diff options
authorMarcel Hellkamp <>2020-12-31 19:13:55 +0100
committerMarcel Hellkamp <>2020-12-31 19:13:55 +0100
commit30d310cfb78a4a4f26508e6140dca49cac471905 (patch)
parentf8fc2c122b562f07dcc90b37cc6e01cec2b4cc92 (diff)
Transifex push/pull and updated makefile
115 files changed, 22764 insertions, 4327 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index af6e69b..a601f75 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ $(VENV)/.installed: Makefile
$(VENV)/bin/python3 -mensurepip
$(VENV)/bin/pip install -U pip
$(VENV)/bin/pip install -U setuptools wheel twine coverage
+ $(VENV)/bin/pip install -U sphinx sphinx-intl transifex-client
touch $(VENV)/.installed
coverage: venv
@@ -35,11 +36,24 @@ push: test_all
python install
- sphinx-build -b html -d build/docs/doctrees docs build/docs/html/;
+docs: venv
+ $(VENV)/bin/sphinx-build -b html -d build/docs/doctrees docs build/docs/html/;
+tx-pull: venv
+ . $(VENV)/bin/activate; \
+ cd docs/_locale/ \
+ && tx pull -af
+tx-push: venv
+ . $(VENV)/bin/activate; \
+ cd docs/_locale/ \
+ && sphinx-build -b gettext -E .. _pot \
+ && sphinx-intl update-txconfig-resources -p _pot -d . --transifex-project-name bottle \
+ && tx push -s
+ $(MAKE) tx-push
+ $(MAKE) tx-pull
python3 -m unittest discover
diff --git a/docs/_locale/.tx/config b/docs/_locale/.tx/config
index 763c2b1..62a4772 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/.tx/config
+++ b/docs/_locale/.tx/config
@@ -6,79 +6,95 @@ type = PO
file_filter = <lang>/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
source_file = _pot/development.pot
source_lang = en
+type = PO
file_filter = <lang>/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
source_file = _pot/index.pot
source_lang = en
+type = PO
file_filter = <lang>/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
source_file = _pot/configuration.pot
source_lang = en
+type = PO
file_filter = <lang>/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
source_file = _pot/changelog.pot
source_lang = en
+type = PO
file_filter = <lang>/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
source_file = _pot/stpl.pot
source_lang = en
+type = PO
file_filter = <lang>/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
source_file = _pot/async.pot
source_lang = en
+type = PO
file_filter = <lang>/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
source_file = _pot/recipes.pot
source_lang = en
+type = PO
file_filter = <lang>/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
source_file = _pot/tutorial.pot
source_lang = en
+type = PO
file_filter = <lang>/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
source_file = _pot/deployment.pot
source_lang = en
+type = PO
file_filter = <lang>/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
source_file = _pot/routing.pot
source_lang = en
+type = PO
file_filter = <lang>/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
source_file = _pot/api.pot
source_lang = en
+type = PO
file_filter = <lang>/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
source_file = _pot/tutorial_app.pot
source_lang = en
+type = PO
file_filter = <lang>/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
source_file = _pot/plugindev.pot
source_lang = en
+type = PO
file_filter = <lang>/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
source_file = _pot/contact.pot
source_lang = en
+type = PO
file_filter = <lang>/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
source_file = _pot/faq.pot
source_lang = en
+type = PO
file_filter = <lang>/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
source_file = _pot/plugins/index.pot
source_lang = en
+type = PO
diff --git a/docs/_locale/Makefile b/docs/_locale/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index f0f7e62..0000000
--- a/docs/_locale/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-pull: venv
- echo "Pulling new translations from transiflex..."
- . ../../build/venv/bin/activate; tx pull -af
-push: venv
- echo "Pushing new documentation to transiflex..."
- . ../../build/venv/bin/activate; \
- sphinx-build -b gettext -E .. _pot && \
- sphinx-intl update-txconfig-resources -p _pot -d . --transifex-project-name bottle
- # Reset all *.pot files that differ only in one line (the creation date).
- for pot in `find _pot -name '*.pot'`; do\
- git diff --numstat -- $$pot | sed 's/\t/ /g' | grep -q '1 1 docs'\
- && echo "Not changed: $$pot" && git checkout -- $$pot || true;\
- done;
- . ../../build/venv/bin/activate; tx push -s
-venv: ../../build/venv/bin/activate
-../../build/venv/bin/activate: requirements.txt
- test -d ../../build/venv || python2 -mvirtualenv ../../build/venv
- ../../build/venv/bin/pip install -Ur requirements.txt
- touch ../../build/venv/bin/activate
diff --git a/docs/_locale/_pot/api.pot b/docs/_locale/_pot/api.pot
index 6d474bb..8adbc9d 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/_pot/api.pot
+++ b/docs/_locale/_pot/api.pot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Bottle 0.13-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-13 21:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -40,6 +40,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Start a server instance. This method blocks until the server terminates."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of
+#: ../../../ of bottle.path_shift:0
+#: ../../../ of bottle.MultiDict.get:0
+#: ../../../ of bottle.HeaderDict.get:0
+#: ../../../ of bottle.ResourceManager:0
+#: ../../../ of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:0
+#: ../../../ of
+#: ../../../ of bottle.Bottle:0
+#: ../../../ of bottle.Bottle.mount:0
+#: ../../../ of bottle.Bottle.route:0
+#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:0
+#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseResponse:0
+#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:0
+#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:0
+msgid "Parameters"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of
msgid "WSGI application or target string supported by :func:`load_app`. (default: :func:`default_app`)"
msgstr ""
@@ -161,6 +178,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shift path fragments from PATH_INFO to SCRIPT_NAME and vice versa."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.path_shift:0
+msgid "Returns"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.path_shift:3
msgid "The modified paths."
msgstr ""
@@ -185,36 +206,55 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This dict stores multiple values per key, but behaves exactly like a normal dict in that it returns only the newest value for any given key. There are special methods available to access the full list of values."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.MultiDict.keys:1
+msgid "D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.MultiDict.values:1
+msgid "D.values() -> an object providing a view on D's values"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.MultiDict.items:1
+msgid "D.items() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's items"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.MultiDict.get:1
+#: ../../../ of bottle.HeaderDict.get:1
msgid "Return the most recent value for a key."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.MultiDict.get:3
+#: ../../../ of bottle.HeaderDict.get:3
msgid "The default value to be returned if the key is not present or the type conversion fails."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.MultiDict.get:5
+#: ../../../ of bottle.HeaderDict.get:5
msgid "An index for the list of available values."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.MultiDict.get:6
+#: ../../../ of bottle.HeaderDict.get:6
msgid "If defined, this callable is used to cast the value into a specific type. Exception are suppressed and result in the default value to be returned."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.MultiDict.append:1
+#: ../../../ of bottle.HeaderDict.append:1
msgid "Add a new value to the list of values for this key."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.MultiDict.replace:1
+#: ../../../ of bottle.HeaderDict.replace:1
msgid "Replace the list of values with a single value."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.MultiDict.getall:1
-#: ../../../ of bottle.MultiDict.getlist:1
+#: ../../../ of bottle.MultiDict.getall:1
+#: ../../../ of bottle.HeaderDict.getall:1
msgid "Return a (possibly empty) list of values for a key."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.MultiDict.getone:1
+#: ../../../ of bottle.MultiDict.get:1
msgid "Aliases for WTForms to mimic other multi-dict APIs (Django)"
msgstr ""
@@ -267,6 +307,7 @@ msgid "Return the current default application and remove it from the stack."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.AppStack.push:1
+#: ../../../ of bottle.AppStack.push:1
msgid "Add a new :class:`Bottle` instance to the stack"
msgstr ""
@@ -286,11 +327,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "controls which lookups are cached. One of 'all', 'found' or 'none'."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.ResourceManager.path:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.ResourceManager.path:1
msgid "A list of search paths. See :meth:`add_path` for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.ResourceManager.cache:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.ResourceManager.cache:1
msgid "A cache for resolved paths. ``res.cache.clear()`` clears the cache."
msgstr ""
@@ -319,26 +360,26 @@ msgid "Search for a resource and return an absolute file path, or `None`."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.ResourceManager.lookup:3
-msgid "The :attr:`path` list is searched in order. The first match is returend. Symlinks are followed. The result is cached to speed up future lookups."
+msgid "The :attr:`path` list is searched in order. The first match is returned. Symlinks are followed. The result is cached to speed up future lookups."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of
msgid "Find a resource and return a file object, or raise IOError."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.FileUpload.file:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.file:1
msgid "Open file(-like) object (BytesIO buffer or temporary file)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of
+#: ../docstring of
msgid "Name of the upload form field"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.FileUpload.raw_filename:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.raw_filename:1
msgid "Raw filename as sent by the client (may contain unsafe characters)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.FileUpload.headers:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.headers:1
msgid "A :class:`HeaderDict` with additional headers (e.g. content-type)"
msgstr ""
@@ -352,6 +393,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Current value of the 'Content-Length' header."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.FileUpload.get_header:1
+msgid "Return the value of a header within the mulripart part."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.FileUpload.filename:1
msgid "Name of the file on the client file system, but normalized to ensure file system compatibility. An empty filename is returned as 'empty'."
msgstr ""
@@ -396,11 +441,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "If true (default), handle all exceptions. Turn off to let debugging middleware handle exceptions."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.Bottle.config:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Bottle.config:1
msgid "A :class:`ConfigDict` for app specific configuration."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.Bottle.resources:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Bottle.resources:1
msgid "A :class:`ResourceManager` for application files"
msgstr ""
@@ -497,7 +542,7 @@ msgid "Calls :func:`run` with the same parameters."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.Bottle.match:1
-msgid "Search for a matching route and return a (:class:`Route` , urlargs) tuple. The second value is a dictionary with parameters extracted from the URL. Raise :exc:`HTTPError` (404/405) on a non-match."
+msgid "Search for a matching route and return a (:class:`Route`, urlargs) tuple. The second value is a dictionary with parameters extracted from the URL. Raise :exc:`HTTPError` (404/405) on a non-match."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.Bottle.get_url:1
@@ -565,7 +610,7 @@ msgid "Equals :meth:`route` with a ``PATCH`` method parameter."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.Bottle.error:1
-msgid "Decorator: Register an output handler for a HTTP error code"
+msgid "Register an output handler for a HTTP error code. Can be used as a decorator or called directly ::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.Bottle.wsgi:1
@@ -573,38 +618,38 @@ msgid "The bottle WSGI-interface."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.Route:1
-msgid "This class wraps a route callback along with route specific metadata and configuration and applies Plugins on demand. It is also responsible for turing an URL path rule into a regular expression usable by the Router."
+msgid "This class wraps a route callback along with route specific metadata and configuration and applies Plugins on demand. It is also responsible for turning an URL path rule into a regular expression usable by the Router."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of
+#: ../docstring of
msgid "The application this route is installed to."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.Route.rule:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.rule:1
msgid "The path-rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/<page>``)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.Route.method:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.method:1
msgid "The HTTP method as a string (e.g. ``GET``)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.Route.callback:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.callback:1
msgid "The original callback with no plugins applied. Useful for introspection."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of
+#: ../docstring of
msgid "The name of the route (if specified) or ``None``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.Route.plugins:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.plugins:1
msgid "A list of route-specific plugins (see :meth:`Bottle.route`)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.Route.skiplist:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.skiplist:1
msgid "A list of plugins to not apply to this route (see :meth:`Bottle.route`)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.Route.config:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.config:1
msgid "Additional keyword arguments passed to the :meth:`Bottle.route` decorator are stored in this dictionary. Used for route-specific plugin configuration and meta-data."
msgstr ""
@@ -713,7 +758,7 @@ msgid "File uploads parsed from `multipart/form-data` encoded POST or PUT reques
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseRequest.json:1
-msgid "If the ``Content-Type`` header is ``application/json``, this property holds the parsed content of the request body. Only requests smaller than :attr:`MEMFILE_MAX` are processed to avoid memory exhaustion. Invalid JSON raises a 400 error response."
+msgid "If the ``Content-Type`` header is ``application/json`` or ``application/json-rpc``, this property holds the parsed content of the request body. Only requests smaller than :attr:`MEMFILE_MAX` are processed to avoid memory exhaustion. Invalid JSON raises a 400 error response."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseRequest.body:1
@@ -724,7 +769,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "True if Chunked transfer encoding was."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseRequest.GET:1
+#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseRequest.query:1
msgid "An alias for :attr:`query`."
msgstr ""
@@ -753,7 +798,7 @@ msgid "The initial portion of the URL's `path` that was removed by a higher leve
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:2
-msgid "Shift path segments from path to script_name and"
+msgid "Shift path segments from :attr:`path` to :attr:`script_name` and"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:2
@@ -804,15 +849,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "A thread-local subclass of :class:`BaseRequest` with a different set of attributes for each thread. There is usually only one global instance of this class (:data:`request`). If accessed during a request/response cycle, this instance always refers to the *current* request (even on a multithreaded server)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.LocalRequest.bind:1
+#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseRequest.__init__:1
msgid "Wrap a WSGI environ dictionary."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.LocalRequest.environ:1
-#: ../../../ of bottle.LocalResponse.body:1
-msgid "Thread-local property"
-msgstr ""
#: ../../api.rst:146
msgid "The :class:`Response` Object"
msgstr ""
@@ -934,18 +974,26 @@ msgid "limit the cookie to HTTPS connections (default: off)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:17
-msgid "prevents client-side javascript to read this cookie (default: off, requires Python 2.7 or newer)."
+msgid "prevents client-side javascript to read this cookie (default: off, requires Python 2.6 or newer)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:20
-msgid "If neither `expires` nor `max_age` is set (default), the cookie will expire at the end of the browser session (as soon as the browser window is closed)."
+#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:19
+msgid "Control or disable third-party use for this cookie. Possible values: `lax`, `strict` or `none` (default)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:24
+#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:22
+msgid "If neither `expires` nor `maxage` is set (default), the cookie will expire at the end of the browser session (as soon as the browser window is closed)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:26
msgid "Signed cookies may store any pickle-able object and are cryptographically signed to prevent manipulation. Keep in mind that cookies are limited to 4kb in most browsers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:28
+#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:30
+msgid "Warning: Pickle is a potentially dangerous format. If an attacker gains access to the secret key, he could forge cookies that execute code on server side if unpickled. Using pickle is discouraged and support for it will be removed in later versions of bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:35
msgid "Warning: Signed cookies are not encrypted (the client can still see the content) and not copy-protected (the client can restore an old cookie). The main intention is to make pickling and unpickling save, not to store secret information at client side."
msgstr ""
@@ -957,6 +1005,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "A thread-local subclass of :class:`BaseResponse` with a different set of attributes for each thread. There is usually only one global instance of this class (:data:`response`). Its attributes are used to build the HTTP response at the end of the request/response cycle."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.BaseResponse.__init__:1
+msgid "Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.LocalResponse.body:1
+msgid "Thread-local property"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../api.rst:160
msgid "The following two classes can be raised as an exception. The most noticeable difference is that bottle invokes error handlers for :class:`HTTPError`, but not for :class:`HTTPResponse` or other response types."
msgstr ""
@@ -1096,4 +1152,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../api.rst:196
msgid "To use :class:`MakoTemplate` as your default template engine, just import its specialised decorator and render function::"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/_pot/async.pot b/docs/_locale/_pot/async.pot
index 435d6f0..4e32c68 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/_pot/async.pot
+++ b/docs/_locale/_pot/async.pot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Bottle 0.13-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-13 21:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -111,4 +111,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../async.rst:113
msgid "The client-site JavaScript API is really straight forward, too::"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/_pot/changelog.pot b/docs/_locale/_pot/changelog.pot
index 7f89d8d..7efc389 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/_pot/changelog.pot
+++ b/docs/_locale/_pot/changelog.pot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Bottle 0.13-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-13 21:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -24,360 +24,544 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Release 0.13"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:13
-msgid "Added :func:`patch` shortcut for `route(..., method='PATCH')`"
+#: ../../changelog.rst:11
+msgid "Not released yet."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:17
-msgid "Release 0.12"
+#: ../../changelog.rst:14
+msgid "Dropped support for Python versions that reached their end-of-life."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:15
+msgid "Keeping up support for ancient Python versions hinders adaptation of new features and serves no real purpose. If you need support for older Python versions, you can stay on bottle-0.12. The updated list of tested and supported python releases is as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:20
+msgid "Python 2.7 (>= 2.7.3)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:19
-msgid "New SimpleTemplate parser implementation * Support for multi-line code blocks (`<% ... %>`). * The keywords `include` and `rebase` are functions now and can accept variable template names."
+#: ../../changelog.rst:21
+msgid "Python 3.6"
msgstr ""
#: ../../changelog.rst:22
-msgid "The new :meth:`BaseRequest.route` property returns the :class:`Route` that originally matched the request."
+msgid "Python 3.7"
msgstr ""
#: ../../changelog.rst:23
-msgid "Removed the ``BaseRequest.MAX_PARAMS`` limit. The hash collision bug in CPythons dict() implementation was fixed over a year ago. If you are still using Python 2.5 in production, consider upgrading or at least make sure that you get security fixed from your distributor."
+msgid "Python 3.8"
msgstr ""
#: ../../changelog.rst:24
-msgid "New :class:`ConfigDict` API (see :doc:`configuration`)"
+msgid "Python 3.9"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:25
+msgid "PyPy 2.7"
msgstr ""
#: ../../changelog.rst:26
+msgid "PyPy 3.6"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:27
+msgid "PyPy 3.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:29
+msgid "Support for Python 2.5 was marked as deprecated since 0.12. We decided to go a step further and also remove support for 2.6 and 3.1 to 3.5 even if it was never deprecated explicitly in bottle. This means that this release is *not* backwards compatible in Python <2.7.3 or <3.6 environments. Maintainers for distributions or systems that still use these old python versions should not update to Bottle 0.13 and stick with 0.12 instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:35
+msgid "Stabilized APIs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:36
+msgid "The documented API of the :class:`ConfigDict` class is now considered stable and ready to use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:38
+msgid "Deprecated APIs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:39
+msgid "The old route syntax (``/hello/:name``) is deprecated in favor of the more readable and flexible ``/hello/<name>`` syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:40
+msgid ":meth:`Bottle.mount` now recognizes Bottle instance and will warn about parameters that are not compatible with the new mounting behavior. The old behavior (mount applications as WSGI callable) still works and is used as a fallback automatically."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:41
+msgid "The undocumented :func:`local_property` helper is now deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:42
+msgid "The server adapter for google app engine is not useful anymore and marked as deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:43
+msgid "Bottle uses pickle to store arbitrary objects into signed cookies. This is safe, as long as the signature key remains a secret. Unfortunately, people tend to push code with signature keys to github all the time, so we decided to remove pickle-support from bottle. Signed cookies will now issue a deprecation warning if the value is not a string, and support for non-string values will be removed in 0.14. The global :func:`cookie_encode`, :func:`cookie_decode` and :func:`is_cookie_encoded` are now also deprecated. If you are using this feature, think about using json to serialize your objects before storing them into cookies, or switch to a session system that stores data server-side instead of client-side."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:45
+msgid "Removed APIs (deprecated since 0.12)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:46
+msgid "Plugins with the old API (``api=1`` or no api attribute) will no longer work."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:47
+msgid "Parameter order of :meth:`Bottle.mount` changed in 0.10. The old order will now result in an error instead of a warning."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:48
+msgid "The :class:`ConfigDict` class was introduced in 0.11 and changed during 0.12. These changes are now final."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:50
+msgid "Attribute access and assignment was removed due to high overhead and limited usability."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:51
+msgid "Namespaced sub-instance creation was removed. ``config[\"a\"][\"b\"]`` has a high overhead and little benefit over ``config[\"a.b\"]``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:52
+msgid ":class:`ConfigDict` instances are no longer callable. This was a shortcut for :meth:`ConfigDict.update`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:53
+msgid ":class:`ConfigDict` constructor no longer accepts any parameters. Use the `load_*` methods instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:55
+msgid "Bottle 0.12 changed some aspects of the Simple Template Engine. These changes are now final and the old syntax will now longer work."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:57
+msgid "The magic ``{{rebase()}}`` call was replaced by a ``base`` variable. Example: ``{{base}}``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:58
+msgid "In STPL Templates, the 'rebase' and 'include' keywords were replaced with functions in 0.12."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:59
+msgid "PEP-263 encoding strings are no longer recognized. Templates are always utf-8."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:61
+msgid "The 'geventSocketIO' server adapter was removed without notice. It did not work anyway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:63
+msgid "Changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:64
+msgid "These changes might require special care when updating."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:66
+msgid "Signed cookies now use a stronger HMAC algorithm by default. This will result in old cookies to appear invalid after the update. Pass an explicit ``digestmod=hashlib.md5`` to :meth:`Request.get_cookie` and :meth:`Response.set_cookie` to get the old behavior."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:68
+msgid "Other Improvements"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:69
+msgid "Bottle() instances are now context managers. If used in a with-statement, the default application changes to the specific instance and the shortcuts for many instance methods can be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:70
+msgid "Added support for ``PATCH`` requests and the :meth:`Bottle.patch` decorator."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:71
+msgid "Added `aiohttp <>`_ and `uvloop <>`_ server adapters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:72
+msgid "Added command-line arguments for config from json or ini files."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:73
+msgid ":meth:`Bottle.mount` now recognizes instances of :class:`Bottle` and mounts them with significantly less overhead than other WSGI applications."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:74
+msgid "The :attr:`Request.json` property now accepts ``application/json-rpc`` requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:75
+msgid ":func:`static_file` gained support for ``ETag`` headers. It will generate ETags and recognizes ``If-None-Match`` headers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:76
+msgid "Jinja2 templates will produce better error messages than before."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:82
+msgid "Release 0.12"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:84
+msgid "New SimpleTemplate parser implementation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:86
+msgid "Support for multi-line code blocks (`<% ... %>`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:87
+msgid "The keywords `include` and `rebase` are functions now and can accept variable template names."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:89
+msgid "The new :attr:`BaseRequest.route` property returns the :class:`Route` that originally matched the request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:90
+msgid "Removed the ``BaseRequest.MAX_PARAMS`` limit. The hash collision bug in CPythons dict() implementation was fixed over a year ago. If you are still using Python 2.5 in production, consider upgrading or at least make sure that you get security fixed from your distributor."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:91
+msgid "New :class:`ConfigDict` API (see :doc:`configuration`)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:93
msgid "More information can be found in this `development blog post <>`_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:30
+#: ../../changelog.rst:97
msgid "Release 0.11"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:32
+#: ../../changelog.rst:99
msgid "Native support for Python 2.x and 3.x syntax. No need to run 2to3 anymore."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:33
+#: ../../changelog.rst:100
msgid "Support for partial downloads (``Range`` header) in :func:`static_file`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:34
+#: ../../changelog.rst:101
msgid "The new :class:`ResourceManager` interface helps locating files bundled with an application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:35
+#: ../../changelog.rst:102
msgid "Added a server adapter for `waitress <>`_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:36
+#: ../../changelog.rst:103
msgid "New :meth:`Bottle.merge` method to install all routes from one application into another."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:37
+#: ../../changelog.rst:104
msgid "New :attr:`` property to get the application object that handles a request."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:38
+#: ../../changelog.rst:105
msgid "Added :meth:`FormsDict.decode()` to get an all-unicode version (needed by WTForms)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:39
+#: ../../changelog.rst:106
msgid ":class:`MultiDict` and subclasses are now pickle-able."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:42
+#: ../../changelog.rst:109
msgid "API Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:43
+#: ../../changelog.rst:110
msgid ":attr:`Response.status` is a read-write property that can be assigned either a numeric status code or a status string with a reason phrase (``200 OK``). The return value is now a string to better match existing APIs (WebOb, werkzeug). To be absolutely clear, you can use the read-only properties :attr:`BaseResponse.status_code` and :attr:`BaseResponse.status_line`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:46
+#: ../../changelog.rst:113
msgid "API Deprecations"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:47
+#: ../../changelog.rst:114
msgid ":class:`SimpleTALTemplate` is now deprecating. There seems to be no demand."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:50
+#: ../../changelog.rst:117
msgid "Release 0.10"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:52
+#: ../../changelog.rst:119
msgid "Plugin API v2"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:54
+#: ../../changelog.rst:121
msgid "To use the new API, set :attr:`Plugin.api` to ``2``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:55
+#: ../../changelog.rst:122
msgid ":meth:`Plugin.apply` receives a :class:`Route` object instead of a context dictionary as second parameter. The new object offers some additional information and may be extended in the future."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:56
+#: ../../changelog.rst:123
msgid "Plugin names are considered unique now. The topmost plugin with a given name on a given route is installed, all other plugins with the same name are silently ignored."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:58
+#: ../../changelog.rst:125
msgid "The Request/Response Objects"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:60
+#: ../../changelog.rst:127
msgid "Added :attr:`BaseRequest.json`, :attr:`BaseRequest.remote_route`, :attr:`BaseRequest.remote_addr`, :attr:`BaseRequest.query` and :attr:`BaseRequest.script_name`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:61
+#: ../../changelog.rst:128
msgid "Added :attr:`BaseResponse.status_line` and :attr:`BaseResponse.status_code` attributes. In future releases, :attr:`BaseResponse.status` will return a string (e.g. ``200 OK``) instead of an integer to match the API of other common frameworks. To make the transition as smooth as possible, you should use the verbose attributes from now on."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:62
+#: ../../changelog.rst:129
msgid "Replaced :class:`MultiDict` with a specialized :class:`FormsDict` in many places. The new dict implementation allows attribute access and handles unicode form values transparently."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:64
+#: ../../changelog.rst:131
msgid "Templates"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:66
+#: ../../changelog.rst:133
msgid "Added three new functions to the SimpleTemplate default namespace that handle undefined variables: :func:`stpl.defined`, :func:`stpl.get` and :func:`stpl.setdefault`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:67
+#: ../../changelog.rst:134
msgid "The default escape function for SimpleTemplate now additionally escapes single and double quotes."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:69
+#: ../../changelog.rst:136
msgid "Routing"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:71
+#: ../../changelog.rst:138
msgid "A new route syntax (e.g. ``/object/<id:int>``) and support for route wildcard filters."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:72
+#: ../../changelog.rst:139
msgid "Four new wildcard filters: `int`, `float`, `path` and `re`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:74
+#: ../../changelog.rst:141
msgid "Other changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:76
+#: ../../changelog.rst:143
msgid "Added command line interface to load applications and start servers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:77
+#: ../../changelog.rst:144
msgid "Introduced a :class:`ConfigDict` that makes accessing configuration a lot easier (attribute access and auto-expanding namespaces)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:78
+#: ../../changelog.rst:145
msgid "Added support for raw WSGI applications to :meth:`Bottle.mount`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:79
+#: ../../changelog.rst:146
msgid ":meth:`Bottle.mount` parameter order changed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:80
+#: ../../changelog.rst:147
msgid ":meth:`Bottle.route` now accpets an import string for the ``callback`` parameter."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:81
+#: ../../changelog.rst:148
msgid "Dropped Gunicorn 0.8 support. Current supported version is 0.13."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:82
+#: ../../changelog.rst:149
msgid "Added custom options to Gunicorn server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:83
+#: ../../changelog.rst:150
msgid "Finally dropped support for type filters. Replace with a custom plugin of needed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:87
+#: ../../changelog.rst:154
msgid "Release 0.9"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:90
+#: ../../changelog.rst:157
msgid "Whats new?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:91
+#: ../../changelog.rst:158
msgid "A brand new plugin-API. See :ref:`plugins` and :doc:`plugindev` for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:92
+#: ../../changelog.rst:159
msgid "The :func:`route` decorator got a lot of new features. See :meth:`Bottle.route` for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:93
+#: ../../changelog.rst:160
msgid "New server adapters for `gevent <>`_, `meinheld <>`_ and `bjoern <>`_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:94
+#: ../../changelog.rst:161
msgid "Support for SimpleTAL templates."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:95
+#: ../../changelog.rst:162
msgid "Better runtime exception handling for mako templates in debug mode."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:96
+#: ../../changelog.rst:163
msgid "Lots of documentation, fixes and small improvements."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:97
+#: ../../changelog.rst:164
msgid "A new :data:`Request.urlparts` property."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:100
+#: ../../changelog.rst:167
msgid "Performance improvements"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:101
+#: ../../changelog.rst:168
msgid "The :class:`Router` now special-cases ``wsgi.run_once`` environments to speed up CGI."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:102
-msgid "Reduced module load time by ~30% and optimized template parser. See `8ccb2d <>`_, `f72a7c <>`_ and `b14b9a <>`_ for details."
+#: ../../changelog.rst:169
+msgid "Reduced module load time by ~30% and optimized template parser. See `8ccb2d </commit/8ccb2d>`_, `f72a7c </commit/f72a7c>`_ and `b14b9a </commit/b14b9a>`_ for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:103
-msgid "Support for \"App Caching\" on Google App Engine. See `af93ec <>`_."
+#: ../../changelog.rst:170
+msgid "Support for \"App Caching\" on Google App Engine. See `af93ec </commit/af93ec>`_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:104
+#: ../../changelog.rst:171
msgid "Some of the rarely used or deprecated features are now plugins that avoid overhead if the feature is not used."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:107
-#: ../../changelog.rst:118
+#: ../../changelog.rst:174
+#: ../../changelog.rst:185
msgid "API changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:108
+#: ../../changelog.rst:175
msgid "This release is mostly backward compatible, but some APIs are marked deprecated now and will be removed for the next release. Most noteworthy:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:110
+#: ../../changelog.rst:177
msgid "The ``static`` route parameter is deprecated. You can escape wild-cards with a backslash."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:111
+#: ../../changelog.rst:178
msgid "Type-based output filters are deprecated. They can easily be replaced with plugins."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:115
+#: ../../changelog.rst:182
msgid "Release 0.8"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:119
+#: ../../changelog.rst:186
msgid "These changes may break compatibility with previous versions."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:121
+#: ../../changelog.rst:188
msgid "The built-in Key/Value database is not available anymore. It is marked deprecated since 0.6.4"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:122
+#: ../../changelog.rst:189
msgid "The Route syntax and behaviour changed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:124
+#: ../../changelog.rst:191
msgid "Regular expressions must be encapsulated with ``#``. In 0.6 all non-alphanumeric characters not present in the regular expression were allowed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:125
+#: ../../changelog.rst:192
msgid "Regular expressions not part of a route wildcard are escaped automatically. You don't have to escape dots or other regular control characters anymore. In 0.6 the whole URL was interpreted as a regular expression. You can use anonymous wildcards (``/index:#(\\.html)?#``) to achieve a similar behaviour."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:127
+#: ../../changelog.rst:194
msgid "The ``BreakTheBottle`` exception is gone. Use :class:`HTTPResponse` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:128
+#: ../../changelog.rst:195
msgid "The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine escapes HTML special characters in ``{{bad_html}}`` expressions automatically. Use the new ``{{!good_html}}`` syntax to get old behaviour (no escaping)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:129
+#: ../../changelog.rst:196
msgid "The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine returns unicode strings instead of lists of byte strings."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:130
+#: ../../changelog.rst:197
msgid "``bottle.optimize()`` and the automatic route optimization is obsolete."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:131
+#: ../../changelog.rst:198
msgid "Some functions and attributes were renamed:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:133
+#: ../../changelog.rst:200
msgid ":attr:`Request._environ` is now :attr:`Request.environ`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:134
+#: ../../changelog.rst:201
msgid ":attr:`Response.header` is now :attr:`Response.headers`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:135
+#: ../../changelog.rst:202
msgid ":func:`default_app` is obsolete. Use :func:`app` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:137
+#: ../../changelog.rst:204
msgid "The default :func:`redirect` code changed from 307 to 303."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:138
+#: ../../changelog.rst:205
msgid "Removed support for ``@default``. Use ``@error(404)`` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:142
+#: ../../changelog.rst:209
msgid "New features"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:143
+#: ../../changelog.rst:210
msgid "This is an incomplete list of new features and improved functionality."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:145
+#: ../../changelog.rst:212
msgid "The :class:`Request` object got new properties: :attr:`Request.body`, :attr:`Request.auth`, :attr:`Request.url`, :attr:`Request.header`, :attr:`Request.forms`, :attr:`Request.files`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:146
+#: ../../changelog.rst:213
msgid "The :meth:`Response.set_cookie` and :meth:`Request.get_cookie` methods are now able to encode and decode python objects. This is called a *secure cookie* because the encoded values are signed and protected from changes on client side. All pickle-able data structures are allowed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:147
+#: ../../changelog.rst:214
msgid "The new :class:`Router` class drastically improves performance for setups with lots of dynamic routes and supports named routes (named route + dict = URL string)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:148
+#: ../../changelog.rst:215
msgid "It is now possible (and recommended) to return :exc:`HTTPError` and :exc:`HTTPResponse` instances or other exception objects instead of raising them."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:149
+#: ../../changelog.rst:216
msgid "The new function :func:`static_file` equals :func:`send_file` but returns a :exc:`HTTPResponse` or :exc:`HTTPError` instead of raising it. :func:`send_file` is deprecated."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:150
+#: ../../changelog.rst:217
msgid "New :func:`get`, :func:`post`, :func:`put` and :func:`delete` decorators."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:151
+#: ../../changelog.rst:218
msgid "The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine got full unicode support."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:152
+#: ../../changelog.rst:219
msgid "Lots of non-critical bugfixes."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:158
+#: ../../changelog.rst:225
msgid "Contributors"
msgstr ""
@@ -574,66 +758,69 @@ msgid "Nicolas Vanhoren"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:51
-msgid "Robert Rollins"
+msgid "Oz N Tiram"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:52
-msgid "rogererens"
+msgid "Robert Rollins"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:53
-msgid "rwxrwx"
+msgid "rogererens"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:54
-msgid "Santiago Gala"
+msgid "rwxrwx"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:55
-msgid "Sean M. Collins"
+msgid "Santiago Gala"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:56
-msgid "Sebastian Wollrath"
+msgid "Sean M. Collins"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:57
-msgid "Seth"
+msgid "Sebastian Wollrath"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:58
-msgid "Sigurd Høgsbro"
+msgid "Seth"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:59
-msgid "Stuart Rackham"
+msgid "Sigurd Høgsbro"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:60
-msgid "Sun Ning"
+msgid "Stuart Rackham"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:61
-msgid "Tomás A. Schertel"
+msgid "Sun Ning"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:62
-msgid "Tristan Zajonc"
+msgid "Tomás A. Schertel"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:63
-msgid "voltron"
+msgid "Tristan Zajonc"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:64
-msgid "Wieland Hoffmann"
+msgid "voltron"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:65
-msgid "zombat"
+msgid "Wieland Hoffmann"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:66
-msgid "Thiago Avelino"
+msgid "zombat"
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:67
+msgid "Thiago Avelino"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/_pot/configuration.pot b/docs/_locale/_pot/configuration.pot
index 2dcf9e8..e268ed0 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/_pot/configuration.pot
+++ b/docs/_locale/_pot/configuration.pot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Bottle 0.13-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-13 21:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -76,72 +76,97 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "With :meth:`ConfigDict.load_config` you can load these ``*.ini`` style configuration files from disk and import their values into your existing configuration::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:84
+#: ../../configuration.rst:85
+msgid "Loading Configuration from a python module"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:89
+msgid "Loading configuration from a Python module is a common pattern for Python programs and frameworks. Bottle assumes that configuration keys are all upper case:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:98
+msgid "You can load the this Python module with :met:`ConfigDict.load_module`::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:107
+msgid "Note the second parameter to disable loading as namespaced items as in :meth:`ConfigDict.load_dict`. By default, loading from a Python module will call this method, unless you specifically call this method with `False` as the second argument."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:110
msgid "Loading Configuration from a nested :class:`dict`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:88
+#: ../../configuration.rst:114
msgid "Another useful method is :meth:`ConfigDict.load_dict`. This method takes an entire structure of nested dictionaries and turns it into a flat list of keys and values with namespaced keys::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:109
+#: ../../configuration.rst:135
msgid "Listening to configuration changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:113
+#: ../../configuration.rst:139
msgid "The ``config`` hook on the application object is triggered each time a value in :attr:`Bottle.config` is changed. This hook can be used to react on configuration changes at runtime, for example reconnect to a new database, change the debug settings on a background service or resize worker thread pools. The hook callback receives two arguments (key, new_value) and is called before the value is actually changed in the dictionary. Raising an exception from a hook callback cancels the change and the old value is preserved."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:122
+#: ../../configuration.rst:148
msgid "The hook callbacks cannot *change* the value that is to be stored to the dictionary. That is what filters are for."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:128
+#: ../../configuration.rst:154
msgid "Filters and other Meta Data"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:132
+#: ../../configuration.rst:158
msgid ":class:`ConfigDict` allows you to store meta data along with configuration keys. Two meta fields are currently defined:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:136
+#: ../../configuration.rst:162
msgid "help"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:135
+#: ../../configuration.rst:161
msgid "A help or description string. May be used by debugging, introspection or admin tools to help the site maintainer configuring their application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:139
+#: ../../configuration.rst:165
msgid "filter"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:139
+#: ../../configuration.rst:165
msgid "A callable that accepts and returns a single value. If a filter is defined for a key, any new value stored to that key is first passed through the filter callback. The filter can be used to cast the value to a different type, check for invalid values (throw a ValueError) or trigger side effects."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:141
+#: ../../configuration.rst:167
msgid "This feature is most useful for plugins. They can validate their config parameters or trigger side effects using filters and document their configuration via ``help`` fields::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:163
+#: ../../configuration.rst:189
msgid "API Documentation"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict:1
-msgid "A dict-like configuration storage with additional support for namespaces, validators, meta-data, on_change listeners and more."
+msgid "A dict-like configuration storage with additional support for namespaces, validators, meta-data, overlays and more."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict:4
+msgid "This dict-like class is heavily optimized for read access. All read-only methods as well as item access should be as fast as the built-in dict."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:1
-msgid "Load values from a Python module. :param squash: Squash nested dicts into namespaces by using"
+msgid "Load values from a Python module."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:3
-msgid "load_dict(), otherwise use update()"
+msgid "Example modue ````::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:0
+#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:0
+msgid "Parameters"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:4
-msgid "Example: load_config('', True) Example: load_config('', False)"
+#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:17
+msgid "If true (default), dictionary values are assumed to represent namespaces (see :meth:`load_dict`)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:1
@@ -149,7 +174,27 @@ msgid "Load values from an ``*.ini`` style config file."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:3
-msgid "If the config file contains sections, their names are used as namespaces for the values within. The two special sections ``DEFAULT`` and ``bottle`` refer to the root namespace (no prefix)."
+msgid "A configuration file consists of sections, each led by a ``[section]`` header, followed by key/value entries separated by either ``=`` or ``:``. Section names and keys are case-insensitive. Leading and trailing whitespace is removed from keys and values. Values can be omitted, in which case the key/value delimiter may also be left out. Values can also span multiple lines, as long as they are indented deeper than the first line of the value. Commands are prefixed by ``#`` or ``;`` and may only appear on their own on an otherwise empty line."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:13
+msgid "Both section and key names may contain dots (``.``) as namespace separators. The actual configuration parameter name is constructed by joining section name and key name together and converting to lower case."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:18
+msgid "The special sections ``bottle`` and ``ROOT`` refer to the root namespace and the ``DEFAULT`` section defines default values for all other sections."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:22
+msgid "With Python 3, extended string interpolation is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:24
+msgid "The path of a config file, or a list of paths."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:25
+msgid "All keyword parameters are passed to the underlying :class:`python:configparser.ConfigParser` constructor call."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.load_dict:1
@@ -157,7 +202,15 @@ msgid "Load values from a dictionary structure. Nesting can be used to represent
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.update:1
-msgid "If the first parameter is a string, all keys are prefixed with this namespace. Apart from that it works just as the usual dict.update(). Example: ``update('some.namespace', key='value')``"
+msgid "If the first parameter is a string, all keys are prefixed with this namespace. Apart from that it works just as the usual dict.update()."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.setdefault:1
+msgid "Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.setdefault:3
+msgid "Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.meta_get:1
@@ -171,4 +224,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.ConfigDict.meta_list:1
msgid "Return an iterable of meta field names defined for a key."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/_pot/contact.pot b/docs/_locale/_pot/contact.pot
index 6f8760d..4795207 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/_pot/contact.pot
+++ b/docs/_locale/_pot/contact.pot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Bottle 0.13-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-13 21:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid "Contact"
msgstr ""
#: ../../contact.rst:6
-msgid "About the Autor"
+msgid "About the Author"
msgstr ""
#: ../../contact.rst:7
@@ -67,4 +67,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../contact.rst:26
msgid "**E-Mail**: marc at gsites dot de"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/_pot/deployment.pot b/docs/_locale/_pot/deployment.pot
index 8ddf019..35712d0 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/_pot/deployment.pot
+++ b/docs/_locale/_pot/deployment.pot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Bottle 0.13-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-13 21:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -25,135 +25,131 @@ msgid "The bottle :func:`run` function, when called without any parameters, star
msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:31
-msgid "To get your application available to the outside world, specify the IP of the interface the server should listen to (e.g. ``run(host='')``) or let the server listen to all interfaces at once (e.g. ``run(host='')``). The listening port can be changed in a similar way, but you need root or admin rights to choose a port below 1024. Port 80 is the standard for HTTP servers::"
+msgid "To get your application available to the outside world, specify the IP the server should listen to (e.g. ``run(host='')``) or let the server listen to all interfaces at once (e.g. ``run(host='')``). The listening port can be changed in a similar way, but you need root or admin rights to choose a port below 1024. Port 80 is the standard for HTTP servers::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:36
+#: ../../deployment.rst:37
msgid "Server Options"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:38
-msgid "The built-in default server is based on `wsgiref WSGIServer <>`_. This non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine for development and early production, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load increases. There are three ways to eliminate this bottleneck:"
+#: ../../deployment.rst:39
+msgid "The built-in default server is based on `wsgiref WSGIServer <>`_. This non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine for development, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load increases. There are three ways to eliminate this bottleneck:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:40
-msgid "Use a different server that is either multi-threaded or asynchronous."
+#: ../../deployment.rst:41
+msgid "Use a different server that is either multi-threaded or supports asynchronous IO."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:41
+#: ../../deployment.rst:42
msgid "Start multiple server processes and spread the load with a load-balancer."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:42
+#: ../../deployment.rst:43
msgid "Do both."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:44
+#: ../../deployment.rst:45
msgid "**Multi-threaded** servers are the 'classic' way to do it. They are very robust, reasonably fast and easy to manage. As a drawback, they can only handle a limited number of connections at the same time and utilize only one CPU core due to the \"Global Interpreter Lock\" (GIL) of the Python runtime. This does not hurt most applications, they are waiting for network IO most of the time anyway, but may slow down CPU intensive tasks (e.g. image processing)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:46
-msgid "**Asynchronous** servers are very fast, can handle a virtually unlimited number of concurrent connections and are easy to manage. To take full advantage of their potential, you need to design your application accordingly and understand the concepts of the specific server."
+#: ../../deployment.rst:47
+msgid "**Asynchronous IO** servers are very fast, can handle a virtually unlimited number of concurrent connections and are easy to manage. To take full advantage of their potential, you need to design your application accordingly and understand the concepts of the specific server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:48
+#: ../../deployment.rst:49
msgid "**Multi-processing** (forking) servers are not limited by the GIL and utilize more than one CPU core, but make communication between server instances more expensive. You need a database or external message query to share state between processes, or design your application so that it does not need any shared state. The setup is also a bit more complicated, but there are good tutorials available."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:51
+#: ../../deployment.rst:52
msgid "Switching the Server Backend"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:53
+#: ../../deployment.rst:54
msgid "The easiest way to increase performance is to install a multi-threaded server library like paste_ or cherrypy_ and tell Bottle to use that instead of the single-threaded default server::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:57
+#: ../../deployment.rst:58
msgid "Bottle ships with a lot of ready-to-use adapters for the most common WSGI servers and automates the setup process. Here is an incomplete list:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:60
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:60
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
msgid "Homepage"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:60
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:62
+#: ../../deployment.rst:63
msgid "cgi"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:62
+#: ../../deployment.rst:63
msgid "Run as CGI script"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
msgid "flup"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
msgid "flup_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
msgid "Run as FastCGI process"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
msgid "gae"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
msgid "gae_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
msgid "Helper for Google App Engine deployments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
msgid "wsgiref"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
msgid "wsgiref_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
msgid "Single-threaded default server"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
msgid "cherrypy"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
msgid "cherrypy_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
msgid "Multi-threaded and very stable"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
msgid "paste"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
msgid "paste_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:67
-msgid "Multi-threaded, stable, tried and tested"
-msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:68
-msgid "Multi-threaded"
+msgid "Multi-threaded, stable, tried and tested"
msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:69
@@ -214,158 +210,145 @@ msgid "diesel_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:74
-msgid "fapws3"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:74
-msgid "fapws3_"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:74
-msgid "Asynchronous (network side only), written in C"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "tornado"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:75
+#: ../../deployment.rst:74
msgid "tornado_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:75
+#: ../../deployment.rst:74
msgid "Asynchronous, powers some parts of Facebook"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "twisted"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "twisted_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "Asynchronous, well tested but... twisted"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
msgid "meinheld"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
msgid "meinheld_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
msgid "Asynchronous, partly written in C"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
msgid "bjoern"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
msgid "bjoern_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
msgid "Asynchronous, very fast and written in C"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:79
+#: ../../deployment.rst:78
msgid "auto"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:79
+#: ../../deployment.rst:78
msgid "Automatically selects an available server adapter"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:82
+#: ../../deployment.rst:81
msgid "The full list is available through :data:`server_names`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:84
+#: ../../deployment.rst:83
msgid "If there is no adapter for your favorite server or if you need more control over the server setup, you may want to start the server manually. Refer to the server documentation on how to run WSGI applications. Here is an example for paste_::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:93
+#: ../../deployment.rst:91
msgid "Apache mod_wsgi"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:95
+#: ../../deployment.rst:93
msgid "Instead of running your own HTTP server from within Bottle, you can attach Bottle applications to an `Apache server <apache>`_ using mod_wsgi_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:97
+#: ../../deployment.rst:95
msgid "All you need is an ``app.wsgi`` file that provides an ``application`` object. This object is used by mod_wsgi to start your application and should be a WSGI-compatible Python callable."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:99
+#: ../../deployment.rst:97
msgid "File ``/var/www/yourapp/app.wsgi``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:110
+#: ../../deployment.rst:108
msgid "The Apache configuration may look like this::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:126
-msgid "With newer versions of Apache (2.4) use a configuration similar to this::"
+msgid "uWSGI"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:128
+msgid "uWSGI_ is a modern alternative to FastCGI and the recommended deployment option on servers like nginx_, lighttpd_, and cherokee_. The uWSGI project provides an application server that runs your application, and defines a protocol that frontend webservers can speak to. Have a look at the excellent `Quickstart for Python/WSGI applications <>`_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:144
+#: ../../deployment.rst:132
msgid "Google AppEngine"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:148
+#: ../../deployment.rst:136
msgid "New App Engine applications using the Python 2.7 runtime environment support any WSGI application and should be configured to use the Bottle application object directly. For example suppose your application's main module is ````::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:158
+#: ../../deployment.rst:146
msgid "Then you can configure App Engine's ``app.yaml`` to use the ``app`` object like so::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:169
-msgid "Bottle also provides a ``gae`` server adapter for legacy App Engine applications using the Python 2.5 runtime environment. It works similar to the ``cgi`` adapter in that it does not start a new HTTP server, but prepares and optimizes your application for Google App Engine and makes sure it conforms to their API::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:173
+#: ../../deployment.rst:158
msgid "It is always a good idea to let GAE serve static files directly. Here is example for a working ``app.yaml`` (using the legacy Python 2.5 runtime environment)::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:189
+#: ../../deployment.rst:175
msgid "Load Balancer (Manual Setup)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:191
+#: ../../deployment.rst:177
msgid "A single Python process can utilize only one CPU at a time, even if there are more CPU cores available. The trick is to balance the load between multiple independent Python processes to utilize all of your CPU cores."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:193
+#: ../../deployment.rst:179
msgid "Instead of a single Bottle application server, you start one instance for each CPU core available using different local port (localhost:8080, 8081, 8082, ...). You can choose any server adapter you want, even asynchronous ones. Then a high performance load balancer acts as a reverse proxy and forwards each new requests to a random port, spreading the load between all available back-ends. This way you can use all of your CPU cores and even spread out the load between different physical servers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:195
+#: ../../deployment.rst:181
msgid "One of the fastest load balancers available is Pound_ but most common web servers have a proxy-module that can do the work just fine."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:197
+#: ../../deployment.rst:183
msgid "Pound example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:215
+#: ../../deployment.rst:201
msgid "Apache example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:223
+#: ../../deployment.rst:209
msgid "Lighttpd example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:235
+#: ../../deployment.rst:221
msgid "Good old CGI"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:237
+#: ../../deployment.rst:223
msgid "A CGI server starts a new process for each request. This adds a lot of overhead but is sometimes the only option, especially on cheap hosting packages. The `cgi` server adapter does not actually start a CGI server, but transforms your bottle application into a valid CGI application::"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/_pot/development.pot b/docs/_locale/_pot/development.pot
index b4de8c0..7f654d1 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/_pot/development.pot
+++ b/docs/_locale/_pot/development.pot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Bottle 0.13-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-13 21:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ msgid "The source repository is structured as follows:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../development.rst:55
-msgid "master branch"
+msgid "``master`` branch"
msgstr ""
#: ../../development.rst:55
@@ -133,158 +133,149 @@ msgid "This is the integration, testing and development branch. All changes that
msgstr ""
#: ../../development.rst:58
-msgid "release-x.y branches"
+msgid "``release-x.y`` branches"
msgstr ""
#: ../../development.rst:58
msgid "As soon as the master branch is (almost) ready for a new release, it is branched into a new release branch. This \"release candidate\" is feature-frozen but may receive bug-fixes and last-minute changes until it is considered production ready and officially released. From that point on it is called a \"support branch\" and still receives bug-fixes, but only important ones. The revision number is increased on each push to these branches, so you can keep up with important changes."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:61
-msgid "bugfix_name-x.y branches"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:61
-msgid "These branches are only temporary and used to develop and share non-trivial bug-fixes for existing releases. They are merged into the corresponding release branch and deleted soon after that."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:65
+#: ../../development.rst:62
msgid "Feature branches"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:64
+#: ../../development.rst:61
msgid "All other branches are feature branches. These are based on the master branch and only live as long as they are still active and not merged back into ``master``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:68
+#: ../../development.rst:65
msgid "What does this mean for a developer?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:69
+#: ../../development.rst:66
msgid "If you want to add a feature, create a new branch from ``master``. If you want to fix a bug, branch ``release-x.y`` for each affected release. Please use a separate branch for each feature or bug to make integration as easy as possible. Thats all. There are git workflow examples at the bottom of this page."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:71
+#: ../../development.rst:68
msgid "Oh, and never ever change the release number. We'll do that on integration. You never know in which order we pull pending requests anyway :)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:75
+#: ../../development.rst:72
msgid "What does this mean for a maintainer ?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:76
+#: ../../development.rst:73
msgid "Watch the tags (and the mailing list) for bug-fixes and new releases. If you want to fetch a specific release from the git repository, trust the tags, not the branches. A branch may contain changes that are not released yet, but a tag marks the exact commit which changed the version number."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:80
+#: ../../development.rst:77
msgid "Submitting Patches"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:82
+#: ../../development.rst:79
msgid "The best way to get your changes integrated into the main development branch is to fork the main repository at github, create a new feature-branch, apply your changes and send a pull-request. Further down this page is a small collection of git workflow examples that may guide you. Submitting git-compatible patches to the mailing list is fine too. In any case, please follow some basic rules:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:84
+#: ../../development.rst:81
msgid "**Documentation:** Tell us what your patch does. Comment your code. If you introduced a new feature, add to the documentation so others can learn about it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:85
+#: ../../development.rst:82
msgid "**Test:** Write tests to prove that your code works as expected and does not break anything. If you fixed a bug, write at least one test-case that triggers the bug. Make sure that all tests pass before you submit a patch."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:86
+#: ../../development.rst:83
msgid "**One patch at a time:** Only fix one bug or add one feature at a time. Design your patches so that they can be applyed as a whole. Keep your patches clean, small and focused."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:87
+#: ../../development.rst:84
msgid "**Sync with upstream:** If the ``upstream/master`` branch changed while you were working on your patch, rebase or pull to make sure that your patch still applies without conflicts."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:91
+#: ../../development.rst:88
msgid "Building the Documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:93
+#: ../../development.rst:90
msgid "You need a recent version of Sphinx to build the documentation. The recommended way is to install :command:`virtualenv` using your distribution package repository and install sphinx manually to get an up-to-date version."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:124
+#: ../../development.rst:121
msgid "GIT Workflow Examples"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:126
+#: ../../development.rst:123
msgid "The following examples assume that you have an (free) `github account <>`_. This is not mandatory, but makes things a lot easier."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:128
+#: ../../development.rst:125
msgid "First of all you need to create a fork (a personal clone) of the official repository. To do this, you simply click the \"fork\" button on the `bottle project page <>`_. When the fork is done, you will be presented with a short introduction to your new repository."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:130
+#: ../../development.rst:127
msgid "The fork you just created is hosted at github and read-able by everyone, but write-able only by you. Now you need to clone the fork locally to actually make changes to it. Make sure you use the private (read-write) URL and *not* the public (read-only) one::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:134
+#: ../../development.rst:131
msgid "Once the clone is complete your repository will have a remote named \"origin\" that points to your fork on github. Don’t let the name confuse you, this does not point to the original bottle repository, but to your own fork. To keep track of the official repository, add another remote named \"upstream\"::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:140
+#: ../../development.rst:137
msgid "Note that \"upstream\" is a public clone URL, which is read-only. You cannot push changes directly to it. Instead, we will pull from your public repository. This is described later."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:143
+#: ../../development.rst:140
msgid "Submit a Feature"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:144
+#: ../../development.rst:141
msgid "New features are developed in separate feature-branches to make integration easy. Because they are going to be integrated into the ``master`` branch, they must be based on ``upstream/master``. To create a new feature-branch, type the following::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:148
+#: ../../development.rst:145
msgid "Now implement your feature, write tests, update the documentation, make sure that all tests pass and commit your changes::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:152
+#: ../../development.rst:149
msgid "If the ``upstream/master`` branch changed in the meantime, there may be conflicts with your changes. To solve these, 'rebase' your feature-branch onto the top of the updated ``upstream/master`` branch::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:157
+#: ../../development.rst:154
msgid "This is equivalent to undoing all your changes, updating your branch to the latest version and reapplying all your patches again. If you released your branch already (see next step), this is not an option because it rewrites your history. You can do a normal pull instead. Resolve any conflicts, run the tests again and commit."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:159
+#: ../../development.rst:156
msgid "Now you are almost ready to send a pull request. But first you need to make your feature-branch public by pushing it to your github fork::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:163
+#: ../../development.rst:160
msgid "After you’ve pushed your commit(s) you need to inform us about the new feature. One way is to send a pull-request using github. Another way would be to start a thread in the mailing-list, which is recommended. It allows other developers to see and discuss your patches and you get some feedback for free :)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:165
+#: ../../development.rst:162
msgid "If we accept your patch, we will integrate it into the official development branch and make it part of the next release."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:168
+#: ../../development.rst:165
msgid "Fix a Bug"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:169
+#: ../../development.rst:166
msgid "The workflow for bug-fixes is very similar to the one for features, but there are some differences:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:171
+#: ../../development.rst:168
msgid "Branch off of the affected release branches instead of just the development branch."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:172
+#: ../../development.rst:169
msgid "Write at least one test-case that triggers the bug."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:173
+#: ../../development.rst:170
msgid "Do this for each affected branch including ``upstream/master`` if it is affected. ``git cherry-pick`` may help you reducing repetitive work."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:174
+#: ../../development.rst:171
msgid "Name your branch after the release it is based on to avoid confusion. Examples: ``my_bugfix-x.y`` or ``my_bugfix-dev``."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/_pot/faq.pot b/docs/_locale/_pot/faq.pot
index 863a571..9e1fc9a 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/_pot/faq.pot
+++ b/docs/_locale/_pot/faq.pot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Bottle 0.13-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-13 21:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ msgid "Dynamic Routes and Slashes"
msgstr ""
#: ../../faq.rst:40
-msgid "In :ref:`dynamic route syntax <tutorial-dynamic-routes>`, a placeholder token (``:name``) matches everything up to the next slash. This equals to ``[^/]+`` in regular expression syntax. To accept slashes too, you have to add a custom regular pattern to the placeholder. An example: ``/images/:filepath#.*#`` would match ``/images/icons/error.png`` but ``/images/:filename`` won't."
+msgid "In :ref:`dynamic route syntax <tutorial-dynamic-routes>`, a placeholder token (``<name>``) matches everything up to the next slash. This equals to ``[^/]+`` in regular expression syntax. To accept slashes too, you have to add a custom regular pattern to the placeholder. An example: ``/images/<filepath:path>`` would match ``/images/icons/error.png`` but ``/images/<filename>`` won't."
msgstr ""
#: ../../faq.rst:43
@@ -63,4 +63,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../faq.rst:45
msgid "Redirects and url-building only works if bottle knows the public address and location of your application. If you run bottle locally behind a reverse proxy or load balancer, some information might get lost along the way. For example, the ``wsgi.url_scheme`` value or the ``Host`` header might reflect the local request by your proxy, not the real request by the client. Here is a small WSGI middleware snippet that helps to fix these values::"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/_pot/index.pot b/docs/_locale/_pot/index.pot
index 7c7fc3e..aceb42a 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/_pot/index.pot
+++ b/docs/_locale/_pot/index.pot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Bottle 0.13-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-13 21:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -16,87 +16,90 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../../index.rst:21
+#: ../../index.rst:20
msgid "Bottle: Python Web Framework"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:23
+#: ../../index.rst:22
msgid "Bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI_ micro web-framework for Python_. It is distributed as a single file module and has no dependencies other than the `Python Standard Library <>`_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:26
+#: ../../index.rst:25
msgid "**Routing:** Requests to function-call mapping with support for clean and dynamic URLs."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:27
+#: ../../index.rst:26
msgid "**Templates:** Fast and pythonic :ref:`built-in template engine <tutorial-templates>` and support for mako_, jinja2_ and cheetah_ templates."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:28
+#: ../../index.rst:27
msgid "**Utilities:** Convenient access to form data, file uploads, cookies, headers and other HTTP-related metadata."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:29
-msgid "**Server:** Built-in HTTP development server and support for paste_, fapws3_, bjoern_, gae_, cherrypy_ or any other WSGI_ capable HTTP server."
+#: ../../index.rst:28
+msgid "**Server:** Built-in HTTP development server and support for paste_, bjoern_, gae_, cherrypy_ or any other WSGI_ capable HTTP server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:32
+#: ../../index.rst:31
msgid "Example: \"Hello World\" in a bottle"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:43
+#: ../../index.rst:42
msgid "Run this script or paste it into a Python console, then point your browser to `<http://localhost:8080/hello/world>`_. That's it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:46
+#: ../../index.rst:45
msgid "Download and Install"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:49
-msgid "Install the latest stable release with ``pip install bottle``, ``easy_install -U bottle`` or download ``__ (unstable) into your project directory. There are no hard [1]_ dependencies other than the Python standard library. Bottle runs with **Python 2.7 and 3.4+**."
+#: ../../index.rst:48
+msgid "Install the latest stable release with ``pip install bottle`` or download ``__ (unstable) into your project directory. There are no hard [1]_ dependencies other than the Python standard library. Bottle supports **Python 2.7 and Python 3**."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:50
+msgid "Support for Python 2.5 and 2.6 was dropped with this release."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:52
+#: ../../index.rst:55
msgid "User's Guide"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:53
+#: ../../index.rst:56
msgid "Start here if you want to learn how to use the bottle framework for web development. If you have any questions not answered here, feel free to ask the `mailing list <>`_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:68
+#: ../../index.rst:71
msgid "Knowledge Base"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:69
+#: ../../index.rst:72
msgid "A collection of articles, guides and HOWTOs."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:81
+#: ../../index.rst:84
msgid "Development and Contribution"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:83
+#: ../../index.rst:86
msgid "These chapters are intended for developers interested in the bottle development and release workflow."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:100
+#: ../../index.rst:103
msgid "License"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:102
+#: ../../index.rst:105
msgid "Code and documentation are available according to the MIT License:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:107
+#: ../../index.rst:110
msgid "The Bottle logo however is *NOT* covered by that license. It is allowed to use the logo as a link to the bottle homepage or in direct context with the unmodified library. In all other cases please ask first."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:112
+#: ../../index.rst:115
msgid "Footnotes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:113
+#: ../../index.rst:116
msgid "Usage of the template or server adapter classes requires the corresponding template or server modules."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/_pot/plugindev.pot b/docs/_locale/_pot/plugindev.pot
index b88de85..20be7a1 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/_pot/plugindev.pot
+++ b/docs/_locale/_pot/plugindev.pot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Bottle 0.13-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-13 21:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ msgid "rule"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugindev.rst:111
-msgid "The rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/:page``)."
+msgid "The rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/<page>``)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugindev.rst:112
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ msgid "Once all plugins are applied to a route, the wrapped route callback is ca
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugindev.rst:141
-msgid "For performance reasons, however, it might be worthwhile to choose a different wrapper based on current needs, work with closures, or enable or disable a plugin at runtime. Let's take the built-in HooksPlugin as an example: If no hooks are installed, the plugin removes itself from all affected routes and has virtaully no overhead. As soon as you install the first hook, the plugin activates itself and takes effect again."
+msgid "For performance reasons, however, it might be worthwhile to choose a different wrapper based on current needs, work with closures, or enable or disable a plugin at runtime. Let's take the built-in HooksPlugin as an example: If no hooks are installed, the plugin removes itself from all affected routes and has virtually no overhead. As soon as you install the first hook, the plugin activates itself and takes effect again."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugindev.rst:143
@@ -255,4 +255,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../plugindev.rst:239
msgid "The first route needs a database connection and tells the plugin to create a handle by requesting a ``db`` keyword argument. The second route does not need a database and is therefore ignored by the plugin. The third route does expect a 'db' keyword argument, but explicitly skips the sqlite plugin. This way the argument is not overruled by the plugin and still contains the value of the same-named url argument."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/_pot/plugins/index.pot b/docs/_locale/_pot/plugins/index.pot
index 290f0eb..c65e4ac 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/_pot/plugins/index.pot
+++ b/docs/_locale/_pot/plugins/index.pot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Bottle 0.13-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-13 21:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ msgid "Have a look at :ref:`plugins` for general questions about plugins (instal
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:12
-msgid "Bottle-Beaker"
+msgid "`Bottle-Beaker <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:12
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ msgid "Beaker to session and caching library with WSGI Middleware"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:15
-msgid "Bottle-Cork"
+msgid "`Bottle-Cork <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:15
@@ -45,110 +45,181 @@ msgid "Cork provides a simple set of methods to implement Authentication and Aut
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:18
-msgid "Bottle-Extras"
+msgid "`Bottle-Cors-plugin <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:18
-msgid "Meta package to install the bottle plugin collection."
+msgid "Cors-plugin is the easiest way to implement cors on your bottle web application"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:21
-msgid "Bottle-Flash"
+msgid "`Bottle-Extras <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:21
-msgid "flash plugin for bottle"
+msgid "Meta package to install the bottle plugin collection."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:24
-msgid "Bottle-Hotqueue"
+msgid "`Bottle-Flash <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:24
-msgid "FIFO Queue for Bottle built upon redis"
+msgid "flash plugin for bottle"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:27
-msgid "Macaron"
+msgid "`Bottle-Hotqueue <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:27
-msgid "Macaron is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for SQLite."
+msgid "FIFO Queue for Bottle built upon redis"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:30
-msgid "Bottle-Memcache"
+msgid "`Macaron <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:30
-msgid "Memcache integration for Bottle."
+msgid "Macaron is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for SQLite."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:33
-msgid "Bottle-Mongo"
+msgid "`Bottle-Memcache <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:33
-msgid "MongoDB integration for Bottle"
+msgid "Memcache integration for Bottle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:36
-msgid "Bottle-Redis"
+msgid "`Bottle-Mongo <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:36
-msgid "Redis integration for Bottle."
+msgid "MongoDB integration for Bottle"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:39
-msgid "Bottle-Renderer"
+msgid "`Bottle-OAuthlib <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:39
-msgid "Renderer plugin for bottle"
+msgid "Adapter for oauthlib - create your own OAuth2.0 implementation"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:42
-msgid "Bottle-Servefiles"
+msgid "`Bottle-Redis <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:42
-msgid "A reusable app that serves static files for bottle apps"
+msgid "Redis integration for Bottle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:45
-msgid "Bottle-Sqlalchemy"
+msgid "`Bottle-Renderer <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:45
-msgid "SQLAlchemy integration for Bottle."
+msgid "Renderer plugin for bottle"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:48
-msgid "Bottle-Sqlite"
+msgid "`Bottle-Servefiles <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:48
-msgid "SQLite3 database integration for Bottle."
+msgid "A reusable app that serves static files for bottle apps"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:51
-msgid "Bottle-Web2pydal"
+msgid "`Bottle-Sqlalchemy <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:51
-msgid "Web2py Dal integration for Bottle."
+msgid "SQLAlchemy integration for Bottle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:54
-msgid "Bottle-Werkzeug"
+msgid "`Bottle-Sqlite <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:54
+msgid "SQLite3 database integration for Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:57
+msgid "`Bottle-Web2pydal <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:57
+msgid "Web2py Dal integration for Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:60
+msgid "`Bottle-Werkzeug <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:60
msgid "Integrates the `werkzeug` library (alternative request and response objects, advanced debugging middleware and more)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../plugins/index.rst:56
-msgid "Plugins listed here are not part of Bottle or the Bottle project, but developed and maintained by third parties."
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:63
+msgid "`bottle-smart-filters <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:63
+msgid "Bottle Querystring smart guessing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:66
+msgid "`bottle-jwt <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:66
+msgid "JSON Web Token authentication plugin for"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:69
+msgid "`Bottle-jwt <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:69
+msgid "JWT integration for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:72
+msgid "`canister <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:72
+msgid "a bottle wrapper to provide logging, sessions and authentication"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:75
+msgid "`bottle-cerberus <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:75
+msgid "Cerberus integration for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:78
+msgid "`Bottle-errorsrest <>`_"
msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:78
+msgid "All errors generated from bottle are returned in json"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:82
+msgid "`Bottle-tools <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:81
+msgid "Decorators that auto-supply function arguments using POST/query string data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:84
+msgid "Plugins listed here are not part of Bottle or the Bottle project, but developed and maintained by third parties."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/_pot/recipes.pot b/docs/_locale/_pot/recipes.pot
index 4d5ea56..f656706 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/_pot/recipes.pot
+++ b/docs/_locale/_pot/recipes.pot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Bottle 0.13-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-13 21:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -32,187 +32,195 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "There is no built-in support for sessions because there is no *right* way to do it (in a micro framework). Depending on requirements and environment you could use beaker_ middleware with a fitting backend or implement it yourself. Here is an example for beaker sessions with a file-based backend::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:46
+#: ../../recipes.rst:45
+msgid "WARNING: Beaker's SessionMiddleware is not thread safe. If two concurrent requests modify the same session at the same time, one of the updates might get lost. For this reason, sessions should only be populated once and treated as a read-only store after that. If you find yourself updating sessions regularly, and don't want to risk losing any updates, think about using a real database instead or seek alternative session middleware libraries."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:49
msgid "Debugging with Style: Debugging Middleware"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:48
+#: ../../recipes.rst:51
msgid "Bottle catches all Exceptions raised in your app code to prevent your WSGI server from crashing. If the built-in :func:`debug` mode is not enough and you need exceptions to propagate to a debugging middleware, you can turn off this behaviour::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:56
+#: ../../recipes.rst:59
msgid "Now, bottle only catches its own exceptions (:exc:`HTTPError`, :exc:`HTTPResponse` and :exc:`BottleException`) and your middleware can handle the rest."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:58
+#: ../../recipes.rst:61
msgid "The werkzeug_ and paste_ libraries both ship with very powerful debugging WSGI middleware. Look at :class:`werkzeug.debug.DebuggedApplication` for werkzeug_ and :class:`paste.evalexception.middleware.EvalException` for paste_. They both allow you do inspect the stack and even execute python code within the stack context, so **do not use them in production**."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:62
+#: ../../recipes.rst:65
msgid "Unit-Testing Bottle Applications"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:64
+#: ../../recipes.rst:67
msgid "Unit-testing is usually performed against methods defined in your web application without running a WSGI environment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:66
+#: ../../recipes.rst:69
msgid "A simple example using `Nose <>`_::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:77
+#: ../../recipes.rst:80
+#: ../../recipes.rst:97
msgid "Test script::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:84
+#: ../../recipes.rst:87
msgid "In the example the Bottle route() method is never executed - only index() is tested."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:88
+#: ../../recipes.rst:89
+msgid "If the code being tested requires access to ``bottle.request`` you can mock it using `Boddle <>`_::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:108
msgid "Functional Testing Bottle Applications"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:90
+#: ../../recipes.rst:110
msgid "Any HTTP-based testing system can be used with a running WSGI server, but some testing frameworks work more intimately with WSGI, and provide the ability the call WSGI applications in a controlled environment, with tracebacks and full use of debugging tools. `Testing tools for WSGI <>`_ is a good starting point."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:92
+#: ../../recipes.rst:112
msgid "Example using `WebTest <>`_ and `Nose <>`_::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:112
+#: ../../recipes.rst:132
msgid "Embedding other WSGI Apps"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:114
+#: ../../recipes.rst:134
msgid "This is not the recommend way (you should use a middleware in front of bottle to do this) but you can call other WSGI applications from within your bottle app and let bottle act as a pseudo-middleware. Here is an example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:130
+#: ../../recipes.rst:150
msgid "Again, this is not the recommend way to implement subprojects. It is only here because many people asked for this and to show how bottle maps to WSGI."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:134
+#: ../../recipes.rst:154
msgid "Ignore trailing slashes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:136
+#: ../../recipes.rst:156
msgid "For Bottle, ``/example`` and ``/example/`` are two different routes [1]_. To treat both URLs the same you can add two ``@route`` decorators::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:142
+#: ../../recipes.rst:162
msgid "add a WSGI middleware that strips trailing slashes from all URLs::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:155
+#: ../../recipes.rst:175
msgid "or add a ``before_request`` hook to strip the trailing slashes::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:162
+#: ../../recipes.rst:182
msgid "Footnotes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:163
+#: ../../recipes.rst:183
msgid "Because they are. See <>"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:167
+#: ../../recipes.rst:187
msgid "Keep-alive requests"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:171
+#: ../../recipes.rst:191
msgid "For a more detailed explanation, see :doc:`async`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:173
+#: ../../recipes.rst:193
msgid "Several \"push\" mechanisms like XHR multipart need the ability to write response data without closing the connection in conjunction with the response header \"Connection: keep-alive\". WSGI does not easily lend itself to this behavior, but it is still possible to do so in Bottle by using the gevent_ async framework. Here is a sample that works with either the gevent_ HTTP server or the paste_ HTTP server (it may work with others, but I have not tried). Just change ``server='gevent'`` to ``server='paste'`` to use the paste_ server::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:190
+#: ../../recipes.rst:210
msgid "If you browse to ``http://localhost:8080/stream``, you should see 'START', 'MIDDLE', and 'END' show up one at a time (rather than waiting 8 seconds to see them all at once)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:193
+#: ../../recipes.rst:213
msgid "Gzip Compression in Bottle"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:196
+#: ../../recipes.rst:216
msgid "For a detailed discussion, see compression_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:198
+#: ../../recipes.rst:218
msgid "A common feature request is for Bottle to support Gzip compression, which speeds up sites by compressing static resources (like CSS and JS files) during a request."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:200
+#: ../../recipes.rst:220
msgid "Supporting Gzip compression is not a straightforward proposition, due to a number of corner cases that crop up frequently. A proper Gzip implementation must:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:202
+#: ../../recipes.rst:222
msgid "Compress on the fly and be fast doing so."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:203
+#: ../../recipes.rst:223
msgid "Do not compress for browsers that don't support it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:204
+#: ../../recipes.rst:224
msgid "Do not compress files that are compressed already (images, videos)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:205
+#: ../../recipes.rst:225
msgid "Do not compress dynamic files."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:206
+#: ../../recipes.rst:226
msgid "Support two differed compression algorithms (gzip and deflate)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:207
+#: ../../recipes.rst:227
msgid "Cache compressed files that don't change often."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:208
+#: ../../recipes.rst:228
msgid "De-validate the cache if one of the files changed anyway."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:209
+#: ../../recipes.rst:229
msgid "Make sure the cache does not get to big."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:210
+#: ../../recipes.rst:230
msgid "Do not cache small files because a disk seek would take longer than on-the-fly compression."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:212
+#: ../../recipes.rst:232
msgid "Because of these requirements, it is the recommendation of the Bottle project that Gzip compression is best handled by the WSGI server Bottle runs on top of. WSGI servers such as cherrypy_ provide a GzipFilter_ middleware that can be used to accomplish this."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:216
+#: ../../recipes.rst:236
msgid "Using the hooks plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:218
+#: ../../recipes.rst:238
msgid "For example, if you want to allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for the content returned by all of your URL, you can use the hook decorator and setup a callback function::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:236
+#: ../../recipes.rst:256
msgid "You can also use the ``before_request`` to take an action before every function gets called."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:241
+#: ../../recipes.rst:261
msgid "Using Bottle with Heroku"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:243
+#: ../../recipes.rst:263
msgid "Heroku_, a popular cloud application platform now provides support for running Python applications on their infastructure."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:246
+#: ../../recipes.rst:266
msgid "This recipe is based upon the `Heroku Quickstart <>`_, with Bottle specific code replacing the `Write Your App <>`_ section of the `Getting Started with Python on Heroku/Cedar <>`_ guide::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:262
+#: ../../recipes.rst:282
msgid "Heroku's app stack passes the port that the application needs to listen on for requests, using the `os.environ` dictionary."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/_pot/routing.pot b/docs/_locale/_pot/routing.pot
index 10f54ac..ba9056a 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/_pot/routing.pot
+++ b/docs/_locale/_pot/routing.pot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Bottle 0.13-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-13 21:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -79,106 +79,109 @@ msgid "//123"
msgstr ""
#: ../../routing.rst:29
+msgid "Is it possible to escape characters like colon ``:`` with a backslash ``\\``. This will prevent to trigger the old syntax in case you need to use ``:``. For example: the rule ``/<action>/item:<id>`` triggers the old syntax, (see below) but ``/action/item\\:<id>`` works as intended with the new syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:33
msgid "You can change the exact behaviour in many ways using filters. This is described in the next section."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:32
+#: ../../routing.rst:36
msgid "Wildcard Filters"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:36
+#: ../../routing.rst:40
msgid "Filters are used to define more specific wildcards, and/or transform the matched part of the URL before it is passed to the callback. A filtered wildcard is declared as ``<name:filter>`` or ``<name:filter:config>``. The syntax for the optional config part depends on the filter used."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:38
+#: ../../routing.rst:42
msgid "The following standard filters are implemented:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:40
+#: ../../routing.rst:44
msgid "**:int** matches (signed) digits and converts the value to integer."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:41
+#: ../../routing.rst:45
msgid "**:float** similar to :int but for decimal numbers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:42
+#: ../../routing.rst:46
msgid "**:path** matches all characters including the slash character in a non-greedy way and may be used to match more than one path segment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:43
+#: ../../routing.rst:47
msgid "**:re[:exp]** allows you to specify a custom regular expression in the config field. The matched value is not modified."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:45
+#: ../../routing.rst:49
msgid "You can add your own filters to the router. All you need is a function that returns three elements: A regular expression string, a callable to convert the URL fragment to a python value, and a callable that does the opposite. The filter function is called with the configuration string as the only parameter and may parse it as needed::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:71
+#: ../../routing.rst:75
msgid "Legacy Syntax"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:75
+#: ../../routing.rst:79
msgid "The new rule syntax was introduce in **Bottle 0.10** to simplify some common use cases, but the old syntax still works and you can find lot code examples still using it. The differences are best described by example:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:78
+#: ../../routing.rst:82
msgid "Old Syntax"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:78
+#: ../../routing.rst:82
msgid "New Syntax"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:80
+#: ../../routing.rst:84
msgid "``:name``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:80
+#: ../../routing.rst:84
msgid "``<name>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:81
+#: ../../routing.rst:85
msgid "``:name#regexp#``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:81
+#: ../../routing.rst:85
msgid "``<name:re:regexp>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:82
+#: ../../routing.rst:86
msgid "``:#regexp#``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:82
+#: ../../routing.rst:86
msgid "``<:re:regexp>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:83
+#: ../../routing.rst:87
msgid "``:##``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:83
+#: ../../routing.rst:87
msgid "``<:re>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:86
+#: ../../routing.rst:90
msgid "Try to avoid the old syntax in future projects if you can. It is not currently deprecated, but will be eventually."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:91
+#: ../../routing.rst:95
msgid "Explicit routing configuration"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:93
+#: ../../routing.rst:97
msgid "Route decorator can also be directly called as method. This way provides flexibility in complex setups, allowing you to directly control, when and how routing configuration done."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:95
+#: ../../routing.rst:99
msgid "Here is a basic example of explicit routing configuration for default bottle application::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:101
+#: ../../routing.rst:105
msgid "In fact, any :class:`Bottle` instance routing can be configured same way::"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/_pot/stpl.pot b/docs/_locale/_pot/stpl.pot
index 90250ce..d8c1397 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/_pot/stpl.pot
+++ b/docs/_locale/_pot/stpl.pot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Bottle 0.13-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-13 21:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -93,82 +93,89 @@ msgid "Both the ``%`` and the ``<%`` tokens are only recognized if they are the
msgstr ""
#: ../../stpl.rst:96
-msgid "If you find yourself to escape a lot, consider using :ref:`custom tokens <stpl-custom-tokens>`."
+msgid "If you find yourself needing to escape a lot, consider using :ref:`custom tokens <stpl-custom-tokens>`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:99
+#: ../../stpl.rst:98
+msgid "Note that ``%`` and ``<% %>`` work in *exactly* the same way. The latter is only a convenient way to type less and avoid clutter for longer code segments. This means that in ``<% %>`` blocks, all indented code must be terminated with an ``end``, as in the following example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:114
msgid "Whitespace Control"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:101
+#: ../../stpl.rst:116
msgid "Code blocks and code lines always span the whole line. Whitespace in front of after a code segment is stripped away. You won't see empty lines or dangling whitespace in your template because of embedded code::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:109
+#: ../../stpl.rst:124
msgid "This snippet renders to clean and compact html::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:115
+#: ../../stpl.rst:130
msgid "But embedding code still requires you to start a new line, which may not what you want to see in your rendered template. To skip the newline in front of a code segment, end the text line with a double-backslash::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:123
+#: ../../stpl.rst:138
msgid "This time the rendered template looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:127
+#: ../../stpl.rst:142
msgid "This only works directly in front of code segments. In all other places you can control the whitespace yourself and don't need any special syntax."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:130
+#: ../../stpl.rst:145
msgid "Template Functions"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:132
+#: ../../stpl.rst:147
msgid "Each template is preloaded with a bunch of functions that help with the most common use cases. These functions are always available. You don't have to import or provide them yourself. For everything not covered here there are probably good python libraries available. Remember that you can ``import`` anything you want within your templates. They are python programs after all."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:136
+#: ../../stpl.rst:151
msgid "Prior to this release, :func:`include` and :func:`rebase` were syntax keywords, not functions."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:141
+#: ../../stpl.rst:156
msgid "Render a sub-template with the specified variables and insert the resulting text into the current template. The function returns a dictionary containing the local variables passed to or defined within the sub-template::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:149
+#: ../../stpl.rst:164
msgid "Mark the current template to be later included into a different template. After the current template is rendered, its resulting text is stored in a variable named ``base`` and passed to the base-template, which is then rendered. This can be used to `wrap` a template with surrounding text, or simulate the inheritance feature found in other template engines::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:154
+#: ../../stpl.rst:169
msgid "This can be combined with the following ``base.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:166
+#: ../../stpl.rst:181
msgid "Accessing undefined variables in a template raises :exc:`NameError` and stops rendering immediately. This is standard python behavior and nothing new, but vanilla python lacks an easy way to check the availability of a variable. This quickly gets annoying if you want to support flexible inputs or use the same template in different situations. These functions may help:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:174
+#: ../../stpl.rst:189
msgid "Return True if the variable is defined in the current template namespace, False otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:179
+#: ../../stpl.rst:194
msgid "Return the variable, or a default value."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:183
+#: ../../stpl.rst:198
msgid "If the variable is not defined, create it with the given default value. Return the variable."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:186
+#: ../../stpl.rst:201
msgid "Here is an example that uses all three functions to implement optional template variables in different ways::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:200
+#: ../../stpl.rst:215
msgid ":class:`SimpleTemplate` API"
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../ of bottle.SimpleTemplate.prepare:1
+msgid "Run preparations (parsing, caching, ...). It should be possible to call this again to refresh a template or to update settings."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../ of bottle.SimpleTemplate.render:1
msgid "Render the template using keyword arguments as local variables."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/_pot/tutorial.pot b/docs/_locale/_pot/tutorial.pot
index c85eac3..49c9cca 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/_pot/tutorial.pot
+++ b/docs/_locale/_pot/tutorial.pot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Bottle 0.13-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-13 21:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ msgid "As mentioned above, Python dictionaries (or subclasses thereof) are autom
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:273
-msgid "Empty Strings, False, None or other non-true values:"
+msgid "Empty Strings, ``False``, ``None`` or other non-true values:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:273
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ msgid "Bottle returns strings as a whole (instead of iterating over each char) a
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:282
-msgid "Instances of HTTPError or HTTPResponse"
+msgid "Instances of :exc:`HTTPError` or :exc:`HTTPResponse`"
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:282
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ msgid "You may provide a different HTTP status code as a second parameter."
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:365
-msgid "Both functions will interrupt your callback code by raising an :exc:`HTTPError` exception."
+msgid "Both functions will interrupt your callback code by raising an :exc:`HTTPResponse` exception."
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:368
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ msgid "Please note that this is just an example. If you want to work with cookie
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:403
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:532
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:533
msgid "Cookies"
msgstr ""
@@ -413,527 +413,530 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "**httponly:** Prevent client-side javascript to read this cookie (default: off, requires Python 2.7 or newer)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:424
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:423
+msgid "**same_site:** Disables third-party use for a cookie. Allowed attributes: `lax` and `strict`. In strict mode the cookie will never be sent. In lax mode the cookie is only sent with a top-level GET request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:425
msgid "If neither `expires` nor `max_age` is set, the cookie expires at the end of the browser session or as soon as the browser window is closed. There are some other gotchas you should consider when using cookies:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:426
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:427
msgid "Cookies are limited to 4 KB of text in most browsers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:427
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:428
msgid "Some users configure their browsers to not accept cookies at all. Most search engines ignore cookies too. Make sure that your application still works without cookies."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:428
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:429
msgid "Cookies are stored at client side and are not encrypted in any way. Whatever you store in a cookie, the user can read it. Worse than that, an attacker might be able to steal a user's cookies through `XSS <>`_ vulnerabilities on your side. Some viruses are known to read the browser cookies, too. Thus, never store confidential information in cookies."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:429
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:430
msgid "Cookies are easily forged by malicious clients. Do not trust cookies."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:434
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:435
msgid "Signed Cookies"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:435
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:436
msgid "As mentioned above, cookies are easily forged by malicious clients. Bottle can cryptographically sign your cookies to prevent this kind of manipulation. All you have to do is to provide a signature key via the `secret` keyword argument whenever you read or set a cookie and keep that key a secret. As a result, :meth:`Request.get_cookie` will return ``None`` if the cookie is not signed or the signature keys don't match::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:455
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:456
msgid "In addition, Bottle automatically pickles and unpickles any data stored to signed cookies. This allows you to store any pickle-able object (not only strings) to cookies, as long as the pickled data does not exceed the 4 KB limit."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:457
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:458
msgid "Signed cookies are not encrypted (the client can still see the content) and not copy-protected (the client can restore an old cookie). The main intention is to make pickling and unpickling safe and prevent manipulation, not to store secret information at client side."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:470
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:471
msgid "Request Data"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:472
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:473
msgid "Cookies, HTTP header, HTML ``<form>`` fields and other request data is available through the global :data:`request` object. This special object always refers to the *current* request, even in multi-threaded environments where multiple client connections are handled at the same time::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:481
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:482
msgid "The :data:`request` object is a subclass of :class:`BaseRequest` and has a very rich API to access data. We only cover the most commonly used features here, but it should be enough to get started."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:486
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:487
msgid "Introducing :class:`FormsDict`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:488
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:489
msgid "Bottle uses a special type of dictionary to store form data and cookies. :class:`FormsDict` behaves like a normal dictionary, but has some additional features to make your life easier."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:490
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:491
msgid "**Attribute access**: All values in the dictionary are also accessible as attributes. These virtual attributes return unicode strings, even if the value is missing or unicode decoding fails. In that case, the string is empty, but still present::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:505
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:506
msgid "**Multiple values per key:** :class:`FormsDict` is a subclass of :class:`MultiDict` and can store more than one value per key. The standard dictionary access methods will only return a single value, but the :meth:`~MultiDict.getall` method returns a (possibly empty) list of all values for a specific key::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:510
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:511
msgid "**WTForms support:** Some libraries (e.g. `WTForms <>`_) want all-unicode dictionaries as input. :meth:`FormsDict.decode` does that for you. It decodes all values and returns a copy of itself, while preserving multiple values per key and all the other features."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:514
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:515
msgid "In **Python 2** all keys and values are byte-strings. If you need unicode, you can call :meth:`FormsDict.getunicode` or fetch values via attribute access. Both methods try to decode the string (default: utf8) and return an empty string if that fails. No need to catch :exc:`UnicodeError`::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:521
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:522
msgid "In **Python 3** all strings are unicode, but HTTP is a byte-based wire protocol. The server has to decode the byte strings somehow before they are passed to the application. To be on the safe side, WSGI suggests ISO-8859-1 (aka latin1), a reversible single-byte codec that can be re-encoded with a different encoding later. Bottle does that for :meth:`FormsDict.getunicode` and attribute access, but not for the dict-access methods. These return the unchanged values as provided by the server implementation, which is probably not what you want."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:528
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:529
msgid "If you need the whole dictionary with correctly decoded values (e.g. for WTForms), you can call :meth:`FormsDict.decode` to get a re-encoded copy."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:534
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:535
msgid "Cookies are small pieces of text stored in the clients browser and sent back to the server with each request. They are useful to keep some state around for more than one request (HTTP itself is stateless), but should not be used for security related stuff. They can be easily forged by the client."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:536
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:537
msgid "All cookies sent by the client are available through :attr:`BaseRequest.cookies` (a :class:`FormsDict`). This example shows a simple cookie-based view counter::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:546
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:547
msgid "The :meth:`BaseRequest.get_cookie` method is a different way do access cookies. It supports decoding :ref:`signed cookies <tutorial-signed-cookies>` as described in a separate section."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:549
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:550
msgid "HTTP Headers"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:551
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:552
msgid "All HTTP headers sent by the client (e.g. ``Referer``, ``Agent`` or ``Accept-Language``) are stored in a :class:`WSGIHeaderDict` and accessible through the :attr:`BaseRequest.headers` attribute. A :class:`WSGIHeaderDict` is basically a dictionary with case-insensitive keys::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:563
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:564
msgid "Query Variables"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:565
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:566
msgid "The query string (as in ``/forum?id=1&page=5``) is commonly used to transmit a small number of key/value pairs to the server. You can use the :attr:`BaseRequest.query` attribute (a :class:`FormsDict`) to access these values and the :attr:`BaseRequest.query_string` attribute to get the whole string."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:578
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:579
msgid "HTML `<form>` Handling"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:580
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:581
msgid "Let us start from the beginning. In HTML, a typical ``<form>`` looks something like this:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:590
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:591
msgid "The ``action`` attribute specifies the URL that will receive the form data. ``method`` defines the HTTP method to use (``GET`` or ``POST``). With ``method=\"get\"`` the form values are appended to the URL and available through :attr:`BaseRequest.query` as described above. This is considered insecure and has other limitations, so we use ``method=\"post\"`` here. If in doubt, use ``POST`` forms."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:592
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:593
msgid "Form fields transmitted via ``POST`` are stored in :attr:`BaseRequest.forms` as a :class:`FormsDict`. The server side code may look like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:615
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:616
msgid "There are several other attributes used to access form data. Some of them combine values from different sources for easier access. The following table should give you a decent overview."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "GET Form fields"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "POST Form fields"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "File Uploads"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:620
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.query`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:620
#: ../../tutorial.rst:621
#: ../../tutorial.rst:622
#: ../../tutorial.rst:623
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624
#: ../../tutorial.rst:624
#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626
msgid "yes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:620
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:620
#: ../../tutorial.rst:621
#: ../../tutorial.rst:621
#: ../../tutorial.rst:622
#: ../../tutorial.rst:622
#: ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:623
#: ../../tutorial.rst:624
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:624
#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626
msgid "no"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:621
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:622
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.forms`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:622
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:623
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.files`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.params`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:624
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.GET`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.POST`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:630
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:631
msgid "File uploads"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:632
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:633
msgid "To support file uploads, we have to change the ``<form>`` tag a bit. First, we tell the browser to encode the form data in a different way by adding an ``enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"`` attribute to the ``<form>`` tag. Then, we add ``<input type=\"file\" />`` tags to allow the user to select a file. Here is an example:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:642
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:643
msgid "Bottle stores file uploads in :attr:`BaseRequest.files` as :class:`FileUpload` instances, along with some metadata about the upload. Let us assume you just want to save the file to disk::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:656
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:657
msgid ":attr:`FileUpload.filename` contains the name of the file on the clients file system, but is cleaned up and normalized to prevent bugs caused by unsupported characters or path segments in the filename. If you need the unmodified name as sent by the client, have a look at :attr:`FileUpload.raw_filename`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:658
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:659
msgid "The :attr:`` method is highly recommended if you want to store the file to disk. It prevents some common errors (e.g. it does not overwrite existing files unless you tell it to) and stores the file in a memory efficient way. You can access the file object directly via :attr:`FileUpload.file`. Just be careful."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:662
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:663
msgid "JSON Content"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:664
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:665
msgid "Some JavaScript or REST clients send ``application/json`` content to the server. The :attr:`BaseRequest.json` attribute contains the parsed data structure, if available."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:668
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:669
msgid "The raw request body"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:670
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:671
msgid "You can access the raw body data as a file-like object via :attr:`BaseRequest.body`. This is a :class:`BytesIO` buffer or a temporary file depending on the content length and :attr:`BaseRequest.MEMFILE_MAX` setting. In both cases the body is completely buffered before you can access the attribute. If you expect huge amounts of data and want to get direct unbuffered access to the stream, have a look at ``request['wsgi.input']``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:675
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:676
msgid "WSGI Environment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:677
-msgid "Each :class:`BaseRequest` instance wraps a WSGI environment dictionary. The original is stored in :attr:`BaseRequest.environ`, but the request object itself behaves like a dictionary, too. Most of the interesting data is exposed through special methods or attributes, but if you want to access `WSGI environ variables <WSGI specification>`_ directly, you can do so::"
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:678
+msgid "Each :class:`BaseRequest` instance wraps a WSGI environment dictionary. The original is stored in :attr:`BaseRequest.environ`, but the request object itself behaves like a dictionary, too. Most of the interesting data is exposed through special methods or attributes, but if you want to access `WSGI environ variables <WSGI_Specification>`_ directly, you can do so::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:695
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:696
msgid "Templates"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:697
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:698
msgid "Bottle comes with a fast and powerful built-in template engine called :doc:`stpl`. To render a template you can use the :func:`template` function or the :func:`view` decorator. All you have to do is to provide the name of the template and the variables you want to pass to the template as keyword arguments. Here’s a simple example of how to render a template::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:704
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:705
msgid "This will load the template file ``hello_template.tpl`` and render it with the ``name`` variable set. Bottle will look for templates in the ``./views/`` folder or any folder specified in the ``bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH`` list."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:706
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:707
msgid "The :func:`view` decorator allows you to return a dictionary with the template variables instead of calling :func:`template`::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:715
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:716
msgid "Syntax"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:718
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:719
msgid "The template syntax is a very thin layer around the Python language. Its main purpose is to ensure correct indentation of blocks, so you can format your template without worrying about indentation. Follow the link for a full syntax description: :doc:`stpl`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:720
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:721
msgid "Here is an example template::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:731
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:732
msgid "Caching"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:732
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:733
msgid "Templates are cached in memory after compilation. Modifications made to the template files will have no affect until you clear the template cache. Call ``bottle.TEMPLATES.clear()`` to do so. Caching is disabled in debug mode."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:742
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:743
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:746
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:747
msgid "Bottle's core features cover most common use-cases, but as a micro-framework it has its limits. This is where \"Plugins\" come into play. Plugins add missing functionality to the framework, integrate third party libraries, or just automate some repetitive work."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:748
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:749
msgid "We have a growing :doc:`/plugins/index` and most plugins are designed to be portable and re-usable across applications. The chances are high that your problem has already been solved and a ready-to-use plugin exists. If not, the :doc:`/plugindev` may help you."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:750
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:751
msgid "The effects and APIs of plugins are manifold and depend on the specific plugin. The ``SQLitePlugin`` plugin for example detects callbacks that require a ``db`` keyword argument and creates a fresh database connection object every time the callback is called. This makes it very convenient to use a database::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:770
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:771
msgid "Other plugin may populate the thread-safe :data:`local` object, change details of the :data:`request` object, filter the data returned by the callback or bypass the callback completely. An \"auth\" plugin for example could check for a valid session and return a login page instead of calling the original callback. What happens exactly depends on the plugin."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:774
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:775
msgid "Application-wide Installation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:776
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:777
msgid "Plugins can be installed application-wide or just to some specific routes that need additional functionality. Most plugins can safely be installed to all routes and are smart enough to not add overhead to callbacks that do not need their functionality."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:778
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:779
msgid "Let us take the ``SQLitePlugin`` plugin for example. It only affects route callbacks that need a database connection. Other routes are left alone. Because of this, we can install the plugin application-wide with no additional overhead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:780
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:781
msgid "To install a plugin, just call :func:`install` with the plugin as first argument::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:785
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:786
msgid "The plugin is not applied to the route callbacks yet. This is delayed to make sure no routes are missed. You can install plugins first and add routes later, if you want to. The order of installed plugins is significant, though. If a plugin requires a database connection, you need to install the database plugin first."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:789
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:790
msgid "Uninstall Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:790
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:791
msgid "You can use a name, class or instance to :func:`uninstall` a previously installed plugin::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:800
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:801
msgid "Plugins can be installed and removed at any time, even at runtime while serving requests. This enables some neat tricks (installing slow debugging or profiling plugins only when needed) but should not be overused. Each time the list of plugins changes, the route cache is flushed and all plugins are re-applied."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:803
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:804
msgid "The module-level :func:`install` and :func:`uninstall` functions affect the :ref:`default-app`. To manage plugins for a specific application, use the corresponding methods on the :class:`Bottle` application object."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:807
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:808
msgid "Route-specific Installation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:809
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:810
msgid "The ``apply`` parameter of the :func:`route` decorator comes in handy if you want to install plugins to only a small number of routes::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:819
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:820
msgid "Blacklisting Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:821
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:822
msgid "You may want to explicitly disable a plugin for a number of routes. The :func:`route` decorator has a ``skip`` parameter for this purpose::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:843
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:844
msgid "The ``skip`` parameter accepts a single value or a list of values. You can use a name, class or instance to identify the plugin that is to be skipped. Set ``skip=True`` to skip all plugins at once."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:846
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:847
msgid "Plugins and Sub-Applications"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:848
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:849
msgid "Most plugins are specific to the application they were installed to. Consequently, they should not affect sub-applications mounted with :meth:`Bottle.mount`. Here is an example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:859
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:860
msgid "Whenever you mount an application, Bottle creates a proxy-route on the main-application that forwards all requests to the sub-application. Plugins are disabled for this kind of proxy-route by default. As a result, our (fictional) `WTForms` plugin affects the ``/contact`` route, but does not affect the routes of the ``/blog`` sub-application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:861
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:862
msgid "This behavior is intended as a sane default, but can be overridden. The following example re-activates all plugins for a specific proxy-route::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:865
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:866
msgid "But there is a snag: The plugin sees the whole sub-application as a single route, namely the proxy-route mentioned above. In order to affect each individual route of the sub-application, you have to install the plugin to the mounted application explicitly."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:870
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:871
msgid "Development"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:872
-msgid "So you have learned the basics and want to write your own application? Here are some tips that might help you beeing more productive."
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:873
+msgid "So you have learned the basics and want to write your own application? Here are some tips that might help you being more productive."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:878
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:879
msgid "Default Application"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:880
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:881
msgid "Bottle maintains a global stack of :class:`Bottle` instances and uses the top of the stack as a default for some of the module-level functions and decorators. The :func:`route` decorator, for example, is a shortcut for calling :meth:`Bottle.route` on the default application::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:888
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:889
msgid "This is very convenient for small applications and saves you some typing, but also means that, as soon as your module is imported, routes are installed to the global default application. To avoid this kind of import side-effects, Bottle offers a second, more explicit way to build applications::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:898
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:899
msgid "Separating the application object improves re-usability a lot, too. Other developers can safely import the ``app`` object from your module and use :meth:`Bottle.mount` to merge applications together."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:903
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:904
msgid "Starting with bottle-0.13 you can use :class:`Bottle` instances as context managers::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:928
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:929
msgid "Debug Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:930
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:931
msgid "During early development, the debug mode can be very helpful."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:938
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:939
msgid "In this mode, Bottle is much more verbose and provides helpful debugging information whenever an error occurs. It also disables some optimisations that might get in your way and adds some checks that warn you about possible misconfiguration."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:940
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:941
msgid "Here is an incomplete list of things that change in debug mode:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:942
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:943
msgid "The default error page shows a traceback."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:943
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:944
msgid "Templates are not cached."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:944
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:945
msgid "Plugins are applied immediately."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:946
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:947
msgid "Just make sure not to use the debug mode on a production server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:949
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:950
msgid "Auto Reloading"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:951
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:952
msgid "During development, you have to restart the server a lot to test your recent changes. The auto reloader can do this for you. Every time you edit a module file, the reloader restarts the server process and loads the newest version of your code."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:961
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:962
msgid "How it works: the main process will not start a server, but spawn a new child process using the same command line arguments used to start the main process. All module-level code is executed at least twice! Be careful."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:966
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:967
msgid "The child process will have ``os.environ['BOTTLE_CHILD']`` set to ``True`` and start as a normal non-reloading app server. As soon as any of the loaded modules changes, the child process is terminated and re-spawned by the main process. Changes in template files will not trigger a reload. Please use debug mode to deactivate template caching."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:972
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:973
msgid "The reloading depends on the ability to stop the child process. If you are running on Windows or any other operating system not supporting ``signal.SIGINT`` (which raises ``KeyboardInterrupt`` in Python), ``signal.SIGTERM`` is used to kill the child. Note that exit handlers and finally clauses, etc., are not executed after a ``SIGTERM``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:980
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:981
msgid "Command Line Interface"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:984
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:985
msgid "Starting with version 0.10 you can use bottle as a command-line tool:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1008
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1009
msgid "The `ADDRESS` field takes an IP address or an IP:PORT pair and defaults to ``localhost:8080``. The other parameters should be self-explanatory."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1010
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1011
msgid "Both plugins and applications are specified via import expressions. These consist of an import path (e.g. ``package.module``) and an expression to be evaluated in the namespace of that module, separated by a colon. See :func:`load` for details. Here are some examples:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1031
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1032
msgid "Deployment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1033
-msgid "Bottle runs on the built-in `wsgiref WSGIServer <>`_ by default. This non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine for development and early production, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load increases."
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1034
+msgid "Bottle runs on the built-in `wsgiref WSGIServer <>`_ by default. This non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine for development, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load increases."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1035
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1036
msgid "The easiest way to increase performance is to install a multi-threaded server library like paste_ or cherrypy_ and tell Bottle to use that instead of the single-threaded server::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1039
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1040
msgid "This, and many other deployment options are described in a separate article: :doc:`deployment`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1047
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1048
msgid "Glossary"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1050
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1051
msgid "callback"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1052
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1053
msgid "Programmer code that is to be called when some external action happens. In the context of web frameworks, the mapping between URL paths and application code is often achieved by specifying a callback function for each URL."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1056
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1057
msgid "decorator"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1058
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1059
msgid "A function returning another function, usually applied as a function transformation using the ``@decorator`` syntax. See `python documentation for function definition <>`_ for more about decorators."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1059
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1060
msgid "environ"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1061
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1062
msgid "A structure where information about all documents under the root is saved, and used for cross-referencing. The environment is pickled after the parsing stage, so that successive runs only need to read and parse new and changed documents."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1065
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1066
msgid "handler function"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1067
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1068
msgid "A function to handle some specific event or situation. In a web framework, the application is developed by attaching a handler function as callback for each specific URL comprising the application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1070
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1071
msgid "source directory"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1072
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1073
msgid "The directory which, including its subdirectories, contains all source files for one Sphinx project."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/_pot/tutorial_app.pot b/docs/_locale/_pot/tutorial_app.pot
index f9bc77f..22dc44d 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/_pot/tutorial_app.pot
+++ b/docs/_locale/_pot/tutorial_app.pot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Bottle 0.13-dev\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-13 21:49+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -16,547 +16,554 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:20
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:19
msgid "Tutorial: Todo-List Application"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:24
-msgid "This tutorial is a work in progess and written by `noisefloor <>`_."
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:23
+msgid "This tutorial is a work in progress and written by `noisefloor <>`_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:27
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:26
msgid "This tutorial should give a brief introduction to the Bottle_ WSGI Framework. The main goal is to be able, after reading through this tutorial, to create a project using Bottle. Within this document, not all abilities will be shown, but at least the main and important ones like routing, utilizing the Bottle template abilities to format output and handling GET / POST parameters."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:29
-msgid "To understand the content here, it is not necessary to have a basic knowledge of WSGI, as Bottle tries to keep WSGI away from the user anyway. You should have a fair understanding of the Python_ programming language. Furthermore, the example used in the tutorial retrieves and stores data in a SQL databse, so a basic idea about SQL helps, but is not a must to understand the concepts of Bottle. Right here, SQLite_ is used. The output of Bottle sent to the browser is formatted in some examples by the help of HTML. Thus, a basic idea about the common HTML tags does help as well."
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:28
+msgid "To understand the content here, it is not necessary to have a basic knowledge of WSGI, as Bottle tries to keep WSGI away from the user anyway. You should have a fair understanding of the Python_ programming language. Furthermore, the example used in the tutorial retrieves and stores data in a SQL database, so a basic idea about SQL helps, but is not a must to understand the concepts of Bottle. Right here, SQLite_ is used. The output of Bottle sent to the browser is formatted in some examples by the help of HTML. Thus, a basic idea about the common HTML tags does help as well."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:31
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:30
msgid "For the sake of introducing Bottle, the Python code \"in between\" is kept short, in order to keep the focus. Also all code within the tutorial is working fine, but you may not necessarily use it \"in the wild\", e.g. on a public web server. In order to do so, you may add e.g. more error handling, protect the database with a password, test and escape the input etc."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:0
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:32
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:36
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:35
msgid "Goals"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:38
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:37
msgid "At the end of this tutorial, we will have a simple, web-based ToDo list. The list contains a text (with max 100 characters) and a status (0 for closed, 1 for open) for each item. Through the web-based user interface, open items can be view and edited and new items can be added."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:40
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:39
msgid "During development, all pages will be available on ``localhost`` only, but later on it will be shown how to adapt the application for a \"real\" server, including how to use with Apache's mod_wsgi."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:42
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:41
msgid "Bottle will do the routing and format the output, with the help of templates. The items of the list will be stored inside a SQLite database. Reading and writing the database will be done by Python code."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:44
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:43
msgid "We will end up with an application with the following pages and functionality:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:46
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:45
msgid "start page ``http://localhost:8080/todo``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:47
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:46
msgid "adding new items to the list: ``http://localhost:8080/new``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:48
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:47
msgid "page for editing items: ``http://localhost:8080/edit/<no:int>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:49
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:48
msgid "catching errors"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:52
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:51
msgid "Before We Start..."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:56
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:55
msgid "Install Bottle"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:57
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:56
msgid "Assuming that you have a fairly new installation of Python (version 2.5 or higher), you only need to install Bottle in addition to that. Bottle has no other dependencies than Python itself."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:59
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:58
msgid "You can either manually install Bottle or use Python's easy_install: ``easy_install bottle``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:63
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:62
msgid "Further Software Necessities"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:64
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:63
msgid "As we use SQLite3 as a database, make sure it is installed. On Linux systems, most distributions have SQLite3 installed by default. SQLite is available for Windows and MacOS X as well and the `sqlite3` module is part of the python standard library."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:67
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:66
msgid "Create An SQL Database"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:68
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:67
msgid "First, we need to create the database we use later on. To do so, save the following script in your project directory and run it with python. You can use the interactive interpreter too::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:79
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:78
msgid "This generates a database-file `todo.db` with tables called ``todo`` and three columns ``id``, ``task``, and ``status``. ``id`` is a unique id for each row, which is used later on to reference the rows. The column ``task`` holds the text which describes the task, it can be max 100 characters long. Finally, the column ``status`` is used to mark a task as open (value 1) or closed (value 0)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:82
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:81
msgid "Using Bottle for a Web-Based ToDo List"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:84
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:83
msgid "Now it is time to introduce Bottle in order to create a web-based application. But first, we need to look into a basic concept of Bottle: routes."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:88
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:87
msgid "Understanding routes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:89
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:88
msgid "Basically, each page visible in the browser is dynamically generated when the page address is called. Thus, there is no static content. That is exactly what is called a \"route\" within Bottle: a certain address on the server. So, for example, when the page ``http://localhost:8080/todo`` is called from the browser, Bottle \"grabs\" the call and checks if there is any (Python) function defined for the route \"todo\". If so, Bottle will execute the corresponding Python code and return its result."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:93
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:92
msgid "First Step - Showing All Open Items"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:94
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:93
msgid "So, after understanding the concept of routes, let's create the first one. The goal is to see all open items from the ToDo list::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:109
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:108
msgid "Save the code a ````, preferably in the same directory as the file ``todo.db``. Otherwise, you need to add the path to ``todo.db`` in the ``sqlite3.connect()`` statement."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:111
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:110
msgid "Let's have a look what we just did: We imported the necessary module ``sqlite3`` to access to SQLite database and from Bottle we imported ``route`` and ``run``. The ``run()`` statement simply starts the web server included in Bottle. By default, the web server serves the pages on localhost and port 8080. Furthermore, we imported ``route``, which is the function responsible for Bottle's routing. As you can see, we defined one function, ``todo_list()``, with a few lines of code reading from the database. The important point is the `decorator statement`_ ``@route('/todo')`` right before the ``def todo_list()`` statement. By doing this, we bind this function to the route ``/todo``, so every time the browsers calls ``http://localhost:8080/todo``, Bottle returns the result of the function ``todo_list()``. That is how routing within bottle works."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:113
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:112
msgid "Actually you can bind more than one route to a function. So the following code::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:120
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:119
msgid "will work fine, too. What will not work is to bind one route to more than one function."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:122
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:121
msgid "What you will see in the browser is what is returned, thus the value given by the ``return`` statement. In this example, we need to convert ``result`` in to a string by ``str()``, as Bottle expects a string or a list of strings from the return statement. But here, the result of the database query is a list of tuples, which is the standard defined by the `Python DB API`_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:124
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:123
msgid "Now, after understanding the little script above, it is time to execute it and watch the result yourself. Remember that on Linux- / Unix-based systems the file ```` needs to be executable first. Then, just run ``python`` and call the page ``http://localhost:8080/todo`` in your browser. In case you made no mistake writing the script, the output should look like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:128
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:127
msgid "If so - congratulations! You are now a successful user of Bottle. In case it did not work and you need to make some changes to the script, remember to stop Bottle serving the page, otherwise the revised version will not be loaded."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:130
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:129
msgid "Actually, the output is not really exciting nor nice to read. It is the raw result returned from the SQL query."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:132
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:131
msgid "So, in the next step we format the output in a nicer way. But before we do that, we make our life easier."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:136
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:135
msgid "Debugging and Auto-Reload"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:137
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:136
msgid "Maybe you already noticed that Bottle sends a short error message to the browser in case something within the script is wrong, e.g. the connection to the database is not working. For debugging purposes it is quite helpful to get more details. This can be easily achieved by adding the following statement to the script::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:145
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:144
msgid "By enabling \"debug\", you will get a full stacktrace of the Python interpreter, which usually contains useful information for finding bugs. Furthermore, templates (see below) are not cached, thus changes to templates will take effect without stopping the server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:149
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:148
msgid "That ``debug(True)`` is supposed to be used for development only, it should *not* be used in production environments."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:153
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:152
msgid "Another quite nice feature is auto-reloading, which is enabled by modifying the ``run()`` statement to"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:159
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:158
msgid "This will automatically detect changes to the script and reload the new version once it is called again, without the need to stop and start the server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:161
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:160
msgid "Again, the feature is mainly supposed to be used while developing, not on production systems."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:165
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:164
msgid "Bottle Template To Format The Output"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:166
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:165
msgid "Now let's have a look at casting the output of the script into a proper format."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:168
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:167
msgid "Actually Bottle expects to receive a string or a list of strings from a function and returns them by the help of the built-in server to the browser. Bottle does not bother about the content of the string itself, so it can be text formatted with HTML markup, too."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:170
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:169
msgid "Bottle brings its own easy-to-use template engine with it. Templates are stored as separate files having a ``.tpl`` extension. The template can be called then from within a function. Templates can contain any type of text (which will be most likely HTML-markup mixed with Python statements). Furthermore, templates can take arguments, e.g. the result set of a database query, which will be then formatted nicely within the template."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:172
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:171
msgid "Right here, we are going to cast the result of our query showing the open ToDo items into a simple table with two columns: the first column will contain the ID of the item, the second column the text. The result set is, as seen above, a list of tuples, each tuple contains one set of results."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:174
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:173
msgid "To include the template in our example, just add the following lines::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:184
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:183
msgid "So we do here two things: first, we import ``template`` from Bottle in order to be able to use templates. Second, we assign the output of the template ``make_table`` to the variable ``output``, which is then returned. In addition to calling the template, we assign ``result``, which we received from the database query, to the variable ``rows``, which is later on used within the template. If necessary, you can assign more than one variable / value to a template."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:186
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:185
msgid "Templates always return a list of strings, thus there is no need to convert anything. We can save one line of code by writing ``return template('make_table', rows=result)``, which gives exactly the same result as above."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:188
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:187
msgid "Now it is time to write the corresponding template, which looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:202
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:201
msgid "Save the code as ``make_table.tpl`` in the same directory where ```` is stored."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:204
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:203
msgid "Let's have a look at the code: every line starting with % is interpreted as Python code. Because it is effectively Python, only valid Python statements are allowed. The template will raise exceptions, just as any other Python code would. The other lines are plain HTML markup."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:206
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:205
msgid "As you can see, we use Python's ``for`` statement two times, in order to go through ``rows``. As seen above, ``rows`` is a variable which holds the result of the database query, so it is a list of tuples. The first ``for`` statement accesses the tuples within the list, the second one the items within the tuple, which are put each into a cell of the table. It is important that you close all ``for``, ``if``, ``while`` etc. statements with ``%end``, otherwise the output may not be what you expect."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:208
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:207
msgid "If you need to access a variable within a non-Python code line inside the template, you need to put it into double curly braces. This tells the template to insert the actual value of the variable right in place."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:210
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:209
msgid "Run the script again and look at the output. Still not really nice, but at least more readable than the list of tuples. You can spice-up the very simple HTML markup above, e.g. by using in-line styles to get a better looking output."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:214
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:213
msgid "Using GET and POST Values"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:215
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:214
msgid "As we can review all open items properly, we move to the next step, which is adding new items to the ToDo list. The new item should be received from a regular HTML-based form, which sends its data by the GET method."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:217
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:216
msgid "To do so, we first add a new route to our script and tell the route that it should get GET data::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:240
-msgid "To access GET (or POST) data, we need to import ``request`` from Bottle. To assign the actual data to a variable, we use the statement ``request.GET.get('task','').strip()`` statement, where ``task`` is the name of the GET data we want to access. That's all. If your GET data has more than one variable, multiple ``request.GET.get()`` statements can be used and assigned to other variables."
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:239
+msgid "To access GET (or POST) data, we need to import ``request`` from Bottle. To assign the actual data to a variable, we use the statement ``request.GET.task.strip()`` statement, where ``task`` is the name of the GET data we want to access. That's all. If your GET data has more than one variable, multiple ``request.GET.get()`` statements can be used and assigned to other variables."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:242
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:241
msgid "The rest of this piece of code is just processing of the gained data: writing to the database, retrieve the corresponding id from the database and generate the output."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:244
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:243
msgid "But where do we get the GET data from? Well, we can use a static HTML page holding the form. Or, what we do right now, is to use a template which is output when the route ``/new`` is called without GET data."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:246
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:245
msgid "The code needs to be extended to::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:269
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:268
msgid "``new_task.tpl`` looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:277
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:276
msgid "That's all. As you can see, the template is plain HTML this time."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:279
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:278
msgid "Now we are able to extend our to do list."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:281
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:280
msgid "By the way, if you prefer to use POST data: this works exactly the same way, just use ``request.POST.get()`` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:285
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:284
msgid "Editing Existing Items"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:286
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:285
msgid "The last point to do is to enable editing of existing items."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:288
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:287
msgid "By using only the routes we know so far it is possible, but may be quite tricky. But Bottle knows something called \"dynamic routes\", which makes this task quite easy."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:290
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:289
msgid "The basic statement for a dynamic route looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:294
-msgid "The key point here is the colon. This tells Bottle to accept for ``:something`` any string up to the next slash. Furthermore, the value of ``something`` will be passed to the function assigned to that route, so the data can be processed within the function."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:296
-msgid "For our ToDo list, we will create a route ``@route('/edit/<no:int>)``, where ``no`` is the id (integer) of the item to edit."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:298
-msgid "The code looks like this::"
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:293
+msgid "This tells Bottle to accept for ``<something>`` any string up to the next slash. Furthermore, the value of ``something`` will be passed to the function assigned to that route, so the data can be processed within the function, like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:326
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:321
msgid "It is basically pretty much the same what we already did above when adding new items, like using ``GET`` data etc. The main addition here is using the dynamic route ``<no:int>``, which here passes the number to the corresponding function. As you can see, ``no`` is integer ID and used within the function to access the right row of data within the database."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:328
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:324
msgid "The template ``edit_task.tpl`` called within the function looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:343
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:339
msgid "Again, this template is a mix of Python statements and HTML, as already explained above."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:345
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:341
msgid "A last word on dynamic routes: you can even use a regular expression for a dynamic route, as demonstrated later."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:345
+msgid "Validating Dynamic Routes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:346
+msgid "Using dynamic routes is fine, but for many cases it makes sense to validate the dynamic part of the route. For example, we expect an integer number in our route for editing above. But if a float, characters or so are received, the Python interpreter throws an exception, which is not what we want."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:348
+msgid "For those cases, Bottle offers the ``<name:int>`` wildcard filter, which matches (signed) digits and converts the value to integer. In order to apply the wildcard filter, extend the code as follows::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:356
+msgid "Save the code and call the page again using incorrect value for ``<no:int>``, e.g. a float. You will receive not an exception, but a \"404 Not Found\" error."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:360
msgid "Dynamic Routes Using Regular Expressions"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:349
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:361
msgid "Bottle can also handle dynamic routes, where the \"dynamic part\" of the route can be a regular expression."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:351
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:363
msgid "So, just to demonstrate that, let's assume that all single items in our ToDo list should be accessible by their plain number, by a term like e.g. \"item1\". For obvious reasons, you do not want to create a route for every item. Furthermore, the simple dynamic routes do not work either, as part of the route, the term \"item\" is static."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:353
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:365
msgid "As said above, the solution is a regular expression::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:367
-msgid "This example is somehow artificially constructed - it would be easier to use a plain dynamic route only combined with a validation. Nevertheless, we want to see how regular expression routes work: the line ``@route(/item<item_:re:[0-9]+>)`` starts like a normal route, but the part surrounded by # is interpreted as a regular expression, which is the dynamic part of the route. So in this case, we want to match any digit between 0 and 9. The following function \"show_item\" just checks whether the given item is present in the database or not. In case it is present, the corresponding text of the task is returned. As you can see, only the regular expression part of the route is passed forward. Furthermore, it is always forwarded as a string, even if it is a plain integer number, like in this case."
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:380
+msgid "The line ``@route(/item<item:re:[0-9]+>)`` starts like a normal route, but the third part of the wildcard is interpreted as a regular expression, which is the dynamic part of the route. So in this case, we want to match any digit between 0 and 9. The following function \"show_item\" just checks whether the given item is present in the database or not. In case it is present, the corresponding text of the task is returned. As you can see, only the regular expression part of the route is passed forward. Furthermore, it is always forwarded as a string, even if it is a plain integer number, like in this case."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:371
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:384
msgid "Returning Static Files"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:372
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:385
msgid "Sometimes it may become necessary to associate a route not to a Python function, but just return a static file. So if you have for example a help page for your application, you may want to return this page as plain HTML. This works as follows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:380
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:393
msgid "At first, we need to import the ``static_file`` function from Bottle. As you can see, the ``return static_file`` statement replaces the ``return`` statement. It takes at least two arguments: the name of the file to be returned and the path to the file. Even if the file is in the same directory as your application, the path needs to be stated. But in this case, you can use ``'.'`` as a path, too. Bottle guesses the MIME-type of the file automatically, but in case you like to state it explicitly, add a third argument to ``static_file``, which would be here ``mimetype='text/html'``. ``static_file`` works with any type of route, including the dynamic ones."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:384
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:397
msgid "Returning JSON Data"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:385
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:398
msgid "There may be cases where you do not want your application to generate the output directly, but return data to be processed further on, e.g. by JavaScript. For those cases, Bottle offers the possibility to return JSON objects, which is sort of standard for exchanging data between web applications. Furthermore, JSON can be processed by many programming languages, including Python"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:387
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:400
msgid "So, let's assume we want to return the data generated in the regular expression route example as a JSON object. The code looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:402
-msgid "As you can, that is fairly simple: just return a regular Python dictionary and Bottle will convert it automatically into a JSON object prior to sending. So if you e.g. call \"http://localhost/json1\" Bottle should in this case return the JSON object ``{\"Task\": [\"Read A-byte-of-python to get a good introduction into Python\"]}``."
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:415
+msgid "As you can, that is fairly simple: just return a regular Python dictionary and Bottle will convert it automatically into a JSON object prior to sending. So if you e.g. call \"http://localhost/json1\" Bottle should in this case return the JSON object ``{\"task\": [\"Read A-byte-of-python to get a good introduction into Python\"]}``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:407
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:420
msgid "Catching Errors"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:408
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:421
msgid "The next step may is to catch the error with Bottle itself, to keep away any type of error message from the user of your application. To do that, Bottle has an \"error-route\", which can be a assigned to a HTML-error."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:410
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:423
msgid "In our case, we want to catch a 403 error. The code is as follows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:418
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:431
msgid "So, at first we need to import ``error`` from Bottle and define a route by ``error(403)``, which catches all \"403 forbidden\" errors. The function \"mistake\" is assigned to that. Please note that ``error()`` always passes the error-code to the function - even if you do not need it. Thus, the function always needs to accept one argument, otherwise it will not work."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:420
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:433
msgid "Again, you can assign more than one error-route to a function, or catch various errors with one function each. So this code::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:427
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:440
msgid "works fine, the following one as well::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:439
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:452
msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:440
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:453
msgid "After going through all the sections above, you should have a brief understanding how the Bottle WSGI framework works. Furthermore you have all the knowledge necessary to use Bottle for your applications."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:442
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:455
msgid "The following chapter give a short introduction how to adapt Bottle for larger projects. Furthermore, we will show how to operate Bottle with web servers which perform better on a higher load / more web traffic than the one we used so far."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:445
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:458
msgid "Server Setup"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:447
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:460
msgid "So far, we used the standard server used by Bottle, which is the `WSGI reference Server`_ shipped along with Python. Although this server is perfectly suitable for development purposes, it is not really suitable for larger applications. But before we have a look at the alternatives, let's have a look how to tweak the settings of the standard server first."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:451
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:464
msgid "Running Bottle on a different port and IP"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:452
-msgid "As standard, Bottle serves the pages on the IP adress, also known as ``localhost``, and on port ``8080``. To modify the setting is pretty simple, as additional parameters can be passed to Bottle's ``run()`` function to change the port and the address."
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:465
+msgid "As standard, Bottle serves the pages on the IP address, also known as ``localhost``, and on port ``8080``. To modify the setting is pretty simple, as additional parameters can be passed to Bottle's ``run()`` function to change the port and the address."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:454
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:467
msgid "To change the port, just add ``port=portnumber`` to the run command. So, for example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:458
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:471
msgid "would make Bottle listen to port 80."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:460
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:473
msgid "To change the IP address where Bottle is listening::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:464
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:477
msgid "If needed, both parameters can be combined, like::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:468
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:481
msgid "The ``port`` and ``host`` parameter can also be applied when Bottle is running with a different server, as shown in the following section."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:472
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:485
msgid "Running Bottle with a different server"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:473
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:486
msgid "As said above, the standard server is perfectly suitable for development, personal use or a small group of people only using your application based on Bottle. For larger tasks, the standard server may become a bottleneck, as it is single-threaded, thus it can only serve one request at a time."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:475
-msgid "But Bottle has already various adapters to multi-threaded servers on board, which perform better on higher load. Bottle supports Cherrypy_, Fapws3_, Flup_ and Paste_."
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:488
+msgid "But Bottle has already various adapters to multi-threaded servers on board, which perform better on higher load. Bottle supports Cherrypy_, Flup_ and Paste_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:477
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:490
msgid "If you want to run for example Bottle with the Paste server, use the following code::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:483
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:496
msgid "This works exactly the same way with ``FlupServer``, ``CherryPyServer`` and ``FapwsServer``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:487
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:500
msgid "Running Bottle on Apache with mod_wsgi"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:488
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:501
msgid "Maybe you already have an Apache_ or you want to run a Bottle-based application large scale - then it is time to think about Apache with mod_wsgi_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:490
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:503
msgid "We assume that your Apache server is up and running and mod_wsgi is working fine as well. On a lot of Linux distributions, mod_wsgi can be easily installed via whatever package management system is in use."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:492
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:505
msgid "Bottle brings an adapter for mod_wsgi with it, so serving your application is an easy task."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:494
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:507
msgid "In the following example, we assume that you want to make your application \"ToDo list\" accessible through ```` and your code, templates and SQLite database are stored in the path ``/var/www/todo``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:496
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:509
msgid "When you run your application via mod_wsgi, it is imperative to remove the ``run()`` statement from your code, otherwise it won't work here."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:498
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:511
msgid "After that, create a file called ``adapter.wsgi`` with the following content::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:509
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:522
msgid "and save it in the same path, ``/var/www/todo``. Actually the name of the file can be anything, as long as the extension is ``.wsgi``. The name is only used to reference the file from your virtual host."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:511
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:524
msgid "Finally, we need to add a virtual host to the Apache configuration, which looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:527
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:540
msgid "After restarting the server, your ToDo list should be accessible at ````"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:530
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:543
msgid "Final Words"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:532
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:545
msgid "Now we are at the end of this introduction and tutorial to Bottle. We learned about the basic concepts of Bottle and wrote a first application using the Bottle framework. In addition to that, we saw how to adapt Bottle for large tasks and serve Bottle through an Apache web server with mod_wsgi."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:534
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:547
msgid "As said in the introduction, this tutorial is not showing all shades and possibilities of Bottle. What we skipped here is e.g. receiving file objects and streams and how to handle authentication data. Furthermore, we did not show how templates can be called from within another template. For an introduction into those points, please refer to the full `Bottle documentation`_ ."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:537
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:550
msgid "Complete Example Listing"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:539
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:552
msgid "As the ToDo list example was developed piece by piece, here is the complete listing:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:541
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:554
msgid "Main code for the application ````::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:655
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:675
msgid "Template ``make_table.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:669
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:689
msgid "Template ``edit_task.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:684
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:704
msgid "Template ``new_task.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/api.po b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
index e753648..b74b640 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:10+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -48,6 +48,22 @@ msgid ""
"Start a server instance. This method blocks until the server terminates."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.path_shift:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring
+#: of bottle.Bottle.mount:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.Bottle.route:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:0
+msgid "Parameters"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
msgid ""
"WSGI application or target string supported by :func:`load_app`. (default: "
@@ -203,6 +219,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shift path fragments from PATH_INFO to SCRIPT_NAME and vice versa."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:0
+msgid "Returns"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:3
msgid "The modified paths."
msgstr ""
@@ -232,40 +252,59 @@ msgid ""
"special methods available to access the full list of values."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.keys:1
+msgid "D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.values:1
+msgid "D.values() -> an object providing a view on D's values"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.items:1
+msgid "D.items() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's items"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:1
msgid "Return the most recent value for a key."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:3
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:3
msgid ""
"The default value to be returned if the key is not present or the type "
"conversion fails."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:5
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:5
msgid "An index for the list of available values."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:6
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:6
msgid ""
"If defined, this callable is used to cast the value into a specific type. "
"Exception are suppressed and result in the default value to be returned."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.append:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.append:1
msgid "Add a new value to the list of values for this key."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.replace:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.replace:1
msgid "Replace the list of values with a single value."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getall:1
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getlist:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getall:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.getall:1
msgid "Return a (possibly empty) list of values for a key."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getone:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:1
msgid "Aliases for WTForms to mimic other multi-dict APIs (Django)"
msgstr ""
@@ -339,6 +378,7 @@ msgid "Return the current default application and remove it from the stack."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.AppStack.push:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.AppStack.push:1
msgid "Add a new :class:`Bottle` instance to the stack"
msgstr ""
@@ -360,11 +400,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "controls which lookups are cached. One of 'all', 'found' or 'none'."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.path:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.ResourceManager.path:1
msgid "A list of search paths. See :meth:`add_path` for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.cache:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.ResourceManager.cache:1
msgid "A cache for resolved paths. ``res.cache.clear()`` clears the cache."
msgstr ""
@@ -405,7 +445,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.lookup:3
msgid ""
-"The :attr:`path` list is searched in order. The first match is returend. "
+"The :attr:`path` list is searched in order. The first match is returned. "
"Symlinks are followed. The result is cached to speed up future lookups."
msgstr ""
@@ -413,19 +453,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Find a resource and return a file object, or raise IOError."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.file:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.file:1
msgid "Open file(-like) object (BytesIO buffer or temporary file)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../docstring of
msgid "Name of the upload form field"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.raw_filename:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.raw_filename:1
msgid "Raw filename as sent by the client (may contain unsafe characters)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.headers:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.headers:1
msgid "A :class:`HeaderDict` with additional headers (e.g. content-type)"
msgstr ""
@@ -439,6 +479,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Current value of the 'Content-Length' header."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.get_header:1
+msgid "Return the value of a header within the mulripart part."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.filename:1
msgid ""
"Name of the file on the client file system, but normalized to ensure file "
@@ -497,11 +541,11 @@ msgid ""
"middleware handle exceptions."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.config:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Bottle.config:1
msgid "A :class:`ConfigDict` for app specific configuration."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.resources:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Bottle.resources:1
msgid "A :class:`ResourceManager` for application files"
msgstr ""
@@ -625,7 +669,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.match:1
msgid ""
-"Search for a matching route and return a (:class:`Route` , urlargs) tuple. "
+"Search for a matching route and return a (:class:`Route`, urlargs) tuple. "
"The second value is a dictionary with parameters extracted from the URL. "
"Raise :exc:`HTTPError` (404/405) on a non-match."
msgstr ""
@@ -708,7 +752,9 @@ msgid "Equals :meth:`route` with a ``PATCH`` method parameter."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.error:1
-msgid "Decorator: Register an output handler for a HTTP error code"
+msgid ""
+"Register an output handler for a HTTP error code. Can be used as a decorator"
+" or called directly ::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.wsgi:1
@@ -719,40 +765,40 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"This class wraps a route callback along with route specific metadata and "
"configuration and applies Plugins on demand. It is also responsible for "
-"turing an URL path rule into a regular expression usable by the Router."
+"turning an URL path rule into a regular expression usable by the Router."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../docstring of
msgid "The application this route is installed to."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.rule:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.rule:1
msgid "The path-rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/<page>``)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.method:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.method:1
msgid "The HTTP method as a string (e.g. ``GET``)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.callback:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.callback:1
msgid ""
"The original callback with no plugins applied. Useful for introspection."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../docstring of
msgid "The name of the route (if specified) or ``None``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.plugins:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.plugins:1
msgid "A list of route-specific plugins (see :meth:`Bottle.route`)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.skiplist:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.skiplist:1
msgid ""
"A list of plugins to not apply to this route (see :meth:`Bottle.route`)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.config:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.config:1
msgid ""
"Additional keyword arguments passed to the :meth:`Bottle.route` decorator "
"are stored in this dictionary. Used for route-specific plugin configuration "
@@ -907,10 +953,10 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.json:1
msgid ""
-"If the ``Content-Type`` header is ``application/json``, this property holds "
-"the parsed content of the request body. Only requests smaller than "
-":attr:`MEMFILE_MAX` are processed to avoid memory exhaustion. Invalid JSON "
-"raises a 400 error response."
+"If the ``Content-Type`` header is ``application/json`` or ``application"
+"/json-rpc``, this property holds the parsed content of the request body. "
+"Only requests smaller than :attr:`MEMFILE_MAX` are processed to avoid memory"
+" exhaustion. Invalid JSON raises a 400 error response."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.body:1
@@ -926,7 +972,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "True if Chunked transfer encoding was."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.GET:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.query:1
msgid "An alias for :attr:`query`."
msgstr ""
@@ -969,7 +1015,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:2
-msgid "Shift path segments from path to script_name and"
+msgid "Shift path segments from :attr:`path` to :attr:`script_name` and"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:2
@@ -1049,15 +1095,10 @@ msgid ""
"multithreaded server)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalRequest.bind:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.__init__:1
msgid "Wrap a WSGI environ dictionary."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalRequest.environ:1
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalResponse.body:1
-msgid "Thread-local property"
-msgstr ""
#: ../../api.rst:146
msgid "The :class:`Response` Object"
msgstr ""
@@ -1213,23 +1254,37 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:17
msgid ""
"prevents client-side javascript to read this cookie (default: off, requires "
-"Python 2.7 or newer)."
+"Python 2.6 or newer)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:20
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:19
msgid ""
-"If neither `expires` nor `max_age` is set (default), the cookie will expire "
+"Control or disable third-party use for this cookie. Possible values: `lax`, "
+"`strict` or `none` (default)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:22
+msgid ""
+"If neither `expires` nor `maxage` is set (default), the cookie will expire "
"at the end of the browser session (as soon as the browser window is closed)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:24
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:26
msgid ""
"Signed cookies may store any pickle-able object and are cryptographically "
"signed to prevent manipulation. Keep in mind that cookies are limited to 4kb"
" in most browsers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:28
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:30
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Pickle is a potentially dangerous format. If an attacker gains "
+"access to the secret key, he could forge cookies that execute code on server"
+" side if unpickled. Using pickle is discouraged and support for it will be "
+"removed in later versions of bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:35
msgid ""
"Warning: Signed cookies are not encrypted (the client can still see the "
"content) and not copy-protected (the client can restore an old cookie). The "
@@ -1251,6 +1306,14 @@ msgid ""
"response at the end of the request/response cycle."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.__init__:1
+msgid "Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalResponse.body:1
+msgid "Thread-local property"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../api.rst:160
msgid ""
"The following two classes can be raised as an exception. The most noticeable"
diff --git a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/async.po b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
index 5c9e801..7152b43 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-03 11:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
diff --git a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
index 12e9107..ba06f24 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -25,28 +25,281 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Release 0.13"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:13
-msgid "Added :func:`patch` shortcut for `route(..., method='PATCH')`"
+#: ../../changelog.rst:11
+msgid "Not released yet."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:17
-msgid "Release 0.12"
+#: ../../changelog.rst:14
+msgid "Dropped support for Python versions that reached their end-of-life."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:19
+#: ../../changelog.rst:15
msgid ""
-"New SimpleTemplate parser implementation * Support for multi-line code "
-"blocks (`<% ... %>`). * The keywords `include` and `rebase` are functions "
-"now and can accept variable template names."
+"Keeping up support for ancient Python versions hinders adaptation of new "
+"features and serves no real purpose. If you need support for older Python "
+"versions, you can stay on bottle-0.12. The updated list of tested and "
+"supported python releases is as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:20
+msgid "Python 2.7 (>= 2.7.3)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:21
+msgid "Python 3.6"
msgstr ""
#: ../../changelog.rst:22
+msgid "Python 3.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:23
+msgid "Python 3.8"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:24
+msgid "Python 3.9"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:25
+msgid "PyPy 2.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:26
+msgid "PyPy 3.6"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:27
+msgid "PyPy 3.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"Support for Python 2.5 was marked as deprecated since 0.12. We decided to go"
+" a step further and also remove support for 2.6 and 3.1 to 3.5 even if it "
+"was never deprecated explicitly in bottle. This means that this release is "
+"*not* backwards compatible in Python <2.7.3 or <3.6 environments. "
+"Maintainers for distributions or systems that still use these old python "
+"versions should not update to Bottle 0.13 and stick with 0.12 instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:35
+msgid "Stabilized APIs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:36
+msgid ""
+"The documented API of the :class:`ConfigDict` class is now considered stable"
+" and ready to use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:38
+msgid "Deprecated APIs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"The old route syntax (``/hello/:name``) is deprecated in favor of the more "
+"readable and flexible ``/hello/<name>`` syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:40
+msgid ""
+":meth:`Bottle.mount` now recognizes Bottle instance and will warn about "
+"parameters that are not compatible with the new mounting behavior. The old "
+"behavior (mount applications as WSGI callable) still works and is used as a "
+"fallback automatically."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:41
+msgid "The undocumented :func:`local_property` helper is now deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"The server adapter for google app engine is not useful anymore and marked as"
+" deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"Bottle uses pickle to store arbitrary objects into signed cookies. This is "
+"safe, as long as the signature key remains a secret. Unfortunately, people "
+"tend to push code with signature keys to github all the time, so we decided "
+"to remove pickle-support from bottle. Signed cookies will now issue a "
+"deprecation warning if the value is not a string, and support for non-string"
+" values will be removed in 0.14. The global :func:`cookie_encode`, "
+":func:`cookie_decode` and :func:`is_cookie_encoded` are now also deprecated."
+" If you are using this feature, think about using json to serialize your "
+"objects before storing them into cookies, or switch to a session system that"
+" stores data server-side instead of client-side."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:45
+msgid "Removed APIs (deprecated since 0.12)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:46
+msgid ""
+"Plugins with the old API (``api=1`` or no api attribute) will no longer "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"Parameter order of :meth:`Bottle.mount` changed in 0.10. The old order will "
+"now result in an error instead of a warning."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`ConfigDict` class was introduced in 0.11 and changed during "
+"0.12. These changes are now final."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:50
+msgid ""
+"Attribute access and assignment was removed due to high overhead and limited"
+" usability."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"Namespaced sub-instance creation was removed. ``config[\"a\"][\"b\"]`` has a"
+" high overhead and little benefit over ``config[\"a.b\"]``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:52
+msgid ""
+":class:`ConfigDict` instances are no longer callable. This was a shortcut "
+"for :meth:`ConfigDict.update`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:53
+msgid ""
+":class:`ConfigDict` constructor no longer accepts any parameters. Use the "
+"`load_*` methods instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:55
+msgid ""
+"Bottle 0.12 changed some aspects of the Simple Template Engine. These "
+"changes are now final and the old syntax will now longer work."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:57
+msgid ""
+"The magic ``{{rebase()}}`` call was replaced by a ``base`` variable. "
+"Example: ``{{base}}``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"In STPL Templates, the 'rebase' and 'include' keywords were replaced with "
+"functions in 0.12."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:59
+msgid ""
+"PEP-263 encoding strings are no longer recognized. Templates are always "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:61
+msgid ""
+"The 'geventSocketIO' server adapter was removed without notice. It did not "
+"work anyway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:63
+msgid "Changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:64
+msgid "These changes might require special care when updating."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"Signed cookies now use a stronger HMAC algorithm by default. This will "
+"result in old cookies to appear invalid after the update. Pass an explicit "
+"``digestmod=hashlib.md5`` to :meth:`Request.get_cookie` and "
+":meth:`Response.set_cookie` to get the old behavior."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:68
+msgid "Other Improvements"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:69
+msgid ""
+"Bottle() instances are now context managers. If used in a with-statement, "
+"the default application changes to the specific instance and the shortcuts "
+"for many instance methods can be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"Added support for ``PATCH`` requests and the :meth:`Bottle.patch` decorator."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:71
+msgid ""
+"Added `aiohttp <>`_ and `uvloop "
+"<>`_ server adapters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:72
+msgid "Added command-line arguments for config from json or ini files."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:73
+msgid ""
+":meth:`Bottle.mount` now recognizes instances of :class:`Bottle` and mounts "
+"them with significantly less overhead than other WSGI applications."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:74
+msgid ""
+"The :attr:`Request.json` property now accepts ``application/json-rpc`` "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:75
+msgid ""
+":func:`static_file` gained support for ``ETag`` headers. It will generate "
+"ETags and recognizes ``If-None-Match`` headers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:76
+msgid "Jinja2 templates will produce better error messages than before."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:82
+msgid "Release 0.12"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:84
+msgid "New SimpleTemplate parser implementation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:86
+msgid "Support for multi-line code blocks (`<% ... %>`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:87
+msgid ""
+"The keywords `include` and `rebase` are functions now and can accept "
+"variable template names."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:89
msgid ""
-"The new :meth:`BaseRequest.route` property returns the :class:`Route` that "
+"The new :attr:`BaseRequest.route` property returns the :class:`Route` that "
"originally matched the request."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:23
+#: ../../changelog.rst:90
msgid ""
"Removed the ``BaseRequest.MAX_PARAMS`` limit. The hash collision bug in "
"CPythons dict() implementation was fixed over a year ago. If you are still "
@@ -54,69 +307,69 @@ msgid ""
"that you get security fixed from your distributor."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:24
+#: ../../changelog.rst:91
msgid "New :class:`ConfigDict` API (see :doc:`configuration`)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:26
+#: ../../changelog.rst:93
msgid ""
"More information can be found in this `development blog post "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:30
+#: ../../changelog.rst:97
msgid "Release 0.11"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:32
+#: ../../changelog.rst:99
msgid ""
"Native support for Python 2.x and 3.x syntax. No need to run 2to3 anymore."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:33
+#: ../../changelog.rst:100
msgid ""
"Support for partial downloads (``Range`` header) in :func:`static_file`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:34
+#: ../../changelog.rst:101
msgid ""
"The new :class:`ResourceManager` interface helps locating files bundled with"
" an application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:35
+#: ../../changelog.rst:102
msgid ""
"Added a server adapter for `waitress "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:36
+#: ../../changelog.rst:103
msgid ""
"New :meth:`Bottle.merge` method to install all routes from one application "
"into another."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:37
+#: ../../changelog.rst:104
msgid ""
"New :attr:`` property to get the application object that "
"handles a request."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:38
+#: ../../changelog.rst:105
msgid ""
"Added :meth:`FormsDict.decode()` to get an all-unicode version (needed by "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:39
+#: ../../changelog.rst:106
msgid ":class:`MultiDict` and subclasses are now pickle-able."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:42
+#: ../../changelog.rst:109
msgid "API Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:43
+#: ../../changelog.rst:110
msgid ""
":attr:`Response.status` is a read-write property that can be assigned either"
" a numeric status code or a status string with a reason phrase (``200 OK``)."
@@ -125,53 +378,53 @@ msgid ""
":attr:`BaseResponse.status_code` and :attr:`BaseResponse.status_line`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:46
+#: ../../changelog.rst:113
msgid "API Deprecations"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:47
+#: ../../changelog.rst:114
msgid ""
":class:`SimpleTALTemplate` is now deprecating. There seems to be no demand."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:50
+#: ../../changelog.rst:117
msgid "Release 0.10"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:52
+#: ../../changelog.rst:119
msgid "Plugin API v2"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:54
+#: ../../changelog.rst:121
msgid "To use the new API, set :attr:`Plugin.api` to ``2``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:55
+#: ../../changelog.rst:122
msgid ""
":meth:`Plugin.apply` receives a :class:`Route` object instead of a context "
"dictionary as second parameter. The new object offers some additional "
"information and may be extended in the future."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:56
+#: ../../changelog.rst:123
msgid ""
"Plugin names are considered unique now. The topmost plugin with a given name"
" on a given route is installed, all other plugins with the same name are "
"silently ignored."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:58
+#: ../../changelog.rst:125
msgid "The Request/Response Objects"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:60
+#: ../../changelog.rst:127
msgid ""
"Added :attr:`BaseRequest.json`, :attr:`BaseRequest.remote_route`, "
":attr:`BaseRequest.remote_addr`, :attr:`BaseRequest.query` and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:61
+#: ../../changelog.rst:128
msgid ""
"Added :attr:`BaseResponse.status_line` and :attr:`BaseResponse.status_code` "
"attributes. In future releases, :attr:`BaseResponse.status` will return a "
@@ -180,204 +433,204 @@ msgid ""
"use the verbose attributes from now on."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:62
+#: ../../changelog.rst:129
msgid ""
"Replaced :class:`MultiDict` with a specialized :class:`FormsDict` in many "
"places. The new dict implementation allows attribute access and handles "
"unicode form values transparently."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:64
+#: ../../changelog.rst:131
msgid "Templates"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:66
+#: ../../changelog.rst:133
msgid ""
"Added three new functions to the SimpleTemplate default namespace that "
"handle undefined variables: :func:`stpl.defined`, :func:`stpl.get` and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:67
+#: ../../changelog.rst:134
msgid ""
"The default escape function for SimpleTemplate now additionally escapes "
"single and double quotes."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:69
+#: ../../changelog.rst:136
msgid "Routing"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:71
+#: ../../changelog.rst:138
msgid ""
"A new route syntax (e.g. ``/object/<id:int>``) and support for route "
"wildcard filters."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:72
+#: ../../changelog.rst:139
msgid "Four new wildcard filters: `int`, `float`, `path` and `re`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:74
+#: ../../changelog.rst:141
msgid "Other changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:76
+#: ../../changelog.rst:143
msgid "Added command line interface to load applications and start servers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:77
+#: ../../changelog.rst:144
msgid ""
"Introduced a :class:`ConfigDict` that makes accessing configuration a lot "
"easier (attribute access and auto-expanding namespaces)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:78
+#: ../../changelog.rst:145
msgid "Added support for raw WSGI applications to :meth:`Bottle.mount`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:79
+#: ../../changelog.rst:146
msgid ":meth:`Bottle.mount` parameter order changed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:80
+#: ../../changelog.rst:147
msgid ""
":meth:`Bottle.route` now accpets an import string for the ``callback`` "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:81
+#: ../../changelog.rst:148
msgid "Dropped Gunicorn 0.8 support. Current supported version is 0.13."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:82
+#: ../../changelog.rst:149
msgid "Added custom options to Gunicorn server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:83
+#: ../../changelog.rst:150
msgid ""
"Finally dropped support for type filters. Replace with a custom plugin of "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:87
+#: ../../changelog.rst:154
msgid "Release 0.9"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:90
+#: ../../changelog.rst:157
msgid "Whats new?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:91
+#: ../../changelog.rst:158
msgid ""
"A brand new plugin-API. See :ref:`plugins` and :doc:`plugindev` for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:92
+#: ../../changelog.rst:159
msgid ""
"The :func:`route` decorator got a lot of new features. See "
":meth:`Bottle.route` for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:93
+#: ../../changelog.rst:160
msgid ""
"New server adapters for `gevent <>`_, `meinheld "
"<>`_ and `bjoern "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:94
+#: ../../changelog.rst:161
msgid "Support for SimpleTAL templates."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:95
+#: ../../changelog.rst:162
msgid "Better runtime exception handling for mako templates in debug mode."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:96
+#: ../../changelog.rst:163
msgid "Lots of documentation, fixes and small improvements."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:97
+#: ../../changelog.rst:164
msgid "A new :data:`Request.urlparts` property."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:100
+#: ../../changelog.rst:167
msgid "Performance improvements"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:101
+#: ../../changelog.rst:168
msgid ""
"The :class:`Router` now special-cases ``wsgi.run_once`` environments to "
"speed up CGI."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:102
+#: ../../changelog.rst:169
msgid ""
"Reduced module load time by ~30% and optimized template parser. See `8ccb2d "
-"<>`_, `f72a7c <>`_ and `b14b9a "
-"<>`_ for details."
+"</commit/8ccb2d>`_, `f72a7c </commit/f72a7c>`_ and `b14b9a "
+"</commit/b14b9a>`_ for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:103
+#: ../../changelog.rst:170
msgid ""
"Support for \"App Caching\" on Google App Engine. See `af93ec "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:104
+#: ../../changelog.rst:171
msgid ""
"Some of the rarely used or deprecated features are now plugins that avoid "
"overhead if the feature is not used."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:107 ../../changelog.rst:118
+#: ../../changelog.rst:174 ../../changelog.rst:185
msgid "API changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:108
+#: ../../changelog.rst:175
msgid ""
"This release is mostly backward compatible, but some APIs are marked "
"deprecated now and will be removed for the next release. Most noteworthy:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:110
+#: ../../changelog.rst:177
msgid ""
"The ``static`` route parameter is deprecated. You can escape wild-cards with"
" a backslash."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:111
+#: ../../changelog.rst:178
msgid ""
"Type-based output filters are deprecated. They can easily be replaced with "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:115
+#: ../../changelog.rst:182
msgid "Release 0.8"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:119
+#: ../../changelog.rst:186
msgid "These changes may break compatibility with previous versions."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:121
+#: ../../changelog.rst:188
msgid ""
"The built-in Key/Value database is not available anymore. It is marked "
"deprecated since 0.6.4"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:122
+#: ../../changelog.rst:189
msgid "The Route syntax and behaviour changed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:124
+#: ../../changelog.rst:191
msgid ""
"Regular expressions must be encapsulated with ``#``. In 0.6 all non-"
"alphanumeric characters not present in the regular expression were allowed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:125
+#: ../../changelog.rst:192
msgid ""
"Regular expressions not part of a route wildcard are escaped automatically. "
"You don't have to escape dots or other regular control characters anymore. "
@@ -386,69 +639,69 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:127
+#: ../../changelog.rst:194
msgid ""
"The ``BreakTheBottle`` exception is gone. Use :class:`HTTPResponse` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:128
+#: ../../changelog.rst:195
msgid ""
"The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine escapes HTML special characters in "
"``{{bad_html}}`` expressions automatically. Use the new ``{{!good_html}}`` "
"syntax to get old behaviour (no escaping)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:129
+#: ../../changelog.rst:196
msgid ""
"The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine returns unicode strings instead of lists "
"of byte strings."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:130
+#: ../../changelog.rst:197
msgid ""
"``bottle.optimize()`` and the automatic route optimization is obsolete."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:131
+#: ../../changelog.rst:198
msgid "Some functions and attributes were renamed:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:133
+#: ../../changelog.rst:200
msgid ":attr:`Request._environ` is now :attr:`Request.environ`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:134
+#: ../../changelog.rst:201
msgid ":attr:`Response.header` is now :attr:`Response.headers`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:135
+#: ../../changelog.rst:202
msgid ":func:`default_app` is obsolete. Use :func:`app` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:137
+#: ../../changelog.rst:204
msgid "The default :func:`redirect` code changed from 307 to 303."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:138
+#: ../../changelog.rst:205
msgid "Removed support for ``@default``. Use ``@error(404)`` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:142
+#: ../../changelog.rst:209
msgid "New features"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:143
+#: ../../changelog.rst:210
msgid "This is an incomplete list of new features and improved functionality."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:145
+#: ../../changelog.rst:212
msgid ""
"The :class:`Request` object got new properties: :attr:`Request.body`, "
":attr:`Request.auth`, :attr:`Request.url`, :attr:`Request.header`, "
":attr:`Request.forms`, :attr:`Request.files`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:146
+#: ../../changelog.rst:213
msgid ""
"The :meth:`Response.set_cookie` and :meth:`Request.get_cookie` methods are "
"now able to encode and decode python objects. This is called a *secure "
@@ -456,41 +709,41 @@ msgid ""
"client side. All pickle-able data structures are allowed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:147
+#: ../../changelog.rst:214
msgid ""
"The new :class:`Router` class drastically improves performance for setups "
"with lots of dynamic routes and supports named routes (named route + dict = "
"URL string)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:148
+#: ../../changelog.rst:215
msgid ""
"It is now possible (and recommended) to return :exc:`HTTPError` and "
":exc:`HTTPResponse` instances or other exception objects instead of raising "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:149
+#: ../../changelog.rst:216
msgid ""
"The new function :func:`static_file` equals :func:`send_file` but returns a "
":exc:`HTTPResponse` or :exc:`HTTPError` instead of raising it. "
":func:`send_file` is deprecated."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:150
+#: ../../changelog.rst:217
msgid ""
"New :func:`get`, :func:`post`, :func:`put` and :func:`delete` decorators."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:151
+#: ../../changelog.rst:218
msgid "The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine got full unicode support."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:152
+#: ../../changelog.rst:219
msgid "Lots of non-critical bugfixes."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:158
+#: ../../changelog.rst:225
msgid "Contributors"
msgstr ""
@@ -693,65 +946,69 @@ msgid "Nicolas Vanhoren"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:51
-msgid "Robert Rollins"
+msgid "Oz N Tiram"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:52
-msgid "rogererens"
+msgid "Robert Rollins"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:53
-msgid "rwxrwx"
+msgid "rogererens"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:54
-msgid "Santiago Gala"
+msgid "rwxrwx"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:55
-msgid "Sean M. Collins"
+msgid "Santiago Gala"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:56
-msgid "Sebastian Wollrath"
+msgid "Sean M. Collins"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:57
-msgid "Seth"
+msgid "Sebastian Wollrath"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:58
-msgid "Sigurd Høgsbro"
+msgid "Seth"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:59
-msgid "Stuart Rackham"
+msgid "Sigurd Høgsbro"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:60
-msgid "Sun Ning"
+msgid "Stuart Rackham"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:61
-msgid "Tomás A. Schertel"
+msgid "Sun Ning"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:62
-msgid "Tristan Zajonc"
+msgid "Tomás A. Schertel"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:63
-msgid "voltron"
+msgid "Tristan Zajonc"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:64
-msgid "Wieland Hoffmann"
+msgid "voltron"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:65
-msgid "zombat"
+msgid "Wieland Hoffmann"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:66
+msgid "zombat"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:67
msgid "Thiago Avelino"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
index a6f9708..82d4326 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -106,22 +106,46 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:84
+#: ../../configuration.rst:85
+msgid "Loading Configuration from a python module"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"Loading configuration from a Python module is a common pattern for Python "
+"programs and frameworks. Bottle assumes that configuration keys are all "
+"upper case:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:98
+msgid ""
+"You can load the this Python module with :met:`ConfigDict.load_module`::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:107
+msgid ""
+"Note the second parameter to disable loading as namespaced items as in "
+":meth:`ConfigDict.load_dict`. By default, loading from a Python module will "
+"call this method, unless you specifically call this method with `False` as "
+"the second argument."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:110
msgid "Loading Configuration from a nested :class:`dict`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:88
+#: ../../configuration.rst:114
msgid ""
"Another useful method is :meth:`ConfigDict.load_dict`. This method takes an "
"entire structure of nested dictionaries and turns it into a flat list of "
"keys and values with namespaced keys::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:109
+#: ../../configuration.rst:135
msgid "Listening to configuration changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:113
+#: ../../configuration.rst:139
msgid ""
"The ``config`` hook on the application object is triggered each time a value"
" in :attr:`Bottle.config` is changed. This hook can be used to react on "
@@ -133,37 +157,37 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:122
+#: ../../configuration.rst:148
msgid ""
"The hook callbacks cannot *change* the value that is to be stored to the "
"dictionary. That is what filters are for."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:128
+#: ../../configuration.rst:154
msgid "Filters and other Meta Data"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:132
+#: ../../configuration.rst:158
msgid ""
":class:`ConfigDict` allows you to store meta data along with configuration "
"keys. Two meta fields are currently defined:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:136
+#: ../../configuration.rst:162
msgid "help"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:135
+#: ../../configuration.rst:161
msgid ""
"A help or description string. May be used by debugging, introspection or "
"admin tools to help the site maintainer configuring their application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:139
+#: ../../configuration.rst:165
msgid "filter"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:139
+#: ../../configuration.rst:165
msgid ""
"A callable that accepts and returns a single value. If a filter is defined "
"for a key, any new value stored to that key is first passed through the "
@@ -171,37 +195,46 @@ msgid ""
"type, check for invalid values (throw a ValueError) or trigger side effects."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:141
+#: ../../configuration.rst:167
msgid ""
"This feature is most useful for plugins. They can validate their config "
"parameters or trigger side effects using filters and document their "
"configuration via ``help`` fields::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:163
+#: ../../configuration.rst:189
msgid "API Documentation"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict:1
msgid ""
"A dict-like configuration storage with additional support for namespaces, "
-"validators, meta-data, on_change listeners and more."
+"validators, meta-data, overlays and more."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict:4
msgid ""
-"Load values from a Python module. :param squash: Squash nested dicts into "
-"namespaces by using"
+"This dict-like class is heavily optimized for read access. All read-only "
+"methods as well as item access should be as fast as the built-in dict."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:1
+msgid "Load values from a Python module."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:3
-msgid "load_dict(), otherwise use update()"
+msgid "Example modue ````::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:4
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:0
+msgid "Parameters"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:17
msgid ""
-"Example: load_config('', True) Example: "
-"load_config('', False)"
+"If true (default), dictionary values are assumed to represent namespaces "
+"(see :meth:`load_dict`)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:1
@@ -210,9 +243,41 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:3
msgid ""
-"If the config file contains sections, their names are used as namespaces for"
-" the values within. The two special sections ``DEFAULT`` and ``bottle`` "
-"refer to the root namespace (no prefix)."
+"A configuration file consists of sections, each led by a ``[section]`` "
+"header, followed by key/value entries separated by either ``=`` or ``:``. "
+"Section names and keys are case-insensitive. Leading and trailing whitespace"
+" is removed from keys and values. Values can be omitted, in which case the "
+"key/value delimiter may also be left out. Values can also span multiple "
+"lines, as long as they are indented deeper than the first line of the value."
+" Commands are prefixed by ``#`` or ``;`` and may only appear on their own on"
+" an otherwise empty line."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:13
+msgid ""
+"Both section and key names may contain dots (``.``) as namespace separators."
+" The actual configuration parameter name is constructed by joining section "
+"name and key name together and converting to lower case."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:18
+msgid ""
+"The special sections ``bottle`` and ``ROOT`` refer to the root namespace and"
+" the ``DEFAULT`` section defines default values for all other sections."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:22
+msgid "With Python 3, extended string interpolation is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:24
+msgid "The path of a config file, or a list of paths."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:25
+msgid ""
+"All keyword parameters are passed to the underlying "
+":class:`python:configparser.ConfigParser` constructor call."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_dict:1
@@ -224,8 +289,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.update:1
msgid ""
"If the first parameter is a string, all keys are prefixed with this "
-"namespace. Apart from that it works just as the usual dict.update(). "
-"Example: ``update('some.namespace', key='value')``"
+"namespace. Apart from that it works just as the usual dict.update()."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.setdefault:1
+msgid "Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.setdefault:3
+msgid "Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.meta_get:1
diff --git a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
index 9a6e0a6..de5b1aa 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
+# Charles LeMagne, 2017
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ msgid "Contact"
msgstr ""
#: ../../contact.rst:6
-msgid "About the Autor"
+msgid "About the Author"
msgstr ""
#: ../../contact.rst:7
@@ -39,14 +40,14 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../contact.rst:10
msgid "About Bottle"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Über Bottle"
#: ../../contact.rst:11
msgid ""
"This is my first open source project so far. It started and a small "
"experiment but soon got so much positive feedback I decided to make "
"something real out of it. Here it is."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dies ist soweit mein erstes Open Source Projekt."
#: ../../contact.rst:14
msgid "Impressum und Kontaktdaten"
diff --git a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
index 81eedfc..5d81139 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -30,42 +30,43 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:31
msgid ""
-"To get your application available to the outside world, specify the IP of "
-"the interface the server should listen to (e.g. ``run(host='')``)"
-" or let the server listen to all interfaces at once (e.g. "
-"``run(host='')``). The listening port can be changed in a similar "
-"way, but you need root or admin rights to choose a port below 1024. Port 80 "
-"is the standard for HTTP servers::"
+"To get your application available to the outside world, specify the IP the "
+"server should listen to (e.g. ``run(host='')``) or let the server"
+" listen to all interfaces at once (e.g. ``run(host='')``). The "
+"listening port can be changed in a similar way, but you need root or admin "
+"rights to choose a port below 1024. Port 80 is the standard for HTTP "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:36
+#: ../../deployment.rst:37
msgid "Server Options"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:38
+#: ../../deployment.rst:39
msgid ""
"The built-in default server is based on `wsgiref WSGIServer "
"wsgiref.simple_server>`_. This non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine "
-"for development and early production, but may become a performance "
-"bottleneck when server load increases. There are three ways to eliminate "
-"this bottleneck:"
+"for development, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load "
+"increases. There are three ways to eliminate this bottleneck:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:40
-msgid "Use a different server that is either multi-threaded or asynchronous."
+#: ../../deployment.rst:41
+msgid ""
+"Use a different server that is either multi-threaded or supports "
+"asynchronous IO."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:41
+#: ../../deployment.rst:42
msgid ""
"Start multiple server processes and spread the load with a load-balancer."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:42
+#: ../../deployment.rst:43
msgid "Do both."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:44
+#: ../../deployment.rst:45
msgid ""
"**Multi-threaded** servers are the 'classic' way to do it. They are very "
"robust, reasonably fast and easy to manage. As a drawback, they can only "
@@ -76,15 +77,15 @@ msgid ""
"image processing)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:46
+#: ../../deployment.rst:47
msgid ""
-"**Asynchronous** servers are very fast, can handle a virtually unlimited "
+"**Asynchronous IO** servers are very fast, can handle a virtually unlimited "
"number of concurrent connections and are easy to manage. To take full "
"advantage of their potential, you need to design your application "
"accordingly and understand the concepts of the specific server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:48
+#: ../../deployment.rst:49
msgid ""
"**Multi-processing** (forking) servers are not limited by the GIL and "
"utilize more than one CPU core, but make communication between server "
@@ -94,105 +95,101 @@ msgid ""
"there are good tutorials available."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:51
+#: ../../deployment.rst:52
msgid "Switching the Server Backend"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:53
+#: ../../deployment.rst:54
msgid ""
"The easiest way to increase performance is to install a multi-threaded "
"server library like paste_ or cherrypy_ and tell Bottle to use that instead "
"of the single-threaded default server::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:57
+#: ../../deployment.rst:58
msgid ""
"Bottle ships with a lot of ready-to-use adapters for the most common WSGI "
"servers and automates the setup process. Here is an incomplete list:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:60
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:60
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
msgid "Homepage"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:60
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:62
+#: ../../deployment.rst:63
msgid "cgi"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:62
+#: ../../deployment.rst:63
msgid "Run as CGI script"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
msgid "flup"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
msgid "flup_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
msgid "Run as FastCGI process"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
msgid "gae"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
msgid "gae_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
msgid "Helper for Google App Engine deployments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
msgid "wsgiref"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
msgid "wsgiref_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
msgid "Single-threaded default server"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
msgid "cherrypy"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
msgid "cherrypy_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
msgid "Multi-threaded and very stable"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
msgid "paste"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
msgid "paste_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:67
-msgid "Multi-threaded, stable, tried and tested"
-msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:68
-msgid "Multi-threaded"
+msgid "Multi-threaded, stable, tried and tested"
msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:69
@@ -252,78 +249,66 @@ msgid "diesel_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:74
-msgid "fapws3"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:74
-msgid "fapws3_"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:74
-msgid "Asynchronous (network side only), written in C"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "tornado"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:75
+#: ../../deployment.rst:74
msgid "tornado_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:75
+#: ../../deployment.rst:74
msgid "Asynchronous, powers some parts of Facebook"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "twisted"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "twisted_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "Asynchronous, well tested but... twisted"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
msgid "meinheld"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
msgid "meinheld_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
msgid "Asynchronous, partly written in C"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
msgid "bjoern"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
msgid "bjoern_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
msgid "Asynchronous, very fast and written in C"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:79
+#: ../../deployment.rst:78
msgid "auto"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:79
+#: ../../deployment.rst:78
msgid "Automatically selects an available server adapter"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:82
+#: ../../deployment.rst:81
msgid "The full list is available through :data:`server_names`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:84
+#: ../../deployment.rst:83
msgid ""
"If there is no adapter for your favorite server or if you need more control "
"over the server setup, you may want to start the server manually. Refer to "
@@ -331,41 +316,50 @@ msgid ""
" for paste_::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:93
+#: ../../deployment.rst:91
msgid "Apache mod_wsgi"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:95
+#: ../../deployment.rst:93
msgid ""
"Instead of running your own HTTP server from within Bottle, you can attach "
"Bottle applications to an `Apache server <apache>`_ using mod_wsgi_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:97
+#: ../../deployment.rst:95
msgid ""
"All you need is an ``app.wsgi`` file that provides an ``application`` "
"object. This object is used by mod_wsgi to start your application and should"
" be a WSGI-compatible Python callable."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:99
+#: ../../deployment.rst:97
msgid "File ``/var/www/yourapp/app.wsgi``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:110
+#: ../../deployment.rst:108
msgid "The Apache configuration may look like this::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:126
+msgid "uWSGI"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:128
msgid ""
-"With newer versions of Apache (2.4) use a configuration similar to this::"
+"uWSGI_ is a modern alternative to FastCGI and the recommended deployment "
+"option on servers like nginx_, lighttpd_, and cherokee_. The uWSGI project "
+"provides an application server that runs your application, and defines a "
+"protocol that frontend webservers can speak to. Have a look at the excellent"
+" `Quickstart for Python/WSGI applications <https://uwsgi-"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:144
+#: ../../deployment.rst:132
msgid "Google AppEngine"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:148
+#: ../../deployment.rst:136
msgid ""
"New App Engine applications using the Python 2.7 runtime environment support"
" any WSGI application and should be configured to use the Bottle application"
@@ -373,40 +367,31 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:158
+#: ../../deployment.rst:146
msgid ""
"Then you can configure App Engine's ``app.yaml`` to use the ``app`` object "
"like so::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:169
-msgid ""
-"Bottle also provides a ``gae`` server adapter for legacy App Engine "
-"applications using the Python 2.5 runtime environment. It works similar to "
-"the ``cgi`` adapter in that it does not start a new HTTP server, but "
-"prepares and optimizes your application for Google App Engine and makes sure"
-" it conforms to their API::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:173
+#: ../../deployment.rst:158
msgid ""
"It is always a good idea to let GAE serve static files directly. Here is "
"example for a working ``app.yaml`` (using the legacy Python 2.5 runtime "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:189
+#: ../../deployment.rst:175
msgid "Load Balancer (Manual Setup)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:191
+#: ../../deployment.rst:177
msgid ""
"A single Python process can utilize only one CPU at a time, even if there "
"are more CPU cores available. The trick is to balance the load between "
"multiple independent Python processes to utilize all of your CPU cores."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:193
+#: ../../deployment.rst:179
msgid ""
"Instead of a single Bottle application server, you start one instance for "
"each CPU core available using different local port (localhost:8080, 8081, "
@@ -417,29 +402,29 @@ msgid ""
"spread out the load between different physical servers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:195
+#: ../../deployment.rst:181
msgid ""
"One of the fastest load balancers available is Pound_ but most common web "
"servers have a proxy-module that can do the work just fine."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:197
+#: ../../deployment.rst:183
msgid "Pound example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:215
+#: ../../deployment.rst:201
msgid "Apache example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:223
+#: ../../deployment.rst:209
msgid "Lighttpd example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:235
+#: ../../deployment.rst:221
msgid "Good old CGI"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:237
+#: ../../deployment.rst:223
msgid ""
"A CGI server starts a new process for each request. This adds a lot of "
"overhead but is sometimes the only option, especially on cheap hosting "
diff --git a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/development.po b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
index d6a0020..2bafd37 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
+# Charles LeMagne, 2017
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Charles LeMagne\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -19,44 +20,44 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../development.rst:2
msgid "Developer Notes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Entwicklernotizen"
#: ../../development.rst:4
msgid ""
"This document is intended for developers and package maintainers interested "
"in the bottle development and release workflow. If you want to contribute, "
"you are just right!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dieses Dokument ist für Entwickler und Paketbetreuer gedacht die Interesse an der Entwicklung und dem Veröffentlichungsworkflow von bottle haben.\nWenn du etwas beitragen möchtest, dann bist du genau richtig!"
#: ../../development.rst:8
msgid "Get involved"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beteiligen"
#: ../../development.rst:10
msgid ""
"There are several ways to join the community and stay up to date. Here are "
"some of them:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Es gibt einige Wege der Community beizutreten und auf dem neuesten Stand zu bleiben. Hier sind ein paar davon:"
#: ../../development.rst:12
msgid ""
"**Mailing list**: Join our mailing list by sending an email to "
"` "
"<>`_ (no google account required)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Mailing list**: Tritt unserer Mailingliste bei indem du eine e-Mail an ` <>` sendest. (Ein Google Account wird nicht benötigt)"
#: ../../development.rst:13
msgid ""
"**Twitter**: `Follow us on Twitter <>`_ or "
"search for the `#bottlepy <!/search/%23bottlepy>`_ tag."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Twitter**: `Folge uns auf Twitter <>`_ oder suche nach dem `#bottlepy <!/search/%23bottlepy>`_ tag."
#: ../../development.rst:14
msgid ""
"**IRC**: Join `#bottlepy on "
"<irc://>`_ or use the `web chat interface "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**IRC**: Tritt `#bottlepy auf bei <irc://>`_ oder nutze die `Webchat Oberfläche <>`_."
#: ../../development.rst:15
msgid ""
@@ -64,11 +65,11 @@ msgid ""
"stuff "
" on our Google+ page."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Google plus**: Ab und an `blogen wir über Bottle, Veröffentlichungen und technischen Kram <>`_ auf unserer Google+ Seite."
#: ../../development.rst:19
msgid "Get the Sources"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Die Quelldateien holen"
#: ../../development.rst:21
msgid ""
@@ -80,32 +81,32 @@ msgid ""
"developers and can be discussed openly. Even without an account, you can "
"clone the repository or just download the latest development version as a "
"source archive."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Das bottle `Entwicklungs-repository <>`_ und der `Issue-tracker <>`_ sind beide auf `github <>`_ zu finden."
#: ../../development.rst:23
msgid "**git:** ``git clone git://``"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**git:** ``git clone git://``"
#: ../../development.rst:24
msgid "**git/https:** ``git clone``"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**git/https:** ``git clone``"
#: ../../development.rst:25
msgid ""
"**Download:** Development branch as `tar archive "
"<>`_ or `zip file "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Download:** Entwicklungs branch als `tar Archiv <>`_ oder `zip Datei <>`_."
#: ../../development.rst:26
msgid ""
"**Translations:** ` "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Übersetzungen:** ` <>`_"
#: ../../development.rst:30
msgid "Releases and Updates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Veröffentlichungen und Updates"
#: ../../development.rst:32
msgid ""
@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ msgid ""
"revisions of outdated releases are only available from the git repository "
"mentioned above. Some Linux distributions may offer packages for outdated "
"releases, though."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bottle wird in unregelmäßigen Abständen veröffentlicht und über `PyPI <>`_ verteilt. Veröffentlichungskandidaten und bugfix-Revisionen von veralteten Veröffentlichungen sind nur über das oben genannte Git-Repository verfügbar. Einige Linux-Distributionen bieten jedoch möglicherweise Paket aus veralteten Veröffentlichungen an."
#: ../../development.rst:34
msgid ""
@@ -124,11 +125,11 @@ msgid ""
" in at least the two latest minor releases and announced in all available "
"channels (mailinglist, twitter, github). Non-critical bugs or features are "
"not guaranteed to be backported. This may change in the future, through."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Die Bottle Versionsnummer ist in drei Teile unterteilt (**major.minor.revision**). Diese werden *nicht* dazu genutzt um neue Funktionen zu bewerben, sondern um wichtige bug-fixes und/oder Änderungen an der API zu indizieren. Kritische Fehler werden in den letzten zwei stabilen Veröffentlichungen behoben und über alle Kanäle mitgeteilt (Mailinglisten, Twitter, Github). Nicht kritische Fehler oder Features werden garantiert zurückgestellt. Dies wird sich eventuell in der Zukunft ändern. "
#: ../../development.rst:37
msgid "Major Release (x.0)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Major Release (x.0)"
#: ../../development.rst:37
msgid ""
@@ -136,11 +137,11 @@ msgid ""
"that completely break backward compatibility. You probably have to work over"
" your entire application to use a new release. These releases are very rare,"
" through."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Die major release Nummer vergrößert sich bei wichtigen Meilensteinen oder Aktualisierungen die die Abwärtskompatibilität vollständig unterbrechen. Du musst wahrscheinlich deine komplette Anwendung überarbeiten um mit einer neuen Veröffentlichung zu arbeiten. Diese Veröffentlichungen sind allerdings sehr selten."
#: ../../development.rst:40
msgid "Minor Release (x.y)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Minor Release (x.y)"
#: ../../development.rst:40
msgid ""
@@ -151,11 +152,11 @@ msgid ""
" one minor release. You should update to stay up do date, but don't have to."
" An exception is 0.8, which *will* break backward compatibility hard. (This "
"is why 0.7 was skipped). Sorry about that."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Die minor release Nummer vergrößert sich bei Aktualisierungen welche die API oder das Verhalten in irgendeiner Weise beeinflussen. Es kann zu deprecation Warnungen kommen und eventuell musst du einige Einstellungen anpassen um das alte Verhalten wiederherzustellen, in den meisten Fällen sind diese Änderungen jedoch so entwickelt dass mindestens zum letzten minor release abwärtskompatibel sind. Du solltest updaten, um up-to-date zu bleiben, musst allerdings nicht. Eine Ausnahme stellt 0.8 dar, welches hart mit der Abwärtskompatibilität brechen *wird*. (Dies ist der Grund warum 0.7 übersprungen wurde.) Das tut mir Leid."
#: ../../development.rst:43
msgid "Revision (x.y.z)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Revision (x.y.z)"
#: ../../development.rst:43
msgid ""
@@ -163,40 +164,40 @@ msgid ""
"change the API or behaviour. You can safely update without editing your "
"application code. In fact, you really should as soon as possible, because "
"important security fixes are released this way."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Die Revisionsnummer erhöht sich bei Fehlerbehebungen und anderen Patches welche das API-Verhalten nicht beeinflussen. Du kannst sicher updaten ohne den Code deiner Applikation bearbeiten zu müssen. In der Tat solltest du dies auch so schnell wie möglich tun, da auf diese Art wichtige Sicherheitsfixes veröffentlicht werden."
#: ../../development.rst:47
msgid "Pre-Release Versions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pre-Release Versionen"
#: ../../development.rst:46
msgid ""
"Release candidates are marked by an ``rc`` in their revision number. These "
"are API stable most of the time and open for testing, but not officially "
"released yet. You should not use these for production."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Veröffentlichungskandidaten sind durch ein ``rc`` in ihrer Versionsnummer gekennzeichnet. Diese sind meistens API stabil und offen zur Prüfung, jedoch noch nicht offiziell veröffentlicht. Du solltest sie nicht in einer Produktivumgebung einsetzen."
#: ../../development.rst:50
msgid "Repository Structure"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Repositorystruktur"
#: ../../development.rst:52
msgid "The source repository is structured as follows:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Die Struktur des Quellrepositorys ist wie folgt:"
#: ../../development.rst:55
-msgid "master branch"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "``master`` branch"
+msgstr "``master`` Branch"
#: ../../development.rst:55
msgid ""
"This is the integration, testing and development branch. All changes that "
"are planned to be part of the next release are merged and tested here."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dies ist der Integrations-, Test und Entwicklungsbranch. Alle Änderungen die planmäßig Teil der nächsten Veröffentlichung werden, werden hier zusammengeführt und getestet."
#: ../../development.rst:58
-msgid "release-x.y branches"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "``release-x.y`` branches"
+msgstr "``release-x.y`` Branches"
#: ../../development.rst:58
msgid ""
@@ -207,66 +208,55 @@ msgid ""
"is called a \"support branch\" and still receives bug-fixes, but only "
"important ones. The revision number is increased on each push to these "
"branches, so you can keep up with important changes."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:61
-msgid "bugfix_name-x.y branches"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sobald ein Master Branch (fast) bereit zur Veröffentlichung ist wird er in einen neuen Veröffentlichungs Branch verzweigt. Dieser \"Veröffentlichungskandidat\" ist feature-frozen, erfährt allerdings möglicherweise noch Fehlerbehebungen und Änderungen in letzter Minute bevor er als Produktionsreif angesehen und offiziell veröffentlicht wird. Von diesem Punkt an wird er \"support branch\" genannt und erhält immer noch Fehlerbehebungen, allerdings nur wichtige. Die Revisionsnummer wird mit jedem push in diesem Branch erhöht, sodass du mit wichtigen Änderungen mithalten kannst."
-#: ../../development.rst:61
-msgid ""
-"These branches are only temporary and used to develop and share non-trivial "
-"bug-fixes for existing releases. They are merged into the corresponding "
-"release branch and deleted soon after that."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:65
+#: ../../development.rst:62
msgid "Feature branches"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Feature Branches"
-#: ../../development.rst:64
+#: ../../development.rst:61
msgid ""
"All other branches are feature branches. These are based on the master "
"branch and only live as long as they are still active and not merged back "
"into ``master``."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Alle anderen Branches sind Feature Branches. Diese basieren auf dem Master Branch und leben nur solange sie noch aktiv sind und nicht wieder mit ``master`` zusammengeführt wurden."
-#: ../../development.rst:68
+#: ../../development.rst:65
msgid "What does this mean for a developer?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Was bedeutet dies für den Entwickler?"
-#: ../../development.rst:69
+#: ../../development.rst:66
msgid ""
"If you want to add a feature, create a new branch from ``master``. If you "
"want to fix a bug, branch ``release-x.y`` for each affected release. Please "
"use a separate branch for each feature or bug to make integration as easy as"
" possible. Thats all. There are git workflow examples at the bottom of this "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Wenn du ein Feature hinzufügen willst, erstelle einen neuen Branch aus ``master``. Wenn du einen Fehler beheben möchtest, branche `release-x.y`` für jede betroffene Veröffentlichung. Bitte nutze einen separaten Branch für jedes Feature und jeden Fehler um die Integration so einfach wie möglich zu halten. Das ist alles. Es gibt git-workflow am Ende dieser Seite."
-#: ../../development.rst:71
+#: ../../development.rst:68
msgid ""
"Oh, and never ever change the release number. We'll do that on integration. "
"You never know in which order we pull pending requests anyway :)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oh, und ändere niemals die Releasenummer. Wir machen dies während der Integration. Du weißt eh nie in welcher Reihenfolge wir die ausstehenden Anfragen einbeziehen :)"
-#: ../../development.rst:75
+#: ../../development.rst:72
msgid "What does this mean for a maintainer ?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Was bedeutet dies für den Betreuer?"
-#: ../../development.rst:76
+#: ../../development.rst:73
msgid ""
"Watch the tags (and the mailing list) for bug-fixes and new releases. If you"
" want to fetch a specific release from the git repository, trust the tags, "
"not the branches. A branch may contain changes that are not released yet, "
"but a tag marks the exact commit which changed the version number."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Behalte die Tags (und die Mailingliste) im Auge um Fehlerkorrekturen und neue Veröffentlichungen mitzubekommen. Wenn du eine bestimmte Version aus dem git-Repository holen willst vertraue den Tags, nicht den branches. Ein Branch enthält möglicherweise Änderungen die noch nicht veröffentlicht sind, Tags hingegen indizieren das exakte Commit welches die Versionsnummer geändert hat."
-#: ../../development.rst:80
+#: ../../development.rst:77
msgid "Submitting Patches"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Patches Einreichen"
-#: ../../development.rst:82
+#: ../../development.rst:79
msgid ""
"The best way to get your changes integrated into the main development branch"
" is to fork the main repository at github, create a new feature-branch, "
@@ -274,173 +264,173 @@ msgid ""
"small collection of git workflow examples that may guide you. Submitting "
"git-compatible patches to the mailing list is fine too. In any case, please "
"follow some basic rules:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Der beste Weg um deine Änderungen in den Hauptentwicklungsbranch zu integrieren ist, das Hauptrepository zu forken, einen neuen Feature Branch zu erstellen, deine Änderungen vorzunehmen und ein pull-request zu senden. Weiter unten auf dieser Seite befindet sich eine kleine Sammlung von git workflow Beispielislen die dir behilflich sein können. Git-kompatible patches über die Mailingliste einzurichen ist auch gut. In jedem Fall beachte bitte folgende Regeln:"
-#: ../../development.rst:84
+#: ../../development.rst:81
msgid ""
"**Documentation:** Tell us what your patch does. Comment your code. If you "
"introduced a new feature, add to the documentation so others can learn about"
" it."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Dukomentation:** Sag uns was dein patch macht. Kommentiere deinen Code. Wenn du ein neues Feature vorstellst, füge es der Dokumentation hinzu, sodass Anderes etwas darüber lernen können."
-#: ../../development.rst:85
+#: ../../development.rst:82
msgid ""
"**Test:** Write tests to prove that your code works as expected and does not"
" break anything. If you fixed a bug, write at least one test-case that "
"triggers the bug. Make sure that all tests pass before you submit a patch."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Test:** Schreibe Tests um nachzuweisen dass dein Code wie geplant funktioniert und nichts kaputt macht. Wenn du einen Fehler behoben hast, schreibe mindestens einen Testfall, welcher den Fehler auslöst. Stelle sicher dass alle Tests durchlaufen bevor du ein Patch einreichst."
-#: ../../development.rst:86
+#: ../../development.rst:83
msgid ""
"**One patch at a time:** Only fix one bug or add one feature at a time. "
"Design your patches so that they can be applyed as a whole. Keep your "
"patches clean, small and focused."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Ein Patch zur selben Zeit:** Behebe nur einen Fehler oder füge nur ein Feature zur selben Zeit hinzu. Entwickle deine Patches so, dass sie als Ganzes angewendet werden können. Halte deine Patches sauber, klein und fokussiert."
-#: ../../development.rst:87
+#: ../../development.rst:84
msgid ""
"**Sync with upstream:** If the ``upstream/master`` branch changed while you "
"were working on your patch, rebase or pull to make sure that your patch "
"still applies without conflicts."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Synchronisere mit upstream:** Wenn sich der ``upstream/master`` Branch geändert hat während du an deinem Patch gearbeitet hast, führe ein rebase oder pull durch um sicherzustellen dass dein Patch noch zu dem Konflikt passt."
-#: ../../development.rst:91
+#: ../../development.rst:88
msgid "Building the Documentation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Die Dokumentation erstellen"
-#: ../../development.rst:93
+#: ../../development.rst:90
msgid ""
"You need a recent version of Sphinx to build the documentation. The "
"recommended way is to install :command:`virtualenv` using your distribution "
"package repository and install sphinx manually to get an up-to-date version."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Du brauchst eine aktuelle Version von Sphinx um die Dokumentation zu erstellen. Der empfohlene Ablauf ist ` :command:`virtualenv` aus deinem Distributionspackage Repository und Sphinx manuell zu installieren um eine aktuelle Version zu erhalten."
-#: ../../development.rst:124
+#: ../../development.rst:121
msgid "GIT Workflow Examples"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GIT Workflow Beispiele"
-#: ../../development.rst:126
+#: ../../development.rst:123
msgid ""
"The following examples assume that you have an (free) `github account "
"<>`_. This is not mandatory, but makes things a lot "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Die folgenden Beispiele nehmen an dass du einen (kostnelosen) `Github Account <>`_ besitzt. Dies ist nicht notwendig, erleichtert die Dinge jedoch sehr."
-#: ../../development.rst:128
+#: ../../development.rst:125
msgid ""
"First of all you need to create a fork (a personal clone) of the official "
"repository. To do this, you simply click the \"fork\" button on the `bottle "
"project page <>`_. When the fork is done, "
"you will be presented with a short introduction to your new repository."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Als Erstes musst du eine Fork (ein persönlicher Klon) des offiziellen Repositorys erstellen. Um dies zu tun klicke einfach auf den \"fork\" Button auf der `bottle Projektseite <>`_. Wenn das Forken erledigt ist, wirst du eine kurze Einführung in dein neues Repository präsentiert bekommen. "
-#: ../../development.rst:130
+#: ../../development.rst:127
msgid ""
"The fork you just created is hosted at github and read-able by everyone, but"
" write-able only by you. Now you need to clone the fork locally to actually "
"make changes to it. Make sure you use the private (read-write) URL and *not*"
" the public (read-only) one::"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Die Fork die du erstellt hast ist auf github gehostet und lesbar für jeden, schreibbar jedoch nur für dich. Jetzt musst du die Fork lokal klonen um tatsächlich Änderungen daran vorzunehmen. Stelle sicher dass du die private (lesen-schreiben) URL und *nicht* die öffentliche (nur lesen) nutzt::"
-#: ../../development.rst:134
+#: ../../development.rst:131
msgid ""
"Once the clone is complete your repository will have a remote named "
"\"origin\" that points to your fork on github. Don’t let the name confuse "
"you, this does not point to the original bottle repository, but to your own "
"fork. To keep track of the official repository, add another remote named "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sobald dein Klon vollständig ist wird dein Repository eine remote namens \"origin\" haben die auf deine Fork auf github zeigt. Lass dich nicht von den Namen irritieren, sie zeigt nicht auf das originale bottle Repository, sondern auf deine eigene Fork. Um mit Änderungen an dem offiziellen repository auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben füge eine weitere remote namens \"upstream\" hinzu::"
-#: ../../development.rst:140
+#: ../../development.rst:137
msgid ""
"Note that \"upstream\" is a public clone URL, which is read-only. You cannot"
" push changes directly to it. Instead, we will pull from your public "
"repository. This is described later."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bedenke dass \"upstream\" eine öffentliche Klon-URL ist und nur lesbar. Du kannst keine Änderungen direkt dorthin pushen. Stattdessen werden wir von deinem öffentlichen Repository pullen. Dies wird später beschrieben."
-#: ../../development.rst:143
+#: ../../development.rst:140
msgid "Submit a Feature"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ein Feature einreichen"
-#: ../../development.rst:144
+#: ../../development.rst:141
msgid ""
"New features are developed in separate feature-branches to make integration "
"easy. Because they are going to be integrated into the ``master`` branch, "
"they must be based on ``upstream/master``. To create a new feature-branch, "
"type the following::"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Neue Features werden in separaten Feature-Branches entwickelt um deren Integration zu vereinfachen. Da sie in den ``master`` Branch integriert werden müssen sie auf ``upstream/master`` basieren. Um einen neuen Feature-Branch zu erstellen, gib das Folgende ein:"
-#: ../../development.rst:148
+#: ../../development.rst:145
msgid ""
"Now implement your feature, write tests, update the documentation, make sure"
" that all tests pass and commit your changes::"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Jetzt implementiere dein Feature, schreibe Tests, aktualisiere die Dokumentation, stelle sicher dass alle Tests durchlaufen und committe deine Änderungen."
-#: ../../development.rst:152
+#: ../../development.rst:149
msgid ""
"If the ``upstream/master`` branch changed in the meantime, there may be "
"conflicts with your changes. To solve these, 'rebase' your feature-branch "
"onto the top of the updated ``upstream/master`` branch::"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Wenn sich ``upstream/master`` zwischenzeitlich geändert hat können Konflikte mit deinen Änderungen entstehen. Um diese zu lösen 'rebase' deinen Feature-Branch auf den aktualisieren ``upstream/master`` Branch::"
-#: ../../development.rst:157
+#: ../../development.rst:154
msgid ""
"This is equivalent to undoing all your changes, updating your branch to the "
"latest version and reapplying all your patches again. If you released your "
"branch already (see next step), this is not an option because it rewrites "
"your history. You can do a normal pull instead. Resolve any conflicts, run "
"the tests again and commit."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dies ist gleichbedeutend mit der Rückgängigmachung all deiner Änderungen, deinen Branch upzudaten und deine Patches erneut anzuwenden. Wenn du deinen Branch bereits veröffentlicht hast (siehe nächster Schritt) ist dies keine Option, da es deinen Verlauf neu schreibt. Du kannst stattdessen einen normalen Pull machen. Löse alle Konflikte, führe die Tests durch und committe erneut."
-#: ../../development.rst:159
+#: ../../development.rst:156
msgid ""
"Now you are almost ready to send a pull request. But first you need to make "
"your feature-branch public by pushing it to your github fork::"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Jetzt bist du beinahe bereit ein pull-request zu senden. Aber als ersten muss du deinen Feature-Branch öffentlich machen indem du ihn in deine Github-Fork pushst. "
-#: ../../development.rst:163
+#: ../../development.rst:160
msgid ""
"After you’ve pushed your commit(s) you need to inform us about the new "
"feature. One way is to send a pull-request using github. Another way would "
"be to start a thread in the mailing-list, which is recommended. It allows "
"other developers to see and discuss your patches and you get some feedback "
"for free :)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nachdem du deinen commit gepusht hast musst du uns über das neue Feature informieren. Eine Möglichkeit ist, ein pull-request über Github zu senden. Eine Andere wäre, einen neuen Thread in der Mailingliste zu starten, was empfohlen wird. Es erlaubt anderen Entwicklern deine Patches zu sehen und zu diskutieren und du bekommst gratis Feedback :)"
-#: ../../development.rst:165
+#: ../../development.rst:162
msgid ""
"If we accept your patch, we will integrate it into the official development "
"branch and make it part of the next release."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Wenn wir dein Patch akzeptieren werden wir es in den offiziellen Entwickungs Branch integrieren und es wird Teil der nächsten Veröffentlichung."
-#: ../../development.rst:168
+#: ../../development.rst:165
msgid "Fix a Bug"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Einen Fehler beheben"
-#: ../../development.rst:169
+#: ../../development.rst:166
msgid ""
"The workflow for bug-fixes is very similar to the one for features, but "
"there are some differences:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Der Workflow für Fehlerbehebungen ist dem für Features sehr ähnlich, jedoch gibt es ein paar Unterschiede:"
-#: ../../development.rst:171
+#: ../../development.rst:168
msgid ""
"Branch off of the affected release branches instead of just the development "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Branche von dem betroffenen Release-Branch anstelle des Entwicklungs-Branches."
-#: ../../development.rst:172
+#: ../../development.rst:169
msgid "Write at least one test-case that triggers the bug."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Schreibe mindestens einen Testfall der den Fehler auslöst."
-#: ../../development.rst:173
+#: ../../development.rst:170
msgid ""
"Do this for each affected branch including ``upstream/master`` if it is "
"affected. ``git cherry-pick`` may help you reducing repetitive work."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tue dies für jeden betroffenen Branch, eingeschlossen ``upstream/master`` sofern dieser betroffen ist. ``git cherry-pick`` kann dir eventuell helfen sich wiederholende Arbeitsschritte zu minimieren."
-#: ../../development.rst:174
+#: ../../development.rst:171
msgid ""
"Name your branch after the release it is based on to avoid confusion. "
"Examples: ``my_bugfix-x.y`` or ``my_bugfix-dev``."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Benenne deinen Branch nach der Veröffentlichung auf der er basiert um Verwechslungen zu vermeiden. \nBeispiele: ``my_bugfix-x.y`` oder ``my_bugfix-dev``."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
index 70e0fe8..4a9a7c1 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
+# Charles LeMagne, 2017
+# Charles LeMagne, 2017
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -19,15 +21,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../faq.rst:10
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Häufig gestellte Fragen"
#: ../../faq.rst:13
msgid "About Bottle"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Über Bottle"
#: ../../faq.rst:16
msgid "Is bottle suitable for complex applications?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ist Bottle für komplexe Anwendungen geeignet?"
#: ../../faq.rst:18
msgid ""
@@ -38,15 +40,15 @@ msgid ""
" XML-RPC). Although it *is* possible to add these features and build complex"
" applications with Bottle, you should consider using a full-stack Web "
"framework like pylons_ or paste_ instead."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bottle ist ein *micro*-Framework, entworfen für Prototyping und kleine Webanwendungen und -services.\nEs hält sich im Hintergrund und erlaubt es dir die Dinge schnell erledigt zu bekommen, ihm fehlen allerdings einige fortgeschnittenere Eigenschaften und ready-to-use Lösungen wie sie in anderen Frameworks zu finden sind (MVC, ORM, Formularvalidierung, Scaffolding, CML-RPC). Auch *wenn* es möglich ist diese hinzuzufügen und komplexere Anwendungen mit Bottle zu entwickeln, solltest du in Betracht ziehen ein vollwertiges Web-Framework wie pylons oder paste zu benutzen."
#: ../../faq.rst:22
msgid "Common Problems and Pitfalls"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Häufige Probleme und Fallstricke"
#: ../../faq.rst:29
msgid "\"Template Not Found\" in mod_wsgi/mod_python"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "\"Template nicht gefunden\" in mod_wsgi/mod_python"
#: ../../faq.rst:31
msgid ""
@@ -54,29 +56,29 @@ msgid ""
"or mod_wsgi_ environment, the working directory (``./``) depends on your "
"Apache settings. You should add an absolute path to the template search "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bottle sucht in ``./`` und ``./views/`` nach Templates. In einer mod_python_ oder mod_wsgi_ Umgebung hängt das Arbeitsverzeichnis (``./``) von deinen Apache Einstellungen ab. Du solltest dem Templatepfad einen absoluten Pfad hinzufügen"
#: ../../faq.rst:35
msgid "so bottle searches the right paths."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "damit Bottle den richtigen Pfad nutzt."
#: ../../faq.rst:38
msgid "Dynamic Routes and Slashes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dynamische Routen und Schrägstriche"
#: ../../faq.rst:40
msgid ""
"In :ref:`dynamic route syntax <tutorial-dynamic-routes>`, a placeholder "
-"token (``:name``) matches everything up to the next slash. This equals to "
+"token (``<name>``) matches everything up to the next slash. This equals to "
"``[^/]+`` in regular expression syntax. To accept slashes too, you have to "
"add a custom regular pattern to the placeholder. An example: "
-"``/images/:filepath#.*#`` would match ``/images/icons/error.png`` but "
-"``/images/:filename`` won't."
+"``/images/<filepath:path>`` would match ``/images/icons/error.png`` but "
+"``/images/<filename>`` won't."
msgstr ""
#: ../../faq.rst:43
msgid "Problems with reverse proxies"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Probleme mit Reverse-Proxies"
#: ../../faq.rst:45
msgid ""
@@ -86,4 +88,4 @@ msgid ""
"example, the ``wsgi.url_scheme`` value or the ``Host`` header might reflect "
"the local request by your proxy, not the real request by the client. Here is"
" a small WSGI middleware snippet that helps to fix these values::"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Umleitungen und URL-building funktioniert nur wenn Bottle die öffentliche Adresse und den Ort deiner Anwendung kennt. Nutzt du Bottle lokal hinter einem Reverse-Proxie oder einem Load-Balancer können auf dem Weg Informationen verloren gehen.\nZum Beispiel könnte der ``wsgi.url_scheme``-Wert oder der ``Host``-Header die lokale Anfrage deines Proxys widerspiegeln und nicht die echte Anfrage des Clients.\nHier ist eine kleines WSGI-Middleware Snipptes welches dir hilft diese Werte zu korrigieren:"
diff --git a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
index 28095fc..5a552b4 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -17,112 +17,116 @@ msgstr ""
"Language: de_DE\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: ../../index.rst:21
+#: ../../index.rst:20
msgid "Bottle: Python Web Framework"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:23
+#: ../../index.rst:22
msgid ""
"Bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI_ micro web-framework for "
"Python_. It is distributed as a single file module and has no dependencies "
"other than the `Python Standard Library <>`_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:26
+#: ../../index.rst:25
msgid ""
"**Routing:** Requests to function-call mapping with support for clean and "
"dynamic URLs."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:27
+#: ../../index.rst:26
msgid ""
"**Templates:** Fast and pythonic :ref:`built-in template engine <tutorial-"
"templates>` and support for mako_, jinja2_ and cheetah_ templates."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:28
+#: ../../index.rst:27
msgid ""
"**Utilities:** Convenient access to form data, file uploads, cookies, "
"headers and other HTTP-related metadata."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:29
+#: ../../index.rst:28
msgid ""
"**Server:** Built-in HTTP development server and support for paste_, "
-"fapws3_, bjoern_, gae_, cherrypy_ or any other WSGI_ capable HTTP server."
+"bjoern_, gae_, cherrypy_ or any other WSGI_ capable HTTP server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:32
+#: ../../index.rst:31
msgid "Example: \"Hello World\" in a bottle"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:43
+#: ../../index.rst:42
msgid ""
"Run this script or paste it into a Python console, then point your browser "
"to `<http://localhost:8080/hello/world>`_. That's it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:46
+#: ../../index.rst:45
msgid "Download and Install"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:49
+#: ../../index.rst:48
msgid ""
-"Install the latest stable release with ``pip install bottle``, "
-"``easy_install -U bottle`` or download ``__ (unstable) into your "
-"project directory. There are no hard [1]_ dependencies other than the Python"
-" standard library. Bottle runs with **Python 2.7 and 3.4+**."
+"Install the latest stable release with ``pip install bottle`` or download "
+"``__ (unstable) into your project directory. There are no hard [1]_"
+" dependencies other than the Python standard library. Bottle supports "
+"**Python 2.7 and Python 3**."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:50
+msgid "Support for Python 2.5 and 2.6 was dropped with this release."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:52
+#: ../../index.rst:55
msgid "User's Guide"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:53
+#: ../../index.rst:56
msgid ""
"Start here if you want to learn how to use the bottle framework for web "
"development. If you have any questions not answered here, feel free to ask "
"the `mailing list <>`_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:68
+#: ../../index.rst:71
msgid "Knowledge Base"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:69
+#: ../../index.rst:72
msgid "A collection of articles, guides and HOWTOs."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:81
+#: ../../index.rst:84
msgid "Development and Contribution"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:83
+#: ../../index.rst:86
msgid ""
"These chapters are intended for developers interested in the bottle "
"development and release workflow."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:100
+#: ../../index.rst:103
msgid "License"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:102
+#: ../../index.rst:105
msgid "Code and documentation are available according to the MIT License:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:107
+#: ../../index.rst:110
msgid ""
"The Bottle logo however is *NOT* covered by that license. It is allowed to "
"use the logo as a link to the bottle homepage or in direct context with the "
"unmodified library. In all other cases please ask first."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:112
+#: ../../index.rst:115
msgid "Footnotes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:113
+#: ../../index.rst:116
msgid ""
"Usage of the template or server adapter classes requires the corresponding "
"template or server modules."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
index 690943e..83b5776 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ msgid "rule"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugindev.rst:111
-msgid "The rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/:page``)."
+msgid "The rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/<page>``)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugindev.rst:112
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ msgid ""
"different wrapper based on current needs, work with closures, or enable or "
"disable a plugin at runtime. Let's take the built-in HooksPlugin as an "
"example: If no hooks are installed, the plugin removes itself from all "
-"affected routes and has virtaully no overhead. As soon as you install the "
+"affected routes and has virtually no overhead. As soon as you install the "
"first hook, the plugin activates itself and takes effect again."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
index 9128926..b3a3010 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:12
-msgid "Bottle-Beaker"
+msgid "`Bottle-Beaker <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:12
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ msgid "Beaker to session and caching library with WSGI Middleware"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:15
-msgid "Bottle-Cork"
+msgid "`Bottle-Cork <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:15
@@ -53,112 +53,188 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:18
-msgid "Bottle-Extras"
+msgid "`Bottle-Cors-plugin <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:18
-msgid "Meta package to install the bottle plugin collection."
+msgid ""
+"Cors-plugin is the easiest way to implement cors on your bottle web "
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:21
-msgid "Bottle-Flash"
+msgid "`Bottle-Extras <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:21
-msgid "flash plugin for bottle"
+msgid "Meta package to install the bottle plugin collection."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:24
-msgid "Bottle-Hotqueue"
+msgid "`Bottle-Flash <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:24
-msgid "FIFO Queue for Bottle built upon redis"
+msgid "flash plugin for bottle"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:27
-msgid "Macaron"
+msgid "`Bottle-Hotqueue <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:27
-msgid "Macaron is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for SQLite."
+msgid "FIFO Queue for Bottle built upon redis"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:30
-msgid "Bottle-Memcache"
+msgid "`Macaron <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:30
-msgid "Memcache integration for Bottle."
+msgid "Macaron is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for SQLite."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:33
-msgid "Bottle-Mongo"
+msgid "`Bottle-Memcache <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:33
-msgid "MongoDB integration for Bottle"
+msgid "Memcache integration for Bottle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:36
-msgid "Bottle-Redis"
+msgid "`Bottle-Mongo <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:36
-msgid "Redis integration for Bottle."
+msgid "MongoDB integration for Bottle"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:39
-msgid "Bottle-Renderer"
+msgid "`Bottle-OAuthlib <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:39
-msgid "Renderer plugin for bottle"
+msgid "Adapter for oauthlib - create your own OAuth2.0 implementation"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:42
-msgid "Bottle-Servefiles"
+msgid "`Bottle-Redis <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:42
-msgid "A reusable app that serves static files for bottle apps"
+msgid "Redis integration for Bottle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:45
-msgid "Bottle-Sqlalchemy"
+msgid "`Bottle-Renderer <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:45
-msgid "SQLAlchemy integration for Bottle."
+msgid "Renderer plugin for bottle"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:48
-msgid "Bottle-Sqlite"
+msgid "`Bottle-Servefiles <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:48
-msgid "SQLite3 database integration for Bottle."
+msgid "A reusable app that serves static files for bottle apps"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:51
-msgid "Bottle-Web2pydal"
+msgid "`Bottle-Sqlalchemy <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:51
-msgid "Web2py Dal integration for Bottle."
+msgid "SQLAlchemy integration for Bottle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:54
-msgid "Bottle-Werkzeug"
+msgid "`Bottle-Sqlite <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:54
+msgid "SQLite3 database integration for Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:57
+msgid "`Bottle-Web2pydal <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:57
+msgid "Web2py Dal integration for Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:60
+msgid "`Bottle-Werkzeug <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:60
msgid ""
"Integrates the `werkzeug` library (alternative request and response objects,"
" advanced debugging middleware and more)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../plugins/index.rst:56
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"`bottle-smart-filters <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:63
+msgid "Bottle Querystring smart guessing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:66
+msgid "`bottle-jwt <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:66
+msgid "JSON Web Token authentication plugin for"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:69
+msgid "`Bottle-jwt <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:69
+msgid "JWT integration for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:72
+msgid "`canister <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:72
+msgid "a bottle wrapper to provide logging, sessions and authentication"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:75
+msgid "`bottle-cerberus <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:75
+msgid "Cerberus integration for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:78
+msgid "`Bottle-errorsrest <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:78
+msgid "All errors generated from bottle are returned in json"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:82
+msgid "`Bottle-tools <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"Decorators that auto-supply function arguments using POST/query string data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:84
msgid ""
"Plugins listed here are not part of Bottle or the Bottle project, but "
"developed and maintained by third parties."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
index f94fa60..95fda3f 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -38,11 +38,22 @@ msgid ""
"yourself. Here is an example for beaker sessions with a file-based backend::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:46
+#: ../../recipes.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: Beaker's SessionMiddleware is not thread safe. If two concurrent "
+"requests modify the same session at the same time, one of the updates might "
+"get lost. For this reason, sessions should only be populated once and "
+"treated as a read-only store after that. If you find yourself updating "
+"sessions regularly, and don't want to risk losing any updates, think about "
+"using a real database instead or seek alternative session middleware "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:49
msgid "Debugging with Style: Debugging Middleware"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:48
+#: ../../recipes.rst:51
msgid ""
"Bottle catches all Exceptions raised in your app code to prevent your WSGI "
"server from crashing. If the built-in :func:`debug` mode is not enough and "
@@ -50,14 +61,14 @@ msgid ""
" this behaviour::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:56
+#: ../../recipes.rst:59
msgid ""
"Now, bottle only catches its own exceptions (:exc:`HTTPError`, "
":exc:`HTTPResponse` and :exc:`BottleException`) and your middleware can "
"handle the rest."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:58
+#: ../../recipes.rst:61
msgid ""
"The werkzeug_ and paste_ libraries both ship with very powerful debugging "
"WSGI middleware. Look at :class:`werkzeug.debug.DebuggedApplication` for "
@@ -66,35 +77,41 @@ msgid ""
"code within the stack context, so **do not use them in production**."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:62
+#: ../../recipes.rst:65
msgid "Unit-Testing Bottle Applications"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:64
+#: ../../recipes.rst:67
msgid ""
"Unit-testing is usually performed against methods defined in your web "
"application without running a WSGI environment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:66
+#: ../../recipes.rst:69
msgid "A simple example using `Nose <>`_::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:77
+#: ../../recipes.rst:80 ../../recipes.rst:97
msgid "Test script::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:84
+#: ../../recipes.rst:87
msgid ""
"In the example the Bottle route() method is never executed - only index() is"
" tested."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:88
+#: ../../recipes.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"If the code being tested requires access to ``bottle.request`` you can mock "
+"it using `Boddle <>`_::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:108
msgid "Functional Testing Bottle Applications"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:90
+#: ../../recipes.rst:110
msgid ""
"Any HTTP-based testing system can be used with a running WSGI server, but "
"some testing frameworks work more intimately with WSGI, and provide the "
@@ -103,64 +120,64 @@ msgid ""
"<>`_ is a good starting point."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:92
+#: ../../recipes.rst:112
msgid ""
"Example using `WebTest <>`_ and `Nose "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:112
+#: ../../recipes.rst:132
msgid "Embedding other WSGI Apps"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:114
+#: ../../recipes.rst:134
msgid ""
"This is not the recommend way (you should use a middleware in front of "
"bottle to do this) but you can call other WSGI applications from within your"
" bottle app and let bottle act as a pseudo-middleware. Here is an example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:130
+#: ../../recipes.rst:150
msgid ""
"Again, this is not the recommend way to implement subprojects. It is only "
"here because many people asked for this and to show how bottle maps to WSGI."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:134
+#: ../../recipes.rst:154
msgid "Ignore trailing slashes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:136
+#: ../../recipes.rst:156
msgid ""
"For Bottle, ``/example`` and ``/example/`` are two different routes [1]_. To"
" treat both URLs the same you can add two ``@route`` decorators::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:142
+#: ../../recipes.rst:162
msgid "add a WSGI middleware that strips trailing slashes from all URLs::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:155
+#: ../../recipes.rst:175
msgid "or add a ``before_request`` hook to strip the trailing slashes::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:162
+#: ../../recipes.rst:182
msgid "Footnotes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:163
+#: ../../recipes.rst:183
msgid "Because they are. See <>"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:167
+#: ../../recipes.rst:187
msgid "Keep-alive requests"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:171
+#: ../../recipes.rst:191
msgid "For a more detailed explanation, see :doc:`async`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:173
+#: ../../recipes.rst:193
msgid ""
"Several \"push\" mechanisms like XHR multipart need the ability to write "
"response data without closing the connection in conjunction with the "
@@ -172,74 +189,74 @@ msgid ""
" paste_ server::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:190
+#: ../../recipes.rst:210
msgid ""
"If you browse to ``http://localhost:8080/stream``, you should see 'START', "
"'MIDDLE', and 'END' show up one at a time (rather than waiting 8 seconds to "
"see them all at once)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:193
+#: ../../recipes.rst:213
msgid "Gzip Compression in Bottle"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:196
+#: ../../recipes.rst:216
msgid "For a detailed discussion, see compression_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:198
+#: ../../recipes.rst:218
msgid ""
"A common feature request is for Bottle to support Gzip compression, which "
"speeds up sites by compressing static resources (like CSS and JS files) "
"during a request."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:200
+#: ../../recipes.rst:220
msgid ""
"Supporting Gzip compression is not a straightforward proposition, due to a "
"number of corner cases that crop up frequently. A proper Gzip implementation"
" must:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:202
+#: ../../recipes.rst:222
msgid "Compress on the fly and be fast doing so."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:203
+#: ../../recipes.rst:223
msgid "Do not compress for browsers that don't support it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:204
+#: ../../recipes.rst:224
msgid "Do not compress files that are compressed already (images, videos)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:205
+#: ../../recipes.rst:225
msgid "Do not compress dynamic files."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:206
+#: ../../recipes.rst:226
msgid "Support two differed compression algorithms (gzip and deflate)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:207
+#: ../../recipes.rst:227
msgid "Cache compressed files that don't change often."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:208
+#: ../../recipes.rst:228
msgid "De-validate the cache if one of the files changed anyway."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:209
+#: ../../recipes.rst:229
msgid "Make sure the cache does not get to big."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:210
+#: ../../recipes.rst:230
msgid ""
"Do not cache small files because a disk seek would take longer than on-the-"
"fly compression."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:212
+#: ../../recipes.rst:232
msgid ""
"Because of these requirements, it is the recommendation of the Bottle "
"project that Gzip compression is best handled by the WSGI server Bottle runs"
@@ -247,34 +264,34 @@ msgid ""
"that can be used to accomplish this."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:216
+#: ../../recipes.rst:236
msgid "Using the hooks plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:218
+#: ../../recipes.rst:238
msgid ""
"For example, if you want to allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for the "
"content returned by all of your URL, you can use the hook decorator and "
"setup a callback function::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:236
+#: ../../recipes.rst:256
msgid ""
"You can also use the ``before_request`` to take an action before every "
"function gets called."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:241
+#: ../../recipes.rst:261
msgid "Using Bottle with Heroku"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:243
+#: ../../recipes.rst:263
msgid ""
"Heroku_, a popular cloud application platform now provides support for "
"running Python applications on their infastructure."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:246
+#: ../../recipes.rst:266
msgid ""
"This recipe is based upon the `Heroku Quickstart "
"<>`_, with Bottle specific "
@@ -284,7 +301,7 @@ msgid ""
"<>`_ guide::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:262
+#: ../../recipes.rst:282
msgid ""
"Heroku's app stack passes the port that the application needs to listen on "
"for requests, using the `os.environ` dictionary."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
index d622ccc..c02f793 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -95,15 +95,24 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../routing.rst:29
msgid ""
+"Is it possible to escape characters like colon ``:`` with a backslash "
+"``\\``. This will prevent to trigger the old syntax in case you need to use "
+"``:``. For example: the rule ``/<action>/item:<id>`` triggers the old "
+"syntax, (see below) but ``/action/item\\:<id>`` works as intended with the "
+"new syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:33
+msgid ""
"You can change the exact behaviour in many ways using filters. This is "
"described in the next section."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:32
+#: ../../routing.rst:36
msgid "Wildcard Filters"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:36
+#: ../../routing.rst:40
msgid ""
"Filters are used to define more specific wildcards, and/or transform the "
"matched part of the URL before it is passed to the callback. A filtered "
@@ -111,31 +120,31 @@ msgid ""
"syntax for the optional config part depends on the filter used."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:38
+#: ../../routing.rst:42
msgid "The following standard filters are implemented:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:40
+#: ../../routing.rst:44
msgid "**:int** matches (signed) digits and converts the value to integer."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:41
+#: ../../routing.rst:45
msgid "**:float** similar to :int but for decimal numbers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:42
+#: ../../routing.rst:46
msgid ""
"**:path** matches all characters including the slash character in a non-"
"greedy way and may be used to match more than one path segment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:43
+#: ../../routing.rst:47
msgid ""
"**:re[:exp]** allows you to specify a custom regular expression in the "
"config field. The matched value is not modified."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:45
+#: ../../routing.rst:49
msgid ""
"You can add your own filters to the router. All you need is a function that "
"returns three elements: A regular expression string, a callable to convert "
@@ -144,81 +153,81 @@ msgid ""
"parameter and may parse it as needed::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:71
+#: ../../routing.rst:75
msgid "Legacy Syntax"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:75
+#: ../../routing.rst:79
msgid ""
"The new rule syntax was introduce in **Bottle 0.10** to simplify some common"
" use cases, but the old syntax still works and you can find lot code "
"examples still using it. The differences are best described by example:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:78
+#: ../../routing.rst:82
msgid "Old Syntax"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:78
+#: ../../routing.rst:82
msgid "New Syntax"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:80
+#: ../../routing.rst:84
msgid "``:name``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:80
+#: ../../routing.rst:84
msgid "``<name>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:81
+#: ../../routing.rst:85
msgid "``:name#regexp#``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:81
+#: ../../routing.rst:85
msgid "``<name:re:regexp>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:82
+#: ../../routing.rst:86
msgid "``:#regexp#``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:82
+#: ../../routing.rst:86
msgid "``<:re:regexp>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:83
+#: ../../routing.rst:87
msgid "``:##``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:83
+#: ../../routing.rst:87
msgid "``<:re>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:86
+#: ../../routing.rst:90
msgid ""
"Try to avoid the old syntax in future projects if you can. It is not "
"currently deprecated, but will be eventually."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:91
+#: ../../routing.rst:95
msgid "Explicit routing configuration"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:93
+#: ../../routing.rst:97
msgid ""
"Route decorator can also be directly called as method. This way provides "
"flexibility in complex setups, allowing you to directly control, when and "
"how routing configuration done."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:95
+#: ../../routing.rst:99
msgid ""
"Here is a basic example of explicit routing configuration for default bottle"
" application::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:101
+#: ../../routing.rst:105
msgid ""
"In fact, any :class:`Bottle` instance routing can be configured same way::"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
index 2d3e5d6..5b80595 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -142,47 +142,55 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../stpl.rst:96
msgid ""
-"If you find yourself to escape a lot, consider using :ref:`custom tokens "
+"If you find yourself needing to escape a lot, consider using :ref:`custom "
+"tokens <stpl-custom-tokens>`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:99
+#: ../../stpl.rst:98
+msgid ""
+"Note that ``%`` and ``<% %>`` work in *exactly* the same way. The latter is "
+"only a convenient way to type less and avoid clutter for longer code "
+"segments. This means that in ``<% %>`` blocks, all indented code must be "
+"terminated with an ``end``, as in the following example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:114
msgid "Whitespace Control"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:101
+#: ../../stpl.rst:116
msgid ""
"Code blocks and code lines always span the whole line. Whitespace in front "
"of after a code segment is stripped away. You won't see empty lines or "
"dangling whitespace in your template because of embedded code::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:109
+#: ../../stpl.rst:124
msgid "This snippet renders to clean and compact html::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:115
+#: ../../stpl.rst:130
msgid ""
"But embedding code still requires you to start a new line, which may not "
"what you want to see in your rendered template. To skip the newline in front"
" of a code segment, end the text line with a double-backslash::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:123
+#: ../../stpl.rst:138
msgid "This time the rendered template looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:127
+#: ../../stpl.rst:142
msgid ""
"This only works directly in front of code segments. In all other places you "
"can control the whitespace yourself and don't need any special syntax."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:130
+#: ../../stpl.rst:145
msgid "Template Functions"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:132
+#: ../../stpl.rst:147
msgid ""
"Each template is preloaded with a bunch of functions that help with the most"
" common use cases. These functions are always available. You don't have to "
@@ -191,20 +199,20 @@ msgid ""
"anything you want within your templates. They are python programs after all."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:136
+#: ../../stpl.rst:151
msgid ""
"Prior to this release, :func:`include` and :func:`rebase` were syntax "
"keywords, not functions."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:141
+#: ../../stpl.rst:156
msgid ""
"Render a sub-template with the specified variables and insert the resulting "
"text into the current template. The function returns a dictionary containing"
" the local variables passed to or defined within the sub-template::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:149
+#: ../../stpl.rst:164
msgid ""
"Mark the current template to be later included into a different template. "
"After the current template is rendered, its resulting text is stored in a "
@@ -213,11 +221,11 @@ msgid ""
"simulate the inheritance feature found in other template engines::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:154
+#: ../../stpl.rst:169
msgid "This can be combined with the following ``base.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:166
+#: ../../stpl.rst:181
msgid ""
"Accessing undefined variables in a template raises :exc:`NameError` and "
"stops rendering immediately. This is standard python behavior and nothing "
@@ -226,32 +234,38 @@ msgid ""
"or use the same template in different situations. These functions may help:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:174
+#: ../../stpl.rst:189
msgid ""
"Return True if the variable is defined in the current template namespace, "
"False otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:179
+#: ../../stpl.rst:194
msgid "Return the variable, or a default value."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:183
+#: ../../stpl.rst:198
msgid ""
"If the variable is not defined, create it with the given default value. "
"Return the variable."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:186
+#: ../../stpl.rst:201
msgid ""
"Here is an example that uses all three functions to implement optional "
"template variables in different ways::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:200
+#: ../../stpl.rst:215
msgid ":class:`SimpleTemplate` API"
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.SimpleTemplate.prepare:1
+msgid ""
+"Run preparations (parsing, caching, ...). It should be possible to call this"
+" again to refresh a template or to update settings."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.SimpleTemplate.render:1
msgid "Render the template using keyword arguments as local variables."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
index c63c799..b1ffcbd 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
+# Charles LeMagne, 2017
+# Charles LeMagne, 2017
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -19,7 +21,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:24
msgid "Tutorial"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tutorial"
#: ../../tutorial.rst:26
msgid ""
@@ -32,17 +34,17 @@ msgid ""
"you need any help, join our `mailing list "
"<>`_ or visit us in our `IRC channel "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dieses Tutorial führt dich in die Konzepte und Eigenschaften des Bottle Web-Frameworks ein und deckt grundlegende und fortgeschnittene Themenbereiche ab. Du kannst es dir von Anfang bis Ende durchlesen oder später als Referenz nutzen. Die automatisch generierte :doc:`api` könnte dich ebenfalls interessieren. Sie deckt mehr Details ab, erklärt im Gegensatz zu diesem Tutorial aber weniger. Lösungen für die meistgestellten Fragen sind in der :doc:`recipes` Sammlung oder der :doc:`faq` Seite zu finden. Wenn du Hilfe brauchst, tritt unserem Mailverteiler <>`_ bei oder besuche unsere IRC-Kanal <>`_."
#: ../../tutorial.rst:31
msgid "Installation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Installation"
#: ../../tutorial.rst:33
msgid ""
"Bottle does not depend on any external libraries. You can just download "
"` </>`_ into your project directory and start coding:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bottle hängt von keinerlei externen Bibliotheken ab. Du kannst einfach ` </>`_ in dein Projektverzeichnis herunterladen und anfangen zu coden."
#: ../../tutorial.rst:39
msgid ""
@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ msgid ""
"<>`_ and can be installed via "
":command:`pip` (recommended), :command:`easy_install` or your package "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "So bekommst du den aktuellsten Entwicklungsschnappschuss, welcher alle neuen Features enthält . Wenn du eine stabilere Umgebung bevorzugst solltest du bei den stabilen Veröffentlichungen bleiben. Diese sind auf `PyPI <>`_ verfügbar und können einfach via :command:`pip` (empfohlen), :command:`easy_install` oder deinem Paketmanager installiert werden."
#: ../../tutorial.rst:47
msgid ""
@@ -64,24 +66,24 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:55
msgid "Or, if virtualenv is not installed on your system:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oder wenn virtualenv nicht auf deinem System installiert ist:"
#: ../../tutorial.rst:67
msgid "Quickstart: \"Hello World\""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Schnellstart: \"Hallo Welt\""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:69
msgid ""
"This tutorial assumes you have Bottle either :ref:`installed <installation>`"
" or copied into your project directory. Let's start with a very basic "
"\"Hello World\" example::"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dieses Tutorial setzt voraus dass du entweder :ref:`installiert <installation>` oder in dein Projektverzeichnis kopiert hast.\nLass uns mit einem sehr grundlegenden \"Hallo Welt\" Beispiel starten::"
#: ../../tutorial.rst:79
msgid ""
"This is it. Run this script, visit http://localhost:8080/hello and you will "
"see \"Hello World!\" in your browser. Here is how it works:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Das ist es. Starte dieses Skript, besuche visit http://localhost:8080/hello und du wirst \"Hello World!\" in deinem Browser sehen. Und so funktioniert es:"
#: ../../tutorial.rst:81
msgid ""
@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ msgid ""
"concept of this framework. You can define as many routes as you want. "
"Whenever a browser requests a URL, the associated function is called and the"
" return value is sent back to the browser. It's as simple as that."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Der :func:`route` Dekorator bindet ein stück Code anneinen URL-Pfad.\nIn diesem Fall verlinken wir den ``/hello``-Pfad mit der ``hello()``-Funktion.\nDies wird `route` genannt (daher auch der Dekoratorname) und ist das wichtigste Konzept dieses Frameworks.\nDu kannst so viele Routen definieren wie du willst.\nWann immer ein Browser eine URL anfragt wird die damit verbundene Funktion aufgerufen und die Rückgabe an den Browser gesendet. So einfach ist das."
#: ../../tutorial.rst:83
msgid ""
@@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ msgid ""
"development server is all we need. It requires no setup at all and is an "
"incredibly painless way to get your application up and running for local "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Der :func:`run` Aufruf in der letzten Zeile startet einen eingebauten Entwicklungsserver. Er läuft auf ``localhost``, Port ``8080`` und bedient Anfragen, bist du :kbd:`Control-c` drückst. Du kannst das Server-Backend später ändern, doch im Augenblick ist dieser Entwicklungsserver alles was wir brauchen. Er benötigt kein Setup und ist ein sehr schmerzfreier Weg um deine Anwendung zum lokalen Testen ans Laufen zu bringen."
#: ../../tutorial.rst:85
msgid ""
@@ -380,7 +382,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:273
-msgid "Empty Strings, False, None or other non-true values:"
+msgid "Empty Strings, ``False``, ``None`` or other non-true values:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:273
@@ -413,7 +415,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:282
-msgid "Instances of HTTPError or HTTPResponse"
+msgid "Instances of :exc:`HTTPError` or :exc:`HTTPResponse`"
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:282
@@ -543,7 +545,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:365
msgid ""
"Both functions will interrupt your callback code by raising an "
-":exc:`HTTPError` exception."
+":exc:`HTTPResponse` exception."
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:368
@@ -612,7 +614,7 @@ msgid ""
"read :ref:`ahead <tutorial-cookies>`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:403 ../../tutorial.rst:532
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:403 ../../tutorial.rst:533
msgid "Cookies"
msgstr ""
@@ -659,25 +661,32 @@ msgid ""
" off, requires Python 2.7 or newer)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:424
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:423
+msgid ""
+"**same_site:** Disables third-party use for a cookie. Allowed attributes: "
+"`lax` and `strict`. In strict mode the cookie will never be sent. In lax "
+"mode the cookie is only sent with a top-level GET request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:425
msgid ""
"If neither `expires` nor `max_age` is set, the cookie expires at the end of "
"the browser session or as soon as the browser window is closed. There are "
"some other gotchas you should consider when using cookies:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:426
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:427
msgid "Cookies are limited to 4 KB of text in most browsers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:427
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:428
msgid ""
"Some users configure their browsers to not accept cookies at all. Most "
"search engines ignore cookies too. Make sure that your application still "
"works without cookies."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:428
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:429
msgid ""
"Cookies are stored at client side and are not encrypted in any way. Whatever"
" you store in a cookie, the user can read it. Worse than that, an attacker "
@@ -687,15 +696,15 @@ msgid ""
"cookies, too. Thus, never store confidential information in cookies."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:429
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:430
msgid "Cookies are easily forged by malicious clients. Do not trust cookies."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:434
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:435
msgid "Signed Cookies"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:435
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:436
msgid ""
"As mentioned above, cookies are easily forged by malicious clients. Bottle "
"can cryptographically sign your cookies to prevent this kind of "
@@ -705,7 +714,7 @@ msgid ""
"if the cookie is not signed or the signature keys don't match::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:455
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:456
msgid ""
"In addition, Bottle automatically pickles and unpickles any data stored to "
"signed cookies. This allows you to store any pickle-able object (not only "
@@ -713,7 +722,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:457
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:458
msgid ""
"Signed cookies are not encrypted (the client can still see the content) and "
"not copy-protected (the client can restore an old cookie). The main "
@@ -721,11 +730,11 @@ msgid ""
"not to store secret information at client side."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:470
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:471
msgid "Request Data"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:472
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:473
msgid ""
"Cookies, HTTP header, HTML ``<form>`` fields and other request data is "
"available through the global :data:`request` object. This special object "
@@ -733,25 +742,25 @@ msgid ""
"where multiple client connections are handled at the same time::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:481
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:482
msgid ""
"The :data:`request` object is a subclass of :class:`BaseRequest` and has a "
"very rich API to access data. We only cover the most commonly used features "
"here, but it should be enough to get started."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:486
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:487
msgid "Introducing :class:`FormsDict`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:488
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:489
msgid ""
"Bottle uses a special type of dictionary to store form data and cookies. "
":class:`FormsDict` behaves like a normal dictionary, but has some additional"
" features to make your life easier."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:490
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:491
msgid ""
"**Attribute access**: All values in the dictionary are also accessible as "
"attributes. These virtual attributes return unicode strings, even if the "
@@ -759,7 +768,7 @@ msgid ""
"empty, but still present::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:505
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:506
msgid ""
"**Multiple values per key:** :class:`FormsDict` is a subclass of "
":class:`MultiDict` and can store more than one value per key. The standard "
@@ -768,7 +777,7 @@ msgid ""
"values for a specific key::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:510
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:511
msgid ""
"**WTForms support:** Some libraries (e.g. `WTForms "
"<>`_) want all-unicode dictionaries as input."
@@ -777,7 +786,7 @@ msgid ""
"the other features."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:514
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:515
msgid ""
"In **Python 2** all keys and values are byte-strings. If you need unicode, "
"you can call :meth:`FormsDict.getunicode` or fetch values via attribute "
@@ -785,7 +794,7 @@ msgid ""
"empty string if that fails. No need to catch :exc:`UnicodeError`::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:521
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:522
msgid ""
"In **Python 3** all strings are unicode, but HTTP is a byte-based wire "
"protocol. The server has to decode the byte strings somehow before they are "
@@ -797,13 +806,13 @@ msgid ""
" not what you want."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:528
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:529
msgid ""
"If you need the whole dictionary with correctly decoded values (e.g. for "
"WTForms), you can call :meth:`FormsDict.decode` to get a re-encoded copy."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:534
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:535
msgid ""
"Cookies are small pieces of text stored in the clients browser and sent back"
" to the server with each request. They are useful to keep some state around "
@@ -811,25 +820,25 @@ msgid ""
" for security related stuff. They can be easily forged by the client."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:536
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:537
msgid ""
"All cookies sent by the client are available through "
":attr:`BaseRequest.cookies` (a :class:`FormsDict`). This example shows a "
"simple cookie-based view counter::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:546
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:547
msgid ""
"The :meth:`BaseRequest.get_cookie` method is a different way do access "
"cookies. It supports decoding :ref:`signed cookies <tutorial-signed-"
"cookies>` as described in a separate section."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:549
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:550
msgid "HTTP Headers"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:551
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:552
msgid ""
"All HTTP headers sent by the client (e.g. ``Referer``, ``Agent`` or "
"``Accept-Language``) are stored in a :class:`WSGIHeaderDict` and accessible "
@@ -837,11 +846,11 @@ msgid ""
" is basically a dictionary with case-insensitive keys::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:563
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:564
msgid "Query Variables"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:565
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:566
msgid ""
"The query string (as in ``/forum?id=1&page=5``) is commonly used to transmit"
" a small number of key/value pairs to the server. You can use the "
@@ -850,17 +859,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:578
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:579
msgid "HTML `<form>` Handling"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:580
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:581
msgid ""
"Let us start from the beginning. In HTML, a typical ``<form>`` looks "
"something like this:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:590
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:591
msgid ""
"The ``action`` attribute specifies the URL that will receive the form data. "
"``method`` defines the HTTP method to use (``GET`` or ``POST``). With "
@@ -870,77 +879,77 @@ msgid ""
"in doubt, use ``POST`` forms."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:592
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:593
msgid ""
"Form fields transmitted via ``POST`` are stored in :attr:`BaseRequest.forms`"
" as a :class:`FormsDict`. The server side code may look like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:615
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:616
msgid ""
"There are several other attributes used to access form data. Some of them "
"combine values from different sources for easier access. The following table"
" should give you a decent overview."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "GET Form fields"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "POST Form fields"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "File Uploads"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:620
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.query`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:620 ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:624
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:625 ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622 ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626 ../../tutorial.rst:626
msgid "yes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:620 ../../tutorial.rst:620 ../../tutorial.rst:621
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622 ../../tutorial.rst:622
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:624
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:622 ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:625 ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626
msgid "no"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:621
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:622
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.forms`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:622
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:623
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.files`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.params`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:624
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.GET`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.POST`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:630
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:631
msgid "File uploads"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:632
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:633
msgid ""
"To support file uploads, we have to change the ``<form>`` tag a bit. First, "
"we tell the browser to encode the form data in a different way by adding an "
@@ -949,14 +958,14 @@ msgid ""
"Here is an example:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:642
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:643
msgid ""
"Bottle stores file uploads in :attr:`BaseRequest.files` as "
":class:`FileUpload` instances, along with some metadata about the upload. "
"Let us assume you just want to save the file to disk::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:656
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:657
msgid ""
":attr:`FileUpload.filename` contains the name of the file on the clients "
"file system, but is cleaned up and normalized to prevent bugs caused by "
@@ -965,7 +974,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:658
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:659
msgid ""
"The :attr:`` method is highly recommended if you want to "
"store the file to disk. It prevents some common errors (e.g. it does not "
@@ -974,22 +983,22 @@ msgid ""
":attr:`FileUpload.file`. Just be careful."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:662
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:663
msgid "JSON Content"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:664
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:665
msgid ""
"Some JavaScript or REST clients send ``application/json`` content to the "
"server. The :attr:`BaseRequest.json` attribute contains the parsed data "
"structure, if available."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:668
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:669
msgid "The raw request body"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:670
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:671
msgid ""
"You can access the raw body data as a file-like object via "
":attr:`BaseRequest.body`. This is a :class:`BytesIO` buffer or a temporary "
@@ -999,24 +1008,24 @@ msgid ""
"unbuffered access to the stream, have a look at ``request['wsgi.input']``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:675
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:676
msgid "WSGI Environment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:677
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:678
msgid ""
"Each :class:`BaseRequest` instance wraps a WSGI environment dictionary. The "
"original is stored in :attr:`BaseRequest.environ`, but the request object "
"itself behaves like a dictionary, too. Most of the interesting data is "
"exposed through special methods or attributes, but if you want to access "
-"`WSGI environ variables <WSGI specification>`_ directly, you can do so::"
+"`WSGI environ variables <WSGI_Specification>`_ directly, you can do so::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:695
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:696
msgid "Templates"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:697
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:698
msgid ""
"Bottle comes with a fast and powerful built-in template engine called "
":doc:`stpl`. To render a template you can use the :func:`template` function "
@@ -1025,7 +1034,7 @@ msgid ""
"arguments. Here’s a simple example of how to render a template::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:704
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:705
msgid ""
"This will load the template file ``hello_template.tpl`` and render it with "
"the ``name`` variable set. Bottle will look for templates in the "
@@ -1033,17 +1042,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:706
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:707
msgid ""
"The :func:`view` decorator allows you to return a dictionary with the "
"template variables instead of calling :func:`template`::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:715
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:716
msgid "Syntax"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:718
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:719
msgid ""
"The template syntax is a very thin layer around the Python language. Its "
"main purpose is to ensure correct indentation of blocks, so you can format "
@@ -1051,26 +1060,26 @@ msgid ""
" syntax description: :doc:`stpl`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:720
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:721
msgid "Here is an example template::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:731
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:732
msgid "Caching"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:732
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:733
msgid ""
"Templates are cached in memory after compilation. Modifications made to the "
"template files will have no affect until you clear the template cache. Call "
"``bottle.TEMPLATES.clear()`` to do so. Caching is disabled in debug mode."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:742
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:743
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:746
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:747
msgid ""
"Bottle's core features cover most common use-cases, but as a micro-framework"
" it has its limits. This is where \"Plugins\" come into play. Plugins add "
@@ -1078,7 +1087,7 @@ msgid ""
"just automate some repetitive work."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:748
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:749
msgid ""
"We have a growing :doc:`/plugins/index` and most plugins are designed to be "
"portable and re-usable across applications. The chances are high that your "
@@ -1086,7 +1095,7 @@ msgid ""
"the :doc:`/plugindev` may help you."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:750
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:751
msgid ""
"The effects and APIs of plugins are manifold and depend on the specific "
"plugin. The ``SQLitePlugin`` plugin for example detects callbacks that "
@@ -1095,7 +1104,7 @@ msgid ""
"use a database::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:770
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:771
msgid ""
"Other plugin may populate the thread-safe :data:`local` object, change "
"details of the :data:`request` object, filter the data returned by the "
@@ -1104,11 +1113,11 @@ msgid ""
"the original callback. What happens exactly depends on the plugin."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:774
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:775
msgid "Application-wide Installation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:776
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:777
msgid ""
"Plugins can be installed application-wide or just to some specific routes "
"that need additional functionality. Most plugins can safely be installed to "
@@ -1116,7 +1125,7 @@ msgid ""
" need their functionality."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:778
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:779
msgid ""
"Let us take the ``SQLitePlugin`` plugin for example. It only affects route "
"callbacks that need a database connection. Other routes are left alone. "
@@ -1124,13 +1133,13 @@ msgid ""
"additional overhead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:780
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:781
msgid ""
"To install a plugin, just call :func:`install` with the plugin as first "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:785
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:786
msgid ""
"The plugin is not applied to the route callbacks yet. This is delayed to "
"make sure no routes are missed. You can install plugins first and add routes"
@@ -1139,17 +1148,17 @@ msgid ""
"database plugin first."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:789
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:790
msgid "Uninstall Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:790
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:791
msgid ""
"You can use a name, class or instance to :func:`uninstall` a previously "
"installed plugin::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:800
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:801
msgid ""
"Plugins can be installed and removed at any time, even at runtime while "
"serving requests. This enables some neat tricks (installing slow debugging "
@@ -1158,52 +1167,52 @@ msgid ""
" re-applied."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:803
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:804
msgid ""
"The module-level :func:`install` and :func:`uninstall` functions affect the "
":ref:`default-app`. To manage plugins for a specific application, use the "
"corresponding methods on the :class:`Bottle` application object."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:807
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:808
msgid "Route-specific Installation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:809
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:810
msgid ""
"The ``apply`` parameter of the :func:`route` decorator comes in handy if you"
" want to install plugins to only a small number of routes::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:819
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:820
msgid "Blacklisting Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:821
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:822
msgid ""
"You may want to explicitly disable a plugin for a number of routes. The "
":func:`route` decorator has a ``skip`` parameter for this purpose::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:843
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:844
msgid ""
"The ``skip`` parameter accepts a single value or a list of values. You can "
"use a name, class or instance to identify the plugin that is to be skipped. "
"Set ``skip=True`` to skip all plugins at once."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:846
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:847
msgid "Plugins and Sub-Applications"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:848
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:849
msgid ""
"Most plugins are specific to the application they were installed to. "
"Consequently, they should not affect sub-applications mounted with "
":meth:`Bottle.mount`. Here is an example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:859
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:860
msgid ""
"Whenever you mount an application, Bottle creates a proxy-route on the main-"
"application that forwards all requests to the sub-application. Plugins are "
@@ -1212,13 +1221,13 @@ msgid ""
"affect the routes of the ``/blog`` sub-application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:861
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:862
msgid ""
"This behavior is intended as a sane default, but can be overridden. The "
"following example re-activates all plugins for a specific proxy-route::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:865
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:866
msgid ""
"But there is a snag: The plugin sees the whole sub-application as a single "
"route, namely the proxy-route mentioned above. In order to affect each "
@@ -1226,21 +1235,21 @@ msgid ""
"the mounted application explicitly."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:870
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:871
msgid "Development"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:872
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:873
msgid ""
"So you have learned the basics and want to write your own application? Here "
-"are some tips that might help you beeing more productive."
+"are some tips that might help you being more productive."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:878
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:879
msgid "Default Application"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:880
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:881
msgid ""
"Bottle maintains a global stack of :class:`Bottle` instances and uses the "
"top of the stack as a default for some of the module-level functions and "
@@ -1248,7 +1257,7 @@ msgid ""
"calling :meth:`Bottle.route` on the default application::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:888
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:889
msgid ""
"This is very convenient for small applications and saves you some typing, "
"but also means that, as soon as your module is imported, routes are "
@@ -1257,28 +1266,28 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:898
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:899
msgid ""
"Separating the application object improves re-usability a lot, too. Other "
"developers can safely import the ``app`` object from your module and use "
":meth:`Bottle.mount` to merge applications together."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:903
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:904
msgid ""
"Starting with bottle-0.13 you can use :class:`Bottle` instances as context "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:928
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:929
msgid "Debug Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:930
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:931
msgid "During early development, the debug mode can be very helpful."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:938
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:939
msgid ""
"In this mode, Bottle is much more verbose and provides helpful debugging "
"information whenever an error occurs. It also disables some optimisations "
@@ -1286,31 +1295,31 @@ msgid ""
" misconfiguration."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:940
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:941
msgid "Here is an incomplete list of things that change in debug mode:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:942
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:943
msgid "The default error page shows a traceback."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:943
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:944
msgid "Templates are not cached."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:944
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:945
msgid "Plugins are applied immediately."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:946
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:947
msgid "Just make sure not to use the debug mode on a production server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:949
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:950
msgid "Auto Reloading"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:951
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:952
msgid ""
"During development, you have to restart the server a lot to test your recent"
" changes. The auto reloader can do this for you. Every time you edit a "
@@ -1318,14 +1327,14 @@ msgid ""
"version of your code."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:961
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:962
msgid ""
"How it works: the main process will not start a server, but spawn a new "
"child process using the same command line arguments used to start the main "
"process. All module-level code is executed at least twice! Be careful."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:966
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:967
msgid ""
"The child process will have ``os.environ['BOTTLE_CHILD']`` set to ``True`` "
"and start as a normal non-reloading app server. As soon as any of the loaded"
@@ -1334,7 +1343,7 @@ msgid ""
"debug mode to deactivate template caching."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:972
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:973
msgid ""
"The reloading depends on the ability to stop the child process. If you are "
"running on Windows or any other operating system not supporting "
@@ -1343,21 +1352,21 @@ msgid ""
"finally clauses, etc., are not executed after a ``SIGTERM``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:980
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:981
msgid "Command Line Interface"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:984
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:985
msgid "Starting with version 0.10 you can use bottle as a command-line tool:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1008
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1009
msgid ""
"The `ADDRESS` field takes an IP address or an IP:PORT pair and defaults to "
"``localhost:8080``. The other parameters should be self-explanatory."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1010
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1011
msgid ""
"Both plugins and applications are specified via import expressions. These "
"consist of an import path (e.g. ``package.module``) and an expression to be "
@@ -1365,52 +1374,52 @@ msgid ""
":func:`load` for details. Here are some examples:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1031
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1032
msgid "Deployment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1033
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1034
msgid ""
"Bottle runs on the built-in `wsgiref WSGIServer "
" by default. This non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine for "
-"development and early production, but may become a performance bottleneck "
-"when server load increases."
+"development, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1035
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1036
msgid ""
"The easiest way to increase performance is to install a multi-threaded "
"server library like paste_ or cherrypy_ and tell Bottle to use that instead "
"of the single-threaded server::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1039
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1040
msgid ""
"This, and many other deployment options are described in a separate article:"
" :doc:`deployment`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1047
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1048
msgid "Glossary"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1050
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1051
msgid "callback"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1052
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1053
msgid ""
"Programmer code that is to be called when some external action happens. In "
"the context of web frameworks, the mapping between URL paths and application"
" code is often achieved by specifying a callback function for each URL."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1056
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1057
msgid "decorator"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1058
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1059
msgid ""
"A function returning another function, usually applied as a function "
"transformation using the ``@decorator`` syntax. See `python documentation "
@@ -1419,11 +1428,11 @@ msgid ""
"about decorators."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1059
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1060
msgid "environ"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1061
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1062
msgid ""
"A structure where information about all documents under the root is saved, "
"and used for cross-referencing. The environment is pickled after the "
@@ -1431,22 +1440,22 @@ msgid ""
"changed documents."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1065
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1066
msgid "handler function"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1067
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1068
msgid ""
"A function to handle some specific event or situation. In a web framework, "
"the application is developed by attaching a handler function as callback for"
" each specific URL comprising the application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1070
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1071
msgid "source directory"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1072
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1073
msgid ""
"The directory which, including its subdirectories, contains all source files"
" for one Sphinx project."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
index 6744a31..da30114 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ msgstr ""
"Language: de_DE\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:20
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:19
msgid "Tutorial: Todo-List Application"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:24
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:23
msgid ""
-"This tutorial is a work in progess and written by `noisefloor "
+"This tutorial is a work in progress and written by `noisefloor "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:27
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:26
msgid ""
"This tutorial should give a brief introduction to the Bottle_ WSGI "
"Framework. The main goal is to be able, after reading through this tutorial,"
@@ -37,19 +37,19 @@ msgid ""
"POST parameters."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:29
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:28
msgid ""
"To understand the content here, it is not necessary to have a basic "
"knowledge of WSGI, as Bottle tries to keep WSGI away from the user anyway. "
"You should have a fair understanding of the Python_ programming language. "
"Furthermore, the example used in the tutorial retrieves and stores data in a"
-" SQL databse, so a basic idea about SQL helps, but is not a must to "
+" SQL database, so a basic idea about SQL helps, but is not a must to "
"understand the concepts of Bottle. Right here, SQLite_ is used. The output "
"of Bottle sent to the browser is formatted in some examples by the help of "
"HTML. Thus, a basic idea about the common HTML tags does help as well."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:31
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:30
msgid ""
"For the sake of introducing Bottle, the Python code \"in between\" is kept "
"short, in order to keep the focus. Also all code within the tutorial is "
@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ msgid ""
"protect the database with a password, test and escape the input etc."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:0
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:32
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:36
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:35
msgid "Goals"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:38
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:37
msgid ""
"At the end of this tutorial, we will have a simple, web-based ToDo list. The"
" list contains a text (with max 100 characters) and a status (0 for closed, "
@@ -74,68 +74,68 @@ msgid ""
"can be view and edited and new items can be added."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:40
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:39
msgid ""
"During development, all pages will be available on ``localhost`` only, but "
"later on it will be shown how to adapt the application for a \"real\" "
"server, including how to use with Apache's mod_wsgi."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:42
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:41
msgid ""
"Bottle will do the routing and format the output, with the help of "
"templates. The items of the list will be stored inside a SQLite database. "
"Reading and writing the database will be done by Python code."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:44
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:43
msgid ""
"We will end up with an application with the following pages and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:46
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:45
msgid "start page ``http://localhost:8080/todo``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:47
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:46
msgid "adding new items to the list: ``http://localhost:8080/new``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:48
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:47
msgid "page for editing items: ``http://localhost:8080/edit/<no:int>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:49
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:48
msgid "catching errors"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:52
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:51
msgid "Before We Start..."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:56
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:55
msgid "Install Bottle"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:57
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:56
msgid ""
"Assuming that you have a fairly new installation of Python (version 2.5 or "
"higher), you only need to install Bottle in addition to that. Bottle has no "
"other dependencies than Python itself."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:59
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:58
msgid ""
"You can either manually install Bottle or use Python's easy_install: "
"``easy_install bottle``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:63
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:62
msgid "Further Software Necessities"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:64
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:63
msgid ""
"As we use SQLite3 as a database, make sure it is installed. On Linux "
"systems, most distributions have SQLite3 installed by default. SQLite is "
@@ -143,18 +143,18 @@ msgid ""
"of the python standard library."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:67
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:66
msgid "Create An SQL Database"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:68
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:67
msgid ""
"First, we need to create the database we use later on. To do so, save the "
"following script in your project directory and run it with python. You can "
"use the interactive interpreter too::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:79
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:78
msgid ""
"This generates a database-file `todo.db` with tables called ``todo`` and "
"three columns ``id``, ``task``, and ``status``. ``id`` is a unique id for "
@@ -164,22 +164,22 @@ msgid ""
"closed (value 0)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:82
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:81
msgid "Using Bottle for a Web-Based ToDo List"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:84
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:83
msgid ""
"Now it is time to introduce Bottle in order to create a web-based "
"application. But first, we need to look into a basic concept of Bottle: "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:88
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:87
msgid "Understanding routes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:89
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:88
msgid ""
"Basically, each page visible in the browser is dynamically generated when "
"the page address is called. Thus, there is no static content. That is "
@@ -190,24 +190,24 @@ msgid ""
"execute the corresponding Python code and return its result."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:93
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:92
msgid "First Step - Showing All Open Items"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:94
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:93
msgid ""
"So, after understanding the concept of routes, let's create the first one. "
"The goal is to see all open items from the ToDo list::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:109
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:108
msgid ""
"Save the code a ````, preferably in the same directory as the file "
"``todo.db``. Otherwise, you need to add the path to ``todo.db`` in the "
"``sqlite3.connect()`` statement."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:111
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:110
msgid ""
"Let's have a look what we just did: We imported the necessary module "
"``sqlite3`` to access to SQLite database and from Bottle we imported "
@@ -223,19 +223,19 @@ msgid ""
"``todo_list()``. That is how routing within bottle works."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:113
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:112
msgid ""
"Actually you can bind more than one route to a function. So the following "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:120
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:119
msgid ""
"will work fine, too. What will not work is to bind one route to more than "
"one function."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:122
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:121
msgid ""
"What you will see in the browser is what is returned, thus the value given "
"by the ``return`` statement. In this example, we need to convert ``result`` "
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ msgid ""
"list of tuples, which is the standard defined by the `Python DB API`_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:124
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:123
msgid ""
"Now, after understanding the little script above, it is time to execute it "
"and watch the result yourself. Remember that on Linux- / Unix-based systems "
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:128
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:127
msgid ""
"If so - congratulations! You are now a successful user of Bottle. In case it"
" did not work and you need to make some changes to the script, remember to "
@@ -262,23 +262,23 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:130
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:129
msgid ""
"Actually, the output is not really exciting nor nice to read. It is the raw "
"result returned from the SQL query."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:132
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:131
msgid ""
"So, in the next step we format the output in a nicer way. But before we do "
"that, we make our life easier."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:136
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:135
msgid "Debugging and Auto-Reload"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:137
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:136
msgid ""
"Maybe you already noticed that Bottle sends a short error message to the "
"browser in case something within the script is wrong, e.g. the connection to"
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ msgid ""
"statement to the script::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:145
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:144
msgid ""
"By enabling \"debug\", you will get a full stacktrace of the Python "
"interpreter, which usually contains useful information for finding bugs. "
@@ -295,42 +295,42 @@ msgid ""
" will take effect without stopping the server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:149
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:148
msgid ""
"That ``debug(True)`` is supposed to be used for development only, it should "
"*not* be used in production environments."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:153
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:152
msgid ""
"Another quite nice feature is auto-reloading, which is enabled by modifying "
"the ``run()`` statement to"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:159
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:158
msgid ""
"This will automatically detect changes to the script and reload the new "
"version once it is called again, without the need to stop and start the "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:161
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:160
msgid ""
"Again, the feature is mainly supposed to be used while developing, not on "
"production systems."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:165
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:164
msgid "Bottle Template To Format The Output"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:166
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:165
msgid ""
"Now let's have a look at casting the output of the script into a proper "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:168
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:167
msgid ""
"Actually Bottle expects to receive a string or a list of strings from a "
"function and returns them by the help of the built-in server to the browser."
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ msgid ""
" text formatted with HTML markup, too."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:170
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:169
msgid ""
"Bottle brings its own easy-to-use template engine with it. Templates are "
"stored as separate files having a ``.tpl`` extension. The template can be "
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ msgid ""
" query, which will be then formatted nicely within the template."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:172
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:171
msgid ""
"Right here, we are going to cast the result of our query showing the open "
"ToDo items into a simple table with two columns: the first column will "
@@ -356,11 +356,11 @@ msgid ""
"as seen above, a list of tuples, each tuple contains one set of results."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:174
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:173
msgid "To include the template in our example, just add the following lines::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:184
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:183
msgid ""
"So we do here two things: first, we import ``template`` from Bottle in order"
" to be able to use templates. Second, we assign the output of the template "
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ msgid ""
"value to a template."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:186
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:185
msgid ""
"Templates always return a list of strings, thus there is no need to convert "
"anything. We can save one line of code by writing ``return "
@@ -379,18 +379,18 @@ msgid ""
"as above."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:188
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:187
msgid ""
"Now it is time to write the corresponding template, which looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:202
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:201
msgid ""
"Save the code as ``make_table.tpl`` in the same directory where ```` "
"is stored."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:204
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:203
msgid ""
"Let's have a look at the code: every line starting with % is interpreted as "
"Python code. Because it is effectively Python, only valid Python statements "
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ msgid ""
"code would. The other lines are plain HTML markup."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:206
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:205
msgid ""
"As you can see, we use Python's ``for`` statement two times, in order to go "
"through ``rows``. As seen above, ``rows`` is a variable which holds the "
@@ -409,14 +409,14 @@ msgid ""
" ``%end``, otherwise the output may not be what you expect."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:208
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:207
msgid ""
"If you need to access a variable within a non-Python code line inside the "
"template, you need to put it into double curly braces. This tells the "
"template to insert the actual value of the variable right in place."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:210
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:209
msgid ""
"Run the script again and look at the output. Still not really nice, but at "
"least more readable than the list of tuples. You can spice-up the very "
@@ -424,107 +424,97 @@ msgid ""
"looking output."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:214
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:213
msgid "Using GET and POST Values"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:215
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:214
msgid ""
"As we can review all open items properly, we move to the next step, which is"
" adding new items to the ToDo list. The new item should be received from a "
"regular HTML-based form, which sends its data by the GET method."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:217
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:216
msgid ""
"To do so, we first add a new route to our script and tell the route that it "
"should get GET data::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:240
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:239
msgid ""
"To access GET (or POST) data, we need to import ``request`` from Bottle. To "
"assign the actual data to a variable, we use the statement "
-"``request.GET.get('task','').strip()`` statement, where ``task`` is the name"
-" of the GET data we want to access. That's all. If your GET data has more "
-"than one variable, multiple ``request.GET.get()`` statements can be used and"
-" assigned to other variables."
+"``request.GET.task.strip()`` statement, where ``task`` is the name of the "
+"GET data we want to access. That's all. If your GET data has more than one "
+"variable, multiple ``request.GET.get()`` statements can be used and assigned"
+" to other variables."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:242
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:241
msgid ""
"The rest of this piece of code is just processing of the gained data: "
"writing to the database, retrieve the corresponding id from the database and"
" generate the output."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:244
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:243
msgid ""
"But where do we get the GET data from? Well, we can use a static HTML page "
"holding the form. Or, what we do right now, is to use a template which is "
"output when the route ``/new`` is called without GET data."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:246
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:245
msgid "The code needs to be extended to::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:269
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:268
msgid "``new_task.tpl`` looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:277
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:276
msgid "That's all. As you can see, the template is plain HTML this time."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:279
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:278
msgid "Now we are able to extend our to do list."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:281
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:280
msgid ""
"By the way, if you prefer to use POST data: this works exactly the same way,"
" just use ``request.POST.get()`` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:285
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:284
msgid "Editing Existing Items"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:286
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:285
msgid "The last point to do is to enable editing of existing items."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:288
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:287
msgid ""
"By using only the routes we know so far it is possible, but may be quite "
"tricky. But Bottle knows something called \"dynamic routes\", which makes "
"this task quite easy."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:290
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:289
msgid "The basic statement for a dynamic route looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:294
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:293
msgid ""
-"The key point here is the colon. This tells Bottle to accept for "
-"``:something`` any string up to the next slash. Furthermore, the value of "
-"``something`` will be passed to the function assigned to that route, so the "
-"data can be processed within the function."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:296
-msgid ""
-"For our ToDo list, we will create a route ``@route('/edit/<no:int>)``, where"
-" ``no`` is the id (integer) of the item to edit."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:298
-msgid "The code looks like this::"
+"This tells Bottle to accept for ``<something>`` any string up to the next "
+"slash. Furthermore, the value of ``something`` will be passed to the "
+"function assigned to that route, so the data can be processed within the "
+"function, like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:326
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:321
msgid ""
"It is basically pretty much the same what we already did above when adding "
"new items, like using ``GET`` data etc. The main addition here is using the "
@@ -533,34 +523,60 @@ msgid ""
" the function to access the right row of data within the database."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:328
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:324
msgid ""
"The template ``edit_task.tpl`` called within the function looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:343
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:339
msgid ""
"Again, this template is a mix of Python statements and HTML, as already "
"explained above."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:345
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:341
msgid ""
"A last word on dynamic routes: you can even use a regular expression for a "
"dynamic route, as demonstrated later."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:345
+msgid "Validating Dynamic Routes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:346
+msgid ""
+"Using dynamic routes is fine, but for many cases it makes sense to validate "
+"the dynamic part of the route. For example, we expect an integer number in "
+"our route for editing above. But if a float, characters or so are received, "
+"the Python interpreter throws an exception, which is not what we want."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:348
+msgid ""
+"For those cases, Bottle offers the ``<name:int>`` wildcard filter, which "
+"matches (signed) digits and converts the value to integer. In order to apply"
+" the wildcard filter, extend the code as follows::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:356
+msgid ""
+"Save the code and call the page again using incorrect value for "
+"``<no:int>``, e.g. a float. You will receive not an exception, but a \"404 "
+"Not Found\" error."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:360
msgid "Dynamic Routes Using Regular Expressions"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:349
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:361
msgid ""
"Bottle can also handle dynamic routes, where the \"dynamic part\" of the "
"route can be a regular expression."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:351
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:363
msgid ""
"So, just to demonstrate that, let's assume that all single items in our ToDo"
" list should be accessible by their plain number, by a term like e.g. "
@@ -569,31 +585,28 @@ msgid ""
"the route, the term \"item\" is static."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:353
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:365
msgid "As said above, the solution is a regular expression::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:367
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:380
msgid ""
-"This example is somehow artificially constructed - it would be easier to use"
-" a plain dynamic route only combined with a validation. Nevertheless, we "
-"want to see how regular expression routes work: the line "
-"``@route(/item<item_:re:[0-9]+>)`` starts like a normal route, but the part "
-"surrounded by # is interpreted as a regular expression, which is the dynamic"
-" part of the route. So in this case, we want to match any digit between 0 "
-"and 9. The following function \"show_item\" just checks whether the given "
-"item is present in the database or not. In case it is present, the "
-"corresponding text of the task is returned. As you can see, only the regular"
-" expression part of the route is passed forward. Furthermore, it is always "
-"forwarded as a string, even if it is a plain integer number, like in this "
+"The line ``@route(/item<item:re:[0-9]+>)`` starts like a normal route, but "
+"the third part of the wildcard is interpreted as a regular expression, which"
+" is the dynamic part of the route. So in this case, we want to match any "
+"digit between 0 and 9. The following function \"show_item\" just checks "
+"whether the given item is present in the database or not. In case it is "
+"present, the corresponding text of the task is returned. As you can see, "
+"only the regular expression part of the route is passed forward. "
+"Furthermore, it is always forwarded as a string, even if it is a plain "
+"integer number, like in this case."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:371
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:384
msgid "Returning Static Files"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:372
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:385
msgid ""
"Sometimes it may become necessary to associate a route not to a Python "
"function, but just return a static file. So if you have for example a help "
@@ -601,7 +614,7 @@ msgid ""
"This works as follows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:380
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:393
msgid ""
"At first, we need to import the ``static_file`` function from Bottle. As you"
" can see, the ``return static_file`` statement replaces the ``return`` "
@@ -614,11 +627,11 @@ msgid ""
"``static_file`` works with any type of route, including the dynamic ones."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:384
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:397
msgid "Returning JSON Data"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:385
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:398
msgid ""
"There may be cases where you do not want your application to generate the "
"output directly, but return data to be processed further on, e.g. by "
@@ -628,37 +641,37 @@ msgid ""
"languages, including Python"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:387
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:400
msgid ""
"So, let's assume we want to return the data generated in the regular "
"expression route example as a JSON object. The code looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:402
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:415
msgid ""
"As you can, that is fairly simple: just return a regular Python dictionary "
"and Bottle will convert it automatically into a JSON object prior to "
"sending. So if you e.g. call \"http://localhost/json1\" Bottle should in "
-"this case return the JSON object ``{\"Task\": [\"Read A-byte-of-python to "
+"this case return the JSON object ``{\"task\": [\"Read A-byte-of-python to "
"get a good introduction into Python\"]}``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:407
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:420
msgid "Catching Errors"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:408
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:421
msgid ""
"The next step may is to catch the error with Bottle itself, to keep away any"
" type of error message from the user of your application. To do that, Bottle"
" has an \"error-route\", which can be a assigned to a HTML-error."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:410
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:423
msgid "In our case, we want to catch a 403 error. The code is as follows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:418
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:431
msgid ""
"So, at first we need to import ``error`` from Bottle and define a route by "
"``error(403)``, which catches all \"403 forbidden\" errors. The function "
@@ -667,28 +680,28 @@ msgid ""
"function always needs to accept one argument, otherwise it will not work."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:420
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:433
msgid ""
"Again, you can assign more than one error-route to a function, or catch "
"various errors with one function each. So this code::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:427
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:440
msgid "works fine, the following one as well::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:439
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:452
msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:440
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:453
msgid ""
"After going through all the sections above, you should have a brief "
"understanding how the Bottle WSGI framework works. Furthermore you have all "
"the knowledge necessary to use Bottle for your applications."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:442
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:455
msgid ""
"The following chapter give a short introduction how to adapt Bottle for "
"larger projects. Furthermore, we will show how to operate Bottle with web "
@@ -696,11 +709,11 @@ msgid ""
"one we used so far."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:445
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:458
msgid "Server Setup"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:447
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:460
msgid ""
"So far, we used the standard server used by Bottle, which is the `WSGI "
"reference Server`_ shipped along with Python. Although this server is "
@@ -709,47 +722,47 @@ msgid ""
"have a look how to tweak the settings of the standard server first."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:451
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:464
msgid "Running Bottle on a different port and IP"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:452
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:465
msgid ""
-"As standard, Bottle serves the pages on the IP adress, also known "
-"as ``localhost``, and on port ``8080``. To modify the setting is pretty "
+"As standard, Bottle serves the pages on the IP address, also known"
+" as ``localhost``, and on port ``8080``. To modify the setting is pretty "
"simple, as additional parameters can be passed to Bottle's ``run()`` "
"function to change the port and the address."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:454
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:467
msgid ""
"To change the port, just add ``port=portnumber`` to the run command. So, for"
" example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:458
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:471
msgid "would make Bottle listen to port 80."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:460
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:473
msgid "To change the IP address where Bottle is listening::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:464
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:477
msgid "If needed, both parameters can be combined, like::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:468
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:481
msgid ""
"The ``port`` and ``host`` parameter can also be applied when Bottle is "
"running with a different server, as shown in the following section."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:472
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:485
msgid "Running Bottle with a different server"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:473
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:486
msgid ""
"As said above, the standard server is perfectly suitable for development, "
"personal use or a small group of people only using your application based on"
@@ -757,50 +770,50 @@ msgid ""
"it is single-threaded, thus it can only serve one request at a time."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:475
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:488
msgid ""
"But Bottle has already various adapters to multi-threaded servers on board, "
-"which perform better on higher load. Bottle supports Cherrypy_, Fapws3_, "
-"Flup_ and Paste_."
+"which perform better on higher load. Bottle supports Cherrypy_, Flup_ and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:477
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:490
msgid ""
"If you want to run for example Bottle with the Paste server, use the "
"following code::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:483
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:496
msgid ""
"This works exactly the same way with ``FlupServer``, ``CherryPyServer`` and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:487
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:500
msgid "Running Bottle on Apache with mod_wsgi"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:488
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:501
msgid ""
"Maybe you already have an Apache_ or you want to run a Bottle-based "
"application large scale - then it is time to think about Apache with "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:490
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:503
msgid ""
"We assume that your Apache server is up and running and mod_wsgi is working "
"fine as well. On a lot of Linux distributions, mod_wsgi can be easily "
"installed via whatever package management system is in use."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:492
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:505
msgid ""
"Bottle brings an adapter for mod_wsgi with it, so serving your application "
"is an easy task."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:494
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:507
msgid ""
"In the following example, we assume that you want to make your application "
"\"ToDo list\" accessible through ```` and your "
@@ -808,42 +821,42 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:496
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:509
msgid ""
"When you run your application via mod_wsgi, it is imperative to remove the "
"``run()`` statement from your code, otherwise it won't work here."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:498
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:511
msgid ""
"After that, create a file called ``adapter.wsgi`` with the following "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:509
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:522
msgid ""
"and save it in the same path, ``/var/www/todo``. Actually the name of the "
"file can be anything, as long as the extension is ``.wsgi``. The name is "
"only used to reference the file from your virtual host."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:511
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:524
msgid ""
"Finally, we need to add a virtual host to the Apache configuration, which "
"looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:527
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:540
msgid ""
"After restarting the server, your ToDo list should be accessible at "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:530
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:543
msgid "Final Words"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:532
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:545
msgid ""
"Now we are at the end of this introduction and tutorial to Bottle. We "
"learned about the basic concepts of Bottle and wrote a first application "
@@ -851,7 +864,7 @@ msgid ""
"for large tasks and serve Bottle through an Apache web server with mod_wsgi."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:534
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:547
msgid ""
"As said in the introduction, this tutorial is not showing all shades and "
"possibilities of Bottle. What we skipped here is e.g. receiving file objects"
@@ -861,28 +874,28 @@ msgid ""
"documentation`_ ."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:537
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:550
msgid "Complete Example Listing"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:539
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:552
msgid ""
"As the ToDo list example was developed piece by piece, here is the complete "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:541
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:554
msgid "Main code for the application ````::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:655
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:675
msgid "Template ``make_table.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:669
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:689
msgid "Template ``edit_task.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:684
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:704
msgid "Template ``new_task.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/api.po b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..851a68b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1488 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../../api.rst:3
+msgid "API Reference"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:10
+msgid ""
+"This is a mostly auto-generated API. If you are new to bottle, you might "
+"find the narrative :doc:`tutorial` more helpful."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:17
+msgid "Module Contents"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:19
+msgid "The module defines several functions, constants, and an exception."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.debug:1
+msgid ""
+"Change the debug level. There is only one debug level supported at the "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid ""
+"Start a server instance. This method blocks until the server terminates."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.path_shift:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring
+#: of bottle.Bottle.mount:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.Bottle.route:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:0
+msgid "Parameters"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid ""
+"WSGI application or target string supported by :func:`load_app`. (default: "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid ""
+"Server adapter to use. See :data:`server_names` keys for valid names or pass"
+" a :class:`ServerAdapter` subclass. (default: `wsgiref`)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid ""
+"Server address to bind to. Pass ```` to listens on all interfaces "
+"including the external one. (default:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid ""
+"Server port to bind to. Values below 1024 require root privileges. (default:"
+" 8080)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Start auto-reloading server? (default: False)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Auto-reloader interval in seconds (default: 1)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Suppress output to stdout and stderr? (default: False)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Options passed to the server adapter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.load:1
+msgid "Import a module or fetch an object from a module."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.load:3
+msgid "``package.module`` returns `module` as a module object."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.load:4
+msgid "``pack.mod:name`` returns the module variable `name` from `pack.mod`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.load:5
+msgid "``pack.mod:func()`` calls `pack.mod.func()` and returns the result."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.load:7
+msgid ""
+"The last form accepts not only function calls, but any type of expression. "
+"Keyword arguments passed to this function are available as local variables. "
+"Example: ``import_string('re:compile(x)', x='[a-z]')``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.load_app:1
+msgid ""
+"Load a bottle application from a module and make sure that the import does "
+"not affect the current default application, but returns a separate "
+"application object. See :func:`load` for the target parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.request:1 ../../../bottle.pydocstring
+#: of bottle.request:1
+msgid ""
+"A thread-safe instance of :class:`LocalRequest`. If accessed from within a "
+"request callback, this instance always refers to the *current* request (even"
+" on a multi-threaded server)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.response:1
+msgid ""
+"A thread-safe instance of :class:`LocalResponse`. It is used to change the "
+"HTTP response for the *current* request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HTTP_CODES:1
+msgid ""
+"A dict to map HTTP status codes (e.g. 404) to phrases (e.g. 'Not Found')"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:38
+msgid ""
+"Return the current :ref:`default-app`. Actually, these are callable "
+"instances of :class:`AppStack` and implement a stack-like API."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:42
+msgid "Routing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:44
+msgid ""
+"Bottle maintains a stack of :class:`Bottle` instances (see :func:`app` and "
+":class:`AppStack`) and uses the top of the stack as a *default application* "
+"for some of the module-level functions and decorators."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:54
+msgid ""
+"Decorator to install a route to the current default application. See "
+":meth:`Bottle.route` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:59
+msgid ""
+"Decorator to install an error handler to the current default application. "
+"See :meth:`Bottle.error` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:63
+msgid "WSGI and HTTP Utilities"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.parse_date:1
+msgid "Parse rfc1123, rfc850 and asctime timestamps and return UTC epoch."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.parse_auth:1
+msgid ""
+"Parse rfc2617 HTTP authentication header string (basic) and return "
+"(user,pass) tuple or None"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.cookie_encode:1
+msgid "Encode and sign a pickle-able object. Return a (byte) string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.cookie_decode:1
+msgid "Verify and decode an encoded string. Return an object or None."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.cookie_is_encoded:1
+msgid "Return True if the argument looks like a encoded cookie."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.yieldroutes:1
+msgid ""
+"Return a generator for routes that match the signature (name, args) of the "
+"func parameter. This may yield more than one route if the function takes "
+"optional keyword arguments. The output is best described by example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:1
+msgid "Shift path fragments from PATH_INFO to SCRIPT_NAME and vice versa."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:0
+msgid "Returns"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:3
+msgid "The modified paths."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:4
+msgid "The SCRIPT_NAME path."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:5
+msgid "The PATH_INFO path."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:6
+msgid ""
+"The number of path fragments to shift. May be negative to change the shift "
+"direction. (default: 1)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:81
+msgid "Data Structures"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict:1
+msgid ""
+"This dict stores multiple values per key, but behaves exactly like a normal "
+"dict in that it returns only the newest value for any given key. There are "
+"special methods available to access the full list of values."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.keys:1
+msgid "D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.values:1
+msgid "D.values() -> an object providing a view on D's values"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.items:1
+msgid "D.items() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's items"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:1
+msgid "Return the most recent value for a key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:3
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:3
+msgid ""
+"The default value to be returned if the key is not present or the type "
+"conversion fails."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:5
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:5
+msgid "An index for the list of available values."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:6
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:6
+msgid ""
+"If defined, this callable is used to cast the value into a specific type. "
+"Exception are suppressed and result in the default value to be returned."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.append:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.append:1
+msgid "Add a new value to the list of values for this key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.replace:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.replace:1
+msgid "Replace the list of values with a single value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getall:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getall:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.getall:1
+msgid "Return a (possibly empty) list of values for a key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:1
+msgid "Aliases for WTForms to mimic other multi-dict APIs (Django)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict:1
+msgid ""
+"A case-insensitive version of :class:`MultiDict` that defaults to replace "
+"the old value instead of appending it."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FormsDict:1
+msgid ""
+"This :class:`MultiDict` subclass is used to store request form data. "
+"Additionally to the normal dict-like item access methods (which return "
+"unmodified data as native strings), this container also supports attribute-"
+"like access to its values. Attributes are automatically de- or recoded to "
+"match :attr:`input_encoding` (default: 'utf8'). Missing attributes default "
+"to an empty string."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FormsDict.input_encoding:1
+msgid "Encoding used for attribute values."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FormsDict.recode_unicode:1
+msgid ""
+"If true (default), unicode strings are first encoded with `latin1` and then "
+"decoded to match :attr:`input_encoding`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FormsDict.decode:1
+msgid ""
+"Returns a copy with all keys and values de- or recoded to match "
+":attr:`input_encoding`. Some libraries (e.g. WTForms) want a unicode "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FormsDict.getunicode:1
+msgid "Return the value as a unicode string, or the default."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.WSGIHeaderDict:1
+msgid ""
+"This dict-like class wraps a WSGI environ dict and provides convenient "
+"access to HTTP_* fields. Keys and values are native strings (2.x bytes or "
+"3.x unicode) and keys are case-insensitive. If the WSGI environment contains"
+" non-native string values, these are de- or encoded using a lossless "
+"'latin1' character set."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.WSGIHeaderDict:7
+msgid ""
+"The API will remain stable even on changes to the relevant PEPs. Currently "
+"PEP 333, 444 and 3333 are supported. (PEP 444 is the only one that uses non-"
+"native strings.)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.WSGIHeaderDict.cgikeys:1
+msgid "List of keys that do not have a ``HTTP_`` prefix."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.WSGIHeaderDict.raw:1
+msgid "Return the header value as is (may be bytes or unicode)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.AppStack:1
+msgid "A stack-like list. Calling it returns the head of the stack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:100
+msgid "Return the current default application and remove it from the stack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.AppStack.push:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.AppStack.push:1
+msgid "Add a new :class:`Bottle` instance to the stack"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager:1
+msgid ""
+"This class manages a list of search paths and helps to find and open "
+"application-bound resources (files)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager:4
+msgid "default value for :meth:`add_path` calls."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager:5
+msgid "callable used to open resources."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager:6
+msgid "controls which lookups are cached. One of 'all', 'found' or 'none'."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.ResourceManager.path:1
+msgid "A list of search paths. See :meth:`add_path` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.ResourceManager.cache:1
+msgid "A cache for resolved paths. ``res.cache.clear()`` clears the cache."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:1
+msgid ""
+"Add a new path to the list of search paths. Return False if the path does "
+"not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:4
+msgid ""
+"The new search path. Relative paths are turned into an absolute and "
+"normalized form. If the path looks like a file (not ending in `/`), the "
+"filename is stripped off."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:7
+msgid ""
+"Path used to absolutize relative search paths. Defaults to :attr:`base` "
+"which defaults to ``os.getcwd()``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:9
+msgid ""
+"Position within the list of search paths. Defaults to last index (appends to"
+" the list)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:12
+msgid ""
+"The `base` parameter makes it easy to reference files installed along with a"
+" python module or package::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.lookup:1
+msgid "Search for a resource and return an absolute file path, or `None`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.lookup:3
+msgid ""
+"The :attr:`path` list is searched in order. The first match is returned. "
+"Symlinks are followed. The result is cached to speed up future lookups."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Find a resource and return a file object, or raise IOError."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.file:1
+msgid "Open file(-like) object (BytesIO buffer or temporary file)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of
+msgid "Name of the upload form field"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.raw_filename:1
+msgid "Raw filename as sent by the client (may contain unsafe characters)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.headers:1
+msgid "A :class:`HeaderDict` with additional headers (e.g. content-type)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.content_type:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.content_type:1
+msgid "Current value of the 'Content-Type' header."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.content_length:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.content_length:1
+msgid "Current value of the 'Content-Length' header."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.get_header:1
+msgid "Return the value of a header within the mulripart part."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.filename:1
+msgid ""
+"Name of the file on the client file system, but normalized to ensure file "
+"system compatibility. An empty filename is returned as 'empty'."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.filename:4
+msgid ""
+"Only ASCII letters, digits, dashes, underscores and dots are allowed in the "
+"final filename. Accents are removed, if possible. Whitespace is replaced by "
+"a single dash. Leading or tailing dots or dashes are removed. The filename "
+"is limited to 255 characters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid ""
+"Save file to disk or copy its content to an open file(-like) object. If "
+"*destination* is a directory, :attr:`filename` is added to the path. "
+"Existing files are not overwritten by default (IOError)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "File path, directory or file(-like) object."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "If True, replace existing files. (default: False)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Bytes to read at a time. (default: 64kb)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:109
+msgid "Exceptions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BottleException:1
+msgid "A base class for exceptions used by bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:117
+msgid "The :class:`Bottle` Class"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle:1
+msgid ""
+"Each Bottle object represents a single, distinct web application and "
+"consists of routes, callbacks, plugins, resources and configuration. "
+"Instances are callable WSGI applications."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle:5
+msgid ""
+"If true (default), handle all exceptions. Turn off to let debugging "
+"middleware handle exceptions."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Bottle.config:1
+msgid "A :class:`ConfigDict` for app specific configuration."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Bottle.resources:1
+msgid "A :class:`ResourceManager` for application files"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.catchall:1
+msgid "If true, most exceptions are caught and returned as :exc:`HTTPError`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.add_hook:1
+msgid "Attach a callback to a hook. Three hooks are currently implemented:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.add_hook:4
+msgid "before_request"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.add_hook:4
+msgid ""
+"Executed once before each request. The request context is available, but no "
+"routing has happened yet."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.add_hook:6
+msgid "after_request"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.add_hook:7
+msgid "Executed once after each request regardless of its outcome."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.add_hook:8
+msgid "app_reset"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.add_hook:9
+msgid "Called whenever :meth:`Bottle.reset` is called."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.remove_hook:1
+msgid "Remove a callback from a hook."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.trigger_hook:1
+msgid "Trigger a hook and return a list of results."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.hook:1
+msgid ""
+"Return a decorator that attaches a callback to a hook. See :meth:`add_hook` "
+"for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.mount:1
+msgid ""
+"Mount an application (:class:`Bottle` or plain WSGI) to a specific URL "
+"prefix. Example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.mount:6
+msgid "path prefix or `mount-point`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.mount:7
+msgid "an instance of :class:`Bottle` or a WSGI application."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.mount:9
+msgid ""
+"Plugins from the parent application are not applied to the routes of the "
+"mounted child application. If you need plugins in the child application, "
+"install them separately."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.mount:13
+msgid ""
+"While it is possible to use path wildcards within the prefix path "
+"(:class:`Bottle` childs only), it is highly discouraged."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.mount:16
+msgid ""
+"The prefix path must end with a slash. If you want to access the root of the"
+" child application via `/prefix` in addition to `/prefix/`, consider adding "
+"a route with a 307 redirect to the parent application."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.merge:1
+msgid ""
+"Merge the routes of another :class:`Bottle` application or a list of "
+":class:`Route` objects into this application. The routes keep their 'owner',"
+" meaning that the :data:`` attribute is not changed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.install:1
+msgid ""
+"Add a plugin to the list of plugins and prepare it for being applied to all "
+"routes of this application. A plugin may be a simple decorator or an object "
+"that implements the :class:`Plugin` API."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.uninstall:1
+msgid ""
+"Uninstall plugins. Pass an instance to remove a specific plugin, a type "
+"object to remove all plugins that match that type, a string to remove all "
+"plugins with a matching ``name`` attribute or ``True`` to remove all "
+"plugins. Return the list of removed plugins."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.reset:1
+msgid ""
+"Reset all routes (force plugins to be re-applied) and clear all caches. If "
+"an ID or route object is given, only that specific route is affected."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.close:1
+msgid "Close the application and all installed plugins."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Calls :func:`run` with the same parameters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.match:1
+msgid ""
+"Search for a matching route and return a (:class:`Route`, urlargs) tuple. "
+"The second value is a dictionary with parameters extracted from the URL. "
+"Raise :exc:`HTTPError` (404/405) on a non-match."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.get_url:1
+msgid "Return a string that matches a named route"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.add_route:1
+msgid "Add a route object, but do not change the :data:`` attribute."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:1
+msgid "A decorator to bind a function to a request URL. Example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:7
+msgid ""
+"The ``<name>`` part is a wildcard. See :class:`Router` for syntax details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:10
+msgid ""
+"Request path or a list of paths to listen to. If no path is specified, it is"
+" automatically generated from the signature of the function."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:13
+msgid ""
+"HTTP method (`GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, ...) or a list of methods to listen to. "
+"(default: `GET`)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:15
+msgid ""
+"An optional shortcut to avoid the decorator syntax. ``route(..., "
+"callback=func)`` equals ``route(...)(func)``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:17
+msgid "The name for this route. (default: None)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:18
+msgid ""
+"A decorator or plugin or a list of plugins. These are applied to the route "
+"callback in addition to installed plugins."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:20
+msgid ""
+"A list of plugins, plugin classes or names. Matching plugins are not "
+"installed to this route. ``True`` skips all."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:23
+msgid ""
+"Any additional keyword arguments are stored as route-specific configuration "
+"and passed to plugins (see :meth:`Plugin.apply`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.get:1
+msgid "Equals :meth:`route`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Equals :meth:`route` with a ``POST`` method parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.put:1
+msgid "Equals :meth:`route` with a ``PUT`` method parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.delete:1
+msgid "Equals :meth:`route` with a ``DELETE`` method parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.patch:1
+msgid "Equals :meth:`route` with a ``PATCH`` method parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.error:1
+msgid ""
+"Register an output handler for a HTTP error code. Can be used as a decorator"
+" or called directly ::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.wsgi:1
+msgid "The bottle WSGI-interface."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route:1
+msgid ""
+"This class wraps a route callback along with route specific metadata and "
+"configuration and applies Plugins on demand. It is also responsible for "
+"turning an URL path rule into a regular expression usable by the Router."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of
+msgid "The application this route is installed to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.rule:1
+msgid "The path-rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/<page>``)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.method:1
+msgid "The HTTP method as a string (e.g. ``GET``)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.callback:1
+msgid ""
+"The original callback with no plugins applied. Useful for introspection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of
+msgid "The name of the route (if specified) or ``None``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.plugins:1
+msgid "A list of route-specific plugins (see :meth:`Bottle.route`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.skiplist:1
+msgid ""
+"A list of plugins to not apply to this route (see :meth:`Bottle.route`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.config:1
+msgid ""
+"Additional keyword arguments passed to the :meth:`Bottle.route` decorator "
+"are stored in this dictionary. Used for route-specific plugin configuration "
+"and meta-data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid ""
+"The route callback with all plugins applied. This property is created on "
+"demand and then cached to speed up subsequent requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.reset:1
+msgid ""
+"Forget any cached values. The next time :attr:`call` is accessed, all "
+"plugins are re-applied."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.prepare:1
+msgid "Do all on-demand work immediately (useful for debugging)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.all_plugins:1
+msgid "Yield all Plugins affecting this route."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.get_undecorated_callback:1
+msgid ""
+"Return the callback. If the callback is a decorated function, try to recover"
+" the original function."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.get_callback_args:1
+msgid ""
+"Return a list of argument names the callback (most likely) accepts as "
+"keyword arguments. If the callback is a decorated function, try to recover "
+"the original function before inspection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.get_config:1
+msgid ""
+"Lookup a config field and return its value, first checking the route.config,"
+" then"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:127
+msgid "The :class:`Request` Object"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:129
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`Request` class wraps a WSGI environment and provides helpful "
+"methods to parse and access form data, cookies, file uploads and other "
+"metadata. Most of the attributes are read-only."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest:1
+msgid ""
+"A wrapper for WSGI environment dictionaries that adds a lot of convenient "
+"access methods and properties. Most of them are read-only."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest:4
+msgid ""
+"Adding new attributes to a request actually adds them to the environ "
+"dictionary (as 'bottle.request.ext.<name>'). This is the recommended way to "
+"store and access request-specific data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.MEMFILE_MAX:1
+msgid "Maximum size of memory buffer for :attr:`body` in bytes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.environ:1
+msgid ""
+"The wrapped WSGI environ dictionary. This is the only real attribute. All "
+"other attributes actually are read-only properties."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Bottle application handling this request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.route:1
+msgid "The bottle :class:`Route` object that matches this request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.url_args:1
+msgid "The arguments extracted from the URL."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.path:1
+msgid ""
+"The value of ``PATH_INFO`` with exactly one prefixed slash (to fix broken "
+"clients and avoid the \"empty path\" edge case)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.method:1
+msgid "The ``REQUEST_METHOD`` value as an uppercase string."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.headers:1
+msgid ""
+"A :class:`WSGIHeaderDict` that provides case-insensitive access to HTTP "
+"request headers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.get_header:1
+msgid "Return the value of a request header, or a given default value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.cookies:1
+msgid ""
+"Cookies parsed into a :class:`FormsDict`. Signed cookies are NOT decoded. "
+"Use :meth:`get_cookie` if you expect signed cookies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.get_cookie:1
+msgid ""
+"Return the content of a cookie. To read a `Signed Cookie`, the `secret` must"
+" match the one used to create the cookie (see "
+":meth:`BaseResponse.set_cookie`). If anything goes wrong (missing cookie or "
+"wrong signature), return a default value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.query:1
+msgid ""
+"The :attr:`query_string` parsed into a :class:`FormsDict`. These values are "
+"sometimes called \"URL arguments\" or \"GET parameters\", but not to be "
+"confused with \"URL wildcards\" as they are provided by the :class:`Router`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.forms:1
+msgid ""
+"Form values parsed from an `url-encoded` or `multipart/form-data` encoded "
+"POST or PUT request body. The result is returned as a :class:`FormsDict`. "
+"All keys and values are strings. File uploads are stored separately in "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.params:1
+msgid ""
+"A :class:`FormsDict` with the combined values of :attr:`query` and "
+":attr:`forms`. File uploads are stored in :attr:`files`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.files:1
+msgid ""
+"File uploads parsed from `multipart/form-data` encoded POST or PUT request "
+"body. The values are instances of :class:`FileUpload`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.json:1
+msgid ""
+"If the ``Content-Type`` header is ``application/json`` or ``application"
+"/json-rpc``, this property holds the parsed content of the request body. "
+"Only requests smaller than :attr:`MEMFILE_MAX` are processed to avoid memory"
+" exhaustion. Invalid JSON raises a 400 error response."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.body:1
+msgid ""
+"The HTTP request body as a seek-able file-like object. Depending on "
+":attr:`MEMFILE_MAX`, this is either a temporary file or a "
+":class:`io.BytesIO` instance. Accessing this property for the first time "
+"reads and replaces the ``wsgi.input`` environ variable. Subsequent accesses "
+"just do a `seek(0)` on the file object."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.chunked:1
+msgid "True if Chunked transfer encoding was."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.query:1
+msgid "An alias for :attr:`query`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.POST:1
+msgid ""
+"The values of :attr:`forms` and :attr:`files` combined into a single "
+":class:`FormsDict`. Values are either strings (form values) or instances of "
+":class:`cgi.FieldStorage` (file uploads)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.url:1
+msgid ""
+"The full request URI including hostname and scheme. If your app lives behind"
+" a reverse proxy or load balancer and you get confusing results, make sure "
+"that the ``X-Forwarded-Host`` header is set correctly."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.urlparts:1
+msgid ""
+"The :attr:`url` string as an :class:`urlparse.SplitResult` tuple. The tuple "
+"contains (scheme, host, path, query_string and fragment), but the fragment "
+"is always empty because it is not visible to the server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.fullpath:1
+msgid "Request path including :attr:`script_name` (if present)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.query_string:1
+msgid ""
+"The raw :attr:`query` part of the URL (everything in between ``?`` and "
+"``#``) as a string."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.script_name:1
+msgid ""
+"The initial portion of the URL's `path` that was removed by a higher level "
+"(server or routing middleware) before the application was called. This "
+"script path is returned with leading and tailing slashes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:2
+msgid "Shift path segments from :attr:`path` to :attr:`script_name` and"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:2
+msgid "vice versa."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:4
+msgid ""
+"The number of path segments to shift. May be negative to change the shift "
+"direction. (default: 1)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.content_length:1
+msgid ""
+"The request body length as an integer. The client is responsible to set this"
+" header. Otherwise, the real length of the body is unknown and -1 is "
+"returned. In this case, :attr:`body` will be empty."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.content_type:1
+msgid "The Content-Type header as a lowercase-string (default: empty)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.is_xhr:1
+msgid ""
+"True if the request was triggered by a XMLHttpRequest. This only works with "
+"JavaScript libraries that support the `X-Requested-With` header (most of the"
+" popular libraries do)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.is_ajax:1
+msgid "Alias for :attr:`is_xhr`. \"Ajax\" is not the right term."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.auth:1
+msgid ""
+"HTTP authentication data as a (user, password) tuple. This implementation "
+"currently supports basic (not digest) authentication only. If the "
+"authentication happened at a higher level (e.g. in the front web-server or a"
+" middleware), the password field is None, but the user field is looked up "
+"from the ``REMOTE_USER`` environ variable. On any errors, None is returned."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.remote_route:1
+msgid ""
+"A list of all IPs that were involved in this request, starting with the "
+"client IP and followed by zero or more proxies. This does only work if all "
+"proxies support the ```X-Forwarded-For`` header. Note that this information "
+"can be forged by malicious clients."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.remote_addr:1
+msgid ""
+"The client IP as a string. Note that this information can be forged by "
+"malicious clients."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.copy:1
+msgid "Return a new :class:`Request` with a shallow :attr:`environ` copy."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:137
+msgid ""
+"The module-level :data:`bottle.request` is a proxy object (implemented in "
+":class:`LocalRequest`) and always refers to the `current` request, or in "
+"other words, the request that is currently processed by the request handler "
+"in the current thread. This `thread locality` ensures that you can safely "
+"use a global instance in a multi-threaded environment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalRequest:1
+msgid ""
+"A thread-local subclass of :class:`BaseRequest` with a different set of "
+"attributes for each thread. There is usually only one global instance of "
+"this class (:data:`request`). If accessed during a request/response cycle, "
+"this instance always refers to the *current* request (even on a "
+"multithreaded server)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.__init__:1
+msgid "Wrap a WSGI environ dictionary."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:146
+msgid "The :class:`Response` Object"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:148
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`Response` class stores the HTTP status code as well as headers "
+"and cookies that are to be sent to the client. Similar to "
+":data:`bottle.request` there is a thread-local :data:`bottle.response` "
+"instance that can be used to adjust the `current` response. Moreover, you "
+"can instantiate :class:`Response` and return it from your request handler. "
+"In this case, the custom instance overrules the headers and cookies defined "
+"in the global one."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse:1
+msgid "Storage class for a response body as well as headers and cookies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse:3
+msgid ""
+"This class does support dict-like case-insensitive item-access to headers, "
+"but is NOT a dict. Most notably, iterating over a response yields parts of "
+"the body and not the headers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse:7
+msgid "The response body as one of the supported types."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse:8
+msgid ""
+"Either an HTTP status code (e.g. 200) or a status line including the reason "
+"phrase (e.g. '200 OK')."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse:10
+msgid "A dictionary or a list of name-value pairs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse:12
+msgid ""
+"Additional keyword arguments are added to the list of headers. Underscores "
+"in the header name are replaced with dashes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.copy:1
+msgid "Returns a copy of self."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.status_line:1
+msgid "The HTTP status line as a string (e.g. ``404 Not Found``)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.status_code:1
+msgid "The HTTP status code as an integer (e.g. 404)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.status:1
+msgid ""
+"A writeable property to change the HTTP response status. It accepts either a"
+" numeric code (100-999) or a string with a custom reason phrase (e.g. \"404 "
+"Brain not found\"). Both :data:`status_line` and :data:`status_code` are "
+"updated accordingly. The return value is always a status string."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.headers:1
+msgid ""
+"An instance of :class:`HeaderDict`, a case-insensitive dict-like view on the"
+" response headers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.get_header:1
+msgid ""
+"Return the value of a previously defined header. If there is no header with "
+"that name, return a default value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_header:1
+msgid ""
+"Create a new response header, replacing any previously defined headers with "
+"the same name."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.add_header:1
+msgid "Add an additional response header, not removing duplicates."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.iter_headers:1
+msgid ""
+"Yield (header, value) tuples, skipping headers that are not allowed with the"
+" current response status code."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.headerlist:1
+msgid "WSGI conform list of (header, value) tuples."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.expires:1
+msgid "Current value of the 'Expires' header."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.charset:1
+msgid ""
+"Return the charset specified in the content-type header (default: utf8)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:1
+msgid ""
+"Create a new cookie or replace an old one. If the `secret` parameter is set,"
+" create a `Signed Cookie` (described below)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:4
+msgid "the name of the cookie."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:5
+msgid "the value of the cookie."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:6
+msgid "a signature key required for signed cookies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:8
+msgid ""
+"Additionally, this method accepts all RFC 2109 attributes that are supported"
+" by :class:`cookie.Morsel`, including:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:11
+msgid "maximum age in seconds. (default: None)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:12
+msgid "a datetime object or UNIX timestamp. (default: None)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:13
+msgid ""
+"the domain that is allowed to read the cookie. (default: current domain)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:15
+msgid "limits the cookie to a given path (default: current path)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:16
+msgid "limit the cookie to HTTPS connections (default: off)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:17
+msgid ""
+"prevents client-side javascript to read this cookie (default: off, requires "
+"Python 2.6 or newer)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:19
+msgid ""
+"Control or disable third-party use for this cookie. Possible values: `lax`, "
+"`strict` or `none` (default)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:22
+msgid ""
+"If neither `expires` nor `maxage` is set (default), the cookie will expire "
+"at the end of the browser session (as soon as the browser window is closed)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:26
+msgid ""
+"Signed cookies may store any pickle-able object and are cryptographically "
+"signed to prevent manipulation. Keep in mind that cookies are limited to 4kb"
+" in most browsers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:30
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Pickle is a potentially dangerous format. If an attacker gains "
+"access to the secret key, he could forge cookies that execute code on server"
+" side if unpickled. Using pickle is discouraged and support for it will be "
+"removed in later versions of bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:35
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Signed cookies are not encrypted (the client can still see the "
+"content) and not copy-protected (the client can restore an old cookie). The "
+"main intention is to make pickling and unpickling save, not to store secret "
+"information at client side."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.delete_cookie:1
+msgid ""
+"Delete a cookie. Be sure to use the same `domain` and `path` settings as "
+"used to create the cookie."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalResponse:1
+msgid ""
+"A thread-local subclass of :class:`BaseResponse` with a different set of "
+"attributes for each thread. There is usually only one global instance of "
+"this class (:data:`response`). Its attributes are used to build the HTTP "
+"response at the end of the request/response cycle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.__init__:1
+msgid "Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalResponse.body:1
+msgid "Thread-local property"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:160
+msgid ""
+"The following two classes can be raised as an exception. The most noticeable"
+" difference is that bottle invokes error handlers for :class:`HTTPError`, "
+"but not for :class:`HTTPResponse` or other response types."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:172
+msgid "Templates"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:174
+msgid ""
+"All template engines supported by :mod:`bottle` implement the "
+":class:`BaseTemplate` API. This way it is possible to switch and mix "
+"template engines without changing the application code at all."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseTemplate:1
+msgid "Base class and minimal API for template adapters"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseTemplate.__init__:1
+msgid ""
+"Create a new template. If the source parameter (str or buffer) is missing, "
+"the name argument is used to guess a template filename. Subclasses can "
+"assume that self.source and/or self.filename are set. Both are strings. The "
+"lookup, encoding and settings parameters are stored as instance variables. "
+"The lookup parameter stores a list containing directory paths. The encoding "
+"parameter should be used to decode byte strings or files. The settings "
+"parameter contains a dict for engine-specific settings."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid ""
+"Search name in all directories specified in lookup. First without, then with"
+" common extensions. Return first hit."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseTemplate.global_config:1
+msgid "This reads or sets the global settings stored in class.settings."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseTemplate.prepare:1
+msgid ""
+"Run preparations (parsing, caching, ...). It should be possible to call this"
+" again to refresh a template or to update settings."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseTemplate.render:1
+msgid ""
+"Render the template with the specified local variables and return a single "
+"byte or unicode string. If it is a byte string, the encoding must match "
+"self.encoding. This method must be thread-safe! Local variables may be "
+"provided in dictionaries (args) or directly, as keywords (kwargs)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.view:1
+msgid ""
+"Decorator: renders a template for a handler. The handler can control its "
+"behavior like that:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.view:4
+msgid "return a dict of template vars to fill out the template"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.view:5
+msgid ""
+"return something other than a dict and the view decorator will not process "
+"the template, but return the handler result as is. This includes returning a"
+" HTTPResponse(dict) to get, for instance, JSON with autojson or other "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.template:1
+msgid ""
+"Get a rendered template as a string iterator. You can use a name, a filename"
+" or a template string as first parameter. Template rendering arguments can "
+"be passed as dictionaries or directly (as keyword arguments)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:185
+msgid ""
+"You can write your own adapter for your favourite template engine or use one"
+" of the predefined adapters. Currently there are four fully supported "
+"template engines:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:188
+msgid "Class"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:188
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:188
+msgid "Decorator"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:188
+msgid "Render function"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:190
+msgid ":class:`SimpleTemplate`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:190
+msgid ":doc:`stpl`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:190
+msgid ":func:`view`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:190
+msgid ":func:`template`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:191
+msgid ":class:`MakoTemplate`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:191
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:191
+msgid ":func:`mako_view`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:191
+msgid ":func:`mako_template`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:192
+msgid ":class:`CheetahTemplate`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:192
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:192
+msgid ":func:`cheetah_view`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:192
+msgid ":func:`cheetah_template`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:193
+msgid ":class:`Jinja2Template`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:193
+msgid ":func:`jinja2_view`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:193
+msgid ":func:`jinja2_template`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:196
+msgid ""
+"To use :class:`MakoTemplate` as your default template engine, just import "
+"its specialised decorator and render function::"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/async.po b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f09b12e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-01-22 19:17+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../../async.rst:2
+msgid "Primer to Asynchronous Applications"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:4
+msgid ""
+"Asynchronous design patterns don't mix well with the synchronous nature of "
+"`WSGI <>`_. This is why most "
+"asynchronous frameworks (tornado, twisted, ...) implement a specialized API "
+"to expose their asynchronous features. Bottle is a WSGI framework and shares"
+" the synchronous nature of WSGI, but thanks to the awesome `gevent project "
+"<>`_, it is still possible to write asynchronous "
+"applications with bottle. This article documents the usage of Bottle with "
+"Asynchronous WSGI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:7
+msgid "The Limits of Synchronous WSGI"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:9
+msgid ""
+"Briefly worded, the `WSGI specification (pep 3333) "
+"<>`_ defines a request/response "
+"circle as follows: The application callable is invoked once for each request"
+" and must return a body iterator. The server then iterates over the body and"
+" writes each chunk to the socket. As soon as the body iterator is exhausted,"
+" the client connection is closed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:11
+msgid ""
+"Simple enough, but there is a snag: All this happens synchronously. If your "
+"application needs to wait for data (IO, sockets, databases, ...), it must "
+"either yield empty strings (busy wait) or block the current thread. Both "
+"solutions occupy the handling thread and prevent it from answering new "
+"requests. There is consequently only one ongoing request per thread."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:13
+msgid ""
+"Most servers limit the number of threads to avoid their relatively high "
+"overhead. Pools of 20 or less threads are common. As soon as all threads are"
+" occupied, any new connection is stalled. The server is effectively dead for"
+" everyone else. If you want to implement a chat that uses long-polling ajax "
+"requests to get real-time updates, you'd reach the limited at 20 concurrent "
+"connections. That's a pretty small chat."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:16
+msgid "Greenlets to the rescue"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:18
+msgid ""
+"Most servers limit the size of their worker pools to a relatively low number"
+" of concurrent threads, due to the high overhead involved in switching "
+"between and creating new threads. While threads are cheap compared to "
+"processes (forks), they are still expensive to create for each new "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"The `gevent <>`_ module adds *greenlets* to the mix. "
+"Greenlets behave similar to traditional threads, but are very cheap to "
+"create. A gevent-based server can spawn thousands of greenlets (one for each"
+" connection) with almost no overhead. Blocking individual greenlets has no "
+"impact on the servers ability to accept new requests. The number of "
+"concurrent connections is virtually unlimited."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:22
+msgid ""
+"This makes creating asynchronous applications incredibly easy, because they "
+"look and feel like synchronous applications. A gevent-based server is "
+"actually not asynchronous, but massively multi-threaded. Here is an "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"The first line is important. It causes gevent to monkey-patch most of "
+"Python's blocking APIs to not block the current thread, but pass the CPU to "
+"the next greenlet instead. It actually replaces Python's threading with "
+"gevent-based pseudo-threads. This is why you can still use ``time.sleep()`` "
+"which would normally block the whole thread. If you don't feel comfortable "
+"with monkey-patching python built-ins, you can use the corresponding gevent "
+"functions (``gevent.sleep()`` in this case)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:41
+msgid ""
+"If you run this script and point your browser to "
+"``http://localhost:8080/stream``, you should see `START`, `MIDDLE`, and "
+"`END` show up one by one (rather than waiting 8 seconds to see them all at "
+"once). It works exactly as with normal threads, but now your server can "
+"handle thousands of concurrent requests without any problems."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"Some browsers buffer a certain amount of data before they start rendering a "
+"page. You might need to yield more than a few bytes to see an effect in "
+"these browsers. Additionally, many browsers have a limit of one concurrent "
+"connection per URL. If this is the case, you can use a second browser or a "
+"benchmark tool (e.g. `ab` or `httperf`) to measure performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:52
+msgid "Event Callbacks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:54
+msgid ""
+"A very common design pattern in asynchronous frameworks (including tornado, "
+"twisted, node.js and friends) is to use non-blocking APIs and bind callbacks"
+" to asynchronous events. The socket object is kept open until it is closed "
+"explicitly to allow callbacks to write to the socket at a later point. Here "
+"is an example based on the `tornado library "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"The main benefit is that the request handler terminates early. The handling "
+"thread can move on and accept new requests while the callbacks continue to "
+"write to sockets of previous requests. This is how these frameworks manage "
+"to process a lot of concurrent requests with only a small number of OS "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:65
+msgid ""
+"With Gevent+WSGI, things are different: First, terminating early has no "
+"benefit because we have an unlimited pool of (pseudo)threads to accept new "
+"connections. Second, we cannot terminate early because that would close the "
+"socket (as required by WSGI). Third, we must return an iterable to conform "
+"to WSGI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:67
+msgid ""
+"In order to conform to the WSGI standard, all we have to do is to return a "
+"body iterable that we can write to asynchronously. With the help of "
+"`gevent.queue <>`_, we can *simulate*"
+" a detached socket and rewrite the previous example as follows::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:78
+msgid ""
+"From the server perspective, the queue object is iterable. It blocks if "
+"empty and stops as soon as it reaches ``StopIteration``. This conforms to "
+"WSGI. On the application side, the queue object behaves like a non-blocking "
+"socket. You can write to it at any time, pass it around and even start a new"
+" (pseudo)thread that writes to it asynchronously. This is how long-polling "
+"is implemented most of the time."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:82
+msgid "Finally: WebSockets"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:84
+msgid ""
+"Lets forget about the low-level details for a while and speak about "
+"WebSockets. Since you are reading this article, you probably know what "
+"WebSockets are: A bidirectional communication channel between a browser "
+"(client) and a web application (server)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:86
+msgid ""
+"Thankfully the `gevent-websocket <"
+"websocket/>`_ package does all the hard work for us. Here is a simple "
+"WebSocket endpoint that receives messages and just sends them back to the "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:111
+msgid ""
+"The while-loop runs until the client closes the connection. You get the idea"
+" :)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:113
+msgid "The client-site JavaScript API is really straight forward, too::"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f831354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../../changelog.rst:6
+msgid "Release Notes and Changelog"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:9
+msgid "Release 0.13"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:11
+msgid "Not released yet."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:14
+msgid "Dropped support for Python versions that reached their end-of-life."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:15
+msgid ""
+"Keeping up support for ancient Python versions hinders adaptation of new "
+"features and serves no real purpose. If you need support for older Python "
+"versions, you can stay on bottle-0.12. The updated list of tested and "
+"supported python releases is as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:20
+msgid "Python 2.7 (>= 2.7.3)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:21
+msgid "Python 3.6"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:22
+msgid "Python 3.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:23
+msgid "Python 3.8"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:24
+msgid "Python 3.9"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:25
+msgid "PyPy 2.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:26
+msgid "PyPy 3.6"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:27
+msgid "PyPy 3.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"Support for Python 2.5 was marked as deprecated since 0.12. We decided to go"
+" a step further and also remove support for 2.6 and 3.1 to 3.5 even if it "
+"was never deprecated explicitly in bottle. This means that this release is "
+"*not* backwards compatible in Python <2.7.3 or <3.6 environments. "
+"Maintainers for distributions or systems that still use these old python "
+"versions should not update to Bottle 0.13 and stick with 0.12 instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:35
+msgid "Stabilized APIs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:36
+msgid ""
+"The documented API of the :class:`ConfigDict` class is now considered stable"
+" and ready to use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:38
+msgid "Deprecated APIs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"The old route syntax (``/hello/:name``) is deprecated in favor of the more "
+"readable and flexible ``/hello/<name>`` syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:40
+msgid ""
+":meth:`Bottle.mount` now recognizes Bottle instance and will warn about "
+"parameters that are not compatible with the new mounting behavior. The old "
+"behavior (mount applications as WSGI callable) still works and is used as a "
+"fallback automatically."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:41
+msgid "The undocumented :func:`local_property` helper is now deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"The server adapter for google app engine is not useful anymore and marked as"
+" deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"Bottle uses pickle to store arbitrary objects into signed cookies. This is "
+"safe, as long as the signature key remains a secret. Unfortunately, people "
+"tend to push code with signature keys to github all the time, so we decided "
+"to remove pickle-support from bottle. Signed cookies will now issue a "
+"deprecation warning if the value is not a string, and support for non-string"
+" values will be removed in 0.14. The global :func:`cookie_encode`, "
+":func:`cookie_decode` and :func:`is_cookie_encoded` are now also deprecated."
+" If you are using this feature, think about using json to serialize your "
+"objects before storing them into cookies, or switch to a session system that"
+" stores data server-side instead of client-side."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:45
+msgid "Removed APIs (deprecated since 0.12)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:46
+msgid ""
+"Plugins with the old API (``api=1`` or no api attribute) will no longer "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"Parameter order of :meth:`Bottle.mount` changed in 0.10. The old order will "
+"now result in an error instead of a warning."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`ConfigDict` class was introduced in 0.11 and changed during "
+"0.12. These changes are now final."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:50
+msgid ""
+"Attribute access and assignment was removed due to high overhead and limited"
+" usability."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"Namespaced sub-instance creation was removed. ``config[\"a\"][\"b\"]`` has a"
+" high overhead and little benefit over ``config[\"a.b\"]``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:52
+msgid ""
+":class:`ConfigDict` instances are no longer callable. This was a shortcut "
+"for :meth:`ConfigDict.update`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:53
+msgid ""
+":class:`ConfigDict` constructor no longer accepts any parameters. Use the "
+"`load_*` methods instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:55
+msgid ""
+"Bottle 0.12 changed some aspects of the Simple Template Engine. These "
+"changes are now final and the old syntax will now longer work."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:57
+msgid ""
+"The magic ``{{rebase()}}`` call was replaced by a ``base`` variable. "
+"Example: ``{{base}}``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"In STPL Templates, the 'rebase' and 'include' keywords were replaced with "
+"functions in 0.12."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:59
+msgid ""
+"PEP-263 encoding strings are no longer recognized. Templates are always "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:61
+msgid ""
+"The 'geventSocketIO' server adapter was removed without notice. It did not "
+"work anyway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:63
+msgid "Changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:64
+msgid "These changes might require special care when updating."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"Signed cookies now use a stronger HMAC algorithm by default. This will "
+"result in old cookies to appear invalid after the update. Pass an explicit "
+"``digestmod=hashlib.md5`` to :meth:`Request.get_cookie` and "
+":meth:`Response.set_cookie` to get the old behavior."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:68
+msgid "Other Improvements"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:69
+msgid ""
+"Bottle() instances are now context managers. If used in a with-statement, "
+"the default application changes to the specific instance and the shortcuts "
+"for many instance methods can be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"Added support for ``PATCH`` requests and the :meth:`Bottle.patch` decorator."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:71
+msgid ""
+"Added `aiohttp <>`_ and `uvloop "
+"<>`_ server adapters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:72
+msgid "Added command-line arguments for config from json or ini files."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:73
+msgid ""
+":meth:`Bottle.mount` now recognizes instances of :class:`Bottle` and mounts "
+"them with significantly less overhead than other WSGI applications."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:74
+msgid ""
+"The :attr:`Request.json` property now accepts ``application/json-rpc`` "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:75
+msgid ""
+":func:`static_file` gained support for ``ETag`` headers. It will generate "
+"ETags and recognizes ``If-None-Match`` headers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:76
+msgid "Jinja2 templates will produce better error messages than before."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:82
+msgid "Release 0.12"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:84
+msgid "New SimpleTemplate parser implementation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:86
+msgid "Support for multi-line code blocks (`<% ... %>`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:87
+msgid ""
+"The keywords `include` and `rebase` are functions now and can accept "
+"variable template names."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"The new :attr:`BaseRequest.route` property returns the :class:`Route` that "
+"originally matched the request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"Removed the ``BaseRequest.MAX_PARAMS`` limit. The hash collision bug in "
+"CPythons dict() implementation was fixed over a year ago. If you are still "
+"using Python 2.5 in production, consider upgrading or at least make sure "
+"that you get security fixed from your distributor."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:91
+msgid "New :class:`ConfigDict` API (see :doc:`configuration`)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:93
+msgid ""
+"More information can be found in this `development blog post "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:97
+msgid "Release 0.11"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:99
+msgid ""
+"Native support for Python 2.x and 3.x syntax. No need to run 2to3 anymore."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:100
+msgid ""
+"Support for partial downloads (``Range`` header) in :func:`static_file`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:101
+msgid ""
+"The new :class:`ResourceManager` interface helps locating files bundled with"
+" an application."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:102
+msgid ""
+"Added a server adapter for `waitress "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:103
+msgid ""
+"New :meth:`Bottle.merge` method to install all routes from one application "
+"into another."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:104
+msgid ""
+"New :attr:`` property to get the application object that "
+"handles a request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:105
+msgid ""
+"Added :meth:`FormsDict.decode()` to get an all-unicode version (needed by "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:106
+msgid ":class:`MultiDict` and subclasses are now pickle-able."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:109
+msgid "API Changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:110
+msgid ""
+":attr:`Response.status` is a read-write property that can be assigned either"
+" a numeric status code or a status string with a reason phrase (``200 OK``)."
+" The return value is now a string to better match existing APIs (WebOb, "
+"werkzeug). To be absolutely clear, you can use the read-only properties "
+":attr:`BaseResponse.status_code` and :attr:`BaseResponse.status_line`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:113
+msgid "API Deprecations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:114
+msgid ""
+":class:`SimpleTALTemplate` is now deprecating. There seems to be no demand."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:117
+msgid "Release 0.10"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:119
+msgid "Plugin API v2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:121
+msgid "To use the new API, set :attr:`Plugin.api` to ``2``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:122
+msgid ""
+":meth:`Plugin.apply` receives a :class:`Route` object instead of a context "
+"dictionary as second parameter. The new object offers some additional "
+"information and may be extended in the future."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:123
+msgid ""
+"Plugin names are considered unique now. The topmost plugin with a given name"
+" on a given route is installed, all other plugins with the same name are "
+"silently ignored."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:125
+msgid "The Request/Response Objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:127
+msgid ""
+"Added :attr:`BaseRequest.json`, :attr:`BaseRequest.remote_route`, "
+":attr:`BaseRequest.remote_addr`, :attr:`BaseRequest.query` and "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:128
+msgid ""
+"Added :attr:`BaseResponse.status_line` and :attr:`BaseResponse.status_code` "
+"attributes. In future releases, :attr:`BaseResponse.status` will return a "
+"string (e.g. ``200 OK``) instead of an integer to match the API of other "
+"common frameworks. To make the transition as smooth as possible, you should "
+"use the verbose attributes from now on."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:129
+msgid ""
+"Replaced :class:`MultiDict` with a specialized :class:`FormsDict` in many "
+"places. The new dict implementation allows attribute access and handles "
+"unicode form values transparently."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:131
+msgid "Templates"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:133
+msgid ""
+"Added three new functions to the SimpleTemplate default namespace that "
+"handle undefined variables: :func:`stpl.defined`, :func:`stpl.get` and "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:134
+msgid ""
+"The default escape function for SimpleTemplate now additionally escapes "
+"single and double quotes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:136
+msgid "Routing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:138
+msgid ""
+"A new route syntax (e.g. ``/object/<id:int>``) and support for route "
+"wildcard filters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:139
+msgid "Four new wildcard filters: `int`, `float`, `path` and `re`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:141
+msgid "Other changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:143
+msgid "Added command line interface to load applications and start servers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:144
+msgid ""
+"Introduced a :class:`ConfigDict` that makes accessing configuration a lot "
+"easier (attribute access and auto-expanding namespaces)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:145
+msgid "Added support for raw WSGI applications to :meth:`Bottle.mount`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:146
+msgid ":meth:`Bottle.mount` parameter order changed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:147
+msgid ""
+":meth:`Bottle.route` now accpets an import string for the ``callback`` "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:148
+msgid "Dropped Gunicorn 0.8 support. Current supported version is 0.13."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:149
+msgid "Added custom options to Gunicorn server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:150
+msgid ""
+"Finally dropped support for type filters. Replace with a custom plugin of "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:154
+msgid "Release 0.9"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:157
+msgid "Whats new?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:158
+msgid ""
+"A brand new plugin-API. See :ref:`plugins` and :doc:`plugindev` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:159
+msgid ""
+"The :func:`route` decorator got a lot of new features. See "
+":meth:`Bottle.route` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:160
+msgid ""
+"New server adapters for `gevent <>`_, `meinheld "
+"<>`_ and `bjoern "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:161
+msgid "Support for SimpleTAL templates."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:162
+msgid "Better runtime exception handling for mako templates in debug mode."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:163
+msgid "Lots of documentation, fixes and small improvements."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:164
+msgid "A new :data:`Request.urlparts` property."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:167
+msgid "Performance improvements"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:168
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`Router` now special-cases ``wsgi.run_once`` environments to "
+"speed up CGI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:169
+msgid ""
+"Reduced module load time by ~30% and optimized template parser. See `8ccb2d "
+"</commit/8ccb2d>`_, `f72a7c </commit/f72a7c>`_ and `b14b9a "
+"</commit/b14b9a>`_ for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:170
+msgid ""
+"Support for \"App Caching\" on Google App Engine. See `af93ec "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:171
+msgid ""
+"Some of the rarely used or deprecated features are now plugins that avoid "
+"overhead if the feature is not used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:174 ../../changelog.rst:185
+msgid "API changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:175
+msgid ""
+"This release is mostly backward compatible, but some APIs are marked "
+"deprecated now and will be removed for the next release. Most noteworthy:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:177
+msgid ""
+"The ``static`` route parameter is deprecated. You can escape wild-cards with"
+" a backslash."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:178
+msgid ""
+"Type-based output filters are deprecated. They can easily be replaced with "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:182
+msgid "Release 0.8"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:186
+msgid "These changes may break compatibility with previous versions."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:188
+msgid ""
+"The built-in Key/Value database is not available anymore. It is marked "
+"deprecated since 0.6.4"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:189
+msgid "The Route syntax and behaviour changed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:191
+msgid ""
+"Regular expressions must be encapsulated with ``#``. In 0.6 all non-"
+"alphanumeric characters not present in the regular expression were allowed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:192
+msgid ""
+"Regular expressions not part of a route wildcard are escaped automatically. "
+"You don't have to escape dots or other regular control characters anymore. "
+"In 0.6 the whole URL was interpreted as a regular expression. You can use "
+"anonymous wildcards (``/index:#(\\.html)?#``) to achieve a similar "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:194
+msgid ""
+"The ``BreakTheBottle`` exception is gone. Use :class:`HTTPResponse` instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:195
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine escapes HTML special characters in "
+"``{{bad_html}}`` expressions automatically. Use the new ``{{!good_html}}`` "
+"syntax to get old behaviour (no escaping)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:196
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine returns unicode strings instead of lists "
+"of byte strings."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:197
+msgid ""
+"``bottle.optimize()`` and the automatic route optimization is obsolete."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:198
+msgid "Some functions and attributes were renamed:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:200
+msgid ":attr:`Request._environ` is now :attr:`Request.environ`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:201
+msgid ":attr:`Response.header` is now :attr:`Response.headers`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:202
+msgid ":func:`default_app` is obsolete. Use :func:`app` instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:204
+msgid "The default :func:`redirect` code changed from 307 to 303."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:205
+msgid "Removed support for ``@default``. Use ``@error(404)`` instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:209
+msgid "New features"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:210
+msgid "This is an incomplete list of new features and improved functionality."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:212
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`Request` object got new properties: :attr:`Request.body`, "
+":attr:`Request.auth`, :attr:`Request.url`, :attr:`Request.header`, "
+":attr:`Request.forms`, :attr:`Request.files`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:213
+msgid ""
+"The :meth:`Response.set_cookie` and :meth:`Request.get_cookie` methods are "
+"now able to encode and decode python objects. This is called a *secure "
+"cookie* because the encoded values are signed and protected from changes on "
+"client side. All pickle-able data structures are allowed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:214
+msgid ""
+"The new :class:`Router` class drastically improves performance for setups "
+"with lots of dynamic routes and supports named routes (named route + dict = "
+"URL string)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:215
+msgid ""
+"It is now possible (and recommended) to return :exc:`HTTPError` and "
+":exc:`HTTPResponse` instances or other exception objects instead of raising "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:216
+msgid ""
+"The new function :func:`static_file` equals :func:`send_file` but returns a "
+":exc:`HTTPResponse` or :exc:`HTTPError` instead of raising it. "
+":func:`send_file` is deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:217
+msgid ""
+"New :func:`get`, :func:`post`, :func:`put` and :func:`delete` decorators."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:218
+msgid "The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine got full unicode support."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:219
+msgid "Lots of non-critical bugfixes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:225
+msgid "Contributors"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:1
+msgid ""
+"Bottle is written and maintained by Marcel Hellkamp <>."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:3
+msgid ""
+"Thanks to all the people who found bugs, sent patches, spread the word, "
+"helped each other on the mailing-list and made this project possible. I hope"
+" the following (alphabetically sorted) list is complete. If you miss your "
+"name on that list (or want your name removed) please :doc:`tell me "
+"<contact>` or add it yourself."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:5
+msgid "acasajus"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:6
+msgid "Adam R. Smith"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:7
+msgid "Alexey Borzenkov"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:8
+msgid "Alexis Daboville"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:9
+msgid "Anton I. Sipos"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:10
+msgid "Anton Kolechkin"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:11
+msgid "apexi200sx"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:12
+msgid "apheage"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:13
+msgid "BillMa"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:14
+msgid "Brad Greenlee"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:15
+msgid "Brandon Gilmore"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:16
+msgid "Branko Vukelic"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:17
+msgid "Brian Sierakowski"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:18
+msgid "Brian Wickman"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:19
+msgid "Carl Scharenberg"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:20
+msgid "Damien Degois"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:21
+msgid "David Buxton"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:22
+msgid "Duane Johnson"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:23
+msgid "fcamel"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:24
+msgid "Frank Murphy"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:25
+msgid "Frederic Junod"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:26
+msgid "goldfaber3012"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:27
+msgid "Greg Milby"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:28
+msgid "gstein"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:29
+msgid "Ian Davis"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:30
+msgid "Itamar Nabriski"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:31
+msgid "Iuri de Silvio"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:32
+msgid "Jaimie Murdock"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:33
+msgid "Jeff Nichols"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:34
+msgid "Jeremy Kelley"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:35
+msgid "joegester"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:36
+msgid "Johannes Krampf"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:37
+msgid "Jonas Haag"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:38
+msgid "Joshua Roesslein"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:39
+msgid "Judson Neer"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:40
+msgid "Karl"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:41
+msgid "Kevin Zuber"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:42
+msgid "Kraken"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:43
+msgid "Kyle Fritz"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:44
+msgid "m35"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:45
+msgid "Marcos Neves"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:46
+msgid "masklinn"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:47
+msgid "Michael Labbe"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:48
+msgid "Michael Soulier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:49
+msgid "`reddit <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:50
+msgid "Nicolas Vanhoren"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:51
+msgid "Oz N Tiram"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:52
+msgid "Robert Rollins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:53
+msgid "rogererens"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:54
+msgid "rwxrwx"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:55
+msgid "Santiago Gala"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:56
+msgid "Sean M. Collins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:57
+msgid "Sebastian Wollrath"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:58
+msgid "Seth"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:59
+msgid "Sigurd Høgsbro"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:60
+msgid "Stuart Rackham"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:61
+msgid "Sun Ning"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:62
+msgid "Tomás A. Schertel"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:63
+msgid "Tristan Zajonc"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:64
+msgid "voltron"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:65
+msgid "Wieland Hoffmann"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:66
+msgid "zombat"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:67
+msgid "Thiago Avelino"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..829984a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../../configuration.rst:3
+msgid "Configuration (DRAFT)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:8
+msgid ""
+"This is a draft for a new API. `Tell us <>`_"
+" what you think."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:10
+msgid ""
+"Bottle applications can store their configuration in :attr:`Bottle.config`, "
+"a dict-like object and central place for application specific settings. This"
+" dictionary controls many aspects of the framework, tells (newer) plugins "
+"what to do, and can be used to store your own configuration as well."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:13
+msgid "Configuration Basics"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:15
+msgid ""
+"The :attr:`Bottle.config` object behaves a lot like an ordinary dictionary. "
+"All the common dict methods work as expected. Let us start with some "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:44
+msgid ""
+"The app object is not always available, but as long as you are within a "
+"request context, you can use the `request` object to get the current "
+"application and its configuration::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:51
+msgid "Naming Convention"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:53
+msgid ""
+"To make life easier, plugins and applications should follow some simple "
+"rules when it comes to config parameter names:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:55
+msgid ""
+"All keys should be lowercase strings and follow the rules for python "
+"identifiers (no special characters but the underscore)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:56
+msgid ""
+"Namespaces are separated by dots (e.g. ``namespace.field`` or "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:57
+msgid ""
+"Bottle uses the root namespace for its own configuration. Plugins should "
+"store all their variables in their own namespace (e.g. ``sqlite.db`` or "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"Your own application should use a separate namespace (e.g. ``myapp.*``)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:62
+msgid "Loading Configuration from a File"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"Configuration files are useful if you want to enable non-programmers to "
+"configure your application, or just don't want to hack python module files "
+"just to change the database port. A very common syntax for configuration "
+"files is shown here:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:78
+msgid ""
+"With :meth:`ConfigDict.load_config` you can load these ``*.ini`` style "
+"configuration files from disk and import their values into your existing "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:85
+msgid "Loading Configuration from a python module"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"Loading configuration from a Python module is a common pattern for Python "
+"programs and frameworks. Bottle assumes that configuration keys are all "
+"upper case:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:98
+msgid ""
+"You can load the this Python module with :met:`ConfigDict.load_module`::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:107
+msgid ""
+"Note the second parameter to disable loading as namespaced items as in "
+":meth:`ConfigDict.load_dict`. By default, loading from a Python module will "
+"call this method, unless you specifically call this method with `False` as "
+"the second argument."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:110
+msgid "Loading Configuration from a nested :class:`dict`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:114
+msgid ""
+"Another useful method is :meth:`ConfigDict.load_dict`. This method takes an "
+"entire structure of nested dictionaries and turns it into a flat list of "
+"keys and values with namespaced keys::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:135
+msgid "Listening to configuration changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:139
+msgid ""
+"The ``config`` hook on the application object is triggered each time a value"
+" in :attr:`Bottle.config` is changed. This hook can be used to react on "
+"configuration changes at runtime, for example reconnect to a new database, "
+"change the debug settings on a background service or resize worker thread "
+"pools. The hook callback receives two arguments (key, new_value) and is "
+"called before the value is actually changed in the dictionary. Raising an "
+"exception from a hook callback cancels the change and the old value is "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:148
+msgid ""
+"The hook callbacks cannot *change* the value that is to be stored to the "
+"dictionary. That is what filters are for."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:154
+msgid "Filters and other Meta Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:158
+msgid ""
+":class:`ConfigDict` allows you to store meta data along with configuration "
+"keys. Two meta fields are currently defined:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:162
+msgid "help"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:161
+msgid ""
+"A help or description string. May be used by debugging, introspection or "
+"admin tools to help the site maintainer configuring their application."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:165
+msgid "filter"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:165
+msgid ""
+"A callable that accepts and returns a single value. If a filter is defined "
+"for a key, any new value stored to that key is first passed through the "
+"filter callback. The filter can be used to cast the value to a different "
+"type, check for invalid values (throw a ValueError) or trigger side effects."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:167
+msgid ""
+"This feature is most useful for plugins. They can validate their config "
+"parameters or trigger side effects using filters and document their "
+"configuration via ``help`` fields::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:189
+msgid "API Documentation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict:1
+msgid ""
+"A dict-like configuration storage with additional support for namespaces, "
+"validators, meta-data, overlays and more."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict:4
+msgid ""
+"This dict-like class is heavily optimized for read access. All read-only "
+"methods as well as item access should be as fast as the built-in dict."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:1
+msgid "Load values from a Python module."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:3
+msgid "Example modue ````::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:0
+msgid "Parameters"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:17
+msgid ""
+"If true (default), dictionary values are assumed to represent namespaces "
+"(see :meth:`load_dict`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:1
+msgid "Load values from an ``*.ini`` style config file."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:3
+msgid ""
+"A configuration file consists of sections, each led by a ``[section]`` "
+"header, followed by key/value entries separated by either ``=`` or ``:``. "
+"Section names and keys are case-insensitive. Leading and trailing whitespace"
+" is removed from keys and values. Values can be omitted, in which case the "
+"key/value delimiter may also be left out. Values can also span multiple "
+"lines, as long as they are indented deeper than the first line of the value."
+" Commands are prefixed by ``#`` or ``;`` and may only appear on their own on"
+" an otherwise empty line."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:13
+msgid ""
+"Both section and key names may contain dots (``.``) as namespace separators."
+" The actual configuration parameter name is constructed by joining section "
+"name and key name together and converting to lower case."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:18
+msgid ""
+"The special sections ``bottle`` and ``ROOT`` refer to the root namespace and"
+" the ``DEFAULT`` section defines default values for all other sections."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:22
+msgid "With Python 3, extended string interpolation is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:24
+msgid "The path of a config file, or a list of paths."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:25
+msgid ""
+"All keyword parameters are passed to the underlying "
+":class:`python:configparser.ConfigParser` constructor call."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_dict:1
+msgid ""
+"Load values from a dictionary structure. Nesting can be used to represent "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.update:1
+msgid ""
+"If the first parameter is a string, all keys are prefixed with this "
+"namespace. Apart from that it works just as the usual dict.update()."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.setdefault:1
+msgid "Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.setdefault:3
+msgid "Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.meta_get:1
+msgid "Return the value of a meta field for a key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.meta_set:1
+msgid "Set the meta field for a key to a new value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.meta_list:1
+msgid "Return an iterable of meta field names defined for a key."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e116cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+# Ibrahim DERRAZ <>, 2017
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../../contact.rst:3
+msgid "Contact"
+msgstr "Contact"
+#: ../../contact.rst:6
+msgid "About the Author"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../contact.rst:7
+msgid ""
+"Hi, I'm *Marcel Hellkamp* (aka *defnull*), author of Bottle and the guy "
+"behind this website. I'm 27 years old and studying computer science at the "
+"Georg-August-University in Göttingen, Germany. Python is my favorite "
+"language, but I also code in ruby and JavaScript a lot. Watch me on `twitter"
+" <>`_ or visit my profile at `GitHub "
+"<>`_ to get in contact. A `mailinglist "
+"<>`_ is open for Bottle related "
+"questions, too."
+msgstr "Bonjour, je suis *Marcel Hellkamp* (alias *defnull*), développeur de Bottle, et la personne derrière ce site. J'ans 27 ans et j’étudie l’informatique à l’université Georg-August-University à Göttingen en Allemagne. Python est mon langage préféré, mais je code aussi en Ruby et JavaScript. Suivez moi sur `twitter <>`_ ou visitez mon profil sur `GitHub <>`_ . Une `mailinglist <>`_ est disponible pour toutes les questions liés à Bottle"
+#: ../../contact.rst:10
+msgid "About Bottle"
+msgstr "À propos de Bottle"
+#: ../../contact.rst:11
+msgid ""
+"This is my first open source project so far. It started and a small "
+"experiment but soon got so much positive feedback I decided to make "
+"something real out of it. Here it is."
+msgstr "Il s'agit de mon premier projet open-source. Il s’agissait d'un projet d'expérimentation, mais grâce à tout vos retours positifs, j'ai décidé d'en faire un projet sérieux. Et le voilà."
+#: ../../contact.rst:14
+msgid "Impressum und Kontaktdaten"
+msgstr "Impressum und Kontaktdaten"
+#: ../../contact.rst:15
+msgid ""
+"(This is required by `German law "
+msgstr "(Requis par la `loi Allemande <>`_)"
+#: ../../contact.rst:17
+msgid ""
+"Die Nutzung der folgenden Kontaktdaten ist ausschließlich für die "
+"Kontaktaufnahme mit dem Betreiber dieser Webseite bei rechtlichen Problemen "
+"vorgesehen. Insbesondere die Nutzung zu Werbe- oder ähnlichen Zwecken ist "
+"ausdrücklich untersagt."
+msgstr "Die Nutzung der folgenden Kontaktdaten ist ausschließlich für die Kontaktaufnahme mit dem Betreiber dieser Webseite bei rechtlichen Problemen vorgesehen. Insbesondere die Nutzung zu Werbe- oder ähnlichen Zwecken ist ausdrücklich untersagt."
+#: ../../contact.rst:22
+msgid "**Betreiber**: Marcel Hellkamp"
+msgstr "**Betreiber**: Marcel Hellkamp"
+#: ../../contact.rst:23
+msgid "**Ort**: D - 37075 Göttingen"
+msgstr "**Ort**: D - 37075 Göttingen"
+#: ../../contact.rst:24
+msgid "**Strasse**: Theodor-Heuss Strasse 13"
+msgstr "**Strasse**: Theodor-Heuss Strasse 13"
+#: ../../contact.rst:25
+msgid "**Telefon**: +49 (0) 551 20005915"
+msgstr "**Telefon**: +49 (0) 551 20005915"
+#: ../../contact.rst:26
+msgid "**E-Mail**: marc at gsites dot de"
+msgstr "**E-Mail**: marc at gsites dot de"
diff --git a/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13adf2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+# Ibrahim DERRAZ <>, 2017
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../../deployment.rst:27
+msgid "Deployment"
+msgstr "Déploiement "
+#: ../../deployment.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"The bottle :func:`run` function, when called without any parameters, starts "
+"a local development server on port 8080. You can access and test your "
+"application via http://localhost:8080/ if you are on the same host."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:31
+msgid ""
+"To get your application available to the outside world, specify the IP the "
+"server should listen to (e.g. ``run(host='')``) or let the server"
+" listen to all interfaces at once (e.g. ``run(host='')``). The "
+"listening port can be changed in a similar way, but you need root or admin "
+"rights to choose a port below 1024. Port 80 is the standard for HTTP "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:37
+msgid "Server Options"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"The built-in default server is based on `wsgiref WSGIServer "
+"wsgiref.simple_server>`_. This non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine "
+"for development, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load "
+"increases. There are three ways to eliminate this bottleneck:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:41
+msgid ""
+"Use a different server that is either multi-threaded or supports "
+"asynchronous IO."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"Start multiple server processes and spread the load with a load-balancer."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:43
+msgid "Do both."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"**Multi-threaded** servers are the 'classic' way to do it. They are very "
+"robust, reasonably fast and easy to manage. As a drawback, they can only "
+"handle a limited number of connections at the same time and utilize only one"
+" CPU core due to the \"Global Interpreter Lock\" (GIL) of the Python "
+"runtime. This does not hurt most applications, they are waiting for network "
+"IO most of the time anyway, but may slow down CPU intensive tasks (e.g. "
+"image processing)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"**Asynchronous IO** servers are very fast, can handle a virtually unlimited "
+"number of concurrent connections and are easy to manage. To take full "
+"advantage of their potential, you need to design your application "
+"accordingly and understand the concepts of the specific server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:49
+msgid ""
+"**Multi-processing** (forking) servers are not limited by the GIL and "
+"utilize more than one CPU core, but make communication between server "
+"instances more expensive. You need a database or external message query to "
+"share state between processes, or design your application so that it does "
+"not need any shared state. The setup is also a bit more complicated, but "
+"there are good tutorials available."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:52
+msgid "Switching the Server Backend"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:54
+msgid ""
+"The easiest way to increase performance is to install a multi-threaded "
+"server library like paste_ or cherrypy_ and tell Bottle to use that instead "
+"of the single-threaded default server::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"Bottle ships with a lot of ready-to-use adapters for the most common WSGI "
+"servers and automates the setup process. Here is an incomplete list:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
+msgid "Homepage"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+msgid "cgi"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+msgid "Run as CGI script"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+msgid "flup"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+msgid "flup_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+msgid "Run as FastCGI process"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+msgid "gae"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+msgid "gae_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+msgid "Helper for Google App Engine deployments"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+msgid "wsgiref"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+msgid "wsgiref_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+msgid "Single-threaded default server"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+msgid "cherrypy"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+msgid "cherrypy_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+msgid "Multi-threaded and very stable"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
+msgid "paste"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
+msgid "paste_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
+msgid "Multi-threaded, stable, tried and tested"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:69
+msgid "waitress"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:69
+msgid "waitress_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:69
+msgid "Multi-threaded, poweres Pyramid"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:70
+msgid "gunicorn"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:70
+msgid "gunicorn_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:70
+msgid "Pre-forked, partly written in C"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:71
+msgid "eventlet"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:71
+msgid "eventlet_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:71
+msgid "Asynchronous framework with WSGI support."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:72
+msgid "gevent"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:72
+msgid "gevent_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:72 ../../deployment.rst:73
+msgid "Asynchronous (greenlets)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:73
+msgid "diesel"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:73
+msgid "diesel_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:74
+msgid "tornado"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:74
+msgid "tornado_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:74
+msgid "Asynchronous, powers some parts of Facebook"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
+msgid "twisted"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
+msgid "twisted_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
+msgid "Asynchronous, well tested but... twisted"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+msgid "meinheld"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+msgid "meinheld_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+msgid "Asynchronous, partly written in C"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+msgid "bjoern"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+msgid "bjoern_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+msgid "Asynchronous, very fast and written in C"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+msgid "auto"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+msgid "Automatically selects an available server adapter"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:81
+msgid "The full list is available through :data:`server_names`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"If there is no adapter for your favorite server or if you need more control "
+"over the server setup, you may want to start the server manually. Refer to "
+"the server documentation on how to run WSGI applications. Here is an example"
+" for paste_::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:91
+msgid "Apache mod_wsgi"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:93
+msgid ""
+"Instead of running your own HTTP server from within Bottle, you can attach "
+"Bottle applications to an `Apache server <apache>`_ using mod_wsgi_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:95
+msgid ""
+"All you need is an ``app.wsgi`` file that provides an ``application`` "
+"object. This object is used by mod_wsgi to start your application and should"
+" be a WSGI-compatible Python callable."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:97
+msgid "File ``/var/www/yourapp/app.wsgi``::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:108
+msgid "The Apache configuration may look like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:126
+msgid "uWSGI"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:128
+msgid ""
+"uWSGI_ is a modern alternative to FastCGI and the recommended deployment "
+"option on servers like nginx_, lighttpd_, and cherokee_. The uWSGI project "
+"provides an application server that runs your application, and defines a "
+"protocol that frontend webservers can speak to. Have a look at the excellent"
+" `Quickstart for Python/WSGI applications <https://uwsgi-"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:132
+msgid "Google AppEngine"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:136
+msgid ""
+"New App Engine applications using the Python 2.7 runtime environment support"
+" any WSGI application and should be configured to use the Bottle application"
+" object directly. For example suppose your application's main module is "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:146
+msgid ""
+"Then you can configure App Engine's ``app.yaml`` to use the ``app`` object "
+"like so::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:158
+msgid ""
+"It is always a good idea to let GAE serve static files directly. Here is "
+"example for a working ``app.yaml`` (using the legacy Python 2.5 runtime "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:175
+msgid "Load Balancer (Manual Setup)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:177
+msgid ""
+"A single Python process can utilize only one CPU at a time, even if there "
+"are more CPU cores available. The trick is to balance the load between "
+"multiple independent Python processes to utilize all of your CPU cores."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:179
+msgid ""
+"Instead of a single Bottle application server, you start one instance for "
+"each CPU core available using different local port (localhost:8080, 8081, "
+"8082, ...). You can choose any server adapter you want, even asynchronous "
+"ones. Then a high performance load balancer acts as a reverse proxy and "
+"forwards each new requests to a random port, spreading the load between all "
+"available back-ends. This way you can use all of your CPU cores and even "
+"spread out the load between different physical servers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:181
+msgid ""
+"One of the fastest load balancers available is Pound_ but most common web "
+"servers have a proxy-module that can do the work just fine."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:183
+msgid "Pound example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:201
+msgid "Apache example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:209
+msgid "Lighttpd example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:221
+msgid "Good old CGI"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:223
+msgid ""
+"A CGI server starts a new process for each request. This adds a lot of "
+"overhead but is sometimes the only option, especially on cheap hosting "
+"packages. The `cgi` server adapter does not actually start a CGI server, but"
+" transforms your bottle application into a valid CGI application::"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/development.po b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99431ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../../development.rst:2
+msgid "Developer Notes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:4
+msgid ""
+"This document is intended for developers and package maintainers interested "
+"in the bottle development and release workflow. If you want to contribute, "
+"you are just right!"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:8
+msgid "Get involved"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:10
+msgid ""
+"There are several ways to join the community and stay up to date. Here are "
+"some of them:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:12
+msgid ""
+"**Mailing list**: Join our mailing list by sending an email to "
+"` "
+"<>`_ (no google account required)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:13
+msgid ""
+"**Twitter**: `Follow us on Twitter <>`_ or "
+"search for the `#bottlepy <!/search/%23bottlepy>`_ tag."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:14
+msgid ""
+"**IRC**: Join `#bottlepy on "
+"<irc://>`_ or use the `web chat interface "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:15
+msgid ""
+"**Google plus**: We sometimes `blog about Bottle, releases and technical "
+"stuff "
+" on our Google+ page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:19
+msgid "Get the Sources"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:21
+msgid ""
+"The bottle `development repository <>`_ "
+"and the `issue tracker <>`_ are "
+"both hosted at `github <>`_. If you plan "
+"to contribute, it is a good idea to create an account there and fork the "
+"main repository. This way your changes and ideas are visible to other "
+"developers and can be discussed openly. Even without an account, you can "
+"clone the repository or just download the latest development version as a "
+"source archive."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:23
+msgid "**git:** ``git clone git://``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:24
+msgid "**git/https:** ``git clone``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:25
+msgid ""
+"**Download:** Development branch as `tar archive "
+"<>`_ or `zip file "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"**Translations:** ` "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:30
+msgid "Releases and Updates"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:32
+msgid ""
+"Bottle is released at irregular intervals and distributed through `PyPI "
+"<>`_. Release candidates and bugfix-"
+"revisions of outdated releases are only available from the git repository "
+"mentioned above. Some Linux distributions may offer packages for outdated "
+"releases, though."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:34
+msgid ""
+"The Bottle version number splits into three parts "
+"(**major.minor.revision**). These are *not* used to promote new features but"
+" to indicate important bug-fixes and/or API changes. Critical bugs are fixed"
+" in at least the two latest minor releases and announced in all available "
+"channels (mailinglist, twitter, github). Non-critical bugs or features are "
+"not guaranteed to be backported. This may change in the future, through."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:37
+msgid "Major Release (x.0)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:37
+msgid ""
+"The major release number is increased on important milestones or updates "
+"that completely break backward compatibility. You probably have to work over"
+" your entire application to use a new release. These releases are very rare,"
+" through."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:40
+msgid "Minor Release (x.y)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"The minor release number is increased on updates that change the API or "
+"behaviour in some way. You might get some depreciation warnings any may have"
+" to tweak some configuration settings to restore the old behaviour, but in "
+"most cases these changes are designed to be backward compatible for at least"
+" one minor release. You should update to stay up do date, but don't have to."
+" An exception is 0.8, which *will* break backward compatibility hard. (This "
+"is why 0.7 was skipped). Sorry about that."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:43
+msgid "Revision (x.y.z)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"The revision number is increased on bug-fixes and other patches that do not "
+"change the API or behaviour. You can safely update without editing your "
+"application code. In fact, you really should as soon as possible, because "
+"important security fixes are released this way."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:47
+msgid "Pre-Release Versions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:46
+msgid ""
+"Release candidates are marked by an ``rc`` in their revision number. These "
+"are API stable most of the time and open for testing, but not officially "
+"released yet. You should not use these for production."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:50
+msgid "Repository Structure"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:52
+msgid "The source repository is structured as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:55
+msgid "``master`` branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:55
+msgid ""
+"This is the integration, testing and development branch. All changes that "
+"are planned to be part of the next release are merged and tested here."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:58
+msgid "``release-x.y`` branches"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"As soon as the master branch is (almost) ready for a new release, it is "
+"branched into a new release branch. This \"release candidate\" is feature-"
+"frozen but may receive bug-fixes and last-minute changes until it is "
+"considered production ready and officially released. From that point on it "
+"is called a \"support branch\" and still receives bug-fixes, but only "
+"important ones. The revision number is increased on each push to these "
+"branches, so you can keep up with important changes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:62
+msgid "Feature branches"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:61
+msgid ""
+"All other branches are feature branches. These are based on the master "
+"branch and only live as long as they are still active and not merged back "
+"into ``master``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:65
+msgid "What does this mean for a developer?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"If you want to add a feature, create a new branch from ``master``. If you "
+"want to fix a bug, branch ``release-x.y`` for each affected release. Please "
+"use a separate branch for each feature or bug to make integration as easy as"
+" possible. Thats all. There are git workflow examples at the bottom of this "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:68
+msgid ""
+"Oh, and never ever change the release number. We'll do that on integration. "
+"You never know in which order we pull pending requests anyway :)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:72
+msgid "What does this mean for a maintainer ?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:73
+msgid ""
+"Watch the tags (and the mailing list) for bug-fixes and new releases. If you"
+" want to fetch a specific release from the git repository, trust the tags, "
+"not the branches. A branch may contain changes that are not released yet, "
+"but a tag marks the exact commit which changed the version number."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:77
+msgid "Submitting Patches"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:79
+msgid ""
+"The best way to get your changes integrated into the main development branch"
+" is to fork the main repository at github, create a new feature-branch, "
+"apply your changes and send a pull-request. Further down this page is a "
+"small collection of git workflow examples that may guide you. Submitting "
+"git-compatible patches to the mailing list is fine too. In any case, please "
+"follow some basic rules:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"**Documentation:** Tell us what your patch does. Comment your code. If you "
+"introduced a new feature, add to the documentation so others can learn about"
+" it."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:82
+msgid ""
+"**Test:** Write tests to prove that your code works as expected and does not"
+" break anything. If you fixed a bug, write at least one test-case that "
+"triggers the bug. Make sure that all tests pass before you submit a patch."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"**One patch at a time:** Only fix one bug or add one feature at a time. "
+"Design your patches so that they can be applyed as a whole. Keep your "
+"patches clean, small and focused."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:84
+msgid ""
+"**Sync with upstream:** If the ``upstream/master`` branch changed while you "
+"were working on your patch, rebase or pull to make sure that your patch "
+"still applies without conflicts."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:88
+msgid "Building the Documentation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"You need a recent version of Sphinx to build the documentation. The "
+"recommended way is to install :command:`virtualenv` using your distribution "
+"package repository and install sphinx manually to get an up-to-date version."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:121
+msgid "GIT Workflow Examples"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:123
+msgid ""
+"The following examples assume that you have an (free) `github account "
+"<>`_. This is not mandatory, but makes things a lot "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:125
+msgid ""
+"First of all you need to create a fork (a personal clone) of the official "
+"repository. To do this, you simply click the \"fork\" button on the `bottle "
+"project page <>`_. When the fork is done, "
+"you will be presented with a short introduction to your new repository."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:127
+msgid ""
+"The fork you just created is hosted at github and read-able by everyone, but"
+" write-able only by you. Now you need to clone the fork locally to actually "
+"make changes to it. Make sure you use the private (read-write) URL and *not*"
+" the public (read-only) one::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:131
+msgid ""
+"Once the clone is complete your repository will have a remote named "
+"\"origin\" that points to your fork on github. Don’t let the name confuse "
+"you, this does not point to the original bottle repository, but to your own "
+"fork. To keep track of the official repository, add another remote named "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:137
+msgid ""
+"Note that \"upstream\" is a public clone URL, which is read-only. You cannot"
+" push changes directly to it. Instead, we will pull from your public "
+"repository. This is described later."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:140
+msgid "Submit a Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:141
+msgid ""
+"New features are developed in separate feature-branches to make integration "
+"easy. Because they are going to be integrated into the ``master`` branch, "
+"they must be based on ``upstream/master``. To create a new feature-branch, "
+"type the following::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:145
+msgid ""
+"Now implement your feature, write tests, update the documentation, make sure"
+" that all tests pass and commit your changes::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:149
+msgid ""
+"If the ``upstream/master`` branch changed in the meantime, there may be "
+"conflicts with your changes. To solve these, 'rebase' your feature-branch "
+"onto the top of the updated ``upstream/master`` branch::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:154
+msgid ""
+"This is equivalent to undoing all your changes, updating your branch to the "
+"latest version and reapplying all your patches again. If you released your "
+"branch already (see next step), this is not an option because it rewrites "
+"your history. You can do a normal pull instead. Resolve any conflicts, run "
+"the tests again and commit."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:156
+msgid ""
+"Now you are almost ready to send a pull request. But first you need to make "
+"your feature-branch public by pushing it to your github fork::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:160
+msgid ""
+"After you’ve pushed your commit(s) you need to inform us about the new "
+"feature. One way is to send a pull-request using github. Another way would "
+"be to start a thread in the mailing-list, which is recommended. It allows "
+"other developers to see and discuss your patches and you get some feedback "
+"for free :)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:162
+msgid ""
+"If we accept your patch, we will integrate it into the official development "
+"branch and make it part of the next release."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:165
+msgid "Fix a Bug"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:166
+msgid ""
+"The workflow for bug-fixes is very similar to the one for features, but "
+"there are some differences:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:168
+msgid ""
+"Branch off of the affected release branches instead of just the development "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:169
+msgid "Write at least one test-case that triggers the bug."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:170
+msgid ""
+"Do this for each affected branch including ``upstream/master`` if it is "
+"affected. ``git cherry-pick`` may help you reducing repetitive work."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:171
+msgid ""
+"Name your branch after the release it is based on to avoid confusion. "
+"Examples: ``my_bugfix-x.y`` or ``my_bugfix-dev``."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b4edb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../../faq.rst:10
+msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:13
+msgid "About Bottle"
+msgstr "À propos de Bottle"
+#: ../../faq.rst:16
+msgid "Is bottle suitable for complex applications?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:18
+msgid ""
+"Bottle is a *micro* framework designed for prototyping and building small "
+"web applications and services. It stays out of your way and allows you to "
+"get things done fast, but misses some advanced features and ready-to-use "
+"solutions found in other frameworks (MVC, ORM, form validation, scaffolding,"
+" XML-RPC). Although it *is* possible to add these features and build complex"
+" applications with Bottle, you should consider using a full-stack Web "
+"framework like pylons_ or paste_ instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:22
+msgid "Common Problems and Pitfalls"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:29
+msgid "\"Template Not Found\" in mod_wsgi/mod_python"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:31
+msgid ""
+"Bottle searches in ``./`` and ``./views/`` for templates. In a mod_python_ "
+"or mod_wsgi_ environment, the working directory (``./``) depends on your "
+"Apache settings. You should add an absolute path to the template search "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:35
+msgid "so bottle searches the right paths."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:38
+msgid "Dynamic Routes and Slashes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"In :ref:`dynamic route syntax <tutorial-dynamic-routes>`, a placeholder "
+"token (``<name>``) matches everything up to the next slash. This equals to "
+"``[^/]+`` in regular expression syntax. To accept slashes too, you have to "
+"add a custom regular pattern to the placeholder. An example: "
+"``/images/<filepath:path>`` would match ``/images/icons/error.png`` but "
+"``/images/<filename>`` won't."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:43
+msgid "Problems with reverse proxies"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"Redirects and url-building only works if bottle knows the public address and"
+" location of your application. If you run bottle locally behind a reverse "
+"proxy or load balancer, some information might get lost along the way. For "
+"example, the ``wsgi.url_scheme`` value or the ``Host`` header might reflect "
+"the local request by your proxy, not the real request by the client. Here is"
+" a small WSGI middleware snippet that helps to fix these values::"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27a1c28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+# Ibrahim DERRAZ <>, 2017
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../../index.rst:20
+msgid "Bottle: Python Web Framework"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:22
+msgid ""
+"Bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI_ micro web-framework for "
+"Python_. It is distributed as a single file module and has no dependencies "
+"other than the `Python Standard Library <>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:25
+msgid ""
+"**Routing:** Requests to function-call mapping with support for clean and "
+"dynamic URLs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"**Templates:** Fast and pythonic :ref:`built-in template engine <tutorial-"
+"templates>` and support for mako_, jinja2_ and cheetah_ templates."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:27
+msgid ""
+"**Utilities:** Convenient access to form data, file uploads, cookies, "
+"headers and other HTTP-related metadata."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:28
+msgid ""
+"**Server:** Built-in HTTP development server and support for paste_, "
+"bjoern_, gae_, cherrypy_ or any other WSGI_ capable HTTP server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:31
+msgid "Example: \"Hello World\" in a bottle"
+msgstr "Exemple: \"Hello World\" dans une bottle"
+#: ../../index.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"Run this script or paste it into a Python console, then point your browser "
+"to `<http://localhost:8080/hello/world>`_. That's it."
+msgstr "Executez ce script ou coller le dans une console Python, puis rendez vous sur `<http://localhost:8080/hello/world>`_ dans votre navigateur. Et voilà."
+#: ../../index.rst:45
+msgid "Download and Install"
+msgstr "Téléchargement et installation"
+#: ../../index.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"Install the latest stable release with ``pip install bottle`` or download "
+"``__ (unstable) into your project directory. There are no hard [1]_"
+" dependencies other than the Python standard library. Bottle supports "
+"**Python 2.7 and Python 3**."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:50
+msgid "Support for Python 2.5 and 2.6 was dropped with this release."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:55
+msgid "User's Guide"
+msgstr "Guide de l'utilisateur"
+#: ../../index.rst:56
+msgid ""
+"Start here if you want to learn how to use the bottle framework for web "
+"development. If you have any questions not answered here, feel free to ask "
+"the `mailing list <>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:71
+msgid "Knowledge Base"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:72
+msgid "A collection of articles, guides and HOWTOs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:84
+msgid "Development and Contribution"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:86
+msgid ""
+"These chapters are intended for developers interested in the bottle "
+"development and release workflow."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:103
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "Licence"
+#: ../../index.rst:105
+msgid "Code and documentation are available according to the MIT License:"
+msgstr "Le code et la documentation sont disponibles conformément à la licence MIT:"
+#: ../../index.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"The Bottle logo however is *NOT* covered by that license. It is allowed to "
+"use the logo as a link to the bottle homepage or in direct context with the "
+"unmodified library. In all other cases please ask first."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:115
+msgid "Footnotes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:116
+msgid ""
+"Usage of the template or server adapter classes requires the corresponding "
+"template or server modules."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8212c62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:6
+msgid "Plugin Development Guide"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:8
+msgid ""
+"This guide explains the plugin API and how to write custom plugins. I "
+"suggest reading :ref:`plugins` first if you have not done that already. You "
+"might also want to have a look at the :doc:`/plugins/index` for some "
+"practical examples."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:12
+msgid ""
+"This is a draft. If you see any errors or find that a specific part is not "
+"explained clear enough, please tell the `mailing-list "
+"<>`_ or file a `bug report "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:16
+msgid "How Plugins Work: The Basics"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:18
+msgid ""
+"The plugin API builds on the concept of `decorators "
+"<>`_. To put it briefly, "
+"a plugin is a decorator applied to every single route callback of an "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"This is just a simplification. Plugins can do a lot more than just "
+"decorating route callbacks, but it is a good starting point. Lets have a "
+"look at some code::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:36
+msgid ""
+"This plugin measures the execution time for each request and adds an "
+"appropriate ``X-Exec-Time`` header to the response. As you can see, the "
+"plugin returns a wrapper and the wrapper calls the original callback "
+"recursively. This is how decorators usually work."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:38
+msgid ""
+"The last line tells Bottle to install the plugin to the default application."
+" This causes the plugin to be automatically applied to all routes of that "
+"application. In other words, ``stopwatch()`` is called once for each route "
+"callback and the return value is used as a replacement for the original "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"Plugins are applied on demand, that is, as soon as a route is requested for "
+"the first time. For this to work properly in multi-threaded environments, "
+"the plugin should be thread-safe. This is not a problem most of the time, "
+"but keep it in mind."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"Once all plugins are applied to a route, the wrapped callback is cached and "
+"subsequent requests are handled by the cached version directly. This means "
+"that a plugin is usually applied only once to a specific route. That cache, "
+"however, is cleared every time the list of installed plugins changes. Your "
+"plugin should be able to decorate the same route more than once."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:44
+msgid ""
+"The decorator API is quite limited, though. You don't know anything about "
+"the route being decorated or the associated application object and have no "
+"way to efficiently store data that is shared among all routes. But fear not!"
+" Plugins are not limited to just decorator functions. Bottle accepts "
+"anything as a plugin as long as it is callable or implements an extended "
+"API. This API is described below and gives you a lot of control over the "
+"whole process."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:48
+msgid "Plugin API"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:50
+msgid ""
+":class:`Plugin` is not a real class (you cannot import it from "
+":mod:`bottle`) but an interface that plugins are expected to implement. "
+"Bottle accepts any object of any type as a plugin, as long as it conforms to"
+" the following API."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:54
+msgid ""
+"Plugins must be callable or implement :meth:`apply`. If :meth:`apply` is "
+"defined, it is always preferred over calling the plugin directly. All other "
+"methods and attributes are optional."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"Both :meth:`Bottle.uninstall` and the `skip` parameter of "
+":meth:`Bottle.route()` accept a name string to refer to a plugin or plugin "
+"type. This works only for plugins that have a name attribute."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:62
+msgid ""
+"The Plugin API is still evolving. This integer attribute tells bottle which "
+"version to use. If it is missing, bottle defaults to the first version. The "
+"current version is ``2``. See :ref:`plugin-changelog` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"Called as soon as the plugin is installed to an application (see "
+":meth:`Bottle.install`). The only parameter is the associated application "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"As long as :meth:`apply` is not defined, the plugin itself is used as a "
+"decorator and applied directly to each route callback. The only parameter is"
+" the callback to decorate. Whatever is returned by this method replaces the "
+"original callback. If there is no need to wrap or replace a given callback, "
+"just return the unmodified callback parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:74
+msgid ""
+"If defined, this method is used in favor of :meth:`__call__` to decorate "
+"route callbacks. The additional `route` parameter is an instance of "
+":class:`Route` and provides a lot of meta-information and context for that "
+"route. See :ref:`route-context` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:78
+msgid ""
+"Called immediately before the plugin is uninstalled or the application is "
+"closed (see :meth:`Bottle.uninstall` or :meth:`Bottle.close`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"Both :meth:`Plugin.setup` and :meth:`Plugin.close` are *not* called for "
+"plugins that are applied directly to a route via the :meth:`Bottle.route()` "
+"decorator, but only for plugins installed to an application."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:87
+msgid "Plugin API changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"The Plugin API is still evolving and changed with Bottle 0.10 to address "
+"certain issues with the route context dictionary. To ensure backwards "
+"compatibility with 0.9 Plugins, we added an optional :attr:`Plugin.api` "
+"attribute to tell bottle which API to use. The API differences are "
+"summarized here."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:91
+msgid "**Bottle 0.9 API 1** (:attr:`Plugin.api` not present)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:93
+msgid "Original Plugin API as described in the 0.9 docs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:95
+msgid "**Bottle 0.10 API 2** (:attr:`Plugin.api` equals 2)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:97
+msgid ""
+"The `context` parameter of the :meth:`Plugin.apply` method is now an "
+"instance of :class:`Route` instead of a context dictionary."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:103
+msgid "The Route Context"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:105
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`Route` instance passed to :meth:`Plugin.apply` provides detailed"
+" informations about the associated route. The most important attributes are "
+"summarized here:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:108
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:108
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:110
+msgid "app"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:110
+msgid "The application object this route is installed to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:111
+msgid "rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:111
+msgid "The rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/<page>``)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:112
+msgid "method"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:112
+msgid "The HTTP method as a string (e.g. ``GET``)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:113
+msgid "callback"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:113
+msgid ""
+"The original callback with no plugins applied. Useful for introspection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:115
+msgid "name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:115
+msgid "The name of the route (if specified) or ``None``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:116
+msgid "plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:116
+msgid ""
+"A list of route-specific plugins. These are applied in addition to "
+"application-wide plugins. (see :meth:`Bottle.route`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:118
+msgid "skiplist"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:118
+msgid ""
+"A list of plugins to not apply to this route (again, see "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:120
+msgid "config"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:120
+msgid ""
+"Additional keyword arguments passed to the :meth:`Bottle.route` decorator "
+"are stored in this dictionary. Used for route-specific configuration and "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:125
+msgid ""
+"For your plugin, :attr:`Route.config` is probably the most important "
+"attribute. Keep in mind that this dictionary is local to the route, but "
+"shared between all plugins. It is always a good idea to add a unique prefix "
+"or, if your plugin needs a lot of configuration, store it in a separate "
+"namespace within the `config` dictionary. This helps to avoid naming "
+"collisions between plugins."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:129
+msgid "Changing the :class:`Route` object"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:131
+msgid ""
+"While some :class:`Route` attributes are mutable, changes may have unwanted "
+"effects on other plugins. It is most likely a bad idea to monkey-patch a "
+"broken route instead of providing a helpful error message and let the user "
+"fix the problem."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:133
+msgid ""
+"In some rare cases, however, it might be justifiable to break this rule. "
+"After you made your changes to the :class:`Route` instance, raise "
+":exc:`RouteReset` as an exception. This removes the current route from the "
+"cache and causes all plugins to be re-applied. The router is not updated, "
+"however. Changes to `rule` or `method` values have no effect on the router, "
+"but only on plugins. This may change in the future, though."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:137
+msgid "Runtime optimizations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:139
+msgid ""
+"Once all plugins are applied to a route, the wrapped route callback is "
+"cached to speed up subsequent requests. If the behavior of your plugin "
+"depends on configuration, and you want to be able to change that "
+"configuration at runtime, you need to read the configuration on each "
+"request. Easy enough."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:141
+msgid ""
+"For performance reasons, however, it might be worthwhile to choose a "
+"different wrapper based on current needs, work with closures, or enable or "
+"disable a plugin at runtime. Let's take the built-in HooksPlugin as an "
+"example: If no hooks are installed, the plugin removes itself from all "
+"affected routes and has virtually no overhead. As soon as you install the "
+"first hook, the plugin activates itself and takes effect again."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:143
+msgid ""
+"To achieve this, you need control over the callback cache: "
+":meth:`Route.reset` clears the cache for a single route and "
+":meth:`Bottle.reset` clears all caches for all routes of an application at "
+"once. On the next request, all plugins are re-applied to the route as if it "
+"were requested for the first time."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:145
+msgid ""
+"Both methods won't affect the current request if called from within a route "
+"callback, of cause. To force a restart of the current request, raise "
+":exc:`RouteReset` as an exception."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:149
+msgid "Plugin Example: SQLitePlugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:151
+msgid ""
+"This plugin provides an sqlite3 database connection handle as an additional "
+"keyword argument to wrapped callbacks, but only if the callback expects it. "
+"If not, the route is ignored and no overhead is added. The wrapper does not "
+"affect the return value, but handles plugin-related exceptions properly. "
+":meth:`Plugin.setup` is used to inspect the application and search for "
+"conflicting plugins."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:218
+msgid ""
+"This plugin is actually useful and very similar to the version bundled with "
+"Bottle. Not bad for less than 60 lines of code, don't you think? Here is a "
+"usage example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:239
+msgid ""
+"The first route needs a database connection and tells the plugin to create a"
+" handle by requesting a ``db`` keyword argument. The second route does not "
+"need a database and is therefore ignored by the plugin. The third route does"
+" expect a 'db' keyword argument, but explicitly skips the sqlite plugin. "
+"This way the argument is not overruled by the plugin and still contains the "
+"value of the same-named url argument."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0dc626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:5
+msgid "List of available Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:7
+msgid ""
+"This is a list of third-party plugins that add extend Bottles core "
+"functionality or integrate other libraries with the Bottle framework."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:9
+msgid ""
+"Have a look at :ref:`plugins` for general questions about plugins "
+"(installation, usage). If you plan to develop a new plugin, the "
+":doc:`/plugindev` may help you."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:12
+msgid "`Bottle-Beaker <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:12
+msgid "Beaker to session and caching library with WSGI Middleware"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:15
+msgid "`Bottle-Cork <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:15
+msgid ""
+"Cork provides a simple set of methods to implement Authentication and "
+"Authorization in web applications based on Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:18
+msgid "`Bottle-Cors-plugin <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:18
+msgid ""
+"Cors-plugin is the easiest way to implement cors on your bottle web "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:21
+msgid "`Bottle-Extras <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:21
+msgid "Meta package to install the bottle plugin collection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:24
+msgid "`Bottle-Flash <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:24
+msgid "flash plugin for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:27
+msgid "`Bottle-Hotqueue <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:27
+msgid "FIFO Queue for Bottle built upon redis"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:30
+msgid "`Macaron <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:30
+msgid "Macaron is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for SQLite."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:33
+msgid "`Bottle-Memcache <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:33
+msgid "Memcache integration for Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:36
+msgid "`Bottle-Mongo <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:36
+msgid "MongoDB integration for Bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:39
+msgid "`Bottle-OAuthlib <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:39
+msgid "Adapter for oauthlib - create your own OAuth2.0 implementation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:42
+msgid "`Bottle-Redis <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:42
+msgid "Redis integration for Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:45
+msgid "`Bottle-Renderer <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:45
+msgid "Renderer plugin for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:48
+msgid "`Bottle-Servefiles <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:48
+msgid "A reusable app that serves static files for bottle apps"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:51
+msgid "`Bottle-Sqlalchemy <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:51
+msgid "SQLAlchemy integration for Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:54
+msgid "`Bottle-Sqlite <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:54
+msgid "SQLite3 database integration for Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:57
+msgid "`Bottle-Web2pydal <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:57
+msgid "Web2py Dal integration for Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:60
+msgid "`Bottle-Werkzeug <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:60
+msgid ""
+"Integrates the `werkzeug` library (alternative request and response objects,"
+" advanced debugging middleware and more)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"`bottle-smart-filters <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:63
+msgid "Bottle Querystring smart guessing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:66
+msgid "`bottle-jwt <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:66
+msgid "JSON Web Token authentication plugin for"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:69
+msgid "`Bottle-jwt <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:69
+msgid "JWT integration for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:72
+msgid "`canister <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:72
+msgid "a bottle wrapper to provide logging, sessions and authentication"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:75
+msgid "`bottle-cerberus <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:75
+msgid "Cerberus integration for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:78
+msgid "`Bottle-errorsrest <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:78
+msgid "All errors generated from bottle are returned in json"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:82
+msgid "`Bottle-tools <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"Decorators that auto-supply function arguments using POST/query string data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:84
+msgid ""
+"Plugins listed here are not part of Bottle or the Bottle project, but "
+"developed and maintained by third parties."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d5a1d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../../recipes.rst:16
+msgid "Recipes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:18
+msgid ""
+"This is a collection of code snippets and examples for common use cases."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:21
+msgid "Keeping track of Sessions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:23
+msgid ""
+"There is no built-in support for sessions because there is no *right* way to"
+" do it (in a micro framework). Depending on requirements and environment you"
+" could use beaker_ middleware with a fitting backend or implement it "
+"yourself. Here is an example for beaker sessions with a file-based backend::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: Beaker's SessionMiddleware is not thread safe. If two concurrent "
+"requests modify the same session at the same time, one of the updates might "
+"get lost. For this reason, sessions should only be populated once and "
+"treated as a read-only store after that. If you find yourself updating "
+"sessions regularly, and don't want to risk losing any updates, think about "
+"using a real database instead or seek alternative session middleware "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:49
+msgid "Debugging with Style: Debugging Middleware"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"Bottle catches all Exceptions raised in your app code to prevent your WSGI "
+"server from crashing. If the built-in :func:`debug` mode is not enough and "
+"you need exceptions to propagate to a debugging middleware, you can turn off"
+" this behaviour::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:59
+msgid ""
+"Now, bottle only catches its own exceptions (:exc:`HTTPError`, "
+":exc:`HTTPResponse` and :exc:`BottleException`) and your middleware can "
+"handle the rest."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:61
+msgid ""
+"The werkzeug_ and paste_ libraries both ship with very powerful debugging "
+"WSGI middleware. Look at :class:`werkzeug.debug.DebuggedApplication` for "
+"werkzeug_ and :class:`paste.evalexception.middleware.EvalException` for "
+"paste_. They both allow you do inspect the stack and even execute python "
+"code within the stack context, so **do not use them in production**."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:65
+msgid "Unit-Testing Bottle Applications"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:67
+msgid ""
+"Unit-testing is usually performed against methods defined in your web "
+"application without running a WSGI environment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:69
+msgid "A simple example using `Nose <>`_::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:80 ../../recipes.rst:97
+msgid "Test script::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:87
+msgid ""
+"In the example the Bottle route() method is never executed - only index() is"
+" tested."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"If the code being tested requires access to ``bottle.request`` you can mock "
+"it using `Boddle <>`_::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:108
+msgid "Functional Testing Bottle Applications"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"Any HTTP-based testing system can be used with a running WSGI server, but "
+"some testing frameworks work more intimately with WSGI, and provide the "
+"ability the call WSGI applications in a controlled environment, with "
+"tracebacks and full use of debugging tools. `Testing tools for WSGI "
+"<>`_ is a good starting point."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:112
+msgid ""
+"Example using `WebTest <>`_ and `Nose "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:132
+msgid "Embedding other WSGI Apps"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:134
+msgid ""
+"This is not the recommend way (you should use a middleware in front of "
+"bottle to do this) but you can call other WSGI applications from within your"
+" bottle app and let bottle act as a pseudo-middleware. Here is an example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:150
+msgid ""
+"Again, this is not the recommend way to implement subprojects. It is only "
+"here because many people asked for this and to show how bottle maps to WSGI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:154
+msgid "Ignore trailing slashes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:156
+msgid ""
+"For Bottle, ``/example`` and ``/example/`` are two different routes [1]_. To"
+" treat both URLs the same you can add two ``@route`` decorators::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:162
+msgid "add a WSGI middleware that strips trailing slashes from all URLs::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:175
+msgid "or add a ``before_request`` hook to strip the trailing slashes::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:182
+msgid "Footnotes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:183
+msgid "Because they are. See <>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:187
+msgid "Keep-alive requests"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:191
+msgid "For a more detailed explanation, see :doc:`async`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:193
+msgid ""
+"Several \"push\" mechanisms like XHR multipart need the ability to write "
+"response data without closing the connection in conjunction with the "
+"response header \"Connection: keep-alive\". WSGI does not easily lend itself"
+" to this behavior, but it is still possible to do so in Bottle by using the "
+"gevent_ async framework. Here is a sample that works with either the gevent_"
+" HTTP server or the paste_ HTTP server (it may work with others, but I have "
+"not tried). Just change ``server='gevent'`` to ``server='paste'`` to use the"
+" paste_ server::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:210
+msgid ""
+"If you browse to ``http://localhost:8080/stream``, you should see 'START', "
+"'MIDDLE', and 'END' show up one at a time (rather than waiting 8 seconds to "
+"see them all at once)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:213
+msgid "Gzip Compression in Bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:216
+msgid "For a detailed discussion, see compression_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:218
+msgid ""
+"A common feature request is for Bottle to support Gzip compression, which "
+"speeds up sites by compressing static resources (like CSS and JS files) "
+"during a request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:220
+msgid ""
+"Supporting Gzip compression is not a straightforward proposition, due to a "
+"number of corner cases that crop up frequently. A proper Gzip implementation"
+" must:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:222
+msgid "Compress on the fly and be fast doing so."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:223
+msgid "Do not compress for browsers that don't support it."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:224
+msgid "Do not compress files that are compressed already (images, videos)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:225
+msgid "Do not compress dynamic files."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:226
+msgid "Support two differed compression algorithms (gzip and deflate)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:227
+msgid "Cache compressed files that don't change often."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:228
+msgid "De-validate the cache if one of the files changed anyway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:229
+msgid "Make sure the cache does not get to big."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:230
+msgid ""
+"Do not cache small files because a disk seek would take longer than on-the-"
+"fly compression."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:232
+msgid ""
+"Because of these requirements, it is the recommendation of the Bottle "
+"project that Gzip compression is best handled by the WSGI server Bottle runs"
+" on top of. WSGI servers such as cherrypy_ provide a GzipFilter_ middleware "
+"that can be used to accomplish this."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:236
+msgid "Using the hooks plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:238
+msgid ""
+"For example, if you want to allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for the "
+"content returned by all of your URL, you can use the hook decorator and "
+"setup a callback function::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:256
+msgid ""
+"You can also use the ``before_request`` to take an action before every "
+"function gets called."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:261
+msgid "Using Bottle with Heroku"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:263
+msgid ""
+"Heroku_, a popular cloud application platform now provides support for "
+"running Python applications on their infastructure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:266
+msgid ""
+"This recipe is based upon the `Heroku Quickstart "
+"<>`_, with Bottle specific "
+"code replacing the `Write Your App "
+"<>`_ section of "
+"the `Getting Started with Python on Heroku/Cedar "
+"<>`_ guide::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:282
+msgid ""
+"Heroku's app stack passes the port that the application needs to listen on "
+"for requests, using the `os.environ` dictionary."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f2766e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../../routing.rst:3
+msgid "Request Routing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:5
+msgid ""
+"Bottle uses a powerful routing engine to find the right callback for each "
+"request. The :ref:`tutorial <tutorial-routing>` shows you the basics. This "
+"document covers advanced techniques and rule mechanics in detail."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:8
+msgid "Rule Syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:10
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`Router` distinguishes between two basic types of routes: "
+"**static routes** (e.g. ``/contact``) and **dynamic routes** (e.g. "
+"``/hello/<name>``). A route that contains one or more *wildcards* it is "
+"considered dynamic. All other routes are static."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:14
+msgid ""
+"The simplest form of a wildcard consists of a name enclosed in angle "
+"brackets (e.g. ``<name>``). The name should be unique for a given route and "
+"form a valid python identifier (alphanumeric, starting with a letter). This "
+"is because wildcards are used as keyword arguments for the request callback "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:16
+msgid ""
+"Each wildcard matches one or more characters, but stops at the first slash "
+"(``/``). This equals a regular expression of ``[^/]+`` and ensures that only"
+" one path segment is matched and routes with more than one wildcard stay "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:18
+msgid "The rule ``/<action>/<item>`` matches as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:21
+msgid "Path"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:21
+msgid "Result"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:23
+msgid "/save/123"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:23
+msgid "``{'action': 'save', 'item': '123'}``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:24
+msgid "/save/123/"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:24 ../../routing.rst:25 ../../routing.rst:26
+msgid "`No Match`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:25
+msgid "/save/"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:26
+msgid "//123"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"Is it possible to escape characters like colon ``:`` with a backslash "
+"``\\``. This will prevent to trigger the old syntax in case you need to use "
+"``:``. For example: the rule ``/<action>/item:<id>`` triggers the old "
+"syntax, (see below) but ``/action/item\\:<id>`` works as intended with the "
+"new syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"You can change the exact behaviour in many ways using filters. This is "
+"described in the next section."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:36
+msgid "Wildcard Filters"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"Filters are used to define more specific wildcards, and/or transform the "
+"matched part of the URL before it is passed to the callback. A filtered "
+"wildcard is declared as ``<name:filter>`` or ``<name:filter:config>``. The "
+"syntax for the optional config part depends on the filter used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:42
+msgid "The following standard filters are implemented:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:44
+msgid "**:int** matches (signed) digits and converts the value to integer."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:45
+msgid "**:float** similar to :int but for decimal numbers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:46
+msgid ""
+"**:path** matches all characters including the slash character in a non-"
+"greedy way and may be used to match more than one path segment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"**:re[:exp]** allows you to specify a custom regular expression in the "
+"config field. The matched value is not modified."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:49
+msgid ""
+"You can add your own filters to the router. All you need is a function that "
+"returns three elements: A regular expression string, a callable to convert "
+"the URL fragment to a python value, and a callable that does the opposite. "
+"The filter function is called with the configuration string as the only "
+"parameter and may parse it as needed::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:75
+msgid "Legacy Syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:79
+msgid ""
+"The new rule syntax was introduce in **Bottle 0.10** to simplify some common"
+" use cases, but the old syntax still works and you can find lot code "
+"examples still using it. The differences are best described by example:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:82
+msgid "Old Syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:82
+msgid "New Syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:84
+msgid "``:name``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:84
+msgid "``<name>``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:85
+msgid "``:name#regexp#``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:85
+msgid "``<name:re:regexp>``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:86
+msgid "``:#regexp#``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:86
+msgid "``<:re:regexp>``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:87
+msgid "``:##``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:87
+msgid "``<:re>``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"Try to avoid the old syntax in future projects if you can. It is not "
+"currently deprecated, but will be eventually."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:95
+msgid "Explicit routing configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:97
+msgid ""
+"Route decorator can also be directly called as method. This way provides "
+"flexibility in complex setups, allowing you to directly control, when and "
+"how routing configuration done."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:99
+msgid ""
+"Here is a basic example of explicit routing configuration for default bottle"
+" application::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:105
+msgid ""
+"In fact, any :class:`Bottle` instance routing can be configured same way::"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4608907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../../stpl.rst:3
+msgid "SimpleTemplate Engine"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:7
+msgid ""
+"Bottle comes with a fast, powerful and easy to learn built-in template "
+"engine called *SimpleTemplate* or *stpl* for short. It is the default engine"
+" used by the :func:`view` and :func:`template` helpers but can be used as a "
+"stand-alone general purpose template engine too. This document explains the "
+"template syntax and shows examples for common use cases."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:10
+msgid "Basic API Usage:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:11
+msgid ":class:`SimpleTemplate` implements the :class:`BaseTemplate` API::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:18
+msgid ""
+"In this document we use the :func:`template` helper in examples for the sake"
+" of simplicity::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:24
+msgid ""
+"You can also pass a dictionary into the template using keyword arguments::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:31
+msgid ""
+"Just keep in mind that compiling and rendering templates are two different "
+"actions, even if the :func:`template` helper hides this fact. Templates are "
+"usually compiled only once and cached internally, but rendered many times "
+"with different keyword arguments."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:34
+msgid ":class:`SimpleTemplate` Syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:36
+msgid ""
+"Python is a very powerful language but its whitespace-aware syntax makes it "
+"difficult to use as a template language. SimpleTemplate removes some of "
+"these restrictions and allows you to write clean, readable and maintainable "
+"templates while preserving full access to the features, libraries and speed "
+"of the Python language."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`SimpleTemplate` syntax compiles directly to python bytecode and "
+"is executed on each :meth:`SimpleTemplate.render` call. Do not render "
+"untrusted templates! They may contain and execute harmful python code."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:43
+msgid "Inline Expressions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"You already learned the use of the ``{{...}}`` syntax from the \"Hello "
+"World!\" example above, but there is more: any python expression is allowed "
+"within the curly brackets as long as it evaluates to a string or something "
+"that has a string representation::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:54
+msgid ""
+"The contained python expression is executed at render-time and has access to"
+" all keyword arguments passed to the :meth:`SimpleTemplate.render` method. "
+"HTML special characters are escaped automatically to prevent `XSS "
+"<>`_ attacks. You can start"
+" the expression with an exclamation mark to disable escaping for that "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:62
+msgid "Embedded python code"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"The template engine allows you to embed lines or blocks of python code "
+"within your template. Code lines start with ``%`` and code blocks are "
+"surrounded by ``<%`` and ``%>`` tokens::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"Embedded python code follows regular python syntax, but with two additional "
+"syntax rules:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:78
+msgid ""
+"**Indentation is ignored.** You can put as much whitespace in front of "
+"statements as you want. This allows you to align your code with the "
+"surrounding markup and can greatly improve readability."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:79
+msgid ""
+"Blocks that are normally indented now have to be closed explicitly with an "
+"``end`` keyword."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"Both the ``%`` and the ``<%`` tokens are only recognized if they are the "
+"first non-whitespace characters in a line. You don't have to escape them if "
+"they appear mid-text in your template markup. Only if a line of text starts "
+"with one of these tokens, you have to escape it with a backslash. In the "
+"rare case where the backslash + token combination appears in your markup at "
+"the beginning of a line, you can always help yourself with a string literal "
+"in an inline expression::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:96
+msgid ""
+"If you find yourself needing to escape a lot, consider using :ref:`custom "
+"tokens <stpl-custom-tokens>`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:98
+msgid ""
+"Note that ``%`` and ``<% %>`` work in *exactly* the same way. The latter is "
+"only a convenient way to type less and avoid clutter for longer code "
+"segments. This means that in ``<% %>`` blocks, all indented code must be "
+"terminated with an ``end``, as in the following example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:114
+msgid "Whitespace Control"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:116
+msgid ""
+"Code blocks and code lines always span the whole line. Whitespace in front "
+"of after a code segment is stripped away. You won't see empty lines or "
+"dangling whitespace in your template because of embedded code::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:124
+msgid "This snippet renders to clean and compact html::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:130
+msgid ""
+"But embedding code still requires you to start a new line, which may not "
+"what you want to see in your rendered template. To skip the newline in front"
+" of a code segment, end the text line with a double-backslash::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:138
+msgid "This time the rendered template looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:142
+msgid ""
+"This only works directly in front of code segments. In all other places you "
+"can control the whitespace yourself and don't need any special syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:145
+msgid "Template Functions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:147
+msgid ""
+"Each template is preloaded with a bunch of functions that help with the most"
+" common use cases. These functions are always available. You don't have to "
+"import or provide them yourself. For everything not covered here there are "
+"probably good python libraries available. Remember that you can ``import`` "
+"anything you want within your templates. They are python programs after all."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:151
+msgid ""
+"Prior to this release, :func:`include` and :func:`rebase` were syntax "
+"keywords, not functions."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:156
+msgid ""
+"Render a sub-template with the specified variables and insert the resulting "
+"text into the current template. The function returns a dictionary containing"
+" the local variables passed to or defined within the sub-template::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:164
+msgid ""
+"Mark the current template to be later included into a different template. "
+"After the current template is rendered, its resulting text is stored in a "
+"variable named ``base`` and passed to the base-template, which is then "
+"rendered. This can be used to `wrap` a template with surrounding text, or "
+"simulate the inheritance feature found in other template engines::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:169
+msgid "This can be combined with the following ``base.tpl``::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:181
+msgid ""
+"Accessing undefined variables in a template raises :exc:`NameError` and "
+"stops rendering immediately. This is standard python behavior and nothing "
+"new, but vanilla python lacks an easy way to check the availability of a "
+"variable. This quickly gets annoying if you want to support flexible inputs "
+"or use the same template in different situations. These functions may help:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:189
+msgid ""
+"Return True if the variable is defined in the current template namespace, "
+"False otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:194
+msgid "Return the variable, or a default value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:198
+msgid ""
+"If the variable is not defined, create it with the given default value. "
+"Return the variable."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:201
+msgid ""
+"Here is an example that uses all three functions to implement optional "
+"template variables in different ways::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:215
+msgid ":class:`SimpleTemplate` API"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.SimpleTemplate.prepare:1
+msgid ""
+"Run preparations (parsing, caching, ...). It should be possible to call this"
+" again to refresh a template or to update settings."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.SimpleTemplate.render:1
+msgid "Render the template using keyword arguments as local variables."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..211b0fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1460 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:24
+msgid "Tutorial"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"This tutorial introduces you to the concepts and features of the Bottle web "
+"framework and covers basic and advanced topics alike. You can read it from "
+"start to end, or use it as a reference later on. The automatically generated"
+" :doc:`api` may be interesting for you, too. It covers more details, but "
+"explains less than this tutorial. Solutions for the most common questions "
+"can be found in our :doc:`recipes` collection or on the :doc:`faq` page. If "
+"you need any help, join our `mailing list "
+"<>`_ or visit us in our `IRC channel "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:31
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"Bottle does not depend on any external libraries. You can just download "
+"` </>`_ into your project directory and start coding:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"This will get you the latest development snapshot that includes all the new "
+"features. If you prefer a more stable environment, you should stick with the"
+" stable releases. These are available on `PyPI "
+"<>`_ and can be installed via "
+":command:`pip` (recommended), :command:`easy_install` or your package "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"Either way, you'll need Python 2.7 or newer (including 3.4+) to run bottle "
+"applications. If you do not have permissions to install packages system-wide"
+" or simply don't want to, create a `virtualenv "
+"<>`_ first:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:55
+msgid "Or, if virtualenv is not installed on your system:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:67
+msgid "Quickstart: \"Hello World\""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:69
+msgid ""
+"This tutorial assumes you have Bottle either :ref:`installed <installation>`"
+" or copied into your project directory. Let's start with a very basic "
+"\"Hello World\" example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:79
+msgid ""
+"This is it. Run this script, visit http://localhost:8080/hello and you will "
+"see \"Hello World!\" in your browser. Here is how it works:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"The :func:`route` decorator binds a piece of code to an URL path. In this "
+"case, we link the ``/hello`` path to the ``hello()`` function. This is "
+"called a `route` (hence the decorator name) and is the most important "
+"concept of this framework. You can define as many routes as you want. "
+"Whenever a browser requests a URL, the associated function is called and the"
+" return value is sent back to the browser. It's as simple as that."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"The :func:`run` call in the last line starts a built-in development server. "
+"It runs on ``localhost`` port ``8080`` and serves requests until you hit "
+":kbd:`Control-c`. You can switch the server backend later, but for now a "
+"development server is all we need. It requires no setup at all and is an "
+"incredibly painless way to get your application up and running for local "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:85
+msgid ""
+"The :ref:`tutorial-debugging` is very helpful during early development, but "
+"should be switched off for public applications. Keep that in mind."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:87
+msgid ""
+"This is just a demonstration of the basic concept of how applications are "
+"built with Bottle. Continue reading and you'll see what else is possible."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:92
+msgid "The Default Application"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:94
+msgid ""
+"For the sake of simplicity, most examples in this tutorial use a module-"
+"level :func:`route` decorator to define routes. This adds routes to a global"
+" \"default application\", an instance of :class:`Bottle` that is "
+"automatically created the first time you call :func:`route`. Several other "
+"module-level decorators and functions relate to this default application, "
+"but if you prefer a more object oriented approach and don't mind the extra "
+"typing, you can create a separate application object and use that instead of"
+" the global one::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:106
+msgid ""
+"The object-oriented approach is further described in the :ref:`default-app` "
+"section. Just keep in mind that you have a choice."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:114
+msgid "Request Routing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:116
+msgid ""
+"In the last chapter we built a very simple web application with only a "
+"single route. Here is the routing part of the \"Hello World\" example "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:122
+msgid ""
+"The :func:`route` decorator links an URL path to a callback function, and "
+"adds a new route to the :ref:`default application <tutorial-default>`. An "
+"application with just one route is kind of boring, though. Let's add some "
+"more (don't forget ``from bottle import template``)::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:129
+msgid ""
+"This example demonstrates two things: You can bind more than one route to a "
+"single callback, and you can add wildcards to URLs and access them via "
+"keyword arguments."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:136
+msgid "Dynamic Routes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:138
+msgid ""
+"Routes that contain wildcards are called `dynamic routes` (as opposed to "
+"`static routes`) and match more than one URL at the same time. A simple "
+"wildcard consists of a name enclosed in angle brackets (e.g. ``<name>``) and"
+" accepts one or more characters up to the next slash (``/``). For example, "
+"the route ``/hello/<name>`` accepts requests for ``/hello/alice`` as well as"
+" ``/hello/bob``, but not for ``/hello``, ``/hello/`` or ``/hello/mr/smith``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:140
+msgid ""
+"Each wildcard passes the covered part of the URL as a keyword argument to "
+"the request callback. You can use them right away and implement RESTful, "
+"nice-looking and meaningful URLs with ease. Here are some other examples "
+"along with the URLs they'd match::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:150
+msgid ""
+"Filters can be used to define more specific wildcards, and/or transform the "
+"covered part of the URL before it is passed to the callback. A filtered "
+"wildcard is declared as ``<name:filter>`` or ``<name:filter:config>``. The "
+"syntax for the optional config part depends on the filter used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:152
+msgid ""
+"The following filters are implemented by default and more may be added:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:154
+msgid ""
+"**:int** matches (signed) digits only and converts the value to integer."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:155
+msgid "**:float** similar to :int but for decimal numbers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:156
+msgid ""
+"**:path** matches all characters including the slash character in a non-"
+"greedy way and can be used to match more than one path segment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:157
+msgid ""
+"**:re** allows you to specify a custom regular expression in the config "
+"field. The matched value is not modified."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:159
+msgid "Let's have a look at some practical examples::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:173
+msgid "You can add your own filters as well. See :doc:`routing` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:177
+msgid "HTTP Request Methods"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:181
+msgid ""
+"The HTTP protocol defines several `request methods`__ (sometimes referred to"
+" as \"verbs\") for different tasks. GET is the default for all routes with "
+"no other method specified. These routes will match GET requests only. To "
+"handle other methods such as POST, PUT, DELETE or PATCH, add a ``method`` "
+"keyword argument to the :func:`route` decorator or use one of the five "
+"alternative decorators: :func:`get`, :func:`post`, :func:`put`, "
+":func:`delete` or :func:`patch`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:183
+msgid ""
+"The POST method is commonly used for HTML form submission. This example "
+"shows how to handle a login form using POST::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:206
+msgid ""
+"In this example the ``/login`` URL is linked to two distinct callbacks, one "
+"for GET requests and another for POST requests. The first one displays a "
+"HTML form to the user. The second callback is invoked on a form submission "
+"and checks the login credentials the user entered into the form. The use of "
+":attr:`Request.forms` is further described in the :ref:`tutorial-request` "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:209
+msgid "Special Methods: HEAD and ANY"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:210
+msgid ""
+"The HEAD method is used to ask for the response identical to the one that "
+"would correspond to a GET request, but without the response body. This is "
+"useful for retrieving meta-information about a resource without having to "
+"download the entire document. Bottle handles these requests automatically by"
+" falling back to the corresponding GET route and cutting off the request "
+"body, if present. You don't have to specify any HEAD routes yourself."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:212
+msgid ""
+"Additionally, the non-standard ANY method works as a low priority fallback: "
+"Routes that listen to ANY will match requests regardless of their HTTP "
+"method but only if no other more specific route is defined. This is helpful "
+"for *proxy-routes* that redirect requests to more specific sub-applications."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:214
+msgid ""
+"To sum it up: HEAD requests fall back to GET routes and all requests fall "
+"back to ANY routes, but only if there is no matching route for the original "
+"request method. It's as simple as that."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:219
+msgid "Routing Static Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:221
+msgid ""
+"Static files such as images or CSS files are not served automatically. You "
+"have to add a route and a callback to control which files get served and "
+"where to find them::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:228
+msgid ""
+"The :func:`static_file` function is a helper to serve files in a safe and "
+"convenient way (see :ref:`tutorial-static-files`). This example is limited "
+"to files directly within the ``/path/to/your/static/files`` directory "
+"because the ``<filename>`` wildcard won't match a path with a slash in it. "
+"To serve files in subdirectories, change the wildcard to use the `path` "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:234
+msgid ""
+"Be careful when specifying a relative root-path such as "
+"``root='./static/files'``. The working directory (``./``) and the project "
+"directory are not always the same."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:242
+msgid "Error Pages"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:244
+msgid ""
+"If anything goes wrong, Bottle displays an informative but fairly plain "
+"error page. You can override the default for a specific HTTP status code "
+"with the :func:`error` decorator::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:251
+msgid ""
+"From now on, `404 File not Found` errors will display a custom error page to"
+" the user. The only parameter passed to the error-handler is an instance of "
+":exc:`HTTPError`. Apart from that, an error-handler is quite similar to a "
+"regular request callback. You can read from :data:`request`, write to "
+":data:`response` and return any supported data-type except for "
+":exc:`HTTPError` instances."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:253
+msgid ""
+"Error handlers are used only if your application returns or raises an "
+":exc:`HTTPError` exception (:func:`abort` does just that). Changing "
+":attr:`Request.status` or returning :exc:`HTTPResponse` won't trigger the "
+"error handler."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:263
+msgid "Generating content"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:265
+msgid ""
+"In pure WSGI, the range of types you may return from your application is "
+"very limited. Applications must return an iterable yielding byte strings. "
+"You may return a string (because strings are iterable) but this causes most "
+"servers to transmit your content char by char. Unicode strings are not "
+"allowed at all. This is not very practical."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:267
+msgid ""
+"Bottle is much more flexible and supports a wide range of types. It even "
+"adds a ``Content-Length`` header if possible and encodes unicode "
+"automatically, so you don't have to. What follows is a list of data types "
+"you may return from your application callbacks and a short description of "
+"how these are handled by the framework:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:270
+msgid "Dictionaries"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:270
+msgid ""
+"As mentioned above, Python dictionaries (or subclasses thereof) are "
+"automatically transformed into JSON strings and returned to the browser with"
+" the ``Content-Type`` header set to ``application/json``. This makes it easy"
+" to implement json-based APIs. Data formats other than json are supported "
+"too. See the :ref:`tutorial-output-filter` to learn more."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:273
+msgid "Empty Strings, ``False``, ``None`` or other non-true values:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:273
+msgid ""
+"These produce an empty output with the ``Content-Length`` header set to 0."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:276
+msgid "Unicode strings"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:276
+msgid ""
+"Unicode strings (or iterables yielding unicode strings) are automatically "
+"encoded with the codec specified in the ``Content-Type`` header (utf8 by "
+"default) and then treated as normal byte strings (see below)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:279
+msgid "Byte strings"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:279
+msgid ""
+"Bottle returns strings as a whole (instead of iterating over each char) and "
+"adds a ``Content-Length`` header based on the string length. Lists of byte "
+"strings are joined first. Other iterables yielding byte strings are not "
+"joined because they may grow too big to fit into memory. The ``Content-"
+"Length`` header is not set in this case."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:282
+msgid "Instances of :exc:`HTTPError` or :exc:`HTTPResponse`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:282
+msgid ""
+"Returning these has the same effect as when raising them as an exception. In"
+" case of an :exc:`HTTPError`, the error handler is applied. See :ref"
+":`tutorial-errorhandling` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:285
+msgid "File objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:285
+msgid ""
+"Everything that has a ``.read()`` method is treated as a file or file-like "
+"object and passed to the ``wsgi.file_wrapper`` callable defined by the WSGI "
+"server framework. Some WSGI server implementations can make use of optimized"
+" system calls (sendfile) to transmit files more efficiently. In other cases "
+"this just iterates over chunks that fit into memory. Optional headers such "
+"as ``Content-Length`` or ``Content-Type`` are *not* set automatically. Use "
+":func:`send_file` if possible. See :ref:`tutorial-static-files` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:288
+msgid "Iterables and generators"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:288
+msgid ""
+"You are allowed to use ``yield`` within your callbacks or return an "
+"iterable, as long as the iterable yields byte strings, unicode strings, "
+":exc:`HTTPError` or :exc:`HTTPResponse` instances. Nested iterables are not "
+"supported, sorry. Please note that the HTTP status code and the headers are "
+"sent to the browser as soon as the iterable yields its first non-empty "
+"value. Changing these later has no effect."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:290
+msgid ""
+"The ordering of this list is significant. You may for example return a "
+"subclass of :class:`str` with a ``read()`` method. It is still treated as a "
+"string instead of a file, because strings are handled first."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:293
+msgid "Changing the Default Encoding"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:294
+msgid ""
+"Bottle uses the `charset` parameter of the ``Content-Type`` header to decide"
+" how to encode unicode strings. This header defaults to ``text/html; "
+"charset=UTF8`` and can be changed using the :attr:`Response.content_type` "
+"attribute or by setting the :attr:`Response.charset` attribute directly. "
+"(The :class:`Response` object is described in the section :ref:`tutorial-"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:309
+msgid ""
+"In some rare cases the Python encoding names differ from the names supported"
+" by the HTTP specification. Then, you have to do both: first set the "
+":attr:`Response.content_type` header (which is sent to the client unchanged)"
+" and then set the :attr:`Response.charset` attribute (which is used to "
+"encode unicode)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:314
+msgid "Static Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:316
+msgid ""
+"You can directly return file objects, but :func:`static_file` is the "
+"recommended way to serve static files. It automatically guesses a mime-type,"
+" adds a ``Last-Modified`` header, restricts paths to a ``root`` directory "
+"for security reasons and generates appropriate error responses (403 on "
+"permission errors, 404 on missing files). It even supports the ``If-"
+"Modified-Since`` header and eventually generates a ``304 Not Modified`` "
+"response. You can pass a custom MIME type to disable guessing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:329
+msgid ""
+"You can raise the return value of :func:`static_file` as an exception if you"
+" really need to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:332
+msgid "Forced Download"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:333
+msgid ""
+"Most browsers try to open downloaded files if the MIME type is known and "
+"assigned to an application (e.g. PDF files). If this is not what you want, "
+"you can force a download dialog and even suggest a filename to the user::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:339
+msgid ""
+"If the ``download`` parameter is just ``True``, the original filename is "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:344
+msgid "HTTP Errors and Redirects"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:346
+msgid ""
+"The :func:`abort` function is a shortcut for generating HTTP error pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:355
+msgid ""
+"To redirect a client to a different URL, you can send a ``303 See Other`` "
+"response with the ``Location`` header set to the new URL. :func:`redirect` "
+"does that for you::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:362
+msgid "You may provide a different HTTP status code as a second parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:365
+msgid ""
+"Both functions will interrupt your callback code by raising an "
+":exc:`HTTPResponse` exception."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:368
+msgid "Other Exceptions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:369
+msgid ""
+"All exceptions other than :exc:`HTTPResponse` or :exc:`HTTPError` will "
+"result in a ``500 Internal Server Error`` response, so they won't crash your"
+" WSGI server. You can turn off this behavior to handle exceptions in your "
+"middleware by setting ```` to ``False``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:375
+msgid "The :class:`Response` Object"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:377
+msgid ""
+"Response metadata such as the HTTP status code, response headers and cookies"
+" are stored in an object called :data:`response` up to the point where they "
+"are transmitted to the browser. You can manipulate these metadata directly "
+"or use the predefined helper methods to do so. The full API and feature list"
+" is described in the API section (see :class:`Response`), but the most "
+"common use cases and features are covered here, too."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:380
+msgid "Status Code"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:381
+msgid ""
+"The `HTTP status code <http_code>`_ controls the behavior of the browser and"
+" defaults to ``200 OK``. In most scenarios you won't need to set the "
+":attr:`Response.status` attribute manually, but use the :func:`abort` helper"
+" or return an :exc:`HTTPResponse` instance with the appropriate status code."
+" Any integer is allowed, but codes other than the ones defined by the `HTTP "
+"specification <http_code>`_ will only confuse the browser and break "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:384
+msgid "Response Header"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:385
+msgid ""
+"Response headers such as ``Cache-Control`` or ``Location`` are defined via "
+":meth:`Response.set_header`. This method takes two parameters, a header name"
+" and a value. The name part is case-insensitive::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:392
+msgid ""
+"Most headers are unique, meaning that only one header per name is send to "
+"the client. Some special headers however are allowed to appear more than "
+"once in a response. To add an additional header, use "
+":meth:`Response.add_header` instead of :meth:`Response.set_header`::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:397
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this is just an example. If you want to work with cookies, "
+"read :ref:`ahead <tutorial-cookies>`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:403 ../../tutorial.rst:533
+msgid "Cookies"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:405
+msgid ""
+"A cookie is a named piece of text stored in the user's browser profile. You "
+"can access previously defined cookies via :meth:`Request.get_cookie` and set"
+" new cookies with :meth:`Response.set_cookie`::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:415
+msgid ""
+"The :meth:`Response.set_cookie` method accepts a number of additional "
+"keyword arguments that control the cookies lifetime and behavior. Some of "
+"the most common settings are described here:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:417
+msgid "**max_age:** Maximum age in seconds. (default: ``None``)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:418
+msgid ""
+"**expires:** A datetime object or UNIX timestamp. (default: ``None``)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:419
+msgid ""
+"**domain:** The domain that is allowed to read the cookie. (default: "
+"current domain)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:420
+msgid "**path:** Limit the cookie to a given path (default: ``/``)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:421
+msgid "**secure:** Limit the cookie to HTTPS connections (default: off)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:422
+msgid ""
+"**httponly:** Prevent client-side javascript to read this cookie (default:"
+" off, requires Python 2.7 or newer)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:423
+msgid ""
+"**same_site:** Disables third-party use for a cookie. Allowed attributes: "
+"`lax` and `strict`. In strict mode the cookie will never be sent. In lax "
+"mode the cookie is only sent with a top-level GET request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:425
+msgid ""
+"If neither `expires` nor `max_age` is set, the cookie expires at the end of "
+"the browser session or as soon as the browser window is closed. There are "
+"some other gotchas you should consider when using cookies:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:427
+msgid "Cookies are limited to 4 KB of text in most browsers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:428
+msgid ""
+"Some users configure their browsers to not accept cookies at all. Most "
+"search engines ignore cookies too. Make sure that your application still "
+"works without cookies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:429
+msgid ""
+"Cookies are stored at client side and are not encrypted in any way. Whatever"
+" you store in a cookie, the user can read it. Worse than that, an attacker "
+"might be able to steal a user's cookies through `XSS "
+" vulnerabilities on your side. Some viruses are known to read the browser "
+"cookies, too. Thus, never store confidential information in cookies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:430
+msgid "Cookies are easily forged by malicious clients. Do not trust cookies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:435
+msgid "Signed Cookies"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:436
+msgid ""
+"As mentioned above, cookies are easily forged by malicious clients. Bottle "
+"can cryptographically sign your cookies to prevent this kind of "
+"manipulation. All you have to do is to provide a signature key via the "
+"`secret` keyword argument whenever you read or set a cookie and keep that "
+"key a secret. As a result, :meth:`Request.get_cookie` will return ``None`` "
+"if the cookie is not signed or the signature keys don't match::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:456
+msgid ""
+"In addition, Bottle automatically pickles and unpickles any data stored to "
+"signed cookies. This allows you to store any pickle-able object (not only "
+"strings) to cookies, as long as the pickled data does not exceed the 4 KB "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:458
+msgid ""
+"Signed cookies are not encrypted (the client can still see the content) and "
+"not copy-protected (the client can restore an old cookie). The main "
+"intention is to make pickling and unpickling safe and prevent manipulation, "
+"not to store secret information at client side."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:471
+msgid "Request Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:473
+msgid ""
+"Cookies, HTTP header, HTML ``<form>`` fields and other request data is "
+"available through the global :data:`request` object. This special object "
+"always refers to the *current* request, even in multi-threaded environments "
+"where multiple client connections are handled at the same time::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:482
+msgid ""
+"The :data:`request` object is a subclass of :class:`BaseRequest` and has a "
+"very rich API to access data. We only cover the most commonly used features "
+"here, but it should be enough to get started."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:487
+msgid "Introducing :class:`FormsDict`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:489
+msgid ""
+"Bottle uses a special type of dictionary to store form data and cookies. "
+":class:`FormsDict` behaves like a normal dictionary, but has some additional"
+" features to make your life easier."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:491
+msgid ""
+"**Attribute access**: All values in the dictionary are also accessible as "
+"attributes. These virtual attributes return unicode strings, even if the "
+"value is missing or unicode decoding fails. In that case, the string is "
+"empty, but still present::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:506
+msgid ""
+"**Multiple values per key:** :class:`FormsDict` is a subclass of "
+":class:`MultiDict` and can store more than one value per key. The standard "
+"dictionary access methods will only return a single value, but the "
+":meth:`~MultiDict.getall` method returns a (possibly empty) list of all "
+"values for a specific key::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:511
+msgid ""
+"**WTForms support:** Some libraries (e.g. `WTForms "
+"<>`_) want all-unicode dictionaries as input."
+" :meth:`FormsDict.decode` does that for you. It decodes all values and "
+"returns a copy of itself, while preserving multiple values per key and all "
+"the other features."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:515
+msgid ""
+"In **Python 2** all keys and values are byte-strings. If you need unicode, "
+"you can call :meth:`FormsDict.getunicode` or fetch values via attribute "
+"access. Both methods try to decode the string (default: utf8) and return an "
+"empty string if that fails. No need to catch :exc:`UnicodeError`::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:522
+msgid ""
+"In **Python 3** all strings are unicode, but HTTP is a byte-based wire "
+"protocol. The server has to decode the byte strings somehow before they are "
+"passed to the application. To be on the safe side, WSGI suggests ISO-8859-1 "
+"(aka latin1), a reversible single-byte codec that can be re-encoded with a "
+"different encoding later. Bottle does that for :meth:`FormsDict.getunicode` "
+"and attribute access, but not for the dict-access methods. These return the "
+"unchanged values as provided by the server implementation, which is probably"
+" not what you want."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:529
+msgid ""
+"If you need the whole dictionary with correctly decoded values (e.g. for "
+"WTForms), you can call :meth:`FormsDict.decode` to get a re-encoded copy."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:535
+msgid ""
+"Cookies are small pieces of text stored in the clients browser and sent back"
+" to the server with each request. They are useful to keep some state around "
+"for more than one request (HTTP itself is stateless), but should not be used"
+" for security related stuff. They can be easily forged by the client."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:537
+msgid ""
+"All cookies sent by the client are available through "
+":attr:`BaseRequest.cookies` (a :class:`FormsDict`). This example shows a "
+"simple cookie-based view counter::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:547
+msgid ""
+"The :meth:`BaseRequest.get_cookie` method is a different way do access "
+"cookies. It supports decoding :ref:`signed cookies <tutorial-signed-"
+"cookies>` as described in a separate section."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:550
+msgid "HTTP Headers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:552
+msgid ""
+"All HTTP headers sent by the client (e.g. ``Referer``, ``Agent`` or "
+"``Accept-Language``) are stored in a :class:`WSGIHeaderDict` and accessible "
+"through the :attr:`BaseRequest.headers` attribute. A :class:`WSGIHeaderDict`"
+" is basically a dictionary with case-insensitive keys::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:564
+msgid "Query Variables"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:566
+msgid ""
+"The query string (as in ``/forum?id=1&page=5``) is commonly used to transmit"
+" a small number of key/value pairs to the server. You can use the "
+":attr:`BaseRequest.query` attribute (a :class:`FormsDict`) to access these "
+"values and the :attr:`BaseRequest.query_string` attribute to get the whole "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:579
+msgid "HTML `<form>` Handling"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:581
+msgid ""
+"Let us start from the beginning. In HTML, a typical ``<form>`` looks "
+"something like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:591
+msgid ""
+"The ``action`` attribute specifies the URL that will receive the form data. "
+"``method`` defines the HTTP method to use (``GET`` or ``POST``). With "
+"``method=\"get\"`` the form values are appended to the URL and available "
+"through :attr:`BaseRequest.query` as described above. This is considered "
+"insecure and has other limitations, so we use ``method=\"post\"`` here. If "
+"in doubt, use ``POST`` forms."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:593
+msgid ""
+"Form fields transmitted via ``POST`` are stored in :attr:`BaseRequest.forms`"
+" as a :class:`FormsDict`. The server side code may look like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:616
+msgid ""
+"There are several other attributes used to access form data. Some of them "
+"combine values from different sources for easier access. The following table"
+" should give you a decent overview."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
+msgid "GET Form fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
+msgid "POST Form fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
+msgid "File Uploads"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621
+msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.query`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622 ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626 ../../tutorial.rst:626
+msgid "yes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:622 ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:625 ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626
+msgid "no"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:622
+msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.forms`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:623
+msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.files`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624
+msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.params`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
+msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.GET`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626
+msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.POST`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:631
+msgid "File uploads"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:633
+msgid ""
+"To support file uploads, we have to change the ``<form>`` tag a bit. First, "
+"we tell the browser to encode the form data in a different way by adding an "
+"``enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"`` attribute to the ``<form>`` tag. Then, "
+"we add ``<input type=\"file\" />`` tags to allow the user to select a file. "
+"Here is an example:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:643
+msgid ""
+"Bottle stores file uploads in :attr:`BaseRequest.files` as "
+":class:`FileUpload` instances, along with some metadata about the upload. "
+"Let us assume you just want to save the file to disk::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:657
+msgid ""
+":attr:`FileUpload.filename` contains the name of the file on the clients "
+"file system, but is cleaned up and normalized to prevent bugs caused by "
+"unsupported characters or path segments in the filename. If you need the "
+"unmodified name as sent by the client, have a look at "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:659
+msgid ""
+"The :attr:`` method is highly recommended if you want to "
+"store the file to disk. It prevents some common errors (e.g. it does not "
+"overwrite existing files unless you tell it to) and stores the file in a "
+"memory efficient way. You can access the file object directly via "
+":attr:`FileUpload.file`. Just be careful."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:663
+msgid "JSON Content"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:665
+msgid ""
+"Some JavaScript or REST clients send ``application/json`` content to the "
+"server. The :attr:`BaseRequest.json` attribute contains the parsed data "
+"structure, if available."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:669
+msgid "The raw request body"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:671
+msgid ""
+"You can access the raw body data as a file-like object via "
+":attr:`BaseRequest.body`. This is a :class:`BytesIO` buffer or a temporary "
+"file depending on the content length and :attr:`BaseRequest.MEMFILE_MAX` "
+"setting. In both cases the body is completely buffered before you can access"
+" the attribute. If you expect huge amounts of data and want to get direct "
+"unbuffered access to the stream, have a look at ``request['wsgi.input']``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:676
+msgid "WSGI Environment"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:678
+msgid ""
+"Each :class:`BaseRequest` instance wraps a WSGI environment dictionary. The "
+"original is stored in :attr:`BaseRequest.environ`, but the request object "
+"itself behaves like a dictionary, too. Most of the interesting data is "
+"exposed through special methods or attributes, but if you want to access "
+"`WSGI environ variables <WSGI_Specification>`_ directly, you can do so::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:696
+msgid "Templates"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:698
+msgid ""
+"Bottle comes with a fast and powerful built-in template engine called "
+":doc:`stpl`. To render a template you can use the :func:`template` function "
+"or the :func:`view` decorator. All you have to do is to provide the name of "
+"the template and the variables you want to pass to the template as keyword "
+"arguments. Here’s a simple example of how to render a template::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:705
+msgid ""
+"This will load the template file ``hello_template.tpl`` and render it with "
+"the ``name`` variable set. Bottle will look for templates in the "
+"``./views/`` folder or any folder specified in the ``bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH`` "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:707
+msgid ""
+"The :func:`view` decorator allows you to return a dictionary with the "
+"template variables instead of calling :func:`template`::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:716
+msgid "Syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:719
+msgid ""
+"The template syntax is a very thin layer around the Python language. Its "
+"main purpose is to ensure correct indentation of blocks, so you can format "
+"your template without worrying about indentation. Follow the link for a full"
+" syntax description: :doc:`stpl`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:721
+msgid "Here is an example template::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:732
+msgid "Caching"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:733
+msgid ""
+"Templates are cached in memory after compilation. Modifications made to the "
+"template files will have no affect until you clear the template cache. Call "
+"``bottle.TEMPLATES.clear()`` to do so. Caching is disabled in debug mode."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:743
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:747
+msgid ""
+"Bottle's core features cover most common use-cases, but as a micro-framework"
+" it has its limits. This is where \"Plugins\" come into play. Plugins add "
+"missing functionality to the framework, integrate third party libraries, or "
+"just automate some repetitive work."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:749
+msgid ""
+"We have a growing :doc:`/plugins/index` and most plugins are designed to be "
+"portable and re-usable across applications. The chances are high that your "
+"problem has already been solved and a ready-to-use plugin exists. If not, "
+"the :doc:`/plugindev` may help you."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:751
+msgid ""
+"The effects and APIs of plugins are manifold and depend on the specific "
+"plugin. The ``SQLitePlugin`` plugin for example detects callbacks that "
+"require a ``db`` keyword argument and creates a fresh database connection "
+"object every time the callback is called. This makes it very convenient to "
+"use a database::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:771
+msgid ""
+"Other plugin may populate the thread-safe :data:`local` object, change "
+"details of the :data:`request` object, filter the data returned by the "
+"callback or bypass the callback completely. An \"auth\" plugin for example "
+"could check for a valid session and return a login page instead of calling "
+"the original callback. What happens exactly depends on the plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:775
+msgid "Application-wide Installation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:777
+msgid ""
+"Plugins can be installed application-wide or just to some specific routes "
+"that need additional functionality. Most plugins can safely be installed to "
+"all routes and are smart enough to not add overhead to callbacks that do not"
+" need their functionality."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:779
+msgid ""
+"Let us take the ``SQLitePlugin`` plugin for example. It only affects route "
+"callbacks that need a database connection. Other routes are left alone. "
+"Because of this, we can install the plugin application-wide with no "
+"additional overhead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:781
+msgid ""
+"To install a plugin, just call :func:`install` with the plugin as first "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:786
+msgid ""
+"The plugin is not applied to the route callbacks yet. This is delayed to "
+"make sure no routes are missed. You can install plugins first and add routes"
+" later, if you want to. The order of installed plugins is significant, "
+"though. If a plugin requires a database connection, you need to install the "
+"database plugin first."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:790
+msgid "Uninstall Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:791
+msgid ""
+"You can use a name, class or instance to :func:`uninstall` a previously "
+"installed plugin::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:801
+msgid ""
+"Plugins can be installed and removed at any time, even at runtime while "
+"serving requests. This enables some neat tricks (installing slow debugging "
+"or profiling plugins only when needed) but should not be overused. Each time"
+" the list of plugins changes, the route cache is flushed and all plugins are"
+" re-applied."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:804
+msgid ""
+"The module-level :func:`install` and :func:`uninstall` functions affect the "
+":ref:`default-app`. To manage plugins for a specific application, use the "
+"corresponding methods on the :class:`Bottle` application object."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:808
+msgid "Route-specific Installation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:810
+msgid ""
+"The ``apply`` parameter of the :func:`route` decorator comes in handy if you"
+" want to install plugins to only a small number of routes::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:820
+msgid "Blacklisting Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:822
+msgid ""
+"You may want to explicitly disable a plugin for a number of routes. The "
+":func:`route` decorator has a ``skip`` parameter for this purpose::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:844
+msgid ""
+"The ``skip`` parameter accepts a single value or a list of values. You can "
+"use a name, class or instance to identify the plugin that is to be skipped. "
+"Set ``skip=True`` to skip all plugins at once."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:847
+msgid "Plugins and Sub-Applications"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:849
+msgid ""
+"Most plugins are specific to the application they were installed to. "
+"Consequently, they should not affect sub-applications mounted with "
+":meth:`Bottle.mount`. Here is an example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:860
+msgid ""
+"Whenever you mount an application, Bottle creates a proxy-route on the main-"
+"application that forwards all requests to the sub-application. Plugins are "
+"disabled for this kind of proxy-route by default. As a result, our "
+"(fictional) `WTForms` plugin affects the ``/contact`` route, but does not "
+"affect the routes of the ``/blog`` sub-application."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:862
+msgid ""
+"This behavior is intended as a sane default, but can be overridden. The "
+"following example re-activates all plugins for a specific proxy-route::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:866
+msgid ""
+"But there is a snag: The plugin sees the whole sub-application as a single "
+"route, namely the proxy-route mentioned above. In order to affect each "
+"individual route of the sub-application, you have to install the plugin to "
+"the mounted application explicitly."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:871
+msgid "Development"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:873
+msgid ""
+"So you have learned the basics and want to write your own application? Here "
+"are some tips that might help you being more productive."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:879
+msgid "Default Application"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:881
+msgid ""
+"Bottle maintains a global stack of :class:`Bottle` instances and uses the "
+"top of the stack as a default for some of the module-level functions and "
+"decorators. The :func:`route` decorator, for example, is a shortcut for "
+"calling :meth:`Bottle.route` on the default application::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:889
+msgid ""
+"This is very convenient for small applications and saves you some typing, "
+"but also means that, as soon as your module is imported, routes are "
+"installed to the global default application. To avoid this kind of import "
+"side-effects, Bottle offers a second, more explicit way to build "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:899
+msgid ""
+"Separating the application object improves re-usability a lot, too. Other "
+"developers can safely import the ``app`` object from your module and use "
+":meth:`Bottle.mount` to merge applications together."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:904
+msgid ""
+"Starting with bottle-0.13 you can use :class:`Bottle` instances as context "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:929
+msgid "Debug Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:931
+msgid "During early development, the debug mode can be very helpful."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:939
+msgid ""
+"In this mode, Bottle is much more verbose and provides helpful debugging "
+"information whenever an error occurs. It also disables some optimisations "
+"that might get in your way and adds some checks that warn you about possible"
+" misconfiguration."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:941
+msgid "Here is an incomplete list of things that change in debug mode:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:943
+msgid "The default error page shows a traceback."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:944
+msgid "Templates are not cached."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:945
+msgid "Plugins are applied immediately."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:947
+msgid "Just make sure not to use the debug mode on a production server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:950
+msgid "Auto Reloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:952
+msgid ""
+"During development, you have to restart the server a lot to test your recent"
+" changes. The auto reloader can do this for you. Every time you edit a "
+"module file, the reloader restarts the server process and loads the newest "
+"version of your code."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:962
+msgid ""
+"How it works: the main process will not start a server, but spawn a new "
+"child process using the same command line arguments used to start the main "
+"process. All module-level code is executed at least twice! Be careful."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:967
+msgid ""
+"The child process will have ``os.environ['BOTTLE_CHILD']`` set to ``True`` "
+"and start as a normal non-reloading app server. As soon as any of the loaded"
+" modules changes, the child process is terminated and re-spawned by the main"
+" process. Changes in template files will not trigger a reload. Please use "
+"debug mode to deactivate template caching."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:973
+msgid ""
+"The reloading depends on the ability to stop the child process. If you are "
+"running on Windows or any other operating system not supporting "
+"``signal.SIGINT`` (which raises ``KeyboardInterrupt`` in Python), "
+"``signal.SIGTERM`` is used to kill the child. Note that exit handlers and "
+"finally clauses, etc., are not executed after a ``SIGTERM``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:981
+msgid "Command Line Interface"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:985
+msgid "Starting with version 0.10 you can use bottle as a command-line tool:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1009
+msgid ""
+"The `ADDRESS` field takes an IP address or an IP:PORT pair and defaults to "
+"``localhost:8080``. The other parameters should be self-explanatory."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1011
+msgid ""
+"Both plugins and applications are specified via import expressions. These "
+"consist of an import path (e.g. ``package.module``) and an expression to be "
+"evaluated in the namespace of that module, separated by a colon. See "
+":func:`load` for details. Here are some examples:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1032
+msgid "Deployment"
+msgstr "Déploiement "
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1034
+msgid ""
+"Bottle runs on the built-in `wsgiref WSGIServer "
+" by default. This non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine for "
+"development, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1036
+msgid ""
+"The easiest way to increase performance is to install a multi-threaded "
+"server library like paste_ or cherrypy_ and tell Bottle to use that instead "
+"of the single-threaded server::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1040
+msgid ""
+"This, and many other deployment options are described in a separate article:"
+" :doc:`deployment`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1048
+msgid "Glossary"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1051
+msgid "callback"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1053
+msgid ""
+"Programmer code that is to be called when some external action happens. In "
+"the context of web frameworks, the mapping between URL paths and application"
+" code is often achieved by specifying a callback function for each URL."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1057
+msgid "decorator"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1059
+msgid ""
+"A function returning another function, usually applied as a function "
+"transformation using the ``@decorator`` syntax. See `python documentation "
+"for function definition "
+"<>`_ for more "
+"about decorators."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1060
+msgid "environ"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1062
+msgid ""
+"A structure where information about all documents under the root is saved, "
+"and used for cross-referencing. The environment is pickled after the "
+"parsing stage, so that successive runs only need to read and parse new and "
+"changed documents."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1066
+msgid "handler function"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1068
+msgid ""
+"A function to handle some specific event or situation. In a web framework, "
+"the application is developed by attaching a handler function as callback for"
+" each specific URL comprising the application."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1071
+msgid "source directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1073
+msgid ""
+"The directory which, including its subdirectories, contains all source files"
+" for one Sphinx project."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac418c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
@@ -0,0 +1,901 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:19
+msgid "Tutorial: Todo-List Application"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:23
+msgid ""
+"This tutorial is a work in progress and written by `noisefloor "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"This tutorial should give a brief introduction to the Bottle_ WSGI "
+"Framework. The main goal is to be able, after reading through this tutorial,"
+" to create a project using Bottle. Within this document, not all abilities "
+"will be shown, but at least the main and important ones like routing, "
+"utilizing the Bottle template abilities to format output and handling GET / "
+"POST parameters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:28
+msgid ""
+"To understand the content here, it is not necessary to have a basic "
+"knowledge of WSGI, as Bottle tries to keep WSGI away from the user anyway. "
+"You should have a fair understanding of the Python_ programming language. "
+"Furthermore, the example used in the tutorial retrieves and stores data in a"
+" SQL database, so a basic idea about SQL helps, but is not a must to "
+"understand the concepts of Bottle. Right here, SQLite_ is used. The output "
+"of Bottle sent to the browser is formatted in some examples by the help of "
+"HTML. Thus, a basic idea about the common HTML tags does help as well."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:30
+msgid ""
+"For the sake of introducing Bottle, the Python code \"in between\" is kept "
+"short, in order to keep the focus. Also all code within the tutorial is "
+"working fine, but you may not necessarily use it \"in the wild\", e.g. on a "
+"public web server. In order to do so, you may add e.g. more error handling, "
+"protect the database with a password, test and escape the input etc."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:32
+msgid "Table of Contents"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:35
+msgid "Goals"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:37
+msgid ""
+"At the end of this tutorial, we will have a simple, web-based ToDo list. The"
+" list contains a text (with max 100 characters) and a status (0 for closed, "
+"1 for open) for each item. Through the web-based user interface, open items "
+"can be view and edited and new items can be added."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"During development, all pages will be available on ``localhost`` only, but "
+"later on it will be shown how to adapt the application for a \"real\" "
+"server, including how to use with Apache's mod_wsgi."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:41
+msgid ""
+"Bottle will do the routing and format the output, with the help of "
+"templates. The items of the list will be stored inside a SQLite database. "
+"Reading and writing the database will be done by Python code."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"We will end up with an application with the following pages and "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:45
+msgid "start page ``http://localhost:8080/todo``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:46
+msgid "adding new items to the list: ``http://localhost:8080/new``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:47
+msgid "page for editing items: ``http://localhost:8080/edit/<no:int>``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:48
+msgid "catching errors"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:51
+msgid "Before We Start..."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:55
+msgid "Install Bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:56
+msgid ""
+"Assuming that you have a fairly new installation of Python (version 2.5 or "
+"higher), you only need to install Bottle in addition to that. Bottle has no "
+"other dependencies than Python itself."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"You can either manually install Bottle or use Python's easy_install: "
+"``easy_install bottle``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:62
+msgid "Further Software Necessities"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"As we use SQLite3 as a database, make sure it is installed. On Linux "
+"systems, most distributions have SQLite3 installed by default. SQLite is "
+"available for Windows and MacOS X as well and the `sqlite3` module is part "
+"of the python standard library."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:66
+msgid "Create An SQL Database"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:67
+msgid ""
+"First, we need to create the database we use later on. To do so, save the "
+"following script in your project directory and run it with python. You can "
+"use the interactive interpreter too::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:78
+msgid ""
+"This generates a database-file `todo.db` with tables called ``todo`` and "
+"three columns ``id``, ``task``, and ``status``. ``id`` is a unique id for "
+"each row, which is used later on to reference the rows. The column ``task`` "
+"holds the text which describes the task, it can be max 100 characters long. "
+"Finally, the column ``status`` is used to mark a task as open (value 1) or "
+"closed (value 0)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:81
+msgid "Using Bottle for a Web-Based ToDo List"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"Now it is time to introduce Bottle in order to create a web-based "
+"application. But first, we need to look into a basic concept of Bottle: "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:87
+msgid "Understanding routes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:88
+msgid ""
+"Basically, each page visible in the browser is dynamically generated when "
+"the page address is called. Thus, there is no static content. That is "
+"exactly what is called a \"route\" within Bottle: a certain address on the "
+"server. So, for example, when the page ``http://localhost:8080/todo`` is "
+"called from the browser, Bottle \"grabs\" the call and checks if there is "
+"any (Python) function defined for the route \"todo\". If so, Bottle will "
+"execute the corresponding Python code and return its result."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:92
+msgid "First Step - Showing All Open Items"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:93
+msgid ""
+"So, after understanding the concept of routes, let's create the first one. "
+"The goal is to see all open items from the ToDo list::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:108
+msgid ""
+"Save the code a ````, preferably in the same directory as the file "
+"``todo.db``. Otherwise, you need to add the path to ``todo.db`` in the "
+"``sqlite3.connect()`` statement."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"Let's have a look what we just did: We imported the necessary module "
+"``sqlite3`` to access to SQLite database and from Bottle we imported "
+"``route`` and ``run``. The ``run()`` statement simply starts the web server "
+"included in Bottle. By default, the web server serves the pages on localhost"
+" and port 8080. Furthermore, we imported ``route``, which is the function "
+"responsible for Bottle's routing. As you can see, we defined one function, "
+"``todo_list()``, with a few lines of code reading from the database. The "
+"important point is the `decorator statement`_ ``@route('/todo')`` right "
+"before the ``def todo_list()`` statement. By doing this, we bind this "
+"function to the route ``/todo``, so every time the browsers calls "
+"``http://localhost:8080/todo``, Bottle returns the result of the function "
+"``todo_list()``. That is how routing within bottle works."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:112
+msgid ""
+"Actually you can bind more than one route to a function. So the following "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:119
+msgid ""
+"will work fine, too. What will not work is to bind one route to more than "
+"one function."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:121
+msgid ""
+"What you will see in the browser is what is returned, thus the value given "
+"by the ``return`` statement. In this example, we need to convert ``result`` "
+"in to a string by ``str()``, as Bottle expects a string or a list of strings"
+" from the return statement. But here, the result of the database query is a "
+"list of tuples, which is the standard defined by the `Python DB API`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:123
+msgid ""
+"Now, after understanding the little script above, it is time to execute it "
+"and watch the result yourself. Remember that on Linux- / Unix-based systems "
+"the file ```` needs to be executable first. Then, just run ``python "
+"`` and call the page ``http://localhost:8080/todo`` in your browser. "
+"In case you made no mistake writing the script, the output should look like "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:127
+msgid ""
+"If so - congratulations! You are now a successful user of Bottle. In case it"
+" did not work and you need to make some changes to the script, remember to "
+"stop Bottle serving the page, otherwise the revised version will not be "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:129
+msgid ""
+"Actually, the output is not really exciting nor nice to read. It is the raw "
+"result returned from the SQL query."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:131
+msgid ""
+"So, in the next step we format the output in a nicer way. But before we do "
+"that, we make our life easier."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:135
+msgid "Debugging and Auto-Reload"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:136
+msgid ""
+"Maybe you already noticed that Bottle sends a short error message to the "
+"browser in case something within the script is wrong, e.g. the connection to"
+" the database is not working. For debugging purposes it is quite helpful to "
+"get more details. This can be easily achieved by adding the following "
+"statement to the script::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:144
+msgid ""
+"By enabling \"debug\", you will get a full stacktrace of the Python "
+"interpreter, which usually contains useful information for finding bugs. "
+"Furthermore, templates (see below) are not cached, thus changes to templates"
+" will take effect without stopping the server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:148
+msgid ""
+"That ``debug(True)`` is supposed to be used for development only, it should "
+"*not* be used in production environments."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:152
+msgid ""
+"Another quite nice feature is auto-reloading, which is enabled by modifying "
+"the ``run()`` statement to"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:158
+msgid ""
+"This will automatically detect changes to the script and reload the new "
+"version once it is called again, without the need to stop and start the "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:160
+msgid ""
+"Again, the feature is mainly supposed to be used while developing, not on "
+"production systems."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:164
+msgid "Bottle Template To Format The Output"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:165
+msgid ""
+"Now let's have a look at casting the output of the script into a proper "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:167
+msgid ""
+"Actually Bottle expects to receive a string or a list of strings from a "
+"function and returns them by the help of the built-in server to the browser."
+" Bottle does not bother about the content of the string itself, so it can be"
+" text formatted with HTML markup, too."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:169
+msgid ""
+"Bottle brings its own easy-to-use template engine with it. Templates are "
+"stored as separate files having a ``.tpl`` extension. The template can be "
+"called then from within a function. Templates can contain any type of text "
+"(which will be most likely HTML-markup mixed with Python statements). "
+"Furthermore, templates can take arguments, e.g. the result set of a database"
+" query, which will be then formatted nicely within the template."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:171
+msgid ""
+"Right here, we are going to cast the result of our query showing the open "
+"ToDo items into a simple table with two columns: the first column will "
+"contain the ID of the item, the second column the text. The result set is, "
+"as seen above, a list of tuples, each tuple contains one set of results."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:173
+msgid "To include the template in our example, just add the following lines::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:183
+msgid ""
+"So we do here two things: first, we import ``template`` from Bottle in order"
+" to be able to use templates. Second, we assign the output of the template "
+"``make_table`` to the variable ``output``, which is then returned. In "
+"addition to calling the template, we assign ``result``, which we received "
+"from the database query, to the variable ``rows``, which is later on used "
+"within the template. If necessary, you can assign more than one variable / "
+"value to a template."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:185
+msgid ""
+"Templates always return a list of strings, thus there is no need to convert "
+"anything. We can save one line of code by writing ``return "
+"template('make_table', rows=result)``, which gives exactly the same result "
+"as above."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:187
+msgid ""
+"Now it is time to write the corresponding template, which looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:201
+msgid ""
+"Save the code as ``make_table.tpl`` in the same directory where ```` "
+"is stored."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:203
+msgid ""
+"Let's have a look at the code: every line starting with % is interpreted as "
+"Python code. Because it is effectively Python, only valid Python statements "
+"are allowed. The template will raise exceptions, just as any other Python "
+"code would. The other lines are plain HTML markup."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:205
+msgid ""
+"As you can see, we use Python's ``for`` statement two times, in order to go "
+"through ``rows``. As seen above, ``rows`` is a variable which holds the "
+"result of the database query, so it is a list of tuples. The first ``for`` "
+"statement accesses the tuples within the list, the second one the items "
+"within the tuple, which are put each into a cell of the table. It is "
+"important that you close all ``for``, ``if``, ``while`` etc. statements with"
+" ``%end``, otherwise the output may not be what you expect."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:207
+msgid ""
+"If you need to access a variable within a non-Python code line inside the "
+"template, you need to put it into double curly braces. This tells the "
+"template to insert the actual value of the variable right in place."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:209
+msgid ""
+"Run the script again and look at the output. Still not really nice, but at "
+"least more readable than the list of tuples. You can spice-up the very "
+"simple HTML markup above, e.g. by using in-line styles to get a better "
+"looking output."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:213
+msgid "Using GET and POST Values"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:214
+msgid ""
+"As we can review all open items properly, we move to the next step, which is"
+" adding new items to the ToDo list. The new item should be received from a "
+"regular HTML-based form, which sends its data by the GET method."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:216
+msgid ""
+"To do so, we first add a new route to our script and tell the route that it "
+"should get GET data::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:239
+msgid ""
+"To access GET (or POST) data, we need to import ``request`` from Bottle. To "
+"assign the actual data to a variable, we use the statement "
+"``request.GET.task.strip()`` statement, where ``task`` is the name of the "
+"GET data we want to access. That's all. If your GET data has more than one "
+"variable, multiple ``request.GET.get()`` statements can be used and assigned"
+" to other variables."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:241
+msgid ""
+"The rest of this piece of code is just processing of the gained data: "
+"writing to the database, retrieve the corresponding id from the database and"
+" generate the output."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:243
+msgid ""
+"But where do we get the GET data from? Well, we can use a static HTML page "
+"holding the form. Or, what we do right now, is to use a template which is "
+"output when the route ``/new`` is called without GET data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:245
+msgid "The code needs to be extended to::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:268
+msgid "``new_task.tpl`` looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:276
+msgid "That's all. As you can see, the template is plain HTML this time."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:278
+msgid "Now we are able to extend our to do list."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:280
+msgid ""
+"By the way, if you prefer to use POST data: this works exactly the same way,"
+" just use ``request.POST.get()`` instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:284
+msgid "Editing Existing Items"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:285
+msgid "The last point to do is to enable editing of existing items."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:287
+msgid ""
+"By using only the routes we know so far it is possible, but may be quite "
+"tricky. But Bottle knows something called \"dynamic routes\", which makes "
+"this task quite easy."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:289
+msgid "The basic statement for a dynamic route looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:293
+msgid ""
+"This tells Bottle to accept for ``<something>`` any string up to the next "
+"slash. Furthermore, the value of ``something`` will be passed to the "
+"function assigned to that route, so the data can be processed within the "
+"function, like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:321
+msgid ""
+"It is basically pretty much the same what we already did above when adding "
+"new items, like using ``GET`` data etc. The main addition here is using the "
+"dynamic route ``<no:int>``, which here passes the number to the "
+"corresponding function. As you can see, ``no`` is integer ID and used within"
+" the function to access the right row of data within the database."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:324
+msgid ""
+"The template ``edit_task.tpl`` called within the function looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:339
+msgid ""
+"Again, this template is a mix of Python statements and HTML, as already "
+"explained above."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:341
+msgid ""
+"A last word on dynamic routes: you can even use a regular expression for a "
+"dynamic route, as demonstrated later."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:345
+msgid "Validating Dynamic Routes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:346
+msgid ""
+"Using dynamic routes is fine, but for many cases it makes sense to validate "
+"the dynamic part of the route. For example, we expect an integer number in "
+"our route for editing above. But if a float, characters or so are received, "
+"the Python interpreter throws an exception, which is not what we want."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:348
+msgid ""
+"For those cases, Bottle offers the ``<name:int>`` wildcard filter, which "
+"matches (signed) digits and converts the value to integer. In order to apply"
+" the wildcard filter, extend the code as follows::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:356
+msgid ""
+"Save the code and call the page again using incorrect value for "
+"``<no:int>``, e.g. a float. You will receive not an exception, but a \"404 "
+"Not Found\" error."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:360
+msgid "Dynamic Routes Using Regular Expressions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:361
+msgid ""
+"Bottle can also handle dynamic routes, where the \"dynamic part\" of the "
+"route can be a regular expression."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:363
+msgid ""
+"So, just to demonstrate that, let's assume that all single items in our ToDo"
+" list should be accessible by their plain number, by a term like e.g. "
+"\"item1\". For obvious reasons, you do not want to create a route for every "
+"item. Furthermore, the simple dynamic routes do not work either, as part of "
+"the route, the term \"item\" is static."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:365
+msgid "As said above, the solution is a regular expression::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:380
+msgid ""
+"The line ``@route(/item<item:re:[0-9]+>)`` starts like a normal route, but "
+"the third part of the wildcard is interpreted as a regular expression, which"
+" is the dynamic part of the route. So in this case, we want to match any "
+"digit between 0 and 9. The following function \"show_item\" just checks "
+"whether the given item is present in the database or not. In case it is "
+"present, the corresponding text of the task is returned. As you can see, "
+"only the regular expression part of the route is passed forward. "
+"Furthermore, it is always forwarded as a string, even if it is a plain "
+"integer number, like in this case."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:384
+msgid "Returning Static Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:385
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes it may become necessary to associate a route not to a Python "
+"function, but just return a static file. So if you have for example a help "
+"page for your application, you may want to return this page as plain HTML. "
+"This works as follows::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:393
+msgid ""
+"At first, we need to import the ``static_file`` function from Bottle. As you"
+" can see, the ``return static_file`` statement replaces the ``return`` "
+"statement. It takes at least two arguments: the name of the file to be "
+"returned and the path to the file. Even if the file is in the same directory"
+" as your application, the path needs to be stated. But in this case, you can"
+" use ``'.'`` as a path, too. Bottle guesses the MIME-type of the file "
+"automatically, but in case you like to state it explicitly, add a third "
+"argument to ``static_file``, which would be here ``mimetype='text/html'``. "
+"``static_file`` works with any type of route, including the dynamic ones."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:397
+msgid "Returning JSON Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:398
+msgid ""
+"There may be cases where you do not want your application to generate the "
+"output directly, but return data to be processed further on, e.g. by "
+"JavaScript. For those cases, Bottle offers the possibility to return JSON "
+"objects, which is sort of standard for exchanging data between web "
+"applications. Furthermore, JSON can be processed by many programming "
+"languages, including Python"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:400
+msgid ""
+"So, let's assume we want to return the data generated in the regular "
+"expression route example as a JSON object. The code looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:415
+msgid ""
+"As you can, that is fairly simple: just return a regular Python dictionary "
+"and Bottle will convert it automatically into a JSON object prior to "
+"sending. So if you e.g. call \"http://localhost/json1\" Bottle should in "
+"this case return the JSON object ``{\"task\": [\"Read A-byte-of-python to "
+"get a good introduction into Python\"]}``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:420
+msgid "Catching Errors"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:421
+msgid ""
+"The next step may is to catch the error with Bottle itself, to keep away any"
+" type of error message from the user of your application. To do that, Bottle"
+" has an \"error-route\", which can be a assigned to a HTML-error."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:423
+msgid "In our case, we want to catch a 403 error. The code is as follows::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:431
+msgid ""
+"So, at first we need to import ``error`` from Bottle and define a route by "
+"``error(403)``, which catches all \"403 forbidden\" errors. The function "
+"\"mistake\" is assigned to that. Please note that ``error()`` always passes "
+"the error-code to the function - even if you do not need it. Thus, the "
+"function always needs to accept one argument, otherwise it will not work."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:433
+msgid ""
+"Again, you can assign more than one error-route to a function, or catch "
+"various errors with one function each. So this code::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:440
+msgid "works fine, the following one as well::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:452
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:453
+msgid ""
+"After going through all the sections above, you should have a brief "
+"understanding how the Bottle WSGI framework works. Furthermore you have all "
+"the knowledge necessary to use Bottle for your applications."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:455
+msgid ""
+"The following chapter give a short introduction how to adapt Bottle for "
+"larger projects. Furthermore, we will show how to operate Bottle with web "
+"servers which perform better on a higher load / more web traffic than the "
+"one we used so far."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:458
+msgid "Server Setup"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:460
+msgid ""
+"So far, we used the standard server used by Bottle, which is the `WSGI "
+"reference Server`_ shipped along with Python. Although this server is "
+"perfectly suitable for development purposes, it is not really suitable for "
+"larger applications. But before we have a look at the alternatives, let's "
+"have a look how to tweak the settings of the standard server first."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:464
+msgid "Running Bottle on a different port and IP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:465
+msgid ""
+"As standard, Bottle serves the pages on the IP address, also known"
+" as ``localhost``, and on port ``8080``. To modify the setting is pretty "
+"simple, as additional parameters can be passed to Bottle's ``run()`` "
+"function to change the port and the address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:467
+msgid ""
+"To change the port, just add ``port=portnumber`` to the run command. So, for"
+" example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:471
+msgid "would make Bottle listen to port 80."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:473
+msgid "To change the IP address where Bottle is listening::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:477
+msgid "If needed, both parameters can be combined, like::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:481
+msgid ""
+"The ``port`` and ``host`` parameter can also be applied when Bottle is "
+"running with a different server, as shown in the following section."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:485
+msgid "Running Bottle with a different server"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:486
+msgid ""
+"As said above, the standard server is perfectly suitable for development, "
+"personal use or a small group of people only using your application based on"
+" Bottle. For larger tasks, the standard server may become a bottleneck, as "
+"it is single-threaded, thus it can only serve one request at a time."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:488
+msgid ""
+"But Bottle has already various adapters to multi-threaded servers on board, "
+"which perform better on higher load. Bottle supports Cherrypy_, Flup_ and "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:490
+msgid ""
+"If you want to run for example Bottle with the Paste server, use the "
+"following code::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:496
+msgid ""
+"This works exactly the same way with ``FlupServer``, ``CherryPyServer`` and "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:500
+msgid "Running Bottle on Apache with mod_wsgi"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:501
+msgid ""
+"Maybe you already have an Apache_ or you want to run a Bottle-based "
+"application large scale - then it is time to think about Apache with "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:503
+msgid ""
+"We assume that your Apache server is up and running and mod_wsgi is working "
+"fine as well. On a lot of Linux distributions, mod_wsgi can be easily "
+"installed via whatever package management system is in use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:505
+msgid ""
+"Bottle brings an adapter for mod_wsgi with it, so serving your application "
+"is an easy task."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:507
+msgid ""
+"In the following example, we assume that you want to make your application "
+"\"ToDo list\" accessible through ```` and your "
+"code, templates and SQLite database are stored in the path "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:509
+msgid ""
+"When you run your application via mod_wsgi, it is imperative to remove the "
+"``run()`` statement from your code, otherwise it won't work here."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:511
+msgid ""
+"After that, create a file called ``adapter.wsgi`` with the following "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:522
+msgid ""
+"and save it in the same path, ``/var/www/todo``. Actually the name of the "
+"file can be anything, as long as the extension is ``.wsgi``. The name is "
+"only used to reference the file from your virtual host."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:524
+msgid ""
+"Finally, we need to add a virtual host to the Apache configuration, which "
+"looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:540
+msgid ""
+"After restarting the server, your ToDo list should be accessible at "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:543
+msgid "Final Words"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:545
+msgid ""
+"Now we are at the end of this introduction and tutorial to Bottle. We "
+"learned about the basic concepts of Bottle and wrote a first application "
+"using the Bottle framework. In addition to that, we saw how to adapt Bottle "
+"for large tasks and serve Bottle through an Apache web server with mod_wsgi."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:547
+msgid ""
+"As said in the introduction, this tutorial is not showing all shades and "
+"possibilities of Bottle. What we skipped here is e.g. receiving file objects"
+" and streams and how to handle authentication data. Furthermore, we did not "
+"show how templates can be called from within another template. For an "
+"introduction into those points, please refer to the full `Bottle "
+"documentation`_ ."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:550
+msgid "Complete Example Listing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:552
+msgid ""
+"As the ToDo list example was developed piece by piece, here is the complete "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:554
+msgid "Main code for the application ````::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:675
+msgid "Template ``make_table.tpl``::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:689
+msgid "Template ``edit_task.tpl``::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:704
+msgid "Template ``new_task.tpl``::"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/api.po b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..767546d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1488 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../../api.rst:3
+msgid "API Reference"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:10
+msgid ""
+"This is a mostly auto-generated API. If you are new to bottle, you might "
+"find the narrative :doc:`tutorial` more helpful."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:17
+msgid "Module Contents"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:19
+msgid "The module defines several functions, constants, and an exception."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.debug:1
+msgid ""
+"Change the debug level. There is only one debug level supported at the "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid ""
+"Start a server instance. This method blocks until the server terminates."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.path_shift:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring
+#: of bottle.Bottle.mount:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.Bottle.route:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:0
+msgid "Parameters"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid ""
+"WSGI application or target string supported by :func:`load_app`. (default: "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid ""
+"Server adapter to use. See :data:`server_names` keys for valid names or pass"
+" a :class:`ServerAdapter` subclass. (default: `wsgiref`)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid ""
+"Server address to bind to. Pass ```` to listens on all interfaces "
+"including the external one. (default:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid ""
+"Server port to bind to. Values below 1024 require root privileges. (default:"
+" 8080)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Start auto-reloading server? (default: False)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Auto-reloader interval in seconds (default: 1)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Suppress output to stdout and stderr? (default: False)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Options passed to the server adapter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.load:1
+msgid "Import a module or fetch an object from a module."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.load:3
+msgid "``package.module`` returns `module` as a module object."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.load:4
+msgid "``pack.mod:name`` returns the module variable `name` from `pack.mod`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.load:5
+msgid "``pack.mod:func()`` calls `pack.mod.func()` and returns the result."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.load:7
+msgid ""
+"The last form accepts not only function calls, but any type of expression. "
+"Keyword arguments passed to this function are available as local variables. "
+"Example: ``import_string('re:compile(x)', x='[a-z]')``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.load_app:1
+msgid ""
+"Load a bottle application from a module and make sure that the import does "
+"not affect the current default application, but returns a separate "
+"application object. See :func:`load` for the target parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.request:1 ../../../bottle.pydocstring
+#: of bottle.request:1
+msgid ""
+"A thread-safe instance of :class:`LocalRequest`. If accessed from within a "
+"request callback, this instance always refers to the *current* request (even"
+" on a multi-threaded server)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.response:1
+msgid ""
+"A thread-safe instance of :class:`LocalResponse`. It is used to change the "
+"HTTP response for the *current* request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HTTP_CODES:1
+msgid ""
+"A dict to map HTTP status codes (e.g. 404) to phrases (e.g. 'Not Found')"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:38
+msgid ""
+"Return the current :ref:`default-app`. Actually, these are callable "
+"instances of :class:`AppStack` and implement a stack-like API."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:42
+msgid "Routing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:44
+msgid ""
+"Bottle maintains a stack of :class:`Bottle` instances (see :func:`app` and "
+":class:`AppStack`) and uses the top of the stack as a *default application* "
+"for some of the module-level functions and decorators."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:54
+msgid ""
+"Decorator to install a route to the current default application. See "
+":meth:`Bottle.route` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:59
+msgid ""
+"Decorator to install an error handler to the current default application. "
+"See :meth:`Bottle.error` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:63
+msgid "WSGI and HTTP Utilities"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.parse_date:1
+msgid "Parse rfc1123, rfc850 and asctime timestamps and return UTC epoch."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.parse_auth:1
+msgid ""
+"Parse rfc2617 HTTP authentication header string (basic) and return "
+"(user,pass) tuple or None"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.cookie_encode:1
+msgid "Encode and sign a pickle-able object. Return a (byte) string"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.cookie_decode:1
+msgid "Verify and decode an encoded string. Return an object or None."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.cookie_is_encoded:1
+msgid "Return True if the argument looks like a encoded cookie."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.yieldroutes:1
+msgid ""
+"Return a generator for routes that match the signature (name, args) of the "
+"func parameter. This may yield more than one route if the function takes "
+"optional keyword arguments. The output is best described by example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:1
+msgid "Shift path fragments from PATH_INFO to SCRIPT_NAME and vice versa."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:0
+msgid "Returns"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:3
+msgid "The modified paths."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:4
+msgid "The SCRIPT_NAME path."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:5
+msgid "The PATH_INFO path."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:6
+msgid ""
+"The number of path fragments to shift. May be negative to change the shift "
+"direction. (default: 1)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:81
+msgid "Data Structures"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict:1
+msgid ""
+"This dict stores multiple values per key, but behaves exactly like a normal "
+"dict in that it returns only the newest value for any given key. There are "
+"special methods available to access the full list of values."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.keys:1
+msgid "D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.values:1
+msgid "D.values() -> an object providing a view on D's values"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.items:1
+msgid "D.items() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's items"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:1
+msgid "Return the most recent value for a key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:3
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:3
+msgid ""
+"The default value to be returned if the key is not present or the type "
+"conversion fails."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:5
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:5
+msgid "An index for the list of available values."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:6
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:6
+msgid ""
+"If defined, this callable is used to cast the value into a specific type. "
+"Exception are suppressed and result in the default value to be returned."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.append:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.append:1
+msgid "Add a new value to the list of values for this key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.replace:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.replace:1
+msgid "Replace the list of values with a single value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getall:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getall:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.getall:1
+msgid "Return a (possibly empty) list of values for a key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:1
+msgid "Aliases for WTForms to mimic other multi-dict APIs (Django)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict:1
+msgid ""
+"A case-insensitive version of :class:`MultiDict` that defaults to replace "
+"the old value instead of appending it."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FormsDict:1
+msgid ""
+"This :class:`MultiDict` subclass is used to store request form data. "
+"Additionally to the normal dict-like item access methods (which return "
+"unmodified data as native strings), this container also supports attribute-"
+"like access to its values. Attributes are automatically de- or recoded to "
+"match :attr:`input_encoding` (default: 'utf8'). Missing attributes default "
+"to an empty string."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FormsDict.input_encoding:1
+msgid "Encoding used for attribute values."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FormsDict.recode_unicode:1
+msgid ""
+"If true (default), unicode strings are first encoded with `latin1` and then "
+"decoded to match :attr:`input_encoding`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FormsDict.decode:1
+msgid ""
+"Returns a copy with all keys and values de- or recoded to match "
+":attr:`input_encoding`. Some libraries (e.g. WTForms) want a unicode "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FormsDict.getunicode:1
+msgid "Return the value as a unicode string, or the default."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.WSGIHeaderDict:1
+msgid ""
+"This dict-like class wraps a WSGI environ dict and provides convenient "
+"access to HTTP_* fields. Keys and values are native strings (2.x bytes or "
+"3.x unicode) and keys are case-insensitive. If the WSGI environment contains"
+" non-native string values, these are de- or encoded using a lossless "
+"'latin1' character set."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.WSGIHeaderDict:7
+msgid ""
+"The API will remain stable even on changes to the relevant PEPs. Currently "
+"PEP 333, 444 and 3333 are supported. (PEP 444 is the only one that uses non-"
+"native strings.)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.WSGIHeaderDict.cgikeys:1
+msgid "List of keys that do not have a ``HTTP_`` prefix."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.WSGIHeaderDict.raw:1
+msgid "Return the header value as is (may be bytes or unicode)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.AppStack:1
+msgid "A stack-like list. Calling it returns the head of the stack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:100
+msgid "Return the current default application and remove it from the stack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.AppStack.push:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.AppStack.push:1
+msgid "Add a new :class:`Bottle` instance to the stack"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager:1
+msgid ""
+"This class manages a list of search paths and helps to find and open "
+"application-bound resources (files)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager:4
+msgid "default value for :meth:`add_path` calls."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager:5
+msgid "callable used to open resources."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager:6
+msgid "controls which lookups are cached. One of 'all', 'found' or 'none'."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.ResourceManager.path:1
+msgid "A list of search paths. See :meth:`add_path` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.ResourceManager.cache:1
+msgid "A cache for resolved paths. ``res.cache.clear()`` clears the cache."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:1
+msgid ""
+"Add a new path to the list of search paths. Return False if the path does "
+"not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:4
+msgid ""
+"The new search path. Relative paths are turned into an absolute and "
+"normalized form. If the path looks like a file (not ending in `/`), the "
+"filename is stripped off."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:7
+msgid ""
+"Path used to absolutize relative search paths. Defaults to :attr:`base` "
+"which defaults to ``os.getcwd()``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:9
+msgid ""
+"Position within the list of search paths. Defaults to last index (appends to"
+" the list)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:12
+msgid ""
+"The `base` parameter makes it easy to reference files installed along with a"
+" python module or package::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.lookup:1
+msgid "Search for a resource and return an absolute file path, or `None`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.lookup:3
+msgid ""
+"The :attr:`path` list is searched in order. The first match is returned. "
+"Symlinks are followed. The result is cached to speed up future lookups."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Find a resource and return a file object, or raise IOError."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.file:1
+msgid "Open file(-like) object (BytesIO buffer or temporary file)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of
+msgid "Name of the upload form field"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.raw_filename:1
+msgid "Raw filename as sent by the client (may contain unsafe characters)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.headers:1
+msgid "A :class:`HeaderDict` with additional headers (e.g. content-type)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.content_type:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.content_type:1
+msgid "Current value of the 'Content-Type' header."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.content_length:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.content_length:1
+msgid "Current value of the 'Content-Length' header."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.get_header:1
+msgid "Return the value of a header within the mulripart part."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.filename:1
+msgid ""
+"Name of the file on the client file system, but normalized to ensure file "
+"system compatibility. An empty filename is returned as 'empty'."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.filename:4
+msgid ""
+"Only ASCII letters, digits, dashes, underscores and dots are allowed in the "
+"final filename. Accents are removed, if possible. Whitespace is replaced by "
+"a single dash. Leading or tailing dots or dashes are removed. The filename "
+"is limited to 255 characters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid ""
+"Save file to disk or copy its content to an open file(-like) object. If "
+"*destination* is a directory, :attr:`filename` is added to the path. "
+"Existing files are not overwritten by default (IOError)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "File path, directory or file(-like) object."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "If True, replace existing files. (default: False)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Bytes to read at a time. (default: 64kb)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:109
+msgid "Exceptions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BottleException:1
+msgid "A base class for exceptions used by bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:117
+msgid "The :class:`Bottle` Class"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle:1
+msgid ""
+"Each Bottle object represents a single, distinct web application and "
+"consists of routes, callbacks, plugins, resources and configuration. "
+"Instances are callable WSGI applications."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle:5
+msgid ""
+"If true (default), handle all exceptions. Turn off to let debugging "
+"middleware handle exceptions."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Bottle.config:1
+msgid "A :class:`ConfigDict` for app specific configuration."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Bottle.resources:1
+msgid "A :class:`ResourceManager` for application files"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.catchall:1
+msgid "If true, most exceptions are caught and returned as :exc:`HTTPError`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.add_hook:1
+msgid "Attach a callback to a hook. Three hooks are currently implemented:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.add_hook:4
+msgid "before_request"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.add_hook:4
+msgid ""
+"Executed once before each request. The request context is available, but no "
+"routing has happened yet."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.add_hook:6
+msgid "after_request"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.add_hook:7
+msgid "Executed once after each request regardless of its outcome."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.add_hook:8
+msgid "app_reset"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.add_hook:9
+msgid "Called whenever :meth:`Bottle.reset` is called."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.remove_hook:1
+msgid "Remove a callback from a hook."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.trigger_hook:1
+msgid "Trigger a hook and return a list of results."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.hook:1
+msgid ""
+"Return a decorator that attaches a callback to a hook. See :meth:`add_hook` "
+"for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.mount:1
+msgid ""
+"Mount an application (:class:`Bottle` or plain WSGI) to a specific URL "
+"prefix. Example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.mount:6
+msgid "path prefix or `mount-point`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.mount:7
+msgid "an instance of :class:`Bottle` or a WSGI application."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.mount:9
+msgid ""
+"Plugins from the parent application are not applied to the routes of the "
+"mounted child application. If you need plugins in the child application, "
+"install them separately."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.mount:13
+msgid ""
+"While it is possible to use path wildcards within the prefix path "
+"(:class:`Bottle` childs only), it is highly discouraged."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.mount:16
+msgid ""
+"The prefix path must end with a slash. If you want to access the root of the"
+" child application via `/prefix` in addition to `/prefix/`, consider adding "
+"a route with a 307 redirect to the parent application."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.merge:1
+msgid ""
+"Merge the routes of another :class:`Bottle` application or a list of "
+":class:`Route` objects into this application. The routes keep their 'owner',"
+" meaning that the :data:`` attribute is not changed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.install:1
+msgid ""
+"Add a plugin to the list of plugins and prepare it for being applied to all "
+"routes of this application. A plugin may be a simple decorator or an object "
+"that implements the :class:`Plugin` API."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.uninstall:1
+msgid ""
+"Uninstall plugins. Pass an instance to remove a specific plugin, a type "
+"object to remove all plugins that match that type, a string to remove all "
+"plugins with a matching ``name`` attribute or ``True`` to remove all "
+"plugins. Return the list of removed plugins."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.reset:1
+msgid ""
+"Reset all routes (force plugins to be re-applied) and clear all caches. If "
+"an ID or route object is given, only that specific route is affected."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.close:1
+msgid "Close the application and all installed plugins."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Calls :func:`run` with the same parameters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.match:1
+msgid ""
+"Search for a matching route and return a (:class:`Route`, urlargs) tuple. "
+"The second value is a dictionary with parameters extracted from the URL. "
+"Raise :exc:`HTTPError` (404/405) on a non-match."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.get_url:1
+msgid "Return a string that matches a named route"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.add_route:1
+msgid "Add a route object, but do not change the :data:`` attribute."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:1
+msgid "A decorator to bind a function to a request URL. Example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:7
+msgid ""
+"The ``<name>`` part is a wildcard. See :class:`Router` for syntax details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:10
+msgid ""
+"Request path or a list of paths to listen to. If no path is specified, it is"
+" automatically generated from the signature of the function."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:13
+msgid ""
+"HTTP method (`GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, ...) or a list of methods to listen to. "
+"(default: `GET`)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:15
+msgid ""
+"An optional shortcut to avoid the decorator syntax. ``route(..., "
+"callback=func)`` equals ``route(...)(func)``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:17
+msgid "The name for this route. (default: None)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:18
+msgid ""
+"A decorator or plugin or a list of plugins. These are applied to the route "
+"callback in addition to installed plugins."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:20
+msgid ""
+"A list of plugins, plugin classes or names. Matching plugins are not "
+"installed to this route. ``True`` skips all."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.route:23
+msgid ""
+"Any additional keyword arguments are stored as route-specific configuration "
+"and passed to plugins (see :meth:`Plugin.apply`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.get:1
+msgid "Equals :meth:`route`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Equals :meth:`route` with a ``POST`` method parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.put:1
+msgid "Equals :meth:`route` with a ``PUT`` method parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.delete:1
+msgid "Equals :meth:`route` with a ``DELETE`` method parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.patch:1
+msgid "Equals :meth:`route` with a ``PATCH`` method parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.error:1
+msgid ""
+"Register an output handler for a HTTP error code. Can be used as a decorator"
+" or called directly ::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.wsgi:1
+msgid "The bottle WSGI-interface."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route:1
+msgid ""
+"This class wraps a route callback along with route specific metadata and "
+"configuration and applies Plugins on demand. It is also responsible for "
+"turning an URL path rule into a regular expression usable by the Router."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of
+msgid "The application this route is installed to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.rule:1
+msgid "The path-rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/<page>``)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.method:1
+msgid "The HTTP method as a string (e.g. ``GET``)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.callback:1
+msgid ""
+"The original callback with no plugins applied. Useful for introspection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of
+msgid "The name of the route (if specified) or ``None``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.plugins:1
+msgid "A list of route-specific plugins (see :meth:`Bottle.route`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.skiplist:1
+msgid ""
+"A list of plugins to not apply to this route (see :meth:`Bottle.route`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.config:1
+msgid ""
+"Additional keyword arguments passed to the :meth:`Bottle.route` decorator "
+"are stored in this dictionary. Used for route-specific plugin configuration "
+"and meta-data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid ""
+"The route callback with all plugins applied. This property is created on "
+"demand and then cached to speed up subsequent requests."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.reset:1
+msgid ""
+"Forget any cached values. The next time :attr:`call` is accessed, all "
+"plugins are re-applied."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.prepare:1
+msgid "Do all on-demand work immediately (useful for debugging)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.all_plugins:1
+msgid "Yield all Plugins affecting this route."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.get_undecorated_callback:1
+msgid ""
+"Return the callback. If the callback is a decorated function, try to recover"
+" the original function."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.get_callback_args:1
+msgid ""
+"Return a list of argument names the callback (most likely) accepts as "
+"keyword arguments. If the callback is a decorated function, try to recover "
+"the original function before inspection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.get_config:1
+msgid ""
+"Lookup a config field and return its value, first checking the route.config,"
+" then"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:127
+msgid "The :class:`Request` Object"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:129
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`Request` class wraps a WSGI environment and provides helpful "
+"methods to parse and access form data, cookies, file uploads and other "
+"metadata. Most of the attributes are read-only."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest:1
+msgid ""
+"A wrapper for WSGI environment dictionaries that adds a lot of convenient "
+"access methods and properties. Most of them are read-only."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest:4
+msgid ""
+"Adding new attributes to a request actually adds them to the environ "
+"dictionary (as 'bottle.request.ext.<name>'). This is the recommended way to "
+"store and access request-specific data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.MEMFILE_MAX:1
+msgid "Maximum size of memory buffer for :attr:`body` in bytes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.environ:1
+msgid ""
+"The wrapped WSGI environ dictionary. This is the only real attribute. All "
+"other attributes actually are read-only properties."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid "Bottle application handling this request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.route:1
+msgid "The bottle :class:`Route` object that matches this request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.url_args:1
+msgid "The arguments extracted from the URL."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.path:1
+msgid ""
+"The value of ``PATH_INFO`` with exactly one prefixed slash (to fix broken "
+"clients and avoid the \"empty path\" edge case)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.method:1
+msgid "The ``REQUEST_METHOD`` value as an uppercase string."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.headers:1
+msgid ""
+"A :class:`WSGIHeaderDict` that provides case-insensitive access to HTTP "
+"request headers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.get_header:1
+msgid "Return the value of a request header, or a given default value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.cookies:1
+msgid ""
+"Cookies parsed into a :class:`FormsDict`. Signed cookies are NOT decoded. "
+"Use :meth:`get_cookie` if you expect signed cookies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.get_cookie:1
+msgid ""
+"Return the content of a cookie. To read a `Signed Cookie`, the `secret` must"
+" match the one used to create the cookie (see "
+":meth:`BaseResponse.set_cookie`). If anything goes wrong (missing cookie or "
+"wrong signature), return a default value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.query:1
+msgid ""
+"The :attr:`query_string` parsed into a :class:`FormsDict`. These values are "
+"sometimes called \"URL arguments\" or \"GET parameters\", but not to be "
+"confused with \"URL wildcards\" as they are provided by the :class:`Router`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.forms:1
+msgid ""
+"Form values parsed from an `url-encoded` or `multipart/form-data` encoded "
+"POST or PUT request body. The result is returned as a :class:`FormsDict`. "
+"All keys and values are strings. File uploads are stored separately in "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.params:1
+msgid ""
+"A :class:`FormsDict` with the combined values of :attr:`query` and "
+":attr:`forms`. File uploads are stored in :attr:`files`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.files:1
+msgid ""
+"File uploads parsed from `multipart/form-data` encoded POST or PUT request "
+"body. The values are instances of :class:`FileUpload`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.json:1
+msgid ""
+"If the ``Content-Type`` header is ``application/json`` or ``application"
+"/json-rpc``, this property holds the parsed content of the request body. "
+"Only requests smaller than :attr:`MEMFILE_MAX` are processed to avoid memory"
+" exhaustion. Invalid JSON raises a 400 error response."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.body:1
+msgid ""
+"The HTTP request body as a seek-able file-like object. Depending on "
+":attr:`MEMFILE_MAX`, this is either a temporary file or a "
+":class:`io.BytesIO` instance. Accessing this property for the first time "
+"reads and replaces the ``wsgi.input`` environ variable. Subsequent accesses "
+"just do a `seek(0)` on the file object."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.chunked:1
+msgid "True if Chunked transfer encoding was."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.query:1
+msgid "An alias for :attr:`query`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.POST:1
+msgid ""
+"The values of :attr:`forms` and :attr:`files` combined into a single "
+":class:`FormsDict`. Values are either strings (form values) or instances of "
+":class:`cgi.FieldStorage` (file uploads)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.url:1
+msgid ""
+"The full request URI including hostname and scheme. If your app lives behind"
+" a reverse proxy or load balancer and you get confusing results, make sure "
+"that the ``X-Forwarded-Host`` header is set correctly."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.urlparts:1
+msgid ""
+"The :attr:`url` string as an :class:`urlparse.SplitResult` tuple. The tuple "
+"contains (scheme, host, path, query_string and fragment), but the fragment "
+"is always empty because it is not visible to the server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.fullpath:1
+msgid "Request path including :attr:`script_name` (if present)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.query_string:1
+msgid ""
+"The raw :attr:`query` part of the URL (everything in between ``?`` and "
+"``#``) as a string."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.script_name:1
+msgid ""
+"The initial portion of the URL's `path` that was removed by a higher level "
+"(server or routing middleware) before the application was called. This "
+"script path is returned with leading and tailing slashes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:2
+msgid "Shift path segments from :attr:`path` to :attr:`script_name` and"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:2
+msgid "vice versa."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:4
+msgid ""
+"The number of path segments to shift. May be negative to change the shift "
+"direction. (default: 1)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.content_length:1
+msgid ""
+"The request body length as an integer. The client is responsible to set this"
+" header. Otherwise, the real length of the body is unknown and -1 is "
+"returned. In this case, :attr:`body` will be empty."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.content_type:1
+msgid "The Content-Type header as a lowercase-string (default: empty)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.is_xhr:1
+msgid ""
+"True if the request was triggered by a XMLHttpRequest. This only works with "
+"JavaScript libraries that support the `X-Requested-With` header (most of the"
+" popular libraries do)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.is_ajax:1
+msgid "Alias for :attr:`is_xhr`. \"Ajax\" is not the right term."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.auth:1
+msgid ""
+"HTTP authentication data as a (user, password) tuple. This implementation "
+"currently supports basic (not digest) authentication only. If the "
+"authentication happened at a higher level (e.g. in the front web-server or a"
+" middleware), the password field is None, but the user field is looked up "
+"from the ``REMOTE_USER`` environ variable. On any errors, None is returned."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.remote_route:1
+msgid ""
+"A list of all IPs that were involved in this request, starting with the "
+"client IP and followed by zero or more proxies. This does only work if all "
+"proxies support the ```X-Forwarded-For`` header. Note that this information "
+"can be forged by malicious clients."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.remote_addr:1
+msgid ""
+"The client IP as a string. Note that this information can be forged by "
+"malicious clients."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.copy:1
+msgid "Return a new :class:`Request` with a shallow :attr:`environ` copy."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:137
+msgid ""
+"The module-level :data:`bottle.request` is a proxy object (implemented in "
+":class:`LocalRequest`) and always refers to the `current` request, or in "
+"other words, the request that is currently processed by the request handler "
+"in the current thread. This `thread locality` ensures that you can safely "
+"use a global instance in a multi-threaded environment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalRequest:1
+msgid ""
+"A thread-local subclass of :class:`BaseRequest` with a different set of "
+"attributes for each thread. There is usually only one global instance of "
+"this class (:data:`request`). If accessed during a request/response cycle, "
+"this instance always refers to the *current* request (even on a "
+"multithreaded server)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.__init__:1
+msgid "Wrap a WSGI environ dictionary."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:146
+msgid "The :class:`Response` Object"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:148
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`Response` class stores the HTTP status code as well as headers "
+"and cookies that are to be sent to the client. Similar to "
+":data:`bottle.request` there is a thread-local :data:`bottle.response` "
+"instance that can be used to adjust the `current` response. Moreover, you "
+"can instantiate :class:`Response` and return it from your request handler. "
+"In this case, the custom instance overrules the headers and cookies defined "
+"in the global one."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse:1
+msgid "Storage class for a response body as well as headers and cookies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse:3
+msgid ""
+"This class does support dict-like case-insensitive item-access to headers, "
+"but is NOT a dict. Most notably, iterating over a response yields parts of "
+"the body and not the headers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse:7
+msgid "The response body as one of the supported types."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse:8
+msgid ""
+"Either an HTTP status code (e.g. 200) or a status line including the reason "
+"phrase (e.g. '200 OK')."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse:10
+msgid "A dictionary or a list of name-value pairs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse:12
+msgid ""
+"Additional keyword arguments are added to the list of headers. Underscores "
+"in the header name are replaced with dashes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.copy:1
+msgid "Returns a copy of self."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.status_line:1
+msgid "The HTTP status line as a string (e.g. ``404 Not Found``)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.status_code:1
+msgid "The HTTP status code as an integer (e.g. 404)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.status:1
+msgid ""
+"A writeable property to change the HTTP response status. It accepts either a"
+" numeric code (100-999) or a string with a custom reason phrase (e.g. \"404 "
+"Brain not found\"). Both :data:`status_line` and :data:`status_code` are "
+"updated accordingly. The return value is always a status string."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.headers:1
+msgid ""
+"An instance of :class:`HeaderDict`, a case-insensitive dict-like view on the"
+" response headers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.get_header:1
+msgid ""
+"Return the value of a previously defined header. If there is no header with "
+"that name, return a default value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_header:1
+msgid ""
+"Create a new response header, replacing any previously defined headers with "
+"the same name."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.add_header:1
+msgid "Add an additional response header, not removing duplicates."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.iter_headers:1
+msgid ""
+"Yield (header, value) tuples, skipping headers that are not allowed with the"
+" current response status code."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.headerlist:1
+msgid "WSGI conform list of (header, value) tuples."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.expires:1
+msgid "Current value of the 'Expires' header."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.charset:1
+msgid ""
+"Return the charset specified in the content-type header (default: utf8)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:1
+msgid ""
+"Create a new cookie or replace an old one. If the `secret` parameter is set,"
+" create a `Signed Cookie` (described below)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:4
+msgid "the name of the cookie."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:5
+msgid "the value of the cookie."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:6
+msgid "a signature key required for signed cookies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:8
+msgid ""
+"Additionally, this method accepts all RFC 2109 attributes that are supported"
+" by :class:`cookie.Morsel`, including:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:11
+msgid "maximum age in seconds. (default: None)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:12
+msgid "a datetime object or UNIX timestamp. (default: None)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:13
+msgid ""
+"the domain that is allowed to read the cookie. (default: current domain)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:15
+msgid "limits the cookie to a given path (default: current path)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:16
+msgid "limit the cookie to HTTPS connections (default: off)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:17
+msgid ""
+"prevents client-side javascript to read this cookie (default: off, requires "
+"Python 2.6 or newer)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:19
+msgid ""
+"Control or disable third-party use for this cookie. Possible values: `lax`, "
+"`strict` or `none` (default)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:22
+msgid ""
+"If neither `expires` nor `maxage` is set (default), the cookie will expire "
+"at the end of the browser session (as soon as the browser window is closed)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:26
+msgid ""
+"Signed cookies may store any pickle-able object and are cryptographically "
+"signed to prevent manipulation. Keep in mind that cookies are limited to 4kb"
+" in most browsers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:30
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Pickle is a potentially dangerous format. If an attacker gains "
+"access to the secret key, he could forge cookies that execute code on server"
+" side if unpickled. Using pickle is discouraged and support for it will be "
+"removed in later versions of bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:35
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Signed cookies are not encrypted (the client can still see the "
+"content) and not copy-protected (the client can restore an old cookie). The "
+"main intention is to make pickling and unpickling save, not to store secret "
+"information at client side."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.delete_cookie:1
+msgid ""
+"Delete a cookie. Be sure to use the same `domain` and `path` settings as "
+"used to create the cookie."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalResponse:1
+msgid ""
+"A thread-local subclass of :class:`BaseResponse` with a different set of "
+"attributes for each thread. There is usually only one global instance of "
+"this class (:data:`response`). Its attributes are used to build the HTTP "
+"response at the end of the request/response cycle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.__init__:1
+msgid "Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalResponse.body:1
+msgid "Thread-local property"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:160
+msgid ""
+"The following two classes can be raised as an exception. The most noticeable"
+" difference is that bottle invokes error handlers for :class:`HTTPError`, "
+"but not for :class:`HTTPResponse` or other response types."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:172
+msgid "Templates"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:174
+msgid ""
+"All template engines supported by :mod:`bottle` implement the "
+":class:`BaseTemplate` API. This way it is possible to switch and mix "
+"template engines without changing the application code at all."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseTemplate:1
+msgid "Base class and minimal API for template adapters"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseTemplate.__init__:1
+msgid ""
+"Create a new template. If the source parameter (str or buffer) is missing, "
+"the name argument is used to guess a template filename. Subclasses can "
+"assume that self.source and/or self.filename are set. Both are strings. The "
+"lookup, encoding and settings parameters are stored as instance variables. "
+"The lookup parameter stores a list containing directory paths. The encoding "
+"parameter should be used to decode byte strings or files. The settings "
+"parameter contains a dict for engine-specific settings."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+msgid ""
+"Search name in all directories specified in lookup. First without, then with"
+" common extensions. Return first hit."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseTemplate.global_config:1
+msgid "This reads or sets the global settings stored in class.settings."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseTemplate.prepare:1
+msgid ""
+"Run preparations (parsing, caching, ...). It should be possible to call this"
+" again to refresh a template or to update settings."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseTemplate.render:1
+msgid ""
+"Render the template with the specified local variables and return a single "
+"byte or unicode string. If it is a byte string, the encoding must match "
+"self.encoding. This method must be thread-safe! Local variables may be "
+"provided in dictionaries (args) or directly, as keywords (kwargs)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.view:1
+msgid ""
+"Decorator: renders a template for a handler. The handler can control its "
+"behavior like that:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.view:4
+msgid "return a dict of template vars to fill out the template"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.view:5
+msgid ""
+"return something other than a dict and the view decorator will not process "
+"the template, but return the handler result as is. This includes returning a"
+" HTTPResponse(dict) to get, for instance, JSON with autojson or other "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.template:1
+msgid ""
+"Get a rendered template as a string iterator. You can use a name, a filename"
+" or a template string as first parameter. Template rendering arguments can "
+"be passed as dictionaries or directly (as keyword arguments)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:185
+msgid ""
+"You can write your own adapter for your favourite template engine or use one"
+" of the predefined adapters. Currently there are four fully supported "
+"template engines:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:188
+msgid "Class"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:188
+msgid "URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:188
+msgid "Decorator"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:188
+msgid "Render function"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:190
+msgid ":class:`SimpleTemplate`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:190
+msgid ":doc:`stpl`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:190
+msgid ":func:`view`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:190
+msgid ":func:`template`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:191
+msgid ":class:`MakoTemplate`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:191
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:191
+msgid ":func:`mako_view`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:191
+msgid ":func:`mako_template`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:192
+msgid ":class:`CheetahTemplate`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:192
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:192
+msgid ":func:`cheetah_view`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:192
+msgid ":func:`cheetah_template`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:193
+msgid ":class:`Jinja2Template`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:193
+msgid ":func:`jinja2_view`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:193
+msgid ":func:`jinja2_template`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../api.rst:196
+msgid ""
+"To use :class:`MakoTemplate` as your default template engine, just import "
+"its specialised decorator and render function::"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/async.po b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2840edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-01-22 19:17+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../../async.rst:2
+msgid "Primer to Asynchronous Applications"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:4
+msgid ""
+"Asynchronous design patterns don't mix well with the synchronous nature of "
+"`WSGI <>`_. This is why most "
+"asynchronous frameworks (tornado, twisted, ...) implement a specialized API "
+"to expose their asynchronous features. Bottle is a WSGI framework and shares"
+" the synchronous nature of WSGI, but thanks to the awesome `gevent project "
+"<>`_, it is still possible to write asynchronous "
+"applications with bottle. This article documents the usage of Bottle with "
+"Asynchronous WSGI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:7
+msgid "The Limits of Synchronous WSGI"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:9
+msgid ""
+"Briefly worded, the `WSGI specification (pep 3333) "
+"<>`_ defines a request/response "
+"circle as follows: The application callable is invoked once for each request"
+" and must return a body iterator. The server then iterates over the body and"
+" writes each chunk to the socket. As soon as the body iterator is exhausted,"
+" the client connection is closed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:11
+msgid ""
+"Simple enough, but there is a snag: All this happens synchronously. If your "
+"application needs to wait for data (IO, sockets, databases, ...), it must "
+"either yield empty strings (busy wait) or block the current thread. Both "
+"solutions occupy the handling thread and prevent it from answering new "
+"requests. There is consequently only one ongoing request per thread."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:13
+msgid ""
+"Most servers limit the number of threads to avoid their relatively high "
+"overhead. Pools of 20 or less threads are common. As soon as all threads are"
+" occupied, any new connection is stalled. The server is effectively dead for"
+" everyone else. If you want to implement a chat that uses long-polling ajax "
+"requests to get real-time updates, you'd reach the limited at 20 concurrent "
+"connections. That's a pretty small chat."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:16
+msgid "Greenlets to the rescue"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:18
+msgid ""
+"Most servers limit the size of their worker pools to a relatively low number"
+" of concurrent threads, due to the high overhead involved in switching "
+"between and creating new threads. While threads are cheap compared to "
+"processes (forks), they are still expensive to create for each new "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"The `gevent <>`_ module adds *greenlets* to the mix. "
+"Greenlets behave similar to traditional threads, but are very cheap to "
+"create. A gevent-based server can spawn thousands of greenlets (one for each"
+" connection) with almost no overhead. Blocking individual greenlets has no "
+"impact on the servers ability to accept new requests. The number of "
+"concurrent connections is virtually unlimited."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:22
+msgid ""
+"This makes creating asynchronous applications incredibly easy, because they "
+"look and feel like synchronous applications. A gevent-based server is "
+"actually not asynchronous, but massively multi-threaded. Here is an "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"The first line is important. It causes gevent to monkey-patch most of "
+"Python's blocking APIs to not block the current thread, but pass the CPU to "
+"the next greenlet instead. It actually replaces Python's threading with "
+"gevent-based pseudo-threads. This is why you can still use ``time.sleep()`` "
+"which would normally block the whole thread. If you don't feel comfortable "
+"with monkey-patching python built-ins, you can use the corresponding gevent "
+"functions (``gevent.sleep()`` in this case)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:41
+msgid ""
+"If you run this script and point your browser to "
+"``http://localhost:8080/stream``, you should see `START`, `MIDDLE`, and "
+"`END` show up one by one (rather than waiting 8 seconds to see them all at "
+"once). It works exactly as with normal threads, but now your server can "
+"handle thousands of concurrent requests without any problems."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"Some browsers buffer a certain amount of data before they start rendering a "
+"page. You might need to yield more than a few bytes to see an effect in "
+"these browsers. Additionally, many browsers have a limit of one concurrent "
+"connection per URL. If this is the case, you can use a second browser or a "
+"benchmark tool (e.g. `ab` or `httperf`) to measure performance."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:52
+msgid "Event Callbacks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:54
+msgid ""
+"A very common design pattern in asynchronous frameworks (including tornado, "
+"twisted, node.js and friends) is to use non-blocking APIs and bind callbacks"
+" to asynchronous events. The socket object is kept open until it is closed "
+"explicitly to allow callbacks to write to the socket at a later point. Here "
+"is an example based on the `tornado library "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"The main benefit is that the request handler terminates early. The handling "
+"thread can move on and accept new requests while the callbacks continue to "
+"write to sockets of previous requests. This is how these frameworks manage "
+"to process a lot of concurrent requests with only a small number of OS "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:65
+msgid ""
+"With Gevent+WSGI, things are different: First, terminating early has no "
+"benefit because we have an unlimited pool of (pseudo)threads to accept new "
+"connections. Second, we cannot terminate early because that would close the "
+"socket (as required by WSGI). Third, we must return an iterable to conform "
+"to WSGI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:67
+msgid ""
+"In order to conform to the WSGI standard, all we have to do is to return a "
+"body iterable that we can write to asynchronously. With the help of "
+"`gevent.queue <>`_, we can *simulate*"
+" a detached socket and rewrite the previous example as follows::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:78
+msgid ""
+"From the server perspective, the queue object is iterable. It blocks if "
+"empty and stops as soon as it reaches ``StopIteration``. This conforms to "
+"WSGI. On the application side, the queue object behaves like a non-blocking "
+"socket. You can write to it at any time, pass it around and even start a new"
+" (pseudo)thread that writes to it asynchronously. This is how long-polling "
+"is implemented most of the time."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:82
+msgid "Finally: WebSockets"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:84
+msgid ""
+"Lets forget about the low-level details for a while and speak about "
+"WebSockets. Since you are reading this article, you probably know what "
+"WebSockets are: A bidirectional communication channel between a browser "
+"(client) and a web application (server)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:86
+msgid ""
+"Thankfully the `gevent-websocket <"
+"websocket/>`_ package does all the hard work for us. Here is a simple "
+"WebSocket endpoint that receives messages and just sends them back to the "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:111
+msgid ""
+"The while-loop runs until the client closes the connection. You get the idea"
+" :)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../async.rst:113
+msgid "The client-site JavaScript API is really straight forward, too::"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..560af4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../../changelog.rst:6
+msgid "Release Notes and Changelog"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:9
+msgid "Release 0.13"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:11
+msgid "Not released yet."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:14
+msgid "Dropped support for Python versions that reached their end-of-life."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:15
+msgid ""
+"Keeping up support for ancient Python versions hinders adaptation of new "
+"features and serves no real purpose. If you need support for older Python "
+"versions, you can stay on bottle-0.12. The updated list of tested and "
+"supported python releases is as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:20
+msgid "Python 2.7 (>= 2.7.3)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:21
+msgid "Python 3.6"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:22
+msgid "Python 3.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:23
+msgid "Python 3.8"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:24
+msgid "Python 3.9"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:25
+msgid "PyPy 2.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:26
+msgid "PyPy 3.6"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:27
+msgid "PyPy 3.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"Support for Python 2.5 was marked as deprecated since 0.12. We decided to go"
+" a step further and also remove support for 2.6 and 3.1 to 3.5 even if it "
+"was never deprecated explicitly in bottle. This means that this release is "
+"*not* backwards compatible in Python <2.7.3 or <3.6 environments. "
+"Maintainers for distributions or systems that still use these old python "
+"versions should not update to Bottle 0.13 and stick with 0.12 instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:35
+msgid "Stabilized APIs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:36
+msgid ""
+"The documented API of the :class:`ConfigDict` class is now considered stable"
+" and ready to use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:38
+msgid "Deprecated APIs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"The old route syntax (``/hello/:name``) is deprecated in favor of the more "
+"readable and flexible ``/hello/<name>`` syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:40
+msgid ""
+":meth:`Bottle.mount` now recognizes Bottle instance and will warn about "
+"parameters that are not compatible with the new mounting behavior. The old "
+"behavior (mount applications as WSGI callable) still works and is used as a "
+"fallback automatically."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:41
+msgid "The undocumented :func:`local_property` helper is now deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"The server adapter for google app engine is not useful anymore and marked as"
+" deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"Bottle uses pickle to store arbitrary objects into signed cookies. This is "
+"safe, as long as the signature key remains a secret. Unfortunately, people "
+"tend to push code with signature keys to github all the time, so we decided "
+"to remove pickle-support from bottle. Signed cookies will now issue a "
+"deprecation warning if the value is not a string, and support for non-string"
+" values will be removed in 0.14. The global :func:`cookie_encode`, "
+":func:`cookie_decode` and :func:`is_cookie_encoded` are now also deprecated."
+" If you are using this feature, think about using json to serialize your "
+"objects before storing them into cookies, or switch to a session system that"
+" stores data server-side instead of client-side."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:45
+msgid "Removed APIs (deprecated since 0.12)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:46
+msgid ""
+"Plugins with the old API (``api=1`` or no api attribute) will no longer "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"Parameter order of :meth:`Bottle.mount` changed in 0.10. The old order will "
+"now result in an error instead of a warning."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`ConfigDict` class was introduced in 0.11 and changed during "
+"0.12. These changes are now final."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:50
+msgid ""
+"Attribute access and assignment was removed due to high overhead and limited"
+" usability."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"Namespaced sub-instance creation was removed. ``config[\"a\"][\"b\"]`` has a"
+" high overhead and little benefit over ``config[\"a.b\"]``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:52
+msgid ""
+":class:`ConfigDict` instances are no longer callable. This was a shortcut "
+"for :meth:`ConfigDict.update`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:53
+msgid ""
+":class:`ConfigDict` constructor no longer accepts any parameters. Use the "
+"`load_*` methods instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:55
+msgid ""
+"Bottle 0.12 changed some aspects of the Simple Template Engine. These "
+"changes are now final and the old syntax will now longer work."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:57
+msgid ""
+"The magic ``{{rebase()}}`` call was replaced by a ``base`` variable. "
+"Example: ``{{base}}``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"In STPL Templates, the 'rebase' and 'include' keywords were replaced with "
+"functions in 0.12."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:59
+msgid ""
+"PEP-263 encoding strings are no longer recognized. Templates are always "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:61
+msgid ""
+"The 'geventSocketIO' server adapter was removed without notice. It did not "
+"work anyway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:63
+msgid "Changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:64
+msgid "These changes might require special care when updating."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"Signed cookies now use a stronger HMAC algorithm by default. This will "
+"result in old cookies to appear invalid after the update. Pass an explicit "
+"``digestmod=hashlib.md5`` to :meth:`Request.get_cookie` and "
+":meth:`Response.set_cookie` to get the old behavior."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:68
+msgid "Other Improvements"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:69
+msgid ""
+"Bottle() instances are now context managers. If used in a with-statement, "
+"the default application changes to the specific instance and the shortcuts "
+"for many instance methods can be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"Added support for ``PATCH`` requests and the :meth:`Bottle.patch` decorator."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:71
+msgid ""
+"Added `aiohttp <>`_ and `uvloop "
+"<>`_ server adapters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:72
+msgid "Added command-line arguments for config from json or ini files."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:73
+msgid ""
+":meth:`Bottle.mount` now recognizes instances of :class:`Bottle` and mounts "
+"them with significantly less overhead than other WSGI applications."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:74
+msgid ""
+"The :attr:`Request.json` property now accepts ``application/json-rpc`` "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:75
+msgid ""
+":func:`static_file` gained support for ``ETag`` headers. It will generate "
+"ETags and recognizes ``If-None-Match`` headers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:76
+msgid "Jinja2 templates will produce better error messages than before."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:82
+msgid "Release 0.12"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:84
+msgid "New SimpleTemplate parser implementation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:86
+msgid "Support for multi-line code blocks (`<% ... %>`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:87
+msgid ""
+"The keywords `include` and `rebase` are functions now and can accept "
+"variable template names."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"The new :attr:`BaseRequest.route` property returns the :class:`Route` that "
+"originally matched the request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"Removed the ``BaseRequest.MAX_PARAMS`` limit. The hash collision bug in "
+"CPythons dict() implementation was fixed over a year ago. If you are still "
+"using Python 2.5 in production, consider upgrading or at least make sure "
+"that you get security fixed from your distributor."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:91
+msgid "New :class:`ConfigDict` API (see :doc:`configuration`)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:93
+msgid ""
+"More information can be found in this `development blog post "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:97
+msgid "Release 0.11"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:99
+msgid ""
+"Native support for Python 2.x and 3.x syntax. No need to run 2to3 anymore."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:100
+msgid ""
+"Support for partial downloads (``Range`` header) in :func:`static_file`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:101
+msgid ""
+"The new :class:`ResourceManager` interface helps locating files bundled with"
+" an application."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:102
+msgid ""
+"Added a server adapter for `waitress "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:103
+msgid ""
+"New :meth:`Bottle.merge` method to install all routes from one application "
+"into another."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:104
+msgid ""
+"New :attr:`` property to get the application object that "
+"handles a request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:105
+msgid ""
+"Added :meth:`FormsDict.decode()` to get an all-unicode version (needed by "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:106
+msgid ":class:`MultiDict` and subclasses are now pickle-able."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:109
+msgid "API Changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:110
+msgid ""
+":attr:`Response.status` is a read-write property that can be assigned either"
+" a numeric status code or a status string with a reason phrase (``200 OK``)."
+" The return value is now a string to better match existing APIs (WebOb, "
+"werkzeug). To be absolutely clear, you can use the read-only properties "
+":attr:`BaseResponse.status_code` and :attr:`BaseResponse.status_line`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:113
+msgid "API Deprecations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:114
+msgid ""
+":class:`SimpleTALTemplate` is now deprecating. There seems to be no demand."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:117
+msgid "Release 0.10"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:119
+msgid "Plugin API v2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:121
+msgid "To use the new API, set :attr:`Plugin.api` to ``2``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:122
+msgid ""
+":meth:`Plugin.apply` receives a :class:`Route` object instead of a context "
+"dictionary as second parameter. The new object offers some additional "
+"information and may be extended in the future."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:123
+msgid ""
+"Plugin names are considered unique now. The topmost plugin with a given name"
+" on a given route is installed, all other plugins with the same name are "
+"silently ignored."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:125
+msgid "The Request/Response Objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:127
+msgid ""
+"Added :attr:`BaseRequest.json`, :attr:`BaseRequest.remote_route`, "
+":attr:`BaseRequest.remote_addr`, :attr:`BaseRequest.query` and "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:128
+msgid ""
+"Added :attr:`BaseResponse.status_line` and :attr:`BaseResponse.status_code` "
+"attributes. In future releases, :attr:`BaseResponse.status` will return a "
+"string (e.g. ``200 OK``) instead of an integer to match the API of other "
+"common frameworks. To make the transition as smooth as possible, you should "
+"use the verbose attributes from now on."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:129
+msgid ""
+"Replaced :class:`MultiDict` with a specialized :class:`FormsDict` in many "
+"places. The new dict implementation allows attribute access and handles "
+"unicode form values transparently."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:131
+msgid "Templates"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:133
+msgid ""
+"Added three new functions to the SimpleTemplate default namespace that "
+"handle undefined variables: :func:`stpl.defined`, :func:`stpl.get` and "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:134
+msgid ""
+"The default escape function for SimpleTemplate now additionally escapes "
+"single and double quotes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:136
+msgid "Routing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:138
+msgid ""
+"A new route syntax (e.g. ``/object/<id:int>``) and support for route "
+"wildcard filters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:139
+msgid "Four new wildcard filters: `int`, `float`, `path` and `re`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:141
+msgid "Other changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:143
+msgid "Added command line interface to load applications and start servers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:144
+msgid ""
+"Introduced a :class:`ConfigDict` that makes accessing configuration a lot "
+"easier (attribute access and auto-expanding namespaces)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:145
+msgid "Added support for raw WSGI applications to :meth:`Bottle.mount`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:146
+msgid ":meth:`Bottle.mount` parameter order changed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:147
+msgid ""
+":meth:`Bottle.route` now accpets an import string for the ``callback`` "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:148
+msgid "Dropped Gunicorn 0.8 support. Current supported version is 0.13."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:149
+msgid "Added custom options to Gunicorn server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:150
+msgid ""
+"Finally dropped support for type filters. Replace with a custom plugin of "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:154
+msgid "Release 0.9"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:157
+msgid "Whats new?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:158
+msgid ""
+"A brand new plugin-API. See :ref:`plugins` and :doc:`plugindev` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:159
+msgid ""
+"The :func:`route` decorator got a lot of new features. See "
+":meth:`Bottle.route` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:160
+msgid ""
+"New server adapters for `gevent <>`_, `meinheld "
+"<>`_ and `bjoern "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:161
+msgid "Support for SimpleTAL templates."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:162
+msgid "Better runtime exception handling for mako templates in debug mode."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:163
+msgid "Lots of documentation, fixes and small improvements."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:164
+msgid "A new :data:`Request.urlparts` property."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:167
+msgid "Performance improvements"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:168
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`Router` now special-cases ``wsgi.run_once`` environments to "
+"speed up CGI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:169
+msgid ""
+"Reduced module load time by ~30% and optimized template parser. See `8ccb2d "
+"</commit/8ccb2d>`_, `f72a7c </commit/f72a7c>`_ and `b14b9a "
+"</commit/b14b9a>`_ for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:170
+msgid ""
+"Support for \"App Caching\" on Google App Engine. See `af93ec "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:171
+msgid ""
+"Some of the rarely used or deprecated features are now plugins that avoid "
+"overhead if the feature is not used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:174 ../../changelog.rst:185
+msgid "API changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:175
+msgid ""
+"This release is mostly backward compatible, but some APIs are marked "
+"deprecated now and will be removed for the next release. Most noteworthy:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:177
+msgid ""
+"The ``static`` route parameter is deprecated. You can escape wild-cards with"
+" a backslash."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:178
+msgid ""
+"Type-based output filters are deprecated. They can easily be replaced with "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:182
+msgid "Release 0.8"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:186
+msgid "These changes may break compatibility with previous versions."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:188
+msgid ""
+"The built-in Key/Value database is not available anymore. It is marked "
+"deprecated since 0.6.4"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:189
+msgid "The Route syntax and behaviour changed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:191
+msgid ""
+"Regular expressions must be encapsulated with ``#``. In 0.6 all non-"
+"alphanumeric characters not present in the regular expression were allowed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:192
+msgid ""
+"Regular expressions not part of a route wildcard are escaped automatically. "
+"You don't have to escape dots or other regular control characters anymore. "
+"In 0.6 the whole URL was interpreted as a regular expression. You can use "
+"anonymous wildcards (``/index:#(\\.html)?#``) to achieve a similar "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:194
+msgid ""
+"The ``BreakTheBottle`` exception is gone. Use :class:`HTTPResponse` instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:195
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine escapes HTML special characters in "
+"``{{bad_html}}`` expressions automatically. Use the new ``{{!good_html}}`` "
+"syntax to get old behaviour (no escaping)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:196
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine returns unicode strings instead of lists "
+"of byte strings."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:197
+msgid ""
+"``bottle.optimize()`` and the automatic route optimization is obsolete."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:198
+msgid "Some functions and attributes were renamed:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:200
+msgid ":attr:`Request._environ` is now :attr:`Request.environ`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:201
+msgid ":attr:`Response.header` is now :attr:`Response.headers`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:202
+msgid ":func:`default_app` is obsolete. Use :func:`app` instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:204
+msgid "The default :func:`redirect` code changed from 307 to 303."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:205
+msgid "Removed support for ``@default``. Use ``@error(404)`` instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:209
+msgid "New features"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:210
+msgid "This is an incomplete list of new features and improved functionality."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:212
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`Request` object got new properties: :attr:`Request.body`, "
+":attr:`Request.auth`, :attr:`Request.url`, :attr:`Request.header`, "
+":attr:`Request.forms`, :attr:`Request.files`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:213
+msgid ""
+"The :meth:`Response.set_cookie` and :meth:`Request.get_cookie` methods are "
+"now able to encode and decode python objects. This is called a *secure "
+"cookie* because the encoded values are signed and protected from changes on "
+"client side. All pickle-able data structures are allowed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:214
+msgid ""
+"The new :class:`Router` class drastically improves performance for setups "
+"with lots of dynamic routes and supports named routes (named route + dict = "
+"URL string)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:215
+msgid ""
+"It is now possible (and recommended) to return :exc:`HTTPError` and "
+":exc:`HTTPResponse` instances or other exception objects instead of raising "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:216
+msgid ""
+"The new function :func:`static_file` equals :func:`send_file` but returns a "
+":exc:`HTTPResponse` or :exc:`HTTPError` instead of raising it. "
+":func:`send_file` is deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:217
+msgid ""
+"New :func:`get`, :func:`post`, :func:`put` and :func:`delete` decorators."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:218
+msgid "The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine got full unicode support."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:219
+msgid "Lots of non-critical bugfixes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:225
+msgid "Contributors"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:1
+msgid ""
+"Bottle is written and maintained by Marcel Hellkamp <>."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:3
+msgid ""
+"Thanks to all the people who found bugs, sent patches, spread the word, "
+"helped each other on the mailing-list and made this project possible. I hope"
+" the following (alphabetically sorted) list is complete. If you miss your "
+"name on that list (or want your name removed) please :doc:`tell me "
+"<contact>` or add it yourself."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:5
+msgid "acasajus"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:6
+msgid "Adam R. Smith"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:7
+msgid "Alexey Borzenkov"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:8
+msgid "Alexis Daboville"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:9
+msgid "Anton I. Sipos"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:10
+msgid "Anton Kolechkin"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:11
+msgid "apexi200sx"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:12
+msgid "apheage"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:13
+msgid "BillMa"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:14
+msgid "Brad Greenlee"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:15
+msgid "Brandon Gilmore"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:16
+msgid "Branko Vukelic"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:17
+msgid "Brian Sierakowski"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:18
+msgid "Brian Wickman"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:19
+msgid "Carl Scharenberg"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:20
+msgid "Damien Degois"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:21
+msgid "David Buxton"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:22
+msgid "Duane Johnson"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:23
+msgid "fcamel"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:24
+msgid "Frank Murphy"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:25
+msgid "Frederic Junod"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:26
+msgid "goldfaber3012"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:27
+msgid "Greg Milby"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:28
+msgid "gstein"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:29
+msgid "Ian Davis"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:30
+msgid "Itamar Nabriski"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:31
+msgid "Iuri de Silvio"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:32
+msgid "Jaimie Murdock"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:33
+msgid "Jeff Nichols"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:34
+msgid "Jeremy Kelley"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:35
+msgid "joegester"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:36
+msgid "Johannes Krampf"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:37
+msgid "Jonas Haag"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:38
+msgid "Joshua Roesslein"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:39
+msgid "Judson Neer"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:40
+msgid "Karl"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:41
+msgid "Kevin Zuber"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:42
+msgid "Kraken"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:43
+msgid "Kyle Fritz"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:44
+msgid "m35"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:45
+msgid "Marcos Neves"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:46
+msgid "masklinn"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:47
+msgid "Michael Labbe"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:48
+msgid "Michael Soulier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:49
+msgid "`reddit <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:50
+msgid "Nicolas Vanhoren"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:51
+msgid "Oz N Tiram"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:52
+msgid "Robert Rollins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:53
+msgid "rogererens"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:54
+msgid "rwxrwx"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:55
+msgid "Santiago Gala"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:56
+msgid "Sean M. Collins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:57
+msgid "Sebastian Wollrath"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:58
+msgid "Seth"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:59
+msgid "Sigurd Høgsbro"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:60
+msgid "Stuart Rackham"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:61
+msgid "Sun Ning"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:62
+msgid "Tomás A. Schertel"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:63
+msgid "Tristan Zajonc"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:64
+msgid "voltron"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:65
+msgid "Wieland Hoffmann"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:66
+msgid "zombat"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:67
+msgid "Thiago Avelino"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fccaa8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../../configuration.rst:3
+msgid "Configuration (DRAFT)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:8
+msgid ""
+"This is a draft for a new API. `Tell us <>`_"
+" what you think."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:10
+msgid ""
+"Bottle applications can store their configuration in :attr:`Bottle.config`, "
+"a dict-like object and central place for application specific settings. This"
+" dictionary controls many aspects of the framework, tells (newer) plugins "
+"what to do, and can be used to store your own configuration as well."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:13
+msgid "Configuration Basics"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:15
+msgid ""
+"The :attr:`Bottle.config` object behaves a lot like an ordinary dictionary. "
+"All the common dict methods work as expected. Let us start with some "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:44
+msgid ""
+"The app object is not always available, but as long as you are within a "
+"request context, you can use the `request` object to get the current "
+"application and its configuration::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:51
+msgid "Naming Convention"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:53
+msgid ""
+"To make life easier, plugins and applications should follow some simple "
+"rules when it comes to config parameter names:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:55
+msgid ""
+"All keys should be lowercase strings and follow the rules for python "
+"identifiers (no special characters but the underscore)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:56
+msgid ""
+"Namespaces are separated by dots (e.g. ``namespace.field`` or "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:57
+msgid ""
+"Bottle uses the root namespace for its own configuration. Plugins should "
+"store all their variables in their own namespace (e.g. ``sqlite.db`` or "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"Your own application should use a separate namespace (e.g. ``myapp.*``)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:62
+msgid "Loading Configuration from a File"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"Configuration files are useful if you want to enable non-programmers to "
+"configure your application, or just don't want to hack python module files "
+"just to change the database port. A very common syntax for configuration "
+"files is shown here:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:78
+msgid ""
+"With :meth:`ConfigDict.load_config` you can load these ``*.ini`` style "
+"configuration files from disk and import their values into your existing "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:85
+msgid "Loading Configuration from a python module"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"Loading configuration from a Python module is a common pattern for Python "
+"programs and frameworks. Bottle assumes that configuration keys are all "
+"upper case:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:98
+msgid ""
+"You can load the this Python module with :met:`ConfigDict.load_module`::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:107
+msgid ""
+"Note the second parameter to disable loading as namespaced items as in "
+":meth:`ConfigDict.load_dict`. By default, loading from a Python module will "
+"call this method, unless you specifically call this method with `False` as "
+"the second argument."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:110
+msgid "Loading Configuration from a nested :class:`dict`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:114
+msgid ""
+"Another useful method is :meth:`ConfigDict.load_dict`. This method takes an "
+"entire structure of nested dictionaries and turns it into a flat list of "
+"keys and values with namespaced keys::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:135
+msgid "Listening to configuration changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:139
+msgid ""
+"The ``config`` hook on the application object is triggered each time a value"
+" in :attr:`Bottle.config` is changed. This hook can be used to react on "
+"configuration changes at runtime, for example reconnect to a new database, "
+"change the debug settings on a background service or resize worker thread "
+"pools. The hook callback receives two arguments (key, new_value) and is "
+"called before the value is actually changed in the dictionary. Raising an "
+"exception from a hook callback cancels the change and the old value is "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:148
+msgid ""
+"The hook callbacks cannot *change* the value that is to be stored to the "
+"dictionary. That is what filters are for."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:154
+msgid "Filters and other Meta Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:158
+msgid ""
+":class:`ConfigDict` allows you to store meta data along with configuration "
+"keys. Two meta fields are currently defined:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:162
+msgid "help"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:161
+msgid ""
+"A help or description string. May be used by debugging, introspection or "
+"admin tools to help the site maintainer configuring their application."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:165
+msgid "filter"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:165
+msgid ""
+"A callable that accepts and returns a single value. If a filter is defined "
+"for a key, any new value stored to that key is first passed through the "
+"filter callback. The filter can be used to cast the value to a different "
+"type, check for invalid values (throw a ValueError) or trigger side effects."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:167
+msgid ""
+"This feature is most useful for plugins. They can validate their config "
+"parameters or trigger side effects using filters and document their "
+"configuration via ``help`` fields::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:189
+msgid "API Documentation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict:1
+msgid ""
+"A dict-like configuration storage with additional support for namespaces, "
+"validators, meta-data, overlays and more."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict:4
+msgid ""
+"This dict-like class is heavily optimized for read access. All read-only "
+"methods as well as item access should be as fast as the built-in dict."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:1
+msgid "Load values from a Python module."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:3
+msgid "Example modue ````::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:0
+msgid "Parameters"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:17
+msgid ""
+"If true (default), dictionary values are assumed to represent namespaces "
+"(see :meth:`load_dict`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:1
+msgid "Load values from an ``*.ini`` style config file."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:3
+msgid ""
+"A configuration file consists of sections, each led by a ``[section]`` "
+"header, followed by key/value entries separated by either ``=`` or ``:``. "
+"Section names and keys are case-insensitive. Leading and trailing whitespace"
+" is removed from keys and values. Values can be omitted, in which case the "
+"key/value delimiter may also be left out. Values can also span multiple "
+"lines, as long as they are indented deeper than the first line of the value."
+" Commands are prefixed by ``#`` or ``;`` and may only appear on their own on"
+" an otherwise empty line."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:13
+msgid ""
+"Both section and key names may contain dots (``.``) as namespace separators."
+" The actual configuration parameter name is constructed by joining section "
+"name and key name together and converting to lower case."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:18
+msgid ""
+"The special sections ``bottle`` and ``ROOT`` refer to the root namespace and"
+" the ``DEFAULT`` section defines default values for all other sections."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:22
+msgid "With Python 3, extended string interpolation is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:24
+msgid "The path of a config file, or a list of paths."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:25
+msgid ""
+"All keyword parameters are passed to the underlying "
+":class:`python:configparser.ConfigParser` constructor call."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_dict:1
+msgid ""
+"Load values from a dictionary structure. Nesting can be used to represent "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.update:1
+msgid ""
+"If the first parameter is a string, all keys are prefixed with this "
+"namespace. Apart from that it works just as the usual dict.update()."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.setdefault:1
+msgid "Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.setdefault:3
+msgid "Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.meta_get:1
+msgid "Return the value of a meta field for a key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.meta_set:1
+msgid "Set the meta field for a key to a new value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.meta_list:1
+msgid "Return an iterable of meta field names defined for a key."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e41049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../../contact.rst:3
+msgid "Contact"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../contact.rst:6
+msgid "About the Author"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../contact.rst:7
+msgid ""
+"Hi, I'm *Marcel Hellkamp* (aka *defnull*), author of Bottle and the guy "
+"behind this website. I'm 27 years old and studying computer science at the "
+"Georg-August-University in Göttingen, Germany. Python is my favorite "
+"language, but I also code in ruby and JavaScript a lot. Watch me on `twitter"
+" <>`_ or visit my profile at `GitHub "
+"<>`_ to get in contact. A `mailinglist "
+"<>`_ is open for Bottle related "
+"questions, too."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../contact.rst:10
+msgid "About Bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../contact.rst:11
+msgid ""
+"This is my first open source project so far. It started and a small "
+"experiment but soon got so much positive feedback I decided to make "
+"something real out of it. Here it is."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../contact.rst:14
+msgid "Impressum und Kontaktdaten"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../contact.rst:15
+msgid ""
+"(This is required by `German law "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../contact.rst:17
+msgid ""
+"Die Nutzung der folgenden Kontaktdaten ist ausschließlich für die "
+"Kontaktaufnahme mit dem Betreiber dieser Webseite bei rechtlichen Problemen "
+"vorgesehen. Insbesondere die Nutzung zu Werbe- oder ähnlichen Zwecken ist "
+"ausdrücklich untersagt."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../contact.rst:22
+msgid "**Betreiber**: Marcel Hellkamp"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../contact.rst:23
+msgid "**Ort**: D - 37075 Göttingen"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../contact.rst:24
+msgid "**Strasse**: Theodor-Heuss Strasse 13"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../contact.rst:25
+msgid "**Telefon**: +49 (0) 551 20005915"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../contact.rst:26
+msgid "**E-Mail**: marc at gsites dot de"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3724ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../../deployment.rst:27
+msgid "Deployment"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"The bottle :func:`run` function, when called without any parameters, starts "
+"a local development server on port 8080. You can access and test your "
+"application via http://localhost:8080/ if you are on the same host."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:31
+msgid ""
+"To get your application available to the outside world, specify the IP the "
+"server should listen to (e.g. ``run(host='')``) or let the server"
+" listen to all interfaces at once (e.g. ``run(host='')``). The "
+"listening port can be changed in a similar way, but you need root or admin "
+"rights to choose a port below 1024. Port 80 is the standard for HTTP "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:37
+msgid "Server Options"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"The built-in default server is based on `wsgiref WSGIServer "
+"wsgiref.simple_server>`_. This non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine "
+"for development, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load "
+"increases. There are three ways to eliminate this bottleneck:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:41
+msgid ""
+"Use a different server that is either multi-threaded or supports "
+"asynchronous IO."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"Start multiple server processes and spread the load with a load-balancer."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:43
+msgid "Do both."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"**Multi-threaded** servers are the 'classic' way to do it. They are very "
+"robust, reasonably fast and easy to manage. As a drawback, they can only "
+"handle a limited number of connections at the same time and utilize only one"
+" CPU core due to the \"Global Interpreter Lock\" (GIL) of the Python "
+"runtime. This does not hurt most applications, they are waiting for network "
+"IO most of the time anyway, but may slow down CPU intensive tasks (e.g. "
+"image processing)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"**Asynchronous IO** servers are very fast, can handle a virtually unlimited "
+"number of concurrent connections and are easy to manage. To take full "
+"advantage of their potential, you need to design your application "
+"accordingly and understand the concepts of the specific server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:49
+msgid ""
+"**Multi-processing** (forking) servers are not limited by the GIL and "
+"utilize more than one CPU core, but make communication between server "
+"instances more expensive. You need a database or external message query to "
+"share state between processes, or design your application so that it does "
+"not need any shared state. The setup is also a bit more complicated, but "
+"there are good tutorials available."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:52
+msgid "Switching the Server Backend"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:54
+msgid ""
+"The easiest way to increase performance is to install a multi-threaded "
+"server library like paste_ or cherrypy_ and tell Bottle to use that instead "
+"of the single-threaded default server::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"Bottle ships with a lot of ready-to-use adapters for the most common WSGI "
+"servers and automates the setup process. Here is an incomplete list:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
+msgid "Homepage"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+msgid "cgi"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+msgid "Run as CGI script"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+msgid "flup"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+msgid "flup_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+msgid "Run as FastCGI process"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+msgid "gae"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+msgid "gae_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+msgid "Helper for Google App Engine deployments"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+msgid "wsgiref"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+msgid "wsgiref_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+msgid "Single-threaded default server"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+msgid "cherrypy"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+msgid "cherrypy_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+msgid "Multi-threaded and very stable"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
+msgid "paste"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
+msgid "paste_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
+msgid "Multi-threaded, stable, tried and tested"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:69
+msgid "waitress"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:69
+msgid "waitress_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:69
+msgid "Multi-threaded, poweres Pyramid"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:70
+msgid "gunicorn"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:70
+msgid "gunicorn_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:70
+msgid "Pre-forked, partly written in C"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:71
+msgid "eventlet"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:71
+msgid "eventlet_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:71
+msgid "Asynchronous framework with WSGI support."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:72
+msgid "gevent"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:72
+msgid "gevent_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:72 ../../deployment.rst:73
+msgid "Asynchronous (greenlets)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:73
+msgid "diesel"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:73
+msgid "diesel_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:74
+msgid "tornado"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:74
+msgid "tornado_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:74
+msgid "Asynchronous, powers some parts of Facebook"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
+msgid "twisted"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
+msgid "twisted_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
+msgid "Asynchronous, well tested but... twisted"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+msgid "meinheld"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+msgid "meinheld_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+msgid "Asynchronous, partly written in C"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+msgid "bjoern"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+msgid "bjoern_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+msgid "Asynchronous, very fast and written in C"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+msgid "auto"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+msgid "Automatically selects an available server adapter"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:81
+msgid "The full list is available through :data:`server_names`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"If there is no adapter for your favorite server or if you need more control "
+"over the server setup, you may want to start the server manually. Refer to "
+"the server documentation on how to run WSGI applications. Here is an example"
+" for paste_::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:91
+msgid "Apache mod_wsgi"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:93
+msgid ""
+"Instead of running your own HTTP server from within Bottle, you can attach "
+"Bottle applications to an `Apache server <apache>`_ using mod_wsgi_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:95
+msgid ""
+"All you need is an ``app.wsgi`` file that provides an ``application`` "
+"object. This object is used by mod_wsgi to start your application and should"
+" be a WSGI-compatible Python callable."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:97
+msgid "File ``/var/www/yourapp/app.wsgi``::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:108
+msgid "The Apache configuration may look like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:126
+msgid "uWSGI"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:128
+msgid ""
+"uWSGI_ is a modern alternative to FastCGI and the recommended deployment "
+"option on servers like nginx_, lighttpd_, and cherokee_. The uWSGI project "
+"provides an application server that runs your application, and defines a "
+"protocol that frontend webservers can speak to. Have a look at the excellent"
+" `Quickstart for Python/WSGI applications <https://uwsgi-"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:132
+msgid "Google AppEngine"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:136
+msgid ""
+"New App Engine applications using the Python 2.7 runtime environment support"
+" any WSGI application and should be configured to use the Bottle application"
+" object directly. For example suppose your application's main module is "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:146
+msgid ""
+"Then you can configure App Engine's ``app.yaml`` to use the ``app`` object "
+"like so::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:158
+msgid ""
+"It is always a good idea to let GAE serve static files directly. Here is "
+"example for a working ``app.yaml`` (using the legacy Python 2.5 runtime "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:175
+msgid "Load Balancer (Manual Setup)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:177
+msgid ""
+"A single Python process can utilize only one CPU at a time, even if there "
+"are more CPU cores available. The trick is to balance the load between "
+"multiple independent Python processes to utilize all of your CPU cores."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:179
+msgid ""
+"Instead of a single Bottle application server, you start one instance for "
+"each CPU core available using different local port (localhost:8080, 8081, "
+"8082, ...). You can choose any server adapter you want, even asynchronous "
+"ones. Then a high performance load balancer acts as a reverse proxy and "
+"forwards each new requests to a random port, spreading the load between all "
+"available back-ends. This way you can use all of your CPU cores and even "
+"spread out the load between different physical servers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:181
+msgid ""
+"One of the fastest load balancers available is Pound_ but most common web "
+"servers have a proxy-module that can do the work just fine."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:183
+msgid "Pound example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:201
+msgid "Apache example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:209
+msgid "Lighttpd example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:221
+msgid "Good old CGI"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:223
+msgid ""
+"A CGI server starts a new process for each request. This adds a lot of "
+"overhead but is sometimes the only option, especially on cheap hosting "
+"packages. The `cgi` server adapter does not actually start a CGI server, but"
+" transforms your bottle application into a valid CGI application::"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/development.po b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a40fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../../development.rst:2
+msgid "Developer Notes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:4
+msgid ""
+"This document is intended for developers and package maintainers interested "
+"in the bottle development and release workflow. If you want to contribute, "
+"you are just right!"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:8
+msgid "Get involved"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:10
+msgid ""
+"There are several ways to join the community and stay up to date. Here are "
+"some of them:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:12
+msgid ""
+"**Mailing list**: Join our mailing list by sending an email to "
+"` "
+"<>`_ (no google account required)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:13
+msgid ""
+"**Twitter**: `Follow us on Twitter <>`_ or "
+"search for the `#bottlepy <!/search/%23bottlepy>`_ tag."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:14
+msgid ""
+"**IRC**: Join `#bottlepy on "
+"<irc://>`_ or use the `web chat interface "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:15
+msgid ""
+"**Google plus**: We sometimes `blog about Bottle, releases and technical "
+"stuff "
+" on our Google+ page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:19
+msgid "Get the Sources"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:21
+msgid ""
+"The bottle `development repository <>`_ "
+"and the `issue tracker <>`_ are "
+"both hosted at `github <>`_. If you plan "
+"to contribute, it is a good idea to create an account there and fork the "
+"main repository. This way your changes and ideas are visible to other "
+"developers and can be discussed openly. Even without an account, you can "
+"clone the repository or just download the latest development version as a "
+"source archive."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:23
+msgid "**git:** ``git clone git://``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:24
+msgid "**git/https:** ``git clone``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:25
+msgid ""
+"**Download:** Development branch as `tar archive "
+"<>`_ or `zip file "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"**Translations:** ` "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:30
+msgid "Releases and Updates"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:32
+msgid ""
+"Bottle is released at irregular intervals and distributed through `PyPI "
+"<>`_. Release candidates and bugfix-"
+"revisions of outdated releases are only available from the git repository "
+"mentioned above. Some Linux distributions may offer packages for outdated "
+"releases, though."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:34
+msgid ""
+"The Bottle version number splits into three parts "
+"(**major.minor.revision**). These are *not* used to promote new features but"
+" to indicate important bug-fixes and/or API changes. Critical bugs are fixed"
+" in at least the two latest minor releases and announced in all available "
+"channels (mailinglist, twitter, github). Non-critical bugs or features are "
+"not guaranteed to be backported. This may change in the future, through."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:37
+msgid "Major Release (x.0)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:37
+msgid ""
+"The major release number is increased on important milestones or updates "
+"that completely break backward compatibility. You probably have to work over"
+" your entire application to use a new release. These releases are very rare,"
+" through."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:40
+msgid "Minor Release (x.y)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"The minor release number is increased on updates that change the API or "
+"behaviour in some way. You might get some depreciation warnings any may have"
+" to tweak some configuration settings to restore the old behaviour, but in "
+"most cases these changes are designed to be backward compatible for at least"
+" one minor release. You should update to stay up do date, but don't have to."
+" An exception is 0.8, which *will* break backward compatibility hard. (This "
+"is why 0.7 was skipped). Sorry about that."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:43
+msgid "Revision (x.y.z)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"The revision number is increased on bug-fixes and other patches that do not "
+"change the API or behaviour. You can safely update without editing your "
+"application code. In fact, you really should as soon as possible, because "
+"important security fixes are released this way."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:47
+msgid "Pre-Release Versions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:46
+msgid ""
+"Release candidates are marked by an ``rc`` in their revision number. These "
+"are API stable most of the time and open for testing, but not officially "
+"released yet. You should not use these for production."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:50
+msgid "Repository Structure"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:52
+msgid "The source repository is structured as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:55
+msgid "``master`` branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:55
+msgid ""
+"This is the integration, testing and development branch. All changes that "
+"are planned to be part of the next release are merged and tested here."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:58
+msgid "``release-x.y`` branches"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"As soon as the master branch is (almost) ready for a new release, it is "
+"branched into a new release branch. This \"release candidate\" is feature-"
+"frozen but may receive bug-fixes and last-minute changes until it is "
+"considered production ready and officially released. From that point on it "
+"is called a \"support branch\" and still receives bug-fixes, but only "
+"important ones. The revision number is increased on each push to these "
+"branches, so you can keep up with important changes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:62
+msgid "Feature branches"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:61
+msgid ""
+"All other branches are feature branches. These are based on the master "
+"branch and only live as long as they are still active and not merged back "
+"into ``master``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:65
+msgid "What does this mean for a developer?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"If you want to add a feature, create a new branch from ``master``. If you "
+"want to fix a bug, branch ``release-x.y`` for each affected release. Please "
+"use a separate branch for each feature or bug to make integration as easy as"
+" possible. Thats all. There are git workflow examples at the bottom of this "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:68
+msgid ""
+"Oh, and never ever change the release number. We'll do that on integration. "
+"You never know in which order we pull pending requests anyway :)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:72
+msgid "What does this mean for a maintainer ?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:73
+msgid ""
+"Watch the tags (and the mailing list) for bug-fixes and new releases. If you"
+" want to fetch a specific release from the git repository, trust the tags, "
+"not the branches. A branch may contain changes that are not released yet, "
+"but a tag marks the exact commit which changed the version number."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:77
+msgid "Submitting Patches"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:79
+msgid ""
+"The best way to get your changes integrated into the main development branch"
+" is to fork the main repository at github, create a new feature-branch, "
+"apply your changes and send a pull-request. Further down this page is a "
+"small collection of git workflow examples that may guide you. Submitting "
+"git-compatible patches to the mailing list is fine too. In any case, please "
+"follow some basic rules:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"**Documentation:** Tell us what your patch does. Comment your code. If you "
+"introduced a new feature, add to the documentation so others can learn about"
+" it."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:82
+msgid ""
+"**Test:** Write tests to prove that your code works as expected and does not"
+" break anything. If you fixed a bug, write at least one test-case that "
+"triggers the bug. Make sure that all tests pass before you submit a patch."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"**One patch at a time:** Only fix one bug or add one feature at a time. "
+"Design your patches so that they can be applyed as a whole. Keep your "
+"patches clean, small and focused."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:84
+msgid ""
+"**Sync with upstream:** If the ``upstream/master`` branch changed while you "
+"were working on your patch, rebase or pull to make sure that your patch "
+"still applies without conflicts."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:88
+msgid "Building the Documentation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"You need a recent version of Sphinx to build the documentation. The "
+"recommended way is to install :command:`virtualenv` using your distribution "
+"package repository and install sphinx manually to get an up-to-date version."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:121
+msgid "GIT Workflow Examples"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:123
+msgid ""
+"The following examples assume that you have an (free) `github account "
+"<>`_. This is not mandatory, but makes things a lot "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:125
+msgid ""
+"First of all you need to create a fork (a personal clone) of the official "
+"repository. To do this, you simply click the \"fork\" button on the `bottle "
+"project page <>`_. When the fork is done, "
+"you will be presented with a short introduction to your new repository."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:127
+msgid ""
+"The fork you just created is hosted at github and read-able by everyone, but"
+" write-able only by you. Now you need to clone the fork locally to actually "
+"make changes to it. Make sure you use the private (read-write) URL and *not*"
+" the public (read-only) one::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:131
+msgid ""
+"Once the clone is complete your repository will have a remote named "
+"\"origin\" that points to your fork on github. Don’t let the name confuse "
+"you, this does not point to the original bottle repository, but to your own "
+"fork. To keep track of the official repository, add another remote named "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:137
+msgid ""
+"Note that \"upstream\" is a public clone URL, which is read-only. You cannot"
+" push changes directly to it. Instead, we will pull from your public "
+"repository. This is described later."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:140
+msgid "Submit a Feature"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:141
+msgid ""
+"New features are developed in separate feature-branches to make integration "
+"easy. Because they are going to be integrated into the ``master`` branch, "
+"they must be based on ``upstream/master``. To create a new feature-branch, "
+"type the following::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:145
+msgid ""
+"Now implement your feature, write tests, update the documentation, make sure"
+" that all tests pass and commit your changes::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:149
+msgid ""
+"If the ``upstream/master`` branch changed in the meantime, there may be "
+"conflicts with your changes. To solve these, 'rebase' your feature-branch "
+"onto the top of the updated ``upstream/master`` branch::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:154
+msgid ""
+"This is equivalent to undoing all your changes, updating your branch to the "
+"latest version and reapplying all your patches again. If you released your "
+"branch already (see next step), this is not an option because it rewrites "
+"your history. You can do a normal pull instead. Resolve any conflicts, run "
+"the tests again and commit."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:156
+msgid ""
+"Now you are almost ready to send a pull request. But first you need to make "
+"your feature-branch public by pushing it to your github fork::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:160
+msgid ""
+"After you’ve pushed your commit(s) you need to inform us about the new "
+"feature. One way is to send a pull-request using github. Another way would "
+"be to start a thread in the mailing-list, which is recommended. It allows "
+"other developers to see and discuss your patches and you get some feedback "
+"for free :)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:162
+msgid ""
+"If we accept your patch, we will integrate it into the official development "
+"branch and make it part of the next release."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:165
+msgid "Fix a Bug"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:166
+msgid ""
+"The workflow for bug-fixes is very similar to the one for features, but "
+"there are some differences:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:168
+msgid ""
+"Branch off of the affected release branches instead of just the development "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:169
+msgid "Write at least one test-case that triggers the bug."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:170
+msgid ""
+"Do this for each affected branch including ``upstream/master`` if it is "
+"affected. ``git cherry-pick`` may help you reducing repetitive work."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../development.rst:171
+msgid ""
+"Name your branch after the release it is based on to avoid confusion. "
+"Examples: ``my_bugfix-x.y`` or ``my_bugfix-dev``."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da3aa00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../../faq.rst:10
+msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:13
+msgid "About Bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:16
+msgid "Is bottle suitable for complex applications?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:18
+msgid ""
+"Bottle is a *micro* framework designed for prototyping and building small "
+"web applications and services. It stays out of your way and allows you to "
+"get things done fast, but misses some advanced features and ready-to-use "
+"solutions found in other frameworks (MVC, ORM, form validation, scaffolding,"
+" XML-RPC). Although it *is* possible to add these features and build complex"
+" applications with Bottle, you should consider using a full-stack Web "
+"framework like pylons_ or paste_ instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:22
+msgid "Common Problems and Pitfalls"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:29
+msgid "\"Template Not Found\" in mod_wsgi/mod_python"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:31
+msgid ""
+"Bottle searches in ``./`` and ``./views/`` for templates. In a mod_python_ "
+"or mod_wsgi_ environment, the working directory (``./``) depends on your "
+"Apache settings. You should add an absolute path to the template search "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:35
+msgid "so bottle searches the right paths."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:38
+msgid "Dynamic Routes and Slashes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"In :ref:`dynamic route syntax <tutorial-dynamic-routes>`, a placeholder "
+"token (``<name>``) matches everything up to the next slash. This equals to "
+"``[^/]+`` in regular expression syntax. To accept slashes too, you have to "
+"add a custom regular pattern to the placeholder. An example: "
+"``/images/<filepath:path>`` would match ``/images/icons/error.png`` but "
+"``/images/<filename>`` won't."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:43
+msgid "Problems with reverse proxies"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../faq.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"Redirects and url-building only works if bottle knows the public address and"
+" location of your application. If you run bottle locally behind a reverse "
+"proxy or load balancer, some information might get lost along the way. For "
+"example, the ``wsgi.url_scheme`` value or the ``Host`` header might reflect "
+"the local request by your proxy, not the real request by the client. Here is"
+" a small WSGI middleware snippet that helps to fix these values::"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d46bd94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+# Manabu Shimohira <>, 2017
+# taisa007 <>, 2016
+# taisa007 <>, 2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../../index.rst:20
+msgid "Bottle: Python Web Framework"
+msgstr "Bottle: Python Webフレームワーク"
+#: ../../index.rst:22
+msgid ""
+"Bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI_ micro web-framework for "
+"Python_. It is distributed as a single file module and has no dependencies "
+"other than the `Python Standard Library <>`_."
+msgstr "BottleはPython製の早くてシンプルでライトウェイトなWSGIマイクロWebフレームワークです。Bottleは1つのファイルで構成されていて、Pythonの標準ライブラリには依存していません。"
+#: ../../index.rst:25
+msgid ""
+"**Routing:** Requests to function-call mapping with support for clean and "
+"dynamic URLs."
+msgstr "**ルーティング:** リクエストをファンクションとマッピングします。また、ダイナミックURLもサポートしています。"
+#: ../../index.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"**Templates:** Fast and pythonic :ref:`built-in template engine <tutorial-"
+"templates>` and support for mako_, jinja2_ and cheetah_ templates."
+msgstr "**テンプレート:** Pythonのビルドインテンプレートやmako、jinja2、cheetahテンプレートをサポートしています。"
+#: ../../index.rst:27
+msgid ""
+"**Utilities:** Convenient access to form data, file uploads, cookies, "
+"headers and other HTTP-related metadata."
+msgstr "ファイルアップロートやクッキー、ヘッダー、その他HTTPに関連するデータに簡単にアクセスすることが可能です。"
+#: ../../index.rst:28
+msgid ""
+"**Server:** Built-in HTTP development server and support for paste_, "
+"bjoern_, gae_, cherrypy_ or any other WSGI_ capable HTTP server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:31
+msgid "Example: \"Hello World\" in a bottle"
+msgstr "例: Bottleによる \"Hello World\""
+#: ../../index.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"Run this script or paste it into a Python console, then point your browser "
+"to `<http://localhost:8080/hello/world>`_. That's it."
+msgstr "このスクリプトを実行するかPythonコンソールに貼り付けて実行し、ブラウザに次のURLを入力してください。`<http://localhost:8080/hello/world>`"
+#: ../../index.rst:45
+msgid "Download and Install"
+msgstr "ダウンロードとインストール"
+#: ../../index.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"Install the latest stable release with ``pip install bottle`` or download "
+"``__ (unstable) into your project directory. There are no hard [1]_"
+" dependencies other than the Python standard library. Bottle supports "
+"**Python 2.7 and Python 3**."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:50
+msgid "Support for Python 2.5 and 2.6 was dropped with this release."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:55
+msgid "User's Guide"
+msgstr "ユーザーズガイド"
+#: ../../index.rst:56
+msgid ""
+"Start here if you want to learn how to use the bottle framework for web "
+"development. If you have any questions not answered here, feel free to ask "
+"the `mailing list <>`_."
+msgstr "Bottleの使い方はここから調べることができます。ここで分からないことについてはメーリングリスト`<>`_で質問してください。"
+#: ../../index.rst:71
+msgid "Knowledge Base"
+msgstr "ナレッジベース"
+#: ../../index.rst:72
+msgid "A collection of articles, guides and HOWTOs."
+msgstr "Bottleに関する記事や使い方のノウハウ集です。"
+#: ../../index.rst:84
+msgid "Development and Contribution"
+msgstr "コントリビューション"
+#: ../../index.rst:86
+msgid ""
+"These chapters are intended for developers interested in the bottle "
+"development and release workflow."
+msgstr "このチャプターはBottleの開発やリリースワークフローに興味のある人向けのコンテンツです。"
+#: ../../index.rst:103
+msgid "License"
+msgstr "ライセンス"
+#: ../../index.rst:105
+msgid "Code and documentation are available according to the MIT License:"
+msgstr "コードとドキュメントはMITライセンスに応じてご利用いただけます"
+#: ../../index.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"The Bottle logo however is *NOT* covered by that license. It is allowed to "
+"use the logo as a link to the bottle homepage or in direct context with the "
+"unmodified library. In all other cases please ask first."
+msgstr "Bottleロゴの利用はライセンスによって制限されていない為、Bottleのホームページへのリンクなどにご利用いただけます。"
+#: ../../index.rst:115
+msgid "Footnotes"
+msgstr "脚注"
+#: ../../index.rst:116
+msgid ""
+"Usage of the template or server adapter classes requires the corresponding "
+"template or server modules."
+msgstr "テンプレートやサーバーアダプタークラスの使用方法は、対応するテンプレートやサーバーモジュールが必要です。"
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f042c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:6
+msgid "Plugin Development Guide"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:8
+msgid ""
+"This guide explains the plugin API and how to write custom plugins. I "
+"suggest reading :ref:`plugins` first if you have not done that already. You "
+"might also want to have a look at the :doc:`/plugins/index` for some "
+"practical examples."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:12
+msgid ""
+"This is a draft. If you see any errors or find that a specific part is not "
+"explained clear enough, please tell the `mailing-list "
+"<>`_ or file a `bug report "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:16
+msgid "How Plugins Work: The Basics"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:18
+msgid ""
+"The plugin API builds on the concept of `decorators "
+"<>`_. To put it briefly, "
+"a plugin is a decorator applied to every single route callback of an "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"This is just a simplification. Plugins can do a lot more than just "
+"decorating route callbacks, but it is a good starting point. Lets have a "
+"look at some code::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:36
+msgid ""
+"This plugin measures the execution time for each request and adds an "
+"appropriate ``X-Exec-Time`` header to the response. As you can see, the "
+"plugin returns a wrapper and the wrapper calls the original callback "
+"recursively. This is how decorators usually work."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:38
+msgid ""
+"The last line tells Bottle to install the plugin to the default application."
+" This causes the plugin to be automatically applied to all routes of that "
+"application. In other words, ``stopwatch()`` is called once for each route "
+"callback and the return value is used as a replacement for the original "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"Plugins are applied on demand, that is, as soon as a route is requested for "
+"the first time. For this to work properly in multi-threaded environments, "
+"the plugin should be thread-safe. This is not a problem most of the time, "
+"but keep it in mind."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"Once all plugins are applied to a route, the wrapped callback is cached and "
+"subsequent requests are handled by the cached version directly. This means "
+"that a plugin is usually applied only once to a specific route. That cache, "
+"however, is cleared every time the list of installed plugins changes. Your "
+"plugin should be able to decorate the same route more than once."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:44
+msgid ""
+"The decorator API is quite limited, though. You don't know anything about "
+"the route being decorated or the associated application object and have no "
+"way to efficiently store data that is shared among all routes. But fear not!"
+" Plugins are not limited to just decorator functions. Bottle accepts "
+"anything as a plugin as long as it is callable or implements an extended "
+"API. This API is described below and gives you a lot of control over the "
+"whole process."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:48
+msgid "Plugin API"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:50
+msgid ""
+":class:`Plugin` is not a real class (you cannot import it from "
+":mod:`bottle`) but an interface that plugins are expected to implement. "
+"Bottle accepts any object of any type as a plugin, as long as it conforms to"
+" the following API."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:54
+msgid ""
+"Plugins must be callable or implement :meth:`apply`. If :meth:`apply` is "
+"defined, it is always preferred over calling the plugin directly. All other "
+"methods and attributes are optional."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"Both :meth:`Bottle.uninstall` and the `skip` parameter of "
+":meth:`Bottle.route()` accept a name string to refer to a plugin or plugin "
+"type. This works only for plugins that have a name attribute."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:62
+msgid ""
+"The Plugin API is still evolving. This integer attribute tells bottle which "
+"version to use. If it is missing, bottle defaults to the first version. The "
+"current version is ``2``. See :ref:`plugin-changelog` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"Called as soon as the plugin is installed to an application (see "
+":meth:`Bottle.install`). The only parameter is the associated application "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"As long as :meth:`apply` is not defined, the plugin itself is used as a "
+"decorator and applied directly to each route callback. The only parameter is"
+" the callback to decorate. Whatever is returned by this method replaces the "
+"original callback. If there is no need to wrap or replace a given callback, "
+"just return the unmodified callback parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:74
+msgid ""
+"If defined, this method is used in favor of :meth:`__call__` to decorate "
+"route callbacks. The additional `route` parameter is an instance of "
+":class:`Route` and provides a lot of meta-information and context for that "
+"route. See :ref:`route-context` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:78
+msgid ""
+"Called immediately before the plugin is uninstalled or the application is "
+"closed (see :meth:`Bottle.uninstall` or :meth:`Bottle.close`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"Both :meth:`Plugin.setup` and :meth:`Plugin.close` are *not* called for "
+"plugins that are applied directly to a route via the :meth:`Bottle.route()` "
+"decorator, but only for plugins installed to an application."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:87
+msgid "Plugin API changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"The Plugin API is still evolving and changed with Bottle 0.10 to address "
+"certain issues with the route context dictionary. To ensure backwards "
+"compatibility with 0.9 Plugins, we added an optional :attr:`Plugin.api` "
+"attribute to tell bottle which API to use. The API differences are "
+"summarized here."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:91
+msgid "**Bottle 0.9 API 1** (:attr:`Plugin.api` not present)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:93
+msgid "Original Plugin API as described in the 0.9 docs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:95
+msgid "**Bottle 0.10 API 2** (:attr:`Plugin.api` equals 2)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:97
+msgid ""
+"The `context` parameter of the :meth:`Plugin.apply` method is now an "
+"instance of :class:`Route` instead of a context dictionary."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:103
+msgid "The Route Context"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:105
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`Route` instance passed to :meth:`Plugin.apply` provides detailed"
+" informations about the associated route. The most important attributes are "
+"summarized here:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:108
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:108
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:110
+msgid "app"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:110
+msgid "The application object this route is installed to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:111
+msgid "rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:111
+msgid "The rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/<page>``)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:112
+msgid "method"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:112
+msgid "The HTTP method as a string (e.g. ``GET``)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:113
+msgid "callback"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:113
+msgid ""
+"The original callback with no plugins applied. Useful for introspection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:115
+msgid "name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:115
+msgid "The name of the route (if specified) or ``None``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:116
+msgid "plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:116
+msgid ""
+"A list of route-specific plugins. These are applied in addition to "
+"application-wide plugins. (see :meth:`Bottle.route`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:118
+msgid "skiplist"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:118
+msgid ""
+"A list of plugins to not apply to this route (again, see "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:120
+msgid "config"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:120
+msgid ""
+"Additional keyword arguments passed to the :meth:`Bottle.route` decorator "
+"are stored in this dictionary. Used for route-specific configuration and "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:125
+msgid ""
+"For your plugin, :attr:`Route.config` is probably the most important "
+"attribute. Keep in mind that this dictionary is local to the route, but "
+"shared between all plugins. It is always a good idea to add a unique prefix "
+"or, if your plugin needs a lot of configuration, store it in a separate "
+"namespace within the `config` dictionary. This helps to avoid naming "
+"collisions between plugins."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:129
+msgid "Changing the :class:`Route` object"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:131
+msgid ""
+"While some :class:`Route` attributes are mutable, changes may have unwanted "
+"effects on other plugins. It is most likely a bad idea to monkey-patch a "
+"broken route instead of providing a helpful error message and let the user "
+"fix the problem."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:133
+msgid ""
+"In some rare cases, however, it might be justifiable to break this rule. "
+"After you made your changes to the :class:`Route` instance, raise "
+":exc:`RouteReset` as an exception. This removes the current route from the "
+"cache and causes all plugins to be re-applied. The router is not updated, "
+"however. Changes to `rule` or `method` values have no effect on the router, "
+"but only on plugins. This may change in the future, though."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:137
+msgid "Runtime optimizations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:139
+msgid ""
+"Once all plugins are applied to a route, the wrapped route callback is "
+"cached to speed up subsequent requests. If the behavior of your plugin "
+"depends on configuration, and you want to be able to change that "
+"configuration at runtime, you need to read the configuration on each "
+"request. Easy enough."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:141
+msgid ""
+"For performance reasons, however, it might be worthwhile to choose a "
+"different wrapper based on current needs, work with closures, or enable or "
+"disable a plugin at runtime. Let's take the built-in HooksPlugin as an "
+"example: If no hooks are installed, the plugin removes itself from all "
+"affected routes and has virtually no overhead. As soon as you install the "
+"first hook, the plugin activates itself and takes effect again."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:143
+msgid ""
+"To achieve this, you need control over the callback cache: "
+":meth:`Route.reset` clears the cache for a single route and "
+":meth:`Bottle.reset` clears all caches for all routes of an application at "
+"once. On the next request, all plugins are re-applied to the route as if it "
+"were requested for the first time."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:145
+msgid ""
+"Both methods won't affect the current request if called from within a route "
+"callback, of cause. To force a restart of the current request, raise "
+":exc:`RouteReset` as an exception."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:149
+msgid "Plugin Example: SQLitePlugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:151
+msgid ""
+"This plugin provides an sqlite3 database connection handle as an additional "
+"keyword argument to wrapped callbacks, but only if the callback expects it. "
+"If not, the route is ignored and no overhead is added. The wrapper does not "
+"affect the return value, but handles plugin-related exceptions properly. "
+":meth:`Plugin.setup` is used to inspect the application and search for "
+"conflicting plugins."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:218
+msgid ""
+"This plugin is actually useful and very similar to the version bundled with "
+"Bottle. Not bad for less than 60 lines of code, don't you think? Here is a "
+"usage example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugindev.rst:239
+msgid ""
+"The first route needs a database connection and tells the plugin to create a"
+" handle by requesting a ``db`` keyword argument. The second route does not "
+"need a database and is therefore ignored by the plugin. The third route does"
+" expect a 'db' keyword argument, but explicitly skips the sqlite plugin. "
+"This way the argument is not overruled by the plugin and still contains the "
+"value of the same-named url argument."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e5bc4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:5
+msgid "List of available Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:7
+msgid ""
+"This is a list of third-party plugins that add extend Bottles core "
+"functionality or integrate other libraries with the Bottle framework."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:9
+msgid ""
+"Have a look at :ref:`plugins` for general questions about plugins "
+"(installation, usage). If you plan to develop a new plugin, the "
+":doc:`/plugindev` may help you."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:12
+msgid "`Bottle-Beaker <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:12
+msgid "Beaker to session and caching library with WSGI Middleware"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:15
+msgid "`Bottle-Cork <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:15
+msgid ""
+"Cork provides a simple set of methods to implement Authentication and "
+"Authorization in web applications based on Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:18
+msgid "`Bottle-Cors-plugin <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:18
+msgid ""
+"Cors-plugin is the easiest way to implement cors on your bottle web "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:21
+msgid "`Bottle-Extras <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:21
+msgid "Meta package to install the bottle plugin collection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:24
+msgid "`Bottle-Flash <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:24
+msgid "flash plugin for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:27
+msgid "`Bottle-Hotqueue <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:27
+msgid "FIFO Queue for Bottle built upon redis"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:30
+msgid "`Macaron <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:30
+msgid "Macaron is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for SQLite."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:33
+msgid "`Bottle-Memcache <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:33
+msgid "Memcache integration for Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:36
+msgid "`Bottle-Mongo <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:36
+msgid "MongoDB integration for Bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:39
+msgid "`Bottle-OAuthlib <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:39
+msgid "Adapter for oauthlib - create your own OAuth2.0 implementation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:42
+msgid "`Bottle-Redis <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:42
+msgid "Redis integration for Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:45
+msgid "`Bottle-Renderer <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:45
+msgid "Renderer plugin for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:48
+msgid "`Bottle-Servefiles <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:48
+msgid "A reusable app that serves static files for bottle apps"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:51
+msgid "`Bottle-Sqlalchemy <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:51
+msgid "SQLAlchemy integration for Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:54
+msgid "`Bottle-Sqlite <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:54
+msgid "SQLite3 database integration for Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:57
+msgid "`Bottle-Web2pydal <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:57
+msgid "Web2py Dal integration for Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:60
+msgid "`Bottle-Werkzeug <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:60
+msgid ""
+"Integrates the `werkzeug` library (alternative request and response objects,"
+" advanced debugging middleware and more)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"`bottle-smart-filters <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:63
+msgid "Bottle Querystring smart guessing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:66
+msgid "`bottle-jwt <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:66
+msgid "JSON Web Token authentication plugin for"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:69
+msgid "`Bottle-jwt <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:69
+msgid "JWT integration for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:72
+msgid "`canister <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:72
+msgid "a bottle wrapper to provide logging, sessions and authentication"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:75
+msgid "`bottle-cerberus <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:75
+msgid "Cerberus integration for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:78
+msgid "`Bottle-errorsrest <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:78
+msgid "All errors generated from bottle are returned in json"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:82
+msgid "`Bottle-tools <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"Decorators that auto-supply function arguments using POST/query string data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:84
+msgid ""
+"Plugins listed here are not part of Bottle or the Bottle project, but "
+"developed and maintained by third parties."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b603f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../../recipes.rst:16
+msgid "Recipes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:18
+msgid ""
+"This is a collection of code snippets and examples for common use cases."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:21
+msgid "Keeping track of Sessions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:23
+msgid ""
+"There is no built-in support for sessions because there is no *right* way to"
+" do it (in a micro framework). Depending on requirements and environment you"
+" could use beaker_ middleware with a fitting backend or implement it "
+"yourself. Here is an example for beaker sessions with a file-based backend::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: Beaker's SessionMiddleware is not thread safe. If two concurrent "
+"requests modify the same session at the same time, one of the updates might "
+"get lost. For this reason, sessions should only be populated once and "
+"treated as a read-only store after that. If you find yourself updating "
+"sessions regularly, and don't want to risk losing any updates, think about "
+"using a real database instead or seek alternative session middleware "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:49
+msgid "Debugging with Style: Debugging Middleware"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"Bottle catches all Exceptions raised in your app code to prevent your WSGI "
+"server from crashing. If the built-in :func:`debug` mode is not enough and "
+"you need exceptions to propagate to a debugging middleware, you can turn off"
+" this behaviour::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:59
+msgid ""
+"Now, bottle only catches its own exceptions (:exc:`HTTPError`, "
+":exc:`HTTPResponse` and :exc:`BottleException`) and your middleware can "
+"handle the rest."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:61
+msgid ""
+"The werkzeug_ and paste_ libraries both ship with very powerful debugging "
+"WSGI middleware. Look at :class:`werkzeug.debug.DebuggedApplication` for "
+"werkzeug_ and :class:`paste.evalexception.middleware.EvalException` for "
+"paste_. They both allow you do inspect the stack and even execute python "
+"code within the stack context, so **do not use them in production**."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:65
+msgid "Unit-Testing Bottle Applications"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:67
+msgid ""
+"Unit-testing is usually performed against methods defined in your web "
+"application without running a WSGI environment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:69
+msgid "A simple example using `Nose <>`_::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:80 ../../recipes.rst:97
+msgid "Test script::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:87
+msgid ""
+"In the example the Bottle route() method is never executed - only index() is"
+" tested."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"If the code being tested requires access to ``bottle.request`` you can mock "
+"it using `Boddle <>`_::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:108
+msgid "Functional Testing Bottle Applications"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"Any HTTP-based testing system can be used with a running WSGI server, but "
+"some testing frameworks work more intimately with WSGI, and provide the "
+"ability the call WSGI applications in a controlled environment, with "
+"tracebacks and full use of debugging tools. `Testing tools for WSGI "
+"<>`_ is a good starting point."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:112
+msgid ""
+"Example using `WebTest <>`_ and `Nose "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:132
+msgid "Embedding other WSGI Apps"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:134
+msgid ""
+"This is not the recommend way (you should use a middleware in front of "
+"bottle to do this) but you can call other WSGI applications from within your"
+" bottle app and let bottle act as a pseudo-middleware. Here is an example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:150
+msgid ""
+"Again, this is not the recommend way to implement subprojects. It is only "
+"here because many people asked for this and to show how bottle maps to WSGI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:154
+msgid "Ignore trailing slashes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:156
+msgid ""
+"For Bottle, ``/example`` and ``/example/`` are two different routes [1]_. To"
+" treat both URLs the same you can add two ``@route`` decorators::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:162
+msgid "add a WSGI middleware that strips trailing slashes from all URLs::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:175
+msgid "or add a ``before_request`` hook to strip the trailing slashes::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:182
+msgid "Footnotes"
+msgstr "脚注"
+#: ../../recipes.rst:183
+msgid "Because they are. See <>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:187
+msgid "Keep-alive requests"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:191
+msgid "For a more detailed explanation, see :doc:`async`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:193
+msgid ""
+"Several \"push\" mechanisms like XHR multipart need the ability to write "
+"response data without closing the connection in conjunction with the "
+"response header \"Connection: keep-alive\". WSGI does not easily lend itself"
+" to this behavior, but it is still possible to do so in Bottle by using the "
+"gevent_ async framework. Here is a sample that works with either the gevent_"
+" HTTP server or the paste_ HTTP server (it may work with others, but I have "
+"not tried). Just change ``server='gevent'`` to ``server='paste'`` to use the"
+" paste_ server::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:210
+msgid ""
+"If you browse to ``http://localhost:8080/stream``, you should see 'START', "
+"'MIDDLE', and 'END' show up one at a time (rather than waiting 8 seconds to "
+"see them all at once)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:213
+msgid "Gzip Compression in Bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:216
+msgid "For a detailed discussion, see compression_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:218
+msgid ""
+"A common feature request is for Bottle to support Gzip compression, which "
+"speeds up sites by compressing static resources (like CSS and JS files) "
+"during a request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:220
+msgid ""
+"Supporting Gzip compression is not a straightforward proposition, due to a "
+"number of corner cases that crop up frequently. A proper Gzip implementation"
+" must:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:222
+msgid "Compress on the fly and be fast doing so."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:223
+msgid "Do not compress for browsers that don't support it."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:224
+msgid "Do not compress files that are compressed already (images, videos)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:225
+msgid "Do not compress dynamic files."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:226
+msgid "Support two differed compression algorithms (gzip and deflate)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:227
+msgid "Cache compressed files that don't change often."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:228
+msgid "De-validate the cache if one of the files changed anyway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:229
+msgid "Make sure the cache does not get to big."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:230
+msgid ""
+"Do not cache small files because a disk seek would take longer than on-the-"
+"fly compression."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:232
+msgid ""
+"Because of these requirements, it is the recommendation of the Bottle "
+"project that Gzip compression is best handled by the WSGI server Bottle runs"
+" on top of. WSGI servers such as cherrypy_ provide a GzipFilter_ middleware "
+"that can be used to accomplish this."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:236
+msgid "Using the hooks plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:238
+msgid ""
+"For example, if you want to allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for the "
+"content returned by all of your URL, you can use the hook decorator and "
+"setup a callback function::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:256
+msgid ""
+"You can also use the ``before_request`` to take an action before every "
+"function gets called."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:261
+msgid "Using Bottle with Heroku"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:263
+msgid ""
+"Heroku_, a popular cloud application platform now provides support for "
+"running Python applications on their infastructure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:266
+msgid ""
+"This recipe is based upon the `Heroku Quickstart "
+"<>`_, with Bottle specific "
+"code replacing the `Write Your App "
+"<>`_ section of "
+"the `Getting Started with Python on Heroku/Cedar "
+"<>`_ guide::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:282
+msgid ""
+"Heroku's app stack passes the port that the application needs to listen on "
+"for requests, using the `os.environ` dictionary."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73e37ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../../routing.rst:3
+msgid "Request Routing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:5
+msgid ""
+"Bottle uses a powerful routing engine to find the right callback for each "
+"request. The :ref:`tutorial <tutorial-routing>` shows you the basics. This "
+"document covers advanced techniques and rule mechanics in detail."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:8
+msgid "Rule Syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:10
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`Router` distinguishes between two basic types of routes: "
+"**static routes** (e.g. ``/contact``) and **dynamic routes** (e.g. "
+"``/hello/<name>``). A route that contains one or more *wildcards* it is "
+"considered dynamic. All other routes are static."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:14
+msgid ""
+"The simplest form of a wildcard consists of a name enclosed in angle "
+"brackets (e.g. ``<name>``). The name should be unique for a given route and "
+"form a valid python identifier (alphanumeric, starting with a letter). This "
+"is because wildcards are used as keyword arguments for the request callback "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:16
+msgid ""
+"Each wildcard matches one or more characters, but stops at the first slash "
+"(``/``). This equals a regular expression of ``[^/]+`` and ensures that only"
+" one path segment is matched and routes with more than one wildcard stay "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:18
+msgid "The rule ``/<action>/<item>`` matches as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:21
+msgid "Path"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:21
+msgid "Result"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:23
+msgid "/save/123"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:23
+msgid "``{'action': 'save', 'item': '123'}``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:24
+msgid "/save/123/"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:24 ../../routing.rst:25 ../../routing.rst:26
+msgid "`No Match`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:25
+msgid "/save/"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:26
+msgid "//123"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"Is it possible to escape characters like colon ``:`` with a backslash "
+"``\\``. This will prevent to trigger the old syntax in case you need to use "
+"``:``. For example: the rule ``/<action>/item:<id>`` triggers the old "
+"syntax, (see below) but ``/action/item\\:<id>`` works as intended with the "
+"new syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"You can change the exact behaviour in many ways using filters. This is "
+"described in the next section."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:36
+msgid "Wildcard Filters"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"Filters are used to define more specific wildcards, and/or transform the "
+"matched part of the URL before it is passed to the callback. A filtered "
+"wildcard is declared as ``<name:filter>`` or ``<name:filter:config>``. The "
+"syntax for the optional config part depends on the filter used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:42
+msgid "The following standard filters are implemented:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:44
+msgid "**:int** matches (signed) digits and converts the value to integer."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:45
+msgid "**:float** similar to :int but for decimal numbers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:46
+msgid ""
+"**:path** matches all characters including the slash character in a non-"
+"greedy way and may be used to match more than one path segment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"**:re[:exp]** allows you to specify a custom regular expression in the "
+"config field. The matched value is not modified."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:49
+msgid ""
+"You can add your own filters to the router. All you need is a function that "
+"returns three elements: A regular expression string, a callable to convert "
+"the URL fragment to a python value, and a callable that does the opposite. "
+"The filter function is called with the configuration string as the only "
+"parameter and may parse it as needed::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:75
+msgid "Legacy Syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:79
+msgid ""
+"The new rule syntax was introduce in **Bottle 0.10** to simplify some common"
+" use cases, but the old syntax still works and you can find lot code "
+"examples still using it. The differences are best described by example:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:82
+msgid "Old Syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:82
+msgid "New Syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:84
+msgid "``:name``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:84
+msgid "``<name>``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:85
+msgid "``:name#regexp#``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:85
+msgid "``<name:re:regexp>``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:86
+msgid "``:#regexp#``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:86
+msgid "``<:re:regexp>``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:87
+msgid "``:##``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:87
+msgid "``<:re>``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"Try to avoid the old syntax in future projects if you can. It is not "
+"currently deprecated, but will be eventually."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:95
+msgid "Explicit routing configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:97
+msgid ""
+"Route decorator can also be directly called as method. This way provides "
+"flexibility in complex setups, allowing you to directly control, when and "
+"how routing configuration done."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:99
+msgid ""
+"Here is a basic example of explicit routing configuration for default bottle"
+" application::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:105
+msgid ""
+"In fact, any :class:`Bottle` instance routing can be configured same way::"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fa8dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../../stpl.rst:3
+msgid "SimpleTemplate Engine"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:7
+msgid ""
+"Bottle comes with a fast, powerful and easy to learn built-in template "
+"engine called *SimpleTemplate* or *stpl* for short. It is the default engine"
+" used by the :func:`view` and :func:`template` helpers but can be used as a "
+"stand-alone general purpose template engine too. This document explains the "
+"template syntax and shows examples for common use cases."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:10
+msgid "Basic API Usage:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:11
+msgid ":class:`SimpleTemplate` implements the :class:`BaseTemplate` API::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:18
+msgid ""
+"In this document we use the :func:`template` helper in examples for the sake"
+" of simplicity::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:24
+msgid ""
+"You can also pass a dictionary into the template using keyword arguments::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:31
+msgid ""
+"Just keep in mind that compiling and rendering templates are two different "
+"actions, even if the :func:`template` helper hides this fact. Templates are "
+"usually compiled only once and cached internally, but rendered many times "
+"with different keyword arguments."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:34
+msgid ":class:`SimpleTemplate` Syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:36
+msgid ""
+"Python is a very powerful language but its whitespace-aware syntax makes it "
+"difficult to use as a template language. SimpleTemplate removes some of "
+"these restrictions and allows you to write clean, readable and maintainable "
+"templates while preserving full access to the features, libraries and speed "
+"of the Python language."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`SimpleTemplate` syntax compiles directly to python bytecode and "
+"is executed on each :meth:`SimpleTemplate.render` call. Do not render "
+"untrusted templates! They may contain and execute harmful python code."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:43
+msgid "Inline Expressions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"You already learned the use of the ``{{...}}`` syntax from the \"Hello "
+"World!\" example above, but there is more: any python expression is allowed "
+"within the curly brackets as long as it evaluates to a string or something "
+"that has a string representation::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:54
+msgid ""
+"The contained python expression is executed at render-time and has access to"
+" all keyword arguments passed to the :meth:`SimpleTemplate.render` method. "
+"HTML special characters are escaped automatically to prevent `XSS "
+"<>`_ attacks. You can start"
+" the expression with an exclamation mark to disable escaping for that "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:62
+msgid "Embedded python code"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"The template engine allows you to embed lines or blocks of python code "
+"within your template. Code lines start with ``%`` and code blocks are "
+"surrounded by ``<%`` and ``%>`` tokens::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"Embedded python code follows regular python syntax, but with two additional "
+"syntax rules:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:78
+msgid ""
+"**Indentation is ignored.** You can put as much whitespace in front of "
+"statements as you want. This allows you to align your code with the "
+"surrounding markup and can greatly improve readability."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:79
+msgid ""
+"Blocks that are normally indented now have to be closed explicitly with an "
+"``end`` keyword."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"Both the ``%`` and the ``<%`` tokens are only recognized if they are the "
+"first non-whitespace characters in a line. You don't have to escape them if "
+"they appear mid-text in your template markup. Only if a line of text starts "
+"with one of these tokens, you have to escape it with a backslash. In the "
+"rare case where the backslash + token combination appears in your markup at "
+"the beginning of a line, you can always help yourself with a string literal "
+"in an inline expression::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:96
+msgid ""
+"If you find yourself needing to escape a lot, consider using :ref:`custom "
+"tokens <stpl-custom-tokens>`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:98
+msgid ""
+"Note that ``%`` and ``<% %>`` work in *exactly* the same way. The latter is "
+"only a convenient way to type less and avoid clutter for longer code "
+"segments. This means that in ``<% %>`` blocks, all indented code must be "
+"terminated with an ``end``, as in the following example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:114
+msgid "Whitespace Control"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:116
+msgid ""
+"Code blocks and code lines always span the whole line. Whitespace in front "
+"of after a code segment is stripped away. You won't see empty lines or "
+"dangling whitespace in your template because of embedded code::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:124
+msgid "This snippet renders to clean and compact html::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:130
+msgid ""
+"But embedding code still requires you to start a new line, which may not "
+"what you want to see in your rendered template. To skip the newline in front"
+" of a code segment, end the text line with a double-backslash::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:138
+msgid "This time the rendered template looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:142
+msgid ""
+"This only works directly in front of code segments. In all other places you "
+"can control the whitespace yourself and don't need any special syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:145
+msgid "Template Functions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:147
+msgid ""
+"Each template is preloaded with a bunch of functions that help with the most"
+" common use cases. These functions are always available. You don't have to "
+"import or provide them yourself. For everything not covered here there are "
+"probably good python libraries available. Remember that you can ``import`` "
+"anything you want within your templates. They are python programs after all."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:151
+msgid ""
+"Prior to this release, :func:`include` and :func:`rebase` were syntax "
+"keywords, not functions."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:156
+msgid ""
+"Render a sub-template with the specified variables and insert the resulting "
+"text into the current template. The function returns a dictionary containing"
+" the local variables passed to or defined within the sub-template::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:164
+msgid ""
+"Mark the current template to be later included into a different template. "
+"After the current template is rendered, its resulting text is stored in a "
+"variable named ``base`` and passed to the base-template, which is then "
+"rendered. This can be used to `wrap` a template with surrounding text, or "
+"simulate the inheritance feature found in other template engines::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:169
+msgid "This can be combined with the following ``base.tpl``::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:181
+msgid ""
+"Accessing undefined variables in a template raises :exc:`NameError` and "
+"stops rendering immediately. This is standard python behavior and nothing "
+"new, but vanilla python lacks an easy way to check the availability of a "
+"variable. This quickly gets annoying if you want to support flexible inputs "
+"or use the same template in different situations. These functions may help:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:189
+msgid ""
+"Return True if the variable is defined in the current template namespace, "
+"False otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:194
+msgid "Return the variable, or a default value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:198
+msgid ""
+"If the variable is not defined, create it with the given default value. "
+"Return the variable."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:201
+msgid ""
+"Here is an example that uses all three functions to implement optional "
+"template variables in different ways::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:215
+msgid ":class:`SimpleTemplate` API"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.SimpleTemplate.prepare:1
+msgid ""
+"Run preparations (parsing, caching, ...). It should be possible to call this"
+" again to refresh a template or to update settings."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.SimpleTemplate.render:1
+msgid "Render the template using keyword arguments as local variables."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4572ba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1461 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+# Manabu Shimohira <>, 2017
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:24
+msgid "Tutorial"
+msgstr "チュートリアル"
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"This tutorial introduces you to the concepts and features of the Bottle web "
+"framework and covers basic and advanced topics alike. You can read it from "
+"start to end, or use it as a reference later on. The automatically generated"
+" :doc:`api` may be interesting for you, too. It covers more details, but "
+"explains less than this tutorial. Solutions for the most common questions "
+"can be found in our :doc:`recipes` collection or on the :doc:`faq` page. If "
+"you need any help, join our `mailing list "
+"<>`_ or visit us in our `IRC channel "
+msgstr "このチュートリアルでは、Bottle Webフレームワークの概念と機能を、基礎から上級までカバーして紹介します。最初から最後まで読み通すのもいいでしょうし、リファレンスとしてあとで参照するのも良いでしょう。自動的に生成される :doc: 'api' も興味を引くことでしょう。そこには詳細について述べられていますが、このチュートリアルよりも説明は多くは述べられていません。一般的に共通した質問についての答えは :doc:`recipes` コレクションか :doc:`faq` ページで見つけることができます。なんらかの助けが必要な場合には <>`_ のメーリングリストに参加するか、<>`_のIRCチャネルを訪問してください。"
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:31
+msgid "Installation"
+msgstr "インストール"
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"Bottle does not depend on any external libraries. You can just download "
+"` </>`_ into your project directory and start coding:"
+msgstr "Bottleはどの外部ライブラリーにも依存していません。 ` </>`_ をコンピューターにダウンロードすればコーディングを始めることができます。"
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"This will get you the latest development snapshot that includes all the new "
+"features. If you prefer a more stable environment, you should stick with the"
+" stable releases. These are available on `PyPI "
+"<>`_ and can be installed via "
+":command:`pip` (recommended), :command:`easy_install` or your package "
+msgstr "これにより全ての新機能が含まれた最新の開発スナップショットを入手することが可能になります。より安定した環境を希望する場合には、安定リリースを選択してください。これらは :command:`pip` (推奨), :command:`easy_install` を実行することで`PyPI <>`_やその他のパッケージ管理ツールから入手することができます。"
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"Either way, you'll need Python 2.7 or newer (including 3.4+) to run bottle "
+"applications. If you do not have permissions to install packages system-wide"
+" or simply don't want to, create a `virtualenv "
+"<>`_ first:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:55
+msgid "Or, if virtualenv is not installed on your system:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:67
+msgid "Quickstart: \"Hello World\""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:69
+msgid ""
+"This tutorial assumes you have Bottle either :ref:`installed <installation>`"
+" or copied into your project directory. Let's start with a very basic "
+"\"Hello World\" example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:79
+msgid ""
+"This is it. Run this script, visit http://localhost:8080/hello and you will "
+"see \"Hello World!\" in your browser. Here is how it works:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"The :func:`route` decorator binds a piece of code to an URL path. In this "
+"case, we link the ``/hello`` path to the ``hello()`` function. This is "
+"called a `route` (hence the decorator name) and is the most important "
+"concept of this framework. You can define as many routes as you want. "
+"Whenever a browser requests a URL, the associated function is called and the"
+" return value is sent back to the browser. It's as simple as that."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"The :func:`run` call in the last line starts a built-in development server. "
+"It runs on ``localhost`` port ``8080`` and serves requests until you hit "
+":kbd:`Control-c`. You can switch the server backend later, but for now a "
+"development server is all we need. It requires no setup at all and is an "
+"incredibly painless way to get your application up and running for local "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:85
+msgid ""
+"The :ref:`tutorial-debugging` is very helpful during early development, but "
+"should be switched off for public applications. Keep that in mind."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:87
+msgid ""
+"This is just a demonstration of the basic concept of how applications are "
+"built with Bottle. Continue reading and you'll see what else is possible."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:92
+msgid "The Default Application"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:94
+msgid ""
+"For the sake of simplicity, most examples in this tutorial use a module-"
+"level :func:`route` decorator to define routes. This adds routes to a global"
+" \"default application\", an instance of :class:`Bottle` that is "
+"automatically created the first time you call :func:`route`. Several other "
+"module-level decorators and functions relate to this default application, "
+"but if you prefer a more object oriented approach and don't mind the extra "
+"typing, you can create a separate application object and use that instead of"
+" the global one::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:106
+msgid ""
+"The object-oriented approach is further described in the :ref:`default-app` "
+"section. Just keep in mind that you have a choice."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:114
+msgid "Request Routing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:116
+msgid ""
+"In the last chapter we built a very simple web application with only a "
+"single route. Here is the routing part of the \"Hello World\" example "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:122
+msgid ""
+"The :func:`route` decorator links an URL path to a callback function, and "
+"adds a new route to the :ref:`default application <tutorial-default>`. An "
+"application with just one route is kind of boring, though. Let's add some "
+"more (don't forget ``from bottle import template``)::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:129
+msgid ""
+"This example demonstrates two things: You can bind more than one route to a "
+"single callback, and you can add wildcards to URLs and access them via "
+"keyword arguments."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:136
+msgid "Dynamic Routes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:138
+msgid ""
+"Routes that contain wildcards are called `dynamic routes` (as opposed to "
+"`static routes`) and match more than one URL at the same time. A simple "
+"wildcard consists of a name enclosed in angle brackets (e.g. ``<name>``) and"
+" accepts one or more characters up to the next slash (``/``). For example, "
+"the route ``/hello/<name>`` accepts requests for ``/hello/alice`` as well as"
+" ``/hello/bob``, but not for ``/hello``, ``/hello/`` or ``/hello/mr/smith``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:140
+msgid ""
+"Each wildcard passes the covered part of the URL as a keyword argument to "
+"the request callback. You can use them right away and implement RESTful, "
+"nice-looking and meaningful URLs with ease. Here are some other examples "
+"along with the URLs they'd match::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:150
+msgid ""
+"Filters can be used to define more specific wildcards, and/or transform the "
+"covered part of the URL before it is passed to the callback. A filtered "
+"wildcard is declared as ``<name:filter>`` or ``<name:filter:config>``. The "
+"syntax for the optional config part depends on the filter used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:152
+msgid ""
+"The following filters are implemented by default and more may be added:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:154
+msgid ""
+"**:int** matches (signed) digits only and converts the value to integer."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:155
+msgid "**:float** similar to :int but for decimal numbers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:156
+msgid ""
+"**:path** matches all characters including the slash character in a non-"
+"greedy way and can be used to match more than one path segment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:157
+msgid ""
+"**:re** allows you to specify a custom regular expression in the config "
+"field. The matched value is not modified."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:159
+msgid "Let's have a look at some practical examples::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:173
+msgid "You can add your own filters as well. See :doc:`routing` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:177
+msgid "HTTP Request Methods"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:181
+msgid ""
+"The HTTP protocol defines several `request methods`__ (sometimes referred to"
+" as \"verbs\") for different tasks. GET is the default for all routes with "
+"no other method specified. These routes will match GET requests only. To "
+"handle other methods such as POST, PUT, DELETE or PATCH, add a ``method`` "
+"keyword argument to the :func:`route` decorator or use one of the five "
+"alternative decorators: :func:`get`, :func:`post`, :func:`put`, "
+":func:`delete` or :func:`patch`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:183
+msgid ""
+"The POST method is commonly used for HTML form submission. This example "
+"shows how to handle a login form using POST::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:206
+msgid ""
+"In this example the ``/login`` URL is linked to two distinct callbacks, one "
+"for GET requests and another for POST requests. The first one displays a "
+"HTML form to the user. The second callback is invoked on a form submission "
+"and checks the login credentials the user entered into the form. The use of "
+":attr:`Request.forms` is further described in the :ref:`tutorial-request` "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:209
+msgid "Special Methods: HEAD and ANY"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:210
+msgid ""
+"The HEAD method is used to ask for the response identical to the one that "
+"would correspond to a GET request, but without the response body. This is "
+"useful for retrieving meta-information about a resource without having to "
+"download the entire document. Bottle handles these requests automatically by"
+" falling back to the corresponding GET route and cutting off the request "
+"body, if present. You don't have to specify any HEAD routes yourself."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:212
+msgid ""
+"Additionally, the non-standard ANY method works as a low priority fallback: "
+"Routes that listen to ANY will match requests regardless of their HTTP "
+"method but only if no other more specific route is defined. This is helpful "
+"for *proxy-routes* that redirect requests to more specific sub-applications."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:214
+msgid ""
+"To sum it up: HEAD requests fall back to GET routes and all requests fall "
+"back to ANY routes, but only if there is no matching route for the original "
+"request method. It's as simple as that."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:219
+msgid "Routing Static Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:221
+msgid ""
+"Static files such as images or CSS files are not served automatically. You "
+"have to add a route and a callback to control which files get served and "
+"where to find them::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:228
+msgid ""
+"The :func:`static_file` function is a helper to serve files in a safe and "
+"convenient way (see :ref:`tutorial-static-files`). This example is limited "
+"to files directly within the ``/path/to/your/static/files`` directory "
+"because the ``<filename>`` wildcard won't match a path with a slash in it. "
+"To serve files in subdirectories, change the wildcard to use the `path` "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:234
+msgid ""
+"Be careful when specifying a relative root-path such as "
+"``root='./static/files'``. The working directory (``./``) and the project "
+"directory are not always the same."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:242
+msgid "Error Pages"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:244
+msgid ""
+"If anything goes wrong, Bottle displays an informative but fairly plain "
+"error page. You can override the default for a specific HTTP status code "
+"with the :func:`error` decorator::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:251
+msgid ""
+"From now on, `404 File not Found` errors will display a custom error page to"
+" the user. The only parameter passed to the error-handler is an instance of "
+":exc:`HTTPError`. Apart from that, an error-handler is quite similar to a "
+"regular request callback. You can read from :data:`request`, write to "
+":data:`response` and return any supported data-type except for "
+":exc:`HTTPError` instances."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:253
+msgid ""
+"Error handlers are used only if your application returns or raises an "
+":exc:`HTTPError` exception (:func:`abort` does just that). Changing "
+":attr:`Request.status` or returning :exc:`HTTPResponse` won't trigger the "
+"error handler."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:263
+msgid "Generating content"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:265
+msgid ""
+"In pure WSGI, the range of types you may return from your application is "
+"very limited. Applications must return an iterable yielding byte strings. "
+"You may return a string (because strings are iterable) but this causes most "
+"servers to transmit your content char by char. Unicode strings are not "
+"allowed at all. This is not very practical."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:267
+msgid ""
+"Bottle is much more flexible and supports a wide range of types. It even "
+"adds a ``Content-Length`` header if possible and encodes unicode "
+"automatically, so you don't have to. What follows is a list of data types "
+"you may return from your application callbacks and a short description of "
+"how these are handled by the framework:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:270
+msgid "Dictionaries"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:270
+msgid ""
+"As mentioned above, Python dictionaries (or subclasses thereof) are "
+"automatically transformed into JSON strings and returned to the browser with"
+" the ``Content-Type`` header set to ``application/json``. This makes it easy"
+" to implement json-based APIs. Data formats other than json are supported "
+"too. See the :ref:`tutorial-output-filter` to learn more."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:273
+msgid "Empty Strings, ``False``, ``None`` or other non-true values:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:273
+msgid ""
+"These produce an empty output with the ``Content-Length`` header set to 0."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:276
+msgid "Unicode strings"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:276
+msgid ""
+"Unicode strings (or iterables yielding unicode strings) are automatically "
+"encoded with the codec specified in the ``Content-Type`` header (utf8 by "
+"default) and then treated as normal byte strings (see below)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:279
+msgid "Byte strings"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:279
+msgid ""
+"Bottle returns strings as a whole (instead of iterating over each char) and "
+"adds a ``Content-Length`` header based on the string length. Lists of byte "
+"strings are joined first. Other iterables yielding byte strings are not "
+"joined because they may grow too big to fit into memory. The ``Content-"
+"Length`` header is not set in this case."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:282
+msgid "Instances of :exc:`HTTPError` or :exc:`HTTPResponse`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:282
+msgid ""
+"Returning these has the same effect as when raising them as an exception. In"
+" case of an :exc:`HTTPError`, the error handler is applied. See :ref"
+":`tutorial-errorhandling` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:285
+msgid "File objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:285
+msgid ""
+"Everything that has a ``.read()`` method is treated as a file or file-like "
+"object and passed to the ``wsgi.file_wrapper`` callable defined by the WSGI "
+"server framework. Some WSGI server implementations can make use of optimized"
+" system calls (sendfile) to transmit files more efficiently. In other cases "
+"this just iterates over chunks that fit into memory. Optional headers such "
+"as ``Content-Length`` or ``Content-Type`` are *not* set automatically. Use "
+":func:`send_file` if possible. See :ref:`tutorial-static-files` for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:288
+msgid "Iterables and generators"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:288
+msgid ""
+"You are allowed to use ``yield`` within your callbacks or return an "
+"iterable, as long as the iterable yields byte strings, unicode strings, "
+":exc:`HTTPError` or :exc:`HTTPResponse` instances. Nested iterables are not "
+"supported, sorry. Please note that the HTTP status code and the headers are "
+"sent to the browser as soon as the iterable yields its first non-empty "
+"value. Changing these later has no effect."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:290
+msgid ""
+"The ordering of this list is significant. You may for example return a "
+"subclass of :class:`str` with a ``read()`` method. It is still treated as a "
+"string instead of a file, because strings are handled first."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:293
+msgid "Changing the Default Encoding"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:294
+msgid ""
+"Bottle uses the `charset` parameter of the ``Content-Type`` header to decide"
+" how to encode unicode strings. This header defaults to ``text/html; "
+"charset=UTF8`` and can be changed using the :attr:`Response.content_type` "
+"attribute or by setting the :attr:`Response.charset` attribute directly. "
+"(The :class:`Response` object is described in the section :ref:`tutorial-"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:309
+msgid ""
+"In some rare cases the Python encoding names differ from the names supported"
+" by the HTTP specification. Then, you have to do both: first set the "
+":attr:`Response.content_type` header (which is sent to the client unchanged)"
+" and then set the :attr:`Response.charset` attribute (which is used to "
+"encode unicode)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:314
+msgid "Static Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:316
+msgid ""
+"You can directly return file objects, but :func:`static_file` is the "
+"recommended way to serve static files. It automatically guesses a mime-type,"
+" adds a ``Last-Modified`` header, restricts paths to a ``root`` directory "
+"for security reasons and generates appropriate error responses (403 on "
+"permission errors, 404 on missing files). It even supports the ``If-"
+"Modified-Since`` header and eventually generates a ``304 Not Modified`` "
+"response. You can pass a custom MIME type to disable guessing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:329
+msgid ""
+"You can raise the return value of :func:`static_file` as an exception if you"
+" really need to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:332
+msgid "Forced Download"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:333
+msgid ""
+"Most browsers try to open downloaded files if the MIME type is known and "
+"assigned to an application (e.g. PDF files). If this is not what you want, "
+"you can force a download dialog and even suggest a filename to the user::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:339
+msgid ""
+"If the ``download`` parameter is just ``True``, the original filename is "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:344
+msgid "HTTP Errors and Redirects"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:346
+msgid ""
+"The :func:`abort` function is a shortcut for generating HTTP error pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:355
+msgid ""
+"To redirect a client to a different URL, you can send a ``303 See Other`` "
+"response with the ``Location`` header set to the new URL. :func:`redirect` "
+"does that for you::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:362
+msgid "You may provide a different HTTP status code as a second parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:365
+msgid ""
+"Both functions will interrupt your callback code by raising an "
+":exc:`HTTPResponse` exception."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:368
+msgid "Other Exceptions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:369
+msgid ""
+"All exceptions other than :exc:`HTTPResponse` or :exc:`HTTPError` will "
+"result in a ``500 Internal Server Error`` response, so they won't crash your"
+" WSGI server. You can turn off this behavior to handle exceptions in your "
+"middleware by setting ```` to ``False``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:375
+msgid "The :class:`Response` Object"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:377
+msgid ""
+"Response metadata such as the HTTP status code, response headers and cookies"
+" are stored in an object called :data:`response` up to the point where they "
+"are transmitted to the browser. You can manipulate these metadata directly "
+"or use the predefined helper methods to do so. The full API and feature list"
+" is described in the API section (see :class:`Response`), but the most "
+"common use cases and features are covered here, too."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:380
+msgid "Status Code"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:381
+msgid ""
+"The `HTTP status code <http_code>`_ controls the behavior of the browser and"
+" defaults to ``200 OK``. In most scenarios you won't need to set the "
+":attr:`Response.status` attribute manually, but use the :func:`abort` helper"
+" or return an :exc:`HTTPResponse` instance with the appropriate status code."
+" Any integer is allowed, but codes other than the ones defined by the `HTTP "
+"specification <http_code>`_ will only confuse the browser and break "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:384
+msgid "Response Header"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:385
+msgid ""
+"Response headers such as ``Cache-Control`` or ``Location`` are defined via "
+":meth:`Response.set_header`. This method takes two parameters, a header name"
+" and a value. The name part is case-insensitive::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:392
+msgid ""
+"Most headers are unique, meaning that only one header per name is send to "
+"the client. Some special headers however are allowed to appear more than "
+"once in a response. To add an additional header, use "
+":meth:`Response.add_header` instead of :meth:`Response.set_header`::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:397
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this is just an example. If you want to work with cookies, "
+"read :ref:`ahead <tutorial-cookies>`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:403 ../../tutorial.rst:533
+msgid "Cookies"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:405
+msgid ""
+"A cookie is a named piece of text stored in the user's browser profile. You "
+"can access previously defined cookies via :meth:`Request.get_cookie` and set"
+" new cookies with :meth:`Response.set_cookie`::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:415
+msgid ""
+"The :meth:`Response.set_cookie` method accepts a number of additional "
+"keyword arguments that control the cookies lifetime and behavior. Some of "
+"the most common settings are described here:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:417
+msgid "**max_age:** Maximum age in seconds. (default: ``None``)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:418
+msgid ""
+"**expires:** A datetime object or UNIX timestamp. (default: ``None``)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:419
+msgid ""
+"**domain:** The domain that is allowed to read the cookie. (default: "
+"current domain)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:420
+msgid "**path:** Limit the cookie to a given path (default: ``/``)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:421
+msgid "**secure:** Limit the cookie to HTTPS connections (default: off)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:422
+msgid ""
+"**httponly:** Prevent client-side javascript to read this cookie (default:"
+" off, requires Python 2.7 or newer)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:423
+msgid ""
+"**same_site:** Disables third-party use for a cookie. Allowed attributes: "
+"`lax` and `strict`. In strict mode the cookie will never be sent. In lax "
+"mode the cookie is only sent with a top-level GET request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:425
+msgid ""
+"If neither `expires` nor `max_age` is set, the cookie expires at the end of "
+"the browser session or as soon as the browser window is closed. There are "
+"some other gotchas you should consider when using cookies:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:427
+msgid "Cookies are limited to 4 KB of text in most browsers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:428
+msgid ""
+"Some users configure their browsers to not accept cookies at all. Most "
+"search engines ignore cookies too. Make sure that your application still "
+"works without cookies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:429
+msgid ""
+"Cookies are stored at client side and are not encrypted in any way. Whatever"
+" you store in a cookie, the user can read it. Worse than that, an attacker "
+"might be able to steal a user's cookies through `XSS "
+" vulnerabilities on your side. Some viruses are known to read the browser "
+"cookies, too. Thus, never store confidential information in cookies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:430
+msgid "Cookies are easily forged by malicious clients. Do not trust cookies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:435
+msgid "Signed Cookies"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:436
+msgid ""
+"As mentioned above, cookies are easily forged by malicious clients. Bottle "
+"can cryptographically sign your cookies to prevent this kind of "
+"manipulation. All you have to do is to provide a signature key via the "
+"`secret` keyword argument whenever you read or set a cookie and keep that "
+"key a secret. As a result, :meth:`Request.get_cookie` will return ``None`` "
+"if the cookie is not signed or the signature keys don't match::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:456
+msgid ""
+"In addition, Bottle automatically pickles and unpickles any data stored to "
+"signed cookies. This allows you to store any pickle-able object (not only "
+"strings) to cookies, as long as the pickled data does not exceed the 4 KB "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:458
+msgid ""
+"Signed cookies are not encrypted (the client can still see the content) and "
+"not copy-protected (the client can restore an old cookie). The main "
+"intention is to make pickling and unpickling safe and prevent manipulation, "
+"not to store secret information at client side."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:471
+msgid "Request Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:473
+msgid ""
+"Cookies, HTTP header, HTML ``<form>`` fields and other request data is "
+"available through the global :data:`request` object. This special object "
+"always refers to the *current* request, even in multi-threaded environments "
+"where multiple client connections are handled at the same time::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:482
+msgid ""
+"The :data:`request` object is a subclass of :class:`BaseRequest` and has a "
+"very rich API to access data. We only cover the most commonly used features "
+"here, but it should be enough to get started."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:487
+msgid "Introducing :class:`FormsDict`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:489
+msgid ""
+"Bottle uses a special type of dictionary to store form data and cookies. "
+":class:`FormsDict` behaves like a normal dictionary, but has some additional"
+" features to make your life easier."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:491
+msgid ""
+"**Attribute access**: All values in the dictionary are also accessible as "
+"attributes. These virtual attributes return unicode strings, even if the "
+"value is missing or unicode decoding fails. In that case, the string is "
+"empty, but still present::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:506
+msgid ""
+"**Multiple values per key:** :class:`FormsDict` is a subclass of "
+":class:`MultiDict` and can store more than one value per key. The standard "
+"dictionary access methods will only return a single value, but the "
+":meth:`~MultiDict.getall` method returns a (possibly empty) list of all "
+"values for a specific key::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:511
+msgid ""
+"**WTForms support:** Some libraries (e.g. `WTForms "
+"<>`_) want all-unicode dictionaries as input."
+" :meth:`FormsDict.decode` does that for you. It decodes all values and "
+"returns a copy of itself, while preserving multiple values per key and all "
+"the other features."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:515
+msgid ""
+"In **Python 2** all keys and values are byte-strings. If you need unicode, "
+"you can call :meth:`FormsDict.getunicode` or fetch values via attribute "
+"access. Both methods try to decode the string (default: utf8) and return an "
+"empty string if that fails. No need to catch :exc:`UnicodeError`::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:522
+msgid ""
+"In **Python 3** all strings are unicode, but HTTP is a byte-based wire "
+"protocol. The server has to decode the byte strings somehow before they are "
+"passed to the application. To be on the safe side, WSGI suggests ISO-8859-1 "
+"(aka latin1), a reversible single-byte codec that can be re-encoded with a "
+"different encoding later. Bottle does that for :meth:`FormsDict.getunicode` "
+"and attribute access, but not for the dict-access methods. These return the "
+"unchanged values as provided by the server implementation, which is probably"
+" not what you want."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:529
+msgid ""
+"If you need the whole dictionary with correctly decoded values (e.g. for "
+"WTForms), you can call :meth:`FormsDict.decode` to get a re-encoded copy."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:535
+msgid ""
+"Cookies are small pieces of text stored in the clients browser and sent back"
+" to the server with each request. They are useful to keep some state around "
+"for more than one request (HTTP itself is stateless), but should not be used"
+" for security related stuff. They can be easily forged by the client."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:537
+msgid ""
+"All cookies sent by the client are available through "
+":attr:`BaseRequest.cookies` (a :class:`FormsDict`). This example shows a "
+"simple cookie-based view counter::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:547
+msgid ""
+"The :meth:`BaseRequest.get_cookie` method is a different way do access "
+"cookies. It supports decoding :ref:`signed cookies <tutorial-signed-"
+"cookies>` as described in a separate section."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:550
+msgid "HTTP Headers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:552
+msgid ""
+"All HTTP headers sent by the client (e.g. ``Referer``, ``Agent`` or "
+"``Accept-Language``) are stored in a :class:`WSGIHeaderDict` and accessible "
+"through the :attr:`BaseRequest.headers` attribute. A :class:`WSGIHeaderDict`"
+" is basically a dictionary with case-insensitive keys::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:564
+msgid "Query Variables"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:566
+msgid ""
+"The query string (as in ``/forum?id=1&page=5``) is commonly used to transmit"
+" a small number of key/value pairs to the server. You can use the "
+":attr:`BaseRequest.query` attribute (a :class:`FormsDict`) to access these "
+"values and the :attr:`BaseRequest.query_string` attribute to get the whole "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:579
+msgid "HTML `<form>` Handling"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:581
+msgid ""
+"Let us start from the beginning. In HTML, a typical ``<form>`` looks "
+"something like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:591
+msgid ""
+"The ``action`` attribute specifies the URL that will receive the form data. "
+"``method`` defines the HTTP method to use (``GET`` or ``POST``). With "
+"``method=\"get\"`` the form values are appended to the URL and available "
+"through :attr:`BaseRequest.query` as described above. This is considered "
+"insecure and has other limitations, so we use ``method=\"post\"`` here. If "
+"in doubt, use ``POST`` forms."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:593
+msgid ""
+"Form fields transmitted via ``POST`` are stored in :attr:`BaseRequest.forms`"
+" as a :class:`FormsDict`. The server side code may look like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:616
+msgid ""
+"There are several other attributes used to access form data. Some of them "
+"combine values from different sources for easier access. The following table"
+" should give you a decent overview."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
+msgid "GET Form fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
+msgid "POST Form fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
+msgid "File Uploads"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621
+msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.query`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622 ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626 ../../tutorial.rst:626
+msgid "yes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:622 ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:625 ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626
+msgid "no"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:622
+msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.forms`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:623
+msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.files`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624
+msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.params`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
+msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.GET`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626
+msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.POST`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:631
+msgid "File uploads"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:633
+msgid ""
+"To support file uploads, we have to change the ``<form>`` tag a bit. First, "
+"we tell the browser to encode the form data in a different way by adding an "
+"``enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"`` attribute to the ``<form>`` tag. Then, "
+"we add ``<input type=\"file\" />`` tags to allow the user to select a file. "
+"Here is an example:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:643
+msgid ""
+"Bottle stores file uploads in :attr:`BaseRequest.files` as "
+":class:`FileUpload` instances, along with some metadata about the upload. "
+"Let us assume you just want to save the file to disk::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:657
+msgid ""
+":attr:`FileUpload.filename` contains the name of the file on the clients "
+"file system, but is cleaned up and normalized to prevent bugs caused by "
+"unsupported characters or path segments in the filename. If you need the "
+"unmodified name as sent by the client, have a look at "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:659
+msgid ""
+"The :attr:`` method is highly recommended if you want to "
+"store the file to disk. It prevents some common errors (e.g. it does not "
+"overwrite existing files unless you tell it to) and stores the file in a "
+"memory efficient way. You can access the file object directly via "
+":attr:`FileUpload.file`. Just be careful."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:663
+msgid "JSON Content"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:665
+msgid ""
+"Some JavaScript or REST clients send ``application/json`` content to the "
+"server. The :attr:`BaseRequest.json` attribute contains the parsed data "
+"structure, if available."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:669
+msgid "The raw request body"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:671
+msgid ""
+"You can access the raw body data as a file-like object via "
+":attr:`BaseRequest.body`. This is a :class:`BytesIO` buffer or a temporary "
+"file depending on the content length and :attr:`BaseRequest.MEMFILE_MAX` "
+"setting. In both cases the body is completely buffered before you can access"
+" the attribute. If you expect huge amounts of data and want to get direct "
+"unbuffered access to the stream, have a look at ``request['wsgi.input']``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:676
+msgid "WSGI Environment"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:678
+msgid ""
+"Each :class:`BaseRequest` instance wraps a WSGI environment dictionary. The "
+"original is stored in :attr:`BaseRequest.environ`, but the request object "
+"itself behaves like a dictionary, too. Most of the interesting data is "
+"exposed through special methods or attributes, but if you want to access "
+"`WSGI environ variables <WSGI_Specification>`_ directly, you can do so::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:696
+msgid "Templates"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:698
+msgid ""
+"Bottle comes with a fast and powerful built-in template engine called "
+":doc:`stpl`. To render a template you can use the :func:`template` function "
+"or the :func:`view` decorator. All you have to do is to provide the name of "
+"the template and the variables you want to pass to the template as keyword "
+"arguments. Here’s a simple example of how to render a template::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:705
+msgid ""
+"This will load the template file ``hello_template.tpl`` and render it with "
+"the ``name`` variable set. Bottle will look for templates in the "
+"``./views/`` folder or any folder specified in the ``bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH`` "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:707
+msgid ""
+"The :func:`view` decorator allows you to return a dictionary with the "
+"template variables instead of calling :func:`template`::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:716
+msgid "Syntax"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:719
+msgid ""
+"The template syntax is a very thin layer around the Python language. Its "
+"main purpose is to ensure correct indentation of blocks, so you can format "
+"your template without worrying about indentation. Follow the link for a full"
+" syntax description: :doc:`stpl`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:721
+msgid "Here is an example template::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:732
+msgid "Caching"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:733
+msgid ""
+"Templates are cached in memory after compilation. Modifications made to the "
+"template files will have no affect until you clear the template cache. Call "
+"``bottle.TEMPLATES.clear()`` to do so. Caching is disabled in debug mode."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:743
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:747
+msgid ""
+"Bottle's core features cover most common use-cases, but as a micro-framework"
+" it has its limits. This is where \"Plugins\" come into play. Plugins add "
+"missing functionality to the framework, integrate third party libraries, or "
+"just automate some repetitive work."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:749
+msgid ""
+"We have a growing :doc:`/plugins/index` and most plugins are designed to be "
+"portable and re-usable across applications. The chances are high that your "
+"problem has already been solved and a ready-to-use plugin exists. If not, "
+"the :doc:`/plugindev` may help you."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:751
+msgid ""
+"The effects and APIs of plugins are manifold and depend on the specific "
+"plugin. The ``SQLitePlugin`` plugin for example detects callbacks that "
+"require a ``db`` keyword argument and creates a fresh database connection "
+"object every time the callback is called. This makes it very convenient to "
+"use a database::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:771
+msgid ""
+"Other plugin may populate the thread-safe :data:`local` object, change "
+"details of the :data:`request` object, filter the data returned by the "
+"callback or bypass the callback completely. An \"auth\" plugin for example "
+"could check for a valid session and return a login page instead of calling "
+"the original callback. What happens exactly depends on the plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:775
+msgid "Application-wide Installation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:777
+msgid ""
+"Plugins can be installed application-wide or just to some specific routes "
+"that need additional functionality. Most plugins can safely be installed to "
+"all routes and are smart enough to not add overhead to callbacks that do not"
+" need their functionality."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:779
+msgid ""
+"Let us take the ``SQLitePlugin`` plugin for example. It only affects route "
+"callbacks that need a database connection. Other routes are left alone. "
+"Because of this, we can install the plugin application-wide with no "
+"additional overhead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:781
+msgid ""
+"To install a plugin, just call :func:`install` with the plugin as first "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:786
+msgid ""
+"The plugin is not applied to the route callbacks yet. This is delayed to "
+"make sure no routes are missed. You can install plugins first and add routes"
+" later, if you want to. The order of installed plugins is significant, "
+"though. If a plugin requires a database connection, you need to install the "
+"database plugin first."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:790
+msgid "Uninstall Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:791
+msgid ""
+"You can use a name, class or instance to :func:`uninstall` a previously "
+"installed plugin::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:801
+msgid ""
+"Plugins can be installed and removed at any time, even at runtime while "
+"serving requests. This enables some neat tricks (installing slow debugging "
+"or profiling plugins only when needed) but should not be overused. Each time"
+" the list of plugins changes, the route cache is flushed and all plugins are"
+" re-applied."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:804
+msgid ""
+"The module-level :func:`install` and :func:`uninstall` functions affect the "
+":ref:`default-app`. To manage plugins for a specific application, use the "
+"corresponding methods on the :class:`Bottle` application object."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:808
+msgid "Route-specific Installation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:810
+msgid ""
+"The ``apply`` parameter of the :func:`route` decorator comes in handy if you"
+" want to install plugins to only a small number of routes::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:820
+msgid "Blacklisting Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:822
+msgid ""
+"You may want to explicitly disable a plugin for a number of routes. The "
+":func:`route` decorator has a ``skip`` parameter for this purpose::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:844
+msgid ""
+"The ``skip`` parameter accepts a single value or a list of values. You can "
+"use a name, class or instance to identify the plugin that is to be skipped. "
+"Set ``skip=True`` to skip all plugins at once."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:847
+msgid "Plugins and Sub-Applications"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:849
+msgid ""
+"Most plugins are specific to the application they were installed to. "
+"Consequently, they should not affect sub-applications mounted with "
+":meth:`Bottle.mount`. Here is an example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:860
+msgid ""
+"Whenever you mount an application, Bottle creates a proxy-route on the main-"
+"application that forwards all requests to the sub-application. Plugins are "
+"disabled for this kind of proxy-route by default. As a result, our "
+"(fictional) `WTForms` plugin affects the ``/contact`` route, but does not "
+"affect the routes of the ``/blog`` sub-application."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:862
+msgid ""
+"This behavior is intended as a sane default, but can be overridden. The "
+"following example re-activates all plugins for a specific proxy-route::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:866
+msgid ""
+"But there is a snag: The plugin sees the whole sub-application as a single "
+"route, namely the proxy-route mentioned above. In order to affect each "
+"individual route of the sub-application, you have to install the plugin to "
+"the mounted application explicitly."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:871
+msgid "Development"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:873
+msgid ""
+"So you have learned the basics and want to write your own application? Here "
+"are some tips that might help you being more productive."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:879
+msgid "Default Application"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:881
+msgid ""
+"Bottle maintains a global stack of :class:`Bottle` instances and uses the "
+"top of the stack as a default for some of the module-level functions and "
+"decorators. The :func:`route` decorator, for example, is a shortcut for "
+"calling :meth:`Bottle.route` on the default application::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:889
+msgid ""
+"This is very convenient for small applications and saves you some typing, "
+"but also means that, as soon as your module is imported, routes are "
+"installed to the global default application. To avoid this kind of import "
+"side-effects, Bottle offers a second, more explicit way to build "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:899
+msgid ""
+"Separating the application object improves re-usability a lot, too. Other "
+"developers can safely import the ``app`` object from your module and use "
+":meth:`Bottle.mount` to merge applications together."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:904
+msgid ""
+"Starting with bottle-0.13 you can use :class:`Bottle` instances as context "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:929
+msgid "Debug Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:931
+msgid "During early development, the debug mode can be very helpful."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:939
+msgid ""
+"In this mode, Bottle is much more verbose and provides helpful debugging "
+"information whenever an error occurs. It also disables some optimisations "
+"that might get in your way and adds some checks that warn you about possible"
+" misconfiguration."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:941
+msgid "Here is an incomplete list of things that change in debug mode:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:943
+msgid "The default error page shows a traceback."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:944
+msgid "Templates are not cached."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:945
+msgid "Plugins are applied immediately."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:947
+msgid "Just make sure not to use the debug mode on a production server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:950
+msgid "Auto Reloading"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:952
+msgid ""
+"During development, you have to restart the server a lot to test your recent"
+" changes. The auto reloader can do this for you. Every time you edit a "
+"module file, the reloader restarts the server process and loads the newest "
+"version of your code."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:962
+msgid ""
+"How it works: the main process will not start a server, but spawn a new "
+"child process using the same command line arguments used to start the main "
+"process. All module-level code is executed at least twice! Be careful."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:967
+msgid ""
+"The child process will have ``os.environ['BOTTLE_CHILD']`` set to ``True`` "
+"and start as a normal non-reloading app server. As soon as any of the loaded"
+" modules changes, the child process is terminated and re-spawned by the main"
+" process. Changes in template files will not trigger a reload. Please use "
+"debug mode to deactivate template caching."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:973
+msgid ""
+"The reloading depends on the ability to stop the child process. If you are "
+"running on Windows or any other operating system not supporting "
+"``signal.SIGINT`` (which raises ``KeyboardInterrupt`` in Python), "
+"``signal.SIGTERM`` is used to kill the child. Note that exit handlers and "
+"finally clauses, etc., are not executed after a ``SIGTERM``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:981
+msgid "Command Line Interface"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:985
+msgid "Starting with version 0.10 you can use bottle as a command-line tool:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1009
+msgid ""
+"The `ADDRESS` field takes an IP address or an IP:PORT pair and defaults to "
+"``localhost:8080``. The other parameters should be self-explanatory."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1011
+msgid ""
+"Both plugins and applications are specified via import expressions. These "
+"consist of an import path (e.g. ``package.module``) and an expression to be "
+"evaluated in the namespace of that module, separated by a colon. See "
+":func:`load` for details. Here are some examples:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1032
+msgid "Deployment"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1034
+msgid ""
+"Bottle runs on the built-in `wsgiref WSGIServer "
+" by default. This non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine for "
+"development, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1036
+msgid ""
+"The easiest way to increase performance is to install a multi-threaded "
+"server library like paste_ or cherrypy_ and tell Bottle to use that instead "
+"of the single-threaded server::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1040
+msgid ""
+"This, and many other deployment options are described in a separate article:"
+" :doc:`deployment`"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1048
+msgid "Glossary"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1051
+msgid "callback"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1053
+msgid ""
+"Programmer code that is to be called when some external action happens. In "
+"the context of web frameworks, the mapping between URL paths and application"
+" code is often achieved by specifying a callback function for each URL."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1057
+msgid "decorator"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1059
+msgid ""
+"A function returning another function, usually applied as a function "
+"transformation using the ``@decorator`` syntax. See `python documentation "
+"for function definition "
+"<>`_ for more "
+"about decorators."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1060
+msgid "environ"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1062
+msgid ""
+"A structure where information about all documents under the root is saved, "
+"and used for cross-referencing. The environment is pickled after the "
+"parsing stage, so that successive runs only need to read and parse new and "
+"changed documents."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1066
+msgid "handler function"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1068
+msgid ""
+"A function to handle some specific event or situation. In a web framework, "
+"the application is developed by attaching a handler function as callback for"
+" each specific URL comprising the application."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1071
+msgid "source directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1073
+msgid ""
+"The directory which, including its subdirectories, contains all source files"
+" for one Sphinx project."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db47187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
@@ -0,0 +1,901 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ja_JP\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:19
+msgid "Tutorial: Todo-List Application"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:23
+msgid ""
+"This tutorial is a work in progress and written by `noisefloor "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"This tutorial should give a brief introduction to the Bottle_ WSGI "
+"Framework. The main goal is to be able, after reading through this tutorial,"
+" to create a project using Bottle. Within this document, not all abilities "
+"will be shown, but at least the main and important ones like routing, "
+"utilizing the Bottle template abilities to format output and handling GET / "
+"POST parameters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:28
+msgid ""
+"To understand the content here, it is not necessary to have a basic "
+"knowledge of WSGI, as Bottle tries to keep WSGI away from the user anyway. "
+"You should have a fair understanding of the Python_ programming language. "
+"Furthermore, the example used in the tutorial retrieves and stores data in a"
+" SQL database, so a basic idea about SQL helps, but is not a must to "
+"understand the concepts of Bottle. Right here, SQLite_ is used. The output "
+"of Bottle sent to the browser is formatted in some examples by the help of "
+"HTML. Thus, a basic idea about the common HTML tags does help as well."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:30
+msgid ""
+"For the sake of introducing Bottle, the Python code \"in between\" is kept "
+"short, in order to keep the focus. Also all code within the tutorial is "
+"working fine, but you may not necessarily use it \"in the wild\", e.g. on a "
+"public web server. In order to do so, you may add e.g. more error handling, "
+"protect the database with a password, test and escape the input etc."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:32
+msgid "Table of Contents"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:35
+msgid "Goals"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:37
+msgid ""
+"At the end of this tutorial, we will have a simple, web-based ToDo list. The"
+" list contains a text (with max 100 characters) and a status (0 for closed, "
+"1 for open) for each item. Through the web-based user interface, open items "
+"can be view and edited and new items can be added."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"During development, all pages will be available on ``localhost`` only, but "
+"later on it will be shown how to adapt the application for a \"real\" "
+"server, including how to use with Apache's mod_wsgi."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:41
+msgid ""
+"Bottle will do the routing and format the output, with the help of "
+"templates. The items of the list will be stored inside a SQLite database. "
+"Reading and writing the database will be done by Python code."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"We will end up with an application with the following pages and "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:45
+msgid "start page ``http://localhost:8080/todo``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:46
+msgid "adding new items to the list: ``http://localhost:8080/new``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:47
+msgid "page for editing items: ``http://localhost:8080/edit/<no:int>``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:48
+msgid "catching errors"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:51
+msgid "Before We Start..."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:55
+msgid "Install Bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:56
+msgid ""
+"Assuming that you have a fairly new installation of Python (version 2.5 or "
+"higher), you only need to install Bottle in addition to that. Bottle has no "
+"other dependencies than Python itself."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"You can either manually install Bottle or use Python's easy_install: "
+"``easy_install bottle``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:62
+msgid "Further Software Necessities"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"As we use SQLite3 as a database, make sure it is installed. On Linux "
+"systems, most distributions have SQLite3 installed by default. SQLite is "
+"available for Windows and MacOS X as well and the `sqlite3` module is part "
+"of the python standard library."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:66
+msgid "Create An SQL Database"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:67
+msgid ""
+"First, we need to create the database we use later on. To do so, save the "
+"following script in your project directory and run it with python. You can "
+"use the interactive interpreter too::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:78
+msgid ""
+"This generates a database-file `todo.db` with tables called ``todo`` and "
+"three columns ``id``, ``task``, and ``status``. ``id`` is a unique id for "
+"each row, which is used later on to reference the rows. The column ``task`` "
+"holds the text which describes the task, it can be max 100 characters long. "
+"Finally, the column ``status`` is used to mark a task as open (value 1) or "
+"closed (value 0)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:81
+msgid "Using Bottle for a Web-Based ToDo List"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"Now it is time to introduce Bottle in order to create a web-based "
+"application. But first, we need to look into a basic concept of Bottle: "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:87
+msgid "Understanding routes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:88
+msgid ""
+"Basically, each page visible in the browser is dynamically generated when "
+"the page address is called. Thus, there is no static content. That is "
+"exactly what is called a \"route\" within Bottle: a certain address on the "
+"server. So, for example, when the page ``http://localhost:8080/todo`` is "
+"called from the browser, Bottle \"grabs\" the call and checks if there is "
+"any (Python) function defined for the route \"todo\". If so, Bottle will "
+"execute the corresponding Python code and return its result."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:92
+msgid "First Step - Showing All Open Items"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:93
+msgid ""
+"So, after understanding the concept of routes, let's create the first one. "
+"The goal is to see all open items from the ToDo list::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:108
+msgid ""
+"Save the code a ````, preferably in the same directory as the file "
+"``todo.db``. Otherwise, you need to add the path to ``todo.db`` in the "
+"``sqlite3.connect()`` statement."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"Let's have a look what we just did: We imported the necessary module "
+"``sqlite3`` to access to SQLite database and from Bottle we imported "
+"``route`` and ``run``. The ``run()`` statement simply starts the web server "
+"included in Bottle. By default, the web server serves the pages on localhost"
+" and port 8080. Furthermore, we imported ``route``, which is the function "
+"responsible for Bottle's routing. As you can see, we defined one function, "
+"``todo_list()``, with a few lines of code reading from the database. The "
+"important point is the `decorator statement`_ ``@route('/todo')`` right "
+"before the ``def todo_list()`` statement. By doing this, we bind this "
+"function to the route ``/todo``, so every time the browsers calls "
+"``http://localhost:8080/todo``, Bottle returns the result of the function "
+"``todo_list()``. That is how routing within bottle works."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:112
+msgid ""
+"Actually you can bind more than one route to a function. So the following "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:119
+msgid ""
+"will work fine, too. What will not work is to bind one route to more than "
+"one function."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:121
+msgid ""
+"What you will see in the browser is what is returned, thus the value given "
+"by the ``return`` statement. In this example, we need to convert ``result`` "
+"in to a string by ``str()``, as Bottle expects a string or a list of strings"
+" from the return statement. But here, the result of the database query is a "
+"list of tuples, which is the standard defined by the `Python DB API`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:123
+msgid ""
+"Now, after understanding the little script above, it is time to execute it "
+"and watch the result yourself. Remember that on Linux- / Unix-based systems "
+"the file ```` needs to be executable first. Then, just run ``python "
+"`` and call the page ``http://localhost:8080/todo`` in your browser. "
+"In case you made no mistake writing the script, the output should look like "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:127
+msgid ""
+"If so - congratulations! You are now a successful user of Bottle. In case it"
+" did not work and you need to make some changes to the script, remember to "
+"stop Bottle serving the page, otherwise the revised version will not be "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:129
+msgid ""
+"Actually, the output is not really exciting nor nice to read. It is the raw "
+"result returned from the SQL query."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:131
+msgid ""
+"So, in the next step we format the output in a nicer way. But before we do "
+"that, we make our life easier."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:135
+msgid "Debugging and Auto-Reload"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:136
+msgid ""
+"Maybe you already noticed that Bottle sends a short error message to the "
+"browser in case something within the script is wrong, e.g. the connection to"
+" the database is not working. For debugging purposes it is quite helpful to "
+"get more details. This can be easily achieved by adding the following "
+"statement to the script::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:144
+msgid ""
+"By enabling \"debug\", you will get a full stacktrace of the Python "
+"interpreter, which usually contains useful information for finding bugs. "
+"Furthermore, templates (see below) are not cached, thus changes to templates"
+" will take effect without stopping the server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:148
+msgid ""
+"That ``debug(True)`` is supposed to be used for development only, it should "
+"*not* be used in production environments."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:152
+msgid ""
+"Another quite nice feature is auto-reloading, which is enabled by modifying "
+"the ``run()`` statement to"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:158
+msgid ""
+"This will automatically detect changes to the script and reload the new "
+"version once it is called again, without the need to stop and start the "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:160
+msgid ""
+"Again, the feature is mainly supposed to be used while developing, not on "
+"production systems."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:164
+msgid "Bottle Template To Format The Output"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:165
+msgid ""
+"Now let's have a look at casting the output of the script into a proper "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:167
+msgid ""
+"Actually Bottle expects to receive a string or a list of strings from a "
+"function and returns them by the help of the built-in server to the browser."
+" Bottle does not bother about the content of the string itself, so it can be"
+" text formatted with HTML markup, too."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:169
+msgid ""
+"Bottle brings its own easy-to-use template engine with it. Templates are "
+"stored as separate files having a ``.tpl`` extension. The template can be "
+"called then from within a function. Templates can contain any type of text "
+"(which will be most likely HTML-markup mixed with Python statements). "
+"Furthermore, templates can take arguments, e.g. the result set of a database"
+" query, which will be then formatted nicely within the template."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:171
+msgid ""
+"Right here, we are going to cast the result of our query showing the open "
+"ToDo items into a simple table with two columns: the first column will "
+"contain the ID of the item, the second column the text. The result set is, "
+"as seen above, a list of tuples, each tuple contains one set of results."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:173
+msgid "To include the template in our example, just add the following lines::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:183
+msgid ""
+"So we do here two things: first, we import ``template`` from Bottle in order"
+" to be able to use templates. Second, we assign the output of the template "
+"``make_table`` to the variable ``output``, which is then returned. In "
+"addition to calling the template, we assign ``result``, which we received "
+"from the database query, to the variable ``rows``, which is later on used "
+"within the template. If necessary, you can assign more than one variable / "
+"value to a template."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:185
+msgid ""
+"Templates always return a list of strings, thus there is no need to convert "
+"anything. We can save one line of code by writing ``return "
+"template('make_table', rows=result)``, which gives exactly the same result "
+"as above."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:187
+msgid ""
+"Now it is time to write the corresponding template, which looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:201
+msgid ""
+"Save the code as ``make_table.tpl`` in the same directory where ```` "
+"is stored."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:203
+msgid ""
+"Let's have a look at the code: every line starting with % is interpreted as "
+"Python code. Because it is effectively Python, only valid Python statements "
+"are allowed. The template will raise exceptions, just as any other Python "
+"code would. The other lines are plain HTML markup."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:205
+msgid ""
+"As you can see, we use Python's ``for`` statement two times, in order to go "
+"through ``rows``. As seen above, ``rows`` is a variable which holds the "
+"result of the database query, so it is a list of tuples. The first ``for`` "
+"statement accesses the tuples within the list, the second one the items "
+"within the tuple, which are put each into a cell of the table. It is "
+"important that you close all ``for``, ``if``, ``while`` etc. statements with"
+" ``%end``, otherwise the output may not be what you expect."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:207
+msgid ""
+"If you need to access a variable within a non-Python code line inside the "
+"template, you need to put it into double curly braces. This tells the "
+"template to insert the actual value of the variable right in place."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:209
+msgid ""
+"Run the script again and look at the output. Still not really nice, but at "
+"least more readable than the list of tuples. You can spice-up the very "
+"simple HTML markup above, e.g. by using in-line styles to get a better "
+"looking output."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:213
+msgid "Using GET and POST Values"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:214
+msgid ""
+"As we can review all open items properly, we move to the next step, which is"
+" adding new items to the ToDo list. The new item should be received from a "
+"regular HTML-based form, which sends its data by the GET method."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:216
+msgid ""
+"To do so, we first add a new route to our script and tell the route that it "
+"should get GET data::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:239
+msgid ""
+"To access GET (or POST) data, we need to import ``request`` from Bottle. To "
+"assign the actual data to a variable, we use the statement "
+"``request.GET.task.strip()`` statement, where ``task`` is the name of the "
+"GET data we want to access. That's all. If your GET data has more than one "
+"variable, multiple ``request.GET.get()`` statements can be used and assigned"
+" to other variables."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:241
+msgid ""
+"The rest of this piece of code is just processing of the gained data: "
+"writing to the database, retrieve the corresponding id from the database and"
+" generate the output."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:243
+msgid ""
+"But where do we get the GET data from? Well, we can use a static HTML page "
+"holding the form. Or, what we do right now, is to use a template which is "
+"output when the route ``/new`` is called without GET data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:245
+msgid "The code needs to be extended to::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:268
+msgid "``new_task.tpl`` looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:276
+msgid "That's all. As you can see, the template is plain HTML this time."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:278
+msgid "Now we are able to extend our to do list."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:280
+msgid ""
+"By the way, if you prefer to use POST data: this works exactly the same way,"
+" just use ``request.POST.get()`` instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:284
+msgid "Editing Existing Items"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:285
+msgid "The last point to do is to enable editing of existing items."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:287
+msgid ""
+"By using only the routes we know so far it is possible, but may be quite "
+"tricky. But Bottle knows something called \"dynamic routes\", which makes "
+"this task quite easy."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:289
+msgid "The basic statement for a dynamic route looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:293
+msgid ""
+"This tells Bottle to accept for ``<something>`` any string up to the next "
+"slash. Furthermore, the value of ``something`` will be passed to the "
+"function assigned to that route, so the data can be processed within the "
+"function, like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:321
+msgid ""
+"It is basically pretty much the same what we already did above when adding "
+"new items, like using ``GET`` data etc. The main addition here is using the "
+"dynamic route ``<no:int>``, which here passes the number to the "
+"corresponding function. As you can see, ``no`` is integer ID and used within"
+" the function to access the right row of data within the database."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:324
+msgid ""
+"The template ``edit_task.tpl`` called within the function looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:339
+msgid ""
+"Again, this template is a mix of Python statements and HTML, as already "
+"explained above."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:341
+msgid ""
+"A last word on dynamic routes: you can even use a regular expression for a "
+"dynamic route, as demonstrated later."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:345
+msgid "Validating Dynamic Routes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:346
+msgid ""
+"Using dynamic routes is fine, but for many cases it makes sense to validate "
+"the dynamic part of the route. For example, we expect an integer number in "
+"our route for editing above. But if a float, characters or so are received, "
+"the Python interpreter throws an exception, which is not what we want."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:348
+msgid ""
+"For those cases, Bottle offers the ``<name:int>`` wildcard filter, which "
+"matches (signed) digits and converts the value to integer. In order to apply"
+" the wildcard filter, extend the code as follows::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:356
+msgid ""
+"Save the code and call the page again using incorrect value for "
+"``<no:int>``, e.g. a float. You will receive not an exception, but a \"404 "
+"Not Found\" error."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:360
+msgid "Dynamic Routes Using Regular Expressions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:361
+msgid ""
+"Bottle can also handle dynamic routes, where the \"dynamic part\" of the "
+"route can be a regular expression."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:363
+msgid ""
+"So, just to demonstrate that, let's assume that all single items in our ToDo"
+" list should be accessible by their plain number, by a term like e.g. "
+"\"item1\". For obvious reasons, you do not want to create a route for every "
+"item. Furthermore, the simple dynamic routes do not work either, as part of "
+"the route, the term \"item\" is static."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:365
+msgid "As said above, the solution is a regular expression::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:380
+msgid ""
+"The line ``@route(/item<item:re:[0-9]+>)`` starts like a normal route, but "
+"the third part of the wildcard is interpreted as a regular expression, which"
+" is the dynamic part of the route. So in this case, we want to match any "
+"digit between 0 and 9. The following function \"show_item\" just checks "
+"whether the given item is present in the database or not. In case it is "
+"present, the corresponding text of the task is returned. As you can see, "
+"only the regular expression part of the route is passed forward. "
+"Furthermore, it is always forwarded as a string, even if it is a plain "
+"integer number, like in this case."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:384
+msgid "Returning Static Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:385
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes it may become necessary to associate a route not to a Python "
+"function, but just return a static file. So if you have for example a help "
+"page for your application, you may want to return this page as plain HTML. "
+"This works as follows::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:393
+msgid ""
+"At first, we need to import the ``static_file`` function from Bottle. As you"
+" can see, the ``return static_file`` statement replaces the ``return`` "
+"statement. It takes at least two arguments: the name of the file to be "
+"returned and the path to the file. Even if the file is in the same directory"
+" as your application, the path needs to be stated. But in this case, you can"
+" use ``'.'`` as a path, too. Bottle guesses the MIME-type of the file "
+"automatically, but in case you like to state it explicitly, add a third "
+"argument to ``static_file``, which would be here ``mimetype='text/html'``. "
+"``static_file`` works with any type of route, including the dynamic ones."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:397
+msgid "Returning JSON Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:398
+msgid ""
+"There may be cases where you do not want your application to generate the "
+"output directly, but return data to be processed further on, e.g. by "
+"JavaScript. For those cases, Bottle offers the possibility to return JSON "
+"objects, which is sort of standard for exchanging data between web "
+"applications. Furthermore, JSON can be processed by many programming "
+"languages, including Python"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:400
+msgid ""
+"So, let's assume we want to return the data generated in the regular "
+"expression route example as a JSON object. The code looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:415
+msgid ""
+"As you can, that is fairly simple: just return a regular Python dictionary "
+"and Bottle will convert it automatically into a JSON object prior to "
+"sending. So if you e.g. call \"http://localhost/json1\" Bottle should in "
+"this case return the JSON object ``{\"task\": [\"Read A-byte-of-python to "
+"get a good introduction into Python\"]}``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:420
+msgid "Catching Errors"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:421
+msgid ""
+"The next step may is to catch the error with Bottle itself, to keep away any"
+" type of error message from the user of your application. To do that, Bottle"
+" has an \"error-route\", which can be a assigned to a HTML-error."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:423
+msgid "In our case, we want to catch a 403 error. The code is as follows::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:431
+msgid ""
+"So, at first we need to import ``error`` from Bottle and define a route by "
+"``error(403)``, which catches all \"403 forbidden\" errors. The function "
+"\"mistake\" is assigned to that. Please note that ``error()`` always passes "
+"the error-code to the function - even if you do not need it. Thus, the "
+"function always needs to accept one argument, otherwise it will not work."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:433
+msgid ""
+"Again, you can assign more than one error-route to a function, or catch "
+"various errors with one function each. So this code::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:440
+msgid "works fine, the following one as well::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:452
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:453
+msgid ""
+"After going through all the sections above, you should have a brief "
+"understanding how the Bottle WSGI framework works. Furthermore you have all "
+"the knowledge necessary to use Bottle for your applications."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:455
+msgid ""
+"The following chapter give a short introduction how to adapt Bottle for "
+"larger projects. Furthermore, we will show how to operate Bottle with web "
+"servers which perform better on a higher load / more web traffic than the "
+"one we used so far."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:458
+msgid "Server Setup"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:460
+msgid ""
+"So far, we used the standard server used by Bottle, which is the `WSGI "
+"reference Server`_ shipped along with Python. Although this server is "
+"perfectly suitable for development purposes, it is not really suitable for "
+"larger applications. But before we have a look at the alternatives, let's "
+"have a look how to tweak the settings of the standard server first."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:464
+msgid "Running Bottle on a different port and IP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:465
+msgid ""
+"As standard, Bottle serves the pages on the IP address, also known"
+" as ``localhost``, and on port ``8080``. To modify the setting is pretty "
+"simple, as additional parameters can be passed to Bottle's ``run()`` "
+"function to change the port and the address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:467
+msgid ""
+"To change the port, just add ``port=portnumber`` to the run command. So, for"
+" example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:471
+msgid "would make Bottle listen to port 80."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:473
+msgid "To change the IP address where Bottle is listening::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:477
+msgid "If needed, both parameters can be combined, like::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:481
+msgid ""
+"The ``port`` and ``host`` parameter can also be applied when Bottle is "
+"running with a different server, as shown in the following section."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:485
+msgid "Running Bottle with a different server"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:486
+msgid ""
+"As said above, the standard server is perfectly suitable for development, "
+"personal use or a small group of people only using your application based on"
+" Bottle. For larger tasks, the standard server may become a bottleneck, as "
+"it is single-threaded, thus it can only serve one request at a time."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:488
+msgid ""
+"But Bottle has already various adapters to multi-threaded servers on board, "
+"which perform better on higher load. Bottle supports Cherrypy_, Flup_ and "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:490
+msgid ""
+"If you want to run for example Bottle with the Paste server, use the "
+"following code::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:496
+msgid ""
+"This works exactly the same way with ``FlupServer``, ``CherryPyServer`` and "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:500
+msgid "Running Bottle on Apache with mod_wsgi"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:501
+msgid ""
+"Maybe you already have an Apache_ or you want to run a Bottle-based "
+"application large scale - then it is time to think about Apache with "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:503
+msgid ""
+"We assume that your Apache server is up and running and mod_wsgi is working "
+"fine as well. On a lot of Linux distributions, mod_wsgi can be easily "
+"installed via whatever package management system is in use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:505
+msgid ""
+"Bottle brings an adapter for mod_wsgi with it, so serving your application "
+"is an easy task."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:507
+msgid ""
+"In the following example, we assume that you want to make your application "
+"\"ToDo list\" accessible through ```` and your "
+"code, templates and SQLite database are stored in the path "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:509
+msgid ""
+"When you run your application via mod_wsgi, it is imperative to remove the "
+"``run()`` statement from your code, otherwise it won't work here."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:511
+msgid ""
+"After that, create a file called ``adapter.wsgi`` with the following "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:522
+msgid ""
+"and save it in the same path, ``/var/www/todo``. Actually the name of the "
+"file can be anything, as long as the extension is ``.wsgi``. The name is "
+"only used to reference the file from your virtual host."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:524
+msgid ""
+"Finally, we need to add a virtual host to the Apache configuration, which "
+"looks like this::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:540
+msgid ""
+"After restarting the server, your ToDo list should be accessible at "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:543
+msgid "Final Words"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:545
+msgid ""
+"Now we are at the end of this introduction and tutorial to Bottle. We "
+"learned about the basic concepts of Bottle and wrote a first application "
+"using the Bottle framework. In addition to that, we saw how to adapt Bottle "
+"for large tasks and serve Bottle through an Apache web server with mod_wsgi."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:547
+msgid ""
+"As said in the introduction, this tutorial is not showing all shades and "
+"possibilities of Bottle. What we skipped here is e.g. receiving file objects"
+" and streams and how to handle authentication data. Furthermore, we did not "
+"show how templates can be called from within another template. For an "
+"introduction into those points, please refer to the full `Bottle "
+"documentation`_ ."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:550
+msgid "Complete Example Listing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:552
+msgid ""
+"As the ToDo list example was developed piece by piece, here is the complete "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:554
+msgid "Main code for the application ````::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:675
+msgid "Template ``make_table.tpl``::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:689
+msgid "Template ``edit_task.tpl``::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:704
+msgid "Template ``new_task.tpl``::"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/api.po b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
index 29d2d1b..bad88ac 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
# Igor P. Leroy <>, 2015
+# john snow <>, 2017
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:06+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../api.rst:17
msgid "Module Contents"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Conteúdo dos Módulos"
#: ../../api.rst:19
msgid "The module defines several functions, constants, and an exception."
@@ -47,6 +48,22 @@ msgid ""
"Start a server instance. This method blocks until the server terminates."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.path_shift:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring
+#: of bottle.Bottle.mount:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.Bottle.route:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:0
+msgid "Parameters"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
msgid ""
"WSGI application or target string supported by :func:`load_app`. (default: "
@@ -202,6 +219,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shift path fragments from PATH_INFO to SCRIPT_NAME and vice versa."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:0
+msgid "Returns"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:3
msgid "The modified paths."
msgstr ""
@@ -231,40 +252,59 @@ msgid ""
"special methods available to access the full list of values."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.keys:1
+msgid "D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.values:1
+msgid "D.values() -> an object providing a view on D's values"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.items:1
+msgid "D.items() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's items"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:1
msgid "Return the most recent value for a key."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:3
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:3
msgid ""
"The default value to be returned if the key is not present or the type "
"conversion fails."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:5
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:5
msgid "An index for the list of available values."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:6
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:6
msgid ""
"If defined, this callable is used to cast the value into a specific type. "
"Exception are suppressed and result in the default value to be returned."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.append:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.append:1
msgid "Add a new value to the list of values for this key."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.replace:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.replace:1
msgid "Replace the list of values with a single value."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getall:1
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getlist:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getall:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.getall:1
msgid "Return a (possibly empty) list of values for a key."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getone:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:1
msgid "Aliases for WTForms to mimic other multi-dict APIs (Django)"
msgstr ""
@@ -338,6 +378,7 @@ msgid "Return the current default application and remove it from the stack."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.AppStack.push:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.AppStack.push:1
msgid "Add a new :class:`Bottle` instance to the stack"
msgstr ""
@@ -359,11 +400,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "controls which lookups are cached. One of 'all', 'found' or 'none'."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.path:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.ResourceManager.path:1
msgid "A list of search paths. See :meth:`add_path` for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.cache:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.ResourceManager.cache:1
msgid "A cache for resolved paths. ``res.cache.clear()`` clears the cache."
msgstr ""
@@ -404,7 +445,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.lookup:3
msgid ""
-"The :attr:`path` list is searched in order. The first match is returend. "
+"The :attr:`path` list is searched in order. The first match is returned. "
"Symlinks are followed. The result is cached to speed up future lookups."
msgstr ""
@@ -412,19 +453,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Find a resource and return a file object, or raise IOError."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.file:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.file:1
msgid "Open file(-like) object (BytesIO buffer or temporary file)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../docstring of
msgid "Name of the upload form field"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.raw_filename:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.raw_filename:1
msgid "Raw filename as sent by the client (may contain unsafe characters)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.headers:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.headers:1
msgid "A :class:`HeaderDict` with additional headers (e.g. content-type)"
msgstr ""
@@ -438,6 +479,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Current value of the 'Content-Length' header."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.get_header:1
+msgid "Return the value of a header within the mulripart part."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.filename:1
msgid ""
"Name of the file on the client file system, but normalized to ensure file "
@@ -496,11 +541,11 @@ msgid ""
"middleware handle exceptions."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.config:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Bottle.config:1
msgid "A :class:`ConfigDict` for app specific configuration."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.resources:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Bottle.resources:1
msgid "A :class:`ResourceManager` for application files"
msgstr ""
@@ -624,7 +669,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.match:1
msgid ""
-"Search for a matching route and return a (:class:`Route` , urlargs) tuple. "
+"Search for a matching route and return a (:class:`Route`, urlargs) tuple. "
"The second value is a dictionary with parameters extracted from the URL. "
"Raise :exc:`HTTPError` (404/405) on a non-match."
msgstr ""
@@ -707,7 +752,9 @@ msgid "Equals :meth:`route` with a ``PATCH`` method parameter."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.error:1
-msgid "Decorator: Register an output handler for a HTTP error code"
+msgid ""
+"Register an output handler for a HTTP error code. Can be used as a decorator"
+" or called directly ::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.wsgi:1
@@ -718,40 +765,40 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"This class wraps a route callback along with route specific metadata and "
"configuration and applies Plugins on demand. It is also responsible for "
-"turing an URL path rule into a regular expression usable by the Router."
+"turning an URL path rule into a regular expression usable by the Router."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../docstring of
msgid "The application this route is installed to."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.rule:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.rule:1
msgid "The path-rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/<page>``)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.method:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.method:1
msgid "The HTTP method as a string (e.g. ``GET``)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.callback:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.callback:1
msgid ""
"The original callback with no plugins applied. Useful for introspection."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../docstring of
msgid "The name of the route (if specified) or ``None``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.plugins:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.plugins:1
msgid "A list of route-specific plugins (see :meth:`Bottle.route`)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.skiplist:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.skiplist:1
msgid ""
"A list of plugins to not apply to this route (see :meth:`Bottle.route`)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.config:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.config:1
msgid ""
"Additional keyword arguments passed to the :meth:`Bottle.route` decorator "
"are stored in this dictionary. Used for route-specific plugin configuration "
@@ -906,10 +953,10 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.json:1
msgid ""
-"If the ``Content-Type`` header is ``application/json``, this property holds "
-"the parsed content of the request body. Only requests smaller than "
-":attr:`MEMFILE_MAX` are processed to avoid memory exhaustion. Invalid JSON "
-"raises a 400 error response."
+"If the ``Content-Type`` header is ``application/json`` or ``application"
+"/json-rpc``, this property holds the parsed content of the request body. "
+"Only requests smaller than :attr:`MEMFILE_MAX` are processed to avoid memory"
+" exhaustion. Invalid JSON raises a 400 error response."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.body:1
@@ -925,7 +972,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "True if Chunked transfer encoding was."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.GET:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.query:1
msgid "An alias for :attr:`query`."
msgstr ""
@@ -968,7 +1015,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:2
-msgid "Shift path segments from path to script_name and"
+msgid "Shift path segments from :attr:`path` to :attr:`script_name` and"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:2
@@ -1048,15 +1095,10 @@ msgid ""
"multithreaded server)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalRequest.bind:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.__init__:1
msgid "Wrap a WSGI environ dictionary."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalRequest.environ:1
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalResponse.body:1
-msgid "Thread-local property"
-msgstr ""
#: ../../api.rst:146
msgid "The :class:`Response` Object"
msgstr ""
@@ -1212,23 +1254,37 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:17
msgid ""
"prevents client-side javascript to read this cookie (default: off, requires "
-"Python 2.7 or newer)."
+"Python 2.6 or newer)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:20
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:19
msgid ""
-"If neither `expires` nor `max_age` is set (default), the cookie will expire "
+"Control or disable third-party use for this cookie. Possible values: `lax`, "
+"`strict` or `none` (default)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:22
+msgid ""
+"If neither `expires` nor `maxage` is set (default), the cookie will expire "
"at the end of the browser session (as soon as the browser window is closed)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:24
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:26
msgid ""
"Signed cookies may store any pickle-able object and are cryptographically "
"signed to prevent manipulation. Keep in mind that cookies are limited to 4kb"
" in most browsers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:28
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:30
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Pickle is a potentially dangerous format. If an attacker gains "
+"access to the secret key, he could forge cookies that execute code on server"
+" side if unpickled. Using pickle is discouraged and support for it will be "
+"removed in later versions of bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:35
msgid ""
"Warning: Signed cookies are not encrypted (the client can still see the "
"content) and not copy-protected (the client can restore an old cookie). The "
@@ -1250,6 +1306,14 @@ msgid ""
"response at the end of the request/response cycle."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.__init__:1
+msgid "Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalResponse.body:1
+msgid "Thread-local property"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../api.rst:160
msgid ""
"The following two classes can be raised as an exception. The most noticeable"
diff --git a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/async.po b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
index 193b722..e12cf7b 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-01-22 19:17+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
diff --git a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
index 413c231..0b85b47 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-01-22 19:17+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -25,28 +25,281 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Release 0.13"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:13
-msgid "Added :func:`patch` shortcut for `route(..., method='PATCH')`"
+#: ../../changelog.rst:11
+msgid "Not released yet."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:17
-msgid "Release 0.12"
+#: ../../changelog.rst:14
+msgid "Dropped support for Python versions that reached their end-of-life."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:19
+#: ../../changelog.rst:15
msgid ""
-"New SimpleTemplate parser implementation * Support for multi-line code "
-"blocks (`<% ... %>`). * The keywords `include` and `rebase` are functions "
-"now and can accept variable template names."
+"Keeping up support for ancient Python versions hinders adaptation of new "
+"features and serves no real purpose. If you need support for older Python "
+"versions, you can stay on bottle-0.12. The updated list of tested and "
+"supported python releases is as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:20
+msgid "Python 2.7 (>= 2.7.3)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:21
+msgid "Python 3.6"
msgstr ""
#: ../../changelog.rst:22
+msgid "Python 3.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:23
+msgid "Python 3.8"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:24
+msgid "Python 3.9"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:25
+msgid "PyPy 2.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:26
+msgid "PyPy 3.6"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:27
+msgid "PyPy 3.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"Support for Python 2.5 was marked as deprecated since 0.12. We decided to go"
+" a step further and also remove support for 2.6 and 3.1 to 3.5 even if it "
+"was never deprecated explicitly in bottle. This means that this release is "
+"*not* backwards compatible in Python <2.7.3 or <3.6 environments. "
+"Maintainers for distributions or systems that still use these old python "
+"versions should not update to Bottle 0.13 and stick with 0.12 instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:35
+msgid "Stabilized APIs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:36
+msgid ""
+"The documented API of the :class:`ConfigDict` class is now considered stable"
+" and ready to use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:38
+msgid "Deprecated APIs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"The old route syntax (``/hello/:name``) is deprecated in favor of the more "
+"readable and flexible ``/hello/<name>`` syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:40
+msgid ""
+":meth:`Bottle.mount` now recognizes Bottle instance and will warn about "
+"parameters that are not compatible with the new mounting behavior. The old "
+"behavior (mount applications as WSGI callable) still works and is used as a "
+"fallback automatically."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:41
+msgid "The undocumented :func:`local_property` helper is now deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"The server adapter for google app engine is not useful anymore and marked as"
+" deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"Bottle uses pickle to store arbitrary objects into signed cookies. This is "
+"safe, as long as the signature key remains a secret. Unfortunately, people "
+"tend to push code with signature keys to github all the time, so we decided "
+"to remove pickle-support from bottle. Signed cookies will now issue a "
+"deprecation warning if the value is not a string, and support for non-string"
+" values will be removed in 0.14. The global :func:`cookie_encode`, "
+":func:`cookie_decode` and :func:`is_cookie_encoded` are now also deprecated."
+" If you are using this feature, think about using json to serialize your "
+"objects before storing them into cookies, or switch to a session system that"
+" stores data server-side instead of client-side."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:45
+msgid "Removed APIs (deprecated since 0.12)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:46
+msgid ""
+"Plugins with the old API (``api=1`` or no api attribute) will no longer "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"Parameter order of :meth:`Bottle.mount` changed in 0.10. The old order will "
+"now result in an error instead of a warning."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`ConfigDict` class was introduced in 0.11 and changed during "
+"0.12. These changes are now final."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:50
+msgid ""
+"Attribute access and assignment was removed due to high overhead and limited"
+" usability."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"Namespaced sub-instance creation was removed. ``config[\"a\"][\"b\"]`` has a"
+" high overhead and little benefit over ``config[\"a.b\"]``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:52
+msgid ""
+":class:`ConfigDict` instances are no longer callable. This was a shortcut "
+"for :meth:`ConfigDict.update`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:53
+msgid ""
+":class:`ConfigDict` constructor no longer accepts any parameters. Use the "
+"`load_*` methods instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:55
+msgid ""
+"Bottle 0.12 changed some aspects of the Simple Template Engine. These "
+"changes are now final and the old syntax will now longer work."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:57
+msgid ""
+"The magic ``{{rebase()}}`` call was replaced by a ``base`` variable. "
+"Example: ``{{base}}``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"In STPL Templates, the 'rebase' and 'include' keywords were replaced with "
+"functions in 0.12."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:59
+msgid ""
+"PEP-263 encoding strings are no longer recognized. Templates are always "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:61
+msgid ""
+"The 'geventSocketIO' server adapter was removed without notice. It did not "
+"work anyway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:63
+msgid "Changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:64
+msgid "These changes might require special care when updating."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"Signed cookies now use a stronger HMAC algorithm by default. This will "
+"result in old cookies to appear invalid after the update. Pass an explicit "
+"``digestmod=hashlib.md5`` to :meth:`Request.get_cookie` and "
+":meth:`Response.set_cookie` to get the old behavior."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:68
+msgid "Other Improvements"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:69
+msgid ""
+"Bottle() instances are now context managers. If used in a with-statement, "
+"the default application changes to the specific instance and the shortcuts "
+"for many instance methods can be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"Added support for ``PATCH`` requests and the :meth:`Bottle.patch` decorator."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:71
+msgid ""
+"Added `aiohttp <>`_ and `uvloop "
+"<>`_ server adapters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:72
+msgid "Added command-line arguments for config from json or ini files."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:73
+msgid ""
+":meth:`Bottle.mount` now recognizes instances of :class:`Bottle` and mounts "
+"them with significantly less overhead than other WSGI applications."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:74
+msgid ""
+"The :attr:`Request.json` property now accepts ``application/json-rpc`` "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:75
+msgid ""
+":func:`static_file` gained support for ``ETag`` headers. It will generate "
+"ETags and recognizes ``If-None-Match`` headers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:76
+msgid "Jinja2 templates will produce better error messages than before."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:82
+msgid "Release 0.12"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:84
+msgid "New SimpleTemplate parser implementation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:86
+msgid "Support for multi-line code blocks (`<% ... %>`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:87
+msgid ""
+"The keywords `include` and `rebase` are functions now and can accept "
+"variable template names."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:89
msgid ""
-"The new :meth:`BaseRequest.route` property returns the :class:`Route` that "
+"The new :attr:`BaseRequest.route` property returns the :class:`Route` that "
"originally matched the request."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:23
+#: ../../changelog.rst:90
msgid ""
"Removed the ``BaseRequest.MAX_PARAMS`` limit. The hash collision bug in "
"CPythons dict() implementation was fixed over a year ago. If you are still "
@@ -54,69 +307,69 @@ msgid ""
"that you get security fixed from your distributor."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:24
+#: ../../changelog.rst:91
msgid "New :class:`ConfigDict` API (see :doc:`configuration`)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:26
+#: ../../changelog.rst:93
msgid ""
"More information can be found in this `development blog post "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:30
+#: ../../changelog.rst:97
msgid "Release 0.11"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:32
+#: ../../changelog.rst:99
msgid ""
"Native support for Python 2.x and 3.x syntax. No need to run 2to3 anymore."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:33
+#: ../../changelog.rst:100
msgid ""
"Support for partial downloads (``Range`` header) in :func:`static_file`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:34
+#: ../../changelog.rst:101
msgid ""
"The new :class:`ResourceManager` interface helps locating files bundled with"
" an application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:35
+#: ../../changelog.rst:102
msgid ""
"Added a server adapter for `waitress "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:36
+#: ../../changelog.rst:103
msgid ""
"New :meth:`Bottle.merge` method to install all routes from one application "
"into another."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:37
+#: ../../changelog.rst:104
msgid ""
"New :attr:`` property to get the application object that "
"handles a request."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:38
+#: ../../changelog.rst:105
msgid ""
"Added :meth:`FormsDict.decode()` to get an all-unicode version (needed by "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:39
+#: ../../changelog.rst:106
msgid ":class:`MultiDict` and subclasses are now pickle-able."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:42
+#: ../../changelog.rst:109
msgid "API Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:43
+#: ../../changelog.rst:110
msgid ""
":attr:`Response.status` is a read-write property that can be assigned either"
" a numeric status code or a status string with a reason phrase (``200 OK``)."
@@ -125,53 +378,53 @@ msgid ""
":attr:`BaseResponse.status_code` and :attr:`BaseResponse.status_line`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:46
+#: ../../changelog.rst:113
msgid "API Deprecations"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:47
+#: ../../changelog.rst:114
msgid ""
":class:`SimpleTALTemplate` is now deprecating. There seems to be no demand."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:50
+#: ../../changelog.rst:117
msgid "Release 0.10"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:52
+#: ../../changelog.rst:119
msgid "Plugin API v2"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:54
+#: ../../changelog.rst:121
msgid "To use the new API, set :attr:`Plugin.api` to ``2``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:55
+#: ../../changelog.rst:122
msgid ""
":meth:`Plugin.apply` receives a :class:`Route` object instead of a context "
"dictionary as second parameter. The new object offers some additional "
"information and may be extended in the future."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:56
+#: ../../changelog.rst:123
msgid ""
"Plugin names are considered unique now. The topmost plugin with a given name"
" on a given route is installed, all other plugins with the same name are "
"silently ignored."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:58
+#: ../../changelog.rst:125
msgid "The Request/Response Objects"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:60
+#: ../../changelog.rst:127
msgid ""
"Added :attr:`BaseRequest.json`, :attr:`BaseRequest.remote_route`, "
":attr:`BaseRequest.remote_addr`, :attr:`BaseRequest.query` and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:61
+#: ../../changelog.rst:128
msgid ""
"Added :attr:`BaseResponse.status_line` and :attr:`BaseResponse.status_code` "
"attributes. In future releases, :attr:`BaseResponse.status` will return a "
@@ -180,204 +433,204 @@ msgid ""
"use the verbose attributes from now on."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:62
+#: ../../changelog.rst:129
msgid ""
"Replaced :class:`MultiDict` with a specialized :class:`FormsDict` in many "
"places. The new dict implementation allows attribute access and handles "
"unicode form values transparently."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:64
+#: ../../changelog.rst:131
msgid "Templates"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:66
+#: ../../changelog.rst:133
msgid ""
"Added three new functions to the SimpleTemplate default namespace that "
"handle undefined variables: :func:`stpl.defined`, :func:`stpl.get` and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:67
+#: ../../changelog.rst:134
msgid ""
"The default escape function for SimpleTemplate now additionally escapes "
"single and double quotes."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:69
+#: ../../changelog.rst:136
msgid "Routing"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:71
+#: ../../changelog.rst:138
msgid ""
"A new route syntax (e.g. ``/object/<id:int>``) and support for route "
"wildcard filters."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:72
+#: ../../changelog.rst:139
msgid "Four new wildcard filters: `int`, `float`, `path` and `re`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:74
+#: ../../changelog.rst:141
msgid "Other changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:76
+#: ../../changelog.rst:143
msgid "Added command line interface to load applications and start servers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:77
+#: ../../changelog.rst:144
msgid ""
"Introduced a :class:`ConfigDict` that makes accessing configuration a lot "
"easier (attribute access and auto-expanding namespaces)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:78
+#: ../../changelog.rst:145
msgid "Added support for raw WSGI applications to :meth:`Bottle.mount`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:79
+#: ../../changelog.rst:146
msgid ":meth:`Bottle.mount` parameter order changed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:80
+#: ../../changelog.rst:147
msgid ""
":meth:`Bottle.route` now accpets an import string for the ``callback`` "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:81
+#: ../../changelog.rst:148
msgid "Dropped Gunicorn 0.8 support. Current supported version is 0.13."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:82
+#: ../../changelog.rst:149
msgid "Added custom options to Gunicorn server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:83
+#: ../../changelog.rst:150
msgid ""
"Finally dropped support for type filters. Replace with a custom plugin of "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:87
+#: ../../changelog.rst:154
msgid "Release 0.9"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:90
+#: ../../changelog.rst:157
msgid "Whats new?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:91
+#: ../../changelog.rst:158
msgid ""
"A brand new plugin-API. See :ref:`plugins` and :doc:`plugindev` for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:92
+#: ../../changelog.rst:159
msgid ""
"The :func:`route` decorator got a lot of new features. See "
":meth:`Bottle.route` for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:93
+#: ../../changelog.rst:160
msgid ""
"New server adapters for `gevent <>`_, `meinheld "
"<>`_ and `bjoern "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:94
+#: ../../changelog.rst:161
msgid "Support for SimpleTAL templates."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:95
+#: ../../changelog.rst:162
msgid "Better runtime exception handling for mako templates in debug mode."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:96
+#: ../../changelog.rst:163
msgid "Lots of documentation, fixes and small improvements."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:97
+#: ../../changelog.rst:164
msgid "A new :data:`Request.urlparts` property."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:100
+#: ../../changelog.rst:167
msgid "Performance improvements"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:101
+#: ../../changelog.rst:168
msgid ""
"The :class:`Router` now special-cases ``wsgi.run_once`` environments to "
"speed up CGI."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:102
+#: ../../changelog.rst:169
msgid ""
"Reduced module load time by ~30% and optimized template parser. See `8ccb2d "
-"<>`_, `f72a7c <>`_ and `b14b9a "
-"<>`_ for details."
+"</commit/8ccb2d>`_, `f72a7c </commit/f72a7c>`_ and `b14b9a "
+"</commit/b14b9a>`_ for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:103
+#: ../../changelog.rst:170
msgid ""
"Support for \"App Caching\" on Google App Engine. See `af93ec "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:104
+#: ../../changelog.rst:171
msgid ""
"Some of the rarely used or deprecated features are now plugins that avoid "
"overhead if the feature is not used."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:107 ../../changelog.rst:118
+#: ../../changelog.rst:174 ../../changelog.rst:185
msgid "API changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:108
+#: ../../changelog.rst:175
msgid ""
"This release is mostly backward compatible, but some APIs are marked "
"deprecated now and will be removed for the next release. Most noteworthy:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:110
+#: ../../changelog.rst:177
msgid ""
"The ``static`` route parameter is deprecated. You can escape wild-cards with"
" a backslash."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:111
+#: ../../changelog.rst:178
msgid ""
"Type-based output filters are deprecated. They can easily be replaced with "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:115
+#: ../../changelog.rst:182
msgid "Release 0.8"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:119
+#: ../../changelog.rst:186
msgid "These changes may break compatibility with previous versions."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:121
+#: ../../changelog.rst:188
msgid ""
"The built-in Key/Value database is not available anymore. It is marked "
"deprecated since 0.6.4"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:122
+#: ../../changelog.rst:189
msgid "The Route syntax and behaviour changed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:124
+#: ../../changelog.rst:191
msgid ""
"Regular expressions must be encapsulated with ``#``. In 0.6 all non-"
"alphanumeric characters not present in the regular expression were allowed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:125
+#: ../../changelog.rst:192
msgid ""
"Regular expressions not part of a route wildcard are escaped automatically. "
"You don't have to escape dots or other regular control characters anymore. "
@@ -386,69 +639,69 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:127
+#: ../../changelog.rst:194
msgid ""
"The ``BreakTheBottle`` exception is gone. Use :class:`HTTPResponse` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:128
+#: ../../changelog.rst:195
msgid ""
"The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine escapes HTML special characters in "
"``{{bad_html}}`` expressions automatically. Use the new ``{{!good_html}}`` "
"syntax to get old behaviour (no escaping)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:129
+#: ../../changelog.rst:196
msgid ""
"The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine returns unicode strings instead of lists "
"of byte strings."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:130
+#: ../../changelog.rst:197
msgid ""
"``bottle.optimize()`` and the automatic route optimization is obsolete."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:131
+#: ../../changelog.rst:198
msgid "Some functions and attributes were renamed:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:133
+#: ../../changelog.rst:200
msgid ":attr:`Request._environ` is now :attr:`Request.environ`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:134
+#: ../../changelog.rst:201
msgid ":attr:`Response.header` is now :attr:`Response.headers`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:135
+#: ../../changelog.rst:202
msgid ":func:`default_app` is obsolete. Use :func:`app` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:137
+#: ../../changelog.rst:204
msgid "The default :func:`redirect` code changed from 307 to 303."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:138
+#: ../../changelog.rst:205
msgid "Removed support for ``@default``. Use ``@error(404)`` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:142
+#: ../../changelog.rst:209
msgid "New features"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:143
+#: ../../changelog.rst:210
msgid "This is an incomplete list of new features and improved functionality."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:145
+#: ../../changelog.rst:212
msgid ""
"The :class:`Request` object got new properties: :attr:`Request.body`, "
":attr:`Request.auth`, :attr:`Request.url`, :attr:`Request.header`, "
":attr:`Request.forms`, :attr:`Request.files`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:146
+#: ../../changelog.rst:213
msgid ""
"The :meth:`Response.set_cookie` and :meth:`Request.get_cookie` methods are "
"now able to encode and decode python objects. This is called a *secure "
@@ -456,41 +709,41 @@ msgid ""
"client side. All pickle-able data structures are allowed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:147
+#: ../../changelog.rst:214
msgid ""
"The new :class:`Router` class drastically improves performance for setups "
"with lots of dynamic routes and supports named routes (named route + dict = "
"URL string)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:148
+#: ../../changelog.rst:215
msgid ""
"It is now possible (and recommended) to return :exc:`HTTPError` and "
":exc:`HTTPResponse` instances or other exception objects instead of raising "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:149
+#: ../../changelog.rst:216
msgid ""
"The new function :func:`static_file` equals :func:`send_file` but returns a "
":exc:`HTTPResponse` or :exc:`HTTPError` instead of raising it. "
":func:`send_file` is deprecated."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:150
+#: ../../changelog.rst:217
msgid ""
"New :func:`get`, :func:`post`, :func:`put` and :func:`delete` decorators."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:151
+#: ../../changelog.rst:218
msgid "The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine got full unicode support."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:152
+#: ../../changelog.rst:219
msgid "Lots of non-critical bugfixes."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:158
+#: ../../changelog.rst:225
msgid "Contributors"
msgstr ""
@@ -693,65 +946,69 @@ msgid "Nicolas Vanhoren"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:51
-msgid "Robert Rollins"
+msgid "Oz N Tiram"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:52
-msgid "rogererens"
+msgid "Robert Rollins"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:53
-msgid "rwxrwx"
+msgid "rogererens"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:54
-msgid "Santiago Gala"
+msgid "rwxrwx"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:55
-msgid "Sean M. Collins"
+msgid "Santiago Gala"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:56
-msgid "Sebastian Wollrath"
+msgid "Sean M. Collins"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:57
-msgid "Seth"
+msgid "Sebastian Wollrath"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:58
-msgid "Sigurd Høgsbro"
+msgid "Seth"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:59
-msgid "Stuart Rackham"
+msgid "Sigurd Høgsbro"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:60
-msgid "Sun Ning"
+msgid "Stuart Rackham"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:61
-msgid "Tomás A. Schertel"
+msgid "Sun Ning"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:62
-msgid "Tristan Zajonc"
+msgid "Tomás A. Schertel"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:63
-msgid "voltron"
+msgid "Tristan Zajonc"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:64
-msgid "Wieland Hoffmann"
+msgid "voltron"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:65
-msgid "zombat"
+msgid "Wieland Hoffmann"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:66
+msgid "zombat"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:67
msgid "Thiago Avelino"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
index 71af62e..043653b 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 20:58+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -106,22 +106,46 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:84
+#: ../../configuration.rst:85
+msgid "Loading Configuration from a python module"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"Loading configuration from a Python module is a common pattern for Python "
+"programs and frameworks. Bottle assumes that configuration keys are all "
+"upper case:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:98
+msgid ""
+"You can load the this Python module with :met:`ConfigDict.load_module`::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:107
+msgid ""
+"Note the second parameter to disable loading as namespaced items as in "
+":meth:`ConfigDict.load_dict`. By default, loading from a Python module will "
+"call this method, unless you specifically call this method with `False` as "
+"the second argument."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:110
msgid "Loading Configuration from a nested :class:`dict`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:88
+#: ../../configuration.rst:114
msgid ""
"Another useful method is :meth:`ConfigDict.load_dict`. This method takes an "
"entire structure of nested dictionaries and turns it into a flat list of "
"keys and values with namespaced keys::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:109
+#: ../../configuration.rst:135
msgid "Listening to configuration changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:113
+#: ../../configuration.rst:139
msgid ""
"The ``config`` hook on the application object is triggered each time a value"
" in :attr:`Bottle.config` is changed. This hook can be used to react on "
@@ -133,37 +157,37 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:122
+#: ../../configuration.rst:148
msgid ""
"The hook callbacks cannot *change* the value that is to be stored to the "
"dictionary. That is what filters are for."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:128
+#: ../../configuration.rst:154
msgid "Filters and other Meta Data"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:132
+#: ../../configuration.rst:158
msgid ""
":class:`ConfigDict` allows you to store meta data along with configuration "
"keys. Two meta fields are currently defined:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:136
+#: ../../configuration.rst:162
msgid "help"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:135
+#: ../../configuration.rst:161
msgid ""
"A help or description string. May be used by debugging, introspection or "
"admin tools to help the site maintainer configuring their application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:139
+#: ../../configuration.rst:165
msgid "filter"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:139
+#: ../../configuration.rst:165
msgid ""
"A callable that accepts and returns a single value. If a filter is defined "
"for a key, any new value stored to that key is first passed through the "
@@ -171,37 +195,46 @@ msgid ""
"type, check for invalid values (throw a ValueError) or trigger side effects."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:141
+#: ../../configuration.rst:167
msgid ""
"This feature is most useful for plugins. They can validate their config "
"parameters or trigger side effects using filters and document their "
"configuration via ``help`` fields::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:163
+#: ../../configuration.rst:189
msgid "API Documentation"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict:1
msgid ""
"A dict-like configuration storage with additional support for namespaces, "
-"validators, meta-data, on_change listeners and more."
+"validators, meta-data, overlays and more."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict:4
msgid ""
-"Load values from a Python module. :param squash: Squash nested dicts into "
-"namespaces by using"
+"This dict-like class is heavily optimized for read access. All read-only "
+"methods as well as item access should be as fast as the built-in dict."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:1
+msgid "Load values from a Python module."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:3
-msgid "load_dict(), otherwise use update()"
+msgid "Example modue ````::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:4
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:0
+msgid "Parameters"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:17
msgid ""
-"Example: load_config('', True) Example: "
-"load_config('', False)"
+"If true (default), dictionary values are assumed to represent namespaces "
+"(see :meth:`load_dict`)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:1
@@ -210,9 +243,41 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:3
msgid ""
-"If the config file contains sections, their names are used as namespaces for"
-" the values within. The two special sections ``DEFAULT`` and ``bottle`` "
-"refer to the root namespace (no prefix)."
+"A configuration file consists of sections, each led by a ``[section]`` "
+"header, followed by key/value entries separated by either ``=`` or ``:``. "
+"Section names and keys are case-insensitive. Leading and trailing whitespace"
+" is removed from keys and values. Values can be omitted, in which case the "
+"key/value delimiter may also be left out. Values can also span multiple "
+"lines, as long as they are indented deeper than the first line of the value."
+" Commands are prefixed by ``#`` or ``;`` and may only appear on their own on"
+" an otherwise empty line."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:13
+msgid ""
+"Both section and key names may contain dots (``.``) as namespace separators."
+" The actual configuration parameter name is constructed by joining section "
+"name and key name together and converting to lower case."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:18
+msgid ""
+"The special sections ``bottle`` and ``ROOT`` refer to the root namespace and"
+" the ``DEFAULT`` section defines default values for all other sections."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:22
+msgid "With Python 3, extended string interpolation is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:24
+msgid "The path of a config file, or a list of paths."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:25
+msgid ""
+"All keyword parameters are passed to the underlying "
+":class:`python:configparser.ConfigParser` constructor call."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_dict:1
@@ -224,8 +289,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.update:1
msgid ""
"If the first parameter is a string, all keys are prefixed with this "
-"namespace. Apart from that it works just as the usual dict.update(). "
-"Example: ``update('some.namespace', key='value')``"
+"namespace. Apart from that it works just as the usual dict.update()."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.setdefault:1
+msgid "Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.setdefault:3
+msgid "Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.meta_get:1
diff --git a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
index a48912c..7c6dfce 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-01-22 19:18+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid "Contact"
msgstr ""
#: ../../contact.rst:6
-msgid "About the Autor"
+msgid "About the Author"
msgstr ""
#: ../../contact.rst:7
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../contact.rst:10
msgid "About Bottle"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sobre o Bottle"
#: ../../contact.rst:11
msgid ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
index d3d027d..1f583db 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 20:58+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -30,42 +30,43 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:31
msgid ""
-"To get your application available to the outside world, specify the IP of "
-"the interface the server should listen to (e.g. ``run(host='')``)"
-" or let the server listen to all interfaces at once (e.g. "
-"``run(host='')``). The listening port can be changed in a similar "
-"way, but you need root or admin rights to choose a port below 1024. Port 80 "
-"is the standard for HTTP servers::"
+"To get your application available to the outside world, specify the IP the "
+"server should listen to (e.g. ``run(host='')``) or let the server"
+" listen to all interfaces at once (e.g. ``run(host='')``). The "
+"listening port can be changed in a similar way, but you need root or admin "
+"rights to choose a port below 1024. Port 80 is the standard for HTTP "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:36
+#: ../../deployment.rst:37
msgid "Server Options"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:38
+#: ../../deployment.rst:39
msgid ""
"The built-in default server is based on `wsgiref WSGIServer "
"wsgiref.simple_server>`_. This non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine "
-"for development and early production, but may become a performance "
-"bottleneck when server load increases. There are three ways to eliminate "
-"this bottleneck:"
+"for development, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load "
+"increases. There are three ways to eliminate this bottleneck:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:40
-msgid "Use a different server that is either multi-threaded or asynchronous."
+#: ../../deployment.rst:41
+msgid ""
+"Use a different server that is either multi-threaded or supports "
+"asynchronous IO."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:41
+#: ../../deployment.rst:42
msgid ""
"Start multiple server processes and spread the load with a load-balancer."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:42
+#: ../../deployment.rst:43
msgid "Do both."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:44
+#: ../../deployment.rst:45
msgid ""
"**Multi-threaded** servers are the 'classic' way to do it. They are very "
"robust, reasonably fast and easy to manage. As a drawback, they can only "
@@ -76,15 +77,15 @@ msgid ""
"image processing)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:46
+#: ../../deployment.rst:47
msgid ""
-"**Asynchronous** servers are very fast, can handle a virtually unlimited "
+"**Asynchronous IO** servers are very fast, can handle a virtually unlimited "
"number of concurrent connections and are easy to manage. To take full "
"advantage of their potential, you need to design your application "
"accordingly and understand the concepts of the specific server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:48
+#: ../../deployment.rst:49
msgid ""
"**Multi-processing** (forking) servers are not limited by the GIL and "
"utilize more than one CPU core, but make communication between server "
@@ -94,105 +95,101 @@ msgid ""
"there are good tutorials available."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:51
+#: ../../deployment.rst:52
msgid "Switching the Server Backend"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:53
+#: ../../deployment.rst:54
msgid ""
"The easiest way to increase performance is to install a multi-threaded "
"server library like paste_ or cherrypy_ and tell Bottle to use that instead "
"of the single-threaded default server::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:57
+#: ../../deployment.rst:58
msgid ""
"Bottle ships with a lot of ready-to-use adapters for the most common WSGI "
"servers and automates the setup process. Here is an incomplete list:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:60
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:60
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
msgid "Homepage"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:60
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:62
+#: ../../deployment.rst:63
msgid "cgi"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:62
+#: ../../deployment.rst:63
msgid "Run as CGI script"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
msgid "flup"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
msgid "flup_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
msgid "Run as FastCGI process"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
msgid "gae"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
msgid "gae_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
msgid "Helper for Google App Engine deployments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
msgid "wsgiref"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
msgid "wsgiref_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
msgid "Single-threaded default server"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
msgid "cherrypy"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
msgid "cherrypy_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
msgid "Multi-threaded and very stable"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
msgid "paste"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
msgid "paste_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:67
-msgid "Multi-threaded, stable, tried and tested"
-msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:68
-msgid "Multi-threaded"
+msgid "Multi-threaded, stable, tried and tested"
msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:69
@@ -252,78 +249,66 @@ msgid "diesel_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:74
-msgid "fapws3"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:74
-msgid "fapws3_"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:74
-msgid "Asynchronous (network side only), written in C"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "tornado"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:75
+#: ../../deployment.rst:74
msgid "tornado_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:75
+#: ../../deployment.rst:74
msgid "Asynchronous, powers some parts of Facebook"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "twisted"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "twisted_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "Asynchronous, well tested but... twisted"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
msgid "meinheld"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
msgid "meinheld_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
msgid "Asynchronous, partly written in C"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
msgid "bjoern"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
msgid "bjoern_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
msgid "Asynchronous, very fast and written in C"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:79
+#: ../../deployment.rst:78
msgid "auto"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:79
+#: ../../deployment.rst:78
msgid "Automatically selects an available server adapter"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:82
+#: ../../deployment.rst:81
msgid "The full list is available through :data:`server_names`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:84
+#: ../../deployment.rst:83
msgid ""
"If there is no adapter for your favorite server or if you need more control "
"over the server setup, you may want to start the server manually. Refer to "
@@ -331,41 +316,50 @@ msgid ""
" for paste_::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:93
+#: ../../deployment.rst:91
msgid "Apache mod_wsgi"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:95
+#: ../../deployment.rst:93
msgid ""
"Instead of running your own HTTP server from within Bottle, you can attach "
"Bottle applications to an `Apache server <apache>`_ using mod_wsgi_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:97
+#: ../../deployment.rst:95
msgid ""
"All you need is an ``app.wsgi`` file that provides an ``application`` "
"object. This object is used by mod_wsgi to start your application and should"
" be a WSGI-compatible Python callable."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:99
+#: ../../deployment.rst:97
msgid "File ``/var/www/yourapp/app.wsgi``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:110
+#: ../../deployment.rst:108
msgid "The Apache configuration may look like this::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:126
+msgid "uWSGI"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:128
msgid ""
-"With newer versions of Apache (2.4) use a configuration similar to this::"
+"uWSGI_ is a modern alternative to FastCGI and the recommended deployment "
+"option on servers like nginx_, lighttpd_, and cherokee_. The uWSGI project "
+"provides an application server that runs your application, and defines a "
+"protocol that frontend webservers can speak to. Have a look at the excellent"
+" `Quickstart for Python/WSGI applications <https://uwsgi-"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:144
+#: ../../deployment.rst:132
msgid "Google AppEngine"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:148
+#: ../../deployment.rst:136
msgid ""
"New App Engine applications using the Python 2.7 runtime environment support"
" any WSGI application and should be configured to use the Bottle application"
@@ -373,40 +367,31 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:158
+#: ../../deployment.rst:146
msgid ""
"Then you can configure App Engine's ``app.yaml`` to use the ``app`` object "
"like so::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:169
-msgid ""
-"Bottle also provides a ``gae`` server adapter for legacy App Engine "
-"applications using the Python 2.5 runtime environment. It works similar to "
-"the ``cgi`` adapter in that it does not start a new HTTP server, but "
-"prepares and optimizes your application for Google App Engine and makes sure"
-" it conforms to their API::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:173
+#: ../../deployment.rst:158
msgid ""
"It is always a good idea to let GAE serve static files directly. Here is "
"example for a working ``app.yaml`` (using the legacy Python 2.5 runtime "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:189
+#: ../../deployment.rst:175
msgid "Load Balancer (Manual Setup)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:191
+#: ../../deployment.rst:177
msgid ""
"A single Python process can utilize only one CPU at a time, even if there "
"are more CPU cores available. The trick is to balance the load between "
"multiple independent Python processes to utilize all of your CPU cores."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:193
+#: ../../deployment.rst:179
msgid ""
"Instead of a single Bottle application server, you start one instance for "
"each CPU core available using different local port (localhost:8080, 8081, "
@@ -417,29 +402,29 @@ msgid ""
"spread out the load between different physical servers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:195
+#: ../../deployment.rst:181
msgid ""
"One of the fastest load balancers available is Pound_ but most common web "
"servers have a proxy-module that can do the work just fine."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:197
+#: ../../deployment.rst:183
msgid "Pound example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:215
+#: ../../deployment.rst:201
msgid "Apache example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:223
+#: ../../deployment.rst:209
msgid "Lighttpd example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:235
+#: ../../deployment.rst:221
msgid "Good old CGI"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:237
+#: ../../deployment.rst:223
msgid ""
"A CGI server starts a new process for each request. This adds a lot of "
"overhead but is sometimes the only option, especially on cheap hosting "
diff --git a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/development.po b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
index 0fc0403..0cd7f17 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 20:58+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ msgid "The source repository is structured as follows:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../development.rst:55
-msgid "master branch"
+msgid "``master`` branch"
msgstr ""
#: ../../development.rst:55
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../development.rst:58
-msgid "release-x.y branches"
+msgid "``release-x.y`` branches"
msgstr ""
#: ../../development.rst:58
@@ -209,33 +209,22 @@ msgid ""
"branches, so you can keep up with important changes."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:61
-msgid "bugfix_name-x.y branches"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:61
-msgid ""
-"These branches are only temporary and used to develop and share non-trivial "
-"bug-fixes for existing releases. They are merged into the corresponding "
-"release branch and deleted soon after that."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:65
+#: ../../development.rst:62
msgid "Feature branches"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:64
+#: ../../development.rst:61
msgid ""
"All other branches are feature branches. These are based on the master "
"branch and only live as long as they are still active and not merged back "
"into ``master``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:68
+#: ../../development.rst:65
msgid "What does this mean for a developer?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:69
+#: ../../development.rst:66
msgid ""
"If you want to add a feature, create a new branch from ``master``. If you "
"want to fix a bug, branch ``release-x.y`` for each affected release. Please "
@@ -244,17 +233,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:71
+#: ../../development.rst:68
msgid ""
"Oh, and never ever change the release number. We'll do that on integration. "
"You never know in which order we pull pending requests anyway :)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:75
+#: ../../development.rst:72
msgid "What does this mean for a maintainer ?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:76
+#: ../../development.rst:73
msgid ""
"Watch the tags (and the mailing list) for bug-fixes and new releases. If you"
" want to fetch a specific release from the git repository, trust the tags, "
@@ -262,11 +251,11 @@ msgid ""
"but a tag marks the exact commit which changed the version number."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:80
+#: ../../development.rst:77
msgid "Submitting Patches"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:82
+#: ../../development.rst:79
msgid ""
"The best way to get your changes integrated into the main development branch"
" is to fork the main repository at github, create a new feature-branch, "
@@ -276,57 +265,57 @@ msgid ""
"follow some basic rules:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:84
+#: ../../development.rst:81
msgid ""
"**Documentation:** Tell us what your patch does. Comment your code. If you "
"introduced a new feature, add to the documentation so others can learn about"
" it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:85
+#: ../../development.rst:82
msgid ""
"**Test:** Write tests to prove that your code works as expected and does not"
" break anything. If you fixed a bug, write at least one test-case that "
"triggers the bug. Make sure that all tests pass before you submit a patch."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:86
+#: ../../development.rst:83
msgid ""
"**One patch at a time:** Only fix one bug or add one feature at a time. "
"Design your patches so that they can be applyed as a whole. Keep your "
"patches clean, small and focused."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:87
+#: ../../development.rst:84
msgid ""
"**Sync with upstream:** If the ``upstream/master`` branch changed while you "
"were working on your patch, rebase or pull to make sure that your patch "
"still applies without conflicts."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:91
+#: ../../development.rst:88
msgid "Building the Documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:93
+#: ../../development.rst:90
msgid ""
"You need a recent version of Sphinx to build the documentation. The "
"recommended way is to install :command:`virtualenv` using your distribution "
"package repository and install sphinx manually to get an up-to-date version."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:124
+#: ../../development.rst:121
msgid "GIT Workflow Examples"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:126
+#: ../../development.rst:123
msgid ""
"The following examples assume that you have an (free) `github account "
"<>`_. This is not mandatory, but makes things a lot "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:128
+#: ../../development.rst:125
msgid ""
"First of all you need to create a fork (a personal clone) of the official "
"repository. To do this, you simply click the \"fork\" button on the `bottle "
@@ -334,7 +323,7 @@ msgid ""
"you will be presented with a short introduction to your new repository."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:130
+#: ../../development.rst:127
msgid ""
"The fork you just created is hosted at github and read-able by everyone, but"
" write-able only by you. Now you need to clone the fork locally to actually "
@@ -342,7 +331,7 @@ msgid ""
" the public (read-only) one::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:134
+#: ../../development.rst:131
msgid ""
"Once the clone is complete your repository will have a remote named "
"\"origin\" that points to your fork on github. Don’t let the name confuse "
@@ -351,18 +340,18 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:140
+#: ../../development.rst:137
msgid ""
"Note that \"upstream\" is a public clone URL, which is read-only. You cannot"
" push changes directly to it. Instead, we will pull from your public "
"repository. This is described later."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:143
+#: ../../development.rst:140
msgid "Submit a Feature"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:144
+#: ../../development.rst:141
msgid ""
"New features are developed in separate feature-branches to make integration "
"easy. Because they are going to be integrated into the ``master`` branch, "
@@ -370,20 +359,20 @@ msgid ""
"type the following::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:148
+#: ../../development.rst:145
msgid ""
"Now implement your feature, write tests, update the documentation, make sure"
" that all tests pass and commit your changes::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:152
+#: ../../development.rst:149
msgid ""
"If the ``upstream/master`` branch changed in the meantime, there may be "
"conflicts with your changes. To solve these, 'rebase' your feature-branch "
"onto the top of the updated ``upstream/master`` branch::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:157
+#: ../../development.rst:154
msgid ""
"This is equivalent to undoing all your changes, updating your branch to the "
"latest version and reapplying all your patches again. If you released your "
@@ -392,13 +381,13 @@ msgid ""
"the tests again and commit."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:159
+#: ../../development.rst:156
msgid ""
"Now you are almost ready to send a pull request. But first you need to make "
"your feature-branch public by pushing it to your github fork::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:163
+#: ../../development.rst:160
msgid ""
"After you’ve pushed your commit(s) you need to inform us about the new "
"feature. One way is to send a pull-request using github. Another way would "
@@ -407,39 +396,39 @@ msgid ""
"for free :)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:165
+#: ../../development.rst:162
msgid ""
"If we accept your patch, we will integrate it into the official development "
"branch and make it part of the next release."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:168
+#: ../../development.rst:165
msgid "Fix a Bug"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:169
+#: ../../development.rst:166
msgid ""
"The workflow for bug-fixes is very similar to the one for features, but "
"there are some differences:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:171
+#: ../../development.rst:168
msgid ""
"Branch off of the affected release branches instead of just the development "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:172
+#: ../../development.rst:169
msgid "Write at least one test-case that triggers the bug."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:173
+#: ../../development.rst:170
msgid ""
"Do this for each affected branch including ``upstream/master`` if it is "
"affected. ``git cherry-pick`` may help you reducing repetitive work."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:174
+#: ../../development.rst:171
msgid ""
"Name your branch after the release it is based on to avoid confusion. "
"Examples: ``my_bugfix-x.y`` or ``my_bugfix-dev``."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
index c4b3ee3..173dd0f 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
+# Claudio Rogerio Carvalho Filho <>, 2017
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-01-22 19:19+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -19,11 +20,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../faq.rst:10
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Perguntas Frequentes"
#: ../../faq.rst:13
msgid "About Bottle"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sobre o Bottle"
#: ../../faq.rst:16
msgid "Is bottle suitable for complex applications?"
@@ -67,11 +68,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../faq.rst:40
msgid ""
"In :ref:`dynamic route syntax <tutorial-dynamic-routes>`, a placeholder "
-"token (``:name``) matches everything up to the next slash. This equals to "
+"token (``<name>``) matches everything up to the next slash. This equals to "
"``[^/]+`` in regular expression syntax. To accept slashes too, you have to "
"add a custom regular pattern to the placeholder. An example: "
-"``/images/:filepath#.*#`` would match ``/images/icons/error.png`` but "
-"``/images/:filename`` won't."
+"``/images/<filepath:path>`` would match ``/images/icons/error.png`` but "
+"``/images/<filename>`` won't."
msgstr ""
#: ../../faq.rst:43
diff --git a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
index 5d78776..ccb9ccd 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
# alephmelo <>, 2015
# Igor P. Leroy <>, 2015
# Igor P. Leroy <>, 2015
-# Thiago Avelino <>, 2015
+# Thiago Avelino <>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-14 18:04+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: alephmelo <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -21,112 +21,116 @@ msgstr ""
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
-#: ../../index.rst:21
+#: ../../index.rst:20
msgid "Bottle: Python Web Framework"
msgstr "Bottle: Python Web Framework"
-#: ../../index.rst:23
+#: ../../index.rst:22
msgid ""
"Bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI_ micro web-framework for "
"Python_. It is distributed as a single file module and has no dependencies "
"other than the `Python Standard Library <>`_."
msgstr "Bottle é um simples, rápido, e leve WSGI_ micro web-framework para Python_. Ele é distribuído como um único arquivo (módulo) e não tem dependências que além `Biblioteca padrão do Python <>`_."
-#: ../../index.rst:26
+#: ../../index.rst:25
msgid ""
"**Routing:** Requests to function-call mapping with support for clean and "
"dynamic URLs."
msgstr "**Rotas:** Solicitações de chamada de função de mapeamento com suporte para URLs limpas e dinâmicos."
-#: ../../index.rst:27
+#: ../../index.rst:26
msgid ""
"**Templates:** Fast and pythonic :ref:`built-in template engine <tutorial-"
"templates>` and support for mako_, jinja2_ and cheetah_ templates."
msgstr "**Templates:**Rápido e pythonico :ref:`mecanismo de templates interno <tutorial-templates>` e suporte para mako_, jinja2_ and cheetah_ templates."
-#: ../../index.rst:28
+#: ../../index.rst:27
msgid ""
"**Utilities:** Convenient access to form data, file uploads, cookies, "
"headers and other HTTP-related metadata."
msgstr "**Utilitários:** Conveniente acesso a dados de formulários, upload de arquivos, cookies, cabeçalhos e outros metadados relacionados ao HTTP."
-#: ../../index.rst:29
+#: ../../index.rst:28
msgid ""
"**Server:** Built-in HTTP development server and support for paste_, "
-"fapws3_, bjoern_, gae_, cherrypy_ or any other WSGI_ capable HTTP server."
-msgstr "**Servidor:** Servidor HTTP interno para desenvolvimento e suporte para paste_, fapws3_, bjoern_, gae_, cherrypy_ ou qualquer outro WSGI_ capaz de servir HTTP"
+"bjoern_, gae_, cherrypy_ or any other WSGI_ capable HTTP server."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:32
+#: ../../index.rst:31
msgid "Example: \"Hello World\" in a bottle"
msgstr "Exemplo: \"Olá Mundo\" em bottle"
-#: ../../index.rst:43
+#: ../../index.rst:42
msgid ""
"Run this script or paste it into a Python console, then point your browser "
"to `<http://localhost:8080/hello/world>`_. That's it."
msgstr "Execute este script ou cole em um console de Python, em seguida, acesse em seu navegador o `<http://localhost:8080/hello/world>`_. Feito!"
-#: ../../index.rst:46
+#: ../../index.rst:45
msgid "Download and Install"
msgstr "Download e Instalar"
-#: ../../index.rst:49
+#: ../../index.rst:48
msgid ""
-"Install the latest stable release with ``pip install bottle``, "
-"``easy_install -U bottle`` or download ``__ (unstable) into your "
-"project directory. There are no hard [1]_ dependencies other than the Python"
-" standard library. Bottle runs with **Python 2.7 and 3.4+**."
-msgstr "Instale a última versão estável com ``pip install bottle``, ``easy_install -U bottle`` ou faça o download do ``__(instável) dentro do diretório do seu projeto. Não há depedências [1]_ além das bibliotecas padrões do Python. Bottle é compatível com **Python 2.7 e 3.4+**."
+"Install the latest stable release with ``pip install bottle`` or download "
+"``__ (unstable) into your project directory. There are no hard [1]_"
+" dependencies other than the Python standard library. Bottle supports "
+"**Python 2.7 and Python 3**."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:50
+msgid "Support for Python 2.5 and 2.6 was dropped with this release."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:52
+#: ../../index.rst:55
msgid "User's Guide"
msgstr "Guia do usuário"
-#: ../../index.rst:53
+#: ../../index.rst:56
msgid ""
"Start here if you want to learn how to use the bottle framework for web "
"development. If you have any questions not answered here, feel free to ask "
"the `mailing list <>`_."
msgstr "Comece por aqui se você quer aprender como usar o bottle framework para desenvolvimento web. Se você tiver quaisquer perguntas não respondidas aqui, sinta-se livre para pedir ajuda a `lista de discussão <>`_."
-#: ../../index.rst:68
+#: ../../index.rst:71
msgid "Knowledge Base"
msgstr "Base de conhecimento"
-#: ../../index.rst:69
+#: ../../index.rst:72
msgid "A collection of articles, guides and HOWTOs."
msgstr "Uma coleção de artigos, guias e COMO FAZER."
-#: ../../index.rst:81
+#: ../../index.rst:84
msgid "Development and Contribution"
msgstr "Desenvolvimento e contribuição"
-#: ../../index.rst:83
+#: ../../index.rst:86
msgid ""
"These chapters are intended for developers interested in the bottle "
"development and release workflow."
msgstr "Esses capítulos são destinados a desenvolvedores interessados no desenvolvimento do bottle e entender o fluxo de contribuição."
-#: ../../index.rst:100
+#: ../../index.rst:103
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licença"
-#: ../../index.rst:102
+#: ../../index.rst:105
msgid "Code and documentation are available according to the MIT License:"
msgstr "Código e documentação estão disponíveis sobre a licença MIT:"
-#: ../../index.rst:107
+#: ../../index.rst:110
msgid ""
"The Bottle logo however is *NOT* covered by that license. It is allowed to "
"use the logo as a link to the bottle homepage or in direct context with the "
"unmodified library. In all other cases please ask first."
msgstr "O logotipo do bottle no entanto *NÃO é* abrangido pela licença (MIT). É permitido usar o logotipo como um link para a home page do bottle ou em contexto direto com a biblioteca não modificado. Nos outros casos, por favor, pergunte primeiro."
-#: ../../index.rst:112
+#: ../../index.rst:115
msgid "Footnotes"
msgstr "Notas de rodapé"
-#: ../../index.rst:113
+#: ../../index.rst:116
msgid ""
"Usage of the template or server adapter classes requires the corresponding "
"template or server modules."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
index f517080..e8027e4 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 20:58+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ msgid "rule"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugindev.rst:111
-msgid "The rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/:page``)."
+msgid "The rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/<page>``)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugindev.rst:112
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ msgid ""
"different wrapper based on current needs, work with closures, or enable or "
"disable a plugin at runtime. Let's take the built-in HooksPlugin as an "
"example: If no hooks are installed, the plugin removes itself from all "
-"affected routes and has virtaully no overhead. As soon as you install the "
+"affected routes and has virtually no overhead. As soon as you install the "
"first hook, the plugin activates itself and takes effect again."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
index 2bf27b0..cb95c89 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:05+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Igor P. Leroy <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Dê uma olhada nos :ref:`plugins` para perguntas gerais sobre plugins (instalação, utilização). Se você pretende desenvolver um novo plugin, a página de :doc:`/plugindev` pode ajudá-lo."
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:12
-msgid "Bottle-Beaker"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "`Bottle-Beaker <>`_"
+msgstr "`Bottle-Beaker <>`_"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:12
msgid "Beaker to session and caching library with WSGI Middleware"
msgstr "Beaker para sessões e biblioteca de cache com Middleware WSGI"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:15
-msgid "Bottle-Cork"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "`Bottle-Cork <>`_"
+msgstr "`Bottle-Cork <>`_"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:15
msgid ""
@@ -54,112 +54,188 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Cork fornece um simples conjunto de métodos para implementar Autenticação e Autorização em aplicações web baseadas em Bottle."
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:18
-msgid "Bottle-Extras"
+msgid "`Bottle-Cors-plugin <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:18
-msgid "Meta package to install the bottle plugin collection."
-msgstr "Meta pacotes para instalar a coleção de plugins do Bottle."
+msgid ""
+"Cors-plugin is the easiest way to implement cors on your bottle web "
+msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:21
-msgid "Bottle-Flash"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "`Bottle-Extras <>`_"
+msgstr "`Bottle-Extras <>`_"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:21
-msgid "flash plugin for bottle"
-msgstr "plugin flash para bottle"
+msgid "Meta package to install the bottle plugin collection."
+msgstr "Meta pacotes para instalar a coleção de plugins do Bottle."
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:24
-msgid "Bottle-Hotqueue"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "`Bottle-Flash <>`_"
+msgstr "`Bottle-Flash <>`_"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:24
-msgid "FIFO Queue for Bottle built upon redis"
-msgstr "Fila FIFO para Bottle escrita sobre Redis."
+msgid "flash plugin for bottle"
+msgstr "plugin flash para bottle"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:27
-msgid "Macaron"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "`Bottle-Hotqueue <>`_"
+msgstr "`Bottle-Hotqueue <>`_"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:27
-msgid "Macaron is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for SQLite."
-msgstr "Macaron é um mapeamento objeto-relacional (ORM) para SQLite."
+msgid "FIFO Queue for Bottle built upon redis"
+msgstr "Fila FIFO para Bottle escrita sobre Redis."
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:30
-msgid "Bottle-Memcache"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "`Macaron <>`_"
+msgstr "`Macaron <>`_"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:30
-msgid "Memcache integration for Bottle."
-msgstr "Integração com Memcache para Bottle."
+msgid "Macaron is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for SQLite."
+msgstr "Macaron é um mapeamento objeto-relacional (ORM) para SQLite."
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:33
-msgid "Bottle-Mongo"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "`Bottle-Memcache <>`_"
+msgstr "`Bottle-Memcache <>`_"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:33
-msgid "MongoDB integration for Bottle"
-msgstr "Integração com MongoDB para Bottle"
+msgid "Memcache integration for Bottle."
+msgstr "Integração com Memcache para Bottle."
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:36
-msgid "Bottle-Redis"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "`Bottle-Mongo <>`_"
+msgstr "`Bottle-Mongo <>`_"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:36
-msgid "Redis integration for Bottle."
-msgstr "Integração com Redis para Bottle."
+msgid "MongoDB integration for Bottle"
+msgstr "Integração com MongoDB para Bottle"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:39
-msgid "Bottle-Renderer"
+msgid "`Bottle-OAuthlib <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:39
-msgid "Renderer plugin for bottle"
-msgstr "Renderer plugin para bottle"
+msgid "Adapter for oauthlib - create your own OAuth2.0 implementation"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:42
-msgid "Bottle-Servefiles"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "`Bottle-Redis <>`_"
+msgstr "`Bottle-Redis <>`_"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:42
-msgid "A reusable app that serves static files for bottle apps"
-msgstr "App reutilizável que serve arquivos estáticos para aplicações bottle"
+msgid "Redis integration for Bottle."
+msgstr "Integração com Redis para Bottle."
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:45
-msgid "Bottle-Sqlalchemy"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "`Bottle-Renderer <>`_"
+msgstr "`Bottle-Renderer <>`_"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:45
-msgid "SQLAlchemy integration for Bottle."
-msgstr "Integração com SQLAlchemy para Bottle."
+msgid "Renderer plugin for bottle"
+msgstr "Renderer plugin para bottle"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:48
-msgid "Bottle-Sqlite"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "`Bottle-Servefiles <>`_"
+msgstr "`Bottle-Servefiles <>`_"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:48
-msgid "SQLite3 database integration for Bottle."
-msgstr "Integração com bancos de dados SQLite3 para Bottle."
+msgid "A reusable app that serves static files for bottle apps"
+msgstr "App reutilizável que serve arquivos estáticos para aplicações bottle"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:51
-msgid "Bottle-Web2pydal"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "`Bottle-Sqlalchemy <>`_"
+msgstr "`Bottle-Sqlalchemy <>`_"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:51
-msgid "Web2py Dal integration for Bottle."
-msgstr "Integração com Web2py Dal para Bottle."
+msgid "SQLAlchemy integration for Bottle."
+msgstr "Integração com SQLAlchemy para Bottle."
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:54
-msgid "Bottle-Werkzeug"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "`Bottle-Sqlite <>`_"
+msgstr "`Bottle-Sqlite <>`_"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:54
+msgid "SQLite3 database integration for Bottle."
+msgstr "Integração com bancos de dados SQLite3 para Bottle."
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:57
+msgid "`Bottle-Web2pydal <>`_"
+msgstr "`Bottle-Web2pydal <>`_"
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:57
+msgid "Web2py Dal integration for Bottle."
+msgstr "Integração com Web2py Dal para Bottle."
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:60
+msgid "`Bottle-Werkzeug <>`_"
+msgstr "`Bottle-Werkzeug <>`_"
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:60
msgid ""
"Integrates the `werkzeug` library (alternative request and response objects,"
" advanced debugging middleware and more)."
msgstr "Integra a biblioteca `werkzeug` (request alternativo and objetos de response, middleware de debugging avançados e etc)."
-#: ../../plugins/index.rst:56
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"`bottle-smart-filters <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:63
+msgid "Bottle Querystring smart guessing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:66
+msgid "`bottle-jwt <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:66
+msgid "JSON Web Token authentication plugin for"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:69
+msgid "`Bottle-jwt <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:69
+msgid "JWT integration for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:72
+msgid "`canister <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:72
+msgid "a bottle wrapper to provide logging, sessions and authentication"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:75
+msgid "`bottle-cerberus <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:75
+msgid "Cerberus integration for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:78
+msgid "`Bottle-errorsrest <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:78
+msgid "All errors generated from bottle are returned in json"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:82
+msgid "`Bottle-tools <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"Decorators that auto-supply function arguments using POST/query string data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:84
msgid ""
"Plugins listed here are not part of Bottle or the Bottle project, but "
"developed and maintained by third parties."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
index f6dc330..e92d01a 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:06+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -38,11 +38,22 @@ msgid ""
"yourself. Here is an example for beaker sessions with a file-based backend::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:46
+#: ../../recipes.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: Beaker's SessionMiddleware is not thread safe. If two concurrent "
+"requests modify the same session at the same time, one of the updates might "
+"get lost. For this reason, sessions should only be populated once and "
+"treated as a read-only store after that. If you find yourself updating "
+"sessions regularly, and don't want to risk losing any updates, think about "
+"using a real database instead or seek alternative session middleware "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:49
msgid "Debugging with Style: Debugging Middleware"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:48
+#: ../../recipes.rst:51
msgid ""
"Bottle catches all Exceptions raised in your app code to prevent your WSGI "
"server from crashing. If the built-in :func:`debug` mode is not enough and "
@@ -50,14 +61,14 @@ msgid ""
" this behaviour::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:56
+#: ../../recipes.rst:59
msgid ""
"Now, bottle only catches its own exceptions (:exc:`HTTPError`, "
":exc:`HTTPResponse` and :exc:`BottleException`) and your middleware can "
"handle the rest."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:58
+#: ../../recipes.rst:61
msgid ""
"The werkzeug_ and paste_ libraries both ship with very powerful debugging "
"WSGI middleware. Look at :class:`werkzeug.debug.DebuggedApplication` for "
@@ -66,35 +77,41 @@ msgid ""
"code within the stack context, so **do not use them in production**."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:62
+#: ../../recipes.rst:65
msgid "Unit-Testing Bottle Applications"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:64
+#: ../../recipes.rst:67
msgid ""
"Unit-testing is usually performed against methods defined in your web "
"application without running a WSGI environment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:66
+#: ../../recipes.rst:69
msgid "A simple example using `Nose <>`_::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:77
+#: ../../recipes.rst:80 ../../recipes.rst:97
msgid "Test script::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:84
+#: ../../recipes.rst:87
msgid ""
"In the example the Bottle route() method is never executed - only index() is"
" tested."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:88
+#: ../../recipes.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"If the code being tested requires access to ``bottle.request`` you can mock "
+"it using `Boddle <>`_::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:108
msgid "Functional Testing Bottle Applications"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:90
+#: ../../recipes.rst:110
msgid ""
"Any HTTP-based testing system can be used with a running WSGI server, but "
"some testing frameworks work more intimately with WSGI, and provide the "
@@ -103,64 +120,64 @@ msgid ""
"<>`_ is a good starting point."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:92
+#: ../../recipes.rst:112
msgid ""
"Example using `WebTest <>`_ and `Nose "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:112
+#: ../../recipes.rst:132
msgid "Embedding other WSGI Apps"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:114
+#: ../../recipes.rst:134
msgid ""
"This is not the recommend way (you should use a middleware in front of "
"bottle to do this) but you can call other WSGI applications from within your"
" bottle app and let bottle act as a pseudo-middleware. Here is an example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:130
+#: ../../recipes.rst:150
msgid ""
"Again, this is not the recommend way to implement subprojects. It is only "
"here because many people asked for this and to show how bottle maps to WSGI."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:134
+#: ../../recipes.rst:154
msgid "Ignore trailing slashes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:136
+#: ../../recipes.rst:156
msgid ""
"For Bottle, ``/example`` and ``/example/`` are two different routes [1]_. To"
" treat both URLs the same you can add two ``@route`` decorators::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:142
+#: ../../recipes.rst:162
msgid "add a WSGI middleware that strips trailing slashes from all URLs::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:155
+#: ../../recipes.rst:175
msgid "or add a ``before_request`` hook to strip the trailing slashes::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:162
+#: ../../recipes.rst:182
msgid "Footnotes"
msgstr "Notas de rodapé"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:163
+#: ../../recipes.rst:183
msgid "Because they are. See <>"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:167
+#: ../../recipes.rst:187
msgid "Keep-alive requests"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:171
+#: ../../recipes.rst:191
msgid "For a more detailed explanation, see :doc:`async`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:173
+#: ../../recipes.rst:193
msgid ""
"Several \"push\" mechanisms like XHR multipart need the ability to write "
"response data without closing the connection in conjunction with the "
@@ -172,74 +189,74 @@ msgid ""
" paste_ server::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:190
+#: ../../recipes.rst:210
msgid ""
"If you browse to ``http://localhost:8080/stream``, you should see 'START', "
"'MIDDLE', and 'END' show up one at a time (rather than waiting 8 seconds to "
"see them all at once)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:193
+#: ../../recipes.rst:213
msgid "Gzip Compression in Bottle"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:196
+#: ../../recipes.rst:216
msgid "For a detailed discussion, see compression_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:198
+#: ../../recipes.rst:218
msgid ""
"A common feature request is for Bottle to support Gzip compression, which "
"speeds up sites by compressing static resources (like CSS and JS files) "
"during a request."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:200
+#: ../../recipes.rst:220
msgid ""
"Supporting Gzip compression is not a straightforward proposition, due to a "
"number of corner cases that crop up frequently. A proper Gzip implementation"
" must:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:202
+#: ../../recipes.rst:222
msgid "Compress on the fly and be fast doing so."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:203
+#: ../../recipes.rst:223
msgid "Do not compress for browsers that don't support it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:204
+#: ../../recipes.rst:224
msgid "Do not compress files that are compressed already (images, videos)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:205
+#: ../../recipes.rst:225
msgid "Do not compress dynamic files."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:206
+#: ../../recipes.rst:226
msgid "Support two differed compression algorithms (gzip and deflate)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:207
+#: ../../recipes.rst:227
msgid "Cache compressed files that don't change often."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:208
+#: ../../recipes.rst:228
msgid "De-validate the cache if one of the files changed anyway."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:209
+#: ../../recipes.rst:229
msgid "Make sure the cache does not get to big."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:210
+#: ../../recipes.rst:230
msgid ""
"Do not cache small files because a disk seek would take longer than on-the-"
"fly compression."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:212
+#: ../../recipes.rst:232
msgid ""
"Because of these requirements, it is the recommendation of the Bottle "
"project that Gzip compression is best handled by the WSGI server Bottle runs"
@@ -247,34 +264,34 @@ msgid ""
"that can be used to accomplish this."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:216
+#: ../../recipes.rst:236
msgid "Using the hooks plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:218
+#: ../../recipes.rst:238
msgid ""
"For example, if you want to allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for the "
"content returned by all of your URL, you can use the hook decorator and "
"setup a callback function::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:236
+#: ../../recipes.rst:256
msgid ""
"You can also use the ``before_request`` to take an action before every "
"function gets called."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:241
+#: ../../recipes.rst:261
msgid "Using Bottle with Heroku"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:243
+#: ../../recipes.rst:263
msgid ""
"Heroku_, a popular cloud application platform now provides support for "
"running Python applications on their infastructure."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:246
+#: ../../recipes.rst:266
msgid ""
"This recipe is based upon the `Heroku Quickstart "
"<>`_, with Bottle specific "
@@ -284,7 +301,7 @@ msgid ""
"<>`_ guide::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:262
+#: ../../recipes.rst:282
msgid ""
"Heroku's app stack passes the port that the application needs to listen on "
"for requests, using the `os.environ` dictionary."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
index b182545..a473047 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-01-22 19:20+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -95,15 +95,24 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../routing.rst:29
msgid ""
+"Is it possible to escape characters like colon ``:`` with a backslash "
+"``\\``. This will prevent to trigger the old syntax in case you need to use "
+"``:``. For example: the rule ``/<action>/item:<id>`` triggers the old "
+"syntax, (see below) but ``/action/item\\:<id>`` works as intended with the "
+"new syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:33
+msgid ""
"You can change the exact behaviour in many ways using filters. This is "
"described in the next section."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:32
+#: ../../routing.rst:36
msgid "Wildcard Filters"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:36
+#: ../../routing.rst:40
msgid ""
"Filters are used to define more specific wildcards, and/or transform the "
"matched part of the URL before it is passed to the callback. A filtered "
@@ -111,31 +120,31 @@ msgid ""
"syntax for the optional config part depends on the filter used."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:38
+#: ../../routing.rst:42
msgid "The following standard filters are implemented:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:40
+#: ../../routing.rst:44
msgid "**:int** matches (signed) digits and converts the value to integer."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:41
+#: ../../routing.rst:45
msgid "**:float** similar to :int but for decimal numbers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:42
+#: ../../routing.rst:46
msgid ""
"**:path** matches all characters including the slash character in a non-"
"greedy way and may be used to match more than one path segment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:43
+#: ../../routing.rst:47
msgid ""
"**:re[:exp]** allows you to specify a custom regular expression in the "
"config field. The matched value is not modified."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:45
+#: ../../routing.rst:49
msgid ""
"You can add your own filters to the router. All you need is a function that "
"returns three elements: A regular expression string, a callable to convert "
@@ -144,81 +153,81 @@ msgid ""
"parameter and may parse it as needed::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:71
+#: ../../routing.rst:75
msgid "Legacy Syntax"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:75
+#: ../../routing.rst:79
msgid ""
"The new rule syntax was introduce in **Bottle 0.10** to simplify some common"
" use cases, but the old syntax still works and you can find lot code "
"examples still using it. The differences are best described by example:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:78
+#: ../../routing.rst:82
msgid "Old Syntax"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:78
+#: ../../routing.rst:82
msgid "New Syntax"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:80
+#: ../../routing.rst:84
msgid "``:name``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:80
+#: ../../routing.rst:84
msgid "``<name>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:81
+#: ../../routing.rst:85
msgid "``:name#regexp#``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:81
+#: ../../routing.rst:85
msgid "``<name:re:regexp>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:82
+#: ../../routing.rst:86
msgid "``:#regexp#``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:82
+#: ../../routing.rst:86
msgid "``<:re:regexp>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:83
+#: ../../routing.rst:87
msgid "``:##``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:83
+#: ../../routing.rst:87
msgid "``<:re>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:86
+#: ../../routing.rst:90
msgid ""
"Try to avoid the old syntax in future projects if you can. It is not "
"currently deprecated, but will be eventually."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:91
+#: ../../routing.rst:95
msgid "Explicit routing configuration"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:93
+#: ../../routing.rst:97
msgid ""
"Route decorator can also be directly called as method. This way provides "
"flexibility in complex setups, allowing you to directly control, when and "
"how routing configuration done."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:95
+#: ../../routing.rst:99
msgid ""
"Here is a basic example of explicit routing configuration for default bottle"
" application::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:101
+#: ../../routing.rst:105
msgid ""
"In fact, any :class:`Bottle` instance routing can be configured same way::"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
index 5471eeb..d1c782f 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 20:58+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -142,47 +142,55 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../stpl.rst:96
msgid ""
-"If you find yourself to escape a lot, consider using :ref:`custom tokens "
+"If you find yourself needing to escape a lot, consider using :ref:`custom "
+"tokens <stpl-custom-tokens>`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:99
+#: ../../stpl.rst:98
+msgid ""
+"Note that ``%`` and ``<% %>`` work in *exactly* the same way. The latter is "
+"only a convenient way to type less and avoid clutter for longer code "
+"segments. This means that in ``<% %>`` blocks, all indented code must be "
+"terminated with an ``end``, as in the following example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:114
msgid "Whitespace Control"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:101
+#: ../../stpl.rst:116
msgid ""
"Code blocks and code lines always span the whole line. Whitespace in front "
"of after a code segment is stripped away. You won't see empty lines or "
"dangling whitespace in your template because of embedded code::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:109
+#: ../../stpl.rst:124
msgid "This snippet renders to clean and compact html::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:115
+#: ../../stpl.rst:130
msgid ""
"But embedding code still requires you to start a new line, which may not "
"what you want to see in your rendered template. To skip the newline in front"
" of a code segment, end the text line with a double-backslash::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:123
+#: ../../stpl.rst:138
msgid "This time the rendered template looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:127
+#: ../../stpl.rst:142
msgid ""
"This only works directly in front of code segments. In all other places you "
"can control the whitespace yourself and don't need any special syntax."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:130
+#: ../../stpl.rst:145
msgid "Template Functions"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:132
+#: ../../stpl.rst:147
msgid ""
"Each template is preloaded with a bunch of functions that help with the most"
" common use cases. These functions are always available. You don't have to "
@@ -191,20 +199,20 @@ msgid ""
"anything you want within your templates. They are python programs after all."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:136
+#: ../../stpl.rst:151
msgid ""
"Prior to this release, :func:`include` and :func:`rebase` were syntax "
"keywords, not functions."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:141
+#: ../../stpl.rst:156
msgid ""
"Render a sub-template with the specified variables and insert the resulting "
"text into the current template. The function returns a dictionary containing"
" the local variables passed to or defined within the sub-template::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:149
+#: ../../stpl.rst:164
msgid ""
"Mark the current template to be later included into a different template. "
"After the current template is rendered, its resulting text is stored in a "
@@ -213,11 +221,11 @@ msgid ""
"simulate the inheritance feature found in other template engines::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:154
+#: ../../stpl.rst:169
msgid "This can be combined with the following ``base.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:166
+#: ../../stpl.rst:181
msgid ""
"Accessing undefined variables in a template raises :exc:`NameError` and "
"stops rendering immediately. This is standard python behavior and nothing "
@@ -226,32 +234,38 @@ msgid ""
"or use the same template in different situations. These functions may help:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:174
+#: ../../stpl.rst:189
msgid ""
"Return True if the variable is defined in the current template namespace, "
"False otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:179
+#: ../../stpl.rst:194
msgid "Return the variable, or a default value."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:183
+#: ../../stpl.rst:198
msgid ""
"If the variable is not defined, create it with the given default value. "
"Return the variable."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:186
+#: ../../stpl.rst:201
msgid ""
"Here is an example that uses all three functions to implement optional "
"template variables in different ways::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:200
+#: ../../stpl.rst:215
msgid ":class:`SimpleTemplate` API"
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.SimpleTemplate.prepare:1
+msgid ""
+"Run preparations (parsing, caching, ...). It should be possible to call this"
+" again to refresh a template or to update settings."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.SimpleTemplate.render:1
msgid "Render the template using keyword arguments as local variables."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
index b1e2e1b..75ff730 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-14 18:13+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: alephmelo <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ msgid ""
"applications. If you do not have permissions to install packages system-wide"
" or simply don't want to, create a `virtualenv "
"<>`_ first:"
-msgstr "De qualquer maneira, você irá precisar do Python 2.7 ou mais recente (incluindo 3.4+) para executar aplicações bottle. Se você não tem permissões para instalar pacotes globalmente no sistema ou simplesmente não deseja fazer, crie uma `virtualenv <>`_ primeiro:"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:55
msgid "Or, if virtualenv is not installed on your system:"
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:273
-msgid "Empty Strings, False, None or other non-true values:"
+msgid "Empty Strings, ``False``, ``None`` or other non-true values:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:273
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:282
-msgid "Instances of HTTPError or HTTPResponse"
+msgid "Instances of :exc:`HTTPError` or :exc:`HTTPResponse`"
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:282
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:365
msgid ""
"Both functions will interrupt your callback code by raising an "
-":exc:`HTTPError` exception."
+":exc:`HTTPResponse` exception."
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:368
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ msgid ""
"read :ref:`ahead <tutorial-cookies>`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:403 ../../tutorial.rst:532
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:403 ../../tutorial.rst:533
msgid "Cookies"
msgstr ""
@@ -661,25 +661,32 @@ msgid ""
" off, requires Python 2.7 or newer)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:424
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:423
+msgid ""
+"**same_site:** Disables third-party use for a cookie. Allowed attributes: "
+"`lax` and `strict`. In strict mode the cookie will never be sent. In lax "
+"mode the cookie is only sent with a top-level GET request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:425
msgid ""
"If neither `expires` nor `max_age` is set, the cookie expires at the end of "
"the browser session or as soon as the browser window is closed. There are "
"some other gotchas you should consider when using cookies:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:426
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:427
msgid "Cookies are limited to 4 KB of text in most browsers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:427
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:428
msgid ""
"Some users configure their browsers to not accept cookies at all. Most "
"search engines ignore cookies too. Make sure that your application still "
"works without cookies."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:428
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:429
msgid ""
"Cookies are stored at client side and are not encrypted in any way. Whatever"
" you store in a cookie, the user can read it. Worse than that, an attacker "
@@ -689,15 +696,15 @@ msgid ""
"cookies, too. Thus, never store confidential information in cookies."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:429
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:430
msgid "Cookies are easily forged by malicious clients. Do not trust cookies."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:434
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:435
msgid "Signed Cookies"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:435
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:436
msgid ""
"As mentioned above, cookies are easily forged by malicious clients. Bottle "
"can cryptographically sign your cookies to prevent this kind of "
@@ -707,7 +714,7 @@ msgid ""
"if the cookie is not signed or the signature keys don't match::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:455
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:456
msgid ""
"In addition, Bottle automatically pickles and unpickles any data stored to "
"signed cookies. This allows you to store any pickle-able object (not only "
@@ -715,7 +722,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:457
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:458
msgid ""
"Signed cookies are not encrypted (the client can still see the content) and "
"not copy-protected (the client can restore an old cookie). The main "
@@ -723,11 +730,11 @@ msgid ""
"not to store secret information at client side."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:470
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:471
msgid "Request Data"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:472
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:473
msgid ""
"Cookies, HTTP header, HTML ``<form>`` fields and other request data is "
"available through the global :data:`request` object. This special object "
@@ -735,25 +742,25 @@ msgid ""
"where multiple client connections are handled at the same time::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:481
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:482
msgid ""
"The :data:`request` object is a subclass of :class:`BaseRequest` and has a "
"very rich API to access data. We only cover the most commonly used features "
"here, but it should be enough to get started."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:486
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:487
msgid "Introducing :class:`FormsDict`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:488
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:489
msgid ""
"Bottle uses a special type of dictionary to store form data and cookies. "
":class:`FormsDict` behaves like a normal dictionary, but has some additional"
" features to make your life easier."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:490
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:491
msgid ""
"**Attribute access**: All values in the dictionary are also accessible as "
"attributes. These virtual attributes return unicode strings, even if the "
@@ -761,7 +768,7 @@ msgid ""
"empty, but still present::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:505
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:506
msgid ""
"**Multiple values per key:** :class:`FormsDict` is a subclass of "
":class:`MultiDict` and can store more than one value per key. The standard "
@@ -770,7 +777,7 @@ msgid ""
"values for a specific key::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:510
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:511
msgid ""
"**WTForms support:** Some libraries (e.g. `WTForms "
"<>`_) want all-unicode dictionaries as input."
@@ -779,7 +786,7 @@ msgid ""
"the other features."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:514
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:515
msgid ""
"In **Python 2** all keys and values are byte-strings. If you need unicode, "
"you can call :meth:`FormsDict.getunicode` or fetch values via attribute "
@@ -787,7 +794,7 @@ msgid ""
"empty string if that fails. No need to catch :exc:`UnicodeError`::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:521
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:522
msgid ""
"In **Python 3** all strings are unicode, but HTTP is a byte-based wire "
"protocol. The server has to decode the byte strings somehow before they are "
@@ -799,13 +806,13 @@ msgid ""
" not what you want."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:528
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:529
msgid ""
"If you need the whole dictionary with correctly decoded values (e.g. for "
"WTForms), you can call :meth:`FormsDict.decode` to get a re-encoded copy."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:534
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:535
msgid ""
"Cookies are small pieces of text stored in the clients browser and sent back"
" to the server with each request. They are useful to keep some state around "
@@ -813,25 +820,25 @@ msgid ""
" for security related stuff. They can be easily forged by the client."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:536
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:537
msgid ""
"All cookies sent by the client are available through "
":attr:`BaseRequest.cookies` (a :class:`FormsDict`). This example shows a "
"simple cookie-based view counter::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:546
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:547
msgid ""
"The :meth:`BaseRequest.get_cookie` method is a different way do access "
"cookies. It supports decoding :ref:`signed cookies <tutorial-signed-"
"cookies>` as described in a separate section."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:549
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:550
msgid "HTTP Headers"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:551
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:552
msgid ""
"All HTTP headers sent by the client (e.g. ``Referer``, ``Agent`` or "
"``Accept-Language``) are stored in a :class:`WSGIHeaderDict` and accessible "
@@ -839,11 +846,11 @@ msgid ""
" is basically a dictionary with case-insensitive keys::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:563
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:564
msgid "Query Variables"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:565
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:566
msgid ""
"The query string (as in ``/forum?id=1&page=5``) is commonly used to transmit"
" a small number of key/value pairs to the server. You can use the "
@@ -852,17 +859,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:578
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:579
msgid "HTML `<form>` Handling"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:580
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:581
msgid ""
"Let us start from the beginning. In HTML, a typical ``<form>`` looks "
"something like this:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:590
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:591
msgid ""
"The ``action`` attribute specifies the URL that will receive the form data. "
"``method`` defines the HTTP method to use (``GET`` or ``POST``). With "
@@ -872,77 +879,77 @@ msgid ""
"in doubt, use ``POST`` forms."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:592
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:593
msgid ""
"Form fields transmitted via ``POST`` are stored in :attr:`BaseRequest.forms`"
" as a :class:`FormsDict`. The server side code may look like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:615
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:616
msgid ""
"There are several other attributes used to access form data. Some of them "
"combine values from different sources for easier access. The following table"
" should give you a decent overview."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "GET Form fields"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "POST Form fields"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "File Uploads"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:620
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.query`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:620 ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:624
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:625 ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622 ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626 ../../tutorial.rst:626
msgid "yes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:620 ../../tutorial.rst:620 ../../tutorial.rst:621
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622 ../../tutorial.rst:622
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:624
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:622 ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:625 ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626
msgid "no"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:621
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:622
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.forms`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:622
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:623
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.files`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.params`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:624
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.GET`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.POST`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:630
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:631
msgid "File uploads"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:632
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:633
msgid ""
"To support file uploads, we have to change the ``<form>`` tag a bit. First, "
"we tell the browser to encode the form data in a different way by adding an "
@@ -951,14 +958,14 @@ msgid ""
"Here is an example:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:642
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:643
msgid ""
"Bottle stores file uploads in :attr:`BaseRequest.files` as "
":class:`FileUpload` instances, along with some metadata about the upload. "
"Let us assume you just want to save the file to disk::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:656
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:657
msgid ""
":attr:`FileUpload.filename` contains the name of the file on the clients "
"file system, but is cleaned up and normalized to prevent bugs caused by "
@@ -967,7 +974,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:658
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:659
msgid ""
"The :attr:`` method is highly recommended if you want to "
"store the file to disk. It prevents some common errors (e.g. it does not "
@@ -976,22 +983,22 @@ msgid ""
":attr:`FileUpload.file`. Just be careful."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:662
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:663
msgid "JSON Content"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:664
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:665
msgid ""
"Some JavaScript or REST clients send ``application/json`` content to the "
"server. The :attr:`BaseRequest.json` attribute contains the parsed data "
"structure, if available."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:668
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:669
msgid "The raw request body"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:670
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:671
msgid ""
"You can access the raw body data as a file-like object via "
":attr:`BaseRequest.body`. This is a :class:`BytesIO` buffer or a temporary "
@@ -1001,24 +1008,24 @@ msgid ""
"unbuffered access to the stream, have a look at ``request['wsgi.input']``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:675
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:676
msgid "WSGI Environment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:677
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:678
msgid ""
"Each :class:`BaseRequest` instance wraps a WSGI environment dictionary. The "
"original is stored in :attr:`BaseRequest.environ`, but the request object "
"itself behaves like a dictionary, too. Most of the interesting data is "
"exposed through special methods or attributes, but if you want to access "
-"`WSGI environ variables <WSGI specification>`_ directly, you can do so::"
+"`WSGI environ variables <WSGI_Specification>`_ directly, you can do so::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:695
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:696
msgid "Templates"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:697
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:698
msgid ""
"Bottle comes with a fast and powerful built-in template engine called "
":doc:`stpl`. To render a template you can use the :func:`template` function "
@@ -1027,7 +1034,7 @@ msgid ""
"arguments. Here’s a simple example of how to render a template::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:704
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:705
msgid ""
"This will load the template file ``hello_template.tpl`` and render it with "
"the ``name`` variable set. Bottle will look for templates in the "
@@ -1035,17 +1042,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:706
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:707
msgid ""
"The :func:`view` decorator allows you to return a dictionary with the "
"template variables instead of calling :func:`template`::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:715
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:716
msgid "Syntax"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:718
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:719
msgid ""
"The template syntax is a very thin layer around the Python language. Its "
"main purpose is to ensure correct indentation of blocks, so you can format "
@@ -1053,26 +1060,26 @@ msgid ""
" syntax description: :doc:`stpl`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:720
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:721
msgid "Here is an example template::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:731
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:732
msgid "Caching"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:732
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:733
msgid ""
"Templates are cached in memory after compilation. Modifications made to the "
"template files will have no affect until you clear the template cache. Call "
"``bottle.TEMPLATES.clear()`` to do so. Caching is disabled in debug mode."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:742
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:743
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:746
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:747
msgid ""
"Bottle's core features cover most common use-cases, but as a micro-framework"
" it has its limits. This is where \"Plugins\" come into play. Plugins add "
@@ -1080,7 +1087,7 @@ msgid ""
"just automate some repetitive work."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:748
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:749
msgid ""
"We have a growing :doc:`/plugins/index` and most plugins are designed to be "
"portable and re-usable across applications. The chances are high that your "
@@ -1088,7 +1095,7 @@ msgid ""
"the :doc:`/plugindev` may help you."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:750
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:751
msgid ""
"The effects and APIs of plugins are manifold and depend on the specific "
"plugin. The ``SQLitePlugin`` plugin for example detects callbacks that "
@@ -1097,7 +1104,7 @@ msgid ""
"use a database::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:770
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:771
msgid ""
"Other plugin may populate the thread-safe :data:`local` object, change "
"details of the :data:`request` object, filter the data returned by the "
@@ -1106,11 +1113,11 @@ msgid ""
"the original callback. What happens exactly depends on the plugin."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:774
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:775
msgid "Application-wide Installation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:776
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:777
msgid ""
"Plugins can be installed application-wide or just to some specific routes "
"that need additional functionality. Most plugins can safely be installed to "
@@ -1118,7 +1125,7 @@ msgid ""
" need their functionality."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:778
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:779
msgid ""
"Let us take the ``SQLitePlugin`` plugin for example. It only affects route "
"callbacks that need a database connection. Other routes are left alone. "
@@ -1126,13 +1133,13 @@ msgid ""
"additional overhead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:780
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:781
msgid ""
"To install a plugin, just call :func:`install` with the plugin as first "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:785
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:786
msgid ""
"The plugin is not applied to the route callbacks yet. This is delayed to "
"make sure no routes are missed. You can install plugins first and add routes"
@@ -1141,17 +1148,17 @@ msgid ""
"database plugin first."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:789
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:790
msgid "Uninstall Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:790
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:791
msgid ""
"You can use a name, class or instance to :func:`uninstall` a previously "
"installed plugin::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:800
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:801
msgid ""
"Plugins can be installed and removed at any time, even at runtime while "
"serving requests. This enables some neat tricks (installing slow debugging "
@@ -1160,52 +1167,52 @@ msgid ""
" re-applied."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:803
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:804
msgid ""
"The module-level :func:`install` and :func:`uninstall` functions affect the "
":ref:`default-app`. To manage plugins for a specific application, use the "
"corresponding methods on the :class:`Bottle` application object."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:807
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:808
msgid "Route-specific Installation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:809
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:810
msgid ""
"The ``apply`` parameter of the :func:`route` decorator comes in handy if you"
" want to install plugins to only a small number of routes::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:819
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:820
msgid "Blacklisting Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:821
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:822
msgid ""
"You may want to explicitly disable a plugin for a number of routes. The "
":func:`route` decorator has a ``skip`` parameter for this purpose::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:843
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:844
msgid ""
"The ``skip`` parameter accepts a single value or a list of values. You can "
"use a name, class or instance to identify the plugin that is to be skipped. "
"Set ``skip=True`` to skip all plugins at once."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:846
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:847
msgid "Plugins and Sub-Applications"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:848
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:849
msgid ""
"Most plugins are specific to the application they were installed to. "
"Consequently, they should not affect sub-applications mounted with "
":meth:`Bottle.mount`. Here is an example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:859
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:860
msgid ""
"Whenever you mount an application, Bottle creates a proxy-route on the main-"
"application that forwards all requests to the sub-application. Plugins are "
@@ -1214,13 +1221,13 @@ msgid ""
"affect the routes of the ``/blog`` sub-application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:861
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:862
msgid ""
"This behavior is intended as a sane default, but can be overridden. The "
"following example re-activates all plugins for a specific proxy-route::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:865
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:866
msgid ""
"But there is a snag: The plugin sees the whole sub-application as a single "
"route, namely the proxy-route mentioned above. In order to affect each "
@@ -1228,21 +1235,21 @@ msgid ""
"the mounted application explicitly."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:870
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:871
msgid "Development"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:872
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:873
msgid ""
"So you have learned the basics and want to write your own application? Here "
-"are some tips that might help you beeing more productive."
+"are some tips that might help you being more productive."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:878
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:879
msgid "Default Application"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:880
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:881
msgid ""
"Bottle maintains a global stack of :class:`Bottle` instances and uses the "
"top of the stack as a default for some of the module-level functions and "
@@ -1250,7 +1257,7 @@ msgid ""
"calling :meth:`Bottle.route` on the default application::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:888
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:889
msgid ""
"This is very convenient for small applications and saves you some typing, "
"but also means that, as soon as your module is imported, routes are "
@@ -1259,28 +1266,28 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:898
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:899
msgid ""
"Separating the application object improves re-usability a lot, too. Other "
"developers can safely import the ``app`` object from your module and use "
":meth:`Bottle.mount` to merge applications together."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:903
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:904
msgid ""
"Starting with bottle-0.13 you can use :class:`Bottle` instances as context "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:928
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:929
msgid "Debug Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:930
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:931
msgid "During early development, the debug mode can be very helpful."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:938
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:939
msgid ""
"In this mode, Bottle is much more verbose and provides helpful debugging "
"information whenever an error occurs. It also disables some optimisations "
@@ -1288,31 +1295,31 @@ msgid ""
" misconfiguration."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:940
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:941
msgid "Here is an incomplete list of things that change in debug mode:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:942
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:943
msgid "The default error page shows a traceback."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:943
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:944
msgid "Templates are not cached."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:944
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:945
msgid "Plugins are applied immediately."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:946
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:947
msgid "Just make sure not to use the debug mode on a production server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:949
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:950
msgid "Auto Reloading"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:951
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:952
msgid ""
"During development, you have to restart the server a lot to test your recent"
" changes. The auto reloader can do this for you. Every time you edit a "
@@ -1320,14 +1327,14 @@ msgid ""
"version of your code."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:961
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:962
msgid ""
"How it works: the main process will not start a server, but spawn a new "
"child process using the same command line arguments used to start the main "
"process. All module-level code is executed at least twice! Be careful."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:966
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:967
msgid ""
"The child process will have ``os.environ['BOTTLE_CHILD']`` set to ``True`` "
"and start as a normal non-reloading app server. As soon as any of the loaded"
@@ -1336,7 +1343,7 @@ msgid ""
"debug mode to deactivate template caching."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:972
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:973
msgid ""
"The reloading depends on the ability to stop the child process. If you are "
"running on Windows or any other operating system not supporting "
@@ -1345,21 +1352,21 @@ msgid ""
"finally clauses, etc., are not executed after a ``SIGTERM``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:980
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:981
msgid "Command Line Interface"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:984
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:985
msgid "Starting with version 0.10 you can use bottle as a command-line tool:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1008
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1009
msgid ""
"The `ADDRESS` field takes an IP address or an IP:PORT pair and defaults to "
"``localhost:8080``. The other parameters should be self-explanatory."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1010
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1011
msgid ""
"Both plugins and applications are specified via import expressions. These "
"consist of an import path (e.g. ``package.module``) and an expression to be "
@@ -1367,52 +1374,52 @@ msgid ""
":func:`load` for details. Here are some examples:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1031
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1032
msgid "Deployment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1033
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1034
msgid ""
"Bottle runs on the built-in `wsgiref WSGIServer "
" by default. This non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine for "
-"development and early production, but may become a performance bottleneck "
-"when server load increases."
+"development, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1035
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1036
msgid ""
"The easiest way to increase performance is to install a multi-threaded "
"server library like paste_ or cherrypy_ and tell Bottle to use that instead "
"of the single-threaded server::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1039
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1040
msgid ""
"This, and many other deployment options are described in a separate article:"
" :doc:`deployment`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1047
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1048
msgid "Glossary"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1050
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1051
msgid "callback"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1052
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1053
msgid ""
"Programmer code that is to be called when some external action happens. In "
"the context of web frameworks, the mapping between URL paths and application"
" code is often achieved by specifying a callback function for each URL."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1056
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1057
msgid "decorator"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1058
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1059
msgid ""
"A function returning another function, usually applied as a function "
"transformation using the ``@decorator`` syntax. See `python documentation "
@@ -1421,11 +1428,11 @@ msgid ""
"about decorators."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1059
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1060
msgid "environ"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1061
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1062
msgid ""
"A structure where information about all documents under the root is saved, "
"and used for cross-referencing. The environment is pickled after the "
@@ -1433,22 +1440,22 @@ msgid ""
"changed documents."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1065
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1066
msgid "handler function"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1067
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1068
msgid ""
"A function to handle some specific event or situation. In a web framework, "
"the application is developed by attaching a handler function as callback for"
" each specific URL comprising the application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1070
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1071
msgid "source directory"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1072
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1073
msgid ""
"The directory which, including its subdirectories, contains all source files"
" for one Sphinx project."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
index 2f88e7d..a2a8701 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 20:58+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ msgstr ""
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:20
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:19
msgid "Tutorial: Todo-List Application"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:24
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:23
msgid ""
-"This tutorial is a work in progess and written by `noisefloor "
+"This tutorial is a work in progress and written by `noisefloor "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:27
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:26
msgid ""
"This tutorial should give a brief introduction to the Bottle_ WSGI "
"Framework. The main goal is to be able, after reading through this tutorial,"
@@ -37,19 +37,19 @@ msgid ""
"POST parameters."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:29
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:28
msgid ""
"To understand the content here, it is not necessary to have a basic "
"knowledge of WSGI, as Bottle tries to keep WSGI away from the user anyway. "
"You should have a fair understanding of the Python_ programming language. "
"Furthermore, the example used in the tutorial retrieves and stores data in a"
-" SQL databse, so a basic idea about SQL helps, but is not a must to "
+" SQL database, so a basic idea about SQL helps, but is not a must to "
"understand the concepts of Bottle. Right here, SQLite_ is used. The output "
"of Bottle sent to the browser is formatted in some examples by the help of "
"HTML. Thus, a basic idea about the common HTML tags does help as well."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:31
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:30
msgid ""
"For the sake of introducing Bottle, the Python code \"in between\" is kept "
"short, in order to keep the focus. Also all code within the tutorial is "
@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ msgid ""
"protect the database with a password, test and escape the input etc."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:0
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:32
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:36
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:35
msgid "Goals"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:38
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:37
msgid ""
"At the end of this tutorial, we will have a simple, web-based ToDo list. The"
" list contains a text (with max 100 characters) and a status (0 for closed, "
@@ -74,68 +74,68 @@ msgid ""
"can be view and edited and new items can be added."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:40
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:39
msgid ""
"During development, all pages will be available on ``localhost`` only, but "
"later on it will be shown how to adapt the application for a \"real\" "
"server, including how to use with Apache's mod_wsgi."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:42
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:41
msgid ""
"Bottle will do the routing and format the output, with the help of "
"templates. The items of the list will be stored inside a SQLite database. "
"Reading and writing the database will be done by Python code."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:44
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:43
msgid ""
"We will end up with an application with the following pages and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:46
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:45
msgid "start page ``http://localhost:8080/todo``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:47
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:46
msgid "adding new items to the list: ``http://localhost:8080/new``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:48
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:47
msgid "page for editing items: ``http://localhost:8080/edit/<no:int>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:49
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:48
msgid "catching errors"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:52
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:51
msgid "Before We Start..."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:56
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:55
msgid "Install Bottle"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:57
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:56
msgid ""
"Assuming that you have a fairly new installation of Python (version 2.5 or "
"higher), you only need to install Bottle in addition to that. Bottle has no "
"other dependencies than Python itself."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:59
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:58
msgid ""
"You can either manually install Bottle or use Python's easy_install: "
"``easy_install bottle``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:63
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:62
msgid "Further Software Necessities"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:64
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:63
msgid ""
"As we use SQLite3 as a database, make sure it is installed. On Linux "
"systems, most distributions have SQLite3 installed by default. SQLite is "
@@ -143,18 +143,18 @@ msgid ""
"of the python standard library."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:67
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:66
msgid "Create An SQL Database"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:68
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:67
msgid ""
"First, we need to create the database we use later on. To do so, save the "
"following script in your project directory and run it with python. You can "
"use the interactive interpreter too::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:79
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:78
msgid ""
"This generates a database-file `todo.db` with tables called ``todo`` and "
"three columns ``id``, ``task``, and ``status``. ``id`` is a unique id for "
@@ -164,22 +164,22 @@ msgid ""
"closed (value 0)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:82
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:81
msgid "Using Bottle for a Web-Based ToDo List"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:84
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:83
msgid ""
"Now it is time to introduce Bottle in order to create a web-based "
"application. But first, we need to look into a basic concept of Bottle: "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:88
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:87
msgid "Understanding routes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:89
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:88
msgid ""
"Basically, each page visible in the browser is dynamically generated when "
"the page address is called. Thus, there is no static content. That is "
@@ -190,24 +190,24 @@ msgid ""
"execute the corresponding Python code and return its result."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:93
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:92
msgid "First Step - Showing All Open Items"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:94
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:93
msgid ""
"So, after understanding the concept of routes, let's create the first one. "
"The goal is to see all open items from the ToDo list::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:109
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:108
msgid ""
"Save the code a ````, preferably in the same directory as the file "
"``todo.db``. Otherwise, you need to add the path to ``todo.db`` in the "
"``sqlite3.connect()`` statement."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:111
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:110
msgid ""
"Let's have a look what we just did: We imported the necessary module "
"``sqlite3`` to access to SQLite database and from Bottle we imported "
@@ -223,19 +223,19 @@ msgid ""
"``todo_list()``. That is how routing within bottle works."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:113
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:112
msgid ""
"Actually you can bind more than one route to a function. So the following "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:120
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:119
msgid ""
"will work fine, too. What will not work is to bind one route to more than "
"one function."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:122
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:121
msgid ""
"What you will see in the browser is what is returned, thus the value given "
"by the ``return`` statement. In this example, we need to convert ``result`` "
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ msgid ""
"list of tuples, which is the standard defined by the `Python DB API`_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:124
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:123
msgid ""
"Now, after understanding the little script above, it is time to execute it "
"and watch the result yourself. Remember that on Linux- / Unix-based systems "
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:128
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:127
msgid ""
"If so - congratulations! You are now a successful user of Bottle. In case it"
" did not work and you need to make some changes to the script, remember to "
@@ -262,23 +262,23 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:130
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:129
msgid ""
"Actually, the output is not really exciting nor nice to read. It is the raw "
"result returned from the SQL query."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:132
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:131
msgid ""
"So, in the next step we format the output in a nicer way. But before we do "
"that, we make our life easier."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:136
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:135
msgid "Debugging and Auto-Reload"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:137
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:136
msgid ""
"Maybe you already noticed that Bottle sends a short error message to the "
"browser in case something within the script is wrong, e.g. the connection to"
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ msgid ""
"statement to the script::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:145
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:144
msgid ""
"By enabling \"debug\", you will get a full stacktrace of the Python "
"interpreter, which usually contains useful information for finding bugs. "
@@ -295,42 +295,42 @@ msgid ""
" will take effect without stopping the server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:149
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:148
msgid ""
"That ``debug(True)`` is supposed to be used for development only, it should "
"*not* be used in production environments."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:153
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:152
msgid ""
"Another quite nice feature is auto-reloading, which is enabled by modifying "
"the ``run()`` statement to"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:159
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:158
msgid ""
"This will automatically detect changes to the script and reload the new "
"version once it is called again, without the need to stop and start the "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:161
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:160
msgid ""
"Again, the feature is mainly supposed to be used while developing, not on "
"production systems."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:165
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:164
msgid "Bottle Template To Format The Output"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:166
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:165
msgid ""
"Now let's have a look at casting the output of the script into a proper "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:168
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:167
msgid ""
"Actually Bottle expects to receive a string or a list of strings from a "
"function and returns them by the help of the built-in server to the browser."
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ msgid ""
" text formatted with HTML markup, too."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:170
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:169
msgid ""
"Bottle brings its own easy-to-use template engine with it. Templates are "
"stored as separate files having a ``.tpl`` extension. The template can be "
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ msgid ""
" query, which will be then formatted nicely within the template."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:172
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:171
msgid ""
"Right here, we are going to cast the result of our query showing the open "
"ToDo items into a simple table with two columns: the first column will "
@@ -356,11 +356,11 @@ msgid ""
"as seen above, a list of tuples, each tuple contains one set of results."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:174
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:173
msgid "To include the template in our example, just add the following lines::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:184
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:183
msgid ""
"So we do here two things: first, we import ``template`` from Bottle in order"
" to be able to use templates. Second, we assign the output of the template "
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ msgid ""
"value to a template."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:186
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:185
msgid ""
"Templates always return a list of strings, thus there is no need to convert "
"anything. We can save one line of code by writing ``return "
@@ -379,18 +379,18 @@ msgid ""
"as above."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:188
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:187
msgid ""
"Now it is time to write the corresponding template, which looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:202
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:201
msgid ""
"Save the code as ``make_table.tpl`` in the same directory where ```` "
"is stored."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:204
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:203
msgid ""
"Let's have a look at the code: every line starting with % is interpreted as "
"Python code. Because it is effectively Python, only valid Python statements "
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ msgid ""
"code would. The other lines are plain HTML markup."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:206
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:205
msgid ""
"As you can see, we use Python's ``for`` statement two times, in order to go "
"through ``rows``. As seen above, ``rows`` is a variable which holds the "
@@ -409,14 +409,14 @@ msgid ""
" ``%end``, otherwise the output may not be what you expect."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:208
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:207
msgid ""
"If you need to access a variable within a non-Python code line inside the "
"template, you need to put it into double curly braces. This tells the "
"template to insert the actual value of the variable right in place."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:210
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:209
msgid ""
"Run the script again and look at the output. Still not really nice, but at "
"least more readable than the list of tuples. You can spice-up the very "
@@ -424,107 +424,97 @@ msgid ""
"looking output."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:214
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:213
msgid "Using GET and POST Values"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:215
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:214
msgid ""
"As we can review all open items properly, we move to the next step, which is"
" adding new items to the ToDo list. The new item should be received from a "
"regular HTML-based form, which sends its data by the GET method."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:217
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:216
msgid ""
"To do so, we first add a new route to our script and tell the route that it "
"should get GET data::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:240
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:239
msgid ""
"To access GET (or POST) data, we need to import ``request`` from Bottle. To "
"assign the actual data to a variable, we use the statement "
-"``request.GET.get('task','').strip()`` statement, where ``task`` is the name"
-" of the GET data we want to access. That's all. If your GET data has more "
-"than one variable, multiple ``request.GET.get()`` statements can be used and"
-" assigned to other variables."
+"``request.GET.task.strip()`` statement, where ``task`` is the name of the "
+"GET data we want to access. That's all. If your GET data has more than one "
+"variable, multiple ``request.GET.get()`` statements can be used and assigned"
+" to other variables."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:242
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:241
msgid ""
"The rest of this piece of code is just processing of the gained data: "
"writing to the database, retrieve the corresponding id from the database and"
" generate the output."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:244
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:243
msgid ""
"But where do we get the GET data from? Well, we can use a static HTML page "
"holding the form. Or, what we do right now, is to use a template which is "
"output when the route ``/new`` is called without GET data."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:246
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:245
msgid "The code needs to be extended to::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:269
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:268
msgid "``new_task.tpl`` looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:277
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:276
msgid "That's all. As you can see, the template is plain HTML this time."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:279
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:278
msgid "Now we are able to extend our to do list."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:281
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:280
msgid ""
"By the way, if you prefer to use POST data: this works exactly the same way,"
" just use ``request.POST.get()`` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:285
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:284
msgid "Editing Existing Items"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:286
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:285
msgid "The last point to do is to enable editing of existing items."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:288
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:287
msgid ""
"By using only the routes we know so far it is possible, but may be quite "
"tricky. But Bottle knows something called \"dynamic routes\", which makes "
"this task quite easy."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:290
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:289
msgid "The basic statement for a dynamic route looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:294
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:293
msgid ""
-"The key point here is the colon. This tells Bottle to accept for "
-"``:something`` any string up to the next slash. Furthermore, the value of "
-"``something`` will be passed to the function assigned to that route, so the "
-"data can be processed within the function."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:296
-msgid ""
-"For our ToDo list, we will create a route ``@route('/edit/<no:int>)``, where"
-" ``no`` is the id (integer) of the item to edit."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:298
-msgid "The code looks like this::"
+"This tells Bottle to accept for ``<something>`` any string up to the next "
+"slash. Furthermore, the value of ``something`` will be passed to the "
+"function assigned to that route, so the data can be processed within the "
+"function, like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:326
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:321
msgid ""
"It is basically pretty much the same what we already did above when adding "
"new items, like using ``GET`` data etc. The main addition here is using the "
@@ -533,34 +523,60 @@ msgid ""
" the function to access the right row of data within the database."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:328
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:324
msgid ""
"The template ``edit_task.tpl`` called within the function looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:343
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:339
msgid ""
"Again, this template is a mix of Python statements and HTML, as already "
"explained above."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:345
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:341
msgid ""
"A last word on dynamic routes: you can even use a regular expression for a "
"dynamic route, as demonstrated later."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:345
+msgid "Validating Dynamic Routes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:346
+msgid ""
+"Using dynamic routes is fine, but for many cases it makes sense to validate "
+"the dynamic part of the route. For example, we expect an integer number in "
+"our route for editing above. But if a float, characters or so are received, "
+"the Python interpreter throws an exception, which is not what we want."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:348
+msgid ""
+"For those cases, Bottle offers the ``<name:int>`` wildcard filter, which "
+"matches (signed) digits and converts the value to integer. In order to apply"
+" the wildcard filter, extend the code as follows::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:356
+msgid ""
+"Save the code and call the page again using incorrect value for "
+"``<no:int>``, e.g. a float. You will receive not an exception, but a \"404 "
+"Not Found\" error."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:360
msgid "Dynamic Routes Using Regular Expressions"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:349
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:361
msgid ""
"Bottle can also handle dynamic routes, where the \"dynamic part\" of the "
"route can be a regular expression."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:351
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:363
msgid ""
"So, just to demonstrate that, let's assume that all single items in our ToDo"
" list should be accessible by their plain number, by a term like e.g. "
@@ -569,31 +585,28 @@ msgid ""
"the route, the term \"item\" is static."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:353
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:365
msgid "As said above, the solution is a regular expression::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:367
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:380
msgid ""
-"This example is somehow artificially constructed - it would be easier to use"
-" a plain dynamic route only combined with a validation. Nevertheless, we "
-"want to see how regular expression routes work: the line "
-"``@route(/item<item_:re:[0-9]+>)`` starts like a normal route, but the part "
-"surrounded by # is interpreted as a regular expression, which is the dynamic"
-" part of the route. So in this case, we want to match any digit between 0 "
-"and 9. The following function \"show_item\" just checks whether the given "
-"item is present in the database or not. In case it is present, the "
-"corresponding text of the task is returned. As you can see, only the regular"
-" expression part of the route is passed forward. Furthermore, it is always "
-"forwarded as a string, even if it is a plain integer number, like in this "
+"The line ``@route(/item<item:re:[0-9]+>)`` starts like a normal route, but "
+"the third part of the wildcard is interpreted as a regular expression, which"
+" is the dynamic part of the route. So in this case, we want to match any "
+"digit between 0 and 9. The following function \"show_item\" just checks "
+"whether the given item is present in the database or not. In case it is "
+"present, the corresponding text of the task is returned. As you can see, "
+"only the regular expression part of the route is passed forward. "
+"Furthermore, it is always forwarded as a string, even if it is a plain "
+"integer number, like in this case."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:371
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:384
msgid "Returning Static Files"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:372
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:385
msgid ""
"Sometimes it may become necessary to associate a route not to a Python "
"function, but just return a static file. So if you have for example a help "
@@ -601,7 +614,7 @@ msgid ""
"This works as follows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:380
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:393
msgid ""
"At first, we need to import the ``static_file`` function from Bottle. As you"
" can see, the ``return static_file`` statement replaces the ``return`` "
@@ -614,11 +627,11 @@ msgid ""
"``static_file`` works with any type of route, including the dynamic ones."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:384
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:397
msgid "Returning JSON Data"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:385
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:398
msgid ""
"There may be cases where you do not want your application to generate the "
"output directly, but return data to be processed further on, e.g. by "
@@ -628,37 +641,37 @@ msgid ""
"languages, including Python"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:387
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:400
msgid ""
"So, let's assume we want to return the data generated in the regular "
"expression route example as a JSON object. The code looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:402
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:415
msgid ""
"As you can, that is fairly simple: just return a regular Python dictionary "
"and Bottle will convert it automatically into a JSON object prior to "
"sending. So if you e.g. call \"http://localhost/json1\" Bottle should in "
-"this case return the JSON object ``{\"Task\": [\"Read A-byte-of-python to "
+"this case return the JSON object ``{\"task\": [\"Read A-byte-of-python to "
"get a good introduction into Python\"]}``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:407
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:420
msgid "Catching Errors"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:408
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:421
msgid ""
"The next step may is to catch the error with Bottle itself, to keep away any"
" type of error message from the user of your application. To do that, Bottle"
" has an \"error-route\", which can be a assigned to a HTML-error."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:410
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:423
msgid "In our case, we want to catch a 403 error. The code is as follows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:418
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:431
msgid ""
"So, at first we need to import ``error`` from Bottle and define a route by "
"``error(403)``, which catches all \"403 forbidden\" errors. The function "
@@ -667,28 +680,28 @@ msgid ""
"function always needs to accept one argument, otherwise it will not work."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:420
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:433
msgid ""
"Again, you can assign more than one error-route to a function, or catch "
"various errors with one function each. So this code::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:427
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:440
msgid "works fine, the following one as well::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:439
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:452
msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:440
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:453
msgid ""
"After going through all the sections above, you should have a brief "
"understanding how the Bottle WSGI framework works. Furthermore you have all "
"the knowledge necessary to use Bottle for your applications."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:442
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:455
msgid ""
"The following chapter give a short introduction how to adapt Bottle for "
"larger projects. Furthermore, we will show how to operate Bottle with web "
@@ -696,11 +709,11 @@ msgid ""
"one we used so far."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:445
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:458
msgid "Server Setup"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:447
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:460
msgid ""
"So far, we used the standard server used by Bottle, which is the `WSGI "
"reference Server`_ shipped along with Python. Although this server is "
@@ -709,47 +722,47 @@ msgid ""
"have a look how to tweak the settings of the standard server first."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:451
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:464
msgid "Running Bottle on a different port and IP"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:452
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:465
msgid ""
-"As standard, Bottle serves the pages on the IP adress, also known "
-"as ``localhost``, and on port ``8080``. To modify the setting is pretty "
+"As standard, Bottle serves the pages on the IP address, also known"
+" as ``localhost``, and on port ``8080``. To modify the setting is pretty "
"simple, as additional parameters can be passed to Bottle's ``run()`` "
"function to change the port and the address."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:454
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:467
msgid ""
"To change the port, just add ``port=portnumber`` to the run command. So, for"
" example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:458
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:471
msgid "would make Bottle listen to port 80."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:460
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:473
msgid "To change the IP address where Bottle is listening::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:464
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:477
msgid "If needed, both parameters can be combined, like::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:468
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:481
msgid ""
"The ``port`` and ``host`` parameter can also be applied when Bottle is "
"running with a different server, as shown in the following section."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:472
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:485
msgid "Running Bottle with a different server"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:473
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:486
msgid ""
"As said above, the standard server is perfectly suitable for development, "
"personal use or a small group of people only using your application based on"
@@ -757,50 +770,50 @@ msgid ""
"it is single-threaded, thus it can only serve one request at a time."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:475
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:488
msgid ""
"But Bottle has already various adapters to multi-threaded servers on board, "
-"which perform better on higher load. Bottle supports Cherrypy_, Fapws3_, "
-"Flup_ and Paste_."
+"which perform better on higher load. Bottle supports Cherrypy_, Flup_ and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:477
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:490
msgid ""
"If you want to run for example Bottle with the Paste server, use the "
"following code::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:483
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:496
msgid ""
"This works exactly the same way with ``FlupServer``, ``CherryPyServer`` and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:487
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:500
msgid "Running Bottle on Apache with mod_wsgi"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:488
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:501
msgid ""
"Maybe you already have an Apache_ or you want to run a Bottle-based "
"application large scale - then it is time to think about Apache with "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:490
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:503
msgid ""
"We assume that your Apache server is up and running and mod_wsgi is working "
"fine as well. On a lot of Linux distributions, mod_wsgi can be easily "
"installed via whatever package management system is in use."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:492
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:505
msgid ""
"Bottle brings an adapter for mod_wsgi with it, so serving your application "
"is an easy task."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:494
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:507
msgid ""
"In the following example, we assume that you want to make your application "
"\"ToDo list\" accessible through ```` and your "
@@ -808,42 +821,42 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:496
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:509
msgid ""
"When you run your application via mod_wsgi, it is imperative to remove the "
"``run()`` statement from your code, otherwise it won't work here."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:498
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:511
msgid ""
"After that, create a file called ``adapter.wsgi`` with the following "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:509
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:522
msgid ""
"and save it in the same path, ``/var/www/todo``. Actually the name of the "
"file can be anything, as long as the extension is ``.wsgi``. The name is "
"only used to reference the file from your virtual host."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:511
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:524
msgid ""
"Finally, we need to add a virtual host to the Apache configuration, which "
"looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:527
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:540
msgid ""
"After restarting the server, your ToDo list should be accessible at "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:530
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:543
msgid "Final Words"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:532
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:545
msgid ""
"Now we are at the end of this introduction and tutorial to Bottle. We "
"learned about the basic concepts of Bottle and wrote a first application "
@@ -851,7 +864,7 @@ msgid ""
"for large tasks and serve Bottle through an Apache web server with mod_wsgi."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:534
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:547
msgid ""
"As said in the introduction, this tutorial is not showing all shades and "
"possibilities of Bottle. What we skipped here is e.g. receiving file objects"
@@ -861,28 +874,28 @@ msgid ""
"documentation`_ ."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:537
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:550
msgid "Complete Example Listing"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:539
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:552
msgid ""
"As the ToDo list example was developed piece by piece, here is the complete "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:541
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:554
msgid "Main code for the application ````::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:655
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:675
msgid "Template ``make_table.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:669
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:689
msgid "Template ``edit_task.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:684
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:704
msgid "Template ``new_task.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/api.po b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
index 8181d1d..8754a3a 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -46,6 +46,22 @@ msgid ""
"Start a server instance. This method blocks until the server terminates."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.path_shift:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring
+#: of bottle.Bottle.mount:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.Bottle.route:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:0
+msgid "Parameters"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
msgid ""
"WSGI application or target string supported by :func:`load_app`. (default: "
@@ -201,6 +217,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shift path fragments from PATH_INFO to SCRIPT_NAME and vice versa."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:0
+msgid "Returns"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:3
msgid "The modified paths."
msgstr ""
@@ -230,40 +250,59 @@ msgid ""
"special methods available to access the full list of values."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.keys:1
+msgid "D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.values:1
+msgid "D.values() -> an object providing a view on D's values"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.items:1
+msgid "D.items() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's items"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:1
msgid "Return the most recent value for a key."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:3
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:3
msgid ""
"The default value to be returned if the key is not present or the type "
"conversion fails."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:5
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:5
msgid "An index for the list of available values."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:6
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:6
msgid ""
"If defined, this callable is used to cast the value into a specific type. "
"Exception are suppressed and result in the default value to be returned."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.append:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.append:1
msgid "Add a new value to the list of values for this key."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.replace:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.replace:1
msgid "Replace the list of values with a single value."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getall:1
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getlist:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getall:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.getall:1
msgid "Return a (possibly empty) list of values for a key."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getone:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:1
msgid "Aliases for WTForms to mimic other multi-dict APIs (Django)"
msgstr ""
@@ -337,6 +376,7 @@ msgid "Return the current default application and remove it from the stack."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.AppStack.push:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.AppStack.push:1
msgid "Add a new :class:`Bottle` instance to the stack"
msgstr ""
@@ -358,11 +398,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "controls which lookups are cached. One of 'all', 'found' or 'none'."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.path:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.ResourceManager.path:1
msgid "A list of search paths. See :meth:`add_path` for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.cache:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.ResourceManager.cache:1
msgid "A cache for resolved paths. ``res.cache.clear()`` clears the cache."
msgstr ""
@@ -403,7 +443,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.lookup:3
msgid ""
-"The :attr:`path` list is searched in order. The first match is returend. "
+"The :attr:`path` list is searched in order. The first match is returned. "
"Symlinks are followed. The result is cached to speed up future lookups."
msgstr ""
@@ -411,19 +451,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Find a resource and return a file object, or raise IOError."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.file:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.file:1
msgid "Open file(-like) object (BytesIO buffer or temporary file)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../docstring of
msgid "Name of the upload form field"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.raw_filename:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.raw_filename:1
msgid "Raw filename as sent by the client (may contain unsafe characters)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.headers:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.headers:1
msgid "A :class:`HeaderDict` with additional headers (e.g. content-type)"
msgstr ""
@@ -437,6 +477,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Current value of the 'Content-Length' header."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.get_header:1
+msgid "Return the value of a header within the mulripart part."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.filename:1
msgid ""
"Name of the file on the client file system, but normalized to ensure file "
@@ -495,11 +539,11 @@ msgid ""
"middleware handle exceptions."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.config:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Bottle.config:1
msgid "A :class:`ConfigDict` for app specific configuration."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.resources:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Bottle.resources:1
msgid "A :class:`ResourceManager` for application files"
msgstr ""
@@ -623,7 +667,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.match:1
msgid ""
-"Search for a matching route and return a (:class:`Route` , urlargs) tuple. "
+"Search for a matching route and return a (:class:`Route`, urlargs) tuple. "
"The second value is a dictionary with parameters extracted from the URL. "
"Raise :exc:`HTTPError` (404/405) on a non-match."
msgstr ""
@@ -706,7 +750,9 @@ msgid "Equals :meth:`route` with a ``PATCH`` method parameter."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.error:1
-msgid "Decorator: Register an output handler for a HTTP error code"
+msgid ""
+"Register an output handler for a HTTP error code. Can be used as a decorator"
+" or called directly ::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.wsgi:1
@@ -717,40 +763,40 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"This class wraps a route callback along with route specific metadata and "
"configuration and applies Plugins on demand. It is also responsible for "
-"turing an URL path rule into a regular expression usable by the Router."
+"turning an URL path rule into a regular expression usable by the Router."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../docstring of
msgid "The application this route is installed to."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.rule:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.rule:1
msgid "The path-rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/<page>``)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.method:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.method:1
msgid "The HTTP method as a string (e.g. ``GET``)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.callback:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.callback:1
msgid ""
"The original callback with no plugins applied. Useful for introspection."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../docstring of
msgid "The name of the route (if specified) or ``None``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.plugins:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.plugins:1
msgid "A list of route-specific plugins (see :meth:`Bottle.route`)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.skiplist:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.skiplist:1
msgid ""
"A list of plugins to not apply to this route (see :meth:`Bottle.route`)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.config:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.config:1
msgid ""
"Additional keyword arguments passed to the :meth:`Bottle.route` decorator "
"are stored in this dictionary. Used for route-specific plugin configuration "
@@ -905,10 +951,10 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.json:1
msgid ""
-"If the ``Content-Type`` header is ``application/json``, this property holds "
-"the parsed content of the request body. Only requests smaller than "
-":attr:`MEMFILE_MAX` are processed to avoid memory exhaustion. Invalid JSON "
-"raises a 400 error response."
+"If the ``Content-Type`` header is ``application/json`` or ``application"
+"/json-rpc``, this property holds the parsed content of the request body. "
+"Only requests smaller than :attr:`MEMFILE_MAX` are processed to avoid memory"
+" exhaustion. Invalid JSON raises a 400 error response."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.body:1
@@ -924,7 +970,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "True if Chunked transfer encoding was."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.GET:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.query:1
msgid "An alias for :attr:`query`."
msgstr ""
@@ -967,7 +1013,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:2
-msgid "Shift path segments from path to script_name and"
+msgid "Shift path segments from :attr:`path` to :attr:`script_name` and"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:2
@@ -1047,15 +1093,10 @@ msgid ""
"multithreaded server)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalRequest.bind:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.__init__:1
msgid "Wrap a WSGI environ dictionary."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalRequest.environ:1
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalResponse.body:1
-msgid "Thread-local property"
-msgstr ""
#: ../../api.rst:146
msgid "The :class:`Response` Object"
msgstr ""
@@ -1211,23 +1252,37 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:17
msgid ""
"prevents client-side javascript to read this cookie (default: off, requires "
-"Python 2.7 or newer)."
+"Python 2.6 or newer)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:20
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:19
msgid ""
-"If neither `expires` nor `max_age` is set (default), the cookie will expire "
+"Control or disable third-party use for this cookie. Possible values: `lax`, "
+"`strict` or `none` (default)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:22
+msgid ""
+"If neither `expires` nor `maxage` is set (default), the cookie will expire "
"at the end of the browser session (as soon as the browser window is closed)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:24
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:26
msgid ""
"Signed cookies may store any pickle-able object and are cryptographically "
"signed to prevent manipulation. Keep in mind that cookies are limited to 4kb"
" in most browsers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:28
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:30
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Pickle is a potentially dangerous format. If an attacker gains "
+"access to the secret key, he could forge cookies that execute code on server"
+" side if unpickled. Using pickle is discouraged and support for it will be "
+"removed in later versions of bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:35
msgid ""
"Warning: Signed cookies are not encrypted (the client can still see the "
"content) and not copy-protected (the client can restore an old cookie). The "
@@ -1249,6 +1304,14 @@ msgid ""
"response at the end of the request/response cycle."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.__init__:1
+msgid "Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalResponse.body:1
+msgid "Thread-local property"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../api.rst:160
msgid ""
"The following two classes can be raised as an exception. The most noticeable"
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/async.po b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
index d1cd373..47abed3 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-03 11:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
index d44d16d..c893663 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -25,28 +25,281 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Release 0.13"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:13
-msgid "Added :func:`patch` shortcut for `route(..., method='PATCH')`"
+#: ../../changelog.rst:11
+msgid "Not released yet."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:17
-msgid "Release 0.12"
+#: ../../changelog.rst:14
+msgid "Dropped support for Python versions that reached their end-of-life."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:19
+#: ../../changelog.rst:15
msgid ""
-"New SimpleTemplate parser implementation * Support for multi-line code "
-"blocks (`<% ... %>`). * The keywords `include` and `rebase` are functions "
-"now and can accept variable template names."
+"Keeping up support for ancient Python versions hinders adaptation of new "
+"features and serves no real purpose. If you need support for older Python "
+"versions, you can stay on bottle-0.12. The updated list of tested and "
+"supported python releases is as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:20
+msgid "Python 2.7 (>= 2.7.3)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:21
+msgid "Python 3.6"
msgstr ""
#: ../../changelog.rst:22
+msgid "Python 3.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:23
+msgid "Python 3.8"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:24
+msgid "Python 3.9"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:25
+msgid "PyPy 2.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:26
+msgid "PyPy 3.6"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:27
+msgid "PyPy 3.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"Support for Python 2.5 was marked as deprecated since 0.12. We decided to go"
+" a step further and also remove support for 2.6 and 3.1 to 3.5 even if it "
+"was never deprecated explicitly in bottle. This means that this release is "
+"*not* backwards compatible in Python <2.7.3 or <3.6 environments. "
+"Maintainers for distributions or systems that still use these old python "
+"versions should not update to Bottle 0.13 and stick with 0.12 instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:35
+msgid "Stabilized APIs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:36
+msgid ""
+"The documented API of the :class:`ConfigDict` class is now considered stable"
+" and ready to use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:38
+msgid "Deprecated APIs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"The old route syntax (``/hello/:name``) is deprecated in favor of the more "
+"readable and flexible ``/hello/<name>`` syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:40
+msgid ""
+":meth:`Bottle.mount` now recognizes Bottle instance and will warn about "
+"parameters that are not compatible with the new mounting behavior. The old "
+"behavior (mount applications as WSGI callable) still works and is used as a "
+"fallback automatically."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:41
+msgid "The undocumented :func:`local_property` helper is now deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"The server adapter for google app engine is not useful anymore and marked as"
+" deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"Bottle uses pickle to store arbitrary objects into signed cookies. This is "
+"safe, as long as the signature key remains a secret. Unfortunately, people "
+"tend to push code with signature keys to github all the time, so we decided "
+"to remove pickle-support from bottle. Signed cookies will now issue a "
+"deprecation warning if the value is not a string, and support for non-string"
+" values will be removed in 0.14. The global :func:`cookie_encode`, "
+":func:`cookie_decode` and :func:`is_cookie_encoded` are now also deprecated."
+" If you are using this feature, think about using json to serialize your "
+"objects before storing them into cookies, or switch to a session system that"
+" stores data server-side instead of client-side."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:45
+msgid "Removed APIs (deprecated since 0.12)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:46
+msgid ""
+"Plugins with the old API (``api=1`` or no api attribute) will no longer "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"Parameter order of :meth:`Bottle.mount` changed in 0.10. The old order will "
+"now result in an error instead of a warning."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`ConfigDict` class was introduced in 0.11 and changed during "
+"0.12. These changes are now final."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:50
+msgid ""
+"Attribute access and assignment was removed due to high overhead and limited"
+" usability."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"Namespaced sub-instance creation was removed. ``config[\"a\"][\"b\"]`` has a"
+" high overhead and little benefit over ``config[\"a.b\"]``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:52
+msgid ""
+":class:`ConfigDict` instances are no longer callable. This was a shortcut "
+"for :meth:`ConfigDict.update`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:53
+msgid ""
+":class:`ConfigDict` constructor no longer accepts any parameters. Use the "
+"`load_*` methods instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:55
+msgid ""
+"Bottle 0.12 changed some aspects of the Simple Template Engine. These "
+"changes are now final and the old syntax will now longer work."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:57
+msgid ""
+"The magic ``{{rebase()}}`` call was replaced by a ``base`` variable. "
+"Example: ``{{base}}``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"In STPL Templates, the 'rebase' and 'include' keywords were replaced with "
+"functions in 0.12."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:59
+msgid ""
+"PEP-263 encoding strings are no longer recognized. Templates are always "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:61
+msgid ""
+"The 'geventSocketIO' server adapter was removed without notice. It did not "
+"work anyway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:63
+msgid "Changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:64
+msgid "These changes might require special care when updating."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"Signed cookies now use a stronger HMAC algorithm by default. This will "
+"result in old cookies to appear invalid after the update. Pass an explicit "
+"``digestmod=hashlib.md5`` to :meth:`Request.get_cookie` and "
+":meth:`Response.set_cookie` to get the old behavior."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:68
+msgid "Other Improvements"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:69
+msgid ""
+"Bottle() instances are now context managers. If used in a with-statement, "
+"the default application changes to the specific instance and the shortcuts "
+"for many instance methods can be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"Added support for ``PATCH`` requests and the :meth:`Bottle.patch` decorator."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:71
+msgid ""
+"Added `aiohttp <>`_ and `uvloop "
+"<>`_ server adapters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:72
+msgid "Added command-line arguments for config from json or ini files."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:73
+msgid ""
+":meth:`Bottle.mount` now recognizes instances of :class:`Bottle` and mounts "
+"them with significantly less overhead than other WSGI applications."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:74
+msgid ""
+"The :attr:`Request.json` property now accepts ``application/json-rpc`` "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:75
+msgid ""
+":func:`static_file` gained support for ``ETag`` headers. It will generate "
+"ETags and recognizes ``If-None-Match`` headers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:76
+msgid "Jinja2 templates will produce better error messages than before."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:82
+msgid "Release 0.12"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:84
+msgid "New SimpleTemplate parser implementation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:86
+msgid "Support for multi-line code blocks (`<% ... %>`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:87
+msgid ""
+"The keywords `include` and `rebase` are functions now and can accept "
+"variable template names."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:89
msgid ""
-"The new :meth:`BaseRequest.route` property returns the :class:`Route` that "
+"The new :attr:`BaseRequest.route` property returns the :class:`Route` that "
"originally matched the request."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:23
+#: ../../changelog.rst:90
msgid ""
"Removed the ``BaseRequest.MAX_PARAMS`` limit. The hash collision bug in "
"CPythons dict() implementation was fixed over a year ago. If you are still "
@@ -54,69 +307,69 @@ msgid ""
"that you get security fixed from your distributor."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:24
+#: ../../changelog.rst:91
msgid "New :class:`ConfigDict` API (see :doc:`configuration`)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:26
+#: ../../changelog.rst:93
msgid ""
"More information can be found in this `development blog post "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:30
+#: ../../changelog.rst:97
msgid "Release 0.11"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:32
+#: ../../changelog.rst:99
msgid ""
"Native support for Python 2.x and 3.x syntax. No need to run 2to3 anymore."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:33
+#: ../../changelog.rst:100
msgid ""
"Support for partial downloads (``Range`` header) in :func:`static_file`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:34
+#: ../../changelog.rst:101
msgid ""
"The new :class:`ResourceManager` interface helps locating files bundled with"
" an application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:35
+#: ../../changelog.rst:102
msgid ""
"Added a server adapter for `waitress "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:36
+#: ../../changelog.rst:103
msgid ""
"New :meth:`Bottle.merge` method to install all routes from one application "
"into another."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:37
+#: ../../changelog.rst:104
msgid ""
"New :attr:`` property to get the application object that "
"handles a request."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:38
+#: ../../changelog.rst:105
msgid ""
"Added :meth:`FormsDict.decode()` to get an all-unicode version (needed by "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:39
+#: ../../changelog.rst:106
msgid ":class:`MultiDict` and subclasses are now pickle-able."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:42
+#: ../../changelog.rst:109
msgid "API Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:43
+#: ../../changelog.rst:110
msgid ""
":attr:`Response.status` is a read-write property that can be assigned either"
" a numeric status code or a status string with a reason phrase (``200 OK``)."
@@ -125,53 +378,53 @@ msgid ""
":attr:`BaseResponse.status_code` and :attr:`BaseResponse.status_line`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:46
+#: ../../changelog.rst:113
msgid "API Deprecations"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:47
+#: ../../changelog.rst:114
msgid ""
":class:`SimpleTALTemplate` is now deprecating. There seems to be no demand."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:50
+#: ../../changelog.rst:117
msgid "Release 0.10"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:52
+#: ../../changelog.rst:119
msgid "Plugin API v2"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:54
+#: ../../changelog.rst:121
msgid "To use the new API, set :attr:`Plugin.api` to ``2``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:55
+#: ../../changelog.rst:122
msgid ""
":meth:`Plugin.apply` receives a :class:`Route` object instead of a context "
"dictionary as second parameter. The new object offers some additional "
"information and may be extended in the future."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:56
+#: ../../changelog.rst:123
msgid ""
"Plugin names are considered unique now. The topmost plugin with a given name"
" on a given route is installed, all other plugins with the same name are "
"silently ignored."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:58
+#: ../../changelog.rst:125
msgid "The Request/Response Objects"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:60
+#: ../../changelog.rst:127
msgid ""
"Added :attr:`BaseRequest.json`, :attr:`BaseRequest.remote_route`, "
":attr:`BaseRequest.remote_addr`, :attr:`BaseRequest.query` and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:61
+#: ../../changelog.rst:128
msgid ""
"Added :attr:`BaseResponse.status_line` and :attr:`BaseResponse.status_code` "
"attributes. In future releases, :attr:`BaseResponse.status` will return a "
@@ -180,204 +433,204 @@ msgid ""
"use the verbose attributes from now on."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:62
+#: ../../changelog.rst:129
msgid ""
"Replaced :class:`MultiDict` with a specialized :class:`FormsDict` in many "
"places. The new dict implementation allows attribute access and handles "
"unicode form values transparently."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:64
+#: ../../changelog.rst:131
msgid "Templates"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:66
+#: ../../changelog.rst:133
msgid ""
"Added three new functions to the SimpleTemplate default namespace that "
"handle undefined variables: :func:`stpl.defined`, :func:`stpl.get` and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:67
+#: ../../changelog.rst:134
msgid ""
"The default escape function for SimpleTemplate now additionally escapes "
"single and double quotes."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:69
+#: ../../changelog.rst:136
msgid "Routing"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:71
+#: ../../changelog.rst:138
msgid ""
"A new route syntax (e.g. ``/object/<id:int>``) and support for route "
"wildcard filters."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:72
+#: ../../changelog.rst:139
msgid "Four new wildcard filters: `int`, `float`, `path` and `re`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:74
+#: ../../changelog.rst:141
msgid "Other changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:76
+#: ../../changelog.rst:143
msgid "Added command line interface to load applications and start servers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:77
+#: ../../changelog.rst:144
msgid ""
"Introduced a :class:`ConfigDict` that makes accessing configuration a lot "
"easier (attribute access and auto-expanding namespaces)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:78
+#: ../../changelog.rst:145
msgid "Added support for raw WSGI applications to :meth:`Bottle.mount`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:79
+#: ../../changelog.rst:146
msgid ":meth:`Bottle.mount` parameter order changed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:80
+#: ../../changelog.rst:147
msgid ""
":meth:`Bottle.route` now accpets an import string for the ``callback`` "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:81
+#: ../../changelog.rst:148
msgid "Dropped Gunicorn 0.8 support. Current supported version is 0.13."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:82
+#: ../../changelog.rst:149
msgid "Added custom options to Gunicorn server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:83
+#: ../../changelog.rst:150
msgid ""
"Finally dropped support for type filters. Replace with a custom plugin of "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:87
+#: ../../changelog.rst:154
msgid "Release 0.9"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:90
+#: ../../changelog.rst:157
msgid "Whats new?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:91
+#: ../../changelog.rst:158
msgid ""
"A brand new plugin-API. See :ref:`plugins` and :doc:`plugindev` for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:92
+#: ../../changelog.rst:159
msgid ""
"The :func:`route` decorator got a lot of new features. See "
":meth:`Bottle.route` for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:93
+#: ../../changelog.rst:160
msgid ""
"New server adapters for `gevent <>`_, `meinheld "
"<>`_ and `bjoern "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:94
+#: ../../changelog.rst:161
msgid "Support for SimpleTAL templates."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:95
+#: ../../changelog.rst:162
msgid "Better runtime exception handling for mako templates in debug mode."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:96
+#: ../../changelog.rst:163
msgid "Lots of documentation, fixes and small improvements."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:97
+#: ../../changelog.rst:164
msgid "A new :data:`Request.urlparts` property."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:100
+#: ../../changelog.rst:167
msgid "Performance improvements"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:101
+#: ../../changelog.rst:168
msgid ""
"The :class:`Router` now special-cases ``wsgi.run_once`` environments to "
"speed up CGI."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:102
+#: ../../changelog.rst:169
msgid ""
"Reduced module load time by ~30% and optimized template parser. See `8ccb2d "
-"<>`_, `f72a7c <>`_ and `b14b9a "
-"<>`_ for details."
+"</commit/8ccb2d>`_, `f72a7c </commit/f72a7c>`_ and `b14b9a "
+"</commit/b14b9a>`_ for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:103
+#: ../../changelog.rst:170
msgid ""
"Support for \"App Caching\" on Google App Engine. See `af93ec "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:104
+#: ../../changelog.rst:171
msgid ""
"Some of the rarely used or deprecated features are now plugins that avoid "
"overhead if the feature is not used."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:107 ../../changelog.rst:118
+#: ../../changelog.rst:174 ../../changelog.rst:185
msgid "API changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:108
+#: ../../changelog.rst:175
msgid ""
"This release is mostly backward compatible, but some APIs are marked "
"deprecated now and will be removed for the next release. Most noteworthy:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:110
+#: ../../changelog.rst:177
msgid ""
"The ``static`` route parameter is deprecated. You can escape wild-cards with"
" a backslash."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:111
+#: ../../changelog.rst:178
msgid ""
"Type-based output filters are deprecated. They can easily be replaced with "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:115
+#: ../../changelog.rst:182
msgid "Release 0.8"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:119
+#: ../../changelog.rst:186
msgid "These changes may break compatibility with previous versions."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:121
+#: ../../changelog.rst:188
msgid ""
"The built-in Key/Value database is not available anymore. It is marked "
"deprecated since 0.6.4"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:122
+#: ../../changelog.rst:189
msgid "The Route syntax and behaviour changed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:124
+#: ../../changelog.rst:191
msgid ""
"Regular expressions must be encapsulated with ``#``. In 0.6 all non-"
"alphanumeric characters not present in the regular expression were allowed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:125
+#: ../../changelog.rst:192
msgid ""
"Regular expressions not part of a route wildcard are escaped automatically. "
"You don't have to escape dots or other regular control characters anymore. "
@@ -386,69 +639,69 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:127
+#: ../../changelog.rst:194
msgid ""
"The ``BreakTheBottle`` exception is gone. Use :class:`HTTPResponse` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:128
+#: ../../changelog.rst:195
msgid ""
"The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine escapes HTML special characters in "
"``{{bad_html}}`` expressions automatically. Use the new ``{{!good_html}}`` "
"syntax to get old behaviour (no escaping)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:129
+#: ../../changelog.rst:196
msgid ""
"The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine returns unicode strings instead of lists "
"of byte strings."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:130
+#: ../../changelog.rst:197
msgid ""
"``bottle.optimize()`` and the automatic route optimization is obsolete."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:131
+#: ../../changelog.rst:198
msgid "Some functions and attributes were renamed:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:133
+#: ../../changelog.rst:200
msgid ":attr:`Request._environ` is now :attr:`Request.environ`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:134
+#: ../../changelog.rst:201
msgid ":attr:`Response.header` is now :attr:`Response.headers`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:135
+#: ../../changelog.rst:202
msgid ":func:`default_app` is obsolete. Use :func:`app` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:137
+#: ../../changelog.rst:204
msgid "The default :func:`redirect` code changed from 307 to 303."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:138
+#: ../../changelog.rst:205
msgid "Removed support for ``@default``. Use ``@error(404)`` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:142
+#: ../../changelog.rst:209
msgid "New features"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:143
+#: ../../changelog.rst:210
msgid "This is an incomplete list of new features and improved functionality."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:145
+#: ../../changelog.rst:212
msgid ""
"The :class:`Request` object got new properties: :attr:`Request.body`, "
":attr:`Request.auth`, :attr:`Request.url`, :attr:`Request.header`, "
":attr:`Request.forms`, :attr:`Request.files`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:146
+#: ../../changelog.rst:213
msgid ""
"The :meth:`Response.set_cookie` and :meth:`Request.get_cookie` methods are "
"now able to encode and decode python objects. This is called a *secure "
@@ -456,41 +709,41 @@ msgid ""
"client side. All pickle-able data structures are allowed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:147
+#: ../../changelog.rst:214
msgid ""
"The new :class:`Router` class drastically improves performance for setups "
"with lots of dynamic routes and supports named routes (named route + dict = "
"URL string)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:148
+#: ../../changelog.rst:215
msgid ""
"It is now possible (and recommended) to return :exc:`HTTPError` and "
":exc:`HTTPResponse` instances or other exception objects instead of raising "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:149
+#: ../../changelog.rst:216
msgid ""
"The new function :func:`static_file` equals :func:`send_file` but returns a "
":exc:`HTTPResponse` or :exc:`HTTPError` instead of raising it. "
":func:`send_file` is deprecated."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:150
+#: ../../changelog.rst:217
msgid ""
"New :func:`get`, :func:`post`, :func:`put` and :func:`delete` decorators."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:151
+#: ../../changelog.rst:218
msgid "The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine got full unicode support."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:152
+#: ../../changelog.rst:219
msgid "Lots of non-critical bugfixes."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:158
+#: ../../changelog.rst:225
msgid "Contributors"
msgstr ""
@@ -693,65 +946,69 @@ msgid "Nicolas Vanhoren"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:51
-msgid "Robert Rollins"
+msgid "Oz N Tiram"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:52
-msgid "rogererens"
+msgid "Robert Rollins"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:53
-msgid "rwxrwx"
+msgid "rogererens"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:54
-msgid "Santiago Gala"
+msgid "rwxrwx"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:55
-msgid "Sean M. Collins"
+msgid "Santiago Gala"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:56
-msgid "Sebastian Wollrath"
+msgid "Sean M. Collins"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:57
-msgid "Seth"
+msgid "Sebastian Wollrath"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:58
-msgid "Sigurd Høgsbro"
+msgid "Seth"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:59
-msgid "Stuart Rackham"
+msgid "Sigurd Høgsbro"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:60
-msgid "Sun Ning"
+msgid "Stuart Rackham"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:61
-msgid "Tomás A. Schertel"
+msgid "Sun Ning"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:62
-msgid "Tristan Zajonc"
+msgid "Tomás A. Schertel"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:63
-msgid "voltron"
+msgid "Tristan Zajonc"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:64
-msgid "Wieland Hoffmann"
+msgid "voltron"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:65
-msgid "zombat"
+msgid "Wieland Hoffmann"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:66
+msgid "zombat"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:67
msgid "Thiago Avelino"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
index 8718898..062851b 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -106,22 +106,46 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:84
+#: ../../configuration.rst:85
+msgid "Loading Configuration from a python module"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"Loading configuration from a Python module is a common pattern for Python "
+"programs and frameworks. Bottle assumes that configuration keys are all "
+"upper case:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:98
+msgid ""
+"You can load the this Python module with :met:`ConfigDict.load_module`::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:107
+msgid ""
+"Note the second parameter to disable loading as namespaced items as in "
+":meth:`ConfigDict.load_dict`. By default, loading from a Python module will "
+"call this method, unless you specifically call this method with `False` as "
+"the second argument."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:110
msgid "Loading Configuration from a nested :class:`dict`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:88
+#: ../../configuration.rst:114
msgid ""
"Another useful method is :meth:`ConfigDict.load_dict`. This method takes an "
"entire structure of nested dictionaries and turns it into a flat list of "
"keys and values with namespaced keys::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:109
+#: ../../configuration.rst:135
msgid "Listening to configuration changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:113
+#: ../../configuration.rst:139
msgid ""
"The ``config`` hook on the application object is triggered each time a value"
" in :attr:`Bottle.config` is changed. This hook can be used to react on "
@@ -133,37 +157,37 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:122
+#: ../../configuration.rst:148
msgid ""
"The hook callbacks cannot *change* the value that is to be stored to the "
"dictionary. That is what filters are for."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:128
+#: ../../configuration.rst:154
msgid "Filters and other Meta Data"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:132
+#: ../../configuration.rst:158
msgid ""
":class:`ConfigDict` allows you to store meta data along with configuration "
"keys. Two meta fields are currently defined:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:136
+#: ../../configuration.rst:162
msgid "help"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:135
+#: ../../configuration.rst:161
msgid ""
"A help or description string. May be used by debugging, introspection or "
"admin tools to help the site maintainer configuring their application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:139
+#: ../../configuration.rst:165
msgid "filter"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:139
+#: ../../configuration.rst:165
msgid ""
"A callable that accepts and returns a single value. If a filter is defined "
"for a key, any new value stored to that key is first passed through the "
@@ -171,37 +195,46 @@ msgid ""
"type, check for invalid values (throw a ValueError) or trigger side effects."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:141
+#: ../../configuration.rst:167
msgid ""
"This feature is most useful for plugins. They can validate their config "
"parameters or trigger side effects using filters and document their "
"configuration via ``help`` fields::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:163
+#: ../../configuration.rst:189
msgid "API Documentation"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict:1
msgid ""
"A dict-like configuration storage with additional support for namespaces, "
-"validators, meta-data, on_change listeners and more."
+"validators, meta-data, overlays and more."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict:4
msgid ""
-"Load values from a Python module. :param squash: Squash nested dicts into "
-"namespaces by using"
+"This dict-like class is heavily optimized for read access. All read-only "
+"methods as well as item access should be as fast as the built-in dict."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:1
+msgid "Load values from a Python module."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:3
-msgid "load_dict(), otherwise use update()"
+msgid "Example modue ````::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:4
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:0
+msgid "Parameters"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:17
msgid ""
-"Example: load_config('', True) Example: "
-"load_config('', False)"
+"If true (default), dictionary values are assumed to represent namespaces "
+"(see :meth:`load_dict`)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:1
@@ -210,9 +243,41 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:3
msgid ""
-"If the config file contains sections, their names are used as namespaces for"
-" the values within. The two special sections ``DEFAULT`` and ``bottle`` "
-"refer to the root namespace (no prefix)."
+"A configuration file consists of sections, each led by a ``[section]`` "
+"header, followed by key/value entries separated by either ``=`` or ``:``. "
+"Section names and keys are case-insensitive. Leading and trailing whitespace"
+" is removed from keys and values. Values can be omitted, in which case the "
+"key/value delimiter may also be left out. Values can also span multiple "
+"lines, as long as they are indented deeper than the first line of the value."
+" Commands are prefixed by ``#`` or ``;`` and may only appear on their own on"
+" an otherwise empty line."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:13
+msgid ""
+"Both section and key names may contain dots (``.``) as namespace separators."
+" The actual configuration parameter name is constructed by joining section "
+"name and key name together and converting to lower case."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:18
+msgid ""
+"The special sections ``bottle`` and ``ROOT`` refer to the root namespace and"
+" the ``DEFAULT`` section defines default values for all other sections."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:22
+msgid "With Python 3, extended string interpolation is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:24
+msgid "The path of a config file, or a list of paths."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:25
+msgid ""
+"All keyword parameters are passed to the underlying "
+":class:`python:configparser.ConfigParser` constructor call."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_dict:1
@@ -224,8 +289,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.update:1
msgid ""
"If the first parameter is a string, all keys are prefixed with this "
-"namespace. Apart from that it works just as the usual dict.update(). "
-"Example: ``update('some.namespace', key='value')``"
+"namespace. Apart from that it works just as the usual dict.update()."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.setdefault:1
+msgid "Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.setdefault:3
+msgid "Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.meta_get:1
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
index 12eb937..03fad18 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid "Contact"
msgstr ""
#: ../../contact.rst:6
-msgid "About the Autor"
+msgid "About the Author"
msgstr ""
#: ../../contact.rst:7
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
index cfb0d3d..ee6ac7b 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -30,42 +30,43 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:31
msgid ""
-"To get your application available to the outside world, specify the IP of "
-"the interface the server should listen to (e.g. ``run(host='')``)"
-" or let the server listen to all interfaces at once (e.g. "
-"``run(host='')``). The listening port can be changed in a similar "
-"way, but you need root or admin rights to choose a port below 1024. Port 80 "
-"is the standard for HTTP servers::"
+"To get your application available to the outside world, specify the IP the "
+"server should listen to (e.g. ``run(host='')``) or let the server"
+" listen to all interfaces at once (e.g. ``run(host='')``). The "
+"listening port can be changed in a similar way, but you need root or admin "
+"rights to choose a port below 1024. Port 80 is the standard for HTTP "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:36
+#: ../../deployment.rst:37
msgid "Server Options"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:38
+#: ../../deployment.rst:39
msgid ""
"The built-in default server is based on `wsgiref WSGIServer "
"wsgiref.simple_server>`_. This non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine "
-"for development and early production, but may become a performance "
-"bottleneck when server load increases. There are three ways to eliminate "
-"this bottleneck:"
+"for development, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load "
+"increases. There are three ways to eliminate this bottleneck:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:40
-msgid "Use a different server that is either multi-threaded or asynchronous."
+#: ../../deployment.rst:41
+msgid ""
+"Use a different server that is either multi-threaded or supports "
+"asynchronous IO."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:41
+#: ../../deployment.rst:42
msgid ""
"Start multiple server processes and spread the load with a load-balancer."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:42
+#: ../../deployment.rst:43
msgid "Do both."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:44
+#: ../../deployment.rst:45
msgid ""
"**Multi-threaded** servers are the 'classic' way to do it. They are very "
"robust, reasonably fast and easy to manage. As a drawback, they can only "
@@ -76,15 +77,15 @@ msgid ""
"image processing)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:46
+#: ../../deployment.rst:47
msgid ""
-"**Asynchronous** servers are very fast, can handle a virtually unlimited "
+"**Asynchronous IO** servers are very fast, can handle a virtually unlimited "
"number of concurrent connections and are easy to manage. To take full "
"advantage of their potential, you need to design your application "
"accordingly and understand the concepts of the specific server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:48
+#: ../../deployment.rst:49
msgid ""
"**Multi-processing** (forking) servers are not limited by the GIL and "
"utilize more than one CPU core, but make communication between server "
@@ -94,105 +95,101 @@ msgid ""
"there are good tutorials available."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:51
+#: ../../deployment.rst:52
msgid "Switching the Server Backend"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:53
+#: ../../deployment.rst:54
msgid ""
"The easiest way to increase performance is to install a multi-threaded "
"server library like paste_ or cherrypy_ and tell Bottle to use that instead "
"of the single-threaded default server::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:57
+#: ../../deployment.rst:58
msgid ""
"Bottle ships with a lot of ready-to-use adapters for the most common WSGI "
"servers and automates the setup process. Here is an incomplete list:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:60
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:60
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
msgid "Homepage"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:60
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:62
+#: ../../deployment.rst:63
msgid "cgi"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:62
+#: ../../deployment.rst:63
msgid "Run as CGI script"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
msgid "flup"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
msgid "flup_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
msgid "Run as FastCGI process"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
msgid "gae"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
msgid "gae_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
msgid "Helper for Google App Engine deployments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
msgid "wsgiref"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
msgid "wsgiref_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
msgid "Single-threaded default server"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
msgid "cherrypy"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
msgid "cherrypy_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
msgid "Multi-threaded and very stable"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
msgid "paste"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
msgid "paste_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:67
-msgid "Multi-threaded, stable, tried and tested"
-msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:68
-msgid "Multi-threaded"
+msgid "Multi-threaded, stable, tried and tested"
msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:69
@@ -252,78 +249,66 @@ msgid "diesel_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:74
-msgid "fapws3"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:74
-msgid "fapws3_"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:74
-msgid "Asynchronous (network side only), written in C"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "tornado"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:75
+#: ../../deployment.rst:74
msgid "tornado_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:75
+#: ../../deployment.rst:74
msgid "Asynchronous, powers some parts of Facebook"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "twisted"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "twisted_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "Asynchronous, well tested but... twisted"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
msgid "meinheld"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
msgid "meinheld_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
msgid "Asynchronous, partly written in C"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
msgid "bjoern"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
msgid "bjoern_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
msgid "Asynchronous, very fast and written in C"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:79
+#: ../../deployment.rst:78
msgid "auto"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:79
+#: ../../deployment.rst:78
msgid "Automatically selects an available server adapter"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:82
+#: ../../deployment.rst:81
msgid "The full list is available through :data:`server_names`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:84
+#: ../../deployment.rst:83
msgid ""
"If there is no adapter for your favorite server or if you need more control "
"over the server setup, you may want to start the server manually. Refer to "
@@ -331,41 +316,50 @@ msgid ""
" for paste_::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:93
+#: ../../deployment.rst:91
msgid "Apache mod_wsgi"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:95
+#: ../../deployment.rst:93
msgid ""
"Instead of running your own HTTP server from within Bottle, you can attach "
"Bottle applications to an `Apache server <apache>`_ using mod_wsgi_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:97
+#: ../../deployment.rst:95
msgid ""
"All you need is an ``app.wsgi`` file that provides an ``application`` "
"object. This object is used by mod_wsgi to start your application and should"
" be a WSGI-compatible Python callable."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:99
+#: ../../deployment.rst:97
msgid "File ``/var/www/yourapp/app.wsgi``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:110
+#: ../../deployment.rst:108
msgid "The Apache configuration may look like this::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:126
+msgid "uWSGI"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:128
msgid ""
-"With newer versions of Apache (2.4) use a configuration similar to this::"
+"uWSGI_ is a modern alternative to FastCGI and the recommended deployment "
+"option on servers like nginx_, lighttpd_, and cherokee_. The uWSGI project "
+"provides an application server that runs your application, and defines a "
+"protocol that frontend webservers can speak to. Have a look at the excellent"
+" `Quickstart for Python/WSGI applications <https://uwsgi-"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:144
+#: ../../deployment.rst:132
msgid "Google AppEngine"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:148
+#: ../../deployment.rst:136
msgid ""
"New App Engine applications using the Python 2.7 runtime environment support"
" any WSGI application and should be configured to use the Bottle application"
@@ -373,40 +367,31 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:158
+#: ../../deployment.rst:146
msgid ""
"Then you can configure App Engine's ``app.yaml`` to use the ``app`` object "
"like so::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:169
-msgid ""
-"Bottle also provides a ``gae`` server adapter for legacy App Engine "
-"applications using the Python 2.5 runtime environment. It works similar to "
-"the ``cgi`` adapter in that it does not start a new HTTP server, but "
-"prepares and optimizes your application for Google App Engine and makes sure"
-" it conforms to their API::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:173
+#: ../../deployment.rst:158
msgid ""
"It is always a good idea to let GAE serve static files directly. Here is "
"example for a working ``app.yaml`` (using the legacy Python 2.5 runtime "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:189
+#: ../../deployment.rst:175
msgid "Load Balancer (Manual Setup)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:191
+#: ../../deployment.rst:177
msgid ""
"A single Python process can utilize only one CPU at a time, even if there "
"are more CPU cores available. The trick is to balance the load between "
"multiple independent Python processes to utilize all of your CPU cores."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:193
+#: ../../deployment.rst:179
msgid ""
"Instead of a single Bottle application server, you start one instance for "
"each CPU core available using different local port (localhost:8080, 8081, "
@@ -417,29 +402,29 @@ msgid ""
"spread out the load between different physical servers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:195
+#: ../../deployment.rst:181
msgid ""
"One of the fastest load balancers available is Pound_ but most common web "
"servers have a proxy-module that can do the work just fine."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:197
+#: ../../deployment.rst:183
msgid "Pound example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:215
+#: ../../deployment.rst:201
msgid "Apache example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:223
+#: ../../deployment.rst:209
msgid "Lighttpd example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:235
+#: ../../deployment.rst:221
msgid "Good old CGI"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:237
+#: ../../deployment.rst:223
msgid ""
"A CGI server starts a new process for each request. This adds a lot of "
"overhead but is sometimes the only option, especially on cheap hosting "
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/development.po b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
index f8caf28..112b0b3 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ msgid "The source repository is structured as follows:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../development.rst:55
-msgid "master branch"
+msgid "``master`` branch"
msgstr ""
#: ../../development.rst:55
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../development.rst:58
-msgid "release-x.y branches"
+msgid "``release-x.y`` branches"
msgstr ""
#: ../../development.rst:58
@@ -209,33 +209,22 @@ msgid ""
"branches, so you can keep up with important changes."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:61
-msgid "bugfix_name-x.y branches"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:61
-msgid ""
-"These branches are only temporary and used to develop and share non-trivial "
-"bug-fixes for existing releases. They are merged into the corresponding "
-"release branch and deleted soon after that."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:65
+#: ../../development.rst:62
msgid "Feature branches"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:64
+#: ../../development.rst:61
msgid ""
"All other branches are feature branches. These are based on the master "
"branch and only live as long as they are still active and not merged back "
"into ``master``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:68
+#: ../../development.rst:65
msgid "What does this mean for a developer?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:69
+#: ../../development.rst:66
msgid ""
"If you want to add a feature, create a new branch from ``master``. If you "
"want to fix a bug, branch ``release-x.y`` for each affected release. Please "
@@ -244,17 +233,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:71
+#: ../../development.rst:68
msgid ""
"Oh, and never ever change the release number. We'll do that on integration. "
"You never know in which order we pull pending requests anyway :)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:75
+#: ../../development.rst:72
msgid "What does this mean for a maintainer ?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:76
+#: ../../development.rst:73
msgid ""
"Watch the tags (and the mailing list) for bug-fixes and new releases. If you"
" want to fetch a specific release from the git repository, trust the tags, "
@@ -262,11 +251,11 @@ msgid ""
"but a tag marks the exact commit which changed the version number."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:80
+#: ../../development.rst:77
msgid "Submitting Patches"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:82
+#: ../../development.rst:79
msgid ""
"The best way to get your changes integrated into the main development branch"
" is to fork the main repository at github, create a new feature-branch, "
@@ -276,57 +265,57 @@ msgid ""
"follow some basic rules:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:84
+#: ../../development.rst:81
msgid ""
"**Documentation:** Tell us what your patch does. Comment your code. If you "
"introduced a new feature, add to the documentation so others can learn about"
" it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:85
+#: ../../development.rst:82
msgid ""
"**Test:** Write tests to prove that your code works as expected and does not"
" break anything. If you fixed a bug, write at least one test-case that "
"triggers the bug. Make sure that all tests pass before you submit a patch."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:86
+#: ../../development.rst:83
msgid ""
"**One patch at a time:** Only fix one bug or add one feature at a time. "
"Design your patches so that they can be applyed as a whole. Keep your "
"patches clean, small and focused."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:87
+#: ../../development.rst:84
msgid ""
"**Sync with upstream:** If the ``upstream/master`` branch changed while you "
"were working on your patch, rebase or pull to make sure that your patch "
"still applies without conflicts."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:91
+#: ../../development.rst:88
msgid "Building the Documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:93
+#: ../../development.rst:90
msgid ""
"You need a recent version of Sphinx to build the documentation. The "
"recommended way is to install :command:`virtualenv` using your distribution "
"package repository and install sphinx manually to get an up-to-date version."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:124
+#: ../../development.rst:121
msgid "GIT Workflow Examples"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:126
+#: ../../development.rst:123
msgid ""
"The following examples assume that you have an (free) `github account "
"<>`_. This is not mandatory, but makes things a lot "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:128
+#: ../../development.rst:125
msgid ""
"First of all you need to create a fork (a personal clone) of the official "
"repository. To do this, you simply click the \"fork\" button on the `bottle "
@@ -334,7 +323,7 @@ msgid ""
"you will be presented with a short introduction to your new repository."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:130
+#: ../../development.rst:127
msgid ""
"The fork you just created is hosted at github and read-able by everyone, but"
" write-able only by you. Now you need to clone the fork locally to actually "
@@ -342,7 +331,7 @@ msgid ""
" the public (read-only) one::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:134
+#: ../../development.rst:131
msgid ""
"Once the clone is complete your repository will have a remote named "
"\"origin\" that points to your fork on github. Don’t let the name confuse "
@@ -351,18 +340,18 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:140
+#: ../../development.rst:137
msgid ""
"Note that \"upstream\" is a public clone URL, which is read-only. You cannot"
" push changes directly to it. Instead, we will pull from your public "
"repository. This is described later."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:143
+#: ../../development.rst:140
msgid "Submit a Feature"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:144
+#: ../../development.rst:141
msgid ""
"New features are developed in separate feature-branches to make integration "
"easy. Because they are going to be integrated into the ``master`` branch, "
@@ -370,20 +359,20 @@ msgid ""
"type the following::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:148
+#: ../../development.rst:145
msgid ""
"Now implement your feature, write tests, update the documentation, make sure"
" that all tests pass and commit your changes::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:152
+#: ../../development.rst:149
msgid ""
"If the ``upstream/master`` branch changed in the meantime, there may be "
"conflicts with your changes. To solve these, 'rebase' your feature-branch "
"onto the top of the updated ``upstream/master`` branch::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:157
+#: ../../development.rst:154
msgid ""
"This is equivalent to undoing all your changes, updating your branch to the "
"latest version and reapplying all your patches again. If you released your "
@@ -392,13 +381,13 @@ msgid ""
"the tests again and commit."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:159
+#: ../../development.rst:156
msgid ""
"Now you are almost ready to send a pull request. But first you need to make "
"your feature-branch public by pushing it to your github fork::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:163
+#: ../../development.rst:160
msgid ""
"After you’ve pushed your commit(s) you need to inform us about the new "
"feature. One way is to send a pull-request using github. Another way would "
@@ -407,39 +396,39 @@ msgid ""
"for free :)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:165
+#: ../../development.rst:162
msgid ""
"If we accept your patch, we will integrate it into the official development "
"branch and make it part of the next release."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:168
+#: ../../development.rst:165
msgid "Fix a Bug"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:169
+#: ../../development.rst:166
msgid ""
"The workflow for bug-fixes is very similar to the one for features, but "
"there are some differences:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:171
+#: ../../development.rst:168
msgid ""
"Branch off of the affected release branches instead of just the development "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:172
+#: ../../development.rst:169
msgid "Write at least one test-case that triggers the bug."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:173
+#: ../../development.rst:170
msgid ""
"Do this for each affected branch including ``upstream/master`` if it is "
"affected. ``git cherry-pick`` may help you reducing repetitive work."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:174
+#: ../../development.rst:171
msgid ""
"Name your branch after the release it is based on to avoid confusion. "
"Examples: ``my_bugfix-x.y`` or ``my_bugfix-dev``."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
index d0a41b7..c0ba7f5 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../faq.rst:40
msgid ""
"In :ref:`dynamic route syntax <tutorial-dynamic-routes>`, a placeholder "
-"token (``:name``) matches everything up to the next slash. This equals to "
+"token (``<name>``) matches everything up to the next slash. This equals to "
"``[^/]+`` in regular expression syntax. To accept slashes too, you have to "
"add a custom regular pattern to the placeholder. An example: "
-"``/images/:filepath#.*#`` would match ``/images/icons/error.png`` but "
-"``/images/:filename`` won't."
+"``/images/<filepath:path>`` would match ``/images/icons/error.png`` but "
+"``/images/<filename>`` won't."
msgstr ""
#: ../../faq.rst:43
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
index 85ef785..18fac9a 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -17,112 +17,116 @@ msgstr ""
"Language: ru_RU\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\n"
-#: ../../index.rst:21
+#: ../../index.rst:20
msgid "Bottle: Python Web Framework"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:23
+#: ../../index.rst:22
msgid ""
"Bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI_ micro web-framework for "
"Python_. It is distributed as a single file module and has no dependencies "
"other than the `Python Standard Library <>`_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:26
+#: ../../index.rst:25
msgid ""
"**Routing:** Requests to function-call mapping with support for clean and "
"dynamic URLs."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:27
+#: ../../index.rst:26
msgid ""
"**Templates:** Fast and pythonic :ref:`built-in template engine <tutorial-"
"templates>` and support for mako_, jinja2_ and cheetah_ templates."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:28
+#: ../../index.rst:27
msgid ""
"**Utilities:** Convenient access to form data, file uploads, cookies, "
"headers and other HTTP-related metadata."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:29
+#: ../../index.rst:28
msgid ""
"**Server:** Built-in HTTP development server and support for paste_, "
-"fapws3_, bjoern_, gae_, cherrypy_ or any other WSGI_ capable HTTP server."
+"bjoern_, gae_, cherrypy_ or any other WSGI_ capable HTTP server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:32
+#: ../../index.rst:31
msgid "Example: \"Hello World\" in a bottle"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:43
+#: ../../index.rst:42
msgid ""
"Run this script or paste it into a Python console, then point your browser "
"to `<http://localhost:8080/hello/world>`_. That's it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:46
+#: ../../index.rst:45
msgid "Download and Install"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:49
+#: ../../index.rst:48
msgid ""
-"Install the latest stable release with ``pip install bottle``, "
-"``easy_install -U bottle`` or download ``__ (unstable) into your "
-"project directory. There are no hard [1]_ dependencies other than the Python"
-" standard library. Bottle runs with **Python 2.7 or 3.4+**."
+"Install the latest stable release with ``pip install bottle`` or download "
+"``__ (unstable) into your project directory. There are no hard [1]_"
+" dependencies other than the Python standard library. Bottle supports "
+"**Python 2.7 and Python 3**."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:50
+msgid "Support for Python 2.5 and 2.6 was dropped with this release."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:52
+#: ../../index.rst:55
msgid "User's Guide"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:53
+#: ../../index.rst:56
msgid ""
"Start here if you want to learn how to use the bottle framework for web "
"development. If you have any questions not answered here, feel free to ask "
"the `mailing list <>`_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:68
+#: ../../index.rst:71
msgid "Knowledge Base"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:69
+#: ../../index.rst:72
msgid "A collection of articles, guides and HOWTOs."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:81
+#: ../../index.rst:84
msgid "Development and Contribution"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:83
+#: ../../index.rst:86
msgid ""
"These chapters are intended for developers interested in the bottle "
"development and release workflow."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:100
+#: ../../index.rst:103
msgid "License"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:102
+#: ../../index.rst:105
msgid "Code and documentation are available according to the MIT License:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:107
+#: ../../index.rst:110
msgid ""
"The Bottle logo however is *NOT* covered by that license. It is allowed to "
"use the logo as a link to the bottle homepage or in direct context with the "
"unmodified library. In all other cases please ask first."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:112
+#: ../../index.rst:115
msgid "Footnotes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:113
+#: ../../index.rst:116
msgid ""
"Usage of the template or server adapter classes requires the corresponding "
"template or server modules."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
index 9dd92cf..bee483b 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ msgid "rule"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugindev.rst:111
-msgid "The rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/:page``)."
+msgid "The rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/<page>``)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugindev.rst:112
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ msgid ""
"different wrapper based on current needs, work with closures, or enable or "
"disable a plugin at runtime. Let's take the built-in HooksPlugin as an "
"example: If no hooks are installed, the plugin removes itself from all "
-"affected routes and has virtaully no overhead. As soon as you install the "
+"affected routes and has virtually no overhead. As soon as you install the "
"first hook, the plugin activates itself and takes effect again."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
index 028e34b..702fd3c 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:12
-msgid "Bottle-Beaker"
+msgid "`Bottle-Beaker <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:12
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ msgid "Beaker to session and caching library with WSGI Middleware"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:15
-msgid "Bottle-Cork"
+msgid "`Bottle-Cork <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:15
@@ -53,112 +53,188 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:18
-msgid "Bottle-Extras"
+msgid "`Bottle-Cors-plugin <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:18
-msgid "Meta package to install the bottle plugin collection."
+msgid ""
+"Cors-plugin is the easiest way to implement cors on your bottle web "
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:21
-msgid "Bottle-Flash"
+msgid "`Bottle-Extras <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:21
-msgid "flash plugin for bottle"
+msgid "Meta package to install the bottle plugin collection."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:24
-msgid "Bottle-Hotqueue"
+msgid "`Bottle-Flash <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:24
-msgid "FIFO Queue for Bottle built upon redis"
+msgid "flash plugin for bottle"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:27
-msgid "Macaron"
+msgid "`Bottle-Hotqueue <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:27
-msgid "Macaron is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for SQLite."
+msgid "FIFO Queue for Bottle built upon redis"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:30
-msgid "Bottle-Memcache"
+msgid "`Macaron <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:30
-msgid "Memcache integration for Bottle."
+msgid "Macaron is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for SQLite."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:33
-msgid "Bottle-Mongo"
+msgid "`Bottle-Memcache <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:33
-msgid "MongoDB integration for Bottle"
+msgid "Memcache integration for Bottle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:36
-msgid "Bottle-Redis"
+msgid "`Bottle-Mongo <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:36
-msgid "Redis integration for Bottle."
+msgid "MongoDB integration for Bottle"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:39
-msgid "Bottle-Renderer"
+msgid "`Bottle-OAuthlib <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:39
-msgid "Renderer plugin for bottle"
+msgid "Adapter for oauthlib - create your own OAuth2.0 implementation"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:42
-msgid "Bottle-Servefiles"
+msgid "`Bottle-Redis <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:42
-msgid "A reusable app that serves static files for bottle apps"
+msgid "Redis integration for Bottle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:45
-msgid "Bottle-Sqlalchemy"
+msgid "`Bottle-Renderer <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:45
-msgid "SQLAlchemy integration for Bottle."
+msgid "Renderer plugin for bottle"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:48
-msgid "Bottle-Sqlite"
+msgid "`Bottle-Servefiles <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:48
-msgid "SQLite3 database integration for Bottle."
+msgid "A reusable app that serves static files for bottle apps"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:51
-msgid "Bottle-Web2pydal"
+msgid "`Bottle-Sqlalchemy <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:51
-msgid "Web2py Dal integration for Bottle."
+msgid "SQLAlchemy integration for Bottle."
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:54
-msgid "Bottle-Werkzeug"
+msgid "`Bottle-Sqlite <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:54
+msgid "SQLite3 database integration for Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:57
+msgid "`Bottle-Web2pydal <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:57
+msgid "Web2py Dal integration for Bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:60
+msgid "`Bottle-Werkzeug <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:60
msgid ""
"Integrates the `werkzeug` library (alternative request and response objects,"
" advanced debugging middleware and more)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../plugins/index.rst:56
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"`bottle-smart-filters <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:63
+msgid "Bottle Querystring smart guessing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:66
+msgid "`bottle-jwt <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:66
+msgid "JSON Web Token authentication plugin for"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:69
+msgid "`Bottle-jwt <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:69
+msgid "JWT integration for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:72
+msgid "`canister <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:72
+msgid "a bottle wrapper to provide logging, sessions and authentication"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:75
+msgid "`bottle-cerberus <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:75
+msgid "Cerberus integration for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:78
+msgid "`Bottle-errorsrest <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:78
+msgid "All errors generated from bottle are returned in json"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:82
+msgid "`Bottle-tools <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"Decorators that auto-supply function arguments using POST/query string data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:84
msgid ""
"Plugins listed here are not part of Bottle or the Bottle project, but "
"developed and maintained by third parties."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
index e0aefa6..f249321 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -38,11 +38,22 @@ msgid ""
"yourself. Here is an example for beaker sessions with a file-based backend::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:46
+#: ../../recipes.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: Beaker's SessionMiddleware is not thread safe. If two concurrent "
+"requests modify the same session at the same time, one of the updates might "
+"get lost. For this reason, sessions should only be populated once and "
+"treated as a read-only store after that. If you find yourself updating "
+"sessions regularly, and don't want to risk losing any updates, think about "
+"using a real database instead or seek alternative session middleware "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:49
msgid "Debugging with Style: Debugging Middleware"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:48
+#: ../../recipes.rst:51
msgid ""
"Bottle catches all Exceptions raised in your app code to prevent your WSGI "
"server from crashing. If the built-in :func:`debug` mode is not enough and "
@@ -50,14 +61,14 @@ msgid ""
" this behaviour::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:56
+#: ../../recipes.rst:59
msgid ""
"Now, bottle only catches its own exceptions (:exc:`HTTPError`, "
":exc:`HTTPResponse` and :exc:`BottleException`) and your middleware can "
"handle the rest."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:58
+#: ../../recipes.rst:61
msgid ""
"The werkzeug_ and paste_ libraries both ship with very powerful debugging "
"WSGI middleware. Look at :class:`werkzeug.debug.DebuggedApplication` for "
@@ -66,35 +77,41 @@ msgid ""
"code within the stack context, so **do not use them in production**."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:62
+#: ../../recipes.rst:65
msgid "Unit-Testing Bottle Applications"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:64
+#: ../../recipes.rst:67
msgid ""
"Unit-testing is usually performed against methods defined in your web "
"application without running a WSGI environment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:66
+#: ../../recipes.rst:69
msgid "A simple example using `Nose <>`_::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:77
+#: ../../recipes.rst:80 ../../recipes.rst:97
msgid "Test script::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:84
+#: ../../recipes.rst:87
msgid ""
"In the example the Bottle route() method is never executed - only index() is"
" tested."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:88
+#: ../../recipes.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"If the code being tested requires access to ``bottle.request`` you can mock "
+"it using `Boddle <>`_::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:108
msgid "Functional Testing Bottle Applications"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:90
+#: ../../recipes.rst:110
msgid ""
"Any HTTP-based testing system can be used with a running WSGI server, but "
"some testing frameworks work more intimately with WSGI, and provide the "
@@ -103,64 +120,64 @@ msgid ""
"<>`_ is a good starting point."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:92
+#: ../../recipes.rst:112
msgid ""
"Example using `WebTest <>`_ and `Nose "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:112
+#: ../../recipes.rst:132
msgid "Embedding other WSGI Apps"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:114
+#: ../../recipes.rst:134
msgid ""
"This is not the recommend way (you should use a middleware in front of "
"bottle to do this) but you can call other WSGI applications from within your"
" bottle app and let bottle act as a pseudo-middleware. Here is an example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:130
+#: ../../recipes.rst:150
msgid ""
"Again, this is not the recommend way to implement subprojects. It is only "
"here because many people asked for this and to show how bottle maps to WSGI."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:134
+#: ../../recipes.rst:154
msgid "Ignore trailing slashes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:136
+#: ../../recipes.rst:156
msgid ""
"For Bottle, ``/example`` and ``/example/`` are two different routes [1]_. To"
" treat both URLs the same you can add two ``@route`` decorators::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:142
+#: ../../recipes.rst:162
msgid "add a WSGI middleware that strips trailing slashes from all URLs::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:155
+#: ../../recipes.rst:175
msgid "or add a ``before_request`` hook to strip the trailing slashes::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:162
+#: ../../recipes.rst:182
msgid "Footnotes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:163
+#: ../../recipes.rst:183
msgid "Because they are. See <>"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:167
+#: ../../recipes.rst:187
msgid "Keep-alive requests"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:171
+#: ../../recipes.rst:191
msgid "For a more detailed explanation, see :doc:`async`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:173
+#: ../../recipes.rst:193
msgid ""
"Several \"push\" mechanisms like XHR multipart need the ability to write "
"response data without closing the connection in conjunction with the "
@@ -172,74 +189,74 @@ msgid ""
" paste_ server::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:190
+#: ../../recipes.rst:210
msgid ""
"If you browse to ``http://localhost:8080/stream``, you should see 'START', "
"'MIDDLE', and 'END' show up one at a time (rather than waiting 8 seconds to "
"see them all at once)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:193
+#: ../../recipes.rst:213
msgid "Gzip Compression in Bottle"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:196
+#: ../../recipes.rst:216
msgid "For a detailed discussion, see compression_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:198
+#: ../../recipes.rst:218
msgid ""
"A common feature request is for Bottle to support Gzip compression, which "
"speeds up sites by compressing static resources (like CSS and JS files) "
"during a request."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:200
+#: ../../recipes.rst:220
msgid ""
"Supporting Gzip compression is not a straightforward proposition, due to a "
"number of corner cases that crop up frequently. A proper Gzip implementation"
" must:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:202
+#: ../../recipes.rst:222
msgid "Compress on the fly and be fast doing so."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:203
+#: ../../recipes.rst:223
msgid "Do not compress for browsers that don't support it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:204
+#: ../../recipes.rst:224
msgid "Do not compress files that are compressed already (images, videos)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:205
+#: ../../recipes.rst:225
msgid "Do not compress dynamic files."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:206
+#: ../../recipes.rst:226
msgid "Support two differed compression algorithms (gzip and deflate)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:207
+#: ../../recipes.rst:227
msgid "Cache compressed files that don't change often."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:208
+#: ../../recipes.rst:228
msgid "De-validate the cache if one of the files changed anyway."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:209
+#: ../../recipes.rst:229
msgid "Make sure the cache does not get to big."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:210
+#: ../../recipes.rst:230
msgid ""
"Do not cache small files because a disk seek would take longer than on-the-"
"fly compression."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:212
+#: ../../recipes.rst:232
msgid ""
"Because of these requirements, it is the recommendation of the Bottle "
"project that Gzip compression is best handled by the WSGI server Bottle runs"
@@ -247,34 +264,34 @@ msgid ""
"that can be used to accomplish this."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:216
+#: ../../recipes.rst:236
msgid "Using the hooks plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:218
+#: ../../recipes.rst:238
msgid ""
"For example, if you want to allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for the "
"content returned by all of your URL, you can use the hook decorator and "
"setup a callback function::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:236
+#: ../../recipes.rst:256
msgid ""
"You can also use the ``before_request`` to take an action before every "
"function gets called."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:241
+#: ../../recipes.rst:261
msgid "Using Bottle with Heroku"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:243
+#: ../../recipes.rst:263
msgid ""
"Heroku_, a popular cloud application platform now provides support for "
"running Python applications on their infastructure."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:246
+#: ../../recipes.rst:266
msgid ""
"This recipe is based upon the `Heroku Quickstart "
"<>`_, with Bottle specific "
@@ -284,7 +301,7 @@ msgid ""
"<>`_ guide::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:262
+#: ../../recipes.rst:282
msgid ""
"Heroku's app stack passes the port that the application needs to listen on "
"for requests, using the `os.environ` dictionary."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
index 2303b68..5358ecb 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -95,15 +95,24 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../routing.rst:29
msgid ""
+"Is it possible to escape characters like colon ``:`` with a backslash "
+"``\\``. This will prevent to trigger the old syntax in case you need to use "
+"``:``. For example: the rule ``/<action>/item:<id>`` triggers the old "
+"syntax, (see below) but ``/action/item\\:<id>`` works as intended with the "
+"new syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:33
+msgid ""
"You can change the exact behaviour in many ways using filters. This is "
"described in the next section."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:32
+#: ../../routing.rst:36
msgid "Wildcard Filters"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:36
+#: ../../routing.rst:40
msgid ""
"Filters are used to define more specific wildcards, and/or transform the "
"matched part of the URL before it is passed to the callback. A filtered "
@@ -111,31 +120,31 @@ msgid ""
"syntax for the optional config part depends on the filter used."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:38
+#: ../../routing.rst:42
msgid "The following standard filters are implemented:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:40
+#: ../../routing.rst:44
msgid "**:int** matches (signed) digits and converts the value to integer."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:41
+#: ../../routing.rst:45
msgid "**:float** similar to :int but for decimal numbers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:42
+#: ../../routing.rst:46
msgid ""
"**:path** matches all characters including the slash character in a non-"
"greedy way and may be used to match more than one path segment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:43
+#: ../../routing.rst:47
msgid ""
"**:re[:exp]** allows you to specify a custom regular expression in the "
"config field. The matched value is not modified."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:45
+#: ../../routing.rst:49
msgid ""
"You can add your own filters to the router. All you need is a function that "
"returns three elements: A regular expression string, a callable to convert "
@@ -144,81 +153,81 @@ msgid ""
"parameter and may parse it as needed::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:71
+#: ../../routing.rst:75
msgid "Legacy Syntax"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:75
+#: ../../routing.rst:79
msgid ""
"The new rule syntax was introduce in **Bottle 0.10** to simplify some common"
" use cases, but the old syntax still works and you can find lot code "
"examples still using it. The differences are best described by example:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:78
+#: ../../routing.rst:82
msgid "Old Syntax"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:78
+#: ../../routing.rst:82
msgid "New Syntax"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:80
+#: ../../routing.rst:84
msgid "``:name``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:80
+#: ../../routing.rst:84
msgid "``<name>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:81
+#: ../../routing.rst:85
msgid "``:name#regexp#``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:81
+#: ../../routing.rst:85
msgid "``<name:re:regexp>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:82
+#: ../../routing.rst:86
msgid "``:#regexp#``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:82
+#: ../../routing.rst:86
msgid "``<:re:regexp>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:83
+#: ../../routing.rst:87
msgid "``:##``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:83
+#: ../../routing.rst:87
msgid "``<:re>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:86
+#: ../../routing.rst:90
msgid ""
"Try to avoid the old syntax in future projects if you can. It is not "
"currently deprecated, but will be eventually."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:91
+#: ../../routing.rst:95
msgid "Explicit routing configuration"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:93
+#: ../../routing.rst:97
msgid ""
"Route decorator can also be directly called as method. This way provides "
"flexibility in complex setups, allowing you to directly control, when and "
"how routing configuration done."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:95
+#: ../../routing.rst:99
msgid ""
"Here is a basic example of explicit routing configuration for default bottle"
" application::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:101
+#: ../../routing.rst:105
msgid ""
"In fact, any :class:`Bottle` instance routing can be configured same way::"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
index e49e48d..96527c2 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -142,47 +142,55 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../stpl.rst:96
msgid ""
-"If you find yourself to escape a lot, consider using :ref:`custom tokens "
+"If you find yourself needing to escape a lot, consider using :ref:`custom "
+"tokens <stpl-custom-tokens>`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:99
+#: ../../stpl.rst:98
+msgid ""
+"Note that ``%`` and ``<% %>`` work in *exactly* the same way. The latter is "
+"only a convenient way to type less and avoid clutter for longer code "
+"segments. This means that in ``<% %>`` blocks, all indented code must be "
+"terminated with an ``end``, as in the following example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:114
msgid "Whitespace Control"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:101
+#: ../../stpl.rst:116
msgid ""
"Code blocks and code lines always span the whole line. Whitespace in front "
"of after a code segment is stripped away. You won't see empty lines or "
"dangling whitespace in your template because of embedded code::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:109
+#: ../../stpl.rst:124
msgid "This snippet renders to clean and compact html::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:115
+#: ../../stpl.rst:130
msgid ""
"But embedding code still requires you to start a new line, which may not "
"what you want to see in your rendered template. To skip the newline in front"
" of a code segment, end the text line with a double-backslash::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:123
+#: ../../stpl.rst:138
msgid "This time the rendered template looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:127
+#: ../../stpl.rst:142
msgid ""
"This only works directly in front of code segments. In all other places you "
"can control the whitespace yourself and don't need any special syntax."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:130
+#: ../../stpl.rst:145
msgid "Template Functions"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:132
+#: ../../stpl.rst:147
msgid ""
"Each template is preloaded with a bunch of functions that help with the most"
" common use cases. These functions are always available. You don't have to "
@@ -191,20 +199,20 @@ msgid ""
"anything you want within your templates. They are python programs after all."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:136
+#: ../../stpl.rst:151
msgid ""
"Prior to this release, :func:`include` and :func:`rebase` were syntax "
"keywords, not functions."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:141
+#: ../../stpl.rst:156
msgid ""
"Render a sub-template with the specified variables and insert the resulting "
"text into the current template. The function returns a dictionary containing"
" the local variables passed to or defined within the sub-template::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:149
+#: ../../stpl.rst:164
msgid ""
"Mark the current template to be later included into a different template. "
"After the current template is rendered, its resulting text is stored in a "
@@ -213,11 +221,11 @@ msgid ""
"simulate the inheritance feature found in other template engines::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:154
+#: ../../stpl.rst:169
msgid "This can be combined with the following ``base.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:166
+#: ../../stpl.rst:181
msgid ""
"Accessing undefined variables in a template raises :exc:`NameError` and "
"stops rendering immediately. This is standard python behavior and nothing "
@@ -226,32 +234,38 @@ msgid ""
"or use the same template in different situations. These functions may help:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:174
+#: ../../stpl.rst:189
msgid ""
"Return True if the variable is defined in the current template namespace, "
"False otherwise."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:179
+#: ../../stpl.rst:194
msgid "Return the variable, or a default value."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:183
+#: ../../stpl.rst:198
msgid ""
"If the variable is not defined, create it with the given default value. "
"Return the variable."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:186
+#: ../../stpl.rst:201
msgid ""
"Here is an example that uses all three functions to implement optional "
"template variables in different ways::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:200
+#: ../../stpl.rst:215
msgid ":class:`SimpleTemplate` API"
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.SimpleTemplate.prepare:1
+msgid ""
+"Run preparations (parsing, caching, ...). It should be possible to call this"
+" again to refresh a template or to update settings."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.SimpleTemplate.render:1
msgid "Render the template using keyword arguments as local variables."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
index 439bdb0..83e1669 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
+# Aleksandra Ikonnikova, 2019
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:24
msgid "Tutorial"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Руководство"
#: ../../tutorial.rst:26
msgid ""
@@ -32,17 +33,17 @@ msgid ""
"you need any help, join our `mailing list "
"<>`_ or visit us in our `IRC channel "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Данное руководство являет собой описание принципов и функций веб-фреймворка Bottle и рассматривает как общие, так и более углубленные темы. Руководство можно читать сразу целиком либо использовать как справочный материал по мере надобности. Интерес может также представить автоматически герерируемый :doc:`api`, в котором включено больше технических подробностей, но меньше объяснений, чем в данном руководстве. Решения на наиболее часто задаваемые вопросы можно найти в нашей подборке :doc:`recipes` либо на странице :doc:`faq`. Если вам требуется какая-либо помощь или поддержка, подписывайтесь на нашу рассылку `mailing list <>`_ либо заходите на наш канал `IRC channel <>`_."
#: ../../tutorial.rst:31
msgid "Installation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Установка"
#: ../../tutorial.rst:33
msgid ""
"Bottle does not depend on any external libraries. You can just download "
"` </>`_ into your project directory and start coding:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bottle не зависит от внешних библиотек. ` </>`_ можно скачать в ваш каталог с проектом и начать писать код:"
#: ../../tutorial.rst:39
msgid ""
@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:55
msgid "Or, if virtualenv is not installed on your system:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Или, если virtualenv не установлено на вашей системе:"
#: ../../tutorial.rst:67
msgid "Quickstart: \"Hello World\""
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"This is just a demonstration of the basic concept of how applications are "
"built with Bottle. Continue reading and you'll see what else is possible."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Это - всего лишь пример основных принципов, по которым с помощью Bottle строятся приложения. Читайте дальше, чтобы узнать больше о возможностях Bottle."
#: ../../tutorial.rst:92
msgid "The Default Application"
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"The object-oriented approach is further described in the :ref:`default-app` "
"section. Just keep in mind that you have a choice."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Объектно-ориентированный подход описывается более подробно в разделе :ref:`default-app`. Помните, что выбор за вами."
#: ../../tutorial.rst:114
msgid "Request Routing"
@@ -221,7 +222,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:159
msgid "Let's have a look at some practical examples::"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Рассмотрим некоторые практические примеры::"
#: ../../tutorial.rst:173
msgid "You can add your own filters as well. See :doc:`routing` for details."
@@ -380,7 +381,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:273
-msgid "Empty Strings, False, None or other non-true values:"
+msgid "Empty Strings, ``False``, ``None`` or other non-true values:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:273
@@ -413,7 +414,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:282
-msgid "Instances of HTTPError or HTTPResponse"
+msgid "Instances of :exc:`HTTPError` or :exc:`HTTPResponse`"
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:282
@@ -543,12 +544,12 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:365
msgid ""
"Both functions will interrupt your callback code by raising an "
-":exc:`HTTPError` exception."
+":exc:`HTTPResponse` exception."
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:368
msgid "Other Exceptions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Прочие исключения"
#: ../../tutorial.rst:369
msgid ""
@@ -612,7 +613,7 @@ msgid ""
"read :ref:`ahead <tutorial-cookies>`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:403 ../../tutorial.rst:532
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:403 ../../tutorial.rst:533
msgid "Cookies"
msgstr ""
@@ -659,25 +660,32 @@ msgid ""
" off, requires Python 2.7 or newer)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:424
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:423
+msgid ""
+"**same_site:** Disables third-party use for a cookie. Allowed attributes: "
+"`lax` and `strict`. In strict mode the cookie will never be sent. In lax "
+"mode the cookie is only sent with a top-level GET request."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:425
msgid ""
"If neither `expires` nor `max_age` is set, the cookie expires at the end of "
"the browser session or as soon as the browser window is closed. There are "
"some other gotchas you should consider when using cookies:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:426
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:427
msgid "Cookies are limited to 4 KB of text in most browsers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:427
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:428
msgid ""
"Some users configure their browsers to not accept cookies at all. Most "
"search engines ignore cookies too. Make sure that your application still "
"works without cookies."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:428
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:429
msgid ""
"Cookies are stored at client side and are not encrypted in any way. Whatever"
" you store in a cookie, the user can read it. Worse than that, an attacker "
@@ -687,15 +695,15 @@ msgid ""
"cookies, too. Thus, never store confidential information in cookies."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:429
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:430
msgid "Cookies are easily forged by malicious clients. Do not trust cookies."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:434
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:435
msgid "Signed Cookies"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:435
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:436
msgid ""
"As mentioned above, cookies are easily forged by malicious clients. Bottle "
"can cryptographically sign your cookies to prevent this kind of "
@@ -705,7 +713,7 @@ msgid ""
"if the cookie is not signed or the signature keys don't match::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:455
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:456
msgid ""
"In addition, Bottle automatically pickles and unpickles any data stored to "
"signed cookies. This allows you to store any pickle-able object (not only "
@@ -713,7 +721,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:457
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:458
msgid ""
"Signed cookies are not encrypted (the client can still see the content) and "
"not copy-protected (the client can restore an old cookie). The main "
@@ -721,11 +729,11 @@ msgid ""
"not to store secret information at client side."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:470
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:471
msgid "Request Data"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:472
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:473
msgid ""
"Cookies, HTTP header, HTML ``<form>`` fields and other request data is "
"available through the global :data:`request` object. This special object "
@@ -733,25 +741,25 @@ msgid ""
"where multiple client connections are handled at the same time::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:481
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:482
msgid ""
"The :data:`request` object is a subclass of :class:`BaseRequest` and has a "
"very rich API to access data. We only cover the most commonly used features "
"here, but it should be enough to get started."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:486
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:487
msgid "Introducing :class:`FormsDict`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:488
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:489
msgid ""
"Bottle uses a special type of dictionary to store form data and cookies. "
":class:`FormsDict` behaves like a normal dictionary, but has some additional"
" features to make your life easier."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:490
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:491
msgid ""
"**Attribute access**: All values in the dictionary are also accessible as "
"attributes. These virtual attributes return unicode strings, even if the "
@@ -759,7 +767,7 @@ msgid ""
"empty, but still present::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:505
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:506
msgid ""
"**Multiple values per key:** :class:`FormsDict` is a subclass of "
":class:`MultiDict` and can store more than one value per key. The standard "
@@ -768,7 +776,7 @@ msgid ""
"values for a specific key::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:510
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:511
msgid ""
"**WTForms support:** Some libraries (e.g. `WTForms "
"<>`_) want all-unicode dictionaries as input."
@@ -777,7 +785,7 @@ msgid ""
"the other features."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:514
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:515
msgid ""
"In **Python 2** all keys and values are byte-strings. If you need unicode, "
"you can call :meth:`FormsDict.getunicode` or fetch values via attribute "
@@ -785,7 +793,7 @@ msgid ""
"empty string if that fails. No need to catch :exc:`UnicodeError`::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:521
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:522
msgid ""
"In **Python 3** all strings are unicode, but HTTP is a byte-based wire "
"protocol. The server has to decode the byte strings somehow before they are "
@@ -797,13 +805,13 @@ msgid ""
" not what you want."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:528
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:529
msgid ""
"If you need the whole dictionary with correctly decoded values (e.g. for "
"WTForms), you can call :meth:`FormsDict.decode` to get a re-encoded copy."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:534
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:535
msgid ""
"Cookies are small pieces of text stored in the clients browser and sent back"
" to the server with each request. They are useful to keep some state around "
@@ -811,25 +819,25 @@ msgid ""
" for security related stuff. They can be easily forged by the client."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:536
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:537
msgid ""
"All cookies sent by the client are available through "
":attr:`BaseRequest.cookies` (a :class:`FormsDict`). This example shows a "
"simple cookie-based view counter::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:546
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:547
msgid ""
"The :meth:`BaseRequest.get_cookie` method is a different way do access "
"cookies. It supports decoding :ref:`signed cookies <tutorial-signed-"
"cookies>` as described in a separate section."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:549
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:550
msgid "HTTP Headers"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:551
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:552
msgid ""
"All HTTP headers sent by the client (e.g. ``Referer``, ``Agent`` or "
"``Accept-Language``) are stored in a :class:`WSGIHeaderDict` and accessible "
@@ -837,11 +845,11 @@ msgid ""
" is basically a dictionary with case-insensitive keys::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:563
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:564
msgid "Query Variables"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:565
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:566
msgid ""
"The query string (as in ``/forum?id=1&page=5``) is commonly used to transmit"
" a small number of key/value pairs to the server. You can use the "
@@ -850,17 +858,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:578
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:579
msgid "HTML `<form>` Handling"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:580
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:581
msgid ""
"Let us start from the beginning. In HTML, a typical ``<form>`` looks "
"something like this:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:590
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:591
msgid ""
"The ``action`` attribute specifies the URL that will receive the form data. "
"``method`` defines the HTTP method to use (``GET`` or ``POST``). With "
@@ -870,77 +878,77 @@ msgid ""
"in doubt, use ``POST`` forms."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:592
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:593
msgid ""
"Form fields transmitted via ``POST`` are stored in :attr:`BaseRequest.forms`"
" as a :class:`FormsDict`. The server side code may look like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:615
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:616
msgid ""
"There are several other attributes used to access form data. Some of them "
"combine values from different sources for easier access. The following table"
" should give you a decent overview."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "GET Form fields"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "POST Form fields"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "File Uploads"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:620
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.query`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:620 ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:624
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:625 ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622 ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626 ../../tutorial.rst:626
msgid "yes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:620 ../../tutorial.rst:620 ../../tutorial.rst:621
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622 ../../tutorial.rst:622
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:624
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:622 ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:625 ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626
msgid "no"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:621
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:622
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.forms`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:622
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:623
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.files`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.params`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:624
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.GET`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.POST`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:630
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:631
msgid "File uploads"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:632
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:633
msgid ""
"To support file uploads, we have to change the ``<form>`` tag a bit. First, "
"we tell the browser to encode the form data in a different way by adding an "
@@ -949,14 +957,14 @@ msgid ""
"Here is an example:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:642
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:643
msgid ""
"Bottle stores file uploads in :attr:`BaseRequest.files` as "
":class:`FileUpload` instances, along with some metadata about the upload. "
"Let us assume you just want to save the file to disk::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:656
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:657
msgid ""
":attr:`FileUpload.filename` contains the name of the file on the clients "
"file system, but is cleaned up and normalized to prevent bugs caused by "
@@ -965,7 +973,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:658
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:659
msgid ""
"The :attr:`` method is highly recommended if you want to "
"store the file to disk. It prevents some common errors (e.g. it does not "
@@ -974,22 +982,22 @@ msgid ""
":attr:`FileUpload.file`. Just be careful."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:662
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:663
msgid "JSON Content"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:664
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:665
msgid ""
"Some JavaScript or REST clients send ``application/json`` content to the "
"server. The :attr:`BaseRequest.json` attribute contains the parsed data "
"structure, if available."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:668
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:669
msgid "The raw request body"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:670
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:671
msgid ""
"You can access the raw body data as a file-like object via "
":attr:`BaseRequest.body`. This is a :class:`BytesIO` buffer or a temporary "
@@ -999,24 +1007,24 @@ msgid ""
"unbuffered access to the stream, have a look at ``request['wsgi.input']``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:675
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:676
msgid "WSGI Environment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:677
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:678
msgid ""
"Each :class:`BaseRequest` instance wraps a WSGI environment dictionary. The "
"original is stored in :attr:`BaseRequest.environ`, but the request object "
"itself behaves like a dictionary, too. Most of the interesting data is "
"exposed through special methods or attributes, but if you want to access "
-"`WSGI environ variables <WSGI specification>`_ directly, you can do so::"
+"`WSGI environ variables <WSGI_Specification>`_ directly, you can do so::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:695
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:696
msgid "Templates"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:697
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:698
msgid ""
"Bottle comes with a fast and powerful built-in template engine called "
":doc:`stpl`. To render a template you can use the :func:`template` function "
@@ -1025,7 +1033,7 @@ msgid ""
"arguments. Here’s a simple example of how to render a template::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:704
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:705
msgid ""
"This will load the template file ``hello_template.tpl`` and render it with "
"the ``name`` variable set. Bottle will look for templates in the "
@@ -1033,17 +1041,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:706
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:707
msgid ""
"The :func:`view` decorator allows you to return a dictionary with the "
"template variables instead of calling :func:`template`::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:715
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:716
msgid "Syntax"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:718
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:719
msgid ""
"The template syntax is a very thin layer around the Python language. Its "
"main purpose is to ensure correct indentation of blocks, so you can format "
@@ -1051,26 +1059,26 @@ msgid ""
" syntax description: :doc:`stpl`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:720
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:721
msgid "Here is an example template::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:731
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:732
msgid "Caching"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:732
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:733
msgid ""
"Templates are cached in memory after compilation. Modifications made to the "
"template files will have no affect until you clear the template cache. Call "
"``bottle.TEMPLATES.clear()`` to do so. Caching is disabled in debug mode."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:742
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:743
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:746
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:747
msgid ""
"Bottle's core features cover most common use-cases, but as a micro-framework"
" it has its limits. This is where \"Plugins\" come into play. Plugins add "
@@ -1078,7 +1086,7 @@ msgid ""
"just automate some repetitive work."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:748
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:749
msgid ""
"We have a growing :doc:`/plugins/index` and most plugins are designed to be "
"portable and re-usable across applications. The chances are high that your "
@@ -1086,7 +1094,7 @@ msgid ""
"the :doc:`/plugindev` may help you."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:750
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:751
msgid ""
"The effects and APIs of plugins are manifold and depend on the specific "
"plugin. The ``SQLitePlugin`` plugin for example detects callbacks that "
@@ -1095,7 +1103,7 @@ msgid ""
"use a database::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:770
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:771
msgid ""
"Other plugin may populate the thread-safe :data:`local` object, change "
"details of the :data:`request` object, filter the data returned by the "
@@ -1104,11 +1112,11 @@ msgid ""
"the original callback. What happens exactly depends on the plugin."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:774
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:775
msgid "Application-wide Installation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:776
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:777
msgid ""
"Plugins can be installed application-wide or just to some specific routes "
"that need additional functionality. Most plugins can safely be installed to "
@@ -1116,7 +1124,7 @@ msgid ""
" need their functionality."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:778
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:779
msgid ""
"Let us take the ``SQLitePlugin`` plugin for example. It only affects route "
"callbacks that need a database connection. Other routes are left alone. "
@@ -1124,13 +1132,13 @@ msgid ""
"additional overhead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:780
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:781
msgid ""
"To install a plugin, just call :func:`install` with the plugin as first "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:785
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:786
msgid ""
"The plugin is not applied to the route callbacks yet. This is delayed to "
"make sure no routes are missed. You can install plugins first and add routes"
@@ -1139,17 +1147,17 @@ msgid ""
"database plugin first."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:789
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:790
msgid "Uninstall Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:790
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:791
msgid ""
"You can use a name, class or instance to :func:`uninstall` a previously "
"installed plugin::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:800
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:801
msgid ""
"Plugins can be installed and removed at any time, even at runtime while "
"serving requests. This enables some neat tricks (installing slow debugging "
@@ -1158,52 +1166,52 @@ msgid ""
" re-applied."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:803
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:804
msgid ""
"The module-level :func:`install` and :func:`uninstall` functions affect the "
":ref:`default-app`. To manage plugins for a specific application, use the "
"corresponding methods on the :class:`Bottle` application object."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:807
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:808
msgid "Route-specific Installation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:809
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:810
msgid ""
"The ``apply`` parameter of the :func:`route` decorator comes in handy if you"
" want to install plugins to only a small number of routes::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:819
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:820
msgid "Blacklisting Plugins"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:821
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:822
msgid ""
"You may want to explicitly disable a plugin for a number of routes. The "
":func:`route` decorator has a ``skip`` parameter for this purpose::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:843
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:844
msgid ""
"The ``skip`` parameter accepts a single value or a list of values. You can "
"use a name, class or instance to identify the plugin that is to be skipped. "
"Set ``skip=True`` to skip all plugins at once."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:846
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:847
msgid "Plugins and Sub-Applications"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:848
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:849
msgid ""
"Most plugins are specific to the application they were installed to. "
"Consequently, they should not affect sub-applications mounted with "
":meth:`Bottle.mount`. Here is an example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:859
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:860
msgid ""
"Whenever you mount an application, Bottle creates a proxy-route on the main-"
"application that forwards all requests to the sub-application. Plugins are "
@@ -1212,13 +1220,13 @@ msgid ""
"affect the routes of the ``/blog`` sub-application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:861
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:862
msgid ""
"This behavior is intended as a sane default, but can be overridden. The "
"following example re-activates all plugins for a specific proxy-route::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:865
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:866
msgid ""
"But there is a snag: The plugin sees the whole sub-application as a single "
"route, namely the proxy-route mentioned above. In order to affect each "
@@ -1226,21 +1234,21 @@ msgid ""
"the mounted application explicitly."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:870
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:871
msgid "Development"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:872
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:873
msgid ""
"So you have learned the basics and want to write your own application? Here "
-"are some tips that might help you beeing more productive."
+"are some tips that might help you being more productive."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:878
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:879
msgid "Default Application"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:880
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:881
msgid ""
"Bottle maintains a global stack of :class:`Bottle` instances and uses the "
"top of the stack as a default for some of the module-level functions and "
@@ -1248,7 +1256,7 @@ msgid ""
"calling :meth:`Bottle.route` on the default application::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:888
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:889
msgid ""
"This is very convenient for small applications and saves you some typing, "
"but also means that, as soon as your module is imported, routes are "
@@ -1257,28 +1265,28 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:898
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:899
msgid ""
"Separating the application object improves re-usability a lot, too. Other "
"developers can safely import the ``app`` object from your module and use "
":meth:`Bottle.mount` to merge applications together."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:903
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:904
msgid ""
"Starting with bottle-0.13 you can use :class:`Bottle` instances as context "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:928
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:929
msgid "Debug Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:930
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:931
msgid "During early development, the debug mode can be very helpful."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:938
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:939
msgid ""
"In this mode, Bottle is much more verbose and provides helpful debugging "
"information whenever an error occurs. It also disables some optimisations "
@@ -1286,31 +1294,31 @@ msgid ""
" misconfiguration."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:940
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:941
msgid "Here is an incomplete list of things that change in debug mode:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:942
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:943
msgid "The default error page shows a traceback."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:943
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:944
msgid "Templates are not cached."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:944
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:945
msgid "Plugins are applied immediately."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:946
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:947
msgid "Just make sure not to use the debug mode on a production server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:949
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:950
msgid "Auto Reloading"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:951
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:952
msgid ""
"During development, you have to restart the server a lot to test your recent"
" changes. The auto reloader can do this for you. Every time you edit a "
@@ -1318,14 +1326,14 @@ msgid ""
"version of your code."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:961
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:962
msgid ""
"How it works: the main process will not start a server, but spawn a new "
"child process using the same command line arguments used to start the main "
"process. All module-level code is executed at least twice! Be careful."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:966
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:967
msgid ""
"The child process will have ``os.environ['BOTTLE_CHILD']`` set to ``True`` "
"and start as a normal non-reloading app server. As soon as any of the loaded"
@@ -1334,7 +1342,7 @@ msgid ""
"debug mode to deactivate template caching."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:972
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:973
msgid ""
"The reloading depends on the ability to stop the child process. If you are "
"running on Windows or any other operating system not supporting "
@@ -1343,21 +1351,21 @@ msgid ""
"finally clauses, etc., are not executed after a ``SIGTERM``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:980
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:981
msgid "Command Line Interface"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:984
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:985
msgid "Starting with version 0.10 you can use bottle as a command-line tool:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1008
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1009
msgid ""
"The `ADDRESS` field takes an IP address or an IP:PORT pair and defaults to "
"``localhost:8080``. The other parameters should be self-explanatory."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1010
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1011
msgid ""
"Both plugins and applications are specified via import expressions. These "
"consist of an import path (e.g. ``package.module``) and an expression to be "
@@ -1365,52 +1373,52 @@ msgid ""
":func:`load` for details. Here are some examples:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1031
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1032
msgid "Deployment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1033
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1034
msgid ""
"Bottle runs on the built-in `wsgiref WSGIServer "
" by default. This non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine for "
-"development and early production, but may become a performance bottleneck "
-"when server load increases."
+"development, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1035
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1036
msgid ""
"The easiest way to increase performance is to install a multi-threaded "
"server library like paste_ or cherrypy_ and tell Bottle to use that instead "
"of the single-threaded server::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1039
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1040
msgid ""
"This, and many other deployment options are described in a separate article:"
" :doc:`deployment`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1047
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1048
msgid "Glossary"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Глоссарий"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1050
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1051
msgid "callback"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1052
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1053
msgid ""
"Programmer code that is to be called when some external action happens. In "
"the context of web frameworks, the mapping between URL paths and application"
" code is often achieved by specifying a callback function for each URL."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1056
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1057
msgid "decorator"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1058
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1059
msgid ""
"A function returning another function, usually applied as a function "
"transformation using the ``@decorator`` syntax. See `python documentation "
@@ -1419,11 +1427,11 @@ msgid ""
"about decorators."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1059
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1060
msgid "environ"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1061
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1062
msgid ""
"A structure where information about all documents under the root is saved, "
"and used for cross-referencing. The environment is pickled after the "
@@ -1431,22 +1439,22 @@ msgid ""
"changed documents."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1065
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1066
msgid "handler function"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1067
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1068
msgid ""
"A function to handle some specific event or situation. In a web framework, "
"the application is developed by attaching a handler function as callback for"
" each specific URL comprising the application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1070
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1071
msgid "source directory"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1072
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1073
msgid ""
"The directory which, including its subdirectories, contains all source files"
" for one Sphinx project."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
index 2b88aac..c4840b2 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ msgstr ""
"Language: ru_RU\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\n"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:20
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:19
msgid "Tutorial: Todo-List Application"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:24
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:23
msgid ""
-"This tutorial is a work in progess and written by `noisefloor "
+"This tutorial is a work in progress and written by `noisefloor "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:27
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:26
msgid ""
"This tutorial should give a brief introduction to the Bottle_ WSGI "
"Framework. The main goal is to be able, after reading through this tutorial,"
@@ -37,19 +37,19 @@ msgid ""
"POST parameters."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:29
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:28
msgid ""
"To understand the content here, it is not necessary to have a basic "
"knowledge of WSGI, as Bottle tries to keep WSGI away from the user anyway. "
"You should have a fair understanding of the Python_ programming language. "
"Furthermore, the example used in the tutorial retrieves and stores data in a"
-" SQL databse, so a basic idea about SQL helps, but is not a must to "
+" SQL database, so a basic idea about SQL helps, but is not a must to "
"understand the concepts of Bottle. Right here, SQLite_ is used. The output "
"of Bottle sent to the browser is formatted in some examples by the help of "
"HTML. Thus, a basic idea about the common HTML tags does help as well."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:31
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:30
msgid ""
"For the sake of introducing Bottle, the Python code \"in between\" is kept "
"short, in order to keep the focus. Also all code within the tutorial is "
@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ msgid ""
"protect the database with a password, test and escape the input etc."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:0
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:32
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:36
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:35
msgid "Goals"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:38
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:37
msgid ""
"At the end of this tutorial, we will have a simple, web-based ToDo list. The"
" list contains a text (with max 100 characters) and a status (0 for closed, "
@@ -74,68 +74,68 @@ msgid ""
"can be view and edited and new items can be added."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:40
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:39
msgid ""
"During development, all pages will be available on ``localhost`` only, but "
"later on it will be shown how to adapt the application for a \"real\" "
"server, including how to use with Apache's mod_wsgi."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:42
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:41
msgid ""
"Bottle will do the routing and format the output, with the help of "
"templates. The items of the list will be stored inside a SQLite database. "
"Reading and writing the database will be done by Python code."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:44
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:43
msgid ""
"We will end up with an application with the following pages and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:46
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:45
msgid "start page ``http://localhost:8080/todo``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:47
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:46
msgid "adding new items to the list: ``http://localhost:8080/new``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:48
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:47
msgid "page for editing items: ``http://localhost:8080/edit/<no:int>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:49
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:48
msgid "catching errors"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:52
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:51
msgid "Before We Start..."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:56
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:55
msgid "Install Bottle"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:57
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:56
msgid ""
"Assuming that you have a fairly new installation of Python (version 2.5 or "
"higher), you only need to install Bottle in addition to that. Bottle has no "
"other dependencies than Python itself."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:59
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:58
msgid ""
"You can either manually install Bottle or use Python's easy_install: "
"``easy_install bottle``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:63
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:62
msgid "Further Software Necessities"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:64
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:63
msgid ""
"As we use SQLite3 as a database, make sure it is installed. On Linux "
"systems, most distributions have SQLite3 installed by default. SQLite is "
@@ -143,18 +143,18 @@ msgid ""
"of the python standard library."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:67
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:66
msgid "Create An SQL Database"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:68
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:67
msgid ""
"First, we need to create the database we use later on. To do so, save the "
"following script in your project directory and run it with python. You can "
"use the interactive interpreter too::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:79
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:78
msgid ""
"This generates a database-file `todo.db` with tables called ``todo`` and "
"three columns ``id``, ``task``, and ``status``. ``id`` is a unique id for "
@@ -164,22 +164,22 @@ msgid ""
"closed (value 0)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:82
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:81
msgid "Using Bottle for a Web-Based ToDo List"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:84
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:83
msgid ""
"Now it is time to introduce Bottle in order to create a web-based "
"application. But first, we need to look into a basic concept of Bottle: "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:88
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:87
msgid "Understanding routes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:89
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:88
msgid ""
"Basically, each page visible in the browser is dynamically generated when "
"the page address is called. Thus, there is no static content. That is "
@@ -190,24 +190,24 @@ msgid ""
"execute the corresponding Python code and return its result."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:93
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:92
msgid "First Step - Showing All Open Items"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:94
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:93
msgid ""
"So, after understanding the concept of routes, let's create the first one. "
"The goal is to see all open items from the ToDo list::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:109
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:108
msgid ""
"Save the code a ````, preferably in the same directory as the file "
"``todo.db``. Otherwise, you need to add the path to ``todo.db`` in the "
"``sqlite3.connect()`` statement."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:111
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:110
msgid ""
"Let's have a look what we just did: We imported the necessary module "
"``sqlite3`` to access to SQLite database and from Bottle we imported "
@@ -223,19 +223,19 @@ msgid ""
"``todo_list()``. That is how routing within bottle works."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:113
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:112
msgid ""
"Actually you can bind more than one route to a function. So the following "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:120
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:119
msgid ""
"will work fine, too. What will not work is to bind one route to more than "
"one function."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:122
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:121
msgid ""
"What you will see in the browser is what is returned, thus the value given "
"by the ``return`` statement. In this example, we need to convert ``result`` "
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ msgid ""
"list of tuples, which is the standard defined by the `Python DB API`_."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:124
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:123
msgid ""
"Now, after understanding the little script above, it is time to execute it "
"and watch the result yourself. Remember that on Linux- / Unix-based systems "
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:128
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:127
msgid ""
"If so - congratulations! You are now a successful user of Bottle. In case it"
" did not work and you need to make some changes to the script, remember to "
@@ -262,23 +262,23 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:130
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:129
msgid ""
"Actually, the output is not really exciting nor nice to read. It is the raw "
"result returned from the SQL query."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:132
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:131
msgid ""
"So, in the next step we format the output in a nicer way. But before we do "
"that, we make our life easier."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:136
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:135
msgid "Debugging and Auto-Reload"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:137
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:136
msgid ""
"Maybe you already noticed that Bottle sends a short error message to the "
"browser in case something within the script is wrong, e.g. the connection to"
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ msgid ""
"statement to the script::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:145
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:144
msgid ""
"By enabling \"debug\", you will get a full stacktrace of the Python "
"interpreter, which usually contains useful information for finding bugs. "
@@ -295,42 +295,42 @@ msgid ""
" will take effect without stopping the server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:149
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:148
msgid ""
"That ``debug(True)`` is supposed to be used for development only, it should "
"*not* be used in production environments."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:153
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:152
msgid ""
"Another quite nice feature is auto-reloading, which is enabled by modifying "
"the ``run()`` statement to"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:159
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:158
msgid ""
"This will automatically detect changes to the script and reload the new "
"version once it is called again, without the need to stop and start the "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:161
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:160
msgid ""
"Again, the feature is mainly supposed to be used while developing, not on "
"production systems."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:165
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:164
msgid "Bottle Template To Format The Output"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:166
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:165
msgid ""
"Now let's have a look at casting the output of the script into a proper "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:168
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:167
msgid ""
"Actually Bottle expects to receive a string or a list of strings from a "
"function and returns them by the help of the built-in server to the browser."
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ msgid ""
" text formatted with HTML markup, too."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:170
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:169
msgid ""
"Bottle brings its own easy-to-use template engine with it. Templates are "
"stored as separate files having a ``.tpl`` extension. The template can be "
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ msgid ""
" query, which will be then formatted nicely within the template."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:172
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:171
msgid ""
"Right here, we are going to cast the result of our query showing the open "
"ToDo items into a simple table with two columns: the first column will "
@@ -356,11 +356,11 @@ msgid ""
"as seen above, a list of tuples, each tuple contains one set of results."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:174
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:173
msgid "To include the template in our example, just add the following lines::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:184
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:183
msgid ""
"So we do here two things: first, we import ``template`` from Bottle in order"
" to be able to use templates. Second, we assign the output of the template "
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ msgid ""
"value to a template."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:186
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:185
msgid ""
"Templates always return a list of strings, thus there is no need to convert "
"anything. We can save one line of code by writing ``return "
@@ -379,18 +379,18 @@ msgid ""
"as above."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:188
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:187
msgid ""
"Now it is time to write the corresponding template, which looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:202
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:201
msgid ""
"Save the code as ``make_table.tpl`` in the same directory where ```` "
"is stored."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:204
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:203
msgid ""
"Let's have a look at the code: every line starting with % is interpreted as "
"Python code. Because it is effectively Python, only valid Python statements "
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ msgid ""
"code would. The other lines are plain HTML markup."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:206
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:205
msgid ""
"As you can see, we use Python's ``for`` statement two times, in order to go "
"through ``rows``. As seen above, ``rows`` is a variable which holds the "
@@ -409,14 +409,14 @@ msgid ""
" ``%end``, otherwise the output may not be what you expect."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:208
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:207
msgid ""
"If you need to access a variable within a non-Python code line inside the "
"template, you need to put it into double curly braces. This tells the "
"template to insert the actual value of the variable right in place."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:210
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:209
msgid ""
"Run the script again and look at the output. Still not really nice, but at "
"least more readable than the list of tuples. You can spice-up the very "
@@ -424,107 +424,97 @@ msgid ""
"looking output."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:214
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:213
msgid "Using GET and POST Values"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:215
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:214
msgid ""
"As we can review all open items properly, we move to the next step, which is"
" adding new items to the ToDo list. The new item should be received from a "
"regular HTML-based form, which sends its data by the GET method."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:217
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:216
msgid ""
"To do so, we first add a new route to our script and tell the route that it "
"should get GET data::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:240
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:239
msgid ""
"To access GET (or POST) data, we need to import ``request`` from Bottle. To "
"assign the actual data to a variable, we use the statement "
-"``request.GET.get('task','').strip()`` statement, where ``task`` is the name"
-" of the GET data we want to access. That's all. If your GET data has more "
-"than one variable, multiple ``request.GET.get()`` statements can be used and"
-" assigned to other variables."
+"``request.GET.task.strip()`` statement, where ``task`` is the name of the "
+"GET data we want to access. That's all. If your GET data has more than one "
+"variable, multiple ``request.GET.get()`` statements can be used and assigned"
+" to other variables."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:242
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:241
msgid ""
"The rest of this piece of code is just processing of the gained data: "
"writing to the database, retrieve the corresponding id from the database and"
" generate the output."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:244
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:243
msgid ""
"But where do we get the GET data from? Well, we can use a static HTML page "
"holding the form. Or, what we do right now, is to use a template which is "
"output when the route ``/new`` is called without GET data."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:246
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:245
msgid "The code needs to be extended to::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:269
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:268
msgid "``new_task.tpl`` looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:277
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:276
msgid "That's all. As you can see, the template is plain HTML this time."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:279
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:278
msgid "Now we are able to extend our to do list."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:281
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:280
msgid ""
"By the way, if you prefer to use POST data: this works exactly the same way,"
" just use ``request.POST.get()`` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:285
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:284
msgid "Editing Existing Items"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:286
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:285
msgid "The last point to do is to enable editing of existing items."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:288
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:287
msgid ""
"By using only the routes we know so far it is possible, but may be quite "
"tricky. But Bottle knows something called \"dynamic routes\", which makes "
"this task quite easy."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:290
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:289
msgid "The basic statement for a dynamic route looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:294
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:293
msgid ""
-"The key point here is the colon. This tells Bottle to accept for "
-"``:something`` any string up to the next slash. Furthermore, the value of "
-"``something`` will be passed to the function assigned to that route, so the "
-"data can be processed within the function."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:296
-msgid ""
-"For our ToDo list, we will create a route ``@route('/edit/<no:int>)``, where"
-" ``no`` is the id (integer) of the item to edit."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:298
-msgid "The code looks like this::"
+"This tells Bottle to accept for ``<something>`` any string up to the next "
+"slash. Furthermore, the value of ``something`` will be passed to the "
+"function assigned to that route, so the data can be processed within the "
+"function, like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:326
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:321
msgid ""
"It is basically pretty much the same what we already did above when adding "
"new items, like using ``GET`` data etc. The main addition here is using the "
@@ -533,34 +523,60 @@ msgid ""
" the function to access the right row of data within the database."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:328
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:324
msgid ""
"The template ``edit_task.tpl`` called within the function looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:343
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:339
msgid ""
"Again, this template is a mix of Python statements and HTML, as already "
"explained above."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:345
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:341
msgid ""
"A last word on dynamic routes: you can even use a regular expression for a "
"dynamic route, as demonstrated later."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:345
+msgid "Validating Dynamic Routes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:346
+msgid ""
+"Using dynamic routes is fine, but for many cases it makes sense to validate "
+"the dynamic part of the route. For example, we expect an integer number in "
+"our route for editing above. But if a float, characters or so are received, "
+"the Python interpreter throws an exception, which is not what we want."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:348
+msgid ""
+"For those cases, Bottle offers the ``<name:int>`` wildcard filter, which "
+"matches (signed) digits and converts the value to integer. In order to apply"
+" the wildcard filter, extend the code as follows::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:356
+msgid ""
+"Save the code and call the page again using incorrect value for "
+"``<no:int>``, e.g. a float. You will receive not an exception, but a \"404 "
+"Not Found\" error."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:360
msgid "Dynamic Routes Using Regular Expressions"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:349
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:361
msgid ""
"Bottle can also handle dynamic routes, where the \"dynamic part\" of the "
"route can be a regular expression."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:351
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:363
msgid ""
"So, just to demonstrate that, let's assume that all single items in our ToDo"
" list should be accessible by their plain number, by a term like e.g. "
@@ -569,31 +585,28 @@ msgid ""
"the route, the term \"item\" is static."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:353
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:365
msgid "As said above, the solution is a regular expression::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:367
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:380
msgid ""
-"This example is somehow artificially constructed - it would be easier to use"
-" a plain dynamic route only combined with a validation. Nevertheless, we "
-"want to see how regular expression routes work: the line "
-"``@route(/item<item_:re:[0-9]+>)`` starts like a normal route, but the part "
-"surrounded by # is interpreted as a regular expression, which is the dynamic"
-" part of the route. So in this case, we want to match any digit between 0 "
-"and 9. The following function \"show_item\" just checks whether the given "
-"item is present in the database or not. In case it is present, the "
-"corresponding text of the task is returned. As you can see, only the regular"
-" expression part of the route is passed forward. Furthermore, it is always "
-"forwarded as a string, even if it is a plain integer number, like in this "
+"The line ``@route(/item<item:re:[0-9]+>)`` starts like a normal route, but "
+"the third part of the wildcard is interpreted as a regular expression, which"
+" is the dynamic part of the route. So in this case, we want to match any "
+"digit between 0 and 9. The following function \"show_item\" just checks "
+"whether the given item is present in the database or not. In case it is "
+"present, the corresponding text of the task is returned. As you can see, "
+"only the regular expression part of the route is passed forward. "
+"Furthermore, it is always forwarded as a string, even if it is a plain "
+"integer number, like in this case."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:371
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:384
msgid "Returning Static Files"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:372
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:385
msgid ""
"Sometimes it may become necessary to associate a route not to a Python "
"function, but just return a static file. So if you have for example a help "
@@ -601,7 +614,7 @@ msgid ""
"This works as follows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:380
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:393
msgid ""
"At first, we need to import the ``static_file`` function from Bottle. As you"
" can see, the ``return static_file`` statement replaces the ``return`` "
@@ -614,11 +627,11 @@ msgid ""
"``static_file`` works with any type of route, including the dynamic ones."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:384
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:397
msgid "Returning JSON Data"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:385
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:398
msgid ""
"There may be cases where you do not want your application to generate the "
"output directly, but return data to be processed further on, e.g. by "
@@ -628,37 +641,37 @@ msgid ""
"languages, including Python"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:387
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:400
msgid ""
"So, let's assume we want to return the data generated in the regular "
"expression route example as a JSON object. The code looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:402
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:415
msgid ""
"As you can, that is fairly simple: just return a regular Python dictionary "
"and Bottle will convert it automatically into a JSON object prior to "
"sending. So if you e.g. call \"http://localhost/json1\" Bottle should in "
-"this case return the JSON object ``{\"Task\": [\"Read A-byte-of-python to "
+"this case return the JSON object ``{\"task\": [\"Read A-byte-of-python to "
"get a good introduction into Python\"]}``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:407
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:420
msgid "Catching Errors"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:408
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:421
msgid ""
"The next step may is to catch the error with Bottle itself, to keep away any"
" type of error message from the user of your application. To do that, Bottle"
" has an \"error-route\", which can be a assigned to a HTML-error."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:410
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:423
msgid "In our case, we want to catch a 403 error. The code is as follows::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:418
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:431
msgid ""
"So, at first we need to import ``error`` from Bottle and define a route by "
"``error(403)``, which catches all \"403 forbidden\" errors. The function "
@@ -667,28 +680,28 @@ msgid ""
"function always needs to accept one argument, otherwise it will not work."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:420
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:433
msgid ""
"Again, you can assign more than one error-route to a function, or catch "
"various errors with one function each. So this code::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:427
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:440
msgid "works fine, the following one as well::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:439
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:452
msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:440
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:453
msgid ""
"After going through all the sections above, you should have a brief "
"understanding how the Bottle WSGI framework works. Furthermore you have all "
"the knowledge necessary to use Bottle for your applications."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:442
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:455
msgid ""
"The following chapter give a short introduction how to adapt Bottle for "
"larger projects. Furthermore, we will show how to operate Bottle with web "
@@ -696,11 +709,11 @@ msgid ""
"one we used so far."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:445
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:458
msgid "Server Setup"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:447
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:460
msgid ""
"So far, we used the standard server used by Bottle, which is the `WSGI "
"reference Server`_ shipped along with Python. Although this server is "
@@ -709,47 +722,47 @@ msgid ""
"have a look how to tweak the settings of the standard server first."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:451
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:464
msgid "Running Bottle on a different port and IP"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:452
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:465
msgid ""
-"As standard, Bottle serves the pages on the IP adress, also known "
-"as ``localhost``, and on port ``8080``. To modify the setting is pretty "
+"As standard, Bottle serves the pages on the IP address, also known"
+" as ``localhost``, and on port ``8080``. To modify the setting is pretty "
"simple, as additional parameters can be passed to Bottle's ``run()`` "
"function to change the port and the address."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:454
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:467
msgid ""
"To change the port, just add ``port=portnumber`` to the run command. So, for"
" example::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:458
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:471
msgid "would make Bottle listen to port 80."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:460
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:473
msgid "To change the IP address where Bottle is listening::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:464
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:477
msgid "If needed, both parameters can be combined, like::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:468
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:481
msgid ""
"The ``port`` and ``host`` parameter can also be applied when Bottle is "
"running with a different server, as shown in the following section."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:472
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:485
msgid "Running Bottle with a different server"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:473
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:486
msgid ""
"As said above, the standard server is perfectly suitable for development, "
"personal use or a small group of people only using your application based on"
@@ -757,50 +770,50 @@ msgid ""
"it is single-threaded, thus it can only serve one request at a time."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:475
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:488
msgid ""
"But Bottle has already various adapters to multi-threaded servers on board, "
-"which perform better on higher load. Bottle supports Cherrypy_, Fapws3_, "
-"Flup_ and Paste_."
+"which perform better on higher load. Bottle supports Cherrypy_, Flup_ and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:477
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:490
msgid ""
"If you want to run for example Bottle with the Paste server, use the "
"following code::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:483
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:496
msgid ""
"This works exactly the same way with ``FlupServer``, ``CherryPyServer`` and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:487
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:500
msgid "Running Bottle on Apache with mod_wsgi"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:488
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:501
msgid ""
"Maybe you already have an Apache_ or you want to run a Bottle-based "
"application large scale - then it is time to think about Apache with "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:490
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:503
msgid ""
"We assume that your Apache server is up and running and mod_wsgi is working "
"fine as well. On a lot of Linux distributions, mod_wsgi can be easily "
"installed via whatever package management system is in use."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:492
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:505
msgid ""
"Bottle brings an adapter for mod_wsgi with it, so serving your application "
"is an easy task."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:494
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:507
msgid ""
"In the following example, we assume that you want to make your application "
"\"ToDo list\" accessible through ```` and your "
@@ -808,42 +821,42 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:496
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:509
msgid ""
"When you run your application via mod_wsgi, it is imperative to remove the "
"``run()`` statement from your code, otherwise it won't work here."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:498
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:511
msgid ""
"After that, create a file called ``adapter.wsgi`` with the following "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:509
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:522
msgid ""
"and save it in the same path, ``/var/www/todo``. Actually the name of the "
"file can be anything, as long as the extension is ``.wsgi``. The name is "
"only used to reference the file from your virtual host."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:511
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:524
msgid ""
"Finally, we need to add a virtual host to the Apache configuration, which "
"looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:527
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:540
msgid ""
"After restarting the server, your ToDo list should be accessible at "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:530
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:543
msgid "Final Words"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:532
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:545
msgid ""
"Now we are at the end of this introduction and tutorial to Bottle. We "
"learned about the basic concepts of Bottle and wrote a first application "
@@ -851,7 +864,7 @@ msgid ""
"for large tasks and serve Bottle through an Apache web server with mod_wsgi."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:534
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:547
msgid ""
"As said in the introduction, this tutorial is not showing all shades and "
"possibilities of Bottle. What we skipped here is e.g. receiving file objects"
@@ -861,28 +874,28 @@ msgid ""
"documentation`_ ."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:537
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:550
msgid "Complete Example Listing"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:539
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:552
msgid ""
"As the ToDo list example was developed piece by piece, here is the complete "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:541
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:554
msgid "Main code for the application ````::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:655
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:675
msgid "Template ``make_table.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:669
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:689
msgid "Template ``edit_task.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:684
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:704
msgid "Template ``new_task.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/api.po b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
index 237057d..c8eacf7 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
+# jluzhu <>, 2019
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:06+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ msgstr "这份文档几乎是全自动生成的。如果你刚接触bottle,也
#: ../../api.rst:17
msgid "Module Contents"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "模块目录"
#: ../../api.rst:19
msgid "The module defines several functions, constants, and an exception."
@@ -46,6 +47,22 @@ msgid ""
"Start a server instance. This method blocks until the server terminates."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.path_shift:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.add_path:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring
+#: of bottle.Bottle.mount:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.Bottle.route:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:0 ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:0
+msgid "Parameters"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
msgid ""
"WSGI application or target string supported by :func:`load_app`. (default: "
@@ -201,6 +218,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Shift path fragments from PATH_INFO to SCRIPT_NAME and vice versa."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:0
+msgid "Returns"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.path_shift:3
msgid "The modified paths."
msgstr ""
@@ -230,40 +251,59 @@ msgid ""
"special methods available to access the full list of values."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.keys:1
+msgid "D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.values:1
+msgid "D.values() -> an object providing a view on D's values"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.items:1
+msgid "D.items() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's items"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:1
msgid "Return the most recent value for a key."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:3
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:3
msgid ""
"The default value to be returned if the key is not present or the type "
"conversion fails."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:5
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:5
msgid "An index for the list of available values."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:6
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.get:6
msgid ""
"If defined, this callable is used to cast the value into a specific type. "
"Exception are suppressed and result in the default value to be returned."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.append:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.append:1
msgid "Add a new value to the list of values for this key."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.replace:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.replace:1
msgid "Replace the list of values with a single value."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getall:1
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getlist:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getall:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.HeaderDict.getall:1
msgid "Return a (possibly empty) list of values for a key."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.getone:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.MultiDict.get:1
msgid "Aliases for WTForms to mimic other multi-dict APIs (Django)"
msgstr ""
@@ -337,6 +377,7 @@ msgid "Return the current default application and remove it from the stack."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.AppStack.push:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.AppStack.push:1
msgid "Add a new :class:`Bottle` instance to the stack"
msgstr ""
@@ -358,11 +399,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "controls which lookups are cached. One of 'all', 'found' or 'none'."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.path:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.ResourceManager.path:1
msgid "A list of search paths. See :meth:`add_path` for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.cache:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.ResourceManager.cache:1
msgid "A cache for resolved paths. ``res.cache.clear()`` clears the cache."
msgstr ""
@@ -403,7 +444,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ResourceManager.lookup:3
msgid ""
-"The :attr:`path` list is searched in order. The first match is returend. "
+"The :attr:`path` list is searched in order. The first match is returned. "
"Symlinks are followed. The result is cached to speed up future lookups."
msgstr ""
@@ -411,19 +452,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Find a resource and return a file object, or raise IOError."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.file:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.file:1
msgid "Open file(-like) object (BytesIO buffer or temporary file)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../docstring of
msgid "Name of the upload form field"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.raw_filename:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.raw_filename:1
msgid "Raw filename as sent by the client (may contain unsafe characters)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.headers:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.FileUpload.headers:1
msgid "A :class:`HeaderDict` with additional headers (e.g. content-type)"
msgstr ""
@@ -437,6 +478,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Current value of the 'Content-Length' header."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.get_header:1
+msgid "Return the value of a header within the mulripart part."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.FileUpload.filename:1
msgid ""
"Name of the file on the client file system, but normalized to ensure file "
@@ -495,11 +540,11 @@ msgid ""
"middleware handle exceptions."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.config:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Bottle.config:1
msgid "A :class:`ConfigDict` for app specific configuration."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.resources:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Bottle.resources:1
msgid "A :class:`ResourceManager` for application files"
msgstr ""
@@ -623,7 +668,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.match:1
msgid ""
-"Search for a matching route and return a (:class:`Route` , urlargs) tuple. "
+"Search for a matching route and return a (:class:`Route`, urlargs) tuple. "
"The second value is a dictionary with parameters extracted from the URL. "
"Raise :exc:`HTTPError` (404/405) on a non-match."
msgstr ""
@@ -706,7 +751,9 @@ msgid "Equals :meth:`route` with a ``PATCH`` method parameter."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.error:1
-msgid "Decorator: Register an output handler for a HTTP error code"
+msgid ""
+"Register an output handler for a HTTP error code. Can be used as a decorator"
+" or called directly ::"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Bottle.wsgi:1
@@ -717,40 +764,40 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"This class wraps a route callback along with route specific metadata and "
"configuration and applies Plugins on demand. It is also responsible for "
-"turing an URL path rule into a regular expression usable by the Router."
+"turning an URL path rule into a regular expression usable by the Router."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../docstring of
msgid "The application this route is installed to."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.rule:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.rule:1
msgid "The path-rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/<page>``)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.method:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.method:1
msgid "The HTTP method as a string (e.g. ``GET``)."
msgstr "HTTP方法的字符串(例如: ``GET``)"
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.callback:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.callback:1
msgid ""
"The original callback with no plugins applied. Useful for introspection."
msgstr "未应用任何插件的原始回调函数,用于内省。"
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of
+#: ../docstring of
msgid "The name of the route (if specified) or ``None``."
msgstr "route的名字,如未指定则为 ``None``"
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.plugins:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.plugins:1
msgid "A list of route-specific plugins (see :meth:`Bottle.route`)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.skiplist:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.skiplist:1
msgid ""
"A list of plugins to not apply to this route (see :meth:`Bottle.route`)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.Route.config:1
+#: ../docstring of bottle.Route.config:1
msgid ""
"Additional keyword arguments passed to the :meth:`Bottle.route` decorator "
"are stored in this dictionary. Used for route-specific plugin configuration "
@@ -905,10 +952,10 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.json:1
msgid ""
-"If the ``Content-Type`` header is ``application/json``, this property holds "
-"the parsed content of the request body. Only requests smaller than "
-":attr:`MEMFILE_MAX` are processed to avoid memory exhaustion. Invalid JSON "
-"raises a 400 error response."
+"If the ``Content-Type`` header is ``application/json`` or ``application"
+"/json-rpc``, this property holds the parsed content of the request body. "
+"Only requests smaller than :attr:`MEMFILE_MAX` are processed to avoid memory"
+" exhaustion. Invalid JSON raises a 400 error response."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.body:1
@@ -924,7 +971,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "True if Chunked transfer encoding was."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.GET:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.query:1
msgid "An alias for :attr:`query`."
msgstr ""
@@ -967,7 +1014,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:2
-msgid "Shift path segments from path to script_name and"
+msgid "Shift path segments from :attr:`path` to :attr:`script_name` and"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.path_shift:2
@@ -1047,15 +1094,10 @@ msgid ""
"multithreaded server)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalRequest.bind:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseRequest.__init__:1
msgid "Wrap a WSGI environ dictionary."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalRequest.environ:1
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalResponse.body:1
-msgid "Thread-local property"
-msgstr ""
#: ../../api.rst:146
msgid "The :class:`Response` Object"
msgstr ":class:`Response` 对象"
@@ -1211,23 +1253,37 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:17
msgid ""
"prevents client-side javascript to read this cookie (default: off, requires "
-"Python 2.7 or newer)."
+"Python 2.6 or newer)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:20
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:19
msgid ""
-"If neither `expires` nor `max_age` is set (default), the cookie will expire "
+"Control or disable third-party use for this cookie. Possible values: `lax`, "
+"`strict` or `none` (default)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:22
+msgid ""
+"If neither `expires` nor `maxage` is set (default), the cookie will expire "
"at the end of the browser session (as soon as the browser window is closed)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:24
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:26
msgid ""
"Signed cookies may store any pickle-able object and are cryptographically "
"signed to prevent manipulation. Keep in mind that cookies are limited to 4kb"
" in most browsers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:28
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:30
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Pickle is a potentially dangerous format. If an attacker gains "
+"access to the secret key, he could forge cookies that execute code on server"
+" side if unpickled. Using pickle is discouraged and support for it will be "
+"removed in later versions of bottle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.set_cookie:35
msgid ""
"Warning: Signed cookies are not encrypted (the client can still see the "
"content) and not copy-protected (the client can restore an old cookie). The "
@@ -1249,6 +1305,14 @@ msgid ""
"response at the end of the request/response cycle."
msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.BaseResponse.__init__:1
+msgid "Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.LocalResponse.body:1
+msgid "Thread-local property"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../api.rst:160
msgid ""
"The following two classes can be raised as an exception. The most noticeable"
diff --git a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/async.po b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
index 8b2ea4c..3087c6d 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/async.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:06+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Thiago Avelino <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-21 22:57+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thiago Avelino <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
diff --git a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
index 6f7536f..ab49b4a 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/changelog.po
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:06+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Thiago Avelino <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -25,28 +25,281 @@ msgstr "发布摘要和更改历史(不译)"
msgid "Release 0.13"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:13
-msgid "Added :func:`patch` shortcut for `route(..., method='PATCH')`"
+#: ../../changelog.rst:11
+msgid "Not released yet."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:17
-msgid "Release 0.12"
+#: ../../changelog.rst:14
+msgid "Dropped support for Python versions that reached their end-of-life."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:19
+#: ../../changelog.rst:15
msgid ""
-"New SimpleTemplate parser implementation * Support for multi-line code "
-"blocks (`<% ... %>`). * The keywords `include` and `rebase` are functions "
-"now and can accept variable template names."
+"Keeping up support for ancient Python versions hinders adaptation of new "
+"features and serves no real purpose. If you need support for older Python "
+"versions, you can stay on bottle-0.12. The updated list of tested and "
+"supported python releases is as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:20
+msgid "Python 2.7 (>= 2.7.3)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:21
+msgid "Python 3.6"
msgstr ""
#: ../../changelog.rst:22
+msgid "Python 3.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:23
+msgid "Python 3.8"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:24
+msgid "Python 3.9"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:25
+msgid "PyPy 2.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:26
+msgid "PyPy 3.6"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:27
+msgid "PyPy 3.7"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"Support for Python 2.5 was marked as deprecated since 0.12. We decided to go"
+" a step further and also remove support for 2.6 and 3.1 to 3.5 even if it "
+"was never deprecated explicitly in bottle. This means that this release is "
+"*not* backwards compatible in Python <2.7.3 or <3.6 environments. "
+"Maintainers for distributions or systems that still use these old python "
+"versions should not update to Bottle 0.13 and stick with 0.12 instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:35
+msgid "Stabilized APIs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:36
+msgid ""
+"The documented API of the :class:`ConfigDict` class is now considered stable"
+" and ready to use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:38
+msgid "Deprecated APIs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"The old route syntax (``/hello/:name``) is deprecated in favor of the more "
+"readable and flexible ``/hello/<name>`` syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:40
+msgid ""
+":meth:`Bottle.mount` now recognizes Bottle instance and will warn about "
+"parameters that are not compatible with the new mounting behavior. The old "
+"behavior (mount applications as WSGI callable) still works and is used as a "
+"fallback automatically."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:41
+msgid "The undocumented :func:`local_property` helper is now deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"The server adapter for google app engine is not useful anymore and marked as"
+" deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"Bottle uses pickle to store arbitrary objects into signed cookies. This is "
+"safe, as long as the signature key remains a secret. Unfortunately, people "
+"tend to push code with signature keys to github all the time, so we decided "
+"to remove pickle-support from bottle. Signed cookies will now issue a "
+"deprecation warning if the value is not a string, and support for non-string"
+" values will be removed in 0.14. The global :func:`cookie_encode`, "
+":func:`cookie_decode` and :func:`is_cookie_encoded` are now also deprecated."
+" If you are using this feature, think about using json to serialize your "
+"objects before storing them into cookies, or switch to a session system that"
+" stores data server-side instead of client-side."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:45
+msgid "Removed APIs (deprecated since 0.12)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:46
+msgid ""
+"Plugins with the old API (``api=1`` or no api attribute) will no longer "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"Parameter order of :meth:`Bottle.mount` changed in 0.10. The old order will "
+"now result in an error instead of a warning."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"The :class:`ConfigDict` class was introduced in 0.11 and changed during "
+"0.12. These changes are now final."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:50
+msgid ""
+"Attribute access and assignment was removed due to high overhead and limited"
+" usability."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"Namespaced sub-instance creation was removed. ``config[\"a\"][\"b\"]`` has a"
+" high overhead and little benefit over ``config[\"a.b\"]``."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:52
+msgid ""
+":class:`ConfigDict` instances are no longer callable. This was a shortcut "
+"for :meth:`ConfigDict.update`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:53
+msgid ""
+":class:`ConfigDict` constructor no longer accepts any parameters. Use the "
+"`load_*` methods instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:55
+msgid ""
+"Bottle 0.12 changed some aspects of the Simple Template Engine. These "
+"changes are now final and the old syntax will now longer work."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:57
+msgid ""
+"The magic ``{{rebase()}}`` call was replaced by a ``base`` variable. "
+"Example: ``{{base}}``"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"In STPL Templates, the 'rebase' and 'include' keywords were replaced with "
+"functions in 0.12."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:59
+msgid ""
+"PEP-263 encoding strings are no longer recognized. Templates are always "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:61
+msgid ""
+"The 'geventSocketIO' server adapter was removed without notice. It did not "
+"work anyway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:63
+msgid "Changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:64
+msgid "These changes might require special care when updating."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"Signed cookies now use a stronger HMAC algorithm by default. This will "
+"result in old cookies to appear invalid after the update. Pass an explicit "
+"``digestmod=hashlib.md5`` to :meth:`Request.get_cookie` and "
+":meth:`Response.set_cookie` to get the old behavior."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:68
+msgid "Other Improvements"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:69
+msgid ""
+"Bottle() instances are now context managers. If used in a with-statement, "
+"the default application changes to the specific instance and the shortcuts "
+"for many instance methods can be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"Added support for ``PATCH`` requests and the :meth:`Bottle.patch` decorator."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:71
+msgid ""
+"Added `aiohttp <>`_ and `uvloop "
+"<>`_ server adapters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:72
+msgid "Added command-line arguments for config from json or ini files."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:73
+msgid ""
+":meth:`Bottle.mount` now recognizes instances of :class:`Bottle` and mounts "
+"them with significantly less overhead than other WSGI applications."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:74
+msgid ""
+"The :attr:`Request.json` property now accepts ``application/json-rpc`` "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:75
+msgid ""
+":func:`static_file` gained support for ``ETag`` headers. It will generate "
+"ETags and recognizes ``If-None-Match`` headers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:76
+msgid "Jinja2 templates will produce better error messages than before."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:82
+msgid "Release 0.12"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:84
+msgid "New SimpleTemplate parser implementation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:86
+msgid "Support for multi-line code blocks (`<% ... %>`)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:87
+msgid ""
+"The keywords `include` and `rebase` are functions now and can accept "
+"variable template names."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../changelog.rst:89
msgid ""
-"The new :meth:`BaseRequest.route` property returns the :class:`Route` that "
+"The new :attr:`BaseRequest.route` property returns the :class:`Route` that "
"originally matched the request."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:23
+#: ../../changelog.rst:90
msgid ""
"Removed the ``BaseRequest.MAX_PARAMS`` limit. The hash collision bug in "
"CPythons dict() implementation was fixed over a year ago. If you are still "
@@ -54,69 +307,69 @@ msgid ""
"that you get security fixed from your distributor."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:24
+#: ../../changelog.rst:91
msgid "New :class:`ConfigDict` API (see :doc:`configuration`)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:26
+#: ../../changelog.rst:93
msgid ""
"More information can be found in this `development blog post "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:30
+#: ../../changelog.rst:97
msgid "Release 0.11"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:32
+#: ../../changelog.rst:99
msgid ""
"Native support for Python 2.x and 3.x syntax. No need to run 2to3 anymore."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:33
+#: ../../changelog.rst:100
msgid ""
"Support for partial downloads (``Range`` header) in :func:`static_file`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:34
+#: ../../changelog.rst:101
msgid ""
"The new :class:`ResourceManager` interface helps locating files bundled with"
" an application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:35
+#: ../../changelog.rst:102
msgid ""
"Added a server adapter for `waitress "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:36
+#: ../../changelog.rst:103
msgid ""
"New :meth:`Bottle.merge` method to install all routes from one application "
"into another."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:37
+#: ../../changelog.rst:104
msgid ""
"New :attr:`` property to get the application object that "
"handles a request."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:38
+#: ../../changelog.rst:105
msgid ""
"Added :meth:`FormsDict.decode()` to get an all-unicode version (needed by "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:39
+#: ../../changelog.rst:106
msgid ":class:`MultiDict` and subclasses are now pickle-able."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:42
+#: ../../changelog.rst:109
msgid "API Changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:43
+#: ../../changelog.rst:110
msgid ""
":attr:`Response.status` is a read-write property that can be assigned either"
" a numeric status code or a status string with a reason phrase (``200 OK``)."
@@ -125,53 +378,53 @@ msgid ""
":attr:`BaseResponse.status_code` and :attr:`BaseResponse.status_line`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:46
+#: ../../changelog.rst:113
msgid "API Deprecations"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:47
+#: ../../changelog.rst:114
msgid ""
":class:`SimpleTALTemplate` is now deprecating. There seems to be no demand."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:50
+#: ../../changelog.rst:117
msgid "Release 0.10"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:52
+#: ../../changelog.rst:119
msgid "Plugin API v2"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:54
+#: ../../changelog.rst:121
msgid "To use the new API, set :attr:`Plugin.api` to ``2``."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:55
+#: ../../changelog.rst:122
msgid ""
":meth:`Plugin.apply` receives a :class:`Route` object instead of a context "
"dictionary as second parameter. The new object offers some additional "
"information and may be extended in the future."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:56
+#: ../../changelog.rst:123
msgid ""
"Plugin names are considered unique now. The topmost plugin with a given name"
" on a given route is installed, all other plugins with the same name are "
"silently ignored."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:58
+#: ../../changelog.rst:125
msgid "The Request/Response Objects"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:60
+#: ../../changelog.rst:127
msgid ""
"Added :attr:`BaseRequest.json`, :attr:`BaseRequest.remote_route`, "
":attr:`BaseRequest.remote_addr`, :attr:`BaseRequest.query` and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:61
+#: ../../changelog.rst:128
msgid ""
"Added :attr:`BaseResponse.status_line` and :attr:`BaseResponse.status_code` "
"attributes. In future releases, :attr:`BaseResponse.status` will return a "
@@ -180,204 +433,204 @@ msgid ""
"use the verbose attributes from now on."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:62
+#: ../../changelog.rst:129
msgid ""
"Replaced :class:`MultiDict` with a specialized :class:`FormsDict` in many "
"places. The new dict implementation allows attribute access and handles "
"unicode form values transparently."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:64
+#: ../../changelog.rst:131
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "模板"
-#: ../../changelog.rst:66
+#: ../../changelog.rst:133
msgid ""
"Added three new functions to the SimpleTemplate default namespace that "
"handle undefined variables: :func:`stpl.defined`, :func:`stpl.get` and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:67
+#: ../../changelog.rst:134
msgid ""
"The default escape function for SimpleTemplate now additionally escapes "
"single and double quotes."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:69
+#: ../../changelog.rst:136
msgid "Routing"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:71
+#: ../../changelog.rst:138
msgid ""
"A new route syntax (e.g. ``/object/<id:int>``) and support for route "
"wildcard filters."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:72
+#: ../../changelog.rst:139
msgid "Four new wildcard filters: `int`, `float`, `path` and `re`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:74
+#: ../../changelog.rst:141
msgid "Other changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:76
+#: ../../changelog.rst:143
msgid "Added command line interface to load applications and start servers."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:77
+#: ../../changelog.rst:144
msgid ""
"Introduced a :class:`ConfigDict` that makes accessing configuration a lot "
"easier (attribute access and auto-expanding namespaces)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:78
+#: ../../changelog.rst:145
msgid "Added support for raw WSGI applications to :meth:`Bottle.mount`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:79
+#: ../../changelog.rst:146
msgid ":meth:`Bottle.mount` parameter order changed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:80
+#: ../../changelog.rst:147
msgid ""
":meth:`Bottle.route` now accpets an import string for the ``callback`` "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:81
+#: ../../changelog.rst:148
msgid "Dropped Gunicorn 0.8 support. Current supported version is 0.13."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:82
+#: ../../changelog.rst:149
msgid "Added custom options to Gunicorn server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:83
+#: ../../changelog.rst:150
msgid ""
"Finally dropped support for type filters. Replace with a custom plugin of "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:87
+#: ../../changelog.rst:154
msgid "Release 0.9"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:90
+#: ../../changelog.rst:157
msgid "Whats new?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:91
+#: ../../changelog.rst:158
msgid ""
"A brand new plugin-API. See :ref:`plugins` and :doc:`plugindev` for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:92
+#: ../../changelog.rst:159
msgid ""
"The :func:`route` decorator got a lot of new features. See "
":meth:`Bottle.route` for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:93
+#: ../../changelog.rst:160
msgid ""
"New server adapters for `gevent <>`_, `meinheld "
"<>`_ and `bjoern "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:94
+#: ../../changelog.rst:161
msgid "Support for SimpleTAL templates."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:95
+#: ../../changelog.rst:162
msgid "Better runtime exception handling for mako templates in debug mode."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:96
+#: ../../changelog.rst:163
msgid "Lots of documentation, fixes and small improvements."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:97
+#: ../../changelog.rst:164
msgid "A new :data:`Request.urlparts` property."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:100
+#: ../../changelog.rst:167
msgid "Performance improvements"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:101
+#: ../../changelog.rst:168
msgid ""
"The :class:`Router` now special-cases ``wsgi.run_once`` environments to "
"speed up CGI."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:102
+#: ../../changelog.rst:169
msgid ""
"Reduced module load time by ~30% and optimized template parser. See `8ccb2d "
-"<>`_, `f72a7c <>`_ and `b14b9a "
-"<>`_ for details."
+"</commit/8ccb2d>`_, `f72a7c </commit/f72a7c>`_ and `b14b9a "
+"</commit/b14b9a>`_ for details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:103
+#: ../../changelog.rst:170
msgid ""
"Support for \"App Caching\" on Google App Engine. See `af93ec "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:104
+#: ../../changelog.rst:171
msgid ""
"Some of the rarely used or deprecated features are now plugins that avoid "
"overhead if the feature is not used."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:107 ../../changelog.rst:118
+#: ../../changelog.rst:174 ../../changelog.rst:185
msgid "API changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:108
+#: ../../changelog.rst:175
msgid ""
"This release is mostly backward compatible, but some APIs are marked "
"deprecated now and will be removed for the next release. Most noteworthy:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:110
+#: ../../changelog.rst:177
msgid ""
"The ``static`` route parameter is deprecated. You can escape wild-cards with"
" a backslash."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:111
+#: ../../changelog.rst:178
msgid ""
"Type-based output filters are deprecated. They can easily be replaced with "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:115
+#: ../../changelog.rst:182
msgid "Release 0.8"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:119
+#: ../../changelog.rst:186
msgid "These changes may break compatibility with previous versions."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:121
+#: ../../changelog.rst:188
msgid ""
"The built-in Key/Value database is not available anymore. It is marked "
"deprecated since 0.6.4"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:122
+#: ../../changelog.rst:189
msgid "The Route syntax and behaviour changed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:124
+#: ../../changelog.rst:191
msgid ""
"Regular expressions must be encapsulated with ``#``. In 0.6 all non-"
"alphanumeric characters not present in the regular expression were allowed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:125
+#: ../../changelog.rst:192
msgid ""
"Regular expressions not part of a route wildcard are escaped automatically. "
"You don't have to escape dots or other regular control characters anymore. "
@@ -386,69 +639,69 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:127
+#: ../../changelog.rst:194
msgid ""
"The ``BreakTheBottle`` exception is gone. Use :class:`HTTPResponse` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:128
+#: ../../changelog.rst:195
msgid ""
"The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine escapes HTML special characters in "
"``{{bad_html}}`` expressions automatically. Use the new ``{{!good_html}}`` "
"syntax to get old behaviour (no escaping)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:129
+#: ../../changelog.rst:196
msgid ""
"The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine returns unicode strings instead of lists "
"of byte strings."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:130
+#: ../../changelog.rst:197
msgid ""
"``bottle.optimize()`` and the automatic route optimization is obsolete."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:131
+#: ../../changelog.rst:198
msgid "Some functions and attributes were renamed:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:133
+#: ../../changelog.rst:200
msgid ":attr:`Request._environ` is now :attr:`Request.environ`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:134
+#: ../../changelog.rst:201
msgid ":attr:`Response.header` is now :attr:`Response.headers`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:135
+#: ../../changelog.rst:202
msgid ":func:`default_app` is obsolete. Use :func:`app` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:137
+#: ../../changelog.rst:204
msgid "The default :func:`redirect` code changed from 307 to 303."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:138
+#: ../../changelog.rst:205
msgid "Removed support for ``@default``. Use ``@error(404)`` instead."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:142
+#: ../../changelog.rst:209
msgid "New features"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:143
+#: ../../changelog.rst:210
msgid "This is an incomplete list of new features and improved functionality."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:145
+#: ../../changelog.rst:212
msgid ""
"The :class:`Request` object got new properties: :attr:`Request.body`, "
":attr:`Request.auth`, :attr:`Request.url`, :attr:`Request.header`, "
":attr:`Request.forms`, :attr:`Request.files`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:146
+#: ../../changelog.rst:213
msgid ""
"The :meth:`Response.set_cookie` and :meth:`Request.get_cookie` methods are "
"now able to encode and decode python objects. This is called a *secure "
@@ -456,41 +709,41 @@ msgid ""
"client side. All pickle-able data structures are allowed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:147
+#: ../../changelog.rst:214
msgid ""
"The new :class:`Router` class drastically improves performance for setups "
"with lots of dynamic routes and supports named routes (named route + dict = "
"URL string)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:148
+#: ../../changelog.rst:215
msgid ""
"It is now possible (and recommended) to return :exc:`HTTPError` and "
":exc:`HTTPResponse` instances or other exception objects instead of raising "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:149
+#: ../../changelog.rst:216
msgid ""
"The new function :func:`static_file` equals :func:`send_file` but returns a "
":exc:`HTTPResponse` or :exc:`HTTPError` instead of raising it. "
":func:`send_file` is deprecated."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:150
+#: ../../changelog.rst:217
msgid ""
"New :func:`get`, :func:`post`, :func:`put` and :func:`delete` decorators."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:151
+#: ../../changelog.rst:218
msgid "The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine got full unicode support."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:152
+#: ../../changelog.rst:219
msgid "Lots of non-critical bugfixes."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../changelog.rst:158
+#: ../../changelog.rst:225
msgid "Contributors"
msgstr ""
@@ -693,65 +946,69 @@ msgid "Nicolas Vanhoren"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:51
-msgid "Robert Rollins"
+msgid "Oz N Tiram"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:52
-msgid "rogererens"
+msgid "Robert Rollins"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:53
-msgid "rwxrwx"
+msgid "rogererens"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:54
-msgid "Santiago Gala"
+msgid "rwxrwx"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:55
-msgid "Sean M. Collins"
+msgid "Santiago Gala"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:56
-msgid "Sebastian Wollrath"
+msgid "Sean M. Collins"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:57
-msgid "Seth"
+msgid "Sebastian Wollrath"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:58
-msgid "Sigurd Høgsbro"
+msgid "Seth"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:59
-msgid "Stuart Rackham"
+msgid "Sigurd Høgsbro"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:60
-msgid "Sun Ning"
+msgid "Stuart Rackham"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:61
-msgid "Tomás A. Schertel"
+msgid "Sun Ning"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:62
-msgid "Tristan Zajonc"
+msgid "Tomás A. Schertel"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:63
-msgid "voltron"
+msgid "Tristan Zajonc"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:64
-msgid "Wieland Hoffmann"
+msgid "voltron"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:65
-msgid "zombat"
+msgid "Wieland Hoffmann"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../AUTHORS:66
+msgid "zombat"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../AUTHORS:67
msgid "Thiago Avelino"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
index b306446..2b8391f 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/configuration.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:06+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -106,22 +106,46 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "通过 :meth:`ConfigDict.load_config` 方法,你可以从一些ini文件中导入配置::"
-#: ../../configuration.rst:84
+#: ../../configuration.rst:85
+msgid "Loading Configuration from a python module"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"Loading configuration from a Python module is a common pattern for Python "
+"programs and frameworks. Bottle assumes that configuration keys are all "
+"upper case:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:98
+msgid ""
+"You can load the this Python module with :met:`ConfigDict.load_module`::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:107
+msgid ""
+"Note the second parameter to disable loading as namespaced items as in "
+":meth:`ConfigDict.load_dict`. By default, loading from a Python module will "
+"call this method, unless you specifically call this method with `False` as "
+"the second argument."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../configuration.rst:110
msgid "Loading Configuration from a nested :class:`dict`"
msgstr "从字典中加载配置"
-#: ../../configuration.rst:88
+#: ../../configuration.rst:114
msgid ""
"Another useful method is :meth:`ConfigDict.load_dict`. This method takes an "
"entire structure of nested dictionaries and turns it into a flat list of "
"keys and values with namespaced keys::"
msgstr "另外一个有用的方法,是 :meth:`ConfigDict.load_dict` 。将字典中的配置,放到各自的命名空间下面::"
-#: ../../configuration.rst:109
+#: ../../configuration.rst:135
msgid "Listening to configuration changes"
msgstr "监听配置的变更"
-#: ../../configuration.rst:113
+#: ../../configuration.rst:139
msgid ""
"The ``config`` hook on the application object is triggered each time a value"
" in :attr:`Bottle.config` is changed. This hook can be used to react on "
@@ -133,37 +157,37 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "每次 :attr:`Bottle.config` 中的值有变更的时候,会触发 ``config`` 这个钩子。这个钩子可以用于在运行时,对配置的改动做出响应,例如连接到一个新的数据库,改变后台服务的debug配置,或更改线程池的大小。这个钩子接收两个参数(key, new_value),在 :attr:`Bottle.config` 中的值被改动之前触发。如果这个钩子抛出了异常,那么 :attr:`Bottle.config` 中的值将不会被改动。"
-#: ../../configuration.rst:122
+#: ../../configuration.rst:148
msgid ""
"The hook callbacks cannot *change* the value that is to be stored to the "
"dictionary. That is what filters are for."
msgstr "这个钩子不能 *改变* 将要存到 :attr:`Bottle.config` 对象中的值。做这件事的是filter(过滤器)。"
-#: ../../configuration.rst:128
+#: ../../configuration.rst:154
msgid "Filters and other Meta Data"
msgstr "过滤器和其它元数据"
-#: ../../configuration.rst:132
+#: ../../configuration.rst:158
msgid ""
":class:`ConfigDict` allows you to store meta data along with configuration "
"keys. Two meta fields are currently defined:"
msgstr ":class:`ConfigDict` 对象允许你给配置中每个key定义元数据。当前定义了help和filter:"
-#: ../../configuration.rst:136
+#: ../../configuration.rst:162
msgid "help"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:135
+#: ../../configuration.rst:161
msgid ""
"A help or description string. May be used by debugging, introspection or "
"admin tools to help the site maintainer configuring their application."
msgstr "一个描述字符串。可以被debug或管理工具利用,来帮助网站管理员填写配置。"
-#: ../../configuration.rst:139
+#: ../../configuration.rst:165
msgid "filter"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../configuration.rst:139
+#: ../../configuration.rst:165
msgid ""
"A callable that accepts and returns a single value. If a filter is defined "
"for a key, any new value stored to that key is first passed through the "
@@ -171,37 +195,46 @@ msgid ""
"type, check for invalid values (throw a ValueError) or trigger side effects."
msgstr "一个可运行的对象,接受和返回一个值。如果一个key定义了一个filter,任何将要存到这个key中的值,都会先传给filter的相应回调函数。在回调函数中,可做类型转换,有效性检验等工作。"
-#: ../../configuration.rst:141
+#: ../../configuration.rst:167
msgid ""
"This feature is most useful for plugins. They can validate their config "
"parameters or trigger side effects using filters and document their "
"configuration via ``help`` fields::"
msgstr "这个功能比较适合被插件使用。它们可以检查它们的配置参数,或触发其它动作,或在 ``help`` 字段中,给配置添加说明::"
-#: ../../configuration.rst:163
+#: ../../configuration.rst:189
msgid "API Documentation"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict:1
msgid ""
"A dict-like configuration storage with additional support for namespaces, "
-"validators, meta-data, on_change listeners and more."
+"validators, meta-data, overlays and more."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:1
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict:4
msgid ""
-"Load values from a Python module. :param squash: Squash nested dicts into "
-"namespaces by using"
+"This dict-like class is heavily optimized for read access. All read-only "
+"methods as well as item access should be as fast as the built-in dict."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:1
+msgid "Load values from a Python module."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:3
-msgid "load_dict(), otherwise use update()"
+msgid "Example modue ````::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:4
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:0
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:0
+msgid "Parameters"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_module:17
msgid ""
-"Example: load_config('', True) Example: "
-"load_config('', False)"
+"If true (default), dictionary values are assumed to represent namespaces "
+"(see :meth:`load_dict`)."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:1
@@ -210,9 +243,41 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:3
msgid ""
-"If the config file contains sections, their names are used as namespaces for"
-" the values within. The two special sections ``DEFAULT`` and ``bottle`` "
-"refer to the root namespace (no prefix)."
+"A configuration file consists of sections, each led by a ``[section]`` "
+"header, followed by key/value entries separated by either ``=`` or ``:``. "
+"Section names and keys are case-insensitive. Leading and trailing whitespace"
+" is removed from keys and values. Values can be omitted, in which case the "
+"key/value delimiter may also be left out. Values can also span multiple "
+"lines, as long as they are indented deeper than the first line of the value."
+" Commands are prefixed by ``#`` or ``;`` and may only appear on their own on"
+" an otherwise empty line."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:13
+msgid ""
+"Both section and key names may contain dots (``.``) as namespace separators."
+" The actual configuration parameter name is constructed by joining section "
+"name and key name together and converting to lower case."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:18
+msgid ""
+"The special sections ``bottle`` and ``ROOT`` refer to the root namespace and"
+" the ``DEFAULT`` section defines default values for all other sections."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:22
+msgid "With Python 3, extended string interpolation is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:24
+msgid "The path of a config file, or a list of paths."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_config:25
+msgid ""
+"All keyword parameters are passed to the underlying "
+":class:`python:configparser.ConfigParser` constructor call."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.load_dict:1
@@ -224,8 +289,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.update:1
msgid ""
"If the first parameter is a string, all keys are prefixed with this "
-"namespace. Apart from that it works just as the usual dict.update(). "
-"Example: ``update('some.namespace', key='value')``"
+"namespace. Apart from that it works just as the usual dict.update()."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.setdefault:1
+msgid "Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.setdefault:3
+msgid "Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default."
msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.ConfigDict.meta_get:1
diff --git a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
index 7f19b82..34e6ed3 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-01-22 19:18+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid "Contact"
msgstr ""
#: ../../contact.rst:6
-msgid "About the Autor"
+msgid "About the Author"
msgstr ""
#: ../../contact.rst:7
diff --git a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
index 5c6de79..b2af786 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/deployment.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:06+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -30,42 +30,43 @@ msgstr "不添加任何参数,直接运行Bottle的 :func:`run` 函数,会
#: ../../deployment.rst:31
msgid ""
-"To get your application available to the outside world, specify the IP of "
-"the interface the server should listen to (e.g. ``run(host='')``)"
-" or let the server listen to all interfaces at once (e.g. "
-"``run(host='')``). The listening port can be changed in a similar "
-"way, but you need root or admin rights to choose a port below 1024. Port 80 "
-"is the standard for HTTP servers::"
-msgstr "可更改服务器监听的IP地址(例如: ``run(host='')`` ),来让应用对其可访问,或者让服务器接受所有地址的请求(例如: ``run(host='')`` )。可通过类似的方法改变服务器监听的端口,但如果你选择了一个小于1024的端口,则需要root权限。HTTP服务器的标准端口是80端口::"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:36
+"To get your application available to the outside world, specify the IP the "
+"server should listen to (e.g. ``run(host='')``) or let the server"
+" listen to all interfaces at once (e.g. ``run(host='')``). The "
+"listening port can be changed in a similar way, but you need root or admin "
+"rights to choose a port below 1024. Port 80 is the standard for HTTP "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:37
msgid "Server Options"
msgstr "可选服务器"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:38
+#: ../../deployment.rst:39
msgid ""
"The built-in default server is based on `wsgiref WSGIServer "
"wsgiref.simple_server>`_. This non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine "
-"for development and early production, but may become a performance "
-"bottleneck when server load increases. There are three ways to eliminate "
-"this bottleneck:"
-msgstr "内置的服务器基于 `wsgiref WSGIServer <>`_ 。这个单线程的HTTP服务器很适合用于开发,但当服务器的负载上升的时候,会成为一个性能瓶颈。有三种方法可消除这一瓶颈:"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:40
-msgid "Use a different server that is either multi-threaded or asynchronous."
-msgstr "使用多线程或异步的服务器"
+"for development, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load "
+"increases. There are three ways to eliminate this bottleneck:"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:41
msgid ""
+"Use a different server that is either multi-threaded or supports "
+"asynchronous IO."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:42
+msgid ""
"Start multiple server processes and spread the load with a load-balancer."
msgstr "运行多个服务器,使用负载均衡"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:42
+#: ../../deployment.rst:43
msgid "Do both."
msgstr "同时使用上面两种方法"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:44
+#: ../../deployment.rst:45
msgid ""
"**Multi-threaded** servers are the 'classic' way to do it. They are very "
"robust, reasonably fast and easy to manage. As a drawback, they can only "
@@ -76,15 +77,15 @@ msgid ""
"image processing)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:46
+#: ../../deployment.rst:47
msgid ""
-"**Asynchronous** servers are very fast, can handle a virtually unlimited "
+"**Asynchronous IO** servers are very fast, can handle a virtually unlimited "
"number of concurrent connections and are easy to manage. To take full "
"advantage of their potential, you need to design your application "
"accordingly and understand the concepts of the specific server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:48
+#: ../../deployment.rst:49
msgid ""
"**Multi-processing** (forking) servers are not limited by the GIL and "
"utilize more than one CPU core, but make communication between server "
@@ -94,107 +95,103 @@ msgid ""
"there are good tutorials available."
msgstr "**多进程** (forking) 服务器就没有受到GIL的限制,能利用多个CPU核心,但服务器实例之间的交流代价比较高昂。你需要一个数据库或消息队列来在进程之间共享状态,或将你的应用设计成根本不需要共享状态。多进程服务器的安装也比较负责,但已经有很多好的教程了。"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:51
+#: ../../deployment.rst:52
msgid "Switching the Server Backend"
msgstr "更改服务器后端"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:53
+#: ../../deployment.rst:54
msgid ""
"The easiest way to increase performance is to install a multi-threaded "
"server library like paste_ or cherrypy_ and tell Bottle to use that instead "
"of the single-threaded default server::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:57
+#: ../../deployment.rst:58
msgid ""
"Bottle ships with a lot of ready-to-use adapters for the most common WSGI "
"servers and automates the setup process. Here is an incomplete list:"
msgstr "Bottle为很多常见的WSGI服务器都编写了适配器,能自动化安装过程。下面是一个不完整的清单:"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:60
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
msgid "Name"
msgstr "名称"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:60
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
msgid "Homepage"
msgstr "主页"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:60
+#: ../../deployment.rst:61
msgid "Description"
msgstr "描述"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:62
+#: ../../deployment.rst:63
msgid "cgi"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:62
+#: ../../deployment.rst:63
msgid "Run as CGI script"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
msgid "flup"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
msgid "flup_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:63
+#: ../../deployment.rst:64
msgid "Run as FastCGI process"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
msgid "gae"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
msgid "gae_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:64
+#: ../../deployment.rst:65
msgid "Helper for Google App Engine deployments"
msgstr "用于Google App Engine"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
msgid "wsgiref"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
msgid "wsgiref_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:65
+#: ../../deployment.rst:66
msgid "Single-threaded default server"
msgstr "默认的单线程服务器"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
msgid "cherrypy"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
msgid "cherrypy_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:66
+#: ../../deployment.rst:67
msgid "Multi-threaded and very stable"
msgstr "多线程,稳定"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
msgid "paste"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
msgid "paste_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:67
+#: ../../deployment.rst:68
msgid "Multi-threaded, stable, tried and tested"
msgstr "多线程,稳定,久经考验,充分测试"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:68
-msgid "Multi-threaded"
-msgstr "多线程"
#: ../../deployment.rst:69
msgid "waitress"
msgstr ""
@@ -252,78 +249,66 @@ msgid "diesel_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../deployment.rst:74
-msgid "fapws3"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:74
-msgid "fapws3_"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:74
-msgid "Asynchronous (network side only), written in C"
-msgstr "异步 (network side only), written in C"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "tornado"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:75
+#: ../../deployment.rst:74
msgid "tornado_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:75
+#: ../../deployment.rst:74
msgid "Asynchronous, powers some parts of Facebook"
msgstr "异步,支撑Facebook的部分应用"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "twisted"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "twisted_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:76
+#: ../../deployment.rst:75
msgid "Asynchronous, well tested but... twisted"
msgstr "异步, well tested but... twisted"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
msgid "meinheld"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
msgid "meinheld_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:77
+#: ../../deployment.rst:76
msgid "Asynchronous, partly written in C"
msgstr "异步,部分用C语言编写"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
msgid "bjoern"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
msgid "bjoern_"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:78
+#: ../../deployment.rst:77
msgid "Asynchronous, very fast and written in C"
msgstr "异步,用C语言编写,非常快"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:79
+#: ../../deployment.rst:78
msgid "auto"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:79
+#: ../../deployment.rst:78
msgid "Automatically selects an available server adapter"
msgstr "自动选择一个可用的服务器"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:82
+#: ../../deployment.rst:81
msgid "The full list is available through :data:`server_names`."
msgstr "完整的列表在 :data:`server_names` 。"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:84
+#: ../../deployment.rst:83
msgid ""
"If there is no adapter for your favorite server or if you need more control "
"over the server setup, you may want to start the server manually. Refer to "
@@ -331,41 +316,50 @@ msgid ""
" for paste_::"
msgstr "如果没有适合你的服务器的适配器,或者你需要更多地控制服务器的安装,你也许需要手动启动服务器。可参考你的服务器的文档,看看是如何运行一个WSGI应用。下面是一个使用 paste_ 的例子。"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:93
+#: ../../deployment.rst:91
msgid "Apache mod_wsgi"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:95
+#: ../../deployment.rst:93
msgid ""
"Instead of running your own HTTP server from within Bottle, you can attach "
"Bottle applications to an `Apache server <apache>`_ using mod_wsgi_."
msgstr "除了直接在Bottle里面运行HTTP服务器,你也可以将你的应用部署到一个Apache服务器上,使用 mod_wsgi_ 来运行。"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:97
+#: ../../deployment.rst:95
msgid ""
"All you need is an ``app.wsgi`` file that provides an ``application`` "
"object. This object is used by mod_wsgi to start your application and should"
" be a WSGI-compatible Python callable."
msgstr "你需要的只是提供一个 ``application`` 对象的 ``app.wsgi`` 文件。mod_wsgi会使用这个对象来启动你的应用,这个对象必须是兼容WSGI的 callable对象。"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:99
+#: ../../deployment.rst:97
msgid "File ``/var/www/yourapp/app.wsgi``::"
msgstr " ``/var/www/yourapp/app.wsgi`` 文件 "
-#: ../../deployment.rst:110
+#: ../../deployment.rst:108
msgid "The Apache configuration may look like this::"
msgstr "Apache的配置"
#: ../../deployment.rst:126
+msgid "uWSGI"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../deployment.rst:128
msgid ""
-"With newer versions of Apache (2.4) use a configuration similar to this::"
+"uWSGI_ is a modern alternative to FastCGI and the recommended deployment "
+"option on servers like nginx_, lighttpd_, and cherokee_. The uWSGI project "
+"provides an application server that runs your application, and defines a "
+"protocol that frontend webservers can speak to. Have a look at the excellent"
+" `Quickstart for Python/WSGI applications <https://uwsgi-"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:144
+#: ../../deployment.rst:132
msgid "Google AppEngine"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:148
+#: ../../deployment.rst:136
msgid ""
"New App Engine applications using the Python 2.7 runtime environment support"
" any WSGI application and should be configured to use the Bottle application"
@@ -373,40 +367,31 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:158
+#: ../../deployment.rst:146
msgid ""
"Then you can configure App Engine's ``app.yaml`` to use the ``app`` object "
"like so::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:169
-msgid ""
-"Bottle also provides a ``gae`` server adapter for legacy App Engine "
-"applications using the Python 2.5 runtime environment. It works similar to "
-"the ``cgi`` adapter in that it does not start a new HTTP server, but "
-"prepares and optimizes your application for Google App Engine and makes sure"
-" it conforms to their API::"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:173
+#: ../../deployment.rst:158
msgid ""
"It is always a good idea to let GAE serve static files directly. Here is "
"example for a working ``app.yaml`` (using the legacy Python 2.5 runtime "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../deployment.rst:189
+#: ../../deployment.rst:175
msgid "Load Balancer (Manual Setup)"
msgstr "负载均衡 (手动安装)"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:191
+#: ../../deployment.rst:177
msgid ""
"A single Python process can utilize only one CPU at a time, even if there "
"are more CPU cores available. The trick is to balance the load between "
"multiple independent Python processes to utilize all of your CPU cores."
msgstr "单一的Python进程一次只能使用一个CPU内核,即使CPU是多核的。我们的方法就是在多核CPU的机器上,使用多线程来实现负载均衡。"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:193
+#: ../../deployment.rst:179
msgid ""
"Instead of a single Bottle application server, you start one instance for "
"each CPU core available using different local port (localhost:8080, 8081, "
@@ -417,29 +402,29 @@ msgid ""
"spread out the load between different physical servers."
msgstr "不只是启动一个应用服务器,你需要同时启动多个应用服务器,监听不同的端口(localhost:8080, 8081, 8082, ...)。你可选择任何服务器,甚至那些异步服务器。然后一个高性能的负载均衡器,像一个反向代理那样工作,将新的请求发送到一个随机端口,在多个服务器之间分散压力。这样你就可以利用所有的CPU核心,甚至在多个机器上实现负载均衡。"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:195
+#: ../../deployment.rst:181
msgid ""
"One of the fastest load balancers available is Pound_ but most common web "
"servers have a proxy-module that can do the work just fine."
msgstr " Pound_ 是最快的负载均衡器之一,但是只要有代理模块的Web服务器,也可以充当这一角色。"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:197
+#: ../../deployment.rst:183
msgid "Pound example::"
msgstr "Pound的例子::"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:215
+#: ../../deployment.rst:201
msgid "Apache example::"
msgstr "Apache的例子::"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:223
+#: ../../deployment.rst:209
msgid "Lighttpd example::"
msgstr "Lighttpd的例子::"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:235
+#: ../../deployment.rst:221
msgid "Good old CGI"
msgstr "CGI这个老好人"
-#: ../../deployment.rst:237
+#: ../../deployment.rst:223
msgid ""
"A CGI server starts a new process for each request. This adds a lot of "
"overhead but is sometimes the only option, especially on cheap hosting "
diff --git a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/development.po b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
index 8f4bc62..a772936 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/development.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 20:58+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ msgid "The source repository is structured as follows:"
msgstr "代码仓库的结构如下:"
#: ../../development.rst:55
-msgid "master branch"
+msgid "``master`` branch"
msgstr ""
#: ../../development.rst:55
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "该分支用于集成,测试和开发。所有计划添加到下一版本的改动,会在这里合并和测试。"
#: ../../development.rst:58
-msgid "release-x.y branches"
+msgid "``release-x.y`` branches"
msgstr ""
#: ../../development.rst:58
@@ -209,33 +209,22 @@ msgid ""
"branches, so you can keep up with important changes."
msgstr "只要master分支已经可以用来发布一个新的版本,它会被安排到一个新的发行分支里面。在RC阶段,不再添加或删除特征,只接受bug-fix和小改动,直到认为它可以用于生产环境和正式发布。基于这点考虑,我们称之为“支持分支(support branch)”,依然接受bug-fix,但仅限关键的bug-fix。每次更改后,版本号都会更新,这样你就能及时获取重要的改动了。"
-#: ../../development.rst:61
-msgid "bugfix_name-x.y branches"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:61
-msgid ""
-"These branches are only temporary and used to develop and share non-trivial "
-"bug-fixes for existing releases. They are merged into the corresponding "
-"release branch and deleted soon after that."
-msgstr "这些分支是临时性的,用于修复现有发布版本的bug。在合并到其他分支后,它们就会被删除。"
-#: ../../development.rst:65
+#: ../../development.rst:62
msgid "Feature branches"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../development.rst:64
+#: ../../development.rst:61
msgid ""
"All other branches are feature branches. These are based on the master "
"branch and only live as long as they are still active and not merged back "
"into ``master``."
msgstr "所有这类分支都是用于新增特征的。基于master分支,在开发、合并完毕后,就会被删除。"
-#: ../../development.rst:68
+#: ../../development.rst:65
msgid "What does this mean for a developer?"
msgstr "对于开发者,这意味着什么?"
-#: ../../development.rst:69
+#: ../../development.rst:66
msgid ""
"If you want to add a feature, create a new branch from ``master``. If you "
"want to fix a bug, branch ``release-x.y`` for each affected release. Please "
@@ -244,17 +233,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "如果你想添加一个特征,可以从 ``master`` 分支创建一个分支。如果你想修复一个bug,可从 ``release-x.y`` 这类分支创建一个分支。无论是添加特征还是修复bug,都建议在一个独立的分支上进行,这样合并工作就简单了。就这些了!在页面底部会有git工作流程的例子。"
-#: ../../development.rst:71
+#: ../../development.rst:68
msgid ""
"Oh, and never ever change the release number. We'll do that on integration. "
"You never know in which order we pull pending requests anyway :)"
msgstr "Oh,请不要修改版本号。我们会在集成的时候进行修改。因为你不知道我们什么时候会将你的request pull下来:)"
-#: ../../development.rst:75
+#: ../../development.rst:72
msgid "What does this mean for a maintainer ?"
msgstr "对于软件包维护者,这意味着什么?"
-#: ../../development.rst:76
+#: ../../development.rst:73
msgid ""
"Watch the tags (and the mailing list) for bug-fixes and new releases. If you"
" want to fetch a specific release from the git repository, trust the tags, "
@@ -262,11 +251,11 @@ msgid ""
"but a tag marks the exact commit which changed the version number."
msgstr "关注那些bugfix和新版本的tag,还有邮件列表。如果你想从代码仓库中获取特定的版本,请使用tag,而不是分支。分支中也许会包含一些未发布的改动,但tag会标记是那个commit更改了版本号。"
-#: ../../development.rst:80
+#: ../../development.rst:77
msgid "Submitting Patches"
msgstr "提交补丁"
-#: ../../development.rst:82
+#: ../../development.rst:79
msgid ""
"The best way to get your changes integrated into the main development branch"
" is to fork the main repository at github, create a new feature-branch, "
@@ -276,57 +265,57 @@ msgid ""
"follow some basic rules:"
msgstr "让你的补丁被集成进来的最好方法,是在github上面fork整个项目,创建一个新的分支,修改代码,然后发送一个pull-request。页面下方是git工作流程的例子,也许会有帮助。提交git兼容的补丁文件到邮件列表也是可以的。无论使用什么方法,请遵守以下的基本规则:"
-#: ../../development.rst:84
+#: ../../development.rst:81
msgid ""
"**Documentation:** Tell us what your patch does. Comment your code. If you "
"introduced a new feature, add to the documentation so others can learn about"
" it."
msgstr "**文档:** 告诉我们你的补丁做了什么。注释你的代码。如果你添加了新的特征,请添加相应的使用方法。"
-#: ../../development.rst:85
+#: ../../development.rst:82
msgid ""
"**Test:** Write tests to prove that your code works as expected and does not"
" break anything. If you fixed a bug, write at least one test-case that "
"triggers the bug. Make sure that all tests pass before you submit a patch."
msgstr "**测试:** 编写测试以证明你的补丁如期工作,且没有破坏任何东西。如果你修复了一个bug,至少写一个测试用例来触发这个bug。在提交补丁之前,请确保所有测试已通过。"
-#: ../../development.rst:86
+#: ../../development.rst:83
msgid ""
"**One patch at a time:** Only fix one bug or add one feature at a time. "
"Design your patches so that they can be applyed as a whole. Keep your "
"patches clean, small and focused."
msgstr "**一次只提交一个补丁:** 一次只修改一个bug,一次只添加一个新特征。保持补丁的干净。"
-#: ../../development.rst:87
+#: ../../development.rst:84
msgid ""
"**Sync with upstream:** If the ``upstream/master`` branch changed while you "
"were working on your patch, rebase or pull to make sure that your patch "
"still applies without conflicts."
msgstr "**与上流同步:** 如果在你编写补丁的时候, ``upstream/master`` 分支被修改了,那么先rebase或将新的修改pull下来,确保你的补丁在合并的时候不会造成冲突。"
-#: ../../development.rst:91
+#: ../../development.rst:88
msgid "Building the Documentation"
msgstr "生成文档"
-#: ../../development.rst:93
+#: ../../development.rst:90
msgid ""
"You need a recent version of Sphinx to build the documentation. The "
"recommended way is to install :command:`virtualenv` using your distribution "
"package repository and install sphinx manually to get an up-to-date version."
msgstr "你需要一个Sphinx的新版本来生产整份文档。建议将Sphinx安装到一个 :command:`virtualenv` 环境。"
-#: ../../development.rst:124
+#: ../../development.rst:121
msgid "GIT Workflow Examples"
msgstr "GIT工作流程"
-#: ../../development.rst:126
+#: ../../development.rst:123
msgid ""
"The following examples assume that you have an (free) `github account "
"<>`_. This is not mandatory, but makes things a lot "
msgstr "接下来的例子都假设你已经有一个 `git的免费帐号 <>`_ 。虽然不是必须的,但可简单化很多东西。"
-#: ../../development.rst:128
+#: ../../development.rst:125
msgid ""
"First of all you need to create a fork (a personal clone) of the official "
"repository. To do this, you simply click the \"fork\" button on the `bottle "
@@ -334,7 +323,7 @@ msgid ""
"you will be presented with a short introduction to your new repository."
msgstr "首先,你需要从官方代码仓库创建一个fork。只需在 `bottle项目页面 <>`_ 点击一下\"fork\"按钮就行了。创建玩fork之后,会得到一个关于这个新仓库的简介。"
-#: ../../development.rst:130
+#: ../../development.rst:127
msgid ""
"The fork you just created is hosted at github and read-able by everyone, but"
" write-able only by you. Now you need to clone the fork locally to actually "
@@ -342,7 +331,7 @@ msgid ""
" the public (read-only) one::"
msgstr "你刚刚创建的fork托管在github上面,对所有人都是可见的,但只有你有修改的权限。现在你需要将其从线上clone下面,做出实际的修改。确保你使用的是(可写-可读)的私有URL,而不是(只读)的公开URL。"
-#: ../../development.rst:134
+#: ../../development.rst:131
msgid ""
"Once the clone is complete your repository will have a remote named "
"\"origin\" that points to your fork on github. Don’t let the name confuse "
@@ -351,18 +340,18 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "在你将代码仓库clone下来后,就有了一个\"origin\"分支,指向你在github上的fork。不要让名字迷惑了你,它并不指向bottle的官方代码仓库,只是指向你自己的fork。为了追踪官方的代码仓库,可添加一个新的\"upstream\"远程分支。"
-#: ../../development.rst:140
+#: ../../development.rst:137
msgid ""
"Note that \"upstream\" is a public clone URL, which is read-only. You cannot"
" push changes directly to it. Instead, we will pull from your public "
"repository. This is described later."
msgstr "注意,\"upstream\"分支使用的是公开的URL,是只读的。你不能直接往该分支push东西,而是由我们来你的公开代码仓库pull,后面会讲到。"
-#: ../../development.rst:143
+#: ../../development.rst:140
msgid "Submit a Feature"
msgstr "提交一个特征"
-#: ../../development.rst:144
+#: ../../development.rst:141
msgid ""
"New features are developed in separate feature-branches to make integration "
"easy. Because they are going to be integrated into the ``master`` branch, "
@@ -370,20 +359,20 @@ msgid ""
"type the following::"
msgstr "在独立的特征分支内开发新的特征,会令集成工作更简单。因为它们会被合并到 ``master`` 分支,所有它们必须是基于 ``upstream/master`` 的分支。下列命令创建一个特征分支。"
-#: ../../development.rst:148
+#: ../../development.rst:145
msgid ""
"Now implement your feature, write tests, update the documentation, make sure"
" that all tests pass and commit your changes::"
msgstr "现在可开始写代码,写测试,更新文档。在提交更改之前,记得确保所有测试已经通过。"
-#: ../../development.rst:152
+#: ../../development.rst:149
msgid ""
"If the ``upstream/master`` branch changed in the meantime, there may be "
"conflicts with your changes. To solve these, 'rebase' your feature-branch "
"onto the top of the updated ``upstream/master`` branch::"
msgstr "与此同时,如果 ``upstream/master`` 这个分支有改动,那么你的提交就有可能造成冲突,可通过rebase操作来解决。"
-#: ../../development.rst:157
+#: ../../development.rst:154
msgid ""
"This is equivalent to undoing all your changes, updating your branch to the "
"latest version and reapplying all your patches again. If you released your "
@@ -392,13 +381,13 @@ msgid ""
"the tests again and commit."
msgstr "这相当于先撤销你的所有改动,更新你的分支到最新版本,再重做你的所有改动。如果你已经发布了你的分支(下一步会提及),这就不是一个好主意了,因为会覆写你的提交历史。这种情况下,你应该先将最新版本pull下来,手动解决所有冲突,运行测试,再提交。"
-#: ../../development.rst:159
+#: ../../development.rst:156
msgid ""
"Now you are almost ready to send a pull request. But first you need to make "
"your feature-branch public by pushing it to your github fork::"
msgstr "现在,你已经做好准备发一个pull-request了。但首先你应该公开你的特征分支,很简单,将其push到你github的fork上面就行了。"
-#: ../../development.rst:163
+#: ../../development.rst:160
msgid ""
"After you’ve pushed your commit(s) you need to inform us about the new "
"feature. One way is to send a pull-request using github. Another way would "
@@ -407,39 +396,39 @@ msgid ""
"for free :)"
msgstr "在你push完你所有的commit之后,你需要告知我们这个新特征。一种办法是通过github发一个pull-request。另一种办法是把这个消息发到邮件列表,这也是我们推荐的方式,这样其他开发者就能看到和讨论你的补丁,你也能免费得到一些反馈 :)"
-#: ../../development.rst:165
+#: ../../development.rst:162
msgid ""
"If we accept your patch, we will integrate it into the official development "
"branch and make it part of the next release."
msgstr "如果我们接受了你的补丁,我们会将其集成到官方的开发分支中,它将成为下个发布版本的一部分。"
-#: ../../development.rst:168
+#: ../../development.rst:165
msgid "Fix a Bug"
msgstr "修复Bug"
-#: ../../development.rst:169
+#: ../../development.rst:166
msgid ""
"The workflow for bug-fixes is very similar to the one for features, but "
"there are some differences:"
msgstr "修复Bug和添加一个特征差不多,下面是一些不同点:"
-#: ../../development.rst:171
+#: ../../development.rst:168
msgid ""
"Branch off of the affected release branches instead of just the development "
msgstr "修复所有受影响的分支,而不仅仅是开发分支(Branch off of the affected release branches instead of just the development branch)。"
-#: ../../development.rst:172
+#: ../../development.rst:169
msgid "Write at least one test-case that triggers the bug."
msgstr "至少编写一个触发该Bug的测试用例。"
-#: ../../development.rst:173
+#: ../../development.rst:170
msgid ""
"Do this for each affected branch including ``upstream/master`` if it is "
"affected. ``git cherry-pick`` may help you reducing repetitive work."
msgstr "修复所有受影响的分支,包括 ``upstream/master`` ,如果它也受影响。 ``git cherry-pick`` 可帮你完成一些重复工作。"
-#: ../../development.rst:174
+#: ../../development.rst:171
msgid ""
"Name your branch after the release it is based on to avoid confusion. "
"Examples: ``my_bugfix-x.y`` or ``my_bugfix-dev``."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
index 86569d3..1f581a7 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/faq.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:06+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Thiago Avelino <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ msgstr "动态route和反斜杠"
#: ../../faq.rst:40
msgid ""
"In :ref:`dynamic route syntax <tutorial-dynamic-routes>`, a placeholder "
-"token (``:name``) matches everything up to the next slash. This equals to "
+"token (``<name>``) matches everything up to the next slash. This equals to "
"``[^/]+`` in regular expression syntax. To accept slashes too, you have to "
"add a custom regular pattern to the placeholder. An example: "
-"``/images/:filepath#.*#`` would match ``/images/icons/error.png`` but "
-"``/images/:filename`` won't."
-msgstr "在 :ref:`dynamic route syntax <tutorial-dynamic-routes>` 中, ``:name`` 匹配任何字符,直到出现一个反斜杠。工作方式相当与 ``[^/]+`` 这样一个正则表达式。为了将反斜杠包涵进来,你必须在 ``:name`` 中添加一个自定义的正则表达式。例如: ``/images/:filepath#.*#`` 会匹配 ``/images/icons/error.png`` ,但不匹配 ``/images/:filename`` 。"
+"``/images/<filepath:path>`` would match ``/images/icons/error.png`` but "
+"``/images/<filename>`` won't."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../faq.rst:43
msgid "Problems with reverse proxies"
diff --git a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/index.po b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
index 1643558..2e91d80 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/index.po
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
+# Dormouse Young <>, 2016
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:06+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -17,112 +18,116 @@ msgstr ""
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-#: ../../index.rst:21
+#: ../../index.rst:20
msgid "Bottle: Python Web Framework"
-msgstr "Bottle: Python Web框架"
+msgstr "Bottle : Python Web 框架"
-#: ../../index.rst:23
+#: ../../index.rst:22
msgid ""
"Bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI_ micro web-framework for "
"Python_. It is distributed as a single file module and has no dependencies "
"other than the `Python Standard Library <>`_."
-msgstr "Bottle是一个快速,简单,轻量级的 Python_ WSGI_ Web框架。单一文件,只依赖 `Python标准库 <>`_ 。"
+msgstr "Bottle 是一个快速、简单、轻量级的 Python_ WSGI_ 微型 Web 框架。它只有一个文件,只依赖 `Python 标准库 <>`_ 。"
-#: ../../index.rst:26
+#: ../../index.rst:25
msgid ""
"**Routing:** Requests to function-call mapping with support for clean and "
"dynamic URLs."
msgstr "**URL映射(Routing):** 将URL请求映射到Python函数,支持动态URL,且URL更简洁。"
-#: ../../index.rst:27
+#: ../../index.rst:26
msgid ""
"**Templates:** Fast and pythonic :ref:`built-in template engine <tutorial-"
"templates>` and support for mako_, jinja2_ and cheetah_ templates."
msgstr "**模板(Templates):** 快速且pythonic的 :ref:`内置模板引擎 <tutorial-templates>` ,同时支持 mako_ , jinja2_ 和 cheetah_ 等模板。"
-#: ../../index.rst:28
+#: ../../index.rst:27
msgid ""
"**Utilities:** Convenient access to form data, file uploads, cookies, "
"headers and other HTTP-related metadata."
msgstr "**基础功能(Utilities):** 方便地访问表单数据,上传文件,使用cookie,查看HTTP元数据。"
-#: ../../index.rst:29
+#: ../../index.rst:28
msgid ""
"**Server:** Built-in HTTP development server and support for paste_, "
-"fapws3_, bjoern_, gae_, cherrypy_ or any other WSGI_ capable HTTP server."
+"bjoern_, gae_, cherrypy_ or any other WSGI_ capable HTTP server."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:32
+#: ../../index.rst:31
msgid "Example: \"Hello World\" in a bottle"
msgstr "示例: \"Hello World\""
-#: ../../index.rst:43
+#: ../../index.rst:42
msgid ""
"Run this script or paste it into a Python console, then point your browser "
"to `<http://localhost:8080/hello/world>`_. That's it."
msgstr "将其保存为py文件并执行,用浏览器访问 `<http://localhost:8080/hello/world>`_ 即可看到效果。就这么简单!"
-#: ../../index.rst:46
+#: ../../index.rst:45
msgid "Download and Install"
msgstr "下载和安装"
-#: ../../index.rst:49
+#: ../../index.rst:48
msgid ""
-"Install the latest stable release with ``pip install bottle``, "
-"``easy_install -U bottle`` or download ``__ (unstable) into your "
-"project directory. There are no hard [1]_ dependencies other than the Python"
-" standard library. Bottle runs with **Python 2.7 and 3.4+**."
+"Install the latest stable release with ``pip install bottle`` or download "
+"``__ (unstable) into your project directory. There are no hard [1]_"
+" dependencies other than the Python standard library. Bottle supports "
+"**Python 2.7 and Python 3**."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:50
+msgid "Support for Python 2.5 and 2.6 was dropped with this release."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:52
+#: ../../index.rst:55
msgid "User's Guide"
msgstr "用户指南"
-#: ../../index.rst:53
+#: ../../index.rst:56
msgid ""
"Start here if you want to learn how to use the bottle framework for web "
"development. If you have any questions not answered here, feel free to ask "
"the `mailing list <>`_."
msgstr "如果你有将Bottle用于Web开发的打算,请继续看下去。如果这份文档没有解决你遇到的问题,尽管在 `邮件列表 <>`_ 中吼出来吧(译者注:用英文哦)。"
-#: ../../index.rst:68
+#: ../../index.rst:71
msgid "Knowledge Base"
msgstr "知识库"
-#: ../../index.rst:69
+#: ../../index.rst:72
msgid "A collection of articles, guides and HOWTOs."
msgstr "收集文章,使用指南和HOWTO"
-#: ../../index.rst:81
+#: ../../index.rst:84
msgid "Development and Contribution"
msgstr "开发和贡献"
-#: ../../index.rst:83
+#: ../../index.rst:86
msgid ""
"These chapters are intended for developers interested in the bottle "
"development and release workflow."
msgstr "这些章节是为那些对Bottle的开发和发布流程感兴趣的开发者准备的。"
-#: ../../index.rst:100
+#: ../../index.rst:103
msgid "License"
msgstr "许可证"
-#: ../../index.rst:102
+#: ../../index.rst:105
msgid "Code and documentation are available according to the MIT License:"
msgstr "代码和文件皆使用MIT许可证:"
-#: ../../index.rst:107
+#: ../../index.rst:110
msgid ""
"The Bottle logo however is *NOT* covered by that license. It is allowed to "
"use the logo as a link to the bottle homepage or in direct context with the "
"unmodified library. In all other cases please ask first."
msgstr "然而,许可证 *不包含* Bottle的logo。logo用作指向Bottle主页的连接,或未修改过的类库。如要用于其它用途,请先请求许可。"
-#: ../../index.rst:112
+#: ../../index.rst:115
msgid "Footnotes"
msgstr "脚注"
-#: ../../index.rst:113
+#: ../../index.rst:116
msgid ""
"Usage of the template or server adapter classes requires the corresponding "
"template or server modules."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
index b7e1b05..15da64b 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/plugindev.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:06+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -234,8 +234,8 @@ msgid "rule"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugindev.rst:111
-msgid "The rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/:page``)."
-msgstr "route规则的字符串 (例如: ``/wiki/:page``)"
+msgid "The rule string (e.g. ``/wiki/<page>``)."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../plugindev.rst:112
msgid "method"
@@ -344,9 +344,9 @@ msgid ""
"different wrapper based on current needs, work with closures, or enable or "
"disable a plugin at runtime. Let's take the built-in HooksPlugin as an "
"example: If no hooks are installed, the plugin removes itself from all "
-"affected routes and has virtaully no overhead. As soon as you install the "
+"affected routes and has virtually no overhead. As soon as you install the "
"first hook, the plugin activates itself and takes effect again."
-msgstr "然而,为了性能考虑,也许值得根据当前需求,选择一个不同的封装,通过闭包,或在运行时使用、禁用一个插件。让我们拿内置的HooksPlugin作为一个例子(译者注:可在bottle.py搜索该实现):如果没有安装任何钩子,这个插件会从所有受影响的route中删除自身,不做任何工作。一旦你安装了第一个钩子,这个插件就会激活自身,再次工作。"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../plugindev.rst:143
msgid ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
index ca922ac..b10f289 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/plugins/index.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:05+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "在 :ref:`plugins` 查看常见的插件问题(安装,使用)。如果你计划开发一个新的插件, :doc:`/plugindev` 也许对你有帮助。"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:12
-msgid "Bottle-Beaker"
+msgid "`Bottle-Beaker <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:12
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ msgid "Beaker to session and caching library with WSGI Middleware"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:15
-msgid "Bottle-Cork"
+msgid "`Bottle-Cork <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:15
@@ -53,112 +53,188 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Cork插件基于Bottle,提供了一些简单的方法来实现Web应用的权限验证。"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:18
-msgid "Bottle-Extras"
+msgid "`Bottle-Cors-plugin <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:18
-msgid "Meta package to install the bottle plugin collection."
-msgstr "安装Bottle插件的集合"
+msgid ""
+"Cors-plugin is the easiest way to implement cors on your bottle web "
+msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:21
-msgid "Bottle-Flash"
+msgid "`Bottle-Extras <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:21
-msgid "flash plugin for bottle"
-msgstr "Bottle的flash插件"
+msgid "Meta package to install the bottle plugin collection."
+msgstr "安装Bottle插件的集合"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:24
-msgid "Bottle-Hotqueue"
+msgid "`Bottle-Flash <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:24
-msgid "FIFO Queue for Bottle built upon redis"
-msgstr "基于redis的FIFO队列服务"
+msgid "flash plugin for bottle"
+msgstr "Bottle的flash插件"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:27
-msgid "Macaron"
+msgid "`Bottle-Hotqueue <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:27
-msgid "Macaron is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for SQLite."
-msgstr "Macaron是用于SQLite的ORM"
+msgid "FIFO Queue for Bottle built upon redis"
+msgstr "基于redis的FIFO队列服务"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:30
-msgid "Bottle-Memcache"
+msgid "`Macaron <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:30
-msgid "Memcache integration for Bottle."
-msgstr "Memcache集成"
+msgid "Macaron is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for SQLite."
+msgstr "Macaron是用于SQLite的ORM"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:33
-msgid "Bottle-Mongo"
+msgid "`Bottle-Memcache <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:33
-msgid "MongoDB integration for Bottle"
-msgstr "MongoDB集成"
+msgid "Memcache integration for Bottle."
+msgstr "Memcache集成"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:36
-msgid "Bottle-Redis"
+msgid "`Bottle-Mongo <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:36
-msgid "Redis integration for Bottle."
-msgstr "Redis集成"
+msgid "MongoDB integration for Bottle"
+msgstr "MongoDB集成"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:39
-msgid "Bottle-Renderer"
+msgid "`Bottle-OAuthlib <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:39
-msgid "Renderer plugin for bottle"
-msgstr "Renderer插件"
+msgid "Adapter for oauthlib - create your own OAuth2.0 implementation"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:42
-msgid "Bottle-Servefiles"
+msgid "`Bottle-Redis <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:42
-msgid "A reusable app that serves static files for bottle apps"
-msgstr "一个可重用的APP,为Bottle应用提供静态文件服务。"
+msgid "Redis integration for Bottle."
+msgstr "Redis集成"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:45
-msgid "Bottle-Sqlalchemy"
+msgid "`Bottle-Renderer <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:45
-msgid "SQLAlchemy integration for Bottle."
-msgstr "SQLAlchemy集成"
+msgid "Renderer plugin for bottle"
+msgstr "Renderer插件"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:48
-msgid "Bottle-Sqlite"
+msgid "`Bottle-Servefiles <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:48
-msgid "SQLite3 database integration for Bottle."
-msgstr "SQLite3数据库集成"
+msgid "A reusable app that serves static files for bottle apps"
+msgstr "一个可重用的APP,为Bottle应用提供静态文件服务。"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:51
-msgid "Bottle-Web2pydal"
+msgid "`Bottle-Sqlalchemy <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:51
-msgid "Web2py Dal integration for Bottle."
-msgstr "Wbe2py的Dal集成"
+msgid "SQLAlchemy integration for Bottle."
+msgstr "SQLAlchemy集成"
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:54
-msgid "Bottle-Werkzeug"
+msgid "`Bottle-Sqlite <>`_"
msgstr ""
#: ../../plugins/index.rst:54
+msgid "SQLite3 database integration for Bottle."
+msgstr "SQLite3数据库集成"
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:57
+msgid "`Bottle-Web2pydal <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:57
+msgid "Web2py Dal integration for Bottle."
+msgstr "Wbe2py的Dal集成"
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:60
+msgid "`Bottle-Werkzeug <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:60
msgid ""
"Integrates the `werkzeug` library (alternative request and response objects,"
" advanced debugging middleware and more)."
msgstr "集成 `werkzeug` (可选的request和response对象,更高级的调试中间件等等)"
-#: ../../plugins/index.rst:56
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"`bottle-smart-filters <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:63
+msgid "Bottle Querystring smart guessing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:66
+msgid "`bottle-jwt <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:66
+msgid "JSON Web Token authentication plugin for"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:69
+msgid "`Bottle-jwt <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:69
+msgid "JWT integration for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:72
+msgid "`canister <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:72
+msgid "a bottle wrapper to provide logging, sessions and authentication"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:75
+msgid "`bottle-cerberus <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:75
+msgid "Cerberus integration for bottle"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:78
+msgid "`Bottle-errorsrest <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:78
+msgid "All errors generated from bottle are returned in json"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:82
+msgid "`Bottle-tools <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"Decorators that auto-supply function arguments using POST/query string data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../plugins/index.rst:84
msgid ""
"Plugins listed here are not part of Bottle or the Bottle project, but "
"developed and maintained by third parties."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
index 187dd18..dd0c92a 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/recipes.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:06+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -38,11 +38,22 @@ msgid ""
"yourself. Here is an example for beaker sessions with a file-based backend::"
msgstr "Bottle自身并没有提供Session的支持,因为在一个迷你框架里面,没有合适的方法来实现。根据需求和使用环境,你可以使用 beaker_ 中间件或自己来实现。下面是一个使用beaker的例子,Session数据存放在\"./data\"目录里面::"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:46
+#: ../../recipes.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: Beaker's SessionMiddleware is not thread safe. If two concurrent "
+"requests modify the same session at the same time, one of the updates might "
+"get lost. For this reason, sessions should only be populated once and "
+"treated as a read-only store after that. If you find yourself updating "
+"sessions regularly, and don't want to risk losing any updates, think about "
+"using a real database instead or seek alternative session middleware "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:49
msgid "Debugging with Style: Debugging Middleware"
msgstr "Debugging with Style: 调试中间件"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:48
+#: ../../recipes.rst:51
msgid ""
"Bottle catches all Exceptions raised in your app code to prevent your WSGI "
"server from crashing. If the built-in :func:`debug` mode is not enough and "
@@ -50,14 +61,14 @@ msgid ""
" this behaviour::"
msgstr "Bottle捕获所有应用抛出的异常,防止异常导致WSGI服务器崩溃。如果内置的 :func:`debug` 模式不能满足你的要求,你想在你自己写的中间件里面处理这些异常,那么你可以关闭这个功能。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:56
+#: ../../recipes.rst:59
msgid ""
"Now, bottle only catches its own exceptions (:exc:`HTTPError`, "
":exc:`HTTPResponse` and :exc:`BottleException`) and your middleware can "
"handle the rest."
msgstr "现在,Bottle仅会捕获并处理它自己抛出的异常( :exc:`HTTPError` , :exc:`HTTPResponse` 和 :exc:`BottleException` ),你的中间件可以处理剩下的那些异常。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:58
+#: ../../recipes.rst:61
msgid ""
"The werkzeug_ and paste_ libraries both ship with very powerful debugging "
"WSGI middleware. Look at :class:`werkzeug.debug.DebuggedApplication` for "
@@ -66,35 +77,41 @@ msgid ""
"code within the stack context, so **do not use them in production**."
msgstr "werkzeug_ 和 paste_ 这两个第三方库都提供了非常强大的调试中间件。如果是 werkzeug_ ,可看看 :class:`werkzeug.debug.DebuggedApplication` ,如果是 paste_ ,可看看 :class:`paste.evalexception.middleware.EvalException` 。它们都可让你检查运行栈,甚至在保持运行栈上下文的情况下,执行Python代码。所以 **不要在生产环境中使用它们** 。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:62
+#: ../../recipes.rst:65
msgid "Unit-Testing Bottle Applications"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:64
+#: ../../recipes.rst:67
msgid ""
"Unit-testing is usually performed against methods defined in your web "
"application without running a WSGI environment."
msgstr "Unit测试一般用于测试应用中的函数,但不需要一个WSGI环境。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:66
+#: ../../recipes.rst:69
msgid "A simple example using `Nose <>`_::"
msgstr "使用 `Nose <>`_ 的简单例子。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:77
+#: ../../recipes.rst:80 ../../recipes.rst:97
msgid "Test script::"
msgstr "测试代码::"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:84
+#: ../../recipes.rst:87
msgid ""
"In the example the Bottle route() method is never executed - only index() is"
" tested."
msgstr "在这个例子中,Bottle的route()函数没有被执行,仅测试了index()函数。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:88
+#: ../../recipes.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"If the code being tested requires access to ``bottle.request`` you can mock "
+"it using `Boddle <>`_::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../recipes.rst:108
msgid "Functional Testing Bottle Applications"
msgstr "功能测试"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:90
+#: ../../recipes.rst:110
msgid ""
"Any HTTP-based testing system can be used with a running WSGI server, but "
"some testing frameworks work more intimately with WSGI, and provide the "
@@ -103,64 +120,64 @@ msgid ""
"<>`_ is a good starting point."
msgstr "任何基于HTTP的测试系统都可用于测试WSGI服务器,但是有些测试框架与WSGI服务器工作得更好。它们可以在一个可控环境里运行WSGI应用,充分利用traceback和调试工具。 `Testing tools for WSGI <>`_ 是一个很好的上手工具。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:92
+#: ../../recipes.rst:112
msgid ""
"Example using `WebTest <>`_ and `Nose "
msgstr "使用 `WebTest <>`_ 和 `Nose <>`_ 的例子。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:112
+#: ../../recipes.rst:132
msgid "Embedding other WSGI Apps"
msgstr "嵌入其他WSGI应用"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:114
+#: ../../recipes.rst:134
msgid ""
"This is not the recommend way (you should use a middleware in front of "
"bottle to do this) but you can call other WSGI applications from within your"
" bottle app and let bottle act as a pseudo-middleware. Here is an example::"
msgstr "并不建议你使用这个方法,你应该在Bottle前面使用一个中间件来做这样的事情。但你确实可以在Bottle里面调用其他WSGI应用,让Bottle扮演一个中间件的角色。下面是一个例子。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:130
+#: ../../recipes.rst:150
msgid ""
"Again, this is not the recommend way to implement subprojects. It is only "
"here because many people asked for this and to show how bottle maps to WSGI."
msgstr "再次强调,并不建议使用这种方法。之所以介绍这种方法,是因为很多人问起,如何在Bottle中调用WSGI应用。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:134
+#: ../../recipes.rst:154
msgid "Ignore trailing slashes"
msgstr "忽略尾部的反斜杠"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:136
+#: ../../recipes.rst:156
msgid ""
"For Bottle, ``/example`` and ``/example/`` are two different routes [1]_. To"
" treat both URLs the same you can add two ``@route`` decorators::"
msgstr "在Bottle看来, ``/example`` 和 ``/example/`` 是两个不同的route [1]_ 。为了一致对待这两个URL,你应该添加两个route。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:142
+#: ../../recipes.rst:162
msgid "add a WSGI middleware that strips trailing slashes from all URLs::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:155
+#: ../../recipes.rst:175
msgid "or add a ``before_request`` hook to strip the trailing slashes::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../recipes.rst:162
+#: ../../recipes.rst:182
msgid "Footnotes"
msgstr "脚注"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:163
+#: ../../recipes.rst:183
msgid "Because they are. See <>"
msgstr "因为确实如此,见 <>"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:167
+#: ../../recipes.rst:187
msgid "Keep-alive requests"
msgstr "Keep-alive 请求"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:171
+#: ../../recipes.rst:191
msgid "For a more detailed explanation, see :doc:`async`."
msgstr "详见 :doc:`async` 。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:173
+#: ../../recipes.rst:193
msgid ""
"Several \"push\" mechanisms like XHR multipart need the ability to write "
"response data without closing the connection in conjunction with the "
@@ -172,74 +189,74 @@ msgid ""
" paste_ server::"
msgstr "像XHR这样的\"push\"机制,需要在HTTP响应头中加入 \"Connection: keep-alive\" ,以便在不关闭连接的情况下,写入响应数据。WSGI并不支持这种行为,但如果在Bottle中使用 gevent_ 这个异步框架,还是可以实现的。下面是一个例子,可配合 gevent_ HTTP服务器或 paste_ HTTP服务器使用(也许支持其他服务器,但是我没试过)。在run()函数里面使用 ``server='gevent'`` 或 ``server='paste'`` 即可使用这两种服务器。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:190
+#: ../../recipes.rst:210
msgid ""
"If you browse to ``http://localhost:8080/stream``, you should see 'START', "
"'MIDDLE', and 'END' show up one at a time (rather than waiting 8 seconds to "
"see them all at once)."
msgstr "通过浏览器访问 ``http://localhost:8080/stream`` ,可看到'START','MIDDLE',和'END'这三个字眼依次出现,一共用了8秒。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:193
+#: ../../recipes.rst:213
msgid "Gzip Compression in Bottle"
msgstr "Gzip压缩"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:196
+#: ../../recipes.rst:216
msgid "For a detailed discussion, see compression_"
msgstr "详见 compression_"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:198
+#: ../../recipes.rst:218
msgid ""
"A common feature request is for Bottle to support Gzip compression, which "
"speeds up sites by compressing static resources (like CSS and JS files) "
"during a request."
msgstr "Gzip压缩,可加速网站静态资源(例如CSS和JS文件)的访问。人们希望Bottle支持Gzip压缩,(但是不支持)......"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:200
+#: ../../recipes.rst:220
msgid ""
"Supporting Gzip compression is not a straightforward proposition, due to a "
"number of corner cases that crop up frequently. A proper Gzip implementation"
" must:"
msgstr "支持Gzip压缩并不简单,一个合适的Gzip实现应该满足以下条件。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:202
+#: ../../recipes.rst:222
msgid "Compress on the fly and be fast doing so."
msgstr "压缩速度要快"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:203
+#: ../../recipes.rst:223
msgid "Do not compress for browsers that don't support it."
msgstr "如果浏览器不支持,则不压缩"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:204
+#: ../../recipes.rst:224
msgid "Do not compress files that are compressed already (images, videos)."
msgstr "不压缩那些已经充分压缩的文件(图像,视频)"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:205
+#: ../../recipes.rst:225
msgid "Do not compress dynamic files."
msgstr "不压缩动态文件"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:206
+#: ../../recipes.rst:226
msgid "Support two differed compression algorithms (gzip and deflate)."
msgstr "支持两种压缩算法(gzip和deflate)"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:207
+#: ../../recipes.rst:227
msgid "Cache compressed files that don't change often."
msgstr "缓存那些不经常变化的压缩文件"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:208
+#: ../../recipes.rst:228
msgid "De-validate the cache if one of the files changed anyway."
msgstr "不验证缓存中那些已经变化的文件(De-validate the cache if one of the files changed anyway)"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:209
+#: ../../recipes.rst:229
msgid "Make sure the cache does not get to big."
msgstr "确保缓存不太大"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:210
+#: ../../recipes.rst:230
msgid ""
"Do not cache small files because a disk seek would take longer than on-the-"
"fly compression."
msgstr "不缓存小文件,因为寻道时间或许比压缩时间还长"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:212
+#: ../../recipes.rst:232
msgid ""
"Because of these requirements, it is the recommendation of the Bottle "
"project that Gzip compression is best handled by the WSGI server Bottle runs"
@@ -247,34 +264,34 @@ msgid ""
"that can be used to accomplish this."
msgstr "因为有上述种种限制,建议由WSGI服务器来处理Gzip压缩而不是Bottle。像 cherrypy_ 就提供了一个 GzipFilter_ 中间件来处理Gzip压缩。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:216
+#: ../../recipes.rst:236
msgid "Using the hooks plugin"
msgstr "使用钩子"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:218
+#: ../../recipes.rst:238
msgid ""
"For example, if you want to allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for the "
"content returned by all of your URL, you can use the hook decorator and "
"setup a callback function::"
msgstr "例如,你想提供跨域资源共享,可参考下面的例子。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:236
+#: ../../recipes.rst:256
msgid ""
"You can also use the ``before_request`` to take an action before every "
"function gets called."
msgstr "你也可以使用 ``before_request`` ,这样在route的回调函数被调用之前,都会调用你的钩子函数。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:241
+#: ../../recipes.rst:261
msgid "Using Bottle with Heroku"
msgstr "在Heroku中使用Bottle"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:243
+#: ../../recipes.rst:263
msgid ""
"Heroku_, a popular cloud application platform now provides support for "
"running Python applications on their infastructure."
msgstr "Heroku_ ,一个流行的云应用平台,提供Python支持。"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:246
+#: ../../recipes.rst:266
msgid ""
"This recipe is based upon the `Heroku Quickstart "
"<>`_, with Bottle specific "
@@ -284,7 +301,7 @@ msgid ""
"<>`_ guide::"
msgstr "这份教程基于 `Heroku Quickstart <>`_, 用Bottle特有的代码替换了 `Getting Started with Python on Heroku/Cedar <>`_ 中的`Write Your App <>`_ 这部分::"
-#: ../../recipes.rst:262
+#: ../../recipes.rst:282
msgid ""
"Heroku's app stack passes the port that the application needs to listen on "
"for requests, using the `os.environ` dictionary."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
index 0a53ac8..a080d2a 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/routing.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:06+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Thiago Avelino <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -95,15 +95,24 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../routing.rst:29
msgid ""
+"Is it possible to escape characters like colon ``:`` with a backslash "
+"``\\``. This will prevent to trigger the old syntax in case you need to use "
+"``:``. For example: the rule ``/<action>/item:<id>`` triggers the old "
+"syntax, (see below) but ``/action/item\\:<id>`` works as intended with the "
+"new syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../routing.rst:33
+msgid ""
"You can change the exact behaviour in many ways using filters. This is "
"described in the next section."
msgstr "你可通过过滤器来改变这一行为,稍后会介绍。"
-#: ../../routing.rst:32
+#: ../../routing.rst:36
msgid "Wildcard Filters"
msgstr "通配符过滤器"
-#: ../../routing.rst:36
+#: ../../routing.rst:40
msgid ""
"Filters are used to define more specific wildcards, and/or transform the "
"matched part of the URL before it is passed to the callback. A filtered "
@@ -111,31 +120,31 @@ msgid ""
"syntax for the optional config part depends on the filter used."
msgstr "过滤器被用于定义更特殊的通配符,可在URL中\"被匹配到的部分\"被传递给回调函数之前,处理其内容。可通过 ``<name:filter>`` 或 ``<name:filer:config>`` 这样的语句来声明一个过滤器。\"config\"部分的语法由被使用的过滤器决定。"
-#: ../../routing.rst:38
+#: ../../routing.rst:42
msgid "The following standard filters are implemented:"
msgstr "Bottle中已实现以下过滤器:"
-#: ../../routing.rst:40
+#: ../../routing.rst:44
msgid "**:int** matches (signed) digits and converts the value to integer."
msgstr "**:int** 匹配一个整形数,并将其转换为int"
-#: ../../routing.rst:41
+#: ../../routing.rst:45
msgid "**:float** similar to :int but for decimal numbers."
msgstr "**:float** 同上,匹配一个浮点数"
-#: ../../routing.rst:42
+#: ../../routing.rst:46
msgid ""
"**:path** matches all characters including the slash character in a non-"
"greedy way and may be used to match more than one path segment."
msgstr "**:path** 匹配所有字符,包括'/'"
-#: ../../routing.rst:43
+#: ../../routing.rst:47
msgid ""
"**:re[:exp]** allows you to specify a custom regular expression in the "
"config field. The matched value is not modified."
msgstr "**:re[:exp]** 允许在exp中写一个正则表达式"
-#: ../../routing.rst:45
+#: ../../routing.rst:49
msgid ""
"You can add your own filters to the router. All you need is a function that "
"returns three elements: A regular expression string, a callable to convert "
@@ -144,81 +153,81 @@ msgid ""
"parameter and may parse it as needed::"
msgstr "你可在route中添加自己写的过滤器。过滤器是一个有三个返回值的函数:一个正则表达式,一个callable的对象(转换URL片段为Python对象),另一个callable对象(转换Python对象为URL片段)。过滤器仅接受一个参数,就是设置字符串(译者注:例如re过滤器的exp部分)。"
-#: ../../routing.rst:71
+#: ../../routing.rst:75
msgid "Legacy Syntax"
msgstr "旧语法"
-#: ../../routing.rst:75
+#: ../../routing.rst:79
msgid ""
"The new rule syntax was introduce in **Bottle 0.10** to simplify some common"
" use cases, but the old syntax still works and you can find lot code "
"examples still using it. The differences are best described by example:"
msgstr "在 **Bottle 0.10** 版本中引入了新的语法,来简单化一些常见用例,但依然兼容旧的语法。新旧语法的区别如下。"
-#: ../../routing.rst:78
+#: ../../routing.rst:82
msgid "Old Syntax"
msgstr "旧语法"
-#: ../../routing.rst:78
+#: ../../routing.rst:82
msgid "New Syntax"
msgstr "新语法"
-#: ../../routing.rst:80
+#: ../../routing.rst:84
msgid "``:name``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:80
+#: ../../routing.rst:84
msgid "``<name>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:81
+#: ../../routing.rst:85
msgid "``:name#regexp#``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:81
+#: ../../routing.rst:85
msgid "``<name:re:regexp>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:82
+#: ../../routing.rst:86
msgid "``:#regexp#``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:82
+#: ../../routing.rst:86
msgid "``<:re:regexp>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:83
+#: ../../routing.rst:87
msgid "``:##``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:83
+#: ../../routing.rst:87
msgid "``<:re>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../routing.rst:86
+#: ../../routing.rst:90
msgid ""
"Try to avoid the old syntax in future projects if you can. It is not "
"currently deprecated, but will be eventually."
msgstr "请尽量在新项目中避免使用旧的语法,虽然它现在还没被废弃,但终究会的。"
-#: ../../routing.rst:91
+#: ../../routing.rst:95
msgid "Explicit routing configuration"
msgstr "显式的route配置"
-#: ../../routing.rst:93
+#: ../../routing.rst:97
msgid ""
"Route decorator can also be directly called as method. This way provides "
"flexibility in complex setups, allowing you to directly control, when and "
"how routing configuration done."
msgstr "route修饰器也可以直接当作函数来调用。在复杂的部署中,这种方法或许更灵活,直接由你来控制“何时”及“如何”配置route。"
-#: ../../routing.rst:95
+#: ../../routing.rst:99
msgid ""
"Here is a basic example of explicit routing configuration for default bottle"
" application::"
msgstr "下面是一个简单的例子"
-#: ../../routing.rst:101
+#: ../../routing.rst:105
msgid ""
"In fact, any :class:`Bottle` instance routing can be configured same way::"
msgstr "实际上,bottle可以是任何 :class:`Bottle` 类的实例"
diff --git a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
index 611eaaf..2f3df07 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/stpl.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:05+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -142,47 +142,55 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../stpl.rst:96
msgid ""
-"If you find yourself to escape a lot, consider using :ref:`custom tokens "
+"If you find yourself needing to escape a lot, consider using :ref:`custom "
+"tokens <stpl-custom-tokens>`."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:99
+#: ../../stpl.rst:98
+msgid ""
+"Note that ``%`` and ``<% %>`` work in *exactly* the same way. The latter is "
+"only a convenient way to type less and avoid clutter for longer code "
+"segments. This means that in ``<% %>`` blocks, all indented code must be "
+"terminated with an ``end``, as in the following example::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../stpl.rst:114
msgid "Whitespace Control"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:101
+#: ../../stpl.rst:116
msgid ""
"Code blocks and code lines always span the whole line. Whitespace in front "
"of after a code segment is stripped away. You won't see empty lines or "
"dangling whitespace in your template because of embedded code::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:109
+#: ../../stpl.rst:124
msgid "This snippet renders to clean and compact html::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:115
+#: ../../stpl.rst:130
msgid ""
"But embedding code still requires you to start a new line, which may not "
"what you want to see in your rendered template. To skip the newline in front"
" of a code segment, end the text line with a double-backslash::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:123
+#: ../../stpl.rst:138
msgid "This time the rendered template looks like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:127
+#: ../../stpl.rst:142
msgid ""
"This only works directly in front of code segments. In all other places you "
"can control the whitespace yourself and don't need any special syntax."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:130
+#: ../../stpl.rst:145
msgid "Template Functions"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:132
+#: ../../stpl.rst:147
msgid ""
"Each template is preloaded with a bunch of functions that help with the most"
" common use cases. These functions are always available. You don't have to "
@@ -191,20 +199,20 @@ msgid ""
"anything you want within your templates. They are python programs after all."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:136
+#: ../../stpl.rst:151
msgid ""
"Prior to this release, :func:`include` and :func:`rebase` were syntax "
"keywords, not functions."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:141
+#: ../../stpl.rst:156
msgid ""
"Render a sub-template with the specified variables and insert the resulting "
"text into the current template. The function returns a dictionary containing"
" the local variables passed to or defined within the sub-template::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:149
+#: ../../stpl.rst:164
msgid ""
"Mark the current template to be later included into a different template. "
"After the current template is rendered, its resulting text is stored in a "
@@ -213,11 +221,11 @@ msgid ""
"simulate the inheritance feature found in other template engines::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:154
+#: ../../stpl.rst:169
msgid "This can be combined with the following ``base.tpl``::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:166
+#: ../../stpl.rst:181
msgid ""
"Accessing undefined variables in a template raises :exc:`NameError` and "
"stops rendering immediately. This is standard python behavior and nothing "
@@ -226,32 +234,38 @@ msgid ""
"or use the same template in different situations. These functions may help:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../stpl.rst:174
+#: ../../stpl.rst:189
msgid ""
"Return True if the variable is defined in the current template namespace, "
"False otherwise."
msgstr "如果变量已定义则返回True,反之返回False。"
-#: ../../stpl.rst:179
+#: ../../stpl.rst:194
msgid "Return the variable, or a default value."
msgstr "返回该变量,或一个默认值"
-#: ../../stpl.rst:183
+#: ../../stpl.rst:198
msgid ""
"If the variable is not defined, create it with the given default value. "
"Return the variable."
msgstr "如果该变量未定义,则定义它,赋一个默认值,返回该变量"
-#: ../../stpl.rst:186
+#: ../../stpl.rst:201
msgid ""
"Here is an example that uses all three functions to implement optional "
"template variables in different ways::"
msgstr "下面是使用了这三个函数的例子,实现了模板中的可选参数。"
-#: ../../stpl.rst:200
+#: ../../stpl.rst:215
msgid ":class:`SimpleTemplate` API"
msgstr ":class:`SimpleTemplate` API"
+#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.SimpleTemplate.prepare:1
+msgid ""
+"Run preparations (parsing, caching, ...). It should be possible to call this"
+" again to refresh a template or to update settings."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../../bottle.pydocstring of bottle.SimpleTemplate.render:1
msgid "Render the template using keyword arguments as local variables."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
index feb4dba..fa91ad4 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:06+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "上面已经提及,Python中的字典类型(或其子类)会被自动转换为JSON字符串。返回给浏览器的时候,HTTP头的 ``Content-Type`` 字段被自动设置为 `` application/json`` 。可十分简单地实现基于JSON的API。Bottle同时支持json之外的数据类型,详见 :ref:`tutorial-output-filter` 。"
#: ../../tutorial.rst:273
-msgid "Empty Strings, False, None or other non-true values:"
+msgid "Empty Strings, ``False``, ``None`` or other non-true values:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:273
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Bottle将字符串当作一个整体来返回(而不是按字符来遍历),并根据字符串长度添加 ``Content-Length`` 字段。包含字节型字符串的列表先被合并。其它iterable的字节型字符串不会被合并,因为它们也许太大来,耗内存。在这种情况下, ``Content-Length`` 字段不会被设置。"
#: ../../tutorial.rst:282
-msgid "Instances of HTTPError or HTTPResponse"
+msgid "Instances of :exc:`HTTPError` or :exc:`HTTPResponse`"
msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:282
@@ -543,8 +543,8 @@ msgstr "你可以在第二个参数中提供另外的HTTP状态码。"
#: ../../tutorial.rst:365
msgid ""
"Both functions will interrupt your callback code by raising an "
-":exc:`HTTPError` exception."
-msgstr "这两个函数都会抛出 :exc:`HTTPError` 异常,终止回调函数的执行。"
+":exc:`HTTPResponse` exception."
+msgstr ""
#: ../../tutorial.rst:368
msgid "Other Exceptions"
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ msgid ""
"read :ref:`ahead <tutorial-cookies>`."
msgstr "请注意,这只是一个例子。如果你想使用cookie,详见 :ref:`ahead <tutorial-cookies>` 。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:403 ../../tutorial.rst:532
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:403 ../../tutorial.rst:533
msgid "Cookies"
msgstr ""
@@ -657,27 +657,34 @@ msgstr "**secure:** 只允许在HTTPS链接中访问cookie (默认: off)"
msgid ""
"**httponly:** Prevent client-side javascript to read this cookie (default:"
" off, requires Python 2.7 or newer)."
-msgstr "**httponly:** 防止客户端的javascript读取cookie (默认: off, 要求python 2.7或以上版本)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:423
+msgid ""
+"**same_site:** Disables third-party use for a cookie. Allowed attributes: "
+"`lax` and `strict`. In strict mode the cookie will never be sent. In lax "
+"mode the cookie is only sent with a top-level GET request."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:424
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:425
msgid ""
"If neither `expires` nor `max_age` is set, the cookie expires at the end of "
"the browser session or as soon as the browser window is closed. There are "
"some other gotchas you should consider when using cookies:"
msgstr "如果 `expires` 和 `max_age` 两个值都没设置,cookie会在当前的浏览器session失效或浏览器窗口关闭后失效。在使用cookie的时候,应该注意一下几个陷阱。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:426
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:427
msgid "Cookies are limited to 4 KB of text in most browsers."
msgstr "在大多数浏览器中,cookie的最大容量为4KB。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:427
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:428
msgid ""
"Some users configure their browsers to not accept cookies at all. Most "
"search engines ignore cookies too. Make sure that your application still "
"works without cookies."
msgstr "一些用户将浏览器设置为不接受任何cookie。大多数搜索引擎也忽略cookie。确保你的应用在无cookie的时候也能工作。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:428
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:429
msgid ""
"Cookies are stored at client side and are not encrypted in any way. Whatever"
" you store in a cookie, the user can read it. Worse than that, an attacker "
@@ -687,15 +694,15 @@ msgid ""
"cookies, too. Thus, never store confidential information in cookies."
msgstr "cookie被储存在客户端,也没被加密。你在cookie中储存的任何数据,用户都可以读取。更坏的情况下,cookie会被攻击者通过 `XSS <>`_ 偷走,一些已知病毒也会读取浏览器的cookie。既然如此,就不要在cookie中储存任何敏感信息。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:429
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:430
msgid "Cookies are easily forged by malicious clients. Do not trust cookies."
msgstr "cookie可以被伪造,不要信任cookie!"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:434
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:435
msgid "Signed Cookies"
msgstr "Cookie签名"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:435
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:436
msgid ""
"As mentioned above, cookies are easily forged by malicious clients. Bottle "
"can cryptographically sign your cookies to prevent this kind of "
@@ -705,7 +712,7 @@ msgid ""
"if the cookie is not signed or the signature keys don't match::"
msgstr "上面提到,cookie容易被客户端伪造。Bottle可通过加密cookie来防止此类攻击。你只需在读取和设置cookie的时候,通过 `secret` 参数来提供一个密钥。如果cookie未签名或密钥不匹配, :meth:`Request.get_cookie` 方法返回 ``None`` "
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:455
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:456
msgid ""
"In addition, Bottle automatically pickles and unpickles any data stored to "
"signed cookies. This allows you to store any pickle-able object (not only "
@@ -713,7 +720,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "例外,Bottle自动序列化储存在签名cookie里面的数据。你可在cookie中储存任何可序列化的对象(不仅仅是字符串),只要对象大小不超过4KB。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:457
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:458
msgid ""
"Signed cookies are not encrypted (the client can still see the content) and "
"not copy-protected (the client can restore an old cookie). The main "
@@ -721,11 +728,11 @@ msgid ""
"not to store secret information at client side."
msgstr "签名cookie在客户端不加密(译者注:即在客户端没有经过二次加密),也没有写保护(客户端可使用之前的cookie)。给cookie签名的主要意义在于在cookie中存储序列化对象和防止伪造cookie,依然不要在cookie中存储敏感信息。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:470
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:471
msgid "Request Data"
msgstr "请求数据 (Request Data)"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:472
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:473
msgid ""
"Cookies, HTTP header, HTML ``<form>`` fields and other request data is "
"available through the global :data:`request` object. This special object "
@@ -733,25 +740,25 @@ msgid ""
"where multiple client connections are handled at the same time::"
msgstr "可通过全局的 :data:`request` 对象来访问Cookies,HTTP头,HTML的 ``<form>`` 字段,以及其它的请求数据。这个特殊的对象总是指向 *当前* 的请求,即使在同时处理多个客户端连接的多线程情况下。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:481
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:482
msgid ""
"The :data:`request` object is a subclass of :class:`BaseRequest` and has a "
"very rich API to access data. We only cover the most commonly used features "
"here, but it should be enough to get started."
msgstr ":data:`request` 对象继承自 :class:`BaseRequest` ,提供了丰富的API来访问数据。虽然我们只介绍最常用的特性,也足够入门了。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:486
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:487
msgid "Introducing :class:`FormsDict`"
msgstr "介绍 :class:`FormsDict` "
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:488
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:489
msgid ""
"Bottle uses a special type of dictionary to store form data and cookies. "
":class:`FormsDict` behaves like a normal dictionary, but has some additional"
" features to make your life easier."
msgstr "Bottle使用了一个特殊的字典来储存表单数据和cookies。 :class:`FormsDict` 表现得像一个普通的字典,但提供了更方便的额外功能。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:490
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:491
msgid ""
"**Attribute access**: All values in the dictionary are also accessible as "
"attributes. These virtual attributes return unicode strings, even if the "
@@ -759,7 +766,7 @@ msgid ""
"empty, but still present::"
msgstr "**属性访问** :字典中所有的值都可以当做属性来访问。这些虚拟的属性返回unicode字符串。在字典中缺少对应的值,或unicode解码失败的情况下,属性返回的字符串为空。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:505
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:506
msgid ""
"**Multiple values per key:** :class:`FormsDict` is a subclass of "
":class:`MultiDict` and can store more than one value per key. The standard "
@@ -768,7 +775,7 @@ msgid ""
"values for a specific key::"
msgstr "**一个key对应多个value:** :class:`FormsDict` 是 :class:`MutilDict` 的子类,一个key可存储多个value。标准的字典访问方法只返回一个值,但 :meth:`~MultiDict.getall` 方法会返回一个包含了所有value的一个list(也许为空)。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:510
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:511
msgid ""
"**WTForms support:** Some libraries (e.g. `WTForms "
"<>`_) want all-unicode dictionaries as input."
@@ -777,7 +784,7 @@ msgid ""
"the other features."
msgstr "**WTForms支持:** 一些第三方库(例如 `WTForms <>`_ )希望输入中的所有字典都是unicode的。 :meth:`FormsDict.decode` 帮你做了这件事情。它将所有value重新编码,并返回原字典的一个拷贝,同时保留所有特性,例如一个key对应多个value。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:514
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:515
msgid ""
"In **Python 2** all keys and values are byte-strings. If you need unicode, "
"you can call :meth:`FormsDict.getunicode` or fetch values via attribute "
@@ -785,7 +792,7 @@ msgid ""
"empty string if that fails. No need to catch :exc:`UnicodeError`::"
msgstr "在 **Python2** 中,所有的key和value都是byte-string。如果你需要unicode,可使用 :meth:`FormsDict.getunicode` 方法或像访问属性那样访问。这两种方法都试着将字符串转码(默认: utf8),如果失败,将返回一个空字符串。无需捕获 :exc:`UnicodeError` 异常。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:521
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:522
msgid ""
"In **Python 3** all strings are unicode, but HTTP is a byte-based wire "
"protocol. The server has to decode the byte strings somehow before they are "
@@ -797,13 +804,13 @@ msgid ""
" not what you want."
msgstr "在 **Python3** 中,所有的字符串都是unicode。但HTTP是基于字节的协议,在byte-string被传给应用之前,服务器必须将其转码。安全起见,WSGI协议建议使用ISO-8859-1 (即是latin1),一个可反转的单字节编码,可被转换为其他编码。Bottle通过 :meth:`FormsDict.getunicode` 和属性访问实现了转码,但不支持字典形式的访问。通过字典形式的访问,将直接返回服务器返回的字符串,未经处理,这或许不是你想要的。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:528
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:529
msgid ""
"If you need the whole dictionary with correctly decoded values (e.g. for "
"WTForms), you can call :meth:`FormsDict.decode` to get a re-encoded copy."
msgstr "如果你整个字典包含正确编码后的值(e.g. for WTForms),可通过 :meth:`FormsDict.decode` 方法来获取一个转码后的拷贝(译者注:一个新的实例)。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:534
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:535
msgid ""
"Cookies are small pieces of text stored in the clients browser and sent back"
" to the server with each request. They are useful to keep some state around "
@@ -811,25 +818,25 @@ msgid ""
" for security related stuff. They can be easily forged by the client."
msgstr "Cookie是客户端浏览器存储的一些文本数据,在每次请求的时候发送回给服务器。Cookie被用于在多次请求间保留状态信息(HTTP本身是无状态的),但不应该用于保存安全相关信息。因为客户端很容易伪造Cookie。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:536
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:537
msgid ""
"All cookies sent by the client are available through "
":attr:`BaseRequest.cookies` (a :class:`FormsDict`). This example shows a "
"simple cookie-based view counter::"
msgstr "可通过 :attr:`BaseRequest.cookies` (一个 :class:`FormsDict`) 来访问所有客户端发来的Cookie。下面的是一个基于Cookie的访问计数。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:546
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:547
msgid ""
"The :meth:`BaseRequest.get_cookie` method is a different way do access "
"cookies. It supports decoding :ref:`signed cookies <tutorial-signed-"
"cookies>` as described in a separate section."
msgstr ":meth:`BaseRequest.get_cookie` 是访问cookie的另一种方法。它支持解析 :ref:`signed cookies <tutorial-signed-cookies>` 。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:549
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:550
msgid "HTTP Headers"
msgstr "HTTP头"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:551
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:552
msgid ""
"All HTTP headers sent by the client (e.g. ``Referer``, ``Agent`` or "
"``Accept-Language``) are stored in a :class:`WSGIHeaderDict` and accessible "
@@ -837,11 +844,11 @@ msgid ""
" is basically a dictionary with case-insensitive keys::"
msgstr "所有客户端发送过来的HTTP头(例如 ``Referer``, ``Agent`` 和 ``Accept-Language``)存储在一个 :class:`WSGIHeaderDict` 中,可通过 :attr:`BaseRequest.headers` 访问。 :class:`WSGIHeaderDict` 基本上是一个字典,其key大小写敏感。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:563
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:564
msgid "Query Variables"
msgstr "查询变量"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:565
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:566
msgid ""
"The query string (as in ``/forum?id=1&page=5``) is commonly used to transmit"
" a small number of key/value pairs to the server. You can use the "
@@ -850,17 +857,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "查询字符串(例如 ``/forum?id=1&page=5`` )一般用于向服务器传输键值对。你可通过 :attr:`BaseRequest.query` ( :class:`FormsDict` 类的实例) 来访问,和通过 :attr:`BaseRequest.query_string` 来获取整个字符串。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:578
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:579
msgid "HTML `<form>` Handling"
msgstr "处理HTML的 `<form>` 标签"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:580
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:581
msgid ""
"Let us start from the beginning. In HTML, a typical ``<form>`` looks "
"something like this:"
msgstr "让我们从头开始。在HTML中,一个典型的 ``<form>`` 标签看起来是这样的。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:590
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:591
msgid ""
"The ``action`` attribute specifies the URL that will receive the form data. "
"``method`` defines the HTTP method to use (``GET`` or ``POST``). With "
@@ -870,77 +877,77 @@ msgid ""
"in doubt, use ``POST`` forms."
msgstr "``action`` 属性指定了用于接收表单数据的URL, ``method`` 定义了使用的HTTP方法( ``GET`` 或 ``POST`` )。如果使用GET方法,表单中的数据会附加到URL后面,可通过 :attr:`BaseRequest.query` 来访问。这被认为是不安全的,且有其它限制。所以这里我们使用POST方法。如果有疑惑,就使用 ``POST`` 吧。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:592
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:593
msgid ""
"Form fields transmitted via ``POST`` are stored in :attr:`BaseRequest.forms`"
" as a :class:`FormsDict`. The server side code may look like this::"
msgstr "通过POST方法传输的表单字段,作为一个 :class:`FormsDict` 存储在 :attr:`BaseRequest.forms` 中。服务器端的代码看起来是这样的。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:615
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:616
msgid ""
"There are several other attributes used to access form data. Some of them "
"combine values from different sources for easier access. The following table"
" should give you a decent overview."
msgstr "有其它一些属性也可以用来访问表单数据。为了方便,一些属性包含了多个来源的数据。下面的表格可给你一个直观的印象。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr "属性"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "GET Form fields"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "POST Form fields"
msgstr "POST表单数据"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:618
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:619
msgid "File Uploads"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:620
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.query`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:620 ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:624
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:625 ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622 ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626 ../../tutorial.rst:626
msgid "yes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:620 ../../tutorial.rst:620 ../../tutorial.rst:621
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622 ../../tutorial.rst:622
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:624
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:621 ../../tutorial.rst:622
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:622 ../../tutorial.rst:623 ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624 ../../tutorial.rst:625 ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626
msgid "no"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:621
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:622
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.forms`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:622
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:623
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.files`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:623
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:624
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.params`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:624
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.GET`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:625
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:626
msgid ":attr:`BaseRequest.POST`"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:630
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:631
msgid "File uploads"
msgstr "文件上传"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:632
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:633
msgid ""
"To support file uploads, we have to change the ``<form>`` tag a bit. First, "
"we tell the browser to encode the form data in a different way by adding an "
@@ -949,14 +956,14 @@ msgid ""
"Here is an example:"
msgstr "为了支持文件上传,我们需要小改一下上面 ``<form>`` 标签,加上 ``enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"`` 属性,告诉浏览器用另一种方式编码表单数据。接下来,我们添加 ``<input type=\"file\" />`` 标签,让用户可以选择需要上传的文件。例子如下。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:642
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:643
msgid ""
"Bottle stores file uploads in :attr:`BaseRequest.files` as "
":class:`FileUpload` instances, along with some metadata about the upload. "
"Let us assume you just want to save the file to disk::"
msgstr "Bottle将上传的文件当做一个 :class:`FileUpload` 实例存储在 :attr:`BaseRequest.files` 中,伴随着一些这次上传的元数据。我们假设你仅是想把上传的文件保存到磁盘中。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:656
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:657
msgid ""
":attr:`FileUpload.filename` contains the name of the file on the clients "
"file system, but is cleaned up and normalized to prevent bugs caused by "
@@ -965,7 +972,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ":attr:`FileUpload.filename` 包含客户端传上来的文件的文件名,但为了防止异常字符带来的bug,这里的文件名已经被处理过。如果你需要未经改动的文件名,看看 :attr:`FileUpload.raw_filename` 。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:658
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:659
msgid ""
"The :attr:`` method is highly recommended if you want to "
"store the file to disk. It prevents some common errors (e.g. it does not "
@@ -974,22 +981,22 @@ msgid ""
":attr:`FileUpload.file`. Just be careful."
msgstr "如果你想将文件保存到磁盘,强烈建议你使用 :attr:`` 方法。它避免了一些常见的错误(例如,它不会覆盖已经存在的文件,除非你告诉它可以覆盖),并且更有效地使用内存。你可以通过 :attr:`FileUpload.file` 来直接访问文件对象,但是要谨慎。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:662
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:663
msgid "JSON Content"
msgstr "JSON内容"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:664
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:665
msgid ""
"Some JavaScript or REST clients send ``application/json`` content to the "
"server. The :attr:`BaseRequest.json` attribute contains the parsed data "
"structure, if available."
msgstr "一些JavaScript或支持REST的客户端会发送 ``application/json`` 内容给服务器。如果可用(合法的JSON), :attr:`BaseRequest.json` 会包含解析后的数据结构。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:668
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:669
msgid "The raw request body"
msgstr "原始的请求数据"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:670
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:671
msgid ""
"You can access the raw body data as a file-like object via "
":attr:`BaseRequest.body`. This is a :class:`BytesIO` buffer or a temporary "
@@ -999,24 +1006,24 @@ msgid ""
"unbuffered access to the stream, have a look at ``request['wsgi.input']``."
msgstr "你可以把 :attr:`BaseRequest.body` 当做一个file-like 对象来访问。根据内容的长度,以及 :attr:`BaseRequest.MEMFILE_MAX` 中的设置,它可以是一个 :class:`BytesIO` 缓存或一个磁盘上的临时文件。无论如何,它都是被缓存的。如果你无需缓存,想直接访问文件流,可看看 ``request['wsgi.input']`` 。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:675
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:676
msgid "WSGI Environment"
msgstr "WSGI环境"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:677
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:678
msgid ""
"Each :class:`BaseRequest` instance wraps a WSGI environment dictionary. The "
"original is stored in :attr:`BaseRequest.environ`, but the request object "
"itself behaves like a dictionary, too. Most of the interesting data is "
"exposed through special methods or attributes, but if you want to access "
-"`WSGI environ variables <WSGI specification>`_ directly, you can do so::"
-msgstr "每一个 :class:`BaseRequest` 类的实例都包含一个WSGI环境的字典。最初存储在 :attr:`BaseRequest.environ` 中,但request对象也表现的像一个字典。大多数有用的数据都通过特定的方法或属性暴露了出来,但如果你想直接访问 `WSGI环境变量 <WSGI specification>`_ ,可以这样做::"
+"`WSGI environ variables <WSGI_Specification>`_ directly, you can do so::"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:695
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:696
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "模板"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:697
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:698
msgid ""
"Bottle comes with a fast and powerful built-in template engine called "
":doc:`stpl`. To render a template you can use the :func:`template` function "
@@ -1025,7 +1032,7 @@ msgid ""
"arguments. Here’s a simple example of how to render a template::"
msgstr "Bottle内置了一个快速的,强大的模板引擎,称为 :doc:`stpl` 。可通过 :func:`template` 函数或 :func:`view` 修饰器来渲染一个模板。只需提供模板的名字和传递给模板的变量。下面是一个渲染模板的简单例子::"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:704
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:705
msgid ""
"This will load the template file ``hello_template.tpl`` and render it with "
"the ``name`` variable set. Bottle will look for templates in the "
@@ -1033,17 +1040,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "这会加载 ``hello_template.tpl`` 模板文件,并提供 ``name`` 变量。默认情况,Bottle会在 ``./views/`` 目录查找模板文件(译者注:或当前目录)。可在 ``bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH`` 这个列表中添加更多的模板路径。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:706
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:707
msgid ""
"The :func:`view` decorator allows you to return a dictionary with the "
"template variables instead of calling :func:`template`::"
msgstr ":func:`view` 修饰器允许你在回调函数中返回一个字典,并将其传递给模板,和 :func:`template` 函数做同样的事情。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:715
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:716
msgid "Syntax"
msgstr "语法"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:718
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:719
msgid ""
"The template syntax is a very thin layer around the Python language. Its "
"main purpose is to ensure correct indentation of blocks, so you can format "
@@ -1051,26 +1058,26 @@ msgid ""
" syntax description: :doc:`stpl`"
msgstr "模板语法类似于Python的语法。它要确保语句块的正确缩进,所以你在写模板的时候无需担心会出现缩进问题。详细的语法描述可看 :doc:`stpl` 。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:720
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:721
msgid "Here is an example template::"
msgstr "简单的模板例子::"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:731
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:732
msgid "Caching"
msgstr "缓存"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:732
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:733
msgid ""
"Templates are cached in memory after compilation. Modifications made to the "
"template files will have no affect until you clear the template cache. Call "
"``bottle.TEMPLATES.clear()`` to do so. Caching is disabled in debug mode."
msgstr "模板在经过编译后被缓存在内存里。你在修改模板文件后,要调用 ``bottle.TEMPLATES.clear()`` 函数清除缓存才能看到效果。在debug模式下,缓存被禁用了,无需手动清除缓存。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:742
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:743
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "插件"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:746
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:747
msgid ""
"Bottle's core features cover most common use-cases, but as a micro-framework"
" it has its limits. This is where \"Plugins\" come into play. Plugins add "
@@ -1078,7 +1085,7 @@ msgid ""
"just automate some repetitive work."
msgstr "Bottle的核心功能覆盖了常见的使用情况,但是作为一个迷你框架,它有它的局限性。所以我们引入了插件机制,插件可以给框架添加其缺少的功能,集成第三方的库,或是自动化一些重复性的工作。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:748
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:749
msgid ""
"We have a growing :doc:`/plugins/index` and most plugins are designed to be "
"portable and re-usable across applications. The chances are high that your "
@@ -1086,7 +1093,7 @@ msgid ""
"the :doc:`/plugindev` may help you."
msgstr "我们有一个不断增长的 :doc:`/plugins/index` 插件列表,大多数插件都被设计为可插拔的。有很大可能,你的问题已经被解决,而且已经有现成的插件可以使用了。如果没有现成的插件, :doc:`/plugindev` 有介绍如何开发一个插件。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:750
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:751
msgid ""
"The effects and APIs of plugins are manifold and depend on the specific "
"plugin. The ``SQLitePlugin`` plugin for example detects callbacks that "
@@ -1095,7 +1102,7 @@ msgid ""
"use a database::"
msgstr "插件扮演着各种各样的角色。例如, ``SQLitePlugin`` 插件给每个route的回调函数都添加了一个 ``db`` 参数,在回调函数被调用的时候,会新建一个数据库连接。这样,使用数据库就非常简单了。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:770
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:771
msgid ""
"Other plugin may populate the thread-safe :data:`local` object, change "
"details of the :data:`request` object, filter the data returned by the "
@@ -1104,11 +1111,11 @@ msgid ""
"the original callback. What happens exactly depends on the plugin."
msgstr "其它插件或许在线程安全的 :data:`local` 对象里面发挥作用,改变 :data:`request` 对象的细节,过滤回调函数返回的数据或完全绕开回调函数。举个例子,一个用于登录验证的插件会在调用原先的回调函数响应请求之前,验证用户的合法性,如果是非法访问,则返回登录页面而不是调用回调函数。具体的做法要看插件是如何实现的。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:774
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:775
msgid "Application-wide Installation"
msgstr "整个应用的范围内安装插件"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:776
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:777
msgid ""
"Plugins can be installed application-wide or just to some specific routes "
"that need additional functionality. Most plugins can safely be installed to "
@@ -1116,7 +1123,7 @@ msgid ""
" need their functionality."
msgstr "可以在整个应用的范围内安装插件,也可以只是安装给某些route。大多数插件都可安全地安装给所有route,也足够智能,可忽略那些并不需要它们的route。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:778
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:779
msgid ""
"Let us take the ``SQLitePlugin`` plugin for example. It only affects route "
"callbacks that need a database connection. Other routes are left alone. "
@@ -1124,13 +1131,13 @@ msgid ""
"additional overhead."
msgstr "让我们拿 ``SQLitePlugin`` 插件举例,它只会影响到那些需要数据库连接的route,其它route都被忽略了。正因为如此,我们可以放心地在整个应用的范围内安装这个插件。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:780
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:781
msgid ""
"To install a plugin, just call :func:`install` with the plugin as first "
msgstr "调用 :func:`install` 函数来安装一个插件::"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:785
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:786
msgid ""
"The plugin is not applied to the route callbacks yet. This is delayed to "
"make sure no routes are missed. You can install plugins first and add routes"
@@ -1139,17 +1146,17 @@ msgid ""
"database plugin first."
msgstr "插件没有马上应用到所有route上面,它被延迟执行来确保没有遗漏任何route。你可以先安装插件,再添加route。有时,插件的安装顺序很重要,如果另外一个插件需要连接数据库,那么你就需要先安装操作数据库的插件。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:789
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:790
msgid "Uninstall Plugins"
msgstr "卸载插件"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:790
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:791
msgid ""
"You can use a name, class or instance to :func:`uninstall` a previously "
"installed plugin::"
msgstr "调用 :func:`uninstall` 函数来卸载已经安装的插件"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:800
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:801
msgid ""
"Plugins can be installed and removed at any time, even at runtime while "
"serving requests. This enables some neat tricks (installing slow debugging "
@@ -1158,52 +1165,52 @@ msgid ""
" re-applied."
msgstr "在任何时候,插件都可以被安装或卸载,即使是在服务器正在运行的时候。一些小技巧应用到了这个特征,例如在需要的时候安装一些供debug和性能测试的插件,但不可滥用这个特性。每一次安装或卸载插件的时候,route缓存都会被刷新,所有插件被重新加载。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:803
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:804
msgid ""
"The module-level :func:`install` and :func:`uninstall` functions affect the "
":ref:`default-app`. To manage plugins for a specific application, use the "
"corresponding methods on the :class:`Bottle` application object."
msgstr "模块层面的 :func:`install` 和 :func:`unistall` 函数会影响 :ref:`default-app` 。针对应用来管理插件,可使用 :class:`Bottle` 应用对象的相应方法。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:807
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:808
msgid "Route-specific Installation"
msgstr "安装给特定的route"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:809
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:810
msgid ""
"The ``apply`` parameter of the :func:`route` decorator comes in handy if you"
" want to install plugins to only a small number of routes::"
msgstr ":func:`route` 修饰器的 ``apply`` 参数可以给指定的route安装插件"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:819
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:820
msgid "Blacklisting Plugins"
msgstr "插件黑名单"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:821
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:822
msgid ""
"You may want to explicitly disable a plugin for a number of routes. The "
":func:`route` decorator has a ``skip`` parameter for this purpose::"
msgstr "如果你想显式地在一些route上面禁用某些插件,可使用 :func:`route` 修饰器的 ``skip`` 参数::"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:843
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:844
msgid ""
"The ``skip`` parameter accepts a single value or a list of values. You can "
"use a name, class or instance to identify the plugin that is to be skipped. "
"Set ``skip=True`` to skip all plugins at once."
msgstr "``skip`` 参数接受单一的值或是一个list。你可使用插件的名字,类,实例来指定你想要禁用的插件。如果 ``skip`` 的值为True,则禁用所有插件。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:846
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:847
msgid "Plugins and Sub-Applications"
msgstr "插件和子应用"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:848
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:849
msgid ""
"Most plugins are specific to the application they were installed to. "
"Consequently, they should not affect sub-applications mounted with "
":meth:`Bottle.mount`. Here is an example::"
msgstr "大多数插件只会影响到安装了它们的应用。因此,它们不应该影响通过 :meth:`Bottle.mount` 方法挂载上来的子应用。这里有一个例子。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:859
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:860
msgid ""
"Whenever you mount an application, Bottle creates a proxy-route on the main-"
"application that forwards all requests to the sub-application. Plugins are "
@@ -1212,13 +1219,13 @@ msgid ""
"affect the routes of the ``/blog`` sub-application."
msgstr "在你挂载一个应用的时候,Bottle在主应用上面创建一个代理route,将所有请求转接给子应用。在代理route上,默认禁用了插件。如上所示,我们的 ``WTForms`` 插件影响了 ``/contact`` route,但不会影响挂载在root上面的 ``/blog`` 。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:861
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:862
msgid ""
"This behavior is intended as a sane default, but can be overridden. The "
"following example re-activates all plugins for a specific proxy-route::"
msgstr "这个是一个合理的行为,但可被改写。下面的例子,在指定的代理route上面应用了插件。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:865
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:866
msgid ""
"But there is a snag: The plugin sees the whole sub-application as a single "
"route, namely the proxy-route mentioned above. In order to affect each "
@@ -1226,21 +1233,21 @@ msgid ""
"the mounted application explicitly."
msgstr "这里存在一个小难题: 插件会整个子应用当作一个route看待,即是上面提及的代理route。如果想在子应用的每个route上面应用插件,你必须显式地在子应用上面安装插件。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:870
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:871
msgid "Development"
msgstr "开发"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:872
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:873
msgid ""
"So you have learned the basics and want to write your own application? Here "
-"are some tips that might help you beeing more productive."
+"are some tips that might help you being more productive."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:878
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:879
msgid "Default Application"
msgstr "默认应用"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:880
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:881
msgid ""
"Bottle maintains a global stack of :class:`Bottle` instances and uses the "
"top of the stack as a default for some of the module-level functions and "
@@ -1248,7 +1255,7 @@ msgid ""
"calling :meth:`Bottle.route` on the default application::"
msgstr "Bottle维护一个全局的 :class:`Bottle` 实例的栈,模块层面的函数和修饰器使用栈顶实例作为默认应用。例如 :func:`route` 修饰器,相当于在默认应用上面调用了 :meth:`Bottle.route` 方法。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:888
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:889
msgid ""
"This is very convenient for small applications and saves you some typing, "
"but also means that, as soon as your module is imported, routes are "
@@ -1257,28 +1264,28 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:898
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:899
msgid ""
"Separating the application object improves re-usability a lot, too. Other "
"developers can safely import the ``app`` object from your module and use "
":meth:`Bottle.mount` to merge applications together."
msgstr "分离应用对象,大大提高了可重用性。其他开发者可安全地从你的应用中导入 ``app`` 对象,然后通过 :meth:`Bottle.mount` 方法来合并到其它应用中。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:903
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:904
msgid ""
"Starting with bottle-0.13 you can use :class:`Bottle` instances as context "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:928
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:929
msgid "Debug Mode"
msgstr "调试模式"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:930
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:931
msgid "During early development, the debug mode can be very helpful."
msgstr "在开发的早期阶段,调试模式非常有用。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:938
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:939
msgid ""
"In this mode, Bottle is much more verbose and provides helpful debugging "
"information whenever an error occurs. It also disables some optimisations "
@@ -1286,31 +1293,31 @@ msgid ""
" misconfiguration."
msgstr "在调试模式下,当错误发生的时候,Bottle会提供更多的调试信息。同时禁用一些可能妨碍你的优化措施,检查你的错误设置。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:940
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:941
msgid "Here is an incomplete list of things that change in debug mode:"
msgstr "下面是调试模式下会发生改变的东西,但这份列表不完整:"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:942
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:943
msgid "The default error page shows a traceback."
msgstr "默认的错误页面会打印出运行栈。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:943
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:944
msgid "Templates are not cached."
msgstr "模板不会被缓存。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:944
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:945
msgid "Plugins are applied immediately."
msgstr "插件马上生效。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:946
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:947
msgid "Just make sure not to use the debug mode on a production server."
msgstr "请确保不要在生产环境中使用调试模式。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:949
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:950
msgid "Auto Reloading"
msgstr "自动加载"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:951
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:952
msgid ""
"During development, you have to restart the server a lot to test your recent"
" changes. The auto reloader can do this for you. Every time you edit a "
@@ -1318,14 +1325,14 @@ msgid ""
"version of your code."
msgstr "在开发的时候,你需要不断地重启服务器来验证你最新的改动。自动加载功能可以替你做这件事情。在你编辑完一个模块文件后,它会自动重启服务器进程,加载最新版本的代码。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:961
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:962
msgid ""
"How it works: the main process will not start a server, but spawn a new "
"child process using the same command line arguments used to start the main "
"process. All module-level code is executed at least twice! Be careful."
msgstr "它的工作原理,主进程不会启动服务器,它使用相同的命令行参数,创建一个子进程来启动服务器。请注意,所有模块级别的代码都被执行了至少两次。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:966
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:967
msgid ""
"The child process will have ``os.environ['BOTTLE_CHILD']`` set to ``True`` "
"and start as a normal non-reloading app server. As soon as any of the loaded"
@@ -1334,7 +1341,7 @@ msgid ""
"debug mode to deactivate template caching."
msgstr "子进程中 ``os.environ['BOOTLE_CHILD']`` 变量的值被设为 ``True`` ,它运行一个不会自动加载的服务器。在代码改变后,主进程会终止掉子进程,并创建一个新的子进程。更改模板文件不会触发自动重载,请使用debug模式来禁用模板缓存。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:972
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:973
msgid ""
"The reloading depends on the ability to stop the child process. If you are "
"running on Windows or any other operating system not supporting "
@@ -1343,21 +1350,21 @@ msgid ""
"finally clauses, etc., are not executed after a ``SIGTERM``."
msgstr "自动加载需要终止子进程。如果你运行在Windows等不支持 ``signal.SIGINT`` (会在Python中raise ``KeyboardInterrupt`` 异常)的系统上,会使用 ``signal.SIGTERM`` 来杀掉子进程。在子进程被 ``SIGTERM`` 杀掉的时候,exit handlers和finally等语句不会被执行。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:980
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:981
msgid "Command Line Interface"
msgstr "命令行接口"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:984
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:985
msgid "Starting with version 0.10 you can use bottle as a command-line tool:"
msgstr "从0.10版本开始,你可像一个命令行工具那样使用Bottle:"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1008
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1009
msgid ""
"The `ADDRESS` field takes an IP address or an IP:PORT pair and defaults to "
"``localhost:8080``. The other parameters should be self-explanatory."
msgstr "`ADDRESS` 参数接受一个IP地址或IP:端口,其默认为 ``localhost:8080`` 。其它参数都很好地自我解释了。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1010
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1011
msgid ""
"Both plugins and applications are specified via import expressions. These "
"consist of an import path (e.g. ``package.module``) and an expression to be "
@@ -1365,52 +1372,52 @@ msgid ""
":func:`load` for details. Here are some examples:"
msgstr "插件和应用都通过一个导入表达式来指定。包含了导入的路径(例如: ``package.module`` )和模块命名空间内的一个表达式,两者用\":\"分开。下面是一个简单例子,详见 :func:`load` 。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1031
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1032
msgid "Deployment"
msgstr "部署"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1033
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1034
msgid ""
"Bottle runs on the built-in `wsgiref WSGIServer "
" by default. This non-threading HTTP server is perfectly fine for "
-"development and early production, but may become a performance bottleneck "
-"when server load increases."
-msgstr "Bottle默认运行在内置的 `wsgiref <>`_ 服务器上面。这个单线程的HTTP服务器在开发的时候特别有用,但其性能低下,在服务器负载不断增加的时候也许会是性能瓶颈。"
+"development, but may become a performance bottleneck when server load "
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1035
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1036
msgid ""
"The easiest way to increase performance is to install a multi-threaded "
"server library like paste_ or cherrypy_ and tell Bottle to use that instead "
"of the single-threaded server::"
msgstr "最早的解决办法是让Bottle使用 paste_ 或 cherrypy_ 等多线程的服务器。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1039
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1040
msgid ""
"This, and many other deployment options are described in a separate article:"
" :doc:`deployment`"
msgstr "在 :doc:`deployment` 章节中,会介绍更多部署的选择。"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1047
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1048
msgid "Glossary"
msgstr "词汇表"
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1050
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1051
msgid "callback"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1052
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1053
msgid ""
"Programmer code that is to be called when some external action happens. In "
"the context of web frameworks, the mapping between URL paths and application"
" code is often achieved by specifying a callback function for each URL."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1056
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1057
msgid "decorator"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1058
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1059
msgid ""
"A function returning another function, usually applied as a function "
"transformation using the ``@decorator`` syntax. See `python documentation "
@@ -1419,11 +1426,11 @@ msgid ""
"about decorators."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1059
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1060
msgid "environ"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1061
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1062
msgid ""
"A structure where information about all documents under the root is saved, "
"and used for cross-referencing. The environment is pickled after the "
@@ -1431,22 +1438,22 @@ msgid ""
"changed documents."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1065
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1066
msgid "handler function"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1067
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1068
msgid ""
"A function to handle some specific event or situation. In a web framework, "
"the application is developed by attaching a handler function as callback for"
" each specific URL comprising the application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1070
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1071
msgid "source directory"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial.rst:1072
+#: ../../tutorial.rst:1073
msgid ""
"The directory which, including its subdirectories, contains all source files"
" for one Sphinx project."
diff --git a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
index d1c647d..e002767 100644
--- a/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
+++ b/docs/_locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/tutorial_app.po
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Marcel Hellkamp
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Marcel Hellkamp
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Bottle package.
# Translators:
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bottle\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-19 14:15+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-13 21:06+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: defnull <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-31 18:35+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-31 17:35+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thiago Avelino <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ msgstr ""
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:20
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:19
msgid "Tutorial: Todo-List Application"
msgstr "Tutorial: Todo-List 应用"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:24
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:23
msgid ""
-"This tutorial is a work in progess and written by `noisefloor "
+"This tutorial is a work in progress and written by `noisefloor "
-msgstr "这份教程是 `noisefloor <>`_ 编写的,并在不断完善中。"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:27
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:26
msgid ""
"This tutorial should give a brief introduction to the Bottle_ WSGI "
"Framework. The main goal is to be able, after reading through this tutorial,"
@@ -37,19 +37,19 @@ msgid ""
"POST parameters."
msgstr "这份教程简单介绍了Bottle框架,目的是让你看完后能在项目中使用Bottle。它没有涵盖所有东西,但介绍了URL映射,模板,处理GET/POST请求等基础知识。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:29
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:28
msgid ""
"To understand the content here, it is not necessary to have a basic "
"knowledge of WSGI, as Bottle tries to keep WSGI away from the user anyway. "
"You should have a fair understanding of the Python_ programming language. "
"Furthermore, the example used in the tutorial retrieves and stores data in a"
-" SQL databse, so a basic idea about SQL helps, but is not a must to "
+" SQL database, so a basic idea about SQL helps, but is not a must to "
"understand the concepts of Bottle. Right here, SQLite_ is used. The output "
"of Bottle sent to the browser is formatted in some examples by the help of "
"HTML. Thus, a basic idea about the common HTML tags does help as well."
-msgstr "读懂这份教程,你不需要事先了解WSGI标准,Bottle也一直避免用户直接接触WSGI标准。但你需要了解 Python_ 这门语言。更进一步,这份教程中的例子需要从SQL数据库中读写数据,所以事先了解一点SQL知识是很有帮助的。例子中使用了 SQLite_ 来保存数据。因为是网页应用,所以事先了解一点HTML的知识也很有帮助。"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:31
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:30
msgid ""
"For the sake of introducing Bottle, the Python code \"in between\" is kept "
"short, in order to keep the focus. Also all code within the tutorial is "
@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ msgid ""
"protect the database with a password, test and escape the input etc."
msgstr "作为一份教程,我们的代码尽可能做到了简明扼要。尽管教程中的代码能够工作,但是我们还是不建议你在公共服务器中使用教程中的代码。如果你想要这样做,你应该添加足够的错误处理,并且加密你的数据库,处理用户的输入。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:0
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:32
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:36
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:35
msgid "Goals"
msgstr "目标"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:38
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:37
msgid ""
"At the end of this tutorial, we will have a simple, web-based ToDo list. The"
" list contains a text (with max 100 characters) and a status (0 for closed, "
@@ -74,68 +74,68 @@ msgid ""
"can be view and edited and new items can be added."
msgstr "在这份教程结束的时候,我们将完成一个简单的,基于Web的ToDo list(待办事项列表)。列表中的每一个待办事项都包含一条文本(最长100个字符)和一个状态(0表示关闭,1表示开启)。通过网页,已开启的待办事项可以被查看和编辑,可添加待办事项到列表中。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:40
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:39
msgid ""
"During development, all pages will be available on ``localhost`` only, but "
"later on it will be shown how to adapt the application for a \"real\" "
"server, including how to use with Apache's mod_wsgi."
msgstr "在开发过程中,所有的页面都只可以通过 ``localhost`` 来访问,完了会介绍如何将应用部署到\"真实\"服务器的服务器上面,包括使用mod_wsgi来部署到Apache服务器上面。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:42
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:41
msgid ""
"Bottle will do the routing and format the output, with the help of "
"templates. The items of the list will be stored inside a SQLite database. "
"Reading and writing the database will be done by Python code."
msgstr "Bottle会负责URL映射,通过模板来输出页面。待办事项列表被存储在一个SQLite数据库中,通过Python代码来读写数据库。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:44
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:43
msgid ""
"We will end up with an application with the following pages and "
msgstr "我们会完成以下页面和功能:"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:46
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:45
msgid "start page ``http://localhost:8080/todo``"
msgstr "首页 ``http://localhost:8080/todo``"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:47
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:46
msgid "adding new items to the list: ``http://localhost:8080/new``"
msgstr "添加待办事项: ``http://localhost:8080/new``"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:48
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:47
msgid "page for editing items: ``http://localhost:8080/edit/<no:int>``"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:49
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:48
msgid "catching errors"
msgstr "捕获错误"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:52
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:51
msgid "Before We Start..."
msgstr "开始之前..."
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:56
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:55
msgid "Install Bottle"
msgstr "安装Bottle"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:57
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:56
msgid ""
"Assuming that you have a fairly new installation of Python (version 2.5 or "
"higher), you only need to install Bottle in addition to that. Bottle has no "
"other dependencies than Python itself."
msgstr "假设你已经安装好了Python (2.5或更改版本),接下来你只需要下载Bottle就行了。除了Python标准库,Bottle没有其他依赖。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:59
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:58
msgid ""
"You can either manually install Bottle or use Python's easy_install: "
"``easy_install bottle``"
msgstr "你可通过Python的esay_install命令来安装Bottle: ``easy_install bottle``"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:63
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:62
msgid "Further Software Necessities"
msgstr "其它软件"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:64
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:63
msgid ""
"As we use SQLite3 as a database, make sure it is installed. On Linux "
"systems, most distributions have SQLite3 installed by default. SQLite is "
@@ -143,18 +143,18 @@ msgid ""
"of the python standard library."
msgstr "因为我们使用SQLite3来做数据库,请确保它已安装。如果是Linux系统,大多数的发行版已经默认安装了SQLite3。SQLite同时可工作在Windows系统和MacOS X系统上面。Pyhton标准库中,已经包含了 `sqlite3` 模块。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:67
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:66
msgid "Create An SQL Database"
msgstr "创建一个SQL数据库"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:68
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:67
msgid ""
"First, we need to create the database we use later on. To do so, save the "
"following script in your project directory and run it with python. You can "
"use the interactive interpreter too::"
msgstr "首先,我们需要先创建一个数据库,稍后会用到。在你的项目文件夹执行以下脚本即可,你也可以在Python解释器逐条执行。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:79
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:78
msgid ""
"This generates a database-file `todo.db` with tables called ``todo`` and "
"three columns ``id``, ``task``, and ``status``. ``id`` is a unique id for "
@@ -164,22 +164,22 @@ msgid ""
"closed (value 0)."
msgstr "现在,我们已经创建了一个名字为 `todo.db` 的数据库文件,数据库中有一张名为 ``todo`` 的表,表中有 ``id`` , ``task`` , 及 ``status`` 这三列。每一行的 ``id`` 都是唯一的,稍后会根据id来获取数据。 ``task`` 用于保存待办事项的文本,最大长度为100个字符。最后 ``status`` 用于标明待办事项的状态,0为开启,1为关闭。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:82
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:81
msgid "Using Bottle for a Web-Based ToDo List"
msgstr "基于Bottle的待办事项列表"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:84
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:83
msgid ""
"Now it is time to introduce Bottle in order to create a web-based "
"application. But first, we need to look into a basic concept of Bottle: "
msgstr "为了创建我们的Web应用,我们先来介绍一下Bottle框架。首先,我们需要了解Bottle中的route,即URL映射。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:88
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:87
msgid "Understanding routes"
msgstr "route URL映射"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:89
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:88
msgid ""
"Basically, each page visible in the browser is dynamically generated when "
"the page address is called. Thus, there is no static content. That is "
@@ -190,24 +190,24 @@ msgid ""
"execute the corresponding Python code and return its result."
msgstr "基本上,浏览器访问的每一页面都是动态生成的。Bottle通过route,将浏览器访问的URL映射到具体的Python函数。例如,在我们访问 ``http://localhost:8080/todo`` 的时候,Bottle会查找 ``todo`` 这个route映射到了哪个函数上面,接着调用该函数来响应浏览器请求。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:93
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:92
msgid "First Step - Showing All Open Items"
msgstr "第一步 - 显示所有已开启的待办事项"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:94
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:93
msgid ""
"So, after understanding the concept of routes, let's create the first one. "
"The goal is to see all open items from the ToDo list::"
msgstr "在我们了解什么是route后,让我们来试着写一个。访问它即可查看所有已开启的待办事项 ::"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:109
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:108
msgid ""
"Save the code a ````, preferably in the same directory as the file "
"``todo.db``. Otherwise, you need to add the path to ``todo.db`` in the "
"``sqlite3.connect()`` statement."
msgstr "将上面的代码保存为 ```` ,放到 ``todo.db`` 文件所在的目录。如果你想将它们分开放,则需要在 ``sqlite3.connect()`` 函数中写上 ``todo.db`` 文件的路径。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:111
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:110
msgid ""
"Let's have a look what we just did: We imported the necessary module "
"``sqlite3`` to access to SQLite database and from Bottle we imported "
@@ -223,19 +223,19 @@ msgid ""
"``todo_list()``. That is how routing within bottle works."
msgstr "来看看我们写的代码。导入了必须的 ``sqlite3`` 模块,从Bottle中导入 ``route`` 和 ``run`` 。``run()`` 函数启动了Bottle的内置开发服务器,默认情况下,开发服务器在监听本地的8080端口。``route`` 是Bottle实现URL映射功能的修饰器。你可以看到,我们定义了一个 ``todo_list()`` 函数,读取了数据库中的数据。然后我们使用 ``@route('/todo')`` 来将 ``todo_list()`` 函数和``todo`` 这个route绑定在一起。每一次浏览器访问 ``http://localhost:8080/todo`` 的时候,Bottle都会调用 ``todo_list()`` 函数来响应请求,并返回页面,这就是route的工作方式了。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:113
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:112
msgid ""
"Actually you can bind more than one route to a function. So the following "
msgstr "事实上,你可以给一个函数添加多个route。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:120
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:119
msgid ""
"will work fine, too. What will not work is to bind one route to more than "
"one function."
msgstr "这样是正确的。但是反过来,你不能将一个route和多个函数绑定在一起。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:122
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:121
msgid ""
"What you will see in the browser is what is returned, thus the value given "
"by the ``return`` statement. In this example, we need to convert ``result`` "
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ msgid ""
"list of tuples, which is the standard defined by the `Python DB API`_."
msgstr "你在浏览器中看到的即是你在 ``todo_list()`` 函数中返回的页面。在这个例子中,我们通过 ``str()`` 函数将结果转换成字符串,因为Bottle期望函数的返回值是一个字符串或一个字符串的列表。但 `Python DB API`_ 中规定了,数据库查询的返回值是一个元组的列表。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:124
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:123
msgid ""
"Now, after understanding the little script above, it is time to execute it "
"and watch the result yourself. Remember that on Linux- / Unix-based systems "
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "现在,我们已经了解上面的代码是如何工作的,是时候运行它来看看效果了。记得在Linux或Unix系统中, ```` 文件需要标记为可执行(译者注:没有必要)。然后,通过 ``python`` 命令来执行该脚本,接着用浏览器访问 ``http://localhost:8080/todo`` 来看看效果。如果代码没有写错,你应该会在页面看到以下输出 ::"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:128
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:127
msgid ""
"If so - congratulations! You are now a successful user of Bottle. In case it"
" did not work and you need to make some changes to the script, remember to "
@@ -262,23 +262,23 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "如果是这样,那么恭喜你!如果出现错误,那么你需要检查代码时候写错,修改完后记得重启HTTP服务器,要不新的版本不会生效。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:130
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:129
msgid ""
"Actually, the output is not really exciting nor nice to read. It is the raw "
"result returned from the SQL query."
msgstr "实际上,这个输出很难看,只是SQL查询的结果。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:132
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:131
msgid ""
"So, in the next step we format the output in a nicer way. But before we do "
"that, we make our life easier."
msgstr "所以,下一步我们会把它变得更好看。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:136
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:135
msgid "Debugging and Auto-Reload"
msgstr "调试和自动加载"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:137
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:136
msgid ""
"Maybe you already noticed that Bottle sends a short error message to the "
"browser in case something within the script is wrong, e.g. the connection to"
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ msgid ""
"statement to the script::"
msgstr "或许你已经注意到了,如果代码出错的话,Bottle会在页面上显示一个简短的错误信息。例如,连接数据库失败。为了方便调试, 我们希望错误信息更加具体,可加上以下语句。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:145
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:144
msgid ""
"By enabling \"debug\", you will get a full stacktrace of the Python "
"interpreter, which usually contains useful information for finding bugs. "
@@ -295,42 +295,42 @@ msgid ""
" will take effect without stopping the server."
msgstr "开启调试模式后,出错时页面会打印出完整的Python运行栈。另外,在调试模式下,模板也不会被缓存,任何对模板的修改会马上生效,而不用重启服务器。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:149
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:148
msgid ""
"That ``debug(True)`` is supposed to be used for development only, it should "
"*not* be used in production environments."
msgstr "``debug(True)`` 是为开发时的调试服务的, *不应* 在生产环境中开启调试模式。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:153
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:152
msgid ""
"Another quite nice feature is auto-reloading, which is enabled by modifying "
"the ``run()`` statement to"
msgstr "另外一个十分有用的功能是自动加载,可修改 ``run()`` 语句来开启。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:159
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:158
msgid ""
"This will automatically detect changes to the script and reload the new "
"version once it is called again, without the need to stop and start the "
msgstr "这样会自动检测对脚本的修改,并自动重启服务器来使其生效。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:161
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:160
msgid ""
"Again, the feature is mainly supposed to be used while developing, not on "
"production systems."
msgstr "同上,这个功能并不建议在生产环境中使用。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:165
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:164
msgid "Bottle Template To Format The Output"
msgstr "使用模板来格式化输出"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:166
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:165
msgid ""
"Now let's have a look at casting the output of the script into a proper "
msgstr "现在我们试着格式化脚本的输出,使其更适合查看。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:168
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:167
msgid ""
"Actually Bottle expects to receive a string or a list of strings from a "
"function and returns them by the help of the built-in server to the browser."
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ msgid ""
" text formatted with HTML markup, too."
msgstr "实际上,Bottle期望route的回调函数返回一个字符串或一个字符串列表,通过内置的HTTP服务器将其返回给浏览器。Bottle不关心字符串的内容,所以我们可以将其格式化成HTML格式。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:170
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:169
msgid ""
"Bottle brings its own easy-to-use template engine with it. Templates are "
"stored as separate files having a ``.tpl`` extension. The template can be "
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ msgid ""
" query, which will be then formatted nicely within the template."
msgstr "Bottle内置了独创的模板引擎。模板是后缀名为 ``.tpl`` 的文本文件。模板的内容混合着HTML标签和Python语句,模板也可以接受参数。例如数据库的查询结果,我们可以在模板内将其漂亮地格式化。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:172
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:171
msgid ""
"Right here, we are going to cast the result of our query showing the open "
"ToDo items into a simple table with two columns: the first column will "
@@ -356,11 +356,11 @@ msgid ""
"as seen above, a list of tuples, each tuple contains one set of results."
msgstr "接下来,我们要将数据库的查询结果格式化为一个两列的表格。表格的第一列为待办事项的ID,第二列为待办事项的内容。查询结果是一个元组的列表,列表中的每个元组后包含一个结果。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:174
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:173
msgid "To include the template in our example, just add the following lines::"
msgstr "在例子中使用模板,只需要添加以下代码。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:184
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:183
msgid ""
"So we do here two things: first, we import ``template`` from Bottle in order"
" to be able to use templates. Second, we assign the output of the template "
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ msgid ""
"value to a template."
msgstr "我们添加了两样东西。首先我们从Bottle中导入了 ``template`` 函数以使用模板功能,接着,我们渲染 ``make_table`` 这个模板(参数是rows=result),把模板函数的返回值赋予 ``output`` 变量,并返回 ``output`` 。如有必要,我们可添加更多的参数。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:186
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:185
msgid ""
"Templates always return a list of strings, thus there is no need to convert "
"anything. We can save one line of code by writing ``return "
@@ -379,18 +379,18 @@ msgid ""
"as above."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:188
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:187
msgid ""
"Now it is time to write the corresponding template, which looks like this::"
msgstr "对应的模板文件。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:202
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:201
msgid ""
"Save the code as ``make_table.tpl`` in the same directory where ```` "
"is stored."
msgstr "将上面的代码保存为 ``make_table.tpl`` 文件,和 ```` 放在同一个目录。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:204
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:203
msgid ""
"Let's have a look at the code: every line starting with % is interpreted as "
"Python code. Because it is effectively Python, only valid Python statements "
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ msgid ""
"code would. The other lines are plain HTML markup."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:206
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:205
msgid ""
"As you can see, we use Python's ``for`` statement two times, in order to go "
"through ``rows``. As seen above, ``rows`` is a variable which holds the "
@@ -409,14 +409,14 @@ msgid ""
" ``%end``, otherwise the output may not be what you expect."
msgstr "如你所见,为了遍历 ``rows`` ,我们两次使用了Python的 ``for`` 语句。 ``rows``是持有查询结果的变量,一个元组的列表。第一个 ``for`` 语句遍历了列表中所有的元组,第二个 ``for`` 语句遍历了元组中的元素,将其放进表格中。 ``for`` , ``if`` , ``while`` 语句都需要通过 ``%end`` 来关闭,要不会得到不正确的结果。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:208
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:207
msgid ""
"If you need to access a variable within a non-Python code line inside the "
"template, you need to put it into double curly braces. This tells the "
"template to insert the actual value of the variable right in place."
msgstr "如果想要在不以%开头的行中访问变量,则需要把它放在两个大括号中间。这告诉模板,需要用变量的实际值将其替换掉。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:210
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:209
msgid ""
"Run the script again and look at the output. Still not really nice, but at "
"least more readable than the list of tuples. You can spice-up the very "
@@ -424,107 +424,97 @@ msgid ""
"looking output."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:214
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:213
msgid "Using GET and POST Values"
msgstr "使用GET和POST"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:215
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:214
msgid ""
"As we can review all open items properly, we move to the next step, which is"
" adding new items to the ToDo list. The new item should be received from a "
"regular HTML-based form, which sends its data by the GET method."
msgstr "能够查看所有代码事项后,让我们进入到下一步,添加新的待办事项到列表中。新的待办事项应该在一个常规的HTML表单中,通过GET方式提交。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:217
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:216
msgid ""
"To do so, we first add a new route to our script and tell the route that it "
"should get GET data::"
msgstr "让我们先来添加一个接受GET请求的route。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:240
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:239
msgid ""
"To access GET (or POST) data, we need to import ``request`` from Bottle. To "
"assign the actual data to a variable, we use the statement "
-"``request.GET.get('task','').strip()`` statement, where ``task`` is the name"
-" of the GET data we want to access. That's all. If your GET data has more "
-"than one variable, multiple ``request.GET.get()`` statements can be used and"
-" assigned to other variables."
-msgstr "为了访问GET(或POST)中的数据,我们需要从Bottle中导入 ``request`` ,通过 ``request.GET.get('task', '').strip()`` 来获取表单中 ``task`` 字段的数据。可多次使用 ``request.GET.get()`` 来获取表单中所有字段的数据。"
+"``request.GET.task.strip()`` statement, where ``task`` is the name of the "
+"GET data we want to access. That's all. If your GET data has more than one "
+"variable, multiple ``request.GET.get()`` statements can be used and assigned"
+" to other variables."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:242
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:241
msgid ""
"The rest of this piece of code is just processing of the gained data: "
"writing to the database, retrieve the corresponding id from the database and"
" generate the output."
msgstr "接下来是对数据的操作:写入数据库,获取返回的ID,生成页面。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:244
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:243
msgid ""
"But where do we get the GET data from? Well, we can use a static HTML page "
"holding the form. Or, what we do right now, is to use a template which is "
"output when the route ``/new`` is called without GET data."
msgstr "因为我们是从HTML表单中获取数据,所以现在让我们来创建这个表单吧。我们通过 ``/new`` 这个URL来添加待办事项。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:246
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:245
msgid "The code needs to be extended to::"
msgstr "代码需要扩展如下::"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:269
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:268
msgid "``new_task.tpl`` looks like this::"
msgstr "对应的 ``new_task.tpl`` 模板如下。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:277
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:276
msgid "That's all. As you can see, the template is plain HTML this time."
msgstr "如你所见,这个模板只是纯HTML的,不包含Python代码。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:279
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:278
msgid "Now we are able to extend our to do list."
msgstr "这样,我们就完成了添加待办事项这个功能。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:281
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:280
msgid ""
"By the way, if you prefer to use POST data: this works exactly the same way,"
" just use ``request.POST.get()`` instead."
msgstr "如果你想通过POST来获取数据,那么用 ``request.POST.get()`` 来代替 ``request.GET.get()`` 就行了。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:285
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:284
msgid "Editing Existing Items"
msgstr "修改已有待办事项"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:286
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:285
msgid "The last point to do is to enable editing of existing items."
msgstr "最后,我们需要做的是修改已有待办事项。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:288
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:287
msgid ""
"By using only the routes we know so far it is possible, but may be quite "
"tricky. But Bottle knows something called \"dynamic routes\", which makes "
"this task quite easy."
msgstr "仅使用我们当前了解到的route类型,是可以完成这个任务的,但太取巧了。Bottle还提供了一种 ``动态route`` ,可以更简单地实现。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:290
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:289
msgid "The basic statement for a dynamic route looks like this::"
msgstr "基本的动态route声明如下::"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:294
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:293
msgid ""
-"The key point here is the colon. This tells Bottle to accept for "
-"``:something`` any string up to the next slash. Furthermore, the value of "
-"``something`` will be passed to the function assigned to that route, so the "
-"data can be processed within the function."
-msgstr "关键的区别在于那个冒号。它告诉了Bottle,在下一个 ``/`` 之前, ``:something`` 可以匹配任何字符串。 ``:something`` 匹配到的字符串会传递给回调函数,进一步地处理。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:296
-msgid ""
-"For our ToDo list, we will create a route ``@route('/edit/<no:int>)``, where"
-" ``no`` is the id (integer) of the item to edit."
+"This tells Bottle to accept for ``<something>`` any string up to the next "
+"slash. Furthermore, the value of ``something`` will be passed to the "
+"function assigned to that route, so the data can be processed within the "
+"function, like this::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:298
-msgid "The code looks like this::"
-msgstr "对应的代码如下。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:326
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:321
msgid ""
"It is basically pretty much the same what we already did above when adding "
"new items, like using ``GET`` data etc. The main addition here is using the "
@@ -533,34 +523,60 @@ msgid ""
" the function to access the right row of data within the database."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:328
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:324
msgid ""
"The template ``edit_task.tpl`` called within the function looks like this::"
msgstr "对应的 ``edit_task.tpl`` 模板如下。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:343
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:339
msgid ""
"Again, this template is a mix of Python statements and HTML, as already "
"explained above."
msgstr "再一次,模板中混合了HTML代码和Python代码,之前已解释过。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:345
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:341
msgid ""
"A last word on dynamic routes: you can even use a regular expression for a "
"dynamic route, as demonstrated later."
msgstr "你也可在动态route中使用正则表达式,稍后会提及。"
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:345
+msgid "Validating Dynamic Routes"
+msgstr "验证动态route"
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:346
+msgid ""
+"Using dynamic routes is fine, but for many cases it makes sense to validate "
+"the dynamic part of the route. For example, we expect an integer number in "
+"our route for editing above. But if a float, characters or so are received, "
+"the Python interpreter throws an exception, which is not what we want."
+msgstr "在某些场景下,需要验证route中的可变部分。例如,在上面的例子中,我们的 ``no`` 需要是一个整形数,如果我们的输入是一个浮点数,或字符串,Python解释器将会抛出一个异常,这并不是我们想要的结果。"
#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:348
+msgid ""
+"For those cases, Bottle offers the ``<name:int>`` wildcard filter, which "
+"matches (signed) digits and converts the value to integer. In order to apply"
+" the wildcard filter, extend the code as follows::"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:356
+msgid ""
+"Save the code and call the page again using incorrect value for "
+"``<no:int>``, e.g. a float. You will receive not an exception, but a \"404 "
+"Not Found\" error."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:360
msgid "Dynamic Routes Using Regular Expressions"
msgstr "在动态route中使用正则表达式"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:349
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:361
msgid ""
"Bottle can also handle dynamic routes, where the \"dynamic part\" of the "
"route can be a regular expression."
msgstr "Bottle允许在动态route中使用正则表达式。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:351
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:363
msgid ""
"So, just to demonstrate that, let's assume that all single items in our ToDo"
" list should be accessible by their plain number, by a term like e.g. "
@@ -569,31 +585,28 @@ msgid ""
"the route, the term \"item\" is static."
msgstr "我们假设需要通过 ``item1`` 这样的形式来访问数据库中id为1的待办事项。显然,我们不想为每个待办事项都创建一个route。鉴于route中的\"item\"部分是固定的,简单的route就无法满足需求了,我们需要在route中使用正则表达式。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:353
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:365
msgid "As said above, the solution is a regular expression::"
msgstr "使用正则表达式的解决方法如下。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:367
-msgid ""
-"This example is somehow artificially constructed - it would be easier to use"
-" a plain dynamic route only combined with a validation. Nevertheless, we "
-"want to see how regular expression routes work: the line "
-"``@route(/item<item_:re:[0-9]+>)`` starts like a normal route, but the part "
-"surrounded by # is interpreted as a regular expression, which is the dynamic"
-" part of the route. So in this case, we want to match any digit between 0 "
-"and 9. The following function \"show_item\" just checks whether the given "
-"item is present in the database or not. In case it is present, the "
-"corresponding text of the task is returned. As you can see, only the regular"
-" expression part of the route is passed forward. Furthermore, it is always "
-"forwarded as a string, even if it is a plain integer number, like in this "
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:380
+msgid ""
+"The line ``@route(/item<item:re:[0-9]+>)`` starts like a normal route, but "
+"the third part of the wildcard is interpreted as a regular expression, which"
+" is the dynamic part of the route. So in this case, we want to match any "
+"digit between 0 and 9. The following function \"show_item\" just checks "
+"whether the given item is present in the database or not. In case it is "
+"present, the corresponding text of the task is returned. As you can see, "
+"only the regular expression part of the route is passed forward. "
+"Furthermore, it is always forwarded as a string, even if it is a plain "
+"integer number, like in this case."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:371
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:384
msgid "Returning Static Files"
msgstr "返回静态文件"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:372
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:385
msgid ""
"Sometimes it may become necessary to associate a route not to a Python "
"function, but just return a static file. So if you have for example a help "
@@ -601,7 +614,7 @@ msgid ""
"This works as follows::"
msgstr "有时候,我们只是想返回已有的静态文件。例如我们的应用中有个静态的帮助页面help.html,我们不希望每次访问帮助页面的时候都动态生成。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:380
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:393
msgid ""
"At first, we need to import the ``static_file`` function from Bottle. As you"
" can see, the ``return static_file`` statement replaces the ``return`` "
@@ -614,11 +627,11 @@ msgid ""
"``static_file`` works with any type of route, including the dynamic ones."
msgstr "首先,我们需要从Bottle中导入 ``static_file`` 函数。它接受至少两个参数,一个是需要返回的文件的文件名,一个是该文件的路径。即使该文件和你的应用在同一个目录下,还是要指定文件路径(可以使用\".\")。Bottle会猜测文件的MIME类型,并自动设置。如果你想显式指定MIME类型,可以在static_file函数里面加上例如 ``mimetype='text/html'`` 这样的参数。 ``static_file`` 函数可和任何route配合使用,包括动态route。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:384
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:397
msgid "Returning JSON Data"
msgstr "返回JSON数据"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:385
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:398
msgid ""
"There may be cases where you do not want your application to generate the "
"output directly, but return data to be processed further on, e.g. by "
@@ -628,37 +641,37 @@ msgid ""
"languages, including Python"
msgstr "有时我们希望返回JSON,以便在客户端使用JavaScript来生成页面,Bottle直接支持返回JSON数据。JSON似乎已经是Web应用之间交换数据的标准格式了。更进一步,JSON可以被很多语言解析处理,包括Python。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:387
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:400
msgid ""
"So, let's assume we want to return the data generated in the regular "
"expression route example as a JSON object. The code looks like this::"
msgstr "我们假设现在需要返回JSON数据。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:402
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:415
msgid ""
"As you can, that is fairly simple: just return a regular Python dictionary "
"and Bottle will convert it automatically into a JSON object prior to "
"sending. So if you e.g. call \"http://localhost/json1\" Bottle should in "
-"this case return the JSON object ``{\"Task\": [\"Read A-byte-of-python to "
+"this case return the JSON object ``{\"task\": [\"Read A-byte-of-python to "
"get a good introduction into Python\"]}``."
-msgstr "很简单,只需要返回一个Python中的字典就可以了,Bottle会自动将其转换为JSON,再传输到客户端。如果你访问\"http://localhost/json1\",你应能得到 ``{\"Task\": [\"Read A-byte-of-python to get a good introduction into Python\"]}`` 类型的JSON数据。"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:407
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:420
msgid "Catching Errors"
msgstr "捕获错误"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:408
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:421
msgid ""
"The next step may is to catch the error with Bottle itself, to keep away any"
" type of error message from the user of your application. To do that, Bottle"
" has an \"error-route\", which can be a assigned to a HTML-error."
msgstr "为了避免用户看到出错信息,我们需要捕获应用运行时出现的错误,以提供更友好的错误提示。Bottle提供了专门用于捕获错误的route。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:410
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:423
msgid "In our case, we want to catch a 403 error. The code is as follows::"
msgstr "例如,我们想捕获403错误。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:418
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:431
msgid ""
"So, at first we need to import ``error`` from Bottle and define a route by "
"``error(403)``, which catches all \"403 forbidden\" errors. The function "
@@ -667,28 +680,28 @@ msgid ""
"function always needs to accept one argument, otherwise it will not work."
msgstr "首先,我们需要从Bottle中导入 ``error`` ,然后通过 ``error(403)`` 来定义创建一个route,用于捕获所有\"403 forbidden\"错误。注意,该route总是会将error-code传给 ``mistake()`` 函数,即使你不需要它。所以回调函数至少要接受一个参数,否则会失效。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:420
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:433
msgid ""
"Again, you can assign more than one error-route to a function, or catch "
"various errors with one function each. So this code::"
msgstr "一样的,同一个回调函数可以捕获多种错误。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:427
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:440
msgid "works fine, the following one as well::"
msgstr "效果和下面一样。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:439
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:452
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "总结"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:440
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:453
msgid ""
"After going through all the sections above, you should have a brief "
"understanding how the Bottle WSGI framework works. Furthermore you have all "
"the knowledge necessary to use Bottle for your applications."
msgstr "通过以上章节,你应该对Bottle框架有了一个大致的了解,可以使用Bottle进行开发了。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:442
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:455
msgid ""
"The following chapter give a short introduction how to adapt Bottle for "
"larger projects. Furthermore, we will show how to operate Bottle with web "
@@ -696,11 +709,11 @@ msgid ""
"one we used so far."
msgstr "接下来的章节会简单介绍一下,如何在大型项目中使用Bottle。此外,我们还会介绍如何将Bottle部署到更高性能的Web服务器上。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:445
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:458
msgid "Server Setup"
msgstr "安装服务器"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:447
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:460
msgid ""
"So far, we used the standard server used by Bottle, which is the `WSGI "
"reference Server`_ shipped along with Python. Although this server is "
@@ -709,47 +722,47 @@ msgid ""
"have a look how to tweak the settings of the standard server first."
msgstr "到目前为止,我们还是使用Bottle内置的,随Python一起发布的 `WSGI reference Server`_ 服务器。尽管该服务器十分适合用于开发环境,但是它确实不适用于大项目。在我们介绍其他服务器之前,我们先看看如何优化内置服务器的设置。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:451
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:464
msgid "Running Bottle on a different port and IP"
msgstr "更改服务器的端口和IP"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:452
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:465
msgid ""
-"As standard, Bottle serves the pages on the IP adress, also known "
-"as ``localhost``, and on port ``8080``. To modify the setting is pretty "
+"As standard, Bottle serves the pages on the IP address, also known"
+" as ``localhost``, and on port ``8080``. To modify the setting is pretty "
"simple, as additional parameters can be passed to Bottle's ``run()`` "
"function to change the port and the address."
-msgstr "默认的,Bottle会监听127.0.0.1(即 ``localhost`` )的 ``8080`` 端口。"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:454
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:467
msgid ""
"To change the port, just add ``port=portnumber`` to the run command. So, for"
" example::"
msgstr "如果要更改该设置,更改 ``run`` 函数的参数即可。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:458
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:471
msgid "would make Bottle listen to port 80."
msgstr "更改端口,监听80端口"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:460
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:473
msgid "To change the IP address where Bottle is listening::"
msgstr "更改监听的IP地址"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:464
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:477
msgid "If needed, both parameters can be combined, like::"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:468
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:481
msgid ""
"The ``port`` and ``host`` parameter can also be applied when Bottle is "
"running with a different server, as shown in the following section."
msgstr "当Bottle运行在其他服务器上面时, ``port`` 和 ``host`` 参数依然适用,稍后会介绍。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:472
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:485
msgid "Running Bottle with a different server"
msgstr "在其他服务器上运行"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:473
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:486
msgid ""
"As said above, the standard server is perfectly suitable for development, "
"personal use or a small group of people only using your application based on"
@@ -757,50 +770,50 @@ msgid ""
"it is single-threaded, thus it can only serve one request at a time."
msgstr "在大型项目上,Bottle自带的服务器会成为一个性能瓶颈,因为它是单线程的,一次只能响应一个请求。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:475
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:488
msgid ""
"But Bottle has already various adapters to multi-threaded servers on board, "
-"which perform better on higher load. Bottle supports Cherrypy_, Fapws3_, "
-"Flup_ and Paste_."
-msgstr "Bottle已经可以工作在很多多线程的服务器上面了,例如 Cherrypy_, Fapws3_, Flup_ 和 Paste_ ,所以我们建议在大型项目上使用高性能的服务器。"
+"which perform better on higher load. Bottle supports Cherrypy_, Flup_ and "
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:477
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:490
msgid ""
"If you want to run for example Bottle with the Paste server, use the "
"following code::"
msgstr "如果想运行在Paste服务器上面,代码如下(译者注:需要先安装Paste)。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:483
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:496
msgid ""
"This works exactly the same way with ``FlupServer``, ``CherryPyServer`` and "
msgstr "其他服务器如 ``FlupServer``, ``CherryPyServer`` 和 ``FapwsServer`` 也类似。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:487
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:500
msgid "Running Bottle on Apache with mod_wsgi"
msgstr "使用 mod_wsgi_ 运行在Apache上"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:488
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:501
msgid ""
"Maybe you already have an Apache_ or you want to run a Bottle-based "
"application large scale - then it is time to think about Apache with "
msgstr "或许你已经有了一个 Apache_ 服务器,那么可以考虑使用 mod_wsgi_ 。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:490
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:503
msgid ""
"We assume that your Apache server is up and running and mod_wsgi is working "
"fine as well. On a lot of Linux distributions, mod_wsgi can be easily "
"installed via whatever package management system is in use."
msgstr "我们假设你的Apache已经能跑起来,且mod_wsgi也能工作了。在很多Linux发行版上,都能通过包管理软件简单地安装mod_wsgi。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:492
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:505
msgid ""
"Bottle brings an adapter for mod_wsgi with it, so serving your application "
"is an easy task."
msgstr "Bottle已经自带用于mod_wsgi的适配器,所以让Bottle跑在mod_wsgi上面是很简单的。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:494
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:507
msgid ""
"In the following example, we assume that you want to make your application "
"\"ToDo list\" accessible through ```` and your "
@@ -808,42 +821,42 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "接下来的例子里,我们假设你希望通过 ```` 来访问\"ToDo list\"这个应用,且代码、模板、和SQLite数据库存放在 ``/var/www/todo`` 目录。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:496
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:509
msgid ""
"When you run your application via mod_wsgi, it is imperative to remove the "
"``run()`` statement from your code, otherwise it won't work here."
msgstr "如果通过mod_wsgi来运行你应用,那么必须从代码中移除 ``run()`` 函数。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:498
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:511
msgid ""
"After that, create a file called ``adapter.wsgi`` with the following "
msgstr "然后,创建一个 ``adapter.wsgi`` 文件,内容如下。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:509
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:522
msgid ""
"and save it in the same path, ``/var/www/todo``. Actually the name of the "
"file can be anything, as long as the extension is ``.wsgi``. The name is "
"only used to reference the file from your virtual host."
msgstr "将其保存到 ``/var/www/todo`` 目录下面。其实,可以给该文件起任何名字,只要后缀名为 ``.wsgi`` 即可。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:511
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:524
msgid ""
"Finally, we need to add a virtual host to the Apache configuration, which "
"looks like this::"
msgstr "最后,我们需要在Apache的配置中添加一个虚拟主机。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:527
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:540
msgid ""
"After restarting the server, your ToDo list should be accessible at "
msgstr "重启Apache服务器后,即可通过 ```` 来访问你的应用。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:530
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:543
msgid "Final Words"
msgstr "结语"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:532
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:545
msgid ""
"Now we are at the end of this introduction and tutorial to Bottle. We "
"learned about the basic concepts of Bottle and wrote a first application "
@@ -851,7 +864,7 @@ msgid ""
"for large tasks and serve Bottle through an Apache web server with mod_wsgi."
msgstr "现在,我们这个教程已经结束了。我们学习了Bottle的基础知识,然后使用Bottle来写了第一个应用。另外,我们还介绍了如何在大型项目中使用Bottle,以及使用mod_wsgi在Apache中运行Bottle应用。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:534
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:547
msgid ""
"As said in the introduction, this tutorial is not showing all shades and "
"possibilities of Bottle. What we skipped here is e.g. receiving file objects"
@@ -861,28 +874,28 @@ msgid ""
"documentation`_ ."
msgstr "我们并没有在这份教程里介绍Bottle的方方面面。我们没有介绍如何上传文件,验证数据的可靠性。还有,我们也没介绍如何在模板中调用另一个模板。以上,可以在 `Bottle documentation`_ 中找到答案。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:537
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:550
msgid "Complete Example Listing"
msgstr "完整代码"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:539
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:552
msgid ""
"As the ToDo list example was developed piece by piece, here is the complete "
msgstr "我们是一步一步地开发待办事项列表的,这里是完整的代码。"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:541
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:554
msgid "Main code for the application ````::"
msgstr "````"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:655
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:675
msgid "Template ``make_table.tpl``::"
msgstr "``make_table.tpl``模板"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:669
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:689
msgid "Template ``edit_task.tpl``::"
msgstr " ``edit_task.tpl`` 模板"
-#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:684
+#: ../../tutorial_app.rst:704
msgid "Template ``new_task.tpl``::"
msgstr "``new_task.tpl`` 模板"