lukasz Stanislawski | 6 years |
devs/stanluk/refactor | elementary: add accessibility observer abstraction | Lukasz Stanislawski | 8 years |
devs/stanluk/refactor2 | elementary: move cache implementation of bridge | Lukasz Stanislawski | 8 years |
devs/stanluk/split | Implement elm_atspi_adaptor | Lukasz Stanislawski | 7 years |
devs/stanluk/split2 | Implement elm_atspi_bus_watcher | Lukasz Stanislawski | 7 years |
devs/stanluk/split3 | efl: split bridges into multiple files. | Lukasz Stanislawski | 7 years |
devs/stanluk/standalone | access: refactor access object into class | Lukasz Stanislawski | 6 years |
devs/stefan/T4502 | WIP: increase timeout value to 60s from 10 | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
devs/stefan/ci-asan | TESTING | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/ci-debug-asan | ci: travis: enable ptrace capabilities to our docker runs | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/ci-different-archs | ci: travis: add build on ARM64 arch now provided by Travis | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/ci-efl-one | ci: travis: enable efl-one in our all enabled build | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/ci-exactness | ci: run exactness for codecov build | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/ci-exactness-codecov | Revert "run withough ninja test for clear stats on exactness coverage" | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/ci-exactness-merged2 | use sudo | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/ci-f32-exactness | ci: travis: switch exactness build to Fedora32 image | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/ci-fileselector | TESTING ONLY | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/ci-macos-fix | ci: travis: ensure we update brew as well to avoid a problem on Travis | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/ci-new-ewpi | try out idea | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/ci-other-archs-tests | make sure we print the log | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/ci-test | build test fixup | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/ci-timing-stats | add timing for other parts | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/ci-updates | ci: fix | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/circleci | fix path | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/clang-fpic-testing | HACK try to use lib LDFLAGS for right linker params | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
devs/stefan/codegen-apiname-fix | Revert "Revert commit r81335" | Stefan Schmidt | 12 years |
devs/stefan/compiler-plugin-infra | ler-plugin: initial gcc plugin harness to be used in our build | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/coverity-build | TESTING | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/coverity-fixes | TESTING | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/coverity-run | TESTING | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/cserve-build-fix | evas/cserve2_slave: Fix build race with linking to eo but not depending on it. | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
devs/stefan/drm | evas/drm: Remove obsolete tty open function | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
devs/stefan/drm-expedite | evas/drm: Remove rest of the tty handling which is now unused | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
devs/stefan/ecore-drm-logind | ecore/drm: Compile ecore_drm_logind.c without condition | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
devs/stefan/efl-dll | lib: add more c_args handling for places we missed before | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/emotion-test-suite | add more EAPI calls to see what we could reach when implemented | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/eolian-tests | tests eolian: add test cases for type stub generations | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
devs/stefan/exactnes-debug | TESTING ONYL | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/exactnes-marcel | exactness: handbuild a new argv array instead of reassemling the new one | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/stefan/exactnes-no-ftype | TESTING | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/exactness | exactness: cleanup some coding style isues | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/exactness-final-test | exactness: cleanup some coding style isues | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/exactness-fixes | exactness: remove exactness library and move code into binary folder | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/exactness-merged | TO BE REVERTED. JUST FOR FASTER TESTING. | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/exactness-merged2 | exactness: cleanup some coding style isues | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/exactness-new-tests | TESTING# Changes to be committed: | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/exactness-preload | exactness: error when _src_unit is NULL | Marcel Hollerbach | 5 years |
devs/stefan/jenkins-check | tests: ecore: detect if the timeout test runs on Jenkins and increase allowed... | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
devs/stefan/lua52-fix | TESTING ONLY | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/mingw-cross | CI: disable cxx bindings on native bootstrap build for mingw | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/mingw-hackery | efl: Hack to add windows lib for linking | Stefan Schmidt | 12 years |
devs/stefan/mingw-hackery2 | another test | Stefan Schmidt | 12 years |
devs/stefan/mingw-hackery3 | evil: Fix parallel make by setting internal dependencies. | Stefan Schmidt | 12 years |
devs/stefan/mingw-testing | Revert "Eolian: fix eolian helper for windows." | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
devs/stefan/osx-fix | Revert "ci: travis: stop osx builds until build failures are solved on Travis" | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/patch-review | TESTING | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/reproducible-edj-T5113 | edje: make the generated default program name reproducible over builds | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
devs/stefan/revert-elm-test-so | Revert "elementary: build elementary_test additionally as shared object" | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/sonar-test | add sonar config file | Stefan Schmidt | 7 years |
devs/stefan/testing | ecore_evas/engines/drm/ fix "gl_drm" include directory | Romain Naour | 5 years |
devs/stefan/testsuite-debug | DEBUG to find out which file fails loading | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
devs/stefan/testsuite-emotion | WIP | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/testsuite-enhancements | TESTING ONLY | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/testsuite-new-tests | tests eeze: enable eeze_net IPv6 test again and skip if impossible | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
devs/stefan/timedwait | eina: Fix _timedwait to handle the given timeout on top of the absolute time | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
devs/stefan/tmp | tests: edje: Fedora32 system fail resolve | Ali Alzyod | 5 years |
devs/stefan/travis | ci: try if two pipelines in one file will work for jenkins | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
devs/stefan/travis-distro-updates | debug | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/travis-f32-mingw | ci: travis: switch to newly prepared Fedora32 mingw image | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/travis-i386 | Revert "eina: add tests for the new Eina_Value convert functions." | Stefan Schmidt | 6 years |
devs/stefan/travis-more-archs | ci: travis: enable s390x build on daily cron | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/travis-no-default | ci: move release-ready to default build and enable tests+install on it | Mike Blumenkrantz | 6 years |
devs/stefan/travis-notification-tweaks | check with current branch name | Stefan Schmidt | 6 years |
devs/stefan/travis-updates | ci: travis: Debian 10.3 image is ready now for the ninja build | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/unit-test-debug | Revert "ecore: fix path comparison in Ecore_File test suite." | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
devs/stefan/use-liblz4 | Makefile_Eet: Add libz4 to libeet deps | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
devs/stefan/webp-default-off | TESTING | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
devs/stefan/wl-session-recovery | ecore_wayland: Add re-connect function for wayland connection handling | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
devs/stefan/xdg-runtime-dir-for-mkstemp | eina_file: Try to use XDG_RUNTIME_DIR for tmp dir first | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
devs/subhransu/clippath | ector/software: implement clipping in ector surface. | subhransu mohanty | 7 years |
devs/subhransu/evas_vg | evas/vg: use surface cache for efl vg canvas | subhransu mohanty | 7 years |
devs/subhransu/font | elementary: fix quicklaunch support. | Cedric BAIL | 7 years |
devs/subhransu/gesture | eina: silence warning. | Cedric BAIL | 7 years |
devs/subhransu/glvg | ector/gl: cleanup the ector gl backend | subhransu mohanty | 7 years |
devs/subhransu/scenegraph | scenegraph: added testsuit for region and rle utility class | subhransu mohanty | 7 years |
devs/subhransu/ssg | ssg:Added asset class and parsing of "asset" property for lottie | subhransu mohanty | 7 years |
devs/subhransu/vector_work | elementary: fix quicklaunch support. | Cedric BAIL | 7 years |
devs/sung/evas_gl_thread | evas/gl_common: Check havestuff before threading (fix for glviewshadertest) | jutty.lee | 8 years |
devs/tasn/canvas_text_staging | Ui text: store SEL_FORMAT_TEXT only for now. | Daniel Hirt | 9 years |
devs/tasn/efl_interfaces | Eo files: Adjust according to latest eolian changes. | Tom Hacohen | 11 years |
devs/tasn/elm_code | elementary_code: Fix test failures post-merge | Andy Williams | 9 years |
devs/tasn/elm_merge | Merge elementary into the EFL. | Tom Hacohen | 9 years |
devs/tasn/eo-events-hash | Eo: add more info when an event already exists | Daniel Zaoui | 11 years |
devs/tasn/eo2 | Eo2: Adjust test suite to recent changes. | Tom Hacohen | 11 years |
devs/tasn/eo_add_fallback | bla | Tom Hacohen | 9 years |
devs/tasn/eo_events_new | Eo legacy events: Add legacy events tests. | Tom Hacohen | 11 years |
devs/tasn/eo_fix | Fixoring. | Tom Hacohen | 10 years |
devs/tasn/eo_optimisations | Examples: Remove eo examples. | Tom Hacohen | 9 years |
devs/tasn/eo_optimisations_macros | Commented out lots of things | Felipe Magno de Almeida | 9 years |
devs/tasn/eolian_eo_base | Eo base: Start generating eo_base from the .eo file. | Tom Hacohen | 11 years |
devs/tasn/eolian_namespaces | Evas object eolian: Fix namespace. | Tom Hacohen | 11 years |
devs/tasn/eolian_segfault | snap | Tom Hacohen | 11 years |
devs/tasn/generic-modules | Merge in emotion generic players. | Tom Hacohen | 9 years |
devs/tasn/ifaces | Attribute factory: default the tag to span if NULL. | Tom Hacohen | 5 years |
devs/tasn/ifaces-with-factories | Add item providers. | Tom Hacohen | 5 years |
devs/tasn/legacy_null | Add legacy_prefix now that the default has changed to null. | Tom Hacohen | 9 years |
devs/tasn/next | Migrate more eo files to use Eina.Rectangle. | Tom Hacohen | 10 years |
devs/tasn/part_get | Eo: Add eo_do_part. | Tom Hacohen | 10 years |
devs/tasn/q66 | bla | Tom Hacohen | 9 years |
devs/tasn/raw_parent | Edje tests: Add parent upadting tests to edje. | Tom Hacohen | 9 years |
devs/tasn/stefan | Stefan: Revert "eina: let's add some straight forward test." | Tom Hacohen | 11 years |
devs/tasn/strict_eolian | Eolian: Turn on strict type checking. | Tom Hacohen | 9 years |
devs/tasn/tb2 | Some testing stuff. | Tom Hacohen | 10 years |
devs/tasn/vieet | vieet: list the sections of an eet file if a section isn't passed. | Tom Hacohen | 10 years |
devs/taxi2se/efl_playable | efl_animation: add ref to anim in player when anim is set | Sungtaek Hong | 7 years |
devs/thiep/cop | fix bug icons list and icon create | Thiep Ha | 7 years |
devs/thiep/dnd | ecore-wayland: add Ecore_Wayland_Selection type | Thiep Ha | 10 years |
devs/thiep/size | aspect ratio: add support for vertical case | Thiep Ha | 8 years |
devs/thiep/size.test | ecore_evas_wayland: fix bug ecore_evas cannot update the evas when rotation | Jiyoun Park | 8 years |
devs/thiep/top | change circle add api and direction | Thiep Ha | 8 years |
devs/thiep/top1 | implementation | Thiep Ha | 8 years |
devs/thiep/win32_cnp | tmp: add correct new line func | Thiep Ha | 9 years |
devs/vitorsousa/T4502 | eio model: use empty mime type when efreet is unable to determine it | Vitor Sousa | 8 years |
devs/vitorsousa/beta_error_eoliancxx | eolian_cxx: Fix @beta on generated bindings for C++ | Vitor Sousa | 10 years |
devs/vitorsousa/constructible_eflsharp | csharp: make inherited C# classes constructible from native C | Vitor Sousa | 6 years |
devs/vitorsousa/csharp_end_error_fix | efl_mono: avoid C# making many handles for event delegates, so we can unregis... | Vitor Sousa | 6 years |
devs/vitorsousa/csharp_stringshare_containers | equality methods and some test stubs | Vitor Sousa | 6 years |
devs/vitorsousa/eo_ownership_events | eo: add events to track the ownership status of an Eo object | Vitor Sousa | 6 years |
devs/vitorsousa/failing_future_all | ecore: add test for efl_future_then after value_set | Vitor Sousa | 8 years |
devs/vitorsousa/fix_fileselector | elm fileselector: fix events that must be using Efl.Model objects | Vitor Sousa | 9 years |
devs/vitorsousa/inout_rw_slice_amended | efl-mono: Test on inout RwSlice. | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/vitorsousa/model_composite | ecore: fix bugs from composite models | Vitor Sousa | 6 years |
devs/vitorsousa/pin-unpin | csharp: Add a SafePtr wrapper in debug mode | Lauro Moura | 6 years |
devs/vitorsousa/strict_events | Efl Object: remove legacy callback calls from event_callback_call | Vitor Sousa | 9 years |
devs/vitorsousa/update_event_calls | efl callbacks: update some events calls to no longer trigger legacy callbacks | Vitor Sousa | 9 years |
devs/woohyun/efl_ui_toolbar | efl_ui_toolbar: code cleaning | WooHyun Jung | 7 years |
devs/woohyun/elm_widget_focus | elm_genlist: focus last item on focus | YeongJong Lee | 7 years |
devs/woohyun/focus_tests | tests: making infra to cover all focus tests | WooHyun Jung | 8 years |
devs/woohyun/raw_editable | efl_ui_timepicker: change a property name (ampm -> is_24hour) | WooHyun Jung | 6 years |
devs/woohyun/remove_canvas_text | evas_textblock_legacy: change the name of efl_canvas_textblock | WooHyun Jung | 6 years |
devs/woohyun/text_interface | remove @beta from Canvas_Textblock_Factory and Selection_Formate | WooHyun Jung | 5 years |
devs/woohyun/ui_property | elm: Fix make check (code_widget) | Jean-Philippe Andre | 7 years |
devs/woohyun/ui_scrollable | scroller: fix getting content position. | Hosang Kim | 8 years |
devs/xartigas/eolian_mono_list_formatting | WIP: Special formatting of lists using regexps | Xavi Artigas | 5 years |
devs/xartigas/rename_text_cursor | Fix namespace clashes for Efl.Text.Cursor | Xavi Artigas | 5 years |
devs/yakov/eo_class_mro_get | add names in MRO | Yakov Goldberg | 11 years |
devs/yakov/textblock_test_fix | printfs for legatures | Yakov Goldberg | 12 years |
devs/youngbok/elm_interface_next | Add docs from existing APIs. | Youngbok Shin | 9 years |
devs/yoz/pulse | elm theme: Add volume control theme to "e/widgets/border/default/border" | Michaƫl Bouchaud (yoz) | 8 years |
devs/yoz/wip | elementary: add raw image load to elm_photocam | Michael Bouchaud(yoz) | 8 years |
devs/zmike/122citest | release: Update NEWS and bump version for 1.22.6 release | Mike Blumenkrantz | 5 years |
devs/zmike/123citest | Revert "tests/genlist: add behavior testing for nearly all genlist events" | Mike Blumenkrantz | 5 years |
devs/zmike/buildtest | Efl.Ui.Radio_Legacy: Prevent unnecessary signal emit for contents | JunsuChoi | 5 years |
devs/zmike/cv | completely freeze collectionview items to prevent recalcs | Mike Blumenkrantz | 6 years |
devs/zmike/ex | . | Mike Blumenkrantz | 6 years |
devs/zmike/genlist | wip | Mike Blumenkrantz | 5 years |
devs/zmike/win | w | Mike Blumenkrantz | 6 years |
devs/zmike/wip | evas.image: add evas_object_image_animated_frame_get | Shinwoo Kim | 5 years |
efl-1.10 | eina: populate memory in the right limit. | Cedric BAIL | 9 years |
efl-1.11 | eina: populate memory in the right limit. | Cedric BAIL | 9 years |
efl-1.12 | eina: populate memory in the right limit. | Cedric BAIL | 9 years |
efl-1.13 | eina: populate memory in the right limit. | Cedric BAIL | 9 years |
efl-1.14 | eina: populate memory in the right limit. | Cedric BAIL | 9 years |
efl-1.15 | eina: populate memory in the right limit. | Cedric BAIL | 9 years |
efl-1.16 | Eo gdb: Fix data_get calculation. | Tom Hacohen | 8 years |
efl-1.17 | eina: populate memory in the right limit. | Cedric BAIL | 9 years |
efl-1.18 | spinner: don't allow dragging if widget is disabled | Amitesh Singh | 8 years |
efl-1.19 | release: Update NEWS and bump version for 1.19.2 release | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
efl-1.20 | ecore_imf: turn off autocapital mode in password layout | Jihoon Kim | 7 years |
efl-1.21 | evas cache - avoid a segv... | Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) | 6 years |
efl-1.22 | release: Update NEWS and bump version for 1.22.6 release | Mike Blumenkrantz | 5 years |
efl-1.23 | ecore-x - fix fallbacks to use capital X in lib name | Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) | 5 years |
efl-1.24 | release: Update NEWS and bump version for 1.24.4 release | Stefan Schmidt | 4 years |
efl-1.25 | release: Update NEWS and bump version for 1.25.1 release | Stefan Schmidt | 4 years |
efl-1.8 | eina: populate memory in the right limit. | Cedric BAIL | 9 years |
efl-1.9 | eina: populate memory in the right limit. | Cedric BAIL | 9 years |
feature/meson | meson: maintain 3 sys variables | Marcel Hollerbach | 7 years |
feature/security | edje: Update code to use memcpy as per review | Chris Michael | 7 years |
feature/themes/flat | Th - border procstats - look nicer given current module | Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) | 4 years |
feature/wayland/multi-output | elementary: Fix eina_safety return val | Chris Michael | 7 years |
master | ecore x - ensure pointer is not outside barriers when settingh for screens | Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) | 3 years |
origin/efl-1.8 | release: Update NEWS and bump version for efl 1.8.2 release | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v-1.26.0 | release - 1.26.1 | Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) | 3 years |
Tag | Download | Author | Age |
v1.26.1 | efl-1.26.1.tar.gz | Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) | 3 years |
v1.26.0 | efl-1.26.0.tar.gz | Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) | 3 years |
v1.25.1 | efl-1.25.1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 4 years |
v1.24.4 | efl-1.24.4.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 4 years |
v1.25.0 | efl-1.25.0.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 4 years |
v1.25.0-beta3 | efl-1.25.0-beta3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
v1.25.0-beta2 | efl-1.25.0-beta2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
v1.25.0-beta1 | efl-1.25.0-beta1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
v1.25.0-alpha1 | efl-1.25.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
v1.24.3 | efl-1.24.3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
v1.24.2 | efl-1.24.2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
v1.24.1 | efl-1.24.1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
v1.24.0 | efl-1.24.0.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
v1.24.0-beta3 | efl-1.24.0-beta3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
v1.24.0-beta2 | efl-1.24.0-beta2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
v1.24.0-beta1 | efl-1.24.0-beta1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
v1.24.0-alpha1 | efl-1.24.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
v1.23.3 | efl-1.23.3.tar.gz | Mike Blumenkrantz | 5 years |
v1.23.2 | efl-1.23.2.tar.gz | Mike Blumenkrantz | 5 years |
v1.23.1 | efl-1.23.1.tar.gz | Mike Blumenkrantz | 5 years |
v1.22.6 | efl-1.22.6.tar.gz | Mike Blumenkrantz | 5 years |
v1.23.0 | efl-1.23.0.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
v1.23.0-beta3 | efl-1.23.0-beta3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 5 years |
v1.22.5 | efl-1.22.5.tar.gz | Mike Blumenkrantz | 6 years |
v1.23.0-beta2 | efl-1.23.0-beta2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 6 years |
v1.23.0-beta1 | efl-1.23.0-beta1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 6 years |
v1.22.4 | efl-1.22.4.tar.gz | Mike Blumenkrantz | 6 years |
v1.23.0-alpha1 | efl-1.23.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 6 years |
v1.22.3 | efl-1.22.3.tar.gz | Mike Blumenkrantz | 6 years |
v1.22.2 | efl-1.22.2.tar.gz | Mike Blumenkrantz | 6 years |
v1.22.1 | efl-1.22.1.tar.gz | Mike Blumenkrantz | 6 years |
v1.22.0 | efl-1.22.0.tar.gz | Mike Blumenkrantz | 6 years |
v1.22.0-beta2 | efl-1.22.0-beta2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 6 years |
v1.22.0-beta1 | efl-1.22.0-beta1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 6 years |
v1.22.0-alpha1 | efl-1.22.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 6 years |
v1.21.1 | efl-1.21.1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 7 years |
v1.21.0 | efl-1.21.0.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 7 years |
v1.21.0-beta2 | efl-1.21.0-beta2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 7 years |
v1.21.0-beta1 | efl-1.21.0-beta1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 7 years |
v1.21.0-alpha1 | efl-1.21.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 7 years |
v1.20.7 | efl-1.20.7.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 7 years |
v1.20.6 | efl-1.20.6.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 7 years |
v1.20.5 | efl-1.20.5.tar.gz | Cedric BAIL | 7 years |
v1.20.4 | efl-1.20.4.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.20.3 | efl-1.20.3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.19.2 | efl-1.19.2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.20.2 | efl-1.20.2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.20.1 | efl-1.20.1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.20.0 | efl-1.20.0.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.20.0-beta3 | efl-1.20.0-beta3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.20.0-beta2 | efl-1.20.0-beta2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.20.0-beta1 | efl-1.20.0-beta1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.20.0-alpha1 | efl-1.20.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.19.1 | efl-1.19.1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.18.5 | efl-1.18.5.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.19.0 | efl-1.19.0.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.19.0-beta4 | efl-1.19.0-beta4.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.19.0-beta3 | efl-1.19.0-beta3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.19.0-beta2 | efl-1.19.0-beta2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.19.0-beta1 | efl-1.19.0-beta1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.19.0-alpha1 | efl-1.19.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.18.4 | efl-1.18.4.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.18.3 | efl-1.18.3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.18.2 | efl-1.18.2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 8 years |
v1.18.1 | efl-1.18.1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.18.0 | efl-1.18.0.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.18.0-rc | efl-1.18.0-rc.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.18.0-beta2 | efl-1.18.0-beta2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.18.0-beta1 | efl-1.18.0-beta1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.18.0-alpha2 | efl-1.18.0-alpha2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.18.0-alpha1 | efl-1.18.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.17.2 | efl-1.17.2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.17.1 | efl-1.17.1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.17.0 | efl-1.17.0.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.17.0-beta3 | efl-1.17.0-beta3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.17.0-beta2 | efl-1.17.0-beta2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.17.0-beta1 | efl-1.17.0-beta1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.17.0-alpha1 | efl-1.17.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.16.1 | efl-1.16.1.tar.gz | Daniel Juyung Seo | 9 years |
v1.15.3 | efl-1.15.3.tar.gz | Daniel Juyung Seo | 9 years |
v1.16.0 | efl-1.16.0.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.16.0-beta3 | efl-1.16.0-beta3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.16.0-beta2 | efl-1.16.0-beta2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.16.0-beta1 | efl-1.16.0-beta1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.15.2 | efl-1.15.2.tar.gz | Daniel Juyung Seo | 9 years |
v1.16.0-alpha1 | efl-1.16.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 9 years |
v1.15.1 | efl-1.15.1.tar.gz | Daniel Juyung Seo | 10 years |
v1.14.3 | efl-1.14.3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.15.0 | efl-1.15.0.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.15.0-beta3 | efl-1.15.0-beta3.tar.gz | Daniel Juyung Seo | 10 years |
v1.15.0-beta2 | efl-1.15.0-beta2.tar.gz | Daniel Juyung Seo | 10 years |
v1.15.0-beta1 | efl-1.15.0-beta1.tar.gz | Daniel Juyung Seo | 10 years |
v1.15.0-alpha1 | efl-1.15.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Daniel Juyung Seo | 10 years |
v1.14.2 | efl-1.14.2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.14.1 | efl-1.14.1.tar.gz | Daniel Juyung Seo | 10 years |
v1.13.3 | efl-1.13.3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.14.0 | efl-1.14.0.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.14.0-beta3 | efl-1.14.0-beta3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.14.0-beta2 | efl-1.14.0-beta2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.14.0-beta1 | efl-1.14.0-beta1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.14.0-alpha1 | efl-1.14.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.13.2 | efl-1.13.2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.13.1 | efl-1.13.1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.13.0 | efl-1.13.0.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.13.0-beta3 | efl-1.13.0-beta3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.13.0-beta2 | efl-1.13.0-beta2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.12.3 | efl-1.12.3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.13.0-beta1 | efl-1.13.0-beta1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.13.0-alpha1 | efl-1.13.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.12.2 | efl-1.12.2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.12.1 | efl-1.12.1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.11.5 | efl-1.11.5.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.12.0 | efl-1.12.0.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.12.0-beta2 | efl-1.12.0-beta2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.12.0-beta1 | efl-1.12.0-beta1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.12.0-alpha1 | efl-1.12.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.11.4 | efl-1.11.4.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.11.3 | efl-1.11.3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 10 years |
v1.11.2 | efl-1.11.2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.11.1 | efl-1.11.1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.10.3 | efl-1.10.3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.11.0 | efl-1.11.0.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.11.0-beta2 | efl-1.11.0-beta2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.11.0-beta1 | efl-1.11.0-beta1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.11.0-alpha1 | efl-1.11.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.10.2 | efl-1.10.2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.10.1 | efl-1.10.1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.9.5 | efl-1.9.5.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.10.0 | efl-1.10.0.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.10.0-beta3 | efl-1.10.0-beta3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.9.4 | efl-1.9.4.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.10.0-beta2 | efl-1.10.0-beta2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.10.0-beta1 | efl-1.10.0-beta1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.10.0-alpha1 | efl-1.10.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.9.3 | efl-1.9.3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.10.0-tech-preview | efl-1.10.0-tech-preview.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.9.2 | efl-1.9.2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.9.1 | efl-1.9.1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.8.6 | efl-1.8.6.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.9.0 | efl-1.9.0.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.9.0-beta2 | efl-1.9.0-beta2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.9.0-beta1 | efl-1.9.0-beta1.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.9.0-alpha1 | efl-1.9.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Mike Blumenkrantz | 11 years |
v1.8.5 | efl-1.8.5.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.8.4 | efl-1.8.4.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.8.3 | efl-1.8.3.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.8.2 | efl-1.8.2.tar.gz | Stefan Schmidt | 11 years |
v1.8.1 | efl-1.8.1.tar.gz | Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) | 11 years |
v1.8.0 | efl-1.8.0.tar.gz | Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) | 11 years |
v1.8.0-beta2 | efl-1.8.0-beta2.tar.gz | Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) | 11 years |
v1.8.0-beta1 | efl-1.8.0-beta1.tar.gz | Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) | 11 years |
v1.8.0-alpha2 | efl-1.8.0-alpha2.tar.gz | Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) | 11 years |
v1.8.0-alpha1 | efl-1.8.0-alpha1.tar.gz | Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) | 11 years |